
Your Complete Guide to Visiting Chichén Itzá in 2024

Visiting Chichen Itza is a highlight of any trip to the Yucatan and for a lot of people, it is their entire raison d’etre for venturing into this part of the world in the first place.

The ancient Mayan city is one of the new seven wonders of the world and has enjoyed UNESCO-protected status since 1988. At its peak, more than 50,000 people called the city their home and today, more than two million travelers pass through its gates every year. 

This comprehensive guide to visiting Chichen Itza has been written by a British Travel Writer based in the Yucatan. It will run through everything you need to know before planning your trip – how to get to the site, where to stay in the area, purchasing tickets, and important structures to look out for when exploring the ruins.

Table of Contents

Visiting Chichén Itzá: Everything You Need to Know 

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Chichén Itzá was a major city of religious, political, and commercial importance during the days of the Ancient Mayan empire. At its height, is believed that as many as 50,000 people called it their home.

Although the famous pyramid, known as ¨El Castillo¨ or ¨The Temple of Kukulkan¨ is the most photographed sight within the complex, Chichen Itza is larger than many people realize and the city occupies a surface area of around 4 square miles.  

Archeologists still debate about the exact date at which the city was founded, but the site is generally believed to date back to the early 400s A.D. It really flourished and thrived between 600 and 1200 AD before it was eventually abandoned, and its residents moved to Mayapan.  

Purchasing tickets for Chichén Itzá

The Temple of Kukulkan  Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza is open every day, from Monday to Sunday from 8 am until 5 pm with the last admission at 4 pm. If you are visiting the site independently, it is possible to purchase tickets online in advance, or in person at the ticket office. 

Ticket prices may be subject to change in the future but as of January 2024, a general admission ticket is $571 pesos for foreign travelers and $253 pesos for Mexicans. Yucatecans can enjoy a discounted admission price of $85 pesos. 

Mexican citizens should prepare to show a valid ID document. 

The 571 pesos admission fee for foreigners is made up of a 486 pesos archeological site fee and an 85 pesos charge for federal tax. Concessions are available for children aged 3-12 who can enter the site for just 85 pesos. 

It is a good idea to purchase your ticket online, in advance so that you know that everything is paid for and organized before you arrive. 

Go it alone versus guided tour 

The plaza of a thousand columns, Chichen Itza

You can opt to visit Chichen Itza independently or you may wish to reserve a spot on a small group or private guided tour. The best option is arguably subjective, depending on you and your personal preferences. 

If you have access to a car and you are road-tripping around the Yucatan, it is very easy to drive to the site and visit independently. You can take buses to the ruins from most major cities across the peninsula but if you are traveling from Cancun, Playa Del Carmen, or Tulum, these require a change and they don’t get you there until later in the morning when crowds have already formed. 

Opting to do a Chichen Itza tour takes a lot of the stress out of planning the logistics of your trip yourself. Tours include a pick-up and drop-off from your hotel accommodation in an air-conditioned vehicle so you don’t have to worry about getting to bus stations or taking multiple buses. 

If you visit the site independently, depending on where you are starting from, it is often worth spending a night in a hotel close to the archeological site or in nearby Valladolid. Then, you can get up very early the next morning and be one of the first people on the site. 

(That’s what we did and that’s why there are no people in these photos. We were literally the first people through the doors when we visited in May!) 

Best Chichen Itza tours and tickets for 2024

Photo of El Castillo Chichen Itza taken from the base of the pyramid with a carved serpent head visible at the foot  of the pyramid

Many reputable travel companies operate in Mexico. Some of the best Chichen Itza tours from various starting points around the Yucatan are summarised below for your consideration.

Reserve your place online in advance to avoid disappointment!

  • Chichen Itza, buffet lunch, cenote, tequila tasting, and Valladolid tour (pick up from Cancun, Puerto Aventuras, Riviera Maya, Playa Del Carmen, and Tulum)
  • Chichen Itza, cenote, and Valladolid all-inclusive tour
  • Chichen Itza, Ek Balam, cenote, and traditional buffet lunch tour
  • Skip-the-line entrance ticket to Chichen Itza
  • Chichen Itza, cenote and Valladolid private tour
  • Chichen Itza, the pink lagoon, and pink flamingos

Important sites and structures to look out for at Chichen Itza

how much is chichen itza tour

The Mayan city of Chichen Itza is an expansive site made up of more than 20 different groups of buildings separated by 75 different roadways. Although each of the structures is special in its right, some of the most notable ones to look out for are summarized below. 

El Castillo/The Temple of Kukulkan  

how much is chichen itza tour

El Castillo, also known as ¨The Temple of Kukulkan¨ is no doubt the most famous and most photographed structure at Chichen Itza. The grand stepped pyramid reaches a height of 95 feet and is one of the first things that you see when you enter the complex. 

It takes its name from Kukulkan – a Mayan deity that appears as a feathered serpent (similar to Quetzalcoatl in Aztec culture). The creators of the temple pay homage to this deity in the form of detailed serpent carvings that sit on either side of the structure. 

Fascinatingly, there is a spring and autumn equinox that takes place at Chichen Itza once a year, every year around March 21 and Sept. 21. During the late afternoon, the shadows of the sun create the illusion of a serpent climbing up the steps of the pyramid and thousands of locals and visitors flock here on this date especially to see it. 

( Dzilbilchaltun also has a similar equinox). You cannot enter the pyramid, however, it was built on top of a smaller, older pyramid and if you were to venture inside, you would find a grand red jaguar throne with eyes made of precious jade. 

You will note a lot of people clapping as they walk around the pyramid. When you do so, an obscure sound that almost resembles a rattlesnake is emitted from the structure. To this day, archeologists are unsure whether that was intentional or a mere coincidence.

Tzompantli Platform

Visiting Chichen Itza: The Tzompantli platform was used to display the heads of enemies and traitors. It is a stone platform with carvings of skulls

As you make your way towards the grand temple of El Castillo, keep your eyes peeled for a small rectangular stone platform on your left-hand side. Intricately carved skulls and skeletons can be found along the sides of this platform, known as the Tzompantli . 

Thousands of years ago, the Mayans would stack the severed heads of any traitors or members of enemy tribes on top of this platform as a warning not to mess with them. 

El Caracol/ The Observatory

how much is chichen itza tour

The Observatory at Chichen Itza is one of the most unique structures on the site that is quite unlike anything found in other Mayan cities in Mexico. It is affectionately nicknamed ¨El Caracol¨ (meaning the snail/the shell) because of its conch-like appearance, in particular, the spiral staircase that leads to the upper part of the building. 

The Ancient Mayans were keen astronomers. They are said to have read constellations and to have documented and analyzed every movement of the sky above them because they believed that from it, they could understand the will of the gods. 

Archeologists believe that at Chichen Itza, El Caracol was the site of a lot of this stargazing. The structure was most likely constructed between the Terminal Classic and the Early Post Classic periods. 

The Temple of the Warriors 

how much is chichen itza tour

The Temple of the Warriors can be found in the main plaza of Chichen Itza, just north of the El Castillo pyramid. It is immediately recognizable from the rows and rows of stone pillars and columns that are lined along the lower and upper platforms. 

Although you cannot climb or enter the building, you can see a small Chac Mool sculpture at the top of the structure, even from a distance.

You will get used to seeing Chac Mool a lot if you visit one or two Mayan cities during your Yucatan itinerary . He is a reclining figure that has his knees drawn up together and his head turned to one side. 

In his hands, he holds a flat dish that was used for sacrifices. Sacrifices could be anything from human sacrifices and human blood to things like flowers, tamales, and tortillas.

Carvings of serpents and jaguars can be found along the sides and facade of the temple.  

The Sacred Cenote 

how much is chichen itza tour

There are a couple of cenotes (freshwater sinkholes) scattered throughout the Chichen Itza complex. There are over 7,000 cenotes across the Yucatan peninsula today that were formed when the Chicxulub meteor crashed into the earth over 65 million years ago, weakening the surface of the ground in the Yucatan. 

For the Ancient Mayans, cenotes were places of spiritual importance and they were believed to connect the human world with the underworld that they referred to as Xibalba. (Xibalba literally translates to mean ¨place of fright¨ or  ¨K’iche’ Mitnal¨ in Mayan). 

Between the 5th and 16th centuries AD, people from across the Yucatan would make a pilgrimage to the sacred cenote and make offerings in the hope of being granted health and fortune by the Mayan Gods. Sacrificial rituals would take place here where people (mostly adult men and children) would be killed and thrown into the water. 

Precious stones and gems and luxurious jewels of jade, silver, and gold were also thrown into the cenote for the gods of Xibalba. The water of the cenote is 6 to 12 meters deep but you cannot enter or swim in it, it is only to be observed from a distance. 

The Great Ball Court 

how much is chichen itza tour

The ball court at Chichen Itza is the largest of its kind in Mesoamerica. Millennia ago, the Ancient Mayans would play a game called Pok ta Pok. (If you find yourself in Merida on a Saturday evening, you can see a re-enactment of it close to the cathedral in Plaza Grande). 

The rules of the game were that players had to whack a heavy rubber ball through the stone hoops mounted high on the walls of the court using just their hips. The game was played for fun, but it was also sometimes used as a way to settle debates and disagreements. 

Occasionally, the losing team was sacrificed. The Chichen Itza ball court has a long wall on each side, and on one end of the court, you can find carvings and images depicting the sacrifices of ball players. 

The stone hoops here are interesting because they have been carved with plumed serpents. 

La Iglesia and the Nunnery 

Visiting Chichen Itza: Detailed friezes and long-nosed Chaac masks at La Iglesia

La Iglesia (¨the church¨) is a small structure with only one chamber that sits in the southern part of Chichen Itza and is quite a walk away from El Castillo and the center of the site. Its facade, as well as the facades of the nearby ¨nunnery¨ building, are remarkably detailed and well-preserved. 

Along the front of the structure, there are masks of the big-nosed rain god Chaac, which is representative of the Puuc style of architecture and is quite similar to the designs that you will see at the palaces of Labna, Kabah, and Sayil along the Puuc archeological route .

The nunnery sits beside La Iglesia although the name is misleading as this building was not a convent and was most likely a home for some of the city’s nobility. Carvings of people on one side of the wall are believed to represent Pok ta Pok ball players. 

The Venus Platform

Venus platform at Chichen Itza - A small stepped pyramid platform with stone carvings of the serpent bird man/Kukulkan on either side of a staircase

Most historians believe that most buildings at Chichen Itza were once painted in bold, vibrant colors. (However, time and the elements have washed away most of the paint and so today, only the original grey color of the stones remains). 

The Venus Platform is a small platform close to El Castillo/The Temple of Kukulkan. It was likely used for dances, ceremonies, and rituals and is believed to have been painted in red, blue, green, and black. 

On one of its panels, is a carving that depicts the serpent bird man (Kukulkan or Quetzalcoatl). When the structure was excavated, archeologists found a severed human skull here which was most likely placed on the platform as an offering to the Mayan Gods.  


Sacbeob were white-paved roads that were built by the ancient Mayan to connect various structures and plazas in different cities together. They also ran between cities – like from Uxmal to Kabah, etc. 

There are more than 74 sacbeob at Chichen Itza. This is interesting because the Ancient Mayans started creating paved roads well before European civilizations did. 

The Temple of the Bearded Man 

The Temple of the Bearded Man is one of the best-preserved buildings close to the Great Ballcourt at Chichen Itza. It is also known as the north temple of the great ball court and the 10m long, 6m wide structure sits on top of a platform measuring 14 m long and 8 m wide. 

The temple only consists of one room, but at its rear and in its interior, you will note several detailed friezes that depict scenes of everyday life in the Ancient Yucatan, as well as various representations of Kukulkan/Quetzalcoatl sitting on a jade throne. 

The Marketplace 

Ruins of El Mercado/The marketplace at Chichen Itza: stone steps and ancient columns

El Mercado/The Marketplace is a building in the southernmost part of the Chichen Itza site. It sits atop a platform 266 feet long and 49 feet wide and boasts row after row of tall pillars that alternate between rounded pillars and square pillars. 

Although the original purpose of this structure has been lost in time, a popular theory is that it had a commercial purpose and was used for trade. The site was built between 900 and 1200 AD in the Maya – Toltec style. 

Where to Stay Near Chichen Itza 

The Hacienda Chichen Resort & Yaxin Spa - yellow hacienda building surrounded by palm trees and lush tropical vegetation in the Chichen Itza hotel zone

If you want to be one of the first people at the Chichen Itza site when it opens at 8 am and avoid the crowds, it is a good idea to spend the night before your visit at one of the hotels or Yucatan haciendas nearby.

There are some great hotels near Chichen Itza that are located within the archeological complex and some even have an exclusive entrance to the ruins for their guests. We stayed at the luxurious Hacienda Chichen Resort & Yaxkin Spa which meant that we were right outside the entrance to the archeological site and were literally the first people inside. 

There are also plenty of budget-friendly options in the nearby village of Piste. If you opt to stay here, you have a plethora of excellent restaurants, bars, and supermarkets right on your doorstep for everything you could possibly need. 

Valladolid isn’t a million miles away either and is home to some very affordable and comfortable accommodation options. You can often find double rooms in modest hotels here for as little as $30 a night, but keep in mind that if you stay here you need to wake up a little earlier to allow for the 40-minute journey from Valladolid to the ruins. 

Best hotels near the ruins 

how much is chichen itza tour

An overview of some of the best accommodation options close to the archeological site is summarised below. Despite the fact that Chichen Itza is one of Mexico’s most famous tourist attractions, hotel rooms in the area are surprisingly reasonable and you can easily secure a comfortable room for between $60 and $100 per night, even during the high season. 

  • Hotel Ikaan – Rooms start from just $60 a night in this charming, rustic property that sits just off the Carretera Merida – Puerto Juarez close to cenote Ik Kil. All rooms have a private bathroom with complimentary toiletries, cable TV, and spacious balconies with breathtaking views over the Yucatecan jungle
  • Hacienda Chichen Resort & Yaxin Spa – Elegant rooms and suites inside this renovated, colonial-era hacienda offer an indulgent experience right within the Chichen Itza hotel zone. Guests are treated to a complimentary welcome cocktail on arrival, and the on-site restaurant serves farm-to-table Yucatecan specialties. If you really want to treat yourself, you can indulge in a spa treatment or a temezcal ceremony at the Yaxin spa.
  • Villas Arqueologicas Chichen Itza – You couldn’t possibly get any closer to the Chichen Itza site entrance than the Villas Arqueologicas Chichen Itza which is located within the Chichen Itza hotel zone. The rooms and communal areas celebrate the Yucatan’s heritage and culture and have been decorated with hand-carved wooden furnishings and indigenous artwork pieces. 

Attractions Close to Chichen Itza 

Visiting Chichen Itza and seeing El Castillo/The Temple of Kukulkan at sunrise

It is a good idea to arrive at Chichen Itza as early as you can so that you can avoid the crowds and the intensity of the midday sun during your visit. Allow 3-4 hours for exploring the archeological site, grab lunch in nearby Piste, and then spend your afternoon exploring one or more of the below attractions near the site.

  • Izamal – One of four pueblo magicos in the Yucatan state, known as ¨the yellow city¨ because all of its houses and buildings have been painted in the same bright shade of yellow. Home to one of the oldest convents in North America.
  • Ek Balam – An impressive Mayan city that was not discovered until the 1980s. Famous for its remarkably well-preserved tombs and stucco masks and the 95-foot pyramid of El Torre which you can climb in order to enjoy the views over the jungle canopy.
  • Valladolid – A charming town and pueblo magico home to centuries-old churches and convents, as well as interesting mercados and refreshing cenotes
  • Cenote Ik Kil – Gorgeous open cenote close to Chichen Itza
  • Homun cenotes – A village with more than 25 cenotes that range from cavernous cenotes to cenotes out in the jungle which receive far fewer tourists than the Instagram-famous Cenote Suytan and Cenote Ik Kil. 

Getting to Chichen Itza 

how much is chichen itza tour

Public transport links in the Yucatan are not the best in the world but with that being said, there are plenty of buses and colectivos that connect you from cities like Tulum, Cancun, Valladolid, Playa del Carmen, and Merida, with the Mayan ruins. 

With the Tren Maya train also scheduled to be up and running by December 2023, getting to the site is due to get a whole lot easier soon. If you are renting a car in Mexico , it is very easy to drive across the Yucatan peninsula as the roads are all well-paved and in excellent condition. 

If you are not nervous about the idea of driving overseas, this can be one of the best options for getting to the site as it gives you a lot more freedom and flexibility of schedule. 

The distance to Chichen Itza from various cities across the peninsula is summarised below. 

  • Cancun to Chichen Itza: 197km/122 miles distance. Circa 2.5 hours driving time 
  • Valladolid to Chichen Itza : 45km/28 miles distance. Circa 50 minutes driving time
  • Merida to Chichen Itza: 120km/75 miles distance. Circa 2 hours driving time
  • Tulum to Chichen Itza : 151.5km/94 miles distance. Circa 2.5 hours driving time
  • Playa del Carmen to Chichen Itza: 185km/115 miles distance. Circa 2 hours driving time

Driving to Chichen Itza 

reclining Chac Mool at the Chichen Itza site

It is very easy to drive to Chichen Itza, whatever your starting point. Yucatan roads are excellent and have no potholes, damage, etc. There is a large parking lot at the site entrance, although you need to pay a small parking fee of around $60 pesos (circa $3 USD). 

It is easy to rent a car in Merida , Cancun, Tulum, and Playa Del Carmen and numerous reputable international rental companies operate here. Depending on the time of year that you are traveling, you can easily rent a car for prices starting from around $20 USD a night. 

I always recommend using the Discover Cars rental platform as it allows you to compare and contrast prices between different rental companies so that you can secure the best deal. 

Taking the ADO bus to Chichen Itza 

Taking public transport in the Yucatan is surprisingly convenient and comfortable. ADO and Autobuses Oriente run frequent services between Cancun, Tulum, Playa Del Carmen, Merida, and Chichen Itza. 

Some buses are more modern and luxurious than others, but all are generally clean, with spacious seats, bathrooms, air conditioning, and entertainment on board. Some even offer free wifi.

From Merida, you can take a direct bus to and from the ruins. However, from Playa Del Carmen, Tulum, and Cancun, you usually have to transfer in Valladolid and the wait time between buses is often about an hour. You might find that it is worth spending at least one night in Valladolid so that you can break up the journey. 

This is particularly worth considering if you want to arrive at the site early before the tour buses arrive as, for example, the earliest bus from Cancun doesn’t get you to Chichen Itza until around 11.20, by which time the site is already heaving with sightseers.

You can buy bus tickets online via the ADO website or the ADO app (although it often glitches and won’t accept foreign cards.) Busbud is another alternative, although the site charges a small commission. 

You can also purchase your tickets in person at the ticket office. During the high season, early buses do sell out so it’s a good idea to book your seat(s) a couple of days in advance where you can. 

Amenities at Chichen Itza 

how much is chichen itza tour

There are plenty of amenities at the Chichen Itza Visitors Center that offer everything that you could possibly need during your visit. Although it is a good idea to bring plenty of cash with you so that you can purchase any souvenirs and trinkets that you may want to buy from the artisanal vendors inside the site, there is an ATM at the Visitors Center too. 

Here, you will also find a Starbucks Cafe and a couple of local restaurants serving sandwiches, tacos, light bites, and Yucatecan delicacies. There are ample bathrooms at the site – both in the visitors center and behind El Castillo, and the toilets are clean and in good condition. 

Be sure to buy plenty of water and make use of a sunhat and sunscreen as there is little to no shade throughout the complex. Since you are going to be walking around uneven terrain for at least 3-4 hours, be sure to wear comfortable shoes. 

If you get hungry/thirsty during your visit, there are plenty of little stores and shacks selling drinks, snacks, and ice creams. 

FAQs About Visiting Chichen Itza 

Visiting Chichen Itza: photo of El Castillo pyramid at sunrise

Do you have any further questions about visiting Chichen Itza? The answers to some frequently asked questions on the topic are detailed below. 

Hopefully, you will find the information you are looking for there. If not, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Can I visit Chichen Itza on my own?

Yes. It is possible to visit Chichen Itza independently. 

You can simply buy your entrance tickets online or at the ticket office for the site. Once inside, there are plenty of information plaques outside all of the various structures and ruins which explain their history and original purpose. 

It is not obligatory to explore the ruins with the help of a tour guide. However, once inside, if you do decide that you want a little more context to the things that you are seeing, you can hire a local guide for as little as 600 pesos for around 3 hours. 

Is Chichen Itza worth the money?

Visiting Chichen Itza is well worth the money, even if the site is easily one of the most expensive things that you can do in the Yucatan .  The Chichen Itza entrance fee is currently $571 pesos which works out to around $33 USD or £26. 

This is substantially more expensive than some of the lesser-known ruins in the Yucatan like Edzna and Xcambo which are only around 80 pesos to enter. However, when you visit Chichen Itza, you are not visiting just any old ruins, you are visiting one of the seven wonders of the world and one of the most important cities of the Mayan civilization. 

If you only visit one Mayan city during your time in the Yucatan, you should make it this one. You can easily spend half a day here and it will certainly be something that you remember for a long time. 

What is the best time of year to visit Chichen Itza?

It is possible to visit Chichen Itza all year round and there is arguably no such time as a bad time to visit. However, as someone who lives in the Yucatan, I would say that the best months are November and March/April. 

This is because the peak tourist season here runs between December and March and as crowds flock to the resorts along the Riviera Mayan, hordes of people take day trips to Chichen Itza. You have a very small window of opportunity very early in the morning (From 8 am to 8.30 am) to enjoy some rare quiet at the site before the tour groups arrive. 

From May onwards, it gets incredibly hot and humid in the Yucatan, and spending extended periods of time outside can often feel unbearable. From June to October, it is the hurricane season in this part of the world and although showers usually don’t go on all day, you can expect a lot of heavy downpours in August and September and there is no place to take cover at the site. 

How much time do you need at Chichen Itza?

You should allow at least 3-4 hours for exploring Chichen Itza as the site is vast. 

What is the least crowded day at Chichen Itza?

Since Chichen Itza is one of the most visited tourist sites in Mexico, thousands of people pass through its gates every day so it is hard to find a day when the site isn’t busy. Still, weekdays are definitely better than weekends, and Sundays are best avoided where possible. 

(Most Mexicans work Monday to Saturday and the site is free for Mexicans on Sundays which usually means it is more crowded than ever). 

What is the busiest day at Chichen Itza? 

Sundays are the busiest day at Chichen Itza as admission is free for Mexicans on this day and locals are all enjoying their day off work. Visiting the ruins on this date is best avoided if possible.

Public holidays like Benito Juarez’s birthday, Semana Santa (Easter), etc, can also be quite busy. 

Can you climb the structures at Chichén Itzá?

No. It is no longer permitted to climb the structures at Chichen Itza – both for their preservation and for your safety. 

In the past, this was allowed but decades of tourists clambering up and down the stairways of the temples and pyramids has caused the stones to wear down and become slippery. In 2006, a woman sadly slipped and fell to her death when climbing down El Castillo, and climbing the ruins has been prohibited ever since. 

Is there a limit to how many people can visit Chichen Itza each day?

No. I have seen various websites and sources online state that only 3,000 people are permitted to enter Chichen Itza each day but as someone who lives nearby and has visited the site numerous times, I can tell you that that is completely false. 

This seems to be something that people regurgitate to try and sell you tours etc that they get commission for. Please don’t worry about it as you are never going to be turned away from the site because they reached their maximum number of admissions for the day. That’s nonsense. 

Do you need a guide at Chichen Itza? 

It is not compulsory to have a guide at Chichen Itza and there is plenty of free information on the info boards throughout the site. That being said, if you have a keen interest in Mayan history, guides are very reasonably priced and it might be a worthwhile thing for you to consider. 

Final thoughts on visiting Chichen Itza

how much is chichen itza tour

Visiting Chichen Itza is a highlight of visiting the Mexican Yucatan. Even if you have already visited countless other Mayan and Aztec ruins during your time in Latin America, nothing can compare to seeing the ancient city’s famous pyramid with your own eyes for the very first time. 

Are you traveling to Mexico for the first time? I live just a couple of hours from Chichen Itza, in the beautiful colonial city of Merida where I’ve been based for the last two years.

If you have any questions about planning a trip here, feel free to reach out to me. You might also find this guide to safety in the Yucatan, or this post on the best time to visit the Yucatan useful.

Safe travels! Buen Viaje! Melissa xo 

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Melissa Douglas

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Price: From $45 Duration: 2 hours

Travelers on this two-hour excursion will drive their own speedboat while exploring mangrove canals and the Punta Nizuc bay alongside a guide. Afterward, tourgoers will snorkel through the clear waters of the Punta Nizuc coral reef. Reviewers say the tour is super fun and appreciate the guides' attention to safety.

Tickets start at $45 per person for a shared boat. Solo travelers will pay about $80 for their own boat. Additional dock fees (about $20) are not included in the ticket price. Children must be at least 4 years old to participate and some health restrictions apply. Tours operate at 9 a.m., noon and 3 p.m. daily. No boating experience is required. The company also runs a mangrove tour using the speedboats.

View & Book Tickets: Viator | GetYourGuide

Contoy Adventures – Contoy Eco Adventure

Price: Adults from $110; kids from $85 Duration: 7.5 hours

Only 200 people per day are allowed to visit Isla Contoy , a protected natural reserve and bird sanctuary north of Cancún. Contoy Adventures takes you by boat to this preserved area, where you will have ample opportunities to swim and snorkel after you take a guided tour of the island. You'll also stop at Isla Mujeres on the way back to Cancún. Reviewers say they enjoy the excursion, but note that the stop at Isla Mujeres is short without much time to explore.

Tickets start at $110 per adult and $85 per child ages 5 to 11; kids 4 and younger cost $45. Breakfast, lunch and pickup from select hotels are all included in the ticket cost; however, a $20 fee that covers dock and national park fees must be paid in cash the day of your tour is not. The tour runs from about 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday through Saturday. Contoy Adventures also offers whale shark tours, among others.

Best Cancun Tours

Courtesy of EcoColors Tours

Though large, whale sharks are gentle and safe to swim with. Meet these creatures on a tour with EcoColors.

EcoColors Tours – Whale Sharks Cancun Tour

Price: Adults from $195; kids from $169 Duration 5 to 8 hours

This adventure gives travelers the opportunity to swim alongside magnificent whale sharks. Guides lead the small-group tours to the whale shark feeding ground, where travelers can snorkel alongside the gentle giants. After snorkeling, you'll stop on Isla Mujeres to relax. Tourgoers describe the excursion as an amazing experience and report seeing many whale sharks. Others advise taking motion sickness medicine before boarding the boat and wearing rash guards or bringing cover-ups for the trip, as you cannot wear sunscreen (even reef-safe sunscreen options) for environmental reasons.

Tours, which last approximately five to eight hours, are offered May to mid-September. Tickets start at $195 for participants 8 and older and $169 for children ages 5 to 7. Tickets include snacks and lunch, but not the dock and environmental taxes, which are $15 per person and must be paid in cash. Patrons must be at least 5 years old to participate. Tours pick up at hotels in Cancún around 7 a.m.; they also pick up from Playa del Carmen at 6 a.m. EcoColors Tours offers other nature tours, such as a sea turtle snorkeling tour.

Ocean Tours – Tulum Ruins, Cenotes and Snorkeling Tour

Price: Adults from $119; kids from $99 Duration: 10 hours

If you want to enjoy a day trip to Tulum, but don't want to deal with the logistics of planning your own transportation and activities, consider this popular tour. Tourgoers take a morning guided tour of the Tulum archaeological site , snorkel at Tulum's beach alongside colorful fish and stingrays, and swim in two cenotes. Reviewers praise their guides and recommend the tour, saying it is fun and worth the cost.

Tickets start at $119 for adults and $99 for children ages 4 to 11, and include lunch, snacks and refreshments, but do not include the $15 marine fee. Pickup from area accommodations begins at 6 a.m., and the tour concludes around 4 p.m. Ocean Tours also offers excursions to Coba , Isla Contoy and Isla Mujeres, among others.

KayTours Mexico – Puerto Morelos

Price: Adults from $195; kids from $180 Duration: 8 hours

This adventurous private tour includes snorkeling in the national marine park of Puerto Morelos followed by a visit to several cenotes for activities like rope swings and zip lines. Reviewers highly recommend the company and describe the tours as fun and amazing.

The full-day tour runs daily and you can select your own pickup time between 7:15 and 11 a.m., though the company recommends a pickup no later than 8 a.m. Tours include lunch and snacks, as well as round-trip transportation. Ticket prices vary depending on the number of people in your group; a couple can expect to pay about $195 per person; fees for children ages 4 to 17 start at $180. KayTours Mexico also offers excursions to Mayan ruins, Las Coloradas pink lake, whale shark tours and more.

Cancun Sailing – Plus Experience Tour to Isla Mujeres

Price: Adults from $89; kids from $59

Duration: 7 hours

Public ferries from Cancún to Isla Mujeres are readily available, but if you're looking for a tour option that allows for swimming and snorkeling, reviewers say this excursion from Cancun Sailing fits the bill. The seven-hour catamaran tour also includes transportation, a buffet lunch and an open bar. Plus, you'll have time to explore Isla Mujeres on your own. Reviewers describe the tour as fun but wish they had more time for snorkeling. They also note there are heavy crowds at the snorkeling stop.

Tickets start at $89 for adults and $59 for children ages 5 to 10. Children 5 and younger can join for free, though Cancun Sailing recommends alerting them if you're traveling with kids so they can place you on a more family-oriented tour. Cancun Sailing also offers a few premium experiences of this tour that can include snacks, a luxury boat and more free time.

View & Book Tickets: Option 1 | Option 2

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  • The Best Things to Do in Cancun
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  • The Best Mexico City Tours
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  • The Best Cancun All-Inclusive Family Resorts
  • The Best Adults-Only All-Inclusive Resorts in Mexico

Tags: Tours , Vacations , Travel , Mexico

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Travel To Merida

11 Best Merida to Chichen Itza Tours in 2024

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Ready to book your Chichen Itza tours from Merida?

You’re in the right place because the top Merida to Chichen Itza tours are featured here. How do I know they’re the best? I lived in Merida for several years and visited Chichen Itza three times — so I know what makes a great Chichen Itza tour.

Having been on a few Merida tours to Chichen Itza throughout the years, I vetted all the tours in this article to ensure they’re highly rated and well-reviewed — so all you have to do is book a tour, and enjoy!

woman on a chichen itza private tours in front of the El Casillo pyramid

Don’t have time to read the full article? Book this Private Chichen Itza Ruins Tour & Cenote Ik-Kil Swim — which has a near-perfect 5-star ⭐️ rating and takes you to one of the most beautiful cenotes in Mexico.

If that one’s not for you, don’t worry! There are ten other tours from Merida to Chichen Itza in this article, including private tours, group tours, tours that include visiting other places, like Valladolid, and tours that include swimming in cenotes.

Ready to see the full list of tours to Chichen Itza from Merida Mexico? Let’s dive in!

Top 3 Picks: Merida to Chichen Itza Tours


chichen itza mayan ruins

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Private Chichen Itza Ruins Tour & Cenote Ik-Kil Swim ✔️ Bilingual guide ✔️ Tickets to Chichen Itza ruins

izamal yucatan yellow town

Mexico Pueblo Magicos, Cenote & Chichen Itza ✔️ Izamal visit pueblo magicos, 1 cenote ✔️ Cenote + Chichen Itza tickets

izamal yucatan yellow town

Chichen Itza Night Tour & Light Show, Plus Izamal Visit ✔️ Chichen Itza and Izamal tour ✔️ Light show “Kukulkan Nights”

The 11 Best Merida to Chichen Itza Tours

The tours featured here combine a visit to Chichen Itza with other nearby places and/or a unique experience.

Each one is a great opportunity to discover Chichen Itza with a guide, plus another one of the best things to do in Yucatan, Mexico — for a day you won’t forget.

1. Private Chichen Itza Ruins Tour & Cenote Ik-Kil Swim

⭐️ RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH : 8-10 hours | 🛖 BOOK NOW

No visit to the Yucatan is complete without experiencing the beauty and intrigue of the historic Chichen Itza. Look no further than this Private Cenote and Chichen Itza Tour .

Not only will you make your way to one of the most magnificent new world wonders, but you’ll also have the opportunity to explore Ik-Kil, one of the most bucket-list-worthy cenotes in the area.

Absolutely wonderful experience. Alex is a top-tier driver and Vincente told a beautiful narrative around the Mayan culture and the history of the Yucatan. craig ( read more reviews )

Ik-Kil is also equally important to Mayan culture as the ruins. 

This is a full day of learning and immersing yourself in the clear waters, unique cenote vegetation, and culture significance of the Mayans — the perfect Chichen Itza Cenote tour.

Merida to chichen itza tours

2. chichen itza, izamal “the yellow city,” cenote saamal & lunch.

izamal church in yucatan pueblos magicos

⭐️ RATING: 4.5 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH : 10 hours | 🪄 BOOK NOW

Tour Chichen Itza and discover the wonders of a site brimming with cultural history and architectural masterpieces. 

This Chichen Itza guided tour will take you through the history of the Mayans as you learn about their traditions. Along the way, you’ll also experience the natural beauty of cenotes and their role in Mayan practices, including sacrifices to their god of rain, Chaac.

Ask for Pablo he is the best guide you could ever have. He share his passion and he always do more than you ask. I got the chance to get him as a guide for 2 different tours. agnes ( read more reviews )

As you wrap up the tour, you’ll find yourself in the enchanting town of Izamal, a city bathed yellow. 

With so much to explore, this tour Merida to Chichen Itza is a can’t-miss experience for anyone ready to dive deep into the rich cultural heritage of Mexico.

3. Chichen Itza Night Tour & Light Show, Plus Izamal Visit

chichen itza mayan ruins in mexico

⭐️ RATING: 4.8 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH : 11 hours | 🌚 BOOK NOW

Experience Chichen Itza like no other — in the dark! But before that, you’ll get to enjoy a stop at the historical city of Izamal.

Izamal is a town so beautiful that you won’t be surprised to learn that its name means dew that falls from the heavens in Mayan.

The real journey begins when the sun goes down. This unique tour takes you to Chichen Itza for a 30 minute light and sound show over the Pyramid of Kukulkan—the most famous pyramid in Chichen Itza. 

The nighttime is the perfect time to immerse yourself in the unique architectural history of the Mayans.

4. Chichen Itza Archeological Site Tour & Cenote Zazil Tunich Swim

stone wall of skull heads at chichen itza mayan ruins in mexico

⭐️ RATING: 4.8 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH : 11 hours | 🛖 BOOK NOW

Uncover the world of the Mayans on this Chichen Itza Archaeological Site Tour , plus a refreshing dip in one of Tulum’s famous cenotes along the way! 

Your guide will take you through all the different buildings and places to visit in Chichen Itza. For example, the Temple of the Thousand Columns in Chichen Itza is thought to have been built around 900 A.D. These massive columns give you a small peek into how the Mayans lived. 

Just past the ancient city, you’ll make your last stop at Cenote Zacil Tunich. This cave cenote is truly magnificent. Jump in, admire the stalagmites, and take in the beauty of this natural attraction.

5. Luxury Private Tour from Merida to Chichen Itza, Valladolid & Cenote

Chichen Itza Mayan Ruins Mexico

⭐️ RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH : 8-9 hours | 🛖 BOOK NOW

Why sit in a crowded tour van when you can travel in style on this luxury private tour from Merida to Chichen Itza, Valladolid, and a Cenote ? 

It’s about a two-hour ride from Merida to Chichen Itza, so you’ll want to get comfortable. This private tour doesn’t stop at luxury transportation.

Daniella is fantastic. She put together a great trip that hit the highlights of the Yucatan around Merida in the few days that I had — Chichen Itza, Uxmal, and the protected wetlands at Celestun. george ( see more reviews )

You’ll also have an expert guide show you around three of the Yucatan’s most coveted attractions. 

Enjoy learning about the ruins, explore the colonial city of Valladolid, and take a dip in one of Mexico’s cenotes . With personalized attention and luxury amenities, it doesn’t get much better than this Valladolid Cenote Chichen Itza experience . 

6. Merida to Las Coloradas Pink Lakes Tour Plus Chichen Itza, Cenote Swim & More

man taking photos of las coloradas pink lakes mexico

⭐️ RATING: 4.85 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH : 11 hours | 🦩 BOOK NOW

This all-encompassing tour takes you to many can’t-miss things to do in Yucatan Peninsula, including: 

  • Pink Lakes of Mexico
  • Boat ride in Rio Lagartos to see flamingos and alligators
  • Swim at Cenote San Loranzo Oxman, and;
  • Chichen Itza Mayan Ruins tour.

After some time at Chichen Itza Mayan Ruins with tour guide Hernan, you’ll head to the Mexico pink lakes of Las Coloradas . Located in the small town of Rio Lagartos, this is a true Yucatan bucket list trip.

The tour was very well organised and presented. Our tour guide was very knowledgeable and happy to stop to have small breaks. We loved the fact that we had cenote for ourselves and the entrance to the Chichen Itza was a magical experience. barbara ( see more reviews )

In Rio Lagartos , you’ll board a boat for a tour of the Ría Lagartos UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. In this protected area, you’ll boat through the mangroves to see alligators and several bird species, including flamingos 🦩

After that, you’ll stop for lunch in the small Yucatan pueblo of Temozon, and the last stop will be a swim at Cenote Oxman. Known for its long-hanging vines and Tarzan rope swing, this is one of the best Yucatan cenotes.

7. Merida to Chichen Itza & Pueblos Mágicos Tour

colonial church in valladolid mexico, yucatan peninsula

⭐️ RATING: 4.85 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH : 11 hours | ⛪️ BOOK NOW

There’s nothing better than exploring a city with the locals themselves and on this Merida to Chichen Itza and Pueblos Magicos Tour , Jorge, your local guide, will take you to two of the most magical cities in Mexico. 

After an authentic breakfast and a chance to get to know your Jorge, you’ll head to Chichen Itza.

The tour is very complete and Roman is very helpful. The places where he took us to eat are very rich in both Motul and Izamal. I will definitely be looking for it for some future experience. daniel ( see more reviews )

This is your chance to uncover the secrets of one of the most well-preserved archeological sites in the world. 

The real magic begins when you enter Valladolid and Izamal , two ancient cities bursting with history and architecture. Food, history, and culture await you on this all-day tour from Merida , one of the best tours Merida offers for anyone looking to see it all.  

8. Mayan World Tour: Chichen Itza Ruins, Yokdzonot Cenote & Cooking Class

chichen itza ruins

⭐️ RATING: 5 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH : 10 hours | 🗿 BOOK NOW

Discover many Mayan wonders on this complete Mayan World Tour , where you’ll visit the Chichen Itza Yucatan Archeological Site, dive into Cenote Yokdzonot, and take a cooking class with locals on the grounds of the cenote.

Note: A local co-op of women operates this cenote, and proceeds from the cenote entrance benefit this small community — so if you’re looking for a Merida to Chichen Itza Ruins tour that directly benefits the local community, this is it.

After touring Chichen Itza with your guide, you’ll visit the small pueblo of Yokdzonot, Yucatan. Here, you’ll swim in the beautiful Cenote Yokdzonot, which has a zip line and rappelling for the adventurous.

I cannot day enough about this amazing experience! Ismael was such a great guide. He was courteous and kind and accommodating. He took care of everything and made sure we enjoyed all of our experiences to the fullest. taylor ( see more reviews )

After a refreshing swim in the blue waters of Cenote Yokdzonot, you’ll participate in a cooking lesson with the locals to make a traditional Yucatan food lunch. 

In the class, you’ll prepare some of the most popular and delicious Yucatecan foods from scratch. This includes salbutes (puffy, fried tortillas) and panuchos (tortillas stuffed with black bean paste), which you’ll then eat in the on-site restaurant.

9. Chichen Itza, Private Cenote, Gastronomy Experience & Izamal Tour

woman in izamal yucatan, the yellow city in mexico

⭐️ RATING: 4.93 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH : 11 hours | 🗿 BOOK NOW

Go off the beaten path on this unique Chichen Itza Tour from Merida that includes highlights like Chichen Itza, Izamal, and a swim in a family-owned cenote.

After your tour of Chichen Itza with your guide, Hernan, you’ll visit a nearby, off-the-beaten-path cenote — which a Mayan family operates.

There, you’ll have plenty of time to swim in the crystal clear freshwaters of the cenote while the family cooks an authentic Yucatecan lunch for you.

We had a great time on our tour! Getting to be some of the first people to see Chichén Itzá was totally worth the early wake up. Hernan was super knowledgeable and professional as well as a pleasure to spend the day with. scott ( see more reviews )

After lunch, you’ll head to Izamal, Mexico , known as “The Yucatan Yellow City,” because it is, in fact, completely yellow!

After exploring all the best things to do in Izamal, you’ll head to the nearby Mayan temple at Kinich Kakmo Ruins . For the adventurous, you can climb the 100-foot-tall (34 m) structure, one of the tallest Mayan pyramids you can climb. 

Not all Merida to Chichen Itza tours packages are this all-inclusive, so take advantage of this experience while you can.

10. Chichen Itza, Cenote Yokdzonot & Izamal Tour

warriors temple in chichen itza ruins

⭐️ RATING: 4.80 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH : 11 hours | 🗿 BOOK NOW

Who better to explore Mayan culture with than a Mayan archaeology expert? Your host, Demetrio, studied Mayan archaeology at Yucatan University and has created this expert tour that will leave you speechless. 

A certified bilingual guide will walk you through Chichen Izta and Izamal. These two attractions are packed with history you won’t want to miss.

Would highly recommend – we went for a private 2 person tour (for a very reasonable extra fee). The day was well organised, felt relaxed , and was good value for money. jake ( see more reviews )

It can get a bit hot mid-day in the Yucatan, so you’ll take a break at a cenote where you can jump in and refresh before continuing onto Izamal. Tickets for Chichen Izta entry will be purchased on-site.

11. Chichen Itza, Buffet Lunch & Cenote Visit

stone carving snake head chichen itza

⭐️ RATING: 4.5 out of 5 Stars | ⏳ TOUR LENGTH : 10 hours | 💧 BOOK NOW

Stroll through one of the most popular sites in Mexico as you immerse yourself in the rich history and architecture of Chichen Itza. 

Learn about the Temple of the Warriors, get up close to the Pyramid of Kukulcan, and learn how each structure on-site impacted the Mayans’ daily lives.

This was a very informative trip. Olin, born in Chichen was a remarkable guide. His level of knowledge and his ability to switch seamlessly between Spanish and English was impressive. pam ( see more reviews )

Learning isn’t easy – recharge with a delicious meal before you go to a cenote to beat the heat. You’ll love hearing ancient stories and sightseeing on this Chichen Izta cenote tour .


How do i get from merida to chichen itza.

To answer the how to get from Merida to Chichen Itza question frankly: you have three good options ( tour , rental car, and bus ), and one bad option (taxi/Uber).

Here’s a rundown on the best way to get from Merida to Chichen Itza, and the worst way.

Merida to Chichen Itza Tours (Easiest Option)

I believe the easiest, safest, most hassle-free, and best way to visit Chichen Itza is with a tour. If you need a suggestion, this Private Chichen Itza Tour & Cenote Ik-Kil Swim is my pick for best Merida to Chichen Itza tour.

I’ve been on a tour and on my own, and the tour brought Chichen Itza to life because that’s exactly what an amazing guide does — and if you think about it, you’re essentially just looking at some rocks without an explanation (no offense to rocks 🗿).

Merida to Chichen Iza Drive by Rental Car

man at merida airport car rental agency

This is the fastest and easiest way to get to Chichen Itza from Merida independently, so if you’re planning on renting a car in Merida — smart choice!

Merida day trips and Yucatan road trips are a great way to see a lot of sites in a short amount of time. I’ve done several road trips in Yucatan Mexico, and can’t recommend this enough, especially if you enjoy off-the-beaten-track travel.

Once you get your rental car in Merida, just follow these directions to get from Merida to Chichen Itza. It’s a safe and easy drive on a paved and well-maintained highway, but there is one toll, so make sure to have about $500 pesos on you to cover that cost.

Is there parking at Chichen Itza?

Yes — Once you arrive to Chichen Itza from Merida, there are a few parking lots you can use. 

How much is parking at Chichen Itza?

Chichen Itza parking costs about $75-125 pesos ($5-7 USD) , depending on which lot you use. The closer you park to the entrance, the more it costs to park in that lot.

Merida to Chichen Itza Bus

mexico red ado bus

Want to take the bus from Merida to Chichen Itza? It’s totally do-able and only about a two-hour ride each way.

You can buy your tickets online here with BusBud , for the ADO bus. This is Mexico’s largest bus company, which operates a fleet of comfortable yet affordable buses.

The Merida Chichen Itza bus departs from the main terminal in Centro Historico (Historic Downtown Merida), which you’ll see abbreviated as CAME or TAME.

🚌 The Merida bus station address is Calle 70 #555, Centro, Mérida, Yucatan, 97000; 🗺 Head here for the Google Map.

If you’d prefer not to buy tickets in advance, just show up at the bus station about 30 minutes early to buy your ado Merida to Chichen Itza bus ticket at the ADO counter. The advantage to buying in advance is being able to have more control over your seat selection.

How long is the bus from Mérida to Chichen Itza?

In normal traffic, the ADO bus Merida to Chichen Itza ride wil takes about 2.5 hours. 

Merida to Chichen Itza Tours

Chichen itza facts & faq, where is chichen itza.

Chichen Itza is located in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, in Yucatan state. It is located near the center of the peninsula, making it accessible from all the other popular Yucatan destinations like Tulum , Cancun , Riviera Maya, Playa del Carmen , and of course, Merida. It is closest to the city of Valladolid, Mexico .

📍Chichen Itza Map

What’s the merida to chichen itza distance.

Wondering, how far is Chichen Itza from Merida ? Merida is about 73 miles (119 km) from Chichen Itza Mayan Ruins.

What’s the Merida to Chichen Itza drive time?

The Merida to Chichen Itza drive takes about 1.5-2 hours in normal traffic by car, but the bus is closer to 2-2.5 hours. You can use this Google Maps route to get a visual on the drive.

Merida to Chichen Itza drive map

How do I get from Merida to Chichen Itza

If you’re not going with one of these best tours, you’ll drive your rental car east on Highway 180 (Carretera Kantunil-Cancun), which is a straight shot right from Merida to Chichen Itza. You can also take the ADO bus from Merida to Chichen Itza.

woman in yellow dress about to drive a blue car

Merida Car Rental: Everything You Need to Know + 10 Driving Tips

Can you visit Chichen Itza on your own?

Yes — You can visit Chichen Itza on your own, and don’t need a tour. However, a qualified guide will bring this ancient Mayan site to life for you, making for an experience you won’t ever forget. If you only plan to visit Chichen Itza once in your life, spring for this guide .

chicen itza nunnery

If you’re not taking a tour and decide to come by car or bus on your own, you can book an onsite guide when you arrive. Make sure to only book a verified tour guide, which will be wearing a lanyard with the INAH seal.  

When you arrive at the counters to buy your Chichen Itza admission tickets, you’ll be approached by local guides offering tours. Depending on where you park, you might be approached in the parking lots before you get to the ticket counter.

The prices will vary, but expect to pay about $1,000 pesos ($55 USD) for groups of up to six. For larger groups, you should expect to pay more. ⚠️ Note: To hire an onsite guide, bring enough pesos in cash to pay them.

Are Chichen Itza tours cheaper than taking a bus?

When you factor in transport costs, the guide, your Chichen Itza tickets, the other places you visit, and meals you’ll get — then YES , Merida to Chichen Itza tours price offers a great value, and are often cheaper than going on your own Chichen Itza trips.

Group of the Thousand Columns chichen itza ruins

Don’t believe me? Let’s do the math:

Merida to Chichen Itza bus ticket prices vary, but round trip tickets average about $25 USD.

When you then factor in the Chichen Itza admission cost of $614 MXN pesos (about $35 USD), an on-site guide at about $55 USD, plus the $25 USD you paid for the bus, you’re already at about most Merida to Chichen Itza tours cost.

Besides what’s listed above, you also get private transport and a qualified tour guid e who handles all the planning.

In addition, all tours featured in this article also include a meal and a visit to other places besides Chichen Itza, which provide even more value.

These additional places include all the best experiences in Yucatan, like cenotes , the pink lakes, pueblos magicos (magic towns), cooking classes with local Maya chefs, and more.

What are the best things to see at Chichen Itza?

El Castillo Chichen Itza (The Castle) — This is the largest structure at Chichen Itza, also called the Temple of Kukulkan or Chichen Itza Pyramid. It is one of the first things you will see when you enter the site.

Chichen Itza Mayan Ruins Mexico

Plan to spend at least 3 hours here because there are a lot of things to do at Chichen Itza Ruins! The top sites include numerous structures located within 20 building groups, all connected by a series of 75 scabes (roadways).

Chichen Itza also has Mesoamerica’s largest Mayan ball court. If it sounds like a big site — it is — spanning about three-miles (4.5 km) from end to end.

When visiting, you won’t want to miss El Castillo Pyramid, as well as these prominent buildings at Chichen Itza:

  • Sacred Cenote at Chichen Itza: A large cenote (sinkhole) used to make offerings to the gods. Everything from gold, jade, pottery, and even human skeletons have been found in it.
  • Nunnery Complex: There are three buildings here, all with intricate decorative stone carvings.
  • Warrior’s Temple & Group of the Thousand Columns: Despite the name, there are really only about 200 columns at the large, impressive Temple of the Warriors.
  • El Caracol (Chichen Itza Observatory): The astronomical observatory was used as a telescope to track the planet Venus and other celestial bodies.
  • Wall of Skulls, or Platform of Skulls: A wall used to memorialize lost soldiers and display the heads of sacrificial prisoners or enemies who died in battle.
  • Great Ball Court at Chichen Itza: A long stretch of space used to play pa ta pok, an ancient Mayan ball game.

How much time do you need at Chichen Itza?

About 3 hours — With three hours, you can see all the Chichen Itza highlights at a leisurely pace, and stop along the way to take all the Chichen Itza photos you want.

Since you’ll be here a while, make sure to wear your most comfy shoes , a sun hat and insect-repellent sunscreen , and don’t forget your refillable water bottle .

How much are Chichen Itza tickets?

Currently, the entrance to Chichen Itza costs $614 MXN pesos (about $35 USD) for foreigners,  $272 MXN for Mexican citizens with an ID or INE, and $90 MXN for locals from Yucatan.

⚠️ Note: Mexican citizens get free entry to Chichen Itza on Sundays, so Sundays are always the most crowded day.

What’s the best time to visit Chichen Itza Ruins?

On a weekday, right when they open — Chichen Itza averages 2 million visitors per year, which is about 5,500 visitors each day. To see this ancient site without the crowds and throngs of tourists, you’ll want to get there on a weekday morning by 9am.

🌡️ Chichen Itza Weather Temperatures

chichen itza weather chart

This is also the best time to get there because you should be done touring the site by 12pm when the midday sun starts beating down. While there is some shade at Chichen Itza, you will be spending a lot of time in un-shaded areas, so don’t forget your sunscreen .

What are the Chichen Itza opening hours?

Chichen Itza is open daily from 9am-5pm . They do not sell tickets past 4pm, so you must be entering Chichen Itza by that time or you won’t be allowed in.

sacred cenote at chichen itza mayan ruins in mexico

While there are also specialized tours that take you to Chichen Itza at night to see this light and sound show , you need a second ticket for that. The regular admission to Chichen Itza does not cover this show.

Is Chichen Itza worth visiting?

Yes — It’s one of the Seven Wonders of the World , a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and one of the most important Mayan archeological sites ever discovered on the planet, so it’s absolutely worth seeing.

El Caracol Observatory chichen itza ruins

Now, it is also popular and very touristy. To really enjoy this site, I recommend managing your expectations, like knowing it will be hot and crowded, and that the souvenir vendors can get annoying at times.

However, if you can take the good with the bad, you will enjoy visiting Chichen Itza, one of the most important ruins in Mexico .

When was Chichen Itza Built?

Historians differ as to when they say Chichen Itza was built, though the consensus seems to be 400-500 AD. It went on to become one of the most important Maya centers of economic and political power, before it was abandoned in about 1450 AD for unknown reasons.

After the 13th Century, historians say no additional major buildings were constructed. The Chichen Itza Mayan Ruins site was excavated in 1841.

In 1998, Chichen Itza was declared both a  UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

What does Chichen Itza mean?

Chichen Itza is Maya for at the edge of the well of the Itzas , also translated as “ at the mouth of the well of the Itza. “

This is in reference to two things: 1) the Itzá , a prominent and powerful ethnic group in the Yucatan Peninsula, and 2) the large, Chichen Itza Sacred Cenote, or “the well.”


Final thoughts: highest-rated merida to chichen itza tour.

We’ve reached the end, and I hope this article helped you find the best Chichen Itza tours from Merida Mexico. Still unsure which one to pick? I’m here to help!

Going on a tour is a fun way to see this important site. As much of what’s significant about Chichen Itza isn’t visible to the naked eye, your guide will give you fascinating insights into this New Wonder of the World.

I recommend this Private Chichen Itza Ruins Tour & Cenote Ik-Kil Swim — which has a near-perfect 5-Star ⭐️ rating and includes a swim in Cenote Ik-Kil (one of the best cenotes in Yucatan), lunch and round-trip transportation in an air-conditioned van.

Of course, Chichen Itza is just one of the top sites in this area, and there’s no shortage of amazing things to do in Merida .

Besides what to do in Merida itself, there are many amazing days trips from Merida located 30 minutes to two hours away. These include the gorgeous Merida cenotes , amazing beaches in Merida Mexico , and of course, your visit to Chichen Itza Ruins.

Merida Travel Planning Guide

Should i buy mexico travel insurance.

100% YES! — With basic coverage averaging just $5-10 USD per day, enjoy peace of mind with a plan from Travel Insurance Master , one of the biggest names in travel insurance. ( Read more )

Can you drink the water in Merida?

No — You’ll want to buy this Water-To-Go Bottle , which filters your drinking water so you don’t get sick from drinking water in Mexico, and helps keep you hydrated while traveling Mexico. ( Read more )

Is it safe to rent a car in Merida?

Yes — Renting a car in Mexico is one of the best ways to see the country! I always rent with Discover Cars , which checks both international companies and local Mexican companies, so you get the best rates. ( Read more )

Will my phone work in Merida?

Maybe — It depends on your company, so check with your provider. If you don’t have free Mexico service, buy a Telcel SIM Card . As Mexico’s largest carrier, Telcel has the best coverage of any Mexico SIM Cards. ( Read more )

What’s the best way to book my Merida accommodation?

For Mexico hotels and hostels, is the best site. If you’re considering a Mexico Airbnb, don’t forget to also check VRBO , which is often cheaper than Airbnb! ( Read more )

What’s the best site to buy Mexico flights?

For finding cheap Mexico flights, I always recommend Skyscanner .

Do I need a visa for Mexico?

Likely Not — U.S., Canadian and most European Passport holders don’t need a visa for Mexico; but check here to see if you do need a Mexico travel visa. The majority of travelers will receive a 180-Day FMM Tourist Visa or passport stamp upon arrival.

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My Free Range Family

Destinations , Mexico · Last Updated: March 14, 2024

Self-Guided Tour of Chichén Itzá: How to Visit Without a Tour!

Temple Kukulkan or El Castillo as it's also known is one of the most impressive sights to visit at Chichén Itzá - our self-guided tour helps visitors understand this impressive structure without an organised group tour

🗺 Wondering how to visit Chichén Itzá without a tour? Easy! Print our free map, follow our self-guided tour, OR download our recommended audio guide to Chichén Itzá.

With our quick self-guided tour and map, you’ll be able to visit Chichén Itzá trouble free… and better still you’ll do it without paying for a guide. Below we explain a little bit of the history & how to navigate your visit around Chichén Itzá. We provide a brief description of each attraction followed by walking directions that you can use alongside our free printable map .

Step 1️⃣ – print map or download it to your phone (no strings attached) Step 2️⃣ – visit Chichén Itzá like a pro!

In addition to our AWESOME self-guided walking tour of Chichén Itzá, you need to read our guide on how to get from Valladolid (& beyond) to Chichén Itzá . In it we cover everything else you’ll need to know about visiting Chichén Itzá. Details like how to visit without ALL the crowds, what the tickets cost , nearby cenotes for swimming and the best modes of transport for your visit.

SO… to sum up, if you’re looking to visit and experience Chichén Itzá without a tour, then read on. Because we got you completely covered!!

* This post may contain affiliate links that may earn me a small commission should you decide to click through and make a valid purchase (at no extra cost to you). Thanks for your support!

Table of Contents

Chichén Itzá Self-Guided Tour – The History!

The Observatory or Caracol as it's also known at Chichén Itzá - our self-guided tour helps visitors understand this impressive structure without an organised group tour

Chichén Itzá – Wonder of the World! It kind of rolls off the tongue, but what does this actually mean. How has Chichén Itzá earned this place of such high ranking? Here’s a little history to help you understand more…

The Civilisation of Chichén Itzá

The Ossuary or High Priestess Temple at Chichén Itzá - our self-guided tour helps visitors understand this impressive structure without an organised group tour

Chichén Itzá is one of the biggest Mayan cities, located in the Northern Yucatan peninsula of Mexico . It dates back to the pre-Columbian era, starting in around 400-550 CE (depending on the source). And the development of Chichén Itzá continued until the 10 th century.

According to the experts, some 35,000-50,000 people once lived here at any given time. And it was said to be a major religious, political, military and trading hub for the Yucatan area from 600 CE onwards. Chichén Itzá covered over two square miles and was made up of various spaces and constructions, for both everyday and ceremonial purposes. It also included suburbs, which were interconnected by sacbeob – the Mayan term for paved roads and walkways.

Chichén Itzá’s name is derived from the two nearby cenotes – these are large fresh water sink holes or wells. Translated, chi means mouth, chen means wells and Itzá is the name of a Mayan group from the Yucatan region. Therefore, in Mayan, Chichén Itzá refers to the mouth of the well of the Itza .

It was these cenotes, that the Mayans at Chichén Itzá heavily relied on for their fresh water supplies. Read more about the role these cenotes played and their importance to the Mayan culture, in our section further below describing the Sacred Cenote.

🌀 Do you want to swim in beautiful cenotes? Read this post – We explain more about the types of cenotes, and the best ones for swimming in Valladolid.

The Fall of Chichén Itzá

A visitor stands at the base of the Nunnery and Iglesia at Chichén Itzá - with a self-guided tour

The decline of Chichén Itzá is somewhat up for debate among historians. However, most believe that people left the city around 1100 CE, due to changing weather patterns and several years of drought.

Then with the rise of the Mayan city – Mayapan in the 1200’s, Chichén Itzá never recovered to its former glory. When the Spanish arrived in 1526, they found a flourishing community, but far from that of the earlier years.

Chichén Itzá – Wonder of the World

The Temple of Kukulkan without tourists - when visiting Chichén Itzá it's best to do so early in the morning as recommended by our self-guided tour.

Chichén Itzá was declared a UNESCO world heritage site in 1988. Then named as one of the new Seven Wonders of the World as part of a global census in 2007.

The grand space in which Chichén Itzá covers and the state in which it has been preserved is a tribute to Mayan architecture and archeology.

Entrance & Tickets for Chichén Itzá

We recommend purchasing tickets onsite at Chichén Itzá. But read our full post on how to get to Chichén Itzá from Valladolid and beyond. As we explain everything from ticket prices, to the best way to get there and loads of extra tips.

Free Printable Map for Self-Guided Tour of Chichén Itzá

how much is chichen itza tour

🗺 Download our free map of Chichén Itzá that we created just for your self-guided tour. Keep it on your phone, or print it for your walk. 📍 And don’t forget the second page which gives you a step by step explanation of how to navigate between the key sights at Chichén Itzá. 👆 Tap this link to download… no need to sign-up, no strings attached. Just a pretty little map, created by us with love… especially for you!

Within the city of Chichén Itzá there are numerous sites to be seen. It’s SO much more than the world famous Temple of Kukulcan – also known as El Castillo. Included at the site, is the largest court for Pok Ta Pok (the traditional Mayan ball game), a star observatory and numerous temples.

And so, coming up we share our self-guided tour of Chichén Itzá. We highlight the main sites you can expect to see, in sequence that we suggest you visit them. The tour begins at the entrance gate and continues in a clockwise direction around the site.

Beginning the Self-Guided Tour of Chichén Itzá

The Ossuary or High Priestess Temple at Chichén Itzá - our self-guided tour helps visitors understand this impressive structure without an organised group tour

Each section below, begins first with an explanation of the attraction or sight, followed by the walking tour directions in a highlighted box.

It’s important to note, we list below eight main sights or key attractions of Chichén Itzá in our self-guided tour. However, you will find many more as you wander this remarkable site. We suggest that if you want to know and understand these smaller known sights, then book a guided tour. It’s better to think of this as a self-guided tour of Chichén Itzá for the common people … if you’re an enthusiast, get the guide!

🚶Walking Tour Directions Starting the tour at the ticket office, follow the path which leads straight. This pathway is both the entry and exit point. It leads though a small forest for a couple hundred metres, before emerging into the large central grassed area to the western side of (#1) The Temple of Kukulcan / El Castillo .

#1 The Temple of Kukulcan / El Castillo

A man walks in front of the Kukulkan Temple early in the morning at Chichén Itzá without many tourists.  Our self-guided tour helps visitors understand this impressive structure without an organised group tour

Undoubtedly, the Temple of Kukulcan is the most iconic building at Chichén Itzá. It’s also the first structure you see after walking the path from the entrance.

The stepped pyramid is also known as El Castillo in Spanish, which means the castle. And it’s dedicated to the Mayan deity Kukulcan the feathered serpent god. You can read more about Kukulcan here on Wikipedia .

It’s essentially the centrepiece of Chichén Itzá and stands at just under 100 ft tall (30 metres).

Fun Facts About El Castillo

Kukulkan Temple or El Castillo early in the morning at Chichén Itzá without many tourists.  Our self-guided tour helps visitors understand this impressive structure without an organised group tour

The Mayan people were well advanced in knowledge related to Astronomy and Mathematics. In fact, each of the four sides of the Kukulkan Temple has 91 steps. If you’re quick at multiples, you’ll have realised that this adds up to 364 steps. Along with the central upper platform, this makes 365. That’s right… it corresponds to the days of the year. Mind blowing stuff right!

What’s more, each side of the pyramid aligns with the cardinal points. In other words, north, south, east and west.

Look out for the northern set of stairs which have the ornately carved snake heads at the bottom. It’s on this same set of stairs during the equinox, that the sun casts a shadow across them which appears to be the body of a snake. This represents Kukulcan descending to fertilise the fields, which marks the time for the fields to be sowed.

If you clap your hands while standing at the base of the steps of El Castillo, the reverberating sound mimic’s that of a Mexican Quetzal. Be sure to try it… our kids enjoyed trying to make their claps loud enough.

🤔 And did you know… Kukulcan Temple is actually built on top of two smaller temples.

🚶Walking Tour Directions We recommend that you make a quick 360 0 walk around (#1) The Temple of Kukulcan / El Castillo . It tends to be quieter on the opposite side of the Pyramid, and if you’re visiting early in the morning, the rising sun is behind you which makes for better photos.

#2 The Great Ball Court

The Great Ball Court at Chichén Itzá without many tourists.  Our self-guided tour helps visitors understand this impressive structure without an organised group tour

The Great Ball Court is where the deadly ceremonial game of Pok Ta Pok was played. There are several courts uncovered within Chichén Itzá, but the Main Court is by far the most impressive. At 70 metres (229 feet) wide and 168 metres (551 feet) in length, this is the largest playing field in all of Mesoamerica.

It’s side walls stand at 12 metres (39 feet) with the singular hoops at 8 metres (26 feet) off the ground.

The Great Ball Court hoops at Chichén Itzá

The game would consist of two teams and a rubber ball, sometimes weighing up to 4 kgs. The teams would need to keep the ball off the ground and get it through the hoops, but players were not able to use their hands or feet.

The two hoops are carved with intertwining serpents. And the lower sloped section of the walls are also carved with many depictions of the bloody game. These include headless corpses and images of players holding decapitated heads.

🚶Walking Tour Directions When you’ve taken your photos of El Castillo head towards the (#2) Great Ball Court passing the Temple of the Jaguars on your way. You’ll enter the ball court from its southern end, walking on through to the Temple of the Bearded Man at its northern end.

#3 Wall of Skulls

The wall of skulls at Chichén Itzá

This is a low level platform where the outer façade has had skull motifs carved into it. Stacked side by side, one on top of the other. It’s thought that this was a ritual platform. Wherein human sacrifices were made and the heads of those sacrificed from the Pok Ta Pok games, would have been placed on display.

🚶Walking Tour Directions Exit the northern end of the ball court to your right and walk towards the (#3) Platform of Skulls. Next up, make your way to the Platform of Venus .

#4 The Sacred Cenote

The Sacred Cenote at Chichén Itzá.  Our self-guided tour helps visitors understand this impressive structure without an organised group tour

The Sacred Cenote or Well of Sacrifice is found at the end of the ceremonial walkway, through a section of forest. The cenote is fenced off and the main vantage points are to either side.

This cenote is believed to have been used purely for various ceremonies of ritual. Interestingly, explorers have discovered gold, ceramics, jade, jewels and the remains of over 200 human bodies in the bottom of the Sacred Cenote. These were found during initial dredging expeditions made by Edward Herbert Thompson between 1904 – 1910.

Among the find was this gold artefact, now on display at a Museum in Mexico. Read more about the Mayan artefacts found in Ek Balam .

An artefact found in the sacred cenote at Chichén Itzá

Can you Swim at the Cenotes in Chichén Itzá?

  • In short… no you can’t swim at the cenotes at Chichén Itzá. There are two cenotes within the site however these are not for swimming. They have viewing areas at each side, providing views down into the cenote. The best views however are at this one – the Sacred Cenote.
  • If you do want to visit a cenote for a swim, then look to add Cenote Ik Kil to your day. It’s not far from Chichén Itzá on the road to and from Valladolid. A lot of guided tours provide this as an option. The colectivo transport from Valladolid to Chichén Itzá also has an option to visit Ik Kil Cenote for an additional cost.

🚶Walking Tour Directions From the Platform of Venus head north along the road, between the many art and craft vendors. This path leads through the jungle towards the (#4) Sacred Cenote .

#5 The Temple of Warriors

The Temple of the Warriors at Chichén Itzá.  Our self-guided tour helps visitors understand this impressive structure without an organised group tour

This is another large stepped pyramid named after the various warrior carvings and statues found within its surroundings.

In addition to the main pyramid, you’ll find a multitude of columns at the entrance and along the southern wall. These would have once supported an immense roof structure. Many of the columns were also carved.

At the top of the temple sits the statue of Chacmool. This prominently seen structure or carving features regularly throughout Mayan culture and history, as a place for offerings. Given that visitors are not permitted to walk on the ruins at Chichén Itzá, Chacmool can’t be seen at the top of the Temple of the Warriors from the ground. However, a quick online search shows the repeated image of a reclining Chacmool , resting on his elbows, head turned and facing to the front.

🚶Walking Tour Directions After the cenote make a U-turn and head back down the same path. As you come back out to the central grassed area turn left. Then make your way to the Temple of the Tables and next to this is the (#5) Temple of Warriors .

#6 Group of a Thousand Columns, the Market Place & Xtoloc Cenote

One of the thousand columns at Chichén Itzá.

The Group of a Thousand Columns and the Market Place are two of several features that form a large irregular quadrilateral plaza.

The Group of a Thousand Columns is actually only around 200 columns. However, when you see them spread out, in the various configurations, standing in straight rows one after the other you can see how they took this name.  The columns are both circular in some sections and square in others. With many having carved or stucco motifs and depictions of Toltec Warriors and Priests that would have once also been painted. The columns would have once supported a large roof structure. 

Also found within the space are three large grinding wheels. The Market Place was given its name by early Spanish colonisers who thought the design of the area was similar to their own marketplaces. However, the true use of the space is thought to be a combination of religious, political and civil in its use. 

🚶Walking Tour Directions Carrying on in the clockwise direction from the Temple of the Warriors head south following the impressive (#6) Group of a Thousand Columns . Part way down the rows you will find a path that cuts between the columns on your left. Take this path which will bring you out into a large shaded area with the columns continuing on your left. This area form the group of a thousand columns and the Market Place . Navigate the area, in the same way following a clockwise direction and looping back to the same point you entered. Once you have exited the Group of a Thousand Columns, turn left again following the path to Xtoloc Cenote .

#7 The Observatory / El Caracol

The Observatory or El Caracol at Chichén Itzá without many tourists.  Our self-guided tour helps visitors understand this impressive structure without an organised group tour

The Ossuary or the High Priestess Temple – is a smaller stepped pyramid, with stairs on each side leading to the top. The temple is built over a deep cavern, with the access to it at the top of the pyramid. During excavations several tombs were found within the entrance to the cavern.

The Observatory or El Caracol (the snail) – as it’s also known, is a unique building to the south of the site of Chichén Itzá. While the stepped and tiered base is relatively standard of Mayan architecture, the circular dome positioned at the top is somewhat unique. Even more so, is the spiralled (or snail shaped) staircase that leads to the Observatory.

It is believed that the Observatory, due to its uninhibited view of the night sky, was where the astronomers tracked the movement of the stars. Within the circular structure there are numerous openings that are thought to be aligned to view various constellations throughout the year. In particular to allow for the tracking of Venus.

🚶Walking Tour Directions From Xtoloc cenote turn back on yourself and find the path leading left or west towards the Ossuary or the High Priestess Temple . Continue south down the path through the jungle which will emerge out into another large grassed area with the (#7) Observatory / El Caracol on your left.

#8 The Church & Nunnery

The Nunnery and the Iglesia with motifs of Chaac the Mayan God of Rain.

The Church & Nunnery buildings are found at the southern end of the complex. They are some of the most detailed and best preserved due to their recent restoration. It’s said the Nunnery could have received its name from the Spanish conquistadors who found similarities to their Spanish convents from home.  

The Church, also known as the Iglesia is found next to the Nunnery complex and is actually a temple dedicated to Chaac the Mayan God of Rain . It’s is a single story building consisting of only one chamber with a single door. However as with the nunnery its detailed façade is quite spectacular. If you look closely at the friezes on the image above, you’ll notice the Chaac masks represented in the carvings.

🚶Walking Tour Directions Follow the path south which will bring you around to the (#8) The Church and the Nunnery. Next up, make your way back up to El Caracol but take the path on your left which leads to the Red House and the Deer Temple . These structures are found in a smaller grassed area and are the last sights on our list. To get back, you must return to El Caracol, then exit via the same main path you entered from towards the ticket office.

Audio Guides & Guided Tour Options at Chichén Itzá

A father and his daughters walk in front of the Kukulkan Temple early in the morning at Chichén Itzá without many tourists.  Our self-guided tour helps visitors understand this impressive structure without an organised group tour

It is likely that you’ll be asked on multiple occasions if you’d like a guided tour as you approach the ticket office. These of course are great options if you want more detail than we are able to offer you here. From our understanding, these guides range from 650 to 1000 MXN pesos for around 3 hours.

Also click through to our blog link below on Valladolid to Chichén Itzá, as we share the best guided tours and private tours if you are visiting nearby from Valladolid, Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Tulum. Included in these tours are other sights and cenotes that we recommend. Trust me I spent a great deal of time, going through many guided tours, reading the fine print and the reviews to find you the best options.

👀 Read our blog on the best guided and private tours – Valladolid (and beyond) to Chichén Itzá.

If however, this seems a little pricey but you’d still like a little more detail than we have offered here in our self-guided tour, then check out these audio guides on Get Your Guide.

Is Chichén Itzá Worth Visiting

A mother and her daughters... in front of the Kukulkan Temple early in the morning at Chichén Itzá without many tourists.  Our self-guided tour helps visitors understand this impressive structure without an organised group tour

Ooh the big question… Well this is how we see it. If you’re in the Yucatan Peninsula then YES, most definitely, it’s well worth setting a day aside to see Chichén Itzá. After all, it’s one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Just be aware that it’s super busy, so gets very touristy.

If you’re not one for crowds, then try to get there early. You might also want to consider visiting Ek’ Balam ruins instead. They are absolutely beautiful, set in peaceful jungle and without the overwhelming crowds.

You might like to check our other posts for your itinerary and visit to Valladolid.

  • The best cenotes of Valladolid – we recommend and review our favourite cenotes.
  • The best place to stay in Valladolid – our review of the Oryx Hostel.
  • The best things to do in Valladolid – (post coming soon).

And of course don’t forget to bookmark or pin this post: how to visit Chichén Itzá without a tour!

how much is chichen itza tour

We now travel full-time and have plenty more itineraries and guides to share on all the destinations we visit. Sign up to follow our journey! (And don’t worry we won’t spam you with unnecessary emails.)

how much is chichen itza tour

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September 4, 2023 at 7:18 pm

Great information! Thank you. I am going to share with our guests at Tim’s Ocean Condos in Cancun. Thank you very much!

how much is chichen itza tour

September 12, 2023 at 9:51 pm

Super! Thanks for your message Megan and glad to hear it is helpful 🙂

how much is chichen itza tour

October 17, 2023 at 6:28 pm

Great information Sharon, I will visit Chichen Itza early November and will use your guide!! I might also try Ek’Balam and will use your info too. Thanks for sharing. Would you happen to have any info on Cobá? I heard is not allowed anymore to cling the main pyramid? Thank you again. Ed

November 20, 2023 at 10:47 pm

Thanks for your message Ed, and glad to know that our guide is helping others with their visits. With regards to Coba, unfortunately we didn’t get there… it will have to be next time for us 🙂

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BEST Guide to Visiting Chichen Itza On Your Own [2024]

  • March 22, 2024


Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means we’ll receive a commission if you purchase through our links, at no extra cost to you. For more information, see our  full disclosures here .

Are you considering visiting Chichen Itza on your own? I’ve got all the details you need to know before you go without a tour!

I get it. You want to visit the majestic wonder of the world, Chichen Itza! But you don’t want to stress your bank account or feel like you’re missing out by not joining a guided Chichen Itza tour .

I was in the exact same boat not too long ago! My husband and I were determined to visit Chichen Itza during our recent trip to Mexico. 

And of course, we wanted to do it in the most budget-friendly way possible, truly living up to our motto of   #SeeTheWorldSaveADollar

So here’s the deal, this article will ensure you’re fully prepared before you go to Chichen Itza on your own in 2024.

visiting chichen itza on your own

How much will it actually cost you? Are there any restrictions you need to know about?

And what are the absolute must-see spots during your self-guided tour of Chichen Itza ?

These burning questions are probably on your mind, and I’m here to share our recent first-hand experience and guide you through it all.

With the right preparation and a small dose of adventure, you’ll be well on your way to an unforgettable experience at this world wonder.

Continue reading for a complete guide on how to visit Chichen Itza on your own.

Key Takeaways :

  • Consider driving and factor in tolls and parking.
  • Arrive early to avoid crowds and the midday sun.
  • Dress in lightweight, sun-protective clothing.
  • Essential items: Bring cash, bug spray, and water.
  • Explore the temples, platforms, and cenote using this self-guided tour .

Table of Contents

Where To Go to Visit Chichen Itza?

First things first, let’s talk about the logistics.

Chichen Itza is located in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, approximately 95 miles west of Tulum or 125 miles west of Cancun.

If you’re planning to drive to Chichen Itza yourself , it’s essential to factor in the cost of tolls . 

It’s important that you have Mexican pesos on hand to pay the toll when driving to Chichen Itza. 

During our visit, we made the mistake of not having enough Mexican pesos and found ourselves unable to pay with US dollars.

As a result, we had to pull over and search for someone to exchange our currency with.

Needless to say, it wasn’t the most ideal scenario.

To avoid any inconvenience, I highly recommend exchanging some currency for Mexican pesos before heading on this journey.

Do better than us!

visiting chichen itza

The amount you should set aside for roundtrip toll expenses typically falls within the range of 500 to 1000 Mexican pesos. 

That’s pretty broad, I know, but the exact toll fees depend on your starting location and the route you choose.

I recommend using Goole Maps to get a more accurate estimation of toll costs.

Simply input your destination and Google Maps will provide an estimate of the toll costs.

This will help you determine the exact amount you should carry for tolls.

visiting chichen itza on your own

You can also toggle on the “avoid tolls” option when using Google Maps. 

However, depending on your starting point, it may not always be possible to completely avoid toll roads.

Take this into consideration when planning your journey.

You’ll also need to budget 80 Mexican pesos for Chichen Itza parking. 

Once you’ve parked, get ready to explore! The Chichen Itza entrance fee is 614 Mexican pesos.

Keep in mind that the Chichen Itza ticket price may vary, so it’s always a good idea to double-check the official website before your visit.

US Dollars and other foreign currency are not accepted, so have Mexican pesos on hand. 

You can pay with a credit card but that is not always reliable and you’ll need to present identification with the credit card.

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When To Go to Chichen Itza?

Timing is everything when it comes to visiting this UNESCO World Heritage Site .

To make the most of your experience and capture stunning photos without the crowds at Chichen Itza, it’s essential to arrive early.

Chichen Itza opens at 8 am and closes at 5 pm, but the last tickets are sold at 4 pm. 

Make it a priority to arrive before the tour buses roll in to have a more exclusive experience at this world wonder. 

The early wake-up call is definitely worth it. During our visit to the Chichen Itza ruins, we arrived at 9 am. 

We managed to beat the crowds and had the opportunity to explore Chichen Itza without the hordes of tourists.

how much is chichen itza tour

As the late morning and afternoon rolled around, hundreds of visitors started flooding in. 

Having those precious moments of uninterrupted exploration in the early hours made all the difference.

So set that alarm clock, get there early, and enjoy Chichen Itza before the rush begins. 

Also, of note, every Sunday there is free admission for Mexican citizens and foreigners living in Mexico with proof of identification. 

What this means for you - Sundays are likely the most crowded in general.

It might be best to plan your visit to Chichen Itza on a different day of the week.

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What To Wear to Chichen Itza?

As you plan your Chichen Itza adventure, keep in mind that it is located in an area with maximum exposure to sunlight. I’m talkin', no shade.

To protect yourself from the scorching sun, wear light-colored clothing that covers your skin. A wide-brimmed hat is a must-have accessory. 

The very first thing I bought when I pulled up to Chichen Itza was a hat for 200 Mexican pesos. 

how much is chichen itza tour

You can either bring your own hat or buy one once you get there to ensure you have some shade during your exploration.

And don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes , as you’ll be doing quite a bit of walking. 

Since Chichen Itza experiences hot weather for most of the year (think 90F degrees hot), sunscreen is your best friend . 

Protect your beautiful skin from sunburns by applying a generous amount of sunscreen with a high SPF .

If you plan your visit to Chichen Itza during the cooler months of December and January, when temperatures can dip down into the 60s F, consider bringing an extra layer such as a poncho for added comfort.

Always check the weather forecast before your visit to ensure you dress appropriately.

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how much is chichen itza tour

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What To Bring to Chichen Itza?

Now that you know what to wear, let’s discuss what essentials to bring along . Below we'll go through a quick travel checklist.

Make sure to bring enough cash with you.

You’ll find numerous vendors at Chichen Itza, and bargaining is a common practice.

If you’re eyeing a souvenir, be prepared to negotiate the price.

Vendors often sell similar items, so don’t hesitate to explore your options and find the best deal.

Remember to stick to the price you have in mind and remain consistent.

If you’re patient and persistent, you might end up with a great item at a fraction of the initial asking price. 

The initial asking price is significantly inflated, specifically targeting tourists like yourself.

When we were browsing for souvenirs, we found an item we really liked.

However, the seller initially quoted a price of $450 Mexican pesos, which was more than what we were willing to pay.

It was negotiation time. We managed to strike a deal and purchased the same item for just $50 Mexican pesos. 

This price was much closer to what a local would typically pay for the same item, and it felt like a fair transaction.

visiting chichen itza

You’d be surprised how much you can save by engaging in a friendly negotiation.

It’s a good way to strike a balance between budget-consciousness and supporting the local community. 

So don’t hesitate to haggle and find a price that works for both you and the vendor. It’s all part of the shopping experience at Chichen Itza.


Chichen Itza is located in an area abundant with mosquitoes.

These pesky insects can quickly turn your visit into an itchy nightmare.

Arm yourself with insect repellent to keep the bugs at bay and ensure a more pleasant experience.

Hydration is key! The sun at noon shines directly overhead, intensifying the heat.

Stay hydrated throughout your adventure by carrying a water bottle with you.

It’s essential to drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration . 

Trust me, you don’t want to pass out in the middle of exploring this incredible ancient city.

Last-Minute Travel Checklist

Don't let last-minute chaos stress you out. Download our essential travel checklist & embark on your adventures prepared!

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What To See at Chichen Itza?

Chichen Itza is one of the new seven wonders of the world and for good reason.

The detailed architecture is way before its time. 

When visiting the Chichen Itza ruins, there are several incredible sights that you shouldn’t miss. 

To make the most of your visit and gain deeper insights into these fascinating structures, consider downloading a self-guided audio tour .

For under $10 USD, the self-guided audio tour gives you access to detailed audio narration, informative text, and a live GPS map, enhancing your experience and helping you discover the hidden wonders of Chichen Itza.  

visiting chichen itza

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The Temple of Kukulcan also known as the Castle (El Castilo) steals the spotlight at Chichen Itza. 

It’s the iconic pyramid that instantly captures your attention.

Prepare to be amazed by its intricate architecture and fascinating history.

This temple is a symmetrical masterpiece, featuring 91 steps on each of its four sides with one additional step at the very top.

That’s a total of 365 steps, representing every single day in the year.

But here’s the coolest part: when you clap your hands in front of the stairs, the sound of a sacred quetzal bird echoes through the air. 

Of course, Chichen Itza is not just about the Temple of Kukulcan.

You’ll come across several other temples, each with its unique charm and story. 

Here are some others that you don’t want to miss out on: 

  • Temple of the Tables (Templo de las Mesas)
  • Temple of the Beared Man (Templo del Hombre Barbudo)
  • Temple of the Warriors (Temple de los Guerreros)
  • The Nunnery (Las Monjas)
  • The Snail Observatory Temple (El Caracol)
  • Temple of Xtoloc (Temple de Xtoloc)
  • Thompson’s Temple (Palace of Ahau Balam Kauil)
  • Osario Pyramid (El Osario)

Every structure has its own tale to tell.

You can still catch snippets of their explanations and gain insights into the historical and cultural significance of each site by positioning yourself within earshot of the guided tours passing by.

Or, if snooping is not your thing, you could download a self guided audio tour for less than $10 USD.

By exploring Chichen Itza on your own, you can go at your own pace and delve into the details that captivate you the most.

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how much is chichen itza tour

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Great Ball Court

My husband used to play basketball in college so one of the first things he wanted to check out at Chichen Itza was the great ball court (Gran Juego de Pelota). 

As we took a look around we learned more about the game.

This massive court was used for a unique Mesoamerican sport that resembles basketball.

Players were sacrificed through decapitation when they lost this game, and sometimes even if they won the game because it was considered an honor to be sacrificed.

I guess you could say “Ball was life.”

visiting chichen itza

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Chichen Itza boasts several remarkable platforms that are worth exploring.

Visit the Skull Platform (El Tzompantli, Plataforma de los Craneos) to witness a chilling display of skulls.

These skulls served as a warning to intruders, reminding them of the consequences of challenging Chichen Itza’s might.

Another impressive platform is the Platform of Eagles and Jaguars (Plataforma de Aguilas y Jaguares), adorned with intricate carvings depicting these majestic creatures.

Lastly, don’t forget to check out the Platform of Venus (Plataforma de Venus), which offers a glimpse into the celestial knowledge of the ancient Mayans.

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Sacred Cenote

The Sacred Cenote (Cenote Sagrada) is a natural sinkhole of great importance to the Mayan civilization. 

While swimming is not allowed in this cenote, you can still admire its beauty and learn about its significance in the Mayan religious practices.

If you’re looking for a great cenote experience, check out Cenote Oxman which is not too far from Chichen Itza.

We took a 40-minute drive to Cenote Oxman in Valladolid after visiting Chichen Itza. It cost only 150 Mexican pesos to enter Cenote Oxman.

You can watch our full experience below.

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The Marketplace (El Mercado) is a vibrant hub that offers a wide array of traditional crafts, jewelry, textiles, and more.

Remember to negotiate prices and find that perfect memento to commemorate your adventure.

The Group of the Thousand Columns (grupo de las mil columnas) is right across from the marketplace. 

It’s a captivating sight to see and provides a glimpse into the architectural wonders of the ancient Mayans.

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FAQs on Visiting Chichen Itza on Your Own

What are the Chichen Itza opening hours?

  • Chichen Itza hours are from 8 am to 5 pm. The last tickets are sold at 4 pm.

How much time to visit Chichen Itza?

  • The average time spent at Chichen Itza is around 3 hours.

Can you go to the Mayan ruins without a tour?

  • Absolutely! You can visit Chichen Itza on your own without the need for a guided tour.  

Do you have to cover up at Chichen Itza?

  • There is no strict dress code at Chichen Itza, but it is advisable to wear light-colored and breathable clothing that protects from the sun.

Is there a fee to enter to Chichen Itza archaeological zone?

  • Yes, there is an entrance fee. We paid 533 Mexican pesos, but you can check for any updates or changes in prices before your visit on the official website.

Do I need bug spray at Chichen Itza?

  • Definitely! Chichen Itza is in a region known for mosquitos, so it’s highly recommended to bring and apply bug spray before exploring the site.

What not to do at Chichen Itza? 

  • Climbing the pyramids is strictly prohibited to preserve the ancient structures. Swimming in the cenote is not allowed either.

What structures can be found at Chichen Itza?

  • Temple of Kukulcan, Temple of the Tables, Temple of the Bearded Man, Temple of the Warriors, The Nunnery, The Snail Observatory Temple, Temple of Xtoloc, Thompson’s Temple, Osario Pyramid, the Great Ball Court, Skull Platform, Platform of Venus, Platform of Eagles and Jaguars, and the Group of the Thousand Columns. 

Can you still climb the pyramid at Chichen Itza?

  • No, climbing pyramids at Chichen Itza is prohibited.

Can you swim in the cenote at Chichen Itza?

  • No, swimming in the Sacred Cenote at Chichen Itza is not allowed.

Why was Chichen Itza abandoned?

  • This remains a mystery, but it’s believed that a combination of political unrest, ecological changes, and the decline of Mayan civilization played a role.

Final Thoughts on Visiting Chichen Itza On Your Own

Visiting Chichen Itza on your own is not only possible but also highly worthwhile. 

Now that you’re equipped with the essential details including the best times to visit, the must-see sights, and even an estimate of the costs involved - you can plan your trip with confidence.

After reading this article, you know the best way to visit Chichen Itza on your own, and you can explore at your own pace to make the most of every moment. 

Don’t forget to put your negotiation skills to good use at the marketplace, where you can snag the perfect deal on souvenirs to bring back home.

As you explore the temples and platforms, prepare to be amazed by the ancient history and architecture.

how much is chichen itza tour

From the iconic Temple of Kukulcan to the fascinating Skull Platform, each site holds a unique story.

To make the most of your visit, remember to arrive early to beat the crowds, wear comfortable clothing and shoes, stay hydrated throughout the day, and most importantly, enjoy every moment of this world-wonder experience.

If you found this article helpful, be sure to share it with your favorite travelers and pin it to your travel boards on Pinterest!

2 thoughts on “ BEST Guide to Visiting Chichen Itza On Your Own [2024] ”

' src=

I visited in 2019 & everything you’ve said was true to back then also. The drive is sooo lonnng, I did the guided tour & kept waking up thinking “are we there yet?” LOL! I can definitely see that you covered more ground doing it by yourselves so this is something for me to consider. Thank you!

' src=

Lol, sometimes doing it yourself is much more worth it. Thanks for your support and for reading the blog!

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Chichen Itza

  • Chichen Itza Tour Classic
  • Chichen Itza Tour Plus
  • Chichen Itza Tour Deluxe
  • Chichen Itza Tour Diamante
  • Private Chichen Itza Tour
  • Luxury Chichen Itza Tour
  • Premium Chichen Itza Tour
  • Chichen Itza Tickets
  • Chichen Itza Maps
  • Chichen Itza Ruins
  • Chichen Itza History
  • Chichen Itza Hotel
  • Mayan Calendar
  • Mayan Predictions

Chichen Itza Tours

Chichen Itza Deluxe Tour

Chichen Itza Deluxe Tour

About Chichen Itza Deluxe Tour

The Chichen Itza Deluxe Tour is great to pamper you and your party. This Chichen Itza Tour will provide you with all the perks of a Classic Chichen Itza Tour or Plus Tour with some additional amenities.

Besides these great perks, you’ll have the perks of the regular Chichen Itza Tour. You’ll be picked up at your hotel to then begin your unforgettable journey. In Chichen Itza, you’ll have a guided tour and then some free time for you to explore on your own.

First, as you’re picked up for the tour, the Chichen Itza Deluxe Tour will greet you with a box lunch when you board the bus, this will be a light breakfast, a sandwich, an apple, and juice, but good enough if you didn’t have any breakfast.

Also, the Chichen Itza Deluxe Tour will give you unlimited beverages on the bus (water, soda, and beer). You can also enjoy some tequila on the ride!

To start off this historical journey, you’ll be taken to a buffet lunch , where you’ll enjoy traditional Mayan food. The Deluxe Tour also includes a drink on your buffet meal.

After having your delicious meal, you will be able to enjoy the visit to the Cenote and actually swim in it! The Cenotes were sacred to the Mayans and swimming in them will not only be amazing but also refreshing.

The next stop in Chichen Itza Tour is CHICHEN ITZA. When you arrive at Chichen Itza you’ll enter the great Mayan city and the first thing you’ll see is the Chichen Itza Pyramid called El Castillo or “The Castle” which was built to honor the God Kukulcan. You will have approximately 2 hours onsite, divided by a guided tour and some free time at the Mayan Ruins so you can explore on your own all the Chichen Itza Ruins and buildings . Remember that you get an alcoholic drink with the Chichen Itza Deluxe Tour.

After enjoying all this you might think this is over… but then you’ll have an express stop in Valladolid, a great Colonial town in the middle of the Yucatan Peninsula. Valladolid is full of Maya people and it’s a great ending for the Chichen Itza Tour.

  • Not Included
  • Recommendations

What is included in the Chichen Itza Deluxe Tour

  • 1. Pick up in shared transportation.
  • 2. Round trip aboard our deluxe air-conditioned panoramic buses.
  • 3. Morning Box Lunch on board the bus
  • 4. Drinks on board the bus (Water, Soda and Beer)
  • 5. Certified guides specialized in archaeology and Mayan culture who will accompany you throughout the tour.
  • 6. 1 alcoholic beverage included in the buffet with a variety of typical foods of the region.
  • 7. A bottle of purified water at the entrance of the archaeological area.
  • 8. Guided access (bilingual) to Chichen Itza and free time to walk around and take pictures at the archaeological site.
  • 9. Visit to the cenote (swimming is allowed, life jackets are provided on site and have an additional cost of 4 USD)
  • 10. Brief visit to the historic city of Valladolid, Yucatan.

Not included in the Chichen Itza Deluxe Tour

  • 1. Rental of life jackets and lockers (2 USD each)
  • 2. Fee for the use of Go Pro, video or professional camera
  • 3. Photo or video services.
  • 4. Snacks or any food outside of what is contemplated in the buffet meal.
  • 5. Other activities in Chichen Itza, in Valladolid, or in the cenote.
  • 7. Souvenirs, crafts, clothes, etc.
  • 8. Any other product not mentioned in the list of what the tour includes.
  • 9. Rental of lockers, life jacket in the cenote.

Recommendations for the Chichen Itza Deluxe Tour

  • 1. We have daily departures to Chichen Itza.
  • 2. Pickup time begins at 6:00 am. Your pickup time depends on the location of your hotel or meeting point, and will be provided upon booking.
  • 3. The guided tour in Chichen Itza lasts an hour and a half, the you have free time to explore the archeological site on your own.
  • 4. Return time is around 9:00 pm. Your drop-off time depends on the location of your hotel or destination.
  • 5. Please dial the number indicated on our Home page to confirm if we can stop by you and return to the hotel lobby or if you must go to a nearby meeting point to make use of the transportation service.
  • 6. The exact time and place for transportation will be sent to you by email at the end of the reservation process.
  • 7. The rates for minors are valid for children between 3 and up to 11 years of age.
  • 8. Children up to three years of age do not pay.
  • 9. Children taller than 1.40 m but under 12 years of age must present a valid photo ID to verify their age.


Please consider that this is interstate travel. Between the States of Quintana Roo, and Yucatan, there’s an hour's time difference. For further information contact our customer service team.

  • 1. Carry a certain amount of cash with you for products and services not included in the package.
  • 2. Avoid carrying heavy or bulky backpacks or bags.
  • 3. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes, as well as sunglasses.
  • 4. Bring a hat or a cool hat to protect yourself from the sun.
  • 5. Remember to use biodegradable sunscreen.
  • 6. Bring a towel and swimsuit.
  • 7. If you suffer from any health problem or physical impairment, please contact us before booking so we can advise you about it.
  • 8. Use the restroom before entering the site or use the ones inside. If you exit the complex, you'd have to the pay entrance fee again.

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15 Facts About Chichen Itza, One Of The 7 Wonders Of The World

  • Chichen Itza is a top cruise attraction, with many tourists visiting from nearby ports on organized tours.
  • Local vendors sell goods near Chichen Itza, although tourists should be prepared for potential persistence.
  • Chichen Itza was discovered twice and was used as an observatory by the Mayans. It is being restored and may have been used for sacrifices.

Chichen Itza is one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World and is a historic site situated in Yucatán, Mexico. While most people realize that Chichen Itza was built by the Mayans thousands of years ago, there are many things tourists don't realize about this marvelous attraction. There are many interesting facts about Chichen Itza that everyone should know before visiting.

Chichen Itza refers to an archeological site, not the pyramid within it, which is the site's most popular tourist attraction. The pyramid itself was built to serve as a temple and a castle and is known as El Castillo - there are a lot more facts about Chichen Itza that you may want to know about both the site and the pyramid before you visit.

UPDATE: 2023/10/26 16:37 EST BY NOAH STAATS

There Is Much More To Understand When Coming To See Chichen Itza

This article has been updated with new information regarding Chichen Itza, as well as two lesser-known facts about this world-famous monument. Whether someone is coming from their cruise, shopping with locals, or wanting to learn more about this iconic structure, Mexico is filled to the brim with history and Mayan culture!

Chichen Itza Is One Of The Most Visited Cruise Attractions

  • Cruise passengers account for much of the tourism at Chichen Itza.

Something to know about Chichen Itza in Mexico is that it brings most of its tourists from cruise ships porting in nearby areas. Cozumel is a landing point for many cruisers, with them hopping on a bus to witness the ancient Mayan structure in real-time. For this reason, people will almost always have the option of booking a tour of the site via their cruise company, as it's continuously one of the most in-demand choices among people coming to the country. From water to Chichen Itza!

Guachimontones is another prehistoric site in Mexico worth checking out for anyone with time to spare on the mainland.

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There Are Locals Selling Goods Near The Famous Monument

  • Local vendors line the streets entering Chichen Itza.

Although this sometimes doesn't sit well with tourists, there are hoards of vendors selling goods just hundreds of feet from Chichen Itza. Most people are fairly calm about selling to tourists, although it has been reported vendors bombarding buses filled with guests in the area, as well as flagging them down at the monument. It's best to say no thanks and move on from the area if this persists. Or, if you want a handcrafted gift, then supporting vendors is a great idea: whatever makes everyone feel most comfortable.

It Was Discovered Twice

  • Chichen Itza underwent two major discoveries, one in 514 AD and another in 1841.

One thing most people do not know about Chichen Itza is that it was discovered twice. In 514 AD, a priest by the name of Lakin Chan discovered the site that is known as Chichen Itza. It is believed that Chan was also referred to as Itzamna. Chichen Itza translates as “at the mouth of the well of the Itza.” Over the years following its abandonment, Chichen Itza was lost, and Mexico fell into turmoil and was ravaged by a series of wars. In 1841, American Explorer John Lloyd Stephens stumbled upon this site once again and turned it over to Mexico.

Related: Mayapan: Visit One Of The Yucatan's Most Stunning But Rarely Visited Mayan Sites

It Was Used As An Observatory

  • At one point, Chichen Itza was used as an observatory.

The Chichen Itza is a marvelous site due to its rich architecture and historical value, but it also houses evidence that the Mayans were definitely ahead of their time. For starters, the Chichen Itza housed craftspeople, artisans, and scholars and was by no means a civilization of simple people. The Mayans were people of science and math and especially excelled in the field of astronomy. For this reason, tourists can visit the Mayan observatory known as El Caracol, which once was used by the Mayans to gaze into the heavens and study the motions of Venus.

It's Built With Diverse Materials

  • The pyramids of Chichen Itza have been made with local materials, such as mica.

The pyramids of Chichen Itza have been a popular attraction for ages, but now they are being questioned, or rather, the method in which they were built. Historians have analyzed the buildings and structures located within this site and have found a variety of diverse materials that do not originate locally in Yucatan, Mexico . One of these materials is mica, which was used by the Mayans during construction to insulate their buildings, but there is one problem. Mica is found 2,000 miles away from the pyramids in Brazil, and scientists are baffled as to how it was transported without vehicles.

It Was Built Near Sinkholes

  • This structure was built near sinkholes, often believed to be used for human sacrifice.

Another thing most people do not know about Chichen Itza is that it was built near sinkholes. While your first reaction to reading that might be confusion or worry, there was a very good reason for the Mayans establishing their community near two sinkholes. The area is generally spotted with numerous sinkholes in the limestone earth and is stable. They actually provided the only source of freshwater to the people of the area as there are no rivers or lakes nearby. Therefore, Chichen Itza was built near two massive sinkholes to ensure water availability year-round. These sinkholes are called cenotes and have clean water in them ( cenotes are also one of the top tourist attractions of the Yucatán Peninsula ).

It Is Being Restored

  • Many restoration projects have kept Chichen Itza looking beautiful after all these years.

One thing most people find surprising about the buildings in Chichen Itza, particularly El Castillo, is the incredible condition it is in after all these centuries. This is due to the restoration projects headed by the Mexican government and some universities to ensure these structures stand the test of time.

Restoration efforts began in 1923 when Sylvanus Morley, an archaeologist, headed an expedition to the pyramid and realized it had suffered a great deal of decay. After gaining entrance to the pyramid, restoration efforts were started and continue to this day; due to this, El Castillo is stronger than ever.

It May Have Been Used For Sacrifices

  • Many believe that sinkholes surrounding Chichen Itza were used for sacrifices during times of heartache.

Next up on this list is a morbid fact about Chichen Itza, which is not entirely butterflies and rainbows. The Mayans were peaceful and smart people but also believed in curses and sacrifice to the gods they worshiped. The sinkholes mentioned above were frequently used for sacrifices during times of adversity, such as a drought or famine. The Mayans would choose a person to be sacrificed to the gods in hopes that this would bring them luck. In addition to sacrifices, the Mayans were also big fans of death penalties, which were gruesome and publicized to maintain order and spread fear.

It Isn't Entirely Mayan

  • The Chichen Itza was built in two stages: the pre-Classic and the latter period.

Next up is a fact that startles most people when they hear it, and it truly is shocking. Historians suggest that this famous Mayan community may not have been entirely Mayan, and that is true. The Chechen Itza was built in two stages, the pre-Classic and the latter period. The pre-Classic period was greatly influenced by the Mayans, but following an invasion of Toltecs in the 10th century, this all changed. As a matter of fact, the most iconic buildings of Chichen Itza, such as the Temple Pyramid El Castillo, may have been built by the Toltecs and not the Mayans.

There Are Smaller Pyramids Within

  • There is a smaller pyramid cluster hiding below the El Castillo.

Another fact to know about Chichen Itza is that while the huge pyramid of El Castillo looms at a whopping 98 feet , it is, in fact, hiding something beneath it. Within the pyramid are two smaller pyramids that stand at 65.5 feet and 33 feet. The smallest of the three pyramids is believed to have been built by the Mayans, as it features a unique Colombian-style architecture style. In contrast, the other pyramids have Mexican influences in them. Scientists are studying the smaller pyramid to learn more about the ways of the Mayans, as the ways of the Toltecs are shown on El Castillo with its carvings and sculptures.

Related: This Forgotten City Has The Tallest Mayan Pyramid (& Its Not Chichen Itza)

There Was A Death At The Itza

  • Tourists in modern times are not permitted to climb or even touch Chichen Itza.

Tourists at the Chichen Itza are frequently disappointed to know that they cannot climb to the top of the pyramid, and here is why. Until 2006 , tourists were allowed to climb to the top of El Castillo to gaze upon the sculptures at the top. That was until an American tourist stumbled on her way down and fell to her death. These accidents are increasingly common, and for this reason, the steps of El Castillo are restricted. In addition to providing an added layer of safety to tourists, this ensures the structure will not be damaged by the feet of hundreds of thousands of tourists climbing the steps.

That said, this Mayan pyramid in Mexico DOES allow climbing , so that's something to think about.

Chichen Itza's Glory Declined Mysteriously

  • The Mayans are said to have vanished sometime around the 14th century.

This once great empire met its sudden doom when the Mayans who once inhabited this land mysteriously left in the 14th century and never returned to it once again. The Chichen Itza was a symbol of perseverance and power to the Mayans, who had moved around, ravaged by warfare until settling in the Itza. Their civilization was one of the most advanced of its time. Still, it met its sudden end due to a series of issues, such as drought and famine. After the fall of Chichen Itza, the Mayans persevered in the North till the 16th century.

Chichen Itza Has The Largest Mayan Ballcourt

  • Chichen Itza is home to the largest Ballcourt known in Mesoamerica.

Much is not known about the Mayan Ballgame, but it would seem that for the Mayans, the game was more ritual in nature. The game was associated with human sacrifice, and the exact rules remain unknown (except it would seem players could only use their hips and thighs. Chichen Itza is home to the largest Ballcourt known in Mesoamerica .

Chichen Itza Has A Sacrificial Cenote

  • There is a sacred cenote at Chichen Itza, where sacrifices occur.

At Chichen Itza, visitors can find the Sacred Cenote . It is an ancient sinkhole that the Mayans believed was sacred. Numerous artifacts have been discovered at the bottom of this cenote, including things associated with sacrifice, like gold, jade, incense, and human bones. The human skeletons include warriors, children, and maidens. Also, at Chichen Itza, visitors can see the Mayan baths where sacrificial victims were ritually cleaned before their sacrifice.

Chichen Itza Is One Of The Most Touristic Mayan Sites

  • Chichen Itza remains one of the most popular Mayan sites in the world.

Chichen Itza is not only one of the most popular archeological sites in Mexico, but it is also likely the most popular Mayan archeological site in all of the ancient Mayan world. It is far from the only ancient Mayan city to have impressive ruins. Still, it is one of the most accessible and best known, and it benefits from being in Mexico (Tikal is remote in the jungle in Guatemala). Chichen Itza attracts around 2 million tourists every year.

15 Facts About Chichen Itza, One Of The 7 Wonders Of The World

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Get Your Guide negative[again... - Sat Mexico Tours

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Get Your Guide negative[again!] experience in Chichen Itza.

We booked a "skip the line entrance" with Get Your Guide. There was absolutely nothing to skip as we had to stand in line like anyone else after we had picked up our tickets. And they charged us double than a regular ticket on site. Do yourself a favor, get there early and it's a breeze. It's the second time we have such a bitter experience with GYG. Previous was a "gourmet" food tour in Rome which we thought would give us a different culinary angle we may otherwise be missing. It was a disgrace. The guide was unpleasant and we were served subbar food[undercooked pasta? - I'm a chef and know what Al Dente is...]. Never again Get Your Guide.

One of the best tours weve made so far ,, amazing places and views to see ,,, the staf treat us with respect !‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

Incredible experience! Martin and Cesar were hilarious and informative tour guides who I would recommend to anyone looking to experience Chichén Itzá and the Cenote. I couldn’t recommend this enough!! Por favor 🙏🏽

how much is chichen itza tour

The tour guides motto motto and Alfredo were amazing. The driver was skilled. But the downside, for a 12-hour tour we spent a whole a lot of time on the bus, less than 3 hours in Chichén Itzá, then less that 2 hours in Cenote, then 30 mins in Valladoli. The weather outside was extremely hot and the air conditioning on the bus wasn't great.

Miriam was our tour guide. She was absolutely amazing and we had so much fun. It was great to not worry about anything as Miriam had it all taken care of. She made sure we just focused on being comfortable and enjoying our trip

Danny (our driver) and Viktor (our tour guide) were the best! We went to Chichen Itza, Chichikan and Vallolid and they made the private tour fun and interesting. They even showed us the best place to eat tacos. Thank you, Viktor and Danny! You made our trip one of the memorable ones we've had.

how much is chichen itza tour


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  4. Chichen Itza: One of the Seven Wonders of the World

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  5. Tours a Chichen Itza, Yucatan

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  6. How much time should you spend at Chichen Itza?

    how much is chichen itza tour



  2. Chichen Itza Full Tour

  3. Chichen Itza: World’s Greatest Wonder?!

  4. DID YOU KNOW? 5 remarkable facts about the Chichen Itza! 1

  5. Chitzen Itza Mexico

  6. Travel to Chichen Itza In Yucatán Mexico #Shorts


  1. THE 10 BEST Chichen Itza Tours & Excursions

    2. Chichen Itza, Cenote & Valladolid Tour with Tequila and Lunch. 9,762. Historical Tours. 6+ hours. Chichen Itza is an ancient Maya city in Mexico that was abandoned in the 15th century. Now a UNESCO World Heritage-listed…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 94% of travelers.

  2. Chichen Itza Tickets

    Chichen Itza Opening Hours. Chichen Itza is open from Monday to Sunday. from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm *Last entry is at 4:00 pm *These prices are only valid for box office purchases. Unravel the wonders of Chichen Itza with our expert guides! Explore ancient pyramids and temples with insightful commentary. Book your Chichen Itza Tour Guide now for an ...

  3. Chichen Itza, Cancun

    During this full-day tour of Chichen Itza from Cancun, you'll travel comfortably in a restroom-equipped, air-conditioned vehicle, with hotel pickup and drop-off. Tours include lunch, a cenote swimming stop, admission tickets, and a visit to the Spanish-built town of Valladolid. 10 to 12 hours. Free Cancellation. from.

  4. Chichen Itza Tour

    Chichen Itza Tour. This is the classic Chichen Itza Tour that will take you to this beautiful Archaeological Site, One of the 7 Wonders of the world. 1 855 577 9836 [email protected] Mon-Sun: 8 AM - 5 PM +52 (998) 400 8543. TOURS. Chichen Itza Tour Classic; Chichen Itza Tour Plus;

  5. Compare the Chichen Itza Tours

    Check out How Much is a Tour to Chichen Itza. BOOK A TOUR. The Tour. The Date. Adults +-Children +-Close [email protected] Mon-Sun: 8 AM - 5 PM +52 (998) 400 8543. TOURS. Chichen Itza Tour Classic; Chichen Itza Tour Plus; Chichen Itza Tour Deluxe; Chichen Itza Tour Diamante; Private Chichen Itza Tour ...

  6. Full-Day Chichen Itza Cenote and Valladolid Tour from Cancun 2024

    Cancun, Riviera Maya & the Yucatan. Experience Chichén Itzá in one full day tour and visit a Cenote and Valladolid. 3. from $60.00. Special Offer. Cancun, Riviera Maya & the Yucatan. Full-Day Tour to Chichén Itzá from Cancun or Riviera. from $58.50. $65.00 $6.50 savings.

  7. Chichen Itza, Cenote and Valladolid All-Inclusive Tour

    Full-Day Chichen Itza Tour with Cenote Experience in Valladolid. 6. 11 hours. Free Cancellation. From. $36.90. Why you are seeing. Day Trips in Cancun: Check out 17967 reviews and photos of Viator's Chichen Itza, Cenote and Valladolid All-Inclusive Tour.

  8. The Ultimate Guide to Visiting Chichen Itza, Mexico

    How Much is the Entrance Fee to Chichen Itza? Ticket prices seem to go up every year at Chichen Itza, and adult entrance for the day now stands at $614 MXN. In comparison, the ruins at Palenque cost just $85 MXN for entrance. Still, $614 MXN is only around $35 USD to see a wonder of the ancient world.

  9. Best Chichen Itza Tour Tickets

    From $169 USD. Price per adult. Check Availability. Date & Time. Pickup. Hotel. Meeting Point. People. The best tickets to Chichen Itza with a tour of iconic Mayan ruins, includes a Yucatec buffet lunch, a swim in a cenote & pick-up from Cancun / Riviera Maya.

  10. Your Complete Guide to Visiting Chichén Itzá in 2024

    Best Chichen Itza tours and tickets for 2024. The Temple of Kukulkan . Many reputable travel companies operate in Mexico. Some of the best Chichen Itza tours from various starting points around the Yucatan are summarised below for your consideration.

  11. 13 BEST Chichen Itza Tours from Cancun

    This particular tour costs $341 USD per person and includes pick up from anywhere in Cancun as well as entrance fees, taxes, and charges! There are no hidden fees on this tour and you should book it online in advance. 13. Chichen Itza Deluxe Tour. El Castillo Pyramid at Chichen Itza, Mexico.

  12. These Tours Will Take You to Chichén Itzá

    Chichén Itzá Private Tour, Snorkeling Cenote and Valladolid. A full-day Chichen Itza tour that will also take you to Cenote Hubiku. View on Viator. Private and 9-10 hours long, this tour is the perfect option if you want to learn the most you can about Chichen Itza and avoid the crowds at the same time.

  13. 22 Things to KNOW Before Visiting Chichén Itzá

    From Cancun, you can take the ADO bus from the central bus station to Chichen Itza. The bus leaves around 8:45 am from Cancun and then departs Chichen Itza at 4:30 pm the same day. From Playa del Carmen, the ADO bus leaves at 8:10 am from the station on 5th Ave and departs Chichen Itza at 4 pm.

  14. Chichen Itza, Cenote and Valladolid All-Inclusive Tour

    2024 (Cancun) Chichen Itza, Cenote and Valladolid All-Inclusive Tour. Mexico. Yucatan Peninsula. Quintana Roo. Cancun.

  15. Ultimate Travel Guide to Chichén Itzá (2024)

    Table of Contents Guide to Chichén ItzáA trip to the beautiful Yucatán Peninsula would not be complete without a visit to the Mayan ruins of Chichén Itzá, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.Chichén Itzá was the primary cultural and ceremonial center of the Mayan civilization and has become one of Mexico's most-visited archaeological site ...

  16. 13 BEST Chichen Itza Tours from Playa del Carmen

    This tour is scheduled to last 8 hours, so you'll really see a lot in one day! All entrance fees, roundtrip transportation from Playa del Carmen, lunch, and drinks are included. This tour can be reserved online for $290 USD per person. 7. Chichen Itza including Cenote and Valladolid.

  17. Chichen Itza Full day tour with buffet 2024

    Cancun, Riviera Maya & the Yucatan. Full-Day Tour to Chichén Itzá from Cancun or Riviera. from $58.50. $65.00 $6.50 savings. Cancun, Riviera Maya & the Yucatan. Chichen Itza, Coba & Cenote with Buffet Lunch. 393. from $61.00. Price varies by group size.

  18. My HONEST Review of The Chichen Itza Day Trip Tour (2024)

    The Chichen Itza Tour is a full-day tour. Starting from around 7 am - 6 pm. However, times will vary slightly depending on how many people book on the tour and from which hotels they need picking up from.

  19. 7 Best Cancun Tours: Chichen Itza, Snorkeling & More

    Price: From $52. Duration: 12 hours. To beat the crowds at the ancient Mayan site of Chichén Itzá, this excursion starts at 6 a.m. After picking you up at your hotel, a bilingual guide leads the ...

  20. 11 Best Merida to Chichen Itza Tours in 2024

    Top 3 Picks: Merida to Chichen Itza Tours. The 11 Best Merida to Chichen Itza Tours. 1. Private Chichen Itza Ruins Tour & Cenote Ik-Kil Swim. 2. Chichen Itza, Izamal "The Yellow City," Cenote Saamal & Lunch. 3. Chichen Itza Night Tour & Light Show, Plus Izamal Visit. 4.

  21. Self-Guided Tour of Chichén Itzá: How to Visit Without a Tour!

    Chichén Itzá is one of the biggest Mayan cities, located in the Northern Yucatan peninsula of Mexico.It dates back to the pre-Columbian era, starting in around 400-550 CE (depending on the source). And the development of Chichén Itzá continued until the 10 th century.. According to the experts, some 35,000-50,000 people once lived here at any given time.

  22. BEST Guide to Visiting Chichen Itza On Your Own [2024]

    What are the Chichen Itza opening hours? Chichen Itza hours are from 8 am to 5 pm. The last tickets are sold at 4 pm. How much time to visit Chichen Itza? The average time spent at Chichen Itza is around 3 hours. Can you go to the Mayan ruins without a tour? Absolutely! You can visit Chichen Itza on your own without the need for a guided tour.

  23. Guided tour +Premium drinks

    The Deluxe Tour to Chichen Itza will provide you with all the perks of a classic Chichen Itza Tour, plus a box lunch in the morning. 1 855 577 9836 [email protected] Mon-Sun: 8 AM - 5 PM +52 (998) 400 8543. TOURS. Chichen Itza Tour Classic; Chichen Itza Tour Plus; Chichen Itza Tour Deluxe;

  24. 15 Facts About Chichen Itza, One Of The 7 Wonders Of The World

    There is a smaller pyramid cluster hiding below the El Castillo. Another fact to know about Chichen Itza is that while the huge pyramid of El Castillo looms at a whopping 98 feet, it is, in fact ...

  25. Chichen Itza Early Access Tour, Cenote & Lunch

    Chichen Itza and Cenote 1-day Tour from Cancun. 0. 7 to 8 hours. Free Cancellation. From. $267.00. Why you are seeing. Day Trips in Cancun: Check out 3719 reviews and photos of Viator's Chichen Itza Early Access Tour, Cenote & Lunch.

  26. Get Your Guide negative[again!] experience in Chichen Itza

    Sat Mexico Tours: Get Your Guide negative[again!] experience in Chichen Itza. - See 22,968 traveler reviews, 20 candid photos, and great deals for Cancun, Mexico, at Tripadvisor.

  27. The secrets of Maya child sacrifice at Chichén Itzá uncovered using

    The Maya civilisation was a Mesoamerican culture on the Yucatán peninsula in Mexico. The city of Chichén Itzá emerged at around 250 CE and ended in 1697 CE with the Spanish conquest of the ...

  28. Chichen Itza Private Tour plus Cenote and Valladolid Visit

    Chichen Itza & Ekbalam Tour with Cenote from Cancun. 2. from $73.00. Cancun, Riviera Maya & the Yucatan. Viator Exclusive: Tulum Ruins, Reef Snorkeling, Cenote and Caves. 3,546. from $119.00. Price varies by group size. Cancun, Riviera Maya & the Yucatan.

  29. Who were the victims of Maya sacrifice? Ancient DNA reveals an ...

    Boys were younger than 6 when they were sacrificed. The team behind the new study was able to extract and sequence ancient DNA from 64 out of around 100 individuals, whose remains were found scattered in a water chultún — an underground storage chamber discovered in 1967 about 400 meters (437 yards) from the sacred sinkhole in Chichén Itzá.