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Round trip time (rtt), what is round trip time.

Round-trip time (RTT) is the duration, measured in milliseconds, from when a browser sends a request to when it receives a response from a server. It’s a key performance metric for web applications and one of the main factors, along with Time to First Byte (TTFB), when measuring  page load time  and  network latency .

Using a Ping to Measure Round Trip Time

RTT is typically measured using a ping — a command-line tool that bounces a request off a server and calculates the time taken to reach a user device. Actual RTT may be higher than that measured by the ping due to server throttling and network congestion.

Example of a ping to google.com

Example of a ping to google.com

Factors Influencing RTT

Actual round trip time can be influenced by:

  • Distance  – The length a signal has to travel correlates with the time taken for a request to reach a server and a response to reach a browser.
  • Transmission medium  – The medium used to route a signal (e.g., copper wire, fiber optic cables) can impact how quickly a request is received by a server and routed back to a user.
  • Number of network hops  – Intermediate routers or servers take time to process a signal, increasing RTT. The more hops a signal has to travel through, the higher the RTT.
  • Traffic levels  – RTT typically increases when a network is congested with high levels of traffic. Conversely, low traffic times can result in decreased RTT.
  • Server response time  – The time taken for a target server to respond to a request depends on its processing capacity, the number of requests being handled and the nature of the request (i.e., how much server-side work is required). A longer server response time increases RTT.

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Reducing RTT Using a CDN

A CDN is a network of strategically placed servers, each holding a copy of a website’s content. It’s able to address the factors influencing RTT in the following ways:

  • Points of Presence (PoPs)  – A CDN maintains a network of geographically dispersed PoPs—data centers, each containing cached copies of site content, which are responsible for communicating with site visitors in their vicinity. They reduce the distance a signal has to travel and the number of network hops needed to reach a server.
  • Web caching  – A CDN  caches  HTML, media, and even dynamically generated content on a PoP in a user’s geographical vicinity. In many cases, a user’s request can be addressed by a local PoP and does not need to travel to an origin server, thereby reducing RTT.
  • Load distribution  – During high traffic times, CDNs route requests through backup servers with lower network congestion, speeding up server response time and reducing RTT.
  • Scalability  – A CDN service operates in the cloud, enabling high scalability and the ability to process a near limitless number of user requests. This eliminates the possibility of server side bottlenecks.

Using tier 1 access to reduce network hops

Using tier 1 access to reduce network hops

One of the original issues CDNs were designed to solve was how to reduce round trip time. By addressing the points outlined above, they have been largely successful, and it’s now reasonable to expect a decrease in your RTT of 50% or more after onboarding a CDN service.

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Written by Vasilena Markova • September 27, 2023 • 12:58 pm • Internet

Round-Trip Time (RTT): What It Is and Why It Matters

Round-Trip Time (RTT) is a fundamental metric in the context of network performance, measuring the time it takes for data packets to complete a round trip from source to destination and back. Often expressed in milliseconds (ms), RTT serves as a critical indicator for evaluating the efficiency and reliability of network connections. In today’s article, we dive into the concept of RTT, exploring how it works, why it matters in our digital lives, the factors that influence it, and strategies to enhance it. Whether you’re a casual internet user seeking a smoother online experience or a network administrator aiming to optimize your digital infrastructure, understanding this metric is critical in today’s interconnected world.

Table of Contents

What is Round-Trip Time (RTT)?

Round-Trip Time is a network performance metric representing the time it takes for a data packet to travel from the source to the destination and back to the source. It is often measured in milliseconds (ms) and is a crucial parameter for determining the quality and efficiency of network connections.

To understand the concept of RTT, imagine sending a letter to a friend through the postal service. The time it takes for the letter to reach your friend and for your friend to send a reply back to you forms the Round-Trip Time for your communication. Similarly, in computer networks, data packets are like those letters, and RTT represents the time it takes for them to complete a round trip.

How Does it Work?

The concept of RTT can be best understood by considering the journey of data packets across a network. When you request information from a web server, for example, your device sends out a data packet holding your request. This packet travels through various network devices in between, such as routers and switches, before reaching the destination server. Once the server processes your request and prepares a response, it sends a data packet back to your device.

Round-Trip Time is determined by the time it takes for this data packet to travel from your device to the server (the outbound trip) and then back from the server to your device (the inbound trip). The total RTT is the sum of these two one-way trips.

Let’s break down the journey of a data packet into several steps so you can better understand the RTT:

  • Sending the Packet: You initiate an action on your device that requires data transmission. For example, this could be sending an email, loading a webpage, or making a video call.
  • Packet Travel: The data packet travels from your device to a server, typically passing through multiple network nodes and routers along the way. These middle points play a significant role in determining the RTT.
  • Processing Time: The server receives the packet, processes the request, and sends a response back to your device. This processing time at both ends also contributes to the Round-Trip Time.
  • Return Journey: The response packet makes its way back to your device through the same network infrastructure, facing potential delays on the route.
  • Calculation: It is calculated by adding up the time taken for the packet to travel from your device to the server (the outbound trip) and the time it takes for the response to return (the inbound trip).

Why does it matter?

At first look, Round-Trip Time (RTT) might seem like technical terminology, but its importance extends to various aspects of our digital lives. It matters for many reasons, which include the following:

  • User Experience

For everyday internet users, RTT influences the sensed speed and responsiveness of online activities. Low Round-Trip Time values lead to a seamless experience, while high RTT can result in frustrating delays and lag during tasks like video streaming, online gaming, or live chats.

  • Network Efficiency

Network administrators and service providers closely monitor RTT to assess network performance and troubleshoot issues. By identifying bottlenecks and areas with high RTT, they can optimize their infrastructure for better efficiency.

  • Real-Time Applications

Applications that rely on real-time data transmission, such as VoIP calls, video conferencing, and online gaming, are highly sensitive to RTT. Low RTT is crucial for smooth, interruption-free interactions.

In cybersecurity, Round-Trip Time plays a role in detecting network anomalies and potential threats. Unusually high RTT values can be a sign of malicious activity or network congestion.

Factors Affecting Round-Trip Time (RTT)

Several factors can influence the metric, both positively and negatively. Therefore, understanding these factors is crucial, and it could be very beneficial for optimizing network performance:

  • Distance: The physical distance between the source and destination plays a significant role. Longer distances result in higher RTT due to the time it takes for data to travel the network.
  • Network Congestion: When a network experiences high volumes of traffic or congestion, data packets may be delayed as they wait for their turn to be processed. As a result, it can lead to packet delays and increased RTT.
  • Routing: The path a packet takes through the network can significantly affect RTT. Efficient routing algorithms can reduce the time, while not-so-optimal routing choices can increase it.
  • Packet Loss: Packet loss during transmission can occur due to various reasons, such as network errors or congestion. When lost, packets need to be retransmitted, which can seriously affect the Round-Trip Time.
  • Transmission Medium: It is a critical factor influencing RTT, and its characteristics can vary widely based on the specific medium being used. Fiber optic cables generally offer low RTT due to the speed of light in the medium and low signal loss. In contrast, wireless mediums can introduce variable delays depending on environmental factors and network conditions.

How to improve it?

Improving Round-Trip Time (RTT) is a critical goal for network administrators and service providers looking to enhance user experiences and optimize their digital operations. While some factors affecting it are beyond our control, there are strategies and practices to optimize Round-Trip Time for a smoother online experience:

  • Optimize Routing: Network administrators can optimize routing to reduce the number of hops data packets take to reach their destination. This can be achieved through efficient routing protocols and load balancing .
  • Optimize Network Infrastructure: For businesses, investing in efficient network infrastructure, including high-performance routers and switches, can reduce internal network delays and improve RTT.
  • Upgrade Hardware and Software: Keeping networking equipment and software up-to-date ensures that you benefit from the latest technologies and optimizations that can decrease RTT.
  • Implement Caching: Caching frequently requested data closer to end-users can dramatically reduce the need for data to travel long distances. The result really helps with lowering RTT.
  • Monitor and Troubleshoot: Regularly monitor your network for signs of congestion or packet loss. If issues arise, take steps to troubleshoot and resolve them promptly.

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Round-Trip Time (RTT) is the silent force that shapes our online experiences. From the seamless loading of web pages to the quality of our video calls, RTT plays a pivotal role in ensuring that digital interactions happen at the speed of thought. As we continue to rely on the Internet for work, entertainment, and communication, understanding and optimizing this metric will be crucial for both end-users and network administrators. By reducing it through strategies, we can have a faster, more responsive digital world where our online activities are limited only by our imagination, not by lag.

Vasilena Markova

Hello! My name is Vasilena Markova. I am a Marketing Specialist at ClouDNS. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Economics and am studying for my Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity Management. As a digital marketing enthusiast, I enjoy writing and expressing my interests. I am passionate about sharing knowledge, tips, and tricks to help others build a secure online presence. My absolute favorite thing to do is to travel and explore different cultures!

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RTT (Round Trip Time) also called round-trip delay is a crucial tool in determining the health of a network. It is the time between a request for data and the display of that data. It is the duration measured in milliseconds. 

RTT can be analyzed and determined by pinging a certain address. It refers to the time taken by a network request to reach a destination and to revert back to the original source. In this scenario, the source is the computer and the destination is a system that captures the arriving signal and reverts it back. 

RTT(Round Trip Time) Measurement

RTT(Round Trip Time) Measurement

What Are Common Factors that Affect RTT?

There are certain factors that can bring huge changes in the value of RTT. These are enlisted below:

  • Distance: It is the length in which a signal travels for a request to reach the server and for a response to reach the browser,
  • Transmission medium: The medium which is used to route a signal, which helps in faster transfer of request is transmitted.
  • Network hops: It is the time that servers take to process a signal, on increasing the number of hops, RTT will also increase.
  • Traffic levels: Round Trip Time generally increases when a network is having huge traffic which results in that, for low traffic RTT will also be less.
  • Server response time: It is the time taken by a server to respond to a request which basically depends on the capacity of handling requests and also sometimes on the nature of the request.

Applications of RTT

Round Trip Time refers to a wide variety of transmissions such as wireless Internet transmissions and satellite transmissions. In Internet transmissions, RTT may be identified by using the ping command. In satellite transmissions, RTT can be calculated by making use of the Jacobson/Karels algorithm.  

Advantages of RTT

Calculation of RTT is advantageous because:

  • It allows users and operators to identify how long a signal will take to complete the transmission.
  • It also determines how fast a network can work and the reliability of the network.

Example: Let us assume there are two users, one of which wants to contact the other one. One of them is located in California while the other one is situated in Germany. When the one in California makes the request, the network traffic is transferred across many routers before reaching the server located in Germany. Once the request reverts back to California, a rough estimation of the time taken for this transmission could be made. This time taken by the transmitted request is referred to as RTT. The Round Trip Time is a mere estimate. The path between the two locations can change as the passage and network congestion can come into play, affecting the total period of transmission. 

How Does Round-Trip Time Work?

Consider a topology where an appliance named “Exinda” is located between the client and the server. The diagram shown below depicts how the concept of RTT works: 

RTT Calculation

RTT Calculation

  For the calculation of Average RTT, RTTS for server and client needs to be calculated separately. The performed calculations are shown below:

Server RTT: RTT1 = T2 – T1 RTT2 = T5 – T4
Client RTT: RTT3 = T3 – T2 RTT4 = T7 – T6 
Average RTT: Avg Server RTT = (RTTs1 + RTTs2) / 2 Avg Client RTT = (RTTc1 + RTTc2) / 2 Avg Total RTT = Avg Server RTT + Avg Client RTT 

You can refer to the Program to calculate RTT for more details.

Measures To Reduce RTT

 A significant reduction in RTT can be made using Content Delivery Network (CDN) . A CDN refers to a network of various servers, each acquiring a copy of the content on a particular website. It addresses the factors affecting RTT in the enlisted ways:

  • Points of Presence (PoP)
  • Web caching
  • Load distribution
  • Scalability
  • Tier 1 access 

CDN has been largely successful in reducing the value of RTT and due to this, a decrease in RTT by 50% is achievable.

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Understanding & Reducing Network Round-Trip Time (RTT in Networking)

Table of contents.

In the dynamic realm of modern business operations, the heartbeat of connectivity relies on the seamless flow of information across networks. Network administrators and IT professionals, entrusted with the pivotal responsibility of maintaining these vital lifelines, understand the significance of every nanosecond.

In a world where time equates to money and efficiency is non-negotiable, the RTT in networking emerges as a pivotal metric. It represents the time taken for a packet of data to travel from its source to its destination and back again, reflecting the responsiveness and effectiveness of your network infrastructure. As businesses increasingly rely on cloud-based applications, remote collaboration tools, and real-time data analytics, the optimization of RTT has become more critical than ever.

In this comprehensive exploration, we will decode the intricacies of Network Round-Trip Time, demystifying its importance and empowering network administrators and IT professionals with actionable insights to reduce RTT and enhance network performance.

What is Network Round-Trip Time (RTT in Networking)?

First, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page.

Network Round-Trip Time (RTT) in networking, also commonly referred to as Round-Trip Latency or simply Latency, is a crucial metric that measures the time it takes for a packet of data to travel from its source to its destination and back again to the source . RTT is typically expressed in milliseconds (ms) and is a fundamental aspect of network performance.

Here's a breakdown of what RTT encompasses:

  • Transmission Time : This is the time it takes for a packet of data to travel from the sender to the receiver. It includes the propagation time (the time it takes for the signal to physically travel through the network medium) and the processing time (the time it takes for routers, switches, and other network devices to handle the packet).
  • Propagation Delay : This is the time it takes for an electrical or optical signal to travel over the physical medium, such as a copper or fibre-optic cable. Propagation delay depends on the distance the signal needs to cover and the speed of light or electricity in the medium.
  • Queuing and Processing Delay : As data packets pass through routers and switches in a network, they may spend some time in queues waiting for their turn to be processed. This queuing and processing delay can vary based on network congestion and the efficiency of network devices.

In summary, Network Round-Trip Time (RTT) is a key metric in networking that measures the time it takes for data to travel from its source to its destination and back, encompassing transmission time, propagation delay, and queuing/processing delay. It plays a significant role in determining the responsiveness and efficiency of networked applications and services.

What is Network Round-Trip Time (RTT in Networking)

The Role of RTT (Network Round-Trip Time) in Network Responsiveness

Network responsiveness, often measured by RTT, is the cornerstone of user satisfaction and efficient operations.

RTT is a critical factor in network performance because it directly impacts the responsiveness of network applications and services. Low RTT values indicate that data can travel quickly between endpoints, resulting in faster response times for applications and a more seamless user experience. On the other hand, high RTT values can lead to delays and sluggish performance.

Reducing RTT is essential in scenarios where real-time communication, online gaming, video conferencing, or the timely delivery of data is crucial. Network administrators and IT professionals often work to optimize RTT by employing various strategies such as using content delivery networks (CDNs), minimizing network congestion, and optimizing routing paths.

  • User Expectations : Today's users have high expectations for network responsiveness. Whether it's loading a web page, streaming a video, or making a VoIP call, users demand minimal delays. A low RTT ensures that users experience quick response times, leading to seamless and satisfactory interaction with applications and services.
  • Real-Time Applications : Many critical business applications, such as video conferencing, online collaboration tools, and financial trading platforms, require real-time data exchange. RTT directly impacts the effectiveness of these applications. A shorter RTT means that data reaches its destination faster, enabling real-time interactions without noticeable delays.

I. Network Round-Trip Time (RTT) and User Experience

User experience is a key driver of customer satisfaction and loyalty. RTT plays a pivotal role in shaping this experience.

  • Website Performance : For businesses with an online presence, website performance is paramount. A website with low RTT loads quickly, ensuring that visitors can access information, make purchases, or engage with content without frustrating delays. Studies have shown that longer page load times due to high RTT can result in higher bounce rates and decreased conversions.
  • Video and Media Streaming : In an era of video marketing and content consumption, RTT directly influences the quality of video streaming. Lower RTT values mean faster buffer-free streaming, enhancing the viewer's experience and reducing the likelihood of video interruptions.

II. Network Round-Trip Time’s (RTT) Impact on Business Operations

Beyond user experience, RTT has a profound impact on various aspects of business operations:

  • Productivity : In a remote or hybrid work environment, where employees rely on cloud-based applications and data access, RTT can significantly impact productivity. Sluggish network performance due to high RTT values can lead to frustration, downtime, and decreased efficiency.
  • Data Transfer : Businesses often need to transfer large volumes of data between locations or to the cloud. High RTT can lead to slow data transfer speeds, potentially affecting data backup, disaster recovery, and the ability to access critical information in a timely manner.
  • Customer Service : For businesses that provide customer support or run call centers, low RTT is essential for clear and uninterrupted VoIP calls. High RTT can lead to call dropouts, poor call quality, and dissatisfied customers.
  • E-commerce : In the world of e-commerce, where every millisecond counts, RTT can impact sales and customer retention. Slow-loading product pages and checkout processes due to high RTT values can result in abandoned shopping carts and lost revenue.

Understanding the significance of RTT in modern networking is not just a technical matter; it's a fundamental aspect of delivering a positive user experience, maintaining productivity, and ensuring the seamless operation of critical business processes. Network administrators and IT professionals must prioritize RTT optimization to meet the demands of today's digital business landscape.

Ready to Optimize Your Network's Round-Trip Time? Try Obkio Today!

Are you eager to take control of your network's performance and reduce Round-Trip Time (RTT) to boost productivity and enhance user experiences? Look no further than Obkio's Network Performance Monitoring tool, the ultimate solution for network administrators and IT professionals.

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  • Real-Time Monitoring : Obkio provides real-time visibility into your network, allowing you to identify latency bottlenecks and pinpoint performance issues as they happen.
  • User-Friendly Interface : With an intuitive and user-friendly interface, Obkio makes it easy to monitor your network's RTT and other critical metrics without the need for complex configurations.
  • Actionable Insights : Obkio offers actionable insights and recommendations to help you optimize your network's performance, reduce RTT, and ensure seamless business operations.
  • Customized Alerts : Set up custom alerts to be notified of performance deviations, ensuring that you can proactively address issues before they impact your users.

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Don't let network latency hold your business back. Take the first step towards optimizing your network's Round-Trip Time and providing an exceptional user experience. Try Obkio's Network Performance Monitoring tool now and experience the difference.

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Measuring and Calculating Network Round-Trip Time: How to Calculate RTT

While understanding the significance of RTT is vital, the ability to quantify and interpret it accurately is equally crucial for network administrators and IT professionals.

In this section, we’ll equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to measure, calculate, and make sense of RTT metrics effectively. RTT measurement is not merely a technical exercise; it's a strategic endeavour that empowers you to fine-tune your network for peak performance, deliver an exceptional user experience, and ensure the seamless operation of critical business processes.

So, join us as we explore the RTT formula, discover the range of tools at your disposal for RTT measurement, and learn the art of interpreting RTT metrics.

I. Understanding the Network RTT Formula

The RTT formula is a fundamental concept for anyone aiming to measure and manage network latency effectively. It provides a straightforward way to calculate the Round-Trip Time between two endpoints in a network.

The formula for RTT is as follows:

RTT = (t2 - t1) + (t4 - t3)

  • t1 : The time at which the sender sends the packet.
  • t2 : The time at which the sender receives an acknowledgment (ACK) from the receiver.
  • t3 : The time at which the receiver receives the packet.
  • t4 : The time at which the receiver sends the ACK back to the sender.

Understanding this formula allows you to measure RTT manually by recording these timestamps. In practice, however, RTT is often measured automatically using specialized tools and software.

I. Tools for Measuring Network RTT

Accurate RTT measurement is crucial for network administrators and IT professionals. Fortunately, a range of tools and methods are available to simplify this process:

  • Network Monitoring Software : Comprehensive network monitoring solutions, such as Obkio's Network Performance Monitoring tool , offer real-time RTT measurement and historical data tracking. These tools provide insights into RTT trends, allowing you to identify performance fluctuations and optimize network resources.
  • Ping : The ping command is a simple and widely used tool for measuring RTT. It sends ICMP echo requests to a destination and records the time it takes for responses to return. While ping provides basic RTT information, it may not be suitable for more detailed analysis.
  • Traceroute : Traceroute is another command-line tool that helps you trace the path a packet takes to reach its destination. It provides information about each hop along the route, including RTT values. Traceroute is useful for diagnosing latency issues and identifying bottlenecks in the network.
  • Packet Analyzers : Packet analyzers like Wireshark capture network packets and provide detailed analysis, including RTT calculations. They are invaluable for diagnosing complex network issues but require a deeper understanding of packet-level data.
  • Cloud-Based Monitoring Services : Cloud-based services can measure RTT from multiple locations globally, offering a broader perspective on network performance. These services often include user-friendly dashboards and alerting features.

What is Network Round-Trip Time (RTT in Networking)

III. Interpreting Network RTT Metrics

Interpreting RTT metrics is essential for making informed decisions about network optimization. Here's how to understand the data:

  • Baseline RTT : Establish a baseline RTT for your network under normal operating conditions. This baseline serves as a reference point for identifying deviations and potential issues.
  • Variability : Monitor the variability of RTT values over time. Consistently high or fluctuating RTT can indicate network congestion, equipment problems, or other performance bottlenecks.
  • Comparing RTT Metrics : Compare RTT metrics between different endpoints, routes, or network segments. This can help pinpoint specific areas of concern and prioritize optimization efforts.
  • Thresholds and Alerts : Set RTT thresholds and network monitoring alerts to be notified when latency exceeds acceptable levels. Proactive alerting allows you to address performance issues before they impact users.
  • Root Cause Analysis : When RTT metrics indicate performance problems, use additional tools and diagnostics to perform a root cause analysis. Isolate the source of latency and implement corrective measures.

Interpreting RTT metrics effectively empowers network administrators and IT professionals to make data-driven decisions, optimize network performance, and deliver a seamless user experience.

In conclusion, understanding the RTT formula, utilizing measurement tools, and interpreting RTT metrics are essential steps in managing and improving network latency. These skills enable network professionals to diagnose issues, identify opportunities for optimization, and ensure efficient network performance.

IV. How to Calculate RTT in Networking: An Example

Let's walk through a simple example of calculating Network Round-Trip Time (RTT) for a packet of data travelling between two devices.

Suppose you have a sender ( Device A ) and a receiver ( Device B ) connected to the same network. You want to measure the RTT for a packet of data sent from Device A to Device B and back.

Here are the key timestamps you'll need to measure or record:

  • t1 : The time at which Device A sends the packet.
  • t2 : The time at which Device A receives an acknowledgment (ACK) from Device B.
  • t3 : The time at which Device B receives the packet.
  • T4 : The time at which Device B sends the ACK back to Device A.

Now, let's assume the following timestamps:

  • t1 : 12:00:00.000 (Device A sends the packet)
  • t2 : 12:00:00.150 (Device A receives the ACK from Device B)
  • t3 : 12:00:00.200 (Device B receives the packet)
  • t4 : 12:00:00.350 (Device B sends the ACK back to Device A)

Now, you can use the RTT formula to calculate the Round-Trip Time:

Plug in the values:

RTT = (12:00:00.150 - 12:00:00.000) + (12:00:00.350 - 12:00:00.200)

RTT = 0.150 seconds + 0.150 seconds

RTT = 0.300 seconds

So, in this example, the calculated Network Round-Trip Time (RTT) for the packet travelling between Device A and Device B is 0.300 seconds, or 300 milliseconds (ms).

This RTT value represents the time it took for the data packet to travel from Device A to Device B and back, including the time it spent in transit and the time it took for the acknowledgment to return.

In this article, we explore the importance of testing network latency for businesses and provide tools and techniques for accurately measuring latency.

How to Measure Network Round-Trip Time with NPM Tools

When it comes to measuring and optimizing Network Round-Trip Time (RTT), Network Performance Monitoring (NPM) tools are your go-to.

NPM tools provide real-time visibility into network performance and continuously and comprehensively monitor various aspects of a network, allowing network administrators to track RTT metrics at multiple points in the network infrastructure.

By offering a granular view of RTT, NPM tools help identify performance bottlenecks, allowing for swift diagnosis and targeted optimization. Additionally, NPM tools often include alerting features that notify administrators when RTT exceeds predefined thresholds, enabling proactive problem resolution before end-users experience the impact.

Moreover, NPM tools are equipped with historical data analysis capabilities, allowing network professionals to identify trends and patterns in RTT values. By identifying long-term RTT patterns, administrators can make informed decisions about capacity planning, infrastructure upgrades, or routing optimization to ensure consistent low-latency network performance.

In a world where network responsiveness is crucial for user satisfaction and business productivity, NPM tools are invaluable for network administrators and IT professionals aiming to maintain optimal RTT and deliver a seamless user experience. Let’s learn how to deploy them!

Step 1. Deploy A Network Performance Monitoring Tool with RTT Monitoring Features

High RTT can lead to delays and sluggish network performance - but how can you know the extent of the problem?

The most accurate way to measure RTT and other key network metrics is by using a Synthetic Network Performance Monitoring Software, like Obkio.

Unlike standalone RTT monitoring tools, Obkio provides a holistic approach to network performance analysis, making it the best choice for measuring RTT and network performance as a whole. With Obkio, gain access to real-time monitoring and reporting features that allow them to measure RTT across their entire network infrastructure, including routers, switches, and end-user devices.

This end-to-end network monitoring tool not only identifies RTT issues but also provides valuable insights into latency, packet loss, bandwidth utilization and more.

Obkio continuously measures network metrics like network RTT by:

  • Using Network Monitoring Agents in key network locations
  • Simulate network traffic with synthetic traffic and synthetic testing
  • Sending packets every 500ms to measure the round trip time it takes for data to travel
  • Catch RTT and other network issues affecting key applications and services

Step 2. Measure Round-Trip Time in All Network Locations

Persistent and erratic spikes in Network Round-Trip Time (RTT) measurements are indicative of substantial performance challenges within your network, demanding immediate attention. To pinpoint and resolve these irregularities, implementing RTT monitoring is an indispensable step.

Obkio’s Network Monitoring Solution will measure RRT and other network metrics by sending and monitoring data packets through your network every 500ms using Network Monitoring Agents . The Monitoring Agents are deployed at key network locations like head offices, data centers, and clouds and continuously measure the amount of time it takes for data to travel across your network.

This is extremely important when monitoring RTT and addressing spikes to maintain network efficiency and a smooth user experience, especially in scenarios where real-time data exchange, applications, and services are critical.

For example , you can measure network RTT between your head office and the Microsoft Azure cloud, or even between Azure and your data center.

To deploy monitoring in all your network locations, we recommend deploying:

  • Local Agents : Installed in the targeted office location experiencing performance issues or latency spikes. There are several Agent types available (all with the same features), and they can be installed on MacOS, Windows, Linux and more.
  • Public Monitoring Agent : These are deployed over the Internet and managed by Obkio. They compare performance up to the Internet and quickly identify if the performance issue is global or specific to the destination. For example, measure RTT between your branch office and Google Cloud .

What is Network Round-Trip Time (RTT in Networking)

Step 3. Measure Round-Trip Time for Network Devices

Network Device Monitoring is also crucial for accurately measuring and managing Network Round-Trip Time (RTT). Network devices, such as routers, switches, and firewalls, play a significant role in determining the latency and RTT experienced by data packets as they traverse the network.

Obkio’s Network Device Monitoring feature is a fast and easy solution to get detailed information about the health of your core network devices. Used with the end-to-end Network Performance Monitoring feature, Network Device Monitoring with SNMP Polling helps IT teams quickly and proactively pinpoint issues with devices like firewalls, routers, switches and Wi-Fi access points.

Network devices are key points of control and routing within a network. Monitoring these devices allows you to gain insights into their performance, such as how efficiently they process and forward data packets. Device monitoring helps identify issues like high CPU utilization, memory constraints, or network interface errors, which can all contribute to increased RTT.

Here are the key network devices you should consider monitoring when measuring network round-trip time:

  • Routers : Routers are pivotal devices in network traffic management. They determine the path data packets take between networks and subnetworks. Monitoring routers helps identify congestion points, routing issues, and overall device performance.
  • Switches : Network switches are responsible for forwarding data packets within a local network (LAN). Monitoring switches helps ensure that LAN traffic is efficiently handled and doesn't introduce unnecessary RTT.
  • Firewalls : Firewalls are essential for network security but can also introduce latency. Monitoring firewalls helps verify that they're processing data packets efficiently and not creating undue RTT delays.
  • Load Balancers : Load balancers distribute network traffic across multiple servers or resources to ensure load distribution and fault tolerance. Monitoring load balancers helps maintain even traffic distribution and low RTT.
  • Gateways : Gateways connect different networks, such as LANs to the internet. Monitoring gateways is essential for ensuring data packets are efficiently routed between internal networks and external destinations.
  • WAN Optimization Devices : These devices are commonly used in wide-area networks (WANs) to reduce latency and optimize data transfer. Monitoring WAN optimization devices ensures they're operating as intended to minimize RTT.
  • Access Points (APs) : In wireless networks, APs play a critical role in data transmission. Monitoring APs helps maintain consistent wireless network performance, minimizing RTT for mobile or remote users.
  • DNS Servers : DNS (Domain Name System) servers translate domain names into IP addresses. Monitoring DNS servers ensures that DNS resolution doesn't introduce delays when clients access network resources.
  • Network Endpoints : Monitoring the performance of endpoints (e.g., servers, workstations, and user devices) is vital for understanding how network devices affect RTT from the user's perspective.
  • Virtualization and SDN Controllers : In virtualized or software-defined networks, controllers manage network resources and routing. Monitoring these controllers helps ensure efficient data flow and low RTT.

To comprehensively measure and optimize RTT, it's essential to monitor a variety of network devices . The choice of devices to monitor may depend on the specific characteristics of your network and the critical points for your organization.

What is Network Round-Trip Time (RTT in Networking)

Step 4. Collect Network Round-Trip Time Measurements

Once you’ve set up your Monitoring Agents for network latency monitoring , they continuously measure metrics like RTT measure and collect data, which you can easily view and analyze on Obkio’s Network Response Time Graph.

Measure RTT throughout your network with updates every minute. This will help you understand and measure good round-trip time measurements for different applications vs. poor latency. If your RTT levels go from good to poor, you can also further drill down to identify exactly why RTT issues are happening, where they’re happening, and how many network locations they’re affecting.

To more accurately measure RTT in your network, and receive alerts when latency measurements are poor, Obkio sends alerts based on historical data and not just static thresholds.

As soon as there’s a deviation in the historical data, and your network is experiencing poor RTT measurements, Obkio sends you an alert.

It’s as simple as that

Step 5. Monitor More Network Metrics Alongside Network Round-Trip Time

Once deployed, Obkio’s Monitoring Agents will begin exchanging synthetic traffic to continuously measure network performance and core network metrics .

When monitoring network performance and assessing the health of your network, it's important to measure a range of network metrics alongside Network Round-Trip Time (RTT) to gain a comprehensive understanding of the network's behaviour and potential issues. Here are several key network metrics to consider:

  • Packet Loss : Packet loss indicates the percentage of data packets that fail to reach their destination. High packet loss can significantly impact the quality of network services and applications.
  • Jitter : Jitter is the variation in latency or RTT. Consistent RTT values are desirable, but high jitter can lead to unpredictable network performance, which is problematic for real-time applications like VoIP and video conferencing.
  • Bandwidth Utilization : Monitoring bandwidth usage helps you identify periods of congestion and overutilization, which can lead to increased RTT. By monitoring bandwidth, you can proactively manage network capacity.
  • Throughput : Throughput measures the rate at which data is transmitted over the network. It's essential for assessing the actual data transfer capacity of your network, especially for large file transfers or media streaming.
  • Error Rate : The network error rate indicates the number of data packets with errors or corruption. High error rates can lead to retransmissions, increasing latency and packet loss.
  • QoS Metrics : Quality of Service (QoS) metrics include parameters like latency, jitter, and packet loss, specific to certain traffic types. Monitoring QoS compliance is essential for prioritizing critical applications and ensuring they meet performance requirements.
  • Device Performance : Monitoring the performance of network devices such as routers, switches, and firewalls is crucial. High CPU usage , memory issues, or hardware problems can impact network performance and increase RTT.
  • Availability and Uptime : Monitoring network availability and network uptime is essential for identifying periods of network unavailability or downtime, which can impact services and applications.

By measuring these network metrics alongside RTT, you can gain a holistic view of your network's performance, detect issues promptly, and proactively optimize network resources to provide a seamless user experience and support critical business operations.

What is Network Round-Trip Time (RTT in Networking)

Understanding Good vs. Bad Network Round-Trip Time Measurements

In the intricate world of networking, the metric known as Network Round-Trip Time (RTT) serves as a crucial barometer of performance. However, RTT is not a one-size-fits-all metric, and its evaluation must be tailored to the specific needs and demands of a network or application.

In this section, we delve into the nuanced realm of RTT measurements, deciphering what constitutes good and bad readings, and how these metrics reverberate through the fabric of network performance.

Good and bad RTT measurements are relative and depend on the specific context and requirements of a network or application. What is considered good or bad RTT can vary based on factors such as the type of network, the application's sensitivity to latency, and the expectations of users. However, here are some general guidelines to consider:

I. Good Network RTT Measurements

  • Low and Consistent : Good RTT measurements typically exhibit low and consistent values. Low RTT indicates that data is transmitted quickly, providing a responsive user experience. Consistency ensures that users can rely on predictable network performance.
  • Match Application Requirements : Good RTT measurements should meet or exceed the requirements of the applications and services being used. For example, real-time applications like video conferencing or online gaming often require RTT values below 100 milliseconds to provide a seamless experience.
  • Minimal Jitter : Good RTT measurements have minimal jitter, meaning that there is little variation in RTT values. Jitter can disrupt real-time applications, so a stable and low-latency network is desired.

II. Bad Network RTT Measurements:

  • High and Fluctuating : Bad RTT measurements typically exhibit high values and significant fluctuations. High RTT values can lead to sluggish network performance and application responsiveness, while fluctuations introduce unpredictability.
  • Exceed Application Tolerances : For some applications, any RTT values beyond specific thresholds can be considered bad. For example, an online multiplayer game might become unplayable with RTT exceeding 200 milliseconds.
  • Frequent Packet Loss : Consistent packet loss and retransmissions can lead to bad RTT measurements. Packet loss is a sign of network congestion or instability, and it can severely impact network performance.
  • Long-Term Performance Issues : Consistently bad RTT measurements over an extended period, even if they are not extremely high, may indicate underlying network issues that need to be addressed. It's essential to identify and resolve long-term performance problems to maintain a reliable network.

In summary, good RTT measurements are characterized by low, consistent values that meet the requirements of the network's applications, with minimal jitter. Bad RTT measurements, on the other hand, involve high, fluctuating values, packet loss, and latency that exceeds application tolerances. To assess RTT measurements, it's important to consider the specific network requirements and the impact of latency on user experience in your particular environment.

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Identifying, Troubleshooting, and Common Network Round-Trip Time (RTT) Issues

In the world of networking, Network Round-Trip Time (RTT) serves as a vital performance indicator. When RTT issues arise, they can lead to sluggish network responsiveness and user dissatisfaction. This section is your guide to identifying and troubleshooting common RTT problems that can affect network performance.

We'll dive into the practical aspects of recognizing RTT issues, whether through real-time monitoring or user feedback. We'll also explore the common culprits behind elevated RTT, such as congestion and configuration problems.

I. Identifying Network RTT Issues

  • Real-time Monitoring : Regularly monitor RTT using network performance monitoring tools, like Obkio NPM . These tools provide real-time data on RTT, enabling you to detect anomalies or spikes that might indicate issues.
  • Baseline Measurement : Establish a baseline for expected RTT values in your network. Deviations from this baseline can be an early indicator of RTT problems.
  • User Feedback : Listen to user complaints or feedback. Slow application response times or connectivity issues reported by users can be indicative of RTT issues.
  • Historical Analysis : Analyze historical RTT data to identify patterns or trends. Consistent RTT issues at specific times or on particular network segments can point to the source of the problem.
  • Network Topology Review : Examine your network topology to identify potential bottlenecks or congestion points that may contribute to high RTT.

II. Uncovering The Most Common Network RTT Issues

  • Network Congestion : Heavy network traffic can lead to network congestion , queuing delays, and packet loss, resulting in increased RTT. Implement Quality of Service (QoS) to prioritize essential traffic and reduce congestion.
  • Long Geographic Distance : Data travelling over long distances, especially in wide-area networks (WANs), can experience high propagation delay, contributing to elevated RTT. Consider implementing content delivery networks (CDNs) to reduce the impact of distance.
  • Hardware and Configuration Problems : Outdated or misconfigured network devices, such as routers and switches, can lead to performance issues and high RTT. Regularly review and update hardware and configurations to address these problems.
  • Packet Loss : Packet loss , where data packets are dropped or need to be retransmitted, can increase RTT. Troubleshoot packet loss issues by identifying and rectifying network faults or congestion points.
  • Jitter : Inconsistent RTT values and jitter can affect real-time applications. Jitter is often a result of network congestion or configuration problems, so minimizing these issues helps reduce jitter and improve RTT.

III. Troubleshooting Network RTT Issues:

So what happens when your NPM tool starts alerting you about sudden spikes in round-trip time? Well, it’s time to troubleshoot! First, you need to understand why the network issue is happening, where and when.

  • Isolate the Problem : Start by identifying the affected network segment or path with high RTT. Network monitoring tools can help pinpoint the problematic area.
  • Traffic Analysis : Analyze the network traffic on the identified segment to determine if congestion or unusual patterns are causing high RTT.
  • Device Inspection : Examine the performance of network devices along the path, such as routers and switches. High CPU usage or configuration errors may be contributing to RTT issues.
  • Quality of Service (QoS) Adjustment : If network congestion is the root cause, consider implementing or adjusting QoS policies to prioritize critical traffic and reduce congestion.
  • Optimization Techniques : Implement optimization techniques such as route optimization, network load balancing , and the use of CDNs to improve network efficiency and reduce RTT.
  • Testing and Validation : After making adjustments, conduct tests to validate that RTT has improved. Monitor the network to ensure that RTT remains within acceptable ranges.
  • Regular Maintenance : Ongoing network maintenance, including updates, hardware upgrades, and configuration reviews, is essential for preventing future RTT issues.

By systematically identifying, troubleshooting, and addressing RTT issues, network administrators can maintain low-latency networks, ensure a seamless user experience, and minimize the impact of common RTT problems.

Learn how to troubleshoot network issues by identifying where, what, why network problems occur with Network Troubleshooting tools.

Factors Affecting Network Round-Trip Time (RTT)

As we navigate the realm of Network Round-Trip Time (RTT) and its role in network optimization, we encounter an array of influential factors that shape the journey of data from source to destination and back. In this chapter, we embark on a comprehensive exploration of these key factors, each wielding the power to either elevate or hinder network performance.

Understanding the factors affecting RTT is paramount for network administrators and IT professionals, as it equips them with the knowledge needed to fine-tune their networks for maximum efficiency and responsiveness.

1. Network Congestion on RTT in Networking

Network congestion occurs when there is a higher volume of traffic on a network than it can efficiently handle. This congestion can significantly impact RTT:

  • Increased Latency : Congestion leads to packet queuing, where data packets must wait in line to be processed by network devices. The increased latency due to this queuing results in higher RTT values, causing delays in data transmission.
  • Packet Loss : In congested networks, packets may be dropped to relieve congestion. This packet loss not only contributes to higher RTT as packets are retransmitted but also affects the reliability and performance of network applications.
  • Quality of Service (QoS) : Implementing Quality of Service policies can help mitigate congestion by prioritizing certain types of traffic. This can help ensure that critical applications experience lower RTT values even during network congestion.

2. Geographic Distance on RTT in Networking

Geographic distance plays a fundamental role in determining RTT, especially in wide-area networks and global connectivity:

  • Propagation Delay : As data travels over long distances, it experiences propagation delay. This delay is the time it takes for signals to traverse the physical medium (e.g., fibre-optic cables or satellite links) between network endpoints. The greater the distance, the higher the propagation delay, contributing to increased RTT.
  • WAN vs. LAN : Wide Area Networks ( WANs ) typically involve greater geographic distances than Local Area Networks ( LANs ). WANs often exhibit higher RTT values due to the inherent challenges of data transmission across extensive physical distances.
  • Use of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) : CDNs can help mitigate the impact of geographic distance by caching and delivering content from servers closer to end-users. This minimizes the effects of long-distance transmission on RTT.

3. Network Hardware and Configurations on RTT in Networking

The hardware and configuration of network devices and infrastructure can significantly affect RTT:

  • Router and Switch Performance : The processing capacity of routers and switches in the network can impact the speed at which packets are forwarded. Outdated or underpowered devices can introduce additional latency and increase RTT.
  • Network Path Efficiency : The chosen network paths and routing algorithms also play a role. Inefficient routing can lead to longer paths and, subsequently, higher RTT.
  • Configuration Errors : Misconfigurations in network devices, such as incorrect routing tables or Quality of Service settings, can lead to suboptimal performance and increased RTT. Regular network audits and optimization are essential to address configuration issues.

4. Packet Loss and Jitter on RTT in Networking

Packet loss and jitter are network phenomena that can cause variations in RTT:

  • Packet Loss : Packet loss occurs when data packets fail to reach their intended destination. Repeated packet loss results in retransmissions, which contribute to increased RTT. Reducing and measuring packet loss through network optimization is essential for minimizing RTT.
  • Jitter : Jitter refers to the variation in packet arrival times. Excessive jitter can cause fluctuations in RTT, affecting the predictability of network performance. QoS mechanisms and traffic shaping can help mitigate jitter-related RTT issues.

Understanding these factors and their impact on RTT is crucial for network administrators and IT professionals. By addressing these challenges through proactive network management, optimization, and the use of appropriate technologies, it's possible to achieve lower RTT and maintain efficient and responsive network performance.

What is Network Round-Trip Time (RTT in Networking)

Network Round-Trip Time (RTT) vs. Latency: Comparing Network Siblings

In the world of networking and data transmission, terms like "Network Round-Trip Time (RTT)" and "latency" often take center stage, reflecting the critical aspect of speed and responsiveness in today's digital landscape. While these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, they represent distinct facets of network performance.

In this section, we’ll unravel the differences between Network Round-Trip Time (RTT) and latency. Understanding these concepts is fundamental for network administrators and IT professionals as it enables them to grasp the nuances of network performance and address specific challenges effectively.

I. Defining Latency

Latency is a general term that refers to any delay or lag in data transmission within a network . It encompasses all delays encountered during data communication, including the time it takes for data to travel between two points (which is what RTT specifically measures), as well as other types of delays such as processing delays, queuing delays, and transmission delays.

Latency can be categorized into several types:

  • Propagation Delay : The time it takes for a signal or data packet to physically travel over the network medium (e.g., copper cables, fibre-optic cables, or wireless links). It is directly related to the distance between two network points and the speed of the medium.
  • Transmission Delay : The time it takes to push the entire data packet into the network medium. It is influenced by the packet's size and the speed of the network link.
  • Processing Delay : The time it takes for network devices like routers and switches to process and forward data packets. This can be affected by the performance of these devices and their configurations.
  • Queuing Delay : The time data packets spend in queues at various points in the network, waiting for their turn to be processed. High congestion or network traffic can increase queuing delays.
  • Jitter : Jitter refers to variations in latency. Inconsistent latency can affect the predictability of network performance, which is particularly critical for real-time applications.

II. Defining Network Round-Trip Time (RTT)

As we've already discussed in this article, RTT is a specific metric used to measure the time it takes for a data packet to travel from its source to its destination and back to the source . It is a subset of latency that focuses on the round-trip journey of a packet. RTT is measured in milliseconds (ms) and is often used to evaluate network responsiveness.

The RTT calculation typically involves the following timestamps:

  • The time the sender sends the packet.
  • The time the sender receives an acknowledgment (ACK) from the receiver.
  • The time the receiver receives the packet.
  • The time the receiver sends the ACK back to the sender.

By subtracting the appropriate timestamps, you can calculate the RTT for a specific packet.

In summary, latency is a broader term that encompasses various types of delays in data transmission, including RTT. RTT specifically measures the round-trip time for a packet, which is crucial for understanding the responsiveness of a network, particularly in applications that require timely data exchange, such as video conferencing or online gaming.

We asked a supercomputer “What is latency”, its impact on network performance, and strategies for minimizing it and created this comprehensive guide.

The Quest for Lower Network Round-Trip Time: How to Reduce Network RTT

In the quest for network optimization and superior user experiences, one metric stands as a sentinel of responsiveness - Network Round-Trip Time (RTT). A lower RTT signifies not only the swift transmission of data but also the realization of network efficiency, seamless applications, and satisfied users.

Here, we will explore the art of reducing RTT through a variety of carefully crafted strategies. From optimizing network topology to the art of content caching and compression, from harnessing the power of load balancing to the efficiency of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), we will venture into the multifaceted realm of RTT reduction.

I. Strategies for Reducing Network RTT

Reducing RTT is a fundamental objective in optimizing network performance . So, there are several strategies to help you achieve this:

  • Optimizing Network Topology : A well-designed network topology that minimizes the number of network hops and ensures efficient routing can significantly reduce RTT. Strategies like hierarchical network design and route optimization contribute to lower latency.
  • Quality of Service (QoS) Implementation : Prioritizing real-time traffic and critical applications through QoS policies can reduce contention for network resources and lower RTT for those essential services.
  • Edge Computing : Deploying computing resources closer to end-users or IoT devices at the network edge can reduce RTT by decreasing the physical distance that data needs to travel.
  • TCP/IP Optimization : Fine-tuning TCP/IP parameters and employing technologies like TCP window scaling and selective acknowledgments can improve data transfer efficiency and lower RTT.

II. Load Balancing and Redundancy for Reducing Network RTT

Load balancing and redundancy are vital components in RTT reduction:

  • Load Balancing : Distributing network traffic across multiple servers or paths ensures that no single server or network link becomes overwhelmed. This strategy not only increases network capacity but also reduces the likelihood of network congestion and high RTT.
  • Redundancy : Implementing redundancy through network failover mechanisms or backup links can mitigate the impact of network failures. Redundancy ensures that if one path experiences issues, traffic can be rerouted quickly, minimizing RTT.

III. Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) for Reducing Network RTT

CDNs are instrumental in RTT reduction, particularly for web content delivery:

  • Caching : CDNs cache content on servers located in geographically distributed edge locations. This means users can access content from a nearby server, reducing the need to retrieve data from the origin server, and consequently lowering RTT.
  • Content Prioritization : CDNs allow prioritizing and delivering the most critical content quickly, which is especially beneficial for reducing RTT for web pages, images, and videos.

IV. Caching and Compression for Reducing Network RTT

Caching and compression techniques are powerful tools for minimizing RTT:

  • Data Caching : Caching frequently accessed data locally, either at the client side or at intermediate network nodes, allows for quicker retrieval of data, reducing RTT.
  • Data Compression : Compressing data before transmission and decompressing it at the receiver's end decreases the amount of data to be transferred, ultimately lowering RTT.

By implementing these strategies and technologies, network administrators and IT professionals can actively work to reduce RTT, enhance network performance, and deliver a more responsive user experience. Each strategy offers a unique approach to address latency and can be adapted to the specific needs and goals of the network environment.

Tools and Technologies for Optimizing Network Round-Trip Time: Network RTT Optimization

In the realm of network performance, the pursuit of lower Network Round-Trip Time (RTT) is both an art and a science. It requires the judicious selection and deployment of tools and technologies that act as enablers, elevating networks to realms of enhanced responsiveness and efficiency.

Here, we uncover the spectrum of tools at your disposal, explore their capabilities, and provide insights into the selection process to ensure you choose the right tools that align with your unique business needs. Earlier in this article, we already talked about measuring RTT and identifying RTT issues with Network Performance Monitoring tools - which are also a key tool for optimizing round-trip time.

With the right tools in your arsenal, you can orchestrate a network that not only understands the melody of RTT but dances to its tune, delivering a harmonious and responsive user experience.

I. Network Monitoring and Analytics Solutions for Optimizing Network RTT

Monitoring and analytics tools are instrumental in the quest for RTT optimization:

  • Network Performance Monitoring (NPM) : NPM solutions continuously monitor network performance, providing real-time visibility into RTT metrics. They enable network administrators to detect and diagnose issues promptly, making them a vital tool for maintaining low RTT.
  • Packet Capture and Analysis Tools : Packet capture tools allow the in-depth analysis of network traffic. Administrators can use these tools to capture and examine packets, enabling them to identify bottlenecks and other issues contributing to RTT delays.
  • Network Traffic Analysis : Advanced network traffic analysis solutions provide insights into application behaviour, network usage , and patterns. These tools help optimize network paths and configurations to lower RTT.

II. SD-WAN and Network Optimization Platforms for Optimizing Network RTT

SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Network) and network optimization platforms offer dynamic solutions for RTT optimization:

  • SD-WAN : SD-WAN technology leverages multiple network connections and dynamically routes traffic over the most efficient path. It includes features such as traffic prioritization and application-aware routing, which are beneficial for optimizing RTT for critical applications. The same goes for Dual-WAN networks .
  • WAN Optimization Controllers : These devices optimize data traffic between WAN endpoints by employing techniques like data deduplication, compression, and caching. WAN optimization reduces the amount of data transferred, reducing RTT.
  • Content Delivery Platforms : Content delivery platforms, combined with CDNs, accelerate the delivery of web content by distributing it to edge servers. This minimizes the physical distance data needs to travel, resulting in reduced RTT for web-based services.

III. Choosing the Right Tools for Optimizing RTT in Your Business

Selecting the right tools for RTT optimization requires careful consideration:

  • Assessing Business Needs : Start by identifying the specific requirements of your business. Consider factors like the nature of your applications, your network topology, and your performance goals. This assessment guides the choice of tools and technologies.
  • Scalability : Ensure that the selected tools and technologies can scale with your business as it grows. Scalable solutions can adapt to increased network demands without compromising RTT.
  • Compatibility : The tools and technologies you choose should seamlessly integrate with your existing network infrastructure. Compatibility ensures smooth implementation and operation.
  • Budget Considerations : Evaluate the cost of implementation and ongoing maintenance. Balancing your budget with the need for high-performance tools is vital to achieving cost-effective RTT optimization.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance : Plan for continuous monitoring and maintenance of the chosen tools and technologies. Regular updates and adjustments are necessary to adapt to evolving network conditions and maintain low RTT.

By exploring the array of tools and technologies available for RTT optimization and making informed choices that align with your specific network requirements, you can ensure that your network operates at its peak performance, delivering low RTT and a seamless user experience.

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Harnessing the Power of Round-Trip Time (Network RTT) Optimization for Business Success

In the fast-paced digital landscape, where every millisecond counts, optimizing Network Round-Trip Time (RTT) should be a top priority for network admins. Achieving low and consistent RTT not only enhances the user experience but also impacts business operations in numerous ways.

For businesses, RTT optimization means improved productivity, reduced downtime, and the ability to leverage real-time applications to their full potential. In e-commerce, it can translate to higher sales, as low latency ensures swift page loads and seamless transactions. For video conferencing and collaboration tools, it means clearer communication and increased efficiency. In the realm of online gaming, it can be the difference between a competitive edge and a frustrating experience for gamers.

By harnessing the power of RTT optimization, businesses ensure that their digital offerings meet the high expectations of today's users and remain competitive in an ever-evolving market.

Measuring and Optimizing Network RTT with Obkio’s NPM Tool

To start measuring and optimizing RTT, you need the right tools, and Obkio's Network Performance Monitoring (NPM) tool stands as a valuable ally.

With Obkio, you can measure, monitor, and optimize RTT with precision. Get real-time insights into network performance, offering visibility into RTT metrics at various network points. Obkio equips network admins and IT professionals with the means to detect and resolve RTT issues promptly, ensuring that network operations remain seamless and efficient. With Obkio, you can proactively manage RTT, detect anomalies, and maintain low-latency network performance.

As you harness the power of Obkio's NPM tool, you're well-equipped to elevate your network to new heights of efficiency, ultimately contributing to the success of your business in a digitally connected world!

  • 14-day free trial of all premium features
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  • Identify and troubleshoot live network problems

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Bandwidth Delay Product

TCP is one of those protocols that we usually don’t think about too much. As network engineers we are busy working with network devices like routers or switches. TCP is one of those protocols that is used most between hosts or servers and it works without giving it much thought. It establishes connections, transmits data, sends acknowledgments and when something goes wrong…it retransmits it.

TCP uses a sliding window size that indicates how much the receiver is willing to receive from the sender. Depending on the receive buffer and network conditions, this window size will increase or decrease as needed. The larger the window size, the higher the throughput will be. With a window size of 1, the receiver would send an acknowledgment for each segment that it receives which results in a lot of overhead.

Host to server satellite connection

This “stop and go” mechanism of TCP works very well “out of the box” but on certain links, TCP might require some tuning. This is especially true on so called  long fat networks (LFN) .

A LFN is a network that offers a high bandwidth but also a very high delay. An example could be a satellite connection. These connections offer a high bandwidth but the delay is also quite high since you have to send your signal 22000 miles up to the satellite and another 22000 miles down to reach the receiver. You can expect a round trip time anywhere between about 500-1000 ms.

The problem here is that when the sender sends some data, it has to be wait a very long time for an acknowledgment of the receiver before it can send the next data. During the time we are waiting, nothing happens so we don’t utilize the full bandwidth of our link.

The throughput of TCP is limited by the round trip time of the link and the window size. We can’t change the round trip time but we can play with the window size. Take a look at the image below:

TCP Long Fat Network Low Window Size

Imagine we send some data from the host to the server, when this piece of data is on its way we have to wait a long time before it reaches the server and for the acknowledgment to come back. A lot of bandwidth is wasted. This is what happens with a large window size:

TCP long fat network high window size

With a large window size, we can fill the entire “pipeline” with data. We don’t waste anything.

When you are using a 5 Mbit satellite link and you have a transmission rate of 1 or 2 Mbit of TCP traffic, you probably have some TCP tuning to do.

The most optimal window size depends on the bandwidth and delay of the link, we call this the bandwidth delay product . We can calculate it with the following formula:

So for example, let’s calculate the bandwidth delay product of a satellite link that has a round trip time of 500 ms:

So our bandwidth delay product is 2500000 bits. The window size is typically configured in bytes so 2500000 / 8 would be 312500 bytes.

Here are some other examples:

Are there any downsides to increasing the TCP window size? One thing to consider is that by increasing the window size, you also need a large receive buffer but this shouldn’t be much of a problem on any modern hardware. Also with a larger window size you will have a lot of data “in transit” so if you have any errors on the link, there’s a lot of data to retransmit.

iPerf Demonstration

Once you have calculated the bandwidth delay product, you should test if it works. A nice way to test this is by using iPerf . This application allows you to generate TCP traffic with different window sizes. To demonstrate this, I’ll use two hosts:

Iperf Client Server Switch

These two hosts are connected through a gigabit link so this is a high bandwidth low delay link. Even though the round trip time is low, we still have to use a decent window size to get some decent performance.

A quick ping tells us the round trip time:

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Forum Replies

Hi Rene, Thank you for this article, I work for satellite broadband provider and i deal with high latency networks daily, i am currently troubleshooting an issue where customer is disputing his usage of 5Gig , Cisco netflow is reporting that 5Gig of Apple iOS updates, and customer has only updated his iPhone, i am planning to cap few iOS updates and your article will definitely help. I liked the way you wrote this article in sequence after TCP header and then window scaling. Do you mind giving an option sort your articles by date posted.

Regards, Bandu

I saw that you double the window size to 128000 and 256000 etc, and I know that window size filed on TCP header with size of 16 byte which mean the maximum window size = 65536 bits ( maximum IP packet size ), so how is it possible to double up over than that value ??

Hi Hussein,

Good question, the window size only has 16 bits so that’s only 65535 bits. However, nowadays we use a scaling factor which allows us to use a 32 bit window size.

You can see this in the wireshark screenshots of this post:


I don’t have a post that describes how this exactly works so here’s the RFC for now, it explains it pretty well:


You are welcome, glad to hear you like it. Discussions like you have with your customer can be difficult, netflow doesn’t lie and Apple iOS updates can be pretty large. For the customer it’s just an update but they probably don’t realize that it’s a few GB. Sounds like a good idea to cap it or to warn them in time when there is a lot of traffic for a certain duration.

I’ll see if I can create a “latest post” page. I also send regular updates when I have finished some new posts.

Is this only applicable if the server and the client on the same network ? what if the client is behind a router and the server is also behind a router ? And finally how can we apply this to all traffic sourcing from a router at site A going via satellite link to a remote router at site B ? Thanks for this great article!

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Azure network round-trip latency statistics

  • 9 contributors

Azure continuously monitors the latency (speed) of core areas of its network using internal monitoring tools and measurements.

How are the measurements collected?

The latency measurements are collected from Azure cloud regions worldwide, and continuously measured in 1-minute intervals by network probes. The monthly latency statistics are derived from averaging the collected samples for the month.

Round-trip latency figures

The monthly Percentile P50 round trip times between Azure regions for a 30-day window are shown in the following tabs. The latency is measured in milliseconds (ms).

The current dataset was taken on April 9th, 2024 , and it covers the 30-day period ending on April 9th, 2024 .

For readability, each table is split into tabs for groups of Azure regions. The tabs are organized by regions, and then by source region in the first column of each table. For example, the East US tab also shows the latency from all source regions to the two East US regions: East US and East US 2 .

Monthly latency numbers across Azure regions do not change on a regular basis. You can expect an update of these tables every 6 to 9 months. Not all public Azure regions are listed in the following tables. When new regions come online, we will update this document as soon as latency data is available.

You can perform VM-to-VM latency between regions using test Virtual Machines in your Azure subscription.

  • North America / South America
  • Australia / Asia / Pacific
  • Middle East / Africa

Latency tables for Americas regions including US, Canada, and Brazil.

Use the following tabs to view latency statistics for each region.

Latency tables for European regions.

Latency tables for Australia, Asia, and Pacific regions including and Australia, Japan, Korea, and India.

Latency tables for Middle East / Africa regions including UAE, South Africa, Israel, and Qatar.

  • Canada / Brazil
  • Western Europe
  • Central Europe
  • Norway / Sweden
  • UK / North Europe
  • UAE / Qatar / Israel
  • South Africa

Round-trip latency to West India from other Azure regions is included in the table. However, West India is not a source region so roundtrips from West India are not included in the table.]

Additionally, you can view all of the data in a single table.

Screenshot of full region latency table

Learn about Azure regions .

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Prediction of round trip delay for wireless networks by a two-state model

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Ukraine war latest: Blinken makes unannounced visit to Kyiv - as Ukraine launches new attack on Russian city

The US secretary of state is in the Ukrainian capital, where he has confirmed US weapons approved three weeks ago are already with soldiers on the frontline. Submit your question on the war for our experts to answer below.

Tuesday 14 May 2024 08:56, UK

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  • Blinken arrives in Kyiv on unannounced trip
  • Dozens of homes damaged in Belgorod attack
  • Big picture: Everything you need to know about the war this week
  • Analysis:  Putin's 'baffling' reshuffle explained
  • Who is Andrei Belousov, Putin's new pick for defence minister?
  • Live reporting by Bhvishya Patel

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A criminal case has been opened against a top general at Russia's ministry of defence, the Kremlin has said.

A statement by the Investigative Committee of Russia said a case had been opened against Yuri Kuznetsov, who was in charge of personnel issues at the ministry.

The committee said he was suspected of "receiving a bribe on an especially large scale".

According to the investigation, in 2021-2023, Kuznetsov received a bribe from representatives of commercial structures for performing certain actions in their favour.

At least five people have been arrested in a widening bribery scandal centred on the defence ministry.

Vladimir Putin will visit China this week, TASS news agency reports, citing the Kremlin.

The Russian leader is set to visit Beijing and the northeast province of Harbin on 16 and 17 May, according to reports.

The trip is his first foreign trip since his inauguration for a new term as president.

He last visited China in October 2023.

The relationship between Mr Putin and China's Xi Jinping appears to have strengthened since the onset of the war and both China and Russia declared a "no limits" partnership in February 2022.

In 2023, Mr Xi spent three days with the Kremlin leader in Moscow and the two leaders have often touted their close personal friendship.

Russia has also become a reliable source of affordable energy for China. Its imports of Russian gas and oil leapt last year by more than 50%.

In return, Russia is buying more hi-tech and heavy industrial goods from China because it can no longer import them from the West.

Russia appears to be targeting Kharkiv right now, where the situation is "very tense", a Ukrainian MP has told Sky News.

Kira Rudik said the "risks are high" and Russia has gathered enough troops and resources to increase the lengths of its frontline.

She said Russian forces appeared to be targeting both the Kharkiv region and city and aerial bombing of the area had increased.

Asked if Ukraine should focus on defending the northeast region over the east, she said: "Russia's strategy right now is to disrupt our attention and to increase the front so we will have to chose what is more important to defend.

"But you cannot say some people are more important than the others.

"We will have to accumulate our forces and use the brilliance of our generals to stand against that."

Four people are injured after attacks on the battered city of Kharkiv in Ukraine's northeast, Ukrainian officials have said. 

A man and three women were injured in shelling by Russian forces earlier today, Oleh Sinehubov, governor of the broader Kharkiv region, said on  Telegram . 

Mr Sinehubov also said that Russia attacked Ukraine's second largest city with its new UMPB D-30 bombs which are Soviet-era high precision guided bombs that behave like a cruise missile.

In recent days, Russia has been pressing with its ground assault into the north of Ukraine's Kharkiv region, attacking new areas with small groups to try to widen the front and stretch Ukrainian forces.

Freight train cars derailed and a storage tank containing diesel fuel caught fire in the southern Russian region of Volgograd due to "outside interference", Russian officials are reporting this morning. 

Russian Railways said on its website: "As a result of interference by unauthorised persons into the operation of railway transport, cars of a freight train derailed at the Kotluban station.

"According to preliminary information, there were no injuries. At this time, train traffic in the area of the Kotluban station is suspended."

The storage tank and cars with lumber caught fire and the blaze was extinguished, Russia's RIA state news agency reported, citing the emergency ministry.

It is not clear if the incident is related to Russia's war in Ukraine.

Kyiv has said in the past it carried out sabotage attacks on Russia's railway system to disrupt military logistics.

Ukraine says that targeting Russia's military, transport and energy infrastructure undermines Moscow's war effort and is an answer to the countless attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure by Russia.

By Deborah Haynes , security and defence editor

Watching a live drone feed, it was possible to make out three people running down a street in a frontline town in northeastern Ukraine.

"Are they Russians?" I asked a Ukrainian soldier, who was also on the ground in Vovchansk and was showing us the footage from a secret location as we spoke to him via video link from outside the town.

"Yes, yes," said Denys, 42, the commander of a reconnaissance unit.

Other footage from Monday shared with Sky News appeared to be of more Russian troops inside the town - just three days after Russia launched a surprise assault across its border into Ukraine's Kharkiv region.

Sky News has verified the location of the images.

You can read more here...

A power line and nearly two dozen houses have been damaged in Ukraine's latest air attack on the Russian border city of Belgorod, officials have said.

"There is one casualty - a woman has received a shrapnel wound to her spine," Vyacheslav Gladkov, governor of the southern region, said on Telegram.

"An ambulance takes her to the regional clinical hospital, and all necessary medical care is provided."

He said that about 24 houses and a power line were damaged.

Russia's air defence systems destroyed 25 missiles launched by Ukraine, the Russian defence ministry said on Telegram.

What is happening in the region?

Ukraine's attacks on Belgorod have picked up again in recent months and according to Russia these strikes have become more deadly. 

Fifteen people were killed and scores injured on Sunday when parts of an apartment block collapsed after being struck by falling missile debris, Russian officials said.

Both Ukraine and Russia say they do not target civilians in the war.

US secretary of state Antony Blinken has arrived in Kyiv to reaffirm American support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.

"The secretary's mission here is really to talk about how our supplemental assistance is going to be executed in a fashion to help shore up their defences [and] enable them to increasingly take back the initiative on the battlefield," a US official said. 

Artillery, long-range missiles known as ATACMS and air defence interceptors approved by Joe Biden on 24 April in a $61bn aid package have already started reaching the Ukrainian forces, the official added.

Welcome back to our live coverage of the war in Ukraine, following an important few days for the battlefield and beyond.

After opening a second front in northeastern Kharkiv, Russian forces claimed to have captured nine villages.

The governor of the region said there was a threat of fighting spreading to other settlements, with Russian soldiers attacking from the border in small groups in an attempt to stretch the frontline.

Oleh Syniehubov blamed delays to Western weaponry for the assault, but a soldier complained that fortifications were not strong enough, claiming Russian forces walked "freely" across the border.

Military analysts pointed to the West's policy against Ukraine using their weapons to strike Russian soil as responsible for incursion.

The attacks threaten to stretch Ukrainian forces already outmanned and outgunned on the main frontline.

Before we resume our regular updates and analysis, here is a recap of the other key moments from the last 24 hours:

  • The military commander for the Kharkiv region was sacked;
  • Thousands of people were evacuated from towns near the border;
  • Putin's choice of an economist for defence minister indicated he was preparing Russia for a protracted war, analysts said;
  • Ukraine said it thwarted Russian agents plotting to set off a series of bomb attacks in Kyiv and the Western city of Lviv;
  • Russia's acting foreign minister said the country was prepared if the West wanted to fight for Ukraine on the battlefield.

That's all our coverage for what has been an important day on the battlefield and beyond.

If you're just checking in, here is a recap of the key developments that took place since this morning.

You can scan the key points above or scroll back through our posts to find out more details.

We'll be back tomorrow with more updates and analysis on the war in Ukraine.

  • Russian forces claimed to have captured nine villages northeastern Ukraine, having opened a second front in the Kharkiv region on Friday;
  • The governor of Kharkiv said there was a threat of fighting spreading to other settlements;
  • Hundreds of people were evacuated from towns near the border;
  • Russia's acting foreign minister said the country was prepared if the West wanted to fight for Ukraine on the battlefield;
  • Analysts said Vladimir Putin's choice of defence minister indicated he was preparing Russia for a protracted war.

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The Morning

When travel plans go awry.

There are ways of keeping ourselves anchored, even when we enter a parallel universe disconnected from time.

round trip network delay

By Melissa Kirsch

The weekend trip is, in theory, the perfect break. Two nights someplace else, just a small duffel bag and limited logistics standing between you and a reset. Leave on Friday, come back Sunday, fill the hours in between with enough that’s novel and return refreshed, or at least with a slightly altered perspective. You might take a weekend trip for vacation or work or to see family, but the effect is the same. You’re a little changed on return. You see your regular life a little bit differently.

I took what was meant to be a quick trip last weekend to attend a college graduation, and it was, strictly speaking, quick: I was scarcely away for 48 hours, but extreme weather marooned me for most of those hours in the liminal spaces of transit — airports, grounded planes, traffic jams — where time loses legibility. An old friend used to call these neither-here-nor-there realms the “zero world” for the way they feel unfastened from reality, parallel to daily life but separate. The flight cabin after an announcement of a fourth lightning delay is a world detached from the one you know, a temporary society populated by temporary citizens with perhaps not much in common save one deeply held belief: We need to get out of here.

I was as cranky and impatient as the rest of my fellow travelers at each complication in our journeys, but also fascinated by the communities and customs and Cibo Express markets of the zero world. Each of us was, at any given time, one captain’s announcement away from a temper tantrum, but we were also competitively careful to be polite to one another and to the airline staff, as if determined to demonstrate that those wild videos of short-tempered passengers being duct-taped to their seats did not represent us, the makeshift civilization of this departure lounge.

Graduation, when I finally arrived, was a joyous affair despite the glitches. The speaker, an astronaut, showed a photo of the farm where she grew up, the place she thought of as home for much of her life. Then she showed a photo of the limb of the Earth, the glowing edge of the atmosphere, and described how, when she went to space, home was no longer a town on a map but this planet, a shift in perspective so massive I felt a little queasy contemplating it.

On Hour 3 in the airport bar on Sunday morning, beside two German travelers practicing Spanish, I ordered an omelet and imagined my own home, which felt very far away and lit by its own otherworldly halo. What would I be doing if I were there? Reading, texting, catching up on emails — the same things I was doing here. What was so bad about this? Was it the lack of choice? The lack of fresh air?

It was all those things, and also the feeling of being trapped in a warp between origin and destination. My emotions felt out of proportion to the situation: I hadn’t traveled very far for very long, was in no peril and would still arrive in New York with enough day left to do whatever needed to be done, but I felt on the verge of tears, loosed from my moorings, floating between fixed points, dislocated. I put on my headphones, put on a favorite band whose songs are so familiar they provide a home base no matter where I am. I listened to the same album on repeat for the duration of the flight, in the car on the way home, even at home once I finally made it there.

There’s a story in The Times today about how A.S.M.R., the pleasant, brain-tingling feeling we get when hearing certain sounds or watching certain comforting scenes, has become a feature of all viral internet content, not just specialized videos devoted to inducing the sensation. You can still put on a very specific video of someone whispering into a microphone or crinkling paper, but you’re just as likely to find the stimuli in videos of people cooking or cleaning their pools. This seems like a logical extension. We’re restless beasts in need of soothing. Sometimes we’re dramatically homesick, sometimes it’s just a bad day. Why not imbue the mundane with the choreography of comfort? Why not add pleasure whenever and wherever we can?

For weekend travel inspiration: The Times’s 36 Hours series.

How to deal with the increasing unpredictability of travel .

Stunning views of Earth from space .

How A.S.M.R. became a sensation.


The final round of the Eurovision Song Contest takes place in Sweden today. This year’s favorites include a Croatian techno act called Baby Lasagna. Read , or listen to , a guide to the competition.

“I won’t let anything break me”: Eden Golan, Israel’s 20-year-old entrant, spoke to The Times about the campaign to exclude her country from the event because of the war in Gaza.

The stage crew has 50 seconds to disassemble and reassemble sets. Watch a video from The Wall Street Journal .

Film and TV

“It’s easy to get caught up in the bigness of it all”: Owen Teague, the star of the latest “Planet of the Apes” film, and Andy Serkis, the lead in the earlier movies, sat down for a conversation .

“Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” is not as transporting as the previous trilogy of films, the Times critic Alissa Wilkinson writes , but “there’s still a tremendous amount to mull over.”

The latest season of “Doctor Who,” starring Ncuti Gatwa as the 15th actor to play the doctor, opened with a double episode. Read a recap.

Disney and Warner Bros. Discovery announced a plan to bundle their Disney+, Hulu and Max streaming services this summer

The recording engineer Steve Albini, who died this week at 61, was “arguably the most influential figure ever to emerge from indie rock,” Pitchfork wrote . Listen to 10 of his essential tracks , which shaped the sound of alternative rock music.

Kendrick Lamar and Drake’s rap beef crashed the website Genius , where users can annotate lyrics to songs. Times critics discussed where the rappers’ sonic conflict goes next .

Other Big Stories

A stage version of the beloved animated film “Spirited Away” is running in London, after premiering in Japan. The adaptation is opulent and impressive, but it could use more heart , our critic writes.

A federal judge granted a preliminary injunction that would bar the Des Moines Art Center from dismantling “Greenwood Pond: Double Site,” an environmental work by Mary Miss that includes wooden walkways and sitting areas in need of repair.

The owners of the Los Angeles house where Marilyn Monroe last lived, and died, sued the city, accusing officials of “backroom machinations” to save it from a planned demolition .

David Shapiro, a lyrical poet who appeared in a famous photograph from the 1968 uprising at Columbia University, died at 77 .


Israel-Hamas War

A Biden administration report said that Israel may have broken international law in Gaza, but that Israel’s “credible and reliable” assurances mean the U.S. can keep sending weapons.

The Biden administration is still waiting for Israel to show how it plans to evacuate and protect civilians in Rafah ahead of a possible invasion.

The U.N. General Assembly voted to support Palestinian statehood , a symbolic move. The U.S. voted no, and Israel accused delegates of “shredding the U.N. charter.”

Michael Cohen, who paid Stormy Daniels hush money and whom prosecutors say Donald Trump reimbursed, is expected to testify Monday in Trump’s Manhattan criminal trial. The judge asked prosecutors to stop Cohen from criticizing Trump .

Russia tried to break through Ukrainian lines in the country’s north using shelling and armored columns. Ukraine said it had repelled the attacks.

Russia is upgrading a munitions depot in Belarus, possibly to house nuclear weapons , a Times analysis of satellite imagery found.

The Biden administration plans to raise tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles to protect U.S. auto manufacturers.

Apple is revamping Siri to offer more advanced A.I. responses , akin to ChatGPT.

An appeals court upheld Steve Bannon’s conviction for defying a subpoena from the House Jan. 6 committee. He could soon have to serve prison time.

A Virginia school board voted to restore the names of Confederate leaders — including Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson — to two schools, reversing its 2020 decision to rename them .


Desiree Ibekwe

By Desiree Ibekwe

🎥 Back to Black (Friday): You may well have seen the online discussion about this movie, an Amy Winehouse biopic directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson. The movie — which focuses on Winehouse’s relationship with Blake Fielder-Civil — was No. 1 at the British box office but divided viewers and critics, some of whom found fault with the appearance of its star, Marisa Abela. “I don’t need to convince people that they’re actually watching Amy,” Abela told The Times . “I need to remind people of her soul.”


By Melissa Clark

Strawberry Shortcake

It’s Mother’s Day tomorrow, and if your mom has a sweet tooth (and if so, I can relate), Jane Grigson’s strawberry shortcake as adapted by Nancy Harmon Jenkins might be just the thing for a celebratory brunch. Make the biscuit dough and cut out the rounds the day before (just keep them in the fridge until baking time). Then, while they’re in the oven, you can macerate the berries (any kind you like) with sugar and prep the whipped cream. Be sure to save any leftover biscuits. They’re excellent toasted for breakfast the next day.


The hunt: An American took a chance on the Lake Geneva area of Eastern France, with a $300,000 budget. Which home did she buy? Play our game .

What you get for $900,000: A Frank Lloyd Wright house in Wilmette, Ill.; an 1879 three-bedroom house in Wilmington, N.C.; or a renovated ranch house in Scottsdale, Ariz.

Free help: A filmmaker, feeling unhelpful in her daily life, decided to offer small favors to passers-by in Union Square.

Made for walking: Brides are increasingly pairing cowboy boots with relaxed silhouetted dresses.

Scarlett Johansson: The actress shared her beauty regimen with T Magazine.

How to: Restoring a chair is easier than one might think . Here’s how a couple known as the Brownstone Boys did it.


Food processors, blenders and choppers.

Countertop appliances can help you get a meal on the table faster, often with less work and a quicker cleanup. But deciding which gizmo is best for you can be a challenge. It depends on what kinds of foods you most frequently prepare, Wirecutter’s kitchen experts say. For example, if your main goal is to reduce the time you spend prepping ingredients, a food processor is likely your best bet. If you demand the smoothest, silkiest textures from your soups, sauces and smoothies (and have ample storage space), consider a full-size blender. Oh, and those TikTok-famous manual vegetable choppers ? No one needs those. — Rose Lorre


W.N.B.A. season openers: A once-in-a-generation group enters the W.N.B.A. next week. You may already know their names: Caitlin Clark, Angel Reese, Cameron Brink, Kamilla Cardoso. Their college matchups shattered viewership records, and their pro draft last month did the same. The W.N.B.A. is trying to seize the moment: Nearly all of Clark’s games with the Indiana Fever will be national broadcasts , and some of her games are moving to bigger arenas to meet fan demand.

The season begins Tuesday, as Clark and the Fever face the Connecticut Sun and M.V.P. contender Alyssa Thomas. After that, the two-time defending champion Las Vegas Aces play Brittney Griner and the Phoenix Mercury. 7:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. Eastern on ESPN2

More coverage

Clark and Cardoso are featured in a documentary series , “Full Court Press,” airing on ABC this weekend, which follows them through their final season of college.

The W.N.B.A. is expanding : The league plans to add a 13th team, in the San Francisco area, next season, and a 14th, in Toronto, the year after.


Here is today’s Spelling Bee . Yesterday’s pangram was uncloak .

Take the news quiz to see how well you followed this week’s headlines.

And here are today’s Mini Crossword , Wordle , Sudoku , Connections and Strands .

Thanks for spending part of your weekend with The Times. — Melissa

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Melissa Kirsch is the deputy editor of Culture and Lifestyle at The Times and writes The Morning newsletter on Saturdays. More about Melissa Kirsch


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  2. Round-trip time

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  3. What is RTT(Round Trip Time)?

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  4. What is RTT (Round-Trip Time) and How to Reduce it?

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  1. What is RTT?

    Round-trip time (RTT) in networking is the time it takes to get a response after you initiate a network request. When you interact with an application, like when you click a button, the application sends a request to a remote data server. Then it receives a data response and displays the information to you. RTT is the total time it takes for ...

  2. What is RTT (Round-Trip Time) and How to Reduce it?

    The round-trip time (RTT) from the client's network to the AWS Region that the WorkSpaces are in should be less than 100ms. If the RTT is between 100ms and 200ms, the user can access the WorkSpace, but performance is affected. If the RTT is between 200ms and 375ms, the performance is degraded. If the RTT exceeds 375ms, the WorkSpaces client ...

  3. Round-trip delay

    In telecommunications, round-trip delay (RTD) or round-trip time (RTT) is the amount of time it takes for a signal to be sent plus the amount of time it takes for acknowledgement of that signal having been received. This time delay includes propagation times for the paths between the two communication endpoints. In the context of computer networks, the signal is typically a data packet.

  4. What is round-trip time?

    What is round-trip time? Round-trip time (RTT) is the duration in milliseconds (ms) it takes for a network request to go from a starting point to a destination and back again to the starting point. RTT is an important metric in determining the health of a connection on a local network or the larger Internet, and is commonly utilized by network ...

  5. What Is Round Trip Time?

    3. Round Trip Time. The RTT is the time between sending a message from a source to a destination (start) and receiving the acknowledgment from the destination at the source point (end). We can also see RTT referred to as Round Trip Delay (RTD). Sometimes, the acknowledgment is sent from the destination to the source almost immediately after the ...

  6. What is Round Trip Time (RTT)

    Factors Influencing RTT. Actual round trip time can be influenced by: Distance - The length a signal has to travel correlates with the time taken for a request to reach a server and a response to reach a browser.; Transmission medium - The medium used to route a signal (e.g., copper wire, fiber optic cables) can impact how quickly a request is received by a server and routed back to a user.

  7. Round-Trip Time (RTT): What It Is and Why It Matters

    Round-Trip Time is a network performance metric representing the time it takes for a data packet to travel from the source to the destination and back to the source. It is often measured in milliseconds (ms) and is a crucial parameter for determining the quality and efficiency of network connections. To understand the concept of RTT, imagine ...

  8. What is RTT(Round Trip Time)?

    Last Updated : 13 Apr, 2023. RTT (Round Trip Time) also called round-trip delay is a crucial tool in determining the health of a network. It is the time between a request for data and the display of that data. It is the duration measured in milliseconds. RTT can be analyzed and determined by pinging a certain address.

  9. Monitor & Reduce Network Round-Trip Time (RTT in Networking)

    Network Round-Trip Time (RTT) in networking, also commonly referred to as Round-Trip Latency or simply Latency, is a crucial metric that measures the time it takes for a packet of data to travel from its source to its destination and back again to the source. RTT is typically expressed in milliseconds (ms) and is a fundamental aspect of network ...

  10. Network Latency Guide: How to Check, Test, & Reduce

    Testing network latency can be done by using ping, traceroute, or My TraceRoute (MTR) tool. More comprehensive network performance managers can test and check latency alongside their other features. The importance of measuring and reducing latency cannot be overstated, as maintaining a high-performance and reliable network is a big part of ...

  11. Round Trip Time (RTT) Delay in the Internet: Analysis and Trends

    Both capacity and latency are crucial performance metrics for the optimal operation of most networking services and applications, from online gaming to futuristic holographic-type communications. Networks worldwide have witnessed important breakthroughs in terms of capacity, including fibre introduction everywhere, new radio technologies and faster core networks. However, the impact of these ...

  12. What's the difference between `Latency` and `Round Trip Time`?

    11. "Latency" can mean different things. Generally, it's a delay of some sort - application latency is the reaction time of an application (from input to output), network latency the delay for getting a packet from point A to B and so on. "Round-trip time" is more or less well defined as the network delay from point A to B and back .

  13. Bandwidth-delay product

    In data communications, the bandwidth-delay product is the product of a data link's capacity (in bits per second) and its round-trip delay time (in seconds). The result, an amount of data measured in bits (or bytes), is equivalent to the maximum amount of data on the network circuit at any given time, i.e., data that has been transmitted but not yet acknowledged.

  14. How to Calculate Packet Time from Latency and Bandwidth

    Network latency is the sum of all possible delays a packet can face during data transmission.We generally express network latency as round trip time (RTT) and measure in milliseconds (ms). Network delay includes processing, queuing, transmission, and propagation delays. Let's look at the formula to calculate network latency:

  15. Bandwidth Delay Product

    Bandwidth Delay Product = bandwidth (bits per sec) * round trip time (in seconds) So for example, let's calculate the bandwidth delay product of a satellite link that has a round trip time of 500 ms: 5000000 bits * 0.5 seconds = bandwidth delay product 2500000. So our bandwidth delay product is 2500000 bits.

  16. Azure network round-trip latency statistics

    The monthly Percentile P50 round trip times between Azure regions for a 30-day window are shown in the following tabs. The latency is measured in milliseconds (ms). The current dataset was taken on April 9th, 2024, and it covers the 30-day period ending on April 9th, 2024. For readability, each table is split into tabs for groups of Azure regions.

  17. Efficient measurement of round-trip link delays in software-defined

    With the round-trip link delays, network operators can quickly located the network problem to some bidirectional links (Tan et al., 2019), and they even can exactly locate the problematic one-way links by incorporating other performance metrics (e.g., link load). Therefore, we also study the round-trip delay measurement problem in this paper.

  18. Efficient measurement of round-trip link delays in software-defined

    Round-trip link delay is an important indicator for network performance optimization and troubleshooting. The Software-Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm, which provides flexible and centralized control capability, paves the way for efficient round-trip link delay measurement. In this paper, we study the round-trip link delay measurement problem ...

  19. Prediction of round trip delay for wireless networks by a two-state

    A method has been developed to predict the probability density function of the round-trip time (RTT) of a mobile/wireless network in an online manner by using data obtained from probe packets. In the present paper, we show the measurement results for the RTT by using LTE and Wi-Fi. On the basis of the results, we have built a two-state model. The states of the model correspond to a connected ...

  20. Time-efficient distributed virtual network embedding for round-trip

    The proposed kSP-DNVE achieves the minimum round-trip delay at 81% of the total requests. Compared to the HSAG, which provides the distributed embedding with the minimum round-trip delay, the k SP-DVNE produces embedding solutions with a slight increase of 1.88% in the average round-trip delay, for all the VNE lengths.

  21. City Round Trip Delay Time

    Get an estimate of round trip delay times across Epsilon's global network fabric. Country A. City A. Country B. City B. Region A. City A. Region B. City B.

  22. synchronization

    7. To synchronize its clock with a remote server, the NTP client must compute the round-trip delay time and the offset. The round-trip delay is computed as. where. t3 is the client's timestamp of the response packet reception. Therefore. of the request packet and the reception of the response packet and. t2 − t1 is the time the server waited ...

  23. Ask a question or make a comment

    Fierce fighting is taking place in Ukraine's Kharkiv region, with Moscow claiming to have seized nine border villages in the area. And in Moscow, Vladimir Putin has replaced a long-time ally.

  24. When Travel Plans Go Awry

    LIVING. Bianca Giaever offered to strangers near Union Square. Maansi Srivastava/The New York Times. Free help: A filmmaker, feeling unhelpful in her daily life, decided to offer small favors to ...