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Berawal dari Hotel Melati, Royal Safari Garden Kini Jadi Hotel Bintang 4 Terbaik di Puncak Bogor

Seiring berjalannya waktu, royal safari garden berkembang pesat dan menjadi hotel resort favorit keluarga di kawasan puncak, bogor..

Berawal dari Hotel Melati, Royal Safari Garden Kini Jadi Hotel Bintang 4 Terbaik di Puncak Bogor

TRIBUNNEWSBOGOR.COM - Siapa sangka, hotel bintang 4 Royal Safari Garden yang ada di Cisarua, Puncak Bogor dulunya hanya sebuah hotel melati .

Dibangun oleh pemilik Oriental Circus, Royal Safari Garden berdiri dengan nama awal Hotel Sari Asih tahun 1979.

Selanjutnya, pada tahun 1981 Hotel Sari Asih ditetapkan oleh Deparpostel sebagai hotel melati pertama yang menawarkan taman satwa kecil di Kawasan Wisata Puncak – Jawa Barat.

Manager Marketing Komunikasi Royal Safari Garden , Dian Sagita menjelaskan, awal mula Hotel Sari Asih hanya terdiri dari 8 unit Bungalow dengan luas lahan 2,5 Hektar, kemudian berkembang menjadi hotel bintang 4.

"Pada tahun 2010 Hotel Sari Asih berubah nama menjadi Royal Safari Garden Resort and Convention," jelasnya.

Pada tahun 2018 Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention kembali merubah nama menjadi Royal Safari Garden .

Seiring berjalannya waktu, Royal Safari Garden berkembang pesat dan menjadi hotel resort favorit keluarga di kawasan Puncak, Bogor.

Luasnya kini telah mencapai 14 hektar dengan penambahan berbagai fasilitas rekreasi dan edukasi yang menyenangkan.

Jumlah kamar pun bertambah hingga mencapai lebih dari 300 kamar.

Selama lebih dari 40 tahun berkarya dan berupaya menjadi yang terbaik di bidang industri perhotelan dan rekreasi liburan keluarga Indonesia.

Cerita demi cerita yang terukir di lahan seluas 14 hektar ini kian terajut menjadi sebuah kisah indah setiap keluarga Indonesia dari masa ke masa.

"Salah satu hal yang paling menggembirakan adalah berbagi kebahagiaan bersama orang-orang yang kita kasihi dan sayangi. Begitulah cara kerja kami, yang tidak pernah berhenti untuk selalu berinovasi serta menjadikan senyum puas para tamu, menjadi sebuah penghargaan yang pantas," kata Dian.

Dari tahun ke tahun Royal Safari Garden banyak mendapatkan penghargaan dari lembaga Pemerintah & Industri terkait.

Salah satunya Royal Safari Garden mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai Hotel Ramah Anak pada tahun 2019 dengan tingkat Platinum dari KPAI.

Royal Safari Garden

Hotel sari asih, kawasan wisata puncak, hotel melati, dian sagita.

75 Daftar Kosmetik Impor yang Mengandung Bahan Berbahaya menurut BPOM


Berita populer.


Mau Liburan Bareng Keluarga? Ke 3 Rekomendasi Tempat Wisata di Bogor Ini Deh, Banyak Wahana Bermain


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Label Plat Stainless Harga Terjangkau - Cilacap Jawa Tengah

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Royal Safari Garden Rayakan Anniversary ke-44 Tahun

Royal Safari Garden awalnya adalah hotel melati pertama yang menawarkan taman satwa

Royal Safari Garden merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke-44 tahun.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR -- Berawal dari pemilik Oriental Circus yang membangun penginapan bernama Tiga Dara pada 2 Februari 1979. Selanjutnya, pada 1981 berubah nama menjadi Hotel Sari Asih dan ditetapkan oleh Deparpostel sebagai hotel melati pertama yang menawarkan taman satwa kecil di Kawasan Wisata Puncak Bogor, Jawa Barat. Awal mulanya Hotel Sari Asih hanya terdiri dari delapan unit Bungalow dengan luas lahan 2,5 hektare.

Seiring berkembangnya zaman beberapa kali berubah nama, pada 1987 menjadi Safari Garden Hotel, terus berkembang menjadi hotel bintang 4 di tahun 1999. Kemudian di tahun 2010 menjadi Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention dan di tahun 2018 rebranding mengubah nama hotel sampai dengan sekarang menjadi Royal Safari Garden.

Royal Safari Garden kini memiliki luas lahan 14 hektare dan dengan 317 unit dari 374 room yang terdiri dari empat jenis Bungalow dan empat bangunan hotel. Royal Safari Garden dilengkapi fasilitas untuk bisnis seperti meeting room serta ditunjang dengan beragam fasilitas rekreasi dan animal encounter.

Selama lebih dari 40 tahun, Royal Safari terus berkarya dan berupaya menjadi yang terbaik di bidang industri perhotelan dan rekreasi liburan keluarga Indonesia. Perjalanan dari tahun ke tahun Royal Safari Garden untuk tetap memberikan yang terbaik di dunia perhotelan tidak lepas dari peran para pengunjung, direksi, managemen dan seluruh karyawan.


Tepat pada 2 Feberuari 2023 lalu, Royal Safari Garden memperingati anniversary yang ke-44 tahun dengan mengusung tagline “ We Find The Fun ”. Perayaan anniversary tahun ini dibalut dengan dekorasi bertemakan karnaval yang menyenangkan serta mempersembahkan rangkaian acara seru seperti live music, dance, animal show, dimana semua pengisi acara adalah karyawan. Juga ada Employee Appreciation (karyawan ter-rajin, best grooming and best performer ) pemilihan Best Employee of The Year 2022 dan doorprize.

Pencapaian di 2022 membuat Royal Safari Garden terus berinovasi untuk tahun 2023 dengan fasilitas/ project yang baru seperti Giraffe Feeding di area herbivore feeding , merenovasi/ redesign interior Gedung Leopard, produk baru Royal Fried Chicken, floating lunch di Pulau Reptil dan Bale Kambang serta pemasangan videotron di area depan hotel serta masih banyak proyek lainnya.

"Kami atas nama management Royal Safari Garden mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para pelanggan yang telah setia menjadi bagian dari perjalanan Royal Safari Garden. Sebagai salah satu unit dari Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) Group, Royal Safari Garden merupakan thematic resort yang memberikan liburan dengan edukasi satwa, rekreasi dan entertainment, hotel resort pilihan utama di Puncak," ujar Royal Safari dalam siaran persnya.

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Ramadhan Bernuansa Timur Tengah dengan Menu Khas Maroko di Royal Safari Garden

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Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Lobi Royal Safari Garden Resort  & Convention

Tentang Akomodasi

Fasilitas utama.

pemilik hotel royal safari garden

Kesan Menginap Tamu Lain

Tipe kamar yang tersedia di royal safari garden resort & convention, tampilkan harga.

pemilik hotel royal safari garden

Tidak ada kamar yang sesuai dengan pencarianmu

Info lokasi di sekitar royal safari garden resort & convention.

Lobi Royal Safari Garden Resort  & Convention

Lebih Lanjut tentang Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

akomodasi ini cukup mudah dijangkau karena berdekatan dengan fasilitas publik.

Tentang Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Menginap di Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention tak hanya memberikan kemudahan untuk mengeksplorasi destinasi petualangan Anda, tapi juga menawarkan kenyamanan bagi istirahat Anda.

Bagi Anda yang menginginkan kualitas pelayanan oke dengan harga yang ramah di kantong, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention adalah pilihan yang tepat. Karena meski murah, akomodasi ini menyediakan fasilitas memadai dan pelayanan yang tetap terjaga mutunya.

Jika Anda memiliki agenda kegiatan yang membutuhkan ruangan besar, maka Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention adalah pilihan yang tepat. Hotel ini memiliki ruang pertemuan yang luas dan dilengkapi dengan berbagai fasilitas penunjang.

Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention adalah tempat bermalam yang tepat bagi Anda yang berlibur bersama keluarga. Nikmati segala fasilitas hiburan untuk Anda dan keluarga.

Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention memberikan pengalaman menginap yang unik di dalam bangunan bersejarah yang sulit Anda temukan di tempat lain.

Jika Anda berniat menginap dalam jangka waktu yang lama, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention adalah pilihan tepat. Berbagai fasilitas yang tersedia dan kualitas pelayanan yang baik akan membuat Anda merasa sedang berada di rumah sendiri.

akomodasi ini adalah pilihan yang pas jika Anda mencari liburan yang tenang dan jauh dari keramaian.

Pengalaman menginap Anda tak akan terlupakan berkat pelayanan istimewa yang disertai oleh berbagai fasilitas pendukung untuk kenyamanan Anda.

Pusat kebugaran menjadi salah satu fasilitas yang wajib Anda coba saat menginap di tempat ini.

Tersedia kolam renang untuk Anda bersantai sendiri maupun bersama teman dan keluarga.

Resepsionis siap 24 jam untuk melayani proses check-in, check-out dan kebutuhan Anda yang lain. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi resepsionis, kami siap melayani Anda.

Terdapat restoran yang menyajikan menu lezat ala Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention khusus untuk Anda.

WiFi tersedia di seluruh area publik properti untuk membantu Anda tetap terhubung dengan keluarga dan teman.

Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention adalah akomodasi dengan fasilitas baik dan kualitas pelayanan memuaskan menurut sebagian besar tamu.

Pengalaman berkesan dan tak terlupakan akan Anda dapatkan selama menginap di akomodasi Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention.

Semua Fasilitas di Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Kolam Renang Royal Safari Garden Resort  & Convention

Fasilitas Publik

  • Area parkir
  • Layanan kamar 24 jam
  • Restoran untuk sarapan
  • Restoran untuk makan malam
  • Restoran untuk makan siang
  • Layanan kamar
  • WiFi di area umum

pemilik hotel royal safari garden

Servis Hotel

  • Concierge/layanan tamu
  • Resepsionis 24 jam
  • Keamanan 24 jam
  • Penitipan bagasi
  • Staff multibahasa
  • Surat kabar di lobby
  • Surat kabar

pemilik hotel royal safari garden

  • Kamar dengan pintu penghubung
  • Area bebas asap rokok
  • Ruang santai
  • Teras rooftop

pemilik hotel royal safari garden

Olahraga & Rekreasi

  • Bersepeda atau bersepeda gunung
  • Pusat kebugaran
  • Ruangan game
  • Tunggang kuda
  • Tennis meja

pemilik hotel royal safari garden

Kegiatan Lainnya

  • Area main anak
  • Acara hiburan anak
  • Aktivitas outdoor
  • Kolam renang outdoor
  • Area piknik

pemilik hotel royal safari garden

Makanan dan Minuman

  • Makan malam dari menu
  • Makan siang dari menu
  • Sarapan prasmanan
  • Makanan vegetarian

pemilik hotel royal safari garden

Fasilitas Terdekat

  • Toko oleh-oleh
  • Mini market
  • Laundry Swadaya
  • Supermarket

pemilik hotel royal safari garden

Fasilitas Kamar

  • Brankas kamar

pemilik hotel royal safari garden

Fasilitas Bisnis

  • Fasilitas bisnis
  • Ruang rapat
  • Fasilitas rapat

Fasilitas Ramah Keluarga

  • Kolam renang anak

pemilik hotel royal safari garden


  • Penyewaan sepeda
  • Parkir berjaga

pemilik hotel royal safari garden


  • Peralatan bagi penyandang disabilitas
  • Aksesibel bagi penyandang disabilitas

pemilik hotel royal safari garden


  • Fasilitas komputer/internet
  • WiFi gratis

pemilik hotel royal safari garden

Anak-anak dan Hewan Peliharaan

  • Penitipan anak

Kebijakan Akomodasi & Informasi Umum di Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Waktu check-in/check-out.

pemilik hotel royal safari garden

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pemilik hotel royal safari garden

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Book Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Entrance, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention in Puncak

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Leopard Executive Room - Bed, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention in Puncak

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Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

In addition to the standard of Indonesia Care, all guests get free Wi-Fi in all rooms and free parking if arriving by car. Conveniently situated in the Cisarua part of Puncak, this property puts you close to attractions and interesting dining options. Don't leave before paying a visit to the famous Taman Wisata Matahari. Rated with 4 stars, this high-quality property provides guests with access to restaurant, fitness center and outdoor pool on-site.

Hygiene Plus

380 meters to Pasar Cisarua

  • Check-in [24-hour]

Great Breakfast

pemilik hotel royal safari garden

Indonesia Care

Certifies impeccable cleanliness, hygiene, and contactless safety practices

  • Bicycle rental
  • Shuttle service

Free Wi-Fi in all rooms!

  • Swimming pool [outdoor]
  • Front desk [24-hour]
  • Luggage storage

This property is in high demand!

18 travelers have booked today.

8.4 Excellent

6,164 reviews

8.9 Excellent

Location rating score

Rooms available at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

  • Room size: 24 m²/258 ft²
  • 2 single beds
  • Room size: 60 m²/646 ft²
  • Garden view
  • 1 queen bed & 2 single beds...
  • Room size: 28 m²/301 ft²
  • Room size: 40 m²/431 ft²
  • 2 single beds & 2 single be...
  • Non-smoking
  • Room size: 20 m²/215 ft²
  • Balcony/terrace
  • Room size: 30 m²/323 ft²

Frequently asked questions

Does Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention have bars on the premises?

Delight in your holiday the best way with a drink in your hand at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention's bar available right in front of your doorstep for when you need a drink or two.

What kind of non-water sports and outdoor activities are accessible at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention?

Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention features non-water sport and outdoor activities such as horse riding, and bicycle rental for you to delight in while staying here.

Are there ATM on-site at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention?

Yes! The benefits of staying at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention include an on-site ATM, providing guest visitors with easy access point for cash withdrawal and remaining worry-free throughout your trip.

When was Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention built?

Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention was built in 1989.

How many rooms does Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention have?

Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention has a total of 310 rooms.

What was the average room rate for Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention been in the past month?

The average room rate for Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention in the past month is 1277041.4 IDR, compared to city's average of 947144.49 IDR.

What is the verified guest review consensus about Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention's view?

79.0% of our past customer reviews have given an optimistic review and responses about this property's view. You can look up on more detailed customer reviews, and comments for Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention down in the review section.

What is the verified guest review consensus about Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention's wellness amenities?

63.0% of our past visitor evaluations have given a positive appraisal and comments about this property's wellness amenities. You can look up on more detailed customer reviews, and comments for Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention down in the review section.

What is the typical rating that verified Families with young children have given to Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention?

Verified families with young children that have stayed at this property have given Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention an average rating of 8.4. You can look up more specific customer ratings and remarks by filtering for a specific type of verified travelers down in the review section.

What is the typical rating that verified Group travelers have given to Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention?

Past group travelers that have stayed at this property have given Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention an average rating of 8.3. You can check out more detailed customer evaluations and comments by filtering for a specific type of verified travelers down in the review section.

What well-known natural sightseeing spots are close to Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention?

Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention is located within Cisarua, which makes it conveniently close to natural points of interest including Cilember Waterfalls and Curug Panjang Waterfall.

More about Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

More about Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

Experience a Wild Adventure at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention Escape to the enchanting world of Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention , a 4-star hotel nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Puncak, Indonesia. With its unique safari-themed concept, this extraordinary resort offers an unforgettable experience that combines luxury, wildlife, and adventure. Boasting a total of 310 well-appointed rooms, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention provides a comfortable and stylish retreat for every guest. Each room is thoughtfully designed with modern amenities and tasteful decor, ensuring a relaxing stay. Whether you choose a cozy Deluxe Room or indulge in the spaciousness of a Suite, you can expect a tranquil atmosphere and breathtaking views of the surrounding greenery. Conveniently located just 77.00 Km from the city center, this hotel offers a peaceful oasis away from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Built in 1989 and last renovated in 2013, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention seamlessly blends traditional charm with contemporary elegance. The hotel's proximity to the airport, with a travel time of approximately 120 minutes, makes it easily accessible for both domestic and international travelers. Unwind and Indulge in Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention 's Entertainment Facilities At Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention in Puncak, Indonesia, you'll find a wide array of entertainment facilities designed to ensure a memorable and enjoyable stay. Whether you're looking to relax, have fun, or shop for souvenirs, this resort has it all. Start your day by exploring the charming shops located within the resort. From trendy boutiques to local artisan stores, you'll find a variety of unique items to take home as a memento of your stay. Afterward, head to the bar and indulge in refreshing beverages while enjoying the lush garden views. The bar offers a relaxed and vibrant atmosphere, perfect for unwinding after a day of adventure. For those looking for some friendly competition, the games room is the place to be. Challenge your friends or family to a game of pool, foosball, or table tennis. The games room is equipped with a range of entertainment options to keep guests of all ages entertained for hours. And if you're in search of the perfect gift, make sure to visit the gift/souvenir shop. Here, you'll find a wide selection of unique and locally-made items that are sure to impress. Unleash Your Inner Athlete at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention At Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention in Puncak, Indonesia, sports enthusiasts will find a haven of exciting activities to keep them active and entertained throughout their stay. The resort boasts an impressive array of sports facilities that cater to all interests and skill levels. For those looking to maintain their fitness routine while on vacation, the resort offers a well-equipped fitness center where guests can engage in a variety of exercises and workouts. From cardio machines to free weights, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Water sports enthusiasts will be delighted to find a wide range of non-motorized water activities available at the resort. Guests can take a refreshing dip in the outdoor pool or try their hand at fishing in the serene pond. For a friendly competition, the table tennis facilities provide the perfect setting to showcase your skills. For a unique and memorable experience, guests can explore the resort's horse riding facilities. Whether you are a seasoned equestrian or a beginner, the trained staff will ensure a safe and enjoyable ride through the picturesque surroundings. Badminton enthusiasts can indulge in their favorite sport at the resort's dedicated badminton court, while those looking for a more relaxed game can take a swing at the mini golf course. Younger guests will have a blast at the water park, where they can splash around and have fun on the various slides and water attractions. With its impressive range of sports facilities, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention is the perfect destination for sports lovers seeking an active and enjoyable getaway. Whether you prefer a challenging workout, a thrilling water adventure, or a friendly game, this resort has it all. Convenience Facilities at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention At Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention in Puncak, Indonesia, guests can enjoy a wide range of convenience facilities that cater to their every need. The hotel offers 24-hour room service, ensuring that guests can indulge in delicious meals at any time of the day or night. The laundry service and dry cleaning options make it easy for guests to keep their clothes fresh and clean throughout their stay. For added convenience, the hotel provides safety deposit boxes to keep guests' valuables secure, as well as a concierge service to assist with any inquiries or requests. Wi-Fi is available in public areas and in all rooms, allowing guests to stay connected and browse the internet effortlessly. Additionally, the hotel offers a designated smoking area for guests who smoke, ensuring a comfortable environment for everyone. Luggage storage is available for guests who need to store their belongings, and a convenience store is conveniently located on-site for any last-minute purchases. With daily housekeeping, guests can expect their rooms to be well-maintained and tidy throughout their stay. Convenient Transport Facilities at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention At Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention , guests can enjoy a range of convenient transport facilities that make exploring Puncak, Indonesia, a breeze. Whether you're looking to embark on exciting tours or simply need a hassle-free way to get around, this resort has got you covered. For those traveling by car, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention offers a spacious and secure car park onsite. Best of all, the car park is free of charge, allowing guests to park their vehicles with ease and peace of mind. Additionally, the resort provides a shuttle service, making it convenient for guests to travel to nearby attractions and landmarks. Whether you want to visit the stunning Taman Safari Indonesia or explore the beautiful Puncak Tea Plantation, the shuttle service ensures a comfortable and stress-free journey. If you prefer to leave the driving to someone else, the resort also offers a taxi service. With just a phone call, guests can easily arrange for a taxi to pick them up and take them to their desired destination. This service is perfect for those who want to explore the area without the hassle of navigating unfamiliar roads. Furthermore, the resort's ticket service allows guests to conveniently purchase tickets for various attractions and activities, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience during their stay. Whether you're traveling by car or prefer to leave the driving to someone else, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention 's transport facilities provide convenience and peace of mind. With a spacious car park, shuttle service, taxi service, and ticket service, guests can easily explore the wonders of Puncak, Indonesia, without any transportation worries. Luxurious Room Facilities at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention Indulge in the ultimate comfort and luxury at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention in Puncak, Indonesia. Each room is thoughtfully designed to provide a memorable stay, with an array of top-notch facilities to cater to your every need. Unwind and relax in front of the television, as you catch up on your favorite shows or watch the latest blockbuster movies. The rooms are equipped with a high-quality television, ensuring that you have a wide selection of entertainment options at your fingertips. Quench your thirst or enjoy a refreshing drink from the well-stocked mini bar in your room. It offers a variety of beverages, including soft drinks, juices, and alcoholic options, allowing you to relax and unwind without having to leave the comfort of your room. Step out onto your very own balcony or terrace and take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding lush greenery. The balcony/terrace provides the perfect spot to enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning or a glass of wine in the evening, while immersing yourself in the serene ambiance. Stay connected and entertained with the satellite/cable TV in your room. Enjoy a wide range of channels and programs, ensuring that there is always something to suit your taste and keep you entertained throughout your stay. Experience the epitome of luxury and comfort at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention , where every room is equipped with top-notch facilities to ensure a memorable and enjoyable stay. Indulge in a Gastronomic Adventure at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention At Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention , guests can embark on a culinary journey like no other. With a wide range of dining facilities available, there is something to satisfy every palate. Start your day with a scrumptious breakfast buffet, offering a variety of options from continental classics to local delicacies. For those seeking a quick caffeine fix or a light snack, the coffee shop is the perfect spot to relax and recharge. When hunger strikes, guests can choose from the resort's diverse selection of restaurants. Whether you're craving Indonesian cuisine, international dishes, or halal options, the resort has it all. Indulge in the flavors of traditional Indonesian dishes at the halal restaurant, where every bite is a burst of authentic flavors. For a more casual dining experience, guests can also take advantage of the convenient 24-hour room service or explore the shared kitchen facilities to prepare their own meals. With daily housekeeping ensuring a clean and comfortable dining environment, and the option of grocery deliveries for those who prefer to cook in the comfort of their own room, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention truly caters to every culinary need. Whether you're a food enthusiast or simply looking for a satisfying meal, the dining facilities at this resort are sure to leave you craving for more. Luxurious and Spacious Rooms at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention Experience the ultimate comfort and luxury at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention with its wide range of beautifully designed rooms. From the 2-Bedroom Grand Deluxe Lion Themed Room to the 3-Bedroom Royal Grand Deluxe Elephant Themed Room, each room offers a unique and immersive experience. The Executive Twin Room and Giraffe Executive Room provide a cozy and tranquil ambiance, while the Grand Deluxe Giraffe Themed Room and Grand Deluxe Twin Room offer a perfect blend of comfort and style. For those seeking a contemporary and elegant setting, the New Deluxe and Panda Executive Room are the ideal choices. Book your stay at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention on Agoda and enjoy the best prices and a hassle-free experience. Discover the Enchanting Charm of Cisarua in Puncak, Indonesia Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Puncak, Indonesia, lies the enchanting town of Cisarua. Surrounded by lush green mountains and breathtaking valleys, Cisarua offers a serene and tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. One of the main attractions in Cisarua is the Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention , a true oasis of relaxation and adventure. This sprawling resort is set within a vast botanical garden, where guests can immerse themselves in the beauty of nature. From the moment you step foot into the resort, you will be greeted by the sight of exotic animals roaming freely in their natural habitats. Cisarua is also known for its tea plantations, where visitors can take a leisurely stroll through the lush green fields and learn about the tea-making process. For those seeking a thrilling experience, a visit to the Taman Safari Indonesia is a must. This wildlife park offers an up-close encounter with various animal species, including lions, tigers, elephants, and more. Whether you're looking for a peaceful retreat or an exciting adventure, Cisarua in Puncak, Indonesia has something for everyone. With its stunning natural beauty and a wide range of attractions, this charming town is the perfect destination for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts alike. Traveling to Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention from Nearby Airports Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention , located in Cisarua, Puncak, Indonesia, offers a magnificent getaway amidst lush greenery and exotic wildlife. To reach this enchanting destination from the nearest airports, travelers have a few convenient options. For those arriving at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta, the most common choice is to take a private car or taxi to Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention . The journey takes approximately 2-3 hours, depending on traffic conditions. Alternatively, guests can opt for a more adventurous experience by taking a shared minivan or a public bus from the airport to Bogor, and then continue the journey to Puncak by hiring a local taxi or using ride-hailing services like Grab. Another option for travelers is to fly into Husein Sastranegara International Airport in Bandung. From there, the resort is about a 2-hour drive away. Taxis and car rentals are readily available at the airport, providing a comfortable and hassle-free transfer to Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention . Upon arrival at the resort, guests will be greeted by its charming ambiance and extensive facilities. The resort offers a range of accommodations, from cozy rooms to spacious villas, all designed to provide comfort and relaxation. Guests can explore the resort's vast grounds, which include a safari park, water park, and a variety of recreational activities. With its picturesque surroundings and excellent amenities, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention promises a memorable stay for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. Discover the Natural Beauty and Cultural Delights around Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Puncak, Indonesia, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention offers a perfect gateway to explore the surrounding landmarks and attractions. Just a short distance away, you will find Taman Wisata Matahari, a vibrant amusement park that promises fun-filled adventures for the whole family. From thrilling rides to entertaining shows, this park is a must-visit for those seeking excitement and laughter. For nature enthusiasts, the nearby Cilember Waterfalls and Curug Cilember offer a serene escape into the lush greenery of Puncak. Immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of cascading water and marvel at the picturesque beauty of these waterfalls. Additionally, the Cimory Mountain View and Cimory Riverside provide breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, making them perfect spots to relax and rejuvenate. If you're interested in immersing yourself in the local culture, a visit to Pasar Cisarua is a must. This bustling market offers a variety of local produce, handicrafts, and traditional snacks, allowing you to experience the vibrant atmosphere and flavors of Indonesia. For a unique experience, head to The Ranch, a Western-themed attraction where you can ride horses, enjoy cowboy shows, and even try your hand at archery. With its convenient location and proximity to these remarkable landmarks and attractions, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention ensures an unforgettable stay filled with exploration and discovery. Indulge in a Culinary Adventure At Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention , you'll have a wide array of dining options right at your doorstep. From traditional Indonesian cuisine to international delights, there is something to satisfy every palate. Start your day with a delicious breakfast at Damar Langit Resort or Warung Sunda Malayang, where you can savor authentic local dishes and experience the rich flavors of the region. For a taste of traditional Indonesian satay, head to Warung Sate Pak H. Kadir 1 or Warung Sate Pak Haji Kadir 2, where you can enjoy juicy skewers of grilled meat marinated in a flavorful blend of spices. If you're in the mood for some seafood, Sindbad Restaurant offers a delectable selection of fresh catches prepared to perfection. Craving some mouthwatering chicken dishes? Look no further than Laila Ayam Penyet Puncak, where you can indulge in their signature crispy fried chicken. With such a diverse range of culinary options, your taste buds are in for a treat during your stay at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention . Affordable Luxury at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention Experience the best of Puncak without breaking the bank at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention . With an average price of $73 per room, this stunning resort offers exceptional value for money compared to the average price of a hotel room in Puncak, which stands at $79. At Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention , you can indulge in a luxurious stay without compromising on quality or comfort. Immerse yourself in the lush greenery of Puncak while enjoying world-class amenities and impeccable service. Each room is elegantly designed and equipped with modern conveniences, ensuring a relaxing and memorable stay. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention offers a range of room options to suit every budget and preference. From cozy and well-appointed standard rooms to spacious and luxurious suites, there's something for everyone. So why settle for an average hotel room in Puncak when you can experience affordable luxury at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention ? Book your stay now and create unforgettable memories in this enchanting destination. Exceptional Service and Family-Friendly Atmosphere Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention in Puncak, Indonesia, is renowned for its exceptional service and family-friendly atmosphere. The hotel staff is friendly, helpful, and goes above and beyond to ensure a perfect stay for their guests. The rooms are immaculately clean, providing a comfortable and cozy retreat. With a wide range of facilities, including a large swimming pool and a mini golf course, there is no shortage of activities to keep both kids and adults entertained. The hotel's location is ideal for relaxation, offering fresh air and a serene ambiance. Guests also rave about the delicious food served at the hotel's restaurants, adding to the overall delightful experience at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention . A Memorable Stay at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention in Puncak, Indonesia, is a truly remarkable destination that has garnered positive customer reviews across various aspects. With an impressive overall rating of 8.4, this resort offers an exceptional experience that leaves guests wanting for more. The stunning natural surroundings and the wide range of facilities available make it a perfect choice for travelers seeking a memorable stay. One of the standout features of Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention is its excellent value for money, with a rating of 8.1. Guests appreciate the affordable rates coupled with the high-quality amenities and services provided. From spacious and comfortable rooms to the extensive range of recreational activities, guests feel that they are getting great value for their money. Furthermore, the resort's facilities have received a remarkable rating of 8.8, highlighting the abundance of options available to guests. Whether it's the thrilling Safari Park, where guests can embark on an exciting animal encounter, or the relaxing swimming pools and spa, there is something for everyone. The resort's commitment to providing a diverse range of facilities ensures that guests are constantly engaged and entertained throughout their stay. While the food and dining aspect of the resort received a rating of 6.3, the other aspects more than make up for it. The cleanliness of the resort is highly praised, with a rating of 8.0, ensuring that guests can enjoy a hygienic and comfortable environment. The convenient location, with a rating of 8.9, allows guests to explore the beautiful surroundings and nearby attractions easily. The staff performance at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention is also highly regarded, with a rating of 8.3. Guests appreciate the friendly and attentive service provided by the staff, who go above and beyond to ensure a pleasant and memorable stay. Overall, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention is a top-rated destination that offers excellent value for money, a wide range of facilities, and exceptional staff performance. Whether you are seeking adventure, relaxation, or a family-friendly getaway, this resort is sure to exceed your expectations and create lasting memories.

Amenities and facilities

84 mentions


38 mentions

Food & Dining

28 mentions

Swimming Pool

24 mentions

Languages spoken


  • Wheelchair accessible

Internet access

  • Wi-Fi in public areas

Things to do, ways to relax

  • Badminton court
  • Fitness center
  • Horseback riding
  • Mini golf course
  • Table tennis
  • Ticket services
  • Water sports (non-motorized)

Cleanliness and safety

  • Body thermometer
  • Cashless payment service
  • Daily disinfection in all rooms
  • Daily disinfection in common areas
  • Doctor/nurse on call
  • Face coverings on staff
  • First aid kit
  • Guest rooms seal after sanitization
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Physical distancing of at least 1 meter
  • Protective screens in common areas
  • Rooms sanitized between stays
  • Safe dining setup
  • Shared stationery removed
  • Sterilizing equipment
  • Temperature check for guests and staff

Dining, drinking, and snacking

  • Breakfast [buffet]
  • Breakfast [continental]
  • Coffee shop
  • Grocery delivery
  • Restaurant [halal]
  • Restaurants

Room service [24-hour]

  • Shared kitchen

Services and conveniences

Cash withdrawal.

  • Contactless check-in/out

Convenience store

Daily housekeeping

  • Dry cleaning
  • Facilities for disabled guests
  • Food delivery
  • Gift/souvenir shop
  • Laundry service
  • Meeting/banquet facilities
  • Postal service
  • Safety deposit boxes
  • Smoking area

For the kids

  • Babysitting service
  • Family room
  • Swimming pool [kids]
  • Exterior corridor
  • Pets allowed
  • Security [24-hour]

Getting around

  • Car park [free of charge]
  • Car park [nearby]
  • Car park [on-site]
  • Taxi service

Sports equipment rental

Available in all rooms.

  • Free bottled water
  • TV [flat screen]
  • Wi-Fi [free]

Food and dining

  • Continental
  • Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport (HLP) 46.2 km
  • Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (CGK) 68.6 km

Hospital or clinic

  • RS Paru Dr. M. Goenawan Partowidigdo 1.4 km
  • ATM on-site

What's nearby

Popular landmarks.

  • Cilember Waterfalls 2.1 km
  • Warung Kaleng 2.6 km
  • Taman Wisata Matahari 3.0 km
  • Curug Panjang Waterfall 3.9 km
  • At-Ta'Awun Mosque 6.5 km
  • Gunung Geulis Golf Course 10.1 km
  • Mount Gede Pangrango National Park 11.0 km
  • Little Venice Kota Bunga 12.2 km
  • Istana Cipanas 13.5 km
  • Cigentis Waterfall 27.4 km

Nearby landmarks

  • Pasar Cisarua 380 m
  • Curug Cilember 2.7 km
  • The Ranch 2.9 km
  • Cimory Riverside 3.9 km
  • Cimory Mountain View 3.9 km

Property policies

Children and extra beds.

Extra beds are dependent on the room you choose. Please check the individual room capacity for more details.

All children are welcome.

  • When booking more than 5 rooms, different policies and additional supplements may apply.

Some helpful facts


  • Check-in from :  15:00
  • Check-out until :  12:00
  • Reception open until :  12:00
  • Distance from city center :  77.00 Km
  • Travel time to airport (minutes) :  120
  • Breakfast charge (unless included in room price) :  138000 IDR
  • Daily Internet/Wi-Fi fee :  0 IDR

The property

  • Number of bars/lounges :  1
  • Number of restaurants :  2
  • Number of rooms :  310
  • Room voltage :  220
  • Year property opened :  1989
  • Most recent renovation :  2013

Reviews of Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention from real guests

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"Liburan yang menyenangkan" translates to "Enjoyable vacation" in English.”

I was overall happy spending 2 days at Royal Safari Garden. There are many play areas with lots of animals, so the kids were very happy. The location is strategic, close to everywhere and not too far from Bogor city. The room was very comfortable, I stayed in the Leopard room which I liked the most because there was a carpet on the floor, making it safe for my 1-year-old who just started walking. There are many food options in the restaurant, but the taste is just okay. The most enjoyable part is being able to eat while watching the animals. This is especially attractive for my kids, they were able to eat peacefully. I highly recommend this hotel for families with young children because it is very kids friendly.

Dear Ibu Dian, Terima kasih telah menyempatkan waktu memberikan Feedback yang sangat positif. Kami sangat gembira mendengar pengalaman menyenangkan selama menginap. Kami berharap dapat berjumpa kembali dalam waktu dekat. Salam hangat, Royal Safari Garden.

Good staycation and many facilities for children and big family”

I have booked a cendrawasih room. Then, added with a tiger room because more family will join. The hotel staff then gave complement to upgrade our rooms to become 2 tiger rooms, and have the connecting room. The room is clean. We are so pleased with the facilities like wara wiri car, pool, animal show and ambience in the morning was so good. Near also with the food street. Need to add more promos and more lighting in room. Over all is good. Thank you

Dear Mrs. Lydiawati, Thank you for taking time give us Positive Feedback. We glad to hear you had a wonderful stay with us, especialy about our facilities. We looking forward to welcoming you back at Royal Safari Garden. Kind Regards, Royal Safari Garden.

Great experience for holiday with your toddler”

Perfect place for spend the holiday time with your lovely family. A lil' complaint from me about the bed but they can overcome with best solution. I am satisfied with the services especially for Kak Aurel, Kak Habibah dan Kak Rezi. Thank you for the kindness. I will come back again for sure insya Allah.

Dear Mrs. Errisa, Greeting from Royal Safari Garden. Thank you for taking the time to give us valuable feedback. We are delighted to read that you enjoyed and detailed following your recent family stay with us. Once again, we appreciate your choosing Royal Safari Garden and we look forward to welcoming you back soon! best regards, Dody Saputro Hotel Cluster Manager Royal Safari Garden & Safari Resort

Panda Hotel”

Satisfied with the services. Quick checked in (around 10 mins) at 8pm with a friendly staff (it was only him maybe that's because his night shift). He also told me about the area, services and discount if we want to go to Safari the next day. I was booking this room with a note and everything is kindly fulfilled. Room service to book and deliver dinner to our room is also good, the packaging is really safe. Payment method is optional, you can pay with cash or EDC. Things that bothered us as a couple is we're having connecting door and the room wasn't soundproof. I can hear our neighbor's alarm at 4.30am and other guest talked in the hallway. Overall is good and I can't wait to have another staycation at Royal Safari Garden. :)

Best family staycation ”

We had a great 1 night stay at the Giraffe Room , Royal Safari Garden Resort. The kids really love all the recreations available at the resort. It is conveniently located at the main road near the convenience stores and lots of eateries. The room is clean and the staffs are all friendly.

Dear Mrs. Nurizyan, Thank you for taking time give us positive feedback. We are glad to hear you had a wonderful stay with us, especialy about facilities & our friendly staff. We looking forward to welcoming you. Kind Regards, Royal Safari Garden.

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pemilik hotel royal safari garden

Executive Leopard Royal Safari Garden Puncak Bogor

Special Discount for Taman Safari Ticket.

Wide display of living animals and water park located in a wooden Land of 14Ha with wide variety of recreational activities.

Located in Cisarua within a wooden park of 14Ha, Royal Safari Garden Resort and Convention offers a wide display of living animals and activities ranging from Dewi Kinaris Bird Park,Terarium American Fish, Rabbit playground,Hydroponic garden and a lot of recreational activities starting from The Splash waterpark ,bumper Cars, mini Train, Paddle Boat, a mini golf course. Many ride available for children and adult such as pony, Elephant and camel rides. Guests can enjoy the Fishing pond & children playground to experience moments of leisure.

pemilik hotel royal safari garden

Executive Leopard, a room with modern and cozy African feel with mountain views where you can find tranquility indoors and feel the breeze from the balcony. Located on 1st, 2nd & 3rd floor in the Leopard hotel building. This room size is 24m2 close to the reptile island, fishing area, and recreation area.while rooms are twin beds (100 cm x 200 cm) or double beds (180 cm x 200 cm) and equipped with 32 Inch LCD TV, safe deposit box an additional extra bed or baby cot is available upon request.

  • Twin bed (100 cm X 200 cm) / Double bed (180 cm x 200 cm)
  • 24 Square Meters
  • Air Condition
  • Spacious Showers
  • Bathroom amenities
  • Complimentary soft drink, bottled water, plunger coffee and tea.
  • Connecting doors available

All in one Ticket IDR 175.000,- for enjoying 10 recreation activities.

Special Promotions

pemilik hotel royal safari garden

Hotel «Glenver Garden» Moscow

The ideal location, spacious and stylish rooms allow the hotel to offer the best conditions for business trips, travel and family holidays.

The hotel is located 1 minute from the metro and Paveletsky train station (Aeroexpress to Domodedovo airport). Next to the hotel there is a landscaped park and the Paveletskaya Plaza shopping complex. Moscow\'s main attractions such as Red Square, TSUM, Zaryadye Park and the Historical Museum are just 2 metro stations away.

Our guests have 230 rooms, a club lounge, a fitness club, a business center, a restaurant of Russian and European cuisine THE Garden, modern and multifunctional conference rooms for events of various formats.


Standard Single Room

Area: 23 m 2

Capacity: x 1

Standard Single Room

A stylish double room with one large bed of 24 sq.m. with a view of the picturesque courtyard of the hotel or the streets of the city.

Standard Double Room

Area: 24 m 2

Capacity: x 2

Standard Double Room

A comfortable room with two separate beds and a view of the picturesque courtyard of the hotel or the streets of the city.

Junior Suite

Junior Suite

The Junior Suite rooms are located on the highest floors of the hotel and will pleasantly surprise our guests with stunning views


Area: 42 m 2

Luxury Club rooms ranging from 41 to 49 sq.m. with modern design and spacious living room

Special offers

The best price of the day

The best price of the day

The best rate

The best rate

Lounge area

Lounge area

Room service

Room service

Business Center

Business Center

Fitness Center

Fitness Center

Accommodation with pets

Accommodation with pets

The Bering Hall

The Bering Hall

Address: 115114, Russia, Moscow, Kozhevnicheskaya street, 4

GPS Coordinates: 55.730109186513,37.642444318771

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pemilik hotel royal safari garden

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Radisson Royal Hotel

Moscow, Russia

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Photo of Radisson Royal Hotel

“Magnificent five star hotel set in of Stalin's 'Seven Sisters' that punctuate the Moscow skyline. Opulence personified with palatial rooms, a lavish spa and an incredible panoramic skybar. The perfect sanctuary to escape to after a day's exploring Moscow, and a superb location right on the river.”

Hotel Rooms

Hotel review, recommended for.

  • Local exploring
  • Easy access to all of Moscow's highlights
  • Other Activities
  • The hotel operates a fleet of seven river boats. Book a two hour tour and see the city from a different perspective.
  • Palatial rooms are decorated in classic style and offer fantastic city or river views
  • Sights nearby
  • Two miles from The Kremlin and Red Square, easily accessible via the Moscow Metro.
  • The self-catering serviced apartments make a good alternative for family groups.
  • Visit Russia's world famous National Space Museum.
  • Close to nightlife
  • Easy access to central Moscow nightlife.
  • Short break
  • Five different on site restaurants to choose from with Russian, Middle Eastern and International cuisine to choose from.
  • Self catering to rent
  • The hotel also offer one or two bedroom serviced apartments which are perfect for families or those on a longer stay.
  • Book a room in one of the upper floors and you'll be guaranteed a stunning river or city view.
  • Family Suites
  • Sit-out Terrace
  • Good wine list
  • Child friendly
  • Grand Hotel
  • Business Hotel
  • Disabled access
  • The Mercedes Bar on the 31st floor boasts some of the best views of the city.
  • Airport transfer
  • Sauna/Steam
  • Meeting Room
  • Cots available
  • Sitting Room
  • Room service
  • Air conditioning
  • Swimming Pool
  • Business Centre
  • Two miles from the world famous Bolshoi Theatre.

Map & Location

pemilik hotel royal safari garden

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Hotel Baltschug Kempinski

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pemilik hotel royal safari garden

Safmar Palace Moscow

Our business hotel located in the downtown of the city offers comfortable rooms for business trips and leisure..

Safmar Aurora Luxe

Safmar aurora luxe is a luxurious 5-star hotel in the center of moscow, within walking distance to the main attractions of the city., about the hotel.


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  1. 44 Tahun Berdiri, Royal Safari Garden yang Dulunya Hotel Melati Kini

    Berawal dari pemilik Oriental Circus yang membangun penginapan bernama Tiga Dara pada 2 Februari 1979. ... Ada Jerapah di Hotel Royal Safari Garden Puncak, Bisa Beri Makan Langsung. Pencapaian di tahun 2022 membuat Royal Safari Garden terus berinovasi untuk tahun 2023 dengan fasilitas/project yang baru.

  2. Berawal dari Hotel Melati, Royal Safari Garden Kini Jadi Hotel Bintang

    TRIBUNNEWSBOGOR.COM - Siapa sangka, hotel bintang 4 Royal Safari Garden yang ada di Cisarua, Puncak Bogor dulunya hanya sebuah hotel melati. Dibangun oleh pemilik Oriental Circus, Royal Safari Garden berdiri dengan nama awal Hotel Sari Asih tahun 1979. Selanjutnya, pada tahun 1981 Hotel Sari Asih ditetapkan oleh Deparpostel sebagai hotel melati pertama yang menawarkan taman satwa kecil di ...

  3. Royal Safari Garden Rayakan Anniversary ke-44 Tahun

    Royal Safari Garden merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke-44 tahun. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR -- Berawal dari pemilik Oriental Circus yang membangun penginapan bernama Tiga Dara pada 2 Februari 1979. Selanjutnya, pada 1981 berubah nama menjadi Hotel Sari Asih dan ditetapkan oleh Deparpostel sebagai hotel melati pertama yang menawarkan taman satwa kecil ...

  4. Royal Safari Garden Anniversary 45th 2024 The Leading Thematic Resort

    Sejarah Singkat Royal Safari Garden. Berawal dari pemilik Oriental Circus yang membangun penginapan yang bernama Tiga Dara pada 2 Februari 1979. ... Kemudian di tahun 2010 menjadi Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention dan di tahun 2018 rebranding mengubah nama hotel sampai dengan sekarang menjadi Royal Safari Garden dengan luas lahan 14 Ha ...

  5. Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

    Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention, Puncak: 4.647 Lihat ulasan wisatawan, 4.273 foto asli, dan penawaran menarik untuk Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention, yang diberi peringkat #1 dari 23 hotels hotel di Puncak dan yang diberi peringkat 4 dari 5 di Tripadvisor

  6. Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

    Royal Safari Garden is a Family hotels & resorts with a thematic concept that has an area of 14 Ha with beautiful views of hills and mountains, providing a wide selection of hotel rooms and bungalows making the Royal Safari Garden hotel a favorite choice for families, in addition to its beautiful scenery and easy access because it is right on the edge of the Puncak Bogor highway.

  7. Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

    Book Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention, Puncak on Tripadvisor: See 4,501 traveller reviews, 4,095 candid photos, and great deals for Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention, ranked #1 of 35 hotels in Puncak and rated 4.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Prices are calculated as of 2023-04-24 based on a check-in date of 2023-05-07.

  8. Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

    Located in Puncak, Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention is good accommodation for your stay. EN | IDR. Deals. Support. Partnership. For Corporates. Bookings. ... Dody Saputro. Hotel Cluster Manager Royal Safari Garden & Safari Resort. AP. Amin P. 8.7 / 10. 17 Jun 2024. As usual that I love this hotel because the facilities are okay and kids ...

  9. Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

    Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention, Puncak: 4,628 Hotel Reviews, 4,254 traveller photos, and great deals for Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention, ranked #1 of 23 hotels in Puncak and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Prices are calculated as of 09/06/2024 based on a check-in date of 16/06/2024.

  10. Royal Safari Garden, Cisarua, Puncak, Bogor

    Sekali lagi terima kasih telah memilih Royal Safari Garden hotel sebagai tujuan berlibur. Kami berharap dapat berjumpa kembali dalam waktu dekat. Salam, Dody Saputro. Hotel Cluster Manager Royal Safari Garden & Safari Resort. R. Rahmat. 10 / 10. 15 Jun 2024. Pelayanan Receptionist dan Staff sangat ramah.

  11. Royal Safari Garden

    Royal Safari Garden is 77 km. from Jakarta and 90 km. from Bandung. Free private parking is available. Escape from the city to the cool mountain air and lush landscape of Puncak Highland. Located in Cisarua with an area of 14,0000 sqm.


    Book Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention, Puncak on Tripadvisor: See 4,456 traveler reviews, 4,048 candid photos, and great deals for Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention, ranked #1 of 35 hotels in Puncak and rated 4.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  13. Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention in Puncak

    Experience a Wild Adventure at Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention Escape to the enchanting world of Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention, a 4-star hotel nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Puncak, Indonesia.With its unique safari-themed concept, this extraordinary resort offers an unforgettable experience that combines luxury, wildlife, and adventure.

  14. Royal Safari Garden (@royalsafari_garden)

    262K Followers, 442 Following, 1,863 Posts - Royal Safari Garden (@royalsafari_garden) on Instagram: "HOTEL OFFICIAL ACCOUNT ☎ 0251 825 3000 📱WA 08216 825 3000 "Experience the leading thematic resort in Indonesia" Direct Booking Hotel & Restaurant👇".

  15. Executive Leopard

    Executive LeopardRoyal Safari Garden Puncak Bogor. ... Located on 1st, 2nd & 3rd floor in the Leopard hotel building. This room size is 24m2 close to the reptile island, fishing area, and recreation area.while rooms are twin beds (100 cm x 200 cm) or double beds (180 cm x 200 cm) and equipped with 32 Inch LCD TV, safe deposit box an additional ...

  16. Royal Safari Garden

    Royal Safari Garden is located at Cisarua Puncak-Bogor. A four star hotel & resort with 302 rooms include bungalow and 15 meeting rooms. ...

  17. Royal Safari Garden Resorts and Convention

    Tentang Royal Safari Garden Resorts and Convention. Terletak di kaki Gunung Gede di Bogor, Royal Safari Garden Resorts and Convention menawarkan liburan ideal di daerah pegunungan dan terletak hanya 20 menit berkendara dari Taman Safari Indonesia yang terkenal. Resor ini menyediakan kolam renang outdoor, spa serta fasilitas rapat yang luas.

  18. Hotel Glenver Garden official website, Moscow

    The best price of the day. Glenver Garden is a new business class hotel located in the business and at the same time historical district of the capital, Zamoskvorechye. Glenver Garden offers guests 230 rooms of various categories with magnificent views of the city or the picturesque park located in the hotel courtyard.

  19. Radisson Royal Hotel, Moscow Review

    "Magnificent five star hotel set in of Stalin's 'Seven Sisters' that punctuate the Moscow skyline. Opulence personified with palatial rooms, a lavish spa and an incredible panoramic skybar. The perfect sanctuary to escape to after a day's exploring Moscow, and a superb location right on the river."

  20. Safmar Palace Moscow (ex-Sheraton Palace Moscow Hotel)

    ROOMS AND SUITES. Safmar Palace Moscow (ex-Sheraton Palace Moscow Hotel) has 206 comfortable rooms that are suitable for both business trips and leisure in the heart of the capital. Each room of our hotel on 1 st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street offers a practical workspace and a comfortable area for rest and sleep.

  21. Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

    Now £76 on Tripadvisor: Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention, Puncak. See 4,628 traveller reviews, 4,261 candid photos, and great deals for Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention, ranked #1 of 23 hotels in Puncak and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Prices are calculated as of 16/06/2024 based on a check-in date of 23/06/2024.

  22. Safmar Aurora Luxe Hotel (ex-Marriott Royal Aurora)

    Safmar Aurora Luxe (ex-Marriott Royal Aurora) is a luxurious 5 star hotel in the center of Moscow, within walking distance to the main attractions of the city: the Red Square, the Kremlin and the Bolshoi Theater, as well as to the world-famous stores TsUM, GUM, Petrovsky Passage and Stoleshnikov Pereulok, where there are boutiques of luxury brands.

  23. Royal Safari Garden Resort & Convention

    Royal Safari Garden is a Family hotels & resorts with a thematic concept that has an area of 14 Ha with beautiful views of hills and mountains, providing a wide selection of hotel rooms and bungalows making the Royal Safari Garden hotel a favorite choice for families, in addition to its beautiful scenery and easy access because it is right on the edge of the Puncak Bogor highway.