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Allianz Reiseversicherung mit Notfallkarte Auf Reisen Sparen DE

Allianz Reiseversicherung mit Notfallkarte – ohne Vorkasse zum Arzt

3. märz 2024 admin.


Die Allianz Travel Reiseversicherung hat eine Besonderheit im Gepäck: die Allianz Notfallkarte. Doch was ist das Besondere an der Real-Time Notfallkarte ? Im Normalfall musst du deine Ausgaben im Ausland erst mal vorfinanzieren. Das heißt, du bezahlst die Arztkosten vor Ort selbst und lässt dir das Geld von der Auslandskrankenversicherung erstatten. So bekommst du dein Geld nach dem Urlaub zurück. Dazu ist es oft nötig, die Belege einzureichen und einen entsprechenden Antrag zu stellen. Blöd ist nur, dass dieses Vorgehen spürbar die Reisekasse belasten kann. Das ist logisch, denn das Geld, was du für den Arzt ausgegeben hast, steht dir für den Urlaub nicht mehr zur Verfügung. Das mag bei einer Schmerztablette nicht weiter schlimm sein, aber eine Zahnbehandlung kann schon etwas mehr Geld kosten. Dann fehlt dir das Geld aber entweder auf dem Girokonto , oder beim Kreditkartenlimit.

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Abhilfe durch die Auslandskrankenversicherung mit Real-Time Schutz

Die Allianz Travel Versicherung hat mit der Real-Time Notfallkarte ein ganz besonderes Produkt im Angebot. Es handelt sich um eine Zahlkarte, die du direkt für die Zahlung beim Arzt, in der Apotheke oder auch im Krankenhaus einsetzen kannst. Doch was genau ist die Notfallkarte der Allianz Reiseversicherung und wie funktioniert sie?

Die Real-Time Notfallkarte ist eine Mastercard

Ja, auf der Karte befinden sich der rote und der orange Kreis mit der Bezeichnung Mastercard . Demzufolge wird die Zahlung über das Bezahlsystem von Mastercard abgewickelt. Die Karte hat auch eine Kartennummer, und ein schönes Urlaubsmotiv. Allerdings ist es keine reguläre Kreditkarte, sondern dient nur der Begleichung von Rechnungen, die über die Allianz Auslandskrankenversicherung abgewickelt werden. Für die privaten Ausgaben, also für die Zahlung im Restaurant oder Hotel, kannst du die Karte nicht benutzen. Außerdem besteht für dich kein Risiko des Diebstahls, denn die Mastercard ist leer. Doch was genau nutzt dir diese Karte dann?

Die Vorteile der Allianz Notfallkarte

In unbenutztem Zustand, also dann, wenn du fit und munter den Roque Nublo auf Gran Canaria hochwanderst, ist die Allianz Mastercard leer und hat weder eine Kreditlinie noch ein Guthaben. Die Real-Time Notfallkarte wird erst im Bedarfsfall durch die Allianz Travel Versicherung aufgeladen. Das geht schnell und dauert nur ein paar Minuten. Zudem ist die Karte kostenlos und du zahlst keine Grundgebühr. Sie dient dir für die sofortige Kostenübernahme im Schadensfall. Gleichzeitig hast du den Vorteil, dass du dich mit der Allianz Travel Reiseversicherung direkt in Verbindung setzten. Dort wird man dich beraten, wie du jetzt am sinnvollsten vorgehst. Bist du selbst nicht in der Lage, mit der Versicherung zu telefonieren, kann dies auch ein Mitreisender tun. Sobald du dich telefonisch mit der Allianz Travel Reiseversicherung in Verbindung gesetzt hast, wird man dir dort sagen, was du machen musst. Bei einer Erkrankung oder Verletzung im Ausland ist es ganz hilfreich, einen Berater mit kühlem Kopf an der Seite zu haben. Was heißt noch mal „Krankenwagen“ auf Englisch? „ Mir ist der Fuß verknackst und ich liege hier am Straßenrand kurz vor Tejeda “ heißt auf Spanisch? Selbst wenn du der Sprache des Urlaubslandes mächtig bist, könntest du es unter Aufregung nicht mehr sein. Die Mitarbeiter der Allianz Reise-Assistance können dir ebenfalls sagen, wo der nächste deutschsprachige Arzt ist, oder ein Doktor, der Englisch spricht.

Erreichbar ist das Team rund um die Uhr. Nach dem Telefonat werden dir die Mitarbeiter ein entsprechendes Guthaben auf die Allianz Notfallkarte überweisen. Somit begleichst du die Rechnung direkt vor Ort und sparst dir hinterher das Einreichen von vielen Belegen und Anträgen. Es gibt sogar noch einen entscheidenden Vorteil, den die direkte Kommunikation mit der Allianz Reiseversicherung mit sich bringt: Sofern du alles brav machst, was man dir dort sagt, werden die zugesicherten Kosten auch wirklich übernommen. Du kannst also nichts falsch machen, nicht zum falschen Arzt gehen und keine notwendige Information vergessen.

Allianz Auslandskrankenversicherung Vorteile

Kannst du die Allianz Mastercard wiederverwenden?

Die Mastercard kann für jede weitere Reise reaktiviert werden, das heißt, es ist kein Einmal-Produkt. So kannst du deine Plastikkarte in jeden Urlaub mitnehmen, um im Notfall deine Auslagen für Arztrechnungen oder Krankenhausrechnungen direkt bezahlen. Das Durcheinander auf Konto und Kreditkartenabrechnung bleibt also aus.

Ist diese Karte nur für medizinische Zwecke einsetzbar?

Primär ist die Allianz Notfallkarte natürlich dafür gedacht, deine medizinischen Ausgaben im Notfall zu begleichen. Das kann die Arztrechnung sein, aber auch diverse Hilfsmittel. Der Einsatzbereich beschränkt sich aber nicht nur auf die medizinischen Ausgaben. Denn zusätzlich läuft die Gepäckversicherung über diese Karte. Sollte im Urlaub das Gepäck verloren gehen und du im Besitz einer Reisegepäckversicherung der Allianz Travel sein, dann ist dein Gepäck versichert. Bei Verlust überweist dir die Versicherung das Geld auf die Real-Time Notfallkarte. Dabei handelt es sich um einen Pauschalbetrag, der für Einzelreisende 150 Euro und für eine Familienreise 300 Euro beträgt. Damit kannst du zwar nicht direkt im Geschäft einkaufen, aber an jedem Geldautomaten, der Mastercard akzeptiert, das Geld direkt abheben. Nun bist du für den Einkauf wieder flüssig. Shoppen im Urlaub!

Wie setzt du die Allianz Notfallkarte ein?

Die Abrechnung mit dem medizinischen Personal kann entweder direkt erfolgen, wenn die Arztpraxis ein entsprechendes Kartenlesegerät für Mastercard besitzt, oder du hebst damit Bargeld am Geldautomaten ab und zahlst die Arztrechnung in bar. Gut zu wissen ist, dass du die Real-Time Notfallkarte nicht selbst aufladen kannst. Diese ist ausschließlich für den Einsatz konzipiert, die wir dir beschrieben haben. Denn vor jeder Nutzung wird die Karte durch die Reise Assistance der Allianz Travel Versicherung aktiviert und aufgeladen. Eine praktische Sache! Wir stellen fest, dass die Allianz Reiseversicherung eine feine und runde Sache ist. Gerade der unkomplizierte Einsatz der Notfallkarte eurer Allianz Reiseversicherung macht den Urlaub auch im Notfall sehr entspannt. Möchtest du dein Angebot nicht nur auf den Auslandskrankenschutz beschränken, ist auch die Allianz Reiserücktrittsversicherung zu empfehlen. Diese gibt es sogar als Paket im Allianz-Reisejahresschutz.

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Home » Budget Travel » HONEST Allianz Travel Insurance Review – [Updated 2024]

HONEST Allianz Travel Insurance Review – [Updated 2024]

Planning and preparing for a trip can be fun and exciting. Personally I love flicking through Lonely Planets seeking out those “Must See” places and I even enjoy scouring through forums for insider advice. I relish the challenge of arranging sophisticated logistics and revel in finding bargain flights from London to the ends of the earth.

Indeed, the feeling I get during the days before I start a trip is both exciting and invigorating. In fact, sometimes I wonder whether I’m equally as addicted to this “state of leaving”  as I am to travel itself – they do say that often anticipation is even better than the event itself.

What is far less exciting though, is comparing Travel Insurance policies. There are far too many policies and providers out there with far too many fine print details to scrutinise. Yep finding the best travel insurance is confusing, and finding cheap backpacker insurance can seem impossible. But, to make finding and buying Travel Insurance that bit easier for you, we have tried, tested and reviewed all of the major providers out there.

Allianz Travel Insurance Review

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Today we are going to review Allianz Travel Insurance. I have spent hours going through their policies and breaking them down for you. By the end of this post, you should know whether Allianz is the right travel insurance for you.

It’s important that you take time to look at other good travel insurance providers too. Different providers suit different kinds of travellers. So you may be better suited elsewhere.

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Before we begin the Allianz Travel Insurance review, do note that the terms and conditions of insurance policies are subject to changes and are always ultimately based on your individual circumstances. Therefore, it is very important that you read any policy terms and conditions yourself.

Hey you there! Before you delve any further or waste any more valuable time on this Allianz Travel Insurance Review, let me just tell you straight up front that we at The Broke Backpacker no longer use Allianz for our travel insurance needs.

We have nothing against them, we just found other providers more suited to the needs of travellers and backpackers whilst offering VERY competitive quotes.

If you are taking a single trip or going backpacking, we recommend World Nomads Insurance .

Alternatively, if you are a digital nomad working and travelling remotely from all over the world, then SafetyWing Insurance offer some very interesting travel insurance plans.

Ahem – Please note that insurance companies change their policies and product terms fairly regularly. We do our best to keep this review up to date but cannot guarantee that all of the information is 100% correct. Therefore, only use this review as a guide and check all policies yourself. Also note that some of the links in this post are affiliate links.

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Do you need travel insurance? Does anybody really need travel insurance ?

After shelling out for flights, visas, and a new backpack, having to find a few more bucks for travel insurance may feel a bit depressing. I mean, all you get is a “policy certificate” AKA a boring 100-page booklet to read. Aren’t there more sexy and fun things to be spending that money on?

After all, most trips, vacations, and odysseys end happily and safely without any ill occurrence. There is no definitive answer to this.

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Our team at the Broke Backpacker , we have (collectively) spent more than a century backpacking the globe and we have visited over 100 countries. Most of those trips ended without incident. However, we have also clocked up a fair few mishaps along the way: inflected legs, tropical diseases, broken backs, and even gunpoint robberies.

These incidents were all bad enough in themselves, leaving physical and mental scars. Thankfully though, we were all insured at the time. This meant that we were spared the further trauma of paying out thousands in medical bills or replacing technologies.

Basically, insurance is one of those things that most people never actually need. But the ones who do are very lucky to have it.

So now, you get the picture: travel insurance is essential when it comes to staying safe on the road . But is Allianz travel insurance right for you? Or do other travel insurance options suit you?

So let’s take a look. Here are some things good travel insurance plans help with, and where you would be without them.

Lost Luggage

Luggage gets lost both on planes and in airports. It shouldn’t happen, but it sure as hell does.

That in itself is bad enough but replacing all your essential travel gear will cost. Any decent travel insurance policy usually covers lost luggage, usually up to at least $1000.

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In fact, the aviation watchdog states that 5.73 items of luggage are lost for every 1000 passengers. That means that if you take 10 flights, then there is a 5% chance of your luggage getting lost forever. Some airports and airlines lose more baggage than others but all of them are equally as obtuse and obstructive when it comes to trying to make a claim.

Lost luggage can ruin your whole trip. I mean, imagine you head to Iceland and they lose all your cold weather gear?!

Medical Bills

Foreign medical care costs can be very high. A friend of mine was once hospitalised while backpacking in Costa Rica and ran up bills in excess of $10,000.

More recently he spent 1 night in a Thai hospital, was billed $1,000 and his passport was used as a ransom (that boy has no luck. Maybe he should stay at home?) . Personally, I don’t have $10,000 to pay to Costa Rican Doctors, but I do have maybe $50 to buy myself a travel insurance policy.

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If you come from Europe, the cost of medical care in some parts of the world is quite a revelation. If you’re in the US, then you already know all about health extortion. But do remember, your domestic health insurance will most probably not cover you outside of the US.

Accidents happen (and without warning…) and ill health can strike any of us down at any time, anywhere. In fact, if you have experienced the driving or the hygiene standards in India, you’ll already know that you are at high risk of coming to some harm out on the road.

Trip Interruption Coverage

Trip interruption comes in all shapes and sizes. Claiming for flight delays or cancellations is annoying – and in the end, nothing’s guaranteed.

Every year a few airlines or travel agents go out of business leaving passengers stranded. Booking flights home at short notice is costly.

Not getting home on time on the other hand, can mean getting sacked from your job – ouch. If you have to stay a few more nights at your destination waiting for a flight home, then that can also stretch a maxed-out travel budget.

Having trip cancellation and interruption coverage can mean the difference between desperately raiding your overdraft or getting a few extra days of vacation, free of charge.

Theft Coverage

Sadly, tourists are a target for thieves in many parts of the world. Our team have been robbed with guns while backpacking South America . And I know people whose diamond jewellery and MacBooks were burgled from hotels.

Being robbed is scary. But theft coverage makes it suck a little less when you don’t have to fork out for your stolen iPhone.


In the unlikely event of your demise, your travel insurance can cover the cost of repatriation or sending your body home. The costs of this can otherwise run into several thousands of dollars.

Nobody ever thinks it will happen to them. And yet, it does happen.

Furthermore, the law of averages dictates that if you travel enough, something, somewhere will eventually go wrong. Just like you should always look twice before crossing the road, and always wear your helmet before riding a bike, you really should get comprehensive travel insurance.

By the way, some countries require you to obtain insurance before even letting you enter. Imagine being turned back at the airport for the sake of a few quid?! I personally never leave home without first obtaining travel insurance plans from either World Nomads or SafetyWing.

If you’re reading this, then I guess you decided that you do need travel insurance. Yay! Welcome to the world of sensible adults (AKA accepting your own mortality and the fact that you have no control whatsoever over the universe, despite whatever bullshit “The Secret” may have told you).

Allianz travel insurance is perhaps one of the biggest insurance companies in the world. They have been trading for over 120 years and they have offices across the globe.

Though travel Insurance is by no means Allianz’s primary focus or modus operandi. But this is not a bad thing. Note that even “specialist travel insurers” are often, in fact, brands or shop fronts backed by big insurance companies like Allianz.


They are governed by the Financial Services regulators in pretty much every national market they trade in. This means that if you have a problem with them, you can squeal on them and have your case reviewed independently and fairly by an adjudicator free of charge.

Now that the introductions are out of the way, let’s take a look at the individual travel insurance policies they offer.

Allianz are a major financial service provider and as such, they offer different coverage options, policies and plans aimed at different travellers. Let’s quickly run through them.

Firstly, Allianz travel insurance offer travellers 2 main types of policy. Within these coverage types are little variations. The main policy types are OneTrip and AllTrips .

Within both the OneTrip and AllTrips umbrellas are 3 variations : Basic, Prime, Premier . These vary depending on how much cover you want and how much you want to pay.

As the name kind of suggests, OneTrip covers one single, specific trip generally with a fixed start and end date.

AllTrips covers any and all trips that you make in a one-year period. This annual plan runs from the date you take out the policy, or a date of your choosing, and lasts for 365 days (or 366 in a leap year) .

You can take an unlimited number of trips in the year and an unlimited number of days travelling. Do be sure that all your chosen destinations are covered by the annual travel insurance policy though, otherwise, you may need to obtain additional cover.

OneTrip Basic Plan

This travel insurance policy covers all travel insurance basics such as medical coverage, trip cancellation and lost luggage. Look at it as the entry-level “classic cover” if you like.

The plan may be able to offer;

  • Emergency Medical and Emergency Dental Coverage up to $10,000 and $50,000 for Medical Evacuation. These amounts may seem high but are not enough if you need to be airlifted home from an accident, for example.
  • Lost or Stolen Baggage Coverage up to $500 and $200 for Delayed Baggage. Now, $500 may be enough for your baggage depending on how expensive your clothes are, and whether you pack any specialist equipment. However, a solid travel backpack is usually worth around $200.
  • Trip Cancellation Cover up to $100,00. One of the best features of the OneTrip Basic plan is that Allianz may be able to reimburse the full cost of your trip if you need to cancel early. However, the reason for cancellation needs to be one of Allianz Global Assistance’s list of acceptable cancellation reasons – not because you got bored or changed your mind.

This policy is a good all-rounder and ideal for travellers on a budget . However, it does have some limitations.

Some of the Allianz travel insurance OneTrip basic coverage is a bit on the tight side. Furthermore, OneTrip Basic plan does not include coverage for missed connections or airline change fees. There are also relatively fewer accepted reasons for claiming on the trip cancellation clause.

OneTrip Prime Plan

Broadly speaking, Allianz OneTrip prime plan is more or less the same as the basic – with increased coverage amounts. The policy may be able to offer;

  • Emergency Medical Coverage and Dental Coverage up to $25,000 worth of and $500,000 worth of emergency evacuation coverage.
  • Lost and Stolen Baggage Cover up to $1,000 which should cover most people’s hold luggage. However, the per-item max is $500. So if you pack your $8000 top-quality travel camera , you will only get $500 back for it. It also includes Baggage Delay Costs of up to $300.
  • Missed Connection Coverage up to $800.
  • Airline Change Fees up to $250.

OneTrip Premier Plan

In case you need a bit more on top of that, then we have the OneTrip Premier Plan. The Allianz OneTrip Premier policy is essentially the Prime with even higher coverage amounts. OneTrip Premier may be able to offer cover to;

  • Emergency Medical and Dental Coverage of up to $25,000 to $50,000.
  • Emergency Evacuation Coverage also increases to $1,000,000. With international evacuation averaging around $100,000, this amount is more than adequate to cover your transportation back home.
  • Lost or Stolen Baggage up $2,000. However, like with the OneTrip Prime plan, you can only claim a maximum of $500 per item (up to $2,000 in total). $600 in Baggage Delay.
  • Travel Delay coverage up to $1,600.
  • Missed Connection Coverage up to $1,600.

Other Allianz OneTrip Options & Offshoots

In case that wasn’t choice enough for you, Allianz also offers 2 offshoots of their OneTrip policy. If you like, look at them as the highly specialised cousins of the OneTrip family.

OneTrip Cancellation Plus Plan

OneTrip Cancellation Plus Plan is definitely Allianz’s budget policy. With this plan, you are only covered against trip cancellation, interruptions, and delays. Medical coverage, medical transportation, and baggage loss are not included.

Personally, I would only consider this policy if (1) you are not checking luggage (2) you have medical coverage elsewhere. For example, this may be OK if you are an EU citizen taking a short break to another EU country where you only have your trusty carry-on luggage and an EU emergency healthcare card.

OneTrip Emergency Medical Plan

This policy is great for travellers who only want medical coverage on one single trip. It provides up to £50,00 in emergency medical coverage and $250,000 in emergency medical transportation coverage.

Remember that this plan only offers protection for medical expenses. If you are robbed, your cuts and bruises are covered but your stolen phone is not. If the airline loses your luggage it is not covered and neither is heartbreak. Trip cancellation coverage is also not included.

This plan is, therefore, for anybody whose sole and only concern is medical coverage.

Remember, the OneTrip policies cover one specific trip. The AllTrips policies we are going to detail below cover long, or multiple trips within a one-year period.

Note that AllTrips policies may also be able to offer rental car coverage for damage as well as dismemberment cover. On the flip side, trip cancellation coverage is either non-existent or limited.

AllTrips Basic Plan

The AllTrips basic may be able to offer coverage for the “classic” issues on multiple trips within a one-year period. Let’s see those numbers.

  • Emergency Medical Coverage of $20,000,00 and $100,000 in Emergency Evacuation Coverage. Note that $20,00 on medical emergencies may still be a little on the low side in the event you get very sick in an expensive part of the world such as the US.
  • Lost/Stolen or Damaged Baggage up to $1,000. Yes, this may be able to cover most checked bags but remember the $500 max item clause. Baggage Delay is offered up to $200 and then $300 for trip delay.
  • Rental Car Damage Coverage up to $45,000. Note that additional premiums may apply.

Note that the AllTrips Basic plan does not come with Trip Cancellation or Interruption Coverage. Remember that means you will not be reimbursed in case you are unable to go on your trip!

AllTrips Prime

As you probably guessed, AllTrips Prime is more or less the same as the basic package with some increased coverage amounts. The policy may be able to offer;

  • Emergency Medical Coverage of $20,000,00 and $100,000 in Emergency Transportation Coverage.
  • Trip Cancellation or Interruption Coverage up to $2,000.00. Remember that the reason for cancellation needs to be one of Allianz Global Assistance’s list of acceptable cancellation reasons.
  • Lost/Stolen or Damaged Baggage up to $1,000 and $200 for Baggage Delay.
  • Trip Delays up to $300.

AllTrips Premier

If you want even more coverage, then we have AllTrips Premier. The Allianz AllTrips Premier policy is basically the Prime one with even higher coverage amounts. AllTrips Primer may be able to cover;

  • Emergency Medical Coverage of $50,000,00 and $500,000 in Emergency Transportation Coverage.
  • Trip Cancellation or Interruption Coverage up to $2,000.00.
  • Trip Delays Coverage of up to $1,500.00.
  • Dismemberment and travel accident up to $50,000 if you lose a limb or your eyesight when travelling.

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We’re now going to drill down and look at the various things that may be covered by Allianz travel insurance. Remember that some of these are covered by some policy types but not others, and note that coverage amounts and excess’ also vary depending on the exact Allianz policy type.

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Emergency Medical Coverage

Got food poisoning in Delhi? Got hit by a moped in Bangkok? Or maybe you just slipped in the shower and broke your wrist in Madrid?

These things can, and do, happen and will all require emergency medical care. Being sick, infirm, and unable to make TikToks is bad enough as it is, so the last thing you want is a hefty medical bill which you have to pay out of your own pocket.

Emergency accident and sickness coverage is quite likely the most important aspect of travel insurance plans.

Emergency Transportation

Emergency Medical Evacuation is when you need to be sent to your home country, or another country, for further or continued medical treatment, and are too sick to travel home normally as a regular passenger. For example – if you are stuck in a hospital bed on a drip in a leg cast.

Trip Cancellation

Reimburses for prepaid, non-refundable cancellation charges if you must cancel your trip (after the effective date of your insurance plan) due to covered sickness, accidental injury, or death of you, a family member or travelling companion; inclement weather, unforeseen natural disaster at home or at your destination, strike, or other covered reasons.

Trip Interruption

Trip Interruption Coverage includes the same stipulations as listed above in “Trip Cancellation”. It includes the caveat of covering the cost of accommodation to you if you are delayed.

Baggage Coverage for Loss/Damage

Being compensated for baggage loss of lost personal gear is likely the second most important aspect of your insurance. This is one of the most common reasons file a claim on your travel insurance.

This covers reimbursement for loss, theft, or damage incurred during the trip. It can be applied to all personal items that were lost, stolen, or else accidentally blown off the roof of a chicken bus travelling at top speed.

Baggage Delay

In the event your checked baggage is delayed or misplaced by the air carrier (for more than 12 hours) , you can claim reimbursement for any necessary items you need to purchase until your bag arrives. This will typically mean toiletries but may even mean some travel clothes if you can demonstrate the purchase is essential.

Trip Delay cover protects you when you’re unable to reach your destination on time due to circumstances beyond your control. If your airline cancels your flight due to a technical fault, Allianz travel insurance will reimburse you for any meals, transportation, or accommodation costs you incurred as a result. Note that delays of less than 6 hours are not covered.

Change Fee Coverage

Have you ever tried to change or vary a flight date or add or remove a passenger?! The fees can be insanely high. This is where Change Fee coverage comes in. If you have the AllTrips Executive, OneTrip Prime plan or OneTrip Premier plan, you can claim up to $500 to cover the cost of the airline change fee.

Travel Accident Coverage

If you are in an accident, you may be entitled to claim a compensation payment in addition to your medical/repatriation costs. This is usually reserved for loss of limb/eyesight type scenarios and you can’t claim for whiplash or emotional trauma from falling from a donkey!

The Travel Accident Coverage is also payable to your family in the event of your death.

Rental Car Damage and Theft Coverage

The AllTrips travel insurance polices also include rental car coverage. This can often prove considerably cheaper than obtaining insurance direct from the rental car provider.

If you are resident in the US, this feature may not be available to you. For clarity, we suggest you speak with Allianz travel insurance directly.

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There are some notable omissions from Allianz’s cover. Let’s take a look at them.

Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

If you have a pre-existing medical condition which causes you problems on your trip, it is not covered under the Allianz policies. This is fairly common amongst insurers. It is important that you do declare any pre-existing conditions when taking the policy out.

If you do have a pre-existing medical condition, then you may be very interested to hear that SafetyWing can offer full coverage for PEMCs in their policies.

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Extreme Sports

Allianz Travel Insurance does not any kind of adrenaline sport such as Quad Biking and Parachuting. The lack of coverage for extreme or adventure actives is one of the many reasons why we now prefer World Nomads. To get full details of the kind of activities World Nomads can offer coverage for, head over to their site and get a tailer made quote.

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So as you can see, Allianz Global Assistance offers a lot of different policy types for a lot of different people. Allianz Travel Insurance maybe suitable for the following kinds of travellers;

  • Annual Travellers – With the Allianz annual plan, you may be covered for a whole rotative journey around the sun, no matter how many times you travel! Annual plans are great for frequent and long-term travellers to save you money in the long run. On the other hand, though, SafetyWing offers a month-by-month policy which you can stop and start depending on how much you travel; this may prove to be more cost-effective.
  • Senior/Ageing Travellers –  Allianz travel insurance policyholders are among the best senior travel insurances . They have no age limit. Believe us, not all insurers offer this and we have a LOT of queries from over 65’s & over 70’s who have struggled to find insurance elsewhere.
  • Travelling Families –  Allianz travel insurance policies may allow children under the age of 17 to travel with their parents for free, on selected plans. This is great for families with kids. My earliest travel memory is of a Spanish ER department, my parents were glad they had me on their policy. Otherwise my foot would still be bleeding 33 years later!

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Whilst they do offer a myriad of different plans to cover most travellers types, Allianz is perhaps not the ideal travel insurance company for absolutely everybody out there.

  • Adventure Travellers –  Allianz Travel Insurance does not offer protection for extreme activity or sport of any kind! If you plan on doing any dangerous, adrenaline-type activities, then perhaps consider World Nomads who can offer coverage for over 201 different extreme sports. SafetyWing are also rapidly extending their extreme coverage.
  • Travellers Wanting High Medical Coverage –  We usually recommend travelling with at least $100,000 of emergency medical coverage. If you come down with a severe illness or are mangled by a badger, you might be stuck with thousands of dollars in medical bills so need to be prepared. World Nomads do offer $100,000 in medical emergency cover.
  • Corporation Haters –  Allianz are a major international finance company and we know some of you prefer not to deal with such organisations. That’s a perfectly legitimate point of view. However, remember that even a lot of “boutique” insurers are in fact ultimately shop fronts for big insurers such as Zurich, Lloyds, or even Allianz. In fact, all some boutique firms do is sell you the illusion of dealing with a small firm and charge you a hefty commission for the privilege.

So now we know the details, the next burning question is how much does Allianz Travel Insurance cost?

Well actually, it’s very difficult to say. The pricing details vary depending on a wide range of factors such as your age, location, your trip plans, if you have a pre-existing medical condition, and numerous other factors that only the gods of insurance can compute. It’s worth it to get in there and check yourself.

So, now, let’s talk about our trusty travel insurance plans for backpackers.

World Nomads

World Nomads offers coverage for backpackers and adventure trailers. They are one of our favourite travel insurance providers and we have used them for years.

Unlike Allianz travel insurance, World Nomads are a travel insurer with a focus on backpackers.

World Nomads Travel Insurance

World Nomads offer 2 separate plans depending on how much cover you want and what exactly you intend to do. World Nomads can also offer trip cancellation coverage, electronic gadget, and theft coverage in the policies.

Word Nomads can cover over 140 countries (but not Pakistan which is a shame for us) . They can also cover a wide range of adventure stuff and extreme sports like mountaineering which Allianz travel insurance do not.

However, they do not offer home country cover and do not offer open-ended cover. If you are not planning on doing any adventure stuff though, then you may find World Nomads to be a bit expensive.

SafetyWing are a relatively new player on the scene. They are founded by travellers, for travellers, and their primary target is for those travelling as a digital nomad : people like me who move around the world working from our laptops. We can go many years without ever going “home” and SafetyWing recognises this and can offer open-ended cover.

What we LOVE about SafetyWing is that their insurance operates like a monthly subscription that you can stop and start as and when you need it. They are also one of the few providers who may be able to cover some pre-existing conditions and provide assistance with “routine” health stuff.

Aether Backpack

We’ve tested countless backpacks over the years, but there’s one that has always been the best and remains the best buy for adventurers: the broke backpacker-approved Osprey Aether and Ariel series.

Want more deetz on why these packs are so  damn perfect? Then read our comprehensive review for the inside scoop!

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By this point, you may well know which travel insurance is best for you. Maybe it’s Allianz travel insurance, or maybe it’s one of the others.

The question now then is, when should you buy travel insurance?

You can buy travel insurance up until the start date of your trip for most insurers. Many will not cover a trip that has already begun – with the exception of World Nomads and SafetyWing.

Note : if you ever do make a claim, you may well be asked to provide evidence of the start date. So I do not recommend trying to hoodwink insurers. Be totally honest or it will come back on you.

However, in our experience, the earlier you book your travel insurance, the better. This is for a number of reasons:

  • Things sometimes go wrong before the trip even starts. For example, if the airline goes bust. This happens to 1000s of people every year. Or what if you get very sick a week before flying and have to cancel?! If you have the right travel insurance in place, your insurer may cover you in these scenarios.
  • The vast majority of policies include a cooling off period . This is a period of time (usually 28 days) when you can cancel the policy and get all of your money back. We suggest using the cooling period to read through the policy documents and ensure that the cover fully meets your needs. Upon a closer look, if it does not suit you, you have time to contact the insurer and amend the policy, or cancel it and obtain more suitable travel insurance.

Personally, I usually book my travel insurance the very same day I book my flight. The only exception is if I already have long term or an annual plan. In these scenarios, instead, be sure to check the last date on your annual/long-term cover and make sure it covers your whole trip.

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First up, it is unlikely you will ever need to make a travel insurance claim. Yipee!

In case you do though, you will be very pleased to hear that the process is pretty straightforward as long as you are dealing with a reputable company. If you are not then it may be a lot harder.

To initiate a travel insurance claim, all you need to do is contact (call) Allianz Global Assistance and chat with their 24-hour multilingual staff. You should do this as soon as possible or as soon as you know you will need to make a claim .

You will need to tell them about your claim including details of what has gone wrong, and what the damage seems to be. You can also initiate the process online by signing into your account.

If you are claiming lost or stolen items, you will need to write up a formal sworn statement of events, detailing what happened and what was lost. You will also need to have an official police report made up – it is highly important that you obtain this even if it means paying a fee/bribe or hassling the police to do it. Try to get it in both the native language and in English if possible.

The Insurance company may contact you to discuss your claim further. You may even be subjected to a an anti-fraud interview and your call may even be run through voice detection software designed to spot deceit! However, you have nothing to worry about if your claim is legitimate and in order.

It is very helpful to get all of your receipts and invoices together first and submit all expenses at once. Do keep copies of every expense, bill, invoice, and report as you will need to provide these to the claims team. They may pay out small amounts without a bill, but in the case of extra hotels, flights, or electronics, the rule is usually “no proof = no payment”.

After that is sorted, you upload all of your information and documents, review the claim and submit. The Allianz team will get cracking and stay in contact with you throughout this process. Note that resolution time does vary from case to case. It may be days, weeks, or sometimes months depending on the details of your claim.

I hope you found this Allianz Travel Insurance Review to be informative – it certainly took a lot of work on our part to put it together! Comprehensive travel insurance is important to safe travel and you need to carefully choose the best provider for your needs.

We really care about the safety of our readers. That’s why we do recommend travel insurance so strongly. We’ve seen ourselves what can go wrong – and we wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

So check for trip interruption coverage, get your gadgets covered, but most importantly, make sure any potential medical expenses are covered, especially emergency medical expenses. Shop around different providers to find the right one for you. Once again, we wish you an awesome and safe trip!

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Aiden Freeborn

Brutally HONEST Allianz Travel Insurance Review – [Updated 2023] Pinterest Image

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The author did a very nice job explaining the different types of insurance Allianz offers. But, until you have experienced their VERY POOR customer service and actual reimbursement procedures, you will not have the complete Allianz story.

I would never use Allianz Global Assistance for your trip insurance needs During a Viking River Cruise June, 2023, my husband came down with COVID. VIKING handled their end of any claims and taking care of us beautifully, BUT Allianz Global Assistance was a completely different story. We had Trip Interruption insurance (which included coming down with COVID) and trying to get reimbursement for all our medical expenses and a post trip to Amsterdam we had planned (not with Viking, but through our travel agent) has been one of the most frustrating ordeals I have ever dealt with. We are asking for approximately a $2,000 reimbursement and we have received $300.

If you need to file a claim, here is what you can expect after you complete the on-line claim form on Allianz’s website : 1. They will tell you they can’t read your receipts (even though you can read them on the email you send or they are PDFs from Viking or your TA). One Allianz customer service rep (probably the 7th person I talked to), told me to download a $50 app that makes receipts readable, which I did, and they still couldn’t read them. I finally snail-mailed copies of the receipts and they still declined 75% of them. 2. Phone calls with wait times of over an hour. This has happened to me 10+ times (not just a random occurrence), and I have tried all times of the day – same thing. 3. When you do talk to a rep, the call will always, and I mean always, disconnect before the issue is handled.

I could go on and on, but bottom line, I will NEVER use Allianz again or recommend them to anyone. We are out $2,000 + $1,000 we paid for the Trip Insurance. It is a big deal, but I can’t imagine if we had to rely on Allianz for the total trip reimbursement. Thank goodness Viking stepped up and provided the level of customer service they did.

Of course, we are aware that some customers sometimes have insurance claims denied. We also appreciate that others have bad customer service experiences with all kinds of different companies.

However are not privy to the finer details of your situation, and Allianz are not here to put across their side of the story either – furthermore this is not really the legitimate forum to air complaints about them. Still in the interest of openness and transparency we will let your comment stand.

Best of luck with your next trip.

Yes agreed – your statement about Allianz not offering unlimited medical cover is complete BS and misleading to readers. Are you paid to promote World Nomads Insurance? Please provide full disclosure to your readers.

I have just rechecked the Allianz policy information available on their website and what we have said appears to remain correct. If you feel we have missed something then please elaborate.

As for World Nomads, we have made it clear that some of the links in this post are affiliated.

Hi there, I found your article very informative, but I just wanted to make a couple of corrections. Im not affiliated with Allianz, but Ive been researching which insurance to buy and they have provided me with a quote and their PDS, which Ive read in full. The amounts that Allianz offers for overseas emergency assistance and overseas medical and hospital expenses under their comprehensive plan are both unlimited, and they do offer insurance for pre-existing medical conditions, you just have to pay an additional premium.

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Allyz® TravelSmart App

Travel protection just got even smarter.

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Customers can:

Get more from their insurance plans:

  • Find a convenient overview of their plans and benefits
  • Manage their insurance plans on the go
  • Keep 24-7 customer care at their fingertips
  • File claims and track progress right from their phone

Get more from their adventures:

  • Organize itineraries in one spot
  • Locate quality hospitals nearby
  • Translate common medical terms
  • Get destination-specific safety and security alerts 

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But these features don’t just benefit insurance customers. Many of Allyz TravelSmart’s features are available as APIs, so you can use them to complement your own apps and services—seamlessly adding extra safety and convenience to your customers’ experiences.

Meet the ultimate travel companion: download Allyz TravelSmart today. 

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{{travelBanText}} {{travelBanDateFormatted}}.

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Popular Travel Insurance Plans

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Terms, conditions, and exclusions apply. Please see your plan for full details. Benefits/Coverage may vary by state, and sublimits may apply.

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Insurance benefits underwritten by BCS Insurance Company (OH, Administrative Office: 2 Mid America Plaza, Suite 200, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181), rated “A” (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under BCS Form No. 52.201 series or 52.401 series, or Jefferson Insurance Company (NY, Administrative Office: 9950 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA 23233), rated “A+” (Superior) by A.M. Best Co., under Jefferson Form No. 101-C series or 101-P series, depending on your state of residence and plan chosen. A+ (Superior) and A (Excellent) are the 2nd and 3rd highest, respectively, of A.M. Best's 13 Financial Strength Ratings. Plans only available to U.S. residents and may not be available in all jurisdictions. Allianz Global Assistance and Allianz Travel Insurance are marks of AGA Service Company dba Allianz Global Assistance or its affiliates. Allianz Travel Insurance products are distributed by Allianz Global Assistance, the licensed producer and administrator of these plans and an affiliate of Jefferson Insurance Company. The insured shall not receive any special benefit or advantage due to the affiliation between AGA Service Company and Jefferson Insurance Company. Plans include insurance benefits and assistance services. Any Non-Insurance Assistance services purchased are provided through AGA Service Company. Except as expressly provided under your plan, you are responsible for charges you incur from third parties. Contact AGA Service Company at  800-284-8300 or 9950 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA 23233 or [email protected] .

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Unser Kunden-Portal

Welche leistungen bietet das kunden-portal.

In unserem Kunden-Portal können Sie schnell, einfach und rund um die Uhr Ihren Versicherungs-Vertrag einsehen, persönliche Informationen bearbeiten und einen Versicherungsfall melden. 

  • Information zu Ihrem Versicherungsschutz: Sie erhalten allgemeine Informationen über Ihren Versicherungs-Vertrag, die jederzeit von Ihnen abgerufen werden können.
  • Änderung persönlicher Daten: Sie können Ihre persönlichen Daten, Kontakt-Informationen und Vertragsdetails jederzeit einsehen und bearbeiten. 
  • Versicherungsfall melden: Sie können schnell und einfach einen Versicherungsfall melden, direkt erforderliche Dokumente hochladen und sich jederzeit über den Stand der Bearbeitung informieren.

Kunden der Allianz Private Krankenversicherung

Sie haben Ihre Reise-Krankenversicherung vor Oktober 2021 abgeschlossen? In dem Fall beginnt Ihre Versicherungsschein-Nummer mit den Buchstaben AK, gefolgt von 9 Ziffern (z. B. AK-123456789) und Ihr Ansprechpartner für alle Fragen rund um Ihren Vertrag ist die Allianz Private Krankenversicherung . Deren online-Service finden Sie unter . Telefonisch erreichen Sie die Kolleg:innen unter  0800 4100 108 .

  • Fragen & Antworten zum Kunden-Portal

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Wählen Sie auf der Startseite „Einen Versicherungs-Vertrag verwalten“ und folgen Sie dem Anmeldevorgang.

Zum Kunden-Portal

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Den Status Ihrer Versicherung können Sie ebenfalls unter „Mein Versicherungs-Vertrag“ einsehen.

Folgende Optionen sind möglich:

• Aktiver Versicherungs-Vertrag (bedeutet, dass Ihr Vertrag noch gültig ist und Versicherungsschutz besteht)

• Stornierter Versicherungs-Vertrag (bedeutet, dass Ihr Vertrag bereits gekündigt wurde, aber derzeit noch aktiv ist und noch Versicherungsschutz besteht)

• Abgelaufener Versicherungs-Vertrag (bedeutet, dass der Vertrag nicht mehr aktiv ist und damit auch der Versicherungsschutz beendet ist)

useful description of image if informative and not decoration only.

Die Übersicht unterteilt sich in drei Bereiche:

  • Allgemeine Informationen, wie den Status Ihres Versicherungs-Vertrags.
  • „Mein Versicherungs-Vertrag“: Hier können Sie Ihre persönlichen Daten und weitere Details einsehen. Außerdem finden Sie hier auch Kontakt-Informationen.
  • Eine Vorschau Ihrer Versicherungs-Unterlagen. 

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With our all-new allyz app, we’re amplifying protection beyond traditional  touchpoints—giving travellers refreshingly relevant services for every stage of their journey, right at their fingertips.

With an active allianz travel solutions insurance policy*, policyholders are able to access to our premium allyz plus travel solutions membership and its full range of services..

allyz Plus services are only available for the duration of the insurance contract, up to one year. After one insurance year the insurance reserves the right to  terminate the access to this additional service

Simplifying travel and protection on the go

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Simplified policy management for greater peace of mind

  • Policy overview Access your policy details on the go
  • Easy claims File a claim fast and check its progress when you’re on the move

Security and medical services for enhanced protection

  • Real-time alerts Get location-based updates about closures, severe weather, and other events that may impact travel
  • Symptom checker Learn possible symptom causes using our online tool
  • Doctor Chat Get real-time professional medical advice on general medical questions in a specific language
  • Air Doctor Find a local doctor through Air Doctor's network of physicians
  • Hospital finder Quickly locate nearby hospitals in an emergency
  • Medical translator Be clear when it counts with translations for common medical terms
  • ID breach checker Check for identity breaches and get advice on next steps

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Convenience services to simplify logistics from end to end

  • Flight notifications Stay informed about gate changes, delays, and other flight details
  • Flight delay compensation Get help receiving compensation from your airline for delayed or cancelled flights
  • Lounge vouchers Enjoy complimentary airport lounge access during covered flight delays
  • Trip planner Organize trip details, including flights, insurance policies, and more
  • Vault Safely store important documents for easy access while traveling

Learn more   and download

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How Travel Assistance Can Help

With the 24-hour assistance hotline access, included with every Allianz Travel Insurance plan, your customers won’t have to face a travel emergency or problem alone.

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Powerful Meets Personal

In-house experts, help with the little things, too.

With the 24-hour assistance hotline access, included with every Allianz Travel Insurance plan, your customers won’t have to face a travel emergency or problem alone. A team of multilingual experts is available anytime, by phone or through the free Allyz® TravelSmart app .

Yes, the expert, in-house travel assistance team can help with travel emergencies of all kinds—like an illness, injury, or other crisis. They can offer support with services like:

  • Locating the nearest vetted medical facilities
  • Contacting local authorities, emergency services, or family members on the insured’s behalf
  • Making medical transportation arrangements, or arranging for a family member to travel to the insured’s hospital bedside
  • Helping the customer locate emergency services during a natural disaster

But they can also help customers navigate smaller obstacles—like lost or forgotten medication, missing travel documents, and almost any other type of travel issue. Some examples of these services include:

  • Helping the insured replace a lost passport or refill a prescription while traveling
  • Getting in touch with airlines to help locate missing baggage
  • Connecting customers with local authorities to report theft or other incidents
  • Finding nearby accommodations during an extended travel delay

Watch this 4-minute video for a real customer story that illustrates how helpful 24/7 travel assistance access can be and examples of ways these services can support customers.

Within the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, customers can call toll free: 1-800-654-1908 . Outside these areas, customers can call collect: 1-804-281-5700 .

Watch this brief video for tips to share with customers on calling the 24-hour assistance hotline:


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More from #Help Center

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A reimagined claims experience

Based on a large volume of customer insights, we’ve redesigned the claims experience to make it easier and more intuitive—featuring several key updates that more clearly educate customers, set their expectations, communicate their claim status, and help them complete the process more efficiently.

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The Allyz® TravelSmart App

With our all new Allyz TravelSmart app, we're amplifying protection beyond the traditional touchpoints, giving travelers refreshingly relevant services for every stage of their journey—right at their fingertips.

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Why Classic and Premier are Go-to Trip Protection for Families

As more families embrace the multi-generational travel trend, more travelers are turning to the Allianz Travel Insurance Classic and Premier plans to protect multiple people on one plan—making both an excellent way to enhance their experiences while growing your business.

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Auslands­reise­kranken­versicherung: Gut abgesichert auf Reisen

  • Welche Reiseart?
  • Welche Länder?
  • Online abschließen

Auslands­reise­kranken­versicherung kurz erklärt

  • Umfassende Auslands­krankenversicherung für Studierende, Back­packer, Urlauber:innen oder Geschäfts­reisende – in allen Ländern .
  • Gültig für Reisen jeder Dauer , ob ein Tag oder ein Jahr .
  • 24-Stunden-Notfall­service weltweit für Krank­heits- und Notfälle.
  • Inklusive Kranken­rück­transport , wenn notwendig oder medizinisch sinn­voll. Auch innerhalb Deutschlands.
  • Einfacher Online-Abschluss des Auslands­kranken­schutzes möglich, auch kurz­fristig am Tag der Abreise.

Für Allein­reisende, Paare, Familien & Rentner:innen

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  • Als Allein­reisende:r sind Sie mit dem Allianz Jahres-Reise-Kranken­schutz weltweit im Ausland bestens abgesichert.
  • Reise­dauer bis zu 56 Tage je Reise
  • Ab 13,90 € pro Jahr

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  • Optimaler Schutz für Paare mit dem Allianz Jahres-Reise-Kranken­schutz Tarif.
  • Ersparnis von rund fünf Euro im Vergleich zum Familien­tarif.
  • Welt­weiter Schutz für Reisen bis zu 56 Tagen.
  • Jahres­beitrag ab 13,90 € pro Person.

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Familie mit Kind

  • Sichern Sie Ihre Familie über den Familien­tarif ab.
  • Kinder sind bis zum 21. Lebens­jahr beitragsfrei mitversichert.
  • Welt­weite Reisen bis zu 56 Tagen je Reise
  • Ab 29,90 € pro Jahr für die Familie

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  • Auch im Alter sorglos die Welt entdecken.
  • Reise­dauer bis zu 56 Tage je Reise.
  • Pro Person 49 € pro Jahr für Senioren und Seniorinnen

Darum ist eine Auslands­reise­kranken­versicherung wichtig

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Die passende Versicherung – je nach Reiseart

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Work & Travel im Studium

  • Wer im Ausland als Praktikant:in, Berufs­einsteiger:in oder Austausch­schüler:in erkrankt und medizinische Hilfe braucht, genießt mit Work & Travel einen leistungsstarken Kranken­versicherungs­schutz.
  • Günstige Tarife für Abenteuer­lustige, die beispiels­weise ein Praktikum im Ausland von bis zu zwei Jahren planen.

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  • Ob Klassen­fahrt oder Austausch­programm: Mit der Schülerreiseversicherung sind Kinder und Jugendliche ab acht Personen während der gesamten Reise geschützt.
  • Rundum­schutz zum Beispiel mit Reise­rücktritt- & Reise­abbruch­versicherung, Reise­kranken-und Unfall­schutz.

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  • Für Gruppen­reisende ab acht Personen ist eine Gruppen­reise­versicherung günstiger, als wenn jede Person einzeln für sich eine Kranken­versicherung bucht.
  • Individueller Reise­schutz zum Beispiel bei Reise­rücktritt und -abbruch, Krank­heit und Unfall.

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Welt­reisen & Back­packing

  • Für Welten­bummler:innen, die bis zu 56 Tage unterwegs sind, ist der Allianz Jahres-Reise-Kranken­schutz die optimale Wahl.
  • Für Auslands­reisen bis zu einem Jahr wählen Sie bitte den Allianz Reise-Kranken­schutz. Für beide gilt: Welt­weit sind Sie damit gut abgesichert!

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Ausländer:in in Deutschland

  • Wer als ausländische Person (z. B. Expatriate) nach Deutsch­land kommt, erhält mit der Incoming Krankenversicherung   einen optimalen Gesundheits­schutz und gleichzeitig die Voraus­setzung für die Erteilung eines Visums.
  • Mit günstigen Tarifen bis zu 93 Tage rundum medizinisch abgesichert.

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  • Als selbst­ständige, frei­beruflich tätige oder auch angestellte Person im Ausland unterwegs zu sein ist spannend. Mit den Reise­tarifen sind Sie auf Reisen bis zu einem Jahr im Krankheits­fall weltweit sofort optimal versorgt.

Europa, USA, Kanada: In diesen Ländern gilt der Auslands­kranken­schutz

Wischen um mehr anzuzeigen

Weltweiter Schutz mit der Reise­kranken­versicherung

Die Reise­versicherungen der Allianz sind global gültig. Sie decken Erkrankungen ab, sowohl in nahen Ländern wie Österreich und der Schweiz als auch in entfernten Regionen, etwa beim Back­packen in Thailand oder Segeln auf Kuba. Auch in Nord­amerika und Australien sind Sie sicher unterwegs. Der Schutz erstreckt sich über alle Kontinente.

  • Die Young Travel Pakete bieten weltweite Deckung bei Work and Travel , mit optionalen Erweiterungen für die USA und Kanada.
  • Die Incoming Kranken­versicherung hingegen ist spezifisch für Personen, die nach Deutsch­land und in Schengen-Staaten reisen. Dies umfasst eine breite Palette europäischer Länder sowie einige zusätzliche Staaten.
  • Für Nicht-EU-Bürger:innen , die in Deutschland leben möchten, besteht eine Kranken­versicherungs­pflicht, wobei die Art der Versicherung vom Einkommen abhängt.

Die passende Versicherung ist abhängig von der Dauer Ihrer Reise

  • Allianz Jahres-Reise-Kranken­schutz für Allein­reisende, Familie/Paar, Urlauber:innen und Geschäfts­reisende bis zu 56 Tage je Reise
  • Allianz Reise-Kranken­schutz für Allein­reisende, Familie/Paar, Urlauber:innen und Geschäftsreisende – 1 -365 Tage bzw. als Anschluss­versicherung ab dem 56 Tag.

Diese Beispiele zeigen, wie wichtig guter Schutz ist

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Work and Travel mit Magenproblemen

allianz travel real time karte kosten

Auf Geschäftsreise das Bein gebrochen

allianz travel real time karte kosten

Verkehrsunfall in den USA

Auslands­kranken­versicherung rechtzeitig online abschließen, ratgeber zu reise­ländern in europa, usa, australien und der welt.

allianz travel real time karte kosten

Was möchten Sie zur Auslands­kranken­versicherung noch wissen?

Was ist der unterschied zwischen einer reisekrankenversicherung und einer auslandskrankenversicherung.

Der Unterschied zwischen einer Reise­kranken­versicherung und einer Auslands­kranken­versicherung liegt haupt­sächlich im Umfang und der Dauer der Abdeckung. Die Reise­kranken­versicherung ist oft für kürzere Urlaubs­reisen konzipiert und deckt medizinische Notfälle während dieser Zeit ab.

Die Auslands­kranken­versicherung hingegen bietet oft einen umfassenderen Schutz und ist für längere Aufenthalte im Ausland, wie z. B. bei längeren Geschäfts­reisen oder Studien­aufenthalten, gedacht. Sie deckt in der Regel auch eine breitere Palette von medizinischen Leistungen ab.

Welche Kosten übernimmt eine Auslandskrankenversicherung und welche nicht?

Eine Auslands­kranken­versicherung deckt Kosten für medizinische Notfälle im Ausland ab. Dazu gehören ärztliche Behandlungen, Kranken­haus­aufenthalte, Medikamente und oft auch der medizinisch notwendige Rück­transport ins Heimat­land.

Nicht über­nommen werden Kosten für vorbestehende Erkrankungen, Routine­untersuchungen, Schwangerschafts­behandlungen, die nicht akut sind, sowie Behandlungen, die geplant und daher vor Reise­antritt bekannt waren. Jeder Tarif hat jedoch spezifische Bedingungen, daher ist es wichtig, diese im Detail zu überprüfen.

Kann die Auslandskrankenversicherung in der Steuererklärung angegeben werden?

Ja, folgende Beiträge können Sie in der Steuer­erklärung als sogenannte Vorsorge­aufwendung eintragen:

  • Reise­kranken­versicherung (Alttarife Meine Gesunde Reise, Unsere Gesunde Reise sowie die neuen Tarife Allianz Jahres-Reise-Kranken­schutz und Allianz Reise-Kranken­schutz) sowie
  • Young Travel Basis, Komfort und Premium
  • Gruppen-Komplett­schutz und Schüler-Komplett­schutz

Was kann einem ohne Auslandskrankenversicherung passieren?

Gibt es eine selbstbeteiligung bei der auslandskrankenversicherung.

Alle Allianz (Jahres-)-Reise-Kranken­versicherungen, Young Travel und Incoming Kranken­schutz werden ohne Selbst­behalt angeboten.

Die Gruppen­reise­versicherung und Schüler­reise­versicherung können Sie mit oder ohne Selbst­behalt abschließen.

Reisekrankenversicherung: Wandern in den Alpen

Gehört für alle Reisen ins Gepäck

  • Weltweit leistungsstarker Schutz, auch last minute (vor Reiseantritt)
  • Für Alleinreisende, Familien und Langzeiturlauber
  • Krankenrücktransport im In- und Ausland, wenn medizinisch sinnvoll
  • Von Stiftung Warentest mit „SEHR GUT“ ausgezeichnet

Allianz - Reiserücktrittversicherung: Paar schaut Arm in Arm aufs Meer hinaus

  • Empfohlen für Reisen, die Sie im Voraus buchen
  • Versicherung gegen Stornokosten, wenn Sie Ihren Urlaub nicht antreten können oder abbrechen müssen
  • Gültig für alle privaten oder geschäftlichen Reisen weltweit

Frau beim Wandern in den Alpen

  • Ideal für alle, die in jedem Fall auf Nummer Sicher gehen wollen
  • Umfassender Schutz für alle Reisen im Jahr
  • Weltweit sicher unterwegs mit nur einem Abschluss

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Allianz Partners USA announces the launch of Allyz® TravelSmart

PR Newswire

RICHMOND, Va., June 12, 2024

New mobile app is an essential digital companion designed to assist travelers

RICHMOND, Va., June 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --  Allianz Partners USA has announced the launch of the Allyz ® TravelSmart mobile app, a new digital platform providing travelers with trusted advice and expertise as well as easy access to a wide range of insurance benefits for Allianz Global Assistance customers. The launch of the mobile app is an important milestone in the expansion of Allianz Partners' digital platform, providing users with an essential array of travel services.

New Allyz® TravelSmart mobile app

Free to download and use, the Allyz (pronounced "ah-leeze") TravelSmart app currently offers a number of travel-enhancing services with more capabilities coming later this year. This new and innovative mobile application replaces the award-winning Allianz TravelSmart ® app and will provide its users with new and improved features. 

The app currently provides a robust list of services for any traveler with additional functions available to Allianz Global Assistance customers. All travelers can take advantage of functions such as a geolocation-based hospital finder to locate the closest appropriate medical facility, a medical term translator, a medication dictionary, local emergency phone numbers, safety and security alerts to stay up to date on events that may impact a trip, and a trip organizer that provides simplified views of travel itineraries including airline flight tracking capabilities. Allianz Global Assistance policyholders also can use the app to manage their insurance plan and file a claim, access insurance and assistance FAQs as well as contact both Allianz Global Assistance 24/7 customer service and travel assistance with a single touch.

"The Allyz TravelSmart app has been designed to take much of the worry out of the travel experience and help our customers enjoy their travel experiences," said Begench Atayev, Head of Product Management and Innovation at Allianz Partners USA. "Designed to be an essential companion to our industry-leading travel and event ticket protection products, the app offers a robust suite of digital solutions so travelers can have an even more enjoyable trip. The app serves as a hub that puts insurance benefits, assistance services, safety features and more at customers' fingertips whenever and wherever they need them."

The digital platform on which the app is built also offers Allianz business partners the opportunity to enhance their offering to their customers with a varied array of products and services that they can integrate into their existing digital ecosystems.

Current users of the original Allianz TravelSmart ®  mobile app will not need to download a new app as the current version has been automatically updated to the new Allyz Travelsmart app. New users can download the app from the Apple App Store or from Google Play . More information about the app can be found on the Allianz Travel Insurance website .

Link to download images can be found  HERE .

About Allianz Partners     In the United States, Allianz Partners USA (AGA Service Company) offers Allianz Travel-branded travel protection plans and serves millions of customers each year. In addition to travel protection, the company offers event ticket protection, registration protection for endurance events and unique travel assistance services, such as international medical assistance and concierge services. AGA Service Company is doing business as Allianz Global Assistance Insurance Agency in California (License # 0B01400) and Massachusetts. Allianz Partners USA is part of the Allianz Partners group. Allianz Partners is a world leader in B2B2C insurance and assistance, offering global solutions that span international health and life, travel insurance, mobility and assistance. Customer driven, our innovative experts are redefining insurance services by delivering future-ready, high-tech, high-touch products and solutions that go beyond traditional insurance. Present in over 75 countries, our 19,400 employees speak 70 languages, handle over 58 million cases each year, and are motivated to go the extra mile to offer peace of mind to our customers around the world.

For Allianz Partners USA products offered and sold in the U.S.: Terms, conditions, and exclusions apply to all plans. Plans are available only to U.S. residents. Not all plans are available in all jurisdictions. Availability of coverage, including the epidemic-related benefits and covered reasons described here, varies by product and by state. Products may not include all benefits or covered reasons described here. All benefits are subject to maximum limits of liability, which may in some cases be subject to sublimits and daily maximums. Benefits and limits vary by plan. For a complete description of the coverage and benefit limits offered under your specific plan, carefully review your plan's Letter of Confirmation/Declarations and Certificate of Insurance/Policy. Insurance coverage is underwritten by BCS Insurance Company (OH, Administrative Office: Oakbrook Terrace, IL), rated "A" (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under BCS Form No. 52.201 series or 52.401 series, or Jefferson Insurance Company (NY, Administrative Office: Richmond, VA), rated "A+" (Superior) by A.M. Best Co., under Jefferson Form No. 101‐C series or 101‐P series, depending on state of residence. A+ (Superior) and A (Excellent) are the 2nd and 3rd highest, respectively, of A.M. Best's 13 Financial Strength Ratings. Except as otherwise specified, AGA Service Company d/b/a Allianz Global Assistance is the licensed producer and administrator of Allianz Travel-branded travel protection plans in the U.S. and an affiliate of Jefferson Insurance Company. Allianz Global Assistance, TravelSmart, and Allyz ® are marks of AGA Service Company or its affiliates, including Allianz Partners SAS. The insured shall not receive any special benefit or advantage due to the affiliation between Allianz Global Assistance and Jefferson Insurance Company. Plans include insurance and assistance services. Non-insurance benefits/products are provided and serviced by Allianz Global Assistance or other third-parties as specified.  Allyz Alert Center requires geolocation features to be enabled. Alert Center and other Allyz TravelSmart app functions and features are subject to the Allyz TravelSmart app Terms of Use. See Allyz TravelSmart app Terms of Use for more details.

(PRNewsfoto/Allianz Partners)

SOURCE Allianz Partners

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  1. Allianz Travel

    Die Real-Time Reiseschutz-Karte bietet Ihnen eine Kostenerstattung zu sofort vor Ort. Im Schadenfall melden Sie sich unter der 24-Stunden-Notrufnummer, die Ihnen hilft den richtigen Arzt am Urlaubsort zu finden und sofort Geld auf die Real-Time Reiseschutz-Karte lädt. Mit der Guthabenkarte können Sie direkt beim Arzt und in der Apotheke bezahlen.

  2. Allianz Reiseversicherung mit Notfallkarte

    Die Real-Time Notfallkarte wird erst im Bedarfsfall durch die Allianz Travel Versicherung aufgeladen. Das geht schnell und dauert nur ein paar Minuten. Zudem ist die Karte kostenlos und du zahlst keine Grundgebühr. Sie dient dir für die sofortige Kostenübernahme im Schadensfall.

  3. Reiseversicherungen mit weltweitem Reiseschutz

    Weltweit leistungsstarker Versicherungsschutz, auch last minute (vor Reiseantritt) Für Alleinreisende, Familien, Paare und Langzeiturlauber. Übernahme von Bergungs- und Rettungskosten. Krankenrücktransport im In- und Ausland, wenn medizinisch sinnvoll. Inkl. Sport & Aktiv-Versicherung. Mit Allianz Travel App. Reisekrankenversicherung.

  4. Jahres-Komplettschutz

    Die Reise-Assistance ist natürlich auch enthalten und unterstützt an 365 Tagen rund um die Uhr schnell und kompetent bei Notfällen. Und: Mit dem Jahres-Komplettschutz sind Sie weltweit für alle Reisen innerhalb eines Versicherungsjahres bis zu jeweils 56 Tagen sicher unterwegs. 1 von 7.

  5. Reisekrankenversicherung-Rechner

    Berechnen Sie online den Beitrag für Ihre Reisekrankenversicherung. Jetzt individuell konfigurieren und direkt in wenigen Schritten online abschließen!


    on 0800.3 69 60 00, Fax 0800.3 69 90 00, E-Mail: beschwerde@versicherun. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter:ür Beschwerden aus allen Versicherungs-Sparten können Sie sich ferner an die zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde wenden: Bundesanstalt für Finanzdien.

  7. Reiseversicherung

    Du verletzt dich oder wirst während deiner Reise krank. Dein Gepäck wird gestohlen oder geht verloren. Die Assistance der Allianz Reiseversicherung steht dir im Notfall rund um die Uhr zur Verfügung. Schließe jetzt direkt und einfach deine Allianz Direct Reiseversicherung online ab. Jetzt abschließen.

  8. Auslandskrankenversicherung

    Auslandskrankenversicherung von Allianz Direct: weltweiter Schutz 24h-Notrufzentrale Einzel- oder Jahresversicherung ohne Selbstbeteiligung

  9. Jahresreiseversicherung

    Jahresreise­versicherung. Für alle Reisen in einem Jahr. Jahres-Reiserücktrittsversicherung. Jahres-Auslandskrankenversicherung. Jahres-Reiseversicherungspaket. Du willst deine Jahresreiseversicherung telefonisch abschließen? Unter 089 62824786 erreichst du uns von Montag bis Freitag von 08:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr.

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    e und Beratung. terTel: 0049.89.20801-6215 Welt. t sofort Geld. Schadenfall Keine Auslagen Keine schriftliche Schadenmeldung Keine Gebühr Bei Einzelreisen. line-Aktivierung der Real-Time Karte für alle weitere. eisen jederzeit möglich Automatische Kartenaktiv. Besonders attraktives Preis- / Leistungsverhältnis.

  11. HONEST Allianz Travel Insurance Review

    This travel insurance policy covers all travel insurance basics such as medical coverage, trip cancellation and lost luggage. Look at it as the entry-level "classic cover" if you like. The plan may be able to offer; Emergency Medical and Emergency Dental Coverage up to $10,000 and $50,000 for Medical Evacuation.

  12. Allianz Travel Insurance Review 2024

    The price of an Allianz travel insurance plan depends on factors such as the cost of your trip, your age and the amount of coverage you choose. Generally, the average cost of travel insurance is 5 ...

  13. Allianz

    With Allianz TravelSmart, our customers can: Get instant access to their coverage benefits while traveling the globe. File a claim and track its progress on the go. Connect to 24-hour assistance in just a few clicks. Get instant location-based alerts about events that may impact your travels. Stay a step ahead with real-time flight updates and ...

  14. Unfall oder Notfall im Urlaub

    Bei einem Notfall im Urlaub stehen wir dir zur Seite. Bei einem Unfall oder einer Verletzung wende dich an die Notfallzentrale der Allianz! So solltest du dich bei einem medizinischen Notfall verhalten: Wähle umgehend die Notfall-Nummer (diese findest du in Mein Account) und schildere den Notfall. Halte bitte eine Rückrufnummer bereit.

  15. Using Travel Insurance is Even Easier with the Allyz® TravelSmart App

    That's what we thought. Allyz ® TravelSmart is a user-friendly app that helps you access your travel insurance plan on the go — in addition to taking advantage of a whole host of additional intuitive features that provide peace of mind when you need it most. You can't beat the price: it's free. And Allyz TravelSmart is available for ...

  16. Private Reisekrankenversicherung & Corona Infos

    Allianz-Reisekrankenversicherung Singles, Paare, Familien Rücktransport, 24h Hotline Weltweit & bis zu 1 Jahr Reisedauer Corona Jetzt informieren!

  17. Kunden-Portal

    In unserem Kunden-Portal können Sie schnell, einfach und rund um die Uhr Ihren Versicherungs-Vertrag einsehen, persönliche Informationen bearbeiten und einen Versicherungsfall melden. Information zu Ihrem Versicherungsschutz: Sie erhalten allgemeine Informationen über Ihren Versicherungs-Vertrag, die jederzeit von Ihnen abgerufen werden können.

  18. allyz Travel

    We're offering all allyz members exclusive access to digital services like VPN, password manager, safe browsing and more through our allyz Security app, provided by F-Secure. allyz is our digital platform that gives travellers trusted advice and expertise. It's not just about travel insurance, but the overall holistic experience and service.


    E-Mail: [email protected] Hilfe mit der Real-Time Karte Wenn Sie eine Reise-Krankenversicherung abgeschlos-sen haben, auf Reisen krank werden und beim Arzt oder in der Apotheke zahlen müssen, können wir Ihre Real-Time Karte mit dem benötigten Betrag aufladen. Rufen Sie uns an, um zu klären, ob die erforderlichen Voraussetzungen ...

  20. How Travel Assistance Can Help

    Finding nearby accommodations during an extended travel delay; Watch this 4-minute video for a real customer story that illustrates how helpful 24/7 travel assistance access can be and examples of ways these services can support customers. Within the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, customers can call toll free: 1-800-654 ...

  21. Auslandskrankenversicherung

    Umfassende Auslands­krankenversicherung für Studierende, Back­packer, Urlauber:innen oder Geschäfts­reisende - in allen Ländern. Gültig für Reisen jeder Dauer, ob ein Tag oder ein Jahr. 24-Stunden-Notfall­service weltweit für Krank­heits- und Notfälle. Inklusive Kranken­rück­transport, wenn notwendig oder medizinisch sinn­voll.

  22. Allianz Partners USA announces the launch of Allyz® TravelSmart

    New mobile app is an essential digital companion designed to assist travelers. RICHMOND, Va., June 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Allianz Partners USA has announced the launch of the Allyz® TravelSmart ...

  23. STA Travel Reiseschutz by Allianz Travel

    Allianz Travel ist die Reiseversicherungs-Marke von Allianz Partners, einem der weltweit führenden Anbieter von Reiseversicherungen. Wir stehen unseren Kunden an 365 Tagen im Jahr und rund um die Uhr zur Verfügung - mit einem umfassenden Netzwerk aus Spezialisten. Unsere Erfahrung mit Versicherungsschutz und Assistance-Dienstleistungen aus ...