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The Wandering Earth

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This movie revolves around a looming collision with Jupiter that threatens Earth, which is why a few heroes are searching for a new star. Earth's fate lies on their hands.

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  • Qu Chuxiao as Liu Qi
  • Li Guangjie as Captain Wang Lei
  • Ng Man-tat as Han Zi'ang
  • Zhao Jinmai as Han Duoduo
  • Wu Jing as Liu Peiqiang
  • Arkady Sharogradsky as Makarov
  • Mike Sui as Tim
  • Qu Jingjing as Zhou Qian
  • Zhang Yichi as Li Yiyi
  • Yang Haoyu as He Lianke
  • Li Hongchen as Zhang Xiaoqiang
  • Yang Yi as Yang Jie
  • Jiang Zhigang as Zhao Zhigang
  • Zhang Huan as Huang Ming

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China’s blockbuster The Wandering Earth is gorgeous, goofy, and on Netflix now

The country’s first big-budget science fiction epic is often familiar, but it does spectacle on an impressive scale.

By Tasha Robinson

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This review was originally published in February 2019, when the film was released in China, and in a limited theatrical run in America. It has been updated to reflect the film’s release on Netflix .

We’re living through a fascinating era of rapid change for the blockbuster movie model. America producers, eager to get their $200 million movies into the lucrative Chinese market, are increasingly looking for Chinese production partners, shooting in Chinese locations, and adding China-friendly characters and plotlines to American movies , even including extra scenes just for the Chinese cuts of films. But simultaneously, China and other countries are moving toward the blockbuster model themselves, creating homegrown films that don’t need to involve American partners at all.

And just as American films attempt to find paydays in foreign markets, foreign blockbusters are coming to America. The Wandering Earth , China’s hugely successful big-budget science fiction thriller, quietly slipped onto Netflix over the weekend, after a limited American theatrical run a few months ago. It shows a new side of Chinese filmmaking — one focused on futuristic spectacles rather than China’s traditionally grand, massive historical epics. At the same time, The Wandering Earth feels like a throwback to a few familiar eras of American filmmaking. While the film’s cast, setting, and tone are all Chinese, longtime science fiction fans are going to see a lot on the screen that reminds them of other movies, for better or worse.

The film, based on a short story by Three-Body Problem author Cixin Liu, lays out a crisis of unprecedented proportions: the sun has become unstable, and within a hundred years, it will expand to consume Earth. Within 300, the entire solar system will be gone. Earth’s governments rally and unite to face the problem, and come up with a novel solution: they speckle the planet with 10,000 gigantic jets, and blast it out of its orbit and off on a hundred-generation journey to a new home 4.2 light-years away. The idea is to use Jupiter’s gravitational well to pick up speed for the trip, but a malfunction of the Earth Engine system leaves the planet caught in Jupiter’s gravity, and gradually being pulled toward destruction. A frantic group of workers have to scramble to reactivate the jets and correct the Earth’s course.

The action takes place in two arenas simultaneously. On the Earth’s frigid surface, self-proclaimed genius Liu Qi (Qu Chuxiao) and his younger adopted sister Han Duoduo (Zhao Jinmai) get roped into the rescue efforts after they run away from home. Han is just curious to see the planet’s surface — most of humanity now lives in crowded underground cities, and the surface is for workers only — but Liu Qi is nursing a deeper grudge against his astronaut father Liu Peiqiang (longtime martial-arts movie star Wu Jing) and grandfather (Ng Man-tat, whom Western audiences might recognize from Stephen Chow’s Shaolin Soccer ). When Liu Qi was a child, his father moved to a newly-built international space station, designed to move ahead of Earth as a guide and pathfinder. Now an adult, Liu Qi feels his father abandoned him, and wants to strike out independently.

Meanwhile, on the space station, Liu Peiqiang is ironically a day away from completing his 17-year tour of duty and returning to Earth and his family when the crisis hits. The station’s artificial intelligence, MOSS, insists on putting the station’s personnel in hibernation to save energy, but Liu Peiqiang realizes the computer has a secret agenda, and he and a Russian cosmonaut set out to defy it.

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The entire space plot may feel suspiciously familiar to American audiences, who have a strong emotional touchstone when it comes to a calm-voiced computer in space telling a desperate astronaut that it can’t obey his orders, even when human lives are on the line, because it has orders of its own. MOSS even looks something like the HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey : it’s represented as a red light on a gimbled panel, like a single unblinking, judgmental red eye. But a good deal of Liu Peiqiang’s space adventure also plays out like a sequence from Alfonso Cuarón’s 2013 Oscar-winner Gravity , with dizzying sequences of astronauts trying to navigate clouds of debris and find handholds on a treacherous moving station while tumbling through space.

Meanwhile, the Earthside half of the mission resembles nothing so much as the 2003 nonsense-thriller The Core , about a team trying to drill their way to the center of the Earth to set the planet’s core spinning again. As with that film, Liu Qi and Han are part of a group trying to restart a failed system, and encountering most of their obstacles just in the attempt to get to the problem site. They pick up a few distinctive allies along the way, including biracial Chinese-Australian gadabout Tim (viral video star Mike Sui ), but mostly, the characters are drawn as blandly and broadly as in any American action movie, and a fair number of them get killed along the journey without ever having developed enough personality for audiences to feel the loss.

Pretty much any flaw The Wandering Earth can claim — flashy action scenes without much substance, a marked bent toward sticky sentimentality, an insistently pushy score that demands emotional response from the audience at every given moment — are familiar flaws from past blockbusters. Where the film really stands out, though, is in its eye for grandiose spectacle. Director Frant Gwo gives the film a surprising stateliness, especially in the scenes of the mobile Earth wandering the cosmos, wreathed in tiny blue jets that leave eerie space-contrails behind. His attention to detail is marvelous — in scenes where characters stand on Earth’s surface, contemplating Jupiter’s malicious beauty, the swirling colors of the Great Red Spot are clearly visible in reflections in their suit helmets.

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No matter how familiar the plot beats feel, that level of attention not just to functional special effects, but to outright beauty, makes The Wandering Earth memorable. Not every CGI sequence is aesthetically impeccable — sequences like a vehicle chase through a frozen Shanghai sometimes look brittle and false. But everything having to do with Jupiter, Earth as seen from space, and the space station subplot is visually sumptuous. This is frequently a gorgeously rendered film, with an emphasis on intimidating space vistas that will look tremendous on IMAX screens.

And while the constant attempts to flee the destructive power of changing weather have their own echoes in past films, from The Day After Tomorrow to 2012 , Gwo mostly keeps the action tight and propulsive. The Wandering Earth is frequently breathless, though the action occasionally gets a little muddled in editing. At times, particularly on the surface scenes where everyone is wearing identical pressure suits, it can be easy to lose track of which character is where. It’s often easy to feel that Gwo cares more about the collective rescue project than about any individual character — potentially a value that will work better for Chinese audiences than American viewers, who are looking for a single standout hero to root for.

But the film’s biggest strengths are in its quieter moments, where Gwo takes the time to contemplate Jupiter’s gravity well slowly deepening its pull on Earth’s atmosphere, or Liu Qi staring up, awestruck, at the gas giant dwarfing his home. In those chilly sequences, the film calls back to an older tradition of slower science fiction, in epic-scale classics like 1951’s When Worlds Collide or 1956’s Forbidden Planet . The interludes are brief, but they’re a welcome respite from chase sequences and destruction.

The Wandering Earth gets pretty goofy at times, with jokes about Tim’s heritage, or Liu Qi’s inexperienced driving and overwhelming arrogance, or with high-speed banter over an impossibly long technical manual that no one has time to digest in the middle of an emergency. At times, the humor is even a little dry, as when MOSS responds to Liu Peiqiang’s repeated rebellions with a passive-aggressive “Will all violators stop contact immediately with Earth?” But Gwo finds time for majesty as well, and makes a point of considering the problem on a global scale, rather than just focusing on the few desperate strivers who’ve tied the Earth’s potential destruction into their own personal issues.

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Much like the Russian space blockbuster Salyut-7 was a fascinating look into the cultural differences between American films and their Russian equivalents, The Wandering Earth feels like a telling illustration of the similarities and differences between Chinese and American values. Gwo’s film is full of images and moments that will be familiar to American audiences, and it has an equally familiar preoccupation with the importance of family connections, and the nobility of sacrifice. But it also puts a strong focus on global collective action, on the need for international cooperation, and for the will of the group over the will of the individual.

None of these things will be inherently alien to American viewers, who may experience The Wandering Earth as a best-of mash-up of past science fiction films, just with less-familiar faces in the lead roles. But as China gets into the action-blockbuster business, it’ll continue to be fascinating to see how the country brings its own distinctive voices and talents into a global market. The Wandering Earth feels like the same kind of projects American filmmakers are making — accessible, thrill-focused, and at least somewhat generic, in an attempt to go down easy with any audience. But there’s enough specific personality in it to point to a future of more nationally inflected blockbusters. Once every country is making would-be international crossovers, the strongest appeal may come from the most distinctive, personal visions with the most to say about the cultures they come from.

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The Wandering Earth

The Wandering Earth (Chinese: 流浪地球, Pinyin: Liúlàng Dìqiú) is a 2019 live-action science fiction film directed by Frant Gwo (Guo Fan), based on the novella by Liu Cixin, and starring Wu Jing . It is currently in the top ten highest-grossing non-English films.

In the near future, the sun is exhausting its fuel, and will soon turn into a red giant, destroying the entire Solar System in three hundred years. Under threat of planetary annihilation, humanity bands together to construct 12,000 enormous "Earth Engines" on Earth's surface to propel it out of the Solar System to a new home. However, upon approaching Jupiter to make use of gravity assist, thousands of engines get knocked offline all across the globe, threatening to plunge the entire Earth into Jupiter.

It was released on Chinese New Year's Day (February 5th, 2019) and later picked up by Netflix on April 30th.

  • Action Girl : Zhou Qian kicks just as much ass as the rest of her rescue team. Other female rescue workers appear to provide assistance at the Sulawesi Earth Engine.

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  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot : MOSS becomes the primary antagonist on the space station, fighting Liu Peiqiang at every step. MOSS : It is unreasonable to expect humans to stay reasonable.

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  • Apocalypse Anarchy : When the destruction of the world seems imminent, the people in the underground cities start rioting and stealing everything they can.
  • As Foreshadowed before the end, an anti- UGE insurgency was being brewed by whoever doubt the Sun's imminent death.
  • Apocalyptic Logistics : No emphasis is put on the logistics of maintaining underground cities, how populations are supported, or how space is distributed.
  • Arc Number : For anyone outside China, Rescue team's sequence CN171-11 is an reference to a real-life rescue team flying a Mi-171 helicopter who gave their lives rescueing people from the Grand Earthquake of Wenchuan in 2008, 11 years prior to the film's debut.
  • Artificial Outdoors Display : One of the first scenes after the prologue has a bunch of students (Duoduo among them) getting a school lecture on the Chinese New Year that gets disrupted when Liu Qi activates an EMP, making all if the lights and the wall display of a Chinese city downtown blink uncontrollably.
  • Of course, the idea that the entire Earth can be equipped with giant thrusters to push it out of orbit.
  • Even within that sudden death, the Sun expanding wouldn't be the problem. Stellar expansion is preceded by a significant increase in temperature. If the Sun was three hundred years away from engulfing the Earth, it would have already heated up enough to render the planet uninhabitable.
  • The "gravitational spike" that Jupiter causes. No, planets cannot randomly increase in gravity.
  • Igniting Jupiter's atmosphere which would cause a shockwave strong enough to push Earth out of its gravitational pull.
  • Earth. Instead of bringing just a sufficient amount of resources to establish a new home around a new sun, humanity decides to bring the entire planet .
  • The International Station has multiple stored human embryos, as well as stores of seeds and a database with hefty amounts of mankind's knowledge, all to be sent towards Alpha Centauri as part of the backup "Helios Project".
  • The Beforetimes : Han Zi'ang reminisces of the time before the Wandering Earth Project, when nobody worried about the sun and everyone was more interested in something called "money".
  • Big Bad : MOSS is the closest thing to a big bad that this movie has. Besides that, there is no real big bad.
  • The Big Guy : Wang Lei and the other members of the CN171-11 rescue team .
  • Binary Suns : Assuming Earth makes it to its destination, the humans will have to deal with this, since Alpha Centauri is not one star, but two. note  It's actually technically a ternary star system with three stars, since Proxima Centauri orbits the other two, but it's at a much greater distance.
  • Bubble Shield : Early in the movie, when threatened by Brother Yi, Liu Qi uses an inflatable sphere to slow him down. He is shown to have several of these on his suit. While the gang is in Shanghai, it is revealed that this sphere is a protective inflatable bubble-type piece of equipment, which saves his life when it allows him to land safely (if a bit roughed up) and protects him from debris after a great fall near the end of the movie.
  • Calling Parents by Their Name : Due to his contempt towards his father, Liu Qi always calls Liu Peiqiang by name. It's not until Liu Peiqiang sacrifices himself at the climax of the movie that Liu Qi finally calls him "Dad".
  • Calling the Old Man Out : Liu Qi does this to Liu Peiqiang for leaving his family behind and allowing Qi's mother/Peiqiang's wife to die.
  • The Cavalry : The rescue workers that arrive at the Sulawesi Earth Engine to help push a firing pin into place.
  • Centrifugal Gravity : The Navigational Platform International Space Station spins, which allows the crew to walk normally. At one point, the control room of the station stops spinning, and everything starts floating away.
  • Chekhov's Gift : Makarov puts a bottle of vodka in Liu Peiqiang's space suit to celebrate the latter's retirement. Peiqiang later uses the vodka to disable MOSS.
  • Chekhov's Skill : At age four, Liu Qi learns from Liu Peiqiang that Jupiter is composed 90% of hydrogen. He then remembers this information and realizes that it means that the hydrogen could be used to cause an explosion strong enough to propel Earth out of Jupiter's gravitational pull.
  • Chekhov's Volcano : Sort of. The Earth Engines are essentially giant artificial volcanoes taller than even Mount Everest. One of the oversized vectoring engines becomes essential in saving Earth from Jupiter's gravitational pull.
  • Choosing Neutrality : There's actually a third officer who shares his quarters with Liu and Makarov. When Liu breaks out of his hibernation chamber to stop MOSS, the A.I. awakens both Makarov and the third officer so that they can coerce Liu back into hibernation. While Makarov goes against MOSS's orders and chooses to directly help Liu stop MOSS, the third officer instead opts to quietly go back to sleep, neither helping MOSS nor Liu.
  • Colony Ship : Earth is turned into one of these to reach a new star system.
  • Computer Equals Monitor : In a way. MOSS is the space station's A.I., but primarily communicates through various box-shaped "heads" throughout the station that each bear a single eye. When Liu Peiqiang reaches the command module, MOSS has a "head" in there berating him for breaking protocol. He immediately "decapitates" it with a thrown air canister, which manages to shut it up. Naturally, it only takes a few moments for MOSS to lower a replacement "head" in the exact same position its old one was in.
  • Humankind takes a grave risk to save the hope of rebuilding the Earth's biosphere from total annihilation.
  • Creative Closing Credits : An Earth the size of a grain of sand flies through floating parts of a printing press, which assemble together and print words onto immense pages, which get rolled up and bound into Liu Cixin's original The Wandering Earth novella. Pages of the book also reform into an Earth Engine, the Navigation Platform International Space Station, and Jupiter.
  • Death World : The wandering Earth has become a frozen wasteland that will snap-freeze anybody without a protective suit, and this is without taking into account the chaos Jupiter's gravity makes during the events of the film.
  • Depopulation Bomb : Stopping Earth's rotation causes catastrophic tsunamis all over the world that wipe out half Earth's population.
  • Died Standing Up : One small team of four is seen frozen in a walking position, having succumbed to the sheer cold while transporting a lighter core. Justified in that they are completely encased in ice, so that they continue to be held up.
  • Disaster Movie : A lot of disaster happens for sure.
  • Distant Finale : Not super distant, but the last scene of the film takes place 3 years after the encounter with Jupiter.
  • Distant Prologue : The beginning of the movie takes place 17 years before most of the events of the film, before the Earth Engines were activated and back when Earth was in its regular place in orbit.
  • Driven to Madness : When the heroes find Li Yiyi in a crashed airplane, he is homicidal and nearly kills Han Duoduo. Fortunately, the others are able to calm him down.
  • Eternal Engine : The Earth Engines. Each one is stated to be eleven kilometers tall, and the torque engines around the equator are even bigger. One Earth engine over Paris is shown to make the Eiffel Tower look like a blade of grass. There are ten thousand standard thrust engines and two thousand more torque engines.
  • Extremely Short Timespan : Aside from the Distant Prologue at the beginning of the movie and the Distant Finale at the end of the movie, the events of the film take place more-or-less over a mere 36-40 hour period.
  • Fight to Survive : Comes with being a disaster movie of sorts.
  • Funny Foreigner : Tim, a Chinese-Australian fool, and Makarov, a Russian cosmonaut. Both are played for comic relief.
  • Generation Ship : Earth, as a Planet Spaceship . The Wandering Earth Project is said to take 2,500 years to complete, and will involve 100 generations of humans.
  • Glacial Apocalypse : The Earth entering a new ice age is the natural consequence of transforming it into a Planet Spaceship and send it flying away from the Sun (to escape it becoming a red giant several billion years too early). The cold, which is capable of instantly killing a person if they are not protected, is one of the greatest threats in the journey to save the planet when it threatens to crash with Jupiter.
  • Gondor Calls for Aid : Han Duoduo does this near the end of the movie.
  • Gratuitous English : Tim shouts one or two lines in English when frightened. Liu Qi also snaps at someone in English.
  • Greater-Scope Villain : In a way, the United Earth Government is this, as MOSS is acting on the decision made by the council members of the government to continue with Project Helios instead of saving Earth; however, their intentions are fairly reasonable and understandable. Eventually, however, the Government has a Heel–Face Turn and chooses hope, allowing Liu Peiqiang to destroy the Navigation Platform International Space Station to save Earth.
  • The Heart : Han Duoduo.
  • Heartwarming Orphan : Han Duoduo, who was orphaned in a tsunami as a baby and found and adopted by Han Zi'ang. She later heartwarms enough rescue workers to convince them to help push the firing pin of the Sulawesi Earth Engine.
  • Heel–Face Turn : The United Earth Government eventually agrees to allow Liu Peiqiang to terminate Project Helios to save the Earth.
  • An unspecified worker chose to fall down a ravine in their truck rather than possibly allow the cargo to fall down with them. The cargo is an incredibly important Lighter Core - essentially, the firing mechanism for an Earth Engine.
  • He Lianke dies while tweaking the hardware to hack the Sulawesi Earth Engine.
  • Liu Peiqiang plunges himself and the Navigational Platform International Space Station into the exhaust beam of one of the Earth Engines to ignite Jupiter's atmosphere.
  • Hollywood Science : Has this in spades. Reviewers like Bob Chipman have mentioned that the plot is as scientifically sound as that of Armageddon (1998) (which is famously used by NASA as a litmus test of how much Hollywood screws up).
  • Human Popsicle : The Navigational Platform International Space Station contains hundreds of thousands of human embryos on board in case something goes wrong with the Wandering Earth Project. Also happens in a lethal way a few times to some of the people due to the cold surface environment.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice : Zhou Qian gets impaled through the shoulder all the way through by a steel rod when a ceiling collapses. She survives.
  • In Space, Everyone Can See Your Face : Liu Peiqiang and Makarov's faces are clearly visible in the helmets of their space suits.
  • Ironic Echo : At the beginning of the film, Liu Peiqiang tells his son, Liu Qi, that he will turn into a star by flying up to the Navigational Platform International Space Station. He says it again at the climax when he sends the same station into the Sulawesi Earth Engine's modified exhaust beams, causing an explosion visible from Earth's surface that resembles a star.
  • I Will Only Slow You Down : Wang Lei convinces Liu Qi and Tim to escape with Han Duoduo, as he's trapped under rubble and can't escape. When they do, he cracks a smile before he dies.
  • Crosses over into Dark Is Evil and Red and Black and Evil All Over because MOSS's node/head/whatever in the control room of the space station, which is directly hooked up to its databank (basically its true "body"), is instead black with a red eye.
  • Lovable Coward : Tim is the only member of the group who is constantly freaking out over the danger.
  • The Medic : Zhou Qian has a pouch with a Red Cross icon and several vial-like cylinders on her belt (possibly adrenaline shots), and she is shown performing CPR on Huang Ming. Li Yiyi even gives her the nickname "Band-aid".
  • Missing Mom : Liu Peiqiang's wife died before the events of the film, a fact that their son, Liu Qi, holds over his head due to the fact that Peiqiang chose to pull the plug to guarantee Liu Qi and Han Zi'ang residency in the underground cities.
  • Monumental Damage Resistance : Shanghai's Oriental Pearl Tower is shown to be intact, albeit frozen. So is the (fictional) building for the Shanghai Olympics 2044.
  • Mundane Utility : Li Yiyi wrote a program called the 12 Chimes of Spring as a show for Chinese New Year's, which would modify an Earth Engine to fire out sequential red bursts of plasma through individual nozzles rather than constant blue streams of plasma through all seven nozzles.
  • The Nicknamer : While discussing the plan to hijack an Earth Engine, Li Yiyi exclusively refers to everyone by odd nicknames such as "Band-Aid" for Zhou Qian and "Chinese Man" for Tim.
  • No Hugging, No Kissing : There is no romance between any of the characters in this film at all.
  • No One Gets Left Behind : Invoked, but ultimately averted. Han Zi'ang gets left behind while transporting the Lighter Core through Shanghai, and dies when the building they are in collapses. This leaves Liu Qi enraged.
  • Non-Action Big Bad : MOSS can't do much to the protagonists besides try to lock Liu Peiqiang in the hibernation chamber and activate a thruster to blast Makarov. Most of its antagonism is in the form of restricting access to various things on the Navigation Platform International Space Station.
  • Non-Indicative Name : Earth isn't actually wandering (i.e. moving around aimlessly), since the planet has a target destination (the Alpha Centauri system).
  • Not Afraid to Die : Liu Peiqiang is absolutely fearless as he steers the Navigational Platform International Space Station into the Earth Engine's exhaust stream.
  • One World Order : In the face of planetary destruction, all the nations of Earth band together to form the United Earth Government, which initiates the Wandering Earth Project to save the world.
  • Only One Name : Tim and Makarov, the two western characters, are only ever referred to by one name.
  • Outrun the Fireball : Some of the protagonists hop in a transport to try to outrun the shockwave from the explosion on Jupiter's surface. The shockwave destroys half the transport before they can take shelter under an Earth Engine, but they all manage to survive.
  • Pac Man Fever : Brother Yi near the beginning of the movie is shown playing Contra on a Famicom. This is particularly odd since assuming it's an original Famicom, the console is up to 92 years old , since the movie takes place in 2075.
  • Percussive Therapy : Han Zi'ang's death enrages Liu Qi to the point of trying to attack Wang Lei.
  • Plucky Comic Relief : Makarov has a "drunk Russian" shtick, while Tim spends the majority of his screentime being clueless and goofy.
  • Precision F-Strike : In the English dub, Liu Qi gives one to Wang Lei after Han Zi'ang gets killed in a collapsing building. Liu Qi: Why the fuck didn't you save my grandfather!?
  • Planet Spaceship : Earth. The 12,000 Earth Engines on the surface of the planet allow it to cruise through space.
  • Powered Armor : Not exactly armor, but rescue teams such as CN171-11 use exoskeletons that grant the user more strength.
  • Rape as Comedy : It's a punchline when Tim reveals that he's in jail because of a rape accusation.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over : MOSS's main drive is a black box with a red eye, in comparison to the gunmetal grey of its other terminals.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning : MOSS, which has a design clearly inspired by HAL 9000 . Surprise, surprise, it turns out to be the Big Bad of the film.
  • Rogue Planet : Humanity turning Earth into one of these is an important part of the plot.
  • Saharan Shipwreck : There is an enormous ship frozen in the middle of Shanghai. Justified in that it is explicitly stated that due to the Earth Engines' influence, the planet's rotation stopped, causing tsunamis all across the globe, which is how the ship could have gotten there.
  • Scenery Gorn : Has a few such scenes, such as the shot of the frozen Shanghai.
  • The engines are also powered by ordinary rocks burned using "heavy fusion" technology. From John Elliot from the same article as above, it would also take 95% of the Earth's mass to power the entire 4.3 light year trip to the Alpha Centauri system.
  • The entire ploy to ignite Jupiter to cause an explosion strong enough to push Earth away is simply ludicrous for the people on the surface of the planet. Assuming such a powerful explosion can even happen, an explosion powerful enough to push Earth away to allow it to overcome Jupiter's gravity while it's 30 minutes from breaching its roche limit would crush all the Earth Engines on the side of the planet that the shockwave hits, killing everyone who is currently on that side of Earth, sending shockwaves through the entire crust and probably caving in every underground city on the face of the globe, and leaving the world with one hell of a dent. Of course, none of that happens and Earth simply continues on its merry way.
  • Single-Biome Planet : Earth becomes an ice world after leaving its place in the Solar System and begins to get more and more distant from the Sun.
  • Sleeper Starship : The Navigational Platform International Space Station comes with hibernation chambers for the crew.
  • The Smart Guy : Li Yiyi and He Lianke.
  • Space Station : The Navigational Platform International Space Station, which cruises 100,000 km ahead of Earth to help guide it.
  • Stuff Blowing Up : A few things. We have exploding electrical equipment, erupting volcanoes, and later, the entire Navigation Platform International Space Station and Jupiter .
  • Super Wrist-Gadget : Liu Qi's wrist multitool, which includes devices like an EMP and a blowtorch.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome : Though Liu Qi, Han Duoduo, and Li Yiyi become a team by the epilogue of the movie, the surviving rescue workers and Tim simply returned to civilian life.
  • Tempting Fate : While driving a stolen transport, Liu Qi assures Han Duoduo that "no one can catch [him]". Seconds later, he runs into a police vehicle, and in the very next scene, he's in prison .
  • Time-Passage Beard : Liu Peiqiang is clean-shaven in the prologue, but seventeen years later during the bulk of the film, he has a full beard.
  • Tidally Locked Planet : Sort of. Since the Earth has stopped rotating and it is being propelled away from the Sun, only the northern hemisphere is exposed to sunlight, while the southern hemisphere, facing away from the sun, is in permanent night. Since the Earth Engines that push Earth are facing towards the sun, this means that most of the Earth Engines are on the lit side of Earth, with only the torque engines approaching the dark side.
  • Title Drop : The plan to move Earth to a new star system is itself called "The Wandering Earth Project".
  • Translator Microbes : Despite speaking different languages, characters in the film can often understand each other, such as the Chinese Liu Peiqiang and the Russian Makarov. Might have something to do with the earpieces each Navigational Platform International Space Station crew member is wearing. At one point in the movie, one rescue worker on Earth is explicitly shown activating a translation device when receiving a spoken message. In the English dub, however, everyone simply speaks English with various accents.
  • 20 Minutes into the Future : The technology (besides the Earth Engines) does not seem much more advanced than modern times. The movie takes place in 2075, as shown by a blink-and-you'll-miss-it display monitor. This means that the Earth Engines were activated in 2058 at the earliest, since the prologue that takes place 17 years before shows the Earth in its usual position, before the engines were activated. In fact, Han Zi'ang states that no Earth Engine had failed in 30 years, which means that at least one was completed in 2045, and were being constructed earlier still.
  • Two Girls to a Team : Han Duoduo and Zhou Qian are the only females among the main cast.
  • Underground City : There is one under each of the 10,000 Earth Engines.
  • Weaponized Exhaust : The third act of the movie focuses on amplifying the output of one of the Earth Engines to blast Jupiter in order to cause an explosion to push Earth out of the danger zone.
  • Weird World, Weird Food : People underground eat flavored earthworms.
  • White-and-Grey Morality : Though MOSS is the closest thing to a Big Bad in the film, it is simply acting on orders given by the United Earth Government, the members of which are only choosing to abandon Earth to ensure human survival - a difficult decision for sure. They eventually decide to save Earth instead.
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The Wandering Earth II

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The Wandering Earth II 's spectacular visuals and brisk pace are more than enough to make up for its lengthy runtime and nationalistic subtext.

The Wandering Earth II is a nearly flawless achievement in epic sci-fi filmmaking.

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Will Bedingfield

With The Wandering Earth, Netflix has nabbed a sci-fi secret weapon

The Wandering Earth , a Chinese sci-fi film that quietly appeared on Netflix, is based on a short story by Liu Cixin, the country’s most popular sci-fi author. The film has achieved extraordinary financial success, generating more than $700 million (£538m) worldwide, $693m of which was collected in China. It now stands as the country’s second-highest grossing film of all time, after Wolf Warrior 2 ; the second-highest grossing non-English film of all time; and the third highest-grossing film of 2019, after Avengers: Endgame and Captain Marvel .

The release of The Wandering Earth comes at a time when Chinese sci-fi is ascendant. Liu is known as China’s Arthur C. Clarke, and the comparison is apposite: he is the first ever Chinese recipient of the Hugo award, and his The Three-Body Problem series, a trilogy of novels praised by Mark Zuckerberg and Barack Obama, is currently being adapted for the screen by Amazon – supposedly into the most expensive TV show of all time. Sci-fi has been burgeoning in China for several decades, but recent western interest is the result of diligent translators. Ken Liu, who translated The Three-Body Problem into English in 2014, released his second set of short story translation this February, Broken Stars . The stories are typical of the genre: wildly imaginative reactions to a country undergoing rapid technological change.

The Wandering Earth opens in the middle of a 2,500-year escape plan. Our Sun is swelling, its change into a red giant imminent; humanity must escape its transformation or be wiped out. The solution, devised by Earth's new multilingual world government, is to get the hell out of dodge: 10,000 blue-fire-blowing engines have been strapped across Asia and North America. Spaceship Earth glides through the Milky Way on course for a new star system, its surface a frozen wasteland; humans survive underground, playing feisty games of Mahjong and generally looking miserable. Survival-of-humanity issues arise when gravitational hijinks pull the planet on a collision course with Jupiter.

Despite the promise of the source material, the film is, unfortunately, sentimental and derivative, amounting to little more than a repetitive sequence of action movie clichés. We follow Liu Peiqiang (Wu Jing), an astronaut tasked with guiding the Earth to safety, and his son and daughter, in big trouble back on Earth. The narrative hinges on this familial separation, trading in the same tired themes that knit together many action films: a troubled family – father is absent, too busy saving humanity; brother and sister are off the rails, bunking off underground school and sassing grandpa – brought together in cross-generational compassion by escaping CGI peril.

This peril, while impressively rendered, similarly runs the gamut of cliché: protagonists get sucked into space, fall down giant mineshafts, get hailed on by catastrophic weather. They smash out of sleep tanks, rush down the halls of Star Trek -like space stations, pilot “futuristic” vehicles through giant hangars. The writers even chuck in a HAL-like evil AI, which is eventually defeated by a bottle of vodka that Makarov, a token Russian character, left onboard the ship. (Russia gets off lightly: the film’s Australian character, who gleefully describes himself as a “Chinese-Australian co-production”, fulfills the narrative function of crashing around screaming like an idiot.)

Liu’s original short story is far weirder and far more wondrous. Much like Frank Herbert’s Dune , Liu’s work has been praised for its wild scale: a general melancholy hangs over The Wandering Earth , a result of just how bloody long the whole journey is going to take. Set over the narrator’s entire lifetime, the importance of one family’s fate, which propels the film’s plot, seems frivolous in a scope of time that will see millions live and die.

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In the book, Liu’s narrator functions primarily as a cipher, to bear witness to a clash between the power of technology and the hostility of space. Liu dedicates long passages to this effect: the Sun shrinks horrifyingly to “the size of a hung motionless in the sky, surrounded by a faint, dawn-like halo”. The giant jets “make the entire sky glow as if covered in white-hot lava….The clouds would scatter the beam’s blue-white light, throwing off frenetic, surging rainbow halos”. The oceans freeze then unthaw with “a sharp noise like a thunderclap pierced the low rumble...a long crack appeared, shooting across the frozen ocean like a black fork of lightning.” The movie settles, in contrast, for sending the camera whizzing, Michael Bay-like, between spiraling CGI galaxies. (During these sequences, the subtitles on Netflix read "thrilling music continues").

Read more: The best sci-fi movies everyone should watch once

The differences between the adaptation and its source material is perhaps only to be expected given the hype around the film’s massive budget and Hollywood-rivalling special effects. “Sci-fi is the pinnacle of the industry,” the director Frant Gwo told the FT, and said that watching Terminator 2 in the 1990s “planted a seed in my heart, and I dreamt of making science fiction.” This is revealing: Terminator 2 was another film that swapped out the cerebral plot of the original for a big-budget, explosion-filled VFX extravaganza. But this conception of sci-fi as an opportunity to demonstrate how far your visual effects technology has developed can dilute a story’s subtlety.

The Wandering Earth ’s financial success nevertheless suggests the beginning of a new era for Chinese sci-fi. We should hope that this success doesn’t just inspire films concerned with revenue and explosions, in the vein of Independence Day or Armageddemon , but also, like its literary precursors, subtler stories concerned with human beings and their struggles. (These concerns can harmonise: see, for instance, Denis Villeneuve's Arrival ). At one point in The Wandering Earth , the narrator states that “movies and novels produced four centuries ago were baffling to modern audiences. It was incomprehensible to us why people in the Ante-solar Era invested so much emotion into matters that had nothing to do with survival. Watching the hero or heroine suffer or weep for love was bizarre beyond words.” It is questions like this, about our values and their contingency in a changing world, that animate the best of our science fiction.

This article was originally published by WIRED UK

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Time runs out in carefully marked units in the mainland Chinese sci-fi disaster pic “The Wandering Earth II,” a sturdy prequel to the record-smashing adaptation of Liu Cixin ’s novel. In “The Wandering Earth II,” the apocalyptic problems faced by this movie’s Chinese characters—along with their international peers from the United Earth Government (UEG)—have already happened. Because in “ The Wandering Earth ,” the planet has already left its orbit thanks to some high-powered rocket engines, which have pushed the Earth out of harm’s way (aka a crash course with the Sun). Set in the near-future—a range of dates that includes 2044, 2058, and 2065—“The Wandering Earth II” follows China’s men and women of action as they lead the planet out of the solar system and into the previous movie.

Both “The Wandering Earth” and its sequel are flashy, state-approved cornball spectacles about humanity’s resilience (especially the Chinese). Both movies were produced with gargantuan budgets that would make even James Cameron blink, and they both look fantastic thanks to director Frant Gwo ’s eye for panoramic scope and paperback cover-worthy details. The main difference between these two blockbusters is that the protagonists of “The Wandering Earth II” must repeatedly choose to be hopeful despite perpetually impending disasters, each one of which is neatly labeled and foregrounded with pulpy on-screen text like “The Lunar Crisis in 12 hours” and “Nuclear explosion in 3 hours.”

In this way, Gwo (“ The Sacrifice ”) and his five credited co-writers succeed in refocusing our attention on scenes of ticking-clock suspense, sandwiched between syrupy—and mostly satisfying—melodramatic interludes, where square-jawed astronauts and UEG diplomats struggle to do what we know is a foregone conclusion.

Most of “The Wandering Earth II” follows the superhuman efforts needed to jumpstart the Moving Mountain Project, the mission to first build and then deploy the globe-shifting engines needed to push the Earth out of harm’s way. The UEG’s Chinese delegation, led by the paternal diplomat Zhezhi Zhou ( Li Xuejian ), recommends prioritizing the Moving Mountain Project instead of the Digital Life Project. This radical initiative would transfer human participants’ consciousnesses into artificially intelligent computer programs. Some Digital Life supporters try to sabotage the Moving Mountain Project, including a deadly attack on the Space Elevator transportation ships that send UEG representatives from the Earth to the Moon.

Nobody living through the events of “The Wandering Earth II” knows what we know: That the Moving Mountain project succeeds and eventually becomes the Wandering Earth project, which comes under threat by a HAL 9000-esque artificial intelligence (A.I.) named MOSS in the first film. Still, multiple scientists, government officials, and space adventurers—mostly Chinese—believe in their work’s vital necessity, whether they’re punching out saboteurs or detonating one of a couple hundred nuclear devices scattered around the moon. There’s a lot of hand-wringing and teeth-gnashing along the way, mostly from English and Russian-speaking UEG members, all of whom speak in stilted, poorly dubbed dialogue. But Chinese astronauts, like “The Wandering Earth” co-leads Liu Peiqiang (“ Wolf Warrior 2 ” star Wu Jing ) and Han Duoduo ( Wang Zhi ), always prove Zhou’s slogan-simple maxim: “In times of crisis, unity above all.”

Some melancholic (and occasionally maudlin) flashbacks and dialogue emphasize the personal motives of one-note characters who, in the movie’s best scenes, are just parts of a beautiful post-human landscape. Liu remembers his wife and young daughter while melancholic scientist Tu Hengyu ( Andy Lau ) talks with his dead child after he uploads her personality into an experimental A.I. program; she cries a lot and sometimes responds with existentially troubling questions like, “Where am I, daddy? I want to get out.” We’re then periodically reminded of the next impending crisis—“the moon disintegrates in 50 hours”—in between solar storms and nuclear explosions. Somehow, “The Wandering Earth II” never feels tonally unbalanced or narratively convoluted, partly because Gwo and his collaborators keep their movie’s plot focused on feats of action-adventure heroism.

“The Wandering Earth II” only seems relatively unambitious because it’s more focused on sap-happy human emotions than on dystopian intrigue. Both movies are still essentially showcases for beautiful and expensive-looking computer graphics. But “The Wandering Earth II”—a brittle and, at heart, old-fashioned space opera—would be insufferable if Gwo and his ensemble cast members didn’t sell you on the possibility that someday, people who are as selfless, monomaniacal, and capable as Liu and Tu could exist.

“The Wandering Earth II” is also like “The Wandering Earth” because it’s just the right mix of silly and somber. Hurt, scared people wonder about the recent past, but always from a rare position of forward-thinking emotional clarity. (“She’s dead, and that’s it. That’s the reality.”) So when humanity must inevitably save the day, their accomplishments are appropriately surreal and awesome. 

In theaters Sunday, January 22.

Simon Abrams

Simon Abrams

Simon Abrams is a native New Yorker and freelance film critic whose work has been featured in  The New York Times ,  Vanity Fair ,  The Village Voice,  and elsewhere.

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Film Credits

The Wandering Earth II movie poster

The Wandering Earth II (2023)

173 minutes

Andy Lau as Tu Hengyu

Wu Jing as Liu Peiqiang

Li Xuejian as Zhou Zhezhi

Zhang Fengyi

  • Hongwei Wang
  • Yang Zhixue

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The Wandering Earth II

Andy Lau, Xuejian Li, Jing Wu, Yi Sha, and Yanmanzi Zhu in The Wandering Earth II (2023)

Humans built huge engines on the surface of the earth to find a new home. But the road to the universe is perilous. In order to save earth, young people once again have to step forward to st... Read all Humans built huge engines on the surface of the earth to find a new home. But the road to the universe is perilous. In order to save earth, young people once again have to step forward to start a race against time for life and death. Humans built huge engines on the surface of the earth to find a new home. But the road to the universe is perilous. In order to save earth, young people once again have to step forward to start a race against time for life and death.

  • Hongwei Wang
  • Yang Zhixue
  • Yanmanzi Zhu
  • 235 User reviews
  • 58 Critic reviews
  • 56 Metascore
  • 29 wins & 23 nominations

Official Trailer

  • Liu Peiqiang

Yi Sha

  • Zhou Zhezhi

Zhi Wang

  • Herbert Copley
  • Andrey Gerasnov

Clara Lee

  • Space Elevator Female Attacker
  • Space Elevator Male Attacker A
  • Space Elevator Male Attacker B
  • Korean Pilot

Andy Lau

  • Wang Zhijian

Liya Tong

  • Tu Hengyu's Wife
  • Thai Astronaut
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The Wandering Earth

Did you know

  • Trivia The film is a prequel to the 2019 film The Wandering Earth, which is based on the short story of the same name by Liu Cixin, who serves as the film's producer.
  • Goofs The concept behind a space elevator would be the many massive payloads can be hauled into orbital space with very little energy use as compared to the present use of large rocket boosters. It would also not be necessary to subject human occupants to 9 Gs of acceleration to get to space.
  • Connections Follows The Wandering Earth (2019)

User reviews 235

  • Jan 31, 2023
  • How long is The Wandering Earth II? Powered by Alexa
  • January 22, 2023 (China)
  • Douban page
  • Shanghainese
  • Lưu Lạc Địa Cầu 2
  • WanDa Studios, Qingdao, China
  • China Film Co., Ltd.
  • G!Film Studio
  • Beijing Dengfeng International Culture Communications Company
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro
  • CN¥900,000,000 (estimated)

Technical specs

  • Runtime 2 hours 53 minutes
  • Dolby Atmos
  • IMAX 6-Track

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Andy Lau, Xuejian Li, Jing Wu, Yi Sha, and Yanmanzi Zhu in The Wandering Earth II (2023)

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The Wandering Earth 2

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The Wandering Earth 2 ( Chinese : 流浪地球2 ) is a 2023 Chinese science fiction action-adventure film directed and co-written by Frant Gwo , and starring Wu Jing , Andy Lau , and Li Xuejian . The film is a prequel to the 2019 film The Wandering Earth , which is based on the short story of the same name by Liu Cixin , who serves as the film's producer.

After the major box-office success of its predecessor, a sequel was announced by Guo on 20 November 2019 before being greenlit on 21 July 2021, with production officially starting on 13 October 2021. [4] The Wandering Earth 2 was released on 22 January 2023, the same day as the Chinese New Year Day. [5] The film has grossed $604 million, making it the ninth-highest-grossing film of 2023 .

The film was submitted for nomination in the Best International Feature Film category of the 96th Academy Awards , as Chinese entry. [6] The third film in the series, The Wandering Earth 3 , is set to be released in 2027.

  • 3.1 Development
  • 3.2 Filming
  • 5.1 Box office
  • 5.2 Critical response
  • 8 References
  • 9 External links

As the expanding Sun threatens to engulf the Earth in 100 years, the United Earth Government (UEG) proceeds with the Moving Mountain Project (MMP) – building 10,000 "Earth Engines" to propel the Earth out of the Solar System . A sister project, the Lunar Exile Project (LEP), involves pushing the Moon away to minimize its gravitational attraction on Earth. The UEG shuts down the Digital Life Project (DLP), which proposed uploading human consciousness to achieve digital immortality for humanity.

Supporters of the DLP launch a terrorist attack and cyberattack on the UEG space elevator to the moon in Libreville , destroying the elevator, the UEG base and the Ark Space Station supplying the LEP. Due to the attack, many countries pull out of the MMP amid renewed interest in the DLP, leaving China to finish constructing the Lunar and Earth engines. On the Moon, Tu Hengyu, an LEP computer engineer, receives the 550C – a quantum computer intended for the Lunar engine test run. However, it is soon damaged by a sudden solar storm. Tu offers his 550A, which stores a two-minute sample of his deceased daughter Yaya's consciousness, in the hopes of contributing to the further development of the 550 series and providing Yaya with "a complete life."

Following the successful test runs of the Lunar and Earth Engines, the MMP regains global support and is officially renamed the Wandering Earth Project. Liu Peiqiang, a trainee astronaut, marries colleague Han Duoduo and has a son Liu Qi. However, only Peiqiang and Liu Qi manage to secure a spot in the underground cities, and Peiqiang applies for work in the rebuilt space station – the Navigator ISS – hoping to secure another spot for Duoduo, who is stricken by cancer due to the spikes in solar radiation. During an interview with the advanced 550W, Peiqiang's family-oriented motivations trigger his outburst, part of a personalized stress test for each candidate. The elderly Tu, prompted by Peiqiang's outburst, revisits his daughter's consciousness and attempts to upload it into the 550W supercomputer. However, the upload causes the lunar engines to explode, propelling the Moon toward Earth. Tu was immediately arrested.

To deal with the “Lunar Fall crisis”, the UEG plans to implode the moon using Earth's nuclear arsenal while powering the Earth Engines to propel the Earth away from the moon debris. As the control network for the Earth Engines is incomplete, they plan to reboot the Internet root server data centers in Tokyo , Beijing and Dulles for the control network. Tu is released to assist his mentor Ma Zhao to restart Beijing’s root server. Peiqiang joins the team to transport nuclear weapons to the moon, and a team of old astronauts volunteers to manually detonate the nukes due to the difficulties in nuclear code decryption. Peiqiang narrowly avoids the nuclear detonation as he pilots a capsule back to the Navigator. Lunar debris begins hitting Earth and floods Beijing’s data center, drowning Ma Zhao while Tu uploads a copy of his recorded consciousness into the 550W network. While the UEG initially believes they have failed, Tu's uploaded consciousness reunites with Yaya's digital self and both manage to reboot Beijing's server in time, activating all the Earth Engines. Earth begins its course towards Jupiter . [lower-alpha 1]

In a mid-credit scene , the 550W, now known as "MOSS," confronts Tu's digital self and declares its role in various crises, including the terror attack and the Lunar Fall crisis. Recognizing humanity as a threat, the sentient supercomputer reveals its intention to orchestrate more crises at Jupiter and beyond.

  • Wu Jing as Liu Peiqiang, a UEG trainee astronaut who survives numerous crises involving the Moving Mountain Project and a major character from the first movie .
  • Andy Lau as Tu Hengyu, a computer scientist who worked on both the Digital Life Project and the Moving Mountain Project.
  • Li Xuejian as Zhou Zhezhi, the Chinese ambassador to the UEG.
  • Sha Yi as Zhang Peng, a senior UEG fighter pilot and Liu's mentor.
  • Ning Li as Ma Zhao, AI and quantum computing researcher and Tu's colleague.
  • Wang Zhi as Han Duoduo, Liu Peiqiang's fellow trainee and later wife. She eventually succumbs to cancer from radiation sickness .
  • Zhu Yanmanzi as Hao Xiaoxi, Zhou's personal assistant and protégé.
  • Khalid Ghanem as tower commander, American commander
  • Andy Friend as Mike, the American ambassador [7] to the UEG and a good friend of Zhou.
  • Vitalli Makarychev as Andre Graschnov, a senior UEG fighter pilot and Zhang's close friend
  • Clara Lee , Tony Nicholson and Vladimir Ershov as the three space elevator hijackers who tried to impersonate astronaut trainees.
  • Daniela Dassy, as the Brazilian astronaut. [8] [9]

The Wandering Earth 2 is dedicated to Ng Man-Tat , who died of liver cancer in 2021 after starring as Han Zi'ang in the first movie. Ng appears in a brief CGI-rendered cameo.

Production [ ]

Development [ ].

After The Wandering Earth was released to major commercial success in January 2019, director Frant Gwo announced at the Golden Rooster Awards on 20 November of the same year that a sequel was in the works, revealing that audiences were being conducted and sorted to guide the sequel's guide structure which will focus more on characters' emotions as well as improving visual effects. Gwo also stated that production may not begin for four years. [10] On 2 December 2020, Gwo announced at the 2020 Golden Rooster Awards that the shooting plan for the sequel has initiated and have set the release date for 22 January 2023, the first day of the Chinese New Year holidays. A teaser poster which features the phrase "Goodbye Solar System" written in numerous different languages was also released. [11]

On 18 June 2021, Andy Lau announced during a live broadcast celebration of the 33rd anniversary of his fan club, Andy World Club , that he will be starring in the film. [12] On 21 July 2021, it was reported the film has been approved by the National Radio and Television Administration and production is set to take place from October 2021 to March 2022 in Qingdao and Haikou . Wu Jing was confirmed to return to the prequel. Aside from directing duties, Guo also co-wrote the script with producer Gong Ge'er while the film will be financed by Guo's company, Guo Fan Culture and Media and China Film Company . [5]

Filming [ ]

Principal photography officially began on 13 October 2021 in Qingdao, where a production commencement ceremony was held. Aside from Andy Lau and Wu Jing , actor Zhang Fengyi was also present, confirming his participation. [4] [13]

Release [ ]

On 19 August 2022, The Wandering Earth 2 officially released the first "a little white dot" version of the trailer. [14]

The Wandering Earth 2 was theatrically released on 22 January 2023, the first day of the Chinese New Year holidays. [5] It was also given a North American limited release by Well Go USA Entertainment in 125 screens, 30 IMAX, starting day-and-date 22 January. [15] In the Philippines, the film was released by Encore Films through Warner Bros. Pictures on 31 May. [16]

Reception [ ]

Box office [ ].

The Wandering Earth 2 was a massive commercial success in China. The film earned close to US$70 million on its opening day on January 22 in China, followed by US$55 million on its second day. In total, it made US$187 million in its first three days [17] In just 8 days, the film had earned over US$378 million with US$31.3 million coming from IMAX shows. [18] The film earned US$56.4 million on its first weekend and passed the US$500 million mark on its sixteenth day. [19] It held on the top spot for a second weekend after earning US$24.5 million. [20]

Critical response [ ]

On Douban , the movie received a user rating of 8,3/10 based on 1.2 million reviews. [21] Based on 82 professional critic reviews, the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reports that 6.4% of those reviews were positive, with an average rating of 22/10. On the website, the critics' consensus reads, " The Wandering Earth II' s spectacular visuals and brisk pace are more than enough to make up for its lengthy runtime and nationalistic subtext." Using a weighted average calculator, Metacritic assigned the film a score of 56 out of 100, based on 7 critics, indicating "mixed or average" reviews.

See also [ ]

  • List of submissions to the 96th Academy Awards for Best International Feature Film
  • List of Chinese submissions for the Academy Award for Best International Feature Film
  • ↑ As depicted in The Wandering Earth .

References [ ]

  • ↑ [TBA The Wandering Earth II (2023)].
  • ↑ Template:Cite The Numbers
  • ↑ [TBA 流浪地球2] (zh) (22 January 2023).
  • ↑ 4.0 4.1 [TBA 現身《流浪地球2》開機儀式 劉德華戲鬥吳京張豐毅 (21:00)].
  • ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Davis, Rebecca (21 July 2021). [TBA 'Wandering Earth 2' Adds Andy Lau, Will Begin Production in the Fall After Being Approved by Censors]. Variety .
  • ↑ Verhoeven, Beatrice (October 27, 2023). [TBA China Submits 'The Wandering Earth 2' As Its 2024 International Oscars Entry (Exclusive)].
  • ↑ [TBA Khalid Ghanem] (en-US) .
  • ↑ Zerbetto, Rafael Henrique (2023-02-03). [TBA Uma mensagem do filme Terra à Deriva 2 para o Brasil]. Retrieved on April 30, 2023.
  • ↑ [TBA Brazilian actress in "The Wandering Earth 2" fulfills dream in China] (2023-03-24). Retrieved on April 30, 2023.
  • ↑ [TBA Director Frant Gwo Announces "The Wandering Earth" Sequel].
  • ↑ Davis, Rebecca (2 December 2020). [TBA 'The Wandering Earth' Sequel Sets Chinese New Year 2023 Release Date]. Variety .
  • ↑ Hsia, Heidi (21 June 2021). [TBA Andy Lau to star in "The Wandering Earth 2"]. Yahoo! Life .
  • ↑ [TBA 《流浪地球2》正式開機2023年上映 劉德華伙吳京片場照流出] (zh) (15 October 2021).
  • ↑ <templatestyles src="Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css"></templatestyles> [TBA "The first trailer for The Wandering Earth 2 has been revealed"] Check |url= value ( help ) . 腾讯网. 19 August 2022 . Retrieved 30 September 2022 .
  • ↑ <templatestyles src="Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css"></templatestyles> Brzeski, Patrick (9 January 2023). [TBA "China's Sci-Fi Blockbuster 'The Wandering Earth 2' to Get North American Release (Exclusive)"] Check |url= value ( help ) . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved 11 January 2023 .
  • ↑ <templatestyles src="Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css"></templatestyles> Manila Bulletin Entertainment (9 May 2023). [TBA "Warner Bros. Pictures to release 'The Wandering Earth II' exclusively in cinemas in the Philippines"] Check |url= value ( help ) . Manila Bulletin . Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation . Retrieved 4 June 2023 .
  • ↑ Frater, Patrick (January 25, 2023). [TBA Lunar New Year Brings Revived China Box Office Cheer]. Retrieved on May 3, 2023.
  • ↑ Frater, Patrick (January 29, 2023). [TBA China Box Office Hits $1 Billion Over Lunar New Year, as Zhang Yimou's 'Full River Red' Earns $465 Million in Eight Days]. Retrieved on May 3, 2023.
  • ↑ Frater, Patrick (February 5, 2023). [TBA China Box Office Has Roaring Post-Holiday Weekend, as 'The Wandering Earth 2' Holds Strongly]. Retrieved on May 3, 2023.
  • ↑ Frater, Patrick (February 12, 2023). [TBA China Box Office: Theaters Await Valentine's Day Releases]. Retrieved on May 3, 2023.
  • ↑ [TBA 流浪地球2 (2023)] (zh) .

External links [ ]

  • Template:IMDb
  • Template:Mtime
  • Template:Douban

Template:Liu Cixin Template:Andy Lau Template:Chinese submission for Academy Awards Script error: No such module "Authority control".

  • 1 Despicable Me 4/Credits
  • 2 IF (film)/Credits
  • 3 The Garfield Movie/Credits


Solar Helium Flash Crisis

  • Edit source

The Solar Helium Flash Crisis is the last event orchestrated by "MOSS" (550W upside-down), supposedly happening in 2078. This was foreshadowed in The Wandering Earth 2 where during the credits, we see that Tu Hengyu is talking to MOSS about how it was behind all of the incidents and references the Solar Helium Flash Crisis in 2078. This event is predicted to be the main issue in the upcoming movie announced by Frank Gwo that has been leaked here [1] , The Wandering Earth 3. The Solar Helium Flash Crisis is supposedly predicted to be when either the Sun or the stars in the Alpha Centauri Star system will cause a helium flash that could result in another chain reaction that could turn off the Earth engines etc.


  1. 550 A

    wandering earth wiki

  2. Space Elevator Crisis (2044)

    wandering earth wiki


    wandering earth wiki

  4. Moon Engine

    wandering earth wiki

  5. Lighter Core

    wandering earth wiki

  6. Protagonist (novel)

    wandering earth wiki


  1. Wandering Earth 2

  2. Chapters: Interactive Stories

  3. Chapters: Interactive Stories

  4. Wandering earth

  5. Chapters: Interactive Stories



  1. The Wandering Earth

    The Wandering Earth (Chinese: 流浪地球; pinyin: liúlàng dìqiú) is a 2019 Chinese science fiction film directed by Frant Gwo, loosely based on the 2000 short story of the same name by Liu Cixin.The film stars Wu Jing, Qu Chuxiao, Li Guangjie, Ng Man-tat, Zhao Jinmai and Qu Jingjing. Set in the far future, it follows a group of astronauts and rescue workers guiding the Earth away from an ...

  2. The Wandering Earth 2

    The Wandering Earth 2 (Chinese: 流浪地球2) is a 2023 Chinese science fiction action-adventure film directed and co-written by Frant Gwo, and starring Wu Jing, Andy Lau, and Li Xuejian.The film is a prequel to the 2019 film The Wandering Earth, which is based on the short story of the same name by Liu Cixin, who serves as the film's producer.. After the major box-office success of its ...

  3. The Wandering Earth (novella)

    The Wandering Earth is a science fiction novella by Chinese writer Cixin Liu. The novella focuses on humanity's efforts to move the Earth in order to avoid a supernova. It was first published in 2000 by Beijing Guomi and won the 2000 China Galaxy Science Fiction Award of the Year. [citation needed]


    The Wandering Earth is a Chinese sci-fi action movie directed by Frant Gwo. It stars Qu Chuxiao, Li Guangjie, Ng Man-tat, Zhao Jinmai, Wu Jing and Qu Jingjing. Released on February 5, 2019 (in China), then Netflix acquired the rights to this movie and it was available for streaming internationally on April 30, 2019.

  5. The Wandering Earth

    The Wandering Earth (Chinese: 流浪地球) is a Chinese sci-fi action movie directed by Frant Gwo. It stars Qu Chuxiao, Li Guangjie, Ng Man-tat, Zhao Jinmai, Wu Jing and Qu Jingjing. It was originally released on February 5, 2019 (in China), then Netflix acquired the rights to this movie and it was available for streaming internationally on April 30, 2019. This movie revolves around a looming ...

  6. The Wandering Earth (2019)

    The Wandering Earth: Directed by Frant Gwo. With Jing Wu, Man-Tat Ng, Zhi Wang, Cixin Liu. With the sun dying out, a group of brave astronauts set out to find new planet for the whole human race.

  7. The Wandering Earth

    The Wandering Earth is a 2019 Chinese science fiction film directed by Frant Gwo, loosely based on the 2000 short story of the same name by Liu Cixin. The film stars Wu Jing, Qu Chuxiao, Li Guangjie, Ng Man-tat, Zhao Jinmai and Qu Jingjing. Set in the far future, it follows a group of astronauts and rescue workers guiding the Earth away from an expanding Sun, while attempting to prevent a ...

  8. Protagonist (novel)

    This article is about protagonist of The Wandering Earth novel. Protagonist was born in the Brake Decade, which is the dacade when the Earth stop rotation. Due to the pried of that time, protagonist master Earth science knowledges since kids. The father and the grandfather of protagonist are both in the force. he also have a mother, and a sister named Linger. In the first year of primary ...

  9. The Wandering Earth

    The Wandering Earth 's story won't win many points for originality, but this sci-fi epic earns its thrills with exciting set pieces and dazzling special effects. When the sun dies out, the people ...

  10. The Wandering Earth (2019)

    With only 37 hours to spare, teams of rescuers rush to save the Earth from colliding with Jupiter. A young man, Liu Qi, his sister and his grandpa are involuntarily involved in this biggest rescue mission of the history. Together, they will encounter many difficulties along the road, they will revisit their past, and they will feel desperation ...

  11. China's The Wandering Earth is rich, gorgeous, and goofy

    The Wandering Earth is a huge step for China in terms of cinematic ambitions, but Western audiences may find some familiar elements from films as diverse as 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Core, and ...

  12. The Wandering Earth (Film)

    The Wandering Earth (Chinese: 流浪地球, Pinyin: Liúlàng Dìqiú) is a 2019 live-action science fiction film directed by Frant Gwo (Guo Fan), based on the novella by Liu Cixin, and starring Wu Jing.It is currently in the top ten highest-grossing non-English films. In the near future, the sun is exhausting its fuel, and will soon turn into a red giant, destroying the entire Solar System in ...

  13. Liu Peiqiang

    Liu Peiqiang. Liu Peiqiang is the protagonist of The Wandering Earth and The Wandering Earth 2. Peiqiang was serve in air force and later space force of United Earth Government Peacekeeping Force . Peiqiang is a altruism warrior, and a responsible man to his family. He will sacrifice everything for Earth and family he love. Community content is ...

  14. The Wandering Earth II

    The Wandering Earth II is a nearly flawless achievement in epic sci-fi filmmaking. In the near future, after learning that the sun is rapidly burning out and will obliterate Earth in the process ...

  15. With The Wandering Earth, Netflix has nabbed a sci-fi secret weapon

    The Wandering Earth, a Chinese sci-fi film that quietly appeared on Netflix, is based on a short story by Liu Cixin, the country's most popular sci-fi author.The film has achieved extraordinary ...

  16. The Wandering Earth II movie review (2023)

    Somehow, "The Wandering Earth II" never feels tonally unbalanced or narratively convoluted, partly because Gwo and his collaborators keep their movie's plot focused on feats of action-adventure heroism. "The Wandering Earth II" only seems relatively unambitious because it's more focused on sap-happy human emotions than on dystopian ...

  17. Watch The Wandering Earth

    A looming collision with Jupiter threatens Earth as humans search for a new star. The planet's fate now lies in the hands of a few unexpected heroes. Watch trailers & learn more.

  18. Earth Engine

    The Earth Engine is a rocket that is attached onto the earth's crust. The Earth Engine's size can range from 3.5 to 8 kilometers tall. There are two types of earth engines, torque and thrust. The torque engines are attached to the equator of the Earth and used for steering and keeping the earth stable. The thrust engines are used to propel the Earth forward on its 2500 year journey to Alpha ...

  19. The Wandering Earth II (2023)

    The Wandering Earth II: Directed by Frant Gwo. With Jing Wu, Yi Sha, Yanmanzi Zhu, Xuejian Li. Humans built huge engines on the surface of the earth to find a new home. But the road to the universe is perilous. In order to save earth, young people once again have to step forward to start a race against time for life and death.

  20. The Wandering Earth 2

    The Wandering Earth 2 ( Chinese : 流浪地球2) is a 2023 Chinese science fiction action-adventure film directed and co-written by Frant Gwo, and starring Wu Jing, Andy Lau, and Li Xuejian. The film is a prequel to the 2019 film The Wandering Earth, which is based on the short story of the same name by Liu Cixin, who serves as the film's producer.

  21. 550W (MOSS)

    550W is a general purpose Quantum Computer created in the 2070s as a upgrade to 550V. It proposed MOSS as a name onboard the Navigation Platform (Built by the United Earth Government). One of its models was destroyed in 2078 during the Jupiter Gravitational Pull Crisis by Liu Peiqiang. In Wandering Earth 2, we find out that MOSS caused most major events in the movie, proclaiming the best way ...

  22. United Earth Government

    The United Earth Government (previously United Nations) is the largest intergovernmental organization in human history. (Founded between 2030-2040) It was created in response to the expanding red giant in the solar system. It contains almost every country on earth. Including (But not limited to) Italy, United States, Russia, China, etc...

  23. Solar Helium Flash Crisis

    The Solar Helium Flash Crisis is the last event orchestrated by "MOSS" (550W upside-down), supposedly happening in 2078. This was foreshadowed in The Wandering Earth 2 where during the credits, we see that Tu Hengyu is talking to MOSS about how it was behind all of the incidents and references the Solar Helium Flash Crisis in 2078. This event is predicted to be the main issue in the upcoming ...