The best virtual tours to explore the world from home

Oct 8, 2020 • 5 min read

Ceiling of Sistine Chapel, Vatican City. Check permissions for this image

The Sistine Chapel is just one wonder offering a virtual museum tour ©Rajesh Gathwala/500px

We live in an age of unprecedented access to digital technology – and with it, brand new ways of exploring the world around us.

While it's not quite the same as seeing, say, the Mona Lisa or Christ the Redeemer in person, some of the world’s most popular and remote destinations have created libraries of online images and video, as well as 360 degree virtual tours that let you virtually explore museums, galleries, world wonders and even national parks.

Here a just a few of the best digital tours that let you wander the world from wherever you may be social distancing.

A woma nin a pink technical fabric top and matching pants and a black cap with a brim walks past the orange buildings and clay roofs of the Choijin Lama Museum in Ulan Bator with a green camera sphere from Google Street View strapped to her back

See the seven wonders of the world

If there’s anything capable of whetting your appetite for world travel, it is the new seven wonders of the world:  the Great Wall of China , the ancient city of Petra , the Taj Mahal , the Colosseum , Machu Picchu , Christ the Redeemer , and Chichen Itza . Thankfully there are impressive virtual tours of each from The New York Times , AirPano , Google , and Panoramas .

With modern technology, you can even see the last standing wonder of the ancient world— The Pyramids of Giza . There are a few other wonders that might not make it into to the top seven but are still worth a digital peek, like the Alhambra , Seville's La Giralda , and even Easter Island.

The Egyptian Antiquities room in the Lovure Museum is empty except for several statues of various sizes from Tanis, Karnak, and Thebes

Best virtual museum tours

In recent years, Google has partnered with over 2,5000 art museums to upload high-resolution versions of millions of pieces of art. Highlights include New York’s MoMA , DC’s National Gallery of Art , Chicago’s Art Institute , the Casa Battl ó, and Amsterdam’s Van Gogh Museum to name a few.

In addition, The Louvre offers a virtual tour , as do The Vatican Museums , many of the Smithsonian Museums , the Russian Museum , the top-rated British Museum , the Minneapolis  Museum of Russian Art , and the Palace Museum in Beijing.

You may not be able to kiss the Blarney Stone right now, but you can tour the Blarney Castle from afar. You can also visit the Museum of Flight,  the Museum of Science, the Museum of Natural History,  the National Women's History Museum  and Boston's History of Science Museum .

While museums are often an inherently visual experience, there's a lot to be learned from archives of past lectures and tours like the ones preserved online by Nashville's Frist Museum , the Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga, Tennessee, the Smithsonian American Art Museum,  the Frick , and others.

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Turquoise Pool in Yellowstone National Park surrounded by a contrasting blanket of fresh white snow

Explore national parks

While travel to National Parks is best avoided for the time being, you don't need to miss out on the scenery. Virtual Yosemite is absolutely stunning and one of the best, replete with audio. Both Yellowstone National Park and Mount Rushmore offer virtual tours as well. 

Google has similar 360 degree audio-visual tours of five select national parks, including Kenai Fjords, Hawai'i Volcanos , Carlsbad Caverns, Bryce Canyon , and Dry Tortugas, as well as 31 more on Google Earth . You can also get an up-close look at almost 4,000 pieces of artwork, artifacts, and other treasures related to the history and culture of the national parks, and view online exhibits .

A penguin looks at the viewer through the glass walls of a habitat at the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Digital safaris

Wildlife is a big draw for travelers, whether it's sighting some of the Big Five in Africa, glimpsing whales in North America, or introducing your children to new animals in person on a family safari . But if you're forays into the bush are grounded for now, many zoos and aquariums have created digital access to their habitats.

You can easily watch several live webcams of some of the nation’s greatest zoos and aquariums, including the  San Diego Zoo , Houston Zoo , Zoo Atlanta , the Tennessee Aquarium , and the Georgia Aquarium . Additionally you can see Canadian farm animals doing their thing , or you could watch Stella the Dog jump endlessly into huge piles of Maine leaves.

You may also like:  These nine wildlife web cams offer access to your favorite animals

A view overlooking the Wotans Throne feature at the Grand Canyon

Virtual hiking

Thanks to panoramic video, you can get a really good idea of what a hike looks like well before you arrive at the trailhead. For example, you can experience all of the following top-rated hikes right now from your computer or tablet:  Bryce Canyon , Grand Canyon , GR20 , Inca Trail , and the death-defying Angel's Landing . For even more great hikes, simply YouTube one of Lonely Planet’s top 10 treks or any other hike that suits your fancy. Bonus points if you follow along during a workout to enhance the realism.

Famous landmarks

You can visit many wonders of nature, including the Amazon Rainforest , Iguazu Falls , the Komodo Islands , or Table Mountain , using virtual tours. Or you can explore the Statue of Liberty , the Sahara Desert , Niagara Falls , or even a guided tour of the Eiffel Tower . For even more virtual tours, search your bucket list of adventures with  AirPano , Google Earth , or YouTube .

Astronatur Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. looks at the Lunar Module Pilot during the 1969 moon landing

Travel to outer space

The moon hasn't made it to Lonely Planet's Best In Travel list (yet!), and even without self-isolation and shelter-in-place measures for COVID-19, many of us may never travel to space. But thanks to technology, now is as good of a time as any to do so virtually. Before blasting off, considering touring some of NASA’s offices first. Then relive the last lunar missions and moon walks in stunning HD. Or take a virtual tour of Mars with the help of Google. 

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The novel coronavirus (Covid-19) is now a global pandemic. Find out what this  means for travelers . 

This article was originally published March 2020 and was last updated October 2020.

This article was first published Mar 18, 2020 and updated Oct 8, 2020.

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60 Virtual Tours To Travel The World During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Chloe Smulian

  • Written by Post author: Chloe Smulian
  • Post last modified: Updated on April 2, 2024

free virtual tours to travel the world for free

A comprehensive list of free virtual tours that will intrigue and delight all types of travel lovers. Discover the Seven Wonders of the World, visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites and iconic landmarks around the world from the comfort of your home! Experience your first virtual travel experience with us.

With extensive travel bans, citywide lockdowns and strict social distancing measures, it’s hard not to eventually let cabin fever weigh you down. This is especially true if you’ve got a healthy addiction to travel like us. So we’ve found a way around the problem – virtual travel!

Obviously it doesn’t replace the real thing, but it’s better than nothing. It’s also a great way to get travel inspiration and learn some interesting facts about the destination until we can travel again.

It will give you something positive to look forward to while we all do the responsible thing and #stayhome. Treat it like Facetiming the world!

It’s also a great thing to do with kids at home. They’ll especially love the wildlife live webcam feeds! This list is guaranteed to keep them occupied for days if not weeks!

So whether you love city escapes, exploring museums or learning interesting facts about the natural and man-made wonders around the world, there’s something for everyone.

Make sure you share this with your friends and family who love travelling too.

What Do You Need To Virtual Travel The World

Virtual touring the world is easy. All you need is a laptop, cellphone or tablet and an internet connection. You don’t need a VR set (virtual reality set), but if you have one it’s a bonus.

We recommend using Google Chrome web browser because some of these virtual tour websites are not in English. Chrome makes it really easy translating foreign languages to English or whatever language you prefer.

Lastly, have a little patience as some of these virtual tours take a bit longer to load.

New Seven Wonders Of The World Virtual Tour

Everyone’s heard of the Seven Wonders of the World. But did you know that there are two different lists for the 7 Wonders of the World?

No? We didn’t either. The list most people know is the New Seven Wonders of the World. But there’s also the Ancient Seven Wonders of the World.

Are you one of the those rare humans that can list all New 7 Wonders of the World?

virtual tour the 7 wonders of the world including great wall of china, christ the redeemer, chichen itza and petra

1. Great Wall of China

Often cited as the only human-made structure that is visible from space. The Great Wall of China is probably the most well known Wonder of the World. It captures over 2,000 years of history and stretches more than 21,000 km across several provinces in China. That’s as long as 5 times the length of Australia!

This iconic landmark is usually teemed with tourists all year round. But you can visit it crowd-free on this Great Wall of China virtual tour.

2. Chichen Itza, Mexico

The ancient city of Chichen Itza is one of the most well restored Mayan sites in Mexico and also its biggest tourist attraction. El Castillo may be the most famous pyramid of Chichen Itza, but there are many other ancient ruins to explore.

If you love astronomy, you’ll love learning how each structure was intricately designed to align with specific planets and stars. Sounds fascinating?

You can virtually tour Chichen Itza and explore some of its most popular sites and facts right from the comfort of your own home.

3. Christ The Redeemer, Brazil

The cultural icon of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and a symbol of Christianity across the world. The Christ The Redeemer statue is the largest art deco statue in the world. It stands 38 meters tall (around 13 storeys high) and stretches 28 meters wide.

It was built by the Roman Catholic community of Brazil following the end of World War I. The community was concerned about the growing ‘godlessness’ when Brazil officially became a republic and the church was officially separated from the state.

You can skip the 200+ step climb to the top on this stunning virtual tour of Cristo Redentor .

4. Petra, Jordan

Also known as the ‘Carved City’ or the ‘Lost City’, Petra is known as one of the oldest cities in the world. It is estimated that the city was established in the 4th century (312 BC) but was only discovered by Western civilisation in the 1800s.

Only 15% of Petra has been explored by archaeologists, so not much is known besides it being home to about 800 tombs.

It’s simply one of those places that you have to see to believe that it exists in real life. Petra is still on our travel bucket list, but this virtual tour is probably one of our favourites!

machu picchu, rome colosseum and taj mahal virtual travel experience

5. Taj Mahal, India

One look at the Taj Mahal and it’s easy to see why it’s a wonder. It’s considered to be one of the most magnificent masterpieces of architecture in the world. Besides that, it’s also a symbol of love. Don’t believe us? See the Taj Mahal in VR for yourself.

The emperor built it in remembrance of his third wife who passed away giving birth to their 14th child. Today the couple remains buried together beneath the main inner chamber of the Taj Mahal.

It took more than 22,000 workers, 1,000 elephants and 22 years to build this incredible structure. Now there are concerns that it will crumble into pieces as its wooden foundations are rotting away.

6. Rome Colosseum, Italy

Did you know that Italy has the most number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world? There are a total of 51 World Heritage sites within Italy of which the Colosseum is the most famous.

Historically, the Colosseum was a place where gladiator fights and executions took place in Ancient Rome. Today it stands as a symbol of power and majesty of the Roman Empire. It’s also one of the most popular tourists attraction in the world.

7. Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu is famous for being the Lost City of the Incas. It is believed that this is where the Incas escaped to when the Spanish conquistadors arrived in the 16th century.

Besides its historical significance, Machu Picchu also showcases the Incas’ incredible mastery of stone. The stones used to construct some of the most beautiful structures in Machu Picchu were cut so precisely and wedged so closely together, that a credit card cannot be inserted between them.

Not only was this more aesthetically pleasing, it also has engineering advantages. The stones were designed to bounce through earthquake tremors and fall back into place. This was only possible because no mortar (or cement) was used and the reason why Machu Picchu still stands today.

Virtual Tours of Top UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Top unesco sites in africa.

famous unesco world heritage sites in africa include the drakensberg mountains, great pyramids of egypt and kilimanjaro

8. The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the most famous landmarks around the world. Its sheer colossal size and perfect symmetry makes you wonder how this world icon was constructed more than 4,500 years ago.

Today, the Pyramids of Giza are the only surviving members of the Ancient Seven Wonders of the World.

9. Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania

Kilimanjaro is one of the largest volcanoes in the world and also home to Africa’s highest mountain.

If you love hiking as much as we do, then Kilimanjaro is probably on your bucket list too. Close to 35,000 people attempt to hike Mount Kilimanjaro every year. But only 40% of them successfully reach the summit and around 5 to 15 people die every year attempting it.

There isn’t a proper virtual tour of Kilimanjaro , but you can get some awesome 360 panoramic views using Google Map street views. Just drag the little yellow man to the circles on the map to ‘explore’ the area.

Save Me For Later

pinterest save image for 60 free virtual tours to travel the world from home during self quarantine

10. Drakensberg Mountains, South Africa

Not only is the Drakensberg Mountains a UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site, it’s also a UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Site. Drakensberg is culturally significant because it hides more than 20,000 San rock paintings inside its nooks and crevices.

These rock paintings are important because they represent the earliest form of human creativity. They also symbolise the beginning of art in the world today.

We’ve had the privilege of hiking the Drakensberg Mountains when we lived in South Africa. If you plan to hike it too, make sure you read our top Drakensberg hiking trails of the Royal Natal National Park . We also share tips on how you can hike the Drakensberg with children .

Since that’s not possible right now, you can enjoy the magnificence of the Drake nsberg on this beautiful virtual tour.

Top UNESCO Sites in Asia

world heritage sites in asia like bagan, angkor wat, terracotta army in china

11. Bagan, Myanmar

Bagan is known as the ‘sea of temples’ because it has the largest concentration of Buddhist temples in the world. There were originally 10,000 Buddhist temples, pagodas and monasteries built here in the 1000s and 1100s. But only 2,000 of them still exist today.

Needless to say that the entire Bagan Archaeological zone is too vast to explore by foot alone. You can compliment your walk with a ride on old rickety bicycles, hot balloon rides or on this mind blowing virtual tour of Bagan .

12. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Angkor Wat is famous for being the largest religious monument in the world. Yes, it’s even bigger than Bagan! Before the fall of Angkor Wat in the 15th century, it was actually the largest city in the world.

Unlike Bagan, most of Angkor Wat still exists today. It was built with durability in mind because it was designed and dedicated to the immortal gods.

13. Terracotta Army, China

This World Heritage Site isn’t a temple, but a mass grave. It’s the burial ground for the First Emperor of China and his world renowned Terracotta Army.

No one knows exactly how many terracotta warriors were made. But it’s been estimated that more than 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses and 150 cavalry horses were sculpted. And if that wasn’t amazing enough, each soldier has its own distinct facial features and were all built to life-size.

It took around 40 years to ‘build’ the entire army and its sole purpose was for protecting the emperor in his afterlife.

You can wander between these soldiers yourselves on this Terracotta Warrior virtual tour.

Top UNESCO Sites in Europe

virtual tour of top unesco world heritage sites in europe like stonehenge and the acropolis of athens in greece

14. Acropolis of Athens, Greece

‘Acropolis’ translates into ‘high city’ in Greek. Most cities in ancient Greece had their city centres built on a mound or a hill. This is where they would build their important temples and where citizens could retreat to if under attack.

The most famous acropolis of Greece is, of course, the one in Athens with the iconic Pantheon dominating its skyline. The Acropolis of Athens has withstood the test of time, including bombardments, earthquakes and vandalism. Yet it still stands today as a reminder of the rich history of Greece.

15. Stonehenge, United Kingdom

Also known as the Bronze Age Ring of Standing Stones, Stonehenge is one of the UK’s most unique sites and visited attractions. It’s a prehistoric monument steeped in all kinds of myth and speculation because no one knows its true origin or purpose.

Some believe that Stonehenge was a Druid temple, built by ancient Celtic pagans as a centre for their religious worship. Others believe it to have astronomical significance as the light from sunrise and sunset aligns with the stones during summer and winter solstice.

Why don’t you decide for yourself based on the interesting facts you’ll learn on this Stonehenge virtual tour.

Top UNESCO Sites in North and South America

world heritage sites in the US and south america

16. Mesa Verde National Park, USA

Mesa Verde is the largest and one of the most spectacular archeological sites in the USA. It was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site because it encapsulates how Native Americans once lived by carving their homes into the cliff.

It’s one of the most well preserved ruins of the Ancestral Pueblo people in North America and you can virtually explore Mesa Verde right from the comfort of your own home.

17. Mayan Ruins of Tikal, Guatemala

At first glance, the Mayan Ruins of Tikal appears to be quite similar to the ruins of Chichen Itza. They were both major cities in the history of the Mayan civilisation and are both declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The biggest difference between the two is that Tikal is less visited and often less crowded compared to the more popular Chichen Itza. That’s because Tikal is located in the remote Guatemalan forests whereas Chichen Itza is much easier to access.

Some areas of Tikal remain unmapped or excavated too. So if you love hidden gems, make sure you visit the Mayan Ruins of Tikal , even if it’s only by virtual tour for now.

18. Easter Island, Chile

Easter Island is a Chilean island in the south Pacific Ocean. It’s famous for its 900+ giant statues known as Moais, which are scattered around the entire island.

It is believed that the Rapa Nui natives built these Moais to honour chieftains and important individuals from their village. They believed that by doing this, the spirit of the person would forever watch over the tribe and bring good fortune.

Today, Easter Island is believed to be the most remote inhabited island in the world. That’s why it’s also very expensive to get to. But have no fear, you can admire Easter Island virtually until then.

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings Around the World

Some of the most iconic and recognised landmarks and buildings around the world that you can explore for free from home.

free virtual tour of white house and statue of liberty

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in USA

19. The White House, United States

Anyone can visit the White House free of charge. But you have to register and request a tour online and wait between 3 weeks to 3 months to visit. Skip the wait on this White House virtual tour.

20. Statue of Liberty, USA

More than 130 years ago, France gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States to celebrate the friendship the two endured during the American Revolution. Today it represents freedom and democracy in the USA.

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in the United Kingdom

21. Buckingham Palace, United Kingdom

The official residence of The Queen and a must-visit when in London. Skip the long 3 month wait and the €30 entrance ticket and see Buckingham Palace virtually.

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in Italy

the leaning tower of pisa, vatican city and doge's palace

22. The Vatican, Italy

Vatican City is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church and the seat of government. More than 5 million people come to Rome every year to feast their eyes on the prized paintings and sculptures of the Vatican and to experience the most religious and cultural site in the world. Check out for the tour.

23. Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the most recognised landmarks in the world. The intention was to build the tallest bell tower for that era in order to show off Pisa’s growing wealthy and prosperity. The ‘leaning’ part of the equation was actually an engineering mistake.

24. Doge’s Palace, Venice

More than a 1,000 years ago, Doge’s Palace was the home to the ruler of Venice and the seat of power for the Venetian Republic. Today it is one of Venice’s must-see museums. Wander around the corridors of the Doge’s Palace or along one of its many surrounding canals on this beautiful virtual tour.

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in Germany

25. Reichstag Parliamentary Building, Berlin

The Reichstag is one of the most important buildings in Berlin today. Built to symbolise the reunification of Germany. It’s one of the few parliamentary buildings in the world that allows the public to watch over government processions. Similar to the White House, it’s free to visit but you have to book months in advance for a tour. Wait no more as this virtual tour of the Reichstag is pretty awesome.

Wondering how travelling in Berlin and Germany has changed since COVID? Find out what it’s like to visit Berlin during the coronavirus pandemic .

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in France

famous sightseeing spots in france include the louvre museum, palace of versailles and the catacombs of paris

26. Palace of Versailles, France

Did you know that the Palace of Versailles was a mere hunting lodge before it became the world’s largest palace? It’s one of the most important landmarks in French history because it symbolises the power and downfall of the French monarchy.

Explore its opulent, regal interior and admire its intricate details on this Palace of Versailles virtual tour.

27. The Louvre Museum, Paris

The Louvre use to serve as the royal palace for the French monarchy. It only became an art museum after the royal family moved their residence to Versailles. Today it is the world’s largest art museum and an iconic historical monument in Paris.

28. The Catacombs of Paris, France

It’s no coincidence that the word ‘catacombs’ rhymes with ‘tombs’. The Catacombs of Paris is the world’s largest underground burial site. The city was growing too fast for its cemeteries to handle the bodies of the dead. The solution was to move the bodies and bury them underground. Archaeologists estimate that around 6 to 7 million bodies were buried down there. Creepy…

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in Israel

29. The Holyland, Bethlehem and Jerusalem

Also known as the most sacred place on earth. It is here at The Holyland that the main religious faiths believe that God first entered into a relationship with the human race.

Virtual Tours of Top Natural Wonders and Attractions

armchair travel experiences of the top natural attractions in the world including the northern lights, cliffs of moher, niagra falls and raja ampat

30. Niagara Falls , Canada – see live video feeds of these world famous falls on EarthCam.

31. The Northern Lights , Canada – another great live webcam to catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights. Remember to watch this in the evening Canadian time.

32. Victoria Falls , Zambia – a magnificent virtual tour of the world’s largest waterfall.

33. Sahara Desert , Africa – explore the world’s largest desert without getting sand in your eyes.

34. Mount St Helens , USA – travel back in time and witness the day Mount St Helens erupted back in 1980.

35. Mount Everest , Himalayas – the only way to trek the world’s highest mountain without training is going on this virtual tour. Remember to click on the arrows to explore around.

36. Cliffs of Moher , Ireland – discover the most beautiful natural landscapes of Ireland on this gorgeous virtual tour.

37. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park , USA – one of our favourite virtual tours from the whole list. Not only is it mesmerising, but you can also learn so many interesting facts on this tour.

38. Grand Canyon , USA – enjoy a virtual hike and explore one of the most famous national parks in the USA.

39. Yellowstone National Park , USA – a nature lover’s paradise. Make sure you use Google Chrome for this tour.

40. Zhangjiajie National Forest Park , China – otherwise known as ‘Avatar Mountain’. The mesmerising, otherworldly landscapes that inspired the ‘floating mountains’ in one of our favourite movies, Avatar.

41. Galapagos Islands , Ecuador – A scuba diver and nature lover’s idea of paradise! This is right on the top of our travel bucket list.

42. Raja Ampat , Indonesia – The epitome of utopia. Hundreds of jungle-covered islands as far as the eye can see and some of the best beaches, coral reefs and scuba diving spots in the world.

Virtual Tours From The Top: City Skylines

360 panoramic views over some of the best city skylines in the world like new york, tokyo, hong kong and paris

43. New York Skyline – New York, New York! Head up to the 102th floor of the Empire State Building on this virtual tour and admire the city that never sleeps from above.

44. Tokyo Skytree , Japan – Teleport yourself to the highest structure in Tokyo and admire the vibrant capital city of Japan from the top. We hope you aren’t afraid of heights because the Tokyo Skytree is 634 meters tall which is more than double the height of the Eiffel Tower.

45. The Eiffel Tower , Paris – Head to the top deck of the Eiffel Tower and marvel at the City of Love on this breathtaking virtual tour.

46. The Peak , Hong Kong – Ever heard the phrase ‘A New York minute is a Hong Kong second’ before? Discover one of the most populous and expensive cities in the world from its highest peak. When you’re ready to visit Hong Kong in person, make sure you read our 7 tips to travel Hong Kong on a budget before you go.

47. St Paul’s Cathedral , London – Admire London’s epic skyline from the top of St Paul’s Cathedral.

Free Virtual Museum Tours

You should download the Google Arts and Culture app to your phone if you’re a museum lover. You’ll find tons of stunning virtual tours and interesting things to learn from the arts and culture world. Here are some of our favourite free virtual museum tours.

free museum virtual tours during the coronavirus pandemic and travel bans

48. The British Museum , London – The famous British Museum is dedicated to human history, art and culture. Their permanent collection consists of more than 8 million pieces of artwork. Making it one of the largest and most comprehensive compilations in the world.

49. Musée d’Orsay , Paris – If you love French art whether that’s paintings, sculptures, furniture or photography, you’ll love the Musée d’Orsay Museum.

50. Pergamon Museum , Berlin – Explore one of the largest and most visited museums in Germany. The Pergamon Museum is known for its antiquity collection and Islamic and Middle Eastern artworks.

If you love history and want to learn more about the story behind the Berlin Wall like why it was famous and so important. We’ve explained it simply (i.e. Story of the Berlin Wall for dummies) in our Berlin Wall by Bike guide.

51. Rijksmuseum , Amsterdam – The national museum of the Netherlands that holds some of the world’s most famous artworks from artists like Vermeer and Rembrandt.

52. Van Gogh Museum , Amsterdam – Another jewel from Amsterdam. The Van Gogh Museum needs no introduction.

53. The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York – Also known as The Met. This is one of the largest museums in the world. You can easily spend days if not weeks here admiring everything from antiquities, paintings, sculptures to modern art and fashion. A museum that has something for everyone.

Live Webcam Feeds for Wildlife Watching and Scuba Diving

We saved the best for last. Watch wildlife and underwater sea life from home via live webcam feeds! If you didn’t know you could do that, now you know.

free live webcam feeds of wildlife and aquariums around the world

54. Tau Game Lodge in Madikwe , South Africa – The beautiful Madikwe Game Reserve is located on the edge of the South African border close to Gaborone, Botswana. They have a 24 hour live webcam looking over one of the water reservoirs where the animals come to drink.

55. Kruger National Park , South Africa – Have you always dreamt of going on safari? Wait no more! WildEarth is hosting daily safari rides, twice a day so you can see some of South Africa’s most beautiful wildlife live with their awesome rangers! This is definitely one of our favourite wildlife webcam feeds! Support WildEarth with a donation if you can during these difficult times.

56. African River Wildlife, Kenya – There are more than 10 live webcam feeds here so you’re spoilt for choice. Head over to and enjoy ‘Facetiming’ these amazing creatures.

57. Virtual Dives with National Marine Sanctuaries – Discover the underwater world with virtual scuba diving! There’s a host of coral reefs waiting for you to explore. Just click on the video and use your mouse or VR set to look around.

58. Underwater Cave Diving – Even certified scuba divers like us are not allowed to explore underwater caves without the right technical qualifications and training. So whether you’re a scuba diver or not, you’ll most definitely enjoy this cave scuba diving virtual tour.

Want to learn how to scuba dive? Check out our Beginners Scuba Diving guide where we share how you can save time and money getting certified.

59. Georgia Aquarium – ‘FaceTime’ with the residents of Georgia Aquarium via their live webcams. See sea lions, puffer fish and even the elusive beluga whale.

60. Monterey Bay Aquarium – Another amazing aquarium with an array of live webcams. Spy on sea otters, jellyfish, penguins and even turtles and sharks.

Virtual Tours: How To Travel For Free From Home

We had a lot of fun looking for different ways to ‘travel’ the world from home. We hope you enjoyed your first experience of ‘armchair travel’. We’d love to hear which one was your favourite.

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Top 10 virtual tours: see museums and the world without leaving home

Stuck at home? You can still enjoy amazing sights and experiences

Machu Picchu virtual tour

Many of the world’s most iconic locations now offer virtual tours, meaning you can visit museums, world heritage sites and other attractions from the comfort of your couch. You don’t need a VR headset , either, although some attractions do support virtual reality for a more immersive experience.

So if you’re looking for things to do at home, and in need of a change of scenery, simply grab your laptop, tablet or phone, and join us on a world tour filled with history, nature and – of course – technology.

1. Machu Picchu, Andes Mountains, Peru

Machu Picchu

A simply stunning UNESCO World Heritage site, Machu Picchu is a visual wonder that just has to be seen. You no longer need to fly all the way to Peru to see it in all its glory, however, as the virtual tour is comprehensive, immersive, and filled with fascinating insights.

With 360-degree views of the ruins of Inca settlements and lush green landscapes, you can visit every popular vantage point and learn more about the history of the famous site thanks to a helpful voice narrator. OK, you can’t feel the warm breeze around you, but if you turn on the heat and have a handy desk fan set to low, it’s almost as good as the real thing. Almost.

Behold the marvel : Machu Picchu

2. The Louvre Museum, Paris

The Lourve virtual tour

An attraction visited by millions of tourists in person every year, the Louvre Museum has also created a selection of virtual tours based on its permanent collections. Explore Egyptian antiquities, the Remains of the Louvre’s Moat, and the decorative arts of the Galerie d’Apollon. 

The tour is easy to navigate, with an expandable minimap that lets you highlight exhibits to view with just a couple of clicks. You can also find out more about each room in The Louvre, with detailed descriptions that will probably make the room you’re actually sitting in feel frightfully dull in comparison. 

Take a trip: Louvre Museum

3. The National Museum of Computing, Milton Keynes, UK

National Museum of Computing virtual tour

The National Museum of Computing contains the world’s largest collection of working historic computers. That means one of them probably runs Microsoft Vista and is still working...

The museum features a fantastic, intuitive, virtual 3D tour. You can zoom in on each exhibit’s details, and find out more about every aspect of computing history, such as the world’s oldest working digital computer. Impressive stuff.

Discover a digital treasure trove: The National Museum of Computing

4. Georgia Aquarium, Georgia, USA

Georgia Aquarium virtual tours

Nothing beats the beauty of nature, so it’s good to know you can still get your daily dose of “aww” from the safety of your sofa. The Georgia Aquarium has over 50 species ranging from sea lions to underwater puffins, with many available to view via webcam. There’s also a daily and weekly livestream that’s aimed at piquing children’s interest in animals, and a great at-home educational tool if you want to entertain the little ones. 

Ever wondered what a Beluga Whale gets up to in its spare time? Just click on the link below and find out. Water-way to have a good time. 

Sea more: Georgia Aquarium

5. A 3-Minute Tour, Tokyo

What if we told you that you could ride in a Tuk Tuk, walk across the famous Shibuya crossing, win a Pikachu from a claw machine, and make friends with a robot… all in under three minutes. That might be physically impossible, but with VR it’s a breeze.

If you’ve ever wanted to take a whistle-stop tour of Japan, the Japan National Tourism Organization has created a 360-degree virtual reality video that lets you do all of the above, and lots more. 

Simply put on a VR headset to experience a surreal thrill ride, where you’ll go from feeding a deer to facing off against a sumo wrestler in a matter of seconds. The video is also viewable in 2D, and well worth a look. 

Check it out below.

6. The British Museum, London

British Museum virtual tour

Home to a remarkable collection that spans over two million years of human history and culture, The British Museum has nearly 50 online exhibits to view. From Bonaparte and the Battle of Waterloo to exploring the history of LGBTQ, there’s plenty of informative content to delve into.

For a more interactive experience, check out the Museum of the World tour . You can browse through a large selection of exhibits that are dated by century, continent and category – such as trade and conflict or art and design. Each exhibit offers a detailed description as well as accompanying audio, which helps provide a fascinating backstory to each piece. 

Browse the exhibits: The British Museum

7. The Vatican, Rome

The Vatican virtual tour

Filled with spectacular architecture and historic monuments, The Vatican is within your virtual reach, with a host of museums providing online tours. Step into the Sistine Chapel and Raphael’s Rooms, which are adorned with simply sensational artwork. 

The tour is compatible with WebVR, so you can pop on a VR headset to get an even closer look at some of mankind’s most memorable creations. It’s truly breathtaking, even when viewed through a screen.  

When in Rome, visit: The Vatican

 8. Musée d’Orsay, Paris

Musee d'Orsey virtual tour

Located in the center of Paris, this historic museum was installed in the former Orsay railway station. It was originally built for the Universal Exhibition of 1900, and displays collections of art from the period 1848 to 1914.

Take a leisurely virtual stroll through the opulent hallways and witness works from dozens of famous French artists, including Monet, Gauguin and Van Gogh. With no other visitors to contend with, you can soak up all the culture on display to your heart’s content – and there’s a lot to soak up. 

Take the tour: Musée d’Orsay

9. Athens Acropolis, Athens

Acropolis virtual tour

A must-visit destination for history buffs, the Athens Acropolis includes the world-famous Parthenon, and is a cultural hotspot for tourists. Choose between popular sites such as the Theatre of Dionysus and enjoy in-depth videos that provide a fascinating and educational insight into ancient Greece. 

There are plenty of photographs to view and engrossing facts to learn, so don’t be surprised if you become an armchair expert in no time. Now, where’d you put that amphora of wine? 

Get to the Greek: Athens Acropolis

10. The Royal Academy of Arts, London

Royal Academy of Arts virtual tour

If you’re amazed by architecture, the Royal Academy of Arts has a virtual tour that will make you go “ooo” and “ahh” for hours. The Sensing Spaces exhibition uses high-quality 360-degree photography to give visitors a taste of its structures and remarkable exhibitions – it really does feel as if you’re actually there. 

Each exhibition is complemented by further information for users to read through, but you’re encouraged to come to your own conclusions, and think about what each space means to you.

Visit the exhibition: Sensing Spaces

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Adam was formerly TRG's Hardware Editor. A law graduate with an exceptional track record in content creation and online engagement, Adam has penned scintillating copy for various technology sites and also established his very own award-nominated video games website. He’s previously worked at Nintendo of Europe as a Content Marketing Editor and once played Halo 5: Guardians for over 51 hours for charity. He is now an editor at The Shortcut.

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Best virtual tours that you can take without leaving home

Need to get out of the house and go on vacation, but finances, health, or other circumstances have you staying at home? Virtual tours are the next best thing. They allow you to travel to exotic locations, including space, without ever leaving home. Here are some of the best ways to take a staycation getaway using virtual tours.

Best virtual tour app for Android

Best virtual tour app for iphone, best virtual tours online, best virtual space tours, best virtual tours of us national parks, best way to take a random tour, best global virtual tour, best zoo virtual tours, best aquarium virtual tours, best fine art virtual tours, best history museum virtual tours, best virtual nature walks.

The Seven Wonders app allows you to travel to the seven wonders of the world from your phone. The app supports the use of Google Cardboard but you don’t have to use it. You can just hold your phone up to your face — as you move the phone, you’ll see a 360-degree view of whatever location you’re visiting.

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With the Sites in VR app, you can take tours around the world using a virtual reality headset or just your phone or iPad. You can choose from cities or countries to visit, or you can go inside famous landmarks, like the pyramids. There are even space panoramas for a little out-of-this-world entertainment.

AirPano is a free site that allows you to wander beautiful locations all over the world. The best features of these virtual tours are choosing to take a helicopter view over the landscape or a walking trail through the area. The site also has articles about the location you are visiting and allows visitors to leave comments. If you really like a tour, you can choose to buy it as a download.

Sometimes you just want to leave this planet behind. That’s where virtual space tours come in handy. The Exoplanet Travel Bureau , powered by NASA, is here for you. You can choose an exoplanet and travel around its alien surface. Of course, the planets are artist renderings, since we haven’t actually traveled there yet, but they’re fascinating just the same. NASA at Home has many more space-themed virtual and augmented reality tours, too.

The Hidden Worlds of the National Parks is a Google project that lets you explore five different U.S. parks, including Florida’s Dry Tortugas, Hawaiian volcanoes, the Kenai Fjords in Alaska, New Mexico’s Carlsbad Caverns, and Utah’s Bryce Canyon. Each tour starts with a little history lesson about the area, and then you can dive into the 360-degree landscape. There are also audio tour guides that help you along your journey, explaining what you’re looking at and a little of its history.

Sometimes you don’t know where you want to go, and that’s OK. The Random Street View generator (powered by Google Maps ) is the answer. It will take you on a virtual stroll down a random street somewhere in the world. Be careful, though. Exploring random locations is a bit addicting. One minute you may be virtually walking down a highway in Michigan, and then with a click, you could be in an alleyway in Romania. The best part is that you get to see places that other virtual tour sites and apps don’t offer.

With Google Earth , you can go anywhere on our planet, from your hometown to the other side of the earth. You can use the website to take your journey, or use the app together with VR equipment to enhance your experience. Other than the awesome street views and ability to travel just about anywhere, you can also enhance Google Earth with your own videos and photos of places you have been in person.

If you’re an animal lover, there are many great virtual zoo exhibits that you can visit from your home. The San Diego Live Cams , for example, let you watch live footage of a wide range of animals, from baboons to penguins. Some other great animal cams can be found at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute , The Houston Zoo , and EarthCam .

There are plenty of ways to visit our fishy friends, too. The Monterey Bay Aquarium, The Georgia Aquarium, and The National Aquarium all have fantastic live webcams that allow you to watch sharks, jellyfish, stingrays, and much more.

When it comes to fine art, it’s hard to do better than a virtual tour of the Louvre . The website has a variety of tours you can take throughout the gallery, including The Galerie d’Apollon, Louvre’s Petite Galerie, and the east side of the Sully wing. When you’re finished at the Louvre, check out the virtual tours of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in South Korea , the Musée d’Orsay in Paris , and the Museu de Arte de São Paulo in Brazil .

There are also virtual tours that can take you back in time, sort of. You can see amazing exhibits of curiosities from the past, like dinosaurs, Egyptian relics, Stone Age tools, and more at The Natural History Museum in London ,  The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History , and The British Museum .

Longing for a walk in the woods or a tour through habitats that rarely see a human? No problem. There are plenty of virtual tours to satisfy you. Conservation International, for example, has a 360-degree tour through the Amazon that is narrated by an indigenous guide. Other virtual hikes you might enjoy include a trip through the redwoods at Muir Woods National Park , a stroll through the Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve, and a tour of New Zealand’s Great Walks .

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Alina Bradford

As rival Apple is rumored to be eyeing an entrance into the metaverse, Microsoft, an early proponent of mixed and augmented reality applications, is criticized for its blurry vision behind the company's own HoloLens strategy. While HoloLens notched big early wins, including scoring a U.S. Department of Defense contract, subsequent delays, project cancellations, and high-profile executive departures may have resulted in the death of the HoloLens 3. Still, despite a scathing profile by Business Insider, it appears that Microsoft remains, at least publicly, committed to its HoloLens endeavors for now. The company has gone on record to refute the publication's reporting that HoloLens 3 has been killed.

There are a number of factors that may be causing Microsoft to pivot from its early bet on HoloLens, but the Microsoft profile cited internal divisions and the lack of a unified strategy among the top reasons for concern. As a result of the chaos, it appears that the largest collateral damage to Microsoft's infighting is the cancellation of its next-generation HoloLens 3 hardware.

Actronika, a startup company known for its HD haptics technology has a futuristic new product. Expected to be on display at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January 2022 is Skinetic, a haptic vest that should make virtual reality experiences feel a lot more realistic.

Skinetic works much as you'd expect. The wearable vest makes VR feel more immersive by bringing life-like sensations and touch-like experiences to areas of the body like the chest when paired with a compatible headset. As reported by Business Wire, the technology "works with 20 patented vibrotactile voice-coil motors, capable of generating a wide range of vibrations that cover 100% of human vibrotactile perception."

It seems that virtual reality may be about to become even more real than ever before -- all thanks to a new VR headset. Pimax, a company that manufactures VR equipment, announced the upcoming release of a new 12K QLED VR headset that will feature technologies such as eye tracking, full-body tracking, and refresh rates of up to 200Hz. The headset, dubbed Pimax Reality 12K QLED, is part of the company's venture into the metaverse and a step toward bringing true realism to using VR.

During today's Pimax Frontier event, the company's representatives talked at length about the goals behind the product -- naturalness, self-awareness, and freedom. Pimax wants to bring these qualities into virtual reality and the metaverse, allowing people from all over the world to interact and explore virtual worlds together. While VR technology already allows for some of that to happen, Pimax wants to take it to the next level with its new invention -- the Reality 12K QLED VR headset.


Virtual Tours & Experiences

Feeling stressed being trapped at home why not hop on an virtual tour with our guides around the world.

Zoom- Private live virtual experience in Tokyocover image

Zoom- Private live virtual experience in Tokyo

You can enjoy seeing the real time viewing via zoom while hearing interesting story, useful information, meanings of each spot from a professional guide. the guide visits popular spots in asakusa or in akihabara. i've done live zoom tour many times for individual customers and as a company’s event including through other sites since 2020. let's join this popular virtual experience by your self, with your family and friends.

Japan Tour Guide - Yukiko F.

Delightful History Walk in Samurai Town

This tour is the best for a company recreation event, and you learn something new together. it's a virtual walking of the beautiful city kamakura with a friendly local guide. we enjoy a history and town walk. it's relaxed, knowledgeable, and fun i have experience in hosting groups of up to 110 people. i'm flexible for tour date/time and the number of guests. i am waiting for your contact..

Japan Tour Guide - Masa I.


Floating temple, literally in vietnamese ( mieu noi) located in the middle of vam thuan river, a branch of saigon river in go vap district and is only accessible by boat or by swimming..:) built over 300 years ago, the temple is rumored to have been used to bless fishermen with peace and good fortune before they set sail for the sea. but another one has it that a heartbroken husband built it as a memorial and a token of love for his wife after she died. saigon local guide chau.

Vietnam Tour Guide - Chau L.

Online Tour! - Grasping Okinawa's Charms

An hour online tour consists of a presentation of okinawa's basic information, an online tour of must-see spots including the world heritage sites, and a q&a session..

Japan Tour Guide - Harry M.

Live Virtual Tour Machu Picchu Peru, New Wonder of the World

Explore one of the new 7 wonders of the world, the famous machu picchu, live virtually from its majestic, mountainous setting deep in the high jungle of peru. your dedicated, local guide & archaeologist mike will bring the city of the incas to life for you as you visit the most important areas of this unesco world heritage site together to gain a deeper understanding of the ancient inca civilization’s ingenuity and architecture as well as culture and philosophy..

Peru Tour Guide - Michael L.

Flores-Indonesia Tribal Hand-Woven Fabrics

Flores offers unique woven fabrics for textile lovers. women not only continue to make traditional clothes on the back of their loom, but also continue to wear them in their daily lives. there is a wide variety of kaleidoscopic designs - each region has a unique & enchanting textile culture, clothing style & motif. we will explore the extraordinary ancestral traditions from the "bliran sina" cultural arts studio where textiles are the main form of artistic expression, which still plays a central.

Indonesia Tour Guide - Gerard D.

Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial - Online Tour

On march 22, 1933, a few weeks after adolf hitler had been appointed reich chancellor, a concentration camp for political prisoners was set up in dachau. this camp served as a model for all later concentration camps and as a “school of violence” for the ss men under whose command it stood. in the twelve years of its existence over 200.000 persons from all over europe were imprisoned here and in the numerous subsidary camps. 41.500 were murdered..

Germany Tour Guide - Franz S.

Live Virtual Tour Cusco Peru, Ancient Capital of the Incas

Book this live, guided virtual tour to discover cusco, peru cusco used to be the capital of the incas and then played an important role in the spanish colonization of the americas. join your local, private guide mike to discover cusco’s incredibly rich history, fascinating hybrid culture and architecture as we walk through the vibrant city’s cobbled streets together, starting from a high up viewpoint in the artisan neighborhood of san blas and ending up in the beautiful main square..

Romeo and Juliet Virtual Tourcover image

Romeo and Juliet Virtual Tour

For helpless lovers; school students & teachers working on shakespeare's "romeo and juliet"; scholars wanting to hear the true story and how people really lived in the 14th century; passionates of movies like "letters to juliet" , "romeo and juliet" or "romeo + juliet"; and all curious people... this tour helps you discover what's behind the story, and helps you feel the way people felt in 14th century verona..

Italy Tour Guide - Maria pia G.

Milan downtown Virtual tour

During this outdoor live virtual tour live we discover the highlights of the city centre of milan.from piazza scala we will walk through galleria vittorio emanuele, the "salotto elegante", to reach the main heart of the city, piazza duomo with the breathtaking cathedral duomo..

Italy Tour Guide - Veronica  A.

Virtual Tour "Welcome to the Maya world"

This is a powerpoint presentation of 100 of my best slides of the maya world. we will go on a virtual tour through yucatan, belize and guatemala. you might want to book this zoom presentation before your vacation in the maya area or in case you are not able or willing to travel in person, for whatever reason. during our zoom meeting i will not just explain my slides, you can also ask questions of course..

Mexico Tour Guide - Jens R.

1944 D-day in Normandy virtual tour

Your guide will immerse you in this memorable day where thousands of american soldiers sacrificed their lives for the liberation of normandy including both fun and moving anecdotes . the tour will allow you to feel the fear before the landing, the harshness of the fighting, and the hardships experienced by soldiers..

France Tour Guide - Leo K.

Pisa Live Virtual Tour

Who hasn't wished to see the famous leaning tower of pisa as we walk through the beautiful city centre, just like the locals do on a daily basis, we learn a little about the city’s millennial history, its past glory and later transformation into a modern university town, before we reach the famous campo dei miracoli (field of miracles) with its famed cathedral, the baptistery, the monumental cemetery and, of course, the most famous belltower in the world..

Italy Tour Guide - Manolis T.

Virtual Tour "Siete códices mayas"

En nuestro encuentro de zoom interactivo, les mostraré una presentación powerpoint sobre siete códices mayas. tal vez han escuchado, que solo existen 3 o 4 códices mayas, así que esto se debe poner interesante. algunos de los códices que presentaré, los he dibujado yo mismo. ¡déjense sorprender para aprender fascinantes detalles sobre esto antiguos manuscritos.

Virtual Tour - Highlights of Munich's Old Towncover image

Virtual Tour - Highlights of Munich's Old Town

This tour includes the must see sightseeing spots in munich. on this virtual city tour we use my virtual world with more than 280 panoramic photos and many other background information. microsoft teams connects us to each other and allows us to talk and ask questions. experience munich without being on site with a guided, virtual city tour with live city guide via pc/mac or ipad with the whole family, your department or company..

Germany Tour Guide - Wolfgang B.

Your First Origami Online Workshop

Touch a tip of japanese culture prior to your tour picking this online experience of origami up. it is an art and a joy of paper folding which can be enjoyed by everybody interested in this oriental culture. just with one hour workshop, you will be able to create your own origami works such as a great samurai helmet, a pretty butterfly, a joyful jumping frog, a paper container for candies, and a traditional japanese crane (orizuru) from square sheets of paper..

Japan Tour Guide - Koichiro Y.

Argentinean Wine Tasting with Vicente

This virtual wine tour aims to discover the joy of tasting argentinean wines, headed by malbec grape, learning where and how the wine is made. it will not only focus on malbec, but also other types such as bonarda, cabernet sauvignon, chardonnay or torrontés..

Argentina Tour Guide - Vicente  C.

Online Talk about Japanese Tea

I’ve enjoyed offering a tea tour here in shizuoka, japan’s no.1 tea producer. now, under the situation of covid19, i’d like to suggest an online opportunity for tea lovers across the world as a japanese tea instructor, i can share the information on tea including types of tea, production, process, health benefits, how to enjoy it and the like. i hope this will be a help for you to know more about japanese tea. you can gain further understanding and enjoy it more in your future visit.

Japan Tour Guide - Hiroyo A.


Saigon or ho chi minh city is one of the biggest and the central hubs of vietnam. it used to be the capital of southern vietnam during the vietnam war. nowadays, ho chi minh city is one of the most popular destinations for travelers visiting the city and surrounding area. the city has two parts, the old colonial quarter and the new saigon city. let local guide chau shows you the old part of the city as a virtual tour,..

Flores-Indonesia's Wine Tasting With Gerardcover image

Flores-Indonesia's Wine Tasting With Gerard

Flores’ wine, locally known as moke or arak or tuak. this virtual wine tour aims to discover the joy of tasting arak from the island of flores, indonesia. you will see and learn a series of arak-making processes both from lontar palm tree (borassus flabellifer) and from aren palm tree (arenga saccharifera). the process starts with the preparation of working tools such as sliced knives, wooden tongs, containers for holding raw wine, then climbing palm tree, working on top of the palm tree, climb.

Picasso Museum - Live Virtual Tourcover image

Picasso Museum - Live Virtual Tour

Let me surprise you with this museum picasso live virtual tour. picasso is a world-renowned artist whose work is reflected in the entire history of 20th century art. he moved to barcelona when he was 13 and stayed until moving to paris at 19. for that sharp 13 year old boy who came from the deep-oldfashioned-traditional spain, modern bcn represented an open window to a sophisticated world. in the museum you will discover this picasso, the one before becoming picasso..

Spain Tour Guide - Maica C.

Live Virtual Tour Kelimutu Three Colored Lakes

Explore one of the 7 wonders of the world, the famous kelimutu three colored lake, virtually from the majestic peak at 1640 meters above sea level on flores island, indonesia. gerard, your dedicated local guide, will bring kelimutu to life for you when you visit this most important area to gain a deeper understanding of the majesty of nature and culture of the civilized lio-ende people who still believe in the three lakes as their final resting place after death..

The Cataphiles of Paris: Virtual conference cover image

The Cataphiles of Paris: Virtual conference

If you haven’t discover the catacombs’ history, then i advise you to join the catacombs tour first. the catacombs where cataphiles like to wander secretly is full of surprises. why is it so secret what are they doing down there is it true that a cataphile got lost and has never been found since then are there any parties underground for real thanks to her 13 years experience as a cataphile and her personal documents, you guide will immerse you into this parallel universe..

III REICH – Online Nazi History Tourcover image

III REICH – Online Nazi History Tour

Learn about hitler’s rise to power and the key events that took place in munich during the 12 years of the third reich and before: the 1923 beer hall putsch, kristallnacht in 1938 and the failed assassination attempt by georg elsner in the burgerbräukeller in 1939..

Segovia - World Heritage City - Virtual life Tour (Zoom)cover image

Segovia - World Heritage City - Virtual life Tour (Zoom)

Discover from your home the city of segovia through a virtual life tour together with an official local tour guide. we will cover both the most important monuments of segovia (the roman aqueduct, the medieval wall, the gothic cathedra and the alcazar) and the gastronomy of the area..

Spain Tour Guide - Begoña H.

Online Munich at Night / Twilight Tour

Join us at this walk along the major sights of munich and get wonderful impressions as well as historical background and more fascinating stories on the way. we appreciate your questions and are happy to answer them. come and see…..

Kelimutu Lakes-Ritual of Providing Offerings to Ancestorscover image

Kelimutu Lakes-Ritual of Providing Offerings to Ancestors

The pati ka du'a bapu ata mata ritual is a ceremony to give offerings or to feed the spirits of the ancestors on mount kelimutu. this ritual is carried out by the people of the lio tribe who inhabit the area around mount kelimutu. they believe that the first crater, tiwu ata bupu, is the place where the spirits of parents who have always done good in their lives, while in the second crater, tiwu ko'o fai nuwa muri is the home of the spirits of young people whose lives are full of happiness, and.

Munich – Online City Walkcover image

Munich – Online City Walk

Join us on a live stroll through the center of the capital of bavaria. along the most important sights of munich old town. learn how and where the settlement started and how everything developed. get an idea why the bavarian attitude is so different to the rest of germany and why napoleon bonaparte was so important for munich and bavaria. see why munich is called the city of palaces, churches, beer and so much more..

Live Budapest Historic and Cultural Virtual Tourcover image

Live Budapest Historic and Cultural Virtual Tour

Enjoy to explore budapest with your historian guide from the comfort of your home this interesting online live-streamed tour leads you through the hungarian history visiting the most important historic and cultural sites of budapest by a live, video conferencing software the tour takes about 3 hours, and of course we can take a break anytime you need. the tour is flexible and can be modified according to your wishes.

Hungary Tour Guide - George rashad S.

Discover Lisbon's Stunning Street Art (Virtual Experience)

Let’s discover lisbon through its street art in a unique virtual experience this is an amazing interactive street art adventure, where you will see some of the highlights of our street art with their powerful messages at the same time that you are learning about our history and culture of lisbon in an artistic way. i will introduce to you the psychology and street codes of this culture like the toy tag, the ego, are just an example.

Portugal Tour Guide - Igor V.

ॐ ( OM ) - Vedic Sanskrit Mantra Meditation

[this is an online tour via zoom] ॐ (om) is the oldest vedic sanskrit mantra - said to be one of the most powerful mantras of all times. today, ॐ (om) is a globally popular spiritual symbol. ॐ (om) is the basic sound of the universe. ॐ (om) chanting symbolically and physically tunes us into that sound and acknowledges our connection to everything in the universe. the rhythmic pronunciation & vibrations of ॐ (om) chanting will have a calming effect on the body and reduce the stress..

India Tour Guide - Roopak A.

360° Panoramic Creations:

virtual tour guides

We create high-quality stabilized video having 8k and 4k resolution, 48 or 24 frames per second together with high-quality post-processing. Videos are supported by the most advanced technologies, such as virtual reality headsets (including Samsung Gear VR), different electronic devices and YouTube channels.

We use different types of moving and fixed objects (tripods, monopods, cars, helicopters, building cranes, etc.) to record videos. For aerial shooting we usually use drones with fully gyro-stabilized unique suspension. Panoramic video covers up all the space around the camera 360x180 degrees without black spots at both nadir and zenith viewing angle.

360° videos are available in any format you choose: .mp4, .avi, .mov, etc. All the videos are made and kept in frames, making it possible to encode them into any available format and bitrate with the resolution up to 8k.


Our team creates high-quality 360° photo-panoramas with 35000x17500 pixels resolution (in the equidistant projection) and carries out professional post-processing and corrections of any complexity. We develop virtual tours which are suitable for all browsers, support both Flash and HTML5 technologies and are compatible with different mobile devices and virtual reality headsets (including Samsung Gear VR).

We use different types of moving and fixed objects (tripods, monopods, cars, helicopters, building cranes, etc.) to record videos. For aerial shooting we usually use drones with the fully gyro-stabilized unique suspension. Panoramic video covers up all the space around the camera 360x180 degrees without black spots at both nadir and zenith viewing angle.

Ready 360° photo-panoramas cover up all the space around the camera 360x180 degrees without black spots at both nadir and zenith viewing angle.

Info-points (description buttons that can be placed in the panorama), embedded pictures, video and audio can be added to the virtual tour.

virtual tour guides


Our team creates high-quality 360° photo-panoramas with resolution from 1 to 3 gigapixel and carries out professional post-processing and corrections of any complexity. We develop virtual tours which are suitable for all browsers, support both Flash and HTML5 technologies and are compatible with different mobile devices and virtual reality glasses (including Samsung Gear VR).

Info-points (description buttons that can be placed in the panorama), embedded pictures, video and audio can be added to the ready virtual tour.


We can make panoramic timelapses with the given viewing angle and resolution up to 12k with professional post-processing and without black spots at both nadir and zenith viewing angle. 360° timelapses are supported by the most advanced technologies, such as virtual reality glasses (including Samsung Gear VR), different electronic devices and YouTube channels.

360° timelapses are available in any format you choose: .mp4, .avi, .mov, etc. All the timelapses are made and kept in frames, making it possible to encode them into any available format and bitrate with the resolution up to 12K.

Content sales:

virtual tour guides


On the basis of 360° panoramas we create virtual tours of any complexity, branded with logos and design elements of the company’s website together with embedding interactive elements, such as photos, slideshows, videos, descriptions, switch-points to other panoramas, audio descriptions, 3D sounds.

Our clients receive a fully functional virtual tour developed in HTML5 and supported by any computer or mobile device (iOS, Android, Windows Phone).

360° Photo    Price List


For almost 10 years of travelling around the world our team has gathered an extensive stock of pictures, taken from both flying devices and the ground.

Any picture presented at our stock can be licensed for any kind of possible use. We can also offer the photos of ultra-high quality (the longer side up to 103,000 pixels).

You can also take a look at the spherical panoramas published on the website . Any of the 360° panoramas represented on the website can be converted into a printed image of very high quality.

Photogallery    Price List

virtual tour guides


By filming 360° video since 2011, our team has gathered an extensive stock of clips, taken from both flying devices and the ground.

Any video presented on our website can be licensed for any kind of possible use.

360° videos are available in any format you choose: .mp4, .avi, .mov, etc. All the videos are made and kept in frames, making it possible to encode them into any available format and bitrate.

360° Video    Price List


We are one of the software developers of applications based on 360° photos and videos. Currently, there are 7 applications in our portfolio. One of them was top-rated in 84 countries and listed among the best applications of the year 2014 according to App Store.

These applications can also be used for demonstration of panoramic content with the help of virtual reality devices, such as Samsung Gear VR, Google Cardboard and analogues.

Exhibition installations:

virtual tour guides


AirPano team has the experience of creating panoramic cinemas and video-walls, making it possible to demonstrate our panoramic content at different kinds of events, exhibitions and in museums. The size is only defined by the premises, the quality of projector and the dimensions of plasma screens. Such solutions usually make a deep impression on visitors.

The control is carried out by a tablet or Kinect devices.

virtual tour guides


We are ready to create applications with panoramic content working on touch screens of any size. Both AirPano panoramas and the client’s material can be the basis for this kind of software.

We create virtual tours of any complexity, branded with logos and design elements of the company’s website together with embedding interactive elements, such as photos, slideshows, videos, descriptions, switch-points to other panoramas, audio descriptions, 3D sounds.

virtual tour guides


Our virtual tours and 360° videos are supported by all the types of virtual reality headsets (VR): Google Cardboard, Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, Sony Morpheus and others.

We can also develop special software for operating on Samsung Gear VR, if required.

AirPano in cooperation with Polden Studio carries out the installation of the binocular usage of the client’s or our own content. With the help of binoculars, the client can present the panoramic content at different kinds of events, exhibitions and in museums. This kind of devices usually attract a lot of visitors and leave a deep impression on them.

virtual tour guides

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Many of the credit card offers that appear on this site are from credit card companies from which we receive financial compensation. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). However, the credit card information that we publish has been written and evaluated by experts who know these products inside out. We only recommend products we either use ourselves or endorse. This site does not include all credit card companies or all available credit card offers that are on the market.  See our advertising policy here where we list advertisers that we work with, and how we make money. You can also review our  credit card rating methodology .

The 75 Best Virtual Museum Tours Around the World [Art, History, Science, and Technology]

Jarrod West's image

Jarrod West

Senior Content Contributor

446 Published Articles 1 Edited Article

Countries Visited: 21 U.S. States Visited: 24

Keri Stooksbury's image

Keri Stooksbury


36 Published Articles 3276 Edited Articles

Countries Visited: 47 U.S. States Visited: 28

The 75 Best Virtual Museum Tours Around the World [Art, History, Science, and Technology]

Table of Contents

Google arts and culture, 50 art museums with virtual tours, 5 natural history museums with virtual tours, 10 science and technology museums with virtual tours, 10 history museums with virtual tours, final thoughts.

We may be compensated when you click on product links, such as credit cards, from one or more of our advertising partners. Terms apply to the offers below. See our  Advertising Policy for more about our partners, how we make money, and our rating methodology. Opinions and recommendations are ours alone.

You can now access collections from many of the world’s top museums without ever leaving home! We’ve put together an ultimate list of 75 world-class museums that offer virtual tours you can visit from the comfort of your couch.

Many of the virtual tours include exhibit walk-throughs and the ability to examine some of the world’s best paintings, sculptures, and other pieces up close and personal. These virtual tours are jam-packed with enough details to make you feel like you’re really visiting the museum. The experiences are sure to entertain the whole family, an art or history buff, or even those who want to imagine the joys of travel!

We’ve broken our list into 4 easy-to-review sections, including art, natural history, science and technology, and history museums. So whether you prefer to take in a painting at the Van Gogh Museum, check out an SR-71 Blackbird at the Museum of Flight, or gaze upon the Rosetta Stone, this list has it all!

Many of the virtual exhibits in this article are offered through a collaboration with Google Arts and Culture. If you’re not familiar, Google Arts and Culture is an online platform that showcases high-resolution images and videos of artworks and cultural artifacts from more than 2,000 museums throughout the world. You can zoom in and out of images in great detail and view some of the best pieces of artwork ever created without leaving your couch.

The platform is available in 18 languages and has been praised internationally for increasing access to art to those who may have not had the opportunity otherwise. It’s available for web , iOS , and Android .

1. The Albertina Museum (Vienna, Austria)


Year Opened:  1805

The Albertina Museum features one of the most important European collections of international modern art and houses one of the largest and most important print rooms in the world with approximately 65,000 drawings and 1 million old master prints. Hundreds of the works housed in the museum, like “Study for the Last Supper” by Da Vinci and “The Water Lily Pond” by Monet, can be viewed online thanks to a partnership with Google Arts and Culture.

To view the online exhibits, click here .

2. Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago, Illinois)

Art Institute of Chicago

Year Opened: 1879

The Art Institute of Chicago is one of the oldest and largest art museums in the U.S., hosting approximately 1.5 million people annually. Its collection features more than 5,000 years of human expression from cultures around the world and contains more than 300,000 works of art in 11 curatorial departments.

The online tour allows you to view major pieces from the museum’s collection, such as “American Gothic,” “A Sunday on La Grande Jatte,” and “Nighthawks.” The site also offers projects to get creative at home, educator resources, and JourneyMaker, a digital tool that allows visitors to create unique, personalized tours of the museum.

To view the online tour, click here .

3. Benaki Museum (Athens, Greece)

Benaki Museum Athens

Year Opened: 1930

Established in 1930 by Antonis Benakis in memory of his father Emmanuel Benakis, the Benaki Museum houses Greek works of art from prehistoric to modern times and an extensive collection of Asian art. It also hosts periodic exhibitions and maintains a state-of-the-art restoration and conservation workshop.

The entire museum can be viewed virtually in great detail.

To view the online virtual tour, click here .

4. The Broad (Los Angeles, California)

The Broad

Year Opened: 2015

The Broad is a contemporary art museum named for philanthropists Eli and Edythe Broad. The Broad houses a nearly 2,000-piece collection of contemporary art, featuring 200 artists including works by Cindy Sherman, Jeff Koons, Ed Ruscha, Roy Lichtenstein, and Andy Warhol. Notable installations include Yayoi Kusama’s “Infinity Mirrored Room” (pictured above) and Ragnar Kjartansson’s expansive 9-screen video “The Visitors.”

The Broad has put together a series of YouTube videos to give you a first-hand look at the museum.

5. Centre Pompidou (Paris, France)

Centre Pompidou

Year Opened : 1977

The Centre Pompidou, named after the president of France from 1969 to 1974, is the largest museum for modern and contemporary art in Europe and the second-largest in the world. The museum has more than 12,000 pieces of artwork on display, including works by Kandinsky, Dalí, and Valadon.

The Centre has dozens of videos available on its YouTube channel that provide walk-throughs of the museum and explanations of its most important works.

To view the video tours, click here .

6. The Dalí Theatre-Museum (Figueres, Spain)

Salvador Dali Mae West

Year Opened : 1974

Dedicated to the life and work of the surrealist artist Salvador Dalí, the Dalí Theatre-Museum displays the single largest and most diverse collection of works by the artist. In addition to Dalí paintings from all decades of his career, there are Dalí sculptures, 3-dimensional collages, mechanical devices, and other curiosities from Dalí’s imagination. Through the website, guests can take a virtual tour in 360-degree of the entire museum.

To view the virtual tour, click here .

7. Detroit Institute of Arts (Detroit, Michigan)

Detroit Institute of Arts

Year Opened: 1885

With more than 100 galleries covering over 658,000 square feet, the Detroit Institute of Arts has one of the largest and most significant art collections in the U.S. Its collection features works spanning from ancient Egypt and Europe all the way to modern contemporary art.

The museum has put together “ At Home With DIA ” to offer school field trips from home, weekly film screenings, senior resources, and home projects. DIA also has a partnership with Google Arts and Culture to provide online exhibits including:

  • Frida Kahlo in Detroit
  • Ordinary People by Extraordinary Artists
  • Diego Rivera’s Detroit Industry
  • Self Portrait on the Borderline between Mexico and the United States

8. Frick Collection (New York City, New York)

Frick Collection

Year Opened: 1935

Located in the Henry Clay Frick House, the Frick Collection houses the art collection of industrialist Henry Clay Frick. The collection features some of the best-known paintings by major European artists, including Bellini, Rembrandt, and Vermeer, as well as numerous works of sculpture and porcelain.

The entire museum can be viewed virtually.

9. Galleria dell’Accademia (Florence, Italy)

Statue of David

Year Opened : 1784

The Galleria dell’Accademia, while small compared to other museums featured, is still the second most visited museum in Italy. Its command of visitors is in large part due to its display of perhaps the most famous sculpture in history — Michaelangelo’s statue of David.

You can view a short, video-guided tour of the museum, which includes 360-degree viewing, allowing you to get a close look at the museum’s offerings.

To view the video tour, click here .

10. Georgia O’Keeffe Museum (Sante Fe, New Mexico)

Georgia OKeeffe Museum

Year Opened: 1997

The Georgia O’Keeffe Museum is dedicated to the artistic legacy of Georgia O’Keeffe and her contributions to American Modernism. The museum’s collection includes many of O’Keeffe’s key works, ranging from her innovative abstractions to her iconic large-format flower, skull, and landscape paintings, to paintings of architectural forms, rocks, shells, and trees. Initially, the collection was made of 140 O’Keeffe paintings, watercolors, pastels, and sculptures, but now includes nearly 1,200 objects.

The museum website offers creative activities, stories, and education about Georgia O’Keeffe’s life, along with several virtual exhibits available through Google Arts and Culture, including:

  • Georgia O’Keeffe
  • American Modernism
  • United States

11. Grand Palais (Paris, France)

Grand Palais

Year Opened : 1900

The Grand Palais is a large historic site, exhibition hall, and museum dedicated to the organization of exhibitions, publishing books, art workshops, photographic agency, and hosting major fairs and events. The museum receives 2.5 million visitors each year. The partnership with Google Arts and Culture brings extensive online exhibits to life, from the construction of the building to the masterpieces that lie within it.

12. Hermitage Museum (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

Hermitage Museum

Year Opened : 1764

The Hermitage Museum is the second-largest and eighth-most visited art museum in the world. The Hermitage has more than 60,000 pieces of artwork on display, including the “Peacock Clock” by James Cox, “Madonna Litta” by Leonardo Da Vinci, and works by Rembrandt, Michelangelo, and Antonio Canova.

The online tour is extremely comprehensive and allows you to virtually walk through all 6 buildings in the main complex, treasure gallery, and several exhibition projects.

13. High Museum of Art (Atlanta, Georgia)

High Museum of Art HeartMatch

Year Opened : 1905

The High Museum of Art offers over 15,000 works of art in its collection and is the leading art museum in the southeastern U.S. The museum focuses on 19th- and 20th-century American art, historic and contemporary decorative arts and design, European paintings, modern and contemporary art, photography, folk and self-taught art, and African art.

The museum’s partnership with Google Arts and Culture also offers online exhibits for viewing including:

  • Bill Traylor’s Drawings of People, Animals, and Events
  • How Iris van Herpen Transformed Fashion
  • Incredible, Innovative, and Unexpected Contemporary Furniture Designs
  • Photos From the Civil Rights Movement

14. The J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles, California)

The J. Paul Getty Museum

Year Opened: 1953

The J. Paul Getty Museum is made up of 2 campuses — the Getty Center and Getty Villa — that receive more than 2 million visitors per year. The Getty Center features pre-20th-century European paintings, drawings, illuminated manuscripts, sculpture, and decorative arts and photographs from the 1830s through present-day from all over the world. The Getty Villa displays art from Ancient Greece, Rome, and Etruria.

The museum has put together online resources like art books, online exhibitions, podcasts, and videos, all viewable on its website .

It has also partnered with Google Arts and Culture to showcase online exhibits including:

  • 18th Century Pastel Portraits
  • The Art of Three Faiths: Torah, Bible, Qur’an
  • Eat, Drink, and Be Merry
  • Getty Museum Acquisitions 2019
  • Heaven, Hell, and Dying Well

To view the online galleries, click here .

15. Kunsthaus Zürich (Zürich, Switzerland)

Kunsthaus Zürich

Year Opened : 1910

The Kunsthaus Zürich features one of Switzerland’s most important art collections from the 13th century to the present day. While the museum places an emphasis on Swiss artists, including Alberto Giacometti, you’ll also find work from the likes of Monet, Picasso, and Warhol.

The museum’s partnership with Google Arts and Culture has digitized several of the museum’s best collections for viewing.

16. La Galleria Nazionale (Rome, Italy)

La Galleria Nazionale

Year Opened: 1883

La Galleria Nazionale displays about 1,100 paintings and sculptures from the 19th and 20th centuries — the largest collection in Italy. It features work from famous Italian artists including Giacomo Balla, Umberto Boccioni, Alberto Burri, and foreign artists including Cézanne, Monet, Pollock, Rodin, and Van Gogh.

It has teamed up with Google to offer 16 virtual exhibits for online viewing.

17. Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) (Los Angeles, California)

Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)

Year Opened: 1910

LACMA is the largest art museum in the western U.S., attracts nearly a million visitors annually, and holds more than 150,000 works spanning the history of art from ancient times to the present.

The website (click LACMA @ Home ) includes exhibition walkthroughs, soundtracks and live recordings, online teaching resources, and courses.

To view the LACMA’s online virtual tour from Google Arts & Culture, click here .

18. Mauritshuis (The Hague, Netherlands)

Girl with a Pearl Earring

Year Opened : 1822

The Mauritshuis is home to some of the best Dutch paintings from the Golden Age of Art. The museum consists of 854 works by artists like Johannes Vermeer, Rembrandt Van Rijn, and Jan Steen. Famous works include “Girl with a Pearl Earring” (pictured above) and “View of Delft” by Vermeer, and “The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp” by Rembrandt.

The museum has partnered with Google Arts and Culture to bring several of its best works to life for virtual viewing.

To view the Mauritshuis’ online exhibits, click here .

19. The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York City, New York)

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Year Opened: 1870

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, also known as “The Met,” is the largest art museum in the U.S. and the fourth most visited museum in the world with more than 6 million visitors each year. The permanent collection contains more than 2 million works from classical antiquity and ancient Egypt, paintings and sculptures from nearly all of the European masters (including Monet’s Water Lillies), and an extensive collection of American and modern art. It also has extensive holdings of African, Asian, Oceanian, Byzantine, and Islamic art.

The museum has extensive different online exhibits available for viewing through Google and its own Art at Home website .

20. Musée du Louvre (Paris, France)

Louvre Museum

Year Opened:  1793

The Louvre Palace, which houses the museum, began as a fortress under Philip II in the 12th century to protect the city from English soldiers that were in Normandy. It wasn’t repurposed as a museum until 1793. Now, the Louvre is easily one of the most historic art museums in the world. Not only is the Louvre the largest art museum in the world at 782,910 square feet (72,735 square meters), but it also had 9.6 million visitors in 2019, making it the most visited museum in the world as well. Featured masterpieces include “Mona Lisa,” “Winged Victory of Samothrace,” “Venus de Milo,” and “Hammurabi’s Code.”

The Louvre has several virtual galleries on display, including:

  • The Advent of the Artist, including works from Delacroix, Rembrandt, and Tintoretto
  • Egyptian Antiquities, featuring collections from the Pharaonic period
  • Remains of the Louvre’s Moat — visitors can walk around the original perimeter moat and view the piers that supported the drawbridge dating back to 1190
  • Galerie d’Apollon, destroyed by fire in 1661 and recently rebuilt for viewing

To view the Louvre’s virtual tour page, click here .

21. Musée d’Orsay (Paris, France)

Musée d’Orsay

Year Opened: 1986

The Musée d’Orsay is housed in the former Gare d’Orsay, a Beaux-Arts railway station built between 1898 and 1900. The museum holds mainly French art dating from 1848 to 1914, including paintings, sculptures, furniture, and photography. It is one of the largest art museums in Europe and had more than 3.6 million visitors in 2019. It houses the largest collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist masterpieces in the world, including works by Cézanne, Degas, Gauguin, Manet, Monet, Renoir, Seurat, Sisley, and Van Gogh.

The museum allows you to virtually walk through one of its popular galleries, featuring hundreds of paintings from French artists.

To view the Musée d’Orsay online gallery, click here .

22. Museo Nacional del Prado (Madrid, Spain)

Museo Del Prado

Year Opened : 1819

The Museo Nacional del Prado is considered to have one of the greatest collections of European art in the world and offers guests the single largest collection of Spanish art. The collection currently comprises around 8,200 drawings, 7,600 paintings, 4,800 prints, and 1,000 sculptures. Well-known works include “Las Meninas” by Diego Velázquez, “The Third of May 1808” by Francisco De Goya, and “The Garden of Earthly Delights” by Hieronymus Bosch.

The museum’s online gallery allows you to get a close look at over 10,000 different pieces of art. The Prado also offers a 1-hour live show on Instagram every morning at 4 a.m. EST.

To view the online gallery, click here .

23. Museo Frida Kahlo (Mexico City, Mexico)

Museo Frida Kahlo

Year Opened: 1958

The Frida Kahlo Museum, also known as the Blue House due to its blue walls, is a historic museum dedicated to the life and work of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. The building was Kahlo’s birthplace, the home where she grew up, lived with her husband Diego Rivera for many years, and where she later died in a room on the upper floor. The museum contains a collection of artwork by Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, and other artists, along with the couple’s Mexican folk art, pre-Hispanic artifacts, photographs, memorabilia, personal items, and more. Find out more in our guide to the best museums in Mexico City .

24. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid, Spain)


Year Opened: 1990

The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, also called the Museo Reina Sofía, is one of the most popular art museums in the world. The museum includes large collections of Spain’s 2 most popular artists, Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalí. Famous works on display include “Guernica” and “Woman in Blue” by Picasso and “Cubist Self Portrait” by Dalí.

You can view collections of artwork at the Reina Sofía through its partnership with Google Arts and Culture.

25. Museu de Arte de São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil)

Museu de Arte de São Paulo

Year Opened: 1947

The Museu de Arte de São Paulo is Brazil’s first modern art museum. The museum is internationally recognized for its collection of European art, as it’s considered the finest museum in Latin America and all of the Southern Hemisphere. The museum primarily features Brazilian art, prints, and drawings, as well as smaller collections of African and Asian art, antiquities, decorative arts, and others, amounting to more than 8,000 pieces. MASP also has one of the largest art libraries in the country.

You can now take a virtual tour of online galleries the museum has to offer, including:

  • Art from Brazil until 1900
  • Art from Italy: Rafael to Titian
  • Art from France: from Delacroix to Cézanne
  • Art in Fashion
  • Histories of Madness: The Drawings of Juquery
  • Picture Gallery in Transformation

26. Museum of Broken Relationships (Los Angeles, California and Zagreb, Croatia)

Museum of Broken Relationships

Year Opened: 2010

The Museum of Broken Relationships is dedicated to failed love relationships. Its exhibits include personal objects left over from former lovers, accompanied by brief descriptions. The museum was founded by 2 Zagreb-based artists, film producer Olinka Vištica and sculptor Dražen Grubišić, after their 4-year relationship came to an end.

The virtual tour includes a close-up collection of dozens of the museum’s most interesting pieces.

27. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (Boston, Massachusetts)

Museum of Fine Arts Boston

The 17th largest art museum in the world, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA) hosts one of the most extensive art collections in the U.S. It houses over 8,000 paintings, surpassed only by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and exceeds 1 million visitors each year. Pieces by world-renowned artists like Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Gauguin, and Monet are featured alongside sculptures, mummies, ceramics, and other artifacts from ancient civilizations.

There are currently 16 online exhibits available for viewing.

28. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (Houston, Texas)

Museum of Fine Art Houston

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH) is one of the largest museums in the U.S., and its collection features over 64,000 works from 6 continents. The collection places emphasis on pre-Columbian and African gold, Renaissance and Baroque painting and sculpture, 19th- and 20th-century art, photography, and Latin American art. Read our guide to the best museums in Houston for more information.

The museum has 14 online exhibits available for viewing in collaboration with Google Arts and Culture.

29. The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) (New York City, New York)

The Museum of Modern Art

Year Opened: 1929

Regarded as one of the largest and most influential museums of modern art in the world, MoMA’s art collection features an overview of modern and contemporary art, including works of architecture and design, drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, prints, illustrated books, and artist’s books, film, and electronic media. MoMA’s holdings include more than 150,000 individual pieces including Andy Warhol’s “Campbell’s Soup Cans” and Van Gogh’s “Starry Night,” in addition to approximately 22,000 films and 4 million film stills.

MoMA’s website offers 86,000 works of art that can be viewed online, along with a partnership with Google Arts and Culture to create a virtual display of its Sophie Taeber-Arp exhibit.

To view the website’s collection, click here . To view the Google exhibit, click here .

30. National Gallery (London, England)

National Gallery London

Year Opened : 1824

The National Gallery features more than 2,300 paintings dating from the mid-13th century to 1900, including works such as “Sunflowers” by Van Gogh, “The Virgin on the Rocks” by Da Vinci, and “The Arnolfini Portrait” by Jan Van Eyck.

Its website offers a few virtual tours, showcasing many rooms in the museum, the Sainsbury Wing, and a Google Virtual tour.

31. National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.)

National Gallery of Art

Year Opened: 1937

The National Gallery of Art and its attached Sculpture Garden are located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. and are open to the public free of charge. The museum was privately established in 1937 for the American people by a joint resolution of the U.S. Congress.

The National Gallery is widely considered to be one of the greatest museums in the U.S. It ranks second in total visitors of all American museums, 10th in the world, and features incredible pieces including Jackson Pollock’s “Number 1,” Leonardo da Vinci’s “Ginevra de’ Benci,” and Degas’ “Little Dancer Aged 14.”

The museum has put together a collection of educational resources on its website for teachers, families, and children. It also features online exhibits through Google Arts and Culture including:

  • American Fashion — highlights from 1740 to 1895
  • Johannes Vermeer — Dutch Baroque painter

To view the National Gallery of Art online collection page, click here .

32. National Gallery of Victoria (Victoria, Melbourne, Australia)

National Gallery of Victoria

Year Opened: 1861

The National Gallery of Victoria is Australia’s oldest, largest, and most visited art museum. The museum offers a wide variety of international and Australian art in its collection, including paintings, drawings, photography, and sculptures.

The online tour includes walk-throughs of exhibits, including highlights from the NGV Triennial 2020 and Chinese Collection, as well as exhibits featuring Goya and KAWS.

33. National Museum of China (Beijing, China)

Resplendence of the Tang Dynasty National Museum of China

Year Opened : 2003

The National Museum of China covers Chinese history from 1.7 million years ago to the end of the Qing Dynasty in 1911. Notable works include the “Houmuwu” Rectangle Ding, a rectangular bronze sacrificial vessel made in the late Shang Dynasty, the heaviest piece of ancient bronze ware in the world, and a Han Dynasty jade burial suit laced with gold thread. It is one of the largest museums in the world, and the second most visited art museum in the world, just after the Louvre.

The museum has virtual exhibits available for 360-degree viewing including:

  • Resplendence of the Tang Dynasty
  • Sunken Silver

34. National Museum of Korea (Seoul, South Korea)

National Museum of Korea

Year Opened : 1909

The National Museum of Korea is the top museum of Korean history and art and has been committed to various studies and research activities in the fields of archaeology, history, and art, continuously developing a variety of exhibitions and education programs.

The museum’s virtual tour provides a 3D walk-through of exhibits, including 1,000 years of Korean design and 500 years of the Joseon Dynasty.

35. National Museum, New Delhi (New Delhi, India)

National Museum New Delhi sculpture

Year Opened: 1949

The National Museum, New Delhi is one of the largest museums in India. The museum has around 200,000 works of art, both of Indian and foreign origin, including paintings, sculptures, jewelry, ancient texts, armor, and decorative arts ranging from the pre-historic era to modern works — covering over 5,000 years.

The museum has partnered with Google to bring its online exhibits to life, including:

  • Art of Caligraphy
  • Cadence and Counterpoint
  • Indian Bronzes
  • Nauras: The Many Arts of the Deccan
  • Pottery from Ancient Peru
  • Treasures of National Museum, India
  • Radha and Krishna in the Boat of Love

36. National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Seoul, South Korea)

Museum of Modern Contemporary Art Seoul

Year Opened: 1969

The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art was first established in 1969 as the only national art museum in South Korea, accommodating modern and contemporary art of Korea and international art of different time periods. The museum features over 7,000 pieces of artwork, including works of contemporary Korean artists such as Go Hui-dong, Ku Bon-ung, Park Su-geun, and Kim Whan-ki.

Google’s virtual tour takes you through 6 floors of contemporary art from Korea and all over the globe.

37. National Palace Museum (Taipei, Taiwan)

Garden of Compassion and Tranquility at National Palace Museum Taipei

Year Opened : 1965

The National Palace Museum has a collection of nearly 700,000 pieces of ancient Chinese imperial artifacts and artworks. The collection encompasses 8,000 years of history of Chinese art, including jade, paintings, bronzes, and porcelain that were formerly held in the Forbidden City of Peking.

The museum offers 360-degree virtual tours of many different exhibits.

To view the virtual tours, click here .

38. National Portrait Gallery (Washington, D.C.)

National Portrait Gallery

Year Opened : 1962

The National Portrait Gallery has a collection of over 21,000 works of art. The collection focuses on images of famous Americans and how they’ve shaped U.S. culture. A major attraction of the National Portrait Gallery’s collection is the Hall of Presidents, which contains portraits of nearly all American presidents. It is the largest and most complete collection in the world, except for the White House collection itself.

The museum has several collections featured on Google Arts and Culture, but also offers digital workshops, and distance learning resources for children and teachers.

To view the online resources, click here .

39. Pergamonmuseum (Berlin, Germany)

Pergamon Altar, view of the Gigantomachy frieze / north risalit

The Pergamonmuseum houses monumental buildings, such as the Pergamon Altar, the Ishtar Gate of Babylon, and the Market Gate of Miletus reconstructed from the ruins found in Anatolia, as well as the Mshatta Facade. The museum is subdivided into the antiquity collection, the Middle East museum, and the museum of Islamic art. It is visited by over 1 million people every year.

The museum has dozens of structures and other artifacts that can be viewed online.

40. Picasso Museum (Barcelona, Spain)

Museu Picasso

Year Opened: 1963

The Picasso Museum, located in the heart of Barcelona’s Latin Quarter, is visited by millions every year. They come to marvel at the best works of Picasso, perhaps the most famous painter of all, but stay to marvel at the best-preserved medieval architecture in Barcelona. With 4,251 works by the painter exhibited, the museum has one of the most complete permanent collections of his works.

The online tour offers a large selection of Picasso’s finest works, as well as virtual tours of the museum’s beautiful courtyards.

41. Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)


Year Opened: 1798

The Rijksmuseum was founded in The Hague in 1798 and moved to Amsterdam in 1808, where it was first located in the Royal Palace. The current main building was designed by Pierre Cuypers and first opened in 1885. The museum has on display 8,000 objects of art and history from the years 1200 to 2000, and a total collection of 1 million objects. The museum features masterpieces including Rembrandt’s “The Night Watch” and “The Jewish Bride,” plus works by Frans Hals and Johannes Vermeer, who are known to have been major contributors to the Golden Age of Dutch art.

Google offers a street view tour of some excellent art pieces located in the museum, and the museum has put together an entire virtual tour of all of the museum’s masterpieces viewable on its website.

To view the Google street view tour, click here . You can also view the museum’s From Home microsite and masterpieces tour .

42. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (San Francisco, California)

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art SFMOMA

The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art is composed of over 33,000 works of art spread throughout 7 gallery floors and 45,000 square feet of space. Following a 3-year closure for expansion, the museum reopened in 2016 and is now one of San Francisco’s must-see destinations.

SFMOMA’s website is updated regularly with videos and articles regarding current exhibits, projects, and artist showcases and provides behind-the-scenes looks of the museum. 

To view the museum’s multimedia features, click here .

Read our guide to the best museums in San Francisco to find out more.

43. Sistine Chapel at the Vatican Museums (Vatican City)

Sistine Chapel

Year Opened: 1483

The Sistine Chapel, located inside of the Apostolic Palace (the official residence of the pope in Vatican City), is easily the most popular chapel in the world. The chapel is famous for its magnificent ceiling, painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512, and is considered to be one of the best artworks to come out of the Italian Renaissance. The primary panels of the ceiling showcase 9 scenes from the Book of Genesis, of which “The Creation of Adam” (pictured above) is the best known and most recognized.

Its website offers a virtual tour of the chapel’s most stunning sites, including the ability to marvel at Michelangelo’s ceiling from the comfort of your couch.

44. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (New York City, New York)

Guggenheim NYC

Year Opened: 1939

The Guggenheim Museum was established by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation in 1939. It is the permanent home of a continuously expanding collection of Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, early modern, and contemporary art and also features special exhibitions throughout the year.

Google’s  Street View feature lets you tour the Guggenheim’s famous spiral staircase and some of its art pieces. It also offers a handful of online collections on its website .

45. Tate Modern (London, England)

Tate Modern

Year Opened: 2000

Tate Modern is one of the largest museums of modern and contemporary art in the world, consisting of art dating from 1900 until today. The gallery receives over 5 million visitors a year, making it the sixth most visited art museum in the world and the most visited in the U.K.

The Tate Modern has published dozens of videos on its YouTube channel that give you an in-depth look at many of its exhibits, including the Andy Warhol exhibit and the Aubrey Beardsley exhibit.

To view the Tate Modern’s YouTube channel, click here .

46. Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum (Madrid, Spain)

Thyssen Bornemisza Museum

Year Opened: 1992

Located in Madrid, the Thyssen has over 1,600 paintings inside its walls and was once the second-largest private collection in the world after the British Royal Collection. It includes works from the Italian primitives, the English, Dutch, and German schools, Impressionists, Expressionists, and European and American paintings from the 20th century. It also features pieces from the continent’s most celebrated artists including Rembrandt and Dalí.

The virtual tour includes a detailed look at the permanent collection, along with exhibits including the Rembrandt and Impressionist galleries.

47. Tokyo National Museum (Tokyo, Japan)

Tokyo National Museum

Year Opened : 1872

The Tokyo National Museum is the oldest and largest art museum in Japan, and one of the largest art museums in the world. At the museum, you’ll find a collection of artwork and cultural objects from Asia, ancient and medieval Japanese art, and Asian art along the Silk Road.

The museum has teamed up with Google’s Arts and Culture to provide an inside look at what the museum has to offer.

48. Uffizi Gallery (Florence, Italy)

Uffizi Gallery

Year Opened: 1581

The Uffizi was designed by Giorgio Vasari for Cosimo I de’ Medici, whose family members were by far the largest patrons of art in Renaissance Italy. The museum now spans over 139,000 square feet with 101 different rooms that house its art pieces, including famous pieces such as “The Birth of Venus.” Over 2 million people visit the Uffizi each year, making it the most viewed art museum in Italy.

The museum has teamed up with Google to showcase online galleries including:

  • Piero di Cosimo, Perseus Freeing Andromeda
  • The Santa Trinita Maestà, Cimabue
  • The Creative Process Behind Federico Barocci’s Drawings
  • Drawings by Amico Aspertini and other Bolognese artists

49. Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Van Gogh Museum

Year Opened: 1973

The Van Gogh Museum is dedicated to perhaps one of the most famous artists of all time — Vincent Van Gogh. The museum contains the largest collection of Van Gogh’s paintings and drawings in the world, including over 200 paintings, 500 drawings, and over 750 personal letters. The museum has over 2 million visitors each year and is the 23rd most visited art museum in the world. Find out more in our review to the best museums in Amsterdam .

The museum has teamed up with Google to create online exhibits on Vincent Van Gogh’s love life and the books he loved to read. You can also visit the museum’s website for a selection of things to do for young children, including school lessons and coloring pages.

50. Victoria and Albert Museum (London, England)

Dior Exhibit Victoria and Albert Museum

Year Opened : 1852

The Victoria and Albert Museum collection spans 5,000 years of art from Europe, North America, Asia, and North Africa. The collection of ceramics, glass, textiles, costumes, silver, ironwork, jewelry, furniture, medieval objects, sculpture, prints and printmaking, drawings, and photographs is among the largest and most comprehensive in the world.

The virtual tour, in partnership with Google Arts and Culture, offers several online exhibits ranging from fashion to surrealism.

1. American Museum of Natural History (New York City, New York)

American Museum of Natural History

Year Opened : 1869

One of the largest natural history museums in the world, the American Museum of Natural History contains 34 million specimens of plants, animals, fossils, minerals, rocks, meteorites, human remains, and human cultural artifacts.

The museum’s 360-degree virtual tours offer an up-close look at permanent exhibits, current exhibits, past exhibits, and research stations.

2. The British Museum (London, England)

British Museum

Year Opened: 1759

The British Museum is one of the largest in the world and houses over 8 million works within its walls. Established in 1759, it was the first public national museum in the world. Visitors can tour the great court and view some of the most famous objects in history, like the Elgin Marbles of Greece and the Rosetta Stone of Egypt.

The Museum is the world’s largest indoor space on Google Street View and you can go on a virtual visit to more than 60 galleries.

The British Museum also has virtual galleries on display, including:

  • Prints and Drawings

To visit the British Museum’s virtual tour page, click here .

3. National Museum of Anthropology (Mexico City, Mexico)

National Museum of Anthropology Sun Stone

Year Opened: 1964

The National Museum of Anthropology is the largest and most visited museum in all of Mexico. The museum contains significant archaeological and anthropological artifacts from Mexico’s pre-Columbian heritage, such as the Stone of the Sun (or the Aztec calendar stone) and the Aztec Xochipilli statue.

The museum has made more than 100 items available for Google visitors to explore from home.

To view the museum’s online collection, click here .

4. National Museum of Natural History (Washington, D.C.)

Smithsonian Natural History

Located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History is the 11th most visited museum in the world and the most visited natural history museum in the world. With over 325,000 square feet of exhibition space, the museum’s collections contain over 145 million specimens of plants, animals, fossils, minerals, rocks, meteorites, human remains, and human cultural artifacts — the largest natural history collection in the world. Highlights of the collection include the Hope Diamond and the Star of Asia Sapphire.

You can view all of these specimens from the comfort of your home as the museum has dozens of different online exhibits that can all be accessed on its website.

To view the museum’s virtual tour, click here .

5. Natural History Museum (London, England)

Natural History Museum London

Year Opened: 1881

Undoubtably one of the best Museums in London , the Natural History Museum in London showcases 80 million life and earth science specimens of great historical and scientific value, even housing pieces collected by Charles Darwin. There are 5 categories within the museum: botany , entomology , mineralogy , paleontology , and zoology . Over 5 million people visit this museum each year, making it the most visited natural history museum in Europe.

One of the museum’s most prominent displays is the skeleton of an 82-foot long blue whale named Hope, which you can learn more about through a self-guided virtual tour, along with several other galleries. 

1. London Science Museum (London, England)

London Science Museum

Year Opened : 1857

The London Science Museum holds a collection of over 300,000 items, including famous items such as Stephenson’s Rocket, Puffing Billy (the oldest surviving steam locomotive), the first jet engine, some of the earliest remaining steam engines, and documentation of the first typewriter.

Thanks to Google Street View, guests can take a virtual tour of the entire museum, or watch curator gallery guides on the museum’s YouTube channel.

To view the virtual tour or videos, click here .

2. Museo Galileo (Florence, Italy)

Museo Galileo

Dedicated to the scientist and astronomer Galileo Galilei, the Museo Galilei is housed in an 11th-century palace known as the Palazzo Castellini. The museum has a collection of over 5,000 ancient scientific instruments dating back to the 13th century, and among its most notable items is the telescope Galileo used to discover the satellites of Jupiter.

Visitors from around the world have the opportunity to explore the inside of the museum and can access more than 1,000 permanent exhibition objects through the online catalog.

3. The Museum of Flight (Seattle, Washington)

The Museum of Flight

Year Opened: 1965

The Museum of Flight is the largest private air and space museum in the world and attracts over 500,000 visitors every year. The museum has more than 150 aircraft in its collection, including the Lockheed Model 10-E Electra (the aircraft Amelia Earhart was piloting when she disappeared over the Pacific Ocean), Boeing 747s, and the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird (pictured above).

The museum offers 360-degree tours that let you step inside dozens of these iconic aircraft.

4. The Museum of Natural Sciences of Belgium (Brussels, Belgium)

The Museum of Natural Sciences of Belgium

Year Opened: 1846

The Museum of Natural Sciences of Belgium is dedicated to natural history and is part of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. The dinosaur hall of the museum is the world’s largest museum hall completely dedicated to dinosaurs, and its most important pieces are 30 fossilized Iguanodon skeletons, which were discovered in 1878 in Bernissart.

It has partnered with Google to set up virtual exhibits for viewing, including:

  • 360-degree guided tour
  • The Bernissart Iguanodons
  • From Salehanthropus to Homo Sapiens
  • Over 250 Years of Natural Sciences
  • Past, Present, Future: The Marvels of Evolution

To view the museum’s online exhibits, click here .

5. Museum of Science, Boston (Boston, Massachusetts)

Museum of Science Boston

Year Opened: 1830

The Museum of Science, Boston, receiving over 1.5 million visitors annually, is a museum and indoor zoo with more than 700 interactive exhibits and over 100 animals, many of which have been rescued and rehabilitated.

The museum offers a phenomenal virtual tour full of digital exhibits, videos, and audio presentations.

6. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (Washington, D.C.)

NASA Astronaut Edward White during first EVA performed during Gemini 4 flight

NASA, founded in 1958, was created by the federal government to develop the civilian space program, as well as to conduct aeronautics, space, and astrophysics research. Since its inception, NASA has been responsible for historic space missions including the Apollo moon-landing missions, the Skylab space station, and the space shuttle.

NASA has partnered with Google Arts and Culture to bring many online exhibits to life to showcase the beauty of space exploration.

7. National Air and Space Museum (Washington, D.C.)

Air and Space Museum

Year Opened : 1946

The National Air and Space Museum is a center for the history and science of aviation, spaceflight, planetary science, terrestrial geology, and geophysics. It is the fifth most visited museum in the world (the second most visited in the U.S.), and contains the Apollo 11 Command Module Columbia, the Friendship 7 capsule, the Wright brothers’ Wright Flyer airplane, and Lindbergh’s Spirit of St. Louis.

The virtual tour offers a 360-degree walk-through of the entire museum.

8. National Museum of Computing (Bletchley Park, England)

National Museum of Computing

Year Opened: 2007

The National Museum of Computing is dedicated to collecting and restoring historic computer systems. The museum is home to the world’s largest collection of working historic computers dating back to the 1940s, including a rebuilt Mark 2 Colossus computer, alongside an exhibition of the most complex code-cracking activities performed at the Park.

In the 3D virtual tour, viewers can move around the galleries looking at the machines and their descriptions with the added bonus of hyperlinks to video and text explanations providing further detail and history of the exhibits.

9. National Museum of the United States Air Force (Riverside, Ohio)

National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

Year Opened: 1923

Located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Riverside, Ohio, the National Museum of the United States Air Force is the oldest and largest military aviation museum in the world, with more than 360 aircraft and missiles on display.

The virtual tour allows visitors to take a virtual, 360-degree, self-guided tour of the entire museum by navigating from gallery to gallery.

10. Oxford University’s History of Science Museum (Oxford, England)

Oxford University's History of Science Museum

Year Opened: 1683

Oxford’s History of Science Museum holds a leading collection of scientific instruments from the Middle Ages to the 19th century.

The museum, ever ahead of the times, has offered virtual tours since 1995. You’ll get to explore the fantastic exhibits and artifacts of some of the most important scientific discoveries in science history.

1. Acropolis Museum (Athens, Greece)

West and South Frieze Acropolis Museum

Year Opened : 2009

The Acropolis Museum is centered around the archaeological findings at the site of Athens’ most important structure — the Acropolis. The museum was built to house every artifact found on the rock and surrounding slopes, from the Greek Bronze Age to Roman and Byzantine Greece.

The museum has partnered with Google Arts and Culture to bring the museum to life virtually. Now you can view rock, marble, and sculptures certificates, all of which are thousands of years old, all from the comfort of your couch!

2. American Battlefield Trust Virtual Battlefield Tours

American Battlefield Trust Virtual Battlefield Tours

The American Battlefield Trust Virtual Battlefield Tours offers the incredible opportunity to experience 360-degree virtual tours of more than 20 American Revolution and Civil War battlefields. You can explore Gettysburg, with 15 different stops, each of which features icons that discuss in great detail the history and significance of the battle.

3. Anne Frank House (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Anne Frank House

Year Opened: 1957

What was once the house where Anne Frank went into hiding during WWII is now a museum dedicated to increasing awareness of Anne’s story and life in the attic. The Anne Frank House was established in cooperation with Anne Frank’s father, Otto Frank, and now welcomes over 1 million visitors from around the world each year.

The museum’s website offers a virtual reality tour of the annex, along with other educational resources about Anne’s life.

4. Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum (Hyde Park, New York)

Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library Museum

Year Opened: 1941

The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum holds the records of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd U.S. president (1933 to 1945). The museum showcases the history behind FDR’s story, his presidency, New Deal policies, assassination attempt, and wartime decisions.

The 360-degree online tour gives you a close look at original documents, artifacts, and videos from FDR’s life.

5. National Museum of African American History and Culture (Washington, D.C.)

National Museum of African American History and Culture

Year Opened: 2003

The Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture is the only national museum devoted exclusively to the documentation of African-American life, history, and culture. It was established by an Act of Congress in 2003, following decades of efforts to promote and highlight the contributions of African-Americans. To date, the Museum has collected more than 36,000 artifacts.

The museum website offers more than 15 different online exhibits covering African American history and culture.

Check out its online virtual tour  and digital resources guide .

6. National Museum of American History (Washington, D.C.)

Smithsonian Museum of American History

The Smithsonian National Museum of American History has more than 1.8 million objects that highlight the history of the U.S — including the original Star-Spangled Banner, Julia Child’s kitchen, Abraham Lincoln’s top hat, Indiana Jones’ fedora and whip, and more!

The museum offers about 100 online exhibits from its encyclopedic collections, each with a mix of photos, video, graphics, and text on topics ranging through the nation’s entire history.

7. National Museum of Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland)

Dolly the Sheep at National Museums Scotland

Year Opened : 1866

The National Museum of Scotland is dedicated to Scottish antiquities, culture, and history. The museum contains artifacts from around the world, encompassing geology, archaeology, natural history, science, technology, art, and world cultures. Popular items from the collections include Dolly the Sheep, the Arthur’s Seat coffins, and the Cramond Lioness sculpture.

The Museum’s galleries have been captured digitally in partnership with Google Arts & Culture, along with a virtual walk-through thanks to Google Street View.

8. National Women’s History Museum (Alexandria, Virginia)

National Women's History Museum

Year Opened: 1996

Founded in 1996 by Karen Staser, the National Women’s History Museum researches, collects, and exhibits the contributions of women to the social, cultural, economic, and political life of our nation in the context of world history.

Its website currently features 29 different online exhibits!

9. Terra Cotta Warriors of Xi’an at Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum Site Museum (Xi’an, China)

terra cotta warriors of xian

Year Opened: 1974 (created third century B.C.)

The Terracotta Army at Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum Site Museum is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. It is a form of funerary art buried with the emperor in 210 to 209 B.C. to protect the emperor in his afterlife. The sculptures include warriors, chariots, and horses. Estimates from 2007 were that the 3 pits containing the Terracotta Army held more than 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses, and 150 cavalry horses, the majority of which remained buried in the pits near Qin Shi Huang’s mausoleum.

The online experience allows you to get up close and personal with the sculptures in a full 360-degree experience!

To view the online virtual experience, click here .

10. U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (Washington, D.C.)

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Year Opened: 1980

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum is the country’s official memorial to the Holocaust. It is located on the National Mall alongside other monuments dedicated to freedom. Each year, the museum encourages its 1.6 million visitors to promote human dignity, confront hatred, prevent genocide, and strengthen democratic values. The museum’s collection includes millions of archival documents, artifacts, photographs, footage, and a list of over 200,000 registered survivors and their families, among other historical items.

Its website offers a wide selection of educational resources, including a virtual tour, and is available in 16 languages.

There you have it — 75 amazing #MuseumsAtHome options filled with one-of-a-kind artifacts covering art, science, history, and natural history, all of which can be “visited” virtually while you lounge in your pajamas! So whether you’re a massive fan of art, looking for an educational experience for your children, or simply need a way to keep yourself entertained, you can’t go wrong with a virtual tour of any of these world-class museums.

Frequently Asked Questions

What museums have virtual tours.

There are dozens of museums worldwide offering virtual tours — we have 75 on this list alone! But some of our favorites are the Louvre, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the British Museum!

How much do virtual tours cost?

Every single virtual tour included on our list is completely free of charge!

What is a virtual museum tour?

A virtual museum tour is, in essence, a simulation of what you might experience when visiting the museum in person. Virtual tours are usually comprised of a collection of videos, still images, 3D walkthroughs, and narration that help you feel as though you’re visiting the museum — without actually doing so!

How do you do a virtual tour?

Doing a virtual tour is easy! Often, the museum will have a dedicated website page allowing you to view all of their virtual resources on 1 page.

In the case of museums that have a 3D walkthrough, you can “walk” yourself through the museum by clicking from artwork to artwork, and exhibit to exhibit, as if you were actually visiting the museum in person!

Are virtual tours worth it?

Absolutely! If you’re currently not able to visit a museum in person, but want to experience all it has to offer, a virtual tour allows you to do just that — all from the comforts of your home!

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Bored at Home? Here's a Massive List of Museums, Zoos, and Theme Parks Offering Virtual Tours

You can see Frida Kahlo at MoMA or visit the Shedd Aquarium without leaving the couch.

preview for These Places Are Practically Empty Amid COVID-19 Emergency

"Walk" through some of the world's most prestigious cultural institutions, like The Met and The American Museum of Natural History, then go for a "ride" on Disney's new Frozen rollercoaster with the kids. And regardless of your age, we think everyone will enjoy some live footage of pandas playing at the zoo!

  • The Louvre: You don't have to book a ticket to Paris to check out some of the famous pieces in the world's largest art museum. The Louvre has free online tours of three famous exhibits, including Egyptian Antiquities.
  • Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum: The works of Pablo Picasso, Piet Mondrian , Jeff Koons, and Franz Marc are just some of the 625 artists whose work are a part of the Guggenheim's Collection Online .
  • Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History: Move at your own pace through the 360-degree room-by-room tour of every exhibit in the museum .
  • Van Gogh Museum: You can get up close and personal with the impressionist painter's most famous work thanks to Google Arts & Culture .
  • Getty Museum: Los Angeles's premiere gallery has two virtual tours , including "Eat, Drink, and Be Merry," which is a closer look at food in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
  • The Vatican Museum: The Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Basilica, and Raphael's Room, are just some of the sites you can see on the Vatican's virtual tour .
  • T hyssen-Bornemisza Museum: Madrid's must-see art museum has the works of some of the continent's most celebrated artists like Rembrandt and Dali available online .
  • Georgia O’Keeffe Museum: Six virtual exhibits are available online from this museum named for the "Mother of American modernism."
  • National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City: Dive into the pre-Hispanic history of Mexico with 23 exhibit rooms full of Mayan artifacts.
  • British Museum, London: The Rosetta Stone and Egyptian mummies are just a couple of things that you're able to see on a virtual tour of the museum.
  • N ASA: Both Virginia's Langley Research Center and Ohio's Glenn Research Center offer online tours for free. Also, you can try some "augmented reality experiences" via The Space Center Houston's app .
  • National Women's History Museum: Have a late International Women's Day celebration with online exhibits and oral histories from the Virginia museum.
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art: Though the Met Gala was cancelled this year, you can still have a peak at the The Costume Institute Conversation Lab, which is one of the institution's 26 online exhibits .
  • High Museum of Art, Atlanta: This museum's popular online exhibits include "Civil Rights Photography " — photos that capture moments of social protest like the Freedom Rides and Rosa Park's arrest.
  • Detroit Institute of Arts: Mexican art icon Frida Kahlo is the focal point of two of the four available online exhibits .
  • Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam: The Golden Age of Dutch art is highlighted in this museum which includes the work of Vermeer and Rembrandt .
  • National Museum of the United States Air Force: You can't take a ride in Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidential airplane, but you can check it out, in addition to other military weapons and aircraft, online in the Air Force's official museum .
  • MoMA ( The Museum of Modern Art): New York's extensive collection is available for view online .
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: The 16 virtual exhibits include a special section on 21st Century Designer Fashion.

Zoos and Aquariums

  • The Cincinnati Zoo: Check in around 3 p.m., because that's the time the Zoo holds a daily Home Safari on its Facebook Live Feed .
  • Atlanta Zoo: The Georgia zoo keeps a " Panda Cam " livestream on its website.
  • Georgia Aquarium: S ea-dwellers like African penguins and Beluga Whales are the stars of this aquarium's live cam .
  • Houston Zoo: There are plenty of different animals you can check in on with this zoo's live cam , but we highly recommend watching the playful elephants.
  • The Shedd Aquarium: This Chicago aquarium shares some pretty adorable behind-the-scenes footage of their residents on Facebook .
  • San Diego Zoo: With what may be the most live cam options , this zoo lets you switch between koalas, polar bears, and tigers in one sitting.
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium: It can be Shark Week every week thanks to live online footage of Monterey Bay's Habitat exhibit .
  • National Aquarium: Walk through tropical waters to the icy tundra in this floor-by-floor tour of the famous, Baltimore-based aquarium.

Theme Parks

  • Walt Disney World: Set aside some time, because there's plenty to see here. Virtual tours you can take include Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, and Epcot, just to name a few. There are also unofficial YouTube videos that feel just like you're on famous rides like the Frozen Ever After ride , It's a Small World , Monsters, Inc. Mike & Sulley to the Rescue! , and Pirates of the Caribbean .
  • LEGOLAND Florida Resort: The Great Lego Race and Miniland USA are just two of the attractions you can check out in a virtual tour of the park .

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These 12 Famous Museums Offer Virtual Tours You Can Take on Your Couch

Experience the best museums — from London to Seoul — from the comfort of your own home.

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While there's nothing like setting foot inside an iconic museum and laying eyes on a world-famous sculpture created by a renowned artist centuries ago, it's not always possible to hop on a plane to New York City , Paris, or Florence to tour the gallery halls in person.

But there is a way to get a little culture and education while you're at home, gaining inspiration and intel for future trips as well. Google Arts & Culture has teamed up with more than 1,200 museums and galleries around the world to bring anyone and everyone virtual tours and online exhibits of some of the most famous museums around the world.

You get to "go to the museum" and never have to leave your couch.

Google Arts & Culture's collection includes The British Museum in London, the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the Guggenheim in New York City, and literally hundreds more places where you can gain knowledge about art, history, and science.

Take a look at just some of Google's top museums that are offering online tours and exhibits. And if you're seeking more thoughtful inspiration from the comfort of your own home, museums around the world are sharing their most zen art on social media . Or, for a dose of nature, you can go "outside" with incredible virtual tours of some of America's best national parks .

The British Museum, London

This iconic museum located in the heart of London allows virtual visitors to tour the Great Court and discover the ancient Rosetta Stone and Egyptian mummies. You can also find hundreds of artifacts on The Museum of the World interactive website, a collaboration between The British Museum and Google Cultural Institute.

Guggenheim, New York

Google's Street View feature lets visitors tour the Guggenheim's famous spiral staircase without ever leaving home. From there, you can discover incredible works of art from the impressionist, post-impressionist, modern, and contemporary eras.

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

This famous American art museum features two online exhibits through Google. The first is an exhibit of American fashion from 1740 to 1895, including many renderings of clothes from the colonial and Revolutionary eras. The second is a collection of works from Dutch baroque painter Johannes Vermeer.

Musée d’Orsay, Paris

You can virtually walk through this popular gallery that houses dozens of famous works from French artists who worked and lived between 1848 and 1914. Get a peek at artworks from Monet, Cézanne, and Gauguin, among others.

Don Eim/Travel + Leisure

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul

One of Korea's popular museums can be accessed from anywhere around the world. Google's virtual tour takes you through six floors of contemporary art from Korea and all over the globe.

Pergamon Museum, Berlin

As one of Germany's largest museums, Pergamon has a lot to offer — even if you can't physically be there . This historical museum is home to plenty of ancient artifacts including the Ishtar Gate of Babylon and, of course, the Pergamon Altar.

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Explore masterpieces from the Dutch Golden Age, including works from Vermeer and Rembrandt. Google offers a Street View tour of this iconic museum, so you can feel as if you're actually wandering its halls.

Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

Anyone who's a fan of this tragic, ingenious painter can see his works up close (or, almost up close ) by virtually visiting this museum, home to the largest collection of artworks by Vincent van Gogh, including more than 200 paintings, 500 drawings, and 750 personal letters.

The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

European artworks from as far back as the eighth century can be found in this California art museum. Take a Street View tour to discover a huge collection of paintings, drawings, sculptures, manuscripts, and photographs.

Uffizi Gallery, Florence

This less well-known gallery houses the art collection of one of Florence's most famous families, the de' Medicis. The building was designed by Giorgio Vasari in 1560 specifically for Cosimo I de' Medici, but anyone can wander its halls from anywhere in the world .

MASP, São Paulo

The Museu de Arte de São Paulo is a nonprofit and Brazil's first modern museum. Artworks placed on clear, raised frames make it seem like they're hovering in midair. Take a virtual tour to experience the wondrous display for yourself.

National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City

Built in 1964, this museum is dedicated to the archaeology and history of Mexico's pre-Hispanic heritage. There are 22 exhibit rooms filled with ancient artifacts, including some from the Maya civilization.

Not all popular art museums and galleries are included in Google Arts & Culture's collection, but some have taken it upon themselves to offer online visits. For example, the Louvre offers virtual tours on its website .

To see more of Google Arts & Culture's collection of museums, visit its website . There are thousands of museum Street Views on Google as well. Google Arts & Culture also has an online experience for exploring famous historic and cultural heritage sites .

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Andrea & Evija- Lake Garda- LIVE from SIRMIONE-Stroll in the Town and Along the Lake

17 june @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm bst.

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Andrea & Evija- lake GARDA- DESENZANO-Stroll to the Small Harbor and Along the Lake

17 june @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm bst.

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Andrea & Evija- VIRTUAL JUKE BOX where you request the music in a web radio show! THEME OF THE DAY:CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES

17 june @ 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm bst.

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Kelsey – Weekend Wanderlust LIVE

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Stephan – Take a Summer Stroll Around St James’s Park

18 june @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm bst.

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Stephan – The Street Art of Shoreditch

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Ian Braisby – London – Harry Potter Locations And More Part 2 (As Live)

18 june @ 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm bst.

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Andrea & Evija- MILAN- walk in Historical City Center by Night

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Kelsey – Pamukkale’s Enchanting Treasures: Travertine Terraces, Hierapolis Ruins, Cleopatra’s Pool

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Welcome to Together Virtually, a brand new concept in affordable virtual travel, designed for you.

At Together Virtually, we’re passionate about providing authentic travel experiences that will leave you with lasting memories. We bring you world class content creators and wonderful destinations, and we focus on building community and friendships.

Our founders have years of experience in delivering captivating virtual travel experiences through other platforms like Heygo, Airbnb and Viewpal.

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The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Tours

3D visuals now include temperature checks and sanitiser stands

The  COVID-19 pandemic  has accelerated the virtual tour industry's growth, revolutionizing how businesses operate. With its versatility and adaptability, virtual tours are an indispensable asset for  event venues , offering numerous benefits such as increased bookings and an immersive customer experience.

In this blog, we'll explore the key advantages of virtual tours and provide essential tips for creating a successful virtual tour experience. From harnessing the power of technology to understanding your target audience, unlock the secrets to staying competitive in your industry.

What Is a Virtual Tour?

A virtual tour is a digital representation, sometimes using 3D rendering techniques, that recreates the experience of exploring a physical location. It often uses interactive features called "hotspots" that let you move from one area to another.

Virtual tours go by many names – digital tour, panoramic tour, 360 tour, 360-degree tour, 3D tour, immersive experience, interactive tour, online tour, remote tour, and virtual reality – but they all aim to simulate the experience of physically walking through and interacting with a space.

Types of Virtual Tours

Virtual tours are a fantastic way to experience a location without being there, and they come in different types with unique features. Let's explore these main types of virtual tours:

360 Virtual Tour

This is one of the most accessible and common types of virtual tours. It provides a 360-degree view of a space, allowing users to look around from any angle. These tours are typically created by merging multiple camera shots or using a 360-degree camera to capture the entire environment.

They are easy to develop and can be embedded in websites and apps, making them widely accessible. 360 virtual tours benefit real estate listings, tourism destinations, and event venues by giving prospective clients or customers a virtual walk-through experience.

3D Virtual Tour

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As the name suggests, this type of tour offers a three-dimensional experience. The entire environment of the tour is created in 3D, allowing users to explore a location in a more immersive and realistic way.

3D virtual tours are often more detailed and interactive than 360-degree tours and can be accessed through web applications or mobile, desktop, and other platforms. These types of tours can even be used to populate fictional or long-gone locations, making them applicable to various industries and use cases.

Virtual Reality (VR) Tour

Taking virtual tours to the next level, VR tours provide an unprecedented level of immersion and realism. With a headset and appropriate software, users can feel like they are standing in the location and taking in the surroundings. VR tours are created in 3D, allowing users to look around by moving their heads and interacting with the environment using controllers with the headset.

According to a  recent study , the virtual reality market is projected to reach $165.91 billion by 2030, indicating the growing popularity of this technology. This type of tour is ideal for destinations like museums, archaeological sites, and venues where offering an immersive experience is valuable.

Where Are Virtual Tours Used? 

Virtual tours have become a powerful tool adopted by various industries to enhance their marketing efforts, provide immersive experiences, and improve customer engagement. Here are some industries that use virtual tours:

Events and Conferences

Virtual tours are a key tool in  venue sourcing  for event organizers. They provide a realistic, immersive view of a venue's layout, amenities, and configurations, aiding in informed decision-making. Unlike traditional 2D plans or static images, the latest virtual tours allow a three-dimensional visualization of the space, enhancing understanding of traffic flow and seating arrangements to ensure venue suitability.

For hotels and hospitality venues, virtual tours are vital for  venue marketing  and showcasing facilities and ambiance to potential clients. They help attract bookings by offering a virtual experience of the property, which is particularly beneficial for venues in scenic locations or with unique features.

3D Rendering of Venue

Brick and Mortar Businesses

Many physical businesses, such as retail stores, restaurants, hotels, and museums, use virtual tours to provide potential customers with an interactive and immersive experience of their premises. This allows customers to "visit" these places virtually even before making an actual trip.

Real Estate

Real estate agents often create virtual tours for properties to offer potential buyers a more comprehensive and convenient way to view listings. Virtual tours can include 360-degree views of different rooms, providing a better understanding of the space and layout than static images alone.

Real estate developers also use virtual tours to showcase off-plan or unfinished properties to potential buyers. This lets buyers visualize the finished project and make more informed purchasing decisions.

Tourism and Travel

The tourism industry widely uses virtual tours to promote destinations, hotels, and attractions. Virtual tours enable potential travelers to get a glimpse of a location's beauty, culture, and amenities before planning their actual trip.

Art and Culture

Art galleries, museums, and historical sites often create virtual tours to provide access to their collections and exhibitions to a broader audience. Virtual tours can include interactive features, such as zooming capabilities and audio guides, to offer an immersive and informative experience.

Automotive Industry

Automotive companies use virtual tours to showcase the interior features and designs of their vehicles. It gives customers a more interactive and engaging experience than traditional static images or videos.

What Are the Main Advantages of Virtual Tours?

Virtual tours offer significant advantages for businesses looking to attract clients, including:

1. Expanding Customer Reach and Access

With virtual tours, businesses can market spaces and offerings to a nearly unlimited global audience online – far broader than feasible via in-person tours alone. The expanded access and visibility also aid Search Engine Optimization, helping drive more organic traffic.

2. Empowering Informed Decision Making

By navigating location renderings, clients can evaluate layouts, capacity, amenities, etc., in detail before committing to customizing spaces in their mind's eye. It empowers selection based on precise needs and preferences versus relying solely on imagination.

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3. Enhancing Visualization

Virtual tours allow clients to tour sample event setups and decor rather than just empty space. This visual evidence lends confidence by demonstrating venues successfully hosting relevant events with suitable arrangements and amenities.

4. Improving Sales Efficiency

Exploring options virtually expedites decision-making by enabling rapid, self-guided tours of shortlisted spaces instead of lengthy in-person visits. This pre-qualification yields more qualified booking leads.

5. Increasing Bookings

With more informed clients focused on preferred options, virtual tours ultimately convert interest into more booked events. They set accurate expectations while expanding visibility to more potential booking leads.

How to Create a Virtual Tour

Creating a virtual tour involves capturing 360-degree images of a space and stitching them together using appropriate software. This can be achieved by following a few simple steps:

Select Your Equipment

You don’t need to invest in an expensive setup to start creating virtual tours. It’s even possible to buy an affordable fisheye lens adapter for your phone to create the wide-resolution photos you need. However, if you’re looking for the best quality, you may want to upgrade to a full DSLR camera (for a hefty price, of course).

After you pick your camera, you’ll also want to ensure you have a tripod that can rotate on an axis so you can capture all aspects of a room in a steady, controlled way.

Choose Your Virtual Tour Software

After you find a camera that can capture your images, you’ll want to decide what type of virtual tour software you’ll use to stitch them all together. You have several options with benefits and trade-offs for various event design needs and budgets.

Plan Out Your Photos 

Before recording your footage, you must plan your walk-through and know where to place the camera in every room. Ideally, you’ll want to go to the center of the room to capture it in its entirety. However, in rooms that aren’t symmetrical, you may need to find a different location, so test it out.

Because the virtual tour mimics walking through the site, you must also plan your route. For example, you can’t start from the stage and then jump down to the lobby – the connection simply won’t make sense. Try to shoot your footage logically, and do not skip any important spaces. Use an  event design software  to plan the layout, if required.

Test Your Equipment and Lighting 

When it’s finally photo day, test your camera, equipment, and angles for a final time. Make sure your tripod is level to prevent crooked or warped photos.

Next, go to each meeting room and see what the photos look like. Is the lighting too dark? Try the overhead light. Still too dark? You may want to have extra lighting on hand to illuminate the room.

Also, ensure you and the camera aren’t reflected in mirrors or windows. If you do notice a reflection, adjust your angle.

Hybrid event design should consider camera equipment

Take Your Photos and Upload Them to Your Software 

Finally, the most important part – taking the photos! Follow your shoot checklist, and don’t be afraid to take multiple pictures in each room, just in case. After you have all your photos captured, it’s time to upload them to the software you’ve chosen.

Once your tour is created, add music, room descriptions, interactive links, and more. To create engaging and interactive 3D virtual tours, consider using  3D virtual tour software  to create immersive experiences.

10 Ways to Maximize the Reach of Virtual Tours

The key to maximizing the reach of your virtual tour is to adopt a multifaceted and creative approach to marketing and promotion. Continuously seek new opportunities, adapt to changing trends, and engage with your audience to build momentum and sustain interest in your virtual tour experience.

Here are some tactics you can use to maximize the reach and impact of your virtual tours.

1. Optimize for Search Engines:  Utilize relevant keywords, meta tags, and descriptions to make your virtual tour and its dedicated web page discoverable through search engines. This increases the chances of your target audience finding your tour organically while looking for related content.

2. Collaborate with Influencers and Industry Experts:  Partner with influencers or industry experts with a substantial following or engagement in your target niche. Having them promote or endorse your virtual tour can expand its reach to a wider audience and boost credibility.

3. Host Virtual Tours for Influencers and Media:  Invite influencers, media representatives, or other relevant individuals to experience your virtual tour first-hand. Providing exclusive access can encourage them to feature or share your tour with their audiences, which can be a powerful form of social proof and organic promotion.

4. Leverage Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) and Listing Platforms:  List your virtual tour on online travel agencies (OTAs) or listing platforms specific to your industry. This allows individuals searching for virtual tour experiences to discover your tour directly, expanding your reach to a targeted audience.

5. Encourage User-Generated Content (UGC):  Empower visitors of your virtual tour to create and share their experiences through user-generated content. This can include sharing photos or videos of their virtual tour experience on social media with branded hashtags, which helps generate organic word-of-mouth marketing and expands your reach.

6. Run Contests and Promotions:  Launch contests or promotions around your virtual tour experience. Encourage participants to engage with your tour and share their experiences on social media, with the chance to win prizes or discounts. It creates a buzz around your tour and attracts a wider audience.

7. Utilize Paid Advertising:  Consider investing in paid advertising on social media platforms or search engines to promote your virtual tour. Targeted ads can help reach a wider audience and drive more immediate traffic to your tour, especially when combined with compelling visuals and copy.

8. Create a Virtual Tour Trailer or Sneak Peek: Produce a short trailer or sneak peek video showcasing your virtual tour's highlights. Distribute this video across social media platforms to generate excitement and interest among potential visitors.

9. Cross-Promote with Other Local Businesses:  Collaborate with local businesses or establishments related to your virtual tour theme. Cross-promote each other's content or offer joint discounts or packages to attract a combined audience and boost visibility for both parties.

10. Engage with Visitors and Respond to Feedback:  Monitor visitor interactions with your virtual tour and engage with them by responding to comments, reviews, or social media posts. Leverage positive feedback and use constructive feedback to improve your tour and overall user experience.

5 Tips to Create Effective Virtual Tours 

virtual tour guides

To create an effective virtual tour, focus on engaging your audience and providing them with an immersive experience that showcases your brand's unique value. Here are some tips to create an impressive virtual tour:

1. Set Clear Goals:  Begin by defining your marketing objectives. Determine why you want to create a virtual tour and what you want to achieve. Having well-defined goals will help measure the tour's success and align your efforts.

2. Incorporate Brand Storytelling:  Use the virtual tour to tell your brand's story. Create a narrative communicating your brand message and showcasing what makes your offering unique. This will help in creating a memorable experience for your audience.

3. Keep It User-Centric:  Just as you wouldn't hand out a pamphlet and walk away when hosting clients in person, your virtual tour should be designed with your audience's interests in mind. Consider what they want to see and create a tailored experience that resonates with them.

4. Ensure Technical Functionality:  A virtual tour should be more than just an experience; it should have strategic functionality that guides users toward your desired outcomes. Consider including interactive elements, audio guides, or other features that enhance the user's experience and align with your key messaging.

5. Focus on High-Quality Visuals:  Pay close attention to lighting and visual elements to create a high-quality virtual tour. Ensure indoor spaces are well-lit and that any outdoor tours are conducted on days with favorable weather conditions. Consider additional elements that can enhance the visual appeal of the tour and capture your audience's attention.

Stepping Into the Future with Virtual Tours

Virtual tours are the future of how we experience spaces. Whether checking out an event venue or touring a dream house, these tours are changing the game. And with tools like 3D virtual tour software , we're not just talking about looking at pictures – it's about stepping into a new world.

Hope Swedeen

Hope Salvatori

Hope is a Senior Content Marketing Associate who has been with Cvent for more than two years. She has 8 years of experience producing content for corporations, small businesses, associations, nonprofits, and universities. As a content professional, she has created content for a wide range of industries, including meetings and events, government and defense, education, health, and more.

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Covid forced tour guides to go virtual. We tested 4 to see what the experience is like.

When tourism evaporated, guides turned to online platforms to keep their business going

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While my life revolves around travel, it didn’t cross my mind to try an online travel experience until three months into my pandemic quarantine.

On a lonely May afternoon in my studio apartment, I logged on to a virtual cooking class by Graciela Montaño, a chef who quickly learned how to turn her family’s tourist-driven Mexico City cooking school into an Airbnb Experiences success.

Nearly a year later, as the end of the pandemic draws nearer, I wondered how other tour guides had felt about their professions pivoting online and how it felt to travel from home myself.

According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, 2020′s collapse of international travel cost the world an estimated $1.3 trillion in export revenue, and it put 100 to 120 million direct tourism jobs at risk. Tour guides are among those most affected. They have spent the pandemic finding ways to adjust their business, and for most, that has meant taking their tours online.

Last March, Google searches for virtual tours skyrocketed when the world shut down, and they stayed strong into 2021. People searched for arts and culture experiences, such as the British Museum in London, and scoped out wildlife tours, like the Bronx Zoo and Baltimore Aquarium.

But how much have they mattered to the tour guides themselves? I took four virtual tours and spoke with the guides about how they have adapted during the pandemic.

Costa Rica: The Table Less Traveled

Annie Cheng founded her culinary-centric travel company, The Table Less Traveled , in 2014, with a mission to take small groups (no more than 12 people) on intimate vacations with local guides sharing their knowledge of food and culture.

When the world started shutting down, Cheng knew she had to redesign her business fast, and she debuted an online experience on March 18, 2020. Instead of taking travelers out to eat in places such as Italy, Peru and Malaysia, she connected them with chef tour guides from those countries for virtual cooking classes.

One of The Table Less Traveled’s newest additions is Wendy Rodriguez, a tour guide from Costa Rica, who has always believed the best way to show love is through food.

Rodriguez began dreaming of becoming a tour guide (or “dream maker” as she describes it) when she was 10 years old, and she gave her first tour at 16. Now 44, she says her heart froze when she saw commercial flights to Costa Rica were canceled because of the coronavirus .

“Oh my god, this is the end of the world,” Rodriguez remembers thinking.

Before the pandemic, Rodriguez spent just three months of the year at home in between trips throughout North, Central and South America. With tourism gone, Wendy found herself home and unemployed.

Rodriguez applied for work rampantly. Companies told her she was too old for the jobs she was pursuing. Her car was too old to drive for Uber. Rodriguez was overwhelmed by her mortgage and the responsibility of raising her two teenage daughters as a single mother. Eventually, Rodriguez found a job at a call center far from home; she would wake up at 3 a.m. and get back at 6 p.m.

A friend in Peru got in touch with her about The Table Less Traveled, and introduced her to Cheng. Since then, she has continued to work at the call center while also increasing her virtual tour work. She has even had repeat customers, and I could see why shortly after logging on to my Costa Rican breakfast class .

Over Zoom, my classmates and I followed Rodriguez’s instructions from her home kitchen to cook gallo pinto (a beans and rice dish), eggs and bacon. While our garlic and onions simmered, she explained the popularity of Lizano sauce (a Worcestershire-adjacent condiment) in Costa Rica and showed us photos of her house.

"That’s my home, your home,” she told us, welcoming us into her life.

After spending an hour cooking and laughing together, we ate our Costa Rican breakfasts and took a group photo from our individual corners of the world.

How to experience

The Table Less Traveled

Cost: $65 per class; $55 for members

Length: 1.5 hours

Group size: 3-15 people (private experiences can be booked)

Kenya: Airbnb Experiences

Airbnb Experiences launched in 2016, and the online offshoot started Apr. 9, 2020. Throughout the pandemic, the company has offered unique virtual escapes, including taking workout classes with Olympians abroad . I loved the Mexico City cooking class I tried last May.

But I felt buried under work when logging in to my “ Sneak Peek to Kenyan Culture & Tradition ” private tour. That is until my guide, Samson Maundu, popped up on my screen. In about a minute, we were laughing, and the hang-ups of my day dissipated. It was after midnight in Nairobi, but Maundu has adjusted his sleep schedule to accommodate his international clientele. On any given day, he may host virtual travelers from 10 to 15 different countries.

“After doing this for eight months, I’m used to this,” he says.

Maundu has been adapting since Kenya went under lockdown last March. The pandemic was shocking, “especially in the first few months, because you can’t leave your house, you can’t do your job, loss of your source of income,” he says.

After starting his own tour company while he was still at university, Maundu began hosting in-person Airbnb Experiences in 2018. He jumped at the chance to do virtual tours as soon as he heard about them. He knows all of Kenya’s magic can’t be captured online, but Maundu finds he can still connect with travelers while earning a living and is grateful for the platform.

Over a slide show presentation, Maundu taught me key Swahili words and phrases, introduced me to a few of Kenya’s 44 tribes, and went over food and drink culture (the Maasai tribe has a tradition of drinking cow blood; Maundu prefers to mix it with milk when he drinks it during in-person tours). I felt more informed and inspired to travel to Africa once the pandemic is finally behind us. At the end of the tour, my cheeks hurt from smiling so much, something that wouldn’t have happened if I spent an hour and a half reading about Kenya on Wikipedia.

Airbnb Experiences

Cost: $13 for a group tour; $130 for a private session

Group size: Up to 10 people. Private groups available for up to 30.

Norway: Amazon Explore

Amazon joined the virtual experiences world in September 2020 with Amazon Explore . (Amazon founder Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post.) Its 200 live-streamed experiences from 20 locations, included taking a cooking class in Taiwan and meeting sloths in Costa Rica, begin at $10 (mine was $74.78 including tax). The experience has a unique consumer touch: Customers can shop on their tour. If something in a local shop catches your eye, your guide will buy and ship it to you on the spot.

It was late morning in Washington and dusk in Oslo when I logged on for my virtual tour with Diana Chamba, a local guide with 15 years of experience. Chamba, who is originally from Ecuador, found Amazon Explore through her work with Nordiva Tours after the pandemic brought an end to her in-person guiding

“I had nothing to lose,” she says. “This has saved me in a way.”

On “ Doorway to Norway: A virtual walking tour of Oslo’s highlights ,” Chamba pointed out historic buildings and walked into bakeries to show me Norwegian treats. Occasionally she would pull up photos, videos or audio clips to explain historic facts, show me the insides of buildings closed because of coronavirus or play the country’s national anthem.

We ended the tour at a gift shop, where Chamba helped me peruse ski sweaters, coffee mugs and wood-carved egg cups shaped like cartoon people — which I obviously had to buy, along with a couple of postcards. Ten days later, my Norwegian gifts arrived at my D.C. home.

Amazon Explore

Length: 1 hour

Group size: One-on-one

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Lisbon: ToursByLocals

ToursByLocals , a private tour marketplace, was founded in 2008 and offers customizable tours in more than 186 countries. The company was able to continue operating in person during the pandemic with walking, driving and caravan tours with mask-wearing and social distancing, but they also launched virtual experiences using the platform Highfive to reach travelers at home.

I logged on to my Lisbon Old Districts & Tram Ride tour to find the city looking like a ghost town compared to my memory of visiting it years ago. My guide, Marta Côrte-Real, explained that the city was under lockdown after another coronavirus surge. A year ago, tourism had been booming after years of substantial growth . Then the pandemic cancellations began.

Summer came and went without tourists, then fall fell through. Côrte-Real tried to stay positive, but as a freelance guide, she did not have access to unemployment benefits. She considered becoming a real estate agent.

“I thought it was the only way out,” she says. “But then again, it was not what I wanted to do.”

Côrte-Real pursued tourism in college after her father suggested the career field, even though she worried she was too shy to be a guide. Then she gave her first tour and transformed into a different person. It was a perfect fit, and she couldn’t imagine doing anything else. Five years ago, she began working with ToursByLocals. Last March, she started hosting online tours, first with PowerPoint presentations from her home, and later outside doing walking virtual experiences.

By my session, she had the technique down pat. We stopped by the murals at Escadinhas de São Cristóvão, took a tram ride, saw Livraria Bertrand , the world’s oldest bookstore still in operation. I realized halfway through that I was getting the same extrovert’s rush from our online hangout that I would be if we were together in Lisbon.

That personal connection was my favorite part of every tour. Even though I could get the same information by Googling Lisbon history, Costa Rican cooking, Kenyan culture or Norwegian shopping, I wouldn’t get the same emotional engagement as I did spending time with a real human.

Perhaps that’s why every guide told me that even once the pandemic is over, they would still like to keep hosting virtual tours. The experience has shown them that these online adventures bring people joy whether they’re doing it in lieu of canceled trips, or because they couldn’t have visited in the first place.

“Some people tell me because of health conditions that they are not able to travel,” Mandu says. “So still being able to offer that opportunity to everyone … I find it as a blessing.”


Length: 75 minutes

Group size: Private group for up to 10 people.

Read more on travel during the pandemic:

Tips: Advice column | Coronavirus testing | Vaccinations | Spring Break | Vaccine passports | Sanitizing your hotel | Updating documents | Summer trips | Travel vouchers | Ask us your travel questions

Flying: Pandemic packing | Airport risks | Staying healthy on planes | Fly or drive? | Layovers

Road trips: Tips | Rental cars | Best snacks | Long-haul trains | Rest stops | Cross-country drive

Destinations: Hawaii | Private islands | Australia | Mexico | Alaska | Puerto Rico

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National Museum of Natural History Virtual Tours

Access the tours.

Hall of Fossils - Deep Time, Giant Sloth

The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History virtual tours allow visitors to take self-guided, room-by-room tours of select exhibits and areas within the museum from their desktop or mobile device. Visitors can also access select collections and research areas at our satellite support and research stations as well as past exhibits no longer on display.

Virtual Tour Tips

  • To navigate between adjoining rooms in the tours, click on the blue arrow links on the floor or use the navigation map in the upper right of the presentation screen.
  • Look for the camera icon which gives you a close-up view of a particular object or exhibit panel.
  • Try zooming in as some of the images are stitched together from individual pictures in order to create very high resolution gigapixel images.

Please note: This tour and these presentations have been tested and should work on all common devices, browsers, and operating systems (using a desktop computer with Windows, Mac, Linux or a mobile device such as an iPhone, iPad, or Android). Functionality and appearance may vary as it will adjust automatically to accommodate the most visitors. While the virtual tour has no advertising, ad blocking software or browser settings that block JavaScript and/or XML may interfere with the functionality of the virtual tour. Please let us know what you think of the tour and how the experience can be improved. Send your feedback to the NMNH Web Team .

Site Credit: Imagery and coding by Loren Ybarrondo

Equipment Used: Professional Nikon digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera bodies and lenses. The photography is typically done using rectilinear lenses with minimized distortion and shooting equirectangular panoramas at 22K pixels on the long side.

Software Used: No authoring software is used. The tours are hand-coded in HTML5 and JavaScript using the krpano graphics library.

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100 Last-Day-of-School Activities Your Students Will Love!

40 Amazing Educational Virtual Field Trips

No permission slips needed.

Amazing Educational Virtual Field Trips

Virtual field trips are a game changer. Not only do they fill in for real field trips when budgets and other roadblocks prevent in-person options, but virtual field trips also open doors to educational experiences all over the country and the world, both past and present. No fundraising or permission slips required!

(Note: For anyone who needs it, YouTube offers a closed-captioning option. Just click the CC button in the bottom right-hand corner.)

1. Amazon Career Tours

Amazon career tours

Amazon Career Tours are free virtual field trips that inspire students to pursue careers of the future. Tour whenever, wherever on Kahoot! Each tour comes with a Teacher Toolkit that includes a facilitation guide and student worksheets.

  • (New!) Amazon Music: Careers Behind the Beats : From studio to streaming, check out how computer science and amazing professionals make listening to your favorite songs possible.
  • Amazon Fulfillment Center Tour : Explore how packages get delivered at lightning speed and how computer science, engineering, and real people work together to make the magic happen. 
  • Data Center Tour 1: Uncovering Cloud Computing : Do students know what “the cloud” actually is? Find out how we went from renting movies at the store to streaming them from anywhere at any time.
  • Data Center Tour 2: Keeping Data Safe and Sustainable : Discover the infrastructure that keeps your information safe and sustainable while diving into data careers of the future.
  • Space Innovation Tour : Students will learn about the amazing technology on board the Orion spacecraft in NASA’s Artemis I flight test and hear from the engineers who made it all possible.

There are so many amazing online options when it comes to zoos that we couldn’t narrow it down to just one. Most zoos have live webcams in some of their most popular exhibits, such as the KC Zoo Polar Bear Cam and the Giant Panda Cam at Smithsonian’s National Zoo . However, some zoos offer a more in-depth look. You’ll definitely want to check out the San Diego Zoo as their site for kids includes behind-the-scenes videos and stories, as well as a variety of printable activities and online games. Check out our full list of virtual zoo goodness.

3. The Aquarium

It’s a similar story with aquariums. You have your pick of live webcams, but our favorites are the Georgia Aquarium’s Ocean Voyager webcam (wait for the whale shark!) and the “Jelly Cam” at Monterey Bay Aquarium (so soothing). The Seattle Aquarium even has a 30-minute video tour . Want more under-the-sea fun? Here’s our ultimate list of virtual aquarium field trips.

4. The Farm

The classic preschool field trip goes online! You can have your pick of dairy farm field trips, but we like this one from the Dairy Alliance  and this one from Stonyfield Organic . Farm Food 360 gives students the opportunity to immerse themselves in Canadian farm and food tours—from raising pigs to making milk and cheese. We’re also loving these virtual egg farm field trips from the American Egg Board.


5. An Art Museum

Metropolitan Museum of Art's #MetKids

We found 20 art museums with virtual tours , including the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s # MetKids and its awesome Where’s Waldo? setup. And you can’t miss the world-famous Louvre in Paris (no passport needed!). Check out the current virtual tours: Traveling Materials and Objects, the Advent of the Artist, the Body in Movement, and Founding Myths: From Hercules to Darth Vader!

6. A National Park

From webcams at Hawaii volcanoes to a virtual run along the rim of the Grand Canyon , you have tons of options here. Our top pick would have to be Yellowstone. The interactive maps are a great way to see the Mammoth Hot Springs and Mud Volcano, but we think kids will be psyched about the Old Faithful Geyser livestream and the opportunity to make their own predictions for its next eruption . Check out everything the National Park Service has to offer virtually.

7. A Planetarium

Through Stellarium Web , kids can explore over 60,000 stars, locate planets, and watch sunrises and solar eclipses. If you enter your location, you can see all the constellations that are visible in the night sky in your corner of the world.

8. A Recycling Center

Take your students on a virtual field trip of a recycling center and a modern landfill . Plus, there’s a full-on curriculum that includes lesson plans, take-home handouts, and more.

9. Slime in Space

Nickelodeon teamed up with two astronauts on the International Space Station to demonstrate how slime reacts to microgravity and had kids reproduce those same demonstrations back here on Earth. It makes for an amazing 15-minute virtual field trip .

10. Nature Lab

The Nature Conservancy has a brand-new virtual field trip entitled “You’re the Scientist! Citizen Science, Frogs & Cicadas.” Check out their full library of videos on topics like climate change and water security.

11. Discovery Education

Discovery Education hosts a variety of virtual events —each with a companion guide with hands-on learning activities. Current offerings include “Making a New Life: The Courage of a Refugee” and “The Future Is Now” (architectural and engineering innovations). Stay tuned for their upcoming civics virtual field trip, “The American Ideal.”

12. The Great Lakes

This virtual field trip from Great Lakes Now has three components: coastal wetlands, algae, and lake sturgeon. Each video is a quick five minutes long.

13. The Strong National Museum of Play

Explore online exhibits and discover the history and evolution of play. Check out board games that changed play, sports video games that shaped digital play, and the making of Monopoly to name a few.

14. U.S. Census Bureau

Kids can learn about the most recent Census and how census data is collected and used. This virtual field trip also features interviews with subject matter experts and an interactive challenge.

15. National Constitution Center

The “Museum of We the People,” the Constitution Center serves as a “headquarters for civic education.” Check out the Interactive Constitution section , and be sure to watch the virtual tour .

16. The Johnson Space Center

Houston, we have a virtual field trip. Three, actually. All with companion educator guides. The star of the show is the behind-the-scenes tour of the Johnson Space Center .

17. Birthplace of Music

Boise State put together this fully interactive virtual field trip with text, photos, audio, and video about the history of music. The four featured music locations are: Vienna, Austria; New Orleans, Louisiana; Cleveland, Ohio; and Bristol, Tennessee-Virginia.

18. Colonial Williamsburg

This living-history museum provides a look into life in an early American community. The website offers five different webcams featuring areas such as the tavern and the armory.

19. Mount Vernon

This virtual experience of George Washington’s home is incredibly well done. Enter the different buildings—from the opulent mansion to the chilling slave quarters—and click on different items for video and text explanations.

20. Mount Rushmore

This virtual tour comes with a real tour guide! Blaine Kortemeyer is the Assistant Chief of Interpretation and Education, who lends his expertise on the building of this national monument. The 3D Explorer is also an excellent tool.

21. The Manhattan Project

Take a visit to the National WWII Museum for “a cross-country virtual expedition to discover the science, sites, and stories of the creation of the atomic bomb.” Don’t forget to download the classroom guide!

22. The White House

For a look inside the iconic building, check out the 360° tour of some of the most historic rooms of the People’s House, from the Situation Room to the Oval Office. Examine each room and check out the contents up close.

23. The Smithsonian

The National Museum of Natural History’s virtual experiences are self-guided, room-by-room tours of permanent, current, and past exhibits. Be sure to send kids to the second floor Bone Hall so they can take a look at all different kinds of skeletons.

24. Google Arts & Culture

A collaboration with over 1,200 leading museums and archives, Google Arts & Culture is an incredible storehouse of monumental works of art. We recommend the Street View and Play sections.

25. 360 Cities

Boasting the world’s largest collection of 360° image videos, 360 Cities provides kids with the opportunity to see stunning panoramas across the globe, including their video of the ice floe on the Vistula River in Poland.

26. Buckingham Palace

It’s the official residence of the Queen of England, and boy, is it opulent! Get a peek inside the gorgeous Grand Staircase, White Drawing Room, Throne Room, and Blue Drawing Room.

27. The Great Wall of China

See one of the wonders of the world with this amazing, thousands-year-old fortification system known the world over. This virtual tour has four scenes available (you have to pay to get access to all 14). The bird’s-eye view of Mutianyu pass is a highlight.

28. Easter Island

Easter Island Moai Statues at Rano Raraku under sunny summer sky. Rano Raraku, Rapa Nui National Park, Hanga Roa, Easter Island, Chile.

Most of us recognize the giant stone statues of Easter Island, but what’s the story behind them? Nova’s online adventure “Secrets of Easter Island” delves into the mystery with a virtual tour.

29. Son Doong Cave

National Geographic lets you explore the world’s largest cave, located in Vietnam. Use the interactive map to enjoy the fully immersive experience (sound on!).

30. Ancient Egypt

You don’t need a time machine! Discovering Ancient Egypt has a ton of free resources, but it’s the interactive pyramid map and 3D temple reconstructions that really give it a field trip feel.

31. Back Through Time

Virtually visit Turn Back the Clock , a museum exhibit that ran for two years at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. Through compelling personal stories, innovative interactive media, and pop culture artifacts, the exhibit takes guests through seven decades of history—from the dawn of the nuclear age to significant policy questions our leaders face today.

Landscape on planet Mars, scenic desert scene on the red planet

No, really! You can absolutely “go” to the red planet. With Access Mars , you can see the actual surface of Mars, recorded by NASA’s Curiosity rover. Trust us—don’t skip the intro. And if your kids liked that, check out this 4K tour of the moon . These may go down in history as some of the best virtual field trips your students get to experience.

33. The Battleship New Jersey

Take a virtual tour of this historical battleship located on the Camden waterfront. This battleship has traveled more miles than any other!

34. The Vatican

No need to travel to Rome! Take in the amazing art and architecture located in the Vatican Museums with these 360-degree views.

35. Space Center Houston

Space Center Houston Virtual Tour

Download the app and climb aboard the virtual tram line! Take a virtual walk through the Space Center Houston with informational stops along the way.

36. The Louvre

Virtually visit museum rooms in the famous Louvre located in Paris. Even check out The Louvre kids’ site for student-friendly galleries and stories. You can’t visit The Louvre without seeing the Mona Lisa , so check out their immersive Mona Lisa experience available in the app store.

37. Ellis Island

Map of Ellis Island Virtual Field Trip

This interactive tour of Ellis Island lets students explore places like the Baggage Room and the Stairs of Separation through short stories, historical photographs, videos, and audio clips. Students can also hear the stories of real kids who recently immigrated to the United States, explore colorful charts and graphs with immigration data, and watch a 30-minute movie that includes a Q&A with National Park Service Rangers who explain what coming to America was like for many immigrants.

38. Plimoth Patuxet Museums

Desk with laptop featuring a Wampanoag Native American.

Travel back to the 17th century with options for free, on-demand, digital resources or a live, 1-hour virtual school program led by a Plimoth Patuxet Contemporary Indigenous Museum Educator. Students explore Wampanoag daily life and history; discover the real history of Thanksgiving and the legend behind it; meet a 17th-century Pilgrim; get an interactive sneak peak into 17th-century wardrobes; and learn about simple machines and water power at the Plimoth Grist Mill. There are also options for virtual hands-on history workshops, including Wampanoag Pottery and Write Like a Pilgrim.

39. Children’s Museum Houston

Children's Museum Houston museum educators giving a tour

When you can’t visit the museum in person, 3D virtual field trips to the Children’s Museum Houston are the next best thing. All videos are produced and curated by museum educators and feature hands-on activities that can be done in the classroom. Topics include nutrition, math, states of matter, forces and properties of water, and more.

40. Museum of the American Revolution

Beyond the Battlefield Virtual Field Trip featuring Laruen Tarshis, author of I Survived series

Beyond the Battle Field is a virtual field trip for grades 2-8 hosted by Lauren Tarshis, author of the I Survived historical-fiction series for kids. Students will meet a museum educator as well as the museum curator, and explore artifacts and documents from the American Revolution. Plus they’ll hear the stories of teens who served during the war. There’s also a Classroom Kit available with a vocabulary list and discussion questions by grade level.

If you liked this roundup of the best virtual field trips and want more resources like this, be sure to  subscribe to our newsletters.

Plus, check out the best field trip ideas for every age and interest (virtual options too) ..

You can't always get there in person, but lots of places will let you "visit" online. These are the best virtual field trips out there!

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  • British wildlife
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  • Explore the Museum

Virtual Museum: 13 ways to explore from home

Delve into the Museum from home with a virtual self-guided tour of the galleries, an interactive experience about Hope the blue whale and audio guides narrated by Sir David Attenborough.

1. Stroll around the Fantastic Beasts™: The Wonder of Nature exhibition

Although the exhibition at the Museum closed on 3 January 2022, you can still step into an online world full of fantastic real-life and magical beasts. There are highlights, stories and games galore. 

Walk around the exhibition from home with a 360° virtual tour on Google Arts & Culture.

The entrance to the Fantastic Beasts: The Wonder of Nature exhibition.

2.  Take a deep dive into the life of a blue whale

Explore the rich history of Hope, the blue whale suspended from the ceiling in Hintze Hall. In this online interactive, see what her life was like in the ocean, find out how she got to her home in the Museum and get a behind-the-scenes peek of the Museum's collections.

Go one step further by viewing the skeleton in augmented reality (AR) with Google Arts & Culture. 

A spliced image showing the blue whale skeleton in the middle surrounded by tall shelves storing other taxidermy specimens.

3. Hang out with scientists online

Catch up on all the Nature Live Online talks featuring topical discussions with our scientists and cutting-edge research. 

Free event recordings. 

View of Earth from space.

Image:  NASA .

4.  Sound choices: listen to these podcasts

Every year the Museum attracts millions of curious visitors eager to learn about the natural world.

Bring that curiosity home, and learn more about natural history, science, and the world around you with these great podcasts. 

Khalil and Sandy looking at botanical specimens on the Museum's podcast, Wild Crimes.

5.  Let Sir David Attenborough guide you around Hintze Hall

Sir David's unmistakable voice and expertise on all things nature make him the perfect person to take you on a tour of Hintze Hall's star specimens (including the blue marlin), all from the comfort of home.

A large blue marlin specimen preserved in a tank in Hintze Hall.

6.  Go on a virtual tour of the Museum

Google Arts & Culture gives you access to 300,000 specimens within the Museum's collections, along with 35 digital exhibitions , virtual tours and an interactive gigapixel photo (so enormous you can zoom in on the tiniest detail) of Hintze Hall's gilded canopy. 

A screenshot of a 360 video of Hintze Hall showing thumbnail images of other galleries along the bottom.

7.  Flick through Wildlife Photographer of the Year images

Explore the exhibition at your own pace in this online gallery filled with stunning nature photographs. 

A photograph of a jellyfish with purple tentacles by Fabien Michenet.

8.  Watch us on the small screen

The Museum's stunning architecture has made it a popular choice as a filming location for everything from blockbuster movies to TV dramas.

Discover which films and television shows feature the Museum.

Paddington Bear at the Museum with Dippy in Hintze Hall.

Paddington (2014)

9. Examine a 3D model of Dippy's skull

Get up close to the skull of the Museum's iconic Diplodocus cast produced by our Imaging and Analysis Centre. See more 3D models on Sketchfab , including Darwin's fossil mammals and the Crystal Palace sculptures .

A 3D scan of Dippy's skull.

10. See illustrations from HMS Endeavour

Our collection of botanical illustrations from HMS Endeavour make up some of the most scientifically significant artworks in our archive. It features works by Sydney Parkinson .

A watercolour illustration parkinson

11.  Browse the Library and Archives digital collections

Dig deep into the archives, where you'll find scientifically important art, books, prints and manuscripts, including drawings by William Smith and brothers Franz and Ferdinand Bauer.

Illustration of two lorikeets perched on a branch by the Bauer brothers.

12. Uncover highlights from the collections

We've wrapped up some of the highlights from the collections on display including specimens from space , the spirit collection , Charles Darwin and the Treasures gallery .

Discover more stories from the collections  including stories from the Museum at Tring .

Archie the giant squid in the spirit collection.

13. Zoom in on beetles

Open the drawers and zoom in on 16 Coleoptera collections held at the Museum including those from Thomas Broun (1838-1919), David Sharp (1840-1922) and Charles O. Waterhouse (1843-1917).

Find out more about the  Entomology collections .

Coleoptera collection - colourful beetles

Virtual expeditions with our scientists

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What is it like to go on a dino dig?

Explore an interactive story about Museum experts' adventure to Wyoming, USA, when they went off-grid in search of Jurassic dinosaurs.

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Explore a 360 panorama of Antarctica

Join Dr Adrian Glover as he journeys to the site of a collapsed Antarctic ice shelf. Experience the awe-inspiring view from the ship deck.

Let the exploration continue

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Enjoy nature on your doorstep

Find activities and ideas to occupy yourself and family at home, in your garden or local outdoor space.

Try this at home

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Discover more stories from the collections

Uncover colourful stories behind the specimens, meet collectors and curators past and present and read about their contributions to our understanding of the natural world. 

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Teaching resources

A range of downloadable educational curriculum-linked resources that you can adapt for home use.

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We look forward to welcoming you on a campus tour. Space is limited and advanced registration is required.

Summer Admissions & Aid Sessions

Starting June 3  all campus tour registrants are invited to join a thirty-minute session on admissions and financial aid led by an admissions officer  Monday through Friday at 10:30am and 1pm  at SSS Hall Room 114, 1 Prospect St. Separate registration is not required. Visitors may attend before or after a scheduled tour. 

To arrange for a group visit, please complete the Group Visit Request Form .

Virtual Information Sessions

The Yale Admissions Office regularly hosts online virtual events for prospective students. Learn more on the virtual events page . Virtual events include:

  • Virtual Information Sessions - featuring an admissions officer and current student.
  • Student Forums - featuring current students and live Q&A.
  • Multicultural Open House - featuring Yale’s cultural and resource centers, through a week of panels, performances, and showcases.
  • Regional Virtual Sessions and Current Student Conversations  - highlighting the experiences of students from different US regions.
  • Up Close Virtual Sessions - highlighting the performing arts, international and professional experiences, and students from rural areas. 
  • Virtual Events with Multiple Colleges  - showcasing up to five colleges and universities in a single session.

Advance registration  is required for all virtual events.


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  1. Best virtual tours to explore the world from home

    Virtual Yosemite is absolutely stunning and one of the best, replete with audio. Both Yellowstone National Park and Mount Rushmore offer virtual tours as well. Google has similar 360 degree audio-visual tours of five select national parks, including Kenai Fjords, Hawai'i Volcanos, Carlsbad Caverns, Bryce Canyon, and Dry Tortugas, as well as 31 ...

  2. Hop A Tour

    We're here to assist you! Contact us at. [email protected] +1-800-884-0623 (US & Canada Toll-Free) +61-1800-514-975 (Australia Toll-Free) Live virtual tours from around the world with top-rated tour guides. Whether planning your next vacation, travel from home, or a virtual field trip, Hop A Tour is your destination.

  3. 100+ Virtual Tours of Popular Tourist Attractions [2024]

    Prague Castle is among the most-visited tourist attractions in Prague — attracting over 1.8 million visitors annually. The Czech government has put together a virtual look at the courtyard, gardens, the castle's picture gallery, and even the inside the Cathedral of St. Vitus. Start your virtual tour here .

  4. Bucket List Travel: The World's Best Virtual Tours

    Try: 360-Degree Virtual Tour of the Jane Austen House. Launched last October, now anyone can explore Austen's home without having to travel. The guided tours give avid fans an exciting resource ...

  5. 60 Virtual Tours To Travel The World For FREE From Home

    Virtual Tours of Top Natural Wonders and Attractions. All these natural attractions are on our travel bucket list! 30. Niagara Falls, Canada - see live video feeds of these world famous falls on EarthCam. 31. The Northern Lights, Canada - another great live webcam to catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights.


    Want to help Virtual Vacation out? Give us a share and give others the gift of travel! Explore the world/globe from home with! View live footage from different cities, or even take a guessing quiz!

  7. 50+ Best Virtual Walking Tours Around the World [City, Scenic]

    This 1.5-hour hike features the highlights of the shorter 2-day trek, including arrival by train, walking along the "Royal Road," and ending at Machu Picchu via the Gate of the Sun. To start your virtual walking tour, click here. 12. Moraine Lake in Banff National Park (Canada) Image Credit: Jaime Reimer via Pexels.

  8. Top 10 virtual tours: see the world without leaving home

    1. Machu Picchu, Andes Mountains, Peru. A simply stunning UNESCO World Heritage site, Machu Picchu is a visual wonder that just has to be seen. You no longer need to fly all the way to Peru to see ...

  9. Best virtual tours that you can take without leaving home

    Best virtual tours of US national parks. The Hidden Worlds of the National Parks is a Google project that lets you explore five different U.S. parks, including Florida's Dry Tortugas, Hawaiian ...

  10. Virtual Tours & Experiences

    1 hour. Discover from your home the city of Segovia through a virtual life tour together with an official local tour guide. We will cover both the most important monuments of Segovia (The Roman Aqueduct, the medieval wall, the gothic Cathedra and the Alcazar) and the gastronomy of the area. FROM $70 / per group.

  11. Virtual Travels, 360° Aerial Panoramas, 360° Virtual Tours Around the

    AirPano is a VR project created by a team of Russian photographers focused on taking high-resolution aerial 360° photographs and 360° video. Today AirPano is the largest virtual travel resource in the world -- by geographical coverage, number of aerial photographs, and artistic and technical quality of the images — featuring 360° panoramas and 360° videos of the highest quality shot from ...

  12. The 75 Best Virtual Museum Tours

    11. Grand Palais (Paris, France) Image Credit: Perry Talk via Flickr. Year Opened: 1900. The Grand Palais is a large historic site, exhibition hall, and museum dedicated to the organization of exhibitions, publishing books, art workshops, photographic agency, and hosting major fairs and events.

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    Georgia O'Keeffe Museum: Six virtual exhibits are available online from this museum named for the "Mother of American modernism." National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City: Dive into the pre ...

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    Live Virtual Holiday Tours From Around The World. Cherry Blossom Season At Osaka Castle, Japan. March 2024 - April 2024. Ramadan in Tunis Medina, Tunisia. March 10 - April 9, 2024. Venice Carnival! Experience The Excitement Of The Famous Carnevale di Venezia. January 27 - February 13.

  16. 10 Brilliant FREE Virtual Tours: Travel the World from Home

    Bahamas. This free virtual tour seems a bit limited to begin with, but once you start clicking around, the number of things to click on increases and the tour improves. The beauty of the Bahamas certainly helps to make this an enjoyable experience. Go on Virtual Tour of the Bahamas. Explore Giza's treasures from the comfort of home in this ...

  17. Online Virtual Tours: The 69 BEST to Explore

    4. Anne Frank House. The Anne Frank House welcomes visitors from around the world with digital experiences such as video, virtual reality, 360° photos of the Frank home, and translations of the diary in over 20 languages. Virtual visitors can also browse a pocket gallery by downloading the app. Visit Anne Frank House.

  18. Book Authentic Private Tours with Local Tour Guides

    Our expert local tour guides offer private guided tours that unveil hidden gems and things to do designed to create lasting memories. Explore the world like a local with ToursByLocals. ... Tour Guide Shore Excursions Safari Live Virtual Tour. Add dates. Search. 100% private tours. Fully customizable itineraries . Flexible cancellation. 24/7 ...

  19. Together Virtually

    Welcome to Together Virtually, a brand new concept in affordable virtual travel, designed for you. At Together Virtually, we're passionate about providing authentic travel experiences that will leave you with lasting memories. We bring you world class content creators and wonderful destinations, and we focus on building community and friendships.

  20. The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Tours

    The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Tours. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the virtual tour industry's growth, revolutionizing how businesses operate. With its versatility and adaptability, virtual tours are an indispensable asset for event venues, offering numerous benefits such as increased bookings and an immersive customer experience.

  21. Self-guided GPS audio tours in over 400 destinations with the VoiceMap

    Take a self-guided tour with VoiceMap's audio guide app. There are walking tours, driving tours and even boat rides in over 300 destinations around the world. ... Neither is listening at museums and taking a virtual tour at home. That's why the VoiceMap app has features that fit your context. Images, music, 360 videos and AR.

  22. We tested virtual tours around the world. Here's how covid changed

    Covid forced tour guides to go virtual. We tested 4 to see what the experience is like. When tourism evaporated, guides turned to online platforms to keep their business going .

  23. Virtual Tour

    Narrated Tours. The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History virtual tours allow visitors to take self-guided, room-by-room tours of select exhibits and areas within the museum from their desktop or mobile device. Visitors can also access select collections and research areas at our satellite support and research stations as well as past ...

  24. The Best Virtual Field Trips for the Classroom

    Take a visit to the National WWII Museum for "a cross-country virtual expedition to discover the science, sites, and stories of the creation of the atomic bomb." Don't forget to download the classroom guide! 22. The White House. For a look inside the iconic building, check out the 360° tour of some of the most historic rooms of the People's House, from the Situation Room to the Oval ...

  25. Virtual Tour

    Tour Stop #15 - High Water Mark. Late in the afternoon, after a two-hour cannonade, some 7,000 Union soldiers posted around the Copse of Trees, The Angle, and the Brian Barn, repulsed the bulk of the 12,000-man "Pickett's Charge" against the Federal center. This was the climactic moment of the battle. On July 4, Lee's army began retreating.

  26. Virtual Museum: 13 ways to explore from home

    Virtual Museum: 13 ways to explore from home. Delve into the Museum from home with a virtual self-guided tour of the galleries, an interactive experience about Hope the blue whale and audio guides narrated by Sir David Attenborough. 1. Stroll around the Fantastic Beasts™: The Wonder of Nature exhibition.

  27. Tours

    Mon-Fri 9am, 11:30am, 2pm (exc. Jul 4) August. Mon-Fri 9am, 11:30am, 2pm. Summer Admissions & Aid Sessions. Starting June 3 all campus tour registrants are invited to join a thirty-minute session on admissions and financial aid led by an admissions officer Monday through Friday at 10:30am and 1pm at SSS Hall Room 114, 1 Prospect St. Separate ...

  28. Explore CIA Headquarters

    Today, you'll find more than just offices here. CIA Headquarters features sites like the famous Kryptos sculpture, memorials, art and museum galleries, and so much more. For security reasons, we do not offer tours to the public. However, our virtual Headquarters tour gives you the ability to wander through our campus and explore its unique sites.

  29. Virtual Tour

    Tour at a Glance. Virtually explore the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) Bethesda campus, learn about scientific research, and get to know NIH community members who are turning discovery into health.