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Hermine and Daniel Taramona founded Tara Tours , Inc. in 1980 to create personalized tour programs to Central and South America. Our programs have been featured in various publications and recognized for their low cost. Our knowledgeable staff can tailor-make your itinerary based on firsthand experience.

12002 SW 128 CT, Suite 209 Miami, FL 33186 United States

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Tara Tours Ireland Logo


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Ireland Tours 2024

Unique experiences by tara tours ireland.

Tara Tours Ireland logo

Welcome to Tara Tours Ireland!

Discover the unparalleled beauty and charm of Ireland with Tara Tours Ireland.

We specialize in crafting unique experiences that showcase the authentic essence of Ireland. Our tours are designed to immerse you in the real Ireland, taking you off the beaten path to explore hidden gems, interact with the locals, and indulge in genuine Irish hospitality.

With Tara Tours Ireland, you can expect unforgettable and immersive experiences that capture the true spirit of this enchanting country.

Benbulben Co Sligo-1_Web Size (1).jpg

Reviews for Tara Tours Ireland

Can’t say enough about how great our guide was. he kept us entertained, and educated. he had great pointers for every city. i would love to have him as a tour guide again..

Tara Tours Ireland are amazing!!

Our guide was really friendly, chatty and informative. You can see his passionate about what he does, within our group we had a wide age range he cared for each person and we were all kept entertained

Would I go again... YES

Would I recommend.... YES

Thank you Tara Tours Ireland for making our vacation so special. It was our second trip to Ireland and everything was just fantastic. Our guide was wonderful, so engaging and entertaining! The hotels were perfect, the food was great, the people were awesome. We cannot wait to come back again!

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  • 031 861 501

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  • Bajina Bašta
  • Planina Tara

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Krstarenje Perućac - Višegrad - Perućac

Ekskurzije na brodu

  • Organizovanje ambijentalne učionice na brodu
  • Predavači iz Nacionalnog parka Tara
  • Upoznavanje dece sa kretanjem broda
  • Organizovanje ručka na brodu

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Video sa krstarenja

Jedan od naših najpopularnijih programa je krstarenje brodom „Grizzly 2“ kanjonom reke Drine.

Moći ćete da uživate u neverovatnim lepotama koje kanjon poseduje, kao i u čarima Višegrada sa novoizgrađenim kamenim gradom posvećenom Ivi Andriću.

mnogo je razloga da izaberete našu agenciju

Zašto Taratours?

Povoljne cene, veliki broj programa, brza rezervacija, licencirani vodiči.

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smeštaj na jezeru Perućac

Splav - apartman Grizzly

Usidrite se na potpuno novom splav apartmanu Grizzly koji se nalazi u okviru splav-restorana Sidro Grizzly na jezeru Perućac.

Atraktivna lokacija u blizini javne plaže pruža velike mogućnosti za odmor i uživanje.

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Svetosavska 80

31250 Bajina Bašta

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Turistička agencija „Taratours“ je osnovana 2003. godine. Posle velikog broja zadovoljnih turista, kako individualnih, tako i grupa, Turistička organizacija Srbije je proglasila našu agenciju za najbolju receptivnu agenciju za 2015. godinu. To nam je bio veliki motiv za napredak u pružanju usluga i zadovoljstva našim gostima.

Svetosavska 80, 31250 Bajina Bašta

031/861-501 031/861-467

Explore completely different concept of adventure!

Experience Tara rafting in an atmosphere adapted for friend and family gatherings with food that will win you over for good.

Teamwork Icon

Way back in 1990, we founded the first rafting company in Montenegro to accommodate the natural beauties of this region for a large number of people so that they could experience the Tara wildlife in a safe and unforgettable manner. Our camp is located at the conflux of two pearly rivers, the Tara and the Piva, and the birthplace of the third beauty, the Drina.

We are proud to be the winner of Wild Beauty Award for outstanding contribution to the development of the tourist offer and to be recognized by the world-renowned "Lonely Planet" travel magazine as an ideal place for this kind of adventure. By doing our job the right way for nearly 30 years now, we have been offering you a holiday that will encourage you to seize new adventures.

Gallery Tara Tour

Our mission

Your coming to the camp is not just an urge to experience   a   rush  of   adrenaline but also gives you an opportunity to be part of this unique experience in nature and socialize with us and our guests. At the end of the day, when you meditate on your impressions, it is important to grasp the allure of breaking ties with urban life and establish a relationship with the natural environment and live in this moment you set aside for yourself. 

We are recognized in the world as a meeting point of the desire for quality time and a wonderful ambiance which cannot be built by hand but was created by nature for us to enjoy. We will give you back the time taken away by hard work or everyday stress and leave you to the wild beauty that will relieve your worries.  Staying with us will provide you with both peace and adventure on the same day!

Adventure Hunt Tour Tara Tour

Adventure Hunt Tour

1 Activities / 2 Meals / 0 Nights

One-day rafting adventure is an extraordinary experience for all lovers of the Tara River and its rapids and a great escape route from everyday life that will refresh your summer.

Rest & Paddle Tour Tara Tour

Rest & Paddle Tour

1 Activities / 3 Meals / 1 Nights

Staying in the camp and spending a night in the natural setting will refresh your energy and prepare you for the rafting adventure that awaits you!

Globetrotter's Weekend Getaway Tara Tour

Globetrotter's Weekend Getaway

1 Activities / 5 Meals / 2 Nights

A three-day stay with rafting is prepared according to the wishes of our guests who want to set aside as much time as possible and dedicate it to this part of Montenegro.

Icon Tara Tour

Organic food

Taking into account the specifics of the national cuisine, we have managed to adapt our menu to the tastes of different guests, keeping the traditional way of preparing food. In our camp, we will please all those who like Montenegrin dishes, but also gluten-free and vegan food. The food we serve is of organic origin and is obtained from local producers with whom we have a long-term cooperation.

tara tours


Only a one-hour stroll away from our camp there is the Soko fortress, which is assumed to have been built in the 10 th century and was the center of the capital of some rulers throughout history.

Underneath the former city, there is a church and the inner bailey of Sokol, at the very conflux of the Piva and the Tara - called Šćepan polje, a place you will remember for the joint adventure.


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Best Floating Villages cruises in Cambodia is with Tara Riverboat

How it all started

Like many travelers i first came to Cambodia primarily to see the wonderful temples of Angkor Wat, they are truly amazing, never would i have imagined just how many of these great temples there are , thinking a week would be enough time, i quickly realized i would need a month just to scratch the surface. One of the many things that i learnt about the building of these huge temples where that the huge limestone blocks that make up the temples where cut out of the sacred Mountain of Phnom Kulen (Kulen Mountain) and floated down on large rafts, via the rivers, canals and lakes,(Now these blocks weighing over 1.5 tons each and they estimate between 5 to 10 millions of them) so I just had to visit the Tonle Sap lake, what i found out there was truly amazing, rivers and flooded forests together with  fishing villages, the sights was simply awesome and was blown away with how the local villages have adapted to the constant changing water levels of this great lake, Most of these floating villages are only accessible via boats as no roads exist with the locals building floating homes and homes also in some villages on stilts some 10 mts high, the fishing villages where something i had never seen before, it was fascinating to see how the locals had adapted to the ever changing water levels of this Great lake, the lake is quite unique in the world as it flows  both ways , filling up from south to north in the wet season from the Mekong River (Mekong River starts way up high in the Himalayan Mountains in Tibet), and then flowing south in the dry season.(not to mention its also huge) its the largest fresh water lake in the whole of South East Asia, and one of the richest fresh water fishing lakes in the world, as per fish volume, and with fish comes huge rare water-birds, the world famous  Prek Toal bird sanctuary and reserve is only a short distance over the lake, the entry into the Biosphere can be seen from the Queen Tara Riverboat.

One of the problems however i encountered, was the high boat fees and so called community taxes i was asked to pay, not only at the local floating villages but also other villages around the lake, none of the prices of these are displayed,(later i learnt None of  the community gets these so called taxes) so it really is up to the people operating the boat association, how much they think they can get away with charging folks, than as we were on the lake the boat guide?(not really a guide, but a guy that speaks some English, there to rip you off). the other problem was, they did not take me where i wanted to go, it is all about taking you to places that pay them a commission (silly souvenir shops, that charge you 3x the price of the same items in town then the hard sell starts, or their friend's business for extra cash. anyway i was very interested in exploring the rivers and lake more but with someone that was NOT out to rip me off, that is when on return to port area, i got chatting with a small boat owner, that agreed to take me out in his boat,(for a fair price) and we had a fantastic time, well that was 25 years ago now, i fell in love with Cambodia, the lake and the local villages, and decided to start a boat tour business with zero scams and clearly defined Guaranteed low prices, and the local guy i went out with?, Well we have worked together for the past 25 years. The first boat we restored was the Tara Riverboat, she is now 97 years old, and started life as a Cargo   vessel, of course when I found her she was half sunk, and stuck in mud (on a 45 degree angle) in a swampy section of the lake, she had been abandoned and left to the elements, so we had a lot of work to do on her, employing 16 locals from the floating villages, and taking many months, we finally re-floated and then restored her.(i must say it was an absolute pleasure working hand in hand with the villages on this project) As i was teaching them how to re-float and restore the old vessel, they were teaching me the Khmer Language. a win/win situation for sure.

I was also impressed with the locals "can do attitude" and there willingness to learn new skills, The new look Tara Riverboat looked awesome, and soon we were welcoming guests from leading hotels and travel agents in Siem Reap, The hotel owners and managers where very impressed with how we would look after their guests from start to finish,(as one leading 5 star hotel manager in Siem Reap told me) Our guests always come back from your cruisers in a happy mood. Another reason most travel agents and guesthouses/hotels send their guests via Tara Riverboat tours , is their guests do not have to wait in line for more guests to arrive, as going via the public boats guests have to wait till the boats get full or a certain number to depart, this causes many delays along with frustrations,(we however never wait as we have our own private boats that are waiting for our guests). So soon we were on the lookout for more boats. not to build new boats, but to recycle, restore older boats, some of our boats used to be cargo boats, sand dredges, Navy and fishing boats, we also recycle as much as possible, for example, most of our fixtures and fittings on our boats are from recycled items and materials. We all stand together to fight pollution of the Tonle Sap Lake and River systems (having programs in place and education is just a start). Note short video on climate changes and Tara Riverboat (CNA) in our video section... My aim was to employ as many local villages as possible in a sustainable environment whilst learning new skills and having a fun and stable place to work. Quite simply we wanted to create the best floating villages tours and later lake and village homestays in Cambodia.

Over the years we have restored many old boats in Cambodia and have given them a new lease on life, some of these vessels where ex sand dredges(That had lost their Licenses and where not operating), One was an ex-Navy patrol (Gun) boat,(from 1963 Vietnam war with America) another one was owned by the Royal Family,(French built for the Prince of Cambodia in 1985) i found abandoned on the Mekong River in Phnom Penh. So we prefer to restore older boats than build new ones,(recycling the old is more sustainable) whilst also creating more jobs for the locals, we now have 8 boats in a lot of the floating villages and also Phnom Penh, (we also now employ 67 staff) all the boats are staffed by locals and many of the staff also live on the boats, all our staff are multi-skilled and apart from their primary job (task) they are also involved in learning new skills. We are also very proud of the fact that the staff see a great future in working and learning with Tara Riverboat, some have been with me from the very start. 20 years now,  our Tara Apprentice Program, gives local villages both men and ladies the opportunity to develop skills in all types of boat building, maintenance, and repairs,  we are also constantly looking for more old disused riverboats to restore and put into service, thus creating more sustainable local jobs and training opportunities.

In 2010 we established our first ever Apprentice floating training school at the floating village (young girls and guys and not so young) can learn from our expert builders everything from welding, to boat building, repairs, maintenance, Ferro-Cementing, engine repairs and rebuilds, fiber-glassing, painting, we also teach our staff basic first aid, firefighting, swimming and much more. Recently our staff have been busy helping clean up the Tonle Sap lake, we have picked up lots of rubbish, some items like old car and motor bike tires, we have recycled into chairs and tables, plant holders and many more items, some of these can be seen on our riverboats.

None of these things would be possible without the good blessings of the Communities we work in. working together hand in hand for a better future.                                                                   

We offer a range of half. full and multi day tours in Siem Reap, Battambang and Phnom Penh to choose from to explore the lakes, rivers, islands and floating villages to suit all needs starting from just $20 . Beautiful Ancient Khmer lake living community and authentic ways of life. Whether you choose to visit the floating villages, the quieter Kampong Phluk, Kompong Phluk Village, flooded forest, Chong Khneas fishing and floating villages, the little visited Kampong Khleang Village or the famous bird watching area of Prek Toal Biosphere Center you can be sure that the Tara Boat Company will offer you a memorable trip to these special places and look after you to ensure optimum enjoyment. We also have Home stays in most floating villages and flooded forest to select from, we offer the best solutions to cater for all tastes and desires. Our Guides are very friendly and look forward to meeting you soon. 

The best way to see the floating villages in Cambodia is with the Tara Riverboat. L onely Planets Guide Book.

No More to pay. No Scams and clearly defined low prices every day.

All our tours are the price advertised with no additional hidden costs or fees/taxes and include: - pick up and return from hotel/guesthouse in Air-Conditioned cars/mini vans or tuk tuks - all transfers - fully experienced local English Speaking Professional Tara Lake boat guides, safety conscious Tara boat Captains on our mini-Tara boats - all check point fees and taxes - meals and drinks.  Please come to join us for one of our many different tours in Siem Reap or Phnom Penh. (Private tours are also available and inquiries welcome) (we also now have nice home-stay places to stay in the floating villages) including on a 100-year-old Ex Cargo vessel.

Follow us on Facebook: Tara River boats and Eco tours...

we give daily updates on everything to do with the lake, villages and happenings in Cambodia.

Why Use Tara Tours?

There are many reasons we feel we are unique in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh some of the reasons are listed below, however the main vision we have is to promote training, safety and best practice at all times, we inspire to think outside the box, we inspire our team to excel at everything they do, we feel this way will ensure a better life for all.

We support local families and Cambodian women directly, from the communities of the floating villages.

Our tours are ideal for people seeking a deeper understanding of Cambodian traditions and culture whilst also making a difference and meaningful contribution to the local communities and villages visited. Discover the real Cambodia.

 Please Note: We care for our guest's safety and well-being, and have increased our efforts of cleanliness mainly due to Covid 19 

All common areas are cleaned more often, and hand sterilizer are available, all our boats are open air (not boxed in) so plenty of natural fresh air at all times.  All our staff have been vaccinated fully included their boosters (Volunteered not mandatory).


1. Tara riverboat is a locally owned social enterprise ,which owns all our own boats and equipment, we have boats that are licensed and fully insured to go into the numerous rivers and lakes, this ensures not only can we control costs, but also control the quality, safety and thus welfare of all our guests. we also conduct tours of all the different floating villages and numerous flooded forests. ( Please note, you will also save both time and money using our service, as booking through Tara Riverboats, we will give you the best lowest price available, first priority, No waiting for other guests to fill up the boats like other operators, (every tour has their own boats) We will never be beaten on price). 2. ALL OUR staff are full time long term committed employees, they share our joint passion for conducting the most professional and fun cruise tours possible. 3. All our staff are local friendly awesome people, and many were born in the villages you will tour giving an expert insight. 4. We are a responsible company and focus on education, training and sustainable tourism, always being respectful to the communities we work in. In fact we have set up many environmental projects (Our current project is to supply solar power to the homes on the floating village)   through our educational and awareness programs, apprentice training programs and supporting local businesses and suppliers doing the same.  
Some 50% of the homes in the floating villages are without power and rely on car batteries for their most basic power, our excess power from our Queen Tara Riverboat (which is run on 100% solar) is used to charging some of these batteries, over time of course our aim is to supply a solar unit to all homes (floating villages) in need, one home, one village at a time. 
5. We are a Certified Child-safe Business as part of the network working together with communities and NGOs to help protect children. 6. Recycling, we conserve resources wherever possible, through, but not limited to recycling, fuel saving, sustainable development by way of engineering solutions, rather than burning of forests and other materials, e.g. Our boats are now converted to solar power replacing Fuel burning generator and all boats proudly using sustainable and environmentally friendly Biodiesel. we recycle and use sustainable products as much as we can, from bamboo cups,light fitting, furniture, fixtures and fittings, even our bar is made from bamboo which is a grass and not trees. beds made from bamboo,power saving LED lights,all our furniture are from recycles materials, when we are having spare time, the staff can be seen helping clean up the rivers of old car tyres and making useful chairs out of them.
7. The Tara Riverboat commits 100% of all profits into Giving back programs. Our commitment has and always will be that the Tara riverboat company, as a local company, sets aside 100% of all profits to be used in helping the local villages in sustainable resources, together with ensuring our staff are better educated, resourced and health and safety of our team, guests and villages we visit. 8. We are a small, specialized trusted company promoting best practice and the management and all staff are only focused on your enjoyment and safety. ( Most leading hotels and travel agents recommend our boats and service) (Leading Educational institution , Lonely Plants, Getyourguide, Viator, tripadvisor , Klook, Expedia) all recommend our tours and services. 9. We are a registered, licensed company fully compliant with travel insurance, advisory and safety guidelines, we have full public liability insurance, (covering every guest from hotel to hotel) we have the best safety record and take safety very seriously, all our staff have been fully vaccinated for covid 19 (there choose) and 90% have completed a senior first aid cert course. 10. We understand that for a company to succeed we require well priced, fun and hopefully education tours, we specialize in small groups from one person up. Nothing is more important to us than your safety and enjoyment. We do not run 30 different tours as we do not farm out our guests. We only run our tours which we are specializing in running.
11.We are 100% scam free , going on any of our tours will ensure you will not be exposed to any scams that maybe present, our guides will look after you the whole way. 12. After some 20 years conducting tours in and around the numerous floating villages, fishing villages and flooded forest we certainly know what our guests require, we are always focused on achieving the best cruise and tour possible, at the best price. 13. Zero Scam policy, our guides and all staff are committed to ensure a safe, smooth adventure into the numerous floating villages and forests in Cambodia, our ( Zero Scam Policy) means that we Guarantee our tours will be scam free, it's because of this policy most leading educational organizations both local and International use our service, it's also why most expats in Cambodia use our service. 14. Our boats are the safest and cleanest operating on the lakes and rivers, On the Queen Tara riverboat we run on 100% solar power, clean, green and renewable energy, all boats are inspected daily before any tour takes place. they are also of a very unique design (flat bottomed Haul), they can cruise where other boats cannot, enter small canals with ease, some are of double hauled for added protection. 15.All our tours can be taken as a private, exclusive tours if required, inquiries welcome, we will give you the best possible price. 16.We can customize a tour to suit you, after 20 years of cruising the vast lake and river systems we know all the different places of interest. 17. Most importantly we are the only true riverboat on the lake, converted from a large Cargo Vessel and with 100 year of service our Queen Tara Riverboat is by far the largest safest and best boat doing tours every day, powered by solar power. So,  all in all, we believe by having the Best Staff, Best Boats, most experience (20 Years so far), Scam Free, cheapest and Best Lake and river cruise tours in Cambodia, we will ensure our guests the BEST possible experience. We are a private Riverboat, so only our guests will be on board. No huge crowds of people, so you can relax and enjoy.  We believe in fair wages and conditions, we are fully insured, conducting safe, clean, professional and sustainable tours for over 20 years. // Our Sister Company: - covering all the harder more remote temples to access. also tours to Phnom Penh and Kulin Mountain Inquiries 24/7 WhatsApp +855 9227 1349 Email [email protected]
We can arrange all private land and lake travels throughout Cambodia, inquiries welcome.  Welcome to Cambodia and wish everyone a safe, relaxed and happy travel always. Facebook: follow us ( )  on face book @ Tara River Boats and eco tours. we give daily updates on all things to do with the lake and villages on the lake.   Sail into an adventure with Tara Riverboats. Book now to secure your place.

Mission Statement

To Ensure all our tours and services are done in a safe, professional, and timely manner, focusing on educating, enjoyment and sustainability, working closely with the very villages we visit.


$32 per person.

tara tours

Floating Village Tour In Siem Reap - 9:00am-12:00pm ( $ 32 per person)(Children 10 years and under are half priced)5yo and under free

Tour the floating village with floating houses, markets, villages & schools – then chill out on the Queen Tara with...

  • Trip Time:9:00am - 12:00pm
  • Price:$32 per person

$36 per person

tara tours

Half Day Tour of Floating Village In Siem Reap - 10:00am-2:00pm ($ 36 per person)(Children 10 years and under are half priced)5yo and under free

Tour the floating village of Chong Khneas with floating houses, markets, villages & schools – then chill out on the...

  • Trip Time:10:00am - 2:00pm
  • Price: $36 per person

$38 per person

tara tours

Sunset Tour of Floating Village In Siem Reap ($38 per person)(Children 10 years and under are half priced)5yo and under free

Tour the floating village with floating houses, markets, villages & schools – then enjoy a beautiful sunset on the Queen...

  • Trip Time:3:30pm - 7:30pm
  • Price:$38 per person

$38 Per Person

tara tours

Kompong Phluk Half Day in Siem Reap ( $ 38 per person)(Children 10 years and under are half priced)5yo and under free

This tour is for people short on time but still wish to experience the beautiful flooded forest and Kompong Phluk...

  • Trip Time:8:30am - 1:00pm or 2.30pm to 7pm
  • Price:$38 Per Person


Kompong Phluk Flooded Forest

Kompong Phluk Flooded Forest

Kompong Phluk Full Day Adventure Tour

Kompong Phluk Full Day Adventure Tour

Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary

Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary

Phnom Kulen Day Tour

Phnom Kulen Day Tour

Locals Harvesting Snakes

Locals Harvesting Snakes

Tonle Sap Lake Queen Tara Day Tour

Tonle Sap Lake Queen Tara Day Tour

Phnom Penh Sunset Cruise

Phnom Penh Sunset Cruise



Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary

Floating Village Queen Tara Day Tour

Beng Mealea Temple Tour

Beng Mealea Temple Tour

Temple Tour

Temple Tour

gun boat.jpg

gun boat.jpg

Floating Village on the Tonle Sap Queen Tara Day Tour

Floating Village on the Tonle Sap Queen Tara Day Tour

Mekong Tara Prince Sunset Tour

Mekong Tara Prince Sunset Tour

Beng Mealea Temple Tour

The Great Lake Queen Tara Sunset Tour

Phnom Kulen Day Tour

Floating village on the Tonle Sap Queen Tara Day Tour

Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary

Village Life Day Tour

Temple Tour

Kompong Khleang Day Tour

Kompong Phluk Sunset Tour

Kompong Phluk Sunset Tour

Beng Mealea Temple Tour

Buffet on Queen Tara Sunset Tour

Floating Village on the Tonle Sap Queen Tara Day Tour

Tonle Sap Great Lake Queen Tara Day Tour

Village Life Day Tour

The Princess Tara

Prek Toal Bird Sanctuary

On the Tonle Sap Queen Tara Day Tour

Floating Village  Queen Tara Day Tour

Tara's Tours

Heritage, History & Walking Tours

Tezza-2815 2.JPG


Knowledgeable Guide

Beautiful Walks

Incredible History



Tara’s Tours is dedicated to providing small, personalised guided tours specializing in providing a fascinating insight into the history of the county, and allow visitors to discover the rich heritage and the breathtaking beauty of Northumberland. Whether you're interested in exploring ancient castles, discovering hidden historical gems, or simply taking in the stunning natural scenery, Tara's Tours has the perfect itinerary for you. It's time to travel Northumberland with Tara's Tours. 

The Estates Tour

The Estates Tour

Wallington Hall and Cragside

Armstrong Tour

Armstrong Tour

Bamburgh Castle & Cragside House

Roman Tour

Hadrian's Wall & Vindolanda

The Haunted Tour

The Haunted Tour

Chillingham & Bamburgh Castle

Viking and Saints Tour

Viking and Saints Tour

Bamburgh Castle and Holy Island

Mighty Castles/Film Tour

Mighty Castles/Film Tour

Alnwick & Bamburgh Castle

Personalised Tour

Personalised Tour

Personalised Day Trips & Tour Locations.

Bamburgh Walking Tour

Bamburgh Walking Tour

Bamburgh Castle & Bugle Bay

Capability Walking Tour

Capability Walking Tour

Cambo & Wallington Hall

Stories from the Coast Walking Tour

Stories from the Coast Walking Tour

Northumberland Coastline & Dunstanburgh Castle

Cragside Walking Tour

Cragside Walking Tour

Cragside House and Estate

Hadrian's Wall & Sycamore Stump

Hadrian's Wall & Sycamore Stump

Walking Tour

Bamburgh Castle Tour

Bamburgh Castle Tour

Guided Tour

Chillingham Castle Tour

Chillingham Castle Tour

Alnwick Castle

Alnwick Castle

Cragside House & Estate

Cragside House & Estate

Wallington Hall

Wallington Hall

Hadrian's Wall & Thirwall Castle

Hadrian's Wall & Thirwall Castle

"I had the most lovely experience with Tara's Tours from start to finish. The tour and guide were extremely good and flexible. Tara is incredibly knowledgeable and gave a fantastic day in Norththumberland. I learnt about history, culture, and so much more."

Nyrema, USA

  Tara's Tours BLOG

tara tours

  • May 24, 2023

Guide to Travelling Northumberland's Film Locations

  • Arts & Lifestyle
  • Competitions
  • Games & Tech

Entertainment Focus

Tara MacLean on tour in the UK in June and July

Pip Ellwood-Hughes

Tara MacLean is currently on tour in the UK throughout June and July, ahead of the release of her new live EP ‘Live in My Hometown', released 16th August 2024.

The tour follows the release of MacLean's best-selling memoir ‘ Song of the Sparrow ‘ (HarperCollins). Each show will begin with a solo performance by Tara, featuring music, book readings, and intimate ‘audience with’ sessions.

Joining MacLean for the second half of the tour is fellow East Coast Canadian and award-winning singer Catherine MacLellan. Together, they will perform a rare double bill, including special duets. MacLellan, daughter of legendary songwriter Gene MacLellan (who penned the iconic tune ‘Snowbird’) brings her profound connection to nature and poignant lyrics, as one of Canada’s most beloved songwriters. This collaboration promises an unforgettable musical experience. 

MacLean has been building a soli fanbase in the UK since her showcase at the Americana Music Association UK (AMA UK) festival in January 2023. The led to new EU booking agent, UK management and exciting collaborations with hot UK producers and Hollywood composers.

In Canada, MacLean recently won ‘Single of the Year’ at the PEI Music Awards for lead single ‘Sparrow’ and was nominated for Album of the Year, Video of the Year, and Roots Recording of the Year. Also receiving three prized East Coast Music Awards nominations for Innovator of the Year, Song of the Year, and Contemporary Roots Album of the Year back in May. 

The full UK tour dates are:

*double header with Catherine MacLellan 

June 25, Tree house books, Kenilworth, Warwickshire 

June 26, St George’s art festival, Beckenham, Greater London 

June 27, Mid Sussex Music Hall, Hassocks 

June 29, The Stables, Milton Keynes 

*July 3, Kitchen Garden Cafe, Birmingham 

*July 4, Green Note, Camden Town, London 

*July 5, Maverick Festival, Woodbridge, Suffolk 

*July 6, Little Rabbit Barn, Ardleigh, Colchester 

*July 7, Gate to Southwell Festival, Nottinghamshire 

Aug 4 Wickham festival, Hampshire 

Visit for more information and tickets. 

Pip Ellwood-Hughes

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tara tours

How to spend 48 hours in Charlotte with Birdsong co-owned Tara Goulet

Your tour guide: Tara Goulet, co-owner of Birdsong Brewing Company.

  • Tara and her husband Chris opened Birdsong as a neighborhood brewery in 2011. Over the years, the 30-barrel brewhouse/taproom has become a go-to for unfiltered, American-style ale on North Davidson.
  • Tara, one of the women paving the way in Charlotte's male-dominated craft brewing business, chatted with us recently about places she loves in Charlotte.

Next time you're in the neighborhood: Stop in for a pint of Pink Robots.

  • A portion of the proceeds go to the Wade Family Fund , which benefits the family of Wooden Robot co-owner Dan Wade, who passed away in February.

One activity every Charlottean should try once: A brewery crawl.

  • "Because of where Birdsong is located, I'd start there and then make my way down North Davidson to see all of our friends. Then I'd take 36th and loop over and back up."
  • Spots Tara suggests include Wooden Robot , Salud, Free Range , and Divine Barrel , but she notes that you can't go wrong no matter where you stop. "They all have their own twist!" she says.

Here's Tara's perfect itinerary for hosting out-of-town family or friends.

Friday: Intermezzo and live music

We love to take people to Intermezzo. We always get the crostini with the lemon zest and the ricotta. It's incredible.

  • The fungi pizza is also fantastic, and they have amazing, authentic Serbian dishes.
  • The brothers who own the restaurant are so much fun to sit and talk with at the bar.

After dinner, we'd go check out some live music either at Petra's or The Evening Muse.

  • We love those venues because they're smaller and more intimate.
  • You can see some great local bands.

Photo: Michael Graff/Axios

Saturday: Coffee, yoga and flowers

We love Central Coffee, so we'd start the morning there.

They make a brown sugar cinnamon latte that's fantastic.

  • They also do these little quiches that are my favorite.

After breakfast, we'd go to Khali Yoga in NoDa.

  • I love to go for a mid-morning hot vinyasa.

For lunch, we'd go to 300 East.

  • I don't even need to look at the menu. I always get the ahi tuna salad.
  • They also carry Higher Ground, which is our flagship IPA, so I'd get one of those, too.

From there, we'd do some bouquet picking at McLawland Farms.

  • They have acres of beautiful flowers that bloom at different times of the year.
  • You get a mason jar and some scissors and walk through the fields and cut whatever you want.

For dinner, we'd go to Good Wurst.

  • That's walkable from our house, so we go there a lot.
  • Chris and I are pescatarians, and they make a great veggie bratwurst.
  • They also make their own bread, and the French fries are amazing.

Good Wurst in Plaza Midwood. Photo: Emma Way/Axios

To cap off the night, we'd stop at Workman's Friend. That's our neighborhood spot.

  • We'd get a really good Irish whiskey, or maybe an Irish coffee.

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Saweetie Defends Herself Against Claims She Started Stampede at Chicago Festival

The incident happened on Sunday at Vegandale Festival in the Windy City.

Saweetie has been put on blast for causing a stampede at Vegandale Festival in Chicago .

On Sunday, the “Best Friend” rapper was in the middle of her set when she stopped mid-song after seeing a physical altercation in the crowd. “I know y’all not doing what I think y’all doing,” Saweetie said in a clip. “Is everybody safe?” 

Her comments caused people to run, resulting in a stampede, as attendees raced for the exits. She’s been slammed for her reaction to the fight, with some saying she led the audience to believe someone had a gun.

Saweetie is now defending herself against those who say she caused the panic. On Sunday night, she tweeted, “Hope everyone got home safe tonight. that crowd looked crazy.”

hope everyone got home safe tonight ☹️ that crowd looked crazy 🫶🏽💖❄️ — Mi$$ NANi (@Saweetie) June 24, 2024

An X user had an issue with her phrasing. “Talking about the crowd looked crazy lol it was a FESTIVAL!” the person wrote, per AllHipHop. “Straight [clown] don’t bring your ass back to Chicago, you’ve done enough…it was babies out there getting trampled on for NOTHING.” 

well… the crowd did look crazy which is why i hope everyone got home safe. also, I could’ve went home after the fight broke out but i STAYED, waited & after 2 chains performed I went BACK ON STAGE to finish my set bc I CARE… u clearly don’t like me so why you stay for the rest… — Mi$$ NANi (@Saweetie) June 24, 2024

Saweetie fired back: “well… the crowd did look crazy which is why i hope everyone got home safe,” she responded. “also, I could’ve went home after the fight broke out but i STAYED, waited & after 2 chains performed I went BACK ON STAGE to finish my set bc I CARE… u clearly don’t like me so why you stay for the rest of my set when the FESTIVAL was clearly over?

Later, on Monday afternoon, she responded to a clip of the stampede. “this was a serious matter but yall are too obsessed with creating this negative propaganda toward me.”

this was a serious matter but yall are too obsessed with creating this negative propaganda toward me — Mi$$ NANi (@Saweetie) June 24, 2024

While some fans weren't kind to Saweetie following the stampede, others shouted out 2 Chainz for taking the stage immediately and seemingly distracting the crowd.

There wasn’t any shooting at vegandale… there was a fight and people panicked because the fear that someone would pull gun out. — Queen Krys 💋 (@_callmemalaika) June 24, 2024
This all Saweetie fault. Why would you say on the stage in Chicago “i know yall not doing what I think yall doing.” Mfs assumed shooting and it was a stampede — Darkie Malarkey (@coldestwinters) June 24, 2024
@Saweetie don’t ever come back to Chicago babe. You caused us wayyyy to much harm than needed. — zana🌹 (@misszharris_) June 24, 2024
2Chainz my new MVP because he came right out after that fight broke out & everyone ran at Vegandale expeditiously and got to it 😂 Vegandale…do better next year in Chicago starting 2.5 hours late for the concerts was crazy af in 80+ degree weather 🙁 — Jellz✨ (@JellzWorld) June 24, 2024


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tara tours

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Vacation Tour packages to Patagonia, Easter Island & Atacama

Chile patagonia chile tour packages | patagonia vacations, welcome to chile.

As legends reveal, when God created the world, He saved a little piece of every continent to form this beautiful southern country. Come to Chile to enjoy splendid ski slopes, astound in the mysteries of Easter Island, Patagonia, impressive glaciers, mountains, beaches, rivers, lakes, forest and the world’s most arid desert. Countless natural wonders are awaiting for you in Chile. Come join us to discover one of the most beautiful countries in the world !!


Patagonia Adventure 8 days -Great adventure exploring Paine National Park, Magdalena Island and the Penguin reserve, Glaciers, Valleys and more...

Chile's Atacama Desert: 8 days Exploring this AMAZING regions, lakes, deserts, geysers and more...Also extension to Uyuni, Bolivia available.

Easter Island  (Rapa Nui) 9 days/7 nights program....Visit the most exciting archeological site in the middle of the Pacific Ocean !

Patagonia & A tacama 10 days/8 nights....Visiting Santiago, Calama, Tulor, Quitos, Salt lake, Tatio Geysers, Torres del Paine National Park and Balmaceda & Serrano Glaciers. Patagonia, Easter Island & Atacama 14 days...Santiago, Atacama, Calama, Easter Island & Torres del Paine Atacama Desert & Easter Island 8 night program visiting Santiago, Easter Island and the Atacama region Patagonia & Torres del Paine ...You can pick and choose diferent Lodges in Torres del Paine including local airfare ...6 nights (Explora, Tierra Patagonia, Remota, SIngular, Lago Grey, Eco Camp....) Double Patagonia 10 nights.....Visiting Torres de Paine (Chile) and Perito Moreno (Argentina) Pinguins, Glaciers, Mountains , Skorpios III   9 days/7 night days.... Cruising the Glaciers of Chile aboard the Skorpios III, visit Paine National Park and the Pinguin Colony in Magdalena Island... Trekking Patagonia & Torres del Paine National Park .......7 days/6 nights camping, hiking ...for the adventuresome..

Total Patagonia (Chile & Argentina) ... 14 days Land and cruise expedition aboard the Australis Cruise (4 nights)  plus Torres del Paine and Perito Moreno.

Australis Patagonia Cruise. ... Australis cruise for 4 nights, plus Santiago and Buenos Aires

C OMBINATION CHILE with other countries:

CHILE & ARGENTINA New ! Lakes & Falls - 10 days visiting Buenos Aires, Iguassu, Bariloche, Lake Crossing, Puerto Varas and Santiago. ANTARTICA Cruise to one of the most fascinating areas in the world...12 days...

Optional Extensions

Hosterias Las Torres : 4 or 5 days in the heart of Paine National Park.

Australis Cruises : 4 nights itineraries...

Chile wine country 5 nights exploring the best wineries in Chile (3 nights City & 2 nights at Las Majadas)

Total Patagonia (Chile & Argentina)

Patagonia Tour package for Chile and Argentina

Visiting Buenos Aires, Calafate, Perito Moreno,cruising Patagonia-Tierra del Fuego-Cape Horn aboard the Stella Australis or the new Ventus Australis and visit Torres del Paine National Park

14 days/ 12 nights Locally hosted DAY 01 ARRIVE SANTIAGO Arrive and private transfer to hotel Pullman El Bosque DAY 02 SANTIAGO- am city tour Morning  private tour of panoramic Santiago, This entertaining half day tour consists in visiting the main attractions of Santiago, the country’s most important cultural, cosmopolitan and artistic hub. We start out with a visit to the highpoints of the city’s civic center, being on the road with the Cerro San Cristobal and Cerro Santa Lucías (emblematic urban parks located in the heart of the city), the La Moneda Palace (presidential offices) and the traditional Plaza de Armas square, a meeting place for Santiago’s diverse and multicultural expressions. Buildings of historical value can be found in the neighborhood, such as the Metropolitan Cathedral, National Museum of History and Central Post Office. We later walk through the Parque Forestal, a park running parallel to the Mapocho river with a variety of tree species offering a refreshing break from the urban agitation of the city’s center, and continue on to Barrio Bellavista, Santiago’s bohemian neighborhood, with some of the best bars and restaurants in the city. Return to your hotel. (B) DAY 03 SANTIAGO-PUNTA ARENAS-PUERTO NATALES Private transfer to the airport for flight to Punta Arenas. Arrive and transfer to bus station for trip to Puerto Natales via bus (3-4 hours). Arrive and transfer to hotel Costa Australis for 3 nights (B) DAY 04 FULL DAY Puerto Natales-Torres del Paine National Park –shared tour Full day share excursion to visit Torres del Paine National Park, World Biosphere Reserve. Visit Lake Grey, Salto Grande, Lake Nordenskjold, and lake Pehoe. The impressive granite massif of the Paine complement the landscape. The National Park has 242,242 hectares, of protected land, declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1978. It is the most famous Chilean park, and its name comes from the granite spires or “torres” which reach into the sky. Other attractions include the Cuernos or “horns” of Paine, another rock formation which is very interesting as well as glaciers such as the Grey Glacier, at the southern end of the Patagonian Ice Field and a large number of lakes and peaks which make for wonderfully fantastic scenery. The flora and fauna of the park is also very interesting, and wildlife to look for includes the condor, puma and guanaco. Return to Puerto Natales for overnight at Costa Australis (B, Lunch) DAY 05 PUERTO NATALES Day at leisure to explore the area on your own. (B) DAY 06 PUERTO NATALES-PUNTA ARENAS-CRUISE Private Transfer from hotel to P.Natales bus station. (shared bus to Punta Arenas port) arrive in Punta Arenas and transfer to Australis cruise office. …. Check in a in Punta Arenas between 13:00 and 17:00 (1-5 PM) on the day of your Australis cruise departure. Board the M/V Stella Australis (6 PM). After a welcoming toast and introduction of captain and crew, the ship departs for one of the remotest corners of planet Earth. During the night we cross the Strait of Magellan and enter the labyrinth of channels that define the southern extreme of Patagonian. The twinkling lights of Punta Arenas gradually fade into the distance as we enter the Whiteside Canal between Darwin Island and Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego.

Departure Dates for the Ventus Australis from Punta Arenas:

Promo ra tes:  2024: Apr 4

Low Season : 2024: Mar 3,11,19,27

High Season: 2024: Jan.7,15,22,30; Feb.8,16,24, DAY 07 CRUISE Ainsworth Bay - Tuckers Islets By dawn the ship is sailing up Admiralty Sound (Seno Almirantazgo), a spectacular offshoot of the Strait of Magellan that stretches nearly halfway across Tierra del Fuego. The snowcapped peaks of Karukinka Natural Park stretch along the north side of the sound, while the south shore is defined by the deep fjords and broad bays of Alberto de Agostini National Park. We go ashore at Ainsworth Bay, which harbors copious bird life and a colony of southern elephant seals which can sometimes be spotted from the Zodiacs. Two guided excursions are available: one is along the edge of a stream, peat bog and beaver habitat to a waterfall-and-moss-covered rock face tucked deep inside a pristine sub-polar forest; the other is a more strenuous hike along the crest of a glacial moraine. Both afford views of Marinelli Glacier and the Darwin Mountains. Leaving our Ainsworth Bay tour behind, we sail west along the sound to the Tucker Islets. After lunch, we board the Zodiacs again for a close-up view of the Magellan penguins that inhabit the tiny islands. More than 4,000 penguins use Tucker as a place to nest, give birth and nurture their chicks. Many other bird species also frequent the area including king cormorants, oystercatchers, Chilean skuas, kelp geese, dolphin gulls, eagles and even the occasional Andean condor. In September and April -- when the penguins live elsewhere -- this excursion is replaced by a short walk to a glacier at nearby stunning Brookes Bay. DAY 08 CRUISE Pia Glacier - Glacier Alley Overnight we sail around the western end of Tierra del Fuego via the very narrow Gabrial Channel, Magdalena Channel and Cockburn Channel. After rounding the remote Brecknock Peninsula, Stella Australis tacks eastward and enters the Beagle Channel again. By morning we are entering Pia Fjord and boarding the Zodiacs for a Pia Glacier tour. After disembarking we take a short hike to gain a panoramic view of the spectacular glacier, which extends from the mountaintops down to the sea or a longer much more difficult walk up a lateral moraine of the old Pia Glacier. No one knows for certain how the hulking mass of snow and ice got its feminine moniker, but one theory says it was named for Princess Maria Pia of Savoy (1847-1911), daughter of the Italian king. Back onboard the ship, we continue east along the Beagle Channel through an area called Glacier Alley. Living up to its name, the passage features a number of impressive tidewater glaciers flowing down from the Darwin Mountains and Darwin Ice Sheet on the north shore. Most of them named after European countries -- Holland, Italy, Germany, Spain and France. DAY 09 CRUISE Wulaia Bay - Cape Horn During the early morning we navigate the narrow Murray Channel between Navarino and Hoste islands and drop anchor at historic Wulaia Bay, one of the few places in the archipelago where the human history is just as compelling as the natural environment. Originally the site of one of the region’s largest Yámana aboriginal settlements, the bay was described by Charles Darwin and sketched by Captain FitzRoy in the 1830s during their voyages on the HMS Beagle. This area is also renowned for its mesmerizing beauty and dramatic geography. After a visit to the Australis-sponsored museum in the old radio station -- which is especially strong on the Yámana people and European missionaries in the area -- passengers have a choice of three hikes (of increasing degrees of difficulty) that ascend the heavily wooden mountain behind the bay. On all of these you will be strolling through an enchanted Magellan forest of lengas, coigües, canelos, ferns, and other endemic fauna to reach a panoramic viewpoint overlooking the bay. Before leaving Wulaia Bay, drop something into the wooden mail barrel inside the museum – letters or postcards meant to be hand delivered by future travelers – an ancient mariner tradition revived by Australis. In the afternoon we cruise across Nassau Bay into the remote archipelago that includes Cape Horn National Park. Weather and sea conditions permitting, we shall go ashore on the windswept island that harbors legendary Cape Horn (Cabo de Hornos). Discovered in 1616 by a Dutch maritime expedition -- and named after the town of Hoorn in West Friesland -- Cape Horn is a sheer 425-meter (1,394-foot) high rocky promontory overlooking the turbulent waters of the Drake Passage. For many years it was the only navigation route between the Pacific and Atlantic, and was often referred to as the "End of the Earth." The park was declared a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 2005. The Chilean navy maintains a permanent lighthouse on the island, staffed by a lightkeeper and his family, as well as the tiny Stella Maris Chapel and modern Cape Horn Monument. DAY 10 CRUISE ARRIVES USHUAIA -FLIGHT TO CALAFATE The following morning we sail into Argentine waters and dock in Ushuaia, the world's southernmost city. Arrival at 08:30 a.m. and 9:30 am Then, private Transfer to the airport. Overnight HOTEL DESIGN CALAFATE for 2 nights DAY 11 CALAFATE-PERITO MORENO: Full day –shared tour Full day tour to Perito Moreno Glacier, an impressive Patagonian Glacier formed about 1 million years ago. Today will drive about 50 miles from Calafate, to the Peninsula of Magallanes, (south arm of the lago Argentino) to see the glacier, 240 feet above sea level and 3 miles wide, it is an overwhelming view of nature and contrary to other glaciers, this is the only one in the world which is still growing. The day tour includes the Nautical Safari Boat ride. (B) DAY 12 CALAFATE -BUENOS AIRES Private transfer to the airport. Arrive and transfer to hotel LOI SUITES RECOLETA for 2 nights. The Argentina capital boasts a population of 8 million. At night dinner and tango show. As beef is the tradition of Argentina, no visitor ought to leave this land without enjoying a large steak grilled to perfection, washed down by one of its excellent wines. Then, enjoy the gaucho and criollo folkloric traditions, songs and dances, and the porteño love songs and intricate tango dance steps. Round trip share transfers included to La Ventana. (B,D) DAY 13 BUENOS AIRES-AM City tour Morning City tour takes you to the Plaza de Mayo for view of Cathedral and Casa Rosada (Presidential Palace). Then along 9 de Julio Avenue, widest street in the world, with its much-photographed Obelisco and Teatro Colon and finally, to the colorful Boca District. (B)


Morning at leisure to explore this beautiful city on your own.

At night private transfer to the airport (B) INCLUDING: Breakfast daily, tours as mentioned, hotel for 2 nights in Buenos Aires, 2 nights in Calafate, 3 nights in Puerto Natales, 2 nights in Santiago with room taxes & services charges, The 5 day/4 night cruise aboard the M/V Stella Australis or Ventus Australis in cabins category A, English speaking tour guides, all transfers,  and assistance of our local representatives 24/7 by phone NOT INCLUDED: L ocal airfare B.Aires-Ushuaia and P.Arenas-Santiago, International airfares; Tips to tour guides and drivers;  Travel and helath Insurance;  Any other service not specifically mentioned in itinerary;  Airport departure taxes when leaving USA;  Chile & Argentina usually included in your International air ticket. Covid test or vaccinations 2024 RATES PER PERSON SHARING DOUBLE Seasons & Rates per person

For Cabins category AAA Superior add $1100 per person

Tour can be run in reverse...starting first from Buenos AIres and ending in Santiago. Please ask for dates (same rates). Add-ons are to the basic price.

Easter Island

Chile and Easter Island Vacations

On the southeast side of the immense Pacific Ocean, surrounded by immeasurable distance of the sea, hides the most distant and remote inhabited island on earth. Here, 2,400 miles west of Chile, is one of the world’s great travel experiences. Get ready to explore Easter Island, 45 square miles of mind-boggling mystery that has defied explanation for centuries. In "Rapa Nui" Eye of the God- as it is known to natives, you will see great "towering stone-faced statues that stare out in eerie silence at the eternal sea. It was named Easter Island by its Dutch discoverer who found It on Easter Day in 1722. 8 days/ 6 night Daily Departures Locally Hosted DAY 01 - U.S.A- SANTIAGO Depart Miami, New York or Los Angeles for your overnight flight to Santiago, Capital of Chile, founded in 1541 and has been the heart of Chile since colonial times. The city has evolved over time and today is a bustling metropolis and the seat of the countries political and economic power. Santiago is located in the middle of the country and is framed by the Andean peaks and nestled in the Maipo Valley, which is also home to many major wineries. DAY 02 - ARRIVE SANTIAGO - PM City tour Arrive in Santiago and private transfer to hotel selected (see options below).

Afternoon   private tour of panoramic Santiago, This entertaining half day tour consists in visiting the main attractions of Santiago, the country’s most important cultural, cosmopolitan and artistic hub. We start out with a visit to the highpoints of the city’s civic center, being on the road with the Cerro San Cristobal and Cerro Santa Lucías (emblematic urban parks located in the heart of the city), the La Moneda Palace (presidential offices) and the traditional Plaza de Armas square, a meeting place for Santiago’s diverse and multicultural expressions. Buildings of historical value can be found in the neighborhood, such as the Metropolitan Cathedral, National Museum of History and Central Post Office. We later walk through the Parque Forestal, a park running parallel to the Mapocho river with a variety of tree species offering a refreshing break from the urban agitation of the city’s center, and continue on to Barrio Bellavista, Santiago’s bohemian neighborhood, with some of the best bars and restaurants in the city. Return to your hotel. (B) DAY 03 SANTIAGO - Vina & Valparaiso -shared tour

In the morning you will be picked up at your hotel to visit two emblematic coastal cities of the country, about an hour and a half from the capital. On the way, you will pass through the valley of Casablanca, a sector recognized for its international vineyards and its beautiful landscapes, accompanying the route to the sea. Arriving at the coast you will first visit Viña del Mar, the so-called Garden City that, thanks to its beautiful beaches, beautiful parks and floral ornaments like the famous flower clock, has become one of the most representative tourist attractions of the central zone. Mixing the tranquility of the seascape and the modernity of its streets and infrastructure, this city is an entertaining city that is always in constant movement. The second destination on the route is the picturesque port of Valparaíso. This city founded in the sixteenth century marks a perfect contrast to the previous panorama as it replaces all the modern vibe and beach spirit of Viña with a much more popular and handcrafted facet. This port, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2003, offers a unique and fascinating architecture. The city is located next to several hills, which can be accessed through narrow streets, long stairs and various elevators built between the end of the 19th century and beginnings of the 20th. In them, the local houses have been painted in different colors and form an irresistible landscape for lovers of photography and heritage neighborhoods. .. Overnight in Santiago. (B) DAY 04 SANTIAGO- EASTER ISLAND Private transfer to Santiago airport for your flight to Easter Island taking about 5 hours. Arrive and shared transfer to hotel selected (Please see below by rate section) . (B) ** NOTE: Maximum weight allowed by the airline on this flight...20 kilos or 44 pounds. DAY 05 EASTER ISLAND – Full day Excursion (Shared tour) Today you will follow in the footsteps of the first King of the Island, the Ariki Hotu Matúa. In our tour we will visit five archaeological sites, during the morning Akahanga, Rano Raraku and Ahu Tongariki, important places for the Rapa Nui culture . Lunch will be enjoyed at a Rapa Nui family home which is a warm and inviting way to experience the local cuisine. After lunch your guide will take you to Te Pito Kura a site known as the navel of the world. Your last steps are reserved  for Anakena one of the most important beaches in the history of Easter Island since it was here that the first king of the island, Ariki Hotu Matu´a landed with his men and gave rise to the Rapa Nui culture. Return to your hotel for overnight. (B & L) DAY 06 EASTER ISLAND –AM & PM Tour (Shared tour) Morning tour. Discover the place where formerly the competition of the Birdman (Tangata Manu) was held annually in the spring on the cliff of the freshwater crater of the Rano Kau volcano . From there you can view the interior of the volcano and get sights of the Pacific Ocean. Then on to the ceremonial village of great cultural and spiritual importance, Orongo. The village has a total of 54 homes most restored in 1974. Today this village contains a path that will allow us a direct view of the restored houses along with its rock art and petro glyphs. Before returning to the hotel visit Vinapu the most important ceremonial center on the island. Here you wonder at the large basalt slabs which fit perfectly similar to the construction of the Inca Empire in Cuzco Peru. In the afternoon tour three archeological sites: it begins by trekking for approximately 20 minutes to Ana te Pahu. This large underground cave is one of the most visited, and is located inside the interior of the island in the Roiho area. Its name "Te Pahu" means drum in Rapanui was given due to its petrified lava layer that resonates when jumping on it, as a drum would. We continue with Aku Akivi, this site is one of the most majestic of the island, since It contains a large platform adorned with 7 restored statues which represent the seven explorers who arrived on the island to make their way to Ariki Hotu Matu'a. This place was built around the 15th century, with a special astronomical orientation, which was important not only for the daily functioning of the tribe but also for the spiritual ceremonies of the ancient Rapa Nui . Lastly continue on to the quarry of Puna Pau, a crater of an old volcano located 15 kilometers northeast of Hanga Roa, next to Ahu Akivi. This place is characterized by housing the raw material to build the pukaos (hat-type bows) that would later serve to crown the moais. At the end of our tour, we will realize that we were part of the origin, tradition and science of a culture that is recreated with surprising vitality. Return to your hotel TAHA TAI (B) DAY 07 - EASTER ISLAND Day at leisure to explore more sights on your own or take an optional excursion. (B). DAY 08 - EASTER ISLAND-SANTIAGO-DEPART Shared transfer to the airport for flight to Santiago. Arrive and connect with your international flight.

INCLUDING: Breakfast daily, tours as mentioned, hotel for 6 nights with room taxes & services charges, English speaking tour guides, all transfers and assistance of our local representatives 24/7. (Transfers and tour in Santiago are private. In Easter Island, all services are shared). Covid-19 precautions & protocols (safe distance, sanitation of vehicles, antibacterial gel....) NOT INCLUDED:

Airfare, Tips to tour guides and drivers. Insurance. Any other service not specifically mentioned in itinerary. Airport departure taxes when leaving USA & Chile (usually included in your international air ticket). Entrance Park fee of US$80 per person. Covid 19 Insurance, personal mask.


NOTE: During Christmas and New Years -please add 20% to all land tour rates


Chile's Atacama Desert

Chile and the Atacama desert vacation packages

7 days / 6 nights

Locally hosted DAY 1 ARRIVE SANTIAGO Arrive in Santiago, Capital of Chile, founded in 1541 and has been the heart of Chile since colonial times. The city has evolved over time and today is a bustling metropolis and the seat of the countries political and economic power. Santiago is located in the middle of the country and is framed by the Andean peaks and nestled in the Maipo Valley, which is also home to many major wineries. Private transfer to your hotel PULLMAN EL BOSQUE.

DAY 2 SANTIAGO: City tour

Morning  private tour of panoramic Santiago, This entertaining half day tour consists in visiting the main attractions of Santiago, the country’s most important cultural, cosmopolitan and artistic hub. We start out with a visit to the highpoints of the city’s civic center, being on the road with the Cerro San Cristobal and Cerro Santa Lucías (emblematic urban parks located in the heart of the city), the La Moneda Palace (presidential offices) and the traditional Plaza de Armas square, a meeting place for Santiago’s diverse and multicultural expressions. Buildings of historical value can be found in the neighborhood, such as the Metropolitan Cathedral, National Museum of History and Central Post Office. We later walk through the Parque Forestal, a park running parallel to the Mapocho river with a variety of tree species offering a refreshing break from the urban agitation of the city’s center, and continue on to Barrio Bellavista, Santiago’s bohemian neighborhood, with some of the best bars and restaurants in the city. Return to your hotel. (B)

DAY 3 SANTIAGO / CALAMA / SAN PEDRO Transfer to the airport for flight to the Atacama region. Reception at Calama Airport and transfer to San Pedro and to your hotel (61 miles). Hotel ALTIPLANICO. (B) DAY 4 CALAMA / SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA: AM Moon Valley PM Salt Lake & Toconao AM MOON VALLEY This tour gives the feeling that we are walking on the surface of another planet. The 43-kilometre ride leads to the Cordillera de la Sal (salt mountain range) a group of attractive natural stone and sand sculptures that millions of years ago formed part of a large lake. Once here, visitors are taken to a surprising lookout to enjoy views of the valley and next destinations. The next stop is the awesome Valle de Marte (valley of Mars) also known as the Valle de la Muerte (Death Valley) with its peculiar stone formations and absolute desert landscape: no vegetation or insects to be seen in what is considered one of the country’s most barren regions. Next, the tour ventures on to Las Tres Marias (the three Marys), an interesting geological formation near an old salt mine. At sunset, the exploration ends atop a giant sand dune in Valle de la Luna (moon valley), named this way because of its moon-like landscape where an amazing spectacle of different colors can be admired when the sun slips below the horizon. (B) PM Tour to Toconao and Atacama Salt Lake: Observe the great wonder that Atacama Salt Lake offers, enormous lake inserted in the heat of desert next to its three unique flamingoes species of the zone and the small and singular town of Toconao with its typical crafts. To the south of San Pedro is the access to the center of the impressive Atacama Salt Lake. During the route is possible to photograph and appreciate the view of Licancabur and Lascar volcanoes among other attractions of singular beauty, following by the same route is the town of Toconao and continuous until the Salt Lake, it finishes in the Chaxa Lagoon which is inhabited by three kinds of flamingoes and a great number of migratory birds. The Atacama Salt Lake, that occupies an extension of 100 kilometers (62.5 miles) length by 80 kilometers (50 miles) width. The salt is product of the underground water outcrop that, saturated of salts, evaporates leaving to rich scabs in salt and minerals. The rivers fed by the Andean snows, attend the area allowing the configuration of multiple oasis. This it is the scene where the atacameñan culture was developed. Toconao; It is a Colonial town completely build with liparitas stone of volcanic origin and known for its interesting craftsmanship objects of the same material. The word "Toconao" comes from the cunzo "toco" that means "stone". Located near the Andes, al 2.500 meters (7,500 feet) above sea level. The main source of work of its inhabitants is based in the agricultural and artisan activities that are made in the volcanic stone quarry, creating retorts of Torre Campanario (Bell Tower) of the town's church. (B) DAY 5 CALAMA / GEYSERS DEL TATIO: Tatio Geysers Full day tour to Tatio Geysers and Machuca Village: Explore some of the highest geysers in the world and visit the high plateau village of Machuca. You leave at dawn from San Pedro de Atacama to the Tatio Geysers, a geothermal center with geysers that can only be seen early in the morning. After watching this spectacular sight (boiling water holes, geysers, hot clays and steam jets) in a magnificent natural setting, you will have breakfast. On the way back, you see the majestic Andes mountain range, whose peaks seem close enough to touch. you then arrive at Machuca, a small llama herder settlement. The village is filled with adobe houses with thatched roofs. Green wetlands lend a special charm. Overnight at ALTIPLANICO HOTEL (B) DAY 6 SAN PEDRO de ATACAMA Day at leisure to explore the area on your own. Transfer to hotel selected. (B)  

DAY 7 SAN PEDRO/CALAMA / SANTIAGO- Transfer to bus station for transfer to airport. Arrive in Santiago and connect with your international flight or continue your vacation in beautiful Chile. (B)

SEE EXTENSION TO UYUNI "Salt Lake" at the end of this itinerary 2024 LAND TOUR COST PER PERSON

Double US$2,794; Triple $2,695; Single 4,940 

Plus local airfare Santiago-Calama-Santiago about $300-380 per person

NOTE: During Christmas and New Years -please add 20% to all land tour rates (Dec 22-Jan 02)

Rates subject to c hange at any time. Option to stay at  Explora Atacama available upon request.  


Hotel accommodations for 6 nights with room taxes and service charges. Daily Buffet Breakfast and meals as specified in itinerary. Transfers to/from airport and hotels. Ground transportation from Calama to San Pedro de Atacama. English speaking tour guides. Tips to airport and hotel porters. 24/7 assistance from our local representatives. Covid-19 precautions & protocols (safe distance, sanitation of vehicles, antibacterial gel....)


International  and local airfares; Tips to tour guides and drivers. Insurance.  Any other service not specifically mentioned in itinerary. Airport departure taxes when leaving USA -usually included in your airline ticket and Chile US$30.00. Covid 19 health insurance, face mask.


Visiting The Green & Red lakes and La Paz, Bolivia

DAY 07 SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA- HITO CAJON-UYUNI Transfer from San Pedro to the Bolivian border where your private guide and transportation will pick you up from Hito Cajon. Transfer to Laguna Verde, which looks like a giant emerald, at an altitude of 19,242 feet. The intense green coloring is due to the high levels of magnesium. In the afternoon the water has a special brightness that is quite dazzling. You will have an impressive view of Licancabur Volcano, which has an altitude of 19,242 Ft. We will continue on to “Sol de Mañana” Geysers, with fumaroles, volcanic craters, and spectacular formations which feature intense volcanic and fumarole activity spanning over a mile. The bottoms of the craters display boiling lava; the fumaroles emit spouts of mixed water and superheated steam reaching 262 to 282 Ft in height; this phenomenon displays a landscape dating from the beginning of the earth. This geothermal field is located at an altitude of 16,076 feet. The road to Laguna Colorada runs through a unique landscape of deserts and mountains. With an area of 23 miles, an altitude of 14,035ft Laguna Colorada it is characterized by the red tone of its waters. It is inhabited by flocks of flamingoes of three species: tokoko -with red plumage;chururu -with whitish plumage- and jututu, with pink plumage. The scenery is exceptionally beautiful at these heights, set off by the impressive redness of the Lagoon. This is considered to be the most important flamingo watching site in the region. Also, vicuñas, llamas and vizcachas can be seen. After the visit, continue to Uyuni. Box lunch in route. Dinner and overnight at Luna Salada Salt Hotel. MEALS TODAY: BREAKFAST, BOX LUNCH DAY 08 UYUNI After breakfast private transportation to visit: Desierto de Siloli; This place is characterized by bizarre rock forms, originating from petrified lava flows that were eroded by wind. We will visit the Laguna Hedionda; it is called this because of the high sulfur content in the water. Also visit, Laguna Chiarcota, Laguna Kañapa and Laguna Honda. Box Lunch in route. Return to Uynui and overnight at Hotel Luna Salada

MEALS TODAY: BREAKFAST & BOX LUNCH DAY 09 UYUNI-LA-PAZ  FLIGHT  : City tour, Moon Valley & Teleferico Flight Uyuni to La Paz. Arrive and transfer to hotel EUROPA (5stars) in La Paz. Afternoon Half day City Tour of La Paz, Moon Valley & Teleferico – The City of La Paz and its surroundings can transport you to a mysterious past, where on any corner, any street, there is a hidden treasure where adventure begins; a living history of the pre-Hispanic times with all their traditions, magic and rites that still exist on the streets. The indigenous, colonial and modern areas, Indian Market, Witch Doctor's Market & breathtaking panoramas are all framed by the majestic "Illimani" mountain. Visit the Moon Valley, a clay formation resembling the face of the Moon. Take a cable car ride over the city of La Paz, enjoying the aerial view. Overnight at Hotel Europa

MEALS TODAY: BREAKFAST   DAY 10 LA PAZ DEPART Transfer to the airport.



Based on 2-3 passengers travelling together: Double Occ. $2,600; Triple $2,456

Based on 4 + passenger travelling together:   Double Occ. $2,393; Triple $2,294;   Sgl Supp $556

Private transportation, private tours with English speaking tour guides as mentioned on this itineary, meals as per tinerary; 3 nights Hotel accomodations, entrance fees where necesary and 24/7 phone assistance, tips to tour guides and drivers.

A irfares, Cost of passports or visas, personal items, alcoholic beverages, Travel & Health insurance, vaccinations or COVID tests and any other services not mentioned in itinerary.


Chile Atacama and Easter Island vacations

10 days/9 nights

Locally hosted DAY 01 ARRIVE SANTIAGO Arrive and private transfer to hotel PULMAN EL BOSQUE (4 stars) 2 nights  

DAY 02 SANTIAGO -City tour Morning private tour of Panoramic Santiago, The excursion begins by touring the main avenues in the city’s civic center. Highlights include La Moneda Palace, which was completed in 1805 (after more than 20 years of off-and-on construction). The neoclassical building was the home of Chilean presidents until 1958, and today is the seat of the government. Continue exploring narrow streets, eventually arriving at the Plaza de Armas, a picturesque square surrounded by the 18th-century Cathedral Metropolitana, the National Historical Museum, and the central post office. Leaving downtown, head toward Parque Forestal, which leads to the Fine Arts Museum, and Bellavista, the artsy, bohemian center of Santiago? Ascend Santa San Cristóbal, a beautiful public park whose peak—the perfect place for a panoramic shot of the city—is crowned with a 118-foot statue of the Virgin Mary. Descend and travel the other direction to the neighborhoods of Pedro de Valdivia Norte, Las Condes and Vitacura, the modern commercial districts and great places for shopping. Return to your hotel. (B).  

DAY 03 SANTIAGO / CALAMA / SAN PEDRO Private transfer to airport. Reception at Calama Airport and transfer to San Pedro and to your hotel (61 miles) Hotel ALTIPLANICO for 3 nights (B)  

DAY 04 CALAMA / SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA Breakfast. Early in the morning visit the Atacama Salt Lake and Tocanao. Afternoon proceed toward the Valley of the Moon an Extraordinary landscape similar to that on the moon. Return to the hotel. Overnight. (B)  

DAY 05 CALAMA / GEYSERS DEL TATIO Early start (4:30) lo el Tatio Geysers situated at 4.300 meter above sea level. Breakfast at the Geysers. Comprehensive trip through the valley, observing main types of geothermal activity (boiling water holes, geysers, hot clays and steam jets). Includes a brief on the geological structure of El Tatío. Return to the Hotel. Overnight. (B)  


Transfer to the airport for flight to Santiago. Arrive and stay at Holiday Inn by the International airport. (B)

DAY 07 SANTIAGO- EASTER ISLAND Private transfer to Santiago airport for your flight to Easter Island taking about 5 hours. Arrive and private transfer to hotel TAHA TAI for 3 nights . (B) ** NOTE: Maximum weight allowed by the airline on this flight...20 kilos or 44 pounds. DAY 08 EASTER ISLAND – Full day Excursion (Shared tour) Today you will follow in the footsteps of the first King of the Island, the Ariki Hotu Matúa. In our tour we will visit five archaeological sites, during the morning Akahanga, Rano Raraku and Ahu Tongariki, important places for the Rapa Nui culture . Lunch will be enjoyed at a Rapa Nui family home which is a warm and inviting way to experience the local cuisine. After lunch your guide will take you to Te Pito Kura a site known as the navel of the world. Your last steps are reserved  for Anakena one of the most important beaches in the history of Easter Island since it was here that the first king of the island, Ariki Hotu Matu´a landed with his men and gave rise to the Rapa Nui culture. Return to your hotel TAHA TAI for overnight. (B & L) DAY 09 EASTER ISLAND –AM & PM Tour (Shared tour) Morning tour. Discover the place where formerly the competition of the Birdman (Tangata Manu) was held annually in the spring on the cliff of the freshwater crater of the Rano Kau volcano . From there you can view the interior of the volcano and get sights of the Pacific Ocean. Then on to the ceremonial village of great cultural and spiritual importance, Orongo. The village has a total of 54 homes most restored in 1974. Today this village contains a path that will allow us a direct view of the restored houses along with its rock art and petro glyphs. Before returning to the hotel visit Vinapu the most important ceremonial center on the island. Here you wonder at the large basalt slabs which fit perfectly similar to the construction of the Inca Empire in Cuzco Peru. In the afternoon tour three archeological sites: it begins by trekking for approximately 20 minutes to Ana te Pahu. This large underground cave is one of the most visited, and is located inside the interior of the island in the Roiho area. Its name "Te Pahu" means drum in Rapanui was given due to its petrified lava layer that resonates when jumping on it, as a drum would. We continue with Aku Akivi, this site is one of the most majestic of the island, since It contains a large platform adorned with 7 restored statues which represent the seven explorers who arrived on the island to make their way to Ariki Hotu Matu'a. This place was built around the 15th century, with a special astronomical orientation, which was important not only for the daily functioning of the tribe but also for the spiritual ceremonies of the ancient Rapa Nui . Lastly continue on to the quarry of Puna Pau, a crater of an old volcano located 15 kilometers northeast of Hanga Roa, next to Ahu Akivi. This place is characterized by housing the raw material to build the pukaos (hat-type bows) that would later serve to crown the moais. At the end of our tour, we will realize that we were part of the origin, tradition and science of a culture that is recreated with surprising vitality. Return to your hotel TAHA TAI (B) DAY 10 EASTER ISLAND-SANTIAGO-DEPART Private transfer to the airport for flight to Santiago. Arrive and connect with your international flight back home. (B)

Breakfast daily, tours as mentioned in itinerary, 4 star hotel accommodations for 8 nights with room taxes & services charges, English speaking tour guides, entrance fees when necessary, all transfers to/from airport/hotels. Assistance of our local representatives 24/7.   NOT INCLUDED:

AIRFARE. Tips to tour guides, drivers, bellboys, chamber maids. Insurance (cost for this program thru Insure America $228). Any other service not specifically mentioned in itinerary. Airport departure taxes when leaving USA & Chile (usually included in your international air ticket)   2024 LAND TOUR RATES PER PERSON -

Based on 4 star hotels : Double US$3,940; Triple $3,760; Single $7,100

NOTE: During Christmas and New Years -please add 20% to all land tour rates   Airfare not included (USA-Santiago-Atacama-Easter Island-Lima-USA). Approximate cost: from Miami US$1800-1950; New York 1900-2100; Los Angeles 2000-2200

Upgrades to 5 star hotels : Please add per person DBL US$1358, TRP $1294; SGL $2,500....Marriott in Santiago, Kunza in Atacama and Hanga Roa in Easter Island   DEPOSIT: 15% per person. FINAL PAYMENT : 60 days before departure.

Patagonia & Atacama

Chile patagonia and atacama vacation packages

10 days/8 nights

Daily Departures

Locally Hosted

DAY 1 U.S.A- Santiago Depart USA for Santiago, Capital of Chile. (overnight flight) DAY 2 SANTIAGO Arrive in Santiago and transfer to hotel PLAZA SAN FRANCISCO for 1 night (check in at 2pm) . Afternoon sightseeing tour of this beautiful city visiting La Moneda Presidential Palace and Civic Center, O’Higgins Park, University of Chile, Santa Lucia Hill, Fine Arts Museum and San Cristobal Hill for a panoramic view of the city and majestic Andes. (B) DAY 3 SANTIAGO / CALAMA / SAN PEDRO Transfer to the airport for flight to the Atacama region. Reception at Calama Airport and transfer to San Pedro and to your hotel (61 miles). Hotel ALTIPLANICO. DAY 4 CALAMA / SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA AM MOON VALLEY This tour gives the feeling that we are walking on the surface of another planet. The 43-kilometre ride leads to the Cordillera de la Sal (salt mountain range) a group of attractive natural stone and sand sculptures that millions of years ago formed part of a large lake. Once here, visitors are taken to a surprising lookout to enjoy views of the valley and next destinations. The next stop is the awesome Valle de Marte (valley of Mars) also known as the Valle de la Muerte (Death Valley) with its peculiar stone formations and absolute desert landscape: no vegetation or insects to be seen in what is considered one of the country’s most barren regions. Next, the tour ventures on to Las Tres Marias (the three Marys), an interesting geological formation near an old salt mine. At sunset, the exploration ends atop a giant sand dune in Valle de la Luna (moon valley), named this way because of its moon-like landscape where an amazing spectacle of different colors can be admired when the sun slips below the horizon. (B) PM Tour to Tuconao and Atacama Salt Lake : Observe the great wonder that Atacama Salt Lake offers, enormous lake inserted in the heat of desert next to its three unique flamingoes species of the zone and the small and singular town of Toconao with its typical crafts. To the south of San Pedro is the access to the center of the impressive Atacama Salt Lake. During the route is possible to photograph and appreciate the view of Licancabur and Lascar volcanoes among other attractions of singular beauty, following by the same route is the town of Toconao and continuous until the Salt Lake, it finishes in the Chaxa Lagoon which is inhabited by three kinds of flamingoes and a great number of migratory birds. The Atacama Salt Lake, that occupies an extension of 100 kilometers (62.5 miles) length by 80 kilometers (50 miles) width. The salt is product of the underground water outcrop that, saturated of salts, evaporates leaving to rich scabs in salt and minerals. The rivers fed by the Andean snows, attend the area allowing the configuration of multiple oasis. This it is the scene where the atacameñan culture was developed. Toconao; It is a Colonial town completely build with liparitas stone of volcanic origin and known for its interesting craftsmanship objects of the same material. The word "Toconao" comes from the cunzo "toco" that means "stone". Located near the Andes, al 2.500 meters (7,500 feet) above sea level. The main source of work of its inhabitants is based in the agricultural and artisan activities that are made in the volcanic stone quarry, creating retorts of Torre Campanario (Bell Tower) of the town's church. (B) DAY 5 CALAMA / GEYSERS DEL TATIO Full day tour to Tatio Geysers and Machuca Village: Explore some of the highest geysers in the world and visit the high plateau village of Machuca. You leave at dawn from San Pedro de Atacama to the Tatio Geysers, a geothermal center with geysers that can only be seen early in the morning. After watching this spectacular sight (boiling water holes, geysers, hot clays and steam jets) in a magnificent natural setting, you will have breakfast. On the way back, you see the majestic Andes mountain range, whose peaks seem close enough to touch. you then arrive at Machuca, a small llama herder settlement. The village is filled with adobe houses with thatched roofs. Green wetlands lend a special charm. Overnight at ALTIPLANICO HOTEL (B) DAY 6 SAN PEDRO/CALAMA / SANTIAGO-PUNTA ARENAS Transfer to bus station for transfer to airport. Arrive in Santiago and connect with flight for Punta Arenas, which is the capital city of Chile's southernmost region, Magallanes and Antartica Chilena. Transfer to hotel selected. (B) DAY 7 PUNTA ARENAS- Penguin Colony   PM P.ARENAS- PUERTO NATALES Morning excursion to Magdalena Island - which is a National Park located on the straight of Magellan. We will sail for 2 1/2 hours along a route that was followed by Francis Drake, Fernando de Magallanes and Charles Darwin. Once on the Island, a hike leads to the large colonies of Penguins with an estimated populations of 60,000 breading pairs of Magellanic Penguins. You can also visit the light house, from where you can have an aboslutely beautiful view of the Island and sorroundic pacific ocean. At the end of the tour return to Punta Arenas -where you will have a private transfer to the bus station for a 4 hour ride to Puerto Natales. Arrive and private transfer to your hotel. See hotel selection below (B)      DAY 8 PUERTO NATALES -Balmaceda & Serrano Glaciers: Full day excursion by boat through the Ultima Esperanza fjord and visit the impressive Serrano and Balmaceda Glaciers.  The only access to this zone is by sailing through the Seno de Última Esperanza (Last Hope Sound). The 6,200 feet high Balmaceda mountain is part of the Bernardo O’Higgins National Park. Travelling to Balmaceda is a real treat. The journey starts at Puerto Natales pier. From the ship you will see a good number of sea lions, cormorants, wild ducks, condors, seagulls and sea wolves colonies. Finally you will reach the Balmaceda glacier, where huge pieces of ice detach falling into the fjord waters......Then you will see the Serrano glacier, where you can arrive by land next to a small lagoon formed by the de-icing activity. On the return you will stop at local Estancia where passengers have the chance to enjoy a delicious typical regional lunch. Arrive back in Puerto Natales about 5-6pm. (This tour operates only from September to April). Overnight in Puerto Natales. Hotel ALTIPLANICO SUR (sea front rooms) (B & Lunch) DAY 9 PUERTO NATALES-Torres del Paine Full day excursion to visit Torres del Paine National Park, World Biosphere Reserve. Visit Lake Grey, Salto Grande, Lake Nordenskjold, and Lake Pehoe. The impressive granite massif of the Paine complement the landscape. ABOUT TORRES DEL PAINE: Torres del Paine National Park is a national park encompassing mountains, a glacier, a lake, and river-rich areas in southern Chilean Patagonia. The Cordillera del Paine is the centerpiece of the park. It lies in a transition area between the Magellanic subpolar forests and the Patagonian Steppes. The park is located 70 miles north of Puerto Natales and 194 miles north of Punta Arenas. Bernardo O'Higgins National Park is its neighbors to the west, while Los Glaciares National Park is located to the north in Argentine territory. Return to Puerto Natales for overnight. Hotel ALTIPLANICO SUR (sea front rooms) (B, Box lunch) DAY 10 PUERTO NATALES-PUNTA ARENAS-SANTIAGO AM Transfer from Puerto Natales to Punta Arenas with drop off at the airport for flight to Santiago and connections to USA (B)

Breakfast daily, tours as mentioned in itinerary, 4 star hotel accommodations for 8 nights with room taxes & services charges, English speaking tour guides, entrance fees when necessary, all transfers to/from airport/hotels. Assistance of our local representatives 24/7.

AIRFARES. Tips to tour guides, drivers, bellboys, chamber maids. Travel & Health Insurance . Any other service not specifically mentioned in itinerary. Airport departure taxes when leaving USA & Chile (usually included in your international air ticket)


DURING CHRISTMAS & NEW YEARS -please ad 20% of the cost

Plus local airfare Santiago-Atacama-Santiago-P.Arenas-Santiago about US$550-650



4 stars: SANTIAGO: Plaza San Francisco; ATACAMA: Altiplanico; P.NATALES: Altiplanico; PUNTA ARENAS: Diego de Almagro

5 Stars: SANTIAGO: Marriot or Intercontinental; ATACAMA: Cumbres San Pedro;  P.NATALES: Costa Australis; PUNTA ARENAS: Cabo de Hornos


From Miami $900-1100; New York $1000-1200; Los Angeles 1100-1300; Dallas $1050-1200

DEPOSIT: 15% of the total amount (per person)

FINAL PAYMENT: 60 days before departure .

Double Patagonia

Chile and Argentina patagonia vacations and tours

Torres del Paine (Chile) and Perito Moreno (Argentina)

12 days/10 nights

DAY 01  U.S.A- Santiago Depart Miami, New York or Los Angeles for Santiago, Capital of Chile. (Add-ons available from other USA cities, please see below)  

DAY 02  Santiago Arrive in Santiago and transfer to hotel PULLMAN EL BOSQUE. Afternoon sightseeing tour of this beautiful city visiting La Moneda Presidential Palace and Civic Center, O’Higgins Park, University of Chile, Santa Lucia Hill, Fine Arts Museum and San Cristobal Hill for a panoramic view of the city and majestic Andes. (B)  

DAY 03 Santiago- Punta Arenas-Puerto Natales   Transfer to the airport for flight to Punta Arenas.  Arrival reception at Punta Arenas airport and transfer by bus to Puerto Natales. Transfer to hotel  ALTIPLANICO. (B)  

DAY 04 Puerto Natales & Glaciers:   Full day excursion by boat through the Ultima Esperanza fjord and visit the impressive Serrano and Balmaceda Glaciers.

tara tours

ABOUT TORRES DEL PAINE: Torres del Paine National Park is a national park encompassing mountains, a glacier, a lake, and river-rich areas in southern Chilean Patagonia. The Cordillera del Paine is the centerpiece of the park. It lies in a transition area between the Magellanic subpolar forests and the Patagonian Steppes. The park is located 70 miles north of Puerto Natales and 194 miles north of Punta Arenas. Bernardo O'Higgins National Park is its neighbors to the west, while Los Glaciares National Park is located to the north in Argentine territory.  

DAY 06 Puerto Natales- Day at leisure to expxlore the area on your own. (B)  

DAY 07 Puerto Natales (Chile)-Calafate (Argentina) Transfer to the bus station for bus ride to Calafate. Arrive and transfer to hotel DESIGN. (B)  

DAY 08 Perito Moreno Full day tour to Perito Moreno Glacier, an impressive Patagonian Glacier formed about 1 million years ago. Today will drive about 50 miles from Calafate, to the Peninsula of Magallanes, (south arm of the lago Argentino) to see the glacier, 240 feet above sea level and 3 miles wide, it is an overwhelming view of nature and contrary to other glaciers, this is the only one in the world which is still growing. Mid-afternoon return to Calafate and to hotel Design.(B)  

DAY 09 Calafate At leisure in Calafate to explore this beautiful area on your own or you decide to take an optional excursion to see Upsala and Onelli glaciers or Fitz Roy Mountain. Hotel Design. (B)  

DAY 10 Calafate-Buenos Aires Transfer for flight to Buenos Aires. Arrive and transfer to hotel LOI SUITES RECOLETA in the pretty district of Recoleta. (B)  

DAY 11 Buenos Aires Morning sightseeing tour of Buenos Aires, which will take you to the Plaza de Mayo for view of Cathedral and Casa Rosada (Presidential Palace).Then along 9 de Julio Avenue, widest street in the world, with its much photographed Obelisco and Teatro Colon, La Recoleta and finally, to the colorful Boca District. Overnight LOI SUITES RECOLETA (B)

Day 12 Buenos Aires-USA Morning free until transfer to the airport for your flight home. (B)


10 nights hotel accommodations as per itinerary;  all transfers; English speaking tour guide; daily buffet breakfast; entrance fees and local airfares Santiago-Punta Arenas and Calafate-Buenos Aires. Assistance of our local representatives.

Not included:

Tips to tour guides and drivers. Insurance.  Any other service not specifically mentioned in itinerary. Airport departure taxes when leaving USA & Chile (usually included in your international air ticket)

2024 AIR LAND TOUR COST PER PERSON (includes local airfare Santiago-Punta Arenas & Calafate-Buenos Aires)

Share Double       US$5,650

Share Triple        US$5,470        

Single                 US$9,800  


Four Star hotels (Five star hotels available upon request)

DEPOSIT: 15%  per person.

FINAL PAYMENT: 60 days before departure.


Patagonia, Atacama & Easter Island

Chile patagonia easter island and atacama vacation packages

14 days/13 nights Daily Departures - Locally Hosted DAY 1 ARRIVE IN SANTIAGO DE CHILE Arrive in Santiago and transfer to hotel PULLMAN EL BOSQUE. Afternoon sightseeing tour of this beautiful city visiting La Moneda Presidential Palace and Civic Center, O’Higgins Park, University of Chile, Santa Lucia Hill, Fine Arts Museum and San Cristobal Hill for a panoramic view of the city and majestic Andes. (B) DAY 2 SANTIAGO / CALAMA / SAN PEDRO Reception at Calama Airport and transfer to San Pedro and to your hotel (61 miles). Hotel ALTIPLANICO. PM Tour to Moon Valley: Your guide will take you to this amazing place. Not a single drop of water has fallen onto the Moon Valley in hundreds of years, thus the wind-sculpted salt statues inhabiting its eerie bowl have continued their slow, centuries-old dance uninterrupted. Come moonrise, when valley's light dusting of salt and metallic minerals shimmers all around, you may well see them move. Moon Valley is located 17 km (11 mi) west of San Pedro de Atacama, an old mining town that has only recently become a busy tourist destination. In addition to the Moon Valley, it is also a convenient base for visiting Atacama Salt Lake, Licancabur Volcano, El Tatio Geysers, and many other natural wonders. Return to ALTIPLANICO HOTEL for overnight. (B) DAY 3 CALAMA / SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA AM Archaeological tour to Tulor and Quitor: Visit to the Tulor village. With 3.000 years, it has an incredible architecture with a circular-shaped construction of clay. Later, visit the Indian fortress of Quitor, a place built by atacameños more than 700 years ago to defend from intruders (B). Overnight at ALTIPLANICO HOTEL. Note: Museums are not open on Sundays. PM Tour to Toconao and Atacama Salt Lake: Observe the great wonder that Atacama Salt Lake offers, enormous lake inserted in the heat of desert next to its three unique flamingoes species of the zone and the small and singular town of Toconao with its typical crafts. To the south of San Pedro is the access to the center of the impressive Atacama Salt Lake. During the route is possible to photograph and appreciate the view of Licancabur and Lascar volcanoes among other attractions of singular beauty, following by the same route is the town of Toconao and continuous until the Salt Lake, it finishes in the Chaxa Lagoon which is inhabited by three kinds of flamingoes and a great number of migratory birds. The Atacama Salt Lake, that occupies an extension of 100 kilometers (62.5 miles) length by 80 kilometers (50 miles) width. The salt is product of the underground water outcrop that, saturated of salts, evaporates leaving to rich scabs in salt and minerals. The rivers fed by the Andean snows, attend the area allowing the configuration of multiple oasis. This it is the scene where the atacameñan culture was developed. Toconao; It is a Colonial town completely build with liparitas stone of volcanic origin and known for its interesting craftsmanship objects of the same material. The word "Toconao" comes from the cunzo "toco" that means "stone". Located near the Andes, al 2.500 meters (7,500 feet) above sea level. The main source of work of its inhabitants is based in the agricultural and artisan activities that are made in the volcanic stone quarry, creating retorts of Torre Campanario (Bell Tower) of the town's church. (B) DAY 4 CALAMA / GEYSERS DEL TATIO Full day tour to Tatio Geysers and Machuca Village: Explore some of the highest geysers in the world and visit the high plateau village of Machuca. You leave at dawn from San Pedro de Atacama to the Tatio Geysers, a geothermal center with geysers that can only be seen early in the morning. After watching this spectacular sight (boiling water holes, geysers, hot clays and steam jets) in a magnificent natural setting, you will have breakfast. On the way back, you see the majestic Andes mountain range, whose peaks seem close enough to touch. you then arrive at Machuca, a small llama herder settlement. The village is filled with adobe houses with thatched roofs. Green wetlands lend a special charm. Overnight at ALTIPLANICO HOTEL (B) DAY 5 SAN PEDRO/CALAMA / SANTIAGO Transfer to bus station for transfer to airport. Arrive in Santiago and overnight by the airport at the Holiday Inn. (B) DAY 6 SANTIAGO- PUNTA ARENAS Depart Santiago. Arrival reception at Punta Arenas airport. Transfer to hotel selected DAY 7 PUNTA ARENAS-MAGDALENA ISLAND-PUNTA ARENAS-PUERTO NATALES Morning visit to Isla Magdalena -which is a National Park located on the Straits of Magellan, 35 km (2.7 mi.) north of the city of Punta Arenas. In order to reach the island, you will sail for 2 ½ hours along a route that was also followed by other famous seafarers, such as Francis Drake, Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa, Hernando de Magallanes, and Charles Darwin himself. Once on the island, a hike leads to the large colonies of Penguins, with an estimated population of 60,000 breeding pairs of Magellanic Penguins. It’s also possible to reach the lighthouse, from where a lovely view of the island and surrounds can be admired. The visit to the island lasts for an hour or so. End of tour and return to the city of Punta Arenas. Afternoon transfer by bus to Puerto Natales. Transfer to hotel ALTIPLANICO SUR (sea front rooms) (B) DAY 8 PUERTO NATALES -Glaciers Full day excursion by boat through the Ultima Esperanza fjord and visit the impressive Serrano and Balmaceda Glaciers. The only access to this zone is by sailing through the Seno de Última Esperanza (Last Hope Sound). The 6,200 feet high Balmaceda mountain is part of the Bernardo O’Higgins National Park. Travelling to Balmaceda is a real treat. The journey starts at Puerto Natales pier. From the ship you will see a good number of sea lions, cormorants, wild ducks, condors, seagulls and sea wolves colonies. Finally you will reach the Balmaceda glacier, where huge pieces of ice detach falling into the fjord waters......Then you will see the Serrano glacier, where you can arrive by land next to a small lagoon formed by the de-icing activity. On the return you will stop at local Estancia where passengers have the chance to enjoy a delicious typical regional lunch. Arrive back in Puerto Natales about 5-6pm. Overnight in Puerto Natales. Hotel ALTIPLANICO SUR (sea front rooms) (B) DAY 9 PUERTO NATALES-Torres del Paine Full day excursion to visit Torres del Paine National Park, World Biosphere Reserve. Visit Lake Grey, Salto Grande, Lake Nordenskjold, and Lake Pehoe. The impressive granite massif of the Paine complement the landscape. ABOUT TORRES DEL PAINE: Torres del Paine National Park is a national park encompassing mountains, a glacier, a lake, and river-rich areas in southern Chilean Patagonia. The Cordillera del Paine is the centerpiece of the park. It lies in a transition area between the Magellanic subpolar forests and the Patagonian Steppes. The park is located 70 miles north of Puerto Natales and 194 miles north of Punta Arenas. Bernardo O'Higgins National Park is its neighbors to the west, while Los Glaciares National Park is located to the north in Argentine territory. Return to Puerto Natales for overnight. Hotel ALTIPLANICO SUR (sea front rooms) (B, Box lunch) DAY 10 PUERTO NATALES- SANTIAGO Transfer from Puerto Natales to Punta Arenas with transfer to the airport for flight to Santiago and overnight by the airport. (Hotel Holiday Inn in Santiago) DAY 11 - SANTIAGO-EASTER ISLAND Transfer to the airport for flight to mysterious Easter Island. Arrive and transfer to your hotel TAHA TAI for overnight. (B) Note. Maximun weight allow by the airline on this flight...20 kilos or 44 pounds. DAY 12 - EASTER ISLAND Full day excursion “The arrival of Hotu Matu’a: Visit Anakena Beach, located 18 kms (11.25 miles) from Hanga Roa`s downtown, situated here are some amazing temples or Ahus. Then tour Ahu Te Pito Kura, which only has one Moai, however it measures 10 m/30m and weighs 90 tons making it the largest Moai that has been raised on a platform. Also in this site a very sacred stone is located, the Ahu is named after it. It has been said that this stone was brought from the home island of Hiva by the first Rapa Nui king Hotu Matu’a. The excursion continues to Rano Raraku, one of the most interesting archaeological sites on not only Rapa Nui but in the entire world. Here we can find 396 Moai (statues) in the quarry which is an extinct volcano that has an amazing fresh water crater Box Lunch. Afternoon visit to Ahu Tongariki, one of the most visually stunning sites on the island, which shows how the ancient people were part of a true megalithic culture. Finally tour Ahu Akahanga “The Platform of the King” It’s believed the grave of the first king of the island Hotu Matu’a can be found in a cave in Akahanga. Overnight at TAHA TAI HOTEL (B, box L). DAY 13 - EASTER ISLAND AM Half day excursion “The Power of the Birdman”: Visit Ana Kai Tangata, a cave that has many paints made from mineral pigments found on the island. The painting depicts the Manutara bird. The arrival of this bird in spring would initiate the Tangata Manu competition. Next continue to Ranu Kau that was the second of the three main volcanoes to erupt about 2.5 million years ago. It has a height of 310 meters (900 feet) and a huge crater of 1.6 km (1 mile) in diameter and a fresh water lagoon 11 meters (36 feet) deep. Next to the volcano is the ancient ceremonial city of Orongo, where exist the greatest concentration of petroglyphs. There are pictures of the Tangata Manu Birdman, the creator god Make..Return to the hotel (B). PM Half day excursion “Looking towards the stars” : Visit to Ahu Huri, one of the last Ahu (altars) to be restored by Dr. William Mulloy, It is believed to be astronomically oriented such that the sun on the morning of both the winter and summer solstices rise directly on the facade of the moai as it stands on its Ahu(altars). Next visit Ahu Akivi, an archaeological site, that was the first scientifically restored site during the 60`s. It’s a ceremonial place, particularly interesting not only for its location (center of the island), but also by the legends that are known around seven moai. Overnight at TAHA TAI HOTEL DAY 14 - EASTER ISLAND-SANTIAGO-USA Transfer to the airport for flight to Santiago where you will be connecting with your international flight back home. (B) 2024 COST LAND TOUR PACKAGE Sharing double US$ 5,920 Sharing triple           5,650 Single                     9,970 DURING CHRISTMAS & NEW YEARS -please ad 20% of the cost AIRFARE NOT INCLUDED (local & international) SAMPLE AIRFARES for this itinerary: Domestic: Santiago-Calama-P.Arenas-Easter Island US$800-990 International: From Miami 850-950; New York $950-1100; Los Angeles 1000-1200 INCLUDING: Breakfast daily, tours as mentioned in itinerary, 4 star hotel accommodations for 13 nights with room taxes & services charges, English speaking tour guides, entrance fees when necessary, all transfers to/from airport/hotels. Assistance of our local representatives 24/7. NOT INCLUDED: AIRFARES. Tips to tour guides, drivers, bellboys, chamber maids. Insurance (cost for this program thru Insure America $190). Any other service not specifically mentioned in itinerary. Airport departure taxes when leaving USA & Chile (usually included in your international air ticket)A

Chile Patagonia Adventure

Chile Patagonia and Paine vacation packages

8 days/7 nights

Daily departures

Locally hosted


Arrive in Santiago and private transfer to hotel selected (see at the end of itinerary hotel options). Also known as Santiago de Chile -is the capital and largest city of Chile as well as one of the largest cities in the Americas. It is the center of Chile's largest and the most densely populated, the Santiago Metropolitan Region, whose total population is 7 million. The city is entirely located in the country's central valley. Most of the city lies between 500 m (1,640 ft) and 650 m (2,133 ft) above mean sea level. The city outskirts are surrounded by vineyards and Santiago is within a few hours of both the mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Santiago is the cultural, political and financial center of Chile and is home to the regional headquarters of many multinational corporations.

Afternoon tour of the city: private sightseeing tour of this beautiful city visiting La Moneda Presidential Palace and Civic Center, O’Higgins Park, University of Chile, Santa Lucia Hill, Fine Arts Museum and San Cristobal Hill for a panoramic view of the city and majestic Andes.


MEALS: Breakfast

DAY 2 -Santiago  -Full day Vina-Valparaiso

9AM In the morning you will be picked up at your hotel to visit two emblematic coastal cities of the country, about an hour and a half from the capital. On the way, you will pass through the valley of Casablanca, a sector recognized for its international vineyards and its beautiful landscapes, accompanying the route to the sea. Arriving at the coast you will first visit Viña del Mar, the so-called Garden City that, thanks to its beautiful beaches, beautiful parks and floral ornaments like the famous flower clock, has become one of the most representative tourist attractions of the central zone. Mixing the tranquility of the seascape and the modernity of its streets and infrastructure, this city is an entertaining city that is always in constant movement. The second destination on the route is the picturesque port of Valparaíso. This city founded in the sixteenth century marks a perfect contrast to the previous panorama as it replaces all the modern vibe and beach spirit of Viña with a much more popular and handcrafted facet. This port, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2003, offers a unique and fascinating architecture. The city is located next to several hills, which can be accessed through narrow streets, long stairs and various elevators built between the end of the 19th century and beginnings of the 20th. In them, the local houses have been painted in different colors and form an irresistible landscape for lovers of photography and heritage neighborhoods.

DAY 3 - Santiago -Punta Arenas Private City tour (shared tour)

Private transfer to the airport for flight to Punta Arenas. Arrive and private transfer to hotel selected.

Afternoon private city tour visit ing the traditional sites of the city such as the Plaza Muñoz Gamero, the historic mansions of bygone years built with the profits from sheep farming, the port and the coastal road, the historic cemetery. Also there is the duty free zone and some interesting museums such as the Salesian Regional Museum and the Museo del Recuerdo (Musuems are closed on Mondays)

OVERNIGHT: Punta Arenas


D AY 4 - Punta Arenas AM Magdalena Island & Penguins (shared tour)  PM P.Arenas to Puerto Natales Northeast of Punta Arenas, the islands of Magdalena and Marta make up the Los Pingüinos Natural Monument, created in 1982. There the Magellanic penguin, the sea lion, the Dominican gull, the black-eyebrowed albatross and the imperial cormorant are protected.

AM w e sail through the Strait of Magellan to the Magdalena and Marta Islands. Magdalena Island receives more than 120.000 penguins each year and Marta isIand is home to more than 1.500 sea lions. We start with this adventure, after checking-in at the local office, we go to Laredo Bay, transfer to boarding  speedboats for 45 minutes to Magdalena Island, where we landed for 1 hour with your tour guide to know the natural habitat of the Magellanic Penguins, in one the largest colonies in South America. We continue our journey to Marta Island (subject to weather conditions) to observe sea lions, imperial cormorants, Antartic Terns and hundreds of Dolphin Gulls, if we are lucky we can also see Southern Dolphins , Piebald Dolphins and Sea Whales. Then return to the pier and to Punta Arenas. Afternoon transfer by van or bus to the small town of Puerto Natales (share transfer) . Arrive at the bus station and private transfer to your hotel.

OVERNIGHT: Puerto Natales

  D AY 5 - Puerto Natales - Full day Torres del Paine National Park (shared tour) Full day share excursion to visit Torres del Paine National Park, World Biosphere Reserve. Visit Lake Grey, Salto Grande, Lake Nordenskjold, and lake Pehoe. The impressive granite massif of the Paine complement the landscape. The National Park has 242,242 hectares, of protected land, declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1978. It is the most famous Chilean park, and its name comes from the granite spires or “torres” which reach into the sky. Other attractions include the Cuernos or “horns” of Paine, another rock formation which is very interesting as well as glaciers such as the Grey Glacier, at the southern end of the Patagonian Ice Field and a large number of lakes and peaks which make for wonderfully fantastic scenery. The flora and fauna of the park is also very interesting, and wildlife to look for includes the condor, puma and guanaco. Return to Puerto Natales for overnight.

MEALS: Breakfast & Lunch

D AY 6 -  Puerto Natales -Full day Glaciers (shared tour) Full day share excursión by boat Balmaceda & Serrano Glaciers. Board a small motor vessel and start the journey along the Sound of Last Hope. On the way it is possible to see sea lions, cormorants and black necked swans amongst other birds. The sailing takes about 3 hours and on arrival at Mount Balmaceda, it is possible to view the glacier of the same name. Continue on to the Serrano Glacier and following a short 15 minute walk arrive at the view point. Both glaciers are in the Bernardo O‘Higgins National Park. On the way back, enjoy lunch in the Estancia Perales and return to Puerto Natales.

MEALS: Breakfast & Lunch NOTE: Daily operation from October to March; Except December 25th and January 1st). Departure time at 8:00 am. Then from April to August operates on Sunday only with a minimum of 2 passengers.

DAY 7 - Puerto Natales -At leisure

At leisure to explore the area on your own or take an optional tour.

Day 8 Puerto Natales- Punta Arenas-Santiago and connections Share Transfer from Puerto Natales to Punta Arenas to catch your flight to Santiago where you will be connecting with your international flight back home or continue you vacation in South America .

MEALS: Breakfast Including: Hotel accommodations for 7 nights with daily buffet breakfast and taxes;  Tours as mentioned in itinerary with English speaking tour guides; all transfers (private transfers and tours in Santiago; private transfers and city tour in Punta Arenas; shared transfers and tours in Puerto Natales) ; 24/7 assistance by phone in case of any emergencies Not included: International or domestic airfares , Tips to tour guides and drivers. Insurance. Any other service not specifically mentioned in itinerary. Airport departure taxes  (usually included in your international air ticket) . 2024  COST LAND TOUR PACKAGE

Program runs from October to March only

Plus airfare. Sample cost Santiago-Punta Arenas-Santiago $350-500 pp

DURING CHRISTMAS & NEW YEARS -please add 20% to above cost.


4 stars: SANTIAGO: Pullman el Bosque;  P.NATALES: Altiplanico; P.ARENAS=Finis Terrae

5 Stars: SANTIAGO: Marriot or Intercontinental; P.NATALES: Costa Australis; P.ARENAS=Cabo de Hornos


From Miami US$850-990; New York $950-1150; Los Angeles $1,000-1,200

LAND TOUR DEPOSIT : 15% per person.

LAND FINAL PAYMENT : 60 days before departure.

Patagonia & Torres del Paine

Chile Patagonia Torres del Paine tours

Visiting Santiago, Punta Arenas and the Magnificent Torres del Paine National Park

7 days/6 nights

  Day 1 ARRIVE SANTIAGO Arrive in Santiago and transfer to the five star hotel Intercontinental located in the pretty district of Los Condes.

Balance of day to rest.


Morning  sightseeing tour of this beautiful city... The excursion begins by touring the main avenues in the city’s civic center. Highlights include La Moneda Palace, which was completed in 1805 (after more than 20 years of off-and-on construction). The neoclassical building was the home of Chilean presidents until 1958, and today is the seat of the government. Continue exploring narrow streets, eventually arriving at the Plaza de Armas, a picturesque square surrounded by the 18th-century Cathedral Metropolitana, the National Historical Museum, and the central post office. Leaving downtown, head toward Parque Forestal, which leads to the Fine Arts Museum, and Bellavista, the artsy, bohemian center of Santiago.  Ascend Santa San Cristóbal, a beautiful public park whose peak—the perfect place for a panoramic shot of the city—is crowned with a 118-foot statue of the Virgin Mary. Descend and travel the other direction to the neighborhoods of Pedro de Valdivia Norte, Las Condes and Vitacura, the modern commercial districts and great places for shopping. Return to your hotel La Moneda Presidential Palace and Civic Center, O’Higgins Park, University of Chile, Santa Lucia Hill, Fine Arts Museum and San Cristobal Hill for a panoramic view of the city and majestic Andes.

Afternoon at leiusre of buy an optional tour to visit one of the many wineries around Santiago (B) Day 3 SANTIAGO-PUNTA ARENAS-TORRES DEL PAINE Transfer to the airport for flight to Punta Arenas, then by bus to Puerto Natales and finally to Torres del Paine and to deluxe hotel Salto Chico-Explora (see other options and lodges in Torres del Paine at the end of this itinerary) (B,D) Day 4, 5, 6 TORRES DEL PAINE Full day excursions to Torres del Paine National Park with an area of more than 598,000 acres; sheltering lakes, lagoons, waterfalls, and glaciers. The park offers you one of the most impressive views of nature such as the Horns of Paine, The Towers and Gray Glacier -sculpted by the wind and snow during 12 million years. View interesting wildlife -such as Guanacos, Condors, Darwin rheas, ducks and geese and more than 100 different species of birds. Here , your tour guides will explain all the archeological, biological and geological facts of this area. Breakfast lunch and three course dinner with free flowing Chilean wine are included daily at hotel Salto Chico (Explora). (B,L,D) Day 7 PAINE-PUNTA ARENAS-SANTIAGO-DEPART Transfer to the airport for flight to Santiago where you will be connecting with your international flight or continue your vacation in Chile (see optional tours and cruises around this area)  (B)


2024 Rates Per Person (includes local airfare Santiago-P.Arenas-Santiago)

Rates subject to change at any time. Rates not valid during Christmas and New Years as hotels have a minimun of 5 or 6 nights during those dates, please call to advise rates.

LAND TOUR PACKAGE INCLUDES: • 2 nights hotel accommodations in Santiago • Private city tour of Santiago • 4 nights hotel accommodations' in Torres del Paine with room taxes, all meals, wines and all excursions. • Daily Buffet breakfast in Santiago • Private Transfers in Santiago to/from airport and hotels. • Ground transportation from Punta Arenas to Puerto Natales and to hotels in Patagonia. • English speaking tour guides. • Tips to airport and hotel porters. • Local airfare Santiago-Punta Arenas-Santiago • Assistance of our local representatives while in Chile 24/7 by phone NOT INCLUDED: INTERNATIONAL AIRFARE. Tips to tour guides and drivers. Insurance. Any other service not specifically mentioned in itinerary. Airport departure taxes when leaving USA & Chile (usually included in your airline ticket). NOTE: Considering how long it takes to get to Patagonia and to Torres del Paine and how much you can see, we recommend a minimum of 4 nights in this area. Average temperature High/Low: Jan. 72-53%; Feb. 75-54%; Mar. 71-50%; Apr. 69-46%; May 61-41%; Jun. 55-36%; Jul. 57-36%; Aug. 60-40%; Sep. 61-40%; Oct. 67-45%; Nov. 70-48%; Dec. 70-52%  

DEPOSITS: 25% of total cost

FINAL PAYMENT : 60 days before departure .

Chile Wine Country


tara tours

6 DAYS / 5 NIGHTS Includes:  

- 3 nights hotel accommodation in Santiago with daily buffet breakfast. - Private transfer on arrival and departure. - Private half day City Tour in Santiago. - Full day excursion to Maipo Valley, with tasting at two wineries Concha y Toro and Santa Rita. - Full day excursion to Casablanca Valley, tasting at two wineries Matetic and Indomita. - 2 nights at beautiful Las Majadas with all meals, vine testing, local visits and more

- Full days excursions to wineries include lunch - Private services with English speaking tour guides**

- Assistance of our local representative while in Santiago 24/7 2024 LAND TOUR COST PER PERSON:

Minimum 2 passengers.

** Day visit to wineries include private transportation, the tour of the winery facility might be with other visitors.

Harvest Season: From 2nd. week in March to the end of April. (To see the grapes in the vine February and March)

Airfare; Tips to tour guides and drivers. Insurance. Any other service not specifically mentioned in itinerary. Airport departure taxes when leaving USA & Chile (usually included in your international air ticket)

Sample airfares Via Lan Airlines:

From Miami US$800-1100; New York $900-1200; Los Angeles, San Francisco $1000-1300. (Business Class available upon request)


Penguins, Glaciers, Mountains

Cruise Glaciers in Chile

Cruising Glaciers and Exploring Patagonia

To sail towards the glaciers of the Southern Ice Field is an experience that enchants and motivates all travelers who love exploring unique and virgin sites. This route offers an enormous range of glaciers which can be sighted, explored and contemplated, while you sail through icebergs or simply walk along a glacier's moraine. The Southern Ice Field, together with the Northern Ice Field, are the third most important source of fresh water on the planet. They give us a unique opportunity to look at the last remnants of a glaciations. Then to Torres del Paine National Park which  has been declared a UNESCO heritage reserve. Its incredible natural beauty makes it one of the most popular and sought-after tourist destinations. There are no words to describe the feeling of freedom and clean air that surrounds us in this emblematic place. Its imposing Towers, its enormous lakes surrounded by luxuriant vegetation, its abundant fauna, which includes ñ andus, Condors, Fox, Puma and Guanaco, will remain engraved in your memory.

M/V Skorpios III & Torres del Paine

9 days / 7 nights

Departures: Every Sunday (also available upon request departures on Wednesdays)

Departures available only from September to April

DAY 01: SUN.  USA- SANTIAGO Depart USA for Santiago, Capital of Chile. (Overnight flight)  

DAY 02: MON. SANTIAGO Arrive in Santiago and transfer to hotel CROWN PLAZA. Afternoon sightseeing tour of this beautiful city visiting La Moneda Presidential Palace and Civic Center, O’Higgins Park, University of Chile, Santa Lucia Hill, Fine Arts Museum and San Cristobal hill.


Transfer to the airport for flight to Punta Arenas where you will be met and transfer by van to Puerto Natales with transfer to Skorpios Terminal in Puerto Natales. 18:00 hours. The vessel sails from Skorpios terminal. Cruise through Seno de Ultima Esperanza, Almirante Montt Gulf, Angostura Kirke crossing, Morla Vicuña Pass,  and Union Channel. We continue to sail through the Collingwood and Sarmiento channels (B,D)

Skorpios Glacier Cruise

08:00 hours. Cruising Peel Fjord, and landing at Amalia Glacier. The ship approaches the Glacier. Panoramic view from the ship. 09:15 hours. We sail towards El Brujo Glacier. 11:00 hours. Arrival at El Brujo Glacier, weather and ice permitting, passengers may go ashore for a closer look at this glacier from a nearby rock. 12:30 hours. Departure for Calvo Fjord. 14:30 hours. Landing at Calvo Fjord with an excursion on the Capitán Constantino, an ice breaker, which will take us on a visit to the Fernando, Capitán Constantino and Alipio Glaciers, among others. In the course of this excursion we will visit seal colonies, approach condor and imperial cormorant nests. We will also stop at a glacier waterfall that courses down the Magellanic forest. 18:80 hours. We sail to De Las Montañas Fjord.(B,L,D)


08:00 hours. Arrival at De Las Montañas Fjord, where we can see five glaciers that fall from Cordillera Sarmiento into the sea, two of which are included in our tour. 10:00 hours. We land at Alsina Glacier, sailing through a small channel in special excursion boats, and then enter the bay of this small Glacier which abounds in colour and beauty. 12:00 hours. We continue to sail along the De Las Montañas Fjord. Our ship loads natural and pure water from a river that flows down the mountains. 16:00 hours. Visit to Bernal Glacier, trekking through a small oak forest, crossing the glacier's front and lateral moraines until we reach the base of this Glacier which has reached the end of its life-span. 18:00 hours. We sail from the De Las Montañas Fjord, cross Angostura Kirke. 21:00 hours. Farewell party, Captain's Dinner, dance. 12:00 hours. We reach the Skorpios Terminal in Puerto Natales.(B,L,D)


09:30 hours. We land at the Skorpios Terminal. End of the Southern Ice Field Glaciers cruise. Transfer to your hotel in Puerto Natales -ALTIPLANICO SUR for 2 nights. (B)

DAY 07: SAT.  Full day Paine National Park

Full day share excursion to visit Torres del Paine National Park, World Biosphere Reserve. Visit Lake Grey, Salto Grande, Lake Nordenskjold, and lake Pehoe. The impressive granite massif of the Paine complement the landscape. The National Park has 242,242 hectares, of protected land, declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1978. It is the most famous Chilean park, and its name comes from the granite spires or “torres” which reach into the sky. Other attractions include the Cuernos or “horns” of Paine, another rock formation which is very interesting as well as glaciers such as the Grey Glacier, at the southern end of the Patagonian Ice Field and a large number of lakes and peaks which make for wonderfully fantastic scenery. The flora and fauna of the park is also very interesting, and wildlife to look for includes the condor, puma and guanaco. Return to Puerto Natales for overnight. (B, Lunch)


Morning transfer to Punta Arenas. Afternoon visit to Isla Magdalena -which is a National Park located on the Straits of Magellan, 35 km (2.7 mi.) north of the city of Punta Arenas. In order to reach the island, you will sail for 2 ½ hours along a route that was also followed by other famous seafarers, such as Francis Drake, Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa, Hernando de Magallanes, and Charles Darwin himself. Once on the island, a hike leads to the large colonies of Penguins, with an estimated population of 60,000 breeding pairs of Magellanic Penguins. It’s also possible to reach the lighthouse, from where a lovely view of the island and surrounds can be admired. The visit to the island lasts for an hour or so. End of tour and return to the city of Punta Arenas .  Ovenight in Punta Arenas at hotel FINIS TERRAE (B)


Transfer to  airport for flight to Santiago where you will be connecting with your international flight back to USA. (B)

Sep.01, 2024 to Apr. 2025

RATE LAND AND SEA IN PATAGONIA US$4,264 per person -double  LOW SEASON : Sep/Oct/Nov/until Dec.15; then Mar/Apr 

RATE LAND AND SEA IN PATAGONIA US$4,480 per person -double  HIGH SEASON : Dec.16 to Feb.28

Land Cruise rate is based on  Double Cabin-Athenas deck. For Acropolis deck please add US$140 pp/dbl; For Parthenon add US$240 pp/dbl; For Olympus deck 340 pp/dbl. For Junior Suite add US$450 pp/dbl



Sample airfare via LAN AIRLINES:

From Miami US$1200-1350; New York $1300-1,450; Los Angeles $1400-1,550

Hotel accommodations with room taxes and service charges. 3 nights Skorpios Cruise Double B-Atenas deck with all meals and shore excursions, 2 nights in Puerto Natales at hotel Altiplanico Sur, 1 night in Punta Arenas at hotel Finis Terrae, 1 night in Santiago at hotel Crown Plaza (Hotels include  buffet breakfast daily). ·Tours as mentioned in itinerary with English speaking tour guides. Transfers on arrival and departure including baggage handling and tips to airport porters, 24/7 assistance of our local representatives.

Not Included :

Airfare. Insurance, tips. Airport departure taxes when leaving USA & Chile (usually included in your international air ticket)

More information on the Skorpios III

Trekking Patagonia & Torres del Paine

Vacation packages to Patagonia

MAIN FACTS: Departures: every Monday from October to April, no traveler minimum • Length: 7 days • Accommodation: 4 nights EcoCamp's Standard Domes  • 2 nights mountain huts (Refugios) • Level: Demanding • Total trekking distance: Approx. (84km/52mi) • One trekking guide per 6 hikers • Maximum group size: 12 people BRIEF ITINERARY Day 1: Arrival at EcoCamp in Torres del Paine Day 2: Trek Paso Los Cuernos trail (16km/10mi), Cabaña or Refugio Cuernos Day 3: Trek French Valley (25km/15mi), Refugio Paine Grande Day 4: Trek to Grey (14km/9mi), boat tour across Grey Lake & return to EcoCamp Day 5: Trek to Paine Towers (21km/13mi), EcoCamp Day 6: Hike Laguna Azul (8km/ 5mi), EcoCamp Day 7: Departure Torres del Paine

Program Includes:

- All meals while on the program - Cross Lake Grey. - 4 nights accommodations in EcoCamp (Domes Standard - Double) - 1 night in Refugio Paine Grande and 1 night in Refugio Los Cuernos (shared basis) - Visit  Cueva del Milodon and Torres del Paine National Park. - Expert bilingual guide trekking for the group. - Sleeping in shelters if necessary. - Luggage transport within the park while doing trekking.  


Departs every Monday from Punta Arenas

     Rates subject to change. Airfares are not included .

Sample airfare from Miami to Santiago- Punta Arenas Round trip US$1200-1400, New York $1,300-1,500, Los Angeles $1,500-1,800

Full itinerary:

Day 1) To Torres del Paine Park

The tour leader meets you as you arrive in Punta Arenas airport from your flight* from Santiago or Puerto Montt. We transfer by private van to Puerto Natales (254 km/158 miles. If you are arriving from El Calafate, Argentina, we include a transfer from your hotel to the bus station, the bus ticket** and reception in Puerto Natales. After a brief stopover here, we continue to Las Torres Eco- Camp (147 km/ 91 miles in Torres del Paine National Park. Lunch and a visit to the Milodon Cave is provided en route. We reach our EcoCamp at Las Torres in early evening. *Important: Travel on the earliest morning flight from Santiago or Puerto Montt, arriving into Punta Arenas no later than 1 PM. **Buses depart El Calafate for Puerto Natales at 8:00AM or 8.30PM daily. (LD)

Day 2) Paso Los Cuernos Trail

We trek west through rolling open hills above the rocky northern shore of Lake Nordenskjold (12 kms, 4hrs). The trail is named for its spectacular proximity to the Cuernos of the Paine massif. We are walking on the slopes of one of the peaks, which dominate the skyline during the drive in from Puerto Natales: Mount Almirante Nieto (2,640 m/8,660 ft). Condors are commonly seen along this route, as they nest in the rugged cliffs rising above us. We cross several rushing streams draining down the mountain, and watch the play of wind on the turquoise waters of the lake. The easiest of all the walking days so far contains some of its most breath-taking scenery. We reach the 32-bed Los Cuernos Refugio in mid-afternoon on this warm-up hiking day (12 km/8 mi). (Horses or porters transport the camp gear today while we walk with daypacks.) Note: on some departures, the group will travel in a clockwise circuit, rather than the counter-clockwise circuit described here. (BLD)

Day 3) French River Valley

We trek west, first skirting the shoreline and noting the curious salt-and-pepper effect of the beach gravel, which contains rocks from black and white strata exposed on the cliffs towering over us. We climb into the hills as the trail curves inland from the lake, some

8 kms/5 mi to Campamento Italiano. Here we pick up the trail parallel to the French River, and start climbing up moraine through fantastic southern beech forest. We are

directly beneath the sheer granite faces of the “Cuernos”. It’s an easy climb to the French Glacier lookout. Ambitious hikers can continue up the valley another 90 minutes to a lookout above Campamento Británico (12 km, 3-4 hrs). In this magnificent setting, we are surrounded by high peaks and sheer granite walls on three sides of a magnificent cirque – well worth the steady climb! Once we are back at Campamento Italiano we cross the river on a suspension bridge, and continue west (2 hrs) through rolling terrain until we reach the modern, 72-bed Refugio Paine Grande for overnight. BLD)

  Day 4) To Lake Grey

We hike north along the eastern edge of Grey Lake. It is a 4 hour hike (12 km/8 mi) to the northern end of the lake. We climb to a lookout over the Grey Glacier to enjoy picnic lunch amid impressive scenery. After lunch, we board a motor launch for an exciting cruise to the face of the Grey Glacier. Together with the Dickson and Perito Moreno glaciers (in Argentina), the Grey Glacier drains the giant South Patagonian Ice field. After photographing the headwall, we leave the boat near the southern end of the lake. We depart by van along a spectacular drive through the heart of the park. En route, we see troops of guanacos, as well as abundant migratory birds in the many ponds. Overnight in the EcoCamp. (BLD)

Day 5) Ascencio River Valley

Today we enjoy another of the park’s classic treks, up the Ascencio River to a viewpoint at just under 1,000m/3,280 ft. directly opposite the impressive Towers of El Paine (2,900m/9,400 ft). These three granite monoliths are remnants of a great cirque that has been sheared away by glacial ice. Though at the highest point in our hike, we are close to sea level and thus altitude doesn’t come into play, today’s hike challenges us with two steep pitches. The first is when the trail ascends the grassy slopes of the glaciated Serrano River Valley to a terrace high above the turbulent Ascencio River. We then continue across a big scree slope, losing altitude and gaining it again before we drop down toward the river and enjoy a mainly level stroll through delightful southern beach forest. On the final pitch we switchback up through the rocks of a terminal moraine to the turn at the foot of the Towers – a heart-pounding experience with a huge emotional payoff at the top. 21 km/13 mi round trip. Note: If visibility is poor today, we’ll switch activities with the nature hikes scheduled for next day (BLD) Torres del Paine lookout

Day 6) Guanacos and Migratory Birds

We have a full day to hike and photograph in the wildlife zones between Lakes Nordenskjold and Sarmiento. We typically include a hike through guanaco breeding grounds, observe migratory birds in the ponds, and visit some caves where we observe cave paintings. Our guides shape this delightful day according to the weather and the particular interests of participants. Once back at Las Torres Eco-Camp, we enjoy a classic Patagonian lamb barbecue cooked over open coals to celebrate our shared

experience. Overnight at Las Torres EcoCamp (B, L, D);

Day 7) Travel to Punta Arenas

In mid-morning, we head back to Puerto Natales, with a stop for lunch before continuing via private transfer to Punta Arenas in time to catch the late afternoon flight departing back to Santiago. If you’re departing to El Calafate, we depart early enough to catch the morning bus at Cerro Castillo (B).

All ground transportation private and domestic as indicated in the itinerary:

- Catamaran crossing over Lago Grey; - 2 nights in park Refugio with dorm-style bunks, shared bath, 4 nights accommodation, sharing a tent at the Eco-Camp; - Park fees for Milodón Cave and Torres del Paine National Park; - Meals as indicated on the itinerary:

B=breakfast, L=lunch, D=dinner - One typical lamb barbecue dinner - One English-speaking trekking guide per each 8 persons; - One Spanish-speaking cook & assistant while in Pehoe and Torres. - Porterage on the trek


at Hosterias Las Torres -all inclusive

tara tours

DAY 1: PUNTA ARENAS / PUERTO NATALES Arrive in Punta Arenas. Your local tour guide will meet you and transfer you to Puerto Natales and Hosterias Las Torres. Briefing on next day activities. All tours and meals are included (D)  

DAY 2: PUERTO NATALES / TORRES DEL PAINE Hosteria Las Torres includes all meals and shore excursions. ABOUT THE AREA:

Northwest of Punta Arenas, treeless pampas merge with undulating hills and valleys to form pastoral scenes of grandeur; fields carpeted with golden dandelions, dotted with pine and cypress, on which huge flocks of sheep graze, lambs gambol, cattle placidly browse and horses playfully gallop.   You pass Patagonian huasos and sheepherders.   Near Puerto Natales you see mountain seascapes of incredible awesomeness.   In the Park, a wildlife sanctuary, ducks, geese, shorebirds, gulls and flamingos abound, as do rabbit and small deer, huge flocks of ostriches.   You drive through hundreds and hundreds of flocks of bleating, careening sheep.    Cypress and pine in a wild assortment of wind-blown shapes are everywhere, as are the mountains in an ever-changing variety of vistas, depths and panoramas accented by bursts of floral coloring, the changeable blues and greens of lakes and lagoons…a prodigality of beauty that almost surfeits the senses.   (B,L,D)

For more inforamtion about HOSTERIA LAS TORRES click here

DAY 3: TORRES DEL PAINE AM/PM Excursions of your choice. Return for dinner and accommodation at Hosteria Las Torres. (B,L,D)  

DAY 4: TORRES DEL PAINE / PUNTA ARENAS / SANTIAGO Breakfast. Departure to Punta Arenas airport to take flight to Santiago. (Flights after 16:00 hrs) (B) COST PER PERSON:

Hosterias Las Torres 4 day/3 night program: Sep & Oct 2024 & Apr 2025 Garden View room Double: US$3,300 Single $4,290 Triple $2,999 Child $1,300 Nov.1 to Dec.21, 2024 & Jan 4, Feb, Mar 2024 Garden View room Double: US$3,740 Single $4,845 Triple $3,495 Child 1,493

Dec.22, 2024 & Jan 3, 2025

Garden View room Double: US$3,960 Single $4,990 Triple $3,550 Child 1,620   Hosterias Las Torres 5 days/4 nights program: Sep & Oct 2024 & Apr 2025 Garden View room Double: US$3,626 Single $4,680 Triple $2,990 Child $1,410   Nov.1 to Dec.21, 2024 & Jan 4, Feb, Mar 2024 Garden View room Double: US$4,199 Single $5,290 Triple $3,490 Child $1,555

Dec.22, 2024 & Jan 3, 2025 Garden View room Double: US$4,680 Single $5,550 Triple $3,990 Child 1,690

For questions or further information on Argentina or about these programs 

Have your Travel Agent call Tara Tours at 

1-800-327-0080 or e-mail us at

[email protected]

chile patagonia vacation deals

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    TARA TOURS TOUR CONDUCTORS. Hotel accommodation for 8 nights including room taxes and service charges. Tours as noted including entrance fees and English-speaking tour guide on a private basis. Transfers for all local flights. Meals as mentioned in itinerary. Local airfare to Santiago, Easter Island, Santiago, Punta Arenas & Santiago.

  3. Machu Picchu Tour Packages

    2024 LAND TOUR RATES PER PERSON DBL -US$3,400; Trp $3,292 Plus Local airfare Lima-Cuzco-Lima-Iquitos-Lima via Lan Peru US$500-600 per person. International airfare is not included. From Dec.25 to Jan.04 there is an increase of 10% due to High Season. INSURANCE: Tara Tours Inc. strongly recommends that you purchased travel insurance.

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    ABOUT. Hermine and Daniel Taramona founded Tara Tours, Inc. in 1980 to create personalized tour programs to Central and South America.Our programs have been featured in various publications and recognized for their low cost. Our knowledgeable staff can tailor-make your itinerary based on firsthand experience.

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    June 24, 2024. Tara MacLean is currently on tour in the UK throughout June and July, ahead of the release of her new live EP 'Live in My Hometown', released 16th August 2024. The tour follows ...


    NOTE: For those than dont like Zip Linning, Tara Tours offers you an alternative to visit a Biological center called Danaus Ecocenter. (B) DANAUS ECOCENTER (1/2 day) Your tour guide will pick you up and drive to the small biological reserve, 15 minutes east of the town of La Fortuna, is a model of conservation.

  16. How to spend 48 hours in Charlotte with Birdsong co-owned Tara Goulet

    Story by Lauren Corriher. • 8m • 3 min read. Your tour guide: Tara Goulet, co-owner of Birdsong Brewing Company. Tara and her husband Chris opened Birdsong as a neighborhood brewery in 2011 ...

  17. Тара Турс

    Добре дошли в специализирания круизен сайт на Тара Турс! Тук ще намерите оферти за индивидуални и организирани круизи от цял свят на нашите партньори от COSTA, MSC, NORWEGIAN CRUISE LINE, ROYAL CARIBBEAN, CELESTYAL ...

  18. Justin Timberlake's DWI Arrest and Reported Exchange With ...

    The 43-year-old is currently on his Forget Tomorrow World Tour, with scheduled stops in Chicago on June 21 and June 22, and New York City on June 25 and June 26.

  19. Galapagos, Amazon

    Cancellations must be in writing and received by Tara Tours Inc. Penalties are as follows prior to departure date : - 121 days prior to departure, spaces can be released without penalty less US$150 pp service fee - 120 - 61 days prior to departure, USD $500 per person per short cruise shall be charged for any space released. ...

  20. Warren G Details Tense Confrontation With Stranger in ...

    Warren G ran into some trouble while on his Cali to Canada Tour. The Long Beach native took to Instagram over the weekend to share an uneasy confrontation he had with a stranger in Vancouver ...

  21. Tara Tours™ brings you

    For reservations or free tour catalogues call your Travel Agent or. our toll free 1-800-327-0080 or e-mail us at: [email protected]. Tara Tours Inc. 12002 SW 128 CT -Suite 209. Miami, FL. 33186 - USA . Phones: 305-278-4464 Toll free: 1-800-327-0080

  22. The Tara Tours Team

    Tara Tours Inc. is a family-owned company that offers personalized and sensitive tour programs to Guatemala, Chile and other destinations in the region since 1980. You can contact them by phone or email for free tour catalogues and tailor-made itineraries.

  23. Saweetie Defends Against Chicago Festival Stampede Claims

    Saweetie has been put on blast for causing a stampede at Vegandale Festival in Chicago. On Sunday, the "Best Friend" rapper was in the middle of her set when she stopped mid-song after seeing ...

  24. PANAMA

    This tour is a once in a lifetime experience. Transiting by ferry through 2 sets of locks. This feat is accomplished on gravity alone, no water pumps are used. ... Have your Travel Agent call Tara Tours at 1-800-327-0080. [email protected] . Home About us Fam Trips Hot Deals Central ...


    The Big Three in Colombia -8 days Bogota, Medellin & Cartagena....fantastic cities..!! Cartagena is HOT...! fantastic one week with private transfers and tours.... Colombia's Coffee Region Visiting Bogota, Pereira and the Coffee region San Andres Island 7 days to discover this fabulous Caribbean Islands. Many choices of hotels Marazul, Aquarium, San Luis, Isleno, Maryland....

  26. BRAZIL

    Please email us to: [email protected]. 2024 LAND TOUR COST PER PERSON DOUBLE US$2,995 Plus local airfare Sao Paulo -Cuiaba or Rio Cuiaba RT $200-300 pp INCLUDING: Meals as specified in the itinerary (B=breakfast; L=lunch; D=Dinner). Tours as per itinerary with a naturalist English speaking guides.

  27. entraAmericamerica

    Tara Tours Inc. 12002 SW 128 CT -Suite 209. Miami, FL. 33186 - USA. 305-278-4464 1-800-327-0080. Fax: 305-278-4454 . [email protected]

  28. Vacation Tour packages to Patagonia, Easter Island & Atacama

    NOTE: During Christmas and New Years -please add 20% to all land tour rates. AIRFARE NOT INCLUDED. Approximately cost from Miami to Santiago and Easter Island US$1600-1800; New York 1700-1900; Los Angeles 1800-1990 plus taxes and fuel surcharges.