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Finland named happiest country in the world for sixth consecutive year

Credits: Samuel Taipale

Press release, Helsinki, 20 March 2023

For the sixth consecutive year, Finland has been named the happiest country in the world by the annual United Nations World Happiness Report , holding the top title since 2018.

The secret to Finnish happiness has been debated worldwide ever since Finland was first nominated for the prestigious title. Finns themselves believe that the key to their happiness is found in four elements: nature, lifestyle, food and sustainability. This summer, Finland is teaching how to master these qualities and find your inner Finn.

A deep connection with nature

In addition to the 187,000 lakes that bless the world’s largest archipelago, 75% of Finland is covered by vast green forests. Finland is home to 41 national parks and provides citizens and visitors alike with Everyman’s Rights – the freedom to roam in nature and enjoy outdoor pursuits regardless of who owns or occupies an area. It’s no wonder that Finns foster a deep connection with nature throughout their lives – finding happiness in the many benefits nature offers. For example, it has been proven that even 15-20 minutes in the forest decreases blood pressure and improves mood.

Enjoying a simple lifestyle

Favourite Finnish habits and activities are quite simple. The Finnish sauna, a crucial source of wellness in Finland, is a world-famous institution known for its health benefits. Combined with a refreshing plunge in a nearby lake in summer or brave a dip in the ice hole in winter, a sauna – considered a lifestyle by many – is a firm contributor to Finnish happiness.

A commitment to sustainability

Sustainability is traditionally seen as very important to Finns – whether it means preserving the surrounding nature cultural heritage or crafting innovations for daily use. From furniture to clothing, Finnish design is seamlessly integrated into everyday life in Finland. In a country full of exciting contrasts and nature as an endless source of inspiration, sustainability plays an influential role for the nation's happiness. 

A love for seasonal and local food

Finnish food is simple, delicious, and built on fresh, natural ingredients. With the world’s cleanest air, pure water from thousands of lakes, and a wealth of wild ingredients – such as berries, mushrooms, and herbs – that can be foraged in the country’s forests, food is one of the essential elements of happiness for Finns.

Find your inner Finn

To celebrate being the happiest country in the world, Visit Finland is now looking for participants from around the globe to become masters in happiness and learn the key skills of being happy the Finnish way. The new four-day Masterclass of Happiness held in Finnish Lakeland in June 2023 will offer ten lucky participants in-person coaching on how to discover their inner happiness through bonding with nature.

The masterclass will be entirely free of charge for the chosen participants. Visit Finland will also cover travel expenses to and from Finland. Applications for the masterclass are open until 2 April 2023: applicants can apply individually or with a friend or partner.

Applications for Visit Finland’s Masterclass of Happiness are open now. To apply for free, see Find your inner Finn  website.

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About Visit Finland

Visit Finland, a unit of Business Finland, is a national authority on tourism and an active force in promoting international travel to Finland. Its main goal is to develop Finland’s international image as a destination. Visit Finland supports the travel industry through research and helps businesses and groups develop products and services for the international market. For more information, please visit  www.visitfinland.com .

Score an all-expenses-paid trip to Finland, the world's happiest country

Portrait of Kathleen Wong

For five years, Finland scored first place in the World Happiness Report . Now a new campaign is inviting a 10 visitors from around the world to the happiest country to learn how they can tap into their own inner happiness. 

On Monday, Visit Finland announced that it is now accepting applications for its "Masterclass of Happiness," a free four-day trip to Finland "where you can learn the methods to finding your inner Finn," according to the Visit Finland website.

The opportunity also makes Finland the first country to host its own "masterclass."

The masterclass will happen from June 12-15, 2023, at a private villa at the luxurious Kuru Resort in the nation's Lakeland region.

"A question we often get is: 'How are you so happy?' We believe Finnish happiness stems from a close relationship with nature and our down-to-earth lifestyle: it’s not some mystical state, but a skill that can be learned and shared,"  Heli Jimenez, Senior Director, International Marketing at Business Finland, said in a statement .

"Now we want to help people find and master that Finnish state of mind. We’ve chosen the best coaches, one of the most breathtaking resorts in Finland, and a time in the early summer amid the beautiful Finnish nature for our masterclass. We feel it’s a really unique opportunity to discover something wonderful and valuable: anyone curious should definitely apply."

Happiness in Finland: Europe dominated the happiest countries in the world list.

Should I book my summer travel now?: Travel experts share how to find the best deals.

What will be taught in the Masterclass of Happiness?

During the course, the participants will be guided by Finnish experts on how to "build a set of skills that help you sustain a balanced lifestyle in connection with nature." The four themes include: nature and lifestyle, health and balance, design and everyday, and food and wellbeing.

How can I apply for the Masterclass of Happiness?

There's a two-part application for those wanting to attend the Masterclass of Happiness, which can be found online . Applicants will first need to fill out a sign-up form then do a social media challenge on Instagram or TikTok, which can be found on  @ourfinland on Instagram and  @visitfinland.com on TikTok . Applicants need to do both steps in order to be considered.

People can apply as a group or individual as long as they are 18 years and older.

The deadline to apply is April 2. Winners will be announced on May 2 on Visit Finland's Instagram and TikTok.

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I Traveled to Finland to Take Its Masterclass in Happiness — Here Are the 8 Most Important Lessons I Learned

We all deserve to be as happy as a Finn.

Getty Images

Anyone can  find their inner Finn and master the secrets to happiness — at least, that's what those fortunate folks who live in Finland, the  happiest country in the world , say. But how easy could it possibly be to find total happiness just by booking a flight? I set off to spend five days and four nights in Finland's Lakeland region to find out. 

Before leaving, I self-assessed. Am I unhappy enough to learn how to find my inner Finn? I graduated from therapy three years ago. My friend group is full of witty women, and my family, while as imperfect as any other, is loving. In the past year, I've explored Ireland's Tidy Towns, spent Christmas in Paris, and lazed about on the  beaches of Portugal . What complaints could I have?

What if I'm  too  happy to learn anything about mastering happiness? Could I be happier? As it turns out, the trip offered me more life lessons than I thought appropriate to keep to myself. So, here are the eight best lessons I learned that I think can help you find boundless, Finnish-style happiness, too. 

Lesson 1: Arrive at the bridge before you cross it. 

My suitcase was a ridiculous size. It's the largest size that airlines allow you to check without extra fees. To be fair, I arrived in Finland a day early and would stay there for three days beyond the happiness class, so I needed the extra clothing. Right?

I was the first of our group to meet our host, Sergei Shkurov, for Happiness Week. As we waited to board the bus, I apologized to him for my suitcase's existence: "It's probably the biggest one."

"We haven't seen the others' suitcases," he replied. "So we do not know."

My first Finnish secret to happiness learned:  Cross bridges when you arrive at them, not before. My suitcase was the largest. Nobody cared. Thus, no bridge to cross. 

Lesson 2: Find happiness in the contrasts.

Courtesy of Kuru Resort

We arrived at  Kuru Resort , where I checked into my lake villa, which was similar in size and style to the summer cottages Finns are known to love. Its amenities included a personal sauna, a standalone tub, and a glass-enclosed terrace. My villa, tucked within a pine forest, overlooked pristine Lake Saimaa, Finland's largest lake. It was an easy place to be happy in. 

My second Finnish secret to happiness learned:  In   my villa's glass-enclosed terrace, I slowed down and noticed the floor's chill on my bare feet and my coffee mug's warmth in my hands. I felt embraced by the free-floating chair I sat in. It takes just a moment to appreciate the contrast of ice cream on a sweltering day or a cozy blanket on a frigid one. Soak it in.  

Lesson 3: Going out in nature doesn't have to be intimidating.

"Going out in nature doesn't have to be extravagant. Do what you love and do it in a way that you love," our nature coach,  Mikaela Creutz , advised as we set off for Kaarnetsaari Island in  Linnansaari National Park . "You can just go out for a cup of coffee in the woods."  

Once there, we walked among birch, spruce, and pine trees to a picnic table set with stacked wooden plates, sturdy mugs, and a platter of Finnish cinnamon rolls. We sat on reindeer-pelt-covered benches as Creutz brewed up a pot of soot pan coffee over a fire she built. 

My third Finnish secret to happiness learned:  As I sipped the fresh coffee in my mug, I felt a lifetime away from drinking coffee at my desk. Though yes, this was an experience in a Finnish forest, I can now see that time in nature doesn't have to be all or nothing. Enjoying coffee in the yard will indeed have the same effect. 

Lesson 4: Relax and remember the good times.

Melissa Peterson/Travel + Leisure

Vuoski River's smooth-as-glass water in the afternoon was a welcome sight for my lake-loving Minnesotan eyes. According to Jussi Honka, our floating sauna raft driver and owner of  Saunalautta Imatra , the water here is usually like this.

We were there to try dry suit floating and to sauna (of course). I put a bright red dry suit on over my jeans and long-sleeve shirt and jumped into the clear, cold Vuoski River, looking like Father Christmas. As I floated, memories of carving my slalom ski across glassy water through morning mist surfaced in my now calm mind. My last ski run was a decade ago. It'd been 20 years since I first heard my daughter holler, "Hit it, "  her small hands gripping the handle at the end of the taut tow rope. She was five. Now, she's an adult with a daughter of her own.

My fourth Finnish secret to happiness learned:  Not all of our summer mornings were good, but I chose to let the bad memories go and found bliss. Choose what to hold onto and what to let go. 

Lesson 5: Embrace challenges.

At  Health Resort Krunnupuisto  in Punkharju's pine forests, instructor  Tanja Lajunen  taught us happiness-seekers  SUP Yoga . A breeze kept the morning air crisp, but the sun shone as we each paddled out to hook our boards onto a line set up a little offshore. Lajunen called it her SUP yoga studio. 

As the class progressed, my confidence increased. Lajunen cued wheel pose, aka upward bow pose, aka the pose I almost always opt out of in favor of something easier. But this time, I went for it. Could my type-A personality, with its competitive ways, have been misbehaving?  Maybe.  Should I spend time worrying about it?  No.  I let my thoughts go. By the end of class, having embraced its challenges, my smile felt too big for my face. 

One night, back at Kuru Resort, I had a choice to make. Sauna lakeside with my happiness-seeking companions, or relax on my own. During the SUP experience, I wore quick-drying pants. The lakeside sauna experience involved jumping into a frigid lake and then dashing into a warm sauna. It required a swimsuit (or less). 

If I relaxed alone, I could keep my over-developed calves and varicose vein-laced legs covered. But if I was here to master happiness like a Finn, I knew the right choice. 

On went my bikini and cover-up. I joined the others on the dock, removed my cover-up, and jumped feet first into what I'd been told was 12°C (54°F) water. A shocked curse left my lips when I surfaced. As I climbed out, my smile stretched beyond its normal limits. Again.  

In the bright light of the land of the unsetting sun, I didn't cover back up until I was back in my villa. I was 12 years old the last time I'd felt so secure in my body.  

My fifth Finnish secret to happiness learned:  Choose the challenges over easy outs. 

Lesson 6: Manage expectations.

From Timo Auvinen, who took us on a guided walk of the "Islands of the Fortunate," we learned Finnish perspectives on happiness. He said Finns tend to be content but not happy-go-lucky, satisfied but not joyful. "There isn't an idiom for pursuing happiness," according to Auvinen. Instead, Finns are cautioned that "Happiness ends in tears." 

While touring the archipelago on a  Savonlinna Cruise , Meeri LaRinen shared a typical Finnish exchange. When someone asks, "How are you?" A standard response is, "Nothing more than misery."

My sixth Finnish secret to happiness learned:  It's OK to sometimes be content with just being OK. 

Lesson 7: Put meaning before income.

"It's not first the income," Taina Snellman-Langenskiöld, a design professional and owner of  Tikau , shared. "It's the meaningfulness." She told us this while leading us in a craft project and teaching us about Finnish design. Her words caught my attention as I threaded the string of a sunshiney yellow pom-pom through a needle. 

Finland is full of people doing what they love for the benefit of others. SUP instructor Tanja Lajunen loves to spend time on the lake.  Wakeboard pulley  operator Jere Lundberg told me that for him, happiness is" water and sun." Chef Remi Trémouille of  Restaurant Solitary  loves working with Finland's seasons and the challenge of not having access to every imaginable ingredient. 

My seventh Finnish secret to happiness learned:  Do meaningful work that you love in a way that you love. 

Lesson 8: Put yourself in a supportive environment.

During my time in Finland, I felt supported by the fresh air, clean water, and magnificent forests – and most importantly, by an eclectic group of remarkable people from around the world in search of happiness. We broke bread, drank wine, and had great conversations. There was an ease to it that felt like home and a feeling I'll bring with me everywhere. 

My eighth Finnish secret to happiness learned:  Rely on those around you. They're happy to be there. At the very least, the Finns are here to support your happiness journey too. 

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The happiest country in the world wants to fly you in for a free masterclass

Rachel Treisman

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Lake Saimaa in Puumala, Finland, which is near the resort where 10 lucky participants will stay for a happiness masterclass in June. Alessandro Rampazzo/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

Lake Saimaa in Puumala, Finland, which is near the resort where 10 lucky participants will stay for a happiness masterclass in June.

Finland, which has held the title of happiest country for six years running, is now looking to teach the rest of the world a thing or two.

The Nordic country is hosting a four-day happiness masterclass in June, and its tourism board says 10 lucky applicants will get to go for free. Others will be able to study (and hopefully cheer) up virtually when it later becomes available online.

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"A question we often get is: 'How are you so happy?'" Heli Jimenez, senior director of international marketing at Business Finland, said in a statement . "We believe Finnish happiness stems from a close relationship with nature and our down-to-earth lifestyle: it's not some mystical state, but a skill that can be learned and shared."

Finland is marketing itself as uniquely positioned to take on the challenge, having just clinched the top spot in the World Happiness Report yet again (the U.S., in contrast, is ranked 15th).

Happiness and well-being can be measured in many ways, including through people's own reported satisfaction with their lives, as researchers note. The World Happiness Report focuses on six factors to help explain it: social support, income, health, freedom, generosity and absence of corruption.

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Finnish tourism authorities have a few ideas for why people there are consistently so content, including low levels of crime and corruption, efficient public services and access to nature.

Now they want to "help people find and master that Finnish state of mind" — saunas and pine forests included.

"We've chosen the best coaches, one of the most breath-taking resorts in Finland, and a time in the early summer amid the beautiful Finnish nature for our masterclass," Jimenez says. "We feel it's a really unique opportunity to discover something wonderful and valuable: anyone curious should definitely apply."

What the class entails

The happiness crash course will be divided up into four main themes — food and well-being, health and balance, design, and nature and lifestyle — and taught by four coaches who are experts in various fields. Officials say a more detailed program is on the way.

It's slated to run from June 12-15, with participants arriving the day before and departing the day after.

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They'll stay at the Kuru Resort , a luxury resort in the Finnish Lakeland region that organizers describe as "surrounded by fragrant pine forests and breath-taking views."

Each participant will get their own villa with panoramic windows, as well as a private sauna and spa.

Because the program emphasizes good sleep and a digital detox , organizers say , the villas have no TVs (though in-room WiFi will be available) and even the bedding has been approved by sleep specialists.

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"Every minute detail [at] the resort is designed to help you wind down and relax — fragrances, sounds and materials included," they add.

Participants' travel and accommodation expenses will be covered. But they have to hold up their end of the deal: They'll be filmed throughout their visit, with that material to be used in Visit Finland's communications and advertising.

How to apply

Officials say anyone over the age of 18 can apply for the masterclass, either individually or with a friend, relative or partner.

They're looking for people who speak English, aren't representing brands or companies and are comfortable being filmed.

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"We are looking for outgoing people who are interested in comprehensive wellbeing and Finnish nature," they say. "You don't have to be a self-help enthusiast or have survival skills in Finnish nature. All we want is an open mind."

To apply, people must fill out an online form and complete a social media challenge on either Instagram or TikTok.

The challenge: Create content, preferably a video, showing "what things make you believe you may be secretly a Finn," and explaining why you want to take the masterclass.

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"Are you the type of person who would much rather go to a forest than to a party? One who feels absolute desperation when running out of coffee? Prefers washing up in a lake rather than in the shower? That's just your inner Finn," Visit Finland said in an Instagram post announcing the challenge.

Applications will close on April 2, and winners will be publicly announced — on social media, of course — a month later.

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Finland Is Giving Away Free Trips to Teach People How to Be Happy

Huskey dogs sledge safari ride at sunset in winter wonderland Levi Lapland Finlad

For six consecutive years, Finland has topped the United Nation’s Happiest Countries In The World list . If you’re wondering what it really is like to live in such a country, you’re in luck. Finland is offering 10 people a four-day “Masterclass of Happiness” in June. 

Finland’s happiness plan

Called ‘Finding Your Inner Finn’, the program held at the luxury resort Kuru in Finland’s Lake District will give participants the opportunity to delve into the region’s breathtaking natural beauty, indulge in impeccable food, music, and more.  Each participant will stay in a private villa surrounded by pine forests and breathtaking views, each with a private sauna and spa. Activities include getting acquainted with the Lake District, exploring the lush forests, and other adventures that will help you spend quality time with nature and experience the essence of Finnish culture . 

Travel and accommodations will be covered, of course. The only catch is that participants have to agree to be filmed throughout their visit to use for Visit Finland ’s advertising. 

How to apply? 

To stand a chance of winning a free trip, you will need to fill out an application form on the Visit Finland  website. You will also need to complete a social media challenge by creating content on Instagram or TikTok, explaining why you want to participate in the masterclass, and what makes you believe that you secretly might be a Finn. The post will need to be shared with hashtags #FindYourInnerFinn and #VisitFinland.

To apply, you need to be above the age of 18. According to the website’s criteria, participants must be fluent in English, be outgoing and open-minded, shouldn’t represent any brands, and should be comfortable with being filmed. The applications are open until April 2, 2023.  


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Find your (Finnish) calm – 5 tips to happiness at home

Credits: Harri Tarvainen

In this newsletter...

Finland chosen as the world's happiest country for the 3rd time.

This spring, Finland was announced as the happiest country in the world for the third year running by the  United Nations World Happiness Report .

If you ask a Finn, what makes us happy, one answer is nature.

We Finns like to put on a pair of rubber boots, head to the woods to slow down and calm our mind. About 70 per cent of our country is covered by forest and travellers fall in love with Finland’s clean air, serenity and silence. Now, however, is not the time to travel, but rather focus on the health and wellbeing of oneself and those around us.

Visit Finland would like to share some simple tips on how to find your calm at home – the Finnish way – while you dream about your next adventure.

TIP 1 – Start your day with a cold shower (instead of a dip in a lake or the sea)

The Finns love winter swimming as much as they love the sauna. The secret of plunging into icy water lies in the feeling that surges through your body once you get out of the water – as soon as you’re back on dry land your circulation kicks in and your body starts to warm up and makes you feel happy. Your body is producing the mood-balancing hormone serotonin with dopamine, and stress starts to melt away.

The easiest way to do this at home is to take an ice-cold shower for a couple of minutes. If you do it in the morning, your day couldn’t ask for a more refreshing way to start your day. Dive into your inner Finnish mentality “Sisu”, and just do it! You can alternate cold and warm showers to get a “sauna” feeling, and your blood circulating even better.

Learn more about Finnish mentality Sisu here

Learn more about winter swimming

TIP 2 – Make sense of the world by reading (instead of visiting a library)

Books are close to the Finns’ hearts. There are many libraries in Finland with Helsinki’s Oodi being the newest library to open in 2019 and was awarded the  best public library in the world  the same year. In 2016 the UN named Finland the world’s most literate nation, and Finns are among the world’s most enthusiastic users of public libraries. We are 5.5 million people, and we borrow close to 68 million books a year.

Moomins are probably the most known and adored Finnish literary icon. The white, hippo-like Moomins are Finnish characters created by the much‐loved Swedish‐speaking Finn, writer and artist Tove Jansson in the 1940s.

Today the Moomins are part of the Finnish identity, inspiring generations over and over from children to adults. Moomin books can be found in every bookshop and library in Finland. Above all, reading (any) book is surely more relaxing than surfing social media!

Life wisdoms of the Moomins

More about Moomins

TIP 3 – Experience a relaxing forest path on your sofa (instead of walk in an actual forest)

There is something magical about the forest and the Finnish soul has always been linked with it. The green color is calming; the gentle rustling of the leaves and pine needles is like music. Finns feel good in the forest. The forest roots us and helps us remember who we are and where we come from. In the forest we don’t feel being alone or even lost – the forest provides protection and peace for us.

It has been scientifically proven that only 15 minutes in the forest calms your pulse and your body starts to rest; what a wonderfully simple cure for stress! So, please close your eyes, stretch yourself on the sofa, and have an imaginary sound trip to the Finnish forest.

You can experience the relaxing sounds of Finnish Lapland by listening to  Scapes album on Spotify

More about therapeutic effects of forests

TIP 4 – Make a world better (and tastier) place by baking a Cinnamon bun (instead of a visiting a Finnish café serving them)

Korvapuusti translates into “slapped ears” in English but they are essentially cinnamon buns baked Finnish style with a dash of cardamom. We Finns love our coffee (we are heavy drinkers of coffee, almost 10 kg per person per year) and korvapuusti so much that there is actually a special word for it, “pullakahvit”, which literally means “bun coffee”, either it is home-made, enjoyed at a café, or at work with your work mates – at the moment we’re doing with virtual “pullakahvi” pauses.

For us, it’s the highlight of the day, and we definitely don’t count the calories. Cinnamon buns are perfect comfort food as well, and baked at home they bring a cosy smell to the kitchen as in our childhood days, when we ate them with a glass of milk.

Here is a great recipe for  how to bake them , and make your world a little sweeter.

Would you like to know more about Finnish delicacies? Test our  Finnish recipe generator  and we’ll give you the recipe of a Finnish pastry we think you would love.

TIP 5 – Transport your thoughts through online (instead of visiting a museum)

Finland’s contemporary art scene embraces everything from experimental artist-run initiatives and commercial galleries to flagship art institutions. There are more than 55 art museums, and numerous art galleries packed into our cities. Finland is a country of extremes and contrasts and along with the Finns’ close relationship with nature are the main sources of inspiration for Finnish Art.

The Finns use art to calm the mind and transport their thoughts to stress-free comforting places. Why not take a virtual trip from your own sofa to the Finnish museums to understand how art is a tool for happiness. In March 2020, Amos Rex won the prestigious LCD (Leading Culture Destination) Award for New Cultural Destination of the Year – Europe.

Have a virtual tour  of the Amos Rex museum to see the new Generation 2020 exhibition in their Instagram Stories.

If you want to discover Lapland, head to  Rovaniemi Art Museum  located in the Arctic Circle. Their main focus is on Finnish Contemporary Art and Northern Art.

Culture Vultures on the search for something more classical should pay a visit to Ateneum Art Museum.   Have a virtual tour of the Ateneum .

Finland Convention Bureau provides complimentary information, consultation and assistance to all congress organizers and meeting planners. Follow us on  twitter  and  LinkedIn .

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Travel Industry Today

How to find you inner finn: channelling the world’s happiest place.

visit finland find your inner fin

In conjunction with the International Day of Happiness on Monday (March 20), Finland has been named the happiest country in annual United Nations ‘World Happiness Report.’ And with the aim of sharing its secrets of success, Visit Finland is inviting global Grinches to join a free masterclass in happiness taking place in the Nordic country this summer.

2023 is the sixth consecutive year that Finland has been heralded as the world’s happiness place in the report. The rest of this year’s top 10 includes Denmark, Iceland, Israel, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and New Zealand. Canada ranked 13th.

Visit Finland says “the secret to Finnish happiness has been debated worldwide ever since Finland was first nominated for the prestigious title,” and explains “Finns themselves believe that the key to their happiness is found In four elements: nature, lifestyle, food, and sustainability.”

This includes:

1. A deep connection with nature: 75% of Finland is covered by vast green forests, in addition to the 187,000 lakes that help make up the world’s largest archipelago. Finland is home to 41 national parks and provides citizens and visitors alike with Everyman’s Rights – the freedom to roam in nature and enjoy outdoor pursuits regardless of who owns or occupies an area. As such, Finns foster a deep connection with nature throughout their lives – finding happiness in the many benefits nature offers. For example, it has been proven that even 15-20 minutes in the forest decreases blood pressure and improves mood.

2. Enjoying a simple lifestyle: Favourite Finnish habits and activities are quite simple. A crucial source of Finnish wellness, sauna is a world-famous institution famed for its health benefits. Combined with a refreshing plunge in a nearby lake in summer or brave a dip in the ice hole in winter, sauna – considered a lifestyle by many – is a firm contributor to Finnish happiness.

3. A commitment to sustainability: Sustainability is traditionally seen as very important to Finns – whether that is preserving the surrounding nature, cultural heritage or crafting inventions for daily use. From furniture to clothes, Finnish design is seamlessly integrated into everyday life in Finland. In a country full of contrasts and with nature an endless source of inspiration, sustainability plays an important role for the nation’s happiness.

4: A love for seasonal and local food: Finnish food is simple, fresh and built on, natural ingredients. With the world’s cleanest air, pure water from thousands of lakes, and a wealth of wild ingredients – such as berries, mushrooms, and herbs – that can be foraged in the country’s forests, food is one of the essential elements of happiness for Finns.


To celebrate being the happiest country in the world, Visit Finland is now looking for participants from around the globe to become “masters in happiness” who can learn the key skills of “being happy the Finnish way.”

The new four-day Masterclass of Happiness held in Finnish Lakeland in June will offer 10 select participants in-person coaching on how to discover their inner happiness through bonding with nature.

The masterclass will be entirely free of charge and Visit Finland will also cover travel expenses to and from Finland. Applications for the masterclass are open until April 2 on the Visit Finland web site and applicants can apply individually or with a friend or partner.

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Visit Finland’s Happiness Masterclass: Find Your Inner Finn

Visit Finland’s in-person  Masterclass of Happiness  already became a phenomenon this past spring: news of it reached audiences from all over the world and received extensive media coverage with over 1,000 media hits. Visit Finland received more than 150,000 applications from across the world to attend. The Masterclass was attended by a handful at  Kuru Resort  in the Finnish Lakeland in June.

The high number of applications proved how many people were keen to become happier and find a small piece of the Finnish outlook within themselves. With the highly anticipated Masterclass now becoming available online , Finland hopes it will spread happiness and help people around the world find a bit of their inner Finn:

Find your inner Finn (visitfinland.com)

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  1. Find Your Inner Finn

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  2. Find your inner Finn by applying for a unique Masterclass of Happiness

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  3. Find Your Inner Finn. The Visit Finland Happiness Campaign

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  4. Find Your Inner Finn Winter Week, 7 nights package

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  5. Find Your Inner Finn

    visit finland find your inner fin

  6. Inside Zapwater Communications’ Wildly Successful Visit Finland

    visit finland find your inner fin


  1. Why Choose Finland For Studies? Pros & Cons

  2. 無料のマスタークラスを受講しよう


  4. Places To Visit Finland

  5. Find your inner Finn

  6. Must-visit places in Finland 🇫🇮


  1. Find Your Inner Finn

    And then there are the Finns. Are you ready to cultivate your inner Finn and learn the Finnish methods of happiness? This masterclass will take you a step closer with insights from five coaches under four core themes: Nature & Lifestyle, Health & Balance, Design & Everyday and Food & Wellbeing. Time to find your inner Finn.

  2. Ready to find your inner Finn?

    Press release, Helsinki, 13 March 2023. Visit Finland is looking for participants from around the world to master in happiness. The new Masterclass of Happiness will offer ten lucky participants in-person coaching on how to discover their inner happiness through bonding with nature. Finland, the world's happiest country for five years running ...

  3. First lesson of the Masterclass of Happiness

    First lesson. In the first lesson, we start with the basics, connection to nature and incorporating it as part of your daily life and well-being. In part 1 under the Nature & Lifestyle theme, immerse yourself in the great outdoors of Finland and uncover the everyday building blocks of your inner Finn.

  4. Explore more happiness tips from Finland

    The close connection to nature is also one of the primary factors contributing to the everyday happiness of Finns. Scientific studies have shown that being in natural environments can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance mental well-being. In Eastern Finland and Lakeland, you'll find many uniquely Finnish nature-inspired things to do and ...

  5. Happiness Masterclass Available to Everyone Online

    A skill that anyone can learn: "Find your own kind of inner Finn". The Masterclass of Happiness consists of video lessons from five coaches under its four core themes. The lessons are designed to offer a simply way to get started with the Finnish happy lifestyle. Each lesson has hands-on tasks that help participants test the insights of the ...

  6. About Visit Finland

    Visit Finland will also cover travel expenses to and from Finland. Applications for the masterclass are open until 2 April 2023: applicants can apply individually or with a friend or partner. Applications for Visit Finland's Masterclass of Happiness are open now. To apply for free, see Find your inner Finn website.

  7. Here's how to apply for Finland's free Masterclass of Happiness

    On Monday, Visit Finland announced that it is now accepting applications for its "Masterclass of Happiness," a free four-day trip to Finland "where you can learn the methods to finding your inner ...

  8. Lessons From Finland's Masterclass in Happiness

    Lesson 1: Arrive at the bridge before you cross it. My suitcase was a ridiculous size. It's the largest size that airlines allow you to check without extra fees. To be fair, I arrived in Finland a ...

  9. Find your inner Finn

    Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/13Rh0eENew videos about Finland regularly.Find your inner FinnFind out more about Finland:http://www.visitfinland.comhttp://www...

  10. Finland will pick 10 people for a free happiness masterclass

    That's just your inner Finn," Visit Finland said in an Instagram post announcing the challenge. Applications will close on April 2, and winners will be publicly announced — on social media, of ...

  11. Finland Is Giving Away Free Trips to Teach People How to Be Happy

    Finland's happiness plan. Called 'Finding Your Inner Finn', the program held at the luxury resort Kuru in Finland's Lake District will give participants the opportunity to delve into the ...

  12. How to Win a Free Trip to Finland & Join a "Masterclass of Happiness"

    If selected, you get a four-day trip to Finland where you can learn the methods to finding your inner Finn," they write. Titled "Masterclass of Happiness," Visit Finland's program will take place in June 2023 at the Kuru Resort, a destination made of private villas, each with their own spa and sauna for visitors to take in the greenery ...

  13. Lesson 3 of the Happiness Masterclass

    This Fluxing lesson with April shows you all the essential methods for fostering your inner Finnish spirit. April focuses with you on the relationship between happiness, change, and uncertainty, highlighting the significant role nature plays in it. We will explore the differences between living in a "more-more-more" society and embracing the ...

  14. Find your (Finnish) calm

    TIP 3 - Experience a relaxing forest path on your sofa (instead of walk in an actual forest) There is something magical about the forest and the Finnish soul has always been linked with it. The green color is calming; the gentle rustling of the leaves and pine needles is like music. Finns feel good in the forest.

  15. Finland: World's Happiest Country Launches A Masterclass In ...

    Jussi Silvennoinen. Which is why Finland is doing exactly that - opening up the world's first masterclass in happiness to "find your inner Finn.". The bad news is that it's only for ten ...

  16. Find Your Inner Finn. The Visit Finland Happiness Campaign

    Some say you can't teach happiness, but those people haven't spent a day with the Finns. Named the happiest country in the world for the sixth consecutive ye...

  17. Lesson 2 of the Happiness Masterclass

    Second lesson. Lesson 2 takes you deeper into concrete ways to find a connection with nature. In Finland, nature surrounds us all and is a strong part of the Finnish identity from infancy to old age. We Finns are accustomed to immersing ourselves in nature throughout the year, regardless of the weather.

  18. HOW TO FIND YOU INNER FINN: Channelling the world's happiest place

    This includes: 1. A deep connection with nature: 75% of Finland is covered by vast green forests, in addition to the 187,000 lakes that help make up the world's largest archipelago. Finland is home to 41 national parks and provides citizens and visitors alike with Everyman's Rights - the freedom to roam in nature and enjoy outdoor ...

  19. Visit Finland's Happiness Masterclass: Find Your Inner Finn

    Visit Finland's in-person Masterclass of Happiness already became a phenomenon this past spring: news of it reached audiences from all over the world and received extensive media coverage with over 1,000 media hits. Visit Finland received more than 150,000 applications from across the world to attend. The Masterclass was attended by a handful at Kuru Resort in the Finnish Lakeland in June.

  20. Onnellisuuden oppeja kansainvälisille matkailijoille

    Visit Finland esittelee suomalaista luonnonläheistä elämäntapaa ja onnellisuustaitoja uudessa Find your inner Finn - Master in Happiness -kampanjassaan. Onnellisuutta opetellaan Järvi-Suomen Rantasalmella kesäkuussa, jolloin kokemuksesta pääsevät nauttimaan kymmenen valittua matkailijaa eri puolilta maailmaa.

  21. Feeling Sad And Blue? Finland Is The Happy Place For You

    The coaching will cover four key themes: nature and lifestyle; health and balance; design and everyday; food and wellbeing. Visit Finland is seeking applicants from around the world for their ...

  22. Your Official Finland Travel Guide

    Sauna meets design - the Finnish way. 0°C. Helsinki region: cloudy. Use this guide to plan a trip to Finland and immerse yourself in the country's nature, forests, lakes and culture.

  23. Adventure to someplace new

    Swim in a lake under the Midnight Sun or sleep in the middle of a forest. Spend breathtaking moments in nature and enjoy meaningful encounters, and you just might find yourself in Finland - both physically and spiritually. Here's a selection of different packages for your next adventure in Finland. All. Active Nature.