
21 Creative Ideas For Environmental Field Trip

field trip ideas for environmental science

Ah, the great outdoors. There’s just something about being in nature that captures our attention and inspires us to explore. Whether it’s spending time at our local nature centre, exploring nearby forests, or going on a field trip, being outdoors can be a great way to get kids excited about learning about the environment.  

Environmentally-conscious field trips can be a great way to introduce kids to the wonders of nature and teach them about their local environment. With so many great ideas for incorporating field trips into your family’s schedule, you’re bound to find one that fits into your budget and your schedule. 

How about a little hands-on learning and a chance to explore the natural world? From exploring the ecosystem of your local park to going on a nature hike, check out these 10 creative ideas for environmental field trips.

1. Take a walk in the woods

field trip ideas for environmental science

Planning a nature field trip to a nature preserve or an urban park is a great idea. This is because these types of places are great for exploring. After all, they offer a variety of ecosystems and habitats, many of which you may not find in your backyard. Plus, you can explore a variety of plants, animals and geological formations that you may not be able to find in your local city or park.

2. Visit an animal shelter

If you’re looking for a hands-on way to introduce kids to the importance of protecting animals, take them to a local animal shelter. At an animal shelter, kids learn about the many types of animals that are available for adoption, meet some of the animals that are available for adoption and learn about the responsibilities that come with caring for an animal. Plus, they’re learning while they’re having fun!

3. Go camping

Camping trips may be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for your family, but they’re an easy, fun way to get outside and connect with your nature. You can choose a local campground that is safe, has water and provides bathroom facilities or go on a longer camping trip.

4. Play in the park

Play in the park is a great way to get kids excited about nature. You can bring in any toys you have at home and use them to teach kids about nature. For example, make a nature trail with sticks, leaves and stones. Then, have your kids follow the trail and observe the sights and sounds that they create.

5. Go to a nature centre

Visit a local nature centre to learn about the local environment, meet some of the native plants and animals that you’re nearby, and also get hands-on. You can also visit a nature centre on a field trip during the school year to get more hands-on time and explore many more exhibits.

6. Go beekeeping

Beekeeping is a great way to connect kids with nature. Bees produce honey, which is an excellent way to sweeten water. Honey can be used in a variety of ways and is great for flavouring tea, coffee, and more. Beekeeping is a great activity to do with kids because it can help them understand how plants grow and how food is grown. You can also offer beekeeping classes to teach kids more about this fascinating activity.

7. Visit a local farm or greenhouse

Visit a local farm or greenhouse to learn about the types of crops that are grown in your area. You can also learn about the types of animals that are kept on farms and in greenhouses near you.

8. Visit a zoo

field trip ideas for environmental science

Zoos can be a very effective way to connect kids with nature. They can also provide a great way to introduce kids to animals that they might not otherwise get to see in their city. By spending time in a zoo, kids can learn about animals that are native to the area and even learn about the ecosystems in which these animals live.  There are a wide variety of zoos that have different things to offer depending on what they specialize in. You can try zoos that have conservation programs, zoos that focus on endangered species, and zoos that offer programs for kids.

9. Learn about plants at the garden centre

If you have access to a garden centre, visit it! There are several reasons why a garden centre would make an awesome field trip. First of all, you can learn about a wide variety of plants. Most garden centres have a wide variety of native plants and flowers, as well as a variety of endangered species. You can also learn about the different soil types, how to water different plants, and a wide variety of other things that are important when caring for plants.

10. Visit a rainforest

Visiting a rainforest can be a very effective way to connect kids with nature. Rainforests are home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, and you can learn a lot about them by visiting a rainforest. You can also visit a rainforest as a way to help kids understand that we live in a very different part of the world from where they live.  Rainforests are home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, and you can learn a lot about them by visiting a rainforest. You can also visit a rainforest as a way to help kids understand that we live in a very different part of the world from where they live.

11. Have a nature scavenger hunt

What are some of the interesting features of your city? You can use this as a way to learn about your environment. You can also use this as a way to get your kids exploring. You can set out scavenger hunt clues as to things you see in your city. Things like trees, rocks, or flowers. If you have time, you can make a nature trail of the city and let your kids explore it as they look for clues.

12. Visit an Environmental Learning Center

Environmental learning centres are great places to learn about the environment. They are often located near nature parks, so you can learn about the ecosystems in which the parks are located. Environmental learning centres often offer programs in a variety of areas, including ecology, birds, mammals, the arts, and more. You can also learn about the importance of conservation and healthy ecosystems.

13. See a play or musical about the environment

If your family loves the arts, you can use this as an opportunity to visit museums. But, you can also use this as an opportunity to visit plays or musicals about the environment. By seeing a play or listening to a musical about the environment, you can learn about the ecosystems in which your family lives. This is a great way to get kids excited about the environment.

14. Visit an aquarium

field trip ideas for environmental science

A great way to get kids excited about the environment is to plan a trip to an aquarium. Aquariums can be found in many places with ample species diversity and great opportunities for kids to learn about aquatic ecosystems. Some of the best places to find an aquarium with a variety of species include national parks and state parks. 

Be sure to bring along a journal for kids to record observations, such as what species they see, the number of fish of different species, what conditions the water is kept in, and how the public interacts with the aquarium.

15. Visit a butterfly conservatory

Butterflies are a fantastic symbol of transformation and rebirth. Many children are fascinated by the transformation that occurs as a caterpillar turns into a butterfly and then another creature. A good way to get kids excited about the environment is to visit a butterfly conservatory. Many butterfly conservatories around the country provide a variety of habitats for caterpillars and offer educational programming for kids. Visiting a butterfly conservatory can make a great environmental field trip for kids of all ages.

16. Go on a wildlife walk

A wonderful way to learn about the natural world is to go on a nature walk. National parks and state parks are great places to go on a nature walk. Natural parks often have more paths and trails where you can explore more of the surrounding area. Many nature centres offer guided nature walks, which can be an excellent way for kids to learn about the local plants and animals.

17. Stay overnight in a cabin or treehouse

Staycations are all the rage right now, and staying overnight in a treehouse or cabin is one of the best ways to do it. Many companies offer overnight treehouse tours where you can explore the forest floor with guides and get a bird’s eye view of the forest from the treehouses. Or you can also opt for more traditional treehouse packages where you explore the surrounding area from the comfort of your tree-dwelling.

18. Visit a museum

Museums are a great way to learn about the natural world, such as local ecosystems and the biodiversity that can be found within them. Many museums around the country are great places to visit. Each museum may have different exhibits on different topics to make it a great choice for an environmental field trip.

19. Visit an arboretum

Arboretums are a wonderful place to learn about plants. There are many different types of arboretums, such as tropical and desert arboretums. Each type of arboretum provides great diversity in species and can be a great place to explore local ecosystems.  There are many different types of arboretums for kids to explore, so you can use it as an environmental field trip to learn about local ecosystems and the biodiversity that can be found in them.

20. Take a canoe trip

Canoeing is a wonderful way to get kids excited about the environment. There are many different types of canoeing trips you can choose from. Some canoeing trips are more focused on exploring the local ecosystem, such as the Great Lakes, while others focus more on an adventure and include activities for kids such as diving and snorkelling.  A great way to incorporate environmental field trips into your family’s schedule is to plan a canoe trip.

21. Go cave exploring

field trip ideas for environmental science

Caves are an excellent place to find species diversity and learn about local ecosystems. Many caves have been preserved by the earth, which provides great opportunities to explore biodiversity. You can also make a field trip out of exploring caves, offering a great opportunity for parents and kids to get close.  Caves are a great place to find biodiversity and learn about local ecosystems. You can use it as an environmental field trip to get your kids excited about the environment.

Let’s Explore!

When you have children, nature and the outdoors becomes extremely important. There are so many ways to connect with nature for kids, and it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Go above and beyond with your environmental field trips and make them unique to your family.  Spend a little time outside and you’ll be amazed at all the things you can see!

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field trip ideas for environmental science

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field trip ideas for environmental science

  • Nature Center


School Field Trips

Attention teachers we are currently scheduling field trip programs at the environmental nature center and enc tucker wildlife sanctuary for the 2024-25 school year book now to assure your spot next school year, as our current school year calendar is very nearly full..

Field trips can be transformative experiences for students: Having the chance to get outside of the classroom, learn from passionate educators, and encounter new places and ideas can broaden the educational horizons for young learners.

The ENC presents field trip programs to preschool – 12th grade classes throughout the school year. The curricula for each program supports the Next Generation Science Standards for each grade level. Our unique grade-specific programs enable students to return year after year to build on previous learning. Students develop a coherent and scientifically-based view of the world around them as they engage in practices to build, deepen, and apply their knowledge. These core ideas build on each other, and on what they’re learning in their classrooms. We are currently scheduling field trip programs for the 2022-23 school year at the Environmental Nature Center.

Call (949) 645-8489 or email Mindy to schedule a program!

field trip ideas for environmental science

Field Trips at the ENC (Newport Beach)

Field trips at tucker (modjeska canyon), nature changes.

Children ages 3 to 5 learn that everything in nature changes. As they hike through the Center they learn about the life cycle of frogs and touch a real, live toad. They learn about the life cycle of butterflies and visit the butterfly house (seasonal). Children learn that snakes shed their skin to grow, examine snakeskin with a magnifying lens, and get to meet a real, live snake! They learn that mammals have fur to keep them warm when it’s cold, and gently touch the fur of several local animals. Along the trail children enjoy story time under the dappled shade of oak trees. $9/student. 10min/60max. 1hr

Listen, Touch, Smell, See

Students will go on a sensory hike at Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary, exploring how people use their eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and hands to explore the world around them.  Then they will engage in some hands-on activities that spotlight the senses used by native wildlife. Minimum 10 students, Max 100. $9/student. 1 hour long

Ecosystem Investigators

Students will observe, analyze, and interpret patterns between what plants, animals, and humans need to survive. As they hike through our trails they will survey our meadow area to determine different types of food items animals eat in nature, build a model to demonstrate how animals and humans can change the environment, touch, smell, and taste different natural resource items, and enact how they can help reduce the impact humans have on the local environment. NGSS alignment: K-Ls1-1: LS1.C, K-ESS2-2: ESS2.E, ESS3.C, K-ESS3-1: ESS3.A, K-ESS3-3:ESS3.C, EST1.B. 1.25 hours, $10/student.Minimum 10/maximum 120.

Nature Detectives

Oh no! There’s a mystery at Tucker and our Naturalists need your students’ help! Students will examine clues, such as tracks, and meet a few of our ambassador animals to help solve a mystery. Length: 1 hour and 15 minutes

NGSS alignment: K-Ls1-1: LS1.C, K-ESS2-2: ESS2.E, ESS3.C, K-ESS3-1: ESS3.A, K-ESS3-3:ESS3.C, EST1.B. 1.25 hours, $10/student.Minimum 10/maximum 100.

Creature Features

On a hike through the Center, students participate in hands-on activities to learn how seeds are dispersed and grow into adult plants.   Along the trail, they observe the skulls of various animals to determine adaptations of how an animal detects sound and how adaptations of animals influence human problem solving. Students dress up for an animal “fashion show” to learn that animals have external features that help them thrive in different kinds of places. They visit a toad to talk about how the young look different from adults and must go through metamorphosis. Standards: 1-LS1-1, LS1.A, LS1.D, 1-LS3-1, LS3.A, LS3.B. $10/student. 10min/120max. 1.5hrs

Animal Habitats

Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary is home to so many different native insects and animals! For this program, students explore Tucker by mapping out all the places that animals could make homes, find food, and survive while meeting a few animal ambassadors along the way. Length: 1.5 hours

Standards: 1-LS1-1, LS1.A, LS1.D, 1-LS3-1, LS3.A, LS3.B. $10/student. 10min/100max. 1.5 hrs


On a hike through the Center, students map out landmarks, as well as where water has changed the shape of the land. In a hands-on experiment students discover that some landforms are created quickly and others develop over a time too long for a human to observe. They play a fun game to discover that most plants depend on animals for pollination and to move seeds around. They discover the importance of biodiversity and learn that there are many different kinds of living things in an area, and they exist in different places. Standards: 2-LS2-2, LS2.A, 2-LS4-1, LS4.D, 2-ESS1-1, ESS1.C, 2-ESS2-1, ESS2.A, 2-ESS2-2, ESS2.B. $11.50/student. 20min/120max. 2hrs

The Wonders of Plants

The “green blur” is when plants are seen as one mass instead of as the individuals that make up an ecosystem. In this program, students will learn how to look past the “green blur” to explore what makes plants unique. Students will discover the life cycle of a plant, test out how different seeds disperse, discuss why different plants grow in different areas, and observe pollinators! Length: 2 hours

Standards: 2-LS2-2, LS2.A, 2-LS4-1, LS4.D, 2-ESS1-1, ESS1.C, 2-ESS2-1, ESS2.A, 2-ESS2-2, ESS2.B. $11.50/student. 20min/100max. 2 hrs

Tongva Trail

3rd Grade Tongva Trail. Students travel back in time to learn about the tools, trade, and customs of the Tongva (Gabrielino) and Acjachemen (Juaneño) people of Orange County. Along the trail students see, touch, and smell the plants used centuries ago by Native Americans. They make string out of plants, use “rabbit sticks” to “hunt,” perform music using authentic Tongva instruments, make “money” using pump drills, and play authentic Native American games.  2 hours, $11.50/student, minimum 20/ maximum 120. (Standards: 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.4)

Animal Abilities

Students will participate in activities that help them understand that animals have unique characteristics and life cycles. These unique abilities help them interact with and survive in their specific environment. Standards: 3-LS1-1, LS1.B, 3-LS2-1, LS2.D, 3-LS3-2, LS3.B, 3LS4-3, LS4.C, 3LS4-4, LS2.C. $11.50/student. 20min/120max. 2hrs

3rd Grade Tongva Trail. Students travel back in time to learn about the tools, trade, and customs of the Tongva (Gabrielino) and Acjachemen (Juaneño) people of Orange County. Along the trail students see, touch, and smell the plants used centuries ago by Native Americans. They make string out of plants, use “rabbit sticks” to “hunt,” perform music using authentic Tongva instruments, make “money” using pump drills, and play authentic Native American games.  2 hours, $11.50/student, minimum 20/ maximum 100. (Standards: 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.4)

Adaptation Investigation

Biology is all about investigating and sometimes getting dirty. Students search for invertebrates in the soil or creek and hypothesize what adaptations help them survive in their habitats. Students also investigate plant adaptations through observations, experimentation, and nature journaling. Length: 3 hours

2.5 hours, $13/student, minimum 20/ maximum 100. (Standards: 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.4)

Native American Adventure

4th Grade Native American Adventure. Along the trail, students experience the technologies and lifestyles of indigenous people from throughout California. Using a mortar and pestle, the students grind acorns and “boil water” to leach them. They explore hunting methods and tools, practice making “fire” using fire drills, practice weaving baskets and mats. Students become archeologists, and dig for artifacts in the ENC’s midden. During a visit to the ENC’s green building, students enter a life-size Tongva dwelling and listen to a native California legend.  2 hours, $11.50/student, minimum 20/ maximum 120.  (Standards: 4.1.5, 4.2.1, 4.2.3, 4.2.5)


Students explore science careers while participating in hands-on activities and experiments. They become botanists to study plant adaptations and wildlife biologists to study the adaptations of animals. As geologists they differentiate between igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Students act as entomologists to examine the differences and similarities of preserved butterflies, moths, and beetles. As microbiologists they observe decomposing materials under a microscope to see the work of beneficial microorganisms. Students visit the ENC’s green building, to see how the staff recycles organic materials in our Composting Learning Lab! Standards: 4-LS1-1, LS1.A, 4-ESS1-1, ESS1.C, 4-ESS3-2, ESS3.B. $11.50/student. 20min/120max. 2hrs

4th Grade Native American Adventure. Along the trail, students experience the technologies and lifestyles of indigenous people from throughout California. Using a mortar and pestle, the students grind acorns and “boil water” to leach them. They explore hunting methods and tools, practice making “fire” using fire drills, practice weaving baskets and mats. Students become archeologists, and dig for artifacts in the ENC’s midden. During a visit to the ENC’s green building, students enter a life-size Tongva dwelling and listen to a native California legend.  2 hours, $11.50/student, minimum 20/ maximum 100.  (Standards: 4.1.5, 4.2.1, 4.2.3, 4.2.5)

Sensory Explorations (Structure and Function)

Students will test a variety of their own senses and compare them to animals’ senses. We will become geologists and hypothesize how weathering and erosion can occur on a large and a small scale.  Students will hike through Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary and explore native plant communities of Modjeska Canyon. Length: 2 hours

$11.50/student, minimum 20/ maximum 100.  (Standards: 4.1.5, 4.2.1, 4.2.3, 4.2.5)

Ecosystem Ed-venture

Students will perform water quality tests between two aquatic ecosystems. From those ecosystems, they will take water samples and look at them under a microscope. Along the trail, students learn about photosynthesis and transpiration. Students discuss the water cycle and water distribution, and play a game to learn about ways that water is polluted and cleaned. Standards: 5-PS3-1, PS3.D, 5-LS1-1, LS1.C, 5-LS2-1, LS2.A, LS2.B, 5-ESS2-2, ESS2.C. $13/student. 20min/120max. 2.5hrs

Everything is Connected

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.”- John Muir. This idea is the essence of the academic field of ecology. Students will hike in the wilderness exploring our partner site, the Modjeska Wilderness Preserve, discovering how everything in nature is interconnected through abiotic testing, explorations, and nature journaling. Length: 3 hours

Standards: 5-PS3-1, PS3.D, 5-LS1-1, LS1.C, 5-LS2-1, LS2.A, LS2.B, 5-ESS2-2, ESS2.C. $17/student. 20min/100max. 3 hrs

Special Groups

Sensory journey (special needs).

Children & adults of all ages & abilities can join us for a Sensory Journey.  As we explore our Nature Center, we journey through our native habitats and provide opportunities to have personal encounters with our Animal Ambassadors:   maybe a toad, salamander, snake, or rabbit.  The journey is designed to invite the use of our senses to experience our native wildlife.  During Springtime, we may also visit our Butterfly House to experience butterflies & native plants up close.  This live animal encounter can be customized to meet the cognitive/physical needs of all participants:  from hiking our trails, to gathering in a quiet place out in our nature center, to having a circle time presentation in one of our classrooms.  Naturalists guide small groups limited to 10 participants & their chaperones, to provide a unique opportunity to engage with nature for all ages & abilities. $9/student. 10min/60max. 1 hr.

“Intro to Birding” (Home School Groups)

Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary was the home of Benjamin and Dorothy Tucker in the early 1930’s. Benjamin Tucker was the inventor of the hummingbird feeder and nectar recipe that is still used today. This class explores the Tuckers’ love of birds by learning about the different characteristics of birds, where they live, and how to be a good bird watcher.

  • Grades: Kinder-High School
  • Length: 1 hour

“Animal Showcase” (Home School Groups)

California is a biodiversity hot spot with many native plants and animals that can only be found right here in our state. Come explore a few of the native animals that call California home by meeting Tucker’s animal ambassadors. Students will learn about the different animals that live here and what adaptations they have that help them survive.

“Naturalist for a Day” (Home School Groups)

Naturalists are people who continually learn about the world around them. In this in-depth class, students will learn how to be a naturalist and about the ecology of the Santa Ana Mountains by conducting abiotic tests, observing animal adaptations, and going on a chaparral hike.

  • Grades: 3 rd – High School
  • Length: 2 hours
  • $11.50/student

Middle School

Ecosystem examiners.

Students will conduct field research to assess the abiotic factors in two different California plant communities at the ENC. After conducting research, students will then compare physical features of each ecosystem and present their findings to their fellow classmates. With the newly gained information, students will design their own animal that can survive in that environment. Standards: MS-LS2-1, LS2.A, MS-LS2-2, MS-ETS1-2, MS- ETS1-3, ETS1.B. $11.50/student. 20min/48max. 2hrs

Fire Ecology

High school, nature surveyors.

Students will conduct field research to assess population diversity of plants and animals in two different ecosystems in the Nature Center. They will then organize their data collected to analyze biodiversity of each ecosystem. Standards: HS-LS2-2, LS2.C, HS-LS2-6, LS2.C, HS-LS2-7, LS2.C. $13/student. 20min/48max. 2.5hrs

Frequently Asked Questions:

But what about COVID-19?

Students and adults are NOT required to wear masks indoors or outdoors while visiting the ENC.  Our field trips only take place indoors in the event of heavy rain or smoke.

Do you offer any discounts for schools?

There is a 10% Discount for booking a program to occur in September. We also offer scholarships for Title I Schools to attend field trips at the ENC Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary. Please also check out our Teacher Funding Resources page for grant opportunities that may offset the cost of your field trip.

Can we eat our lunch or snack at the ENC?

We do not allow schools to bring food on-site.  This is partly due to the fact that an abundance of crumbs on our grounds is not good for our local wildlife.  The other reason is that the ENC is committed to diverting 95% or more of its waste from the landfill. Please review our Zero Waste Policy prior to visiting the Center.  We recommend you visit Bob Henry Park across the street before or after your field trip – it’s a great place for a picnic!

What is your cancellation policy?

If you need to cancel your program for any reason, please email [email protected] so that we have it in writing.  We will respond via email that we received your cancellation.  If you do not receive a response to your email, please call (949) 645-8489 and speak with Mindy or Lori.  If cancellations occur at least two weeks before the program, no fees apply.  If cancellations occur within two weeks of the scheduled program, the minimum fee for the scheduled program will be charged.  Fees do not apply if cancellations occur due to inclement weather.

Do you require a deposit?

As deposit is required in order to secure a date on our programs calendar.  The deposit amount will be equivalent to the minimum fee* for the program and will be credited towards the final cost of the program.  This deposit is refundable in the case of the ENC needing to cancel the program due to unforeseen circumstances.  If a school cancels their field trip within two weeks of their scheduled date, the deposit will be used as a penalty fee and a new deposit will be required to reschedule the program.    If a school cancels their field trip with at least two weeks’ notice, the original deposit can be applied towards a rescheduled date.

*Minimum fees are:

  • Show search

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field trip ideas for environmental science

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10+ Field Trips to Bring STEM Topics to Life

10+ Field Trips to Bring STEM Topics to Life

There are lots of great ways to bring STEM topics to life for your kids or students. You can do experiments, you can read great STEM books , you can investigate with tools and real materials.

read also: What We love about STEM Reads

field trip ideas for environmental science

However, I think a field trip into the community is one of the best ways to bring STEM topics to life.

Field Trips…

  • Give real life context to the skills you are learning.
  • Motivate kids who are struggling.
  • Build connections between the classroom and the community.
  •  Help reach children with different learning styles.

Here are 10 of our favorite STEM Field Trips for bringing to life science, technology, engineering and math concepts.

field trip ideas for environmental science

10+ STEM Field Trip Ideas

1. Nature Walk (Science)

If you are learning about the natural world, seasons, weather and more then getting outside for a nature walk is a natural field trip. Our preschoolers took a walk each season to look up close at whatever season we were learning about. Our favorite was the  Signs of Fall walk .

2. Visit Real Animals (Science)

The zoo, the aquarium, the farm, the pet store. If you are learning about animals – go observe live animals. Whether you pick one animal to observe and draw and learn about or explore a whole range, seeing the real live animals is a valuable experience for any animal unit.

field trip ideas for environmental science

3. Farm, Farmers’ Market, Grocery Store (Science)

Learn where food comes from by visiting one of these places (or all of them). One of my favorite field trips is going to a pick-your-own farm. Every year in the early summer we go pick own berries. (Don’t miss our  tips for berry picking with toddlers )

4. Visit Different Environments – Beach. Forest. Desert. (Science)

Live in the mountains? Go visit one. Live in the desert? Go see the plants up close. Live near a lake or the ocean? Go get your hands and feet wet. Books and pictures and samples are great, but the real environment offers so much more for the senses and curious minds.

Also Read: 3 Reasons Every Field Trip Needs an Adventure Journal

5. Garden (Science)

Flowers and growing plants are common learning themes. Get out in your community and see some plants or flowers up close. Learn how to grow things or about different types of plants at your local Garden, Botanic Garden, or Garden store.

Read Also:  How to Use Picture Books with STEM Learning

6. Science Museum (Science and Technology)

If you have a science museum then this is a great choice for a STEM field trip. Lots of science and technology and other STEM topics are explored on a bigger scale in science museums. Make sure to check online beforehand to see what exhibits will work best for your kids.

7. TV Station (Technology)

How do images get into our living rooms every evening? Go find out. Call and ask your local TV station if they are okay with some inquisitive kids coming to observe and ask questions at a quiet time of the day.

8. Repair Shop (Technology)

Taking things apart and putting them back together often fascinates kids. See if you can visit a repair shop in town that focuses on phones, computers or other kinds of technology. Make sure to bring questions about how things are fixed, what tools they use and how do they get to be so good at repairing things.

field trip ideas for environmental science

9. Skyscraper (Engineering)

If you have a kid or class interested in the building then nothing is cooler than visiting a skyscraper (or whatever the tallest building in your area may be). Be inspired by the size. Notice the design. Draw the building. Compare to other buildings in books. And don’t miss the amazing view from the top that is only possible because of an engineer’s vision.

10. Hardware, Mechanics, or Other Parts Store (Engineering)

Introduce your little budding engineer to the tools of the trade, whichever they are most interested in.

11. Math Walk (Math)

One of our most favorite and popular field trips ever was our counting walk . This is a fun field that practices counting skills and number writing skills with toddlers and preschoolers. For older kids, turn it into a number finding or addition trip by altering the directions slightly.

also read: 16 summer adventures with free bingo printable

12. Grocery Store or Farmers’ Market (Math)

Put math in action by practicing numbers or currency at a grocery store or farmers’ market. Give your kids a certain amount of money ($5 is a good start at a Farmers’ Market), practice how to make a purchase and then encourage them to make the pick and purchase on their own while you stand nearby for help only if needed.

Nothing makes a topic come alive and have meaning like finding ways to practice them in the real world.

10 STEM themed field trips to bring science, technology, engineering, and math concepts to life

Get more Little Walk and Big Adventures ideas in my book!

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The Wetlands Institute

Each year, The Wetlands Institute hosts nearly 11,000 youth for hands-on, feet-wet environmental education, including environmental education field trips!  All of our field trips emphasize hands-on learning and the scientific method.  We offer a broad range of programs including:  Marsh Critter Discovery Walk, Cycles of Life, Beach Exploration, Turtle Talk, Horseshoe Crabs and Shorebirds, Wetlands Ecology, Barrier Beach Ecology, and special Seasonal Programs.  All environmental education field trip programs are aligned to New Jersey Academic Standards and the North American Association for Environmental Education K-12 Guidelines for Learning, and are tailored to the needs of our visiting teachers and schools.

Both In-Person and Virtual Environmental Education Field Trip Programs Available for the 2024-2025 Academic School Year!

Year-Round Environmental Education

Field trip program opportunities.

Marsh Critter Discovery Walk ( PreK – 2 nd grade) 60 minutes $8/ student Introduce your students to nature and show them that there’s more out there than sharks and poison ivy. Start with a walk down our Salt Marsh Trail, surrounded by waving grasses and shallow water. Be on the lookout for tall egrets, ferocious ospreys, migrating geese, and noisy gulls as we head out onto the boardwalk over the marsh. There might even be baby turtles hatching! Then we’ll head into the aquarium to meet many of the local animals: fish, sea stars, urchins, crabs, horseshoe crabs, diamondback terrapins, and an octopus. The teaching tank will be open, and kids will be able to touch many of the animals. Virtual Option Available! Virtual Program Prices:  $75 Virtual Program Fee plus additional $6 per student

Cycles of Life ( 3 rd – 4 th grade) 90 minutes $9/ student (combine with any other 90 minute program and a lunch break: 4 hours, $16/ student) Nature’s repetition is all around us. Take a walk down the Salt Marsh Trail to look at the tides, life cycles of turtles and birds, and signs of the seasons. Students become drops of water as they play the water cycle game, using precipitation and evaporation to move from ocean to clouds. Finally, they’ll take on the roles of marsh flora and fauna to build food webs, and learn how pollution moves through food chains. Virtual Option Available! Virtual Program Prices:  $75 Virtual Program Fee plus additional $7 per student, $12 for a combination program

Beach Exploration ( 3 rd – 4 th grade) 90 minutes $9/ student (combine with any other 90 minute program and a lunch break: 4 hours, $16/ student) Too many kids think the New Jersey Shore is just like they see on “Jersey Shore.” Walk behind the dunes at Stone Harbor Point to see how plants and animals survive this harsh environment. Then climb to the top of the observation platform with binoculars for a look at everything from ships at sea to migrating birds to Wildwood’s rollercoasters. Finally, pick up a pail for some beachcombing. We’ll show your students all of a beach’s P.A.R.T.S. (Plants Animals Rocks Trash Shells) as we learn what belongs on a beach and what doesn’t. Virtual Option Available! Virtual Program Prices:  $75 Virtual Program Fee plus additional $7 per student, $12 for a combination program

Turtle Talk ( 3 rd – 4 th grade) 90 minutes $9/ student (combine with any other 90 minute program and a lunch break: 4 hours, $16/ student) In all of New Jersey’s salt marshes, from Cape May to Sandy Hook, there’s only one reptile: the northern diamondback terrapin. Meet some terrapins (as well as several other species of turtles) up close, and find out how cars and crab traps endanger them. Virtual Option Available! Virtual Program Prices:  $75 Virtual Program Fee plus additional $7 per student for a single program, $12 for a combination program

Horseshoe Crabs and Shorebirds  ( 5 th – 12 th grade) 120 minutes $10/ student (combine with Barrier Beach Ecology or Wetlands Ecology and a lunch break: 5 hours, $18/student) What do 250-450 million year old arthropods and birds have in common?  More than you’d think!  Students learn about horseshoe crabs and shorebird species interdependency along the Delaware Bay.  Get up close (and very personal) with live horseshoe crabs, see if you are as tough as a shorebird, and learn about horseshoe crabs’ contribution to modern medicine.  Students walk away with how they can help conserve these prehistoric critters and impressive little birds. Virtual Option Available! Virtual Program Prices:  $75 Virtual Program Fee plus additional $8 per student for a single program, $14 for a combination program

Wetlands Ecology ( 5 th – 12 th grade) 120 minutes $10/ student (combine with Barrier Beach Ecology or Horseshoe Crabs and Shorebirds and a lunch break: 5 hours, $18/student) Two full hours of hands-on, feet-wet activities! Students will test water quality from our dock to understand how environmental factors impact wildlife. Then they’ll take soil samples from the marsh and test them to demonstrate the marsh’s flood-preventing powers. Next, look at plants that can grow in the salty environment – including one that everyone gets to taste! – and chase after a few fiddler crabs. Finally, it’s into the creek with seine nets in search of minnows, shrimp, and crabs. Virtual Option Available! Virtual Program Prices:  $75 Virtual Program Fee plus additional $8 per student for a single program, $14 for combination program

Barrier Beach Ecology ( 5 th – 12 th grade) 120 minutes $10/ student (combine with Wetlands Ecology or Horseshoe Crabs and Shorebirds and a lunch break: 5 hours, $18/ student) Two full hours of hands-on, feet-wet activities! Start with a walk through the maritime forest at 48th street in Avalon, one of the last left in America. Students will test water quality on the beach to understand how environmental factors impact wildlife. Next, they’ll venture knee-deep into the ocean to catch a few of the animals that live just below the surface of the sand. Finally, everyone does a little beachcombing, while learning how to classify everything scientifically using simple taxonomy. Virtual Option Available! Virtual Program Prices:  $75 Virtual Program Fee plus additional $8 per student for a single program, $14 for combination program

Registration Procedure:   Reservations are made by email (preferred) or phone on a first come first served basis.  Please email [email protected] to book a program.

Special COVID-19 Considerations: As you prepare for your visit, please know that masking is optional at The Wetlands Institute and we respect individual choice related to mask wearing. For the safety of others, please do not visit The Wetlands Institute if you are feeling ill.

Do you teach in the northern New Jersey/ New York area? Exploring our coastal environments first hand is a wonderful and thrilling experience for students, but doing so at the Wetlands Institute may be too far for your school to travel. If so, a great alternative is the New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium located on Sandy Hook, New Jersey. The NJSGC is a Wetlands Institute environmental education partner and offers hands on field trips that explore the beautiful coastal environment and surrounding wetlands.

Click here for more information on their website.

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field trip ideas for environmental science

Virtual Field Trips

We’ve gone virtual…introducing a new series of educational programming for virtual learners of all ages , no bus or carpool required .

We are now offering Virtual Field Trips with our talented team of environmental interpreters to bring the Meadows Center’s nature and science activities into your curriculum and lesson plans! Our interpreters and engaging TEKS-aligned curriculum bring the natural world alive for students, and our programs compliment many state and national education requirements.

Each Virtual Field Trip focuses on a single theme, customized to the grade level of your learners, and includes a remote classroom experience, featuring live Meadows Center Environmental Interpreters with guided activities and educational segments, plus question and answer with our Environmental Interpreters followed by Q&A time. These live interactive engagements relate the environment of Spring Lake to the selected theme. Our TEKS-aligned curricula create customized experiences to meet your group's specific learning goals.

We use Zoom to interact with your classroom so your students can experience Spring Lake at The Meadows Center virtually from your site to ours. Our team members will work with you to help ensure that your classroom is able to remotely engage. 

For more information, please email our educational tour office at  [email protected]  or call 512.245.7540.

Don’t see a tour here that meets the needs for your class? Please contact the tour office. We can work to customize an engagement to meet your requirements.

Macroinvertebrate Water Quality

Macroinvertebrate Water Quality

Students will learn about the connections between biodiversity, indicator species and water quality, while meeting a diverse assemblage of freshwater aquatic invertebrates and learning about their characteristics. Includes a live video microscope investigation. 

Basic Information

Duration: Duration:  45 minutes with 10 minutes of question and answer time. 55 minutes total. 

Cost:  $90

Objectives and TEKS

Key Vocabulary:  Aquatic Macroinvertebrates, Water Quality, Water Clarity, Intolerant Species, Tolerant Species, Watershed, Contaminants, Water Pollution, Bioindicators, Point Source Pollution, Nonpoint Source Pollution 


  • Form a testable hypothesis on the quality of water based on the varying macroinvertebrates that live within it.
  • Identify the stages of aquatic macroinvertebrates life cycles within the water at Spring Lake.
  • Understand the role macroinvertebrates play in determining water quality.
  • Classify differing aquatic macroinvertebrates within Spring Lake.

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)


Middle School (Grades 6-8)

High School (Grades 9-12)

Spring Lake and The Water Cycle

The World's Water

Illustrates where and how water occurs all over the world. Students will learn about their own connections to the global water system and explore concepts of scale and proportionality. 

Cost:  $90 

Key Vocabulary:  Condensation, Evaporation, Infiltration, Precipitation, Transpiration, Water Vapor, Surface Water, Run Off, Springs, Ground Water, Aquifer, Lithosphere, Biosphere, Hydrosphere, Hydrology, Precipitation, Percolation, Condensation, Transpiration, Evaporation

  • Identify and locate the global water resources.
  • Understand the water cycle and that water goes through a continuous cycle.
  • Identify key features of the water cycle at Spring Lake.
  • Predict the effects of human activity on natural sources of clean water.
  • Develop an understanding on the importance of water conservation.

Science (K-8):  K.1B, K.7B, 1.7B, 2.7B, 3.7C, 4.3B, 4.7C, 4.8B, 5.8B, 7.8C

Environmental Systems:  4C, 4D, 5B, 5C, 5D

Social Studies:  K.4A, 1.5A, 2.5A, 3.3C, 4.8C, 5.8B, 8.11B

National Standards 

Freshwater Turtles of Spring Lake


Students will get an introduction to the prodigious population of freshwater aquatic turtles inhabiting Spring Lake, the basics of their physiology and behavior, and their place in the ecology of Spring Lake. Features live turtles. 

Duration: 45 minutes with 10 minutes of question and answer time. 55 minutes total. 

Key Vocabulary:  Omnivore, Herbivore, Carnivore, Endemic, Diameter, Food Chain, Basking, Biotic, Abiotic, Predator, Prey, Cold-Blooded, Warm-Blooded, Reptile, Chelonians, Semi-aquatic Turtle, Semi-Terrestrial Turtle, Side-necked Turtle, Terrestrial Turtle, Nesting, Incubation Period

  • Identify freshwater turtles found at Spring Lake. 
  • Make connections between the different turtles at Spring Lake and their dependence on biotic and abiotic parts of their ecosystem for food and shelter.
  • Explain the variation in physical characteristics among the freshwater turtles at Spring Lake.
  • Understand the process freshwater turtles at Spring Lake go through when laying their eggs.

Threatened and Endangered Species of San Marcos, Texas

Endangered Species

Students will be introduced to the unique threatened and endangered species that depend on the San Marcos Springs and learn about their habitats and adaptations. Features a virtual visit to the Threatened and Endangered Species Aquariums. 

Key Vocabulary:   Extinct, Threatened Species, Endangered Species, Swim Bladder, Gills, Buoyancy, Food Chain,   Adaptations, Endemic, Habitat, Predator, Prey, Behavioral Adaptations, Physiological Adaptations, Structural Adaptations

  • Understand the relationship between predator and prey.
  • Identify the different reasons behind an animal species extinction.
  • Predict the impact species extinctions will have on the immediate environment.
  • Identify the three characteristics of animal adaptations.
  • Understand the effect animal adaptations have on their chance at survival.

Grade 1 

High School (Grades 9-12) 

Virtual Field Trip Technical Information

Virtual tours are held over Zoom. One Zoom-compatible device is required for each classroom and for each student participating from outside the classroom. 

A large display is highly recommended for the participating classroom. 

Live captioning is available. 

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Field Trips - Phinizy Center for Water Sciences

Field Trips

Since 1998, Phinizy Center’s Education Department has conducted hands-on environmental science field trips for preK-12th and undergraduate students. On these inquiry-based field trips, students explore scientific concepts through interactive investigations of watersheds, wetland habitats, urban water cycles, and stream ecology.

This creative approach to science education meets Georgia and South Carolina academic standards in Biology, Chemistry, Physical Science, Ecology, Environmental Science, Mathematics, Geology, Earth Science, Geography, and Economics.

Are you a homeschool group? Check out our Homeschool Science Enrichment Program !

Program Details

Field trip program details can be found in our Education Program Guide and the standards each program correlates with are in the document below.

Program Guide

Field Trip Standards

Book Your Field Trip

Fill out the interest form below to start the booking process. We will be in touch with details, like field trip costs which vary based on grade and program length.

For more information, call 706-796-7707 or email  [email protected] .

Student Liability Form     Adult Liability Form

field trip ideas for environmental science

Field Trip Interest Form

Provide us with some information to help us book your field trip and we will get back to you shortly.

  • Name of School/Organization *
  • County of School/Organization *
  • Phone * Specify whether cell phone or school phone
  • Not Applicable
  • Student Grade Level(s) *
  • Number of Classes *
  • Estimated Number of Students * If you are coming multiple days, please specify how many you would expect on each day.
  • Range of Dates You are Available for the Field Trip(s) *
  • Time you want to start the program * Generally, the earlier the better with 9am being the earliest. Richmond County buses usually cannot get to the park until 10am.
  • Requested Field Trip Program Check out our program guide on our field trip webpage to help you decide. You can also leave this blank if you’d rather talk about it with us first.
  • Student Special Needs (such as wheelchairs, English second language, on the specturm, etc.) Anything that could be helpful for us to know
  • Other Notes or Comments

Field Trip Rubrics for Teachers

Rubrics are a scoring scale that provides evaluation and assessment for both students and teachers. Each program rubric is based on a 4-point scale, with 4 being the highest level of content mastery and 1 being a minimal mastering of the content. For the purpose of our evaluation, these rubrics were written holistically, so that teachers could give us a general assessment of their students’ content mastery before and after the field trip.

For classroom use, teachers can break the holistic rubrics down by separating the components of each level into separate rubrics. Feel free to share these with your students so they know what we think they should learn on the field trip!

Elementary School Rubrics

Middle School Rubrics

High School Rubrics

  • Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

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3 Incredible Science Field Trips That Don’t Require Permission Slips

Perfect for grades 3–8; watch them in your classroom, any time!

field trip ideas for environmental science

Want to take your students on a virtual field trip? You’re in luck! Check out these incredible, free trips from Nature Works Everywhere .

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Can you imagine what it would be like to see a giant panda cub climbing a tree in China? Or watching a giraffe gallop through the grasslands in Kenya? My students would be enthralled. There’s something magical about letting them experience a place far, far away, where they can learn not only about the animals and their homes but also about science and geography.

Below are three virtual field trips we can’t get enough of. Watch these 45-minute videos with your class—any time! They’re perfect for grades 3–8, and each includes a teacher’s guide packed with discussion questions and more. Check them out below.

1. The Deserts and Grasslands of Africa

Head to Africa with scientist Charles Oluchina, where you’ll discover the importance of grasslands and learn how ecotourism in Kenya has benefited both people and wildlife. Students will see giraffes, lions, and elephants; the footage will make you feel like you’re on safari! You’ll also visit Burkina Faso and learn how one farmer invented an ingenious method to help restore forestlands that had been lost to desertification. Get a sneak peek below and then watch the full virtual field trip here .

2. China’s Great Forests: What the Giant Panda and Earth’s Climate Share

Do you know what a takin is? It’s a goat-antelope found in the eastern Himalayas. You’ll get to see some, along with golden snub-nosed monkeys and giant pandas, when you go on a virtual field trip to China’s forests. Expert scientist Yue Wang will explain the role forests and mountains play in the carbon cycle and climate change, and students will get a better understanding of just how important habitats are for both people and animals. Watch the full field trip here .

3. The Coral Reefs of Palau: Nature’s Amazing Underwater Cities

Underwater cities—sounds intriguing, right? The coral reefs of Palau, a network of islands in the Pacific Ocean, are just that. Dive into the water and explore the colorful reefs. Students will learn about the interconnected ecosystem built on symbiosis, where diverse organisms have evolved to protect, clean, nourish, and even mimic one another. It’s spectacular! Watch the full field trip here .

Check out our Best Field Trip Ideas for Every Age and Interest (Virtual Options Too!)

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Students on field trips to the local theater and a fire station.

260+ Field Trip Ideas for Grades Pre-K Through 12 (In-Person and Virtual)

Get out of the classroom and explore the world! Continue Reading

Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved. 5335 Gate Parkway, Jacksonville, FL 32256

Community Waters Science Unit

Community Waters Science Unit

4th grade Community Waters Science Unit

Field Trip Ideas

Community connections for tacoma  , stormwater in tacoma .

For more details on the specifics of what happens to stormwater in Tacoma, and the specific watershed it travels through, check out these City of Tacoma websites: 

  • City of Tacoma –   Tacoma’s Stormwater System
  • City of Tacoma –   Watersheds   
  • City of Tacoma –   Prevent Stormwater Pollution  

One major example of stormwater treatment using soils, plants and natural processes is the   Stormwater Treatment Facility at Point Defiance Park

Tacoma’s Watershed Planning website provides more information on their approach to stormwater management

Climate Change in Pierce Co

For a good outline of environmental impacts of climate change in Pierce Co, see:   

Tacoma Area Education Programs and Resources  

Tacoma envirochallengers.

  • Why plant a tree? 
  • Down the Storm Drain: Where does the flow go?
  • Save our Salmon: is something fishy going on?
  • Water, Water Everywhere: How can you keep it clean? 
  • To book a lesson:[email protected]/bookings/  
  • Wastewater:  
  • Only rain down the drain:  
  • Stormwater:  
  • STEM career connections (more details TBD) 

Pierce Conservation District 

  • MINI-GRANTS –   
  • Water programs -
  • Rainy Day Hike : explore the school grounds to investigate where water is found and whether or not there is pollution entering the watershed. 
  • Soil programs -  
  • Soils as Sponges : investigate how different surfaces affect water infiltration around the schoolyard.
  • What’s in Soil?: investigate soil components, test soil properties and identify soil types. 

Orcas Love Raingardens

  • Participating schools > maintenance, and how’s your rain garden working?   
  • At-home activity packet and virtual field trip 

Salmon in the Schools

  • Foss Waterway Seaport –  

Stormwater Solutions Projects in Tacoma  

Cheney stadium.

Cheney Stadium Sustainable Stormwater project – ; includes permeable asphalt, Green Stormwater Infrastructure 

Pervious Surfaces 

  • iDEA School  – “Advancing Permeable Pavement Project”
  • Wapato Pervious Streets   
  • Larchmont District project (near Larchmont Elementary) 
  • Madison District project   
  • Depave Puget Sound – Feast Arts Center

Rain Gardens 

  • Bioretention – Pacific Ave Streetscapes  
  • Cheney Stadium (see above) 
  • Orcas Love Raingardens participating schools   
  • StoryMap  – “Tacoma Community Forestry” from City of Tacoma Urban Forestry
  • GRIT project  – makes south Tacoma a focus neighborhood
  • Tacoma Public Utilities tree program   

Rainwater collecting 

  • Enviro House – City of Tacoma   
  • Pacific Plaza – 1250 Pacific Ave (downtown)
  • Center for Urban Waters – 326 East D St 
  • Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium Hospital – 5400 N Pearl St
  • Article about Pacific Plaza’s green roof

Islandwood Programs

School overnight program.

This program extends classroom learning to the real world, engaging elementary-school students and their teachers in a hands-on exploration of stewardship, environmental learning, and teamwork. For four days and three nights, students use the environment as a catalyst for learning, practicing critical thinking and actions that build awareness for the well being of both people and our planet. The School Overnight Program is aligned with 4th-6th grade learning standards.

To support equitable access, we offer scholarships, have a Gear Library and support teachers’ recruitment efforts with at school orientations for students and parents (based on location; virtual options also available).

Cost:  Scholarships are offered based on FRL%.

Brightwater School Programs

IslandWood offers three different School Day Programs in partnership with King County at the Brightwater Education Center in Woodinville. Our programs engage students in hands-on investigations and real-world problem solving related to wastewater, storm water, ecosystem services, and environmental engineering.

Cost: Programs are provided for 3rd – 8th grade classes at no cost to schools and free transportation is available to qualifying schools (25% or greater free and reduced lunch rates).

Other Programs Related To This Unit

Free federal lands passes from every kid in a park.

This federal program offers free national lands passes to all 4th graders. Take advantage of this offer to provide free passes your students could use with their families or on a school trip to a national park.  Visit the website for field trip connections and a link to get passes. 

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41 Exciting Project-Based Learning Field Trip Ideas

August 14, 2023 //  by  Lauren Du Plessis

Discover a world beyond your classroom with 41 vibrant project-based learning field trip ideas. As teachers, we continually seek new ways to engage and inspire our young learners. For this reason, we’ve curated a list of unique educational destinations- each offering a wealth of hands-on learning experiences for you and your young explorers! From museums to farms, TV stations to local startups, these trips will ignite curiosity and enhance learning, so let’s jump right in to explore more.

Preschool (3-5 years)

1. puppet theater.

field trip ideas for environmental science

Ever wondered what your puppets would say if they could talk? It’s time to unleash creativity and weave magic with a charming puppet theater. The stage is set, the lights dim, and your young puppeteers have a chance to spin enchanting tales for all of their peers to enjoy.

Learn More: Bob Baker Marionette Theater

2. Children’s Museum

field trip ideas for environmental science

This next field trip idea allows your littles to discover something new with every step they take! Children’s Museums are a galaxy of interactive exhibits- with every room designed to pique curiosity and spark fascination.

Learn More: MCM

Let’s swap those classroom walls for sun-drenched fields and wide-open skies. Among the chirping birds and friendly farm animals, your kids can delve into the heart of rural life; discovering a new respect for farmers and all the hard work they complete.

Learn More: YouTube

4. Local Library

field trip ideas for environmental science

Let the local library shelves whisper tales of mystery, adventure, and knowledge into your students’ ears. Watch as their curious minds unearth the joy of reading and embark on countless journeys through the pages of their favorite books.

Learn More: The Colorful Apple

5. Petting Zoo

field trip ideas for environmental science

Ready for a fuzzy, furry adventure? The petting zoo awaits to greet your students with an assortment of friendly wildlife. As your kids pet and care for these adorable animals, they’ll learn important lessons about empathy and responsibility.

Learn More: Seattle’s Child

6. Fruit Picking Farm

field trip ideas for environmental science

Swap the hustle and bustle of the city for a day amidst vibrant orchards. A fruit-picking farm offers an opportunity to pluck, taste, and learn about various fruits. As your students reach out for those ripe apples and juicy strawberries, they are sure to experience the farm-to-table journey firsthand.

Learn More: Smith’s Nursery Inc.

7. Toy Factory

field trip ideas for environmental science

Step into a life-sized playhouse with your students by taking them on an enchanting trip to the toy factory! Watch the wonder evolve as they discover the intriguing process behind how their favorite toys get created.

Learn More:

8. Children’s Art Studio

field trip ideas for environmental science

Welcome to the colorful chaos of a children’s art studio! Here, creativity reigns supreme, and messes are masterpieces in the making. Let your little Picassos unveil themselves through their imaginative designs and creations.

Learn More: Art Fun Studio

9. Aquarium

Dive into a magical underwater realm with a trip to the aquarium! As your students marvel at the vibrant marine life, they’ll gain insights into the mysteries and beauty of our oceans.

10. Local Bakery

field trip ideas for environmental science

Tell your students to grab their chefs’ hats as you step into the aromatic world of a local bakery. During this scrumptious adventure, they will discover the science behind baking and might even get to try their hands at decorating cookies!

Learn More: Good Time DIY

11. City Park

There’s more to city parks than meets the eye. These spaces are living classrooms nestled in nature- offering lessons about local wildlife and providing countless outdoor activities for your students to indulge in.

Learn More: City Park Conservancy

12. Dance Studio

Let your students be entranced by the beat of the music and the flow of movement at a local dance studio. This field trip provides a space where your little ones can discover the joy of dancing, paired with the harmony between body and mind. Get their feet tapping and their hearts racing on this rhythmic journey.

Learn More: Jadore Dance

13. Botanical Garden

field trip ideas for environmental science

Envision the botanical garden as a living book of floral wonders just waiting to be explored by your kiddos. As they wander through a stunning array of plants, they’ll uncover the fascinating world of nature’s extraordinary diversity.

Learn More: Naples Garden

Elementary School (6-10 years)

14. planetarium.

field trip ideas for environmental science

Buckle up and prepare your pupils for a cosmic journey as they visit a local planetarium! As they gaze at the starlit dome, the mysteries of the universe are displayed- sparking curiosity and wonder about the cosmos with a quick voyage amongst the stars!

Learn More: HRM

15. Historical Museum

field trip ideas for environmental science

Step back in time with a trip to the historical museum. Each artifact tells a riveting tale; bringing history to life for your young explorers. From stone tools to vintage attire, every exhibit is a time capsule for your elementary learners to enjoy.

Learn More: History Colorado

16. Art Museum

field trip ideas for environmental science

Embark on a kaleidoscopic journey by visiting an art museum. This artistic adventure is sure to awaken your students’ creative side and inspire a deeper appreciation for the arts.

Learn More: The Art of Education

17. Recycling Center

field trip ideas for environmental science

Reduce, reuse, recycle! At the recycling center, your everyday trash gets transformed into treasures! Here, your children can discover the importance of recycling and how it preserves our planet- making this a memorable lesson in waste management.

Learn More: Rethink Waste

18. Science Museum

field trip ideas for environmental science

How about a trip to the science museum to ring home those hard-to-explain concepts? Interactive exhibits morph complex scientific concepts into fun-filled experiences; resulting in a hands-on approach to learning that lets your kids experience the thrills of scientific discovery.

Learn More: EdSurge

19. Historic Houses

field trip ideas for environmental science

Peek into the past with a visit to historic houses. As your students walk through these corridors of history, they’ll develop an appreciation for the heritage and culture of eras gone by.

Learn More: Simple Homeschool

20. Conservatories

field trip ideas for environmental science

Welcome to the conservatory, where every plant holds a lesson in biology, conservation, and ecology. As your children discover the wonder of our green planet, they’ll be encouraged to take better care of our Earthly home.

Learn More: Phipps Conservatory

21. Music Studio

field trip ideas for environmental science

Transport your students to a world of rhythm and rhyme with a trip to the music studio. Here, your learners are sure to strike the right chord in more ways than one- getting an introduction to different instruments and the recording process at large.

Learn More: PBS

Middle School (11-13 years)

22. tech company.

field trip ideas for environmental science

What does the future look like? Let your students discover this answer for themselves at a tech company! In our ever-changing world of technology and innovation, your children will gain insights into the possibilities of tomorrow!

Learn More: The Tech Interactive

23. Archaeological Sites

field trip ideas for environmental science

Give your students the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of their ancient ancestors by visiting an archaeological site. As they explore these open-air museums of human history, they’ll connect with the past and unravel the threads of evolution and civilization.

Learn More: Explore Hampi

24. University Laboratory

field trip ideas for environmental science

Enter the frontier of scientific discovery with a visit to a university laboratory. In this bustling hub of investigation, your student’s experimental ambitions are sure to be sparked; feeding their curiosity and opening their eyes to the wonders of scientific exploration.

Learn More: The Cre8ive Zone

25. Theater

field trip ideas for environmental science

Lights, camera, action! Let your students experience the enchanting world of performing arts with a visit to the theater. From costume design to dramatic performances, they’ll get a glimpse of the magic behind the curtains- igniting a passion for drama and possibly even playwriting!

Learn More: KMS Drama

26. Sports Complex

field trip ideas for environmental science

As your students sprint on the tracks or score goals on the fields, they’ll learn the importance of teamwork, physical fitness, and healthy competition. Taking them to the local sports complex teaches them that not only winning is celebrated, but taking part matters as well.

Learn More: LA Galaxy

field trip ideas for environmental science

A fun-filled adventure to the zoo is a classic field trip idea! Every enclosure will provide your learners insight into the beauty of the animal kingdom; inviting them to discover facts relating to animals from around the world and learn more about the importance of conservation efforts.

Learn More: Lincoln Park Zoo

28. Community Service Centers

field trip ideas for environmental science

At community service centers, kindness isn’t just a virtue; it’s a way of life. Here, your children will learn about the power of empathy and helping others- reinforcing the crucial lesson of giving back to the community. This field trip will allow them to grow, not just as individuals; but as compassionate members of society.

Learn More: Lancaster Edu

29. Local Newspaper

field trip ideas for environmental science

The bustling newsroom of a local newspaper opens a window into the world of journalism. Amid the clattering keyboards and the urgent phone calls, your learners can grasp what goes into the process of news creation, from just a spark of information to a published article.

Learn More: English Classes Cygnaeus Pori

30. Historical Reenactment Sites

field trip ideas for environmental science

Journey back in time by taking your students to historical reenactment sites. Here, history gets brought to life through vibrant performances where your kids can learn about the past in a way that textbooks could never teach them!

Learn More: Student Travel Planning Guide

31. Weather Station

field trip ideas for environmental science

I’m sure all your students have wondered how the forecast predicts if you need an umbrella or sunglasses! Answer their burning questions by taking them to your local weather station. From temperature readings to radar images, they’ll get a firsthand experience of meteorology!

Learn More: CW3E Edu

High School (14-18 years)

32. national park.

field trip ideas for environmental science

In the national park, lessons are etched in the rings of trees and whispered on the wings of butterflies. It’s here that your children can learn about the harmony of nature and the importance of conservation- bonding with the great outdoors and having a well-deserved break from classroom life.

Learn More: Global Travel Alliance

33. TV Station

The TV station pulls back the curtain on the captivating world of television production. From script writing to broadcasting, your learners will get the chance to witness the exciting process of how their favorite shows get created.

34. Biotech Company

field trip ideas for environmental science

Venture into the cutting-edge world of Biotech! Here, your students will get a glimpse into the science that is shaping the future of health and medicine. It’s an awe-inspiring experience that could inspire the next generation of biomedical innovators.

Learn More: Promega Connections

35. Local Government Office

field trip ideas for environmental science

With this field trip your pupils can learn about the inner workings of local governance- getting a practical understanding of civics that no textbook could provide. Bonus: It’s a hands-on lesson in leadership and responsibility.

Learn More: Nations Classroom Tours

36. News Studio

field trip ideas for environmental science

Enterinto the bustling energy of a live broadcast studio. From the anchors’ desks to the control room, your children will get a dynamic view of live journalism to fuel a deeper understanding of the world we live in.

Learn More: Olympic High School

37. Courthouse

field trip ideas for environmental science

Step into the halls of justice with a visit to the courthouse. Given the opportunity to learn about all kinds of legal processes, your learners can gain real-world insight into the judicial system; promoting a better understanding of their rights and responsibilities as citizens.

Learn More: FHN Today

38. Botanical Research Institute

field trip ideas for environmental science

Green thumbs at the ready! Taking your kids to the botanical research institute offers a unique opportunity for them to learn about the importance of plants and their environmental significance. Who knows, this could be the seed that grows into a future career in botany!

Learn More: GITM Edu

39. Architectural Firms

field trip ideas for environmental science

Explore the nitty-gritty blueprints behind society with this field trip! As your learners observe how architects design and build, they’ll gain an appreciation for the relationship between art, science, and community at large.

Learn More: Arch Design

40. Local Startups

field trip ideas for environmental science

Welcome to the ambition playground! On a trip to local startups, your students will witness the journey of how an idea transforms into a thriving business. This trip might inspire them to become the startup heroes of tomorrow

41. Film Studios

field trip ideas for environmental science

Take a behind-the-scenes tour of the big screen! From script to screen, your learners will witness the mesmerizing process of filmmaking. This cinematic adventure might inspire the next generation of filmmakers within your school!

Learn More: NST Group

eSchool News

10 exciting in-person and virtual STEM field trips

Engaging stem field trips help students link classroom learning to real-world possibilities.

field trip ideas for environmental science

STEM field trips are no longer limited to traditional science centers–today’s STEM trips are interactive, engaging, and bring classroom concepts to life for students.

Every student loves a field trip, and with a little planning, it can be mostly fun and low-stress for teachers and chaperones.

One of the best things about a STEM field trip is that it gives students a chance to apply their classroom learning to a real-life situation. This kind of engagement helps students see how professionals use STEM each day, and it also prompts them to consider STEM for their own future.

While in-person field trips are exciting, they’re not always feasible for schools with funding or geographic challenges. In those cases, virtual STEM field trips might be the best option.

We’ve put together a list of in-person and virtual STEM field trips to get you thinking about where your next trip might take your students.

1. Sports games offer a fun and engaging way to challenge students to use STEM concepts they’ve learned in class. Many minor-league baseball teams offer STEM days for students at all grade levels, featuring simple concepts and demonstrations for younger students and more complicated challenges for older students. Check out the nonprofit Science of Sport to get started.

2. If you’re near an iFLY indoor skydiving center , a field trip is a great way to illustrate STEM learning. iFLY’s STEM program uses a vertical wind tunnel to inspire and educate students through an interactive presentation, demos in the wind tunnel, and grade-appropriate lab activities.

3. Roller rinks double as a great throwback to your younger days and as a fun STEM activity, covering topics such as friction, physics, design, and engineering. Here’s an intro from the Roller Skating Association International , and don’t forget to check out your area’s local roller skating rinks.

4. If you want to learn or brush up on some basics, check out this Microsoft Education crash course on using Skype for virtual field trips.

5. EarthEcho features a wide variety of virtual STEM field trips, including topics on water and sustainable futures, how one female biologist forged her career path, and engineering and its contributions to everyday life.

6. Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants hosts 20+ Google Hangout events for classrooms each month. Full day, week-long, and month-long events focus on oceans, biodiversity, women in science, space exploration, and more.

7. Discovery Education’s STEM field trips  let students examine the annual polar bear migration on the tundra, investigate real-life STEM professionals and what a day on the job entails, take a peek at a space center, and more.

8. These three science and nature virtual field trips take students across the globe as they tackle climate change, ecotourism, combating desertification, and different ecosystems.

9. With a Navy STEM virtual field trip, students will hear personal stories from service members and learn about how STEM takes these professionals from an F-18 to the flight deck control on an aircraft carrier.

10. Local science centers and science exploration zones shouldn’t be overlooked–many of them have updated their field trip curriculum to be more modern, relevant, and engaging for students.

field trip ideas for environmental science

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field trip ideas for environmental science

Reimagining Equity and Values in Informal Science Education

Field trips in environmental education

January 1st, 2006 | RESEARCH

Field trips are a popular method for introducing students to concepts, ideas, and experiences that cannot be provided in a classroom environment. This is particularly true for trans-disciplinary areas of teaching and learning, such as science or environmental education. While field trips are generally viewed by educators as beneficial to teaching and learning, and by students as a cherished alternative to classroom instructions, educational research paints a more complex picture. At a time when school systems demand proof of the educational value of field trips, large gaps oftentimes exist between field trip theory and practice. Meanwhile, out-of-school educational settings struggle to provide field trip experiences that simultaneously serve multiple, often conflicting objectives and rationales. The author, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Learning Innovation in Annapolis, Maryland, utilizes an in-depth empirical study of teachers and students on environmental field trips and a thorough review of the literature to develop a framework for understanding field trip impacts and learning in out-of-school settings in general: The Integrated Experience Model. The book is useful to scholars, teachers, and educators who are involved in field trips, and to those interested in contextual factors that influence learning in informal or free-choice settings, particularly in the field of environmental science and sustainability education.

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Identifier Type: ISBN Identifier: 978-3830511359

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Audience: Educators | Teachers | Elementary School Children (6-10) | Middle School Children (11-13) | Museum | ISE Professionals | Youth | Teen (up to 17) Discipline: Ecology | forestry | agriculture | Education and learning science | General STEM | Life science Resource Type: Book | Reference Materials Environment Type: Informal | Formal Connections | K-12 Programs | Park | Outdoor | Garden Programs | Public Programs

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Travel the world. make a difference..

Earthwatch expeditions pair researchers with volunteers to address some of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. Explore our current expeditions to discover how you can make a difference.

Aboard a riverboat deep in the heart of Peru’s flooded Amazon region, you’ll help to conserve river dolphins and monkeys, and protect the fragile South American wilderness.

Help conserve wildlife within the Amazon Basin as you search for pink river dolphins, macaws, and other iconic species.

Small tropical caterpillar crawling on a leaf

How much can the humble caterpillar tell us about the world we live in? More than you might imagine.

Snowshoe Hare Tracks And The Aurora Borealis in Manitoba

Scientists expect to see the greatest effects of climate change in the Arctic. But what, exactly, will these effects be?

climate change at acadia national park

Amongst the lush forest, help study bees, hummingbirds, and pollinators critical to ecological health.

A leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) seen on Earthwatch expedition Costa Rican Sea Turtles.

Why have Pacific leatherback sea turtles almost disappeared? Look for answers and solutions on Costa Rica’s beaches.

The Cuban amazon (Amazona leucocephala), also known as the Cuban parrot sitting on a branch in Cuba (C) Maikel Cañizares

Join scientists on the largest island in the Caribbean to conduct an assessment of its diverse array of bird species.



Explore the world together. Our expert staff can coordinate a meaningful experience for school groups, corporate employees, alumni associations, community groups, or other affiliations.

Learn more about group expeditions

Be more than a tourist

It was hot, wet work following whales and dolphins in a boat for hours in Golfo Dulce; not to mention catching fish and sharks, especially at night. Kenneth Dubuque — Marine Life Conservation in Costa Rica

Our Research Focus

Preserve and restore forests, assess and mitigate the impacts of a changing climate, and conserve biodiversity.

Terrestrial Ecosystems

Preserve and restore forests, assess and mitigate the impacts of a changing climate, and conserve biodiversity. 

More about Terrestrial Ecosystems

Collect essential environmental data to promote urban resiliency while helping to influence positive change.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Collect essential environmental data to promote urban resiliency while helping to influence positive change.

More about Sustainable Cities and Communities

Take action to protect marine habitats, conserve biodiversity, and promote sustainable livelihoods.

Ocean Ecosystems

Take action to protect marine habitats, conserve biodiversity, and promote sustainable livelihoods.

More about Ocean Ecosystems

Field Trip Ideas for Elementary School Students

  • Becoming A Teacher
  • Assessments & Tests
  • Elementary Education
  • Secondary Education
  • Special Education
  • Homeschooling

Apryl Duncan is a stay-at-home mom and internationally-published writer with years of experience providing advice to others like her.

  • University of Tennessee
  • Honolulu University

Elementary field trips teach kids about science, business, animals and more. Teach children important fundamentals outside of the classroom while staying safe on your field trip and having fun when you visit one of these locations. Plan your next outing with one of these field trip ideas for elementary school students.

Recycling Center

A guided tour through a recycling center shows kids how recyclable materials are sorted but also teaches them about recycling, reusing and waste reduction. They can take this knowledge with them to build a recycling center at home. Contact the recycling center to set up a group tour in advance.


The planetarium is an excellent way to introduce elementary students to the solar system. Students will love the shows and exhibits that will teach them about space and astronomy. Call the planetarium's admission office to schedule a tour.

You may visit the aquarium all the time. But have you ever been behind the closed doors of the aquarium? Many of the larger aquariums have more aquatic life on the premises than they can possibly display and they would be happy to take the kids on a private tour to show you how the aquarium works. Call the aquarium director's office to set up a tour.

See how candy is made, cars, guitars, soda and more. There are factories all over the country that offer tours. Some are even free. Contact the factory directly to schedule a tour.

Taking a group of kids to see zoo animals is always fun. But you can also schedule a tour to see how the zoo's staff works behind the scenes. Educational docents can give your tour group a one-on-one experience with all sorts of animals. Call the zoo's front office to get more information.

Fire Station

Kids will love touring a working fire station. Firefighters can show students the fire engine, turn on the sirens and educate the children on fire safety to keep your family safe. One of the most valuable lessons kids will learn is how a firefighter will look in full uniform, complete with mask, if he or she ever enter a burning house. Seeing firefighters fully dressed teaches kids that they don't have to be scared. Call any local fire station and ask to speak to the station commander to set up a tour.

Police Station

Tour the police station to learn crime prevention tips, how a police department functions, police equipment that's used and how patrol cars work. Contact the station's crime prevention officer.

A farm is a great idea for a field trip because there are so many types of farms to visit. One week you can visit a dairy farm and visit with cows. The next week you can visit a crop farm to see how cotton, fruits, grains or vegetables are grown. Contact the farmers themselves to ask if your group can come out for a tour or call your state's agricultural department to find out more about the types of farms in your city.

Farmer's Market

After you visit the various types of farms, take the lesson to a farmer's market. Kids can see how fruits and vegetables grow at the farm and then turn around to see how farmers try to sell their crops at the farmer's market. You may even run into some farmers you met on a previous tour. Contact the farmer's market for a guided tour or simply take your group during farmer's market hours to mingle with the customers and farmers.

Any kind of museum presents an opportunity for kids to learn and have fun. Take the kids to art, children's, natural history, technology and science museums, to name a few. The museum director can schedule your group for a behind-the-scenes tour.

Sporting Events

Take the kids out to a ball game for a field trip. Baseball can be a great field trip at the end of the school year to celebrate great academic efforts from the kids. Football is a good first field trip when the kids are getting restless as the school year seems to drag on right before the holiday break.

Veterinary Hospital

Veterinarians are usually happy to show off their hospitals. Kids can see the operating rooms, equipment used, recovering patients and learn all about the field of veterinary medicine. Contact any veterinary hospital to set up a tour.

What goes into producing a newscast? Take the kids to a TV station to find out. Children can get a firsthand look at the sets, meet the TV personalities and see the many types of equipment used to get a newscast on the air. Many stations will even put the kids on the news just for dropping by. Call the program director to set up a tour.

Radio Station

It's easy to think a radio station and TV station would be too similar to tour. But you'll notice a lot of differences when you visit both. You may even get to watch as the radio personalities play music or host a local call-in show. Contact the radio station's program director and tell him you're interested in a tour.

The inner workings of the newspaper industry are something every child should see. Meet the reporters who write the stories, learn about the history of newspapers, see how newspapers are laid out and watch the newspaper roll off the printing presses. Call the city editor to let him know you're interested in a private tour.

Fish Hatchery

Kids can learn all about the life cycle of fish, fish anatomy, water quality and more at a fish hatchery. Most hatcheries require advance reservations because of their popularity with educational tour groups.

Hospital administrators have worked hard to arrange tours that introduce kids to the hospital environment without giving them a scary experience. This helps prepare them for what to expect should they ever need to visit a relative or become a patient themselves.

It's also an educational experience because children can see how the doctors and nurses work together and use high-tech medical equipment to treat their patients. Contact the hospital's main number to request a tour. If your local hospital doesn't allow in-person tours, type "hospital tours for kids" in your favorite search engine to take the children on a virtual field trip from home.

The system that keeps the library up and running is worthy of a field trip visit for kids. Kids not only develop a deeper appreciation for books, but they also get to learn about the catalog system, how a book is entered into the system so it can start getting checked out and how the staff operates the library. Contact the head librarian at your local library branch to schedule a tour.

Pumpkin Patch

Visiting a pumpkin patch is the perfect way to celebrate fall. Most pumpkin patches also have fun activities planned for the kids, including horseback rides, inflatables, corn mazes, hayrides and more. If you would like a private tour or you're taking a large group, contact the pumpkin patch directly. Otherwise, just show up during regular business hours.

Movie Theater

Kids love the movies so take them behind the scenes to see how a movie theater operates. They can visit the projection room, see how the concession stand operates and they may even get to sample a movie and popcorn. Call the movie theater manager to arrange a tour.

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  • Elementary School Summer Session Activities by Subject
  • How to Celebrate Elementary School Graduation
  • Field Trips: Pros and Cons
  • 10 Ways to Make Learning Fun for Students
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  • How to Have a Safe, Fun, and Successful Field Trip
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  • Explore the World From Your Home or Classroom With These 7 Virtual Field Trips
  • Elementary Classroom Bulletin Board Ideas

field trip ideas for environmental science

  • Outreach Performances & Programs
  • Fundraising
  • Field trip lesson plans
  • Field Trips Grants
  • Service Learning
  • Hot Springs
  • Little Rock
  • Los Angeles
  • San Francisco
  • Colorado Springs
  • Statewide / Region
  • Daytona Beach
  • Fort Lauderdale
  • Gainesville
  • Jacksonville
  • Orlando-Metro
  • Palm Beach Metro
  • Space Coast
  • Tallahassee
  • St. Augustine
  • St Petersburg-Clearwater
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  • Coastal Virginia-Hampton Roads
  • Northern Virginia
  • Shenandoah Valley
  • Southern Virginia
  • Southwest Virginia-Blue Ridge Highlands
  • Southwest Virginia-Heart of the Appalachia
  • Virginia Mountains
  • Martinsburg
  • Madison Wisconsin


To help plan SEPTEMBER curriculum focused classroom activities, field trips and school assembly programs, these September themed celebrations might be a helpful focus. MONTHLY : Classical Music Month. Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15). Library Card Sign-Up Month. National Courtesy Month. DAILY : Sept. 6: National Read a Book. Sept. 7: International Day of Clean Air. Sept. 12: National Day of Encouragement. Sept. 15: Greenpeace Day. Sept. 16: National Collect Rocks Day. Sept. 17: Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. Sept. 18: National Respect Day. Sept. 22: Autumnal Equinox Day. Sept. 24 :  National Punctuation Day. CLICK on the ACTIVITY FILTER below for activity type of field trips to learn about. For those unable to travel to these locations, have the fun come to you. Check out the Outreach Field Trips & School Assembly Programs  section.    

  • Financial Support
  • Proms & Project Graduations
  • Children's Museums & Indoor Fun
  • Petting Zoos/Barnyard Fun
  • Fundraising Products
  • American Revolution
  • Archaeology/Paleontology
  • Business & Economics
  • Government, Civics & Presidents
  • Historic Places
  • Historical Boat Excursions
  • Historical Railroad Excursions
  • History Behind-the-Scenes Tours
  • History Museums, Exhibits & Sites
  • Living History
  • Multicultural & Heritage
  • People & Notable Figures
  • Sports History
  • Transportation: Boats, Planes, Trains, & Trollies
  • Team Building
  • History, Heritage & Civics Outreach Field Trips
  • Mobile Science, Astronomy & Planetarium, Nature & STEM Programs
  • Adventure Parks, Climbing, Ninja & Ropes Course, Ziplines
  • Bowling & Bocce
  • Educational Attraction
  • Go Karts, Whiryball
  • Indoor Amusement & Recreation Centers
  • Laser Tag/Laser Maze
  • Outdoor Amusement & Recreation Centers
  • Spectator Sports
  • Sports/Games/Fitness & Water Wars
  • Group-Friendly Restaurants
  • Aquariums, Marine Life, Hatcheries
  • Birds, Butterflies, Bees
  • Botanical Gardens & Arboreta
  • Caves, Canyons, Mines & Gorges
  • Environmental Studies, Outdoor Education, Conservation, Sustainability
  • Farms, Mazes, Pick-Your-Own
  • Mineral & Gemstone Panning
  • Planetariums & Astronomy
  • Science Behind-the-Scenes Tours
  • Science Museums & Exhibits
  • STEM/STEAM Enrichment
  • Zoos, Wildlife, Safari Tours, Reptiles, Animal Shows, Vertebrates
  • Art Museums, Design, Exhibits, Architecture, Photography & Films
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Theater, Dance, Music, Movies, Shows
  • Group Tour Operators
  • Transportation & Charter Bus Services
  • Early Childhood
  • Elementary School
  • Middle School
  • High School

field trip ideas for environmental science

Acrisure Stadium

Tour Acrisure Stadium for the ultimate football experience! Customized tours for youth groups explore behind-the-scenes areas of Acrisure Stadium—a destination for excellence and world-class performances—both on the stage and on the field!

field trip ideas for environmental science

Awbury Arboretum

Awbury Arboretum combines nature and history through preservation of its historic landscape. Groups will have opportunities to explore environmental education, see animals, and more.

field trip ideas for environmental science

Carnegie Science Center

Carnegie Science Center connects people and science through interactive exhibits, fostering curiosity, ideal for enriching field trips with hands-on learning experiences.

field trip ideas for environmental science

Crystal Cave

Visit Crystal Cave—Pennsylvania’s greatest natural wonder! Discovered by William Merkel and John Gehret in 1871, the cave features flowstone, stalactites, stalagmites, aragonite crystals, and more.

field trip ideas for environmental science

Dave and Buster’s Philadelphia

Groups will have a blast at Dave & Buster’s Philadelphia! Start out with a delicious meal in the group-friendly restaurant and then move on to some games—billiards, shuffleboard, air hockey, and more—in Dave’s Arcade.

field trip ideas for environmental science

Gettysburg Ghost Tours

Gettysburg Ghost Tours has been providing fun and informative ghost tours that are family friendly, less walking and more talking along one of the most haunted areas of Gettysburg.

field trip ideas for environmental science

Go ‘N Bananas Family Fun Center

Go ‘N Bananas Family Fun Center is Lancaster’s premier indoor, climate-controlled Family amusement center! Perfect for Summer Camps, Sports Teams, Team Bonding, Day Care Groups, Clubs, Girl and Boy Scout Groups.

field trip ideas for environmental science

Great Wolf Lodge – Pocono Mountains

There is no place better than Great Wolf Lodge – Pocono Mountains, the Northeast’s largest indoor waterpark resort for fun, educational school, scout, and homeschool trips.

field trip ideas for environmental science

Hershey’s Chocolate World

Unwrap your chocolate adventure at Hershey’s Chocolate World in Hershey, PA or Times Square, NY. Sweet & educational experiences will make your trip for your youth group and family – one to remember!

field trip ideas for environmental science

Lahey Family Fun Park

Lahey Family Fun Park offers a complete range of fun for any group. Super Go-Cart Track with fifteen single and 5 double cars, 9 state-of-the-art batting cages, 36 holes of the finest Mini-Golf on 2.5 acres, Bumper Boats on a natural pond and an indoor Arcade.

field trip ideas for environmental science

Laserdome is a Family Fun Center located in Lancaster County, PA. With non-stop all ages fun, we’re the perfect place for your next celebration!

field trip ideas for environmental science

Lehigh Valley Heritage Museum

At the Lehigh Valley Heritage Museum, with over 13,000 square feet of exhibits, visitors will learn about different aspects of Lehigh Valley history such as war, music, industry, early settlers, Native Americans, and other topics. offers enriching experiences for Pennsylvania school groups, scout groups, homeschool groups, camp groups and families at Pennsylvania Museums.

Pennsylvania Museums offer field trips that offer hands-on exhibits, guided tours and guided activities for early childhood through high school grades. Pennsylvania Art Museums , Science Museums , History Museums , Multicultural Museums and Children’s Museums offers educational experiences that support classroom curriculum and scout badge achievement. Beside museums, you can search for other learning experiences at Botanical Gardens, Planetariums, Living History Programs, STEM & STEAM, Planetariums, Farms, Zoos and Aquariums, Theaters and Concerts, Service Learning and more.

Can’t go on a field trip to a museum, your students, scouts, and families can still experience these fun enriching experience by scheduling a  Museum Virtual Field Trip  anywhere and at anytime.

Want the fun to come to you- book a  School Assembly Programs, Outreach Field Trips or Residency  at your school, homeschool association or scout council. They support and enhance a school’s curriculum, offers opportunities for scout badge achievement and enriches a camp program. There are mobile museum exhibits, traveling planetariums and classroom and grade level workshops and residencies.

To help fund field trips, virtual programs and school assembly programs visit our section on  Grants  and  Fundraising Programs . (formerly and offers field trip ideas for class trips, scout group trips, camp group field trips, and homeschool group field trips in Pennsylvania—early childhood through college. Search for class trips in Pennsylvania by by group type, cost, activity/curriculum type, grade level, distance, and venue name or keyword. Day class trips are divided by curriculum and subject area:

  • ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Find Pennsylvania art museums, theater, dance, and music concert field trips.
  • EARLY CHILDHOOD Find Pennsylvania class trips to children’s museums, petting zoos, and kids’ shows.
  • HISTORY/SOCIAL STUDIES View Pennsylvania history museums, government & civics, historic sites, living history museums, and multicultural field trip ideas.
  • LIFE SKILLS Find Pennsylvania team building field trips, health & safety exhibits, and character education experiences.
  • SCIENCE & NATURE Find Pennsylvania aquariums, botanical gardens, environmental studies & nature centers, farms & mazes, planetariums, science museums, STEAM & STEM field trips, dinosaur exhibits, and zoos.
  • RECREATION Find Pennsylvania field trip ideas for adventure parks, ropes courses, ziplines, boat excursions, amusement parks, waterparks, kayaking, rafting, tubing, laser tag paintball, roller skating rinks, ice-skating rinks, mini-golf attractions, indoor amusement & recreation centers, and outdoor amusement & recreation centers.

Overnight field trips include trips to NYC, trips to Boston, trips to Philadelphia, trips to Washington, DC, trips to Chicago, trips to Atlanta, trips to Austin, and other historic cities throughout the US. Retreats are available for environmental education, team building, and recreation. We created field trip lesson plans to help teachers, scout leaders, camp counselors, and homeschool parents provide an enriching experience for their groups. We know funds for class trips are limited, so we’ve included grants for field trips that cover admission, transportation, and more. It’s important that students and youth explore new environments, learn about other cultures, and develop an understanding of inclusivity as part of the educational process. People learn in different ways—through hearing, seeing, touching, talking, or doing. Class trips can provide a multi-dimensional learning experience. can help you find the right trip for your group. A world of experiences is just a click away at

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Pennsylvania Field Trip Guide

Field Trip Ideas , Mid-Atlantic

Pennsylvania Field Trip Guide

Industrial history and colonial heritage are abound in Pennsylvania

Home to chocolate factories, industry and rich American history, the Keystone State is an ideal location for your next student adventure . The state is home to many firsts: the first American flag, the first baseball stadium, the first computer and the first daily newspaper. But that’s not all it has brought to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Independence Hall in Philadelphia housed the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. So let freedom ring, and visit one of the 13 original colonies: Pennsylvania.

A Few Pennsylvania Field Trip Ideas:

  • National Constitution Center
  • Independence Hall
  • Kimmel Cultural Campus
  • Hersheypark
  • Autobahn Indoor Speedway
  • Carnegie Museum of Art
  • Philadelphia Museum of Art
  • Independence Seaport Museum

field trip ideas for environmental science

Pennsylvania History & Heritage Field Trip Ideas

The National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg is the largest museum in the world dedicated to the American Civil War. Though the museum is designed to be explored without a guide, historians are available to lead large groups and answer any questions. The museum offers students the chance to learn about the troubling issues that pitted brother against brother, and the nation’s struggle for survival and healing.

Managed by the National Park Service, Gettysburg National Military Park protects almost 7,000 acres of the site where the three-day Battle of Gettysburg was fought in July 1863. The park offers guided battlefield tours and free ranger-led educational programs.

Explore the principles of U.S. democracy at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. The nonpartisan approach lets visitors understand and talk about their thoughts on the creation of the Constitution and how it is being interpreted in society today. Special group offerings, exhibits and programs allow students to get involved in civic engagement.

Nearby is Independence Hall , the site of the signing of the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Built in 1732, it originally held all three branches of Pennsylvania’s colonial government. George Washington was appointed commander-in-chief of the Continental Army there in 1775. During a visit, you can see the courtroom of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Long Gallery, Governor’s Council Chamber and Committee of the Assembly Chamber Hall.

Kimmel Cultural Campus

Performing Arts Locations to Visit

Student groups have many venues to display their talents across the state. The Kimmel Cultural Campus in Philadelphia is one of the state’s premier performance venues, with several stages of various sizes. Verizon Hall, seating 2,500, provides a grand feel for any performer. The cello-shapes theater provides advanced acoustics that can suit diverse types of performers. The Perelman Theater, seating at 650, is home of the Philadelphia Chamber Music Society and the Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia. The 75-foot turntable stage can transform to a deeper stage, an orchestra pit and a retractable first-level seating gives performers plenty of space.

Bands and choirs can perform for attendees at Hersheypark in Hershey. The annual High Note Festival provides your group with two adjudicators to evaluate the performances and provide you with written and audio commentary along with a numerical rating. The recorded audio comments will serve as a clinic when played for your students. Once your scheduled performance is complete, you and your students are free to enjoy an afternoon of fun at the theme park.

Arts & Culture Field Trips in Pennsylvania

Part of the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, the Carnegie Museum of Art features American and European works from the 16 th century to present. The museum welcomes students to engage with art and ideas in a Looking and Learning Tour, an inquiry-based conversational experience that engages students in careful observation, discussion and interpretation of objects from a variety of time periods and cultures.

At the Philadelphia Museum of Art ’s 200 galleries, visitors will find art that spans from antiquity to the present, including more than a dozen masterpieces from Monet. The museum offers tours designed to serve as interactive lessons for K-12 students.

A premier ballet company offering performances at the Academy of Music and Merriam Theater, the Pennsylvania Ballet features behind-the-scenes tours of their studio as well as the opportunity to attend dress rehearsals.

Dedicated to Latin American and Caribbean art, Philadelphia’s Taller Puertorriqueno features a large exhibition space, play areas, dance and theater studios, and an outdoor sculpture patio. Educational programs are available for elementary through high school students.

The African American Museum in Philadelphia is the first institution funded and built by a major municipality to preserve, interpret and exhibit the heritage of African Americans. AAMP offers a variety of programs and learning opportunities for visitors of all ages, including guided tours, film screenings, and hands-on arts and crafts activities.

Kids enjoying Hersheypark

Educational Field Trips through STEM

With a wide variety of attractions and events year-round, Hersheypark offers a wide array of ways for visitors to explore the theme park. School groups can visit on their own or attend one of the five Education Days which feature subjects including STEM (Science, Math, Technology & Engineering) , Business and Marketing, Health & Wellness and more.

At the  Autobahn Indoor Speedway in Harrisburg, racers of all kinds will experience high speeds and a state-of-the-art facility. Drive a high-performance, fast-paced vehicle in a safe, comfortable and fun environment. Give students a once-in-a-lifetime experience through STEM Academy at the Autobahn Indoor Speedway. Learn about subjects such as the history of racing, mathematics, racing terminology and more while still learning about racing and taking part in this high-thrill adventure. Through the STEM Academy, racers get a hands-on experience while enhancing their learning.

See, smell, create and taste your way through Hershey’s Chocolate World . See how the world-famous chocolate is made by embarking on a chocolate tour or help solve a mystery at the 4D Chocolate movie or even create your own chocolate bar through the workshop. There are a variety of tour options open to student groups including Make It, Tour It, Taste It and Little Taste. Each tour option is different and provides a unique experience for students.

Marine & Aquatic Adventures in Pennsylvania

Collections at Philadelphia’s Independence Seaport Museum document maritime history and culture along the Delaware River. Climb aboard two National Historic Landmark ships: Cruiser Olympia and Submarine Becuna.

For 50 years, Chesapeake Bay Foundation ’s award-winning environmental education program has been one of the cornerstones of their effort to reverse the Bay watershed’s decline. They offer hands-on, unique outdoor education experiences for students—on the water and on land—in some of the region’s most inspiring places.

Main photo: Benjamin Franklin Museum

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Palm Springs Air Museum

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Pennsylvania Field Trips

Field trips are a great way to reboot a bad homeschooling week, get out of the house when everyone has cabin fever, and learn about your local area. Before heading out, check out Jeanne's tips for improving homeschool field trips .

Pennsylvania Homeschool Field Trips

Our listing of Pennsylvania field trips for homeschoolers is ordered alphabetically by city. If you would like to submit a Pennsylvania field trip destination, you may do so using the red button above.

Founded in 1980, the Museum of Indian Culture is a unique member-supported, all-volunteer non-profit resource center for people of all ages to learn about Native American cultures both in the northeast and throughout the western hemisphere. For over 35 years, the Museum has offered educational activities for families in the Greater Lehigh Valley and beyond. Festivals, educational programs, and exhibits work together to set the standard for Native American education in eastern Pennsylvania.

Museum of Indian Culture website

( Update this listing )

The Allentown Art Museum is an art museum located in the city of Allentown, Pennsylvania, in the United States. It was founded in 1934 by a group organized by noted Pennsylvania impressionist painter, Walter Emerson Baum. With its collection of over 13,000 works of art, the Allentown Art Museum is a major regional art institution. In addition, its library and archives of more than 16,000 titles and 40 current periodicals make it an important regional cultural resource.

Allentown Art Museum website

Preschool to Teens! The themed weekly classes are a fun way for your Lil' Chef to focus on hands-on kids cooking class sessions while learning recipes to try at home. Your Lil' Chef will gain skills that are designed to appeal to the abilities of most children. Tuition includes recipe handouts to take home, and all supplies. Classes last between 60-90 minutes.

Flour Power Kids Cooking Studios: Pittsburgh website

The Ambler Arboretum of Temple University is an outdoor classroom and a living laboratory. You are invited to bring your students here for a field trip. We have a variety of guided tours available for your group or we can work with you to customize a program that fits within your curriculum. Please reach out to Samantha McGuriman at [email protected] with all inquiries!

The Ambler Arboretum of Temple University website

The park is named for Archbald Pothole, a geologic feature that formed during the Wisconsin Glacial Period, around 15,000 years ago. The park is closed from December 1 through March 31. The park offers hiking and hunting.

Archbald Pothole State Park website

Pioneer Tunnel offers two tours both of which are handicap accessible, and suitable for people/students of all ages. The first tour is the Coal Mine tour which is where you are given a guided tour of an underground coal mine tour. The second tour offered is the Steam Train Ride where you take a ride on an old steam train and learn about the history of Ashland, Centralia, and learn more about strip mining and boot leg mining. Both tours last 35 minutes each. We have an affordable gift shop with unique educational items. Also, there is a picnic area and playground on the premises.

Pioneer Tunnel Coal Mine & Steam Train website

First home in America for John James Audubon.

John James Audubon Center at Mill Grove website

Prouty Place State Park visitors enjoy hunting, fishing and hiking within the surrounding Susquehannock State Forest.

Prouty Place State Park website

Sinnemahoning is home to an abundance of wildlife, including nesting bald eagles, elk, and many birds and butterflies. Visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, boating, fishing, hunting, education, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, ice skating, ice fishing, cabins, and camping.

Sinnemahoning State Park website

Lake State Park is known for its popular camping area. Hiking and fishing are popular activities, and a bike trail and a number of hiking trails wind through the park.

Locust Lake State Park website

The park is home to the Park Office and Visitor Center for Tuscarora and Locust Lake state park. Visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, ice skating, ice fishing, education, Yurts, and camping cottages.

Tuscarora State Park website

Neshaminy State Park offers hiking, picnic pavilions, swimming, boating, and fishing.

Neshaminy State Park website

Ricketts Glen harbors Glens Natural Area, a National Natural Landmark. Visitors enjoy hiking, horseback riding, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, education, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, ice fishing, organized group tenting, cabins, and camping.

Ricketts Glen State Park website

Sky Zone Bethlehem is an indoor trampoline located right outside of Allentown, PA. Sky Zone offers various attractions such as a main trampoline area, sky slam, foam zone, Ultimate Ninja warrior course, Dodge ball, and more! Hold events, field trips, or even fundraisers with us. Offering special nights such as Youth Group Nights and Glow which features a state of the art light show experience, live DJ, black lights, all while jumping on the trampolines!

Sky Zone Bethlehem website

The mission of Historic Bethlehem Partnership is to bring history to life by educating the public about Bethlehem's rich heritage, by preserving historic sites, and by collecting, preserving, and exhibiting historical and artistic objects that can be used to tell the stories of Bethlehem's people.

Historic Bethlehem Visitor Center website

Big Spring State Park is primarily a picnic and hiking area. A short loop trail leads to a partially completed railroad tunnel with historic interpretation at the trailhead. The park also provides access to the Iron Horse Trail for day and overnight hiking. The park takes its name from nearby Big Spring, whose waters form the scenic Shermans Creek.

Big Spring State Park website

Fowlers Hollow State Park visitors enjoy hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, picnicking, fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, and camping.

Fowlers Hollow State Park website

The Dickinson College Farm is an 80 acre farm in Boiling Springs Pa. We offer a rustic venue for any events, guided tours, self-guided tours, and our SEED program. Our SEED program offers customized programs to your group size, and age group. With themes that revolve around the outdoors and agriculture that change every year to keep things interesting! Our SEED program runs from September-November and picks back up in February-April.

Dickinson College Farm website

The General Spaatz Museum offers and enhanced, immersive experience that places the visitor in the time frame of our interactive exhibits and invites the visitor to be a participant of history. Our living museum concept includes almost 6,000 sq ft of museum space comprising 10 exhibits, of which 6 are featured as interactive.

General Carl Spaatz USAAF Museum website

Dedicated to the life and career of renowned mezzo-soprano Marilyn Horne. This 3,400 square-foot museum features costumes, personal artifacts, interactive touch-screen exhibits, and a theater that recreates the feel of an 18th-century opera house. Open daily. Admission is free. Appropriate for all ages. The museum also has a gift shop and an adjacent cafe serving pastries, specialty coffees, and healthier options from fruit to salads. Guided tours available.

The Marilyn Horne Museum and Exhibit Center website

The Park is for every age. Includes a special area called kiddie court for younger kids. Offering several new attractions including a ninja warrior course and laser race. Flight Trampoline offer discounts to groups.

Flight Trampoline Park website

This park is managed for hunting by the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Hiking trails are open to the public. There is a model airplane field available.

Hillman State Park website

A River and its Valley - For 40 miles the Middle Delaware River passes between low forested mountains with barely a house in sight. Then the river cuts through the mountain ridge to form the famed "Water Gap." Exiting the park, the river will run 200 miles more to Delaware Bay and the Atlantic Ocean at Wilmington, Delaware.

Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area website

Kings Gap offers sixteen miles of hiking trails interconnect three main areas that are open year-round. Kings Gap offers environmental education programs from the pre-school environmental awareness program to environmental problem solving programs. Visitors enjoy orienteering, hunting, and hiking.

Kings Gap Environmental Education Center website

The Chadds Ford Historical Society preserves, maintains, and interprets several early 18th century historic buildings on the National Register of Historic Places: John Chads House, Barns-Brinton House, and the Springhouse/ Birmingham Schoolhouse No. 1 where we educate school children, adults, and our community through hands-on history.

Chadds Ford Historical Society website

Exhibiting American art in a 19th-century grist mill, the Brandywine River Museum is internationally known for its unparalleled collection of works by three generations of Wyeths and its fine collection of American illustration, still life and landscape painting.

Brandywine River Museum website

Sky Zone is a high-flying experience where kids can get out energy, play with others, and learn about gravity - or how to defy it! We offer memberships, packages, rentals, field trips, and more! You can play dodgeball, climb a rock wall, jump to reach new heights of a basketball hoop, try your hand at some ninja-warrior course features, and other exciting features. We are for all ages, walking and up!

Sky Zone Chalfont website

First thoughts of the Chesapeake Bay often bring up images of crabs and oysters. But, as the largest estuary in North America, the Chesapeake Bay has touched and influenced much of the American story—early settlement, commerce, the military, transportation, recreation, and more. The Bay and its surrounding 64,000 square mile watershed hold a treasure trove of historic areas, natural wonders, and recreational opportunities.

Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network website

Allegheny Islands is accessable by boat only. Group camping (such as with Scout Groups or church groups) is permitted on the islands with written permission from the Department

Allegheny Islands State Park website

Chapman State Park visitors enjoy hiking, biking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, education, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, sledding, ice fishing, ice skating, organized group tenting, yurts, camping cottages, and camping.

Chapman State Park website

Evansburg State Park offers a significant area of green space and relative solitude in an urbanized area. Visitor enjoy hiking, biking, horseback riding, picnicking, ballfields, fishing, hunting, education, golf, cross-country skiing, and organized group tenting.

Evansburg State Park website

Interactive ice cream fun for all ages! Learn how ice cream is made, sit in our milk truck, create your own virtual flavor and packaging, milk mechanical cows and learn Turkey Hill's history. Bring your flavor to life in the Taste Lab. Unlimited samples!

Turkey Hill Experience website

Offering private guided group tours of an original 1850's bank complete with the tellers' cage, office furnishings, and vault. The bank is actually part of a house that was built in 1814 and is one of the few remaining original banks in the USA. Tours usually cover local, regional and U.S. history, especially the growth and development of Columbia, PA with its location on the Susquehanna River and the important role played in the Civil War by burning the bridge along with assisting slaves who came to Columbia during the 1800's in search of freedom. Discussion is encouraged during tours and questions are always welcome.Offer special Student rate of $5, with children under 8 FREE, Adults are $10 and Seniors $8. Customized historic and architectural walking tours with lunch are also available and gladly quoted upon request.

First National Bank Museum website

Once called the "Black Forest," the Cook Forest State Park is famous for its stands of old growth forest. Cook Forest's "Forest Cathedral" of towering white pines and hemlocks is a National Natural Landmark. Visitors enjoy hiking, biking, horseback riding, picnicking, canoeing, fishing, hunting, scenic views, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, sledding, ice skating, the Sawmill craft center and theater, environmental education, organized group tenting, cabins, and camping.

Cook Forest State Park website

Patterson has two rustic picnic pavilions for visitors to enjoy a quiet lunch. Patterson is a trailhead for the Susquehannock Trail, a favorite of backpackers.

Patterson State Park website

Ole Bull State Park visitors enjoy picnicking, swimming, hiking, fishing, boating, mountain biking, hunting, cross country skiing, snowmobiling, and camping.

Ole Bull State Park website

A River of Compromise - Rolling hills, riverfront villages, and bald eagles perched on trees form a vibrant backdrop as the Delaware River snakes gracefully through the rural countryside. But the story of the Upper Delaware is more than just a collection of beautiful pictures. We enjoy the river's recreational opportunities while it supports a healthy ecosystem for wildlife and provides water for over 17 million people.

Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River website

Keystone State Park is great for day-trips and family vacations year-round. Visitors enjoy hiking, biking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, education, cross-country skiing, ice skating, ice fishing, sledding, Yurts, cabins, camping cottages, and camping.

Keystone State Park website

The Northern York County Historical and Preservation Society (NYCHAPS) strives to inspire by connecting the lessons of the past to the challenges of today. Through hands-on experience, the past culture of the area is brought to life in a deeper and richer educational experience. Through preservation, research, and collections, NYCHAPS seeks to inspire a different way of learning history. Experience history at Dill's Tavern, an 18th-century home to travelers that will transport you back to a newly colonized America with its distillery, outdoor bake oven, Wheelwright Shop, and history

Dill's Tavern and Maple Shade Barn website

Marsh Creek State Park offers hiking, horseback riding, picnicking, swimming, boating, sailing, fishing, hunting, sledding, ice skating, ice boating, and ice fishing.

Marsh Creek State Park website

Bucks County Civil War Round Table offers monthly speaker oriented meetings and educational programs to inform the public of this country's history. The Museum houses many artifacts related to the Civil War on subjects dealing with Doylestown, the 104th Pa. Volunteer Infantry Regiment, as well as the War in general. The articles on display are on permanent or temporary loan from area collectors and history enthusiasts.

Bucks County Civil War Round Table Library Museum website

Experience Castles Full of Treasures at the Mercer and Fonthill museum. The museum offer a wide array of programs, events, exhibits and tours for audiences of all ages. Discover your family history and more in our Spruance Library.

Mercer and Fonthill museum website

The James A. Michener Art Museum opened as an independent, non-profit cultural institution dedicated to preserving, interpreting and exhibiting the art and cultural heritage of the Bucks County region. The Museum is named for Doylestown's most famous son, the Pulitzer-Prize winning writer and supporter of the arts who had first dreamed of a regional art museum in the early 1960's.

James A. Michener Art Museum website

Susquehannock State Park offers spectacular views and a variety of recreational opportunities for year-round fun. Visitors enjoy hiking, horseback riding, picnicking, and organized group tenting.

Susquehannock State Park website

The Nescopeck State Park encompasses wetlands, rich forests and many diverse habitats. Visitors enjoy hiking, fishing, hunting, and cross-country skiing.

Nescopeck State Park website

The only museum in Northeast Pennsylvania dedicated to showing the history of the Delaware Indian. All ages, free arrowhead with a paid child admission. A tour of the museum takes approximately 30 minutes, with an audio device which gives a detailed narration of the displays. Groups of 20 or more may call for a reservation and have a tour guide lead the group through the museum.

Pocono Indian Museum website

Crayola Experience, located in the heart of downtown Easton, Pennsylvania, is the only place in the world where the magic of Crayola comes to life. Here, you're always encouraged to let your creativity run free, to color outside the lines and to play, explore, and learn. This one-of-a-kind, family attraction is where color, chemistry, and technology magically combine to create a fun-filled, colorful adventure for a kid's imagination. Fun for the Whole Family.

Crayola Experience website

Visit the National Canal Museum to learn about an important, but often forgotten time in our transportation and industrial history. While here you will learn about the history of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. and the Lehigh and Delaware Canal systems. Come to understand the people that lived and worked on the canals in the 1800s. Learn about canal history and culture as well as the different science principles, technological advances and engineering feats that helped create and operate the canal system that once moved tons of coal from Jim Thorpe to Easton and beyond.

National Canal Museum website

Come journey through five Pennsylvania counties bursting with heritage and brimming with outdoor adventure. You will find something for everyone. Follow a history trail marked with stories about hearty lumberjacks, coal miners, lock tenders, and railroaders. Explore quiet canal paths, challenging bike trails and the rippling waters of the Delaware and Lehigh Rivers.

Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor website

Goodell Gardens Field Trips focus on the botanical bounty and agricultural heritage the Gardens has to offer. Students are presented with an opportunity to observe, interpret and understand the interrelationships of people, plants, and ecosystems. A listing of Field Trip and Garden Outreach options can be found on the website. Additional custom programs are available. Goodell offers Family Activity Bags that allow exploration of the Gardens as a family.

Goodell Gardens & Homestead website

Hopewell and other "iron plantations" made up America's iron and steel industry. Today, the site educates people about America's development during the industrial revolution.

Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site website

French Creek offers two lakes--Hopewell and Scotts Run, extensive forests and almost 40 miles of hiking trails. Adjacent to the park lies Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site that features a cold-blast furnace restored to its 1830s appearance. Park visitors enjoy trails, mountain biking, horseback riding, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, disc golfing, orienteering, education, cross-country skiing, sledding, ice skating, ice fishing, organized group cabin camps, organized group tenting, Yurts, cabins, camping cottages, and camping.

French Creek State Park website

Sizerville State Park visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, swimming, fishing, hunting, education, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, and camping.

Sizerville State Park website

Bucktail State Park Natural Area visitors enjoy canoeing, kayaking, fishing, and hunting.

Bucktail State Park Natural Area website

Presque Isle State Park arches into Lake Erie and is Pennsylvania's only seashore. Visitors enjoy swimming, boating, fishing, hiking, bicycling and in-line skating. A National Natural Landmark, Presque Isle is a favorite spot for migrating birds.

Presque Isle State Park website

The Opening Battle of a World War - The battle at Fort Necessity in the summer of 1754 was the opening action of the French and Indian War. This war was a clash of British, French and American Indian cultures. It ended with the removal of French power from North America. The stage was set for the American Revolution.

Fort Necessity National Battlefield website

Caledonia is in the northernmost section of the Blue Ridge Mountains known locally as South Mountain. The park offers hiking, picnicking, swimming, fishing, hunting, education, golf, theater, Sunday school, arts and crafts fair, organized group tenting, cabin, and camping.

Caledonia State Park website

Worlds End State Park visitors enjoy hiking, sightseeing, picnicking, swimming, whitewater boating, fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, organized group tenting, cabins, and camping.

Worlds End State Park website

Cowans Gap State Park visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, education, cross-country skiing, ice fishing, ice skating, organized group tenting, cabins, and camping.

Cowans Gap State Park website

Dedicated in honor of the 15th president of the United States, this narrow, peaceful hollow is the site of James Buchanan's birthplace. A stone pyramid monument surrounded by majestic conifers stands on the site of the original cabin where he was born.

Buchanan's Birthplace State Park website

Fort Washington takes its name from the temporary fort built by George Washington's troops in the fall of 1777, before heading to Valley Forge. The park is popular with hikers and picnickers. Birders enjoy the seasonal migration of raptors from the Observation Deck.

Fort Washington State Park website

Lyman Run State Park visitors enjoy hiking, ATV trails, geocaching, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, snowmobiling, ice fishing, ice skating, and camping.

Lyman Run State Park website

Cherry Springs State Park is named for the large stands of black cherry trees in the park. The park is known for its great views for stargazing.

Cherry Springs State Park website

The Allegheny Portage Railroad was a great achievement in early travel. For twenty years, it was the fastest way to transgress the rough and wild terrain of Pennsylvania.

The Allegheny Portage Railroad National Historic Site website

Pine Grove Furnace State Park offers hiking, biking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, education, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, ice skating, ice fishing, organized group tenting, cabin, camping, Ironmaster's Mansion, and the Appalachian Trail Museum.

Pine Grove Furnace State Park website

Eisenhower National Historic Site is the home and farm of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Located next to the Gettysburg Battlefield, the farm served the President as a weekend retreat and a meeting place for world leaders.

Eisenhower National Historic Site website

Within walking distance of the site where Lincoln gave his Gettysburg Address, the Lincoln Train Museum offers an interactive exploration of American History for families and groups of all ages. On this journey with Lincoln you will experience the spirit of the men and women who achieved American independence and freedoms through American history presentations and collections, interactive train layouts, President Lincoln's Funeral journey, hands on activities and more. Offer discounts for groups of ten or more. Ages five and under always journey for free.

Lincoln Train Museum website

The Battle of Gettysburg was a turning point in the Civil War. It was the war's bloodiest battle, with 51,000 casualties. The Union victory ended General Robert E. Lee's second and most ambitious invasion of the North. A virtual tour is available for those who can't visit in person.

Gettysburg National Military Park website

In 1704, Nathaniel and Mary Newlin built a water-powered grist mill along the West Branch of Chester Creek. Despite several changes of ownership the mill ran continuously until 1941. In 1957, the Nicholas Newlin Foundation was created by E. Mortimer Newlin, a ninth generation descendant, to restore and maintain the mill as a museum. Today, the foundation 's purpose is to preserve the 150 acres, which are a refuge for plants, animals, and birds, as well as the park's historic buildings for pleasure and education of the public. A trip to the park offers visitors insights into the vanished life of the rural eighteenth century.

Newlin Grist Mill website

Gouldsboro State Park visitors enjoy hiking, mountain biking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing, ice fishing, and ice skating.

Gouldsboro State Park website

Memorial Lake State Park visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, boating, sailing, fishing, cross-country skiing, ice fishing, and ice skating .

Memorial Lake State Park website

Stop for a moment and think about words like freedom, opportunity, diversity. They are words that paint a picture in your mind - words that describe the American experience. But words can't tell the whole story. So we invite you to come see the art that gives those words meaning. See how the American experience is brought to life through the inspired eyes of artists at the Westmoreland Museum of American Art.

Westmoreland Museum of American Art website

Promised Land State Park visitors enjoy hiking, biking, mountain biking, horseback riding, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, education, orienteering, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, ice fishing, ice skating, cabins, and camping.

Promised Land State Park website

The Varden Conservation Area visitors enjoy fishing and hiking.

Varden Conservation Area website

Joseph E. Ibberson Conservation Area is dominated by large hardwood trees and known for its elaborate trail system. Visitors enjoy hiking, hunting, educational programs, and cross-country skiing.

Joseph E. Ibberson Conservation Area website

Codorus State Park is a rest stop for migrating waterfowl and shorebirds. The lake is also popular with sailboaters and motorboaters. Anglers love the lake for warm water fishing and can also fish Codorus Creek for trout. Picnicking, swimming in the pool and camping are popular activities.

Codorus State Park website

Educational programs at The State Museum are designed to encourage visitors, both young and old, to explore, discover and experience the stories of Pennsylvania's rich and exciting past.

The State Museum of Pennsylvania website

Boyd Big Tree Conservation Area is one of the newest Pennsylvania state park. Visitors to the park enjoy hiking, hunting and cross country skiing.

Boyd Big Tree Preserve Conservation Area website

Warm and welcoming, this immersive museum environment accommodates visitors of all ages. Attractions include the Museum Experience, a series of engaging exhibits; the Chocolate Lab, a place where learning comes alive through hands-on experiments; the Museum Shop, stocked with unique Hershey merchandise and memorabilia; Cafe Zooka, the perfect place for light fare and chocolately desserts; the Countries of Origin Chocolate Tasting; and much more.

The Hershey Story Museum website

Canoe Creek State Park features a 155-acre lake, wetlands, old fields and mature forests, which provide critical habitat for migrating birds and for one of the largest bat colonies in the Commonwealth. The lake is popular for fishing year-round. Hikers enjoy the trails that wind through the many habitats. Picnicking, swimming at the beach, enjoying educational programs, and staying the night in a modern cabin are also popular activities.

Canoe Creek State Park website

The Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area, comprised of eight counties in southwestern Pennsylvania, encompasses the greater Pittsburgh area and the Monongahela, Allegheny and Ohio river valleys. For more than a century, this area was known as the "Steel Making Capital of the World" and the dynamic and powerful story of Big Steel is preeminent in the region's artifacts, buildings, historic communities, industrial sites, and the living cultural traditions of its people.

Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area website

Raccoon Creek State Park was once operated by the National Park Service. Today, park visitors enjoy hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, a recreation hall, education, cross-country skiing, ice fishing, ice skating, snowmobiling, organized group cabin camps, organized group tenting, backpacking, a lakeside lodge, cabins, and camping.

Raccoon Creek State Park website

Bald Eagle State Park offers hiking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, education, cross-country skiing, sledding, ice fishing, ice skating, Yurts, camping cottages, camping, and a nature inn.

Bald Eagle State Park website

Greenwood Furnace State Park offers a unique recreational experience. Park visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, swimming, fishing, hunting, environmental education, cross-country skiing, ice fishing, ice skating, orienteering, snowmobiling, and camping.

Greenwood Furnace State Park website

Penn-Roosevelt State Park offers hiking, horseback riding, picnicking, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, and camping.

Penn-Roosevelt State Park website

Hyner Run is entirely surrounded by Sproul State Forest, Pennsylvania's largest state forest. Park visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, swimming, fishing, hunting, snowmobiling, cabins, and camping.

Hyner Run State Park website

Blue Knob State Park offers year-round wilderness adventures in hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, picnicking, swimming, fishing, hunting, education, cross country skiing, snowmobiling, downhill skiing, organized group cabin camps, backpacking, cabins, and camping.

Blue Knob State Park website

Trough Creek State Park visitor enjoy hiking, picnicking, fishing, hunting, biking, snowmobiling, the Trough Creek Lodge, and camping.

Trough Creek State Park website

Pymatuning State Park is the largest state park in the Commonwealth. Visitors enjoy boating, fishing, swimming, camping and enjoying other recreational opportunities. The Pa. Fish and Boat Commission also operates a fish hatchery and visitor center on site.

Pymatuning State Park website

Visitors enjoy Picnicking, fishing, hunting, hiking, and camping.

Ravensburg State Park website

Kinzua Bridge State Park features remnants of the 2,053-foot railroad bridge (viaduct) that was a National Engineering Landmark. The Kinzua Bridge Scenic Byway is a designated shared use hike/bike corridor.

Kinzua Bridge State Park website

Bendigo State Park visitors enjoy picnicking, swimming, canoing, kayaking, and fishing

Bendigo State Park website

Hogue's Fun Factory is located in the Galleria Mall in Johnstown, PA and is an inflatable arena and arcade destination. Featuring a 5000 sq ft arena with 5 inflatables the Fun Factory provides a safe, active and fun environment for children from 2-13. The 30' obstacle course and 4 other inflatables are a great way to workout some energy and exercise in a temperature controlled environment.

Hogue's Fun Factory website

One of the world's great gardens, Longwood's story is one of legacy, innovation, and stewardship. Longwood Gardens includes a children's garden, fountain shows, a grotto, and a delicious cafeteria. They host jazz and classical music concerts, light shows and decorated nature during the holiday season. Be sure to check out the tree houses on site. Longwood Gardens includes fun-filled activities to keep the whole family excited!

Longwood Gardens website

The Encampment Store is a non-profit 501 (c)3 cooperating association whose mission is to support the interpretive, educational, scientific and historical activities of Valley Forge National Historical Park. TES offers private car, hiking and biking tours year-round and public trolley tours March-October. Please call (610) 624-5010 for more information.

Tours of Valley Forge National Historical Park website

Why Valley Forge? - Valley Forge National Historical Park commemorates more than the sacrifices and perseverance of the Revolutionary War generation; it honors the ability of citizens and their leaders to pull together and overcome adversity during extraordinary times.

Valley Forge National Historical Park website

Lacawac Sanctuary is a unique environmental education center in northeast PA. It encompasses 550 acres with diverse habitats including a glacial lake and a pond. Programs are offered for PreK-12 grade. All programs are hands-on discovery based and use nature as the classroom. Topics are age-group specific. The time and schedule is tailored to the groups needs. A nature center with interpretive displays, classroom space, and a lab is used for inclement weather and program needs. A picnic area and restrooms are available.

Lacawac Sanctuary website

Erie Bluffs is the newest Pennsylvania State Park. Park visitors enjoy picnicking, boating, fishing, and hunting.

Erie Bluffs State Park website

Tour Lancaster County's Amish Farm and House. Opened nearly 60 years ago, The Amish Farm and House has hosted travelers from around the world visiting Lancaster County. Experience Lancaster County's Premier Amish Attraction with our farm and house tours.

The Amish Farm and House website

Children will be taken around the store and learn about the food groups while also learning about the grocery industry.

Grocery Outlet Tour website

The Demuth Museum is dedicated to developing awareness, understanding and appreciation of the art work and legacy of American modernist Charles Demuth. We engage and inspire diverse audiences through an innovative program of exhibitions, education, scholarship and collections activities.

Demuth Museum website

White Clay Creek has been designated by Congress as a National Wild and Scenic River. Visitors enjoy hiking, biking, horseback riding, fishing, hunting, and cross-country skiing.

White Clay Creek Preserve website

Visit a fully restored colonial American farmstead! Students may visit the Farmstead to receive a well-rounded, hands-on historical experience. They may tour the farm, and see animals like sheep and cows, or go inside the 1758 Peter Wentz House, which was head quarters for George Washington in the Revolutionary War in October 1777. Groups may also had on crafts like quill and ink writing, or educational activities about children games and chores in colonial America.

Peter Wentz Farmstead website

Beltzville State Park visitors enjoy hiking, mountain biking, a covered bridge, picnicking, swimming, boating, launching and mooring, water skiing, fishing, hunting, education, cross-country skiing, ice fishing, and ice boating.

Beltzville State Park website

Gifford Pinchot State Park visitors enjoy hiking, biking, horseback riding, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, disc golf, education, cross-country skiing, ice fishing, ice skating, ice boating, organized group tenting, yurts, cabins, camping cottages , and camping.

Gifford Pinchot State Park website

Samuel S. Lewis State Park is dominated by Mt. Pisgah. Visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, and kite flying.

Samuel S. Lewis State Park website

The LCM brings hands-on, enriching educational experiences in a safe, accessible environment, to children in the central Susquehanna Valley. LCM is committed to providing opportunities for learning, imagination, and play.

Lewisburg Children's Museum website

Upper Pine Bottom State Park provides access to hiking, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling and hunting on forest land.

Upper Pine Bottom State Park website

Tyler strives to be a valuable partner with academic curriculum by presenting engaging standards-based programming in a unique learning environment. Instructor-led programs provide interactive experiences for students with plants and nature, making learning fun. The Arboretum offers grade-specific curricula in the natural sciences. All lessons are aligned with state and national scientific education standards. Programs are conducted in small groups by professional educators and trained volunteer guides.All of our field trip programs are available for home school groups. Our programs provide opportunities to integrate hands-on ecology, environmental science and plant science into your home school curriculum. For the best learning experience at Tyler, classes with mixed ages will be divided into age groups.

Tyler Arboretum website

Ridley Creek State Park hiking, biking, horseback riding, picnicking, fishing, formal gardens, cross-country skiing, sledding, and organized group tenting.

Ridley Creek State Park website

The Center is a "living history museum" as well as an environmental center. The museum is designed with various ecosystems and some of the animals that live in them. We have over 700 specimens. Programs are $5/child. Grouping for programs are designed to be age-appropriate.

Charles Brightbill Environmental Center website

The Conococheague Institute is a hands-on regional learning center. Headquartered within Rock Hill Farm, a well-preserved historic farmstead that was established in the early 18th century in southern Franklin County, Pennsylvania, near the village of Welsh Run. The 30-acre site is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and includes two historic house museum with outbuildings, a research library, two relocated historic log structures, walking trails with access to a pioneer cemetery, and several historic gardens.

The Conococheague Institute website

The Barnes Foundation houses one of the finest collections of nineteenth and twentieth-century French painting in the world. An extraordinary number of masterpieces by Renoir, Cezanne and Matisse provide a depth of work by these artists unavailable elsewhere. Established as an educational institution the Barnes carries out its mission teaching classes in its galleries and Arboretum. The Barnes welcomes visitors and students throughout the year.

The Barnes Foundation website

Sand Bridge State Park visitors enjoy picnicking and fishing.

Sand Bridge State Park website

McCalls Dam Park visitors enjoy picnicking, fishing, and hunting.

McCalls Dam State Park website

Raymond B. Winter State Park is located within Bald Eagle State Forest. Open year-round, visitors enjoy hiking, mountain biking, picnicking, swimming, fishing, hunting, education, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, ice fishing, camping cottages, and camping.

Raymond B. Winter State Park website

Reeds Gap State Park offers hiking, picnicking, fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing, and camping.

Reeds Gap State Park website

Milton State Park visitors enjoy picnicking, boating, fishing, and hiking.

Milton State Park website

Mont Alto State Park offers picnicking, hunting, hiking, and snowmobiling.

Mont Alto State Park website

Salt Springs State Park features towering old growth hemlock trees, many estimated to be over 500 years old. Visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing, sledding, camping cottages, and camping.

Salt Springs State Park website

The People's Path and America's First National Scenic Trail. The Appalachian Trail (A.T.) is more than 2,175-mile long footpath stretching through 14 eastern states from Maine to Georgia. Conceived in 1921 and first completed in 1937, it traverses the wild, scenic, wooded, pastoral, and culturally significant lands of the Appalachian Mountains.

Appalachian National Scenic Trail website

Experience the Corridor of Commerce First Imagined by George Washington. The Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail is a partnership to develop a network of locally-managed trails in a corridor between the mouth of the Potomac River and the Allegheny Highlands.

Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail website

The North Country National Scenic Trail is the longest continuous hiking trail in the U.S., winding its way through seven states over 4,400 miles.

North Country National Scenic Trail website

Jacobsburg was once the site where the famous Henry Rifle was made. Park environmental education programs area available from the preschool environmental awareness programs to high school level environmental problem solving programs, historical programs, teacher workshops and public interpretive programs. Visitors enjoy hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, picnicking, fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing.

Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center website

Little Buffalo State Park offers picnic areas, hiking trails and a lake for fishing and boating. Historical features include a covered bridge, a restored, operating grist mill, an old farm house built on the site of a colonial tavern, and a narrow gauge railroad trace which feature one of the original railroad cars.

Little Buffalo State Park website

Tyler State Park visitors enjoy hiking, biking, horseback riding, picnicking, picnic groves, fishing, boating, disc golf, education, a theater, a Center for the Arts, cross-country skiing, sledding, ice fishing, and ice skating.

Tyler State Park website

Colonel Denning State Park visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, orienteering, education, cross-country skiing, ice skating, organized group tenting, and camping.

Colonel Denning State Park website

Norristown Farm Park visitors enjoy trails, biking, nature trails, picnicking, fishing, cross-country skiing, and sledding.

Norristown Farm Park website

State Park visitors enjoy hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, education, cross-country skiing, sledding, ice fishing, ice skating, organized group tenting, camping cottages, Yurts, and camping.

Lackawanna State Park website

This small park features one of the nicest overlooks in the Pennsylvania Bureau of State park and is popular for hang gliding. Hyner Run State Park is nearby.

Hyner View State Park website

Ohiopyle State Park offers hiking, biking, mountain biking, horseback riding, picnicking, fishing, hunting, water slides, cross-country skiing, sledding, snowmobiling, organized group tenting, camping cottages, Yurts, and camping.

Ohiopyle State Park website

The Oil Creek Valley is the site of the world's first commercial oil well. Oil Creek State Park tells the story of the early petroleum industry by interpreting oil boomtowns, oil wells and early transportation.

Oil Creek State Park website

Park visitors enjoy hiking, biking, mountain biking, horseback riding, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, disc golfing, orienteering, education, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, ice fishing, iceboating, organized group tenting, cabins, camping, cottages, and camping.

Prince Gallitzin State Park website

Parker Dam offers hiking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, geocaching, snowshoeing, sledding, snowmobiling, ice fishing, ice skating, cross-country skiing, cabin classrooms, organized group tenting, cabins, and camping.

Parker Dam State Park website

Simon B. Elliott State Park offers hiking, picnicking, fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, cabins, and camping

Simon B. Elliott State Park website

Yellow Creek State Park was once used by the Delaware and Shawnee nations and by early settlers. Today, visitors enjoy hiking, mountain biking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, orienteering, cross-country skiing, sledding, snowmobiling, ice fishing, ice skating, yurts, and camping cottages.

Yellow Creek State Park website

Cozy Poe Valley State Park visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, education, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, ice fishing, camping cottages, a deluxe camping cottage, and camping.

Poe Valley State Park website

Whipple Dam State Park visitors enjoy picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, ice skating, and ice fishing.

Whipple Dam State Park website

The Philadelphia Museum of Jewish Art (PMJA), founded in 1975, presents contemporary art exhibits that illuminate the Jewish experience. Organizing three solo and group shows a year, the Philadelphia Museum of Jewish Art exhibits work by artists of diverse backgrounds. In addition to the special exhibits, the Museum features a permanent collection of works by artists including William Anastasi, Chaim Gross, Shelley Spector, Boaz Vaadia and Roman Vishniac, all of whom exhibited at the PMJA.

Philadelphia Museum of Jewish Art website

The Schuylkill Center was founded in 1965 as the nation's first urban environmental education center. Its 340-acres of fields and forests serve as a living laboratory to foster appreciation, deepen understanding, and encourage stewardship of the environment. Reaching over 36,000 Philadelphia-area residents each year, the Schuylkill Center offers a diverse collection of educational programs, including programs for school, continuing education for teachers, Pennsylvania's first Nature Preschool, and a full calendar of events for the public. The environmental art department inspires and educates, while pushing the cutting edge and using art to remediate local ecological issues. Acting as the only clinic of its kind in a four-county region, the Wildlife Clinic at the Schuylkill Center treats 3,300 injured, orphaned, and sick animals annually.

The Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education website

Before William Penn, the Swedes were here, building log homes and a brick church, GLORIA DEI. Imagine the transformation - town becomes city - 13 colonies become a nation -- Swedish Lutheran church becomes Episcopalian. Re-discover Patriots and ordinary citizens buried in the cemetery. Enter Pennsylvania's oldest church and feel 300 years of history welcoming you.

Gloria Dei (Old Swedes' Church) National Historic Site website

Woodford Mansion, a National Historic Landmark, is a historic house museum. The interior of the house is furnished with 17th, 18th and early 19th century decorative and fine arts acquired by the collector Naomi Wood and the Trust established in her name, including one of the finest collections of 18th-century Philadelphia-made furniture to be found anywhere. An ideal trip for middle school and high school to learn about colonial era Philadelphia history, architecture, and decorative arts. Free visit, groups of larger 15 will need to be divided to accommodate the house size. Register for trips to Woodford on the website.

Woodford Mansion website

The National Museum of American Jewish History, on Independence Mall in Philadelphia, presents educational programs and experiences that preserve, explore, and celebrate the history of Jews in America. Its purpose is to connect Jews more closely to their heritage and to inspire in people of all backgrounds a greater appreciation for the diversity of the American Jewish experience and the freedoms to which Americans aspire. We offer special pricing for groups of 15 or more.

National Museum of American Jewish History website

Home to over a million extraordinary objects from around the world, the Penn Museum has been highlighting our shared humanity across continents and millennia since 1887. In expanding access to archaeology and anthropology, the Penn Museum builds empathy and connections between cultures through experiences online and onsite in our galleries. Visit the Penn Museum Tuesday-Sunday, 10:00 AM-5:00 PM. We offer onsite programs designed for homeschooling families, learning pods, and co-ops, as well as virtual programs throughout the year.

University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology website

Independence Hall is the assembly hall where the Declaration of Independence was signed. The Liberty Bell is located there as well. The website offers links and information for folks not able to visit in person.

Independence National Historical Park website

Visit the house where wounded Polish freedom fighter Thaddeus Kosciuszko lived and hear how this brilliant military engineer designed successful fortifications during the American Revolution. See the room where he received notable visitors such as Chief Little Turtle and Thomas Jefferson, who said he was "as pure a son of liberty, as I have ever known..."

Thaddeus Kosciuszko National Memorial website

"For the most wild, yet most homely narrative which I am about to pen," so begins Poe's famous short story "The Black Cat," written while living in this house with his family. Writer, editor, popular poet and inventor of the detective story, Edgar Allan Poe still thrills readers today. Come imagine Poe's life on Seventh Street, his only surviving residence in Philadelphia.

Edgar Allan Poe National Historical Site website

One of the nation's premier fire museum, the Fireman's Hall Museum's mission is to preserve the ongoing history of Philadelphia firefighting through the collection, preservation and presentation of related artifacts for the education of the public and to encourage sound fire prevention practices.

Fireman's Hall Museum website

The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia was founded in 1812 "for the encouragement and cultivation of the sciences, and the advancement of useful learning." The Academy today is integrating its activities in research and education around environmental themes.

Academy of Natural Sciences website

The Rosenbach Museum & Library was founded in 1954 through a testamentary gift by Dr. A.S.W. Rosenbach (1876-1952) and his brother, Philip (1863-1953). Renowned dealers in books, manuscripts, and fine art, the brothers played a central role in the development of private libraries that later became our nation's most important public collections of rare books, such as the Folger and Huntington Libraries. The brothers' own personal collection, now the core of the Rosenbach, features treasures the brothers were unable to part with, including the only surviving copy of Benjamin Franklin's first Poor Richard Almanac and the manuscript of James Joyce's Ulysses. The collection has since grown to include the papers of poet Marianne Moore, Bram Stoker's notes for Dracula, and the drawings of Maurice Sendak, adding richness and relevance to the experience of visiting the Rosenbach.

Rosenbach Museum & Library website

Since 1976, Please Touch Museum has been the Children's Museum of Philadelphia. Our museum was the first in the nation whose target audience was families with children seven and younger. We have grown into one of the best children's museum in the nation, have become experts in play and have had our programs for underserved families in the region nationally recognized. Our mission to enrich the lives of children by creating learning opportunities through play, enables us to lay the foundation for a lifetime of learning and cultural awareness.

Please Touch Museum website

From the dawn of the automotive era, racing has been used to demonstrate the superiority of one manufacturer over another. It is this "Spirit of Competition" that we celebrate at the Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum. Assembled by renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Frederick Simeone over a span of 50 years, the Museum collection contains over 60 of the rarest and most significant racing sports cars ever built.

Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum website

Benjamin Rush has the world's largest community gardens.

Benjamin Rush State Park website

Black Moshannon State Park features the Black Moshannon Bog Natural Area. Trails and a boardwalk help people explore the birds and plants of the bog and surrounding forests. Visitors enjoy hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, education, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, ice fishing, ice skating, iceboating, organized group tenting, cabins, and camping.

Black Moshannon State Park website

Swatara State Park offers visitors canoeing, fishing, hiking, picnicking, bicycling, swimming, camping and environmental education.

Swatara State Park website

Ralph Stover State Park visitors enjoy picnicking, fishing, white water boating, hiking, and rock climbing.

Ralph Stover State Park website

Carnegie Museum of Art was founded by industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie in 1895. One of the four Carnegie museum of Pittsburgh, it is nationally and internationally recognized for its distinguished collection of American and European works from the 16th century to the present. The Heinz Architectural Center, part of Carnegie Museum of Art, is dedicated to enhancing understanding of the physical environment through its exhibitions, collections, and public programs.

Carnegie Museum of Art website

The August Wilson Center for African American Culture engages regional and national audiences in its mission of preserving, presenting, interpreting, celebrating and shaping the art, culture and history of African Americans in Western Pennsylvania and people of African descent throughout the world.

August Wilson Center for African American Culture website

Heinz Memorial Chapel is a non-denomination chapel, part of the University of Pittsburgh and an Historic Landmark. The architecture is impressive, as well as the 23 stained glass windows depicting not only religious figures but leaders in science, art, literature and exploration. Tours for all ages are available. The Chapel is located in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh very near the Carnegie museum and Phipps Botanical Gardens. The building has restrooms and an accessible entrance. Please call the Chapel office for more information and to book a tour. 412-624-4157

Heinz Memorial Chapel website

Children's Museum of Pittsburgh provides innovative museum experiences that inspire joy, creativity and curiosity. We provide the highest quality exhibits and programs for learning and play. We are a partner and a resource for people who work with or on behalf of children.

Children's Museum of Pittsburgh website

The Andy Warhol Museum is a vital forum in which diverse audiences of artists, scholars and the general public are galvanized through creative interaction with the art and life of Andy Warhol. The Warhol is ever-changing and constantly re-defining itself in relation to contemporary life, using its unique collections and dynamic, interactive programming as tools.

Andy Warhol Museum website

Carnegie Museum of Natural History conducts scientific inquiry, generates knowledge, and promotes stewardship of the Earth.

Carnegie Museum of Natural History website

The Frick Art & Historical Center visitors enjoy the culture and refinement of the Gilded Age.

Frick Art & Historical Center website

Point State Park is a National Historic Landmark. The park serves to commemorate and preserve the historic heritage of the area during the French and Indian War (1754 - 1763). Today, visitors enjoy hiking, boating, and biking trails.

Point State Park website

"Our field trips are really coal! We provide one of the most unique educational field trips for schools in Pittsburgh. We combine mining history and earth science with an incredible hands-on experience 1/2 mile beneath the earth's surface with real coal miners. The Tour-Ed Mine is a perfect fit for elementary schools and middle schools looking for an educational and exciting field trip for their students. We also cater to other organizations in Western Pennsylvania like home schooled groups, Scouts and groups of 25 or more. This is an interactive coal mine tour and museum. Our tours combine history and science. We have facilities to eat lunch (pavilion), free parking and a gift shop. Please visit our website for more information or to request a tour."

Tour-Ed Mine & Museum website

Kalahari Resorts and Conventions located in the Pocono Mountains PA is America's Largest Indoor Waterpark. Offering discounted day passes for groups. From (2) toddler sections to the intermediate splash down safari all the way to the drop down slides there is something for all ages! Spend all day in our waterpark with your students, parents, teachers your group will enjoy Kalahari Resorts & Conventions!

Kalahari Resorts & Conventions website

Albert Gallatin is best remembered for his thirteen year tenure as Secretary of the Treasury during the Jefferson and Madison administrations. In that time he reduced the national debt, purchased the Louisiana Territory and funded the Lewis & Clark exploration. Gallatin's accomplishments and contributions are highlighted in his restored country estate, Friendship Hill.

Friendship Hill National Historic Site website

Moraine State Park offers hiking, biking, mountain biking, horseback riding, picnicking, swimming, boating, windsurfing, fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing, sledding, snowmobiling, ice boating, ice fishing, ice skating, organized group tenting, cabins, and camping.

Moraine State Park website

McConnells Mill State Park is open from sunrise to sunset, year-round. A gristmill built in the 1800s is open for tours.

McConnells Mill State Park website

Pottsgrove Manor exemplifies history of iron making and life in 18th century Pottstown. With changing exhibits and monthly special events, Pottsgrove Manor is the perfect destination for those interested in local, revolutionary, industrial and social history.The friendly staff are always welcoming and eager to help make special visits and projects engaging, informative, and interactive. Suggested $2.00 Donation, materials fee for special events sometimes higher. Check out our website or call the site to find out more information!

Pottsgrove Manor website

The Tom Ridge Environmental Center (TREC) is an educational center at heart, dedicated to teaching visitors about the unique 3,200 acres of Presque Isle and the many different forms of life that inhabit the peninsula. TREC also serves as a center for research, contributing to conservation efforts and promoting environmental awareness, helping to preserve the unparalleled beauty of Presque Isle, the site of Pennsylvania's only seashore.

Tom Ridge Environmental Center - Presque Isle website

Visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, boating, fishing, hunting, mountain biking, disc golf, cross-country skiing, and sledding.

Prompton State Park website

Nockamixon State Park offers hiking - biking, mountain biking, horseback riding, picnicking, swimming, disc golf, boating, windsurfing, whitewater releases, fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing, sledding, ice fishing, ice skating, a Youth Hostel, and cabins.

Nockamixon State Park website

The Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center offers environmental education programs. Contact the center office for a listing of upcoming educational programs. Visitors enjoy picnicking, fishing, hiking, dog trails, and cross-country skiing.

Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center website

Laurel Mountain State Park features a family-oriented downhill skiing area and beautiful views of the rolling countryside of the Ligonier Valley. The slopes and trails provide opportunities for skiers and snowboarders of all levels and the lodge is a cozy place to eat and enjoy the view.

Laurel Mountain State Park website

Linn Run State Park visitors enjoy hiking, horseback riding, picnicking, fishing, hunting, snowmobiling, and cabins.

Linn Run State Park website

Park visitors enjoy hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, picnicking, boating, fishing, hunting, education, cross-country skiing, sledding, snowmobiling, ice fishing, and camping.

Kettle Creek State Park website

Laurel Ridge State Park features a 70-mile Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail, complete with trail shelters for overnight camping.

Laurel Ridge State Park website

Maurice K. Goddard State Park offers hiking, biking, picnicking, pavilions, boating, fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing, sledding, snowmobiling, ice fishing, and ice skating.

Maurice K. Goddard State Park website

Warriors Path State Park is near the famous path used by the Iroquois in raids and wars with the Cherokees and other American Indians in southern Pennsylvania. Visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, boating, fishing, hunting, and cross-country skiing.

Warriors Path State Park website

Shawnee State Park visitors enjoy hiking, biking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, disc golf, education, cross-country skiing, sledding, snowmobiling, ice fishing, ice skating, organized group tenting, Yurts, the Shawnee Lodge, camping cottages, and camping

Shawnee State Park website

Steam engines excite the senses, Steamtown keeps their stories alive! Feel the heat from the firebox. Hear the bell and whistle. Smell the hot steam and oil. Feel the ground vibrate under your feet. See the one ton drive rods turn the wheels. Hear the chuff-chuff-chuff of the smokestack. Today, you can relive the era of steam as the engines come back to life. The cinders, grease, oil, steam, people and stories of railroading have returned.

Steamtown National Historic Site website

Clear Creek State Park visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, swimming, canoeing, fishing, hunting, education, cross-country skiing, sledding, Yurts, cabins, and camping.

Clear Creek State Park website

Jennings offers a full range of educational programs about the rare relict prairie ecosystem. Visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing.

Jennings Environmental Education Center website

Laurel Hill State Park offers hiking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, education, a gift shop, snowshoeing, sledding, snowmobiling, ice fishing, organized group cabin camps, organized group tenting, Laurel Hill Lodge, camping cottages, and camping.

Laurel Hill State Park website

Kooser State Park visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing, cabins, and camping.

Kooser State Park website

Laurel Summit State Park offers picnic tables, a pavilion, water, and restroom. Visitors enjoy hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, picnicking, fishing, hunting, and snowmobiling.

Laurel Summit State Park website

The Somerset Historical Center is a 150-acre rural history museum located 4 miles north of the town of Somerset, Pennsylvania. The Somerset Historical Center preserves the history of life in rural southwestern Pennsylvania from the times of the region's first farmers to the present day through exhibits, workshops and educational programs. The Historical Center serves as the headquarters of the Historical & Genealogical Society of Somerset County. Permanent orientation exhibits and videos can be seen in the Visitors Center, constructed in 1997. The Visitors Center is also home to the Historical Society's Genealogical Research Library and additional changing exhibits.

Somerset Historical Center website

Johnstown Flood of 1889 There was no larger news story in the latter nineteenth century after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The story of the Johnstown Flood has everything to interest the modern mind: a wealthy resort, an intense storm, an unfortunate failure of a dam, the destruction of a working class city, and an inspiring relief effort.

Johnstown Flood National Memorial website

Taste Buds Kitchen is a Kids Kitchen by day and an Adult BYOB Kitchen by night. You join us for an entertaining class, camp, party or special event where you create a culinary masterpiece and memories with your friends and families. We love cooking with kids, families and adults, ages 2 to 99. Offering both a 2 hour field trip where the students would have exclusive use of the kitchen space, hands-on instruction with chefs, and make recipes from scratch! Taste Buds Kitchen is truly the place to Learn. Laugh. Cook.

Taste Buds Kitchen website

Explore the outdoors like never before. Refreshing Mountain offers everything from ziplining and high ropes courses to wildlife programs and teambuilding. Stay overnight in their family-friendly cabins or come for the day. From large groups to individual families, there is something for just about everyone in your family. Built for families by families, they seek to provide a space that refreshes, educates and explores the world around us.

Refreshing Mountain website

Flight 93 National Memorial Visitor Center provides an indoor exhibit on the Flight 93 story. Visitors can walk the flight path at the Visitor Center and again at the Memorial Plaza. A visit to the Memorial Plaza offers an intimate view and walk along the crash site and debris field. The names of the 40 passengers and crew members are listed on white marble at the Wall of Names.

Flight 93 National Memorial website

Christian camp ministry in Stroudsburg PA, offering a number of fun activities and Christ Centered learning experiences including mini-golf, a playground, a gym, 250 acres of hiking trails, an education focused nature center, and a pool and pond in the warmer months; Twin Pines is a perfect place for a day trip. Call or email to setup a home school experience for groups from 10-100. 570-629-2411

Twin Pines Camp, Conference, and Retreat Center website

Shikellamy State Park visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, hunting, fishing, scenic views, boating, a Marina, boat launching, and boat rentals.

Shikellamy State Park website

Big Pocono State Park visitors enjoy hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, picnicking, hunting, a restaurant, and downhill skiing.

Big Pocono State Park website

Tobyhanna State Park visitors enjoy hiking, mountain biking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, snowmobiling, ice fishing, ice skating, organized group tenting, and camping. Tobyhanna is derived from an American Indian word meaning "a stream whose banks are fringed with alder."

Tobyhanna State Park website

Mt. Pisgah State Park visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, ice fishing, and ice skating.

Mt. Pisgah State Park website

Denton Hill State Park offers great downhill skiing. Visitors enjoy facilities including rental cabins and groomed slopes will appeal to expert and beginner skiers.

Denton Hill State Park website

The All-Sports Museum honors the student-athletes and coaches through history who have helped make Penn State's intercollegiate athletic program one of the best in the nation. Inside the Museum, the inspirational story of men's and women's sports at Penn State is shown in dramatic visuals that cover the walls from floor to ceiling. You'll see larger-than-life photographs as well as the equipment athletes use and the uniforms they wear

Penn State All-Sports Museum website

Delaware Canal State Park is a 60-mile towpath of the Delaware Canal making up a stroll into American History. The Delaware Canal is the only remaining continuously intact canal of the great towpath canal building era of the early and mid-19th century. Mule drawn canal boat rides and the Lock Tender's House Visitor Center are at New Hope. Visitors enjoy hiking, biking, picnicking, canoeing, boating, fishing, hunting, and cross-country skiing.

Delaware Canal State Park website

The Pennsylvania Trolley Museum is excited to offer a wide variety of onsite field trip opportunities for students PreK through 12th grade. Field trips are currently available Mondays through Fridays from January to November. Field trips include a 4-mile ride on a fully-restored streetcar, a guided tour of our Trolley Display Building, and time to explore our brand new 21,000 sq. ft. Welcome and Education Center, which features brand-new, hands-on, STEAM-centered, interactive exhibits. Add a STEAM Module onto your visit for even more student-centered activities, learning, and fun!

Pennsylvania Trolley Museum website

In 1794, David Bradford led frontier farmers in protest of the high federal whiskey excise tax in what became known as the Whiskey Rebellion. Bradford's house, built in 1788, is preserved as a museum. Step back in time in this National Historic Landmark, Washington County's finest 18th century home. Trained docents in 18th Century attire will guide your group through the house, garden and kitchen cabin. Adapted to your curriculum goals and any grade level. Younger students focus on 18th Century living, with hands-on experience with toys, games, lessons, and chores. For older students, the focus is on David Bradford and the Whiskey Rebellion. The museum also has a collection of primary and secondary resources on the Whiskey Rebellion and David Bradford available for use either at the museum or to borrow; ideal for students developing projects for National History Day.

Bradford House Museum website

Little Pine State Park offers hiking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing, sledding, snowmobiling, ice fishing, organized group tenting, yurts, camping cottages, and camping.

Little Pine State Park website

The Destination Freedom: Underground Railroad Walking Tour of Waverly is the only program centered around the Underground Railroad and local Civil War era history of its kind in the region. It is an interactive program that explores the lives of the small village's abolitionists and formerly enslaved settlers. As a public-oriented program, we aim to tell the story of Waverly by exploring the town itself and using the experiences of 19th-century Waverly residents to better understand the world around us today.

The Destination Freedom Underground Railroad Walking Tour website

Renfrew is a restored farmstead with many outbuildings to see and activities to participate in. Your tour begins at our Visitors Center with a DVD presentation, and an explanation of the nation's leading collection of John Bell and Bell family pottery. Paid admission takes you on a guided tour of the 1812 Renfrew Museum where you will see the kitchen, dining room, parlors and bedrooms with period furnishings throughout.

Renfrew Museum and Park website

Artillery, cavalry, & infantry units conduct drilling, firing, and military camp life demonstrations along with a tactical skirmish between federal and confederate forces. Entertainment includes period music and dancing. A town ball game of north verses south. Sunday schedule includes a period interdenominational church service in the camp, with a lemonade social and period music following the service. Check website for event held in August.

Eckley Miners' Village Civil War Encampment website

Hills Creek State Park abounds in wildlife. Osprey, loon and waterfowl visit the lake that boasts a variety of warm-water fish species. Camping, cabins, swimming and picnicking make this an ideal spot for a family vacation.

Hills Creek State Park website

Leonard Harrison State Park offers the most famous scenic views of the canyon. Visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, fishing, hunting, education, and camping.

Leonard Harrison State Park website

Colton Point State Park visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, fishing, hunting, education, snowmobiling, organized group tenting, and camping.

Colton Point State Park website

The American Helicopter Museum and Education Center is the nation's premier aviation museum devoted exclusively to helicopters. We collect, restore and display historic aircraft and chronicle the origin and development of rotary wing aircraft.

American Helicopter Museum & Education Center website

Lehigh Gorge State Park offers hiking, biking, fishing, hunting, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, and whitewater rafting.

Lehigh Gorge State Park website

Hickory Run State Park has over 40 miles of hiking trails, three state park natural areas and miles of trout streams. The Boulder Field, a striking boulder-strewn area, is a National Natural Landmark. Visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, swimming, fishing, hunting, disc golf, orienteering, geocaching, education, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, ice skating, organized group cabin camps, organized group tenting, camping cottages, and camping.

Hickory Run State Park website

Elk State Park visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, boating, fishing, hunting, ice fishing, and ice boating.

Elk State Park website

Susquehanna State Park is a riverfront recreational area is in the city of Williamsport. Visitors enjoy picnicking, boating, fishing, and riverboat tours.

Susquehanna State Park website

The Peter J. McGovern Little League Museum is all about the excitement of Little League Baseball and Softball. From its humble beginnings in 1939 as a three-team league in Williamsport through today and millions of participants in scores of countries, the museum is a tribute to Little League, past and present.

Peter J. McGovern Little League Museum website

Ryerson Station State Park visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, cross-country skiing, sledding, snowmobiling, ice skating, ice fishing, organized group tenting, camping cottages, and camping.

Ryerson Station State Park website

Poe Paddy State Park visitors enjoy hiking, picnicking, fishing, snowmobiling, organized group tenting, and camping.

Poe Paddy State Park website

Frances Slocum State Park visitors enjoy hiking, mountain biking, picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, education, sledding, ice fishing, ice skating, organized group tenting, and camping.

Frances Slocum State Park website

As featured on

US News & World Report, Forbes, KQED, HuffPost,, Money, Healthline Parenthood, Family Education, Parents, Scholastic


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  3. Excursion

  4. The Best Field Trips to Take

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  6. Fun & Unique Field Trip Ideas for Homeschoolers & Teachers


  1. 21 Creative Ideas For Environmental Field Trip

    5. Go to a nature centre. Visit a local nature centre to learn about the local environment, meet some of the native plants and animals that you're nearby, and also get hands-on. You can also visit a nature centre on a field trip during the school year to get more hands-on time and explore many more exhibits. 6.

  2. School Field Trips

    These core ideas build on each other, and on what they're learning in their classrooms. We are currently scheduling field trip programs for the 2022-23 school year at the Environmental Nature Center. Call (949) 645-8489 or email Mindy to schedule a program! A Field trip at the ENC.

  3. Virtual Field Trips

    Explore the World with Virtual Field Trips. Designed for ages 9-15 but customizable for all ages, virtual field trips allow students to travel the world and explore natural environments without leaving the classroom. Each virtual field trip contains a video, teacher guide and student activities.

  4. 10+ Field Trips to Bring STEM Topics to Life

    10+ STEM Field Trip Ideas. 1. Nature Walk (Science) If you are learning about the natural world, seasons, weather and more then getting outside for a nature walk is a natural field trip. Our preschoolers took a walk each season to look up close at whatever season we were learning about. Our favorite was the Signs of Fall walk.

  5. 260+ Field Trip Ideas for Grades PreK-12 (In-Person and Virtual)

    15 Fascinating Aquarium Virtual Field Trips; 3 Science Virtual Field Trips Let Kids Travel the World; Field Trips by Location. If you live in one of these cities, check out some of our favorite spots. 16 Cool Field Trips in Houston, Texas; 21 Terrific Field Trips in Chicago, Illinois; Top 10 Washington D.C. Field Trip Ideas; Field Trip Tips and ...

  6. Environmental Education Field Trip Program

    Field Trip Program Opportunities. Marsh Critter Discovery Walk (PreK - 2nd grade) 60 minutes. $8/ student. Introduce your students to nature and show them that there's more out there than sharks and poison ivy. Start with a walk down our Salt Marsh Trail, surrounded by waving grasses and shallow water. Be on the lookout for tall egrets ...

  7. Virtual Field Trips : The Meadows Center for Water and the ...

    Virtual Field Trips. We've gone virtual…introducing a new series of educational programming for virtual learners of all ages, no bus or carpool required! We are now offering Virtual Field Trips with our talented team of environmental interpreters to bring the Meadows Center's nature and science activities into your curriculum and lesson ...

  8. Field Trips

    Since 1998, Phinizy Center's Education Department has conducted hands-on environmental science field trips for preK-12th and undergraduate students. On these inquiry-based field trips, students explore scientific concepts through interactive investigations of watersheds, wetland habitats, urban water cycles, and stream ecology.

  9. NJDEP| Environmental Education

    The Pinelands Commission offers free, Pinelands educational programs at the agency's headquarters on 15 Springfield Road in Pemberton Township, NJ. The group programs would be scheduled Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., excluding State holidays. Contact: [email protected] or (609) 894-7300, ext. 125.

  10. Science and Nature Virtual Field Trips for Grades 3-8

    Watch these 45-minute videos with your class—any time! They're perfect for grades 3-8, and each includes a teacher's guide packed with discussion questions and more. Check them out below. 1. The Deserts and Grasslands of Africa. Head to Africa with scientist Charles Oluchina, where you'll discover the importance of grasslands and ...

  11. Fabulous field trips and where to find them

    28 May 2021. At NRI, the University of Greenwich, field trips are an important component for BSc students of Physical Geography, Environmental Science, Biology and our brand-new Climate Change programme. Dr Sarah Arnold, Senior Lecturer in Insect Behaviour and Ecology and Deputy Programme Leader for BSc Biology, explains why field trips are so ...

  12. Field Trip Ideas

    Our programs engage students in hands-on investigations and real-world problem solving related to wastewater, storm water, ecosystem services, and environmental engineering. Cost: Programs are provided for 3rd - 8th grade classes at no cost to schools and free transportation is available to qualifying schools (25% or greater free and reduced ...

  13. 41 Exciting Project-Based Learning Field Trip Ideas

    August 14, 2023 // by Lauren Du Plessis. Discover a world beyond your classroom with 41 vibrant project-based learning field trip ideas. As teachers, we continually seek new ways to engage and inspire our young learners. For this reason, we've curated a list of unique educational destinations- each offering a wealth of hands-on learning ...

  14. 10 exciting in-person and virtual STEM field trips

    5. EarthEcho features a wide variety of virtual STEM field trips, including topics on water and sustainable futures, how one female biologist forged her career path, and engineering and its contributions to everyday life. 6. Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants hosts 20+ Google Hangout events for classrooms each month.

  15. 20 Field Trips in Seattle and Kitsap County to Spark Curiosity

    Stillwaters is an environmental education center in the Carpenter Creek watershed of Kingston. Discovery Packs. Stillwaters can provide Discovery Packs, including tools, field guides, and games designed to promote self-guided exploration of the watershed, for a $5 rental fee. Field Trips.

  16. Field trips in environmental education

    Field trips are a popular method for introducing students to concepts, ideas, and experiences that cannot be provided in a classroom environment. This is particularly true for trans-disciplinary areas of teaching and learning, such as science or environmental education. While field trips are generally viewed by educators as beneficial to ...

  17. Travel the World. Make a Difference.

    Browse Expeditions. Travel the World. Make a Difference. Earthwatch expeditions pair researchers with volunteers to address some of the world's most pressing environmental challenges. Explore our current expeditions to discover how you can make a difference.

  18. Field Trips

    There are more than 200 Environmental Education Centers in North Carolina that provide field trip opportunities for Pre-K-12 students. These facilities include nature and science centers, museums, parks, gardens, arboretums, aquariums, zoos, coastal resources, educational state forests, wildlife refuges and Soil and Water Conservation Districts ...

  19. Local Field Trips

    a collaborative initiative to accelerate sustainability and environmental education programs in K-12 schools. Through a robust community mapping process, we provide the information and insights needed to foster the next generation of resilient, sustainability leaders. Gen:Thrive offers a data-driven approach to deploy programs focused on ...

  20. Field Trip Ideas for Elementary School Students

    Elementary field trips teach kids about science, business, animals and more. Teach children important fundamentals outside of the classroom while staying safe on your field trip and having fun when you visit one of these locations. Plan your next outing with one of these field trip ideas for elementary school students.

  21. Pennsylvania Field Trips

    Perfect for Summer Camps, Sports Teams, Team Bonding, Day Care Groups, Clubs, Girl and Boy Scout Groups. GRADE LEVEL - All Grades PROGRAM TYPE - Day Trips, Self-Guided Activities. COST - Fee GROUP TYPE - School, Scout, Camp, Homeschool, Family PENNSYLVANIA. Lancaster TEL - 717-287-5000 Read More.

  22. Pennsylvania Field Trip Guide

    Pennsylvania History & Heritage Field Trip Ideas. ... (Science, Math, Technology & Engineering), ... For 50 years, Chesapeake Bay Foundation's award-winning environmental education program has been one of the cornerstones of their effort to reverse the Bay watershed's decline. They offer hands-on, unique outdoor education experiences for ...

  23. Pennsylvania Field Trips

    The Tour-Ed Mine is a perfect fit for elementary schools and middle schools looking for an educational and exciting field trip for their students. We also cater to other organizations in Western Pennsylvania like home schooled groups, Scouts and groups of 25 or more. This is an interactive coal mine tour and museum.