
Use "cruise" in a sentence

Cruise example sentences.

1. He didn't need a tow to cruise this tunnel and went to the center with a few other powerboats

2. They had transformed their hobie cat to a mini cruise liner but the party wasn't on it

3. came back and continued to cruise at 166/3

4. He couldn’t lay back and cruise wide open, but he found he saved fuel, his third bag took him all the way into the city long before Nightday began

5. Harold and Chloe took full advantage of the many baby-sitters and treated the cruise as a second honeymoon to the delight of their fellow travelers

6. Later, Enid and I went for a cruise up the lake to the

7. During that cruise the vessel was afflicted with yellow fever and lost valuable officers and more than half of her crew

8. After this cruise , he was ordered to serve on the steamer Colonel Hasmy that had been dispatched for the Brazos River in Texas to support General Zachary Taylor’s campaign against the

9. On this cruise ,

10. During this short cruise , she

11. will sail on a cruise in the region of ocean already indicated to you in personal interviews

12. She would then, visiting the Bonin Islands, Sea of Japan, Okhotsk Sea and North Pacific, be in position about the 15 of September, north of the Island of Oahu, distance from sixty to one hundred miles, to intercept the North Pacific Whaling fleet, bound to Oahu with the products of the summer cruise

13. the cruise , and for his intercourse with the enemy as well as

14. every precaution to prevent information reaching the shore as to the character of their visit and the destination of the cruise

15. He then pictured to them a brilliant and dashing cruise , and asked them to join the service of the Confederate

16. Why? Well, in the summer of 1968 while making a Mediterranean cruise , the Aircraft Carrier Independence, to which I was 69

17. Wyoming, Narragansett, and Cyane to cruise along the coasts of California and Mexico for protection of these merchant steamers

18. Chapman for use in the service of the rebellion to cruise the high seas and commit hostilities upon the citizens, property and vessels of the United States

19. cruise the Pacific Ocean as far away as the China Sea and Indian Ocean

20. to use for trading for furs with the coastal Siberians during the cruise

21. By June 30, during her around-the-world cruise , the Shenandoah had captured thirty-seven American ships, destroyed thirty-two,

22. From thence, she continued to cruise the Bering Sea, where she captured and burned several more New Bedford vessels

23. The title of the poem is “The Cruise of the Milo as told by the Captain,” and is interesting but also humorous to read and is printed complete and unedited in appendix B

24. Pftel, which had arrived back in Honolulu on June 22 from a cruise in the western Pacific Ocean, and reported of being

25. The complex reminded Gerrid of a cruise sub he’d been on once as a child

26. In the meantime, the Milo was enjoying the peaceful and productive cruise , usually within one

27. For the Milo, the cruise along the Mexican coast was most productive and she filled her hold with

28. The return cruise to Honolulu was going quite smoothly with

29. This was the final cruise for Captain Hawes and his last voyage on the Milo as master of the ship

30. In retrospect, the six-year cruise of the Milo proved to be an epic and successful voyage, but also a sad journey with the loss of

31. Of course, on a hot day on a cruise , sailors gather in line for a drink of water

32. Jose had finished provisioning the boat for a week’s cruise

33. “On February 16, I was in Santiago, Chile, ready to begin a cruise though South America

34. “During a cruise that my wife and I took last year, a distinguished, affable and learned traveler suggested that I should entitle my next book Odyssey Dreamed

35. “They should enter your little zone at about twelve-forty-five, if they’re not engaged by enemy fighters, and they will cruise at fifteen thousand in your planned vicinity,” he said

36. “I’ll cruise around and see what I can see

37. She intended to get the most out of her Caribbean cruise

38. “Why don’t we just cruise for a while,” suggested Sim

39. Yes, Hartle was glad to be off the interstellar cruise ship, which should have been fascinating, but it wasn’t

40. This sure beats cruise ships, he thought sardonically

41. It finally clicked and the Germans booked their cruise

42. More than happy to sit home and sleep until noon; drink beer, and watch Star Trek re-runs on a big-screen TV, or maybe sit around in his underwear, and cruise the internet all day long

43. call for cruise lines

44. "He took his wife on a cruise

45. Moose cooled it to a soft cruise , hovering by Steve’s wake

46. He'd heard about Shorty, and bolted the cruise at Jamaica

47. Tatiana, Marques, Christophe and Pierre begin their cruise on

48. As their cruise winds down, Tatiana and Marques have sex more often

49. then to Los Angeles for one night, with a fourteen night cruise ensuing

50. The chopper continued north over Otsuchi where there was a large cruise ship

51. The UFO continues to cruise downwards

52. She was sitting on the stone walk watching the cruise ship move slowly along, churning the water as it moved by her view

53. Though that was not usually the norm, Roger and Lucille took a two-week cruise at the beginning of December of two thousand, which offered the tourists some of those coveted

54. profile, but also the intense activity of small individual boats that promenade the waters near the cruise liner

55. The cruise the Fernández family took through the Caribbean was different from previous ones in that it exalted a family celebration and enhanced a flight to fantasy

56. Personally, more than in any other cruise , Roger felt more intellectually curious and adventurous

57. impressive crew of more than one thousand, Explorer of the Seas sailed that Saturday at five thirty in the afternoon to cruise the warm waters of the Caribbean sea

58. It is not easy to reach those two forts just by walking even briskly, but strolling was what the Fernández and Lincoln families wanted to do in that cruise for the purpose of stringing together the colorful story of Nassau’s past

59. For that reason, it can faithfully be stated that when the cruise ship reached San Juan port in Puerto Rico, Roger carried registered in his mind an educated image of that privileged Caribbean island

60. Almost five centuries later, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines discovered that natural enclave unharmed and intact, and after buying it, uses it exclusively for the rest and relaxation of its passengers

61. Upon finishing the Caribbean cruise , Lucille and Roger remained a few days in Miami and stayed at the

62. Nevertheless, the 1st of March of 2002 he went on a cruise to New Zealand and Australia with Lucille and her very close friend from college days, Amante Teano

63. ” I said and her eyebrows shot up “I wanted us to cruise the Mediterranean,” I added and her face lit up

64. Embarking on this cruise has been exciting and grand

65. realized that with his cruise to New Zealand and Australia he had been in all the continents of the world

66. Then, late in the afternoon, they began the fascinating cruise trip towards the city of Juneau where, it is said, “black bears wander frequently without worry, the salmon clashes against the Eskimo canoes and humpback whales tip over twenty-foot small boats”

67. Then, they boarded the ship and continued their cruise toward the nearby city of Haines

68. plan had been to lie back and cruise under the radar

69. and just cruise for half an hour

70. knitting, anything where he could put his mind on cruise and relax

71. I responded to an ad in the west coast edition of the WSJ for a job in Navy OGC at General Dynamics’ Pomona cruise missile plant which would have been great because I could have rented a small apartment locally and commuted home to Orinda using the dirt cheap air fares on Air Cal and PSA, allowing Dixie and Will to keep the Orinda house

72. For the cruise

73. It was added because sailing is a popular pastime at such resorts, and because it’s smart to make Hilia one of the ports of call for your cruise ship

74. “Tom Cruise was one of them

75. grand white cruise ship, crowned by a transparent dome

76. cruise along the bridge

77. I just enjoyed the cruise ! After all, we were still floating in the water - it wasn’t like being high up in the air or something

78. I ended up coaching her on how to approach a cruise line to buy 5,000 books in a one-time

79. Why would Luke take his demon-infested cruise ship all the way down there? The last time we'd seen him, he'd been cruising along the East Coast, recruiting half-bloods and training his monstrous army

80. Then last summer, on board Luke's demon cruise ship, we'd seen a golden coffin, where Luke claimed he was summoning the Titan Lord out of the abyss, bit by bit, every time someone new joined their cause

81. On one such trip, I remember driving along on cruise control and mentally reviewing some of the cases I was going to be seeing in the clinic that day

82. It looked like a cruise ship

83. The Princess Andromeda, Luke's demon cruise ship, was docked at that beach

84. Joshua's vacation time arrived, and instead of taking a cruise as

85. “Would you be interested in becoming hostesses for a tour operating travel agency, I´m embarking with them on a cruise liner for adults headed for Acapulco,” said Shazaiah, “the job pays moderately, and room and board is free

86. The City of Wellington, a brand new ocean cruise luxury liner rising over one hundred eighty feet and stretching beyond nine hundred feet, entered the Bay of Acapulco nine minutes behind schedule, at ten forty five in the morning

87. Summer seemed to have made its brief appearance for that year, so when Kenneth mentioned he and eight friends were leaving London in three days time for a Mediterranean cruise on a chartered yacht, I was somewhat jealous

88. Jeremy’s dad puffed along beside me back to the hotel, chirruping about his impending retirement and a tropical cruise – without Jeremy

89. company that advertised the port lectures on board the cruise ships

90. I shared their excitement about a proposed summer cruise around the Pacific Islands

91. When I was sleeping rough with other street-kids, CC used to cruise around with a couple of heavies and offer some of us jobs

92. one last time to initiate a last minute course correction, and the ship settled into a slow cruise as

93. The sublight engines shut down and the slicer ship came into a smooth cruise towards the

94. Hire a car, alter the numberplate with a felt tip marker and cruise down to

95. When he had finished there was still a couple of hours until his appointment at Tonies Coffee Shop, so Chris headed off in his car to cruise for a while before the meeting

96. I just haven’t seen you for a while so I thought I would cruise over and check out how you are

97. The first thing Nick did with the cash was to book a cabin on a world cruise

98. On his cruise he met and fell in love with a delightful and chirpy Canadian lady, eight years his junior

99. They married two month’s after the cruise ended

1. He could have reached the coast of Dromedia, but he hugged the western shore where they cruised thru a thousand miles of lon to the horizon on both sides

2. With Byram Hermosa from the shop, he cruised down the narrow canal between the thick roots of towering apartment trees and into the open lake, bound for the Yakhan, determined to cover the fifteen hundred miles in a native week

3. Michalis cruised to the side of the road and stopped to give me time to look, 'She is beautiful, isn't she?'

4. And after that, why did she have to get attached to him all over again once they got here? Why did a simple peasant have to look so manly at the controls of that needleboat on that stupid ride? Why couldn’t Tdeshi’s hormones let her be unmoved by the line of his jaw, the ruffle of his hair in the breeze as they cruised the canals all the way to the north end of the burbs and back?

5. As they beat back and forth across the canal in the chill glimmers of dawn, a needleboat cruised by them, and she couldn’t help herself thinking it was Jorma

6. He was glad of his jacket as he cruised thru the dewy air and he put up and buttoned the collar

7. It was deep into Dawnsleep when he finally got there, but he cruised by Ebmemboz far off shore, thru Shipping Cut and henarDee while the small traffic slept

8. ‘That’s it,’ I cried as we cruised on past the entrance

9. The picture of the Zhlindu waterfront came up, a close-up view that cruised along for awhile

10. Jones cruised along the west coast of Africa for the entire month and saw whales only one time and

11. She cruised in the North Atlantic and West

12. Another horrible Monday and the ‘Merc’ cruised at a painful

13. These ships cruised along the coast from San

14. and Japan, and they even cruised to Australia and the South Seas as conditions dictated

15. On June 13, the Shenandoah cruised out of the Okhotsk Sea and headed east and then north through the Aleutian Islands

16. San Francisco cruised to a 38 to 13 victory and now had a new weapon in their offensive arsenal

17. They cruised to an easy 41 to 17 victory, with Minnesota only scoring in the last two minutes

18. I waited behind the dumpster until he had cruised on by

19. The bars did their business, the hockey club persisted, and the youthful cruised around in hot cars

20. I cruised around here a lot in my MGB

21. to 230 and the Belle cruised safely up mid-channel at FULL

22. The targets cruised by overhead

23. Hartle powered up his ship fully, all the instruments came on again and he cruised slowly towards the center of where they had been

24. They knew not where to look, so they cruised the streets of wretched poverty and questioned a few whose misfortune it was to call this place home if they knew of Herminia, her ‘mother’ or her three children, to no avail

25. As they cruised up into the cul-de-sac an elderly couple was sitting out on their front steps

26. When I was in my first year of college at UCSD, I cruised through my General Education subjects until I got to College Algebra

27. The taxi cruised down the A8 into Edinburgh central

28. They cruised past the security points and past Jamie’s restaurant

29. They cruised past the gate and into the staff car park

30. Somewhere down the gangway a door was closed with a dull bang and Lorna did not at first realize that the plane was now slowly moving backwards, and then it turned and cruised past the airport building

31. comfortable distance to the rear came a plain sport coupe; and between them cruised a

32. They cruised along well for a couple of years—rarely seeing his family even though they lived within a half hour's drive—rarely seeing hers because they lived seven hundred miles away and vacationed at ski sites during the holidays, in the Southwest in late winter, and hit Europe during the summer—when did such globetrotters have time to visit or be visited?

33. Since female Nordic beauties were as unfettered as men in those days and usually cruised in pairs, I occasionally became the second-hand beneficiary of his profound erotic attraction

34. Steve was out when he cruised over in the ‘vette a bit later on, so he went for a drive by himself

35. Tuesday evening rolled around and Chris cruised on over to Steve’s place

36. The song had a long introduction and the words cruised into the music slowly and gradually, building in volume as he listened with growing apprehension as the words of the song unfolded

37. before a succession of hopefulls had cruised up to her and been rebuffed

38. But heedless as a vagrant wind, the Tigress cruised the southern coasts, until she anchored at the mouth of a broad sullen river, whose banks were jungle-clouded walls of mystery

39. We cruised the countryside and suddenly, in one particular area, I started getting nervous, because I felt that tingling sensation arise again

40. cruised into the pressroom

41. I hung out at the tavern for a while then cruised home, I never actually saw Ben again which was weird

42. again and cruised on

43. We just cruised

44. The Dawhawk had switched positions and cruised sideways along the bikes

45. Pieces of the president’s skull and flesh stuck to tires that cruised by within minutes after his execution

46. They then watched the girls turn to them as both cars cruised through winding roads in a well affluent beach home area

47. After he doubled back onto Hardee Road, he cruised the area for several hours, attempting to accept the recent developments that had truly transformed his life

48. He cruised through Hyde Park and paused at the big chessboard

49. He turned left off the highway and cruised down the road towards Bald Hill

50. Under a diamond blue sky, Mitchell sat near the window of a small, near-empty jet that cruised over the endless waters of the Atlantic

51. He climbed to fifteen hundred feet in front of Mitchell’s and cruised south around Coalcliff, then down the escarpment all the way to Bulli Pass

52. We cruised it using all the greys for slalom poles

53. As they silently cruised through

54. So next morning I cruised into the station figuring that I was

55. They turned left and cruised past, and he

56. As Star cruised along by the river amongst the sparse traffic, looking for a suitable parking space, the car following them accelerated hard, swung out and pulled alongside

57. It was a company that built fliers (another term for magnetic drive automobiles, which cruised three feet off the ground, but could go as high as a mile)

58. greatest hits played on the CD player while they cruised

59. As we climbed out of the car, our two uniformed buddies cruised slowly by giving us the Cool Hand Luke stare from behind their reflective cop glasses

60. I slowly cruised through the warehouse district

61. guests, high ranking army officers cruised around on motorized carts to

62. We cruised right past Morrow Mountain Road

63. There are guests passing by who have cruised around the globe for years, and it just so happens that these are the people I want to get to know

64. He cruised down to the intersection, and turned back in the direction of the mountain

65. We cruised in JB"s old beat-up car

66. son cruised quietly two houses down and waited

67. But my Mom used one hand and the 'reader' cruised as fast as it could!

68. The band cruised through the final four songs of the set

69. He’d cruised into town in his pickup, camping trailer in tow, with nothing more than a deer rifle hanging in the back window and a fictitious dream of opening a body shop

70. Barnes and Horne cruised north on The Strip, headed for Eddie’

71. The car cruised along in silence, his ears still chiming from the gunshots

72. “Where's the hospital?” I said as we cruised down the street

73. Actually they had been easy to catch as they cruised sluggishly along almost completely unconcerned as the children waded into the water

74. Kate bought a yacht, an eighty-foot motor sailer she named the Corsair, and she and Tony cruised the waters along the coast of Maine

75. They cruised into the South and saw cowboys leading animals into fences

76. Fireballs and steel pikes cruised toward the castle

77. The shiny Rover cruised silently over the pockmarked surface of the A1, heading south for somewhere

78. Expensive floating restaurants cruised serenely by with happy tourists inside, large birds in V-formation winged midway over the wide river, gracefully rising to bypass a bridge and back to an optimum altitude for the destination their primordial genes dictated

79. The estate car cruised past behind him, the driver smiling with placid fulfilment as she headed for the exit

80. The bar-Trinity cruised away out over the ocean, until it was out of view

81. I cruised the buffet counters with Ananya

82. Ingrid noted as they cruised by her house that Randy's van was not in the driveway

83. The stolen National Park Service van cruised the streets of Washington

84. going, what my plans were, the state of the world and solving global issues as we cruised

85. they cruised towards their destination

86. His anticipation was at its height as the vehicle cruised towards what Richone called the

87. We cruised for several miles with a variety of music

88. Our boat cruised along a few miles away from that daunting shoal where Captain Cook's ships wellnigh miscarried on June 10, 1770

89. For about an hour the Nautilus cruised in the midst of this school

90. You won't pull it off, because if I'm not mistaken, certain navigators have cruised through milk seas for more than forty miles

91. The Nautilus cruised beneath the waters almost continuously

92. We followed the men and the dogs, but they outrun us, and we lost them; but we thought we heard them on the water, so we got a canoe and took out after them and crossed over, but couldn't find nothing of them; so we cruised along up- shore till we got kind

93. Now, though, rowing under gray skies, Germany easily cruised past the Czechs and the Australian police officers

94. Bobby Moch took them up to a respectable twenty-six, and they cruised back and forth in front of news cameras

95. West of the historic district, the first neighborhood I cruised was Jack Flats, which fifty years earlier had been called Jack Rabbit Flats

96. Now that night had fully claimed Pico Mundo, I allowed intuition to guide me and cruised to the town square, at the center of which lay Memorial Park with its handsome bronze statue of three soldiers from World War II

97. They hadn’t seen me with the Explorer when they had cruised past it in town

98. One of those sad, compulsive men who cruised public spaces in search of anonymous rough sex

1. Hamo pours drinks for everyone as his driver cruises the narrow, crowded streets of Jedana

2. Summer seasons and late night motorway cruises

3. Morg’s space was a playground, and it was huge, big enough for year-long cruises on his yacht and fish three times the height of your personification

4. during this time, made summer training cruises with the cadet

5. I am more than proud to have been able to serve my country for twenty years, even though a good share of those years involved eight-month cruises away from my family

6. several cruises with them and were directed to go through a much faster special line

7. They represented for Roger the most stunningly beautiful that he had contemplated in all the cruises he had taken until then

8. Eventually you can retire and start taking cruises and spending winters in warmer countries

9. "No, Cruises don't go that way, they head up north and south, but you can use the buses but, that would take about two hours," she started to hang the other bags up

10. Luckily, we were to visit Hawaii on several other cruises

11. They're known as repositioning or "repo" cruises in the

12. Many cruises these days tend to be in calm waters and

13. On cruises , there are plenty of freebies to be had

14. As you can see in this book, cruises don’t have to be

15. Fifty or more such ships could be expected to occupy the Eretz defense system’s space since the initial shake-down cruises and crew training was accomplished with fully armed warships

16. Charleston would be ideal, especially if he was able to organize passage directly to the port city from Baltimore or New York or Bermuda if there were still cruises to the tropical island, a playground for the wealthy and 117

17. and 7-Day Sacred Ceremony Transformational Cruises in the Hawai-

18. As for Japan, if the British missiles that hit there were of the same power than the one that destroyed Berlin, then I would urge that no American troops land in Japan proper or cruises downwind close from the Japanese islands, and this for the next few years

19. Cruises have become a popular type of vacation because there is so much to do on a cruise ship

20. Percy became involved in hosting gardening tours in Europe and the Percy Thrower Floral Tours Company was established, chartering ships for lecture cruises , which has become abundant today for cruise lovers

21. What do you suppose high-risk investments, diamonds, and ‘round-the-world cruises could have in common with the indigenous peoples of West/Central/Sub-Saharan Africa, Afghanistan and East Timor? Expendable assets, that's what

22. We are the largest retailer of cruises in Canada and offer a

23. Boat cruises traverse the

24. We’re on a coach that cruises mile on mile

25. Carnival Cruises popped into her head, her favorite vacation

26. He cruises all over Egypt to prevail Islamic call and for the revival of manners by wisdom and fair preaching in addition to the Islamic writes to revive the Islamic glory

27. Branton Hockey Cruises Into Tournament for 11th Straight Year

28. weekends; immerse in monthly international cruises ; and have been to

29. Most of what he received was paid in the form of stock in Regency Cruises , Inc

30. The magazine offered its waterfront area as an anchorage for passing boaters, including the large wooden schooners that carried dozens of tourists for week-long cruises around the Maine coast

31. There are many swimming with dolphin cruises that are operated by companies that have offices in the cities of Brisbane, Sydney and Forster

32. Noble Caribbean Cruises present a 11 night cruise as of Sydney along with Australia captivating in Hamilton Island, Port Douglas as well as Cairns to give a name and a few of the targets while traveling

33. For the ultimate sailing holiday, why not indulge with Pacific Sunrise - Whitsunday Coral Cruises

34. The crew chops through the icebergs that have trapped their submarine; it cruises north along the coast of South America, past the mouth of the Amazon, only to be chased by giant squid in the Atlantic

35. She was often chartered for special moonlight cruises , during which an elaborate loudspeaker system piped live music from the observation room throughout the ship

36. Virtually unlimited range and so on, cruises at forty thousand, far above the airlines

37. The charity dinners, the harbor cruises , the corporate picnics where you plucked new business … he enjoyed them, didn’t he? He enjoyed having to turn on the charm, having had a little too much to drink

38. The Norway is normally employed on cruises in the Caribbean and is based in Miami, Florida, USA

39. The Orion was a ship that had been ailing for a long time; in the course of its previous cruises thick layers of barnacles had collected on its keel to such a degree as to deprive it of half its speed; it had gone into the dry dock the year before this, in order to have the barnacles scraped off, then it had put to sea again; but this cleaning had affected the bolts of the keel: in the neighborhood of the Balearic Isles the sides had been

40. The market cruises higher, and the histogram begins to start making lower lows at 3:30 p

41. Huge hills and mountains of casks on casks were piled upon her wharves, and side by side the world-wandering whale ships lay silent and safely moored at last; while from others came a sound of carpenters and coopers, with blended noises of fires and forges to melt the pitch, all betokening that new cruises were on the start; that one most perilous and long voyage ended, only begins a second; and a second ended, only begins a third, and so on, for ever and for aye

42. Had any one of his old acquaintances on shore but half dreamed of what was lurking in him then, how soon would their aghast and righteous souls have wrenched the ship from such a fiendish man! They were bent on profitable cruises , the profit to be counted down in dollars from the mint

43. Many of them, as well as some of ours, arrived in the Texel in the course of the last winter; the severity of which obliged the English fleet to return to their ports, leaving a few frigates only to make short cruises off the Texel, as the season would allow

1. No doubt Herndon would want to push on today, if she could keep him from cruising wide open she would be content

2. "He wouldn't be doing anything but cruising for chicks, same as we are," doostEr told him

3. Nothing else was rendered in visual channels at all, only the snowflakes they were cruising by were seen

4. Once at cruising altitude Flavio entered the route into the Flight Management Computer (FMC)

5. cruising the parking lot and street in two pick-up trucks

6. Warlock had the Skimmer at its lowest cruising speed and Martin could see the man disappear again in the next wooded area

7. stopovers while cruising between the southern Pacific in winter

8. Waddell joined her in Pensacola, Florida, and as he later put it, he entered into his old occupation of cruising in the Gulf of

9. below the equator and cruising off the coast of Africa

10. Alabama was cruising off the coast of France

11. At this time on the other side of the world, the Milo was cruising close to the Sandwich Islands, and all those aboard were looking forward to a change of pace in Honolulu

12. Waddell decided to spend some time cruising within the

13. While the Wyoming was cruising thorough the straits of Shimonoseki, the Japanese land and naval guns

14. Shenandoah was cruising on the high seas

15. On June 10, the Shenandoah was still cruising about the Okhotsk Sea where the ice had become less of a problem

16. The next day, June 27, was a relatively quiet day for all of the ships cruising in the Bering Sea

17. Jones were cruising in the Bering Straits and steering north while the Shenandoah was in the vicinity

18. On July 12, the Shenandoah was about 410 miles to the west of the Milo, and cruising at a somewhat higher speed, about 132

19. Francisco, and heading southerly, cruising parallel to the

20. One merchant ship, the Milan, reported seeing a steamer that appeared to be the Shenandoah after departing Puget Sound on July 23, but this was later confirmed to be the British ship-of-war, Chameleon, which was cruising off the west coast at that time, according to the British Consul

21. the fact that the Shenandoah had received damage on its hull cruising through heavy ice in the Arctic Ocean

22. believed the Shenandoah was cruising along the coast of the Chincha Islands and was being offered for sale to revolutionary

23. A day cruising at sea followed by Tony running on

24. The alien ships reached a cruising velocity at about a billion kilometres from Neptune

25. Fully charged they would power the Dawn along at a cruising speed of four knots

26. Tired as he was, it was probably better than having the old guy cruising the streets at twelve kilometres an hour, with RIDE checks all over the place these days

27. Cruising a few thousand feet over the water, you could see for miles

28. Cruising over Oxford, how could one mistake it? I was maybe a tad lonely, knowing that everyone down there was snug in a pub, or better yet, at home in warm bed

29. It was a lot more effective use of our time and ‘combat exposure,’ rather than just cruising around looking for trouble

30. For Mike, what he was free of, regardless of whether he looked ahead or back, was always the same: Sylvia! Cruising the highway, with nothing in his hair but the wind and great tunes rocking from the stereo at full volume, was just this side of perfect

31. That spoke well for their chances, I thought; cruising through the hole in the hedges and turning her out onto the road under the trees

32. “There are at least six worlds within a days cruising ,” Sim reported

33. Ingrid couldn't believe that a tourist boat operator would take four passengers out cruising , when the boat could carry one hundred and fifty

34. Luke saw the Lieutenant Lewis had just come from the Café and was cruising around town patrolling the area

35. “I was cruising the China Sea alone on a yacht called ‘Honey’

36. moment we are cruising along without a care in the world, and the next

37. turned and started cruising down the coast, away from us

38. He counted eight of them, anchored in wait, ready to navigate and depart, that Saturday afternoon, for their various cruising tours

39. stopped cruising for information and squinted up at the sunlight

40. He enjoyed an occasional ride in this car which according to a brass medal in the car was capable of cruising at over 100 miles per hour, “If you could find a good smooth road,” my father said

41. I've trimmed it for this cruising air�speed

42. Ramrod retracted himself back up, and silently went about his business cruising the rafters

43. They had a 135 mile per hour cruising speed and a 350-mile range

44. While cruising the main road it became obvious the town was a younger crowd, almost another place she struggled to place

45. Why would Luke take his demon-infested cruise ship all the way down there? The last time we'd seen him, he'd been cruising along the East Coast, recruiting half-bloods and training his monstrous army

46. Wel , as you were cruising down the Nile in a lavishly appointed

47. I should have guessed it’d be a cruising spot – so near the port

48. Cruising for casual sex was subtle and omnipresent… a sly smile in shops, a wink and turn of the head on the street, the accidental touch of a hand on the bus, the not so subtle groping among crotchless trousers, business suits and fashion plates in the meat markets of gay pubs where patrons chattered to their ‘in’ group, eyeing outsiders and prospective partners with practised disdain, then hovering alone on the footpath after closing time having rejected one suitor too many

49. The bandana went cruising down the stream and landed by the sewer drain

50. The ceiling was a masterpiece to put the rest of the artwork in the castle to shame: fashioned from jewels, diamonds, and bits of smooth glass was an expansive, inverted model of the open sea, replete with cruising fins and schools of fish, tropical islands and archipelagos, a tortoise with a scale forest on its back, and a replica of Coral Wing itself carved out of a sparkling prism, so faithfully rendered that Jai wondered whether there was an even tinier version of the fortress inside the first model

51. desired orbital facility was still several days away on cruising speed, on the other side of the

52. took in a movie before cruising around for a little while, enjoying the hire

53. He figured the flash of light came from a boat cruising into Manhattan

54. "Trust me, the cops don't waste their time cruising down these streets

55. They had passed the southern borders of Stygia and were cruising along the coasts of Kush

56. Two hours later as the Air Canada Jumbo climbed to cruising altitude over the Great Lakes, Kynaston Peter Mainwaring pondered over what Horricks had said

57. So here comes the haunting cross road, A few days later I was returning home to grab some supplies cruising with Ken again as was often the case and Bridget is parked in the driveway

58. The thing I loved just as much as the money and nice stuff was just the cruising in the car all day

59. The train had now attained its cruising speed of perhaps sixty five miles per hour

60. cruising the Caribbean with wonderfully warm weather,

61. for you to "reposition" your thoughts on cruising

62. YOU while you’re cruising

63. “I was cruising for boy toys at a spacer bar in New St

64. We were cruising the I-90 when Tom said, “So neither of them wanted to carry out the hits

65. Such bonny progress could only be a premonition of the perfect storm that was brewing, and the contrast between the amicableness of the first weeks cruising and the sudden psychopathy of the cyclone that struck the ship unawares only served to add to the superstitious misgivings of the sailors on board as the storm heightened

66. To add to his bitterness, the Home Fleet battleships and battlecruisers cruising around the North Sea in anticipation of a German naval surface attack had lost the battleship H

67. Matching course with the German air armada, Stilwell’s four surface effect ships accelerated to nearly half the cruising speed of the German bombers while firing close to 200 shells per minute at them

68. Nine minutes after starting to roll, the Airbus A-310 raised its nose and took off, climbing steadily to its cruising altitude and turning eastward towards Iran

69. Four of the old destroyers of the Asiatic Fleet were also cruising inside Manila Bay, ready to lay protective smokescreens if need be

70. He then reached for his dark sunglasses and turned up the radio to drown out his thoughts, cruising 70 M

71. It has a cruising speed of 310 miles per hour and a top speed of 360 miles per hour at altitude, thanks to its four Pratt & Whitney R-4360-20 WASP MAJOR radial engines, each of which can produce up to 3,500 horsepower

72. Looking out the window he had a panoramic view of Rushcutters Bay with all its yachts tied up in the Cruising Yacht Club marina

73. He could only think of the eclectic melting pot of bronzed women that strolled throughout traffic, wearing only skimpy thongs, high-powered business men cruising stealthily, and the elderly who came to merely vacation

74. For a moment, Jose could see the cruising reef sharks fill the scene's backdrop, but he managed to emerge from the tunnel, unaware of what Mitchell had planned

75. She came cruising in about half an hour later, giving him a chance to recover

76. � The two surface effect ships were soon out of the harbor and heading West in the North Atlantic at maximum cruising speed

77. Now, here we were, cruising on a luxury yacht in the calm Atlantic, sipping a cold beer in the

78. more minutes, they were cruising down the highway

79. � The light from the half moon was enough for her to fly her Storch at its cruising speed of 85 miles per hour, but not enough for the anti-aircraft gunners now scrambling to their guns to acquire such a small, low-flying target

80. There was a helipad at the stern and under it, a Robinson R66 helicopter to allow easy transportation of guests and luggage, when cruising

81. Cruising at 700-800 mph, we would arrive

82. Coming from an American amphibious ship cruising on the horizon in the company of an escorting heavy cruiser, the UH-2 medium helicopter flew directly towards the main tarmac of Niigata’s old military airfield, landing smoothly about forty meters from the control tower

83. In order to achieve this, it would be essential to maintain a cruising speed of 28 knots

84. The C-60A continued on its merry course, flying at a cruising speed of 310 kilometers per hour while crossing the United States, heading for the West Coast

85. All three of those aircraft have proven cruising speeds of 635 miles per hour or more at high altitude, which will allow them to cross the United States in a single flight of less than four hours

86. With its very long range, which will be up to 6,900 miles with a normal payload of 55 tons, and its cruising speed of 635 miles per hour, the VC-200 will be ideal for the overseas trips of the President

87. That way, they won"t waste precious time cruising through the

88. And there it was, the G15 cruising along the skyline

89. was in a stolen crappy car at the age of 15 cruising down I-95 headed to

90. About nine hours later a cruiser in the Telnar sector reported Myra's ten-man destroyer cruising through their command lines without preauthorized notification

91. obey!" They were cruising along in Vinny's red jeep along Rt

92. cruising up shoreline drive

93. cruising up to 50 knots

94. The fact that the other American forces in and around the Pacific had only reacted in a lethargic way to the last month of furious military activity in Indochina, not launching a single air raid in support of the task force in Da Nang, save for the Navy carrier group cruising off Vietnam, also worried her

95. A couple small nudges of turbulence are the sky’s greeting as Estrella settles into cruising altitude

96. ‘’Uh, I believe that he elected to stay on his flagship, the carrier WASP, which is cruising off Haifa

97. That allowed Ingrid to watch the countryside as she drove at a very respectable cruising speed of 130 kilometers per hour

98. An hour later, they were at cruising altitude and there was nothing but clear blue skies ahead

99. The headlights on his Boss® automatically flickered on the second their sensors determined it was dark, and twenty minutes later, he was cruising past the front of the school

Synonyms for "cruise"

"cruise" definitions.

an ocean trip taken for pleasure

drive around aimlessly but ostentatiously and at leisure

travel at a moderate speed

look for a sexual partner in a public place

sail or travel about for pleasure, relaxation, or sightseeing

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How to use "cruise" in a sentence?

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Cruise in a Sentence  🔊

Definition of Cruise

to travel smoothly at a continuous speed

Examples of Cruise in a sentence

Since we were on the highway, my mom decided to let the car cruise at a comfortable seventy miles an hour.  🔊

It is almost impossible to cruise at any speed while driving in a city because you must constantly speed up and slow down.  🔊

With nowhere to be anytime soon, I decided to simply cruise down the street of my neighborhood on my bike.  🔊

Most passenger aircraft cruise through the air at a continuous speed once they reach an acceptable altitude.  🔊

A ship will often cruise through the water at the same top speed if the waters are calm and easily traversed.  🔊

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Definition of cruise noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

  • I'd love to go on a round-the-world cruise.
  • a luxury cruise ship
  • Fire crews were called to the scene.
  • He crews for a billionaire on his yacht.
  • We're taking a cruise around the Mediterranean.
  • I'd love to cruise down the Nile.
  • package tour
  • self-catering
  • have/​take (British English) a holiday/ (North American English) a vacation/​a break/​a day off/ (British English) a gap year
  • go on/​be on holiday/​vacation/​leave/​honeymoon/​safari/​a trip/​a tour/​a cruise/​a pilgrimage
  • go backpacking/​camping/​hitchhiking/​sightseeing
  • plan a trip/​a holiday/​a vacation/​your itinerary
  • book accommodation/​a hotel room/​a flight/​tickets
  • have/​make/​cancel a reservation/ (especially British English) booking
  • rent a villa/ (both British English) a holiday home/​a holiday cottage
  • (especially British English) hire/ (especially North American English) rent a car/​bicycle/​moped
  • stay in a hotel/​a bed and breakfast/​a youth hostel/​a villa/ (both British English) a holiday home/​a caravan
  • cost/​charge $100 a/​per night for a single/​double/​twin/​standard/ (British English) en suite room
  • check into/​out of a hotel/​a motel/​your room
  • pack/​unpack your suitcase/​bags
  • call/​order room service
  • cancel/​cut short a trip/​holiday/​vacation
  • apply for/​get/​renew a/​your passport
  • take out/​buy/​get travel insurance
  • catch/​miss your plane/​train/​ferry/​connecting flight
  • fly (in)/travel in business/​economy class
  • make/​have a brief/​two-day/​twelve-hour stopover/ (North American English also) layover in Hong Kong
  • experience/​cause/​lead to delays
  • check (in)/collect/​get/​lose (your) (especially British English) luggage/ (especially North American English) baggage
  • be charged for/​pay excess baggage
  • board/​get on/​leave/​get off the aircraft/​plane/​ship/​ferry
  • taxi down/​leave/​approach/​hit/​overshoot the runway
  • experience/​hit/​encounter severe turbulence
  • suffer from/​recover from/​get over your jet lag/​travel sickness
  • attract/​draw/​bring tourists/​visitors
  • encourage/​promote/​hurt tourism
  • promote/​develop ecotourism
  • build/​develop/​visit a tourist/​holiday/ (especially British English) seaside/​beach/​ski resort
  • work for/​be operated by a major hotel chain
  • be served by/​compete with low-cost/ (especially North American English) low-fare/​budget airlines
  • book something through/​make a booking through/​use a travel agent
  • contact/​check with your travel agent/​tour operator
  • book/​be on/​go on a package deal/​holiday/​tour
  • buy/​bring back (tacky/​overpriced) souvenirs
  • They met on a cruise.
  • a cruise along the coast
  • a pleasure cruise around the bay
  • Modern cruise liners have every conceivable luxury on board.
  • Now they could afford the world cruise they had promised themselves.
  • She worked on a cruise ship as a croupier.
  • They are going on a Mediterranean cruise.
  • This year's cruise will visit the Norwegian fjords.
  • We will be taking a cruise down the Nile.
  • You can take a leisurely cruise on the lake.
  • on a/​the cruise
  • cruise along
  • cruise around

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Simple Sentences in English: 50 Examples

What is a simple sentence.

A  simple sentence  contains one independent clause.

What’s an “independent clause”?

It’s one  subject  followed by one  verb or verb phrase . It expresses a single idea.

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Let’s look at 50 simple sentence examples in different English verb tenses.

Simple Sentences in English: 50 Examples Espresso English

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Simple sentences in the Present Simple Tense

The subject of the sentence is in blue .

The verb of the sentence is in red .

  • I ‘m happy.
  • She exercises every morning.
  • His dog barks loudly.
  • My school starts at 8:00.
  • We always eat dinner together.
  • They take the bus to work.
  • He doesn’t like vegetables.
  • I don’t want anything to drink.
  • This little black dress isn’t expensive.  
  • Those kids don’t speak English.

You can see that simple sentences can contain other words, such as:

  • a direct object (“eat dinner” – dinner is the direct object)
  • a prepositional phrase (“at 8:00”)
  • adjectives (“little black dress” – little and black are adjectives)
  • adverbs (“loudly”)

The important thing is that there’s only ONE subject and ONE verb or verb phrase (this could be a helping verb + main verb, for example “don’t speak” and “doesn’t like”).

Simple Sentences in English: 50 Examples Espresso English

Simple sentences in the Past Simple Tense

  • I went to the store.
  • She took the test last Friday.
  • We talked for hours.
  • The little girl played at the playground.
  • He had a great time yesterday.
  • I didn’t know about the meeting.
  • He didn’t take a shower.
  • My friend and I didn’t buy anything on our trip.
  • We didn’t have enough food for everyone.
  • Rachel didn’t tell anyone the secret.

Simple Sentences in English: 50 Examples Espresso English

We talked for hours. (We = subject, talked = verb)

Simple sentences in the Future Simple Tense

  • I will visit my parents next weekend.
  • She ‘ll finish her project by tomorrow.
  • They will go on vacation next month.
  • We ‘ll have dinner at a fancy restaurant tonight.
  • He will start his new job next week.
  • I won’t attend the party tomorrow.
  • She won’t buy a new car this year.
  • They will not complete the assignment on time.
  • We won’t go to the concert on Saturday.
  • He will not pass the exam without studying.

Simple Sentences in English: 50 Examples Espresso English

He won’t pass the exam without studying.

Simple sentences in the Present Continuous Tense

  • I am currently working on a new project.
  • She is dancing gracefully on stage.
  • They are enjoying their vacation in Hawaii.
  • We are learning to play the guitar.
  • He is studying for his upcoming exams.
  • I ‘ m not feeling well today.
  • She isn’t attending the party tonight.
  • They ‘ re not participating in the competition.
  • We aren’t going out for dinner this evening.
  • He ‘ s not wearing a jacket despite the cold weather.

Simple Sentences in English: 50 Examples Espresso English

He’s not wearing a jacket despite the cold weather.

Simple sentences in the Past Continuous Tense

I was watching a movie last night.

  • She was singing loudly during the concert.
  • They were playing soccer yesterday.
  • We were having dinner at a fancy restaurant.
  • He was studying hard for his final exams.
  • I wasn’t paying attention to the lecture.
  • She was not watching her kids at the park.
  • They were not listening to the teacher’s instructions.
  • We weren’t traveling over spring break.
  • He was not feeling well yesterday.

Simple Sentences in English: 50 Examples Espresso English

Simple sentences in the Future Continuous Tense

  • I ‘ll be giving a presentation at the conference.
  • She will be traveling to Europe next month.
  • They ‘ll be celebrating their anniversary on a cruise.
  • We will be taking our son to college in September.
  • He ‘ll be working on a new project next week.
  • I will not be attending the party tonight.
  • She will not be participating in the competition.
  • They won’t be going on a vacation this summer.
  • We won’t be looking for new jobs anytime soon.
  • He won’t be taking so many classes next semester.

Simple Sentences in English: 50 Examples Espresso English

They’ll be celebrating their anniversary on a cruise.

Simple sentences in the Present Perfect Tense

  • I ‘ ve finished reading the book.
  • She has traveled to many countries.
  • They ‘ ve won the championship.
  • We have completed the project on time.
  • He ‘ s learned to play the piano.
  • I haven’t visited that museum yet.
  • She has not received the package.
  • They have not finished their homework.
  • We haven’t seen that movie.
  • He hasn’t achieved his goal.

Simple Sentences in English: 50 Examples Espresso English

They’ve won the championship

Now you know how to form simple sentences in various verb tenses! Try writing your own simple sentence examples to help you remember this sentence structure. Next, learn about compound sentences and complex sentences.

Simple Sentences in English: 50 Examples Espresso English

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About the author.

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Shayna Oliveira

Shayna Oliveira is the founder of Espresso English, where you can improve your English fast - even if you don’t have much time to study. Millions of students are learning English from her clear, friendly, and practical lessons! Shayna is a CELTA-certified teacher with 10+ years of experience helping English learners become more fluent in her English courses.

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Definition of cruise

 (Entry 1 of 2)

intransitive verb

transitive verb

Definition of cruise  (Entry 2 of 2)

  • gad (about)
  • galavant
  • kick around
  • knock (about)

Examples of cruise in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'cruise.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Dutch kruisen to make a cross, cruise, from Middle Dutch crucen , from crūce cross, from Latin cruc-, crux

1651, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1

1696, in the meaning defined above

Phrases Containing cruise

  • adaptive cruise control
  • booze cruise
  • cruise control
  • cruise liner
  • cruise missile
  • cruise ship
  • radar cruise control

Dictionary Entries Near cruise

Cite this entry.

“Cruise.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cruise. Accessed 18 Jun. 2024.

Kids Definition

Kids definition of cruise.

from Dutch kruisen "to cruise, move crosswise," from early Dutch crūce "cross," from Latin crux "cross" — related to cross , crucial

More from Merriam-Webster on cruise

Nglish: Translation of cruise for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of cruise for Arabic Speakers

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Examples of cruise ship


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CRUISE SHIP in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Cruise Ship

sentence with Cruise Ship

Have you ever dreamed of gliding across shimmering waters while being surrounded by luxury and endless entertainment? A cruise ship is a floating paradise that offers travelers a unique way to explore different destinations while enjoying world-class amenities onboard a large vessel.

Equipped with restaurants, bars, theaters, pools, and even spas, cruise ships provide a diverse range of activities to suit every type of traveler. Whether you’re looking to relax by the pool, savor gourmet cuisine, or explore exotic ports of call, a cruise ship offers a one-of-a-kind vacation experience that combines adventure with comfort.

Table of Contents

7 Examples Of Cruise Ship Used In a Sentence For Kids

  • The cruise ship is big and white.
  • People go on a cruise ship for a holiday.
  • The cruise ship has a swimming pool.
  • We can see dolphins from the cruise ship .
  • The captain drives the cruise ship .
  • The cruise ship will take us to different places.
  • The cruise ship has restaurants and shops.

14 Sentences with Cruise Ship Examples

  • Cruise ship vacations are popular among college students looking for a fun and relaxing break.
  • Many college students dream of going on a cruise ship trip during their summer holidays.
  • Booking a cruise ship tour can be a great way for college students to unwind and enjoy the ocean views.
  • Exploring different countries and cultures while on a cruise ship can be a valuable learning experience for college students.
  • Some college students choose to have their graduation parties on a cruise ship to celebrate in style.
  • Attending a cruise ship party is a unique experience that many college students will remember for years to come.
  • College students often look forward to the entertainment and activities available on a cruise ship .
  • Planning a group trip on a cruise ship can be a fun and affordable option for college students wanting to travel together.
  • College students might consider working on a cruise ship during their summer break to gain work experience and travel at the same time.
  • Taking a break from studies by going on a cruise ship vacation can help college students relax and recharge.
  • Cruise ships often offer discounts for college students, making it a budget-friendly vacation option.
  • College students interested in marine biology could benefit from a cruise ship trip that includes educational workshops and excursions.
  • For college students who enjoy photography, a cruise ship journey can provide stunning landscapes and seascapes to capture.
  • Joining a cruise ship volunteer program can be a rewarding experience for college students wanting to give back while traveling.

How To Use Cruise Ship in Sentences?

To use the term “Cruise Ship” correctly in a sentence, you should follow these simple guidelines:

Identify the context : Make sure you have a clear understanding of what a cruise ship is. It is a large passenger ship used for pleasure voyages, where passengers enjoy various amenities and visit different destinations.

Placement in a sentence : The term “Cruise Ship” is a noun phrase and should be used as the subject or object of a sentence. For example, “The cruise ship departed from Miami yesterday” or “They booked a cruise ship vacation for next summer.”

Punctuation : Always capitalize the first letters of each word in “Cruise Ship” when using it in a sentence. It is a proper noun and should be treated as such.

Use in context : Ensure that the sentence in which you use “Cruise Ship” makes sense and is grammatically correct. Avoid using it randomly without relevance to the topic at hand.

Practice makes perfect : The best way to get comfortable with using “Cruise Ship” in a sentence is to practice using it in different contexts. This will help you become more confident in incorporating it into your everyday language.

By following these guidelines and practicing using “Cruise Ship” in sentences, you will quickly become adept at incorporating this term into your vocabulary.

In conclusion, cruise ships offer travelers a luxurious way to explore multiple destinations while enjoying various amenities on board. From relaxing by the pool to enjoying world-class cuisine and entertainment, there is something for everyone on a cruise ship. Passengers can choose from a wide range of activities and excursions, making each trip a unique and memorable experience.

Whether you prefer a family-friendly cruise, a romantic getaway, or an adventure-filled voyage, a cruise ship provides a convenient and all-inclusive way to travel. With comfortable accommodations, delicious meals, and unparalleled service, cruising offers a stress-free and enjoyable vacation option for travelers of all ages. Next time you’re planning a trip, consider booking a cruise to experience the ultimate in relaxation and exploration.

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simple cruise sentence

Margaritaville cruise settles 2 lawsuits after bartender snuck into women's room, raped them

Two passengers aboard the margaritaville at sea paradise cruise ship accused an employee of sneaking into their room and raping them while they slept..

simple cruise sentence

WEST PALM BEACH — Two women who said they were raped by a bartender on a Jimmy Buffett-themed cruise ship have agreed to settle their lawsuits against the company for undisclosed amounts of money.

They accused a crewmate of sneaking into their room aboard the  Margaritaville At Sea Paradise ship and raping them while they slept. One woman, identified in a December lawsuit only as Jane Doe, said she became pregnant as a result and "was forced to terminate the pregnancy, from which she then suffered serious complications."

Her cabinmate, identified in a separate lawsuit as HB, said bartender Hoobesh Dookhy pocketed one of their room keys while serving the women drinks aboard the Bahamas-bound ship and used it to enter their room after both women fell asleep.

Doe said she woke to find Dookhy caressing her face and  sexually assaulting her . She told FBI agents that she demanded he leave, but he moved to HB's bed and began to assault her, too.

Doe recorded the assault and reported it to cruise-ship security the following morning. According to court records, investigators found the women's room key in the pocket of Dookhy's work vest and a photo he took of HB, naked and asleep, on his cellphone.

Bartender's conviction: Server aboard Margaritaville cruise ship pleads guilty to sexually assaulting passenger

Bartender got two-year prison sentence, must register as sex offender

Dookhy admitted to having sex with HB but told investigators that their encounter was consensual. Faced with the possibility of life in federal prison on a sexual-abuse charge, he pleaded guilty to one count of abusive sexual contact in October — forgoing his right to a trial by jury but cementing a deal with prosecutors to have the worst of the two charges against him dropped.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon sentenced Dookhy to two years in prison — one year more than federal sentencing guidelines advised and exactly what prosecutors asked for. He is scheduled to be released before his 28th birthday. According to court records, he will remain on supervised release for five years and must register as a sex offender.

Neither charge against him stemmed from the rape Doe described in her lawsuit. She was classified as a witness to her cabinmate's sexual assault rather than as a victim to her own, but her attorney, Spencer Aronfeld, said Dookhy's conviction and the subsequent media attention surrounding HB's lawsuit convincedher to file one, too.

"We reached an amicable resolution," Aronfeld said this month. "She's pleased with the result."

Aronfeld said that as part of the agreement, Doe "can't tell her story to anyone." He declined to say more about the confidential settlement but added that, generally speaking, no amount of money can heal the wounds of sexual assault victims. He said the value of a settlement is in closing the case and allowing victims to move forward.

Sexual assault on the high seas: How to keep you and your family safe on vacation cruises

HB's attorney, Carissa Peebles of the law firm Morgan & Morgan, declined to comment, and Aronfeld said he did not know whether her settlement was identical to Doe's. In an earlier interview, Aronfeld called the two lawsuits "considerably different" in terms of the damages reported by both women — the most notable being Doe's pregnancy and abortion.

During the earlier interview, Aronfeld said his client did not undergo a paternity test to determine who fathered the child but said Doe intended to testify that she and her husband were not sexually active before or after the alleged rape.

Missouri woman latest to file sexual-assault lawsuit against cruise line's owner

Doe and HB belong to a long list of passengers and crew members who say they were victimized aboard cruise ships. More than 500 sexual-assault reports were documented between 2010 and 2022 on 13 major cruise lines, according to data published by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

A Missourian woman, identified only as Jane Doe, filed a new lawsuit against the Margaritaville at Sea cruise and its parent company Classica Cruise this month. She said Margaritaville arranged for a sea-side hotel in the Bahamas for guests to stay. According to the lawsuit, when she left her hotel room at night to get a glass of water, a hotel employee forced her into the hotel's theater control room, locked the door and raped her.

She is suing the hotel in addition to the cruise line. The alleged rape happened in August 2023. Margaritaville at Sea did not return a request for comment.

Hannah Phillips is a journalist covering public safety and criminal justice at The Palm Beach Post. You can reach her at  [email protected] .

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Cruising in a sentence

simple cruise sentence

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  1. Examples of "Cruise" in a Sentence

    Cruise Sentence Examples. I want to take a cruise, I think, when Ashley graduates. The British admiral, when informed that the French were at sea, justified Napoleon's estimate of his probable course in such a contingency, by making a useless cruise to Egypt.

  2. Examples of 'Cruise' in a Sentence

    Definition of cruise. Synonyms for cruise. A car cruised past us. We were cruising along the highway. He dreams of cruising the Mediterranean. On Friday nights, teenagers cruise the main street in town to show off their cars. We cruised for a week down the Yangtze River. The bus was cruising at 55 miles per hour.

  3. How To Use "Cruise" In A Sentence: A Comprehensive Look

    Here, the incorrect sentence uses "cruise" as a noun, referring to a vacation on a ship. However, the correct sentence uses "cruise" as a verb, indicating the action of traveling smoothly and leisurely. 2. Using "cruise" without specifying the mode of transportation: Incorrect: "Let's cruise to the beach.".

  4. Examples of 'CRUISE' in a sentence

    The boat cruised around a likely patch of ocean off a coral island, looking for a school. Times, Sunday Times. ( 2009) I like to use my cruise control. Christianity Today. ( 2000) Wolves may have cruised to victory but they needed a controversial penalty on 18 minutes to open the scoring. The Sun.

  5. CRUISE in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Cruise

    Cruise can be used in a sentence as a verb to describe traveling smoothly at a consistent speed with little effort. For example, "The ship began to cruise along the serene waters of the ocean.". When cruise is used as a noun, it refers to a trip or voyage on a ship or boat for pleasure. For instance, "We went on a relaxing cruise to the ...

  6. Cruise in a sentence

    cruises. cruising. 1. He didn't need a tow to cruise this tunnel and went to the center with a few other powerboats. 2. They had transformed their hobie cat to a mini cruise liner but the party wasn't on it. 3. came back and continued to cruise at 166/3. 4.

  7. cruise example sentences

    English In liquids, they can cruise and cuddle and link up to form molecules. volume_up more_vert. English (Laughter) And they use motors that literally are used on cruise missile boosters. volume_up more_vert. English So we're going to cruise through half a year in about 40 seconds. volume_up more_vert. English The story is, Scientology had ...

  8. Cruise: In a Sentence

    Cruise in a Sentence. Definition of Cruise. to travel smoothly at a continuous speed. Examples of Cruise in a sentence. Since we were on the highway, my mom decided to let the car cruise at a comfortable seventy miles an hour. It is almost impossible to cruise at any speed while driving in a city because you must constantly speed up and slow down.

  9. The Word "Cruise" in Example Sentences

    English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Cruise" in Example Sentences Page 1. 73076 How many cruises are there each day? CM 1 1388220 Tom and Mary went on a cruise near Italy for their honeymoon, but the ship sank and Tom was drowned in his cabin. Spamster 1 304679 He hailed a cruising taxi.

  10. cruise verb

    Definition of cruise verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  11. CRUISE

    CRUISE definition: 1. a journey on a large ship for pleasure, during which you visit several places: 2. (of a ship or…. Learn more.

  12. cruise noun

    a pleasure cruise around the bay; Modern cruise liners have every conceivable luxury on board. Now they could afford the world cruise they had promised themselves. She worked on a cruise ship as a croupier. They are going on a Mediterranean cruise. This year's cruise will visit the Norwegian fjords. We will be taking a cruise down the Nile.

  13. CRUISE definition and meaning

    7 meanings: 1. to make a trip by sea in a liner for pleasure, usually calling at a number of ports 2. to sail or travel over (a.... Click for more definitions.

  14. Simple Sentences in English: 50 Examples

    Simple sentences in the Future Simple Tense. I will visit my parents next weekend. She'll finish her project by tomorrow. They will go on vacation next month. We'll have dinner at a fancy restaurant tonight. He will start his new job next week. I won't attend the party tomorrow. She won't buy a new car this year.

  15. Cruise Definition & Meaning

    cruise: [verb] to sail about touching at a series of ports.

  16. Cruise Definition & Meaning

    CRUISE meaning: 1 : to travel on a boat or ship to a number of places as a vacation; 2 : to move along at a steady speed. The Britannica Dictionary mobile search. ... Example sentences [-] Hide examples. 2 [no object] of a car, airplane, etc.: to move along at a steady speed. The bus was cruising at 55 miles per hour. We were cruising along ...

  17. Cruise in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...)

    Cruise in a sentence up(3) down(5) Sentence count:272+10 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24. Synonym: sail. Similar words: recruit, crush, crucial, anguish, inquisitive, acquisition, distinguish, raise. Meaning: [kruːz] n. an ocean trip taken for pleasure. v. 1. drive around aimlessly but ostentatiously and at ...

  18. cruise ship in a sentence

    Examples of cruise ship in a sentence, how to use it. 97 examples: Given the fact that the spas were implicated as the source of infection on this…

  19. CRUISE SHIP in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Cruise Ship

    7 Examples Of Cruise Ship Used In a Sentence For Kids. The cruise ship is big and white. People go on a cruise ship for a holiday. The cruise ship has a swimming pool. We can see dolphins from the cruise ship. The captain drives the cruise ship. The cruise ship will take us to different places. The cruise ship has restaurants and shops.

  20. Examples of "Cruises" in a Sentence

    Carry money or ordered a drink side of the island Last Call Cruises moon cay holland. 0. 0. In July, eHarmony partnered with Princess Cruises to provide one lucky couple with a seven-day dream honeymoon. 0. 0. I've taken cruises to the heart my money back chairman MAO 's summer. 0. 0.

  21. CRUISE in a sentence. CRUISE sentence examples. lengusa

    High quality sentence examples for CRUISE from reliable contexts. lengusa is the first machine learning-powered sentence search engine that helps you write better English and feel more confident about it.

  22. Margaritaville cruise settles 2 lawsuits after bartender snuck into

    Missouri woman latest to file sexual-assault lawsuit against cruise line's owner. Doe and HB belong to a long list of passengers and crew members who say they were victimized aboard cruise ships.

  23. Cruising in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...)

    160+5 sentence examples: 1. We were cruising in the Caribbean all winter. ... Sentence count:160+5 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-05-11Updated:2020-07-24. Similar words: bruising, cruise, cuisine, rising, raising, uprising, promising, surprising. Random good picture Not show. 1. We were cruising in the Caribbean all winter. 2.