detect ios safari javascript

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Essential JavaScript Functions for Detecting User’s Device Characteristics

Learn how to detect ios, android, fullscreen mode, firefox, safari, and more with javascript..

David Dal Busco

David Dal Busco

Time and again, I’ve encountered the need to implement features in my web-based projects that specifically target certain types of devices. Each time, I find myself falling back on the same set of utilities I’ve been using for years. It’s high time I shared these invaluable tools in a blog post.

In this article, you’ll gain access to a curated collection of JavaScript functions for identifying iOS and Android devices, detecting fullscreen mode, distinguishing Firefox from Safari, and more.

It’s important to be aware that some of these methods are based on parsing the navigator user-agent string, which might see changes in the future as Google plans to reduce the information provided by this string.

Let’s start with the detection of a mobile device. I determine if a user is using my applications in a browser-based environment that might be a mobile device by testing whether the user is using a pointing device with limited accuracy, such as a touch screen, and which is not a precise device such as a mouse.

The matchMedia interface returns an object that can be used to determine if the document or web page matches a specific media query. To test the pointing device, I utilize the any-pointer CSS media feature.

Identifying an iPad device involves inspecting the user-agent, but it also necessitates combining this data with the previous mobile detection function. This is because Safari presents a string similar to that of desktop or laptop devices.

On older versions of iPadOS, the user-agent used to include the indentation; therefore, I also check if the string might contain this information.

Note that the i in the regex showcased in this article stands for insensitive meaning it performs a test without considering case sensitivity.

I combine iPhone and iPod into a single function because their user experience is similar for my projects. Both can be tested by querying the user-agent, which contains their indication.

I assume you already know the answer: to detect if a device is running iOS, we can simply use the two previous functions.

Similar to iPhones, detecting Android devices is straightforward because the necessary information is provided in the user-agent string.


According to my tests, an Android tablet is an Android device, which is strangely not identified by the keyword mobile in its user-agent string.

Once, I also had to determine if the user’s device was held in portrait mode. Instead of comparing screen dimensions, I utilized the matchMedia interface to determine the orientation of the device.


Similarly, we can implement the opposite of the previous function to determine if the device’s orientation is in landscape mode.


To determine if a browser is used in fullscreen mode, I typically use the document fullscreenElement property, but I also check vendor-specific properties that are supposed to reflect the same information.

While the navigator vendor property is marked as deprecated by MDN, I still rely on it to check if a browser is Safari.

You might argue that this would also return true on an iPhone when, for example, Chrome is used. To that, I would offer a friendly reminder that any browser running on an iPhone or iPad is, unfortunately, still Safari due to Apple’s vendor lockdown monopoly.

Knowing if an application is running in a Firefox browser can be determined by checking the user-agent string.

Finally, if your application focuses on internationalization, this is how I determine if the content should be read from right to left. I set the dir attribute at the top level of the document.

Thank you for reading! For more exciting coding content, please consider following me on Twitter / X . 🤓

David Dal Busco

Written by David Dal Busco

Freelancer by day | Creator of by night

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Check for Mobile iOS Device in JavaScript

September 28, 2021 - 1 minute read

Here’s how you can check whether someone on your website or app is using a mobile iOS device in JavaScript:

A call to the ios() function will return true if the user is using an iPhone, iPad, or iPod. Otherwise, it will return false .

Link to this section Checking for iPhone usage

You could also check for a single device category. The below function will only return true for iPhone users:

Similarly, the iphone() function will return true if the user is using an iPhone, and it will otherwise return false.

Link to this section Conclusion

I’ve tried to make this snippet as precise as possible, but users can still fake their user agent header and so on.

Anyway, I hope you found this useful!

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How to Enable JavaScript on Apple Safari (iPad, iPhone iOS)

Are you having a hard time in trying to turn on JavaScript on your iPad or Apple iPhone device?

JavaScript has evolved into an essential tool that makes the web what it is today. It controls the dynamic elements of web pages, and most websites will fail to run correctly if your Apple Safari browser does not have its JavaScript enabled. Although disabling JavaScript offers browsers faster loading of a website, you should know that it reduces the overall browsing experience on your iPad or iPhone device.

Be it an iPhone 11, iPhone 10 or MacOS device, the steps in this guide will help you learn the simple process and benefits of enabling the JavaScript feature on your Safari browser.

Instructions for Web Developers

You may want to consider linking to this site, to educate any script-disabled users on how to enable JavaScript in six most commonly used browsers. You are free to use the code below and modify it according to your needs.

On we optimize the script-disabled user experience as much as we can:

  • The instructions for your browser are put at the top of the page
  • All the images are inlined, full-size, for easy perusing

We want your visitors to have JavaScript enabled just as much as you do!

What Is JavaScript and Why Do I Need It?

JavaScript is a type of code used by web developers to install and establish interactive content on websites – in essence, it allows web pages to dynamically load and send content in the background without page loads on your Apple Safari browser. Generally, JavaScript is used by modern websites to provide various features such as display advertisements – the reason why a small subset of internet users want it disabled.

However, disabling the JavaScript feature on your Safari web browser is much more of a hassle than it seems. If you turn off JavaScript on your browser, many websites won’t function properly. In most cases, you will also be unable to enjoy certain functions or view content that you are accustomed to accessing on JavaScript-based websites.

How to Enable JavaScript on Safari ​

Here’s how to turn on JavaScript on Safari:

1. Select the “Safari” icon on your home screen.

2. Scroll down the Settings page to find the menu item labelled “Safari”, and then select it.

3. Scroll to the bottom of the Safari menu and choose “Advanced” – choosing this will reveal the advanced settings for your Safari browser.

4. On the Advanced menu, find the option for enabling or disabling “JavaScript” for your Safari browser. On finding the JavaScript option, you’ll see a button next to it.

5. Now slide this button to the right to turn on JavaScript on your Safari browser.

6. That’s it! You’ve just enabled JavaScript.

How to Disable JavaScript on Safari ​

Here’s how to turn off JavaScript on Safari:

1. Tap on the “Settings” icon on your home screen.

5. Now slide this button to the left to turn off JavaScript on your Safari browser.

6. That’s it! You’ve just disabled JavaScript. ​

How to Enable JavaScript on Mac

Follow the steps below to activate JavaScript in Safari on Mac:

1. Open the Safari application by clicking on an icon that appears like a compass in your bottom toolbar.

2. Click on the “Safari” menu at the top left corner of the browser.

3. Under the Safari menu, find and click on “Preferences”. This will open a pop-up menu.

4. Move your cursor over to the “Security” tab and select it.

5. Now check the box beside “Enable JavaScript” to turn on JavaScript. Make sure the box is checked.

6. You can now close the “Preferences” window to apply your settings.

7. That’s it! You’ve enabled JavaScript.

8. Restart your browser.

How to Disable JavaScript in Safari on Mac

Follow the steps below to disable JavaScript in Safari on Mac:

2. Click on “Safari” menu at the top left corner of the browser.

3. Under the Safari menu, find and click on “Preferences”. This will open a dropdown menu.

4. Move your cursor over to the “Security” tab and then click on it.

5. Now uncheck the box beside “Enable JavaScript” to disable JavaScript.

7. That’s it! You’ve disabled JavaScript.

8. Restart your browser. 

Apple Safari comes built-in with a JavaScript engine that makes website elements interactive. And while it isn't actually necessary that you enable it to use your Safari browser, it's something that you'll perhaps want to do to enjoy a seamless browsing experience. Otherwise, many websites you visit will appear broken or won't even work.

JavaScript is enabled by default in Apple Safari, but you can verify if yours is active through the Safari tab. To do this, simply click on "Safari" at the top left of your screen to expand the Menu. Next, click on Preferences to reveal the Safari Preferences section. Now that you're in the Preferences section, find and click the "Security" tab to access the "Enable JavaScript" checkbox. If the checkbox has a tick symbol, it means JavaScript is active and working.

Millions of websites use JavaScript to display interactive elements, such as animations, special effects and more. If you browse them with JavaScript disabled in your Apple Safari, then you probably won't have the full experience that you normally would. Some JavaScript-based websites may appear dull or static, while others may not even work at all.

Olumide is a longtime writer who started his career as a digital marketer before transitioning into a copywriter almost eight years ago.

  • – Google Chrome
  • – Internet Explorer
  • – Microsoft Edge
  • – Mozilla Firefox
  • – Apple Safari

How to enable JavaScript in your browser and why

detect ios safari javascript

Detect Mobile Safari

Many scripts on the web detect only Safari, or only Apple devices, but return false positives like desktop Safari or Mobile Chrome. Here's my take to detect only Mobile Safari - Save for the next time it drives you crazy with creative & annoying bugs:


As a Modernizr test:

Source for Safari-only part: urbz on StackOverflow

Written by Ronny Orbach

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detect ios safari javascript

Detect if iOS app is installed in safari browser through javascript

I am trying to add App Promotion to my website using Custom URL scheme with Javascript. If the App is installed on the device, it shows one popup of opening the app. But if app is not installed, i get a popup saying " Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid ".

Steps : - I have set the Custom url , lets say 'abcd'. And i am trying to open my app from javascript using - windows.location="abcd://" ; The functionality is fine if the app is installed. But if the app is not installed, i get a popup stating - " safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid ".

What is Required : - I want the user to see a popup before he/she goes to the App and have the the script on the html page to detect if an App is installed or not, without any Safari popup, which currently occurs when app is not installed.

Universal links are a nice way for app promotion and we have that in place, but in some application the link is opened in in-app browser (LinkedIn, Twitter), what if we want to show a popup on website, to open the content in App or not.

Here is the script we are trying to run on my website page-

window.location = "abcd://" + url;

I request you to help me as I am stuck in this scenario from past few weeks. Kindly let me know if you need any other information from my side.

DEV Community

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Posted on Sep 7, 2020

Using JavaScript to determine whether the client is iOS or Android


Contents of this function

  • Use ES2015 arrow functions.
  • When a web page is displayed in a browser, the OS of the access source is determined based on the user agent.
  • Reflects iOS, Android and other operating systems using regular expressions

User agents for each OS are available at here .

The iPad is now iPadOS instead of iOS from 13, and if you're set to display a website for a PC, it won't include the iPad in the UserAgent, so you'll have to make a tricky decision. ref:

Explanation of supplementary regular expressions

An example of /android/i.test(ua) used in the described functions

  • /android/ is the body of the regular expression
  • It will be compatible with Android, ANDROID and aNdRoId.
  • The /android/i checks if any part of the string to be validated contains "android" regardless of the case of the string.
  • The test method of /android/i.test(ua) returns true/false whether the string contained in the argument ua hits the regular expression of /android/i or not.

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  • Education San Isidro
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I implemented this in that way for TS:

gopeeey profile image

  • Joined Jun 7, 2020

Hi. Thank you.

maintobias profile image

  • Joined Jul 14, 2022

Does that detect apple silicon?

konyu profile image

  • Location Tokyo, Japan
  • Education Master degree of Computer science
  • Joined Nov 15, 2017

I tried to do navigator.platform with Chrome in my M2 mac. I got MacIntel in spite of using apple silicon. In view of the above we can't apple silicon with that snippet .

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Detect Whether a Device is iOS or Not Using JavaScript

JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is widely used for developing dynamic and interactive web applications. Its versatility and ease of use have made it one of the most popular programming languages in the world. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to use JavaScript to detect whether a device is running iOS or not.

Knowing the type of device your users are accessing your web application from is crucial as a software developer. This information can be used to provide a better user experience or to customize the layout and functionality of your web application. In this section, we'll explore three different methods for determining if a device is running iOS using JavaScript:

User-Agent Detection

Navigator.platform detection, feature detection.

Each method has its own pros and cons, and it's important for us to choose the right one for our specific use case. We'll go over each method in detail, explaining how it works and providing code examples to help us implement it in our own projects.

One of the methods we can use to detect whether a device is running iOS or not is User-Agent Detection. This method involves examining the user-agent string of the device to determine the operating system and browser being used.

We can use the JavaScript navigator.userAgent property to retrieve the user-agent string and then check if it contains the word "iPhone", "iPad", or "iPod". This method is simple to implement and can provide quick results, but it's important to keep in mind that the user-agent string can be easily altered, making it not the most reliable method for detecting iOS devices.

Here's an example of how to use the User Agent string to detect if a device is running iOS:

In the above code snippet, we are using the test() method of a regular expression to check if the string stored in the navigator.userAgent property contains any of the substrings "iPad", "iPhone", or "iPod". The regular expression is surrounded by forward slashes (/) and is enclosed within the test() method.

If the test returns true, which means that the navigator.userAgent string contains one of the substrings, then we know that the device is running iOS and we print "This is an iOS device." to the console and vice-versa.

Let's say, for example, we run this code on an iPhone. The output would be:

And if we run this code on a device that is not running iOS, the output would be:

We can also determine if a device is running on iOS by checking the navigator.platform property. This property gives us a string value that represents the platform on which our browser is running. By evaluating this property, we can find out if our device is an iOS device or not. Essentially, we just have to check if the navigator.platform is equal to 'iPad', 'iPhone', or 'iPod', and if it is, then we know our device is an iOS device.

Here's how we can use the navigator.platform property to detect if a device is running iOS:

In the above code snippet, we use of the navigator.platform property to detect if a device is running iOS or not. As we know, the navigator.platform property returns a string representing the platform on which the browser is running.

In this code, we're checking if the navigator.platform is equal to 'iPad', 'iPhone' or 'iPod'. If it is, we log the message "This is an iOS device." to the console. Otherwise, we log the message "This is not an iOS device!" to the console.

It's important to note that this method is not foolproof, as some non-iOS devices can have similar platform strings. However, this method is widely used and considered reliable in most cases.

Feature Detection is another method to determine if a device is running iOS or not. This method involves checking the availability of specific features that are unique to iOS devices. It involves checking for touch events, max touch points and other iOS specific functionalities to determine the device type.

For instance, the MaxTouchPoints property is used to determine the number of touchpoints supported by a device. If a device supports more than one touch point, it's likely not running iOS. On the other hand, the 'ontouchstart' in window check is used to detect if a device has the ability to detect touch events. If this check returns true, it means the device is running iOS.

Let's see how we can use feature detection to find out if the device is an iOS device or not.

The above code checks three specific properties: ontouchstart, navigator.MaxTouchPoints , and navigator.msMaxTouchPoints . If any of these properties exist in the current device, the code logs "This is an iOS device." to the console. Otherwise, it logs "This is not an iOS device!".

By checking these properties, we're essentially checking if the device is touch-enabled, which is a common characteristic of iOS devices. However, it's important to note that this method may not always be 100% accurate, as some non-iOS devices may also have touch capabilities. But overall, it's a good starting point for feature detection in determining the type of device being used.

In this tutorial, we delved into the different ways to figure out if a device is running on iOS or not. We walked through the User-Agent detection method and talked about how it uses the navigator.userAgent property to identify the device type. Then, we went over the Navigator.platform detection method and how it checks the navigator.platform property to determine if the device is iOS.

We also touched upon the Feature Detection method, which involves checking for the presence of certain features that are only found on iOS devices. To wrap up, we provided examples of code to help illustrate how each method works.

Prince Yadav

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Javascript targeting Safari only

We often say Safari and Chrome are the same in terms of HTML and CSS behaviours but it’s not always the case. Here is a bit of javascript to target Safari only. 

Chrome has both ‘ Chrome ‘ and ‘ Safari ‘ inside userAgent string. Safari has only ‘ Safari ‘.

In native javascript:

Usage: if (is_safari) { alert('Safari'); }

Or for Safari only, use this :


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dont work on ios 10, iphone 6 , chrome work over webkit, useragent include safari string :( not a reliable way to do this

you can try let is_iPad = navigator.userAgent.includes(“iPad”) let is_iPhone = navigator.userAgent.includes(“iPhone”)

thanks for the info but mobile devices not included into the concern

Thanks your efforts are appreciated

Got this working for detecting ios safari, while avoiding false positives on chrome or firefox: var nav = window.navigator; var ua = nav.userAgent;

if(ua.indexOf(‘iPhone’)!=-1 && ua.indexOf(‘Safari’)!=-1 && ua.indexOf(‘CriOS’)==-1 && ua.indexOf(‘FxiOS’)==-1)

hope this helps someone else looking to solve the same problem!

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How to detect Safari, Chrome, IE, Firefox, and Opera browser in JavaScript?

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JavaScript - detect Apple device (MacOS, iPhone, iPad, iPod)

detect ios safari javascript

In this short article, we would like to show how in Web Browser JavaScript , detect Apple device.

Quick solution:


Apple uses the following platform names in navigator.platform :

Warning: Safari, Chrome and Mercury works well for the above platform names, but Opera may mess the above rules.

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  1. javascript

    Updated according to Chrome docs to detect Chrome on iOS correctly. It's worth noting that all Browsers on iOS are just wrappers for Safari and use the same engine. See's comment on his own answer in this thread. Edit 3. Updated according to Firefox docs to detect Firefox on iOS correctly

  2. javascript

    So for those who worked on iOS web applications probably know that due to Apple's policy, Chrome and other mobile browsers on iOS use a very ancient javascript engine. This is why we need to disable some of the rendering for Chrome and other none-safari browsers for iOS.

  3. javascript

    I was wondering if it's possible to detect if an iOS user is using the webapp, or just visiting the normal way with safari browser. The reason I want to achieve is that on a iOS webapp when a user click on a link, he will get redirected to the Safari browser.

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    In this article, you'll gain access to a curated collection of JavaScript functions for identifying iOS and Android devices, detecting fullscreen mode, distinguishing Firefox from Safari, and more. It's important to be aware that some of these methods are based on parsing the navigator user-agent string, which might see changes in the ...

  5. Check for Mobile iOS Device in JavaScript

    This JavaScript snippet determines whether the user is using an iPhone, iPad, or iPod. This JavaScript snippet determines whether the user is using an iPhone, iPad, or iPod. ... Here's how you can check whether someone on your website or app is using a mobile iOS device in JavaScript: const ios = () ...

  6. JS Detect Safari on iOS devices · GitHub

    Download ZIP. JS Detect Safari on iOS devices. Raw. is_ios_safari.js. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters.

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    Click on the "Safari" menu at the top left corner of the browser. 3. Under the Safari menu, find and click on "Preferences". This will open a pop-up menu. 4. Move your cursor over to the "Security" tab and select it. 5. Now check the box beside "Enable JavaScript" to turn on JavaScript.

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    A protip by RonnyO about mobile, modernizr, javascript, useragent, ios, mobile-safari, and browser-detection. Coderwall Ruby Python JavaScript Front-End Tools iOS. More Tips Ruby Python JavaScript Front-End Tools iOS PHP Android.NET Java Jobs. ... Many scripts on the web detect only Safari, or only Apple devices, but return false positives like ...

  10. Detect if iOS app is installed in …

    Steps : - I have set the Custom url , lets say 'abcd'. And i am trying to open my app from javascript using - windows.location="abcd://"; The functionality is fine if the app is installed. But if the app is not installed, i get a popup stating - " safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid ". What is Required : - I want the user ...

  11. Detecting browsers of iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android and ...

    To begin with, we need to understand that in the HTTP protocol, browser send its identity called user agent to the server to request the wanted webpage. Every browser has its only unique user agent…

  12. ios

    Is it possible to detect with JavaScript when safari on iOS has been opened from an app and is showing this type of UI? You can get here on iOS 12 by opening a link from the gmail app using safari. Update: To be clear I'm looking to find when the chrome of safari is in the state pictured in the image, and not the state that the safari app ...

  13. Using JavaScript to determine whether the client is iOS or Android

    The /android/i checks if any part of the string to be validated contains "android" regardless of the case of the string. The test method of /android/i.test(ua) returns true/false whether the string contained in the argument ua hits the regular expression of /android/i or not. Introduction. Contents of this function Use ES2015 arrow functions.

  14. Detect Whether a Device is iOS or Not Using JavaScript

    This method involves examining the user-agent string of the device to determine the operating system and browser being used. We can use the JavaScript navigator.userAgent property to retrieve the user-agent string and then check if it contains the word "iPhone", "iPad", or "iPod". This method is simple to implement and can provide quick results ...

  15. Detect iOS Safari back/forward gesture with JavaScript

    When the user goes back either via a back button or a browser gesture, I close the overlay by using an event listener window.addEventListener("popstate", () => { showOverlay = false } Problem : Everything work's fine. But on iOS Safari, when the user swipes instead of using the back button, the overlay appears for like 1ms before closing.

  16. ios

    Safari's Private Browsing doesn't work in the same way as the other browser Private Browsing. For example, Chrome's Incognito Mode creates a separate new session that all the data will be deleted after the browsing session (the website can still track your actions from the IP address in that mode).

  17. Javascript targeting Safari only

    We often say Safari and Chrome are the same in terms of HTML and CSS behaviours but it's not always the case. Here is a bit of javascript to target Safari only. Chrome has both 'Chrome' and 'Safari' inside userAgent string. Safari has only 'Safari'. In native javascript: var is_chrome = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > -1; var is_explorer […]

  18. How to detect Safari, Chrome, IE, Firefox, and Opera browser in JavaScript?

    How to detect Safari, Chrome, IE, Firefox, and Opera browser in JavaScript? Let's see the example, ... and Opera Chrome detect browser javascript ie Firefox IE JavaScript Safari TypeScript ... Firebase Tutorial for Android and IOS 1; Firefox 1; First AI Humanoid Robot Citizen In The World 1; FirstChild 1; Fixing Page Life Expectancy ...

  19. iPad Web App: Detect Virtual Keyboard Using JavaScript in Safari?

    The two platforms handle onscreen keyboards in their main browsers very differently. Android Chrome shrinks the viewport height to make room for the keyboard, so the page resizes when the keyboard is shown. iOS Safari overlays the page with the keyboard (page size stays the same), and changes how scrolling works.

  20. JavaScript

    In this short article, we would like to show how in Web Browser JavaScript, detect Apple device. Quick solution: Explaination Apple uses the following platform ...

  21. javascript

    CanIUse suggests that for push notifications to Safari on iOS (16.4 to 16.5): Requires website to first be added to the Home Screen. Here's a blog describing the feature: Now with iOS and iPadOS 16.4, we are adding support for Web Push to Home Screen web apps.