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June 26 2024

2024 Tour de France VIP Spectator Tour – Grand Départ

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Indulge in our Luxury Bespoke Package, with our 5 cities Italian tour, offering lavish accommodations, extraordinary cultural visits to Florence, Siena, Bologna, Milan and Piacenza, unparalleled guide services, and top-quality meals and wine.

July 03 2024

2024 Tour de France VIP Spectator Tour – Burgundy

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The Bespoke Burgundy bundle provides a premium package with a blend of 5-star accommodation, gourmet meals, exquisite wines, and exclusive VIP viewings.

July 11 2024

2024 Tour de France VIP Spectator Tour – Pyrenees

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This mini trip showcases everything the Tour de France has to offer! A VIP mid View, a VIP Start and a VIP Mountain Viewing!

July 16 2024

2024 Tour de France VIP Spectator Tour – Alps & Nice

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Embark on the ultimate Luxury experience during our final week, with deluxe accommodations, expert guides, top notch meals and wine, culminating in an exclusive Premium VIP viewing of the thrilling finale Time Trial on the last day

July 19 2024

2024 Tour de France VIP Spectator Tour – Nice Weekend

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A unique, weekend experience to the final 2 stages of the 2024 Tour de France in NICE, staying at the top hotel in Nice, the luxury 5-star Anantara Plaza, directly opposite the Finish Line of the Final Stage!

August 20 2024

2024 Vuelta a España Spectator Tour

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Andalusia unfolds with incredible backdrops,  thrilling cultural experiences and epic cycling routes, promising an unforgettable adventure for La Vuelta a España.

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Best Cycling Destinations for Race Culture by Thomson Bike Tours

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The Best Cycling Destinations for Race Culture

For cycling enthusiasts who thrive on the storytelling of racing and the allure of legendary routes, a cycling holiday to iconic destinations offers the ultimate adventure

Imagine cruising along the same serpentine roads that have tested the mettle of Tour de France champions, tracing the historic paths of the Giro d'Italia or battling the pavé of the Spring Classics. These destinations immerse you in the rich tapestry of cycling history and culture, where racing folklore punctuates every corner and the echo of cheering fans reverberates between mountain peaks. For cycling enthusiasts who thrive on the storytelling of racing and the allure of legendary routes, a cycling holiday to iconic destinations offers the ultimate adventure. Whether simply riding in the tire tracks of the heroes of yesterday, or witnessing today’s races first hand, our trips offer the perfect opportunity to experience the Best Destinations for Race Culture. From the storied peaks of the Tour to the epic switchbacks of the Giro and the impossibly steep bergs of the Classics. If you like the world of racing, you’ll love these trips.

Best Cycling Destinations for Race Culture by Thomson Bike Tours


Known as the greatest race on earth, La Grand Boucle is the ultimate trip for lovers of racing. This rolling show captivates not only France, but the world, for three weeks every July. Typically taking in the Alps and Pyrenees but also often the Vosges, Juras, Massif Central and more as the race route weaves its way around France and elsewhere for 21 thrilling stages. As the Number One Official Premium Tour Operator to the Tour de France, we offer privileged VIP access to the race, including mingling with the teams at Stage Starts and Finishes, winner’s podium photoshoots, riding on the race route and crossing the line hours before the race itself. Not only do we ride the best climbs, we take on the best of each year’s roads before taking the best seats in the house at the roadside to watch how the pros do it. You can’t get closer to the race without joining a pro team!

Best Cycling Destinations for Race Culture by Thomson Bike Tours


Winding, narrow farm roads and steep cobbled bergs could only mean one thing; Spring Classics. Throughout most of the year, these incongruous roads see little traffic, save the busying of tractors and delivery vans and the occasional local on a Dutch bike. Even in these dormant conditions the smooth but harsh pavé that lay on 15%+ gradients are an alluring sight to a cycling fan. The scene of many a famous one day race, where Classics hardmen and women have battled the elements and the parcours to triumph in front of passionate and vocal fans, flushed from the wind and emboldened by strong Belgian beers and mayo covered frites. Our annual pilgrimage to the Spring Classics is thrilling opportunity to ride on the most famous sections of the best races of the season including the iconic Tour of Flanders Gran Fondo. After watching the pros in action in the Tour of Flanders, we then spend the next four days riding the final 100 km (62 miles) of Gent-Wevelgem, then each of the Ardennes Classics: Liege-Bastogne-Liege, Amstel Gold and La Flèche Wallonne, before returning to Roubaix.

Best Cycling Destinations for Race Culture by Thomson Bike Tours

The mountains of the Alps are embedded into the history of the most famous races on earth, a playground for cyclists.These huge peaks are harsh and rugged, giant and imposing but the rewards are rich; accomplishment, unforgettable views and – of course - thrilling descents. When Tom Pidcock bagged his first ever Tour de France win he said “To ride up Alpe d’Huez, the most iconic finish in cycling, at the head of the race, that’s one of the best experiences of my life.” Even when the race isn’t in town an aura pervades the Alps. Road graffiti remains where motorhomes don’t, but the echoes of races past ring around the mountains. The unseen atmosphere gives the Alps an X Factor that you can’t put your finger on. The history of battles, of pros and amateurs tackling these monster climbs, spurs you on. Yes, it’s hard, but it’s possible. There’s no greater inspiration. We’ve prepared two awe-inspiring challenges that will test your limits and introduce you to the majesty and wonder of racing’s most celebrated terrain.

Best Cycling Destinations for Race Culture by Thomson Bike Tours


Forever entwined with the story of the Tour de France, the Pyrenees have been the backdrop for some of the most dramatic and memorable moments in racing. Featuring legendary climbs like the Col du Tourmalet, Col d'Aubisque Col de Peyresourde and so many more. For cycling enthusiasts, riding these iconic routes offers a chance to test their limits on the same challenging ascents that have humbled even the greatest champions. Additionally, the Pyrenees provide a unique blend of French and Spanish cultures, offering a rich tapestry of local traditions, cuisine, and hospitality. The stunning scenery, from lush valleys to rugged peaks, combined with the region's deep cycling heritage, creates an immersive and inspiring environment for any cycling holiday. Our Trans and Epic trans trip start in the heart of the French Pyrenees, where you’ll conquer the most iconic climbs as we cross the Pyrenees from east to west. Several magnificent climbs await on the Spanish side too, making this one of the most exciting locations for any cyclist.

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The mystique of Italy’s high mountains has an eternal pull, drawing us in to explore the twisting ribbons of roads that wrap their jagged and imposing forms. Famous for painters and artists, Italy has produced many spectacular landscapes. The Dolomites have been the home to cycling for over a century, made famous by the greatest races on earth. The land that brought us Michaelangelo’s David and Botticelli’s Birth of Venus also brought us both Fausto Coppi and his timeless Persol sunglasses. Where else does art and life join so seamlessly – beauty, style and panache were seemingly born in Italy. So many cycling campionissimi were crafted here; Bartali, Coppi, Gimondi, Moser and Pantani are legends of the sport. Without them we wouldn’t have the sport we do today where style and flair are as important as technical ability and fitness. Much like racing cars, coffee machines and scooters – if it’s Italian, it’s cool. Our Trans and Epic Trans Dolomites trips take on the roads made famous by the Giro d’Italia. Tthe Stelvio, the Gavia, and the Mortirolo are just a few of the legendary climbs youcross the Italian Alps and Dolomites. Our newly designed route concludes with the infamous Monte Zoncolan. Starting under a banner that reads “Welcome to the Gates of Hell”, the Zoncolan, along with the Angliru in Spain, is widely considered the most difficult climb of the Grand Tours.

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Review: Thomson Bike Tours’ Portugal Gravel ride is the explorer’s cycling tour

gravel cycling near the southern coast of portugal with thomson bike tours

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Adventure comes in many forms. Sometimes part of the fun is finding a new route, planning the details, and creating the challenge. Other times, it’s committing to doing something new and putting your trust in others to create an experience for you. Both have their merits, the latter being much easier…the only real lift is taking the time off work and entering your credit card numbers.

Long known for their guided (and hard) road bike rides throughout the world, Thomson Bike Tours’ new Gravel series combines their signature level of challenge with the added fun of dirt backroads, off-the-beaten-path routes, and the ability to explore a little more.

riding through orange groves in portugal

Make no mistake, the focus is on the quality of the ride over a pampered experience and gourmet dining. But it’s still a well-appointed tour. Nice lodging, good food, some wine, and plenty of snacks mean you won’t be hurting for anything except maybe good WiFi. Which should be considered a bonus.

We booked at trip on Thomson’s inaugural Portugal Gravel tour in fall 2021, where they led us through southern Portugal, from mountains to coast, across six days of riding. The guides wiggled us through small towns, forest roads, local paths, and more, with many days loosely following the historic Algarve trail.

If all that sounds interesting, here’s a quick day-by-day recap of our trip, followed by a few more thoughts on why we like Thomson’s approach to guided bike tours…

DAY ZERO – Don’t do what we did

walking in lisbon portugal

Which is go out walking, eating and (mostly) drinking all day.

Nay… DO what we did. This is the way.

We’d say hit the ground running, but, mostly, it was walking. A lot of walking, with the idea of shaking off the jet lag, getting fresh air, finding a coffee, and maybe, perhaps, a drink or two to check out the local scene.

Instead, we embarked on an 8-hour hike up and down the very hilly streets of Lisbon, led/followed/joined a political protest march, and found plenty of fun refreshment stops.

drinking beer in lisbon portugal

Lisbon may be on the coast, but it’s packed with hills. And rooftop bars, which offer great views over the city. And if you pick the right ones, perhaps even a sunset view. We actually finished our last day of the trip at that castle there in the background, which is definitely worth a visit.

having cocktails in a shoe store in lisbon portugal

As dark settled in, we continued our cultural exploration, happily stumbling upon shoes and booze at The Lisbon Walker . A handmade shoe store with local wines and a full bar, whose unexpected owner will mix up a custom cocktail based on your personal likes was a treat.

Then we revisited Saccarabos Beer Co , which we’d stumbled upon earlier, and eventually we found a Mexican restaurant (naturally) where the chips took entirely too long to arrive but the margaritas were good plentiful. And where we also met a freshly married young lady woman who did not hesitate in trying to make out with us. In front of her new husband. It was weird, but these are the stories that only come from drinking your way around a new town without worrying about the next day.

walking the streets in lisbon portugal

Just a few more hills and we were back at the metro, then safely in our room for a few hours sleep to prepare for…

DAY ONE – The Warmup / Shakedown Ride

thomson bike tours portugal gravel cycling tour map

The six day tour starts with a 3 hour drive from Lisbon to Tavira, a small spot near the Spanish border. The entire trip runs east to west along the southern tip of Portugal. To say it’s an early start after a full day of “exploration” is an understatement. I slept the entire van ride.

meeting at the hotel for the thomson bike tours gravel trip

First stop is lunch and a quick meeting to get bikes built, meet the team, and have lunch.

meeting at the hotel for the thomson bike tours gravel trip

Bring your own bike, or you can rent a Felt Breed alloy gravel bike with 1x drivetrains. They’re a great bike with plenty of mounts to attach a top tube bag and extra bottle cage.

thomson bike tours portugal gravel cycling tour riding action

Following that is a shorter ride to get even better acquainted with the bikes and the staff and shake out the legs. The days are all different, and this one was an even mix of wiggling through a small town…

riding bikes on the thomson bike tours gravel trip

…pedaling along the coast to check out salt farms…

riding bikes on the thomson bike tours gravel trip

…and hit a little gravel. Then dinner, and then bed. The real riding starts on…

DAY TWO – Olives and Cobbles

riding bikes through olive trees and villages in portugal

Day two is ~85km with 1,160m of climbing, winding across aged cobble and dirt roads and through small farms and villages. Each day is a highlight of its own, and we had the luxury of being there to document it, which allowed for plenty of stops to actually enjoy the scenery.

I say that because some folks are there to ride (read: hammer), and others are there to pedal somewhere new. If you’re like us and enjoy frequent photo stops or picking fruit, it’s worth having that conversation with the group and the guides at the start. They’ll break into “A” and “B” groups anyway, so it’s best if expectations are known in advance.

found fruit on a bike ride

Because there’s plenty to stop for most days. Like wild pomegranate trees and freshly fallen citrus samples that you can harvest.

roof tiles made the old fashioned way

And traditional tile makers, all of which are worth stopping to take in.

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Olive fields are everywhere early in the trip, and you’ll feel like you’ve stepped back in time…

riding bikes through olive trees and villages in portugal

…passing folks as they shake the fruit from the trees and gather it in baskets to be picked up later.

lunch stop on thomson bike gravel tour

Lunch stops are fully catered with sandwich makings, fruit, drinks, and snacks. They provide plenty of on-bike snacks to grab and go, too.

portugal house for sale in algarve region

Homes (or what’s left of them) for sale became a running joke amongst us as we became more and more enamored with the landscape and simple lifestyle throughout the area.

yard art in portugal algarve region

One of the remarkable aspects of this tour was the sheer volume of gravel and cobble roads Thomson Bike Tours combined to traverse Portugal. We were off the pavement and away from cars most of the time, and often away from people, too. The landscape was the entertainment, and we could soak it in without distraction.

riding gravel bikes in portugal

It’s also impressive that they didn’t water down the experience. It’s hard.

Sergi, our trip leader, says many cycling tours are focused on things like the wine, or a particular destination. But Thomson focuses on the ride, because at the end of the day, that’s what you’re going to remember.

Throughout Europe, most good hotels (and they do stay at good, if not great, hotels) will have good meals. And good wine. And, honestly, beer in Europe is hit or miss anyway, with only one or two options available at any given hotel bar. So, if you have a great place to stay and decent food and drink, then the real thing to look for is the quality of the ride, and having great guides.

On our tour, the guides had been with Thomson for 3 to 10 years. Sergi says the average is 4-5 years for their current guides across all of their rides. And they do a LOT of rides, about 70 planned for 2022  across road and, now, gravel.

DAY THREE – Via Algarviana

algarve trail sign

Much of our route follows or criss crosses the Via Algarviana, a ~300km hiking trail that goes from the Spanish border to Cap São Vicente on the southwestern tip of Portugal, crossing through the central Algarve region.

riding by citrus trees in portugal

After wiggling out of town, and past numerous small citrus patches, Day Three gets a lot more remote.

riding by citrus trees in portugal

So, grab an orange (or two)…there’s often perfectly good ones just fallen if you’re not one to grab straight from another’s tree. I’ve found it’s a good idea to have spare room in a jersey pocket or frame bag for just such things.

climbing on gravel bikes

Rolling out of town, we passed Eucalyptus trees. Forests, even. Which were planted here en masse in the 18th century as a reforestation effort and to prevent erosion.

The non-native tree, however, burns easily and is blamed for the massive wildfires in 2017 that burned much of the countryside here. The charred proof remains today, even as the trees make a come back. For better or worse, they’re coveted by the paper and pulp industries, so they keep them.

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While Day Three may not look like much on the elevation profile, the ~1400m of climbing over ~65km of riding makes itself known.

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Long, gradual climbs provide expansive views of the recuperating tree farms.

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The long climbs provide long descents, too, where the old adage “go slow to go fast” is wisely adhered to.

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Today ends at a spa hotel, so be sure to book your massage immediately upon arrival and then remember that a spa’s idea of a “sports massage” might be a bit more low key than what you’re used to, but still quite nice.

DAY FOUR – Screaming down the Monchique Mountains

monchique mountains riding gravel bikes with thomson bike tours gravel trip

Day Four was about half pavement, half gravel, but oh what glorious pavement it was. With about 1250m of climbing split almost evenly between first and second halves of the ride, today’s a speedy start (bring a windbreaker) followed by a long gravel road overlooking the valley.

Unfortunately, I didn’t stop to take pics on the road side of the ride. But imagine the most glorious ribbon of smooth asphalt you’ve seen, hugging the side of the valley, and descending for mile after mile after mile with barely any traffic at all, and you’ll understand why I didn’t stop. Photos wouldn’t do it justice.

rest stop in the monchique mountains riding gravel bikes with thomson bike tours gravel trip

The turnaround point put us onto gravel, with a snack stop about halfway..and, thankfully, near the top of the climb back out of the valley. Local sweets and cakes got our sugar back up for the rollercoaster ride back into town.

monchique mountains riding gravel bikes with thomson bike tours gravel trip

The gravel side is in the sun, providing a warmer finish to the day…

velochique cafe coffee stop along the ride

…with a lovely lunch at Velochique cafe and bike shop. Great coffee and excellent food (the burgers looked amazing, but my chicken avocado panini didn’t disappoint) make this a perfect post ride stop before a short pedal back to the hotel. We stayed at the same spot, so if you missed your massage opportunity the first day, book it for the second day before dinner.

One caveat…the pools at all of the hotels were freezing cold on our November trip. Thomson offers an April trip to Portugal as well, which may be slightly warmer, but we wouldn’t count on taking a dip to relax post ride at any of the stops. Hot showers worked out better.

DAY FIVE – A big ride to the beach

steep cobble road start for thomson gravel bike tour in portugal

Day Five starts the same way Day Four did, up an 18º cobble road climb just a few meters from the hotel. It’s rough, and the climbing doesn’t stop for quite some time on this day…but it’s worth it.

thomson gravel bike tour in portugal

Just don’t forget to turn around and enjoy the view while chugging up the climbs.

seeing windmills in the forest on thomson gravel bike tour in portugal

Today’s elevation map is straight up from the start and looks the biggest (though another day just beats it in total gains). But once at the top, the view to the coast proves that it’s mostly all downhill from here.

seeing windmills in the forest on thomson gravel bike tour in portugal

Riding past and directly next to windmills is a true highlight, and there’s a long stretch of them to enjoy. The whooshing sound the blades make as they spin past drives home just how big they are.

harvesting bark from trees on thomson gravel bike tour in portugal

Portugal reportedly makes over 400 million cork wine stoppers per day, and it all comes from Cork Oaks and a delicate stripping process followed by a not-so-delicate heaving-of-the-bark-onto-a-giant-pile process. Imagine driving that truck trailer.

riding through the forest on thomson gravel bike tour in portugal

The descent to the coast is steep at times, subtle at others, and runs through a wide variety of landscapes. We even found a little singletrack that was worthy of a trail bike…and super fun on the Felt gravel bikes.

coastal riding riding through the forest on thomson gravel bike tour in portugal

As we neared the coast, the flora and fauna changed to more tropical types. The brush became more dense. And the scenery more interesting.

coastal riding riding through the forest on thomson gravel bike tour in portugal

Small villages dotted the landscape, and several new apartment buildings were under construction. For a coastal town with amazing beaches and monstrous waves, southern Portugal seems both quaint and isolated.

As much as I’d love it to stay that way, it’s only a matter of time before it’s developed…to a point. The coastal areas where the best beaches are are protected, so  you’ll have a short (couple of minutes) transit to get to the water. Regardless, it’s an incredibly chill vibe that’s getting harder to find. Go now. Or just stay an extra week after your Thomson gravel tour.

coastal riding riding through the forest on thomson gravel bike tour in portugal

Day Five dips directly onto the beach, with an amazing seafood lunch at an oceanside shack. Soak it in. Don’t rush it. Grab a coffee.

coastal riding riding through the forest on thomson gravel bike tour in portugal

Because after the break, we turned inland again for a bit.

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The dirt roads leading away from the beach were pockmarked with small, secluded fields full of surf bums and hippies, many parked in vans of various quality, an old bus, or even a barely-converted UPS delivery truck. A few mobile homes here and there, or quaint houses, were spread along the road, too.

It’s a chill vibe that I want to return to and spend more time soaking in. That there’s endless gravel riding around, too, is a bonus.

coastal riding riding through the forest on thomson gravel bike tour in portugal

Just had to throw this in because the overland rig was impressive. But also one of very, very few cars that came by us on the entire trip’s worth of gravel and dirt road riding.

DAY SIX – Coastal cycling and an evening out

gravel cycling near the southern coast of portugal with thomson bike tours

The final day of riding starts off with a loop through an eco-preserve park at Carrapateira.

gravel cycling near the southern coast of portugal with thomson bike tours

This is the spot I’d come back to. Our hotel the night before was quaint ( even if the WiFi was terrible, which is totally normal for remote parts of Europe, and especially when you have 20 people trying to use it ), and it was just a five minute ride to views like this. Surf camps and eco-farm hotels dot the area, providing plenty of places to relax and try a new sport.

Hiking trails weave through this park, too, and beaches book end it with spots to surf or just relax.

gravel cycling near the southern coast of portugal with thomson bike tours

Pop off the semi-paved loop to get a closer look at the jagged coastline.

gravel cycling near the southern coast of portugal with thomson bike tours

The view of Praia do Amado beach on the way out of the park sealed the deal for me, I’m going back. Amado is known as the most consistent year-round break in Portugal, with both left- and right-hand breaks. When we rode by in November, they were perfect 10-13 foot waves, though they do get smaller in the summer.

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A bit more wiggling through the interior brought us into a nearly Seussical forest with more windmills provided shelter from the coastal winds and yet another landscape to explore.

thomson bike tour

For the entire trip, sag vehicles followed, sometimes bouncing between A and B groups, and always eager to grab or provide an extra layer, snacks, bottle refills, or fix a mechanical. After each day’s ride, drop your bike with their mechanics as soon as you get to the hotel and they’ll make any repairs necessary, then store them securely and have them ready for you in the morning. They even wash them down at the end of the trip, so they’re clean and ready to be packed for your travel home!

gravel cycling near the southern coast of portugal with thomson bike tours

The final day winds on and off the coast, and the views never disappoint.

gravel cycling near the southern coast of portugal with thomson bike tours

While the last day has just ~900m of climbing, it’s one of the longest and windiest, and the cumulative fatigue starts to set in. Fortunately, a lunch step near the hotel let us regroup, with their team pulling the paceline home for the final stretch.

gravel cycling near the southern coast of portugal with thomson bike tours

A quick stop to check out a castle in our destination port of Sagres…

gravel cycling near the southern coast of portugal with thomson bike tours

…ended up providing some of the most dramatic ocean conditions and shoreline of the trip.

tapas in sagres portugal after a bike ride with thomson bike tours

After getting cleaned up, we strolled through town to find a snack and a pint of Portugal’s ubiquitous Super Bock. Some of Thomson’s crew and a few clients joined us, too, sharing stories from past trips and answering questions and giving feedback about this one.

The next morning was an early shuttle back to Lisbon, but Watts and I stayed on another night, strolled through town once again, and found some new platces to eat and drink, as well as revisiting some favorites.

Are Thomson Gravel Bike Tours worth it?

gravel cyclist riding up a hill

If you’re looking for an escape into another country, and want to see the villages and scenery off the main roads while getting in a solid ride each day, Thomson Gravel Tours are worth a look.

They take rider care and health seriously, with guidelines for handling bottles and snacks to keep everyone healthy and riding. And it’s not just because of COVID, they’ve been doing that since 2014 since they’re often riding through rural areas and want to keep anyone from getting a stomach bug (or worse, spreading something to the rest of the group).

Depending on the trip, some meals are up to you, like if they’re bringing everyone out on the town, but mostly Thomson has you covered. For this trip, every meal was provided, with picnic lunches mid ride.

For me, I would do it again in a heartbeat, albeit in a different location on different roads. And I’d take Watts again…it’s fun meeting new people, but also fun sharing an experience with a good friend. And there are only so many people I can stand being around for 8 days at a time. Fortunately (oddly?), Watts is one of them. I’m sure you all have a couple of friends like that, too. Choose wisely.

As for Watts, here’s his take:

“While there’s that part of me that balks at paying anyone for a guided cycling tour of anything, I’ll admit, I was intrigued. I kept thinking about the possibility of doing a trip like this with my son. Whether soon, or in the near distant future. A trip where the time we spend together could be less about me dragging him through the kind of duration and austerity that I’ll happily tolerate to be in a place I’ve never been, and more about introducing him to and sharing with him an experience that would hopefully plant the seed for his own exploration on the bike . And to get to spend that kind of time with him as he finds his own way… what is that worth? And what does it cost? I definitely started crunching some mental numbers.”

And oh, um, yeah, I’d totally take my family, too…if they were ready. Thomson’s bike tours are mostly about the riding, and this one was just the right amount of hard. So, choose a partner that’s up for that, physically and spiritually. A weeklong bike tour is not something you just throw someone into. But doing something that’s pushes a just bit past one’s comfort zone is a great way to expand your own and your partner’s/friend’s notions of what’s possible and strengthen a relationship, especially when all of the little logistical details are already attended to.

Thomson offers 14 gravel trips per year in Morocco, Girona, Tuscany, Provence, La Rioja, Iceland, Vermont, Pyrenees, Scotland, and Portugal, some offered multiple times per year. Prices range from $3,495 to $5,895 depending on location and duration, excluding travel to and from their starting points.

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Tyler Benedict is the Founder of . He has been writing about the latest bikes, components, and cycling technology for almost two decades. Prior to that, Tyler launched and built multiple sports nutrition brands and consumer goods companies, mostly as an excuse to travel to killer riding locations throughout North America.

Based in North Carolina, Tyler loves family adventure travel and is always on the lookout for the next shiny new part to make his bikes faster and lighter.


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I’ve been on two Thomson road bike tours and they are worth every penny. Such a great crew, impeccable logistics, and a complete focus on clients. I hope to be on a few more Thomson tours in the future.


I was in Algarve back in December visiting family. It was my first time bringing my road bike in the 30 years that I have visited Algarve.

It was the most amazing rides I have ever done. As you guys did, I rode up a couple of times to Monchique. Most of my rides was in this area. It was bloody amazing. And yes. That burger is GREAT 😀

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Thomson Bike Tours

Born from a love of cycling and a passion to create the greatest cycling experiences.

A huge part of what makes your trip with Thomson an amazing experience is down to the team — from the expert guides, and seasoned support staff on the trip to the logistics and operations specialists in the office. Every part of the Thomson team work tirelessly to make sure your trip goes smoothly from start to finish.

As passionate cyclists, the entire team plays a role in our unrivalled service. It’s in our nature to explore and our dream to provide the best possible cycling experience. We want you to enjoy that experience with us; to join our expert cyclists, to make yourself proud and to create everlasting memories. We believe that the most important part of any trip is the ride and constantly refine our routes to make sure they’re the best they can be. We go again and again until they are.

Forever searching for new roads, unfound cols and better vistas, we never tire of creating the greatest cycling experiences. Let’s Go Again.

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Tour Operator:  Thomson Bike Tours

  8   days   (Bike: 7 days)

  792   km   (~ 113 km  per day)

  Big climbs , On-road

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  Tour Operator   Thomson Bike Tours

Enjoy some of the finest bike riding in the whole of Italy, including the highest volcano in Europe, Mount Etna.

Take a step back in time on this magical and historic island. Cross the island including a double ascension of Europe’s highest volcano: Mount Etna.

Our Trans-Sicily trip crosses this magnificent island from east to west.

The trip starts on the North Coast in Cefalù, one of Italy’s best-preserved medieval villages. From Cefalù you’ll head into the centre of the island through the magnificent Madonie National Park and on to the east coast where a certain Mount Etna awaits to be conquered. From Etna you’ll cross the island, backtracking along the routes of Stages 4 & 5 of the 2020 Giro d’Italia to Enna, then on to Agrigento and the Valley of Temples Unesco site.

A magnificent ride through this historic and passionate island – not to be missed!

Bike tour: Trans French Alps

Trans French Alps

  450   km   (~ 64 km  per day)

A magnificent journey across the French Alps, from Morzine to the legendary Alpe d'Huez

You’ve seen the pros do battle on the most famous climbs of the Tour de France. This is your opportunity to conquer the very same climbs as you ride this magnificent route across the French Alps.

Conquer the Col du Galibier, the Col de la Madeleine, the Col de Telegraphe, the Col de Joux Plane, the Col de la Colombiere, and of course the legendary 21 switchbacks to Alpe d’Huez.

We’ve designed a magnificent route that will introduce you to the majesty and wonder of road cycling’s most celebrated terrain.

In addition to the famous climbs mentioned above, you’ll also conquer the newest paved road in the Alps, the massive Col de la Loze, which is now rated the most challenging climb in the French Alps and first featured in the Tour de France in 2020.

Prepare for a week of awe-inspiring cycling in the French Alps!

Bike tour: EPIC Trans Cantabrian Mountains

EPIC Trans Cantabrian Mountains

  795   km   (~ 114 km  per day)

Ride across the dramatic Cordillera Cantabrica, home to Spain's most challenging climbs

Conquer the legendary climbs of the Vuelta a España in this incredible week of cycling in the Cordillera Cantabrica. Includes Lagos de Covadonga and the Angliru, the toughest climb in pro cycling.

Thomson Bike Tours is uniquely qualified to introduce you to this mind-blowing Grand Tour terrain. Spain is our back-yard and the Cantabrian mountain chain is our favourite playground. Home to the legendary climbs of the Vuelta a España, the Cordillera Cantabrica is a staggeringly beautiful mountain range that runs along the North Coast of Spain, from the Basque Country to Galicia. Highlights of the week include the opportunity to conquer the notorious Alto el Angliru, the toughest climb in professional cycling, and the spectacular Lagos de Covadonga, voted by many of our guests as their favourite climb ever.

The Cordillera Cantabrica mountain range, with it’s non-existent traffic and extreme geographic profile, is one of the best kept secrets in European cycling!

Bike tour: EPIC Trans Dolomites

EPIC Trans Dolomites

  674   km   (~ 96 km  per day)

From the Stelvio to the Zoncolan, an epic ride across the toughest climbs in the Italian Alps & Dolomites

Discover the breathtaking landscapes and majestic mountain passes that have featured in so many epic Giro d’Italia stages. Includes the Stelvio, Mortirolo, Gavia, Zoncolan, Giau, Crostis, Fedaia and many more!

Made famous by the Giro d’Italia, the Stelvio, the Gavia, and the Mortirolo are just a few of the legendary climbs you’ll conquer on this ambitious and stunning route across the Italian Alps and Dolomites. You’ll ride the Sella Ronda loop, one of the most famous and impressive bike rides in Europe, and bag a number of other Giro legends including the Passo Giau and Passo Fedaia.

Our newly designed route concludes with the infamous Monte Zoncolan. Starting under a banner that reads “Welcome to the Gates of Hell”, the Zoncolan, along with the Angliru in Spain, is widely considered the most difficult climb of the Grand Tours. Make sure you have your climbing legs as we’ll also be riding the infamous Monte Crostis on the same day!

We’ve designed one of the hardest routes across the Italian Alps and Dolomites, and you’ll thank us for it.

Bike tour: Trans Dolomites

Trans Dolomites

  500   km   (~ 71 km  per day)

A rite of passage for every avid cyclist, the Dolomites are home to the most dramatic and transcendent peaks in Europe

Beyond the celebrated cycling culture, you’ll enjoy the breathtaking landscape, majestic mountains, charming Alpine villages, and that renowned Italian food and wine. The Dolomites never disappoint.

Made famous by the Giro d’Italia, the Stelvio, the Gavia, and the Mortirolo are just a few of the legendary climbs you’ll conquer on this magnificent route across the Dolomites and Italian Alps.

You’ll ride the Sella Ronda loop, one of the most famous and impressive bike rides in Europe. The Sella Ronda circles the Sella Mountain Range and includes 4 of the most stunning passes in the Dolomites: the Passo Pordoi, Passo Sella, Passo Gardena and the Passo Campolongo.

You’ll also bag a number of other Giro legendary climbs including the Passo Giau and Passo Fedaia.

Pack your climbing legs and join our ride leaders for a magnificent ride across the Dolomites and Italian Alps!

Bike tour: Trans Pyrenees

Trans Pyrenees

  474   km   (~ 68 km  per day)

A magnificent ride across the most famous climbs of the French Pyrenees

Discover the natural beauty of one of Europe’s most celebrated cycling terrains. Cross the Pyrenees, conquering legendary Tour de France climbs every day. Includes Tourmalet, Aubisque, Peyresourde, Port de Balès, Luz-Ardiden and many more!

The Pyrenees conjure up images of famous Tour de France stages. This is your opportunity to transform these images into real life as you conquer the legendary Pyrenees climbs of the Tour de France.

Starting in Pau, a frequent host of Tour de France stages, you’ll cross the Pyrenees from west to east, conquering iconic Tour de France climbs like the Tourmalet, Aubisque, Luz-Ardiden, Peyresourde, Port de Balès and many more. You’ll also ride the Col de Tentes and the Cirque de Troumouse, 2 lesser-known but incredibly stunning climbs!

Throughout the entire ride you’ll be amazed with the sheer natural beauty of this incredible region.

Bike tour: EPIC Trans Swiss

EPIC Trans Swiss


  726   km   (~ 104 km  per day)

Part fairytale, part Alpine adventure - arguably the most scenic of all our trips

It’s really hard to match Switzerland for it’s incredible scenery, unique charm and the sheer volume of iconic and challenging climbs. An absolute must for any avid cyclist who loves to climb.

Join us on a magnificent ride through some of the most incredible landscapes in Europe. Nowhere are the Alps more stunning than in Switzerland, and our Trans-Swiss Challenge captures the very best of the Swiss Alps.

Ride the incredible St Gotthardpass – one of the few cobbled passes in Europe – and Grosse Scheidegg – with it’s views of the famous Eiger, one of the most dramatic climbs in Europe. In addition to these 2 unique climbs, you’ll also conquer the Furkapass, Albulapass, Nufenenpass, Ofenpass, Umbrailpass, Grimselpass, and even the Passo Stelvio!

Few trips are blessed with such an impressive list of famous, breathtakingly beautiful – and challenging climbs!

Bike tour: Gran Canaria Cycling Camp

Gran Canaria Cycling Camp

  627   km   (~ 90 km  per day)

Sublime rides and perfect weather: Gran Canaria should be on the bucket-list of every cyclist.

Gran Canaria has it all: big mountains, endless sunshine, perfect temperatures and wonderful 4-star hotels to rest and recharge at the end of the day. Little wonder that so many pro riders spend the early winter months training here.

Trust Thomson to deliver a camp that goes above and beyond. This cycling paradise, just a short flight from Barcelona or Madrid, reaches 2,000m (6,500ft) in elevation and the island’s big climbs are up there with the hardest climbs in the Alps and Dolomites.

Join our expert ride leaders for a week of intensive riding that includes all the iconic climbs on the island including Valley of the Tears, Cruz San Antonio and Pico de las Nieves.

The perfect temperatures and constant sunshine guarantee you’ll return home with fantastic fitness and a killer cycling tan.

Bike tour: Tenerife & La Gomera Cycling Camp

Tenerife & La Gomera Cycling Camp

  9   days   (Bike: 7 days)

  585   km   (~ 84 km  per day)

The training ground of choice for so many pro riders preparing the Tour de France

Tenerife has become the preferred training destination of pro riders and this is your opportunity to discover just what is so special about this island.

Tenerife is the ideal destination for those looking to improve their fitness and escape the colder weather during the off-season. The island is of course famous for the climb to Mount Teide, where you’ll find the majority of pro riders in June, as they fine-tune their fitness for the Tour de France.

But there’s a lot more to our cycling camp than just Teide. You’ll take the short ferry ride over to the neighbouring island of La Gomera for an absolutely incredible day of riding. Competing with La Gomera and Teide for the ride of the week is the breathtakingly beautiful cliff road to the village of Masca, an amazing ride that will no doubt claim it’s spot in your all-time Top 10 rides.

Join us for a week of phenomenal riding and return home with fantastic fitness and a killer cycling tan that will make you the envy of your local grupetto!

Morocco Gravel


  8   days  

While great care has been taken to show full and correct tour details, unfortunately transcription errors do occur and, although we continually seek to eliminate these, we apologise for any mistakes. Plans or bookings should not be made exclusively based on information shown on this website but must be confirmed with the tour operator.

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thomson bike tour

Bike shops boomed early in the pandemic. It’s been a bumpy ride for most ever since

thomson bike tour

For the nation’s bicycle shops, the past few years have probably felt like the business version of the Tour de France, with numerous twists and turns testing their endurance.

Early in the pandemic, a surge of interest in cycling pushed sales up 64% to $5.4 billion in 2020, according to the retail tracking service Circana. It wasn’t unheard of for some shops to sell 100 bikes or more in a couple of days.

The boom didn’t last. Hobbled by pandemic-related supply chain issues, the shops sold all their bikes and had trouble restocking . Now, inventory has caught up, but fewer people need new bikes. So, bicycle makers have been slashing prices to clear out the excess. It all adds up to a tough environment for retailers, although there are a few bright spots like gravel and e-bikes.

“The industry had a hard time keeping up with the demand for a couple of years, but then demand slowed as the lockdowns ended, and then a lot of inventory started showing up,” said Stephen Frothingham, editor-in-chief of Bicycle Retailer & Industry News. “So now for the last, a year and a half, the industry has struggled with having too much inventory, at the supplier level, at the factory level, at the distributor level, at the retail level.”

In 2023, bike sales totaled $4.1 billion, up 23% from 2019, but down 24% from 2020, according to Circana. The path out of the pandemic has been uneven -- national retailers, such as REI and Scheels, are stabilizing faster than independent bike stores, said Matt Tucker, director of client development for Circana’s sports equipment business.

For John McDonell, owner of Market Street Cycles on the popular thoroughfare of Market Street in San Francisco, the shift to hybrid work brought about by the pandemic has been particularly tough on business. There used to be 3,000 bikes passing by his shop a day during the summer. That’s fallen to below 1,000, with fewer people commuting to work.

According to, which tracks people’s movements based on cellphone usage, San Francisco lags all other major cities when it comes to workers returning to offices, with April office visits still down 49% compared with April 2019.

“Our downtown is still a wasteland,” McDonell said.

Independent bike stores not only have to compete with national chains, but increasingly, bike makers such as Specialized and Trek as well. They’ve been buying bike shops and selling their bikes directly to consumers, essentially cutting out the middleman. Frothingham estimates there are now around a thousand bike shops in the country owned by either Trek or Specialized.

“They’ve got the money to absorb the fact that bike stores, you know, are not a super profitable thing, and in the process, they’ve also been able to cut us out of it,” McDonell said.

McDonell has been forced to cut down to using a skeleton crew of himself and another staffer, down from five previously. His dream of selling his shop to a younger bike enthusiast when he retires is fading. He might close his store when his lease is up in a couple of years.

“Now I am just trying to land it with both engines on fire and trying not to lose money on my way out,” he said.

In Boulder, Colorado, Douglas Emerson’s bike shop, University Bicycles, is faring better, boosted by its location in one of the most popular places to ride bikes in the country. He’s had the shop for 39 years and employs 30 staffers.

Like other bike stores, the pandemic spurred a frenzy of bike buying at University Bicycles. Emerson recalls selling 107 bikes in 48 hours. But right after the boom, sales slowed dramatically because inventory was scarce, and rentals died down since no one was traveling.

“It became a struggle right after the boom,” Emerson said. “And since then, the manufacturers have overproduced. And they’ve slashed prices dramatically which is good for the consumer. But with the small shops they’re often not able to take advantage of those prices.”

Emerson says the shop reached a “saturation point” – everyone who wanted a bike bought one. Now, he’s selling those customers accessories like clothing, helmets and locks. His shop has returned to its 2019 sales numbers.

University Bicycles has also benefited from some of the shifts in buying patterns. Continued high demand for e-bikes and a growing demand for children’s bikes have helped. And gravel bikes, which are designed to be ridden both on paved and gravel roads, are replacing road bikes as a popular seller.

John Ruger, who has been a cyclist for 50 years and is a loyal University Bicycles customer, hasn’t bought a bike in 10 years, but plans on taking advantage of the current prices to buy a gravel bike. A top gravel bike he’s eyeing that would normally sell for $12,000 to $14,000 is currently retailing for $8,000, he said.

“The timing is good,” he said. “I can get a bike now because they’re less expensive and my bikes are getting old.”

Shawna Williams, owner of Free Range Cycles in Seattle, Washington, didn’t have the sales surge others did because her 700 square foot shop was so small she took customers only by appointment from March 2020 to May 2021.

But Williams did have to deal with the eventual shortages. She spent a lot of time “checking in with other shops to see if we could buy something, even at retail, from them, just in order to get a repair done or a build done.”

She adapted by offering more services like repairs and maintenance to offset lower sales of bikes. The maneuvering helped her keep overall sales steady even throughout the pandemic.

“Bike sales, the way that I have kind of framed the shop, are an awesome bonus, but we really need to be sustaining the shop through repair and, like, thoughtful accessory sales,” Williams said. “A bike sale to me, if we do things well, that means creating a customer for life.”

This story has been updated with the correct the name of tech company, not

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1. Electrostal History and Art Museum

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2. Statue of Lenin

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3. Park of Culture and Leisure

4. museum and exhibition center.

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5. Museum of Labor Glory

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7. Galereya Kino

8. viki cinema, 9. smokygrove.

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10. Gandikap

11. papa lounge bar, 12. karaoke bar.


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  4. 2024 Tour de France VIP Spectator Tour

    Official Premium Tour Operator - Thomson Bike Tours is one of only 3 Official Tour Operators awarded "Premium" status to the Tour de France. Our partnership with the race organizers allows us to provide the ultimate insider Tour de France experience, complete with exclusive VIP hospitality and unprecedented race viewing opportunities.

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  9. The Best Cycling Destinations for Race Culture

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    7,528 Followers, 1,304 Following, 2,446 Posts - Thomson Bike Tours (@thomsonbiketours) on Instagram: " Introducing cyclists to the most rewarding trips imaginable throughout Europe. #letsgoagain Nº1️⃣Premium Official Tour Operator of @letourdefrance"

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  12. Thomson Bike Tours

    Thomson Bike Tours is uniquely qualified to introduce you to this mind-blowing Grand Tour terrain. Spain is our back-yard and the Cantabrian mountain chain is our favourite playground. Home to the legendary climbs of the Vuelta a España, the Cordillera Cantabrica is a staggeringly beautiful mountain range that runs along the North Coast of ...

  13. ThomsonBikeTours

    Thomson Bike Tours introduces avid cyclists to the most challenging and rewarding cycling experiences imaginable. From the world's biggest mountains to the top Pro Tour races, count on our team ...

  14. Thomson Bike Tours

    Spectacularly challenging cycling tours in Europe and beyond. Tour de France, Giro d'Italia, Canary Islands Training Camp, Dolomites, Pyrenees, Alps and more. In 15 years of tours, Thomson Bike ...

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    Media in category "Gorodok factory" The following 41 files are in this category, out of 41 total.

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