The Shooting Star

Get Off the Beaten Path With My Gujarat Travel Guide.

Gujarat travel guide, little rann of kutch

On my Gujarat travels, I saw a meteor shower in a desert, lived with locals and immersed in offbeat Gujarat destinations. Take my Gujarat travel guide to discover its living culture, pristine wilderness and unique cuisine .

Featured photo by Koshy Koshy (CC).

On a chilly December night, I lay on the roof of a watch tower in the darkness of India’s stark salt desert – the Little Rann of Kutch. The silence of the night was occasionally broken by the howling of a lone jackal or the running footsteps of a group of Asiatic wild asses. But the real show was unfolding above – a Geminid Meteor Shower, with bright green shooting stars falling through the dark skies!

As I felt wonderstruck in the vast silence, my host joined me with yummy local snacks  khakra  and  fafra . Together we took in the wonder above, delving into stories of life in the desert. It struck me then that the many versions of the Gujarat travel guide I had read online did the state no justice.

little rann of kutch, gujarat travel guide, gujarat places to visit

Gujarat travel guide

I was a bit skeptical while planning my maiden trip to Gujarat, India. But over an incredible fortnight, I stayed in a restored heritage haveli in Ahmedabad’s old city, stumbled upon an abandoned flamingo colony in the Little Rann of Kutch, met nomadic tribes that live deep in the Banni Grasslands, spotted a majestic pride of eight lions in Gir, and treated my tastebuds to the delightful flavors of the state’s unique cuisine.

If you plan to travel to Gujarat, ditch the usual tourist places in Gujarat to seek out offbeat places to see in Gujarat, spectacular landscapes, traditional heritage, local friendships and incredible (vegan) food:

Places to visit in Gujarat

Where to stay in ahmedabad, where to stay in the little rann of kutch, where to stay near the banni grasslands, where to stay in gir.

  • Is it safe to travel solo in Gujarat?

How to reach Gujarat and get around by public transport

Gujarati cuisine and vegan food, best time to visit gujarat.

  • Other offbeat places to visit in Gujarat

What would you add to my Gujarat travel guide? What’s on your wishlist?

1. old ahmedabad (a convenient place to start your gujarat trip).

French haveli ahmedabad, old ahmedabad, pol ahmedabad, gujarat tourism ahmedabad

The first time I visited Ahmedabad, on my way to Diu, its crowded streets and oppressive heat made me want to leave immediately. But thanks to the work of  Threee Foundation , a heritage restoration project in the 400-year-old walled community of ‘Dhal ni Pol’ in old Ahmedabad, I got a chance to travel back in time.

Rajiv Patel started restoring heritage buildings as a hobby and gradually turned it into a sustainable business, realizing the immense tourism and economic potential of India’s centuries old architecture. If all goes to plan, they could be hosting traditional music concerts and plays in restored heritage houses in Dhal ni Pol as early as next year!

Staying at the  French Haveli , a restored 150-year-old Jain haveli with a central courtyard, an ancient rainwater harvesting system and charming corners to sit and write, I felt a little like India’s erstwhile royalty.

Also read: Offbeat Rajasthan: 10 Awe-Inspiring Experiences

2. Little Rann of Kutch (one of the best places to visit in Gujarat)

Little rann of kutch guide, salt pans gujarat, gujarat travel guide

I was surprised to learn that the Little Rann of Kutch is neither little nor in the Kutch region! But perhaps the biggest surprise was driving for miles through this vast expanse of cracked earth without seeing another soul. The only way my host could find the way back was by leaving distinguishable wheel tracks in the desert!

Why is the Little Rann of Kutch among my top 10 places to visit in Gujarat?

World’s only refuge for the indian wild ass.

These Asiatic Wild Asses migrated from Kabul, barely survived a deadly disease and adapted to the cold, arid desert of the Little Rann. In 1971, their habitat became a protected Wild Ass Sanctuary – India’s largest wildlife sanctuary – and they share this arid space with blue sheep, blackbucks, Indian fox and short-eared owls.

Tracing the journey of salt

14% of India’s salt is made in large salt pans in the Little Rann – through back-breaking work by local families who spend half the year in makeshift homes in the desert heat. Hearing their life stories definitely put the food on my table into perspective.

Flamingo nesting colonies

When the water level falls after the monsoon in the Little Rann, the migratory flamingoes fly off with their young ones, abandoning the eggs that haven’t yet hatched. One salt worker tipped us off a colony deep in the desert, and when we found it, I was shocked to see newborn flamingoes baked in the sun and eagles feeding on the dead eggs; nature can be cruel like that.

Solitude in a white salt desert

When I confessed to my host that even though I wanted to see the white desert of the more popular Great Rann, I wasn’t ready to share it with a thousand other people, he took me to a secret place in the Little Rann which accumulates salt too! Walking alone in that white, limitless space made me feel like I was on another planet.

Gemenid Meteor Shower and shooting stars

I spent late nights on the roof of a watch tower in the Little Rann, watching the awe-inspiring Gemenid Meteor Shower in the dark skies in the company of my host – hatching plans to rent a boat and explore the Little Rann when it’s flooded in the rains!

Also read: Chhattisgarh: Motorcycle Adventures, Tribal Life and a Lingering Sadness

I stayed in a traditional kooba (circular mud hut) right across the road from the Little Rann, set up by Devijibhai Dhamecha – a passionate environmentalist and wildlife photographer, who was instrumental in the conservation of the Little Rann and its wild ass sanctuary. Indeed, I could see wild asses trotting in the desert even from the charpai (traditional rope bed)  in my balcony!

Also read: Awe-Inspiring Uttarakhand Homestays to Tune Out of Life and Tune Into the Mountains

3. Banni Grasslands, Kutch (one of the most underrated Gujarat attractions)

Banni grasslands, kutch, gujarat travel, gujarat tourist places

Before I arrived in Kutch, I had only heard of two things: the white desert and the Kutchi crafts. Luckily my host, a renowned environmentalist, wanted me to the unexplored delights of the region.

Why Banni Grasslands encapsulate the best of Gujarat travel

Nomadic ways of the camel herders.

Our adventures began with a serendipitous encounter with the nomadic Fakirani Jath people and their large herd of camels! They invited us to their makeshift homes deep in the wild scrub desert of Banni, and shared stories of how when the India-Pakistan borders were still lax, brides and grooms would walk across the length of Banni to get married. Their resolve to keep their traditional way of life in the confines of Banni, when urban civilization is literally at their doorstep, amazed me.

A million cranes flying into the sunset

In the seemingly lifeless scrub land of Banni, I was mesmerized by the vast species of birds we saw, and even more so in witnessing a million cranes flying together to their home in the wetlands just as the sun set.

Strange mineral-infused landscapes

On an early morning, I witnessed sunrise over the Grand Canyon-like landscapes in a secret part of Kutch – once under the sea, with minerals accumulated on unearthly rock formations to give them a strange shiny white color.

Also read: 15 Responsible Travel Tips for Authentic, Meaningful Experiences on the Road

banni grasslands, gujarat photos, gujarat travel guide, gujarat sunset

I would’ve been quite lost in Kutch without my host Jugal Tiwari, a professional ecologist and an inspiring soul. CEDO Homestay , his home in the village of Moti Virani, is a hub for birding enthusiasts, and his work and stories of Kutch made me fall in love with the region.

Also read: M y Alternative Travel Guide to Goa

4. Gir National Park (one of the places to go in Gujarat for wildlife enthusiasts)

gir national park, sasan gir, sasan gir national park, Gujarat gir forest tourism

It’s one thing to go on a jeep safari through Gir National Park; quite another to live inside the park’s buffer zone and hear about hair-raising lion encounters from your Gujarati hosts on moonlit nights!

Why Gir National Park belongs on your Gujarat travel itinerary

Living in the buffer zone of gir.

That experience of casually strolling outside on a moonlit night and seeing a pair of shining eyes moving through the bushes, looking right at you! Living in a charming house on an organic farm, with just a fence separating me from the territory of Asiatic lions, was the highlight of my time in Gujarat.

Saurashtrian (vegan) food – and a precious lesson about Gujarat food

In the Saurashtra region of Gujarat, which has traditionally been famine-prone, the rule is that nothing gets wasted. That meant I feasted on sev tamatar  by night, and on poha and saunf (fennel) stuffed roasted tomatoes for breakfast. My host family veganized their delicious traditional dishes, and I promised to come back, stay longer and indulge further in the culinary delights of Saurashtra.

Jeep safari through Gir National Park (Sasan Gir)

I could score a booking for a jeep safari in Gir thanks to someone’s heads up on Instagram; bookings can only be done online and as far as 3 months in advance. I chose to pay a bit extra and have a jeep and guide all to myself – and I’m glad I did, because there is so much more in that dry teak forest than lions.

All other jeeps zoomed past us in search of lions, while we took our time, watching birds, smaller mammals and discussing the lives of people who live inside the park without electricity. Just as we were on our way out, a majestic lioness crossed our path, and led us to a tribe of 8 lions – 3 lionesses and 5 cubs! What a sighting.

Gujarat sightseeing tip: AVOID Devaliya Park

Even if you see no lions on a safari, please don’t go to the adjacent Devaliya Park – which is essentially a zoo of Asiatic lions where older lions are kept in enclosed areas and fed manually. What a pity that the forest department encourages this form of cruel wildlife tourism – let us be responsible and not support it.

Also read: Best Places for Stargazing and Meteor Showers in India

Aranya eco farm, Sasan gir national park, gujarat homestays, places to travel in gujarat

Staying at Aranya Eco Farm , an organic mango farm in the buffer zone of Gir National Park, hosted by a sweet Gujarati couple, was totally worth the splurge – and something you’d never find on a regular Gujarat trip itinerary.

I spent time with their friends in the village, cooled off in the pool on warm days, saw stunning sunsets on the hill nearby, appreciated their approach to organic farming and eco-friendly living, and promised to come back in the rains and stay longer.

Is it safe to travel solo in Gujarat ?

little rann of kutch, gujarat secret places, gujarat travel guide, places to visit in gujarat india

I loved journeying through Gujarat all by myself – my hosts, co-passengers on long day bus rides and random people I interacted with were all very friendly. I never got cheated, rarely saw touts, and the few autos / taxis I took were very decent. I read a lot about Gujarat travel places online, but little about travelling solo in Gujarat, so this was a pleasant surprise!

In retrospect though, most of my interactions were with men; I rarely met women leading tourism initiatives.

Also read: What it’s Like to Travel Solo When You’re in a Relationship

little rann of kutch, gujarat places to visit, gujarat travel guide, offbeat gujarat, little rann of kutch guide

I was surprised to arrive at the intra-state bus stop in Ahmedabad – a fancy, clean, well maintained space for people in transit. But my elation quickly crashed when my bus arrived – no different from the dingy, rickety state buses across India.

I ended up traveling fairly long distances on such buses (thankfully it was winter and the heat was bearable), for no volvo or luxury buses run during the day. I hope Gujarat tourism fixes that soon.

Also read: What India (and the World) Can Learn from Sustainable Tourism in Kerala

Gujarati thali, Gujarat food, Gujarat culture, vegan gujarat

As a newbie vegan, I was apprehensive of my tryst with the dairy capital of India. I found that people are incredibly proud of their vegetarianism (except the small meat-eating population), but no one quite engaged with me to debate the cruelty in dairy farming.

Ghee (clarified butter), butter, milk and curd feature in several dishes and veganism is an alien concept – so I had to constantly remind and check whether the food being offered to me was dairy free. It was worth the effort, because from my first Gujarati thali at the House of MG in Ahmedabad to Saurashtrian food in Gir, I loved every morsel I ate!

I think I finally get the Gujarati obsession with carrying theplas for emergency meals 😉

Also read: 11 Tips to Ease Your Transition Into Veganism

Best season to visit Gujarat

I travelled to Gujarat in winter, and highly recommend the months from late October to early March to visit the state. Expect cool mornings and evenings, and warm days, pretty much everywhere you go.

Places to visit in Gujarat in December

The Little Rann of Kutch is the best place in Gujarat for a winter trip, followed by Gir National Park, especially for forest and wildlife lovers.

Also read: Moonlit Cycling, Poetry and Other Meaningful Things to do in Fort Kochi

Offbeat places for my next trip beyond regular tourist attractions in Gujarat

little rann of kutch, gujarat sunset, gujarat travel guide, wild ass sanctuary

I’m glad I didn’t rush through my fortnight in Gujarat, but I’m definitely going back to explore more of the state:

  • The tribal area of Dang in West Gujarat
  • Marine National Park, off the Gulf of Kutch near Jamnagar
  • Saputara, the only hill station in Gujarat
  • Blackbuck National Park in Velavadar. If you know of an environmentally-conscious place to stay nearby, please let me know!
  • If you know of interesting beaches in Gujarat, let me know too.

gujarat travel guide, gujarat travel, gujarat blog, gujarat solo travel, gujarat tourism places to visit

Welcome to my blog, The Shooting Star. I’ve been called a storyteller, writer, photographer, digital nomad, “sustainability influencer,” social entrepreneur, solo traveller, vegan, sustainable tourism consultant and environmentalist. But in my heart, I’m just a girl who believes that travel – if done right – has the power to change us and the world we live in.

The Shooting Star Academy

gujarat trip blog

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Lovely post and some interesting places you have visited in Gujarat. I made a solo trip to Gujarat last December which included visiting, Ahmedabad, Dwaraka, Somnath, Bhuj, Rann of Kutch and vadodara in a span of 15 days.I have written my experience on some these places i visited in my blog and others will follow soon. Once thing I realised after reading your post is that I need to have a good camera. All those pictures posted in my blog are taken from my Mi4i phone. Hope you like it and would like to hear your thoughts.

Thanks Krish; sounds like you had a fun trip too! Unfortunately my laptop crashed during this trip and I lost some amazing photos taken with my camera. Most of the photos I’ve taken above are with my iPhone 6.

Aww thats really sad that your laptop crashed. Its really interesting to know that the photos were taken in iPhone 6 because they are really nice.

Thanks Krish; love the iPhone for that. The only feature I miss is zooming in on things.

These places all look wonderful.

They sure were Mani; wonderful in surprising ways!

Great post. Awesome pics.

Thanks so much 🙂

OMG, Shivya, I can’t believe seeing pictures of the same French Haveli I stayed at, in february this year, so excited to see that. I was a solo traveller through Rajasthan for almost three weeks and had the greatest time with my camera, as you can see on my posts about India. The French Haveli is a real nice place to stay. An I also went to the MG house to have dinner, as I am vegetarian there was so much delightful food. Namaste

That’s awesome Cornelia; I only wish we had been there at the same time, would’ve been so great to meet you! I can’t wait to read your posts about India now 🙂

Indeed that would have been awesome, Shivya, thank you , maybe some other times our path will cross, never know

beautiful pics shivya.. just feel like join to these places right away !

Thanks Madhu, hope you end up planning a trip to Gujarat soon then!

Gujarat is so beautiful!!! This is a great post with lots of content stacked. 🙂

Indeed it is, and haha, a lot more content waiting to be stacked 😉

Lol. Awesome. Stack it up girl. 🙂 Regards, Karmughil

As always nice post ! I had similar experiences during my first solo (ever) trip through Gujarat a couple of months back 🙂 Also I had been to Velavadar, its a beautiful park. I stayed at Bhavanagar, about 45kms from velavadar, at Narayani heritage. I am not sure if it is environmentally-conscious but is certainly a nice place to stay. Btw, am a big fan of your work 🙂

Thanks! And glad you had fun solo tripping through Gujarat too. Thanks for the recommendation in Bhavnagar, it seems like a better alternative to staying in the sanctuary itself.

Hi I am from Jamnagar. Hotel President Mushtak Bhai is a knowledgeable and interested person. +919824227786. He will easily manage things. Give a try.

Thanks for the recommendation!

Wonderful post, I have started envying you and your travel quests:) I really wish there was some all women blogger travel package as I am scared of solo travelling, even if it were 2 or 3 women it would be good, I insist women bloggers because we have a different lens of seeing life altogether! What is a good time to visit Gujarath and Rann especially, pls let me know…

Winter’s definitely the best time, when the weather is cooler – though it’s also the peak time, so maybe early / late winter. You could try banding together with other women bloggers and planning a trip 🙂

Do you do lot of planning for you trips Shivya? I mean booking stays, transport, minute details of details of places to visit etc? Just curious to know how you usually plan so that I can take some tips. I am normally dont plan much apart from places to visit just to make my trip as much dynamic and interesting as possible 😀

Hey Krish, I only plan my accommodation – infact I pour in hours of research to find something unique and experiential. That almost always leads me to unique adventures (like the ones in Gujarat), interesting people and local insights. Transport is easy to figure out once you get to the place, as are other details 🙂

Always love reading your travel stories. Sad that you visited Kutch and we didn’t meet. Best wishes!

Indeed Kuldip, I was looking forward to seeing you but our dates were just not in tandem. Next time!

Ahmedabad and Gujarat is one of the safest places to be! 🙂 I’ve stayed there for 2 years, roamed on bikes alone in the midnight to have bun maska at stations, traveled on highways (dreamlike)! It has some awesome mid night street food places like Manek Chowk! And hotel Viram in Bhuj which had the most cheapest yet best Kachchi food ever 🙂

Very true PJdiploma 🙂 Foods are really awesome and the maska bun in Lucky restaurant in ahmedabad is the best! Few cups of tea and couple of maska bun makes your day and keeps you light 🙂

You have no idea how much this has helped me! I am planning to go to Gujarat soon and that too on my first solo trip. You whole blog has been an inspiration. Thank you!! 🙂 🙂

Hey The Paw lady,

December is a good time to visit and you have the rann festival also happening during that time which worth to see.The Vadodara laxmi Vilas palace is another awesome experience and a must go place. I had visited last year and posted some of it in my blog. Feel free to browse through and hope you find it useful…Shivya in this post has shared some which Iam yet to explore but that’s for another time. Oh don’t miss the Kutchi food and the maska bun 🙂

Thanks a lot!! I’ll keep all this in mind for sure. I’ll snoop around your blog also and make my itinerary😊😊

P. S. Maska bun is top priority😜

That really made my day 🙂 I’m so glad you’re heading to Gujarat, and alone too. I hope you’ll love it as much as I did!

I hope so too!! Forever grateful to you🙏💖

amazing photos….

It’s a Wonderful state… I’ve spent four years there… The people are very helpful and nice…

Waw! that’s amazing!

Wonderful pics !

I’d love to visit the Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, located in the Panchmahal district of Gujarat.

I discover a very nice blog here. I’m travelling India right now. I see such wonderful things ! I’d like to share my photos with you :

I keep reading your blog. Sorry for my poor english, I’m actually french.

Me am basically from Kutch. But still its wonderful to see how much ground youv covered there in an offbeat way. Its only one small area but that youv covered, the whole coastal part along with border and port areas with its rich spiritual cultural quotient is also worth its salt. Its really helpful though some of the contacts UV posted herein. Gujarat on a whole is always fun, visiting many times a year.

Nice post on Gujarat, We also did a Road trip across Saurashtra, and you can check out our footprints at:

As for the Rann of Kutch, I did the Run the Rann in Kutch, and it is a great experience to experience the White Run on this fantastic Ultra Marathon. Do check it out if you are a runner.

Finally, at Velavadar, since you asked, do stay at the Kaliyar Bhavan Forest Lodge. It is a barebones government-run forest lodge right inside the sanctuary. We loved our stay there, and I guess you should surely check it out.

i read some of ur post and all of the captions which captivated me. im feeling really good to see ur hard work for others encouragement and u r really talented in featuring photographs. ur thoughts r very connective and im spell bounded. i have many questions regarding travelling. im messaging u the questions through Facebook, i would be grateful if u help me by answering them. thank you

Reblogged this on Eat N Travel to Live.

Hi Shivya, Nice blog!! Found useful. But I would like to mention my experience with this guy that you have talked about ‘ Devjibhai Dhameja’ A very arrogant person he is. I called him to enquire and only thing I got is arrogant replies from him. Other blog reader , please don not stay at Dhameja’s homestays. Thank you.

Hi Shivya, I have a similar itinerary in mind, so reading your blog was such a delight. how did you get from Kutch to Gir?

Wonderful places with lots of useful information. Great Post

wonderful post I read so far. The information is much interesting.Pictures are really amazing. I thank you a lot and you deserve it.

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The Wandering Core

The Wandering Core

Places to see in Gujarat with Itinerary

Guj Itinerary featured

The architecture, temples, food and the deep blue sea, this sums of Gujarat for me. The historic architecture of Gujarat is well acclaimed by all & promoted by India’s favorite Amitabh Bachchan . The state is home to one of the char dhams of Hinduism; Dwarkadhish – the westernmost corner of India. An abode for distinguished wildlife including Sasan Gir and a mecca for safari enthusiasts, Gujarat is a diverse state. My Gujarat itinerary included a tour of the new tourist attraction – Statue of Unity, age-old temples, and the forts & palaces . Let’s dive in about the places to see in Gujarat in 5 days – 

A Gujarat Itinerary for 5 Days

Gujarat is a huge state and we realized during our trip planning that we can’t cover it all in a single trip of 5 days. So, we took inputs from all three members & prioritized. As we wanted to cover Gujarat as much as possible in 5 days so we booked an early morning flight from Delhi and a late departure from Ahmedabad. 

So let’s dive into my Gujarat itinerary with all the places to see in Gujarat in 5 days. 

Places to see in Gujarat –  Day 1

Drive from ahmedabad to dwarka – 8 hour journey.

As the major tourist places to see in Gujarat are literally miles apart and a drive is the best way to travel unless you take a train. Trains are usually booked & full almost 2 months in advance. I tried & failed to get a train so we decided on a cab to drive us through the state.  The drive from Ahmedabad airport to Dwarka will take approximately 8 hours without any breaks, which is impossible to imagine. Road trips are best enjoyed with tea breaks & lunch to enjoy the local cuisine. 

gug Drive

The route will take you through the state’s countryside and various cities you’ve heard only here & there. The route includes a pass-through Rajkot which is known for automobiles & Gandhi’s childhood schooling. If you’re a Gandhi fan, make a detour to the school-turned-memorial else proceed on the journey. Enjoy the famous kathiyawadi meal of the region when here. 

Reaching Jamnagar means you’re getting closer to Dwarka. This small town is known for national parks, bird centuries & a beautiful beach. Although one cannot visit the national parks while en-route to Dwarka. However, a diversion to the beach for catching the sunset will be memorable. Enjoy the sunset while sipping tea and then head back for the final destination. 

Check in the hotel, relax for the night & sleep tight for an equally exciting next day. 

Places to see in Gujarat –  Day 2

The Dwarkadhish temple of Dwarka is one of the char-dhams of Hindu religion & most visited places. It is indeed one of the must-visit places to see in Gujarat and a humbling way to connect to Lord Krishna. Don’t miss out including Dwarka in your Gujarat itinerary. 

Dwarka Beyt

There’s a saying that Dwarka is the one where Lord Krishna settled after marriage. Dwarka has 2 main temples, one is on an island – Dwarka Beyt – accessible only via a boat. The boat is organized by locals and is usually filled completely charing 20₹ per person. The ride takes you through the sea, with seagulls all around & even coming near to the boats when people throw bread to them. Although you shouldn’t as it’s not their meal, after being fed from so many years, they’re used to it now, & it’s unethical too. As a responsible traveler, I didn’t and I only admired them fly over the sea. The 15-20 minute journey seems a tad hectic because of uncomfortable boats, but the sea & the blue water diverted me for good. 

IMG_2078 (1)

The temple is a 10-minute walk from the port with no phones or camera allowed. I love the places where photography isn’t allowed and we can actually connect . There you’ll pass various rooms of Lord Krishna and finally a room where the saga of this place is shared by the pundits. They explain how & why the donation of rice is an important ritual here and we too made a donation. 

Rukmini Temple

The 12th-century temple dedicated to Rukmini Devi, Lord Krishna’s wife, is a marvel to admire. The carvings, historic & religious significance makes it one of the places to see in Gujarat. 

Dwarkadhish Temple

The Dwarkadhish Temple is of prime importance to Hindus and is known to be admired from people across India. One of the char-dhams, the temple is frequently visited by the believers of Lord Krishna. 

Sudama Setu

Lord Krishna’s poor friend who came to visit him in the hope of some help with his poverty. Sudama brought cooked rice as a gift to Lord Krishna and as Krishna took each bite, Sudama’s home turned into a palace. The Setu or bridge is named after Sudama and connects Panchnad island to main Dwarka. 

Enjoy a local meal before proceeding to Somnath and make a pit stop at Porbandar too. 

The birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi & Sudama, Porbandar is one of the places to see in Gujarat to know our roots. If your time permits, make a detour to Sudama temple and Kirti Mandir about the life of Gandhi. The town also has a beach if you would like to see the mesmerizing sunset here. 

Continue the drive to Sasan Gir to call it a day! You can also book a hotel/resort in Sasan to make a pit stop and do the safari in morning.

Places to see in Gujarat –  Day 3

Sasan gir aka gir national park.

It is almost impossible to think that a trip to Gujarat is complete without a detour to Sasan Gir. That said my Gujarat itinerary also includes an early morning trip to Gir National Park . The wildlife sanctuary is known for the only home for Asiatic lions in the Asian continent. The booking should be done much in advance online, and early morning slot is the best time to spot the lion. Book the safari here . 

Gir Peacock

It is highly probable that the day will start way early, so I’d advise booking a resort near Sasan Gir, rather than driving from Junagadh or Somnath. Driving is also feasible but that will make the night shorter and might leave you grumpy. Coming from Porbandar, the resorts will help you unwind for the action-packed next day.

After the 3 hour Sasan Gir Safari, head back to the resort for breakfast and check out from here. Before heading to the final stop of Somnath, I’d suggest taking a day trip to Junagadh. 

Junagadh is a central city in the state closely located to Somnath, Diu , Sasan Gir and Porbandar. If you plan to visit only these places then Junagadh is an optimal place to settle in. 

A princely state Junagadh came to Indian territory after a brief fight with Pakistan. Historically a part of Bombay state, Junagadh came into Gujarat only in 1960. Located at the foot of the sacred Girnar hills, there are a number of places to see in Junagadh. 

I’d recommend starting your day with the Uparkot Fort going way back to the Mauryan dynasty. The Fort is home to Ranaki Devi Palace from where the entire city is visible. The fort also has various other structures including a step well – Adi Kadi Vav, Buddhist caves, and canons on display from the Portuguese era. In my observation, the Fort needs serious restoration and because of its historical significance, it can be a major crowd puller.

Mahabat Maqbara

Mahabat Maqbara is a mausoleum built by the Nawabs of the city. The entry into the mausoleum isn’t allowed but it’s tangled architecture can be admired from outside. What caught my attention was the spiral staircase surrounding the main structure. If time persists, I would suggest hiking the Girnar hills too. 

In the evening drive to Somnath for visiting the famous temple & also catching the sunset on India’s west coast.

The western town of Gujarat is renowned for its shore temple going by the name – Somnath Temple. The temple is a part of 12 jyotirlingas spread all across India, which also Kedarnath temple too. Mobiles, camera & even handbags aren’t allowed inside the temple and can be submitted in a cloakroom outside the temple premises. I would advise going on a weekday and not in peak seasons like Saavan Hindu month, or Shivratri as it will unbearably crowded then. 

Somnath temple

After visiting the temple, head to the north side of the temple to catch a glimpse of disappearing sun. There’s no way to access the beach from the temple’s side, but the premises outside is worth spending time. Enjoy the dusking of the day while munching on the street food sold by the vendors. 


Oddly I couldn’t find any good hotels in Somnath so we headed back to Junagadh for calling it a day. We stayed in Click Hotel, one of the best hotels to stay in the 7th largest city in Gujarat. The hotel is known to host a celebrity ( John Abraham ) when a Bollywood movie was shot here. 

Places to see in Gujarat –  Day 4

Head back to Ahmedabad from Junagadh (or Somnath) and take a quick pit-stop in Gondal to drop by a palace. I’ve included an off-beat palace in my Gujarat itinerary-

When driving back to Ahmedabad, Gondal will be on route and a place not known by many. Tourists usually come to Gondal to stay in the Palace which is offered by the authorities. The Naulakha palace goes back to the 18th century which literally got its name by the total amount used to build it. The palace houses some of the private collection of the Maharaja Bhagwat Sinhji. The Maharaja’s Durbar hall – audience hall, huge dining hall, children’s room, private doll & cars collection and royal kitchen. 


The palace’s staff also acts as a guide for the tour, and the ticket includes a price for tour and photography too. 

Indian history dates back to the Harappan era and some of the archaeological sites were found in Lothal in 1954. The gigantic ruins spread in the city are the most stupefying things to see in the city. The old dockyards are other things one must visit when in the town. 

Head back after the historic ruins tour to Ahmedabad to call it a day. Check in the hotel to relax & prepare for another adventurous day.

Places to see in Gujarat –  Day 5

A highly controversial new addition to Gujarat’s tourism is the Statue of Unity and no trip to the state is now complete without a detour to the Statue. 

Start your day early day by a drive towards the statue of unity via Vadodara or known ubiquitously as Baroda. Try to include Statue of Unity in your Gujarat itinerary. 

Statue of Unity

World’s tallest colossal statue built to honor Indian freedom activist Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Alluded by controversies, the 182-meter statue is attracting thousands of tourists. The statue also hosts an observatory to the valley of flowers over Narmada river and a Statue of Unity sign engraved on the hill facing it. I’d recommend booking tickets online in advance as the tickets run out fast & long queues cause a long wait. 


If you don’t get caught up in the long lines for the bus taking you to the statue, you’ll be free by noon. On the way back to Ahmedabad, I’d suggest visiting the Laxmi Villas Palace in Vadodara. The Indo-Saracenic architecture of the palace owned by the Maratha family ruling Baroda in the 18th century. 


After this packed Gujarat itinerary, head back to the Ahmedabad’s airport or railway station for your onward journey. 

Check out my review of Click Hotel, Junagadh!

This sums up my Gujarat itinerary and we managed to see quite a number of places. We also covered Diu, a Union Territory as a day trip from Somnath. I loved Diu and would suggest visiting it when visiting its nearby place. But if you’re short on time, then you might need to plan a separate trip to this part of the state. Hope you’d like these places to see in Gujarat & will plan a trip to the state soon. 


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[…] Don’t miss my Gujarat itinerary! […]

Such interesting information you have shared to us about Gujarat. I truly liked to visit here.

Regards Saurav Singh

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[…] alpines, dense forests, multihued cities, and of course Machu Picchu in Peru. Rann of Kutch in Gujarat reminds me of my dream trip to the salt flats of Bolivia. A diverse continent with various […]

It’s good to know about the state, hope I get to see Asiatic lions in Gir someday.

Great post 😁

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A travel & lifestyle blog, 8 days gujarat tour itinerary – explore kutch and beyond.

With a 1600 km long coastline in the western part of India, Gujarat is one of the most colorful and vibrant Indian states. From the pristine stretches of white desert to architectural wonders. From abundant natural beauty to rich culture and tradition. Gujarat has something for everyone.

Rann of Kutch was always a dream for me . But my recent visit to Gujarat, made me realize that the state has much more to offer. This trip left me spellbound. 

In this article, I am sharing an 8-day detailed itinerary to Gujarat. It’s the same itinerary we followed during our trip. However, this itinerary focuses on the northwestern part of Gujarat, including the Rann Utsav. It provides insights into the routes and places you should include in your itinerary.

Heritage walk at Ahmedabad

How to spend 8 days in Gujarat

•  This itinerary is suitable for solo travelers and those seeking to travel in a group (friend & family).

•  Perfect season for a trip to Gujarat is perfect from October to March. During this time, the marshy salt land turns into a White salt dessert, known as White Rann. Apart from Kutch, the rest of the destinations in this itinerary can be planned any time of the year.  

• This itinerary will work best if you hire a self-drive car or taxi. If you choose to opt for public transport, plan your stay and timings accordingly.

Kalo Dungar, The highest peak in Kutch

Explore kutch and Beyond in 8 days

Day 1 – Ahmedabad

Day 2 – Ahmedabad

Day 3 – Vadnagar, Patan, Modhera

Day 4 –  Wild Ass Sanctuary, Dasada, Bhujodi  

Day 5 –  Bhuj City

Day 6 – Nirona, Tent City Dhordo, White Rann

Day 7 – Dholavira, Gandhi nu Gam, Kalo Dungar

Day 8 – Tent City, Bhuj    

Sunrise, little Rann of Kutch, Gujarat

8 days in Gujarat – A detailed itinerary to Kutch & beyond

So, let’s get started. Here is how to spend 8 days in the most vibrant and mystic part of Gujarat.

Day 1- Arrive at Ahmedabad (Sabarmati Ashram, Sabarmati Riverfront, Manek Chowk night market)

Also known as the Manchester of India, Ahmedabad is the commercial hub of Gujarat. Ahmedabad is well connected to all the major cities of India. Read more about the must-visit places in Ahmedabad here.

Check-in at the Hotel: Once you land in Ahmedabad, check in at your hotel. You can opt for hotels near the Airport (we stayed at The Ummed Ahmedabad, which is within walking distance from the Airport). Depending on the time you reach Ahmedabad, you can visit popular places. If you reach during the morning or Noon, these are the places you can visit on the first day.

Sabarmati Ashram

When in Ahmedabad, visiting Mahatma Gandhi’s residence is a must. Situated on the bank of the Sabarmati River, the Sabarmati Ashram was one of the many residences of Mahatma Gandhi and his disciples. Surrounded by a lush green garden, the ashram houses a residential block and a museum. The residential block showcases the humble abode of Mahatma Gandhi, his wife Kasturba Gandhi, and their disciples. You can feel the tranquility and positive vibes the moment you step here.

Time required: 1 hour

Ashram opening time: 10 am to 5 pm

Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad

Sabarmati Riverfront

The next destination in your itinerary is the Sabarmati Riverfront. A unique project to beautify and improve the environment around the river. Sabarmati Riverfront offers many attractions and activities for people of all age groups. Take a long stroll along the river, visit one of the many gardens, or indulge in thrilling watersports activities.

Time required: 2 hours (depends on the activities you want to experience)

Timings: 9 am -9 pm

Sabarmati River Front , Ahmedabad

Manek Chowk food street

After the fun time at Riverfront, it’s time to treat your tastebuds with mind-blowing flavors. The Manek Chowk is an old city square that transforms into a buzzing food market every night. Satisfy your cravings with a variety of sweets, traditional savories, and much more.

Time Required: 2 hours

Timings: 8.30 pm to 2 am 

Manek Chowk, Ahmedabad

Day 2 – Ahmedabad Heritage walk & Science City 

Start early as you get to experience both, the rich past and futuristic side of Ahmedabad.

Ahmedabad Heritage walk

An early morning heritage walk is the best way to explore and understand the rich history of the city. Conducted by Ahmedabad Municipal corporation, this 2-3 hour guided tour takes you through 22 different spots in the old city. The heritage walk takes you through the narrow lanes of Manek Chowk showcasing the centuries-old buildings, temples, and Mansions. Also known as ‘Mandir to Masjid’ the tour starts from Swaminarayan Temple and ends at Jama Masjid. Heritage walk is the best way to appreciate the past at a reasonable cost.

Timing: 7:45 A.M. to 10:30 A.M

Length: 2 Km

Indian Citizen Rs.200 Per Person (Inclusive Taxes)

Foreign Citizen Rs.300 Per Person (Inclusive Taxes)

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Lunch at Gordhan Thal

You can have lunch at Manek Chowk or stop by at Gordhan Thal to relish the traditional Gujarati thali. The ornately decorated restaurant serves a variety of dishes in a traditional thali. The best part is they serve unlimited food for just INR 350 (approx.)

Although the place is super crowded during lunchtime, you may have to wait to find a place to sit.

Traditional Gujarati thali at Gordhan Thal

Science city Ahmedabad

Time to explore the futuristic side of Ahmedabad. Science city is not a monotonous museum, but a completely immersive experience. Some exhibits at science city make you feel you are in Singapore. Keep aside as much time as possible, if you are traveling with children, to leisurely enjoy each exhibit. Special attractions at science city include the Aquatic world, Robotics, VR Gaming zone,3 D Movies, Planetarium, and much more. Don’t miss the light and sound show in the evening.

Time required: 3-4 hours

Timings: 10 am to 7.30 pm

Entry Fee: General entry Fee is INR 50; you need to pay separately for di fferent activities and exhibits.

Science City, Ahmedabad

Explore Vadnagar – Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Birthplace

After breakfast, checkout from the hotel and head to Vadnagar. Vadnagar is a historical town situated in the Mehsana district. Apart from its architectural wonders, this town is famous for another reason. Vadnagar is the birthplace of our Prime minister Narendra Modi. As a child, he used to help his father sell tea at Vadnagar Railway station. An inspirational place indeed. Some of the main attractions at Vadnagar are the 12th Century ornately carved Kirti Toran, Sarmistha Talav, 17th Century Hatkeshver Mahadev temple, ornately carved Sitala Mata temple.

Distance for Ahmedabad: 100 km

Travel time: 2-2.30 hours

Time required: 2 -3 hours

Kirti Toran, Vadnagar

Patan: Rani Ki Vav, Patan Patola Heritage Museum

The next stop is another iconic destination. Patan was the capital of Gujarat’s Chavda and Chalukya dynasties in medieval times. Today place is known for its UNESCO world heritage site “Rani Ki Vav”. This astoundingly beautiful stepwell was built in 1063 by Rani Udayamati of the Chaulukya dynasty to commemorate her husband Bhimdev. The stepwell was buried in the stilt till the 1940s and was restored in the 1980s. A Picture of this place is also printed on a 100 Rs. Indian currency. Patan Patola museum is another attraction in Patan, where you can witness the process of Patola silk weaving.

Distance from Vadnagar: 62 km

Travel Time: 1.30 hours

Time required: 2 hours

8 days Gujarat itinerary - Rani Ki Vav, Patan

Modhera: Sun Temple

Modhera is famous for its magnificently carved Sun temple complex. There are only a few Sun temples in India, Modhera is one of them. This 11th-century temple is built on the tropic of Cancer by the Solanki Rulers. The Temple complex is flanked by green grass and tall trees. The complex also has a splendid stepwell known as Ramakund. The lighting at the temple during the evening makes this whole place even more spectacular.

Distance from Patan: 34 km

Travel time: 30-45 mins

Sun Temple, Modhera, Gujarat

Check-in at Dasada

After Modhera, head straight to Dasada for the night’s stay. You can choose one of the below Resorts for your stay.

1.      Rann Riders

2.      The Royal Safari Camp

3.      Desert Coursers

4.      Bhavna Resort and farms

5.      Little Rann Resort

Distance from Modhera: 50 km

Travel time: 1-1.30 hours

Day 4 – Wild Ass Safari, Little Rann of Kutch, Bhuj

Desert safari at wild ass sanctuary, dasada.

Get ready for an exciting early morning desert safari. Little Rann of Kutch is known for its salty marshland and rich biodiversity. The Wild Ass Sanctuary is the only place on earth where you can find Indian Wild Ass (Khur) in their natural habitat. This place is also a paradise for bird lovers. You can spot a variety of birds including the flamingoes here. This safari is a one-of-a-kind experience. The morning Safari starts at 7 a.m. The evening safari is at 2.30 p.m. It is advisable to go for a morning safari, as the weather is pleasant and the chances of spotting the animals in their natural habitat are more.

Read more about the safari by clicking this link.

After the Safari, return to your hotel and checkout after breakfast. Head to Bhuj.

Bhuj is around 270 km from Dasada and it takes around 6 hours via NH947.

Time required for Desert Safari: 2-3 hours

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Shop at Bhujodi

Just about 10 km before Bhuj, stop at Bhujodi. This small town is the major textile and handicraft hub of the Kutch region. You can shop for unique articles with embroidery, tie, dye, mirror work, etc. There are many small shops in and around the city. But you can visit the Ashapura Crafts Park, Shrujan, and Hiralaxmi Craft Park for shopping for handicraft products.  

Distance from Dasada: 269 km

Time required at Bhujodi: 1-2 hour

After shopping at Bhujodi, head to Bhuj. Take an accommodation near the Harmisar lake, as most of the attractions in Bhuj are in this area.

8 days itinerary to Gujarat

Shree Swaminarayan temple

If you reach early, you can visit the magnificent Shree Swaminarayan Temple. Built with white marble, the temple is an architectural wonder. It was constructed in 1822, but a part of it was destroyed in the 2001 Earthquake. Later in 2010, the temple was constructed again.

Time Required: 1 hour

Timings: 5 am -12 pm, 3 pm -9 pm

Day 5 – Explore Bhuj

Start your day with a visit to Aaina Mahal, An opulent 18th-century palace. This exquisite two-storied palace was designed by the talented engineer Ram Singh Malam, who lived in England for 18 years. The palace showcases a blend of local as well as the European style of architecture and interiors.

• Prag Mahal: Situated next to the Aaina Mahal is the Prag Mahal. Built in the 19th century with Italian marble and sandstone, the palace has an impressive Darbar hall. The palace is filmed in the blockbuster Bollywood movie “Lagaan”.

• Harmisar Lake: A 450-year-old man-made lake situated in the center of the city.

• Kutch Museum: One of the oldest museums in Gujarat, Kutch Museum was founded in 1877. The museum has the largest collections existing collection. The museum has 11 sections and shows cases of Kshatrapa inscriptions, dating to the 1st century.

• Chattedi: One of the lesser-known destinations in Bhuj, Chattedi’s are the resting places of the rulers of the region. The Chattedi has umbrella-shaped roofs.

Aaina Mahal, Bhuj, Gujarat

Day 6 – Nirona village, Bhirandiara, Tent city, White Rann 

Nirona – rogan art & other art forms.

After breakfast head to Nirona. A small village around 40 kilometers from Bhuj city. The village is home to artisan families practicing unique art forms. Nirona is especially known for its Rogan art, a unique art form practiced only by one family in this village. One of the Rogan art paintings was gifted to US President Barak Obama by our Prime minister, Narendra Modi. Other art forms practiced in Nirona include Lacquer art and copper bells. Read More about Nirona.

Distance from Bhuj: 40 km

T ime required: 1-2 hours

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Bhirandiyara- Milk cakes

The next pitstop is Bhirandiyara, another Kutch village that falls en route to Dhordo. Stop here for some fresh and delicious milk cake. You can also shop for articles with fine embroidery work here.

Distance from Nirona: 43 km

Time Required: 30 Minutes

Bhirandiyara village, Kutch

Tent City, Rann Utsav, Dhordo

A grand welcome awaits you at the Tent City, Dhordo. The tent city is a place where Rann Utsav takes place. With 400 luxurious tents and all the other amenities, this temporary township is the epitome of luxury. It’s hard to believe that the entire setup is raised every year for Rann Utsav. After check-in at Tent City, enjoy the luxury of your tent.

Distance from Bhirandiyara: 29 km

The Tent City, Rann Utsav,Dhordo

Sunset at White Rann

Get ready to witness the most spectacular sunsets of your life at The White Rann. Since the sun sets early in the west, make sure to reach the white Rann at 5 o’clock. Buses are provided from Tent City to White Rann. Apart from witnessing the astounding sunset against the all-white backdrop, you can enjoy activities like paramotoring, ATV, etc.

The White Rann, Kutch

Cultural Activities at Tent City

Enjoy the cultural activities at Rann Utsav. You can also witness the star gazing show here.

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Day 7 – Dholavira, Gandhi Nu Gam, Kalo Dungar 

Dholavira – a harrapan site.

One of the most prominent archeological sites belonging to Indus valley civilizations. Dholavira is considered one of the grandest Harrapan cities of its time. Dholavira ruins should be a part of your itinerary if the ancient civilizations and ruins interest you. Since it takes around 5 hours to reach the site, it’s better to skip it if you are not fascinated by early civilizations. However, if you plan to visit Dholavira, make sure to start early to be back on time.

Distance from Tent city: 86 km

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Gandhi nu Gam – A handicraft village

A handicraft village situated 28 km from the tent city, Gandhi Nu Gam is a living example of resilience and determination. This village was destroyed by the 2001 earthquake. But was rebuilt through the collective efforts by Government, Local communities, Ngo, etc. Today the village houses Kutch artisans who create vibrant and colorful Handicrafts. Gandhi nu Gam is a representation of traditional Kutch village. You can shop for some beautiful articles here. Know more about Gandhi Nu Gam.

Distance from Tent City: 28 km

Gandhi Nu Gam, Kutch

Kalo Dungar

Kalo Dungar or black hill is the highest peak in Kutch. At 462 m, Kalo Dungar is the only peak from where you can enjoy the panoramic view of the Great Rann of Kutch. Apart from the breathtaking vista, Kalo Dungar is also known for a 400-year-old Dattatray Temple and Magnetic hill.

Distance from Tent city: 46 km

Time required: 1.30 -2 hours

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Enjoy the cultural activities at Tent City

Return to the tent city and enjoy the assortment of delicious meals.  You can also participate in cultural activities.

Day 8 – Adventure activities at Tent City, Return to Bhuj

Go for adventure activities at the tent city.

The tent city has a vast adventure zone. You can enjoy thrilling activities like zipline, rock climbing, cycling, etc. The tent city also has gazebos selling the traditional Kutch handicrafts.

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Checkout & Return to Bhuj

Check out from Tent City and return to Bhuj city or the departure destination.

With this, your trip to the Northwestern part of Gujarat comes to an end. I hope this itinerary was helpful and, you can plan a hassle-free trip to Gujarat.

This trip was a part of All India Influencers meet 2021 organised by Gujarat tourism and Ministry of tourism, India

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how to spend 8 days in gujarat. Kutch and beyond

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7 thoughts on “ 8 Days Gujarat tour itinerary – Explore Kutch and beyond ”

The heritage walk sounds very interesting. Looks like you had a great trip!

Wow! This looks absolutely incredible. I especially loved Modhera. Such a detailed itinerary – very helpful! I am definitely keeping this for future reference!

I have been planning to visit the tent city for the last 3 years, but it gets cancelled every time.

This looks like a beautiful part of the country to explore for a while. There are so many pretty locations to visit!

Solid itinerary for seeing the best of Gujarat! The street food and thalis look delicious. I would love to try Gujarati food. The Rann of Kutch is high on my bucketlist and I’d also love to learn more about Gujarati crafts.

Thanks a lot. Glad you liked it. After visiting Gujarat once, i am also looking forward to visit more and learn about its culture and craft

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Gujarat is a mixed bag of hidden gems for travellers. Verdant ranges of Satpura-Vindhya-Aravalli, a 1300 km long coastline washed by the Arabian Sea, the Rann of Kutch (which sadly we couldn’t visit due to shortage of time), historical places some of which dates right back to the Harappan times, imposing temples and mosques, national parks and sanctuaries which serve as homes to Asiatic Lion, Blackbuck, Wild Ass, Flamingo and other diverse wildlife – Gujarat offers it all. So, here comes our 10-day itinerary for a memorable visit to the Land of Legends.

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Day 1: Fly to Ahmedabad and move onto Somnath.

On this day, you will arrive at Sardar Ballavbhai Patel Airport of Ahmedabad. As you collect your luggage and exit the airport, book an app cab and head straight to the Ahmedabad Railway Station. From there, board the Somnath Express in the night, which will reach Veraval the next morning.

Alternatively, you may also start your journey from Dwarka. Many trains ply between Ahmedabad and Dwarka, like Saurashtra Mail and Okha Express.

Somnath and Dwarka can also be reached by road. Private cabs can be booked. Also, over-night buses run from Ahmedabad. However, we suggest opting for train for a more comfortable and less tedious journey.

Day 2: Reach Somnath and explore.

The train will reach Veraval around 6 in the morning. Take a shared auto-rickshaw ride to Somnath, which is just 5 kms away from Veraval.

Somnath Mandir

Accomodation in Somnath:

Shree Somnath Trust offers comfortable accommodation at reasonable rates in its four guest houses- Lilavathi Atithi Bhavan, Maheswari Atithi Bhavan, Sagar Darshan Guest House and Tanna Atithigruha. Rooms can be booked online from the official site of the trust ( ). Delicious Gujarati meals are also available in the dining halls of the guest houses.

After checking-in and having breakfast, start exploring the holy city. Here are a couple of places we would recommend in Somnath:

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  • Gita Mandir, which has 18 marble pillars with one chapter from the Bhagvat Gita inscribed on each one.
  • Baldev Gufa, a cave through which Lord Baldev disappeared to the netherworld.
  • Triveni Sangam, the confluence of Kapila, Hiran and the mythical Saraswati.
  • Bhalka Tirtha, where Jara had accidentally shot Lord Krishna with an arrow.
  • Prabhas Patan Museum, which is located inside a dingy lane beside the temple and houses a fascinating collection of the ruins and remnants of the old avatars of the temple.
  • Take an aimless stroll on the Somnath Beach during sunset.
  • Last but not the least, the majestic Somnath Temple, standing with all its glory on the shore of the Arabian Sea. The evening arati is not to be missed as it creates an electrifying ambiance inside the sanctum sanctorum. Afterwards, watch the light and sound show which narrates the myth and history of Somnath.

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Day 2: Take a day-trip to Diu.

Start your day with offering puja at Somnath Temple and watching the morning arati.

Afterwards, go to Diu , the sea-side Union Territory, which is 2-hour drive from Somnath. This erstwhile Portuguese colony has its fair share of pristine beaches lined with Hokka trees and imposing forts that dates back to 16 th century. Drop by the following places for an exciting Diu trip:

lighthouse 2

  • The colossal Diu Fort, which is surrounded by the sea and offers a commanding panoramic view of the town and sea.
  • The immaculate St. Paul’s Church, one of the finest examples of Baroque architecture in India.
  • The spectacular Naida Caves, a labyrinth of orange colored caves and tunnels covered with network of aerial prop roots of age old banyan trees.
  • The INS Khukri Memorial, a memorial site of the Indian naval ship during the Indo-Pak war of 1971.
  • A journey to Diu remains incomplete without a visit to its beaches. There is the popular Nagoa beach, which is a horse shoe shaped beach with Hoka trees swaying on its shore. Ghoghla beach is another pleasing beach, which is the largest beach in Diu and located on the outskirts of the city. If you are looking for the luxury of solitude, we suggest the small and placid Jalandhar beach, which is situated en route of Naida caves and almost untouched by tourists.

Naida Caves1

Day 3: Date with Asiatic Lions in Gir.

One of the highlights of Gujarat trip is definitely a visit to the Gir National Park , the only remaining natural habitat of the Asiatic Lions. Sprawled over an area of 1412 sq. km, the three hour long safari in an open gypsy through the depths of the forest for spotting lions is a fascinating experience. Apart from 523 lions, there are also Indian Leopards, Golden Jackal, Sambars, Chinkara, various birds, reptiles and insects. Don’t miss the Kamleswar Dam, which is known as the lifeline of Gir and where the water is infested with mugger crocodiles. Also, pay a visit to the villages of Maldhari and Sidhi tribes on the fringes of the forest who co-exist with the wildlife.

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Important information for booking safari ride in Gir.

1.Bookings for Gir Jungle Trail can be done online from .

2.Safaris are available everyday at 3 time slots – 6 AM to 9 AM, 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM and 3 PM to 6 PM.

3.Gypsy permit charges are INR 800 for weekdays and INR 1000 for weekends and holidays.

4.The Guide charge is INR 400, while Gypsy charge is INR 1700, both of which has to be paid separately to guides and vehicle owners.

5.Carry valid ID proofs.

6.Safari remains closed from 16 th June to 15 th October every year. So, plan accordingly.

7.Gypsy safari can also be done in Devaliya National Park, also known as Gir Interpretation Zone.

8.There are 6 safari slots everyday spanning for 55 minutes. Devaliya remains closed on every Wednesday.

9.Bus safari is also available in Devaliya.

10.For better chances of spotting wildlife, we suggest visiting between March and May. Also, try opting for the earliest safari.

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Accomodation in Gir.

You can find large number of hotels and resorts in Sasan Gir catering to any type of budget. We stayed at the Asiatic Lion Lodge, a beautiful resort with 16 cottages located amidst sprawling greenery. The rooms are spacious and comfortable, provided with all the necessities. It has arrangement for bird-watching, nature-walk, cycling and indoor games. Check out the superb collection of books on the wildlife of Gir available in its reception. The restaurant of the resort serves delicious vegetarian preparations. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay here.

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Day 4: Enjoy a morning safari and proceed to Dwarka via Por Bandar.

Since we couldn’t spot a single Asiatic Lion the other day, we opted for a morning safari in Devaliya. Sadly, we managed to spot only a sleeping lion. However, the safari was not a total dud. As we were left dejected for not spotting Asiatic Lions properly, a leopard suddenly made an appearance out of nowhere and left us speechless.

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From Sasan Gir, we moved towards Por Bandar, which is 178 km. Watch out the giant wind turbines, which will provide ample entertainment on this long, tiring journey.

Por Bandar is best known as the birth place of Mahatma Gandhi. The prime attraction of this crowded town is Kirti Mandir, a memorial temple built in the memory of Gandhi and his wife Kasturba. Check out the gallery of photographs depicting life of the Mahatma and the things used by him preserved in a room near the entrance. Visit the ancestral home of Gandhi, which is located just beside Kirti Mandir. The place where he was born has been marked by a swastika symbol. Explore the nook and corners of the house for a feel of the past.

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Dwarka is still 105 km away. It will be already evening as you reach Dwarka.

Accomodation in Dwarka.

We stayed at Kokila Dhiraj Dham, built by Reliance Industries. It offers comfortable stay at affordable cost. Bookings have to be done over phone. You can check for the details. Rooms are in high demand here and you need to call them at least 2-3 months prior to your visit.

There are many other options for staying in Dwarka like VITS Devbhumi Hotel and Dwarkadhish Lords Eco Inn.

Day 5: Explore Dwarka and Beyt Dwarka.

Dwarka, better known as Devbhoomi Dwarka, is one of the Chardhams and Saptapuris. We have listed the things to do in Dwarka here.

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  • Start your day with offering pooja at the resplendent Dwarkadhish Temple, where Lord Krishna is worshipped as the King of Dwarka who rules over the universe. The temple opens at 6-30 in the morning. We suggest visiting it then, as the temple remains closed several times a day.
  • The Nageshwar Jyotirlinga temple, located in the outskirts of Dwarka and which houses one of the 12 Jyotirlingas of Lord Shiva. The spectacular feature of the temple is a 25 metre tall statue of a sitting Shiva.
  • Beyt Dwarka, which can be reached from Dwarka by a 15-minute boat ride across the Arabian Sea. Beyt Dwarka is where Lord Krishna lived. Archaeological remains found under the sea suggest existence of Late Harappan settlements and trade relations with the Roman Empire. The temple is 15-minute walk from the port. Similar to the Dwarkadhish Temple, here also the temple remains closed and re-opens a number of times. We advise checking the timings before visiting.
  • Rukshmani Devi Temple, located 20 km outside Dwarka.
  • Bhadkeshwar Mahadev Temple, which is built over a self-manifested Shiva linga found in the Arabian Sea and remains submerged in the sea every year during monsoon.
  • Cross the Sudama Bridge to catch a beautiful sunset on the Dwarka Beach.
  • After sunset, relax on the benches beside the Gomti ghat and watch the fishermen’s trawlers twinkling far in the sea.
  • For dinner, pop into Dayro Kathiyawadi Rasthal for enjoying delectable Kathiyawadi cuisine with Bajra Chapati, Dahi Tikhari and Ringan Bhartu.
  • Recently, the Gujarat Tourism has started “Dekho Dwarka Tour” . It is a city tour of Dwarka on a double decker bus and costs INR 600/- per person.

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Day 6: Transfer to Ahmedabad.

The 6 th day will be spent entirely on train, as you will bid Dwarka adieu and head to Ahmedabad for the last leg of your travel. It will take around 8 hours to reach Ahmedabad.

Accomodation in Ahmedabad.

There is no dearth of hotels in Ahmedabad for every budget. We stayed in Hotel Accolade, which is situated in the beautiful locality of Ellisbridge.

Day 7: A day with history at Modhera and Patan.

Your first destination this day will be the magnificent Sun Temple of Modhera , which is about 100 km away from Ahmedabad. Try reaching the temple in the early morning and you will have it almost by yourself.

One of the few temples dedicated to the Sun God in India, the Solanki rule Bhima I is credited for building this opulent piece of architecture. You will surely fall head over heels at the very sight of this temple.

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Descend down the geometric steps of the Surya Kund, located right in front of the temple. Marvel at the intricate craftsmanship of the 52 ornately decorated ‘toranas’ of the Sabhamandapa, which signify 52 weeks of a solar year. Check out the striking sculptures of 12 ‘adityas’ on the wall of the palatial Guramandapa, each representing 12 months of a solar year. Take your time in exploring every inch of this temple, which represents a perfect blend of ageless creativity and hard work.

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Afterwards, an hour drive from Modhera will bring you to Patan, the home of renowned Patola sarees. The centre of attraction is the Rani Ki Vav or Queen’s Stepwell. It was constructed in the 11 th century by Queen Udayamati of Chalukyan dynasty. It is built in Maru-Gurjara style of architecture, with an inverted temple and 7 levels of stairs including 500 principal architectures, most of which are dedicated to Vishnu.

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The Rani Ki Vav is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Most recently, it has been featured on the new INR 100 currency.

Later, you may visit and watch the weaving of the intricate Patola sarees, which will be a memorable experience.

In the evening, visit the vibrant Sabarmati River Front.

For dinner, enjoy a scrumptious Gujarati Thali at the famous Agashiye restaurant.

Day 8: Explore Lothal.

For this day, go to see Lothal , the once thriving port city of Harappan Civilization which dates back to 2400 BC. Located just 78 km away from Ahmedabad, it is regarded as the earliest known dock of the world, which connected the city to an ancient course of Sabarmati river.

Head first to the famous dockyard, where once ships from as far as West Asia used to harbor. Beside it, remains of a warehouse can be seen. Then there is the acropolis or upper town, where drains, pot furnaces, wells etc can be spotted. Move towards the lower town through the cemetery and bead factory. You will be amazed by the brilliance of town planning of Harappan people.

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Lastly, pay a visit to the well curated Lothal Archaeological Museum, which displays a huge collection of pottery, seals, beads, animal figurines, terracotta objects, skeleton remains and an array of diverse articles unearthed from various corners of Lothal. The museum as well as the site remains closed on Friday.

Afterwards, you may visit the Blackbuck National Park in Velavadar, which is 70 km away from Lothal. The park remains open from 7 AM – 6 PM. Along with hordes of blackbucks, you may also see blue bulls, Indian Hyena, jackals etc. If you are visiting during winter months, you may spot different kinds of migratory birds here.

Alternatively, you may go to Balasinor, some 140 km away from Lothal, which is known as India’s Jurassic Park. Excavations have unearthed large number of fossilized eggs, bones and skeletons of at least 13 species of dinosaurs. Princess Aaliya of the Babi dynasty is an enthusiast of the emerging “Dinosaur Tourism” and she herself conducts tour of the fossil park.

Day 9: Tour through Ahmedabad.

The last day of the trip is stored for Ahmedabad, the first UNESCO World Heritage City of India. The green city is dotted with a number of heritage spots and here we have listed the best ones:

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  • 1. Sabarmati Ashram, where Mahatma Gandhi lived for 12 years and started the Dandi March in March, 1930.
  • 2. Sidi Syeed Mosque, which is widely known for the intricately carved 10 stone latticework windows.
  • 3. Hutheesing Temple, one of the best known Jain temples of Gujarat with exquisite sculptures.
  • 4. Sarkhez Roza, a brilliant specimen of early Islamic architecture which once was a prominent centre of Sufism.
  • 5. Adalaj Ni Vav, the 5-stories stepwell built in 1498 which is one of the finest specimens of Indo-Islamic architecture with Islamic geometric pattern blending with Hindu symbols and Jain gods.
  • 6. Dada Hari Ni Vav, another spectacular piece of octagonal stepwell made in Solanki style.
  • 7. Akshardham Temple of Gandhinagar, the fabulous and palatial temple of the Swaminarayan sect made of pink sandstone.
  • 8. Teen Darwaza, the gateway of Bhadra Fort, where the ‘firman’ of Chimmaji Raghunath regarding equal rights of women in inheritance of ancestral property has been inscribed.
  • 9. Jhulta Minar of Sidi Bashir Mosque.
  • 10. Manek Chowk, the bustling square of old Ahmedabad which is famous for its late night food stalls.
  • 11. Law Garden market near Ellisbridge, which is known for the sale of local handicrafts.
  • For city tour, you can also opt for “Dekho Amdavad” package of Gujarat Tourism. It provides city tour on a double decker bus.

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Day 10: Returning home.

So here the epic 10-day trip to Gujarat ends. It’s time to return home and plan the next venture while cuddling the loads of memories made in Gujarat.

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Some tips for visiting Gujarat.

1.For getting around in Gujarat, we suggest hiring private cabs as it would save lots of time and energy. For our Somnath to Dwarka road trip, we had booked Sitaram Taxi Service of Somnath after reading several good reviews on Tripadvisor. They were prompt in communication and provided us with excellent car and reliable driver. For travelling around Ahmedabad, we suggest booking an app cab for all day long.

2.Best time for visiting Gujarat is October – March. For Gir, we suggest visiting in the summer months of April-May.

3.Gujarat is mostly a vegetarian state. Also, alcohol is strictly prohibited.

4.The weather will mostly be sunny and sultry. Therefore, always arm yourself with ample water and umbrellas.

5.Gujarat offers diverse food. From the regular Dhokla-Khakra-Thepla to the exotic Doodhpak-Bharela Ringan-Undhiyu, we suggest gorging on all local offerings.

6.Please respect the local culture and environment.

7.For more details, visit the official website of Gujarat Tourism .

The Floating Pebbles

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Gujarat Itinerary – Exploring the best attractions in Gujarat

Umang Trivedi

  • February 29, 2024

gujarat trip blog

Accompanied by a long coastline in the West of state and lush green forests in parts of South, Gujarat can offer a very satisfying experience to a curious traveler. Your Gujarat tour plan will include various points of interest in Gujarat if you follow this itinerary. Being from Gujarat, I can vouch for the friendly people. They will surely make you feel welcome in their state. Here, I am recommending a 9-day itinerary for Gujarat based on my own travels. I have created this Gujarat itinerary keeping in mind adequate leisure time.

Itinerary Snapshot

Day 1:  Arrival and Gir National Park

Day 2: Gir National Park

Day 3: Girnar

Day 4: Somnath, Porbandar & Dwarka

Day 5: Dwarka

Day 6: Bet Dwarka, Okha, and Mithapur

Day 7: Bhuj and Rann of Kutch

Day 8 : Rann of Kutch

Day 9: Rann of Kutch & Departure

This Gujarat trip plan might be 9 days long, but you can customize it for shorter durations also. There are various Gujarat tour packages which are 4 days, 5 days, 6 days or 7 days long. You don’t need to book these Gujarat tour packages. Instead, just follow this Gujarat tour plan that I am offering and you will be able to save some money. Before I present to you the 9 Day Gujarat itinerary, I would like to share some tips which will help you plan your Gujarat trip better.

things to do in Gujarat

The view from Girnar temple near Gir National Park (Gujarat Itinerary)

How to reach Gujarat?

To start your Gujarat tour plan, you need to consider a starting point. Ahmedabad, a major city in Gujarat, is well connected to all the metro cities of India. The Ahmedabad railway station also is connected well. But then, Ahmedabad is a bit far from the destinations covered in this Gujarat trip plan. Hence, you can consider the other major cities in Gujarat like Rajkot, Junagadh, Diu or Porbandar as a starting point.

For this Gujarat itinerary, our first attraction will be Gir National Park. I would consider all the Gujarat tour packages which don’t include Gir as incomplete. You have to include Gir in your Gujarat trip plan as it is the only natural home of Asiatic Lions in the world! However, this is under the assumption that you haven’t visited Gir before.

Also Read: Nal Sarovar Gujarat.

So, I would recommend your starting point as either Junagadh, Porbandar or Rajkot . If you are taking a train from Mumbai, I would recommend booking it till Junagadh. This is the closest railway station to Gir which is connected to Mumbai by train. There are around 4 trains for the Mumbai – Junagadh route and you can have a look at them here . You can consider going to Keshod as well. But from Junagadh, there are better transportation options to reach Gir National Park.

If you are considering reaching Gujarat by flight, then book for Rajkot, Diu or Porbandar. The flight cost for Mumbai to Rajkot is the cheapest as compared to Porbandar and Diu. The distance from Rajkot and Porbandar to Gir National Park is almost same (around 170 KM). However, the distance from Diu is just 65 KM. There is no flight from Mumbai to Junagadh. If your dates are flexible, consider using the calendar feature in some of the travel portals as the prices and frequency of flights keep on changing.

The Gujarat points of interest are close to these cities mentioned above. If you start from these cities, you will be able to cover the most interesting Gujarat destinations as a part of your Gujarat tour plan.

gir national park gujarat itinerary

The Jeep Safari at Gir National Park (Gujarat itinerary)

Is Gujarat safe for a solo traveler?

I get a lot of emails and messages from folks who plan to do their first solo travel. If you are considering one than Gujarat is undoubtedly one of the safest states in India. Your Gujarat tour plan doesn’t need to eliminate any destinations mentioned in this Gujarat itinerary if you are traveling solo.

Best season to visit Gujarat

If you are planning to explore the best of Gujarat tourism, I would recommend planning a Gujarat trip in the winter season. Any dates from October to February would be ideal due to the weather. The Rann of Kutch festival is also organized in this period which is another reason for a Gujarat tour plan during winters.

Gujarat Attractions covered in this Gujarat itinerary

The attractions covered in this itinerary are Gir National Park, Girnar, Somnath Temple, Porbandar , Dwarka Temple & Bet Dwarka, Okha and Rann of Kutch. These attractions are the best of what Gujarat tourism has to offer to a curious traveler. The seaside temples of Dwarka and Somnath should definitely be on your itinerary. Of course, there are other destinations as well which might fit the bill.

For example, Saputara is a good addition if you like hill stations. The beach destination of Diu can also be considered. However, I would not recommend Diu as a part of your Gujarat tour plan because I don’t find it worth. There are better beach destinations in Goa or South India. However, if you want to include the Diu Fort in your Gujarat tour plan, you can start from Diu and then continue this Gujarat itinerary. Here is the Gujarat itinerary, which can work as your trip plan, that I would like to recommend.

Gujarat Itinerary – Day 1

Junagadh/rajkot/porbandar/diu – gir national park .

Irrespective of which city you consider as the beginning point in Gujarat, you can reach Gir National Park today. The distance of Gir National Park from Junagadh, Rajkot, Porbandar, and Diu is 76 KM, 166 KM, 179 KM and 65 KM respectively. You will reach these starting points by afternoon from Mumbai. If you are starting your trip from Diu, cover the Diu fort in the evening and then head to Gir from there.

Take a cab or public bus to reach Gir National Park. At Gir, you can stay at Asiatic Lion Lodge. You can know about my experience of staying there by reading my blog post about the Lodge. The lodge is a bit expensive but is totally worth it.

By the time you reach Gir National Park, the Sun would have set on the horizon. So, enjoy the calm surroundings of the resort and be ready to have a close encounter with the Lions tomorrow. Your Gujarat tour plan has just started with the best of Gujarat points of interest.

Asiatic Lion Lodge

Asiatic Lion Lodge (Gujarat Itinerary)

Gir National Park

Today, you can dedicate the entire day to Gir National Park. Being my favorite attraction in Gujarat, I would highly recommend staying here for 2 nights as a part of your Gujarat tour plan. Gir is a unique part of Gujarat tourism out of all the Gujarat destinations.

Start your day by taking an early morning Safari in the forest area. The Safari can be booked online by visiting . Right after the Safari, you can visit Devaliya Safari Park. It is a cordoned area in which you will definitely see the Lions. You can buy tickets at the ticket counter in the park. Its okay to not book them in advance. The frequency of safari buses is adequate. I went around Diwali and still got the tickets comfortably.

For my detailed experience of visiting here, do read my blog post on Gir National Park. If you weren’t able to see the Lions in morning safari, you can opt for the evening Safari as well.

Gir national park

That’s me with my family during Gir morning Safari (Gujarat itinerary)

Gujarat itinerary

The Lions at Gir Forest area and Devaliya Park (Gujarat Itinerary)

Gir National Park – Girnar – Junagadh

Today, wake up as early as possible and head to Junagadh city. Check in at your hotel in Junagadh and head to Girnar temple. Folks start climbing the 10,000 steps as early as 4 AM in morning. I am allocating today’s entire day for Girnar as you might need some rest after climbing 10,000 steps and everyone has a different fitness level. After spending some time at Girnar temple top and admiring the views, head to your hotel in Junagadh and rest for the night.

The next day, we will go to Dwarka via Somnath and Porbandar. Now, Gir doesn’t have a railway station. Direct buses from Gir to Somnath are also not very frequent and you need to check the schedule at Gir only. Hence I am recommending staying in Junagadh only instead of going back to Gir National Park. There are a lot of budget hotels and some homestays as well in Junagadh.

Gujarat itinerary

Girnar temple on the mountain top (Gujarat itinerary)

Junagadh – Somnath – Porbandar – Dwarka

After exploring the wilderness of Gir National Park and summitting Girnar mountain, this Gujarat itinerary will take you to Somnath. A seaside temple, Somnath offers a lovely experience to indulge in spirituality and admire the intricate architecture. The distance between Junagadh and Somnath is around 140 KM.

The total distance for today will be 300 KM. Before reaching Dwarka, you will cover Somnath temple and Porbandar attractions. The Somnath temple needs around an hour or two to admire the temple. Go as early as you can so that you can avoid the crowd. I am recommending reaching Dwarka today itself because, in Somnath, there is nothing else but the temple. So no point of staying overnight here. Porbandar falls on the way to Dwarka and hence I am including it as a part of my Gujarat itinerary’s 3rd day. However, Porbandar has just Mahatma Gandhi’s house which is worth a visit. There are a couple of bird sanctuaries around, but it’s not worth spending a night at Porbandar due to those. If you are not a fan of Mr. Gandhi, you can skip Porbandar out of your Gujarat tour plan.

So, by end of this day, you will check in at your Dwarka stay. There are many budget stay options available here.

things to do in Gujarat

Somnath Temple (Gujarat Itinerary)

On the 5th day of your Gujarat itinerary, you will wake up to the spiritual aura rampant in the air. Try to wake up early to attend the Mangla Aarti at the temple which is scheduled at 6:30 AM every day. In case you are spiritual, this might be the best experience of your Gujarat trip. If you are not visiting the temple for the morning Arti, do have a look at the temple’s  timetable . There are slots in which Dwarka temple will not be open. To reach Dwarka temple, you will have to cross Gomti river. The bridge, known as Sudama Setu, offers you a magnificent view of the temple from a distance.

Dwarka is also a sea-side temple which offers you not only a spiritual experience but also a chance to visit the Gujarat coastline as a part of your Gujarat tour plan. Spend some time at the temple, soaking its aura and admiring the architecture. Both, Somnath and Dwarka have a lot of architectural similarities but a different vibe. Both these should definitely be a part of your Gujarat trip. There are special Gujarat tour packages which cover only these two attractions. At Dwarka, you will spot many foreigners who have adopted the Krishna way of life. Dwarka is now home to them.

After having lunch, you can wander in the Dwarka market. There are many smaller temples as well for you to visit. In the evening, visit the beach nearby. Today would be the most spiritual day in your Gujarat tour plan.


Dwarka beach (Gujarat itinerary – courtesy Gujarat Tourism website)

Dwarka – Bet Dwarka – Okha – Mithapur – Dwarka

On your 6th day of Gujarat itinerary, you will visit Bet Dwarka, Okha and Mithapur. You will stay tonight at Dwarka itself. Don’t worry, your roundtrip travel time will be only 75 KM. As a part of Gujarat itinerary and tour plan, today is a bit unique when compared to other Gujarat tour packages due to the inclusion of camping at Mithapur.

After breakfast, start today by visiting Bet Dwarka. An island in proximity to Dwarka town, Bet Dwarka is a recommended inclusion in your Gujarat Itinerary. You can reach Okha ferry station from Dwarka by public bus. The boats for Bet Dwarka start from Okha. While you are enjoying the ferry ride, hundreds of Seagulls will accompany you. With the bright morning Sun as the backdrop, the Seagulls flying around will craft an amazing sailing experience for you. Visiting the Bet Dwarka temple and other temples should take around 2 Hours, including some leisure time. Return to Okha back for Lunch.

At Okha, there is nothing much to see apart from a lighthouse. This lighthouse offers a panoramic view of the ocean. But, your next destination, Mithapur, can be an interesting inclusion in your Gujarat tour plan. Salt, in the Gujarati language, is called Mithu (મીઠું).  Mithapur is named after the large quantity of Salt produced here by Tata Chemicals. However, along with the huge chemical plant, Tata Chemicals has taken an initiative to preserve nature here. The Mithapur beach has been declared as a No-plastic zone due to the initiative which was taken by Tata Chemicals. Due to the less fame and careful preservation, the beach is very clean with most of its marine life still flourishing. A Sunset here would be a good idea as a part of your Gujarat tour plan.

If you want to admire the marine life at Mithapur, you can opt for the Marine Camp offered by Anala Outdoors . They can arrange snorkeling for you due to which you will be able to see the Marine life up close. In order to experience Mithapur in a unique way, Anala Outdoors will be a good bet. Tonight you can stay at one of their camps. This is a unique inclusion in your Gujarat tour plan and very few Gujarat tour packages cover this.


On the next day, Day 7, You can end your Gujarat itinerary. Head to Rajkot or Jamnagar for your return flight or train. In order to reach these cities, you can opt for public transport from Dwarka.

In case you have more days dedicated to your Gujarat tour plan, you need to leave tonight in order to visit Rann of Kutch on Day 6. The town of Bhuj can be considered as a gateway to Rann of Kutch. Bhuj is located at a distance of 390 KM. So, you need to take an overnight Bus or train. There are direct buses from Dwarka to Bhuj. But if you prefer the train, you can reach only Bhachau  directly and from there travel reach Rann of Kutch.

If you are continuing the Gujarat trip beyond 6 Days, read on to know about Rann of Kutch.

Bhuj/Bhachau – Rann of Kutch

Once you reach Bhuj or Bhachau, depending on your preferred mode of transport, head to Rann of Kutch from there. Today, by the time you reach Rann of Kutch, it might be lunch time. So check in at your hotel and for the evening, you can enjoy the gorgeous Sunset over the Salt desert. This part of the Gujarat itinerary might be the best part if your Gujarat tour plan is focused on experiencing unique points of interest in Gujarat.

Your stay should ideally be near Dhordo or Hodka, towns situated close to the Rann of Kutch. There are various tent resorts where Swiss tents await to offer a luxurious experience to you. If you are planning to visit Rann of Kutch in the winter season, do note the details of the Rann Utsav , a festival bringing out the best of Kutch. I would highly recommend including Rann of Kutch in your Gujarat tour plan if you are visiting during this festival. However, it also invites a lot of tourists and you might not be able to experience this part of Gujarat itinerary from an offbeat angle.

The Rann of Kutch is a salt desert and you should only include it in your Gujarat itinerary if you are planning your Gujarat trip or tour plan in winter. From October to March, the salt desert remains dry. In the other months, it is covered by water. Also, the summer months tend to be extremely hot. So, you wouldn’t be able to witness the best experience of this desert. In fact, just trust me and don’t make a Gujarat tour plan in Summer.

While planning the dates for your Gujarat tour plan in winders, find a date to visit Rann of Kutch on the full moon. The midnight camel ride under the glimmering full moon is the best way to experience Rann of Kutch.


Rann of Kutch

Spend today at a leisure pace to explore the other experiences that Rann of Kutch has to offer. You can visit the Little Rann of Kutch which is home to wild ass. You can also visit Kalo Dungar (The Black Hills), the highest viewpoint in Kutch. Dholavira can also make an interesting inclusion in your Gujarat tour plan if you appreciate ancient civilization. This town was recently found to be integral to the Indus civilization of yesteryears. Kutch offers a lot of unique local experiences as well like learning the local handicrafts and interacting with artisans. You can also learn to cook the authentic cuisine of Kutch.

After having a gala time around Rann of Kutch, head back to your tents for the last night in Gujarat. During these 2 days in Kutch during your Gujarat tour plan, don’t forget to enjoy a camel ride on the shimmering surface of the salt desert. Either a full moon ride or one during sunrise or sunset.

Today, check out from your tents and depart for your hometown. You would have made a lot of memories from this trip. So reminisce the best of the Gujarat trip and head home with a smile.

I hope you liked this itinerary. Feel free to let me know your thoughts. If you don’t want to go to some attractions, let me know and I will trim the itinerary for you. Having stayed in Gujarat for my entire childhood, I would be glad if I can be of your help in planning your Gujarat tour plan. There are many Gujarat tour packages out there which cover the points of interest in Gujarat along with a lot of Gujarat destinations. Make sure this itinerary resonates with those Gujarat tour packages and you will surely have a great time exploring the state of Gujarat.

Key Gujarat Attractions

Gujarat, a vibrant tapestry woven with ancient heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and a contagious zest for life, beckons travellers with promises of unforgettable experiences. From the celestial sands of the Great Rann of Kutch to the sacred shores of Dwarka, where legends whisper on the ocean breeze, each corner of this western Indian state holds a unique charm. You can find Gujarat attractions to meet your preferences here:

Where History Whispers

gujarat trip blog

Begin your journey in Ahmedabad, a city adorned with the intricate tapestry of its past. Wander through the labyrinthine lanes of the old city, past vibrant bazaars and grand havelis, their carved facades echoing stories of bygone eras. Ahmedabad is one of the best places for sightseeing of Gujarat. Marvel at the architectural splendour of the Jama Masjid, a testament to Mughal prowess, or seek solace in the serene embrace of the Gandhi Ashram, where the echoes of the freedom struggle still resonate. Do not forget a visit to the Gandhi Ashram in your tour plan for Gujarat.

Nature’s Embrace

Venture beyond the urban tapestry and step into the surreal landscapes of Kutch. Witness the sun paint the Great Rann of Kutch, a vast salt desert, in a myriad of hues, as camels caravan across the shimmering expanse. This is one of the best places to visit in Gujarat. In Gir National Park, home to the majestic Asiatic lion, embark on a thrilling jeep safari, where you can get a close encounter with lions . Otherwise, cruise through the verdant mangroves of the Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary, a haven for feathered friends.

Here, my detailed guide to visiting Rann of Kutch might help you plan things.

Spiritual Sojourns

gujarat trip blog

Delve into the depths of faith at Dwarka, a hallowed pilgrimage site for Hindus. Dwarka is one of the best places to visit Gujarat for spiritual people. Stand in awe before the towering Dwarkadhish Temple, adorned with intricate carvings and echoing with ancient hymns. In Somnath, where the legend of the eternal Shiva temple unfolds, let the rhythmic roar of the ocean awaken your soul. Hike up the Girnar hills, dotted with Jain temples and Buddhist caves, and discover the whispers of ancient enlightenment.

My experience in visiting the temples of Dwarka and Somnath in Gujarat might help you.

Cultural Kaleidoscope

Immerse yourself in the vibrant colours of Gujarat’s rich cultural tapestry. Witness the dazzling spectacle of Garba, a rhythmic folk dance, or be captivated by the intricate marionette puppets of Bhavnagar. These are the best Gujarat attractions you should not miss out on. Sample the delectable flavours of Gujarati cuisine, a symphony of spices and textures, in bustling street cafes or elegant heritage hotels.

Beyond the obvious

gujarat trip blog

From the intricate mirrorwork handicrafts of Kutch to the majestic palaces of Vadodara, Gujarat holds treasures in every corner. During your sightseeing of Gujarat explore the ancient Harappan ruins of Dholavira, or lose yourself in the vibrant textiles of Patan’s silk shops. Whether you seek adventure, serenity, or cultural immersion, Gujarat offers a canvas of experiences as diverse as its landscapes. Frame the best tour plan for Gujarat to make your Gujarat visit unforgettable. Here, my post on things to do in Gujarat might help get bewitched.

So, pack your bags, lace up your walking shoes, and prepare to be enchanted by the captivating charm of Gujarat. In this land of windswept deserts, sacred pilgrimage sites, and pulsating bazaars, unforgettable experiences await you at every turn. The best places to visit in Gujarat welcome you to discover the vibrant tapestry of the state. Weave your tale of wonder in this enchanting land by exploring the best places to visit Gujarat.

32 thoughts on “Gujarat Itinerary – Exploring the best attractions in Gujarat”

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Perfect for me.. Thank you for putting up a great blog

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Your blog gave very good and valuable information. It provides idea about planning my Gujarat trip… While reading I have actually felt like I m in that place..Ur language is very good and flowy. Will u please guide me about good hotels of these destinations as we will be traveling with our 3 kids.

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I like this package but I want it for 7nights. I am planning to in December and want to spend 31st night in rann of Kutch.

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Hey Umang, I liked your 9 day itenary of Gujrat. In fact I & my family are planning a 9 day trip to gujrat from 3ed Nov.18.from Mumbai/ Surat by car. Please suggest me an itenary for 9 days. We want to be back in Mumbai on the 11 th.Nov.18. I would like to give a miss to Diu & Porbunder. Can I cover Piram Bet Island near Bhavnagar? Please suggest. Thanking you Ajit

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Want Itinery with cost covering Gir forest, somnath,Dwarka and rann of kutch with hotel details

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Will you please prepare an itinerary as per my requirements We (group of 3 member) will reach by 8pm at Rajkot on 24th of December and return tickets are of evening 30th December.

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Hi. I like your itinerary .. I am also planning to visit Gujarat for 7days tour .. can you please suggest an itinerary for me . It’s a family trip . And I don’t want to miss Kutch and Gir national park. We are planning to visit in February.

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Very Nice And very Informative Blog For mee and All travellers. Thanks For Sharing With Us….

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Want gujrat travel booking from Ahmedabad to dwarka, somnath, statue of unity etc pl plan on 4 june 19 . Ph :- 09412055519

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This itinerary helped me alot thank u so much.. 😊😊

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Nice Piece of Info. Thanks for writing and setting up a plan in my mind

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Hello Umang. Really enjoyed reading your blog. You make a place come alive and you manage to make travelling sound so glamorous. What astonishes me is that you seem to be an authority on these places and that too at such a young age. Keep on writing… 🙂 Have written to you for itinerary guidance. TIA.

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Please share the itinerary for Gujarat package

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Thanks for sharing your itinerary for the trip,it is very beautiful place many. I really appreciate this post, all images are so beautiful, Thanks for sharing this post.

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Very nice post with beautiful pictures!!

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Wow! very nice places to visit in Gujrat.

Wonderful post, I really love this amazing post.

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Your Gujrat Itwnerary is perfect, I would like to know the package for 9 days trip, and if I can extend my trip on the places I like, I will be doing my solo trip.

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This is quite detailed description about Gujrat and its attraction, thank you for sharing the same.

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Thank you for putting up a great blog in the form of your itinerary for the trip and explaining nice places to visit in Gujrat.

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I really like d your9days Gujrat trip.So help me about it’s cost.Weare 8in our group.Will start from Kolkata.Waiting for your answer.

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I want to know the travel cost once I reached Gujarat .we are 3 adults and 2 children…7 to 8 days plan

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Great Post! This Post is very informative & helpful for trip to India. I got too much information about it & I will go to rann utsav of kutch in my holidays. Thanks for sharing such a amazing post.

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Beautifully written post! The post covers all the tiny details. Thank you so much. Please continue writing 🙂

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Great Post! I really like this post, Thanks for sharing this experience. The post is very informative and helpful.

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Thanks for the Blog. I am planning Gujarat after 15th Jan for 21 days.

Great ideas

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Want to plan in the month of june 1st week Can i miss kutch

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Very well covered, your blog will really help in finalizing our plan for Gujarat trip.

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Nicely explained and widely covered, thanks for providing such a detailed experiences of Gujarat Trip ,extremely helpful for making my next travel plan

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FootLoose Dev

Travel blog by an Indian travel blogger.

gujarat tourist guide

Gujarat Travel Guide

When planning for my backpacking trip I Googled every Gujarat travel guide to get an idea about top tourist places in Gujarat and how to best travel there.

People suggested that backpacking here, particularly inside Kutch, won’t be a good idea. But it wasn’t the backpacking or travelling on my own, that I was worried about. Limited travel information available online and the availability of very few Gujarat travel guides (s) was the biggest challenge, forget the idea of visiting the top tourist places in Gujarat.

Other than its few historical sites, a couple of national parks and the over-promoted Kutch festival (or the Rann Utsav ), very little has been written or spoken about tourism in Gujarat. A piece of Gujarat travel guide on Tripadvisor moreover left me discouraged mentioning the state’s poor public transportation system. To fulfill the gap today, I am writing all that I have learned in this travel guide…

What To See And Do In Gujarat

The state of Gujarat has been divided into three parts: Saurashtra, Magadh and Kutch. Saurashtra and Magadh, do not have much to travel, at least if speaking for the not-so-religious travel community. Other than Gir National Park (popular for spotting Asiatic Lion) all you’ll find here are a few historical sites including Somnath and Dwarka, and a few bustling cities, like Ahmedabad and Baroda. This leaves us to  Kutch. It is in Kutch, where you will find amazing natural phenomena like the White Desert and is more popular as a tourist place in Gujarat. If you will read any Gujarat travel guide you will see mentions of Kutch in it. Kutch has recently gained popularity among motorbikers, backpackers and honeymooners.

Speaking of our Gujarat travel guide, here are a few things to keep in mind…

  • Travelling without a private vehicle can be demanding, particularly in Kutch – due to its unbelievably long distances and poor public transportation. So having your own mode of transportation is always a better idea. Moreover, from big cities to unfamiliar towns, roads inside Gujarat are super-smooth and of top quality – making driving an exceptionally amazing experience. ( Read : A backpacker’s guide to travel in Kutch )
  • Almost across the state, and particularly inside Kutch, people are very friendly and helpful – making solo travelling a fairly easier and safer deal.
  • Travelling in Gujarat can be unbelievably expensive or undeniably cheap, depending on how you travel. If you end up travelling the hotspots you’re going to get ripped off, literally. However, stay off the beaten path, and Gujarat will come to embrace you as one of the cheapest destinations to travel in India.  Avoid Somnath. Avoid Gir. Avoid Rann Utsav. Avoid any other place that has been over-promoted and you’re going to be okay. This particularly applies in the Kutch region, where even the basic accommodation (during the peak tourist season in winter) can cost more than a couple of thousand Rupees per night. You stay in Dhordo Tent city, and you end up paying as much as 10 thousand rupees for a night. Stay 10 kilometres away, and you won’t have to spend more than 500.
  • Travel Gujarat for 6 major experiences: 1) Spotting Wildlife/migratory birds, 2) Experiencing white desert in the great Rann of Kutch, 3) Exploring crack land and salt farms in Little Rann of Kutch 4) Chaotic old towns (old Ahmedabad, old-Baroda etc) 5) A few major religious sites (if you’re into it at all)
  • Don’t read every Gujarat travel guide you find online. They may confuse you!

Now, coming back to the most frequently asked question…

Top Tourist Places In Gujarat

First on the list of top tourist places in Gujarat is Dholavira.

Located in the Northeast corner of Kutch, Dholavira is a UNESCO world heritage site where you can find ruins belonging to the time of the Harappan civilization. But to tell you the truth, the site, on its own, is quite a lame place to visit.

There is no information available on-site, and the guides who work there as your only source of information make the experience even worse because of their limited knowledge and poor work ethics (speaking from my experience in 2017).

So in my Gujarat travel guide, I suggest you visit Dholavira, not for the original Dholavira UNESCO heritage site, but to enjoy the drive to Dholavira, which takes you through a stretch of 7-kilometer smooth road that passes right through the sparkling White Desert.

Ekal Ka Rann

There are quite a few top tourist places in Gujarat and Ekal ka Rann is certainly not one of them. So if you are looking for an offbeat destination to sightsee the White Desert in Kutch, Ekal ka Rann is the place to visit. I explored a few White Rann areas, including the White Desert near the tent city of Dhordo but loved Ekal ka Rann the most.

Located a few kilometres away from Chobari Village, Ekal Ka Rann is a hidden tourist place in Gujarat.

White Desert Full Moon

The original fascination of visiting the White Desert lies in its captivating sunsets and full moons. As the sun slowly reaches the horizon, it leaves a shade of red and blue and pink, almost making a panoramic distinction across the sky. Full moon nights are moreover no less romantic. It is such a top popular tourist place in Gujarat that you will find every travel guide on Gujarat promoting this experience.

If however you miss the full moon and end up around twilight, a million bright stars and clear skies will work together to make your experience no less memorable. So yea, spotting the moon and clicking some Instagram-worthy pictures remains one of the top tourist things to do in Gujarat.

Little Rann of Kutch

Spread around an area of five thousand square kilometres, also known as The Wild Ass Sanctuary, LRK gives you an exceptional landscape – of a barren crack land.

In LRK in Gujarat, you can also learn about the process of salt farming, and even spot some beautiful migratory birds. It’s to LRK where Mahatma Gandhi moreover started his ‘Dandi Yatra’ during British Raj. No wonder, LRK deserves a place in the list of top tourist places in Gujarat.

Getting into LRK is, however, restricted, as it comes under the jurisdiction of Indian wildlife, and one requires to obtain a permit to trespass. But if you’re visiting one of the few temples located inside LRK, one of which is VacchRaj temple, you can pretty much access LRK without having a need to obtain any forest permits.

If you are a budget backpacker visiting Gujarat, read this blog on how to travel Little Rann of Kutch

Useful info? Don’t forget to share this Gujarat travel Guide with friends and help them too. Now, carry on…

Local Art Forms

If you’re looking to explore a few local art forms in Kutch, Nirona village is the place to visit.

In Nirona you’ll find three different art forms, one of which even made its way to The White House. The advantage of visiting Nirona is that all the artisans moreover give you a private demo of how the respective art is originally done, before offering you to buy their work.

I have written a complete travel guide on how to visit Nirona in another article on Gujarat. Check the link here: Nirona village in Gujarat.

Located just a few kilometres away from the Pakistan border, Lakhpat is the next suggested place in this travel guide and one of the top tourist places in Gujarat. It was once Gujarat’s richest town and home to India’s one of the most significant trade routes. But after the earthquake of 1819, which also changed the course of the Indus River, it turned into a mere ghost town.

It’s amazing to look into Lakhpat’s history while exploring the town’s abandoned old houses. Read more, here: Lakhpat village in Gujarat

Old Ahmedabad

Though I often find chaotic Indian towns too tough to handle, the old town of Ahmedabad, on the contrary, appeared rather charming – despite being a total madhouse. Its vibrant and frenzied streets were too colorful and vibrant to dislike.

So yea, Old Ahmedabad remains an exception in this Gujarat Travel guide. I have written a few articles on various places in Ahmedabad worth seeing. For example this Old Ahmedabad travel blog .

The are many stepwells too in Ahmedabad that is worth seeing. This includes Rani ki Vav and Adalaj ni Vav as two popular highlights.

That was all for top tourist places in Gujarat in our Gujarat travel guide. Next on the list is the cost of travelling in Gujarat. So here we go…

What Is The Cost of Travelling In Gujarat

Gujarat is super cheap, definitely a bit cheaper than many other Indian states. Even in top cities like Ahmedabad you can eat a full meal, in a local restaurant, for under 50 Rupees. Invest a little more (around 100 Rupees) and you can eat in a good quality restaurant.


Accommodation in Gujarat can be dirt cheaper as well as unbearably expensive, depending upon which part you visit, and during what time of the year. For big towns like Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar, you can expect to find something between 500 to 1500 (more if you want a luxury experience) throughout the year. For other tourist places, for example for places Kutch, expect to pay at least a thousand rupees during the peak season (between November and February). In the west, around Somnath consider cheap guesthouses are available for no lesser than 600 or 800 per night during the season time.


Except for travelling between big cities and inside them, public transport in Gujarat barely exists.

That was all for the cost of travelling in Gujarat. Next up in this Gujarat travel guide is the best time to travel…

What Is The Best Time To Travel Gujarat

Without any doubt, the best time to visit Gujarat is during winter (between the months of November and March) because the unbearably hot weather and the tiring heat waves during the rest of the year make it too impossible to enjoy.

Also, never visit during monsoon, as many places – particularly the great and little Rann of Kutch – become an inaccessible water-body.

If you enjoyed this Gujarat travel guide and found the top tourist places in the Gujarat list useful, why not leave a comment? Also, share your comments if you have something more to add. Let’s help the community.

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Such helpful information for travelers.

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Very nice post!!

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Wonderful Post!This blog has an amazing information about the destination. Pictures are really beautiful that you mention in your blog. Thank you so much for sharing the details.

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Your images are fabulous and love your blog. A wonderful set of pictures providing told a lot about the sacred city. Thanks for providing great and amazing pictures. Very useful and interesting blog.

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thanks for providing the info Dev. Very useful for first-time visitors.

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I am interested in visiting Gujrat. Can you give me an idea how many days it will take to cover it?

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depends what all you want to see man.

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Hi, Dev Very Superb Article. Thanks a lot for sharing this useful information..Gujarat Travel

Thanks man. Glad you found it useful.

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Hello Dev. I am planning to visit the white desert in Kutch. Can you please let me know if it is a good idea to stay inside the tent city or should I stay somewhere els. The tent city seems very expensive. I am planning to be there in November. Thankyou.

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Very useful information about Gujarat. thank you for writing this

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Corinthian Travel Blog

The india & middle east tailor-made specialists.

The Best Places to Visit in Gujarat

The Best Places to Visit in Gujarat

What to include on a tailor-made holiday to gujarat in india.

The western Indian state of Gujarat is one of the subcontinent’s best-kept secrets. Bordered by Rajasthan to its northeast and Maharashtra and the metropolis of Mumbai to the south, Gujarat is often overlooked as a tourist destination, even by the keenest of Indophiles. But, with a rich culture, a multitude of things to see, both natural and manmade, plus some wonderfully atmospheric converted palaces and stately homes in which to spend the night, the country’s sixth largest state by area is unquestionably one of its most rewarding to discover.

Getting to the birth state of Mahatma Gandhi is simple enough. Energetic Ahmedabad is the main gateway if flying in and there is also the option to be driven across state and combine a journey around Gujarat with neighbouring Rajasthan. Excellent roads within Gujarat (some say they are the best in the country!), means that travelling around by chauffeur-driven car is the most practical (and pleasurable) way to see the best of what this underrated and little-visited part of India has to offer. 

We’ve explored Gujarat in-depth and know it well. This is our list of must-see places and favourite locations in Gujarat – all ideal places for getting off the beaten track in India.

Situated on the eastern fringes of the state, the region’s bustling regional capital is a friendly, work-a-day city where you are just as likely to see elephants trundling along the roads as you are motorbikes and auto rickshaws. The ancient walled city, which has been listed as a World Heritage site by UNESCO, is unquestionably the city’s highlight but there are also some excellent museums in Ahmedabad, including the Calico Museum of Textiles, which contains one of the world’s greatest collections of handmade Indian fabrics. With superb flight connections from numerous cities within India and one of the state’s finest heritage hotels – the House of MG – Ahmedabad is a terrific place to begin a journey around Gujarat.

The Palitana temples atop Shatrunjaya Hill are one of Jainism’s most devoted places of pilgrimage. It’s reasonable to suggest that India has more than its fair share of temples, but the eight hundred or so marble-carved places of worship that are dotted all over Shatrunjaya Hill are very special indeed and a wondrous sight to behold. Accompanied by devotees, even the initially rather daunting early morning prospect of climbing 3,800 steps (1½ hours) to reach the hill’s summit adds to the overall experience. And the reward for getting there, apart from the temples themselves, of course, is the fantastic 360-degree panoramic view of the plains below. Of all the places to visit in Gujarat, Palitana has to be one of the most enchanting.

Palitana |The Best Places to Visit in Gujarat

Little Rann of Kutch

Situated in Gujarat’s northwest corner, Little Rann of Kutch is a land of barren salt marsh that is moon-like in appearance and texture. Yet, during the winter months, this harsh landscape becomes home to an abundance of migratory waterbirds, including pelicans, flamingos and sandgrouse. Plus, with 4,954 km² of this parched land being used as a sanctuary, it is only in the Little Rann that it is possible to see the endangered, and rather elusive Asiatic wild ass.

This part of Kutch is also home to numerous semi-nomadic tribal communities, many of whom make a meagre living by extracting salt from the land. A visit to one of these villages is a fascinating and humbling experience and, in contrast to the region’s aridness, many of the village’s females, both young and old, adorn themselves with beautifully embroidered and colourful traditional dress.

Flamingos, Little Rann of Kutch | The Best Places to Visit in Gujarat

Ran-ki-Vav stepwell

Intricate and meticulously crafted, Ran-ki-Vav (Queen’s stepwell) is one of the state’s most stunning pieces of architecture. Situated in the northern Gujarati city of Patan on the banks of the Saraswati River, the detail that has gone into this magnificent structure is outstanding.

Ran-ki-Vav stepwell, Patan | The Best Places to Visit in Gujarat

Positioned in the centre of Gujarat, Junagadh is an ancient, fortified city with a history dating back more than 2,000 years. One of 562 princely, or vassal, states during the British reign in the subcontinent, the city became part of neighbouring Pakistan for a short period after the partition of British India in 1947 but this didn’t last long and, today, the city is worth visiting for its temples, forts and other styles of architecture. Of all of the city’s architectural delights, without a doubt, the most outrageous is the jaw-dropping Mahabat Maqbara. Built as a mausoleum in 1892 for the late Nawab, Mahabat Khan II, it is a heady mix of Indo-Islamic, European, and Gothic styles. As the saying goes, “seeing, is believing” …

Mausoleum of the Wazir of Junagadh | The Best Places to Visit in Gujarat

Bhuj, the administrative capital of Kutch district is an excellent springboard for visiting one of the region’s traditional handicraft villages. Famed for, among other things, vibrant embroidery, weaving and pottery skills, the artisans who dwell in these villages have won national awards for their specialist skills. Cooperatives have been established in many of the settlements to help the villagers produce work that is suitable for selling and exporting without moving away from their creative traditions. It’s easy to spend a whole day, or even longer, discovering the small villages that surround Bhuj and, what’s more, the villages themselves are an attraction in their own right. There is always a friendly welcome, usually from a small army of children who are always keen to meet and greet and show you around their home and, overall, this is one of the most rewarding things to do in Gujarat.

Banni Village Kutch, Gujarat, India | The Best Places to Visit in Gujarat

Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park

Comprising the sacred volcanic hill of Pavagadh and the ruined historical city of Champaner, this marvellous archaeological park is one of three UNESCO World Heritage Sites situated in Gujarat. Once the capital of the state, Champaner was captured by the Mughal emperor, Humayun, in the early part of the 16th century and the centre of administration was then moved to Ahmedabad. Champaner is remarkably well preserved and inside the settlement are the remains of the citadel and the former palace as well as several mosques that are no longer in use. In contrast, Kalikamata Temple, which is situated on top of scenic Pavagadh Hill and dedicated to the Hindi goddess Kali, is still active and an important place of pilgrimage.

Champaner-Pavagadh is close to the city of Baroda (Vadodara), where there is the opportunity to overnight in the Jambughoda Palace , one of several atmospheric royal residences in Gujarat that have been part-converted into a heritage hotel and part-retained as the family’s ancestral home.

Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park | The Best Places to Visit in Gujarat

Sasan Gir National Park

Hunting parties organised by the Indian elite for the British colonists meant that, by the end of the 19th century, there were only about a dozen Asiatic lions left in India. Thankfully, the area in which this minuscule number of lions existed, Gir Forest in the southwest of Gujarat, was eventually turned into a fully protected national park and nowadays there is in the region of 500 Asiatic lions, with a reasonably high percentage of them being cubs.

Sasan Gir National Park is the only place left in the world where you can observe these majestic cats in the wild. A myriad of birds as well as reptiles and other four-legged animals also call Sasan Gir their home and like so many other national parks in India, the forested terrain is an attraction in its own right. Heading off on an early morning or late afternoon jeep safari when the weather is cooler and the light is subtle is a memorable affair, regardless of whether lions are spotted or not.

Asiatic Lion of Sasan Gir, Gujarat, India | The Best Places to Visit in Gujarat

One of the highlights of visiting Gondal, a small but pleasant town in Gujarat’s southern peninsula, is the opportunity to experience a night or two in the charming Orchard Palace , a heritage property that was originally built by the Maharaja of Gondal to accommodate his personal guests. The maharaja’s collection of vintage cars, which includes a 1935 Mercedes seven-seat saloon and a 1947 Cadillac convertible, is housed in the grounds of the palace while, nearby, the former living quarters of the Naulakha Palace, which also belongs to the royal family, has been converted into a museum displaying an eclectic mix of personal effects and other memorabilia.

The best time to visit Gujarat

Gujurat is best visited between September and March when the climate is pleasant and the rainfall is at a minimum. Visit in September and October and you are likely to witness musical and dancing celebrations throughout the state as part of the colourful Navratri festival, while the best months to see the Asiatic lions in the wildlife sanctuary of Sasan Gir are from November through to March.

Itinerary ideas for a private tour to Gujarat

We have recently added four thoughtfully designed tailor-made Gujarat itineraries to our north India portfolio. Differing in length, each tour includes a chauffeur-driven private vehicle, expert guides and the best possible accommodation.

Classic Gujarat is the perfect introduction to this contrasting region of India with seven nights starting at just £1,595 per person. Travellers looking to spend longer may prefer our Grand Tour of Gujarat , a comprehensive fifteen-night journey.

Other suggestions include Tribes & Lions of Gujarat , an immersive experience highlighting the culture and wildlife of the region, and Gujarat & Ahilya Fort , a journey that also includes a stay at one of India’s most charming heritage hotels in the neighbouring state of Madhya Pradesh.

Our suggested itineraries are just that, and they can all be tailored to suit very specific requirements. Our experts on India are on hand to advise, so please get in touch .

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Additional images © Kathmandu & Beyond

8 thoughts on “ The Best Places to Visit in Gujarat ”

Wonderful Pictures! In Gujarat there are many beautiful places to visit, Also it’s different cultures and traditions are very interesting. You have covered everything which are necessary for the travelers. Keep sharing such a helpful blog.

Thank you so much for such beautiful pics and information… it’s really helpful and beautiful.

Glad you enjoyed the post.

What perfect description of Gujarat’s culture and tradition. Gujarat is also India’s largest coastline state, so one must not forget about its beaches.

Beautifully depicting Gujarat! Gujarat tourism still needs a good lifting as it has a lot of places to explore!

So true. It is still very undiscovered.

Amazing blog, really interesting, please keep on writing blogs like this in future as well.

Thank you. Happy to hear you enjoyed the post.

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Gujarat Tourism And Travel Guide

Gujarat is one of the most prominent states in India . A state well-known as the birthplace of the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi, derives its name from Gujaratta, which means the land of Gurjars who ruled the western parts of India during the 8th and 9th centuries.

Gujarat is famous for its vibrant colors, culture, and tradition. It enjoys a rich history, dated back to 2000 BC. It is surrounded by the Arabian Sea on the west, Rajasthan and some parts of Pakistan on the north, Madhya Pradesh on the east, and Maharashtra on the south.

Gujarat has a coastline of about 1290 km which is the longest in India. Famous for its classical temples, sublime beaches, and breathtaking structures, wildlife sanctuaries, and resorts, Gujarat is one of the most visited tourist places in India. As a traveler, you will fall in love with its fascinating artwork, delectable cuisine, festivals, historic structures, and colorful lifestyle. To know more about tourism in Gujarat, read the travel guide below.

How To Reach

How To Reach:  Gujarat Tourism And Travel Guide

Being one of the most industrially advanced states of the country, Gujarat is well connected with other states and cities by rail, road, sea, and air. Let’s discuss them in detail.

Gujarat has some of the biggest railway stations in India . You can start your trip by getting down at Ahmedabad , Gandhinagar , Vadodara , Surat , Jamnagar , or Junagadh Junction. You can get direct or connecting trains to these cities from Mumbai , Delhi , Kolkata , Chennai , and from other metropolis of the country.

The state of Gujarat has the best road network in India. You can travel by private buses or by government-operated bus services. There are direct or indirect bus services available from almost all major cities within and outside of Gujarat.

It is the fastest way to reach Gujarat. There are many airports in Gujarat, the biggest being the Sardar Vallabhbhai Airport in Ahmedabad. There are domestic airports at Vadodara, Surat, Rajkot , Gandhinagar, and Junagadh. You can check ticket costing at any authorized ticket booking website.

Being the coastal state of India, another convenient option to reach Gujarat is by Sea. The Kandla port is the largest port in Gujarat and it connects all western coastal regions of India. The port of Porbandar and Veraval are some of the important, historic ports in Gujarat. 

Getting Around:

Gujarat is the sixth largest state in India. You can use mail passenger trains, buses, and airways to travel to different cities within the state. You can hire a local auto rickshaw, take city buses, and even book a private cab to visit the amazing places the state has to offer within a city.

  • How To Reach Gujarat

Weather and Best Time to Visit

Weather and Best Time to Visit:  Gujarat Tourism And Travel Guide

Generally, Gujarat is one of the hottest states in India during the summer season. Some parts of Gujarat receive decent rainfall while some face shortage. Winters are generally pleasant and the recommended time to visit the state. The best time to visit Gujarat is between November and February.

Summer (March - June):

Summers in Gujarat are generally very hot. The temperature crosses 35◦C and occasionally even rises to 41◦C in extreme conditions. The minimum temperature lingers near 29◦C.

Monsoon (July - September):

Monsoon offers one of the most pleasant weather conditions to Gujarat and is also a recommended time to visit this place. The temperature ranges between 27◦C and 35◦C.  

Winter (October - February):

Winter is the best time to travel to Gujarat and the climate is at its most pleasant during this time, with a minimum temperature of 12◦C and maximum reaching 29◦C maximum.

  • Gujarat Weather And Best Time To Visit Gujarat

Things to Do

Things to Do:  Gujarat Tourism And Travel Guide

Experience Rann of Kutch :

The Rann of Kutch is the world’s biggest salt desert that spreads over 16,000 square km and it is the best thing that you can witness in Gujarat. Covered with white salt (not in monsoon), the Rann of Kutch is something that you cannot miss, especially if you are here anytime between November and January.

Visit the Exotic Temples:

Gujarat is one of the most devotional states in India . It has many exotic temples all over the state, but the Somnath Temple is the most beautiful of them all. The Akshardham temple in Gandhinagar , Dwarkadhish Temple in Dwarka , Bal Hanuman Mandir in Jamnagar , Sun Temple in Modhera, and Balkha Tirth are some of the finest temples which will mesmerize you with their beauty.

Witness the Architectural Splendor:

The rich history of Gujarat comes to light when you witness its archeological marvels. Numerous monuments will just blow your mind away with their history and magnificence. The Lukshmi Villa Palace, Makarpura Palace, Rani ki Vav (Queen’s stepwell), Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park, Dholavira, Mahabat Maqbara, Adalaj Stepwell, Sidi Saiyyed Mosque, Sarkhej Roza, Sun Temple and Sabarmati Ashram are some of the best places that you can visit.

Step Inside the Lion’s Kingdom:

Jeep Safari in Gir National Park is something that you cannot miss. Come face-to-face with the most brutal force in the animal kingdom, Lion, and witness the marvelous creature. The wildlife sanctuary is well protected and preserved, and it has some of the largest collection of Asiatic Lions. Also, you can visit the Indroda Nature Park in Gandhinagar, Sakkarbaug Zoological Gardens in Junagarh, Pradyuman Park in Rajkot , Kamla Nehru Zoo in Ahmedabad to see some of the endangered wildlife species.

Fall in Love with the Beaches:

The state of Gujarat has the longest coastline in India so there are numerous beaches where you can enjoy your time with your loved ones. The Ahmedpur Mandvi Beach, Somnath Chorwad Beach, Gopnath Beach near Bhavnagar, Dwarka Beach, Nagoa Beach in Diu, Kutch Mandvi Beach, Tithal Beach near Valsad, and the Somnath Beach are the famous and most visited beaches by travellers.

Bird Sighting:

The Nalsarovar lake is a paradise for all bird lovers. Enjoy the boat ride into the dense forest and damp grasslands to see some great varieties of birds. The best time to reach the place is early morning and you can spot different species of birds. November-December is the best time for you to witness the migratory birds.

  • Things To Do In Gujarat
  • 8 Top Tourist Places To Visit In Gujarat

Eat At:  Gujarat Tourism And Travel Guide

Gujarat is famous for its special spice mixes and there are different traditional items with those mixes that you can try. Foodies will love gorging on the traditional Gujarati cuisine. Gujarati Kadhi, Undhiyu, Aam Shrikhand with Mango Salad, Khandvi, Gujarati Samosa, Bardoli ki Khichdi, Dhokla, Methi ka Thepla, Dal Dhokli, Handvo, Fafda with Jalebi, Patra, and khichu will just blow your mind away. End any meal with a yummy ice gola and your tummy will bless you. Can’t wait to try out these items, pack your bags quickly and get on the trip.

Shop At:  Gujarat Tourism And Travel Guide

Gujarat has many things to offer for those who love shopping. The traditional Gujarati items and clothes are full of colors and remind you of its rich and varied culture. Things can be purchased from the local bazaar or from the shopping malls. Patola silk sarees, Bandhni materials, jewellery, embroidered silks, appliquéd quilts, bangles, khadi, and so much more for you to shop.

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Things To Do In Gujarat

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Discover Top Destinations

Statue of Unity

Statue of Unity Narmada

Dwarkadhish Temple

Dwarkadhish Temple Dev bhoomi dwarka

Adikadi Vav

Adi Kadi Vav Junagadh

Atal bridge

Atal Bridge Ahmedabad

Pavagadh Hill

Pavagadh Hill / Kalika Mata Temple Panchmahal

Adalaj Vav

Adalaj Ni Vav Gandhinagar

The great rann of kutch

Great Rann of Kutch Kutch

Smritivan Earthquake Memorial and Museum

Smritivan Bhuj


Polo Forest Sabarkantha

Girnar Hill

Girnar Hill Junagadh

Pick your trail - see gujarat - as per your interest.

Flora - Fauna

Fairs & Festivals - The life of Gujarat

Saputara monsoon festival.

The Saputara Monsoon Festival is an eagerly awaited celebration that takes place in the charming hill station of Saputara, nestled amidst the verdant Western Ghats in Gujarat, India. This vibrant festival marks the arrival of the monsoon season and showcases the region's rich cultural heritage. Spanning over several days, the festival offers a plethora of activities and attractions for visitors to enjoy.

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Vibrant Navratri Festival

Navratri, meaning 'nine nights', is one of the most popular and widely celebrated Hindu festivals in many parts of India. Gujarat, however, is the only state that erupts into a nine-night dance festival, perhaps the longest in the world.

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Kutch, one of the most ecologically and ethnically diverse district of the state is a celebratory land of art, crafts, music, dance, people and nature. During the full moon night of the winters amid the awe-inspiring and contrasting landscape each year a three day festive extravaganza brimming with hospitality, vigor and traditional flavor of the area is hosted and known as the Kutch or Rann Utsav.

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Explore Gujarat

Kutch also spelled as Kachchh, is he largest district in India covering an area of approx 45000 sq. kms. Kutch is one of the most prolific regions in India in the area of textile art. Kutch embroidery is dense with motifs, and a variation with mirrors sewn into the embroidery is one of the signature arts of this region.

Kutch is also famous for pilgrimage centers of various religions, forts, palaces and museums.

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  • Gujarat's Lesser-known Gems

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Commissioner of Tourism, Govt. of Gujarat

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AATITHYAM - Tourist Footfall Dashboard

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State Institute of Hotel Management (SIHM)

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Public Holiday 2023

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Dekho Apna Desh People's Choice 2024

Visual library - see, hear and visit.

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Business Opportunities - Welcome to Gujarat

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Investor Facilitation Kit for Tourism Policy (2015 - 2020)

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Tender List

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Tourism Policy GR

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Application for Registration under Gujarat Tourism Policy (2015 - 2020)

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Heritage Policy GR

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Investor Application Guide-Heritage Tourism Policy (2020-2025)Investor Application Guide-Heritage Tourism Policy (2020-2025)

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Tourism policy GR 2021-25

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Cinematic Tourism Policy GR

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Cinematic Tourism Policy (2022 - 2027)

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Policy Guidelines-2021-25

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Shri Hareet Shukla (IAS)

Principal Secretary (Tourism)

Tourists from various parts of India and the world have visited the state to experience the true meaning of ‘Atithi Devo Bhavah’ and explore the rich heritage, culture and food of Gujarat. The state has been recognized at the national and international level for various festivals like Rann Utsav, International Kite Festival, Navratri, etc.

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Ms. Saidingpuii Chhakchhuak (IAS)

Managing Director & Commissioner of Tourism

Gujarat is a policy driven state. Gujarat has announced a new tourism policy 2021-25 for the development of the tourism sector in the state. Heritage policy has also been announced for the development of historical and ancient buildings in the state. Changes are made in the Home Stay Policy of the state so that tourists from across the world can get affordable accommodation in the state and can enjoy the culture of Gujarat. Due to the effective implementation of these policies, Gujarat has emerged on the World Tourism Map.

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Places to Visit in Gujarat

Here are the top 40 tourist places in gujarat:, 1. ahmedabad.

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1 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 64 Tourist attractions

A rapidly growing metropolis, an industrial hub, an educational hotspot, and a city with a magnificent past – Ahmedabad is one of the most important cities in Gujarat. Located on the banks of the Sabarmati River, Ahmedabad is the former capital of Gujarat, and its delicious food, colourful culture i...

Best Time: October to March

2 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 20 Tourist attractions

Virtually an island that resembles the shape of a tortoise, Kutch is an erstwhile princely state of India holding onto its grandeur nature from the past. Kutch is probably one of the most beautiful, yet surreal places in India with the vast expanses of the white salt desert.  The plac...

Best Time: July to March

3. Gir National Park

3 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Gir National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary is the only remaining home for the Asiatic Lions. Located in Talala Gir in Gujarat, the Sanctuary is a part of Kathiawar- Gir dry deciduous forests ecoregion. Gir National Park is closed from 16 June to 15 October every year and the best time for wildlife spo...

4 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 16 Tourist attractions

Somnath, literally meaning 'lord of the moon' is a pilgrim center and is home to one of the 12 Jyotirlingas. It is a town which derives much of its identity from the mythology, religion, and legends that surround it.

Best Time: September to March

Gujarat Travel Packages

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4 Night 5 Days Gujarat Tour Package

Best of gujarat family package: kutch, bhuj, dwarka & more, dwarka somnath tour package with diu island, a week in gujarat: dwarka, somnath, gir & more, gujarat holy pilgrimage and sightseeing tour, heritage bhuj and dholavira tour with rann utsav, 5. statue of unity.

5 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Statue of Unity is a memorial to The Iron Man of India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. The statue has been erected to propagate Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's vision of India and to inspire the Citizens of India through his patriotism and freedom struggle. The Bronze statue of the founding father of the Repu...

6. Vadodara

6 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 29 Tourist attractions

Vadodara or Baroda is a cosmopolitan city located in Gujarat. Home to some of the most exemplary displays of architecture, Vadodara is a fitting memorial to Maratha leader Sayaji Rao Gaekwad III who had envisioned a dream to make this Big City an educational, industrial and commercial centre.

7 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 15 Tourist attractions

Located on the western tip of the Saurashtra peninsula in Gujarat, Dwarka is believed to be the capital city of Lord Krishna's kingdom. Known as Devbhoomi Dwarka, Dwarka boasts of being the only city that is a part of both Char Dham (four principal holy places) and also Sapta Puris (seven sacred cit...

8. Saputara

8 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 20 Tourist attractions

Snuggled in the Sahyadris or the Western Ghats, Saputara is a quaint little hill station in the Dang district of Gujarat. Popular for lush green forests, undulating mountains, dazzling waterfalls, dreamy winding roads, livid landscapes and plenty of charming cubbyholes to spend time with your loved ...

Best Time: Mid March to mid November

9. Champaner

9 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 8 Tourist attractions

The Capital of the Sultanate of Gujarat, Champaner is a historical city located in the Panchmahal district in Gujarat. Being included in the elite list of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites across the globe, this marvellous archaeological park set in the heart of the city of Champaner and amidst t...

Best Time: October to February

10. Junagadh

10 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 25 Tourist attractions

Being the capital of Junagadh Princely State once, the town shines with historical significance with many historical monuments to see.

Best tourist destinations & places in Gujarat

National Parks in Gujarat | Wildlife Sanctuaries & Reserves

National Parks in Gujarat | Wildlife Sanctuaries & Reserves

Historical Places In Gujarat & Best Heritage Monuments

Historical Places In Gujarat & Best Heritage Monuments

Things To Do in Gujarat: Exploring the Land of Legends

Things To Do in Gujarat: Exploring the Land of Legends

Best Gujarat Beaches For A Perfect Beachside Vacation

Best Gujarat Beaches For A Perfect Beachside Vacation

Religious Places in Gujarat To For A Spiritual Journey

Religious Places in Gujarat To For A Spiritual Journey

Top Places near rivers & lakes in Gujarat

Top Places near rivers & lakes in Gujarat

11. Gandhinagar

11 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 18 Tourist attractions

Gandhinagar, the capital city of Gujarat, is located at a distance of around 23 km from Ahmedabad on the western bank of Sabarmati river. Gandhinagar, one of India's few planned cities encompasses Akshardham Temple, one of the country's most beautiful temple.  

12. Porbandar

12 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 24 Tourist attractions

Porbandar, best known as the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi, is a beautiful beach town with some temples and dams and is now also a popular trading hub. The ancient port city with a significant event in its history is a tourist destination which modestly offers a number of attractions.

Best Time: Throughout the year

13 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 23 Tourist attractions

Bhuj is known as a desert city, with a history dating back to kingdoms and empires, palaces from the rule of the Naga chiefs, the Jadeja Rajputs, the Gujarat Sultans and the British Raj. With numerous temples, small streets, and traditional handicrafts, Bhuj is one of the unique historical sites in ...

14 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 44 Tourist attractions

Surat, having its name associated with Saurashtra (the good land), is a port city in Gujarat. The second most populated city in the state, Surat is a global diamond cutting centre and a commercial hub of textiles. Known as 'the city of flyovers', it attracts tourists who are intereste...

15 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 10 Tourist attractions

Home to Rani Ka Vav, the latest Indian entrant to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site, Patan is a treasure trove of architectural gems and ancient temples that has a history dating back to the medieval period. Situated in Gujarat, this place is located at the banks of what are the remains of...

16. Dholavira

16 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Known as a remarkable excavation site during the Indus Valley Civilization, Dholavira was one of the most developed cities roughly 4500 years ago. It was a flourishing Harappan site between 2650 and 1450 BCE. Presently an archaeological site in Khadirbet of Kutch Gujarat, the village is al...

17 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 5 Tourist attractions

Ambaji is a beautiful town located in the state of Gujrat, majorly associated with pilgrimage and religious tourism. The place has numerous beautiful temples, which turn out to be mesmerising architectural specimens. Ambaji is majorly associated with the worship of Goddess Amba, and variou...

18 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 4 Tourist attractions

Anand is a major city located in the Anand District of Gujarat. It rests at a distance of 101 kilometres from Gandhinagar, the state capital. Anand is often known as the Milk Capital of India due to the establishment of the AMUL manufacturing plant and the milk revolution that took place in the 20th...

19 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 2 Tourist attractions

Keeping up the delicate balance between the fine golden-brown sand of Gujarat’s richest desert on one hand, and the lush green of the Gir Forest on the other - Girnar - a group of mountains in the Junagadh district of Gujarat are a haven for thrill seekers and religious devotees alike due to their a...

20 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 23 Tourist attractions

Located in the western region of the country, Rajkot is the fourth-largest city in the Indian state of Gujarat. A commercial city with not many sightseeing options, Rajkot should be visited for its sweets, traditional snacks, Navratri celebrations, handicrafts (silverwork, patola weaving, bandh...

Best Tourist Attractions in Gujarat

Rann of Kutch

Rann of Kutch

Kutch Desert Wildlife Sanctuary

Kutch Desert Wildlife Sanctuary

Swaminarayan Temple, Ahmedabad

Swaminarayan Temple, Ahmedabad

Kutch Bustard Sanctuary

Kutch Bustard Sanctuary


Dwarkadhish Temple

21. Himatnagar

21 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Himmatnagar is located in the Sabarkantha district of Gujarat, India. The municipality is the administrative headquarters of the region which is located on the banks of the river Hathmathi. The city was established in the 15th century and is a place with a rich history. There are several historic fo...

Best Time: October to January

22. Bhavnagar

22 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat 10 Tourist attractions

Located at the southern tip of Gujarat peninsula, Bhavnagar is known as the cultural centre of the state of Gujarat. Literary achievers like Govardhan Tripathi, Kavi Kant, Narsihm Mehta and Ganga Sati have their roots in Bhavnagar. While on one side, you'd see the careless waves of Gulf of Khambat, ...

23. Palanpur

23 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Palanpur, is a city and municipality in Banaskantha district of Gujarat, India. It is the administrative headquarters of the district, known for its massive architectural shrines dedicated to Hinduism and Jainism and it’s enriching history. A visit to this place would bring you into terms with the v...

24. Umbergaon

24 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Located in the Valsad district in the state of Gujarat, Umbergaon or Umargam is a small census town inhabited by fisher folks essentially. Based on a slightly mountainous region, the town is very close to the Maharashtra border and is known for its several gorgeous beaches and ancient temples. Besid...

Best Time: October-March

25 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Anjar is a town and municipality in Kutch District, Gujarat. With over 1,400 years of history, it is known as the oldest town in Kutch. Anjar is famous for its cuisine, its known for the gher and dabeli. It has also been a centre for trade and commerce in Kutch for eons, being a target of invas...

Best Time: November to February

26. Pirotan Island

26 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Pirotan Island spreads over an area of 3 square kilometres and is one of forty-two islands in the marine park area, nestled within the vicinity of the Marine National Park in the Jamnagar district of Gujarat on the western coast. As part of the first marine national park - the Gulf of Kutch Mar...

27. Dandi Beach

27 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Well known for its historical significance, Dandi in Surat is a beautiful beach destination. The scenic beauty combined with its rich history make it a favourite among all tourists visiting this place. The serene and pristine beauty of Dandi is only second to its long and illustrious history. The sa...

28. Zarwani Waterfalls

28 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

At a distance of about 90 km from Vadodara in Gujarat, Zarwani Waterfalls are amongst the most sought natural destinations in India. Huddled deep inside the heart of Shoolpaneshwar Wildlife Sanctuary near the district of Narmada, the perennial and gorgeous Zarwani Waterfalls provide you with an oppo...

29. Hathni Waterfalls

29 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Jambughoda is home to one of the most breathtaking and magnificent waterfalls you can visit in the Indian subcontinent. About a 100 metres in length and flowing with rich greenery, Hathni Waterfalls are surrounded by a variety of beautiful flora and fauna. If you find the peaceful sound of flowing w...

30. Kabirvad

30 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Kabirvad is a small island in the Bharuch district of Gujarat rumoured to be Saint Kabir’s residence several hundred years ago. Located along the banks of the river Narmada, the island promises you a calm and serene abode underneath the humongous canopy of Banyan trees that Kabirvad is most prominen...

31 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Vadla is an up and coming haven for migratory birds making their way to the marshy wetlands of Gujarat, just a short drive away from Ahmedabad. Vadla still remains relatively unknown and undiscovered in comparison to the Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary and is a hidden gem only known to the locals.

32. Modhera

32 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Modhera is an ancient village in the state of Gujarat, famed for housing the remains of the Sun Temple built by the Chalukya dynasty is a true historical treasure. The village is surrounded by a mystical aura that the Sun Temple brings along, it is also a hub for spirituality and culture. Modhera gi...

33. Marine National Park

33 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Marine National Park in the Gulf of Kutch is the first marine conservatory built in India. Crediting to its diverse range of flora and fauna, it accounts for a magnanimous natural site for India's natural resource and beauty. The park is distributed in 42 scattered islands in an archipelago. The par...

34. Wilson Hills

34 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

The Wilson Hills in Dharampur district of Gujarat is one of those places which would make you say 'wow' when you witness the natural and panoramic beauty of the place. Clouds floating close to the ground, lush green forests, pleasant climate and intriguing view of the sea from the hilltop – Wilson H...

35. Wankaner

35 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Situated at the bending point of River Macchu in Gujarat, Wankaner is a princely town known for its royal lineage and heritage monuments. The city gets its name from its location; ‘wanka’ meaning ‘bend’ and ‘ner’ meaning ‘river’. Also known as Jhalawar, the city was originally ruled by Jhala Rajputs...

36. Nargol Beach

36 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Nargol Beach is a beautiful and serene beach situated in the state of Gujarat prolifically spread over an area of 16km. The beauty of this beach is enhanced tenfold by the lush green casuarinas trees. While the beach is not ideal for swimming, It is a perfect place for leisure walks or a picnic. The...

37. Sardar Sarovar Dam

37 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Located near Navagam in Gujarat, Sardar Sarovar Dam is a massive gravity dam built on the River Narmada which was built to conserve water and help the environment and the people around. The foundation of the project was laid down by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in 1961 and the construction work for the s...

38. Ratanmahal Sloth Bear Sanctuary

38 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Ratanmahal Sloth Bear Sanctuary is a hilly isle known to be the home of the Sloth Bears in Dahod District, Gujarat. The locals suggest that the Sloth Bear is far more dangerous than a leopard, but assist tourists in spotting this thrilling beast. The Kanjeta Eco campsite is the on-site full-service ...

39. Zanzari Waterfalls

39 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

The Vatrak River of Dehgam, Gujarat boasts of the Zanzari Waterfalls. The main waterfall is 25 feet high and lands on a picturesque set of rocks, boulders and craters.

40. Taranga Hills

40 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Taranga refers to a three-peaked hill located in the Mehsana district of Gujarat, on the banks of the river Sabarmati. It is located at a distance of 130 km from Ahmedabad. Taranga Hills holds great importance for Jains as they consider it to be one of the five most Mahatirthas. The famed Ajitnath J...

41. Sardar Patel Zoological Park

41 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Sardar Patel Zoological Park is a newly inaugurated zoo situated in Kevadia, a town in the Narmada district of Gujarat. Located in the vicinity of the majestic Statue of Unity, this tremendous establishment hosts about 170 different species of wildlife from all across the globe, is home to a wide ra...

42. Thol Bird Sanctuary

42 out of 42 Places to visit in Gujarat

Thol Bird Sanctuary is an ecologically rich bird reserve located on Thol lake in the Mehsana district of Gujarat. It is nestled amidst dense deciduous vegetation and is one of the most popular places for bird-viewing in the state. The sanctuary welcomes vast varieties of endemic as well as migratory...

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Food & Drink

Food of Gujarat - Gujarati Dishes You Can Treat Your Tastebuds With!

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Traditional Dresses of Gujarat

Airports In Gujarat

Airports In Gujarat

10 Amazing Festivals of Gujarat You Should Definitely Be a Part Of!

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10 Amazing Festivals of Gujarat You Should Definitely Be a Part Of!

Gujarati Culture, Dress and Food - The Heart and Soul of Gujarat

Gujarati Culture, Dress and Food - The Heart and Soul of Gujarat

National Parks in Gujarat | Wildlife Sanctuaries & Reserves

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Hill Stations In and Near Gujarat To Beat The Blistering Heat

Hill Stations

Hill Stations In and Near Gujarat To Beat The Blistering Heat

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Water Parks In Gujarat To Beat The Summer Heat

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Gujarat Trip Plan For 6 Days

Visit Jain temples, Mount Shatrunjaya as part of your Gujarat tour itinerary.

Watch the sun go down at the Dwarka and Krishna Temple Shree Dwarkadhish.

The Jain temples on top of Shatrunjaya hill, Palitana, Bhavnagar.

Visit the Gir National Park in Gujarat with your loved ones.

Shop for local souvenirs on your family holiday in Gujarat.

Hotel Star Rating

Month of Travel

  • Junagadh (2D)
  • Veraval (2D)
  • Dwarka (2D)

6 Days & 5 Nights

Starting from:

₹ 20,000 /- ₹ 21,739 /-

Per Person on twin sharing

Price Inclusive of


Gujarat Trip Plan For 6 Days

Gujarat, considered to be a cultural hub, is a popular destination for people from all over the country. Gujarat’s historical temples are famous all over the world like Somnath, Porbandar & Dwarka temples. This Gujarat itinerary for 6 days will take you to some of the most popular places across Gujarat.

Gujarat is certainly a place like no other; it should not be missed by an aficionado of culture and art. This 5 nights and 6 days itinerary is a perfect tour plan for savouring the best of Gujarat's tourist destinations.

All in all, Gujarat is a destination that will not leave you wanting for more. Gujarat is a destination that should not be missed; you will find that this state offers you the best of everything. Gujarat has varied terrain and numerous sacred sites. So, what are you waiting for? This package awaits your arrival.

Dwarka: Arrival and Sightseeing

  • Overnight stay

Dwarka: Sightseeing

  • Dwarkadhish Temple

Somnath: Sightseeing

  • Somnath temple

Somnath :Sightseeing

  • Nagoa beach

Junagadh: Sightseeing

  • Gir National Park

Sightseeing and Departure

Gujarat Trip Plan For 6 Days

Enjoy a mesmerizing boat ride as you visit the Bet Dwarka island.

Don't forget to try the local delicacies.

Upon arrival, visit Lakhota Lake & Lakhota Museum and Bala Hanuman Temple. Check in Hotel. Attend Evening Aarti in Dwarkadhish Temple.

Other Benefites

Stay Included

Gujarat Trip Plan For 6 Days

Dwarka Bay, Marina harbor

Seek the blessings of the divine as you visit the Dwarkadhish Temple.

Explore Dwarka and visit Rukmani Temple, evening visit other temples. Attend evening aarti at Dwarkadhish temple.

Gujarat Trip Plan For 6 Days

the beach sunny blue sky outdoors background

Seek blessings at the temple of Lord Shiva in Somnath

Arrive at Somnath, visit Bhalka Tirth, Triveni Sangam, Chowpati & Somnath Temple. In the evening attend Aarti, later watch light and sound show.

Gujarat Trip Plan For 6 Days

Temple of Lord Shiva in Somnath.

Somnath temple river view

After breakfast, visit Nagoa Beach, Sea Shell Museum, Naida Caves, Gangeshwar Temple and Chakratirth Beach (Sunset Point). Later, proceed to Somnath for night stay.

Gujarat Trip Plan For 6 Days

Lovely sightseeing

Enjoy your holiday

Reach Sasan Gir in in an open Gypsy (3 pm to 6 pm Shift) (Gypsy Cost to be payable Directly at the Gir Lions Reception). Later we will proceed to Junagadh for overnight stay.

Gujarat Trip Plan For 6 Days

Sasan gir park in gujarat

Visit Uparkot Fort, Mahabat Maqbara, and Swaminarayan Temple in Junagadh. Later we will proceed to Rajkot for departure.

Manek the ocean view

Opp.Gayyatri Temple, Siddhnath Mahadev Road, Chowpati Dwarka - 361335 Gujarat, India

The grand daksh

Junagad Highway, Near Sai Baba Temple, Veraval 362266 India

Hotel magnum inn

opp. Sakarbaugh Zoo, Junagadh 362001, India

Note: Our agents will provide you these or similar hotels depending on availability

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  • Airport Transfer : Arrival
  • Airport Transfer : Departure
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  • All transport by Cab- A/c Sedan (Swift Dzire/ Etios) Cab for the Entire Trip.)
  • All transport by Cab (Cab for sightseeing All transport by Cab (- A/c Sedan Cab (Dzire/Etios) for the Entire Trip - Toll Tax, Driver allowance and Parking charges Included ) )
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  • Others : Other Inclusions (- Breakfast and Dinner included in all Hotels - Package calculated for 2 Adults )
  • Meal plan : Lunch
  • Welcome Drink on Arrival
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  • Flight (NA)
  • Others : Other Exclusions (- Lunch )

Gujarat Packages By City

Faq for gujarat, q. what is the best time to visit gujarat.

A. While you can plan your trip to Gujarat at any time of the year, November to January is considered to be the ideal time to visit the state.

Q. Which is the hottest month in Gujarat?

A. The warmest month is May. On average, the coolest month is January. July is the wettest month.

Q. What is famous in Gujarat?

A. Gujarat is famous for its rich cultural heritage, especially dance. Also, you’ll find a variety of delicious snacks.

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Akanksha's 6 days trip to Gujarat

I have booked Gujarat Package for 16 people with Inland Travels. Dilip (Travel Agent) was very helpful during the whole journey. He was able to resolve all our ask and issues. He was very polite and helpful.

Surabhivasishta's 7 days trip to Gujarat

Pro's: Hotels for stay were very good. Places were covered properly Con's: driver was a bit slow for 1st 2 days Vehicle was stuck in middle on 3rd day of the trip(which was unexpected) But pls make sure of vehicles before sending it on a long trips

Surabhivasishta Bangalore

Aditi's 6 days trip to Gujarat

I booked this trip for my parents . Vikas was very accommodating regarding all the request i made during the trip . Even he was being patience with payment as i was facing some issue while making payments from US. He did not let that effect my parents trip so I will anyday recommend him for planning your trip.

Aditi Bedi Jamnagar

Mishrasantosh's 6 days trip to Gujarat

Overall experience is so good. Enjoied all movements satisfied ahemdabad and dwarka hotel satisfied somnath hotel is not satisfied driver & cab both are good.

Mishrasantosh Gujarat

Vipuldeep's 6 days trip to Gujarat

It was a good trip but driver should know everything about the places to visit and every routes .. if we have to guide the driver through Google maps then why a driver needed ?

Vipuldeep Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh

Bharti's 7 days trip to Gujarat

We would like to thank Mr. Charan, inland tours for organising wonderful trip to gujarat for my family . Hotels n cab Arrangements were very good. Mr. Mansukh bhai cab driver was very patient. We have really enjoyed all the assigned destinations.. Rann of kutch and statue of unity were major attractions.

Bharti Borkar pune

Mahesh's 7 days trip to Gujarat

Yet another excellent trip with Travel Triangle. It was very good trip, Travel Agent Vikas (Inland Tours) was very cooperative for all the changes and making sure things are in place. Driver also was very helpful. What I liked about TT is we can customize the tour as per our need.

Mahesh Maind Pune

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Gujarat Chronicles - Of Culture, Crafts and Tourism

Dinkar Kamat

Last updated: Feb 2, 2023

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Good morning: Su prabhat How are you?: Kem cho Thank You: Dhanvaad

Click Here to Take a Visual Tour of India’s Journey to Independence

From the birth of Mahatma Gandhi in Porbandar to the historic Dandi March of 1930, Gujarat holds a special place in the history of free India. Gandhiji, K.M Munshi, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, and a lot of other prominent nationalist leaders played an important role in India’s fight for freedom. The state’s traditional values combined with cultural and geographical diversity made it one of the most popular tourist places in the country. 

Book Your Gujarat Tourism Packages Now

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Gujarat Then and Now

In 1614, European colonial powers set up their bases along the coastline of the state, ending the Maratha rule in Gujarat. This was the beginning of a new era for the state.

Later, during India’s struggle for independence, Ahmedabad and Sabarmati came to the forefront, and the principles of satyagraha, swadeshi and self-sufficiency , spread from Gujarat to the rest of the nation.

Today, Gujarat, with its clean roads, modern infrastructure and architectural wonders, has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in India. Whether you want to relax on the beaches or spot Asiatic lions at the Gir National Park, Gujarat will not disappoint the traveller in you.

gujarat trip blog

Things to Do in Gujarat

Gujarat offers a perfect mix of vast coastlines, intricate temples and exotic wildlife.

Don’t leave Gujarat before you:

Do : Take a trip to the Great Rann of Kutch , the popular seasonal salt marsh of Gujarat located at the border of India and Pakistan. Flocks of flamingos and herds of Indian wild ass inhabit the place during the monsoons. If you’re visiting in December, check out the Rann festival, which begins in Bhuj and ends with a grand celebration of Gujarati culture, values and tradition in the open deserts. It offers a variety of cultural events that showcases the country’s crafts, art, music and dance.

Gujarat also has over 25 national parks and wildlife sanctuaries to keep the nature lover in you alive. Don’t miss a visit to the Gir National Park , which is home to the last few prides of Asiatic lions in the world.

If you’re looking for a relaxing walk on a beach, Gujarat has that too! Tithal, the only black sand beach in India, is a treat for the eyes. You could also visit Somnath beach, Dwarka beach and Chorvad beach.

Whether you’re interested in architectural marvels or spirituality, the Jain temples in Girnar are a must-visit.

Eat: Gujarat is famous for its dhokla, khandvi, khakhra and khaman . Taste them before you proceed to the main dishes like meethi curry and undhiyun , eaten with thepala . Shrikhand and malpua will satisfy your sweet tooth after you’ve enjoyed your delicious meal.

Buy: Embroidered jackets and patola sarees—an ikkat woven sari, usually made from silk, made in Patan. Kutchi handicrafts, popular around the world, are found in abundance in Gujarat. From block printed fabric, luxurious quilts and mirror-work clothing to woodcarving and heavy jewellery, you will definitely find something to take back home with you.

Getting There:  Gujarat is well connected to all major states in India via rail, air and roads. 

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Writing and Travelling. Most part of Dinkar’s life has been focused on these two aspects. Nothing feels better to him than a spontaneous road trip to a place that he hasn’t explored before. Foodie that he is, Dinkar loves to try out authentic Mughlai dishes in the busy lanes of Old Delhi. 


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Heated in the north by the blistering deserts of Pakistan and Rajasthan , and cooled in the south by the gentle ocean breeze of the Arabian Sea, Gujarat forms India ’s westernmost bulkhead. The diversity of its topography – forested hilly tracts and fertile plains in the east, vast tidal marshland and desert plains in the Rann of Kutch in the west, with a rocky shoreline jutting into its heartland – can be compared to the multiplicity of its politics and culture.

The best travel tips for visiting Gujarat

Best things to do in gujarat, best places to stay in gujarat, how to get around, how many days do you need in gujarat, what is the best time to visit, how to get here, travel ideas for india, created by local experts.

A Trek Through Ladakh's Markha Valley

A Trek Through Ladakh's Markha Valley

Trek through the Markha Valley, taking in the jaw-dropping Himalayan landscape, camp in traditional mountain villages, and discover hilltop monasteries. This unique journey combines the culture of the Buddhist faith with the natural beauty of the mountains and the hustle and bustle of Delhi.

Rajasthan: The Land of Kings

Rajasthan: The Land of Kings

Experience the Land of Kings in luxury.This trip around Rajasthan takes you to Jaipur's palaces, sacred pilgrimage sites and deep into the desert hills. Breathe in the excitement of Delhi and visit the Taj Mahal. Then come nightfall, lay your head to rest in former royal palaces and magical forts.

The Holy City of Varanasi

The Holy City of Varanasi

The flat, sunburnt plains of the Ganges River are India's breadbasket: a densely populated area, it is home to many of the country's greatest sights. See Delhi and all its treasures, then fly to Varanasi, the most sacred stretch of the Ganges and one of India's most intense and atmospheric places.

Indian Wildlife Safari

Indian Wildlife Safari

Meet Bengals, birds, monkeys, leopards and more on an amazing wildlife extravaganza visiting India's famous national parks. Experience the countryside by rail, soak up some culture at the Taj Mahal and Rantahnbore Fort and finish with some shopping and sightseeing in the bustling capital, Dehli.

India: from the Ganges to the Golden Triangle

India: from the Ganges to the Golden Triangle

From Dehli's bustling dusty streets to 'the pink city' of Jaipur and Agra's Taj Mahal, this trip ensures you experience all of India's Golden Triangle highlights. You'll visit sacred Varanasi on the banks of the Ganges and Khajuraho's famous temples too.

Magical Kerala

Magical Kerala

The intense greens of the Kerala backwaters, overhung by innumerable coconut palms, encapsulate tropical India like nowehere else. Enjoy a lazy cruise on a converted rice barge; visit fragrant spice plantations, explore Cochi and spot local wildlife.

Gujarat is the homeland of Mahatma Gandhi, born Mohandas Gandhi in Porbandar and a long-time resident of Ahmedabad . In line with his credo of self-dependence, Gujaratis consistently rank at or near the top of the chart in terms of India’s economic output, and have fanned around the world to settle abroad.

The region’s prosperity dates as far back as the third millennium BC, when the Harappans started trading shell jewellery and textiles. The latter, Jain-dominated industry, remains an important source of income for the state. Kandla is one of west India’s largest ports, while much of the country’s diamond cutting and polishing takes place in Ahmedabad and Bhavnagar.

Gujarat has plenty to offer those who take time to detour from its more famous northerly neighbour, Rajasthan. The lure of important temples (eg. Swaminarayan Temple ), forts and palaces is balanced by the chance to search out unique crafts made in communities whose way of life remains scarcely affected by global trends.

Gujarat’s architectural diversity reflects the influences of its many different rulers – Buddhist Mauryans, Hindu rajas and Muslim emperors.

Planning a trip to India? Perhaps our local experts in India can help you!

Shatrunjaya hill and Jain temples © Mazur Travel/Shutterstock

Shatrunjaya hill and Jain temples, Palitana © Mazur Travel/Shutterstock

From the superb Indo-Islamic architecture of Ahmedabad to a Solanki fortress guarding a lost Muslim city, here are the best things to do in Gujarat.

#1 Wander through the bazaars of Ahmedabad’s old city

A tangled mass of factories, mosques, temples and skyscrapers, Gujarat’s commercial hub, Ahmedabad (pronounced “Amdavad”), sprawls along the banks of the River Sabarmati, about 90 km from its mouth in the Bay of Cambay.

With an extended population of more than 7.2 million, it is the state’s largest city (and was the capital until it was moved to Gandhinagar in 1970) and India’s sixth largest.

Is mix of mediaeval and modern makes Ahmedabad a compelling place to explore – a wander through the bazaars of the old city is particularly rewarding. The city is packed with diverse architectural styles throughout, with more than fifty mosques and tombs, plus Hindu and Jain temples and grand step-wells (vavs).

The Calico Museum of Textiles is one of the world’s finest, while Gandhi’s Sabarmati Ashram is a must-see for anyone with an interest in the Mahatma.

#2 See the beautiful eleventh-century Sun Temple in Modhera

If you visit just one town in northern Gujarat, make it Modhera, where the eleventh-century Sun Temple is the state’s best example of Solanki temple architecture.

Almost a thousand years old, the temple has survived earthquakes and Muslim iconoclasm; apart from a missing shikhara and slightly worn carvings, it remains largely intact.

The Solanki kings were probably influenced by Jain traditions; deities and their vehicles, animals, voluptuous maidens and complex friezes adorn the sandy brown walls and pillars.

Within the mandapa, or pillared entrance hall, twelve adityas set into niches in the wall portray the transformations of the sun in each month of the year. Closely associated with the sun, adityas are the sons of Aditi, the goddess of infinity and eternity.

Modhera’s sun temple is positioned so that at the equinoxes the rising sun strikes the images in the sanctuary, which at other times languishes in a dim half-light.

Modhera Sun Temple, Gujarat, India © Shutterstock

Modhera Sun Temple, Gujarat, India © Shutterstock

#3 See the traditional embroidery, costume and culture of Kutch

Bounded on the north and east by marshy flats and on the south and west by the Gulf of Kutch and the Arabian Sea, the province of Kutch (also written Kuchchh or Kachchha) is a place apart.

All but isolated from neighbouring Saurashtra and Sindh (Pakistan), the arid landscape is shot through with the colours of the heavily embroidered local dress. Kutchi legends can be traced in sculptural motifs, and its strong folk tradition is still represented in popular craft, clothing and jewellery designs.

Few tourists make it here, but those who do are invariably enchanted. Launching from the central city of Bhuj, you can explore the region’s craft villages, ancient fortresses, mediaeval ports and isolated monasteries.

The treeless salt marshes to the north and east, the Great and Little Ranns of Kutch, breathtaking expanses of cracked white earth, can flood completely during a heavy monsoon.

#4 Visit Dwarka, Krishna’s ancient capital

Poised at the tip of the peninsula, at India’s western edge, Dwarka is one of Hinduism’s sacred Charm Dham, or “four abodes”, thanks to its legendary role as Lord Krishna’s capital following his flight from Mathura to the coast.

In vivid contrast to the arid expanses further inland, Dwarka is surrounded by fertile wheat, groundnut and cotton fields, while the city itself is a labyrinth of narrow winding streets cluttered with crumbling temples. Today, these still resonate with the bustle of saffron-clad pilgrims and the clatter of celebratory drums.

Dwarka really comes to life during the major Hindu festivals, especially Janmashtami (Aug/Sept), marking Krishna’s birthday.

#5 Seek out the Asiatic lion at Gir National Park

The last remaining habitat of the rare Asiatic lion and home to a host of other animals, Gir lies 60 km southeast of Junagadh and 45 km northeast of Veraval. It boasts more than five hundred lions in its 260 square kilometres.

The park also shelters around three hundred leopards, as well as sambar (large deer), chousingha (four-horned antelope), chinkara (gazelle), jackal, striped hyena and wild boar.

The wildlife shares the land with Maldhari cattle-breeders, many of whom have been relocated outside the sanctuary. Those who remain are paid compensation by the government for the inevitable loss of their livestock to marauding lions. Sightings of the lions aren’t guaranteed, although summer is the best time to spot them.


Asiatic lion © Shutterstock

#6 Visit the relaxed island of Diu

Set off the southern tip of Saurashtra is the tiny island of Diu, just 12km long and 3 km wide. Under Portuguese control for more than four hundred years, until 1961, it is now governed as a Union Territory from Delhi along with its sister city of Daman.

The combination of relaxed atmosphere, historic charm, broad beaches and lack of alcohol restrictions makes Diu one of the most popular tourist destinations in the region.

While its beaches are admittedly not as idyllic as Goa’s, most visitors stay longer than intended. Diu Town in the east is the island’s main focus. A maze of alleys lined with distinctive Portuguese buildings form the hub of the old town, while the fort stands on the island’s easternmost tip, staring defiantly out at the Gulf of Cambay.

#7 Palitana temples

For many visitors, the highlight of a trip to Saurashtra is a climb up the holy hill of Shatrunjaya, India’s principal Jain pilgrimage site, just outside the dull town of Palitana, 50km southwest of Bhavnagar.

More than nine hundred temples crown Shatrunjaya, said to be a chunk of the mighty Himalayas where the Jains’ first tirthankara, Adinath, and his chief disciple gained enlightenment.

While records show that the hill was a tirtha as far back as the fifth century, the existing temples date only from the sixteenth century, anything earlier having been lost in the Muslim raids of the 1500s and 1600s.

Climbing the wide steps up Shatrunjaya takes one to two hours, but, as with all hilltop pilgrimage centres, dholis are available for those who can’t make it under their own steam. The views as you ascend are magnificent. Allow at least two more hours here.

#8 Discover the lost city of Champaner

Rising 820m above the plains of Panchmahal, the almost forgotten city – and World Heritage Site – of Champaner stands overlooked by the solitary hill of Pavagadh. Although the city was fortified centuries earlier, in 1297 the Chauhan rajputs made Champaner their stronghold, fending off three Muslim attacks.

It remained Gujarat’s capital until 1536, when the courts moved to Ahmedabad, and Champaner fell into decline. When the British arrived in 1803 it was almost completely overrun by the forest.

Some of the massive city walls with inscribed gateways still stand, encompassing several houses, exquisite mosques and Muslim mausoleums, all imbued with a strange, time-warped atmosphere.

The largest mosque is the exuberant Jama Masjid, east of the walls; two minarets stand either side of the main entrance, and the prayer halls are dissected by almost two hundred pillars supporting a splendid carved roof raised in a series of domes.

Jami Masjid, a major tourist attraction at Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park - Gujarat state of India © Shutterstock

Jami Masjid, a major tourist attraction at Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park - Gujarat state of India © Shutterstock

#9 See the lavish Laxmi Vilas Palace

Laxmi Vilas Palace is the most extravagant of Vadodara’s palaces, designed by Major Charles “Mad” Mant and commissioned at great expense by Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad III in 1890.

Audio tours take in its Durbar Hall, armoury and palmfilled mosaic courtyards. The palace grounds are home to the Maharaja Fateh Singh Museum, which holds a modest selection of European, Chinese, Japanese and Indian art, including many epic works of Raja Ravi Varma, personally commissioned by the maharaja of Baroda.

#10 Visit Gujarat’s own savannah, Blackbuck National Park

Outside the tiny village of Velavadar, the 34-square-kilometre Blackbuck National Park is Gujarat’s own slice of savannah. Bounding through the tall golden grass, however, are not impalas but blackbucks, spiral-horned Indian antelopes of which the park has the country’s highest concentration.

Prior to Independence their number stood at eight thousand, but habitat loss and hunting cut this figure down to two hundred by 1966. The park’s blackbuck now number well over three thousand, making it a laudable success story.

It is also home to endangered Indian wolves, striped hyenas, nilgai antelope, jackals, jungle cats and Indian foxes, as well as birds of prey like Stoliczka’s bushchat and harrier hawks, at least 1500 of the latter arriving from Siberia each winter.

Dwarka, Gujarat, India - Gomti River Bank © Shutterstock

Dwarka, Gujarat, India - Gomti River Bank © Shutterstock

Whether you're seeking a luxurious resort, a quaint homestay, or budget-friendly accommodation, Gujarat has a wide choice of accommodations . From bustling cities to charming rural retreats, Gujarat offers a range of options to suit every traveller's needs.

Historic Lal Darwaja, part of the Old City, has some excellent midrange accommodations and a number of heritage hotels. There are some international chains outside the city centre, like Crowne Plaza, else you'll find guesthouses here. There are a number of well-kept, clean hotels offering identikit rooms near the railway station.

Kutch, Northern Gujarat

Expect heritage homestays, chic hotels, plus luxurious camps with traditional Kutchi bhungas (mud-brick and straw homes) overlooking the Gorudra Reservoir in Kutch.

Patan, Mandvi, Wankaner and Gondal, Northern Gujarat

Elsewhere in Northern Gujarat, Patan offers no-frills business hotel, Mandvi has luxury hotels right on the beach or villas with sea views, and both Wankaner and Gondal also have some remarkable ex-palaces and official guesthouses of the Maharajas.

Diu Town has the best choice of hotels on the island, but note that prices rise during festival periods – particularly Diwali, Holi and New Year’s – while in the off-season they come down by as much as seventy percent (some places may even close for the season, so call ahead). Some people, especially women, may be put off at festival times by the rowdy atmosphere.

Vadodara, Southeastern Gujarat

Vadodara’s numerous mid-range hotels are often full, so book ahead . The few budget options are in serious need of some loving care. Most hotels are in Sayajigunj, just a short walk southeast of the railway station.

Dwarka, Gujarat: Gomti River Bank © Shutterstock

Dwarka, Gujarat: Gomti River Bank © Shutterstock

Getting around Gujarat is a breeze. There are various transportation options but most travellers prefer the convenience of buses or the flexibility of taxis. The railway network is more limited here than other Indian states. Here's how to get around Gujarat.

Gujarat boasts an efficient and well-connected bus network, making it easy to travel between cities and towns. With short distances and excellent roads, hopping on a bus is a convenient option for exploring the state.

In addition, Ahmedabad’s much-heralded BRTS (Bus Rapid Transit System, also known as Janmarg), beats the traffic with exclusive lanes and median bus stations.

While Gujarat does have a railway network, it is relatively limited compared to some other regions in India. However, the Ahmedabad-Bhuj line is an exception and offers a popular and convenient mode of transportation for travelers. While train schedules may sometimes be inconvenient, especially when compared to the short travel times by road, trains can still be a viable option for specific routes and destinations in Gujarat.

Taxis provide a flexible and convenient way to navigate Gujarat, especially for those who prefer personalized transportation or wish to explore off-the-beaten-path locations.

Hiring a taxi allows you to set your own itinerary, giving you the freedom to visit multiple attractions in a single day or travel at your own pace. Taxis are readily available in major cities and towns, and you can either book them through taxi services or negotiate fares with local drivers.

The Lukshmi Villas Palace (Vadodara, India) © Shutterstock

The Lukshmi Villas Palace (Vadodara, India) © Shutterstock

To fully explore the wonders of Gujarat, it is recommended to plan a trip of at least 7-10 days. This timeframe allows you to visit the major attractions, experience the cultural diversity, and immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the state.

During this duration, you can explore the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park and the Rani ki Vav stepwell, marvel at the architectural wonders of Ahmedabad's Old City, embark on a wildlife safari in Gir National Park, and soak in the coastal beauty of destinations like Diu and Dwarka.

Additionally, Gujarat is renowned for its rich cultural festivals and fairs, such as the International Kite Festival and the Rann Utsav, so timing your visit to coincide with these events can enhance your experience.

The best months to visit Gujarat, climate-wise, are between November and February when the temperature stays a comfortable 17–27°C. Summers (April to May) are dry, sunny and very hot, with temperatures reaching around 41°C in the day and 30°C at night.

Monsoon season (July– Sept) keeps temperatures lower, around 30°C, although some areas, like Saurashtra and Kutch, don’t actually receive much rain.

Find out more about the best time to visit India .

 A colourful fishing boat sailing past Fortim Do Mar, an ancient Portuguese island fort off the coast of Diu near Gujarat © Shutterstock

A colourful fishing boat sailing past Fortim Do Mar, an ancient Portuguese island fort off the coast of Diu near Gujarat © Shutterstock

From its rich cultural heritage to its scenic landscapes, this guide will navigate you through the diverse transportation choices available, ensuring a seamless journey to the captivating land of Gujarat.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport is 10 km north of Ahmedabad. It is connected to the centre by prepaid taxis, auto-rickshaws and buses which terminate at the local (Lal Darwaja) bus stand in the west of the old city.

Kutch also has an airport, 4 km north of the centre, and Civil Airport Harni serves Vadodara, 6 km northeast of the city. Both have daily flights to Mumbai and Delhi .

Ahmedabad is on the Delhi–Mumbai train line, and serves as the jumping-off point for most destinations within Gujarat. The main railway station is Ahmedabad Junction (known locally as Kalupur station).

The state bus stand is in the southeast of old Ahmedabad, on Gita Mandir Rd by Astodia Gate. From here, government buses link the entire state and beyond, while a/c “Volvo” buses, operated jointly by the Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation and various private companies, link Rajkot, Vadodara and Bhuj.

Numerous private bus agencies near the station and on Paldi Rd, west of Sardar Bridge, offer services throughout the state and into Rajasthan, Maharashtra or Madhya Pradesh.

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Andy Turner

written by Andy Turner

updated 29.05.2023


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Useful Tips For Your Gujarat Trip

travel tips for gujarat

Hiring guide Related Tips When you are hiring a guide at Gujarat make sure to abide by the following tips-

  • Check on the identity card of the guide to make sure you hire an authorized person only.
  • You can consider taking suggestions for an experienced guide from the hotel where you put up.
  • Settle the charges prior to hiring the guide so that there is no confusion or arguments later.
  • Don’t discuss anything personal with the guide.
  • Don’t let him get an idea about the amount of money you are carrying with you.
  • Try to pick some basic idea about the place you are visiting so that no fake guide can dupe it.

Gujarat Tipping Tips Tipping makes a vital part of the hospitality industry no matter where you are traveling. You may need to pay tips to the hotel waiter, restaurant waiter, taxi driver but whatever tipping you do all depends on your own discretion and there no fixed charges for tipping. However, bear in mind that you need not give any tip to railway station porters because such porters offer services on the basis of affixed charges.

Health-Related Travel Tips The following health related travel tips need to be followed when you are traveling to Gujarat-

  • Get yourself thoroughly checked prior to travel.
  • Carry all your prescribed drugs in ample quantities.
  • Also carry some over-the-counter drugs for common ailments like common cold, aches and pains, stomach upsets and acidity.
  • Carry your vaccination certificates along with you.
  • Carry items such as mosquito net and repellent creams so as to avoid falling prey health issues like dengue.
  • Postpone traveling if you are suffering from some contagious disease.

Eating Out Tips When you are at Gujarat here are certain ‘eating out’ tips that you need to follow-

  • If you haven’t tasted the Gujarati street snacks or the typical Gujarati platter, you have indeed missed something big. So, make sure to sample Gujarati but from hygienic and reputed food joints.
  • Do not consumed fruits and salads that are cut and displayed by hawkers.
  • Drink from packaged mineral water bottles.
  • You shouldn’t accept any type of food offered to you by strangers.
  • Alcohol is prohibited in Gujarat. So, when you are in Gujarat stay away from those hard drinks or else you will be heavily fined.

Attire Tips When you are traveling to Gujarat watch out on what you are wearing. Gujarati people are very traditional minded and may not at all entertain any kind of vulgarity in attires. So, don’t wear clothes that make you look vulgar because that may hurt the sentiments of the Gujarati locals.

Safety Tips Here are some personal safety tips which you need to adhere to-

  • Don’t leave your goods and luggage unattended.
  • Don’t leave your goods and luggage with someone whom you don’t know property.
  • Beware of pick pocketing.
  • Put your hotel room and your luggage under lock and key when you are out for sightseeing.

General Travel Tips The other general travel tips for Gujarat travel include

  • Travel to Gujarat between October-March. That’s the ideal travel season for a comfortable travel.
  • Book you accommodation and travel tickets quite in advance to avoid last minute harassment.
  • Check the opening and closing times of places like temples, monuments, museums, zoos etc to avoid unnecessary harassment.
  • Tell you tour operator to arrange for you short unique trips within the state so that you can catch a glimpse of authentic Gujarat.
  • Carry sufficient Xeroxes of vital documents such as passport, ID Proof etc.
  • Don’t break the local or prevalent rules especially when you are visiting some traditional or historic temple or monument.
  • Don’t cause any harm to animals when you are visiting the various wildlife sanctuaries of Gujarat.

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Gujarat Package

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Destination: Rann of Kutch Dwarka Dwarka Somnath Panch Dwarka Saurashtra Jungle Safari Gujarat Diu Best of Kutch Colours of Gujarat Gujarat Desert Beach Others

Gujarat Tour Packages

Explore culture, heritage and spirituality tourism in gujarat.

Get the best services while you are on Gujarat trip

A Gujarat tour package is a great way to explore the diverse and vibrant state of Gujarat in India. Gujarat is known for its rich culture, heritage, wildlife, and spirituality. Gujarat tourism packages offer a range of options for travelers of different interests and budgets. A gujarat tour can include visits to historical places such as Lothal, Champaner, Patan, Junagadh, and Bhuj; religious places such as Somnath, Dwarka, Palitana, Ambaji, and Akshardham; natural attractions such as Gir National Park, Rann of Kutch, Saputara, and Nalsarovar; and cultural attractions such as Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Rajkot, Surat, and Modhera. A Gujarat package can be customized as per the duration, preference, and convenience of the travelers. A gujarat tour plan can be made with the help of a travel agent or online. A Gujarat itinerary can vary from 3 days to 15 days depending on the places covered and the activities involved. A Gujarat tours and travels company can provide services such as accommodation, transportation, food, guide, and sightseeing.

A Gujarat temple tour is a popular choice for pilgrims who want to visit the famous temples of Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva, Goddess Shakti, and other deities in Gujarat. A Gujarat tour itinerary can be designed to include the best temples in Gujarat along with other attractions. A Gujarat holiday package can be booked online or offline at reasonable prices. A Gujarat tours company can offer discounts and deals for group bookings and festive seasons. A Gujarat travel package can be a memorable experience for anyone who wants to discover the beauty and diversity of Gujarat. A Gujarat trip package can be a perfect gift for your loved ones who want to enjoy a vacation in Gujarat. A Gujarat tour package from Delhi can be easily arranged by flight, train, or road. A Gujarat Darshan tour can be a spiritual journey that can rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. A Gujarat holiday can be a fun-filled adventure that can make you fall in love with Gujarat.

We provide you with the best service for Gujarat Tourism Package

Are you planning a trip to Gujarat? Do you want to see the amazingly diversified natural beauty of this great state? Then we believe we are the best option for you. We provide you with the best  Gujarat Tour Packages you can ever avail. We make sure that our tourists get the proper accommodation with the best cuisine from around that is why each service of ours are carefully hand picked. If you’re planning on traveling the state, do check us because we take the full responsibility of our visitors and make sure that they get the best  Gujarat Tour Package they can avail.

We are budget friendly

We just not give you the most excellent  Gujarat Trip , but also we offer you cost-effective services. Our every service is made carefully to make sure that it stays well within your budget. That is why we provide you with the best Gujarat Yatra at an unmatched price. We believe we are one of the Best Service Providers in Gujarat. From the selection of the hotel to the delicious food, everything is correctly managed under the price segment. We never compromise on standard, and we believe in customer’s satisfaction to the fullest, which is why there is different budget, oriented Gujarat Holiday Packages on our list for you to choose from.

We offer you the best services for Gujarat Holiday .

We provide you with the best guidance you can find while you travel Gujarat . We just not provide you with the best services but we deliver what we promise. Our best quality services include traveling entire Gujarat , hotel staying , site seeing and much more. Our quality services include,

Excellent trip with comfortable staying, sight-seeing , and many much more. 1:-Very budget oriented services 2:-Covering every tourist attraction in Gujarat 3:-Paragliding, par motoring, trike rides and many other services to enjoy from.

If you want to enjoy the fullest of Gujarat Tour, you need to have proper guidance and correct places to travel. Being a culturally rich state with great heritage and site seeing along with the best natural beauty to behold, there is more to see than just describing Gujarat Tourism. So, come with your family, friends, colleagues and take the immersive joy and excitement of traveling Gujarat.

Dwarka Somnath Tour Package

Dwarka Somnath Tour Package

Cost: Rs. 9,499/- PP Duration: 4 Nights / 5 Days Destination: Ahmedabad – Dwarka – Bet Dwarka – Porbandar – Somnath  – Virpur – Gondal – Rajkot – Akshardham.

View detail Enquire Now

Pilgrimage Places Of Gujarat Tour

Pilgrimage Places Of Gujarat Tour

Cost: Rs. 9,499/- PP Duration: 4 Nights / 5 Days Destination: Ahmedabad – Dwarka – Jamnagar- Porbandar- Somnath- Virpur- Gondal- Gandhinagar.

Wildlife and Beach Of Gujarat

Wildlife and Beach Of Gujarat

Cost: Rs. 10,500/- PP Duration: 4 Nights / 5 Days Destination: Ahmedabad – Little Rann Of Kutch – Mandevi – Wankaner – Rajkot.

Gujarat Panch Dwarka Package

Gujarat Panch Dwarka Package

Cost: Rs. 17,499/- PP Duration: 8 Nights/9 Days Destination: Ahmedabad – Dakor – Lothal – Rajkot – Dwarka – Porbandar – Somnath – Sasangir – Junagadh – Gondal – Mount – Abu Kanroli – Udaipur View detail Enquire Now

Kutch With Sasan Gir Tour

Kutch With Sasan Gir Tour

Cost: As Per Request Duration: 7 Nights/8 Days Destination: Ahmedabad – Little Runn Of kutch – Bhuj – Black Hill – White Runn – Hodhka – Nakhatrana – Mandvi View detail Enquire Now

Pilgrimage With Life & Beach Tour

Pilgrimage, Wild Life & Beach Tour

Cost: Rs. 17,499/- PP Duration: 8 Nights/9 Days Destination: Ahmedabad – Jamnagar – Dwarka – Porbandar – Somnath – Diu – Sasan Gir

Dwarka Somnath Gir Diu Package

Dwarka Somnath Gir Diu Package

Cost: Rs. 15,499/- PP Duration: 7 Nights / 8 Days Destination: Ahmedabad – Dwarka – Porbandar – Somnath – Diu – Sasan – Gir – Junagarh – Virpur – Gondal

Gujarat With Diu Tour Package

Gujarat With Diu Tour Package

Cost: Rs. 17,499/- PP Duration: 8 Nights / 9 Days Destination: Ahmedabad – Dwarka – Porabandar – Somnath – Diu – Sasan Gir – Junagarh – Virpur – Gondal

Rann of Kutch Tour Package

Rann of Kutch Tour Packages

Cost:   As Per Request Duration: 5 Nights / 6 Days Destination: Ahmedabad – Little Rann Of Kutch – Bhuj – Hodka – Mandavi – Rajkot

Saurashtra Tour Package

Saurashtra Tour Package

Cost: Rs. 13,999 /- PP Duration: 6 Nights / 7 Days Destination: Ahmedabad – Dwarka – Porbandar – Gandhinagar – Somnath – Diu – Sasangir – Junagadh – Virpur – Gondal

Statue of Unity Tour Package

Statue of Unity Tour Package

Cost: Rs. 5,999 /- PP Duration: 2 Nights / 3 Days Destination: Ekta Nagar – Vadodara – Statue of Unity View detail Enquire Now

Glorious Gujarat

Glorious Gujarat – 15 Days

Cost: Rs. 29,499 /- PP Duration: 14 Nights / 15 Days Destination: Ahmedabad – Modhera – Balram – Gandhinagar – Balasinore – Rajpipla – Utelia – Bhavnagar – Palitana – Gondal Wankaner

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Blog UK Health Security Agency

UK Health Security Agency

From measles to malaria, how to keep you and your family healthy on holiday

Carpet in an airport terminal

With lots of people preparing for their holidays, I’ve written this blog post as a handy guide to travelling safely and minimising risks to your health.

Risks vary depending on the type of trip you’re going on – but whether you’re off for a week of sunbathing, watching the Euros, visiting family based overseas or taking a lengthier backpacking trip, it’s worth being prepared. It’s important to research your trip and  check your destination  before you travel and stay up to date with the latest outbreaks and events.

Before you travel

Routine vaccinations.

It is vital to ensure you are up to date with your vaccinations before you travel, both for your protection and for the benefit of the health of those around you.

Many countries have different diseases circulating and some of these could potentially be dangerous. It’s possible to pick up an illness that we don’t routinely see in the UK, and important to remember that some can have serious consequences for vulnerable people.

Measles is a highly infectious viral illness that can be very unpleasant and sometimes leads to serious complications. The measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine is normally given in childhood, but if you or anyone in your family has not had the MMR, you can catch up at any time. The MMR is available to all adults and children who are not up to date with their 2 doses. It is essential that you take both doses - finishing the full course offers life-time protection from measles for most people. If you are not sure if you are protected, you can check with your GP practice or arrange a travel clinic appointment to discuss.

The measles virus is currently circulating in the UK and it is even more common in some parts of Africa, Asia and mainland Europe, so please check that you and your family are up to date with your MMR vaccines.

Additional vaccinations/pre-medications

You may need additional vaccinations and preventative medications for the countries you are visiting. For example, if you’re visiting parts of rural Asia and the Far East  Japanese encephalitis  may be a risk, and the vaccination could be recommended.

For  malaria  risk areas - you may need to take malaria prevention tablets. It’s important to bear in mind that some countries require proof of  yellow fever  vaccination even if there is no risk of infection. There are also places where the  rabies vaccination  may be needed.

Always  check your country of travel for recommended vaccinations , review the  NHS Advice on travel vaccinations  and keep a close eye on  outbreaks in your country of travel .

For advice on vaccinations and preventative medicines, you can contact your local travel health clinic or GP practice. With most vaccines it is advised you arrange your vaccination 4 to 6 weeks before you arrive at your destination.

During travel

General health measures.

While abroad, especially in more remote/rural places, be conscious of hand hygiene, your water supply, food safety and  sun exposure .

During a heatwave, keep out of the heat if you can. If you have to go outside, stay in the shade especially between 11am and 3pm and stay hydrated. You should wear sunscreen, a hat and light clothes, and avoid exercise or activity that makes you hotter.

Be sure to pack hand sanitiser and where possible and appropriate drink bottled water. Always wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet and before eating. For general advice, this  helpful blog post covers top tips for each of these.

It’s more common in some countries but traveller's diarrhoea, which results from eating and drinking unsafe food/water, is something to be aware of. You can have quite significant fluid loss from this, so if you experience these symptoms while travelling, it is a good idea to take lots of rest, drink plenty of bottled fluids - if possible, topped up with rehydration salts. If you feel particularly unwell or your symptoms don’t improve, seek medical attention while abroad as you may require medical treatment for dehydration.

Particular diseases to be aware of

Mosquito bites are always an annoyance but also pose a particular risk in other parts of the world, where they can cause diseases including malaria, dengue , zika , West Nile virus or chikungunya . This applies to large parts of Europe as well as long-haul destinations.  Mosquito bite avoidance advice  includes wearing long-sleeved clothing to cover exposed skin, using repellents (at least 50% DEET), and mosquito nets.

Suspected malaria is a medical emergency and must be quickly diagnosed and treated. If you visit a malaria risk country, which include countries in large areas of Africa, Asia, and Central and South America, and have a fever, flu-like symptoms or any unusual symptoms during or after travelling you must get urgent medical attention. Don’t wait until you return to the UK if you are unwell.

Rabies is transmitted by a bite or scratch from an infected animal, usually a dog, and can be fatal if not recognised, or because post-exposure treatment is not available.

Avoid animal bites, and check if you would benefit from a pre-exposure vaccine. All travellers who have a possible exposure to the rabies virus, whether by bites, scratches, or other means, should seek medical advice without delay. You can  find full rabies advice here .

Getting help

You should also seek medical care if you experience any of the following:

- a fever of 38°C or more

- blood and/or mucus in your poo

- confusion or an altered mental status

- severe abdominal pain

- jaundice or rash

If your symptoms do not improve in 3 days you should seek help.

Young children, infants, older travellers and other groups where dehydration may have more serious consequences, must seek early medical advice if they are not tolerating fluids or are showing signs of dehydration.

Sexual health

Practising safer sex while abroad will reduce the risk of STIs and HIV, as well as infections that spread through close personal contact.

You can reduce your risk by using condoms and having an open conversation about HIV and other STIs before any sexual contact, and avoid sharing items such as towels, clothing or bedding with someone who has mpox or mpox symptoms.

Mpox is a virus which can be spread from an infected animal to a person, or by close personal contact with a person with mpox or materials where a person has shed the virus.

Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle ache, joint pain, and a rash with scabs which often begins on the face then spreads to other parts of the body which can include the mouth, genitals and anus (considered contagious until all scabs fall off and skin is intact).

Antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea is on the rise in popular tourist destinations in the Asia-Pacific region – including countries such as China, Thailand, Cambodia and the Philippines. This type of gonorrhoea is not easy to treat and can affect fertility.

If you have had condomless sex while abroad, get yourself tested for STIs before having sex with anyone else – depending on where you live, you could get a  self-sampling kit  or simply attend  your local sexual health clinic .

Other factors to consider

  • You should ensure that you are able to undertake the type of travel have planned. This includes ensuring that any underlying health conditions are stable prior to travel. For example if you have asthma or diabetes please ensure that you have sufficient medications for the duration of your trip.
  • Carry common medicines or a small first aid kit you might need, as you do not know what medicines/provisions the country you are travelling to will have.
  • It’s also important to check the rules around using and importing medication in your target country, what might be a common medication in the UK could be outlawed in another.

Returning to the UK

If you feel unwell on returning to the UK, seek medical attention and ensure you inform your healthcare provider that you have been travelling recently.

Tags: measles , travel health , vaccination

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Copa America

Copa America



Brazil vs Costa Rica live updates: Selecao held to shock goalless draw in Copa America opener

gujarat trip blog

Copa America result — Brazil 0-0 Costa Rica

  • Brazil held to shock goalless draw by guest nation Costa Rica
  • Costa Rica had 2 touches in Brazil’s box and 0 shots on target
  • Marquinhos goal ruled out for offside after lengthy VAR check
  • Colombia in Group D driving seat after 2-1 win over Paraguay

Michael Dominski

Something the USMNT has never achieved

Costa Rica have become just the third CONCACAF nation to keep a clean sheet against Brazil at Copa America, joining Mexico, who did so in 2001 and again in 2007, and Honduras, who also did so in 2001.

Vini Jr not trusted to go full 90 minutes

Vini Jr not trusted to go full 90 minutes

Getty Images

Replaced by Endrick in the 71st minute, Vinicius Junior has now been substituted in each of the past six and 10 of the past 11 competitive games he has played for Brazil, dating back to the 2022 World Cup.

Group D outlook

With Group D's opening matchday in the books, let's take a look at the remaining fixtures.

Friday June 28

  • Colombia v Costa Rica in Glendale, Arizona
  • Paraguay vs Brazil in Las Vegas, Nevada

Tuesday July 2

  • Brazil vs Colombia in Santa Clara, California
  • Costa Rica vs Paraguay in Austin, Texas

Instant reaction to Brazil's draw with Costa Rica

The Athletic ’s Jack Lang, Stuart James and Thom Harris have broken down their takeaways from Costa Rica's defensive triumph against Brazil, looking at:

  • Is deep defending the way to stop Brazil?
  • Can Brazil feel aggrieved at the referee?
  • What can Costa Rica take from this result?

Follow the link below to check out their talking points!

Brazil 0-0 Costa Rica takeaways: Brazilian frustrations as Costa Rica successfully parks the bus

Brazil 0-0 Costa Rica takeaways: Brazilian frustrations as Costa Rica successfully parks the bus

Matches don't get more one-sided

Seven Brazilian players had an individual expected goals figure higher than Costa Rica's team total of 0.03.

Full match stats

Full match stats

Brazil 0-0 Costa Rica

  • Expected goals: 1.66 - 0.03
  • Shots: 19 - 2
  • Shots on goal: 3 - 0
  • Chances created: 15 - 0
  • Saves: 0 - 4
  • Possession: 74% - 26%
  • Corners: 9 - 1
  • Offsides: 3 - 0
  • Fouls: 13 - 10
  • Yellow cards: 1 - 2

Mario Cortegana

Brazil aren't firing on all cylinders

Although they had been looking better lately, especially after the win at Wembley against England and the draw at the Bernabeu against Spain, Brazil are far from the level they should be at.

It is true that in a game like today's they would normally have won, but the reality is that they have not won any of their last five official matches, suffering two draws alongside three defeats.

At this point, Dorival Junior has not found the key.

Thom Harris

Perfect stat to sum this match up

Perfect stat to sum this match up

Brazil end the game with 50 touches in the opposition box.

Costa Rica? Two.

Group D standings

Here's how the Group D table looks after Brazil's failure to beat Costa Rica in their opening game.

  • Colombia : 3 points, +1 goal difference
  • Brazil : 1 pt, 0 gd
  • Costa Rica : 1 pt, 0 gd
  • Paraguay : 0 pts, -1 gd

FT: Brazil 0-0 Costa Rica

FT: Brazil 0-0 Costa Rica

Costa Rica have done it! They frustrated Brazil all night long and have held on for a point. They rarely came close to threatening Brazil's goal but they'll be absolutely thrilled with this result.

Savio has impressed

90+3' Brazil 0-0 Costa Rica

Savio is staking a real claim for a starting berth on Friday against Paraguay. He's been incredibly positive, showing off quick feet, and should probably have an assist after bursting into the box and laying off for Bruno Guimaraes a minute ago.

Final Costa Rica subs

90+2' Brazil 0-0 Costa Rica

Costa Rica run some time off the clock by replacing Brandon Aguilera and Ariel Lassiter with Gerald Taylor and Joseph Mora.

FIVE minutes added on

FIVE minutes added on

90+1' Brazil 0-0 Costa Rica

Five minutes are added on to the end of the match.

Guimaraes is the latest Brazil player to miss a fantastic chance to finally score, firing over the target from close range.

Costa Rica clinging on

Costa Rica clinging on

88' Brazil 0-0 Costa Rica

Sequeira comes out to claim a long ball forward but fumbles the ball after colliding with Rodrygo. Brazil have a great chance to finally break through but can't find the final ball.

Meanwhile, Mitchell has come back onto the pitch moments after being carried off injured.

Brazil desperate for a penalty

Brazil desperate for a penalty

87' Brazil 0-0 Costa Rica

Rodrygo falls over quite easily under contact in the Costa Rica box and Brazil appeal for a penalty for at least the fourth time in this match.

Dorival Junior is absolutely beside himself on the touchline.

Brazil can't find a way through

85' Brazil 0-0 Costa Rica

Savio skips past a few defenders at the edge of Costa Rica's box before taking a shot that's blocked by Vargas.

Costa Rica are really starting to close in on a seriously unlikely clean sheet here.

Martinelli joins the fray

83' Brazil 0-0 Costa Rica

Brazil make their third change as Gabriel Martinelli replaces João Gomes.

Militao booked

Militao booked

80' Brazil 0-0 Costa Rica

Campbell dances past Militao and the defender responds by tripping him up, earning himself Brazil's first yellow card of the match.

Sequeira denies Arana!

Sequeira denies Arana!

79' Brazil 0-0 Costa Rica

A deflected cross comes to Arana at the edge of the Costa Rica box. He unleashes a powerful first-time shot that looks sure to finally break the deadlock in this match but Sequeira makes an remarkable diving save!

Why NASA astronauts are delayed at the space station after Boeing Starliner launch

Two astronauts are spending extra time at the International Space Station as NASA and Boeing troubleshoot capsule problems that popped up on the way there

NEW YORK — When two veteran NASA astronauts blasted off on a test drive of Boeing's new capsule , they expected to head home from the International Space Station in a week or so.

It’s now three weeks and counting for Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams as NASA and Boeing troubleshoot equipment problems that popped up on the way there.

Three potential landing dates were called off and their flight home is now on hold.

This week, Boeing said the Starliner capsule’s problems aren’t a concern for the return trip and “the astronauts are not stranded.”

The long-delayed test flight is the first with astronauts aboard. Boeing will eventually join SpaceX in ferrying crews to and from the space station for NASA.

A look at what’s behind the extended stay:

Why was the Starliner return trip postponed?

NASA wants more time to analyze problems in the spacecraft’s propulsion system, which is used to maneuver in flight. The propulsion system is attached to the capsule, but it doesn’t come back to Earth for inspection. It is ditched during reentry and burns up.

“We’re just taking a little more extra time to review all the data and also learn as much as we can while we have this service module in orbit,” Steve Stich, NASA’s commercial crew program manager, said at a news conference last week before the latest postponement.

The space agency also said it didn’t want the departure to conflict with spacewalks. This week’s spacewalk was called off after water leaked from an astronaut’s spacesuit while she was still inside the orbiting lab. Tuesday’s spacewalk was still on the schedule.

What are the problems being investigated?

Five of the capsule’s 28 thrusters went down during docking, as the capsule closed in on the space station. All but one thruster was restarted, and they worked during a later test firing, NASA said. Officials suspect that heat from all the thruster action at docking caused the shutdown. The one faulty thruster has been turned off and is not an issue for the return trip, Boeing said.

The capsule launched June 5 with one small helium leak, but four more leaks sprung up by the time it reached the space station. Helium is used to pressurize fuel for the thrusters, and a faulty rubber seal was suspected in the initial leak. Officials say there’s an amply supply of helium, and Boeing says the leaks are stable and not a concern.

“So far, we don’t see any scenario where Starliner is not going to be able to bring Butch and Suni home,” Stich said last week.

What's next?

Boeing and NASA say they’ll consider landing dates once the spacewalks are over.

The capsule can remain at the space station for 45 days or longer if needed, Boeing said. In the meantime, mission managers continue to analyze the thruster trouble and helium leaks so they can resolve the problems before the next flight.

Wilmore and Williams have been pitching in with chores and research at the space station, along with their duties checking out systems on the Boeing capsule. NASA said there is no rush for them to leave, and there are plenty of supplies for the pair and the seven residents at the space station.

The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Science and Educational Media Group. The AP is solely responsible for all content.

gujarat trip blog


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    Gujarat travel guide. I was a bit skeptical while planning my maiden trip to Gujarat, India. But over an incredible fortnight, I stayed in a restored heritage haveli in Ahmedabad's old city, stumbled upon an abandoned flamingo colony in the Little Rann of Kutch, met nomadic tribes that live deep in the Banni Grasslands, spotted a majestic pride of eight lions in Gir, and treated my tastebuds ...

  2. Places to see in Gujarat with Itinerary

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  3. 8 Days Gujarat tour itinerary

    Travel time: 30-45 mins. Time required: 1 hour. Sun Temple, Modhera, Gujarat Sun Temple , Modhera Gujarat Check-in at Dasada. After Modhera, head straight to Dasada for the night's stay. You can choose one of the below Resorts for your stay. 1. Rann Riders. 2. The Royal Safari Camp. 3. Desert Coursers. 4. Bhavna Resort and farms. 5. Little ...


    1.Bookings for Gir Jungle Trail can be done online from 2.Safaris are available everyday at 3 time slots - 6 AM to 9 AM, 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM and 3 PM to 6 PM. 3.Gypsy permit charges are INR 800 for weekdays and INR 1000 for weekends and holidays.

  5. 51 Incomparable Places To Visit In Gujarat For A Fun Trip

    But out of all the others, Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara (Baroda), Rajkot, and Gandhinagar are the best cities in Gujarat to live in. For tourism, people like to visit places like Gir, Somnath Temple, Rann Of Kutch, Laxmi Vilas Palace, Dwarka, Rani ki Vav, Diu, Dholavira, Mandvi Beach, and Marine National Park.

  6. Gujarat Itinerary

    Gujarat Attractions covered in this Gujarat itinerary. The attractions covered in this itinerary are Gir National Park, Girnar, Somnath Temple, Porbandar, Dwarka Temple & Bet Dwarka, Okha and Rann of Kutch. These attractions are the best of what Gujarat tourism has to offer to a curious traveler.

  7. Gujarat Travel Blog

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  8. Gujarat Travel Guide: Top Tourist Places, Travel Costs, & More

    From my 2-month trip, here is a Gujarat travel guide with tips on cost of travelling, best time to travel & top tourist places in Gujarat. About me; Get Started. ... If you are a budget backpacker visiting Gujarat, read this blog on how to travel Little Rann of Kutch. Useful info? Don't forget to share this Gujarat travel Guide with friends ...

  9. An Ultimate Post-Covid Travel Guide To Gujarat For All Travelers Alike

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  10. Comprehensive Guide on How to Plan a Trip to Gujarat

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  11. The Best Places to Visit in Gujarat

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  12. Gujarat Trip Itinerary

    Somanth. From Dwarka early morning, you can get a train to Somnath. Somnath is an important pilgrimage and tourist spot in Gujarat. It would take 3-4 hours to visit the Somnath Temple. Board onto Somanth Porbandar passenger train at 2:10 PM. You will reach Junagadh at 4:24 PM.

  13. Gujarat Tourism And Travel Guide (2024)

    Winters are generally pleasant and the recommended time to visit the state. The best time to visit Gujarat is between November and February. Summer (March - June): Summers in Gujarat are generally very hot. The temperature crosses 35 C and occasionally even rises to 41 C in extreme conditions.

  14. Welcome to Gujarat Tourism

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  15. 10 Must Visit Places In Gujarat

    There is also one lighthouse near the Gomti ghat. It is a must see place as it accounts to be one of the oldest lighthouses. Visit the city of Lord Krishna, Dwarka. 7. Lothal and Dholavira. With ruins that date back to the ancient Indus Valley civilisation, you can step back into history here.

  16. Ultimate Gujarat Travel Guide: Top 10 Places to Visit

    Laxmi Vilas Palace - A stunning palace in Vadodara, once owned by the Gaekwad royal family. Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park - A UNESCO World Heritage Site with ancient forts, temples, and mosques. Ahmedabad - A bustling city with a rich history and culture. Diu - A serene beach town with Portuguese heritage.

  17. 42 Places to Visit in Gujarat > Gujarat Tourist Places

    33. Marine National Park. 33 out of 42. Places to visit in Gujarat. Marine National Park in the Gulf of Kutch is the first marine conservatory built in India. Crediting to its diverse range of flora and fauna, it accounts for a magnanimous natural site for India's natural resource and beauty.

  18. Gujarat Tour Itinerary For 5 Nights 6 Days

    5. Nights. Visit Jain temples, Mount Shatrunjaya as part of your Gujarat tour itinerary. Watch the sun go down at the Dwarka and Krishna Temple Shree Dwarkadhish. The Jain temples on top of Shatrunjaya hill, Palitana, Bhavnagar. Visit the Gir National Park in Gujarat with your loved ones. Shop for local souvenirs on your family holiday in Gujarat.

  19. Gujarat Chronicles

    Things to Do in Gujarat. Gujarat offers a perfect mix of vast coastlines, intricate temples and exotic wildlife. Don't leave Gujarat before you: Do: Take a trip to the Great Rann of Kutch, the popular seasonal salt marsh of Gujarat located at the border of India and Pakistan. Flocks of flamingos and herds of Indian wild ass inhabit the place ...

  20. Gujarat Travel Blogs, Photos and Forum

    Gujarat. Background: The Indus Valley civilization, one of the oldest in the world, dates back at least 5,000 years. Aryan tribes from the northwest invaded about 1500 B.C.; their merger with the earlier Dravidian inhabitants created the classical Indian culture. Arab incursions starting in the 8th century and Turkish in the 12th were followed ...

  21. Gujarat

    The best travel tips for visiting Gujarat. Gujarat is the homeland of Mahatma Gandhi, born Mohandas Gandhi in Porbandar and a long-time resident of Ahmedabad.In line with his credo of self-dependence, Gujaratis consistently rank at or near the top of the chart in terms of India's economic output, and have fanned around the world to settle abroad.

  22. Gujarat Travel Tips

    But in order to make your Gujarat Trip fulfilling you need to abide by certain very useful travel tips- ... Our Blog; Car Rental; Hotels Booking; Tour Booking; Customer Review; How to Book; Gujarat Travel Booking App. Quick Enquiry +91 7838908606 +91 7838908606; [email protected]; Facebook;

  23. Gujarat Tour Packages: Discover Vibrant Culture & Heritage!

    Blogs; Enquire now. Destination: Gujarat Tour Packages. Explore Culture, Heritage and Spirituality Tourism in Gujarat. Get the best services while you are on Gujarat trip. A Gujarat tour package is a great way to explore the diverse and vibrant state of Gujarat in India. Gujarat is known for its rich culture, heritage, wildlife, and ...

  24. From measles to malaria, how to keep you and your family healthy on

    The official blog of the UK Health Security Agency, providing expert insight on the organisation's work and all aspects of health security. Skip to main content ... Risks vary depending on the type of trip you're going on - but whether you're off for a week of sunbathing, watching the Euros, visiting family based overseas or taking a ...

  25. Department of Transportation

    The peak travel times at the LIH checkpoint daily are 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The busiest days to travel out of LIH every week are Thursday through Sunday. To help prepare travelers, TSA offers the following tips: Arrive in the airport more than two hours prior to flight departure. Consider checking your luggage.

  26. Brazil vs Costa Rica live updates: Selecao held to shock goalless draw

    Costa Rica have become just the third CONCACAF nation to keep a clean sheet against Brazil at Copa America, joining Mexico, who did so in 2001 and again in 2007, and Honduras, who also did so in 2001.

  27. Why NASA astronauts are delayed at the space station after Boeing

    This photo provided by NASA shows the Starliner spacecraft docked to the Harmony module of the International Space Station, orbiting 262 miles above Egypt's Mediterranean coast, on June 13, 2024.