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Inside Vodafone

Vodafone easytravel: so surfst und telefonierst du sorgenfrei im ausland.

27. Juli 2023

  • Featured Redaktion

Du ver­reist in die USA, Türkei, Schweiz oder nach Kana­da? Dann nimm Deinen  Voda­fone-Tarif doch ein­fach mit! Mit Voda­fone Easy­Trav­el und den Tar­ifen Easy­Trav­el Tag, Woche und Flat tele­fonierst und surf­st Du auch in Nicht-EU-Län­dern wie zuhause.

Ein paar Tage Busi­ness-Trip, eine Woche relax­ter Urlaub oder ein län­ger­er Aufen­thalt: Gute Gründe, um ins Aus­land zu reisen, gibt es genug. Allerd­ings ist der Tarif-Wech­sel in ein fremdes Netz nicht immer unkom­pliziert. Mit den Voda­fone Easy­Trav­el-Ange­boten nimmst Du Deinen Tarif mit allen bekan­nten Vorteilen ganz ein­fach mit, und das für einen Tag, für eine Woche oder für ein ganzes Jahr.

easy travel paket

Auch im Ausland surfen und telefonieren wie zuhause

Inner­halb der EU sowie in Nor­we­gen, Liecht­en­stein und Island tele­fonierst und surf­st Du dank des EU-Roam­ings ganz ein­fach wie zuhause. In diesen Län­dern wan­der­st Du vom Voda­fone-Netz ohne Weit­eres in die lokalen Net­ze und kannst dort ohne Zusatzkosten den Mobil­funk nutzen. Auch wenn Du einen Pre­paid Callya-Tarif hast, greift das EU-Roam­ing für Dich. Aber was ist mit anderen beliebten Reisezie­len wie USA, Kana­da, Türkei und der Schweiz?

Hier kannst Du Dich als Vodafone-Kund:in ganz ein­fach und spon­tan für ein passendes Easy­Trav­el-Ange­bot anmelden und Deinen Tarif für die Dauer Deines Aufen­thalts wie zuhause weit­er­nutzen.

Du bist noch kein:e Vodafone-Kund:in oder möcht­est Deinen bish­eri­gen Tarif opti­mieren? Kein Prob­lem, hier find­est Du Dein neues Mobil­funk-Ange­bot!

+++ Hier geht‘s zu den aktuellen Ange­boten im Voda­fone-Shop +++

Die EasyTravel-Tarife

Es geht für Dich in eines der Easy­Trav­el-Län­der Schweiz, Türkei, USA, Kana­da, Andor­ra, Färöer-Inseln, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jer­sey oder Mona­co? Wenn Du einen der Voda­fone-Tar­ife Voda­fone Gig­aMo­bil , Red, Smart 2022, bis Smart 2017 im Smart L, L+, XL, Voda­fone Gig­aMo­bil Young, Voda­fone Young ‚Voda­fone Easy oder eine Fam­i­ly­Card hast, prof­i­tierst Du in diesen Län­dern ganz stress­frei von den Voda­fone Easy­Trav­el-Tar­ifen.

+++ Hier find­est Du alle Easy­Trav­el-Ange­bote in der Über­sicht +++

EasyTravel Tag

Geht es für Dich nur einen Tag mobil in ein Easy­Trav­el-Land außer­halb der EU, reicht das Easy­Trav­el Tag-Ange­bot . Im Aus­land angekom­men, startet Dein Easy­Trav­el Tag automa­tisch, sobald Du surf­st, tele­fonierst oder eine SMS ver­schickst. Für 7,99 Euro pro Tag kannst Du dann flat im Reise­land und nach Deutsch­land tele­fonieren und SMS versenden. Zusät­zlich erhältst Du das Daten­vol­u­men Deines Voda­fone-Tar­ifs auch fürs Aus­land. Der Zeitraum des Easy­Trav­el Tages läuft von 0 bis 24 Uhr deutsch­er Ort­szeit.

+++ Hier find­est Du mehr Infos zum Easy­Trav­el Tag-Ange­bot +++

Du hast einen Smart Tech Tarif für Deine Smart­watch? Dann nimm ihn ein­fach mit ins Aus­land mit Smart Tech Easy­Trav­el Tag !

EasyTravel Woche

Die Easy­Trav­el Woche   funk­tion­iert ganz ähn­lich. Für Deine sor­gen­freie Reise­woche in die oben genan­nten Län­der brauchst Du nur eine SMS mit „Easy7“ an die 70127 senden oder in der Mein­Voda­fone-App die Easy­Trav­el Woche zu aktivieren.

Am besten buchst Du die Option schon am Tag vor Dein­er Abreise und aktivierst das Roam­ing in Deinen Ein­stel­lun­gen. Dann erhältst Du für nur 21,99 Euro ab Ankun­ft eine volle Woche lang Dein gewohntes Daten­vol­u­men und tele­fonierst per Flat nach Deutsch­land und im Reise­land. Die Option ist bis zu sieben Tage und bis um 23:59 deutsch­er Zeit aktiv.

Auch hier sind SMS natür­lich inbe­grif­f­en. Nach Ablauf des Zeitraumes endet das Ange­bot automa­tisch. Wenn Du länger als sieben Tage weg­bleib­st, kannst Du das Ange­bot natür­lich ein­fach für eine weit­ere Woche oder einzelne Tage ver­längern.

+++ Hier find­est Du mehr Infos zur Easy­Trav­el Woche +++

EasyTravel Flat Flex

Du bist länger unter­wegs? Dann ist Easy­Trav­el Flat Flex das Richtige für Dich. Mit diesem flex­i­blen Reise­tarif bist Du ein halbes Jahr lang in den Easy­Trav­el Län­dern abgesichert.

Bei ein­er Ver­tragslaufzeit von sechs Monat­en erhältst Du in Deinem Wun­sch­land für nur 9,99 Euro pro Monat eine schnelle Fla­trate für Smart­phone-Daten­nutzung und Dein bish­eriges Voda­fone-Daten­vol­u­men. Tele­fonie und SMS nach Deutsch­land und ins Reise­land sind natür­lich auch enthal­ten.

Achtung: Die Easy­Trav­el Flat Flex kannst Du nur noch bis zum 01. Novem­ber 2023 buchen.

+++ Hier find­est Du mehr Infos zum Easy­Trav­el Flat Flex +++

Län­der, die nicht zur EU oder den Easy­Trav­el-Län­dern gehören, deckst Du mit den Reisep­a­keten ReiseP­a­ket World oder ReiseP­a­ket Data ab. Anson­sten gel­ten die Voda­fone World Data Tar­ife.

+++ Hier geht’s zu den ReiseP­a­keten ++

+++ Hier geht’s zu den Voda­fone World Data Tar­ifen +++

Internationale:r Vieltelefonierer:in? Check die Minutenpakete von Vodafone!

Du hast Kon­tak­te und Business-Partner:innen in der ganzen Welt? Dann soll­test Du die Voda­fone Minuten­Pakete in Deinem Red Busi­ness Prime-Tarif aktivieren. Mit Minuten­Pakete Inter­na­tion­al tele­fonierst Du von Deutsch­land aus in über 100 Län­der — mit 100 oder 500 Inklu­siv-Minuten pro Monat. Und mit Minuten­Pakete World ruf­st Du sor­gen­frei von jedem Land in die ganze Welt an — mit einem gün­sti­gen Basis­preis und ein­er flex­i­blen Laufzeit von nur drei Monat­en.

+++ Hier geht’s zu den Minuten­Paketen +++

Was sagst Du zu den Easy­Trav­el Tar­ifen von Voda­fone? Schreib uns Deine Mei­n­ung in die Kom­mentare!

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From honeymoon packages in far-flung destinations to a weekend luxury spa break, find your perfect couples vacation.

Find your next vacation package 

Are vacation packages worth it.

Vacation packages can save a lot on your 2024 vacation, as discounts may be available when booking multiple aspects of your vacation at once, such as the hotel and the flight. Flights and hotel packages can include a car rental at your destination. Check our package deal today on Expedia!

How much do vacation packages cost?

The exact cost of a vacation package varies based on various factors such as destination, accommodation quality, flight class, and even the time of year you visit. The type of vacation you embark on can also affect cost with options like family packages and all-inclusive packages . You can search for your specific price range, too, with plenty of vacations under $1,000 , for example. 

How to choose your vacation package?

To find the best vacation package, you'll need to consider the type of vacation you're looking to enjoy and the destination. Using the site's search function, you can find a wide variety of packages available for your chosen vacation location, while search filters can narrow down options based on vacation type. Browse our deals now.

How to find cheap vacation packages?

If you're looking to save, be sure to set filters for any budget limitations you may have in your search. Additionally, you can sort by price to automatically put the cheapest options first in your search results. Weekend getaway packages can be relatively inexpensive as well if you are looking for cheap getaways. 

How to vacation on a budget?

Budget-friendly travel is easy when you book with Expedia, as we can help you keep prices low via search filters, but that's not all. There are general trends to keep in mind regarding prices, such as travel packages generally being cheaper during the off-season of your vacation destination. Additionally, the higher the quality amenities you opt for, the higher the price typically is.

How to get great vacation deals?

Vacation deals are common with Expedia, as we offer plenty of discounts on great packages, with packages already being a deal compared to booking hotels and flights separately.

How to find last-minute vacation deals?

To book last-minute vacation trips, simply input your travel dates into the search and see what's available at that time for your destination. You can still filter based on virtually anything you can imagine, including amenities, price, star rating, and more.

Where should I go on vacation?

Booking a Hawaii vacation package is especially popular with all sorts of travelers, whether it's families or couples, and Disney World packages have much to offer for families. Consider the kind of vacation you're looking for to determine the perfect destination. 

What are some of the best vacation spots?

Top vacation spots include cheap Caribbean vacations and European vacation packages . With rich culture, history, and stunning natural beauty, a vacation package to these destinations can provide an unforgettable adventure. 

Where to go on a vacation in the US?

Staying in the US still offers easy access to great vacation places with Vegas packages and a Grand Canyon vacation being popular choices among other options. Whether you’re seeking the thrills of the Vegas Strip or the majestic views of the Grand Canyon, browse your options today.  

Where to go on vacation on a budget?

Cheap vacation ideas can still take you to a variety of great cheap vacation destinations, including Yellowstone vacations and Glacier National Park vacations . Parks and outdoor experiences tend to be free, so national park vacations are excellent for a budget-friendly trip. 

What are some great all-inclusive vacation packages?

All-inclusive vacations to the Bahamas and all-inclusive vacations to Cancun are some of the best options available, putting you in a Caribbean paradise. However, all-inclusive vacations are more varied than you might think, with worldwide options. 

What are the best destinations for a family vacation?

Traveling with kids means you'll need to find fun for the whole family, and Orlando vacation packages can put you and your little ones in the world's theme park capital. Of course, a vacation package to Anaheim offers a similar experience on the West coast. 

Where should I go on vacation this summer?

If you're looking to embrace the season, head to the beach with a summer vacation package to Destin . Of course, you may be more interested in escaping the heat with something like a vacation package to Vancouver . 

How to find cheap beach vacations?

In your search, you can apply search filters for beach trip packages and sort your results by price to see the cheap vacation options first. With those standards, you can find amazing cheap trips with beach vacation packages like vacation packages to Panama City and vacation packages to Myrtle Beach . 

What are some great couples' vacations?

Traveling with your partner means a more romantic adventure, which is easy when you book vacation packages to Honolulu . However, you can always opt for the classics and get a vacation package to Paris . Even a simple 3-day cheap getaway can be suitable. 

What are the best destinations for a luxury vacation?

One of the best destinations for luxury is a Las Vegas vacation package , as the city was essentially designed to make visitors feel luxurious. Of course, a Lake Tahoe vacation package can be just as fulfilling as a more outdoor-oriented experience. Golf vacations also tend to be quite elegant. 

How to find great Christmas vacation packages?

To find an excellent package for a Christmas vacation, simply put your travel dates into the search and discover what's available. Vacation packages to New York and vacation packages to Chicago are trendy around Christmas. 

Where to get ski vacation packages?

Ski vacation packages are readily available on Expedia, including vacation packages to Aspen , vacation packages to Vail , and packages to other notable ski resorts. Check out the deals now and book your next ski vacation today.  

Can I cancel my vacation package with Expedia?

Yes, you can cancel your vacation package via your itinerary page on Expedia or by contacting customer service. Remember that some packages are fully refundable, but the details vary based on each unique booking. A fully refundable package may depend on how far out from the travel dates you're canceling and what airline you are travelling with.

Why should I book my vacation package with Expedia?

Booking with Expedia makes it easy to plan your entire vacation in advance. Vacation packages with airfare included can also feature a rental car and even activities in some cases, with discounts typically coming with booking more than one aspect of your trip at a time. One Key members will earn  OneKeyCash  with every eligible booking that you can use to save on future eligible bookings. Membership is free, sign up today!

*OneKeyCash is not redeemable for cash and can only be used on Expedia,  and Vrbo.

Explore a world of travel with Expedia

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Best Vacation Destinations by Month

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Vacation Packages Under $400

Book your flight and hotel together, and together, we can make it happen.

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All-Inclusive Resorts 

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In a country as vast and geographically diverse as the USA, it’s ALWAYS road trip season somewhere. 

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There’s nothing like immersing yourself in nature on a woodsy getaway where days are wiled away outside. 

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Knowing up front whether or not you’re travel compatible can save a lot of heartache. 

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Top domestic vacation destinations.

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US Virgin Island

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Top international vacation destinations

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Vacation Ideas

Beach vacation destinations.

  • Bahamas Vacations
  • Bali Vacations
  • Bora Bora Vacations
  • Cabo San Lucas Vacations
  • Dominican Republic Vacations
  • Jamaica Vacations
  • Kauai Vacations
  • Key West Vacations
  • Maui Vacations
  • Montego Bay Vacations
  • Myrtle Beach Vacations
  • Playa del Carmen Vacations
  • Punta Cana Vacations
  • Hawaii Vacations

International city vacations

  • Amsterdam Vacations
  • Barcelona Vacations
  • Dublin Vacations
  • London Vacations
  • Paris Vacations
  • Rome Vacations
  • Tokyo Vacations
  • Venice Vacations

City vacation destinations

  • Denver Vacations
  • Grand Canyon Vacations
  • Lake Tahoe Vacations
  • Las Vegas Vacations
  • Miami Vacations
  • New Orleans Vacations
  • New York Vacations
  • Orlando Vacations
  • San Francisco Vacations
  • Seattle Vacations

International vacation destinations

  • Australia Vacations
  • Caribbean Vacations
  • Costa Rica Vacations
  • Dubai Vacations
  • Fiji Vacations
  • Mexico Vacations
  • Thailand Vacations
  • United Kingdom Vacations

Destination deals

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  • Travel coupons and promo codes
  • Last minute travel deals
  • Best vacations by country
  • Travelocity reviews
  • USA vacation packages
  • All Inclusive Vacations
  • Europe Tours

Europe Tours and Trip Packages 2024/2025

Whether you’re an adventure seeker, a history buff, or you just enjoy the finer things in life, a Europe tour package has something to offer every type of traveler. These Europe package tours and trips explore any of the continent’s 50 countries that are diverse in size, climate, traditions - and cost! With fine cuisine, world-renowned art and music, and 23 officially recognized languages, a tour in Europe can be a cultural labyrinth that fuels wanderlust. 

  • Europe Travel Guide

+300 Trips in Europe with 11,401 Reviews

Glimpse Of Europe Tour

  • Starts Amsterdam, Holland
  • Ends Paris, France

Glimpse of Europe

  • Best price guaranteed
  • No booking fees
  • Tour Type Group Tour
  • Activities Sightseeing Tours & Art and architecture Sightseeing Tours , Art and architecture & Cultural, religious and historic sites 'data-more-tripid='21253'>+1 more
  • Accommodation Hotel
  • Transport Private Vehicle, Coach & Boat
  • Age Range 5-99 yrs
  • Operated in English
  • Brochure Price: US$ 1,695
  • Special Deal (11%): - US$ 188
  • Total Price from: US$ 1,507
  • Jun 17 Only 8 seats left
  • Jul 01 Only 10 seats left
  • View More Jan 1, 2019 Jan 2, 2019 Jan 3, 2019

Best Of Central Europe Tour

  • Starts Vienna, Austria
  • Ends Budapest, Hungary

Best of Central Europe

  • Tour Type Small Group Tour
  • Activities Sightseeing Tours & Art and architecture Sightseeing Tours , Art and architecture , Cultural, religious and historic sites & Mountains 'data-more-tripid='3044'>+2 more
  • Accommodation Hotel & Resort
  • Transport Train, Bus, Private Vehicle, Boat, Minibus & Taxi
  • Age Range 15-99 yrs
  • Brochure Price: US$ 4,075
  • Special Deal (35%): - US$ 1,426
  • Total Price from: US$ 2,649
  • Jun 15 10+ seats left
  • Jun 22 Only 9 seats left

Europe Jewel Tour

  • Ends Amsterdam, Holland

Europe Jewel

  • Activities Cultural, sightseeing, food tours & Art and architecture Cultural, sightseeing, food tours , Art and architecture & City sightseeing 'data-more-tripid='37689'>+1 more
  • Transport Coach, Boat, Taxi & Train
  • Age Range 10-99 yrs
  • Brochure Price: US$ 3,120
  • Special Deal (24%): - US$ 742
  • Total Price from: US$ 2,378
  • Jul 05 Only 10 seats left
  • Jul 19 Only 6 seats left

The Great Adventure Tour

  • Starts Rome, Italy

The Great Adventure

  • Activities Explorer
  • Transport Private Vehicle, Boat, Bus, Ferry, Flight & Train
  • Jun 16 10+ seats left
  • Jun 23 10+ seats left

Get Social: Central & Eastern Europe Tour

  • Starts London, England
  • Ends London, England

Get Social: Central & Eastern Europe

  • Accommodation Bungalow & Hostel
  • Transport Coach, Bus & Helicopter
  • Age Range 18-39 yrs
  • Brochure Price: US$ 3,889
  • Special Deal (10%): - US$ 389
  • Total Price from: US$ 3,500
  • Jun 26 10+ seats left
  • Jul 10 10+ seats left

A Piece Of Europe Tour

  • Ends Frankfurt, Germany

A Piece of Europe

  • Transport Boat & Bus
  • Jun 14 10+ seats left
  • Jun 21 10+ seats left

Spain & Portugal: Flamenco & Tapas Tour

  • Starts Barcelona, Spain
  • Ends Madrid, Spain

Spain & Portugal: Flamenco & Tapas

  • Activities City sightseeing & Art and architecture City sightseeing , Art and architecture , Party and nightlife & Food tours 'data-more-tripid='4978'>+2 more
  • Accommodation Hostel
  • Transport Train, Bus & Coach
  • Sep 06 Only 7 seats left
  • Sep 13 Only 8 seats left

Europe Taster Tour

Europe Taster

  • Activities City sightseeing & Art & architecture tour City sightseeing , Art & architecture tour , Art and architecture , & heritage & Cultural, religious and historic sites 'data-more-tripid='37695'>+3 more
  • Transport Coach, Boat & Train
  • Brochure Price: US$ 2,070
  • Special Deal (33%): - US$ 674
  • Total Price from: US$ 1,396
  • Jun 23 Only 4 seats left
  • Jun 30 Only 4 seats left

All About Balkans (4 Star Hotels) Tour

  • Starts Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Ends Athens, Greece

All About Balkans (4 Star Hotels)

  • Activities Sightseeing Tours & Art and architecture Sightseeing Tours , Art and architecture & Cultural, religious and historic sites 'data-more-tripid='17753'>+1 more
  • Transport Bus, Coach & Boat
  • Brochure Price: US$ 2,497
  • Special Deal (45%): - US$ 1,124
  • Total Price from: US$ 1,373
  • Jul 06 10+ seats left
  • Jul 13 10+ seats left

Baltic Capital Cities Tour

  • Starts Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Ends Tallinn, Estonia

Baltic Capital Cities

  • Activities Active and outdoor & Cultural, religious and historic sites
  • Transport Bus
  • Age Range 16-95 yrs
  • Brochure Price: US$ 1,470
  • Special Deal (11%): - US$ 160
  • Total Price from: US$ 1,310
  • Jun 08 Only 9 seats left
  • Jun 22 Only 3 seats left

Caucasus Countries (12 Days) Tour

  • Starts Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Ends Tbilisi, Georgia

Caucasus Countries (12 days)

  • Trip customizable
  • Activities Sightseeing Tours & Cultural, religious and historic sites Sightseeing Tours , Cultural, religious and historic sites , Art and architecture & National parks 'data-more-tripid='18354'>+2 more
  • Transport Coach & Minibus
  • Age Range 12-75 yrs
  • Jul 13 Only 5 seats left

European Vistas Tour

European Vistas

  • Activities Natural landmarks sightseeing & City sightseeing
  • Transport Coach, Boat, Private Vehicle & Taxi
  • Brochure Price: US$ 1,890
  • Special Deal (26%): - US$ 494
  • Jun 29 Only 4 seats left
  • Jul 27 10+ seats left

Irish Explorer Tour

  • Starts Dublin, Ireland
  • Ends Dublin, Ireland

Irish Explorer

  • Activities Art and architecture & Cultural, religious and historic sites
  • Transport Coach
  • Brochure Price: US$ 1,685
  • Special Deal (32%): - US$ 545
  • Total Price from: US$ 1,140
  • Jun 23 Only 3 seats left
  • Jul 07 Only 2 seats left

Highlights Of Portugal Tour

  • Starts Lisbon, Portugal
  • Ends Porto, Portugal

Highlights of Portugal

  • Activities Local culture & Art and architecture Local culture , Art and architecture , Cultural, religious and historic sites & Shopping and Markets 'data-more-tripid='10596'>+2 more
  • Transport Train, Private Vehicle & Boat
  • Age Range 12-95 yrs
  • Jun 10 Only 1 seat left
  • Jul 05 Only 2 seats left

Europe Tour Reviews

  • Michael Fiaksel
  • George Willing
  • Jacqueline Nguyen

Europe - Tour Package Highlights and Trip Insights

With so much to see, do, eat and buy, planning a Europe tour is no easy feat. There are, of course, the typical sightseeing musts: Paris’ Louvre, London’s Tower Bridge, and Rome’s Colosseum. Even Europe’s most frequent visitors will always find something new to discover. Read on for our top Europe tour highlights and Europe trip insights.

Europe Tour Package Highlights

  • Go back in time and explore the ruins of ancient civilizations in Italy and Greece
  • Snack on cheese and wine (or escargot, if you’re feeling adventurous) in the Champ de Mars, beneath the Eiffel Tower
  • Ride a bicycle through the townhouse-lined streets of Amsterdam before touring the canals by boat
  • Listen to the romantic songs of the gondoliers as you cruise through the canals of Venice
  • Indulge in an authentic Belgian waffle, drowned in chocolate
  • Enjoy an ice-cold beer from a beer stein at Oktoberfest in Germany
  • Hike from village to village in Italy’s Cinque Terre
  • Get lost between the shelves of some of the world’s most beautiful libraries, like those at Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland), Mafra Palace (Mafra, Portugal), and the Clementinum Baroque Library Hall (Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Join a Europe tour that goes through many of Europe's travel highlights in countries such as Spain , France , Italy , Netherlands and Scandinavia .

Europe Trip Insights

  • Traveling by rail is one of the easiest (and sometimes cheapest) ways to get around Europe, especially if you plan to travel for a couple of weeks (or longer). Investigate rail passes before you visit, particularly ones that can be used between countries. Interrail and Eurail are very popular among travelers.
  • Don’t skip the “touristy” destinations. Everyone travels differently, but the most popular European highlights are popular for a reason. Brave the crowds and be sure to stop by those more cliché sites - you’ll be glad you did.
  • Try not to over prepare! One of the great benefits of visiting Europe is that it’s incredibly easy to travel between towns and countries. Allow yourself some flexibility to open yourself up to new adventures (and avoid travel burnout). If you've booked a Europe tour package with accommodation, activities, guides etc. get ready to indulge and relax - you are up for a Europe trip of a lifetime. 
  • Chances are you don’t speak 23 different languages, so be prepared before you travel. Avoid carrying around heavy guide books by downloading a translation app on your phone.
  • Note that not all European countries use the Euro, including the United Kingdom , Denmark and Hungary (among others). Do your research beforehand and be ready to juggle different currencies if you’re planning an extensive trip.
  • Travelling on a budget? Check our last minute holiday and travel deals to Europe . Also, consider looking for accommodation outside the city centre. Most large European cities are very well connected by public transportation, meaning all your bucket list sites are just a quick (and often inexpensive) bus, train, or metro ride away.

Tours in Europe - Questions and Answers

You can spend a couple of months exploring Europe and still feel like you have not seen everything. Generally speaking, a two-week Europe trip should be just enough if you are looking to cover its major highlights. However, if you want a comprehensive travel experience within this duration, it is better that you focus on a region or a few countries rather than traveling all over the continent. 

Choose a single country or schedule your trip around a handful of cities in different countries. While larger European cities may require three to four days to explore, you can get around smaller destinations in a day or two. Planning your trip around a particular region will cut down your travel time and save your time in transit.

If you are planning to visit multiple countries, you should prepare a tentative list of destinations you are interested in. If it is your first trip, stick to major cities and cultural centers for the sake of simplicity and convenience. Also, be flexible and optimize your travel time and budget. Be open to changing your itinerary depending on schedules and ticket prices.

There are dozens of insurance companies offering travel insurance, which can make it difficult for you to choose the right one.

There are a number of things that you should be aware of while purchasing travel insurance. If it is comprehensive medical insurance plans that you are interested in, make sure to find out what all the plan covers. If you are concerned about certain scenarios, then check out customizable travel insurance policies and find out if the provider can cover you for those situations. You also need to determine if there are reasonable coverage limits. Check deductibles and compensation limits in the insurance policy for this.

While insurance is important, it is mostly a safeguard against emergencies. If you are on a budget, you can go with the second- or even third-best option and prioritize getting your money’s worth instead of purchasing the most comprehensive coverage.

Europe has swathes of spectacular landscapes, a rich history, and vibrant cultures. Therefore, deciding on the best travel destinations on the continent can be difficult. However, you can narrow down on highlights by choosing one overarching theme for your trip. 

If you are looking forward to immersing yourself in art and history, then Italy, Spain , and France should be on the top of your list. Head for Switzerland , Norway , or Croatia if nature is what you love the most. For beaches and water sports, you will be hard-pressed to find better destinations than Greece , Portugal , and Montenegro.

Having said that, you can also diversify your itinerary by mixing and matching different elements of the same country. Italy  tops the charts not just for its medieval monuments and Renaissance art but also for coastal scenery and sun-soaked beaches. Similarly, Spain is a foodie paradise as much as it is an architectural hotspot.

Bus services like FlixBus and BusAbout offer a convenient means of transport if you wish to move from one city to another within the same country. Although these services do travel between countries, they might not be the best choice due to a longer travel time.

Budget airlines are another great way to get around Europe’s major cities, especially when you want to cut down on travel time between two countries. Keep an eye out and you might be able to snag tickets at unbelievable rates. Services like Skyscanner can be of help. Some of the largest budget airlines in the continent are Ryanair , WizzAir , Eurowings , and EasyJet .

Ridesharing services are a godsend for those wishing to immerse themselves in local culture as they offer you the chance to catch a ride with locals along the way. BlaBlaCar is the largest one. The only downside is that it is not always as easy to book a rideshare service as it is to catch a bus or hop on a budget flight.

The USA is one of the 63 countries whose citizens enjoy visa-free entry into the EU Schengen zone along with the UK and associated states like Iceland , Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland. 

This means that if you are an American citizen with a valid US passport and want to travel to Europe for a limited amount of time for tourism or business purpose, you can do so anytime you want to. However, if you have more long-term plans (say, you intend to get employed, study, or simply live in Europe for an extended period of time), you will need to apply for a visa. The type of your visa and required documentation depend on your goals. 

Update for 2022: EU is set to launch ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorization System) by the end of this year. It is similar to ESTA and is supposed to help simplify travel procedures and decrease security risks. All travelers allowed to travel to the EU and associated states visa-free will require an ETIAS authorization. This also includes US citizens.

If your country has a visa-free agreement with the EU, you are allowed to spend up to 90 days within a period of 180 days. Keep in mind that the countdown starts on the date of your entry and ends on the date of your exit. So, for example, if you fly into an EU country on the first of the month and exit on the 15th, it will count as a 15-day stay.

There are 63 countries in the world that have a visa-waiver agreement with the EU . If your country is part of this agreement, you can travel to Europe visa-free. You do, however, need to show the following to be allowed into the Schengen Zone and associated states.

  • A valid passport: Your passport should have a validity of at least 3 months at the time of your entry into Schengen and be less than ten years old.
  • Purpose of entry: In addition to your passport, you also require documents that prove that you are there for tourism purposes. These documents can include invoices for hotel reservations and booked tours. 
  • Proof of financial means: You also need to carry documents proving that you can support yourself during your stay in the region.

As long as you have got all three, all you need is a plane ticket to your chosen destination. 

  • Europe budget tours
  • Eco tours in Europe
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Popular Destinations

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Popular Activities

  • Active and outdoor tours
  • Adventure tours
  • Art and architecture tours
  • Beach tours
  • Bicycle tours
  • City sightseeing tours
  • Cruise tours
  • Cultural, religious and historic sites tours
  • Explorer tours
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Fantastic Rovaniemi Tour

Great way to discover Lapland in 5 days. Weekly group program: Nov 20 – Dec 14, 2023 & Jan 9 – Mar 31, 2024

Type of tour:

5-day Tours


Number of people:

Shared departure Daily during Nov 20 – Dec 14, 2023 & Jan 9 – Mar 31, 2024

DAY 1 Arrival at Rovaniemi airport / railway station. Transfer to the hotel. Check-in. Free time.

DAY 2 Breakfast at the hotel. Morning / Rovaniemi City Tour & Santa Claus Village, 3 hours Included Once we pick you up from your hotel lobby, you will first embark on a city tour around Rovaniemi and then head on to Santa Claus Village, where the man himself can be found every single day of the year taking care of his life mission – to enhance the well-being of children and the kindness of grown-ups as well as to spread the message of love and the goodwill of Christmas Spirit around the globe. Apart from meeting the hero of the day, you will also have a chance to cross the Arctic Circle, which runs across the village, send Christmas greetings to your dearest from the official Santa’s Post Office, and visit numerous boutique shops that showcase Lappish craftsmanship at its finest. Afternoon / Self-Guided Visit to Arktikum Museum, 1-2 hours Included You will be brought to the museum once you finish your tour at Santa Claus Village. The guide will provide you with the tickets and explain how to find the way to your hotel when you are done with your visit. Arktikum is conveniently located very close to the town centre within a short walking distance from all hotels offered in the package. Arktikum is a science centre and museum that lets you experience northern nature, culture, and history up close. Combined with unique architecture, this is an essential sight to visit when staying in Rovaniemi. Evening / Northern Lights Hunt by car/bus, 3 hours 119 € / adult 98 € / child 4-12 y. Eager to see the northern lights? This adventure ups your chances of witnessing this extraordinary natural phenomenon. Absorb the silent winter setting and stay warm with a hot drink and sausages sizzled up on a campfire. Look for the lights and – if luck is on your side – enjoy a memorable display of the luminescent ribbons as they dance overhead.

DAY 3 Breakfast at the hotel. Morning / Reindeer Farm Visit & Reindeer Safari, 3 hours 149 € / adult 115 € / child 4-12 y. Witness the life of reindeer first-hand as they go about their daily work and relaxation. Take up the unique opportunity to sit an exam on handling a reindeer sled and receive your special “driver’s license” (available for all ages). Have a seat in the sled and you are off! Getting cold? Warm yourself up around a bonfire in a nearby hut and enjoy a cup of hot juice. Later, in a traditional Lapp hut you will be “baptized” according to all rules of the North. Afternoon / Snowmobile safari around Rovaniemi, 3.5 hours 138 € / adult / 2 pax per snowmobile* 195 € / adult / 1 pax per snowmobile* 71 € / child 4-14 y. in sledge** This safari is a good option for those who want to get a real feeling for snowmobiling. Even close to Rovaniemi centre, the wilderness surrounds you. We take it easy when departing from the base and ensure that you are comfortable with the snowmobile and make a few stops on the way. Feel free to ask your guide about snowmobiling in general or for some tricks on how to drive, unless you are busy taking pictures of the arctic beauty around you. * Only a person possessing a valid driving license is allowed to drive a snowmobile. ** Children under 140 cm may participate in the main safari in a sledge only. Taller children may be allowed to travel as a passenger on a snowmobile provided they are strong enough to hold on tight (to be defined by the guide upon departure, full price applies).

DAY 4 Breakfast at the hotel. Morning / Husky Farm Visit & Husky Safari, 3 hours 159 € / adult 129 € / child 4-12 y. Professional dog-breeders will introduce you to the life of the huskies on the farm, and you will complete a brief course of “a young dog-breeder”. Following that, you will set off on your 5 km (15-20 min.) safari on dog sleds that hold 1-3 people. Should you wish, you can make a photo stop along the way. At the end, you will be offered hot berry juice, tea or coffee, and traditional cookies. Evening / Searching for Auroras on Snowmobiles, 4.5 hours 163 € / adult / 2 pax per snowmobile* 219 € / adult / 1 pax per snowmobile* 82 € / child 4-14 y. in sledge** Driving through the dark landscapes is an awesome experience itself but if the sky is clear and you are lucky, you can experience the beautiful show of northern lights, a star-studded sky or the mystical full moon. Our goal is a wilderness camp at a location where you will have a clear outlook on the northern sky. Good stories, a tasty snack, and hot beverages are guaranteed even if the auroras fail us tonight. * Only a person possessing a valid driving license is allowed to drive a snowmobile. ** Children under 140 cm may participate in the main safari in a sledge only. Taller children may be allowed to travel as a passenger on a snowmobile provided they are strong enough to hold on tight (to be defined by the guide upon departure, full price applies).

DAY 5 Breakfast at the hotel. Check-out. Transfer to Rovaniemi airport / railway station.

INCLUSIONS • 4-night hotel accommodation incl. breakfast • Transfers from & to Rovaniemi airport / railway station by car/bus • Tour around the town and to Santa Claus Village by car/bus • Entrance tickets to Arktikum Museum

  • Accommodation


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25 Easy Make-Ahead Road Trip Meal Ideas they’ll love!

Meal planning on a road trip doesn't have to be tough. Here are some easy road trip meal ideas to help you get started and enjoy the journey! #roadtrip #camping #recipes #mealplanning #campervan #motorhome #wanderingbird #foodideas

Planning a road trip? Looking for easy, make-ahead meal ideas, whether for a weekend break or a longer trip? Or maybe you want some easy recipes for meals on the road? Here are 25 great ideas for you!

*We work hard to make this the best motorhome travel blog and road trip website possible, full of helpful content for you. The website is supported by our readers, so if you buy through links on this site we may earn a commission- at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain our own .

If you find this post useful, you can also treat us to a coffee – we promise to enjoy it while creating more useful content like this- we might even indulge in a biscuit (or two!)


Easy Make-Ahead Road Trip Meals

I’ll be honest- planning meals for a road trip is one of the things I dislike most.

Don’t get me wrong- I like cooking and I DEFINITELY like eating … but I am not good at creating a meal plan.

I also have a daughter who has gone from eating whatever we give her to being more and more particular about what she likes- and she’d rather not eat at all than eat something she doesn’t love. At home, it’s pretty easy to cook separate meals, but in the van, it becomes a whole different issue- and it makes the process of meal planning a lot harder.

Why plan meals on a road trip at all??

Oh, I hear you. In an ideal world, we’d just head off into the unknown and see what we find. One of the things we enjoy most about travelling is sampling local foods and dishes and enjoying discovering new things.

Both Mr WB and myself are fairly easy to please and can make do with all sorts, but anyone with kids knows that it’s just not that easy. I also don’t want to spend my time on the road worrying about whether she’ll eat anything- so it makes MY life easier if I plan it out a little in advance.

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Road Trip Meal Planning

So, where do you even start with planning meals for a road trip??

For me, I break it down into 2/3 day intervals. Generally, we like to pop into a shop and buy fresh bread, fruit and other bits every 2/3 days. We don’t do MASSIVE week long shops when we travel- our fridge is nowhere near big enough to deal with that and there’s the worry about what happens if you lose power or gas? All that food will go to waste.

Of course, if you’re only going to a weekend, you can easily make-ahead several dishes and just heat them up- much easier.

TOP TIP for picky eaters- Make them choose some meals

One way I tackle our favourite picky eater is to get her to pick 5-7 dinners she will eat. (Annoyingly, this seems to change every week or so!) I also make her come shopping with me- I find if she chooses it, there’s a higher chance she’ll eat it.

While we’re on the subject of kids, here are some posts you might find useful:

  • 21 EPIC Children’s car games & road trip activities
  • 14 quiet time activities for kids, tweens and teenagers

Our Normal Road Trip Food shopping method

On a ‘normal’ two-week road trip to mainland Europe, this is my tried and trusted routine:

  • Buy stuff in UK which we struggle to get overseas (see below)
  • Make-ahead meals for first night or two
  • Buy things as you travel (at local markets, supermarkets or Lidl)
  • Do this every couple of days so we can buy fresh bread, fruit and croissants! Yum!!
  • Try to ignore jeans not doing up….!! 
  • Remember that people eat EVERYWHERE and try not to overbuy before you leave the UK.

This system has worked fairly well for us. It’s allowed us to discover new things, let Jade choose what she fancies and my stress levels don’t get too high trying to plan out a whole weeks worth of meals.

What about perishable foods?

We have a fridge which works both whilst we’re driving (battery) and when we’re parked up (gas). So we bring a small amount of perishable food with us- milk, cheese, ham, meat, yogurt, fruit, bacon.

We don’t buy too much in case there is a problem and the fridge breaks- it’s always been a little tempermental and is the part of the motorhome I trust the least!!

Meal planning on a road trip doesn't have to be tough. Here are some easy road trip meal ideas to help you get started and enjoy the journey! #roadtrip #camping #recipes #mealplanning #campervan #motorhome #wanderingbird #foodideas

Easy Road Trip Recipes

When I’m on a road trip, especially if it’s a holiday, I don’t want to spend hours of my time in the galley, prepping, washing, chopping, cooking and washing up!

Here are a few easy recipes we use and love. Most only use one pot and many can be made in advance if you prefer.

5 easy road trip Breakfast ideas

  • Greek Yogurt and fresh fruit
  • Muesli/ cereal
  • Scrambled eggs in a wrap or on toast (toast is HARD to cook on a gas hob though!)
  • Bacon/ sausage sandwich (bring your own bacon from the UK. Alternatively, look in European supermarkets- but it won’t look the same. It’s usually much thinner and cooks MUCH faster.)
  • One Pan English Breakfast 

Note how those went from fairly healthy to full-on delicious! I’m making myself hungry!

10 easy Lunch ideas for a road trip

We tend to do lunch as we travel- or if we’re exploring we’ll treat ourselves to a cheeky lunch out. Just don’t do that at Neuschwanstein Castle ! ( Jeez- you thought Norway was expensive!!!! )

  • Fresh crusty bread and… anything. Cheese, ham, tuna, butter, garlic cheese, crisps, chicken, leftover beef, fish fingers…
  • Salad. We try and add some fruit or salad in where possible- we’ll pretend to be healthy every once in a while! If we’re parked up I love to fry up some chicken and pop it onto a quick salad with avocado, tomatoes and peppers. Or try these delicious healthy salad recipes . TOP TIP- WASH your salad. Even the ones in bags. They don’t always wash it in Europe. It also doesn’t seem to last as long (that might be the heat) so don’t over buy.
  • Grilled Cheese (see below for recipe)
  • Couscous (see below)

I have still not found a decent way to make toast in the van. It’s an ongoing process that I will continue to work at! Still, Grilled Cheese sandwiches are a perfect snack:

Grilled Cheese Sandwich Recipe

  • Sliced Bread
  • Cheese (Cheddar and Mozzarella work well)

Butter bread thinly and put butter side down into hot frying pan (not too hot and use butter, not oil.) Add slices of cheddar and mozzarella cheese. Add other slice of bread on top, butter side up. After a couple of minutes (when bottom slice is brown but not burnt), flip sandwich over. Grill for a couple of minutes. For an extra touch, transfer sandwich to oven tray and bake in oven at 170’c for 5-7 minutes until cheese is totally melted.

Burritos are basically large wraps, with beans and/ or rice added into the wrap. One of the easiest ones is the bean and cheese burrito, but you can easily add in meat, sauces and any leftovers you might have.


  • 1 whole-grain tortilla wrap
  • 1 medium-sized can of black beans (cook in advance if needed)
  • Cheese- sliced or grated

Simply spread ingredients over wrap, fold in all ends tightly and enjoy!

5 Easy Road Trip Sandwich ideas

Sometimes, simple is best. Here are some easy road trip sandwich ideas:

  • Sausage or Bacon Sandwich – great for breakfast or lunch!
  • Ham/Chicken/ Salami Sandwich – with or without cheese
  • Jam or Peanut Butter Sandwich
  • Egg Mayo Sandwich
  • Tuna sandwich

Couscous is magical. Lighter than rice and so versatile. I make a big helping of this and it lasts for lunch and dinner quite happily.

The trick is to double the amount of liquid to cous cous. One cup couscous= 2 cups stock. I love to use chicken or vegetable stock. Nothing fancy; those little cubes in some boiling water are just fine. Stir until the cube disolves, then pour it over the couscous. Leave to stand for 10 minutes. The beauty of this is you can add whatever you like to it. We like lemon, mint, feta, avocado, red peppers, spring onions, celery… the list is endless. I generally make a bowl of plain couscous and we each add different fillings to it.

Meal planning on a road trip doesn't have to be tough. Here are some easy road trip meal ideas to help you get started and enjoy the journey! #roadtrip #camping #recipes #mealplanning #campervan #motorhome #wanderingbird #foodideas

10 easy or make-ahead road trip meals for dinner

Ahhhh… now this is the fun part. Everyone’s been driving in the exact same motorhome for several hours… and as soon as you arrive somewhere and the van is parked up for the night, they all turn to you and ask ‘what’s for dinner?’…!

All of these recipes take no more than 30 minutes or you can make many of them ahead for the first few days of the trip.

TOP TIP- Be kind to yourself. Many people dislike ‘pre-made’ sauces, feeling that they’re ‘cheating’ if they don’t cook everything from scratch. But it’s your trip too, so don’t be judgemental about sauces from a jar. Yes, there might be a bit more sugar or salt- but it’s a heck of a lot better than a pizza or McDonalds. So be kind to yourself and make things easy.

Some easy or make-ahead meal ideas for dinners on the road:

  • 3-way mince (Bolognaise, Chilli, Savoury)- can be made in the slow cooker

Spanish Omelette

  • Easy make-ahead taco Bowl

Chicken Quinoa

  • Pea/ Pesto Pasta

Cheats Pizza

3-way mince: bolognese, chilli or savoury.

Here’s the recipe for 3 way mince bulk cooking. You can get savoury mince, bolognese and chilli from 1 pack of mince. It’s the perfect ‘make-ahead’ recipe and is very easy to heat up on the road.

1 pack of 500g mince makes 5 meals: 2 x savoury mince 2 x chilli 1 x bolognese

Start with chopped onion, pepper, garlic and grated carrot all in one large pan with a little oil (or butter) until softened.

Split the mix between 3 pans & add the mince. Cut it long ways in the packet before adding so it’s easier to break up in the pan.

You can add any vegetables at this point. Previously I’ve used courgette, mushrooms and aubergine, all finely chopped. You can get 6/7/8 kinds of vegetables in there!

Brown the mince on a low to medium heat so it doesn’t clump together, break it up with a spoon as it cooks.  Add the seasoning to the chilli pan (cumin, turmeric, chilli powder, garlic powder and paprika) and garlic powder to the savoury mince & bolognese pans. 

Once browned, strain peas & sweetcorn (one small can of corn & 1 small can of peas and add to savoury mince pan.

Add one can of chopped tomatoes to the chilli pan & 1 to the bolognese, stir through. Drain and rinse the kidney beans and add to the chilli. I used half a can of beans, I’ll save the rest for a salad.

Rinse the tomato cans out with a little water & add to the savoury mince pan. Stir in Bisto granules (or beef stock & maybe cornflour or thickener as needed). Add a little Worcestershire sauce & pepper to taste.

Taste & adjust seasonings if necessary.

Divide & eat, or store in the fridge until ready.

Many thanks to Phillippa from PhilyaBelly for the recipe – follow her on Instagram

Meal planning on a road trip doesn't have to be tough. Here are some easy road trip meal ideas to help you get started and enjoy the journey! #roadtrip #camping #recipes #mealplanning #campervan #motorhome #wanderingbird #foodideas

Serve with:

  • Spaghetti, rice or potatoes.
  • Garlic or crusty bread
  • Grated cheese
  • Side salad if your family will eat it.

I LOVE this Spanish Omelette. It’s so easy to make and only uses one pan.

  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped

Heat the oil in large frying pan. Peel potatoes and slice thinly. Put the slices in the pan with the onion & garlic. Cover the pan and cook until the potatoes are tender, turning them occasionally. Beat the eggs.

When the potato and onion mixture is cooked, add it to the eggs and mix together. Heat another spoon of oil in the pan, and turn the heat down as low as it will go. Pour the egg, onion & potato mixture into the pan.

The essence of this dish is slow cooking and it should take about 20 minutes. When there is no liquid left turn omelette over for 2 minutes. It’s now ready to serve and eat! Delicious- perfect with salad or french loaf.

Lamb Kebabs

Take 500g (4 people) of lean lamb mince and add spices (salt, pepper, cumin, coriander, paprika… whatever you like!) Mould into balls or around a skewer and cook on BBQ or in oven until browned.

If using BBQ and wooden skewers, soak the skewers in water for about 30 minutes first.

Serve with Tzatziki- Greek yogurt, mint, lemon and cucumber

Easy make-ahead Taco bowl

  • 1 can of beef
  • ½ of a small jar of salsa
  • Bag of tortilla chips
  • 1 can of beans
  • 1 avocado/ guacamole

Warm beef and cook beans as directed on label. Mix and add on top of chips (can be warmed in oven) Add Salsa, avocado/ guacamole, sour cream and grated cheese as desired (we pop the whole thing in the oven to melt the cheese.


  • 4 chicken breasts
  • 1/4 tsp. herb de Provence (or any herbs)
  • 1 cup. quinoa
  • 1/4 cup. white wine vinegar
  • 1/4 cup. olive oil
  • 2 green onions
  • 2 tbsp. Dijon mustard
  • 4 cup. rocket/ lettuce/ salad
  • 2/3 cup. olives, quartered
  • 12 oz. tomatoes, halved
  • Season chicken breasts with herbs, salt and pepper. Grill 3 minutes per side on medium-high or until cooked through.
  • Cook quinoa as label directs.
  • Mix vinegar, olive oil, green onions, Dijon mustard and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Toss half of the vinaigrette with cooked quinoa, salad/ rocket, tomatoes and olives. Serve chicken over quinoa with remaining vinaigrette.

Pea / Pesto Pasta

  • Pasta  
  • fresh or frozen peas
  • Chopped chives, for serving
  • Cook pasta. Drain and return pasta to pot. 
  • While pasta is cooking, roughly chop 1 cup peas. Add ricotta and lemon zest and mix well. Season with salt and pepper. 
  • Add ricotta mixture, remaining 1/2 cup peas, and pasta water; toss to combine. Sprinkle with chopped chives, if desired.

Alternatively, cook pasta, add several large spoons of pesto and some grated cheese and mix well.

Salmon with rice and vegetables

We eat salmon a lot- it’s very good for you.

Grill (or use a low-wattage air fryer ) and serve with rice, couscous (see above) and vegetables.

Sure, you can make your own dough and add toppings- and if that works for you, then go for it. However, we cheat.

  • Grab 2 pitta breads per person and pop them under the grill
  • You want them warm, but not ‘crispy’
  • Turn over, and spread with pesto (green or red)
  • Add mozzarella cheese, ham, salami, mushrooms… whatever you like!
  • Grill until bubbling

If you’d like more inspiration, here are a couple of our favourite camping cookbooks:

The Camper Van Cookbook: Life on 4 wheels, Cooking on 2 rings

Healthy Road Trip Snacks

We’ve done an entire post on 15 quick & healthy road trip snacks (many of them Keto friendly) but here are a couple more ideas for you:

  • 1 large can of tuna
  • ½ cup of cranberries
  • A packet of whole-grain crackers

First, take the tuna out from the can and empty it into a bowl. Next, mash a whole avocado and add it with the cranberries into the tuna. Use whole-grain crackers to dip into your tuna.

Apple Cookies

  • 2 green apples
  • Peanut butter
  • Dark chocolate chips
  • Almond slices

Cut an apple into slices that resemble a cookie, then layer the rest of the ingredients in between two slices to make the snack look like an apple sandwich. The snack will stay fresh in an ice cooler for two days.

Barabrith – great snack for afternoon tea!

Other things:

Whilst we’re on the subject, don’t forget to bring:

  • Washing up liquid
  • Big scrubbing pad for BBQ if using
  • cleaning supplies
  • Kitchen roll
  • Bottle/ can opener
  • Mugs and glasses
  • Tea/ coffee/ sugar

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Road Trip meals- quick and easy road trip meal ideas to pack and prep for adults, couples & families.

Kat never planned to buy a motorhome. She also never planned to quit her job as an air traffic controller, go touring around Europe in said motorhome, start one of the UK’s largest motorhome travel websites… or get a cocker spaniel.

Find out how she went from stuck in the rat race to being a digital nomad and inspiring thousands of people to have their own epic adventures here.

If you’d like to connect with Kat, send her an email or follow her adventures on social media.

Last update on 2024-06-03 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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Hi Kat I’ve not tried these yet but they get a good review on Amazon. As I’ve bought the barbecue you recommended in your blogs I thought I would try to keep my new BBQ clean as I absolutely hate scrubbing it after use. Just bought a pack to try on our trip to France in September BBQ Grill Mat, Set of 5 Beeway® Non Stick Barbecue Baking Mats for Charcoal, Gas or Electric Grill – Heat Resistant, Reusable and Easy to Clean, FDA Aproved – Bonus 12″ Just thought you may also find these useful

They look amazing- let me know how you find them 🙂

The website is one of the best we have found, and the 15 Easy Road Trip Meal Ideas article is very well written and useful! Thanks and kisses! 🙂

I recommend a ridge monkey for camper van cooking. You can cook chicken breasts, steaks, poach eggs, bake a cake, make an omelette, and it also makes great toast!

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10 Affordable Places to Travel in the US

By Jamie Spain

10 Affordable Places to Travel in the US

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Whether you're planning a grand family vacation or are looking for a quick and breezy solo trip to switch up the scenery, finding affordable places to travel in the US can be difficult. There are so many different things to consider when planning a trip, from hotels and flights to food and activities, and it's safe to say that it can all get rather overwhelming. To help, we've compiled a list of 10 fun and affordable US cities perfect for all types of travelers. From Charlotte, North Carolina , to Albuquerque, New Mexico , these are some of the best budget-friendly cities in the country.

To ensure that our picks are all affordable, we've made selections using data from Priceline on the most affordable domestic flights and hotels in the US this summer (based on average round-trip airfare and average rate per night, respectively). We've also included a few quality hotel and vacation rental options, all under $300 a night, for each destination.

Read on for 10 affordable travel destinations in the US, so you can keep your budget in check while still enjoying your next great vacation.

This image may contain Resort Building Hotel Pool and Water

Hyatt Regency Orlando

Orlando, Florida

It's not the flights or the hotels in Orlando that will stretch your budget (both can be found at fairly reasonable prices if you plan in advance), but the activities. Since Orlando is home to Disney World , if you plan on attending any of the parks, you'll be designating a large chunk of your travel budget to tickets. But the theme parks aren't the only great thing to do in the city —from visiting some amazing museums to enjoying nature-filled parks, there are tons of other activities that are often overlooked. If you do plan to spend a day or two at Magic Kingdom or Universal Studios, you can rest easy knowing that the rest of your trip was budgeted accordingly.

Where to stay in Orlando:

  • For family-friendly fun: Hilton Orlando
  • For a great pool: Hyatt Regency Orlando
  • For a private home: Cozy three-bedroom near downtown Orlando

United States Pennsylvania Philadelphia Hotel Inn at Whitewing Farm

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philly is home to some amazing attractions, wonderful views, cool hotels , and of course, incredible history. In Philadelphia's Old Town, travelers can walk in the footsteps of America's Founding Fathers—meandering down the same streets and buildings they once did. There are plenty of great free and low-cost activities, including seeing the iconic Liberty Bell, walking past The President's House (the original “White House” before Washington, DC), and exploring Elfreth's Alley, the oldest continuously inhabited residential street in the US. If you find time to try a Philly cheesesteak while you're there, all the better.

Where to stay in Philadelphia:

  • For an escape from downtown: Inn at Whitewing Farm
  • For a micro-hotel experience: Pod Philly Hotel
  • For the University: The Study at University Circle

Image may contain Architecture Balcony Building Chair Furniture and Plant

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Booking an affordable beach vacation can be quite the feat, but Myrtle Beach is the perfect place to go when you want to balance beachy views with budget-friendly prices. Especially in comparison to other South Carolina vacation hotspots like Charleston and Hilton Head , Myrtle Beach is where you'll get the most bang for your buck. Spend most of your time enjoying the sun and sand on the free beaches, or walk the iconic boardwalk a couple (dozen) times.

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Where to stay in Myrtle Beach:

  • For direct beach access: Willow Bay Resort
  • For golf lovers: Marina Inn at Grand Dunes
  • For a balcony: Quaint condo with two double beds

NoMad Las Vegas

Nomad Las Vegas

Las Vegas, Nevada

While you may think of Las Vegas as a place meant solely for casinos and clubbing (not exactly high up there on the list of budget-friendly activities), there are tons of fun and affordable things to do in the city and plenty of great hotels and Airbnbs to stay in. Simply walking (and gawking at) The Strip is an activity of its own, or take a hike to the Red Rock Canyon and enjoy the natural scenery. There are some great museums and exhibits to stop into as well, and seeing the Bellagio fountains is well worth a trip. Don't forget to take a picture next to the iconic “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign.

Where to stay in Vegas:

  • For an off-the-strip experience: Golden Nugget
  • For old-world luxury on a budget: Nomad Las Vegas
  • For a themed resort: The Mirage Las Vegas

United States North Carolina Charlotte hotel Omni Charlotte Hotel

Omni Charlotte Hotel

Charlotte, North Carolina

From the incredible food to the family-friendly activities , there's plenty to do in Charlotte for travelers of all interests. Whether you're simply looking to enjoy the warm weather and eat all the Southern food your stomach can handle, or hoping to visit museums and the Botanical Gardens, you won't spend a single minute bored in this city . For great food and people-watching, head to 7th Street Public Market ; NASCAR fans will want to explore the Charlotte Motor Speedway (kids 12 and under enter most events for free) or the NASCAR Hall of Fame (tickets start at $20) .

Where to stay in Charlotte:

  • For history: The Dunhill Hotel
  • For a low-key place to rest your head: Charlotte Marriott City Center
  • For a central location: Omni Charlotte Hotel

The Rally Hotel

The Rally Hotel

Colorado Springs and Denver, Colorado

Just a little over an hour apart by car, Denver and Colorado Springs are both great options for families and friends looking for a mountain escape. If you're seeking something a bit more residential and not so hustle-and-bustle, Colorado Springs will be perfect, with its great hiking trails and gorgeous views. For those looking for a taste of city life, stay in downtown Denver, where you'll get all the benefits of the great outdoors alongside the liveliness of a big city. Cut costs by spending most of your time hiking, biking, and enjoying nature.

Where to stay in Colorado Springs and Denver:

  • For community in Colorado Springs: Kinship Landing
  • For sports fans in Denver: The Rally Hotel
  • For a hip scene in a great location in Denver: The Maven Hotel at the Dairy Block

Hotel Parq Central

Hotel Parq Central

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Albuquerque may not be on the top of your to-do list, but there are many reasons why this New Mexico city is worth a visit. It's a great destination for year-round travel thanks to its incredible hot-air balloon scene (it's home to the world's largest Hot Air Balloon Festival), Southwestern art, tasty food, and desert scenery. Head to the Albuquerque Museum (tickets start at $3) or the National Hispanic Cultural Center (free for guests 16 and under; $6 for adults) for some history and art in the city, or simply walk around the area and enjoy the desert views alongside the many art galleries, shops, and restaurants.

Where to stay in Albuquerque:

  • For good location: Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town
  • For retro charm: El Vado Motel
  • For a stay near Route 66: Hotel Parq Central

Image may contain Restaurant Furniture Chair Couch Interior Design Indoors Room Cafeteria Lobby and Pub

Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore is another city on this list that is steeped in history, but if you're not much of a history buff, there's still plenty to enjoy about the city. Known for its seafood and beautiful waterfront, (and, of course, for being the setting of the musical Hairspray), you'll certainly want to indulge in crab cakes, oysters, or crab dip, especially if you can do so along the water. There are also tons of budget-friendly activities, including walking through Fell's Point, a great neighborhood filled with restaurants, shops, and entertainment, touring some of the museums, taking a peak inside the Peabody Library, or walking alongside the harbor.

Where to stay in Baltimore:

  • For a pop of color: Ulysses
  • For a modern boutique property: Hotel Indigo Baltimore Downtown
  • For a private townhouse: Colorful two-bedroom in Federal Hill

Image may contain Landscape Outdoors Nature Scenery Aerial View Mountain Mountain Range Urban Panoramic and Plateau

Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort

Phoenix, Arizona

Head to hot, dry Phoenix , Arizona, the perfect destination for pool days, hiking and nature viewing, and museum visits. Phoenix is also just about two hours away from Sedona, making it a great home base for a day trip to see the red rock formations. The Desert Botanical Gardens (tickets start at $15) will be a hit amongst the whole family, while the Hole in the Rock hike (or the more challenging Camelback Mountain hike) offer a chance to take in gorgeous desert views.

Where to stay in Phoenix:

  • For retro-cool: Rise Uptown Hotel
  • For a desert oasis: Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass
  • For mountain views: Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort

Arlo Wynwood Miami

Arlo Wynwood Miami

Miami, Florida

Miami doesn't always scream affordable, but thanks to the city's large airport with many daily domestic flights and a surprising number of affordable hotel and Airbnb options, travelers can head to this incredible city without having to stretch their budget too far. Where your wallet may take a hit is the food and activities, so plan carefully before you arrive. To keep things affordable, spend most of your time enjoying the free beaches with a picnic you pack yourself, or walking around Miami Beach. You can also take yourself on a personal tour of Wynwood's outdoor murals or enjoy one of the free outdoor yoga classes .

Where to stay in Miami:

  • For a “luxury” hostel experience: The Freehand
  • For a unique boutique hotel: Esmé Miami Beach
  • For a Wynwood escape: Arlo Wynwood Miami

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Let's Roam Explorer

41 No-Cook Meals for Your Next Travel Adventure

We’ve challenged ourselves to come up with the easiest dishes to prepare on a trip. You’ll love these no-cook meals for traveling!

easy travel paket

Let’s be real … nobody wants to cook on their vacation. However, it isn’t economical to eat out every meal, and if you are off the grid camping, then you can’t anyway. Luckily, there are lots of great no-cook meals for traveling out there! They might take a bit of preparation beforehand, and you’ll definitely need a cooler or refrigerator of some sort, but it can be done! 

While the options for minimal-cook or prepare-before-hand meals are endless, we are going to challenge ourselves today. For this guide, we will only use only recipes that you need absolutely no heat source for, once you’re on the road.  That’s not to say, you couldn’t modify some of them to make even better meals cooked over a campfire or stove—like s’mores! 

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No-Cook Breakfast Meals for Traveling

​Breakfast is the most important meal of the day right? It certainly is if you plan on taking a long hike or spending the day in one of the blazing hot national parks of the Western United States. While packaged doughnuts are totally an option, let’s what else we can find!

1. Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are a simple and nutritious way to start the day. All you need is something to keep them cold. There are a million ways to make overnight oats.  Most recipes call for milk of some sort, your favorite nut butter, and then embellishments. For a banana bread flavor, try oats, almond butter, milk, cinnamon, and maple syrup. Mix, and allow to sit in the refrigerator or cooler overnight. You want your mixture to be fluid and runny, as the oats will absorb the milk overnight. Add cut bananas in the morning and enjoy! Many people choose to add flax seeds, yogurt, or chia seeds for extra protein. There’s no wrong way to do it, whatever ingredients you have on hand will do!

2. Peanut Butter Protein Balls

Chilled peanut butter balls are not only an amazing-tasting snack but they’re also packed with protein and all the sugar you need for a long hike. You can make them before you leave the house, and just throw them in the cooler. Five easy ingredients of chocolate chips, ground flaxseed, peanut butter or other nut butter, honey, and oats are all it takes for this perfect camping trip power breakfast.

3. British Bean Bites

Sounds weird to Americans, but the brits eat cold beans and bread for breakfast all the time. Open a can of baked beans and served atop crunchy french or focaccia bread! The British version would be more akin to Showboat Pork and Beans than saucy baked beans. They’re usually in a thin, tomato sauce, not a sweet, thick BBQ sauce. 

4. Yogurt Parfaits

Low-sugar yogurt is packed with healthy protein. Add a little granola and fresh fruit for a complete breakfast. We love this one because the ingredients are available at pretty much any grocery store and can be used for other quick meals as well. A large can of rolled oats and a big tub of original Greek yogurt should be on everyone’s packing list for a road trip or camping trip. 

5. Boiled Eggs

This is the one cheater on the list. You’ll have to cook them before you leave, but boiled eggs are valuable to have around. You can at them on their own, or use them in several of the recipes on our list. Boil a batch of 12 before you leave the house, and they will keep for a few days in the cooler. Eggs will keep you full for a while, have healthy protein, and pack easily. Just peel and eat! Plus, you can use them for several of the other recipes on our list.

6. Bagels and Cream Cheese

Don’t know about you, but there’s nothing much better than an “everything bagel.” Pack a brick of cream cheese or goat cheese in your cooler, and you are good to go. You can top with blueberries for some extra anti-oxidants, or sprinkle with un-salted sunflower seeds for a little extra belly-filling protein. 

7. Banana and Peanut Butter

It’s simple, but it’s effective. Just beware with this one if you are sensitive to sugars. Bananas are a high sugar item, so you might consider pairing them with organic nut butter with no extra sugar added. Add a glass of your favorite milk, and you are good to go!

Better yet …

8. Banana Cereal

Nope, we don’t mean put bananas on your cereal, we mean make banana cereal. This was grandma’s specialty. We loved it, and your kids will love it, assuming they like bananas. Cut up the banana in thin slices, sprinkle with a bit of cinnamon and douse in milk. Eat up!

9. Avocado toast

There’s nothing you can’t do with the superfood avocado. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner, it will show up everywhere on this list. It’s easy to pack, easy to find in most stores, and works to eat by itself, as a garnish, or as a spread or dip. It truly is a superfood. Since you likely won’t have a toaster, and it’s not as good on untoasted bread, consider grabbing some English muffins from the store. Mash your avocado a bit, making it soft. Spread over your muffin. Shred some of your boiled egg over the top and add a few diced tomatoes or spicy salsa … breakfast of champs!

10. Muffins

One of our favorite road trip treats is Otis Spunkmeyer Chocolate Chocolate Chip muffins. There is just something about them that screams wreckless vacation abandon! 

11. Chia Pudding

Like overnight oats, chia pudding can be made beforehand and kept in the refrigerator. A good chia pudding base only needs 3 ingredients: Chia seeds, milk, and something sweet. For a little extra flair, combine chia seeds, your favorite milk, pureed strawberries, or another berry, and a bit of yogurt. Let it sit in the fridge overnight, and the chia seeds will suck up all the liquid, expand, and turn into a kind of gelatinous pudding. Top with almonds and coconut shreds or cacao nibs for the perfect treat! Add a bit of honey if you need some sweetness. 

12. Just be gross, you’re on vacation

When all else fails, Poptarts are tasty. It’s not ideal on the health front, but there is no shame in having some easy, premade stuff on your vacation. While you certainly don’t want to eat 5 Little Debbies a day (well, you might want to, but you probably shouldn’t) it never hurts to have one. There’s nothing better to celebrate conquering that beast of a hike than a Cosmic Brownie. You earned it. If you are absolutely against big-brand packaged foods and all their harmful grossness, there are some stellar organic options out there for granola bars, breakfast bars, and even brownies. 

No-Cook Lunchtime Meals for Traveling

Lunch on a trip needs to be quick, easy, and filling. If you are traveling alone, that’s super easy, but if you need to please a whole picky family, we don’t envy you. That job is much harder. Good luck to you! Hopefully, you’ll find something below that your clan will enjoy. 

13. Charcuterie board

You’ll be the fanciest road-trippers at the RV park with this one. Cold cuts, salami, fresh cucumbers, cubed cheese, an assortment of nuts, grapes, and some tomato slices, and you have a lunch that not only fuels your body but looks super pretty! We love charcuterie boards because they’re easy to feed a lot of people with, and littles can come by and pick up a healthy bite as they play. It can be stuck in the fridge and pulled out later too, so it just works great. 

14. Egg Salad Sandwiches

You still have those boiled eggs right? Turn them into yummy egg salad and slap it on a sandwich. Pair with some potato chips, and get back on the trail!

15. Good Old Peanut Butter and Jelly

Hey, don’t knock it. It’s an American classic, and it is tasty whether you are 3 or 93. 

16. Tuna salad

Tuna salad is another protein-packed option that is easy to carry on the road. Buy some packets or cans, or better yet fresh tuna if you live somewhere you can get it. Add your favorite fixings. This tuna salad recipe with red onion, dijon mustard, and celery is super tasty! Serve with crackers or as a sandwich. It doesn’t get much easier. Tuna is handy to have around, as you can also add it to pre-bought pasta salads for a little extra protein or make tuna-stuffed avocados for dinner (later). 

17. Chicken Caesar Wraps

Chicken Caesar wraps are one of the best backpacking recipes. Whether you choose to grab a rotisserie chicken at the store before you leave or go with canned chicken, either way, it makes for a delicious meal. This chicken Caesar recipe with whole wheat tortillas , parmesan cheese, and cherry tomatoes is simple and yummy! 

18. Crab Salad

The grainy mustard and sharp cheddar in this creamy crab salad recipe make it extra delicious! However, like tuna or chicken salad, you can pretty much throw everything but the kitchen sink in a crab salad or put nothing but mayo, and it will be just fine in a pinch. Plop it in a pita bread pocket, and pair it with some fresh veggies, and you have the perfect lunch.

19. Berry Salad

Add a little extra beauty to your boring salad with some colorful berries.  Romaine lettuce topped with strawberries, blueberries, shaved almonds, and feta cheese or goat cheese is a quick, healthy camper lunch. Throw on your favorite dressing, we love this Brianna’s blueberry balsamic vinaigrette . 

20. Pimento Cheese Sandwiches

Pimento cheese is one of those things that we rarely eat unless we are traveling. Grab a tub at the store and use it on sandwiches, crackers, or as a spread for fresh veggies. It also makes a good addition to veggie tortilla wraps, lettuce wraps, or pinwheels.

21. Chicken Salad Sandwiches

Here’s where those ten cans of shredded chicken you bought are going to come in handy. Chicken salad can be very plain or really fancy. We love this cranberry pecan chicken salad recipe ! For a healthier option, omit the bread and serve as a lettuce wrap!

22. Smoked Salmon Stacks

A few packets of pre-cooked salmon are also nice to have around for fish tacos, to throw on your salad for a little extra filler, or to make this tasty lunch treat. This flatbread salmon stack is an easy option that requires just a bit of meal prep, so you might want to start the night before. If that is too much work, just load up some Ritz crackers with a bit of salmon, a slice of avocado, and a dash of salt and pepper for a quick and easy lunch. 

No-Cook Dinnertime Meals for Traveling

Dinner is probably the hardest category on the list, at least for Americans. We tend to save our largest meal for the end of the day, and we generally want something warm. So, a completely no-cook dinner is out of the normal for many of us (though sandwich or cereal night is certainly not unheard of in our house)! 

23. Greek Salad

A traditional Greek salad is not only healthy and tasty, but goodness it is pretty. While recipes vary all over the Mediterranean and the Balkans, they generally consist of fresh diced tomatoes, olives, feta cheese, and sometimes bell peppers, red onions, and cucumbers. You can make it any way you want, with whatever you have. Toss in a little olive oil or vinaigrette and a pinch of salt. Magnifique!

24. Stuffed Avocados

This is one of our favorite no-cook camping meals. Split an avocado, and remove the pit. Fill the center with a plop of your favorite meat salad. Sprinkle with salt and pepper or paprika. You can use any of the meat you have, salmon, chicken, tuna. Use the leftover tuna salad from yesterday’s lunch. Another option is to make taco-stuffed avocados . All you need is a taco-seasoning packet to add to the meat and veg you already have on hand!

25. Crab Ceviche

Ceviche is a cold seafood dish, popular all over Central America. It is traditionally made with fresh fish, lime juice, peppers, red onion, and whatever else you have on hand at the time! You can use any of the packaged or prebought fish you have to create “ camping ceviche .” For a side dish, whip up some 7-layer dip and tortilla chips for a complete no-cook dinner!

26. Veggie Gyros

These vegetable gyros feature our favorite item-avocadoes, plus chickpeas and yummy tzatziki spread. Chickpeas are packed with protein and all these veggies will get you to your daily allotment of vitamins and fiber. For the meat lovers in the group, you can easily add chicken you have on hand! 

27. Mexican 3-bean salad with guacamole

… Oh, sorry! Just dreaming about this Mexican 3-bean salad ! It might be a favorite meal idea on this list. Hiking and exploring make you hungry, and all the beans in this baby give you the fiber you need for a good night’s sleep! Pair it with fresh guacamole for the ultimate easy camping meal.  

28. Layered Taco Salad

Take some of that chicken you brought and mix in some taco seasoning. In a large bowl, layer it with cheese, beans, lettuce, and crushed Nacho Cheese Doritos. Alternate your layers of each until the bowl is full. Let everyone choose their own toppings of guacamole, sour cream, and salsa. 

Mexican food is the easiest no-cook dinner to make. Layer nachos with shredded canned meat, beans, and all the veggies and toppings you like! If you can warm your meat and beans, that’s great, but it is just as good cold!

Snack Ideas or Side Dishes

You’ll likely be more active on your vacation than you are in normal daily life. It seems most of us need a vacation from our vacation by the time we get home. So, you are going to need more fuel than usual. Plus, if you have kids in tow, then snacks are a primary food group (maybe the only food group)! Make sure you have some good ones on board!

30. Veggies and Hummus

Nothing super inventive here, but it’s easy and effective. Plus, you might get your picky ones to eat a carrot or bell pepper stick if it is slathered in yummy hummus or guacamole. You could make a big batch of homemade hummus before your trip, or make it easy on yourself and buy some tasty flavors at the store.

31. Trail Mix

No surprise here, trail mix is a great idea to have on hand. It fits easily in the backpack for long hikes. You can throw the bag at a kid in the backseat when needed, and it is filled with tummy-filling protein. Make your own trail mix , or snag a giant premade bag from Amazon before your trip!

32. Fresh-Fruit Salad

Nothing screams summer like a bowl of fresh fruit. This fruit salad with citrus dressing is delightful and is the perfect anecdote for that summer heat! You might even convince your kids to eat something healthy today. 

33. Beef Jerky

Beef jerky just belongs in a backpack. They go hand in hand. 

34. Pesto Pinwheels

Pinwheels are a classic party appetizer, but they also make a great one-bite snack. We love these pinwheels , but there are many great ones out there, so use what you have on hand! It does take a little bit of meal prep time as they need to sit in the refrigerator or cooler for several hours to set up. 

35. Deli Rolls

Don’t know about you, but to us, there isn’t anything better than a slice of your favorite cheese, rolled up inside of a piece of deli meat. Admit it, you have done it. You can make it fancy with a hummus spread or olive-decorated toothpick! It’s quick, easy, filling, and budget-friendly. We love it!

No-Cook Snacks for Traveling

36. s’mores.

Okay, so the best s’mores require a little smoking on a campfire, but technically you can make them with uncooked marshmallows. They’re still super tasty!

37. To-Go Banana Pudding

The banana version is the best, but you can try this treat with any premade pudding cup of your liking. Crush a bag of Vanilla wafers. Add it to your pudding cup. Slice up a banana for garnish and plop a dollop of Cool Whip on top. Yummm.

38. No-Bake Lemon Tarts

Lemon pudding snack packs can easily be turned into a tart. Line a small bowl, or just make a pile of finely crushed Graham crackers. Slather on a healthy slab of cold lemon pudding, and top with your favorite whipped topping. Sprinkle on nuts or coconut shavings to taste!

39. Cottage Cheese and Dried Fruit

This one won’t please everyone, but if you love it, you love it! Cottage cheese has healthy fat and is a good source of protein. It will keep you full, and if you top it with some sweet dried pineapple, it’s pretty tasty!

40. Fresh Strawberries and Whipped Topping

Strawberries topped with a little sugar take on a totally different flavor! If you don’t use granulated sugar, honey works just as well. Slice them up, add your honey or sugar, and allow them to sit in a cold environment for at least 4 hours. If you want a lush dessert, stock up on some pre-made angel food cakes or make one at home before your trip. The decadent strawberry mixture on top of some food cake with whipped topping is a fantastic dessert any day of the week!

41. Fruit Pizza

Pizza! Create this delectable treat with granola, nut butter, cinnamon, and chopped almonds. Combine together to make a delicious crust. You can add honey if you use unsweetened nut butter. Press into a pie pan or dish, or just press flat on parchment paper. Let chill in the refrigerator or ice chest for at least an hour. Cover in yogurt or softened cream cheese, then sprinkle with your favorite fresh fruits, cacao nibs, or drizzle with chocolate syrup!

Other Staples To Keep On Hand

If you tried to make everything on this list, your entire camper would be full of food and ingredients. Instead, try to group your choices by recipes that use and reuse a smaller number of ingredients. Remember you can always repurpose your leftovers from day 1 lunch for day 2 dinner. Get creative. With this sample shopping list, you’ll be able to create several dishes.

  • Canned or packed meats: tuna, salmon, and chicken
  • Canned beans of several varieties
  • Boiled eggs
  • Lots of fresh fruit and veggies
  • A tub of your favorite “crumbled” cheese – Feta or goat.
  • A jar of nut butter
  • A large bag of mixed nuts and seeds
  • Your favorite multi-purpose bread
  • Mayonnaise and brown mustard
  • Granola or oats
  • Olive oil and lemon juice or a vinaigrette dressing
  • Salt, pepper, garlic powder

Closing Thoughts

Just because you don’t want to cook doesn’t mean you can’t eat like a king on your vacation. With a little forethought, some smart shopping, and perhaps a small amount of meal planning before you leave, you can ensure that you have everything you need to whip up fast, easy meals on the go. 

What are your go-to camping or travel meals? Let us know in the comments!

Going on a long hike? Here are a few more “ Healthy Travel Snack Ideas To Keep Your Belly Full. ” 

If you want an epic camping adventure this summer, check out our list of the “ 20 Best National Parks In The USA .”

Frequently Asked Questions

No one wants to cook on vacation. Some of the best no-cook traveling meals are not only filling but healthy too. While camping, try stuffed avocados, crab salad, or camping ceviche.

Travel food should be easy, and the ingredients versatile. Some of the best no-cook traveling meals can be made with bread, nuts, seeds, fresh fruit, and vegetables. And don’t knock canned ingredients!

It’s always best to seek travel advice from experts ! For starters, download travel apps to save on fares and an adventure app for fun. Also, plan some no-cook meals to fuel up between adventures.

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Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

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To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

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Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

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At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

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The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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WANDERLUST Gift Boutique

Uniquely curated gifts for the modern explorer, free wooden push pins & the flags of the world, with your canvas order automatically added to your shipment (canada and usa only).

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FEATURED & LOVED BY Excellent 4.8 out of 5 ★

✑  unique, custom work of art created to order, ⌂  small family business, ☆  locally sourced 100% satisfaction guarantee, seasoned travelers love these maps.

"Dominique was fantastic and ensured I had the right customization to the map and that the package arrived in excellent condition. She was very responsive and accommodating. The map is beautiful and my husband loves it!"

"First of all: the customer service is really top. The owner answers with a lot of patience and love all questions about the product. Shipping was really fast. Wow! The world map looks just as beautiful as in the pictures. People who buy something like this have such a world map in the best case even 10 years+. So it's worth the money! Thank you very much!"

"Everything was perfect; both Dominique's service and the personalized canvas. We are very satisfied, the canvas is beautiful! Dominique was available and took the time to answer my many questions. :)"

"Beautiful map for baby girl's nursery! Great quality and wonderful customer service! One of my favourite pieces for her room"

"Such a cute map. Dominique responded quickly!"

"Beautiful map! Exactly what I was looking for!"

"It is perfect. This was for my nephew, he was excited to see his name on it and Big Ben. The seller is communicative and it came without delay."

"Absolutely LOVE the map canvas for my sons travel themed play room—it’s perfect and even more beautiful in person! Dominique was so wonderful and sent a proof of the personalized map right away. Would definitely recommend!"

"I love the map we got for our daughter, it looks fab on the wall in her room."

"Could not be happier with my purchase! I wanted a French map of the world for my classroom, but I also wanted something aesthetically pleasing. This fit the bill perfectly."

"Such an amazing Christmas gift! The quality of service and product is fantastic!"

"Never in my life have I seen such a beautiful set of learning maps (...) If I can pass this passion on to my little nephews I would be delighted to open their horizons… thank you for this excellent creation ;-)"

"Oh! WOW! This is for my daughter. She is passionate about geography and the solar system and loves to draw and paint!"

"This is a conversation piece in my home. What a cool piece of art!"

"Very original! I love to travel.. It will be beautiful above my desk!"

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Executive XL World Map Customized with Your Branding

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Large Custom Political World Map

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Custom Minimalist World Map

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Custom Watercolor World Map for Kids

Your travel achievements and your bucket list, as a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

You are feeling depressed after returning from a life-changing trip. It’s so tough to adjust to the monotony of your everyday routine when your mind is still reliving all the thrilling adventures you just had. You got to explore new lands, try exotic cuisines, and make unforgettable memories with special people. Now you’re stuck with long commutes, small talk, and household chores.  

But don’t fret, my dear. Your very own custom world map is the perfect cure to shake off those post-travel blues and ignite your wanderlust vibes again! This unique piece of art will showcase – and celebrate –   all your outstanding travel accomplishments. It proudly displays every destination you’ve visited, and serves as a constant reminder of the incredible experiences you’ve had. And as you dream up new and exciting places to explore, this map will inspire you to keep pushing the boundaries of your adventures. With its sleek, minimalist design, your tailor-made world map is the perfect icebreaker and conversation starter. Let the journey never end!

Choose Your World Map Here

Maps for kids.

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Maps for Couples

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Maps for Teachers

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3 Easy Steps

Select your favorite map and write the desired customization. i will apply this personally with great care and love, approve the proof that i will email you., hang your custom interactive meaningful map on the wall, display all your travel achievements and add inspiring destinations to your bucket list, custom gifts for all seasoned travellers.

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Custom Landmark Maps

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Custom Itinerary Map

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Birth Details World Map

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My Heart Is Wherever You Are

With easy planet travel you’ll get.

Personalized manually by hand with your name or a quote that makes you dream

Personalized manually by hand with your name or a quote that makes you dream

Choose from one-of-a-kind maps that blend perfectly with your home decor!

Choose from one-of-a-kind maps that blend perfectly with your home decor!

Museum high quality canvas and art prints, ready to hang

Museum high quality canvas and art prints, ready to hang

Interactive maps: add push pins or color your minimalist map!

Interactive maps: add push pins or color your minimalist map!

À propos Dominique Easy Planet Travel

Nice to meet you!

Do you also enjoy coffee, sweet family moments, and world adventures?

After more than 54 destinations visited around the world… your desire to make last forever all your most precious memories, I feel you perfectly!

At your service since 2014 to personalize your hand-drawn personalized world maps, with great care and love!

Dominique owner and founder of Easy Planet Travel

Do You Have a Question?

Art prints and posters can easily be colored with coloring pencils and markers. Canvas are great to color with sharpies and paint.

Canvas (framed and unframed) and foam boards are perfect to add push pins to your custom map!

The poster is made from museum-quality paper, uncoated, 200 gsm/ 80lb, white, will last many years without any yellowing or discoloration, FSC-certified paper, shipped in robust packaging.

The canvas is ready to hang. 4cm /1.6″ thick wood stretcher bar. Coated fabric, a blend of cotton and polyester, 300-350gsm/110-130lb cover and a thickness of 350-400 microns. Shipped in protective packaging and strong box.

The possibilities are limitless! You can personalize the header, or title, of your world map with a phrase such as “ [your name’s] Greatest Adventures “. You can also choose to include a quote that you like very much, such as “ Dream, Explore, Discover “.

Some maps even allow you to add your jogging time, or add a heart where you met the love of your life.

Yes, the possibilities are endless! Do you have an idea, but you cannot find the world map of your dreams in my store? Write me an email, and I’ll do everything I can to create it for you!

Your personalized world map will follow you for the rest of your life! You will add to it, over the years, all the wonderful memories you have created.

It will also grow up with your children!

Here are some popular ideas:

Liam and Olivia Until our next adventure

Liam & Olivia Adventuring Together since 01.06.2013

THERE AND BACK AGAIN more adventures to come

SUMMER VACATION 2022 Iceland · Norway · Sweden

AROUND THE WORLD Clinton · Kate · Emma Love you guys

Yes! I will send you digital proofs via email within 3 business days to review.

You will have the opportunity to communicate directly with me so you end up with a world map that makes you ecstatic!

Yes! I can take custom requests.

Do you want hearts on specific locations? Maybe treasure map dashes and X.

Perhaps all the same color maps.

Or even all black & white except for red dots marking the spot.

If you’re not happy, I’m not happy. In fact, it makes me incredibly sad.

My proof-and-review process means that if you aren’t satisfied with what I’m doing, you always have the option of getting a 100% refund (as long as your artwork hasn’t been printed yet).

Your will receive a proof within 3 days of placing your order.

After we get your approval, it takes 3-12 business days for the printing to happen before the item is shipped. Posters are printed faster than canvas; canvas take up to 12 business days to be printed and assembled with extra care.

Within 3 days you will receive your first proof for review.

You then approve that version, or work with me to make changes. After approval, it takes 3-12 days for the product to be printed and shipped. Posters are printed faster than canvas; canvas take up to 12 business days to be printed and assembled with extra care.

Shipping will depend on your location and shipping choice.

A Lovely Gift for You!

Download your free coloring world map now.

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Maps and Travel Inspirations

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Outstanding 6-Day Aruba Itinerary With Kids

Here’s an outstanding 6-day itinerary to make the most of your Aruban getaway.

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6 Ways to Stay Connected Internationally: Your Ultimate Guide

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