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5 uBlock Origin Alternatives for Safari

ublock origin for safari alternative

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If you hate unnecessary ads and trackers popping up on web pages and love to use ad blockers to get rid of them, you are at the right place. 

uBlock Origin is one of the most trustworthy adBlocker available in the market. But there is terrible news for Safari users; this excellent ad-blocker no longer works on Safari. 

We know that’s sad to know, but this is nothing to worry about, as we have some amazing Safari alternatives that will work out for you. So, without taking any more time, let us take you toward the alternatives we have picked for you. 

What is uBlock Origin? 

uBlock Origin, as the name suggests, is an open-source and free-of-cost ad-blocker that doesn’t even filter ads but also acts as a content filter for your web browser. This blocker is majorly concerned with protecting the user’s privacy on the web. 

Using the uBlock Origin ad-blocker, you will be able to detect any foreign material trying to invade your privacy online, and this blocker will consequently work in blocking that. 

uBlock Origin is known as a wide-spectrum content blocker , as its developers call it. Though numerous ad-blockers and content filters exist in the market for various web browsers, this one is the most cost-efficient and effective. ‘

4 Best uBlock Origin Alternatives for Safari

When it comes to adBlockers in the market, all the users want to get their hands on the best ones in the league. Though uBlock Origin is available for multiple web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, etc., unfortunately, it doesn’t work for Safari. 

This is a big disappointment for Safari users, but this doesn’t mean they don’t use any adBlocker now, putting their online privacy at stake. 

We have enlisted some of the best uBlock Origin Alternatives for you that work perfectly fine on the Safari browser. We compared their features with uBlock Origin for better choices before putting them on our list. 

Keep on reading if you are interested in knowing these alternatives in detail and want to make up your mind about the next best option in the market. 

1. Adblock Plus

If you have had a knack for ad blockers for a long time, you must have heard about Adblock Plus. It has been around for the longest and one of the reasons why it has survived for all this time is the reliability it offers. 

Adblock Plus is one of the easiest-to-use ad-blockers around, ensuring you get rid of all the unnecessary ads and irrelevant content coming your way. The best part about this blocker is that you won’t have to pay a single penny to remove all the ads from your webpage. 

Unlike other blockers in the market requiring separate software on your browser to make them work, this application works as a browser add-on . We found that to be a lot more convenient than installing software, as ads tend to appear quite often on web pages, and it’s hard to reach out to these software programs every time you see an ad. 

With a browser add-on, you have to activate the blocker once, and it will work for the entire time you are on a browser. 

The installation of Adblock Plus and its add-on extension is a hassle-free process. You don’t have to search for the blocker concerning your preferred web browser. All you have to do to install this ad-blocker is to go to the official webpage of adblockplus.org , and it will recommend the file depending on your browser. 

On Adblock Plus, you can choose the ads you want to block and filter the ones you don’t mind. For this, you just have to add the URL of the website you want to block all ads from into the filtering rule for Adblock Plus. Similarly, you can use the filters on this blocker to remove the ads popping up on your Safari webpage from time to time. 

2. AdGuard  

AdGuard is another uBlock Origin alternative you can use for your Safari browser. Being a premium ad blocker, it comes with all the features you expect from an ad blocker. While surfing on the web, this ad blocker will prevent all the ads and useless content solutions from reaching you. 

In addition to making your time on the web hassle-free, it also works in protecting your privacy to a great extent. This won’t let even your IP address get to anonymous sites. It won’t be an exaggeration to say that this software acts as a protective shield between you and online threats. 

AdGuard works by keeping an eye on malware trying to enter your web browser and also functions by hiding the CSS and HTML codes , ultimately protecting you against phishing. As far as the basic functioning of AdGuard is concerned, i.e., ad blocking, it does so by blocking all the banners, ads, pop-ups, etc., appearing on your web page. 

This software, like other ad blockers in the market, including uBlock Origin, does work perfectly well on YouTube videos. Though the functioning of this blocker for blocking YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram ads is not liable on Safari browser. 

But don’t worry; you get special filters on AdGuard to block all these unnecessary ads on the Safari browser. 

AdGuard also protects you against the most prevalent kind of fraud on the web, i.e., phishing, where the fraud takes up the form of reliable websites and web pages for stealing your private data and information.  

This blocker’s module website, which updates quite frequently, efficiently tracks and recognizes these websites, protecting your data online. Similarly, the Stealth Mode on AdGuard protects your data against websites that try to breach security by stealing your saved settings. 

Like unBlock Origin, where you can filter the kind of content you want to see on your web browser, AdGuard also keeps your web browsing experience completely safe and controlled. You can block the content from unwanted websites using this blocker.

Another exciting feature AdGuard comes equipped with is the regional filter feature that only works on the Safari browser. This filter permanently blocks data and ads from certain websites based on your language priority.   

3. Ghostery

If you are looking for a uBlock Origin alternative that keeps track of your online presence and blocks the ads and pop-ups based on your preference, Ghostery is the right choice. 

Like uBlock Origin and several other famous ad-blockers available in the market, you also get a browser extension for Ghostery. All you have to do is visit the relevant store for the browser and add its extension to it. 

Once the extension is integrated into the browser, it will handle the rest, i.e., blocking all the irrelevant ads , banners, and pop-up s and keeping malware and security threats away from you. 

Using the Do Not Track feature on Ghostery, you can browse through all the current trackers on your webpage. This also allows you to manage the trackers reaching you and can customize the ads you want to block or unblock based on your preference. 

As far as the interface of this popular ad-blocker is concerned, you won’t find it hard to use, even if you are a beginner. Most of the ads and banners can be removed from your webpage with just a single click. 

Customizing blocking filters and tracking the pathway your browser typically follows while you are online isn’t hard on this software either. 

One thing about this ad-blocker you need to know is that you can get a premium subscription to Ghostery, too, which will provide you access to Ghostery insights and other detailed information about your online presence . 

However, the free version of Ghostery is more than enough to block ads and banners and filter the content reaching you. If you have been using ad-blockers for the wrong time, it is not too much to go for the subscription plan , which is not that expensive. 

However, for beginners, we suggest sticking to the basic Ghostery plan, as it provides all the necessary information and has all the features to replace your uBlock Origin ad blocker. 

NextDNS is another reliable uBlock Origin you won’t regret getting your hands on. This blocker doesn’t only provide you immense security against all malicious websites but is also known for the high-class privacy features it offers. 

With NextDNS installed on your browser, data leakage isn’t something you need to worry about. NextDNS is extremely strict when sending information to third-party websites and doesn’t share even a bit of your personal information and data with third-party online sources without considering your knowledge. 

Being a DNS blocker helps keep your browser activity away from the reach of other sources online trying to track your online footprints. Whenever you search for a website on your Safari browser, NextDNS translates it into a numerical IP address , which is then shown to all the sources. 

On NextDNS, you get unlimited customization and configuration ability . This means that you can customize your DNS settings as much as you like ranging from blocking certain domains online, filtering up ads and banners to block, changing filtration settings, and customizing your block lists. This way, the entire control of your privacy and response to security threats remains in your hands. 

The Parental Control feature on NextDNS enables you to restrict the content your children can browse on the web. This way, you can prohibit the access of your Safari browser to certain websites, including adult and gambling sites. You can also set up a time tracker on your browser to record your children’s time on the web. 

Another interesting feature you get on NextDNS that is absent in uBlock Origin is the Handshake feature. Most security and privacy breaches online happen when you connect with other devices or connections. This feature allows you to establish connections only with secure and reliable sources. 

To stop other websites and advertising agencies from tracking your online presence and the websites and web pages you visit, NextDNS comes with a tracking protection feature. It works by blocking the DNS requests other domains send to your web browser. All you have to do is enable this feature on your blocker, automatically blocking all the DNS requests. 

Despite being laced with so many helpful features, the best part about NextDNS is its user-friendly interface. Even if you are a tech enthusiast aware of complex apps or are a beginner with little to no knowledge of blockers and trackers, using this ad-blocker won’t be a big deal for you. 

The Custom Allow list on NextDNS is helpful if you love to customize websites that can track your online activity or send their ads and pop-ups your way. Even if you have previously added a site to the block list of NextDNS, adding it to the Custom Allow list will make it available for you. 

How We Made This List 

Although trying multiple different uBlock Origin alternatives for the Safari browser was arduous, do you want to know what was even harder? Picking out the best options for you and deciding on the options that were not worth a try. 

Once you set out to find some reliable uBlock Origin alternatives for Safari, you will find a large pool of options. This is both fortunate and unfortunate. Fortunate, as you don’t have to worry about switching to a new ad-blocker service as with such a large number of options, the probability of finding the right one for you is pretty higher and unfortunate because it gets hard to decide on one option. 

What helped us get through this challenging task was a list we made containing all the features we wanted in the alternatives we picked out for you to try out. For your convenience, we have enlisted all these features below. 

Blocking Features 

As we were looking for uBlock Origin alternatives which is primarily an ad-blocker service, the first thing we kept in our mind was the blocking features the app comes with. With so many options in the market, we picked out only those options that can block multiple things simultaneously, including ads, pop-ups, and banners. 

This will allow you to get the benefits of multiple services in one blocker and will also save you plenty of time. As the service will manage most of the ads and security threats, you would be free to focus on the filtering rules. 


As we have mentioned, when ad-blockers are present as add-on extensions, the whole process is more accessible and hassle-free. While making our list of the best alternatives we wanted you to check out, we included only those available options as extensions to your browsers, so you don’t have to navigate to the software every time an ad pops up on your feed. 

Like other software programs and services, ad-blockers can also cost a lot of money if you go for the paid versions. Frankly, after all the research on ad blockers and going to multiple blockers ourselves, we realized there is no use investing in an ad blocker as a beginner. 

Keeping this in mind, all the options we enlisted above for you are entirely free of cost. Though some of them have paid versions, too, we have clearly mentioned who they are for. 

Conclusion – uBlock Origin Alternatives for Safari! 

That’s about it! Now you have access to some of the best uBlock Origin alternatives for Safari you can check out for yourself. With this guide, you now don’t have to feel bad about switching to the Safari browser, as all these options have the features you always wanted from the ad blockers. 

With these options, you can now spend as much time as you want on the web without worrying about your privacy and can even decide which devices you want to connect to. Have a safe online presence now! 

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The best ad blockers in 2024

Say goodbye to intrusive online advertising with the best ad blockers

best ad blockers

Best in-browser ad blockers

Best ad-blocking apps, best ad-blocking mobile apps, other privacy-focused extensions and apps.

The best ad blockers are crucial to survive on the modern internet. Not matter where you go, you're at risk of being harassed by pop-ups, tracker cookies, malvertising and countless other digital nasties that seem hell-bent on ruining your online experience. Even if all your browsing is above board, you're still at risk.

Thankfully there's no shortage of apps and browser extensions that can block ads and keep you safer when you're online. Combined with the best antivirus software and the best VPNs , a good ad-blocker gives you a perfect arsenal of tools to offer as much protection as possible. Even the FBI recommends using an ad-blocker for protection.

The only thing you need to figure out is which ad-blocker is right for you. There are so many to choose from, and whether you are willing to live with the downsides. Most free sites rely on advertising revenue to survive, including Tom's Guide. But if you're happy with the trade-off, we've got a thorough list of the best ad blockers and privacy tools — with options for every browser and platform.

The best ad blockers you can get today

1. adblock plus (chrome, edge, firefox, opera, safari, android, ios).

best ad blockers: adblock plus

AdBlock Plus (ABP) is among the most popular ad blockers, with extensions available for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge and Opera. ABP features a quick setup, loading preset filter lists that allow users to quickly block most ads, as well as the option to filter malware and social media buttons. 

Savvy users can chose additional block lists as well as set custom filters or whitelist their favorite sites to keep their ad revenue in the black. AdBlock Plus allows what it calls "non-intrusive advertising" through filters; that may irk some users, though this feature can be disabled in settings. 

On Android, the AdBlock Browser provides a Firefox-based browser that blocks incoming advertising, while on iOS, the AdBlock Plus app integrates with the content blocker system to seamlessly block advertising on Safari with minimal setup.

Download AdBlock Plus: Firefox , Chrome , Safari , Opera , Edge

2. AdBlock (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge)

best ad blockers: AdBlock

AdBlock (no relation to AdBlock Plus) is the other best ad-blocking browser extension of note, available for users of Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari. AdBlock uses a series of filter lists to automatically block ad content coming from known ad servers and providers. Users can stick with the default block lists, subscribe to additional ones, or even create their own, as well as whitelist their favorite websites. 

As one of the most downloaded Chrome and Safari extensions, AdBlock has the trust of many users worldwide.

Download AdBlock: Chrome , Firefox , Safari , Edge

3. uBlock Origin (Chrome, Firefox)

best ad blockers: Ublock Origin

Ublock Origin is a browser-based ad blocker that focuses on simple, efficient blocking with a low resource overhead. The extension comes loaded with a number of filter lists for known advertising and malware sources, with extra filter lists available and the option to read and create your own custom filters from hosts files.

Download Ublock Origin: Chrome , Firefox

4. Poper Blocker (Chrome)

best ad blockers: Poper Blocker

Rather than be an all-in one blocking solution, Poper Blocker (aka Pop Up Blocker For Chrome), is designed to complement other adblockers. 

In this case, Poper Blocker focuses on blocking pop-ups, pop-unders, overlays, timed and scroll pop-ups, and other varieties that might slip past other ad-blocking extensions. Small notifications tell you when pop-ups are blocked. You also can view your blocking stats, but otherwise, you can generally just keep Poper Blocker running in the background with minimal impact alongside other adblocker extensions.

Download Poper Blocker: Chrome

5. Stands Fair AdBlocker (Chrome)

best ad blockers: Stands Fair AdBlocker

For a fast and light ad-blocking plugin, Chrome users can turn to Stands Fair AdBlocker. The extension does precisely what it promises, blocking ads and pop-ups from cluttering up your browser view while also preventing any tracking from going on. 

Stand's Fair AdBlocker gives you control over the type of ads you can block, specifying everything from autoplay video ads, YouTube ads, expanding ads and more. It can even block Facebook ads if you want.

The "Fair" part of AdBlocker comes into play by giving you the ability to allow certain types of ads or even whitelist ad-supported websites you don't want to shortchange of badly needed revenue. This is one ad blocker that doesn't take a scorched earth approach to its stated purpose.

Download Stands Fair AdBlocker: Chrome

6. Ghostery (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Edge)

best ad blockers: ghostery

Like the other extensions on our list of the best ad blockers, Ghostery can remove ads from webpages, so you can focus on content and browse more efficiently. But the real value in Ghostery lies in its privacy protection features. You can use Ghostery to view trackers, which lets you see who's trying to collect data on you. With Ghostery, you can also stop that tracking from taking place. If you really want to safeguard your privacy, you can turn to Ghostery's Enhanced Anti Tracking to anonymize your data.

Ghostery's a free download that offers basic web protection. More advanced protection starts at $4.99 a month and the $11.99 monthly tier comes with a built-in VPN. There are also versions of Ghostery that work with Android and iOS devices.

Download Ghostery: Chrome , Firefox , Opera , Safari , Edge

7. Adblocker for YouTube (Chrome, Firefox)

Adblocker for YouTube is one of the best ad blockers

YouTube has gotten more aggressive with ads, so the makers of ad-blocking extensions have followed suit. Adblocker for YouTube is a Chrome extension that promises to automatically block YouTube ads, whether we're talking about the pre-roll ad appearing before your video or any text and banner ads that appear on the video itself.

If you prefer Firefox to Chrome, there's also an AdBlocker for YouTube extension that works on that browser. Same name, different developer apparently, but the functionality of stripping out video and display ads remains. This version works on Android devices too.

Download Adblocker for YouTube: Chrome , Firefox

1. AdGuard (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS)

best ad blockers: adguard ad blocker

Uses looking for a more robust experience can try out the subscription-based AdGuard, which provides desktop and mobile options to reduce the ads you see when surfing online. 

AdGuard on Windows and Mac covers popular browsers, with highly configurable options for ads, content, and tracker blocking, as well as a parental controls module for restricting adult content. AdGuard for Android is a no-root ad-blocker that blocks advertising on apps and games, though you’ll have to install it from AdGuard’s site instead of through Google Play. AdGuard for iOS works with Safari to effectively filter ads on the default browser.

Download AdGuard: Windows , Mac , Android , iOS

2. AdLock ($33 per year)

best ad blockers: adlock

AdLock avoids the browser-based route, instead opting to run as a separate program to be able to block not only browser-based ads, but also advertising in other programs like Skype or games. 

The app runs in the background, using filters to block ads, popups, and autoplaying videos, speeding up loading times and applying Safe Browsing features to automatically block sites that are known to be unsafe. 

For obvious reasons, the mobile version is unavailable on the Google Play Store, so you'll need to sideload the app if you want to get AdLock into your Android device. iOS users can download AdLock directly from Apple's App Store.

Download AdLock: Windows , Chrome ,  Android , Mac , iOS

3. Wipr (macOS, iOS; $1.99)

best ad blockers: Wipr

If you’re a Safari fan, Wipr may be the best ad blocker for both your Mac and iPhone. The app is available for both iOS and macOS — costing $1.99 from either Apple App Store — and it promises to work with Safari as well as apps that use Safari for displaying web pages.

You’ll find a full array of features with Wipr, which not only blocks apps and trackers, but cryptocurrency miners, EU cookie and GDPR notices and anything else that gets in your way of surfing the web. Its blocklist gets updated twice a week, and there’s little configuration; the idea is that you load Wipr and forget that it’s there while it does its job in the background.

With Wipr, pages should load faster in Safari, which will be particularly welcome if you’re surfing from an iPhone, where ads and trackers can bog down your browser’s speed.

Download Wipr: macOS , iOS

1. 1Blocker (iOS)

best ad blockers: 1Blocker X ad blockers

1Blocker was one of the first really good ad blockers on iOS when Apple opened up that functionality on iPhones and iPads; the apps has since been optimized for Safari. 

The app is designed to make browsing faster and more secure by blocking ads, popups, trackers and other online cruft. Rather than blocking content of a downloaded page, 1Blocker works with Safari's content blocker API to tell the browser what to block in advance, saving time and resources. 

1Blocker features more than 115,000 blocker rules, custom regional adblocking settings, and easy-to-use custom rules settings. The app is a free download, with premium features available as in-app purchases.

Download 1Blocker: iOS

2. Firefox Focus (Android, iOS)

best ad blockers: firefox focus

Firefox Focus is another addition to Mozilla's family of browsers. This one's a privacy-oriented version of Firefox that bakes in ad-blocking and anti-tracking into a light and functional package. Firefox Focus blocks ads and speeds up browsing, while also working in privacy-friendly features like automatic history and cookie clearing. 

Users can selectively block ads, analytics, content and social trackers with easy toggles, turn on a "stealth" mode, and set a default search engine.

Our look at the best Android browsers has more on the various flavors of Firefox.

Download Firefox Focus: Android , iOS

3. AdClear (Android, iOS)

AdClear Plus running on an iPhone is one of the best ad blockers for mobile

AdClear — or AdClear Plus if you're searching for the iOS version — offers the kind of mobile ad blocking in browsers that similar apps provide. But AdClear takes it one step farther by also blocking ads in apps. 

AdClear achieves this through a DNS changer feature that routes traffic through a VPN. AdClear doesn't catch everything in all apps, and in our experience, some apps ran a little slower. But this free download can put a stop to ads interrupting what you're trying to do whether in an app or a browser.

Download AdClear: Android , iOS

1. Decentraleyes (Chrome, Firefox)

Best ad blockers: decentraleyes

Some times, blocking ads can also prevent websites fromn pulling needed resoruces and libraries from third-party sources, breaking web pages in the process. Decentraleyes tries to stop that from happening by acting as a local content delivery network emulator to serve up the files that websites need. By doing so, this extension can stop websites from sending out requests to the likes of Google Hosted Libraries.

Think of Decentraleyes as a complement to ad blockers. In fact, the extension specifically says it can work with uBlock Origin and AdBlock Plus, both of which we recommend up above.

Download Decentraleyes: Chrome , Firefox

2. Opera (Desktop, Android, iOS)

best ad blockers: opera best ad blocker

The Opera browser bakes in ad-blocking features into the browser without the need for an extra add-on, while also offering privacy-friendly tools such as an unlimited, built-in VPN service, incognito mode, fraud and malware warnings for suspicious links and pages, and more. In addition, you can further customize Opera's capabilities with a wide array of extensions. 

Mobile users need not fret, as the Android version comes with just about everything the desktop version has but built for touch-screen interfaces. On iOS, the mobile version of Opera is listed in Apple's App Store as Opera Touch. (Incidentally, we've got a guide on how you can use Opera to block ads on the iPhone .)

Download Opera: Mac or Windows , Android , iOS

3. Privacy Badger (Chrome, Firefox, Opera)

best ad blockers: privacy badger ad blocker

The Electronic Frontier Foundation's Privacy Badger browser extension was born from the EFF's concerns about the business models of some privacy tools and ad blockers. 

Privacy Badger functions similarly to extensions like AdBlock Plus (on which it was based), observing the various tracking tools that advertisers and other third parties might use to track your online activities and selectively blocking them from executing. Built-in learning algorithms adapt to the sites you visit and take any new tracking tools discovered into account. 

While not explicitly an ad blocker, Privacy Badger does also block some advertising, depending on how aggressively the ads track you across websites.

Download Privacy Badger: Chrome , Firefox , Opera

4. Tor Browser (Desktop, Android)

best ad blockers: tor project browser

The Tor network helps anonymize your internet activity by bouncing the data you send and receive through a distributed anonymous network of routers to foil a common online surveillance technique called traffic analysis, which can reveal the sites you visit or who you're communicating with. 

The Tor Browser is an all-in-one package that includes everything you need to surf the net through the Tor network in an easy-to-install portable package. The package includes a modified version of Firefox with privacy aids such as NoScript baked in, and an automatic setup aid that makes it easy to connect to and create new Tor circuits. 

On the desktop, you can grab a version of Tor Browser for Windows, macOS or Linux. There's also a version of Tor Browser for Android, which replaces the previous OrBot + OrFox combination recommended for browsing Tor on Android.

Download Tor Browser: Desktop , Android

5. Onion Browser (iOS)

best ad blockers: onion browser ad blocker

iOS users aren’t left out when it comes to browsing the Tor anonymizer network, with the Onion Browser among the more popular options on Apple’s mobile OS. 

Previously a premium app, Onion Browser has since moved to a donation model, opening up access to everyone who wants to download the app, without compromising security or features. The usual caveats apply: Browsing through Tor will slow down the web experience, and some features, like video streams and video files won’t work in order to preserve anonymity.

Download Onion Browser: iOS

How to choose the best ad blocker for you

Many of the best ad blockers are available for free, either as extensions or as standalone apps, though a few, like AdLock, charge a fee. Determine if the free services provide enough ad-blocking to meet your needs or whether a paid app delivers more for your money. You should also figure out if a browser extension will take care of your ad-blocking needs or whether you should consider switching browsers to one with more built-in privacy features.

You can narrow down your choice in ad blockers by deciding specifically what you're looking to accomplish with such an app or extension. Do you just want to stop annoying pop-up ads from appearing or do you want the full range of services, including privacy features and an end to ad-tracking? Grab the ad blocker that ticks off all the boxes on your wishlist.

Some ad blockers, such as AdBlock Plus include filters and the ability to let in non-obtrusive advertising. Others, like AdBlocker Ultimate, take a more aggressive approach. Find out which one best suits your needs and comfort level.

As we noted at the outset, there's also an ethical component to ad blockers. Do you feel comfortable keeping ad revenue out of the hands of sites you enjoy and use for free? As good as the best ad blockers are, that's still a trade-off you need to consider when deciding whether to install one as a browser extension or as a standalone app. 

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  • kep55 I'm waiting for an ad blocker that will spoof the websites into thinking there is no ad blocker in place. More and more sites are incorporating code that disables the site entirely or many of the features if an adblocker is in use. Reply
kep55 said: I'm waiting for an ad blocker that will spoof the websites into thinking there is no ad blocker in place. More and more sites are incorporating code that disables the site entirely or many of the features if an adblocker is in use.
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ublock origin for safari alternative

7 Best uBlock Origin Alternatives (Updated) 2024

Are you looking for the best uBlock Origin alternatives ? If yes, you have stumbled upon the correct webpage. uBlock Origin is a web browser’s most popular and widely regarded ad-blocking extension.

uBlock origin alternatives

uBlock Origin is admired because of its open-source nature, which allows you to configure the block lists, add specific rules, and more. But many users also criticize the uBlock Origin for the same as all these additional configuration options make the UI of uBlock Origin a bit more complicated.

Must Read: Best Omegle Alternatives

  • 1.1 1. Adblock Plus
  • 1.2 2. AdGuard
  • 1.3 3. AdBlock
  • 1.4 4. Privacy Badger
  • 1.5 5. Ghostery
  • 1.6 6. AdBlocker Ultimate
  • 1.7 7. SponsorBlock
  • 2 Wrapping Up

7 Best uBlock Origin Alternatives in 2024

Thankfully, there are plenty of uBlock Origin alternatives that you can use if you don’t like the functionality or UI of uBlock Origin. To help you further, I have rounded up a list of the seven best extensions like uBlock Origin . So, without any further ado, let’s get started.

1. Adblock Plus

Adblock Plus is undoubtedly a popular choice for the uBlock Origin alternative. It is quite a powerful ad-blocking solution capable of blocking all standard ad formats like pop-ups, pop-unders, banners, Facebook ads, and even YouTube ads.

tools like ublock origin

One of the things that I like the most about Adblock Plus , in contrast to uBlock Origin, is its simple and intuitive interface. It is also completely open-source, meaning you can use it for free for as long as you want.

Adblock Plus also boasts many additional features. While most features are free, features like automatically blocking floating videos, newsletter pop-ups, site notifications, etc., are available with a paid subscription only. I have also shared a comparison between uBlock Origin and Adblock Plus .

AdGuard is a powerful alternative to uBlock Origin, known for its robust ad-blocking and privacy protection capabilities. It blocks various ad formats, third-party cookies, and trackers with a success rate of 97% and protects you against phishing and malicious sites.

ublock alternatives

In addition to that, AdGuard also offers Parental Control and customized filtering features. Parental control allows you to blacklist all the websites with inappropriate content. In contrast, customized filtering will enable you to whitelist specific websites like Torrents to control the content better.

The only deal-breaker here is that AdGuard isn’t free. It offers a free trial that you can use to test its services, but once the trial expires, you have to either uninstall the program or opt for its paid subscription. Therefore, if you want a free ad-blocking solution, consider other options from this list.

Don’t get confused between AdBlock and Adblock Plus. While they share many similarities and help you deal with the same problem, they are different tools. It is mainly a browser-based ad blocker with dedicated apps designed for Android and iOS devices.

best adblockers

AdBlock is also an open-source solution that boasts robust ad-blocking capabilities against display and video ads. By default, it uses a series of filter lists to block advertisements coming from known ad providers. You can also update this list with new ones or configure old ones.

Being an open-source solution, AdBlock is free to use while its code is openly available for scrutiny. AdBlock also offers a premium plan with additional features, but I think the free plan would be more than enough for most users.

4. Privacy Badger

Privacy Badger differs slightly from other uBlock Origin alternatives on this list. While uBlock Origin and its other replacements primarily focus on blocking advertisements, Privacy Badger explicitly focuses on blocking trackers. Because of this, Privacy Badger may not be a good choice for everyone.

free uBlock origin alternatives

Created by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Privacy Badger is an open-source browser-based solution that mainly aims to stop advertisers and third-party trackers from tracking your browsing history. It supports all major browsers, including Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Chrome, and Opera, whereas its team is working towards Safari on macOS.

Another difference between other uBlock Origin alternatives and Privacy Badger is that it leverages machine learning instead of relying on predefined lists. This makes it more adaptable and efficient while dealing with emerging tracking methods.

5. Ghostery

With over 100 million active downloads and a long history of over ten years serving in the industry, Ghostery is undoubtedly a great choice when looking for tools like uBlock Origin. The best part is that Ghostery isn’t just an ad-blocking solution but a full-fledged privacy suite that could help you browse the internet like a ghost.

uBlock origin alternatives

Ghostery privacy suite contains a browser-based tracker and ad-blocking extension, a private browser based on Firefox, and a remote search engine. The good thing about Ghostery is that even if you don’t want to install its browser, you can have its ad-blocker on your Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, or Opera browser.

Overall, in terms of functionality and performance, Ghostery is excellent. Its detailed tracker analysis could be too overwhelming for some users, but its clean interface makes up for it.

6. AdBlocker Ultimate

Next, we have AdBlocker Ultimate on our list. It is a comparatively new ad-blocking solution that has garnered significant popularity recently because of its robust ad-blocking capabilities shown in various independent test results.

adblockers like uBlock origin

But it isn’t limited to ad-blocking, as it provides complete protection against malware and phishing attacks, including third-party trackers. Its cross-platform availability allows you to use it across all your devices.

On Windows and iOS, you can install its application or browser-based extensions to block incoming advertisements, while on Android, you can install its dedicated ad-blocker to block all intrusive ads easily.

7. SponsorBlock

SponsorBlock is not a common name,  and there is a reason for that. Unlike traditional ad-blocking solutions, SponsorBlock mainly focuses on skipping the sponsored portion of YouTube videos.

alternatives to uBlock origin

Because of that, we cannot say it is a direct alternative to uBlock Origin. If you want to eliminate the sponsored portion of your favorite YouTube videos, now you have a worthy option.

It is an open-source, crowdfunded extension-based tool with extensions available for Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera, Chrome, and Firefox, and third-party ports available for Apple TV, Samsung TV, Google TV, Android TV, Roku, Nintendo, Xbox, PlayStation, and more.

That said, one drawback of this tool is that it relies on submissions made by other users. This means there will be times when it may not work as promised, but the good thing is that its database is continuously growing. And the more users will use it, the more it will grow.

Must Read: 7 Best Lightest Antivirus for Windows PC

Wrapping Up

Well, that’s all for the list of best uBlock Origin alternatives . While writing this article, I tried to test as many ad-blockers and similar tools as possible. After testing them, I understood that most ad-blockers use the same open-source libraries and filtering list with some independent development and changes.

But there are some exceptions like AdBlock, AdGuard, Ghostery, and others mentioned in this list, and because of that, these tools can deliver unique features and performance.

With that said, here I am wrapping up this article. I hope this article helped you pick a suitable alternative to uBlock Origin.

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Safari 13 Just Killed uBlock Origin and Other Extensions

Andrew Orr

Safari 13 deprecates support for legacy extensions. Instead, you now how to download them through the Mac App Store. A GitHub user explained the uBlock Origin situation and recommends adblocking alternatives.

Get a content blocker. Not nearly as powerful as uBO, but the best option if you want to stay with Safari. Do not get the app called “uBlock” , this is unassociated with uBlockOrigin ( read about the split here ), and is simply a content blocker with a big negative feature of having acceptable ads built in

Check It Out: Safari 13 Just Killed uBlock Origin and Other Extensions

12 thoughts on “ Safari 13 Just Killed uBlock Origin and Other Extensions ”

As of the end of the Safari 12 series, I dumped using it as my browser. Why? Because Apple almost universally destroyed access to the best browser extensions. What meagre extensions that have replaced them are mostly junk by comparison, IMHO. I have had no regrets leaving Safari behind. It has its occasional uses. But if I need a clean (no extensions) WebKit based browser for some obscure reason, I instead use OmniWeb, which is still being maintained.

My browser of choice is currently Brave. It has all the excellent browser extensions. It’s fast, is consistently found to be on the cutting edge of browser security, and is rarely buggy. It’s based on Chromium with no Google gunk added.

I still keep both Firefox and the Tor Browser (which has a Firefos base) on hand for further special purposes. I also keep up-to-date with source Chromium as well as Waterfox, a more secured version of Firefox.

Do you mean popup windows? Or are they annoying pop-overs that usually appear when your mouse gets near the edge of the page. They say “don’t leave, sign up for our mailing list!” Those are designed to keep you from leaving the site.

@ Lee Dronick Try to switch of localization. And the popup blocker don’t work on porn sites….

I am not visiting porn sites, they are news, tech, science, art related and such.

No wonder and Apple is not alone. Google kicked also the uBlock Origin from Chrome for robbery.


Seems that the mentioned article is mixing up uBlock with uBlock Origin. Consider this as unverified rumor. Thank you.

No. This article has multiple blunders. It has an image stating “uBlocker”, which is wrong. The article also wrongly points at uBlock Origin for stuffing cookies, which it does not. The actual culprits are plain old louay uBlock and the ripoff named ‘AdBlock’, which is NOT the highly recommended same named app AdBlock from GetAdblock.com. uBlock Origin remains excellent and is also highly recommended.

Yikes, wish they wouldn’t advertised the change in extensions a bit more because I installed Safari 13 (after looking at the list of changes which didn’t mention extensions) and my 1Password extension no longer works which is a major PITA. Does anyone know how to downgrade Safari back to 12.1.2 (which I still have a copy of on another machine)?

“would’ve”, not “wouldn’t”

I wish Safari could block popups. No I don’t want you to send me notifications or sign up for emails. Put those links on the page.

Did you visited ever the Safari preferences?

Yeah, that setting doesn’t seem to work on many websites.

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ublock origin for safari alternative

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uBlock Origin Alternatives in Safari 13?

  • Thread starter ParanoidDroid
  • Start date Sep 19, 2019
  • Sort by reaction score



Macrumors 6502.

  • Sep 19, 2019

Oh silly me! I just updated to Safari 13 and that killed my beloved uBlock Origin extension. Unfortunately, I don't have a current time machine backup, but I do have an another Mac with Safari 12. 1. First what are the best alternatives to uBlock Origin? 2. Is there a way to roll back to Safari 12 manually?  

macrumors 65816


macrumors regular


macrumors 6502a

Hi, I'll refrain from upgrading to Safari 13. They write "Includes an updated start page...blah-blah-blah". What about Top Sites? What's the look in Safari 13?  


I also had this issue and installed Ublock from the App Store, works amazing! After install you need to go into safari preferences - extensions and check the boxes next to the Ublock icons. Then you need to click update filter lists on the main UBlock app interface. Confusing I know, but it works.  

  • Sep 20, 2019
hooptyuber said: I upgraded to Safari 13 and now I can't connect to Amazon.com on any of my four Macs. ????? Click to expand...



Macrumors 603.

My solution (since getting the Catalina beta) was to move to Firefox. I currently use FF 71 (the Nightly version) and I really recommend giving it a go. The different UI takes some getting used to, and if you want to customise it like I do then you'll be spending a while editing userChrome.css, but the one thing people keep saying - that FF is slow and is a memory hog - has finally been fixed. This thing flies. It's faster than Safari for me, which is a surprise. My only issue was that it doesn't use keychain but I migrated all my passwords to Bitwarden and that solved that. Bitwarden is also much better (at managing passwords and in having user-defined fields) than keychain so this was another win. Plus, iOS13 works well with Btwarden on my iPhone as it integrates well with the stock password features there. I actually moved from Safari to FF before Catalina once I lost access to cookie management via SIMBL, as I like to delete most cookies when I quit the browser, but at that time Firefox made my laptop run hotter than Safari. No longer.  


ParanoidDroid said: Oh silly me! I just updated to Safari 13 and that killed my beloved uBlock Origin extension. Unfortunately, I don't have a current time machine backup, but I do have an another Mac with Safari 12. 1. First what are the best alternatives to uBlock Origin? 2. Is there a way to roll back to Safari 12 manually? Click to expand...

macrumors newbie

Oh why didn't I check on here before updating. Thank god I build a pi-hole this week. This will keep me somewhat save until I find a solution for safari.  

nylon said: I also had this issue and installed Ublock from the App Store, works amazing! After install you need to go into safari preferences - extensions and check the boxes next to the Ublock icons. Then you need to click update filter lists on the main UBlock app interface. Confusing I know, but it works. Click to expand...

Anyone care to comment on my post? Are these add blockers really doing what my paste says they can? Thanks.  


macrumors member

  • Sep 21, 2019

So far the best alternative is Wipr, I bought a day ago and it seems to get the job done. Wipr  



I researched this and it seems this isn't just a Safari thing. Chrome will prevent adblockers as well in a future update. Not that I would use Chrome anyways. I understand companies are under pressure from advertisers to prevent people from using ad blockers but I wouldn't have expected Apple to cave in. Right now I downloaded Firefox since they're still allowing ad blockers but just wondering if this change is inevitable.  

It's still possible to use an adblocker in Safari. There are so many Safari Extensions on the App Store you can download and use. But uBlock Origin was written in a way that doesn't work anymore in Safari 13. Is the new Safari Extension format worse than before? Maybe, but that doesn't mean you can't block ads at all.  

Ritsuka said: It's still possible to use an adblocker in Safari. There are so many Safari Extensions on the App Store you can download and use. But uBlock Origin was written in a way that doesn't work anymore in Safari 13. Is the new Safari Extension format worse than before? Maybe, but that doesn't mean you can't block ads at all. Click to expand...


macrumors G5

I've been using 1Blocker on both macOS and iOS. It works well with both, including with Safari 13.  

I use Wipr and I hardly see any ads, but I guess it depends on which website you visit.  

chrfr said: I've been using 1Blocker on both macOS and iOS. It works well with both, including with Safari 13. Click to expand...
Ritsuka said: I use Wipr and I hardly see any ads, but I guess it depends on which website you visit. Click to expand...

1Blocker works well for me.  


Using hosts to block ads https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/using-hosts-to-block-ads-and-malware-in-catalina.2198978/ Works in Mojave too.  

Blowback said: I've updated to Safari 13..... I was checking the prefs and went to 'manage websites' and found that I had over 1400 (cookies?)....deleted all and re-signed in to my ~20 sites which needed sign-ins/ remember me's . No problems at all....checked Amazon etc. and no issues. Was in the Apple Store today discussing ad-blockers with one of there techs and he mentioned U-Block Origin. Reason I bring this up is because with the other blockers you get this boilerplate: View attachment 860383 Does U-Block Origin also grab these 'permissions'? Apple tech said he didn't know but would look into it when he got home. Also, per Maverick28: I don't see any updated start page or Top 5 sites. Really have been looking and can't seem to find anything different ...though it is faster. Click to expand...
nylon said: So I spoke too soon. Ublock is not blocking all ads or pop ups. It also seems its just a rebranded version of AdBlock. So I spent the $2 for Wipr and all is well after testing. Way better than Ublock. Click to expand...

FYI FOR ALL: Add blockers are DEAD in Safari. Please read : https://www.zdnet.com/article/apple...ri-but-unlike-chrome-users-didnt-say-a-thing/  


Have you tried WIPR?  

uBlock Origin - Kostenloser Open-Source-Werbeblocker.

Schont cpu und arbeitsspeicher..

Github (gorhill/uBlock)


uBlock Origin ist nicht nur ein “Werbeblocker“, sondern ein Blocker für Inhalte über ein breites Spektrum, bei dem CPU- und Arbeitsspeichereffizienz im Vordergrund stehen.


Der uBlock Origin ist eine kostenlose und open-source, plattformübergreifende Browser-Erweiterung zur Inhaltsfilterung, die in erster Linie darauf abzielt, mit einer effizienten, benutzerfreundlichen Methode die Verletzung der Privatsphäre zu unterbinden.

CPU- und Arbeitsspeicher-Effizienz

Weltweit könnte uBlock Origin den Verbrauchern mehr als 1,8 Milliarden Dollar pro Jahr einsparen ( Studie ). Open-Source-Werbeblocker sind eine potenziell effektive Technologie zur Energieeinsparung.

Verschiedene Browser werden unterstützt

Die Erweiterung von uBlock Origin ist für einige der am meist verbreiteten Browser verfügbar, darunter Chrome, Chromium, MS Edge, Opera, Firefox und alle Safari-Versionen vor 13.

Über uBlock Origin

2014 schuf der Gründer von uBlock Origin , der ursprüngliche Autor und Hauptentwickler, Raymond Hill, die ursprüngliche uBlock-Erweiterung, deren Entwicklung durch die Abspaltung der Codebasis von HTTP-Switchboard mit einer separaten Blockier-Erweiterung, uMatrix , die zuvor für fortgeschrittene Benutzer konzipiert worden war, eingeleitet wurde. Der ursprüngliche uBlock wurde von Raymond Hill entwickelt, um von der Gemeinschaft gepflegte Blocklisten zu ermöglichen und gleichzeitig zusätzliche Funktionen hinzuzufügen und die Code-Qualität auf die entsprechenden Veröffentlichungsstandards zu erweitern. Erstmals im Juni 2014 als exklusive Chrome- und Opera-Erweiterung veröffentlicht, wurde die ursprüngliche uBlock-Erweiterung Ende 2015 unter ihrem aktuellen Namen - uBlock Origin - auf andere Browser ausgeweitet. (gelegentlich weltweit repräsentiert als - uBlock₀)

Im Anschluss an diese Einführung im Jahr 2015 meldete eine gemeinsam von comsource und Sourcepoint durchgeführte Umfrage in der Industrie eine Wachstumsrate von 833% über einen Zeitraum von 10 Monaten bis August 2016, das schnellste Wachstum unter allen zu diesem Zeitpunkt öffentlich gelisteten Industriesoftware-Produkten. Dieser Bericht führte diesen enormen Anstieg auf die kollektive Benutzernachfrage nach "reinen" Blockern zurück, die in der Lage sind, außerhalb des von AdBlock verwendeten "akzeptablen Werbung"-Programms und anderer Branchenerweiterungen zu operieren.

Die Firefox-Version von uBlock Origin gewann schnell in der gesamten Werbeblocker-Branche an Zugkraft und sammelte über 5 Millionen aktive Benutzer, wobei die Chrome-Erweiterung in der Folge über 10 Millionen aktive Benutzer umfasste. Der Entwickler Nik Rolls veröffentlichte dann im Dezember 2016 offiziell uBlock Origin für den Microsoft Edge Browser.

Im Januar 2017 wurde uBlock Origin zu den Repositories für Debian 9 und Ubuntu (16.04) hinzugefügt, und die uBlock Origin-Erweiterung wurde von Mozilla mit der prestigeträchtigen IoT-Ehrung "Pick of the Month" ausgezeichnet.

Für 2024 wird uBlock Origin weiterhin vom Gründer und Hauptentwickler Raymond Hill betreut und aktiv weiterentwickelt.

Die Erweiterung von uBlock Origin bleibt eine branchenführende, plattformübergreifende Open-Source-Browser-Erweiterung mit Software, die speziell für den Einsatz auf mehreren Plattformen entwickelt wurde. Ab 2024 ist die Erweiterung von uBlock Origin für mehrere der am häufigsten verwendeten Browser verfügbar, darunter Chrome, Chromium, Edge, Opera, Firefox und alle Safari-Versionen vor 13 Jahren.

Das Projekt uBlock Origin lehnt Spenden zur Zeit noch ausdrücklich ab und rät stattdessen allen seinen Kunden, Nutzern und Unterstützern, den Blocklisten-Betreuern zu spenden.

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uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium, Firefox, and Safari. Fast and lean.


Folders and files, repository files navigation.


uBlock Origin for Safari

pronounced you-block origin ( /ˈjuːˌblɒk/ ) — you decide what enters your browser.

An efficient blocker add-on for various browsers. Fast, potent, and lean.

Regarding this Safari port

The majority of this code is shared with upstream . Platform specific portions are under development. Much of the platform shim from the original uBlock Safari version is still being used.


Release history, further documentation.

The preferred method of installation is to install from the extension gallery . This allows the extension to update automatically, and the submissions are approved by Apple.

To learn more about installation and updates, visit the wiki .

Compatible with Safari 11, untested on older versions (but should work).

To benefit from uBlock Origin's higher efficiency, it's advised that you don't use other inefficient blockers at the same time (such as AdBlock or Adblock Plus). uBlock₀ will do as well or better than most popular ad blockers. Other blockers can also prevent uBlock₀'s privacy or anti-blocker features from working properly.


To build and load an unpacked extension for development:

  • Clone uBlock-Safari and uAssets into the same parent directory
  • Build by running ./tools/make-safari.sh in uBlock-Safari 's directory
  • In Safari, load the Extension Builder (Develop > Show Extension Builder)
  • Click the + button in the bottom left corner and "Add Extension"
  • Select dist/build/uBlock0.safariextension
  • Click install and enter your password
  • You will have to reinstall from this panel every time you restart Safari
If you don't see a Develop menu in Safari, you can run defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDevelopMenu -bool true or go to Preferences > Advanced > Show Develop menu in menu bar .

Example clone and build:

To build and sign for release (certificates required):

  • Requires xar-mackyle , which will be built if not found

See the releases pages for a history of releases and highlights for each release.

Visit the upstream uBlock Origin wiki for further documentation.

uBlock Origin's manifesto .

Free. Open source. For users by users. No donations sought.

Without the preset lists of filters, this extension is nothing. So if ever you really do want to contribute something, think about the people working hard to maintain the filter lists you are using, which were made available to use by all for free.

You can contribute by helping translate uBlock₀ on Crowdin .

  • JavaScript 91.7%
  • Python 0.8%

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  1. How to install uBlock Origin for Safari?

    ublock origin for safari alternative

  2. How to get uBlock Origin for Safari

    ublock origin for safari alternative

  3. Ublock origin for mac safari

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  4. Ublock Origin For Os X Safari

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  5. uBlock Origin for Safari

    ublock origin for safari alternative

  6. uBlock Origin

    ublock origin for safari alternative



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  1. With uBlock Origin not being available for Safari, which ad ...

    I recently switched to Safari and found that uBlock origin is not available on it. Don't want to use Adblock because of the rumours of it allowing "acceptable" ads. ... For example, Chrome is unreasonable heavy on your CPU so if you are a multi-tasker Safari is a much better alternative as it is more power-efficient Reply reply doutorchefe ...

  2. uBlock Origin Alternatives for Safari: Top 10 Ad Blockers & Privacy

    Safari. Yandex.Browser. Opera. Firefox. 114 AdGuard alternatives. AdGuard is the best way to get rid of intrusive ads and online tracking, and to protect your computer from malware. Make your web surfing faster, safer and more comfortable with AdGuard!. - AdGuard is the most popular Windows, Android, Mac & iPhone alternative to uBlock Origin ...

  3. 20 best alternatives to uBlock Origin as of 2024

    Top Pro. Avoids awful looping problems on Firefox one sees with Adblock Plus and uBlock. Specs. Platforms: Browser Addon, Windows (whole system) Cost: Free (browser), from $2.50/mo or $74.95 lifetime (Windows) See All Experiences.

  4. 5 UBlock Origin Alternatives For Safari

    uBlock Origin is known as a wide-spectrum content blocker, as its developers call it. Though numerous ad-blockers and content filters exist in the market for various web browsers, this one is the most cost-efficient and effective. ' 4 Best uBlock Origin Alternatives for Safari

  5. Best ad blockers

    Download AdBlock: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge. 3. uBlock Origin (Chrome, Firefox) ... Ublock Origin is a browser-based ad blocker that focuses on simple, efficient blocking with a low resource ...

  6. The Best Ad Blockers for 2024

    Peloton Alternatives: The Best Exercise Bikes for 2024; ... uBlock Origin is the best ad blocker we tested. ... but other browsers like Brave and Safari have integrated tools to protect your ...

  7. 12 Best uBlock Alternatives: Top Ad Blockers

    There are more than 50 alternatives to uBlock for a variety of platforms, including Google Chrome, Mac, Windows, iPhone and Safari apps. The best uBlock alternative is uBlock Origin, which is both free and Open Source. Other great apps like uBlock are Adblock Plus, AdGuard, SponsorBlock and AdAway.

  8. uBlock Origin Alternatives for Safari: Ad Blockers & Privacy Tools

    The best Safari alternative is AdGuard, which is free. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 100 alternatives to uBlock Origin and many of them are available for Safari so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Other interesting Safari alternatives to uBlock Origin are Adblock Plus, SponsorBlock, NextDNS and AdBlock.

  9. uBlock Origin

    The uBlock Origin extension remains an industry leading, open-source, cross-platform browser extension with software developed specifically for multiple platform use, and as of 2024, uBlock Origin's extension is available for several of the most widely used browsers, including: Chrome, Chromium, Edge, Opera, Firefox and all Safari releases ...

  10. 7 Best uBlock Origin Alternatives (Updated) 2024

    2. AdGuard. AdGuard is a powerful alternative to uBlock Origin, known for its robust ad-blocking and privacy protection capabilities. It blocks various ad formats, third-party cookies, and trackers with a success rate of 97% and protects you against phishing and malicious sites.

  11. Any suitable options for iOS? : r/uBlockOrigin

    Wipr is the way to go, if you are browsing with Safari. It blocks ads and trackers without any performance impact and preserves your privacy. It uses a Safari's Content Blocking API to do the blocking, and you can easily disable it on any website just by clicking the "aA" button on the top left and then selecting "Turn off content blockers"

  12. How to get uBlock Origin for Safari

    Safari alternatives to uBlock Origin: Final thoughts . While uBlock Origin isn't available for Safari, users can still enjoy ad-free browsing with AdLock, a reliable ad blocker and privacy extension. With its user-friendly interface, anti-malware engine, and compatibility with the latest version of Safari, this app is a great alternative to ...

  13. Safari 13 Just Killed uBlock Origin and Other Extensions

    A GitHub user explained the uBlock Origin situation and recommends adblocking alternatives. Get a content blocker. Not nearly as powerful as uBO, but the best option if you want to stay with Safari.

  14. 9 Best uBlock Origin Alternatives: Top Ad Blockers & Privacy Tools in

    Fast and lean' and is a leading Ad Blocker in the web browsers category. There are more than 100 alternatives to uBlock Origin for a variety of platforms, including Google Chrome, Firefox, Mac, iPhone and Windows apps. The best uBlock Origin alternative is AdGuard, which is free.

  15. uBlock Origin Alternatives in Safari 13?

    I also had this issue and installed Ublock from the App Store, works amazing! After install you need to go into safari preferences - extensions and check the boxes next to the Ublock icons. Then you need to click update filter lists on the main UBlock app interface. Confusing I know, but it works.

  16. GitHub

    To build and load an unpacked extension for development: Clone uBlock-Safari and uAssets into the same parent directory; Build by running ./tools/make-safari.sh in uBlock-Safari's directory; Install the unpacked extension through Safari's Extension Builder . In Safari, load the Extension Builder (Develop > Show Extension Builder)

  17. GitHub

    uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean. Topics. javascript firefox chromium ublock-origin browser-extension blocker ublock Resources. Readme License. GPL-3.0 license Activity. Stars. 43.4k stars Watchers. 900 watching Forks. 2.9k forks Report repository

  18. GitHub

    To build and load an unpacked extension for development: Clone uBlock-Safari and uAssets into the same parent directory; Build by running ./tools/make-safari.sh in uBlock-Safari's directory; Install the unpacked extension through Safari's Extension Builder . In Safari, load the Extension Builder (Develop > Show Extension Builder)

  19. uBlock Origin

    Open-Source-Werbeblocker. Der uBlock Origin ist eine kostenlose und open-source, plattformübergreifende Browser-Erweiterung zur Inhaltsfilterung, die in erster Linie darauf abzielt, mit einer effizienten, benutzerfreundlichen Methode die Verletzung der Privatsphäre zu unterbinden.

  20. GitHub

    uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium, Firefox, and Safari. Fast and lean. - GitHub - czhu/uBlock-Safari: uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium, Firefox, and Safari. Fast and lean.

  21. ‎App Store 上的"Stay for Safari

    ‎# 100万Safari浏览器用户的选择,新一代浏览器扩展平台。 Stay是一款Safari浏览器扩展功能增强应用,借助Stay可以极大的提升Safari浏览器的浏览体验和可玩性。 Stay支持苹果全平台,并且一次付费即可涵盖 iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 设备。 安装Stay后,你的Safari浏览器增加了什么功能? - 【用户脚本】安装或者 ...