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How Does Tourism Create Jobs

Published: December 12, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Jessamine Yingling

  • Plan Your Trip
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Tourism plays a significant role in job creation, providing employment opportunities to millions of people around the world. The tourism industry is not only a major contributor to the global economy but also a key driver of employment and economic growth for both developed and developing countries. From hotel staff and tour guides to transportation services and local artisans, tourism creates a wide range of job opportunities in various sectors.

The impact of tourism on job creation is undeniable. It stimulates the economy by generating revenue, attracting investment, and fostering infrastructure development. As people travel for leisure, business, or cultural experiences, they require a wide range of services and products, which in turn generates demand for labor.

Moreover, tourism has the potential to distribute wealth and income more evenly within a community as it often provides jobs to people in rural and remote areas where alternative employment opportunities may be limited. By promoting community-based tourism initiatives, local residents can benefit from the economic opportunities that tourism brings.

As the tourism industry continues to grow, it presents vast potential for job creation across various sectors, including hospitality, transportation, entertainment, food and beverage, and retail. This article explores the importance of tourism in job creation, the direct and indirect job opportunities available, the role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and the challenges and strategies involved in enhancing job creation in the tourism industry.

Importance of Tourism in Job Creation

Tourism plays a crucial role in job creation, particularly in countries heavily reliant on the industry. It provides employment opportunities for a diverse range of individuals, from hotel workers and tour guides to local artisans and taxi drivers. The significance of tourism in job creation can be seen in the following aspects:

  • Economic Impact: The tourism industry contributes to economic growth by generating revenue and foreign exchange earnings. This, in turn, leads to increased investment, infrastructure development, and the creation of new businesses, all of which translate into job opportunities.
  • Diversity of Employment: The tourism sector offers a wide array of job opportunities across multiple sectors. From hotel management and front desk personnel to chefs and housekeeping staff, the range of employment options within the hospitality sector alone is vast. Additionally, tourism also indirectly creates jobs in industries such as transportation, food and beverage, entertainment, retail, and handicrafts.
  • Seasonal and Full-Time Employment: Tourism provides both seasonal and full-time employment opportunities. Seasonal jobs are particularly beneficial in areas where the economy relies heavily on tourism during specific times of the year, such as beach destinations. These seasonal jobs often allow locals to supplement their income during peak tourist seasons.
  • Spillover Effects: The growth of tourism can have positive spillover effects on other sectors of the economy. For example, as the number of tourists increases, the demand for agricultural products, such as fresh produce, meat, and dairy, also rises. This creates additional employment opportunities for farmers and agricultural workers.

Overall, the importance of tourism in job creation cannot be overlooked. It provides not only direct employment opportunities but also indirect benefits that contribute to the overall growth and development of an economy. In the following sections, we will explore the various avenues through which tourism generates employment and the significance of these opportunities for both individuals and communities.

Direct Job Opportunities in the Tourism Sector

The tourism sector directly creates a multitude of employment opportunities, encompassing various roles and responsibilities. These jobs are vital for the smooth operation and customer satisfaction within the industry. Some of the direct job opportunities in the tourism sector include:

  • Hotel and Resort Staff: Hotels and resorts are at the forefront of the tourism industry, employing a large workforce. From front desk personnel and concierge staff to housekeeping, chefs, and waiters, these establishments rely on a team of dedicated professionals to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience for guests.
  • Tour Guides: Tour guides play a crucial role in providing visitors with insightful information about tourist attractions, historical sites, and local culture. They are responsible for creating an engaging and informative experience for tourists, enhancing their understanding and enjoyment of the destination.
  • Transportation Services: Transportation services, such as taxi drivers, chauffeurs, and tour bus operators, are vital for tourists to explore and move around a destination. These roles provide employment opportunities, allowing individuals to utilize their driving skills while offering convenience and accessibility to visitors.
  • Concierge and Customer Service: The tourism industry heavily relies on customer service to ensure guest satisfaction. Job roles such as concierge and customer service representatives are responsible for assisting guests with their needs, providing recommendations, and resolving any issues that may arise during their stay.
  • Event Planners and Organizers: Many destinations attract tourists with various events, conferences, and exhibitions. Event planners and organizers play a crucial role in coordinating and managing such events, creating employment opportunities for individuals with organizational and logistical skills.

The direct job opportunities in the tourism sector not only provide individuals with a source of income but also contribute to the overall experience and satisfaction of tourists. The professionalism and expertise of these individuals play a vital role in shaping visitors’ perceptions of a destination and determining whether they will return or recommend it to others. Thus, these direct job roles have a significant impact on the success and growth of the tourism industry.

Indirect Job Creation through Tourism

Beyond the direct job opportunities in the tourism sector, there is a ripple effect that leads to indirect job creation in various industries. Indirect job creation occurs when tourism stimulates demand for goods and services, resulting in employment opportunities in related sectors. Here are some examples of indirect job creation through tourism:

  • Food and Beverage: As tourists travel and explore new destinations, they often dine out and try local cuisine. This creates a demand for restaurants, cafes, and food vendors, which in turn leads to job opportunities for chefs, servers, bartenders, and kitchen staff.
  • Retail: Souvenir shops, local markets, and shopping centers thrive in tourist destinations. Tourists often purchase gifts, clothing, and locally made products, which boosts revenue and creates employment opportunities for retail workers and artisans.
  • Transportation: In addition to direct transportation services, the tourism industry indirectly supports employment in the transportation sector. This includes rental car companies, airlines, cruise lines, and public transportation systems, creating job opportunities for pilots, flight attendants, drivers, and maintenance workers.
  • Entertainment and Recreation: Tourists seek out entertainment and recreational activities during their trips. This can include visiting amusement parks, attending cultural performances, participating in water sports, or enjoying guided tours. These activities require a workforce of entertainers, performers, tour operators, and recreational staff.
  • Infrastructure Development: A flourishing tourism industry often leads to infrastructure development, such as the construction of new hotels, resorts, airports, roads, and tourist attractions. The construction and maintenance of these facilities create jobs for architects, engineers, construction workers, and maintenance staff.

Indirect job creation is an essential component of the tourism industry, as it extends the economic benefits beyond the immediate tourism sector. It creates a multiplier effect, where the initial employment opportunities in tourism create additional jobs in related industries. This ripple effect enhances the overall economic impact and ensures a more balanced distribution of employment opportunities within the destination.

Tourism-Related Industries and Job Generation

Tourism not only creates direct and indirect job opportunities but also generates employment in various tourism-related industries. These industries are essential for supporting and enhancing the tourism experience, contributing to the overall growth and success of the sector. Here are some of the key tourism-related industries and their role in job generation:

  • Travel Agencies and Tour Operators: Travel agencies and tour operators play a crucial role in organizing and facilitating travel arrangements for tourists. They provide services such as itinerary planning, booking accommodations, arranging transportation, and coordinating activities. These businesses employ travel consultants, tour coordinators, and administrative staff, creating job opportunities in the tourism industry.
  • Hospitality Industry Suppliers: The hospitality sector relies on various suppliers for products and services. This includes suppliers of linens, toiletries, furniture, kitchen equipment, uniforms, and more. These suppliers employ workers in manufacturing, distribution, and sales, providing job opportunities tied to the demand of the tourism industry.
  • Event Planning and Management: Destination weddings, conferences, and large-scale events contribute significantly to the tourism industry. Event planning and management companies employ event planners, coordinators, decorators, and technicians to ensure successful and memorable events for tourists and attendees.
  • Adventure and Recreation: Many tourists seek adventure and recreational activities during their trips. This includes activities such as hiking, rafting, scuba diving, and wildlife safaris. Adventure and recreational companies employ guides, instructors, equipment rental staff, and safety personnel to cater to the needs of adventure-seeking tourists.
  • Art and Handicrafts: Artisans and craftsmen play an important role in showcasing local culture and traditions through their creations. This includes traditional crafts, artwork, textiles, and handmade products that are popular among tourists. The demand for these products creates employment opportunities for craftsmen, artists, designers, and marketers.

These tourism-related industries add value to the overall tourism experience, providing specific goods and services that enhance the enjoyment and satisfaction of tourists. By supporting these industries, the tourism sector stimulates economic growth, fosters innovation, and creates job opportunities in diverse fields. The collaboration between the tourism industry and these related sectors is essential for a thriving and sustainable tourism ecosystem.

Role of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Tourism Employment

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in the tourism industry, contributing significantly to job creation and economic growth. These businesses, often locally owned and operated, have a significant impact on employment opportunities within their communities. Here are some key aspects of the role of SMEs in tourism employment:

  • Local Employment: SMEs in the tourism sector primarily rely on local labor, providing employment opportunities for residents in the surrounding areas. This localized approach ensures that job opportunities are available to the local community, helping to reduce unemployment rates and foster economic development at a grassroots level.
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation: SMEs often bring forth innovative ideas and unique offerings to the tourism industry. These businesses add diversity to the market, attracting different types of tourists and stimulating demand for goods and services. By encouraging entrepreneurship, SMEs contribute to job creation and economic expansion through their creative solutions and fresh perspectives.
  • Supporting Local Economy: SMEs in the tourism sector have a direct and positive impact on the local economy. By sourcing products and services from local suppliers, they contribute to the growth of other industries, such as agriculture, handicrafts, and tourism-related services. This creates a network of interdependent businesses, fueling economic growth and generating employment opportunities in the wider community.
  • Promoting Cultural Preservation: SMEs often focus on preserving local culture, heritage, and traditions as part of their business offerings. This includes promoting local arts, crafts, music, and traditional practices. By incorporating cultural elements into their tourism products, SMEs help to preserve and showcase the unique identity of the destination, attracting tourists who are interested in authentic and immersive experiences.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: SMEs are known for their flexibility and ability to adapt to changing market conditions. This enables them to respond quickly to evolving tourism trends and customer preferences. By staying agile, SMEs can adjust their offerings, target niche markets, and identify new areas of growth, which in turn creates employment opportunities for local talent.

The role of SMEs in tourism employment is not only essential for job creation but also for fostering sustainable and inclusive tourism development. These small and medium-sized businesses contribute to the social and economic fabric of their communities, while preserving cultural heritage and promoting innovation. Government support and policies that encourage the growth of SMEs in the tourism sector can further amplify their positive impact on employment generation and economic prosperity.

Job Diversity in the Tourism Industry

One of the remarkable aspects of the tourism industry is its job diversity, offering a wide range of employment opportunities to individuals with different skills, backgrounds, and interests. From front-line service roles to management positions and creative professions, the tourism industry provides a plethora of job options. Here are some key factors that contribute to job diversity in the tourism industry:

  • Hospitality and Accommodation: The hospitality sector is a major contributor to job diversity in tourism. Within this sector, there are various job roles such as hotel management, food and beverage, housekeeping, receptionists, event planners, and more. The range of positions allows individuals to find employment based on their strengths and interests, whether it’s customer service, culinary arts, or event coordination.
  • Travel and Tourism Services: The travel and tourism services sector encompasses a wide array of job opportunities. These can include travel agents, tour operators, travel consultants, reservation agents, and destination management specialists. These roles involve working closely with clients to plan itineraries, provide travel advice, and coordinate bookings, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of those seeking travel experiences.
  • Outdoor and Adventure: The tourism industry offers exciting job opportunities for individuals who have a passion for outdoor activities and adventure. This can include roles such as tour guides for hiking, wildlife safaris, scuba diving instructors, ski instructors, and more. These jobs allow individuals to combine their love for adventure with their professional aspirations, providing unique and fulfilling experiences for both tourists and employees.
  • Event Planning and Entertainment: Another area of job diversity in the tourism industry is event planning and entertainment. This sector offers a range of job roles such as event managers, wedding planners, conference coordinators, entertainers, and performers. These positions require creativity, organizational skills, and the ability to create unforgettable experiences for tourists and event attendees.
  • Cultural and Heritage: Tourism also offers job opportunities for individuals interested in preserving and promoting cultural heritage. This includes roles such as museum curators, archaeologists, cultural tour guides, historians, and local crafts artisans. These jobs allow individuals to showcase their knowledge and passion for cultural preservation while contributing to the education and enrichment of tourists.

The diverse range of job opportunities in the tourism industry makes it an attractive field for individuals with varied interests and skill sets. Whether someone is interested in customer service, management, adventure, creativity, or cultural preservation, they can find a job within the tourism industry that aligns with their passions and career aspirations. This contributes to the overall vitality and vibrancy of the industry, creating a workforce that is diverse, talented, and dedicated to delivering exceptional experiences for tourists around the world.

Challenges and Concerns in Tourism Job Creation

While tourism creates numerous job opportunities, there are also challenges and concerns that need to be addressed to ensure sustainable job creation in the industry. These challenges can vary depending on the region and the specific tourism destination. Here are some key challenges and concerns in tourism job creation:

  • Seasonality and Volatility: Many tourism destinations experience seasonality, with peak tourist seasons and low seasons. This can lead to fluctuations in demand for labor, resulting in seasonal employment and job uncertainty for those working in the industry. Finding ways to promote year-round tourism and diversify the visitor base can help mitigate this challenge.
  • Skills and Training: The tourism industry requires skilled workers who can provide quality services and experiences to tourists. However, there is often a mismatch between the skills demanded by the industry and the skills possessed by the local workforce. Providing training and education programs to bridge this gap is crucial for maximizing employment opportunities and ensuring a skilled workforce.
  • Low Wages and Job Insecurity: In some tourism destinations, wages for certain job roles may be relatively low, particularly in entry-level or seasonal positions. This can lead to job insecurity and limited opportunities for career advancement. Ensuring fair wages and employment contracts that provide job stability are important considerations for sustainable job creation in the tourism sector.
  • Dependency on International Markets: Many tourism destinations rely heavily on international markets for visitor arrivals. However, political instability, economic downturns, natural disasters, or global crises can significantly impact tourism demand. Over-dependence on a single market can make destinations vulnerable to disruptions and create challenges in sustaining employment opportunities.
  • Environmental and Cultural Impacts: The growth of tourism can sometimes have negative impacts on the environment and local cultural heritage. Overdevelopment, overcrowding, and resource depletion can damage natural attractions, while excessive tourism demand may lead to the commodification and dilution of local cultures. Balancing tourism growth with sustainability and cultural preservation is necessary to mitigate these impacts and protect employment opportunities in the long term.

Addressing these challenges requires collaboration between stakeholders, including governments, tourism boards, local communities, and industry associations. It is essential to develop sustainable tourism strategies that prioritize job creation, foster skill development, protect the environment, and promote cultural heritage. By understanding and proactively addressing these concerns, the tourism industry can continue to create meaningful and sustainable employment opportunities for communities worldwide.

Strategies to Enhance Job Creation in Tourism

Creating and enhancing job opportunities in the tourism industry requires strategic planning and implementation. Here are some effective strategies that can help boost employment in the tourism sector:

  • Diversification of Tourism Products: Developing and promoting a variety of tourism products and experiences can attract a diverse range of tourists, thereby stimulating demand and creating job opportunities in different sectors. This can include ecotourism, adventure tourism, cultural tourism, culinary tourism, and more.
  • Sustainable Tourism Practices: Embracing sustainable tourism practices not only helps preserve the environment and local culture but also contributes to job creation. Investing in eco-friendly initiatives, supporting local artisans and producers, and promoting responsible tourism can attract conscious travelers and generate employment opportunities tied to sustainable practices.
  • Capacity Building and Skills Development: Investing in training programs and skill development initiatives for individuals working in the tourism industry is crucial. This includes providing vocational training, language proficiency courses, and customer service workshops. Enhancing the skillsets of the workforce ensures professionalism and quality services, leading to higher job satisfaction and improved career prospects.
  • Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration between public sector organizations, private enterprises, and local communities plays a significant role in job creation. Joint initiatives can support the development of infrastructure, facilitate access to funding, and promote destination marketing campaigns, ultimately driving tourism growth and employment opportunities.
  • Community-Based Tourism: Empowering local communities to participate in tourism activities can create employment at the grassroots level. Community-based tourism initiatives allow locals to provide authentic experiences, share their culture, and showcase their talents. This can lead to the creation of various job roles, from tour guides and homestay hosts to cultural performers and artisans.
  • Promotion of Domestic Tourism: Encouraging domestic tourism can help mitigate the impact of seasonality and dependency on international markets. Government campaigns, incentives, and special promotions can incentivize locals to explore their own country, contributing to increased tourism demand and job creation.

Furthermore, fostering an enabling business environment, improving infrastructure, and streamlining regulatory processes can attract investments in the tourism sector, leading to business expansion and job creation. The active involvement of stakeholders, including governments, tourism organizations, and local communities, is crucial to implementing these strategies effectively and ensuring sustainable job growth in the tourism industry.

The tourism industry serves as a catalyst for job creation, offering a diverse range of employment opportunities across various sectors. From direct roles in hospitality and tour operations to indirect employment in related industries, tourism plays a vital role in contributing to global job growth and economic development.

SMEs, with their entrepreneurial spirit and innovation, play a significant role in tourism employment, providing localized opportunities and fostering community integration. The industry’s job diversity allows individuals to find fulfilling careers aligned with their interests and skills, whether it be in hospitality, adventure tourism, cultural preservation, or event planning.

By embracing these strategies and prioritizing sustainable practices, the tourism industry can maximize employment opportunities while preserving natural and cultural heritage for future generations. Governments, industry stakeholders, and local communities must work together to create an enabling environment that fosters growth, supports entrepreneurship, and empowers communities.

As we look to the future, it is essential to prioritize job creation in the tourism industry, recognizing its potential to drive economic prosperity and improve livelihoods. By investing in skills development, promoting sustainable practices, and cultivating diverse tourism products, we can ensure that the tourism industry continues to be a powerful engine for job creation, economic growth, and sustainable development worldwide.


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Growing Travel and Tourism Industry is Creating Millions of Jobs across Asia Pacific Every one out of 10 jobs in the world is backed up by this sector

By Abhishek Agarwal Jan 31, 2019

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

You're reading Entrepreneur Asia Pacific, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media.

With the digital transitioning into the core of every business and every industry, the disruption in the employment landscape of the Asia Pacific is well underway. The present job market has come a long way from what it actually had been a decade ago as it is no longer a bit similar to what it had been earlier. The businesses which have always enjoyed the stature of a successful business realize the massive potential for revenue growth and competitiveness that digitization brings, and so, there occurs a tectonic shift in the hiring trends and the job opportunities. With every innovative and new business model coming into existence, the skill set in higher demands is bound to change through all leaps and bounds.

Job Creation

Travel and tourism industry is one such sector, which is evolving at a rapid rate creating more job opportunities for the youth. Research suggests that every one out of 10 jobs in the world is backed up by travel and tourism. In 2017, the worldwide tour and travel industry turned out to be 10.4 per cent of global GDP with 313 million employees, says the report of World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC).

As of now, there are endless job opportunities for the youth in travel agencies, tour operators, ticketing officers, transport officers, logistics, hotel management, airlines, and cruises. Seven or eight years from now, travel and tourism is expected to create 20,037,000 jobs directly, concentrated in Asia and Africa region. The countries in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Northeast Asia are emerging as a new hub for travel and tourism. India is one of the fastest growing nations in terms of employment growth in travel and tourism with a GDP growth forecast at 6.7 per cent per year.

Besides India, China and Japan also dominate the travel and tourism employment in the Asia-Pacific region.

Better Opportunities

Tours and travel activities in the age of Internet generate new revenue streams as it allows travel brands to identify versatile preferences and interests of the travelers and accordingly design their business model. Earlier, the opportunities around tours and activities had been dismissed by job seekers, for the industry stood highly fragmented and not standardized. However, the digital transformation of the industry joined the dots and expanded the tails of small travel brands which relied on phone calls and paper ticketing. Today, travel brands are turning up to the latest technologies such as AI and blockchain for producing authentic and better booking experiences spearheading the demand for data analysts and scientists, process automation experts, information security analysts, robotics engineers, software and applications developers, and blockchain specialists. An urgent need for digital marketing experts is realized by such travel brands, which can effectively market their services online and win more customers online. SEO executives, content writers, e-commerce, and social media managers are massively hired to keep pace with the growing trend of travel and technology.

As the entire growth and revenue of tourism depend on the travel and accommodation experiences, hotel brands are making the best out of the opportunities to deliver the travelers a luxurious-leisure experience in an affordable package. Modern design aesthetics, better use of digital technology in connecting the travelers, redesigning the communal spaces in the midscale hotels attract more footfalls. The hotels are the new obsession of the entrepreneurs and investors as they are cheaper in developing, require small staffs, and generate more revenue.

Many airlines are also making big investments in airport and fleet expansions for catering and capitalizing on the growing demands in tours. Airlines are now upgrading the fleets with attractive amenities to meet travelers' expectations, such as new seats, overhead bins, power for devices, and satellite Wi-Fi services. No doubt, the airlines are in a race to obtain aircraft financing, fleet upgradation, and expansion which will open up hundreds of jobs in medical departments, ground services department, engineering and maintenance, and cabin crew. The job aspirants can apply for jobs in the aforementioned departments and get hands on the best compensation package, insurance, and benevolent scheme offered in the industry. Grabbing the opportunity to travel across the globe, jobs in airlines have become the prime choice of many.

The Restaurant Effect

The restaurant market has also emerged as competitive with growing tourism. For restaurant brands to become successful, they have to promote themselves exceptionally well along with offering good food at the best prices. Restaurants have to work on the menu value, quality, right managers, and the qualified staff for projecting agile business growth. Jobs like restaurant managers, chefs, and executive managers are in great trend. Along with the degrees in hospitality and business management, the candidates should have a sound knowledge of the restaurant software such as OpenTable.

As the face of the travel and tourism industry across the Asia Pacific is taking a new shape, there is a growing need of upgraded skills and talents, leading transformation in the current job profiles. The specific workforce skills essential to perform the new-age job and tasks are shifted from the average level to the advanced. And that's why tourism is made part of education and academic curriculum in many universities.

Senior Vice President (Global Delivery), The Judge Group

A dynamic leader with more than 17-years of extensive cross-functional experience with some of the most trusted global brands such as The Judge Group, L&T Infotech, LiquidHub, Birlasoft and Genpact. Abhishek Agarwal is the SVP Global Delivery for The Judge Group, and he is responsible for the launch and oversight of Judge India, a key component of Judge’s global delivery strategy.

He is an MBA from ENPC, Paris, France and a Bachelor of Engineering from Marathawada University, India. During the past 17-year in the corporate world, he made splendid effort building delivery centers across the Americas, Europe, India, and APAC. With his exceptional leadership and managerial skills in Global Delivery, Strategic IT Outsourcing, Talent Acquisition, Recruitment, Sourcing, MIS/Analytics, Strategic Resource Management, Staffing, Business Analysis & Operations, Abhishek contributed massively to the growth and success of both organizations and people. Before joining The Judge Group, Abhishek was serving International Technology Solutions as Head of Global Talent Acquisition/Sourcing (IT). He also held global talent acquisition and delivery leadership roles for several other technology solutions, consulting and services companies, where he led many large teams in both physical and virtual environments.  

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So How Many Jobs Does Travel Create?

The U.S. Travel Association released on 26 August 2012 some data you can use to make a case for taking better care of special places: the number of jobs generated by travel and tourism. USTA is an advocacy organization, so these numbers may suffer from a promotional puff-factor, but even at half strength they would be striking.

does tourism create jobs

The report, Travel_Means_Jobs-USTA2012, offers a powerful argument for promoting tourism, especially overseas tourism. And that in turn provides an argument for good destination stewardship.

The report claims travel and tourism in 2011 supported 7.5 million U.S. jobs, which amounts to about 7% of private sector employment nationwide. It says travel job growth is outpacing the rest of the economy by 29%.

Significantly, small businesses provide the majority, 53%, of those travel jobs. “Small businesses in the travel industry employ a higher percentage of workers than the rest of the private sector in 44 of the 50 states,” according to the report. Plus, for all of us tourists, small businesses help make travel interesting.

What’s important about tourists from abroad? Incoming tourism actually constitutes an export, in that foreign money is buying U.S. services and products. (Tourism and real estate are among the few industries where the consumer goes to the product, not vice versa.)

That’s good for the U.S. economy, spreading incoming revenue and resulting jobs around the country. What’s more, tourists from abroad generally spend more per capita than domestic tourists, so you get more bang for each tourist footprint. (Similarly, Americans tend to spend more when they go abroad.)

Says the report, “Since 2008, travel has ranked as America’s largest export industry, ahead of other major exports such as machinery, chemicals, business services and agriculture. In 2011, it accounted for $153 billion in exports, which represented 7.3 percent of total U.S. exports in goods and services.”

The power of foreign tourism can be good for protection of destination assets—all those things that make each place special—because conservation measures can be shown to create jobs. Foreign tourism is also good “public diplomacy”: Visitors get to know Americans and dispel misconceptions about the country and its people.

Additionally, there is significance for the poorly promoted U.S. World Heritage program, because World Heritage is an attractor for foreign visitors. The 22 American sites inscribed under the World Heritage Convention—from the Great Smokies to Taos Pueblo—would do well to make their status better known.

—Jonathan Tourtellot

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    The U.S. Travel Association released on 26 August 2012 some data you can use to make a case for taking better care of special places: the number of jobs generated by travel and tourism. USTA is an advocacy organization, so these numbers may suffer from a promotional puff-factor, but even at half strength they would be striking.

  8. Accelerating tourism’s impact on jobs | International Labour ...

    Positive growth in tourism has positive knock-on effects in supporting sectors such as agriculture, construction, manufacturing, retail, handicrafts, and financial services – one new job in tourism creates one and a half indirect jobs. Tourism can be inclusive too.

  9. Travel & Tourism as a Driver of Employment Growth

    Travel & Tourism (T&T) is one of the leading job creators in the world. The industry employs more than 98 million people directly,1 representing over 3 percent of all employment.

  10. Tourism to create jobs around the world - Department of Tourism

    Tourism creates jobs within the sector and in many other linked sectors, and supports a higher share of employment for women and the youth, entrepreneurship and business opportunities in rural areas, compared to many other sectors of the economy.