• Tourism Data Leadership Group
  • The Tourism Information and Data Hui
  • 2018 Tourism Data Domain Plan
  • Tourism data sources diagram
  • Data release calendar
  • Quarterly Tourism Report
  • Tourism Evidence and Insights Centre
  • Monthly unique regional population estimates (MURPEs)
  • Tourism Electronic Card Transactions (TECTs)
  • Accommodation Data Programme (ADP)
  • International Visitor Survey (IVS)

Tourism and the economy

  • International travel
  • Tourism employment earnings and filled jobs
  • Cruise data
  • Monthly Regional Tourism Estimates (MRTEs, 2016-2020)
  • Business Events Research Programme (2009-2019)
  • Domestic Travel Survey 1999–2012
  • Tourism Insight Series
  • Tourism sector report
  • Kaikōura report
  • Tourism Flows Model
  • Understanding variation in tourism spend
  • 2019-2025 international tourism forecasts
  • Market forecast summaries
  • About the tourism forecasts
  • International forecast microdata
  • Previous international tourism forecasts
  • Subscribe to tourism data alerts

The Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) report presents information on tourism's contribution to the New Zealand economy in terms of expenditure and employment.

On this page

Latest tourism satellite account — december 2023 update.

Stats NZ develops and publishes the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) with funding we provide.

The 2023 TSA report provides a picture of the role tourism plays in New Zealand, with information on the changing levels and impact of tourism activity. Results cover provisional figures for the year ended March 2023, and detailed results for 2022.

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Note : Tables 19-26 contain detailed tables for the year ended March 2022.

2023 Key Provisional Estimates

Note:  The 2023 annual estimates featured capture the impact of COVID-19 in New Zealand through to March 2023 and are expressed in nominal terms.

Key provisional estimates for the year ended March 2023:

  • total tourism expenditure was $37.7 billion, an increase of 39.6% ($10.7 billion) from the previous year
  • international student expenditure (studying less than 12 months) was $2.1 billion, an increase of 1068.2% ($2.0 billion)
  • international tourism’s overall contribution to New Zealand’s total exports of goods and services was 11.4%, an increase of 9.0 percentage points
  • GST generated from international tourists totalled $209 million, an increase of $72 million
  • overseas visitor arrivals to New Zealand increased 858.7% to 2,199,073
  • household tourism expenditure decreased 2.8% ($576 million)
  • business and government increased 26.5% ($1.2 billion)
  • tourism generated a direct contribution to GDP of $13.3 billion, or 3.7% of GDP, an increase of 30.9% ($3.1 billion)
  • the indirect value added of industries supporting tourism generated an additional $8.8 billion, or 2.5% of GDP
  • the number of tourism employees was 164,619 – an increase of 49.7% (54,663)
  • the number of tourism working proprietors was 24,813 – a decrease of 37.6% (6,786)
  • as a share of the total number of people employed in New Zealand, direct tourism employment was 6.7% .

Interpretation of data

  • The data sources used in deriving the numbers for the March 2022 and 2023 years at an industry, commodity, and resultant aggregate level will be subject to future updates. These updates reflect COVID-19 related methodological challenges and further assessment and interpretation of the expenditure compositional change as part of the 2023 cycle of annual analysis and updated input datasets. Data presented in this TSA for these years should serve to provide initial guidance but may be subject to larger than usual updates.
  • Accommodation expenditure in the March 2023 year continued to be impacted by both Managed Isolation and Quarantine (MIQ), and the use of traditional accommodation providers for emergency housing, including in response to the Auckland Anniversary floods and Cyclone Gabrielle. In line with the definition of a tourist, the vast majority of MIQ expenditure would not fully constitute tourism activity, particularly so for returning New Zealand residents, and emergency housing is not considered tourism activity. While this expenditure would be captured on the supply side, an allowance has been made to exclude this from the tourism demand side. This has consequently led to lower accommodation product and industry ratios which flow through to tourism employment derivations. These derived numbers therefore better reflect ‘employees’ engaged in tourism as opposed to those in accommodation industry entities servicing MIQ and emergency housing.
  • The derivation of tourism employment is reliant on the relationship between tourism expenditure as a proportion of an industry’s output multiplied by that industry’s employment counts. The substantial loss of international tourism expenditure, and some domestic tourism expenditure, together with COVID-19’s wider impact on industries’ output, and the tourism recovery to date has seen these historically relatively consistent industry ratios change significantly. Furthermore, employment counts in industries have also been affected, noting that during COVID-19 this included a number of people being determined as being employed who have been supported by wage subsidy payments.

The Sustainable Tourism Explorer (STE) has been updated with the new TSA data

TSA data are now available in the STE in the form of interactive graphs. As well as visualising the data, you can also customise the graphs and download them or the related data.

Tourism GDP as a proportion of total GDP (external link)  — Tourism Evidence and Insights Centre (TEIC)

Direct tourism value added by industry (external link)  — TEIC (not available for the provisional year-ended March 2023)

Direct and indirect employment from tourism (external link)  — TEIC

2023 Revisions

Tourism satellite account: Year ended March 2023 includes updates made to both the domestic and international tourism expenditure series. These updates cause changes to the value of tourism expenditure in the New Zealand economy, and affect the official tourism satellite account (TSA) time series.

Updates to the expenditure series included the following.

  • Historic changes to export education source data used to derive international student expenditure.
  • Updated source data used in the derivation of imputed rental on holiday homes.
  • integrating updated Annual Enterprise Survey (AES) data (2019 and 2020) and AES 2021 data with household tourism expenditure estimates (HTEE)
  • continued modelling of the HTEE across the full year ended March 2023 due to changes in data supply arrangements (covered in detail in 'Appendix 2: Methodology' in download document)
  • updated HTEE supplementary data sources
  • national accounts data, including updated nominal GDP statistics from 2015 to 2021 (see 2023 preview of national accounts improvements).
  • Updates were also made to annual Linked Employer-Employee Data and Household Labour Force Survey sources used in determining tourism employment.

Tourism satellite account: Year ended March 2022 Appendix 2: Methodology (external link) — Stats NZ

2022 national accounts improvements preview (external link)  — Stats NZ

Tourism industry ratios are impacted because of these updates. These ratios are the proportion of an industry’s output that is consumed by tourists and are used to calculate value-added and tourism employment estimates. As a result of the ratio changes, StatsNZ updated the historical value added-time series. Together with the ratio changes, StatsNZ also updated the tourism employment time series.

More detailed Tourism Satellite Account data and technical information is available on Stats NZ's website.

Tourism statistics (external link) — Stats NZ

Previous Tourism Satellite Account tables

2022 tourism satellite account tables.

Tourism Satellite Account 2022: Excel Tables 1-18 [XLSX, 149 KB]

Tourism Satellite Account 2022: Excel Tables 19-26 [XLSX, 49 KB]

2021 Tourism Satellite Account Tables

Tourism Satellite Account 2021: Excel Tables 1-18 [XLSX, 191 KB]

Tourism Satellite Account 2021: Excel Tables 19-26 [XLSX, 77 KB]

2020 Tourism Satellite Account Tables

Tourism Satellite Account 2020: Excel Tables 1-18 [XLSX, 192 KB]

Tourism Satellite Account 2020: Excel Tables 19-26 [XLSX, 77 KB]

2019 Tourism Satellite Account Tables

Tourism Satellite Account 2019: Excel Tables 1-18 [XLSX, 190 KB]

Tourism Satellite Account 2019: Excel Tables 19-26 [XLSX, 79 KB]

Note: Tables 19-26 contain detailed tables for the year ended March 2018.

2018 Tourism Satellite Account Tables

Tourism Satellite Account 2018: Excel Tables 1-18 [XLSX, 193 KB]

Tourism Satellite Account 2018: Excel Tables 19-26 [XLSX, 82 KB]

Note : Tables 19-26 contain detailed tables for the year ended March 2017.

2017 Tourism Satellite Account Tables

Tourism Satellite Account 2017: Excel Tables 1-18 [XLSX, 189 KB]

Tourism Satellite Account 2017: Excel Tables 19-26 [XLSX, 78 KB]

Note: Tables 19-26 contain detailed tables for the year ended March 2016.

2016 Tourism Satellite Account Tables

Tourism Satellite Account 2016: Excel Tables 1-16 [XLSX, 154 KB]

Tourism Satellite Account 2016: Excel Tables 19-26 [XLSX, 60 KB]

Note: Tables 19-26 contain detailed tables for the year ended March 2013.

2015 Tourism Satellite Account Tables

Tourism Satellite Account 2015: Excel Tables 1-14 [XLSX, 185 KB]

Tourism Satellite Account 2015: Excel Tables 17-24 [XLSX, 57 KB]

Note: Tables 17-24 contain detailed tables for the year ended March 2012.

2014 Tourism Satellite Account Tables

Tourism Satellite Account 2014: Excel Tables 1-14 [XLSX, 193 KB]

Tourism Satellite Account 2014: Excel Tables 17-24 [XLSX, 69 KB]

Note: Tables 17-24 contain detailed tables for the year ended March 2011.

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https://www.mbie.govt.nz/immigration-and-tourism/tourism-research-and-data/tourism-data-releases/tourism-and-the-economy Please note: This content will change over time and can go out of date.

domestic tourism statistics new zealand

Industry News

New data highlights the economic importance of tourism to new zealand, 4 march 2024.

New figures confirm the tourism industry is recovering strongly and making a major contribution to the New Zealand economy.

Statistics NZ’s annual Tourism Satellite Account shows that for the year to March 2023, tourism was generating $37.7 billion from visitor spending, even though this period was still in the early stages of Covid recovery.

"These figures are historic but what they show is that tourism operators did an amazing job to get up and running after our borders fully opened and as international visitors returned, they were contributing billions of dollars to our economy,” Tourism Industry Aotearoa Chief Executive Rebecca Ingram says.

By March 2023, tourism - directly and indirectly – was contributing 6.2 per cent of New Zealand’s GDP.

International visitors spent $10.8b, an increase of $8.8b from the previous year which was a strong result given the time frame and the significant rebuild underway by operators.

“While this data gives us a read on last summer, anecdotal feedback from tourism operators this summer is very positive, tourism businesses are buoyant, and the signs are that we can look forward to contributing even more strongly to the country’s economic wellbeing when this data is published again.”

She also acknowledged the underpinning support of domestic tourism, which spent $26.9b in the year to March 2023 - above pre-Covid levels.

“This reinforces the importance of our New Zealand visitors, who continued to do something new after borders opened,” she said.

According to the Satellite Account, tourism is one of the country’s largest employers. Directly and indirectly, tourism supported 317,514 jobs in March 2023, “which means even at that time, tourism was supporting 11.3 per cent of the country’s entire jobs market,” Ms Ingram said.

Ms Ingram noted that the Satellite Account was normally published in December and urged the Government to prioritise this and other core tourism data.

“For tourism in New Zealand to develop sustainably, we need fundamental information about our performance, this ensures we can manage our industry well,’’ she said.

“The TSA’s data is vital for understanding tourism. It informs both the public and private sectors and underpins decision-making. The data available for tourism must be improved so we understand the current state of the industry much more deeply than we are currently do.”

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Tourism in New Zealand

Popular travel destinations, development of the tourism sector in new zealand from 1995 to 2021.

Tourists per year in New Zealand

Revenues from tourism

Tourism receipts in New Zealand per year

All data for New Zealand in detail

Comparison: quality of life

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56+ new zealand travel & tourism statistics [fresh for 2024].

Bradley Williams

It’s no doubt that New Zealand is among the most beautiful places for travel .

With rolling landscapes and incredible countryside, it’s also known for being the filming location for the world-famous Lord of the Rings franchise.

However, did you know that most of New Zealand’s tourists are from Australia?

Or that the average visitor spends 13.1 days in the country?

Whether you want to learn more about tourism in New Zealand or planning a trip there, we’ve compiled a list of the latest statistics about its travel industry.

Let’s get started!

Sources : We’ve includes the source of every statistic under each of them, or you can head to the bottom of this post for the full list of references and articles.


How many tourists visit New Zealand each year?

  • International visitor arrivals in 2023 in New Zealand are expected to reach 4.9 million.

What percentage of New Zealand is tourism?

Before the pandemic, tourism was the largest export industry in New Zealand, contributing 20.1% of total exports.

Which country visits New Zealand the most?

The country that sends the most international tourists to New Zealand is Australia, with 467 thousand arrivals in 2022.

New Zealand Travel & Tourism at a Glance

  • The top reason for visiting New Zealand was to visit friends or relatives (300 thousand people) visiting for this purpose.
  • Australia provided over 1.5 million visitors to New Zealand in 2017, and this is set to grow by 23% by 2024.
  • A survey conducted in Q4 2022 showed that 70% of respondents in New Zealand planned to go on a domestic holiday in the next 12 months.
  • Before the pandemic, tourism was the largest export industry in New Zealand, contributing 20.1% of total exports. 
  • In 2022, international tourists spent around NZ$1.9 billion, or a slight increase from 2021.
  • According to IBIS World, there are 579 hotels and resorts in New Zealand, with the market being worth $2 billion.
  • The most visited city for international tourists in New Zealand is Auckland. It received 448 thousand visitors in 2022.
  • As of April 2023, the annual number of business travellers in New Zealand was 164 thousand.

New Zealand inbound tourism statistics

1. international visitor arrivals in 2023 in new zealand are expected to reach 4.9 million..

Predicted number of tourists in New Zealand

2. This figure is expected to grow 4.6% a year, reaching 5.1 million visitors in 2024.

3. in january 2023, there were over 265 thousand international visitors to new zealand, a huge rise from the 4,033 arrivals in january 2022..

The dramatic rise is because of the fact that New Zealand had re-opened its borders after a two-year pandemic lockout.

Monthly tourists in New Zealand

4. The annual number of international arrivals in New Zealand grew by 230% in 2022.

5. the top reason for visiting new zealand was to visit friends or relatives (300 thousand people) visiting for this purpose., new zealand tourists by country, 6. in 2022, the largest group of international visitors to new zealand came from the oceania region (500 thousand people)., 7. the country that sends the most international tourists to new zealand is australia, with 467 thousand arrivals in 2022., 8. australia provided over 1.5 million visitors to new zealand in 2017, and this is set to grow by 23% by 2024., 9. based on visa type, the largest number of arrivals in new zealand in 2022 was by an australian visa, with more than 124 thousand entries..

On the other hand, the smallest category of arrivals was by a diplomatic visa, with just 725 recorded entries.

10. There were 250 thousand British visitors to New Zealand in 2017, and is expected to grow 2.5% annually to reach 298 thousand by 2024.

By 2024, there is expected to be an annual figure of 298 thousand arrivals from the UK .

11. Visitor growth from Canada was strong in 2017, at 12.7%. Looking forward, it’s expected to reach 92 thousand annual arrivals by 2024.

The Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment of New Zealand expects Canadian arrivals to hit 92 thousand in 2024 .

12. Moreover, growth in American visitor arrivals is expected to be strong for the next couple of years at 6.5% per annum.

The US is expected to contribute a total of 516 thousand visitor arrivals in 2024 .

The state with the largest share of US visitors to New Zealand is California, with over 75 thousand annual arrivals .

Domestic tourism in New Zealand

How much does NZ spend on domestic tourism?

13. A survey conducted in Q4 2022 showed that 70% of respondents in New Zealand planned to go on a domestic holiday in the next 12 months.

14. the majority of domestic overnight leisure trips were two or three nights in length (28% reported going on a 2-night trip)..

Trips longer than seven nights were picked by 15% of respondents.

15. The most common reason for going on a domestic overnight trip is holidaymaking (50%).

16. as at october 2022, domestic tourism electronic card transaction expenditure was highest in auckland, at nz$2 billion. , the economic impact of tourism on new zealand economy, 17. before the pandemic, tourism was the largest export industry in new zealand, contributing 20.1% of total exports. , 18. in 2022, international tourists spent around nz$1.9 billion, or a slight increase from 2021., 19. meanwhile, domestic tourism expenditure in that year was much higher at nz$24.5 billion..

International vs domestic tourism spending 2022

20. The total annual tourism expenditure had steadily increased by almost $15 billion, or 55%, in the past seven years before the pandemic.

21. international and domestic tourists spent nz$6.28 billion on retail products and nz$2.7 billion on food and beverage services in 2022., 22. in 2022, more than nz$470 million was spent in international tourism electronic card transaction expenditure in auckland., 23. the total value added by direct and indirect tourism expenditure in new zealand amounted to nz$8.5 billion in 2021, a decrease from nz$27 billion in 2020..

The pandemic has left its economic consequence on the tourism industry in New Zealand, causing the total value added to drop from NZ$27 billion to NZ$8.5 billion within one year.

24. In terms of GDP, the country’s tourism industry gross domestic product fell by 46% in 2021.

25. in 2022, the tourism sector contributed 5.1% of new zealand’s total gdp., 26. china is anticipated to become new zealand’s biggest tourism market by spending, reaching $3.1 billion annual expenditure by 2024, compared to just $3 billion by australian visitors., 27. household tourism expenditure fell by 1.7% ($344 million) from march 2021 to march 2022., 28. at the same time, business and government tourism expenditure increased by 14.2%, or $593 million., 29. in 2022, there were 240 thousand people employed in the tourism industry in new zealand. this is an increase from the 234 thousand employees in the sector in 2021., 30. hotels and resorts throughout new zealand employ a total of 10,342 people..

[IBIS World]

Travel accommodation in New Zealand

How many hotel are there in New Zealand?

31. According to IBIS World, there are 579 hotels and resorts in New Zealand, with the market being worth $2 billion.

32. the hotel and resort industry revenue is anticipated to fall by an annualised 3.7% to $1.6 billion between 2018 and 2023, largely due to the pandemic in 2021. this figure includes a significant recovery of 37.4% in 2022 to 2023., 33. the leading accommodation type in new zealand in 2022 for international guests was hotels, which welcomed more than 1 million guests that year..

Hotels are the most preferred type of accommodation for travellers in New Zealand, receiving over 1 million nights in 2022 .

34. The second most popular type of accommodation for foreign tourists in New Zealand are backpackers and large motels/apartments, each of which received 560 thousand nights.

Backpackers’ accommodation are also very popular among visitors to New Zealand, with this type of lodging recording 560 thousand nights in 2022 alone.

35. Meanwhile, lodges and boutique accommodations had only around 123 thousand international guest nights in 2022.

international guest nights in New Zealand in 2022 by accommodation type

36. Hotels are also the favored type of travel accommodation for domestic visitors, with 7.4 million domestic nights recorded in 2022.

37. domestic tourists enjoy camping in rvs, as shown by the 7.2 million domestic nights spent in holiday parks and camping grounds in new zealand in 2022., 38. in comparison, international tourists spent a total of 320 thousand nights in holiday parks and camping grounds. .

Renting an RV in New Zealand has become a popular way of travelling for domestic and international travellers alike.

39. In 2022, there were more than 24 thousand business entities in the hospitality industry in New Zealand.

This has been a consistent growth since 2013, when there were only 18.57 thousand hospitality enterprises.

New Zealand hospitality businesses

40. In 2022, hotels in the city of Wellington had the highest occupancy rate, at 59%, while in Christchurch it was 53%.

New Zealand experienced a fall in hotel occupancy from 2021 to 2022.

New Zealand hotels occupancy rate

41. As of June 2023, there are a total of 10,462 properties in New Zealand on Booking.com


Booking.com is the world’s most visited travel and tourism website, and there are currently 10,462 listings there of New Zealand accommodations.

Most visited destinations in New Zealand

What is the most visited city in New Zealand?

42. The most visited city for international tourists in New Zealand is Auckland. It received 448 thousand visitors in 2022.

Auckland is a particularly popular place for RV trips, which is why renting a campervan there is very easy.

43. Queenstown is the next most popular destination with just over a million international visitors in 2019.

In comparison, Auckland welcomed 1.83 million visitors in 2019.

44. Auckland is the top destination for domestic travelers, with 19% of respondents having visited it during their last overnight trip.

Wellington, Taupo, and Christchurch were also among the top domestic destinations for overnight tourist visits.

45. In 2019, the average daily rate for a hotel room in Queenstown was NZ$249, making it the most expensive town to stay in when in New Zealand.

Auckland comes second at NZ$202 per night.

46. In March 2023, Christchurch received 12,490 visitors, an increase of 7% on the prior month, and an increase of 160% on March 2022.

[Christchurch NZ]

Christchurch is a well-known place among tourists in New Zealand, welcoming 12,490 visitors in March 2023 alone. It offers many activities and epic road trip routes, hence the popularity of renting an RV or campervan in Christchurch .

Tourism behaviour in New Zealand

What is the trend in tourism in New Zealand?

47. In the 2022-2023 period, the average holidaymaker in New Zealand stays for 15.42 days, an increase from the average length of 13.1 days in 2019-2020.

48. visitors who are visiting friends and family in new zealand tend to stay for longer, at an average of 21.45 days., 49. on average, australian tourists in new zealand will stay for 12.52 days., 50. however, tourists from other parts of the world tend to stay for longer, at around 24.25 days per visit., 51. as of april 2023, the annual number of business travellers in new zealand was 164 thousand..

New Zealand receives around 164 thousand business travellers per year.

52. New Zealand ranks as the second most peaceful country in the world after Iceland, making it an ideal destination for female and solo travellers.

New Zealand attracts many solo travellers , thanks to its reputation as the second most peaceful country worldwide.

World's most peaceful countries for travel

53. By 2015, 80% of internet users claimed that they book travel online in New Zealand.

Around 4 in 5 people who use the internet in 2015 said that they book their travels online.

Work and study abroad statistics in New Zealand

How many international students are studying in New Zealand?

54. In 2022, 39 thousands student visas were granted in New Zealand, decreasing from 52 thousand in 2021.

55. meanwhile, 173 thousand work visas were granted in 2022, rising from 152 thousand in the previous year., 56. 70% of working holiday visa holders in new zealand said they wanted to visit auckland during their time in the country..

This was based on a survey conducted in 2022 among people with a working holiday visa in New Zealand.

57. The second most popular destination among working holiday visa holders was Wellington, with 1 in 2 people wanting to visit the capital city.

That’s all for our New Zealand travel and tourism statistics!

Hopefully, this has helped you understand more about this beautiful country.

Can you think of anything important that we missed?

Don’t hesitate from commenting below!

You may also want to check out these other travel statistics:

  • Mexico Travel & Tourism Statistics
  • Peru Travel & Tourism Statistics
  • Italy Travel & Tourism Statistics
  • Christchurch NZ
  • Booking.com

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  • Annual number of international visitor arrivals to Auckland New Zealand FY 2020-2023

Annual number of international visitor arrivals to Auckland, New Zealand from financial year 2020 to 2023 (in 1,000s)

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August 2023

New Zealand

2020 to 2023

year ended June

Values have been rounded. Note: This work is based on/includes Stats NZ's data which are licensed by Stats NZ for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. International visitors are defined by the source as overseas residents arriving in New Zealand for a stay of less than 12 months.

Other statistics on the topic Travel and tourism in New Zealand

  • Monthly number of international visitor arrivals to New Zealand 2019-2024
  • Perceived negative impacts of tourism on the environment New Zealand 2023
  • Number of international visitor arrivals to New Zealand FY 2024, by country of origin
  • Tourism value added as a share of industry GDP New Zealand 2014-2023

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Statistics on " Travel and tourism in New Zealand "

  • Tourism GDP growth rate New Zealand 2014-2023
  • Total tourism expenditure New Zealand 2014-2023, by tourist type
  • Total tourism expenditure New Zealand 2022-2023, by product type
  • Total number of people employed in the tourism sector New Zealand 2014-2023
  • Number of international visitor arrivals to New Zealand FY 2015-2024
  • Annual growth of international visitor arrivals to New Zealand FY 2015-2024
  • Number of international visitor arrivals to New Zealand FY 2024, by age
  • Number of international visitor arrivals to New Zealand FY 2024, by purpose of visit
  • Annual number of outbound NZ resident travelers New Zealand FY 2015-2024
  • Number of inbound NZ resident arrivals New Zealand FY 2024, by country visited
  • Number of inbound NZ resident arrivals to New Zealand FY 2024, by purpose of trip
  • Leading holiday destinations of inbound NZ resident arrivals New Zealand FY 2024
  • Monthly number of international visitor arrivals to Auckland New Zealand 2019-2024
  • Number of international visitor arrivals to Auckland, NZ FY 2023, by country origin
  • Monthly international guest nights Auckland New Zealand 2021-2024
  • Monthly domestic guest nights Auckland New Zealand 2021-2024
  • Views on the impact of international and domestic tourism on New Zealand 2023
  • Perceived positive impacts of tourism on the economy and society New Zealand 2023
  • Views on the environmental impact of international tourism New Zealand 2023
  • Views on the impact of international tourism on culture, values, and heritage NZ 2023
  • Perceived positive impacts of tourism on culture and heritage New Zealand 2023
  • International tourists' leading reasons for visiting New Zealand Q1 2024
  • Popular activities of international tourists New Zealand Q1 2024
  • Leading regions for overnight stays among international visitors New Zealand Q1 2024
  • Leading reasons for domestic overnight leisure trips New Zealand 2024
  • Share of domestic overnight leisure trips New Zealand 2024, by region

Other statistics that may interest you Travel and tourism in New Zealand

  • Premium Statistic Tourism value added as a share of industry GDP New Zealand 2014-2023
  • Premium Statistic Tourism GDP growth rate New Zealand 2014-2023
  • Premium Statistic Total tourism expenditure New Zealand 2014-2023, by tourist type
  • Premium Statistic Total tourism expenditure New Zealand 2022-2023, by product type
  • Premium Statistic Total number of people employed in the tourism sector New Zealand 2014-2023

Inbound tourism

  • Premium Statistic Monthly number of international visitor arrivals to New Zealand 2019-2024
  • Premium Statistic Number of international visitor arrivals to New Zealand FY 2015-2024
  • Premium Statistic Annual growth of international visitor arrivals to New Zealand FY 2015-2024
  • Premium Statistic Number of international visitor arrivals to New Zealand FY 2024, by country of origin
  • Premium Statistic Number of international visitor arrivals to New Zealand FY 2024, by age
  • Premium Statistic Number of international visitor arrivals to New Zealand FY 2024, by purpose of visit

Outbound tourism

  • Premium Statistic Annual number of outbound NZ resident travelers New Zealand FY 2015-2024
  • Premium Statistic Number of inbound NZ resident arrivals New Zealand FY 2024, by country visited
  • Premium Statistic Number of inbound NZ resident arrivals to New Zealand FY 2024, by purpose of trip
  • Premium Statistic Leading holiday destinations of inbound NZ resident arrivals New Zealand FY 2024

Tourism in Auckland

  • Premium Statistic Monthly number of international visitor arrivals to Auckland New Zealand 2019-2024
  • Premium Statistic Annual number of international visitor arrivals to Auckland New Zealand FY 2020-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of international visitor arrivals to Auckland, NZ FY 2023, by country origin
  • Premium Statistic Monthly international guest nights Auckland New Zealand 2021-2024
  • Premium Statistic Monthly domestic guest nights Auckland New Zealand 2021-2024

Views on tourism

  • Premium Statistic Views on the impact of international and domestic tourism on New Zealand 2023
  • Premium Statistic Perceived positive impacts of tourism on the economy and society New Zealand 2023
  • Premium Statistic Views on the environmental impact of international tourism New Zealand 2023
  • Premium Statistic Perceived negative impacts of tourism on the environment New Zealand 2023
  • Premium Statistic Views on the impact of international tourism on culture, values, and heritage NZ 2023
  • Premium Statistic Perceived positive impacts of tourism on culture and heritage New Zealand 2023

Tourist behavior

  • Premium Statistic International tourists' leading reasons for visiting New Zealand Q1 2024
  • Premium Statistic Popular activities of international tourists New Zealand Q1 2024
  • Premium Statistic Leading regions for overnight stays among international visitors New Zealand Q1 2024
  • Premium Statistic Leading reasons for domestic overnight leisure trips New Zealand 2024
  • Premium Statistic Share of domestic overnight leisure trips New Zealand 2024, by region

Further related statistics

  • Premium Statistic Passenger traffic at Dubai Airports from 2010 to 2020*
  • Premium Statistic Number of international tourist arrivals APAC 2019, by country or region
  • Basic Statistic Contribution of China's travel and tourism industry to GDP 2014-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of visitors to the U.S. from Russia 2011-2022
  • Premium Statistic Middle Eastern countries with the largest international tourism receipts 2018
  • Premium Statistic Music tourist spending at concerts and festivals in the United Kingdom (UK) 2012-2016
  • Basic Statistic Average price paid for a hotel room at home and away 2014, by country

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  • Passenger traffic at Dubai Airports from 2010 to 2020*
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  6. Tourism sector declines by 87%


  1. Tourism

    Tourism | Stats NZ ... Tourism

  2. Travel and tourism in New Zealand

    Growth of tourism gross domestic product (GDP) in New Zealand from 2014 to 2023 Premium Statistic Total tourism expenditure New Zealand 2014-2023, by tourist type

  3. PDF Domestic Travel View Report

    The demand for extended domestic holidays continues to decline, while trips up to five days remain steady. Sample size: May 20 n = 474, Sep-Oct 20 n = 852, Dec 20-Jan 21 n = 839, Apr 21 n = 781, Jul 21 n = 852, Oct 21 n = 833, Dec 21 n = 773, Apr 22 n = 813, Jun 22 n = 763, Oct 22 n = 849, Dec 22 n= 832. Length of holiday NZers are looking to ...

  4. Tourism data

    Regional spend. This data is a good indicator of spend growth in a region over time, but it doesn't capture all tourism spending. Filter the reports by region or product-type using the drop-down menus. (Source: Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment)

  5. Tourism and the economy

    Tourism satellite account: Year ended March 2023 includes updates made to both the domestic and international tourism expenditure series. These updates cause changes to the value of tourism expenditure in the New Zealand economy, and affect the official tourism satellite account (TSA) time series.

  6. Tourism satellite account: Year ended March 2022

    Auckland - the largest source and recipient of domestic tourism - was particularly impacted, which had a consequential expenditure effect on the rest of New Zealand. International tourism expenditure recorded in the March 2022 year is reflective of the number of visitors who arrived within the measurement year period, and that meet the ...

  7. Quick Facts & Figures

    Quick Facts & Figures

  8. PDF Annual Report

    Tourism New Zealand Chair René de Monchy, Tourism New Zealand Chief Executive 2020/2021 at a glance sector. In April 2020 Tourism New Zealand was asked to help kickstart domestic tourism to help the sector get back on its feet and help restart New Zealand's economy. Before COVID-19, 60% of New Zealand's tourism

  9. New Zealand: Domestic, inbound and outbound tourism: New Zealand

    The 2022 edition of OECD Tourism Trends and Policies analyses tourism performance and policy trends to support recovery across 50 OECD countries and partner economies. It examines the key tourism recovery challenges and outlook ahead, and highlights the need for co-ordinated, forward-looking policy approaches to set tourism on a path to a more ...

  10. Key tourism statistics

    Key tourism statistics. 19 June 2024. Stats NZ's tourism statistics give you information about the tourism industry in New Zealand. Find information about: spending by domestic and international visitors. spending by international students here for less than 12 months. tourism's contribution to GDP. tourism employment.

  11. New Data Highlights the Economic Importance of Tourism to New Zealand

    New figures confirm the tourism industry is recovering strongly and making a major contribution to the New Zealand economy. Statistics NZ's annual Tourism Satellite Account shows that for the year to March 2023, tourism was generating $37.7 billion from visitor spending, even though this period was still in the early stages of Covid recovery.

  12. Tourism satellite account: Year ended March 2021

    10 December 2021, 10:45am. Tourism satellite account: Year ended March 2021 provides a picture of the role tourism plays in New Zealand, with information on the changing levels and impact of tourism activity. It presents information on tourism's contribution to the New Zealand economy in terms of expenditure and employment.

  13. Development and importance of tourism for New Zealand

    In 2021, New Zealand generated around 2.88 billion US dollars in the tourism sector alone. This corresponds to 1.1 percent of its the gross domestic product and approximately 14 percent of all international tourism receipts in Australia/New Zealand. New Zealand consists of 2 main islands and lies in the Pacific Ocean southeast of Australia.

  14. New Zealand: monthly international visitors 2024

    Premium Statistic Views on the impact of international and domestic tourism on New Zealand 2023; Premium Statistic ... [Graph], Statistics New Zealand, August 13, 2024. [Online]. Available: https ...

  15. PDF Views on Tourism Report

    This report captures findings from questions included in Views on Tourism© research conducted from April 2023 to March 20241. Tourism New Zealand is Angus & Associates' country-level partner for the research programme in New Zealand. The Views on Tourism questions are designed to measure resident opinion on the value of international and ...

  16. 56+ New Zealand Travel & Tourism Statistics [Fresh For 2024!]

    Before the pandemic, tourism was the largest export industry in New Zealand, contributing 20.1% of total exports. In 2022, international tourists spent around NZ$1.9 billion, or a slight increase from 2021. According to IBIS World, there are 579 hotels and resorts in New Zealand, with the market being worth $2 billion.

  17. New Zealand: views on the impact of international and domestic tourism

    Tourism New Zealand. (July 19, 2023). New Zealanders' views on the impact of international and domestic tourism on New Zealand as at May 2023 [Graph]. In Statista. Retrieved August 23, 2024, from ...

  18. Tourism satellite account: Year ended March 2023

    In the year ended March 2023, international tourism's contribution to total exports was $10.8 billion (11.4 percent of exports) (see table 3 under Download document and data and figure 3 below). Excluding international tourism, the total exports for goods and services increased 7.6 percent ($6.0 billion) in the year to March 2023. Figure 3 ...

  19. Tourism satellite account: 2019

    International tourism expenditure increased 5.2 percent ($843 million) to $17.2 billion, and contributed 20.4 percent to New Zealand's total exports of goods and services. Domestic tourism expenditure increased 3.3 percent ($746 million) to $23.7 billion. Tourism generated a direct contribution to GDP of $16.2 billion, or 5.8 percent of GDP.

  20. PDF Views on Tourism Report

    Tourism New Zealand is Angus & Associates' country-level partner for the research programme in New Zealand. The Views on Tourism questions are designed to measure resident opinion on the value of international and domestic tourism and the extent to which tourism is having both positive and adverse impacts. The research considers New Zealand ...

  21. PDF The contribution made by tourism to the New Zealand economy

    Tourism satellite account: 2019 includes revisions made to both the domestic and international tourism expenditure series. These revisions caused changes to the value of tourism expenditure in the New Zealand economy, and affect the official tourism satellite account (TSA) time series back to 1999.

  22. New Zealand tourist tax near triples for foreign visitors

    New Zealand will steeply increase an entry tax for foreign tourists in a move some fear could deter visitors. The cost of the International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy will near triple ...

  23. New Zealand: monthly domestic tourism transaction ...

    Auckland Council, Monthly domestic tourism transaction expenditure in Auckland, New Zealand from January 2022 to October 2023 (in million New Zealand dollars) Statista, https://www.statista.com ...

  24. New Zealand: Wellington Airport's domestic passengers 2024

    Global tourism industry - statistics & facts ... when approximately 353 thousand domestic visitors came to New Zealand via the same airport. ... Accessed September 06, 2024. https://www.statista ...

  25. New Zealand: annual number of international visitor arrivals to

    Premium Statistic Views on the impact of international and domestic tourism on New Zealand 2023 Premium Statistic Views on international tourism impact on post-pandemic economic recovery NZ 2023