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The Effective Travel Agent Sales Pitch: Tips, Techniques, and Closing Strategies for Success

Jan 25, 2024 | Grow a travel business , Sales

Do you find sales uncomfortable? Or perhaps you struggle with converting leads? Read on to learn our most effective travel agent sales pitch examples and strategies so you can make the entire process easier and FUN!

Originally published January 2021; updated January 2024

Sales.  It’s a part of being a travel agent that doesn't necessarily get talked about that much, but everybody has to do it, and doing it right – or wrong – can make a huge difference in your career.

For most travel agents – especially those just starting out – the way you learn how to make sales is good old trial and error. You do this, you do that, this works, that doesn’t…  It takes a lot of time and energy to make all the mistakes before you start to figure out what works for you.

Wouldn’t it be helpful if you could skip this process?  Wouldn’t it be great to have all the best, most effective sales tips and techniques that are created from years of experience at your fingertips on your first day as a travel agent?

Or if you’ve been a travel agent for six months, or a year, or three years already…  Wouldn't it be great to up your sales game and get more confident when it’s time to close the deal?

This is why we’re sharing some valuable insights on successful sales pitches for travel agents. Sales is one of our favorite topics, and we believe it's a superpower that can be harnessed to grow your travel business.

Rather watch than read? Check out the video below!

Take a Consultative Approach to the Sales Pitch

Firstly, we need to shift your mindset around sales and think of it more as a consultative process versus a one-and-done pitch. The goal is to really understand your client's needs so you can match them with the right solution. Good sales strategies involve a supportive approach, active listening, and effective matching.

A Solid Sales Approach for Travel Agents

We’re going to assume that you've already qualified your clients and have confirmed their needs match what you can offer. Now, let’s dive into our favorite key components that will take your sales approach up a notch.

Ditch Sending an Email-Only Quote

One major mistake is only emailing the quote to a new client. This approach allows clients to shop around and might not effectively communicate the value you're providing. Instead, consider an alternative like conducting a video presentation.

This allows you to be ‘face to face’ with your potential client and address any concerns they may have right away.

Pro tip: Run through your proposal once or twice before jumping on your call. This will make you more comfortable so you can deliver with confidence.

Illustrate How You Meet Your Client Needs

During your proposal presentation, make sure you emphasize how you've met specific client needs that were discussed during the consultation call. Whether it's a child with autism needing a kid’s club or a couple wanting sunset views, make sure you call out the requests they’ve made. This shows that you not only listen but also follow through on delivering what they request.

Learn the Art of Mirroring

Mirroring is when you intentionally match the pace and tone of your client's communication. This strategy builds rapport and makes clients more comfortable.

Paint a Vivid Picture

Invite your clients into a story. Instead of a generic presentation, describe the experience with intricate details so they feel like they’re actually experiencing what you describe.

See Objections as Opportunities to Address Concerns

Don't fear objections; see them as opportunities. Prior to your presentation, run through the possible objections that may arise and practice how you will respond. You can also address them proactively while you’re going through the presentation. The goal is to show your commitment to meeting their needs and addressing their concerns.

Find Your Preferred Closing Technique

There are five popular closing techniques that you can test out – assumptive, choice, suggestion, and urgency closes. Explore the components of each one, experiment with using them and determine which one works best for you, and your clients.

Increase Ticket Price Strategically

To maximize revenue, consider adding insurance to every quote. Show clients an option slightly above their budget and include add-ons like rental cars, tours, or concierge services.

Make the Sales Process Easier

If you're looking to enhance your sales skills, consider applying for our Careers on Vacation Mastermind. We cover not only sales but also marketing, automation, and expert positioning to make your travel agency thrive.

Who doesn’t want to make the sales process easier and more fun? Here are four tips for making sales work for you:

  • Qualify clients effectively.
  • Adopt a consultative approach.
  • Consider charging planning fees.
  • Position yourself as an expert to build trust.

Closing sales is an art, and with the right techniques, you can turn potential opportunities into successful bookings. Remember, it's about creating a win-win situation for both you and your clients. Happy selling!

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Effective Travel Agent Sales Pitch Examples

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How to sell tour packages over the phone?

How To Sell Tour Packages Over The Phone Home

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In the travel business, which is always changing and where people want to go everywhere, it’s important to be able to sell tour packages well. Demand for exciting adventures and memorable trips has grown to levels that have never been seen before. This makes it more important than ever for travel workers to improve their sales skills.

In this article, we’ll talk about the most important parts of selling tour packages and how they can help you grow your business. We will find out how to write the best script for selling tour packages over the phone by looking at real-world cases and situations.

Preparing for the call

The best way to do this is to find out what the person you’re talking to likes. For instance, if you’re talking to someone from a travel service, you could ask about their favorite places to visit or the kinds of tours they offer.

If it’s a client, ask them what they like best about your services and how you can help them with their needs. Before you call, you could also ask them if there’s anything else you can do for them.

Researching the customer's interests and needs

One of the most important things you can do when selling tours is research the customer’s interests and needs. For example, if they have previously traveled to a specific destination or expressed interest in a particular activity, you would want to tailor your pitch accordingly.

When you are selling tour packages over the phone you are familiarizing oneself with the tour package offerings. Being familiar with the tour package offerings is essential before making a sales call. This includes knowing the itinerary, inclusions and exclusions, pricing, and unique selling points.

Selling Tour Packages Over The Phone Image 1

Preparing a list of benefits and unique selling points

Building rapport and establishing trust.

Selling Tour Packages Over The Phone Image 2

It’s important to get to know the customer when you’re selling tour packages. You can start by finding out as much as you can about their business goals and what they are interested in.

For instance, if a possible customer wants to go to a certain place, you could ask them a few questions about why they want to go there. Make sure to listen carefully and write things down so you can tell your sales team what to say when they call the client later.

Engaging in small talk to establish rapport

When you first talk to a person, you need to tell them who you are and what company you work for. Friendly and efficient, tell them about yourself and the company. This helps the customer trust and believe in the business.

The best way to sell tour packages over the phone is to make small talk. During small talk, you can ask about their hobbies or travels. Instead of starting with a script, it’s better to start with small talk and then sell tour packages over the phone.

Listening to understand the customer's needs and interests

“Active listening” is a crucial skill that telemarketers and sellers need to possess. It can be challenging since the person you’re speaking with may not be fully focused or attentive. However, it is an invaluable tool for understanding your customers’ thoughts and needs.

When engaged in a phone conversation, it is essential to genuinely pay attention to the words spoken by the other person. Merely parroting their statements is insufficient; without active listening, you will remain oblivious to their problems or concerns.

Presenting the tour package

When presenting the tour package, we must stress what makes it stand out from other packages. For example, tours that take people to see local culture should highlight this unique feature, since it will give customers a one-of-a-kind experience when they use the tour.

Addressing the customer's needs and interests

When selling a tour package, it’s important to put the wants and interests of the customer first. Remember that everyone has different tastes, so you can’t just assume that they like the same things you do.

Focus on making the tour package fit the wants and interests of the customer when you present it. This shows that you did your study and are committed to meeting their needs.

For example, if a customer says they want to go to a certain place, like an amusement park, make sure it’s part of the tour plan. This will make them want to stay at your hotel or lodge because they will know they can do something special there.

Give full information about the schedule and answer any questions your customers might have. This lets them decide about their trip with more knowledge. Find out if they have any worries, such as a limited budget, special interests, or dietary needs. You can also ask them about their past travels and encourage them to rate the services your company provides (5 stars).

Use this chance to tell people about your website, where they can find out more about your goods.

Upselling additional services and experiences

They are selling more services and events than they already have. If the customer says they are interested in more services or experiences, offer them choices that make sense. This can make the sale worth more as a whole.

For example, if you are selling a hotel deal and the customer asks about a tour of the city, suggest that he take the tour with you.

One of the fastest ways to improve your sales and make more money for your business is to upsell. It’s also one of the best ways to increase sales and make more money for your business.

Experience the ultimate adventure with our newly crafted tour package design! Powered by Elementor and integrated seamlessly with WordPress, our TravelerWP theme brings your travel website to life. Unleash your creativity and captivate your audience with stunning layouts, immersive visuals, and user-friendly features . Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to elevate your travel business. Take action now and embark on a journey towards success by implementing our tour package design with Elementor and TravelerWP . Start mesmerizing your visitors and converting them into loyal travelers today!

Overcoming objections and closing the sale

Addressing concerns and objections raised by the customer.

When you’re on the phone with a customer, you need to answer their questions and worries right away. This will help make sure the customer is happy with the packages you offer and won’t switch to a different service.

If a customer has questions or worries, you should do two things:

  • Take care of them immediately. This will show the user that you want to solve their problems quickly, before they have time to think about it too much.
  • Pay close attention to what they say, and think about what they told you. The more they think you hear and understand them, the more likely they are to buy from you.

Providing reassurance and solutions

It’s important to offer reassurance and answers when selling tour packages over the phone. One way to do this is to give free upgrades or other special deals. For example, if you’re selling a tour from New York City to Philadelphia, you could give people who book early a free hotel room. Or, if you’re offering a tour from San Francisco to Los Angeles, you could include a service to take people to and from the airport. This will make sure that the customer is happy with the value they are getting and that they feel good about their buy.

Presenting the offer and closing the sale

Here’s how to close a sale over the phone:

  • Call your prospect and make an appointment.
  • Identify the sale by asking, “Is there anything else I can do for you today?”
  • Close the sale with a script like this: “I want to set up a tour package for you and your family,” or “I’d love to show you my best attractions.”
  • Ask for their name, address, and phone number so you can follow up on their response.

Following up with confirmation and details

You’ve made a sale. Now that you’ve done everything right, it’s time to close the deal and book the tour package.

Tell your customer that you are happy to check all the details of their order. This will give them the confidence to book with you and help get rid of any problems that could come up later.

Get their email address, then send them a confirmation email with all of their information and any special requests or information they may have given you during the chat.

Selling Tour Packages Over The Phone Image 3

Real Example of Phone Script for Selling Tour Packages

Here is an example of the script for selling tour packages over the phone so that you can imagine what’s going on.

Hello, [Prospect’s Name], my name is [Your Name] and I am calling from [Company Name]. How are you today?

Build Rapport :

Great! So glad to hear that! Now, I would like to take a moment to tell you about the exciting new tour packages that we have available.

Ask Questions: Have you taken a vacation recently? Do you have any upcoming travel plans?

Listen to the prospect’s answer and respond accordingly:

Prospect says they’ve taken a vacation: Great! So you know the importance of taking time away from your daily routine to relax and recharge, right?

Prospect says they have upcoming travel plans: That’s wonderful! Where are you headed? And when are you planning to go?

Introduction of Tour Package:

[Prospect’s Name], we have an amazing new tour package that I think you’ll love. We offer a 7-day tour package to Hawaii, which includes airfare, accommodations, transportation, and some exciting activities. You’ll get to explore the beautiful beaches and scenery of Hawaii, as well as immerse yourself in the local culture and cuisine. And the best part is, we’re offering it at a special discounted rate just for our valued customers.

Features and Benefits:

Airfare, accommodations, transportation, and activities are all included in the package price. You get to explore the beautiful beaches and scenery of Hawaii. You can immerse yourself in the local culture and cuisine. You’ll have a stress-free vacation, as all the arrangements have already been made. Our special discounted rate saves you money. Call to Action: So, [Prospect’s Name], what do you think? Are you interested in booking this amazing tour package to Hawaii today?

Overcome Objections:

T he cost is too high: I completely understand that cost is a concern. But I can assure you that this tour package is an excellent value for everything that it includes. Plus, we’re offering a special discount just for our valued customers.

I need to think about it: That’s understandable. But keep in mind that this offer is only available for a limited time, and the spots are filling up fast. If you’re interested, it’s best to book now to secure your spot. I’ve never been to Hawaii before: That’s exactly why you should book this tour package! It’s a great opportunity to explore a new destination and experience everything that Hawaii has to offer.

Thank you so much for considering our tour package to Hawaii, [Prospect’s Name]. I truly believe that it would be an unforgettable experience for you. If you have any further questions or would like to book the package, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

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11 Ways to Promote Your Tours for Maximum Sales

Theresa Rappensperger

Travelers today do not have to depend on friends and family recommendations to find the ideal travel package. They also do not need to rely on a travel agent to book their tours for them. They have a lot of options to choose from (your competitors) and a host of technological tools (think Google) to help them identify and book the perfect trip.

Furthermore, travelers can buy spontaneously, but they can also take quite a bit of time in between deciding to travel and which travel package to book. In fact, according to Think with Google , a traveler can have more than a hundred interactions with brands while researching their trip.

For example, Amy, a traveler planning a trip to Disney World, spent 2 months researching the trip and had 419 interactions with brands.

So why should travelers like Amy, choose and book your tour package? Well, that’s the question we’re going to help you answer.

In this article, we’ll present 10 tips to promote your tour packages and stand out from the competition so you can maximize sales.

Let’s get to it.

11 Tips for Selling More Tours and Vacation Packages

First, get a booking system.

First things first, in order to get online bookings, you need to get a booking system to automate your processes and start selling your tours online. Try Regiondo , Europe’s leading booking system designed to streamline your travel business. To learn more about how you can make profits using a booking system, book a demo with one of Regiondo experts.

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Create an Appealing Tour or Vacation Package

In order to effectively promote and sell your tour packages, you have to create a great tour package  — one that appeals to your target audience. A great tour package is actually the foundation for your promotion and sales strategies: You need to have a good product that can sell itself.

How can you create a great tour package? Know your audience first.

Know Your Audience

The first thing you need to do when designing any tour package is to figure out who you’re selling to. Are you targeting families or millennials? Those two groups have different travel ideas and dreams.

For example, if you’re targeting family travelers, you may want to consider this research study by Bing. The study reported that 68 percent of family vacation idea searches are conducted by women and that women conducted 59 percent of overall travel-related searches. Among those, women aged 35-48 accounted for 41 percent of those travel searches.

So, if you want to target family travelers, based on Bing’s data, you need to market your tours to women between the ages of 35 and 48. However, that audience is not narrow enough.

You should also consider which types of travelers you would like to cater to: Higher-end, middle income, or budget?

The Bing study found that “cheap family vacations” was the top growth term for people searching for family vacation ideas. So, if you’re targeting family travelers, your ideal audience could be women aged 35-48 who are looking for budget-friendly options. You would then design your tour packages accordingly so they appeal directly to that audience.

Make Your Marketing Clear as Ice

Any marketing you do for your tour packages needs to be as clear as possible. Any user scrolling through your site, social media, or anywhere you have information pertaining to your tour package, should be able to quickly understand your unique selling point.

So, quickly spell out your marketing message for potential tourists and make it easy for them to find everything they need to make a purchase decision.

Personalize Your Messaging to Sell More Vaction Packages

The customer is king and should be made to feel that way in every interaction.

If you want to give your tour business an edge, you should deliver personalized content: from personalized emails to targeted messages. Generic emails no longer do well. In fact, they can cause more harm than good as they convey the message that you are simply aiming for quantity and do not fully understand your audience.

It would be much better to send targeted communications based on the experience a specific customer is interested in. But how can you know the individual preferences of everyone in your audience?

You can add cookie consent to your website and use marketing tools to track your audience across multiple channels. With that tracking data, you can send personalized messages with recommendations that are suited to specific customers.

If you’re already using Regiondo to manage your online bookings, you can send personalized messages to your customers from the Messages field in the Sidebar:

How to Sell Vacation Packages - Personalized Emails in Regiondo

You’ll find 20+ templates for the most common scenarios such as confirming an order and rescheduling a booking. These are ready to use but you can also edit them so you include your brand colors, logo, and communication style.

If you don’t have a Regiondo account and want more information, book a free demo here .

Optimize Your Website and Accept Online Bookings

One of the first steps in promoting and selling your tour packages is to make sure your website is optimized to sell that tour product and is able to accept online bookings. Truth be told, your website may be your biggest distribution channel.

Every single thing you could possibly look for and find is online. Your customers are too. That means that you should also have a dedicated web presence — mainly via your website .

In addition to having a website to begin with, it’s important that you have all the key information about the tour package you’re promoting at the front and center of your site. A user should be able to easily access that information and understand what your tour is about. They should also be able to book instantly online if they decide that your tour is it. Use can use this free SEO grader tool to make sure your customers can easily find you on search engines.

Free SEO grader

The advantage for you is that you don’t need to be by your computer or phone 24/7: You can accept bookings around the clock (from all over the world, in advance and short notice), have your inventory updated in real-time, and also get more bookings (since your website is your storefront).

Make Your Site Mobile Friendly

The next step is to make sure your website is mobile-friendly, meaning that a user can do everything they can do on your desktop website just as easily on your mobile site.

Just to highlight how important it is that your site is mobile-friendly, a recent Google study found that 45 percent of smartphone users in the United Kingdom are comfortable researching, planning, and booking their entire trip using a mobile device. The same is true for 48 percent of smartphone users in the United States and 44 percent of smartphone users in France.

A Think with Google study found that people switch between desktop and mobile for certain actionable steps. Specifically, they found that a majority (46 percent) of travelers who perform travel research on mobile made their final purchase decision on mobile but used another device to finalize the booking.

Think with Google also reports that over one-third of smartphone users have a negative impression of the company if the mobile experience is slow. Speed isn’t the only issue — smartphone users get irritated by a confusing mobile site.

All this is to say that your mobile site should have easy search functionality, straightforward yet engaging language, and booking should be a hassle-free process. Ideally, user experience should be similar across all devices.

Utilize the Power of Video

The power of video is undisputed . Especially in the travel industry where you’re trying to sell an experience or dream.

Video is a great way to engage and inspire potential travelers. You can specifically use video to help travelers better envision themselves in a particular destination and with your tour offering. Since video is a highly visual and emotive medium, you can more easily inspire potential travelers to book the experience you’re selling.

Indeed, video gives them a visual interactive insight into what the experience will be like. Particularly if it’s about an adventure tour or activity.

Our advice is to make video a staple medium in your overall marketing strategy. You can start off by creating short destination videos for social media before progressing to more immersive videos.

Get on YouTube

Hosting the awesome videos you make on YouTube will put you in front of a larger audience. Travelers are curious about what you are all about and which experiences you’re offering them so allow them to find you by hosting your own travel channel on YouTube.

You can release a set of informational videos about different tours and activities, or destination guides covering things to do in a particular location. Make sure to include links to your website and any social media handles so that the viewer can contact you or stay in touch.

Tap into the Power of Social

There are several reasons why social media is key in any tourism marketing strategy. The first one is that there are almost 3 billion people on social media today — basically, your entire audience and beyond.

As mentioned earlier, travelers today go online to conduct research on travel destinations and tours. They also largely depend on reviews, especially peer reviews which are aggregated on social travel sites like TripAdvisor .

A study showed that 89 percent of millennials plan their travel primarily based on online peer reviews. A TripAdvisor study found that 53 percent of travelers do not make a purchase decision without reading reviews and that 80 percent read between 6-12 reviews before making a purchase decision. That’s huge.

Indeed, people are scouring social media platforms for peer-approved travel inspiration. They have access to travel photos, reviews, and more on social media. That content is what gives them some insight into what your tour has to offer and if it’s the ideal one for them. Back to our main point: social media greatly influences purchase decisions.

That’s why it’s important to have an active presence on all social media sites that your audience may be on. From Instagram to Pinterest , identify the platforms that your target audience uses and get on there with fresh and engaging content.

Speaking of peer-reviewed and approved travel inspiration…

Hire Travel Influencers

Travel influencers are people who can promote destinations, activities, and businesses by using their social media influence. They partner with brands to review their products or share general experiences with a particular brand, in an effort to get their audience to engage with that brand. Brands essentially hire travel influencers to create awareness or drive sales for specific products.

You may want to think about doing the same: hiring a travel influencer to promote your tour package.

However, before you make the decision to partner with an influencer, you should be mindful that appearances can be deceiving. Having a large following or heavy web traffic does not make someone an influencer. Rather, look for someone who is proactive and able to inspire their followers to take action.

It’s going to take some research to identify an influencer that is a good fit for your brand. One whose ideals match your message and brand. What you can do perhaps is find a few influencers to come and try out your tours for free in exchange for reviews.

If you’ve never ventured into this space before, it may be best to start off small and see whether it’s a strategy that will deliver desired returns. (Rather than investing in a highly famed influencer who will inevitably charge high fees and have specific demands.)

With any marketing plan, you need to know your analytics inside out . If you hire an influencer but are not tracking where your traffic and brand mentions are coming from, you will not be able to effectively target your marketing — you will be advertising broadly when a more targeted campaign could be more successful.

The good news is that if you are working with bloggers or influencers via social media, you will be able to see where traffic is coming from (via the analytics tools offered by some social platforms). You should keep in mind, however, that traffic should ultimately translate into returns; meaning that it should either result in more bookings or increased activity and engagement on your social media pages.

All in all, if done correctly, you can substantially boost your brand awareness and tour package bookings by partnering with an influencer.

There are many creative ways to improve your marketing strategy and promote your vacation packages. We covered the fundamental strategies that will help you to better convey your marketing message, to engage with potential tourists in an authentic way, and convert that engagement into actual sales.

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How to sell tour packages in 3 easy steps

How to sell tour packages in 3 easy steps

How does the process of selling a tour package work?

How do you sell tour packages over the internet, is it possible to sell tour packages over the phone, tips to sell more of your tour packages.

The tourism industry is one of the most competitive, the range of offers far exceeds the level of demand (which is already very high). If we add to all this the complex circumstances caused by the coronavirus pandemic , the entire tourism sector is facing one of the most challenging periods in its history.

According to data presented at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (reported on July 1), the global tourism sector could lose at least $1.2 trillion, or 1.5% of global gross domestic product (GDP), after being paralyzed for almost four months due to the coronavirus pandemic.

At present, there are fewer constraints on tourism, but the backdrop is no less challenging than it was in early March or April.

In today’s world, selling tourism has become a tricky business, one that requires greater specialization and expertise capable of capturing new customer demands , as well as exploring different sales channels.

There are many examples of travel agencies offering tour packages that combine a variety of tourism services. The design and sale of tour packages is an exercise in innovation and continuous improvement , for example, analyzing the life cycle of a tourist destination is a factor that should be taken into account to stay ahead of the competition and offer a package that is appealing to new customers after the pandemic.

The first thing to consider is to understand how the process of selling a tour package works . From there it is possible to add different management and sales models.

A tour package is one of the most complex products in terms of its creation and development, but one that provides the greatest satisfaction to the parties involved.

A tour package offers a complete experience for a specific customer niche . Each item and detail that defines the tour package will be linked to the needs, expectations, requirements and desires of the selected target customer.

The sales process of a tour package is linked to the customer’s buying cycle. As such, we can discern three distinct phases:

  • The phase prior to the purchase of the tour package . In this phase, the customer creates expectations about what they want. They research and acquire information about what they want according to their criteria. The experience of other customers becomes fundamental to increase the attractiveness of a package.
  • The phase when the package is being enjoyed . Here, the customer builds their experiences, which will define the final impression of the package in qualitative terms.
  • The phase after the tour package has been taken . The experience enjoyed is fondly remembered and recommended. Here the much-coveted factor of brand and product loyalty is solidified.

As you may have noticed, the life cycle of the customer’s purchase of the tour package strongly influences how tour packages are sold. The first phase in particular is crucial for success.

Digital marketing is established as the driving force to increase and improve sales of tourism products . Let’s take a closer look.

A tour package created to suit the needs and desires of the selected customer niche will not sell itself.

The online world is a great place to optimize sales, but it is also another very competitive environment where you have to press the right keys to get greater visibility for your product.

The tourism sector is always looking for the best and most innovative ways to reach its target audience and adapt its range of offers to gain a competitive advantage that makes all the difference.

Digital marketing has become the ultimate tool for travel agencies to increase sales of online travel packages. If what you are looking for is to personalize your message, digital marketing provides a tailored experience to customers , ideal for selling travel.

Here are some tips that will help to give greater visibility to the online promotion of tour packages:

  • Register on the leading tourism platforms. It is a good way to publicize your offers.
  • Online travel agencies require SEO optimization of their content, capable of placing the page in the top positions. The more specific the content is, the more effective and easier to rank.
  • It is particularly important to incorporate keywords in the text related to the main qualities of the tour package , in order to improve the relevance of the website content for users.
  • Social networks have replaced traditional communications, we have entered a new interactive era where the tourism sector can take advantage of social networking tools to promote the business at lower costs, attract visitors and generate public interest.
  • Reviews are essential for booking vacations. According to a study by Tnooz , more than 95% of travelers read around an average of 7 reviews and spent an average of 30 minutes prior to booking. Tripadvisor, minube, etc. are sites that can make a difference to the success of your tour package.
  • Negative reviews should be dealt with quickly. To avoid a major controversy, the default strategy is to respond in a professional and empathetic manner.
  • The use of social media and video are the main trends that offer credibility and user outreach.

Whether you are a major agency or a small business , Digital Marketing is essential to provide effective and meaningful visibility of your tour packages.

The telephone has traditionally been the central point of contact for any business transaction. Nowadays, telephone sales are not very well received, especially due to the overexposure to telephone sales of various products (energy, telecommunications, etc.).

Focusing on the tourism sector, telephone calls can be a good source of building customer loyalty .

Contacting satisfied customers by telephone can yield very positive feedback and results:

  • Identifying and learning about new requirements.
  • Possibility of offering discounts for being a customer.
  • Easier to make appointments in physical offices.
  • Stimulate bookings for future trips.

Selling, as they say, a tour package door-to-door is a pipe dream if your brand image is not recognized..

As we have already discussed, in the tourism sector, competition is tough. Small details can be the trigger for success.

Here are some tips that may come in handy for your tour package sales strategy:

  • Highlight the benefits of the product . Instead of trying to compete, focus on pointing out the unique benefits of the service on offer. Requesting a review from satisfied customers, highlighting all the positive aspects of the experience they have had with your agency is a good course of action.
  • Interact with customers on social networks . Travelers of all ages use social networks, where they talk about travel products, share experiences or express their preferences. The travel agency has to be part of this social environment, which will lead to highly advantageous two-way feedback.
  • Deliver an experience . The more complete the activities and services of a tour package, the more positive the customer’s experience will be. Explore all the alternatives that each package can offer.
  • Establish a target market . The more specialized the travel agency is, the more attractive and complete its tour packages will be. Niche travel means that you are selling something that no one else sells and that the product is different.

Selling tour packages means embracing new technologies and carrying out an innovative strategy of continuous improvement.

Getting to know your customers and planning a tourism product based on their requirements is the first big step to professional and optimal sales.

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Cristóbal Reali, VP of Global Sales at Mize, with over 20 years of experience, has led high-performance teams in major companies in the tourism industry, as well as in the public sector. He has successfully undertaken ventures, including a DMO and technology transformation consulting. In his role at Mize, he stands out not only for his analytical and strategic ability but also for effective leadership. He speaks English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. He holds a degree in Economics from UBA, complementing his professional training at Harvard Business School Online.

Mize is the leading hotel booking optimization solution in the world. With over 170 partners using our fintech products, Mize creates new extra profit for the hotel booking industry using its fully automated proprietary technology and has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue across its suite of products for its partners. Mize was founded in 2016 with its headquarters in Tel Aviv and offices worldwide.

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Best Way To Sell Your Tour Package Online

Divya Rajendran

  • On January 23, 2023

Tour package banner


Selling your travel package online has a lot of advantages. You can sell any of your tour experiences to many people worldwide. It doesn’t have geo-restrictions. If you plan to take your travel business online, this guide is for you.

This Guide Is Ideal For:  All travel package providers, tour operators, adventure activity providers, tour experience sellers, and outdoor activity providers can leverage this guide to start selling your travel packages online.

Benefits of choosing this method:

Even though many other solutions are available in the market to sell your tour packages, this method allows you to

  • Build your travel website
  • List all your tour and travel packages – unlimited listing
  • Inbuilt booking engine
  • 0% commission fee on your travel package sale
  • Sell internationally in 135+ currencies
  • Include additional add-ons to your travel packages like coupon codes, discounts, group pricing, etc.,
  • Generate an email list by using a free email subscription box and more
  • Optimize your activity listing for SEO using the inbuilt SEO feature and more

How to Sell Your Tour Packages Online – Step By Step

The market is filled with more travel & tour agencies as the demand for travel has increased.

This is the right time if you have a plan to sell your tours and activities. There are multiple ways to sell your tour packages online; we chose this method because at an initial and growing stage, travel startups are looking for a budget-friendly solution to sell their travel packages online. Thus, Advensure comes into this.

Advensure is a tour operator software that helps tour operators and travel agencies to create their own websites and sell their travel packages online using a booking engine. 

There are two ways you can sell your tour packages online

  • Integrate booking engine to your website – Ideal for travel agencies with the website
  • Create your website with a booking engine feature – Ideal for travel agencies which doesn’t have a website.

So, without any further ado, let’s jump into the step-by-step process of how to sell tour packages online.

Integrate the booking engine into your website

This method is ideal for tour operators with a website for their business but doesn’t have a feature to sell online. Features like payment method, online booking & cancellation, etc.,

So if you want to sell your tours through your website, follow these steps.

Step 1 – Signup & Login

Go to the Advensure home page and click the “get started” button.

Get started

Select your country to continue

select tour country

Enter your organization name and click next

Enter tour business name

Enter your email address, verify captcha and click next.

enter your email address

You will receive a verification code to your email address copy that code and paste it here and click verify code

enter verification code

You will be redirected to the next step, where you need to enter your details like your domain name, website language, email address & password, and then click the register button.

submit your tour business details

Hurray 🎉 your account has been successfully created now you can log in to your account.


Once you log in, your 30 days free trial starts, and you can use all premium features in this trial period. After 30 days, you need to upgrade to the plan.

Advensure plan starts from $15/month; you can change the currency as required. Advensure supports the following currencies.

  • Australian Dollar
  • Canadian Dollar
  • Danish Krone
  • Hong Kong Dollar
  • Japanese Yen
  • New Zealand Dollar
  • Norway Krone
  • Singapore Dollar
  • Swedish Krona
  • Swiss Franc


You can choose your plan ( Monthly/Yearly ) after 30 days of your free trial through your dashboard. For that, go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Subscription


Since Advensure doesn’t ask for card details while signup, you have to update your card details on your dashboard to upgrade your account.

After selecting your plan, go to Payment method and enter your card details and coupon code if you have any to avail the offer. If not, skip that field empty and click update.

After 30 days of your free trial, your account will be upgraded.

Step 2 – Embed the Book Now Button To Your Website

📌 How To Create A Tour Website In Simple Steps

You can sell your travel packages online even without a booking engine, but we will tell you that you missed out on some great opportunities to scale your online business.

Here are some benefits of having a booking engine on your website

  • You can offer reservations for your customers
  • Easier & Faster payments
  • Save the time of replying to email/form queries
  • Interaction with your customers
  • Minimize workloads and more

Interesting right? Let’s embed the booking engine for your travel/tour website by following the below steps

1. Go to the dashboard -> settings page


2. In the settings page, go to Integrations -> book now integrations -> click view code.

Book now integration

3. After clicking on the “view code” you will see the following screen, click “copy code” as shown in the image below

book now code

4. Once you copy the code, follow the steps mentioned in this document . This document will help you to set up this code on any of the platforms, whether you use WordPress website or Wix, or HTML.

Create Your Own Travel Website To Sell Your Tour Packages Online

This method is ideal for tour and travel agencies which doesn’t have a website to promote their travel packages online.

Follow the similar instructions mentioned here.

Step 2 – Choose a domain name

There are 2 options available while choosing your domain; by default, Advensure creates the domain name (basically a subdomain of also known as Advensure managed domain) using the organization name you enter during the signup process.

Advensure sub domain

If you don’t want the subdomain, you can connect your own domain with Advensure. 

You can follow the instructions to connect your domain with Advensure.

connect own domain

Step 3 – Choose a Theme

You can customize your website appearances like font and color. There are nearly 100+ fonts available to select from, and you can also preview that font on the side of the dashboard.

website appearance

Step 4 – Customize your pages

You can customize your website pages by

  • Adding filter option
  • Adding your travel/tour/experience listing
  • Adding a date to the listing
  • Adding price to the listing
  • Adding details to the listing
  • Adding creatives to your listing
  • Adding Itinerary to the listing
  • Adding new pages to your website
  • Customize your menu

Add a filter option

You can include a filter option to your website which helps your visitors to filter the travel packages as per their needs. To do that, Go to Dashboard -> Scale -> Website -> Filter


Add your Travel Package Listing

You can list unlimited travel packages/tour activities on your website. Advensure didn’t set any boundaries on that. 

To do that, go to Dashboard -> Serve -> Activity Listing -> Click Add Listing

tour package listing

On Add listing page you can add the listing details like name, location, category, no of days, Timeslots, etc.,

Based on your listing type, and you can choose your categories and all. Below video will help you to understand this step better.

Add Date To The Listing

Once you are done with adding your listing, click save; it will take you to the next page where you can select the available & unavailable dates for your travel packages.

Select date type

Once you click the select button from the previous step, you can also add special pricing for special dates and weekends by enabling the toggle button shown in the below image.

Special travel package price

Add Price To The Listing

After setting up the available/unavailable date for your listing, you can now add the pricing details.

In the pricing, you can set up tax percentages, deposit percentages, refund amounts, etc.,

You can also create different pricing packages for adults, children, couples, etc., and once you are done with it, click save.

Add-Ons to Your Listing

Once you save the pricing of your listing, you will take to the next screen. Here you can include your add-on service details like the type of add-on services, including accommodation, transport, food, guide, and other ground and miscellaneous services, and pricing of the add-on, etc., the video below will explain this in detail.

Add Listing Details

After saving your add-ons to your listing, now its time to include listing details. In this step, add a description and other details like things to remember, items to carry, etc.,

Travel package Listing details

Add Media to Your Listing

After saving your listing details, the next step is to add media to the listing. Images are one of the conversion factors. Especially in the travel industry using real and high-quality images of your travel/tour activity services on your website will help your website visitors to turn into your paying customer.

Add media

Add Itinerary to Your Listing

To make beautiful memories in a given amount of time is challenging. Plan a better itinerary for your customers to ensure that each and every second of their traveling experience is memorable.

Add Iteneary

All done? Now it’s time to publish your listing on your website. You can publish your listing easily by enabling the toggle on your activity listing dashboard.

Publish your tour package

Add New Pages to Your Website

Every travel website should have the following pages to gain trust among visitors. 

  • Contact Page
  • Terms & Conditions
  • Privacy Policy
  • Cancellation & Refund Policy

To add the new page to your website, go to Dashboard -> Scale -> Website Pages -> Pages

Add new page

You can easily create and publish legal pages in minutes. Go to Dashboard -> Scale -> Website Pages -> Legal Pages

Add Legal pages

Add the details of the pages and enable the checkbox to publish your legal pages.

Publish legal pages

Step 4 – Customize your menu

You can add your pages on the header and footer menus. Also you can also include your pages in silo format. That is you can add your specific pages under the main menu as a sub-menu

You can also add your custom menu, for that Dashboard -> Scale -> Website Pages -> Custom Menu

custom menu

Step 5: Subscription Box

Blogs play an important role in lead generation. To grow your email list, you need to set up a newsletter subscription option on your website. Unlike CMS, you do not need to install additional add-ons to enable this feature.

Just go to Dashboard > Scale > Website > Home Page > Subscription Text

You can add your subscription box on the footer and your listing pages as well. 

Subscription box

You get notified whenever you get a new subscriber.

You can view and export your subscriber list from Dashboard > Scale > Customers > Subscribers.

subscribers view

Step 6: Optimize Your Pages For SEO

SEO plays a vital role in online marketing, and Advensure offers free SEO features to help you to optimize your page heading and description for SEO.

You don’t need additional add-ons to optimize your travel website for search engines . You can find separate fields for SEO titles and descriptions while editing your pages.

For example, if you want to add SEO for your home page, go to Dashboard > Scale > Website > Home Page. 

You can find the SEO section on that page.

SEO feature

Similarly, you can optimize your other pages too. Let’s say you want to edit your activity/tour listing page; go to Activity listing > Click Edit > Go to SEO page > Add Details > Click Save

Step 7 – It’s time to sell your travel packages online

Finally, your website is ready, and now you can start selling your travel packages online and increasing your revenue.

Wrapping Up

Well, this was all about selling your travel packages online using Advensure – tour booking software.

This guide will help you to show how to sell tour packages online more effectively at a minimal cost. 

Need help to grow your tour business?


Divya is a marketer, nature lover & startup enthusiast. She has an immaculate experience in GTM strategy & SEO. She always follows her instinct and travels with her Ikigai.

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8 Tips on How to Sell Tour Packages That Will Surely Pay Off

In order to sell travel packages effectively, you need to be well-informed about the industry and what potential customers are looking for. This blog post will teach you how to do just that!

But first, what exactly are tour packages?

A tour package is a pre-planned trip that includes transportation, accommodation, and activities. Tour packages can be customized to suit your interests and budget, and they offer a convenient way to see a new place.

Whether you're looking for a romantic getaway or an action-packed adventure, there's a tour package for you. And best of all, tour packages take the hassle out of planning a trip. All you have to do is book your tour and show up - everything else is taken care of.

Now that you have an understanding of what tour packages are, let's dive into the tips of how to sell tour packages online.

1. Research your target market.

Before you start selling tour packages online, it's important to do your research and identify your target market .

Who are you trying to reach with your tour packages? What are their interests and needs?

Once you have a good understanding of your target market, you'll be able to create marketing materials and sales strategies that are tailored to them.

selling tour package script

Diving into selling a tour package without looking into the market is like flying blind, so do your research first. You also won't be able to accept online bookings if you don't know the ins and outs of what you offer. So, take the time to read through all the details and ask questions if needed.

Knowing your tour package options in great detail will help you sell them more effectively.

2. Create a strong branding strategy.

So you're thinking about starting a tour business? Congratulations! The tourism industry is growing rapidly, and there's plenty of room for new businesses. But before you start booking customers and accepting online bookings, it's important to make sure that your brand strategy is on point.

selling tour package script

Any successful business knows that a great brand is more than just a pretty logo. Your brand is the personality of your company, and it should be reflected in everything from your website to your customer service. When it comes to tour companies, it's especially important to have a strong brand strategy in your digital marketing efforts.

After all, your customers are entrusting you with their vacations and future trips- something that is often emotionally charged and highly personal. As such, they need to know that they can rely on a great travel business to provide a unique and memorable experience .

selling tour package script

Your tour company's brand should convey the unique experience that you offer to your target audience. What sets you apart from the competition? Do you focus on small groups or intimate tours? Do you only use local guides who are experts in the area? Whatever your selling point may be, make sure that it comes across loud and clear in your branding.

In addition to conveying what makes your company special, your brand strategy should also be engaging and exciting . You want your customers to be excited about taking one of your tours online!

Use strong visuals and persuasive language to get your specific audience interested in what you have to offer. With a well-executed brand strategy, your digital marketing will be well on your way to success in the tour business.

3. Invest in SEO.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for any business that wants to be visible online.

selling tour package script

When potential customers search for tour companies online, you want yours to come up as high as possible in the search results. By optimizing your website for search engines, you'll be able to attract more visitors who are looking for what you have to offer. And, when you have more visitors, you'll be able to sell more tour packages.

It's a simple formula that can lead to big results. But, SEO isn't just about getting more traffic. It's also about improving the quality of the traffic that you're getting.

When you invest in SEO, you'll be able to target your ideal customer with laser precision.

selling tour package script

You'll be able to create content and ads that speak directly to their needs and desires. As a result, you'll be able to close more online bookings and generate more revenue.

4. Use social media effectively.

As a tour company, one of the creative ways to use social media is to promote your business. You can use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share information about your company, upcoming tours, and special deals.

selling tour package script

Anyone in the travel industry will tell you that social media is a must-have for selling tour packages online. What better way to show off your destination than through beautiful photos and informational videos?

Travelers can get a taste of what they can expect, and you can target your content to specific audiences to your chosen sales channels. For example, if you're selling a luxury beach vacation, you can target your ads to other customers who have shown an interest in travel and luxury brands.

selling tour package script

In addition, social media is a great way to build relationships with potential and current customers. You can interact with them directly, answer their questions, and provide valuable information that will help them plan their next trip.

By responding to comments and questions, you create a sense of connection and rapport. And when people feel like they know and trust you, they're more likely to book a tour with you.

5. Create a strong website.

Having a great website is essential if you want your business to succeed. Your website is often the first impression that potential customers will have of your business, so it's important to make sure it's well-designed and user-friendly.

selling tour package script

A good website will be informative and easy to navigate, with clear contact information and an obvious call to action.

It should also be visually appealing , with high-quality images and a clean, modern design. If your tour operator website is working well, it will help you to attract new customers and grow your business.

selling tour package script

Make sure to include clear calls to action on your landing pages and make it easy for visitors to find the information they're looking for. Be sure to also include quality content, plenty of photos and videos that showcase your tour packages in action.

6. Offer discounts and promotions.

When it comes to tour packages, one of the best ways to entice potential customers and stay ahead of competition is to offer discounts and promotions. Everyone loves a good deal, and by offering discounts, you can make your tour packages even more irresistible.

selling tour package script

There are a few different ways to go about doing this. You can offer early bird discounts for people who book a tour package in advance, or you can offer group discounts for larger parties. You can also run seasonal promotions, such as offering a discount for travel during the off-season.

selling tour package script

Whatever route you decide to go, offering discounts is a good way to boost interest in your tour packages.

Of course, it is important to make sure that your discounts and promotions are reasonable and appealing to your target audience. But if done correctly, discounts and promotions can be a powerful tool to increase sales.

So don't be afraid to offer a little incentive to potential customers. In most cases, it might just be the thing that convinces them to book a tour package with you!

7. Get listed in directories and travel guides.

Many tourists search for destination guides covering things to do when planning their vacations. Some even do this as the first thing, so take advantage of this. As a result, getting your tour company listed in these publications can be an effective way to sell a tour package and attract customers.

selling tour package script

Travel guides often provide detailed information about different destinations, making them a valuable resource for travelers. In addition, many travel guides also include ratings and reviews of different hotels, restaurants, and attractions.

So, getting your tour company listed in a travel guide can help to increase its visibility and attract potential customers.

Similarly, you can make it easier for potential customers to find your business and learn more about your services. Many directories also offer advertising opportunities, which can help to further increase your company's visibility.

selling tour package script

There are several ways of doing this- one option is applying directly with the guide or directory. Another would involve finding somebody who offers listings service for multiple magazines at once (this saves time!). The benefit? You'll get seen by millions more people than if we just submitted individual applications!

No matter which route you choose, getting your tour company listed in travel guides and directories can be a great way to reach new customers.

By taking advantage of these resources, you can help ensure that your tour packages get seen by the right people - and ultimately drive more sales.

8. Partner up with resellers

Tour operators that partner up with resellers have a great opportunity to boost booking levels and generate multiple streams of income. Resellers can help tour operators by expanding their reach to new markets , promoting their tours more effectively, and providing additional sales support.

selling tour package script

In return, tour operators can provide resellers with exclusive access to their inventory, marketing resources, and expertise. By partnering with resellers, tour operators can tap into new markets, drive more sales, and create a steadier stream of income. And that's good news for everyone involved!

Also, you'll be able to reach a wider audience and tap into new markets. Plus, you'll be able to create multiple streams of income, which will help to insulate your business from downturns in the economy.

And best of all, partnering with resellers is a win-win proposition - they'll be able to sell more of your tours, and you'll be able to boost your bottom line.

Ticketinghub's channel manager is the perfect solution for companies looking to expand their reach and increase their visibility.

selling tour package script

With direct integration into the largest Online Travel Agents (OTA), Ticketinghub's channel manager provides companies with the opportunity to sell their tour packages to a wider audience.

And because Ticketinghub offers a variety of marketing and promotional tools, companies can be sure that their travel packages will be seen by potential customers all over the world.

Looking for a way to partner up with agents and resell your tour package offers? Then, consider using Ticketinghub's channel manager. It's the perfect solution for expanding your business.

With Ticketinghub, you'll get:

  • An easy-to-use platform that makes it simple to list your tours
  • Exclusive access to our massive network of travel agents and consumers
  • Marketing resources to help promote your tours
  • The ability to track bookings in real time

Key Takeaways

Selling tour packages online is a great way to drive sales and reach new customers. To be successful, tour operators need to be strategic about their marketing efforts.

Some effective marketing strategies for tour companies include creating an online presence, leveraging social media, targeting different customer demographics, getting listed in directories and travel guides, and partnering with resellers.

By taking advantage of these resources, tour operators can help ensure that their tours get seen by the right people and ultimately drive more sales.

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How to Promote Tour Packages Online


There were only  361 million Internet users  worldwide in 2000. Over 20 years later there are around  4.66 billion active users . Not everyone uses the Internet to buy things, but  nearly half do . During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, the number of people using the Internet to make purchases  grew by at least 20% , accelerated by the need to shop from home. That means that a large number of people who might have previously shied away from making purchases online may have changed their online habits for good.

For tour operators, the opportunity is clear. Not only does it pay to promote and sell your tours online, but optimizing your online presence will also help you to attract a steady stream of new customers and build a more successful tour operator business.

Here are 10 strategies for selling tours online—from optimizing your website to online video.

1. Build the best website you can afford

The days of stale, static websites that simply repurpose the company brochure are long gone or should be. Advancements in online technology mean there really is no excuse not to have a website that meets both customer and business needs. 

Think of your website as your 24/7 online brand ambassador, customer service representative, and sales agent. As well as providing information about what you offer and helping people get to know your company and your team, an effective website answers every question a visitor might have. It guides them through their customer journey with you—from choosing the right tour to booking tours online via a booking system that plugs seamlessly into your carefully designed website.

An effective website should at minimum be:

Fast to load:  A bloated website with pages that take too long to load will at best frustrate visitors and at worst drive them away. Site speed can also adversely affect your search engine rankings.  Take a website speed test .

Easy to read:  An unnecessarily wordy website is as bad as a slow website. Respect people’s time and present what you have to offer in a clear, concise way. You can be creative and insert some brand voice if appropriate. However, the most important thing is to be clear and use plain language, aiming for a Grade 8 reading level. That doesn’t mean “dumbing down;” it means improving readability.  Test your website’s readability .

Useful:  The main difference between a website and a printed brochure is that while people read brochures, they  use websites. That means that effective websites must be user-friendly websites. They need to be built with the needs of your audience in mind and designed and written to meet those needs and help them perform specific tasks—including booking travel and tours. The quick and dirty way to test usability is by asking your website visitors to complete a survey using Survey Monkey or a similar tool.

selling tour package script

2. Be easy to find

You could have the best-looking and easiest-to-use website in the travel industry, but if the right audience can’t find you on the web it won’t help you promote your tours. Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, helps you rank well in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) on Google or other search engines. SEO can get quite technical, but the areas to focus on include:

  • Understanding the keywords and phrases your audience uses to search for travel topics relating to your business
  • Optimizing the pages of your website, including metadata not visible to website visitors, using these keywords to push your website as high as possible in search engine rankings
  • Optimizing how your website works, including how quickly the pages load, how mobile-friendly it is, and how it is structured
  • Building “backlinks” to your website from other travel websites, including your social media channels or articles about your company on other sites
  • Using website analytics to track how your target audience finds your website including the keywords they use and the sites they arrive from

You can analyze your website’s SEO using this  free tool .

3. Advertise in the right places

Alongside optimizing your site for SERPs, another way to help the right people find their way to your website is more targeted Search Engine Marketing, or SEM. SEM is paid digital advertising. A typical SEM strategy might include some or all of these elements: text ads on search results pages, display ads on websites, Facebook ads and other social media ads, YouTube ads, and even advertising through a mail service like Gmail. The two main benefits are time and targeting. It can be much quicker and easier to appear in front of your target audience using paid advertising rather than relying on SEO. And you can target your ads so they appear to the right people at the right time, and in the right places.

4. Be accessible everywhere

The number of smartphones and other mobile device users is increasing alongside the growth of eCommerce. People take the Internet everywhere, which means they want to be able to shop for and buy things everywhere. An effective website should be “responsive,” which means it’s easy to access, read, and use on any size of the screen so you can promote your tours wherever your target audience is. People should also be able to book tours directly from their mobile devices. If your website doesn’t allow them to do that you risk losing customers who are ready to buy to competitors. Test how responsive your website is .

selling tour package script

5. Nurture customers with email marketing

Not everyone books a tour on their first visit to your website. A booking system that helps you collect customer information, including all the necessary privacy requirements, can enable you to keep in touch . That way you can nurture them toward booking a tour when they’re ready to travel. As well as the more personal, targeted nature of email, probably its biggest advantage is how easy it is to automate everything from gathering email addresses to sending emails. That’s why email marketing has long delivered one of the best bangs for your marketing buck. The good news is people still love their email inboxes. We fire off  102.6 trillion emails every year , and that number is growing. 

6. Build your social media following

Social media can be an excellent way to reach prospective customers and help them get to know your company. The key to using social media to successfully promote tour packages online is to be strategic about which channels you put the most effort into. For example, while Facebook has  the most users of all ages , Twitter and Instagram tend to  mostly attract people under 50 . If you know your audience, you can make sure you create the right content for the social media channels they use the most. Remember, social media is about building relationships and engaging, rather than just promoting and selling bookings. You can also buy Facebook ads and other social media ads to help build your follower base.

7. Harness the power of influencers

Influencers are social media users with large numbers of followers, such as travel bloggers or Instagrammers. They’re called influencers because they can influence the buying behaviour of their followers. Professional influencers on Facebook and other social platforms work with tourism brands that are targeting the same type of followers. Some might promote your tour in return for a free trip, while others are paid through influencer agencies. For example, as part of your marketing strategy, you might invite a travel influencer on a new tour so they can blog about the experience to their followers, who should be the right audience for your business. Before joining forces with a tourism industry influencer to promote your tours, do your research to make sure they, and their followers, are the right fit for your brand.

selling tour package script

8. Create video content around your tours

Watching videos is fast becoming one of the most popular activities on the Internet.  According to research , 73% of US adults use YouTube—making it the second most popular social network behind Facebook.  Research by Hubspot  found that 78% of people watch online videos every week, while 55% watch them every day. All this means video should form part of your digital marketing strategy. Perhaps more than any other industry, the travel and tourism industry can generate a constant supply of video-friendly content—from country profiles to trip diaries to tour “trailers.” The attraction of video is obvious. It’s an effortless way for people to consume travel content and see what your tours are all about, with them needing to read a lot of copy. As well as YouTube, you can use Facebook and other social channels to promote and distribute your video content.

9. Create a content hub on your website

As well as posting content to YouTube, Instagram, and your other social media channels, consider creating a home for your content on your website, such as a blog. Regularly updating your site with articles, videos, and other content has two major benefits:

  • Drive traffic from search engines and your social media channels to your website. Search engines like Google love fresh, high-quality content.
  • Encourage visitors to spend longer on your site and return more often.

Adding a content hub to your website also lets you post “cornerstone” content to help with your SEO efforts. Cornerstone content is the most relevant, important, and useful content for your audience. For example, it could be a long article about one of your tours or a series of guides to the destinations you travel to or the experiences and activities you offer. Each piece of cornerstone content should be keyword-optimized with the aim of ranking well in search engine results pages. Usually, this is evergreen content that doesn’t go out of date quickly, but ideally, you should make sure to update it regularly to try to improve your search engine ranking. Facebook ads and other digital advertising can also drive traffic to your content hub.

10. Make it easy to book tours

Tour operators are in the business of delivering great experiences. That extends to your website experience. An online booking system is a major part of that. Imagine a customer reading about your tours on your website, getting excited, and deciding on the one they want to book. They’re ready to buy. However, the only way to book the tour is to call your office and it’s outside office hours. The customer now has to wait until the morning, or they can continue browsing and book through a competitor that does offer online booking. An online booking system meets one of the main needs of your customers, which is a convenient and easy way to book your tours. 

Modern booking systems let you do much more than offer online bookings. Most offer a range of features that cater to both customer and business needs, including:

  • A mobile app
  • Mobile check-in
  • Email marketing features
  • Customized reporting
  • Waiver management

The Rezgo booking system can help you both promote and sell tour packages online. It provides everything you need to drive more bookings and revenue, while also delivering a satisfying customer experience. Try a demo today to see the benefits for yourself.

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Written By | Rob Mathison

Rob Mathison is a Vancouver-based freelance writer focusing on tech, travel, digital marketing, and education. He is a co-author of The Complete Resident’s Guide to Vancouver.

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How to Sell Travel Packages Online: Tips and Tricks that Pay Off

By: Marium Farooq

July 20, 2023

In the fiercely competitive tourism industry, where demand is already sky-high and the range of offers is overwhelming, selling travel packages online has become challenging. With the added complexities of e-commerce, the entire tourism sector is navigating through one of its most demanding periods in history.

To thrive in this evolving landscape, selling tourism requires specialized expertise to tap into new customer demands and explore diverse sales channels. To effectively sell travel packages, you must be well-informed about the industry and understand what potential customers truly desire. If you are looking to get information on what’s trending in the travel market today visit our blog about Travel Marketing Trends and Ideas. Before delving into the topic of selling travel packages online, let us first establish the definition of a travel package.

What is a Travel Package?

A travel package is a comprehensive product that  combines at least two of the following services within a single trip or holiday, all covered by a bundled or all-inclusive price:

  • Transportation: This includes flights, buses, trains, or ships.
  • Accommodation: Providing a place to stay during the trip.
  • Car or scooter rental: Offering convenient mobility options.
  • Other significant travel services: These services can include concerts, sports events, excursions, guided tours, ski passes, rental of sports equipment, or spa treatments, among others. These services may be provided by a single service provider or multiple entities. The true essence of a package emerges when these services come together.

How did Travel Packages come into existence? 

Package tourism has witnessed significant changes in recent times. Tour operators have expanded their offerings to include niche tourism, allowing travellers to design their personalized tour packages. 

It started off in 1841 with the pioneering efforts of Thomas Cook who organized the first package holiday for 500 travellers. This was a groundbreaking idea since disposable incomes were rising, leisure time was becoming more abundant, and people were yearning for new and thrilling destinations to discover. Cook understood this burning desire for exploration and crafted an experience that catered to it perfectly. Since then, this phenomenon has transformed the travel industry. 

The popularity of packaged tourism has been evolving from the very beginning especially with Travelers gaining the power to conduct their own research, no longer reliant on travel agents to create their itineraries or travel arrangements.. The proliferation of travel blogs, comparison websites, and online travel agents further affected the appeal of traditional package holidays. Nevertheless, package holidays still persist globally, now often referred to as dynamic packages. Travelers can choose the components of their package and assemble them with the assistance of online travel agents. In today’s world, there are many types of packages that are being offered including niche tourism, spa packages, romantic packages, adventure packages, etc. catering to different customer segments.

Now, let’s delve into the top four tips to successfully sell travel packages online:

1. Craft the Perfect Travel Package

 This is where your selling journey begins! Start by creating a captivating tour package that appeals to your target market and is unique enough to gain you that competitive edge.  A great starting point is to understand who you are creating it for. For instance, if you’re targeting “Generation X,” recognize their preference for family-friendly tours that offer affordability and relaxation. 

Another vital aspect of creating a perfect package is making it unique. One of the current trends that is gaining popularity is offering “travel like a local” packages. This approach allows tourists to move away from crowded destinations and seek immersive and culturally enriching experiences. If you are a small tour company, this is your opportunity to shine. Instead of providing tours to popular destinations, offer a distinctive experience that includes lesser-known locations, local cuisines, and culturally immersive activities.

2. Utilize an Efficient Booking System

 To streamline your processes and facilitate online bookings, invest in a reliable booking system. It will help you streamline your operations, making them seamless and leaving you enough bandwidth to grow your business. This system should be specifically designed for travel businesses, offering advanced functionality to help you in every aspect of your business, including creating travel packages, selling them, and providing advanced reporting for strategy purposes. Consider trying Zaui , a leading and dependable booking system that has been assisting travel and tour businesses for over two decades.

Pro Tip: Take advantage of the rising trend of partnering with resellers to increase your visibility and generate additional income. There are various ways to collaborate with resellers and promote your products, and Zaui System excels in this aspect. With Zaui, you gain access to an advanced Channel Manager that connects you with thousands of resellers. Additionally, Zaui offers the “Zaui Connect” feature, enabling connections with other Zaui Customers to distribute your bookings. Another remarkable advantage is that Zaui provides unlimited Agent Logins without any extra charges or fees. This allows you to expand your reach without worrying about additional expenses. By joining a tour operator software like Zaui, you can tap into a vast network of resellers worldwide, maximizing your exposure and increasing your customer base. Curious to see if Zaui’s Channel Manager is the right fit for you. Book a demo today !

3.  Master the Art of Timing Promotions

 The timing and execution of your promotions significantly impact your booking rates. While high seasons may seem like the obvious choice, competition can be fierce. To ensure steady bookings throughout the year, strategically plan alternative packages that target slow tourism seasons in your region.

Be patient, as it may take a couple of years to witness substantial profit growth. Implementing an online booking system like Zaui, which offers customizable tools and connects you with agents, will simplify the booking process for your customers. With over two decades of experience, Zaui has continued to evolve and provide its customers with advanced features like dynamic pricing to maximize profits and achieve higher ROI as demand fluctuates.

4. Secure Listings in Directories and Travel Guides

Take advantage of destination guides that tourists consult when planning their vacations. Getting your tour company listed in these publications enhances your visibility and attracts potential customers. Travel guides provide detailed information on various destinations, including ratings and reviews of hotels, restaurants, and attractions. Additionally, explore directories that offer advertising opportunities to further increase your company’s exposure. Consider applying directly or utilizing listing services that can expedite the process and expose your business to a larger audience. By leveraging these resources, you can ensure that your tour packages are showcased to the right audience, thereby driving more sales and propelling your business to new heights.

Selling travel packages online demands expertise and adaptability in an ever-evolving industry. By understanding your target market, creating enticing packages, utilizing efficient booking systems, timing your promotions strategically, and securing listings in relevant publications, you can effectively navigate the competitive tourism landscape and achieve success in selling travel packages online.

See how Zaui can help build and sell great tour and activity packages by booking your Personalized Demo Today!

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8 tips for selling packaged tours

Travel trends 2022

By Rezdy — 25 Jan 2016

marketing   Packaged Tourism Products

Updated March 2023 – The travel industry has experienced a significant shift in recent years, with an increasing number of travelers opting for packaged tours instead of planning their own trips. Not only are these tours convenient and affordable, but they also provide an opportunity for travelers to experience new destinations without the stress of planning. As a tour operator, it’s important to understand the importance of selling your outbound or inbound tour operations online effectively.

In this article, we’ll explore eight key tips for how to promote tour packages.

What are tour packages?

Tour packages have become increasingly popular among travelers as they offer a hassle-free way to experience new destinations. With a variety of elements rolled into one, including accommodation, transportation, activities, and more, these packages are an easy solution for those looking to explore a new place without the stress of planning. Additionally, purchasing a tour package can be more cost-efficient than buying each service individually. As a tour operator, knowing how to sell a travel package effectively is particularly crucial. 

Now that you have an understanding of what tour packages are, let’s proceed to the 8 key tips on how to sell tour packages online.

8 tips on how to sell tour packages online  

1. create appealing tour packages.

selling tour package script

First things first. To successfully sell tours online, you need to start creating the perfect tour package that is  enticing for your target market. By understanding your target market, you’ll understand what they want and how to effectively market towards them.

For example, if you’re trying to target ‘ generation x ’, you’ll come to understand that you’re mostly targeting a group of people that prioritize family-friendly tours. On top of that, they also seek affordability and the ability to relax and unwind when on vacation above any other factors.

Understanding your audience will help you curate the perfect tour packages and allow you to understand how to sell tour packages online that cater to a specific target market. 

2. Promote your tour packages effectively

Marketing plays a critical role in generating sales and promoting tour packages to customers. With so many different resellers in the market, it’s essential to have a robust marketing strategy that can help you stand out from the competition. While handing out flyers and brochures can be effective, the majority of customers now prefer to book online. Therefore, it’s crucial to have a strong online presence to attract and retain customers. To enhance your online marketing efforts and learn how to sell tour packages online effectively, consider the following:

  • Ensure you have a mobile-friendly website with 24/7 online booking  
  • Advertise via social media and/or paid search
  • Create quality content on your website and social media to drive organic traffic 
  • Request customer reviews through automated follow-up messaging
  • Make the most of your customer database by sending personalized email marketing
  • Maintain cohesive branding and storytelling across all channels for a rich customer experience.

3. Optimize your website

tips on how to sell tourism packages

Now that your future customers have discovered your business through your marketing, their next point of contact with your business is your website. Having an optimized website that’s both user-friendly and easy to navigate will add to a positive customer experience that will ease the booking process.

Key features of an optimized website include:

  • A mobile-friendly experience
  • Enhanced page speed
  • Search Engine Optimized (SEO)
  • Content that is both appealing and useful
  • Ease of navigation (i.e schemas, CTAs, efficient booking process)

To be able to accept online bookings is also essential for an optimized website. It allows your customers to book instantly and reduces your admin duties.

For instance, with an online booking system like Rezdy, you can optimize your website by providing your customers with real-time availability, automatic updates, a secure and easy payment process, and so much more. Plus, Rezdy makes it easy to create a website in one click, so you can start booking more tours and generating more revenue in no time. 

4. Keep your pricing consistent

Create a price early, and remain consistent. The price for your package should be established at least a year in advance. When creating a price for the package, be sure to take into consideration all of your operating costs, including equipment, staff, marketing, meals, maintenance, and product development.

5. Offer flexible payment options

benefits of online bookings

When it comes to knowing how to sell a travel package effectively, offering flexible payment options is an absolute must. 

As a tour operator, it’s important to remember that not every traveler has the same financial situation. Some travelers may prefer to pay in full upfront, while others may need the option to pay in installments to manage their budget. Offering flexible payment options ensures that you cater to a wide range of customers and make your packages more accessible to everyone.

Providing multiple payment options also helps build trust with your customers. It shows that you are willing to work with them to make their dream vacation a reality. By offering payment plans, you are sending a message that you understand and care about their needs, and are willing to accommodate them. This can help establish a loyal customer base and increase the likelihood of repeat business.

When promoting your tour packages, make sure to highlight the payment options available to your customers. This can be done through clear and concise messaging on your website and social media channels, as well as in your email marketing campaigns.

6. Partner up with resellers

Working with resellers is becoming an increasingly popular method to boost booking levels and generate multiple streams of income. By promoting your packages via resellers, you’re increasing your exposure and awareness to a wider audience. 

There are many ways you can partner up with agents to resell your products. One method is to join a tour operator marketplace that connects you with thousands of agents ready to resell your products.

For instance, Rezdy Channel Manager connects you instantly with thousands of resellers across the world. With Rezdy Channel Manager, you can remain in control of your commission rates, showcase real-time availability to avoid double booking and expand your reach to thousands of your future customers.

Curious to see if Rezdy Channel Manager is right for you? Book a demo today.

7. Respond helpfully to inquiries

When it comes to selling packaged tours, responding helpfully to customer inquiries is one of the most crucial aspects of the sales process. When a potential customer contacts a tour operator with questions or concerns, they are often seeking reassurance and guidance in making a purchasing decision. By providing helpful and informative responses, a seller can establish trust with the customer and showcase their expertise in the field.

positive reviews

One of the primary benefits of responding helpfully to customer inquiries is that it can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. When customers feel that their questions are being answered and their concerns are being addressed, they are more likely to feel confident in their decision to book a tour. This can result in a more positive overall experience, which can in turn lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

In addition to building trust with customers, responding helpfully to inquiries can also help sellers to differentiate themselves from their competitors. In today’s competitive travel industry, customers have a wide variety of options to choose from when it comes to booking a tour. By demonstrating a high level of knowledge and expertise, a seller can set themselves apart from the competition and position themselves as a trusted authority in their field.

8. Time your promotions right

How and when you sell your products is key to maximizing your bookings. Promoting your product during the high season may be the easiest way to gain bookings, but there’s also a high competition rate. Being strategic about your timing will help you have steady booking rates all year round.

In addition, you can also create an alternative package that helps you increase your bookings during the slow tourism season for your region. Have patience, it can take 2 years or more to see an increase in your profits, but if you package your products correctly, your business will begin growing to the next level.

Of course, if you are going to offer an incredible package to your travelers, you need to make it easy for your customers to book. One way to do this is to implement an online booking system that increases your efficiency and showcases your live availability. Rezdy is an online booking system created just for tour and activity providers. It provides customizable tools that allow you to personalize the system for your specific needs. In addition, it connects you with agents that make it easy for you to distribute your products.

Curious to see if Rezdy is right for you? Start your FREE 21-day trial or request a demo today.

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The Complete Guide on How to Promote Tour Packages Online

By Erick Tomaliwan

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how to market tours online

As an experience provider, sharing what makes your tour worth booking is all in how to promote your tour packages online. 

As more travelers explore available tours and activities online, it can be challenging to know where to focus your efforts. You’ll need to meet your future customers where they’re at which means being able to connect with them on the fly, in their social feeds and via their mobile devices. 

While your tours might be amazing, the struggle is real with learning how to turn your tour promotion ideas into real live bookings.

How to promote tour packages online 

Marketing travel packages starts with knowing your target audience. If you can create buyer personas or define who your target customers are, it’s easier to connect with what guests want in real life. 

Start by taking a look at your audience’s demographic. Are you attracting the 55+ or are you focused on attracting millennials? 

Your target audience type will affect which tour promotion ideas will work for your business. For instance, older travelers might be more inclined to go on Facebook, Youtube and view tours through OTAs. 

Instead, if you’re directing your attention towards a younger demographic, it might be worth establishing a presence on social media channels like Instagram and TikTok.

tour promotion ideas for adventure tour operators

Define your goals when marketing travel packages 

Before marketing travel packages online, one of the first things you need to do is decide on your goals. 

As a tour operator, a few focal points should be to increase your revenue and inspire guests with incredible experiences. Sounds simple enough, right? 

It’s easy to get caught up with having too many options. Thankfully, marketing travel packages is all about sharing the benefits you provide to your guests. And luckily, as a tour professional — this is an area you’re already well-versed in. 

Sure, creating a memorable tour is likely at the top of your list, but there are ways to attract the right type of guests and it all starts with how you inspire guests to book with you. 

To minimize feeling overwhelmed with how many online options there are for which to promote and sell your tour, just start with one or two that you find easy to navigate. Selling tours to travelers means you’ll likely switch up your strategy a few times per year to see which tour promotion ideas stick.

What’s included in promotional tour packages 

You have to get comfortable with sharing what makes you an awesome tour business. Guests can only book if they know you exist and they need you to walk them through all of the steps to make this happen. 

In the digital age of researching and planning trips online, guests crave human connection. Your website acts as a direct line of communication and inspiration. This allows you to provide travelers with a sense of confidence along with key information that helps them to book.  

Look at promoting your tours as a way of informing future travelers that you have what they want. Start by asking a few questions like: 

  • Do you want guests to book more than 6 months in advance?
  • What type of guests do you enjoy the most?
  • Do you prefer direct bookings or prefer having an OTA promote your tours? 
  • Are large groups your jam? 

To further maximize your promotional efforts be descriptive and visual when promoting your tours online. Weave in reviews and quotes from customers so future guests can easily imagine themselves immersed in the same experience. 

As a result, you can hone in on marketing travel packages with ease. So, if guests book what you offer — congratulations, clearly customers believe that your tour promotion ideas are compelling.

Later in this post, we’ll share the different opportunities and you can choose which platforms work best for your business. In other words, we’ve got you!

marketing tours online for destination locations

Strategies for marketing travel packages 

With more travelers booking online, you can increase your reach to prospective customers by promoting your tours online as well.

When marketing travel packages, you’ll want to hone in on describing what guests will get out of the experience. Treat your website visitors like future guests. Sell your tours with descriptive offers and enticing photos to inspire travelers to book.

Lower prices tend to lead to higher volume bookings. While raising prices means a heightened expectation for the quality of the experience. You’ll find that certain seasons will yield better results depending on how you tackle marketing travel packages.

Let’s say, for example, that you invest 10% of every booking into your marketing budget. This might lead to an increase in direct bookings through your website. The alternative is to publish and promote tour packages online with destination marketing organizations or DMO’s.

As you evaluate how to market travel packages, make sure you are speaking to the guest’s core desires. Ask yourself: 

  • Is the customer looking for a deal because they’re booking off-peak or shoulder season?
  • Are your trips designed for families? 
  • Does your tour or activity suit group bookings?
  • Can you incentivize guests to stay longer with a tiered pricing strategy ?
  • How do you feel about last-minute discounts? 

As a tour operator, you may be looking for ways to encourage more guests to book once-in-a-lifetime experiences. And your seasonal marketing strategy should be centred on trying to remain front of mind for future guests.

In addition, as travelers find themselves daydreaming about beach vacations, you can entice them with travel tuesday deals . Some tour operators are motivated to book in advance. This is how an early bird pricing strategy can encourage guests to book early and get a better deal.

Marketing travel packages can target people dreaming of their next trip along with eager travelers already in the midst of planning. In this new-age travel industry, customers expect to be able to book 24/7. But, how do you discover which promotions work well with your audience? 

Here are some tactics for how to promote your tour packages online with easy-to-use marketing tools: 

1. Build an amazing website

If you can create a website you believe someone from age 8 – 80 can use, you’re off to the races. Include big buttons with easy-to-find calls to action. Think of it as a map, and you’re the guide. The goal of your website should be to present enough information that site visitors feel excited, informed and ultimately, ready to book.

One of the best ways you can support your customers in making a booking is by making your website user-friendly. As a result, customers will appreciate the simplicity of booking directly through your booking system. 

In addition, ensure your pricing is set to encourage people to book through your website. People will be more inclined to book through you if they believe they are getting the best price. As the tour operator, not having to pay an extra 10 – 30% in commissions to OTAs means better profit margins for your tour business.

2. Start blogging (even if it’s a handful of photos) 

Think of some of the most common questions guests ask. Inspire visitors by openly sharing your knowledge and thinking about the types of questions you’re commonly asked by guests. 

By educating visitors you’ll automatically give the impression that you care about guests and their experience. A blog also enables travelers to learn more about different activities and tours before booking.

Blogging regularly with, useful content can help with SEO which allows more people to spot your business in a search. Google appreciates fresh content and so do your visitors which is why your website acts as an accessible and valuable marketing tool.

Plus, as you publish more posts, the internal linking will help boost your search rankings. Blogging demonstrates that you’re excited to share what sets your tour business apart and want to have a personal connection with your guests. 

3. List and maintain your business on Google

On your Google Business listing, include the tours and activities you offer, along with your correct location. It’s also a smart idea to include a few photos on your Google business listing so guests can tell what you offer from a quick glance. Since Google favours active businesses, you’ll want to keep a close eye on what comes up when guests find your tour business online and always respond to reviews.

4. Be social 

Some tour operators find success with highly visual and short-lived platforms like TikTok when exploring ways of selling tours.

Establishing a social presence gives your tour business brand authority which supports your marketing efforts. While influencers previously dominated social media, now there’s more value in creating personalized interactions with regular guests. Assume all of your customers are VIPs and your treatment will be reflected in their reviews of your tour business. 

Travelers and social media users love contests. In fact, these promotions spread like wildfire and can increase your following overnight. And while they don’t take an intensive amount of resources to produce they can be short-lived in the spotlight. 

Create a contest or giveaway that motivates your audience to follow your tour business, like and share. It’s one of the easiest ways to get more eyes on your tour business and expand your marketing reach. 

5. Explore Facebook ads

Facebook ads allow you to promote your tour packages online based on specific targets, set demographically and geographically. With a photo or a short video, a Facebook ad is designed to attract your target audience with a call-to-action directing visitors to your website.

For more insight, check out this Tourpreneur article on whether Facebook ads can help you sell more tours , compiled from a study of over 1600 different Facebook ads.

Ensure you have a Facebook page with your business listing so visitors can connect and book directly, without leaving the platform. 

marketing travel packages with group pricing and promotions

6. Challenge yourself to share photos

Photos are one of your strongest assets when it comes to marketing travel packages. It’s easy to see why photo souvenirs are so popular — they are a timeless capture of a memorable experience.

Both photos and videos help travelers to determine whether the experience is right for them. People are drawn in by visuals which create an emotional connection to the experience.

7. Dive into YouTube Videos

YouTube videos are designed to act as long-form content, meaning anything beyond 30-60 seconds. Consider this platform useful for educating and allowing your audience to get to know you. Providing helpful content with short videos is another method of promoting your tour business online since videos can also help boost your search rankings.

8. Take an interest in Instagram 

Brand authority matters when marketing your tours. People will naturally gravitate towards tour operators who are active and open on their social media. This is a driving force behind the success of influencers on the platform. 

By giving a sneak peek into their lives, they inspire people to explore and take action. They want to know what they can expect when they book an experience. This is where you can bring your tour promotion ideas to life. 

Social media users appreciate first-hand guest experiences, so this is one of the most valuable tools for marketing travel packages. Plus, when guests share their experience on social media with a photo, you can reuse some of their positive feedback along with photos to help inspire future guests.

9. Stake a claim on TikTok  

When it comes to short-form videos, travelers are looking for eye-catching and inspiring content. See what kind of engagement you experience if you dedicate an hour per week to sharing some behind-the-scenes videos.

The tour businesses that are looking at marketing travel packages in creative ways are winning out. While you might think there’s no point in sharing some videos on Instagram, people appreciate real, unscripted videos. If you can highlight your personality and demonstrate that you care about your audience, followers will feel more compelled to connect with you.

10. Develop partnerships

With no shortage of options for publishing your tours, you’ll want to focus on what works best for you. One of the biggest benefits of promoting tours through online travel agents is the increased visibility for your tour business. With massive marketing budgets and millions of visitors per month, why not take advantage of getting in front of more of your target customers? 

Another way of increasing your bookings by promoting your tours is through partnerships with local businesses and hotels. You’ll also find 10 of the best places to promote your tour in this Tourpreneur article. 

marketing travel packages online skydiving adventure tourism

Different tour promotion ideas 

By using keywords that people are searching for in specific locations, your tour company can populate higher in search results. 

Digital marketing has transformed the way travelers explore, plan and book their trips. This is why why photos/videos are vital to your success, because they trigger they emotional side of trip-planning. 

When it comes to strategies for your tour promotion ideas, you’ll want to explore what works best for your business. For instance, hotels use a whole range of pricing strategies to book up their rooms. And, some of these tour promotion ideas work just as well for tour and activity operators.

Consider using group pricing in marketing , where customers can enjoy a better person-person rate with more guests on the same booking. This also works in your favour since you can book up tours quicker, with a more close-knit group. 

In addition, as you approach the festive season, gift card campaigns are an easy way you can increase revenue. Plus with Checkfront as your booking software, you can enable customers to purchase digital gift certificates, making it a perfect option for holiday gift ideas. 

Successfully selling tours online to your audience means clearly communicating the value-added experience guests can look forward to. 

Final thoughts

It’s worth exploring a few creative options with your tour promotion ideas. Besides, marketing travel packages might look different each season, depending on your tour business.

Give yourself the freedom to explore a few tactics at a time. This might look like focusing on one social media platform while investing in detailed tour descriptions and quality photos on your website and OTA of choice.

Promoting tour packages online will help sell more tours to your target audience. Be candid, honest and helpful, and your guests will value what you have to offer.

Looking for a booking software to help you sell and promote tour packages online? 

selling tour package script

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Nezasa Blog

How to market a tour: A beginners guide

In an industry as competitive as travel, it is critical to developing an engaging marketing strategy in order to gain and retain clients. 

However, we know that it can be difficult to navigate the world of marketing, and that’s why we are here to give you our step-by-step guide.

Are you a travel brand wondering how to market your tours? 

You’ve created perfect itineraries but are unsure how to share them with your potential customers?

Read on to find out how. 

The blueprint of a perfect tour

The idea of the perfect tour differs from person to person, but we believe that an excellent tour should be:

As we discussed in How to Sell Travel Experiences , travel is highly experiential, and today, travellers are searching for memorable experiences. 

What makes your tours stand out from others? There are many other tours on the market, so why should travellers book with you over other brands?

One of the main advantages of booking with a tour operator rather than booking on your own is that it offers a personal touch. Engage your potential clients and offer them a personalised service throughout the entire customer journey. 

  • Stress-free

Booking with a tour operator means taking away the hassle of planning travel. Therefore, the perfect tour should remove any added stress and allow your customer to simply enjoy their trip; this goes for everything from the pre-booking to post travel stages. 

selling tour package script

Audience research  to market a tour

As the tourism industry is highly unique, dynamic and competitive, it is crucial that you conduct audience research before you begin to develop a marketing campaign. And, due to the huge transformations in the market over the past two years, it is now more important than ever to gather information about your customers and competitors.

In order to fully understand your potential customers and their needs, consider creating a guest persona: a detailed description that represents your ideal customer. This can focus on everything from their budget and location to their interests and lifestyle, and can then allow you to create more personalised messages that will effectively reach your target market. 

How to sell your tours

Before you launch a marketing campaign, it is important to decide how you are going to sell your tours. In today’s digitally-focused world, it is no longer an option but a necessity for online travel agencies to integrate a booking engine into their website. This allows your customers to book anytime from anywhere, taking away the restrictions of traditional office hours and saving you time and money.

With Nezasa’s TripBuilder software, selling tour packages is made easy. Our online booking engine allows you to efficiently plan, create and sell flexible and personalisable tours. More on how to build an online booking engine here . 


How to market a tour step by step 

So, you’ve created the perfect tour. What next?

Research your audience, the market, and your brand’s own strengths and weaknesses. What audience do you want to target, and how can you make your tours stand out?

  • Identify goals

Before you begin to market your tours, identify what your goals are and what message you want to get across. Using the SMART goal system allows you to create specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic and timely goals. 

Develop your strategy, create your marketing mix and begin to promote your tours. Whether you choose to work with a host agency or develop your marketing plan in-house, you should consider the different elements that you would like to integrate into your strategy.

It is important to analyse your marketing efforts throughout the process. Tools such as Google Analytics can help you to track performance in terms of KPIs such as conversion rates and return on investment. More on how to boost conversion rates here . 

Once you have analysed your results, continue to refine and optimise your marketing efforts. Make sure that your website is optimised for mobile users and online bookings and consider starting a blog in order to reach a wider audience based on specific keywords. 


Where to focus your advertising efforts to market a tour? 

Where you focus your advertising efforts will depend on your company’s specific goals, target market and budget. We suggest using a blend of traditional marketing and online marketing efforts in order to reach a wider audience. 

There are many different ways for you to advertise your tours, including:

  • Social media

Offering low investment and huge reach, social media marketing is one of the most powerful ways for tour companies to market their products.

Today’s consumer uses social media at every stage of travel; research shows that 55% of travellers like social media pages related to trips they are planning, and 86% of consumers stated that they became interested in a destination after seeing user-generated content on social media platforms.

  • Paid marketing

Paid advertisements are an extremely effective form of marketing, offering a high return on investment and the guarantee that your company’s message will be seen by its target audience. 

Digital advertising platforms such as Google and Facebook ads have the power to target specific consumer groups based on criteria such as location, interests, search terms and previous purchases and can then direct traffic to your landing page.

  • Email marketing

Email marketing may be one of the oldest forms of digital marketing, but it is still one of the most effective ways to promote your business, develop a relationship with customers and increase brand loyalty.

It also offers an incredibly high return on investment (ROI), and can be used to update potential or previous customers on special deals, promotions or upcoming tours and activities.

  • Content Marketing

Content marketing involves the creation of relevant, valuable and inspiring content such as photos and videos as well as articles, blog posts and destination guides in order to attract and engage your target audience. 

High-quality content is a key element of any successful marketing strategy, and written content should focus on utilising search engine optimisation (SEO) to help drive traffic to your website and increase bookings. 

Find out more on tour operator marketing here . 

To keep up with the latest travel industry insights, make sure to subscribe to our blog.

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How to Sell Vacation Packages

Last Updated: July 8, 2023 References

This article was co-authored by Greg Guiteras . Greg Guiteras is the CEO of Lorraine Travel, LLC, one of the largest privately-owned travel management companies in Florida founded in 1948. With over 34 years of experience, Greg's specialties are in corporate travel management, sales and marketing, contract negotiations, strategic partnerships, and luxury hotel sales. Greg holds a BS in Marketing from Florida State University. Greg has also created WhataHotel!, a website offering exclusive perks on hotel bookings, and CabinMate, an app that matches single cruise travelers with potential cabin matches "in the same boat" to avoid traveling solo on a cruise. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 56,714 times.

Not everybody finds the process of planning a vacation enjoyable. That's where you come in. As a travel agent or salesperson in the tourism industry, you can help your clients get where they want to go by asking specific questions about what kind of trip they're looking for, then laying out a few different options to find one that suits their preferences. After making a successful sale, follow up with an email to thank your client for their interest and increase the likelihood of earning their business again in the future.

Pitching the Right Package

Step 1 Ask the client questions about their ideal trip.

  • Start with a broad opener like, "What kind of weather do you enjoy?" before narrowing your focus to more a directed line of inquiry such as, "Would you prefer a hip resort with all the trappings, or a quiet, secluded bed and breakfast?"

Greg Guiteras

  • Some people might be looking for a sunny Caribbean cruise, while others may be more interested in an extended stay in the rustic European countryside.

Step 2 Find out what kind of budget the client is working with.

  • From here, you can eliminate options that don't meet your client's financial criteria.
  • Avoid making statements that might be seen as invasive or judgmental, such as “I think a less expensive package would be a better choice in your case.” You don't want to risk alienating the person you're supposed to be working for.

Step 3 Take your client's travel preferences into account.

  • Let your client know about packages that feature optional upgrades, such as first-class airfare or a larger cabin.
  • Be sure to mention if transportation isn't included, as this will create additional expense for the client.

Step 4 Recommend packages with tailored activities.

  • Adventurous souls might be tempted by a guided hike to a volcano or a ziplining adventure in the treetops, while those who are seeking some peace and quiet will likely get more satisfaction from a night at the opera or a day pass to a modern art exhibit. There's something for everybody!

Closing the Deal

Step 1 Redirect the client's attention away from last-minute doubts.

  • Be flexible. If there's something you can change about a package to make it more agreeable, offer to do it.
  • Try not to treat your client's concerns as insignificant. This won't help you sell more packages—it will just show that you're placing your own interests ahead of theirs.

Step 2 Offer to help book a reservation right away.

  • When a client is on the fence, giving them a heads up about how fast available bookings are being snatched up may give them the motivation they need to commit.
  • You don't want your client to feel pressured, but you also don't want them to wait so long that they lose interest. If they tell you they need some time to think, ask them to get in touch with you the following day. [7] X Research source

Step 3 Follow up with a courtesy email.

  • Setting a friendly tone to your correspondence can increase the likelihood of the client coming back to you for future trips.
  • Be sure to include all your important contact info in the signature of your email, including the email and phone number where you can be reached most reliably, a link to your professional website, and any related social media accounts.

Stepping up Your Sales

Step 1 Utilize multiple methods of communication.

  • Always include a clear call-to-action that tells the client what you want them to do, such as, “Call me back at your earliest convenience,” or, “Let me know what you think about that 2 week all-inclusive Aruba trip we talked about.”
  • Ask your client what hours are best to call during the day so you don't phone at an inopportune time.

Step 2 Establish yourself as an expert.

  • Try dropping subtle hints that point to your experience, like, “I've been in the business for 12 years, and I'm proud to say that I've never had a client walk away unhappy.”
  • Anyone can quote a price. A true salesperson sells themselves as much as the product they're representing.

Step 3 Find ways to connect to the client.

  • If the client is particularly fond of Key Largo, for instance, you might mention the fact that your family has been vacationing there since you were a child.
  • Be careful not to let your observations come across as forced. It may make you seem like you're trying too hard to be relatable.

Step 4 Offer direct booking discounts to keep your client from booking online.

  • These days, more and more people are turning to the convenience of the Internet over travel agencies and other traditional booking services. To avoid losing a potential sale, the key is not to but to treat it like a bad thing but use it as a tool for promoting your own business.

Step 5 Line up other potential buyers.

  • If you don't work for an agency, get creative when it comes to digging up leads. You might call up new residents in the area that fit your target demographic, or try advertising your services on social media.
  • Use community events as an opportunity to network. This is a great way to get partnered with local businesses for a little affiliate marketing. [13] X Research source

Expert Q&A

Greg Guiteras

  • Always be transparent with your clients about any options and amenities that might add to the cost of their package. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Let your enthusiasm show in your tone. If you're not convinced that the vacation you're selling is the trip of a lifetime, your client won't be either. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Respond directly and honestly to any questions you're asked. Attempting to give someone the runaround in order to make yourself look better tends to have the opposite effect—it damages your credibility and leaves them with a bad impression. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 1

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Vacation Packages Special Deals – Telephone Sales Script

Telephone Sales Script

Opening Speech:

Hi, I need to speak with (Customer Name as it appears in the list).

My name is (Call Name) from *** Exclusive.

Your name was listed as a previous vacationer through one of your past travelling experiences that you list at one point in time.

Product/Service Positioning:

We are a membership club that provides up to 80% discount on services for when you go on a vacation.

Have you heard of the Wyndham Bali hai in Hawaii? it’s a 5-star luxury resort right on the beach.

The cheapest price we could find was through Expedia, the online discount travel set; they wanted $320 per night for a 2 bedroom condo. so for a seven-night stay that’s $2,240 for the week.

As a member, you’re able to stay at the exact same resort, at the exact same time for only $349, that’s not for the night, that’s for the week.

When was the last time you stayed in a 2 bedroom Condo, beachfront for $349 a week?

How would like to do that every time you travel?

And the resorts is just one aspect of what we offer, you’ll get access to over 5,500 resorts worldwide, stay in condos for as low as $189 a week with an average of $349 a week.

We just revolutionized the way people travel; it’s unlike anything you have ever seen!

Resorts range from $100-$900 depending on size, season, location. the average is between $299-$499


Since you are included in our list, we’d like for you to take advantage of our 12-month trial membership anywhere in the world for just USD 315.00. The trial membership is good for 3 vacation packages that you can use for a 12-month period.

When you decide to book your hotel, Cruise, Rental car service, or plane tickets, please give us a call. At any time you have the option of using the voucher to book yourself or we can book you into the resort of your choice on our list. We are also giving you 5 days to review the services so that if during this period you feel you need to cancel, you may do so. Our contact number will be included in the welcome packet that we will be sending you.

Info Gathering:

Is your email address still _____________? (verify spelling).

Thank you for the information.

To be able to access the trial membership voucher, one of our representatives will contact you within 24-48 hours and set up your PW and USER ID. This will allow you to choose from the various location at any time within 12 months!

We will also send you a welcome packet thru email to give you more information.

Most of our clients know the general time and destination of their vacation, so it is our job to find you accommodations in the surrounding area.

And remember, once you become a member our customer service staff will contact you and assign you your own unique user login and password…where you can begin immediately taking advantage of our Discount Saving Package…..

Vacation Packages Special Deals – Telephone Sales Script

Credit Card Extraction:

Okay (Customer Name), will you be using your Visa or Mastercard?

Can you please provide the 16 digit number starting from left to right and what will be the expiration date written on the card? How about the 3 digit code in the signature panel at the back of your card.

The name that I have in our list is ___________. What will be the name that is written on your CC?

And what will be the billing address for this card?


Closing: Okay, you are all set Mr./Ms. ______. Please be reminded that our service department will call you to activate your vouchers that will be sent thru your email. If you need to contact us, you may do so at (Phone Number). Our office hours are from ____ to _____ . Thank you for your time and have a great day.

For more information on the Phone Script or how LeadsRain can help your Organization accelerate your success in Vacation Packages Special Deals please click the Contact Us link in the menu bar at the top of the page.

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online tour package booking PHP script

Tour Package Booking Script

PHP based Travel and Tours Script for listing travel deals and vacation packages. It's a simple solution and classified ad software for travel agencies and tour operators to manage dynamic vacation packages and travel deals. Visitors may search for travel deals using different criteria and contact the tour operator, agency directly through the detailed listing page. The application comes with admin panel form where you can check the number of listing and do the options like add, edit, delete listing. Admin can easily post and edit different tour packages, and do setting like top tour package, top destination, packages offers etc. Online Tour Package Booking Script is a real-time automated online booking web portal system designed for Travel and Tour operators to accept calendar based online booking to various tourism destinations and spots. It is a complete Travel and Tour reservation system for tourism industry to accept booking through smart availability calendar.

  • Description
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Tour Package Booking Website

Online Tour Package Booking Script is a real-time automated online booking web portal system designed for Travel and Tour operators to accept calendar based online booking to various tourism destinations and spots. It is a complete Travel and Tour reservation system for tourism industry to accept booking through smart availability calendar. Tourism Package Booking PHP Script is the most advanced availability calendar, several booking options, highly customizable which was developed in CakePHP with MySQL. This readymade Tour booking software is powerful and scalable holiday rental solution that will help you grow your business. This application is idea for rental professionals like rental companies, agents, agencies and tour operators as well as private owners of holiday homes, holiday villas, apartments, country houses, hotel rooms and suites.

Online package tour selling PHP software that helps you to improve your worldwide marketing and selling effort real time and against relatively low costs. It’s a web-based online database-driven system, which enables tenants to search tour plan on features that suit their wishes and to book and pay for them online without the intervention of others. PHP based Travel and Tours Script for listing travel deals and vacation packages. It’s a simple solution and classified ad software for travel agencies and tour operators to manage dynamic vacation packages and travel deals. Visitors may search for travel deals using different criteria and contact the tour operator / agency directly through the detailed listing page. The application comes with admin panel form where you can check the number of listing and do the options like add, edit / delete listing. Admin can easily post and edit different tour packages, and do setting like top tour package, top destination, packages offers etc. Admin can upload travelling sorts or tour details for each country like hotel photo, rates, hotel location, hotel facilities from admin panel so that visitors to the website can see all these when they log on to website. Since admin can upload photo, and update information about hotel’s and travel plan. Agent and Customer can book tour packages. It is easy to give new and updated information to customers.

Tour Package Booking Website Script has following key features:

  • Front End Website
  • 100% Mobile Responsive Design
  • Tour Package Search
  • Package Listing
  • Agent Online Booking
  • New Customer Signup/ Login
  • Manage Customer Booking Cancellation
  • Contact Enquiries
  • Admin Panel
  • Manage Agents
  • Packages Mgmt
  • Offers Mgmt
  • Packages Lists
  • Package Gallery
  • Package About Tours
  • Manage Customers
  • Package Inquiries
  • Contact Inquiries

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9 Best Ways To Sell Travel Packages and Earn More Commission

  • Post author By
  • Post date September 6, 2022

Do you love planning trips & creating holiday packages? Then here are the best ways to monetize your passion and earn commissions from it.

Travel is back! And travel agents around the world are trying to bank on this opportunity by generating more leads than ever before and selling more packages. However, in an already busy world, putting in so much effort to do the same thing you’ve been doing won’t get you far. It’s time to get creative! The best way to sell travel packages and earn coveted travel agent commissions is to work smart, not hard. 

The whole idea is to earn a commission on every single sale. You shouldn’t just be relying on airline commission to travel agents, which is often just between 2% to 5% on bookings. 


Instead, you should look at each individual element. When you’re selling a holiday package, you’re selling an experience. The experience in itself, along with all its intricacies should make money for you. Here’s looking at 9 unique ways to earn more commission while selling tour packages. 

First and Foremost – Create Good Packages with Variations

Have you wondered why some packages sell out quickly while others lie in wait for travellers? Well, the answer is simple – they aren’t that good. When creating a travel package, put yourself in the shoes of your target audience. Are you planning a holiday for a family? A couple? Or a group? It’s never a one-size-fits-all situation. 

Every location in the world has something unique to offer to your customer base. Don’t hold yourself back by the budget that you’ve decided. Instead, create several variations. Add an underwater dinner for couples, even if it increases the overall package cost. 

Clearly state that the price can fluctuate based on the experience offered. Add three different types of options – one low-cost, one budget-friendly, and one expensive. Do the hard work for your customers and then reap the rewards. 

Earn Travel Agent Commissions by Selling High-End Options

Building upon the last point, selling high-end products will fetch you higher commissions. Therefore, you may change your entire business model to cater to an audience that prefers luxury. The benefit of this business model is that you have to work less to create good packages and selling one package will earn you a higher commission than selling three packages with low-end products. After all, it’s all about dreaming big! 

Create Long-Term Partnerships with Local Businesses 

One of the best ways to earn travel agent commissions is to widen your base. Don’t just stick with the listings of Online Travel Agents (OTAs) to create travel packages. Instead, connect directly with local sellers, these are people who provide accommodations, tours, and activities to OTAs. 

commission from travel

Removing the corporate loop will help you build better B2B relationships and will allow you to create an experience that is different from anything people might find online. You will also earn better commissions and get a chance to create an overall experience that starts from airport transfers and ends with a moonlight dinner.  

Ensure that You Can Easily be Found

Partnering with vendors and creating a great itinerary is all good. But, they won’t help you earn the commission that you deserve unless your packages are easy to find. When people book travel packages, they often head over to Google, Expedia, TripAdvisor etc. to book different products like transportation, hotel, activities, and tours. 

be found

This is a queue for you to understand that to earn a commission, you must first be visible. Therefore, you should increase your online presence by creating a website, listing your packages on different channels, running social media pages and shelling out a few bucks for ads. A few photographs, customer reviews, and detailed information can get you far!

Advertise, Advertise, Advertise

Writing it three times isn’t enough, so here goes – advertise! The reason advertisements are so important is because they often drive sales. Thanks to paid ads, you get a chance to rank higher on search engines, reach customers that you wouldn’t have otherwise had access to, and sell more packages than ever before. 

Word-of-mouth marketing works, but it can only take you so far. Investing in advertising and keeping a monthly budget aside for marketing can make your average selling package, a bestseller. All you need are more people who like to travel the way you create travel packages. 

However, before you do advertise ensure that: 

  • You have a website that takes 24-hour bookings
  • Your payment gateway works without any glitches
  • Your advertisements contain both short and long-tail keywords
  • You create quality content for your social media pages 
  • You connect with customers once they’ve raised a query
  • You follow up with previous customers to leave a feedback

Create Coupons and Discounts 

While advertisements can take you a long way in building a new clientele, you shouldn’t forget your old clientele – people who have taken your services and have had a good experience. Reaching out to your past customers via email marketing is a great way to keep relationships intact and earn travel agent commissions. 

When you reach out to an old customer, share a voucher code with them. This way, they will be able to talk about their experience and advertise your discount coupon with their friends, families, social media acquaintances, and others. In our opinion, that’s a great way to create a new customer and a repeat customer. 

Think about Influencer Marketing 

In the past few years, travel influencers have made a lot of money for hoteliers, tour operators, and cafes. They’ve done this by travelling to different locations, staying in hotels, eating at different restaurants, and doing various activities – all with a camera in their hand. They’ve then shared their experience with their humongous following. 

influencer marketing

Collaborating with a travel influencer will take you far! You can offer a discount or a free vacation to a travel influencer who has the same audience as the one you wish to target. This way, you will be able to showcase the experience that you’ve built and generate thousands of leads without actually doing anything. It’s a win-win scenario for everyone involved. 

Lean Towards Groups than Individuals 

While it’s true that getting group bookings is a tough task and doesn’t happen often – tapping into the market base can fetch you travel agent commissions much higher than individual bookings. This is because, logistics aside, you will be doing the same amount of work for 20 people, that you would for 2. However, the commission that you will earn will be much higher. To target groups, think about why groups travel together – weddings, family functions, retirement parties, staycations, etc. 

group travel

Create a Reliable Website

These days anyone can create a website. However, not everyone knows what it means to run a good website. Some key features that make up an optimised site are – a mobile-friendly interface, high page speed, SEO-friendly content, and a clean and easy-to-navigate interface. All of these features ensure that your customer can search and book a package without any effort. 

While all of this sounds easy, it isn’t! Creating a good, latency-free website, while creating tour packages, taking care of logistics, and generating more leads can be a tough ask! Therefore, you should look for websites that are ready-to-use and let you list all your travel packages. They should also offer secure payment gateways and no-nonsense terms and conditions. Pathfndr is one such example. It’s an AI-optimised travel website platform designed especially to make the life of travel agents easier. 

  • Tags airline commission to travel agents , Travel agent , travel agent commissions , travel packages

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  • PHP Scripts
  • Appointment Scheduler
  • Availability Booking Calendar

Bus Reservation System

  • Car Park Booking System

Car Rental Script

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  • Class Scheduling System
  • Cleaning Business Software
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  • Event Ticketing System

Hotel Booking System

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  • Night Club Booking Software
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  • Service Booking Script
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Shuttle Booking Software

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  • Food Delivery Script
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  • Store Locator
  • Auto Classifieds Script
  • Business Directory Script
  • Job Listing Script
  • Member Directory Script
  • Pet Listing Script
  • Property Listing Script

Travel Tours Script

Vacation rental script.

  • Yacht Listing Script
  • Callback Widget
  • Document Creator
  • File Sharing Script
  • Interactive Floor Plan
  • Interactive Image Gallery
  • Member Login Script
  • PHP Contact Form Generator
  • PHP Gallery Script
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  • Colection of 65 PHP scripts for $4.29 each

PHP travel script: A content management solution for travel agencies and tour operators

The Travel Tours Script is a CMS script designed to help you manage certain parts of a travel website. This travel agency script is a web-based content management solution for handling travel tours and travel classified ads. Our travel website script provides advanced features for publishing and managing travel tours and vacation packages – package details, price management, custom terms and conditions, paid submissions, and more.

selling tour package script

Product Highlights

Boost your travel website with a smart content management system that allows you to manage travel tours and travel classified ads. Enable paid submissions and increase your revenue. Below are the standard features of our travel agency script – let us know if you need any custom changes.

Content Management System

A simple travel portal script that enables you to publish vacation deals, add flight details, hotel amenities, prices, and more.

Flight Details

A separate flight module allows you to add and edit flight details for any of the holiday packages and travel deals.

Inquiry Module

Using the travel website script, admins can easily manage inquiries and reservations from the back-end system.

Multi-Language Support

Translate the travel portal script to your native language and add multiple languages to the front end.

Paid Submissions

Charge hotel owners and travel agencies for posting their holiday packages. Set pricing based on the ad's expiration period.

With our PHP travel script, you can optimize your travel website for search engines by adding meta tags for each vacation package.

Google Maps Integration

Pin locations on Google Maps for easier navigation. The travel portal script calculates latitude and longitude coordinates automatically.

PHP Source Code Customization

Get the Developer License and make your own changes to the travel agency script. We can also modify it for you. View all features

Travel Portal CMS

Content management

Our travel portal script lets you publish vacation deals and tours. You can add flight details, hotel amenities and descriptions, prices, write your own custom terms for each package, insert owner details, and pin an address on the map. You can also add custom categories, vacation types, and hotel amenities and thus create a customized travel deals filter on the front end of your online booking engine.

Travel script with multi-language support

Multi-language support

The PHP travel booking system has a built-in language module in the Admin Panel that allows you to translate the front end and back end to your native language, add multiple languages to the front end so that your visitors can select their preferred language, and edit all system messages and titles.

Google Maps Feature

Google Maps integration

Show Google Maps on your travel portal and pin locations to the map to add additional functionality to your website and make it more user-friendly to your visitors. Our travel portal script automatically calculates latitude and longitude coordinates for you, so adding a map to the front end of your online travel booking website is a piece of cake!

Flight Details Module

Flight details

The travel website script has a separate flight module that lets you add and edit flight details for any of the holiday packages and travel deals.

Travel Script with Access Levels

User groups

Our online booking system for travel agents and companies features Admin, Editor, and Owner access levels to the Admin Panel. The travel website admin can add an unlimited number of users to the Admin Panel and provide them with full or limited access to the back-end system.

Travel Agency Script with Owner Accounts

Hotel owner accounts

With our travel agency script, hotel owners or travel agents can create accounts through the front end of the online booking system and easily publish their own holiday and tour packages.

Paid Submissions Module

Paid submissions

Earn more revenue by charging hotel owners and travel agencies for posting their holiday packages. In the travel script's Admin Panel, administrators can allow this feature and set the pricing for adding new listings based on expiration periods.

User Reviews and Ratings Feature

User reviews

Our travel website script lets you easily integrate social proof into your travel booking website. Users can leave their comments and share their experiences with others. Admin-level users can manage comments and post rules.

Travel Script with 2 Layouts

Two front-end layouts

Two front-end layouts are available by default with our PHP travel script. You can also use the external CSS file to change the front-end appearance of the script and blend it with your travel website's style and design. List, Grid, and Map views are available with both default layouts.

Email Notifications

Email notifications

The travel website administrator can create individualized email notifications to users and registrants. Customize your email messages through the Admin Panel, using the available information tokens.

Inquiry Module of Vacation Packages Script

Inquiry module

With the Travel Tours Script, travel agencies can manage inquiries and reservations from the Admin Panel of the travel script.

SEO Friendly Travel Agency Script

The travel agency script is equipped with an SEO module that lets you edit the meta tags of each page. No HTML or programming knowledge is required – you can easily add meta tags through the Admin Panel and optimize all holiday packages for search engines.

Advanced Gallery Controls

Advanced gallery controls

Advanced gallery controls and photo editing tools are available for administrators and registered travel agents. With our script, you can crop and resize images, add watermarks, or compress the images with the easy-to-use tools directly available in the Admin Panel.

Listing Filter Feature

Front-end filter search

A multi-criteria front-end filter helps your site users only search for the listings that respond to their criteria. Users can filter tour packages by season, price range, location, and more.

Travel Script Backup Option

Database backups

Prevent any loss of information by regularly performing a backup of your MySQL database and files. Log in as an administrator to the travel script's administration page and perform the backup with just one click.

Single login for multiple PHP scripts.

Using the One admiN feature, you can set up a single login screen for multiple PHPJabbers scripts. Once enabled, you can switch between script admins using a simple dropdown menu. Read more about One admiN here.

high performing web application

High speed and excellent performance

Our travel tour booking script uses the latest PHPJabbers framework specially developed to ensure excellent performance and flawless work even with heavy databases. Watch a video demonstration of one of our scripts having one million listings added and eight million records in the database.

Easy Installation PHP Travel Script

Easy installation

An installation wizard will automatically install the travel agency script for you. Just upload the files onto your hosting account and the wizard will start. Check out the tutorials in our knowledge base to see how easy the setup process is, with examples for WordPress and Joomla websites. Or request installation assistance and we'll do it for you!

PHP Travel Script Developer License

Developer-friendly license

If you're a web developer, you can modify the CSS, HTML, and JavaScript code of the travel portal script on your own. Buy the Developer License and you'll receive access to the source code of our travel booking system and a guide to our framework . Or, we can do the custom modifications to the PHP script for you. To request a customization, just contact us .

More Key Software Features

More key software features

Our PHP booking software comes with the following special features : Installation Wizard, High-Performance PHP Framework, Protection Against SQL Injections, One admiN Module, Translation Module & Backup Tool, User Permissions & Encrypted Passwords, Clean PHP Code & Developer License. You may also benefit from our extra services : Installation & Support, Free Updates, Remote Hosting, Payment Gateways Integration, Web SMS, Custom Modifications, Extended License Program.

selling tour package script

To download Travel Tours Script for FREE you need to login your account.


Let our clients share their experience with our travel agency script and how it has improved their online business.

I just wanted to drop in and provide testimony to the excellent PHP scripts and outstanding support PHPJabbers provides. The scripts are some of the easiest I have ever installed and worked with. They focuses on detail knowing that the average person are most likely not going to have the skills needed to install and use a script unless it has been created with the end user in mind. They also have provided me with the fastest tech support that I have ever received, and this is saying a lot since I am an older guy who has been around a long time and has purchased many software programs and scripts. It was only by chance I found their website, but now that I have I look forward to a long and lasting business relationship. I am always in search of someone I can trust to do the job right at an affordable cost without cutting me short on tech support. PHPJabbers meets all these requirements. In this day of age it is a blessing when you find someone you can trust within this sea of less than reputable businesses. Thank You! is great. The technical service people "held my hand" through the whole installation process and didn't make me feel like I was in over my head. They were very professional and stuck with it until the end. Thank you to the whole PHPJabbers team!

Carole Lucido

Hi PHPJabbers, I would like to say that your products are uniquely good. Really not an exaggeration, I am very very satisfied with the software and the support.

Veith Savic

FAQ & Knowledge Base

Read the most Frequently Asked Questions about this script, its features and use.

Read more about our Support Service and how we can help you install Travel Tours Script.

Do you need something changed? We offer customization services.

See how easy it is to install the script. Just follow the instructions or leave it all to us.

See how to upload our scripts using different FTP clients.

We use our own in-house build framework which is really easy to understand and work with.

We offer a wide range of web development       services.

See how script PHP code is organized and how easy you can modify it by yourself.

User and Developer licence available. We also have a special Extended Licence for webmasters.

Didn’t find exactly what you were looking for?

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  8. How to Sell Tour Packages Online

    To do that, Go to Dashboard -> Scale -> Website -> Filter. Add your Travel Package Listing. You can list unlimited travel packages/tour activities on your website. Advensure didn't set any boundaries on that. To do that, go to Dashboard -> Serve -> Activity Listing -> Click Add Listing.

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    tour tour planning script availing tour package mabuhay, everyone! like to introduce myself, am jhenesiz bantagui and please allow me to introduce my team. Skip to document. ... <SCENARIO: AVAILING TOUR PACKAGE UNDER NEW NORMAL> (Jesica calling the agency) Travel Agent: Good morning, Ma'am. I am Shela Francisco from Cielo Tours and Travel.

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    The Travel Tours Script is a CMS script designed to help you manage certain parts of a travel website. This travel agency script is a web-based content management solution for handling travel tours and travel classified ads. Our travel website script provides advanced features for publishing and managing travel tours and vacation packages ...

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