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red factor star trek

[April 6, 1967] But what of Star Trek ? ("The Alternative Factor")

red factor star trek

Star Trek has given us some of the best science fiction on television. It’s also, like any weekly show with scripts written by different authors, had some mediocre episodes. But watching with a large group every week, we’ve found that even episodes that had many detractors still had at least a few fans among us.

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“The Alternative Factor” started strong, with an unexplained phenomenon causing everything in the universe to briefly ‘wink out’. There are several tense exchanges between Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock, and then one between the captain and “Starfleet Command” (though without the delay which one would expect at such a distance). These exchanges set the stage for a fascinating mystery.

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Unfortunately, from that point on, the episode degenerates into an inconsistent, near-nonsensical mess.

During the phenomenon, a person appears on the previously barren planet below. The captain orders the being beamed aboard the ship. The being is unsubtly named “Lazarus”, though we never actually see him give his name, only hear Captain Kirk call him by it later in the episode. Lazarus behaves strangely, begging for help in destroying ‘a monster’. He’s then apparently given the run of the ship, despite the fact that they are at battlestations.

red factor star trek

What follows feels more like a French bedroom farce than an episode of Star Trek . When the phenomenon occurs, we see two inverse silhouettes fighting, and Lazarus is replaced by a different Lazarus, though this is so poorly conveyed that eventually Kirk and Spock must have a conversation heavy with explanation (that lasts five minutes !) in order to tell the audience what’s supposed to be going on. One of the versions of Lazarus is supposedly mild and calm, but the vast majority of the time Lazarus has interacted with the crew he’s been an eye-rolling, scene-chewing maniac. The differentiation of ‘good Kirk’ and ‘evil Kirk’ in “ The Enemy Within ” was so well done that the clumsily handling here is doubly offensive.

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The fact that Lazarus is allowed to roam free to wreak havoc is consistent with previous episodes of Star Trek (see: “ Charlie X ”, for example) but even after he’s under suspicion of having stolen critical dilithium crystals, he still easily slips through security’s incompetent fingers (when they bother to put a security guard on him at all).

Eventually, Kirk ends up going through a ‘corridor’ between universes and encounters the rational version of Lazarus, who explains that everything the other Lazarus has said—the claims that his civilization was destroyed, that he’s a time traveler, that the rational Lazarus is a monster in human form—are all nothing more than the ravings of a madman. The insane Lazarus is prepared to meet and fight his antimatter counterpart even if it means destroying both universes.

The rational Lazarus outlines a plan where he will trap the other Lazarus in the corridor between their universes and, with Captain Kirk’s help, destroy the ships which act as the doors at either end of the corridor. Though he himself will be trapped for eternity fighting himself, the universes will survive. Captain Kirk helps him implement the plan, mournfully says, “But what of Lazarus…and what of Lazarus?” (a line they liked so much they used it twice) and the episode is, thankfully, over.

red factor star trek

What was particularly frustrating about this episode is that there were plenty of ways to make it more coherent and less nonsensical. Instead of having the ship’s crew behave utterly incompetently, Lazarus could have changed locations whenever the phenomenon occurred, allowing him to slip through their fingers without making them seem like buffoons incapable of basic reasoning. Instead of Kirk going along with the plan outlined by the rational Lazarus, he could have attempted to stun the insane Lazarus, and had him escape anyway. Throughout the story ideas are thrown in that seem to come from nowhere, for example, when the sane Lazarus states that destroying the other ship will also destroy his own, it’s the first the audience has heard of such a connection. The ending is poignant, but could have been so much more so if the story had made more sense. The worst thing a show can do is make you ask, “But why didn’t he…? Why didn’t they…?” and I found myself continually plagued by this damming question throughout the episode.

Better editing, more careful writing, and thoughtful direction could have made this story one of the classics. Instead, it’s the worst episode of Star Trek we’ve seen thus far.

red factor star trek

Dear Reader, I’d like to preface my thoughts on this weeks’ episode of Star Trek with a number of more pleasurable thoughts.  First being that the month of March just ended and almost everywhere in this wonderful country we live in the weather is beautiful.  Nature is on full display.  Jack MacMahon was just appointed the General Manager of the San Diego Rockets.  That’s good news to local basketball fans.  Lastly April Fools Day came a couple days early courtesy of Mr. Gene Roddenbury. 

My first exclamation of disbelief was provoked very early in the show.  The crew was going about what appeared to be routine business.  They were exploring a mundane new world, with no life, and no civilization; then the makers of the show boldly went to a place of utter confusion.  I said “you have got to be kidding me”, as a red space cloud was layered over the screen in a strange thrusting motion.  It had to be the most meaningless moment of television that I have witnessed in a long time.  The cheesy effect lacked meaning until characters explained to the audience what it was.  At that point it went from being meaningless to ridiculous, but let’s continue.

red factor star trek

The second time this airing caused me to question my TV set was not much later in the episode.  It just so happened that the red space cloud effect caused life to appear on the dead new world the crew was in the process of scanning.  The captain decided that it would be a smart idea to visit the planet HIMSELF and say hi to the new life form.  This life form turned out to be a severely accident-prone, waif-bearded swooner named Lazarus, played by Robert Brown.  The first thing this biblically named beatnik does is jump off a rock to apparent death.  If only we were so lucky as to have lost this troublesome character at his first “death” we could have been spared witnessing the unfocused, angry, conniving, and as I previously mentioned swooning performance that Brown brought to us.  The rest of the mainstays were no better.  Kirk, Spock, and McCoy took every opportunity to provide Lazarus with unguarded access to anything that he wanted.  Which forced me to say, “you have got to be kidding me. They can’t be that dumb”.

red factor star trek

It would be my earnest desire to say that there was only one more instance of low points of the bad joke that this episode was for me.  But like his namesake in the Good Book, Lazarus kept coming back to Life and causing more trouble for the crew of the Enterprise, and they deserved every bit of it for all of the dumb choices the characters in the episode make.  Even up until the last scene, with an unsatisfying twist ending, this episode was a painful stinker of a show.

This episode deserves to receive the lowest rating that I can give, and I would if not for a standout performance by the lovely Janet McLachlan, who played Lt. Charlene Masters.  Her performance was real and grounded, making up for the abysmal performances that surrounded her in this episode.

red factor star trek

I think I understand what happened last week. There are obviously two "Alternative Factors" – one matter, one…doesn't matter.

We didn't get the good one.

In another universe, Roddenberry produced a coherent episode, one in which we actually saw the sane Lazarus on the Enterprise and could distinguish him from "crazy Lazarus with Band-Aid", one in which "engineering" actually looked like the engineering sets we've seen before, one in which a better special effect was employed than superimposing the Triffid Nebula over the screen followed by the "EXTRA! EXTRA!" newspaper effect.

In the alternate Alternative Factor, the bugaboo wasn't antimatter, which every Starship in Starfleet utilizes safely in its warp engines. In that episode, there was an explanation for why Lazarus needed dilithium crystals (after all, it's not as if they were necessary to swap universes).  In another reality, there was an explanation why destroying one of the Lazarus ships destroyed the other.

In that alter-episode, it is addressed that one can't actually wrestle another person, even an identical person, for an eternity.  Someone is going to get hungry.

On the other hand, perhaps in this posited installment ("The Other Element", perhaps it's called?) we might not have gotten Lieutenant Charlene Masters, who was a welcome addition to the crew, very Cicely Tyson-esque.

red factor star trek

Nevertheless, she's still not enough to pull the episode above a dismal 1.5 stars.

(credit to Tam Phan for the idea for this piece)

Next week's episode promises to be better.  Come join us tonight at 8:00 PM (Eastern and Pacific). We'll be reading a fanzine, too.

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Here's the invitation!

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9 thoughts on “[April 6, 1967] But what of Star Trek ? ("The Alternative Factor")”

That "red space cloud" is Messier 20, aka the Triffid Nebula. No this is not where the triffids come from, or so I think. M20 does produce stars, however.

I agree with all concerned that TAF was muddled at best. I feel like whoever wrote this episode was not into Star Trek and certainly not into any real physics or science, or couldn't be bothered to look anything up.

So now dilithium crystals are flat?

I hope they will have more of Lt. Masters on the series. I mean, this is the series that is breaking the diversity barriers, after all.

One pound of matter connecting with one pound of antimatter equals an energy release of 43 Hiroshima atomic bombs. Now that would be a pretty powerful blast, but hardly enough to destroy the Universe. So even two full grown men from those alternate worlds encountering each other would not produce an explosion big enough to destroy a single world, let alone the Cosmos.

BTW, how do we know there is only one of those "time "(?) machines?  What is more versions of Lazarus or other beings altogether built such devices and tried to cross between worlds? That we will probably never see such a thing again can bring us some comfort, along with the fact that you would need a LOT of antimatter encountering a LOT of matter to make a level of destruction worth worrying about on an interstellar scale.

All fine points!

Thank you! I would like to add that Dale Nelson in this comments thread added a few… alternative factors… on this episode that made me look at it in a different way, which is always appreciated.

However, I still think overall it was a poorly written episode that lacked much in the way of understanding physics, general science, and the series characters and their society.

What a truly awful hour of television. On top of everything else, there's the matter that the dilithium crystals seem to power the ship and then, when they run dry, you… recharge them? Along with ignoring common sense and even mediocre television writing, this episode violates the laws of thermodynamics.

The only bright spot was Lt. Masters. I hope we see a lot more of her.

I like this one and expect it to remain one for which I have fond thoughts however long Star Trek lasts. 

It goes for the Sublime. 

Often in Star Trek there's a modest element of mystery, in the sense of puzzles that can be resolved when more facts are known.  That's the usual sense of the word "mystery," as in "mystery stories."  Once you know the secret of Balok, for example, in "The Corbomite Maneuver," the mystery is solved and the crisis connected with him is over.  In Greek terms, it's a comedy.  That was a good story, but it wasn't a very haunting one.  Nor is the usual Star Trek story, which is fine.

But there's another sense of the word "mystery," which has a root in religion.  Here a "mystery" is something that can't be "solved" and so have its strangeness or greatness dispelled.  It may be -contemplated- (as Kirk is doing in the last line), but it involves something larger than oneself, larger than one's routine categories of thought.  This Star Trek teleplay probably brings us closer to -that- concept of mystery than any of the ones we've seen so far.  We're not only confronted by something we don't understand — even at the end we don't fully understand it.  Probably we can't understand it.  At least that's how it strikes me. 

The special effects are obviously "inadequate," and paradoxically I think that may be a plus: obviously they can only point to something really beyond comprehension.  Similarly the name "Lazarus" is actually a good choice, not in a literal sense but because it suggests a person who has gone beyond a fundamental boundary and then returned.  (Incidentally for Eastern Orthodox Christians the Saturday before Palm Sunday is Lazarus Saturday.) The special effects -obviously- only -suggest- something tremendous and baffling, in the same way that language of a "corridor" obviously can only point to something finally incomprehensible or, in the term of Rudolf Otto, "numinous."

I think too that the mad Lazarus troubles us, especially if we have any affinity with Orthodox Christianity, in that we have to wonder if he is simply a nutter or if he is touched by tremendous mysteries that elude us, we who happily bop along in the quotidian.  I don't suppose that anyone involved in the production of this teleplay actually thought of this, but the mad Lazarus reminds me of the figure from Greek and Russian Orthodoxy of the yurodivye, the holy fool.  These were figures who could be psychotic vagrants; or impostors who cadged a living by falsely performing according to a recognized social role but from merely self-serving ends; …or people (men or women) actually in touch with the divine.  These last were, if you will, apocalyptic figures — apt to unsettle normal people, particularly the people possessing authority and wealth, because the holy fools erupt onto the scene and throw things off balance — as Star Trek's Lazarus surely does. 

Of course it turns out that the mad Lazarus is, indeed, basically a nutter with a persecution mania.  Well, but how did he get that way?  Perhaps we can only speculate.

It's easy, and appropriate, to point out flaws in this teleplay, but I give it a lot of credit for being, let's say, that rare thing, 50 minutes' TV entertainment that gives, or may give, a lot more than the viewers bargained for, and perhaps suggests that there's more out there that we account for by our philosophies.  I'm willing to give it 4/5.

I think you saw "The Other Element", which was probably an excellent show.  Or you have the divine ability to see into other universes.

Either way, your letter is several times more enjoyable than the episode!

Another thing "The Alternative Factor" has going for it, for me, which I should confess, perhaps, since I have an eccentrically high opinion of this one, is the location photography at Vasquez Rocks, seen earlier in another favorite, "Arena," and in one of my favorite TV efforts, the "Zanti Misfits" teleplay on The Outer Limits.  I still remember the eerie bit in the preview for that one, in which a nogood and his unhappy ladyfriend drive into an off-limits area where, unbeknownst to them, a spacecraft from another planet is about to land.  We see the cloudy sky above the Rocks and then appears the alien vessel descending.  I didn't actually think of that -as- I was watching "The Alternative Factor"; but it might be that my memory of the OL show was influencing my feelings about this Star Trek.  But that factor aside, I still think it's a pretty good effort anyway, one of the best so far.

Wow, that's some deep analysis there!

For whatever it might be worth, from time to time my better half or I will say "But what of Lazarus?" at random.  Something about Kirk's extreme seriousness as he delivers that line amuses us.

Thank you very much for including pictures. That's my dad playing 3-level chess. He's been gone for many years and I've been searching the internet for pictures of him.

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55 years ago: Science Fact and Fiction

The Alternative Factor

Cast & crew.

Robert Brown


Janet MacLachlan

Charlene Masters

Richard Derr

Arch Whiting

Assistant engineer

Eddie Paskey


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Never Heard Of Star Trek: Discovery’s Red Directive Before? There’s A Simple Explanation

Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery Season 5, Episode 1 - "Red Directive"

  • Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 introduces a new Red Directive mission, showcasing unprecedented secrecy and urgency in Starfleet protocols.
  • Captain Burnham embarks on a dangerous intergalactic treasure hunt that's a sequel to the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "The Chase".
  • The Red Directive mission in Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 revolves around seeking the technology of the Progenitors, with high stakes involved.

Captain Michael Burnham's (Sonequa Martin-Green) new mission in Star Trek: Discovery season 5 is classified as a Red Directive, which hasn't come up in Star Trek before. Written by Discovery showrunner Michelle Paradise and directed by Olatunde Osunsanmi, Star Trek: Discovery 's season 5 premiere, "Red Directive," launches Burnham and the USS Discovery on a mission to a derelict 800-year-old Romulan starship. This kicks off an intergalactic treasure hunt that sets Discovery season 5 as a sequel to the Star Trek: The Next Generation season 6 episode, "The Chase."

Captain Burnham is summoned to her Red Directive mission by Admiral Charles Vance (Oded Fehr) and Dr. Kovich (David Cronenberg) in Star Trek: Discovery 's season 5 premiere. Burnham is given her orders in a secure location called the Infinity Room. The USS Discovery's Red Directive mission must succeed at all costs , and Dr. Kovich even personally oversees Captain Burnham's efforts. Even as Burnham and the crews of the USS Discovery and the USS Antares led by Captain Rayner (Callum Keith Rennie) risk their lives, Kovich maintains the Red Directive's secrecy until Burnham finds her own answers to force Kovich into cooperation.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 - Everything We Know

Why discovery’s red directive hasn’t been heard of in star trek before, it's a different starfleet in the 32nd century.

There's a simple explanation for Star Trek fans who may be wondering why they've never heard of a Red Directive before: the Red Directive is an invention of Star Trek: Discovery season 5 . There have certainly been countless Starfleet priority one classified missions, but a Red Directive takes secrecy and urgency to another level. Red Directives are also indicative of how different Starfleet is in the 32nd-century era of Star Trek: Discovery , which would naturally have different protocols following crises like the Temporal Wars and the Burn.

During Star Trek: Discovery season 3, Burnham and Discovery's crew were integrated with the 32nd-century Starfleet.

Captain Burnham and the crew of the USS Discovery know of Red Directives despite being time-traveling transplants from the 23rd century. This is likely because, during Star Trek: Discovery season 3 , Burnham and Discovery's crew were integrated with the 32nd-century Starfleet. Discovery's crew gained new uniforms and tech like personal transporters, and their ancient Crossfield Class starship was upgraded with detached nacelles and programmable matter. Discovery 's crew got up to date on current Starfleet protocols , especially Burnham following her promotion to Captain.

What Star Trek: Discovery’s Red Directive’s Rules Are

A red directive can't be questioned.

Star Trek: Discovery' s Red Directive might be the most severe and uncompromising protocol seen in Starfleet yet. The mandate for Star Trek: Discovery season 5's Red Directive comes from the United Federation of Planets itself, and Starfleet Officers were kept in the dark about the actual details of their mission. Not only did Captain Burnham not know what her actual mission was, but Dr. Kovich had the authority to withhold vital information from the head of Starfleet, Admiral Vance .

Admiral Vance authorized Lt. Sylvia Tilly (Mary Wiseman) to break into the secure Federation database to learn the truth about the Red Directive.

The imperative of a Red Directive is that the mission must succeed and anyone and anything can be sacrificed to make it so. Lethal force is also authorized and is a first resort. Star Trek: Discovery season 5's Red Directive is indeed a jaw-dropper. With Captain Burnham searching for the technology of the Progenitors, the Ancient Humanoids introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation 's "The Chase" who created all humanoid life in the galaxy, whoever controls the Progenitors' secrets can decide the course of life itself. There can't be bigger stakes for Star Trek: Discovery season 5's Red Directive.

Star Trek: Discovery season 5 is streaming on Paramount+

Cast Blu del Barrio, Oded Fehr, Anthony Rapp, Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Wilson Cruz, Eve Harlow, Mary Wiseman, Callum Keith Rennie

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Alex Kurtzman

Directors Jonathan Frakes, Olatunde Osunsanmi

Showrunner Alex Kurtzman

Where To Watch Paramount+

Never Heard Of Star Trek: Discovery’s Red Directive Before? There’s A Simple Explanation

Star Trek Just Quietly Brought Back Deep Space Nine’s Most Underrated Villains

Never turn your back on a Breen.

Sonequa Martin-Green as Captain Burnham in 'Discovery' Season 5.

One of the deadliest alien species in all of Star Trek has never been fully revealed. After an offhand reference in The Next Generation , the Breen appeared in the Deep Space Nine episode “Indiscretion,” encased in suits that felt like they borrowed from Princess Leia’s bounty hunter disguise in Return of the Jedi. The Breen are infamous but seldom seen, a tradition which Star Trek: Discovery is subtly rebooting in Season 5.

Amid an episode about time jumps and flashbacks to the beginning of the series, Discovery quietly snuck the Breen in and positioned them as possibly the most important factor in the fate of Star Trek’s future. Here’s why the Breen matter, and how this comeback could expand on the canon laid down by Deep Space Nine almost three decades ago. Spoilers ahead for Star Trek: Discovery Season 5, Episode 4, “Face the Strange.”

Who are the Breen?

The Breen in 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.'

A member of the Breen in Deep Space Nine.

The Breen began life as a random, hostile race tossed around in dialogue only. In 1990, in the TNG episode “The Loss,” Data lists alien races who “are not empathically detectable,” including the Breen. In the 1994 film Generations , when Riker and Worf investigate an observatory that’s been raided by people using a “type-three disruptor,” Riker notes only three alien races could be suspects: “Romulan, Breen, and Klingon.”

While TNG was still airing, writer Ira Steven Behr described the Breen as a “running joke” since they never appeared. Although TNG writer Jeri Taylor wanted to reveal the Breen for a storyline in TNG’s sixth season in 1993, it wasn’t until 1996, in DS9 Season 4, that the Breen actually showed up in those iconic helmets. As DS9 went on, the Breen became major players in the Dominion War, and were responsible for attacking Starfleet Headquarters on Earth in 2375, seriously damaging the Golden Gate Bridge in the process.

The Breen are Back in the 32nd Century

Rayner (Callum Keith Rennie ) in 'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 5.

Rayner is a member of another deep-cut DS9 species, the Kelleruns.

Mentioned offhand in the Discovery Season 5 debut episode, “Red Directive,” the Breen became a big deal in the time-jump episode “Face the Strange.” After being hit by a temporal weapon called a Time Bug, Burnham and Rayner find themselves jumping to different moments in time aboard the USS Discovery. This takes them to the pivotal moment where Discovery jumped to the future at the end of Season 2, as well as all the way to very early in Season 1, before Burnham gained the trust of the crew.

Burnham and Rayner also end up in 3218, which Rayner notes is “almost 30 years in the future” from their current home timeline. In this future, Discovery’s friendly AI Zora is alone on the ship and tells Burnham and Rayner, “You all died years ago.” Zora then reveals the Breen destroyed the entire Federation.

Zora explains the Breen weaponized the secret Progenitor tech and “launched a devastating attack” on the Federation. Rayner suggests the Breen must have been “Moll and L’ak’s highest bidder,” meaning that in one timeline, the mercenaries Starfleet is so keen to apprehend sold what they found to the Breen.

The future Burnham and Rayner see echoes what actually happened in Deep Space Nine , when the Breen decimated Starfleet and the Federation way back in 2375. While the good guys recovered then, the Federation and Starfleet are on shakier ground in the 32nd century of Discovery post-Season 3.

As of Episode 4, Discovery still hasn’t revealed what the Breen look like under those helmets. But by introducing this doomsday outcome for the Federation, Discovery has made one thing very clear for the rest of Season 5. The Breen are back, and this time, they may truly live up to their deadly reputation.

Star Trek: Discovery streams on Paramount+.

Phasers on Stun!: How the Making — and Remaking — of Star Trek Changed the World

  • Science Fiction

red factor star trek

  • Cast & crew
  • User reviews

The Vengeance Factor

  • Episode aired Nov 18, 1989

Marina Sirtis, Patrick Stewart, Clay Hodges, and Nancy Parsons in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

The Enterprise pursues a race of "gatherers" who continue to raid Federation outposts, unaware of the dangers lurking among them. The Enterprise pursues a race of "gatherers" who continue to raid Federation outposts, unaware of the dangers lurking among them. The Enterprise pursues a race of "gatherers" who continue to raid Federation outposts, unaware of the dangers lurking among them.

  • Timothy Bond
  • Gene Roddenberry
  • Richard Danus
  • Patrick Stewart
  • Jonathan Frakes
  • LeVar Burton
  • 24 User reviews
  • 8 Critic reviews

Lisa Wilcox in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

  • Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Jonathan Frakes

  • Commander William Thomas 'Will' Riker

LeVar Burton

  • Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge

Michael Dorn

  • Lieutenant Worf

Gates McFadden

  • Doctor Beverly Crusher

Marina Sirtis

  • Counselor Deanna Troi

Brent Spiner

  • Lieutenant Commander Data

Wil Wheaton

  • Wesley Crusher

Lisa Wilcox

  • Sovereign Marouk

Stephen Lee

  • (as Elkanah J. Burns)
  • Crewman Nelson
  • (uncredited)

Majel Barrett

  • Enterprise Computer
  • Crewman Martinez
  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

Did you know

  • Trivia The Federation science outpost attacked by the Gatherers just prior to the episode used a large scenic background painting originally from Forbidden Planet (1956) . The painting is a planetscape seen through the window of the station.
  • Goofs One of the Gatherers pours clear liquid from a pitcher. When Brull takes the chalice and pours it onto Temarek's face, the liquid is now white.

Lieutenant Worf : [to Acamarians] Your ambushes would be more successful if you bathed more often!

  • Connections Referenced in After Trek: Choose Your Pain (2017)
  • Soundtracks Star Trek: The Next Generation Main Title Composed by Jerry Goldsmith and Alexander Courage

User reviews 24

  • Jun 15, 2021
  • November 18, 1989 (United States)
  • United States
  • Official site
  • Paramount Studios - 5555 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA (Studio)
  • Paramount Television
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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STAR TREK: DISCOVERY Review — “Face the Strange”

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Or, they try to. And okay, it turns out the gratuitous beaming was for good reason, story-wise, because in the instant that the pair attempt to beam back to the bridge, Discovery plunges through time, and only their mid-transport timing protects them from the ship’s time-hopping. Everyone else aboard Discovery is experiencing “regular” time travel, as it were, unaware of their movement and remaining “of the time” they jump to.

Everyone, that is, except for Paul Stamets (Anthony Rapp), who thanks to his tardigrade DNA infusion all the way back in Season 1, the scientist is bouncing through time like the rest of the crew — but he’s mentally aware of the jumping remains “himself” like Burnham and Rayner.

Like “Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad,” this is another episode about time shenanigans centering on Stamets and Burnham (and now also Rayner), but it doesn’t feel like a repeat of the same story so much as a deliberate permutation on a theme. Discovery , the show, is revisiting its past just the same way Burnham revisits her past self here; in both cases, the future versions have grown and changed in ways their past selves could never have imagined.

Who could have guessed, watching the series’ seventh episode, that original showrunner and creator Bryan Fuller would leave after just one season and a majority of the show would end up taking place in 32nd century? Not me, that’s for sure.

(As a side note, I was hoping one of the pasts they visited would be the “Magic” situation, just because come on, who doesn’t want to see what a time loop within a time loop looks like?)

red factor star trek

It takes them all a few time jumps to figure out what’s going on, and a few more after that for all three of them to rendezvous. The second jump takes them back to Discovery mid-construction, sitting in dry dock at the San Francisco Fleet Yards, the Golden Gate Bridge framed nicely in a missing bulkhead section. (Both Star Trek and The Room have one rule: If you’re in San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge must be visible at all times!)

Next jump is to the Season 2-ending battle with Control, and finally with three jumps there’s enough of a pattern visible for Rayner to identify what’s going on and what, exactly, is causing it. First, each time they jump Burnham and Rayner always return to the ready room – the place where they beamed themselves out of time — and second, that little mechanical spider that’s been crawling around the ship since it first detached itself from Adira’s uniform is a Krenim chronophage (yes, those Krenim ) left over from more lawless times  when paralyzing a ship by having it randomly cycle through time was a thing that apparently people did.

After a few more jumps, including one where a past version of Jett Reno (Tig Notaro) happens to save Rayner’s hide, he and Burnham land on an empty, dusty Discovery , abandoned by everyone except the one person who can’t leave: Zora (Annabelle Wallace). Listening to “Que Sera, Sera” and convinced that she’s dreaming, Zora explains that in this future, Discovery remained stuck in its time paralysis long enough for the Breen to get their hands on the Progenitor’s technology.

red factor star trek

It’s a bleak future to visit, but it’s also very fortuitous that they did, because Zora is able to quickly do the math necessary for Stamets — who they finally meet up with in the next time jump –to figure out how to get them out of this. Just build a chroniton stabilizer and squish the bug with it, easy peasy!

And all Burnham has to do is get a component for it from her quarters without being seen. Not so easy as it turns out, as she runs into Book (David Ajala) who is very much in love with Burnham during this time period — and keen to show it. And she, as we all probably suspected, is still very much in love with him and gives herself a brief moment to indulge in that fact.

In their final final jump — this time to early in Lorca’s captaincy — Burnham runs into her much angrier and more jaded younger self; a Michael Burnham who is so barely out of prison that she still doesn’t even have a combadge and who flat-out does not believe this woman in a strange red uniform who claims to be her. Why? Because there’s no way anyone would ever make Michael Burnham a captain .

After a fight in a thankfully empty corridor, our Burnham ends up victorious and heads to the bridge… where she needs to convince everyone that they should listen to her and do something you never really want to do with a warp engine going at maximum speed: intentionally break the warp bubble and slam yourself back into the effects of general relativity.

red factor star trek

Flashbacks are a tried and true way for shows to bring back departed characters, so the choice to include Airiam (Hanna Spear) on the bridge makes sense and is nice for audience members who miss her. What doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense to me is how her presence is used (which is a bit of an unfortunate parallel to her death for me – or at least the impact it was supposed to have).

Burnham knows she needs to convince the crew that she really is herself and that she really is from the future, but instead of, I don’t know, showing them her combadge which is full of 32nd century bells and whistles and exotic alloys that haven’t been invented yet she… convinces Airiam that they know each other because Burnham knows Airiam would sacrifice her life to save the ship? Then someone blurts out a “No she wouldn’t!” like that’s not the first thing any appropriately heroic Starfleet officer would do?

This scene is the one fumble in an otherwise great episode. Two minutes after this weird “I know you and here’s a generic hypothetical that applies to most people in Starfleet to prove it,” Airiam sees Burnham’s fancy holographic combadge and openly gawks at it. See, easily convinced! That would have worked and it wouldn’t have required the show to reexamine the hollowness of Airiam’s death without correcting its mistake.

The fact that Burnham doesn’t have anything better or more personal to say to or about Airiam except “You died, sorry that happened,” underscores just how undeveloped she was as a character. Why bring that up again? But hey, Burnham’s tactic works, and I suppose that’s what really matters here.

red factor star trek

Meanwhile, past-Burnham and her era’s Rhys (Patrick Kwok-Choon) show up in engineering, phasers drawn, to try and stop Stamets and this weird guy they’ve never seen before from doing whatever it is that they’re trying to do to the ship. Rayner, solidifying himself as a solid gold example of a favorite character trope of mine — Grumpy Guy who’s a Secret Softie — defuses the situation by being brave as hell (he walks right into Burnham’s drawn phaser) but also emotionally astute.

He doesn’t just tell Burnham personal facts he couldn’t have known if he were really a stranger, he tells her with conviction that she really does deserve to be here on Discovery…  something that sinks to the core of who she is and what she’s battling in this moment in time.

The plan succeeds: the time bug is proverbially squished, and Discovery and her crew are all right back where they belong, minus the six hours they lost during all the jumping. Unfortunately, those six hours were long enough for Moll and L’ak to catch up with them and leave again. Did they find anything, or did they get sick of looking at seemingly empty space and leave? We don’t know yet, so tune in next week.

red factor star trek

Which brings us to the beginning of “Face the Strange” — see, I can jump through time too! — when we see Moll (Eve Harlow) and L’ak (Elias Toufexis) acquiring the bug in the first place. While the Progenitors’ technology is enormous in its power and implications and Moll and L’ak are willing to do just about anything to find it, their motivations seem strictly personal.

Sure, if the way Moll takes revenge on the guy who sells her the chronophage is any indication, they’ll get some personal satisfaction out of seeing the Federation burn, but more than anything they’re in it for their freedom. Freedom from someone or something, certainly – though who or what we still don’t know – but, given the themes in “Face the Strange”, I’d guess freedom from their pasts might be the real goal.


  • “Face the Strange” is a reference to the David Bowie classic “Changes.”
  • This episode is a spiritual sequel to Star Trek: Voyager’s “Shattered,” a similar final-season tale which saw Chakotay bouncing through different eras of Voyager adventures.
  • Discovery’s time jumps include visits to the ship’s transit through the Red Angel wormhole (leading to the ship’s crash-landing in “Far From Home” ), a time when the starship was under construction in the San Francisco Fleet Yards, the battle with Control ( “Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2” ), Stardate 865422.4 (during Osyyra’s takover in “There Is A Tide…” ), an unknown date nearly 30 years into the future, a period in early Season 2 (shortly after Jett Reno’s rescue in “Brother” ), a point ahead of the Season 4 premiere after Burnham was promoted to captai), and the encounter with past-Burnham which takes place just ahead of “The Butcher’s Knife Cares Not for the Lamb’s Cry” (denoted by the reference to a still-alive Ellen Landry ).

red factor star trek

  • Retrofit into corridor after Season 2’s set updates, the passage to the left-rear of Discovery’s command chair returns to its Season 1 “blue blinkies” configuration.
  • Captain Pike’s broken wood-and-glass conference table returns to the ready room set during the first time jump, a good touch from the set decoration department.
  • We’ve seen the San Francisco bay many times in Star Trek history… so just where in the heck was Discovery’s dry dock located?
  • A Krenim chronophage — or “time bug” — snared Discovery in a time bubble, from the species behind Star Trek: Voyager’s “Year of Hell.”
  • Season 3-era Reno’s drink of choice is a Vesper martini, served ice cold — and she tells Rayner that he can buy her a drink “at Red’s,” the onboard bar and lounge set added to Discovery during its 32nd century upgrades (though not introduced until Season 4).
  • While the ready room set was not built for Discovery until Season 2, the second time jump confirms the room existed as part of the ship’s original construction… but in a continuity goof, the 32nd century version of the Starfleet emblem remains on the Discovery ready room floor in each different time period, instead of the old version seen in Seasons 1 and 2.

red factor star trek

  • Burnham gives a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it nostalgic smile when Stamets hands her a 23rd century Starfleet communicator, retired after the crew upgraded to 32nd tricombadges in Season 3’s “Scavengers.”
  • Saurian officer Linus (David Benjamin Tomlinson) appears in the Season 1 time period, indicating he boarded Discovery long before his first actual appearance in Season 2’s “Brothers.”
  • Former Discovery cast members Hannah Cheesman and Ronnie Rowe, Jr. return as Airiam and Bryce, Julianne Grossman returns as the original voice of Discovery’s computer. (While Cheesman portrayed Airiam in Season 2, the role was actually portrayed by Sara Mitich in Discovery’s first season.)
  • I forgot just how much Airiam moves like C-3PO. Might have toned down that arm placement there in that wide shot if it were me, yikes.
  • Discovery’s viewscreen may be an open window to space, but it features blast doors which can be closed as necessary.
  • The future time period Burnham and Rayner visit is reminiscent of the alternate future setting in “Calypso,” where Zora and Discovery sat abandoned for nearly 1000 years. Zora even believes she’s having “another dream” when the officers arrive, perhaps hinting that the events of “Calypso” may have been one of Zora’s dreams — as the “Zora-point-of-view” shots mirror moments from that  Short Trek  tale.

red factor star trek

  • This episode marks the first time we’ve seen Discovery’s original hull and nacelle configuration since its big 32nd century upgrade in “Scavengers.”
  • Even living “outside of time,” it’s curious that Stamets can jump back to a time period before his tardigrade DNA injection occurred.
  • Stamets’ tactics for clearing engineering get less and less sophisticated as the episode proceeds — going from making up specific problems with the spore drive containment field to just shouting “I’m grumpy!” It works.
  • “Hey Paul, let’s show ‘em how a couple of old dogs still know the best tricks!” Whoever gave Rayner a used copy of a dictionary of idioms from 1962, I thank you for your service.
  • Rayner’s hand gets the “Timescape” treatment, aging uncomfortably fast while he squashes the time bug — though thankfully avoiding those awful long fingernails.
  • Rayner surmises that Burnham must be the first person in Starfleet to captain a ship she first boarded as a prisoner. He’s probably right, but if we allow for a few technicalities I’d put Seven of Nine in that rare club as well: she’s imprisoned very quickly after boarding Voyager , and while she doesn’t hold a Starfleet rank at the time, she does command that vessel for over a month during the events of “One”.

red factor star trek

Even with all the time jumping and the temporal-relativity-heavy plot, “Face the Strange” is a straightforward hour of television that confidently knows exactly what it wants to do – both in terms of the story and the characters. There are almost no extraneous moments, but the episode doesn’t feel rushed or overly full. The pacing is great: quick enough that we get to jump through a lot of different time periods, but relaxed enough that there’s room for smaller moments of comedy and character work.

The pacing and placement of the more emotional moments is especially effective, with characters examining and confronting their past and present selves in a way that’s emotionally resonant but also truly moves the story forward both at the episode and season levels.

A frequent frustration I have with Discovery is that the emotional beats and plot beats feel like they’re competing with each other for the same space, but with “Face the Strange” it feels like the show has finally figured out a way to have them work together and compliment one another.

red factor star trek

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 returns with “Mirrors” on Thursday, April 25.

  • DSC Season 5
  • Face the Strange
  • Star Trek: Discovery

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Published Apr 19, 2024

RECAP | Star Trek: Discovery 504 - 'Face the Strange'

Don't bury your mind in the abstract for too long, you'll turn into a Rothko painting.

SPOILER WARNING: This article contains story details and plot points for Star Trek: Discovery.

Graphic illustration of Burnham touching a glitchy monitor in 'Face the Strange'

Previously, in " Red Directive ," Captain Burnham admits to Book she doesn't know how to be around him anymore, while the ex-courier wonders if some things are hard to move past, for both of them. While on an away mission in " Jinaal ," Burnham tasks with new first officer Rayner to familiarize himself with the crew with one-on-ones as connection is a choice; not a skill.

Meanwhile, while on Trill, after meeting with Jinaal Bix, inhabiting Dr. Culber's body, offers the captain the next clue to locating the Progenitors' tech. Unfortunately, any gains they achieved is sabotaged as Moll manages to slip a piece of tech onto Adira's uniform without their knowledge.

In Episode 4 of Star Trek: Discovery , " Face the Strange ," on the way to the next clue, the U.S.S. Discovery is sabotaged by a mysterious weapon, leaving Captain Burnham, Rayner, and Stamets as the only crew members who can possibly save the ship in time.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Section Banner - Personnel

  • Moll (Malinne)
  • Michael Burnham
  • Keyla Detmer
  • Joann Owosekun
  • William Christopher
  • Sylvia Tilly
  • Paul Stamets
  • Dr. Hugh Culber
  • Cleveland "Book" Booker

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Section Banner - Locations

  • Salata Major Beach
  • U.S.S. Discovery

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Section Banner - Event Log

Fifteen hours earlier, Moll and L'ak are seen rendezvousing with a broker on a moonlit shore. They hand him a bag of latinum as payment for an item, but he insists that the price has gone up. The weapons dealer begins to cough and experience psychedelic effects, and Moll divulges that she had anticipated his betrayal and soaked the latinum in Fop'yano poison — the same toxin that the broker had sold to the Emerald Chain to use on people like her. As his mouth foams and he collapses, Moll retrieves an item from his pocket. While her spirits are buoyed by the prospect of having an edge over the U.S.S. Discovery -A's pursuit of the Progenitors' tech, L'ak second guesses their situation — he feels as if the walls are closing in. Moll reassures him that their success will mean no more bounties on their heads, looking over their shoulders, or running. They kiss, Moll extending her hand to reveal that the item is…

…the spider-like device which Moll placed on Ensign Adira Tal's sleeve. Back in the present, the mechanical menace scurries through Adira's quarters as they make plans to meet with Gray when he graduates to the next level of training in a few months. Adira hears its metallic steps, but Commander Paul Stamets' request for assistance draws them away, and the creature melts into the bulkhead.

Moll and L'ak hand a weapons dealer a satchel of latinum on the surface of Salata Major in 'Face the Strange'

"Face the Strange"

Discovery arrives at the coordinates supplied to them by Jinaal Bix, but scans do not detect anything of note. On the Bridge, Captain Michael Burnham refuses to give up, tasking Lieutenant Linus with sending DOT-23s to conduct a more in-depth scan of the area. Lieutenant Christopher reports that Trill has found no sign of Moll and L'ak, a fact which irritates Commander Rayner. The first officer insists the thieves should have been there hours ago when the captain was on the planet. Unbeknownst to the crew, Moll's device emerges from a nearby wall. Lieutenant Commander Gen Rhys advises that the couriers are likely to wait for Discovery to lead them to the next clue. The arachnid-like spy blends back into the bulkhead as Rayner dismisses Rhys' observation as a guess. Angered by the interaction, Burnham turns to the commander and asks him to join her in the Ready Room.

The two senior officers beam to the privacy of the conference area, and Burnham bluntly pronounces Rayner's behavior to be unacceptable — that’s not how they do things on Discovery . The captain values having the crew engaged, involved, and encouraged to speak freely, prompting Rayner to 'freely' express his opinion that such a policy is a mistake. Red Directives require decisiveness and discipline — not collaboration. Burnham takes offense to the idea that her crew lacks discipline, but Rayner believes that the ship's personnel are too comfortable with one another. Burnham counters that their familiarity saved the Federation, the galaxy, and Rayner himself.

Rayner's argument intensifies into an outburst, but the commander takes a moment to pace and reevaluate his position. Rayner acknowledges that his criticism was over the line and apologizes. Burnham presses on, matter-of-factly stating that the Burn is over and Rayner is on her ship — she expects him to do things her way. Rayner lifts his chin, challenging the captain with the query, "And if my way is better?"

Captain Burnham looks directly across from her towards Rayner about her approach with her crew in 'Face the Strange'

Meanwhile, in Engineering, Stamets spots Moll's device bustling across the wall, following it until it melts into a panel. Burnham and Rayner continue their face-off in the Ready Room, when the lights suddenly flicker and Lieutenant Commander Joann Owosekun transmits an update from the Bridge — odd energy fluctuations have been detected and an unauthorized signal was just broadcast from the ship. Burnham and Rayner attempt to beam to Discovery ’s command center, but their personal transporters convulse.

The Ready Room is suddenly transformed, now awash in sparks and debris with stars speeding past the rear viewport. Transporters and comms appear to be inoperative, so Burnham and Rayner rush to the turbolift. As the doors open, they confront an unsettling sight on the Bridge — Saru and the command crew are unconscious on the floor, and all wear mid-23rd Century Starfleet uniforms. The viewscreen displays a voyage through a wormhole, and Discovery rides in the wake of what Rayner refers to as a "red thing." Shock covers the captain's expression. The question isn’t where they are, but when . Nodding to the figure in the distance, Burnham states, "That’s the Red Angel. That was me."

Captain Burnham processes the stunning scene, registering that this is the day they traveled to the 32nd Century. Rayner notes the absurdity of going back in time to the moment Discovery went into the future. The crew begins to stir, and Burnham hurries Rayner out of the room; the time travelers aren’t supposed to be there, so they must avoid being seen. They regroup in the Ready Room, and the captain theorizes that Jinaal's coordinates weren’t as empty as they had thought. Commander Saru's voice can be heard ordering everyone to brace for impact. Aware of how history transpires, Burnham is certain they will survive the crash landing, but Rayner is not particularly enthused by the prospect.

The lights flash again. Burnham and Rayner remain in the Ready Room, but their surroundings have changed once more. The room is open to the atmosphere, its incomplete rear bulkhead now displaying a lovely view of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge on Earth. The captain nervously gestures to the commander, who turns to find a construction worker wearing a hardhat and enjoying some music. Confused by the unexpected visit, the man assumes this is a surprise inspection. Burnham and Rayner immediately adapt to the situation. And, as the worker walks off to inform his foreman; the commander offers him advice — fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Once the man departs, Rayner sheepishly confesses that he hates that saying.

Captain Burnham exhales, proclaiming that they are in drydock when Discovery was first being built. They haven’t just traveled back in time, they are jumping through it. While the people they come across on their journey still live in the moment, Burnham and Rayner's awareness are not being affected by the shifts. The 32nd Century officers trace their steps, remembering that the ordeal began when energy fluctuations prompted them to try beaming to the Bridge. Whatever is influencing the ship must have hit it at the exact moment they were beaming!

Captain Burnham across from Rayner in her Ready Room looks around the room accessing what has changed in 'Face the Strange'

The lights shudder and the environment morphs, the completed starship is now taking weapons fire in the midst of a massive space battle. Although the year oscillates, Burnham and Rayner are returned to their original positions in the Ready Room every time. Explosions rock Discovery , and the chronometer reads Stardate 1051.8 — the Battle with Control. They deduce that this can’t be a time eddy or a neural attack, and the truth suddenly dawns on Rayner — it’s a "time bug," a Krenim chronophage left over from the Temporal War.* They are designed to paralyze an enemy vessel by randomly cycling through time, lasting weeks or months until the "little suckers" run out of juice. Curious as to how Moll and L'ak got the device aboard Discovery , they assume the unauthorized broadcast was a notification beacon intended to alert the couriers to their position.

Captain Burnham resolves to prohibit Moll and L'ak from obtaining the Progenitors' tech, and she activates her tricom badge in order to calculate a pattern to the time cycle intervals. She proposes they find Stamets, as the scientist lives outside of time because of his tardigrade DNA. Rayner's face conveys befuddlement, but the captain thinks that — while Stamets will be trapped within the time bug's trap like everyone else — he will be as aware of the situation as she and Rayner.

Chaos reigns in Sickbay, with those wounded during the fight against Control filling the biobeds. Dr. Hugh Culber treats Stamets for a shrapnel wound to his chest. The astromycologist tries to warn his partner about a "scary bug," but Culber attributes the calls for a "Zora" to delirium and induces a coma. Space warps around them, and the moment snaps back to the Ready Room, where Burnham and Rayner see that Discovery is now under a Cloak Alert. Burnham's badge shows that the last cycle sustained itself for twice as long as the one prior to it. She checks the stardate and predicts Stamets will be in Engineering. They take a turbolift — Burnham programs a direct route to storage on Deck 13 via service shaft epsilon so as to uphold the Temporal Prime Directive** — and the captain inputs an override code to mask their biometric readings.

The ship goes to Black Alert, and a bleak revelation occurs to Burnham — this is the day Osyraa attacks Discovery . The turbolift doors slide open, and they are greeted by one of the Emerald Chain's heavily armed regulators. Burnham and Rayner spring into action, ducking weapons fire and dispatching the helmeted guard. Osyraa's reinforcements storm the corridor, but the duo fend them off in ferocious hand-to-hand combat. A regulator nearly gets the drop on Rayner, but Commander Jett Reno delivers a blast to the foe's head and remarks, "Get a better helmet." Reno doesn’t recognize Rayner, and the time traveler poses as an officer named Commander Lock who is on temporary assignment. He's grateful for the save, and Reno says he can repay her with a drink at Red’s. The engineer advises him to steer clear of the "bucketheads," and the time shift crescendos once again.

Due to a time bug, Burnham and Rayner find themselves in an abandoned Discovery bridge in 'Face the Strange'

Back in the Ready Room, Burnham and Rayner perceive several differences — accumulated debris clouds the viewport, the power systems blink unsteadily, and it seems as if no one has been there for years. Musical tones lure them to the Bridge, and they enter to the sounds of "Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera)." The viewscreen doors are sealed, and Zora welcomes them by asking if they are real or if this is another dream. Discovery 's A.I. relays that Captain Burnham and the crew died decades ago, and it is now 3218 — almost 30 years in the future. Zora's memory is unreliable, but she explains that the Progenitors' technology fell into the wrong hands. Burnham orders her to open the viewscreen doors, an act which unveils a horrific scene. Federation Headquarters has been torn apart, its interior superstructure exposed to space.

Zora provides further details — by the time Starfleet found Discovery and deactivated the Krenim chronophage, Moll and L'ak were too far ahead to catch. Burnham spots a Breen ship among the starbase's debris, and Zora confirms that the Breen somehow acquired the Progenitors' secrets and launched a devastating attack. The captain slowly advances toward her captain's chair, wiping dust from its surface and reminiscing about needing all of her strength to prevent herself from running away the first time she walked onto this Bridge. She respected Starfleet too much to believe she deserved to be there after mutinying on the U.S.S. Shenzhou , yet Rayner points out that she must be the first person in Starfleet history to captain a ship that they originally boarded as a prisoner.

Grinning, Burnham admits that she never gave up and refocuses her efforts on solving the current crisis. Tracking the time cycles isn't enough, so Zora recommends other variables — the ship's location, distance, and speed. The captain latches onto the final factor, determining that their speed is a vital part of the equation. When Zora maps the intervals to a spacetime diagram and expands them to higher dimensions, the resulting pattern is a conical wave that tells them how long they'll have between time jumps. The holographic illustration accurately predicts the next shift, and Zora pleads for them to set things right.

Stamets proposes a theoretical scenario for Jett Reno facing her in Engineering in 'Face the Strange'

On this occasion, Stamets materializes from the time jump and finds himself in Engineering with Reno. She tells "Doctor Truffles" that she is waiting for the reference calculations for the injector coil, and Stamets feigns recognition until he reasons she requires the information for the O.B.D. diagnostic. The scientist asks his colleague about a "theoretical predicament," wondering if — hypothetically — calibrating a chroniton stabilizer to partition world lines per Scaravelli's Constant would nullify any temporal unpleasantness that might hit the ship. Reno concurs, so long as he factors dimensional variations, and elicits an awkward denial when she asks if Stamets is stuck in a time loop. She playfully jabs his shoulder, cautioning that burying his mind in the abstract for too long will turn him into a Rothko painting.

As Reno departs, Captain Burnham pokes her head up from a maintenance shaft and softly whispers for Stamets' attention. The astromycologist moves quickly, commanding the rest of his staff to evacuate due to a spore breach or risk having mushrooms grow on their lungs. Burnham and Rayner crawl from their hiding place and fill Stamets in on everything they've learned to this point. Repeating events has stressed the scientist, though he took solace in reliving the time Lieutenant Linus got stuck in the replicator. Stamets escorts them to the panel where the "time bug" embedded itself in the power distribution subsystem, but improperly removing it might cause incalculable timelines to converge and repeatedly rip every molecule into infinite directions for eternity. "Sounds bad," according to Rayner.

In order to disconnect the time bug from Discovery 's inner workings, they must nullify its effects with near-perfect precision based on the shifting intervals. Fortunately for Stamets, the captain can supply him with that intel. The scientist transfers the data to his PADD, sharing that he’ll need help gathering parts to build a chroniton stabilizer. As their current cycle winds down, the three officers agree to meet on Deck 13 after each reset. The jump occurs and they make their scheduled rendezvous, but the only place to find the field disruptor fluid Stamets requests is in the holodeck that — at this time — has just been installed in the captain's quarters, which is bio-metrically secured.

A future Burnham grips Book's hands as he returns to her quarters after getting in a workout in 'Face the Strange'

Burnham volunteers for the assignment and discreetly steps foot in her room, finding Grudge relaxing on the bed. The captain opens a panel and removes vials of the liquid, but Cleveland "Book" Booker returns from the gym before she can exit. The Kwejian throws Burnham further off balance when he removes his shirt, and he draws her close to underscore his confidence in her "new" captaincy. He implores her to trust her instincts and says she is made for this. Book agrees that change can be hard, but that's the only way anything meaningful can happen. He steps forward for a passionate kiss, and they exchange "I love yous" on Burnham’s way out the door.

Burnham reunites with Rayner and Stamets in Engineering, where the astromycologist is disturbed that his subordinates don't realize that a "spore breach" isn’t a real thing. He adds the field disruptor fluid to his freshly constructed chroniton stabilizer, but the "time bug" has a defense mechanism — a purple-hued temporal shield that disintegrates a spanner in mere seconds. Another reset occurs, and they gather on Deck 13. Stamets explains that time within the shield is moving at an ultra-accelerated rate, so anything — including humanoids — will age to dust before it reaches the bug itself. However, they can mitigate the effects by taking the ship to maximum warp and breaking the warp bubble, which is what protects the vessel from the effects of relativity. Dropping out of warp at that speed will impede the time inside the shield from being able to keep up.

Convening in Engineering, Paul Stamets in Discovery's 23rd Century uniform addresses Rayner and Burnham in 32nd Century uniforms in 'Face the Strange'

Rayner voices the prospect of deadly whiplash or breaking the Discovery into a million pieces, but Stamets replies that the inertial dampeners should prevent that — hopefully . He also details that their actions won't affect the future, as changes to the period they're in don't become permanent until after the bug resets. Breaking the bubble and deactivating the time bug within the same cycle will cause everything to revert to the way it was before. They have 14 minutes to pull off the risky endeavor, but — at the current time — Captain Gabriel Lorca still commands Discovery . Luckily, the Mirror Universe menace is on an away mission with Saru and Ellen Landry, but a somberness settles in when Stamets and Burnham find out that their friend, the late Lieutenant Commander Airiam, is on duty on the Bridge.

The three officers set their strategy — Burnham will need to convince the crew, who still believe she's a mutineer, to follow her instructions; Stamets will modulate the inertial dampeners; and Rayner will be the one to stick his hand in the "spider’s nest." They split up, but the captain's turbolift ride is interrupted by a stop to pick up Lieutenant Linus, who seems perplexed by Burnham's 32nd Century Command uniform. The Saurian hesitates to comment, eventually composing himself enough to tell her that red is definitely her color. Burnham's smile of relief is fleeting, because — once Linus leaves — the current timeline's Michael Burnham shows up at the door.

The captain pulls her past self into the turbolift, intent on outlining how she is from the future and has found herself stuck cycling through time. Past Burnham perceives the explanation as a ruse, uncertain as to whether Captain Burnham is a shapeshifter. Referring to the captain's rank and uniform, her younger self can't imagine how she could possibly wind up receiving captain's pips after having been convicted of mutiny. Past Burnham squares off with the captain, and the two Michaels prove themselves to be relatively evenly matched at fisticuffs, at least until the captain incapacitates her counterpart with a Vulcan nerve pinch. Out of breath, Captain Burnham comforts the unconscious woman, as — while it's hard to see a path to the captaincy from where she is — she can overcome the long road by not giving up.

32nd Century Captain Burnham pulls mutineer Burnham into the turbolift in 'Face the Strange'

Stamets glides into Engineering, barking that he is "very grumpy" as a way to clear the room. Rayner climbs in through a shaft, noting that this worked better than the scientist's spore drive excuse. Acknowledging he was a tad more surly "pre-tardigrade DNA," Stamets wrestles with mixing up the 23rd Century inertial dampener procedure with the modern 32nd Century systems that also occupy his mind. Rayner's declaration that Stamets must "unmuddy" those thoughts irritates the astromycologist, and he critiques the commander's "gruff candor" routine. Stamets feels the weight of the moment, but his diatribe makes it clear that he is also bearing the intense pressure of dealing with the Progenitors' unprecedented technology. Rayner reflects, assuring him that he's not in this alone, and impresses Stamets by helping him prepare for their gambit at another console. The first officer uncharacteristically refers to him by his first name, inspiring Paul to laugh with his declaration, "Let’s show’em how a couple of old dogs still know the best tricks."

Captain Burnham arrives on the Bridge with her hands raised in a peaceful gesture, and — seated in the captain's chair — the mechanically-augmented Airiam states that she is not authorized to be here. Lieutenant Bryce and Cadet Tilly question the style of Burnham's uniform and hair, but Airiam calls for security once the captain starts to clarify her predicament. Burnham simplifies her story to guard her crew from too many details, though her intimate knowledge about Lieutenant Joann Owosekun's right cross and the sensors’ report that two Michaels exist on the ship aid her cause.

The captain resumes displaying her familiarity with the crew — Lieutenant Keyla Detmer sits at a window on Deck 6 when she's having a bad day; Owosekun joined Starfleet because she wasn't able to save her friend when she was 15; Bryce loves Comms because he used to listen to old radio emissions in space with his grandmother; and Tilly is frightened her mutinous roommate will knife her in her sleep because of her snoring. Burnham stuns the room when she proclaims that she's not just a future Starfleet captain, she's Discovery 's captain. Certain that this is all difficult to process, she asserts that Airiam will trust her account because — Burnham contains her sadness — she has seen how Airiam dies.

Tilly plugs her ears to dodge any additional temporal insights, while Bryce reacts by demanding Burnham be removed from the Bridge. The captain hurries to offer specifics as the comms officer draws his phaser. Airiam perishes 396 days from this moment when an A.I. program infects her augmentation, prompting her to sacrifice everything for Discovery . The crew denies Airiam would ever give up, but her own metallic voice declares that she would if it meant saving her friends. The tension is relieved and the officers stand down, allowing Airiam to ask what Burnham needs of them. Airiam's order for the ship to prepare for maximum warp rings out over the comm in Engineering, assuring Stamets and Rayner that Burnham had succeeded. All seems right with three minutes to go, but "past" Burnham startles them by storming in with Lieutenant Rhys and aiming a phaser at the two time travelers.

Discovery achieves maximum warp, giving Captain Burnham a moment to confide in Airiam on the Bridge. Airiam is astonishingly serene about her fate and adds that she won't retain her memories from this time cycle anyway. A status check on Engineering reveals Rayner and Stamets' captive quandary, but the captain encourages her first officer to handle the situation. Rayner speaks to Rhys, insisting that he knows him in a future time when he has been promoted to Lieutenant Commander. The tactical officer's incredulity endures until Rayner recounts Rhys' love for the curves of the 23rd Century Constitution -class. The lieutenant's grip on his weapon wavers.

Past Burnham intercedes — even if Rayner is from the future, it's too dangerous — and wields her phaser in Stamets' direction. Harkening back to a memory that Captain Burnham had shared earlier, Rayner confronts her younger counterpart with the fact that — on her first day on Discovery — she didn't feel she deserved to be there. Rayner steps forward until her phaser rests on his chest, pronouncing that past Burnham does deserve to be here. She’s doing a "damned good job" in all the shit she’s going through, and it's going to make her one hell of a captain. Rayner also lost his family in his youth, and he learned that the only thing left you can trust is the voice in your head. He implores her to trust her instincts, watching as past Burnham lowers her phaser.

The viewscreen in Engineering flickers as they endure another time anomaly as Captain Burnham lifts her hand to the screen in 'Face the Strange'

Stamets hails Captain Burnham, who orders Detmer to exit the warp bubble, an act that sends blue static crackling across the viewscreen. Rayner simultaneously engulfs the time bug in the chroniton stabilizer, straining as his hand fends off the time differential. The illumination in Engineering flickers rapidly, the fluctuation accelerating until Burnham and Rayner suddenly land back in the Ready Room once more. The computer confirms they're back in the present, having only lost six hours to the disturbance. The past hasn't been altered in any way, though the commander is nursing his injured hand.

Rayner contemplates their trial, crediting Burnham's success to her relationship with her crew. He accepts that he can be stubborn, a trait he also saw in "past" Burnham. The captain muses that the experience reminded her of life's constant changes, a lesson which helps her understand how arduous it is for Rayner to adjust to his new role. The duo see eye-to-eye on another truth — they made a good team. The commander wonders how they'll explain this to the crew, but Burnham jokes that they'll get it as soon as they say "time bug."

Stamets stares into the panel which said time bug inhabited, pulling out its charred remains and wishing he had been able to squish it. Adira notices the mechanical arachnid and wonders if it had anything to do with six hours passing in the blink of an eye. The Bridge crew embrace the information in a similar fashion, and Gen Rhys is particularly happy that he didn't shoot the captain during the standoff.

Commander Rayner, his hand now healed, enters in time to hear Captain Burnham impart her own appreciation for the way everyone came together. She requests an update from the DOTs who have been scanning nearby space, and Linus communicates that a warp signature matching Moll and L'ak's ship was detected. Rayner praises Rhys for his earlier assertion, earning a nod from the tactical officer. Moll and L'ak's trail vanishes, but the captain is confident that her crew can solve the mystery of the next clue's location. As the officers set to work, Captain Burnham settles into the captain's chair, the joy palpable on her face.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Section Banner - Canon Connections

* " Year of Hell " — Introduced in this Star Trek: Voygar two-parter, the U.S.S. Voyager encountered the technologically-advanced Krenim, which once dominated the Zahl territory with their deadly temporal weapons.

** " Relativity " — Lt. Duncane reminds Captain Janeway about the Temporal Prime Directive, a fundamental Starfleet principle, to not discuss her experiences with time travel with anyone as to not disrupt the timeline, alter history, or create paradoxes.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Section Banner - Log Credits

  • Written by Sean Cochran
  • Directed by Lee Rose

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Section Banner - Notable Tunes

  • "Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera)" — Doris Day

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Jay Stobie (he/him) is a freelance writer, author, and consultant who has contributed articles to, Star Trek Explorer, and Star Trek Magazine, as well as to Star Wars Insider and Learn more about Jay by visiting or finding him on Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms at @StobiesGalaxy.

Star Trek: Discovery Seasons 1-4 are streaming exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., the UK, Canada, Switzerland, South Korea, Latin America, Germany, France, Italy, Australia and Austria. Seasons 2 and 3 also are available on the Pluto TV “Star Trek” channel in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The series streams on Super Drama in Japan, TVNZ in New Zealand, and SkyShowtime in Spain, Portugal, Poland, The Nordics, The Netherlands, and Central and Eastern Europe and also airs on Cosmote TV in Greece. The series is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

Collage of episodic stills of plague-centric moments

Screen Rant

Star trek: discovery’s red angel explained.

Star Trek: Discovery season 5 referenced the Red Angel, a crucial element of season 2 that took the form of two members of Michael Burnham's family.

Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery Season 2, Episode 5 - "Face The Strange"

  • The Red Angel from Star Trek: Discovery season 2 was referenced in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 4.
  • There were two Red Angels in Star Trek: Discovery season 2: Dr. Gabrielle Burnham and her daughter, Commander Michael Burnham.
  • As the Red Angel, Michael led the USS Discovery to the 32nd century and then destroyed the Red Angel time suit.

The Red Angel returned in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 4, "Face the Strange," after being an integral aspect of season 2 that literally brought the USS Discovery to the 32nd century. Discovery season 2 begins with Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount) taking over command of the USS Discovery to investigate a series of mysterious signals that have appeared across the galaxy connected to a being called the Red Angel. Starfleet has been unable to determine the origin of the Red Angel or even what kind of lifeform it may be, but Commander Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and her foster brother, Lt. Spock (Ethan Peck), eventually uncover the truth.

The Red Angel briefly reappears in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 4 , "Face the Strange," written by Sean Cochran and directed by Lee Rose. When Captain Burnham and Commander Rayner (Callum Keith Rennie) get trapped in a time loop, they jump to different points in Discovery 's past, present, and future, including experiencing the starship's journey to the 32nd century. From the bridge of the Discovery, surrounded by the unconscious crew members, Burnham and Rayner watch the Red Angel through the viewscreen, as she leads Discovery to the future.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Returning Cast & New Character Guide

Star trek: discovery season 2’s original red angel was michael’s mother, dr. gabrielle burnham, michael's parents developed the original red angel suit with section 31..

In Star Trek: Discovery season 2 , the USS Discovery tracks the Red Angel to the wreckage of the USS Hiawatha. As they rescue the survivors, Michael Burnham gets her first glimpse of the Red Angel. Burnham also finds a log entry left by Spock that describes nightmares he has had since childhood of seven red burst-like signals and a red angel. In Discovery season 2, episode 8, "If Memory Serves," Spock reveals that he mind-melded with the Red Angel and learned that she is a time traveler trying to prevent the destruction of the galaxy. The full truth of the mysterious entity is finally revealed in the aptly titled Star Trek: Discovery season 2, episode 10, "The Red Angel."

As the Red Angel, Gabrielle then made it her mission to prevent this future, but she kept failing.

With Michael Burnham acting as bait, the Red Angel arrives and is revealed to be Michael's mother, Dr. Gabrielle Burnham (Sonja Sohn). The Red Angel time suit Gabrielle wears was built by Starfleet's covert agency, Section 31, as part of the Daedalus Project, a time travel research program created during a temporal arms race with the Klingons. Michael's parents developed the Red Angel suit but were believed to be killed when the Klingons attacked their research outpost. In reality, Gabrielle had traveled 950 years into the future and discovered that the artificially intelligent Control had wiped out all life. As the Red Angel, Gabrielle then made it her mission to prevent this future, but she kept failing.

Michael Burnham Became Star Trek: Discovery Season 2’s Second Red Angel

Burnham wore the new red angel suit to lead the uss discovery into the 32nd century..

When Gabrielle Burnham was captured in Star Trek: Discovery season 2, episode 10, "The Red Angel," she provided Michael with information, including her personal logs. Unfortunately, Control destroyed the Red Angel suit. As the conflict between Discovery and Control continued to escalate, Discovery's crew came up with a plan to create a new Red Angel suit that could be used to send Discovery into the far future. After a run-in with an ancient sphere, Discovery gained access to a massive amount of data about the galaxy's history. If Control obtained that data, it would then be powerful enough to destroy all sentient life in the galaxy.

To prevent Control from accessing the sphere data, the USS Discovery planned to follow the new Red Angel into the future where Control would be unable to reach them. Michael Burnham became the second Red Angel , donning the new suit to travel back in time and set up the initial signals that would put Discovery on the right path and close the time loop. Michael created a sixth burst to lead Discovery through the wormhole into the future, and a seventh burst to let Spock and the USS Enterprise know that she had been successful. Michael arrived in the 32nd century in 3188, about one year before the USS Discovery would emerge from the wormhole and crash-land on an icy planet in 3189.

In Star Trek : Discovery season 5's "Face the Strange," Burnham and Rayner observe Discovery's journey from the ship's bridge, as Rayner observes: " We’ve gone back in time to when you went forward to the future? That’s a little confusing."

Michael Burnham's 10 Best Star Trek Discovery Episodes

What happened to star trek: discovery’s red angel, burnham ensured discovery's journey was a one-way trip..

Upon emerging from the wormhole in the 32nd century in Star Trek: Discovery season 3's premiere, Burnham collides with the ship of Cleveland Booker (David Ajala), and she and the ship both crash-land on a nearby planet. When Burnham is unable to contact the USS Discovery, she uses the Red Angel suit to check for life signs to confirm that Discovery successfully prevented Control from destroying all life in the galaxy. Elated that their mission was successful, Burnham then sends the Red Angel suit back through the closing wormhole to relay the seventh and final signal. Michael then programs the suit to self-destruct to prevent anyone from following Discovery to the future.

The Red Angel also established the bond between Michael Burnham and her mother, Gabrielle, despite their tumultuous relationship.

The Red Angel was a pivotal component of Star Trek: Discovery season 2 that bridged the series from its 23rd-century origin point to the 32nd century. The Red Angel also established the bond between Michael Burnham and her mother, Gabrielle, despite their tumultuous relationship, as only Michael could accomplish the mission her mother was unable to complete . Star Trek: Discovery season 5 was savvy in nodding to Michael Burnham's history as the Red Angel, since Discovery would not be in the far future without her. But the winged Red Angel time suit had to be destroyed to protect the 23rd century, ensuring Discovery's journey to the 32nd century was one-way and permanent.

Star Trek: Discovery is available to stream on Paramount+.

Star Trek: Discovery

Memory Alpha

  • Mirror Universe
  • View history

USS Enterprise (alternate reality) at warp

The alternate USS Enterprise at warp

Warp drive or warp engine was a technology that allowed space travel at faster-than-light speeds . It worked by generating warp fields to form a subspace bubble that enveloped the starship , distorting the local spacetime continuum and moving the starship at velocities that could greatly exceed the speed of light . These velocities were referred to as warp factors . Warp drive was the most common form of interstellar propulsion used in the Milky Way Galaxy , making interstellar civilization, exploration, and commerce possible. By the 24th century, warp was the primary means of interstellar transport , but scientists from various cultures were pursuing various alternative propulsion methods that were hypothetically faster or more efficient.

  • 1 Etymology
  • 2.1 Parts of the system
  • 2.2 System types
  • 3.1 21st century
  • 3.2 22nd century
  • 3.3 23rd century
  • 3.4 24th century
  • 3.5 ...and beyond
  • 4.1 Background information
  • 4.2 External links

Etymology [ ]

USS Discovery at warp

The USS Discovery at warp in 2257

USS Stargazer, Picard Maneuver 2

The USS Stargazer performs a warp jump

In 2063 , the term "warp drive" was already used by Zefram Cochrane of his engine on the Phoenix . However, Cochrane used the term "space warp generator" in the monitor displays on his spacecraft. ( Star Trek: First Contact ) Even as late as the 2150s , the warp five engine was still officially known as a " gravimetric field displacement manifold" ( ENT : " Cold Front ").

Most cultures throughout the Milky Way Galaxy used the term "warp drive" and by the late- 23rd century it was the most common term used by the Federation as well ( Star Trek: The Original Series , et al.). In the 2250s the term "hyperdrive" was used by Starfleet , ( TOS : " The Cage ") and the Ferengi occasionally used the term "lightspeed drive". ( TNG : " Peak Performance ") Finally, there was the term "star drive" which was only used by the Federation and Starfleet in the 2260s. ( TOS : " Bread and Circuses ", " The Paradise Syndrome ")

Space warp was one of the vocabulary words listed on the chart "A Tunnel in the Sky". This chart was seen in the schoolroom aboard Deep Space 9 in 2369 . ( DS9 : " In the Hands of the Prophets ")

The process of going to warp was described as a warp jump . ( ENT : " Horizon "; TNG : " Peak Performance ", et al.)

Technology [ ]

Enterprise with disabled nacelle

Enterprise with a disabled warp engine

Warp engines were the bulky units found, in many cases, in a starship's nacelle . ( TNG : " New Ground ")

24th century Federation warp engines were fueled by the reaction of matter ( deuterium ) and antimatter ( antideuterium ), mediated through an assembly of dilithium crystals, which were nonreactive with antimatter when subjected to high-frequency electromagnetic fields . This reaction produced a highly energetic plasma , called electro-plasma or warp plasma , which was channeled by plasma conduits through the electro-plasma system (EPS); that system also provided the primary energy supply for the ships other electronic systems. For propulsion the electro-plasma was funneled by plasma injectors into a series of warp field coils , usually located in remote warp nacelles . These coils were composed of verterium cortenide and generated the warp field .

Other civilizations used different power sources, such as the Romulans ' use of artificial quantum singularities to power their warp drives, ( TNG : " Timescape ") but the basic process was similar. In some vessels, such as the Intrepid -class , the nacelles were mounted on variable geometry pylons . ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

Warp propulsion systems graphic

A display showing the main components of a warp drive

Parts of the system [ ]

  • Antimatter containment
  • Antimatter inducer
  • Antimatter relay
  • Deuterium cartridges
  • Deuterium control conduit
  • Electro-plasma
  • Emergency shutdown trips
  • Main stage flux chiller
  • Magnetic interlock
  • Bussard collectors
  • Plasma injector
  • Nullifier core
  • Pre stage flux chiller
  • Phase inducer
  • Plasma conduit
  • Plasma coolant
  • Plasma regulator
  • Power transfer conduit
  • Power transfer grid
  • Space matrix restoration coil
  • Warp field generator
  • Warp plasma conduit
  • Antimatter injector
  • Antiproton injection seal
  • dilithium articulation frame
  • dilithium chamber hatch
  • dilithium crystal
  • dilithium regulator
  • Intermix chamber
  • Matter injector / deuterium injector
  • Theta-matrix compositor

System types [ ]

  • Class 7 warp drive
  • Class 9 warp drive
  • Enhanced warp drive
  • S-2 graf unit
  • Subspace resonator
  • Tetryon plasma warp drive
  • Tricyclic plasma drive
  • Warp five engine
  • Warp three engine
  • Yoyodyne pulse fusion

Development [ ]

Warp drive and other faster-than-light (FTL) propulsion technologies were the linchpin of an interstellar civilization, making trade and exploration across vast interstellar distances viable. Without these technologies, these distances could not be crossed in any reasonable period of time, making interstellar civilization usually limited to a single sector. ( TNG : " A Matter Of Time ") To put this in perspective, planets that were years away with impulse speeds could be reached in days with ships equipped with warp drive. ( TOS : " Where No Man Has Gone Before ")

Rotarran goes to warp

The IKS Rotarran accelerates to warp, viewed from within the vessel

Cultures in the galaxy discovered warp drive at their own pace and rate of development, as most of the cultures had to do. The Vulcans were an interstellar civilization by 9th century BC and had reached the level of warp 7 by 2151 . ( ENT : " The Andorian Incident ", " Fallen Hero "; DS9 : " Little Green Men ") Klingons had interstellar travel capability around the time of Kahless in the 9th century . They had achieved the capability of warp 6 by 2151. ( TNG : " Rightful Heir "; DS9 : " Little Green Men "; VOY : " Day of Honor "; ENT : " Judgment ") Romulans were once considered a group of petty thugs and warp drive was regarded as the key technology that allowed the founding of the Romulan Star Empire . ( Star Trek: Insurrection ) The Vissians developed warp drive around the 12th century . ( ENT : " Cogenitor ") The Borg in the Delta Quadrant began to establish their interstellar collective by the 15th century . ( VOY : " Dragon's Teeth ") In the Alpha Quadrant, the rapid progress of Humanity in the 22nd century led to the wide-scale exploration of the galaxy being one of the basic goals of the United Federation of Planets , founded in 2161 .

The development of the warp drive was recognized by the United Federation of Planets as the marker of an advanced society. It was only after a people developed warp drive that the Federation made contact, as codified in the Prime Directive . ( TNG : " First Contact ") A warp capable society was deemed technically and psychologically ready to embrace the universe at large.

According to Science Officer Spock in 2259 , not once in the entire history of first contact had warp been first developed as anything but a drive. However, the Kiley had developed warp in the form of a warp bomb . ( SNW : " Strange New Worlds ")

21st century [ ]

Phoenix warp

Phoenix goes to warp

On Earth , warp drive was initially developed by Zefram Cochrane , in the period following World War III . ( Star Trek: First Contact )

The spacecraft credited with discovering the space warp phenomenon was the Bonaventure . ( DS9 : " The Nagus ", production art )

Despite the hardships imposed by the war's aftermath and the lack of advanced materials, Cochrane was able to build a manned warp-capable vessel using a converted Titan II missile. The successful first flight of his ship – the Phoenix – took place on April 5 , 2063 , and drew the attention of a Vulcan exploratory vessel, leading to the event known as First Contact . ( Star Trek: First Contact )

The Bonaventure then became the first deep-space starship to have warp drive installed. ( TAS : " The Time Trap ")

22nd century [ ]

Columbia mirrors Enterprise

Two NX-class starships in tandem warp flight

Development of warp technology by humans proceeded slowly over the next eighty years, after the flight of the Phoenix – due, in no small part, to the cautious advice of the Vulcans – and it was not until the 2140s that a warp engine developed by Henry Archer at the Warp Five Complex could exceed warp factor 2.

This engine was successfully tested in the second NX prototype by Commanders A.G. Robinson and Jonathan Archer to a speed of warp 2.5, breaking the so-called " warp 2 barrier " in 2143 . Eight months later, Duvall achieved warp 3 with the NX Delta . Warp 4 was first achieved by the USS Franklin . ( ENT : " First Flight "; Star Trek Beyond )

By the year 2149 , warp technology was sufficiently advanced to begin the construction of Enterprise , a vessel capable of warp 5 and launched in 2151 . ( ENT : " Broken Bow ") Although Enterprise was at first unable to fully realize this potential (maxing out at warp 4.7), the starship finally reached warp 5 on February 9 , 2152 . ( ENT : " Fallen Hero ")

By 2161 , Starfleet warp drive technology had achieved the capability to reach warp 7, and these engines were being built into the latest class of Starfleet vessels as the NX-class ships were being decommissioned. ( ENT : " These Are the Voyages... ")

23rd century [ ]

USS Shenzhou at warp

The USS Shenzhou at warp in 2256

Development and improvement of warp drive continued apace, and by the 2240s , Starfleet vessels of the Constitution -class had standard cruising speeds of warp 6 and emergency speeds as high as warp 8 (although under the right conditions, the engines could reach warp 9). These ships took advantage of a major breakthrough in warp technology that took place between 2236 and 2254 , the breaking of the so-called " time barrier ". ( TOS : " The Cage ")

Higher warp factors continued to be reached, mostly through alien intervention, or dangerous malfunction. The USS Enterprise was modified by the Kelvans to maintain a speed of warp 11 in 2268 . Later that year, the Enterprise accelerated to a speed of warp factor 14.1, after being sabotaged by a Kalandan planetary defense system . At that velocity, however, the ship came within moments of destroying itself. ( TOS : " By Any Other Name ", " That Which Survives ")

At around the same time, warp engines were being redesigned to allow standard speeds of warp 8 and above. During the refit of the Constitution -class, the cylindrical-shaped nacelles were replaced with a new flattened design. Engines required precise tuning; imbalanced engines caused a wormhole effect that almost destroyed Enterprise on its first mission after refit. ( Star Trek: The Motion Picture )

USS Enterprise-A escapes Klingon attack

The USS Enterprise -A jumps to warp to escape an incoming photon torpedo

Warp theory continued to advance with the development of the first transwarp drive engines in the mid- 2280s , which would have theoretically allowed greater efficiency and any warp speed to be available for a ship. However, the transwarp experiment of USS Excelsior ended in failure, and the technology was abandoned at that time. The Excelsior itself was deemed spaceworthy, retrofitted with conventional warp drive and commissioned as NCC-2000 under the command of Captain Hikaru Sulu . ( Star Trek III: The Search for Spock ; VOY : " Threshold "; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country )

24th century [ ]

USS Enterprise-D, TNG Season 1-2

The USS Enterprise -D at warp

At some point in the 24th century, a new warp factor scale came into use, which placed warp 10 as a theoretical maximum. ( VOY : " Threshold ")

By the time the Galaxy -class starship was being designed in the 2360s , warp technology had progressed to the point where speeds of warp 9.6 could be sustained for up to twelve hours, although warp 9.2 was considered the "red line." ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ")

In 2367 , the warp drive on the Galaxy -class starship was managed by the warp propulsion power system . In that year, when Data hijacked the USS Enterprise -D , he issued a command override on this system giving him complete control of the system from the bridge . ( TNG : " Brothers ")

Warp without Command

Voyager accelerates to warp

The USS Voyager was capable of a top cruising speed of warp 9.975. ( VOY : " Caretaker ", " Relativity ")

The USS Prometheus was capable of a sustained cruising speed of warp 9.9. ( VOY : " Message in a Bottle ")

In 2370 , the Hekaran scientist Serova discovered that the use of conventional warp engines caused damage to the fabric of spacetime. The Federation Council imposed a speed limit of warp factor 5 on all Federation vessels in all but extreme emergency cases, such as medical emergencies. A conspiracy theory posit by Steve Levy suggested that the discovery of this was part of a Vendorian morality test ( TNG : " Force of Nature ", " The Pegasus ", " Eye of the Beholder ", LD : " Caves ")

It was not until 2372 , that the transwarp threshold was broken by the Federation. Tom Paris of the USS Voyager managed to achieve infinite velocity on the shuttlecraft Cochrane . However, this form of travel was found to have severe, unanticipated side effects . ( VOY : " Threshold ")

...and beyond [ ]

In what was originally the future which was observed and altered by Jean-Luc Picard , speeds of at least warp 13 were possible. ( TNG : " All Good Things... ")

Appendices [ ]

Background information [ ].

Gene Roddenberry originally intended the Enterprise to become transparent while in warp drive, as depicted in " The Cage " (later reformatted into the two-part "The Menagerie"). The idea was that the ship would be traveling faster than light, which means that light would not reach it, rendering the vessel invisible to the naked eye. However, according to Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity, the speed of light is a constant from any frame of reference; an observer moving at close to c would still observe light moving toward him and away from him at c .

External links [ ]

  • Warp drive at
  • Warp drive at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Hyperdrive at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Warp drive at Wikipedia
  • André Bormanis's explanation of warp drive (X)


  1. The Vengeance Factor (1989)

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  2. Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994)

    red factor star trek

  3. "The Vengeance Factor" (S3:E9) Star Trek: The Next Generation Screencaps

    red factor star trek

  4. Red Characters from Film & TV

    red factor star trek

  5. "The Vengeance Factor" (S3:E9) Star Trek: The Next Generation Screencaps

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  6. The Alternative Factor

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  1. Trek/Re-Trek: Star Trek TOS Episode 27 "The Alternative Factor" Review & Discussion

  2. Star Trek: Resurgence

  3. Kate Mulgrew v Prahe 17.9.2011 (SK titulky)

  4. Обзор игры: Red Faction (2001)

  5. Star Trek TOS: The Alternative Factor

  6. Star Trek Next Generation


  1. "Star Trek" The Alternative Factor (TV Episode 1967)

    The Alternative Factor: Directed by Gerd Oswald. With William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Robert Brown, DeForest Kelley. Existence itself comes under threat from a man's power-struggle with his alternate self, with the Enterprise's strained dilithium crystals presenting his key to a final solution.

  2. The Alternative Factor (episode)

    The Star Trek production team filed a grievance against Barrymore at the Screen Actors' Guild, which led to him being unable to obtain acting work for six months in 1967. (Inside Star Trek: The Real Story, pp. 201-202; These Are the Voyages: TOS Season One 1st ed., pp. 415-416, 420) Sets and props []

  3. The Alternative Factor

    "The Alternative Factor" is the twenty-seventh episode of the first season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek. Written by Don Ingalls and directed by Gerd Oswald, it first aired on March 30, 1967.. In the episode, the crew of the USS Enterprise encounters a "reality jumping" madman. It is the first Star Trek episode to deal with a parallel universe.

  4. Red Directive

    A Red Directive was a 32nd century Starfleet term for a mission of the utmost urgency and sensitivity. The secrecy of a Red Directive could supersede even the authority of Starfleet's commander in chief. Red Directive briefings were conducted inside the Infinity Room. (DIS: "Red Directive") During his career, Captain Rayner had participated in seven Red Directives, four of them as the lead ...

  5. The Omega Glory

    "The Omega Glory" is the twenty-third episode of the second season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek. Written by Gene Roddenberry and directed by Vincent McEveety, it was first broadcast March 1, 1968.In the episode, Captain Kirk must find the cure to a deadly disease and put an end to another Starfleet captain's cultural interference.

  6. Maximum warp

    Maximum warp (shortened from maximum warp speed and also known as top warp speed, maximum speed, high warp speed, emergency speed) was the maximum warp factor velocity a starship was designed for and a term whereby a bridge officer could ask the flight control officer to accelerate the ship to its highest possible velocity. The maximum warp velocity and the time it could be maintained by a ...

  7. [April 6, 1967] But what of Star Trek? ("The Alternative Factor")

    Science Fiction/Fantasy, TV. [April 6, 1967] But what of Star Trek? ("The Alternative Factor") April 6, 2022 Janice L. Newman 9 Comments. by Janice L. Newman. Star Trek has given us some of the best science fiction on television. It's also, like any weekly show with scripts written by different authors, had some mediocre episodes. But ...

  8. Warp drive

    Warp drive. A warp drive or a drive enabling space warp is a fictional superluminal (faster than the speed of light) spacecraft propulsion system in many science fiction works, most notably Star Trek, [1] and a subject of ongoing physics research. The general concept of "warp drive" was introduced by John W. Campbell in his 1957 novel Islands ...

  9. The Vengeance Factor

    The Vengeance Factor. " The Vengeance Factor " is the ninth episode of the third season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, and the 57th episode of the series overall. Captain Picard contends with a divided people, the Acamarians. In this episode, the crew of the Enterprise tries to negotiate an end ...

  10. "The Alternative Factor"

    A casual, constructive, and most importantly, welcoming place on the internet to talk about Star Trek. "The Alternative Factor" - First Time Viewing Reaction. Noob Trek 27 - The Alternative Factor. Well guys, I did it. A true rite of passage in being a real aficionado of any long running tv show. I survived my first dogshit episode of Star ...

  11. "Star Trek" The Alternative Factor (TV Episode 1967)

    What I find really interesting if you watch a TV series in episode order like I'm doing now with Star Trek, you manage to pick up on little bits of trivia that might have escaped you while watching in random order in TV re-runs. Remember the set with the red screen on the left and the two wall computers positioned slightly to the right.

  12. Star Trek: Discovery Season 5, Episode 1 Ending & TNG Treasure Explained

    The ending of Star Trek: Discovery's exhilarating season 5 premiere dropped a jaw-dropping bombshell that the treasure Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) is hunting for comes from Star Trek: The Next Generation season 6, episode 20, "The Chase." Written by Discovery showrunner Michelle Paradise and directed by Olatunde Osunsanmi, Discovery's season 5 premiere, "Red Directive ...

  13. RECAP

    The fifth and final season of Star Trek: Discovery opens with " Red Directive, " where Captain Burnham and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery are sent to retrieve a mysterious artifact hidden inside a 800-year-old Romulan vessel - but find that they're not the only ones on the hunt. Meanwhile, Saru is offered the position of a lifetime.

  14. One Trek Mind #41: "The Alternative Factor"

    In a previous One Trek Mind column -- THIS one -- I discussed how, in my youth, I'd stay up late, letting TOS reruns lull me to the Land of Nod, and sometimes the show would seep into my dreams. (I fully expect you to remember all my One Trek Mind tidbits, by the way - there will be a quiz when we're done.). For quite some time I was convinced that "The Alternative Factor" was a bizarre ...

  15. The Alternative Factor

    Star Trek The Alternative Factor. Sci-Fi Mar 23, 1967 48 min Paramount+. Available on Prime Video, Crave, iTunes, Paramount+ S1 E27: Identical men (Robert Brown in a dual role) from parallel universes will cause total annihilation if they meet. Sci ...

  16. Never Heard Of Star Trek: Discovery's Red Directive Before ...

    Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery Season 5, Episode 1 - "Red Directive" Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 introduces a new Red Directive mission, showcasing unprecedented secrecy and urgency ...

  17. Star Trek's Redshirt: What Does It Mean & Why Have There Been so Many

    A redshirt is a stock character in fictional works that has the function of dying dramatically immediately after being introduced. The term originates from the classic Star Trek series (1966-1969), in which characters wearing a red jersey uniform frequently died. The death of such characters is often used to express the potential danger faced by the protagonists (who are destined to survive).

  18. Star Trek Just Quietly Brought Back

    The Breen are Back in the 32nd Century. Rayner is a member of another deep-cut DS9 species, the Kelleruns. Mentioned offhand in the Discovery Season 5 debut episode, "Red Directive," the Breen ...

  19. "Star Trek: The Next Generation" The Vengeance Factor (TV ...

    The Vengeance Factor: Directed by Timothy Bond. With Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn. The Enterprise pursues a race of "gatherers" who continue to raid Federation outposts, unaware of the dangers lurking among them.


    STAR TREK: DISCOVERY Review — "Face the Strange". by Claire Little, Executive Officer (In Charge of Radishes) ˙. April 18, 2024. ˙. 63. ˙. 18. Moll and L'ak's attempts to sabotage Discovery's efforts finally succeed and Burnham, Rayner, and Stamets are sent jumping through time where they have to face their pasts — and their ...

  21. The Vengeance Factor (episode)

    The Enterprise tries to negotiate an end to raids launched by a group called the "Gatherers," but a murder threatens to prevent peace. Riker, Dr. Crusher, Worf, and Data beam into an unknown, very torn-apart room in a Federation outpost. After lifting a few pieces of debris, Worf observes that the reactor belonging to whomever was stationed here is missing. Crusher sees blood on a sharp metal ...

  22. RECAP

    Burnham and Rayner attempt to beam to Discovery 's command center, but their personal transporters convulse. The Ready Room is suddenly transformed, now awash in sparks and debris with stars speeding past the rear viewport. Transporters and comms appear to be inoperative, so Burnham and Rayner rush to the turbolift.

  23. Star Trek: Discovery's Red Angel Explained

    The Red Angel returned in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 4, "Face the Strange," after being an integral aspect of season 2 that literally brought the USS Discovery to the 32nd century. Discovery season 2 begins with Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount) taking over command of the USS Discovery to investigate a series of mysterious signals that have appeared across the galaxy connected ...

  24. star trek

    23. In Star Trek (2009) there is a mysterious substance called red matter that is able to create spontaneous singularities. These singularities are able to contain supernovae that threaten the galaxy, allow time travel to alternate realities, and can crush experimental, Borg-inspired mining vessels. What exactly is this red matter goo supposed ...

  25. Discovery's "Red Directive" in Review

    Two years after the Season 4 finale split Michael and Book up by sending Book to jail for sabotaging (correctly, as it turned out) Starfleet's attempt to destroy the Anomaly and ended up making contact with a whole new type of lifeform, Star Trek: Discovery returns for a fifth and final season.. Log Entry. The episode starts with a cold open of Michael in an EV suit, trying to break into a ...

  26. Warp drive

    Warp drive or warp engine was a technology that allowed space travel at faster-than-light speeds. It worked by generating warp fields to form a subspace bubble that enveloped the starship, distorting the local spacetime continuum and moving the starship at velocities that could greatly exceed the speed of light. These velocities were referred to as warp factors. Warp drive was the most common ...