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38 Inspiring Retail Quotes That Would Keep You Motivated

One of the best ways to keep up motivation is by remembering why you got into this line of work in the first place. Here, we’ll be giving you inspiring retail quotes to keep you motivated.

We all know that motivation is a crucial part of success. But what happens when we hit a rough patch or need to shake things up? A good inspirational quote can help us be the best and push through obstacles.

Share their words of wisdom with your team and use them as a reminder when you need motivation.

retail quotes

Retail Quotes on getting started

The only thing worse than starting something and failing is not creating something. — Seth Godin, Author

You should start a business even if you’re afraid of failing. Unless you try, there’s no way to know what could happen.

Retail Quotes on the customer experience

People are always going to go shopping. A lot oMuch effort is ‘how do we make the retail experience a great one? — Phillip Green, Chairman, Arcadia Group 

To differentiate yourself from competitors, provide a high level of customer service. The easiest way to do this is by providing great experiences for customers.

Retail Quotes on being memorable 

You walk into a retail store, whatever it is, and if there’s a sense of entertainment and excitement and electricity, you want to be there.  — Howard Schultz, CEO, Starbucks 

Creating a memorable retail experience is crucial to succeeding in the market. With so much clutter, retailers need to give customers reasons to spend their time and money.

Retail Quotes on risk-taking

Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience. – Paulo Coelho, author    

Learning from mistakes is a great way to grow. I have learned many lessons by taking risks and trying new things.

Retail Quotes on caring

Your customer doesn’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.  — Damon Richards

When trying to sell your product,  you have to show them that they can trust you; the customer must feel like their best interests are in mind before being sold anything.

Retail Quotes on being customer-focused

Retail is a customer business. You’re trying to take care of the customer—solve something for the customer. And there’s no way to learn that in the classroom or the corner of, corner the customer. You’ve got to be in front of the customer.  — Erik Nordstrom, President, Nordstrom Direct 

Retail Quotes on consumer trust

Our brands—Nike, Converse, Jordan Brand, and Hurley—are loved by customers all over the world. But we never take that for granted; we know that we have to earn their trust every day can quickly strategie by serving themaltogethery and adding real value to their lives through products and experiences. — Mark Parker, CEO, Nike

To maintain a customer’s trust, you must always be willing to go the extra mile for them. This can mean providing better service than they have ever had before or solving their problems in ways no one else has been willing to do.

Retail Quotes on creating brand advocates

  Make a customer, not a sale. — Katherine Barchetti, Founder, K. Barchetti Shops   

Katherine Barchetti, the founder of K. Barchetti Shops, says that it is essential to consider what motivates each person when designing a pay structure.

One key takeaway is that it’s better to make a sale than just getting someone in the door. Companies like Glossier and Kendra Scott know this, as they focus on building an identity for their company that makes long-term customers buy consistently from them.

Retail Quotes on marketing

Let your store associates be active on social. “Friendorsers” are more important than paid models in showing our clothes—social influencers, but also our store associates, who are 100% our customers too. — Emily Watkins, SVP, Real Estate & Construction, Charlotte Russe  

Emily Watkins, a senior vice president at Charlotte Russe, was initially unsure about motivating people. She tried the old-fashioned approach of rewarding high performers with bonuses and promotions but found that this did not work.

We often try to curb social media activity because we think it’s a distraction, but this is one of the most powerful marketing tools. It turns out that 92% of people trust product recommendations from friends or family, and your store associates can quickly reach their closest circle by posting about you on their personal social media pages.

Retail Quotes on consistency

People like consistency. Whether it’s a store or a restaurant, they want to come in and see what you are famous for. — Mickey Drexler, Former CEO and current Chairman, J. Crew Group

Mickey Drexler, the former CEO and current Chairman of J. Crew Group, recently expressed his thoughts on management in an interview with Fortune magazine.

The key takeaway is that customers are looking for consistency in their retail experience. If you can’t provide this, they will go elsewhere.

Retail Quotes on technology 

It is a well-known fact that bringing in technologies in the retail sector is good for customers.  — N. R. Narayana Murthy, co-Founder, Infosys

“If you are in the business of hiring people, pay is not enough,” says Narayana Murthy.

One of the best ways to keep your store running smoothly is by embracing new technology. Think about what tools you’re currently using and whether or not they need an upgrade.

Retail Quotes on memory 

You cannot run a successful retail business from memory. – Josh Hartford 

Key takeaway: Even if you are an expert in your field, it is essential to use a tracking system. The suitable systems will make running a business easier, from inventory to customer purchases.

Retail Quotes on efficiency

  One order management system, one database, one inventory. Without these you will never seem seamless to your customer. — Andy Laudato, COO of The Vitamin Shoppe

One of the most important things to a customer is an easy-to-navigate website. If you have multiple systems, databases, and inventories all in one place, then your customers will be more satisfied.

Running your business becomes easier when you have a commerce solution that keeps your inventory synced across all platforms.

Retail Quotes on greeting customers 

The thing is, I don’t want to be sold to when I walk into a store. I want to be welcomed. — Angela Ahrendts, former SVP of Retail, Apple Inc.

A former executive of Apple Inc., Angela Ahrendts, said in an interview that she regrets not having created more incentives for employees when they were low on the totem pole.

Many things can motivate a salesperson, but people want to feel welcomed at the end of the day. It’s essential not only for customer satisfaction but also because it will make your job easier.

Retail Quotes on enriching your customers’ lives

Their job is to figure out what you need and help you get it, even if it’s a product Apple doesn’t carry. Compare that with other retailers where the emphasis is on cross-selling and upsetting and, basically, encouraging customers to buy more, even if they don’t want or need it. That doesn’t enrich their lives, and it doesn’t deepen the retailer’s relationship with them. It just makes their wallets lighter.  — Ron Johnson, former SVP of Retail at Apple

Retail Quotes on pressure sales

One of my most important principles was never to have a mandatory sell. This rule gets violated all the time; it just drives me nuts. ‘Buy now!’ You should never give an order to a customer.  — Joe Coulombe, Founder, Trader Joe’s 

People are more likely to buy if they feel that the decision is their own. When you’re selling, it’s important not to pressure people into making a quick purchase by using hard-sell tactics.

Retail Quotes on company culture

Businesses often forget about the culture, and ultimately, they suffer for it because you can’t deliver good service from unhappy employees.  — Tony Hsieh, CEO, Zappos

The takeaway from this article is that retail store employees are the most important brand ambassadors. When they’re happy, their customer service will be excellent; thus, your business will thrive.

Retail Quotes on leadership

When you look at the reasons people leave companies, it’s usually because their boss is a jerk or because they aren’t learning and growing. So we spend a lot of time developing leaders internally and creating learning opportunities. — Neil Blumenthal, CEO, Warby Parker

Neil Blumenthal, CEO of Warby Parker, said: “You can’t just focus on one part. You have to be thoughtful about the whole package.”

The bottom line is that happy employees will stay at your company. The key takeaway here is to focus on giving them opportunities for growth and treating everyone with compassion.

Retail Quotes on employee happiness

Too many businesses today are based on driving prices lower by screwing over somebody: pounding suppliers or squeezing employees. We’re the opposite. We put our employees first. If you take care of them, they will care for your customers better than anybody else.  — Kip Tindell, CEO, Container Store

One of the most successful CEOs, Kip Tindell from Container Store, said that he has found his salespeople are not motivated by pay alone.

The critical takeaway from what we need is ensuring our employees are taken care of. If they’re happy, then the customers will be too.

Retail Quotes on the future of brick-and-mortar

I was reading all these reports that were down on retail brick-and-mortar, saying it’s all about online…I think brick-and-mortar is an amazing opportua fantastice our stores and our store staff as a vehicle to truly engage with the community in a way no other retailers are doing. — Jim Brett, President, West Elm

Jim Brett, the president of West Elm, shared his story about how he learned that salespeople are not just motivated by pay.

One of the best ways to reach out and build relationships with customers is through brick-and-mortar stores. While eCommerce has changed how people shop, it doesn’t mean that physical shopping locations are gone.

Retail Quotes on customer feedback

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. — Bill Gates, Founder, Microsoft

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and one of the wealthiest people in America, has spoken out about what motivates his employees.

As a business owner, it can be hard to take feedback personally. But remember that your customers are the lifeblood of your company y, and their input is invaluable in making improvements.

Retail Quotes on curiosity

Like most retailers, we don’t know exactly where we will land at the end of, it but our curiosity and willingness to create will be a guide for us.  — Jesper Brodin, CEO, Ikea

Sometimes, it is necessary to be creative and develop a new idea. It’s essential not to get stuck in the same routine because innovation will help you improve your work.

Retail Quotes on innovation

I learned to push the envelope when it comes to asking questions or making requests. And if you hear ’that’s not possible,’ then ask ‘what is possible,’ instead of just saying thank you and leaving. But also to think creatively about problem-solving. — Emily Weiss, Founder, Glossier

It’s important to remember that when you try something new, people will oppose it. Please don’t get discouraged by these naysayers; rather than trying to convince them why your idea is good, focus on what can realistically happen, and don’t let anyone off the hook until you make progress towards your goals.

  What differentiates sellers today is their ability to bring fresh ideas. — Jill Konrath, Author  

What makes the most successful salespeople today is their ability to think outside of the box and offer something new.

The author has learned that there is no one way to be successful. If you want to set yourself apart from the competition, it’s essential to do what others are doing and find your unique take on things.

Retail Quotes on goal-setting

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. — Tony Robbins, Author

A key takeaway from this article is that you need to vocalize your dreams and make them a reality.

Retail Quotes on progress

  All progress takes place outside the comfort zone. — Michael John Bobak, Artist

All progress is achieved by those who take risks and put themselves out of their comfort zone.

It’s essential for growth and uncomfortable situations because you never know what skills will be needed in the future.

Click To Tweet Retail Quotes on making mistakes

Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It’s best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations.  — Steve Jobs, co-Founder, Apple Inc. 

Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc., said that you need more than pay to succeed.

The key takeaway is that it’s okay to make mistakes. The sooner you find out what works, the better.

Retail Quotes on work ethic

You can’t build a reputation for what you are going to do. — Henry Ford, Founder, Ford Motors 

Retail Quotes on mindset

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. — Henry Ford, Founder, Ford Motors

Retail Quotes on corporate social responsibility (CSR) 

Why are you doing this? How are you making a difference? What is your reason for being, besides making money? There is no engine or vehicle-like business to make a difference. — Walter Robb, Co-CEO, Whole Foods

Retail Quotes on fundraising

I approached fundraising as an opportunity to align myself with partners who have more varied experience and diverse backgrounds than I do to help bring Glossier to life. — Emily Weiss, Founder, Glossier 

Retail Quotes on partnerships

The biggest sources of opportunity are collaboration and partnership. And today, with digital communication, there is more of that everywhere. We need to expose ourselves to that as a matter of doing business. — Mark Parker, CEO, Nike

Retail Quotes on iterating

  Every action is an opportunity to improve. ― Mark Graban, Author

Retail Quotes on time-management

It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste.  — Henry Ford, Founder, Ford Motors

Retail Quotes on being solutions-oriented

You can make a million excuses for why something didn’t go well, but ultimately, just fix it and get on with it. Be a solutions person.  — Emily Weiss, Founder, Glossier 

Retail Quotes on store design

My company is an extension of me, so I wanted people to feel that they were in my home when I designed my stores.  — Tory Burch, Founder & Creative Director, Tory Burch

Retail Quotes on looking ahead:

  Change before you have to. ― Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of General Electric
  Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming. ― David Bowie

Tune in regularly to industry publications like verbalizing them and making them real, verbalizing them and making them real, vocalizing it out loud so that people can hear their reality Click To Tweet

Move forward with best-in-class tools. 

The following are just a few of the most important lessons I learned, but it is up to you to apply to your business. Regardless, considering these bits of wisdom before starting may help you have an easier time running your company.

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101 Inspirational Quotes for Retail Workers: Empowering Retail Excellence

nspirational Quotes for Retail Workers_ Empowering Retail Excellence

Fuel your retail spirit and embrace the power of positivity! Step into a world of motivation with our handpicked selection of 101 exclusive quotes, designed to empower and uplift retail workers. Let these words be your guiding light as you navigate the bustling aisles and create unforgettable experiences for every customer that walks through the door!

101 Inspirational Quotes for Retail Workers

1. “In retail, every interaction is an opportunity to make someone’s day brighter.”

2. “A smile is the key that unlocks the door to a memorable shopping experience.”

3. “Your dedication to service creates ripples of positivity that extend far beyond the store.”

4. “Behind every sale is a story of exceptional customer care.”

5. “In retail, success lies in making customers feel valued and cherished.”

6. “Be the beacon of kindness that guides customers to happiness.”

7. “Your passion for service transforms shopping into a delightful journey.”

8. “A positive attitude in retail can turn any challenge into a triumph.”

9. “Embrace every customer as a chance to leave a lasting impression.”

10. “A helpful hand can turn a shopping trip into an unforgettable memory.”

11. “In retail, your genuine care and understanding inspire loyalty.”

12. “The best rewards in retail come from the joy you bring to others.”

13. “Your patience is a virtue that nurtures customer satisfaction.”

14. “In the retail world, you are the conductor of a symphony of customer satisfaction.”

15. “Your expertise guides customers to make the perfect choices.”

16. “Every customer interaction is an opportunity to create a loyal advocate.”

17. “In retail, greatness is found in the smallest acts of kindness.”

18. “Your positive energy sparks excitement in the hearts of shoppers.”

19. “The smile you share is the gift that keeps on giving.”

20. “In retail, you have the power to turn a visitor into a lifelong friend.”

21. “Your passion for retail shines like a beacon, guiding others toward excellence.”

22. “The magic of retail lies in the connections you forge with customers.”

23. “A happy customer leaves with a purchase; a delighted customer leaves with a memory.”

24. “In retail, you are a master artist creating extraordinary experiences.”

25. “Your enthusiasm is the fuel that powers extraordinary customer service.”

26. “Every day in retail offers a chance to be a positive influence in someone’s life.”

27. “Your genuine interest in customers makes the world a brighter place.”

28. “In retail, your heart is the most important tool for success.”

29. “Every customer’s happiness is a triumph for the entire team.”

30. “Your dedication to service transforms ordinary shopping into extraordinary moments.”

31. “In retail, it’s the human touch that leaves an indelible mark on hearts.”

32. “Your empathy and understanding create a haven for weary shoppers.”

33. “Every customer is an opportunity to sprinkle kindness and create joy.”

34. “In retail, you have the power to turn complaints into opportunities for growth.”

35. “Your patience is a virtue that customers cherish in the shopping experience.”

36. “The best in retail recognize that every customer has unique needs and desires.”

37. “In retail, your ability to connect with others makes the world a better place.”

38. “Your positivity is a powerful force that conquers even the most challenging days.”

39. “In retail, the most significant rewards are the friendships you form with customers.”

40. “Your authenticity is the foundation of trust in the customer relationship.”

41. “Every day in retail offers a chance to make someone feel seen and valued.”

42. “In retail, your passion inspires others to embrace excellence.”

43. “Your commitment to service creates an environment of warmth and care.”

44. “In retail, you’re not just selling products; you’re making dreams come true.”

45. “Your dedication to continuous improvement sets you apart in the retail world.”

46. “Every customer encounter is an opportunity to share a bit of your light.”

47. “In retail, your kindness makes all the difference in the shopping journey.”

48. “Your enthusiasm for your work is contagious and spreads joy to others.”

49. “In retail, you are an architect of unforgettable shopping experiences.”

50. “Your positive attitude turns challenges into stepping stones to success.”

51. “Every customer interaction is a chance to create a lasting memory.”

52. “In retail, your authenticity builds bridges of trust with customers.”

53. “Your passion for service lights up the lives of those you touch.”

54. “In retail, you are a storyteller, weaving tales of customer satisfaction.”

55. “Your empathy nurtures customer loyalty and devotion.”

56. “Every day in retail brings the opportunity to make someone’s day.”

57. “In retail, your dedication makes the world a better place, one customer at a time.”

58. “Your commitment to excellence sets the standard for exceptional service.”

59. “In retail, your enthusiasm transforms shopping into an adventure.”

60. “Your genuine care turns customers into lifelong fans.”

61. “Every interaction in retail is an opportunity to be a positive force.”

62. “In retail, your patience and understanding create an oasis of peace.”

63. “Your passion for helping others elevates the retail experience to new heights.”

64. “In retail, you’re not just selling products; you’re spreading happiness.”

65. “Your kindness has the power to change someone’s entire day.”

66. “Every day in retail offers a chance to make someone feel special.” 67. “In retail, your warmth and sincerity create an atmosphere of trust.”

68. “Your dedication to service makes the world a brighter place.”

69. “In retail, you have the power to turn strangers into friends.”

70. “Your positive energy makes customers excited about their purchases.”

71. “Your empathy for others makes the retail world a kinder place.”

72. “In retail, you are a guiding star, leading customers to satisfaction.”

73. “Your commitment to going above and beyond is an inspiration to others.”

74. “Your passion for retail is contagious and ignites enthusiasm in customers.”

75. “In retail, every customer is a chance to make a positive impact.”

76. “Your authenticity and genuineness create an unforgettable shopping experience.”

77. “Your smile is a beacon of light in the world of retail.”

78. “In retail, your caring nature makes customers feel like family.”

79. “Your dedication to service is the foundation of customer loyalty.”

80. “In retail, your positive attitude turns challenges into opportunities.”

81. “Your passion for helping others shines through in every customer interaction.”

82. “In retail, you have the power to turn a difficult situation into a win-win.”

83. “Your kindness and understanding leave lasting imprints on hearts.”

84. “Your commitment to excellence elevates the entire retail industry.”

85. “In retail, your enthusiasm is a magnet that draws customers to your store.”

86. “Your empathy for customers creates a haven of comfort and support.”

87. “Your genuine interest in others makes the retail experience unforgettable.”

88. “In retail, you are a problem solver, turning issues into solutions.”

89. “Your dedication to service makes the world a better place, one customer at a time.”

90. “Your positive energy is a source of inspiration for your colleagues and customers.”

91. “In retail, your passion creates a ripple effect of happiness.”

92. “Your kindness and patience bring joy to even the most challenging moments.”

93. “Your commitment to providing exceptional service sets you apart in the retail world.”

94. “In retail, you are an ambassador of happiness, spreading joy to all you meet.”

95. “Your authenticity and integrity are the cornerstones of trust in the customer relationship.”

96. “Your dedication to continuous improvement fuels success in the retail world.”

97. “In retail, every customer interaction is an opportunity to leave a lasting impression.”

98. “Your positive attitude turns obstacles into stepping stones on the path to greatness.”

99. “Your passion for service transforms shopping into a delightful adventure.”

100. “In retail, your genuine care and understanding create loyal customers for life.”

101. “Your unwavering dedication to excellence makes the retail world a better place.”

Written by Gabriel Cruz - Foodie, Animal Lover, Slang & Language Enthusiast

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74+ Best Retail Quotes to Motivate & Inspire Entrepreneurs

Indian Retailer

Ever feel like you need a little pick-me-up in the ever-changing world of retail? Yeah, we've all been there. That's why we put together this awesome collection of the " Best Retail Quotes ." Think of it as a survival kit for any entrepreneur out there, filled with words of wisdom from industry gurus and everyday heroes.

These quotes capture the magic of retail, where your store isn't just about selling stuff, it's about building connections and telling stories. It's about the thrill of turning a customer's day around and the satisfaction of crafting a truly unique experience.

So, whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned pro, let these quotes be your guide. They'll light a fire under your feet and remind you why you started this crazy retail journey in the first place. They're sure to inspire you to innovate, persevere, and maybe even make someone smile along the way.

Ready to dive in? Get ready to be motivated, uplifted, and maybe even a little bit wiser as we explore the wisdom of retail, one powerful quote at a time!

Remember, these quotes are just springboards for your own creativity. Let them inspire you to find your unique and everyday ways to shine in the world of retail!

Retail Quotes that Inspire Everyday

Quotes on mission.

1. "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it." - Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek - Retail Quotes

Takeaway: This powerful quote from Simon Sinek emphasizes the importance of having a clear and compelling mission for your retail business. It's not just about selling products; it's about standing for something that customers can connect with and be passionate about. When you articulate your "why" and weave it into everything you do, you attract the right customers and build lasting loyalty.

2. "A brand is a story that resonates." - David Brier

A brand is a story that resonates-David Brier

Takeaway: This quote from branding expert David Brier highlights the power of storytelling in shaping your retail brand. Your mission can be the foundation of a compelling narrative that connects with customers on an emotional level. By weaving your purpose into your branding, marketing, and customer experience, you create a memorable and meaningful brand that stands out from the competition.

Quotes on Vision

3. "Whatever you're thinking, think bigger." - Tony Hsieh

Takeaway: This quote from the visionary leader of Zappos, Tony Hsieh, emphasizes the importance of ambitious and bold vision in retail. Don't be afraid to challenge the status quo and set audacious goals for your business. A clear and expansive vision can guide your decision-making, inspire your team, and differentiate you from your competitors.

4. "Retail is no longer about just selling products; it's about creating experiences." - Paco Underhill

Takeaway: This quote from retail anthropologist Paco Underhill highlights the shift in customer expectations towards experiential shopping. A strong vision for your retail business should go beyond product offerings and focus on creating unique and memorable experiences that engage customers at all touchpoints.

Quotes on Self Reflection

5. "If you don't measure it, you can't manage it." - Peter Drucker

Takeaway: This classic quote by management guru Peter Drucker emphasizes the importance of self-reflection through data and analysis. Regularly assess your retail performance across key metrics like sales, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency. By understanding your strengths and weaknesses, you can make informed decisions to improve and adapt.

6. "The only sustainable competitive advantage is to learn faster than the competition." - Peter Senge

Takeaway: This quote by learning theorist Peter Senge highlights the continuous learning and adaptation essential for success in retail. Actively seek feedback from customers, employees, and industry trends. Be open to experimenting with new ideas and embracing change to stay ahead of the curve.

Quotes on Mindset

7: "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." - Henry Ford

Takeaway: This classic quote by the legendary automobile pioneer, Henry Ford, emphasizes the power of belief. In retail, a positive and confident mindset can fuel your drive, overcome challenges, and inspire your team. Believe in your ability to succeed, and you'll be halfway there.

8: "Customer experience is the new battleground." - Phil Jackson

Takeaway: This quote by NBA legend and renowned coach Phil Jackson, though originally about basketball, perfectly applies to retail. Just like in sports, the competition in retail is fierce. To win, you need to focus on the ultimate customer experience. Cultivate a mindset that prioritizes customer satisfaction, engagement, and exceeding expectations. By making customer experience your "winning shot," you'll stand out from the crowd.

Quotes on Happiness

9. "The purpose of a company is more than just making a profit. It's about making a difference." - Howard Schultz

Takeaway: This quote by Starbucks founder Howard Schultz beautifully connects happiness with making a positive impact. It reminds us that a retail business can go beyond profits and focus on bringing joy to customers, employees, and the community. This purpose-driven approach can create a more fulfilling and successful business while spreading happiness along the way.

10. "A brand is a story that resonates." - David Brier

Takeaway: When your retail brand tells a story that resonates with customers, it can spark joy and connection. By incorporating your values, passion, and commitment to creating happiness into your branding, you can attract customers who share your vision and build a community around your brand.

Remember, happiness is a powerful motivator in retail. By prioritizing it in your mission, brand story, and customer experiences, you can create a ripple effect of joy that benefits everyone involved. 

Quotes on Passion

11. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs

Takeaway: This iconic quote by the visionary leader of Apple, Steve Jobs, emphasizes the crucial role of passion in retail success. When you love what you do, it shines through in every aspect of your business, from product selection to customer interaction. Your passion attracts like-minded customers and employees, creating a dynamic and motivated environment.

12. "Retail is no longer just about selling things. It's about creating experiences that people want to be a part of." - Paco Underhill

Takeaway: In today's retail landscape, passion drives the creation of extraordinary experiences that capture customers' hearts and imaginations. When you infuse your passion into every touchpoint, from store design to employee training, you go beyond selling products and build memorable moments that leave customers wanting more.

Remember, passion is contagious. When you radiate enthusiasm and excitement about your store and products, it inspires your team and draws in customers. Embrace your passion as a core element of your retail journey, and watch as it sparks joy, fuels creativity, and propels your business to new heights.

Quotes on Giving Back

13. "The best way to predict your future is to create it." - Abraham Lincoln

Takeaway: This profound quote by President Lincoln reminds us that giving back can be a powerful way to shape the future. By supporting causes you care about, you actively contribute to positive change and create a ripple effect that benefits communities and inspires others to follow suit. This proactive approach to giving back resonates with customers who value social responsibility and aligns your business with a noble purpose.

14. "No one has ever become poor by giving." - Anne Frank

Takeaway: This inspiring quote from the young diarist Anne Frank beautifully captures the essence of giving back. Offering your time, resources, or expertise to others doesn't diminish your own, but rather enriches you and the world around you. This outlook aligns perfectly with conscious consumers who appreciate brands that go beyond profit and embrace generosity.

Remember, giving back is a strategic win-win for retail. By incorporating it into your business identity, you attract socially conscious customers, build stronger community relationships, and foster a culture of purpose among your employees.

Quotes on Grit & Integrity

15. "The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra." - Jimmy Johnson

Takeaway: This quote by the legendary NFL coach Jimmy Johnson perfectly embodies the spirit of grit in retail. Success often lies in that persistent push beyond the ordinary, the unwavering commitment to excellence even in the face of challenges. When you combine passion and hard work with a little extra grit, you create a powerful engine that drives your retail journey towards extraordinary outcomes.

16. "Integrity is the foundation of trust. And trust is the foundation of any lasting relationship." - Richard Nixon

Takeaway: In the world of retail, trust is everything. Customers need to believe in your brand, your products, and your values. Integrity becomes the cornerstone of building that trust. By operating with honesty, transparency, and ethical practices, you cultivate a loyal customer base and establish a reputation that stands the test of time.

Quotes on Problem Solving

17. "Everything is figureoutable." - Marie Forleo

Takeaway: This inspiring quote by entrepreneur Marie Forleo reminds us that even the toughest retail challenges can be overcome. Believe in your ability to find solutions, think creatively, and adapt to changing situations. A resilient and resourceful mindset is key to navigating the inevitable bumps on the road to retail success.

18. "Retail is no longer about just selling products; it's about creating experiences." - Paco Underhill

Takeaway: When you approach problem-solving with the customer experience in mind, you unlock a powerful perspective. Instead of focusing solely on the product or the technical issue, consider how your solution impacts the overall customer journey. Can you turn a problem into an opportunity to strengthen customer relationships or create a more memorable experience?

Retail Quotes When you're starting a Business

Quotes on starting a retail business.

19. "The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." - Amelia Earhart

Takeaway: Taking the first step is often the hardest part, but this quote from the adventurous pioneer Amelia Earhart reminds us that once you start, your resilience and perseverance will carry you through. Starting a retail business is no easy feat, but with unwavering determination, you can overcome any obstacle.

20. "Whatever you're thinking, think bigger." - Tony Hsieh

Takeaway: Don't limit yourself! This quote from the visionary leader of Zappos, Tony Hsieh, encourages you to dream big and set ambitious goals for your retail business. Aim for something groundbreaking, unique, and impactful, and don't be afraid to disrupt the industry with your innovative ideas.

Quotes on Consistency

21. "People like consistency. Whether it's a store or a restaurant, they want to come in and see what you are famous for." - Millard Drexler

Takeaway: This quote by Millard Drexler, former CEO of J.Crew, highlights the importance of consistent branding, product offerings, and customer experience in retail. Customers crave familiarity and reliability, knowing they can expect the same high-quality service and products every time they visit. Consistency builds trust and loyalty, turning one-time shoppers into devoted patrons.

22. "A brand is a story that resonates." - David Brier

Takeaway: Consistency in your brand's story helps it resonate with customers. From visual elements like logos and packaging to your voice and messaging, maintaining a consistent brand identity across all touchpoints creates a clear image that customers can connect with and remember. This consistent narrative strengthens your brand recognition and fosters emotional connections with your target audience.

Quotes on Taking Risks

23. "If you're not willing to take risks, you can't grow. Playing it safe won't get you far." - Guy Kawasaki

Takeaway: This quote by marketing guru Guy Kawasaki emphasizes the essential role of risk-taking in retail success. Don't be afraid to break the mold, experiment with new ideas, and push your boundaries. Calculated risks can lead to innovative products, engaging experiences, and a thriving business.

24. "Retail is no longer about just selling products; it's about creating experiences." - Paco Underhill

Takeaway: When you take risks to create extraordinary experiences for your customers, you stand out from the crowd. Whether it's through interactive displays, personalized recommendations, or unique events, taking risks in the realm of customer experience can solidify your brand as a leader and attract loyal customers.

Quotes on Innovation

25. "Think different." - Apple

Takeaway: This iconic slogan from Apple beautifully captures the essence of retail innovation. Don't simply follow trends; challenge the status quo, break boundaries, and think differently about how you operate, market, and serve your customers. This quote's visual of the Apple logo instantly sparks recognition and association with groundbreaking technology and forward-thinking design.

26. "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." - Steve Jobs**

Takeaway: This quote by the visionary leader of Apple highlights the power of innovation as a competitive advantage. Embrace new technologies, adapt to changing trends, and constantly experiment to stay ahead of the curve. Remember, leading through innovation builds loyalty and attracts customers who seek unique and exciting experiences.

Quotes on Curiosity

27. "The key to discovery is curiosity." - Walt Disney

Takeaway: This magical quote by the animation giant Walt Disney perfectly captures the power of curiosity in retail. When you approach your business with a sense of wonder and exploration, you open yourself up to new possibilities, unique product ideas, and innovative customer experiences. Curiosity fuels creativity, inspires experimentation, and can lead to groundbreaking discoveries that set your business apart.

28. "Like most retailers, we don't know exactly where we will land at the end of it, but our curiosity and willingness to create will be a guide for us." - Jesper Brodin

Takeaway: This quote by Jesper Brodin, CEO of IKEA, emphasizes the inherent uncertainty in retail. While we can't always predict the future, staying curious and driven to create can guide us through uncharted territory. Don't be afraid to explore unproven paths, embrace the unknown, and let your curiosity fuel your journey towards successful innovation.

Quotes on Simplicity

29. "Less is more." - Mies van der Rohe

Takeaway: This iconic quote by architect Mies van der Rohe beautifully captures the power of simplicity in retail. Don't overload your customers with choices, overwhelming displays, or complex messaging. Instead, focus on offering curated selections, clear communication, and streamlined experiences. Remember, sometimes less truly is more, leaving a lasting impression with its elegance and ease.

30. "The purpose of a company is more than just making a profit. It's about making a difference." - Howard Schultz

Takeaway: Simplicity can extend beyond aesthetics. Consider simplifying your mission and purpose, focusing on a clear and impactful message that resonates with your customers. By prioritizing values like sustainability, inclusivity, or community engagement, you can create a meaningful connection with your audience and differentiate yourself from the competition.

Quotes on Setting Goals

31. "A goal without a plan is just a dream. A plan without a goal is just drudgery. But with a vision and a plan you can create a beautiful future." - Joel A. Barker**

Takeaway: This quote reminds us that setting goals and creating a plan for execution are vital. Translate your retail goals into actionable steps, milestones, and strategies to turn your dreams into reality.

32. "The purpose of a company is more than just making a profit. It's about making a difference." - Howard Schultz

Takeaway: When your retail goals go beyond just profit and focus on making a positive impact, it can inspire not only customers but also employees. This quote by Starbucks founder Howard Schultz reminds us that setting goals aligned with purpose and values can build a more fulfilling and impactful business.

Quotes on Action

33. "The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra." - Jimmy Johnson

Takeaway: Small, consistent actions add up to extraordinary results. Don't underestimate the power of daily effort and dedication.

34. "Don't tell me how big the storm is, tell me how you're going to sail through it." - John A. McDonald

Takeaway: Focus on your goals and solutions, not the challenges. Every obstacle presents an opportunity for growth and resilience.

Quotes on Funding

35. "Bootstrapping can be a blessing in disguise." - Mark Cuban

Takeaway: This quote by Shark Tank investor Mark Cuban highlights the potential benefits of starting lean and resourceful. While securing funding can be an immense boost, bootstrapping forces you to be creative, efficient, and adapt to limited resources. This can build a strong foundation for future growth.

36. "Investors invest in people, not just ideas." - Kevin O'Leary

Takeaway: Remember, securing funding is about more than just a great pitch. Investors place bets on passionate founders with strong leadership skills, a clear vision, and a proven track record of execution. Focus on demonstrating your capabilities and building trust alongside your business plan.

Quotes on Partnerships

37. "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller

Takeaway: This powerful quote captures the essence of collaborative partnerships in retail. By joining forces with complementary businesses, suppliers, or even community groups, you can extend your reach, leverage combined resources, and create exciting new opportunities for growth.

38. "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." - Steve Jobs

Takeaway: Strategic partnerships can fuel innovation in your retail journey. When you combine expertise, perspectives, and ideas with like-minded partners, you can break new ground and develop unique experiences that leave a lasting impression on your customers.

Quotes on Opportunity

39. "The difference between successful people and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will." - Vince Lombardi

Takeaway: Seizing opportunities takes action. Don't be afraid to break out of your comfort zone, try new things, and take calculated risks. The biggest successes often lie just beyond your current reach, waiting for someone with the will to grab hold.

40. "Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them." - William Arthur Ward**

Takeaway: Don't let fear or hesitation hold you back. When you see an opportunity, act on it! The longer you wait, the more likely it is to slip away. Trust your instincts, take the leap, and embrace the unknown.

Retail Quotes to Cherish Happiness

Quotes on making a difference.

41. "The purpose of a company is more than just making a profit. It's about making a difference." - Howard Schultz

Takeaway: This powerful quote by Starbucks founder Howard Schultz reminds us that retail can be a force for positive change. Beyond maximizing profits, consider how your business can impact the lives of your customers, employees, and the community. This purpose-driven approach fosters loyalty, attracts like-minded customers, and creates a more meaningful retail experience.

42. "No one has ever become poor by giving." - Anne Frank

Takeaway: This inspiring quote by the young diarist Anne Frank beautifully captures the essence of giving back. It doesn't have to be grand gestures; even small acts of generosity, like supporting local vendors, partnering with sustainable initiatives, or offering volunteer opportunities, can make a significant difference. Remember, the ripple effect of your generosity can extend far beyond the store walls.

Quotes on Customer experience

43. "Your brand is not what you sell; it's the experience you deliver." - Tony Hsieh

Takeaway: This quote by the visionary leader of Zappos, Tony Hsieh, emphasizes the paramount importance of customer experience in retail. Go beyond simply selling products; focus on creating memorable, emotional, and engaging experiences that resonate with your customers and build lasting loyalty.

44. "In retail, details are the difference between ordinary and extraordinary." - Paco Underhill

Takeaway: Don't overlook the power of small details in shaping your customer experience. From thoughtfully curated music and lighting to well-organized displays and consistent product placement, every element contributes to the overall impression. Pay attention to these finer points to elevate your brand and create a truly extraordinary experience.

Quotes on Store design

45. "Your store is the physical manifestation of your brand." - Paco Underhill

Takeaway: This quote captures the essence of store design - it's your brand brought to life. Every element, from layout and lighting to product placement and signage, should tell a cohesive story and embody your brand's values and personality.

46. "Every detail matters." - Charles Eames**

Takeaway: Don't overlook the power of small details. From the texture of your walls to the scent in the air, every element contributes to the overall ambience. Pay attention to these details to create a consistent and impactful experience for your customers.

Quotes on emotion

47. "The key to successful marketing today is to understand that it's all about the story. What story are you telling? And how are you telling it?" - Seth Godin

Takeaway: This quote emphasizes the power of storytelling in retail. Emotions connect us on a deeper level, so weave stories into your brand, marketing, and customer experiences. Use visuals, sounds, and interactive elements to evoke desired emotions and forge a lasting connection with your audience.

48. "Don't tell me how big the storm is, tell me how you're going to sail through it." - John A. McDonald

Takeaway: The retail landscape can be challenging, but by understanding and navigating your customers' emotions, you can weather any storm. Train your staff in emotional intelligence, be empathetic to customers' needs, and address negative emotions with grace and professionalism.

Quotes on Connection

49. "Retail is an act of trust. Every interaction is a chance to build a bridge." - Shep Gordon

Takeaway: This quote emphasizes the importance of trust and genuine human connection in retail. Every sale starts with building rapport and fostering a sense of mutual understanding.

50. "In retail, it's about 'we,' not 'me.'" - Tony Hsieh

Takeaway: This quote reminds us that successful retail relies on community and collaboration. Focus on creating a culture of inclusivity and shared experience, where both employees and customers feel valued and connected.

Quotes on Trust

51. "Retail is an act of trust. Every interaction is a chance to build a bridge." - Shep Gordon

This quote captures the essence of trust in retail. Every interaction, from first greeting to post-purchase follow-up, is an opportunity to build a bridge of trust with your customers. Genuine interactions, transparency, and consistent quality build lasting loyalty.

52. "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you do things right, the people will come." - Warren Buffett

Building trust takes time and dedication. Every positive interaction, every act of integrity, strengthens your reputation. However, one negative experience can quickly erode trust. Focus on consistent quality, reliable service, and always striving to do the right thing, even when it's hard.

Quotes on Customer care

53. "The key is to set realistic customer expectations and not to over-promise." - Shep Gordon

Takeaway: Don't set yourself up for disappointment by making grand promises you can't consistently deliver. Set realistic expectations and consistently exceed them to wow your customers and build trust.

54. "A customer is the most important visitor in our house. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider. He is a part of our business. And without him, we have no business at all." - Mahatma Gandhi

Takeaway: Remember, your customers are the lifeblood of your business. Treat them with respect, value their time, and prioritize their needs to create a truly customer-centric experience.

Retail Quotes to Lead Employees

Quotes on culture.

55. "Culture eats strategy for breakfast." - Peter Drucker

Takeaway: This powerful quote by management guru Peter Drucker emphasizes the paramount importance of company culture. Your carefully crafted strategies cannot truly succeed without a positive, empowering, and values-driven culture that fuels your team's passion and performance.

56. "The purpose of a company is more than just making a profit. It's about making a difference." - Howard Schultz

Takeaway: In today's retail landscape, customers are drawn to brands with a deeper purpose beyond just selling products. Foster a culture that embraces social responsibility, ethical sourcing, and sustainability to attract like-minded individuals and customers who align with your values.

Quotes on Employee Happiness

57. "Treat your employees as if they were already the people you would want them to be." - Marshall Goldsmith

Takeaway: Show trust and invest in your employees' development. By providing opportunities for learning, growth, and advancement, you empower them to reach their full potential and contribute meaningfully to your retail success.

58. "A company is a team, not a zoo." - Lee Iacocca**

Takeaway: Foster a collaborative and supportive culture where employees feel like valued members of a team. Encourage open communication, celebrate successes together, and share responsibility for challenges.

Quotes on Employee Loyalty

59. "The only sustainable competitive advantage is to learn faster than the competition." - Peter Drucker

Takeaway: In the dynamic retail landscape, employee loyalty isn't just about retention; it's about fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth. Invest in training, development programs, and mentorship opportunities to keep your team relevant, adaptable, and ahead of the curve.

60. "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." - Bill Gates

Takeaway: Empower your employees to handle customer interactions, both positive and negative, as valuable learning opportunities. Encourage them to share feedback and take ownership of improving the customer experience, fostering a sense of agency and loyalty.

Quotes on Leadership

61. "Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality." - Warren Bennis

Takeaway: This quote emphasizes the transformative power of effective leadership. A retail leader's vision is not just a dream; it's a roadmap that inspires and guides the team towards tangible achievements.

62. "The greatest leader is the one who makes others feel that they themselves are capable of achieving greatness." - John F. Kennedy

Takeaway: True leadership is not about ego; it's about empowering others. By fostering a culture of trust, recognition, and development, leaders inspire their team members to reach their full potential and achieve extraordinary things.

Retail Quotes to Save Time

Quotes on memory.

63. "Retail is fleeting, but the memories it creates can last a lifetime."

Takeaway: This quote emphasizes the lasting emotional impact of positive retail experiences. Go beyond transactions and focus on creating memorable moments, like family outings, festive decorations, or personalized interactions, that resonate with customers long after they leave your store.

64. "A store is a stage, and every interaction is a chance to leave a lasting impression."

Takeaway: This quote reminds us that every detail matters in shaping a customer's memory of your brand. Train your staff to be genuine, helpful, and engaging, creating positive interactions that become part of the overall brand experience.

Quotes on Punctuality

65. "In retail, time is currency. Respecting it builds trust and fosters a seamless customer experience."

Takeaway: This quote emphasizes the importance of adhering to opening and closing times, delivery schedules, and appointment commitments. Consistency and reliability build trust and confidence in your brand, ensuring a smooth and predictable experience for your customers.

66. "Promptness is a silent promise kept. In retail, it speaks volumes about your commitment to customer satisfaction."

Takeaway: Going beyond minimum expectations by being proactive and efficient leaves a positive impression. Quick service, timely deliveries, and efficient problem resolution demonstrate your respect for your customers' time and value their convenience.

Quotes on Efficiency

67. "In retail, efficiency is not just about speed; it's about doing more with less."

Takeaway: This quote emphasizes the importance of optimizing your resources to create a smooth and enjoyable experience for your customers. Focus on streamlining processes, minimizing waste, and maximizing every action to deliver value without unnecessary complexity.

68. "The key to success in retail is a seamless dance between customer experience and operational efficiency."

Takeaway: Don't prioritize efficiency over customer satisfaction. Strike a balance by streamlining processes in a way that still prioritizes a convenient and pleasant shopping experience.

Quotes on Focus & Productivity

69. "In retail, laser focus is essential. Define your priorities, eliminate distractions, and watch your sales soar."

Takeaway: This quote emphasizes the importance of clear priorities and eliminating distractions in the fast-paced retail environment. Set clear goals, delegate tasks effectively, and minimize interruptions to maximize your productivity and achieve desired outcomes.

70. "Retail is a marathon, not a sprint. Pace yourself, prioritize ruthlessly, and celebrate small wins to maintain momentum."

Takeaway: This quote reminds us that sustainable success in retail requires long-term focus and strategic pacing. Prioritize tasks based on their impact, delegate effectively, and celebrate milestones along the way to maintain motivation and avoid burnout.

71. "Technology is a double-edged sword. Use it to automate tasks and boost efficiency, but don't let it become a distraction from your core goals."

Takeaway: Embrace technology as a productivity booster, but use it wisely. Automate repetitive tasks, access information quickly, and utilize digital tools to streamline processes, but avoid getting sucked into notifications and online distractions.

Quotes on Agility & Change

72. "In retail, the only constant is change. Embrace agility, pivot with grace, and surf the waves of the market to stay ahead of the curve."

Takeaway: This quote emphasizes the dynamic nature of the retail landscape. Stay flexible, open to new trends, and willing to adapt quickly to changing customer preferences and market conditions.

73. "Innovation is the lifeblood of retail. Don't be afraid to experiment, challenge the status quo, and embrace creative solutions to stay relevant and competitive."

Takeaway: Encourage a culture of innovation within your organization. Foster creativity, experiment with new ideas, and be unafraid to break the mold to remain relevant and offer unique experiences to your customers.

74. "Listen to your customers, not your fears. Their evolving needs are your roadmap to adapt, iterate, and thrive in the ever-changing retail landscape."

Takeaway: Prioritize customer feedback and adapt your offerings and strategies accordingly. Understand their evolving needs and desires, and use this information to constantly improve and adapt your business model.

  • retail quotes

10 Best Skincare Brands in India for Glowing Skin

Skincare is not only about beauty and glamour; it’s about the health of the important organs of your body. Over time, pollution reduces the skin's elasticity, and damage from the sun’s ultraviolet and infrared light as well as the day-to-day grind causes damage that requires a good skincare routine. It is found in India, and due to varying climatic conditions and environmental factors, skin  requires products that are best suited. And while ayurvedic remedies included a range of scrubs and face washes, the world now sees a range of products for different skin types from Indian brands. Whether you want products containing natural/organic treatments or even the most complex dermatological formulations, here is a list of the 10 leading brands of skincare products in India, arranged according to your convenience.

Achieving healthy, glowing skin isn’t complicated. A balanced lifestyle, nutritious diet, and proper skincare products are key. While eating the right nutrients, vitamins, and minerals is crucial, your skin also needs external care with quality skincare products. Choosing the right brands can make all the difference. Along with a healthy routine, hydrating regularly and using sunscreen daily are simple steps that can help keep your skin radiant and well-nourished.

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The Value of India’s Booming Skincare Market

The market of skincare products in India has been expanding in the past few years due to rising awareness for organic, non-testing on animals, and biodegradable products. Consumers are looking for luxurious skincare that has clean ingredients and low damage to the environment. That is why both the local and international brands show interest in this massive opportunity. T he skincare industry in India was valued at $2,933.7 million and is expected to have a 14.6 percent CAGR rate during the forecast period of 2023. The market is expected to expand from $3,310.5 million in 2024 to $12,934.2 million in 2034. This sort of growth demonstrates the movement of clientele from focusing on aspects of their skin’s appearance to its performance and even the environment.

Why Your Skin Needs Skincare Products

Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and it faces pollution, sunlight, and harsh weather every day. Skincare products help:

  • Treat your skin right and do not let it dry up.
  • Minimize sun exposure and avoid contact with pollution.
  • Smoothen out the skin to prevent and reduce wrinkles and fine lines indicating age.
  • Get rid of pimples, black spots, or any kind of skin discoloration that you wouldn’t like on your face.

A good skincare routine ensures that your skin stays healthy, smooth, and glowing.

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How to Treat Your Skin Good: Simple Tips for Glowing Skin

  • Cleanse your skin daily to remove dirt and oil.
  • Moisturize to keep your skin hydrated.
  • Use sunscreen daily to protect against sun damage.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated from the inside.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins for a natural glow.
  • Get enough sleep to allow your skin to repair.

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List of the 10 Best Skincare Brands in India

Now, let’s dive into the best skincare brands that can help you achieve great skin.

1. Forest Essentials

  • Unique Features: Luxury Ayurveda brand with pure, organic ingredients.
  • Popular Products: Face creams, body lotions, serums.
  • Key Ingredients: Saffron, sandalwood, rose water.

Forest Essentials

Forest Essentials is famous for mixing and matching old Ayurveda recipes into the current beauty requirements. It means that they use only natural components to create their products, which are frequently handmade. The brand practices sustainable sourcing of its products, and its packaging is made from biodegradable material. Some of the key features each of these products was developed to deliver to its users while taking proper care of the skin. The reason Forest Essentials has such a faithful following among those who do not want to compromise on the values of Ayurveda and the contemporary cosmetic industry is the strictly observed company’s policy of the product’s purity and quality.

2. Mamaearth

  • Unique Features: Natural, toxin-free, and cruelty-free products.
  • Popular Products: Face washes, moisturizers, serums.
  • Key Ingredients: Tea tree oil, aloe vera, vitamin C.


Mamaearth is a popular brand for all the people who care about quality and harmless skincare products. Known for its eco-conscious approach, the brand not only offers toxin-free products but also plants a tree with every order. It involves different skincare issues such as acne, aging, dry skin, and so on. Mamaearth products do not contain bad ingredients such as parabens and sulfate to affect the skin when using them every day. Due to the products’ natural and gentle nature, they are particularly suitable for use on sensitive skin and provide solutions without using major chemically compounded products.

3. Kama Ayurveda

  • Unique Features: Pure, traditional Ayurvedic skincare.
  • Popular Products: Body oils, face cleansers, scrubs.
  • Key Ingredients: Turmeric, Neem, and Aloe Vera.

Kama Ayurveda

Kama Ayurveda uses traditional Ayurvedic formulas for recipes in making bespoke and efficient skincare solutions. The brand is recognized for its effective natural ingredients since it aims at treating and nourishing the skin. Products are not produced with artificial fragrance and colour to retain the natural purity of the products. Kama Ayurveda products are made with ancient Indian herbs, oils, and botanicals—effective ayurvedic skin care. They also use all-natural products possessing a clear vision for creations with a curation involving wellness.

4. Lotus Herbals

  • Unique Features: Herbal formulations with natural ingredients.
  • Popular Products: Sunscreens, face packs, night creams.
  • Key Ingredients: Papaya, licorice, green tea.

Lotus Herbals

Lotus Herbals is famous for its inexpensive and good skincare products, especially its sunscreen range. Their formulations involve using natural extracts together with advanced technological inputs, and they offer skin products for addressing ordinary skin issues such as the effects of the sun and skin aging.  Many Lotus Herbals products are mild and try to harmonize the impact of the natural and the scientific. It has its major concentration on the affordability factor yet not compromising on the quality, which is why they are much closer to the hearts of Indian consumers who are in search of daily use skincare products.

5. Biotique

  • Unique Features: 100% botanical extracts, inspired by Ayurveda.
  • Popular Products: Face scrubs, anti-aging creams, cleansers.
  • Key Ingredients: Neem, basil, almond.


Biotique has a set of skincare products that are 100 percent natural and derived from natural herbs. The brand goes back to using Ayurvedic principles with modern Swiss biotechnology to provide customers with efficacious products. In its current state, Biotique’s products are great for those willing to find very affordable products made from natural ingredients. They come in formulations that seek to solve different skin issues of the Indian skin; fine lines, wrinkles, acne, and dry skin, among others. 

6. Plum Goodness

  • Unique Features: Vegan, cruelty-free, and toxin-free.
  • Popular Products: Toners, face masks, moisturizers.
  • Key Ingredients: Green tea, chamomile, glycolic acid.

Plum Goodness

Plum Goodness is a brand committed to clean beauty with a strong emphasis on sustainability. All products are 100% vegan and free from harmful chemicals like parabens and phthalates. The brand uses gentle, effective ingredients to cater to different skin types, particularly focusing on acne-prone and sensitive skin. Their products come in recyclable packaging, making them an eco-conscious choice. Plum Goodness provides modern skincare solutions while maintaining a commitment to the environment.

7. Nykaa SkinRX

  • Unique Features: Dermatologist-approved skincare for Indian skin.
  • Popular Products: Serums, toners, sunscreens.
  • Key Ingredients: Niacinamide, salicylic acid, hyaluronic acid.

Nykaa SkinRX

Nykaa SkinRX provides a comprehensive skincare range endorsed by dermatologists exclusively for ladies with skin types prevalent in India. Their products are developed with a view to addressing some of the typical skin issues like acne, dark spots, and skin ageing. Nykaa SkinRX incorporates scientific formulations as its selling point, offering straightforward yet highly effective, products with ingredients of the highest quality. Currently, some of its serums and sunscreens are most liked because they are non-greasy and lightweight, which is perfect for the Indian climate.

8. The Moms Co.

  • Unique Features: Safe, natural skincare for moms and babies.
  • Popular Products: Lotions, face washes, and body oils.
  • Key Ingredients: Shea butter, rosehip oil, Vitamin C.

The Moms Co.

The Moms Co., primarily, offers safe and non-toxic skin care products for moms and babies. The company stresses the non-aggressive approach, considering that all the products do not contain hazardous components and are suitable for delicate skin. Most of their formulations cater for the unique needs of mothers right from pregnancy through to the post-partum period. Moms Co has set a reputation, especially in natural, nutrient-rich ingredients that impart deep, enduring moisturizing and nurturing benefits.

9. Minimalist

  • Unique Features: Clean beauty with a focus on transparency.
  • Popular Products: Serums, moisturizers, and cleansers.
  • Key Ingredients: Retinol, Niacinamide, Vitamin B5.


Minimalist is a clean beauty brand known for its transparency regarding ingredients. They focus on science-backed formulations that target specific skin issues such as acne, wrinkles, and dark spots. The brand provides high-quality, effective skincare without the use of harmful chemicals or fragrances. Minimalist’s no-nonsense approach appeals to skincare enthusiasts who want targeted treatments and clear information about what goes into their products.

10. MCaffeine

  • Unique Features: India’s first coffee-infused skincare brand.
  • Popular Products: Body scrubs, face masks, moisturizers.
  • Key Ingredients: Caffeine, cocoa, and shea butter.


MCaffeine is India’s first caffeinated skincare range that helps the skin feel refreshed. The brand was found with coffee as an ingredient, which has the proficiency of detoxifying, exfoliating, and rejuvenating the skin. Their body scrubs and masks are very popular with customers due to the stimulating effects associated with them. All MCaffeine products are paraben and chemical-free and therefore ideal for those who want to get glowing skin.

Final Thought

All of these 10 brands provide a combination of Ayurvedic treatments and herbal and conventional techniques of skin treatment. So if you are looking for luxury or if you are on a tight budget, you will find something that fits your taste. Give that skin the care it deserves by using body lotions and creams prepared from nothing but the best for that skin-friendly and glowing skin.

  • Beauty & Personal Care Market
  • Forest Essential

Best Organic Ghee Brand in India: A Taste of Purity

How do you like to consume ghee? On your roti or with rice and sugar. Organic ghee has various benefits for your immune system, skin and heart. Excess of everything is bad. Taking in a high amount of this fat can play a reverse uno card on your health. What are the benefits of consuming ghee and which are the best organic ghee brands in India? We have the answer for you. A curated list of top 7 organic ghee brands in India, because we care about you and your health. 

The Indian ghee market is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.72 percent from 2024 to 2032, from Rs 3,203 billion in 2023 to Rs 6,931 billion.  

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Top 7 Organic Ghee Brands in India 

To help you choose which is the best organic ghee brand in India for you, here are the brands that can meet your health and flavour standards. 

Girorganic is one of the best organic ghee brands in India. Its pure and organic A2 Gir cow ghee has many benefits for the human body. This ghee is prepared in the wooden bilona method. With no added preservatives and feeding cows with organic fodder. It claims to help cure joint pains and improve immunity. Containing ayurvedic properties, it is a good source of healthy nutrients during pregnancy. 

Girorganic: Best Organic Ghee Brand in India: A Taste of Purity

Why Choose GirOrganic Ghee?

  • Contains Beta-carotene, a coloring pigment extracted from A2 milk 
  • Complete source of the strongest natural antioxidants
  • Helps in losing weight & increases the good HDL cholesterol
  • Rich in Omega3 & Omega 9 that tends to increase your heart health
  • Has butyric acid which works against constipation 
  • High in conjugated linoleic acid which has anti-inflammatory properties

A popular choice for many. Amul is a well-known organic ghee brand in India. It offers different organic ghee catalogues. Amul cow ghee, high aroma cow ghee, Amul sagar ghee and Amul brown are the types of ghee that the brand caters to. Consumers like Amul ghee for its taste, quality and aroma. The brand maintains strict quality control measures ensuring purity and unadulterated. 

Amul: Best Organic Ghee Brand in India: A Taste of Purity

Why Choose Amul Ghee?

  • It contains Beta-carotene, a coloring pigment extracted from A2 milk 
  • Helps in losing weight and increases the good HDL cholesterol
  • Contains butyric acid which works against constipation
  • Rich in conjugated linoleic acid which has anti-inflammatory properties

A popular organic ghee brand in India. Bilona churners are used to prepare Vedic ghee from the milk of indigenous Indian breeds, such as Gir, Sahiwal, or Red Sindhi. Milk drawn from these cows is alleged to be more nutritious than milk drawn from ordinary dairy cows. Vedic ghee has a proven medicinal, cosmetic and health benefits. Provides nourishment to all the tissues of the body and helps rejuvenating oneself. Its aroma and flavour increases the deliciousness of your daily food.

Vedic: Best Organic Ghee Brand in India: A Taste of Purity

Why Choose Vedic Ghee?

  • Grass-fed cow's milk is more frequently used in the preparation of Vedic ghee containing more nutrients such as omega-3.
  • It is responsible for facilitating the uptake of calcium and phosphorus in order to form and maintain bones.
  • It acts as an antioxidant and protects the cells from damage.
  • This is important for blood coagulation.
  • It is short-chain fatty acid, which might hold benefits to support the health of the gut and its capacity to reduce inflammation.

A reputed organic ghee brand in India made using the traditional Bilona method. It is made from A2 cow milk which is easier to digest and less likely to cause cases of digestive disorders than milk containing A1 beta-casein. Extracted from the Gir cows, which is an indigenous breed. These cows are fed on grass and are not factory-farmed; neither do they undergo cross-breeding so as to ensure that the ghee is pure.

kapiva: Best Organic Ghee Brand in India: A Taste of Purity

Why choose Kapiva Ghee?

  • Kapiva ghee is said to maintain good cholesterol in the body, and bad cholesterol levels in the body are expelled.
  • Kapiva ghee was said to moisturize and hydrate the skin and hair while also doing a perfect job on the texture.
  • Kapiva ghee is said to build immunity and detoxify the body with its high content of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

Country Delight

A leading organic ghee brand in India. Country Delight's ghee is boiled fresh and it contains absolutely no adulterants. Every step in the process is constantly monitored by our technology-enabled system, we can ensure you have a product that contains no added refined oils or fats. It offers desi danedar ghee and buffalo ghee. Its ghee is made from fresh cream which is obtained from pure cow milk, churned into butter and cleaned to eliminate all impurities. It is then granulated through a proprietary seeding process to give the typical granule structure.

Country Delight: Best Organic Ghee Brand in India: A Taste of Purity

Why choose Country Delight Ghee?

  • A good source of the vitamins A and E, 
  • aiding in digestion
  • strengthening the immunity system 
  • serves to preserve and develop heart health.

Himalayan Natives

A recommended organic ghee brand in India. Himalayan Natives desi cow ghee is purely extracted from purebred desi cow milk. All our products are 100 percent natural and ethically and sustainably sourced. It offers a variety - pahadi ghee, organic bilona ghee, A2 badri cow ghee, A2 gir cow ghee and A2 gir bilona cow ghee. 

Himalayan Natives: Best Organic Ghee Brand in India: A Taste of Purity

Why choose Himalayan Natives Ghee?

  • Himalayan ghee is one of the richest in antioxidants that help assist your body in the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • Vitamin K2 in ghee available in the Himalayas is helpful in optimizing calcium deposition in bones.
  • Nutrition in Himalayan Ghee Enhances the Process of Better Digestion.
  • Himalayan ghee is the closest replacement for refined oils, and it will help keep your heart sound.
  • Himalayan ghee contains CLA, a natural fatty acid, which helps accelerate the burning of fat by the body.

Sri Sri Tattva

Sri Sri Tattva is a renowned organic ghee brand in India. It offers 6 six varieties of ghee. A2 bilona ghee, pure ghee, cow pure ghee, A2 cow ghee, cow premium ghee and desi ghee being the names of the products. Sri Sri Tattva ghee has an intense nutty taste. Many have attributed it to good-quality ghee. For decades, it has functioned as a brand with an established reputation and has gained the trust of its customers through loyalty. It is known for its purity and quality and Ayurvedic properties.

Shri Shri Tattva: Best Organic Ghee Brand in India: A Taste of Purity

Why choose Sri Sri Tattva Ghee?

  • This process has been associated with several theoretical benefits such as enhanced digestion, absorption of nutrients, and decreased inflammation.
  • Known for quality control and purity standards.
  • It can be used in a variety of cooking applications, such as sautéing and baking.

Benefits of having Organic Ghee

  • Ghee is rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which will ensure healthy blood vessels and a healthy heart.
  • Ghee contains conjugated linoleic acid that helps reduce body fat and also weighs.
  • Ghee can be used to improve healing of wounds, reinforce skin, and increase collagen. It has also been used as a moisturizer.
  • Ghee is one other way of relieving constipation: it softens the stool and lubricates the walls of the intestines.
  • Ghee is an excellent source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. All these have immune-modulating properties and enhance immunity.

Read more:  Top Organic Ingredients to Celebrate National Nutrition Week 2024

Organic ghee is a rich source of nutrition and widely beneficial for the body, but like most fats, it should be taken in moderation to ensure people benefit from its intake without incurring any adverse effect on the body. Demand for organic ghee in India is on the rise and shifting towards a healthier and sustainable diet. Quality and traditionally made ghee can enhance your dishes and also improve your health.

Know more:  Top 10 Strong Coffee Brands Dominating the Indian Market

Best Luxury Watch Brands in India For Women: Elegance At Every Tick

Is it healthy to consume ghee daily? 

Yes, it's healthy to consume ghee on a daily basis, but not excessively. 

Is it healthy to have ghee at night?

Ingestion of ghee during the night may induce better digestion, deep sleep, and detoxification in the body.

Can we apply ghee on lips?

Yes, cow ghee is enough to cure all your lip problems; be they dry or dark, chapped or cracked; application of ghee on lips will solve them all.

  • organic food
  • organic products

Apparel Retail Sector Gears Up for 8-10pc Growth with Fast Fashion and Festivities

India’s organized apparel retail sector is poised for a revenue growth of 8-10 percent in the current fiscal year, bolstered by a combination of factors. These include easing inflation, a normal monsoon, the festive and wedding seasons, and the rising popularity of fast fashion. This growth, though significant, is expected to be slower compared to the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11-12 percent witnessed between fiscals 2018 and 2023. Retailers are therefore adopting a cautious approach, focusing on maximizing the efficiency of their existing operations rather than expanding aggressively.

In fact, the expansion of physical store space will slow significantly. Retailers are projected to add just 2.2 million square feet this fiscal, down from 3.6 million square feet last year. This reduction reflects a shift towards smaller stores and optimized use of current spaces. Retailers will focus on increasing their operational efficiencies, managing costs, and limiting their reliance on external debt.

Driving the Mass Market Surge

The mass market segment, the largest in apparel retail, is set to lead the charge, supported by the increasing consumer preference for fast fashion. This trend has only grown in popularity since the pandemic, with fast fashion now accounting for 60 percent of total sales in the mass market, up from 56 percent in the pre-pandemic era.

Anuj Sethi, Senior Director at CRISIL Ratings Ltd, points to fast fashion as the key revenue driver for the sector this year, says "The mass market segment accounts for ~60 percent of total sales now, compared with ~56 percent before the pandemic, due to the rising popularity of fast fashion, which is expected to be the primary revenue driver this fiscal. The likely increase in demand for premium clothing during the upcoming festive and wedding seasons will also contribute to overall revenue growth of 8-10 percent this fiscal."

Retailers are adjusting their business strategies to meet this evolving consumer demand. Enhanced supply chain efficiency, the adoption of new trends, and an increased focus on fast fashion are all part of this shift. The market is seeing growth particularly in Tier II and III cities, where organized retail is making significant inroads. However, with major urban consumers shifting their spending towards experiences and luxury goods, expansion in these areas will remain conservative.

Festive Season Optimism

The upcoming festive season is providing a major boost to the retail sector, and leading brands are preparing to capture this opportunity. Berry Singh, Co-founder and COO of ace turtle, is enthusiastic about the potential for revenue growth adds, "We are very optimistic about the upcoming festive season and expect a solid revenue and business momentum uplift, projecting around 20 percent growth over last year. This period is always significant for apparel, and this year we’re seeing a growing demand for high-quality and personalized fashion, particularly across brands like Lee, Wrangler, and Dockers."

Singh notes that premiumization is also gaining traction, with customers willing to pay more for better quality and unique experiences. 

"The sell-through of premium products has gone up for our brands Lee, Wrangler, and Dockers. Customers are willing to pay a premium for better quality and experience. We have launched the Lee X Suneet Varma collection recently and are encouraged by the response from customers. We expect further uptick during the festive season."

ace turtle is leveraging its omnichannel tech platform to provide a seamless shopping experience across online and offline channels. Singh explains, "At ace turtle, we’re leveraging our omnichannel tech platform to offer a seamless experience, ensuring quick deliveries, personalized offers, and exclusive festive collections across stores and online channels. Our customers can expect curated collections from Lee and Wrangler, which focus on timeless denim styles, and from Dockers, offering smart-casual options perfect for the festive season, all paired with limited-time discounts and enhanced fulfillment services to meet the demand for fast, hassle-free shopping."

A Blend of Heritage and Modern Design

As fast fashion drives the mass market, the premium segment is seeing its own trends emerge. Adaara Couture, a brand that blends traditional aesthetics with contemporary design, is optimistic about the upcoming festive season. Naman Chitkara and Simran Antaal, Founders of Adaara Couture, highlight the importance of this fusion, "As we approach the upcoming festive season, we are optimistic about expanding our revenue and business, particularly in global markets. This season presents a unique opportunity for us to tap into diverse consumer bases and drive sales growth through our innovative offerings."

Chitkara and Antaal have observed an increasing consumer appetite for designs that reflect both heritage and modern sensibilities.  Witnessing a fascinating fusion of heritage and modern design sensibility. This blend not only appeals to traditional aesthetics but also resonates with contemporary tastes, creating a captivating experience for consumers. The brand is committed to delivering distinctive offerings that reflect this trend.

Comfort and Elegance for the Festive Season

Another brand making waves this season is Kingdom of White, India’s first all-white lifestyle brand. Vineet Haralalka, CEO of Kingdom of White, emphasizes the appeal of comfort and timeless style during the festive season. 

"In a world full of chaos, belong effortlessly with us. We are Kingdom Of White; India’s first all-white lifestyle brand, where every piece is crafted with passion and precision. We focus on premium fabrics that feel as good as they look—think breathable cotton and soft linens that drape effortlessly,” says Haralalka.

The brand’s kurta-style shirts, designed for the festive season, are expected to be a significant hit. 

"Our festive collection is like the ultimate party starter, designed for those who want to shine bright without sacrificing comfort. Picture this: you, dancing on the beats of dhaak in our kurta-style shirt. These shirts are perfect for everything from family feasts to late-night dance-offs, giving you that effortlessly cool vibe," adds the CEO.

Kingdom of White is also planning to expand its footprint across India with the opening of 15 new stores, expecting a significant spike in revenue during this festive season. With everyone out shopping, the brand is sure that the demand for unique white styles will surely rise. Additionally, with 15+ stores opening across India, it anticipates reaching more customers, which will contribute positively to its overall business growth."

Consumers, according to Haralalka, are increasingly seeking versatile, comfortable clothing that doesn’t compromise on style. 

Kingdom of White is introducing a special festive collection that blends comfort with elegance. For the festive season, Kingdom of White is introducing an exciting collection of styles that blend comfort and elegance.

Managing Costs and Enhancing Profitability

While festive demand and fast fashion offer exciting opportunities, apparel retailers are also focusing on cost management and profitability. Stable input costs and better inventory management are helping to prevent significant inventory write-offs, unlike the previous fiscal year, when sharp changes in raw material prices led to a decline in profitability.

Anil More, Associate Director at CRISIL Ratings, explains "Better inventory management and stable input costs will prevent significant inventory write-offs, unlike last fiscal when sharp cost changes lowered profitability by 100-110 basis points."

Retailers are also being cautious about new store openings, relying more on optimizing existing operations to maintain profitability. More adds, "The marginal increase in profitability this fiscal will be driven by apparel retailers streamlining existing stores and opening new stores only as necessary, given that demand has not fully recovered. Besides, the need to offer higher discounts and incur marketing spends to attract customers will limit the overall improvement in operating margin to 7.2-7.4 percent against ~7.0 percent in fiscal 2024.”

Cautious Optimism

As the apparel retail sector navigates the festive season and beyond, it remains cautiously optimistic. Growth is expected to be driven primarily by fast fashion and premiumization, while retailers focus on enhancing operational efficiency. However, changes in commodity prices, inflation trends, and consumer spending behavior could impact the sector’s performance in the long term.

  • Global trends
  • retail India

Best Luxury Watch Brands in India For Women: Elegance At Every Tick

The best luxury watches may make you appear chic, daring, and self-assured, whether you are planning a lengthy journey with friends or family, excelling at work, or attending an event. It all depends on how a luxury watch defines your essence and personality. Every luxury watch brand in India offers something unique and special. Bringing the combination of comfort and style, here are the top 10 luxury watch brands in India for Women. 

The luxury watch market in India has reached a revenue of $2.68 billion this year. With an estimated increase of 1.24 percent CAGR in between 2024 - 2029. 

Know more:  Top 10 Luxury Watch Brands in India: How to Make the Right Choice

How to Choose the Right Luxury Watch For You

Some factors to consider while buying a luxury watch for you. 

  • What suits your Persona: Go with with you think is your liking and what suits your styling, personality and identity. 
  • Material: Choose a material that does not cause any harm to your skin. From staps to inner back part of the watch should be comfortable to wear. 
  • Movements: Every watch has different movement mechanism. Figure out what your prefer. 
  • Design: Look for something that you find unique and attractive. Enhancing your overall styling. A design that speaks for you. 

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Top 10 Luxury Watch Brands in India For Women

Let your luxury watch match your persona. To help you make the right choice here are some of the best luxury watch brands in India. For women you love refinement!

Bvlgari is a luxury watch brand in India for women. It is known for its Swiss precision and Italian elegance. Its luxury watches are exquisitely crafted and have audacious color combinations. Bvlgari watches are geometrically tested and made. Its materials are made out of rare stones, make it more unique and special. A Bvlgari watch is perfect fit for formal events, professional settings and sometimes casual outings. Has its own online website so authentication and safe purchasing. 

Bvlgari:Best Luxury Watch Brands in India For Women: Elegance At Every Tick

Why to go for Bvlgari Luxury Watches for Women

  • GMT function - A GMT watch shows the user two time zones at once. 
  • Chronography - Measure time (in real-time and relatively) to different levels of accuracy.
  • Tourbillon - A mechanism that constantly rotates the balance wheel, balance spring and escapement while the movement is running. 

Iconic Luxury Watch Collections by Bvlgari 

  • Serpenti line 
  • Sporty Diagono 
  • Octo Collection 

Cartier is a popular choice of many women as a luxury watch brand in India. Its watches are made with high-quality material. Precious metals, diamonds and skilled craftsmanship are factors making its luxury watches stand out. Its watches are produced in limited runs. Contributing to its value and exclusivity. Three words that define Cartie luxury watches are elegance, emotion and innovation. This is the best luxury watch for women who want to portrait elegance in business settings or everyday wear. Available on its own website and other online purchasing platforms. 

Cartier: Best Luxury Watch Brands in India For Women: Elegance At Every Tick

Why to go for Cartier Luxury Watches For Women

  • SolarbeatTM movement - Photovoltaic movement works with both natural and artificial light. 
  • High effeciency quartz movement -  A watch mechanism that uses an electronic oscillator powered by a quartz crystal.
  • CNC machines - Follow directions from a computer exactly, every single time, without getting tired or slipping. This makes a difference because of how the gears, the key components of a watch or clock, are made.

Iconic Luxury Watch Models by Cartier

  • Ballon Bleu

Hermes is a well-known luxury watch brand in India for women. Its watches have a variety of designs. Cape Cod looks like a square inside of a rectangle. Materials used to make these luxury watches are stainless steel, gold and titanium. Hermes watches also have full-grain leather bands. Along with its inner portion made out of hypoallergenic material. Hermes watches for women are best suited for semi-formal events, casual outings as well as travelling. Available on its own official website -

Hermes: Best Luxury Watch Brands in India For Women: Elegance At Every Tick

Why to go for Hermes Luxury Watches For Women

  • Sensual architecture - The styling, material used, emotions evoked and sensory experience.
  • 38-hour power reserve - For how long a mainspring of a watch can store the energy necessary to power a watch. 
  • Counteracting gravity - Ensuring watch accuracy even in non-gravity positions. 

Iconic Luxury Watch Collections by Cartier

Jaeger a perfect choice for every woman who likes luxury watches. Its watches are known for their inventive designs. Horizontal gadroons and a swivelling case design are the specialities of this luxury watch brand. Precision, invention, innovative designs and attention to detailing are the USP of Jaeger.  Its watches are for everyday use including formal and casual outings. Jaeger watches are available on multiple luxury e-commerce platforms like Tata Cliq and ethos watches. It official website is - jaeger lecoultre. 

Jaeger: Best Luxury Watch Brands in India For Women: Elegance At Every Tick

Why to go for Jaeger Luxury Watches For Women

  • Chronograph - Measure time (in real-time and relatively) to different levels of accuracy.
  • Worldtime chronograph - Allows  to see the time in different cities around the world simultaneously. 
  • Memovox - A model series of mechanical wristwatches with alarm function of the Swiss watch manufacturer Jaeger-LeCoultre.

Iconic Luxury Watch Collections by Jaeger

  • Rendez-vous

Patek Philippe

A renowned luxury watch brand in India for women. Patek Philippe watches have complex detailing with innovative mechanics. The best part about this brand is every movement simple or complex hand decorated. Elegance, understated and classic is the speciality of its watches.  Its timeless designs make it worthy to wear for a lifetime. Best suited for collectors events, special celebrations and formal parties. Patek Philippe has an online website named - patek philippe official site. 

Patek Philippe: Best Luxury Watch Brands in India For Women: Elegance At Every Tick

Why to go for Patek Philippe Luxury Watches For Women

  • Mechanical movement - Both automatic and hand wound movement are found in this luxury watch brand in India.
  • Quartz movement - Force behind the dial that drives the hands and powers all complications. The battery sends an electrical current through a small quartz crystal, which electrifies it and creates vibrations.
  • Silinvar -  A novel, patented material based on monocrystalline silicon. I
  • Compliant mechanism - A flexible mechanism that achieves force and motion transmission through elastic body deformation. 

Iconic Luxury Watch Collections by Patek Philippe

Well-crafted luxury watch brand in India for women. Its high quality is proven by Chanel’s in-house production of ceramics. With a commitment to innovation and fashion, this brand has its unique technology to fulfil its promise. Its watches are dedicated remain consistent towards its heritage and patrimony. Chanel watches for women are best for everyday wear and semi casual events. It has its own online website, catering to authenticity. 

Chanel: Best Luxury Watch Brands in India For Women: Elegance At Every Tick

Why to go for Chanel Luxury Watches For Women

  • Calfskin strap - The durability, flexibility and natural appearance of luxury watch brands. 
  • Manual-winding mechanical movement - This is one of the movements where the watch has to be hand-wound in order to store energy and power its functions.
  • High-precision quartz movement - A type of watch movement that makes use of a quartz crystal oscillator to keep time.
  • Self-winding mechanical movement - Type of watch movement that incorporates a rotor automatically winding the mainspring as the watch is worn.

Iconic Luxury Watch Collections by Chanel

A reputed luxury watch brand in India for women. Known for its material choice, rare elemental designs and excellent quality. Proving what high quality product looks like. Gucci watches are still quite popular all over the world because of their amazing designs and never-ending improvements. Its styling includes boldness and a wide range of materials, patterns, color combinations and prints. Its watches are suitable for both formal and casual settings. Gucci has its own online website for watches. Along with that you can find them on other luxury e-commerce platforms. 

Gucci: Best Luxury Watch Brands in India For Women: Elegance At Every Tick

Why to go for Gucci Luxury Watches For Women

  • Automatic movements -  A mechanical movement first marketed in the beginning decades of the 20th century. 
  • Bioplastics - A more sustainable alternative to petroleum-based plastics and are used in some watches,
  • Quartz movements - A type of watch movement that uses a battery to power the watch and is powered by a quartz crystal

Iconic Luxury Watch Collections by Gucci

  • Gucci Grip 
  • G-frame collection 

How to Maintain Your Luxury Watch

Some tips for you to maintain your luxury watches for preservation and longevity.

  • Regular Cleaning: Preserve its shine and functionality with warm water and proper cleaning material. Avoid using chemical-based solutions. 
  • Correct Storing Place: Dont keep it under direct heat for a long time. Store it in a cool and dry place. 
  • Inspecting Damage: closely check or get it serviced for deep cleaning. Look for any damage on the dial, needles or straps/chains.
  • Damaging Materials: Try not to expose your luxury watches chemicals, sun heat and magnets. 

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Making a perfect choice of which luxury watch is best for you is crucial before spending a huge amount. Finding that one luxury watch that reflects your personality is the most important factor to be considered. While investing in a watch there are specific characteristics that need to be looked after. This guide has all the answers to your questions. Enhance your elegance with these best luxury watch brands in India. Happy Shopping!

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10 Best Lipstick Brands in India Every Woman Needs to Try!

When you think about the best lipstick brands in India , you might find yourself overwhelmed by the sheer variety available. Finding the right lipstick can instantly change your look, but with so many choices, it’s hard to decide. Whether you're after bold colors or soft, everyday nudes, there’s a lipstick for everyone. With options for every budget and style, these top 10 lipstick brands are your go-to for flawless lips. Here are the must-have picks that every beauty enthusiast should add to their collection!

India's beauty and personal care market has experienced remarkable growth, with the lipstick segment playing a significant role. According to various reports, the lipstick market in India was valued at approximately INR 1,500 crore in 2020 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 10% between 2021 and 2026 , driven by evolving consumer preferences, increasing disposable incomes, and the influence of digital marketing.

Read:  The Future of Retail Beauty Industry in 2023

Best Lipstick Brands in India for a flawless look

1. mac cosmetics.

Best Lipstick Brands in India

When it comes to high-quality lipsticks, Mac Cosmetics stands out as a favorite among beauty enthusiasts in India. Known for their extensive shade range, you'll find everything from bold reds to subtle nudes that cater to every skin tone.

The formula is creamy and long-lasting, ensuring you look fabulous all day without constant touch-ups. You can also enjoy various finishes, including matte, satin, and gloss, allowing you to express your unique style effortlessly.

Plus, Mac's reputation for cruelty-free products means you can feel good about your choices. Whether you're prepping for a special occasion or just want to elevate your everyday look, Mac Cosmetics delivers the quality and variety you crave in lipstick.

Dive into their collection and discover your perfect shade!

Read:  Cosmetics Craze: How Online Shoppers are Splurging on Beauty Essentials

2. Maybelline New York

Best Lipstick Brands in India

Maybelline New York is a go-to brand for lipstick lovers in India, offering a perfect blend of affordability and quality.

With a wide variety of shades and finishes, you can easily find the right one for any occasion. Their popular ranges, like the Superstay Matte Ink and Color Sensational, deliver intense color and long-lasting wear, ensuring you look fabulous all day.

You'll appreciate the smooth application and comfortable feel, making it a favorite among beauty enthusiasts. Plus, Maybelline often launches trendy collections inspired by global fashion, keeping your makeup game fresh.

Whether you prefer bold reds or subtle nudes, Maybelline has something for everyone, making it a staple in your makeup kit. Enjoy exploring their vibrant offerings!

3. L'Oreal Paris

Best Lipstick Brands in India

L'Oreal Paris offers an impressive range of lipsticks that cater to diverse preferences and styles. You'll find everything from creamy mattes to glossy finishes, ensuring you can express your personality through your lip color.

The brand's signature collections, like the Color Riche and Infallible lines, provide high pigmentation and long-lasting wear, perfect for your busy lifestyle.

Whether you're going for a bold red for a night out or a subtle nude for everyday wear, L'Oreal Paris has you covered.

Plus, the moisturizing formulas keep your lips feeling soft and hydrated throughout the day.

With colors inspired by the latest trends, it's easy to find the perfect shade that complements your unique look.

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Best Lipstick Brands in India

Lakmé stands out as a quintessential Indian brand that brings together vibrant colors and innovative formulations.

You'll love their extensive range, catering to every skin tone and occasion. From creamy mattes to glossy finishes, Lakmé offers lipsticks that are both trendy and long-lasting.

Their iconic "Lakmé Absolute" line features stunning shades that can transition seamlessly from day to night.

You can also explore their "Enrich Matte" collection, which provides great pigmentation without drying your lips.

With affordable pricing, Lakmé makes high-quality beauty accessible to everyone. Plus, their stylish packaging adds a touch of elegance to your makeup bag.

Whether you're a makeup newbie or a pro, Lakmé has something to elevate your lipstick game!

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Best Lipstick Brands in India

When you think of bold and vibrant lip colors, Revlon undoubtedly comes to mind. This brand has been a go-to for many beauty enthusiasts, offering a wide range of shades that cater to every skin tone.

You'll love their Super Lustrous Lipstick line, which combines rich pigments with a creamy formula for a smooth application. The colors are long-lasting and provide excellent hydration, making your lips feel soft all day.

Revlon also offers matte and satin finishes, giving you options for every occasion. Plus, their iconic packaging adds a touch of glamour to your makeup collection.

With Revlon, you can confidently express your style and personality through your lip color, ensuring you stand out in any crowd.

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6. Colorbar

Best Lipstick Brands in India

Colorbar is a brand that stands out for its commitment to delivering high-quality cosmetics at affordable prices.

When you explore their lipstick range, you'll find vibrant shades that cater to every skin tone and occasion. Their products often incorporate nourishing ingredients, ensuring your lips stay hydrated while looking fabulous.

You'll appreciate the smooth application and long-lasting formulas that hold up throughout the day. Whether you prefer classic matte finishes or glossy looks, Colorbar offers something for everyone.

Plus, their eco-friendly packaging reflects a modern approach to beauty. With frequent launches and collaborations, you'll always find something new to try.

Colorbar is definitely a brand you should consider adding to your makeup collection for that perfect lip look.

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7. Nykaa Cosmetics

Best Lipstick Brands in India

If you're looking for trendy and affordable lipsticks, Nykaa Cosmetics is a brand you can't overlook. Their extensive range of lip products caters to every style, from matte to glossy finishes.

You'll find a plethora of shades, perfect for any occasion or mood. Nykaa's formulas are known for their smooth application and long-lasting wear, making them ideal for your busy lifestyle.

Whether you prefer bold reds or subtle nudes, there's something for everyone in their collection. Plus, their lipsticks often feature hydrating ingredients that keep your lips comfortable throughout the day.

With frequent discounts and offers, you can easily stock up on your favorites without breaking the bank. Dive into the world of Nykaa and discover your perfect lipstick today!

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8. Faces Canada

Best Lipstick Brands in India

Faces Canada is a brand that stands out for its vibrant collection of lipsticks designed to enhance your beauty.

You'll love their wide range of shades, from bold reds to soft nudes, catering to every skin tone and occasion. The lipsticks offer a creamy texture that glides smoothly on your lips, providing comfortable wear throughout the day.

With options like matte, satin, and glossy finishes, you can easily find the perfect style to match your mood. Plus, Faces Canada focuses on quality, ensuring that their products are long-lasting and richly pigmented.

You'll appreciate their commitment to cruelty-free practices, too. If you want to elevate your makeup game, exploring Faces Canada's lipstick range is a must!

9. Lotus Herbals

Best Lipstick Brands in India

Have you ever considered how natural ingredients can elevate your lipstick experience?

Lotus Herbals is a standout brand in India that embraces this philosophy. Their lipsticks are infused with herbal elements like jojoba oil and shea butter, ensuring your lips stay nourished and hydrated throughout the day.

You'll find a stunning array of shades, from vibrant reds to soft nudes, perfect for any occasion.

What sets Lotus Herbals apart is their commitment to being cruelty-free and environmentally friendly, so you can feel good about your purchase.

Plus, their formulations are free from harmful chemicals, making them a safer choice for your lips.

With Lotus Herbals, you're not just applying color; you're treating your lips to nature's best.

10. Chambor

Best Lipstick Brands in India

Chambor is a brand that truly understands the art of lipstick, offering a luxurious range that caters to diverse preferences.

You'll find an array of stunning shades, from bold reds to soft nudes, perfect for every occasion. Chambor's formulas stand out for their smooth application and long-lasting wear, ensuring you feel confident throughout the day.

Their lipsticks are enriched with nourishing ingredients, keeping your lips hydrated while providing excellent pigmentation. You can easily choose between matte, satin, and creamy finishes, allowing you to express your unique style.

With Chambor, you're not just purchasing lipstick; you're investing in quality and elegance. Elevate your makeup game and experience the charm of Chambor's exquisite lip products.  

According to a report by ResearchAndMarkets, the beauty and personal care market in India is expected to surpass USD 23 billion by 2025, with the color cosmetics segment, including lipsticks, contributing significantly to this growth. Factors such as rapid urbanization, increasing influence of Western beauty standards, and rising beauty consciousness among young women and men are expected to continue driving demand.

Top 10 Premium Formal Wear Brands for Women in India

These days, formal wear is entirely relevant to every modern  woman . Consumers in India are always in need of formal pretty attire, which has seen brands developing and instituting exquisite designs, quality, and the perfect fit in their clothes. International brands such as Mango and H&M are available, as well as numerous domestic varieties that people can easily relate to, such as Fab India and Van Heusen. Whether you want smart power trousers, a blouse, or an elegant office dress, these brands have something unique in them. All of these pieces can be distinguished based on special highlights, such as the use of organic fabric or specific types of stitches. In this article, we’ll look at the 10 premium formal wear brands for women in India and why they are the best brands to wear for professional occasions. Let’s explore what makes each one special.

Growth of the Female Formal Wear Market in India

The market of female formal wear has exhibited rather fast growth in relatively recent years in India. A research report from Research and Markets claimed that the women's formal segment in India was $187.06 billion US in the year 2023. The revenue from women’s formal wear is expected to rise by 4.9 percent from 2024 to 2030 and touch nearly $261.47 billion. Such trends become valuable to organizations to improve their looks to meet the new emerging reflect the need for professional women’s apparel in today’s changing corporate look in organizations; hence, there is a growing demand for stylish and formal outfits. 

Also Read:  Top 10 Premium Handbag Brands in India

10 Best Formal Shoe Brands for Men in India 2024

Top Formal Wear Options for Females in Corporate Environments: 

It was evident that when it came to business clothing, women had a large number of choices to make whatever they wanted while dressing formally. Here are some of the top formal wear choices for women in various sectors:

  • Tailored Suits: One is a blazer and trousers or a skirt, which is appropriate for any occasion and is very stylish. Plain black, navy, or grey suits are best, as they can be worn with almost any color of blouse.
  • Blouses and Dress Shirts: Crisp white or pastel-coloured blouses are essential in any corporate wardrobe. They can be paired with trousers or skirts for a professional look.
  • Pencil Skirts: These flattering skirts are perfect for a professional environment. They can be easily paired with blazers and blouses for a complete outfit.
  • Kurtas and Ethnic Wear: In sectors that embrace cultural attire, elegant kurtas with tailored pants or churidars can be a great choice, blending tradition with professionalism.
  • Shift Dresses: Simple and elegant shift dresses in solid colors or subtle prints can be appropriate for business settings and are easy to accessorize.
  • Formal Trousers: Tailored trousers made from comfortable fabrics are a staple. It gives a professional appearance, and at the same time, it can easily facilitate the mobility of an employee throughout the working day.

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Top 10 Ethnic Wear Brands in India : Best and Most Famous

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List of the Top 10 Premium Formalwear Brands for Women in India 

Here are the top brands that blend style, quality, and comfort for the modern professional woman. From classic suits to chic dresses, these brands offer the best in formal fashion.

1. Forever 21: Trendy Styles with a Professional Edge

Forever 21: Trendy Styles with a Professional Edge

Forever 21 is a youth clothing brand for teenagers and young adults conveniently located around the globe. Established in Los Angeles in 1984, the company developed a reputation for being a fast fashion company that sold affordable trendy items. Their catalogs are always being restocked on the market, meaning that their patrons always get the new stock to choose from. The aim of Forever 21 is to target young fashion-conscious customers who are in the occupation market for trendy, vibrant, and cheap workwear. As the brand offers both casual and formal wear, it has established its unique place among the competitors and attracts people who want to look unique but professional.

  • Material: Polyester and cotton blends for durability and comfort.
  • Signature Collection: Smart casual blazers, pencil skirts.

2. Chemistry: Affordable Fashion Meets Office-Ready Designs

Chemistry: Affordable Fashion Meets Office-Ready Designs

Chemistry is a formal and casual wear ethnic Indian fashion brand that targets working women. Starting off as an online store whose goal was to mix fashion with cost-effectiveness, Chemistry is an online store that wants to help young ladies dress professionally and fashionably. Modern-cut garments and work-appropriate clothing expense most of the brand’s target consumers. Chemistry ensures that each dress of the contemporary design that it offers looks appropriate and comfortable when worn. As such the brand is preferred by those who, as for flexibility and are looking for an appropriate outfit that can be worn from the office to a business dinner, for instance.

  • Material: Soft cotton, viscose blends.
  • Signature Collection: Casual office dresses, and blazers with modern prints.

3. Vero Moda: Minimalist and Elegant Workwear

Vero Moda: Minimalist and Elegant Workwear

Vero Moda is a popular clothing brand from Denmark since 1987. Vero Moda has become an iconic clothing brand offering the simple and elegant latest fashion clothing range. As such, the goal of the brand is to offer modern and affordable fashion to match the latest fashion trends, especially to the young working population. Vero Moda has designed fashion clothes with simple designs, excellent cuts, and wearable garments suitable for today’s women’s busy daily schedules. The brand development goal is to use environment-friendly materials and production processes towards sustainability. Owning to the fact that Vero Moda aims at providing fashionable as well as eternal wear to work, the brand has remained popular among most working women.

  • Material: High-quality polyester, cotton, and linen.
  • Signature Collection: Slim-fit trousers, crisp white shirts, blazers.

4. Promod: French-Inspired Office Elegance

Promod: French-Inspired Office Elegance

Promod is a French clothing line that was founded in 1975 and has always offered women a chic style. The clothing captures the upmarket, notably French appeal, and can easily fit into the daily working women’s dressing. Hence, Promod is aimed at producing garments that can be coordinated with other outfits in such a way that every woman will find a way to be unique and appropriate for her workplace. It is with elegance in consideration that Promod’s collections are generally associated with print and texture. The brand seeks to educate women on how to make them more empowered through fashion, hence becoming a favorite for women who seek elegance and refinement in their business outfits.

  • Material: Viscose, linen, and soft cotton blends.
  • Signature Collection: Elegant office blouses, and structured midi skirts.

5. Mango: Sophisticated and Refined Formalwear

Mango: Sophisticated and Refined Formalwear

Mango is a brand of ready-to-wear clothes for men and women that originated in Spain in 1984. Being a quality-oriented brand, it produces diverse clothes while still remaining elegant and endangered at the same time. Currently, Mango seeks to offer fashionable outfits for women who seek to dress formally at the workplace. Its objective of designing clothes without trends guarantees that its garments will always be fashionable the following season. Mango has established itself as an apparel retailing company that targets the mid- and upper-end consumer who desires luxury wear, wear-to-work outfits, and occasion wear, yet at a price they can afford.

  • Material: High-quality wool, polyester, and cotton blends.
  • Signature Collection: Power suits, classic black blazers.

6. Van Heusen: Professional and Sharp Designs

Van Heusen: Professional and Sharp Designs

Van Heusen is one of the best-known Indian formal and business wear brands for women and men. The company has been providing professional fashion wear for more than one and a quarter century in the market. The brand vision of Van Heusen is therefore on delivering fine quality and properly fitted garments that emblematic discipline and professionalism. This is achieved through new designs and the incorporation of new fabric material technologies that will enhance style, comfort and quality. Van Heusen targets people’s potential to become better through dressing, so it is suitable for those people who need stylish and formal outfits to wear to work.

  • Material: Premium cotton and polyester blends.
  • Signature Collection: Formal shirts, blazers, and trousers.

7. Allen Solly: Smart Casuals for the Modern Professional

Allen Solly: Smart Casuals for the Modern Professional

Allen Solly is an Indian apparel brand that specializes in smart casual and formal wear for both men and women. Allen Solly began in 1993 as one of the pioneers to point dress-down Fridays in the world of business professionalism in India. Comfort and practicality are the key ideas for the brand—the pieces easily transform from daytime to evening wear. The clothing line looks into creative cuts and quality fabrics so as to suit the new generation working population for both formal and leisure wear. Due to its quality, combined with funny but rather elegant execution, it is especially loved by younger working women.

  • Material: Soft cotton, stretchable polyester blends.
  • Signature Collection: Casual blazers, printed shirts, and trousers.

8. Fab India: Ethnic Elegance in Formalwear

Fab India: Ethnic Elegance in Formalwear

Fab India is an India-based retail company that retails Indian apparel and home accessories. It was established in 1960 to provide an international platform for Indian craftsmanship and traditional skills. Fab India offers a traditional type of cloth wearing in modern looks, meaning it suits the best for ethnic formal wear. Sustainability and fair trade are essential values for the brand, helping local artisans and the population. Through such ideas, Fab India provides an ethnic look while dressing at the workplace, which makes it suitable for any woman of culture aspiring to dress ethnically in their working environment.

  • Material: Handwoven cotton, silk, and linen.
  • Signature Collection: Kurta sets, ethnic jackets, and sarees for office wear.

9. Biba: Traditional Meets Modern Formalwear

Biba: Traditional Meets Modern Formalwear

Biba is an ethnic wear fashion apparel brand, and in India, it is very famous for its range of bright colors and heavy embroidery work. Biba was founded in late 1988 to focus on women only who could appreciate the modern design of traditional formal clothing. The brand has an extensive collection of kurtas, tunics, and salwars that are comfortable yet stylish. To be more specific, Biba aims to make ethnic formalwear trendy while at the same time ensuring that it can be afforded by the average individual. It focuses on quality and prêt-à-porter, which infuse traditional fabric knowledge of India with global trends, giving professional wear looks.

  • Material: Cotton, silk, and viscose blends.
  • Signature Collection: Printed kurtas, formal churidar sets.

10. H&M: Stylish and Trendy Workwear

H&M: Stylish and Trendy Workwear

H&M is a fast fashion company that hails from Sweden and has faced significant growth over the last couple of years. The outfits are comparatively affordable, making them favourable for those in the working class. Having been in existence for some time now, this brand was established in the year 1947. ”Different H&M collections are available throughout the year so that the customer can always find the latest fashion. The sustainability of such a brand can also be seen in the material and the process used, which are recyclable. H&M has occasional clusters of fancy wear, therefore ensuring the working lady dresses formally yet elevates her style of dressing at the workplace, hence its popularity in the modern corporate world.

  • Material: Soft polyester, cotton blends.
  • Signature Collection: Trendy office shirts, fitted blazers, and slim-fit pants.

Materials Used in Formal Clothing

1. Cotton: Cotton is a natural fabric known for its breathability and softness. It absorbs moisture, making it ideal for all-day comfort. Perfect for crisp shirts, blouses, and summer wear.

2. Polyester: Polyester is a durable, wrinkle-resistant fabric that maintains its shape well. It’s low-maintenance and easy to care for, making it a popular choice for blazers, trousers, and dresses.

3. Viscose: Viscose is a semi-synthetic fabric with a silky finish and excellent drape. It feels soft against the skin and is often used for flowy dresses, skirts, and lightweight blouses.

4. Linen: Linen is a breathable and lightweight fabric perfect for hot weather. It has a natural, relaxed texture and is often used in summer blazers, trousers, and formal dresses.

5. Wool: Wool is a warm, resilient fabric that offers natural insulation. It’s ideal for structured suits and blazers, providing a polished look while ensuring comfort in cooler weather.

These are the 10 best brands that sell trendy formal wear for women in India. Right from the elegant look of Vero Moda to the ethnic look of Fab India, they all add something different to the product mix. If you are in the market for the perfect pair of trousers or the newest blazer, then you may find what you’re looking for with these brands.

  • apparel fashion
  • women fashion
  • H&M India
  • Allen Solley

Phoenix Mall of Asia: Redefining Retail Therapy

Phoenix Mall of Asia, located in North Bengaluru, is a luxury retail destination that marks a new era of shopping and leisure in India. As the country's first luxury retail mall, it offers an unparalleled experience that merges sophistication, style, and an immersive environment. This article delves into the unique features of Phoenix Mall of Asia, exploring the various elements that make it a must-visit destination.

Beyond Shopping Destination

Phoenix Mall of Asia isn't just a shopping mall; it's a destination that transcends traditional retail boundaries. Spanning millions of square feet, the mall's design is a masterpiece in itself, with awe-inspiring façades, grand entrances, and nature-inspired installations that captivate visitors from the moment they arrive. Each floor is thematically designed, creating a seamless journey that feels more like walking through an art gallery than a shopping center.

The mall's open-plan layout further enhances the experience, allowing visitors to meander through the spaces with ease. The environment is carefully curated to evoke the sensation of strolling through the world's fashion capitals, making it a truly unique experience in India.

One-Stop Luxury Destination

Phoenix Mall of Asia houses an impressive array of premium brands, including world-renowned fashion labels, high-end designer stores, and luxury boutiques. Visitors can indulge in a world of refinement as they explore the mall's numerous retail offerings, which are complemented by an extensive selection of restaurants, cafes, spas, and Bengaluru's largest multiplex.

The mall's grandeur is evident in its over one million square feet of retail space spread across five floors. A dedicated metro station and various mall zones ensure a seamless and convenient experience for all visitors. From personal concierge services to valet parking and Wi-Fi, the mall offers a host of amenities that cater to the discerning shopper.

Innovative Retail Spaces 

Phoenix Mall of Asia stands out not only for its luxury offerings but also for its innovative and thematic spaces. The Luxury Boulevard, for example, is a walk-through reminiscent of the world's most iconic streets for luxury shopping, while the Eco Earth floor zone celebrates sustainability with eco-friendly brands and educational kiosks.

Other standout features include the Fan Park, a dynamic space for events and gatherings; Foodthopia, a contemporary food court with a diverse range of cuisines; and Eden Arcadia, a serene zone that offers a peaceful respite amidst the hustle and bustle of the mall.

Futuristic Shopping Experience

The mall also embraces cutting-edge technology with its Digital X zone, where visitors can experience augmented reality mirrors, interactive product displays, and immersive virtual reality experiences. This futuristic realm adds a new dimension to the shopping experience, blending retail with entertainment in a way that appeals to tech enthusiasts and casual shoppers alike.

Tribute to Nature

Phoenix Mall of Asia pays homage to nature in various ways, from the Aquatic Reflection zone, which offers a tranquil escape inspired by the sea, to The Oasis, a central space that celebrates the tropics of Asia and Bangalore's botanical beauty. 

With its meticulously designed spaces, premium brands, and immersive experiences, it is set to redefine the shopping and leisure landscape in India. Whether you're looking to indulge in high-end fashion, savor exquisite dining, or simply enjoy a day out, Phoenix Mall of Asia offers an experience that is truly extraordinary.
  • Best Shopping Malls

India’s Retail to Expand: 55 Mn Sq. Ft. of Grade-A Malls Needed by 2027

India’s retail sector is on the brink of a transformative era, driven by rising domestic consumption, favorable economic conditions, and evolving consumer preferences. India requires around 55 million square feet (MSF) of Grade-A mall space over the next four years to align with other South Asian economies on the basis of Retail Space Per Capita (RSPC) — a measure that divides Grade-A mall space by total population.

This surge in demand is being propelled by a shifting consumer landscape , with increasing discretionary spending, a rising appetite for experiential retail, and a growing influx of international brands, according to a recent report by Cushman & Wakefield. As India’s retail sector rapidly evolves, meeting the demand for high-quality shopping spaces will be crucial for sustaining growth and ensuring long-term success.

Shifting Consumer Landscape Driving Retail Growth

The report highlights a significant shift in Indian consumer behavior, with an increasing focus on discretionary spending. Over the last decade, urban India’s spending on discretionary items has risen from 27 percent in FY2011-12 to about one-third in FY2022-23. In contrast, spending on essentials has seen a steady decline. This shift is reflected in rising monthly spending on food delivery services and credit card usage, signaling higher consumer confidence and greater willingness to spend on non-essential goods and services.

Consumers are also directing more of their income toward travel, vehicles, and premium consumer durables, showcasing a marked transition towards aspirational spending. "India’s retail sector is at a pivotal moment. The rising consumer confidence and increasing discretionary spending are clear indicators of the sector’s potential," said Saurabh Shatdal, Managing Director, Capital Markets, and Head of Retail, Cushman & Wakefield. "To capitalize on this growth, it is imperative to address the supply-side challenges and ensure the availability of quality retail spaces."

India’s Growing Appeal to International Retailers

India’s growing consumer market has also caught the attention of international retailers, with many global brands now eyeing expansion into the country. AT Kearney’s Global Retail Development Index of 2023 ranks India highly in terms of growth potential, citing macroeconomic growth, income increases, government initiatives, a robust digital payment ecosystem, and improved infrastructure as factors making India an attractive market.

The report notes a sharp increase in the number of global brands entering India, with an average of 25 brands entering annually in 2024, compared to just 12 before the pandemic. This influx of international retailers is further driving the demand for premium retail spaces. "The urgency for global retailers to enter and expand in India is very high," the report stated. International brands see India’s retail potential as a key growth opportunity, further fueling the need for high-quality retail environments capable of delivering superior shopping experiences.

The Urgent Need to Accelerate Quality Retail Development

Despite robust consumer demand and the influx of international brands, India’s retail infrastructure has not kept pace. Over the last eight years, India has seen only 20 MSF of Grade-A malls added to the market, averaging just 2.5 MSF annually. As a result, existing Grade-A malls in top real estate markets are operating at near-full capacity, with vacancy rates at their lowest levels in years. "The addition of 55 million square feet of Grade-A retail space will be crucial in meeting the demands of this dynamic market," emphasizes Shatdal.

This lag in mall development has created a pressing need for accelerated construction of high-quality retail spaces. India’s total Grade-A mall inventory currently stands at 61 MSF across the top eight cities, translating to a mere 0.5 square feet per capita—significantly lower than other regional peers such as Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. To reach a 1.0 RSPC by 2027—on par with Indonesia—India would need to add approximately 55 MSF of mall space over the next four years.

"The demand for Grade-A malls, projected to reach 55 million square feet by 2027, highlights the evolving preferences of consumers and the need for modern, experiential shopping spaces," noted Akash Nagpal, Vice President of Leasing at Trehan Iris. "We believe in high-quality developments that not only cater to this growth but also enhance community engagement. By embracing innovation and sustainability, we aim to create vibrant retail environments that redefine shopping in India."

Gurgaon Leading the Retail Revolution

Gurgaon, a key city in the Delhi NCR region, is emerging as a prime destination for retailers looking to cater to the growing demand for premium shopping experiences. "Gurgaon is leading the retail revolution in India," said Vineet Dawar, Sr. Vice President - Sales & Strategy, Elan Group. "The city's strategic location, accessibility, and high-quality retail offerings have attracted leading brands and developers, making it a hub for premium shopping experiences."

With a thriving economy, cosmopolitan culture, and excellent infrastructure, Gurgaon is well-positioned to meet the needs of discerning consumers who are seeking curated shopping environments, personalized services, and unique experiences. Dawar added, "The increasing demand for premium shopping experiences, driven by evolving consumer preferences, is outpacing the current supply, highlighting the need for accelerated retail space development."

The Role of High Streets and Office-Retail Complexes

While the focus has been on mall development, other formats such as high streets and Office-Retail Complexes (ORCs) are also playing an essential role in India’s retail growth. High streets, especially in major cities, have seen a resurgence in popularity, with rental premiums now exceeding pre-pandemic levels.

"Prominent high streets across major cities have seen rental premium overshoot the pre-COVID peaks, mostly in 2019," the report noted. Meanwhile, Office-Retail Complexes have emerged as an alternative solution to the limited availability of Grade-A mall spaces in top cities. Over the last seven years, more than 70 ORC projects have been delivered, attracting quality retail tenants and contributing to the sustained growth of India’s retail landscape.

READ MORE:  The Friendly Neighborhood Malls Resurgence

Bridging the Gap: Delivering 55 MSF of Mall Space by 2027

The projected demand for 55 MSF of Grade-A mall space by 2027 presents a significant opportunity for developers. However, meeting this target will require a considerable increase in construction capacity, with 9 to 11 MSF of mall space needed per year—3.5 to 4.5 times the capacity addition seen over the last eight years.

"India’s retail landscape is evolving rapidly," observed Kunal Rishi, COO of Paras Buildtech. "This demand reflects the rising aspirations of consumers, the expansion of organized retail, and the growing need for premium retail destinations across the country. As urbanization reaches nearly 40 percent by 2030, the demand for modern, strategically located retail spaces is increasing to cater to evolving consumer preferences."

Looking ahead, the focus will be on creating retail environments that go beyond traditional shopping. Rishi added, "As consumer habits shift and more brands enter the market, the emphasis will be on integrating lifestyle, entertainment, and community engagement into retail spaces. The development of high-quality mall spaces will be key to supporting this evolution, offering retailers the infrastructure to meet the needs of a dynamic and rapidly changing market."

  • Retail industry
  • shopping destination

Grand Venice Mall: Gateway to Roman Splendor

Located at the junction of the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway and the Trans Yamuna Expressway, The Grand Venice Mall stands as a beacon of luxury and entertainment in the National Capital Region. Spanning 1.3 million square feet, this destination mall combines shopping, dining, leisure, and entertainment, promising an unparalleled experience for visitors of all ages.

Experiential Entertainment

The Grand Venice Mall dedicates approximately 300,000 square feet to experiential entertainment, catering to every family member. Children can enjoy specially designed play areas, while adults can indulge in spa treatments and personal shopping experiences. The mall features a vibrant gaming zone with indoor golf and a snow park, providing unique activities for thrill-seekers. Additionally, curated galleries offer cultural experiences, and a 5-screen multiplex presents the latest cinematic releases. Dining options abound, ensuring every palate is satisfied.

Amenities and Safety

The mall offers an array of amenities, including a lost and found service, digital wayfinding, ATMs, an Emergency Response Team, and first aid equipped with an AED machine. Complimentary Wi-Fi, valet parking, concierge services, wheelchairs, and baby care facilities enhance the visitor experience. Comprehensive security measures ensure a safe environment for all.

Unique Selling Points

The Grand Venice Mall's unique selling points add a touch of magic to every visit. Guests can immerse themselves in the symphonies of live piano music, reliving the enchantment of live performances at the Grand Piano. For a romantic experience, couples can enjoy Venetian-style gondola rides, creating unforgettable moments on the water.

The Grand Venice Mall is a masterpiece of architectural design, recreating iconic Roman art and structures. The Bell Tower of the St. Mark Basilica and the Fountain of Wishes are meticulously recreated, showcasing detailed sculptures and artworks. Statues of Julius Caesar, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and other marvels transport visitors to the heart of Roman history and culture.

International Collaborations

The Grand Venice Mall continues to expand its attractions with captivating amusements developed through international collaborations. From an underwater sea walk to ocean life experiences, mermaid shows, and the Magic Sky, the mall also offers India's first digital sky with a 3D effect.

  • biggest mall

Top 5 Over-Ear Headphone Brands in India: The Headphone Revolution

It is always difficult to get the perfect over-ear headphones that would fit you. As it was observed, in most cases there are so many products around; thus the question of choice becomes important. T he following brands are the top 5 over-ear headphone brands in India which are repeatedly discussed in this articl e. In this case, we will focus on what they are, their latest developments, and their uniqueness. These brands include everything from those that would like a powerful bass, to people seeking active noise cancellation or a stylish product. Read on to discover the unique features and new-gen innovations that make these headphones the top choices for music lovers and audiophiles in 2024. Let’s dive in!

List of the Top 5 Over-Ear Headphone Brands in India

Here’s a list of the best over-ear headphones brands to help you find your beast.

1. Apple: Premium Sound Meets Smart Technology

Apple: Premium Sound Meets Smart Technology

Apple’s AirPods Max does not just make it with eye-catching features, it ensures great audio quality too. Being brand-specific, it also has interesting functionalities such as spatial audio, which allows the user to feel engulfed in a surround sound environment, along with active noise cancellation that helps in blocking out the outside noise. The transparency mode is also a useful function that lets users listen to music while hearing outside sounds occurring around them. They are the AirPods Max those wearing the most effective H1, and these Ear Overhead headsets are again very simple to use in terms of switching devices.

Why Choose Apple?

  • Apple is known for its sleek design and advanced technology.
  • It offers seamless connectivity with Apple devices.

Key Features:

  • Spatial Audio: Creates a 3D sound experience for movies and music.
  • Active Noise Cancellation: Blocks out unwanted noise, making your music experience better.
  • Transparency Mode: This lets you hear the outside world while still listening to music.

New-Gen Innovations:

  • AirPods Max comes with a powerful H1 chip for improved sound quality.
  • Automatic switching between Apple devices for a hassle-free experience.

Also read:  Best Earbud Brands in India: Your Sound Upgrade Awaits!

2. JBL: Powerful Bass and Trendy Design

JBL: Powerful Bass and Trendy Design

For heavy bass lovers in love with lively sound and chic designs, JBL headphones are ideal. They have pure bass sound for loud, booming sounds and a collapsible structure that makes them suitable for traveling music lovers. With a maximum battery life of thirty hours, you are guaranteed continuous playtime. Among JBL’s recent developments are features like Fast Pair or Ambient Aware modes, which increase the attractiveness for daily use. A great way for people to enjoy inexpensive yet great-sounding equipment.

Why Choose JBL?

  • JBL is famous for its deep bass and vibrant sound.
  • Perfect for people who love heavy-bass music.
  • Pure Bass Sound: Delivers strong, punchy bass.
  • Foldable Design: Easy to carry around.
  • Long Battery Life: Up to 30 hours of playtime on a single charge.
  • Fast Pair with Google devices for quick connectivity.
  • Ambient Aware and TalkThru modes for easy conversations without removing headphones.

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3. Sony: Leading the Way in Noise Cancellation

Sony: Leading the Way in Noise Cancellation

When it comes to noise-cancelling technology, Sony seems to be at the top of the field in offering consumers excellent sound quality in headphones such as the WH-1000XM4. It even has Adaptive Sound Control, wherein the ear cups sit as they read the user’s activity and Hi-Res Audio. The huge form factor can be used for long durations without causing discomfort. Features such as noise cancellation powered by AI, and 'Speak-to-Chat', which pauses the music when you talk, are the ones that place Sony apart. Good for those who wish their sessions to be free of interruptions from external noise.

Why Choose Sony?

  • Sony is a top choice for its industry-leading noise cancellation.
  • Ideal for people who want to enjoy music without distractions.
  • Adaptive Sound Control: Automatically adjusts sound settings based on your activity.
  • Hi-Res Audio: Provides clear and detailed sound quality.
  • Comfortable Design: Lightweight and soft ear pads for long hours of use.
  • AI-driven noise cancellation that adapts to your surroundings.
  • "Speak-to-Chat" feature pauses music when you start talking.

4. Bose: The King of Noise Cancellation and Clarity

Bose: The King of Noise Cancellation and Clarity

Bose is another company known for noise cancellation and has a balanced frequency response for vocal as well as bass sections. With acoustic noise cancellation and multi-device connectivity, switching between one gadget and another is quite easy. For instance, Bose AR gives the feature of augmented reality with impressive sound quality when touching buttons and offers the functionality of control within the headset. The Bose headphones also have enhanced voice that facilitates good call connection and can be worn for prohibiting time without inflicting ear-heaviness for enhanced sound quality, making it perfect for music lovers.

Why Choose Bose?

  • Bose is known for its superior noise-canceling technology and clear sound.
  • Great for music lovers who prioritize audio quality.
  • Acoustic Noise Cancelling: Reduces ambient noise for a clear listening experience.
  • Multi-Device Connectivity: Easily switch between devices without reconnecting.
  • Intuitive Controls: Simple touch controls for volume and playback.
  • Bose AR for immersive audio experiences.
  • Improved voice pickup for better call quality.

5. BoAt: Affordable and Stylish Audio Solutions

BoAt: Affordable and Stylish Audio Solutions

Speaking of the value for the money, BoAt unveils high-quality audio accessories that appeal to young people in India. Popular for their durability and punchy bass-driven sound quality, BoAt headphones are made to endure wear and tear. They have also added battery capacity to the new Rockerz series, together with enhancing the quality of the sound that is produced by the headphones. Whether it is Bluetooth 5.0, voice assistant, or any feature, it is all about delivering beautiful, affordable, and excellent musical devices to consumers.

Why Choose BoAt?

  • BoAt offers great sound quality at a budget-friendly price.
  • Popular among young music enthusiasts in India.
  • Signature Sound: Provides balanced sound with deep bass.
  • Sturdy Build: Made to withstand daily wear and tear.
  • Voice Assistant Support: Access Google Assistant or Siri with a simple tap.
  • New Rockerz series with improved battery life and sound quality.
  • Bluetooth 5.0 for faster connectivity and longer range.

What to Look for When Buying Over-Ear Headphones

  • Sound Quality: Choose headphones that offer a balanced sound with clear highs, mids, and deep bass.
  • Noise Cancellation: Consider models with active noise cancellation to block out external noise.
  • Comfort & Fit: Look for lightweight designs with cushioned ear pads for long-term comfort.
  • Battery Life: Opt for headphones with long battery life, especially if you use them while traveling.
  • Connectivity Options: Ensure compatibility with your devices, whether through Bluetooth or wired connections.

New-Gen Features to Watch Out For

  • Spatial Audio: For a 3D sound experience, perfect for movies and immersive music.
  • Voice Control: Hands-free control with built-in voice assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, or Alexa.
  • Quick Charging: Get hours of playtime with just a few minutes of charging.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right over-ear headphones can greatly enhance your music experience. Whether you are looking for premium options like Apple and Sony or budget-friendly choices like BoAt, there's something for everyone. Keep your needs and preferences in mind, and you’ll find the perfect pair that suits your style.

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Best Sparkling Wine Brands in India: Share Your Sparkling Moments

From raising a toast to special moments, through having a refreshing drink, the sparkle of wines revives the scene, adding a touch of sophistication to the table. Be it romantic evenings, casual brunches, or a splash of luxury and freshness in life, these effervescent gems are sure to be celebrated. Find out some of the best sparkling wines made in India with this guide. Let's begin our journey of sparkling wonders right here in India, cheers to the adventure!

Know more:  Top Champagne Brands in India: Pop, Fizz And Celebrate

Top Sparkling Wine Brands in India

Here are the 7 best sparking wine brands in India. What makes them special and why you should choose one of these. Get all the answers with this hand-picked list.  

Codorniw is the oldest sparkling wine producer in the world. Out of the top sparkling wine brand in India as well. This winery's fermented sparkling wine, or Cava, is its signature offering. Sparkling wines from Codorniu are renowned for their lively, crisp, and traditional Mediterranean character. Some claim to taste like mousse, lemon, and green apples. 

Codorniu: Best Sparkling Wine Brands in India: Share Your Sparkling Moments

Best Sparkling Wine by Codorniu

  • Codorníu Extra Brut Nature : A classic Mediterranean-flavored wine that is dry and well-structured.
  • Codorniu Cava Brut : A traditional Cava with mousse, lemon, and green apple overtones
  • Anna de Codorníu Brut : A delicate, adaptable cava with lovely fruity notes

NOI Sparkling 

NOI is one of the greatest sparkling wine brands from India. Chenin Blanc and Thompson seedless are the grapes used by NOI. Its sparkling wine has become popular because of its flavor, fragrance, and versatility. Tropical fruit notes, florals, and a sunny summer's day are seen in its sparkling wines. NOI is somewhat off-dry and an attraction for Indian wine drinkers who want their wines sweeter.

NOI: Best Sparkling Wine Brands in India: Share Your Sparkling Moments

Best Sparkling Wines by Noi

  • NOI SPARKLING ROSE : A perfumed wine, scented with lemon zest, strawberries, and blueberries. It is for those who seek a sophisticated rosé in Provence style that has acidic bubbles and a hint of sweetness.
  • NOI Spritzer Classico : some people feel that it has that tangy flavor with a long after-taste in the palate while others describe it to have a tropical taste of it.

NWS is the National Wine & Spirits Distillery, based in a small town near Turin, which was acquired in 1863 by Alessandro Martini and Luigi Rossi to form the basis of the Martini brand. It produces sparkling wines, vermouth, and other spirits. This leading Indian sparkling wine brand is associated with nightlife, and its heritage goes strongly down the route of festivals and parties.

Martini: Best Sparkling Wine Brands in India: Share Your Sparkling Moments

Best Sparkling Wine by Martini

  • ASTI : Made from the fragrant Moscato Bianco grape, which is cultivated in the Piemont region's special Asti environment.
  • Rose : A sophisticated and fragrant concoction of vibrant summer fruit. Pink flowers provide a counterbalance to the richness of the wild strawberries and raspberries. It looks best when dining al fresco, thanks to its rose-colored body.
  • Prosecco DOC : Dry, with flavors of apple, banana, and thyme, this crisp sparkling wine is a great way to wake up the palate before dinner or to pair with an aperitivo.

It was established in the year 1843 by German immigrant Joseph Krug at Reims in France. For Krug sparkling wines, all three Champagne varietals including Pinot noir, Chardonnay, and Pinot Meunier are used. The underlying philosophy of Krug's artistry begins with the understanding that the entity behind each piece of land is a musician with its own character. Its long aging period, skillful blending process, and subtle tastes and fragrances make people fond of Krug sparkling wine.

Krug: Best Sparkling Wine Brands in India: Share Your Sparkling Moments

Best Sparkling Wine by Krug

  • Krug Grande Cuvee
  • Krug Clos d'Ambonnay
  •  Krug Clos du Mesnil
  • Krug Brut Rose

Bisol Belstar

Bisol winery in the Italian Veneto region produces a style of sparkling wines branded as Belstar. In Valdobbiadene, where they have made wine for over 500 years, Bisol has been perfecting the recipe for their Prosecco for the last 30 years. The slopes are used for plantations, and manual picking is done. Belstar perfectly cooks any light meal-the fish appetizers or the spring vegetables-caressing the tongue with delicate bubbles.

Bisol Belstar: Best Sparkling Wine Brands in India: Share Your Sparkling Moments

Best Sparkling Wines by Bisol Belstar

  • Bisol Belstar Prosecco : Quality, balanced, and so versatile, a proper prosecco that still captures the nose of apple, pear, and lemon zest.
  • Bisol Belstar Cuvee Rose : It is pink in color, smells delicious and flowery, and has a crisp sweetness to acidity ratio.
  • Bisol Belstar Cult Prosecco DOC Extra Dry NV : a sparkling wine produced by pressurizing tanks during a second fermentation process, as in the Charmat technique.

Veuve Clicquot

This highly popular sparkling wine brand traces its origin to a time when a cloth merchant, Philippe Clicquot, founded it in 1772. Among the most ancient Champagne houses, Veuve Clicquot was the epitome of striving to get closer to perfection, passion for quality within the Pinot Noir grape variety, and great art of aging. Well-balanced and spicy and invigorating, it has a medium-long finish with the strong, bright nose and notes of lemon, lime, pear, peach, cream, nectarine, toast, pineapple, biscuit, and bread dough. It's a medium lemon hue.

Veuve Clicquot: Best Sparkling Wine Brands in India: Share Your Sparkling Moments

Best Sparkling Wines by Veuve Clicquot

  • Veuve Clicquot Brut Yellow Label : discloses an aromatic character highlighted by notes of pear, apple, and peach, among other white and yellow fruits. 
  • Veuve Clicquot Rich : perfect fusion of gourmet, fruity tastes, including mango and pineapple from the Orient, pear, and the refreshing notes of verbena and lemongrass.
  • Veuve Clicquot Rose : A long, graceful finish, aromas of red fruits, biscuits, and pastry, and a beautiful combination of freshness and structure.

The grapes that Tiamo uses for its production are mainly obtained from certified organic vineyards, specifically in the northern part of Italy and in the region of Valdobbiadene. The bubbly released by Tiamo has an airy nose with scents of apple and banana. The colour is classified to be soft light yellow. It has also been recorded as having a beautiful dry closing, fresh and light palate, and balanced acidity and body.

Tiamo: Best Sparkling Wine Brands in India: Share Your Sparkling Moments

Best Sparkling Wines By Tiamo

  • Tiamo Prosecco Rose : A crisp and Venice Trieste resh sparkling wine, the Tiamo Prosecco Rose has notes of sliced apples, pears, citrus, and strawberries along with flowery aromas.
  • Tiamo Pinot Grigio Veneto IGT : It smells fragrant with notes of butter, cream, lemon, and almonds.

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Best Rum Brands in India: 2024 Edition

Specialities of Sparkling Wines

Sparkling wines are unique due to the carbonation process that gives a fizzy quality, and are emblems of celebration and effervescence

  • Carbonation process

Carbon dioxide produced in the course of the fermentation of grape juice gives bubbly wine the characteristic fizz and effervescence.

  • Production method

Sparkling wine is usually double fermented and pressure-bottled. Champagne, the tank method known as Lambrusco and the transfer method are the three most used techniques.

  • Grape varieties

There are countless varieties of grapes, but probably the most well-known include Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Meunier.

Read more:   Top 10 Scotch Whisky Brands in India 2024 | Alcohol%

Raise a glass to the sparkling wonders that India has in store for you! Whether it is the crisp and refreshing notes of a classic brut, the fruits that come alive in a delicate rosé, or the luxurious and complex body of a vintage bottle, these sparkling wines really have something for every palate and occasion. Perfect for celebrations, intimate dinners, or just to be savoring each special moment in life, each sip brings along a splash of sophistication and joy. So, take a virtual tour through these brilliant sparkling diamonds and savor with the bubbles. Cheers to raise a glass for sparkling in life!

Which country consumes sparkling wine the most?

Germany is the world’s largest consumer of sparkling wine. On an average 4.7 bottle per person.

Is sparkling wine healthy?

Best sparkling wine has natural nutrients like zinc, magnesium and potassium. Good for heart and circulation. 

What is the perfect temperature to serve a sparkling wine?

Serving sparkling wine at 6-8 degrees Celsius is the ideal temperature. 

  • alcoholic beverages

How Amazon India’s Festival Sale Is Shaping the Future of Retail across India’s Heartland

Amazon India is gearing up for what it predicts will be its "biggest ever" festival season sale with the Great Indian Festival 2024. Kicking off on September 27, the sale promises to bring a range of products, deals, and a host of exclusive offerings, especially for Prime members who will enjoy early access. Saurabh Srivastava, Vice President of Category Leadership at Amazon India, highlighted the festival's importance, saying, "For the past eleven years, we've been at the heart of Amazon's festive journey, driven by the unwavering trust of our customers. Their belief has shaped our path in India, and our sellers' dedication has been our strength."

Amazon India’s Great Indian Festival isn’t just about making sales – it's a reflection of how e-commerce is reshaping the Indian retail landscape. By focusing on customer needs, leveraging technology, and expanding logistics capabilities, Amazon continues to be a key player in driving the digital transformation of retail in India. With a sprawling delivery network, featuring fulfillment centers across 15 states and over 2,000 delivery stations, Amazon is ready to make this season seamless. Prime members can look forward to twice as many same-day deliveries as last year, ensuring their festive essentials arrive faster than ever.

Tier II and Tier III Towns Drive Growth

According to Ranjit Babu, Director of Consumer Electronics at Amazon India, this year’s festival is poised to be massive, with a growing number of orders expected from Tier II and Tier III towns. "We’ve seen significant momentum in these regions, and it’s clear that aspirations for quality products are no longer limited to urban centers," said Babu. With more than 25,000 new products being launched during the festival, Amazon is looking to cater to a diverse range of consumers across India. These new launches span across categories such as smartphones, home appliances, fashion, and more, ensuring something for everyone.

This year, Amazon is making a significant push to support India's small businesses. With exclusive deals and discounts up to 70 percent off on a specially curated selection, customers can find incredible value while supporting local sellers. Babu noted, "This initiative isn’t just about offering discounts. It’s about giving smaller businesses a platform to reach millions of customers across the country."

The Upgrade Wave

One of the standout trends this festive season is the rise in demand for consumer electronics, particularly upgrades. "Consumers are no longer looking for just any product – they want the best," shared Babu. He pointed out that the festival will feature a range of attractive offers on electronics, from 5G smartphones starting at Rs 8,999 to high-end TVs at previously unheard-of prices.

"The festive season is the perfect time for customers to upgrade to that Android flagship smartphone or finally make the switch to a larger TV screen," Babu mentioned. The company is also making it easier for customers to upgrade through financial tools like low-cost EMIs, instant bank discounts, and Amazon Pay Later, all designed to make big-ticket purchases more accessible.

Amazon India is also stepping up to provide an even smoother shopping experience. One notable addition is the phone setup service, available in over 300 cities. "Customers no longer have to worry about the hassle of setting up a new device. We’ll have someone at their doorstep to guide them through the entire process," explained Babu. This level of customer support is a strategic move to enhance the overall shopping experience and build greater customer loyalty.

This year, the trend is clear – consumers are focused on upgrading their lifestyle. From flagship smartphones to large-screen TVs, the appetite for high-quality products is at an all-time high. Babu mentioned, "Our sales expectations align with this trend. The festival isn't just about offering the lowest prices; it's about how much we can help our customers upgrade."

This strategy means that while discounts and deals will be prevalent, Amazon is also ensuring that customers can stretch their budgets further, thanks to options like extended warranties, exchange offers, and comprehensive protection plans.

One key driver of sales during this year’s festival is the company's focus on affordability and value. The Amazon Pay Later service, for instance, will allow customers to pay in easy installments. Even without a credit card, customers can apply for an instant loan, making it easier to purchase high-end products. Babu stated, "Our goal is to take the average sales price up by double digits across categories. We’re offering more value for older products, more options for no-cost EMIs, and making it simpler for customers to make that big purchase."

For example, Amazon is offering the iPhone 13 at a net price of Rs 37,999 when considering exchange and bank offers. In addition, customers can opt for a 12-month no-cost EMI through Amazon Pay Later. Such offers make premium products more accessible, encouraging more customers to consider upgrading during the festival.

Logistical Mastery

Behind the scenes, Amazon’s logistical network is in overdrive, ensuring products reach customers faster than ever. With fulfillment centers in 15 states and over 2,000 delivery stations nationwide, Prime members can expect double the number of same-day deliveries compared to last year. This robust infrastructure is particularly beneficial for customers in smaller towns who previously had limited access to high-end products.

"Amazon’s logistics capabilities are tailored for customers in locations where certain products might not be readily available," Babu highlighted. He added that this accessibility was a game-changer for consumers living in Tier II and III cities, allowing them to access a wide range of products that would otherwise be out of reach.

The Power of AI

Amazon has also been investing in AI-driven tools like Rufus, which aims to help customers make more informed purchase decisions. Although still in its early stages, these AI tools provide valuable assistance in guiding customers through product comparisons and helping them make choices suited to their needs. "It's all about empowering customers to make smarter decisions," said Babu.

Boosting Gifting

As the festival period continues, Amazon expects to see a surge in gifting, especially toward the later part of the sale event. Babu pointed out, "Categories like consumer electronics, appliances, and smartphones typically see strong demand in the earlier days, while the gifting trend picks up as we approach Diwali."

Amazon’s platform is ready to cater to these varying demands with a broad selection of products suitable for gifting, from tech gadgets to household essentials. The company expects to see a spike in smaller yet desirable items such as headphones, wearables, and smart home devices as customers look for practical gifts.

Ranjit Babu sums it up, "Our mission is to ensure that everyone, no matter where they are in India, can enjoy the festive season with the best products, deals, and services. This festival isn't just about shopping; it's about elevating the overall experience for our customers."

As the festival kicks off, it’s evident that Amazon India is more than ready to deliver an unparalleled shopping experience, making it easier than ever for millions of Indians to upgrade, gift, and celebrate this festive season in style.

  • india retail
  • Amazon India
  • Diwali Sales

VR Bengaluru: Retail, Relax, Repeat

Situated in Whitefield, Bangalore, VR Bengaluru is a mixed-use retail development that stands as a testament to modern urban living. Spanning a massive 600,000 square feet, this development is more than just a shopping destination. It is a unique blend of retail, hospitality, entertainment, and collaborative working spaces, all under one roof. Owned, developed, and operated by Virtuous Retail South Asia Pte Ltd, VR Bengaluru has earned its reputation as a "first-of-its-kind community-centric integrated lifestyle destination."

Retail and Hospitality Excellence

The centre is home to The Hive, a dynamic co-working space designed to foster creativity and collaboration among start-ups and entrepreneurs. Additionally, The Waverly - Hotel & Residences offers luxurious accommodation, ensuring that visitors can enjoy a comfortable stay. The SkyDeck, an activated rooftop, features a temperature-controlled pool, a jogging track, and an open-air LED screen, providing a perfect blend of relaxation and entertainment.

In 2016, VR Bengaluru welcomed South India's first H&M store, marking a significant milestone in its retail journey. The retail arcade boasts an impressive assortment of brands, catering to diverse shopping preferences.

Unmatched Entertainment Options

Entertainment is at the heart of VR Bengaluru, with a nine-screen multiplex from PVR, including Bangalore's only purpose-built IMAX theatre and India's largest Gold Class theatres. These facilities promise an unparalleled cinematic experience, with the IMAX screen offering a pure, unadulterated viewing experience.

Community and Family Engagement

VR Bengaluru is committed to creating a family-friendly environment. The pedestrianized outdoor locales, known as "Garden City," provide a safe and vibrant space for children to play and explore. The center also features a vintage carousel and the "Magic Garden," a sculpted, soft foam play area that is safe and germ-free for young children. For older kids and teenagers, Fun City offers a full arcade with unique indoor rides, ensuring entertainment for all ages.

A Hub for Community Events

The open landscaped events space at VR Bengaluru regularly hosts a variety of community events, such as music festivals, farmers’ and artisan markets, and activities for children. This focus on community engagement highlights VR Bengaluru's role as a social and cultural hub in the city.

VR Bengaluru is more than a retail destination; it is a comprehensive lifestyle center that caters to the diverse needs of its visitors. From high-end retail stores and luxurious accommodations to top-notch entertainment and community spaces, VR Bengaluru offers an all-encompassing experience that sets it apart as a premier urban development in Bangalore.

How India’s Pet Care Market is Poised for 113 pc Retail Growth by 2030

The global pet care industry is experiencing a profound transformation, driven by changing consumer preferences, technological innovation, and a rising focus on animal welfare. What was once a niche sector is now a cornerstone of the global retail landscape, as pet owners increasingly treat their animals as family members, prioritizing their health, nutrition, and overall well-being. This shift is creating a surge in demand for premium pet products and services, leading to remarkable growth in the pet care market. The industry's evolution has significant implications for retailers, manufacturers, and consumers alike.

The Surge in Pet Ownership and Spending

The pandemic marked a turning point for the pet care industry. According to a recent Morgan Stanley report, pet ownership skyrocketed during COVID-19 as individuals and families sought companionship during lockdowns. This surge in adoption elevated pets to the status of family members for many, fundamentally changing the way people perceive and care for their animals.

Simeon Gutman, Morgan Stanley's Retail Analyst, explained, “American pet ownership experienced a pandemic boom as a surge of people added a family member with fur, feathers or fins during COVID.” Although the rate of new pet adoption has slowed since its 2020 peak, the report highlights that spending in the pet sector is set to continue growing steadily.

Gutman further stated, “While the percentage of households adding pets has receded somewhat from its 2020 peak, growth in new households among those most likely to spend more on pets, combined with increased spending on areas such as veterinary care, should compensate for the drop in ownership.” This compensation is expected to drive an annual spending growth rate of 7 percent in the pet care sector by 2030.

Projected Growth in the Pet Industry

According to the Morgan report, annual household spending on pets is forecasted to reach $1,445 per pet by 2026 and rise further to $1,733 per pet by 2030. This represents a dramatic increase in total industry spending, from $122 billion in 2019 to a projected $261 billion by 2030, marking a 113 percent growth in just over a decade.

These projections are driven by a combination of factors, including the growing number of households that prioritize spending on their pets' health, well-being, and comfort. Categories such as veterinary care, grooming, and premium pet food are expected to see significant increases in demand, bolstered by consumers’ increasing preference for high-quality products that align with their pets' specific dietary and lifestyle needs.

The Rise of E-Commerce in Pet Care Retail

While the majority of pet owners (about 80 percent) still prefer to shop for their pets in physical stores, the online pet care market is rapidly expanding. The Morgan Stanley report indicates that nearly 70 percent of pet owners have purchased pet supplies online in the past six months, up 9 percent from the previous year’s survey. This shift mirrors the broader trend toward e-commerce that has reshaped retail globally.

This rising inclination towards online shopping is transforming the way retailers approach the pet care market. Companies that previously relied on brick-and-mortar sales are increasingly investing in digital platforms, offering subscription services, home delivery, and personalized product recommendations to meet the growing demands of online consumers.

Pet Care Market Trends

Supporting these findings is a detailed Fortune Business Insights report, which provides a comprehensive overview of the global pet care market. The report values the market at $246.66 billion in 2023 and projects it to grow from $259.37 billion in 2024 to an astounding $427.75 billion by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.45 percent during the forecast period. Notably, North America dominated the market with a 33.81 percent share in 2023, underscoring the region’s significant contribution to the industry.

The surge in spending on pet care products such as food, healthcare, and grooming is a reflection of a growing awareness of pet welfare and well-being among owners. Pets are increasingly viewed as part of the family, and this sentiment is driving demand for premium, tailored products that cater to their specific health and dietary needs.

One notable trend identified by Fortune Business Insights is the shift toward dietary food items designed to combat obesity in pets. Obesity in pets, particularly dogs and cats, has become a prevalent issue, with data from VCA Hospitals revealing that 25 percent to 30 percent of North American canine pets aged 5 to 11 years were classified as obese in 2021. This has spurred demand for low-calorie, high-nutrition food options, along with plant-based and vegan alternatives that align with the growing trend toward healthier lifestyles for both humans and pets.

Innovation in Pet Care Products and Services

The pet care industry is not only growing in terms of market size but also in innovation. Companies are now developing cutting-edge products to enhance the quality of life for pets. From location-tracking devices and smart pet feeders to interactive toys like smart laser cat toys, technology is being integrated into nearly every aspect of pet care. This innovation is driving market expansion and offering pet owners new ways to monitor, engage, and care for their pets.

According to the Fortune Business Insights report, pet owners in the U.S. spent approximately $50 billion on pet food and treats alone in 2022, a reflection of the growing focus on nutrition and the increasing preference for high-quality, health-conscious products. With companies like Mars Incorporated and Nestlé S.A. offering a wide array of premium pet food items, the market for pet-related products is expected to expand rapidly in the coming years.

Market Challenges and Restraints

Despite the promising outlook, the pet care industry faces several challenges. One of the most significant hurdles is the high cost of premium products, which can limit access for lower-income pet owners. Additionally, the spread of animal-borne diseases and inconsistent regulations surrounding product labeling and promotion pose barriers to growth. These factors may inhibit market expansion, particularly in developing regions where income levels are lower, and regulatory frameworks are less established.

Nevertheless, companies are working to overcome these challenges by developing more affordable product lines and advocating for standardized regulations that ensure the safety and quality of pet care products across different markets.

Pet Care in India: A Burgeoning Market

One market that presents enormous potential is India, where pet ownership is on the rise. The World Food India 2024, organized by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI), included the pet food category for the first time as part of the agenda.

The experts highlighted the rapid growth of India’s pet food industry, driven by the shift from pets as functional animals to family members. Satinder Singh, General Manager at Royal Canin, stated, “India's pet population is rapidly growing, but the pet food industry's presence is still in its infancy compared to global markets. While the demand for pet care and nutrition is increasing, we have only scratched the surface of what's possible.”

There are over 31 million pet dogs and over 2.44 million pet cats in India. The pet population is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9 percent over the next five years. The country’s pet care market is still nascent but holds immense promise due to the evolving attitudes of pet owners. As pets are increasingly considered family members, owners are shifting their focus toward personalized nutrition, premium food products, and high-quality veterinary care.

Dr. Umesh Kallahalli, Senior Vet at Mars Petcare, added, “Pets have evolved from being functional animals to cherished family members, and with this shift, pet parents have become far more discerning in their choices.” This change is driving demand for human-grade ingredients and vegan options in pet food, as well as innovations in pet diagnostics and personalized care.

Collaboration and Innovation

Looking ahead, collaboration between industry players, regulatory bodies, and technology providers will be key to driving continued growth in the pet care sector. Pallavi Anand, Business Head at Nestlé Purina Petcare, highlighted the importance of a unified approach, stating, “The pet food industry in India is undergoing a fundamental shift, driven by changing consumer behaviors and a growing sense of responsibility among pet parents.Today’s pet parents are more informed, and their expectations are evolving. They seek more than just food; they look for tailored nutrition that ensures the long-term health and well-being of their pets.”

"Technology is playing a pivotal role in simplifying the pet ownership experience and helping pet parents make informed choices. The future of pet nutrition lies in personalized care, and to support this, we need science-based regulatory frameworks. As an industry, it’s crucial for us to collaborate and ensure that the quality and safety of pet food in India continues to improve," added Anand.

As the pet care industry evolves, companies are expected to continue innovating and diversifying their product offerings to meet the changing needs of pet owners. This includes the development of science-backed nutrition solutions, new diagnostic tools, and technologically advanced products that simplify the pet ownership experience.

The pet care market is undergoing a remarkable transformation, with projected growth rates that far outpace many other retail sectors. As pets become more integrated into family life, the demand for high-quality, personalized products and services will continue to rise.

For retailers and manufacturers, the challenge lies in navigating the evolving landscape while addressing affordability and regulatory concerns. For pet owners, the future promises an abundance of choices that will enhance their pets’ lives, from specialized nutrition to cutting-edge wellness solutions.

Top 10 Women's Footwear Brands in India for Comfort and Class

Every woman dreams of finding that perfect pair of shoes that complements her perfectly. If you are in search of the latest fashionable heels or the comfort of flats, then these top 10 women's footwear brands in India are worth checking out. This means that when it comes to the use of quality materials coupled with good design and style, they are spoilt for choice. Here is the list, let’s take a closer look at each brand and find out more about them.

How to Choose the Right Shoe for You

1. Look for Quality Materials: Shoes made from high-quality materials last longer and feel more comfortable. Look for leather, suede, or premium synthetic fabrics. They provide a better fit and are more durable.

2. Check for Proper Cushioning: Shoes with cushioned soles and arch support are ideal for long hours. They reduce foot pain and provide comfort throughout the day.

3. Make Sure It Fits Well: A good fit is essential. Try shoes on at the end of the day when your feet are slightly swollen. This ensures a comfortable fit even when your feet expand.

4. Don’t Forget the Style: Choose styles that match your personality and wardrobe. From casual sneakers to formal heels, pick something that complements your look.

Also check:  T op Sports Shoe Brands in India: Best for Comfort and Style

List of the Top 10 Women Footwear Brands in India 

Here’s a list of top footwear brands for your everyday look, which will make you fashionable and keep you comfortable all day long.  

1. Metro Shoes: A Classic Choice

Metro Shoes: A Classic Choice

Metro Shoes has been a prominent footwear retailing company in India and was founded in 1947. It has established itself in delivering fashionable outfits, well-made and in varied styles. Whichever shoes you require— stylish high heels for partying or casual flats for everyday use, Metro has it for you. As of now, it has branched out in over 200 stores in India and is still considered as a fashion-forward shoe brand for women.

  • Signature Styles: Pumps, sandals, and wedges.
  • Material Matters: High-quality leather and breathable fabrics.
  • Comfort Factor: Cushioned insoles and ergonomic designs.

Also Check:  Top 10 Shoe Brands in India : 2024's Top Picks

2. Mochi: Trendy and Affordable

Mochi: Trendy and Affordable

Mochi has become one of the favorite fashion brands among young women with its stylish design and lower in price. With its inception in the year 2000, the brand has a range of styles, from ethnic juttis to modern ballet flats. From glamming up for festivals to comfortable regular wear, Mochi has it all. Fashion-forward collections loved by many fashionistas, Their brights offer color and pattern lovers the opportunity to experiment with color.

  • Signature Styles: Ethnic juttis, ballet flats, and block heels.
  • Material Matters: Vegan leather and colorful fabrics.
  • Comfort Factor: Lightweight and flexible designs.

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3. Hush Puppies: Comfort Meets Style

Hush Puppies: Comfort Meets Style

Hush Puppies epitomizes casual style and comfort. While it is American in inception, the brand has made a considerable dent for itself in the Indian market. Hush Puppies, a known shoe brand for its easygoing, comfortable collection, is one brand that every woman can rely on who loves fashion with comfort benefits. Featuring air-soles and foot-forming material, these shoes are ideal for long days at the office or an easy-breezy casual day out.

  • Signature Styles: Loafers, casual sneakers, and flats.
  • Material Matters: Soft leather and air-cushioned soles.
  • Comfort Factor: Perfect arch support and extra padding.

4. Bata: Iconic and Reliable

Bata: Iconic and Reliable

Bata falls under one of the oldest brands when we talk about footwear in India and it was established back in 1931. Bata has a long-standing tradition of delivering good, affordable footwear and carries something for everyone. The brand has been revered for its sturdy, well-wearing designs since way before most of us were born. Its wide array of options — from classic flats to office heels and everyday sandals, ensure that there is something for everyone.

  • Signature Styles: Classic flats, office heels, and everyday sandals.
  • Material Matters: Durable leather and sturdy fabrics.
  • Comfort Factor: Great support and long-lasting comfort.

5. Catwalk: For the Fashion-Forward

Catwalk: For the Fashion-Forward

Catwalk has emerged as the brand that has revolutionized the fashion of heels in India by being glamorous and bold. It came into existence in 1990 and mainly targets fashion merchandise and luxury products for increased visibility and relevance in the market. Whether it is a fashionable stiletto or an appropriate platform shoe, the Catwalk shoe collection is for all those women who like to be different. The brand of shoes that are known to make stunning shoes good for parties and other occasions is Catwalk.

  • Signature Styles: Stilettos, platforms, and stylish sandals.
  • Material Matters: Synthetic leather and metallic finishes.
  • Comfort Factor: Fashion-focused, with moderate comfort.

6. Clarks: Effortless Elegance

Clarks: Effortless Elegance

Clarks was established in the UK in 1825 and is known for its range of footwear products that feature both form and function. Their India range is targeted at maintaining the customers with classy and modern clothing styles. Being the epitome of quality and comfort, that is, made from the best leather and excellent cushioning, Clarks shoes would be a great investment for a business outfit or any other occasion, where one would want and deserve to look good and feel comfortable at the same time.

  • Signature Styles: Classic pumps, elegant flats, and comfortable wedges.
  • Material Matters: Premium leather and cushioned soles.
  • Comfort Factor: Exceptional comfort and support for long wear.

7. Liberty: Everyday Comfort

Liberty: Everyday Comfort

The Indian footwear giant Liberty Shoes is 56 years old, having been established in the year 1954. Being famous for its quality and comfortable shoe line, Liberty is ideal for women who want stylish shoes, and these shoes are very durable. Liberty stocks print shoes for casual wear, casual and branded sneakers to formal shoes therefore catering for young and mature women with a variety of preferences.

  • Signature Styles: Casual sneakers, sandals, and formal shoes.
  • Material Matters: Soft fabrics and flexible soles.
  • Comfort Factor: Breathable designs and cushioned footbeds.

8. Red Tape: Style with Substance

 Red Tape: Style with Substance

Red Tape is a premium lifestyle brand known for its high-quality leather shoes and stylish designs. It began in 1996 and soon became very popular, especially among the women who looked for fashionable and, at the same time, long-lasting shoes. The brand’s collections are so diverse that they are worn by business people during work and by fashion-conscious people during other times.

  • Signature Styles: Loafers, sneakers, and formal heels.
  • Material Matters: Genuine leather and premium materials.
  • Comfort Factor: Padded insoles and supportive arches.

9. Van Heusen: Modern and Chic

Van Heusen: Modern and Chic

Among many brands that are dominating the market, Van Heusen has proven its competency by being the leading brand in the shoe category. Their shoes are for the modern women who aspire to the elegance and style of present-day women. Just as the Hein Style range presents smart business wear, Van Heusen has the perfect collection of shoes, especially for ladies' office pumps, and chic sandals for mini getaways, among others. Policies that the brand holds include quality and comfort, which has given it an advantage over other brands of shoes for women who seek shoes that are versatile.

  • Signature Styles: Office pumps, chic sandals, and stylish loafers.
  • Material Matters: Luxe fabrics and polished finishes.
  • Comfort Factor: Designed for long hours, with cushioned support.

10. Inc. 5: Contemporary and Classy

Inc. 5: Contemporary and Classy

INC 5 is not only a fashion brand company but also its product identifies the modern fashion trend with comfort. It was established in 1998 and it has developed into everyone’s source of fashionable and comfortable footwear for the modern women. Inc. 5 is famous for their fabulous mules, sleek chic flats and pretty heels and can well be described as designs that boast style and comfort. Whether you plan to go out on a dinner and wear some formal clothing or go out for a party and dance, Inc. 5 offers all type of outfits.

  • Signature Styles: Trendy mules, fashionable flats, and chic heels.
  • Material Matters: Soft leather and stylish synthetics.
  • Comfort Factor: Extra cushioning and flexible soles.

Factors to Consider for a Good Shoe

  • Breathability: Look for shoes with breathable fabrics like mesh or leather. They keep your feet cool and dry.
  • Flexibility: A good shoe should bend easily at the ball of the foot. This allows natural movement.
  • Support: Shoes with good arch support help maintain posture and reduce strain on your feet.
  • Durability: Sturdy construction ensures your shoes last longer, even with regular use.

How to Maintain Your Shoes for a Long Life

1. Clean Them Regularly: Wipe your shoes with a soft cloth to remove dust and dirt. For leather shoes, use a leather cleaner and conditioner.

2. Store Properly: Keep your shoes in a cool, dry place. Use shoe trees to maintain their shape, especially for leather shoes.

3. Use Shoe Bags: Store your shoes in cloth bags to protect them from dust and moisture.

4. Rotate Your Shoes: Don’t wear the same pair every day. Rotating shoes allows them to air out and last longer.

The Final Step 

These top 10 women's footwear brands in India offer a perfect blend of style, comfort, and quality. Whether you need something for work, a party, or everyday wear, these brands have something for everyone. So, why wait? Step up your shoe game and add these to your collection

  • Hush Puppies
  • Metro Shoes

10 Best Herbal Tea Brands in India: Sip Your Way to Wellness

Herbal teas are something that has long been savored in India for their soothing properties and health benefits. Being a natural detoxing, unwinding, or wellness perk is how herbal teas have been cherished in India, from ancient Ayurvedic recipes to modern wellness blends containing answers to all of your problems with stress, digestion, and much more. Whether you want to improve digestive system functioning, protect yourself from stress, or just enjoy an aromatic cup of bliss, India's tea culture is incredibly varied and full of options when it comes to herbal brews that will elevate your tea time to the next level. Let's explore some of the best herbal blends that have the power to revolutionize health, one cup at a time!

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Best Couverture Chocolate Brands in India: Marking the Sweet Revolution

Top 10 Herbal Tea Brands in India

Let’s dive into what makes these herbal tea brands in India so special and how they have taken root in India’s tea culture.

  • Organic India

Organic India is one of the leading herbal tea companies of India; this company was founded way back in 1997 by Bharat Mitra and Bhavani Lev, a couple from Lucknow, India. Organic India is a global company that produces organic herbal and Ayurvedic health products approved as halal. It is their line of organically grown tulsi teas that have been popular in India, the US, Canada, and also in the UK. It produces Ayurvedic-ancient-fashioned organic herbal teas. Such teas are a special feature of organic India. Its range covers many tea flavors, which start from classics like Tulsi Green Tea to elaborative mixes like Turmeric Ginger Tea. 

Organic India: 10 Best Herbal Tea Brands in India: Sip Your Way to Wellness

Teabox is one of the finest herbal tea companies in India. With a focused interest in sourcing and supplying the finest teas from all corners of the globe, they are highly interested in getting teas directly from tea plantations and farmers for delivery as fresh and of high quality as possible. Teabox has made a distinct name for itself in respecting its zeal in giving each customer who looks forward to exploring and indulging in a wide variety of great teas sourced from all around the world, an extraordinary tea experience.

Teabox: 10 Best Herbal Tea Brands in India: Sip Your Way to Wellness


VAHDAM India, an Indian-based direct-to-consumer herbal tea brand, aims to offer only the finest teas ethically sourced from India. Ensuring fresh, pure Indian teas are directly available to consumers, VAHDAM India omits the middleman and ensures that farmers get a fair deal. For this purpose, it sources its tea directly from Indian tea gardens to meet the fair trade requirement while strengthening regional economies. Its varieties include black, green, oolong teas, herbal teas, and specialty blends by VAHDAM.

Vahdam: 10 Best Herbal Tea Brands in India: Sip Your Way to Wellness

The Tea Shelf

A popular herbal tea brand in India, The Tea Shelf offers a fantastic range of the finest teas from around the globe. Their loose-leaf tea selection, ranging from black, green, and oolong to white, herbal, and fruit teas, is highly sought after. They provide an extensive range of teas from locations all over the globe, like Taiwan, China, Japan, and India, among many more. Among tea enthusiasts who appreciate the convenience of online shopping and an impressive range of high-quality teas available for sale, The Tea Shelf is probably a popular destination.

The Tea Shelf: 10 Best Herbal Tea Brands in India: Sip Your Way to Wellness

Typhoo is a very prominent herbal tea brand, and the company's history dates back to 1903. The brand is prevalent both in India and in the United Kingdom. Typhoo makes a range of tea products. It strives to get the best tea leaves possible anywhere in the world. Because of this focus on quality and consistency, the company has managed to remain one of the names that consumers can rely on as far as teas go. By offering customers expert advice and recommending the suitable tea for consumer tastes, the store's knowledgeable tea specialists help consumers select the right tea for themselves.

Typhoo:10 Best Herbal Tea Brands in India: Sip Your Way to Wellness

Goodwyn Tea

Goodwyn Tea is recognized for its ethical-source herbal teas. They are especially famous for well-researched loose-leaf teas from around the world. Dedicated to sustainable and ethical sourcing techniques that ensure their teas were made under social responsibility. Several types of teas offered by Goodwyn Tea include fruit, herbal, oolong, black, green, and white teas. 

Goodwyn:10 Best Herbal Tea Brands in India: Sip Your Way to Wellness

Karma Kettle 

Karma Kettle is the herbal tea brand in India and is more famous for the innovative blend of traditional Indian flavors with modern touches. However, it does focus on sustainability-oriented sourcing methods along with premium ingredients. Karma Kettle sells several unorthodox tea blends that add contemporary ingredients like fruits, spices, and flowers to the traditional Indian teas. This herbal tea brand believes in quality to deliver a premium tea experience.

Karma Kettle: 10 Best Herbal Tea Brands in India: Sip Your Way to Wellness

The Indian Chai 

One of the prominent brands of herbal tea in India, Indian Chai, is quite popular for its genuine Indian chai mixes. They have different flavors for chai—many of them carrying cardamom, cloves, ginger, and cinnamon—which are the basic spices of India. Its mix of chai is based on ancient Indian recipes to provide an authentic taste of chai. They possess a variety of flavors, such as cardamom, ginger, and masala chai.

The Indian Chai: 10 Best Herbal Tea Brands in India: Sip Your Way to Wellness

Tata Tea Teaveda

Tata Consumer Products, one of the FMCG leader companies in India, manufactures the herbal tea brand Tata Tea Teaveda. It is a is a well-known branded company, which basically makes it clear to point out that it uses natural ingredients and Ayurvedic principles. They have a line of teas that are wellness-oriented. It adds Ayurvedic herbs and spices in most of their teas for various health benefits. These herbal teas target specific health issues and try to encourage general health and wellness.

TATA Tea Veda:10 Best Herbal Tea Brands in India: Sip Your Way to Wellness

Dharmsala Tea Company

Dharmsala Tea Company, one of the popular brands of herbal teas from India, specializes in Himalayan teas from sources that are both ethical and of the highest order. The teas are grown in Dharamshala in an untouched setting in Himachal Pradesh, India. Most of their herbal teas have organic certifications; hence, you can be very sure they do not carry any harmful chemicals and pesticides. A mix of teas ranges from herbal mixes to oolong, green, and black teas.

Dharmsala Tea Company: 10 Best Herbal Tea Brands in India: Sip Your Way to Wellness

Choose the Right Herbal Tea

Sometimes, people find it difficult to choose the best herbal tea due to many alternatives. The following tips will lead you to the appropriate brew.

  • Reflect on Your Health Goals : Consider teas that contain chamomile, lavender, or tulsi if you want to relax. If you want your digestive system to work better, then pick peppermint or ginger. If you want your immunity to be built up, then blends of tulsi and turmeric can be considered.
  • Taste : Herbal teas come in an endless variety of flavors—from fruit and floral to spicy and earthy. Try a few different herbs to see which ones you enjoy the most.
  • Look for Quality : Opt for teas that utilize high-quality, organic ingredients. To get the full benefit of the herbs, avoid teas that contain artificial flavorings or additives.

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Top 10 Strong Coffee Brands Dominating the Indian Market

As diversified and diverse as India's ancient wellness traditions is the global scope of herbal tea brands. From soothing blends to invigorate the day through energy-boosting brews to benefit digestion, here are the 10 best herbal tea brands, rounding out flavor and health benefits. Whether you're on the lookout for a detoxifying drink, a stress reliever, or just an aromatic cup to sip on, there's something for everyone in these herbal tea brands in India. You can start by choosing the high-quality teas, and then decide which one suits your health goals by experimenting with a variety of flavors. So, at least, go holistic, one cup of herbal tea at a time!

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The Future of Phygital Retail: Trends to Watch in the Coming Year

The Future of Phygital Retail: Trends to Watch in the Coming Years

In today’s rapidly evolving retail landscape, the boundaries between online and offline shopping are becoming increasingly blurred. Enter the era of "phygital" retail, a term that captures the fusion of physical and digital experiences. This hybrid approach is transforming how brands engage with customers by integrating the convenience of digital tools into the tactile world of brick-and-mortar stores. The result is a more personalized, dynamic shopping experience that meets the demands of modern consumers. The pandemic further accelerated this shift, with research showing that 84 percent of consumers now expect seamless integration between online and in-store experiences, driving brands to enhance their phygital presence.

Why Phygital Retail is Here to Stay

The rise of phygital retail is driven by a simple fact: consumers no longer view online and offline shopping as distinct experiences. Instead, they expect seamless transitions between the two. Whether discovering new products online, visiting a store for a hands-on experience, or completing a purchase via an app, customers today want flexibility, speed, and convenience.

According to research, nearly 80 percent of consumers prefer physical stores when they need a product immediately. At the same time, according to research by IMB, two-thirds of consumers discover new items online before ever stepping foot inside a store, while nearly three-quarters of retail customers still prefer to shop at a physical location rather than online. This duality has pushed brands to redefine shopping, creating experiences catering to immediate gratification and digital discovery.

The Phygital Advantage: What It Means for Businesses

At its core, the phygital strategy allows businesses to connect with customers wherever they are, enhancing convenience without sacrificing the in-person experience. This is especially vital in industries where the tactile nature of a product is essential, such as fashion or travel accessories. However, even these in-store interactions are no longer limited to the physical realm. Digital tools, such as interactive kiosks and augmented reality (AR), are increasingly being incorporated into stores to enhance customer engagement and bridge the gap between browsing and buying.

  • Blending the Physical and Digital Worlds

Phygital Retail acknowledges that physical stores remain a significant part of the customer journey but are no longer the entire experience. A customer’s interaction with a brand now spans multiple touchpoints—from social media to in-store kiosks, digital marketing campaigns to mobile apps. By merging these touchpoints, brands can deliver a cohesive experience, ensuring consistency in how they are perceived, whether online or in-store.

This holistic approach enables retailers to create stronger, lasting connections with customers by recognizing their diverse needs and preferences. For example, younger consumers might favor digital interactions, while older shoppers prefer in-store visits. The phygital model accommodates both, offering options that cater to all demographics.

  • Transforming In-Store Experiences

In the age of digital integration, the traditional retail store is no longer just a place to buy products. Instead, it becomes an experiential hub, offering unique and interactive ways for customers to engage with the brand. Digital shelf displays, virtual assistants, and self-checkout kiosks are other examples of how brands can elevate the in-store experience by incorporating technology. These features improve operational efficiency and allow customers to take control of their shopping experience, fostering a sense of autonomy and satisfaction.

  • Bridging In-Store Exploration with Online Convenience

For many consumers, especially those shopping for high-value or personal-use items like luggage or travel accessories, the ability to touch and feel products is essential. Yet, the convenience of online shopping remains unbeatable. Brands that implement phygital strategies can offer the best of both worlds — customers can explore products in-store, then make their final purchase online, often with customized recommendations based on their in-store experience.

This seamless transition between physical and digital realms ensures that brands meet evolving customer expectations, especially in industries where practical evaluation and ease of purchase are equally important.

Phygital Solutions Shaping the Future of Retail

As retailers look to the future, they are embracing a range of innovative phygital solutions designed to meet the changing expectations of consumers. These solutions improve the customer experience, boost efficiency, and enhance brand loyalty.

  • Smart Fitting Rooms : Equipped with touchscreens and RFID technology, these rooms allow customers to receive personalized recommendations and styling advice based on their preferences and purchase history. Integrating digital tools into the fitting room experience creates a tailored shopping journey that feels intuitive and engaging.
  • Self-Checkout Kiosks : Speed and convenience are paramount for today’s shoppers, and self-checkout kiosks enable customers to scan, bag, and pay for items without waiting in line. This contactless approach particularly appeals to tech-savvy consumers and helps retailers reduce labor costs.
  • Interactive Product Displays: By combining the physical act of browsing with digital content, interactive displays allow customers to access in-depth product information, reviews, and comparisons right from the store aisle. This enhances decision-making and drives sales by providing real-time, relevant insights.
  • Digital Shelf Edge Displays : These advanced displays use e-ink and LED technology to present product information, pricing, and promotions. They offer a dynamic alternative to traditional price tags, ensuring accuracy and capturing customer attention.
  • Leverage AR and VR for Enhanced Experiences : Augmented and virtual reality tools can bring products to life, allowing customers to visualize how items look or function in their environment. This technology benefits retailers looking to bridge the gap between online and in-store shopping.
  • Mobile-First Approach : In-store mobile apps are becoming a must-have. Integrating features like store navigation, exclusive offers, and mobile payment options ensures a smoother shopping experience.
  • Experiential Retail : Physical stores should focus on experiences that cannot be replicated online. Hosting in-store product demonstrations or workshops provides customers with hands-on knowledge while increasing brand engagement.

Strategies for Success in Phygital Retail

Brands that want to thrive in the phygital era must implement strategies that prioritise the customer experience across all touchpoints. Here are a few key approaches:

  • Offer Multiple Fulfillment Options : Customers today expect flexibility in how they receive their purchases. Whether through in-store pickup, curbside service, or home delivery, brands should provide various options to meet diverse preferences. The "Buy Online, Pick Up in Store" (BOPIS) model is particularly effective in driving online and in-store traffic.
  • Create Personalization at Scale : Harnessing data from both digital and physical interactions allows brands to deliver personalized recommendations, enhancing the shopping journey. Offering tailored experiences based on customer behavior helps foster loyalty and differentiate a brand in a crowded marketplace.
  • Enable Omnichannel Loyalty Programs : Rewarding customers for engaging with a brand across multiple platforms — whether through purchases, social media interactions, or in-store visits — builds a deeper connection and encourages repeat business. Omnichannel loyalty programs are crucial to maintaining engagement and nurturing long-term relationships.
  • Chatbots and Virtual Assistants : Whether online or in-store, AI-powered assistants can guide customers through their shopping journey.

The Path Forward

As the retail industry continues to evolve, phygital strategies will play a crucial role in shaping the future of shopping. Brands that embrace this hybrid approach blending the best of physical and digital worlds, will be well-positioned to meet the changing needs of their customers. By delivering a seamless, personalized, and engaging experience, retailers can attract a wider audience and build lasting brand loyalty in the years to come.

Authored By

The Future of Phygital Retail: Trends to Watch in the Coming Years

Naina Parekh, Founder, EUME

  • Digital retail
  • physical retail

Top 10 Sports Car Brands in India: Speed, Style, and Power Unleashed

Sports cars are becoming a popular choice among Indian car lovers. With their speed, sleek designs, and high performance, they are more than just vehicles—they’re symbols of success. If you’re considering buying one, here's a look at the top 10 sports car brands in India and everything you need to know before making your choice.

The Indian Sports Car Market: A Revving Revolution

The Indian sports car market is growing fast. Brands like Porsche, Lamborghini, and Ferrari are gaining popularity. More people are now looking for luxury and performance in their cars. In 2024, the sports car market in India is expected to generate revenue of $265 million . It is predicted to grow at a rate of 3.34 percent each year from 2024 to 2028. By 2028, the market size could reach $302 million. As interest in high-end cars continues to rise, the future looks promising for sports car enthusiasts in India.

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Elevate Your Drive: Unveiling The Top 5 Luxury Car Brands In India

Top 10 Sports Car Brands in India: Your Ride Guide

Indian sports cars often match global standards in terms of technology and performance. However, road conditions and fuel quality can impact performance. Always choose a car that suits both your style and the local environment. Here’s a guide that will help you choose from the top 10 sports cars in India.

Porsche- Top 10 Sports Car Brands in India: Speed, Style, and Power Unleashed

Porsche is a German brand famous for its high-performance sports cars. The Porsche 911, a classic, offers a thrilling drive with its powerful engine and agile handling. The Cayman is perfect for those seeking a mid-engine experience, while the Panamera combines sports car performance with luxury sedan comfort. Porsche cars are known for their top-notch engineering and timeless design, making them a favorite among car enthusiasts. They blend speed and luxury, making every drive an exciting experience.

  • Top Models: 911, Cayman, Panamera.
  • Key features: Known for its performance and timeless design, Porsche offers a great balance of luxury and speed.

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2. Lamborghini

Lamborghini- Top 10 Sports Car Brands in India: Speed, Style, and Power Unleashed

Lamborghini, an Italian brand, is synonymous with bold designs and extreme performance. The Huracán and Aventador are iconic models, known for their stunning looks and roaring V10 and V12 engines. The Urus, a high-performance SUV, offers the thrill of a supercar with the practicality of an SUV. Lamborghinis are known for their striking exteriors and unmatched speed, making them a symbol of extravagance and thrill for those who want to stand out on the road.

  • Top Models: Huracán, Aventador, Urus.
  • Key features:  With bold designs and powerful engines, Lamborghini is perfect for those who love to stand out.

Ferrari- Top 10 Sports Car Brands in India: Speed, Style, and Power Unleashed

Ferrari is a legendary Italian brand, celebrated for its sleek designs and powerful engines. Models like the Roma and Portofino combine elegance with sportiness, while the 812 Superfast delivers one of the fastest drives in the world. Ferrari cars are crafted for those who seek the ultimate driving pleasure. Known for their rich racing heritage and eye-catching designs, they offer an exhilarating experience that few other brands can match.

  • Top Models: Roma, Portofino, 812 Superfast.
  • Key features: Ferrari is synonymous with speed and style, offering a thrilling driving experience.

4. Aston Martin

Aston Martin- Top 10 Sports Car Brands in India: Speed, Style, and Power Unleashed

Aston Martin is a British brand that combines sophistication with high performance. The DB11 and Vantage models are known for their elegant design and powerful engines, while the DBS Superleggera offers a perfect blend of luxury and speed. Aston Martin cars are crafted with attention to detail, making them a favorite among luxury car enthusiasts. These cars offer a smooth, refined driving experience with a touch of British charm and elegance.

  • Top Models: DB11, Vantage, and DBS Superleggera.
  • Key features: Combines British elegance with high performance, making it ideal for luxury car enthusiasts.

5. Mercedes-Benz AMG

Mercedes-Benz AMG- Top 10 Sports Car Brands in India: Speed, Style, and Power Unleashed

Mercedes-AMG is the performance division of Mercedes-Benz, offering a range of high-performance cars. The AMG GT is a stylish coupe with incredible speed, while the C63 S and E63 S sedans combine luxury with sports car performance. AMG models are known for their powerful engines and advanced technology, making them a great choice for those who want both comfort and excitement in one car. They provide a dynamic driving experience with a touch of elegance.

  • Top Models: AMG GT, C63 S, E63 S.
  • Key features: Offers high-performance models with a mix of comfort and cutting-edge technology.

6. BMW M Series

BMW M Series-Top 10 Sports Car Brands in India: Speed, Style, and Power Unleashed

The BMW M Series is a high-performance line from BMW, known for its precision and power. The M3 and M4 offer thrilling handling and speed, while the M5 is a powerful sedan with impressive performance. BMW M cars are designed for driving enthusiasts who appreciate sharp handling and strong acceleration. With their sporty design and cutting-edge technology, they provide an exhilarating driving experience that is both fun and sophisticated.

  • Top Models: M3, M4, M5.
  • Key features: Known for its precision handling and powerful engines, perfect for speed lovers.

7. Audi RS Series

Audi RS Series- Top 10 Sports Car Brands in India: Speed, Style, and Power Unleashed

Audi’s RS series offers high-performance versions of their luxury cars. The RS7 is a powerful sedan, while the RS Q8 is a sporty SUV that combines speed with space. The RS5 is a sleek coupe with a responsive engine. Audi RS models are known for their Quattro all-wheel drive and advanced technology, making them perfect for those who want a luxurious and fast ride. They offer a great mix of performance, comfort, and style.

  • Top Models: RS7, RS Q8, RS5.
  • Key features: Audi’s RS series offers a blend of performance, technology, and luxury.

Jaguar- Top 10 Sports Car Brands in India: Speed, Style, and Power Unleashed

Jaguar, a British brand, is known for its stylish designs and strong performance. The F-Type is a popular sports car with a powerful engine and a dynamic drive. The XE SV Project 8 is a track-focused sedan with exceptional speed. Jaguars offer a unique blend of traditional British craftsmanship with modern technology. They are perfect for those who want a combination of elegance and thrilling performance on the road.

  • Top Models: F-Type, XE SV Project 8.
  • Key features: Offers unique British styling with powerful performance.

9. Maserati

Maserati- Top 10 Sports Car Brands in India: Speed, Style, and Power Unleashed

Maserati is an Italian brand that delivers a unique mix of luxury and performance. The Ghibli is a stylish sedan, while the Quattroporte offers more space without sacrificing speed. The Levante is a sporty SUV with impressive power. Maserati cars are known for their beautiful design and strong engines, offering a distinct Italian flair. They provide a sophisticated yet thrilling driving experience, making them a standout choice for luxury car buyers.

  • Top Models: Ghibli, Quattroporte, Levante.
  • Key features: Maserati combines Italian design with thrilling performance, offering a unique driving experience.

10. Nissan GT-R

Nissan GT-R- Top 10 Sports Car Brands in India: Speed, Style, and Power Unleashed

The Nissan GT-R, often called "Godzilla," is a Japanese sports car known for its incredible performance. It features a twin-turbo V6 engine that offers supercar-like speed at a competitive price. The GT-R’s advanced technology and powerful drivetrain make it a favorite among performance enthusiasts. It combines everyday usability with supercar performance, making it a great option for those who want a high-speed thrill without breaking the bank.

  • Key features: Known as the "Godzilla" of cars, it offers unbeatable performance at a competitive price.

Maintaining Your Dream Ride: The Cost of Owning a Sports Car

Owning a sports car is not just about the purchase price. Maintenance, fuel, and insurance costs are also high. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Servicing & Maintenance: Regular servicing is crucial for sports cars. They need more care compared to regular cars, and parts are often expensive.
  • Fuel Efficiency: Sports cars are built for performance, not fuel efficiency. Be prepared for high fuel costs, especially if you drive in city traffic.
  • Insurance and Depreciation: Insurance premiums for sports cars are high. Also, sports cars can depreciate faster than other cars, so consider resale value when buying.

Things to Consider Before Buying a Sports Car in India

  • Road Conditions: Sports cars have low ground clearance, making them less ideal for rough roads or speed breakers. Make sure your usual routes are sports car-friendly.
  • Resale Value: Sports cars may not hold their value as well as other luxury cars. Check the resale value of the model you're interested in before buying.
  • Customization Options: If you want a personalized touch, check what customization options are available. Many brands offer custom interiors, colors, and tech features.

Beyond the Showroom: Experiences and Communities

1. Exclusive Sports Car Clubs: Join clubs like the “Supercar Club of India” to connect with fellow enthusiasts. They organize events, drives, and meet-ups across the country.

2. Events and Expos: Keep an eye out for automotive events like the “Auto Expo” or “Luxury Lifestyle Weekend” to see the latest sports car models and connect with industry experts.

Buying a sports car in India is more than just owning a car. It’s about passion and lifestyle. Whether you crave speed, luxury, or style, there is a perfect sports car for you. However, consider road conditions and maintenance costs before choosing. Each brand offers unique features and driving experiences. So, pick the one that suits your needs and enjoy the thrill of the ride!

  • automobiles


Apparel Industry Outlook: Future Market Growth and Expectations

It is a truth universally acknowledged that India is a land that weaves together traditions, customs, and communities. Unsurprisingly, this landscape is also known for its refined skill and craftsmanship, as it possesses the best of cotton, silk, and more. One of the top garment manufacturers in the world, this nation is certainly no stranger to fashion runways and global textile shows. Rather, it is home to a range of items from haute couture to daily wear, which considerably influence global trade.

Current Statistics

According to data compiled by the Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI), India’s apparel exports marked robust growth of 11.85 percent in July, thanks to strong demand in the United States and European markets. Remarkably, apparel exports rose to $1,277.20 million in July this year, up from $1,141.95 million in the same month last year. The future looks promising for this sector, provided the world recognizes its value and potential.

When compared to other leading textile-exporting countries, India’s performance is notable. While China remains the largest textile exporter, India’s steady growth reflects its rising share in the world market. Moreover, its strategic focus on quality and innovation is positioning the nation as a strong competitor globally.

Global Steps

The Indian government is committed to forging partnerships with several nations to enhance market access, allowing the world to appreciate India’s skill and finesse. For instance, the India-Australia Free Trade Agreement has been signed, offering zero-duty access to India for about 96.4 percent of exports (by value), which is likely to double bilateral commerce to $45-50 billion in about five years.

Similarly, the India-UAE Comprehensive Economic Partnership (CEPA) looks promising. This agreement may enable India to become a key player and grow strategically to position itself as a leader in the world market. To date, India has signed 13 free trade agreements (FTAs) and six preferential trade agreements (PTAs) with various trading partners. There is huge potential and opportunity for India to fully benefit from these agreements.

Key Initiatives

The Indian government has also set up seven Pradhan Mantri Mega Integrated Textile Region and Apparel (PM MITRA) Parks in Greenfield/Brownfield sites, with an outlay of Rs 4,445 crore for seven years up to 2027-28. These parks aim to enable the textile industry to become globally competitive, attract large investments, and boost employment generation. The Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Textiles, with an approved outlay of ₹10,683 crore, will promote the production of Man-Made Fibre (MMF) Apparel, MMF Fabrics, and Products of Technical Textiles, enabling the textile sector to achieve size and scale and become competitive.

Moreover, the government has allocated Rs 1,480 crore for the National Technical Textiles Mission (NTTM) to promote and develop the technical textiles sector in India. The Silk Samagra-2 scheme is also being implemented from 2021-22 to 2025-26 to develop the sericulture industry in the country.

To enhance market access, the Market Access Initiative scheme provides financial support to various Export Promotion Councils and Trade Bodies engaged in promoting textile and garment exports through trade fairs, exhibitions, and buyer-seller meets. Additionally, a liberal and transparent investor-friendly Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policy allows 100 percent FDI in the textile sector under the automatic route. From 2017-2022, the textile sector attracted $1,522.23 million in FDI.

International Cooperation

Several countries are aiding India in achieving its global aspirations. Numerous MoUs have been signed to support this, such as the MoU with the National Agriculture Food Research Organization, Japan, promoting collaborative research in the silkworm and silk industry. Another notable MoU is with “Uzbekipaksanoat,” Uzbekistan, focusing on cooperation in the sericulture and silk industry. The agreement between the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, and the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry, Government of Australia, is critical for establishing a Joint Working Group on cooperation in wool and woolen products.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite its potential, the apparel industry faces several challenges, including intense global competition, regulatory complexities, and skill gaps. Additionally, providing cost-effective delivery is an issue in the face of competition.

Unfortunately, the sector contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for 10 percent of global carbon emissions. It also generates a massive amount of textile waste each year. However, smart tools and technologies can mitigate these challenges. Moreover, global supply chains are fragmented and difficult to track, making supply chain transparency a critical need in the sector.

Opportunities abound, as India has a major raw material base, which supports manufacturing value chains locally and globally. The nation's enormous workforce, expected to sustain until 2055, combined with relatively lower costs, gives India the preconditions to thrive. Additionally, the rise of eco-conscious consumers creates opportunities to experiment with sustainable and ethically produced apparel.

Impact of COVID-19

The COVID-19 health crisis significantly impacted the sector. Supply chain disruptions, uneven demand, declines in raw material prices, and market shrinkage were some of the many challenges. Millions of workers lost their jobs, and many factories shut down. Retailers also missed opportunities to connect with buyers during the lockdowns. While some companies adopted digital operations, they were not entirely prepared for the transition.

Despite these challenges, the apparel sector showed resilience, collaborating between governments and industry players to revamp production lines. The crisis also accelerated digital transformation, restructuring, and re-learning, leading to significant changes and opportunities.

The Tech Revolution

Technology is opening up new avenues for the apparel sector. Augmented reality (AR) offers virtual try-ons for customers, helping them make informed decisions and reducing returns. The metaverse is also transforming fashion, enabling brands to create virtual stores and fashion shows. Subscription models and the rise of resale platforms are also becoming key drivers for steady revenue streams in the industry.

Food for Future

To boost India's prospects in the apparel sector, several measures can be implemented, including refining infrastructure and adopting sustainable practices. Producing quality pieces paired with customization and timely delivery will be essential to meet buyer demands. Embracing cutting-edge technologies like AI and blockchain can enhance supply chain transparency and increase profitability.

India is at a promising juncture, armed with strong government support, strategic trade agreements, and technological advancements, making it well-positioned to maximize its strengths globally.

Apparel Industry Outlook: Future Market Growth and Expectations

Akash Agarwal, Whole-time Director, V2 Retail

  • Apparel & Retail
  • apparel industry

How Brands Are Tapping into the ‘Organic’ Trend for Baby Skincare Product

The organic baby skincare products have seen an exponential growth in the recent years. As per a recent research suggests that around 61 percent of parents prefer to use baby products that contain natural ingredients. This shift is not just a passing trend, but rather a response to heightened consumer awareness about the potential risks that are associated with synthetic chemicals, fragrances, and preservatives found in conventional skincare products. In this context, many brands are successfully capitalizing on the "organic" trend in baby skincare and creating products that resonate with today’s modern consumers.

Rising Demand for Organic Baby Skincare

The primary factor that is driving the rising demand for organic baby skincare is the increasing awareness of the harmful ingredients found in many conventional products. Parabens, phthalates, sulfates, and synthetic fragrances are among the chemicals that parents want to avoid, especially for their newborns and infants, who have sensitive and more permeable skin. Furthermore, modern parents are more informed, thanks to the availability of information on the internet, blogs, and social media. They are no longer relying solely on the recommendations of pediatricians or mainstream advertisements; instead, they are doing their research, reading labels, and seeking out products with fewer and more natural ingredients. This change in consumer behavior has led to a surge in demand for organic baby skincare, with more parents looking for clean, chemical-free products that are also eco-friendly and sustainably produced.

Ways Brands are Tapping into the ‘Organic’ Trend

  • Focusing on Clean and Simplified Ingredients : Today consumers are getting drawn to those products that have simple and easy-to-understand ingredients. Brands in the organic baby skincare space are reducing the number of ingredients in their formulas, often highlighting just a few natural components such as shea butter, coconut oil, or aloe vera. This minimalism not only aligns with the organic trend but also makes the products more appealing to parents who want to avoid harsh chemicals.
  • Using Certifications and Transparency : Parents today are more informed and at the same time more skeptical about the ingredients that are used in baby skin care products. Therefore, to address this concern, brands are obtaining credible certification as they serve as a mark of trust and assure customers that their products meet stringent organic standards.
  • Using Sustainability as USP : As the organic trend grows, so does the emphasis on sustainability. Brands are incorporating eco-friendly packaging and sustainable sourcing of raw materials into their marketing strategies. From biodegradable containers to sourcing ethically farmed ingredients, sustainability plays a key role in shaping consumer perceptions of a brand’s values.
  • Launching Products for Diverse Skin Types : From moisturizing creams for dry skin to oils for extra-sensitive skin types, numerous brands are recognizing the diversity in baby skin types. By offering specialized products for various skin concerns, brands are able to appeal to a wider demographic and meet individual needs more effectively.
  • Offering Subscription Models : Subscription services are gaining popularity as they offer convenience for parents who need baby skincare products regularly. Many organic brands are offering monthly or quarterly subscription boxes, ensuring parents never run out of their preferred products while enjoying discounted prices.
  • Bringing Customized Solutions : Many parents opt for organic baby skincare due to concerns about their child’s sensitive skin. Organic products, free from synthetic fragrances, parabens, and sulfates, are less likely to cause allergic reactions or irritations. Therefore, brands are positioning their products as ideal solutions for sensitive skin, making them more attractive to parents looking for gentle, safe options for their babies.
  • Emphasizing the Long-term Health Benefits : Many brands are focusing on educating parents about the long-term health benefits of organic skincare products. They highlight on how avoiding toxic chemicals in baby skincare helps prevent future health issues, positioning organic products as an investment in their child’s well-being.

The Future of the Baby Skincare Industry

As awareness of the benefits of organic products continues to grow, so too does the demand for organic baby skincare. This trend shows no signs of slowing down, and brands that prioritize transparency, sustainability, and purity are well-positioned to thrive in this evolving market. As brands seek to meet the changing needs and values of modern parents, the future of organic baby skincare will likely see continued innovation in product formulations, packaging, and marketing strategies. Organic skincare is not just a trend; it’s becoming a standard, with parents expecting nothing less than the safest, cleanest products for their little ones.

How Brands Are Tapping into the ‘Organic’ Trend for Baby Skincare Products

Deepak Kumar, Co-founder & Director, Kinu

  • Baby Care Products

How Unified Commerce is Driving 24% More Consumer Spending!

In a world where consumers seamlessly blend their online and offline shopping behaviors, the retail industry is undergoing a significant transformation. The days of simple omnichannel strategies, where brands engage consumers across multiple platforms, are giving way to a new era — unified commerce. This shift integrates all channels and touchpoints onto a single platform, breaking down silos to deliver a seamless shopping experience. Unified commerce aims to provide a consistent and personalized journey, no matter where or how the customer shops. But what’s driving this trend, and how are brands positioning themselves to leverage it?

The New Shopping Behavior: A Blend of Online and Offline

According to Locus and Coresight Research in a new report titled ‘From Omnichannel to Unified Commerce: Elevating Cross-Channel Customer Experience to the Next Level’, today's consumer is complex, leveraging multiple touchpoints to research, compare, and purchase products. According to a recent survey by Coresight Research, 65.8 percent of consumers now use a combination of online and offline channels when shopping. This blending of behaviors—such as researching products online (webrooming) and then purchasing them in-store—shows that consumers strategically use each channel’s strengths to meet their specific needs.

For example, 69 percent of consumers favor online shopping for product research, where they can browse vast selections, compare options, and read reviews. However, physical stores offer something online platforms cannot—63 percent of consumers prefer brick-and-mortar stores when they need immediate product availability, customer service, or simply a tangible shopping experience.

Moreover, a rising number of shoppers are participating in "showrooming," visiting physical stores to experience products in person before finalizing their purchase online. 48 percent of consumers engaged in showrooming in 2023, capitalizing on the benefits of both the physical and digital shopping worlds.

Omnichannel to Unified Commerce: What's Changing?

While omnichannel retailing allows customers to shop across multiple platforms, unified commerce takes it a step further. It merges all customer touchpoints—whether online, mobile, or in-store—into one cohesive platform. By integrating inventory, order fulfillment, and customer data systems, retailers can offer a seamless shopping experience.

For retailers, this approach is more than just a convenience—it's an economic opportunity. A Coresight survey found that nearly a quarter of respondents reported increased spending after engaging with multiple channels: 8.2 percent saw significant increases, while 16.6 percent saw slight increases. This demonstrates the power of a multichannel approach in driving consumer spending.

Webrooming and Showrooming

Two of the most important behaviors fueling unified commerce are webrooming and showrooming. Webrooming occurs when shoppers research products online but make their purchase in-store. This behavior allows consumers to compare prices and read reviews before heading to a physical store to inspect products and receive immediate customer service. According to Salsify’s 2024 Consumer Research report, 63 percent of consumers webroomed in 2023.

Showrooming, on the other hand, takes the opposite route. Consumers first visit physical stores to touch and test products but finalize their purchases online. This allows them to hunt for better deals or use promotions available on digital platforms. Showrooming was practiced by 48 percent of shoppers in 2023, showing its importance as a strategy for blending the best of both worlds.

Rise of Click-and-Collect Services

Click-and-collect services, including BOPIS (buy online, pick up in-store) and curbside pickup, are another way consumers merge their online and offline behaviors. Retailers have noticed that these services drive in-store traffic and increase upselling opportunities, all while reducing the cost of traditional delivery.

In fact, more than half of consumers have used a click-and-collect option, and the primary reason is speed: 28.2 percent of consumers believe it’s faster than home delivery. Additionally, 19.9 percent use these services to avoid checkout lines, while 18.4 percent prefer minimizing in-store browsing time, showing how these offerings cater to convenience-focused shoppers.

Social and Mobile Commerce

Social media is becoming a critical component of unified commerce. According to Coresight Research, 43.3 percent of consumers used social platforms as part of their shopping process in 2024, while 22.8 percent made purchases directly through social media, showcasing a conversion rate of over 50 percent. Social commerce is transforming how consumers discover, research, and buy products. Shoppable posts and in-app purchasing features have made the buying process quicker and easier than ever, with brands able to target consumers based on their browsing habits.

Similarly, mobile commerce plays a crucial role in connecting all shopping channels. A well-designed mobile app acts as a central hub, allowing consumers to access product information, promotions, and loyalty programs in one place. Apps like these help retailers gather data to personalize the shopping experience, while offering real-time updates on product availability and delivery.

Future-Proofing Retail

So, what’s next for retailers as they adapt to the era of unified commerce? The integration of customer-facing channels with back-end systems is key. By centralizing customer data, inventory, and order details, retailers can ensure a smooth shopping experience across all channels. Technologies such as RFID (radio-frequency identification) and advanced logistics systems are critical to managing inventory and fulfilling orders efficiently across multiple platforms.

Inventory synchronization across channels is crucial. Unified commerce allows retailers to prevent stockouts and enable services like ship-from-store and curbside pickup. In fact, 73 percent of retail IT executives in the US, UK, and Canada believe that unified commerce is either “extremely” or “very important” for the future of their businesses. And over 60 percent have already begun implementing in-store technology to support this transformation.

What Retailers Stand to Gain — and Lose

Retailers like American Eagle Outfitters, Nike, and Sephora are already capitalizing on their integrated digital and physical experiences. For instance, Target’s unified commerce strategy allows customers to choose between same-day delivery, in-store pickup, and curbside options, providing them with unparalleled flexibility. Target has also integrated RFID technology to keep track of inventory in real-time, reducing stockouts and streamlining the customer experience.

Walmart, too, is using its vast network of physical stores in conjunction with its digital platforms to gain an edge. The company’s acquisition of Vizio in 2024 further enhanced its ability to provide seamless advertising across digital and physical channels.

However, not all retailers are keeping pace. Those slow to adopt unified commerce risk losing their competitive advantage as consumer expectations evolve. These retailers will miss out on revenue-generating opportunities and may struggle to meet the needs of modern consumers.

What the Future Holds

The future of retail is customer-centric. Unified commerce takes the best elements of omnichannel retailing—convenience, personalization, and flexibility—and amplifies them. Retailers that prioritize a unified experience will not only improve customer satisfaction but also drive increased spending and loyalty. As the industry evolves, brands that successfully implement unified commerce will stand to gain the most, while those that don’t may risk falling behind.

In an ever-evolving retail landscape, one thing is clear: the shift to unified commerce is not just a trend—it’s the future. And retailers that embrace it now will be the ones leading the charge in tomorrow’s shopping experience.

  • Consumer trends
  • omnichannel

Best Earbud Brands in India: Your Sound Upgrade Awaits!

India's audio scene is buzzing with an exciting range of earbuds that promise to elevate your listening experience! Whether you're chasing deep bass, craving crystal-clear calls, or seeking the perfect workout companion, there’s an ideal pair for you. The market is packed with cutting-edge options, featuring everything from active noise cancellation to lightning-fast charging. From budget-friendly gems to premium powerhouses, today's earbuds are smarter, sleeker, and more stylish than ever. With brands constantly pushing the envelope, finding your ultimate sound companion has never been this thrilling!

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Top 8 Earbud Brands in India

With so many options on the market, choosing the right pair of earbuds comes down to your specific needs. Here are some of the best earbud brands in India:

Apple AirPods

With the debut of AirPods, one of the top earbud brands in India.  Apple aimed to offer a high-end, pleasant listening experience that included hands-free calling and Siri interaction. Although they are made specifically for use with Apple products, AirPods are compatible with any Bluetooth-enabled device. For better sound quality, AirPods have a high dynamic range amplifier and a specially designed high-excursion speaker. There is a low-distortion driver on the AirPods 4.

Best Earbud Brands in India: Your Sound Upgrade Awaits!

Samsung Galaxy Buds

Samsung introduced the Galaxy Buds. Standing second in the list, Samsung Buds are considered an excellent earbud brand in India. It offer a wireless, practical, and pleasant method to listen to music and other sounds. With Galaxy AI, these buds provide better sound quality and a more intelligent audio experience. A number of functions are available with the Galaxy Buds, including ambient sound and active noise cancellation.

Best Earbud Brands in India: Your Sound Upgrade Awaits!

Sony earbuds are a well-known earbud brand in India. It comes with a range of functions to suit various requirements and tastes. It is recognized for its audio expertise, and its earbuds frequently have a balanced frequency response and rich, detailed sound. Active noise cancellation (ANC) technology is a common component of its earbuds, which reduces outside noise and enhances the listening experience. DSEE function improves the overall sound quality of compressed audio files by restoring missing high-frequency noises.

Best Earbud Brands in India: Your Sound Upgrade Awaits!

Boat is a popular earbud brand in India. It is producing reasonably priced headphones and other audio accessories. Its earbuds are well-known for emphasizing bass, which makes for an intense and energizing sound. In order to provide a snug and comfortable fit, boat earbuds are especially made to fit nicely in your ears. Numerous versions are compatible with voice assistants, including as Google Assistant and Siri. It usually has a long battery life, so you may listen to music continuously without having to charge them.

Best Earbud Brands in India: Your Sound Upgrade Awaits!

OnePlus is a prominent choice for earbud brand in India. Its earbuds are a combination of performance, elegance, and price. Its earbuds usually come with simple controls that let you handle calls, playback, and volume. OnePlus earbuds often provide a sound that is well-balanced, with distinct highs and mids and just the right amount of bass. Due to their IPX certification, which indicates their resistance to perspiration and water, several OnePlus earbuds are appropriate for outdoor sports and exercises.

Best Earbud Brands in India: Your Sound Upgrade Awaits!

Realme Buds

A famous earbud brand in India. Realme has a range of earbuds. It has various functions. The main features include noise suppression, transparency mode, and gaming mode. When you place the earbuds in or remove them, the smart in-ear recognition function instantly switches on and off music playing. Realme earbuds usually have a long battery life, so you may listen to music continuously without having to charge them. A lot of Realme earbuds are IPX rated, meaning they can withstand perspiration and water, which qualifies them for outdoor sports like exercise.

Best Earbud Brands in India: Your Sound Upgrade Awaits!

An eminent earbud brand in India. Noise is known for its reasonably priced audio gear. It introduced earbuds to provide a broader range of people with wearable technology that is high-quality, reasonably priced, and stylish. Noise's earbuds are renowned for their fashionable design, extended battery life, and rich audio quality. By canceling out outside noise, advanced ANC technology helps decrease ambient noises and provides an immersive listening experience. 

Best Earbud Brands in India: Your Sound Upgrade Awaits!

Jabra is a noticeable earbud brand in India. It introduced earbuds for a number of reasons, such as noise cancellation, to satisfy the demands of professionals, and to give a selection of solutions for various applications. Incorporates wind protection and several microphones to provide crystal-clear audio communications even in loud surroundings. Jabra earbuds may last up to 30–35 hours when used with the charging case, or around 5-8 hours of listening on a single charge.

Best Earbud Brands in India: Your Sound Upgrade Awaits!

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Choose the Right One for You

With so many variations available, selecting the ideal earphones for you will depend on your unique requirements. Here are some crucial things to remember:

  • Music Lover: If you are all about music quality, seek for earbuds with high-definition sound, an adjustable equalization, and cutting-edge codecs like LDAC or aptX to enjoy a more immersive audio experience.
  • Fitness Enthusiasts: sweatproof, water-resistant earphones that fit snugly are a need. To be sure they can withstand your most intense exercises, look for characteristics like ergonomic design and an IP certification.
  • Professionals: Noise-canceling microphones and good voice output are essential if you take business calls a lot. Great call quality and even ambient noise suppression are features found in many high-end earbuds, allowing for uninterrupted discussions.
  • Gamers: Fast reaction times and low latency are essential for gaming. Certain earphones have been specially designed with settings that minimize latency and provide immersive sound effects for gaming.

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The Indian market offers a plethora of fantastic options, including well-established earbud brands. They are constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation. Whether you're looking for high-end features like active noise cancellation or a budget-friendly pair that gets the job done, there’s no shortage of choices. The key to finding the perfect pair lies in understanding your personal preferences and needs. By keeping your specific requirements in mind and exploring the options available, you can find the ideal earbuds that will elevate your listening experience and seamlessly integrate into your daily life.

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Lulu Mall: Where Modern Art Meets Premium Retail and Dining

Spread over a sprawling 2.2 million square feet, Lulu Mall Lucknow has firmly established itself as one of the largest shopping and entertainment hubs in Uttar Pradesh. The mall recently marked its second anniversary, celebrating a remarkable milestone with approximately 3 crore visitors to date. The expansive mall features over 200 stores and 300 renowned brands, making it a popular destination for both locals and tourists.

Designed by UK-based architects, the mall has set a benchmark in design and architecture with its modern art theme. It features a unique blend of local stories and innovative design, with a smart space layout and infrastructure that distinguishes it from many others. The mall’s extraverted architectural projection integrates seamlessly with the street, introducing a 'High Street' concept with 'Piazzas,' inspired by traditional architecture. The skylight’s pointed arch geometry allows natural light to flood the interior while providing protection and reducing energy demand.

Key Attractions

As the flagship project of the LuLu Group, Lulu Hypermarket, along with Funtura—the largest indoor family entertainment center—has been pivotal in drawing visitors. Lulu Hypermarket, Lulu Connect, and Lulu Fashion Store have seen consistent high footfall, with shoppers eager to explore various offers and discounts. Funtura captivates visitors with its diverse attractions, including a carousel, mini coasters, drop towers, novelty games, VR-enabled adventure arena games, arcade video games, and an XD theatre.

Regional Director of Lulu Lucknow, Jai Kumar Gangadharan, emphasized the significance of retailers, stating, "Our retailers are the backbone of our success. Their dedication to providing exceptional products and service is the foundation upon which we build strong customer relationships."

Dining Experiences

Lulu Mall has also become a food lover’s paradise with the addition of several prominent restaurants and food brands. Gola Sizzlers, known for its diverse sizzler options, and Punjab Grill, offering exquisite North Indian cuisine, have both recently opened their doors. Barbeque Nation, famous for its interactive grilling experience, and Tunday Kababi, renowned for its Galouti Kababs, are also among the new additions.

Sameer Verma, General Manager of Lulu Mall, shared his enthusiasm for these new offerings, "We are thrilled to have these prominent restaurants and food brands to Lulu Mall. Our goal is to provide the people of Lucknow with the best possible shopping and dining experience, and we believe these additions will help us achieve that goal."

With over 40 food and beverage brands now available, including Bikanervala and Anna’s, Lulu Mall has solidified its status as a must-visit destination for diverse culinary delights in Lucknow. Whether craving sizzlers, barbecue, North Indian specialties, or iconic kababs, Lulu Mall offers a dining experience that promises to satisfy every palate.

Top 7 Mattress Brands in India for the Best Sleep

A good night’s sleep is essential for your health and well-being. Choosing the right mattress makes all the difference. In their quest for the greatest mattress brand in India, consumers place much too much emphasis on factors like price/discounts, size, thickness, and material. They overlook the fact that factors including body type, weight, body heat, sleeping posture, and any back or sleeping problems are more crucial.  In India, several top mattress brands offer great comfort, support, and value. Let’s explore the top 7 mattress brands that are perfect for your restful sleep.

How to Shortlist the Best Mattress

To find the right mattress, start by identifying your needs. Do you want back support, cooling features, or luxury? Different brands offer various options. It's important to check customer reviews and expert opinions before making a decision. Reviews can give you real-life insights into the comfort and durability of the mattress.

Another helpful tip is to look for a trial period. Brands like Wakefit allow you to try the mattress for 100 days. This ensures you can test its comfort before making a final decision. Always consider the warranty, material, and firmness level that suits your sleep style.

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Factors to Keep in Mind While Shopping for a Mattress

When shopping for a mattress, consider these key points:

  • Firmness: Decide if you prefer a soft, medium, or firm mattress based on your comfort.
  • Material: Choose between foam, coir, or spring, depending on your support and feel preferences.
  • Size: Ensure the mattress fits both your bed and room dimensions.
  • Warranty: A longer warranty offers more protection and peace of mind.

List of the Top 7 Mattress Brands in India 

Here’s a list of top mattress brands in India which will help you get a good night's sleep to stay active all day.

1. Sleepwell – Trusted Comfort for Every Home

Sleepwell – Trusted Comfort for Every Home

Sleepwell is one of India’s most popular mattress brands. Known for quality and comfort, they have a wide range of mattresses for every budget. Whether you want a simple foam mattress or a luxurious memory foam one, Sleepwell has you covered. Sleepwell mattresses are found in over 100 million homes in India!

Why Sleepwell?

  • They use Neem Fresche technology to keep the mattress fresh and germ-free.
  • Special orthopaedic mattresses are available for people with back issues.

2. Kurl-on – India’s Mattress Pioneer

Kurl-on – India’s Mattress Pioneer

Kurl-on has been a leading brand for many years. They started with mattresses made from coconut coir but now also offer foam and spring mattresses. Kurl-on is known for delivering comfort and durability at affordable prices. Kurl-on was the first to introduce coir mattresses in India, using coconut husk!

Why Kurl-on?

  • Their coir mattresses provide strong support and last longer.
  • They offer options ranging from basic to premium mattresses.

3. Duroflex – Mattresses for Healthy Sleep

Duroflex – Mattresses for Healthy Sleep

Duroflex is famous for its orthopaedic mattresses, which are designed for better spine health. They use advanced technology to ensure you get the right balance of support and comfort. Duroflex is certified to provide the best back support.

Why Duroflex?

  • They offer 5-zone orthopaedic support to protect your spine.
  • Special cooling technology keeps you comfortable during hot nights.

4. Wakefit – Affordable Comfort, Delivered Home

Wakefit – Affordable Comfort, Delivered Home

Wakefit is a new brand but has quickly become popular. They sell affordable foam mattresses directly to your home. Wakefit’s focus is on making high-quality mattresses accessible to everyone. Wakefit mattresses come in a box, making delivery and setup easy!

Why Wakefit?

  • Wakefit mattresses are affordable without compromising on comfort.
  • You get a 100-day free trial to see if the mattress suits you.

5. The Sleep Company – Smart Mattresses for the Modern Sleeper

The Sleep Company – Smart Mattresses for the Modern Sleeper

The Sleep Company is all about innovation. They use a unique SmartGRID technology that adjusts to your body shape, giving you both softness and support. Their mattresses also stay cool, which is perfect for hot weather. The Sleep Company’s mattresses are perfect for people who get too hot while sleeping.

Why The Sleep Company?

  • SmartGRID technology provides personalized comfort.
  • These mattresses stay 80 percent cooler than traditional foam mattresses.

6. Nilkamal Sleep - Thoughtfully Designed for You

Nilkamal Sleep - Thoughtfully Designed for You

Experience the ultimate combination of comfort and support with the Doctor Dreams ECOAIRLatex Foam Mattress. Made from 100% natural latex foam and wrapped in Cool Tencel fabric, this mattress strikes the perfect balance between softness and support, ensuring a restful night's sleep. The queen-size mattress, available in a stylish white and green, adds a touch of elegance to your bedroom.

Why the Nilkamal Sleep?

  • Superior air circulation for all weathers
  • Optimum spinal alignment for better comfort

7. Sunday Ortho Latex- For Ultimate Solution 

Sunday Ortho Latex- For Ultimate Solution 

The Sunday Ortho Latex is a hybrid mattress that expertly blends memory foam and latex, providing both superior back support from memory foam and the cooling benefits of latex. Designed with 5 zones for optimal back support, it also comes with a 100-night risk-free trial. Unlike compressed mattresses, it is built to last longer.

Why the Sunday Ortho Latex?

  • softer foam under your shoulders to help you sleep in greater comfort.
  • firmer foam under your hips, exactly where you need it to keep your spine aligned naturally.

Cleaning and Maintenance: Keeping Your Mattress Fresh

A mattress can last longer if you take care of it properly. Here are some tips to keep it clean and fresh:

  • Use a Mattress Protector: A protector helps shield the mattress from dust, spills, and stains. It’s an easy way to prevent damage and keep your bed hygienic.
  • Rotate Regularly: Every few months, rotate the mattress from head to foot. This prevents one side from wearing out too quickly and keeps it in good shape.
  • Air It Out: Once a month, take off all the bedding and let the mattress air out for a few hours. This helps reduce moisture and keeps it smelling fresh.
  • Vacuum Often: Dust can collect on your mattress over time. Use a vacuum to clean the surface and keep it free from allergens.
  • Avoid Jumping on It: While it may be fun, jumping on the bed can damage the mattress springs and reduce its lifespan.

Which Mattress is Right for You?

  • For Back Support: If you need strong support for your back, Duroflex and Sleepwell are great options. They offer orthopedic mattresses designed to align your spine and reduce pain.
  • For Luxury and Innovation: Want the latest in mattress technology? The Sleep Company and Kurl-on have innovative features like SmartGRID technology and advanced materials for extra comfort. These brands are ideal if you’re looking for a premium sleep experience.
  • For Affordable Comfort: On a budget but still want good quality? Wakefit offers comfortable mattresses at affordable prices. They provide great value without compromising on quality.

The right mattress is key to a good night’s sleep. Whether you need back support, cooling comfort, or a budget-friendly option, these top 7 mattress brands in India have something for everyone. Choose wisely and enjoy a better sleep every night!

  • home and lifestyle sector

Omaxe Chowk: Rewriting Legacy

Omaxe Chowk, a new commercial hub in the heart of Chandni Chowk, aims to transform the retail landscape of one of Asia's oldest and busiest shopping destinations. Spread across 4.5 acres with a built-up area exceeding 10 lakh sq. ft., Omaxe Chowk is designed to accommodate the bustling activity typical of this historic market.

Resurgence in Foot Traffic and Sales

This mall has witnessed a remarkable surge in both foot traffic and sales over the past few months. This uptick is the result of carefully crafted strategies aimed at enriching the mall's offerings and creating a more immersive shopping experience. "Our goal has always been to seamlessly blend the heritage charm of Chandni Chowk with the conveniences of modern retail," says Jatin Goel, Executive Director of Omaxe Group. 

One of the mall’s proudest achievements is the successful integration of vintage Chandni Chowk retailers into a more organized retail environment. The introduction of DAWATPUR, India's largest food court, has been a game-changer, drawing food enthusiasts from across the city. Additionally, the multi-level parking facility has addressed a long-standing issue, making the mall more accessible and boosting foot traffic.

Unique Features 

Omaxe Chowk distinguishes itself from other shopping destinations through its unique blend of traditional and modern elements. The mall is meticulously organized into various retail sections, including apparel, jewellery, and food, featuring both legacy brands and contemporary high-street names. "We’ve brought together the best of both worlds—heritage food brands like Tunday Kababi and Qureshi Kabab sit alongside organized players like Haldiram’s and Giani’s in DAWATPUR," Jatin Goel notes. 

This eclectic mix ensures that visitors have a wide variety of options, catering to diverse tastes and preferences. The presence of bridalwear giants like Chhabra 555 and renowned jewellers such as Tanishq and Ratan Chand Jwala Nath further enhances the shopping experience, making it a one-stop destination for shoppers with varied needs.

Advanced Technologies for Enhanced Operations

In line with its commitment to providing an elevated shopping experience, Omaxe Chowk has embraced advanced technologies to improve operations and customer engagement. The mall’s security infrastructure has been significantly bolstered by AI-powered surveillance cameras, ensuring a safe environment for visitors. Additionally, the use of social media for real-time updates and seamless navigation has made the mall more user-friendly. "We are continually exploring innovative ways to engage our visitors and provide them with a seamless experience," says Jatin Goel.

'Foodtainment' to Attract Visitors

To further enhance visitor satisfaction, Omaxe Chowk has introduced several 'foodtainment' concepts, combining food and entertainment in unique ways. DAWATPUR not only offers a rich variety of culinary delights but also hosts events like "Dawatpur ki Kahaniya" and "Delhi 6 Vibes," where cultural narratives and traditional music come alive. These initiatives have successfully drawn more visitors, offering them experiences that go beyond conventional shopping and dining.

Anchor Brands Strengthen Retail Offerings

The recent addition of anchor brands like White Hanger and Odhni has further solidified Omaxe Chowk’s reputation as a premier shopping destination. These brands offer an extensive selection of premium apparel and accessories, attracting a broad spectrum of shoppers.

"Our anchor brands play a crucial role in enhancing the overall shopping experience by offering variety and quality," Jatin Goel emphasizes.

Omaxe Chowk represents a significant development in the retail sector of Chandni Chowk. By combining modern infrastructure with traditional charm, it seeks to elevate the shopping experience and provide a robust platform for businesses to grow.

  • Omaxe Connaught Place

Best Couverture Chocolate Brands in India: Marking the Sweet Revolution

India’s chocolate revolution is in full swing, and couverture chocolate is at the forefront of this delicious movement. With its high cocoa butter content, rich flavor, and silky smooth texture, couverture chocolate is every dessert lover's dream. Whether you're a professional pastry chef or an enthusiastic home baker, using high-quality couverture can transform ordinary sweets into gourmet creations. From velvety ganaches to flawless chocolate coatings, it’s time to explore the finest couverture chocolates that will make your desserts shine and your taste buds dance! Ready to indulge in the best couverture chocolate brands in India has to offer?

Best Couverture Chocolate Brands in India

Made with sweetness and refinement, here are the best couverture chocolate brands in India. Learn and lead the road of chocolatey desires. 

Morde is a prominent coverture chocolate brand in India. It is a cocoa and chocolate food service brand that was founded in 1983. Its chocolates are made in a fully automated facility in Manchar, Pune. Morde's products are renowned for their excellence and dedication to customer support. Chocolate bars, compounds, chocolate chips, pastes, dips, decorations, and inclusions are among the many chocolate goods made by Indian company Morde.

Best Couverture Chocolate Brands in India: Marking the Sweet Revolution

Baker's Chocolate

Kraft Heinz is the owner of Baker's Chocolate, a well-known couverture chocolate brand. It provides a range of bulk chocolates, such as coconut flakes that are white, unsweetened, and sweetened. Its chocolates are sweet, semisweet and bittersweet. Semisweet and sweet baking chocolate have less chocolate liquor than bittersweet baking chocolate, which has at least 35 percent. Baker’s chocolate is frequently used in cooking. For instance, ganache made without sugar would be quite bitter, thus unsweetened baking chocolate shouldn't be used.

Best Couverture Chocolate Brands in India: Marking the Sweet Revolution

For more than a century, the Belgian chocolate manufacturer Callebaut is a leading couverture chocolate brands in India, has been producing chocolate. It is believed that its chocolate has flavors of vanilla, caramel sweetness, fruitiness, refreshing acidity, and roasted cocoa. Callebaut has chocolate in a range of shapes and forms, including bags, wrapped blocks, and more. They go well with the broadest range of flavors and components and are well-known for their robust, rich, and well-balanced chocolate flavor. Additionally, every bag you purchase directly supports West African cocoa growers.

Best Couverture Chocolate Brands in India: Marking the Sweet Revolution

Barry Callebaut

Barry Callebaut is a renowned couverture chocolate brand in India. It is a Swiss-based company. The company was established in 1996 by the merger of French chocolate manufacturer Cacao Barry and Belgian chocolate manufacturer Callebaut. A whole food sector is served by Barry Callebaut, which includes industrial food producers, chocolatiers, pastry chefs, bakers, lodging facilities, and caterers. It provides a variety of goods, such as WholeFruit chocolate, which is manufactured entirely of cacao fruit, and plant-based and dairy-free chocolate. To maintain the taste and fragrant oils, the couverture chocolate brand roasts the whole cocoa bean, including the husk.

Best Couverture Chocolate Brands in India: Marking the Sweet Revolution

Sihi Chocolaterie is a well known couverture chocolate brands in Inia. It produces items made from cacao and pure chocolate. The organic cocoa used to make its chocolate is sourced from growers in Kerala and Karnataka. Made with traditional methods, it has no artificial colors, flavors, emulsifiers, preservatives, chemicals, or white sugar. Cacao nibs and 70 percent dark chocolate couverture are among the goods offered by Sihi Chocolaterie.

Best Couverture Chocolate Brands in India: Marking the Sweet Revolution

One of the best couverture chocolate brands in India. Its ingredients are sourced from unique cocoa-growing locations around the globe making Fabelle chocolates. A range of expertly created candies that draw inspiration from the elements of nature, including Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Space. More exotic ingridients like as cocoa from Ghana and the Ivory Coast, are used to make the pralines. Certain chocolates are vegan and gluten-free which are offered by fabelle. 

Best Couverture Chocolate Brands in India: Marking the Sweet Revolution

What are Couverture chocolates?

Professional chocolatiers and pastry chefs utilize a premium chocolate kind called couverture. The French word "couverture" (meaning "covering") describes one method of coating desserts and chocolate bonbons. 

Compared to other chocolate varieties, couverture chocolate typically has a greater amount of cocoa butter—between 32 and 39 percent. This improves the flavor and gives it a creamier, mellower taste with a harder snap when broken.

Uses of Couverture chocolates

With a greater proportion of cocoa butter, couverture chocolate is a premium chocolate that may be used for a variety of industrial and culinary applications. The following are a few typical uses:

  • Baking: couverture chocolate has a high percentage of cocoa butter, it may react differently from other chocolates when used in baking.
  • Molding: Its fluid nature makes couverture chocolate simple to mold into many forms, including chocolate eggs.
  • Coating and dipping: The rich flavor and glossy finish of couverture chocolate make it perfect for coating and dipping. Use it to make truffles, chocolate-covered strawberries, or Christmas bark.
  • Decorating: It has a glossy texture, making it a great option for cake and other baked item decoration.

Couverture chocolate brands in India, stand as a hallmark of premium quality in the world of desserts and confections. With its rich cocoa butter content and smooth, luxurious texture, it is the go-to choice for professional chefs and home bakers alike. As the chocolate revolution in India gains momentum, the availability of high-quality couverture options ensures that your culinary masterpieces will not only look stunning but also deliver a decadent, unforgettable taste experience. Indulging in couverture chocolate is more than just a treat—it’s an art form that turns every dessert into a work of edible art. 

  • Chocolate business

The Digital Surge That’s Reshaping India’s Kirana Retail Sector

India's traditional retail sector, long characterized by its reliance on over 15 million Kirana stores, is witnessing a significant transformation. The emergence of digital solutions is reshaping the sector, with eB2B (e-commerce-led Business to Business) platforms driving this change.

According to a recent study by Redseer Strategy Consultants, the B2B kirana market is embracing digital innovation, leading to improved procurement management, enhanced access to formal credit, and better customer service.

The Shift Toward Digital Solutions

The study, titled ‘B2B e-commerce Opportunity in India,’ underscores the remarkable shift from fragmented, traditional trade models to digital platforms. This transition is particularly evident in remote and rural areas, where Kirana stores are increasingly adopting eB2B platforms to streamline their operations.

Anil Kumar, Founder and CEO of Redseer Strategy Consultants, highlighted the profound impact of digital platforms on traditional trade practices: "The Indian B2B kirana market is on the cusp of a remarkable transformation as digital platforms revolutionize traditional trade practices. Our report highlights strong growth driven by digital adoption, with eB2B solutions reshaping supply chains and improving efficiencies. Kirana stores now have unprecedented access to products and financial services, marking a fundamental shift in how businesses operate and thrive in the coming years. The future of this market is promising and poised to redefine retail in India."

Key Growth Drivers

Several key factors are accelerating the growth of eB2B platforms in India:

  • Fragmented Supply Chains: Traditional B2B channels involve multiple intermediaries, leading to delays and increased costs. eB2B platforms streamline these processes by eliminating intermediaries, resulting in faster and more reliable delivery and inventory management.
  • Operational Efficiencies: eB2B platforms enhance demand forecasting, streamline warehousing operations, and integrate vertically with suppliers. These improvements enable Kiranas to better manage inventory and boost profitability.
  • Financial Inclusion: Previously reliant on informal credit, kirana stores now benefit from formal financing options available through eB2B platforms. This access to credit supports product range expansion and better cash flow management.

Leading the eB2B Revolution

The report identifies udaan as a leading force in the eB2B market, with its innovative approach significantly impacting the sector. Vaibhav Gupta, Co-Founder and CEO of udaan, noted, "udaan is transforming the future of eB2B retail by empowering kiranas and small retailers with unmatched access to a wide variety of quality and affordable products, and credit while leveraging technology. Our rapid growth in Bengaluru and Hyderabad is just the beginning. We are committed to revolutionizing the eB2B retail landscape across Bharat, expanding into new clusters, and driving an efficient and profitable growth for millions of small businesses."

Key findings from the study include:

  • Market Share in Bengaluru and Hyderabad: udaan has established itself as the preferred partner for kirana stores in these cities, capturing a significant market share. It now serves approximately 80 percent of kirana stores in Bengaluru, with around 15,000 stores transacting daily on the platform.
  • Doubling of Buyer Base: udaan has demonstrated exceptional growth, with its buyer base doubling within the year.
  • Micro-Market Strategy: The report emphasizes udaan’s Micro-Market Strategy, which has been crucial in increasing buyer penetration and wallet share by 1.2 to 1.4 times in key markets. This strategy includes regional focus, customized offerings, and high customer satisfaction, as reflected in udaan’s strong Net Promoter Scores (NPS) and growing loyalty among Kirana store owners.

A Promising Future for eB2B

The outlook for the eB2B sector remains optimistic. Platforms like udaan are expected to replicate their success across more regions, expanding product categories and adopting private label strategies. As digital B2B solutions continue to evolve, they are projected to capture a larger share of the retail market, challenging traditional retail channels that still dominate India's essential market.

The shift toward eB2B platforms represents a fundamental change in India's retail landscape, offering new opportunities for growth and efficiency in the sector.

  • kirana store

India’s Unstoppable Home Retail Market: $237 Billion by 2030 – Discover the Key Growth Drivers!

India’s home and household sector is on the verge of a transformation, poised to skyrocket to an astounding $237 billion by 2030! Fueled by rising disposable incomes, shifting consumer preferences, and a digital-first mindset, this sector is rapidly becoming a powerhouse in India’s economic story. From smart homes to luxury living, the growing appetite for convenience, comfort, and cutting-edge design is reshaping the way Indians interact with their living spaces. As consumers in Tier II and III cities unleash a tidal wave of demand, the market is witnessing unprecedented growth, opening the floodgates for innovation, premiumization, and tech-driven experiences that are redefining modern Indian homes, as indicated by the Deloitte’s Powering Consumption Growth: India’s Home and Household market report.

Anand Ramanathan, Partner, Consumer Products and Retail Sector Leader, Deloitte India said, “India's home and household market is witnessing a remarkable evolution, where consumers are gravitating towards premium and branded products, with businesses increasingly adopting a consumer-first approach. There is a deeper focus on consumer experiences and design-led product innovation. Social media and advanced technologies enable companies to precisely target and engage their audiences, making the market more dynamic and responsive to changing needs.

Surge of Premiumization and Consumer Durables

The rise in disposable incomes has triggered a massive demand for premium products. In FY23, India’s per capita disposable income grew by 13 percent, reaching $2,500. This increasing wealth is pushing consumers to invest in high-quality, branded home products, from smart appliances to luxury furniture. The consumer durables and appliances sector, accounting for over 45 percent of the home and household market, is expected to grow at a robust 7 percent CAGR, hitting $97 billion by FY30.

This growth is driven largely by large appliances like air conditioners and refrigerators, which contribute 60-65 percent of the sector's revenues. But small appliances, too, are on the rise, with consumers prioritizing convenience and technology in their kitchens and homes. The shift towards "smart homes" is becoming a dominant trend, with consumers upgrading to appliances that are not just energy-efficient but also connected to their phones and smart devices.

Functionality Meets Style

The furniture and furnishings sector is another key player in this lifestyle transformation. With an expected growth rate of over 10 percent CAGR, this market is projected to reach $62 billion by FY30. What’s driving this growth? The demand for multifunctional spaces in a world where hybrid working environments are becoming the norm. Bedroom furniture dominates the market with a 49 percent share, followed by living room essentials like sofas and dining tables.

Despite being largely unorganized, with 80 percent of the sector controlled by local workshops and artisans, premiumization is slowly taking hold. Branded, ready-made furniture is gaining ground, thanks to its appeal to urban consumers who prioritize aesthetics, durability, and convenience. The import of finished products, mainly from countries like China and Germany, is also on the rise, with beds and sofas topping the list of desired items.

The kitchen is no longer just a place for cooking — it's becoming the heart of the home. The kitchenware sector is expected to grow at an impressive 13 percent CAGR, reaching $10 billion by FY30. This transformation is driven by a shift towards organized markets, with 40 percent of the sector already in this category, and the remaining 60 percent still dominated by local, unorganized players catering to rural and price-sensitive consumers.

The cookware segment, which includes non-electrical items, holds the lion's share at 40 percent, followed by serve-ware and storage solutions at 35 percent. The demand for high-end, branded kitchen products is rising, particularly among younger consumers who are not just focused on functionality but also on style and design.

Blending Functionality with Aesthetics

Bathroom and kitchen fittings are another fast-growing sector, expected to grow at a staggering 16 percent CAGR, reaching $39 billion by FY30. The organized segment, which includes international brands offering premium, aesthetic solutions, controls about 55 percent of the market, while the unorganized sector remains strong in rural areas due to its affordability.

Energy-efficient appliances and eco-friendly kitchenware are becoming must-haves in Indian homes. Water-saving bathroom fittings and sustainable kitchen solutions are gaining popularity, driven by an increasingly eco-conscious consumer base. Government policies like the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) and Production Linked Incentive (PLI) schemes are further boosting demand, as they promote green technologies and energy-efficient products.

Lighting and Décor

The lighting and décor segment, though smaller, is growing at an 8 percent CAGR and is expected to reach $4 billion by FY30. Decorative lighting, which accounts for 20 percent of the market, is primarily driven by imports from China, while the LED segment dominates the remaining 80 percent. As LED prices continue to drop and the government pushes for more energy-efficient options, this sector will likely see even faster growth.

Décor, on the other hand, is highly influenced by local tastes and traditions, with unbranded items and local artisans shaping the market. Consumers are using décor to express their personal style, making it an essential part of home makeovers and renovations.

Rise of Tier II and III Cities

While India’s major urban centers have long been the focus of the home and household market, Tier II and III cities are now emerging as growth hubs. Rising disposable incomes, evolving consumer preferences, and the increasing reach of e-commerce platforms are driving demand in these cities. Young consumers in these regions are increasingly opting for modern designs, home renovations, and personalized offerings that cater to their tastes.

The rapid expansion of online shopping, combined with the rise of quick commerce platforms, has revolutionized how consumers in these cities shop for home products. More than 50 percent of buyers now consider online platforms when purchasing household goods, and this number is only set to rise.

Reimagining Consumer Experiences

Technology is becoming the ultimate differentiator in the home and household sector. Brands are now using virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), and personalized shopping experiences to engage consumers. Smart homes, powered by IoT (Internet of Things), are becoming more common, and consumers are embracing tech-driven innovations that make everyday living more convenient.

For instance, consumers can now use VR to visualize how a new sofa or dining table will look in their living room before making a purchase. Personalized product recommendations powered by AI ensure that consumers find exactly what they’re looking for, whether it’s energy-efficient appliances or luxury décor.

The Green Revolution

Indian consumers are increasingly eco-conscious, with a growing demand for energy-efficient appliances, water-saving bathroom fittings, and sustainable kitchen solutions. Brands that offer environmentally friendly options are winning over consumers who want to reduce their carbon footprint.

Government initiatives like the UJALA scheme, which promotes LED lighting, and the Smart Metering Project (SMP), which encourages energy conservation, are also helping drive this shift. These policies are not only good for the environment but also attractive to consumers who want to save on utility bills while upgrading their homes.

The Way Forward

With the home and household market expected to hit $237 billion by 2030, this sector is one of the fastest-growing in India. Brands that can tap into the premiumization trend, meet the demands of Tier II and III cities, and leverage technology will be well-positioned to succeed.

To stay ahead, businesses must invest in innovation, not just in their products but also in how they engage with consumers. Omnichannel strategies, combining the best of online and offline shopping, are crucial for reaching India’s increasingly digital-savvy population. With the right approach, the home and household sector is set to be one of the most dynamic markets in India’s growth story.

  • Home and Kitchen
  • Furniture market

Trehan Iris: Value Retailer's Hub

In the fiscal year 2023-2024, Iris Broadway, Gurugram has experienced a substantial increase in both foot traffic and sales performance. Weekends now see an average footfall of between 40,000 to 45,000 visitors, a notable rise from previous years. This growth is largely due to strategic repositioning and the introduction of several new tenants, including major brands such as Reliance Smart, Max Fashion, Croma, and PVR Inox. The mall’s transition from a PRS model to a mixed MG and revenue-sharing model has been pivotal. "By aligning our leasing strategy with current market dynamics, we've cultivated a tenant mix that appeals to a diverse range of customers," says Abhishek Trehan, Executive Director, Trehan Iris. 

Unique Qualities and Customer Experience

Iris Broadway sets itself apart as the premier shopping destination in New Gurugram by offering an extensive blend of retail, entertainment, and dining options. As the only fully leased-out shopping center and food hub in the area, it caters to a catchment of over 3.5 lakh residents. The mall's strategic location, combined with a diverse tenant mix, ensures a vibrant and dynamic customer experience. Regular events, such as Christmas Carnivals and Summer Camps, further enhance visitor engagement and loyalty.

"Our strategic positioning and variety of tenants ensure a unique and enriching experience for every visitor," adds Aman Trehan, Executive Director, Trehan Iris. 

Innovative Foodtainment 

To enrich the visitor experience and drive foot traffic, Iris Broadway has introduced a range of innovative foodtainment concepts. The mall boasts a diverse culinary landscape featuring popular dining options such as Starbucks, Daryaganj, Gola Sizzlers, Social, Studi XO, Haldirams, House of Wok, KFC, McDonald's, WOW Momos, Beer Cafe, and Chaayos. These dining choices not only attract food enthusiasts but also contribute significantly to overall customer satisfaction by providing a variety of options within a vibrant and engaging environment.

"Our aim is to offer an exceptional dining experience that complements our retail and entertainment offerings, the diverse food options enhance the appeal of the mall, making it a must-visit destination for all." notes Abhishek Trehan. "."

Looking Ahead

Iris Broadway continues to innovate and adapt to meet the evolving needs of its visitors. With a focus on maintaining a vibrant tenant mix and offering unique customer experiences, the mall is poised for continued success. "Our goal is to keep evolving and providing exceptional experiences for our visitors, we are committed to staying ahead of the curve and ensuring Iris Broadway remains the top shopping destination in New Gurugram." concludes Aman Trehan. 

The approach and dedication to enhance the customer experience position Iris Broadway as a leader in the retail space, setting new benchmarks for what a modern shopping destination can offer.

Top 10 Best Men’s Wallet Brands in India: Style Meets Function

A wallet is not just a place to store money and cards—it’s an important part of a man’s style. For modern Indian men, a wallet is more than a necessity; it's a style statement. With more people willing to spend on quality products, the demand for premium wallets is on the rise. Whether you are at work or out for a casual day, a luxury wallet can add an elegant touch to your outfit.

Here, we’ve listed the top 10 best men’s wallet brands in India that offer the best in terms of design, quality, and style. Whether you prefer classic or modern styles, you’ll find a wallet that fits your personality.

Also Read:  Top 10 Luxury Handbag Brands In India 2024

Top 10 Premium Handbag Brands in India

India’s Growing Market for Wallets

The leather goods market in India is growing fast, with wallets playing a big role. As of 2024, the industry is valued at around $1.85 billion and continues to grow at 5.25 percent each year. With more Indian men opting for premium accessories, luxury wallets are becoming more popular.

Also check:   10 Best Luggage Brands in India

List of the Top 10 Men's Wallet Brands in India

Here’s a list to guide you in choosing your personalized style in everyday life.

1. Hidesign: Classic and Eco-Friendly

Hidesign: Classic and Eco-Friendly

Hidesign is a prominent Indian brand celebrated for its commitment to sustainable fashion. Founded in 1978. The brand is a well-known Indian brand that offers eco-friendly wallets. Their wallets are made from vegetable-tanned leather and crafted by hand, making them both stylish and sustainable. Whether you like simple designs or something more detailed, Hidesign has something for everyone.

2. Louis Philippe: Indian Elegance

Louis Philippe: Indian Elegance

Louis Philippe, a flagship brand of the Aditya Birla Group, has been a cornerstone of Indian men's fashion since 1989. The brand is a leading name in Indian men’s fashion, known for its timeless, classy designs. Their wallets are made from top-quality leather and designed for men who prefer a simple yet elegant look. If you want something professional and durable, Louis Philippe is a great option.

3. Da Milano: Italian Touch with Indian Style

Da Milano: Italian Touch with Indian Style

Da Milano offers a unique fusion of Italian craftsmanship and Indian sensibilities. Established in 1989. Their wallets are made from high-end materials and are perfect for men who like a stylish yet functional accessory. Da Milano offers a wide range of options, from classic to modern designs.

4. Montblanc: Luxury for the Modern Man

Montblanc: Luxury for the Modern Man

Montblanc, a name synonymous with luxury since 1906, is renowned globally for its premium writing instruments and accessories. Montblanc is famous for its luxury products worldwide, and its wallets are no different. Made from premium leather, Montblanc wallets are sleek and minimal, perfect for men who like simple yet high-end accessories.

5. Hugo Boss: Fashion and Function

Hugo Boss: Fashion and Function

Hugo Boss, a global leader in fashion since 1924, brings a blend of contemporary style and practicality to its wallet collection. The brand offers wallets designed for modern men who need both style and function. With clean lines and useful features, these wallets are ideal for those who like something trendy but practical. Whether you need a simple cardholder or a full-sized wallet, Hugo Boss has a lot to offer.

6. Coach: American Style with Indian Sophistication

Coach: American Style with Indian Sophistication

Coach, an iconic American brand founded in 1941, is renowned for its commitment to craftsmanship and classic style. Known for its leather goods, Coach’s wallets combine American design sensibilities with an Indian touch. Their wallets are designed with a mix of classic and modern styles, perfect for Indian men who value both tradition and fashion. Coach wallets are durable, stylish, and versatile, making them a great investment.

7. TUMI: Practical and Stylish

TUMI: Practical and Stylish

TUMI, established in 1975, is well-known for its premium travel and lifestyle accessories. The brand’s wallets reflect its focus on functionality and innovation. For men who travel often, TUMI offers wallets that are both practical and luxurious. Known for its focus on functionality, its wallets come with multiple compartments and RFID protection. These wallets are ideal for men who need style without compromising on organization.

8. Titan: Affordable Luxury

Titan: Affordable Luxury

Titan has been a trusted Indian brand since 1984 that offers stylish wallets at reasonable prices. Titan has expanded its product line to include leather goods that offer premium quality at accessible prices. Known for their quality and durability, Titan wallets offer a premium look without breaking the bank. They provide a range of styles, from traditional bi-folds to modern cardholders.

9. Fossil: Vintage Meets Modern

Fossil: Vintage Meets Modern

Fossil, established in 1984, is celebrated for its unique blend of vintage and contemporary design. The brand’s wallets reflect its dedication to high-quality materials and distinctive styles. Their wallets are made from high-quality leather and have unique designs that stand out. Fossil wallets are perfect for men who like a touch of nostalgia in their accessories but still want a functional, modern wallet.

10. Urban Forest: Affordable Everyday Style

Urban Forest: Affordable Everyday Style

Urban Forest is a rising Indian brand that provides high-quality wallets at affordable prices. Known for their sleek designs and variety, Urban Forest offers wallets that fit both formal and casual settings. Their wallets combine functionality and affordability, making them a popular choice among Indian men. These brands represent a wide range of styles and price points, ensuring that you can find the perfect wallet to suit your personal taste and lifestyle.

Wallets are Combining Style and Durability

Wallets are not just about style—they are made to last. Premium wallets are crafted from high-quality materials that ensure durability, making them a smart investment. Whether it’s for daily use or special occasions, a good wallet can elevate your overall look.

How to Pick the Right Wallet

Choosing the right wallet depends on your style and needs. If you prefer simple, sleek designs, brands like Montblanc or Louis Philippe are perfect. Coach or Da Milano offers great options for those who want bold and trendy designs. And if you’re someone who travels a lot, TUMI’s practical wallets might be the right fit for you.

Whether you’re buying a wallet for yourself or as a gift, these top 10 men’s wallet brands in India offer excellent choices. From timeless elegance to bold modern styles, there’s a wallet for every man. Invest in a wallet today, and that adds a touch of sophistication to your everyday life. Check out these top brands and find the wallet that complements your unique style!

  • Louis Philippe

Top Champagne Brands in India: Pop, Fizz And Celebrate

The best champagne brands in India are synonymous with luxury, celebration, and indulgence, making them a preferred choice for special occasions. In India, the growing appetite for premium beverages has led to an increasing demand for fine champagnes. While traditionally associated with France, top champagne houses have made their mark on the Indian market, offering a wide range of options for discerning consumers.  From iconic brands to hidden gems, the Indian market offers a diverse range of champagnes to suit every palate and occasion. This guide will explore some of the best champagne brands in India, providing insights into their unique characteristics and why they have earned their place in the hearts of champagne enthusiasts.

Read More :  Explore Top Tequila Brands in India: A Spirited Journey

Best Champagne Brands in India

With our carefully crafted list of the best champagne brands in India for 2024, we have saved the day. Thus, use some discretion now and provide your particular occasion the finest piece it merits.

Moet & Chandon

One of the most distinguished champagne brands in India. For more than 200 years, Moet Champagne has been produced with the same care and consistency. With a fruit-forward flavor, its is often made from a blend of three grapes- pinot noir, pinot meunier, and a tiny bit of chardonnay. The wine vaults of this champagne brand have 28 km (17.4 miles) of subterranean tunnels beneath Epernay, are home to all of the Champagne bottles. The ideal environment for maturing and maturation is produced by these wine vaults.

Top Champagne Brands in India: Pop, Fizz And Celebrate

Standing second in the line, the best champagne brands in India. Founded in 1772, Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin is a Reims-based Champagne firm. It's among the biggest champagne houses. The pursuit of perfection, passion for the best pinot noir grape variety, and skill with aging are what characterize Veuve Clicquot. A superb illustration of its superior winemaking is the Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label. A combination of 30–45 percent reserve wines and fruit from 50–60 distinct crus is used in the Yellow Label bottle. The predominant grape variety in the Yellow Label mix is Pinot Noir, with small amounts of Chardonnay and Pinot Meunier.

Top Champagne Brands in India: Pop, Fizz And Celebrate


Coming in third place, an excellent champagne brand available in India,Laurent-Perrie.r Founded in 1812, Laurent-Perrier is a Champagne house. It is the parent company of the Laurent-Perrier Group, which also owns the houses of Salon, De Castellane, and Delamotte as flagship brands. As the largest family-owned business and one of the most respected Champagne brands globally, Laurent-Perrier has been producing distinctive and sophisticated Champagnes for almost 200 years.

Top Champagne Brands in India: Pop, Fizz And Celebrate


One of the most illustrious and unique champagne brands in India, Maison Perrier-Jouët. Known for its refined, flowery champagnes made in limited quantities, Perrier-Jouët has been striving for excellence since 1811. With an abundance of fruit flavor, it has always been light, delicate, and faithful to its brut style. Each style, which includes Blanc de Blancs, Brut, and Rosé, has two cuvee selections that highlight different but complimentary facets of the house's experience. A well-balanced, vibrant mouthfeeling wine that is charming and appealing. Acidity and body are moderate. Featuring hints of toasty brioche, citrus, sweet honey, yellow apple, and sun-ripened lemon with a hint of grapefruit in the aftertaste.

Top Champagne Brands in India: Pop, Fizz And Celebrate

A well-known champagne brand in India. Taittinger is a French champagne company that was established in Reims, in 1734. The Taittinger family, who have been making champagne for more than 400 years, owns and runs the estate. What qualities distinguish Taittinger? With warm flavors of brioche, beeswax, and vanilla, the wine has tremendous finesse from the blend of citrus fruit and lime tree scents found in its glossy, golden fruits. Another grape variety that preserves well is chardonnay, which is used in significant amounts in Taittinger's mixes.

Top Champagne Brands in India: Pop, Fizz And Celebrate

G.H. Humm is a fancy champagne brand in India. P.A. Mumm and his three sons, who were already well-known Rhine Valley winemakers, formed the business in 1827. After taking over the business in 1852, Georges Hermann Mumm committed his life to making it a premier champagne firm. It is renowned for its proficiency in bottling, mixing, winemaking, and vineyard management. This champagne brand is famous for its freshness, fruity richness of pinot noir, structure, and depth. Mumm Cordon Rouge and Mumm Rosé Champagne are two of the brand's well-known champagnes.

Top Champagne Brands in India: Pop, Fizz And Celebrate

Pol Roger is a popular champagne brand in India. In the market since 1849, Pol Roger is widely recognized as one of the best champagne houses. It is renowned for the elegance and grace of its wines, especially the Cuvee Winston Churchill and the Vintage Brut. Made from equal parts chardonnay, pinot noir, and pinot meunier. Pol Roger Brut Reserve Non-Vintage is typically among the best available, partly because of the blend's high percentage of aged reserve wines.

Top Champagne Brands in India: Pop, Fizz And Celebrate

One of the esteemed champagne brands in India. The house of Ruinart laid the first foundation stone in the history of champagne. Its DNA is composed of elegance, refinement, purity, lightness, and its signature chardonnay grape varietal, which combine to create a truly timeless and contemporary icon. It takes inspiration from its masterpieces from the last three centuries. Subtle fruity aromas of apricots and reinette apples, combined with crisp almonds and hazelnuts, are evident at first impressions. A hint of coriander seed and elderflower lends a subtle richness. Strong biscuit and brioche scents are allowed to come through on second impressions.

Top Champagne Brands in India: Pop, Fizz And Celebrate

Louis Roederer

A prominent champagne brand in India. Located in Reims, France, Louis Roederer is a champagne manufacturer. Louis Roederer took over and renamed the company in 1833 after it was founded in 1776. It is still one of the few family-owned and independent maisons de champagne. Its wines have a velvety mouthfeel with understated notes of pink cherry and lemon curd. Thanks to barrel age, the wine has toasted lees, sharp acidity, and mineral aromas that contribute to its superb finish. Indeed, Cristal Champagne is widely regarded as one of the finest sparkling wines globally, frequently savored as an opulent beverage at elaborate festivities. 

Top Champagne Brands in India: Pop, Fizz And Celebrate

Making of a Champagne

Champagne is crafted through a complex, time-consuming, and highly regulated process known as the “methode traditionnelle” or “methode champenoise”. The journey begins with the hand-picking of grapes, typically between August and October. Followed by the below-mentioned steps:

  • Crushing : To prevent the black skins from tainting the white wine, the grapes are crushed softly.
  • First Fermentation : The juice is fermented in oak barrels or stainless steel tanks to produce alcohol from the natural sugar.
  • Blending : To produce a distinctive style, different wines from various vintages, grape varietals, localities, and pressings are mixed together.
  • Second Fermentation : The wine is put into bottles and kept horizontally after being mixed with sugar, yeast, and nutrients. The sugar is transformed by the yeast into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

The champagne is then aged in cellars for several years before undergoing riddling, where dead yeast cells are removed. The wine is disgorged, dosed with a small amount of sweetened wine, and finally corked and secured with a wire cage to contain the pressure. This intricate process can take anywhere from 15 months to 3 years, depending on the champagne.

Know More :  Best Rum Brands in India: 2024 Edition

Fascinating Facts About Champagne 

The interesting knowledge about champagne that follows may be useful if you enjoy drinking bubbly while celebrating the holidays!

  • The ideal temperature range for storing champagne is between 7 and 12 °C.
  • The ideal serving temperature for champagne is between 8 and 10 °C.
  • Multiple bubble trains rising in lines from the sides of a poured glass like so many little hot-air balloons are among the characteristics that define an excellent champagne. The bubbles form a ring at the top of a full flute, known as a collerette, when they reach the surface. 
  • Less than six grams of sugar are added every liter of extra brut champagne. Conversely, brut champagne contains fewer than 15 grams of added sugar per liter. There are several classifications of champagne, albeit the drier varieties are the most well-liked.

Know More :  Top Whisky Brands in India for 2024 | ABV%

Choosing the right champagne can elevate any celebration, whether it's an intimate gathering or a grand occasion. India’s champagne market is brimming with luxury choices that promise to make every toast unforgettable.  Whether you prefer something bold and complex or light and fruity, the world of champagne offers endless possibilities to explore. So, the next time you're ready to celebrate life's special moments, pop open one of these bottles and let the bubbles do the talking! Which one will you choose to elevate your celebration? Cheers! 

Read More :  Top 10 Beer Brands in India Under Rs 400: Sip Without Splurging

From 8 Million to 40 Million: Inside Myntra’s Plan to Dominate India’s Gen Z Fashion Market

Capturing the ever-shifting tastes of Gen Z, especially in fashion, can feel like chasing a whirlwind. This digitally native generation craves constant freshness, instant gratification, and the freedom to express their individuality through fashion. Understanding these unique demands, Myntra has positioned itself at the heart of Gen Z’s fashion journey with its dedicated fashion app-in-app, FWD. In just over a year, FWD has doubled Myntra’s Gen Z customer base, growing from 8 million in 2023 to a whopping 16 million by mid-2024. And the fashion giant isn’t slowing down—it aims to amass 40 million Gen Z customers in the next few years.

"We’ve always been at the forefront of offering customers what they most seek to express themselves through fashion. And now, we’re embracing the undeniable influence of Gen Z by reimagining the fashion shopping experience with FWD, aligning it with their values and expectations," said Sunder Balasubramanian, Chief Marketing Officer, Myntra.

A Fashion Playground

FWD is not just another e-commerce platform; it’s an immersive fashion playground designed specifically for the trend-first, tech-savvy Gen Z shopper. With over 60,000+ styles, featuring 500+ brands that resonate globally with both men and women, FWD promises a unique shopping experience. Its curated assortment of cutting-edge styles brings the latest trends straight to the fingertips of India’s young fashionistas.

At the core, the allure lies its discovery features, which allow users to effortlessly navigate the latest trends. From curated selections to personalized size and fit recommendations, FWD ensures that every aspect of the shopping journey caters to the needs of Gen Z. “FWD is built for Gen Z, offering trend-first styles, an enhanced shopping experience, and pocket-friendly prices,” Balasubramanian emphasized. “We aim to double our Gen Z customer growth by leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance every touchpoint—from selection to discovery to delivery.”

With Gen Z representing one-third of India’s e-lifestyle shoppers and influencing 25 percent of the overall GMV (Gross Merchandise Value) in e-lifestyle fashion, FWD’s growth potential is immense. Projections show that the online trend-first fashion market will balloon into a $5 billion industry by 2028, and FWD is determined to lead this evolution.

Tech-Driven Shopping

One of the key drivers behind FWD’s success is its seamless integration of tech innovations that appeal to Gen Z’s preference for a personalized and interactive shopping experience. Features like Spot it - Get it allow users to instantly purchase items they spot in pictures, while MyFashionGPT provides AI-powered recommendations tailored to their preferences. Another popular feature, Myntra Minis, offers short, shoppable videos, enhancing the way customers engage with trends.

Additionally, Myntra’s Mweb platform has been a game changer, offering a mobile web experience that mirrors the ease of an app, catering to Gen Z’s inclination for mobile browsing without the hassle of downloading new apps. And if that wasn’t enough, Myntra’s collaboration with 25,000+ micro and nano influencers has created an authentic connection with Gen Z shoppers. These influencers, who deeply resonate with their communities, help spread trends in real-time, adding a layer of trust and relatability to the platform.

"Micro and nano influencers bring a certain authenticity to the table. Their recommendations come from a place of genuine interaction with the product, and that’s what resonates with Gen Z. These creators don’t just advertise — they engage, educate, and inspire," added Balasubramanian.

The Ultimate Glam Clan

Gen Z’s creative spirit knows no bounds, and everyone wants to be an influencer. Myntra has launched The Ultimate Glam Clan, India’s largest shopper-led creator program in the e-lifestyle space. This program is built to empower shoppers to step into the role of creators, enabling them to earn rewards while sharing their passion for fashion. “Gen Z wants their voice to be heard, and they crave platforms that allow them to express themselves. With the Ultimate Glam Clan, we’re giving them just that — a platform where they can showcase their style, share their feedback, and earn rewards for their creativity,” Balasubramanian explained.

The concept is simple yet powerful: customers purchase items from Myntra, share their honest reviews (currently via text and images, with video capabilities on the horizon), and if their content leads to sales, they are incentivized for their efforts. In a few short weeks, 65,000 users have already registered for the program, showing just how eager Gen Z is to blur the line between shopper and creator.

Fashion that Speaks

Gen Z is not just about trends; they’re also highly conscious of the values behind the brands they support. Inclusivity, sustainability, and affordability are non-negotiable for this generation. And Myntra has risen to the challenge by ensuring FWD caters to these expectations. “Inclusivity, whether it’s in terms of size, color, or gender, is a crucial aspect for Gen Z. We’re proud to offer an extensive range of inclusive fashion options, making sure there’s something for everyone,” said Balasubramanian.

With FWD’s wide selection of on-trend styles at pocket-friendly prices (the average selling price hovers between Rs 500-650), it has become a destination of choice for budget-conscious Gen Z shoppers. Meanwhile, its commitment to sustainability is reflected in its partnerships with eco-friendly brands, offering mindful shopping options without compromising on style or affordability. When it comes to fashion, this generation is both eclectic and fickle. Trends can shift overnight, with micro-trends emerging from viral moments, influencer hype, and pop culture phenomena. Myntra’s ability to stay agile and responsive to these fast-evolving trends has been a key differentiator.

“We see a mix of macro trends that last longer, like oversized tees and cargo pants, and micro trends, which often arise from pop culture moments—like when shows such as ‘Emily in Paris’ spark a trend for French chic fashion. At Myntra, we’re always on our toes, ready to curate and deliver these trends to our customers in real time,” Balasubramanian explained.

Myntra’s weekly drops of 2,000 new styles ensure that its fashion catalog stays fresh and exciting, catering to Gen Z’s desire for constant novelty.

What’s Next for FWD?

With its growing influence in both metro and non-metro areas, FWD is set to dominate the Gen Z fashion market in the years to come. Currently, 60 percent of its customer base comes from metro cities, while 40 percent hails from non-metro areas, highlighting the brand’s broad appeal across India’s digital-first youth.

As FWD continues to evolve, Myntra’s focus remains on deepening its connection with the 60 million Gen Z e-lifestyle shoppers who are already online. This will be achieved through strategic initiatives that prioritize trend-first shopping, an elevated user experience, and competitive pricing.

 “We’re confident that by focusing on what matters most to Gen Z — trends, value, and a seamless shopping experience — FWD will become the dominant force in the online fashion space. Our goal is to double our penetration in this segment over the next couple of years,” Balasubramanian said.

As FWD moves towards its ambitious goal of reaching 40 million Gen Z customers, the platform’s innovative approach to blending fashion, technology, and social influence will continue to set the stage for Myntra’s leadership in India’s burgeoning e-lifestyle market. By embracing change, responding to real-time trends, and fostering genuine connections with its young audience, FWD by Myntra isn’t just keeping up with Gen Z — it’s setting the pace for the future of fashion.

How India is Becoming a Key Player in Global iPhone Exports

India has claimed a major milestone in its tech journey by surpassing the United States to become the world’s second-largest 5G handset market in 2024. In the first half (H1) of the year, global 5G handset shipments grew by a staggering 20 percent year-on-year (YoY), driven largely by a surge in affordable 5G devices. What makes this growth even more significant is that India now accounts for more than 50 percent of all mobile shipments, which are 5G-enabled for the first time in history! With tech giants like Xiaomi, Samsung, and vivo spearheading the charge, India’s rise is rewriting the global 5G narrative. 

Apple’s Growing Presence in India

While India is making waves in 5G handset shipments, its role in Apple’s global supply chain is also gaining traction. Apple’s iPhone exports from India hit a staggering $5 billion in the first five months of FY25, marking a 54 percent increase from last year. This surge is driven by Apple’s decision to manufacture its flagship iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone Max models in India, with production expected to increase further in the coming months.

As Apple continues to ramp up its production in India, the country is becoming a major hub for iPhone exports, with more than $10 billion worth of iPhones exported to markets in Europe, West Asia, and the United States in FY24.

India’s 5G Boom: The Numbers That Matter

India’s recent triumph in the global 5G race is underpinned by some impressive numbers:

  • 20 percent YoY Growth: Global 5G handset shipments surged in H1 2024, driven by increased availability in lower price segments.
  • Over 50 percent Share: 5G handsets crossed the 50 percent mark of total mobile shipments globally for the first time.
  • India’s Meteoric Rise: India surpassed the US to become the second-largest 5G handset market worldwide, trailing only China.
  • Asia-Pacific Leads the Pack: This region contributed 63 percent of the total global net additions, commanding a massive 58 percent of 5G handset shipments.

The secret behind India’s rise to second place in the global 5G handset market? Accessibility. Leading smartphone manufacturers such as Xiaomi, Samsung, and vivo have made 5G affordable for millions of Indians by offering devices at competitive prices without sacrificing essential features. The result? A huge surge in demand across India’s metropolitan and Tier II cities, where consumers are looking to upgrade from their aging 4G devices to faster, more efficient 5G models.

Senior Analyst Prachir Singh of Counterpoint Research attributes this surge to budget-friendly 5G smartphones gaining popularity across India. "India's rise in the 5G handset market is a direct result of the strong push from budget and mid-range 5G devices, which are now more accessible to a broader section of the population," Singh explained.

The fact that 5G devices have penetrated the lower price segments is a game changer. Until recently, 5G smartphones were predominantly high-end, but with more affordable options hitting the market, Indian consumers are embracing the opportunity to upgrade to 5G devices.

What’s Fueling India’s 5G Surge?

Several factors have contributed to India’s rapid rise in the 5G space:

  • Affordable 5G Handsets: The introduction of budget and mid-range 5G devices has opened the doors for a significant portion of India’s population to access next-gen technology.
  • Xiaomi, vivo, and Samsung Leading the Charge: These brands have been instrumental in driving India's growth in 5G handset shipments, particularly through their affordable yet powerful devices. Xiaomi registered triple-digit growth in the Indian market, while vivo also saw major success, with India as a key growth driver alongside China and other emerging Asian economies.
  • 5G as a Major Upgrade: For many consumers in India, upgrading to a 5G handset is seen as a long-term investment in faster speeds, better connectivity, and future-proof technology.

The Global Picture

While India’s story is compelling, Apple continues to reign as the global leader in 5G handset shipments, commanding over 25 percent of the market share. This dominance is driven by the widespread success of the iPhone 14 and iPhone 15 series. Following closely behind is Samsung, with a 21 percent share, thanks to its popular Galaxy A series and flagship Galaxy S24 models. Together, Apple and Samsung account for 10 of the top 10 best-selling 5G models in H1 2024, cementing their positions as global market leaders.

However, Xiaomi is not far behind. The brand’s significant market presence in India and other key regions like the Middle East and Africa (MEA) has pushed it into the third spot globally. Xiaomi’s rise is particularly notable in India, where it has achieved triple-digit growth, highlighting the brand’s successful strategy in capturing the hearts and wallets of Indian consumers.

5G Goes Mainstream

5G is no longer confined to high-end smartphones. The budget segment is now seeing a significant shift towards 5G technology, especially in India and China, two of the world’s largest smartphone markets. In Q2 2024, 24 percent of all budget smartphones (priced under $150) were 5G-enabled—a remarkable 2.5x increase from the previous year.

Brands like Xiaomi and Samsung are leading this trend, with models like the Redmi 13C 5G and Galaxy A15 5G climbing the ranks of best-selling budget phones. This shift highlights how 5G is becoming a standard feature even in the sub-$150 smartphone category, making it more accessible to a broader audience.

What’s Next?

India’s 5G market is poised for even greater expansion. With more affordable 5G smartphones entering the market and increasing coverage of 5G networks, this trend shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, Research Director Tarun Pathak predicts that the share of 5G handsets in the global market will grow to 57 percent by the end of 2024 and reach 65 percent by 2025.

As 5G networks continue to expand across India, telecom companies are racing to offer better connectivity at lower prices, making it more appealing for consumers to switch to 5G. The democratization of 5G technology, coupled with the ongoing global trend of premiumization in the smartphone industry, will only fuel this growth further.

  • smartphone market

Orion Mall: A Hub of Growth and Innovation

Orion Mall at Brigade Gateway has firmly established itself as a premier shopping and entertainment destination, achieving remarkable milestones over the past year. With over Rs 15,000 million in annual retail sales, the mall has witnessed significant growth in foot traffic and sales performance.

Surging Foot Traffic and Sales Performance

The past year has seen Orion Mall experience a substantial increase in both foot traffic and sales. According to Sunil Munshi, VP Retail, Brigade Group, "We've observed a steady increase in foot traffic, particularly during peak periods such as the festive period of summer holidays, end of season sales, Deepawali, and Christmas. Foot traffic has risen by over 12 percent, leading to substantial sales growth across various categories, ranging between 12-20 percent."

This growth is a testament to the mall's ability to attract and retain customers through a combination of strategic marketing and a diverse retail mix. The mall's vibrant atmosphere, enhanced by lively experiential events and festive decorations, has made it a favored destination for shoppers and families alike.

Features Enhancing Customer Experience

Orion Mall sets itself apart from other shopping destinations by offering more than just retail options. "We're more than just a mall; we're a destination where shopping meets entertainment, culinary dining, and community connections," says Munshi. The mall's carefully curated mix of stores includes international, national, and regional brands, ensuring that every visitor finds something to enjoy.

The mall's extensive dining options, ranging from quick bites to fine dining, cater to every taste. With over 12 fine dining options, 14 food and beverage outlets, and an expansive food court hosting 26 outlets with a seating capacity of over 1200, Orion Mall provides a culinary journey that delights every visitor. Recent additions like Bombay Brasserie and Burma Burma have further enriched the dining experience, offering unique and culturally immersive menus.

Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Engagement

Innovation is at the heart of Orion Mall's strategy. The mall has integrated advanced technologies to improve operations and customer engagement. "At Brigade, we have kept customer experience at the center of our digital transformation program. We are focusing on new automation areas while investing in a source-agnostic Customer Data Platform (CDP) for better audience segmentation and reach," explains Munshi.

The adoption of Customer Experience Management (CXM) software, WhatsApp Bots, and Digital Mall Directories has enhanced customer interactions and streamlined operations. These initiatives, while prioritizing data privacy and security, ensure a seamless and engaging experience for all visitors.

Culinary Excellence and Community Connection

Orion Mall is not just a shopping destination but a vibrant community hub. The mall's diverse culinary offerings, featuring a mix of fine dining and casual eateries, create a dynamic and inviting atmosphere. Restaurants like Toscano Restaurant & Wine Bar, Punjab Grill, Nando's, Geist Brewing Co., You Mee, Pizza Express, and Cafe Noir offer a wide range of dining experiences, from contemporary casual dining to premium cuisine.

Bombay Brasserie, with its art-deco ambiance, celebrates Indian art, culture, and culinary nuances with a progressive twist. Burma Burma Restaurant & Tea Room, known for its vibrant and modern Asian aesthetic, redefines Burmese cuisine, providing a holistic dining experience that blends food, culture, and happiness.

Sunil Munshi sums it up well, "Orion Mall is not just about shopping; it's about creating unforgettable experiences. We aim to be a destination where people come together to enjoy food, culture, and entertainment in a vibrant, welcoming environment."

Top 10 Premium Handbag Brands in India

In today’s fashion-forward world, a handbag is more than just a functional accessory; it’s a statement piece that speaks volumes about your personal style. If you're on the hunt for the perfect blend of craftsmanship, luxury, and trendsetting designs, you’ve come to the right place. India is home to a thriving luxury market, and the demand for premium handbags has never been higher. Whether you're attending a high-society event or simply looking to elevate your daily outfit, these top 10 premium handbag brands in India offer something for every style-conscious individual.

How to Choose the Perfect Premium Handbag for Your Style

Selecting the right premium handbag can feel like a daunting task with so many luxurious options to choose from. Consider the occasion, your wardrobe, and your personal style. If you lean towards classic elegance, a brand like Hidesign or Da Milano will complement your look. For the bold and trendy, Miraggio or Lavie may be more up your alley. And if you’re seeking timeless sophistication with a touch of modern minimalism, Charles & Keith is your best bet.

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Best Handbag Brands in India

Here's a list of top premium handbags for your wardrobe, choose a style to stay fashionable. 

1. Hidesign: Timeless Elegance Meets Modern Chic

 Hidesign: Timeless Elegance Meets Modern Chic

Hidesign is a homegrown brand that has set the standard for luxury handbags in India. Known for its exceptional craftsmanship and the use of eco-friendly leather, Hidesign blends old-world charm with contemporary designs. Whether it's a classic tote or a modern sling bag, Hidesign’s collection reflects elegance with a subtle touch of modernity, perfect for the sophisticated woman who values sustainability.

Why You’ll Love It:

  • Handcrafted using vegetable-tanned leather
  • Durable, eco-friendly, and timeless designs

2. Baggit: Style with a Conscience

Baggit: Style with a Conscience

If you're looking for chic designs without compromising on ethics, Baggit is the brand for you. A pioneer in the vegan fashion movement, Baggit offers cruelty-free bags that don’t skimp on style. From everyday totes to trendy backpacks, Baggit caters to the eco-conscious fashionista who wants to look good while feeling good.

  • Vegan and cruelty-free
  • Affordable yet fashionable

3. Da Milano: Italian style with Indian Flair

Da Milano: Italian style with Indian Flair

Da Milano brings European luxury to Indian shores with its Italian-inspired craftsmanship and impeccable attention to detail. Each handbag in its collection exudes a sense of opulence, making it a must-have for those who appreciate the finer things in life. Whether you're traveling abroad or attending a formal dinner, Da Milano ensures you're carrying a piece of luxury with you.

  • Italian-inspired designs with Indian sensibilities
  • High-quality leather and craftsmanship

4. Caprese: The Celebrity-Favorite Accessory Brand

Caprese: The Celebrity-Favorite Accessory Brand

Caprese has quickly become a household name, thanks in part to its association with Bollywood celebrities. Known for its trendy designs and affordable luxury, Caprese offers handbags that are both stylish and functional. Whether it’s a casual day out or a glamorous event, Caprese has the perfect bag to complement your look.

  • Endorsed by top Bollywood stars
  • Fashion-forward designs at affordable prices

5. Lavie: Youthful, Vibrant, and Versatile

Lavie: Youthful, Vibrant, and Versatile

Lavie is the go-to brand for the young and trendy crowd. With its vibrant colors and versatile designs, Lavie handbags are perfect for the modern woman who is always on the go. Whether you need a spacious tote for work or a chic sling bag for a night out, Lavie’s extensive collection ensures you’ll find something to suit your style.

  • Playful and vibrant designs
  • Perfect balance of style and functionality

6. Nappa Dori: Where Vintage Meets Contemporary

Nappa Dori: Where Vintage Meets Contemporary

Nappa Dori stands out for its unique blend of vintage aesthetics and modern functionality. Known for its minimalistic designs and superior craftsmanship, this Delhi-based brand has garnered a cult following among India’s elite. If you're someone who appreciates art in fashion, Nappa Dori’s handbags are a must-have in your collection.

  • Unique vintage-inspired designs
  • High-quality materials and craftsmanship

7. Esbeda: Affordable Luxury for the Modern Woman

Esbeda: Affordable Luxury for the Modern Woman

Esbeda offers the luxury experience without the luxury price tag. With a wide range of stylish and practical handbags, Esbeda is perfect for the modern woman who wants to stay fashionable without overspending. Whether it’s for work or a casual outing, Esbeda's handbags are designed to make a statement.

  • Budget-friendly luxury
  • A wide range of designs for every occasion

8. H&M Accessories: Trendsetting Global Fashion

H&M Accessories: Trendsetting Global Fashion

Known worldwide for its fast fashion, H&M also offers a fantastic collection of trendy handbags. Whether you’re looking for the latest trends or classic minimalist pieces, H&M delivers. The brand's handbags are perfect for those who want to keep up with global fashion trends without breaking the bank.

  • Affordable, trendy designs
  • Wide variety for different styles and occasions

9. Miraggio: Bold Designs for the Fearless

Miraggio: Bold Designs for the Fearless

Miraggio is not for the faint-hearted. This brand is all about making bold fashion statements with its eye-catching and daring designs. If you're someone who loves experimenting with your style and doesn't shy away from attention, Miraggio’s handbags will be your go-to accessory.

  • Daring, bold designs
  • Perfect for trendsetters who love to stand out

10. Charles & Keith: Minimalist Design, Maximum Impact

Charles & Keith: Minimalist Design, Maximum Impact

Charles & Keith has captured the hearts of fashionistas around the world, and India is no exception. Known for its minimalist yet high-impact designs, this international brand is perfect for the modern urban woman. Whether you're heading to a business meeting or a casual brunch, Charles & Keith handbags add an air of sophistication to any outfit.

  • Sleek, minimalist designs
  • High-end look at an accessible price point

Why Every Woman Deserves a Touch of Luxury

A premium handbag is more than just a fashion accessory—it’s an investment in yourself. It adds a touch of class to even the simplest of outfits and can last for years when chosen wisely. Plus, who doesn't love a little luxury in their everyday life? Whether it's for work, travel, or special occasions, every woman deserves a handbag that makes her feel confident and stylish.

From the Red Carpet to Your Closet: Celebrity-Approved Handbag Trends

Bollywood divas like Kareena Kapoor and Alia Bhatt have been spotted sporting bags from brands like Caprese and Da Milano. These celebrity endorsements have made premium handbags not only desirable but also attainable for the everyday fashionista. Whether you're inspired by Bollywood or international trends, these handbags bring red carpet style straight to your closet.

India’s luxury handbag market is flourishing, offering something for every style and budget. Whether you're drawn to eco-friendly designs or high-end luxury, the brands mentioned above represent the best of the handbag world. So, which of these premium handbag brands are you eyeing for your next style upgrade? Shop your favorite brand now and add a touch of luxury to your wardrobe!

  • Ladies handbags

The Friendly Neighborhood Malls Resurgence

Neighborhood malls have seen a remarkable resurgence in foot traffic and sales, especially after the pandemic. Their strategic location and neighborhood-centric approach cater to local residents' needs for quick and easy access to shopping and dining options. This convenience, combined with a well-balanced mix of offerings, allows neighborhood malls to achieve trading densities comparable to larger enclosed shopping centers . The smaller unit sizes of neighborhood malls contribute to this success, as they create a more intimate and accessible shopping experience.

Convenience Drives Consumer Behavior

“Neighborhood malls have significantly impacted shoppers' purchasing power. As consumers prioritize quick and easy shopping experiences , neighborhood malls benefit from their proximity and accessibility. These features have brought a resurgence in foot traffic and sales, offering hassle-free shopping environments,” said Uddhav Poddar, Managing Director, Bhumika Group.

The success of neighborhood malls hinges on understanding and catering to the local demographic. Yukti Nagpal, Director, Gulshan Group emphasizes the importance of a balanced mix of retail, dining, and entertainment options. "When selecting tenants for Gulshan One29, we prioritize a balanced mix to create a vibrant and diverse shopping environment. Key factors include brand reputation, customer demand, and the potential to complement existing offerings," she stated.

Strategic Tenant Selection

The tenant mix is crucial in defining the identity of a neighborhood mall and differentiating it from competitors. Atamjot Singh, Vice President - Leasing, Elan Group, elaborated on the selection process, "We evaluate several factors, including market presence, customer acceptance, trading density, and brand performance at other locations. This ensures a balanced mix of retail, dining, and entertainment options, creating a diverse and vibrant shopping environment."

Engaging the Community

Engagement with the local community is another cornerstone of neighborhood mall success. Poddar highlighted Bhumika Group's approach, "We host community events such as cultural festivals and holiday celebrations, providing a platform for local artists and performers. Events like the Mango Fest, Dino World, and a month-long Kids Carnival foster a sense of belonging and make our mall a vibrant center for neighborhood engagement."

Nagpal echoed this sentiment, noting that Gulshan One29 is deeply committed to creating a hub for neighborhood activities. "We organize a variety of community events to ensure variety and keep our customers hooked. These initiatives not only enhance the mall's appeal but also strengthen its role as a central gathering place for the local population," she explained.

Embracing Digital Innovations

While physical presence is vital, integrating digital technologies can significantly enhance the shopping experience. Although Gulshan One29 currently does not use a dedicated mobile app, Yukti Nagpal mentioned, "All our restaurants are connected with Zomato and Swiggy for food delivery, and we are very active on social media platforms like Instagram. We continually explore opportunities to enhance our digital offerings."

Poddar added that Bhumika Group has embraced digital solutions to provide a seamless shopping experience. "We offer various digital solutions, including interactive directories, event notifications, and exclusive promotions, to keep our visitors engaged and informed," he added.

Prioritizing Customer Experience

Ensuring a high-quality customer experience is paramount. Yukti Nagpal explained, "We maintain rigorous standards for cleanliness, safety, and service across all touchpoints within the mall. Our staff undergo regular training to deliver exceptional customer service, and we actively gather customer feedback through surveys and digital forms."

Atamjot Singh concurs, stating that Elan Group is committed to delivering a high-quality customer experience. "Our staff undergoes rigorous training, and we maintain a clean and safe environment. Regular assessments help us identify areas for improvement, and our responsive management team takes swift action to address any concerns."

READ MORE:  The Future of Retail: Innovations and Challenges for Malls

Future Prospects and Expansion

The future looks promising for neighborhood malls, with many planning significant expansions and renovations. "We have exciting plans for expansion, with modernized shopping environments and upgraded facilities," said Uddhav Poddar. "Urban Square Mall has attracted prestigious brands and is rebranding its serviced apartments into Keys Lite by Lemon Tree, making it Udaipur’s top shopping and entertainment destination."

Atamjot Singh added that Elan Group aims to redefine commercial excellence with new projects featuring innovative designs, luxurious features, and sustainable solutions. "Each project is designed with a unique concept, setting new benchmarks in luxury, sustainability, and innovation."
  • Malls in India
  • retail sector

Top 10 Gin Brands in India That Are Elevating Your Cocktail Game (2024)

India’s gin revolution is in full swing! What was once a niche spirit reserved for cocktail connoisseurs has now become the go-to choice for millennials and Gen Z. With gin bars sprouting up across the country and craft distilleries experimenting with unique botanicals, the spirit is enjoying a resurgence like never before. Whether you’re an experienced gin drinker or a newbie, these top 10 gin brands in India are guaranteed to elevate your drinking experience.

Gin’s Comeback: Why This Spirit is Trending in India

Gone are the days when gin was considered just another mixer. Today, gin has carved a niche in India’s booming beverage scene. With its botanical complexity and versatile flavour profile, gin is the backbone of some of the world’s most loved cocktails. The rise of craft distilleries in India has only added fuel to the fire, giving gin lovers a variety of locally produced and globally renowned options.

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Top 10 Strongest Beer Brands in India | with Highest ABV%

What Makes a Great Gin? Key Flavours to Look Out For

From the earthy notes of juniper to refreshing bursts of citrus, gin’s beauty lies in its layers of flavours. A well-crafted gin combines botanicals like coriander, angelica root, cardamom, and pepper, offering a complex yet smooth taste. Whether you prefer a zesty punch or a more herbaceous finish, gin offers a variety of profiles that cater to all palates. Let’s dive into the top 10 gin brands in India and what makes each unique.

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Top 10 Red Wine Brands in India

Top 10 Gin Brands in India

Here’s a look at the top 10 gin brands that's leading the way:

1. Stranger & Sons: The Indian Craft Gin That’s Stealing the Spotlight

Stranger & Sons: The Indian Craft Gin That’s Stealing the Spotlight

If there’s one brand leading India’s gin renaissance, it’s Stranger & Sons. Produced in Goa, this award-winning gin is known for its intriguing blend of botanicals, including black pepper, nutmeg, and citrus peels. The result? A balanced yet bold flavour profile that works beautifully in a Gin & Tonic or even a classic Martini. Stranger & Sons has quickly become a favourite in the country’s trendy cocktail bars.

Pro tip: Try it with a splash of tonic and a slice of orange for the ultimate refreshment.

2. Greater Than: India’s Most Versatile Gin for Cocktails

Greater Than: India’s Most Versatile Gin for Cocktails

Greater Than is India’s first London Dry Gin, produced by the team behind Stranger & Sons. Crisp, citrusy, and incredibly versatile, this gin can easily be paired with any cocktail—be it a Negroni, a Gin Sour, or even something more experimental. Its affordable price point and smooth finish make it a favourite among Indian gin lovers.

Why it stands out: Affordable yet packed with flavour. Perfect for mixing or sipping straight.

3. Hapusa: The Himalayan Gin Experience You Can’t Miss

Hapusa: The Himalayan Gin Experience You Can’t Miss

Crafted with juniper berries sourced from the Himalayas, Hapusa is India’s first luxury gin. Its distinct earthy, piney notes and rich botanicals like cardamom, turmeric, and mango make it a truly unique spirit. Hapusa takes you on a sensory journey through the Himalayan landscape, making it one of the most exotic gin experiences available in India.

Pair it with:  A simple tonic water to let the bold flavours shine through.

4. Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin: An Ode to Royalty in Every Sip

Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin: An Ode to Royalty in Every Sip

Inspired by the royal history of Rajasthan, Jaisalmer Indian Craft Gin is a luxurious gin that combines traditional Indian botanicals like lemongrass, Darjeeling green tea leaves, and coriander. The packaging, too, exudes opulence with its golden accents, making it an excellent gift option for gin aficionados. With its spicy, complex palate, Jaisalmer gin is perfect for adventurous drinkers.

Fun fact: The gin is distilled in small batches, adding to its exclusivity.

5. Bombay Sapphire: The Global Favourite Now a Staple in India

Bombay Sapphire: The Global Favourite Now a Staple in India

No gin list is complete without Bombay Sapphire. Known for its smoothness and vibrant flavour, Bombay Sapphire’s unique infusion process involves steaming the botanicals rather than boiling them, resulting in a more refined taste. With botanicals like almond, lemon peel, and orris root, it’s no wonder Bombay Sapphire is a global sensation.

Cocktail recommendation: The classic Gin & Tonic or a refreshing French 75.

6. Beefeater: London’s Classic Gin with a Loyal Indian Fanbase

Beefeater: London’s Classic Gin with a Loyal Indian Fanbase

Beefeater is a London Dry Gin with a proud history, and it has built a strong fanbase in India. With its strong juniper-forward profile, Beefeater is perfect for those who enjoy a bold, traditional gin taste. Its no-nonsense flavour makes it a versatile addition to any cocktail, be it a Gin & Tonic or a Negroni.

Best served: With a splash of tonic and a wedge of lime for that perfect, crisp taste.

7. Tanqueray: The Timeless Choice for Gin Enthusiasts

 Tanqueray: The Timeless Choice for Gin Enthusiasts

Tanqueray is a staple in any gin lover’s cabinet. Known for its clean and crisp flavour profile, it is the preferred choice for purists who enjoy a traditional gin experience. With its iconic green bottle and notes of juniper, licorice, and angelica root, Tanqueray has stood the test of time as one of the most beloved gin brands globally—and now, in India as well.

Ideal for: A Martini or a simple Gin & Tonic.

8. Blue Riband: India’s Homegrown Favourite Since Decades

Blue Riband: India’s Homegrown Favourite Since Decades

Blue Riband has been a trusted name in Indian households for decades. While it may not have the craft credentials of newer gins, its smooth, balanced flavour makes it an evergreen favourite among Indian gin drinkers. Affordable and widely available, Blue Riband holds its place as a homegrown gin that has stood the test of time.

Perfect for: Nostalgic sips, best paired with tonic water and a dash of lime.

9. Roku Gin: A Taste of Japan’s Craftsmanship on Indian Shores

Roku Gin: A Taste of Japan’s Craftsmanship on Indian Shores

Japan’s Roku Gin brings a slice of Japanese craftsmanship to Indian shores. Made with six distinct Japanese botanicals, including sakura flower, yuzu peel, and green tea, this gin offers a delicate and floral flavour profile. Its unique taste sets it apart from the more juniper-heavy gins, making it a must-try for those who enjoy subtle, aromatic spirits.

Sip it in: A simple Gin & Tonic or a light, citrus-forward cocktail.

10. Monkey 47: The Exotic Gin That Blends 47 Botanicals

Monkey 47: The Exotic Gin That Blends 47 Botanicals

If you’re in the mood for something exotic, Monkey 47 is the gin to try. With 47 botanicals, including blackberries, cranberries, and pine shoots, Monkey 47 offers an explosion of flavours. Though a bit on the pricier side, it’s worth every sip for those who enjoy a complex and multi-layered gin experience.

Best enjoyed: Neat or with a splash of tonic to fully appreciate its complexity.

Gin & Tonic, Anyone? Best Cocktails to Pair with These Gins

Whether you’re into a classic Gin & Tonic or prefer experimenting with cocktails like Negronis and Martinis, these gins are perfect for mixing. Stranger & Sons pairs beautifully with tonic and a dash of bitters, while Greater Than shines in a classic Negroni. Tanqueray and Beefeater, with their bold juniper flavours, are ideal for a Martini or a French 75.

Local vs. International: How Indian Craft Gins Hold Their Own

Indian craft gins like Stranger & Sons, Hapusa, and Jaisalmer are giving international giants a run for their money. With their locally sourced botanicals and unique flavour profiles, they’ve become the stars of India’s gin scene. In comparison, international brands like Bombay Sapphire and Tanqueray bring decades of legacy and expertise, making them equally appealing for gin lovers looking for classic tastes.

India’s gin scene is thriving like never before, offering a delightful mix of craft local gins and beloved international brands. Whether you’re sipping on a G&T or exploring more adventurous cocktails, these top 10 gin brands in India promise a gin experience like no other. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to raise a glass to gin!

Sustainable Construction in India by Building a Greener Future

India, with its rapid urbanization and growing population, is undergoing a critical transformation in its construction sector. The country has made significant strides in recent years, with a growing emphasis on eco-friendly building practices.

The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has been instrumental in promoting sustainable building standards and certifying green projects. India boasts the world's largest green building footprint, with over 9 billion square feet of green-certified buildings. This surge reflects a growing awareness of the environmental and economic benefits of sustainable construction.

At the core of sustainable construction lies the integration of eco-friendly materials. Recycled materials, such as fly ash, industrial waste, and recycled concrete, are increasingly replacing traditional building components. For instance, the use of fly ash in cement production can reduce carbon emissions by up to 88 percent. Additionally, bio-based materials like bamboo, which offer excellent insulation and durability, are gaining popularity.

Energy efficiency is a paramount concern in the Indian context. Incorporating solar panels, advanced insulation, and energy-efficient appliances has become standard practice in sustainable buildings. A study by the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) found that green buildings can achieve up to 30 percent energy savings compared to conventional buildings.

Green roofs, which provide insulation, improve air quality, and manage stormwater, are gaining traction in Indian cities. These vegetated rooftops contribute to urban cooling, reducing the heat island effect. Studies have shown that green roofs can reduce energy consumption by up to 15 percent.

While India has made significant progress, challenges such as higher initial costs and a lack of skilled labor persist. However, with increasing government support, technological advancements, and growing consumer awareness, the future of sustainable construction in India appears promising.

As a development company, we are committed to embracing sustainable practices and creating eco-friendly spaces. By incorporating sustainable materials, energy-efficient technologies, and green building principles into our projects, we aim to contribute to a greener and more sustainable India.

Sustainable Construction in India by Building a Greener Future

Deepak Sethi, Director, Projects, Reach Group

  • urbanisation
  • construction activity
  • Sustainability

Top 5 Herbal Cigarette Brands in India: A Safer Smoking Alternative

With health becoming a major concern for smokers, many are turning to herbal cigarettes as a natural alternative. Free from nicotine and harmful chemicals, these cigarettes are made using a variety of herbs, flowers, and spices. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits, key ingredients, and the top 5 herbal cigarette brands in India that are helping people make healthier choices.

What Are Herbal Cigarettes?

Herbal cigarettes are tobacco-free and nicotine-free alternatives that use natural ingredients like herbs and spices. These cigarettes offer a smoking experience similar to traditional ones but without the addictive and harmful effects of nicotine. Instead of tobacco, herbal cigarettes contain blends of natural ingredients that can include mint, tulsi, clove, and other aromatic herbs.

Herbal cigarettes are marketed as a healthier option, often used by people who are trying to quit smoking or cut down on nicotine. They aim to replicate the feel of smoking, providing an alternative for those who miss the hand-to-mouth action or social aspect of smoking.

Also Read:  10 Best Cigarette Brands in India to Know in 2024

Top 10 Female Cigarette Brands in India [2024]

Top 5 Herbal Cigarette Brands in India

India has a growing market for herbal cigarettes, with several brands offering unique blends of herbs and spices. Here’s a look at the top 5 brands leading the way:

1. Royal Swag: The Premium Herbal Smoking Experience

Royal Swag Herbal Cigarettes

Royal Swag is a prominent and trusted herbal cigarette brand in India, celebrated for its blend of 100% natural ingredients like tulsi, mulethi, and other carefully selected herbs known for their health-enhancing properties. These herbal cigarettes offer a sophisticated and smooth smoking experience, catering to those seeking an alternative to traditional tobacco products.

What sets Royal Swag apart is its focus on promoting relaxation and wellness. Its unique herbal blends are designed to help relieve stress and promote a sense of calm, without the harmful effects of nicotine or tobacco. Royal Swag is an excellent choice for individuals who want to de-stress in a healthier, more mindful way, making it a popular option for conscious smokers looking to unwind and relax.

Also Check:  8 Most Expensive Cigarette Brands in India in 2024

2. Organic Smokes: A Flovour of Nature

Organic Smoke

Organic Smokes offers Ayurvedic herbal blends crafted to support smoking cessation. The brand stands out in the market for its commitment to Ayurvedic principles and organic ingredients. This brand focuses on providing a healthier and more sustainable smoking experience by incorporating natural herbs into its products. The company avoids the use of artificial additives, ensuring that each cigarette is made from pure, organic materials.

Organic Smokes is known for its emphasis on sustainability and organic farming practices. Their products are free from artificial additives. The brand uses herbal blends crafted from plants known for their therapeutic benefits, like tulsi, mint, and cloves, which are believed to support respiratory health. 

3. Nirdosh: The Oldest Puff

Nirdosh Herbal Cigarettes

Nirdosh is a pioneer in the herbal cigarette industry in India and one of the oldest brands in the market. Its products are deeply rooted in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine. Nirdosh herbal cigarettes are crafted using traditional Ayurvedic ingredients like tulsi, ginger, turmeric, and other herbs known for their detoxifying and healing properties.

Nirdosh positions itself as a health-first brand, with a focus on cleansing the lungs and promoting respiratory wellness. The herbs used in Nirdosh cigarettes are believed to help detoxify the body and improve overall lung function. The brand markets its products as a natural way to aid smoking cessation while supporting lung health.

4. Honeyrose: A Flavourful Delight

Honeyrose Herbal cigarettes

Honeyrose is an internationally acclaimed herbal cigarette brand. Their cigarettes are made using a blend of herbs and flower petals, offering a rich and flavorful experience. Honeyrose provides a rich and flavorful smoking experience that is far removed from the harshness of tobacco. The brand’s blends are designed to offer a smooth, aromatic sensation, making it a favorite among smokers who seek a more refined experience.

Honeyrose has a global presence and is known for its premium products. Their herbal cigarettes are particularly popular for their smooth, floral flavor and elegant packaging. The brand is also popular for its elegant packaging and the premium feel of its products, which are favored by those who appreciate a luxurious, non-tobacco smoking experience.

5. Ecstacy Herbal Cigarettes: A Sensory-Rich Experience

Ecstacy Herbal Cigarettes

Ecstacy is a luxury herbal cigarette brand that offers a range of exotic herbal blends. Known for its use of rare and aromatic herbs, Ecstacy offers a unique and upscale smoking experience. Ecstacy Herbal Cigarettes offer a sophisticated blend of rare and aromatic herbs, which provide a soothing and aromatic smoking experience. The brand is designed for individuals who seek not just a healthier alternative but a more indulgent, sensory-rich experience.

Ecstacy stands out for its high-quality ingredients and luxurious packaging. Their products are designed for those who seek a more refined, aromatic smoking experience. The brand’s focus on creating a more elevated and refined smoking experience has made it a go-to choice for those who appreciate a blend of wellness and luxury.

Benefits of Herbal Cigarettes

Herbal cigarettes have gained popularity for several reasons. Here are the top benefits:

  • Nicotine-Free: One of the biggest advantages of herbal cigarettes is that they are nicotine-free. Nicotine is the substance responsible for addiction to traditional cigarettes. By eliminating nicotine, herbal cigarettes help avoid the cycle of addiction, making it easier for smokers to cut back or quit entirely.
  • Natural Ingredients: Herbal cigarettes use natural, plant-based ingredients. These include herbs like tulsi (holy basil), mint, and clove, which are known for their therapeutic properties. The absence of synthetic chemicals commonly found in tobacco products makes herbal cigarettes a more appealing option for health-conscious consumers.
  • Support for Smoking Cessation: Many smokers use herbal cigarettes as a transitional tool when they’re trying to quit. Since they mimic the physical experience of smoking, herbal cigarettes can help manage the psychological and habitual aspects of smoking without the harmful effects of nicotine.
  • Calming Effects: Certain herbal blends are known for their calming and relaxing effects. Herbs like tulsi, lavender, and rose petals can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, making them a soothing alternative to traditional cigarettes.
  • Fewer Harmful Chemicals: Unlike traditional cigarettes, herbal cigarettes do not contain the harmful chemicals associated with tobacco, such as tar, formaldehyde, or carbon monoxide. This makes them a less toxic option, although inhaling any smoke is still not without risk.

Ingredients of Herbal Cigarettes

The key to herbal cigarettes lies in their natural ingredients. These are selected not only for their flavor but also for their potential health benefits. Some of the most common ingredients include:

  • Tulsi (Holy Basil): Known for its medicinal properties, tulsi is often used in Ayurveda for its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects. When used in herbal cigarettes, it is believed to help cleanse the respiratory system.
  • Mint: Mint adds a refreshing, cooling sensation. It is often included for its ability to soothe the throat and provide a calming, pleasant aroma.
  • Clove: Clove is a powerful spice with a rich, spicy flavor. It is commonly used in herbal cigarettes for its antimicrobial properties and ability to aid in respiratory health.
  • Rose Petals: Rose petals are used for their subtle, sweet fragrance. Smoking rose petals is believed to have a calming effect on the body and mind, helping to relieve stress and anxiety.
  • Lemongrass: Often used in traditional herbal medicine, lemongrass has a refreshing citrusy scent and is known for its ability to reduce stress and aid digestion.

These ingredients come together to create a smooth and flavorful smoking experience, without the harshness of tobacco.

Are Herbal Cigarettes Safer?

While herbal cigarettes are often marketed as a safer alternative, it’s important to note that no form of smoking is completely risk-free. Herbal cigarettes do not contain nicotine or the harmful chemicals found in traditional cigarettes, but inhaling any type of smoke can still have negative effects on the lungs.

That said, herbal cigarettes can be a less harmful option for those looking to quit smoking or reduce their nicotine intake. They are free from tar, formaldehyde, and other toxins commonly found in tobacco products.

Herbal cigarettes are gaining traction as a natural and nicotine-free alternative to traditional smoking. Whether you’re looking to quit nicotine or simply explore new smoking options, brands like Herbal Gold, Organic Smokes, and Nirdosh offer a variety of herbal blends to suit different tastes and preferences. These top 5 herbal cigarette brands in India provide a more health-conscious approach to smoking, but as always, use with caution and mindfulness.

Best Toy Brands in India: From Classic Toys to AR Innovation

From educational and interactive toys to classic favorites, there's something to spark imagination and foster development. To do so these best toy brands in India are making significant changes. In a world where technology often dominates playtime, the timeless joy of traditional toys remains unparalleled. India, with its rich cultural heritage, has a thriving toy industry that offers a diverse range of options for children of all ages. Whether you're looking for toys that inspire creativity, promote learning, or simply provide hours of fun, this guide will help you find the perfect options for your little ones.

India's toy market is predicted to increase at a rate of 10.6 percent per year to reach $4.4 billion by 2032 from its estimated $1.7 billion in 2023.

Innovation By Leading Toy Brands in India

  • Ride-on toys include safety features like remote parental control and speed controls.
  • Certain toys are intended to teach children self-awareness, self-control, and emotional regulation.
  • Certain toys may be made interactive by using augmented reality (AR).
  • In order to lessen the influence on the environment, toys are now produced using energy-efficient batteries and sustainable materials.

Best Toy Brands in India

Here is a curated list of the best toy brands in India, select the one that best meets your needs.

Hamleys is one of the best toy brands in India. Reliance Retail is the owner of the British international toy store Hamleys of London Limited. Established by William Hamley as "Noah's Ark" in High Holborn, London, in 1760, it is recognized as the world's oldest toy store and is included in the Guinness Book of Records.  Every store gives adults the unique opportunity to relive their childhood and gives kids a fantastic experience. Engage with their favorite toy characters, play with toys, and watch live toy demonstrations. It offers a variety of toys for a wide age group of children. From 0-8 months to 12 plus. 

Best Toy Brands in India: From Classic Toys to AR Innovation

Variety of Innovative Toys by Hamleys

  • Toy and games
  • Sports and outdoor
  • Ride-ons and cycles

Standing second in the list, LEGO is a leading toy brand in India. The first LEGO bricks were created in Ole Kirk Christiansen's studio in Billund, Denmark. Christiansen started manufacturing wooden toys in 1932. People may construct whatever they can think of using Legos, from basic patterns to intricate constructions. Children may improve their hand-eye coordination, attention, problem-solving abilities, fine motor skills, and teamwork using Legos.

Best Toy Brands in India: From Classic Toys to AR Innovation

Popular LEGO Sets

  • EVE & WALL.E
  • Hokusai – The Great Wave
  • The Insect Collection
  • Avengers Tower
  • LEGO Titanic

One of the best toy brands in India. In 1968, Mattel co-founder Elliot Handler released Hot Wheels as a rival to the English Matchbox brand. With its minimal friction axles and thick plastic wheels, Hot Wheels are meant to resemble little muscle cars. Their torsion-bar suspension, which provides stress absorption and wheel bouncing, is part of their built-for-speed design. The 16 muscle models that were initially painted with candy colors and Spectraflame included Camaros, Corvettes, and Firebirds. Fashion, lifestyle, and automobile businesses have teamed with Hot Wheels.

Best Toy Brands in India: From Classic Toys to AR Innovation

Some of the Exclusive Toys by Hot Wheels

  • Exclusives Hot Wheels Marvel Avengers Falcon Combat Medic - Yellow / Red
  • Exclusives Hot Wheels Marvel The Avengers 3D-Livery - Silver - 2017 Card
  • Exclusives Hot Wheels Premium Jurassic World Mercedes-Benz Unimog U 1300 L - Grey
  • Exclusives Hot Wheels Peanuts Soda Popper - Blue / Green 

Leading toy brand in India, Funskool is renowned for both the high caliber of its products and for helping to improve the nation's standards for toy production. It has contributed to improving the quality of toy production and distribution in India. The brand focuses on supporting children in the development of their sensory, motor, and cognitive skills while inspiring, engaging, and entertaining them.

Best Toy Brands in India: From Classic Toys to AR Innovation

Funskool Produces a Range of Goods, such as:

a non-toxic clay kit appropriate for kids three years old and older. The smooth, colorful clay can aid children in learning to recognize colors and enhance their creating abilities.

  • Braiding toolkit

a kit that allows youngsters to build headbands and keychains out of foam braiding tools and colorful cords.

  • Push and Crawl Monkey

a crawling toy intended for infants. It has two play modes: crawling and pursuing, as well as a boomerang effect.

An instructional clock composed of printed wooden shapes with numerals. Kids may learn about time, counting, shapes, and colors with the aid of the clock.


An scientifically tested toy brand. Skillmatics makes educational products for kids and families. Its goods are made to foster in kids the ability to think critically, solve problems, and use their imaginations. They have international team of educators and game designers who creates award-winning products with the goal of fulfilling learn-through-play promise. It priorities lifespan, sustainability, safety, ease of use, and most importantly, healthy learning enjoyment. 

Best Toy Brands in India: From Classic Toys to AR Innovation

Best Selling Toys by Skillmatics

  • Entrepreneurship and Business Strategy Game
  • Unicorn & Princesses Themed No Mess Art Kit 
  • Rock Painting Kit | Mess-Free Art & Craft Activity
  • Jungle Themed Interactive Soft Cloth Book

Leading AR toy brand, PlayShifu is transforming the world of the future by giving children engaging play experiences that teach them lessons in the present. In 2016, two new dads and longtime friends began expanding on a vision to give screen time greater purpose and to acquire more empathy for Gen Alpha. With 16 items, kids 4–12 years old may acquire STEAM and other fundamental skills like geography, engineering, and critical thinking in addition to unique tactile play experiences. 

Best Toy Brands in India: From Classic Toys to AR Innovation

Some of the Best Selling Products by Playshifu 

  • AR Flashcards: Learn spelling, expand your vocabulary, and more with these interactive 3D models. They don't require third-party advertising or in-app purchases, nor do they require a Wi-Fi connection.
  • Orboot Earth: This multi-award winning teaching globe includes an app with details on animals, landmarks, civilizations, and more, along with a travel pack. For children aged 4 to 10, it is intended.
  • Shifu Galaxy: This 3D augmented reality game includes a tab stand and twenty flash cards.
  • Plugo Link: Children can create, balance, and build with this toy.
  • Magnetic building blocks: STEM puzzles may be solved using these bricks.

Toyshine one of the best toy brand in India. With a huge selection of toys for all kids and everyone who is a kid at heart. When the firm first started out, it was an internet retailer where Indian consumers could purchase carefully chosen toys from around the globe. It prioritize the safety, longevity, and quality of our products. Their products go through rigorous quality inspections to make sure kids can play with them safely. For example, the smallest details, pretend play sets the highest care, and the goods are made with smooth, rounded edges to prevent kids from accidentally injuring themselves. 

Best Toy Brands in India: From Classic Toys to AR Innovation

Toyshine offers a range of toys for kids, such as:

  • Play sets for pretend

A range of smooth-edged pretend play sets are available from Toyshine.

  • Remote-control automobiles

Remote-control automobiles from Lamborghini, Mercedes, Porsche, and Bugatti are available at Toyshine.

  • Wooden toys 

Rocking horses, Montessori boxes, and categorization boxes are among the wooden toys available at Toyshine.

Final Thought 

India’s toy industry is undergoing a transformative journey, blending tradition with innovation to offer children enriching play experiences. From toys that spark creativity to those that foster learning and development, the variety available caters to the diverse needs of growing minds. With sustainability and technology playing increasingly important roles, toys are evolving to be more interactive, environmentally friendly, and beneficial for a child’s emotional and cognitive development.

Retail: Looking Back, Looking At The Present And The Next

A report by PwC India states that Seismic changes and shifting consumer behavior have redefined the Indian retail and consumer (R&C) sector in the past few years. The sector is estimated to exceed $2 trillion in the next decade, growing at a long term CAGR of 1.5X to 2X of real GDP growth. And according to Kearney, India’s retail industry is projected to grow at a slower pace of 9 percent over this decade, from $779 billion in 2019 to $1,407 billion by 2026 and more than $1.8 trillion by 2030. We have come a long way from only being able to purchase at a brick-and-mortar one-off location to now having the same brand 2 km away from your house physically and a click away digitally. Let’s go through the timeline where we look back to where we were, where we are now and what is expected.

2000 - 2010 - 2020 And The Present:

2000 - Retail in 2000 was known as the unorganized era. All sales were driven by mom-and-pop stores, the ones that were most popular in a specific location or region. Remember that renowned saree store your Aunt had to shop at every time she visited you? That was retail in 2000 for you for close to a decade.

2010 - It was in 2010 that the market began to move toward being organized, with the growth in the number of startups, international brands stepping into the country, and e-commerce paving its way. Flipkart was working hard towards building this segment, and the launch of Amazon India in 2013 helped massively support the e-commerce growth. The unorganized only partially led to being organized, but the market started to get streamlined.

2020 to the present - 2020 is known as the era of pivots. Let me ask: How many apps do you have on your phone now compared to the ones you had pre-pandemic? We all now have at least one app each for medicines, groceries, travel, food, deliveries, fashion and, of course, your banking requirements. This is e-commerce. Let’s now speak about quick commerce. When was the last time you had your groceries delivered to you in 15 minutes? Less than a week ago, correct? This is the present era of retail, and with its evolving pace, it would not be a surprise if the market far exceeds the growth predictions for this decade.

Driving Factors Behind Major Transitions:

International Brands - The foray of international brands into the country has resulted in a significant and immediate shift in the retail market. Market share was divided, and competition increased, leading to a revised and more refined strategy for reaching customers, as now they have a series of brands and not just a few selected ones. This further led to a growth in offline retail with a notable increase in brick-and-mortar stores to generate more availabilities for consumers by the brands.

E-commerce - The launch of Flipkart in 2007, followed by Snapdeal in 2010 and Amazon India in 2013, was all that was required for the retail market to build an online presence. Fast-forward to 2024, nearly two decades later; according to Statista, with a population of more than 1.4 billion and a fast-growing economy, the number of online shoppers is predicted to increase to 427 million by 2027. Consequently, the booming e-commerce industry is estimated to be worth over $300 billion by 2030.

Demonetization - The government's demonetization initiative in 2016 helped create and grow another industry called FinTech, and the mandatory implementation of digital payment brought a huge shift in consumers’ buying patterns. An Indian consumer was given a series of secured payment options, which made him more comfortable with paying and buying online, and this continues to this day.

COVID-Pandemic - Although this was five years ago, it still feels like the pandemic was just yesterday. To retain and attract new consumers, brands had to introduce a series of privileges for online purchases. The no-exchange, no-return policy was changed into a 30-day exchange and a complete refund for returns. Significant discounts were offered; you also have the buy two and get one free offer with more EMI options; if you are a privileged consumer, you get a better discount with a few additional services. After nearly five years, consumers still enjoy these privileges, helping online retail maintain and grow their momentum.

With the above factors shaping the retail industry, the current vision and planning are centered around omnichannel retailing. This approach emphasizes providing a seamless shopping experience across all channels, including physical stores, online platforms, and mobile apps. The integration of more stores, malls, and e-commerce platforms is broadening brands' outreach, thereby enhancing the overall shopping experience for consumers.

How To Build Your Brand’s Niche?

Omnipresence - Have a robust omnipresence. Online retail will help you begin, but the consumers who strongly believe in experiential buying will look for you offline; they would want to come and experience the product in person. Also. While being online, if your product is quick-commerce savvy, leverage it as early as possible, it is destined to be a game changer in the near future

Consumer Experience - The right consumer experience is not just a strategy, it's a commitment. It will ultimately result in consumer retention and loyalty. Ensure your CX team is aligned with how your brand wants your consumers to feel about it. This needs to be a human experience. After all, how many of us these days like speaking to an AI bot?

Brand Story - Have a brand messaging that describes your brand only in one statement, which is your promise to your consumer. We all know which brands today stand tall for their promises, may it be the best camera, quality, worth, perfection or even simple driving experience

Technology - Invest in technology infrastructure to support omnichannel operations, including inventory management systems, online ordering platforms, and mobile payment solutions. This will also help you leverage the online data and utilize it in a better way to give your brand an edge over others

What Is Expected And What To Do Next:

  • Consumers now expect seamless and smooth experiences across online and offline channels, preferring retailers that offer flexibility in how they shop and interact with brands
  • Consumers seek personalized recommendations and offers, both online and in-store, as retailers leverage data to tailor their marketing and product offerings
  • Consumers have developed stronger loyalty towards brands with a physical presence, perceiving them as more trustworthy and established compared to online-only counterparts. However, retailers that adapt effectively will also build strong bonds with consumers over time
  • Integrating social commerce elements into offline retail spaces, such as interactive displays or in-store events, may influence consumer purchasing decisions, blurring the lines between online and offline shopping experiences

Finally, as per Deloitte , India is amongst the top five retail markets and is expected to be the world's third-largest consumer market by 2030, trailing only behind China and the US. The market’s growth trajectory over the last two and a half decades speaks volumes. This decade, where we are still only in 2024, has experienced more shifts than the two before, and this looks like this is just the beginning.

Retail - Looking Back, Looking At The Present And The Next

Ishit Jethwa, Founder, Ludic

  • retail future
  • Retail Market
  • Indian retail and eretail

India's $21 Bn Beauty & Personal Care Market Poised for 11 pc Growth in 5 Yrs

India’s beauty industry, now the world’s fourth-largest, is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by rapid changes in consumer preferences, the rise of digital platforms, and technological advancements. A new era of premium beauty consumption is emerging as India’s young population and non-metro cities expand their beauty vocabularies and shopping habits.

Anil Kumar, CEO of Redseer Strategy Consultants, noted that the beauty and personal care market, valued at $21 billion, is set to grow at 10-11 percent CAGR over the next five years. This expansion will be fueled by e-commerce, which is expected to grow at a 25 percent annual rate. Social media platforms, used by over 500 million Indians, are playing a significant role in democratizing beauty knowledge, enabling consumers to make informed choices. As Kumar put it, "Brands that embrace this evolution, leveraging omnichannel strategies and innovative offerings, will not only thrive but will shape the future of beauty in India."

These shifts are explored in-depth in the recently unveiled Nykaa Beauty Trends Report, a collaborative study between Nykaa, India’s leading beauty retailer, and Redseer Strategy Consultants. The report highlights nine trends that are shaping the future of India’s beauty landscape, offering valuable insights into how brands can successfully navigate this dynamic market. As more global beauty brands enter India and consumer aspirations continue to evolve, businesses must innovate and adapt to meet the growing demand for premium products. Anchit Nayar, Executive Director and CEO of Nykaa Beauty believes that India’s beauty market is on the verge of extraordinary growth. "Nykaa remains committed to leading this transformation by democratizing access to the world's best beauty brands," said Nayar.

The Rise of Premium Beauty Consumption

One of the report’s key takeaways is the rise in premium beauty consumption, which is rapidly reshaping the industry. More Indian consumers are turning to high-quality, research-driven beauty products, seeking effective solutions and exclusive brand experiences. This shift is being driven by several factors, including the increase in discretionary spending, the growth of dual-income households, and greater access to global beauty brands. Nykaa, with over 3,600 brands in its portfolio, has been instrumental in making premium beauty more accessible across India.

As consumers increasingly seek premium products, they are also building more sophisticated beauty routines. This phenomenon, dubbed “Stepification” in the report, refers to the adoption of multi-step skincare and beauty regimes that incorporate a variety of products, from cleansers to serums and sunscreens. This has expanded the beauty basket, encouraging consumers to explore innovative and niche beauty solutions tailored to their specific needs.

Gen Z and Millennials Lead the Charge

India’s younger generations, particularly Gen Z and millennials, are at the forefront of the beauty industry’s transformation. These demographics represent 28-30 percent of India’s population and are using beauty as a means of self-expression. They are adopting bold new trends and prioritizing skincare over traditional beauty products, reflecting their proactive approach to personal care. This cohort’s digital savviness also makes them prime consumers for brands that leverage social media platforms to engage and educate.

Nykaa has played a pivotal role in shaping the beauty habits of these digital natives, using its content ecosystem and educational campaigns to connect with younger consumers. By offering tutorials, reviews, and expert advice, Nykaa empowers Gen Z and millennials to make informed choices and experiment with new products. The retailer’s omnichannel approach, which includes over 200 physical stores and its Nykaa Superstore e-B2B platform, ensures that these consumers have easy access to a wide range of beauty products.

Beyond Metros

Another significant trend identified in the report is the increasing importance of non-metro cities in driving beauty consumption. These cities are experiencing rising incomes and growing aspirations, leading to a boom in beauty spending. In response, beauty brands are expanding their physical retail presence in these regions, making premium and innovative beauty products more accessible.

Nykaa, with its extensive network of stores and online platforms, has been able to tap into this demand, offering consumers in non-metro cities access to global and homegrown beauty brands. The report highlights that non-metro markets are expected to play a pivotal role in the industry’s future growth, as beauty consumption continues to expand beyond traditional urban centers.

The Rise of Homegrown Beauty Brands

While global beauty brands are making their mark in India, homegrown brands are also gaining traction across various price points and categories. Many of these brands have secured venture capital funding, allowing them to innovate and scale. However, only a few have truly managed to stand out in this competitive landscape.

Successful homegrown beauty brands have differentiated themselves by offering unique products and formats tailored to Indian consumers’ preferences. Others are exploring partnerships and new investments to fuel their growth. As the market continues to evolve, homegrown brands will play a crucial role in shaping the future of India’s beauty industry.

Influencer Marketing and New Platforms

The beauty industry is increasingly relying on influencer marketing to reach consumers. Brands are shifting their spending towards digital platforms, leveraging influencers to engage with different audiences. Social media has become a key tool for beauty brands, allowing them to build direct relationships with consumers and showcase their products in creative and authentic ways.

At the same time, new platforms and channels are emerging, offering brands more opportunities to connect with their target audiences. Whether through short-form videos, interactive content, or virtual beauty consultations, brands are using digital innovations to enhance the customer experience.

Ingredient-Focused Beauty and the Rise of Skinification

Ingredients have become a crucial factor in consumers’ beauty decisions, as more people seek targeted solutions for specific skin concerns. The trend toward “skinification,” where skincare principles are applied to other beauty categories like haircare and makeup, is driving innovation across the industry. Consumers are increasingly looking for products that address their individual needs, whether it’s hydration, anti-aging, or acne treatment.

This shift towards ingredient-focused beauty reflects a growing demand for transparency and efficacy in beauty products. Brands that can offer clear, research-backed solutions are more likely to resonate with today’s informed and discerning consumers.

The Microtrend Revolution

Microtrends, often influenced by celebrities and social media, are reshaping the beauty industry at a rapid pace. These short-lived trends, such as specific makeup techniques or skincare routines, require brands to be agile and responsive. To capitalize on these trends, brands must adopt flexible manufacturing processes that allow them to quickly produce and market new products.

For younger consumers, who are constantly on the lookout for the next big trend, brands that can keep up with this fast-paced environment are more likely to succeed.

The Role of Technology in Beauty

Technology is transforming the beauty landscape, from AI-powered personalization to seamless shopping experiences. Brands are using data and algorithms to offer tailored product recommendations, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, advancements in supply chain management are enabling faster and more efficient product deliveries, further improving the overall customer experience.

As the beauty industry continues to evolve, technology will play an increasingly important role in shaping its future.

  • Indian Beauty Industry

India’s Retail Sector Prepares for a Blockbuster 2024

As the much-awaited festive season approaches, a palpable sense of excitement fills the air. E-commerce platforms, retailers, and consumers alike are gearing up for what promises to be a pivotal period in India’s retail landscape. With new beginnings, joyful moments, and a surge in gift-giving, the festive spirit is undeniably present. Yet, beyond celebration, the festive season is also a powerful economic driver.

After navigating through macroeconomic challenges, the nation is emerging stronger and more resilient. Businesses are bouncing back, and consumer confidence is rising, setting the stage for unprecedented growth. As this year's festive season draws near, a data-driven examination reveals why experts expect it to be a beacon of consumption revival.

A Festive Boom in Consumer Spending

A recent report by Redseer highlights the trends driving this optimistic outlook. The first two quarters of FY 23 saw an abnormal spike in private final consumption expenditure (PFCE) due to a low base effect. However, PFCE growth remained sluggish over the next seven quarters, impacted by high food prices and inflation that hit rural consumers hardest. Job cuts and slow income growth further delayed discretionary spending among the urban middle class.

Despite these challenges, the upcoming festive season promises a consumption recovery, with real PFCE projected to pick up in the second half of the fiscal year. Consumer spending is expected to soar as inflation eases, disposable incomes rise, and pent-up demand is released.

As Ravi Kabra, Co-Founder of Skippi, highlights, “This festive season is witnessing an unprecedented surge in consumer spending, reflecting the nation's resilient and optimistic economic outlook. According to recent data from the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), consumer spending during this festive season is projected to exceed Rs 1.5 trillion, marking a 22 percent increase from the previous year. This significant uptick is driven by a combination of pent-up demand, increased disposable income, and robust economic recovery post-pandemic.”

Consumer Confidence on the Rise

Consumer confidence is a crucial indicator of market sentiment. According to the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) published by RBI and analyzed in the report, the index is nearing its highest point since January 2023. This surge in confidence is fueled by inflationary corrections, decreasing food prices, and optimistic forecasts for rural wages.

As rural incomes increase and an above-average monsoon is expected, rural consumption is set to grow significantly. There’s excitement surrounding the government's budget aimed at improving cash flow and boosting consumer spending.

Jyoti Bharadwaj, Founder of TeaFit, echoes this sentiment, “India's festive season in 2024 is expected to see a notable increase in consumer spending, with growth estimated between 10-12 percent from the previous year. As the festive season progresses, online platforms are projected to become central, accounting for more than 40 percent of the total expenditure. This digital transition, driven by improved e-commerce infrastructure and targeted promotions, highlights a growing consumer inclination towards convenience and diverse options.”

E-commerce: A Bright Spot in Retail

E-commerce has consistently shown growth, and this year is expected to outperform last year’s festive sales. According to the report, e-commerce gross merchandise value (GMV) is predicted to grow at least 20 percent, up from 13 percent during the festive period of 2023. This surge is driven by the demand for convenience, regional products, and quicker delivery times.

Avneet Singh Marwah, CEO of SPPL, Exclusive Brand Licensee of Blaupunkt TV in India, offers insight into the sector's readiness to meet this demand, “To address the anticipated rise in consumer demand for the upcoming festive season, we have significantly increased our production capacity by 30-40 percent. Our operations are running at full capacity to meet this surge. While the broader television industry is projected to grow by 15-20 percent, we expect a 30 percent growth in our segment during this period.”

The report further emphasizes the role of premiumization, especially among affluent consumers who prioritize quality and experiences. Platforms are advised to tap into this trend by offering premium products at competitive prices and improving delivery logistics to keep up with consumer expectations.

Rural and Urban Dynamics

The rural segment will play a pivotal role in driving growth this festive season. As mentioned in the report, rural consumption grew by 5-6 percent faster than urban consumption, which saw a 6 percent decline in the January to March 2024 period. This shift is expected to continue as rural incomes rise and government initiatives stimulate spending.

Bharadwaj adds, “Equally significant is the contribution of rural areas, which are set to account for nearly 35 percent of the overall festive sales. This uptick is supported by favorable monsoon forecasts and government initiatives aimed at enhancing rural income levels. The convergence of these factors highlights a balanced growth trajectory, with both urban and rural consumers actively participating in the season's economic activities.”

Brands Gear Up for a Prosperous Season

Leading brands are already positioning themselves to capitalize on this consumer sentiment. A large consumer electronics brand confirmed, “H2 will be much better than H1. We will see higher discounts this festive season, as we want to maintain the growth run rate. Especially in the masstige and premium segments.”

Similarly, a large FMCG conglomerate shared, “We are optimistic that with the expected normal monsoons and improving macroeconomic indicators government spending, lower inflation, demand will see a gradual uptick.”

The focus is clear: brands across the spectrum are gearing up to meet the rise in consumer demand. Value retailers are expected to benefit, while premium segments continue to thrive. Analysts point out that rural consumers, buoyed by improved wages and positive agricultural forecasts, will contribute significantly to sales, while urban consumers, recovering from last year’s job cuts, will drive growth in premium categories.

Strategies for Success

To make the most of the festive boom, e-commerce platforms and retailers are advised to double down on regional products, optimize deliveries, and tap into the premiumization trend. With quick commerce platforms gaining traction, faster delivery options during the festive season will be key to meeting consumer demand.

As Kabra notes, “Retailers and brands are capitalizing on this trend by offering exclusive festive deals and limited-edition products, aiming to capture the growing appetite for premium goods and experiences.”

Key Highlights of Festive 2024

  • Consumer Spending: Expected to exceed Rs 1.5 trillion, marking a 22 percent increase from last year.
  • Rural Consumption: Set to account for 35 percent of overall festive sales, boosted by favorable monsoons and government initiatives.
  • E-commerce Growth: Projected to see at least 20 percent growth in GMV during the festive period, up from 13 percent in 2023.
  • Premiumization: A growing trend, particularly among affluent consumers, with value retailers also expected to perform well.
  • Online Platforms: Expected to account for 40 percent of total expenditure as digital infrastructure improves.

A Season of Opportunity

With rising consumer confidence, robust e-commerce growth, and a strong rural contribution, the 2024 festive season is shaping up to be a period of vibrant economic activity. For brands and retailers, this season presents a unique opportunity to align their strategies with evolving consumer preferences and unlock unprecedented growth.

As Marwah concludes, “Our expanded production and targeted promotions are designed to effectively meet this demand. We are confident that our approach will not only meet but exceed customer expectations for a successful festive season.”
  • festive offers

Best Diwali Gifting Ideas for Employees: Delight Your Team with Thoughtful Gifts

Diwali, the festival of lights, is a time for celebration, joy, and togetherness. It's also a great chance for employers to appreciate their employees with thoughtful gifts. However, selecting the perfect Diwali gift can be tough, especially when working with a budget. From affordable choices to premium options, this guide will help you find the best Diwali gifts for your team.  

We’ve divided the gifts into price ranges so you can choose the ones that suit your budget and your employees’ tastes. You can even consider these gift ideas for retail employees day also.  

Why Diwali Gifting is Important for Employees

Giving gifts during Diwali is a wonderful way to build strong connections within your team. It’s a tradition that boosts employee morale and shows appreciation. Thoughtful gifts can:

  • Make employees feel valued.
  • Strengthen team relationships.
  • Improve loyalty and retention.
  • Create a festive and positive workplace environment.

Whether you have a small budget or a larger one, here are the best Diwali gift ideas that will leave your employees feeling happy and appreciated.  

Diwali Gifting Ideas Under ₹300 for Employees: Thoughtful & Affordable

You don’t have to spend a lot to show appreciation. Here are some meaningful yet budget-friendly Diwali gift ideas under ₹300.

1. Scented Candles: A Relaxing Gift

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

Scented candles are a great way to help employees relax. They bring a calming atmosphere to any room. During Diwali, when lights and fragrances are everywhere, gifting a candle adds to the festive mood. Your employees can use them at home or in their workspace to feel more at ease.

2. Handcrafted Diyas: Traditional and Festive

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

Diyas are an important part of Diwali, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness. Handcrafted diyas are a beautiful and traditional gift that connects employees to the spirit of the festival. These decorative pieces can brighten their homes and serve as a reminder of the Diwali celebrations.

3. Mini Succulents: Green and Low Maintenance

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

Mini succulents are easy-to-care-for plants that employees can keep on their desks or at home. These small plants add a touch of greenery and brighten up any space. Succulents are also symbols of resilience and growth, making them a thoughtful and positive gift.

4. Customized Keychains: A Personal Touch

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

A keychain with an employee’s name or an inspiring quote is a small but meaningful gift. It’s something employees will use daily and can keep with them. Adding personalization makes the gift more special, showing that you’ve put thought into it.

5. Dry Fruit Pouches: A Healthy and Festive Option

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

Dry fruits are traditional Diwali gifts that symbolize prosperity and good health. A pouch of almonds, cashews, or mixed nuts is not only delicious but also a healthy snack. It’s a simple yet thoughtful gift for employees during the festive season.  

Diwali Gifts Under ₹500 for Employees: More Value for Your Money

With a budget under ₹500, you can choose gifts that feel more premium while still being affordable. Here are some great options.

1. Personalized Mugs: A Useful and Memorable Gift

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

Mugs are a gift that employees can use every day, whether at work or home. Adding their name or a motivational quote makes it even more special. It’s a simple gift, but it can have a big impact since they will see it and use it regularly.

2. Desk Calendars: Stay Organized in Style

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

A stylish desk calendar is both practical and decorative. It helps employees stay organized while adding something attractive to their workspace. Employees will appreciate this gift throughout the year as it helps them plan ahead.

3. Assorted Tea Gift Packs: A Calming Treat

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

A gift pack with different teas is a relaxing and thoughtful option. Herbal or flavored teas like green tea, chamomile, or masala chai give employees a chance to take a break and unwind. It’s a gift that promotes health and relaxation.

4. Phone Stands: A Convenient Desk Accessory

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

A phone stand is a simple yet very practical gift. Employees can use it to keep their phones propped up during meetings, calls, or while working. It’s a helpful tool that will be used daily, making it a great option.

5. Chocolates and Sweets Hampers: A Festive Favorite

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

Diwali wouldn’t be the same without sweets. A hamper of chocolates or traditional Indian sweets is always a hit during the festive season. It’s a delightful treat that employees can share with their families.  

Diwali Gifts Under ₹1000 for Employees: Premium Choices to Impress

A budget of ₹1000 allows you to pick more premium gifts that make a strong impression. Here are some thoughtful options.

1. Bluetooth Earphones: Modern and Practical

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

Bluetooth earphones are a fantastic gift in today’s world of virtual meetings and remote work. Employees can use them for calls, meetings, or just listening to music. This gift is both practical and tech-savvy, making it a favorite for many.

2. Leather Wallets: Classic and Durable

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

A high-quality leather wallet is a classy gift that employees can use every day. It’s stylish and long-lasting, making it a practical and thoughtful gift. Employees will appreciate the touch of elegance in this everyday essential.

3. Power Banks: Stay Connected Anytime

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

A power bank is an essential gadget that ensures employees never run out of battery on their phones or devices. It’s a highly practical gift that shows you understand their busy lives and want to help them stay connected.

4. Essential Oil Sets: Promote Relaxation

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

Essential oils help create a calming atmosphere. Gifting a set with oils like lavender or eucalyptus is a great way to promote relaxation. Employees can use these at home to unwind after a busy day, making this a thoughtful and caring gift.

5. Travel Organizers: Keep Everything in Place

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

A travel organizer helps employees keep their gadgets, cables, and accessories neatly packed. This gift is perfect for those who travel frequently. It’s practical, stylish, and something they’ll find useful for years to come.  

Executive Diwali Gifts for Employees (Under ₹1500): Show Your Appreciation with Style

When you want to invest a little more in your gifts, these options under ₹1500 combine elegance with practicality.

1. Portable Bluetooth Speakers: Music on the Go

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

Bluetooth speakers are great for employees who love music. These portable speakers offer high-quality sound in a compact package. It’s a gift they can enjoy at home, outdoors, or even during small gatherings.

2. Smart Plugs: A Tech-Savvy Gift

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

Smart plugs allow employees to control home appliances remotely. These tech-friendly devices make life easier and more convenient. It’s a modern, thoughtful gift that shows you care about bringing technology and ease into their daily lives.

3. Customized Desk Clocks: Elegant and Useful

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

A customized desk clock adds a personal and decorative touch to an employee’s workspace. It’s both functional and elegant, serving as a constant reminder of your appreciation.

4. Gourmet Food Baskets: A Luxurious Treat

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

Gourmet food baskets filled with premium snacks, chocolates, and dry fruits are a luxurious gift for Diwali. It’s a rich and indulgent option that employees can share with their families, adding to the festive joy.

5. Office Bags or Laptop Sleeves: Professional and Practical

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

A high-quality office bag or laptop sleeve is a great gift for employees who travel for work or bring their laptops everywhere. It’s stylish and functional, offering protection for their devices while looking professional.  

High-End Diwali Gifts For Employees (Under ₹2000): Luxury with a Purpose

If you want to splurge a bit more, these high-end gifts under ₹2000 offer a blend of luxury and utility.

1. Noise-Canceling Headphones: Block Out Distractions

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

Noise-canceling headphones are perfect for employees who work in noisy environments or need focus. They help block out distractions and create a peaceful workspace, making this a highly appreciated gift.

2. Tabletop Air Purifiers: Fresh Air for Health

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

A tabletop air purifier helps employees breathe clean, fresh air. This gift shows that you care about their health and well-being, making it a thoughtful and practical choice, especially in today’s world.

3. Leather Journals: Encourage Creativity

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

A premium leather journal is an ideal gift for employees who enjoy writing or organizing their thoughts. It’s a stylish, practical, and personal item that they can carry with them anywhere.

4. Coffee Makers: For the Coffee Lovers

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

A small coffee maker is a delightful gift for employees who enjoy brewing their own coffee. It adds convenience and luxury to their daily routine, making it a thoughtful and useful gift.

5. Personalized Nameplates: Add a Professional Touch

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

A custom desk nameplate is a unique and personal gift that employees can use at work or home. It’s a professional yet thoughtful gesture that adds a personal touch to their workspace.  

Luxury Diwali Gifts (₹3000 - ₹5000): For the Ultimate Reward

For those looking to give something truly special, these luxury options under ₹5000 offer the best in technology, style, and functionality.

1. Smartwatches: Track Health and Stay Connected

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

A smartwatch is an excellent gift for employees who like to stay active and organized. It helps track fitness goals, provides notifications, and looks stylish. This high-tech gift shows that you care about their health and well-being.

2. Portable Projectors: For Entertainment Anywhere

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

A portable projector is perfect for employees who love movies or need it for presentations. It’s a premium gift that can be used both for work and leisure, making it a versatile and enjoyable option.

3. Luxury Scented Candle Sets: Set the Mood

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

A luxury candle set with beautifully designed packaging adds elegance to any space. These candles are perfect for creating a relaxing atmosphere during Diwali and beyond.

4. Wireless Charging Pads: Convenient and Sleek

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

Wireless charging pads make it easy to keep devices charged without the hassle of cords. This sleek, modern gift is perfect for tech lovers who value convenience and efficiency.

5. Designer Home Decor: Beautify Their Space

Diwali gifting ideas for employees

Designer home decor, like elegant showpieces or decorative fountains, adds style and beauty to an employee’s home. This gift is both unique and luxurious, making it an ideal choice for those who appreciate aesthetics.  

Diwali is the perfect opportunity to show your appreciation to your employees. Whether you have a small budget or are ready to splurge, choosing the right gifts can make your team feel valued and special. These thoughtful and practical gifts will leave a lasting impression and create a positive, motivated workplace ready to shine as brightly as the Diwali lights.  

10 Best White Wine Brands in India: A Comprehensive Guide

White wine is becoming increasingly popular in India as more people discover its refreshing taste and versatility in pairing with Indian cuisine. Whether you're an experienced wine enthusiast or just beginning to explore, this article highlights the top 10 white wine brands available in India, offering a range of options for every taste and budget.

Overview and History of White Wine

White wine, known for its light, crisp flavors, is primarily made from green-skinned grapes, although some varieties use red or black grapes with minimal skin contact. The earliest records of wine production date back to ancient times in regions such as the Middle East and Europe, where wine was often used in religious rituals and celebrations.

Today, white wine is enjoyed globally, with notable production hubs in France, Italy, Australia, the USA, and even India. Popular types of white wine include Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Chenin Blanc, and Pinot Grigio, each offering unique flavor profiles ranging from sweet to dry and fruity to mineral-rich.

In India, wine production is relatively new, but with brands like Sula Vineyards and Fratelli Wines leading the charge, the industry has seen rapid growth. White wine, in particular, has gained popularity due to its suitability for India’s warm climate and its ability to pair well with a variety of spicy and flavorful Indian dishes.

The Process of Tasting White Wine

Tasting white wine is an art, and there’s more to it than just sipping. To truly appreciate the complexity of a good wine, follow these five steps:

Pour the wine into a glass and examine its color. White wines can range from pale straw to deep golden hues. The color can provide clues about the wine’s age and grape variety. Lighter colors often indicate younger wines, while darker tones may suggest oak aging or a fuller-bodied wine.

Gently swirl the wine in your glass to aerate it. This releases the wine's aromas, making it easier to detect its scent. Observing how the wine clings to the sides of the glass (known as legs) can also indicate its alcohol content.

Take a moment to inhale the wine’s aroma, also known as its “nose.” White wines typically exhibit fruity, floral, or mineral notes, depending on the variety. For example, Sauvignon Blanc might smell like citrus or green apples, while a Riesling may have floral or honeyed aromas.

Take a small sip and let the wine roll over your palate. Notice the flavors and textures—whether the wine is sweet, dry, acidic, or balanced. Each variety of white wine offers unique characteristics, from the bright acidity of a Sauvignon Blanc to the creamy texture of a Chardonnay.

Finally, savor the aftertaste or “finish.” A good white wine should leave a lasting impression, whether it’s a refreshing citrusy zing or a smooth, lingering richness.

Top 10 White Wine Brands in India

Here’s a closer look at the best white wine brands available in India, showcasing both local favorites and international labels.

1. Sula Vineyards

Sula White Wine

  • Best-Selling Varieties: Sula Sauvignon Blanc, Sula Chenin Blanc

Sula Vineyards is India's most recognized wine brand, with its Sauvignon Blanc leading the charge in terms of popularity. Offering a zesty and refreshing flavor, it is a great choice for beginners and wine aficionados alike. The brand also offers a range of white wines suited for pairing with both light and heavy Indian dishes, making it a versatile option for all kinds of meals.  Sula’s vineyards in Nashik produce some of the best white wines, making it a top choice for those looking to explore Indian wines.

2. Fratelli Wines

Fratelli White wine

  • Best-Selling Varieties: Fratelli Vitae Chardonnay, Fratelli Chenin Blanc

Fratelli Wines is an acclaimed Indian brand known for its premium wines. Their Vitae Chardonnay offers a rich, buttery profile that’s perfect for pairing with creamy dishes, while the Chenin Blanc is lighter and more floral. The brand prides itself on its collaboration with Italian winemakers, ensuring high standards of production and taste. With a focus on quality, Fratelli has established itself as one of the leading producers of both red and white wines in the country.

3. York Winery

York Winery White Wine

  • Best-Selling Varieties: York Sauvignon Blanc

York Winery, located in Nashik, is famous for its crisp Sauvignon Blanc, which pairs perfectly with light Indian appetizers. This family-run winery produces wines with a focus on quality and sustainability, using grapes from their own vineyards. Their Sauvignon Blanc is crisp and aromatic, making it perfect for those who enjoy lighter, refreshing wines. York Winery is also known for using sustainable farming practices, adding an eco-conscious appeal to its products.

4. Grover Zampa

Grover Zampa White Wine

  • Best-Selling Varieties: Grover Art Collection Sauvignon Blanc

Grover Zampa’s Sauvignon Blanc is a hit for those looking for a wine with tropical fruit flavors and a refreshing finish. Its acidic nature pairs well with spicy Indian food, making it a versatile option.Grover Zampa is one of India’s oldest and most prestigious wineries, with decades of winemaking expertise. Their focus on traditional winemaking methods combined with modern techniques has helped them produce award-winning wines consistently.

5. Chandon India

Chandon White Wine

  • Best-Selling Varieties: Chandon Brut

Known for its sparkling wines, Chandon India offers the Chandon Brut, which is perfect for celebrations and special occasions. Its fruity and floral notes make it an excellent companion to seafood and light salads. As a part of the renowned Moët & Chandon family, this brand brings international expertise to the Indian market, offering world-class quality. Chandon’s presence in India has elevated the country’s wine scene by introducing luxurious sparkling wines at competitive prices.

6. Jacob’s Creek

Jacob's Creek White Wine

  • Best-Selling Varieties: Jacob’s Creek Chardonnay

Jacob’s Creek is a globally renowned wine brand, and their Chardonnay is a top choice for Indian wine lovers looking for international flavors at an affordable price. Its balance of melon, citrus, and oak makes it a versatile wine for a variety of dishes. Jacob’s Creek offers consistency in quality and taste, which makes it one of the best-selling imported wine brands in India. Their Chardonnay pairs beautifully with both Indian and Western cuisines.

7. Four Seasons Wines

Four Season White Wine

  • Best-Selling Varieties: Four Seasons Chenin Blanc

Four Seasons Wines offers a delightful Chenin Blanc, with light, fresh, and fruity notes. It’s an affordable option for casual wine drinkers, and it pairs well with Indian snacks.our Seasons is known for delivering excellent quality at an accessible price point, making it a favorite among first-time wine buyers. Their wines are crafted in the picturesque region of Baramati, Maharashtra, ensuring that every bottle reflects the region’s unique terroir.

8. Big Banyan

Big Banyan White Wine

  • Best-Selling Varieties: Big Banyan Sauvignon Blanc

Big Banyan’s Sauvignon Blanc is an emerging favorite, particularly known for its citrus flavors and crisp finish. Perfect for pairing with seafood or light Indian dishes, it’s a great value-for-money option. Based in Bangalore, Big Banyan aims to combine global winemaking techniques with Indian sensibilities, making its wines an interesting choice for those looking to support local brands. Their wine portfolio includes a diverse range of wines to suit different palates.

9. Myra Vineyards

Myra White Wine

  • Best-Selling Varieties: Myra Sauvignon Blanc

Myra Vineyards is quickly establishing itself in the Indian wine scene. Their Sauvignon Blanc is bright and fruity, making it a perfect match for spicy Indian curries and seafood dishes. Despite its relatively recent establishment, the brand has gained recognition, winning a gold medal at the 2012 Indian Wine Consumer's Choice Awards (IWCCA) for Myra's Shiraz in the non-reserve Shiraz category. Myra Vineyards continues to expand its collection of award-winning white and red wines, earning a reputation for quality and enjoyment.

10. Vallonne Vineyards Riesling

Vallonne White Wine

  • Best-Selling Varieties: Vallonne Vineyards Riesling

If you’re looking for a more exotic flavor, Vallonne Vineyards offers a delightful Riesling with floral aromas and balanced sweetness. Just a short drive from Mumbai and Pune, it's an ideal getaway. Ideal for those who enjoy a sweeter white wine that pairs well with spicy food. Vallonne is a boutique winery that emphasizes artisanal winemaking techniques, making it a favorite for wine connoisseurs. Their Riesling stands out as one of the few Indian-made wines in this category, offering a unique experience for those who appreciate the delicate sweetness in their wine.

Final Words

India’s white wine market offers a wide range of options, from homegrown brands like Sula and Fratelli to internationally renowned labels like Jacob’s Creek. Whether you’re in the mood for something crisp and light or rich and complex, these top 10 white wine brands provide something for every palate and occasion.

What is the best white wine for Indian cuisine?

Sauvignon Blanc and Riesling are popular choices for pairing with Indian food due to their crisp acidity and fruity flavors.

What is the average price of white wine in India?

White wine in India typically ranges from ₹750 to ₹2,500 depending on the brand and variety.

  • Grover wines
  • Wine Industry

Discover Top 7 Luxury Chocolates Brands in India: Savor the Finest

Let's all admit that it's hard to say no to luxury chocolate. Not only do kids like them, but so do the elderly. Did you know that chocolate may also improve our mood? Chocolates have the ability to increase serotonin production. Our general well-being and happiness depend heavily on this hormone. The best luxury chocolate brands in India are listed here; you may use them to make sweets or simply nibble on them right off the bar. Eating one of these chocolates will make you addicted. 

Qualities Offered by Luxury Chocolate Brands in India

Finely roasted beans of choco, conchered and tempered give an essence of dedication and expertise. Here are the qualities of these top luxury chocolate brands in India. 

  • Premium components like organic cane sugar, pure cocoa butter, and single-origin cocoa beans go into making luxury chocolate. 
  • A well-rounded chocolate experience can only be achieved by using pure extracts and natural ingredients to make the highest-quality chocolate.
  • Expert chocolatiers take great care in every step of the production process, from choosing the best cocoa beans to tempering and sculpting the chocolate.
  • Luxury chocolate should snap with clarity, crispness, cleanliness, and sharpness. When broken, lower-quality chocolate will make a dull sound and crumble or bend.

Best Luxury Chocolate Brands in India

To make your heart melt with the perfect aroma of chocolate, here are the best luxury chocolate brands in India.

Smoor - Superior Ingredients

SMOOR is a luxury chocolate company founded by Vimal Sharma in 2015. It offers a superior selection of goods, such as chocolates, signature cakes, gift baskets, desserts, drinks, and much more, and it combines real ingredients. The company crafts rich chocolates by sourcing raw materials from around the globe. Smoor intends to increase its omnichannel presence, D2C websites, and number of outlets. A few of the most preferred luxury chocolates by Smoor are True Bar Roasted Almond Milk Chocolate Bar, True Bar Biscuit Crunch Chocolate, and Cranberry Dark Chocolate Bar. It has a variety of luxury chocolates in box packaging, bars, and stir-it-up hot chocolate sticks. 

Discover Top 7 Luxury Chocolates Brands in India: Savor the Finest

Fabelle (ITC) - Specially Crafted Chocolates

Fabelle, founded in 2006, stands second in the list of the top luxury chocolate brands in India. More than 1000 hours are spent before beginning to make Fabelle chocolates; the artisans must undergo intense instruction and evaluation. Luxury chocolates are checked strictly with quality controls to provide the greatest possible chocolate experience. Its chocolates are made with premium ingredients like cocoa from Venezuela, Ghana, or the Ivory Coast, together with ancho chile, acacia nectar, and French sea salt. These are some of the best-selling luxury chocolates by Fabelle: Open Secret Milk-Centered Chocolate, Heavenly Almond Mousse with Ghana, and Open Secret Dark Chocolate Bar topped with Nuts & Berries. 

Discover Top 7 Luxury Chocolates Brands in India: Savor the Finest

Paul And Mike - Science Behind Chocolate

Another great option to experience the essence of luxury choccolate. Paul and Mike, who are named after two excellent cocoa growers in Latin America, demonstrate the wonderful taste of quality chocolate. We see fermentation and cocoa growing as both scientific and artistic endeavors. Cultivate and fermented cocoa on our own fields in Kochi and Coimbatore. Additionally they procure wet cocoa beans from forward-thinking farmers in Andhra and Kerala and handle all post-harvest procedures. These are some of the top luxury chocolates by paul and mike - Piedmont Hazelnuts, Almonds, Raisins & Cranberries Fine Milk Chocolate Slab, Almond Rochers in Dark Chocolate and Almond Rochers in Fine Milk Chocolate. 

Discover Top 7 Luxury Chocolates Brands in India: Savor the Finest

Pascati - Sweetness in Every Bit

The name Pascati, which means "sweet meal" in Sanskrit, is derived from the term Pascat Parivesya. Pascati purchases cocoa beans from Keralan estates. It offers a variety of items such as bulk cacao products, minis, cacao powder, festive gift hampers, and bars with single origin and inclusion. A variety of chocolate tastes, such as almond and rose, raspberry and hibiscus, and paan, which has 60 percent cacao are the specialities of the brand. It has numerous options, best luxury chocolate by Pascati are - Organic & Vegan Chocolate Orange Cinnamon Hazelnut, Organic & Vegan Chocolate, Blueberry Walnut and Organic & Vegan Chocolate, Passionfruit Almond. 

Discover Top 7 Luxury Chocolates Brands in India: Savor the Finest

Naviluna - Pure Cacao Beans

Naviluna is a luxury chocolate brand in India. Among the first manufacturers of chocolate to use only Indian cacao beans with organic certification. To maintain the nutritious content of the cacao beans, they temper their chocolate by hand at moderate temperatures. Its chocolate smells rich and fragrant. It claims that they have better control over quality and can create unique tastes. Regional ingredients including jackfruit, lime, and mango are used to make these luxury chocolates. 

Discover Top 7 Luxury Chocolates Brands in India: Savor the Finest

Soklet - Traditional Taste

Soklet is a bean-to-bar luxury chocolate brand. It manufactures its own cocoa beans to create their unique chocolate. Soklet sells traditional chocolates as well as unique tastes made using ingredients from India. Among its flavors is Mint and Nibs, a blend of roasted cacao nibs, peppermint, and semi-sweet dark chocolate. The brand is attempting to introduce its chocolate into Japan and the US. Some of the best sellers by Soklet are - 80 percent Zero Sugar Milk Chocolate, 82 percent Dark Chocolate and 70 percent Dark Chocolate Gourmet Baking Bar.

Discover Top 7 Luxury Chocolates Brands in India: Savor the Finest

Mason & Co - Organic Chocolates 

Mason & Co. is a leading luxury chocolate brand in India. Its cacaos come from certified organic farms in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka. They collaborate closely to help small-scale farmers enhance their post-harvest and harvesting practices. The worker manually sifts, grades, and inspects the beans. Recycled beans are delivered to nearby farmers for use as fertilizer. Nothing is thrown away. Luxury chocolates are made with the greatest level of farm-level processing since too much sugar, milk, or preservatives will not cover any off flavors. Some of the best luxury chocolates offered by Mason & Co are Intense, Signature and Zesty Orange. 

Discover Top 7 Luxury Chocolates Brands in India: Savor the Finest

India’s luxury chocolate market is projected to grow by $9.2 billion by 2032 with a CAGR of 6.1 percent in between 2023 - 2032. Contributing to the same these brands stand out for their commitment. For using premium ingredients, artisanal craftsmanship, and innovative flavors. From sourcing the finest cocoa beans to incorporating unique regional ingredients, each brand offers a distinct and memorable experience. 

  • Luxury Brand

Bengaluru's Origin Set to Disrupt India’s $2.8 Bn Quick Commerce with Fresh Produce and 40 Dark Stores

Bengaluru’s very own Origin, India’s first-ever fresh produce brand, has officially launched, promising lightning-fast delivery of over 250 varieties of fruits, veggies, herbs, and exotic produce — all within just 12 hours of harvest!

Founded by Prashanth Vasan, Siddharth Raveendran, Vikram R, and Steve, Origin brings in an omni-channel experience to cater to a broad spectrum of customers, integrating offline, online, and quick commerce delivery modes.

Origin said its strategy results from a deep understanding and primary research covering over 1,000 customers from diverse age and income groups. There has been a growing trend towards online purchases of daily groceries, and fruits (63 percent) and vegetables (57 percent) top the charts for preference. Almost all the customers have faced challenges related to freshness, quality, inconsistent pricing, and not having a wide selection of products.

“No offline or online store in Bangalore or India offers 250+ different products to choose from. Origin will be focused on delivering an enhanced experience guaranteeing convenient delivery, consistent quality assurance and the availability of a wide selection of fresh produce to consumers. Origin brings in a blended approach that is a confluence of state-of-the-art predictive demand technology and its direct partnerships with local farmers to deliver the freshest vegetables and fruits within 12 hours of harvest,” the company said in a statement. 

“Our mission at Origin is to set a new benchmark for freshness in Bengaluru. By delivering produce within 12 hours of harvest, we are reimagining how consumers experience fruits and vegetables—no more compromises on quality or variety. With over 250 options and our ‘Fresh or Nothing’ commitment, we are combining technology with direct farmer partnerships to not only ensure peak freshness but also drive meaningful impact for local farming communities. At Origin, we’re not just offering fresh produce we’re creating a fresh way of living for the people of Bengaluru,” said Prashanth Vasan, CEO, Origin.

  It plans to set up 40 dark stores in its first phase which is estimated to be within two months. As they expand, they plan to open dedicated experience stores to enhance the shopping experience. Origin is currently bootstrapped and it is in talks to raise its first round of venture capital funding, Vasan told Entrepreneur India on the sidelines of the launch.  

India’s quick commerce is a competitive market that has been growing year-on-year at 77 percent to reach $2.8 billion in GMV (gross merchandise value) in 2023, according to a Redseer report. In comparison, e-commerce has been growing at 14-15 percent year-on-year.

Origin competes with the likes of popular quick commerce firms like the Zomato-owned Blinkit, Zepto and Swiggy Instamart although it currently plays in the niche space of fruits and vegetables deliveries only.

Currently, the brand offers next day delivery and same day delivery in key areas of the city. The app is available for download on both Play Store and App Store. Origin will soon be launching 20-minute hyperlocal delivery across Bengaluru and offline experience stores in select areas across the city.

Origin said it uses eco-friendly packaging for longer shelf life and offers customers the option to purchase smaller quantities to minimize food waste. The company aims to reduce fresh produce waste to just 4 percent, thanks to its precise demand forecasting and efficient supply chain management.

The company claims that produce is harvested at its peak freshness and swiftly delivered, minimizing post-harvest losses to farming communities. Post-harvest losses are currently estimated at 25 percent of the produce.

 Author: Ayushman Baruah, Regional Bureau Head, Entrepreneur India

  • Quick Commerce
  • Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Lykli Noida’s Rs 5,500 Crore Retail Wonderland: 9,000 Jobs and IKEA Magic!

Noida’s skyline is about to change, and it’s not just another regular shopping centre. It's Lykli, the second "meeting place" from Ingka Centres, part of the Ingka Group, which also owns IKEA. With a staggering investment of Rs 5,500 crores, Lykli Noida is poised to be more than just a retail space — it's a game-changer for Delhi NCR and all of Uttar Pradesh. With Lykli’s debut, this new-age retail haven is set to bring a wave of change, not just in shopping but in how people live, work, and play. And the best part? It’s creating over 9,000 jobs!

Vision for Noida and Beyond

Present at the unveiling of Lykli in Noida were high-profile leaders like Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Minister for Industrial Development Shri Nand Gopal Gupta, Sweden’s Ambassador Jan Thesleff, and top honchos from Ingka Centres and IKEA India, including Sebastian Hylving, Ingka Centres’ Global Expansion & Development Director, and Susanne Pulverer, CEO and Chief Sustainability Officer, IKEA India.

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath took the stage to emphasize the significance of Lykli, saying, "This project is more than just brick and mortar — it’s a reflection of our vision for Noida as a center of modern urban living. It aligns with Uttar Pradesh’s goal to create sustainable, community-focused spaces that uplift citizens.”

With its 47,833 sq m space anchored by a massive IKEA store, Lykli is expected to draw in over 25 million visitors annually. For context, that’s almost the population of Australia!

Shri Nand Gopal Gupta echoed the excitement: “Lykli is more than a shopping center. It's a lifestyle hub. People will come here not just to shop but to connect, work, dine, and play.”

Not Just a Mall, a Meeting Place

Sebastian Hylving explains that Lykli is designed as a “meeting place”— a concept that moves beyond transactional shopping to become a central community hub. “Think of it as Noida’s new living room, a place where families and friends can gather for more than just errands. This isn’t your typical retail center. We’re building a community space where people can come together and feel at home," Hylving said.

The name "Lykli" comes with a promise: it's about creating vibrant spaces where the lines between work, life, and leisure blur. Whether it’s grabbing a coffee, coworking in modern spaces, or indulging in cultural experiences, Lykli’s got you covered. Imagine working remotely from a space where you can easily hop to a quick shopping trip, have a gourmet meal, or catch an indie concert—all under one roof. That’s the vision for Lykli.

Hylving summed it up perfectly: “We’re creating spaces that allow people to live their best lives. Noida’s growing population deserves a place that’s built for the future—Lykli is that place.”

Sustainability at its Core

But Lykli isn’t just about size or scale — it’s a statement on sustainability. This place is aiming high, targeting LEED Platinum certification for the entire building and WELL Gold certification for its offices. With eco-friendly materials, 100 percent water recycling, and zero waste to landfills, this isn’t just any shopping center; it’s a blueprint for the future of urban living. And here’s a cherry on top: Lykli’s commitment to sustainable mobility. With two metro stations connected directly and more than 70 electric vehicle charging stations, it’s clear that Lykli is as green as it is grand.

“Lykli is setting a new benchmark for urban development in India. From its eco-friendly construction to sustainable daily operations, it’s a space built for the future,” said Hylving.

IKEA: More Than Just a Store

Lykli’s anchor, IKEA, is bringing its A-game too. The Swedish giant will open one of its iconic stores here, but this isn’t just a run-of-the-mill IKEA. Susanne, highlighted the brand’s long-term commitment to India: “We’re not just setting up stores; we’re looking to make a lasting positive impact on the local economy. Lykli Noida marks a huge milestone in our growth story.”

IKEA’s strategy in India is laser-focused. Besides large-format stores like the ones in Hyderabad, Navi Mumbai, and Bengaluru, the brand is also exploring smaller store formats and expanding its online presence. IKEA’s first online venture in Delhi-NCR is set to roll out in early 2025, followed by its first physical store in Gurugram by 2026.

“Our next phase of investment is all about scaling smartly in India. Delhi-NCR is a top priority for us,” Pulverer added. With its smart mix of large and small formats, IKEA is ensuring that no corner of India is left out of its retail revolution.

“India isn’t just a single country; it’s like a continent with its diverse states, each with unique needs. We have to approach this market gradually, ensuring we deliver a complete and high-quality experience for our customers. It’s not enough to just open stores and ship products. IKEA is all about providing solutions for your home, and to do that, we need to offer complementary services, like helping with home design and planning. That’s why we’re taking a step-by-step approach to ensure a seamless experience, rather than rushing into multiple markets without proper preparation,” she emphasized.

Numbers That Tell the Story

  • INR 5,500 crore investment in Lykli Noida
  • Over 9,000 jobs created, giving the local economy a much-needed boost
  • 25 million annual visitors expected — making Lykli one of the largest retail magnets in the region
  • 47,833 sq. m of retail space, anchored by an IKEA store
  • 70+ EV charging stations and two direct metro links for sustainable commuting
  • 100% water recycling and zero waste to landfill as part of Lykli’s green building practices

These figures don’t just represent money spent or space covered — they tell a story of ambition and transformation. For IKEA and Ingka Centres, it’s about building something that lasts, not just for today but for future generations.

Ingka and IKEA’s India journey is just getting started. As Susanne put it: “We’re here for the long haul. Lykli Noida is just the beginning of our journey to bring a new level of retail experience to India. For us India is Number 1 priority!”

  • Real Estate
  • shopping mall
  • Shopping Centre

Elevate Your Drive: Unveiling The Top 5 Luxury Car Brands In India

Looking out for treating yourself with luxury drives? One must know that luxury automobiles generally have more inside amenities, better-quality interiors, more modern safety features, and higher performance when compared to conventional cars. In essence, leasing a new luxury vehicle gives you more value for your money. Apart from that, there is a splendid feeling of having a luxury car standing in your driveway, which is more than a basic one! 

The latest analysis of the luxury automobile market in India states that it can reach a value of $1.54 billion by 2027. An increase of 6.4 percent CAGR in between 2022-2027.

Factors to Consider While Buying a Luxury Car

There are various factors to consider before purchasing the luxury car of your dreams. However many luxury automobile purchasers are unaware of the significant distinction between purchasing and really owning a luxury vehicle. The responsibility of maintaining that high-end gadget comes along with the enjoyment of wearing that stylish badge. To make it all easy for you, here are some considerations for you to make a beneficial investment. 

  • Upkeep Expenses

Even if your luxury car doesn’t need major repairs, it will still require regular maintenance. Routine services like oil changes and alignments can be less expensive for premium brands. However, costs are still relatively high in the first few years of ownership. 

  • Fuel Prices

When buying a luxury car, remember to include premium fuel costs in your monthly budget. Most luxury cars require premium-grade fuel. If you are upgrading from a vehicle with low fuel efficiency, the difference might not be drastic. However, luxury cars generally consume more fuel despite offering a more comfortable and efficient ride.

  • Cost of Long-Term Repairs

High-end vehicles are built to last, but unexpected repairs can happen. Repairs for luxury cars are generally more expensive due to the higher quality of parts. Ensure you have the budget for future maintenance before buying a luxury car. Also, check the warranty terms on the manufacturer’s website before purchasing. Many warranties cover costly parts during the contract period, making the vehicle a worthwhile investment.

  • Depreciating Asset

Luxury cars depreciate quickly and lose value faster. This means you might lose a significant amount of your investment. Some manufacturers offer buy-back programs, but terms depend on the car's condition. The advantage is that older luxury cars can be purchased at much lower prices, often up to 50 percent less within three to four years.

Top 5 Luxury Car Brands in India

Here is a list of the most liked luxury car brands in India, making a special place in the hearts of Indian consumers. Standing out in the crowd with special features and performances that are listed below. 

Rolls Royce

British luxury car manufacturer Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited has been a fully owned subsidiary of BMW AG since 2003. Encouraging Greatness is ingrained in every Rolls-Royce Motor Car. It is the driving force behind our creativity, goals, and continuing legacy. Its ultimate goal will always be to inspire greatness, even as we push the boundaries of what is possible. The company offers numerous models. Phantom, Spectre and Cullinan are the most preferred ones. 

  • It boasts a heated steering wheel, vented seats, and a front massage.
  • It features two 12-inch displays in the back seats that can play TV or DVDs, as well as a top-view camera that provides a 360-degree picture of the vehicle.
  • To ensure acoustic isolation, the Phantom Suite has frequency-specific insulation.

Top 5 Luxury Car Brands in India

  • It can go 330–310 miles (530–500 km) on full charge.
  • In 4.5 seconds, it can accelerate from 0 to 100 kmph.
  • It has an illuminated fascia, intelligent personal assistant Eleanor, and Starlight Doors with 4,796 lighted holes.

Top 5 Luxury Car Brands in India

  • It boasts a roomy cabin with a mix of materials, such as milled metal highlights, box-grain leather, lambswool carpeting, and wood trim. The bespoke placed perforation pattern on the leather seats was inspired by clouds.
  • Among the Cullinan's several driving modes is an off-road option that unleashes the vehicle's full power.
  • Adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assist, automatic emergency braking, forward-collision warning, adaptive cruise control, and night vision are just a few of the safety systems available in the Cullinan.

Top 5 Luxury Car Brands in India

Established by W.O. Bentley in 1919, Bentley gained recognition for its exceptional automobiles, inventive engineering, and superior craftsmanship. Their clients were also well-known, and their racing accomplishments contributed to Bentley's standing as a high-performance vehicle. The company uses the best materials available. Steel, aluminum, and carbon fiber are a few of the materials used in Bentley's body. The console and chairs are made of premium leather. Additionally, Bentleys are renowned for sporting the greatest brake pads and wheels available.

The best luxury car offered by Bentley in India are the Bentley Bentayga, Bentley Continental and Bentley Flying Spur. 

Bentley Bentayga

  • Numerous safety measures are available in the Bentayga, including as child safety locks, speed-sensing door locks, keyless central locking, and engine immobilizer.
  • Features like postural adjustment and seat auto-climate are part of the front seat comfort specification of the Bentayga EWB. These amenities, together with a footrest and a substantial recline, are added to the back seats by the Bentley airline seat specification.
  • The 4.0-liter V8 petrol engine, which can reach 60 mph in 4.5 seconds, the W12 engine, which can reach 60 mph in 3.8 seconds, and the hybrid engine, which can go 25 miles on electricity alone, are just a few of the engine options available for the Bentayga.

Top 5 Luxury Car Brands in India

Bentley Continental 

  • The first powertrain choice available for the Bentley Continental is a 4.0-liter turbocharged V8 engine that generates 542 horsepower and 568 pound-feet of torque. A more potent 6.0-liter W12 engine with 626 horsepower and 664 pound-feet of torque is the second choice.
  • The Continental's cabin is designed to reduce outside noise, giving drivers and passengers a peaceful space.

Top 5 Luxury Car Brands in India

Porsche was formed in the 1930s by Ferdinand Porsche, a Czech-German automobile engineer, and Adolf Rosenberger. The company has established its objectives in accordance with the four stakeholder dimensions: investors, employees, society, and consumers. By 2030, Porsche wants to be CO2 neutral on its balance sheet throughout the whole value chain. The business is making significant investments in innovation, sustainability, digitalization, and training, among other areas. It is known for providing an unparalleled driving experience and is dependable. Porsche vehicles are well worth the investment because of their amazing capacity to absorb shocks and for providing a smooth ride. For maximum comfort and refinement, the interior is built with luxurious-looking metal surfaces and velvety leather seats. The top luxury car models by Porsche are 911, Taycan and Panamera. 

911 (8 models)

  • These are the following models under the 911 version - 911 Carrera Coupe, 911 Turbo 50 years, 911 Turbo Models, 911 GT3, 911 GT3 RS and 911 S/T
  • The display of the 911 models instrument cluster, which has around 12.65-inch curved display, is the central rev counter or power meter with boost and recovery displays, as well as the iconic "five-tube view." 
  • The modern 911 is jam-packed with support and technological features. Included as standard equipment is the ParkAssist system, which also features a reversing camera, cruise control, Lane Keeping Assist, and traffic sign recognition with curve warning and tiredness detection.

Top 5 Luxury Car Brands in India

Taycan (3 Models)

  • Taycan has 3 models named - Taycan TBA, Taycan 4S and Taycan Turbo. 
  • The vehicle includes features such as a rearview camera, lane departure warning, and forward collision warning with automated emergency braking. It also offers the semi-autonomous InnoDrive system as an option. This system includes night vision assistance, traffic congestion assistance, and adaptive cruise control.
  • The Taycan boasts a high-performance battery with enhanced cell chemistry and a longer range. It also features an efficient heat pump cooling design.

Top 5 Luxury Car Brands in India

  • The Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK), chassis, and drivetrain of the Panamera are all very performance-oriented. A 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8 engine producing 500 PS and a sports suspension power the Panamera GTS.
  • The Panamera blends agility and elegance with its unique chassis tune. It offers several performance suspension options, including Rear-Axle Steering, Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control Sport (PDCC Sport), and Adaptive Air Suspension.
  • Larger perforated ceramic brake discs are available as an option. These come with the Panamera's Porsche Ceramic Composite Brakes (PCCB).

Top 5 Luxury Car Brands in India

Automobili Lamborghini, headquartered in Sant'Agata Bolognese in northern Italy, was established in 1963. For over 50 years, Lamborghini has continuously produced iconic vehicles such as the 350 GT, Miura, Espada, Countach, Diablo, and Murcielago. The brand also offers limited edition models like the Reventon, Sesto Elemento, Veneno, and Centenario.  Lamborghini is known for its high-performance engines, delivering remarkable acceleration and top speeds. With innovative technology, lightweight construction, and enhanced aerodynamics, these cars excel on both the road and the track. The best luxury car models by Lamborghini are Urus, Revuelto and Huracan. 

  • World’s first Super Sport Utility Vehicle, blending the spirit of a super sports car with SUV practicality.  
  • It features a 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8 engine, and the Urus SE adds a powerful electric motor for enhanced performance.  
  • The Urus showcases Lamborghini’s design, performance, and driving dynamics, redefining the SUV segment with its unique DNA.

Top 5 Luxury Car Brands in India

  • Lamborghini introduced Revuelto, the first HPEV hybrid super sports car, setting a new standard in performance, technology, and driving pleasure.  
  • It features a powertrain delivering 1015 CV, combining a new 12-cylinder internal combustion engine. With three high-density electric motors.  
  • It includes a revolutionary transversal dual-clutch e-gearbox. For enhanced performance.

Top 5 Luxury Car Brands in India

  • Designed to evoke deep emotions through a blend of power and Italian craftsmanship.  
  • This series embodies authentic design and cutting-edge mechanical technology, showcasing Lamborghini's finest work.  
  • The Lamborghini Huracán, with its sharp lines and precision design, offers both visual thrill and unparalleled Italian craftsmanship in every detail.

Top 5 Luxury Car Brands in India

Jaguar Land Rover, headquartered in Whitley, Coventry, England, is a British multinational automobile manufacturer. They produce luxury and sports cars under the Jaguar brand. The company is known for building Jaguar vehicles using advanced production lines. Thousands of skilled individuals work seamlessly with high-tech robots and multi-million-pound machinery, showcasing exceptional craftsmanship. Jaguars have outstanding handling, acceleration, and top-speed features. Advanced components such as all-wheel drive systems and lightweight aluminum set it apart. These are the top luxury car models by Jaguar - Jaguar F-Pace, Jaguar E-Pace and Jaguar I-Pace. 

Jaguar F-Pace

  • The F-Pace offers high-performance engines. Including a 2.0-liter turbocharged gasoline engine and a 2.0-liter turbodiesel engine.
  • Every F=Pace model has an eight-speed automatic ZF gearbox. It offers seamless gear changes and quick acceleration.
  • This creative design improves handling and braking. That helos decreases weight and offers superior passenger protection.

Top 5 Luxury Car Brands in India

Jaguar E-Pace

  • The E-Pace offers a range of driver assistance features. These include emergency braking, blind spot assistance, and a rear camera.
  •  It also has adaptive cruise control, a driver condition monitor, and lane keep assist. 
  • Additionally, the E-Pace provides front and rear parking assistance, rear collision monitoring, rear traffic monitoring, traffic sign recognition, and an adaptive speed limiter.

Top 5 Luxury Car Brands in India

Which luxury vehicle will be your next indulgence? Whether you’re drawn to unmatched opulence, superior craftsmanship, innovative technology, or refined performance, there’s a luxury car designed to meet your desires. Discover the perfect blend of elegance and performance and make every drive an extraordinary experience. Make your dream come true with these top luxury car brands in India

  • luxury brands

Evaluating the ROI of Experience Studios in the Retail Sector

Definition and Concept

Experience studios are specialized retail spaces designed to offer customers a tangible, immersive interaction with products and services. Unlike traditional retail environments, experience studios focus on creating an environment where customers can visualize and engage with the product in a way that goes beyond simple browsing. In the context of modular kitchens, experience studios allow potential buyers to explore various kitchen designs, materials, and layouts firsthand. By providing a physical space where customers can interact with life-sized models, these studios help bridge the gap between concept and reality, enabling customers to better understand what their future kitchen could look and feel like.

Industry Trends

The trend of experience studios in retail is rapidly gaining momentum as brands recognize the need to offer more than just products—they need to provide experiences. Customization is a key factor driving this trend, especially in industries like modular kitchens where each design is unique. Experience studios have become essential because they offer a touch-and-feel opportunity that helps customers visualize the product's true value and functionality. These studios also serve as a physical manifestation of the brand, enhancing its presence in local markets and building trust with potential customers.

Benefits of Experience Studios

Enhanced Customer Engagement : Experience studios significantly improve customer engagement by providing a tangible, interactive environment. Customers can physically interact with various elements of a modular kitchen, gaining a deeper understanding of the materials, textures, and functionality. This hands-on experience often leads to a more informed and confident purchasing decision.

Personalization and Customization : One of the major advantages of experience studios is their ability to offer personalized experiences. Each display within the studio is curated to showcase different styles and configurations, allowing customers to see multiple options before making a decision. This level of personalization can lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty, as customers feel more confident in their choices.

Brand Differentiation: In a competitive market, experience studios help brands stand out by offering a unique, immersive experience that goes beyond the typical retail encounter. Elements such as store visual merchandising, lighting, and staff interactions play a crucial role in creating a memorable visit. The strategic location of these studios in busy markets also ensures that they attract foot traffic from customers who are already interested in home renovations or furniture.

Measuring ROI

Quantitative Metrics : The success of an experience studio can be measured through various quantitative metrics, such as increased sales, higher conversion rates, and repeat customers. Strategic location choices, such as positioning the studio in a busy market area, ensure that walk-ins generate a steady flow of potential customers. The combination of high-quality products and excellent customer service also contributes to repeat business, further boosting the studio's ROI.

Qualitative Benefits : Beyond the numbers, experience studios offer qualitative benefits like improved brand perception, customer loyalty, and word-of-mouth marketing. A positive in-store experience can lead to repeat visits and referrals, which are invaluable for long-term business growth. Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend the brand to others, creating a ripple effect that enhances the studio's overall impact.

Challenges and Solutions

Initial Investment : Setting up an experience studio requires a significant initial investment, particularly when it involves creating multiple display areas that accurately represent the product's range. This investment can be justified by the long-term benefits of increased sales and customer loyalty. A well-designed studio can serve as a powerful tool for attracting and converting customers, ultimately leading to a strong return on investment.

Operational Costs : Ongoing operational costs, such as staffing, maintenance, and utilities, are another challenge. These costs can be managed effectively by ensuring that the studio is strategically located in areas with high foot traffic, maximizing its potential for customer engagement. Additionally, operational efficiencies can be achieved through careful planning and resource management.

Technological Integration : The integration of advanced technology is crucial for enhancing the customer experience and improving operational efficiency. For example, interactive apps and virtual reality tools can provide customers with instant design previews and customization options, making the shopping experience more engaging and efficient.

Future Outlook

Evolving Customer Expectations: As customers become more informed and discerning, their expectations of retail experiences will continue to evolve. Experience studios will play a key role in meeting these demands by offering a space where customers can visualize and interact with products before making a purchase. The ability to provide a personalized, immersive experience will be critical in attracting and retaining customers in the future.

Innovation and Expansion: Looking ahead, there is significant potential for innovation in the design and functionality of experience studios. As the retail landscape continues to evolve, these studios will need to adapt by incorporating new technologies and design trends. Expansion into new markets will also be important, as brands seek to reach a wider audience and establish a strong presence across various regions.

Dhruv Trigunayat, CEO UltraFresh by Prestige

Dhruv Trigunayat, CEO UltraFresh by Prestige

  • Experience stores
  • Return On Investment

Managing Supply Chain Disruptions in the FMCG Sector

In the bustling landscape of India's Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector, where demand changes rapidly and competition is fierce, maintaining a consistent supply of goods to consumers is a significant challenge. The total revenue of the FMCG market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 27.9 percent through 2021–27, reaching nearly $ 615.87 billion. The industry is growing, but it still faces consistent challenges with supply chain disruptions, which can lead to delays, shortages, and higher operating costs.

FMCG products are characterized as low unit costs due to high volume sales, businesses in the space must maintain profitability in a market full of intricate distribution networks and fierce competition, which calls for razor-sharp operational efficiencies. The sector's reliance on just-in-time inventory and swift turnaround times amplifies the impact disruptions can cause, making agility and innovation imperative for survival.

The unpredictable monsoon: a story of quick adaptation

Imagine a scenario at an FMCG company in India where production lines hum with activity, churning out products destined for millions of homes across the country. Unexpectedly, a key raw material, sourced from a region experiencing unforeseen monsoon delays, fails to arrive on time. This single disruption has the potential to ripple through the entire supply chain, impacting production schedules, distribution timelines, and ultimately, customer satisfaction.

In response to the crisis, the company needs to swiftly activate its contingency plan. Leveraging technology, these businesses often implement a real-time monitoring system that tracks weather patterns and predicts supply disruptions, thereby being better planned.

In India's FMCG industry, achieving supply chain resilience involves not only reducing risks but also identifying and taking advantage of opportunities. For instance, the rise of e-commerce platforms has revolutionized consumer access, presenting FMCG companies with new avenues for distribution and sales. Embracing digital transformation has enabled companies to not only streamline operations but also enhance customer engagement through personalized marketing and targeted promotions.

In this evolving landscape, adaptability is key. Successful FMCG companies in India are those that can pivot swiftly, leveraging data and analytics to forecast demand accurately and adjust production schedules accordingly. Moreover, fostering a culture of innovation—from sustainable packaging solutions to energy-efficient manufacturing processes—ensures that companies not only meet current consumer expectations but also anticipate future trends.

How to manage supply chain disruptions?

Building strong supplier relationships.

Adopting strong strategies is essential to managing supply chain disruptions in the FMCG industry.  One key approach is building strong supplier relationships. By nurturing collaborative partnerships based on trust and open communication, FMCG companies can proactively address potential risks. For instance, in the edible oil industry, where the timely supply of raw materials like soybeans and sunflower seeds is critical, strong supplier relationships ensure continuity even during agricultural fluctuations or logistical challenges.

Strengthening Logistics and Distribution Networks

Strengthening logistics and distribution networks is equally crucial. Efficient transportation and distribution systems enable timely delivery of goods, preserving product freshness and meeting consumer demands. Enhancing flexibility can be achieved by establishing regional distribution centers and investing in a variety of transportation modes. For instance, having alternative shipping routes mapped out allows FMCG firms to circumvent disruptions swiftly, ensuring uninterrupted supply chain operations.

Use of Data Analytics and Technology

Incorporating advanced data analytics and technology completes the arsenal of strategies. Technologies like AI, ML, and IoT provide real-time insights into consumer behavior and market trends. This enables accurate demand forecasting and optimized inventory management, empowering FMCG companies to adjust production schedules and logistics proactively. By leveraging technology, FMCG firms can enhance supply chain visibility and agility, ensuring they stay ahead in a competitive and dynamic market landscape.

Driving the FMCG Sector with Flexibility and Adaptability

The world today is all about flexibility and adaptability. Companies that can quickly adapt to new circumstances are better positioned to maintain continuity and meet consumer needs. Here are some ways to enhance flexibility and adaptability:

1. Agile Supply Chain Practices

Agile supply chain practices involve creating a supply chain that can quickly respond to changes in demand or supply. This may include adopting just-in-time inventory systems, flexible manufacturing processes, and rapid responses. These practices enable edible oil producers to quickly adjust production in response to market changes, ensuring they can meet consumer demand effectively.

2. Continuous Improvement Programs

Implementing continuous improvement programs ensures that supply chain processes are regularly evaluated and enhanced. This approach helps identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement, making the supply chain more strong over time. Regularly refining production and distribution processes helps edible oil companies stay ahead of potential disruptions and maintain high standards of quality.

3. Employee Training and Development

Investing in employee training and development ensures that staff are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to adapt to new challenges. In the edible oil industry, specialized training in food safety protocols, quality control, and equipment operation ensures that production meets regulatory standards. Cross-functional training can create a more versatile workforce capable of stepping into various roles during disruptions.

The FMCG sector's ability to manage supply chain disruptions is essential for ensuring consumer satisfaction and business continuity. By building resilient supply chains, companies can ensure the continuous flow of essential products to consumers, even in the face of unexpected challenges. As the FMCG sector continues to evolve, the ability to adapt and respond to supply chain challenges will remain a critical factor for success.

Anubhav Agarwal, MD and CEO, BN Group

  • FMCG industry
  • Supply Chain Management

What Makes Starbucks India’s First Experiential Store a Game-Changer for Coffee Lovers

Starbucks India has always been synonymous with coffee excellence, innovation, and a seamless customer experience. This year, the iconic brand has taken a bold new step in elevating the coffee culture in the country. In a significant milestone, Starbucks has unveiled its first-ever coffee experiential store at Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi. This marks a key moment in Starbucks’ journey as it blends its global expertise with India's rich coffee heritage.

A Unique Coffee Experience in India’s Capital

The Punjabi Bagh store stands as a testament to Starbucks' commitment to offering a unique and immersive coffee experience for its patrons. Unlike any other store in the country, it brings together global coffee craftsmanship and the distinct flavors of India under one roof. With an extensive menu that features 16 specialty coffees from across the globe and a lineup of innovative beverages, this store aims to be a haven for coffee aficionados and casual consumers alike.

For the first time in India, Starbucks has introduced local flavors to its coffee offerings. The menu celebrates Indian culinary traditions, featuring beverages like the Malabar Coconut Cream Latte, the Cinnamon Jaggery Latte with organic jaggery sourced from Maharashtra, and the Cocoa Birds Eye Chilli Latte inspired by the spicy flavors of Meghalaya. A refreshing Tamarind Red Peroo Shikanji Cold Brew also adds a twist to India’s beloved summer drink, offering a fusion of familiar tastes with a Starbucks twist.

“Having served the Signature Starbucks Experience to consumers in India for over a decade, we remain committed to pushing the boundaries of product innovation and customer experience. The launch of our first coffee experiential store in New Delhi, our first store among many upcoming similar stores in the country, represents our celebration of Indian coffee heritage through variety, artistry and food theatre, complimented by a host of international coffee offerings,” says Sushant Dash, CEO, TATA Starbucks.

Exclusive Brews and Indian Flavors

At the heart of this experiential store lies Starbucks' expertise in coffee craftsmanship. The store offers a selection of 16 specialty coffees, including five exclusive espresso beans and 13 whole bean options sourced from renowned coffee regions, including India, Kenya, Sumatra, and Latin America. Customers can choose from a variety of roasts, including the exclusive Starbucks Willow Blend, Starbucks® Single-Origin Zambia, and Starbucks Pike Place Roast, each providing a unique coffee profile.

Moreover, the store introduces the Aeropress brewing method to India, allowing coffee lovers to experience a level of customization previously unseen. Customers can now personalize their coffee by selecting their preferred beans and choosing from five different brewing methods, ensuring that each cup is tailored to individual tastes.

Starbucks has made a conscious effort to elevate the coffee-drinking experience through its innovative approach, blending tradition with modern techniques. The addition of local flavors is a clear nod to India’s rich coffee heritage, creating a connection between international coffee expertise and homegrown flavors.

A Culinary Experience to Complement Coffee Craft

In addition to its diverse coffee offerings, the Punjabi Bagh store also debuts an innovative food menu that complements its beverage lineup. Freshly baked breads, croissants, puffs, and cookies are prepared in-store, ensuring that customers can enjoy quality food that perfectly complements their coffee. The menu also includes scrambled eggs and freshly assembled sandwiches, offering a range of breakfast and snack options that reflect the international café culture.

This new food experience further enhances the brand’s position as more than just a coffeehouse. It is a culinary destination that offers patrons a holistic experience, merging the world of food and coffee in an environment that exudes warmth and creativity.

Blending Global Craft with Local Design

The store’s design is as unique as its coffee offerings, featuring an array of craftwork inspired by coffee regions like Indonesia and Costa Rica. The décor takes customers on a visual journey, with elements paying homage to the diverse origins of coffee. The centerpiece of this design is an artwork depicting two sirens – one youthful, representing Starbucks’ roots, while the other represents the flourishing future, holding a branch of vibrant red coffee cherries.

“The artwork welcomes customers into the world of Starbucks – diverse flavours, aromas, coffee craft, and excellence. The store also features exclusive uniforms for partners, reflecting its unique identity,” adds Starbucks. The vibrant design, inspired by regions such as Punjab, adds a local flavor to the global coffeehouse. The intricate motifs and symbolism of local fauna, alongside traditional jewelry designs, bring a rich, cultural ambiance that is both inviting and awe-inspiring.

Beyond aesthetics, the store provides an immersive coffee zone where customers can explore the art of coffee making. From learning about different brewing methods to sampling exclusive coffee beans, the experiential store turns coffee drinking into a personalized, educational journey.

A Decade of Innovation and Growth

Since entering the Indian market in October 2012 through a joint venture with Tata Consumer Products Limited, Starbucks has made significant strides in adapting its offerings to cater to the Indian market while staying true to its global standards of quality. With over 446 stores in 65 cities across India, the brand continues to expand its footprint while staying connected to the cultural fabric of the country.

Starbucks’ decision to introduce this experiential store is a clear reflection of its ongoing commitment to innovation and customer engagement in India. By offering an extensive menu of global and local coffee options, alongside a culinary experience that is rooted in local tastes, Starbucks continues to redefine what it means to enjoy coffee in India.

With this new experiential store, Starbucks aims to deepen its connection with the Indian market, bringing the global coffee experience while celebrating India’s unique flavors and culinary heritage.  

Starbucks' Vision for the Future

The opening of the Punjabi Bagh coffee experiential store marks a new chapter in Starbucks India’s journey. As Sushant Dash mentioned, this is the first of many such stores that will open across the country in the coming years. Starbucks’ focus on innovation, sustainability, and customer experience will continue to drive its growth in India, ensuring that it remains a leader in the coffeehouse space.

  • Tata Starbucks

Ganesh Chaturthi Gift Ideas: From Eco-Friendly Idols to Luxury Home Decor

Ganesh Chaturthi, the festival that marks the birth of Lord Ganesha, is a celebration of the significance of the cycle of birth, life, and death. It is for the first time that Ganapati is described in a brief context in Rigveda in the form of shlokas 2. 23. 1 and 10. 112. 9, where he is described as “the seer among seers and the lord of invocation.” 

However, it is unclear if this refers to the later form of Ganesha, as the Vedic texts do not mention Ganesh Chaturthi. The festival started to be famous in the eighteenth century during the time of Peshwas in Pune; however, during the time of British rule, the festival lost its value among the masses. The festival was revived by Lokmanya Tilak in 1892 in a mass spectacle form in order to draw people’s attention and overcome colonial prohibition on assemblies.

A festival of devotion and joy is the perfect occasion to share thoughtful gifts with loved ones. Whether you are looking for traditional items or modern pieces, here are the top gifting ideas to make this Ganesh Chaturthi truly special.

Eco-Friendly Ganesh Chaturthi Celebrations: Sustainable Gift Ideas for Ganesh Chaturthi:

Celebrate responsibly with sustainable choices, from eco-friendly idols to reusable decor. Here’s how you can make this Ganesh Chaturthi an environment-friendly occasion.

Eco-Friendly Ganesh Chaturthi Celebrations: Sustainable Gift Ideas for Ganesh Chaturthi

  • Eco-Friendly Ganesh Idols

Celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi with a sense of responsibility by gifting eco-friendly idols made from clay or biodegradable materials. These idols dissolve in water without harming the environment, making them a thoughtful gift for eco-conscious friends and family.

  • Handmade Crafts

Encourage support for local artisans by gifting handmade crafts like painted pots, bamboo baskets, or fabric lanterns. These unique pieces not only add beauty to the celebrations but also promote traditional handmade art.

  • Customized Puja Kits

A well-curated puja kit containing all the essentials like incense sticks, flowers, kumkum, and prasad can be a thoughtful and practical gift for Ganesh Chaturthi. It enhances the devotional spirit while offering convenience.

Ganesh Chaturthi Decor Ideas: Transform Your Home for the Festivities:

From vibrant rangolis to intricately designed diyas, elevate your home with festive decor that sets the perfect tone for welcoming Lord Ganesha.

Ganesh Chaturthi Gift Ideas from Urban Sapce and Plate and Peonie's

  • Artisanal Home Decor

Add a personal touch to homes with handcrafted decor like traditional wall hangings, brass diyas, and elegant rangoli sets. Plate and Peonie’s collection, featuring products such as terracotta pottery and hand-painted trays, is perfect for enhancing the festive spirit.

  • Luxury Tableware

For those who love hosting, high-end tableware from Plate and Peonie, such as hand-painted salad plates or palm tree candle holders, can make dining experiences more festive and memorable.

  • Festive Bed Linen

Upgrade home decor with luxury festive bed linens, such as the Divine Collection bedsheets from Urban Space. With vibrant colors and intricate designs, these make for a stylish and functional gift.

Ganesha's Blessings: Auspicious Gifts to Bring Prosperity and Joy:

This festive season, share blessings with your loved ones by gifting silver coins, divine jewelry, or traditional idols that symbolize good fortune.

Ganesh Chaturthi Gift Ideas from P N Gadgil & Sons

  • Jewelry Pieces

Jewelry is a timeless gift, and Gargi by P N Gadgil & Sons offers an exquisite range of 92.5% sterling silver and brass jewelry. Pieces like elegant earrings or statement necklaces make for perfect gifts that can be cherished beyond the festival.

  • Silver Coins or Ornaments

Silver coins embossed with images of Lord Ganesha are auspicious gifts during this festival. Consider gifting silver ornaments or coins that symbolize good luck and prosperity.

Ganesh Chaturthi Styling Tips: Dress to Impress for the Festivities:

The festival calls for traditional attire with a modern touch. Discover how you can style ethnic wear with contemporary accessories for a stunning festive look.

Festive collection of Asha Gautam's and Blackberry's for Ganesh Chaturthi Gift Ideas

  • Sarees and Ethnic Wear

Gift luxury with Asha Gautam’s festive saree collection. Each saree, from Kanjivaram silks to tissue Banarasi, is a beautiful blend of tradition and modern design, making it a standout gift for loved ones during the festival.

  • Ethnic Clothing for Men

Elevate the festive wardrobe of the men in your life with Blackberry's premium menswear collection. From trendy kurta sets to dapper Nehru jackets, these outfits blend style with tradition, making for a perfect festive gift.

Final Thought:

This Ganesh Chaturthi, make your gifts meaningful by choosing options that reflect the spirit of the festival. Whether it’s jewelry, home decor, or eco-friendly idols, thoughtful gifts are sure to make celebrations brighter.

  • festival season

Top Organic Ingredients to Celebrate National Nutrition Week 2024

A nutrition-rich diet isn't just about eating enough food; it's about making informed choices that include a variety of foods and a balance of nutrients. To meet the body's diverse nutritional requirements, it's crucial to understand the components of a healthy diet and how they contribute to physical and mental health. This empowers individuals to make choices that enhance their quality of life and reduce the risk of many diseases.

The first week of September 2024 is celebrated as National Nutrition Week , highlighting the critical role that nutrition plays in maintaining long-term health and well-being.

As we focus on the importance of a nutritious diet for overall well-being, here are some essential organic ingredients for healthier conscious living. 

1. Tulsi: A Natural Wellness Booster

Tulsi, also known as holy basil, is celebrated for its extensive health benefits and is grown organically. It supports overall wellness and connects you to traditional practices. Tulsi can be enjoyed in tea or supplements, offering a natural boost to your health. 

Organic India Tulsi Original Green Tea offers a delightful, aromatic, and excellent tea made using three primary types of Tulsi, all of which have long been revered in Ayurveda. This special combination calms, stimulates, and revitalizes your health. Can be served hot to start the day or chilled.

 Top Organic Ingredients to Celebrate National Nutrition Week 2024

Health Benefits :

  • Helps reduce stress & aids in relaxation
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Improves metabolism & digestion   

2. Honey: Nature’s Sweet Gift

Wild honey, sourced from pristine forests, is a rich, unprocessed alternative to conventional honey. It retains valuable enzymes and antioxidants, adding a natural sweetness to your meals while connecting you to nature’s purest offerings.

The Multiplefloral Akshayakalpa Raw Honey is evidence of its commitment to purity and its goal of supplying goods that are beneficial to its customers, our farmers, and the environment. Its honey is responsibly acquired from organic farm honeycombs, emphasizing the preservation of bee populations and ecosystems. There are no artificial ingredients, added sugars, flavors, chemicals, or preservatives in the all-natural honey. It's honey the way nature meant it to be! 

 Top Organic Ingredients to Celebrate National Nutrition Week 2024

  • Supplies quick energy
  • Helps treat symptoms of cough and cold
  • Soothes and heals the digestive system
  • Boosts immune function         

3. Quinoa: The Nutrient-Rich Superfood

Quinoa is renowned for its exceptional nutritional profile, including high protein and essential amino acids. Its versatility makes it a superb choice for a variety of dishes, supporting a balanced and healthy diet.

The superfood of nature, to start living a better lifestyle. Quinoa, which is high in protein, fiber, and other vital minerals, helps with weight control, improves heart health, and gives you lasting energy. Ideal for a healthy, well-balanced diet. Barry’s offers 100 percent Organic Quinoa - gluten-free that is a powerful source of protein and fiber that works well in salads or as a rice alternative Rich in nutrients for general health.

 Top Organic Ingredients to Celebrate National Nutrition Week 2024

  • Source of Complete Protein
  • Naturally rich in vitamins and minerals
  • Good source of fibre and antioxidants
  • Weight-loss friendly & gluten-free          

4. Moringa: The Green Powerhouse

Moringa is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, providing a natural, caffeine-free energy boost and supporting immune health. It’s a simple and effective way to enrich your diet with a powerful, nutrient-dense ingredient.

Amala Earth manufactures natural moringa powder, a potent antioxidant that helps the body get rid of toxins. Nine times the protein of yoghurt, fifteen times the potassium of bananas, one and a half times the vitamin A of carrots, twenty-five times the iron of spinach, seventeen times the calcium of milk, and twelve times the vitamin E of almonds are all included in one gram of pure moringa powder.

 Top Organic Ingredients to Celebrate National Nutrition Week 2024

Health Benefits: 

  • Rich in Antioxidants
  • Prevents Malnutrition
  • May Reduce Blood Sugar
  • May Relieve Symptoms of Menopause
  • Anti-Aging Effects

 5. Wheatgrass Juice: Special Healing Qualities

Made from the freshly sprouted shoots of wheat grains, wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum) is a common component in juices. Usually, it is offered in powder or in juiced form. Wheatgrass is marketed as a natural treatment for several illnesses because it is high in antioxidants, beta-carotene, and chlorophyll.  

Kapiva, an Ayurveda nutrition brand, focuses on maximizing the chlorophyll content, taking extensive care to harvest wheatgrass till the eighth day. Wheat Grass Juice by Kapiva is well-known for its detoxifying properties, wheatgrass also improves metabolism, which aids with digestion.

 Top Organic Ingredients to Celebrate National Nutrition Week 2024

  • Supports the alkaline environment in the body
  • Boosts energy & immunity
  • Enhances detoxification and healthy metabolism
  • Promotes healthy skin and hair

As we celebrate National Nutrition Week this September, these natural ingredients remind us of the importance of conscious, health-focused choices. By embracing organic, wholesome foods, we can improve our overall health and lead a more balanced, vibrant life. Incorporating organic ingredients like Tulsi, honey, quinoa, moringa, and wheatgrass into your diet can significantly enhance your well-being. These nutrient-rich superfoods not only provide essential vitamins and minerals but also offer a range of health benefits—from boosting immunity and energy levels to aiding digestion and promoting healthy skin.

  • healthy food
  • healthy lifestyle

Quick Commerce to Revolutionize Indian Retail Landscape with $10 Bn Gross Order Value by FY26

The Indian retail industry , long dominated by traditional food and grocery markets, is on the cusp of a transformative shift as quick commerce companies rapidly gain traction. According to a recent report by CLSA, the gross order value (GOV) of quick commerce players is expected to hit a staggering $10 billion by FY26. Over the next decade, this number is predicted to surge past $78 billion, with key players like Zomato's Blinkit, Zepto, and Swiggy Instamart leading the charge.

This remarkable growth is being fueled by a combination of ultra-fast delivery times, efficient last-mile logistics, and a wide range of product offerings that extend far beyond the typical selection available at local kiranas (small, neighborhood grocery stores). In a market traditionally controlled by these local vendors, who account for over 95 percent of the $600 billion food and grocery segment, quick commerce is emerging as a serious contender, poised to reshape the way Indians shop for everyday essentials.

The Rise of Quick Commerce

Quick commerce, defined by its promise of delivering products within 10 to 20 minutes, is a new and disruptive retail format that leverages technology and data-driven logistics. It has already captured a significant portion of the Indian market, with Blinkit, Zepto, and Swiggy Instamart holding more than 90 percent of the market share by revenue. Smaller players, including Big Basket's BBNow and Flipkart, also contribute to the sector's growth, albeit on a smaller scale.

The success of these platforms lies in their ability to meet the modern consumer's demand for convenience and speed. Unlike traditional grocery stores, which may be limited by geography, inventory, and logistics, quick commerce platforms can offer a wider range of products at competitive prices, delivered directly to the customer’s doorstep within minutes.

This model has resonated particularly well in India's rapidly urbanizing landscape. With increasing population density in urban centers and changing consumer behavior, quick commerce is emerging as a practical solution to the limitations of traditional retail, offering a seamless and superior shopping experience.

Scalability and Profitability

While quick commerce has demonstrated remarkable growth potential, its success hinges on scalability. Companies in this space must optimize sourcing, warehousing, fulfillment, and rider operations to keep delivery costs low while maintaining a high level of service. As these platforms expand beyond the major metros and penetrate Tier II and III cities, their ability to scale will determine their long-term sustainability.

By expanding their product range beyond food and groceries, quick commerce platforms are tapping into new revenue streams. Products like basic apparel, electronics, stationery, and even services such as printing and food delivery are becoming increasingly available on these platforms. This diversification is driving up average order values, improving unit economics, and increasing the overall profitability of quick commerce players.

Assuming a 3 percent net profit margin on gross order value, the quick commerce sector could generate a profit pool of $2.3 billion over the next decade. To put this in perspective, this would surpass the entire organized retail industry’s current profit pool in India. With a total addressable market estimated at $662 billion as of FY24 — representing 66 percent of the overall retail market — the quick commerce sector has ample room to grow.

The Impact on Traditional Retail and FMCG Giants

While the growth of quick commerce presents significant opportunities for new and emerging brands, it also poses a considerable challenge to established players in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector, including Hindustan Unilever and Marico. Historically, these companies have held a competitive advantage due to their vast distribution networks, which allow them to reach even the most remote areas of the country. However, as quick commerce platforms continue to streamline and flatten the retail supply chain, this distribution advantage is eroding.

Quick commerce platforms have managed to cut out several layers of the traditional supply chain, allowing them to offer lower prices and faster delivery times. This has made them an attractive option for consumers who would otherwise have relied on local kiranas for their daily essentials. As a result, the dominance of FMCG giants like Hindustan Unilever and Marico is being challenged, and these companies will need to adapt to the changing retail landscape or risk losing market share.

Moreover, quick commerce platforms are giving greater visibility to newer and smaller brands, allowing them to compete on a more level playing field. This increased competition is likely to spur innovation and drive down prices, benefiting consumers while putting pressure on traditional retailers.

READ MORE: Q-Commerce Set to Surge with $6 Billion GMV in FY25

Urbanization and Digitalization

India's rapid urbanization and the proliferation of smartphones and high-speed internet are creating a fertile environment for the growth of quick commerce. With millions of Indians moving to cities in search of better job opportunities and a higher standard of living, the demand for fast, convenient shopping options is on the rise. At the same time, the digital revolution has made it easier than ever for consumers to order products online and have them delivered to their homes in a matter of minutes.

These trends are expected to continue over the next decade, further boosting the growth of quick commerce in India. As consumers become increasingly accustomed to the convenience and speed of ultra-fast delivery, quick commerce platforms will continue to expand their reach and offerings, becoming an integral part of the Indian retail ecosystem.

  • Indian retail industry

Durable Goods Dominate India’s Retail Market: 12.4% Spike in Consumption Expenditure in Q1-FY25!

The consumer goods industry has seen notable shifts in consumption patterns in Q1-FY25, with production and price data offering key insights into the evolving demand landscape. As Dipanwita Mazumdar, Economist at Bank of Baroda, highlights, this quarter reflects a mixed yet promising outlook for consumer demand across durable and non-durable goods. White goods, in particular, have outperformed compared to the same period last year, bolstered by extreme heatwave conditions and a warmer summer. But the changes are not just seasonal; they signal broader lifestyle shifts and growing aspirations among consumers.

Durable Goods: Outshining the Market

Durable goods have emerged as strong performers in Q1-FY25, with demand gaining solid ground. GDP data revealed a 12.4 percent increase in Private Final Consumption Expenditure (PFCE), even when considering the elevated base of 8.1 percent in Q1-FY24. In real terms, PFCE grew by 7.4 percent, outpacing GDP growth, a clear indication that consumption demand is on the rise.

Mazumdar explains, "The disaggregated production (IIP) and price (CPI) data showed that demand for durable goods is on a strong footing, driven by both seasonal factors and a favorable pricing environment."

Key insights into durable goods performance include:

  • Air Conditioners and Refrigerators: These segments witnessed a significant uptick in sales, with AC sales growing by a remarkable 37.8 percent in Q1-FY25 compared to a -17.5 percent drop during the same period the previous year. This surge coincided with worsening heatwave conditions and a warmer summer.
  • Televisions and Mobile Phones: Sales in these segments have also risen, defying the usual seasonal trends seen in Q1. A softer inflation rate contributed to increased demand for these items, with inflation moderating for all durable goods except ACs.

Mazumdar adds, "A continued momentum in discretionary spending, coupled with favorable pricing, underscores the resilience of consumption demand."

Non-Durables: A Mixed Bag Reflecting Changing Preferences

While durable goods have shone brightly, the non-durables sector has presented a more nuanced picture. Segments such as detergent powder, shampoo, and instant food saw improvements, reflecting stable demand for daily consumption items. However, certain categories, particularly biscuits and bread, have witnessed a decline in sales, potentially signaling a shift towards healthier alternatives.

For instance, roasted and salted cashews saw a production increase of 43.1 percent in Q1-FY25, compared to a -19.8 percent decline during the same period last year. Meanwhile, biscuits and bread continued their downward trend, suggesting that consumers are moving towards healthier snack options. The decline in demand for chocolates, cakes, pastries, and muffins also indicates a broader shift in dietary preferences.

Mazumdar observes, "Consumers appear to be prioritizing healthier food choices, as seen in the declining production of sugary snacks and the rise of healthier alternatives like nut-based snacks. This is a reflection of the changing consumption behavior driven by a desire for a better quality of living."

In the beverages sector, the demand for traditional staples like tea and coffee has softened, while production of aerated drinks and ice cream surged, driven by the hotter-than-usual summer. These trends suggest a preference shift towards more refreshing and indulgent treats during warmer months.

Lifestyle Changes Driving Consumption

One of the most notable trends in Q1-FY25 is the "moving out" momentum, which reflects the buoyant economic activity and growing consumer interest in lifestyle and travel-related goods. Wedding dates during the quarter fueled a higher production of gold jewelry, despite higher domestic and international gold prices. This increase also comes against an unfavorable base, highlighting the resilience of demand in this segment.

Moreover, the production of readymade garments, undergarments, creams, lotions, sunglasses, bottled water, and even tires increased significantly. This growth was partly driven by a favorable pricing environment and a lower base, but it also points to a broader trend of consumers prioritizing "outdoorsy" activities and travel.

Mazumdar notes, "The production of lifestyle commodities has picked up sharply, supported by stable prices and a strong appetite for travel and outdoor activities. This trend is indicative of consumers embracing experiences and a more active lifestyle."

The production of "sin goods," such as alcohol and tobacco, also remained robust, further reflecting the resilience of discretionary spending in the face of changing consumer preferences.

The data paints a picture of a consumer landscape that is evolving in response to both external conditions, such as weather and economic factors, and internal shifts in preferences and priorities.

  • Durable Goods: The strong performance of durable goods like ACs, refrigerators, TVs, and mobile phones reflects a healthy pickup in consumption demand. This growth is supported by seasonal tailwinds, but also by broader changes in consumer behavior, as reflected in the double-digit production growth across these categories.
  • FMCG Segments: Certain FMCG segments have seen lower production, despite favorable pricing. However, this is less a reflection of weak demand and more an indication of changing consumer preferences. Consumers are increasingly opting for healthier and more premium products, such as cashews and medicated shampoos, over traditional items like biscuits and regular shampoos.
  • Lifestyle Commodities: The "lipstick effect" continues to play out in the economy, with travel goods and lifestyle commodities seeing sharp increases in production. Stable prices, despite rising input costs, have helped maintain strong demand in these categories.

The outlook for the consumer goods industry in the coming months is optimistic. Mazumdar points out that rural demand is already showing signs of recovery, supported by favorable monsoon progress and strong sowing activity. Food inflation, which saw a downward correction in August 2024, is expected to provide further relief to consumers.

Additionally, the early arrival of the festival season is likely to give consumption demand a further boost, creating opportunities for both durable and non-durable goods manufacturers.

Mazumdar concludes, "The data from Q1-FY25 reflects a strong undercurrent of consumption demand driven by a desire for quality living. As rural demand strengthens and the festival season approaches, we expect this momentum to continue, offering further growth opportunities for the consumer goods industry."

In sum, Q1-FY25 has highlighted the resilience of India’s consumer market, with durable goods leading the charge and non-durables reflecting evolving preferences. As consumers continue to prioritize healthier and more aspirational products, the industry stands well-positioned for sustained growth in the coming quarters.

  • Consumer Durable Industry
  • Consumer durable

Top 5 Music Streaming Platforms/Sites in India for 2024

In India, music is an integral part of daily life, and with the rise of digital platforms, music streaming has become the preferred way to enjoy favorite tracks, discover new artists, and explore diverse genres. With so many options available in the Indian market, it can be overwhelming for users to choose which platform to select. That's why we've compiled a list of the most popular music streaming platforms in India, known for their extensive music libraries and personalized playlists. This article will provide consumers with an overview of the top 5 best music streaming services in India, including their popularity, main features, and subscription plans.

Top Factors to Consider in Music Streaming Platforms in India

When selecting a music streaming platform in India, it’s essential to consider several factors to ensure the service meets your needs:

  • Comprehensive Library : A vast collection of music, including regional, Bollywood, and international hits, is essential to cater to India's diverse tastes.
  • High-Quality Audio: Offer lossless audio formats to meet the growing demand for high-definition listening experiences.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Provide a seamless and intuitive platform that makes it easy to discover and enjoy new music.
  • Exclusive Content: Personalized playlists and offer exclusive releases, especially for regional music and Bollywood hits.
  • Affordable Subscription Plans: Provide value-for-money options, including family, student, and premium plans, to cater to various budgets.

Top 5 Music Streaming Platforms in India

Here’s a list of the top 5 music streaming platforms that are loved all over the globe.

1. Apple Music: For Better Audio Experience 

Apple Music-Top 5 Music Streaming Platforms in India for 2024

Apple Music, launched in 2015, is a popular music streaming service in India. It's part of Apple's product line. Apple Music offers clear sound and a mix of international and Bollywood music. It's popular among Apple users because it works well with iPhones and iPads and can be controlled with Siri.

Subscription and Plan Details:

  • Individual Plan: Rs 99/month
  • Family Plan: Rs 149/month (up to 6 users)
  • Student Plan: Rs 59/month
  • Voice Plan: Rs 49/month (limited to Siri-controlled playback)

2. Spotify: for Diverse Choice

Spotify-Top 5 Music Streaming Platforms in India for 2024

Spotify, popular in India since 2008, offers global music. It's known for personalized playlists like Discover Weekly and has a huge collection of Indian music. Its ability to understand local tastes and recommend music has made it very popular in India.

  • Free Tier: Ad-supported
  • Premium Individual: Rs 119/ 2 months
  • Premium Family: Rs 179/ 2 months (up to 6 users)
  • Premium Duo: Rs 149/ 2 months (2 users)
  • Student Plan: Rs 59/ 2 months

3. YouTube Music: For All Your Loved Songs in High-Quality Audio

Youtube Music-Top 5 Music Streaming Platforms in India for 2024

YouTube Music, from Google, started in India in 2015. It's popular for its many music videos, live concerts, and remixes. YouTube Music understands what users like and suggests new music based on their behavior. It's a strong competitor in India.

  • Premium Individual: Rs 119/month
  • Family Plan: Rs 179/month (up to 5 users)

4. Amazon Music: All in One

Amazon Music-Top 5 Music Streaming Platforms in India for 2024

Amazon Music, part of Amazon, offers streaming options like Amazon Music Unlimited and Prime Music. It's popular in India because it works with Alexa devices for hands-free music. It offers Indian and international music and has clear, high-quality streaming that music lovers like.

  • Prime Music: Included with Amazon Prime Membership (Rs 1499/year or Rs 179/month)

5. JioSaavn: For your Diverse Taste

JioSaavn-Top 5 Music Streaming Platforms in India for 2024

JioSaavn, a music streaming app, started in 2018. It's popular in India for its Hindi, regional, and English music. The app has licensed original broadcasts and podcasts. Its affordable price and focus on Indian music make it a top choice for Indian users.

  • Pro Plan: Rs 89/month
  • JioTunes: Rs 49/month
  • Pro Student: Rs 49/month

What is the Best Music Streaming Platform in India?

The ideal music streaming service in India depends on individual preferences. However, several platforms consistently rank high, offering unique advantages:

  • Spotify: Renowned for its excellent music recommendation system, extensive library, and curated Indian playlists. Its user-friendly interface and diverse content make it a popular choice.
  • Apple Music: If you're deeply invested in the Apple ecosystem, Apple Music offers superior sound quality, exclusive content, and a curated selection of Indian songs.
  • YouTube Music: Ideal for those who primarily consume music through YouTube. It provides access to music videos, live performances, and a vast library of songs.
  • Amazon Music: A convenient option for Amazon Prime subscribers, offering a comprehensive music library and seamless integration with other Amazon services.

When selecting a service, consider factors such as your preferred device ecosystem, desired sound quality, and interest in music videos or live performances.

In today's digital India, music streaming is popular. Platforms offer different services. Spotify is good at recommending music. JioSaavn focuses on Bollywood and regional music. Choose a platform based on your needs: high-quality audio, variety, or price. If you value high-quality audio, a variety of content, or a cheap subscription, feel free to choose the platform to your liking. Happy listening!

FAQs on Music Streaming Platforms in India

1. Which music streaming platform offers the best sound quality in India?

Apple Music and Amazon Music are known for their high-quality audio, offering lossless and high-definition formats.

2. Can I download music for offline listening on these platforms?

Yes, all major platforms allow you to download songs for offline listening.

3. Are there family plans available on these platforms?

Most platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, and JioSaavn, offer family plans.  

4. Which platform has the most extensive Indian music library?

JioSaavn and Spotify are often praised for their large collections of Indian music.

5. Are there any free options for streaming music?

Yes, Spotify, YouTube Music, and JioSaavn offer free, ad-supported tiers. Amazon Prime members get limited free music. Apple Music doesn't have a free tier but offers a trial.

  • Universal Music

This World Beard Day Transform Your Beard Game with the Top Beard Oil Brands in India

This World Beard Day, take your beard care routine to new heights with the best beard oil brands in india . Growing a thick, healthy beard demands more than just time and patience; the right grooming products can significantly impact your results. Using quality products not only enhances beard growth but also improves texture and keeps your beard looking sharp. 

A well-maintained beard is more than just a fashion statement—it's a reflection of confidence and personal style. With the right oils, balms, and tools, you can elevate your beard journey, achieving a fuller, stronger, and more impressive look. 

Why Every Man Should Incorporate Beard Oils

Beard oils are a crucial element in any man's grooming arsenal. These oils don't just condition your beard; they also moisturize the underlying skin, preventing itchiness and dryness. The natural ingredients found in beard oils can reduce breakage, eliminate split ends, and give your beard a healthy, polished shine. Additionally, the right oil can stimulate growth, making your beard appear thicker and more robust. By adding high-quality beard oil to your daily routine, you ensure your beard stays in top condition, no matter its growth stage.

Here are our top five product recommendations to help you reach your beard goals this World Beard Day.

1. Beard & Hair Growth Oil by Beardo

Beardo - best beard oil brands in india

Beardo's Beard & Hair Growth Oil is infused with powerful growth-enhancing ingredients, ensuring your beard receives the best care from root to tip. Natural elements like Hibiscus Oil, Coconut Oil, and Amla provide full nourishment for your facial hair. Zinc strengthens hair follicles, while vegetable protein, linked to DHT levels and testosterone, supports natural beard growth. This premium oil is available for Rs 750 for 50 mL, offering a well-rounded approach to enhancing beard growth.

2. Onion Beard Growth Oil by Bombay Shaving Company

Bombay Shaving Company - best beard oil brands in india

This lightweight, non-greasy oil is designed for quick absorption and lasting results. Its unique combination of onion oil and rosemary extracts promotes rapid, healthy beard growth. Rosemary enhances blood circulation to beard follicles, which is especially beneficial for men with patchy beards. Onion oil, known for its high sulfur content, strengthens hair and encourages growth. Priced at Rs 395 for 30 mL, this oil is an excellent option for stimulating effective beard growth.

3. Derma Roller by The Man Company

The Man Company - best beard oil brands in india

The Derma Roller by The Man Company is a cutting-edge tool that enhances beard growth by improving blood circulation. It features 540 micro-needles at 0.5 mm, which stimulate dormant follicles and boost overall beard growth. Safe and easy to use on both your beard and scalp, this tool is priced at Rs 499 and provides a non-invasive way to improve beard density and health. Regular use of the Derma Roller, combined with your favorite beard oil, can significantly enhance your results, leading to a thicker, fuller beard.

4. Beard Growth Oil by Ustraa

Ustraa - best beard oil brands in india

Ustraa’s Beard Growth Oil combines eight natural oils, including almond, castor, gooseberry, acai berry, watermelon seed, avocado, argan, and olive oils. This powerful blend nourishes both hair and roots, rebalancing the natural growth cycle and strengthening hair follicles. With these nutrient-rich oils, your beard receives the care it needs to grow thick and strong. Priced at Rs 399 for 35 mL, this oil is an effective and budget-friendly option for promoting healthy beard growth.

5. Beard Growth Serum With Redensyl by Sheopal’s

Sheopal's - best beard oil brands in india

Enhance your beard care routine with this non-sticky, water-based serum designed to stimulate beard growth and improve overall health. The serum contains Redensyl, a patented blend of botanical extracts and oils that promotes the proliferation of dermal papilla cells, essential for hair growth. It also features watercress, rich in vitamins E, C, K, and A, which supports hair growth, reduces skin inflammation, and boosts resistance to bacterial infections. Saw palmetto extract in the serum further enhances beard thickness, reduces inflammation, and prevents uneven skin tone. 

This natural formula also minimizes breakage, patchiness, split ends, and frizz, making it suitable for all beard and skin types. Priced at Rs 399 for 35 mL, it’s a comprehensive solution for beard care.

A well-maintained beard not only enhances your appearance but also boosts your confidence. Each of these products offers unique benefits to support your beard growth journey. Whether you’re just beginning or looking to enhance an already impressive beard, these oils, serums, and tools are sure to help you achieve the look you desire. This World Beard Day, invest in your beard care routine and let your beard become a symbol of your personal style and confidence.

  • personal care
  • Personal care products
  • indian retailer

India's Luxury Pre-Owned Market to Hit $1.56 Mn by 2032

India’s luxury market is evolving rapidly, with the luxury pre-owned segment emerging as a significant growth driver. As the concept of circular fashion and sustainable luxury gains traction globally, Indian consumers, particularly from affluent segments, are increasingly embracing pre-owned luxury items. The luxury pre-owned market in India, currently valued at $618 million in 2023, is expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10 percent, reaching an estimated $1,556 million by 2032.

This significant growth projection highlights the increasing demand for pre-owned luxury goods across various categories, including watches, handbags, jewelry, fashion, art, and antique furniture. This trend is underscored by recent data and insights shared by Almona Bhatia, Chief Business Development Officer at Tata CLiQ & Tata CLiQ Luxury.

Bhatia emphasized that Tata CLiQ Luxury, which launched its pre-owned category earlier this year, has already introduced high-end brands such as Rolex, Omega, and Breitling in the watches segment and Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Fendi in the handbags segment. These offerings cater to a growing market of discerning consumers who value luxury but are also mindful of sustainability .

The Appeal of Pre-Owned Luxury

The rise of the luxury pre-owned market can be attributed to several factors. First, the increasing awareness and importance of sustainability among consumers is driving the shift towards circular fashion. Purchasing pre-owned luxury items is seen as a way to reduce environmental impact while still enjoying the allure of high-end products.

"Pre-owned is a softer way of saying second-hand," Bhatia explained, "but it also connotes that it has retained more of its value while conserving ecology and environment." This sentiment resonates with a growing number of consumers who are conscious of their ecological footprint but do not want to compromise on quality or prestige.

Moreover, pre-owned luxury items often come with a unique appeal, offering access to rare, discontinued, or vintage pieces that may no longer be available in the primary market. This exclusivity, combined with the assurance of authenticity and quality from reputable platforms like Tata CLiQ Luxury, further enhances the attractiveness of pre-owned luxury goods.

Targeting India’s Affluent Consumer Base

India’s luxury pre-owned market is driven by a specific consumer demographic—affluent households with annual incomes exceeding Rs 20 lakh. These households, categorized as Elite and Elite Plus, have a significant presence across metro, Tier I, and Tier II/III cities, with the top 20 cities accounting for approximately 60 percent of such households.

According to Bhatia, the addressable market for Tata CLiQ Luxury includes 10 million Elite Plus and 44 million Elite households. However, the company is currently focusing on a more targeted segment, aiming to reach around 1 million households within this broader market.

"Currently, we have penetrated 1.3 percent of this market," Bhatia revealed, "but the goal is to scale sustainably and profitably." This targeted approach underscores the importance of building a solid foundation in the luxury pre-owned segment while ensuring long-term growth and profitability.

The Rise of Gen Z and E-Commerce

One of the key drivers of growth in India’s luxury pre-owned market is the rising number of affluent consumers, projected to increase from 60 million in 2023 to 100 million by 2027. Within this expanding consumer base, Gen Z is playing an increasingly influential role. Industry experts at the India D2C Summit highlighted that one in three online shoppers in India now comes from the Gen Z category, indicating a shift in consumer behavior and preferences.

Gen Z consumers are known for their digital savviness and strong values around sustainability and ethical consumption. These characteristics make them prime candidates for the luxury pre-owned market, where they can find unique, high-quality items that align with their values.

The growing preference for online shopping among Indian consumers, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, is also contributing to the expansion of the luxury pre-owned market. E-commerce platforms like Tata CLiQ Luxury provide a convenient and trusted channel for purchasing pre-owned luxury goods, offering a seamless shopping experience that combines authenticity, quality, and variety.

While the luxury pre-owned market in India presents significant growth opportunities, it is not without its challenges. Building consumer trust is paramount, as concerns around authenticity, quality, and transparency can be barriers to purchasing pre-owned items. To address these concerns, platforms like Tata CLiQ Luxury are focusing on stringent quality checks, certification processes, and providing detailed product information to reassure consumers.

Another challenge lies in changing consumer perceptions. The notion of purchasing pre-owned items, particularly in a culture that often associates newness with prestige, can be a hurdle. However, as more consumers recognize the environmental and economic benefits of pre-owned luxury, this perception is gradually shifting.

READ MORE:  Indian Luxury Industry Thrives with $347 Bn Sales

The Future of Luxury Pre-Owned in India

The luxury pre-owned market in India is on a growth trajectory, driven by increasing affluence, a rising Gen Z consumer base, and a growing emphasis on sustainability. As platforms like Tata CLiQ Luxury continue to expand their offerings and build consumer trust, the market is expected to flourish in the coming years.

With the number of affluent consumers set to rise significantly and the continued evolution of e-commerce, the luxury pre-owned segment in India is well-positioned to become a major player in the country’s luxury market. As Bhatia aptly put it, the goal for Tata CLiQ Luxury is to "scale sustainably and profitably," a sentiment that reflects the broader aspirations of the luxury pre-owned market in India.

  • luxury market
  • Pre-owned Luxury

Top 10 OTT Platforms in India that are Binge-Worthy

Since ancient times, our culture has embraced diverse forms of entertainment. Folk and classical music, dance, and theater have all enriched our lives. In the 20th century, technology took off, bringing major advancements to entertainment.

The rise of smartphones, low-cost data, and widespread internet access has fueled the growth of OTT platforms in India. Their popularity is driven by a vast selection of regional content and international offerings. With these services, customers enjoy affordability, convenience, and personal freedom. You decide what to watch and when—complete control at your fingertips!

Why OTT Platforms are Popular in India

OTT platforms have gained massive popularity in India due to several factors:

  • Content materia l: OTT platforms offer a wide range of content, such as live sports, TV shows, movies, children's programs, and news.
  • Affordability : Many OTT platforms provide low-cost subscription plans and even free content.
  • Convenience : OTT services are available online, so you don't need any special hardware to use them.
  • High quality streaming :  OTT platforms often offer high-definition video quality.
  • User experience : These platforms usually have excellent customer service and an easy-to-use interface.

Top 10 OTT Platforms In India

To know more about these online entertainment formats, continue reading!

Netflix is a subscription-based streaming platform available in many countries. Founded in 1997, it offers a wide range of content, including movies, TV shows, web series, documentaries, anime, and more. In early 2016, Netflix launched its services in India and now has over five million subscribers there. The company, based in California, offers five different plans in India, ranging from Rs 149 to Rs 649 per month. Netflix has also expanded into Europe, Asia, and Latin America, with offices in countries like the UK, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Brazil, India, South Korea, and Japan.

Top OTT Platform in India

Amazon Prime 

Amazon Prime is a premium membership service available in many countries, including India. The tech giant launched Prime in India in July 2016. Prime offers services like, streaming music, and on-demand video streaming of web series, TV shows, and movies. It also provides fast delivery options for shopping services as well. With around 10 million users, Amazon Prime is one of the top OTT services in India. Subscription plans range from Rs 299 to Rs 1500.

Top OTT Platform in India

Disney +Hotstar

Disney +Hotstar is a leading streaming service that requires a membership. The Walt Disney Company's Disney Media and Entertainment Distribution departments run the business, which is owned by Star India. In India, Hotstar debuted in 2015. The Walt Disney Company purchased Star India in 2019. Despite providing movies, TV shows, web series, and other material, Hotstar's emphasis on live-streaming sporting events has contributed to over 8 million subscribers. Plans starts at Rs 299 quarterly.

Top OTT Platform in India

Launched in 2016, this subscription-based streaming service offers a wide range of content, including movies, TV series, web series, music videos, and documentaries. It is available on both a web application and mobile apps for iOS and Android. Only Jio customers with Prime membership can access the platform, with no extra fees. JioCinema partners with Disney India, ALTBalaji, Eros Now, and others to provide popular content.

Top OTT Platform in India

SonyLIV, owned by Sony Pictures Networks India, is a leading OTT platform in India. Launched in 2013, it offers movies, TV shows, original web series, live sports events, games, and content from partners like Lionsgate and ITV. It has over 1.81 million subscribers. It offers three subscription levels: Rs 399 per month, Rs 699 per year, and Rs 1499 per year, each with different viewing options.

Top OTT Platform in India

ZEE5, owned by Zee Entertainment Enterprises, is a top OTT platform in India. It launched its subscription model in 2018 and offers multilingual content. The app is available on iOS, Android, Web, and Smart TV devices. With over 1.8 million users, ZEE5 provides diverse content in 12 languages, including TV series, films, music, and movies. The platform supports three screens at once. It offers three subscription plans: Rs 199 per month, Rs 899 per year, and Rs 1199 per year for 4K premium quality.

Top OTT Platform in India

Voot, owned by Viacom18, is a top OTT content provider in India. Launched in 2016, it is an ad-supported video-on-demand platform. Voot is available as a web app for desktops and as apps for iOS, Android, and KaiOS (JioPhone) smartphones. It can also be accessed on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, and Android TV devices. Only available in India, Voot offers over 40,000 hours of content, including shows from Nickelodeon, MTV, and Colors.

Top OTT Platform in India

MX Player, created by MX Media and Entertainment, is a free streaming platform. It operates on an ad-supported model and offers over 150,000 hours of content in twelve languages, including Tamil, Hindi, and English. The app is available for iOS, Android, and on the web. MX Player provides a variety of content, including movies, TV series, web series, music, live TV, and originals.

Top OTT Platform in India

ALTBalaji is an Indian streaming platform accessible on multiple devices. You can watch its content on Chromecast, smart TVs, web browsers, iOS and Android mobile devices, and more. It offers videos in genres like romance, comedy, crime, mystery, thrillers, and drama. It has three subscription plans: Rs 100 for two months, Rs 199 for six months, and Rs 300 for twelve months. The platform has over 2.1 million customers.

Top OTT Platform in India

Saina Play is a top subscription OTT provider in India. It offers original content and regional Indian films, mainly Malayalam movies. Users can enjoy the best experience anywhere, anytime, with its mobile app. The platform is accessible on desktop browsers, Roku, iOS, Android, and Smart TVs.

Top OTT Platform in India

These top 10 OTT platforms have transformed the entertainment landscape in India. They offer diverse content, high-quality streaming, and a great user experience. With options for every taste and budget, OTT platforms are becoming the preferred choice for many viewers.

  • Amazon Prime

Which Brands does Coca-Cola Own? The Complete List

When people think about The Coca-Cola Company, they often think of a cold, refreshing Coke. But did you know Coca-Cola owns many other drink brands too? Over the years, Coca-Cola has grown to include different types of drinks. They have sodas, juices, teas, coffees, energy drinks, and even water. Let’s take a closer look at some of the popular brands Coca-Cola owns and what makes each one special.

Here is a list of the popular brands owned by Coca-Cola:

Carbonated Soft Drinks

Coca-Cola is most famous for its fizzy drinks, also called carbonated soft drinks. These are bubbly drinks with lots of flavors. Here are some of the most popular ones:

1. Coca-Cola :

coca cola

Coca-Cola, or " Coke ," is the original soda that started it all. It was created in 1886 and became famous for its unique cola flavor, which is sweet with a little bit of spice. Coke is one of the most popular sodas in the world and is sold in almost every country. People love it for its classic taste and refreshing feel. Coca-Cola also releases special editions and new flavors, like cherry and vanilla, to keep things exciting.

2. Diet Coke :

diet coke

Diet Coke was introduced in 1982 as a lighter version of the original Coca-Cola. It quickly became popular because it has no sugar and fewer calories, which appeals to people who want to enjoy a cola taste without the extra calories. Diet Coke has its own taste, which is different from the original Coke. It is one of the top-selling diet sodas in the world and is loved by those who want a guilt-free treat.

3. Sprite :


Sprite is a clear, lemon-lime soda that came out in 1961. It doesn’t have any caffeine, making it a refreshing choice for people who like bubbly drinks without the extra energy boost. Sprite is crisp and clean, perfect for drinking on its own or mixing with other drinks. It’s especially popular in the summer or with meals because of its light, refreshing taste. Sprite also comes in other flavors, like cherry and tropical, to suit different tastes.


Fanta is known for its fruity, colorful sodas. It was first made during World War II and now offers many flavors around the world. Some popular flavors include orange, grape, and pineapple, but there are many more, depending on where you live. Fanta is very popular with younger people for its bright colors and fun flavors. The brand often has creative ads that make Fanta exciting and encourage people to try new flavors.

5. Dr. Pepper :

Dr Pepper Logo History | Logomak

Dr. Pepper has a unique flavor that is different from other sodas. It’s a mix of 23 flavors, giving it a taste that’s a little bit spicy and a little bit sweet. Dr. Pepper has been around since 1885, making it one of the oldest sodas still enjoyed today. While it’s not fully owned by Coca-Cola everywhere, Coca-Cola sells it in some places. Dr. Pepper is a favorite for people who want a soda that’s a bit different from the usual choices.

6. Schweppes :


Schweppes is famous for its mixers like tonic water, club soda, and ginger ale. These drinks are often used in mixed drinks or enjoyed on their own for their special flavors. Schweppes has been around for over 200 years, making it one of the oldest drink brands. Schweppes Ginger Ale is loved for its sweet and spicy ginger flavor. It’s perfect on its own or mixed with other drinks to add a bit of zest.

7. Barq's Root Beer :


Barq's Root Beer is a classic American drink with a bold, strong flavor. It has been a favorite since it was made in 1898. Unlike some other root beers that are smooth and creamy, Barq's has a sharper taste and contains caffeine, which is not common for root beers. This makes Barq's a unique choice for soda fans who want a little extra kick. It’s also great for making root beer floats or enjoying on a hot day.

Juices and Waters

Coca-Cola doesn’t just make sodas. They also have many brands that make juices and bottled water. These drinks are great for people who want something refreshing and healthy. Let’s look at some of these brands:  

8. Minute Maid :

Minute Maid

Minute Maid is a well-known juice brand that has been around since 1945. It offers many kinds of fruit juices and juice drinks, from classic orange juice to fun blends like lemonade and fruit punch. Minute Maid uses high-quality fruit to make its juices, which is why they taste so fresh and delicious. This brand is a favorite for families and people who want a tasty and healthy drink. It’s also often used in smoothies and cooking for its natural fruit flavor.

9. Simply Orange :


Simply Orange is a brand that focuses on making high-quality orange juice that tastes like freshly squeezed oranges. Launched in the early 2000s, it quickly became popular because it’s made without concentrate and uses real fruit. Simply Orange is known for its rich, smooth taste and is a great source of vitamin C. The brand also offers other fruit juices, like apple and lemonade, all made with the same commitment to quality and freshness.

10. Powerade :


Powerade is a sports drink made to help people stay hydrated and full of energy during exercise. It contains electrolytes like sodium and potassium, which help replace what you lose when you sweat, and carbohydrates to give you energy. Powerade comes in many flavors, such as Mountain Berry Blast and Fruit Punch, and is often used by athletes and active people to stay refreshed and hydrated.

11. Dasani :


Dasani is Coca-Cola’s brand of bottled water, introduced in 1999. It’s purified to make sure it’s clean and fresh, and they add minerals back in to give it a crisp taste. Dasani is available in different sizes and packaging options, making it a convenient choice for staying hydrated throughout the day. It’s also a popular choice for people who want a clean, refreshing water option that they can trust.

12. Georgia :


Georgia is a coffee brand that is very popular in Japan and other parts of Asia. It offers a variety of ready-to-drink canned coffees, including milk coffee, black coffee, and espresso. Georgia is known for its smooth taste and convenience, making it great for busy people who want a quick, good coffee. The brand has a strong following in Japan, where coffee culture is very popular, and is expanding to other markets.

13. Fruitopia :

Fruitopia is a line of fruit-flavored drinks that became very popular in the 1990s. It was especially loved by teenagers and young adults for its unique flavors like strawberry passion awareness and citrus consciousness. Fruitopia combines fruit juices with exotic flavors, making it a fun and tasty choice. Although it’s less common today, it still has a nostalgic appeal for those who remember it from their youth.

14. Del Valle :

Del Valle

Del Valle is a top juice brand in Latin America, known for its delicious and nutritious fruit juices and nectars. The brand offers many flavors, including mango, guava, and apple, catering to local tastes. Del Valle uses natural ingredients, making it a trusted choice for families who want a tasty and healthy drink.

Tea and Coffee

Coca-Cola also makes a variety of tea and coffee drinks. They have brands that suit different tastes, perfect for anyone who enjoys a nice cup of tea or coffee:  

15. Honest Tea :

Honest Tea is known for its organic, low-sugar teas and juice drinks. The brand was started to offer healthier drink choices, and it has many flavors made from real tea leaves. Honest Tea is sweetened with organic cane sugar or honey, making it a good choice for people who want a refreshing, healthy drink without too much sugar. It comes in flavors like Honey Green Tea and Half & Half Lemonade Tea.

16. Gold Peak :

Gold Peak

Gold Peak offers a range of bottled iced teas that aim to taste like home-brewed tea. Made from high-quality tea leaves and simple ingredients, Gold Peak is known for its real, homemade taste. It’s available in flavors like Sweet Tea, Unsweetened Tea, and Green Tea, so there’s something for everyone. Gold Peak is perfect for tea lovers who want a convenient yet delicious drink.

17. Fuze Tea :

Fuze Tea

Fuze Tea mixes tea with fruit flavors and other natural ingredients, creating a unique blend that offers a refreshing twist on regular iced tea. It comes in a variety of flavors, like lemon, peach, and green tea with mango. Fuze Tea is a great choice for people looking for a tasty, refreshing drink that is different from regular iced tea.

18. Barista Brothers :

Barista Brothers is a ready-to-drink coffee brand that offers flavors like iced coffee and iced chocolate. The brand aims to provide a coffee shop experience in a bottle, using high-quality coffee beans and rich, creamy milk. Barista Brothers is great for people who enjoy a creamy, sweet coffee drink but want something quick and easy.

19. Costa Coffee :

Costa Coffee

Costa Coffee is a popular coffeehouse chain that Coca-Cola bought in 2019. It is known for its good coffee drinks, from classic espresso and cappuccino to cold brews and special drinks. Costa Coffee focuses on giving a great coffee experience, using good beans and expert barista skills to make the perfect cup. It’s a favorite for people who want a reliable, tasty coffee.

Other Beverages

Coca-Cola also owns some brands that make other types of drinks. These are great for people who want something different from the usual sodas, juices, or teas:

20. Vitaminwater :

Vitaminwater is a line of flavored water drinks with added vitamins and minerals. It is designed to provide hydration and a boost of important nutrients, like vitamins B and C. Vitaminwater comes in different flavors, such as kiwi-strawberry and acai-blueberry-pomegranate, offering a tasty way to stay hydrated and healthy.

21. Smartwater :


Smartwater is a premium bottled water that uses a special process to purify the water. This gives Smartwater a clean, crisp taste. It also has added electrolytes for a smooth flavor. Smartwater is often chosen by those who want a higher-end bottled water experience, and it’s marketed as a smart choice for people who want to stay hydrated in style.

22. Topo Chico :

Topo Chico

Topo Chico is a sparkling mineral water that has become very popular recently, especially in Mexico and the southern United States. It’s known for its crisp, bubbly taste and is often used as a mixer in cocktails or enjoyed on its own. Topo Chico’s special mineral content and refreshing bubbles have made it a favorite among those looking for a sparkling water with a bit more character.

23. NOS Energy Drink :

NOS is a high-caffeine energy drink that is made to give a quick energy boost. It’s popular among athletes, gamers, and anyone needing a burst of energy to stay alert and active. NOS comes in various flavors and is packed with B vitamins and other ingredients that help with energy, making it a strong choice in the energy drink market.

24. Zico Coconut Water :

Zico offers natural coconut water, known for its hydrating properties and light, refreshing taste. Made from 100% coconut water, Zico is a popular choice among health-conscious people looking for a natural way to stay hydrated, especially after exercise. It’s also great for those who enjoy a mild, tropical flavor in their drinks.

As you can see, Coca-Cola is much more than just a soda company. They have a wide range of drinks for every taste, from classic sodas and refreshing juices to healthy teas, energizing coffees, and even hydrating waters. Whether you’re looking for something familiar or want to try something new, Coca-Cola has a brand that’s perfect for you. So next time you’re choosing a drink, take a closer look—you might discover a new favorite!  

From Walnuts to Wine: How Chile and India Are Transforming Agricultural Trade in 2024

Chile and India are deepening their strategic partnership, with a focus on expanding agricultural trade. The year 2023 saw bilateral trade between the two countries amount to an impressive $2,847 billion, with Chile exporting $560 million in goods and services to India. While much of this trade has historically focused on non-copper and non-lithium exports, the agricultural sector is emerging as a key area of growth and collaboration, with Chile exporting a diverse range of products to India, including fruits, nuts, and wines. As both countries seek to maximize their trade potential, several key initiatives are underway.

Chile was the first country to establish a Partial Scope Agreement (PSA) with India, a partnership that began in 2007 and was expanded in 2017. This agreement now provides tariff preferences for 1,110 Chilean products entering the Indian market, setting the stage for further growth in agricultural exports.

Agriculture: The Next Frontier

Agricultural trade between Chile and India is a burgeoning opportunity, particularly in sectors such as walnuts, cherries, and kiwis. "Chile has a lot of opportunity to export more walnuts to India," remarked a senior official from the India’s Agriculture Ministry. He emphasized that both countries could benefit from complementing each other’s agricultural needs, exchanging seasonal produce and capitalizing on their respective expertise.

This synergy extends beyond mere trade in commodities. He highlighted the potential for India to adopt Chile's advanced agricultural technologies, including blockchain and processing techniques, which could revolutionize India's horticultural sector. "If we can implement their technological know-how here, we have a lot of complementarities between the two countries," he stated, underscoring the mutual benefits of such collaborations.

With an increasing number of Chileans adopting vegetarian and vegan diets, there is a growing demand for organic and plant-based foods. India, with its rich tradition of vegetarian cuisine and focus on organic farming, is well-positioned to meet this demand. "India has a good stake in vegetarian foods, and we can export quality products to Chile," the official noted, pointing out the natural alignment between the two countries in this area.

Expanding Trade Through Strategic Agreements

Chile is committed to significantly increasing its trade with India. "Our goal is to work towards a comprehensive free trade agreement that covers various areas, including cultural exchanges, university collaboration, technology, and innovation," explained Esteban Valenzuela, Chile's Minister of Agriculture. This agreement aims to address broader challenges such as climate change while enhancing trade relations.

Chile has already established strong trade agreements with countries across the Americas, Europe, and North Asia, including China, Korea, and Japan. "We aim to achieve similar agreements with India," Valenzuela added. Despite being a relatively small country, Chile is a major player in the global food market, particularly in fruit exports. It stands as the second-largest exporter of fruit from the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern Hemisphere. This makes Chilean fruit highly sought after during the winter months in regions like Delhi and Kashmir.

Leveraging Innovation

Chile’s long-standing tradition of innovation and expertise in agriculture positions it well to supply high-quality produce. Current exports to India include a variety of products such as dry fruits, fruits, and wines. "We are well-equipped to supply high-quality fruit from our distant land," Valenzuela noted, emphasizing Chile’s capability to meet the demand for fresh produce in India.

In terms of market share, Chilean imports into India are notable. Chile exports approximately $80 million worth of nuts annually, with total agricultural exports reaching around $160 million. This figure includes fresh fruit and forestry products. Additionally, Chile exports salmon and copper, though these are less significant compared to agricultural exports.

Trade between Chile and India is currently balanced, with each country importing around $1.4 billion worth of goods from the other. Chile imports various products from India, including Mahindra pick-up trucks, textiles, medicine, and other goods. Conversely, India imports minerals, copper, lithium, wine, fruit, and fish products from Chile. However, there is significant room for growth in this trade relationship.

"Current tariffs and trade barriers could be reduced or eliminated, which would potentially increase trade volumes significantly," Valenzuela suggested. For instance, some products face a 100 percent tariff, and there are no agreements in place for certain items. Chile aims to import Indian bananas, mangoes, milk, and cheese, while India needs to address outdated tariffs to facilitate smoother exports from Chile.

Overcoming Logistics Challenges

One of the major challenges in agricultural trade is ensuring the freshness of produce during transport. Chile has successfully tackled this issue with countries like China, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and various European nations. "We have the technological capabilities to ensure the freshness of produce during transport," Valenzuela confirmed. Chile’s experience in navigation and air transport, combined with advanced ice control and phytosanitary measures, ensures that products reach their destination in excellent condition.

Currently, it takes about one month to transport goods from Chile to China and approximately 40 days to India. Chile is actively working to improve this timeframe and enhance its logistical operations with India. "This year, we are focusing on increasing our trade volumes and optimizing our logistics to ensure that our fresh produce reaches India as quickly and efficiently as possible," Valenzuela added.

The Chile Summit India 2024

Recognizing the immense potential of this partnership, Chile has taken proactive steps to strengthen its ties with India. The Chile Summit India 2024, held in New Delhi, marked a significant milestone in the bilateral relationship. "We are at a time of great opportunities," declared Alberto Van Klaveren, Chile's Minister of Foreign Affairs. "India is not only one of the most dynamic economies in the world, but also a market with impressive cultural and economic diversity. Our nation is well-positioned to be a strategic partner in Latin America."

The summit, organized by ProChile, Chile’s export promotion bureau, aimed to explore new avenues for trade cooperation, with a particular focus on agriculture, creative industries, and mining. It brought together key stakeholders from both countries, including government officials, business leaders, and representatives from the agrifood sector.

Expanding Beyond Agriculture

While agriculture remains a focal point, the Chile-India trade relationship is not limited to food products. ProChile’s General Director, Ignacio Fernandez, pointed out that Chilean exports to India have grown by nearly 1,000 percent since 2013, reflecting the diverse range of goods and services that Chile can offer. "We see a lot of potential in creative industries, where we want India to use Chile as a location for their films," Fernandez said, highlighting the appeal of Chile's scenic landscapes for Bollywood productions.

Beyond the entertainment industry, Chile is also looking to expand its role in providing services related to agriculture and mining, sectors in which both countries have considerable expertise. Fernandez estimated that Chile has over $1.1 billion in export opportunities for products that India currently imports from other markets, presenting a significant growth opportunity for Chilean businesses.

A Promising Future

Chile’s initiatives to strengthen agricultural trade with India reflect a commitment to mutual growth and collaboration. By working towards a comprehensive free trade agreement, addressing tariff barriers, and overcoming logistical challenges, both countries stand to benefit significantly. The ongoing efforts to enhance trade relations and optimize supply chains are setting the stage for a more robust and prosperous partnership.

  • food & beverage

Top 10 Premium Cigar Brands in India: A Guide to the Finest Selections for Connoisseurs

Best Cigar brands in India : Cigars have always been regarded as tasteful and linked with the higher standards of living throughout the globe. Since the 20th century, almost all cigars have been made of three distinct components: The physical structure of the filling includes a filler, the binder leaf that provides support to the filler, as well as a wrapper leaf for looks as well as taste; it is usually the finest leaf. It can have a covering around the body of the cigar by a thin paper having the logo of the manufacturer written around it in the form of a ring known as a cigar band. Today’s cigars can come with two or even more labels pointing to specific characteristics, including the age and origin of tobacco used. This growing interest is due to the availability of cigar brands that are offered in the market, from Indian-made cigars to imported cigars. So here is a list of the best cigar brands accessible to help the people of India get an understanding of cigars.

Overview of Cigar Brands in India

The Indian cigar market comprises many brands which are aligned by taste, preference and price range. From locally-made cigars to those that are famous across the world, the choices available are endless. Some of the decisions that guide the choice of the best cigar brands include the frequency of cigar smokers using a given brand, the quality of tobacco used in making the cigars, workmanship, the prices offered, and customer feedback. Other aspects that we used to rank these brands include the background of the brands, the level of expertise put in the manufacturing process and the different flavors as well. While going through the top 10 cigar brands in India, these aspects of cigar brands are discussed to guide a proper choice.

Top 10 Cigar Brands in India

Cohiba- Top 10 Premium Cigar Brands in India

In 1968, the Cuban State Tobacco Marketing Bureau came up with the idea to name these cigars "Cohiba." The word Cohiba is the name the indigenous people of Cuba gave to the bunches of tobacco leaves they rolled up and smoked. The Cuban people already knew about the uses for tobacco and smoked it before the arrival of the Spanish in 1492. The first Cohiba cigars were dispatched from the El Laguito Factory in 1968. The first three cigars were the Lanceros, Corona Especial and Panatellas. Cohiba was launched as a premium cigar brand into markets outside of the US because of JFK’s embargo. The first cigars to be launched were the Coronas Especiales, Lanceros and Panetelas.

  • Key Features: Known for its premium quality tobacco sourced from Cuba’s Vuelta Abajo region, Cohiba cigars are hand-rolled and undergo an additional fermentation process, giving them a unique flavor profile.
  • Popular Products: Cohiba Robusto, Cohiba Behike 52.

Also Check:    8 Most Expensive Cigarette Brands in India in 2024


Montecristo - Premium Cigar Brands in India

Another legendary Cuban brand, Montecristo, has been a favorite among cigar aficionados since 1935. The brand is known for its classic taste and quality. The brand was able to entrench itself as one of Cuba’s top lines and is now one of the most popular Cuban cigar brands in the world with a quarter of the market share.

In addition to that, some Montecristo cigars are heralded as the best in the world with the Montecristo No. 4 being the best-selling cigar across the globe, as well as the No.2 being considered the gold standard cigar by many aficionados.

  • Key Features: Montecristo cigars are recognized for their medium to full-bodied flavor, with notes of spice, cocoa, and cedar.
  • Popular Products: Montecristo No. 2, Montecristo Open Eagle.

Also Read:  Top 10 Female Cigarette Brands in India [2024]

10 Best Cigarette Brands in India to Know in 2024

Davidoff - Best Cigar Brands in India

A Swiss brand known for its luxury appeal, Davidoff cigars are synonymous with elegance and sophistication. The brand was established in the early 20th century and has maintained its reputation for quality, but Originally founded as a cigar shop in 1911, Davidoff of Geneva has always been synonymous with premium quality. Originally focused on selling Cuban cigars, Zino Davidoff (who took over from his father, Henri Davidoff) was always looking to better serve his customers and improve the experience. It was this dedication to quality and customer experience that led Zino to create the desktop humidor, which allowed his customers to properly store many more cigars at home and thus purchase more cigars!

  • Key Features: Davidoff cigars are crafted using carefully selected tobacco from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and other regions, known for their smooth, balanced flavors.
  • Popular Products: Davidoff Signature, Davidoff Nicaragua.

Also Check:  Top 10 Scotch Whisky Brands in India 2024 | Alcohol%

Romeo y Julieta

Romeo y Julieta - Premium Cigar Brands in India

Named after Shakespeare's tragic loverswas founded by two men — Inocencio Alvarez and Manin Garcia. During the early days of the business between 1885 and 1900, the brand won numerous awards at many tasting exhibitions. These wins are proudly displayed on the brand’s logo.It’s known for its Cuban heritage dating back to 1875 and carries some of the finest cigars in current-day production. Romeo & Juliet’s story may have begun its public history in the Globe Theatre in London, but Romeo y Julieta started on that very popular tobacco-growing island in the Caribbean – the island of Cuba.

  • Key Features: Romeo y Julieta cigars are medium-bodied with flavors of chocolate, nuts, and coffee, appealing to a wide range of cigar smokers.
  • Popular Products: Romeo y Julieta No. 3, Romeo y Julieta Churchill.

 Indian Gentleman Corona Extra

Indian Gentleman Corona Extra - Top 10 Cigar Brands in India

Indian Gentleman Corona Extra is a popular Indian cigar brand known for its affordability and decent quality. The handcrafted cigar is made by skilled artisans who meticulously select and blend the finest tobacco leaves. The leaves are hand-rolled and aged in a humidified room to enhance their flavors and aromas. They are placed in a humidified room to mature and age, a process known as "ageing." This allows the flavors and aromas to meld together and intensify, creating a complex and nuanced smoking experience. The result is a premium cigar that represents the pinnacle of craftsmanship and expertise, a product that is truly one of a kind.

  • Key Features: Offers a mild to medium flavor profile with a smooth and balanced draw, featuring hints of wood and earth.
  • Popular Products: Indian Gentleman Corona Extra.

Partagas-Top 10 Premium Cigar Brands in India

Partagás is one of the oldest and most prestigious and oldest cigar brands. It is known for its full-bodied cigars. It and was established in 1845 by Don Jaime Partagás y Ravelo, a Catalonian immigrant. He set up his factory in Havana after acquiring numerous top-quality tobacco plantations in Vuelta Abajo, Pinar del Rio, a renowned tobacco-growing region in western Cuba. Known for his expertise in blending and fermentation, Don Jaime was also the first to hire a lector to read to workers while they rolled cigars. 

  • Key Features: Partagás cigars are known for their rich, earthy flavors with notes of spice and pepper.
  • Popular Products: Partagás Serie D No. 4, Partagás Lusitanias.

H.Upmann -  Top Cigar Brands in India

A Cuban brand with a long history dating back to 1844, H. Upmann is favored for its mild to medium-bodied cigars. When German banker Hermann Dietrich Upmann entered the cigar industry in Havana, Cuba. Recognizing the potential of Cuban tobacco, Upmann established a banking business for tobacco dealers and manufacturers and later acquired a local cigar factory. This move led to the creation of the H. Upmann brand, known for its quality and distinctive flavor. 

  • Key Features: Known for its creamy texture and hints of cedar, nuts, and leather.
  • Popular Products: H. Upmann Magnum 46, H. Upmann Half Corona.

Arturo Fuente

Arturo Fuente - Top 10 Best Cigar Brands in India

A Dominican brand, Arturo Fuente is well-regarded for its high-quality craftsmanship and variety of blends. The brand was born in Güines, Cuba, in 1888 and emigrated to Tampa, Florida, at the age of 12 after the Spanish-American War. Seeing a need for fresh, hand-rolled cigars, Arturo began importing Cuban tobacco and rolling cigars, which quickly gained popularity. This success led him to hire workers, and in 1912, he established A. Fuente & Co. in a three-story factory. It left a lasting impression that guided a nearly two-decade, insatiable, never-ending quest for cigar knowledge. Back in 1995, during the height of the Cigar Boom, premium, established cigar brands were as difficult to come by as hen’s teeth.

  • Key Features: Offers a range of flavors from mild to full-bodied, with notes of cedar, nuts, and spice.
  • Popular Products: Arturo Fuente Opus X, Arturo Fuente Hemingway.

King Edward

King Edwards - Best Cigar Brands in India

A classic American brand, King Edward cigars are known for their affordability and mild flavor, making them a good option for beginners. King Edward Cigars is named after King Edward VII, who lifted the smoking ban imposed by Queen Victoria with his famous declaration, "Gentlemen, you may smoke." This solidified his place in cigar history. Today, King Edward Cigars are renowned for its high-quality tobacco, offering a mild flavor and smooth smoking experience. These American-made cigars feature slow-aged filler tobaccos wrapped in 100% natural leaf wrappers and are available in 60 countries in packs of 5 or 50-box sets. Owned by Swisher International, the brand focuses on serving its loyal customers rather than shifting to a premium market, making Swisher the second most profitable cigar company after Altadis.

  • Key Features: Mild flavor profile with a smooth, easy draw.
  • Popular Products: King Edward Imperial.

Alec Bradley

Alec Bradley - Top 10 Premium Cigar Brands in India

An American brand established in 1996, Alec Bradley has quickly risen to prominence for its high-quality, full-bodied cigars. Alan Rubin entered the cigar industry in 1996, just as the cigar boom was winding down. From the start, he made it a family endeavour, naming the company after his sons, Alec and Bradley. Despite facing challenges during the early 2000s, the brand persevered and found its footing after 2007, thanks to the incorporation of a rich blend of Honduran tobaccos from Trojes. Today, Alec Bradley is known for producing some of the finest premium cigars available.

  • Key Features: Offers complex flavors with notes of pepper, cocoa, and earth.
  • Popular Products: Alec Bradley Prensado, Alec Bradley Black Market.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Cigar

  • Quality and craftsmanship: The quality of tobacco and the craftsmanship involved in rolling a cigar are critical factors. Look for brands that are known for their meticulous attention to detail and the use of high-quality tobacco leaves.
  • Flavor Profiles: Different cigars offer a range of flavors, from mild and creamy to strong and spicy. Choose based on your personal taste preferences.
  • Price and affordability: The cost of cigars can vary significantly, but the starting price of cigars in India is from Rs 500 and goes up to Rs 144,679, which is the highest rate of a Davidoff Oro Blanco Single Cigar, the most premium cigar. 
  • Availability in India: Not all brands are readily available across India. Consider the ease of finding your preferred cigar, whether in shops near you or if you want to buy online here are some sites like Cigar Club India,, Cigar Conexion, and Charli’s Cigar; these are some official websites from where you can buy cigars online. 

Final Words: 

At Indian Retailer, we explore the world of cigars, which can be a delightful journey, especially with the diverse range of options available in India. From iconic Cuban brands like Cohiba and Montecristo to premium international options like Davidoff and Alec Bradley, there is something for every taste and preference. As you venture into this realm, consider experimenting with different brands and flavors to discover your personal favorite. 

What are the best cigar brands available in India? In India, some of the best cigar brands available include Davidoff, Montecristo, Cohiba, Romeo y Julieta, and Arturo Fuente. These brands are renowned for their high quality and distinctive flavors, catering to both new and experienced cigar enthusiasts.

How do I choose the right cigar for me? When choosing the right cigar, consider factors such as flavor profile (mild, medium, or full-bodied), size (which affects the duration of the smoke), and personal preference for wrapper types (like Connecticut, Maduro, or Habano). It's advisable to start with a milder cigar if you are new to smoking and gradually explore stronger options as you become more accustomed to the flavors.

Are Cuban cigars available in India, and where can I buy them? Yes, Cuban cigars are available in India, though they can be quite expensive due to import duties and limited availability. You can find them at premium cigar shops in major cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore, or through authorized online retailers specializing in high-end cigars.

What is the price range for premium cigars in India? The price range for premium cigars in India varies significantly, with a single cigar costing anywhere from Rs 1,000 to over Rs 5,000, depending on the brand, origin, and rarity. For collectors and connoisseurs, box prices can range from Rs 20,000 to over Rs 1,00,000.

  • Consumer Behavior

Rs 3,06,848 Crore Revenue Milestone! How Reliance Retail is Dominating India’s Retail Market with 17.8% Growth

India’s retail market is skyrocketing! With a colossal $951 billion valuation in 2023, India is now among the top five global retail markets. What's behind this explosive growth? Rapid urbanization, higher incomes, and a young, ambitious population are driving this retail revolution. By 2030, India is projected to become the world’s third-largest retail market, thanks to evolving consumer trends and the soaring demand for premium and luxury products.

And leading this retail charge is none other than Reliance Retail – India’s retail titan! Dominating every sector from electronics to fashion, groceries to connectivity, Reliance Retail’s massive network of 18,836 stores and robust digital platforms is reshaping the way Indians shop. Prepare to witness the future of retail as Reliance leads the charge, revolutionizing consumer experiences and turning the retail landscape upside down!

Reliance Retail’s financial performance in the past year has been nothing short of remarkable. The company reported gross revenue of ₹3,06,848 crore, marking a 17.8 percent increase from the previous year. This growth was accompanied by a substantial rise in EBITDA, which reached ₹23,082 crore, reflecting a 28.4 percent year-on-year improvement. The EBITDA margin also saw a boost, increasing by 70 basis points to 8.5 percent.

The company’s store network expanded significantly, with the addition of 1,840 new stores, bringing the total retail space to 79.1 million square feet. Over the year, Reliance Retail witnessed over a billion footfalls, a testament to its strong consumer connect and growing market presence. Additionally, the registered customer base crossed the 300 million mark, reinforcing Reliance Retail’s position as one of the most preferred retailers in the country.

Strategic partnerships and acquisitions have been key to Reliance Retail’s expansion strategy. Notable acquisitions include the Sephora India franchise, IP rights for Superdry across India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, as well as Kiko Milano’s India business. The company also acquired a majority stake in Ed-a-Mama, enhancing its product offerings and market reach.

Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director, Reliance Industries, firmly believes in the potential of India’s retail market. “As India’s largest retailer, Reliance Retail is perfectly positioned to serve the consumption needs of our fast-growing economy. With our all-encompassing range of products, we have become an integral part of the lives of our consumers across the nation. Our New Commerce initiative is also playing an important role in supporting small indigenous merchants and kirana shop owners – the very backbone of the retail supply chain of our nation,” he shares.

This year saw the launch of the first ‘Swadesh’ store, a unique format dedicated to promoting traditional Indian art forms and artisans. The initiative reflects Reliance Retail’s belief that India’s age-old crafts stand shoulder to shoulder with global brands, a sentiment that has been validated by the overwhelming response to these stores. “The world is now realizing the enormous potential of India. ‘Invest in India’ is being advocated globally. Reliance Retail’s vision of inclusive development for millions of consumers and merchants, coupled with unprecedented growth of the Indian marketplace, has resulted in marquee names investing in RRVL at a $100 billion valuation milestone,” Ambani adds.

Sectoral Highlights: Grocery, Fashion, and Electronics

Reliance Retail

Reliance Retail has firmly established itself as a leader across multiple retail segments. The grocery sector, for instance, delivered steady performance, driven by increased footfalls and rising bill values. The acquisition of Metro India, a significant move in the grocery segment, has been seamlessly integrated into the company’s new commerce business, providing an omnichannel experience for B2B customers and merchant partners.

The fashion and lifestyle segment is another area where Reliance Retail has made significant strides. With a focus on catering to diverse customer segments, the company operates a variety of store formats, including the youth-focused ‘Yousta’ and the premium brand-focused ‘AJIO Luxe,’ which now boasts a portfolio of over 600 brands. The new ‘Swadesh’ store format underscores Reliance Retail’s commitment to celebrating India’s traditions, while the jewels business continues to grow, offering collections inspired by the country’s rich heritage.

Reliance Retail is also a dominant player in the consumer electronics market. Its Reliance Digital and MyJio stores offer a differentiated value proposition, combining a strong in-store experience with an extensive product assortment. The New Commerce business, led by JioMart Digital (JMD), has seen continued growth, expanding its merchant partner base and reinforcing Reliance Retail’s leadership in this sector.

Innovation in Omnichannel Retail

  • Reliance Retail’s success can be attributed to its ability to innovate and adapt to changing consumer needs. The company has embraced an omni-channel retail strategy, integrating its physical stores with digital platforms to offer a seamless shopping experience. This strategy has been particularly evident in the beauty segment, with the launch of Tira, Reliance Retail’s omni-channel beauty retail platform. Tira’s rapid expansion, both in terms of its digital and physical presence, reflects Reliance Retail’s commitment to meeting evolving consumer demands.
  • JioMart, the company’s leading horizontal digital commerce platform, has also been a key driver of growth. By simplifying and enhancing the shopping experience for millions of customers, JioMart has steadily expanded its catalogue and increased average order values. The platform’s focus on customer experience has led to several enhancements, such as improved product search capabilities and faster return pickups for fashion products.
  • Milkbasket, another key offering from Reliance Retail, provides a subscription-oriented service that ensures the timely delivery of essential products to households. This service has resonated well with customers seeking convenience and reliability in their daily shopping routines.

Strengthening the Supply Chain

Behind Reliance Retail’s success lies a robust supply chain ecosystem, involving partnerships with MSMEs, national and international suppliers, and a vast logistics network that ensures products are delivered across the country. Leveraging customer insights, analytics, and technology, the company has been able to build strong brands and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Reliance Retail has also invested heavily in enhancing its customer service capabilities. Initiatives such as the Trial Room Champs program, which focuses on improving the trial room experience, and the ROMA application, which reduces complaint turnaround time, have contributed to a higher Net Promoter Score (NPS) for the company’s various formats. AJIO, in particular, saw an 11-point improvement in its NPS, thanks to innovations in delivery turnaround times, chatbot capabilities, and seamless customer care experiences.

Strategic Joint Ventures

Reliance Retail’s influence extends beyond the traditional retail space. The company recently announced a strategic joint venture with Viacom18 and The Walt Disney Company (Disney), combining the businesses of Viacom18 and Star India Private Limited. This joint venture is set to become one of the leading TV and digital streaming platforms in India, bringing together iconic media assets across entertainment and sports. Reliance Retail’s investment of ₹11,500 crore in this JV underscores its commitment to driving growth across diverse sectors.

The partnership with Disney, which will see Reliance Retail increase its stake in Viacom18 to 70.49 percent, will give the company control over a significant portion of India’s entertainment and sports content, positioning it as a dominant player in the digital streaming space.

Scaling New Heights

Looking ahead, Reliance Retail is poised to continue its growth journey by capitalizing on several emerging opportunities. These include strengthening its end-to-end value chain to tap into the fast fashion market, scaling up its own brands and formats, and meeting the growing demand for premium and luxury products in India. However, the company will also need to navigate challenges such as macroeconomic impacts on consumer sentiments and the limited availability of quality real estate.

Despite these challenges, Reliance Retail’s strengths—its omnichannel retail capabilities, innovative product design, extensive sourcing ecosystem, and cutting-edge customer insights—position it well for future growth. The company’s portfolio of brands, including ‘Campa’ and ‘Independence’, has received strong traction from trade channels and consumers, while new launches like ‘Necto’ and ‘Brew House’ continue to strengthen its offerings.

Additionally, Isha Ambani announced their plans to foray into the luxury jewelry market. "In jewelry, there are ambitious plans to enter the luxury jewelry segment with a curated design-led experience. It will help in exploring the fashion jewelry and accessory segment to broaden our market reach," she said. This strategic shift will position Reliance Retail to compete with modern players like Tata's Zoya and other established legacy brands. Currently, their Reliance Jewels caters to the mass market.

Reliance Retail remains focused on its vision of inclusive development and sustainable growth. With over 1.2 billion customer transactions annually, the company is well on its way to becoming a global retail giant, driving India’s retail market forward and contributing to the nation’s economic success.

  • Reliance Retail
  • Reliance brands
  • retail revenue

Explore Top Tequila Brands in India: A Spirited Journey

Tequila is gaining the attention of Indians. Over the past five years, the yearly growth rate of tequila consumption in India has exceeded 12 percent. It was customary for Indians to choose cognac or whiskey, but tequila is becoming a popular option today. Maguey, another name for the agave plant, is cooked and fermented. The juice of the agave plant is used to make tequila. Depending on how long it is aged, this adaptable spirit may be savored straight or in traditional cocktails.

Here we've done the difficult part for you. So you don't have to go through this tiresome process of finding the right tequila to pair it up with perfectly sliced lemons and some salt. Tequila has changed from being a controversial shot to a chic and elegant spirit that can uplift any occasion.

Top 5 Tequila Brands in India

Like other liquors, there are several brands of tequila to select from. Choosing the correct brand for the appropriate occasion may be difficult when you're browsing the liquor aisle. To assist you in making a decision, our comprehensive guide to tequila lists some of the top brands below.

Sierra - Sweetness in Every Sip

Sierra Tequila is produced in Sierra distillery, which is located in Guadalajara, the capital city of Jalisco, Mexico. The excellent tequila is distilled by a master distiller of third generation, carrying on the traditions of his forebears. The Tequila brand was introduced in 1981 and has since grown to dominate the European market. 

Sierra a top tequila brand in India combines premium sugars from Mexican, sugar cane and 51 percent sugars from agave for Sierra Tequila. The combination tequila a strong yet well-rounded flavor profile. If you enjoy drinking Tequila straight as a shot, this is the best option. The pure flavor of agave is combined with an assertive flavor profile in Tequila 100 percent de agave. If you enjoy making delicious Tequila cocktails, such as Margaritas, and you want the agave notes to be prominent, this is the ideal Tequila.

Sierra Tequila may now be purchased with a significantly less carbon impact in more than 90 locations throughout the globe. Bottled solely in Mexico is Sierra Antiguo. Tequilas made entirely of agave are required by law to be bottled in Mexico.

It continues to create its well-known agave bite and cheeky party energy while crafting smooth sipping tequilas.When customers request Tequila shots, Sierra Tequila Blanco and Sierra Tequila Reposado are the best options because of their robust and well-balanced flavor profiles, which come from a combination of ripe agave and Mexican sugar cane.

Sierra: Explore Top Tequila Brands in India: A Spirited Journey

Jose Cuervo - For Exploring Varities

It was 1758 when José Antonio de Cuervo was permitted by the King of Spain to arrive at the Mexican town of Tequila.

Millions of agave plants were grown from hundreds by José Antonio de Cuervo at the La Rojena Distillery. Its barrels were exported to California in 1852 as the result of this manufacture. Jose Cuervo broke records by becoming the first company to bottle tequila on its own by creating sophisticated distillery equipment for the era. 

Jose Cuervo tequilas are available in several variations, such as Especial Gold and Especial Silver, and are manufactured entirely of agave. Extra Gold is a light gold-colored combination of younger tequilas with a sweet agave taste and subtle notes of wood and vanilla. It tastes good and is frequently added to margaritas. Extra Special Silver is a double-distilled tequila brewed with blue agave. It tastes clear and crisp with a hint of agave and a toasty aftertaste.

Jose Cuervo: Explore Top Tequila Brands in India: A Spirited Journey

El Capo - Made With Hand Picked Agave 

Tequilera Newton, the home of Tequila El Capo, is regarded as one of most prosperous and ancient distilleries. El Capo Tequila was one of the best products ever made when it was first established in 1941. It was made from hand-selected Blue Agave then aged, bottled, and distilled using special, age-old methods.

El Capo tequila has a mild evaporation, citrus, pepper, and vanilla flavors with a hint of vanilla on the finish. It smells like vegetables and has wonderful acidity on the taste. It looks and aroma reveals something about its quality. A good tequila should smell nice, with agave, citrus, and spice overtones. It should also be bright and clear. It should also have no overbearing or bitter overtones and be balanced and smooth. 

Reposado, Platinum, and Anejo are just a few of the tequilas distilled by El Capo.Reposado is light gold tequila manufactured entirely out of agave from the Highlands of Jalisco. It is aged for two years in American oak barrels. It tastes like vanilla, white chocolate, and cinnamon, and it smells like berries. Platinum is another type which is bottled immediately after distillation, smells like lemon and lime. Anejo has a 40 percent alcohol.

El Capo: Explore Top Tequila Brands in India: A Spirited Journey

Patron - Different Barrels Different Taste

Patron is a premium tequila brand. Made by hand in the Mexican Highlands of Jalisco. Depending on the kind of tequila, the barrels used to mature the 100 percent blue weber agave are aged for varying amounts of time. 

Patrick is smooth with notes of wood and has been aged for at least two months. It has a mild amber tint.  Patron Anejo is matured for more than a year. Patrón Extra Anejo is kept for minimum three years for aging. Patrón is renowned for its excellent quality, gentle fermentation, and for lack of alcohol burn compared to other spirits. The company sells a range of tequilas, such as:

  • Patrón Silver: A combination of two triple-distilled tequilas, one fermented with agave fibers and produced with a traditional tahona. The most well-known product from Patrón is Silver, which goes great with cocktails, particularly when combined with fresh fruit.
  • Gran Patron: The line of extremely premium tequilas from Patrón.
  • Patron's oldest tequila, Anejo, has been matured for seven years.

You may drink Patron tequilas on the rocks, straight up, shaken or mixed with ice, or slightly chilled.

Patron: Explore Top Tequila Brands in India: A Spirited Journey

Don Julio - For All Taste Buds 

The brand's history started in 1942 when Don Julio Gonzalez saw a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in the tequila industry. The sunny days, mild nights, and rich clay soil of the Jaliscan Highland provide the ideal atmosphere for blue agave growing. 

Rather than harvesting large fields of agave at one time, the process is started by gathering plant-by-plant agave, evaluating its age and health with precision. In order to enhance the caliber of the yield, they meticulously choose and evenly chop the agave pencas (leaves) from the pina

Don Julio is a reputed tequila brand know for its resposado which is made in a golden amber in color with a smooth, sophisticated flavor that has been aged for eight months in American white oak barrels. It tastes finest cold, either in a cocktail or on the rocks. Don Julio 1942 is 2.5-year-aged tequila that  smells richof caramel and chocolate and tastes of roasted agave, vanilla, and toasty oak. It finishes with a hint of vanilla and wood. Cristalino Don Julio 70 has a crisp scent and characteristic Anejo notes, this tequila has been aged for 18 months and filtered through charcoal. It tastes smooth with notes of vanilla, honey, and toasted oak, and it leaves a clean, toasty, and clean oak aftertaste.

Don Julio: Explore Top Tequila Brands in India: A Spirited Journey

Types of Tequila 

  • Blanco/Silver/Plata Tequila - Matured for up to 60 days in a barrel, although often it passes from the still to a bottle via a stainless steel tank. Blancos is translucent due to the lack of aging process, and it also has a harsh taste that some find off-putting. 
  • Joven/Gold Tequila - A blended scotch-like tequila made from a mix of matured and unaged blanco. Compared to blanco tequila, the maturing process gives it a smoother, more nuanced flavor.
  • Reposado Tequila - The word reposado means "rested," it is kept in a barrel for two to eleven months. In Mexico, this is the most popular type of tequila to drink.
  • Anejo Tequila - Aged in an oak barrel for one to three years. While any kind of hardwood barrel can be utilized, French oak and used American whiskey barrels are the most popular. Anejos frequently include a lot of tastes that are typically associated with bourbon, such as vanilla and brown sugar.
  • Muy Anejo Tequila - Tequila labeled as Muy Anejo needs to be matured in a barrel with a maximum capacity of 600 liters for at least three years. This adds caramel, vanilla, and oak aromas that soften the spirit and make it perfect for sipping.

 3 considerations when choosing a Tequila Brand

  • Verify Label - Any product using the name "tequila" ought to give the customer some fundamental details on the product's legitimacy and quality. The origin, the makers address, and a certification stamp should all be included on the bottle. The location is important since real tequila can only be produced in a few states of Mexican states - Michoacan, Nayarit, Guanajuato, and Tamaulipas, or in the state of Jalisco. 
  • Buy 100 percent Agave Tequila - Tequila has to be prepared only from blue agave and come from Jalisco a state in Mexico. Any agave-based liquor, such as raicilla and sotol, is considered mezcal; over thirty different varieties of agave may be used to make it. To enjoy the the supreme essence of pure tequila, ensure to check for 100 percent agave one.
  • No Need to Break your Bank - You don't have to spend a lot of money for a good marg. (But it doesn't imply that pricey, premium tequilas aren't worth the money; many of them are.) Many good tequilas are accessible in India, and they're not even very ostentatious or pricey. 

Best Ways to Enjoy Your Tequila 

Have it as it is - neat.

Order it straight if you want the full tequila experience. Nothing fancy, no ice. Just a vast array of tastes and scents to savor with every drink.

Drinking it neat enables you to fully appreciate every flavor and nuance of your tequila. In contrast to the majority of other Silver or Blanco tequilas available today that are too harsh and biting to drink on their own. For the smoothest, most delicious sipping experience ever, Reposado and Anejo are also enjoyable to drink, with the oak aging contributing subtle aromas.

With the Cubes - On the Rocks

One of the most traditional methods to savor tequila's tastes is to pour this fine spirit into a lowball or single or double rocks glass with a few ice cubes.

This splash of water, chilled with ice, serves to balance out the many scents and enhance your appreciation of the other subtleties in the beverage. To get the same result without ice, you may alternatively add a few drops of water to the beverage.

Add Some Citrus - Mix With Fruits 

It is claime that adding salt, lime, or other citrus flavors to tequila can improve its flavor, on the other hand, doing so distorts and hides it. If you enjoy your drink with a fruit accompaniment, experiment with different types of fruit to enhance the tastes in unique ways. For instance, an orange slice will offer you a whole different crisp, refreshing taste, while pineapple might bring out more sweet overtones.

Final Word 

Tequila, once known primarily for its strong bite and association with lively parties, has evolved into a versatile and refined spirit that is gaining popularity in India. As more Indians discover the complexities and delights of this agave-based spirit, tequila is poised to become a staple in the Indian market. So next time you're at a gathering or simply enjoying a quiet evening at home, consider raising a glass of tequila and savoring the intricate flavors and craftsmanship that go into every bottle. Cheers!

Navigating India’s Retail Market – The Way Ahead

The dynamism of the Indian retail sector is unprecedented. India has already become the fourth largest retail market in the world. According to government data, the country’s retail market is expected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2027. Flourishing middle class, changing consumer preferences, and the government’s initiative of digital payments are contributing to the said retail market growth. This is generating interest among multinational retailers to enter, establish, and expand in India. 

Indian retailing is distinct due to its perceived two-pronged nature, which has two opposing market forces acting at the same time. One represented by modern trade (MT), which is the centralized nature of business. The second is characterized by traditional trade (TT) or general trade—the distributed, localized, and unorganized nature of business dominated by kirana (mom-and-pop) stores.

MT, with its centralized procurement and optimized processes, tends to be better placed when it comes to penetrating in growing markets, as compared to TT with its small enterprise construct. The Indian government is facilitating Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in retail, presenting MT retailers a means to raise capital. MT offers great ambience and steeper discounts, while TT provides customer intimacy with features such as free home delivery and credit.

Busting cities ensure ever-increasing rents, making real estate expensive for MT retailers who typically have large stores. Sales of standard pack sizes by MT players get impacted as they can become unaffordable for certain customer cohorts, whereas TT retailers have flexibility in offering customized sizes as per people’s affordability. The cost of labor is higher in MT owing to its professional management, while TT typically employs family members.

In the India context, can MT win over TT? is a question that is relevant and highly debated. Besides the prominent features of distinction between MT and TT, the success of retailers in a mature market such as the US can help MT retailers in India pave their way to positive outcomes. American retailer Costco’s growth shows that giving importance to all three stakeholders of a company—owners, employees, and customers—can drive success in a highly competitive market.

In addition to studying the success of MT retailers in the US, tweaking MT concepts and processes for India is a must-have factor. Building a synergistic relationship with TT retailers to grow their market share is a significant factor that smart MT players have been adopting. However, many are missing it too. Thus, MT retailers are riding on the TT’s last-mile delivery as well as customer intimacy to introduce newer categories to the end consumer. For example, Reliance Retail’s JioMart has roped in Kirana stores as franchise partners to leverage their network and boost sales. aims to tap a total of 9.3 lakh kirana partners in India by 2025, ensuring faster and seamless last-mile delivery.

The success of MT in India is rooted in three important factors. First, retailers must tweak MT’s concepts and processes to suit the Indian market environment. Secondly, prioritizing all three stakeholders—owners, customers, and employees—needs to be the norm rather than an exception. And lastly, a synergistic and collaborative relationship with traditional retailers, or local kirana stores, is key for augmenting market share and setting businesses on a growth trajectory.  

Navigating India’s Retail Market – The Way Ahead

Nilesh Joshi, Senior Director, CPR – North America, Capgemini

Navigating India’s Retail Market – The Way Ahead

Abdul Sajad, Vice President and Head of CPR and Services Delivery – North America, Capgemini

  • Indian retail market
  • indian retail

Is Discovery Commerce the Key to Unlocking Gen Z’s Shopping Habits in India?

In today’s digital landscape, where consumers are constantly inundated with options, the traditional shopping journey has evolved. The rise of discovery commerce is transforming how brands connect with customers, enabling them to seamlessly integrate inspiration with shopping. It’s no longer just about searching for a product; it’s about discovering it in unexpected, engaging ways. This new approach is quickly redefining the rules of e-commerce and retail, driven by personalized, shoppable experiences.

With platforms like Roposo leading the charge, and brands such as Urbanic, Virgio and Brand Studio Lifestyle capitalizing on its immense potential, discovery commerce has emerged as a powerful force reshaping how consumers find and purchase products.

The Rise of Discovery Commerce

At its core, discovery commerce allows consumers to stumble upon products through curated content that aligns with their interests and tastes. Unlike traditional commerce, which requires an active search, this approach encourages users to discover products organically, often through entertainment or social media platforms.

Discovery commerce has proven particularly effective in fashion and lifestyle segments, where the desire for novelty and trends drives purchase behavior. As Amar Nagaram, Founder & CEO of Virgio, explains, "Our focus on discovery commerce has been instrumental in enhancing our brand's presence and driving business growth. By leveraging personalized content, we ensure our products reach the right audience at the right time. This targeted approach has significantly boosted our visibility and conversion rates."

For brands like Virgio, which caters to trend-conscious Gen Z consumers, discovery commerce offers a unique advantage. It transforms the shopping journey from a transactional experience to an interactive one, allowing brands to quickly adapt to emerging trends and foster deeper connections with their audiences.

How Discovery Commerce Works

Discovery commerce is built around personalized, relevant content that guides users from inspiration to purchase. Platforms like Roposo have pioneered the "shoppertainment" model, which merges entertainment with commerce. By offering engaging content, such as fashion hauls, makeup tutorials, and skits, these platforms make product discovery feel natural and effortless.

According to Mansi Jain, Senior Vice President & GM of Roposo, "At Roposo, we’ve seen the tremendous potential of discovery commerce in driving engagement and transactions. Our platform thrives on creating a sense of community, where users can discover products they love through content that resonates with them. The shoppertainment model encourages impulsive purchase decisions while keeping the user engaged.”

Roposo integrates its discovery commerce experience seamlessly into the Glance ecosystem, a smart lock screen platform that delivers curated content directly to users’ phones. By eliminating friction between inspiration and purchase, Roposo has helped brands tap into the massive potential of spontaneous, unplanned shopping.

Success with Discovery Commerce

One of the key players benefiting from discovery commerce is Virgio. Known for its rapid adaptation to the latest fashion trends, Virgio uses a highly personalized approach to connect with customers, leveraging content that mirrors the ever-changing preferences of its Gen Z audience.

"The key advantages we've found include our ability to quickly adapt to emerging trends," notes Nagaram. "By delivering styles that align with customer preferences, we’ve fostered deeper connections, which has allowed us to stay ahead in the fast-paced fashion industry."

Through discovery commerce, Virgio has also seen a significant improvement in its conversion rates, as customers are more likely to engage with products that reflect their personal style. This ability to match product offerings with consumer tastes has given the brand a competitive edge, allowing it to consistently deliver what customers want, when they want it.

From Inspiration to Purchase

Leveraging discovery and live commerce, Urbanic has seen significant success in enhancing its brand presence and driving business growth. Rahul Dayama, Founding Partner at Urbanic, explains, "Urbanic has achieved strong performance with Discovery, significantly enhancing our brand presence and driving business growth. Social media platforms have been essential to this success, allowing us to reach and engage a broad audience."

Urbanic’s influencer community plays a vital role in this success. Dayama continues, "Our inclusive influencer community helps us create various types of content, such as product showcases, styling tips, and user-generated content, making the brand more relatable and engaging. By interacting with our community in real time and responding to feedback, we gain valuable insights that help us refine our offerings." This community-driven approach increases product engagement and strengthens connections with consumers, fueling Urbanic’s continued growth.

Converting Impulse to Intent

Another brand that has embraced the discovery commerce model is Brand Studio Lifestyle, a D2C fashion brand that caters to Gen Z customers. According to Sathish Kumar, Chief Creative & Digital Communications Officer, Head of D2C at Brand Studio Lifestyle, the brand’s success with discovery commerce lies in its ability to convert impulse-driven interactions into actual sales.

"Much of our approach in targeting Gen Z customers is based on discovery commerce. This cohort likes to discover and adopt based on their affinity and peer recommendations. The use of social media and search are crucial in this aspect, helping us convert impulse into intent," says Kumar.

By creating relatable, engaging content, Brand Studio Lifestyle taps into the authenticity that resonates with today’s consumers. This approach not only drives product discovery but also helps the brand connect with its audience on a deeper, more personal level. While the brand has yet to fully dive into live commerce, it has seen strong traction on major fashion marketplaces through this model.

The Role of Technology and Personalization

One of the defining features of discovery commerce is its reliance on cutting-edge technology, particularly AI and data analytics. Platforms like Roposo use AI-powered algorithms to recommend products that align with each user’s individual tastes, creating a personalized shopping experience that feels both intuitive and seamless.

This level of personalization is key to keeping consumers engaged, as it allows brands to offer products that are not only relevant but also tailored to the customer’s evolving preferences. Mansi Jain of Roposo notes, "We continuously analyze purchasing patterns to personalize our offerings, ensuring a highly individualized experience. By striking the right balance between pricing and relevance, we’re able to drive stronger purchase decisions and enhance user engagement."

For brands like Virgio and Brand Studio Lifestyle, this technology-driven approach provides a competitive advantage, allowing them to reach consumers with precision and relevance. It’s a strategy that not only boosts engagement but also positions these brands as leaders in the fast-changing retail landscape.

The Future of Discovery Commerce

As discovery commerce continues to grow, its influence on the retail industry is set to expand. In markets like India, where digital adoption is rapidly increasing, discovery commerce is poised to account for a significant portion of online sales, particularly among younger, tech-savvy consumers.

According to a BCG-TikTok study, shoppertainment – the intersection of shopping and entertainment – represents a $1 trillion opportunity in APAC, a figure that underscores the immense potential of discovery commerce.

For platforms like Roposo, the future lies in making the content-to-commerce journey even more seamless. Jain explains, "We’re at the forefront of this shift, with a vision for users to adopt AI for video content creation. By simplifying the production of shoppable videos, we’re making it easier for brands to embrace shoppertainment while reducing costs and expanding reach."

Staying Ahead in a Competitive Market

With multiple players vying for attention in the discovery commerce space, differentiation is key. Brands like Urbanic, Virgio and Brand Studio Lifestyle have found success by offering unique, trend-driven experiences that resonate with their target audiences. Meanwhile, platforms like Roposo continue to innovate, integrating new features and partnerships that keep users engaged and drive transactions.

Moreover, Urbanic has found that collaborating with a vibrant community of influencers has been a key advantage for the brand. "These influencers help us reach diverse audiences by localizing our messaging, making it more relevant and accessible to different segments. Their ability to adapt our content to their followers' preferences ensures that our brand resonates on a personal level, enhancing brand awareness and customer understanding," emphasizes Dayama.

The integration of live commerce, personalized recommendations, and shoppable videos is just the beginning. As consumers become more accustomed to discovering and buying products in this way, the lines between content, commerce, and community will blur even further, creating an immersive shopping experience that feels both intuitive and entertaining.

For brands that embrace discovery commerce, the future is filled with opportunity. As Sathish Kumar of Brand Studio Lifestyle notes, "Relatable, relevant content that leads to product discovery is crucial for brands to connect with the consumer. By approaching discovery commerce in a strategic manner, we’ve been able to convert interested users into customers, driving long-term growth."

In the ever-evolving world of retail, discovery commerce is more than just a trend – it’s the future of shopping.

  • Live Commerce
  • Social Commerce

10 Best Luggage Brands in India

Ready to elevate your travel style? The Indian luggage market is booming, with brands like Safari and Aristocrat seeing over 40 percent growth in affordable options, while premium names like Tommy Hilfiger, Samsonite, and Delsey double their presence. The best luggage brands in India now provide both functionality and style. As for the Safari, VIP, and Aristocrat brands, they are all gaining the most sales growth of over 40 percent on a yearly basis mainly from shoppers in Tier III-IV cities. Premium brands such as Samsonite, Tommy Hilfiger, and Delsey have tripled their growth as well. Direct-to-consumer brands such as Mokobara are shifting the focus towards functionality and adding smart features such as anti-theft designs and charging ports. Ready to find the perfect luggage for your next trip? Dive in

List of the Top 10 Luggage Brands in India:

American tourist: best for affordable style and durability.

American Tourist- 10 Best Luggage Brands in India

American Tourister is a well-known luggage company that has catchy colors and sturdy construction for its products. This is preferred by business people and those who are on the move and would wish to address both quality and elegance at a reasonable cost. Travel instruments and luggage come in different types, and this brand has all types depending on clients’ tastes and needs. Among the known models, it is necessary to highlight the “Zest” series which is convenient and practically designed. Many customers have embraced American Tourister for being able to offer affordable luggage without compromising the quality of products for travelers who are still looking for elegant and long-lasting bags at affordable charges.

Safari: Best for Durability and Innovation in Travel Luggage

Safari-10 Best Luggage Brands in India

Safari has established a steady market base for its products and stylish and unique constructions hence widely adopted by many travelers. Safari luggage offers well-built luggage with durable material as well as different sizes of luggage that can be used for travel. In particular, the company is associated with the “Breeze” series, distinguished by high operational reliability and convenience; The designed luggage is highly appreciated for its compliance with the conditions of tough traveling. Customers especially recommend Safari for its durability and efficiency, saying that it makes it suitable for business or frequent travellers who are likely to plunge their luggage into tough terrain.

VIP: Best for Affordable and Sturdy Luggage for All Travelers

VIP-10 Best Luggage Brands in India

VIP is a well-known brand in India and people have a reliable and trusted image of this company. Being one of the oldest luggage manufacturers in the country, the VIP luggage brand is recognized for affordable products made of wear-resistant materials to suit various individuals traveling for numerous purposes. The brand provides a variety of choices in terms of look and utility and therefore some of the favored options include, the “VIP Skybags” line which goes well with those who have to travel every now and then. The luggage has been positively acknowledged by customers for being durable and affordably priced and thus, has been customers’ preferred brand of luggage for regular travelling as well as for going on long trips.

Samsonite: Best for Premium Quality and Elegant Designs

Samsonite-10 Best Luggage Brands in India

Samsonite is a recognized worldwide producer and retailer of luggage possessing a wide variety of quality products and new notions. due to the sterling features and qualitative aspects of the brand, it is mostly preferred by travelers who seek durable and classy luggage. Being one of the biggest brands in the industry, Samsonite employs high-quality lightweight material and advanced designs, and the main product that this company provides is the “Neopulse” series, which looks elegant but is built very durable. Customers often appreciate that Samsonite luggage has a more premium feel and is built to last, and people consider it a solid investment, especially for avid travellers out there.

Skybags: Best for Trendy and Functional Luggage for Young Travelers

Skybags-10 Best Luggage Brands in India

Skybags have good branding among the youth since they offer trendy and usable luggage. It is famous for having designs of high fashion, yet the fabric it is made of is long-lasting, and it has a large capacity of interior space, perfect for all who need functionality coupled with class. For instance, Skybags is yet another beauty that comes with quality workmanship and a unique design this Aer series of skybags is particularly popular among customers, especially the ladies. Some of the benefits of Skybags listed in reviews include the fact that is a fashionable imported bag targeted at young fashion-conscious travelers who require style as they go about their business.

Aristocrat: Best for Budget-Friendly Luggage Options

Aristocrat-10 Best Luggage Brands in India

Aristocrat is one of the most economical brands of luggage in today’s markets because it offers good quality for a cheaper range of prices and thus targets travelers or tourists who look for more economical affordable products with better durability. The brand has limited and basic models and designs of the notebook, like the ‘Lite’ series which receives good market patronage for being cheap but having reasonable construction of the notebook. High demand exists due to its affordability and fair quality for those customers who don’t travel very often and seek a reasonably priced bag with satisfactory performance.

Tommy Hilfiger: Best for Fashion-Forward Travelers

Tommy Hilfiger-10 Best Luggage Brands in India

Tommy Hilfiger is a world-famous brand that identifies styles derived from the classic American tradition, and they have been able to diversify their line in Tommy Hilfiger luggage. Tommy Hilfiger offers elegant and stylish luggage that catches the eye of any fashionable traveler. Today the brand offers a line of appealing and fashionable luggage consisting of suitcases and duffel bags that can be easily distinguished due to their vivid coloration, the company’s emblems and the usage of high-quality fabrics. The “TH Signature” series is one of the most requested by the customers, due to its design and practicality, as it provides plenty of compartments, strong wheels, and easy-to-use handles. For these reasons people like Tommy Hilfiger luggage since they are appealing and long-lasting, it’s appealing to those who wish to represent their personality.

Mokobara: Best for Modern Design and Tech-Friendly Features

Mokobara-10 Best Luggage Brands in India

Mokobara may also be considered as a relatively young company in the context of luggage market leaders, but it has a big potential and a number of unique designs and trends, such as hi-tech designs. Some of the most important aspects of the brand are, therefore, to design clean, contemporary luggage that meets the requirements of the present-day traveler. Mokobara luggage offers quality and lightweight construction, a modern design, the availability of separate pockets for the gadgets, and the presence of USB sockets for charging devices. Mokobara Move Max is an excellent series among tech-oriented tourists since its design is created with an emphasis on functionality and a contemporary appearance. There are always remarks on the proper detailing found in the construction of the brand, the quality of the zippers, and the build of the bags in general; this makes Mokobada one of the best travel brands for anyone who cares about the design and functionality of the bag.

Uppercase: Best for Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Luggage

Uppercase-10 Best Luggage Brands in India

Uppercase is a brand that defines itself with sustainability and recycling materials as its major concepts. As is often seen in the line of travel and tourism, durability and affordability act as key indicators of the market, in which Uppercase stands as an eco-friendly and unique choice. The brand of luggage now manufactures its range from recycled materials and applying sustainable production processes thus showing that it is chic to be green. For instance, the “Uppercase Eco” collection includes stylish and practical items made out of recycled material—recycled plastic bottles in this particular case — that are equally durable and serve their intended purpose. customers love Uppercase due to its concern for the environment in its manufacture without compromising quality making it the preferred eco-friendly bag designed for travellers.

Delsey: Best for Stylish Luggage with Advanced Security Features

Delsey-10 Best Luggage Brands in India

Delsey is a France based luggage brand which has found its place in the Indian market offering trendy and utility based travel accessories. For that reason, the brand prides itself in affordable, stylish, and secure products that are designed to be lightweight to meet the needs of travelers. For example, the “Helium” series is one of the most frequently suggested series because it is the combination of the stylish design and practicality. Delsey owns a reputation for design, usability and substantially high security measures, which makes it ideal for the buyers who are likely to compromise between style and functionality of the necessary travelling accessories.

Best Luggage Brands for Indian Travelers

In this case, some brands are favored by Indians because they cater for affordability, availability and especially the toughness of the conditions encountered in the country. It said that Indian travelers confront such difficulties as an overload of people in an airport and overcharged handling of luggage, and weather fluctuations. These include American Tourister and Safari which has designed their products to be strong as they use lightweight materials. For the families traveling, there are models of Vip and Skybags which are spacious enough to meet the luggage requirement of all the travelers in the team. For more chic and portable trolleys you will find American Tourister and Delsey to be best suited for single travelers, Targus and Samsonite may be more suited for business travelers as they look more professional.

Where to Buy the Best Luggage Brands in India

  • Online Marketplaces: The likes of Amazon, Flipkart, and Myntra provide a large assortment of luggage from various brands, including Safari, Aristocrat, Samsonite, and Tommy Hilfiger. New customers are advised by customer reviews and return policies to try their luck with a business that offers discounts, flash sales, and festival deals.
  • Physical Retail Stores: Stores like Shoppers Stop, Lifestyle, and VIP World provide a very different shopping experience; here, you can touch the luggage and check it out before the purchase. Besides the latest collections and in-store promotions, flagship stores like Samsonite and American Tourister also have the option to buy things exclusively in-store.
  • Finding the Best Deals: Festivals like Diwali and New Year are the times when discounts are at their peak. Subscribing to newsletters and loyalty programs can get you in on sales early.
  • Buying Online vs. In-Store: Online shopping provides you with ease and discounts, while in-store shopping allows you to personally examine the luggage. Choose if you want convenience or the feel of the merchandise.

Budget vs. Luxury Luggage Brands in India

The Indian luggage market has a very rich portfolio, catering to budget-specific travelers as well as those looking for a luxury travel experience. Knowing the distinctions between low-cost and top-end luggage brands can be of assistance to you in making a decision that is both suitable for your preferences and budget. 

  • Budget-Friendly Brands: Brands like Safari, Aristocrat, and VIP dominate the budget segment. These disposables are the ones that customers appreciate the most for providing them with good quality and utility, and hopefully, you can chat with them as if they were friends. Safari's Trolley Raptor and Aristocrat's Revo series are two of the most preferred ones that give ease to customers looking for reliable luggage, without the need for a big budget. These brands emphasise the main characteristics, such as lightweight materials, wheels that are not easily damaged, and materials that have a large enough space to accommodate a large number of items. Thus, it is a great option to go for them, whether you are a frequent traveler or are traveling with your family.
  • Luxury Brands: The other end of the spectrum is occupied by luxury brands such as Samsonite, Delsey, and Tommy Hilfiger, which provide high-end products that are characterized by distinct style, invention, and superior quality and Luggage designs like Samsonite's Evoa Tech Spinner and Delsey's Chatelet Air 2.0 have a look of luxury, and at the same time, they possess the latest technology, such as an integrated lock, an expandable compartment, and high-quality materials. Brands often come with the ideal coverage and customer assistance, hence the best possible experience for a long time. 

At Indian Retailer, we understand the right luggage brand can turn a good journey into a memorable one. Whether you prioritize durability, style, or sustainability, the 10 best luggage brands in India offer a wide range of options to suit your needs. For example, Samsonite or American Tourister have a classic appeal; Mokobara and Uppercase have modern innovations, and each brand has something different to offer. While arranging for the next trip, you can think of these porcine brands for luggage to make sure your gear is in good condition.

  • Luggage Industry
  • Luggage maker
  • American Tourister
  • Skybag backpacks
  • Consumer Demand

Top 5 Streetwear Brands in India with a Blend of Culture and Style

When hip-hop music and culture started to become more popular in India in the 1980s and 1990s, that is when streetwear emerged in the nation. People are keen to show their uniqueness via their attire, which has led to a growing interest in streetwear fashion as a result of this cultural shift. At first, American and other Western fashions had a big effect on Indian streetwear. People copied the appearance of hip-hop rappers and performers, dressing loose and wearing sneakers and snapback caps.

Today, streetwear is seen as a powerful form of self-expression, where what you wear speaks volumes about your personality and can set you apart. In India, streetwear is primarily worn by young people, particularly millennials and Gen Z. Due of its rebellious, anti-establishment atmosphere and focus on individualism and self-expression, streetwear has become popular among younger generations.

Here are the Best 5 Streetwear Brands in India Today

Bonkers corner- bold designs and urban aesthetic.

Bonkers Corner is an Indian streetwear company that was founded in Mumbai and is renowned for its daring patterns, vivid prints, and striking aesthetic. It desires to be different from the crowd crazy yet stylish and comfortable styles. Bonkers Corner serves a wide product catalogue that includes oversized T-shirts and shirts, bottoms, sweatshirts hoodies and jackets for men and women. The brand has become a major force in the Indian streetwear scene and has drawn the attention of young people.

Many customers have shared positive feedback about the brand, highlighting their comfort and affordability. The fabric used is appreciated for its quality, with several people noting that the cotton material feels soft and is perfect for summer wear. It's a great choice for those looking to update their wardrobe without breaking the bank. 

Bonkers Corner: Top 5 Streetwear Brands in India with a Blend of Culture and Style

Bewakoof - Fashion-Conscious and Tech-Savvy

Bewakoof is a rebel among a sea of fashion portals that preach the gospel of sophistication and classiness. With innovative designs that reflect individual style, a direct-to-consumer model that enhances accessibility and value in everyday fashion, and a commitment to being homegrown, the brand is imagined in India and made in India. Bewakoof aims to attract young individuals who enjoy fashionable and unusual designs and are between the ages of 16 and 34.  Bewakoof is for fashion-conscious, tech-savvy people who appreciate expressing their uniqueness. The brand has a wide range of upperwear, bottomwear and footwear for women and men. 

Bewakoof has impressed many with its bold and vibrant user interface and a vast array of products catering to various sizes, styles, and trends. The store offers a range of streetwear. Customers have noted that the quality of its products remains quite good even after multiple washes, with only slight fading of prints.

Bewakoof: Top 5 Streetwear Brands in India with a Blend of Culture and Style

Newme - Urban Streetwear Aesthetics For Girls

NEWME A real-time fashion brand that is making a significant impact in Southeast Asia and India. The concept behind the term ‘NEWME’ was that there should be no judgment on a customer's ability to be New every day, in their own way. NEWME comprises the dynamic and fashion-forward Gen Z girls. With a keen eye on current trends and a commitment to quality, it delivers versatile and affordable pieces that appeal to young fashion enthusiasts.

Consumers analyzed Newme as a brand that has a comfortable and pretty product catalogue. Highlighting premium feel, and amazing mesh leather quality. It provides today's youth with the opportunity to express themselves through the newest fashion trends that are both inexpensive and accessible to all, the streetwear fashion brand promotes uniqueness and diversity.

Newme: Top 5 Streetwear Brands in India with a Blend of Culture and Style

The Souled Store - Pop Culture Obsessed

The Souled Store is a fashion apparel company that offers a range of goods for both men and women. The brand offers unique and stylish goods to help you express your individuality. There is something for everyone with items ranging from socks, pins, badges, and much more to t-shirts, boxers, backpacks, and mobile covers. The brand focuses on young, pop-culture-obsessed Indians between the ages of 16 and 30. The target market is middle class, tech aware, and socially engaged. The Souled Store's emphasis on Gen Z consumers is in line with industry trends, given that this group makes up one-third of Indian internet buyers.

Consumer reviews on The Souled Store are generally positive, reflecting satisfaction with the brand's unique products and customer service. However, there are some areas where customers have raised concerns.

The Souled Store: Top 5 Streetwear Brands in India with a Blend of Culture and Style

Nobero - For Those Who Like Simple Items

Nobero elevates fashion and functionality via the creation of trendy yet simple items. Millennials may find stylish and cozy apparel at Nobero, a company with an emphasis on travel. Products are designed to accommodate Indian sensitivities with Western trends. It tailors sizing advice for the dynamic 18-35-year-old men who are frequent travellers. 

Customer reviews for Nobero are quite mixed. On the positive side, many customers appreciate the quality and comfort of the clothing, with a good number of reviews highlighting the excellent fit and timely delivery of their products​. Some customers have reported receiving incorrect items or facing issues with returns and refunds. There have been complaints about delayed deliveries, poor customer service, and the inability to get refunds or exchanges for incorrect or poor-quality items​.

Nobero: Top 5 Streetwear Brands in India with a Blend of Culture and Style

Streetwear Styling Tips

  • Play with Layering - Start with a basic tee or tank top and layer with a lightweight jacket, flannel shirt, or denim vest. In winter, a hoodie or bomber jacket can be a great addition.
  • Incorporate Traditional Elements - Mixing traditional Indian wear with modern streetwear gives a unique twist that’s culturally resonant. Example: Pair a classic kurta with cargo pants or joggers, or use a dupatta as a scarf.
  • Opt for Bold Prints and Graphics - Look for graphic tees or hoodies with bold prints, patterns, or even culturally inspired motifs. Camouflage, tie-dye, or bandana prints can add a statement to your outfit.
  • Embrace Oversized Clothing - Oversized clothing is a hallmark of streetwear, providing comfort and a casual, laid-back appearance. Example: Choose oversized t-shirts, hoodies, or jackets and pair them with fitted bottoms like joggers or slim jeans to balance the proportions.

These streetwear brands are worth exploring. There is something for everyone, ranging from high-end, eye-catching pieces to simple, reasonably priced options. These businesses provide a range of solutions to make you stand out, whether your goal is to showcase your unique style or just add a stylish touch to your wardrobe. Discover how these Streetwear brands in india may assist you in making a striking fashion statement as you delve into the colorful world of Indian streetwear.

  • The Souled Store

How bigbasket is Transforming India’s Retail Industry with Eco-Friendly Practices and Fair Pricing on Organic Products!

As India’s leading online grocery retailer, bigbasket has taken on the responsibility of not only delivering quality groceries to millions of homes but also setting new benchmarks in sustainability and ethical practices. With a mission to minimize its environmental footprint, bigbasket has launched several initiatives aimed at empowering organic farmers, reducing waste, and promoting eco-friendly packaging solutions.

From supporting over 10,000 organic farmers to adopting cutting-edge technologies like agricultural intelligence and field geotagging, bigbasket's green initiatives are reshaping India's agricultural and retail landscape. These efforts are part of the company's broader commitment to sustainability, ensuring that both farmers and consumers benefit from eco-friendly and ethical products.

Championing Organic Farming

One of the cornerstones of bigbasket's green initiatives is its collaboration with over 10,000 organic farmers. By partnering with these farmers, bigbasket has ensured that sustainable farming practices not only improve the quality of produce but also provide financial security to the farmers themselves.

“We have collaborated with over 2000 organic fruits and vegetable farmers and over 28,000 agri-commodities farmers through registered Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs),”explains Seshu Kumar, Chief Merchandising & Buying Officer, bigbasket. “This allows us to offer over 50 organic fruits and vegetables and more than 100 grocery staples, providing our customers with a diverse range of high-quality, eco-friendly products.”

The collaboration has been a boon to farmers, enabling them to adopt organic farming practices while ensuring a steady income. The price differential between organic and conventional products stands at around 10 percent, giving organic farmers a competitive advantage. By bridging the gap between organic and conventional pricing, bigbasket is making organic products more accessible to consumers while ensuring that farmers receive fair compensation.

Leveraging Technology for Farmer Empowerment

bigbasket's commitment to empowering farmers extends beyond just offering a market for their produce. The company has introduced several technological innovations aimed at supporting farmers, including field geotagging, agricultural intelligence, and digital labeling systems. These technologies are designed to improve productivity, monitor crop health, and ensure traceability from farm to consumer.

“We have implemented geotagging solutions that track sowing and harvest schedules,” says Seshu Kumar. “Additionally, our team of agronomists educates farmers on weather forecasts and provides strategies to mitigate the effects of pest attacks or climatic challenges.”

Through these technological advancements, bigbasket is able to track the entire lifecycle of a product, ensuring transparency in pricing and weight for the farmers. This granular level of detail also helps the company to expand its farmer base, as more marginal farmers are added to the supply chain each year.

“The contribution of direct farmer sourcing and Farmer Producer Organisations has increased by over 60 percent year on year,” shares Kumar, emphasizing the significant impact of these initiatives.

Promoting Fair Trade and Organic Pricing

One of the most groundbreaking initiatives by bigbasket has been its decision to price organic products on par with conventionally grown ones. This move has had a ripple effect across both farmers and consumers, encouraging more people to switch to organic while ensuring that farmers continue to receive fair prices for their produce.

“Sustainability has always been a key focus at bigbasket, we’ve been able to tap into the growing demand for organic products, and through our organic supply chain initiatives, we’ve managed to offer these products to customers at competitive prices,” Kumar explains.

This strategy has paid off. The organic product segment has seen a 15-17 percent month-on-month growth, while organic customers now make up a quarter of bigbasket’s customer base. The company’s organic category accounts for 22 percent of its staples sales, while organic fruits and vegetables have grown by 50 percent, contributing to 8 percent of overall fresh produce sales.

Reducing Waste Through Sustainable Packaging

In addition to empowering farmers, bigbasket has implemented innovative waste management and packaging solutions. The company recycles over 100 tonnes of waste per month, refurbishing ice boxes and reusing them to reduce plastic waste.

bigbasket has also introduced digital invoices and switched to recycled paper, saving over 2.2 lakh kg of virgin paper annually. By adopting these practices, the company is not only reducing its environmental impact but also setting a precedent for the retail industry.

Kumar notes, “Our sustainable packaging practices reflect our commitment to reducing waste and saving resources. We believe that every small effort, when combined, can lead to significant positive changes for the environment.”

Innovative Logistics for a Greener Supply Chain

bigbasket’s sustainability efforts extend beyond packaging and waste management to include optimizing logistics. The company has worked on reducing its carbon footprint by improving delivery routes and implementing eco-friendly practices across its supply chain.

By adopting these measures, bigbasket is able to reduce its energy consumption, lower transportation costs, and minimize greenhouse gas emissions. This is in line with the company's vision of creating a more sustainable and environmentally conscious retail experience for both customers and employees.

Fair Pricing and Consumer Incentives

In a move that further highlights bigbasket's commitment to sustainability, the company has decided to keep its organic range at the same price as conventional products for an entire year. This strategy incentivizes consumers to make healthier, eco-friendly choices without worrying about price differences.

“We’re proud to offer our organic range at the same price as conventional products. This move is not just about promoting sustainability; it's about making organic produce accessible to all,” Kumar states.

This initiative has helped bigbasket reach new heights in customer satisfaction and loyalty, as more people are drawn to the idea of purchasing organic products at competitive prices. By making sustainability a key selling point, bigbasket is encouraging a shift towards more conscious consumerism in India.

Supporting Farmers Through Knowledge Sharing

bigbasket’s farmer empowerment initiatives go beyond just financial support. The company regularly conducts knowledge sessions and workshops for farmers, helping them understand the benefits of organic farming, sustainable agricultural practices, and modern farming techniques.

Kumar emphasizes, “Our team of agronomists plays a crucial role in educating farmers, from weather forecasts to pest control strategies, we’re equipping them with the tools they need to succeed.”

These knowledge-sharing sessions not only improve the quality of produce but also enable farmers to better manage their resources and adapt to changing environmental conditions. By empowering farmers with knowledge, bigbasket is helping them become more self-sufficient and resilient in the face of challenges.

The Future of Sustainable Retail

bigbasket’s green initiatives are paving the way for a more sustainable and eco-friendly future in the retail industry. By empowering farmers, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable practices, the company is setting a new standard for what it means to be a responsible retailer.

Kumar concludes, “We believe that sustainability is not just a trend but a necessity for the future. At bigbasket, we’re committed to making a positive impact on the environment and supporting the communities we work with.”

As bigbasket continues to innovate and expand its green initiatives, it remains a shining example of how businesses can play a pivotal role in creating a more sustainable and equitable world.

  • Food and grocery
  • Online food and grocery

Indian GDP Growth Slows to 6.0 pc in Q1 FY2025 Amidst Reduced Government Spending & Weaker Consumer Confidence

The Indian economy is witnessing a temporary deceleration in its growth trajectory, as projected by ICRA. The year-on-year (YoY) expansion of the GDP is expected to moderate to a six-quarter low of 6.0 percent in Q1 FY2025, down from 7.8 percent in Q4 FY2024. This decline is largely attributed to a contraction in government capital expenditure and a dip in urban consumer confidence. The Gross Value Added (GVA) growth is also estimated to ease, reflecting the broader challenges faced by various sectors, including retail, during this period.

The Retail Landscape Amidst Economic Slowdown

Retail, a crucial component of the services sector, is significantly influenced by economic trends. The projected easing in the services GVA to 6.5 percent in Q1 FY2025 from 6.7 percent in Q4 FY2024 highlights the sector's sensitivity to economic fluctuations. The retail sector, which thrives on consumer spending, has been particularly impacted by the decline in urban consumer confidence and the sluggishness in government expenditure.

1. Urban Consumer Confidence and Retail Performance

Urban consumer confidence is a critical driver of retail sales, especially in the discretionary segment. The surprising downtick in consumer confidence in May and July 2024, as reported in the Central Bank’s Consumer Confidence Survey, has raised concerns within the retail industry. This dip suggests a cautious approach by consumers towards spending, especially on non-essential goods, which directly impacts retail revenues.

The slowdown in urban consumer confidence can be attributed to several factors, including the lingering effects of the previous year's unfavorable monsoon, an uneven start to the 2024 monsoon season, and broader economic uncertainties. Retailers are witnessing a slowdown in footfalls, particularly in brick-and-mortar stores, as consumers tighten their purse strings amidst economic uncertainty.

2. Impact of Government Expenditure on Retail

The contraction in government capital expenditure has had a cascading effect on various sectors, including retail. Government spending, particularly on infrastructure and development projects, has a direct impact on employment and income levels, which in turn influence consumer spending patterns.

In Q1 FY2025, the capital expenditure of the Government of India (GoI) and 22 state governments recorded a YoY contraction of 35 percent and 23 percent, respectively. This reduction in spending has led to a transient lull in investment activity, further dampening consumer sentiment and retail sales.

Industrial Sector’s Role in Shaping Retail Dynamics

The industrial sector, which includes manufacturing and construction, plays a pivotal role in driving retail demand. ICRA’s estimates suggest a moderation in the industrial GVA growth to 6.4 percent in Q1 FY2025 from 8.4 percent in Q4 FY2024. This slowdown is particularly evident in the manufacturing and construction sectors, which are key contributors to retail demand through the supply of goods and the creation of disposable income for consumers.

1. Manufacturing Slowdown and Retail Supply Chains

The manufacturing sector’s performance directly influences retail supply chains. The projected slowdown in manufacturing GVA growth to 7.0 percent in Q1 FY2025 from 8.9 percent in Q4 FY2024 signals potential challenges for retail supply chains. Lower manufacturing output can lead to delays and shortages in retail inventories, affecting product availability and sales.

Moreover, the easing of profit margins in the manufacturing sector, amidst rising global commodity prices and narrower deflation in input costs, suggests that retailers may face higher procurement costs. This, coupled with lower volume growth in manufacturing, could translate into higher prices for consumers, further dampening retail demand.

2. Construction Sector and Retail Infrastructure

The construction sector, another significant contributor to retail demand, is expected to witness a sharp slowdown in GVA growth to 4.0 percent in Q1 FY2025 from 8.7 percent in Q4 FY2024. This slowdown could have a dual impact on the retail sector. Firstly, it may lead to delays in the development of new retail infrastructure, such as malls and shopping complexes. Secondly, a slowdown in construction activity can affect employment levels in the sector, reducing disposable income and consequently, retail spending.

Agricultural Sector and Rural Retail Demand

The agricultural sector’s performance is crucial for rural retail demand. ICRA projects a mild pick-up in agricultural GVA growth to 1.0 percent in Q1 FY2025 from 0.6 percent in Q4 FY2024. Despite this improvement, the sector faces challenges due to the decline in the output of most rabi and summer crops and deficient rainfall in June 2024.

1. Rural Sentiment and Retail Demand

The agricultural sector’s modest growth reflects the challenges faced by rural economies. Lower crop yields and adverse weather conditions have dampened rural sentiment, leading to cautious spending behavior. This has directly impacted rural retail demand, particularly for non-essential goods.

Retailers operating in rural markets are likely to face slower sales growth as rural consumers prioritize essential goods and services over discretionary spending. This trend is expected to persist until there is a significant improvement in agricultural output and rural incomes.

The Road Ahead: Opportunities and Challenges

Despite the transient moderation in economic growth, ICRA remains optimistic about the prospects for FY2025. The agency expects a back-ended pick-up in economic activity, which could boost GDP and GVA growth to 6.8 percent and 6.5 percent, respectively, for the full year. This recovery is expected to be driven by a significant expansion in government capital expenditure and a resurgence in consumer confidence.

1. Government Expenditure and Retail Revival

There is considerable headroom for the GoI’s capital expenditure, which needs to expand by 39 percent YoY in the July-March FY2025 period to meet the Budget Estimate for the full year. This increase in spending is expected to catalyze economic activity, create jobs, and boost consumer incomes, thereby reviving retail demand.

Retailers can capitalize on this opportunity by aligning their strategies with the anticipated surge in consumer spending. This may involve expanding product offerings, enhancing supply chain efficiencies, and investing in marketing and promotions to attract consumers.

2. Consumer Sentiment and Retail Growth

The expected improvement in consumer sentiment in H2 FY2025, driven by favorable economic conditions and increased government spending, is likely to provide a much-needed boost to retail sales. Retailers should prepare to leverage this resurgence by focusing on consumer-centric strategies, such as personalized shopping experiences, loyalty programs, and omnichannel retailing.

3. Challenges and Mitigation Strategies

While the outlook for H2 FY2025 is positive, retailers must remain vigilant about potential challenges, including fluctuations in global commodity prices, changes in consumer behavior, and disruptions in supply chains. Adopting agile business practices, such as flexible pricing strategies, inventory management, and risk mitigation plans, will be crucial for navigating these challenges.

How India’s Modern Trade Channels Achieved 2% FMCG Growth and 4% Tech Durables Surge in 2024

India's modern trade channels experienced a 2 percent growth in FMCG sales and a 4 percent increase in tech durables sales on a moving annual total (MAT) basis. This consistent growth contrasts with other markets in the Asia-Pacific region, where similar sectors have struggled to maintain momentum. 

The NielsenIQ report reveals that as of March 2024, India's position as a leader in modern trade within the Asia-Pacific region is a reflection of broader economic and consumer trends. Modern trade, which involves selling goods through large, organized retail outlets such as supermarkets, hypermarkets, department stores, and mini-markets, has seen significant growth in India. Despite global economic uncertainties and inflationary pressures, India's modern trade channels have demonstrated remarkable resilience, continuing to grow even as prices fluctuate.

“India emerges as the only market consistently delivering double-digit growth in both the FMCG and tech durables sectors, underscoring the resilience and evolving preferences of Indian consumers," the report states. 

This resilience is largely driven by premiumization—the trend of consumers gravitating toward higher-priced, higher-quality products—and the impact of festive sales periods, which significantly boost consumer spending.

The Power of Premiumization

This shift towards more expensive products indicates a growing middle class with rising disposable incomes and a desire for quality and status associated with premium brands.

This trend is particularly significant during peak shopping periods, such as festive seasons, when consumers are more likely to splurge on premium products. These periods contribute 20 percent of incremental sales in FMCG and a staggering 60 percent in tech durables. Non-food categories, driven by deep discounts and consumer preference for non-essential items, grew 1.8 times faster than food during these periods, highlighting the importance of strategic pricing and marketing during key shopping times.

The Role of Festive Seasons in Driving Sales

Modern commerce sales in India are significantly influenced by the country's holiday seasons, which include Diwali, Christmas, and various regional celebrations. Increased consumer spending during these times is a hallmark of the culture, driven by customs around gift-giving, house renovation, and technology purchases. These peak shopping times are critical for the FMCG, IT and durables industries, as well as for overall sales growth, according to the NielsenIQ analysis.

Retailers and manufacturers frequently run significant sales campaigns and discounts during these times to draw customers. This pattern is especially beneficial to the non-food FMCG categories, which develop at a pace that is almost twice as fast as the food categories during these times. The desire of consumers for non-essential things, which are frequently regarded as luxury expenditures over the holiday season, is what is driving this increase.

The Rise of Smaller Players and Private Labels

While large multinational companies have traditionally dominated India's FMCG, tech and durables markets, there is a growing shift towards smaller manufacturers and private labels. These smaller players are increasingly capturing market share by focusing on niche segments, such as products with natural ingredients and those positioned in the luxury pricing tier.

The NielsenIQ report points out that "private labels are growing at a 1.5 times faster rate than large manufacturers, particularly within the mainstream pricing segment." 

This growth is significant as private labels, which are often associated with lower prices and higher value, are becoming more popular among cost-conscious consumers.

Additionally, small manufacturers are driving 70 percent of new product launches in modern trade, particularly in categories that emphasize natural ingredients and luxury pricing. These products, often priced at more than 200 times the category average, cater to a niche but growing segment of affluent consumers looking for premium and exclusive products.

Shifting Consumer Preferences

Another notable trend in India's modern trade channels is the shift towards smaller pack sizes. Traditionally, large packs have dominated modern trade, offering better value per unit for consumers. However, there has been a growing preference for smaller pack sizes, which are now growing at double the rate of large packs.

“While large packs have traditionally dominated modern trade, there is a noticeable shift towards smaller pack sizes, which are now growing at double the rate of large sizes," the report states.

This shift is likely driven by changing consumer behavior, where shoppers, particularly in urban areas, prefer smaller, more convenient packaging. Smaller packs are also more accessible to a broader range of consumers, including those in lower-income brackets or those who shop more frequently but buy in smaller quantities.

The Future of Modern Trade in India

Looking ahead, India's modern trade sector is poised for continued growth, supported by strong consumer demand, the ongoing trend of premiumization, and the strategic importance of festive seasons. As more consumers migrate towards organized retail formats, both large and small players in the FMCG,  tech and durables sectors will need to adapt to changing preferences, including the rising demand for premium products, the growth of private labels, and the shift towards smaller pack sizes.

The resilience of modern trade in the face of inflationary pressures also suggests that this channel will continue to play a critical role in India's retail landscape. While online shopping channels are growing rapidly, modern trade remains a preferred shopping destination for many Indian consumers, offering a tangible and immediate shopping experience that online platforms cannot fully replicate.

As India continues to lead the region in modern trade growth, it presents significant opportunities for brands and retailers to tap into this growing market and cater to the diverse and changing needs of Indian consumers.

  • FMCG Report

5 Things to Know About Next-Gen Leader Neville Tata, Who will Helm Star Bazaar

The Tata family, a name synonymous with Indian business legacy, is welcoming its next-generation leader to the forefront. Neville Tata, 32, has recently taken charge as the head of Star Bazaar, marking the rise of a new era within the Tata Group's retail empire. As he steps into this pivotal role, here are five key things to know about Neville Tata and what his leadership might mean for Star Bazaar and the broader Tata Group.

1. A Legacy Rooted in Retail and Innovation

Neville Tata is no stranger to the world of retail, having been deeply ingrained in Trent Ltd, the Tata Group's retail arm, since 2016. Trent, which includes popular brands like Westside, Zudio, and Star Bazaar, was co-founded by Neville’s grandmother, Simone Tata. His father, Noel Tata, has been instrumental in expanding Trent’s retail footprint. Neville has managed operations for Zudio, the fashion retail brand that has seen tremendous growth under his leadership. His work at Zudio, which is now a major player in India’s apparel market, showcases his strategic acumen and his ability to drive success in competitive sectors.

2. A Strong Academic Foundation

An alumnus of the Bayes Business School in London, Neville Tata has a solid academic background that has equipped him with the knowledge and skills needed for the business world. Bayes, known for its focus on business and finance, provided Neville with a foundation in business strategy, management, and entrepreneurship. This education, combined with his practical experience at Trent, has prepared him well for the challenges of leading a major retail chain like Star Bazaar.

3. A Quiet, Yet Powerful Business Dynasty Union

In 2019, Neville Tata married Manasi Kirloskar, bringing together two of India’s most influential business families. Manasi is the daughter of Vikram Kirloskar, an industrialist known for his leadership in the Kirloskar Group, one of India’s leading conglomerates. The marriage, though modest in its ceremony, was significant for the union it represented – a fusion of two powerful business legacies. The couple, both of whom are now at the helm of significant businesses, represent a new generation of Indian business leaders poised to shape the future of their respective industries.

4. Rising through the Ranks with Strategic Foresight

Neville Tata’s journey within Trent Ltd has been marked by a series of strategic roles that have prepared him for his current leadership position. Starting with a focus on packaged food and beverages, he later transitioned to managing Zudio, where he was instrumental in its expansion across India. This experience has not only honed his leadership skills but also given him a deep understanding of the retail landscape, particularly in India’s diverse market. His ability to drive growth and innovation within Zudio suggests that he will bring the same forward-thinking approach to Star Bazaar.

5. A Future Shaped by Family and Corporate Governance

Neville Tata’s appointment as the head of Star Bazaar is a clear indication of the Tata Group’s commitment to grooming the next generation of leaders from within the family. His father, Noel Tata, who has been pivotal in Trent’s growth, is expected to provide close guidance as Neville takes on this new role. Furthermore, Neville’s recent appointment, along with his sisters Leah and Maya, as trustees of the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust and Sir Ratan Tata Trust, underscores his growing influence within the Tata Group’s philanthropic and corporate governance activities. These roles indicate that Neville Tata is being groomed not just as a business leader but as a steward of the Tata legacy.

  • star bazaar
  • appointment

The Ultimate Gifting Guide for Rakhi 2024

India celebrates Raksha Bandhan with all craze and enthusiasm for the bond between brother and sister. This festival symbolizes trust, safety and love that the siblings have for each other. At a loss to understand what to present your sibling? Presenting the ultimate gifting guide offered by different brands in India. 

According to the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT), this rakhi sales are projected to cross Rs 12,000 crore! It has been observed that there is a tremendous buying frenzy for Rakhi, and people are quite excited about the occasion. To commemorate the event, customers were asked to use Indian products.

Here is a gifting guide for you: know what different brands are offering.

This Raksha Bandhan, ALDO has you prepared with the ideal present for your sibling or complementary items that honor your special relationship! Indulge in the whimsical nostalgia of the ALDO X Looney Tunes collection, a homage to the priceless moments you spent together as kids watching cartoons. Alternatively, for a smart and sophisticated gift for your sister, check out ALDO's Fall Winter 2024 collection for a subtle pop of shine.

ALDO:  The Ultimate Gifting Guide for Rakhi 2024

Choose OPIUM Eyewear this Rakhi to up your gift-giving game; it's the ideal balance of safety and style that symbolizes your unshakable friendship. Choose the perfect pair of sunglasses to complement her distinct style with Opium’s wide selection, making them an easy yet meaningful present.

It offers sunglasses that will appeal to all tastes, whether she is a lover of the traditional aviators, the edgy attitude of top-bar sunglasses, or the strong statement of oversized frames.

Opium:  The Ultimate Gifting Guide for Rakhi 2024

Skincare, Beauty and Wellness

The body shop.

Rakhi is a moment to celebrate the unique relationship between siblings by giving them kind and heartfelt presents. This year, use these exquisitely chosen presents that blend luxury, functionality, and a hint of grace to create a really unforgettable Rakhi celebration. Offering complete head-to-toe-care, the Lather & Slather British Rose gift case includes British Rose Shower Gel, Body Butter, Eau de Toilette, Hand Cream, and a Large Ramie Lily. 

The Body Shop: The Ultimate Gifting Guide for Rakhi 2024

The ultimate health present, the Puretive Good Vibes Gift Box is ideal for commemorating any important event. The Puretives ME time candle, a 100 percent pure soy wax candle combined with essential oils to produce a peaceful and tranquil environment, is included in this opulent package. With its mix of lavender and cedarwood essential oils, the soothing roll-on helps promote calm sleep, reduces jet lag, and offers on-the-go relaxation. With a rejuvenating rush of pure essential oils, the good vibes mist uplifts any room and promotes happiness and a good attitude. With no harsh chemicals, each product is made with natural ingredients and pure essential oils to provide a health experience. 

Puretive: The Ultimate Gifting Guide for Rakhi 2024

Zygos Beauty

Reflective and eye are the roots of their product, the REYEFLECTIVE palette. This high-end product is an affordable palette since it has sixteen chromes. It is a multi-textured palette made up of both duo and multi-chromes. Because the trademark flake formula's particles have large pigment sizes, layering is not necessary. You only need one stroke to finish off your appearance. The palette is free of parabens and BHT. In India, a Chrome palette typically costs between Rs 1000 and Rs 2000. However, this palette is a first of its kind since it contains 16 tones for Rs 10,800.

Zygos:  The Ultimate Gifting Guide for Rakhi 2024

A wonderful present is all you need for any occasion. Presenting the opulent BB Mousse Vanity Box, a kind and fashionable present for beauty and skincare enthusiasts around. With the addition of this sophisticated vanity box, your dresser becomes a lovely accent and gains a touch of luxury for your gift-giving requirements. Three exquisitely lovely shades—grace (light), blossom (medium), and charm (dark)—that are tailored to suit all skin types and tones and accentuate the inherent beauty of the complexion are included in this gift package. With this gift package, you may spoil yourself or surprise a loved one with an unmatched pampering experience.

Himaira:  The Ultimate Gifting Guide for Rakhi 2024


This year, surprise your siblings with some amazing electronic devices instead of the customary chocolates and clothes. Something that will make their day, whether they are a gamer, music enthusiast, or just a gadget aficionado.


  • JUST CORSECA’s STRIDER SmartTouch Earbuds

These SmartTouch earphones will take your sister's playlist to a whole new level if she is a music lover. They include a 2.01-inch screen with Retina quality and simple touch controls that make it incredibly simple to manage her music in addition to providing crystal-clear sound.

  • SSTRIKE JST612 Portable Bluetooth Speaker

This portable speaker is the ideal present for the sibling who is always the star of the party. This speaker is portable and has a handy handle that makes it easy for the user to take their music with them wherever they go. For up to five hours, the vivid RGB LEDs pulse in time with the music, giving the listening experience a new level of depth. By joining two SSTRIKE speakers, users may take use of true wireless stereo (TWS) technology, which turns them into a Wireless 2.0 speaker system that projects strong, immersive music around the room. 

Just:  The Ultimate Gifting Guide for Rakhi 2024

  • URBAN Vibe Loop Earbuds 

Give your brother the URBAN Vibe Loop this Rakshabandhan; the earloops are adjustable for maximum comfort and are incredibly lightweight. They're ideal for both intensive gaming sessions and podcast binges, since your sibling can enjoy 3D surround sound and Low Latency Gaming Mode. For extra convenience, these TWS Earbuds also include dual pairing, quick snap-sync connectivity, and an LED battery display indication. 

Urban:  The Ultimate Gifting Guide for Rakhi 2024

  • Lyne’s Coolpods 37 and Coolpods 38 - Wireless Gaming Earbuds

Lyne's Coolpods 37 and Coolpods 38 make ideal gifts for brothers who enjoy gaming, providing an immersive sound experience. These TWS earbuds feature unique case designs and share powerful gaming capabilities that transport users into a world of vivid and breathtaking sound. Equipped with Bluetooth V5.4, they offer an impressive 30 hours of music playback, 35 hours of talk time, and 300 hours of standby time, ensuring uninterrupted audio entertainment. The IPX3 water resistance rating allows gamers to fully immerse themselves in virtual worlds with the most realistic and pure sound quality. Available in sleek black, pristine white, and stylish blue, these earbuds combine style and performance. 

Lyne:  The Ultimate Gifting Guide for Rakhi 2024

  • Microdigit DEP386 Wireless Earplug with LED Display and Touch Screen 

They come loaded with features such as wireless stereo, seamless device connections, and a voice assistant, all at a budget-friendly price. Perfect for calls, music, or simply adding a touch of style, these earplugs are a thoughtful and practical gift that shows you care without straining your budget. Available at leading offline retail outlets across India.

With Rakshabandhan approaching, Fabindia has curated a special collection of apparel for brothers and sisters. Celebrate this auspicious festival with stylish and traditional outfits that embody the spirit of love and togetherness. Available at Fabindia stores nationwide.

  • Pink Viscose Silk Chikankari Long Kurta

This pink chikankari long kurta is an ideal Rakshabandhan gift for your sister. Combining comfort, tradition, and style, it will effortlessly elevate her wardrobe with sophistication.

  • Blue Cotton Silk Hand Block Printed Sari 

Delight your sister this Rakshabandhan with an exquisite hand-block printed sari. Offering unparalleled comfort and elegance, it makes the perfect gift for this special occasion!

FabIndia:  The Ultimate Gifting Guide for Rakhi 2024


With Raksha Bandhan approaching, now is the perfect time to shop for your confident, smart, and stylish brothers and show them how much they mean to you. Blackberrys, the premium Indian menswear brand, offers elegant and sophisticated cuts with sharp fits across its range. From office wear and smart casuals to party attire and accessories, Blackberrys has everything you need.

  • Trendy Casualwear

Experience relaxed sophistication with Blackberrys' latest Techpro range, designed for the modern man who values both comfort and style. From impeccably crafted formal shirts to versatile trousers, blazers, khakis, and all-season jackets, each piece features stretchable, wrinkle-resistant, and smart-dry fabrics. 

  • Luxury Shirts

Elevate his style with Blackberrys' exclusive collection of premium shirts, embodying both luxury and elegance. Made from high-quality fabrics and featuring exquisite patterns, these shirts combine comfort with impeccable style.

  • Dapper Suits

A well-tailored suit is a must-have for every man. Blackberrys offers a range of suits, from sleek single-breasted designs to timeless double-breasted styles, guaranteeing a sharp and polished look for any occasion. Opt for versatile colors like navy or charcoal to make a standout impression.

Blackberrys:  The Ultimate Gifting Guide for Rakhi 2024

Mia by Tanishq

This Raksha Bandhan, celebrate your cherished relationship with a carefully curated gifting guide from Mia by Tanishq. Featuring five stunning jewelry pieces, this collection is designed to make your sister shine with gifts that are both beautiful and deeply meaningful. Each piece serves as a lasting reminder of your enduring bond, making it the perfect way to honor a connection that continues to sparkle, no matter where life takes you both.

  • Everlasting Love Gold Necklace Set—A timeless expression of your unconditional love

Gold Necklace Set in 14 kt yellow gold is a perfect symbol of sibling love and affection. With a charming heart necklace and matching earrings, this set beautifully captures the spirit of Rakhi, making it a thoughtful and stylish gift for your sister.

  • Floral Glow Diamond Studs—Elegance Perfectly Paired 

Elevate your sister’s style with our Floral Diamond Elegance stud earrings. Crafted from beautiful yellow gold and set with radiant round-cut diamonds, these earrings are ideal for adding a touch of brilliance on Rakhi and beyond.

  • Evil Eye Diamond earrings—A Guardian of Style and Spirit

Protect your sister's flair with the Evil Eye Diamond earrings, elegantly fashioned in lustruous gold and centred with a sparkling diamond. This elegant piece symbolizes protection and positivity, making it an excellent Rakhi gift to show that you'll always have her back, in style.

Mia by tanishq:  The Ultimate Gifting Guide for Rakhi 2024

Allow these carefully chosen presents to serve as inspiration as you get ready to celebrate this wonderful event and choose a gift that honors your special bond with your sibling. I hope you have an abundance of happiness, love, and special moments during Raksha Bandhan.

  • MIA by Tanishq

Q1 FY25: FMCG & Retail Giants Show Mixed Profit Growth as Honasa Consumer Leads with 62.9 pc Surge

The first quarter of fiscal year 2024-25 has revealed a diverse range of financial performances across India's FMCG and retail sectors. Companies such as Honasa Consumer Ltd, Page Industries, Cantabil Retail, Titan Company, and DMart have all posted their Q1 results, each showcasing distinct trends in profitability, revenue growth, and strategic investments.

One of the most striking trends in Q1 FY25 is the substantial variance in profit growth across these companies. Honasa Consumer Ltd, the parent company of popular FMCG brands like Mamaearth and The Derma Co., reported a 62.9 percent increase in its consolidated profit after tax (PAT), rising to Rs 40.25 crore from Rs 24.71 crore in the same quarter of the previous fiscal year. This surge in profitability underscores the company’s effective market strategies and the growing popularity of its brands, which have resonated strongly with consumers.

In contrast, Page Industries, a leading apparel manufacturer in India, experienced more modest profit growth. The company reported a 4.3 percent year-on-year (YoY) increase in PAT, reaching Rs 1,652 million. This growth reflects steady progress, particularly given the competitive nature of the apparel industry and the ongoing investments Page Industries has made in digital and e-commerce platforms.

Cantabil Retail, another key player in the apparel sector, reported an 8.9 percent YoY increase in PAT, bringing its net profit to Rs 11.4 crore. This growth, though slightly lower than Page Industries in percentage terms, is significant considering the challenges faced by the retail sector, including fluctuating consumer demand and external economic pressures.

Titan Company, a diversified retailer with a strong presence in jewelry, watches, and accessories, reported a more moderate 9 percent YoY growth in its overall business, with varying performances across its divisions. The jewelry segment, while showing growth, was impacted by high gold prices, which tempered consumer demand despite the addition of new stores and the strong performance during key selling periods like Akshaya Tritiya.

DMart, operated by Avenue Supermarts and a major player in the hypermarket chain sector, also demonstrated steady profit growth. The company’s consolidated net profit rose by 17.5 percent to Rs 773.8 crore, up from Rs 658.8 crore in the corresponding period last year. This growth, while robust, reflects the company’s consistent strategy of expanding its footprint and maintaining its position as a low-cost retailer in a highly competitive market.

Balancing Growth and Investment

Revenue growth across these companies shows a common theme of strong market performance, albeit with varying degrees of success. Honasa Consumer Ltd saw its revenue from operations rise by 19.28 percent to Rs 554.05 crore, indicating the company’s ability to capture a larger share of the FMCG market through its popular brands. Page Industries reported a 3.9 percent YoY increase in revenue, totaling Rs 12,775 million, driven by a 2.6 percent increase in sales volume. Cantabil Retail also posted a solid 14.4 percent YoY growth in revenue, reaching Rs 127.9 crore, supported by the addition of 11 new retail stores and continued strength in online sales channels.

Titan Company’s revenue growth varied across its divisions. While the jewelry segment saw an 8 percent increase in domestic market revenue, the watches and wearables division outpaced it with a 14 percent growth, driven by a strong preference for premium products and an expanding retail network. The company’s total income for the quarter was bolstered by these diverse revenue streams, despite some segments, like wearables and fashion accessories, facing challenges.

DMart reported an 18.6 percent increase in revenue, reaching Rs 14,069 crore, reflecting the hypermarket chain’s continued appeal to value-conscious consumers. The company’s focus on expanding its store network and enhancing its product offerings has helped sustain this growth, even as competition in the retail space intensifies.

However, this revenue growth has been accompanied by rising expenses across the board. Honasa Consumer’s total expenses for the quarter increased by 17.42 percent to Rs 520.38 crore, reflecting its ongoing investments in operations and expansion strategies. Similarly, DMart’s total expenses rose by 18.62 percent to Rs 13,056.61 crore, driven by the costs associated with opening new stores and maintaining its extensive supply chain. Despite these rising costs, both companies have managed to maintain strong profitability, indicating effective cost management strategies.

Page Industries and Cantabil Retail also faced rising expenses, but their disciplined approach to cost management helped them preserve healthy profit margins. Page Industries, for instance, reported an EBITDA margin of 19 percent, demonstrating its ability to balance revenue growth with operational efficiency. Cantabil’s EBITDA rose by 14.5 percent YoY, reflecting its success in managing costs while continuing to invest in store expansions and brand development.

Market Outlook: Strategic Investments and Future Prospects

Looking ahead, these companies are poised to continue their growth trajectories, albeit with varying strategies tailored to their respective markets. Honasa Consumer is likely to focus on further expanding its product portfolio and strengthening its digital presence to capitalize on the growing demand for personal care products. Page Industries, with its emphasis on digital transformation and e-commerce, is well-positioned to tap into the increasing consumer preference for online shopping, while Cantabil Retail’s ongoing store expansion strategy will help it deepen its market penetration.

Titan Company’s diversified portfolio provides it with multiple avenues for growth, particularly in the premium segments of jewelry and watches, which continue to attract affluent consumers. DMart’s focus on maintaining its cost leadership in the hypermarket segment will be crucial as it navigates the challenges of rising operational costs and intensifying competition.

In conclusion, the first quarter of FY25 has shown that while profit growth varies across companies, those with strong market strategies and effective cost management are well-positioned to capitalize on India’s evolving consumer landscape. Whether through expansion, digital transformation, or product diversification, these companies are shaping the future of India’s FMCG and retail sectors, each carving out a unique path to sustained profitability.

  • FMCG companies
  • Business Growth

How to Start an Electronics Retail Store in India: Key Steps

The Indian consumer electronics market is valued at $73.73 billion and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8% from 2023 to 2030 . The factors are driven by rising incomes, urbanization, and increased technology adoption. This article is for those looking to start an electronics business. Understanding how to open an electronic shop is crucial in this dynamic market. This guide will provide essential tips to open a retail electronics business in 2024 successfully.

Assess Your Competitors

Competitor analysis is critical. Go to a shop-wise electronics dealer and look at the products they are selling, the prices they are charging, and the way their customers are treated. Examples include Reliance Digital, Croma and Vijay Sales, which stand out through their broad electronics product range and great customer service. Knowing their strengths and weaknesses will assist you in creating your own unique selling proposition.

Register Your Business Formally

The essential step in bringing your electronics store to proper legal registration is to ensure compliance and risk management. Among the range of different business structures, you can choose either the form of a Private Limited Company, a sole proprietor, or a partnership that will determine the structure of your business and how it can evolve in the future.

Develop a Robust Business Plan

Crafting a well-rounded business plan is the foundation of your store's success. Your plan should include:

  • Business Model: Decide between focusing on high-end electronics or a mix of mid-range and budget products.
  • Financial Projections: Estimation of startup costs, revenue, and profit margins.
  • Marketing Strategies: Detail your approach to attracting customers, whether through in-store promotions or local advertising.
  • Operational Plans: Outlining the day-to-day operations, from inventory management to staffing.

Identify and Understand your Target Customers

One of the key things in a successful business is describing your target market accurately. Assess the demographics of the areas to recognize the needed electronics. An example can be the metropolitan areas will have a greater demand for smart devices and automation products than the towns which may opt for durable and low-cost goods. By adapting your product mix to these preferences, you can be more effective in getting the right customers.

Plan Investments and Secure Funding

Starting an electronics retail store requires substantial capital. Evaluate initial outlay on inventory, rented shop, employee compensation, and promotion. In highly populated cities like Mumbai or Delhi, you should count on a Rs 20-25 lakh investment at least. Diversify your options for funding; apply for a bank loan or try to find an angel investor. There is also the possibility to use government schemes such as the MSME Development Act.

Select the Optimal Location

Location is key to attracting foot traffic. Consider high-footfall areas like shopping malls or bustling markets. For instance, a store located in a technology-centric area like New Delhi’s Connaught Place can capitalize on the tech-enthusiastic consumer base. Proximity to other retailers can also create a cluster effect, drawing more customers.

Source Products from Reliable Suppliers

The base of suppliers builds your steady supply of quality products. Think about sourcing manufacturers directly or working with reputable wholesalers. Sites like IndiaMART can link you with numerous suppliers, thus allowing you to shop around and get the best bulk price.

Build a Competent Team

Your employees represent your business. Having a competent and customer-oriented staff is very important. Your key employees will probably be a store manager, sales associates, and technicians for after-sales service. Regular training helps you keep the staff well-informed on the new products and technologies, which in turn boosts the overall customer service.

Launch and Promote Your Store

To get your business on board, it is highly important for you to demonstrate your expertise in the new market and to build your name. Organize a great opening that offers discounts to new customers to increase foot traffic. Flyers, local newspapers, and word-of-mouth are some of the traditional advertising strategies that can be used to get the word out. The addition of exclusive deals from top electronics brands can also help to draw customers into the store.

Trending Products to Stock in 2024

It is very important to adapt to the demands of the consumers in order to be successful. The chart below lists the trending electronic products in India along with the percentage of consumers showing their interest in them.

At Indian Retailer, we present a guide to opening an electronics retail store in India in 2024 for which planning is crucial. One has to research the market, the right location, and the right products. By taking these steps, you will be able to place your retail outlet in a healthy position in this ever-evolving and expanding sector.

1. What are the primary licenses needed to open an electronics retail store in India?

You’ll need a shop and establishment license, GST registration, and potentially a second-hand dealer’s license if you sell refurbished goods.

2. How much investment is required to start an electronics retail store in metro cities?

Initial investments can range from INR 15-20 lakhs, depending on the location and product range.

3. Why is location important for an electronics retail store?

A high-traffic location increases visibility and accessibility, driving more customers to your store.

4. How can I ensure a steady supply of quality electronics?

Build strong relationships with reputable suppliers and manufacturers, and consider bulk purchasing to reduce costs.

5. What strategies can help in promoting my new electronics store?

Use a combination of local advertising, social media campaigns, and launch day offers to attract customers.

  • Retail business ideas
  • eelectronics
  • smartphones

Top 5 Sibling Entrepreneurs Revolutionizing Indian Retail

Rakhsha Bandhan is the celebration of the bond between brothers and sisters. On this occasion, Indian Retailer looks at those dynamic sibling entrepreneurs who have heralded successful businesses while navigating through numerous challenges in the retail industry. Marking the moment of celebration, here are the top 5 sibling entrepreneurs in India, sharing the same dreams and succeeding in their paths with each other's support, love, and hard work.

Presenting the Top 5 Sibling Entrepreneurs in India

Here are the leading sibling entrepreneurs in India in the retail market of India. Continue reading to know more about them. 

The Ambani Trio

Isha Ambani is an Indian business leader and a Member of the Board at Reliance Retail Ventures Limited, Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited, Jio Financial Services Limited, and Reliance Foundation. She also serves on the boards of the Reliance Foundation Institution of Education and Research, and Dhirubhai Ambani International School. 

She has played a key role in expanding the digital footprint of Reliance Retail, launching new formats such as the eCommerce platform Ajio and the omnichannel beauty platform Tira. She has been instrumental in the growth of Reliance Retail's own brand portfolio, including the acquisition of notable Indian brands and the launch of the Independence brand.

Akash Ambani is the Chairman of Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd (RJIL) and a Director on the Board of Reliance Retail Ventures Ltd. Under his leadership, Jio surpassed the 100 million subscriber mark in less than six months after its launch in 2016 and now serves over 450 million customers. 

He is part of the RJIL Executive Committee, the governing and operating council, and is also a member of the Product Leadership Group. He is closely involved in the development of products and all digital services applications.

Anant Ambani is the younger brother of the twins and serves as a Director on the Boards of Jio Platforms Limited since March 2020, Reliance Retail Ventures Limited since May 2022, and Reliance New Energy Limited and Reliance New Solar Energy Limited since June 2021. He has also been a member of the Board of Reliance Foundation since 2022.

He is leading the expansion of Reliance Industries' energy and materials businesses and its global operations in renewable and green energy. Under his leadership, Reliance aims to become a Net Carbon Zero company by 2035 by building world-scale capabilities in producing clean fuels and materials of the future, developing next-generation carbon capture and storage technologies, creating holistic and circular materials businesses, and maximizing crude-to-chemicals conversion.

The Ambani Trio: Top 5 Sibling Entrepreneurs Revolutionizing Indian Retail

The Birla Siblings

Ananya Birla is a successful businesswoman and a platinum-selling artist. She founded her first company, Svatantra Microfin Pvt. Ltd., at the age of 17, and it is now one of India's fastest-growing microfinance institutions. The company has crossed an AUM of $1 billion and has grown at a CAGR of 120 percent from 2015 to 2022. Svatantra provides small loans to women entrepreneurs in rural India.The organization has maintained a high-quality loan portfolio and offers one of the lowest interest rates in the country.

Under her leadership, Svatantra won the Gold Award for Best Start-Up at the Skoch Financial Inclusion and Deepening Awards in 2014 and the Spirituality at Work: Sach Bharat Samman at the Sach Bharat Confluence in 2015. 

Aryaman Vikram Birla has diverse experiences in entrepreneurship, venture capital investing, and professional sports. He is actively involved in several businesses within the Aditya Birla Group (ABG), including Fashion & Retail, Real Estate, Paints, and the Group’s fashion direct-to-consumer platform TMRW. He has founded and is leading the hospitality business as well as Aditya Birla Ventures, a venture capital fund that invests in high-growth startups.

He started his first business in the food and beverage sector and has successfully led Aditya Birla Ventures to invest in five fast-growing startups.Aryaman serves on the boards of Aditya Birla Management Corporation Private Limited, Hindalco Industries Limited, Grasim Industries Limited, Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited, Aditya Birla New Age Hospitality Private Limited, Aditya Birla New Age Restaurants and Cafe Private Limited, KA Hospitality Private Limited, Aditya Birla Digital Fashion Ventures Limited, and Aditya Birla Global Trading (Singapore) Pte. Limited. 

The Birla Siblings: Top 5 Sibling Entrepreneurs Revolutionizing Indian Retail

The Nayar Duo

Anchit Nayar has been an Executive Director since 2021 and serves as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nykaa E-Retail. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Columbia University and has previously served as Vice President of the Investment Banking Division at Morgan Stanley in New York. Currently, Anchit is responsible for the beauty business and is a member of the investor relations team.

He joined FSN Brands in 2018 as Chief Executive Officer, overseeing the expansion of Nykaa's retail stores, also serving as the company's Chief Marketing Officer from 2020 to  2021. Initially leading Nykaa's Retail team, he focused on driving offline sales. Under his guidance, the company's retail presence expanded significantly over 2.5 years.

Adwaita Nayar has been an Executive Director of Nykaa since 2021. She also serves as the Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of Nykaa Fashion. A co-founder, she has been involved in marketing, operations, and product development. 

She holds a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics from Yale University, where she graduated, and a master’s degree in business administration with distinction from Harvard Business School. After completing her academic pursuits, she re-joined FSN Brands in 2017 as Chief Executive Officer to create and strengthen the offline retail footprint of Nykaa. Since 2018, she has established Nykaa Fashion's business and currently oversees, as well as many of our company's owned and partner brands.

The Nayar Duo: Top 5 Sibling Entrepreneurs Revolutionizing Indian Retail

Lupin Siblings 

Vinita D. Gupta is an Indian businesswoman and has been the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Lupin Limited since September 2013. She also serves as the Chairperson of Lupin Inc. and its U.S. subsidiary, Lupin Pharmaceuticals Inc. 

She is the eldest daughter of Desh Bandhu Gupta, who founded Lupin in 1968. She holds a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from the University of Mumbai and an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management in the United States.

Nilesh Gupta , born in 1974, is an Indian businessman and has been the Managing Director (MD) of Lupin Limited since September 2013. He joined Lupin in 2002 and is responsible for the company's research, supply chain, manufacturing, quality, and regulatory operations. 

He has been instrumental in formulating and executing Lupin's core strategy, helping it emerge as a global leader in the generics space and in India. He initially joined Lupin in 1996 and has since led the company's research, supply chain, manufacturing, quality, and regulatory operations.

Lupin Siblings: Top 5 Sibling Entrepreneurs Revolutionizing Indian Retail

The Amrutam Siblings

Amrutam was founded in 2006 by Ashok Gupta in Gwalior. It began as a family-run business, a brainchild of Ashok and Chandrakanta Gupta. In 2016, when the company faced significant financial losses, their children, Agnim Gupta and Stuti Ashok Gupta, joined the business. They took it upon themselves to reinvent and rebrand the company and its products.

Stuti Gupta was born and raised in Gwalior, where Amrutam is based. To advance her career as a psychologist, she took a job as a Psychologist - Business Design at the Hank Nunn Institute in Bangalore. However, the traditional 9-5 work life did not suit her, and she began reassessing her career goals. In 2017, around the same time Amrutam encountered a major setback, Stuti and Agnim decided to explore the online world for business. She discovered a talent for design and played a key role in shaping Amrutam’s identity as a wellness community. Leveraging her background in psychology, she introduced a mental health component to Amrutam, focusing on holistic health that encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

In February 2017, Agnim Gupta hired a designer and began working on the rebranding of Amrutam. While he focused on the wellness range, he developed the company's new website, which went live in July 2017. The growth of Amrutam accelerated significantly in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic drove a shift toward online shopping. During this period, the brand gained attention from publishing houses and media, receiving recognition from celebrities and entrepreneurs.

The Amrutam Siblings: Top 5 Sibling Entrepreneurs Revolutionizing Indian Retail

From the view of Indian Retailer, these top 5 leading retail brands owned and functioned by siblings are acting in their industry in India. Making significant changes in the growth and development of the country. Make this Raksha Bandhan special for your sibling with a shower of support, love and teamwork inspired by these leading sibling entrepreneurs in India. 

  • Aditya Birla

How India’s Retail Market is Diversifying Amid $1.4 Trillion Growth

The Indian retail market is experiencing remarkable growth, with projections indicating that it will surpass $1.4 trillion by 2027. This surge positions India as one of the fastest-growing retail markets globally. According to the latest annual report from Reliance Industries (RIL), the sector is expected to become the third-largest retail market by 2030. This expansion is driven by key factors such as increasing urbanization, rising income levels, a growing female workforce, and a young, aspirational population.

Reliance Retail’s Impact on the Sector

Reliance Retail Venture Ltd (RRVL), the retail arm of Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries, plays a significant role in this growth. RRVL crossed the Rs 3 lakh crore revenue mark in FY24, underscoring its commitment to the sector. The company has made substantial investments across the retail value chain, contributing to the overall expansion of the industry.

Urbanization is a major factor fueling the expansion of India’s retail sector. As more people move from rural to urban areas, the demand for diverse retail options increases. Urban centers offer retail companies greater opportunities to reach a broader audience and cater to a larger consumer base. This growth is further supported by the development of infrastructure, such as high streets and shopping centers.

The expanding middle class and rising disposable incomes are also key drivers of growth in India’s retail sector. As income levels rise, consumers are more inclined to spend on high-end and luxury goods, reflecting a shift towards aspirational spending and quality-focused purchases.

Additionally, the growing female workforce in India is contributing significantly to the retail sector’s expansion. As more women enter the labor force, their purchasing power increases, prompting retail companies to tailor their products to meet the needs and preferences of female consumers.

India’s young population is another critical factor in the retail market’s growth. Known for their aspirational outlook and openness to new ideas, young consumers are driving demand for technology, fashion, and lifestyle products. Retailers are increasingly focusing on this demographic, recognizing its influence on market dynamics.

Market Segmentation

The Indian retail industry is diverse, with various segments contributing to its growth. Groceries remain a significant portion of the market, driven by the steady demand for essential items. Grocery retailers are diversifying their offerings to meet a wide range of consumer needs, from basic necessities to premium products.

Fashion and lifestyle products also make up a substantial share of the industry. Consumers are placing increasing importance on variety and quality in their apparel and lifestyle choices. In response, retailers are offering a broad range of products, from high-end fashion to everyday essentials.

Consumer electronics is another key segment within the retail sector. This category continues to expand, fueled by growing consumer interest in gadgets and technological advancements. Retailers are focusing on providing the latest innovations and tech products to meet consumer demand.

Despite its growth, the retail sector faces several challenges. One of the primary obstacles is the availability of premium real estate. The lack of high-quality shopping centers and high streets poses a barrier to expansion. Retailers must navigate these challenges to find suitable locations for their businesses.

The sector also faces a shortage of skilled labor, which presents new difficulties as the industry grows. To support this expansion, the retail sector requires qualified workers. Retailers need to invest in training and development programs to bridge this skills gap.

Strategic Initiatives

Retailers are focusing on expanding their product range in non-food categories. There is significant growth in categories such as general merchandise, home, and personal care. Expanding product offerings is a priority for retailers as they strive to meet the diverse needs of their customers.

In the e-commerce sector, retailers are enhancing their market offerings, particularly in fashion. By targeting specific customer segments, new store layouts are improving the overall shopping experience. Retailers are also adopting localized strategies to cater to regional preferences. By tailoring product assortments and store locations, they can better serve the tastes of different consumer groups.

In summary, the Indian retail market is on a robust growth trajectory, driven by urbanization, rising incomes, and a dynamic consumer base. While challenges remain, the sector’s future looks promising, with continued expansion and innovation expected in the coming years.

  • Retail market report

69 Million Units Smartphones Shipped in 1H24 - What It Means for India’s Retail

The Indian smartphone market is a dynamic and rapidly evolving landscape, reflecting broader trends in consumer behavior, technological advancements, and global economic shifts. The first half of 2024 has showcased these dynamics vividly, with the market experiencing notable growth despite ongoing challenges. It is at a pivotal juncture, characterized by growth, innovation, and shifting consumer preferences. While challenges remain, particularly in the entry-level segment, the market’s overall trajectory is one of expansion and diversification. As international and domestic brands vie for market share, consumers stand to benefit from a wider range of options, cutting-edge technology, and competitive pricing. The latter half of 2024 promises to be an exciting period for the industry, with the festive season likely to drive further growth and innovation.

According to the International Data Corporation’s (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, 69 million smartphones were shipped in India during the first half of 2024, marking a 7.2 percent year-over-year (YoY) increase. The second quarter alone saw shipments of 35 million units, growing by 3.2 percent YoY. This period represents the fourth consecutive quarter of YoY shipment growth, yet the market continues to face hurdles due to muted consumer demand and rising average selling prices (ASPs), which have slowed the pace of annual recovery.

A Prelude to the Festive Season

As the latter half of the year approaches, anticipation builds for the festive season, which extends until November. According to Upasana Joshi, Senior Research Manager, Devices Research at IDC India, the end of the second quarter serves as a prelude to this crucial period. In the first half of the quarter, vendors focused on clearing out older inventory. However, from mid-quarter onwards, there was a noticeable increase in new smartphone launches, particularly in the mid-premium and premium segments. This trend, largely driven by China-based vendors, is expected to continue into the monsoon sales of July and August, setting the stage for an even more competitive market in the latter half of the year.

Shifting Segments 

The Indian smartphone market is diverse, with different segments experiencing varying levels of growth. In the second quarter of 2024, ASPs saw a slight YoY increase of 2.8 percent, while quarter-over-quarter (QoQ) they actually declined by 5.6 percent, settling at an average of $248. This fluctuation reflects the complex interplay of demand and supply dynamics within the market.

Entry-Level Segment (Sub-$100): This segment witnessed a significant decline, with a 36 percent YoY drop in market share, falling from 22 percent to just 14 percent. Xiaomi remains the leader in this space, followed by Poco and Realme.

Mass budget segment ($100-$200): despite challenges in the lower-end market, the mass budget segment saw an 8 percent yoy growth, with its market share increasing marginally from 42 percent to 44 percent. xiaomi, realme, and vivo dominated this segment, collectively accounting for 60 percent of shipments., entry-premium segment ($200-$400): this segment emerged as a standout performer, achieving the highest growth rate of 42 percent yoy and expanding its share from 22 percent to 30 percent. brands like oppo, vivo, and samsung have made significant gains here, capturing nearly 60 percent of the market share., mid-premium segment ($400-$600): in contrast, the mid-premium segment experienced a 25 percent decline in unit terms, reducing its share from 5 percent to 4 percent. vivo led this segment with a 25 percent share, followed by oneplus and oppo., premium segment ($600-$800): this segment also faced a downturn, with a 37 percent decline in unit terms and a steady 2 percent share. apple’s iphone 13 and iphone 12 models, along with samsung’s galaxy s23fe, were key players. apple’s share in this segment increased to 61 percent yoy, while samsung’s share rose to 24 percent from 21 percent., super-premium segment (above $800): the super-premium segment continued its upward trajectory, growing by 22 percent and increasing its market share from 6 percent to 7 percent. apple dominated this segment with an 83 percent share, driven by strong sales of the iphone 15/15 plus and iphone 14/14 plus models. samsung followed with a 16 percent share, led by the galaxy s24/s24 ultra., the rise of 5g.

One of the most significant developments in the Indian smartphone market has been the rapid adoption of 5G technology. In the second quarter of 2024 alone, 27 million 5G smartphones were shipped, with 5G devices now accounting for 77 percent of total smartphone shipments, up from 49 percent in the same quarter last year. Interestingly, while 5G smartphone ASPs have decreased by 22 percent YoY to $293, there has been a notable increase in shipments within the mass budget segment ($100-$200), which grew by 2.5 times to claim a 45 percent share of the 5G market. Popular 5G models in this segment include Xiaomi’s Redmi 13C, OPPO’s F25 Pro, Realme’s 12x, and Xiaomi’s Redmi 12.

Online vs. Offline Channels

The distribution channels for smartphones in India have also witnessed a shift. Online sales channels have gained prominence, growing by 8 percent YoY and capturing a 50 percent share of the market in the second quarter of 2024, up from 47 percent a year ago. Motorola made a notable entry into the top five online vendors, securing the fourth spot, while Vivo climbed to the second slot, driven by strong sales of its T series models. However, offline channels struggled, with shipments declining by 2 percent YoY, a trend partly attributed to severe heatwave conditions across major parts of India.

Market Outlook

Vivo continues to lead the Indian smartphone market for the second consecutive quarter, thanks to multiple launches across various price segments, including its Y series, mid-premium V series, and flagship X Fold 3 Pro. Motorola registered the highest growth rate, supported by a diverse product portfolio across price ranges, while Nothing emerged as the second-fastest-growing brand in the market.

As the Indian smartphone market continues to evolve, premiumization remains a key trend, with brands like Apple and Samsung leading the charge. The rising cost of devices is pushing China-based brands to expand beyond the mass market, particularly into the entry-premium segment ($200-$400), which is expected to see sustained growth. The entry-level segment (sub-$100) will likely remain challenged, despite efforts to introduce more affordable 5G smartphones. Additionally, the marketing of GenAI-powered smartphones is expected to intensify, accompanied by heavy promotional activities.

  • smart phones

Top 10 Washing Machine Brands in India: Curated list (2024)

One of the mindless and hardworking chores is to wash clothes every day! Looking for a simpler, less time-consuming way? There are numerous washing machine brands in India that can be of great assistance. We have created a list of the top 10 washing machine brands in India, making it effortless research for you. What are the best-rated washing machines in India? How are various brands performing? Here is a curated list in response to all these questions.

Top 10 Washing Machine Brands in India

Bosch is a leading washing machine brand in India. Robert Bosch, commonly known as Bosch, is a German multinational engineering and technology company founded by Robert Bosch in Stuttgart in 1886. The company set up its first manufacturing operation in 1951 and has since expanded to 17 manufacturing sites and seven development and application centers. Bosch established its presence in India in 1922 and has grown to house its largest development center outside Germany in the country. Bosch leverages its expertise in sensor technology, software, and services to deliver cross-domain solutions. The company also focuses on connectivity and artificial intelligence to create user-friendly, sustainable products.

Bosch: Top 10 Washing Machine Brands in India

Best Selling Models

Front load washing machine by bosch.

  • Series 2 washing machine, front loader  
  • Series 4 washing machine, front loader 

Top Load washing machine by Bosch

  • Series 2 washing machine, top loader 
  • Series 6 washing machine, top loader 

Samsung is a popular choice for washing machine brands in India. Founded by Lee Byung-chul in 1938 as a trading company, it has grown into a South Korean multinational manufacturing conglomerate headquartered in Samsung Digital City, Suwon, South Korea. Over the first three decades, Samsung diversified into food processing, textiles, insurance, securities, and retail. The company entered the electronics industry in the late 1960s, followed by construction and shipbuilding in the mid-1970s, driving its significant growth. After Lee's death in 1987, Samsung was divided into five business groups: Samsung Group, Shinsegae Group, CJ Group, Hansol Group, and JoongAng Group.

Samsung: Top 10 Washing Machine Brands in India: Curated list (2024)

Front-load washing machines by Samsung

  • AI Ecobubble Front Load Washing Machine with SmartThings & Wi-Fi
  • Front Load Washing Machine with Hygiene Steam
  • Front Load Washing Machine with AI Control & SmartThings Connectivity

Top load washing machines by Samsung

  • Ecobubbl Top Load Washing Machine
  • Top Load with Center Jet
  • Ecobubble Top Load Washing Machine with SuperSpeed
  • LG Electronics

LG Electronics is a preferred choice for washing machines brands in India. Founded in 1958 as GoldStar, later became LG, is a major appliance and consumer electronics corporation based in Yeouido-dong, Seoul, South Korea. LG, originally Lak Hui Chemical Industrial Corp.,  was established by Koo In-hwoi in 1947. In 1952, Lak Hui, now known as LG Chem, became the first South Korean company to venture into the plastics industry. LG Corporation is a global holding company operating through more than 30 companies in electronics, chemicals, and telecommunications. As of August 2024, LG Corporation has a market capitalization of $8.81 Billion (Source: Companiesmarketcap). Today, Koo Kwang-mo serves as the CEO of LG Corporation.

LG: Top 10 Washing Machine Brands in India

Best Rated Models

Front-load washing machines by lg.

  • LG Front Load Washing Machine, AI Direct Drive, Black VCM
  • LG Front Load Washing Machine, Inverter Direct Drive, Middle Black

Top load washing machines by LG

  • LG Top Load Washing Machine, AI Direct Drive, Platinum Black
  • LG Top Load Washing Machine, AI Direct Drive, TurboDrum, Middle Black
  • LG Top Load Washing Machine, Smart Inverter Motor, Middle Free Silver

Whirlpool, a leading washing machine brand, began in 1911 as a small company in Benton Harbor, Michigan. Founded by Lou Upton and his uncle Emory, who teamed up to patent an electric-driven washer washer. Over the years, Whirlpool expanded globally, with founding families establishing companies in the United States, Brazil, Italy, Canada, India, Germany, and France. Today, Whirlpool Corporation is an American multinational manufacturer and marketer of home appliances headquartered in Benton Charter Township, Michigan. The company markets its flagship Whirlpool brand alongside other well-known brands, including Maytag, KitchenAid, and JennAir. 

It entered the Indian market in the late 1980s as part of its global expansion strategy, forming a joint venture with the TVS Group and establishing its first manufacturing facility in Puducherry to produce washing machines. In the quarter ended March 2024, Whirlpool of India reported a net profit increase of 23.79 percent, rising to Rs 77.59 crore compared to Rs 62.68 crore in the previous quarter. For over a century, Whirlpool has been a leader in innovation, from introducing the first automatic washing machine in 1948 to winning more than 20 CES Innovation Awards.

Whirlpool: Top 10 Washing Machine Brands in India

Top Selling Models

 front load washing machines by whirlpool..

  • Xpert Care 5 Star Front Load Washing Machine with in-built Heater
  • Xpert Care 5 Star Front Load Washing Machine with In-Built Heater
  • Xpert Care 5 Star Front Load Washing Machine with Ozone Air Refresh Technology & Heater (Inverter)

Top load washing machines by Whirlpool

  • Whitemagic Elite 5 Star Fully Automatic Top-Load Washing Machine
  • Whitemagic Royal 5 Star Fully Automatic Top Load Washing Machine

IFB is a renowned washing machine brand in India. Originally established as Indian Fine Blanks Limited in 1974 in collaboration with Heinrich Schmid AG of Switzerland, IFB Industries Ltd. has grown significantly since its inception. The company, promoted by engineer Bijon Nag, was incorporated in 1974 in West Bengal. In 1989, IFB extended its operations to Bengaluru, expanding its manufacturing capabilities. The company's engineering divisions are strategically located in Kolkata and Bengaluru. This diversification has allowed IFB to become a prominent player in both the consumer goods and automotive sectors. Over the years, IFB Industries Ltd. has built a reputation for quality and innovation, driven by its commitment to engineering excellence and collaboration with global partners. 

IFB: Top 10 Washing Machine Brands in India

Recommended Models

Front load washing machines by whirlpool.

  • IFB Senorita SXS 6510 Front Load Washing Machine
  • IFB Senorita VXS 6510 Front Load Washing Machine
  • IFB Senator Plus MSC 8014 Front Load Washing Machine
  • IFB TL - SIBS 10 kg Aqua Top Load Washing Machine
  • IFB TL - SLBS 9 kg Aqua Top Load Washing Machine

Haier is a reputed washing machine brand in the Indian market. Founded in 1984, Haier Group Corporation is a Chinese multinational home appliances and consumer electronics company headquartered in Qingdao, Shandong. Under the leadership of Zhang Ruimin, who became president in December 1991. Haier embarked on a journey of diversification and rapid expansion. The company has established a robust global presence with 10 R&D centers, 71 research institutes, 35 industrial parks, 143 manufacturing centers, and a sales network of 230,000 nodes worldwide. In 2007, Haier India began manufacturing refrigerators at its factory in Ranjangaon, Pune, marking a significant step in its international growth. This facility later expanded into Haier's first industrial park in India, solidifying its commitment to the Indian market. 

Haier: Top 10 Washing Machine Brands in India

Front load washing machines by Haier

  • Haier Washer and Dryer Front Load Washing Machine (Wifi)
  • Haier Front Load Washing Machine (Wifi)

Top load washing machines by Haier

  • Haier Top Load Washing Machine

Voltas is a popular washing machine brand in India. Voltas Limited, headquartered in Mumbai, is an Indian multinational home appliances company established in 1954 through a collaboration between Tata Sons and Volkart Brothers. With Noel Tata as its chairman and Pradeep Bakshi serving as the chief executive officer and managing director, Voltas has grown to become a major player in the home appliances industry. The company designs, develops, manufactures, and sells a wide range of products, including air conditioners, air coolers, refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, microwaves, air purifiers, and water dispensers. Known for its innovative and high-quality products, Voltas has established itself as India's largest air conditioning company by market share. (Source: Wikipedia)

Voltas: Top 10 Washing Machine Brands in India

Bestselling Models

Front load washing machines by voltas.

  • 5 Star Fully Automatic Front Load Washing Machine
  • 5 Star StainExpert Fully Automatic Front Load Washing Machine

Top load washing machines by Voltas

  • 5 Star Fully Automatic Top Load Washing Machine with In-Built Heater
  • 5 Star Top Load Fully Automatic washing machine

Godrej, a well-known washing machine brand, has its headquarters in Mumbai. It is an Indian multinational founded in 1897 by Ardeshir Godrej and Pirojsha Burjorji Godrej. Managed and largely owned by the Godrej family, the group has grown into one of India's most reputable and diversified business entities. The operations span various sectors through its subsidiaries and affiliated companies, including Godrej Industries and its subsidiaries Godrej Consumer Products, Godrej Agrovet, and Godrej Properties, as well as the private holding company Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. The group is led by Adi Godrej, alongside his brother Nadir Godrej and cousin Jamshyd Godrej. The Godrej Group boasts a market capitalization of $16.92 billion, reflecting its significant impact on the Indian and global markets.

Godrej: Top 10 Washing Machine Brands in India

Popular Models

Front-load washing machine by godrej.


Top load washing machine by Godrej


Lloyd is a leading washing machine brand in India. It was founded by Atul Punj in 1982 and began as the pipeline division of Punj Sons Private Limited, a family business. It later evolved into Punj Lloyd Engineering Private Limited and was renamed Lloyd in 1989. Under Atul Punj's leadership, the company has expanded its operations across the Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, South Asia, and Europe. Lloyd, now part of the Havells Group, is renowned for its engineering and construction prowess, having successfully executed numerous projects in over 60 countries. The group's extensive reach includes over 50 subsidiaries, contributing to its global footprint.

Lloyd: Top 10 Washing Machine Brands in India

Recommended Models 

Front load washing machines by lloyd.

  • Intelli Steam Dry Fully Automatic Front Load
  • Intelli Steam Fully Automatic Front Load

Top load washing machines by Lloyd

  • Fully Automatic Top Load NeoXL H
  • Estello H Fully Automatic Top load

Acer, a well-known washing machine brand in India. It was founded as Multitech in 1976 by Stan Shih, his wife Carolyn Yeh, and five others in Hsinchu City, Taiwan. Headquartered in Xizhi District, New Taipei City, Acer Inc. is a Taiwanese multinational company producing computer hardware and electronics. In 1998, Acer was reorganized into five groups, including the Acer International Service Group and Acer Semiconductor Group. With a presence in over 160 countries, Acer's subsidiary, Acer India (Pvt) Limited, was established in 1999 in Bengaluru, Karnataka. By 2023, India had become Acer's second-largest market. To diversify, Acer founded AcerPure to sell consumer products in India.

Acer: Top 10 Washing Machine Brands in India

Top load washing machine by acer

  • Acer 5 Star Fully Automatic Top Load Washing Machine

From the view of Indian Retailer, these top 10 washing machine brands are acing the Indian market, making a competitive space in the electronic industry of India. The electronics market of India contributes 3.4 percent of the country's GDP. These listed washing machine brands are making significant changes in the Indian economy. This curated list provided all the answers to your questions.

Which are the top three washing machine brands in India?

Bosch followed by Samsung and LG are the top three washing machine brands in India. 

What are the types of washing machines?

There are two types of washing machines - top load and front load. 

Who invented the washing machine? 

James King invented a washing machine in 1851, using a drum. In 1868, Thomas Bradford, a British inventor, made the machine functional and commercial. 

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The 75 Best Quotes About Shopping

please visit our store quotes

We’ve *shopped around* and put together a list of the best quotes about shopping. Whether you love it of hate it, everyone has to go shopping every once in a while.

Whether you are a bargain hunter or love to splurge, we’ve got just the quote for you!

Related Quotes: Great Quotes About Fashion

The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her. Marcelene Cox
Shopping is my cardio. Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City
I always say shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist. Tammy Faye Bakker
I have enough clothes and shoes, I don’t need to go shopping,’ said no woman ever. Unknown
Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go shopping. Bo Derek
Veni, vidi, visa – I came, I saw, I charged it. Swoosie Kurtz
You know that thing when you see someone cute and he smiles and your heart kind of goes like warm butter sliding down hot toast? Well that’s what it’s like when I see a store. Only it’s better. Rebecca Bloomwood, Confessions of a Shopaholic
Buying is a profound pleasure. Simone de Beauvoir
When in doubt, go shopping. Unknown
Life is short. Buy the shoes. Unknown
Buying something on sale is a very special feeling. In fact, the less I pay for something, the more it is worth to me. I have a dress that I paid so little for that I am afraid to wear it. I could spill something on it, and then how would I replace it for that amount of money? Rita Rudner
Happiness is not in money, but in shopping. Marilyn Monroe
Shopping is my hobby. Unknown
I love shopping. There is a little bit of magic found in buying something new. It is instant gratification, a quick fix. Rebecca Bloom
Men go shopping to buy what they want… Women go shopping to find out what they want. Unknown
Women usually love what they buy, yet hate two-thirds of what is in their closets. Mignon McLaughlin
Buy what you don’t have yet, or what you really want, which can be mixed with what you already own. Buy only because something excites you, not just for the simple act of shopping. Karl Lagerfeld
Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination. Oscar Wilde
Recreational shopping is the shortest distance between two points: you and broke. Victoria Moran
I really wish retail therapy was covered by my health insurance. Unknown
I’m not a shopaholic. I am helping the economy. Unknown
We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops. Henny Youngman
I like my money right where I can see it – hanging in my closet. Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City
You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy shoes and that’s sort of the same thing. Unknown
When I shop, the world gets better, and the world is better, but then it’s not and I need to do it again… Rebecca Bloomwood, Confessions of a Shopaholic
Online shopping gives me a reason to live another 3-5 business days. Unknown
I wish I could illegally download clothes. Unknown
I love shopping for things online, because when they arrive, it’s like a present to me… from me. Unknown
I don’t play sports. The only sports I play is shopping. But there is a lot of walking involved in that… running sometimes if there’s a sale. Jessica Simpson
Shopping is better than sex. If you’re not satisfied after shopping you can make an exchange for something you really like. Adrienne Gusoff
Honey, I went shopping for a new purse… but I saw these beautiful shoes so then I bought a t-shirt. Unknown
The Laws of Clothing Shopping: If you like it, they don’t have it in your size. If you like it and it fits, you can’t afford it. If you like it, it fits and you can afford it, it falls apart the first time you wear it. If the shoe fits, its ugly. Unknown
When I’m up, I shop. When I’m down, I shop even more. Unknown
Who needs love when there’s a thing called shopping?! Unknown
On the one hand, shopping is dependable: You can do it alone, if you lose your heart to something that is wrong for you, you can return it; it’s instant gratification and yet something you buy may well last for years. Judith Krantz
But before we can radically reshape the world, we need to shop. John Green
The secret idea she was forming of an afterlife gave her the foothold she needed to endure the agonies to come, a newfound courage and optimism which found instant expression through SHOPPING. Lucy Ellmann
When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It’s a whole different way of thinking. Elayne Boosler
Nothing haunts us like the things we didn’t buy. Unknown
There’s nothing better than online shopping in your PJ’s with a glass of wine with the kids asleep! Helen Wilson
Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like. Will Rogers
I shop like a bull – I charge everything! Unknown
A man will never love you or treat you as well as a store. If a man doesn’t fit, you can’t exchange him seven days later for a gorgeous cashmere sweater. And a store always smells good. A store can awaken a lust for things you never even knew you needed. And when your fingers first grasp those shiny, new bags… oh yes… oh yes. Rebecca Bloomwood, Confessions of a Shopaholic
I may love to shop, but I’m not buying your bullshit. Unknown
I think when you’re really stressed out and can’t really face reality… you shop. Rachel Zoe
If I don’t stop shopping, I’ll end up a bag lady; a Fendi bag lady, but a bag lady….. Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City
To travel is to shop. Susan Sontag
Be at the pains of putting down every single item of expenditure whatsoever every day which could possibly be twisted into a professional expense and remember to lump in all the doubtfuls. Hilaire Belloc
Sweating while you shop counts as exercise. Unknown
Shopping is a woman thing. It’s a contact sport like football. Women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds, the danger of being trampled to death, and the ecstasy of the purchase. Erma Bombeck
I don’t shop because I need something, I just shop for shopping’s sake. Cat Deeley
Don’t cry. Go shopping and get over it! Unknown
A bargain is something you can’t use at a price you can’t resist. Franklin P. Jones
I can spy the most expensive item on any rack, without looking at the tag. I like to believe it is my spiritual gift. Unknown
I’ve no idea when I’m going to wear it, the girl replied calmly. I only knew that I had to have it. Once I tried it on, well… She shrugged. The dress claimed me. Isabel Wolff
If I don’t shop today, what will I return tomorrow? Unknown
Shopping: a word to inject vigor and vitality into most women’s blood veins. Unknown
As I stare at it, I can feel little invisible strings, silently tugging me toward it. I have to touch it. I have to wear it. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Rebecca Bloomwood, Confessions of a Shopaholic
Carrie: Honey, if it hurts so much, why are we going shopping? Samantha: I have a broken toe, not a broken spirit. Sex and the City
The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one. Erma Bombeck
I could lie and pretend that I hunt and camp, but that wouldn’t be me. Clothes? Shopping? That’s stuff I like! Ryan Seacrest
I love to go shopping. I love to freak out salespeople. They ask me if they can help me, and I say, ‘Have you got anything I’d like?’ Then they ask me what size I need, and I say, ‘Extra medium.’ Stephen Wright
Americans are fascinated by their own love of shopping. This does not make them unique. It’s just that they have more to buy than most other people on the planet. And it’s also an affirmation of faith in their country. Simon Hoggart
Psychological fact: Science has shown that chocolate and shopping are more addictive than LSD and steroids. Unknown
I still believe in the Holy Trinity, except now it’s Target, Trader Joe’s, and IKEA. Jen Lancaster
If men liked shopping, they’d call it research. Cynthia Nelms
Keep calm and go shopping. Unknown

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Inspired Life

33 ‘Support Small Business Quotes’ To Inspire You To Shop Local More Often

There are so many reasons as to why people should shop local. You not only have the opportunity to find unique items that can’t be found anywhere else, but you’ll also have the opportunity to actually meet the owners of these small businesses and learn more about them, their story, and their vision for their company on a personal level.

Many people don’t realize it, but small businesses play major roles in the community as a whole. They provide jobs for the people in their community. And what many people don’t know is that these small businesses do a lot of giving back.

Not only through providing jobs, but also by investing back into their communities and donating money on a regular basis.

These donations can range from helping out with schools or funding other local projects so they’re able to continue to grow as a whole.

Due to being hit by the 2020 pandemic, where many local businesses took a major hit, its even more important to shop in your own community.

We hope that today’s ‘support small business’ quotes inspires you to be more mindful of where you spend your money.

Next time you go out to shop, try grabbing lunch at the local mom and pop restaurant or picking up groceries from a small, specialty market instead of going to the big box store for your needs.

please visit our store quotes

Support small business quotes to shop local more often

  • “Supporting another person’s success won’t ever damper yours.”
  • “When you support a small business you are supporting a dream.”
  • “When you support handmade, you are not just supporting a person, small business, family, our economy; you are purchasing a small part of an artist’s heart.”
  • “When you buy from a small business, an actual person does a little happy dance.”
  • “Every small purchase makes a big difference!”
  • “Supporting a small business means you’re supporting a Family. You’re helping to pay a mortgage, electric bill, buy groceries, transportation, a child to get braces or sending a student to college.”
  • “70% of small businesses are owned and operated by a single person.”
  • “If people support independently owned small businesses in their community, they can make a difference.”

small business quotes

  • “Support your friends’ businesses and progressions like you support the celebrities that you don’t actually know.”
  • “In a world where you can shop anywhere…shop local.”
  • “When you buy from a small business, you’re not helping a CEO buy a third vacation home. You are helping a little girl get dance lessons, a little boy get his team jersey, a mom and dad to put food on the table.”
  • “Small businesses are the heartbeat of your neighborhood, the spine of your local economy, and the spirit of your town.”
  • “If I don’t support other small businesses, how can I expect others to support my small business.”
  • “Big businesses can help by engaging aspiring entrepreneurs and promoting initiatives which support small businesses from within.”
  • “You can’t buy happiness but you can buy local. And that’s kind of the same.”
  • “We have to keep small businesses healthy in order to keep our economy strong.”
  • “Just a small business that decided to go for it.”
  • “Support women. Support freelancers. Support creatives. Support small businesses.”
  • Behind the success of every small business, there is a family.”
  • “Think big, shop small.”
  • “Small business. Big heart.”
  • “Be local, buy local.”
  • “Walking into a small business is like that warm feeling you get in a small country town where everyone smiles and says hello. Whereas a corporate store, the people look at you as another dollar sign.”
  • “The best compliment is the referral of family and friends.”
  • “It takes YOU to start the trend. Shop small. Shop local. Eat local. Spend local. Enjoy local.
  • “Support movers, makers, hustlers, shakers.”
  • “Small businesses provide the feeling that a real person is behind it all, someone who cares more about giving us a quality product or service, over just taking our hard earned dollars.”
  • “Buy GOOD things from REAL people.”
  • “When you make the effort to spend and support the mom and pop business owners, you are supporting and building your community.”
  • “Shop local, cause Amazon won’t sponsor your kid’s ball team.”
  • “Eat. Live. Breathe. Shop Local.”
  • “Supporting small businesses is like that first sip of coffee in the morning. So gooooood……”

Small businesses are a big part of our communities. They provide jobs, support for families and inspire innovation in their fields. That’s why we should support them by shopping locally as often as possible.

please visit our store quotes

Plus, there’s always something special about buying from someone who cares, instead of just another faceless corporation.

We hope you found these ‘support small business quotes’ inspiring. What is your favorite local restaurant or shop that you visit often in your area?

Let us know in the comments!

please visit our store quotes

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50+ Best Shopping Quotes For When You Need Some Retail Therapy

Cute bunny shopping with asparagus

Shopping has become a happy experience that we will seldom want to forego.

Be it the pop-culture portrayal or the never-ending sales, no one leaves a store with just a loaf of bread. Money may not be able to buy happiness, but it can surely get you started on fashion.

Shopping has almost become an art, and not everyone has the talent to buy the right things. As your shopping buddies grow, it is always better to have some quotes about shopping handy.

Check out Weekend quotes and quotes about dress up if you happen to love fashion.

Best Shopping Quotes

Are you ready to stock up on famous shopping quotes? In this section, you will find the best quotes that have become a part of the shopping lingo.  

1. “The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one.”

‒ Erma Bombeck.

2. “I always say shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist.”

‒ Tammy Faye Bakker.

3. “Recreational shopping is the shortest distance between two points: you and broke.”

‒ Victoria Moran.

4. “Men are like shoes. Some fit better than others. And sometimes you go out shopping and there's nothing you like.”

‒ Janet Evanovich.

5. “Happiness is not in money, but in shopping.”

‒ Marilyn Monroe.

6. “Shopping is a woman thing. It's a contact sport like football. Women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds, the danger of being trampled to death, and the ecstasy of the purchase.”

7. “Shopping is actually very similar to farming a field. You can't keep buying the same thing, you have to have a bit of variety.”

‒ Sophie Kinsella, ‘Confessions Of A Shopaholic’.

8. “For some, shopping is an art; for others, it's a sport.”

‒ Pamela Klaffke, ‘Spree’.

9. “The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her.”

‒ Marcelene Cox.

10. “Shopping is a bit of a relaxing hobby for me, which is sometimes troubling for the bank balance.”

‒ Rebecca Hall.

11. “I went window shopping today! I bought four windows.”

‒ Tommy Cooper.

12. “I love shopping. There is a little bit of magic found in buying something new. It is instant gratification, a quick fix.”

‒ Rebecca Bloom, ‘Girl Anatomy: A Novel’.

13. “I shop, therefore I am.”

‒ Barbara Kruger.

14. “Show your confidence. Show you're not afraid. Go to restaurants. Go shopping.”

‒ Rudy Giuliani.

15. “If men liked shopping, they'd call it research.”

‒ Cynthia Nelms.

16. “Women usually love what they buy, yet hate two-thirds of what is in their closets.”

‒ Mignon McLaughlin.

17. “Ever notice there are no clocks in stores? It's like casinos; they don't want you to know how much time you've spent dropping your quarters.”

‒ Gina Barreca.

18. “If you're a queen, you're powerless, so I'd probably demote myself and go shopping.”

‒ Helena Bonham Carter.

19. “Men go shopping just as men go out fishing or hunting, to see how large a fish may be caught with the smallest hook.”

‒ Henry Ward Beecher.

20. “Thrift shopping is all about going into the thrift shop and having no expectation of what you might find.”

‒ Macklemore.

21. "Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping."

- Gertrude Stein .

Shopping Quotes From Books And Movies

Do you want to impress people with funny shopping therapy quotes while on buy trips?  Here are the best shopping sayings from characters from books and movies that you need to know.

22. “Shopping is my cardio.”

‒ Carrie Bradshaw, ‘Sex And The City’.

23. “I think, they should list shopping as a cardiovascular activity. My heart never beats as fast as it does when I see a 'reduced by 50 percent' sign.”

24. “I like my money right where I can see it: hanging in my closet.”

25. “I did a lot of shopping for her in Tokyo because the colors here are very conservative. A shopaholic would have a coat in every color and lots of accessories.”

26. “Dionne: Dude, what's wrong, Are you suffering from buyer's remorse or something?

Cher: God no, nothing like that...”

‒ ' Clueless '.

27. “If a man doesn’t fit, you can’t exchange him seven days later for a gorgeous cashmere sweater.”

‒ Rebecca Bloomwood, ‘Confessions Of A Shopaholic’.

28. “The only consolation I had was buying things. If I bought some pretty thing it cheered me up for a while.”

‒ Iris Murdoch, ‘ The Black Prince ’.

29. “Never give up on something you really want. However impossible things seem, there's always a way.”

‒ Sophie Kinsella, ‘Mini Shopaholic’.

30. “Treat yo’ self.”

‒ Tom and Donna, ‘Parks and Recreation’.

31. “I NEED these cashmere gloves because it’s winter…and I have hands.”

‒ Rebecca Bloomwood,  ‘Confessions Of A Shopaholic’.

32. “Funky is a neon t-shirt you buy at an airport gift shop next to a bejeweled iPhone case. This is luxury.”

‒ David, ‘ Schitt’s Creek ’.

33. “Helped grandma with the weekend shopping. She was dead fierce in the grocer's; she watched the scales like a hawk watching a fieldmouse. Then she pounced and accused the shop assistant of giving her underweight bacon. The shop assistant was dead scared of her and put another slice on.”

‒ Sue Townsend, ‘The Secret Diary Of Adrian Mole Aged 13-¾’.

34. “Women come to New York for two Ls: labels and love.”

35. “I'm a great shopper. I buy shirts and records. I've got too many shirts already, most of them black.”

‒ Johnny Cash, ‘Rolling Stones’.

36. “I’ve spent $40,000 on shoes and I have no place to live?! I will literally be the old woman who lived in her shoes.”

37. “The car, the furniture, the wife, the children—everything has to be disposable. Because you see the main thing today is—shopping.”

‒ Arthur Miller, ‘The Price’.

38. “Oliver liked to play the part of disaffected youth, but he liked shopping in SoHo even more.”

‒ Melissa de la Cruz, ‘Blue Bloods’.

39. “Do you have anything In this shop as beautiful as she is?”

‒ Edward, ‘ Pretty Woman ’.

40. “And there, in the same city where they met as girls, four New York women entered the next phase of their lives dressed head to toe in love. And that's the one label that never goes out of style.”

‒ Sarah Jessica Parker, ‘Sex And The City’.

41. “You sold your soul to the devil when you put on your first pair of Jimmy Choo's, I saw it.”

‒ Emily, ‘Devil Wears Prada’.

Shopping Quotes For Christmas And The Holidays

Do you have a hate and love relationship with shopping especially during the holidays? These funny Christmas shopping quotes will change the idea of people and whoever said that money can’t buy happiness.

42. “Christmas shopping! I can do all my Christmas shopping here! I know March is a bit early, but why not be organized? And then when Christmas arrives I won't have to go near the horrible Christmas crowds.”

43. "Christmas Shopping: Wouldn't it be wonderful to find one gift that you didn't have to dust, that had to be used right away, that was practical, fit everyone, was personal, and would be remembered for a long time? I penciled in ‘Gift certificate for a flu shot.’...”

44. “There are 17 more shopping days until Christmas. So, guys, that means 16 more days till we start shopping, right?”

‒ Conan O'Brien.

45. “Christmas is the time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it.”

‒ Richard Lamm.

46. “Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice.”

‒ Dave Barry.

47. “One good thing about Christmas shopping is it toughens you for the January sales.”

‒ Grace Kriley.

48. “From a commercial point of view, if Christmas did not exist it would be necessary to invent it.”

‒ Katharine Whitehorn.

49. “Xmas Trivia: Before it became a major shopping holiday, Christmas is believed to have had a ‘religious’ meaning.”

‒ Andy Borowitz.

50. “I'm a last-minute shopper. I end up at the mall or somewhere on Christmas Eve. It's a shame.”

‒ Brad Paisley.

51. “Mail your packages early so the post office can lose them in time for Christmas.”

‒ Johnny Carson .

52. “If you spend fifteen minutes in a shopping mall, you will pass more people than our ancestors saw during their entire lifetimes.”

‒ Rolf Dobelli.

53. “Halloween is the beginning of the holiday shopping season. That's for women. The beginning of the holiday shopping season for men is Christmas Eve.”

‒ David Letterman.

Here at Kidadl , we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for shopping quotes then why not take a look at shoe quotes or Wellness Wednesday quotes .

We Want Your Photos!

More for you, 51 secret santa quotes, 60+ ralph lauren quotes, 60 family travel quotes.

Master of Arts specializing in Mass Communication/Media Studies

Srija Chanda Master of Arts specializing in Mass Communication/Media Studies

An aspiring media professional, Srija is currently pursuing her Master's degree in Mass Communication at St. Xavier's University, Kolkata, after completing her degree in journalism. With experience in PR and social media, she has also honed her leadership skills through her participation in a youth parliament. Srija's interests include devouring books, watching movies, and exploring new places through travel.

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2) At Kidadl, we strive to recommend the very best activities and events. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so it’s important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate for all children and families or in all circumstances. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong.

3) Because we are an educational resource, we have quotes and facts about a range of historical and modern figures. We do not endorse the actions of or rhetoric of all the people included in these collections, but we think they are important for growing minds to learn about under the guidance of parents or guardians.

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75+ Motivational Retail Quotes To Ignite Your Sales [2024]

75+ Motivational Retail Quotes To Ignite Your Sales [2024]

Working in retail is a lot of things: exciting, interesting, and overall a challenging and fun endeavor.

There are a lot of ups and downs that come with working in retail, aso it's important that your team feels motivated and appreciated for their hard work.

These retail quotes and sayings are meant to inspire, encourage or uplift customers, staff, and team members.

Retail Quotes That Inspire Entrepreneurs

Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.
The real problem with closing is not adequately defining or diagnosing the prospect’s problems in the first place.
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you surely don’t know what you’re doing.
If you harness the power of innovation, you’ll surely convert sales complexity into a brutal competitive advantage.
I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse.
The best salespeople wonder what it would be like to be in the other person’s shoes. They know they can’t play that game unless they continually strive to train themselves in how we as human beings communicate.
The major difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that the former look for problems to resolve, whereas the latter make every attempt to avoid them.
What you focus on is what you get.
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.
Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Helen Keller, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.
The sales compensation plan is Batman, and the sales contest is Robin.
If you do not have a defined process that moves your people forward so they can achieve greater results, then what is it you are managing?
The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.
Establishing trust is better than any sales technique.
The first part of success is Get-to-it-liveness; the second part of success is Stick-to-it-iveness.
If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.
If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you’re doing.
High-level buyers want to talk to people who know more than they do. They hunger not for information but insight.
Sales success comes from the right balance of quality human interaction and appropriate use of supplemental tools.
Grit, in a word, is stamina. But it’s not just stamina in your effort. It’s also stamina in your direction, stamina in your interests. If you are working on different things but all of them very hard, you’re not really going to get anywhere. You’ll never become an expert.
Leaders must get across the why as well as the what.
The customer doesn’t care about features, rather they care about solving their problems.
The story is the heart of the sale.
Act as if what you do makes a difference. Because it does.
You will attract way more buyers if you are offering to teach them something of value to them than you will ever attract by simply trying to sell them your product or service.
You can’t propose a mutually beneficial business relationship until you can’t understand their business.
The key is not to call the decision-maker. The key however is to have the decision maker call you.

Inspirational Quotes to Motivate Your Retail Sales Team

Sales success comes after you stretch yourself past your limits on a daily basis.
Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.
Buyers don’t believe anything you have to say to them about your product or service until they first believe in you.
I never see failure as failure, but only as of the game I must play and win.
You can’t propose a mutually beneficial business relationship if you can’t understand their business.
The key is not to call the decision-maker. The key is to have the decision maker call you.
Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes but they don’t quit.
There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking.
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll soon start having positive results.
To build a long-term, successful enterprise, when you don’t close a sale, open a relationship.
If you don’t believe in what you’re selling, neither will your prospect.
Approach each customer with the idea of helping him or her solve a problem or achieve a goal, not of selling a product or service.
High expectations are the key to everything.
Treat objections as requests for further information.
I got lucky because I never gave up the search. Are you quitting too soon? Or are you instead willing to pursue luck with a vengeance?
If you don’t give up on something you truly believe in, you will find a way.
There is always room at the top.
Accountability breeds responsibility.
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
Success looks a lot like failure up until the moment you break through the finish line.
Sometimes the most influential thing we can do is listen.
Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.
If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on.
Don’t watch the clock. Rather do what it does. Keep going.
Sellers who listen to buyers carefully and then give them the missing ingredients – those are the ones who stand out.
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.
There is no easy button in sales. Prospecting is hard, emotionally draining work, and it is the price you have to pay to earn a high income.
Filter everything you’re doing, saying, and pitching and you’ll improve just about every metric you care about today.
Either run the day or the day runs you.
The questions you ask are more important than the things you could ever say.
It’s not about having the right opportunities. It’s about handling the opportunities right.
Selling is really about having conversations with people and helping improve their company or their life.
Don’t expect to be motivated every day to get out there and make things happen. You won’t be. Don’t count on motivation. Count on Discipline.
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him.
Dream big! There are no limitations to how good you can become or how high you can rise except for the limits you put on yourself.
Whatever you are, be a good one.

Happy Retail Employees Day Quotes

For a leader, getting results is more important than getting credit.
In high-productivity sales organizations, salespeople do not cause customer acquisition growth, they fulfill it.
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
I’m not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.
A salesperson’s ethics and values contribute more to sales success than do techniques or strategies.
Companies should be selling ideas more than benefits. Sell Ideas. Not stuff.
Every email is an opportunity to test a different benefit or angle.
Outstanding people have one thing in common: An absolute sense of mission.
Prospects are making their purchase decision based on whether they think you understand their problems and you have the knowledge, resources, and commitment to solving them.
Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them.
Train your prospects to pay attention and to open and read emails that you send. Don’t encourage them to ignore or delete your messages because they are of inconsistent or no value to them.
I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
Sales success comes from the right balance of quality human interaction as well as appropriate use of supplemental tools.
Great sellers go into a meeting with multiple next steps; this allows them to proactively respond if a plan does not unfold as planned.
Leadership is a choice, not a position.
Statistics suggest that when customers complain, business owners and managers ought to get excited about it. The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business.
If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.
You don’t close a sale; you open a relationship if you want to build a long-term, successful enterprise.
Ninety percent of selling is conviction and 10 percent is persuasion.
Numbers alone won’t fix anything. But they will help you identify where the problem is.
Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.
A straightforward way to show buyers that you genuinely like them is to identify something about them that you sincerely appreciate.
There is no easy button in sales. Prospecting is hard, emotionally draining work, but it is the price you have to pay to earn a high income.
It’s no longer about interrupting, pitching, and closing. But it is about listening, diagnosing, and prescribing.
SELLING is really about having conversations with people while helping them improve their company or their life.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Sales enablement can’t be reactive. It has to be a full-blown strategy that’s woven into the fabric of the company.
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  • How Much Does It Cost To Start A Retail Business? (In 2024) 2 of 7
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  • 55 Marketing Ideas For A Retail Business (2024) 4 of 7
  • 4 Tips For Starting A Successful Retail Business (2024) 5 of 7
  • 24 Pros & Cons Of Starting A Retail Business (2024) 6 of 7
  • 8 Retail Business Success Stories [2024] 7 of 7

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Welcome Messages for Customers: 5 Irresistible Examples for Ecommerce Stores

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Welcome messages for customers: 5 irresistible examples for ecommerce stores.

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Welcome Messages for Customers: 5 Irresistible Examples for Ecommerce Stores

Navigating the competitive ecommerce niche can be challenging.

But here's a secret: The first impression matters a lot, and that's where welcome messages  come into play.

Think of them as the friendly store associate who greets you when you enter a physical store. They set the tone, make you feel valued, and guide your shopping journey.

Creating a perfect welcome message can be the key to turning a casual browser into a loyal customer. So, we'll explore five welcome message examples that engage customers and boost sales.

What Are Welcome Messages?

5 irresistible welcome email examples for ecommerce stores.

  • 5 Welcome Message Templates To Use in Your SMS Marketing Campaigns

Best Marketing Automation Tools To Automate Your Welcome Messages

Craft effective welcome messages today.

Welcome messages are friendly emails or SMS you send subscribers when they sign up for your email list. Their main goal is to make new customers feel comfortable and give them a good first impression of your brand.

Here’s a good example of a welcome email from Spotify:

Welcome message shopify design

Image source:

Welcome emails  boast a high open rate, even 91% high, making them one of the most important messages in your marketing campaigns.

What Makes a Welcome Message Effective?

A compelling welcome message sets the expectations for your relationship with new customers. It tells your brand’s story and emphasizes what makes your company unique.

For example, check out the components of an effective welcome email from the Hustle:

Components of welcome emails from the Hustle

Image source:

Here are five key points you can implement to create memorable welcome messages :

  • Personalization  — Address recipients by name and offer them tailored product recommendations.
  • Clarity  — Use clear language and call to action (CTA). Your email should be simple to engage customers.
  • Value proposition  — Communicate the benefits subscribers get when they interact with your brand.
  • Visual appeal  — Use high-quality images and brand colors to illustrate your products and capture customers’ attention.
  • Mobile optimization  — Use responsive email designs so customers can access your welcome emails from any device.

Now, let’s look at five welcome emails to inspire your marketing campaigns so you can craft irresistible greeting messages that boost engagement and sales.

1. Goop kitchen — Tell Customers What Your Brand Is About

A welcome email introducing customers to your brand is like a friendly handshake. It's your chance to make a great first impression.

When you share what your brand stands for, you give customers a clear picture right from the start. They'll know what to expect and why they should stick around, making it more likely for them to stay loyal.

Here's a well crafted welcome message from goop kitchen, a healthy meal delivery service:

goop Kitchen’s welcome email that tells customers what the brand is about.

Image source: goop kitchen

The email highlights the benefits of goop kitchen at the start. It explains that the brand offers nutritious, fantastic-tasting prepared meals that you can order right to your door in just a few clicks. It then highlights the company's mission, how it works, and what's on its menu.

On top of that, the email includes high-quality images of the food goop kitchen prepares. This makes it look inviting and increases customer engagement. The CTA button is also prominent, asking subscribers to follow them on Instagram, where they'll find even more quality photos of the brand's products.

2. Greenlight — Direct Subscribers to Valuable Resources

Using your welcome email to direct customers to valuable resources is like giving them a treasure map on their first day. Instead of leaving them wandering around, you show them where the gold is. That way, they can quickly find what they need and see the best parts of what you offer.

Customers also appreciate it when you save their time by guiding them. So, not only does this strategy help subscribers, but it also starts the relationship on the right foot.

Here's a good greeting message from Greenlight, a financial literacy platform for kids:

Greenlight’s welcome email that directs subscribers to valuable resources

Image source: Greenlight

The welcome email addresses the recipient by name, making it more personal and engaging. After welcoming the customer, Greenlight provides links to valuable resources such as a quick start guide, downloading the app, and ordering a custom card.

The email also explains how the company helps kids learn about money management, save for their goals, and spend responsibly. As a result, customers understand the educational and financial benefits their children get when they join the brand.

Read more: Mother's Day Email  

3. Pepper — Offer Recipients Exclusive Welcome Offers

Everyone likes a good deal, right? And customers love it when you offer them a special offer just for signing up. This kind of email doesn't just make shoppers happy; it also encourages them to explore your online store and shop more.

So, giving new subscribers a warm welcome with a special offer not only makes a great first impression but also builds a solid relationship and boosts sales.

Here’s a brilliant welcome greeting message from Pepper, a bra company:

Pepper’s welcome email that gives recipients an exclusive welcome offer.

Image source: Pepper

Pepper’s email is concise and straightforward. After welcoming the customer, it immediately puts the 20% discount offer. It also includes an image of a lady wearing one of the bras it sells, making it easy for shoppers to visualize themselves using the products.

4. italki — Focus on the Call to Action

Instead of overwhelming subscribers with too much stuff, you can make your CTA button the center of attention. A clear CTA helps new customers know exactly what to do next — whether to shop, sign up, or read more. It takes away the guesswork.

Here's an excellent welcome message example from italki, a language-learning app:

italki’s welcome email that focuses on the call to action

Image source: italki

The email is easy to understand. It provides clear instructions on how to create a Learning Plan, making it easy for users to get started with their language learning. Its CTA button (Start now) also directs users to their dashboard to create the Learning Plan.

In addition, the welcome message is personalized with the recipient's name and mentions their purpose for learning a language, which shows that italki has taken the time to understand them.

5. Alala — Welcome Back Lost Customers

Reconnecting with lost customers shows you care and value them, even if they've been away. A welcome back message lets customers know you've missed them and offers a gentle nudge to remind them of what they loved about your brand.

Plus, it can offer them something special to reignite the spark. So, this email isn't just welcoming; it rekindles a relationship.

Here's a great example from Alala, a luxury activewear brand:

Alala’s welcome email that welcomes back lost customers

Image source: Alala

The email has an attractive image of a woman wearing Alala-branded activewear to remind customers what they've been missing. The CTA button is also prominent, and the copy around it entices the recipient to click.

Read more:   Landing Page Email Capture

5 Welcome Message Templates To Use in Your SMS Marketing Campaigns

SMS is one of the most effective channels to grow and retain customers. In fact, 53% of marketers say that SMS is one of their top three revenue-driving channels.

Effective SMS marketing starts with an impactful welcome text. So here are five attractive welcome message samples you can use in your marketing campaigns to build lasting relationships.

1. Give Clients a Warm Greeting

Subject line:  Welcome to [Brand Name] — We're thrilled to have you here!

Hey [Customer Name],

We're really excited to have you here! Every journey starts with a single step, and yours just began with [Brand Name]. Dive in, explore our collections, and make yourself at home.

Warm wishes,

The [Brand Name] Team.

2. Offer Customers an Exclusive Welcome Offer

Subject line:  A special treat for our newest member!

Welcome to [Company Name]! As a thank you, here's an exclusive 10% off your first purchase. Use code WELCOME10 at checkout.

Don't wait too long; it's only valid for the next 72 hours.

Happy shopping,

[Company Name]

3. Direct Customers to Helpful Resources

Subject line:  Get started with [Brand Name] — Your ultimate guide

Hi [Customer Name],

Thanks for joining [Brand Name]. Still trying to figure out where to start?

We've got you covered.

Start Here: [Link to a beginner's guide or introductory video]

Popular Picks: [Link to best-sellers or trending items]

Help Center: [Link to FAQ or support page]

Feel free to look around and let us know if you need any help.

4. Use Humor to Increase Customer Engagement

Subject line:  Oops! Did you just boost the coolness quotient of our customer base?

Welcome to the town's most stylish store. We had a sudden spike in our 'coolness' levels and traced it back to your signup! Let's make shopping fun again, shall we?

Stay quirky,

The [Brand Name] Squad.

5. Engage Returning Customers

Subject line:  Welcome back to [Brand Name] — We've missed you!

Long time no see! We're thrilled to have you back. We've launched some exciting new collections since your last visit. Click here [Link] to get updated.

Plus, as a token of our appreciation, enjoy a 15% discount on your next order with code: WELCOMEBACK15.

Rekindling the shopping magic,

The [Brand Name] Family.

The market has many tools designed to automate your welcome messages and other marketing content. However, not all platforms are created equal. You want a marketing app that fits your budget and aligns with your business needs.

With that in mind, here are three of the best marketing automation tools to help you automate your marketing campaigns and automatically send your welcome messages.

Sender’s homepage

Sender is an affordable automation tool for your engagement and revenue growth.

The platform automates email and SMS marketing campaigns to help you connect with your customers effortlessly. Craft your email with a drag-and-drop email builder or choose a premade template, segment your audience based on their online behavior and other data, set up automation workflow in minutes, and voilá  – see the numbers increase!

But sending your welcome messages is one thing… Making sure they reach your subscribers' inboxes is another. With Sender's high deliverability, you can be confident that your emails reach the intended recipients.

Key Features:

  • Email and SMS marketing automation;
  • Advanced segmentation and personalization;
  • Drag-and-drop email editor and premade templates;
  • High-converting forms and popups (like spin-to-win or exit-intent);
  • Real-time reporting and analytics;
  • High email deliverability.

Pricing:  Free Forever plan. Paid plans start at $8 per month for up to 15,000 emails.


GetResponse’s homepage

Image source: GetResponse

GetResponse is a marketing automation software designed to help you set up your workflows automatically and elevate your communication game.

Its automation system ensures that your welcome messages and other emails reach your audience at the appropriate moment every time.

The platform also helps you generate new leads and turn them into loyal customers through popups and forms. On top of that, you can send targeted messages to specific recipients so you can better engage them and boost sales.

GetResponse’s AI product recommendation feature uses artificial intelligence to suggest products your customers might love. This lets you offer more personalized shopping experiences to buyers.

You can also engage customers in real-time with interactive webinars by hosting online meetings directly through the platform. That makes it easier to connect, educate, and convert your audience.

  • Web push notifications;
  • AI product recommendations;
  • Interactive webinars;
  • Advanced segmentation.

Pricing:  Free 30-day trial. Premium plans start at $15.58 per month (billed yearly).

Constant Contact

Constant Contact’s homepage

Image source: Constant Contact

Constant Contact is an email marketing app that offers easy-to-use tools to help you step up your email and SMS marketing campaigns.

The platform has pre-built templates that help you to craft attractive emails quickly. All you have to do is choose a design that fits your brand and add your content.

With its AI content generator, you can create welcome messages tailored to your audience. Just key in a few keywords, and the tool will give you content options and subject lines to boost your open rates and engagement.

Its A/B testing features also let you test and optimize your marketing campaigns to improve them and always give customers what they want.

  • Pre-built email templates;
  • A/B testing ;
  • Landing pages to generate new leads;
  • Email list-building tools;
  • AI content generator.

Pricing:  14-day free trial. Premium plans start at $12 per month for up to 500 contacts.

Welcome messages set the tone for your customers' shopping experiences, and they can turn a casual browser into a loyal customer.

So, whether it's a thank-you for signing up, a special offer, or a warm greeting, using the right tools and investing time to craft the perfect welcome messages can make a big difference in your marketing campaigns.

Explore more, check out: Shopify Email Marketing

Victor Bui

Hi. I'm Victor, a CRO Expert at PageFly. I've been with this fantastic team since 2016, and I absolutely love helping Shopify merchants like you thrive in the world of eCommerce. My expertise in marketing and optimizing operations ensures that our clients get the best possible results. I'm thrilled to be part of the PageFly family, where we're dedicated to supporting the incredible Shopify community . When I'm not working hard to improve your conversion rates, you can find me pursuing my passions outside the office. I love traveling to new places, staying fit at the gym, and spending time with my family. My ultimate goal is to see our merchants succeed. I'm committed to delivering top-notch service and sharing my knowledge so that we can grow together. I believe that by working as a team, we can overcome any obstacles and achieve amazing results. So let's join forces and make your eCommerce dreams a reality! Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn .

Explore more

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10 Welcoming Customers Quotes to serve customers correctly

Find the right words to welcome your customers. Check out our 10 welcoming customers quotes that can help you serve customers effectively.

As a business owner, it’s important to make your customers feel comfortable and welcome if you want to build a loyal customer group. And what better way to set the tone than with some inspirational welcoming customer quotes?

Whether you’re just starting or want to improve your customer service, using welcoming quotes for customers can make a big difference in your relationships. These words show your customers that you care and can help you build a good relationship with them that will last for years.

So, let’s get started and look at the ten phrases about welcoming customers that will help you connect with them on a deeper level.

What is “Welcoming Customers Quotes”?

“Welcoming Customers Quotes” are phrases or sayings used to create a warm and inviting environment for customers.

Business owners, employees, and customer service teams can use these quotes in retail stores, restaurants, hotels, and other customer-facing companies. The goal of using quotes to welcome customers is to make them feel loved, valued, and at ease while doing business with your company.

The Importance of Welcoming Customers Quotes

Welcoming Customers Quotes are important to providing excellent customer service because they create a happy and welcoming atmosphere. Here are some of the most important reasons why these words matter:

Sets the Tone

A welcoming quote sets the tone for the entire customer experience. It’s the first impression customers have of your business and can significantly impact their overall perception of your brand.

You may also check out this guide to learn how to build your own  Customer Journey Map .

Establishes a Connection

A warm welcome creates an emotional connection with customers. It can make people feel more at ease and comfortable, which can lead to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Improves Customer Service

Welcoming customers quotes show how much your company values and is committed to delivering outstanding customer service. Setting a positive tone in the workplace may open the way for positive experiences between employees and customers.

Customer Retention

Customers who feel welcomed and appreciated are more likely to return. Welcoming quotes help to develop good relationships with customers, foster loyalty, and increase the likelihood of customer retention.

Differentiates Your Business

Using welcome quotes differentiates your business from the competition in a competitive market. It shows that you value customer service and go above and above to provide a memorable experience. This may result in new customers and encourage customers to return.

Word-of-Mouth Promotion

When customers enjoy a pleasant, welcoming experience, they are more likely to share it with others. Welcoming phrases can promote positive word-of-mouth promotion, which is a great marketing technique for attracting new customers.

Tips to Create Welcoming Customers Quotes

To make or write welcoming customers quotes, you must be creative, have empathy, and know your readers well. Here are some steps to help you write powerful quotes for welcoming new customers:

Know your audience

Learn about your customers’ demographics, tastes, and values. Consider what resonates with them and what would make them feel welcomed and respected.

Reflect your brand voice

Match the tone and personality of your brand with your quotes. Maintaining brand integrity requires consistency in all professional, informal, playful, or refined settings.

Keep it concise

Welcoming quotes should be short, memorable, and impactful. Aim for simplicity and clarity, and use brief phrasing to convey your point effectively.

Use positive and inclusive language

Choose words that convey positivity, kindness, and inclusiveness. Avoid using potentially controversial or exclusive language that may turn off certain customers.

Incorporate personalization

Make your quotes relevant to your industry or business. Consider including features that tie customers to your brand, whether it’s a local reference, industry-specific jargon, or a unique aspect of your company’s identity.

Motivate and encourage

Focus on quotes that inspire and uplift your customers. Choose phrases that convey appreciation, gratitude, and a genuine desire to serve them well.

Test and iterate

Experiment with various quotes and measure customer reaction. Pay attention to customer feedback and modify your quotes as needed. Refine and improve your welcoming customers quotes based on what resonates best with your target audience.

Learn more about why understanding your Customer Journey transforms your CX program. 

Crafting Welcoming Customers Quotes: What Not to Do

When it comes to welcoming consumers, the appropriate approach may make or break the experience. When creating welcoming customers quotes, here are a few traps to avoid:

  • Avoid generic approaches. Unpersonalized quotes might make clients feel like numbers.
  • Don’t over-promise. It may create unrealistic expectations that can lead to disappointment.
  • Avoid impersonal quotes. It can create a cold and distant impression. Instead, add warmth, friendliness, and personal touches to your quotes to connect with customers.
  • Don’t rush the onboarding process. It can lead to missing critical details or customer inquiries.
  • Don’t neglect follow-up communication. It may seem that their needs are no longer important.
  • Don’t assume. It can cause misunderstandings and a lack of personalization.
  • Don’t ignore customer Feedback. It can miss improvement possibilities.

Keep in mind that these phrases are just ideas and that every customer is different and has different needs, so be sure to add a personal touch as well.

Here are examples of 10 quotes about welcoming customers that you can use:

Welcome aboard! We’re thrilled to have you as our newest customer. Get ready for a seamless onboarding experience that sets the foundation for a successful partnership.

This quote is suitable for welcoming new customers to your business or service. It establishes the tone for a pleasant onboarding experience and underlines the company’s dedication to its success.

Step into a world of possibilities as our valued customer. We’re here to guide you through onboarding and ensure a smooth transition into our products and services.

You can use this quote to introduce new customers to your products or services. It conveys the purpose of guiding them through their onboarding experience and ensuring a smooth transition.

Thank you for choosing us as your trusted partner. We’re committed to understanding your unique needs and delivering tailored solutions that help you achieve your goals.

This phrase is perfect for thanking new customers for choosing your company. It emphasizes the commitment to understanding their individual needs and providing customized solutions.

Welcome to our customer community ! We’re excited to embark on this journey together and provide you with the support you need to thrive in your business.

You can use this quote to make new customers feel like they are a member of a community. It highlights collaboration and the dedication to supporting their company’s success.

You’re not just a customer; you’re part of our family. We’re dedicated to building a strong relationship and delivering exceptional service that exceeds your expectations.

This quote is ideal for developing a sense of community in new customers. It expresses the intention to establish a solid relationship while providing great service that exceeds their expectations.

Enter a world of personalized attention and care. Our onboarding team is here to walk you through the process, answer your questions, and ensure a seamless start.

Use this quote to explain the role of your introducing team. It tells new customers that they will receive individualized attention and help throughout the process of getting started.

Thank you for entrusting us with your business. We’re committed to your success and will work tirelessly to meet your needs, address any concerns, and provide ongoing support.

This quote is suitable for expressing gratitude and focusing on the dedication to the success of new customers. It gives them confidence that their needs and concerns will be addressed quickly and effectively.

Welcome to a collaborative partnership. We’ll navigate your onboarding journey together, leveraging our expertise to ensure a smooth and impactful experience.

You can use this quote to highlight the collaborative nature of the introduction process. It emphasizes your team’s expertise and intent to collaborate for a successful outcome.

You’re in good hands! Our onboarding specialists are here to listen, guide, and empower you as you get acquainted with our products and services.

This quote is suitable for assuring new clients that they are in proper hands. It indicates that dedicated onboarding specialists are available to provide guidance and support.

Thank you for choosing us as your trusted ally. We’re excited to serve you and make your onboarding process efficient, enjoyable, and rewarding.

You can use this quote to express appreciation for the new customers’ trust and confidence. It ensures they receive ongoing support and a positive activation experience.

How Can QuestionPro CX Help to Create Welcoming Customers Quotes to Serve Customers Correctly?

Customer experience tool QuestionPro CX can help significantly in making welcoming customers quotes by providing useful insights and data. Here’s how QuestionPro CX can directly help:

Gathering Customer Feedback

You can collect customer feedback using QuestionPro CX via surveys, polls, and other engaging methods. This data will help you understand customers’ requirements and expectations and produce more relevant and unique welcoming quotes.

Analyzing Sentiment and Emotions

QuestionPro CX evaluates customer feedback to discover their emotional tone. This will help you evaluate how satisfied customers are. Understanding their emotions will help you write inviting comments that address their issues, celebrate their triumphs, and establish customer empathy .

Identifying Pain Points

QuestionPro CX uses powerful analytics and text analysis to identify customer feedback themes, patterns, and pain points. This information will help you discover areas where customers may feel welcomed or have problems. Addressing these pain points in your quotes shows your proactive customer care and commitment to enhancing their experience.

Segmenting and Personalizing Communication

QuestionPro CX lets you segment customers by attributes and feedback. This segmentation will let you customize greetings for different groups of customers. Customizing your quotes to individual consumer segments will make customers feel understood and valued.

The importance of welcoming customers quotes for providing pleasant customer experiences cannot be underestimated. Creating these quotes is a critical component of delivering a memorable customer experience. It establishes the tone for the entire customer engagement and can potentially build or break a customer’s impression of your brand.

Using QuestionPro CX, you can learn a lot about your customers’ needs and preferences. Using the insights, you can improve your welcome quotes and make customers feel more involved, which will make them more loyal and likely to buy from you again.

Sign up for a free trial of QuestionPro CX today to see the difference for yourself!



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55+ Catchy Shopping Captions for Instagram to Get More Likes

  • Slogans & Taglines

a person holding a letter board with shop local text. Creative Shopping Captions for Instagram

One of the most important parts of Instagram is the caption. It can make or break your post. Captivating and catchy shopping captions and gift shop slogans are the keys to getting more likes and followers on Instagram.

How to Create Better Product Descriptions and Instagram Captions

Here’s an easy way to build your Instagram following and start selling more stuff online—add captions under pictures of your products and shop, and customers will be sure to take the bait. However, it’s important to choose your captions wisely when you want to encourage people to buy from you.

  • Keep it short and sweet
  • Stick to your brand tone
  • Incorporate emojis, hashtags
  • Include a CTA or question
  • Use storytelling

Shopping Captions for Instagram

Captions are extremely important for any social media post, so why not choose well-thought-out captions for your Instagram posts? Whether you’re looking for a caption for fashion, travel, gifts , or just about anything, we’ve rounded up some of the best Instagram captions for you to use right now. Sit back, relax, and pick the one you like best!

Gift Shopping Captions

self care isn t selfish signage

  • Get ready to shop! We have all kinds of cool gift ideas this season.
  • Get that special someone something that they’ll actually use this holiday season.
  • Shop for the best gifts for everyone on your list, all with free shipping.
  • Don’t let holiday gift-giving be a stressful experience. Shop our latest fashionable picks, curated by your friends at @artmallgiftshop . 💰
  • Surprise yourself and someone you love with this delightful collection of gifts.
  • Need a gift for the minimalist in your life? Shop our selection of unique, carefully-curated pieces that are equally stylish and useful.
  • It’s that time of year again when we’re all feeling a little overwhelmed with gifts. Here are some great ideas for the people in your life who don’t know what to get you or them!
  • Don’t miss this great opportunity to get a gift for someone special!
  • Looking for the perfect gift for your BFF? 👏👏👏 Check out our curated collection of essential and stylish pieces from the best brands all under one roof.
  • The perfect gift for a red carpet queen or millennial who wants to look the part all year long. 🎁
  • You’re going to love these.
  • It’s never too early to start planning for the holidays—here’s our gift guide.
  • Find the perfect gift for everyone on your list.
  • Let us help you find the perfect gift for your loved ones this season.
  • What makes a gift great? It’s everything you put into it. Let us help you take the guesswork out of gifting.
  • Surprise someone special this season with a gift that’s perfect for any occasion.
  • Looking for a gift for that special someone who loves to travel? Discover our collection of bestsellers in travel gear. Find something that fits your budget and go!
  • Surprise your loved ones this holiday with a gift they’ll love.
  • When you find a great deal, don’t pass it up! Treat yourself to something truly amazing.
  • Check out our latest collection of gifts for him, designed to make the perfect gift for someone special.

Fashion Quotes for Instagram

  • Get ready, get dressed.
  • Put on your best face, grab your favorite fashions, and get out there to shop.
  • Get ready to shop like a pro this season with our latest runway inspiration.
  • Are you ready for the weekend? Go shopping with us and find your new favorite outfit.
  • Shop the latest in cool, comfy, and on-trend fashions—all at the best price.
  • You’re never too old to shop.
  • Feeling fresh and fabulous every day.
  • Find the perfect look for any occasion with the style you need when you need it.
  • Your wardrobe is a reflection of your personal style.
  • Looking for the perfect piece that’ll make you stand out? Shop now and find it at Neiman Marcus.
  • All the best, from our new and favorite pieces to the biggest trends we’ve got!
  • Where fashion and comfort meet.
  • Shop all of your favorite fashion and accessories in one place: H&M.
  • Some people love shopping, some people love fashion. We love both!
  • Discover the look you’ve been searching for at our latest fashion sale. Shop now!
  • Let us help you pick the perfect clothing to match your looks, personality, and budget.
  • Get ready to shop the best of fall fashion, with our curated styles that will keep you on-trend.
  • Every day is a chance to break out of that old wardrobe, get what you need for your style, and find some great new items.
  • Don’t miss out on the latest trends, shop online from our wide selection of fashion 👗
  • Find your style this season. Shop our favorite looks and find the perfect outfit for yourself or someone you know!

Funny Shopping Captions

I’m not saying I have a shopping problem, but I do have a serious problem with resisting the urge to buy things I don’t need. If you can relate, then check out our funny shopping captions!

  • Cheap as chips
  • Shop till you drop!
  • New clothes = new me.
  • I’m not a shopaholic, I’m helping the economy.
  • Shopping is like therapy for your wallet.
  • Shopping: because happiness is not a destination, it’s a journey
  • There’s a reason why shopping is so wonderful. It’s because you can buy things that you’ll never use, but will be good in your heart forever.
  • One pair of shoes never fit right. Two, and you’re just trying to look stylish. But three? Now that’s a good-looking pair.
  • When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you shopping carts, push them back to the store.
  • I’m so busy shopping I don’t even notice this is the most expensive jeans I’ve ever bought!
  • Shopping is like a puzzle, you’ll never get it if you don’t buy it.

funny shopping captions

Shopping Instagram Captions

  • Life is a shopaholic.
  • You can’t find it anywhere else, so why not get it here?
  • Don’t miss out on this great deal. Shop now!
  • If you’re looking to buy something special, shop here.
  • Buy something you love, save money and help us out. We appreciate your support!
  • We’ve got everything you need for a successful shopping spree.
  • Shop with us and we’ll help you take on the world.
  • Shop today with the latest styles, sizes, and prices.
  • All of the cute necessities you need, when you don’t have time to shop.

5 Tools to Generate Instagram Shopping Captions

  • AI Copywriter

If you’re looking for ways to make your Instagram feed shoppable and increase your sales via social media, try one of these 55+ captions next time you post an image from your latest online shopping spree on Instagram.

If you have more shopping captions that you like, comment down below.

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