Simply Red live in Deutschland 2023: Tickets, Termine, Vorverkauf

12 konzerte im nächsten jahr. alle infos hier..

simply red deutschland tour 2023

Simply Red verschieben ihre Deutschland-Konzerte auf nächstes Jahr Foto: Dean Chalkley. All rights reserved.

simply red deutschland tour 2023

Im Sommer 2023 werden Simply Red zwischen dem 8. und 28. Juli zwölf Open-Air-Konzerte in Deutschland geben, im Programm alle Songs von 1985 bis heute, also von „Picture Book“ bis „Blue Eyed Soul“. Der Vorverkauf startet am 09. November.

Summer 2023

08.07.2023 Berlin Zitadelle

09.07.2023 Halle/Saale Peißnitzinsel

11.07.2023 Kiel Wunderino Arena

12.07.2023 Mönchengladbach SparkassenPark

14.07.2023 Bonn Kunst!Rasen

15.07.2023 Mainz Zitadelle

16.07.2023 Lörrach Stimmen Festival

19.07.2023 Rosenheim Rosenheim Sommerfestival

20.07.2023 Regensburg Schloss Emmeram

21.07.2023 Fulda Domplatz

25.07.2023 Salem Schloss

28.07.2023 Füssen Barockgarten

PayPal Prio Tickets: Mi, 09.11.2022, 10:00 Uhr (Online-Presale, 48 Stunden)

MagentaMusik Prio Tickets: Mi., 09.11.2022, 10:00 Uhr (Online-Presale, 48 Stunden)

Ticketmaster Pre-Sale: Do., 10.11.2022, 10:00 Uhr (Online-Presale, 24 Stunden)

Allgemeiner Vorverkaufsstart: Fr., 11.11.2022, 10:00 Uhr

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Simply Red 2022 Deutschland

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Vorverkauf gestartet: Simply Red kehren im Sommer 2023 auf Open-Air-Tournee nach Deutschland zurück

Nach der Arena-Tour ist vor der Open-Air-Tour: Simply Red kommen aktuell auf ihrer Europa-Tournee durch die größten Arenen so in Fahrt, dass sie gleich zahlreiche neue Shows für nächsten Sommer ankündigen. Diesmal geht es durch zahlreiche sehenswerte Open-Air-Locations quer durch die Republik. Der Vorverkauf ist gestartet!

Simply Red Tickets

Gerade ist die so gut wie ausverkaufte „Blue Eyed Soul“ Tour noch in vollem Gange, da überraschen Simply Red direkt mit den nächsten Live-Terminen: Im Sommer geht es mit einer Open-Air-Tour durch 12 deutsche Städte weiter. Natürlich dürfen die Fans den perfekten Mix aus Soul, Funk und Reggae ebenso erwarten wie die geballten Greatest Hits, darunter „Holding Back The Years”, „If You Don’t Know Me by Now” und „Stars”.

Die mit Spannung erwartete aktuelle Simply Red Tournee rollt gerade quer durch Europa und fast überall restlos ausverkauft. Ab nächste Woche Montag startet der Deutschland-Teil der mehrfach verlegten Konzertreise von Mick Hucknall und Kollegen in Hamburg. Anschließend sind Simply Red bis Ende November 2022 für Arena-Konzerte in Frankfurt, Hannover, Dortmund, Köln, Mannheim, Berlin, Stuttgart, Leipzig und München zu Gast – letzte Resttickets findet ihr hier bei Ticketmaster. Kleiner Vorgeschmack?

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Wir werfen schonmal einen Blick in den Sommer 2023, wenn Simply Red live nach Deutschland zurückkehren – diesmal dürfen sich die schönsten Open-Air-Konzertstätten der Republik auf die fantastische Liveband freuen. Im Juli 2023 spielen Simply Red u.a. in der Berliner Zitadelle, auf der Freilichtbühne Peißnitz in Halle, in der Mainzer Zitadelle, auf dem Domplatz in Fulda, vor dem Regensburger Schloss und auf dem Kunst!Rasen in der Rheinaue in Bonn. Also werden die neuen Simply Red Deutschland-Termine nicht nur etwas für’s Ohr, sondern auch fürs Auge. Praktischerweise findet mehr als die Hälfte der Shows am Wochenende oder freitags statt – ideal für einen Städtetrip im Sommer 2023.

Simply Red | Sommer Tournee 2023 | Termine + Tickets

  • 08.07.2023, Berlin – Zitadelle Spandau
  • 09.07.2023, Halle – Freilichtbühne Peißnitz
  • 11.07.2023, Kiel – Wunderino Arena
  • 12.07.2023, Mönchengladbach – SparkassenPark
  • 14.07.2022, Bonn – Kunst!Rasen
  • 15.07.2023, Mainz – Zitadelle
  • 16.07.2023, Lörrach – Burghof
  • 19.07.2023, Rosenheim – Mangfallpark Süd
  • 20.07.2023, Regensburg – Thurn u. Taxis Schlossfestspiele
  • 21.07.2023, Fulda – Domplatz
  • 25.07.2023, Salem – Schloss Salem
  • 28.07.2023, Füssen – Barockgarten am Festspielhaus

Vorverkauf gestartet

Simply Red Konzert-Karten für 2023

Die regulären Tickets kosten zwischen 70 und 160€. Neben den Steh- und Sitzplatz-Tickets, die je nach Location und Preiskategorie variieren, gibt es exklusive VIP Packages für die neue Simply Red Tour 2023 – mehr Infos zu den VIP Paketen in Europa hier.

Simply Red Tickets ab sofort verfügbar

Wer sich seine Simply Red Karte für die Open-Air-Shows 2023 bei Ticketmaster sichert und per Post bestellt, erhält unser Souvenir-Ticket im Design der neuen Tournee – ohne Aufpreis oder versteckten Kosten:

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Der Vorverkauf ist gestartet! Alles, was ihr für den Kauf der Simply Red Karten benötigt, ist ein Account bei Ticketmaster.

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Biografie - simply red.

Die Konstante der Band Simply Red ist ihr Sänger, Anführer und Namensgeber: Mick Hucknall ist nicht nur ein einzigartiger Musiker und Texter, sondern sorgt auch dafür, dass Simply Red nach fast 40 Jahren Bandgeschichte immer noch frisch und aufregend klingen.

Soul, Pop, Jazz: Simply Red sind in vielen Genres zuhause . Der Sound der 1984 gegründeten Band ist unverkennbar – ein entscheidender Grund dafür ist Frontmann Mick Hucknall, der das einzig verbliebene Originalmitglied ist und Simply Red nicht nur optisch seinen Stempel aufdrückt. Der Bandname geht auf die feuerrote Haarpracht Hucknalls zurück und etabliert sich nach einigen Auftritten – pünktlich zum Debütalbum „Picture Book“.

Das Album erscheint 1985 und macht Simply Red auf einen Schlag berühmt. Insbesondere durch die Singles „Money’s Too Tight (To Mention)“ und „Holding Back The Years“ feiert die Band erste Erfolge – nicht nur in der britischen Heimat, sondern auch im europäischen Ausland und den USA. Auch die beiden Nachfolger „Men And Women“ aus dem Jahr 1987 und „A New Flame“ im Jahr 1989 finden gleichermaßen Zustimmung bei Fans und Kritikern.

Eine der größten Bands der 1990er

Der endgültige Durchbruch gelingt dann Anfang der 1990er-Jahre. Zunächst gewinnen Simply Red für ihre Coverversion des Songs „If You Don‘t Know Me By Now“ einen Grammy . Dann erscheint ein Jahr später „Stars“, welches zum meistverkauften Album 1991 und 1992 in Großbritannien avanciert. Touren von Simply Red füllen weltweit die Hallen und begeistern die Zuschauer.

Einen persönlichen Traum erfüllt sich Mick Hucknall 1996: Die Band des bekennenden Fußballfans steuert mit „We’re In This Together“ die offizielle Hymne zur Europameisterschaft im eigenen Land bei. Dazu spielen Simply Red eine Show in Old Trafford, dem Stadion von Hucknalls Lieblingsverein Manchester United.

Nach 25 Jahren ein Abschied auf Zeit

Nach einigen weiteren Alben, einer Greatest-Hits-Compilation und zahlreichen erfolgreichen Singles und Coverversionen erscheint 2003 mit „Home“ das erste Album, das Simply Red selbst veröffentlichen. Es wird nicht über eine große Plattenfirma verkauft, sondern lediglich über das eigene Label der Band vertrieben. Die unzähligen Fans weltweit sorgen allerdings dafür, dass auch diese Platte zu einem Erfolg wird.

Trotzdem gibt Mick Hucknall 2007 bekannt, dass das 25-jährige Jubiläum zwei Jahre später auch das Ende der Band markieren soll. Der Sänger, der bereits seit vielen Jahren das einzig verbliebene Originalmitglied ist, möchte von nun an unter seinem eigenen Namen auftreten und Musik veröffentlichen.

Auch aufgrund der großen Nachfrage zieht sich die Abschiedstournee allerdings bis ins Jahr 2010. Nach acht Monaten und 78 Konzerten weltweit treten Simply Red am 19. Dezember 2010 zum vorerst letzten Mal auf. Die Show in der o2 Arena in London wird zusätzlich landesweit auch in vielen Kinos übertragen.

Seit 2015 sind Simply Red wieder aktiv

Besonders lange hält es Mick Hucknall allerdings nicht ohne seine Band aus. Die Trennung dauert nur fünf Jahre, dann folgen nicht nur eine weitere Welttournee, sondern auch das neue Album „Big Love“. Die Platte und ihr Nachfolger „Blue Eyed Soul“ von 2019 zeigen eindrucksvoll, dass Hucknall und seine Band nichts verlernt haben.

Tickets für Simply Red sind nach wie vor Verkaufsschlager: Die beeindruckenden Live-Shows der Band stecken voller Liebe zur Musik, Enthusiasmus und Energie – und begeistern sowohl alte als auch neue Fans.

Simply Red Fan-Report: Bewertungen und Rezensionen

1167 bewertungen (ø 4,4).

Wir waren jetzt schon 2 mal.Ich kann nur sagen,absolute Spitze.MH braucht bißchen Anlauf und dann ist er voll dabei.Die Bünenaufmachung ist auch ein Augenschmaus.Ich würde immer wieder zu einem Konzert gehen.Es lohnt sich.

Traumhafte Location

Ein Event auf der Burg Clam in Österreich ist immer einen Besuch wert. Traumhaft schöne Kulisse, perfekte Organisation und ich fühle mich als Frau ohne Begleitung immer sehr wohl. Simply Red war ein Ohrenschmaus! Ich fühlte mich bei den Klassikern um Jahrzehnte zurück versetzt. Allerdings muss ich sagen, ich war nicht 100 sicher, dass Mick wirklich alles noch echt live gesungen hat. Manches Mal war das Micro dich sehr weit weg für den starken Sound, den es angeblich übermittelt hat. Aber: ob Playback oder nicht, es war ein rundum tolles Erlebnis!

Wetter war ok die Music einfach toll

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Simply Red announce Summer 2023 European tour dates

Pip Ellwood-Hughes

Simply Red have announced a string of European Summer shows for 2023.

The 20 dates will see band visit venues across Europe, performing all of their Greatest Hits.

Mick Hucknall says.  “The band and I are looking forward to being back in Europe next Summer to perform for you all. This tour is ALL about the groove. Get on down!”

Fans can expect Simply Red to deliver all their well-loved classics, including ‘Stars’, ‘Holding Back The Years’, ‘Fairground’, and ‘Money’s Too Tight To Mention’.

More dates are expected to be announced soon and we'll bring those to you as soon as have the information!

The full list of dates is:

16th – Sønderborg, Mølleparken – Denmark  ( Tickets Here ) 21st – Pula, Roman Arena – Croatia  ( Tickets Here ) 27th – Trani, Piazza Duomo – Italy  ( Tickets Here ) 28th – Macerata, Sferisterio – Italy  ( Tickets Here )

1st – Lucca Summer Festival 2023 – Italy  ( Tickets Here ) 3rd – Marostica, Piazza Deli Scacchi – Italy  ( Tickets Here ) 4th – Torino, Stupinigi Sonic Park 2023 – Italy  ( Tickets Here ) 8th – Berlin, Zitadelle – Germany  ( Tickets Here ) 9th – Halle Saale, Peißnitz Insel – Germany  ( Tickets Here ) 11th – Kiel, Wunderino Arena – Germany  ( Tickets Here ) 12th – Mönchengladbach, Sparkassen Arena – Germany  ( Tickets Here ) 14th – Bonn, Kunstrasen – Germany  ( Tickets Here ) 15th – Mainz, Zitadelle – Germany  ( Tickets Here ) 16th – Lörrach, Stimmen Festival – Germany  ( Tickets Here ) 19th – Rosenheim, Mangfall Park – Germany  ( Tickets Here ) 20th – Regensburg, Schloß Emmeram – Germany  ( Tickets Here ) 21st – Fulda, Domplatz – Germany  ( Tickets Here ) 25th – Salem, Schloss – Germany  ( Tickets Here ) 28th – Füssen, Barockgarten – Germany  ( Tickets Here ) 30th – Klam, Castle Klam – Austria  ( Tickets Here )   Tickets are available for Fan pre-sale on Tuesday 8th November at 10.00am CET and general sale on Friday 11th November at 10.00am CET.

Pip Ellwood-Hughes

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simply red deutschland tour 2023

Simply Red announce summer 2023 European tour dates

Connor Gotto

Simply Red will return to the stage with a string of European summer shows for 2023.

Following a run of 73 gigs over the course of this year, Mick Hucknall and co. show no sign of slowing down with an initial run of 20 concerts unveiled so far. 

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Simply Red have announced 20 summer shows in Europe next year. Tickets go on general sale on Friday at 10am CET but you can take part in pre-sales from 10am CET tomorrow (Tuesday 8th). Check out the website for more information SRHQ — Simply Red (@SimplyRedHQ) November 7, 2022

“The band and I are looking forward to being back in Europe next summer to perform for you all,” says the group’s frontman. “This tour is ALL about the groove. Get on down!”

According to a press release, more shows will be announced in due course.

Tickets go on general sale November 11 at 10 am CET.

The full list of tour dates is as follows: 

16 – Mølleparken, Sønderborg 21 – Roman Arena, Pula 27 – Piazza Duomo, Trani 28 – Sferisterio, Macerata

JULY 2023 1 – Lucca Summer Festival 2023 3 – Piazza Deli Scacchi, Marostica 4 – Stupinigi Sonic Park 2023, Torino 8 – Zitadelle, Berlin 9 – Peißnitz Insel, Halle Saale 11 – Wunderino Arena, Kiel 12 – Sparkassen Arena, Mönchengladbach 14 – Kunstrasen, Bonn 15 – Zitadelle, Mainz 16 – Stimmen Festival, Lörrach 19 – Mangfall Park, Rosenheim 20 – Schloß Emmeram, Regensburg 21 – Domplatz, Fulda 25 – Schloss, Salem 28 – Barockgarten, Füssen 30 – Castle Klam, Klam

Connor Gotto

Founder and editor of RETROPOP. Self-proclaimed pop aficionado. Usually seen with a wine in hand.

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Simply Red

Simply Red have postponed their European tour by one year. The concerts in Germany will now take place in November 2022. Tickets purchased in advance will of course remain valid.

More than 30 years have passed since Simply Red started captivating audiences their catchy soul sounds. Now, they’re back on tour playing their monster hits. Vocalist, Mick Hucknall, (responsible for the “red” in the band) returns to play live again with renewed zest, performing songs from their latest studio album: “Blue Eyed Soul”.

Their punchy, timeless pop-soul repertoire has produced a multitude of Top 20 hits worldwide, which started in the eighties, continuing through into the nineties and well after the turn of the century. Together with co-songwriter Ian Kirkham on saxophone, guitarist Kenji Suziku, bassist Steve Lewinson and trumpeter Kevin Robinson, Mick Hucknall & Co are back on tour after a four-year gap. Their mission is clear: to give their fans exactly what they’ve been waiting for: their red-hot brand of  "Blue-Eyed Soul" !

With their touching ballads and punchy, elegant pop-soul,  Simply Red  deliver a passionate sound, suited to these changing times. With over 100 singles and album chart successes, their record sales have totalled over 60 million units, winning dozens of gold and platinum awards, marking an amazing career. Mick Hucknall and Simply Red have managed time and again to repeat their perfect fusion of pop and soul, bringing their studio sound to the stage.

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Simply Red at Pula, Croatia in Pula Arena 2023

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Simply Red is an English pop band emphasizing genres ranging from reggae rock, New Romantic, and Jazz. Perhaps the band’s biggest source of inspiration is soul music. They frequently cite monolith artists like Otis Redding and Marvin Gaye as influences, having incorporated many of their recording techniques into their sound.

Before lead singer Mike Hucknall formed Simply Red he was in a punk band called the Frantic Elevators. This project was largely spawned as a reaction to the inspirational 1976 Manchester Sex Pistol’s concert of which members of the Fall, the Smiths, and Joy Division were also in attendance. The group had a 7 year career, but never broke into the mainstream; however, their final single “Holding Back the Years” was a critical sensation and was revived by Hucknall’s new group Simply Red.

Simply Red was assembled by both Hucknall and manager Elliot Rashman. Hucknall acted as the key creative figure behind the project acting in conjunction with a variety of session and touring musicians. The harsher textures and barren structures of Hucknall’s punk group seemed to be flipped inside out with Simply Red. The sound typified by this project was lushly produced and exhibited a certain smoothness heard from artists like Barry White, The Temptations, and even crooners like Tom Jones.

In addition to Hucknall, the lineup was initially comprised of keyboardist Fritz McIntyre and ex-The Drutti Column band mates: bassist Tony Bowers, brass player Tim Kellett, and drummer Chris Joyce.

The band signed a record deal with Elektra and released two singles “Red Box” and The Valentine Brother’s cover “Money’s Too Tight (To Mention)”. The latter single was a worldwide commercial success and entered the UK and Irish Top 20. It also appeared on the band’s studio debut “Picture Book” along with the Talking Head’s cover “Heaven” and a revamping of “Holding Back the Years”, which went on to top the Irish charts and place at No. 2 on the UK charts.

Simply Red’s 2nd studio album saw release in 1987 and adopted a cleaner, sophisticated soul sound. The standout single “The Right Thing” was another boost in the band’s career, reaching #11 on the UK and #26 on the Billboard Hot 100. The band’s shift towards sophisticated pop was becoming even more evident with their cover of Cole Porter’s jazz-pop standard “Ev’ry Time We Say Goodbye”.

By the time the group released their third album “A New Flame”, it seemed that they were striving to take the charts by storm even if that meant risking artistic experimentation. Their leap into the homogeny of adult-contemporary seemed to be an advantageous career move. They scored another No.1 hit with their cover of “If You Don’t Know Me By Now” and established themselves as one of the biggest pop acts in the UK.

When Simply Red’s next album “Stars” was released in 1991 the band didn’t necessarily identify as a band. Rather Simply Red was perceived as the music project of Hucknall. At this point most of the original members of the group had left including Bowers and Joyce who were replaced with Shaun Ward and Gota Yashiki. Despite the major reconstruction in the line up “Stars” proved to be the most commercially successful album of Simply Red’s career, becoming the best selling album in Europe for 2 years and producing a whopping 5 Top 40 singles in the UK.

Simply Red saw their first UK No. 1 single with “Fairground”, which spearheaded the release of their 1995 studio album “Life”. This record became a massive hit as well and was documented as the 4th best selling album in the UK at the time. A greatest hits collection followed in 1996, featuring the Aretha Franklin cover “Angel” on which the neo-soul group the Fugees made an appearance. The trend of releasing covers clearly seemed to work for the group and in 1998 they put out the album “Blue”, which contained revisions of Neil Young, Albert Hammond, and Gregory Isaacs tracks.

The album “Love and Russian Winter” followed a year later, but did not produce any significant hits (at least comparative to their prior releases). Though the group continued to tour they delayed album production for a while (which can possibly be attributed to their expulsion from East West Records).

Simply Red’s next studio album “Home” came out in 2003 and went Platinum twice over in the UK and reached Gold status in many other countries. 2005’s “Simplified” consisted primarily of re-workings of the group’s older material, but also contained 4 newly written songs as well as a cover of Leon Russell’s “My Perfect Love”. “Stay” came out 2 years later, reaching gold status in the UK, Poland, and Italy. One year later the band offered another retrospect of their career, releasing their second greatest hits album “Simply Red 25: The Greatest Hits”.

Live reviews

Simply Red was, strangely, the soundtrack to my childhood summer holidays, not really your typical teenage confession, but it’s true. To be fair, this was my parents’ doing - and something that I resented for quite some time before I finally just accepted the fact that I love the enigma that is Mick Hucknall. There – I said it; I love him, he is one smooth ginger fox. So in 2010 when his Simply Red farewell tour came to the Birmingham NIA, I was there, along with all the family. Mick being the only original Simply Red band member left, it made sense that the name should retire after a final tour but the audience seemed sad and sentimental nonetheless. I, too, was glad and sad in equal measure knowing that this was my first and last experience of Simply Red live. The show reflected this nostalgic tone; the set included all the hits like “Your Mirror,” “If You Don’t Know Me By Now” and, my personal favourite, “Stars;” the audience sang along as best they could but Mick’s slick and soulful vocals rang out above it all. It goes without saying that the musical talent of the backing band was second to none and the subtle, sophisti-pop supported Mick’s voice impeccably. Perhaps the best part of the show, though, was with the last track, “Holding Back The Years,” as a montage of social and political images, news footage and historic events that spanned the same time frame as Simply Red’s career made up the back drop of the stage. - The perfect way to commemorate a hugely successful career in a way that was wholly relatable and sentimental for each audience member, too.

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hbrownn02’s profile image

Simply Red is one of the UK's most recognisable bands who enjoyed massive success globally in the late 80s to early 90s. Fronted by the ginger haired Mick Hucknall, the group successfully merged the genres of new romantic, rock, reggae and jazz into an overall radio friendly, easy listening sound. Years later they continue to tour and although the original lineup may have changed quite dramatically, Mick remains the ever present force and he is accompanied by some fantastic musicians this evening.

Although it is almost thirty years since Simply Red began performing, Mick's silky smooth vocal does not appear to have aged one bit and should he need any break this evening there is a 1000 strong choir ready to help him out with the choruses to classics such as 'If You Don't Know Me By Now'. The setlist is made up of hits and this means the audience feel included throughout as they bellow back the well known new romantic classics. Hucknall is a wonderfully warm frontman and keeps the stage chatter going all evening before bidding a final farewell as the introduction to the much loved 'Fairground' begins.

sean-ward’s profile image

A beautifully played music concert, in a poorly managed commercial scheme:

Music: 10/10

Mick Hucknall has excelled once again, communicating well with the audience, with his great songs, lyrics and his voice still in great shape. The excellent and talented Simply Red band conveys a great deal of emotion with great musical arrangements, all wrapped up in a tight, engaging rhythm, never boring! To top it up, the sound quality was very good, with low distortion and ear-friendly volume levels.

Organization and venue: 3/10

The Citibank Hall and the commercial production team in São Paulo have done an unacceptable job, selling more (expensive) tickets than the place can handle in comfort and security. Parking lot overflowed, blocking Marginal Pinheiros avenue, people took forever to get in/out. Inside the venue, an enormous crowd stood in all entrances and exits, making it impossible to get a drink or go to the restroom and return. Citibank Hall employees ignored it all and didn't move to help organize people or cars. Police and city traffic officials were also absent, or invisible.

rdiniz’s profile image

From the moment I arrived at the O2 I had a great experience!

Simply Red were absolutely fantastic, Mick's voice as usual was brilliant the band were fabulous too.

The music and sound and light show were spot on, I was 3 rows from the front in the middle and I had a great view.

The security was good and the attendants were helpful.

My friend and I danced and sung the night away and were treated to 2 encores words are not enough!

Thank you to Mick and the O2 for such a fun and professional evening, heres hoping to get tickets in the very near future!

sue-banks’s profile image

The show was fantastic. It is five years since Simply Red toured so this show was long overdue and it did not disappoint. Hit after hit was the order of the evening and Mick had the audience in the palm of his hand right from the start. A funny moment was when Mick forgot the running order of the songs. Hopefully this will give them a flavour of how much they are loved and they will tour again soon. It was a brilliant show and was well worth the tricky journey into the Hydro

Simplysus’s profile image

Fantastic show worth the trip over from the states. Mick’s voice and performance was just as good as when he was young. We would do it again in a heart beat, wish they’d tour the United States, or maybe do one of the wildly Popular music cruises

ronaldjump1’s profile image

Wow... Utterly amazing! Clever setlist playing the ballads at the opening then the boogie hits all the way through. Hucknall's voice was spot on. Great to see a band of 30 years plus still delivering its music with plenty of honesty live.

alex-eugenio’s profile image

This was about the seventh time I have seen Simply Red in concert and they still smash it every time. The band was awesome, the crowd were awesome, Mick Hucknall was beyond awesome. It was a perfect night at the Manchester Arena.

michael-ford-8’s profile image

Thursday 14th June 2016, Edinburgh Castle. Great gig, Mick's voice is amazing and still as powerful and soulful as ever, Band were also fab. All the best songs, real crowd pleasers - would delicately see them again.

gillian-ritchie-1’s profile image

Amazing concert! Simply Red are in excellent shape! I was truly surprised how good they sound live! They played most of their most recognizable songs. The concert lasted almost 2 hours. Great experience! :)

Papaja5555’s profile image

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Simply Red Concert Tickets - 2024 Tour Dates.

Past concerts

London Palladium

BBC Radio 2 in the Park

Altstadt Schaffhausen

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Simply Red tour dates and tickets 2024-2025 near you

Want to see Simply Red in concert? Find information on all of Simply Red’s upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2024-2025.

Simply Red is not due to play near your location currently - but they are scheduled to play 21 concerts across 5 countries in 2024-2025. View all concerts.

Next 3 concerts:

  • Mexico City, Mexico
  • Santiago, Chile

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Popularity ranking:

  • Vansire (1084)
  • Simply Red (1085)
  • Zero 7 (1086)

Concerts played in 2024:

Touring history

Most played:

  • London (73)
  • Birmingham (22)
  • Manchester (20)
  • Glasgow (12)
  • Amsterdam (11)

Appears most with:

  • Mica Paris (42)
  • Natalie Imbruglia (25)
  • Dana Glover (23)
  • Ben Montague (20)
  • Nate James (13)

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Simply Red Concert Setlists & Tour Dates

Summer '23 tour, upcoming shows.

  • Date and Venue Doors Scheduled
  • Feb 28 2025 Auditorio Nacional Mexico City, Mexico  –  Find tickets Add time Tickets Add time Add times
  • Mar 01 2025 Auditorio Nacional Mexico City, Mexico  –  Find tickets Add time Tickets Add time Add times
  • Mar 04 2025 Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile Add time Add time Add times
  • Mar 05 2025 Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile Add time Add time Add times
  • Mar 07 2025 Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile Add time Add time Add times
  • Mar 08 2025 Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile Add time Add time Add times
  • Mar 09 2025 Movistar Arena Santiago, Chile Add time Add time Add times
  • Mar 12 2025 Farmasi Arena Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Add time  –  Scheduled: 9:00 PM Add time Add times 9:00 PM
  • Sep 23 2025 The SSE Arena Belfast Belfast, Northern Ireland  –  Find tickets Add time Tickets Add time Add times
  • Sep 24 2025 3Arena Dublin, Ireland  –  Find tickets Add time Tickets Add time Add times
  • Sep 26 2025 First Direct Arena Leeds, England  –  Find tickets Add time Tickets Add time Add times
  • Sep 27 2025 Co-op Live Manchester, England  –  Find tickets Add time Tickets Add time Add times
  • Sep 28 2025 The OVO Hydro Glasgow, Scotland  –  Find tickets Add time Tickets Add time Add times
  • Sep 30 2025 Utilita Arena Sheffield Sheffield, England  –  Find tickets Add time Tickets Add time Add times
  • Oct 01 2025 Motorpoint Arena Nottingham, England  –  Find tickets Add time Tickets Add time Add times
  • Oct 03 2025 M&S Bank Arena Liverpool, England  –  Find tickets Add time Tickets Add time Add times
  • Oct 04 2025 Utilita Arena Birmingham Birmingham, England  –  Find tickets Add time Tickets Add time Add times
  • Oct 05 2025 Utilita Arena Cardiff Cardiff, Wales  –  Find tickets Add time Tickets Add time Add times
  • Oct 07 2025 Brighton Centre Brighton, England  –  Find tickets Add time Tickets Add time Add times
  • Oct 09 2025 The O2 Arena, Hollywood Bowl London, England  –  Find tickets Add time Tickets Add time Add times
  • Oct 10 2025 The O2 Arena, Hollywood Bowl London, England  –  Find tickets Add time Tickets Add time Add times

Simply Red at Magic of Christmas 2023

  • Better With You
  • Something Got Me Started
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Simply Red at O2 Shepherd's Bush Empire, London, England

  • She's Got It Bad
  • Night Nurse
  • You've Got It
  • Your Mirror
  • Come to My Aid
  • Ain't That a Lot of Love
  • Thinking of You

Simply Red at BBC Radio 2 In The Park Leicester 2023

  • Just Like You
  • Nutbush City Limits

Simply Red at Stars in Town 2023

Simply red at magic night 2023.

  • A New Flame
  • Holding Back the Years
  • It's Only Love Doing Its Thing

Simply Red at Plaza de Toros de La Condomina, Murcia, Spain

Simply red at cap roig festival 2023, simply red at burg clam, klam, austria, simply red at barockgarten am festspielhaus, füssen, germany, simply red at schloss, salem, germany.

Simply Red setlists

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Most played songs

  • Holding Back the Years ( 580 )
  • Stars ( 570 )
  • Something Got Me Started ( 569 )
  • Fairground ( 554 )
  • Money's Too Tight (To Mention) ( 546 )

More Simply Red statistics

Another Level Ases Falsos Brendan Bayliss The Best of Britain Kelly Clarkson Andreas Dorn Fred again.. Max Giesinger Mick Hucknall Ian Strika The Jay Rayner Quartet Priory Jones The Joy Formidable Olly Murs Gretchen Parlato The Academy Blues Project Frank Turner

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Bessie Banks Homer Banks Booker T. & the MG’s Dennis Brown James Brown James Brown & The Famous Flames Nat King Cole Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra Bob Dylan Faces Claude François Aretha Franklin The Frantic Elevators Gotye Daryl Hall & John Oates Albert Hammond Donny Hathaway Ruben Hein Whitney Houston Gregory Isaacs The Kingston Trio Maze featuring Frankie Beverly Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes Mina Cole Porter Otis Redding The Rolling Stones Keith Rowe Sly & the Family Stone The Stylistics Talking Heads Sonny Thompson KT Tunstall Ike & Tina Turner The Valentine Brothers Bunny Wailer Barry White Bill Withers Stevie Wonder Neil Young

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1,631 people have seen Simply Red live.

Safo100 ppanisello JoeBed Bobbee296 georgethe23rd alex_macrow jrn1elvis ukje11ybean RammieNick caz064 MrMarshall mfernandezsal Andyhutch55 Fishychicken gbrindley29 Tallboy14 Kyliefan2022 savedthesewords Music_Lover Ski111 hmcldn pabloni Mafi70 martinreed ampigo davidvsbd dcphillips thisy74 Hugohugo LarsK eklipz999 spaetzlemitsoss Widmann1 Laduesseldorf Peterle Music-Lover MusicWMFLove Erzglonki Schluddebeck Luca_mf05 obiwan biti pplcallmet0hya RainerG1963 volkie THW_Kiel pj360 SteffenMo ol0n0lo kamilkob

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simply red deutschland tour 2023

simply red deutschland tour 2023

New Dates In Germany

Simply Red have just announced more tour dates for next year in Germany. Tickets go on sale at 9am on 31st October but we have arranged a pre-sale which will start at 9am (local time) tomorrow (27th October). See our TOUR SECTION for more info and pre-sale links. The new dates are: 22nd July BAD MERGENTHEIM 23rd July SALEM 24th July TUSSLING 26th July HAMBURG 27th July DRESDEN 29th July MAINZ 30th July MONCHENGLADBACH 31st July ERFURT

simply red deutschland tour 2023

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    simply red deutschland tour 2023

  2. Buy tickets for Simply Red: Summer 2023 at Barockgarten am

    simply red deutschland tour 2023

  3. Vorverkauf gestartet: Simply Red kehren im Sommer 2023 auf Open-Air

    simply red deutschland tour 2023

  4. Simply Red Tickets

    simply red deutschland tour 2023

  5. Simply Red Tickets 2023

    simply red deutschland tour 2023

  6. Simply Red VIP Tickets Europe 2023

    simply red deutschland tour 2023


  1. Simply Red Live 2023 Come To My Aid

  2. Simply Red

  3. SIMPLY RED Live 2023 Burg Clam

  4. Simply Red Live Germany Tour 2023 Stars

  5. Zurück aus der Winterpause

  6. Simply Red Live 2023


  1. 2023 shows announced

    Simply Red have announced 20 summer shows in Europe next year. Tickets for most go on general sale on Friday at 10am CET (or Saturday at 10am CET for the 5 Italian shows) but you can take part in pre-sales from 10am CET tomorrow (Tuesday 8th). Check out our tour dates section for more information.

  2. Simply Red live in Deutschland 2023: Tickets, Termine, Vorverkauf

    Im Sommer 2023 werden Simply Red zwischen dem 8. und 28. Juli zwölf Open-Air-Konzerte in Deutschland geben, im Programm alle Songs von 1985 bis heute, also von „Picture Book" bis „Blue Eyed ...

  3. Vorverkauf gestartet: Simply Red kehren im Sommer 2023 auf Open-Air

    Wir werfen schonmal einen Blick in den Sommer 2023, wenn Simply Red live nach Deutschland zurückkehren - diesmal dürfen sich die schönsten Open-Air-Konzertstätten der Republik auf die fantastische Liveband freuen.Im Juli 2023 spielen Simply Red u.a. in der Berliner Zitadelle, auf der Freilichtbühne Peißnitz in Halle, in der Mainzer Zitadelle, auf dem Domplatz in Fulda, vor dem ...

  4. Simply Red

    Melde dich für den Simply Red Ticketalarm an und bekomme sofort eine Info, sobald die neue Tour startet! ... Touren von Simply Red füllen weltweit die Hallen und begeistern die Zuschauer. ... Sperken, Burg Clam, 30.07.2023. Ein Event auf der Burg Clam in Österreich ist immer einen Besuch wert. Traumhaft schöne Kulisse, perfekte Organisation ...

  5. Simply Red Setlist at Jazzopen 2023

    Get the Simply Red Setlist of the concert at Schlossplatz, ... Germany on July 23, 2023 from the Summer '23 Tour and other Simply Red Setlists for free on! Add Setlist. Search Clear search text. follow. Setlists; Artists ... Jazzopen 2023 This Setlist Stuttgart, Germany Start time: 9:05 PM. 9:05 PM. Jul 25 2023. Schloss ...

  6. Simply Red

    Simply Red - Summer 2023 line-up, tickets and dates. Find out who is playing live at Simply Red - Summer 2023 in Berlin in Jul 2023.

  7. Simply Red Setlist at Schloss Thurn und Taxis, Regensburg

    Simply Red Gig Timeline. Jul 16 2023. Stimmen Festival 2023 Lörrach, Germany. 9:00 PM. Jul 19 2023. Mangfallpark Rosenheim, Germany. Add time. Jul 20 2023. Schloss Thurn und Taxis This Setlist Regensburg, Germany.

  8. Simply Red announce Summer 2023 European tour dates

    By Pip Ellwood-Hughes. November 7, 2022. Simply Red have announced a string of European Summer shows for 2023. The 20 dates will see band visit venues across Europe, performing all of their ...

  9. Simply Red announce summer 2023 European tour dates

    Tickets go on general sale November 11 at 10 am CET. The full list of tour dates is as follows: JUNE 2023. 16 - Mølleparken, Sønderborg. 21 - Roman Arena, Pula. 27 - Piazza Duomo, Trani. 28 - Sferisterio, Macerata. JULY 2023 1 - Lucca Summer Festival 2023. 3 - Piazza Deli Scacchi, Marostica.

  10. tour 2023

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  11. Simply Red

    More than 30 years have passed since Simply Red started captivating audiences their catchy soul sounds. Now, they're back on tour playing their monster hits. Vocalist, Mick Hucknall, (responsible for the "red" in the band) returns to play live again with renewed zest, performing songs from their latest studio album: "Blue Eyed Soul".

  12. Simply Red Full Tour Schedule 2024 & 2025, Tour Dates & Concerts

    All Simply Red upcoming concerts for 2024 & 2025. Find out when Simply Red is next playing live near you. ... Simply Red tour dates 2025. Simply Red is currently touring across 5 countries and has 21 upcoming concerts. ... 2023. London, UK. London Palladium. Sep 16 2023. Outdoor Leicester, UK. BBC Radio 2 in the Park. Aug 10 2023.

  13. Simply Red Concerts & Live Tour Dates: 2024-2025 Tickets

    Follow Simply Red and be the first to get notified about new concerts in your area, buy official tickets, and more. Find tickets for Simply Red concerts near you. Browse 2024 tour dates, venue details, concert reviews, photos, and more at Bandsintown.

  14. Simply Red Setlist at Citadel Music Festival 2023

    Jul 07 2023. Bospop 2023 Weert, Netherlands. 11:00 PM. Jul 08 2023. Citadel Music Festival 2023 This Setlist Berlin, Germany. 8:05 PM. Jul 09 2023. Freilichtbühne Peißnitz Halle, Germany. 7:50 PM.

  15. Simply Red Tickets

    To support the album, Simply Red announced a UK tour that was rescheduled to February 2022. In October 2021, the band also released Simply Red Remixed Vol. 1 (1985-2000) featuring remixed versions of classic tracks. In September 2023 Simply Red announced they would celebrate their 40th anniversary with a UK arena tour for September and October ...

  16. Simply Red Tickets, Tour Dates & Concerts 2025 & 2024

    2023. Outdoor Leicester, UK. BBC Radio 2 in the Park. Aug 10 2023. Schaffhausen, Switzerland. Altstadt Schaffhausen. View all past concerts. Simply Red tour dates and tickets 2024-2025 near you. Want to see Simply Red in concert? Find information on all of Simply Red's upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2024-2025. ...

  17. Simply Red auf Tour 2023/2024:

    Simply Red auf Tour 2023/2024: -

  18. Simply Red Tickets, 2024 Concert Tour Dates

    Mar. 01. 2025. Saturday 09:00 PMSat 9:00 PM 3/1/25, 9:00 PM. Ciudad de México, DF, MX Auditorio Nacional Simply Red. Find Tickets 3/1/25, 9:00 PM. EXCLUSIVE | Ticketmaster now offers hotel deals! Save up to 57% off your stay when you bundle your ticket with a hotel. Promoted.

  19. Simply Red Concert & Tour History (Updated for 2024

    Simply Red Tours & Concerts (Updated for 2024 - 2025) Date Concert Venue; Location Oct 10, 2025 Upcoming. Buy Tickets. Simply Red: The O2: London, England, United Kingdom: ... The last Simply Red concert was on November 25, 2023 at The London Palladium in London, England, United Kingdom. The bands that performed were: Texas / Emeli Sandé ...

  20. Tour Dates

    Are the tickets you want sold out? If you're in the UK; Ticketmaster, See Tickets and AXS all have a safe fan to fan resale service. For everywhere else, please check the platform you bought from.

  21. Simply Red Concert Setlists

    Get Simply Red setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Simply Red fans for free on! Add Setlist. Search Clear search text. follow ... Simply Red at Stars in Town 2023. Artist: Simply Red, Tour: Summer '23 ... Simply Red, Tour: Summer '23, Venue: Jardí Botànic de Cap Roig, Calella de Palafrugell, Spain.

  22. More 2023 shows announced

    Simply Red have announced 3 more shows next summer, they will be playing 2 in Spain on 4th and 5th August (in Murcia and Poblado de Sancti Petri) and will be performing at Bospop in Belgium on 7th July. See our tour dates section for more details.

  23. New Dates In Germany

    Simply Red have just announced more tour dates for next year in Germany. Tickets go on sale at 9am on 31st October but we have arranged a pre-sale which will start at 9am (local time) tomorrow (27th October). See our TOUR SECTION for more info and pre-sale links. The new dates are: 22nd July BAD MERGENTHEIM 23rd July SALEM 24th July TUSSLING