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God sparring

FDM Travel er en god partner i forbindelse med billig bil og fornuftig pris på fly til USA. Kompetente og gode sparringspartner

Date of experience : September 30, 2023

Reply from FDM travel

Hej Palle Tak for din anmeldelse af FDM travel. Vh Camilla, FDM travel

Once in a Lifetime tur til USA

FDM Travel gjorde vores drøm om en Once in a Lifetime motorcykel tur til USA mulig. De var meget professionelle og fleksible før og under hele turen. Kan varmt anbefale dem som rejsearrangør.

Date of experience : August 12, 2023

Hej Klaus Mange tak for din anmeldelse, den sætter vi stor pris på! Og dejligt at høre at i havde jeres drømme tur til USA på MC. Vh Camilla & Lars, FDM travel

Fantastisk inspiration og tips under…

Fantastisk inspiration og tips under planlægning af en lang rejse.

Date of experience : June 28, 2023

Mange tak, Anni. Det glæder os at høre. Vh Jannick FDM travel

Super godt arrangeret tur med FDM travel

Super god tur til de smukkeste nationalparker i det østlig USA. Starten i Monterey med sejltur på bugten, - med blåhvaler og pukkelhvaler var et mega hit hos hele familien.Tak til Christoffer Dyrendom for godt arrangement.

Date of experience : August 09, 2018

Kære Lise, Jeg er rigtig glad for, at I har haft en fantastisk rejse til USA's østkyst. Jeg sender den fine anmeldelse videre til Christoffer. Tak fordi I valgte at rejse med FDM travel og fordi du har taget dig tid til at dele din oplevelse her på Trustpilot. Vi ser frem til at byde jer velkommen en anden gang. Mvh Kristine Social Media Specialist

Lav en fængende overskrift for at få din anmeldelse til at skille sig ud

It is realy good to travel with FDM.thanks to all.Ali badawi

Date of experience : February 12, 2013

FDM are professionals

First.. maybe twice in my life have I posted a review. I felt compelled to do so now. When my impulsive daughter wanted to extend her stay in the U.S., the day before her scheduled return flight, she asked me help (it would have cost her a fortune to do so roaming on her mobile phone from California). It was a Friday afternoon and I knew the travel agents at FDM would be looking forward to the weekend, but I called; Pia Toft Laustsen answered. I quickly explained (i min beste dansk) what my daughter wanted to do. Pia knew exactly what to do. It helped that she had purchased 'a changeable ticket' when she booked the flight, which makes it easier, but there are always fees. (Just know that up front; there's no reason to waste time whining about it) My daughter, of course, had to initiate the request (I could be anybody), and Pia arranged an easy way to do this via email. While my daughter handled that, Pia was looking for the cheapest option for the new flight.. without a 32 hour layover. When Pia received the change confirmation from my daughter, she had three great options for her. After a bunch of "hmmm... welll.. maybe.." back and forth with my daughter over Facebook, I told Pia (who had stayed on the line with me) my daughter's choice. Within seconds she had a contract ready and sent the invoice (betalings faktura) to my daughter (CC: to me - just to speed things up). As soon as I paid the invoice (which again took seconds because of the payment link), Pia executed the transaction, emailed my daughter her new itinerary. I think the whole thing took 20-25 minutes, from "Far... kan du ikke bare..." to "DONE!". There are a lot of discount travel bureaus out there. If you want the security of experts, choose FDM !!

Date of experience : March 31, 2017

Dear Ron Siemer, We are happy that we could help and we look forward to welcome you another time. Thank you for choosing FDM travel and sharing your experience here on Trustpilot. Regards Kristine Social Media Specialist

Formidabel service som start på en skøn ferie

Service og pris i høj kvalitet

Date of experience : March 27, 2013

Nemt at bestille på nettet

Fin service.

Date of experience : March 26, 2013

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To review a list of known issues we are working on please visit our Workday Finance status page .  Have something additional to report?  Contact  [email protected]

TravelUVA Booking Platform Upgrade FAQs- June 2024

TravelUVA and Christopherson Business Travel are migrating to a new booking platform. 

This means untraveled itineraries booked in Concur Travel prior to June 28, 2024 will not be accessible online for changes and may show an alert showing no segments in the itinerary. 

More information is provided below. 

Concur will be unavailable for one day on Friday, June 28, 2024. If you need to book travel or modify an existing reservation on this day, please contact Christopherson Business Travel at 844-488-2228 or  [email protected] and an advisor will assist you. Booking fees apply .

Concur will be available again on June 29th. 

Travelers can view upcoming and past bookings travel bookings in AirPortal under the My Trips section. Booking details will not be visible in Concur and you may see an alert showing no segments in the itinerary. 

Travel Assistants will not be able to view details of upcoming or past trips they booked for travelers. If you need a copy of an itinerary after June 28th, please email [email protected]

To cancel or make changes to any trips booked before June 28, 2024, please contact Christopherson Business Travel at 844-488-2228 or  [email protected] and an advisor will assist you. Booking fees apply.

All bookings made after June 28th, 2024 can be viewed and modified in Concur. 

Yes, any bookings made on June 29th or later can be viewed and modified in Concur as normal.

Yes, travelers can still view their unused ticket credits in Concur.

Yes, the original traveler or their travel assistant may book a new ticket in Concur for the original traveler on the same airline as the credit and the credit will be automatically applied after you complete your purchase. 

  • Note: There may be a $15 fee when an unused ticket is applied to a new booking in Concur as a CBT quality control agent will assist with completing this transaction.

Please email [email protected] with any questions.

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FDM travel was looking for a solution that sped up response times and made use of smart automation and user-friendliness to allow agents to focus on customer service. Additionally, FDM travel wanted a travel technology partner where the road from idea to execution was very short. CEO Anders Iversen explains the partnership and experience FDM travel has when working with Travelport.

“Our partner since 2015, Travelport has proven to be innovative, agile and customer-focused. We regard Travelport as an innovative leader in its field and we are all very pleased with the level of customer service we receive from our local team. They understand our challenges and the market we operate in – we speak the same language. Furthermore, Travelport is a first mover on many innovative travel solutions and they help us stay ahead of the game.”

Focus on customer service

FDM travel’s strategy is to focus more on the personal service as an offline business can offer its customers.

“Travelport Smartpoint, with branded fares and ancillaries, makes it easy to communicate different options to our customers, improving our overall customer service. The personalized service we can now offer throughout the travel experience has allowed us to increase our upsells and conversions”

Agent and customer satisfaction

FDM travel’s product manager Lars Smedegaard describes how the features help agents deliver the best customer experiences.

“Travelport Smartpoint has proven to be the ideal tool because it’s user friendly and provides the ability to control the business with tools like Travelport Queue Control Console and Travelport Search Control Console. The product’s visual aspect is unique and an excellent tool in customer service as agents can easily show customers what the ticket includes and the ancillaries available. Our agents are very pleased with Travelport Smartpoint’s ease of use, detailed overviews and fast response times.”

A new generation of travel agents

Lars explains how Travelport Smartpoint helps with attracting and onboarding inexperienced agents easily and quickly.

“Due to Travelport Smartpoint’s intuitive interface, previous travel agent experience is no longer required. FDM refers to it as a new generation of travel agents. In fact, among their top 10 salespeople, four had no previous travel agency experience. With very little training, agents can start making travel bookings and we are therefore able to recruit people with no previous travel agency experience. As a business, we want to attract agents that are customer focused and who love to sell travel. Travelport Smartpoint is intuitive, logical and visually compelling. It’s ease-of-use has significantly improved the onboarding of new employees.”

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Anmeldelser 4,4.

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Roadtrip Calif./Arizona/Utah/Nevada

26 dages roadtrip planlagt i samarbejde med FDM travel. Egne ønsker til destinationer/hoteller indpasset som ønsket. Forslag til øvrige hoteller/destinationer modtaget fra FDM travel og indpasset i planen. Inden afrejse: gode og informative mails vedr. flyrejse, billeje og "huskeseddel" vedr. vigtige ting i forbindelse med rejsen. Alle dokumenter: rejseplan, hotel vouchers, billeje kontrakt m.v. sendt i god tid inden afrejse. Ved personlig/telefonisk henvendelse med uddybende spørgsmål altid venlig og klar besvarelse. ALT fungerede fuldstændigt som planlagt! Alt i alt en absolut perfekt rejse, FDM travel fortjener kun ros for deres del. Vil afgjort gøre brug af FDM travel en anden gang!!!

Dato for oplevelse : 17. maj 2024

En mindeværdig Irlandstur.

Planlægning og fastlæggelse af rejsen fungerede rigtig godt. Selve turen med overnatninger var ligeså som forventet og mere til. Irland er en ualmindelig smuk ø og folk er både imødekommende og hjælpsomme. Vi fik en masse gode oplevelser og minder, som vi kan blive ved at glæde os over. Et minus var manglende imødekommenhed, hjælp og støtte fra Avis, da vi havde et uheld og var nødt til at skulle have en anden bil. Budget i Galway fik dog løst vores problem - tak til dem.

Dato for oplevelse : 17. juni 2024

Besvarelse fra FDM travel

Hej Kirsten, Tak for din anmeldelse, som vi sætter stor pris på. Irland er et fantastisk rejseland og det glæder mig, at I havde en dejlig tur på trods af udfordringerne med Avis. Vh Joan, FDM travel

Vi har haft en fantastisk rejse

Vi har haft en fantastisk rejse - USA fra kyst til kyst, FDM fik forelagt vores rejseplan, de rettede/anbefalede nogle ændringer, som vi heldigvis fulgte, valg af hotel/motel, rute og transportmiddel, anbefalinger omkring de forskellige attraktioner vi ville besøge, superglade for råd og vejledning. Vi har kun et problem - AVIS i Los Angeles, men det er næppe noget man kan belaste FDM for, det skal siges , at både AVIS i New York og New Orleans var en skøn oplevelse. Undgå brug af AVIS i Los Angeles!

Dato for oplevelse : 15. juni 2024

Hej Leif, Tak for din anmeldelse, som vi i særdeleshed værdsætter. USA er også et skønt rejseland, som vi har stor erfaring med. Jeg er ked af at høre, at det ikke var en positiv oplevelse med Avis i Los Angeles, men glad for at høre, at I trods det har haft en fantastisk tur. Vh Joan, FDM travel

Skotland, fantastisk oplevelse

Vi er fuldt ud tilfredse med vores pakkeløsning til Skotland. Det var en god sparring med rejsekonsulenten, som kom med gode forslag til oplevelser og praktiske informationer. De sørgede for hoteller, fly og bil. Vi havde en god ferie i en storslået natur.

Dato for oplevelse : 03. juni 2024

El bil på Mallorca

El bil på Mallorca - STOP det er de SLET ikke klar til og AVIS kunne ikke hjælpe, med noget som helst. Ikke engang i lufthavnen kan man lade. Kørte ti forskellige steder, ingen virkede eller var slet ikke taget i brug endnu (var stadig pakket ind i plast) og endte med at aflever bilen hos AVIS og har måtte betale for at den ikke var ladet op. Øv for en oplevelse.

Dato for oplevelse : 16. juni 2024

Hej Helle, Tak for din anmeldelse. Jeg er ked af at høre om din oplevelse med Avis elbil på Mallorca. Jeg ved du tidligere har været i kontakt med vores kundesupport, der har sendt din feedback videre til den ansvarlige for vores aftale med Avis. Desværre er ikke alle lande så langt fremme med hensyn til ladestandere som Danmark er, men det lyder til, at de er godt på vej. Jeg er ked af, at Avis ikke har kunnet henvise til en fungerende ladestander, når de tilbyder elbil. Ofte kan fungerende standere dog nemt findes i de dertilhørende apps. Vh Joan, FDM travel

Rundrejse New York og Florida

Vores tur var en rundrejse, hvor vi startede i New York, hvorefter vi fløj til Florida. Her kørte vi rundt og så forskellige egne af staten. Turen var planlagt af Niels fra FDM Travel i tæt samarbejde med os. Under hele processen fra vi kontaktede FDM Travel og frem til afrejse, havde vi et perfekt samarbejde. Der blev lyttet til vores ønsker, og alt fungerede perfekt under turen. Der er ting, som vi en anden gang vil lave om, men det er udelukkende ting, som vi fandt ud af undervejs. Vi havde en en fantastisk tur, med nogle fantastiske oplevelser.

Dato for oplevelse : 06. maj 2024

Hej Flemming, Tak for den fine anmeldelse, den sætter vi stor pris på. Jeg er glad for at høre, I havde en dejlig tur til USA, det er også et dejligt rejseland. Jeg har sendt din ros videre til Niels. Vh Joan, FDM travel

Havde bare en super oplevelse med…

Havde bare en super oplevelse med Morten Kirkegård fra FDM, som på bare et døgn arrangerede en tur på 9 dage til Irland. Det er bare en klasse service! Nu glæder vi os bare til rejsen.

Dato for oplevelse : 19. juni 2024

Hej Margit, Tak for de pæne ord, som jeg straks har sendt videre til Morten. I ønskes en fantastisk tur til smukke Irland. Vh Joan, FDM travel

Det hele er godt tilrettelagt

Det hele er godt tilrettelagt, fine hoteller gennem hele turen. Det kunne være rart at få at vide ca. hvornår bagagen ankom til hotellet.

Dato for oplevelse : 06. juni 2024

Hej Jørgen, Tak for din anmeldelse, som vi sætter stor pris på. Vh Joan, FDM travel

Havde god og løbende kontakt med vores…

Havde god og løbende kontakt med vores rejsespecislist, som forsøgte at opfylde vores rejseønsker. Dog oplevede vi lidt responstid, da vi på rejsen fik brug for dagsaktuelle informationer.

Hej Elly, Tak for din anmeldelse, som vi sætter pris på. Vh Joan, FDM travel

Yderst vel tilrettelagt tur

Yderst vel tilrettelagt tur. Gode hoteller og velfungerende billeje. Dog: Morgenmad burde være med i arrangementet (selvfølgelig med lidt højere pris for pakken) Vi har været meget tilfredse med rejsen. Dbh Ivar

Dato for oplevelse : 24. maj 2024

Hej Ivar, Tak for din anmeldelse, som vi værdsætter. Vi tilbyder morgenmad de steder, hvor hotellerne giver os muligheden, så hvis det ikke er tilbudt, så er det fordi vi ikke kan. Jeg er glad for at høre, at alt andet har været tilfredsstillende. Vh Joan, FDM travel

SPA ophold uden SPA

FDM fandt 2 specielle SPA ophold til os i Sverige, og det betalte vi mere end kr. 3.500,- for, men det der var booket til os, var "bare" 2 standard værelser uden SPA og det kunne vi have booket billigere selv incl. SPA. Det blev dog en god tur alligevel, men kun fordi det ene hotel opgraderede os til Suite med spabad og sauna uden merpris og fordi vejret i Sverige var meget bedre end i DK :-)

Hej Frank, Tak for din anmeldelse. Jeg er ked af at høre, at dette var jeres oplevelse af forløbet. Jeg kan se i noterne til din booking, at ingen af hotellerne er deciderede spa hoteller, hvilket er oplyst inden bestilling. Det er noteret, at I ønskede standard værelser, og at I var informeret om, at I selv skulle tilkøbe spa lokalt hvis I ønskede dette, da spa på disse hoteller ikke kan tilbydes hjemmefra. Jeg er glad for at I havde en dejlig tur. Vh Joan, FDM travel

Blandet oplevelse

Vi har lige været på ferie i Alghero og har lejet bil og bestilt hotel gennem FDM. Leje af bil var en god oplevelse, nem afhentning og levering. Hotellet der i mod, absolut forfærdeligt med efterladenskaber i toilettet og beskidt værelse. Vi bruger en hel dag af vores ferie på at finde nyt hotel. Vi skriver mail til FDM dagen efter og gør opmærksomme på dette, som det står på deres hjemmeside. Lang korrespondence frem og tilbage med FDM, og vi har “åbenbart” ikke reklameret på den rigtige måde, da vi skulle gøre det til en underleverandør. Så ingen refusion. Meget dårlig behandling og ansvarsfralæggelse fra FDM. Jeg vil ikke anbefale at leje hoteller gennem FDM, da de øjensynligt ikke selv står for dette.

Hej Camilla, Tak for din anmeldelse. Vi er naturligvis kede af at I har haft en dårlig oplevelse med hotellet, men da I valgte at forlade hotellet før I havde kontaktet det nødnummer der står på jeres voucher eller os, så har vi ikke haft muligheden for at hjælpe jer med at løse problemet. Receptionen kunne også have hjulpet med evt. nyt værelse eller en ordentlig rengøring. Vi gør her i FDM-travel meget ud af at informere vores kunder om, hvad man skal gøre i sådanne situationer, så vi er selvfølgelig kede af denne misforståelse. Vi håber I har haft en god ferie trods alt. Vh Mette, FDM travel

Velplanlagt USA rejse

Fdm hjalp med planlægningen af en flere uger lang USA rundrejse, og vi havde en skøn ferie hvor alt kørte som planlagt. Fin rådgivning fra start, god planlægning af turen og alt passede og var bestilt på forhånd, så vi blot skulle møde op og opleve. Kan anbefales for de, der ikke ønsker at bruge tid på at detalje planlægge alle hoteller undervejs på en ferie

Dato for oplevelse : 07. maj 2024

Hej Rune, Tak for din fine anmeldelse, som vi sætter stor pris på. USA er også et fantastisk rejseland, og vi er glade for at kunne hjælpe med den (for nogen) lidt mere trivielle del af rejseplanlægningen, så I blot skal koncentrere jer om den spændende del. Vh Joan, FDM travel

Fantastisk rejseplanlægning og service

Fantastisk rejseplanlægning og service. Super service fra FDM's medarbejder (vil ikke nævne navn), der planlagde en road trip i USA helt ud fra mine ønsker - og sørgede for ombooking med lutter smil på grund af logistiske udfordringer. FDM's planlægning og anbefalinger til, hvad vi kunne se, sad lige i skabet. Det kunne ikke være bedre. Kan varmt anbefales og vil helt sikkert benytte FDM igen. Tak for god service.

Dato for oplevelse : 16. maj 2024

Hej Bøgholm, Mange tak for den fine anmeldelse, som vi sætter stor pris på! Vi glæder os til at kunne hjælpe igen en anden gang. Vh Joan, FDM travel

Tur til Niedersachen

Turen fint planlagt af FDM med passende interval imellem de enkelte hoteller. God information om seværdigheder. Hotellerne levede fint op til stjernerne. Vi var på voucheren oplyst om, at flere af hotellerne ikke selv havde parkering, men aftaler med privat parkeringsselskab. På et hotel (Braunschweig), var oplysningerne ikke optimale, da vi måtte parkere på gaden et stykke fra hotellet. Der var mulighed for, at aflæsse ved en brandvej ved siden af hotellet, informerede receptionisten om, men den plads, var ikke tydelig. Vi fik billet til parkeringskælderen på en anden vej ved siden af hotellet. Herfra OK, men altså ikke tydeligt, når man ikke kender stedet.

Dato for oplevelse : 21. maj 2024

Hej Karen, Tak for din anmeldelse, som vi sætter stor pris på. Jeg tager din information med videre. Vh Joan, FDM travel

Tur til Island

Alt kørte uden problemer med afhentning og aflevering af lejebil, og god service i lufthavnen

Hej Karsten, Tak for din anmeldelse, som vi sætter stor pris på. Vh Joan, FDM travel

Ved bestilling af en grupperejse

Ved bestilling af en grupperejse, var det en yderst professionel medarbejder der tog sig af vores ønsker

Dato for oplevelse : 05. juni 2024

Hej Ivan, Tak for anmeldelsen, son vi værdsætter. Vh Joan, FDM travel

Super billeje Californien

Billeje i Californien - en god oplevelse til en uhørt god pris! Absolut billigste på markedet og med globalt selskab (AVIS). God vejledning og nyttige rejsetips (internationalt kørekort nødvendigt i bl.a. Idaho, Montana).

Dato for oplevelse : 13. maj 2024

Hej Lars, Tak for din anmeldelse, den sætter vi stor pris på. Vh Joan, FDM travel

Den sydtyske natur og kultur er fantastisk.

Vi kørte "den tyske alpenstrasse". Havde to overnatninger i Kassel ned og to i Halle hjem. De byer er helt klart et besøg værd. Nogle af hotellerne havde adr. på en gågade og var lidt svære at finde frem til. Var oppe med et par kabinebaner og fik god mad med flot udsigt. Kørte på betalingsvejen "panorameruten", tåget på toppen, men en sjov og meget stejl vej.

Dato for oplevelse : 18. maj 2024

Hej Ole, Tak for din anmeldelse, som vi sætter stor pris på. Tyskland er et fantastisk rejseland. Vh Joan, FDM travel

Generelt gode overnatningssteder som vi havde ønsket. Hurtig reaktion, da hotel skulle ændres i sidste øjeblik. Værelser levede op til vores ønsker. Morgenmad rigtig fin, hvor ønsket. Rigtig god lejebil.

Dato for oplevelse : 10. maj 2024

Hej Anne-Lise, Tak for din flotte anmeldelse, som vi sætter stor pris på. Dejligt at alt spillede. Vh Joan, FDM travel

Ferie i udlandet

At rejse er at leve. Som medlem af FDM kan du få rabat på leje af bil, motorcykel samt autocamper hos FDM travel, når du rejser i udlandet. Du kan også få rabat på spændende grupperejser.


Rabat på billeje

(For at få rabat skal du bruge dit medlemslogin)

FDM travel

Rabat på leje af autocamper

FDM travel

Rabat på MC-rejser

  • Ferie og fritid
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  • Rejsemesser - FDM travel

USA-rejsemesse 2024, Bella Arena, København S

USA-rejsemesse 2024, Bella Arena, København S

Arrangementet for 2024 er afholdt. Dato for messe i 2025 følger.

FDM travel afholder Danmarks eneste rejsemesse den 3. marts 2024 udelukkende med fokus på USA. Du kan møde erfarne USA-specialister samt vores vigtigste amerikanske samarbejdspartnere og turistorganisationer. Derudover afholdes en lang række rejseforedrag dagen igennem. Kort sagt, en dag fyldt med inspiration, rådgivning og gode tips til din kør-selv-drømmerejse i bil, autocamper eller på motorcykel.

Børn og unge koster blot et symbolsk beløb på 1 krone.

Bemærk : Ved køb af billet accepterer du at modtage en række e-mails fra FDM travel med praktiske informationer om USA-messen samt vejledning til, hvordan du booker et kort og uforpligtende møde med en FDM travel rejsespecialist under messen. Mødet tager ca. 20 min. og har til formål at starte dialogen om din rejseplan og ønsker til en kommende USA-rejse. Ved din tilmeldning bekræfter du samtidig, at billeder taget af dig som del af større forsamlinger under arrangementet må offentliggøres på FDM travels hjemmeside, Facebook- og Instagram-side samt i nyhedsbreve.

Dato : Søndag 3. marts 2024 Tidspunkt : 10:00 – 16:00 Sted : Bella Arena, Center Boulevard, 2300 København S

Op til USA-rejsemessen vil du modtage information om, hvordan du booker et møde med en rejsespecialist under dit besøg på Bella Arena.

fdm travel xtra

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Our goal is to provide the highest quality services to make your clients fall in love with Russia.

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Whether you are looking to get the most out of a tight budget or prefer premium luxury when discovering Russia, Olta Travel will be your perfect partner.

Let us make your tour to Russia a memorable experience, so you can enjoy a worry-free journey!

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  • FROM BIG GROUPS TO INDIVIDUALS: we craft a tailored offer for almost any budget, thanks to our distributed network of trusted partners, direct connections with service providers and our own profound knowledge of destinations in Russia. 
  • TOP SERVICE GUARANTEE:  We take care of everything to secure travelers’ satisfaction and are prepared to deal with unexpected issues should they arise.
  • COMFORTABLE PRICING:  Olta Travel keeps the cost of discovering Russia at a fair, reasonable level because we love our country and seek to share this love with you.
  • NATION-SPECIFIC PROGRAMS : based on our experience working with tourists from all parts of the world, we know how to surprise and amaze your compatriots with Russia.


This Policy of personal data processing (hereinafter - the Policy) applies to all data that "OLTA Travel" Co. Ltd (hereinafter – Olta Travel) receives from the visitors of website (hereinafter "the Website") and explains how it is processing, stored and how the confidentiality is ensured.

1. Processing and use of personal data.

1.1. In this Policy, personal information means any information left by users on the Website of Olta Travel, including Name, Surname, company, email address and other contact information, left in the message.

1.2. The person who left personal data on the Website of Olta Travel, consents to their use, namely:

1.2.1. The inclusion of the email address, name, surname, company name or any other contact information left in the message in the contact database of Olta Travel. The database is hosted in a secure cloud-based customer relationship management service Bitrix 24, as well as on a secure service for newsletters – Unisender.

1.2.2. Receiving email newsletters with news, promotions, special offers and other useful materials, but no more than twice a week. The visitor of the Website at any time has the right to unsubscribe from the mailing list of Olta Travel, by clicking on the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of each letter.

1.2.3. Direct communication with the manager of Olta travel on the treatment of the user.

1.2.4. The use of contact information to show relevant advertisements to users in social networks and the Internet.

1.2.5. For other purposes performed with the individual consent of the user.

2. The collection, storage and protection of personal data.

2.1. All personal data collected on the Website is processed, stored and secured in strict accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation (Federal law of the Russian Federation of 27 July 2006 № 152-FL "On personal data") and the European Union (The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679).

2.2. Olta Travel is taking the necessary legal, organizational and technical measures to protect personal information from unlawful or accidental access, copying, distribution of personal information, as well as other unlawful actions in relation to personal data of users, which include:

•     secure transfer and storage of personal data on secure servers;

•     automated processing of personal data;

•     identification of possible threats to the security of personal data;

•     limiting the number of persons having access to personal data;

•     application of measures of internal regulation of the procedure of working with personal data (internal regulations for employees of Olta Travel);

•     improving methods of collection, storage and processing of data.

2.3. All data received on the Website of Olta Travel are transmitted via a secure https Protocol and stored on servers in secure, cloud-based customer relationship management service Bitrix 24, as well as in safe service for creating email newsletters Unisender.

3. User rights and obligations of Olta Travel.

3.1. Upon the request from the user Olta Travel should:

•        confirm the fact and methods of storage and processing of personal data of users;

•        inform about the method of obtaining personal data of the user;

•        explain the legal bases, objectives and timing of the processing of personal data;

•        in case of personal data leakage, inform the user about it;

•        make changes or delete users ' personal data from the database to stop storing and processing it;

•        warn about the expected cross-border transfer of personal data.

3.2. The user has the right to request the deletion of his personal data by sending an e-mail to [email protected] as well as the exclusion from the email-mailing by clicking on the "Unsubscribe" button located in the body of each letter.

4. Conditions of termination of processing and storage of personal data:

•       company liquidation;

•       a written request for withdrawal of consent or exclusion from the database;

•       at the request of the user, if the data were obtained illegally.

5. Olta Travel is not responsible for information posted by a visitor on the third party websites, links to which can be posted on the Website of Olta Travel.

6. More information about the collection, storage and processing of personal data by Olta Travel, the user may get by sending an email to [email protected] .

Security Alert May 17, 2024

Worldwide caution, update may 10, 2024, information for u.s. citizens in the middle east.

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Russia Travel Advisory

Travel advisory september 5, 2023, russia - level 4: do not travel.

Updated to remove COVID-specific information and the kidnapping risk indicator as well as updates to security risks.

Do not travel to Russia due to the unpredictable consequences of the  unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian military forces , the potential for  harassment and the singling out of U.S. citizens for detention by Russian government security officials , the  arbitrary enforcement of local law ,  limited flights into and out of Russia , the  Embassy’s limited ability to assist U.S. citizens in Russia , and the possibility of  terrorism .  U.S. citizens residing or travelling in Russia should depart immediately.  Exercise increased caution due to  the risk of wrongful detentions.

The U.S. government’s ability to provide routine or emergency services to U.S. citizens in Russia is severely limited, particularly in areas far from the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, due to Russian government limitations on travel for embassy personnel and staffing, and the ongoing suspension of operations, including consular services, at U.S. consulates.

There have been numerous reports of drone attacks, explosions, and fires in areas in Western and Southern Russia, particularly near the Russian border with Ukraine, as well as in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the event of an emergency, U.S. citizens should follow instructions from local authorities and seek shelter immediately.

In September 2022, the Russian government mobilized citizens to the armed forces in support of its invasion of Ukraine. Russia may refuse to acknowledge dual nationals’ U.S. citizenship, deny their access to U.S. consular assistance, subject them to mobilization, prevent their departure from Russia, and/or conscript them. 

U.S. citizens should note that U.S. credit and debit cards no longer work in Russia, and options to electronically transfer funds from the United States are extremely limited due to sanctions imposed on Russian banks. There are reports of cash shortages within Russia.

Commercial flight options are extremely limited and are often unavailable on short notice. If you wish to depart Russia, you should make independent arrangements as soon as possible. The U.S. Embassy has severe limitations on its ability to assist U.S. citizens to depart the country and transportation options may suddenly become even more limited. Click  here  for Information for U.S. Citizens Seeking to Depart Russia.

U.S. Embassy personnel are generally not permitted to travel on Russian air carriers due to safety concerns.  The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) downgraded the air safety rating for Russia from Category 1 to Category 2 on April 21, 2022, due to Russia’s Federal Agency for Air Transport noncompliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) safety standards.  The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) prohibiting U.S. aviation operations into, out of, within, or over those areas of the Moscow Flight Information Region (FIR), the Samara FIR (UWWW) and the Rostov-na-Donu (URRV) FIR within 160NM of the boundaries of the Dnipro (UKDV) Flight Information Regions. For more information, U.S. citizens should consult the  Federal Aviation Administration’s Prohibitions, Restrictions, and Notices .

The right of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression are not consistently protected in Russia. U.S. citizens should avoid all political or social protests and not photograph security personnel at these events. Russian authorities have arrested U.S. citizens who have participated in demonstrations and there are numerous reports Russian nationals have been detained for social media activity. 

Country Summary:

U.S. citizens, including former and current U.S. government and military personnel and private citizens engaged in business who are visiting or residing in Russia, have been interrogated without cause and threatened by Russian officials, and may become victims of harassment, mistreatment, and extortion. 

Russian security services may fail to notify the U.S. Embassy of the detention of a U.S. citizen and unreasonably delay U.S. consular assistance. Russian security services are increasing the arbitrary enforcement of local laws to target foreign and international organizations they consider “undesirable.”

Russian security services have arrested U.S. citizens on spurious charges, singled out U.S. citizens in Russia for detention and harassment, denied them fair and transparent treatment, and convicted them in secret trials or without presenting credible evidence. Furthermore, Russian authorities arbitrarily enforce local laws against U.S. citizen religious workers and have opened questionable criminal investigations against U.S. citizens engaged in religious activity. U.S. citizens should avoid travel to Russia to perform work for or volunteer with non-governmental organizations or religious organizations.

There have been multiple security incidents in southwestern Russia related to Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine. The Russian government declared martial law in Russia’s regions bordering Ukraine (Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh, Rostov, Krasnodar) on October 20, 2022. The martial law regime allows the rapid introduction of restrictive measures such as curfew, seizure of private property, restriction of entry/exit and freedom of movement, internment of foreigners, forced relocation of local residents, and restrictions on public gatherings. U.S. citizens should avoid all travel to these areas.

Recent legislation has expanded the ability of Russian authorities to detain, question, and arrest individuals suspected of acting against Russia’s interests, including posts on personal social media accounts, engaging with foreign and international entities, discrediting the Russian state or military, as well as advocating for the rights of LGBTQI+ persons.

Terrorist groups, both transnational and local terrorist organizations, and individuals inspired by extremist ideology continue plotting possible attacks in Russia. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs and systems, markets/shopping malls, local government facilities, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, major sporting and cultural events, educational institutions, airports, and other public areas. Travel to the North Caucasus (including Chechnya and Mt. Elbrus) is prohibited for U.S. government employees and strongly discouraged for U.S. citizens.

The international community, including the United States and Ukraine, does not recognize Russia’s purported annexation of Crimea as well as four other Ukrainian oblasts – Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhya – that Russia has purported to annex more recently. There is extensive Russian Federation military presence in these areas. Russia staged its further invasion of Ukraine, in part, from occupied Crimea, and Russia is likely to take further military actions in Crimea, and the four other Ukrainian oblasts are the subject of intensive fighting. There are continuing abuses against foreigners and the local population by the occupation authorities in these regions, particularly against those who are seen as challenging Russia’s authority.

The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv continues to provide consular services to U.S. citizens in Crimea as well as four other Ukrainian oblasts partially occupied by Russia – Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhya, although the ongoing conflict severely restricts the Embassy’s ability to provide services in these areas.

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to Russia.

If you decide to travel to Russia:

  • Familiarize yourself with the information on  what the U.S. government can and cannot do to assist you in a crisis overseas .
  • Have a contingency plan in place that does not rely on U.S. government assistance. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .
  • Monitor local and international media for breaking events and adjust your contingency plans based on the new information.
  • Ensure travel documents are valid and easily accessible.
  • Visit our website for  Travel to High-Risk Areas .
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Russia.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information  related to your travel.

Travel Advisory Levels

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Guía turística de Moscow

Planning a trip to Moscow? Our travel guide contains up-to-date, personal information on everything from what to see , to when to visit , where to stay , and what to eat !

  • General Information
  • What to see
  • How to get to Moscow
  • Where to stay
  • Where to eat

Why visit Moscow?

Majestic churches, impressive historic fortresses, and palatial buildings: Moscow is a fascinating city whose emblematic architecture reflects the turbulent history that has defined Russia throughout the centuries.

The traces of the USSR can be found around every corner of the city , side by side with the iconic relics of Imperial Russia , like the mythical Red Square , the imposing Kremlin , and the beautiful  St Basil's Cathedral . 

Discover a fascinating world of Cold War bunkers, golden-domed basilicas, world-class art museums, and the legendary "palace of the people,"  as the Moscow Metro has been nicknamed. Whether you fancy watching a classical Russian ballet at the Bolshoi Theatre , perusing the fine arts at the Pushkin Museum , or marveling at the sheer size of the monuments to the Soviet state's achievements at the  All-Russia Exhibition Centre , this travel guide will help you on your way!

Where to start?

If you're going to travel to Moscow and you don't know much about the city yet, the first thing to do is to dive into its legendary history - understanding the past will help you understand the present. Next, check out our practical hints and tips on traveling to the city before discovering which of its most important museums , monuments , and attractions pique your interest.

Looking for a place to stay?

Booking your accommodation in advance is the best way to get great discounts. Our detailed guide on where to stay in Moscow  will help you decide which neighborhood you'd like to look for hotels or apartments in, and our hotel search engine will find you the best deals!

Why is our Moscow travel guide the best?

Introducing Moscow is a  city guide written by travelers for travelers  and contains personalized advice to help you make the most of your trip to the city.

All the information in this guide is valid as of December 2022. If you find any errors or have any comments, please feel free to contact us .

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  25. Moscow

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