Space Travel Calculator

Calculate how long it would take to reach planets, stars, or galaxies, as well as fuel mass, velocity and more, journey details.

Space travel calculator

Do you want to travel to another planet? Or perhaps even another star system?

Then you can use this calculator to work out how long it will take you, how much energy your spacecraft needs and what your maximum velocity will be. If you travel close to the speed of light, you can also see how much time it will take from your point of view and from the point of view of the people on earth. You can also see how the length of your spacecraft will shorten for observers watching it from earth, if only they had powerful enough telescopes.

This is the simplest way to use the space travel calculator:

  • Enter a distance to a planet or star. Don't know any? Then type Pr and press the down arrow. The distance to Proxima Centauri appears. Select it and the distance will be filled in. Try other places in space.
  • Click Calculate . The calculator determines the remaining unfilled values.
  • Click Run . Watch the space rocket travel from earth to your destination. Also watch the clocks of the observer and the traveler.

Known problems

The animation spacecraft is at a different scale to the distance between the observer and destination. Even for the shortest space travel distances, for example the earth to the moon, the spacecraft would occupy less than a pixel. This problem will not be fixed.

As an object moves further into the distance it appears smaller to an observer. This change in perspective distance is not represented in the animation. The reduction in the spacecraft length from the observer's framework at velocities approaching the speed of light is an entirely different concept to perspective distance.

If you set the iterations on the animation to a low number, e.g. less than 20, the animation's spaceship time will not be calculated accurately if the observer and traveler times diverge substantially.

The code is old and the user interface needs to be refreshed. (Also the PHP component is overkill and was only used for learning purposes.) You're encouraged to improve the code and place the travel calculator on your own website; it's FLOSS.

A bug fix was made in June 2016. The calculation for the fuel needed for the trip did not take into account conservation of momentum. These two webpages helped me correct the error and I am grateful to the various people contributed the notes that helped me fix this (Physics Stack Exchange users user2096078, Qmechanic and udrv, Don Koks for the Relativistic Rocket, and John F who emailed me) :

  • The Relativistic Rocket
  • Physics Stack Exchange.

Copyright (C) Nathan Geffen 2012 under the GNU Affero General Public License . This software is available here . There are probably bugs, bad ones. And there are no doubt errors in the text. I would like this site to be 100% accurate eventually. Please tell me about bugs and errors by emailing nathangeffen at quackdown dot info or logging issues at the above code repository.

Last updated: 5 June 2016.

This is the distance from earth to your destination. Either enter a value or search the database for a distance to a space object by typing the first few letters of its name. All objects in the database matching that start with the letters you have typed will appear. Select the one you want. Distances are approximate because the planets' positions change continuosly relative to the earth. If you leave distance blank, it will be calculated --if you enter the observer time elapsed and the traveler's maximum velocity-- using this equation:

   where     c = the speed of light,     v = maximum velocity,     t = time elapsed in observer timeframe.

Source: Most Direct Derivation of Relativistic Constant Acceleration Distance Formula

This is the constant acceleration of the traveler's spacecraft. Half way through the journey, the spacecraft starts decelerating at the same rate.

If you leave the acceleration blank, it will be calculated using Newton's laws of motion (depending on which fields have values):

   where     s = distance,     v = maximum velocity and     t = time elapsed in observer timeframe

This is increasingly inaccurate as you approach the speed of light, so for large distances, such as to the nearest stars, it is better to enter the acceleration manually.

If a spacecraft accelerates constantly at 1g --or 9.8m/s-- the travelers on board can experience earth-like gravity. Unfortunately interstellar travel at this acceleration will likely never be achieved because of the huge amount of energy required. It is not possible to travel to the nearest stars at this acceleration if the fuel must be carried onboard the spacecraft, no matter what kind of fuel is used.

This is the maximum velocity the spacecraft will reach, from the perspective of an observer on earth. This occurs when the spacecraft is half way to its destination. This is calculated using this equation:

   where     c = speed of light,     a = acceleration and     t = time elapsed to end of journey in observer timeframe.

Source: The Sky This Week .

This is the time elapsed for the whole journey from the observer on earth's time frame. This is calculated using this equation:

   where     c = speed of light,     d = distance of the journey and     a = acceleration.

This is the time elapsed for the whole journey from the perspective of the spacecraft. This is calculated using this equation:

This is the mass of the spacecraft excluding its fuel. The default value of 25,000kg is approximately the maximum payload of the Endeavour space shuttle .

Note that if this field is blanked out it is not calculated. This field must have a value if you want energy and fuel mass to be calculated.

Also note that if the fuel mass is calculated to be more than the mass of your spacecraft, then your trip cannot be done unless you extract fuel from space. If your fuel mass is more than half the mass of your spacecraft, you're probably on a one way trip, so take enough food, books and episodes of Star Trek to last the rest of your life.

This is the amount of energy your spacecraft's payload will need to constantly accelerate to half way to your destination and then decelerate at the same rate until you reach your destination. This is calculated using this equation:

   where     c = speed of light,     v = maximum velocity and     m = spacecraft mass.

The fuel conversion rate is the the efficiency with which your spacecraft's fuel is converted into energy. At today's fuel conversion rates there is no prospect of sending a spacecraft to another star in a reasonable period of time. Advances in technologies such as nuclear fusion are needed first.

The default fuel conversion rate of 0.008 is for hydrogen into helium fusion. David Oesper explains that this rate assumes 100% of the fuel goes into propelling the spacecraft, but there will be energy losses which will require a greater amount of fuel than this.

    e = energy,     m = fuel mass and     c = speed of light.

This is the mass of the fuel needed to for your journey. This is calculated using this equation:

    v = maximum velocity and     c = speed of light.

Source: The Relativistic Rocket and Physics Stack Exchange. (Thanks to users user2096078, Qmechanic and udrv. Also thanks to John F for informing me of a bug that has now hopefully been corrected.)

This is the length of the spacecraft at the beginning of the journey. Note that the spacecraft length always stays the same for the people in it. This is calculated using this equation:

   where     l = length of traveler from observer's perspective,     v = maximum velocity of traveler and     c = speed of light.

Source: Hyperphysics .

This is the length of the spacecraft from the observer on earth's perspective. Of course spacecrafts are small, so it would be impossible to see a spacecraft from earth on an interstellar voyage. This is calculated using this equation:

   where     l 0 = original length of spacecraft on earth,     v = maximum velocity of traveler and     c = speed of light.

Space Travel Calculator

Prepare for launch and fasten your seatbelts because we’re about to take a galactic joyride into the cosmos! 🚀✨

Formula for Space Travel:

Now, let’s boldly go where no calculator has gone before!

Table of Contents

Categories of Space Travel

From short interplanetary jaunts to epic journeys across the universe, space travel can be categorized into mind-boggling types:

Examples of Space Travel Calculations

Hold onto your space helmets as we calculate some whimsical space journeys:

Different Methods of Calculation

Space travel calculations can be as diverse as the cosmos itself, each with its quirks and peculiarities:

Evolution of Space Travel Calculation

The history of space travel calculations is a journey in itself:

Limitations of Accuracy

Even in the vastness of space, accuracy has its limits:

  • Complexity: Space travel equations can involve complex math and relativistic principles.
  • Specific Scenarios: Some methods are limited to specific scenarios, like near-light-speed travel.
  • Theoretical Speculation: Hyperspace theory remains speculative and unproven.

Alternative Methods for Measurement

When it comes to space travel, alternative methods are often found in the realm of science fiction:

FAQs on Space Travel Calculator

  • Can space travel be faster than the speed of light? According to current physics, traveling at or faster than the speed of light is impossible.
  • What is time dilation in space travel? Time dilation is the effect where time passes differently for travelers moving at high speeds or in strong gravitational fields.
  • Are wormholes real and can we use them for space travel? Wormholes are theoretical, and their existence is unproven. They remain a concept in the realm of science fiction.
  • How does space travel affect time? Traveling at high speeds, as described by special relativity, can cause time dilation, where time passes more slowly for the traveler than for those at rest.
  • What is the concept of hyperspace travel? Hyperspace is a theoretical concept where ships can travel faster than light by entering another dimension or space.
  • Is it possible to travel back in time through space travel? Current scientific understanding suggests that traveling backward in time is highly unlikely and remains a subject of science fiction.
  • How far can humans travel in space today? Human space travel is primarily limited to our solar system, with missions to Mars and beyond in planning stages.
  • What is the closest star to Earth? The closest star to Earth is the Sun, which is part of our solar system. The closest star system is Alpha Centauri.
  • How do scientists calculate travel time to other planets? Scientists use the principles of physics, including special relativity and rocket science, to calculate travel time to other planets.
  • What is the ultimate goal of space travel? The ultimate goal of space travel is to explore, understand, and potentially colonize other planets, and to expand humanity’s presence in the universe.

Resources for Further Research

Explore more about space travel through these reputable government and educational resources:

  • NASA’s Official Space Travel Page : Discover NASA’s missions, research, and the latest in space travel.
  • – Space News : Stay updated with the latest news, articles, and information on space exploration.
  • ESA – European Space Agency : Explore Europe’s contribution to space science, technology, and exploration.
  • Caltech – Jet Propulsion Laboratory : Learn about space missions, robotics, and planetary exploration.

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Space Travel Calculator

Navigate the cosmos: explore with space travel calculator developed by newtum.

Curious about the cosmos? The Space Travel Calculator, developed by Newtum, is an innovative tool designed to bring the vast universe a little closer to home. Calculate distances, travel times, and more with ease.

Understanding the Cosmic Voyage Estimator

The Space Travel Calculator is an advanced tool designed to compute the complexities of space voyages. It integrates astronomical data and physics principles to provide accurate travel estimations for your cosmic journeys.

Deciphering the Mathematics Behind Cosmic Travel

The formula powering the Space Travel Calculator is pivotal for mapping out space journeys. It intricately factors in the vast distances and celestial mechanics, making it indispensable for any space enthusiast.

  • Detail 1: Explanation of the first part of the Space Travel Calculator formula.
  • Detail 2: Explanation of the second part of the Space Travel Calculator formula.
  • Detail 3: How these parts interrelate to provide travel time calculations.

Step-By-Step Guide to Using the Space Travel Calculator

Our Space Travel Calculator is remarkably user-friendly. Simply follow the instructions below to calculate your space journey with precision and ease.

  • Step 1: Enter your departure point in the designated field.
  • Step 2: Input your destination within the vast cosmos.
  • Step 3: Provide any additional parameters required by the tool.
  • Step 4: Click 'Calculate' to receive instant space travel estimations.

Why Choose Our Space Travel Calculator: Outstanding Features Unveiled

  • User-Friendly Interface: Navigate with ease.
  • Instant Results: Get space travel calculations in a flash.
  • Data Security: Your information stays on your device.
  • Accessibility Across Devices: Use the tool on any modern browser.
  • No Installation Needed: Access the calculator instantly online.
  • Examples for Clarity: Understand complex calculations through examples.
  • Versatile Birth Year Queries: Catered to diverse user needs.
  • Transparent Process: See how your data is processed in real-time.
  • Educational Resource: Learn about space as you calculate.
  • Responsive Customer Support: We're here to help with any queries.
  • Regular Updates: Enjoy the latest features and improvements.
  • Privacy Assurance: No data is sent to servers, ensuring privacy.
  • Efficient Age Retrieval: Quick and accurate.
  • Language Accessibility: Available in multiple languages.
  • Engaging and Informative Content: Explore space travel while having fun.
  • Fun and Interactive Learning: A great tool for educational purposes.
  • Shareable Results: Easily share your space travel calculations.
  • Responsive Design: Works smoothly on various screen sizes.
  • Educational Platform Integration: A valuable addition to learning resources.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Detailed information at your fingertips.

Applications and Benefits of the Space Travel Calculator

  • Application 1: Planning hypothetical space missions.
  • Application 2: Educational purposes for astronomy students.
  • Benefit 1: Enhances understanding of astronomical distances.
  • Benefit 2: Provides a practical application of physics and mathematics.

Real-World Examples: Understanding the Space Travel Calculator

Example 1: For an input parameter of x light-years and a spacecraft speed of y, the Space Travel Calculator estimates the journey time to be z years.

Example 2: If the departure is from Earth (parameter x) to Mars (parameter y) at an ideal alignment, the calculator will output the optimal travel duration based on current propulsion technologies.

Ensuring Your Data Security with Our Space Travel Calculator

In conclusion, the Space Travel Calculator offers a unique and secure way to explore the intricacies of space travel. Since the calculations are performed directly on your device, you have the assurance that your data remains private. This tool does not require server processing, meaning the information never leaves your computer. It's not just a tool; it's your personal guide through the cosmos, offering a safe and interactive experience. Whether you're a student, educator, or space enthusiast, our calculator provides valuable insights without compromising your data security.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Space Travel Calculator

Frequently asked questions.

  • What is the Space Travel Calculator?
  • How does the Space Travel Calculator work?
  • Can I use the Space Travel Calculator for actual space mission planning?
  • Is the Space Travel Calculator easy to use?
  • Does the Space Travel Calculator ensure the privacy of my data?

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Questions, Comments, Corrections: Tim W. Talpas (timw (at) talpas (dot) com)


INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the following:

  • (S) Speed Measurement
  • m/s - meters per second
  • km/h - kilometers per hour
  • mph - miles per hour
  • MACH - multiples of the speed of sound 
  • Impulse - Star Trek Impulse Speed (see below)
  • C - multiples of the speed of light
  • WARP - Star Trek Warp Speed
  • (Dest) Earth to ...  : Choose the place in space to which you're traveling.

Space Travel Time (STT): The calculator returns the time it will take to travel to the object at the chosen velocity.  

The Math / Science

Notable velocities.

  • 28000 km/h (Space Shuttle speed),
  • 9,600 mph (NASA probe speed "DAWN") The distances between the Earth and the objects within the solar system assume the shortest distances possible between the objects when their orbits are aligned on the same side of the sun.


Star Trek Velocities

  • Full Impulse   (Star Trek: .25⋅ c = 269813212.2 km/h)
  • WARP 1 =  light speed (299792458 m/s)
  • WARP 2  (Star Trek: 8,634,022,790 km/h)
  • WARP 3  (Star Trek:  29,139,826,918 km/h)
  • WARP 4   (Star Trek:  69,072,182,323 km/h)
  • WARP 5  (Star Trek: 134,906,606,100 km/h)
  • WARP 6   (Star Trek: 233,118,615,341 km/h)
  • WARP 7   (Star Trek: 370,183,727,138 km/h)
  • WARP 8  (Star Trek: 552,577,458,586 km/h)
  • WARP 9   (Star Trek: 786,775,326,775 km/h)
  • WARP 9.9   (Star Trek: 1,047,197,959,938 km/h)

Related Astro Calculators:

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  • Exoplanet Calculator contains formulas for studying planets outside of our Solar System.
  • Astronomical Distance Calculator provides the distance from the Earth to numerous astronomical bodies (e.g. Sun, Moon, planets, stars, Milky Way's Center and Edge, Andromeda Galaxy)
  • Astronomical Distance Travel Time Calculator computes the time to travel to distant parts of space at different velocities.
  • Drake Equation Calculator
  • Seager Equation Calculator
  • Friedman Equation Calculator
  • Physics 100  - Motion and Force equations
  • Physics Circular Motion  - Circular motion equations


Images of the Milky Way galaxy and the Solar System are from Wikipedia and shared under the Creative Commons Licensing Agreement

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Time Dilation

What Is Time Dilation?

An accurate clock for one observer may be measured as ticking at a different rate when compared to a second observer’s own equally accurate clock. This effect is not a result of the clocks’ technical properties but of the nature of spacetime itself. [i] Clocks on the International Space Station (ISS), for example, run marginally more slowly than reference clocks back on Earth. This explains why astronauts on the ISS age more slowly, being 0.007 seconds behind for every six months. This is known as time dilation, and it has been frequently confirmed and validated by slight differences between atomic clocks in space and those on Earth, even though all were functioning flawlessly. The laws of nature are such that time itself will bend because of differences in either gravity or velocity, each of which affects time in distinctive ways. This phenomenon will have significant implications for interstellar or intergalactic travel.

What Causes Time Dilation?

Time dilation is triggered by disparities in both gravity and relative velocity. Together these two factors are at constant play in the case of a spacecraft’s crew. When two observers are in relatively uniform motion and not influenced by any gravitational mass, the point of view of each observer will be that the other’s clock is ticking at a slower rate than his or her own. Furthermore, the faster the relative velocity, the larger will be the magnitude of time dilation. This case is occasionally termed special relativistic time dilation.

The Spacecraft Scenario

Two spacecraft moving past each other in space would experience time dilation. If the crew inside each one could somehow have an unobstructed view into the other’s spacecraft, it would see the other craft’s clocks as ticking more slowly than its own. In other words, from Spacecraft A’s frame of reference its clocks are ticking normally, while Spacecraft B’s clocks appear to be ticking more slowly (and vice versa). From a local standpoint, time registered by clocks that are at rest with respect to the local frame of reference always seems to pass at the same rate. For example, if a new spacecraft, Spacecraft C, travels next to Spacecraft A, it is “at rest” relative to Spacecraft A. From Spacecraft A’s point of view, Spacecraft C’s time would also appear normal. Here arises a thought-provoking question. If both Spacecraft A and Spacecraft B think that each other’s clocks are ticking more slowly than the other’s, who’s time is correct, and who would have aged more?

Time Dilation and Interstellar Space Flight

Time dilation would make it conceivable for the crew of a fast-moving interstellar spacecraft to travel further into the future while aging much more slowly, because enormous speed significantly slows down the rate of on-board time’s passage. [ii] That is, the spacecraft’s clock would display less elapsed time than the clocks back on Earth. For extremely high speeds during a journey, the effect would be more dramatic. For example, one year of interstellar travel might correspond to ten years back on Earth. Therefore, constant acceleration at one G would theoretically allow a human crew to travel through the entire known universe in one lifetime. Unfortunately, the crew could return to Earth billions of years in the future. Interstellar travel at high speeds thus would have huge implications from both an anthropological and sociological perspective. The crew volunteering for a mission of this magnitude and speed would have to accept the fact that their loved ones, and perhaps even their home planet or star system, would have died long ago. [iii] Because of this effect, humans might wish to travel to nearby stars without spending their entire lives aboard an interstellar spacecraft.

The Twins Paradox

In this paradox one twin makes an interstellar trip in a fast-moving spacecraft but upon return to Earth finds that the other twin who remained there passed away hundreds or thousands of years ago. [iv] This result appears bewildering because each twin sees the other twin as traveling; therefore, each should find the other to have aged more slowly. The paradox can be resolved, however, within the framework of special relativity. The siblings are not equivalent because the twin on the interstellar trip experienced additional acceleration when switching direction to return back to Earth.

Consider by way of illustration an interstellar spacecraft traveling from Earth to Proxima Centauri, the nearest star system outside our solar system and four light years away. At a speed of 80% of the speed of light, the twins will observe the situation as described in the following paragraphs. To make the math less complicated, the spacecraft is assumed to have reached its full speed instantly upon departure from Earth.

The twin on the interstellar spacecraft would see low-frequency (red-shifted) images for three years. During that portion of the trip he would see his counterpart on Earth in the images grow older by 3/3 = 1 year. On the return trip to Earth, he then sees high-frequency (blue-shifted) images for another three years. During that time he would see his twin on Earth in the images grow older by 3 × 3 = 9 years. When the interstellar trip is completed, the image of the twin on Earth will seem to have aged by 1 + 9 = 10 years.

On the other hand, for nine years the twin back on Earth sees slow (red-shifted) images of the spacecraft twin, during which time the spacecraft twin ages in the images by 9/3 = 3 years. The twin on Earth then sees fast (blue-shifted) images for the remaining one year until the spacecraft returns. In the fast images the spacecraft twin ages by 1 × 3 = 3 years. The total aging of the spacecraft twin in the images received by Earth is 3 + 3 = 6 years, so the spacecraft twin returns a bit younger.

To avoid misunderstanding, note the difference between what each twin actually sees versus what he actually calculates. Each sees an image of his twin that he knows originated at an earlier time and that he knows is Doppler-shifted. He does not take the elapsed time in the image as the age of his twin now. If he wants to estimate when his twin was the age shown in the image, he has to determine how far away his twin was when the signal was emitted. In other words, he has to consider simultaneity for a distant event. If he wants to calculate how fast his twin was aging when the image was transmitted, he tweaks for the Doppler shift. [v]

Time Dilation and Communications with Earth

In theory, time dilation will also affect scheduled meetings between the crew on an interstellar mission and the mission managers back on Earth. For example, the crew would have to set their clocks to count the precise number of years time has passed for them, whereas mission control back on Earth would need to count several years more to allow for time dilation. At the velocities currently possible, however, time dilation is too trivial to be a factor in communications between the ISS and Earth.

Implications for Interstellar Travel

Time dilation will have huge implications for both the crew of a spacecraft and mission managers back on Earth. We must consider, for example, the age of the mission managers for the crew returning to Earth (or for alleged extraterrestrials returning to their home planets) and whether or not an interstellar mission would be sociologically accepted. Consider, for example, a spacecraft traveling at 99% of the speed of light to the center of the Milky Way. If everything goes right, the crew would have aged about 21 years. However, back on Earth over 50,000 years would have passed (as observed from Earth). [vi] Obviously all those involved in the initial planning of the mission, as well as generations thereafter, would have died long ago.

[i] Ashby, Neil (2003). “Relativity in the Global Positioning System.” Living Reviews in Relativity.

[ii] Toothman, Jessika (2012). “How Do Humans Age in Space?” HowStuffWorks. Retrieved 2012-04-24.

[iii] Calder, Nigel (2006). Magic Universe: A Grand Tour of Modern Science . Oxford University Press.

[iv] Miller, Arthur I. (1981). “Albert Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity: Emergence (1905) and Early Interpretation (1905–1911).” SOURCE?

[v] Wheeler, J.; and Taylor, E. (1992). Spacetime Physics . 2nd ed. New York: W. H. Freeman.

[vi] Interstellar Travel Calculator.

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How it works, easter eggs.

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Planetary Transfer Calculator

A solar system simulator that can calculate transfers between planets, moons and stars.

An overview of  what the program calculates.

Details on how to use the program and the user interface.

Details of how the program works, in terms of both code and orbital mechanics.


Not only a calculator.

The program also has detailed and beautiful planets, with shadows from the mountains and reflections off the water. Non-spherical asteroids and moons have detailed 3D models.

space time travel calculator

Transfers Between Planets

The calculator can determine the trajectory of a transfer between planets. This trajectory is ballistic, the rocket engine is only activated at each planet to start and end the trajectory. The system calculates (for an optimal ballistic transfer) the start time of the transfer, the transfer time, the needed change in velocity, and the orbital parameters fo the transfer orbit.

Transfers Between Stars

The calculator can determine how long a semi-powered interstellar transfer would take, from both the Earth’s reference frame and the ship’s (due to relativistic time dilation). The system uses an acceleration-coast-deceleration profile, with a constant proper acceleration. It takes in the acceleration time, the proper acceleration, and the distance travelled.

space time travel calculator

Minerva Predavec (xe/xem)

Programmer and Designer

How to unlock

There are a few ways to unlock the Easter Eggs in the calculator. One is typing “kerbal” , “starman”, or the Konami Code. You can also look at Eros (under minor bodies) or Iapetus, the moon of Saturn (under minor satellites). Once you do any of these, all Easter Eggs are enabled.

2001: A Space Odyssey

The Monolith on Iapetus plays Also Sprach Zarathusa when you look at it.

The Expanse

Adds bodies from The Expanse (the toggle is on the bottom left), speeds up spin rates for Eros and Ceres, and adds high constant thrust transfers under Epstien Drive.

Elon Musk’s Roadster

Shows the Roaster’s trajectory after the Falcon Heavy launch (under minor bodies).

Adds the theoretical location of Homestead II, and includes a document on the science and engineering flaws on the Starship Avalon.

©  2024 Planetary Transfer Calculator. Built using WordPress and OnePage Express Theme .

All three require about 30 seconds to load the first time, though the low-powered version can be a bit faster. Some computers may take up to a minute, so please be patient!

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Math problems about Space Travel

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Problem 471: Investigating the Launch of the Juno Spacecraft Students use a series of images from a launch video to determine the scale of each image and determine the speed of the rocket as it leaves the gantry. [Grade: 6-8 | Topics: scale models; speed = distance/times] [Click here]

Problem 470: The Launch of the Juno Spacecraft - Ascent to orbit Students use tabulated altitude and range data following the launch of the Juno mission, to determine the speed of the rocket as it travels from the ground to earth orbit. [Grade: 6-8 | Topics: scale models; speed = distance/time] [Click here]

Problem 469: Solar Energy and the Distance of Juno from the Sun Students use the formula for an ellipse, along with the inverse-square law to create a mathematical model that predicts the declining solar power produced by Junos solar panels as the spacecraft travels from Earth to Jupiter. [Grade: 9-12 | Topics: algebra; trigonometry; distance formula] [Click here]

Problem 457: The Interplanetary Voyage of MSL Students use the properties of ellipses to determine the formula for the Hohmann Transfer Orbit taking the Mars Science Laboratory to Mars in 2012 [Grade: 10-11 | Topics: time=distance/speed; scale models; metric math; properties of ellipses] [Click here]

Problem 456: The Launch of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) in 2011 Students use a sequence of launch images to determine the Atlas V's launch speed and acceleration. By determining the scale of each image, they estimate average speeds during the first 4 seconds after lift-off. [Grade: 8-10 | Topics: time=distance/speed; scale models; metric math] [Click here]

Problem 455: The Night Launch of STEREO in 2006 An example of old news seen in a different way! Students use a spectacular time-lapse photo of the launch of the STEREO mission obtained by photographer Dominic Agostini in 2006 to study parabolic curves. [Grade: 8-10 | Topics: time=distance/speed; scale models; metric math; equation of a parabola; curve fitting] [Click here]

Problem 419: The Space Shuttle: Fly me to the moon? Students discuss the popular misconception that the Space Shuttle can travel to the moon by examining the required orbit speed change and the capacity of the Shuttle engines to provide the necessary speed changes. [Grade: 6-8 | Topics: amount = rate x time ] [Click here] Problem 324: Deep Impact Comet Flyby The Deep Impact spacecraft flew by the Comet Tempel-1 in 2005. Students determine the form of a function that predicts the changing apparent size of the comet as viewed from the spacecraft along its trajectory. [Grade: 9-12 | Topics: Algebra, geometry, differential calculus] [Click here]

space time travel calculator

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Time Dilation Calculator

What is time dilation — time is relative, the time dilation formula.

The time dilation calculator gives you a better idea of the time behavior according to special relativity.

Einstein's relativity theory has shown that time is relative. Time perceived by one observer in its frame of reference differs from that of another observer in another inertial frame. Please keep reading to find out what time dilation is and what happens to it when we approach to the speed of light ⌛

One of Einstein's special relativity theory's implications is that time is not absolute but rather relative.

The example of two inertial observers A and B, each carrying a clock, is frequently used to illustrate this relativeness aspect of time. If observer A remains stationary while observer B travels relative to A, B will see A's clocks moving slower than theirs. Similarly, A will perceive B's clock to be going slower — Observers perceive that a clock moves slower when it moves relative to them.

This effect of the time slowing down is known as time dilation. And the faster the relative velocity between observers, the greater the time dilation is, becoming more evident when speed approaches values in the order of magnitude of the speed of light. In special relativity, the principle that the speed of light is constant for every observer is essential, as it explains why time has to dilate in order for the speed of light to remain the same regardless of the observer's own motion.

Another common thought exercise used to explain time dilation is the twin paradox. In this imaginary situation, one twin travels into space in a high-speed rocket while his sibling stays on Earth. The astronaut-twin moves at a speed closer to the speed of light and, after some years, returns to Earth. Once back on Earth, the astronaut-twin finds his Earth-twin has aged lots more than he has.

You may wonder what the paradox is in this situation. The paradox arises when we consider the astronaut-twin to be the one that's stationary and the Earth-twin the one that's relatively moving. In this case, the Earth-twin would be younger than the astronaut. So, why is it stated that it's Earth-twin who has aged more? The reason for this is that these situations are not symmetrical. The astronaut-twin is undergoing a non-inertial movement (accelerating and decelerating during his journey), while his brother is moving in a non-accelerated relative motion.

To learn more about relativity and the relationship between mass and energy, visit the e = mc² calculator !

💡 Did you know there's another form of time dilation known as gravitational time dilation ?

Time dilation is determined as the difference of time perceived by the moving observer and the stationary observer Δ t ′ \Delta t' Δ t ′ . The time dilation formula based on special relativity is:

  • Δ t ′ \Delta t' Δ t ′ — Time that has passed as measured by the traveling observer (relative time);
  • γ \gamma γ — Lorentz factor, 1 − v 2 / c 2 {\sqrt{1- v^2/c^2}} 1 − v 2 / c 2 ​ ;
  • Δ t \Delta t Δ t — Time that has passed as measured by a stationary observer;
  • v v v — Speed of the traveling observer; and
  • c c c — Speed of light (299,792,458 m/s).

You can learn more about the Lorentz factor of a moving object with the Lorentz factor calculator.

This is the expression used by the time dilation calculator ⌛ Notice that for this time difference to be evident, the speed v v v must be at least in the order of magnitude of the speed of light to obtain any substantial difference in times observed by moving and stationary observers.

Nevertheless, the time dilation effect has been proved at speeds many orders of magnitude lower than the speed of light. This is the case of an experiment conducted in 1971 using three sets of atomic clocks. One of them remained on Earth while the others flew aboard two different airplanes. The results showed a difference in times elapsed by all sets of clocks.

💡 Give the time dilation calculator a try! What happens to time dilation values when you enter a speed of 0.001   c 0.001 \ c 0.001   c and then 0.9   c 0.9 \ c 0.9   c ?

Length contraction

Lorentz factor, schwarzschild radius.

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Is Time Travel Possible?

We all travel in time! We travel one year in time between birthdays, for example. And we are all traveling in time at approximately the same speed: 1 second per second.

We typically experience time at one second per second. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

NASA's space telescopes also give us a way to look back in time. Telescopes help us see stars and galaxies that are very far away . It takes a long time for the light from faraway galaxies to reach us. So, when we look into the sky with a telescope, we are seeing what those stars and galaxies looked like a very long time ago.

However, when we think of the phrase "time travel," we are usually thinking of traveling faster than 1 second per second. That kind of time travel sounds like something you'd only see in movies or science fiction books. Could it be real? Science says yes!

Image of galaxies, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.

This image from the Hubble Space Telescope shows galaxies that are very far away as they existed a very long time ago. Credit: NASA, ESA and R. Thompson (Univ. Arizona)

How do we know that time travel is possible?

More than 100 years ago, a famous scientist named Albert Einstein came up with an idea about how time works. He called it relativity. This theory says that time and space are linked together. Einstein also said our universe has a speed limit: nothing can travel faster than the speed of light (186,000 miles per second).

Einstein's theory of relativity says that space and time are linked together. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

What does this mean for time travel? Well, according to this theory, the faster you travel, the slower you experience time. Scientists have done some experiments to show that this is true.

For example, there was an experiment that used two clocks set to the exact same time. One clock stayed on Earth, while the other flew in an airplane (going in the same direction Earth rotates).

After the airplane flew around the world, scientists compared the two clocks. The clock on the fast-moving airplane was slightly behind the clock on the ground. So, the clock on the airplane was traveling slightly slower in time than 1 second per second.

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Can we use time travel in everyday life?

We can't use a time machine to travel hundreds of years into the past or future. That kind of time travel only happens in books and movies. But the math of time travel does affect the things we use every day.

For example, we use GPS satellites to help us figure out how to get to new places. (Check out our video about how GPS satellites work .) NASA scientists also use a high-accuracy version of GPS to keep track of where satellites are in space. But did you know that GPS relies on time-travel calculations to help you get around town?

GPS satellites orbit around Earth very quickly at about 8,700 miles (14,000 kilometers) per hour. This slows down GPS satellite clocks by a small fraction of a second (similar to the airplane example above).

Illustration of GPS satellites orbiting around Earth

GPS satellites orbit around Earth at about 8,700 miles (14,000 kilometers) per hour. Credit:

However, the satellites are also orbiting Earth about 12,550 miles (20,200 km) above the surface. This actually speeds up GPS satellite clocks by a slighter larger fraction of a second.

Here's how: Einstein's theory also says that gravity curves space and time, causing the passage of time to slow down. High up where the satellites orbit, Earth's gravity is much weaker. This causes the clocks on GPS satellites to run faster than clocks on the ground.

The combined result is that the clocks on GPS satellites experience time at a rate slightly faster than 1 second per second. Luckily, scientists can use math to correct these differences in time.

Illustration of a hand holding a phone with a maps application active.

If scientists didn't correct the GPS clocks, there would be big problems. GPS satellites wouldn't be able to correctly calculate their position or yours. The errors would add up to a few miles each day, which is a big deal. GPS maps might think your home is nowhere near where it actually is!

In Summary:

Yes, time travel is indeed a real thing. But it's not quite what you've probably seen in the movies. Under certain conditions, it is possible to experience time passing at a different rate than 1 second per second. And there are important reasons why we need to understand this real-world form of time travel.

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Illustration of a game controller that links to the Space Place Games menu.


Space Travel Calculator

Welcome to the space travel time calculator, how does it work, interesting facts, give it a try.

Are you curious about how long it would take to reach the atmosphere of different planets in our solar system if you could travel at a constant speed? Our Space Travel Time Calculator is here to help you out!

This calculator uses the formula time = distance / speed to calculate the time it would take to reach a certain distance (the edge of a planet's atmosphere) at a constant speed. Note that this is a simplified calculation, as it does not take into account factors such as changes in gravity or air resistance, which would have a significant impact on a real-life space journey.

In addition to providing you with the estimated travel times, our calculator also gives you interesting facts about each planet. As you select a planet, you will see some intriguing information about it. This could be a fun way to learn more about our solar system!

To use the Space Travel Time Calculator, simply enter your desired speed in km/h and select a planet from the dropdown list. Click the "Calculate" button, and you will see the estimated travel time and an interesting fact about the planet you chose.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how accurate is the space travel time calculator.

The calculator provides a basic estimate based on a simplified model of space travel (time = distance / speed). It does not take into account factors such as changes in gravity or air resistance, which would have a significant impact on a real-life space journey.

2. Why does the calculator provide facts about the planets?

Along with calculating the time to reach each planet's atmosphere, we thought it would be fun to also provide some interesting facts about each planet in our solar system!

3. Can I use the calculator for speeds faster than light?

Yes, you can input any speed, including speeds faster than light. However, remember that according to our current understanding of physics, nothing can move faster than light.

4. How do I use the calculator?

To use the calculator, enter your desired speed in km/h and select a planet from the dropdown list. Then click the "Calculate" button to get the estimated travel time and an interesting fact about the planet.

5. Why doesn't the calculator take into account factors like gravity?

Including factors such as gravity, air resistance, and other physical constraints would significantly complicate the calculation and require a lot more information. This calculator is designed to provide a simple, straightforward estimate based on constant speed.

space time travel calculator

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* One-way light time is the time it takes a radio signal - which moves through space at the speed of light - to travel over the given distance. 186,000 miles a second.

The Speed Of Light

Time is a man made mathematical system. The Planck unit does not take into account that light speed is different in different directions. The Planck time, (tP) , is the unit of time in the system of natural units known as Planck units. It is the time required for light to travel, in a vacuum, a distance of 1 Planck length, which is equal to 1.616199(97)·10^35 meters.

The speed of light is different when its moving toward us than when its moving away.

The Planck units are a man made tool to explain the speed of light that is not accurate because: (1) The speed of light is different in different directions and (2) The one way speed of light cannot be measured.

Einstein recognized that one-way light-travel times are stipulated rather than measured!

The one way speed of light cannot be measured.

A light beam bounced off a mirror gives an average velocity. People assume that the speed of light is the same going to a mirror as it is coming back from a mirror but it is not.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to measure the speed of the light beam coming back from the mirror.

Einstein knew this as do other physicists.

Warp Speed Calculators (Science Fiction)      Star Trek Deception      The Speed Of Light (Dr. Jason Lisle)      Gravity Calculator

Secular astronomers assume that light travels at the same speed in all directions. Therefore they argue the cosmos must be billions of years old in order for the most distant light to have reached us.

However the cosmic background radition, a faint glow found throughout black space even when no stars shine, looks exactly like what a "big bang" explosion whould have NOT have produced!

Cosmic background radiation looks the same throughout space.

The 'big bang" theory produced "hot and cold' regions of the universe.

It would have taken these so call hot and cold spots much less time than the "big bang" theory allows.

This is a light time travel time problem in essence.

The cosmic background radiation is the same throughout the visible universe. There is no place for the "big bang" theory of hot and cold spots in the CMB radiation found in the visible universe.

Anisotropic Synchrony Convention—A Solution to the Distant Starlight Problem    Jason Lisle, Ph.D.

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Distant Starlight and the Big Bang

One of the stalwart units of astronomy just got a makeover. The International Astronomical Union, the authority on astronomical constants, has voted unanimously to redefine the astronomical unit, the conventional unit of length based on the distance between the Earth and the sun.

"The new definition is much simpler than the old one," says Sergei Klioner of the Technical University of Dresden in Germany, one of a group of scientists who worked decades toward the change, which took effect last month during an IAU meeting

Under the new definition, the astronomical unit (or AU) the measurement used for theEarth-sun distance — is no longer always in flux, depending on the length of a day and other changing factors. It is now a fixed number: 149,597,870,700 meters, which is the equivalent of almost 92.956 million miles.

Klioner explained the simpler definition is helpful, for instance, for scientists who formulate ephemerides — tables that give the precise position of astronomical objects in the sky. They utilize the astronomical unit to calculate the motion of bodies in the solar system.

The revision also makes the unit easier for engineers, software designers and students to understand, Klioner and his colleague Nicole Capitaine, of Paris Observatory, noted.

The AU Unit is less accurate now. The distance from the earth to the sun changes all the time and indeed is in "flux".

It seems to me an accurate AU Unit would be needed for some calculations that would involve a measurement of the motion of planets etc and not an fixed AU Unit that does not take into account the "flux", change in the distance from the earth to the sun, that is constantly varing.

As distance varies so does gravity that affects the motion of planets etc in the solar system. Less accurate numbers would mean less accurate calculations.

Radar reflected off the surfaces of solar system bodies can be used to accurately measure their distances as they change.

The sidereal period, the true orbital period, is the length of time required for a planet to complete one orbit as viewed by an observer from outside of the solar system, or at least from the viewpoint of an observer who is not orbiting the sun as the earth is. Since the earth orbits the sun as do the other planets, it is not possible for us to measure directly a planet’s sidereal period.

Warp Speed Calculator

Table of contents

Omni Calculator's warp speed calculator is a tool that allows you to determine the speed of your favorite Star Trek ship . You can also compute the distance covered and the time of travel .

In the text below, we will explain the fundamental aspects of the warp propulsion system, warp factors, and how we can compute the speed of our starship. The starship speed can be calculated using three different equations: TOS (The Original Series) and two versions of TNG (The New Generation) .

Read on if you want to learn about the warp factor, the Cochrane scale , and how Star Trek ships can overcome the speed of light. Let us move to our calculator and live long and prosper🖖!

⚠️ Disclaimer: We try our best to make our Omni Calculators as precise and reliable as possible. However, this tool can never replace the professional advice of a starship's Chief Engineer.

Warp propulsion and warp factor

As it is known by any Star Trek fan or by anyone who eventually watched the USS Enterprise exploring the frontiers of space, the warp propulsion system (WPS) is the tool that allowed Captain James T. Kirk and his crew to access deep space. The WPS is a fictional technology that makes a starship move in space with superluminal speeds (speeds faster than the speed of light). The system uses a warp drive device, distorting spacetime and enabling a starship to cross several light-years in seconds!

We know it seems non-practical or strange that the spacetime can be distorted. However, this is the mechanism behind the propagation of the gravitational waves . These waves are generated by cataclysmic events in the Universe, such as the collision between supermassive black holes or neutron stars. Before their final collision, these objects are orbiting each other, and this spiral movement distorts the spacetime among them. This distortion is propagated in spacetime in the form of waves. The phenomenon was predicted by Einstein's general relativity in 1916 and observed for the first time in 2015 by LIGO detectors — Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory .

Back to Star Trek, the advent of the WPS is credited to a scientist called Zefram Cochrane , whose surname is used as the scale to measure the speed of a starship in multiples of the speed of light . This means that the light in a vacuum moves at one cochrane . Meanwhile, a star cruiser may reach 2450 cochranes . These superluminal speeds depend on the value of the so-called warp factor. The warp factor is a parameter that scales the starship's velocity due to the warp drive.

The warp factor formula has two main definitions: The Original Series (TOS) and The New Generation (TNG) equations. These equations are going to be discussed deeply in the following sections.

🙋 If you wish to know more about the physical limits of the speed and energy of an object, access Omni Calculator's relativistic kinetic energy calculator .

The original series equation — Cochrane Scale

The original series equation is presented in Star Trek: Star Fleet Technical Manual written by Franz Joseph, and its form is:

  • v v v — Warp speed;
  • w w w — Warp factor; and
  • c c c — Speed of light in vacuum ( c = 299 , 792 , 458   m / s c = 299{,}792{,}458\rm \ m/s c = 299 , 792 , 458   m/s ).

The TOS equation is also known as the Cochrane scale among the community of Star Trek fans. From the previous formula, we can observe that for w = 2 w = 2 w = 2 , our ship is moving with v = 8c or 8 cochranes .

The Next Generation equations for superluminal speed

The Next Generation equations are a set of theoretical formulae based on the values for the warp factor presented by Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda in the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual . There, the authors introduced the following table:

The data shown in the table above were used to define both TNG-1 and TNG-2 equations for w ≤ 9 w \leq 9 w ≤ 9 , whose formula is:

You can compare the speeds for the TOS with the TNG-1 and TNG-2 equations and see how the new generation starships are faster than the original series ones.

Would you like to know why we use two names for the new generation warp speed equations? Keep reading, and you will find the answer.

The technical manual for the new generation starships also talks about the physical limit for the warp factor, known as Eugene limit . The Eugene limit establishes that the maximum warp factor is w = 10 w = 10 w = 10 and that even if a civilization could reach the energy boundary of such a warp factor, an object traveling at warp factor 10 would occupy all the points of the Universe simultaneously .

You can find below a table containing the warp factor predictions for w > 9 w > 9 w > 9 :

The conjectured values are part of a warp factor chart and were approximately derived by two different equations built by fans .

This is why we use two different equations for the Next Generation starships. The TNG-1 formula for w > 9 w > 9 w > 9 is:

And the TNG-2 equation for w > 9 w > 9 w > 9 has the following form:

The numerical parameters shown in the last equations were carefully chosen to fit the warp factor chart prediction in the superluminal regime. Besides, both TNG-1 and TNG-2 go to infinity at warp factor 10, recovering the Eugene limit for superluminal velocities.

We still do not have a final answer for a warp speed equation that recovers the Eugene limit, so you can choose your favorite proposal and explore the behavior of traveling close to infinity .

Now, it is time to play with our calculator and find the speed of your favorite starship. Enjoy exploring the power of your warp drive!

How to use the warp speed calculator

Using our warp speed calculator is simple and intuitive . Just type the warp factor of your starship and then click on the name of the equation you wish to use. You will see the warp factor converted to the superluminal velocity as a multiple of the speed of light (or in cochranes).

You can also include the distance you would like to travel, and you will obtain the time necessary to complete your journey instantly. Remember that our Omni calculators work in the inverse direction, so you may enter the time interval of your space trip and derive the traveled distance in the blink of an eye.

Do you know what value to choose for the warp factor? You do not need to worry; we provide a table with the maximum warp factor for some Star Trek ships.

Searching for a new planet — an example

The Universe is so vast and full of interesting places that it is difficult to decide a destination for our starship. A potential target recently discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope is a planet known as LHS 475b .

This Earth-size planet orbits the star LHS 475, localized in the constellation of Octans. You can find more information about other fascinating new worlds in our exoplanet discovery calculator .

So, let us consider the USS ENTERPRISE D as our starship to explore this new world. Then, by taking warp factor 9.3 and 41 light years as the distance between Earth and LHS 475b in our warp speed calculator, the TOS, TNG-1, and TNG-2 equations give us:

v = 804   c v = 804\,c v = 804 c , t = 447   hours t = 447 \, \text{hours} t = 447 hours ;

v = 1713   c v = 1713\,c v = 1713 c , t = 210   hours t = 210 \, \text{hours} t = 210 hours ; and

v = 1693   c v = 1693\,c v = 1693 c , t = 212   hours t = 212 \, \text{hours} t = 212 hours , respectively.

🔎 Now, you can compare these results with those derived in our exoplanet travel planner calculator and check the power of the warp propulsion system!

How fast is Star Trek warp speed?

In Star Trek, the warp speed is a velocity scaled by the warp factor . The warp factor formula is inconsistent throughout the series . In the original series, for instance, warp factors were described using the formula v = w³⋅c , where c is the speed of light in a vacuum. Therefore, a Star Trek ship may travel faster than light , allowing the civilizations to explore the Universe.

How do I calculate the warp speed of a starship?

You can calculate the warp speed in Star Trek using two formulae: The Original Series (TOS) and The Next Generation (TNG) equations. In both cases, the speeds are given as multiples of the speed of light c . To do that, let us suppose that your starship has a warp factor w = 5 , then follow the steps below:

Input the warp factor in the TOS equation v = w 3 ⋅c .

Input the warp factor in the TNG equation v = w 10/3 ⋅c .

That is it! You will find that the warp speeds are v = 125⋅c and v = 214⋅c , for the TOS and TNG equations, respectively.

How long it takes for a starship to leave the solar system?

The most distant object made by humanity is Voyager 1 , which will take more than 30,000 years to reach the outer edge of the Oort Cloud , whose distance is estimated at 100,000 AU from the sun. The USS Enterprise D, flying in cruise mode ( w = 6 ), could reach this distance in 35 hours . To find this result:

Input the warp factor in the formula v = w 10/3 ⋅c .

Compute the warp velocity v = 392⋅c .

Isolate the time in the velocity formula t = d/v .

Input the distance d = 100,00 AU and c = 299,792,458 m/s in the last formula.

Convert the units properly.

That is it! You found that t = 35 hours .

Is a warp drive possible?

With the present science and technology, the answer is no . However, some theoretical models allow the creation of a warp bubble in flat spacetime, which can move faster than the speed of light. The most famous theoretical proposal in this direction was introduced by Miguel Alcubierre in 1994 , also known as the Alcubierre metric or Alcubierre drive .

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Input the warp factor and open sections of the calculator to compute the speed of your starship using different equations.

Warp factor

TOS: The Original Series

TOS is the first equation to compute the speed of a starship scaled by the warp factor.

TNG-1: The Next Generation version 1

TNG-1 combines the new speed scaled by the warp factor with the first proposal to map the Eugene Limit.

TNG-2: The Next Generation version 2

TNG-2 combines the new speed scaled by the warp factor with the second proposal to map the Eugene Limit.

space time travel calculator

Space Travel Calculator Level 1 Level 1

Module description.

This module is a  space travel calculator  based on the classical method (Newton) and the relativity method (Einstein). With this tool you can calculate how long it will take with your spaceship to reach a remote planet or a nearby star in a quite accurate and realistic way. This module is for science fiction settings and role playing games.  

In order to have an estimation of the distances in space, we are going to offer some data of interest to be able to improvise:

- The distance between nearby planets is 228,000,000 km or about 0.4 AU. - The distance between the Earth and the Sun is 1 AU. - A solar system is about 50 AU in diameter. - The Milky Way (the galaxy in which the Earth is located) has a diameter of 100,000 light years. - The distance between the Earth and the center of the Galaxy is 25,000 light years. - From one star to another, parsecs are used in role-playing games (1 Parsec = 3.26 light years = 206265 AU).  - The distance from one galaxy to another is 2,537,000 light years. - The farthest galaxy from our galaxy is 13,400,000,000,000 light years away.

This module uses cosmos-scale units of measurement that are abbreviated. Here we give the keys for each of them:

Distance: - m (meters) - km (kilometers) - yd (yard) - mi (mile) - au (astronomical unit) - ly (light year) - pc (parsec) - mpc (megaparsec) - mly (mega light year)

Acceleration: - m/s2 (meters per second squared) - ft/s2 (feet per second squared) - g (G-force) - c (speed of light)

With this data you will be able to improvise the distances between your planets. For example:

- If we want our players to travel from one planet to another that is in the same solar system but there are 2 planets in between we can put that it is approximately 1.2 AU away. If you want to generate solar systems with more specific distances you can use our  Solar Systems Generator . Within the same solar system, having this 50 AU of maximum diameter, you will be able to estimate how far an object can be from a point. For example, an asteroid can be 39 AU away from the planet where the players are located.

- If our players are going to travel from one solar system to another, they will be 1 parsec away. But if they want to travel to a solar system that is more than 15 stars away, it will be 15 parsec.  - When traveling to the center of the galaxy (where the highest concentration of stars is located and also the oldest ones with ancestral planets) we can use the distance 25,000 light years, and once there move in parsecs between systems.

Some of the example ships are intellectual property of other brands and may not be accurate, as they are estimated cases for science fiction. In case you want to add the characteristics of the ships in a more accurate way we recommend to go to the official information of those brands and use their data in the calculator. This module is inspired by the calculator  Space Travel Calculator .

How does this module work?

Simply enter the necessary data for the voyage or choose example ships and distances. Once the variables have been selected, click on "Calculate".

The result will depend on the chosen method. As a general rule it will show the elapsed time, the fuel required, the maximum speed the ship has reached, the kinetic energy and the mass energy of the ship. The fuel required is based on the type of the ship's engine and its efficiency. Depending on the technology used the amount of J/gram of fuel will vary. This data is optional and subjective, as each science fiction world has its own energy and way of measuring it.

Two methods have been used:

-  Newton : Newton's classical mechanics is a theory that describes the behavior of moving bodies at speeds much slower than the speed of light. This theory includes Newton's laws, which describe how force affects the motion of bodies. According to classical mechanics, an object in motion will maintain a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.  -  Einstein : Einstein's theory of special relativity is a theory that describes the behavior of matter and energy at high velocities, close to the speed of light. This theory includes the law of conservation of energy and the law of conservation of linear momentum, as well as the idea that time and space are two aspects of the same concept called space-time. According to the theory of special relativity, as an object accelerates toward velocities approaching the speed of light, time passes more slowly aboard the object compared to the time perceived by an observer at rest. In addition, length and time contract and the mass of the object increases as it approaches the speed of light.

Although this calculator allows you to add speeds faster than the speed of light , it is important to keep in mind that, according to Einstein's theory of special relativity, nothing can exceed the speed of light. This means that, although it is theoretically possible to imagine space travel at speeds faster than light, there is no known formula that can be used to calculate such travel.

In Einstein's theory of special relativity, the speed of light is an absolute limit that cannot be exceeded. This is because, as an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases enormously and it would require an infinite amount of energy to accelerate it further. Furthermore, according to the theory of special relativity, time and space are greatly distorted at high speeds, so it is difficult to predict what travel at speeds faster than light would be like.

Science Fiction


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Advantages for Role Player

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space time travel calculator

This example uses the classic scenario where two twins are in the space program. One is an astronaut and takes off from earth in a spaceship while the other stays on earth to monitor his progress. The faster the astronaut travels, the larger the spread will be between their ages.


Superradiant atoms could push the boundaries of how precisely time can be measured

Superradiant atoms can help us measure time more precisely than ever. In a new study, researchers from the University of Copenhagen present a new method for measuring the time interval, the second, mitigating some of the limitations that today's most advanced atomic clocks encounter. The result could have broad implications in areas such as space travel, volcanic eruptions and GPS systems.

The second is the most precisely-defined unit of measurement, compared to other base units such as the kilogram, meter, and degree Kelvin. Time is currently measured by atomic clocks in different places around the world, which together, tell us what time it is. Using radio waves, atomic clocks continuously send signals that synchronize our computers, phones and wristwatches.

Oscillations are the key to keeping time. In a grandfather clock, these oscillations are from a pendulum's swinging from side to side every second, while in an atomic clock, it is a laser beam which corresponds to an energy transition in strontium and oscillates about a million billion times per second.

But according to PhD fellow Eliot Bohr from the Niels Bohr Institute -- great-grandson of Niels Bohr -- even atomic clocks could become more precise. This is because the detection laser, used by most modern atomic clocks to read the oscillation of atoms, heats up the atoms so much that they escape -- which degrades precision.

"Because the atoms constantly need to be replaced with fresh new atoms, while new atoms are being prepared, the clock loses time ever so slightly.Therefore, we are attempting to overcome some of the current challenges and limitations of the world's best atomic clocks by, among other things, reusing the atoms so that they don't need to be replaced as often," explains Eliot Bohr who was employed at the Niels Bohr Institute when he did the research, but who is now PhD fellow at the University of Colorado.

He is the lead author of a new study published in the scientific journal Nature Communications , which uses an innovative and perhaps more efficient way of measuring time.

Superradiance and cooling to absolute zero

The current methodology consists of a hot oven that spits roughly 300 million strontium atoms into an extraordinarily chilly ball of cold atoms known as a magneto-optical trap, or MOT. The temperature of these atoms is approximately -273 °C -- very near absolute zero -- and there are two mirrors with a light field in between them to enhance the atomic interactions. Together with his research colleagues, Bohr has developed a new method to read out the atoms.

"When the atoms land in the vacuum chamber, they lie completely still because it is so cold, which makes it possible to register their oscillations with the two mirrors at opposing ends of the chamber," explains Eliot Bohr.

The reason why the researchers don't need to heat the atoms with a laser and destroy them is thanks to a quantum physical phenomenon known as 'superradiance'. The phenomenon occurs when the group of strontium atoms is entangled and at the same time emits light in the field between the two mirrors.

"Themirrors cause the atoms to behave as a single unit. Collectively, they emit a powerful light signal that we can use to read out the atomic state, a crucial step for measuring time. This method heats up the atoms minimally, so It all happens without replacing the atoms, and this has the potential to make it a more precise measurement method," explains Bohr.

GPS, space missions and volcanic eruptions

According to Eliot Bohr, the new research result may be beneficial for developing a more accurate GPS system. Indeed, the roughly 30 satellites that constantly circle Earth and tell us where we are need atomic clocks to measure time.

"Whenever satellites determine the position of your phone or GPS, you are using an atomic clock in a satellite. The precision of the atomic clocks is so important that If that atomic clock is off by a microsecond, it means an inaccuracy of about 100 meters on the Earth's surface," explains Eliot Bohr.

Future space missions are another area where the researcher foresees more precise atomic clocks making a significant impact.

"When people and crafts are sent out into space, they venture even further away from our satellites. Consequently, the requirements for precise time measurements to navigate in space are much greater," he says.

The result could also be helpful in the development of a new generation of smaller, portable atomic clocks that could be used for more than "just" measuring time.

"Atomic clocks are sensitive to gravitational changes and can therefore be used to detect changes in Earth's mass and gravity, and this could help us predict when volcanic eruptions and earthquakes will occur," says Bohr.

Bohr emphasizes that while the new method using superradiant atoms is very promising, it is still a "proof of concept" which needs further refinement. .

The research was conducted by the team of Jörg Helge Müller and Jan Thomsen at the Niels Bohr Institute, in collaboration with PhD students Sofus Laguna Kristensen and Julian Robinson-Tait, and postdoc Stefan Alaric Schäffer. The project also included contributions from theorists Helmut Ritsch and Christoph Hotter from the University of Innsbruck, as well as Tanya Zelevinsky from Columbia University.

  • Engineering
  • Weapons Technology
  • Nanotechnology
  • Quantum Physics
  • Global Positioning System
  • Electron configuration
  • Time in physics
  • Oscillation
  • Special relativity
  • Constructal theory

Story Source:

Materials provided by University of Copenhagen - Faculty of Science . Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference :

  • Eliot A. Bohr, Sofus L. Kristensen, Christoph Hotter, Stefan A. Schäffer, Julian Robinson-Tait, Jan W. Thomsen, Tanya Zelevinsky, Helmut Ritsch, Jörg H. Müller. Collectively enhanced Ramsey readout by cavity sub- to superradiant transition . Nature Communications , 2024; 15 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-45420-x

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