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Translation of visit – English–Urdu dictionary

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  • I want to buy a little something to give to Val when I visit her in hospital .
  • There are several places of interest to visit in the area .
  • I've never been to Kenya, but I hope to visit it next year .
  • I have clear memories of visiting my grandfather's farm as a child .
  • He picked up malaria when he was visiting the country on business .
  • They received a visit from the police .
  • My uncle paid us a surprise visit yesterday .
  • He gave a talk about his visit to America.
  • The timetable for our trip to Paris includes visits to Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre.
  • The president's official visit marks the start of a more relaxed relationship between the two countries .

(Translation of visit from the Cambridge English–Urdu Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

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Visit meaning in Urdu

Visit sentences, visit synonyms, visit definitions.

1 of 5) Visit : کہیں جانا : (noun) the act of going to see some person or place or thing for a short time.

He dropped by for a visit.

2 of 5) Visit , Inspect : سرکاری طور پر معائنہ کرنا : (verb) come to see in an official or professional capacity.

The governor visited the prison. The grant administrator visited the laboratory.

3 of 5) Visit , Sojourn : کسی جگہ عارضی طور پر کچھ عرصہ رہنا : (noun) a temporary stay (e.g., as a guest).

4 of 5) Visit , Bring Down , Impose , Inflict : غصہ اتارنا , نزلہ گرانا : (verb) impose something unpleasant.

The principal visited his rage on the students.

5 of 5) Visit , Chaffer , Chat , Chatter , Chew The Fat , Chit-Chat , Chitchat , Claver , Confab , Confabulate , Gossip , Jaw , Natter , Shoot The Breeze : گپ شپ کرنا : (verb) talk socially without exchanging too much information.

Useful Words

Visiting The Sick : بیمار کی خیریت دریافت کرنا , Revisit : دوبارہ جانا , Come By : آتے جاتے رہنا , Adrian : رومی بادشاہ , Blink Of An Eye : لمحہ , Acts : کتاب اعمال عہدنامہ جدید , Examine : جانچنا , Jinx : منحوس , Bring In : لانا , Peripatetic : چہل قدمی کرنے والا , Kingmaker : سیاست میں کسی کو اقتدار میں لانے والا , Wee : تہوڑا سا وقت , Barely : مشکل سے , Shortly : جلد ہی , Briefly : مختصراً , Awhile : کچھ وقت کے لیے , In No Time : کم وقت میں , Transiently : عارضی طور پر , Arrest Warrant : عدالتی وارنٹ , Transient : دو دن کا مہمان , Bit : پل , Ephemeral : عارضی , Event : واقع , Cat Sleep : ذرا دیر سونا , Temporariness : عارضیت , Ephemerality : کم حیاتی , Custody : حراست , Faddish : فیشن سے متعلق , Yesterday : ماضی قریب , Adjournment : التوا , Civilisation : تہذیب

Useful Words Definitions

Visiting The Sick: visit a person who is sick and not feeling well and ask about his or her health .

Revisit: visit again.

Come By: visit informally and spontaneously.

Adrian: Roman Emperor who was the adoptive son of Trajan; travelled throughout his empire to strengthen its frontiers and encourage learning and architecture; on a visit to Britain in 122 he ordered the construction of Hadrian`s Wall (76-138).

Blink Of An Eye: a very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat).

Acts: a New Testament book describing the development of the early church from Christ`s Ascension to Paul`s sojourn at Rome.

Examine: observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect.

Jinx: a person believed to bring bad luck to those around him.

Bring In: bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment.

Peripatetic: a person who walks from place to place.

Kingmaker: an important person who can bring leaders to power through the exercise of political influence.

Wee: a short time.

Barely: only a very short time before.

Shortly: for a short time.

Briefly: for a short time.

Awhile: for a short time.

In No Time: in a relatively short time.

Transiently: for a very short time.

Arrest Warrant: a warrant authorizing law enforcement officials to apprehend an offender and bring that person to court.

Transient: one who stays for only a short time.

Bit: an indefinitely short time.

Ephemeral: lasting a very short time.

Event: something that happens at a given place and time.

Cat Sleep: sleeping for a short period of time (usually not in bed).

Temporariness: the property of lasting only a short time.

Ephemerality: the property of lasting for a very short time.

Custody: a state of being confined (usually for a short time).

Faddish: intensely fashionable for a short time.

Yesterday: in the recent past; only a short time ago.

Adjournment: the act of postponing to another time or place.

Civilisation: a particular society at a particular time and place.

Related Words

Stay : رہنا , Coming Together : ملاقات , Communicate : سمجھانا , Dictate : حکم جاری کرنا , Intrude : خلل ڈالنا , Give : سزا دینا , Foist : بوج دوسرے پر ڈالنا , Converse : گفتگو کرنا

Next of Visit

Visitant : someone who visits.

Previous of Visit

Viscous : having the sticky properties of an adhesive.

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It helps you understand the word Visit with comprehensive detail, no other web page in our knowledge can explain Visit better than this page. The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Visit but also gives extensive definition in English language. The definition of Visit is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Visit. All of this may seem less if you are unable to learn exact pronunciation of Visit, so we have embedded mp3 recording of native Englishman, simply click on speaker icon and listen how English speaking people pronounce Visit. We hope this page has helped you understand Visit in detail, if you find any mistake on this page, please keep in mind that no human being can be perfect.

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agent, middle man

name of a city between Kūfah and Basrah

visiting card

ملاقاتی پرچی

visiting professor

آنے جانے والا


Visitors-book, visitational.

مُلاقات سے مُتعلِّق

کسی سرکاری دورے یا روحانی ورود سے متعلق۔.

visiting hours

ملاقات کے اوقات، وہ اوقات جن کے دوران ملاقاتی کسی ہسپتال وغیرہ میں مریض سے ملنے جاسکیں ۔.


Visiting fireman.

عوام: مہمان جس کی بڑی خاطر تواضع کی جائے۔.


کسی سرکاری اہل کار کی آمد یا دورے سے متعلق ۔.


Visitors-register, vaa'shat.

a fat woman


Vahshat-gaah, vahshat-panaah, vaasitii-pho.daa, vahshat-gah, vaasit-ul-khusiya, vaasita-daar.

the one who have some kind of relationship, relative



pen made of this reed of Vast



average, moderate, correct, right, middle, centre, something exactly in the centre


amplitude, space, extent, expanse, latitude

means, medium, mediation, interposition, intercession, to penetrate to the middle

vaasita rakhnaa

have to do with, bear upon, have concern (with)


more extensive, large

vasii'-tar honaa

Vasii'-tar karnaa, vasii'-tariin, urdu words for visit, visit के उर्दू अर्थ.

  • मुलाक़ात करना

visit کے اردو معانی

  • مُلاقات کرنا
  • دَورَہ لگانا

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مُلاقات کَرنا ۔ دیکھنا ۔ دیکھتے جانا ۔ جیسے کِسی شخص کو ۔

جانچ پڑتال کے لئے آنا جانا، آمد، مجرا، ملاقات، ورود

دورہ لگانا، دیکھنا، ملاقات کرنا

Visits meaning in English

transitive verb

1 a: archaic COMFORT ― used of the Deity us with Thy salvation ― Charles ' class='english-definition-link'>Wesley>

b (1): AFFLICT his people with distempers ― Tobias ' class='english-definition-link'>Smollett>

(2): INFLICT, IMPOSE his wrath upon ' class='english-definition-link'>them>

c: AVENGE the sins of the fathers upon the ' class='english-definition-link'>children>

d: to present itself to or come over momentarily visited by a strange ' class='english-definition-link'>notion>

2: to go to see in order to comfort or help

3 a: to pay a call on as an act of friendship or courtesy

b: to reside with temporarily as a guest

c: to go to see or stay at (a place) for a particular purpose (as business or sightseeing)

d: to go or come officially to inspect or oversee bishop visiting his ' class='english-definition-link'>parishes> intransitive verb

1: to make a visit also to make frequent or regular visits

2: CHAT, CONVERSE visiting with the ' class='english-definition-link'>neighbors>

Visits Synonyms and Antonyms

' class='english-definition-link'>meeting ' class='english-definition-link'>coming together

' class='english-definition-link'>meeting ' class='english-definition-link'>get together

' class='english-definition-link'>sojourn ' class='english-definition-link'>stay

' class='english-definition-link'>see ' class='english-definition-link'>tour

' class='english-definition-link'>travel to ' class='english-definition-link'>travel ' class='english-definition-link'>trip ' class='english-definition-link'>jaunt

' class='english-definition-link'>call in ' class='english-definition-link'>call ' class='english-definition-link'>meet ' class='english-definition-link'>get together

' class='english-definition-link'>inspect

' class='english-definition-link'>inflict ' class='english-definition-link'>bring down ' class='english-definition-link'>impose ' class='english-definition-link'>communicate ' class='english-definition-link'>intercommunicate

' class='english-definition-link'>chew the fat ' class='english-definition-link'>shoot the breeze ' class='english-definition-link'>chat ' class='english-definition-link'>confabulate ' class='english-definition-link'>confab ' class='english-definition-link'>chitchat ' class='english-definition-link'>chatter ' class='english-definition-link'>chaffer ' class='english-definition-link'>natter ' class='english-definition-link'>gossip ' class='english-definition-link'>jaw ' class='english-definition-link'>claver ' class='english-definition-link'>converse ' class='english-definition-link'>discourse

' class='english-definition-link'>bide ' class='english-definition-link'>abide ' class='english-definition-link'>stay

' class='english-definition-link'>afflict ' class='english-definition-link'>smite

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  • English to Urdu
  • اردو سے انگریزی

Visit Meaning in Urdu

Definition & synonyms.

a temporary stay (e.g., as a guest)

Call , Company , guests, sojourn, Stay , tour , visitation , visitors, callers

Visit Meaning With Definition in Urdu

Visit meaning in urdu is ملاقات کرنا - mulakat karna, it is a english word used in various contexts. Visit meaning is accurately described in both English and Urdu here. This reliable online English to Urdu dictionary offers synonyms and multiple meanings of each word. It's a convenient tool for expanding your vocabulary. Unlock the essence of "Visit meaning in Urdu" with our comprehensive exploration and don't hesitate to search for other words and their meanings using this reliable resource.

What is mean by Visit in Urdu?

Visit meaning in Urdu is ملاقات کرنا - mulakat karna.

What is the synonym of Visit

Synonym of Visit is Call , Company , guests, sojourn, Stay , tour , visitation , visitors, callers.

What is the definition of Visit.

Definition of Visit is a temporary stay (e.g., as a guest).

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  2. VISIT | translate English to Urdu - Cambridge Dictionary

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  5. visit - meaning in Urdu | Rekhta Dictionary

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  6. Visit Meaning in Urdu Mulaqat karna ملاقات کرنا | English to ...

    The meaning of Visit in Urdu is "ملاقات کرنا" as written in Urdu script, or "Mulaqat karna" as written in Roman Urdu. Other possible Urdu translations for Visit include "Mulaqat karna" . You can find more definitions and synonyms of Visit on this page.

  7. Visits Meaning in Urdu Mulaqaat keliye jana ملاقات کیلئے جانا ...

    The meaning of Visits in Urdu is "ملاقات کیلئے جانا" as written in Urdu script, or "Mulaqaat keliye jana" as written in Roman Urdu. Other possible Urdu translations for Visits include "Mulaqaat keliye jana" .

  8. Visits meaning in urdu - The Urdu Dictionary

    1: to make a visit also to make frequent or regular visits. 2: CHAT, CONVERSE visiting with the neighbors>

  9. Visit Meaning in Urdu ملاقات کرنا mulakat karna - English to ...

    Visit meaning in urdu is ملاقات کرنا - mulakat karna, it is a english word used in various contexts. Visit meaning is accurately described in both English and Urdu here. This reliable online English to Urdu dictionary offers synonyms and multiple meanings of each word.