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40 Basic Vocabulary Words and Common Phrases for Travel in English

Travel in English

Embarking on a journey to a foreign country can be both exciting and a bit daunting, especially when language barriers come into play. But fear not, we’ve got you covered! This page is dedicated to all the globetrotters out there who are keen on enhancing their English language skills specifically for travel.

We’ve curated a list of 40 essential English words and phrases that will prove to be your best companions on your travels.

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or planning your first overseas trip, mastering these words and phrases will not only boost your confidence but also enrich your travel experiences. So, let’s dive in and start preparing for your next adventure with our comprehensive travel vocabulary guide. Happy learning and safe travels!

40 essential English words and phrases for travel

  • Passport – “Don’t forget to bring your passport to the airport.”
  • Luggage – “Please make sure your luggage is not left unattended.”
  • Reservation – “I have a reservation under the name Smith.”
  • Itinerary – “Our itinerary includes stops in Rome, Paris, and London.”
  • Destination – “Our final destination is Sydney.”
  • Accommodation – “I’ve booked accommodation for three nights in the city center.”
  • Sightseeing – “We’re going sightseeing in the old town tomorrow.”
  • Currency – “What’s the local currency in Japan?”
  • Boarding Pass – “Please have your boarding pass and identification ready.”
  • Departure – “Our departure time is 6:00 PM.”
  • Arrival – “Our estimated arrival time is 8:00 PM.”
  • Customs – “You’ll need to declare any items at customs.”
  • Visa – “Do I need a visa to travel to the United States?”
  • Tourist – “As a tourist, I love exploring new places.”
  • Landmark – “The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris.”
  • Guidebook – “I bought a guidebook to learn more about the city’s history.”
  • Souvenir – “I bought a souvenir from each city we visited.”
  • Jet Lag – “I’m feeling a bit of jet lag after the long flight.”
  • Travel Agency – “The travel agency arranged all of our accommodations.”
  • Backpack – “I prefer to travel with a backpack instead of a suitcase.”
  • Could you help me, please? – When you need assistance.
  • How much does this cost? – When you want to know the price of something.
  • Where is the nearest…? – When you’re looking for something specific, like a bathroom or a subway station.
  • I would like to book… – When you want to make a reservation.
  • Do you speak English? – When you need to find someone who speaks English.
  • I’m lost. Can you help me? – When you need directions.
  • Can I have the menu, please? – When you’re at a restaurant and want to see the menu.
  • I’m allergic to… – When you need to inform someone of your allergies.
  • Can I have the bill, please? – When you’re ready to pay at a restaurant.
  • What time does it open/close? – When you want to know the operating hours of a place.
  • Can I have a ticket to…, please? – When you’re buying a ticket.
  • Where can I catch the bus/train? – When you need to find the bus or train station.
  • Is it far from here? – When you want to know the distance to a place.
  • Can you recommend a good…? – When you’re looking for recommendations.
  • Do you accept credit cards? – When you want to know if you can pay with a credit card.
  • What’s the Wi-Fi password? – When you need to connect to the internet.
  • I’d like to go to… – When you’re telling a taxi driver your destination.
  • Is there a pharmacy nearby? – When you need to find a pharmacy.
  • Can I try this on? – When you’re shopping for clothes and want to try something on.
  • Could you take a picture of us, please? – When you want someone to take a photo of you and your group.

Wrapping Up Our English Travel Vocabulary Journey

And there you have it! We’ve journeyed through 40 essential English words and phrases that will help make your travels smoother and more enjoyable. Remember, language is a powerful tool that can open doors to understanding new cultures, making new friends, and creating unforgettable experiences.

Don’t worry if you can’t memorize all the words and phrases at once. The beauty of language learning is that it’s a continuous process. Keep practicing, and soon these words will become second nature to you.

But why stop at 40? If you’re eager to expand your travel vocabulary even further, we have an exciting offer for you. Follow us on Instagram and send us a direct message to get your hands on our comprehensive eBook (write “Travel eBook”), which features 200 essential English words and phrases for travel, plus 2 special bonuses!

We hope this guide will be a valuable resource for your travel adventures. Whether you’re exploring bustling cities, tranquil countryside, or exotic beaches, these phrases will help you navigate your way with confidence.

Thank you for joining us on this linguistic journey. We wish you all the best in your English learning and your future travels. Remember, every journey begins with a single step, or in this case, a single word. Happy travels and happy learning!

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Essential Travel Vocabulary – Improve Your English

It’s so much fun to travel, practice your English, and learn new things! Traveling is a lot easier if you know some essential English travel vocabulary. These are words you really need to know before you go! Ryan is going to share 17 of these necessary vocabulary words for traveling.

Hi everyone! Traveling is one of my five great passions. I love:

  • Working with kids
  • Learning new languages
  • Meeting new people

Some of the best things I’ve ever experienced happened while I was traveling! I’ve been to:

  • The Great Wall of China
  • The Fos de Guasso in Brazil
  • I’ve met amazing people
  • I’ve even fallen in love!

All while traveling! So today, I want to share with  you 17 essential travel vocabulary words I use when I talk about my adventures and my travels. Use them to talk about YOUR adventures and YOUR travels, too!

17 Essential Travel Vocabulary – Words 1-5

1. Book (a flight)

A book is something you read (a noun), but the verb “to book” means “to reserve.” If you “book a flight,” that means you reserve a flight.

I booked  a flight to Buenos Aires. Now I need to book  an accommodation.

2. Accomodation

An “accomodation” is a place to sleep. A hotel, an Airbnb, a hostel, even couchsurfing, are all accomodations.

Do you have an accomodation in Buenos Aires yet?

3. Make a Reservation

To “make a reservation” means to reserve the use of something –  this can be anything! You can “book” an accomodation, specifically, a house or a room to sleep in. To “make a reservation” can also apply to a room, but it can also be a rental car, or a tour. You can fly around the city in a hot air balloon, but you need to make a reservation!

For example, I could say:

I want to go on the dungeon tour. I need to make a reservation. If I want to stay at the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, I need to call or go online and make a reservation.

So I’ve booked a flight, I’ve found my accommodation, and I made a reservation for a car rental.  Now it’s time to fly!

4. To Take Off

The verb phrase that we use to describe this is “to take off.”

My flight takes off at noon. Has your flight taken off yet?

The verb “to land” is the plane arriving at its destination.  “To land” can also refer to anything that is flying, then comes to the ground. I could say:

The butterfly landed on my shoulder. The plane takes off at 8:00 am and lands at 5:00 pm.

You can also use the verbs “take off from” and “land in” to talk about when and where you are going. For example:

I take off at 7:00 am. I take off from  New York. (I leave from New York.) I take off from Berlin and I land in Singapore.

If you are very lucky, your flight will not stop. It will go directly from “a” to “b” – from Berlin to Singapore. However, sometimes you have to stop. For example, the flight goes from Berlin to Singapore, but it might stop in Doha, Qatar.

Essential Travel Vocabulary – Words 6-10

6. Connection or Layover

When I stop in Doha, it is called a “connection,” or a “layover.” So when you are talking about airplane flights, the word “connection” means a city that your flight stops in before you reach your final destination. There are even more words to describe this!

Do you have a connection, or do you have a direct flight? Yes, I have a connection in Doha.

7. Leg (of a Trip)

If you have two flights to get to one destination, for example, Berlin to Doha and Doha to Singapore, each flight is called a “leg” – just like the legs I have above my feet!

The first leg of my trip is from Berlin to Doha. The second leg of my trip is from Doha to Singapore.

Another word for a connection is a “layover.”  A “layover” is simply when you have to stop for a few hours in your “connecting” city. Either one of these sentences is correct:

I have a connection in Doha. I have a layover in Doha.

9. Stop Over

If your layover is very long, it’s called a “stop over.” This just means that you will stay in that connecting city for many hours – usually more than four hours.

Last year, I had a stop over in Ankara for 12 hours!

10. Travel Backpack

Before you travel, you need a backpack. Not any type of backpack – you need a “travel backpack.” A “travel backpack” is much bigger than a normal backpack. You have room for lots of clothes, a computer, some toiletries, packing cubes – for lots of things!

Travel backpacks aren’t essential, but they are so practical and useful!

Essential Travel Vocabulary – Words 11-17

11. Clamshell or Suitcase Style Opening

A travel backpack can open like a suitcase. This is also called a “clamshell” opening – meaning it opens like a clam – on three sides. This is important because it allows you to pack very quickly, and to quickly access all your things.

12. Packing Cubes

“Packing cubes” are simply little bags to organize your things inside the travel backpack. For example:

I have my shirts in one packing cube. I have packing cubes for my shoes, my socks, and even the clothes I need to wash!

13. Toiletries

Now, the last packing cube you need is for your “toiletries.” “Toiletries” is essential travel vocabulary for things that you find in the bathroom, like a toothbrush.

Toiletries might include mouthwash, toothpaste, lotion, and shampoo. It’s a smart idea to put your toiletries in a clear bag, because that will make the security people very happy.

Let’s Review!

  • You made your reservation.
  • You booked an accomodation.
  • You have a travel backpack with packing cubes and toiletries.
  • You are ready to go!
  • You take off from Buenos Aires.
  • You land in Paris.

Now you are feeling really sleepy. This is called:

14. Jet Lag

“Jet lag” is the feeling of being tired after you travel because your body is used to a different time zone.

Sometimes when I travel from Europe to Asia I get jet lag.

15. Sightsee

This is a simple verb that just means to visit, or to look around. If I just landed in Shangai, I could say:

I really want to sightsee downtown! I really want to sightsee around the People’s Square!

If I’m traveling with a friend, I can ask:

“Hey, Foofy, do you want to sightsee around Stockholm tomorrow?”

You can also say to “go sightseeing,” if you don’t have a particular destination in mind.

“Hey, Foofy, do you want to go sightseeing?”

What’s Next?

  • You’ve been sightseeing;  observing the city and taking it all in.
  • Now you’re ready to go to a new city!

You can book a trip on a bus, or make a reservation for a flight, or you could try:

16. Hitchhiking

“Hitchhiking” is when you put your thumb up and ask people for a ride! I’ve “hitchhiked” almost 100 times in many countries, and I’ve always had great experiences. You can have fun conversations and meet really cool people. It’s not always the most fun way to travel, because the weather might be bad or people might be rude, but it’s worth a try!

17. Bucket List

Hitchhiking was on my “bucket list.” A “bucket list” is a list of things you want to do before you die. It comes from an English idiom “kick the bucket,” which means “to die.” Here are some things on my bucket list:

  • Visit Antarctica
  • Learn 10 languages
  • Become a father
  • Teach sports and English at a kids’ camp

What’s on your bucket list? I’m curious! Let me know in the comments below! I’d love to hear what you think.

Now that you know how to get where you want to go, check out this post to help you save money along the way!

if you want to continue on your English journey, we have a great ebook for you called Travel English Expert. ​​

The Travel English Expert is a collection of 50+ recorded conversational lessons with a text guide. Everything is directly related to real world travel. This course will give you templates to practice your listening & speaking skills – including more essential travel vocabulary – even if you aren’t planning an awesome trip to Singapore any time soon!

I hope these 17 Essential Vocabulary Words for Traveling were helpful for you! Be sure to leave a comment, and check back soon for more great English tips!

Picture of Gabby Wallace, M.Ed TESOL

Gabby Wallace, M.Ed TESOL

About the Author Gabby Wallace is the Founder of Go Natural English, where you can quickly improve your confidence speaking English through advanced fluency practice. Even if you don't have much time, this is the best place for improving your English skills. Millions of global intermediate - advanced English students are learning with Gabby's inspiring, clear, and energetic English lessons. Gabby has a Masters Degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from Boston University and 20+ years experience helping students become fluent through her online courses and membership program.

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Travel and Transport

Travel vocabulary: using english for travel.

Travel vocabulary is one of the most useful areas of language learning today, as more people than ever are travelling far and wide for business and pleasure. There are many useful words and phrases we use when travelling and dealing with transport.

Although our travel plans have been put on hold for a while due to the Coronavirus pandemic , the world is slowly starting to open up again. This means we need to be ready with our travel language and vocabulary for when we can get a flight, a bus or a train!

For non-native speakers , travel vocabulary is a particularly useful topic of study and always a popular subject, allowing you to enjoy organising your travels without worrying about language issues.

Explore travel  vocabulary  here and learn useful  vocabulary related to travelling and using public transport. We have included useful words related to using trains, buses, cars, taxis, planes and boats, so you can have your travel phrases covered, whatever your mode of transport.  

General English Travel Vocabulary:

to arrive , to depart, to leave, to stay,

to cancel, cancellation, cancelled, delay, delayed

to book, to reserve, reservation, to cancel a reservation

holiday, business trip

suitcase, bag, luggage

trip, journey, to travel, map

travel agent, brochure

ticket office, fare, price, single/return ticket

by foot, on foot

travelling by plane, by train, by taxi, by car, by boat

roundabout, road, traffic lights, speed limit, junction, cross roads, road signs

Image source

Transport Vocabulary and Useful Phrases:

Wheels, steering wheel, dash board, indicators, headlights, roof, bonnet, boot, engine, battery, windscreen wipers, garage, car mechanic, petrol station, service (a ‘check up’ for a car)

Double decker, single decker, passengers, bus driver, bus stop, bus station, bus conductor, coach, luggage hold, bus lane

Bus travelling phrases:

the next stop, the last stop, to get on/off the bus, to buy a ticket

Train station, platform, track, level crossing, locomotive, underground, cross-country, local, return, single, ticket, carriage, first/second class, train driver, ticket inspector, waiting room, seat, timetable, guard, season ticket, fare, travel card, buffet car

Train travel phrases:

to catch a train, to check the timetable, on the platform, to travel cross-country

to get on the train, to embark, to set off (on a journey)

to get off the train, to disembark, to alight

ticket machine – a machine where you can buy your train tickets

ticket gate – a mechanical gate blocking access, where you need to insert your ticket to pass through

the buffet car – a carriage on a train where you can buy drinks and snacks

Grand Central Station , New York City – image source

Cab, black cab (official English taxi), fare, taxi rank, taxi driver, tip ( noun and verb )

Taxi travel phrases:

to hail a taxi / to flag down a taxi (when you raise your arm to get a taxi driver’s attention to encourage it to stop in the street)

to pay the fare (the fare is the fee for the journey)

to tip the driver (verb) / to give the driver a tip (noun)

Aeroplane, airport, airline, wing, runway, pilot, gate, passport, excess baggage charge, cabin crew, flight attendant, air steward/stewardess, security, turbulence, seatbelt

take off, landing

turbulence (uncomfortable, sudden movements of a plane due to air pressure/temperature changes)

hand luggage (luggage you take into the cabin with you)

hold luggage/checked luggage (luggage you check in for stowage under the aircraft)

over-head locker (where you can put your hand luggage)

boarding card, customs, departures, arrivals, lounge, aisle seat, window seat, check-in, in-flight movie, in-flight entertainment

terminal 1, terminal 2 / T1, T2 (a terminal is where passengers go to buy tickets, check in luggage, go to their boarding gate etc.)

boarding gate – where passenger go to board the plane (i.e. to get on the plane), located inside the terminal building

A plane takes off – image source

Plane travel phrases:

to put luggage/bags in the hold

to board the plane

prepare for take off, the plane will be taking off in 30 minutes

prepare for landing, the plane will be landing in 20 minutes

to fasten your seatbelt, to buckle up (‘buckle up’ is slang for ‘fasten your seatbelt’)

the flight was quite turbulent, to experience some  turbulence,  there was some light/heavy turbulence

“How was your flight?”

“It was good, thanks, except there was some turbulence during the descent that made me spill my drink!”

“Great – it was a smooth flight and I slept most of the time.”

Ferry, cruise ship, harbour, deck, port, sea, ocean, cabin, captain, sail, sea sickness , crossing, on board, life belt/jacket, foot passenger, buffet, port side, starboard

  • The difference between a boat and a ship: boats are small to mid-sized vessels, often used for pleasure trips. Boat is also a generic term for water vessels. Ships are normally larger and are used to carry cargo, passengers or smaller boats.

Boat travelling phrases:

to embark  (to get on the boat) / to disembark (to get off the boat)

‘choppy’ seas / rough seas / strong waves

Calm waters will provide a peaceful cruise for this ship  –  image source

calm waters / still waters

to sail, to have a good crossing (a ‘crossing’ is when you go from one place to another on a boat/ship) – e.g.  “Did you have a good crossing?”

to go out on deck (to go outside on the ship)

welcome aboard/on board (you might hear this when you embark for the first time)

the captain’s table (where the captain sits at dinner – sometimes passengers might get an invitation to site at the captain’s table at some point during their cruise)

  • ‘Plain sailing’ is an idiom that means an event that goes smoothly: ‘It’s all plain sailing from here’

It’s a great day to be ‘out on deck’ – image source

English at the Train Station

Useful travelling vocabulary for using the train, including phrases you may want to say, phrases you may hear and comments you might want to make about travelling by train:

  • Train times on timetables are always given in the twenty-four hour clock format. So, 5.15 pm would be 17.15 and 9.05 am would be 09.05.

A busy airport – image source

“How was the journey?”

“It was fine, the train arrived on time and I managed to buy a coffee from the buffet car.”

“Terrible, the first two trains were cancelled and then I had to stand up for the entire journey.”

“My train was delayed, so I passed the time by browsing in the station bookshop”

English vocabulary at the airport

Travelling vocabulary for using planes and visiting the airport, including phrases you might hear at the airport and sentences you might need to say when travelling by plane:

Click here to explore more essential English vocabulary and phrases for everyday situations.

When travelling and using transport, you might also need to ask for directions. Check out how to ask for directions in English when travelling around a city with our directions page. Our article includes possible questions you might want to ask and answers you could receive when navigating your way around a new town.

Let us know your thoughts on travel vocabulary

What do you find most difficult about using English when travelling?

Do you find any of these phrases related to travel and transport confusing?

Can you think of other useful English travel vocabulary for using different modes of transport?

TEFL teachers, how do you incorporate travelling vocabulary into your English lessons?

2 thoughts on “ Travel and Transport ”

Thank you for the provided phrases and words. I would also like to see a short dialogue or common phrases when someone got lost in a city or trying to get somewhere, so that there should be various options for speaking about traveling ina city

Hi Tatyana, thanks for your comment. A dialogue like this is a great suggestion. We will looks to add something like this to the travel and transport page soon. In the meantime, you might find our directions page useful, as this contains phrases for asking for directions when travelling in a city.

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Travel Vocabulary for English-Language Learners

With a follow-up quiz for extra practice

  • Basic Conversations for English Language Learners
  • Pronunciation & Conversation
  • Writing Skills
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Business English
  • Resources for Teachers
  • TESOL Diploma, Trinity College London
  • M.A., Music Performance, Cologne University of Music
  • B.A., Vocal Performance, Eastman School of Music

The travel-related words below are the most important terms to know when talking about travel or taking vacations . Words are categorized into different sections depending on the type of travel. You'll find example sentences for each word to help provide context for learning, as well as a short quiz at the end to test your knowledge.

Air Travel Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

Airport : I went to the airport to catch a flight to San Francisco. Check in : Make sure to get to the airport two hours early to check in. Fly : I like to fly on the same airline to get mileage points. Land : The airplane will land in two hours. Landing : The landing took place during a storm. It was very scary! Plane : The plane is packed with 300 passengers. Take off : The airplane is scheduled to take off at 3:30 p.m.

Vacation Travel Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

Camp : Do you like to camp in the woods? Destination : What is your final destination? Excursion : I'd like to take an excursion to the wine country while we're in Tuscany. Go camping : Let's go to the beach and go camping next weekend. Go sightseeing : Did you go sightseeing while you were in France? Hostel : Staying in a youth hostel is a great way to save money on vacation. Hotel : I'll book a hotel for two nights. Journey : The journey will take four weeks and we'll visit four countries. Luggage : Can you carry the luggage upstairs? Motel : We stayed in a convenient motel on our way to Chicago. Package holiday : I prefer to buy package holidays , so I don't have to worry about anything. Passenger : The passenger felt ill during the voyage. Route : Our route will take us through Germany and on to Poland. Sightseeing : The sightseeing in this town is rather boring. Let's go shopping . Suitcase : Let me unpack my suitcase and then we can go swimming. Tour : Peter went on a tour of the vineyard. Tourism : Tourism is becoming an important industry in almost every country. Tourist : Every May, many tourists from around the world come to see the flower festival. Travel : Travel is one of his favorite free time activities. Travel agent : The travel agent found us a great deal. Trip : The trip to New York was lovely and interesting. Vacation : I'd love to take a nice long vacation on the beach.

Overland Travel Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

Bicycle : One of the best ways to see the countryside is to ride a bicycle. Bike : We rode a bike from shop to shop. Bus : You can catch a bus for Seattle at the bus station. Bus station : The bus station is three blocks from here. Car : You might want to rent a car when you go on vacation. Lane : Make sure to get into the left lane when you want to pass. Motorcycle : Riding a motorcycle can be fun and exciting, but it's also dangerous. Freeway : We'll have to take the freeway to Los Angeles. Highway : The highway between the two cities is quite lovely. Rail : Have you ever traveled by rail? Go by rail : Going by rail offers the opportunity to get up and walk around as you travel. Railway : The railway station is down this street. Road: There are three roads to Denver. Main road : Take the main road into town and turn left at 5th Street. Taxi : I got in a taxi and went to the train station. Traffic : There's a lot of traffic today on the road! Train : I like riding on trains. It's a very relaxing way to travel. Tube : You can take the tube in London. Underground : You can take the underground in many cities throughout Europe. Subway : You can take the subway in New York.

Sea / Ocean Travel Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

Boat: Have you ever piloted a boat? Cruise: We will stop at three destinations during our cruise through the Mediterranean. Cruise ship: It's the most elegant cruise ship in the world! Ferry: Ferries allow passengers to take their cars with them to their destination. Ocean: The Atlantic Ocean takes four days to cross. Port: There are all kinds of commercial ships in the port. Sailboat: The sailboat requires nothing but the wind. Sea: The sea is very calm today. Set sail: We set sail for the exotic island. Ship: Have you ever been a passenger on a ship? Voyage: The voyage to the Bahamas took three days.

Travel Vocabulary Quiz

Test your knowledge by taking this short quiz.

  • destination
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  • conversation
  • have a beer
  • all answers are correct
  • all the answers are correct
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  • Vocabulary Lesson: French for Travelers
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Travel English Phrases

English is essential for communication in most countries.

Wherever you are going, you need to have a good grasp of the basics of the language to get around and communicate at the airport, hotel and everywhere in between.

This post has dozens of travel English phrases to help you navigate any foreign country. Learn what they mean and how you can use them! 

At the Airport

On the airplane, arriving at your destination, riding public transportation, at the hotel, at a restaurant, sightseeing, emergencies, and one more thing....

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)


Excuse me, how do I… ?

If you are flying for the first time, you will need information on how to:

  • Check in. When you check in , you are letting the airline know you have arrived. If the person you are talking to tells you to go to the check-in counter, you can follow up this question with “how do I get to the check-in counter?” to get directions. At the check-in counter, you present your ticket , a document that allows you to get your  boarding pass. The boarding pass, in turn, will allow you to board (ride) your airplane.
  • Board the airplane. If you are not sure about what you should do before you get on a plane and during your flight, you can ask the airline staff about this. 

Where is the… ?

You will likely ask for general directions to one or more of the following:

  • Information desk. As you can guess from the name, the information desk is where you can learn everything you need to know about getting around the airport. You can even ask for a map (a picture guide of the area) from them.
  • Gate. A gate is where you will enter to get to the airplane. It is also the place where you wait before boarding your flight. The gate is usually written on your boarding pass. 
  • Restroom. A restroom is a place where you take care of personal business like combing your hair, washing your face or using the toilet. Depending on the country you are visiting, this room may also be called a bathroom , washroom, comfort room, loo or toilet .
  • Charging station. If your phone has low or no battery, these places can get your device’s battery up to 100 percent again. 
  • Restaurant. If you feel hungry while waiting for your flight, you can visit a restaurant where you can eat in the meantime. 

How do I get to… ?

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essential travel vocabulary

Although they both seem to ask for directions, there is a slight difference between “where is the… ?” and “how do I get to… ?”

“Where is the… ?” will get you a general answer like “(The place you want to go to) is at Building A.”

Meanwhile, “how do I get to… ?” asks for specific directions, so the person you are talking to will reply with “From here, you turn left, and when you see this sign, turn right…” and so on. 

What time is my flight?

Often, it may not be clear what time your specific flight is—in which case, this question will be useful.

What items am I allowed to bring on board?

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essential travel vocabulary

Airlines usually have rules on what you can and cannot take into the airplane. 

How much luggage am I allowed to carry on?

Your  luggage includes all the bags you are bringing with you for the flight. Airlines often have limits on how much and how heavy your luggage should be.

Are meals included?

A  meal is a collection of food served at one time. Not all airlines provide meals, so it may be good to ask if you will get these before you board.


Excuse me, can you please help me put my luggage away?

Airplanes have baggage  compartments or closed spaces above each of the seats. You can ask the  flight attendant, an airplane employee in uniform who is usually female, to help you put your luggage in its compartment. 

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essential travel vocabulary

Can I please change my seat?

Once you get on the plane, you may want to change your seat because other seats are more comfortable, have a better view, etc.

How much does… cost?

You can ask about the cost of anything you want to buy like the following:

  • water bottle
  • snack (a small meal)

I would like… , please.

This phrase is the standard and polite way to ask for something that is usually free or something you do not have to pay for. For example, if you are thirsty, you might say “I would like a glass of water, please.”

Does my seat have… ?

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essential travel vocabulary

For example, if you want a device to return your phone’s battery charge at or above acceptable levels, you can say “does my seat have a charging port ?” And if you want to move the seat back so you can lie down, say “does my seat have a  recline button ?”

Excuse me, I need to…

There are a few things you can ask permission for on a plane. You can say “Excuse me, I need to…”

  • Get out of my seat
  • Use the restroom
  • Move my luggage

What time is it?

This is a standard question for figuring out what time of the day it is. It is useful when you are flying over different time zones and when the plane finally lands.

For more vocabulary and phrases related to air travel, take a look at this post—it’s aimed at flight attendants, but you’ll learn a thing or two as well! 

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essential travel vocabulary

Knowing English for flight attendants is essential in today’s interconnected world. These 60+ English words and phrases will prepare you for the job before, during and…


Once you are at your destination (the place you are visiting), some of the useful phrases you can use are the following. 

essential travel vocabulary

Just like at the airport when you first arrived, “Where is the… ?” and “How do I get to… ?” are useful phrases when you are at your destination.

Some of the places where you might need directions are:

  • Baggage claim area. Remember when you checked in your luggage? This is the place where you claim or get it.
  • Currency exchange. A currency exchange is a place where you take the money you use in your own country and get it changed to the money used at your destination.
  • Bus stop. Finding a bus stop will be especially helpful if you want to find a cheap way to get around. Asking “where is this bus going?” can also help you know if you are riding the right bus.
  • Taxi / Taxi stand. No bus? Take a taxi instead, which is also called a cab in some places. You can usually find a group of taxis at  taxi stands.
  • Hotel. Of course, you should provide the name of your specific hotel. 
  • Immigration or customs. Immigration or customs is the place where you have to explain why you came to a country and tell officers what your intentions are. 

Sorry, I do not understand what you are saying.

This phrase will help native English speakers know English is not your first language. You can also say “I do not speak English very well” and ask them to “please speak slowly” if you are still having trouble.

I recommend that you prep before you go by studying authentic English media like movies and TV shows. These can help you prepare for real interactions in English.

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I have items to declare. 

Aside from explaining why you are in a certain country, you also have to  declare (make a formal or official statement on) the items that you may need to pay duties  (taxes on items from another country) for.

If you do not have such items, you can simply say “I have nothing to declare.”

I have a connecting flight.

This is how you say you will board another plane to go somewhere else.

I am traveling for…

Depending on why you came to the country, you can say you are traveling for:

  • Leisure. Say this if you are traveling because you are on vacation.
  • Work. Say this if you are traveling because your company asked you to .
  • Family. If you are traveling because you are visiting relatives, let the customs officer know.

I will be here for… days.

You will need to provide the number of days you will be staying in the country, like “I will be here for 90 days.”

If you have it, you can also show your visa , a document that proves you are allowed to enter the country for a certain purpose within a certain period. 

I am staying at…

The customs officer may ask you where you will be sleeping. You can say “I am staying at (the name of your hotel)” or “I am staying at (the address of your family or friend in the country).”

Check out more airport vocabulary here .


Now that you have arrived, you need to know how to get around. Here are some useful phrases you can use whether you are riding a bus, train or any other form of public transportation.

Does this go to… ?

Before you get on a bus or train, ask whether it is going to the place you want to go. If the driver says no, you can ask “how do I get to… ?” and take note of the directions they give you.

How long does it take to get to… ?

Here, you are asking how many minutes, hours, etc. it will take for the vehicle to get to your destination. 

How much is the fare?

The  fare is the price of riding your public transport.

“Do you accept… ?”

End this question with a mode of payment , which includes cash and cards . 

Excuse me, is this seat taken?

This phrase is useful if you see someone with an empty seat beside or near them, but you want to be 100% sure they do not have a companion. 

I missed my stop. Can you please let me know when we are at the next one?

In an ideal world, traveling would go smoothly. But sometimes, things like not being able to get off at your stop happen! Luckily, you can use this phrase to  get you out of a pickle (get you out of trouble). 


Of course, if you are staying with friends and family, you can skip this section. But if you will stay at a hotel, keep the following phrases in mind.

Greetings! I have a reservation under the name of…

End the phrase with your full name or the name you used to make your reservation. 

When you get to your hotel, go to the front desk.  It is easy to find because that is usually where you will first meet the hotel’s employees. Also, that is where the other guests will probably be!

You want to confirm that you have a  reservation first—that is, proof that you have a room at the hotel where you are staying. Otherwise, you have to look for somewhere else to stay.

What is included in my reservation?

This question asks what services you have already paid for. Of course, there is your room, but you may also want to check for other things like breakfast, pool, spa, etc.

What time is check-in / check-out?

Since you will not be staying at the hotel all the time, you will want to know what time you can  check in and  check out.  

Check in means the time you will be allowed to enter your room, while  check out means the time you should leave your room. 

Does the room have a… ?

You may also want to know about your room’s  amenities (things to help make your stay more convenient and comfortable). For example:

  • Bathroom / restroom. Again, the correct term for this place depends on where you are.
  • Refrigerator / fridge. A refrigerator or “fridge” is a place to keep your food and drinks cold. Keep in mind that you may have to pay extra for any food or drinks you take out of hotel refrigerators.
  • Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is simply a wireless internet connection. You should probably also ask for the Wi-Fi password. ( “What is the Wi-Fi password?” )
  • Air conditioner. An air conditioner is a piece of equipment that cools a room.

How many beds are in the room?

This question will help you know if there is enough space to sleep for the number of people in your hotel room.

What floor am I on?

A  floor in this situation refers to the level of the hotel.

If you are on a high floor (like the 30th, for example), you may want to use the elevator , the device that lifts and lowers you between floors of the hotel, to help you get to your room.

My room needs…

Most of the time, housekeeping (the people who clean the room) will make sure you have everything you need. Should they forget, you can say “My room needs…” and finish with:

  • Towels. Towels are soft, thick materials you use to dry yourself after taking a bath.
  • Toilet paper. Toilet paper are thin white sheets rolled up on tubes. They help you wipe yourself in the bathroom. 
  • Bedsheets. “Bedsheets” is a term that includes pillowcases, blankets and all the other pieces of cloth that cover your bed.

Could I please have room service ?

As a guest, you can request services by saying “Could I please have… ?” For example, you can request room service , where someone will come up to your room to deliver food, drinks and other things you may need.

Where is the best… around here and how do I get there?

Since the hotel employees are locals, they will probably know the area more than you do.

Before you check out of your hotel, you can use this phrase and replace “…” with:

  • Grocery store. Grocery stores are places where you can buy most types of items.
  • Hospital. If you or someone you are traveling with gets sick or injured, you need to know where to go.
  • Bank. If you run out of money, you may need to go by a bank to get more.
  • Restaurant. Make sure you ask for a restaurant that offers local cuisine or food. 


A table for two, please.

The number indicates how many people will be eating with you at the restaurant. It does not have to be just two: it can be any number of people with and including you. 

I would like to drink…

Finish this phrase with the name of the drink you want. Popular drinks are:

  • soda pop (carbonated sweet drinks) 

May I see a menu? 

A  menu will help you decide what you want to eat. 

I would like to order, please.

Once you have decided what to eat and drink, raise your hand and wait for a waiter to come to your table. Then, say this phrase to indicate that you are ready to order or ask questions about the food. 

Could you recommend any popular dishes?

This is a good question to ask if you are not sure what to order.

May I ask if you have dishes that are… ?

You may prefer certain foods to others for personal reasons. For example, you can finish the question with any of the following:

  • Vegetarian / Vegan When you say that dishes are vegetarian , that means they are mostly made of plant-based ingredients. When you say they are vegan , it means they do not have any animal ingredients (even eggs or milk!) at all.
  • Halal. If you are a Muslim, you want to make sure that what you eat does not go against the laws of your religion. You may need to explain what ingredients make a food halal  or  haram , though.

Can you tell me about any potential allergens in this dish?

Allergens are ingredients in your food that can cause you to have a negative reaction. It may be a good idea to ask about these before you order a dish. The last thing you want is to not enjoy your meal because you got sick!

Can I please have… ?

Fill in the blank with an item off of the menu or one of these items:

  • Appetizer. An appetizer is a small dish you eat before the main course (meal).
  • Soup. Soup is a common way to start meals. 
  • Salad. If it is too warm for soup, try a salad!
  • Dessert. A dessert is a sweet dish you eat after the main course.
  • A glass of water. If you are not interested in any particular drinks, a glass of water is always a good option. 
  • Extra sauce / salt / spice. If you think your dish could use a little more sauce, salt or spice, you can ask if you can have more. 

Can I ask for a refill?

The word  refill comes from the prefix  re- (which usually means “to repeat”) and  fill . If your glass of water is empty and you want more, you can ask for a  refill so your empty glass will have water again. 

May I have the bill? 

The  bill  indicates how much you have to pay after you eat the meal. Make sure to ask for this. In some restaurants, the waiters will not bring it to your table unless you ask.

If you want more useful English phrases to use in restaurants, check out this post on ordering food in English .


Of course, your trip would not be complete without souvenirs or items you buy to remember the place you visited! To make the most of your visits to shops, here are a few phrases to keep on hand.

Excuse me, where can I find… ?

Finish the question with what you are looking for.

Excuse me, how much is this?

This is a standard phrase for asking the price or cost of items.

Do you offer discounts?

When you ask for  discounts , you are asking if the item comes at a lower price. Usually, the discount is shown in percentages (%). For example, if an item is $10 and there is a 50% discount on it, the final price would be $5. 

Do you have a sale?

Another way to save money is to watch out for sales or events when you can buy items for much lower than their original cost.

Does this come in a bigger / smaller size?

If you are buying clothes, you may not be able to find something that fits you. In that case, use this phrase to check if they have your size. You can also ask “can I try this on?” to make sure the piece of clothing really fits!

What is your return and exchange policy?

Sometimes, you end up buying an item that you do not like or has defects (something wrong with it). A  return and exchange policy allows you to either return (give back) the item to the store or  exchange (switch or change) it with a similar one. 

What forms of payment do you accept?

Here, you are asking if they accept cash, cards or any other form of payment you have on hand.

Can you recommend something similar to this?

If you find something you like  but not quite or you want more varieties (colors, sizes, etc.) of the same item, this is a good question to ask. 

For more shopping vocabulary you should know, go here .


Aside from the stores, you also want to check the sights and sounds of your destination! For those, here are the phrases you can use.

Where is the visitor information center?

The  visitor information center is where you can get everything you need to know about an area—maps, landmarks, restaurants, shops, etc. 

Excuse me, can you tell me what attractions I should check out around here?

There may be so many attractions in the area, you will not know where to start. This question can help you make your itinerary or travel plans for the day.

Are there any guided tours for this area?

Then again, you may not need to explore the area on your own. With a  tour guide , you can plan where you want to go, get information on each attraction and even some interesting tidbits (facts) about them!

Are there any rules and restrictions I should know?

As a visitor, the last thing you want is to get into trouble. You want to know what you should do (the rules) and what you should not do (the restrictions). 

Can you take a photo of me in front of… ?

A trip is not complete without pictures you can post on social media! There are times when you may want to take pictures of yourself in front of a site and that is where this phrase comes in. 

Are there any events or festivals around here?

If you want to enjoy the place the way the locals do, this is a question you should ask. 


Even with careful planning, you may encounter some problems with your travels. Here are some phrases to help you out if something bad happens.

I have lost my…

End this phrase with any  valuables (important items) you lose, such as:

  • Passport. If you lost your passport, you need to find an embassy or state organization that represents your home country in the place you are visiting. To ask for directions to the embassy, say “where is the embassy for… ?” and end the question with your country’s name in English.
  • Wallet. If someone stole your wallet or something else from you, you need to contact the local police , the organization responsible for dealing with crimes. In the United States, for example, you can call 911 on a phone.
  • Way. When you say you have lost your way , you mean you are not sure where you are and where you should go. If you have a destination in mind, you can say “how do I get to… ?” and end the question with where you want to go.

If something bad is happening to you, calling out this word will get people’s attention and—hopefully—get you the help you need.

I feel…

Sometimes, the people who come to help you may need more information about what you need help with. For example, you could say “I feel…”

  • Dizzy / Faint. Dizzy or faint means your head feels light, as though it is being turned around and around.
  • Sick. If you do not feel well in any way, you should say “I feel sick.”

If your body hurts, you can also say “I am in pain.”

With these travel English phrases, you should be able to get around most countries without much trouble.

Enjoy your trip!

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essential travel vocabulary

Travel Vocabulary

Do you often travel for business or for pleasure? Learn this essential travel vocabulary before your next trip!

Planning your journey

Some people book online , while others go to a travel agent and read the holiday brochures before buying tickets or making a hotel reservation .

You need to decide how much you want to pay for your flights. First-class or business class is the most expensive, while most people travel in economy class .

It’s also a good idea to buy some travel insurance before you go – just in case you have an accident or miss your flight . Independent travellers like to organise everything themselves, to avoid going to the same tourist traps (places where lots of tourists go). But some people prefer to book a package tour , where everything is paid in advance.

Travel vocabulary for flying

Most people travel by air – especially for a long-haul destination (somewhere far away) or for a short weekend break or city break . If you are travelling a long distance, you might have a layover (or stop-over ) for a few hours at an airport, or you might get a connecting flight (where you change aeroplanes).

When you arrive at the airport, you first check in at the check-in desk . If you have luggage for the hold , you weigh it here. Your luggage is taken onto the plane by baggage handlers (people who load the luggage on and off the plane.) You can take hand luggage with you onto the plane. You get a boarding pass (or boarding card ) to get on the aeroplane.

After this, you go through security (where your hand luggage is x-rayed ) and also through passport control , where your passport is checked. (You also go through passport control when you arrive at your destination.) In most airports you also see police and their sniffer dogs , who patrol for explosives. You can also go duty-free shopping , where you can buy things at a lower price. Check that you don’t go over ( = exceed) your duty-free allowance , or you will have to pay duty (tax) when you arrive at your destination.

When you are on the plane, the cabin crew look after you. There’s often an in-flight meal and the pilot usually makes an announcement about the flight route and flying altitude .

When you arrive, find out which baggage carousel your suitcases arrive on. Then when you collect your luggage, you need to go through customs and declare anything that you need to pay extra tax on. From there, you can take public transport to your hotel, get a taxi, or go to the car-rental desk – if you are going to hire / rent a car .

You can expect long queues in airports at certain times of the year, or if flights are delayed , for example. Sometimes, airport staff go on strike (stop work because of “industrial action”) which can also cause delays.

If the flying time is long, you can have jet lag when you arrive, as your body tries to adjust to the different time-zone .

Other means of travel

Here’s some more travel vocabulary if you are going somewhere by road, rail or sea.

If you take a road trip , you can go at your own pace . That means you can stop when you want. If you’re travelling in the UK, you can stop at the motorway services to fill up on petrol , get something to eat, or just for a comfort break (to use the toilet).

Travelling by rail can be a comfortable way to travel, especially if you have good seats and a buffet service (where you can buy food). It’s often cheaper to buy a return ticket (than two single tickets). Like travelling by air, you also have a choice of tickets: first class or second class .

If you travel by sea, you need to get to the port (for cruise ships ) or the ferry terminal . Both cruise ships and ferries have different decks , with the upper decks for passengers and the lower decks for cars or cargo.

More essential travel vocabulary words and phrases

suitcase = a large bag which goes in the hold of the aeroplane

baggage / luggage (uncountable noun) = everything that you take with you on holiday. “Do you have any hand luggage?” “The baggage handlers are on strike.”

oversize luggage = when your bag is very big (for example, if you are carrying skis) “There’s a special place to check in oversize luggage.”

handbag = a bag that women carry

backpack = a fabric suitcase that you carry on your back.

money belt = a fabric belt that you wear around your waist and where you put valuable things like your passport or money

travel documents = everything that you need to travel, such as passport and tickets

Travel Phrasal Verbs

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essential travel vocabulary

English Travel Phrases Guide


If you plan on traveling to the United States (or another largely English-speaking country) soon, you’ll definitely want to know some English travel phrases. Even if you’re not fluent in English yet, it’s important to know how to effectively communicate with the people you’re going to encounter—bus drivers and train station managers, hotel staff, shop clerks, and the list goes on.

Increasing your English travel vocabulary is an essential step in your visit to the United States.

Knowing just a few basic English travel phrases will ultimately make your life easier as you navigate this new place. Instead of struggling to find words when ordering at a restaurant or asking for directions, you’ll have these most common English travel phrases at the back of your mind for safekeeping, to use whenever the need arises.

English travel phrases are the most important phrases to know, because they’ll help you get from point A to point B with ease. Whether that means getting from the airport to your hotel, from your main course to dessert, or from casual acquaintances to friends with someone you meet. These are English phrases for traveling you’ll use constantly during your visit to the U.S., and you’ll be glad to know them.

The ease factor aside, knowing English travel phrases can also help you out in a pinch—if you lose your luggage, get terribly lost yourself, or encounter an emergency, knowing these phrases can be a real lifesaver.

And let’s not forget that if you happen to be traveling for business purposes, knowing basic conversational English along with additional phrases will make you look good. It’ll greatly impress your U.S. associates and colleagues, and will grant you their favor more quickly than if you couldn’t communicate with them effectively.

With these things in mind, let’s move forward with and learn about the most basic English travel phrases you should know. (Think of this as your very own online travel English booklet!) Let’s learn English travel phrases!

Table of Contents

  • Basic Phrases: Greetings and Manners
  • Phrases for Transportation
  • Hotel Phrases
  • Phrases to Use When Shopping
  • Restaurant Phrases
  • Phrases to Use in an Emergency
  • Flattery Phrases and Compliments
  • Useful Phrases to Go Through Language Problems


1. Basic Phrases: Greetings and Manners

Preparing to Travel

The first English travel vocabulary we’ll go over are some basic greetings. You probably know some of these English language phrases for tourists, but if not you’ll find this section very helpful. (We also have an entire article dedicated to English greetings , in case you want a more in-depth look at these.)

1- Hello / Hi / Hey

These three words are the most common English greeting words. These words are basically interchangeable, meaning you can say any of these when first meeting someone. However, they do express different levels of formality.

“Hello,” is the most formal greeting word of the three, and is what you should probably use when meeting with a business colleague or when greeting someone for the very first time.

“Hi,” is a little bit less formal, and is probably the most versatile of the three; you can use this word to greet just about anyone in any situation (unless “Hello” seems more proper).

“Hey,” is the least formal, and is best used with people you’re very familiar with. If you make close friends while traveling in the U.S., this phrase is totally acceptable to use with them (and is even expected).

2- Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening

After you’ve said your initial greeting (or sometimes in place of one of the above phrases), you can tell the person “Good Morning,” “Good Afternoon,” or “Good Evening,” depending on what time of day it is.

You can say “Good Morning,” any time before noon. “Good Afternoon,” is best used from noon to about five o’clock PM, and “Good Evening,” can be used any time after that until the next morning.

Each of these phrases is basically doing one of two things (or both):

  • Wishing the person has a good day.
  • Telling the person that you hope their day has been good up until that point.

However, these phrases are often said out of habit and so their meaning is sometimes vague or not actually implied.

3- How are you? / How have you been?

After you’ve greeted someone it’s polite to ask, “How are you?” You can ask this to anyone you’ve met, though you shouldn’t expect an in-depth answer if this is someone you hardly know. They’ll probably reply with, “Good” or “Well,” and ask how you are.

If you’re talking with someone you’ve met before or someone you know pretty well, you can ask, “How have you been?” instead. This question implies that you want to know how they’ve been since the last time you met. Depending on how well you know this person, the answer can be vague ( “Good,” ) or more in-depth. The person you’re talking with is likely to ask how you’ve been as well.

4- Please / Thank you

In the United States, it’s very much expected to say “Please,” when asking for something or making a request. For example, “Can you please give me directions to the hotel?” or “Please let me borrow your phone.” This word shows that you know the weight of the favor you asked, and that the other person is totally capable of refusing; it’s a sign of respect and humility, and is considered good manners in general.

You say, “Thank you,” after you receive what you asked for or a request you made is completed. This phrase shows that you appreciate the other person (or people) for their help.

5- Excuse me

“Excuse me,” can be used in a variety of situations and for multiple reasons, making it one of the most useful English travel phrases. For instance, you can say this to someone if you’re trying to get around them or if you accidentally run into someone while walking. You can also use this phrase to get someone’s attention.

For example, imagine you’re trying to get a store clerk’s attention to ask them where something is in the store:

“Excuse me , where can I find ____?”

This is one of the most important English phrases for travel due to its versatility and general usefulness.

6- I’m sorry

It’s always good to know how to say sorry , even if it’s only for small inconveniences or mistakes. Especially in the United States, it’s considered polite and common practice to apologize often. This may also be one of the most appreciated English language travel phrases to natives.

For instance, imagine you accidentally stepped on someone’s foot while walking in a crowded store or street. You can quickly say, “I’m sorry,” or simply, “Sorry,” and then keep walking.

2. Phrases for Transportation

Airplane Phrases

Finding a good mode (or modes) of transportation is very important when traveling in the United States. Luckily, there’s a variety of options available depending on where you are and where you’re going. But to get the most out of your transportation experience, you’ll want to know a few basic English travel phrases related to transportation.

1- Taxi Phrases

  • When hailing a cab (or taxi), first make sure that it’s actually available. You can find lots of good information on how to effectively hail a taxi online. If it’s available, one common way to signal for the driver’s attention is to extend your arm in the cab’s direction.
  • If you’re going to call a cab instead, it’ll be good to have taxi company phone numbers for the area you’re in written down or saved on your cell phone. You can also use the increasingly popular services of either Uber or Lyft instead, as it may be easier to find availability this way.
  • “I need to get to ___.” Once you’ve gotten the attention of a taxi driver or your Uber/Lyft driver has arrived, you’ll need to tell them where you need to go. You can do this by saying, “I need to get to ___” and say the name of the place where the blank is. For example, if you’re visiting Oregon, USA, you could tell your driver, “I need to get to the Oregon Zoo.”
  • “Could you please take me to ___.” This is a more polite way of telling your driver where you need to go, and is basically interchangeable with the above phrase.
  • “What’s the fastest (or easiest, or best) route?” or “Please take the fastest (or easiest, or best) route.” You should ask your driver which route is the fastest if you’re in a hurry; asking this indicates that you would like them to take that route, or discuss it with you. Or, if you’re less concerned with discussing the route, you can simply tell them, “Please take the fastest route.”
  • “How much will this cost?” It can be hard to keep an eye on your spending when traveling, especially out of the country. To ensure that you don’t spend more than you need to (or to get a better idea of what you can expect to spend on taxis for the rest of the trip), you can ask your driver how much the route you discussed will cost.

An example conversation when getting a taxi ride could go something like this:

You: [Hails a cab] “Could you please take me to the Oregon Zoo?” Cab driver: “Sure. Is there a route you want me to take?” You: “What’s the fastest route?” Cab driver: [Tells you the fastest route] “Is that okay with you?” You: “Yes. How much will this cost?” Cab driver: “About $30.00 if traffic is good.”

2- Bus Phrases

  • “May I have the bus schedule?” or “What is the bus schedule?” You can use the first phrase if you would like to receive a copy of the bus schedule for future reference (if there’s one available). The second phrase may be more helpful if you just want to know the day’s schedule, because you plan on going somewhere later.
  • “How much will this ticket cost?” When purchasing a bus ticket, it’s very important to know how much you’re spending on a single trip. This is especially true since certain buses and certain bus-to-bus routes will cost much more than others. You can simply ask the driver or the ticket salesperson, “How much will this ticket cost?” once you’ve decided on the route you need.

3- Train Phrases

While trains are not the most popular mode of transportation in the United States, you may decide you’d like to travel by train anyway. (Depending on where you are, the scenery can be gorgeous and the service wonderful!) There are also the infamous “subway” trains of New York City that you may find convenient to take if you’re staying there for a while. Here are a few phrases you should know:

  • “ What’s the schedule for this train?” To inquire about a train’s schedule while you’re at the train station, you can ask someone who works there, “What’s the schedule for this train?”
  • “What route does this train take?” Once you know what the train’s schedule is, you may want to ask about the actual route of the train. You can simply ask, “What route does this train take?”
  • “I would like to buy a ticket to ___ for ___ train.” When buying a ticket for a train, you need to state two things: 1.) Where you’re going, and 2.) Which train you want to take you there. You can use this phrase to do just that.
  • “How much will this cost?” If you can’t find train ticket prices listed anywhere, you should ask the ticket salesperson how much a particular ticket will cost before you make a firm decision.

3. Hotel Phrases

Basic Questions

Chances are you’ll be staying in a hotel for at least part of your trip to the United States. Here are a few common travel phrases in English that you should know during your hotel stay:

  • “What rooms are available?” or “Do you have available rooms for [date] to [date]?” If you didn’t book a room prior to your trip, these are the first questions you may want to ask at the reception desk. The person at the front desk should answer by telling you about a couple of available rooms. If you plan on staying from one specific date to another date, you can use the second phrase to ask about rooms available for this specific time frame.
  • “How much will my stay cost?” When telling you about available rooms, the person at the front desk should also tell you the approximate cost per night; once you’ve indicated how long you’ll stay, they should also tell you the total cost and give you payment options. However, don’t shy away from asking about this if they didn’t give you enough info.
  • “When is check-out time?” In case it wasn’t made clear what time you need to check-out of your room on the last day, you’ll need to ask the person at the front desk.
  • “Is there free breakfast?” If free breakfast is important to you, feel free to ask the front desk about this with this phrase.
  • “Is there free WiFi?” The vast majority of hotels in the U.S. should have free WiFi, and most will offer you the WiFi password upon check-in. However, if they didn’t make it clear that they have WiFi, you can ask the front desk.
  • “I need new towels/bed sheets.” There’s a good chance that you’ll want clean towels and bed sheets before your stay is over. Room service should take care of this while you’re out and about, but some hotels prefer that you ask for fresh towels or bed sheets before they’re given. You can either ask room service for these directly if you happen to be in your room when they arrive, or you can go to the front desk and request them. (Some hotels allow you to request multiple items free of charge, such as soap and razors; you can ask about these as well.)

4. Phrases to Use When Shopping

Shopping! Whether for groceries, clothing, or a swanky souvenir, shopping is just about inevitable when visiting another country. Here are some common travel phrases in English to use during your shopping experience:

  • “Excuse me.” You can use this phrase to get a store clerk’s attention.

You: “Excuse me, do you have canned tomatillos?” Clerk: “I’m not sure what a tomatillo is. Can you describe it?” You: “It’s like green tomatoes, in a can.” Clerk: “I’m not sure we have those… Let me check.” You: “Okay, thank you.”

  • “There’s a problem with my ___.” It happens all too often that you find an issue with a product after you’ve left the store. You discover a tear in your new (and expensive!) blouse, your souvenir falls apart for no reason, and the list goes on. To inform a store clerk about an issue like this, you can return to the store with the item and receipt, get the clerk’s attention, and say, “There’s a problem with my ___,” where the blank is the item you bought.
  • “Can I have a refund?” Once you’ve shown the clerk (or staff at a Customer Service desk) what the problem is and that you still have the receipt, you can ask them, “Can I have a refund?” Most stores have some sort of refund policy, which the clerk will then explain to you.
  • “Can I exchange this product?” If you would like to exchange your damaged product for another product, you can ask the clerk, “Can I exchange this product?” The rules and specifications for this vary by store, but some stores do allow exchanges.

By using these travel phrases in the English language, you can make your way around just about store or shop in the United States—and ensure that you get the best products from your visit to them.

5. Restaurant Phrases

Waiter Taking Order at Table

No matter where you are, good food and restaurants are an essential part of the trip. Here are some English travel phrases you should know when eating at a restaurant.

1- Seating and Ordering

  • “I would like a table for [number].” When you first enter a restaurant, the first thing you’ll be asked is, “How many?” To this, you can respond with the phrase, “I would like a table for [number],” or simply, “A table for [number],” where you replace [number] with the number of people in your group. You’ll then either be led to a table, or told how long you’ll need to wait for an available table.
  • “Excuse me.” Here’s yet another good use for the phrase “Excuse me.” You can say this in order to call your waiter or waitress’ attention if you’re in need of something (more water or the check, for example).
  • “Water, please.” Your server will ask you what you would like to drink, usually in the form of, “Can I get you started with something to drink?” though sometimes they’ll ask more specifically, “Would you like coffee, orange juice, milk?” You can reply with “Water, please,” if you would like water, though you can also say, “Coffee, please,” etc.
  • “I’ll have the ___.” After your server asks you what you would like to eat, or what you’ll have, you can respond with, “I’ll have the ___,” where the blank is the name of a dish (or food) on the menu. For example, if you’re eating at an Italian restaurant you might say, “I’ll have the Chicken Alfredo.”

2- Types of Courses

You may find it helpful to have a breakdown of the different types of courses available to you, and the types of foods you can expect to be served for each one.

1. Breakfast

In English, the first meal of the day is called “Breakfast.” In most restaurants, this is only served in the morning (if breakfast is served there at all), with the exception of certain places which specialize in breakfast dishes.

Some common drinks served during breakfast hours include:

  • Juice (orange juice, apple juice, cranberry juice, etc.)

Bacon and Eggs Breakfast

Common food items include:

  • Cereal or oatmeal
  • Eggs (you can have these prepared in a variety of ways)
  • Bacon or sausage links
  • Potatoes or “hashbrowns”
  • Toast (plus butter and jam)
  • French toast
  • Biscuits and gravy (yummy biscuits covered in thick, usually meaty gravy)

“Lunch” is usually served and eaten around the middle of the day (usually from around eleven o’clock in the morning until about two o’clock in the afternoon). When it comes to lunch, there are a variety of things you can eat and drink, mainly depending on the type of restaurant you find yourself in.

When it comes to classic American food, however, you’re likely to find the following items on your menu for lunch:

  • Hamburger (or cheeseburger)
  • Sandwiches or wraps

Many classic American lunch dishes come with side items, the most common of which are:

  • Fries (basically just fried, long-cut potatoes)
  • Onion rings (ring-cut onion slices dipped in batter and fried)
  • Side salad (usually a small bowl of greens with tomato, cucumber, red onion, and croutons)
  • Coleslaw (cabbage with carrots and sometimes other veggies, in a special dressing)
  • Side soup (there are usually a variety of options available for the type of soup)

The most common lunchtime drinks are water and soft drinks (such as soda).

Especially if you’re visiting the United States on business, you’ll probably find yourself eating out for “dinner,” or the last meal of the day. For most restaurants, dinner meals are served from around 3 o’clock in the afternoon until late at night. Dinner is probably the most versatile meal in the United States.

Plates served for dinner are usually larger than those used for serving lunch, and the meals are often more expensive (depending on where you’re eating). Meal types range from classical American, like we described above, to other things like:

  • Steak meals (a portion of steak, usually served with multiple sides)
  • Fish meals (depending on where you are, any type of fish fillet served with multiple sides, such as rice)
  • Various pasta dishes (most restaurants serve some kind of pasta dish, though the best pasta is usually from Italian-style restaurants)

4. Appetizer

An “appetizer” is usually served before a lunch or dinner meal is served, and is prepared upon request; it’s usually served to the table as a whole. It’s called an appetizer because it’s supposed to prepare your appetite for the meal to come. There may just be more types of appetizers in the United States than there are actual meals. Appetizers are sometimes unique to a specific restaurant, so be sure to have a good look at the appetizer section of the menu.

Slice of Chocolate Cake

For some people, the “dessert” is the best part of the meal. It’s usually served after lunch or dinner. In the United States, this is usually some type of a sweet treat to eat after you’re done eating the main meal. Common U.S. dessert items include:

  • Ice cream or frozen yogurt (this can be prepared a number of ways)
  • Slice of cake
  • Slice of pie

Some restaurants may also serve healthier desserts, such as fruit trays.

For this section, I sought to provide an array of example for classic American foods, but keep in mind that the types of food available fully depends on where you’re eating, and in the U.S. you can find restaurants serving food based on just about any other country’s food as well. So get out there and explore!

3- Money/Payment Words and Phrases

When you’re done eating, you’ll need to pay. Here are some useful phrases for you:

  • “Check, please,” or “May I have the check?” You can use these phrases interchangeably to ask your server for the check. The first phrase is less formal, but is a simpler and more efficient way of asking for the check; the second one is a little more formal, so you may want to use it if you’re eating at a nice restaurant.
  • “Credit card.” If you’re asked how you’ll be paying for your meal, you can simply answer “credit card,” if you’ll be using a credit card. Other possible answers are “cash,” and “check,” (though be aware that some restaurants don’t accept these). Further, a “debit card” can be used in place of a credit card.
  • “May I have the receipt?” Oftentimes, you’ll be asked after paying if you would like a receipt, to which you can reply “yes” or “no.” However, if you would like your receipt and it wasn’t offered, you can simply ask, “May I have the receipt?”
  • “How much should I tip?” While this may be an awkward question to ask the server, it can still be helpful to ask this to someone in the party you’re eating with. Tipping is always much appreciated, and asking a colleague how much you should tip definitely won’t be frowned upon.

4- Allergies and Special Accommodations

If you have a food allergy or are following a strict diet, don’t be afraid to speak up. Here are a few phrases you may find helpful for communicating your needs to your party or the restaurant staff:

  • “I’m allergic to ___.” Use this phrase to let someone know you’re allergic to something, where the blank space is the food (or foods) you’re allergic to. For example, you could say, “I’m allergic to peanuts,” or “I’m allergic to shellfish,” both of which are common food allergies . If you’re allergic to multiple foods, you could say, “I’m allergic to fish, milk, and tree nuts,” for instance.
  • “I’m a vegetarian,” or “Do you have vegetarian options?” You can use the first phrase to inform either the server or someone in your party that you don’t eat meat, so that they can help you find a tasty meatless meal on the menu. You can use the second phrase if you want to simply ask the server for recommendations on vegetarian options. (Keep in mind that you can replace “vegetarian” with whatever type of diet you’re following. E.g.: “I’m a vegan,” “I’m on a keto diet,” etc.)
  • “Can I have this without ___?” You can make this request to your server, filling in the blank with whatever ingredient in the meal you don’t want. For example, if you ordered a steak meal that usually comes with mashed potatoes, green beans, and rice, you could say, “Can I have this without the green beans,” if you don’t like green beans.
  • “Can I have extra ___?” On the other hand, if you absolutely love green beans and can’t get enough of them, you could ask the server, “Can I have extra green beans?” You may just be surprised how many restaurants are willing to accommodate requests like this.
  • “Can you substitute ___ for ___?” or “Can I have ___ instead of ___?” You can ask these questions pretty much interchangeably, and both are used to ask for one food item instead of another. For example, if you ordered a fish meal that’s usually served with rice and steamed broccoli, but you want mashed potatoes on the side instead of rice, you could say: “Can you substitute the rice for mashed potatoes?” Many restaurants will accommodate for things like this.

6. Directions

World Map

You’ve just finished eating your meal, the table conversation is starting to slow, and your U.S. colleagues are getting up to leave. You suddenly panic and realize that you don’t remember the way back to your hotel. As the table empties, you hurry to get one of your colleagues’ attention…we’ll call him Phil. So how do you ask Phil how to get to the hotel?

1- Asking for Directions

Asking for directions can be embarrassing or awkward, but it’s nothing to be ashamed about. In fact, learning these travel phrases in English can really get you out of some sticky situations. Here are some common travel phrases in English you can use to ask for directions:

  • “Where is ___?” Probably the simplest way to ask for directions is to ask the question, “Where is ___?” The blank represents the destination you’re trying to get to.
  • “How do I get to ___?” This is another simple way to ask for directions, and is a more straightforward way of asking. (“How do I get to,” implies that you want specific directions, whereas “Where is,” implies that you need more general information.)
  • “How do I get to ___ from here?” This is a little bit more complex, but has the same meaning as the two phrases above; the only difference is that you’re adding “from here” to the end, which indicates you want directions with your current location as the starting point.
  • “Can you tell me where ___ is from here?” This has the same meaning as the phrase above, though it’s a little bit more formal and polite. In the case of asking your colleague Phil for directions, this may be the best option. (Tip: Be sure to say something like “excuse me,” before you ask the actual question as this is seen as generally polite.)
  • “I’m trying to get to ___. Can you point me in the right direction?” If you want to add a little flair to your directions-asking, this is a good option. It’s a little bit more complex than the others, but it has a more conversational tone and will be particularly well-received by the person you’re asking.

Woman Giving Man Directions

2- Giving Directions

How is Phil going to answer your question?

1. Common Directional Words

2. common directional phrases.

  • “Find ___ and make a right/left.” The blank here is usually a street name, though it can also be some kind of landmark. Phil may tell you, for instance, “Find Coyote Road and make a left ,” and then, “At the fork in the road, make a right.”
  • “Stay ___ on ___.” In this phrase, the first blank is usually a direction (north, east, south, or west), and the second blank is usually a highway, road, or street name. For instance, Phil may tell you, “Stay north on Highway 89. “

If Phil is a less technical kind of guy or if you happen to have a hard time remembering street names, he may use more general directional phrases and words. These are usually associated with some kind of a landmark, such as a certain building or park.

  • “___ is near ___.” In this phrase, the first blank can either be the place you’re looking for, or a road he mentioned. The second blank is some kind of landmark. For instance, Phil may tell you: “ Your hotel is near Heritage Park .”
  • “You’ll find that road around ___.” In this phrase, Phil is seeking to give you a better idea of where a road he mentioned is. For instance, he could say: “You’ll find that road around the Heritage Park Zoo .”

7. Phrases to Use in an Emergency

Survival Phrases

Just because you’re on vacation or a business trip doesn’t mean emergencies won’t happen. It’s very important that you know how to communicate serious problems with those around you and with those trained to handle emergencies.

Here are some useful travel phrases in English to help you out in an emergency, as well as other important information. Keep in mind that these are some of the most important travel phrases in English.

1- Emergency Numbers

Before anything else, it’s important that you know what phone number to call in case of an emergency, how to dial it, and what to expect during the call. Here’s a list of some of the most common numbers:

  • 911: This is the catch-all emergency phone number in the United States. Whatever your emergency is, dial 911 on your phone and answer their questions to the best of your ability. In particular, you’ll need to know where you’re located at the time of the emergency and what the emergency is. If you’re unable to talk on the phone for whatever reason, you can also request that someone else makes the phone call.

2- Phrases to Ask for Help

Here’s a list of useful travel phrases in English you can use to ask for help in a pinch:

  • “Can you help me?” or “Please help.” The first phrase here is a more polite way of asking someone for help, and should probably be started with “Excuse me.” You can use this for emergencies that aren’t particularly urgent (such as if you lost something that’s not ultra-important to you). The second phrase is less polite, but also suggests more urgency; this should be used for more urgent emergencies, such as if someone’s been seriously injured or you’re in some kind of trouble.
  • “I lost my ___.” or “My ___ was stolen.” These are two phrases that you can use if you’ve either misplaced something important to you or if somebody took off with it. For instance, if you can’t find your cell phone anywhere, you can declare to someone, “I lost my cell phone ,” and then ask them if they’ve seen it. Or, if you definitely saw someone pick up your phone and walk away with it, you can say, “My cell phone was stolen.”

3- List of Common Health Emergency Words

Man Clutching Stomach

The first thing to do if you or someone around you is experiencing an urgent health emergency is call 911. Here are just a few of the most common ailment words to describe what’s happening:

  • Headache: Most headaches aren’t an emergency, but if it’s very severe or is impairing your (or someone else’s) ability to go about normal daily tasks, it may be time to call 911. This is characterized by a dull or sharp throbbing in or around your head, and can be caused by various factors.
  • Heart attack: If you think that you or anyone around you is experiencing (or about to experience) a heart attack, dial 911. Be sure to learn some of the most common heart attack symptoms, so that you can know it when you see it (or feel it!).
  • Dehydration: When you’re dehydrated, it means that you haven’t been consuming enough fluids. Common symptoms include headache, weakness, and stomach ache/nausea. Be sure to drink a lot of fluids during your visit, and then keep drinking lots of fluids when you get back home!
  • Stroke: A stroke is a serious medical condition which can be caused by an array of things. Be sure to brush up on your stroke knowledge so that you’ll know the symptoms and how to help.
  • Stomach ache: A stomach ache can either mean that you feel pain in your stomach, or that you’re very nauseous (though it can be both at once). While not always an emergency, a stomach ache can be a sign that something is very wrong; if a stomach ache is very painful or persists for a long time, be sure to call 911.
  • Injury: While most injuries aren’t serious or life-threatening, they can be; for instance, if a deep wound won’t stop bleeding or you’re in a lot of pain, you should see a doctor.
  • Doctor: A doctor is someone who usually works at a hospital, and has extensive medical knowledge as well as the authority to prescribe medication or treatment. If you’re in an emergency where you need a doctor but can’t get yourself to the hospital or dial 911, you can simply tell someone, “I need a doctor,” and they should get you help immediately.
  • Ambulance: An ambulance is a large vehicle that’s used to transport someone to the hospital if they’re in very bad condition or can’t get there themselves. Oftentimes, an ambulance is sent after someone dials 911.
  • Emergency: It’s important to know the word “emergency.” This word will be very useful in a pinch, as you can use it to explain the severity of a situation. For example, you enter the hospital with a friend who’s about to have a stroke and tell the person at the front desk, “It’s an emergency!” Your friend should then be taken to the emergency room for immediate attention.

8. Flattery Phrases and Compliments

Travel phrases in English language learning aren’t all formal!

When you travel, English conversation is likely to take an informal turn. Nearly everyone appreciates a well-placed compliment, and this is especially true in the United States. Whether you’re here for business or pleasure, knowing a few flattery phrases and compliments will certainly be useful. Not to mention the flair it’ll add to your English-speaking!

That said, here’s some English for tourism conversations:

You can also say the phrases “I really like your ___” and “I love your ___.” Both of these phrases add emphasis to your compliment. The word “really” in the first phrase indicates an additional level of approval, while the word “love” in the second phrase means that “like” isn’t even a strong enough word to describe your approval.

  • “You look nice today.” This is a more generic compliment, and can be used in most situations for most people. It’s a simple way of expressing your approval about someone’s physical appearance. This compliment is always well-received; you’ll typically receive a “thank you,” or “thanks,” in response, along with a big smile.

1.) [A friend came to pick you up from your hotel so you could go to the zoo together.] You: “Thank you for picking me up .”

2.) [A U.S. colleague took the time to introduce you to other colleagues after a meeting.] You: “Thank you for introducing me .”

A Thank You Note

  • “Do you have a Facebook?” You can ask this to someone you’re becoming friends with (or would like to become friends with). While it may not be good to ask this after first meeting someone, by the second or third meeting, this should be fine to ask. Also note that you can replace “Facebook” with any other social media platform you use (e.g. Twitter, Instagram, etc.). If the other person has this social media account and is also interested in becoming friends, they will give you their information so you can stay in touch.
  • “Can I have your phone number?” In the United States today, asking for someone’s phone number usually comes after asking for their social media information. Also, this question is better asked to someone you’ve met a few times already (unless you’re asking a colleague for their number so you can work on a project together or something). If the person you ask wishes to give you their number, they’ll probably ask for your number too. This is called “exchanging numbers.”

9. Useful Phrases to Go Through Language Problems

Finally, how do you tell someone that you don’t speak English very well yet? How do you effectively communicate to work around these issues? Learn some travel sentences in English for going through language problems with someone.

  • “Can you repeat that?” This is a phrase that you’ll likely need to use often while visiting the United States. (Heck, even U.S.-born, native English-speaking folks say this often!) This is a simple way of asking someone to repeat what they said because you didn’t understand it the first time; they’ll likely say it slower, more loudly, or with clearer pronunciation so you can understand what they said easier.
  • “Can you speak more slowly? I don’t understand English very well.” This is a more complex phrase, and does two things: 1.) It makes a request for the speaker to speak more slowly, and 2.) It informs the speaker that you don’t speak English well, which is important for them to know. After you use this phrase, the speaker will likely repeat what they said more slowly, and pronounce their words more clearly in future dialogue.
  • “How do you say that in my language?” This is a helpful phrase to use if someone you’re with knows your native language (even if only a little bit). Some English words just don’t translate easily, and others are hard to learn; with a little research, however, you and the people you’re speaking with should be able to find similar words or phrases from your own language.

For example, let’s say you don’t know what the word “bashful” means and someone brings it up in a conversation. It may go something like this:

  • “How do you read/pronounce this?” Maybe you can speak and understand spoken English pretty well, but have a more difficult time reading and writing it. Or maybe you just came across a particularly tricky word to pronounce. Whatever the situation is, it never hurts to ask someone how you read or pronounce a word or phrase. In fact, it will show the person that you’re interested in learning and that you want to speak/read English to the best of your ability. They should be more than happy to help you out.

Two Women Discussing Material

10. Conclusion

Whew! That’s quite a mouthful of English travel words and phrases. We hope you learned some useful travel words in English and other English phrases about travelling.

You’re definitely not expected to memorize all of them right away, but we do hope that you’ve gained some insight into the types of phrases you should know and when to use them. When you learn to use English travel phrases, you can expect a few bumps in the road—but with enough practice, the struggle will be well worth it! With a few of these phrases under your belt, you should have a much smoother trip to the United States. Enjoy!

If you want to learn even more about the U.S. English language, be sure to visit us at . We have an array of helpful blog posts , vocabulary lists on a range of topics, and even an online community forum where you can chat with fellow English learners! And if you want a one-on-one approach to your English learning, you can also download our MyTeacher app !

We wish you all the best on your trip to the United States. Have fun and be successful in all of your English-learning endeavors! And be sure to practice these useful English phrases for tourists.

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Top Travel Words to Explore the Incredible World

By: Author ESLBUZZ

Posted on Last updated: September 7, 2023

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Are you planning a trip abroad? Knowing some essential travel words and phrases in English can make your journey smoother and more enjoyable. Whether you’re traveling by plane, train, or automobile, it’s important to have a basic understanding of the vocabulary and expressions related to travel.

In this article, we’ll cover a wide range of travel-related words and phrases that can help you communicate more effectively during your trip. From airport and hotel vocabulary to transportation and directions, we’ll provide you with the essential vocabulary you need to navigate your way around a new place. We’ll also include example sentences and tables to help you better understand the context in which these words and phrases are used. So, let’s get started.

Travel Words

Travel Words

Travel Words: Modes of Transportation

Travel words: air travel.

Air travel has become a popular mode of transportation due to its speed and comfort. Here are some words related to air travel:

Example sentences:

  • I am flying to New York tomorrow.
  • The plane takes off at 9 am.

Travel Words: Land Travel

Land travel refers to traveling on the ground. It includes various modes of transportation such as cars, buses, and trains. Here are some words related to land travel:

  • I usually travel by car to work.
  • The train station is located in the city center.

Travel Words: Sea Travel

Sea travel refers to traveling on water. It includes various modes of transportation such as ships, boats, and ferries. Here are some words related to sea travel:

  • The ship is leaving from the port at 5 pm.
  • We took a boat to the island.

Travel Words: Booking and Reservations

Travel words: ticketing.

When booking a trip, you will need to purchase a ticket. Here are some words related to ticketing:

  • I need to book a ticket to New York.
  • What’s the fare for a one-way ticket?
  • I’ve already bought my ticket, so I just need to board the plane.

Travel Words: Accommodation

When traveling, you will also need to book a place to stay. Here are some words related to accommodation:

  • I made a reservation at the hotel for next week.
  • What time is check-in?
  • I need a single room for tonight.

Travel Words: Car Rentals

If you need a car during your trip, you can rent one. Here are some words related to car rentals:

  • I need to reserve a car for next weekend.
  • How many passengers can fit in the car?
  • My departure time is at 10 am, so I need to return the car before then.
  • What time is your arrival?

Travel Words: Navigating Your Journey

Travel words: maps and directions.

When travelling to a new place, it is essential to have a map and know how to read it. Here are some words and phrases related to maps and directions:

  • Can you show me the route to the airport on the map?
  • Please give me directions to the nearest train station.
  • Be careful when crossing the road, watch out for traffic.

Travel Words: Signage and Symbols

Signs and symbols are essential when travelling in a foreign country. Here are some words and phrases related to signage and symbols:

  • Follow the arrows to find the baggage claim area.
  • The entrance to the museum is on the left.
  • The warning sign indicates that the road is closed ahead.

Travel Words: At the Airport

Travel words: check-in process.

The check-in process is the first step in any air travel journey. Here are some words and phrases you might encounter during this process:

  • I need to go to the check-in counter to get my boarding pass.
  • I prefer to sit in an aisle seat because I like to stretch my legs.

Travel Words: Departure Lounge

The departure lounge is the area of the airport where you wait for your flight. Here are some words and phrases you might encounter during this process:

  • My gate is number 12. I need to find it.
  • The flight attendant was very friendly and helped me with my luggage.
  • The take off was a bit bumpy, but we made it safely into the air.

Travel Words: Arrival and Baggage Claim

After your flight, you will arrive at your destination airport. Here are some words and phrases you might encounter during this process:

  • I need to go through customs before I can leave the airport.
  • My luggage should be at the baggage claim area. I hope it arrives soon!

Travel Words: On the Plane

Travel words: seating arrangements.

  • I prefer to sit in the window seat because I like to look out at the view.
  • Excuse me, can you help me find my seat? I think I’m in the middle seat.
  • The overhead bins are full, so you’ll have to check your luggage.

Travel Words: In-flight Services

  • Can I have a blanket and pillow, please? I’m feeling cold.
  • We’re experiencing some turbulence, so please remain seated with your seatbelt fastened.
  • The pilot has announced that we will be landing in approximately 10 minutes.
  • I need to go to the baggage claim to pick up my suitcase.

Travel Words: Accommodations

Travel words: hotels.

Hotels are the most popular type of accommodation for travelers. They offer a range of amenities and services, from basic to luxurious, depending on the budget and preferences of the traveler. Here are some common words and phrases related to hotels:

  • I’m looking for a budget hotel near the city center.
  • We arrived at the hotel late at night and had to check-in quickly.
  • I need to book a room at the hotel for next week.
  • We checked out of the hotel early in the morning to catch our flight.

Travel Words: Hostels

Hostels are a popular accommodation option for budget travelers, especially backpackers. They offer basic amenities and shared facilities, such as kitchens and bathrooms, at a lower cost than hotels. Here are some common words and phrases related to hostels:

  • I’m planning to stay at a hostel during my backpacking trip.
  • I booked a dormitory bed at the hostel to save money.
  • We upgraded to a private room at the hostel for more privacy.
  • The common area at the hostel was a great place to meet other travelers.

Travel Words: Exploring the Destination

When traveling to a new place, exploring the destination is one of the most exciting parts of the trip. Here are some essential words and phrases to help you make the most of your sightseeing, local cuisine, and shopping experiences.

Travel Words: Sightseeing

When visiting a new place, it’s essential to explore the local landmarks and attractions. Here are some words and phrases to help you navigate your way around:

  • “I want to visit all the tourist attractions in the city.”
  • “Can you show me on the map where the landmark is located?”
  • “I’m planning to visit the museum tomorrow.”

Travel Words: Local Cuisine

Trying local cuisine is an essential part of exploring a new destination. Here are some words and phrases to help you order food and understand the menu:

  • “I want to try the local cuisine. Can you recommend a good restaurant?”
  • “Do you have a menu in English?”
  • “What is the specialty of this restaurant?”

Travel Words: Shopping

Shopping is a fun way to explore the local culture and pick up souvenirs. Here are some words and phrases to help you navigate the shopping scene:

  • “I want to go shopping for souvenirs.”
  • “Where is the nearest market?”
  • “Can you give me a bargain on this item?”

Travel Words: Travel Challenges

Travel words: delays and cancellations.

One of the biggest challenges of traveling is dealing with delays and cancellations. Whether it’s due to weather, mechanical issues, or other unforeseen circumstances, delays and cancellations can be frustrating and stressful. Here are some words and phrases you may encounter when dealing with delays and cancellations:

  • My flight was delayed by two hours due to bad weather.
  • The airline announced the cancellation of my flight, and I had to book another one.
  • I need to return to the baggage compartment to get my suitcase.
  • The airline provided excellent service during the delay.
  • The train arrived at platform 3.

Travel Words: Lost Baggage

Another common travel challenge is lost baggage. It can be frustrating and stressful to arrive at your destination without your luggage. Here are some words and phrases related to lost baggage:

  • My baggage was lost during my flight, and I had to fill out a claim form.
  • I need to find the baggage compartment to get my suitcase.
  • The airline provided excellent service when my baggage was lost.
  • I need to find a currency exchange to exchange my money.
  • The bus stop is just around the corner.

Travel Words: Language Barriers

Finally, language barriers can be a challenge when traveling to a foreign country. Here are some words and phrases related to language barriers:

  • I had trouble communicating with the locals due to the language barrier.
  • I need to find a translation app to help me communicate.
  • The interpreter helped me communicate with the locals.
  • I brought a phrasebook to help me communicate in a foreign language.
  • The locals had a strong accent, and I had trouble understanding them.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common phrases used when traveling?

  • Excuse me, where is the restroom?
  • Can you help me find my gate?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Can I have a menu, please?
  • Is there a taxi stand nearby?
  • Do you speak English?
  • Could you take a photo of us, please?
  • What time is the next train/bus/flight?
  • Could you recommend a good restaurant?
  • I’m lost, can you point me in the right direction?

What are some essential travel vocabulary words?

What are some words to describe different types of vacations?

What are some travel-related idioms?

  • Catch some rays (to get some sun)
  • Hit the road (to start a trip)
  • Live out of a suitcase (to travel frequently)
  • On the go (constantly moving or traveling)
  • See the sights (to visit tourist attractions)
  • Take a hike (to go for a walk or hike)
  • Travel light (to pack lightly)
  • Wanderlust (a strong desire to travel)

What are some English words for describing tourist attractions?

  • I'm lost, can you point me in the right direction?

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some essential travel vocabulary words?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some synonyms for the word 'travel'?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some words to describe different types of vacations?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some travel-related idioms?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are some English words for describing tourist attractions?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

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  • Travel Vocabulary

Travel Vocabulary

Table of Contents

This page explores travel vocabulary in English. You will learn all the essential travel-related words you need to know. We also offer an online flashcard game to practice and test your knowledge of travel vocabulary.

Travel Vocabulary: Means of Transport

I go by…, i go on… means of transport.

The following traveling vocabulary table is mainly about phrases and expressions used to talk about means of travel:

  • I go by bus to work every day.
  • I go by train when I travel to the city.
  • I walk (go on foot) to the local market.
  • I ride (go by bicycle) on weekends for exercise.
  • I go on a cruise during my summer vacation.
  • Christoph Columbus sailed across the Atlantic.

Useful Travel Expressions

General travel vocabulary.

  • Public transportation (British: public transport) is a system of vehicles such as buses and trains that operate at regular times on fixed routes and are used by the public.
  • The road / the highway / the port / the airport
  • “Where’s the information desk, please?”
  • “It’s exhausting commuting from Brighton to London every day.”
  • “I love going on long journeys.”
  • “We journeyed south.”

At the Airport

  • “Show me your passport, please!”
  • “I’m here on business/vacation.”
  • “I’m traveling alone / with my family.”
  • Customs is the place at a port, airport, or border where travelers’ bags are looked at to find out if any goods are being carried illegally.
  • “Anything to declare?”
  • “No, there’s nothing to declare / Nothing to declare.”
  • “You’ve got a lot of baggage! Why don’t you use the baggage cart?”
  • “How much is a one-way ticket (British: usually single) to New York?”
  • Round trip: If you make a round trip, you go on a journey and return to where you started from.
  • “I’ll never forget my first flight.”
  • “Flight 474 to Buenos Aires is now boarding at gate 9.”
  • First class / Business class / Economy class
  • “What time does the plane for… take off / land?”
  • “A representative from the tour company will meet you at the check-in.”

At the Train Station

  • “How much is a ticket to…?”
  • Direct / transfer train
  • “Is there a reduced fare for children / large families?”
  • “Where is the station?”
  • “Where can we buy tickets?”
  • “What time will the train leave?”
  • “Where is platform number …?”

By Ship / Boat

  • “We’re going across to France by/on the ferry.”
  • A cruise is a journey on a large ship for pleasure, during which you visit several places.

By Bus/Coach

  • “Where is the bus station, please?”
  • “When does the bus leave for…?”
  • “How many stops before…?”
  • A bus with/without air-conditioner
  • “Where is the parking lot, please?”
  • “Where can I park my car?”
  • “Can I park my car here?”
  • “I would like to rent a car for…. days/weeks.”
  • “The car costs £30 a day to rent, but you get unlimited mileage (= no charge for the miles traveled).”
  • “I had a breakdown (= my car stopped working) in the middle of the road.”
  • “The car’s still at the garage getting fixed.”
  • “Where can I find a garage to repair my car?”
  • “I’ll need to take out extra car insurance for another driver.”

Means of Transport Flashcards Game

Learn English for traveling with fun with the following game:

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30 Essential Travel Vocabulary You Must Know

Travel Vocabulary

Everyone loves to travel to different countries. Meeting new people and visiting new locations will give you the exposure you seek. But if you are a non-native English speaker, knowing a few English phrases is the  best way to improve your English speaking , even if you’re traveling to a country where English is not the official language. By learning the vocabulary list in this blog, you can make your journey safer and more enjoyable!

Travel Vocabulary With Definitions And Examples

1. destination.

The place to which a person is going and intends to go.

E.g., Let’s go to our next  destination before the sun sets.

2. Sightseeing

The activity of going to sites of interest in a specific locality or enjoying beautiful landscapes.

E.g., We did some  sightseeing in the London

3. Check-in (n)

The process of reporting to an airline or hotel where you have arrived and providing them with the necessary documents.

E.g., They  check in the passengers at the airport.

4. Take Off 

When an airplane takes off from the ground and starts flying across the sky

E.g., The airplane  took off from the runway

It means when an aircraft returns to the ground. It is also called “touchdown.”

E.g., The plane made a perfect  landing .

6. Luggage/ Baggage 

The bags and suitcases contain the person’s personal belongings for traveling.

E.g., We waited for more than one hour for our  luggage.

7. Arrival 

The act of reaching a place, especially at the end of a journey or a trip.

E.g., We  arrived  at 10’o clock at the station.

She waited for his  arrival every day.

8. Departure 

The act of leaving a place. For example, our  departure  was delayed due to heavy rain.

You should arrive early at the airport before  departure .

A facility that provides hotel and parking with rooms typically accessible from an outside parking lot.

E.g., We spent last night at the  motel on our way.

A rail network in which electric trains pass via underground tunnels.

E.g., We took  the subway  to reach the city.

He took  the subway to midtown.

11. Railway 

The network of tracks that trains use to get from one location to another.

E.g., He lives far away from the  railway station.

A narrow passageway, a lengthwise division of road to separate each lane for vehicles.

E.g., The driver took the wrong  lane to pass the road.

13. Set Sail 

To start a trip on a ship or boat.

For example, the ship  set Sail on May 3rd, 1901.

A seaside or riverside town with a harbor or the harbor itself.

E.g., Jane lives in a  port town.

15. Cruise 

A vacation spends on a ship that sails the ocean, stopping at ports for sightseeing from time to time.

E.g., Tom’s birthday party was on the  cruise .

A boat or ship that transports passengers and typically cars across a waterway on a regular service.

For example, Jerry is tired of waiting for the  ferry

17. Voyage 

A long journey, especially by ship in the ocean.

E.g., The young sailor started his  voyage .

18. Reservation 

An arrangement made in advance to secure accommodation, travel, or other services.

E.g., I made a  reservation at the hotel at 9 am.

19. Tourist 

A person who travels for pleasure or interest, usually visiting places of interest or beauty.

E.g., The whole museum was filled with  tourists from different countries.

20. Customs

The official department that controls the entry and exit of goods and people into the country.

For example, the  customs  department at the airport was rigorous.

21. Immigration/ Immigrant 

The process of entering a country to live there permanently or for a specific period.

E.g., His parents were  immigrants from North Korea.

An official document that allows a person to enter a country for a specific purpose and a specific period.

E.g., Jons is waiting for her spouse’s  visa.

23. Boarding pass

A document that allows a passenger to board a plane or ship.

E.g., A: Can you please show me your  boarding pass ?

B: Yeah, sure.

24. Travel Itinerary 

A plan or schedule of a journey, including the route and the places to be visited.

E.g., You will need an itinerary if you are planning to go abroad for vacation.

25. Sidecar

A tiny hollow cart attached to the side of a motorcycle for a passenger.

E.g., The lady sat silently in the  sidecar throughout the travel.

26. Round-trip

A trip, going from and returning to the same place.

E.g., We drive 40 km  round-trip  every day for school.

27. Platform

A flat surface or raised area of a railway track where people wait for trains.

E.g., The express will arrive at  platform number 3 shortly.

28. Disembark

To get off of the boat or ship.

E.g., The captain was the last one to  disembark  from the ship.

29. Commute

The act of traveling from a particular place to place on a daily basis.

For example, he  commutes  every day to work by motorbike.

The total cost of travel.

E.g., The bus  fare  is cheaper than the train.

In many countries, English is the language that visitors and locals use when communicating with tourists. If you are a frequent traveler, you know how often English is used in travel situations. So, learning basic English phrases for travel and holidays may make your total journey experience more fun and memorable. If you want  to speak English fluently , I can help you! Sign in with us and never miss a blog.

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Speak Like a Local: Essential Travel Vocabulary for English Students

  • LLS English
  • November 1, 2023
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Are you an English student looking to travel to an English-speaking country? Or perhaps you’re already there and find yourself struggling to communicate during your museum tours or other travel activities. Fear not, for we have the perfect solution for you – Travel Vocabulary! In this blog post, we’ll provide you with a list of essential words and phrases that will help you speak like a local and navigate through your travels with ease.

Whether you’re asking for directions, ordering food, or simply trying to strike up a conversation with a local, these travel vocabulary words will come in handy and make your trip a more enjoyable experience. So let’s get started and take your English skills to the next level! 

Basic Words Every Traveler Should Know

Are you ready to start your journey into the world of English travel vocabulary? In this section, we’ll provide you with a list of basic words that every traveler should know before setting foot in an English-speaking country. These words will serve as a strong foundation for your language skills and will help you navigate through various travel situations with ease.

First up, let’s talk about directions. Knowing how to ask for directions is essential when you’re in a new place. Familiarize yourself with words like “left,” “right,” “straight,” and “turn.” Combine these words with phrases like “Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to…” or “Which way is…?” to confidently find your way around.

Next, let’s cover food. Food is a universal language, and knowing the basic vocabulary related to ordering food can make your dining experience much more enjoyable. Learn words like “menu,” “bill,” “water,” “coffee,” and “vegetarian” to ensure you can communicate your preferences to the waiter or waitress.

Lastly, make sure you have some essential phrases for general communication. Words like “hello,” “goodbye,” “thank you,” and “sorry” are the building blocks of polite conversation. Adding phrases like “I don’t understand” or “Can you repeat that, please?” will also come in handy when you’re faced with a language barrier.

By familiarizing yourself with these basic words and phrases, you’ll be well-prepared to navigate your way through any English-speaking country. So get practicing and soon you’ll be speaking like a local!

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Useful Phrases at the Museum and Tours

Now that you have a strong foundation of basic travel vocabulary, let’s focus on specific phrases that will come in handy when visiting museums and going on tours. These situations can be overwhelming, especially if you’re trying to fully understand the historical or cultural significance of what you’re seeing. But fear not, with these useful phrases, you’ll be able to confidently communicate and get the most out of your museum visits and tours.

When visiting a museum, it’s important to be able to ask questions and seek information. Phrases like “Excuse me, can you tell me more about this exhibit?” or “Could you explain the significance of this artwork?” will show your genuine interest and help you gain a deeper understanding. Additionally, you may want to inquire about the availability of guided tours or audio guides to enhance your experience.

During guided tours, it’s crucial to be an active participant. Phrases like “Could you please repeat that?” or “I didn’t quite catch what you said about…” will ensure that you don’t miss out on any important details. You can also engage with the tour guide by asking questions like “Do you have any recommendations for other museums to visit in the area?” or “What is your favorite part of this museum?”

By using these phrases, you’ll not only communicate with confidence but also make the most out of your museum visits and tours. So go ahead and practice them before your next adventure, and watch as your English skills open doors to a world of knowledge and cultural understanding.

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Survival Phrases & Essential Terms

Traveling in an English-speaking country can be an exciting and enriching experience, but it can also present challenges when it comes to everyday situations. That’s why it’s important to equip yourself with survival phrases that will help you navigate through these situations with ease.

In this section, we’ll provide you with a list of essential terms that will come in handy in everyday situations in English-speaking countries. Whether you’re at the grocery store, the post office, or simply interacting with locals, these phrases will ensure that you can effectively communicate your needs and understand what others are saying to you.

First and foremost, it’s crucial to be able to ask for help when you need it. Phrases like “Excuse me, could you please help me?” or “I’m lost, can you point me in the right direction?” will ensure that you can get assistance when necessary.

Additionally, knowing how to handle transactions is essential. Phrases like “How much does this cost?” or “Can I pay with a credit card?” will help you navigate through the process of buying goods or services. In social situations, it’s important to be able to make small talk and show politeness. Phrases like “Nice to meet you” or “How are you today?” will help you strike up conversations and build connections with the locals.

By familiarizing yourself with these essential terms, you’ll be well-prepared to handle everyday situations in English-speaking countries. So go ahead and practice them, and get ready to navigate through your travels with confidence!

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Travel Vocabulary & Typical Conversations

When traveling in an English-speaking country, you’re bound to have various conversations with locals. To help you navigate these situations with ease, here are some practical dialogues that you might find yourself having:

1. Ordering Food: Imagine yourself in a cozy cafe, ready to enjoy a delicious meal. Use phrases like “Could I have the fish and chips, please?” or “Do you have any vegetarian options?” to communicate your preferences to the waiter or waitress.

2. Asking for Directions: Picture yourself wandering through the bustling streets of a new city. Approach someone and ask, “Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest train station?” or “Which way is the famous landmark?” These questions will ensure you reach your destination without getting lost.

3. Making Small Talk: Imagine meeting friendly locals who want to engage in conversation. Respond with phrases like “What do you recommend I visit in this city?” or “Have you tried any traditional dishes I should try?” These questions will not only help you connect with the locals but also enhance your cultural experience.

4. Seeking Help : Whether you’re in need of assistance or facing an emergency, it’s essential to know how to ask for help. Use phrases like “I’m lost, can you help me find my way back to the hotel?” or “Is there a hospital nearby?” These phrases will ensure that you can get the help you need in any situation.

By practicing these practical dialogues, you’ll be prepared for any conversation you might have while traveling in an English-speaking country. So get ready to confidently communicate with locals and make your travel experience even more enjoyable!

Travel Words to Learn in English

Reinforcing Your New Travel Vocabulary

Now that you have learned a variety of essential travel vocabulary for English students, it’s time to reinforce what you’ve learned and ensure that it sticks with you. Remember, practice makes perfect!

One great way to reinforce your new travel vocabulary is by incorporating it into your daily life. Try using the phrases in everyday situations, such as ordering food at a local restaurant or asking for directions from a passerby. The more you use the vocabulary in real-life scenarios, the more comfortable and confident you will become.

Another effective method is to engage in language exchange activities. Find a language partner or join language exchange groups where you can practice speaking English with native speakers. This will not only give you an opportunity to use your travel vocabulary in conversations, but also help you improve your overall language skills.

Additionally, take advantage of online resources and language learning apps that offer vocabulary exercises and quizzes. This will allow you to test your knowledge and identify areas where you may need further practice.

Lastly, keep a travel journal during your trips. Write down the new vocabulary words and phrases you encounter along the way, and make an effort to use them in your writing. This will reinforce your learning and provide you with a valuable reference for future trips.

By actively reinforcing your new travel vocabulary, you’ll soon find yourself speaking like a local and navigating through your travels with ease. So keep practicing and enjoy your English-speaking adventures!

Travel Vocabulary for English-Language Learners

How Learn Laugh Speak Can Help You Learn Travel Vocabulary

Learn Laugh Speak is here to help you master essential travel vocabulary for English students. With our structured lessons at levels A1, A2, B1, and B2, you can easily learn the words and phrases you need for traveling in an English-speaking country.

Our platform provides instant corrections, ensuring that you’re learning English at the right level for you. You’ll have access to 33,000 resources for reading, writing, speaking, and listening, allowing you to practice and reinforce your new travel vocabulary.

With Learn Laugh Speak, you can confidently navigate through any travel situation, whether it’s asking for directions, ordering food, or engaging in conversations with locals. Start learning with us today and unlock the world of travel with ease!

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The latest language learning tips, resources, and content from oxford university press., essential english travel vocabulary | part 2.

  • by Oxford University Press ELT
  • Posted on August 23, 2023 August 29, 2023

essential travel vocabulary

In Part 1 of our Essential English travel vocabulary blog, we talked about the exciting phase of planning your trip and the different activities you might want to do while on your holidays. We looked at lots of traveling vocabulary in English. 

Now, we will look at travel and tourism vocabulary that will help you talk about your preferences and feelings about the activities and things you’ve been doing. These phrases will allow you to share what you love (and don’t love) about your experiences on holiday. 

Ways to describe activities you enjoy

There have likely been many things you’ve done during the holidays that you’ve enjoyed and want to share with your friends and classmates when you return to school. 

  • You might want to say that you dug deep into your own town where you live, and visited some parts of it that you’d never been to before. Maybe you were a tourist in your own town. You might have visited galleries, parks, museums or even streets you’ve never walked down before.

I dived deep into my own city and went for a walk in an area I’d never visited before. I was a tourist in my own town! 

  • Maybe you’ve had a chance to relax and clear your mind . You may even have taken time to disconnect and stay off your phone or social media.

I felt it was time to disconnect and take some time for myself to clear my mind. 

  • Did you spend a lot of time outdoors, connecting with nature? Perhaps you went for a long walk in the forest, hiked a mountain, or even took a slow walk through a beautiful park. 

I like to connect with nature by going on long walks in the countryside. 

  • You might have traveled abroad and taken an all-inclusive holiday. This means all your food, drinks, and activities are included in the price. 

My favourite part of an all-inclusive holiday is having food available whenever you want it! 

  • You might have gone camping, but taken a lot of things with you so that you could have the comforts of home. This means that things made you feel at home, even though you weren’t there. 

Though I love exploring new cities, I always choose accommodations where I can have the comforts of home.

Ways to describe experiences you don’t like or want 

Maybe you had some experiences that you didn’t like so much or didn’t want to do. It’s just as important to share the negatives as the positives!

  • Maybe you had an experience that tugged at your heartstrings . This means that something made you feel strong emotions, especially sadness.

Seeing the news about that forest fire really tugged on my heartstrings – it was so sad. 

  • Perhaps you wanted a change of scenery but didn’t have the chance to go anywhere to get away from the hustle and bustle of life. 

After months in the hustle and bustle of the city, I felt like I needed a change of scenery.

  • Did you visit somewhere that was artificial and touristy ? These are places that don’t seem authentic or real and have lots and lots of visitors. 

The capital city felt too artificial and touristy for me.

  • When you’re on holiday and you want to take your time doing something, you don’t want to be rushed. 

I’d like to take my time looking around the gallery – I don’t want to be rushed. 

Now, it’s time to share your experiences with your friends, family, and classmates using all this new English travel vocabulary! Whether you stayed at home, traveled abroad, or went exploring around your own country, it’s important to share your stories and highlights (or not-so-good moments)! 

Match the English travel vocabulary to their definitions. 

Travel vocabulary

1. don’t want to be rushed 2. all-inclusive holiday 3. tourist in your own town 4. clear your mind 5. connect with nature 6. hustle and bustle 7. touristy 8. artificial

A. When you spend time outdoors B. When a place is very busy and noisy C. When you explore the place where you live D. When you want to take your time doing something E. When a place has many visitors and is designed for those visitors to enjoy F. When something is fake or not real G. When food, drinks, and activities are included in the cost H. When you don’t think about anything, or worry or stress 

Billie Jago  is an ELT writer and teacher trainer, specialising in digital & assessments. She is the founder of the professional development podcast ELTcpd and co-founder of the digital ELT content agency,  otterelt .

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Author: Oxford University Press ELT

Every year we help millions of people around the world to learn English. As a department of the University of Oxford, we further the University’s objective of excellence in education by publishing proven and tested language learning books, eBooks, learning materials, and educational technologies. View all posts by Oxford University Press ELT

Thank you so much for this excellent help.

Thank you so much for such useful information.

Thank you for this very useful información and Travel Vocabulary for English language learners.

Thanks a whole lot for this helpful lesson.

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essential travel vocabulary

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Learn English – Travel Vocabulary

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Test your understanding of this English lesson


Thanks alot

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thank you?James

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James ..Nice green sweater.Where have You bought it?

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James, Is there anything missing on your class? travel document should include Visa.

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yep, you’re right, this is also a kind of very important document we need to visit another country.

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Hi I’m prashant and as you can see im an Indian and i really want to make a Chinese friend I don’t care whether you are a girl or a boy. so, please reply me and be my international friends and you know I love Chinese food, song and actor especially jaky. who is your favorite indian actor and which indian food you like most reply me humm.

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Thanks you James. Better knowing these things before going :) I learned “domestic” when I went from Paris to Edinburgh by Birmingham. I was searching for an “internal flights” stuff out there, as it was the french translation. Didn’t find any. And then i felt lost. I had to show someone my itinerary to know where to go ! “Domestics” I was told, showing me the sign. And then I discovered the fantastic Scotland :)

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It was a nice lesson. Thank you, James.

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thx! a good lesson that I learned 2day! =D

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what is the difference between ‘baggage’ and ‘luggage’

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Luggage (AmE)=Baggage(BrE), these two words are synonyms i.e. they both have the same meaning.

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God bless you Mr. James

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Thank you for your interesting lesson, James :)

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Hi Sophie, baggage has two meanings: one meaning is it’s a synonym of luggage and it’s especially used in the USA and the other is to refer to the emotional stuff (feelings). I hope it helps

Great lesson James!!! Thank you so much.

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Hi Brian I didn’t now the word baggage had to do with emotional issues. Could you please give us a couple of sample sentence to make the meaning even clearer? Thanks

Hi the beliefs and attitudes that somebody has as a result of their past experiences

She was carrying a lot of emotional baggage.

The party has now jettisoned its traditional ideological baggage.

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It’s lovely lesson, thanks James.

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It,s usefully lesson , Thanks a lot my beloved teacher.

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Thanks a lot James for this useful lesson, as I travel a lot, it will help me but I have to avoid tourist trap hihihihi.

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thanks alot James

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You are amazing

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nice! thank you!

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A couple of comments on the introductory paragraph and multiple choice items (only 7): On the second line the word “whever” should be “while/when” or rather “whenever”, I think. As to item 7 from the quiz, the word “currency” should be replaced by “country” since it refers to a place.

James, I do really enjoy watching your videos. Your sense of humour makes a big difference in the learning experience. Thanks for everything.

I really like it, it’s very useful for me and everybody. You’re very interesting and your lesson is extremely attractive, too. Thank you very much :3!

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Thanks, James, your lesson is good and clarified many things that I don’t know if I would travel anywhere in the world. so thanks and God bless you. Happy christmass.

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really thanks bro :) ♥

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James, I enjoyed your lesson. Your sense of humor is very important specially because it makes easier it to understand. I found this very interesting, however I’d like you to explain me the difference between carry-on-baggage and cabin baggage? Isn’t it the same?

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Great explanation! Thank you!

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I learned a new word today.Thank you!Now I know I need a itinerary or guidebook when traveling.

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You are so funny, sonu…:) Happy New Year!

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Wish you a very-very happy and fruitful new-year 2014,Janilza.

Well my real name is ‘Suraj Rai’ and i’m from India.

Well, could i ask you that you are he or she?




Yes, I’m a girl…And about you? Your name is really difficult to me to know if its for man or woman…Anyway, thank you for the greetings,my EngVid mate!

Well i’m a boy.











what was your wish first i thought you were angry cause your using caps lock

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i feel sorry about you janilza didn’t reply you this time oooooo

hahaha it was great.. you made me smile :D

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Hi Janka…

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this is fun!

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that’s very useful vocabulary for every learning the people.

Thanks and appreciate to you.

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Thank you~~~ 감사합니다.

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To say honestly I could`t decide what I would have to show at the airport..junk or gun ) The question about girlfriend is also very funny ))) Thank you so much!!!!

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I recommend to show the gun at first and then junk. That’s more safe I think. Especially if your gun is loaded. ^_^

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I like the way you do your presentations. Actually, it’s neither mind-numbing nor leaden. I would like to invite you to Poland (but take a lot of money because it’s pretty expensive ;))) Thanks Motormouth ;)

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Hi James! It’s a pity that I can´t travel in these holidays but I hope you do it. Have a good Christmas!

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Hi Regino! Here you have some examples: 1) We all carry a lot of emotional baggage around with us. 2) When we married, I didn’t realize how much emotional baggage she would be bringing to the relationship. 3) The 6.0 mark caused a lot of emotional scars in the past. It brought with it emotional baggage.

(Definition of baggage noun (FEELINGS) from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

Hope these help… Kind regards

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Hoho~ A very funny and enjoyable lesson about traveling.

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wow that was very good

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Hahaha James, you have forgotten the heel of Italy, Regione Puglia! Thanks for this very useful lesson. I wish you a happy Xmas and a great New Year.

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Thank James…

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Thanks James it is easy because your way of explaining

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Just another nice lesson James iv got 10/10

i really learn a lot from your lessons

i hope to you the best wishes

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thanks for your support

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thanks but can u simplly the lisson or start with teaching how to speak think you

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Thanks alot james, this is a first lesson I was watching for you Really you are excellent teacher :)

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Thanks, James. You are Interesting and amusing.

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Great! I’m just planning a trip to London next week! Even though I will take the Eurostar (train under the Channel), your lesson is great!

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Thanks for your teaching, you are the best :)

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Hi. I´m new here. This web is super. Your lessons are simple and understandable. Keep it up. Thank you James.

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Thank you very much

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Hy james…I am from england we dont have a word “LUGGAGE”.but maybe luggage well known in north american.

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Really? I’m shocked. ^_^ Teachers in our country always say that British people call this stuff “luggage” and American people use the word “baggage”. ^_^ So do you use a word “baggage” too? Thank you for useful information!

Hy medusa I am from london.great i wish you will like your journey in long u will be in london?

Thank you very much James, but Spain is a country in Europe and the currency is Euro not Pesos like Mexico.

Happy Christmas.

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I think he has confused pesos and pesetas (previous currency of Spain).

thanks for your nice class.

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It was a very useful lesson, thanks James, it remind me a lot of some travels I did, and now I have more english vocabulary.

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My favorite teacher, always waiting for your helpful lessons!

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You have done it again James you have yet made another excellent video!


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That’s a good idea, although it might not be in engVid’s scope! Also, please turn off caps lock, it sounds like you’re shouting :)

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Ok. Thank you for remind me. I will turn off caps lock next time. Thank you very much again.

Thank you James , you’re a great teacher

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thanks a lot

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it’s very interesting thank you!

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Merry Christmas, James :)

thank u, this site is perfect to learn english

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nice one wishing u all happy chrismast

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Thanks James, this video really helped to understand the meaning of different vocabulary, such as baggage, carry on, sight seeing, tourist trap and I also learned a new word itinerary, So Thanks again.

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It really helps me. It really does. Thanks a million!

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How nice to see my country on the whiteboard! My best wishes! Merry Christmas …even if it’s passed! Happy New Year!!! …& thank you! THANK YOU!! T H A N K Y O U!!!! :)

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Thanks a lot and Merry Christmas! :)

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LoVe you mee teatcher

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very useful

you are so funny jacques, i can say right now i think you are my favorite teacher…it’s doesn’t mean all the others are bad nononno, but i prefere learning joyfully english i remember fastly and easily…so go on…thank you sir

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Thank you James

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very good explain and good teacher

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Thanks a lot your lesson, James! I’ve decided to improve my English, and I find this web-site very useful and interesting.

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whoaaa!! i got 10 of 10 :) thanks teacher james! It helps me a lot. your the nicest teacher in English lessons that have studied (as well a ma’am ronnie :D totally she’s good too.)

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cool~beautiful !!! thanks teacher

i am really excited about learning english cause of you

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Thank you James!

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Thanks, james.

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thanks anyways

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Well, thanks James it wasn’t so difficult. I’ve just came back from my vacation…. ehehehhe

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one of the best lessons

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thanks James it was so interesting .

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Nice lesson..thanks a lot :)

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thanks for your lesson. It’s so useful, but can you speak more slowly ? It’s a little bit difficult to understand for a beginner like me :D

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Thanks I got 90%.

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Thank you, James, your lesson is so funny and useful for me, got a lot information from you, wish you happy everyday.

I can now travel out from Portugal! :)

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Great! Got 100%

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many words that was the difficulty but the lesson was great. thanks

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wow.. its agreat site ilove it

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how funny you are “james” and good lesson but i need it more intensive

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i need to improve english speaking like english man

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Hi James. Happy New Year for you ;) I just want to say it was full of useful information lesson:) I like the way you are because you are very enthusiastic and funny guy. Thank you very much for that lesson and I can’t wait to learn more english with your lessons on EngVid;) Have a nice day :)

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Thank you James. I long to visit another country

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You are a fantastic teacher // I hope I can travel to Canada to continue my education with you

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I got 10 :9 Thanks James!!

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this has been the best of the best

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Thanks a lot James!! It’s a really helpful lesson.

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Hello Mr James There is a mistake in question number 7. I think you have to replace the word (currency) to (country)

thank you very much very useful lesson. To get on the plane you need a GIRLFRIEND )))))

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Thank you JAMES

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Thanks it´s a good lesson

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thank you teacher this is a important lesson

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Thanks James :D. You look so cute ^_^

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this is fun , thank you James

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JazaakALLAH (THANKS) Mr james for such a valuable stuff……………

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A very funny and useful video. Thanks a lot.

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In Spain we don’t use ‘pesos’, we use euros :P

Nice video!

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And the previous currency was the ‘peseta’ not ‘peso’ :)

thank you so much

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How a great teacher! The system made a mistake. I’have do the quiz: 9 out of 10 but the system says 8 out of 10 :( sob sob. Thank you, this’s a amazing site!

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That are really to useful lessons to me!!!

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thank you james

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thanks alot james

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Excellent! Thank you!

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Thanks, James. Good lesson!

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Thank u.Your lesson is funny.

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Thanks , this is the best lessons about traveling, all is so easy to understand !

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Skype ID ‘Huseynov.17′ ..—->If you want to improve your speaking level like me ,you can add me at skype for talking.

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Yahoo….I got 10 correct out of 10 in this quiz..hahaha….thanks James

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The best teacher ever seen.

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yippie!! i got 100 score. thanks sir for your lesson

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thanks allot teacher

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Thank you James for this lesson

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thank u james

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Hi James, you are my favorite. Tnk for lesson.

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It is really helpful . I am not native speaker in English but I want to learn English so needs conversation. Please any one add skype : nizamjg12

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thank you !!!James

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Hi James,Thanks for this lesson.

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Thanks a lot.

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Hi James, Thanks for your lesson thanks in advance

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what a great english teacher! I like James lesson!

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Thank you James, it’s a pleasure to learn English with your nice videos :)

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well almost 8/10. great lesson, thank you james!.!

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thank you so much james you are a very good teacher

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Just super lesson! :-) Finally I have found out what “boarding pas” means!

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I got 10 correct out of 10. :D

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Thanks a bunch! I really learned some important things in this class :)

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i just love it

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It’s great!!! Thank you very much!!!

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its nice.. i love the topic.. i just remember the first and last time i go to see macau.

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thank you~^0<

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Thank you so much

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very well, thank you

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thanks james =)

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Thank you teacher! This lesson is very helpful ^^

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Thank you. You’re so cool.

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thank you very much .it was a wonderful lesson

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Nice lesson but “question 9” is incorrect for me. At airport you always have to show your passport. Customs may sometimes ask you to open your bag specially when you arrive to another country or come back to your country.

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James, simply excellent.

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I think It’s the best site. I can’t understand why it’s free????

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Thanks very much James! Now, I Can travel without scare.

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i got 9/10. Anyway, thanks a lot :)

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I love travel. I like this lesson so much. Thank you.

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In Spain Don’t use pesos, it use EURO, and Spain isn’t Mexico.

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Thanks a lot! it’s cool lesson

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Thanks!!! i got 10 correct out of 10. :D

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hi James….long time not see Good lesson for me to today Thanks so much so long

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Thank you James!It’s cool;)

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Thank you James. Very good!!!

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Thanks Mr james and Mr E , I got full mark yaay:D verey interesting lesson I enjoyed it thanks again

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I have an idea, why dont you put an application for iPhone or samsung mobiles it’s really better for us to use than these website but anyway website is enjoyable too <3 thanks for your hardworking

Thank you for this lesson, James! Clear, logical and fun!

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thank you I get 100%

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100% yahoo :-)

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Thanks James.

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thanks james

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Thank you teacher !

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Thanks a lot James…Your class was so cool.

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Your awesome dear teacher.

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many thanks

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I hate Mr E a lot

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Tnx alot :)

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I want to practice with someone :D

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You are funny James. That makes you a special teacher. Thanks for the lesson

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It is really nice and have lots of fun, thanks!

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thank James.You’re good teacher.

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Thanks James,I have learned lots of lessons from your web since 2011,I really enjoy the way you teach us as well as your expression of your face,you use body language while you explain I think that helps for students.Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hi James,I would like to ask you that what is the difference between Luggage and Baggage?

i got 100 thx it was very good now my english going good

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I love your way of teaching English. It helps. :) Thank you so much.

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Google tradutor says that luggage means baggage, but baggage in portuguese language it is more than luggage. Maybe because in differents countries adquire another meanings. Thanks.

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Thank you so much James.

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Sorry James, here in Spain we don´t use PESOS, we use Euro, because we are in the European Unión. Previously our currency was PESETAS, not PESOS. Thanks.

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He may have mixed up Spain and Mexico. We regret the error…also, this is why it’s not called GeographyVid :P

100 …

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Thank you, James! Your lessons are wonderful. I like your sense of humor. ^_^ I’ve got 10 correct out of 10. Yeah! P.S. By the way could anyone explain me please who Mr. E is? Is it a character imagined by James or someone else? He is very cute. ^_^

ohhhh james i still love you, you are the best but in spain we had pesetas no pesos!!!!hahhahaha

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You’re great!

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I found a mistake in your quiz:

9. At the airport, you will probably have to show your ___________.

passport baggage

I think passport is not correct answer, because showing passport can not be probable, it wil be definitely, mandotary. So, in this case right answer is baggage. Because baggage showing can be only in case when your baggag is beeping in control mahcine.

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Thanks James. I wish someday i could Travel to CANADA and maybe visit you !

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thank you for this nice English learning material

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Thank you, James! I think this lesson help me in my nearest trip :)

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thanks alot =d

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Thanks for the lesson! this was a great journey ;)

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Thank you for your lessons. You have to visit my country! Poland is watching you!!! :)

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Thanks James .today I sign up engvid.its very helpfuk

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Thank you very immensely

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Thank you very much James, the lesson was really helpful :)

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I want to come there , tell me how to come? its more important :)) just kidding ;) perfect.

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cool lesson alike yourself. thanks a ton.

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Super! Thanks.

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The best explanation!Thanks James!

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Wooowww.. i’m very very enjoy your explanation dan your joke gesture hehe very nice !

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James you are amazing, I love your way to teach. thank you.

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Thanks for this lesson.

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thanks so much

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Thanks for this lesson

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James in questionnaire, itinerary is missing. I would like you to visit India. There are many tourist destination here like The Taj Mahal , Kazranga Rhino heritage park etc..

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amazing lesson and great quiz

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Thank you so much James. This is a helpful lesson. Traveling is one of my hobbies.

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Thank u James for this wonderful lesson!

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Good job man,World needs these great lessons.Never give up helping humanity.We expect more!

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Thank you very much.

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You are a great teacher. I’ve remembered every words you taught in this course. Thank you so much.

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Great lesson. Thank you.

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Thank you so so much for your constructive tutorial videos. Even though i’ve gotten a C2 level certification in English (It is called Profficiency ECPE according to the Greek foreign languages system) i am still working on it in order to enhance my skills. Thanks again James. You are amazing! xx

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Very interesting,i learnt a lot from this, hope it can improve my english.. Thanks a lot sir!

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Quiz James:

1 What is the current currency of Spain? a) Pesos b) Pesetas c) Euros d) Maravedies Suerte

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Thanks alot. You are very fanny and it’s great…

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It’s a helpful lesson. Thanks.

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Thank you so much. It’s very helpfull video for me.

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Thanks James! When you come to Italy next time you could take a chance to see Lake Como! We have lots of tourist attractions (and unfortunately tourist traps) you could see and I could be your personal guide ;)

See you soon!

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Thanks a lot)

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Thanks you for your lesson, I am new here, this is my first lesson and I am so excited in improve my english!!!

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I’m a new one, this is my first class:) very useful, thanks teacher James.

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You got 8 correct out of 10.

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excellent ! ;)

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Thanks James

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thanks i got 100 it was a really informative lecture

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thank you friend, I’m learning with you

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Thanks a lot for your lesson, Mr.James. I’m really want to go to another country but so afraid to practice my english :(

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Thanks a lot Mr. James: a really good lesson!

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the second hundred

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Thant you a lot, James! Great!

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james man why you didn´t tidy up all the steps

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however great lesson

thank a lot!

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To travel this is the best lesson!! Thanks a lot, a lot!!

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Thanks. Mr. James. I’ d like to go on vacation with you!!!

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Thanks for amaizing lesson))

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good vocabulary, i learn new vocabulary and now i can practice

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Thank you James. God bless you.??

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100 points ! James thank you for lesson

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Speak Like a Pro: Essential Travel English Vocabulary Revealed


Essential Vocabulary for Travelers

For travelers, especially those aiming for careers in tourism and hospitality or engaging with international tourists, mastering “travel English vocabulary” is crucial. This section provides essential terms and expressions for navigating, transportation, and accommodation, which are fundamental for travel in English-speaking regions.

Navigating Directions

Navigating new places requires a clear understanding of directional vocabulary. Common travel English vocabulary for giving directions includes terms like “turn right,” “go straight,” “take the first left,” “cross the street,” and “be on your left” ( Wall Street English ). Additionally, knowing how to ask questions such as “how far is it?” and “is it within walking distance?” is essential. Familiarize yourself with terms like “map,” “GPS,” “landmark,” “street,” and “intersection” for effective communication and navigation. Here are some examples:

For more on navigating in English, explore our resources on english for travel .

Transportation Terminology

Understanding the vocabulary related to transportation is vital for getting around in English-speaking areas. Key terms include “subway,” “bus stop,” “taxi,” “car rental,” “train station,” and “airport” ( Wall Street English ). Being familiar with these words can greatly facilitate your travel experience and help you in advising others. Here’s a table with some common transportation terms:

For additional vocabulary, check out our section on english for public transportation .

Accommodation and Reservations

When it comes to accommodation, knowing the right vocabulary is key to ensuring a comfortable stay. Essential terms include “hotel,” “reservation,” “check-in,” “check-out,” “concierge,” and “room service” ( Go Natural English ). These terms are crucial for making and managing lodging arrangements. Learn and practice the following:

For a deeper dive into this subject, consider our guides on english for hotel check-in and english for booking accommodation .

Understanding and using these essential travel English terms and phrases will enhance communication skills and confidence when dealing with tourists or traveling in English-speaking countries. Continue to expand your knowledge with our comprehensive guides, including essential travel english and travel english phrases .

Communicating at Destinations

Whether dining, shopping, or visiting iconic sites, travelers can greatly enhance their experiences by familiarizing themselves with key English terms and phrases. This section provides essential travel English vocabulary designed to assist young adults in the Asia-Pacific region who are pursuing careers in tourism, hospitality, or simply wishing to interact more confidently with international tourists.

Dining and Shopping

When it comes to dining out or shopping, knowing the right words can make all the difference. Vocabulary for places like “restaurant,” “café,” “bistro,” “mall,” “boutique,” and “marketplace” are commonly used and can aid in both finding a location and asking for recommendations.

For more detailed vocabulary and phrases tailored to dining and shopping situations, explore our travel English phrases and travel English expressions sections.

Attractions and Landmarks

Visiting attractions and landmarks is a major part of travel, and being equipped with the right vocabulary can help travelers ask for directions, purchase tickets, and share their experiences. Essential words include “museum,” “gallery,” “park,” “historical site,” “monument,” and “tourist information.”

For additional resources on discussing and describing attractions, refer to our english for sightseeing and travel english conversation pages.

Understanding these essential terms and phrases can enrich the travel experience, making it easier to navigate destinations and engage with local cultures. By expanding their travel English vocabulary, individuals can also improve their professional prospects in the fields of tourism and hospitality. For more comprehensive learning, young adults are encouraged to delve into our english for international students and basic travel english resources.

Handling Travel Documentation

Navigating through airports and dealing with travel documentation is a significant part of the travel experience. Mastery of related vocabulary is essential for smooth transitions from one point to the next.

Airport and Customs Vocabulary

The airport is where your journey begins and ends, and understanding the terminology used here is crucial. At the T.S.A. checkpoint , you’ll be asked to present your boarding pass and a form of identification, such as a driver’s license. Be prepared to remove your coat, shoes, and belt for security screening.

Upon arrival at your destination, you might be required to go through customs. Here are some key terms and phrases that may be used:

  • Declare : To officially inform customs about any items you’re bringing into the country that may be subject to taxes.
  • Duty-free : Items that are exempt from taxation.
  • Visa : A permit to enter and stay in a country for a specific period.
  • Immigration : The checkpoint where your travel documents and visas are reviewed.
  • Customs form : A document required by customs, declaring any items of note.
  • Prohibited items : Goods that are not allowed to enter the country.

It’s important to declare any items that require it, as failure to do so can lead to fines or other penalties. For a comprehensive list of vocabulary related to travel documents , visit our dedicated page.

Managing Luggage and Belongings

Managing your luggage is an essential skill in travel. Whether it’s carry-on or checked, knowing how to communicate about your belongings will make your life easier. Here’s some vocabulary that can help:

  • Carry-on luggage : A small piece of luggage that you can take with you on the plane.
  • Checked luggage : Larger luggage that is stored in the plane’s cargo hold.
  • Baggage claim : The area where you collect your checked luggage after a flight.
  • Overhead bin : Storage compartments above airplane seats for carry-on items.
  • Personal item : A smaller bag such as a purse or laptop bag that can fit under the seat in front of you.

Remember to pack essentials in your carry-on, like a book, a reusable water bottle, and snacks, to make your flight more enjoyable. For more tips on managing luggage, explore travel english expressions that can be helpful when discussing your belongings with airport staff.

With these terms and phrases, individuals preparing for careers in tourism, hospitality, or those simply looking to engage more with international tourists can navigate travel documentation and luggage management with confidence. For additional resources and practice, our sections on english for travel and english for international students are great places to start.

Describing Travel Experiences

When recounting their adventures, travelers often seek to capture the essence of their experiences with vivid language. Having a robust travel English vocabulary is essential for conveying the excitement and wonder of their journeys. This section will explore powerful adjectives for characterizing travel experiences and offer guidance on articulating stories and impressions.

Adjectives for Journeys and Destinations

To truly depict the richness of travel experiences, one must go beyond basic descriptors like “nice” or “good.” The English language offers a plethora of advanced adjectives that can bring stories to life. English Lesson Via Skype provides a list of 34 advanced adjectives, including “exhilarating,” “awe-inspiring,” “riveting,” “insightful,” and “breathtaking.” These words are sorted into categories to describe various aspects of travel, such as the journey, accommodations, attractions, and the emotions they evoke.

Here’s a sampling of adjectives from the list, categorized to help travelers accurately describe their experiences:

Sharing Stories and Impressions

When sharing travel narratives, whether verbally or in writing, incorporating a variety of descriptive adjectives can provide a richer and more nuanced representation of one’s adventures. It enables individuals to communicate their unique experiences more effectively and to convey their emotions and impressions in a way that is captivating and expressive.

For example, instead of simply stating, “The Grand Canyon was beautiful,” one might say, “The Grand Canyon was an awe-inspiring spectacle, its vastness rendering me utterly speechless.”

Using advanced adjectives to describe travel experiences allows individuals to paint a more vivid picture for their audience, making their storytelling more engaging. For those looking to improve their travel English, resources like english for travel , travel english phrases , and travel english expressions can be invaluable.

By expanding one’s vocabulary and practicing the articulation of travel stories, young adults in the Asia-Pacific region interested in tourism or hospitality can engage more effectively with international tourists. Not only does this enhance personal expression, but it also enriches the listener’s understanding and appreciation of the recounted experiences. For those preparing to study abroad or enter the realm of global tourism, english for international students and english for study abroad offer targeted language skills development to navigate and excel in international environments.

Practical Phrases for Interactions

Interacting with others while traveling not only helps in navigating new places but also enriches the travel experience. For non-native English speakers, knowing the right phrases is essential for clear communication. Below are practical phrases for asking for directions and engaging with locals, key components in travel english vocabulary .

Asking for Directions

When lost or unsure about how to get to a particular location, the ability to ask for directions in English becomes vital. The simplest and most straightforward way to do this is by using the phrase “Where is _ ?” This can be adapted for various scenarios, whether looking for a restroom or a famous restaurant like Katz’s Delicatessen ( LearnTalk ).

Other common phrases for inquiring about directions include:

  • “Could you point me to the nearest _ ?”
  • “How do I get to _ ?”
  • “Is the _ far from here?”
  • “Can you show me on the map where we are?”

Here’s a quick reference table with phrases useful for travelers:

These questions are not only practical but also provide a chance to engage with locals , offering a window into the local culture and possibly some insider tips on the best spots to visit.

Engaging with Locals

Engaging with locals is a delightful part of travel that opens doors to authentic experiences and learning opportunities. To start a conversation, it is polite to greet with a simple “Excuse me,” “Hi,” or “Hello” before proceeding with questions or requests ( LearnTalk ).

Here are several phrases that can help when engaging with locals:

  • “Excuse me, do you speak English?”
  • “I’m from _ , where are you from?”
  • “Can you recommend any good places to eat around here?”
  • “What’s this area known for?”
  • “I’m trying to find _ , do you know where it is?”

Remember, engaging with locals is not just about getting information; it’s about sharing an exchange that can enrich your travel experience. Be open, respectful, and genuinely interested in the conversation, and you’ll find that most people are happy to assist and share their knowledge.

Whether asking for directions or striking up a conversation, these practical phrases are stepping stones to building confidence in travel english situations . They’re essential tools that empower travelers to navigate, discover, and connect across different cultures and environments.

Understanding Travel-Related Terms

In the world of wanderlust, terms like “travel,” “trip,” “journey,” “tour,” and “voyage” are often used interchangeably. However, each term has its own distinct meaning that can enrich our understanding and expression of travel experiences. This section clarifies these terms, providing a clear distinction to enhance your travel english vocabulary .

Differentiating Travel, Trip, and Journey

The terms “travel,” “trip,” and “journey” might seem synonymous but hold subtle differences in their usage:

  • Travel can be used as both a verb and a noun. As a verb, it refers to the act of moving from one place to another, such as “He travels frequently for work.” As a noun, it denotes the general concept of movement, as in “Travel the way you wish to go” ( Keely Algar Languages ).
  • Trip is a noun that usually refers to a short journey or one that is relatively routine, often for a specific purpose and with a return to the starting point planned, like “a business trip” or “a day trip.”
  • Journey suggests a longer experience, one that is often significant and transformative. It might not have a clear or final destination, as in “a journey of self-discovery.”

By understanding the nuances of these terms, language learners can more accurately convey their travel experiences and intentions, whether they’re discussing a brief excursion or an extended adventure.

Phrasal Verbs in Travel Contexts

Phrasal verbs are an integral part of conversing in English, especially in travel scenarios. Here are some common phrasal verbs related to travel:

  • Check in – to register upon arrival, such as at an airport or hotel.
  • Set off – to start a journey.
  • Look around – to explore or visit a place casually.
  • Come across – to find or encounter something by chance.

Understanding and using these phrasal verbs correctly can enhance communication and help in navigating various travel situations . For instance, telling a story about how you “came across a quaint café while looking around the city” can add color and detail to your narrative.

Learners aiming to master travel english should immerse themselves in the language by exploring resources like english for travel podcasts or english for travel videos . Engaging with these materials can provide context to the vocabulary and phrases learned, making the language come alive and aiding retention.

Incorporating the correct travel-related terms and phrasal verbs into your vocabulary can not only aid in clear communication but also enrich your storytelling, making it more vivid and engaging for your audience. Whether you’re engaging with international tourists or studying abroad, a robust travel english lexicon is an essential tool for success in the global community.

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English for travel – useful phrases and travel expressions in English

The holiday season is in full swing, so the only thing that you and your children think about is holidays, rest, relaxation by the water, in the mountains or in the allotment garden. Any form of outdoor entertainment that you offer to children will give them satisfaction, but when it comes to special holiday plans and trips, it is worth preparing something extra for the whole family.

In recent years, trips and excursions abroad have become extremely accessible, and what is more, competitively priced. For this reason, we more and more often decide to book a flight ticket for a flight abroad: to Croatia, Spain, Italy, Malta, Turkey or Greece. These are just a few of the most popular holiday destinations among the British people. You can also use the holiday time to visit European capitals, London, Paris, Prague or Copenhagen.

All these holiday trips have a common denominator – they require at least a basic knowledge of English so that both children and parents can communicate safely abroad. English phrases for travelling are useful to communicate in a shop or hotel, ask for directions, learn something about local attractions and monuments, or simply not to get lost at the airport in the maze of English-language information.

Knowledge of the English language in today’s world is really a necessity. Even 3 4-year-olds are learning English now, and many parents bravely follow in their footsteps. If you do not know English well, and your child is only on a beginner level – no problem! Here you will find useful travel English phrases that will come in handy when traveling .

All you need to do is master a few basic phrases, and you’ll be fine on your next family vacation abroad! English for travel and vacation is easy – try yourself! In this article you’ll find plenty of English travel terms and phrases. 

English phrases for traveling – why you should learn English for travelers?

Learning travel phrases in English can open up a world of possibilities for both you and your children. Here are five compelling reasons why you should prioritize English language skills for your next travel experiences:

  • Easy Communication: English is widely spoken across the globe, making it the go-to language for international communication. By learning English, you and your kids can confidently navigate through different countries, interact with locals, ask for directions, order food, and fully immerse yourselves in new cultures.
  • Safety and Security: When traveling, it’s crucial to be able to express yourself and understand important safety instructions. Knowing English provides an added layer of security, allowing you to ask for help when needed, communicate with authorities, and ensure the well-being of your family in unfamiliar surroundings.
  • Enhanced Cultural Experiences: Language is a gateway to culture. By learning English, your children can engage in meaningful conversations with locals, learn about traditions, and gain a deeper understanding of the places they visit. This enriching experience will create lasting memories and broaden their global perspective.
  • Educational Opportunities: English is the language of academic excellence. By mastering English, your children can seize educational opportunities while traveling. They can attend summer schools, participate in language exchange programs, and even consider studying abroad in the future. Learning English opens doors to a world of educational possibilities.
  • Independence and Confidence: As your children develop their English language skills, they become more independent and self-assured travelers. Being able to communicate in English empowers them to explore new destinations, interact with fellow travelers, and navigate transportation systems, fostering a sense of confidence and resilience.

Don’t miss out on the chance to equip your children with essential English language skills for their travel adventures. With the flexibility and convenience of an online English class for kids , such as the one offered by Novakid, your kids can continue learning throughout the summer from any location. All they need is a computer with internet access to participate in engaging lessons led by experienced, native-speaker teachers. Make this summer a time of growth and discovery for your children with the gift of English language proficiency with Novakid!

essential travel vocabulary

English for travellers: The airport

Here are some useful English phrases for travel at the airport or on the plane . It is good to know what is the meaning of popular airport signs, which you should pay attention to. You should also know and how to search for lost luggage in English, which, of course, we do not wish anyone! 


  • Departure: The act of leaving or the point of leaving from the airport.
  • Arrival: The act of arriving or the point of arriving at the airport.
  • Boarding pass: A document that allows you to board the airplane.
  • Check-in: The process of registering and obtaining your boarding pass at the airport.
  • Security check: The procedure of going through security screening before entering the departure area.
  • Baggage claim: The area where you collect your checked-in luggage after arriving.
  • Gate: The designated area where passengers board the aircraft.
  • Customs: The area where your luggage may be inspected and you may have to declare items.
  • Immigration: The process of clearing passport control to enter or exit a country.
  • Duty-free: Shops that sell goods without taxes or duties.
  • Delay: A situation in which a flight is postponed or held up.
  • Terminal: The building at the airport where passengers board and disembark from flights.
  • Announcement: A public statement made over the airport’s PA system.
  • Baggage allowance: The maximum weight or number of bags allowed on a flight without extra charges.
  • Security checkpoint: The area where passengers are screened for prohibited items before entering the departure area.

Expressions and phrases used at the airport

  • Can you tell me where the check-in counter is?
  • Excuse me, which gate is my flight departing from?
  • Where can I find the baggage claim area?
  • Is there a currency exchange desk in the airport?
  • Could you please direct me to the nearest restroom?
  • I need to declare some items at customs. Where should I go?
  • Is there a designated smoking area in the airport?
  • Can you recommend a good place to grab a quick bite to eat?
  • What time should I arrive at the security checkpoint?
  • Could you help me find a taxi or transportation to my hotel?

English for travellers: The airplane

English is also useful on the plane, when you want to find your place, ask the flight attendant for water, or when you want to be up-to-date with the messages displayed on the screen.

  • Seat: The place where you sit during the flight.
  • Seat belt: A safety device worn around the waist to secure passengers during takeoff, landing, or turbulence.
  • Tray table: A small table that folds down from the seat in front of you.
  • Overhead bin: Storage compartments above the seats for carry-on luggage.
  • Cabin crew: The flight attendants responsible for passenger safety and comfort.
  • Lavatory: The restroom facilities on board the airplane.
  • Emergency exit: A designated door for evacuating the airplane in case of an emergency.
  • Call button: A button to summon a flight attendant for assistance.
  • In-flight entertainment: Entertainment options available on board, such as movies, music, or games.
  • Beverage cart: A trolley that serves drinks and snacks during the flight.
  • Window seat: A seat located next to the aircraft window.
  • Aisle seat: A seat located on the side of the aircraft’s aisle.
  • Oxygen mask: A mask that provides oxygen during an emergency situation.
  • Seat recline: Adjusting the angle of the seat back for added comfort.
  • Fasten seat belt sign: The illuminated sign indicating passengers should fasten their seat belts due to turbulence or approaching landing.

Expressions and phrases for traveling on the airplane

  • Excuse me, is this seat taken?
  • Can I have a blanket and pillow, please?
  • How long is the flight expected to be?
  • Do you have any vegetarian meal options available?
  • May I have a glass of water, please?
  • Could you assist me in stowing my carry-on luggage?
  • Is there a power outlet or USB port near my seat?
  • Are there any in-flight entertainment options on this flight?
  • What is the current altitude and cruising speed of the aircraft?
  • Excuse me, could you please lower the window shade?

essential travel vocabulary

English for travellers: The train

During summer vacation, many families travel by train to their destinations. Here are some common phrases, that may come in handy while travelling via rail. 

  • Train station: The location where trains arrive and depart.
  • Platform: The raised area where passengers wait for trains.
  • Ticket: A document that allows you to travel on the train.
  • Ticket office: The place where you can purchase or collect your train tickets.
  • Timetable: A schedule that shows the departure and arrival times of trains.
  • Departure: The act of leaving or the scheduled time for a train to leave.
  • Arrival: The act of arriving or the scheduled time for a train to arrive.
  • Platform number: The assigned number indicating where your train will arrive or depart.
  • Train carriages/cars: The individual sections of the train where passengers sit.
  • Seat reservation: A pre-booked seat on a specific train.
  • Luggage rack: The area above the seats where you can store your bags.
  • Train conductor: The person who checks tickets and assists passengers on the train.
  • Boarding: The act of getting on the train.
  • Announcements: Public messages or announcements made at the train station.
  • Connection: The transfer from one train to another at a specific station.
  • Compartment: A separate area in a train carriage with a group of seats facing each other.
  • Dining car: A designated carriage where passengers can purchase meals and drinks.
  • Intercom: A communication system used for announcements or emergencies on the train.
  • Ticket inspector: A person who checks tickets and ensures passengers have valid tickets.
  • Platform sign: Signs indicating the platform number, train schedules, and destinations.

Expressions and phrases for traveling on a train

  • What platform does the train to [destination] depart from?
  • Excuse me, is this seat reserved?
  • How long is the journey from here to [destination]?
  • Does this train have Wi-Fi onboard?
  • Is there a dining car or food service available on this train?
  • Can you help me with my luggage?
  • Are there power outlets on the train to charge electronic devices?
  • Is there a restroom on board the train?
  • Is there a designated quiet or silent zone on the train?
  • Excuse me, what time is the next stop?
  • Can I buy a ticket on board the train?
  • Is there a conductor on the train who can assist me?
  • Are there any stops or transfers along the route?
  • How often do trains run on this route?
  • Can I see the train schedule or timetable?
  • My ticket is already paid.
  • Is the internet connection working? 

essential travel vocabulary

English for travel: Hotels and hostels

After arriving at the holiday destination, English will also be useful for checking in at the hotel , asking for the room number and its amenities.

  • Reservation: The act of booking a room in advance.
  • Reception: The front desk or area where you check in and out of the hotel or hostel.
  • Check-in: The process of registering and receiving your room key or key card.
  • Check-out: The process of settling your bill and returning your room key or key card.
  • Room key: A card or key that grants you access to your room.
  • Single room: A room with a single bed for one person.
  • Double room: A room with a double bed for two people.
  • Twin room: A room with two single beds for two people.
  • Suite: A larger, more luxurious room with additional living or sleeping space.
  • Amenities: The facilities and services available at the hotel or hostel, such as a gym, pool, or spa.
  • Breakfast included: The provision of breakfast as part of the room rate.
  • Wi-Fi: Wireless internet access provided in the hotel or hostel.
  • Room service: The service of delivering food and beverages to your room.
  • Housekeeping: The staff responsible for cleaning and maintaining the rooms.
  • Late check-out: The option to stay in the room past the regular check-out time for an additional fee.
  • Key card: A card with a magnetic strip or chip used to access your room.
  • Reservation number: The unique identifier for your booking.
  • Front desk: The area at the reception where guests are attended to.
  • Bellboy/Porter: A staff member who assists with luggage and escorts guests to their rooms.
  • Invoice/Bill: A document detailing the charges for your stay, including room rate and any additional services.

Expressions and phrases for stayin in hotels / hostels

  • Do you have any available rooms for tonight?
  • How much is a room for one night?
  • Can I see the room before I make a decision?
  • Is breakfast included in the room rate?
  • What time is check-in and check-out?
  • Could you please bring extra towels to my room?
  • Is there free Wi-Fi available in the rooms?
  • Can you recommend any good restaurants nearby?
  • Could you arrange a taxi for me tomorrow morning?
  • Is there a safe deposit box where I can store my valuables?
  • Can I have a wake-up call at [desired time] tomorrow?
  • I’m having trouble with the air conditioning/heating in my room. Can you assist?
  • Are there any laundry facilities or services available?
  • Is there a gym or fitness center in the hotel/hostel?
  • Could you please provide a map of the local area?

essential travel vocabulary

English for travel: Asking about directions

When you reach your holiday destination, you can start blissful relaxation or intensive sightseeing – it depends on your preferences and the will of your children. In each of the vacation situations, however, a few basic phrases will be useful. This will make it easier to navigate around a new place, ask local residents for specific information or find interesting attractions.

  • Excuse me: A polite phrase used to get someone’s attention.
  • Can you help me?: A question asking for assistance or directions.
  • Where is…?: A question asking for the location of a specific place.
  • How do I get to…?: A question asking for directions to a specific destination.
  • Go straight: Proceed in a direct or linear path without turning.
  • Turn left: Change direction by moving to the left.
  • Turn right: Change direction by moving to the right.
  • Cross the street: Move from one side of the road to the other.
  • It’s on the left/right: Indicating that the destination is located to the left or right side.
  • Is it far? Is it close?: Questions to inquire about the distance of the destination.
  • Is there a bus/train station nearby? : Inquiring about the proximity of public transportation.
  • Can you show it on the map?: Asking someone to mark or indicate the location on a map.
  • Excuse me, I’m lost: Informing someone that you are unable to find your way.
  • Landmark: A prominent or recognizable feature used as a point of reference.
  • Can you repeat that, please?: Asking someone to repeat or clarify the directions given.

Expressions and phrases you need to know to get to your destination

  • Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to [destination]?
  • Can you please give me directions to [location]?
  • Which way is [landmark]?
  • I’m a bit lost. Can you help me find my way back to [point of reference]?
  • Is it far from here?
  • Could you point me in the right direction for [place]?
  • Can you recommend the quickest route to [destination]?
  • Is there a bus/train station nearby?
  • How long does it take to walk/drive to [location] from here?
  • Excuse me, but I seem to have taken a wrong turn. How can I get back on track?

essential travel vocabulary

English for travel: Food and restaurants

Getting to know the local culture and culinary delicacies is also an essential element of holidays abroad. On holidays, we often eat in restaurants , go out for ice cream with the children or buy souvenirs . In all these situations, in a restaurant or in a store, you will also need a handful of English words and phrases, which will help you get along with the waiter or seller.

  • Menu: A list of food and beverage options available at a restaurant.
  • Appetizer/Starter: A small dish served before the main course.
  • Main course/Entrée: The primary dish of a meal, typically larger than an appetizer.
  • Dessert: A sweet dish or course served at the end of a meal.
  • Beverage/Drink: A liquid consumed with a meal, such as water, soda, juice, or wine.
  • Vegetarian: A person who does not eat meat. Vegetarian dishes are prepared without meat.
  • Vegan: A person who does not consume any animal products. Vegan dishes are free from meat, dairy, eggs, and other animal-derived ingredients.
  • Special of the day: A dish or menu item that is unique or highlighted for that particular day.
  • Reservation: The act of booking a table at a restaurant in advance.
  • Waiter/Waitress: A server who takes orders and serves food and beverages at a restaurant.
  • Chef: The professional cook responsible for preparing and overseeing the kitchen.
  • Bill/Check: The statement of charges for the meal that needs to be paid.
  • Tip/Gratuity: An additional amount of money given to the server as appreciation for good service.
  • To-go/Takeaway: Food ordered to be packaged and taken away instead of dining in the restaurant.
  • Table for [number]: Requesting a table for a specific number of people.
  • Gluten-free: Food items that do not contain gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye.
  • Condiments: Sauces, dressings, or spices used to enhance the flavor of food.
  • Allergies: Dietary restrictions or adverse reactions to specific ingredients.
  • Non-alcoholic: Beverages that do not contain alcohol.
  • Self-service/Buffet: A style of dining where customers serve themselves from a selection of food.

Travel expressions to use at the restaurant

  • Could we have a table for [number] people, please?
  • What do you recommend from the menu?
  • Is the [dish] spicy/mild?
  • Can I see the wine/beer list, please?
  • Are there any vegetarian/vegan options available?
  • Can I have the bill/check, please?
  • Is service included in the bill/check?
  • Can we split the bill/check, please?
  • Excuse me, could I get some extra napkins, please?
  • I’d like to order the [dish], please.
  • Could I have a glass of water, please?
  • Can I make a reservation for [time] tonight?
  • Is it possible to customize the [dish] to my dietary preferences?
  • What are the daily specials or chef’s recommendations?
  • Excuse me, I have a food allergy. Can you accommodate special dietary needs?

essential travel vocabulary

Travel English phrases: Shopping

While travelling, we often see colorful souvenir shops around every corner. Buing souvenirs from travels is something families with kids often do. Let’s find out how to buy a souvenir in English and how to communicate with shop owner.

  • Grocery store/Supermarket: A large retail store where you can purchase food and household items.
  • Shopping cart/Trolley: A wheeled basket used for carrying items while shopping.
  • Aisle: A pathway between shelves or displays in a store.
  • Brand: A specific company or manufacturer of a product.
  • Price: The cost of a product or item.
  • Sale: A discounted price or special promotion on a product.
  • Cashier/Till: The person or area where you pay for your purchases.
  • Receipt: A document that serves as proof of purchase and itemizes your purchases.
  • Cash: Physical money used for making purchases.
  • Credit card/Debit card: Plastic cards used for making electronic payments.
  • Discount: A reduction in price for a product or item.
  • Checkout: The area or process of paying for your purchases.
  • Shopping bag: A bag provided by the store to carry your purchases.
  • Souvenir shop/Gift shop: A store that sells mementos and unique items related to a specific location or event.
  • Souvenir: An item purchased to remember a place or experience.
  • Local specialty: A product or food item that is unique to a particular region.
  • Size: The measurement or dimensions of a product, particularly for clothing or shoes.
  • Shelf: A flat surface where products are displayed and stored in a store.
  • Salesperson/Shop assistant: An employee who assists customers and provides information in a store.

Travel questions you might need to ask while shopping 

  • How much does this cost?
  • Do you have this in a different size/color?
  • Is there a discount on this item?
  • Can I try this on, please?
  • Do you accept credit cards?
  • Could you gift-wrap this for me?
  • Is there a return/exchange policy?
  • Can I get a receipt, please?
  • Do you have any other similar items?
  • Is there a warranty for this product?
  • Can I see some more options in that category?
  • What material is this made of?
  • Can I get a discount if I buy multiple items?
  • Are there any sales or promotions happening?
  • Do you offer international shipping?
  • Do you accept foreign currency? 

essential travel vocabulary

Travel English: Sightseeing

Here are some other useful phrases to help you communicate in English during sightseeing in an English speaking country. 

  • Tourist attraction: A popular place or site that is visited by tourists.
  • Landmark: A well-known feature or structure that is easily recognizable and often of historical or cultural significance.
  • Guidebook: A book or publication that provides information about tourist attractions, maps, and recommendations.
  • Map: A visual representation of an area, showing roads, landmarks, and points of interest.
  • Tour: A guided visit or journey to explore and learn about a place or attraction.
  • Sightseeing: The activity of visiting and observing interesting places and attractions.
  • Museum: A place that exhibits collections of historical, artistic, or cultural artifacts for public viewing.
  • Gallery: An establishment that displays and sells works of art.
  • Monument: A structure or statue built to commemorate a person, event, or historical significance.
  • Cathedral: A large and important church, usually the seat of a bishop.
  • Historical site: A place that holds historical significance and provides insights into the past.
  • Architecture: The art and science of designing and constructing buildings.
  • Sculpture: Three-dimensional artwork created by carving, molding, or casting.
  • Plaza/Square: An open public space in a city, often surrounded by buildings and used for gatherings or events.
  • Fountain : A decorative structure that releases water into a basin or jets it into the air.

Useful English expressions for sightseeing 

  • Can you recommend any must-see attractions in this city?
  • How do I get to [landmark/attraction] from here?
  • Is there a guided tour available for [landmark]?
  • What time does [museum/attraction] open/close?
  • Are there any entrance fees for [landmark/attraction]?
  • Can you provide a map or brochure of the local sights?
  • Is photography allowed inside [museum/attraction]?
  • Are there any discounts available for students/seniors?
  • Is there an audio guide or guided tour available in English?
  • Can you tell me a bit about the history of this [monument/landmark]?
  • Are there any nearby viewpoints for panoramic views of the city?
  • Are there any specific guidelines or restrictions for visiting [attraction]?
  • Can you recommend any good walking routes or scenic trails in the area?
  • Is it possible to book tickets for [attraction] in advance?
  • Are there any special events or exhibitions happening at [museum/attraction]? 

essential travel vocabulary

Travel phrases in English: Emergencies / Health

We do not wish anyone any problems with health or emergencies during their vacation, but once they happen, it’s good to know some English phrases useful during communication with doctors or other authorities. 

  • Emergency: A serious or unexpected situation requiring immediate action.
  • Help/Assistance: Requesting aid or support in a difficult situation.
  • Hospital: A medical facility where people receive treatment for illnesses and injuries.
  • Doctor/Physician: A medical professional who diagnoses and treats illnesses and injuries.
  • Ambulance: A vehicle equipped for transporting people who are ill or injured to the hospital.
  • Injury: Physical harm or damage to the body.
  • Illness/Sickness: A state of poor health or a specific medical condition.
  • First Aid: Initial medical treatment provided to an injured or ill person before professional medical help arrives.
  • Medication: Prescribed or over-the-counter drugs used for treating or preventing illnesses.
  • Allergy: A negative reaction of the body’s immune system to a specific substance.
  • Pain: Unpleasant physical sensation or discomfort.
  • Emergency contact: A person to be notified in case of an emergency.
  • Insurance: Coverage that provides financial protection in case of unexpected events, including health emergencies.
  • Pharmacy/Drugstore: A store where medications and medical supplies are sold.
  • CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation): A life-saving technique used to revive a person whose heart has stopped beating.

Useful English expressions for emergency situations and at the hospital

  • Help! There’s an emergency!
  • Call an ambulance, please!
  • I need urgent medical attention.
  • Is there a hospital/clinic nearby?
  • I’ve been injured. Can you please get me some help?
  • I’m feeling unwell. Is there a doctor available?
  • Where is the nearest pharmacy?
  • I’ve lost my medication. Can you help me replace it?
  • Is there an emergency contact I can reach out to?
  • I need to go to the emergency room immediately.
  • I’m allergic to [specific substance]. Please be cautious.
  • I’m feeling dizzy/nauseous. Can you provide any assistance?
  • Can you please notify my family/friends about the situation?
  • I’ve been involved in an accident. Is there someone who can assist with the paperwork?
  • Is there a translator available? I don’t speak English fluently.
  • Where I’ll be able to get help?

Useful English idioms for traveling

  • Hit the road: To begin a journey or start traveling.
  • On the go: Constantly moving or traveling from one place to another.
  • Catch some rays: To sunbathe or enjoy the sunshine.
  • Break the ice: To initiate or start a conversation with strangers or in a new environment.
  • Off the beaten path: Away from the usual tourist routes or popular destinations.
  • Take a rain check: To postpone or reschedule a planned activity or event.
  • Travel light: To pack only essential items and avoid carrying excessive luggage.
  • Get lost: To explore without a specific destination in mind or to become disoriented in a new place.
  • Breathe-taking view: An extremely beautiful or stunning sight.
  • Itchy feet: A strong desire to travel or move from one place to another.
  • Jet lag: The fatigue and disorientation experienced after traveling across different time zones.
  • Home away from home: A place where you feel comfortable and at ease, as if it were your own home.
  • Go the extra mile: To make additional effort or go beyond what is expected.
  • Live out of a suitcase: To constantly travel or move around, often with limited possessions.
  • Have a whale of a time: To have a great or enjoyable experience.

As you can see, memorizing useful phrases for travelling in English is not so complicated. We hope, that with all the examples, you’ll be able to travel comfortably on your next family vacation. Remember to encourage your kids to speak English on vacation abroad as much as possible, since it’s always best to practice English travelling phrases and other vocabulary in real life situations. Now you shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions regarding directions in English, ask about your hotel stay and check out from which platform your bus or train departures. Transportation, attractions and getting around in any English-speaking country and other EU countries will be much easier now!

Did you find this article helpful? 

Good information for travelling, It is interesting. Thanks so much!

Well done. I found it very useful and in fact I was rather impressed to find a website with complete different vocabularies and expressions for all traveling necessities one could think of. Thanks very much.

Thanks for this wonderful article. It is so very helpful!

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