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Hati-Hati Penipuan Tiket Pesawat Online, Ini Kiat Menghindarinya


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Ludhy Cahyana

Kamis, 16 Januari 2020 21:05 WIB


TEMPO.CO , Jakarta - Banyaknya oknum yang mengaku sebagai sub-agen perjalanan online (online travel/OTA) yang tidak resmi saat ini. Aktivitas mereka membuat konsumen harus berhati-hati dalam memesan tiket pesawat online , jangan tergiur harga tiket pesawat dengan diskon besar yang ditawarkan.

Biasanya, para pelaku penipuan melakukan modusnya dengan menawarkan tiket murah atau tiket promo melalui social media. Mereka mengaku sebagai agen atau bagian dari OTA. Para pelaku biasanya mengarahkan korban untuk menghubungi langsung pelaku via WhatsApp/telepon, untuk melancarkan aksi mereka.

Siap-siap, IATA Sebut Harga Tiket Pesawat Bakal Naik

Setelah korban terbujuk, pelaku meminta korban untuk melanjutkan transaksi dengan memberikan nomor rekening pribadi. Mereka meminta korban untuk segera mentransfer ke rekening tersebut, dengan alasan ketersediaan kursi yang terbatas.

Untuk itu, NusaTrip mengimbau agar Anda selalu waspada terhadap modus penipuan pemesanan tiket pesawat online. Pasalnya, masih ada saja traveler yang menjadi korban penipuan yang mengatasnamakan NusaTrip. Agar tak tertipu oknum yang mengaku sub agen atau bagian dari OTA, NusaTrip berbagi tips aman untuk membeli tiket pesawat online:

Hati-hati dengan penawaran diskon besar harga tiket pesawat

Harga Tiket Pesawat Domestik Mahal, Sandiaga Uno Pernah ke Medan Lewat Singapura

Jangan mudah tergiur dengan harga tiket penerbangan yang ditawarkan oleh oknum yang mengaku sebagai sub-agen perjalanan online (yang biasanya dilakukan melalui akun sosial media dan blog), terlebih dengan iming-iming “Diskon Tiket 20% - 40%,” tanpa adanya syarat dan ketentuan yang valid.

Lakukan pemesanan dari agen travel online resmi dan terpercaya

Memesan langsung dari situs agen perjalanan online resmi yang telah diketahui profesionalitasnya dan mempunya reputasi yang bagus. Mengapa? Karena melaui agen perjalanan online jadwal perjalanan serta harga tiket pesawat dari berbagai maskapai ditampilkan secara real time.

hi fly travel penipu

Hindari pemesanan tiket pesawat melalui telepon atau aplikasi pesan singkat

Hindari memesan tiket pesawat melalui telepon atau SMS/WhatsApp/LINE dari oknum yang belum dikenal, terlebih jika nomor telepon yang digunakan adalah nomor telepon pribadi.

Luangkan waktu untuk merencanakan perjalananmu secara mandiri

Dengan adanya agen-agen perjalanan online di Indonesia, maka traveler semakin dimudahkan dalam merencanakan perjalanannya, baik rute dalam negeri dan internasional.

Konsumen mendapat keleluasaan dalam bertransaksi

Agen perjalanan online, memberikan para traveler keleluasaan untuk membandingkan dan memilih maskapai penerbangan, memberikan rincian data penumpang dan berbagai metode pembayaran yang disukai. Dan untuk itu semua hanya menghabiskan waktu beberapa menit saja. Penipu tidak memiliki teknologi yang dapat berintegrasi dengan sistem maskapai penerbangan, inilah mengapa agen perjalanan online yang tidak resmi (penipu) hanya melayani via SMS/WhatsApp/LINE atau telepon untuk membeli tiket pesawat.

Perhatikan cara pembayaran dan nomor rekening

Ketika menyangkut cara pembayaran, ATM/SMS/Online banking adalah beberapa metode pembayaran yang disukai di Indonesia. Ada beberapa cara untuk memastikan Anda membayarkan tiket pesawat ke agen perjalanan profesional atau penipu.

Online Bank: Agen perjalanan online profesional biasanya terintegrasi dengan e-solution di beberapa bank besar, contohnya Mandiri Clickpay atau BCA Klikpay. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa agen tersebut memiliki kontrak e-commerce profesional dengan bank. Penipu tidak akan bisa mendapatkan kontrak tersebut dari bank.

Transfer bank (ATM, SMS, Online): Agen perjalanan online profesional menggunakan akun virtual ( virtual account ) atas nama perusahaan untuk transaksi. Ketika konfirmasi, Anda bisa melihat nama agen perjalanan online tersebut dan bukan atas nama individu/pribadi. Penipu biasanya hanya memiliki beberapa akun rekening saja dan di bawah nama pribadi bukan perusahaan.

hi fly travel penipu

Penipuan penjualan tiket pesawat memang bisa terjadi kapan saja dan di mana saja, namun apabila Anda waspada dan pintar memilih agen perjalanan baik itu online maupun offline , hal tersebut dapat dicegah.

Rajin-rajinlah mencari informasi agen perjalanan yang aman dan terpercaya, serta perbanyak informasi dengan cara membaca review site atau website review (contoh: trustpilot.com) costumer agar perjalanan Anda, aman dan nyaman.

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6 Tips Terhindar dari Penipuan Agen Perjalanan, Cek Website Resmi

Kompas.com travel travel tips, faqihah muharroroh itsnaini,, ni nyoman wira widyanti.

Tim Redaksi

Faqihah Muharroroh Itsnaini

Penulis ni nyoman wira widyanti.

Penting bagi wisatawan untuk tidak mudah tergoda dengan paket perjalanan wisata yang harganya murah, sampai terasa tidak wajar.

Menurut Shana, wisatawan sebaiknya bisa mengantisipasi peluang-peluang penipuan jika menemukan paket wisata yang terlalu murah dari agen perjalanan.

"Harus waspada kalau harganya terlalu murah. Misalnya harga Rp 2 juta untuk menginap di kapal lengkap fasilitas untuk tiga hari dua malam, ya itu sudah tidak wajar," jelasnya.

Ia mengungkapkan, harga paket wisata ke Labuan Bajo cukup tinggi, sehingga sebaiknya kamu mengecek harga di pasaran terlebih dahulu.

Baca juga: 5 Tips Liburan Mewah ke Labuan Bajo, Ini Kisaran Harganya

Foto dirilis Minggu (4/7/2021), memperlihatkan wisatawan menaiki sekoci untuk menuju Pulau Kelor, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Pandemi Covid-19 yang menghantam sektor pariwisata, membuat pemerintah terus melakukan penataan di kawasan Labuan Bajo dengan harapan dapat mendongkrak pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pariwisata yang menurun saat ini.

2. Dapatkan rekomendasi dari orang lain

Selanjutnya, sangat penting untuk mendapatkan referensi dari orang-orang yang kamu percaya.

Selain pemerintah, rekomendasi yang bisa kamu dapatkan mungkin berasal dari kerabat atau kolega yang tinggal di daerah tersebut, maupun yang pernah berkunjung.

"Sehingga benar-benar jadi jaminan meminimalisasi penipuan," kata Shana.

Baca juga: Jadi Lokasi Side Event, Labuan Bajo Siap Sambut G20

3. Cek review di media sosial

Meski terkadang apa yang ditampilkan di media sosial bisa dibuat lebih bagus dari kenyataannya, kamu bisa mengantisipasi dengan mengecek review atau ulasan dari warganet.

"Sekarang jaman digital, jangan mudah tertipu foto-foto bagus dan segala macamnya," pesan Shana.

Ia menambahkan, sebelum memesan, pastikan untuk mengecek keberadaan agen perjalanan tersebut. Salah satunya terkait apakah posisi atau kantornya bisa ditemukan di Labuan Bajo atau tidak. 

Baca juga: Itinerary Wisata 5 Hari 4 Malam di Labuan Bajo, Alam sampai Budaya

4. Bandingkan harga dengan travel agent…

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Hi-Fly Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd

Hi-Fly Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd is a travel agency in Kuala Lumpur which is licensed by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia (MOTAC). The MOTAC is the government agency responsible for regulating and promoting tourism in Malaysia. The travel agency must fulfill specific criteria and adhere to guidelines set by the MOTAC to obtain and maintain its license. This ensures that travelers can rely on licensed travel agents for their travel arrangements, including tour packages, ticketing services, and other travel-related services. When choosing a travel agent in Malaysia, it is advisable to look for one that is licensed by the MOTAC to ensure a legitimate and reputable service.

Hi-Fly Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd Contact Information

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Hi-Fly Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd

Company Logo

Company & Membership Info

Company contact details, company administrative contact, official representative, mohd shahmizan bin shahrom, alternate representative, rosaniza binti ahmad, search members.

Land on a job of excellence

Hi Fly has specialized for almost two decades in worldwide aircraft leases and ACMI services on short, medium and long term contracts mainly for airlines, governments, tour operators, companies and individuals.

The high-quality services guaranteed to its customers are based in the best equipment, the best procedures and the best professionals.

Jobs in : English Português

CAMO Engineer

Lisbon, portugal.

HI FLY is a leading widebody aircraft wet lease specialist operating worldwide, with an Airbus fleet of A330 and A340.

The wet lease business market is very demanding, and airlines are increasingly opting for wet lease solutions as they are found to be reliable, safe, and efficient. For that reason, Hi Fly fleet is steadily growing with new widebody additions in the coming months.

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently recruiting highly motivated  CAMO ENGINEERS  to join our office in Lisbon, Portugal.


  • Build up applicable Maintenance Programs;
  • Assess mandatory documentation issued by Regulatory Authorities and applicable OEMs, such as ADs and SBs;
  • Ensure Defect Control monitoring and corrective actions needed;
  • Planning maintenance activities within contracted EASA P145 providers;
  • Perform Technical Reliability analysis;
  • Participate in SMS activities;
  • Support Area Coordinator towards an efficient and reliable area within the scope of CAMO responsibilities;
  • Promote Safety environment within the range of activities to be performed.


  • University degree in Aeronautical, Aerospace or Mechanic Engineering, or similar fields;
  • Professional experience of at least 1 year in EASA Organizations Part M Subpart G;
  • Knowledge of the legislation applicable to the aeronautical sector, in particular to EASA Part M, Part 145 and Part 66 Organizations;
  • Familiarization with manuals and technical documentation;
  • Strong organizational skills;
  • Easy adaptation to teamwork;
  • Fluent in English, both written and spoken;
  • Availability for occasional travels.

If this opportunity is for you, send us your CV and join us on board!

Do you want to be aware of all the opportunities we have? Visit us at our website.

Cabin Interior Mechanic

HI FLY  is a leading widebody aircraft wet lease specialist operating worldwide, with an Airbus fleet of A330 and A340.

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently looking for highly motivated Cabin Interior Mechanics to join our team.

What is the purpose of the team?

· To ensure cabin maintenance work packs issued to Cabin team are carried out IAW the cabin standards manual and all other relevant aircraft and vendor I.P.C’s, CMM’s, AMM’s and SRM’s;

· To maintain the fleet aircraft cabin condition in the highest possible standards matching the Customers and passengers expectations, and following the Board guidelines.

What should you have?

· 3 to 5 years’ commercial aircraft cabin maintenance experience or proven civil aircraft cabin maintenance experience (Holding an A or B1 licenses is an advantage);

· Proven experience in plastics and composite repairs is a plus;

· Good written and verbal communication skills;

· Fluency in English is mandatory;

· High computer literacy;

· Strong organizational skills and rigor;

· Easy integration into teams;

· Availability to travel.

Having in consideration the team valences the below aspects will also be considered:

· Proven Tailoring experience is a plus;

· Proven experience in leather works is a plus.

The main working place may be Lisbon or Beja , and the work may take place in a hangar or on-wing environment, as the need for the operation so dictates.

What are you going to do?

· Ensure all documentation is completed correctly for all aircraft being worked by him/her;

· Ensure all cabin maintenance activities are carried out to the clearly defined standards;

· Undertake cabin inspections as per task card and research and order part numbers required for defect rectification;

· Maintain, overall and carry out all Seat, Galley, Toilets, Lights, Carpets and all other aircraft interiors: inspection, maintenance, cleaning, and repair.

What do we offer?

· Opportunity to work in one of the biggest Portuguese aviation companies;

· Integration in a young, dynamic and multidisciplinary team;

· Possibility of career growth and progression;

· Salary proportional to demonstrated experience;

· Health insurance;

· Other benefits: free fruit, rooftop overlooking the city of Lisbon, birthday off and up to 25 days of vacation.

Do you want to be aware of all the opportunities we have open? Visit us on our website.

Cabin Crew Members

Join Hi Fly, the largest Airbus Widebody aircraft wet lease specialist in the world.

Hi Fly is an airline committed to provide the best service to passengers, meanwhile creating a more sustainable future for the industry. You will be working with a dynamic and experienced crew all around the globe, meeting exciting people and exploring different cultures.

Ready for take-off?


  • Age: at least 21 years old / Height: above 1,60 m (Women) and 1,70 m (Men);
  • Fluent in English and preferably another language;
  • High School diploma (Portuguese 12º Year);
  • Good swimming skills;
  • Availability for long periods abroad;
  • Responsible, team orientated and friendly personality;
  • Preferable: Cabin Crew Attestation, issued by our partner MACF - Aviation Training and Consultants.

B1/B2 Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers - Malta

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently looking for highly motivated Aircraft Maintenance Engineers to join our team.

  • Certified EASA Part-66 Aircraft Engineers CAT-B1 or B2, type rated on A330 or A340;
  • You're a qualified, experienced and motivated professional in the aviation industry;
  • Proactive, flexible, in good physical condition, always ready to embark on new adventures, being available to travel frequently;
  • Efficient with troubleshooting and line maintenance skills;
  • Fluency in English is a must.

What do we offer you?

  • Opportunity to work in one of the largest Portuguese aviation groups;
  • Integration in a dynamic and multidisciplinary team;
  • Possibility of professional development and growth;
  • Salary proportional to demonstrated experience.

Maintenance Controllers

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently recruiting highly motivated Maintenance Controllers to join our H24 Maintenance Control Center (MCC) in Lisbon, Portugal.

MCC, which operates under the regulatory oversight of CAMO, is part of the Integrated Operations Control Centre (iOCC) and plays a critical role in the day-to-day operations, liaising with various internal departments, such as Flight Crew Members flying across the globe when experiencing technical issues, Maintenance Planning, Logistics, Engineering and Operations, ensuring the airworthiness of Hi Fly fleet and enabling the Company to deliver the highest standards of service and safety to customers.

  • As an integral part of the iOCC, you will act as the focal point of contact with Flight Crew Members and contracted maintenance organizations for any operational maintenance/technical issue.
  • Monitor fleet AOG’s, assessing necessary technical activities and ongoing development.
  • Together with other Hi Fly iOCC teams, develop and communicate recovery plans, adequately.
  • Monitoring repetitive failures and necessary related maintenance activities.
  • AOG critical parts requisitions and coordination with other areas of the Company, as necessary, in order minimize operational impact on Hi Fly fleet activity.
  • Evaluate new ACMI Operations with aircraft technical limitations and existing maintenance programs requirements.
  • Contact manufacturers in case of AOG and support maintenance providers with recommended actions for troubleshooting.
  • Close coordination with CAMO Management on all continuous airworthiness activities.
  • Working with and updating respective databases and tracking programs.
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience as B1 or B2 licensed engineer working in Line Maintenance or, alternatively, Aeronautical/Mechanic Engineering with Academic degree working on an airline MCC/CAMO.
  • Working knowledge on maintenance planning activities along with understanding Operators’ approved maintenance programs requirements.
  • Knowledge of the applicable legislation, in particular EASA Part 145 and Part CAMO.
  • Experience with Airbus aircraft in terms of defect analysis, aircraft technical issues and troubleshooting will be an advantage.
  • Familiarization and work experience with manuals and technical documentation (AMM, IPC, TSM, SRM, MEL among others).
  • High capacity of multi-tasking and problem solving.
  • Highly flexible and ability to work in a fast-paced environment.
  • Strong organizational skills.
  • Fluent in spoken and written English.
  • High degree of computer literacy.

This is an office-based role working shift patterns, 24/7/365. Due to the nature of the wet lease operations (ACMI and Charter), this is not an ordinary office job, and you can expect some very challenging and exciting days upon joining our Organization.

Flight Dispatcher / Flight Dispatcher Assistant

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently looking for highly motivated Flight Dispatchers or Flight Operations Officers to join our team in Lisbon-Portugal.

Hi Fly Flight Dispatchers provide flight crews with safe and timely operational flight plans and flight packages, containing any relevant information for the safe performance of the flight, weather charts as well as enroute actual weather and forecasts. Additionally, will interpret and provide the crews with navigation information briefings and the flight release. He is responsible for all pre-flight decisions concerning the initiation or termination of a flight, taking into consideration all the operational aspects related with suitability of aerodromes, route selection, meteorological conditions, and navigation aids, fuel quantity needed, ensuring, in conjunction with the flight crew, that all flights are planned in the safest and most efficient way in accordance with rules and regulations and company standard operating procedures.

  • Prepare operational flight plans and file ATC flight plans.
  • Prepare the required flight packages and disseminate to the flight crew, in a timely manner, in compliance with rules and regulations and company standard operating procedures.
  • Continuously monitor the daily flight activity, including initiation, continuation, diversion and/or termination of a flight and if necessary, in the interest of safety, establish direct communication with an airborne aircraft.
  • Participate and provide information to OCC and Senior Management regarding the activation of the Company’ Emergency Response Plan.
  • Hold a valid Flight Operations Officer/Flight Dispatcher ICAO License, issued or recognized by the Portuguese Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC), or alternatively waiting for practical training (internship) to obtain the license.
  • Minimum 1 year of experience in a similar role (preferably).
  • Previous professional experience in the aviation industry will be an advantage.
  • Multicultural awareness, excellent interpersonal skills, and a clear communication style.
  • Fast learner and highly motivated.
  • Fluent in spoken and written English is mandatory.
  • Good proficiency in using Microsoft Office suite.

Fleet Engineer

Malta, malta.

HI FLY MALTA  is a leading widebody aircraft wet lease specialist operating worldwide, with an Airbus fleet of A320FAM, A330, A340 and A380.

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently looking for highly motivated  FLEET ENGINEERS  to join our team in Malta.

  • Interpretation of manufacture’s publications (Airbus Engines OEM such as Rolls-Royce, CFM, GE, Pratt &Whitney).
  • Airbus Avionics familiarization.
  • Familiarization/training with different types of engines in combination with Airbus airframe.
  • Planning maintenance activities.
  • Familiarization with Airworthiness Directives and Maintenance Programs.
  • Interpretation of wiring diagrams / flowcharts from the Manufacture’s Manuals.
  • More than 3 years’ relevant experience worked in Airworthiness EASA PART M or for an EASA PART 145 Organization.
  • University degree in Engineering (Aeronautical, Mechanical or similar).
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Excel is required.
  • Interest in informatics required to work with other internal software.
  • Critical thinking and problem solving skills are required in order to prioritize and manage multiple tasks.
  • Strong organizational skills, attention to detail and ability to manage multiple tasks are required.

Procurement Officer

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently looking for highly motivated Procurement Officers to join our Operations Procurement team in Lisbon-Portugal.

At the core of our organization's operational efficiency lies with the Planning and Operational Procurement Department, a vital component ensuring seamless procurement activities and management. The Procurement Officer plays a pivotal role in sourcing and negotiating essential activities for our daily operations. This position demands proactive and dynamic individuals capable of navigating the complexities of procurement in a fast-paced environment.

What will be your main responsibilities:

  • Conduct thorough market research to identify potential suppliers, evaluate bids, and negotiate contracts to secure cost-effective and high-quality goods and services;
  • Develop and manage supplier relationships and ensure compliance with established agreements;
  • Implement cost-saving initiatives and strategies while maintaining the highest standards of quality and reliability in the procurement process;
  • Work closely with various departments to understand their procurement needs and provide guidance on procurement processes;
  • Stay updated on relevant laws and regulations, ensuring that all procurement activities adhere to legal and ethical standards;
  • Develop and implement systems to assess supplier performance and responsiveness to issues;
  • Proactively identify opportunities for process improvement within the procurement function and implement best practices.

Some of our requirements:

  • Working experience in a similar role with other airlines (preferably);
  • Ideally have a background in the aviation industry, such as operations;
  • Capacity to work well in a fast-paced and demanding environment and be flexible to the changing needs of the business;
  • Must have excellent analytical and creative thinking;
  • Have a high level of professionalism and the ability to interact with all levels of leadership;
  • Must be detail oriented and able to work productively, independently or within a team;
  • Multicultural awareness, excellent interpersonal skills, and a clear communication style;
  • Good commercial awareness;
  • Excellent negotiation and communication skills;
  • Fast learner and highly motivated;
  • Good time management and organization skills;
  • Fluent in spoken and written English is mandatory;
  • Good proficiency in using Microsoft Office suite and be able to learn new systems quickly.

This is an office-based role working Monday to Friday. Due to the nature of the wet lease operations (ACMI and Charter), this is not an ordinary office job, and you can expect some very challenging and exciting days upon joining our Organization.

Other career opportunities:

Do you want to know about other job vacancies we have at Hi Fly? If so, we invite you to visit our Careers page at www.hifly.aero.

Ground Operations Specialist

Considering the forecasted growth, we are seeking a dynamic and experienced Ground Operations Specialist to join our team.

The Ground Operations Specialist plays a vital role in facilitating efficient communication and coordination within the Ground Operations sector. Acting as a bridge between departments, this position ensures smooth operations by resolving irregularities, organizing handling services, and managing logistical details. With a focus on timely information dissemination and proactive problem-solving, the Ground Operations Specialist contributes to the overall effectiveness of Ground Operations in the dynamic aviation landscape.

  • Establish the connection between Ground Operations Department, Ground Coordinators and Station Managers;
  • Establish the contact between Ground Operations and the various internal departments, coordinating and disseminating all relevant information in a timely manner;
  • Coordinate the resolution of irregularities in close liaison with Operations Control Center, in the services related to Ground Operation activities, such as passenger, baggage and cargo handling, to ensure rapid solution;
  • Organize and request handling services (ramp, passenger, cargo), cleaning services, parking, Airport and Passenger Fees according to need for each applicable operation (ACMI/Charter);
  • Plan the ULD Stock levels and assignments for all Operations;
  • Collect airport and handling information for airports evaluation and approval;
  • Support the Ground Operations activity department as required.
  • Bachelor’s degree in any relevant field;
  • At least 2 years of experience in general business aviation preferably ground operations area;
  • Dynamism, organization, versatility, autonomy and ability to solve problems in situations of work environment adversity;
  • High personal availability to travel, especially for long periods outside Portugal;
  • Team spirit and critical thinking;

Due to the nature of the wet lease operations (ACMI and Charter), this is not an ordinary office job, and you can expect some very challenging and exciting days upon joining our Organization.


In-flight Entertainment Manager

We are looking for an experienced professional In - flight Entertainment Manager to administer the programming of Hi Fly's fleet through various existing IFE systems, ensure the smooth functioning of the entire entertainment process offering a diverse and high-quality experience to passengers, and to collaborate with different departments to meet company and client objectives on both commercial and operational levels.

-In-depth knowledge of all installed IFE systems on the Hi Fly fleet and their capabilities.

-Plan and execute actions to ensure the effective operation of IFE, including content implementation and system components' functionality.

-Regularly engage with Commercial, Content Service Providers (CSPs), Engineering, and Maintenance departments for efficient coordination.

-Conduct regular supplier evaluations and financial, technical, and administrative controls.

-Implement cost-effective measures and continuously improve procurement processes.

-Define objectives for Inflight Entertainment Programming.

-Manage content planning for fixed IFE systems, portable IFE streaming, and iPads, aligning with Hi Fly's strategic positioning.

-Negotiate with distributors, independent producers, and CSPs for the acquisition of the latest content.

-Ensure the recording and encoding of analog and digital content to guarantee its display as per the outlined programming.

-Participate in Inflight Entertainment projects, proposing alternative scenarios for efficiency improvements.

-Supervise procedures related to portable Sierra boxes and iPads, from content planning to battery management.

-Establish regulations, workflow, and control procedures for the movement of trolleys, batteries, and iPads.

-Define processes for the regular movement of batteries and iPads to ensure efficiency, functionality, and safety.

-Oversee the charging process, including verification, movement, and timely and secure charging on the ground.

- Coordination Of products and services for consultation, drafting of specifications, and corresponding grids for international Request for Proposal (RFP) from suppliers and service providers, within the Logistics area;

-Definition of audio/video entertainment routines for Cabin Crew;

-Coordinate with the Engineering department in the phase-in and phase-out processes of the fleet and in various product upgrade and improvement projects;

-Management of information for retrofitting IFE equipment, for the current and new HiFly fleet;

-Participating in the phase-in process of aircraft into the HiFly fleet, from linefit to the integration of other aircraft already existing in the market, through:

-Surveys of aircraft, checking the status of IFE from software, graphical interface (GUI) to the state of all its components (head-to-end);

-Definition of GUI, monitoring software development with IFE system manufacturers (Panasonic and Safran), verification, and testing in our own rack before integration into the aircraft, ensuring its success within the defined timeframe.

-Working experience in a similar role with other airlines (preferably).

-Ideally have a background in the aviation industry.

-Capacity to work well in a fast-paced and demanding environment and be flexible to the changing needs of the business.

-Must have excellent analytical and creative thinking.

-Have a high level of professionalism and the ability to interact with all levels of leadership.

-Must be detail oriented and able to work productively, independently or within a team.

-Multicultural awareness, excellent interpersonal skills, and a clear communication style.

-Fast learner and highly motivated.

-Good time management and organization skills;

-Fluent in spoken and written English is mandatory.

-Good proficiency in using Microsoft Office suite and be able to learn new systems quickly.

Other Career Opportunities:

Do you want to know about other job vacancies we have at Hi Fly? If so, we invite you to visit our Careers page at www.hifly.aero. 

Corporate Journalist - English Native

HI FLY is a leading widebody aircraft wet lease specialist operating worldwide, with an Airbus fleet. The wet lease business market is very demanding, and airlines are increasingly opting for wet lease solutions as they are found to be reliable, safe, and efficient. For that reason, Hi Fly fleet is steadily growing with new widebody additions in the coming months.

Considering the forecasted growth, we are seeking a dynamic and experienced Corporate Journalist to join our team.

The Corporate Journalist in our Communication Department is the architect of our narrative - sculpting complex messages into engaging stories. Through the commitment to journalistic integrity, the Corporate Journalist plays a crucial role in amplifying our corporate voice, fostering connections with business partners, and shaping our identity in the business landscape.

  • Create well-crafted, concise and highly engaging communications including pitches, press releases, blog posts and other tools;
  • Partner and liaise across different teams internally to conduct needed research or obtain information and resources;
  • Identify newsworthy topics and develop compelling story angles that highlight the company's milestones.
  • Work closely with members of the communications team, as well as other departments, to ensure consistency in messaging and alignment with corporate objectives;
  • Stay informed about industry trends, competitor activities, and relevant news developments to inform content creation and identify opportunities for coverage;
  • Review and revise content to ensure accuracy, clarity, and adherence to brand guidelines;
  • Support the Corporate Communication Department activity department as required.
  • Native English or C2 proficient - mandatory;
  • Bachelor’s degree in Journalism, Communication or other relevant areas;
  • Proven experience in journalism, content creation, or corporate communications, preferably within a corporate or business environment;
  • Team spirit and critical thinking to build a network, gather information and translate it into clear communications that align with the company’s objectives;

Flight Dispatcher

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently looking for highly motivated Flight Dispatchers to join our team in Luqa, Malta .

  • Prepare operational flight plans and file ATC flight plans;
  • Prepare the required flight packages and disseminate to the flight crew, in a timely manner, in compliance with rules and regulations and company standard operating procedures;
  • Continuously monitor the daily flight activity, including initiation, continuation, diversion and/or termination of a flight and if necessary, in the interest of safety, establish direct communication with an airborne aircraft;
  • Valid FOO license;
  • Minimum 1 year of experience in a similar role (preferably);
  • Previous professional experience in the aviation industry will be an advantage;
  • Highly flexible and ability to work in a fast-paced environment;
  • Fluent in spoken and written English (mandatory);

Cabin Design Engineer

The wet lease business market is very demanding, and airlines are increasingly opting for wet lease solutions as they are found to be reliable, safe, and efficient. For that reason, Hi Fly fleet is steadily growing with new widebody additions in the coming months while continues enhancing its Cabin standards.

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently recruiting highly motivated Cabin Design Engineers specialists to join our office in Lisbon, Portugal. Supporting Hi Fly’s new EASA Part-21 Organization application and maintaining current Cabin standards and configurations within the scope of EASA Part-CAMO activities.

  • Develop Cabin and In-Flight Entertainment System standards, with regular assessment and monitoring to the cabins condition;
  • Collaborate on Cabin, In-Flight Entertainment and aircraft liveries projects, from linefit definition, retrofits, maintenance and operational improvements;
  • Compile design and certification documentation within Hi Fly’s Part-21 scope;
  • Create the drawings (including parts lists) for installation and production within Hi Fly’s Part-21 scope;
  • Liaise with contracted Part-21 and Part-145 organizations, including but not limited to below activities:
  • Prepare internal and external presentations;
  • Request for proposals;
  • Create detailed working/technical specifications;
  • Analyze and dispatch the technical documentation received from the Part-21 or manufactures;
  • Analyze needs of special equipment, materials or facilities, to be in line with the implementation target date;
  • Provide technical support during the implementation phase, via remote or on-site assistance to contractors;
  • Manage and coordinate outsources modifications, ensuring they are completed within the timeline and budget defined;
  • In coordination with remaining Hi Fly’s Departments, maintain In-Flight Entertainment Systems standards and contents;
  • Support aircraft transaction projects (Phase In/Out) with documentation and physical analysis, along with the changes required to ensure the cabin is airworthiness and company standards are met on time;
  • Participate in Internal and External audits.
  • Professional experience of at least 3 years in EASA Organizations Part-CAMO/Part-145/Part-21;
  • Knowledge of the legislation applicable to the aviation sector (eg 2018/1139, 748/2012, 2015/640, 1321/2014 and 965/2012);
  • Design software knowledge is considered a plus;
  • Experience in cabin modifications and aircraft image changes, in particular, under a Part-21 organization is considered a plus;
  • Availability for travel.


Technical Transitions Engineer

Considering the forecasted growth, we are currently recruiting highly motivated Technical Transitions Engineers to join our office in Lisbon, Portugal. Your primary responsibilities will consist of performing Technical Records analysis against Regulatory and Lease conditions, supporting Hi Fly’s Asset Transfer Center Coordinator to meet Hi Fly’s objectives. You’ll be working together with Hi Fly’s CAMO main technical areas, coordinating projects and follows delivery/re-delivery projects ensuring smooth transitions. You’ll also get the possibility to become part of Hi Fly’s Airworthiness Review Staff.

  • Aircraft/Engine Technical Records review;
  • Lead transitions projects, liaising with CAMO, all the involved Hi Fly Departments and Lessor towards a smooth transaction;
  • Perform ARC extensions and renewals;
  • Lead transitions projects, liaising with CAMO and Lessor towards a smooth transaction;
  • Ensure compliance with Lease Technical Acceptance and return conditions;
  • Apply for registration/de-registration processes;
  • Review Leasing contracts;
  • Perform Physical inspections per Lease conditions;
  • Professional experience of at least 5 years in EASA Organizations Part-CAMO/Part-145/Part-21;
  • Availability for long periods abroad.

Cabin Crew Training Assistant

Considering the forecasted growth, we are seeking a dynamic and experienced Cabin Crew Training Assistant to join our team.


  • Support the training program approved by the aviation industry authorities;
  • Plan, coordinate, maintain and control the validity of the cabin crew training program;
  • Maintain and update individual files;
  • Communicate with local and external authorities;
  • Monitor legislation related to Aviation Training.
  • University degree in relevant field;
  • Professional experience in administrative roles;
  • Professional experience in the aviation industry (preferential);
  • Strong organizational and analytical skills;
  • Good knowledge of Microsoft Office tools;
  • Fluency in English, written and spoken (mandatory).

In-flight Assistant

Considering the forecasted growth, we are seeking a dynamic and experienced In-Flight Assistant to join our team.

  • In-Flight Services Management;
  • Negotiation of purchase contracts (catering, dressing, etc.);
  • Negotiation, optimization and management of payment terms;
  • Invoice control;
  • Stock management;
  • Continuous performance analysis (suppliers, billing and costs);
  • Development of corrective actions for suppliers;
  • Control of catering equipment;
  • Meeting with clients.
  • University degree;
  • Good proficiency in Microsoft Office tools;
  • Fluency in written and spoken English (mandatory);
  • Dynamism, autonomy and proactivity;
  • Driving license.

Senior Consolidation Accountant & Reporting

Considering the forecasted growth, we are looking for a Senior Consolidation Accountant & Reporting with self-starter and high potential individual who will combine accounting knowledge with a proactive business mindset focused on driving value to the business to join our finance team in Lisbon, Portugal.


· Prepare the financial statements, as well as the preparation of financial forecasts;

· Be the central accounting point of contact for external service providers;

· Have responsibility for all tax and regulatory related undertakings;

· Work closely with the CFO to create and provide necessary reports for the cashflow control;

· Support the continuous development and optimization of internal accounting processes;

· Maintain and reconcile general ledger accounts with precise financial data;

· Prepare accounting entries and organization of the respective documentation;

· Coordinate and manage internal and external audits;

· Stay up to date on industry best practices & on modifications in accounting regulations. 

· Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Finance, or a related field;

· Certified accountant (TOC) is mandatory;

· Proven working experience as a Consolidation Accountant (minimum 5 years);

· Previous experience in multinational company (preferential);

· Master accounting techniques (consolidation, financial analysis, financial reporting);

· Knowledge of the Portuguese Tax and VAT System;

· Experience with accounts payables and receivables;

· Can produce reports with ease such as Cash Flow statements; P&Ls; Balance Sheets; Cost Centers; Budgeting;

· Fluency in English.

Senior Analyst - Group Tax Planning

Considering the forecasted growth, we are looking for a Senior Analyst - Group Tax Planning to join our finance team in Lisbon, Portugal. This position is for a self-starter and high potential individual who will be to work with tax issues, developing and delivering complex and innovative solutions, while reducing operational and financial risks in our company.

· Execution of tax obligations;

· Recording supplier, bank and customer invoices in accordance with the legal and internal regulations in force;

· Preparation of bank and current account reconciliations;

· Preparing and controlling reports on tangible and intangible assets.

· Professional experience in operational tax matters (of up to 6 years);

· Big Four experience (is a plus);

· Experience in preparation of tax returns - IRC, VAT;

· Experience in European Tax Compliance;

· Good general knowledge of Portuguese tax law;

· Knowledge of GAAP financial accounting;

· Knowledge and practical experience in tax accounting;

· Ability to multi-task and adapt to changing priorities;

· Expert-level Excel skills;

· Strong written and verbal communication skills, proficiency in English (written and oral).

Internal Auditor

Considering the forecasted growth, we are looking for INTERNAL AUDITORS to join our finance team in Lisbon, Portugal. This role requires a combination of technical expertise, analytical skills, and the ability to thrive in a dynamic and demanding environment.

· Conduct internal audits to evaluate the effectiveness of internal controls and risk management;

· Planning audits, ensuring compliance with defined objectives and deadlines;

· Articulate the interaction and presentation of results with the main stakeholders in the audited areas;

· Continuously monitor and assess the company’s risk management framework and internal controls;

· Assist in the development and implementation of audit plans and strategies;

· Collaborate with various departments to ensure adherence to policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements;

· Perform data analytics to identify trends, anomalies, and areas for improvement.

· University degree in Business, Economics, Accounting, Finance, Audit;

· At least 4 years' experience in a Consultancy firm or Big 4;

· Previous Audit experience (is a plus);

· Data Analytics expertise will be value;

· Ability to work in a team in a stimulating and demanding environment;

· Excellent adaptability, intellectual curiosity and autonomy skills;

· Rigor and methodological discipline;

· Mastery of M365;

Ground Operations Specialist - Malta

  • At least 3 years of experience in general business aviation preferably ground operations area;
  • Team spirit and critical thinking.

Preparing our fleet to takeoff

Hi we are preparing your flight. what type of system do you have.

  • Normal computer Updated machines with reasonable connectivity.
  • Slow computer Older machines or limited connectivity.

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HiFly Cabin Crew Requirements and Qualifications

The HiFly charter airline is operated by two affiliated airlines, one in Portugal and one in Malta. When airlines require additional capacity to meet their short/medium term or seasonal needs, HiFly is the go-to charter airlines. In addition, an increasing number of governments are using wet lease as a dependable, safe, and efficient mode of transportation for officials and defense personnel. If you are not familiar with wet lease airlines, these are aviation companies with  aircraft provision to clients on an ACMI basis, which includes the crew, all required maintenance, the aircraft, and third-party liability insurance.

Also Read:  Cabin Crew Layover – Maximizing Hotel Layovers as a Flight Attendant

HiFly is a fully licensed and certified airline, with two air operator certificates from ANAC in Portugal and TM-CAD in Malta. Portugal and Malta are both members of the European Union and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) (European Aviation Safety Agency). EASA is a European Union agency tasked with regulatory and executive duties in the field of civil aviation safety. HiFly is also an IATA (International Air Transport Association) member and IOSA certified (IATA Operational Safety Audit). This prestigious charter airline and wet lease in Portugal is an ideal place to work. This company is not just for money, they even have heart for nature, and of course for their employees, especially Cabin Crews . Here’s what you need to join their fleet!

List of Requirements and Qualifications to Become a Hi Fly Flight Attendant

Application process, salary and benefits, video: what is hifly | the unknown airline, photos: hifly cabin crew uniforms, 1. do i need to have cabin crew experience in order to get qualified, 2. do they hire male cabin crews, 3. do they have open-day recruitment, 4. how much is the monthly salary of hi fly’s flight attendants, 5. what is the minimum age requirement to apply.

Hi Fly female cabin crews

You must be at least 21 years old.

  • High School diploma (Portuguese 12º Year)
  • Height must be above 1.60 m for Female and 1.70 m for Male
  • Must be fluent in English
  • Fluency in other languages is an advantage.
  • You need to have good swimming skills
  • Medically Fit (good physical and mental health)


  • No corrective glasses or contact lenses
  • Availability for long periods abroad
  • Well-groomed with good manners
  • Responsible, mature and team orientated
  • Friendly personality
  • Customer service oriented
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Cabin Crew Attestation, issued by our partner MACF – Aviation Training and Consultants


  • Greeting passengers as they board or exit the plane.
  • Assisting passengers with their luggage in overhead bins.
  • Assisting guests to their seats and paying special attention to vulnerable passengers such as the elderly, disabled, and children.
  • Providing food and drinks.
  • Examining the state and availability of emergency equipment.
  • In addition, you will demonstrate emergency and safety equipment and procedures.
  • In an emergency, provide first aid.
  • Passengers should be given newspapers, magazines, and in-flight entertainment.
  • Promotion of duty-free commercial items (the goal is to make sales).
  • After the flight, you must write a flight report.

Hi Fly female flight attendant lion

Step 1: Go to HiFly official website. You can go here: https://hifly.aero/

Step 2: On the right part of the page you will see three dots, click on it and choose “Careers,” and you will be redirected here https://hifly.aero/careers/

Step 3: Scroll down and choose “Cabin Crew” then click on “Apply”

Step 4: Fill in the online application form. You will be asked to upload a photo of you, a CV, and cover letter.

Step 5: Check all the details you have provided before submitting. This form needs to be error free and complete. After checking, click on “Submit”

Step 6: Prepare all the requirements or documentation needed for your application ahead of time. When completing an online application for Cabin Crew position, make sure to provide true and correct details about yourself. Double check your details before submitting the form.

Step 7: Once shortlisted, they will notify you through call or email. So, keep your lines up and always check for their message.

Hi Fly male and female flight attendants talking

The average monthly salary for a Cabin Crew at HiFly is €1,692. This figure represents the median, which is the midpoint of the salary ranges calculated by our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on data from the users. The monthly base salary is estimated is €1,006 euros. The extra pay is estimated to be €685 per month. Bonuses, stock options, commissions, profit sharing, and tips are all possible forms of additional compensation.

Hi Fly pilot and flight attendant run

This video talks about what type of airline is HiFly. Still wondering why you can’t book flight with this prestigious airline in Portugal? In this video, you will be able to get the answer.

Hi Fly flight attendant zebra

Check out these pictures of HiFly crews so you can see what they look like in uniforms:

Hi Fly flight attendants antartica

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions and answers about the job requirements as a cabin crew for HiFly:

If you are a newbie and has no experience in the said industry, you are still welcome to apply. And if you work as an FA before, it will be an advantage.

Yes, HiFly hire both Male and Female cabin crews. Most airlines nowadays hire both Male and Female Flight Attendants.

You can go to HiFly’s official website. The airline has a Career Page where you can see open day schedules for aspiring Flight Attendants.

The average monthly salary for a Cabin Crew at HiFly is €1,692. This might take higher after getting incentives and other bonuses.

Hi Fly male and female flight attendants boarding

HiFly is the leading wet lease specialist operating worldwide. The said airline is now the primary choice of numbers of governments around the world when transporting officials and even defense personnel. Despite of their standing in the aviation industry, the airline still pay attention on caring for the nature. In fact, the company is actively implementing and promoting good business practices.

HiFly is the first airline to be “Plastic Free” on its own flights, and the first to declare that it will be carbon neutral by 2022. If an airline values the nature, what more their employees? Right? Get your very first aviation job at Hi Fly now, what are you waiting for?

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The south coast of kauai, golden beaches and crystal-clear waters cozy up to championship golf courses and tropical gardens along the southern shores of kauai..

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Poipu Hotels

Aston at Poipu Kaiimage

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Property offers basic accommodations, decor, facilities and grounds.

More Kauai Hotels

1 Hotel Hanalei Bay image

1 Hotel Hanalei Bay

5520 ka haku road, princeville - kauai, hi, 96722, united states.

Guests will discover one of the world’s premier wellness sanctuaries, with personalized programming for fitness, nutrition, and wellbeing. Beyond the resort, Kauai’s magical North Shore offers abundant activities, from the Wailua River to the majestic Na Pali Coast.

Hotel Image

Aston Islander on the Beach

4.2 of 5 stars

440 Aleka Pl, Kapaa - Kauai, HI, 96746, United States

Located oceanfront on Kauai's Coconut Coast, Aston Islander on the Beach is situated on six acres of tropical grounds with a nostalgic plantation-era atmosphere that provides a peaceful retreat.

Hotel Image

Hilton Garden Inn Kauai Wailua Bay

4.1 of 5 stars

3-5920 Kuhio Hwy, Kapaa - Kauai, HI, 96746, United States

Located where the famous Wailua River meets the Pacific, Hilton Garden Inn Kauai Wailua Bay is adjacent to Lydgate Beach Park, in walking distance of Wailua Bay.

Hotel Image

Kauai Shores Hotel

420 papaloa rd, kapaa - kauai, hi, 96746, united states.

Set on six acres of tropical gardens along a pristine stretch of beach on Kauai's Coconut Coast, Kauai Shores Hotel features all newly renovated guest rooms and is adjacent to Coconut Marketplace shopping village, and just a mile from Kapaa Town and the Wailua River.

Hotel Image

OUTRIGGER Kauai Beach Resort & Spa

4331 kauai beach dr, lihue - kauai, hi, 96766, united states.

Previously known as Kauai Beach Resort. With the new rebrand to OUTRIGGER Kauai Beach Resort & Spa, this beautiful full-service resort is situated oceanfront on 25 lush acres of Kauai's longest strolling beach. Centrally located minutes from the airport, golf courses, shopping and more.

Hotel Image

Royal Sonesta Kauai Resort

4.6 of 5 stars

3610 Rice St, Lihue - Kauai, HI, 96766, United States

Located on one of Kauai's favorite swimming beaches, Kalapaki Beach, the resort offers golden sands, on-site restaurants and Hawaii's largest one-level swimming pool. Formerly known as Kauai Marriott Resort.

Hotel Image

Sheraton Kauai Coconut Beach Resort

650 aleka loop, kapaa - kauai, hi, 96746, united states.

Nestled between the mountains and the ocean, this resort's location on the Garden Isle makes an ideal getaway. Guests can relax in style at the resort's beautiful beach location in Kaua'i and experience their zero edge infinity pool with ocean views.

Hotel Image

4-796 Kuhio Hwy, Kapaa - Kauai, HI, 96746, United States

Located in the seaside town of Kapa'a on Kauai's east coast, this boutique hotel encompasses all of the best things about the Garden Isle, from charming guest rooms to a variety of on-site activities and amenities. Daily complimentary grab and go breakfast is served with island fruits, granola, yogurt and more.

Hotel Image

Timbers Kauai Ocean Club & Residences

3770 alaoli way, lihue - kauai, hi, 96766, united states.

Located on the sunny South Shore between Lihue and Poipu and just five minutes from the Lihue Airport, explore the Garden Isle from these luxury oceanfront residences at Hokuala, a 450-acre Kauai resort.

Hotel Image

Waipouli Beach Resort & Spa Kauai by Outrigger

4.5 of 5 stars

4-820 Kuhio Hwy, Kapaa - Kauai, HI, 96746, United States

This resort is located on Kauai's east side, between Wailua and the historical town of Kapa'a.

Hotel Image

Featured Deals

Kauai: grand hyatt kauai resort & spa package.

Stay 5 / Pay 4, $300 Resort Credit Daily Buffet Breakfast Waived Mandatory Daily Resort Fee

Kauai: Koloa Landing Resort at Poipu, Autograph Collection Package

Stay 5 / Pay 4 Digital Costco Shop Card Daily Resort Fee Included

Kauai: Ko`a Kea Resort on Poipu Beach Package

Stay 6 / Pay 5 $150 Resort Credit Daily Resort Fee Included

Kauai: Castle Kiahuna Plantation & The Beach Bungalows

Beachfront Condominium Digital Costco Shop Card, Cleaning Fee Included No Daily Resort Fee

Kauai: Sheraton Kauai Resort Package

Beachfront Resort Digital Costco Shop Card Daily Resort Fee Included

Kauai: Aston at Poipu Kai Package

Digital Costco Shop Card Daily Resort Fee Included Condominium Resort

More About Poipu

Sunshine and golden beaches are just part of the Poipu allure. December through April the waters off the Southern Shores welcome pods of humpback whales and during the summer months the occasional monk-seal perches on the warm beaches of the surrounding area. One of the top photographed attractions in Poipu is the Spouting Horn blowhole. Seawater flows into a natural lava tube and releases a massive spray of water reaching as high as 50 feet into the air. The sound generated from the blowhole is the basis of a Hawaiian legend about a giant moo (lizard) named Kaikapu.

To the north of Poipu is the picturesque Old Koloa Town, home of the first sugar mill in the Hawaiian Islands. The mill was established in 1835 and became the benchmark of commercial sugar production in the islands which ushered in a wave of immigrants that help make up today's multicultural population.

Discovering the historical, cultural, and geological points of interest in Poipu can be accomplished along the Koloa Heritage Trail. Comprised of 14 stops with descriptive plaques, this 10-mile tour of the area allows visitors a chance to understand and appreciate the Poipu area.

Allerton Garden is another local treasure worth exploring. Part of the National Tropical Botanical Garden, this 80-acre estate had initially been Queen Emma of Hawaii's summer home. In 1938, the Allerton family purchased the grounds and began laying out a master-planned garden featuring numerous garden rooms and water features. Film buffs will appreciate the garden for creating the backdrop to numerous movies including Jurassic Park.

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Simple Flying

Where is the hi fly airbus a380 now.

The Hi-Fly Airbus A380 is a very special aircraft. It is the only A380 in the entire world that is available for wet-leasing and thus is very popular for passengers and aviation fans alike. But what has it been up to since our last update and what can we expect for the year ahead?

Why is the Hi Fly Airbus A380 special?

As mentioned, the Hi Fly A380 is the only A380 in the world that is available for wet-leasing, but what does this mean? Unlike an aircraft that can be chartered (plenty of airlines make their aircraft available for private hire), the Hi Fly A380 can be operated by anyone for any reason and comes with its own fuel, crew and airline operator certificate.

The last bit is the critical element. Because Hi Fly is an actual airline, the plane can be leased out to other airlines as an operational tool to cover their own shortfall (like we saw with Norwegian during the Boeing 787 Dreamliner crisis). Many airlines don't have this option as they can hardly charter a rival companies aircraft and there are no other large capacity leasable planes available (the next closest would be Air Belgium with their four A340s).

Additionally, this particular A380 is an Ex-Singapore A380. Not only has it got 333 economy seats, but it also has lie-flat business class seats and private first-class suites. This is fantastic news for passengers who are flying onboard the Hi Fly A380 via a low-cost carrier such as Norwegian, as it means they get the first-class hard product (seat, privacy, etc but not meals or service) for an unrealistically low price.

Where is the Hi Fly A380 now?

At the time of writing this article, the Hi Fly A380, tail number 9H-MIP is flying over the Atlantic Ocean, between Madrid and Caracas. This is Estelar flight ES894, operating for a Venezuelan airline. The A380 is replacing Estelars A340.

Hi Fly has been employed to operate many routes for the carrier, specifically between Caracas and Buenos Aires to European destinations such as Madrid and Rome.

Before the Estelar deal, Hi Fly deployed the A380 on a route for Air Madagascar . This is the first time that an A380 has flown to the giant island off the coast of Africa. And before that, the A380 was used to fly routes between Dakar to Paris for Air Senegal .

What can we expect in the future?

Once the deal with Estelar concludes, the Hi Fly A380 will be up for grabs. As these deals normally happen in days if not hours, many times we don't know where the aircraft will be deployed until the last minute.

"Hi Fly prides itself in being able to have an aircraft ready within hours of a customer requesting a lease or charter, dependant on availability of course. It is unknown how last minute this lease was for Air Madagascar." - Simple Flying. 

What do you think? Do you want to fly on the Hi Fly A380? Let us know in the comments!

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Direct flights to Poipu

Popular airlines flying to kauai island.

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Flight stats for Poipu - did you know?

  • Poipu is 9 mi from Kauai Island Airport (Lihue, HI).
  • Kauai Island Airport (Lihue, HI)
  • Right now, 15 airlines operate out of Kauai Island Airport.
  • Kauai Island Airport offers nonstop flights to 5 cities.
  • Every week, at least 220 domestic flights depart from Kauai Island Airport.

Top Attractions in Poipu

Poipu beach park, allerton garden, maha'ulepu heritage trail, spouting horn.


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Flying to Molokai: Here’s How to Get There

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Hawaii Aloha Travel > Blog > Flying to Molokai: Here’s How to Get There

Flying to Molokai is a complicated endeavor, but worth it for those who have patience and flexibility.

Here on the HAT blog, we talk a lot about things to do on Oahu, Maui, Hawaii Island, and Kauai. These are where most visitors spend time when vacationing in Hawaii. But some make a more adventurous trek to other less visited islands, like Molokai. 

But visiting Molokai comes with a host of concerns. First, you have to make sure you’re vacationing ethically when you come to Molokai. You’ll also want to work with Hawaii Aloha Travel to ensure you’re booking a stay at the right hotel, planning the right activities, and prepared for the slowed-down lifestyle that makes Molokai so special. 

This isn’t a place where you can simply show up and hope for the best. And you definitely want to be respectful and stay “on the beaten path,” so to speak. 

But another big hurdle for visiting Molokai is how to get there. This isn’t as simple as booking a connecting flight (or taking a boat). Flying to Molokai is an adventure of its own – one that will make sure you’re ready to vacation on “The Friendly Isle.”

How to Access Molokai

Molokai is pretty much only accessible by airplane. And there is only one airline that offers public flights there. Here’s what you need to know about flying to Molokai on Mokulele Airlines:

  • There are multiple flights each day, beginning very early in the morning and ending later in the evening.
  • They only fly from 2 airports: Honolulu, Oahu, and Kahului, Maui (they’re about 30-minute flights)
  • Most of their fleet is made up of 9-passenger planes, but they operate larger 36-passenger aircraft too. 
  • You’ll fly into Hoolehua (airport code MKK). It’s about 15 minutes away from Kaunakakai, the main town on Molokai. 

So there are the basics – it all may sound pretty simple. But it’s not as easy as many residents and visitors would like. 

Just over a decade ago, you had many options for getting to Molokai. You could take a commuter ferry from Lahaina, Maui, or choose from several airlines that connect MKK to the Kahului and Honolulu airports. 

But now, flights are harder to come by. And once you get one, it’s not a great guarantee that you’ll make it to the island as scheduled. 

Things to Plan For When Traveling to Molokai

Since there is only one airline serving Molokai, and since they are subject to weather, staffing, and mechanical issues, there’s a high likelihood that your flight may be delayed or canceled. 

So we recommend against planning a tight connection between your mainland and Molokai flights. 

This could leave you booking one of the last flights of the day, and being stranded if that flight is canceled (something that recently happened to me!). 

Instead, book one of the earlier flights to Molokai. This may mean spending the night on Maui or Oahu. And since you’re staying the night, why not spend a couple of nights? Hawaii Aloha Travel can help plan an itinerary that allows you to enjoy some time on one of these more populated islands before beginning your adventure to Molokai (likely bright and early one morning). 

And the same goes on your return to the mainland as well. In fact, this may be even more important since you don’t want to miss your return flight and become stranded in Hawaii (although, you may decide there are worse things). 

So here’s one example itinerary that may work for you:

  • Day 1 Afternoon – arrive in Oahu (or Maui)
  • Day 2 All Day – spend the day exploring your must-see Oahu attraction(s)
  • Day 3 Morning – head to Molokai
  • Day 3 Through 5 – enjoy your time on Molokai
  • Day 6 Morning – return to Oahu (or Maui)
  • Day 6 Night – very late flight to the mainland (or stay in Oahu/Maui and then leave for the mainland in the morning)

See how that offers some cushion time to get your flight? Oahu typically has lower-cost hotel options if you do want to stay the night in between flights, but Maui is a great place to hang out too! Plus, if you fly from Maui, there’s a chance you’ll fly by the scenic sea cliffs and waterfalls of Molokai’s northern shoreline, which we’ll talk more about below. 

Packing Your Bags

One unique thing about Mokulele flights is that you don’t have to go through TSA screening. So that means you can bring your oversized bottle of sunscreen as a carry-on (just make sure it’s closed well!).

But, you can’t connect your bags from your mainland flight straight onto your Mokulele flight. So if you are attempting a direct connection on Maui or Oahu, you’ll have to get your bags from the baggage claim and then carry them to the Mokulele boarding area (which will be a walk and/or a bus ride away, depending on your airport). 

You’ll also have to pay to check them in again with Mokulele. 

Also, most Mokulele flights can’t accommodate a carry-on bigger than a backpack. So you’ll have to pay to check the standard rolling carry-on bags you may have brought on your flight from the mainland. 

Interisland Flying

When you check in for a flight on Mokulel’s 9-passenger planes, you won’t get a ticket or boarding pass. Instead, they’ll call out your flight number when it’s time and then tell you your seat number just before you walk out onto the runway to board the plane. 

Be sure to memorize your flight number, as they’ll call multiple flights to Molokai, which could get confusing. 

Boarding the plane is fun – it feels like you’re boarding a private jet. They’ll lower the stairs for you, and then you’ll find your seat. Seating is typically assigned based on weight, but in my experience, they’ve usually kept families together (there are only 4 rows, so it’s not a huge deal).

My friend arrives to Molokai on her Mokulele flight

But what is it like once you’re onboard the aircraft? Flying on Mokulele’s nine-passenger planes is certainly a unique experience. The co-pilots are in the front row. They’ll be the ones helping you onto your aircraft, and once they’re seated they’ll turn around to give you a quick briefing of what to expect on the flight, including their forecast for turbulence. 

In the Air…

The windows are large, perfect for the scenery you’ll fly over during your trip. Many people treasure the flight from Maui to Molokai as a wow-worthy experience. When conditions are right, the pilots will take you around “the backside” of Molokai. You’ll see waterfalls, the remote area of Kalaupapa, and lush valleys as you fly eye-level with the tall, world-famous cliffs of Molokai’s northern coast. 

The View outside my window flying from Maui to Molokai

It’s a noisy flight, so you won’t be chatting it up with your neighbor. Lap infants are allowed, but children two and older will need their own seats. I was nervous about my three-year-old sitting nicely in his seat during the flight, but he did fine during the brief, half-hour trip. 

But, sometimes these flights get really rough. And at night, when you can’t see around you, they can feel really scary. My family tries to only fly during daylight. 

The larger, 36-passenger planes operate more like the commercial flights you’re used to. There will be a dedicated attendant on board, and you’ll get a ticket with your assigned seat number on it.

The Molokai Airport

I love talking about the Molokai airport, because it’s such a unique place. If you’re used to traveling to big destinations, you may not have seen an airport like Molokai’s. 

The Hoolehua Airport is located in a rural area, surrounded by red-dirt farmland. There is a small shop that’s sometimes open, a couple of restrooms, and lots of seating. The Mokulele counter is the hub of activity here as residents and visitors check in for their flights. 

The runway is relatively small, and you’ll be escorted off the plane and to the terminal by a Mokulele employee. You likely will need to carry your own checked luggage into the terminal, so be prepared for that. The walk isn’t very far at all. 

Rental Cars

Once on Molokai, you’ll want to get a rental car to get around. Though the main town is walkable, you’ll likely want to explore some of the island by car. 

There is an Alamo Car Rental at the airport, along with local car rentals available on the island. Navigating your way through Molokai is easy, as there’s really just one main road that runs across the island, and one more that will get you to the Kalaupapa overlook. 

Tips for Traveling to Molokai

Ready to begin planning your vacation Molokai? Here are some final tips to ensure your travels go as smoothly as possible. 

Since options are limited on Molokai, you’ll want to reserve your flights, hotels, and rental car early on. This isn’t a good vacation to wing it!

Be Flexible (And Thoughtful!)

With limited flights and cars available, you may be forced to change your plans. Remember to be kind and flexible when this happens. 

After all, this is affecting your vacation (which will still be enjoyable no matter what). For many residents, these flight shortages and other issues can stand in the way of getting vital medical care, getting into work, or accessing essential services. 

Understand Where You’re Going

While many Molokai residents welcome visitors, it’s not a place catered to tourism. This can be a bit of a shock if you’re used to visiting Waikiki or Kaanapali, Maui. You’re going to a small-knit community where people work hard and have a very strong set of values. 

If you visit with kindness, respect, and patience, you’ll have a nice time soaking in the unique atmosphere of Molokai. 

Key Things to Know 

So, if you still think you’re ready for a Molokai vacation, we’re happy to help with your bookings. Here are a few reminders about the basics of Molokai travel so that you can begin envisioning your vacation:

  • You can only get to Molokai by plane, either from Maui or Honolulu.
  • There is no longer a ferry service or multiple airlines to choose from.
  • The airline is called Mokulele Airlines, operated by Southern Airways.
  • There is a good chance your flight may be delayed or canceled.
  • Don’t book your return flight back-to-back with your return flight to the mainland. 
  • Once on Molokai, you’ll want to rent a car to drive around the island.

Kid Friendly Flying to Molokai 1

Aloha, Molokai

Life on Molokai is simple. Getting there, on the other hand, presents some challenges. While it’s not right that residents have to suffer at the hands of the airlines, it probably does help weed out travelers who aren’t ready for Molokai’s way of life. 

After all, flying to “The Friendly Isle” requires a good deal of patience, flexibility, and understanding. Once you’ve got that down, you’re likely ready for a great vacation on Molokai. 

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News Moris

Air Mauritius’ London Route Crisis: Hi Fly to the Rescue

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In response to technical issues plaguing its fleet, Air Mauritius has enlisted the services of Portuguese aviation firm Hi Fly to operate flights on the London route from March 24th to April 15th, 2024.

The national carrier has opted for a wet lease arrangement with Hi Fly, deploying an Airbus A340 for the duration.

Acknowledging the suboptimal nature of the aircraft, an authoritative source within Air Mauritius conceded, “It’s not an ideal plane.”

The source added, “We would have preferred an aircraft that fully meets the expectations of travelers, but there are currently no suitable options available on the market.”

A wet lease entails renting an aircraft from another carrier along with its crew for a specified period.

Air Mauritius clarified that this approach is a common practice in the airline industry for addressing operational needs.

Additionally, cabin crew members from Air Mauritius will be onboard all flights operated by Hi Fly.

Hi Fly specializes in providing wet lease services for its aircraft. Notably, Air Mauritius had engaged Hi Fly for a similar arrangement from April 1st to 15th the previous year, deploying an Airbus A340 with crew to maintain its Mumbai connection in India.

Passengers booked on the London route during this period will be presented with various alternatives.

They can opt to reschedule their flights to travel on alternative aircraft or choose to fly with partner airlines such as Air France or Emirates.

The current situation stems from technical problems affecting certain aircraft, particularly an A330-200 which has been out of service since February 24th due to a breakdown in Mumbai, India.

The aircraft awaits a new engine, which has proven difficult to source in the market. This A330-200 is one of two aircraft leased without crew (dry lease) for a duration of three years.

The timing of these issues coincides with a peak period due to Easter holidays, compounded by the need for comprehensive checks on some of Air Mauritius’ aircraft.

Source: Defi Media

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Gagarin Cup Preview: Atlant vs. Salavat Yulaev

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Gagarin cup (khl) finals:  atlant moscow oblast vs. salavat yulaev ufa.

Much like the Elitserien Finals, we have a bit of an offense vs. defense match-up in this league Final.  While Ufa let their star top line of Alexander Radulov, Patrick Thoresen and Igor Grigorenko loose on the KHL's Western Conference, Mytischi played a more conservative style, relying on veterans such as former NHLers Jan Bulis, Oleg Petrov, and Jaroslav Obsut.  Just reaching the Finals is a testament to Atlant's disciplined style of play, as they had to knock off much more high profile teams from Yaroslavl and St. Petersburg to do so.  But while they did finish 8th in the league in points, they haven't seen the likes of Ufa, who finished 2nd. 

This series will be a challenge for the underdog, because unlike some of the other KHL teams, Ufa's top players are generally younger and in their prime.  Only Proshkin amongst regular blueliners is over 30, with the work being shared by Kirill Koltsov (28), Andrei Kuteikin (26), Miroslav Blatak (28), Maxim Kondratiev (28) and Dmitri Kalinin (30).  Oleg Tverdovsky hasn't played a lot in the playoffs to date.  Up front, while led by a fairly young top line (24-27), Ufa does have a lot of veterans in support roles:  Vyacheslav Kozlov , Viktor Kozlov , Vladimir Antipov, Sergei Zinovyev and Petr Schastlivy are all over 30.  In fact, the names of all their forwards are familiar to international and NHL fans:  Robert Nilsson , Alexander Svitov, Oleg Saprykin and Jakub Klepis round out the group, all former NHL players.

For Atlant, their veteran roster, with only one of their top six D under the age of 30 (and no top forwards under 30, either), this might be their one shot at a championship.  The team has never won either a Russian Superleague title or the Gagarin Cup, and for players like former NHLer Oleg Petrov, this is probably the last shot at the KHL's top prize.  The team got three extra days rest by winning their Conference Final in six games, and they probably needed to use it.  Atlant does have younger regulars on their roster, but they generally only play a few shifts per game, if that. 

The low event style of game for Atlant probably suits them well, but I don't know how they can manage to keep up against Ufa's speed, skill, and depth.  There is no advantage to be seen in goal, with Erik Ersberg and Konstantin Barulin posting almost identical numbers, and even in terms of recent playoff experience Ufa has them beat.  Luckily for Atlant, Ufa isn't that far away from the Moscow region, so travel shouldn't play a major role. 

I'm predicting that Ufa, winners of the last Superleague title back in 2008, will become the second team to win the Gagarin Cup, and will prevail in five games.  They have a seriously well built team that would honestly compete in the NHL.  They represent the potential of the league, while Atlant represents closer to the reality, as a team full of players who played themselves out of the NHL. 

  • Atlant @ Ufa, Friday Apr 8 (3:00 PM CET/10:00 PM EST)
  • Atlant @ Ufa, Sunday Apr 10 (1:00 PM CET/8:00 AM EST)
  • Ufa @ Atlant, Tuesday Apr 12 (5:30 PM CET/12:30 PM EST)
  • Ufa @ Atlant, Thursday Apr 14 (5:30 PM CET/12:30 PM EST)

Games 5-7 are as yet unscheduled, but every second day is the KHL standard, so expect Game 5 to be on Saturday, like an early start. 

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Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

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Coordinates of Elektrostal in decimal degrees

Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia


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  19. Air Mauritius' London Route Crisis: Hi Fly to the Rescue

    In response to technical issues plaguing its fleet, Air Mauritius has enlisted the services of Portuguese aviation firm Hi Fly to operate flights on the London route from March 24th to April 15th, 2024. The national carrier has opted for a wet lease arrangement with Hi Fly, deploying an Airbus A340 for the duration.

  20. Gagarin Cup Preview: Atlant vs. Salavat Yulaev

    Much like the Elitserien Finals, we have a bit of an offense vs. defense match-up in this league Final. While Ufa let their star top line of Alexander Radulov, Patrick Thoresen and Igor Grigorenko loose on the KHL's Western Conference, Mytischi played a more conservative style, relying on veterans such as former NHLers Jan Bulis, Oleg Petrov, and Jaroslav Obsut.

  21. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  22. Ewf b.v East West Forwarding

    EWF B.V EAST WEST FORWARDING. Edelveis, Right Entrance, 2nd Floor Davidkovskaja, 121352 Moscow, Russia. Phone: +7 495 938-99-66; Mobile: +7 495-997-0977

  23. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.