Star Trek Quotes

75 of the Most Inspiring Star Trek Quotes

Fans have always known that Star Trek is an amazing show. The rest of us would do well to get on board. The series is actually full of timeless and universal wisdom.

The fascinating characters in the Star Trek series offer insights about ourselves and others, and encourage us all to live well. Here are 75 of the most inspiring Star Trek quotes.

Our Favorite Star Trek Quotes

  • “Evil does seek to maintain power by suppressing the truth.” “Or by misleading the inoccent.” Spock and Dr. McCoy
  • “Improve a mechanical device and you may double productivity. But improve man, you gain a thousandfold.” Khan Noonien Singh
  • “Compassion: that’s the one thing no machine ever had. Maybe it’s the one thing that keeps men ahead of them.” Dr. McCoy
  • “It is possible to commit no errors and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.” Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • “You can use logic to justify almost anything. That’s its power. And its flaw.” Captain Cathryn Janeway
  • “Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.” Spock
  • “Things are only impossible until they’re not.” Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • “I am pleased to see that we have differences. May we together become greater than the sum of both of us.” Surak
  • “Without followers, evil cannot spread.” Spock
  • “The prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “Time is fluid…like a river with currents, eddies, backwash.” Spock
  • “A library serves no purpose unless someone is using it.” Mr. Atoz
  • “Humans do have an amazing capacity for believing what they choose — and excluding that which is painful.” Spock
  • “Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again.” Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • “Change is the essential process of all existence.” Spock
  • “Without freedom of choice there is no creativity.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.” Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • “Live long, and prosper.” Spock
  • “If we’re going to be damned, let’s be damned for what we really are.” Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • “Human beings do not survive on bread alone … but on the nourishments of liberty. For what indeed is a man without freedom … naught but a mechanism, trapped in the cogwheels of eternity.” Harry Mudd
  • “Your will to survive, your love of life, your passion to know … Everything that is truest and best in all species of beings has been revealed to you. Those are the qualities that make a civilization worthy to survive.” Lai the Vian
  • “There is a way out of every box, a solution to every puzzle; it’s just a matter of finding it.” Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • “You may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. This is not logical, but it is often true.” Spock
  • “Sometimes a feeling is all we humans have to go on.” CaptainJames T. Kirk
  • “I speak of rights! A machine has none; a man must. If you do not grant him that right, you have brought us down to the level of the machine; indeed, you have elevated that machine above us!” Samuel T. Cogley
  • “When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” Spock
  • “Those who want war will find causes, no matter how many of them you take away.” Diane Duane
  • “A little suffering is good for the soul.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “The heart is not a logical organ.” Dr. Janet Wallace
  • “Pain is a thing of the mind. The mind can be controlled.” Spock
  • “To all mankind — may we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth.” Garth
  • “It can be argued that a human is ultimately the sum of his experiences.” Benjamin Sisko
  • “It would seem that evil retreats when forcibly confronted.” Yarnek of Excalbia
  • “When a child is taught, it’s programmed with simple instructions, and at some point, if its mind develops properly, it exceeds the sum of what it was taught, thinks independently.” Dr. Daystrom
  • “When governments murder those who speak the truth, it is time to get new governments.” Diane Duane
  • “Believing oneself to be perfect is often the sign of a delusional mind.” Data
  • “I would be delighted to offer any advice I can on understanding women. When I have some, I’ll let you know.” Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • “Intuition, however illogical, is recognized as a command prerogative.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “Violence in reality is quite different from theory.” Spock
  • “I object to intellect without discipline; I object to power without constructive purpose.” Spock
  • “It’s hard to believe that something which is neither seen nor felt can do so much harm.” “That’s true. But an idea can’t be seen or felt.” Vanna and Captain James T. Kirk
  • “Time is the fire in which we burn.” Malcolm McDowell
  • “Men don’t talk peace unless they’re ready to back it up with war.” Col. Green
  • “It’s time you learned that freedom is never a gift. It has to be earned.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “May I point out that I have gotten a chance to examine your counterparts closely. They are brutal, savage, uncivilized and illogical. They are in every way examples of Homo sapiens, the very flower of humanity.” Spock
  • “There’s only one kind of woman …” “Or man, for that matter. You either believe in yourself or you don’t.” Captain James T. Kirk and Harry Mudd
  • “Life and death are seldom logical.” “But attaining a desired goal always is.” Dr. McCoy and Spock
  • “This is why one must be careful with life,” her father had said, in very controlled wrath. “Death is the most hateful thing. Don’t allow the destruction of what you can never restore.” Diane Duane
  • “Can you imagine how life could be improved if we could do away with jealousy, greed, hate …” “It can also be improved by eliminating love, tenderness, sentiment — the other side of the coin.” Dr. Roger Corby and Captain James. T Kirk
  • “I fail to comprehend your indignation, sir. I have simply made the logical deduction that you are a liar.” Spock
  • “Many Myths are based on truth.” Spock
  • “To be human is to be complex. You can’t avoid a little ugliness – from within – and from without.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “Every living thing wants to survive.” Spock
  • “Superior ability breeds superior ambition.” Spock
  • “Look at these three words written larger than all the rest, and with special pride never written before or since — tall words, proudly saying, “We the people” … these words and the words that follow … must apply to everyone or they mean nothing.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “A lie is a very poor way to say hello.” Edith Keeler
  • “To boldly go where no man has gone before.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “It is necessary to have purpose.” Alice #1
  • “Madness has no purpose. Or reason. But it may have a goal.” Spock
  • “When the personality of a human is involved, exact predictions are hazardous.” Dr. McCoy
  • “If I can have honesty, it’s easier to overlook mistakes.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “A father doesn’t destroy his children.” Lt. Carolyn Palamas
  • “Our species can only survive if we have obstacles to overcome. You remove those obstacles. Without them to strengthen us, we will weaken and die.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “Behind every great man, there is a woman — urging him on.” Harry Mudd
  • “Another dream that failed. There’s nothing sadder.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “We’re a most promising species, Mr. Spock, as predators go. Did you know that? I frequently have my doubts. I don’t. Not any more. And maybe in a thousand years or so, we’ll be able to prove it.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “One man cannot summon the future. But one man can change the present!” Alternate Mr. Spock
  • “Curious, how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want.” Spock
  • “We prefer to help ourselves. We make mistakes, but we’re human — and maybe that’s the word that best explains us.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “Now, I don’t pretend to tell you how to find happiness and love, when every day is a struggle to survive. But I do insist that you do survive, because the days and the years ahead are worth living for!” Edith Keeler
  • “Leave bigotry in your quarters; there’s no room for it on the bridge.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “The release of emotion is what keeps us healthy. Emotionally healthy.” “That may be, Doctor. However, I have noted that the healthy release of emotion is frequently unhealthy for those closest to you.” Dr. McCoy and Spock
  • “How we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with life.” Captain James T. Kirk
  • “Insults are effective only where emotion is present.” Spock
  • “Too much of anything, even love, isn’t necessarily a good thing.” Captain James T. Kirk

Related: Ron Swanson Quotes

These quotes from Star Trek offer encouragement and inspiration. And if you are a huge Star Trek fan they will bring you back to an episode of the TV show or a specific Star Trek Movie. In either case, they will bring a smile to your face. They help us remember that, regardless of the place, time, or situation we find ourselves in, living well is important. Yes, we are complex. But then, we are human.

Related: The Best Spock Quotes  and Ready Player One Quotes

Alice Judy

I’m Alice Judy and AnQuotes is a fun hobby for me. We know that everyone loves a great quote and our mission here is simple – to be the best and most interesting quote site in the world! If you have quotes you would like us to cover, please contact us.

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22 Famous Star Trek Quotes that Will Live Forever

22 Famous Star Trek Quotes that Will Live Forever

If you haven’t watched Star Trek , you’ve at least heard about it. The sci-fi television series created by Gene Roddenberry has earned millions of fans over the years.

Roddenberry was allegedly inspired by Gulliver's Travels and a TV series called Wagon Train to create Star Trek.  Each episode of the series is built as an incredible adventure, but also as a morality tale, considering that the episodes depict cultural realities and conflicts like war and peace, sexism, human rights, religion, economics, loyalty, racism and technology.

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Due to this approach, Star Trek is not only about space adventure and exploration. The franchise is also recognized for being one of the first TV series with a multiracial cast and applauded for its attitude toward civil rights.

The Star Trek world was full of wisdom and great lines, but here are 22 of the most meaningful quotes from its characters . 

A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away. -- Dr. Boyce
Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end. -- Spock
You may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. This is not logical, but it is often true. -- Spock
Live now ; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again. -- Jean-Luc Picard
Sometimes a feeling is all we humans have to go on. -- Captain Kirk
With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably. -- Jean-Luc Picard
The prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other. -- Captain Kirk
If we're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we really are. -- Jean-Luc Picard
Insufficient facts always invite danger. -- Spock
Perhaps man wasn't meant for paradise. Maybe he was meant to claw, to scratch all the way. -- Captain Kirk
In critical moments, men sometimes see exactly what they wish to see. -- Spock
Compassion: that's the one thing no machine ever had. Maybe it's the one thing that keeps men ahead of them. -- Dr. McCoy
Change is the essential process of all existence. -- Spock
Without followers, evil cannot spread. -- Spock
Our species can only survive if we have obstacles to overcome . You remove those obstacles. Without them to strengthen us, we will weaken and die. -- Captain Kirk
Curious, how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want. -- Spock
One man cannot summon the future. But one man can change the present! -- Spock
To all mankind -- may we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth. -- Garth
You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, and irrational fear of the unknown. There is no such thing as the unknown. Only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood. -- Captain Kirk
A species that enslaves other beings is hardly superior -- mentally or otherwise. -- Captain Kirk
Now, I don't pretend to tell you how to find happiness and love, when every day is a struggle to survive. But I do insist that you do survive, because the days and the years ahead are worth living for! -- Edith Keeler
Live long and prosper! -- Spock

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Justin Timberlake, once the poster boy for the iconic '90s boyband *NSYNC, has seen his public image take a significant hit this year. Following the release of his ex-girlfriend Britney Spears' scathing tell-all memoir, The Woman In Me , Timberlake's reputation has been under intense scrutiny. Now, his battle with addiction has moved from the shadows to the spotlight after a wild night ended with the Social Network star’s mugshot plastered across headlines.

Latest Drama: Justin Timberlake Arrested For Drunk Driving

Justin Timberlake mugshot after arrest for DWI.

Sag Harbor Police Department

Timberlake's challenging year reached a new low with his recent arrest for driving while intoxicated. On June 18, Timberlake was pulled over in Sag Harbor, Long Island, where he failed multiple sobriety tests. Refusing a breathalyzer, he claimed to have had "only one martini" and was described by the arresting officer as having bloodshot eyes, a strong smell of alcohol, and unsteady speech. This incident marks another hurdle for Timberlake and his wife, Jessica Biel , who have faced numerous challenges recently.

Timberlake's Tumultuous Year: Cheating Allegations

See on Instagram

Timberlake's recent arrest is not an isolated event in what has been a year of trials and tribulations. In late 2019, he was photographed holding hands with his Palmer co-star, Alisha Wainwright, sparking rumors and tension in his marriage. Despite Timberlake’s public apology, where he confessed to a lapse in judgment but denied any infidelity, the incident strained his relationship with Biel.

The impact of Timberlake’s actions extends beyond his public image, deeply affecting his marriage with Biel. The couple, who married in 2012 and share sons, Silas, 8, and Phineas, 3, have had to navigate the turbulent waters of fame and Timberlake's public and personal indiscretions. Biel, while managing her own successful career, has shockingly stood by Timberlake through it all, emphasizing her devotion to her family unity despite the public embarrassment and scrutiny.

This past Father's Day, Biel took to Instagram to share with her 14.2 M followers, a peek behind-the-scenes of her home life with Timberlake. In her carousel, Timberlake is seen playing with his son and making silly faces for the camera.

The Memoir That Shook The World: Britney's Shocking Allegations

The ultimate drama that kickstarted Timberlake's year from hell was the release of Britney Spears' memoir, The Woman in Me . In her explosive book, Spears revealed a secret she kept for two decades: during their relationship, she became pregnant with Timberlake's baby and had an abortion because he didn't want to be a father.

"It was a surprise, but for me, it wasn’t a tragedy," she says. "I loved Justin so much. I always expected us to have a family together one day. This would just be much earlier than I’d anticipated. But Justin definitely wasn’t happy about the pregnancy. He said we weren’t ready to have a baby in our lives, that we were way too young." - Britney Spears, The Woman In Me

Spears shared how in light of her devastating loss, Timberlake was not emotionally supportive of. "On the appointed day, with only Felicia and Justin there, I took the little pills," Spears wrote. "Soon I started having excruciating cramps. I went into the bathroom and stayed there for hours, lying on the floor, sobbing and screaming." Britney recalls, adding, "Justin came into the bathroom and lay on the floor with me. At some point he thought maybe music would help, so he got his guitar and he lay there with me strumming it." If that weren't incirminating enough, Spears went on to expose how Timberlake would habitually cheat on her, including an incident when Timberlake referred to one of Spear's backup dancers saying, he'd "hit that."

"There were a couple of times during our relationship when I knew Justin had cheated on me," Britney writes. "Especially because I was so infatuated and so in love, I let it go, even though the tabloids seemed determined to rub my face in it." - Britney Spears.

Spears' candid account painted Timberlake in a harsh light, leading to a public outcry and significant backlash. The memoir's revelations turned the world against Timberlake, marking the beginning of his tumultuous year. These shocking allegations left fans in an uproar but instead of taking ownership for his immature behavior? Timberlake doubled down.

"I'd Like To Apologize To Absolutely F*cking Nobody"

@nowthis Justin Timberlake: 'I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize, to absolutely f*cking nobody’ 👀👀👀 #WatchThis #justintimberlake #celebs #nyc

Justin Timberlake: 'I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize, to absolutely f*cking nobody’ 👀👀👀 #WatchThis #justintimberlake #celebs #nyc

Due in part to the massive backlash Timberlake faced in light of Spears' memoir—Spears took to Instagram to make a public apology if her stories caused anyone any pain.

"I wanna apologize for some of the things I wrote about in my book. If I offended any of the people I genuinely care about I am deeply sorry…" in a now deleted instagram post the "Toxic" hitmaker then went on to praise her former boyfriend’s new song Selfish, as well as a second of his new tracks, Sanctified, which he debuted on ‘Saturday Night Live’ over the weekend.

However, instead of taking the high road, Timberlake further inflamed the situation. Ahead of performing his infamous diss track "Cry Me A River" in New York City, Timberlake told the audience he’d “like to take this opportunity to apologize — to absolutely f---ing nobody.” His divisive comments came just days after Spears issued a public apology on Instagram, which she later retracted. Timberlake's defiant stance only deepened the rift between him and the public.

Can Timberlake Turn It Around?

Timberlake’s year from hell offers crucial lessons about accountability and personal growth. His recent arrest, coupled with past indiscretions, challenges him to reflect on his actions and their repercussions. High-profile crises often spiral out of control without proper management, and Timberlake’s situation is no different. The court of public opinion can be unforgiving, but it also presents an opportunity for redemption.

As Timberlake continues his Forget Tomorrow World Tour, the question remains: Can he learn from these experiences and emerge stronger? Public relations experts suggest that addressing the issues head-on and demonstrating genuine change are key to regaining public trust. Moreover, Timberlake’s dedication to his family and his willingness to confront personal challenges will play a pivotal role in his journey towards redemption.

Despite the setbacks, there is always hope for Justin Timberlake or any of us who have faced similar struggles. His ability to learn from his mistakes, coupled with the support of his family and fans, can guide him through this difficult period. By focusing on personal growth and making amends, Timberlake has the potential to turn his year from hell into a story of resilience and transformation.

Dad of 2 Daughters Has a Message About "Mom Bods" - Goes Viral For the Right Reasons

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Woman's Maternal Intuition Saves Her Daughter's Life

We all have an inner voice. Call it a sixth sense, or intuition, or your conscience, or gut instinct. Something that nudges us to do something or say something we wouldn’t normally do.

For one mom, this inner voice manifested as a sudden and overwhelming sense of dread for her daughter's safety. And her maternal intuition? Ended up saving her daughter's life.

Young Woman Receives a Chilling Text From Her Mom

Screenshots of a text conversation.


In a TikTok video viewed more than 42 MILLION times, a young woman named Maralyn shares a series of texts between her and her mom in the wee hours of the morning. She captions the post, "Mother instinct is insane. Rip."

She prefaces the screenshots of the text conversation with a photo of two young women (who she clarifies are not her for privacy reasons) with a text overlay, saying:

"This is why you should ever listen to your mother. My worst nightmare came true that night."

According to the texts, Maralyn is "chilling" at a bar when her mom contacts her asking if she is okay. Apparently, she'd just woken up from a nightmare and wanted to check in.

"I had a bad dream about you, is everything okay???!"

Maralyn reassures her mom that everything is fine. She tells her she and her friend are at a bar and she plans on drinking "a little bit."

As soon as her mom hears she's at a bar she doesn't mince words. "Get out." She quickly follows this up with, "In my dream u we're [sic] literally in a bar. Blood everywhere get out now."

Maralyn tries to play it off, "Mom please," and reiterates that everything is "alright." Her mom isn't having it. Obviously rattled by her nightmare and believing it's more than just a dream, she refuses to back down. She sends another text.

"I'm not gonna say that again, get out!!!!!!!!"

This time, Maralyn listens to her mother.

"Alright we are on our way home now," she texts back.

A Mom's Premonition Saves Her Daughter's Life

The final screenshot of the TikTok video reveals a chilling revelation. It's a clip from a newspaper article titled, "8 people were killed in a shooting attack at a bar in Ecuador, local police say."

It turns out, Maralyn's mother's premonition was "bang on".

Later that night, after Maralyn and her friend left the bar, "attackers rode up in a taxi and two motorcycles." They opened fire. According to the news article , the victims included five men and three women.

Had it not been for her mom and her intuition, Maralyn very well could have been among the victims of that horrible shooting that night.

While not everyone is convinced the post is real, one thing is certain. Maternal intuition is REAL. And you don't need to look any further than the comment section to find the proof.

In response to one skeptic who said, " I don't believe it, " one commenter wrote, " Do believe it because my mom as well would dream of situations and they happen shortly after."

"Mother intuition is REAL!!" wrote another. "So i met my friend and we were in the park sitting and just talking, then my mom called me and told me to be at home at 10 p.m. but we promised earlier that i would be at home at 11 p.m. so i asked her what's wrong, but she got mad and keep telling me to leave that place, i did and next morning I heard that after we left, a fire broke out in that park."

A third shared, "My mom decided to leave work early. As she was parking she saw fire rescue pulling into my elementary (across the street) she got out & ran to the office cause her body told her it was for me. It was."

Commenter after commenter came forward to share their own stories.

"I woke up in the middle of the night and told my husband our son wasn’t breathing. he was in a room across the house. i ran in there, he was BLUE. moms know. my son is alive and well today."

"When i was pregnant w/ my son i had a dream of my dad holding my baby (my dad died) and i lost my son 3 days later when my dad wouldn't give him back to me in my dream."

"Mother’s intuition is very real. My son was in a car accident with his dad halfway across the country I had this horrible feeling and could hear metal on metal. I called until someone answered and my ex said literally seconds after the accident happened I started calling him. I just knew."

"My mom told me her stomach hurt so bad one night she couldn't sleep, the same night I miscarried... I swear mom intuition is crazy."

The Power of Maternal Intuition

Whether or not you believe in premonitions or gut feelings, the bond that exists between a mother and her child is undeniable. And science proves it.

Studies have shown that fetal cells embed in a mother's body forever, colonizing our lungs, spleens, kidneys, thyroids, and skin. Their cells embed in our bone marrow, brains, and hearts. They are, quite literally, a part of us.

So it isn't far-fetched to believe that this connection, rooted in both biology and deep emotional ties, can result in some insanely powerful maternal intuition.

But moms don't need scientific evidence to prove what they already know...when it comes to their children, they always know. (So listen to your mother).

*Featured image contains photo by cottonbro studio

Copyright © 2024 Goalcast

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star trek quotes for birthday

The Star Trek Episodes That Define Captain Kirk

Many happy returns to a hero with much more depth than we often give him credit.

March 22nd—and in just over two centuries in the fictional world of Star Trek —is Captain Kirk’s birthday. The iconic captain of the Enterprise (who shares a birthday with his actor William Shatner) is beloved for many reasons—reasons that are often contradictory to Trek ’s idealized world. But what Star Trek can we turn to in order to really define James Tiberius Kirk?

Suggested Reading

To celebrate, we cooked up the ultimate episode guide speaking to the aspects of Kirk that we and generations of Starfleet heroes beyond him and his crew admire most. They’re not just episodes of the original Star Trek television series that Kirk happens to take center stage in; they’re episodes that speak to nuanced, often conflicting aspects of the character that, when considered in the whole, paint the picture of a hero with far more depth than we often give him credit for.

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Kirk the captain—”the corbomite maneuver”.

This isn’t just about Kirk’s ability to get his ship around a dangerous encounter, although this episode—one of the earliest shot—definitely has a lot of that. The Enterprise encounters the mysterious advanced “First Federation” and its seemingly sinister agent, Commander Balok but it’s about Kirk as a Commander, knowing when (and when not) to push the people underneath him as Captain, how to engage and outwit a foe, and how ultimately to put faith in the people around him.

Kirk the Idealist—“Mirror, Mirror”

The idea of Kirk having to survive an accidental sideways step into an alt-reality where the Federation is instead a tyrannical, Human-supremacist Empire by displaying his idealism might feel odd at first. But watching him struggle to keep his better nature hidden when transposed into a world of casual, horrifying cruelty—people who look like those he cares about most are awful monsters—is a remarkable act of tension that truly speaks to just how good a man Kirk is, and how terrible he feels having to hide that.

Kirk the Trickster—“A Piece of the Action”

This is a more polite way of saying that, much to his own glee, Kirk is a delightful bullshitter. “A Piece of the Action” gets to see the Captain at his most joyful as the crew encounter what is basically a plant of ‘20s Americana. But when he, Bones, and Spock are captured by thugs, on the spot Kirk comes up with, and wins, the card game of “Fizzbin” to mirthfully mug their captors. Smart action, quick thinking, but above all, a con that would impress even the most insidious huckster.

Kirk the Smartass—“The Trouble With Tribbles”

“Trouble With Tribbles ” is a delight for many reasons, and one of them is the full-on comedic charm offensive Shatner goes on here. But it’s also a great episode to see Kirk bristle at the authority of the Federation, dancing around Under-Secretary Baris to wonderfully cocky effect.

Kirk the Strategist—“Balance of Terror”

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: this is perhaps still the best episode of Star Trek ever made. It is here that Kirk’s quick thinking, analytical mind comes into play, poking and prodding at the unseen enemy that is the Romulans and their cloaked Bird-of-Prey, a truly remarkable and tense game of cat-and-mouse. That the Captain snatches victory from some smart guesswork and mutual respect for his opponent is just icing on a gloriously rich cake.

Kirk the Debater—“The Changeling”

While we’ve covered some of Kirk’s more heady aspects already, one sillier one that is still quintessentially him is thus: the ability to talk his way out of a debate with a computer until said computer literally thinks itself into failure. He does it so many times, but perhaps the greatest comes in his verbal tussle with Nomad.

Kirk the Romantic—“City on the Edge of Forever”

Kirk and women go hand-in-hand an awful lot in the original Star Trek , crewmates, aliens, random passers-by, or otherwise. As much as we should roll our eyes at his womanizing ways, what ultimately speaks most to Kirk as a man of romance is his tragic relationship with Edith Keeler, brought together in the streets of ‘30s New York through time-travel shenanigans. Heartwarming and heartbreaking in equal measure, his pain at leaving her to a tragic fate is the truest example of the character’s romantic side more than any of his passing dalliances and smooches could ever be.

Kirk the Warrior—“Arena”

To mark Kirk’s birthday in the past, we’ve looked at “Arena” and its infamous scrap between the Gorn Captain and the Starfleet Captain and how it reflected the complex texture of what makes Kirk the man he is, warts and all. It’s still one of the most perfect examples of the man in action—literally, as he two-hand-slams his way through martial combat with a powerful foe, but also ethically, as he grasps with the inherent violence of humanity’s primal self, acknowledging that his civilization’s path to utopia is a constant battle with its past.

Kirk the Bro—“Amok Time”

These episodes are all about aspects of Kirk’s interior, but you can’t really have Jim Kirk be Jim Kirk without acknowledging his closest friend of all, Spock. “Amok Time” is Spock’s episode, indeed, but it’s also the ultimate reflection of just how far Kirk is willing to go for his number one, as a comrade and crucially as a friend, willing to almost get himself killed to save Spock from the horny, dangerous Vulcan ritual of Pon Farr. Bros aren’t bros until they’ve fought each other in a battle to the fake-death, really.

Kirk the Flawed—“Errand of Mercy”

We often think of Kirk as the kind of old-school, swashbuckling hero of classic TV, cut from the cloth of pulp-story Übermensch who are there to save the day and look good doing it. But what made Kirk so special in Star Trek , and what would continue to define the show’s leads as the franchise endured, was in fact his deep vulnerability. Kirk was a man who had the braggadocio to walk into a dangerous situation and think, talk, and punch his way out of it, yes, but vitally he was also a man constantly in conversation with himself ethically and morally, wondering if he was making the right choices, going with the right instinct—and vitally, embracing that he won’t always be right, as he realizes in “Errand of Mercy” when he hastily thrusts himself into conflict with the Klingons.

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15 best Worf quotes from across Star Trek to celebrate Michael Dorn’s birthday

By chad porto | dec 9, 2021.

LAS VEGAS, NV - AUGUST 06: Actor Michael Dorn and actress Marina Sirtis on day 4 of Creation Entertainment's Official Star Trek 50th Anniversary Convention at the Rio Hotel & Casino on August 6, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images)

It’s the birthday of Star Trek actor Michael Dorn and we’re celebrating with some Worf quotes!

Star Trek: The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine actor Michael Dorn is celebrating his birthday today. The man known to many Trek fans as Worf, the Klingon Starfleet officer across two of the most beloved series, is as big of a fan favorite as they come. So we thought we’d show our love and support for Dorn and his character Worf by looking at some of his best quotes.

Worf is a fountain of great character moments , made even better by his dialogue. He’s a character who can both be taken very seriously and used for comedic relief and the writers balance this perfectly by having Worf remain himself in every scenario. Using his sincerity or over-the-top seriousness against the backdrop of an absurd situation.

With that, let’s look at some of the character’s best lines.

15 of Worf’s best lines across Star Trek

  • “Death to the opposition!” (playing baseball with Vulcans.)
  • “What exactly is this infant doing in my home?”
  • “Then die in ignorance. I can waste no more time on you.”
  • “I am Worf, son of Mogh.”
  • “I have much to teach you about women”
  • “Men do not roar. Women roar. Then…they hurl heavy objects and claw at you.” (Wesley then asks what Klingon men do. “He ducks a lot.”
  • “You are fully dilated to 10 cms. You may now give birth.”
  • “Sir, I protest. I am not a merry man!”
  • “If winning is not important, why keep score?”
  • Q: “What must I do to convince you people!?”, Worf: “Die.”
  • “Assimilate this!”
  • “If you were any other man I’d kill you where you stand!”
  • “Perhaps today is a good day to die!”
  • “Romulan ale should be illegal.”
  • “Your ambush would be more successful if you bathed more often.”
Next. 5 Star Trek related things we’re thankful for this year. dark

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10 TV Replacement Actors Who Were Better Than the Original

15 funniest comedy sci-fi shows of all time, 10 obscure american remakes of popular british shows.

Since the very first Star Trek episode debuted, they've worked hard to introduce plenty of intriguing new characters, species and worlds, but none has been more outstanding than Lieutenant Commander Data of the Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation . Portrayed by Brent Spiner, Data was a synthetic android with artificial intelligence created by Dr. Noonien Soong (also portrayed by Spiner) in his own image. Though he may have been artificial, Data was perhaps one of the most real characters in the series.

While some have claimed Data to be a successor to Spock, offering a unique outsider's perspective and approach within a very human Starfleet, there's no denying that he quickly rose to stand in a league all his own. In his quest to understand human emotion, Data spent a significant amount of time exploring the very nature of humanity itself. From sadness and merriment to anger and love, Data practiced jokes to make others laugh, tried his hand at parenting, and even became a loving pet owner to Spot the cat. He endeavored into a romance or two, just to see what it might be like, and while it's hard to say he loved mystery and Sherlock Holmes, there's really no other way to describe his fascination.

Across the series and into the movies, Data became a shining example to everyone around him. In the first season of Picard , a retired Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) was seen often lamenting Data's absence from his life. Over the years, he'd come to think of him as his closest friend and confidant, and with good reason. Data's intelligence was matched only by his wisdom, and in the end, his humanity.

Artificial Intelligence is still often a terrifying concept to humanity, but Data was the exception. As a character, he left fans with plenty of profound statements and ponderings to mull over, and sometimes they are more human than human. His thoughtful commentary on humanity and life lingers on, leaving many to wonder how much easier life could be if everyone it approached it from the same standpoint as Data.

10 "I would gladly risk feeling bad at times..."

Data's influence often extended to the children around him, like Timothy, whom he rescued in Season 5, Episode 11, "Hero Worship." Timothy's fascination with Data prompted the boy to proclaim to be an android himself, an effort to forget the horrors he'd seen and the way it made him feel. But Data pointed out that being an android had equal perks and flaws, saying, "I would gladly risk feeling bad at times, if it also meant that I could taste my dessert."

Data's reminder of how often humanity takes life's pleasures for granted was not unique. In his longing to experience life as a human, he could more easily see all the little things humans inadvertently ignore. Like how lucky they are to taste, touch, smell, see, hear, and then process the way it feels to truly experience something.

9 "In the event of a water landing..."

Data spent a lot of time testing out jokes and trying to make people laugh. In the Star Trek: Insurrection film, he reminded everyone, "In the event of a water landing, I have been designed to serve as a flotation device." While hilarious, the funniest part about his little joke was that there was probably some truth to it. Dr. Soong had a bizarre sense of humor, and turning his most profound, intelligent creation into a flotation device to aptly serve the people around him wouldn't have been all that far-fetched.

8 "Yes, Sir. I am attempting to fill a silent moment with non-relevant conversation."

Continuing his quest to learn and understand humanity, Data once created a subroutine that would allow him to engage in small talk in Season 6, Episode 18, "Starship Mine." After attempting to make small talk with Captain Picard, and then explaining his end goal, the captain directed him to a notorious small talk expert, Commander Calvin Hutchinson. As Data quickly came to understand after approaching Hutchinson, small talk has the capacity to become never-ending. But is it because life is filled with awkward moments, or does small talk only further enhance awkwardness?

RELATED: Star Trek Producer Hints at Kirk Brothers’ Reuniting on Strange New Worlds

7 "Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most amusing."

When Deanna Troi was preparing to get married in Season 1, Episode 11, "Haven," nothing seemed to go her way--especially after her mother Lwaxana gets into an argument with her intended's fiancé about betazoids being superior to humans. Before Troi storms out in a rage, she begs them to stop their petty bickering, but once she's gone, Data asks them to keep it up. After all, not only is it a great study in human nature, but it's actually pretty funny.

6 "The real secret is turning disadvantage into advantage."

When hearing-impaired negotiator Riva boarded the Enterprise, there was a lot of frustration between Riva and the crew. Picard ordered Data to learn sign language, so he could more easily act as an interpreter, but Riva's frustration made him want to abandon his mission and go home a failure. Troi tried to inspire him, using the above quote, which Data later translated back to the crew when Riva found his strength. People often forget that every aspect of life, regardless of one's circumstances, often provides them with a unique advantage others around them don't have. This reminder for everyone to turn what they consider to be a disadvantage into an advantageous strength is always relevant.

5 "I am superior, sir, in many ways, but I would gladly give it up to be human."

From his very first introduction in the pilot episode, Data made it very clear what he wanted. Physically and mentally superior to those around him, he felt a deep longing for that which he didn't have: humanity. He would spend the years that followed serving on the Enterprise and trying desperately to achieve the perfect human experience. Even when Q offered Data the chance to become human , the latter turned him down. Data recognized that he didn't physically need to be like everyone else to be human, or to have a very human experience. In many ways, he was more human than most of the people around him.

RELATED: Star Trek Voyager: Captain Janeway's 10 Best Quotes, Ranked

4 "Prejudice is very human."

The people around him often made their discomfort a little too obvious. Even Riker (Jonathan Frakes) , upon first meeting Data, had his doubts about working with an artificial intelligence. Data broke the ice with a very astute observation about prejudice being a human reaction, though to say this created a good foundation for their relationship is laughable. In time, Riker would definitely adjust, and much like everyone else in the crew, come to think of Data as a friend, but in the beginning he displayed one of humanity's worst traits in his prejudice against Data.

3 "Differences sometimes scare people."

Exploring the nature of humanity eventually led Data to creating life and becoming a parent. While he couldn't reproduce naturally, he did possess the ability to create an android using the knowledge of his own creator, Dr. Soong, so he did. His daughter Lal only seemed to further enhance Data's humanity, as he passed on as much as he could about his personal observations of life, just like a human father would.

His poignant observation, "Differences sometimes scare people. I have learned that some of them use humor to hide their fear," is a reminder that fear is often considered a weakness. Deflecting and hiding behind a wall of humor can provide a temporary reprieve from the fear, but eventually, the wall will come down.

2 "This is just a thing... and things can be replaced. Lives cannot."

When faced with a community of humans who refuse to leave their land, even though they face inevitable death, Data tries desperately to steer them away. Fearing they will lose everything they have, the colony refuses to budge. It's difficult for people to sometimes look beyond the moment, toward the bigger picture. Letting go of the material for the sake of preserving one's own life isn't easy, but even Data knows that things can be replaced; people, not so much.

1 "Mortality gives meaning to human life."

Data never had to die. He could have gone on living eternally, but that wasn't what he wanted. In the first season of Picard , he was finally given a choice to end his life. When he expressed this to his friend and former captain, Picard struggled to understand. Data admitted that he didn't want to die, but he wanted to live briefly with the understanding that one day his life would end. This would help him appreciate every moment he was given, prompt him to take advantage of the time he had. Knowing that one is going to die brings life meaning in the most brilliant way, allowing a person to die feeling like they'd done everything in their power to live while given the chance.

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

star trek quotes for birthday

Happy 50th Birthday, Star Trek!

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James Wallace Harris

James Wallace Harris is a retired computer guy. Jim dreamed of writing science fiction in his social security years, but discovered he loved writing essays more. Life is short and novels are long. He’s written over a thousand essays for his blog Auxiliary Memory . Jim wrote about science fiction for SF Signal before it folded, and now for Worlds Without End. BookRiot gives him the opportunity to write about all the other kinds of books he loves. Finally, he has all the time in the world to read and write, but he never forgets poor Henry Bemis. (Who also found time enough at last, until an evil Twilight Zone fate took it all away.) Twitter: @JimHarris28

View All posts by James Wallace Harris

Star Trek premiered on September 8, 1966. Not even its creators dreamed of its eventual success. Even now it’s hard to gauge  Star Trek’s  cultural impact because it’s gone way beyond a successful television and film franchise. Science fiction was a sleepy, backwater genre before Star Trek , and it’s fandom a minuscule subculture that few noticed. When hordes of Trek fans started showing up at science fiction conventions in the early 1970s they weren’t always welcomed. They went off a created their own conventions, that eventually attracted millions of fans, many of which, began calling themselves science fiction fans. I’ve never known if Star Trek just brought science fiction readers out of the closet, or created them, but either way the genre grew like cosmic inflation. Then in 1977, the genre exploded again, by another magnitude, with Star Wars . Before 1966 most people in the world had no idea what science fiction was about, today there are few people on this planet whose minds haven’t been tainted by science fictional concepts.

Here are a selection of books being published to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Star Trek . Even if you’re not a hard core Trekker, you might find these works worthy reads, especially if you’re interested the details of television and movie production, or the development of a cultural phenomenon. Some of these books will tell you about all the jobs you see when watching the credits after a movie.


The Fifty-Year Mission: The Next 25 Years: From The Next Generation to J. J. Abrams: The Complete, Uncensored, and Unauthorized Oral History of Star Trek   by Edward Gross and Mark A. Altman (8/30/2016)

The Fifty-Year Mission is a two volume work that collects quotes from hundreds of people, living and dead, to create a massive history of the Star Trek franchise. These books, also on Audible, running almost 60 hours, effectively showcase the book’s innovative structure as an “Unauthorized Oral History of Star Trek.” For bookworms who dream of becoming showrunners, these books will educate you about the complex task of creating a visual story involving dozens of creative workers.


I was never a Trekker, but began watching Star Trek on September 8, 1966, when it appeared for the first time, and kept watching all the shows since. What reignited my interest recently was reading Leonard by William Shatner. I got into the book not because it was about Star Trek , but because it was a story about two Jewish guys born months apart in 1931, in Montreal and Boston, who chose to become actors at an early age, and ended up breaking into television in the 1950s. Shatner tells a story of a fifty-year friendship that ultimately went bad. Leonard has a surprising amount of historical details, especially about acting in the pioneering days of television.


Finishing  Leonard inspired me to keep reading about Star Trek . The Impossible Has Happened  works hard to tell a balanced biography of Gene Roddenberry. Trekkers worship the guy, but the men and women who worked with Roddenberry often tell a very different story. This book isn’t getting the buzz the others are getting, but I find it a very worthy piece of the Star Trek puzzle. Roddenberry was an immensely complex man, insanely creative, flawed, who worked hard to promote liberal causes, but sometimes wasn’t so ethical himself. Roddenberry’s vision of Star Trek was different in 1966 from what it became in 1987 for Star Trek: The Next Generation . On the road to his Damascus, the fans of the original series showed Roddenberry the light he had inspired in them. Eventually, the religion he created was torn from Roddenberry, to be spread by younger disciples. Anyone interested in memes should find this book compelling.

These Are the Voyages volume 1 by Cushman and Osborn

These are the Voyages, TOS, Season Two by Marc Cushman and Susan Osborn (6/5/14)

These are the Voyages, TOS, Season Three by Marc Cushman and Susan Osborn (4/1/15)

Because of all this reading about Star Trek , my friend Annie and I have decided to rewatch all the 79 original episodes in order. I wanted an episode-by-episode guide and found this three volume set,  These are the Voyages by Marc Cushman and Susan Osborn, to be extremely comprehensive, well reviewed, and praised. They aren’t books published for the 50th anniversary, but if you’re watching the old shows again to celebrate the 50th anniversary, you might want get them. I didn’t expect to get this involved in Star Trek . For years and years, I never had the patience to watch old TV shows. Something clicked recently, and now I’m reliving the 1950s and 1960s on my TV screen. Reading these books gave me an appreciation for all the effort that went into creating the golden age of television.

Three national magazines have also gotten on the Star Trek bandwagon for the 50th anniversary, as well as other publishers. I had to stop here. It was getting overwhelming. The Star Trek universe is gigantic. And I’m afraid if I keep reading, I’ll fall into a black hole of obsession. But to quote Mr. Spock, “Fascinating.”

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10 most important star trek time travelers.


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10 Star Trek Movies Ranked By Kirk's Crimes

10 best quotes from star trek: first contact, star trek's kelvin timeline movies, ranked.

  • Time travelers in Star Trek alter history with precision, facing high stakes to save the Federation and all sentient life in the galaxy.
  • Important time travelers like Admiral Janeway and Lt. La'an shape the Prime timeline with their actions, ensuring continued Federation existence.
  • Time travel remains risky but essential in Star Trek, from the 31st century Federation tech to Kirk's slingshot effect, impacting the galaxy's fate.

Star Trek 's most important time travelers have made a lasting impact on the Star Trek timeline. Time itself is a different kind of final frontier for Star Trek characters, so time travel stories have been a staple of Star Trek since the beginning of the franchise . Temporal anomalies, chroniton particles, Klingon time crystals, and encounters with all-powerful beings like Q (John de Lancie) can send characters all over the Star Trek timeline . Intentional time travel is also possible with the slingshot effect perfected by Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and the USS Enterprise crew in Star Trek: The Original Series, and the Federation's own technology in the 31st century.

Before time travel becomes commonplace in Star Trek 's future, it's still considered incredibly risky, and the Vulcans even consider it "unfair," according to Star Trek: Enterprise 's Subcommander T'Pol (Jolene Blalock). When time travel does become as convenient as warp drive, the ability to alter history in any one faction's favor creates the conditions of Star Trek 's Temporal Cold War , which inadvertently makes time a relatively malleable construct. To that end, most of Star Trek 's important time travelers take on desperately high stakes , where time travel is often the only answer to save the Federation, the people of Earth, or even all sentient life in the galaxy.

20 Best Star Trek Time Travel Episodes & Movies, Ranked

The Star Trek franchise has done a lot of time-travel stories in various shows and movies, and some have been undeniably better than others.

10 Admiral Kathryn Janeway

Star trek: voyager season 7, episodes 25 & 26 - "endgame".

In an alternate future, the USS Voyager's journey back to the Alpha Quadrant is not without terrible hardship, so Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) discovers a way to bring the USS Voyager home much sooner, avoiding over 22 casualties and Lt. Commander Tuvok's (Tim Russ) slow mental decline. With a stolen Klingon Chrono-deflector, Admiral Janeway returns to her own past to provide Captain Janeway with future technology designed to succeed in a battle against the Borg , which will give the USS Voyager access to a Borg transwarp hub, and a near-immediate way home.

Admiral Janeway's sacrifice in Star Trek: Voyager's series finale keeps the Alpha Quadrant Borg-free for decades.

Admiral and Captain Janeway manage a compromise that will satisfy both of them. Admiral Janeway's wish for Voyager's faster return is granted when the Captain agrees to use the hub to get home, and Captain Janeway's desire to destroy the hub is fulfilled when Admiral Janeway infects herself with a neurolytic pathogen before sacrificing herself to the Borg , who assimilate the pathogen. Admiral Janeway's sacrifice in Star Trek: Voyager' s series finale keeps the Alpha Quadrant Borg-free for decades.

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9 Lt. La'an Noonien-Singh (Christina Chong)

Star trek: strange new worlds season 2, episode 3 - "tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow".

In Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2, episode 3 , "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow", Lt. La'an Noonien-Singh is handpicked by a dying Federation time agent (Christopher Wyllie) to complete an important mission that ensures the preservation of Star Trek 's Prime timeline. Before heading back to the past, however, Lt. Noonien-Singh is transported to an alternate timeline where Starfleet is at war, and accidentally takes the United Earth Fleet Enterprise's Captain James T. Kirk (Paul Wesley) with her to the early 21st century.

La'an and Jim's love story is pivotal to La'an's character growth in Strange New Worlds , but La'an's greater impact on the overall timeline comes after discovering Sera (Adelaide Kane), a time-traveling Romulan, is also in 21st century Toronto. Sera intends to kill a young Khan Noonien-Singh (Desmond Sivan) and prevent the rise of the Federation , but La'an takes matters into her own hands to thwart the Romulan plot after Sera kills Kirk in cold blood. Lieutenant Noonien-Singh's key mission shakes La'an to her core, but is ultimately a success for the Federation.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

8 admiral jean-luc picard (patrick stewart) & la sirena crew, star trek: picard season 2.

In 2401, a dying Q asks for help from Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) to correct the mistakes that Q made in the past. With his power reserves depleting, Q transports Picard into an alternate timeline, where Earth is ruled by the xenophobic Confederation, in a complete reversal from the hopeful Federation that Picard knows well. From their alternate present, Picard and the La Sirena crew travel back to 2024 Los Angeles, where they have to prevent the incident that altered the timeline .

Jean-Luc Picard has to make sure that his ancestor, Renée Picard (Penelope Mitchell), launches a historic mission to Europa, despite past Q meddling and the alternate timeline's Borg Queen (Annie Wersching) trying to reconstruct her Borg Collective in the 21st century. Renee Picard's mission becomes a load-bearing event in constructing the hopeful timeline of Star Trek 's future , in addition to being an important part of Jean-Luc's own history, so Picard's involvement is instrumental.

7 Admiral James T. Kirk (William Shatner) & the USS Enterprise Crew

  • Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

When a mysterious probe shuts down everything in its path and threatens to destroy Earth unless it can communicate with long-extinct humpback whales, Admiral James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and the USS Enterprise crew must go back to a time before the whales' extinction . Spock (Leonard Nimoy) makes the calculations to use a slingshot effect that takes the crew's stolen Klingon bird-of-prey , renamed the USS Bounty, back to the 20th century. There, marine biologist Dr. Gillian Taylor (Catherine Hicks) helps Kirk and Spock by introducing them to two of her whales, George and Gracie.

The USS Enterprise crew used the Slingshot Effect method to time travel on two earlier occasions: Star Trek: The Original Series season 1, episode 21, "Tomorrow is Yesterday"; and Star Trek: The Original Series season 2, episode 26, "Assignment: Earth".

The danger to Earth that precipitates Admiral Kirk and his crew's journey through time is underscored in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, which shines as a comedic time-travel story that sees the Enterprise crew interact with the then-present 1980s. Spock's idea to physically retrieve the humpback whales from the past ensures the survival of Earth in the 23rd century , since there was no other way to call off the powerful probe.

Starring in ten films across two timelines, Admiral or Captain James T. Kirk breaks all the rules and frequently disobeys direct orders to save lives.

6 Captain Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) & The DS9 Crew

Star trek: deep space nine season 5, episode 6 - "trials and tribble-ations".

With the Bajoran Orb of Time aboard the USS Defiant, Captain Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) and the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine crew find themselves nearly a century in the past, at Space Station K-7 with Kirk's USS Enterprise. While trying to find a way back to their own time, Sisko's crew discover Klingon Arne Darvin (Charlie Brill) means to kill Captain James T. Kirk with an explosive tribble , and search through the rapidly multiplying critters to find and disarm the bomb. Although the trip back in time seems accidental, the Prophets work in mysterious ways, suggesting that Sisko's crew were always present to ensure Kirk's safety in the 23rd century.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 5, episode 6, "Trials and Tribble-ations" expertly weaves in archival footage from Star Trek: The Original Series season 2, episode 13 "The Trouble With Tribbles", in celebration of Star Trek 's 30th anniversary.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

5 captain chakotay (robert beltran), star trek: prodigy.

On a return mission to the Delta Quadrant, Captain Chakotay (Robert Beltran) and the original crew of the USS Protostar were pulled into a temporal anomaly that opened above the planet Solum in the 25th century. Solum had suffered a bloody civil war resulting from the planet's First Contact with Starfleet, which had occurred between the time Chakotay left and the Protostar's arrival. The people of Solum, the Vau N'Akat, called for vengeance on Starfleet, and installed a weapon called the Living Construct on the USS Protostar, which would destroy Starfleet from the inside. Rather than endanger Starfleet, Chakotay sends the Protostar back in time, kicking off the events of Star Trek: Prodigy .

4 Captain Jean-Luc Picard & USS Enterprise Crew

Star trek: first contact.

Against Starfleet's orders, Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) elects to engage the Borg near Earth, and follows a Borg Sphere through a temporal vortex to 2063, just days before humanity's first warp flight and subsequent contact with the Vulcans. With the intent of assimilating Earth in the past, the Borg pose an existential threat , and Picard reckons with the trauma that feeds his singleminded vengeance against the Borg. Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) leads the away team in Montana that helps Zefram Cochrane (James Cromwell) to keep history's historic warp flight on track. Both storylines in Star Trek: First Contact are integral to the survival of Earth.

Star Trek: First Contact is not just the best Star Trek: The Next Generation movie, it's also one of the most quotable Star Trek movies.

3 Commander Michael Burnham

Star trek: discovery season 2 & 3.

The Red Angel in Star Trek: Discovery season 2 creates a compelling mystery for the USS Discovery crew to decode. The bursts of red light signal important people and places for the Discovery to visit and gather resources to battle against Section 31's Control A.I. before Control goes rogue and eliminates all sentient life in the galaxy. The stakes are high, but Commander Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) is dedicated to the mission that Burnham is destined to undertake -- even when Burnham must lead Discovery 900 years into the future to win against Control.

Commander Burnham's actions as the Red Angel are important, but Burnham has the most impact on the Star Trek universe in the 32nd century. Being relics of the 23rd century gives the Discovery crew a unique perspective, and Burnham embraces the chance to show the future that reconnection is possible after the Burn devastated interstellar travel . Starfleet begins to rebuild in a brighter future that wouldn't have been possible without Discovery's reminder of Starfleet's heyday and Michael Burnham's optimistic convictions.

2 Ambassador Spock (Leonard Nimoy)

Star trek (2009).

Ambassador Spock (Leonard Nimoy) intended to use red matter to create a singularity that would prevent the destruction of Romulus in the 2387 Romulan supernova . Too late to save Romulus, Spock creates a red matter black hole to stymie the supernova's further damage, which pulls Spock back in time to 2258 . Spock is pursued by a surviving Romulan captain, Nero (Eric Bana), who swears vengeance on Ambassador Spock for failing to save Romulus. Nero's actions in the past create an alternate reality, where history plays out much differently from Spock's memories.

Unable to return to the future or the Prime Timeline, Spock helps the USS Enterprise crew in the Kelvin Timeline when it's logical to do so, and becomes a mentor to the younger Spock (Zachary Quinto). Ambassador Spock lives the rest of his life in the Kelvin Timeline that he is ultimately responsible for creating, and which continues on after his death.

J.J. Abrams' Star Trek movies introduced the Kelvin Timeline into the franchise, and here's the film trilogy ranked from worst to best.

1 Agent Daniels (Matt Winston)

Star trek: enterprise.

Star Trek: Enterprise 's Agent Daniels hails from the 31st century, when time travel has become common enough to be weaponized, and the Temporal Cold War is well underway. At least once a season, the ever-secretive Daniels appears to Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) with missions designed to keep the Federation's enemies from playing havoc with the timeline . Federation time travel technology protects Daniels' life after his apparent death, as well as Daniels' knowledge of the future, which remains intact despite the Cold War's temporal incursions.

In the 32nd century, Agent Daniels continues working for the Federation under the code name of Dr. Kovich (David Cronenberg), where he takes a special interest in the crew of the USS Discovery. Kovich's modus operandi and wealth of knowledge about past and future events fit in perfectly with the explanation that Kovich is Daniels.

As an agent dedicated to preserving the United Federation of Planets, Agent Daniels' importance to the timeline can't be understated . Daniels takes Archer with him to the USS Enterprise-J in the 26th century , revealing the impact that Archer's present actions have on the future. When Daniels himself can't take the mission, Daniels enlists Archer's help instead. Each of Agent Daniels' Star Trek: Enterprise stories has the same goal of making sure Star Trek 's United Federation of Planets doesn't cease to exist.

Star Trek

Memory Alpha

Star Trek birthdays

This is a list of the birthdays of individuals who have worked on Star Trek .

January [ ]

  • 1 – Gilbert Green ( 1914 ), Larry Polson ( 1937 ), Frank Langella ( 1938 ), Stanley Kamel ( 1943 ), Bob Minor ( 1944 ), Matt Roe ( 1952 ), Mel Johnson, Jr. and Kavi Raz (both 1953 ), Mic Rodgers ( 1954 ), Sheila McCarthy ( 1956 ), Tony Salmons ( 1957 ), Albie Selznick ( 1959 ), Richard Walker ( 1963 ), Juliana Donald ( 1964 ), Jennifer Hale ( 1965 ), Dawn Stern ( 1966 ), Anthony Winn ( 1973 ), and Damon Runyan ( 1976 )
  • 2 – Isaac Asimov ( 1920 ), Jason Evers ( 1922 ), Jeremy Tarcher ( 1932 ), Peter Henry Schroeder ( 1935 ), Nancy Vawter ( 1938 ), Dale Kasman ( 1943 ), Gary Morgan ( 1950 ), Paige Pollack ( 1953 ), Tom Embree 1954 ), John Eskobar ( 1955 ), Michael Lamper ( 1958 ), Julie Piekarski ( 1963 ), Evan Parke ( 1968 ), Renee E. Goldsberry ( 1971 ), and Dennis Calero ( 1972 )
  • 3 – Hazel Keats ( 1904 ), John Horton ( 1919 ), Bill Pratt ( 1926 ), William Boyett ( 1927 ), Don Peterman ( 1932 ), Jeremy Kemp ( 1935 ), Roma Lee Tracy ( 1939 ), Charles Lucia ( 1946 ), Frank Detone, Jr. ( 1948 ), Ren Hanami ( 1962 ), Bud La Rosa ( 1966 ), John Ales ( 1969 ), Jason Marsden ( 1975 ), and Autumn Leigh Brown and Alisen Down (both 1976 )
  • 4 – Bill Nunes ( 1925 ), Gene De Ruelle ( 1936 ), Erik Cord , James Gruzal , and Jim Norton (all 1938 ), Richard Lavin ( 1945 ), Diana Ewing ( 1946 ), Robert Vernon Biggs ( 1955 ), Ann Magnuson ( 1956 ), Matt Frewer ( 1958 ), David Bowe ( 1964 ), David Roach ( 1965 ), Bob Almond and Judy Klass (both 1967 ), Zak Knutson ( 1974 ), and Zachary Culbertson and June Diane Raphael (both 1980 )
  • 5 – Gilbert Ralston ( 1912 ), Alfred Ryder ( 1916 ), Keith Smith ( 1921 ), Cliff Potts ( 1942 ), Raymond Forchion ( 1946 ), Greg Strangis ( 1951 ), Brett Baxter Clark ( 1958 ), Clancy Brown ( 1959 ), Jill Rockow ( 1961 ), Tim Lounibos ( 1965 ), Leslie Dannon ( 1966 ), Paul McGillion and Shea Whigham (both 1969 ), Michelle Parylak ( 1975 ), Ryan Reeb ( 1980 ), Michael Hough ( 1984 ), Jamillah Ross and Carl Tart (both 1989 ), and Jordan Orr ( 1995 )
  • 6 – Mauri Russell ( 1925 ), Victor Tayback ( 1930 ), Robert E. Vardeman ( 1947 ), Bruce Patterson ( 1953 ), Javier Grajeda ( 1955 ), Patrick Clancey ( 1956 ), John DeMita ( 1959 ), Aron Eisenberg and Vincenzo Natali (both 1969 ), Jill Sayre ( 1976 ), Jenna Z. Wilson ( 1981 ), Mike Tsucalas ( 1982 ), Shane Sweet ( 1986 ), and Daniel Pagett (unknown year)
  • 7 – Gene L. Coon ( 1924 ), Tommy Johnson ( 1935 ), Gene Poe ( 1947 ), Bob Wiacek ( 1953 ), Karen Haber ( 1955 ), Karl Kesel ( 1959 ), Tierre Turner ( 1960 ), Mark Allen Shepherd ( 1961 ), Hallie Todd ( 1962 ), Robert Petkoff and Jivan Tahmizian (both 1963 ), Aaron Lopresti and Charles Tentindo (both 1964 ), Troy Hubbs ( 1968 ), Chris Torres ( 1970 ), Kevin Rahm ( 1971 ), Alissa Kramer and Heidi Kramer (both 1972 ), Jim McCann ( 1974 ), April Jacobson ( 1977 ), Kit Conners ( 1981 ), Anjuli Cain ( 1983 ), and Davide Mastrolonardo ( 1990 )
  • 8 – Boris Vallejo ( 1941 ), Stephen Hawking ( 1942 ), James Ingersoll ( 1948 ), Dan Woren ( 1952 ), Michelle Forbes ( 1965 ), Rachel Ketchum ( 1967 ), Tommy Lee Edwards and Donnell Turner (both 1973 ), Frank Arnot and Rachel Nichols (both 1980 ), and Christopher Russell ( 1983 )
  • 9 – Basil Langton ( 1912 ), Jonathan Farwell and Jane Ross (both 1932 ), K Callan ( 1936 ), Donald R. Rode ( 1937 ), Francine Pyne ( 1940 ), John Doman ( 1945 ), Shari Nims ( 1947 ), Tim Kelleher ( 1956 ), Scott Klace ( 1961 ), Sharisse Baker-Bernard and Roderick Garr (both 1962 ), Joseph Culp ( 1963 ), Marco Sanchez ( 1970 ), Eric Hester ( 1974 ), David Ellison ( 1983 ), and Tyson Arner and Dana Jones (both unknown year)
  • 10 – Bob Lubbers ( 1922 ), Ivar Brogger ( 1947 ), Fred Bronson ( 1949 ), Ralph Byers ( 1950 ), James Menges ( 1951 ), Errol Bryand ( 1952 ), Eric Whitmore ( 1955 ), Anne Verrier Scatolini ( 1958 ), Sherman Augustus ( 1959 ), Stephen James Carver ( 1961 ), Dugan Savoye ( 1962 ), Sherry Hitch ( 1970 ), Chris Blackwood ( 1972 ), Nico Woulard ( 1990 ), and Robert Halley and Jonathan Kim (both unknown year)
  • 11 – Jerome Bixby ( 1923 ), Angela Paton ( 1930 ), Ronald F. Hoiseck and Mitchell Ryan (both 1934 ), Felix Silla ( 1937 ), Stan Ivar ( 1943 ), Nancy Harewood ( 1950 ), Brad Ferguson ( 1953 ), Emilia Crow ( 1956 ), Bob Harras ( 1959 ), John Thibodeau ( 1964 ), Deborah Levin and Steven Piziks (both 1967 ), Oscar Torre ( 1969 ), Adam Clark ( 1970 ), Janet Kidder ( 1972 ), and Devon MacDonald ( 1987 )
  • 12 – Jack T. Collis ( 1923 ), Andrew Laszlo and Ray Price (both 1926 ), Marcy Goldman ( 1944 ), David Assael and Elaine Nalee (both 1947 ), Kirstie Alley ( 1951 ), Cynthia Blaise ( 1958 ), Brian Ciari ( 1960 ), Matt Malloy and Johnny Martin (both 1963 ), Jeff Bezos ( 1964 ), Noby Arden ( 1965 ), Rachael Harris and John Jackson Miller (both 1968 ), Wagner Reis ( 1971 ), Michelle Paradise ( 1972 ), Jessie Graff and Sam Richardson (both 1984 ), Cynthia Addai-Robinson ( 1985 ), Sierra Hawkins ( 1991 ), and Dick Kulpa ( 2021 )
  • 13 – Morton Greenspoon ( 1929 ), Lan O'Kun ( 1932 ), Richard Anthony and Charlie Brill (both 1938 ), Lee Duncan ( 1939 ), Ray De La Motte and Matthew Faison (both 1944 ), Brandon Tartikoff and David Zellitti (both 1949 ), Kim Manners ( 1951 ), Conor O'Farrell ( 1956 ), Ralph Sanchez ( 1958 ), Lisa Vanasco ( 1963 ), Brandi Sherwood ( 1971 ), Una McCormack ( 1972 ), Amos Goss ( 1979 ), and Floyd Anthony Johns Jr. ( 1989 )
  • 14 – Anthony Jochim ( 1892 ), Martin Goslins ( 1939 ), Barry Jenner ( 1941 ), Martin Goslins ( 1939 ), Eric Mansker and Sherri Townsend (both 1947 ), Marston Smith ( 1952 ), Duke Moosekian ( 1953 ), Nancy Linari ( 1955 ), Drew Deighan ( 1957 ), Michael Van Dyke and Robert J. Van Dyke (both 1960 ), Michael Bair ( 1961 ), Randall Koerv ( 1973 ), Shawn Ahmed ( 1986 ), and Hannah Spear ( 1991 )
  • 15 – Torin Thatcher ( 1905 ), Victor Paul ( 1927 ), Joanne Linville ( 1928 ), Armin Steiner ( 1934 ), George E. Allen ( 1936 ), Dick Ziker ( 1940 ), Dave Archer and Robert Bralver (both 1941 ), Barbara J. Tarbuck ( 1942 ), Richard Hancock ( 1945 ), Andrea Martin and Alan Shearman (both 1947 ), Mark Rosenthal ( 1950 ), Basil Wallace ( 1951 ), Phil Allen ( 1952 ), Kacy Treadway ( 1953 ), Roxy D'Alonzo ( 1957 ), Gilbert Combs ( 1958 ), Kevin Tinsley ( 1964 ), Alex Diehl ( 1993 ), and J. Patrick McCormack (unknown year)
  • 16 – Peter Brocco ( 1903 ), Harry Basch ( 1926 ), Mary Mascari and Frank McKane (both 1929 ), Michael Pataki and Michael O'Connor (both 1938 ), Bran Ferren ( 1953 ), Steve Erwin ( 1960 ), Paul Genick , Mark Kiely , and Alexander Xavier Ponce-Bonano (all 1963 ), David de Vries and Max Valentine (both 1966 ), Mark Tompkins ( 1975 ), Jamal Kazak ( 1984 ), and Jake Epstein ( 1987 )
  • 17 – Armando Contreras ( 1930 ), Lindsley Parsons, Jr. ( 1931 ), Shari Lewis ( 1933 ), Maggie Ostroff ( 1935 ), Robert F. Shugrue ( 1937 ), Nancy Parsons ( 1942 ), Richard Taylor ( 1944 ), Neil Maffin ( 1959 ), Robert Sidney Mellette ( 1962 ), David Rossi ( 1965 ), Jeffrey Chase and Brita Nowak (both 1968 ), Richard Jin ( 1983 ), Victoria Goodman ( 1996 ), and Isa Briones ( 1999 )
  • 18 – Lewis R. Stegman ( 1839 ), Dick Durock ( 1937 ), Jacquelyn Guss ( 1941 ), Jamie Alcroft ( 1949 ), Pinky Villaseñor ( 1954 ), Larry Nemecek ( 1959 ), Jeff Yagher ( 1961 ), Darrell Craig Davis ( 1971 ), Maulik Pancholy ( 1974 ), Jon De Leon ( 1977 ), Jandi Swanson ( 1978 ), Sera Trimble ( 1983 ), and Yoshio Iizuka (unknown year)
  • 19 – Johnny Haymer and Bernard A. Widin (both 1920 ), Matthew Yuricich ( 1923 ), Jane Nordin ( 1924 ), Fritz Weaver ( 1926 ), Lee Delano ( 1931 ), Dorothy Hack ( 1939 ), Reiner Schöne ( 1942 ), Rina Bennett ( 1944 ), Christopher Canole ( 1947 ), Nicole Orth-Pallavicini ( 1954 ), Scott Williams ( 1960 ), David Youse ( 1966 ), Malachy Fergus Godfrey ( 1972 ), and Jenny Frison ( 1981 )
  • 20 – DeForest Kelley ( 1920 ), Don M. Mankiewicz ( 1922 ), William Wellman Jr. ( 1937 ), Geno Silva ( 1948 ), Daniel Benzali ( 1950 ), Wyatt Knight ( 1955 ), Stephen F. Windon ( 1959 ), Kij Johnson ( 1960 ), Rainn Wilson ( 1966 ), Geoffrey Thorne ( 1970 ), Aaron Harberts ( 1973 ), and Ian Nunney ( 2010 )
  • 21 – Gary Perconte ( 1950 ), Eurlyne Epper-Woldman ( 1960 ), Thomas Small ( 1963 ), Keno Deary ( 1972 ), Cuauhtemoc Sanchez ( 1977 ), Kaylee Harwood ( 1987 ), and Leslie Hoffman , Doug Jung , and Lawrence Libor (all unknown year)
  • 22 – Mike Roy ( 1921 ), Sheila Barnes ( 1930 ), Michael Rougas ( 1931 ), James Drake ( 1932 ), Bill Varney ( 1934 ), Seymour Cassel ( 1935 ), Marilyn Rockafellow ( 1939 ), Dick Scotter ( 1940 ), Jophery C. Brown and Steve Vinovich (both 1945 ), Velton Ray Bunch ( 1948 ), Tory Christopher ( 1961 ), Joel Goodness and Debbie Grattan (both 1962 ), Olivia d'Abo ( 1969 ), Stephen Wozniak ( 1971 ), Chase Kim ( 1955 ), and Jon Lee Brody ( 1984 )
  • 23 – Susan French ( 1912 ), Maurice Harvey ( 1928 ), Herb Hazelton ( 1930 ), Bart La Rue ( 1932 ), Lou Antonio ( 1934 ), Don Christensen and Richard Evans (both 1935 ), Emily Banks ( 1938 ), Greg Hildebrandt ( 1939 ), Jay Jones ( 1943 ), Charles Correll and Barry Lynch (both 1944 ), Klaus Janson ( 1952 ), Hoyt Yeatman ( 1955 ), Patrick Kerr ( 1956 ), Bobby Aldridge ( 1966 ), Marci Brickhouse and Adam Kane (both 1968 ), Claire Rankin ( 1971 ), Lanei Chapman ( 1973 ), Sonita Henry ( 1977 ), and Hanneke Talbot (unknown year)
  • 24 – John McLiam ( 1918 ), Jerry Maren ( 1920 ), Johnny Mandell ( 1942 ), David Gerrold ( 1944 ), John Peel and Carlos Yeaggy (both 1954 ), Amick Byram ( 1955 ), Glenn Ota ( 1957 ), Mark S. Server ( 1958 ), Michael Tierney ( 1965 ), Noriko Olling ( 1966 ), Phil LaMarr ( 1967 ), Yvette Callum ( 1968 ), Daveed Diggs ( 1982 ), and Sash Striga and Sylvain Taisant (both 1995 )
  • 25 – Gregg Palmer ( 1927 ), Jack Axelrod ( 1930 ), Gregory Sierra ( 1937 ), Leigh Taylor-Young ( 1945 ), Richard Poe ( 1946 ), Diane Salinger ( 1951 ), Ruth Williamson ( 1954 ), Jenifer Lewis ( 1957 ), Laura Allred and Caron Colvett (both 1962 ), Alex Nevil ( 1965 ), Tim Walston ( 1969 ), Mia Kirshner and Lidia Sabljic (both 1975 ), and Laura Allred and Michelle Browne (both unknown year)
  • 26 – Marvin Paige ( 1927 ), Janet Stout ( 1938 ), Kathryn Leigh Scott ( 1943 ), Charles Bazaldua ( 1945 ), Alfred T. Ferrante ( 1947 ), Deep Roy ( 1949 ), Bill Witthans ( 1955 ), Gary Wayton ( 1958 ), Tracy Middendorf ( 1970 ), Cyia Batten ( 1972 ), Akihiro Haga ( 1981 ), and Daniel Asa Henson ( 1990 )
  • 27 – Marc Daniels ( 1912 ), Corky Randall ( 1929 ), James Cromwell ( 1940 ), Steve Leialoha ( 1952 ), Mart McChesney ( 1954 ), Kerrigan Mahan ( 1955 ), Tyana Parr ( 1956 ), Frank Miller ( 1957 ), Susanna Thompson ( 1958 ), Caitlin Brown and Sonia Hillios (both 1961 ), Richard Starkings ( 1962 ), Marie Micheaux ( 1963 ), Floyd , Lloyd , and Troy Weaver (all 1964 ), Tamlyn Tomita ( 1966 ), Jim Moorhouse ( 1967 ), Erik Buckland and Patton Oswalt (both 1969 ), Trampas Thompson ( 1971 ), Alan Gratz ( 1972 ), Miho Suzuki ( 1973 ), Leonard Baligaya ( 1983 ), and Katie Soo ( 1985 )
  • 28 – Arnold Moss ( 1910 ), John Chandler ( 1935 ), Darryl Henriques ( 1942 ), John Beck and Susan Howard (both 1943 ), S.A. Templeman and Scott Trost (both 1954 ), James Van Over ( 1959 ), Harry Williams, Jr. ( 1969 ), Gillian Vigman ( 1972 ), Jace Jeanes ( 1977 ), Nathan A. Aronson and Jacob Chambers (both 1978 ), Craig Henry ( 1983 ), Orville Cummings ( 1995 ), and Ariel Winter ( 1998 )
  • 29 – Albert Henderson ( 1915 ), Marl Young ( 1917 ), Jim Rugg ( 1919 ), Mark Dempsey ( 1936 ), Tom Huff ( 1943 ), Phillip Norwood ( 1949 ), Brian Evaret Chandler ( 1956 ), Adam Lieberman ( 1968 ), Ansuya Rathor ( 1976 ), and Jessica D. Stone ( 1990 )
  • 30 – David Opatoshu ( 1918 ), Alan Bernard ( 1934 ), Jean-Paul Vignon ( 1935 ), Robert Wiemer ( 1938 ), Gregory Benford ( 1941 ), Jerry Sroka ( 1946 ), Jeffrey Lang ( 1954 ), Sheldon Collins ( 1955 ), Denys Cowan ( 1961 ), Abdullah bin al-Hussein ( 1962 ), Daphne Ashbrook ( 1963 ), Mark Paniccia ( 1964 ), and Chad Haywood ( 1980 )
  • 31 – Carey Loftin ( 1914 ), Norm Prescott ( 1927 ), Jean Simmons ( 1929 ), Gene DeWeese ( 1934 ), Jonathan Banks ( 1947 ), Cristine Rose ( 1951 ), Jessie Biscardi ( 1954 ), Steve LaPorte ( 1956 ), Robin Bonaccorsi and David Oliver (both 1962 ), Kimberly Auslander and Matt McColm (both 1965 ), Jamie Keyser ( 1968 ), Damon Kirsche ( 1971 ), Al Goto ( 1972 ), Hiro Koda and Billy MacLellan (both 1974 ), Paul Scheer ( 1976 ), Bobby Moynihan ( 1977 ), Carissa Hernandez ( 1979 ), and Tim Gilbert (unknown year)
  • Unknown – Trace Cheramie ( 1966 )

February [ ]

  • 1 – Paul Carr ( 1934 ), Joseph M. Wilcots ( 1939 ), Bibi Besch ( 1942 ), Bill Mumy ( 1954 ), David Wise ( 1955 ), Ron Frenz ( 1960 ), Joe Conti ( 1963 ), Kaitlin Hopkins and Steve Larson (both 1964 ), Wayne King, Jr. ( 1965 ), John Harrington Bland ( 1968 ), Nicole Frank ( 1969 ), Yoshi DeHerrera ( 1972 ), Vanessa Cater ( 1979 ), Lauren Kim ( 1981 ), Cristina Milizia ( 1984 ), Luke Marty ( 1986 ), and Keaton Kramer ( 1990 )
  • 2 – David Sharpe ( 1910 ), Alden McWilliams ( 1916 ), Robert Mandan ( 1932 ), Tony Jay ( 1933 ), Terrence Beasor ( 1935 ), John Mahon ( 1938 ), Linda Harcharic ( 1947 ), Brent Spiner ( 1949 ), Ken Gildin ( 1955 ), Cassandra Byram ( 1956 ), Devon Abner , Laurie Creach , and Paul Hill (all 1958 ), William De Vital ( 1959 ), Kirk Baily and Laura Jane Salvato (both 1963 ), D.C. Douglas ( 1966 ), Jenny Lumet ( 1967 ), Travis Charest ( 1969 ), Jillana Neiman ( 1970 ), Oz Perkins ( 1974 ), and Mercedes Blanche ( 1997 )
  • 3 – Bill McGovern ( 1909 ), Richard L. Jefferies ( 1923 ), John Fiedler ( 1925 ), Rudy Cataldi ( 1927 ), Jerry Summers ( 1931 ), Robert della Santina and William Jay Gahret (both 1938 ), Stephen Mines ( 1939 ), Stephen McHattie ( 1947 ), Richard Marschall ( 1949 ), Randy Lofficier ( 1953 ), L.B. Kellogg and Time Winters (both 1956 ), Edward A. Ayer and Greg Stuhl (both 1957 ), Douglas Coler ( 1960 ), Joe Bennett ( 1968 ), Matt Winston ( 1970 ), Seth Squadron ( 1975 ), and Webster Whinery, Jr. ( 1988 )
  • 4 – Frank P. Keller ( 1913 ), Huey Duval ( 1929 ), John Schuck ( 1940 ), Michael Wajacs ( 1950 ), Steve Gawley and Richard Lineback (both 1952 ), Robert Stachowiak ( 1956 ), Don Davis ( 1957 ), Pamelyn Ferdin ( 1959 ), Jenette Goldstein ( 1960 ), Jim O'Heir and Tom Sniegoski (both 1962 ), David G. Trotti ( 1967 ), Craig Gilmore ( 1969 ), Skye Dent ( 1970 ), and Christine Ebadi ( 1991 )
  • 5 – Sam Gilman ( 1915 ), Ken Adam ( 1921 ), Stefan Gierasch ( 1926 ), Ronald W. Smith ( 1930 ), Victor Lobl ( 1940 ), Charlie Skeen ( 1949 ), Keith Taylor ( 1950 ), Robin Sachs ( 1951 ), Val Semeiks ( 1955 ), Alicia Adams ( 1963 ), Rod Roddenberry ( 1974 ), Steven Allerick ( 1975 ), Thadeus Welch ( 1978 ), and David Huynh ( 1983 )
  • 6 – Fred Grable ( 1913 ), Walker Edmiston ( 1926 ), Richard J. Anobile ( 1947 ), Christina Wegler Miles ( 1950 ), Garth Kemp ( 1952 ), Jackson Bolt ( 1957 ), Cecily Adams ( 1958 ), Megan Gallagher ( 1960 ), Michael Mack ( 1962 ), Rick Remender ( 1963 ), Roger Morrissey ( 1969 ), Robert Teranishi ( 1974 ), James Hiroyuki Liao ( 1976 ), Sunshine Black and Alice Eve (both 1982 ), and Goran Delic (unknown year)
  • 7 – Kevin G. Tracey ( 1930 ), Leonard Maizlish ( 1932 ), Wayne Allwine and Loren Carpenter (both 1947 ), Michael McGreevey ( 1948 ), Margaret Wander Bonanno ( 1950 ), Miguel Ferrer and Susan Kearney (both 1955 ), Christopher Halsted ( 1962 ), Jason Leland Adams ( 1963 ), Joey Box ( 1965 ), Walter Tabayoyong ( 1975 ), Cory Danziger ( 1977 ), Jillian Ziesmer ( 1979 ), and Clara Bryant ( 1985 )
  • 8 – Michael Strong ( 1918 ), Benjie Bancroft and Jack Hayes ( 1919 ), Elizabeth Hoffman ( 1926 ), John Jefferies ( 1936 ), Louis Giambalvo ( 1945 ), Randy McIlvain ( 1948 ), Philip LaZebnik and Rocco Sisto (both 1953 ), Will Richards ( 1954 ), Ethan Phillips ( 1955 ), Lynn Meneses ( 1956 ), John Shiban ( 1962 ), Barney Burman ( 1966 ), Todd Masters ( 1967 ), Nancy Anna Brown and Mike Massa (both 1968 ), Karl Wiedergott ( 1969 ), Gretchen J. Berg ( 1971 ), Big Show ( 1972 ), Katelin Petersen ( 1989 ), Sam Vartholomeos ( 1995 ), and Arista Arhin ( 2005 )
  • 9 – Gene Lyons ( 1921 ), Bob Baker ( 1924 ), Roy Jenson ( 1927 ), Walt Davis ( 1929 ), Ronnie Claire Edwards ( 1933 ), Marianna Hill ( 1942 ), Danny Bulanadi ( 1946 ), Yudi Bennett ( 1950 ), Rene Balcer ( 1954 ), Dan Barringer ( 1958 ), John Knoll ( 1962 ), Julie Warner ( 1965 ), Dylan Haggerty ( 1969 ), Jennifer Caputo and Lauren Moore (both 1971 ), Crispin Freeman ( 1972 ), Chad Wolfinbarger ( 1976 ), Heidi Moneymaker ( 1978 ), Jimmy Bennett ( 1996 ), and Khalil Abdul-Malik (unknown year)
  • 10 – Judith Anderson ( 1897 ), Jerry Goldsmith ( 1929 ), Barrie Ingham ( 1932 ), Ronald R. Rondell ( 1937 ), Stephane Gudju ( 1947 ), Ken Warfield ( 1948 ), John Shirley ( 1953 ), Paul Massey ( 1958 ), Donald R. Jankiewicz ( 1967 ), Peter Boyer ( 1970 ), and Jade and Nikita Ramsey ( 1988 )
  • 11 – Robert Strong ( 1906 ), Lisa Christy ( 1922 ), George Romanis ( 1929 ), Paul Comi ( 1932 ), Pamela Douglas ( 1944 ), Larry Clardy ( 1946 ), Philip Anglim and Marcelo Tubert (both 1952 ), Stephen Buchsbaum ( 1958 ), Angelo Tiffe ( 1959 ), Stephen Gregory ( 1965 ), and Bart Noggle ( 1972 )
  • 12 – Barry Trivers ( 1907 ), Lincoln Demyan ( 1925 ), Mary Black ( 1933 ), Bobby Clark ( 1937 ), Brioni Farrell and Richard Lynch (both 1940 ), Cliff DeYoung ( 1945 ), Walter Mosley ( 1952 ), Zach Grenier ( 1954 ), Eben Ham ( 1962 ), Jaime Hubbard and Cy Kennedy (both 1963 ), Raphael Sbarge ( 1964 ), Christie Haydon ( 1967 ), Simon Northwood ( 1968 ), Scott Menville ( 1971 ), Tara Strong ( 1973 ), Christopher Pettiet ( 1976 ), Hunter Baxley ( 1987 ), and Katherine Barrell ( 1990 )
  • 13 – Paul Stader ( 1911 ), Gerald Fried ( 1928 ), Eli Behar ( 1929 ), Jamake Highwater ( 1931 ), Susan Oliver ( 1932 ), John Towey ( 1940 ), Michael Ensign ( 1944 ), Robin Datry ( 1946 ), Ellen Bry ( 1951 ), Jeanne Mori ( 1955 ), Leslie Bevis ( 1957 ), Scott Burkholder ( 1958 ), André Bormanis ( 1959 ), Stephen Manley ( 1965 ), Neal McDonough ( 1966 ), Joe Phillips ( 1969 ), Tom McComas ( 1970 ), Katie Jane Johnston ( 1979 ), Eamon Sheehan ( 1980 ), Tahirih Vejdani ( 1987 ), and Aldrin Bundoc ( 1989 )
  • 14 – Allan Miller ( 1929 ), Bill Larson ( 1930 ), Frank da Vinci ( 1933 ), Andrew Prine ( 1936 ), Garland Thompson ( 1938 ), Burr Middleton ( 1941 ), Andrew J. Robinson ( 1942 ), Frank Collison ( 1948 ), John Vornholt ( 1951 ), Paula M. Block ( 1952 ), Nancy Youngblut ( 1953 ), Len Strazewski ( 1955 ), Christopher Darga ( 1958 ), Matthias Hues and Gordon Purcell (both 1959 ), Kirk Randolph Thatcher ( 1962 ), Zach Galligan ( 1964 ), Lucy Boryer and Whitney Guss (both 1966 ), Simon Pegg ( 1970 ), T.J. Storm ( 1972 ), Cody and Kurt Wetherill (both 1986 ), and Naymon Frank and Mikki Val (both unknown year)
  • 15 – Harold Arlen ( 1905 ), Reuben Timmins ( 1910 ), Meg Wyllie ( 1917 ), Harold Michelson ( 1920 ), Keene Curtis ( 1923 ), Hal Donahue ( 1933 ), Faith Vecchio ( 1940 ), Sherry Jackson ( 1942 ), Michele Ameen Billy ( 1949 ), Sonia McDancer ( 1951 ), Robertson Dean ( 1954 ), Paul Ambrose and Christopher McDonald (both 1955 ), Kimberly L. Ryusaki ( 1960 ), Joel Harlow ( 1968 ), Michael Taylor ( 1969 ), Kaj-Erik Eriksen ( 1979 ), Nicole Sarah Fellows ( 1985 ), Ashley Sierra Hughes ( 1991 ), and Sharlene Royer (unknown year)
  • 16 – Noble Chissell ( 1905 ), Arthur H. Singer ( 1910 ), David Frankham and Paul Sorensen (both 1926 ), Arvo Katajisto ( 1943 ), Cedric Taporco ( 1944 ), William D. Barber , Jeffrey Deacon , and Steve Posey (all 1949 ), Kim Bass and Henry T. Yamada (both 1956 ), LeVar Burton ( 1957 ), Greg Poland ( 1961 ), Dan Madsen ( 1962 ), Faran Tahir and Dana Vitatoe (both 1963 ), Tim Bradstreet and Pasha Lychnikoff (both 1967 ), Tom Wegrzyn ( 1970 ), Diamond Cook ( 1975 ), Chloé Wepper ( 1986 ), Oscar Moreno ( 1991 )
  • 17 – Marc Lawrence ( 1910 ), Curt Swan ( 1920 ), Ed McCready ( 1930 ), Gene S. Cantamessa ( 1931 ), Peter Marko ( 1934 ), Gary Gero ( 1946 ), Becky Ann Baker ( 1953 ), Jim Rygiel ( 1955 ), Carole Davis ( 1958 ), Pancho Demmings ( 1962 ), Eloise Flood ( 1963 ), John Cragen ( 1964 ), Jonathan Breck ( 1965 ), Jerry O'Connell ( 1974 ), and Hallie Singleton ( 1975 )
  • 18 – Angelo Rossitto ( 1908 ), Sam Rolfe ( 1924 ), Andrea Dromm ( 1941 ), Ken Lesco ( 1950 ), Cynthia Brian ( 1951 ), Andrew Borba and Aaron McClellan (both 1959 ), Teri Noel ( 1960 ), Ken Niederbaumer ( 1971 ), and Penelope Grimaldi ( 1998 )
  • 19 – Fred Freiberger ( 1915 ), Timothy Bond ( 1942 ), John Bloom ( 1944 ), M. Shayne Bell ( 1957 ), Joe Davis ( 1958 ), Gary Edelman ( 1961 ), Gavin Chase ( 1962 ), Laurell K. Hamilton and David Anthony Marshall (both 1963 ), and Greg Hooper ( 1967 )
  • 20 – Richard Matheson ( 1926 ), Patricia Smith ( 1930 ), Marj Dusay ( 1936 ), Richard Beymer ( 1938 ), Danny Rogers ( 1943 ), Edward Laurence Albert and David A. Kimball (both 1951 ), Anthony Stewart Head ( 1954 ), Michael L. Maguire ( 1955 ), Doc Duhame ( 1956 ), Stuart Moore ( 1962 ), Cigi Britton ( 1963 ), Willie Garson ( 1964 ), Justin Louis ( 1967 ), Mike Allred ( 1969 ), Chaka Desilva ( 1980 ), and Rihanna ( 1988 )
  • 21 – Celia Lovsky ( 1897 ), Jack Ozark ( 1914 ), Gary Lockwood ( 1937 ), Larry Drake and Richard Kray (both 1950 ), Mimi Kuzyk ( 1952 ), Chip Mayer ( 1954 ), Kelsey Grammer ( 1955 ), Van Epperson ( 1957 ), Denny Dugally ( 1958 ), Joel McKinnon Miller ( 1960 ), Martha Hackett ( 1961 ), Michael E. Goldman ( 1963 ), Steve Truitt ( 1966 ), and Dayna Devon ( 1970 )
  • 22 – Joseph Glick ( 1903 ), Paul Dooley ( 1928 ), Jerry Catron ( 1932 ), Barry Dennen ( 1938 ), David A. Kimble and Tucker Smallwood (both 1944 ), Irina Davidoff ( 1945 ), Marshal Silverman and Will Yazzie (both 1946 ), Hajime Sorayama ( 1947 ), Peewee Piemonte ( 1961 ), Rachel Dratch ( 1966 ), Tony Nappo and Jeri Ryan (both 1968 ), Henri Lubatti ( 1972 ), Denton J. Tipton ( 1976 ), Justin Rodgers Hall ( 1981 ), and Celia Rose Gooding ( 2000 )
  • 23 – Majel Barrett Roddenberry and John Vernon (both 1932 ), Rees Vaughn ( 1935 ), Dick Singleton ( 1936 ), Joycelyn O'Brien ( 1958 ), Alma Yvonne Dixon ( 1963 ), Alexander Denk and Craig Hurley (both 1968 ), Courtney J. Andersen , Tom Cano , and Julianne Grossman (all 1969 ), Heather Young ( 1975 ), and Justin Malachi ( 1983 )
  • 24 – Fred Steiner ( 1923 ), James Sloyan ( 1940 ), Evelyn Guerrero ( 1949 ), Gerard Prendergast ( 1954 ), Alisa Matlovsky ( 1955 ), Mark Moses and K.E.Z. (both 1958 ), John Goodson ( 1963 ), Katja Rieckermann ( 1966 ), Daniel Kramer ( 1969 ), Monica Staggs ( 1970 ), and Tawny Newsome ( 1983 )
  • 25 – George Duning ( 1908 ), Bert Remsen ( 1925 ), Jud Taylor ( 1932 ), Alberto De Mello ( 1933 ), George Aguilar ( 1955 ), Erick Weiss ( 1959 ), Ron DeMore ( 1962 ), Neezer Tarleton ( 1963 ), Anson Mount ( 1973 ), Tony Shasteen ( 1975 ), Jameela Jamil ( 1986 ), Marina Miller ( 1997 ), and Marie Ward (unknown year)
  • 26 – Paul McCardle ( 1916 ), Theodore Sturgeon ( 1918 ), Robert Gary ( 1920 ), Ric Estrada ( 1928 ), Wilda Taylor ( 1930 ), Shay Duffin and Lawrence Montaigne (both 1931 ), Frank Orsatti ( 1942 ), Jonathan Schmock ( 1956 ), Michael Cumpsty ( 1958 ), Christopher Halsted ( 1962 ), Chase Masterson ( 1963 ), Jad Mager ( 1969 ), Derek Anthony ( 1970 ), Amina Islam ( 1976 ), and Nicole Fournier ( 1984 )
  • 27 – Dick Crockett ( 1915 ), Barbara Babcock ( 1937 ), Charles Parks ( 1940 ), Joe W. Davis ( 1979 ), Jean Marie Novak and James Worthy (both 1961 ), John Pyper-Ferguson ( 1964 ), Carrick O'Quinn ( 1971 ), and Seth Hendrix ( 1979 )
  • 28 – Larry Silverman ( 1908 ), Audrey Gelfand ( 1928 ), Douglas Rowe ( 1938 ), Jim Baikie ( 1940 ), Alice Rawlings ( 1941 ), Stephanie Beacham , Stephen Goldin , and Ab Mobasher (all 1947 ), Barry Kivel and Gil Mosko (both 1950 ), Denise Deuschle and Brian A. Vouglas (both 1954 ), Damaris Cordelia ( 1958 ), Brett Davidson and Gerry Sackman (both 1959 ), Michele Echols ( 1960 ), Grace Harrell and Heidi Smothers (both 1963 ), Nathan Crowley ( 1966 ), Charles S. Chun , David McGrath , and Cecelia Specht (all 1967 ), Karen Robinson ( 1968 ), Daniel Dvorkin ( 1969 ), Mario West ( 1974 ), Bernd Perplies and Brandon T. Snider (both 1977 ), Michelle Horn ( 1987 ), Makambe Simamba ( 1990 ), Noah Lamanna ( 1991 ), and Avaah Blackwell and Joe Brozowski (both unknown year)
  • 29 – Harvey Jason ( 1940 ), and Charles A. Beichman ( 1952 )
  • Unknown – Scott Strozier ( 1959 ), Corey Eubanks and Noriko Suzuki (both 1962 ), Dino Maye ( 1966 ), and Brett and Nolan Donahue (both 1996 )
  • 1 – Arnold Drake ( 1924 ), Eddie Hice ( 1930 ), James Noah ( 1935 ), Jeff Mart ( 1943 ), William Dennis Hunt ( 1944 ), Mary Peters ( 1949 ), Steven Barnes and Pat McGroarty (both 1952 ), Eduardo Barreto ( 1954 ), David M. Mayreis ( 1956 ), Tim Ryan ( 1958 ), J.D. Cullum ( 1966 ), Cenita L. Johnson ( 1967 ), Dana Goldberg ( 1979 ), Madeline Wise ( 1988 ), and Graham Parkhurst ( 1990 )
  • 2 – George F. Slavin ( 1916 ), Troy Melton ( 1921 ), Tatjana Wood ( 1925 ), Richard Compton ( 1938 ), Barbara Luna ( 1939 ), Joy Garrett ( 1945 ), Gates McFadden ( 1949 ), Darwyn Carson ( 1951 ), Matthew Kimbrough ( 1952 ), Rob Hedden ( 1954 ), Terrence Stone ( 1955 ), Eric Chambers ( 1960 ), Tracee Lee Cocco ( 1961 ), Louis Ortiz ( 1962 ), George Baxter ( 1966 ), Michelle C. Bonilla ( 1972 ), Tom Hand and Paul Popowich (both 1973 ), Timothy Jeffrey Domis ( 1976 ), Kasra Farahani ( 1978 ), Willow Geer ( 1981 ), Julee Vadnais ( 1983 ), Ethan Peck ( 1986 ), and Izad Etemadi ( 1990 )
  • 3 – James Doohan ( 1920 ), Joseph G. Sorokin ( 1923 ), Fred Hafner ( 1928 ), Mimi Cozzens ( 1935 ), Rosemarie Baio ( 1937 ), Jeffrey Hayes and Dan Mishkin (both 1953 ), Debbie David and Debra Dilley (both 1955 ), Ron McCoy ( 1958 ), Heidi Swedberg ( 1966 ), J. Adam Brown ( 1983 ), and Andrea Gallo ( 1990 )
  • 4 – Bill Borzage ( 1892 ), Anne Haney ( 1934 ), Tom Pedigo ( 1940 ), John Hancock ( 1941 ), Wayne King, Sr. ( 1942 ), Frank Novak ( 1945 ), Alex Daniels ( 1956 ), Ron Fassler ( 1957 ), Steven Weber ( 1961 ), David Sparrow ( 1962 ), Daniel Roebuck ( 1963 ), Ivory Broome ( 1964 ), Luigi Amodeo ( 1967 ), Ingrid Rae Doucet and Glenn Hauman (both 1969 ), Lynne Burnett ( 1970 ), Brian Magner ( 1978 ), and Eric Matsumoto ( 1981 )
  • 5 – Rusty Meek ( 1925 ), Brad Weston ( 1928 ), James B. Sikking ( 1934 ), Don Pulford and Dean Stockwell (both 1936 ), Fred Williamson ( 1938 ), Samantha Eggar ( 1939 ), Steve Neill ( 1952 ), Lance Spellerberg ( 1960 ), Marc Marosi ( 1966 ), Jolene Blalock ( 1975 ), Ana Shepherd ( 1982 ), Glenn Harris and James Holt (both 1983 ), Emily Gaona ( 1994 ), and Michelle Blass ( 1997 )
  • 6 – Monty O'Grady ( 1916 ), Hal Needham ( 1931 ), David Spielberg ( 1939 ), Joanna Miles ( 1940 ), George Wilbur ( 1941 ), Al Milgrom ( 1950 ), Marnie Mosiman ( 1951 ), Carolyn Porco ( 1953 ), James Saito , Larry Cedar , and Mary Meinel-Newport (all 1955 ), Scott Pierce and Laura Renault (both 1958 ), Patrick Massett ( 1962 ), Juan Ortiz ( 1963 ), Calvin Dean ( 1964 ), Robert Kato DeStefan ( 1967 ), Cazimir Milostan ( 1968 ), Amy Pietz ( 1969 ), Grant Goleash ( 1971 ), Michael J. O'Laskey ( 1983 ), Julie St-Louis ( 1987 ), and Oksana Sirju ( 1995 )
  • 7 – Davis Roberts and Al Wyatt (both 1917 ), Gray Morrow ( 1934 ), Michael Eisner and Jaron Summers (both 1942 ), David B. Maccabee ( 1953 ), Michael Jan Friedman ( 1955 ), Donna Murphy ( 1959 ), Jonathan Del Arco ( 1966 ), Sean Gerace ( 1970 ), Jennifer Hammon ( 1973 ), Brendan Norman ( 1984 ), and Sarah Sherman ( 1993 )
  • 8 – Booth Colman ( 1923 ), Mickey Morton ( 1927 ), Paddi Edwards ( 1931 ), Jim Dow ( 1943 ), Sal Amendola ( 1948 ), Barbara Eve Harris ( 1959 ), Alison Becker ( 1977 ), and Michelle Rejwan ( 1982 )
  • 9 – Craig Robertson ( 1947 ), Adrian Sparks ( 1950 ), Rick Burchett ( 1952 ), Douglas Engalla and Casey Kono (both 1957 ), Glenn Neufeld ( 1960 ), Ken Schafer ( 1964 ), Ernie Mirich ( 1965 ), and Shane Clark ( 1970 )
  • 10 – Theodore R. Cogswell ( 1918 ), Robert Abel ( 1937 ), Dick Brownfield and Jerry Greenwood (both 1938 ), Adolphus Hankins ( 1941 ), Ron Gress ( 1942 ), Christopher Hinz ( 1951 ), Steve Blalock ( 1958 ), Andray Johnson ( 1961 ), Doc Charbonneau and Dan O'Shannon (both 1962 ), Rico E. Anderson , Philip Anthony-Rodriguez , and Jon Curry (all 1968 ), Zora DeHorter ( 1970 ), Dublin James ( 1975 ), Danny Pudi ( 1979 ), Sarah Klaren ( 1984 ), Guy Fernandez, Jr. ( 1985 ), Ser'Darius Blain ( 1987 ), and Jeff Kassel (unknown year)
  • 11 – Robert Bentley ( 1907 ), Bob Trochim ( 1932 ), Nancy Kovack ( 1935 ), Barton M. Susman ( 1942 ), Angelique Pettyjohn ( 1943 ), Tricia O'Neil ( 1945 ), Mark Metcalf ( 1946 ), Kevin Pentalow ( 1950 ), Mike Timoney ( 1957 ), Donald W. Zautcke ( 1959 ), Jeffrey Nordling and Barbara Alyn Woods (both 1962 ), Wallace Langham ( 1965 ), Will Files ( 1980 ), and Anton Yelchin ( 1989 )
  • 12 – Loulie Jean Norman ( 1913 ), Frank Overton ( 1918 ), Foster Hood ( 1923 ), Robert H. Raff ( 1924 ), Daniel Cohen ( 1936 ), Kate Woodville ( 1938 ), David Clover ( 1940 ), Frank Welker ( 1946 ), R.A. Jones ( 1953 ), Simon Holden ( 1957 ), Bari Hochwald ( 1958 ), Deeana Pampena ( 1960 ), Titus Welliver ( 1961 ), Jake Weber ( 1963 ), Rick Worthy ( 1967 ), Lisa Auguste ( 1981 ), and Dorenda Moore and Zachary James Rukavina (both unknown year)
  • 13 – Paul Fix ( 1901 ), Olaf Pooley ( 1914 ), Dan Wallin ( 1927 ), Larry Albright and Grant Woods (both 1932 ), Jean Coulter and Sean Kenney (both 1944 ), Whitney Rydbeck ( 1945 ), Margaret Blanchard ( 1955 ), Chuck Borden and Teo Smoot (both 1962 ), Mark Daniel Cade ( 1964 ), Lou Anders ( 1967 ), and Leigh Allyn Baker ( 1972 )
  • 14 – William Blackburn ( 1929 ), Garrison True ( 1934 ), Rob Wise ( 1943 ), Judith Reeves-Stevens ( 1944 ), Diana G. Gallagher ( 1946 ), Drew Struzan ( 1947 ), Steven-Charles Jaffe and Kat Sawyer-Young (both 1952 ), Mike DeCarlo and Faith Minton (both 1957 ), Anna Katarina ( 1960 ), Penny Johnson ( 1961 ), Julia Ecklar and Crystal LaPrie (both 1964 ), Gary Anthony Williams ( 1966 ), E. Michael Fincke ( 1967 ), James Frain and Edwin Ombac (both 1968 ), Thomas Derenick and Jim Hart (both 1969 ), Brett Bell , Goldie Ann Gareza , and S.D. Perry (all 1970 ), Lisa Hoyle ( 1971 ), Brian Quinn ( 1976 ), Renee Taglia ( 1982 ), Clint Zoccoli ( 1983 ), Dylan J. Locke ( 1999 ), and Shazdeh Kapadia ( 2011 )
  • 15 – Lawrence Tierney ( 1919 ), Walter Gotell ( 1924 ), Ted and Tom LeGarde (both 1931 ), David Cronenberg ( 1943 ), Suzanne Lodge ( 1944 ), Brad Blaisdell ( 1949 ), Nicholas Shaffer ( 1951 ), Nilo Rodis-Jamero ( 1950 ), Craig Wasson ( 1954 ), Rick Barba and Angelina Fiordellisi (both 1955 ), Bob and Don Charles McGovern , John Micklos, Jr. , and Jacqueline Schultz (all 1956 ), Berit Francis ( 1961 ), Brenan Baird ( 1963 ), Donovan Knowles ( 1965 ), James G. Becker ( 1966 ), Stephen Matthew Garvin ( 1967 ), Seth Ayott ( 1977 ), and Patricia Summersett ( 1983 )
  • 16 – Karl Bruck ( 1906 ), Norman Stuart ( 1909 ), Susan Bay ( 1943 ), Granville Van Dusen ( 1944 ), James Otis ( 1948 ), Joseph Pilato and Victor Garber (both 1949 ), Tom Poster ( 1954 ), Clete F. Cetrone ( 1957 ), Scott L. Schwartz ( 1959 ), Mark Pacella ( 1960 ), Todd McFarlane ( 1961 ), Kelli Ann McNally ( 1965 ), Jim Nieb ( 1968 ), Matt Merkovich , Kevin Reed O'Hara , and Tricia Sheldon (all 1969 ), and Tamara Hambly ( 1971 )
  • 17 – Patty Maloney ( 1936 ), Tania Lemani ( 1939 ), Lavelle Roby ( 1941 ), Diane M. Hurley ( 1943 ), Deborah Taylor ( 1951 ), Patric J. Abaravich and Nick Trisko (both 1954 ), Ron Althoff ( 1958 ), Cameron Thor ( 1960 ), Mark Pellington ( 1962 ), Michael Ivins and Lise Simms (both 1963 ), Trish Mulvihill ( 1965 ), Gary Riotto ( 1970 ), and Victoria Dunsmore ( 1993 )
  • 18 – Edna Glover ( 1925 ), Jack B. Sowards ( 1929 ), Leslie Parrish ( 1935 ), Stephen Edward Poe ( 1936 ), John LaSalandra ( 1940 ), Dieter Hornemann ( 1946 ), Brad Dourif and J.G. Hertzler (both 1950 ), Gretchen German ( 1961 ), Vanessa Williams ( 1963 ), Marian Cordry ( 1968 ), Stoney Westmoreland ( 1970 ), Adam Pally ( 1982 ), and Ronald Tang ( 1988 )
  • 19 – Tige Andrews ( 1920 ), Nancy Malone ( 1935 ), Tom Anfinsen , Hagan Beggs , and Maurice Roëves (all 1937 ), Dennis Hoerter ( 1949 ), Matilda Recindes ( 1950 ), Louis Race and Barron Toler (both 1951 ), Willie Schubert ( 1952 ), Robert Schenkkan and Laurie S. Sutton (both 1953 ), Iain McCaig ( 1957 ), William Steinfeldt ( 1959 ), Ken Feinberg and Marjorie Monaghan (both 1964 ), Dino Juico ( 1966 ), Connor Trinneer ( 1969 ), Kevin G. Summers ( 1974 ), Abby Brammell ( 1979 ), and Desmond Sivan (unknown year)
  • 20 – Kermit Murdock ( 1908 ), Richard Carlyle ( 1914 ), Karen Steele ( 1931 ), Pamela Sargent and John de Lancie ( 1948 ), Tom Towles ( 1950 ), Nina Kiriki Hoffman ( 1955 ), Sylvester Foster ( 1956 ), Kevin Scott Allen ( 1957 ), Brian Brophy ( 1959 ), Nichole McAuley and Scott Benefiel (both 1967 ), Timothy Olyphant ( 1968 ), Chris Freeman and Lynne Langdon (both 1969 ), Cathy DeBuono ( 1970 ), Jonathan Goad ( 1971 ), Sean Tourangeau ( 1973 ), Natalie Diaz ( 1979 ), Brandon Fayette ( 1982 ), and Kevin M. Brettauer ( 1985 )
  • 21 – Logan Ramsey ( 1921 ), John Caleffie ( 1922 ), Al Williamson ( 1931 ), John Lindesmith ( 1942 ), Jack Shearer ( 1944 ), Mark F. Miller ( 1948 ), Lena Banks ( 1953 ), Robin Morselli ( 1955 ), Steve M. Davison ( 1957 ), Sabrina LeBeauf ( 1958 ), Josh Cruze , Jon Macht , and Patti Tippo (all 1960 ), John VanFleet ( 1962 ), Susan Savage ( 1963 ), Greg Ellis ( 1968 ), Allen Coulter ( 1969 ), Vanessa Branch ( 1973 ), Sonequa Martin-Green ( 1985 ), Jessica Danecker ( 1999 ), and Laiko Foroughi ( 2000 )
  • 22 – Tom Curtis ( 1912 ), William Shatner ( 1931 ), Chuck Madalone ( 1933 ), Michael Westmore ( 1938 ), Patrick Cupo ( 1952 ), Marcus Eley ( 1954 ), Kurt Lott ( 1957 ), Vladimir Blokh and Matt Webb (both 1960 ), Michael Aron ( 1969 ), Alex Jaeger ( 1973 ), Spencer Robson ( 1989 ), Sadie Munroe ( 2006 ), and Sawandi Wilson (unknown year)
  • 23 – Kenneth Tobey ( 1917 ), Anthony De Longis ( 1950 ), Clayton Landey ( 1951 ), Don Mirault ( 1956 ), Amanda Plummer ( 1957 ), Michael Sorich ( 1958 ), Kim Olsen and Wayne Péré (both 1965 ), Randall Park ( 1974 ), and Somkele Iyamah-Idhalama ( 1988 )
  • 24 – Jane Philippi ( 1913 ), Gene Nelson ( 1920 ), Carmine Infantino ( 1925 ), William P. Dornisch ( 1930 ), Edward Madden ( 1940 ), Robert Becker ( 1946 ), Johnetta Anderson ( 1954 ), Bill Wray ( 1956 ), Pascal Ferry ( 1961 ), Lisa Lord ( 1964 ), Steve Pugh ( 1966 ), Michael E. Strickland ( 1968 ), Sara Mornell , Nick Satriano , and Maja Vrvilo (all 1970 ), Tig Notaro ( 1971 ), Morgan Nagler ( 1978 ), and Eddie Berman ( 1985 )
  • 25 – John Copage ( 1925 ), D.C. Fontana ( 1939 ), Jacqueline Lichtenberg ( 1942 ), Malcolm McNab ( 1943 ), Robert O'Reilly ( 1950 ), Johnny C. Meier ( 1953 ), Julius LeFlore ( 1954 ), Pete Henderson ( 1956 ), Jennifer Edwards ( 1957 ), R. Christopher Biggs ( 1959 ), Brenda Strong ( 1960 ), Carol Abney ( 1964 ), Zadrina ( 1966 ), Michael Reisz ( 1968 ), Kortney Manns and Lark Voorhies (both 1974 ), Daryl Patchett ( 1977 ), Alina Andrei ( 1978 ), Jennifer Chaiet ( 1981 ), Casey King ( 1991 )
  • 26 – Ed Peck ( 1917 ), Lee Correy ( 1928 ), Leonard Nimoy ( 1931 ), Phillip Richard Allen ( 1939 ), Burt "Skip" Burnam ( 1944 ), David L. Crowley ( 1945 ), Jesús Salvador Treviño ( 1946 ), Jon De Vries ( 1947 ), K.W. Jeter and Tony Papenfuss (both 1950 ), Mitch O'Connell ( 1961 ), Diana Cignoni ( 1965 ), Gary Ray Stearns ( 1969 ), John Marasigan and Henry Alonso Myers (both 1972 ), Bettina Kurkoski ( 1973 ), Ian Chriss ( 1976 ), Lana Taylor ( 1979 ), Jess Bush ( 1992 ), and Myles Dobson (unknown year)
  • 27 – Don Trumbull ( 1909 ), Paul Chipello and Grant McCune (both 1943 ), David Shannon ( 1948 ), Mark Stetson ( 1952 ), Bairbre Dowling ( 1953 ), Elliot Durant III ( 1961 ), Kevin J. Anderson ( 1962 ), Scott Hill ( 1963 ), Paul Giordano ( 1965 ), Scott L. Treger ( 1967 ), Shauna Duggins ( 1974 ), Rich Ceraulo Ko ( 1977 ), Jon Steuer ( 1984 ), Bonnie Gordon ( 1986 ), Steinar Thors ( 1990 ), and Gilbert R. Leal ( 1991 )
  • 28 – Ray Reinhardt ( 1930 ), Ron Soble ( 1932 ), Janice Lynde ( 1946 ), Jim Gianopulos ( 1952 ), Doug Drexler ( 1953 ), David Paul Needles ( 1955 ), Caesar Belli and Paul Eiding (both 1957 ), Dell Yount ( 1960 ), Orla Brady ( 1961 ), Roger Nygard ( 1962 ), Bernie Pock ( 1963 ), John Royle ( 1970 ), and Annie Wersching ( 1977 )
  • 29 – Rudy Doucette ( 1923 ), Donald Hotton ( 1933 ), Richard Sarstedt ( 1940 ), Karole Selmon and Norman Snow (both 1950 ), Marina Sirtis ( 1955 ), David Paul Christian ( 1957 ), Marc Silvestri ( 1958 ), Charles Picerni, Jr. ( 1961 ), Lieven Litaer ( 1980 ), Alain Moussi ( 1981 ), and Adele Shepherd and Sarah Yu (unknown year)
  • 30 – Laura Wood ( 1889 ), Vernon Sion ( 1904 ), Joel Marston ( 1922 ), Charles Bidwell ( 1924 ), C.J. Bau ( 1937 ), Kenneth Welsh ( 1942 ), Maurice LaMarche ( 1958 ), Danitza Kingsley ( 1959 ), Michael McGrady ( 1960 ), Norman Hunte ( 1961 ), Mark Ginther ( 1963 ), Stephen Gevedon and Rick Pasqualone (both 1966 ), Deni Tyler ( 1968 ), Fraser Aitcheson ( 1973 ), Pete Holmes ( 1979 ), Kenric Green ( 1982 ), Marley S. McClean ( 1987 ), Chelsea Harris ( 1990 ), Gideon Adlon ( 1997 ), and Shannon Widdis ( 2003 )
  • 31 – Howard A. Anderson, Jr. ( 1920 ), Richard Kiley ( 1922 ), William Daniels ( 1927 ), Thomas Kellogg ( 1932 ), Pablo Marcos ( 1937 ), Ed Catmull ( 1945 ), Susan Boyd ( 1947 ), Jennifer S. Parsons and Jerry Zimmer (both 1949 ), Tom Szollosi ( 1950 ), Susanne Lambdin ( 1962 ), Jacqueline Kim ( 1965 ), Errik Tustenuggee ( 1970 ), and Adrian Holmes ( 1974 )
  • 1 – Michael O'Herlihy ( 1929 ), Grace Lee Whitney ( 1930 ), Darlis Chefalo ( 1940 ), Steve Holladay ( 1949 ), Jeff Dashnaw ( 1956 ), Rae Norman and Merritt Yohnka (both 1958 ), Scott Hart ( 1959 ), Benjamin Svetkey ( 1960 ), Tony Guma ( 1962 ), Bill Oakley and Naren Shankar (both 1964 ), David Zabel ( 1966 ), Jeff Witzke ( 1970 ), Jessica Collins ( 1971 ), Scott Rader ( 1972 ), and Troy Baker ( 1976 )
  • 2 – John Perry ( 1929 ), Sharon Acker ( 1935 ), John Staible ( 1939 ), Leslie Morris ( 1956 ), Mark Holton and Barry Schkolnick (both 1958 ), Jana Marie Hupp ( 1964 ), Don Lanning ( 1965 ), Daniel Arrias ( 1967 ), Chris Ryall ( 1969 ), Joshua Feinman ( 1971 ), Chadwick Struck ( 1973 ), Damian Della Santina ( 1974 ), Lindy Booth ( 1979 ), Jörg Hillebrand ( 1980 ), George Alevizos ( 1997 ), and Anna and Ashley Chiasson ( 1999 )
  • 3 – Bob Hoy ( 1927 ), Ernest Robinson ( 1932 ), Michael S. Glick ( 1934 ), Richard Bellis ( 1946 ), Patricia Rose Duignan ( 1952 ), Charlie Brewer ( 1961 ), James Black ( 1962 ), Craig Benton and Dyanna Lynn (both 1964 ), William Leisner ( 1967 ), Adam Scott ( 1973 ), and Sofia Boutella ( 1982 )
  • 4 – Joe Orlando ( 1927 ), Brad Forrest ( 1933 ), Kenneth Mars ( 1935 ), Vicente Alcázar ( 1944 ), Darleen Roddenberry ( 1948 ), Robert Budaska ( 1950 ), Bob Rozakis ( 1951 ), Mario Roberts ( 1952 ), Casey Biggs ( 1955 ), Gregory Wagrowski ( 1956 ), Cristian Letelier ( 1957 ), Phil Morris ( 1959 ), Phil Maldonado ( 1962 ), Martin Allan Kloner ( 1963 ), Scott McElroy ( 1966 ), Matthew MacCaull ( 1978 ), Danielle Thorpe ( 1983 ), and Nilo Ghajar (unknown year)
  • 5 – Robert Bloch ( 1917 ), Frank Gorshin ( 1933 ), Carlos Carrasco ( 1948 ), John Berg ( 1949 ), A.C. Crispin and Larry DeUnger (both 1950 ), Michael Rider ( 1952 ), Brian Murray and Ray Murtaugh (both 1960 ), Joanna Heimbold ( 1963 ), Tasia Valenza ( 1967 ), Jeff Pruitt ( 1969 ), John Roshell ( 1970 ), Alexander Enberg ( 1972 ), Rebecca McFarland ( 1973 ), Brian Mysliwy and Wendy Speake (both 1974 ), Alexandra Lydon ( 1979 ), Andrew Elder ( 1983 ), and Ian Meltzer ( 1991 )
  • 6 – Gil Kane ( 1926 ), Ted Gehring ( 1929 ), Douglas H. Grindstaff ( 1931 ), Walter Soo Hoo ( 1932 ), Judy McConnell ( 1944 ), Tony Brubaker and Peter G. Evangelatos (both 1946 ), Bill McCay ( 1951 ), Frank Serafine ( 1953 ), Franc Ross ( 1954 ), Craig Barron ( 1961 ), Simone Montanti ( 1965 ), Glenn Goldstein ( 1968 ), Mona Grudt ( 1971 ), Brook Chalmers and Joel West (both 1975 ), Tom Archdeacon and Scott Miles (both 1976 ), Nana Hill ( 1977 ), Diora Baird ( 1983 ), Natalie Moon ( 1984 ), and Tig Fong (unknown year)
  • 7 – Stanley Adams ( 1915 ), Anthony Caruso ( 1916 ), Gabrielle Beaumont ( 1942 ), Nicholas Corea ( 1943 ), Michael A. Martin ( 1964 ), Daris Toussaint ( 1967 ), April Nocifora ( 1968 ), Jillian Johnston ( 1982 ), Harry Doddema ( 1984 ), and Ed Speleers ( 1988 )
  • 8 – Douglas Trumbull ( 1942 ), Michele Wolfman ( 1951 ), Lee Arnone-Briggs ( 1953 ), Kane Hodder ( 1955 ), Diane Michelle and Jim Piddock (both 1956 ), Michael Spound ( 1957 ), Leif Gantvoort ( 1972 ), and Shay Brown ( 1973 )
  • 9 – Arthur Batanides ( 1923 ), Jay Crimp ( 1951 ), Rosanna Attias ( 1954 ), Bruce Winant ( 1957 ), Fred Dekker ( 1959 ), John Eaves and Daniel R. Purinton (both 1962 ), Chris Cooper ( 1963 ), Julianne Christie ( 1966 ), and Brandon Stacy ( 1982 )
  • 10 – Lee Bergere ( 1924 ), Robert Phillips ( 1926 ), Claudette Nevins ( 1937 ), Allan Kroeker ( 1951 ), Craig Reardon ( 1953 ), John M. Ford ( 1957 ), Tyce Bune and Rick Taylor (both 1958 ), Scott Hampton ( 1959 ), Mike DeLepine ( 1964 ), Brad William Henke ( 1966 ), Tim Tuohy ( 1967 ), Carlos Mota ( 1969 ), Robbie Robbins ( 1970 ), Byron Quiros ( 1971 ), Eric Greitens ( 1974 ), Bryce Soderberg ( 1980 ), Haley Joel Osment ( 1988 ), Ella Rogers ( 1997 ), and Anjini Taneja Azhar ( 2001 )
  • 11 – Leonard Mudie ( 1883 ), Virginia Darcy ( 1920 ), Joel Grey ( 1932 ), Ricardo Villagran ( 1938 ), Patrick Cronin ( 1941 ), Katalin Elek ( 1943 ), Bill Irwin ( 1950 ), Jim Lau and Folkert Schmidt (both 1952 ), Michele Scarabelli ( 1955 ), David Abbott ( 1958 ), David S. Cohen ( 1959 ), Kevin Hosey ( 1960 ), Vincent Teixeira ( 1964 ), Rhonda Taylor ( 1970 ), and Mathieu Bourassa ( 1988 )
  • 12 – Ivan Ditmars ( 1907 ), Irving A. Feinberg ( 1909 ), Oscar Katz ( 1913 ), Johnny Miller ( 1935 ), Charles Napier ( 1936 ), April Tatro ( 1942 ), Charles Gunning and Claudia La Grippe (both 1951 ), Marlene Sosebee ( 1952 ), Thad Lamey and Tracy Tormé (both 1959 ), Jay Baker ( 1961 ), Kevin D. Carlson and Brent Hinkley (both 1962 ), Michael Wiseman ( 1967 ), Jacqueline Case and Alicia Coppola ( 1968 ), Matt E. Levin ( 1972 ), Jennifer Morrison ( 1979 ), Alden Adair ( 1986 ), and Bethany Michelle Curry ( 1993 )
  • 13 – Paul Sorvino ( 1939 ), Tony Dow ( 1945 ), Terry Lester , Ron Perlman , and William Sadler (all 1950 ), Erick Avari ( 1952 ), John Saint John ( 1957 ), Michael Grossman ( 1958 ), Jon David Weigand ( 1970 ), Julia Rose ( 1973 ), Kevin Derr and Courtney Peldon (both 1981 ), Zoe Chernov ( 1997 ), and Steve Gutierrez ( 2009 )
  • 14 – Joseph Ruskin ( 1924 ), Jay Robinson ( 1930 ), Phil Adams ( 1935 ), Arlene Martel ( 1936 ), Antony Acker ( 1944 ), Cathie Shirriff ( 1948 ), Walt Conti ( 1959 ), Marvin De Baca ( 1960 ), Robert Clendenin ( 1964 ), Ousaun Elam ( 1970 ), David Reddick and Faith C. Salie (both 1971 ), John Tagamolila ( 1977 ), Adam DiMarco ( 1990 ), Sophia Adler ( 2001 ), and Jane Bordeaux (unknown year)
  • 15 – Michael Ansara ( 1922 ), Tom Sutton ( 1937 ), Robert Walker ( 1940 ), Susan Reccius ( 1945 ), Steve Rankin ( 1951 ), Kenneth Meseroll ( 1952 ), Bruce Wayne Randall ( 1953 ), Renna Bogdanowicz ( 1954 ), Barton Tinapp and Thomas F. Wilson (both 1959 ), Tom Kane ( 1962 ), Kamala Lopez-Dawson and Tania McComas (both 1964 ), Darin Cooper ( 1966 ), Brett Heneise ( 1971 ), Douglas Spain ( 1974 ), Alison Ebbert ( 1976 ), Scott Trimble ( 1977 ), Sara Pichelli and Max Supera (both 1983 ), Zach Duhame ( 1987 ), and Emma Ho and Ian Ho (both 2010 )
  • 16 – Charles J. Stewart ( 1923 ), Peter Mark Richman ( 1927 ), David Graf and David McCharen (both 1950 ), Marshall R. Teague ( 1953 ), Len Levitt ( 1957 ), Geneviere Anderson and Jake Garber (both 1965 ), Maya Fujimoto ( 1968 ), Patricia Skeriotis ( 1971 ), Anne Marley ( 1981 ), Molly Berman ( 1990 ), and Trevor Logan ( 1996 )
  • 17 – Ross Dowd ( 1907 ), Adrian Spies ( 1920 ), Michael Forest ( 1929 ), Reza Badiyi ( 1930 ), Chuck Menville ( 1940 ), Tom Ormeny ( 1946 ), Greg Barnett ( 1949 ), Edward French ( 1951 ), David Bell ( 1954 ), Elizabeth Lindsey and Vyto Ruginis (both 1956 ), Peter Slutsker ( 1958 ), Jeff Bornstein ( 1960 ), Christine Romeo ( 1961 ), Brendan Beiser ( 1970 ), Dan Smiczek ( 1975 ), and Sol Rodriguez ( 1990 )
  • 18 – Len Felber ( 1915 ), William Bramley and Alexander Singer (both 1928 ), Clive Revill ( 1930 ), Richard Colla ( 1936 ), Robert Hooks ( 1937 ), Michael Halperin ( 1940 ), Janet Kagan ( 1946 ), Mike Gomez ( 1951 ), Richard Tanner ( 1957 ), Don Fischer ( 1959 ), John Prosky ( 1962 ), Keith R.A. DeCandido ( 1969 ), Lisa LoCicero and Geoff Trowbridge (both 1970 ), Edgar Wright ( 1974 ), Maya and Nandy McClean ( 1982 ), and Jessica McKenna ( 1987 )
  • 19 – Sol Kaplan ( 1919 ), Rhodes Reason ( 1930 ), Herman Zimmerman ( 1935 ), Elinor Donahue ( 1937 ), Star Shulman ( 1939 ), Mary Jo Slater ( 1946 ), Thomas Knickerbocker ( 1948 ), V.E. Mitchell and Tony Plana (both 1954 ), Paul Nakauchi ( 1959 ), Robert Tyler ( 1960 ), Jimmy Romano ( 1961 ), Andrea Dopaso ( 1962 ), Tim Ransom ( 1963 ), Tad Atkinson ( 1965 ), Ashley Judd ( 1968 ), Lisa Michelle Cornelius ( 1981 ), Sam Marra ( 1981 ), and Kathryn Lyn (unknown year)
  • 20 – Adolf Hitler ( 1889 ), Robert DoQui ( 1934 ), George Takei ( 1937 ), Gordon Dawson ( 1938 ), Peter S. Beagle ( 1939 ), Giovanni Ticci ( 1940 ), Woody Porter ( 1946 ), Jane Daly , Gregory Itzin , and Philip Weyland (all 1948 ), Joel Schultz ( 1950 ), Peg Robinson ( 1958 ), Clint Howard ( 1959 ), Joel Pelletier ( 1961 ), Nicholas Cascone ( 1963 ), Mike Nyman ( 1965 ), Chris Derrick ( 1971 ), Brooks Bonstin ( 1974 ), Chi Wang ( 1975 ), Noah Averbach-Katz ( 1988 ), and Ian Alexander ( 2001 )
  • 21 – Larry Forrester ( 1924 ), Rod Loomis ( 1942 ), Allan Asherman and Iggy Pop (both 1947 ), Thomas F. Denove ( 1949 ), Steve Horch ( 1956 ), Kate Vernon ( 1961 ), Mikael Salazar ( 1966 ), Leslie Silva ( 1968 ), Kevin Hageman ( 1974 ), Aaron Baiers and Matt Krentz (both 1982 ), Jen Oda ( 1983 ), and Gregg Daniel (unknown year)
  • 22 – Byron Haskin ( 1899 ), Estelle Harris and Jim Willoughby (both 1928 ), Robert Metz ( 1938 ), Simone Boisseree ( 1948 ), Bruce Barbour ( 1949 ), Robert Elswit ( 1950 ), Steve Bond ( 1953 ), Granville Ames ( 1955 ), Larry Mahlstedt ( 1956 ), Ken Olandt ( 1958 ), Shari Goodhartz and Lisa Kaminir (both 1960 ), Marie Javins and Jeffrey Dean Morgan (both 1966 ), Bryan Hitch ( 1970 ), Vadia Potenza ( 1971 ), Manu Intiraymi ( 1978 ), and Ariana Shaw ( 1991 )
  • 23 – Alan Oppenheimer ( 1930 ), George C. Villaseñor ( 1931 ), Roy Orbison ( 1936 ), David Birney and Ian Patrick Williams (both 1939 ), David M. Ronne ( 1943 ), James Lashly ( 1946 ), Richard Forinash and Ernie L. Guderjahn (both 1949 ), Gerry Boudreau ( 1951 ), Victor Bevine ( 1954 ), Scott Dweck ( 1957 ), Bill Hacket ( 1960 ), Ken Clark ( 1964 ), Rob Steiner ( 1967 ), Byron Thames ( 1969 ), Gabriel Damon ( 1976 ), Isis J. Jones ( 1981 ), Doren Fein ( 1984 ), and Erica Mer ( 1988 )
  • 24 – Joe Garcio ( 1904 ), James D. Ballas ( 1915 ), Jill Ireland ( 1936 ), David Ross ( 1939 ), Judy Levitt ( 1940 ), Tom Barron and Ralph Winter (both 1952 ), Carol Cetrone and Joe Gieb (both 1954 ), Al Vey ( 1955 ), Greg Brodeur ( 1957 ), John Vargas ( 1958 ), Glenn Morshower ( 1959 ), Marybeth Massett ( 1964 ), Lamont D. Thompson ( 1967 ), Loren L. Coleman ( 1968 ), Melinda Clarke ( 1969 ), Rahvaunia ( 1971 ), Damon Lindelof ( 1973 ), Jack Quaid ( 1992 ), and Dan Abramovici and Saad Siddiqui (unknown year)
  • 25 – Curt Perkins ( 1916 ), Gene Sherry ( 1920 ), Kay E. Kuter ( 1925 ), Peter Canon ( 1933 ), Mary Marshall ( 1934 ), Bonnie Beecher ( 1941 ), Mike Little ( 1944 ), Geoffrey Binney ( 1945 ), Freda Foh Shen ( 1948 ), Peter Lauritson ( 1952 ), Peopatric Boone ( 1957 ), Daniel Kash ( 1959 ), TJ Scott ( 1960 ), Christopher Gilman ( 1961 ), Nicole Donery ( 1964 ), Heather Rattray and Peter Wick (both 1965 ), Richard Bennett ( 1968 ), Craig Appel ( 1970 ), David M. Barrett ( 1971 ), Emily Bergl and Becky Wahlstrom (both 1975 ), Tim Cody ( 1979 ), and Sean Murphy ( 1980 )
  • 26 – Fred Phillips ( 1908 ), A.E. van Vogt ( 1912 ), Vic Perrin ( 1916 ), Lee Ettleman ( 1933 ), Larry Abbott ( 1936 ), Mike Genovese ( 1942 ), Richard Doyle ( 1945 ), Spice Williams ( 1952 ), Robert Bruce McCleery and Adrian Tafoya (both 1959 ), Keith Campbell and Debra Wilson (both 1962 ), Olivia Birkelund ( 1963 ), Britta Dennison ( 1973 ), McKenzie Westmore ( 1977 ), and Danijel Mandic ( 1985 )
  • 27 – Bruce Schoengarth ( 1918 ), Hilary J. Bader ( 1952 ), Robert Curtis Brown ( 1957 ), Peter Stratford ( 1959 ), Eugenie Bondurant ( 1961 ), Schae Harrison ( 1963 ), Michael Mahonen and Lisa Wilcox (both 1964 ), Scott Brody and Shawn Michael Perry (both 1966 ), Michael William Rivkin ( 1967 ), Ifé Moore ( 1979 ), Bonnie Morgan ( 1981 ), Mustafa Bulut ( 1993 ), and Sophia Webster ( 2010 )
  • 28 – Adam John Backauskas ( 1923 ), James Bama ( 1926 ), Madge Sinclair ( 1938 ), Michael Kagan ( 1944 ), Rick Avery ( 1947 ), Paul Guilfoyle ( 1949 ), J. Michael Flynn ( 1953 ), Richard Arnold ( 1954 ), Frank McEldowney , Doug Warhit , and Todd Waring (all 1955 ), Jamieson Price and Larry Younger (both 1961 ), Harry Doc Kloor ( 1963 ), Eric Stuart ( 1964 ), Brian Dzyak ( 1969 ), Brendan Fleming and Ted Sullivan (both 1971 ), Dave Power ( 1978 ), Harry Shum, Jr. ( 1982 ), RJ Parrish ( 1983 ), Renie Rivas ( 1986 ), and Jay Jay Moon (unknown year)
  • 29 – Charles Seel ( 1897 ), Sally Yarnell ( 1915 ), Tom Klunis ( 1930 ), Claude Earl Jones ( 1933 ), Gavan O'Herlihy and Guy Richardson (both 1954 ), Leslie Jordan and Kate Mulgrew (both 1955 ), Angelo McCabe ( 1960 ), Terrell Clayton ( 1967 ), Mark Casimir Dyniewicz ( 1971 ), Derek Mears ( 1972 ), and Joanna McMeikan ( 1973 )
  • 30 – Stephen Kandel and Sal Trapani (both 1927 ), Larry Niven ( 1938 ), James Lee Stanley ( 1946 ), M.S. Murdock ( 1947 ), Tom Demille ( 1956 ), Shigemi Numazawa ( 1958 ), Linnea Soohoo ( 1959 ), Guy Tsujimoto ( 1962 ), Jean-Luc Martin ( 1965 ), Dennis Heisler ( 1966 ), Todd Leatherbury ( 1967 ), Kristen Ariza ( 1975 ), Mike Heilemann ( 1978 ), Kirsten Dunst ( 1982 ), and Emeka Menakaya ( 1983 )
  • Unknown – Garfield Reeves-Stevens ( 1953 ) and John Gegenhuber ( 1961 )
  • 1 – John Meredyth Lucas ( 1919 ), Ralph Senensky ( 1923 ), Charles Washburn ( 1938 ), Jan Reddin ( 1939 ), Dennis Creaghan and Stephen Macht (both 1942 ), Tina Lifford ( 1954 ), J. Downing ( 1958 ), David LeRoy Anderson ( 1961 ), John J. Ordover ( 1962 ), Gilley Grey ( 1967 ), Diesel Pfingsten and Boni Yanagisawa (both 1971 ), Antoine and Spencer Holmes (both 1975 ), Zach Sowers ( 1985 ), and Gloria Belle (unknown year)
  • 2 – Elden E. Ruberg ( 1912 ), Theodore Bikel ( 1924 ), John Neville ( 1925 ), Carl Fortina ( 1929 ), Lance LeGault ( 1935 ), Don Marshall ( 1936 ), Cheryl Harris ( 1955 ), Brian Tochi ( 1959 ), James R. Lowe ( 1963 ), Dennis Blakey ( 1966 ), Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson ( 1972 ), Rodrigo Fernandez-Stol ( 1983 ), Sara Maria Forsberg ( 1994 ), and Nicole Anthony (unknown year)
  • 3 – Mary Carver ( 1924 ), Barry Russo ( 1925 ), Jeanne Bal ( 1928 ), Denny O'Neil ( 1939 ), Michael Friedman ( 1948 ), Ron Canada and Bob Diepenbrock (both 1949 ), Tom Farrell ( 1950 ), Joe Murphy , Bill Sienkiewicz , and Masanobu Tomita (all 1958 ), Adam Brandy ( 1961 ), Joseph Fuqua and Stephan Martiniere (both 1962 ), Arthur J. Codron ( 1963 ), Keith P. Cunningham ( 1967 ), Tommy Gormley ( 1968 ), Daryl F. Mallett ( 1969 ), Jennifer Tung ( 1973 ), Erik Alvarez ( 1980 ), and Alix Kell (unknown year)
  • 4 – Robert C. Johnson ( 1920 ), John Buonomo ( 1934 ), Walker Boone ( 1944 ), Carlos Cestero ( 1949 ), Peter Osinoff ( 1952 ), Richard Corso ( 1954 ), Jeff Lester ( 1955 ), George Brozak ( 1968 ), and Brianna Womick ( 1980 )
  • 5 – Joseph Stefano ( 1922 ), John S. Ragin ( 1929 ), Marc Alaimo ( 1942 ), John Rhys-Davies ( 1944 ), Nicholas Guest ( 1951 ), Charles Pellegrino ( 1953 ), Melinda Culea and Michael Danek (both 1955 ), Marva Hicks ( 1956 ), Scott DeRoy , Brian Phelps , and Brian J. Williams (all 1959 ), Michael Collins and Tom Schanley (both 1961 ), Adam Hughes ( 1967 ), Toby Cypress ( 1974 ), Grace Bustos and Lindly Gardner (both 1975 ), and Santiago Cabrera ( 1978 )
  • 6 – Vic Christy and Bill Quinn (both 1912 ), Orson Welles ( 1915 ), Alan Dale ( 1947 ), Richard Cox and David Michelinie (both 1948 ), Walter Altman , Gregg Henry , and Dennis Jensen (all 1952 ), Tom Bergeron ( 1955 ), Robert Legato ( 1956 ), Henry Reichenbach ( 1957 ), Leslie Hope ( 1965 ), James Swallow ( 1970 ), Ondar Tarlow ( 1971 ), Azalea Davila ( 1972 ), Andrei Sterling ( 1973 ), Tyler Hynes ( 1986 ), and Moses Storm ( 1989 )
  • 7 – Jon Lormer ( 1906 ), Darren Dublin ( 1923 ), Roger Perry ( 1933 ), Jon Rashad Kamal ( 1935 ), Wayne Grace ( 1940 ), Peter Horak ( 1943 ), Jack White ( 1944 ), J.D. Hall ( 1947 ), John Patrick Hayden ( 1950 ), John Fleck ( 1951 ), Martin Becker ( 1955 ), Jordan Lund ( 1957 ), Mario Alberti ( 1965 ), Vanessa Grayson ( 1969 ), Eddie Davenport ( 1981 ), and Trinity Drayton ( 1989 )
  • 8 – David Hurst ( 1926 ), Jay Devlin ( 1929 ), Marvin March ( 1930 ), Salome Jens ( 1935 ), Richard E. Butler ( 1936 ), Garth Pillsbury ( 1938 ), James L. McCoy ( 1941 ), Philip LeStrange ( 1942 ), Barnetta Fowler ( 1943 ), Abdul Salaam El Razzac ( 1944 ), Susan Duchow ( 1951 ), Della Van Hise ( 1955 ), John Kalisz ( 1969 ), Troy Brenna ( 1970 ), Jinny Jacinto ( 1976 ), and Brian Tyler ( 1978 )
  • 9 – Robert Lewin ( 1920 ), Brett Weir ( 1928 ), John Moio ( 1939 ), Ray Young ( 1940 ), Brian Freifield ( 1950 ), Kevin Pike ( 1951 ), Christine Anne Baur , Gregory Beecroft , and Durinda Rice Wood (all 1952 ), Amy Hill and Benjamin W.S. Lum (both 1953 ), Kevin Peter Hall ( 1955 ), Brian Cousins ( 1959 ), Ty Templeton ( 1962 ), Sonja Sohn ( 1964 ), Jessica Hendra ( 1965 ), and Anthony Molinari ( 1974 )
  • 10 – Maryesther Denver ( 1918 ), George Coe ( 1929 ), Robert Sampson ( 1933 ), Dana Kramer-Rolls ( 1940 ), David Clennon ( 1943 ), Matt Tufo ( 1947 ), Meg Foster ( 1948 ), Patricia Barnes-Svarney ( 1953 ), Michael G. Hagerty ( 1954 ), Silvia Abascal ( 1955 ), Andrea Stradling ( 1959 ), Earl Ellis and Scott Hanna (both 1962 ), Jason Brooks ( 1966 ), Bernie Williams ( 1968 ), and Gina Philips ( 1970 )
  • 11 – Joan Swift ( 1933 ), Roy Blumenfeld ( 1944 ), Shohreh Aghdashloo ( 1952 ), Joel Fredericks ( 1959 ), Vince Grant ( 1961 ), Nancy Hower ( 1966 ), Pam Eklund ( 1968 ), Christopher Jude ( 1969 ), and Melanie Nicholls-King (unknown year)
  • 12 – Peter Allan Fields ( 1935 ), Jon Cavett ( 1940 ), Paula Crist ( 1947 ), Richard Riehle ( 1948 ), Jennifer Hetrick ( 1958 ), Mario Muñoz ( 1959 ), Kevin Bouchez and April Grace (both 1962 ), Rob Moran ( 1963 ), David Mack ( 1969 ), Philip Boyd ( 1975 ), Ryan Ridley ( 1976 ), Amy Wheaton ( 1978 ), Hayden Hiebert ( 1979 ), Larc Spies ( 1986 ), Ava Cheung ( 2008 ), and Gregory L. Norris (unknown year)
  • 13 – Walter Bacon ( 1891 ), William Sully ( 1917 ), Joseph Hindy ( 1938 ), Stratton P. Leopold ( 1943 ), Sam Anderson and Robin Groves (both 1945 ), Marv Wolfman ( 1946 ), Ve Neill ( 1951 ), Curt McAloney ( 1955 ), Mark Shostrom ( 1956 ), Michael F. Blake ( 1957 ), David Figlioli ( 1958 ), Tim Harrison ( 1971 ), Bridgett Riley ( 1973 ), and Jolene Kay (unknown year)
  • 14 – Kay Elliot and Bill Shepard (both 1929 ), Richard Merson ( 1934 ), Leo Duranona ( 1938 ), Terry Frazee ( 1941 ), Dave Hoover ( 1955 ), Earl Hibbert ( 1970 ), Jonathan Baca ( 1984 ), and Daniel Gravelle ( 1997 )
  • 15 – Edward M. Parker ( 1915 ), June Westmore ( 1941 ), Bob Scribner ( 1944 ), Shakti ( 1958 ), Rob Bowman , Kathryn Klvana , and William S. McCullars (all 1960 ), Brenda Bakke and Katy E. Garretson (both 1963 ), Robert Meyer Burnett ( 1967 ), Amy Miller ( 1969 ), Jeff Wolfe ( 1971 ), Jef Ayres ( 1974 ), Robert Dierx and Lauren Pasternack (both 1983 ), Trevor Habberstad ( 1989 ), Cait Alexander ( 1991 ), and Bahia Watson ( 1992 )
  • 16 – Barry Atwater ( 1918 ), Lloyd Kino ( 1919 ), Yvonne Craig ( 1937 ), David Carson ( 1948 ), Bill Smitrovich ( 1947 ), Craig Weiss ( 1962 ), Colin Hussey ( 1963 ), Michelle Agnew ( 1965 ), Ilan Rosenberg ( 1966 ), Chuti Tiu ( 1970 ), Thom Zahler ( 1971 ), Troy Mepyans ( 1973 ), Ben Hibon ( 1977 ), Etan Muskat and Alice Wetterlund (both 1981 ), and Atticus Mitchell ( 1993 )
  • 17 – George Kashdan ( 1928 ), Dale Hale ( 1933 ), Jim Conners ( 1946 ), Tim Halligan ( 1952 ), Stephen R. Hudis and Tom Todoroff (both 1957 ), Armand Schultz ( 1959 ), Bruce Thomas ( 1961 ), Joey Sakata ( 1966 ), Richard Leacock ( 1968 ), Al Vrkljan ( 1974 ), Tahj D. Mowry ( 1986 ), Trevor Coll ( 1992 ), Alexandria M. Salling ( 1995 ), Rylee Alazraqui ( 2011 ), and Jimmy Chimarios and Marijane Cole (both unknown year)
  • 18 – Wally Rose ( 1911 ), Joseph Westheimer ( 1916 ), Liam Sullivan ( 1923 ), Erik Holland ( 1933 ), Elizabeth Rogers ( 1934 ), Linda Fetters ( 1941 ), Andreas Katsulas ( 1946 ), Gail Strickland ( 1947 ), Diane Duane ( 1952 ), Carrie Henger ( 1955 ), James W. Fry ( 1960 ), Lisa Randolph ( 1976 ), Stephen D'Amato ( 1978 ), Addison Holley ( 2000 ), and Shannon Lahaie (unknown year)
  • 19 – Ken Kelly ( 1946 ), Mark Chaet ( 1950 ), Robert Harper ( 1951 ), Sean Whalen ( 1964 ), Jennifer Nash ( 1966 ), and Steve Lieber ( 1967 )
  • 20 – Frank Salsedo ( 1929 ), Constance Towers ( 1933 ), Anthony Zerbe ( 1936 ), Sebastian Tom ( 1938 ), Mary Anne McGarry ( 1944 ), Michael Sullivan ( 1945 ), Matt McCoy and Jane Wiedlin (both 1958 ), Kim Bailey , John Billingsley , and Don Whipple (all 1960 ), Gerard Williams ( 1961 ), Todd Isroelit and Eric Norris (both 1965 ), Gina Ravarra ( 1966 ), Cheryl Gluckstern and Stephanie Niznik (both 1967 ), DonnaMarie Recco ( 1970 ), Adam Hunter ( 1978 ), and Cina McKenna (unknown year)
  • 21 – Frank Bellamy ( 1917 ), Jim Goodwin ( 1929 ), Richard Libertini ( 1933 ), Booker Bradshaw ( 1940 ), Douglas E. Wise ( 1944 ), M. Keith Booker ( 1953 ), Jill Jacobson ( 1954 ), Ben Lemon ( 1955 ), Seth Morris and Taylor Sheridan (both 1970 ), Alexander Slanger ( 1972 ), Nicole Randall ( 1975 ), Angola Murdoch ( 1979 ), David Ajala ( 1986 ), and Cort Rogers ( 2000 )
  • 22 – David Hillary Hughes ( 1901 ), Else Blangsted ( 1920 ), Shirley Bonne and Carol Lundberg (both 1934 ), Paul Winfield ( 1939 ), Michael Sarrazin ( 1940 ), Carlos Garzon ( 1945 ), Jack Kehler ( 1946 ), Dennis Cockrum ( 1956 ), Gary Kasper ( 1958 ), Ann Cusack ( 1961 ), Cari Thomas ( 1964 ), Noa Tishby ( 1977 ), Mark Humphrey ( 1985 ), and Yadira Guevara-Prip ( 1995 )
  • 23 – James Blish ( 1921 ), Marvin Chomsky ( 1929 ), Joan Collins ( 1933 ), Hal Landon, Jr. ( 1941 ), Alex Henteloff ( 1942 ), Chip Walter and James M. Ward (both 1951 ), John Kenton Shull ( 1953 ), Iona Morris ( 1957 ), Beverly Leech ( 1959 ), Mike Deodato, Jr. ( 1963 ), H. Jon Benjamin and Mark Buckingham (both 1966 ), Patrick Barnitt ( 1967 ), Tim Robinson ( 1981 ), and JaNae Armogan ( 1987 )
  • 24 – Wilbur Hatch ( 1902 ), Werner Keppler ( 1929 ), Julie Johnson ( 1939 ), David Moordigian ( 1950 ), Alan Altshuld ( 1954 ), Paul Kreibich ( 1955 ), Doug Jones ( 1960 ), Michael Chabon ( 1963 ), Paul D. Storrie ( 1964 ), Mollie Stallman ( 1973 ), and Paul Robert Langdon ( 1988 )
  • 25 – June Gilham ( 1926 ), Malcolm "Mel" Rennings ( 1927 ), Sarah Marshall ( 1933 ), Laura Richarz ( 1951 ), Cecile Callan and Nyra Crenshaw (both 1957 ), Greg Karas ( 1961 ), Susan Diol and Dermott Downs (both 1962 ), Ricardo F. Delgado and Darlene Williams (both 1964 ), Michael Benyaer ( 1970 ), and Jeremy Crittenden ( 1982 )
  • 26 – Barbara Lampson ( 1927 ), Patrick Horgan ( 1929 ), Eric Kotani ( 1933 ), Simon Prescott ( 1936 ), Tom McCleister ( 1949 ), Bruce Mercury ( 1954 ), Murray Rubinstein and Karen Westerfield (both 1956 ), Perry Adleman ( 1957 ), Vincent Mazzella, Jr. ( 1958 ), Joe Chrest and Musetta Vander (both 1963 ), Michael Cuneo and Lenny Kravitz (both 1964 ), Joseph Jagatic and Kelly Port (both 1967 ), Akemi Royer ( 1969 ), Yoshi Jenkins and Fabio Passaro (both 1970 ), Steve Race ( 1973 ), Gabriel Rodriguez ( 1974 ), and Nanrisa Lee ( 1980 )
  • 27 – John Miranda ( 1926 ), Harlan Ellison ( 1934 ), Lee Meriwether ( 1935 ), Raye Birk ( 1943 ), Michelan Sisti ( 1949 ), Lawrence M. Krauss ( 1954 ), Carrie Spiegle ( 1957 ), Dan Mindel ( 1958 ), Mark Anthony Cooper ( 1960 ), Roger Eschbacher ( 1962 ), Richard Isanove ( 1968 ), Jack McBrayer ( 1973 ), Salomon Passariello ( 1984 ), and Ethan Dampf ( 1994 )
  • 28 – Shirley Maiewski ( 1920 ), Natalie Norwick ( 1923 ), Dean Gilmore ( 1926 ), Phil Rawlins ( 1930 ), Clement von Franckenstein ( 1944 ), Petra Jorgensen ( 1961 ), Charles Marshall ( 1963 ), Theo Bleckmann and Steve Rosinski (both 1966 ), Scott Koblish ( 1970 ), Andrea Di Vito and David Dozoretz (both 1971 ), Margot Farley ( 1978 ), Zarrin Darnell-Martin ( 1984 ), and Jacob Kogan ( 1995 )
  • 29 – Les D. Gobruegge ( 1914 ), William J. Kenney ( 1939 ), Kevin Conway ( 1942 ), Jeffrey L. Kimball ( 1943 ), Julie Cobb ( 1947 ), Terrence E. McNally ( 1948 ), Robert Axelrod and Mary McCusker (both 1949 ), Jim Chad and Scott Leva (both 1958 ), Al Rodrigo ( 1960 ), Amy Wieczorek ( 1965 ), Diana Lee Inosanto ( 1966 ), Melissa Young ( 1967 ), Anthony Azizi ( 1969 ), Anthony Bonaventura ( 1978 ), Richard Lee Jackson ( 1979 ), Scott Schutzki ( 1980 ), Chris Violette ( 1981 ), Natalie Kailey ( 1986 ), Grace Lynn Kung ( 1987 ), Chris Cortez ( 1990 ), Darby Madison ( 1996 ), and Ryan Allen (unknown year)
  • 30 – Bob Peak ( 1927 ), Michael J. Pollard ( 1939 ), Buddy Joe Hooker ( 1942 ), Peter E. Berger ( 1944 ), Colleen and Maureen Thornton (both 1946 ), Ernest Perry, Jr. ( 1947 ), Michael Piller ( 1948 ), Mike W. Barr ( 1952 ), Colm Meaney ( 1953 ), Michael Bryant ( 1954 ), John Nesterowicz ( 1957 ), Scott Chambliss and Cynthia Gouw (both 1963 ), Tom Morello and Mark A. Sheppard (both 1964 ), John Mullen ( 1968 ), and Ron Kennell ( 1970 )
  • 31 – Ernest Haller ( 1896 ), Danny Goldring ( 1946 ), Lee Ann Brittenham and Sharon Schaffer (both 1958 ), Tommy Hinkley ( 1960 ), Mark Hicks and Lea Thompson (both 1961 ), John Earl Burnett , Gina Gallante , and Laura Walsh (all 1962 ), Billy Burton, Jr. ( 1963 ), Natasha Mandich ( 1968 ), Eli Golub ( 1971 ), Felisha Grice and Pamela Mars (both 1982 ), and Ben Rodgers (unknown year).
  • Unknown – Cory Carani ( 1968 )
  • 1 – George Waiss ( 1907 ), Ivy Bethune ( 1918 ), Myrna Culbreath ( 1938 ), René Auberjonois and Monty Cox (both 1940 ), Karl Guers ( 1948 ), Tim Eldred ( 1965 ), John Frizzell and Tricia Stewart (both 1966 ), Michelle Sebek ( 1967 ), Erik Ahl ( 1968 ), and Paula Malcomson ( 1970 )
  • 2 – Frank Van der Veer ( 1921 ), Sally Kellerman ( 1937 ), Jeff Winkless ( 1941 ), Joan Pringle ( 1945 ), Bill Gocke ( 1949 ), Jeff Smolek ( 1954 ), Pablo Soriano ( 1957 ), Jane Kilkenny and Noon Orsatti (both 1963 ), Caprice Crawford and Anthony Montgomery (both 1971 ), Zach Howard ( 1975 ), Aouri Makhlouf and Zachary Quinto (both 1977 ), and Nikki Cox ( 1978 )
  • 3 – Cameron McCulloch ( 1909 ), George Ball ( 1934 ), Ray Uhler ( 1938 ), Sharon Thomas ( 1946 ), John Dykstra ( 1947 ), John E. Glassco ( 1949 ), Tony DiMase ( 1955 ), Suzie Plakson ( 1958 ), Henry Kingi, Jr. ( 1970 ), Ryan T. Husk ( 1977 ), and Rickey D'Shon Collins ( 1983 )
  • 4 – Shep Houghton ( 1914 ), Pat Westmore ( 1926 ), Michelle Phillips ( 1944 ), Junie Lowry Johnson ( 1950 ), Derek McGrath ( 1951 ), David E. Elkins ( 1954 ), Joe Rubinstein ( 1958 ), Kristine Kathryn Rusch ( 1960 ), Bahni Turpin ( 1962 ), Chris Antonucci ( 1964 ), Michael Greyeyes ( 1967 ), Kevin Blank and James Callis (both 1971 ), Gary Weeks ( 1972 ), Kipleigh Brown ( 1972 ), Damion Poitier ( 1982 ), and Amrit Kaur ( 1993 )
  • 5 – John Abbott ( 1905 ), Robert Lansing ( 1928 ), Barbara Paul ( 1931 ), Mark Harelik ( 1951 ), Richard J. Zobel, Jr. ( 1952 ), Gregg Duffy Long ( 1953 ), Rick Stratton ( 1957 ), Bradley M. Look ( 1959 ), Adam Belanoff ( 1962 ), Eric Sharp ( 1966 ), Jordu Schell ( 1967 ), Dave Lanphear ( 1968 ), Nova Spivack ( 1969 ), Aric Rogokos ( 1970 ), Chad Allen ( 1974 ), Chelsea Bond and Michael Duisenberg (both 1975 ), and Stacey Carino , Duncan K. Fraser , and Marc Worden (all 1976 )
  • 6 – Ed Fury ( 1928 ), Warren Hamilton, Jr. ( 1933 ), Marvin Walters ( 1938 ), Neal Adams and Russell Bates (both 1941 ), Dorothy Jones ( 1942 ), Bill Reed ( 1944 ), Phil Crowley and Gary Graham (both 1950 ), Monte Swann ( 1954 ), Pat McClung ( 1955 ), Greg Adams ( 1958 ), Wes Johnson and Lisabeth Shatner (both 1961 ), Alex Datcher and Tom McCraw (both 1962 ), George Colucci and Jason Isaacs (both 1963 ), Jenya Chaplin ( 1985 ), and Seamus Patterson ( 1994 )
  • 7 – Larry Hama ( 1949 ), Leland Sun ( 1950 ), Audrey Baranishyn ( 1956 ), Bill Prady ( 1960 ), Tarik Ergin ( 1961 ), Chris Durand ( 1963 ), Clayvon C. Harris and John Joire (both 1966 ), Dayton Ward ( 1967 ), Kim Rhodes ( 1969 ), Karl Urban ( 1972 ), Paul Lacovara ( 1976 ), and Bill Hader ( 1978 )
  • 8 – George D. Wallace ( 1917 ), Kathleen Nicholson Graham ( 1927 ), James Goldstone ( 1931 ), Beans Morocco ( 1934 ), James Darren ( 1936 ), Bernie Casey ( 1939 ), Jessie Lawrence Ferguson ( 1941 ), Alan Scarfe ( 1946 ), Cyril O'Reilly ( 1958 ), Steven E. Daniels ( 1964 ), Scott Rogers ( 1966 ), Matt Kaminsky ( 1971 ), Dearing Hockman ( 1974 ), Elena Juatco ( 1985 ), and Bertila Damas , Annie O'Donnell , and Polina Soldatova (all unknown year)
  • 9 – Herta Ware ( 1917 ), Gerd Oswald ( 1919 ), Joan Marshall ( 1931 ), Peter Renaday ( 1935 ), Joe Haldeman ( 1943 ), Alan Marcus ( 1951 ), Chip Chalmers ( 1953 ), George Pérez ( 1954 ), Kelly Connell ( 1956 ), Lisa Gizara ( 1960 ), Rob Prior ( 1964 ), Daniel Montlouis ( 1971 ), Alison Elbl ( 1972 ), and Thomas Hobson ( 1984 )
  • 10 – Garry Walberg ( 1921 ), David Q. Combs ( 1950 ), Douglas Dunning ( 1952 ), Carlo Ancelotti ( 1959 ), Manny Coto and Susie Stevens-Logan (both 1961 ), Tzi Ma and Carolyn Hennesy (both 1962 ), Phillip W. Palmer ( 1963 ), Kristian Sorensen ( 1968 ), Matt Haley ( 1970 ), Leanza Cornett ( 1971 ), Bobby Pappas ( 1972 ), Athena McDaniel ( 1978 ), Jessica Gaona ( 1989 ), and Jetta ( 1994 )
  • 11 – Ed Bishop ( 1932 ), Bill McTosh ( 1939 ), Doug Hale ( 1940 ), Win Phelps ( 1943 ), Adrienne Barbeau ( 1945 ), Paul Lynch ( 1946 ), Sherman Howard ( 1949 ), Tim Simonec ( 1951 ), David Bennett Carren ( 1952 ), Louis Van Taylor ( 1954 ), Bill Hagy ( 1957 ), Brian Wade ( 1962 ), Wren T. Brown and Keythe Farley (both 1964 ), Hayne Bayle ( 1965 ), Andrew Hawkes ( 1966 ), Steven Grothe ( 1968 ), Michael Houston King ( 1970 ), Bo Yeon Kim ( 1985 ), and Vijay Suzuki ( 1987 )
  • 12 – Tom Steele ( 1909 ), Monty Westmore ( 1923 ), Jerry Sherman ( 1930 ), John A. Alonzo ( 1934 ), David Richards ( 1946 ), James Contner ( 1947 ), Len Wein ( 1948 ), Roger Aaron Brown ( 1949 ), Michael Donovan ( 1953 ), Dexter Clay ( 1956 ), Scott Thompson ( 1959 ), Felecia M. Bell ( 1960 ), Kevin Dilmore and Christopher Liam Moore (both 1964 ), Mirron E. Willis ( 1965 ), Joseph Daly and James MacKinnon (both 1970 ), Zach Hanks ( 1976 ), Tarek Gader ( 1982 ), Alexander James Egan ( 1984 ), Luke Humphrey ( 1987 ), and Kachina Dechert (unknown year)
  • 13 – Percy Rodriguez ( 1918 ), Ralph McQuarrie ( 1929 ), Joan Pearce ( 1930 ), Malcolm McDowell ( 1943 ), Christine Healy ( 1950 ), Dean Hirner ( 1955 ), Ada Maris ( 1957 ), Dennis Ott ( 1958 ), Vincent Hammond and Jorge Zaffino (both 1959 ), Troy Cephers ( 1963 ), Hugh Aodh O'Brien ( 1964 ), Lisa Vidal ( 1965 ), Rogan Wilde ( 1967 ), Fred Tatasciore ( 1968 ), Shannon Fill ( 1971 ), Matt Banning ( 1972 ), Andreas Maaninka ( 1981 ), Bree Wasylenko ( 1988 ), and Lizz Porter ( 1991 )
  • 14 – Harold Johns ( 1918 ), Gordon L. Day ( 1926 ), Cal Bolder ( 1931 ), James Schmerer ( 1938 ), Hal Burton ( 1942 ), Tony Cecere ( 1945 ), Conroy Gedeon ( 1947 ), Laurence Yep ( 1948 ), Alan Sims ( 1949 ), Paul Kupperberg ( 1955 ), Darrell Burris , Mark Heike , and Rose Ordile (all 1959 ), Terry Correll ( 1961 ), William Perry ( 1963 ), Ben Robinson ( 1969 ), Gabriel Koerner ( 1982 ), and Fiona Vroom ( 1983 )
  • 15 – Richard Derr ( 1918 ), Millicent Wise ( 1924 ), Morgan Jones ( 1928 ), George Sasaki ( 1931 ), William Newman and Gerald Sanford (both 1934 ), Sondra Marshak and Buck McDancer (both 1942 ), Jorge Cervera, Jr. and William Purcell (both 1943 ), John Fifer ( 1949 ), Diane Carter and Deney Terrio (both 1950 ), Roger Menache ( 1954 ), Stephen Pisani ( 1955 ), Robin Curtis ( 1956 ), Jasmin Bischoff , Daniel O'Brien , and John A. Theisen (all 1961 ), Erwin H. Kupitz ( 1962 ), Anthony Atamanuik ( 1974 ), George Antzoulides ( 1975 ), Nikka Ischelle ( 1980 ), Geri-Nikole Love ( 1986 ), and Kosey Baskin ( 1992 )
  • 16 – Robert Gist ( 1924 ), Gene Winfield ( 1927 ), Dick Dial ( 1931 ), Bill Cobbs ( 1934 ), Janice D. Brandow ( 1938 ), Bennie E. Moore, Jr. ( 1950 ), Michael McMaster ( 1953 ), Tom Wyner ( 1947 ), Richard Gilbert-Hill ( 1955 ), John Balma and John Franklin (both 1959 ), Steve Carnahan and James M. Connor (both 1960 ), Daniel Leonard Bernardi , Bret Kiene and Ron Sarchian (all 1964 ), Bruce Koski ( 1965 ), Clifton Collins, Jr. ( 1970 ), Michael McKee ( 1971 ), John Cho ( 1972 ), Leslie Engelberg ( 1975 ), Ricky Luna ( 1977 ), and Olivia Hack ( 1983 )
  • 17 – Arthur Heinemann ( 1910 ), Jerry Fielding ( 1922 ), William Lucking ( 1941 ), Bill Dial ( 1943 ), William F. Phillips ( 1946 ), Joe Piscopo ( 1951 ), Kazuhiko Sano ( 1952 ), Jeff Imada ( 1955 ), Andrew Bicknell and Kelly Curtis (both 1956 ), Mary Stein ( 1958 ), Holly McBee ( 1969 ), John Ames ( 1980 ), Phillip Joseph Boutté, Jr. ( 1981 ), and Jani Wang ( 1989 )
  • 18 – John Warburton ( 1903 ), Keye Luke ( 1904 ), Robert Ellenstein ( 1923 ), George Hearn ( 1934 ), Nick Tate ( 1942 ), Max Thayer ( 1946 ), Linda Thorson ( 1947 ), Vern Dietsche ( 1951 ), Miriam Flynn and Carol Kane (both 1952 ), Robin Christopher ( 1965 ), David Burke ( 1967 ), Adam Grimes ( 1976 ), Ryan Spahn ( 1980 ), and Thamela Mpumlwana ( 2001 )
  • 19 – Bill Catching ( 1926 ), Joan Winston ( 1931 ), Jake Dengel ( 1933 ), Randal Patrick ( 1954 ), Randy Sharp ( 1965 ), Edward Conna ( 1968 ), Alan van Sprang ( 1971 ), Chelah Horsdal ( 1973 ), Bumper Robinson ( 1974 ), Zoë Saldana ( 1978 ), and Aaron Ford (unknown year)
  • 20 – Reuben Klamer ( 1922 ), John Wheeler ( 1930 ), Tress MacNeille ( 1951 ), Michael Corbett ( 1956 ), Jeff King ( 1960 ), Larry Welch ( 1965 ), Necar Zadegan ( 1982 ), Eve Harlow ( 1989 ), Angela and Angelica Tedeski (both 1991 ), Adam Taylor Gordon and Geoff and Greg Paul Samuels (all 1993 ), and Chris River ( 2008 )
  • 21 – Billy Vernon ( 1912 ), Terrence Evans ( 1934 ), Monte Markham ( 1935 ), Mariette Hartley ( 1940 ), Bob Cummings and Marcy Lafferty (both 1946 ), Stephen V. Cole ( 1951 ), Leigh J. McCloskey ( 1955 ), Josh Pais and Paula Wayton (both 1958 ), Blake Hammond ( 1963 ), Jim Argenbright ( 1964 ), Carey Scott ( 1965 ), Kelly Cooper ( 1972 ), Jack Guzman ( 1978 ), and Clare McConnell ( 1994 )
  • 22 – Carl F. Biddiscombe ( 1924 ), Ward Botsford ( 1927 ), Sean Morgan ( 1941 ), Murphy Dunne ( 1942 ), David L. Lander ( 1947 ), Roger Kern and Dan Lambirth (both 1948 ), Bobbi Edrington ( 1950 ), Phil Lodwick ( 1951 ), Danny Nero ( 1952 ), Al Gordon and Michael Rothhaar (both 1953 ), Jean-Marc Lofficier ( 1954 ), Tim Russ ( 1956 ), Chino Binamo ( 1958 ), Cathy Sandrich Gelfond ( 1961 ), Dana Tjulander ( 1968 ), Dylan Chalfy ( 1970 ), Nav Mann and Hiram A. Murray (both 1981 ), Dean Neistat ( 1983 ), Lindsay Ridgeway ( 1985 ), and Michael Sussman (unknown year)
  • 23 – Joseph Mell ( 1915 ), Frank Bolle ( 1924 ), Lou DeGrado ( 1929 ), Louise Stange-Wahl ( 1950 ), Jim Metzler ( 1951 ), John Vallone ( 1953 ), Harry E. Otto ( 1955 ), Igor Kordey ( 1957 ), James Cawley ( 1967 ), Joe Menendez ( 1969 ), Joe Taslim ( 1981 ), Adam McCann ( 1985 ), Dennis Andres ( 1987 ), and Nck Name (unknown year)
  • 24 – Boris Gorelick ( 1911 ), Lars Hensen ( 1922 ), Joe Lombardi ( 1923 ), George Jensen ( 1930 ), Scott Marlowe ( 1932 ), Majliss Larson ( 1939 ), Fred Brauer ( 1941 ), Mick Fleetwood and Peter Weller (both 1947 ), Tommy 'Tiny' Lister, Jr. ( 1958 ), Leo Damian ( 1961 ), Marianne Krawczyk ( 1964 ), Bill Mondy ( 1965 ), Todd Cherniawsky ( 1968 ), Amirah Vann ( 1980 ), and Mary Holland ( 1985 )
  • 25 – George Murdock ( 1930 ), Richard Tim Vanik ( 1931 ), Mike Vejar ( 1943 ), Clifford T. Fleming ( 1950 ), Lee Wilkof ( 1951 ), Catherine MacNeal ( 1954 ), Josette Di Carlo ( 1955 ), Joyce Kurtz ( 1958 ), Paris Themmen ( 1959 ), Jerry Bingham ( 1963 ), Richard Rothenberg ( 1967 ), Todd Vaziri ( 1973 ), Travis Walck ( 1978 ), Clayton Scott ( 1990 ), and Kyrie McAlpin ( 2011 )
  • 26 – Clive Church and Carey Wilber (both 1916 ), James Wellman ( 1930 ), Renata Scott ( 1937 ), Hiro Narita ( 1941 ), Stan Barrett ( 1943 ), Henry Murph ( 1946 ), Tom DeFalco and Scott Farrar (both 1950 ), Peter Crombie ( 1952 ), Edie Mirman ( 1957 ), Donald Frazee ( 1963 ), Sarah Paul ( 1968 ), Gregory Schwabe ( 1970 ), Bonita Deneen ( 1977 ), Devin Williamson ( 1979 ), Tavarus Conley ( 1985 ), Katie and Kellie Cockrell (both 1988 ), and Jesse James Keitel ( 1993 )
  • 27 – Billy Curtis ( 1909 ), Don Pennington ( 1943 ), Martee La Comette and Kenneth Marshall (both 1950 ), Dan Jurgens ( 1959 ), Laird Macintosh ( 1962 ), Jay Karnes ( 1963 ), Michael Reilly Burke , Maria del Mar , and Terry Serpico (all 1964 ), J.J. Abrams ( 1966 ), Paul Rae ( 1968 ), Tim Divar and Nathan Effron (both 1972 ), Victor Llamas ( 1976 ), Kimiko Glenn ( 1989 ), and Dennis Barham (unknown year)
  • 28 – Gary Pillar ( 1936 ), Tony Young ( 1937 ), Logan Frazee ( 1939 ), Sharyn Hillyer ( 1942 ), Bruce Davison ( 1946 ), David Gautreaux ( 1951 ), Alice Krige and Mace Matiosian (both 1954 ), Christopher , Montgomery Doohan , and Jon Dweck (all 1959 ), Christopher Neiman ( 1966 ), Benito Martinez ( 1971 ), Christine Clark ( 1972 ), Ross Carter ( 1981 ), Giovanni Spina ( 1988 ), and Trevor Mack ( 1992 )
  • 29 – Franz Joseph ( 1914 ), Evans Ricciardi ( 1919 ), Howard Block ( 1925 ), Corey Allen ( 1934 ), Derek Partridge ( 1935 ), Jim Veilleux ( 1944 ), Jeffrey Nemerovski ( 1947 ), Gerald B. Moss ( 1955 ), David Mattingly ( 1956 ), Jeff Coopwood ( 1958 ), Richard Anthony Crenna ( 1959 ), Sharon Lawrence ( 1961 ), Drew Delaine and Jason Grant Smith (both 1965 ), Ache Hernandez ( 1986 ), James Henrie ( 1993 ), and Olivia Youngers (unknown year)
  • 30 – John Harmon ( 1905 ), Harvey Vernon ( 1927 ), Vince St. Cyr ( 1930 ), Rod Perry ( 1934 ), Jeri Taylor ( 1938 ), Maurishka ( 1941 ), Charlene Polite ( 1943 ), Nicolas Surovy ( 1944 ), Joe Billingiere ( 1948 ), Ben Scott ( 1959 ), Wendy Davis and Steve Firchow (both 1966 ), Tony Lee ( 1970 ), Leonard O'Grady ( 1972 ), Eric Hance ( 1973 ), Ilram Choi ( 1974 ), Dan Patterson ( 1975 ), Colton Dunn ( 1977 ), Michael Hugghins ( 1980 ), Daniel C. Carlson ( 1981 ), Tien Tran ( 1987 ), and Kaela Willey ( 1994 )
  • Unknown – Ron Thornton ( 1957 ) and David Michael Graves ( 1958 )
  • 1 – Guy Raymond ( 1911 ), Alexander Lepak ( 1920 ), Hal Sutherland ( 1929 ), Richard Tatro ( 1939 ), Geneviève Bujold ( 1942 ), Brian George ( 1952 ), Alan Ruck ( 1956 ), Tom Magee ( 1958 ), Juliana Ferriter ( 1961 ), Dominic Keating ( 1962 ), Tom Hodges ( 1965 ), Diane DiLascio ( 1966 ), Hugh Fleming ( 1967 ), Rino Romano ( 1969 ), Keith Allan ( 1969 ), and Colby Paul ( 1992 )
  • 2 – John Kneubuhl ( 1920 ), Lil Evans ( 1924 ), Brock Peters ( 1927 ), Robert Ito ( 1931 ), Charles H. Hyman ( 1944 ), Saul Rubinek ( 1948 ), Wendy Schaal ( 1954 ), Evan Carlos Somers ( 1958 ), Keith Shindoll ( 1963 ), Katy Boyer ( 1964 ), and Daren Dochterman , Cynthia Madvig (both 1967 ), and Tara Bordes ( 1991 )
  • 3 – Jack F. Lilly and Ben Shenkman (both 1913 ), William Rotsler ( 1926 ), Tim O'Connor ( 1927 ), Ralph Ferraro ( 1929 ), Rhoda Williams ( 1930 ), Mark Bussan ( 1935 ), Michael Wilkinson ( 1940 ), Kurtwood Smith ( 1943 ), Dennis McCarthy ( 1945 ), Mel Gilden ( 1947 ), Marc Okrand ( 1948 ), Gere LaDue ( 1952 ), Arne Starr ( 1954 ), Wade Kelley ( 1959 ), Joe Reynolds ( 1964 ), Aristomenis Tsirbas ( 1967 ), Edwin Rodriguez ( 1972 ), and Amanda Row ( 1987 )
  • 4 – William Meader ( 1904 ), Sam Freedle ( 1920 ), Mike Howden ( 1932 ), Dan Desmond ( 1944 ), Earl Billings and Bruce French (both 1945 ), Robert Iscove ( 1947 ), John Garrett ( 1953 ), Joycelyn Robinson ( 1960 ), Kerry Hoyt ( 1962 ), Rosie Malek-Yonan ( 1965 ), Marnie McPhail and Lee Reherman (both 1966 ), Mark Irwin and Milena Zdravkovic (both 1969 ), Marti Matulis ( 1970 ), David Finch ( 1971 ), Jason Liles ( 1987 ), and Emily Coutts ( 1989 )
  • 5 – Dick Rubin ( 1912 ), Ward Costello ( 1919 ), Ken Jackman ( 1940 ), Peggy Miley ( 1941 ), Bill Taylor ( 1944 ), Ed O'Ross ( 1949 ), Michael R. Jones and Don Stark (both 1954 ), Robbin L. Slocum ( 1959 ), Alan Tuskes ( 1960 ), Marlene Forte and Denise Lynne Roberts (both 1961 ), Ian Edginton ( 1963 ), Ronald D. Moore ( 1964 ), Jamie Kelman ( 1976 ), Philip N. Waller ( 1977 ), Menik Gooneratne ( 1979 ), Zane Cassidy ( 1984 ), Cody Klop ( 1993 ), and Whitney Hall (unknown year)
  • 6 – William Schallert ( 1922 ), Rosemary Forsyth ( 1943 ), Byron Berline and Dianne Harper (both 1944 ), Allan Eastman ( 1948 ), John Byrne ( 1950 ), Rick Sternbach ( 1951 ), Jennifer Savidge ( 1952 ), Susan Wright ( 1963 ), John Ottman ( 1964 ), Fabrice Defferrard and Brian Posehn (both 1966 ), Symba Smith ( 1970 ), Harry Judge ( 1977 ), Brady Bluhm and Ian Lake (both 1983 ), and Andre Colquhoun ( 1995 )
  • 7 – A. Conan Doyle ( 1859 ), Robert Hamner ( 1928 ), Al Jones ( 1934 ), Fran Severini ( 1940 ), Vaughn Armstrong and Christine Jansen (both 1950 ), Jasmine Gagnier ( 1952 ), Ron Jones ( 1954 ), Frederick Iannone ( 1957 ), Christopher T. Gerrity , Denice Kumagai , and Bob Rivers (all 1956 ), Dawn Arnemann ( 1957 ), Billy Campbell ( 1959 ), Lisa Nunziella ( 1960 ), Thomas DeWier ( 1961 ), Akiva Goldsman and Gersha Phillips (both 1962 ), Bobby Brown ( 1964 ), Chad Patterson ( 1972 ), and Casey Maloney ( 1981 )
  • 8 – John Foley ( 1914 ), Michael Barrier ( 1933 ), Connie Faddis ( 1943 ), Robert Goodwin ( 1944 ), Jay Chattaway ( 1946 ), Kim Darby and Bill Hickey (both 1947 ), John Robotham ( 1956 ), Katherine Moffat ( 1958 ), Lori Hallier and Robert Knepper (both 1959 ), Susan Raborn ( 1960 ), Mike Christian ( 1964 ), Corey Mendell Parker ( 1965 ), Michael Buchman Silver ( 1967 ), Gregory A. Weimerskirch ( 1968 ), Nikita Ager ( 1969 ), Amy O'Neill ( 1971 ), Glenn Hetrick ( 1972 ), Alfredo Narciso ( 1973 ), Shazad Latif ( 1988 ), Adrian Walters ( 1993 ), and Mica Burton ( 1994 )
  • 9 – Murphy Anderson ( 1926 ), Dick Cangey ( 1933 ), Robert Sabaroff ( 1935 ), Dorothy Duder and John Tesh (both 1952 ), Lisa Banes ( 1955 ), Brian Fitzpatrick ( 1957 ), Thomas J. Booth ( 1960 ), Raymond Cruz ( 1961 ), Pamela Segall ( 1966 ), Christinna Chauncey ( 1969 ), Scott Grimes ( 1971 ), Enrique Murciano ( 1973 ), Linda Park ( 1978 ), and Christopher Jewett and Megan Parlen (both 1980 ), Brie Ford ( 1981 ), and Janna Michaels ( 1983 )
  • 10 – William Smithers ( 1927 ), George Clayton Johnson ( 1929 ), Lawrence Pressman ( 1939 ), David G. Hartwell and Robert Pine (both 1941 ), Ron Glass ( 1945 ), Michael Hungerford ( 1947 ), Rodger LaRue ( 1948 ), Bob Larkin ( 1949 ), Sandy Veneziano ( 1951 ), Hans Beimler and Marco Rodriguez (both 1953 ), Peter Neptune ( 1956 ), Sue Henley ( 1961 ), Bruce Branit and Steve Rizzo (both 1967 ), Cristina Patterson Ceret ( 1968 ), Joey Genitempo ( 1969 ), Matthew Paul Cushman ( 1971 ), Brian Reber ( 1975 ), Steve Mollmann ( 1985 ), Gregory Calderone ( 1987 ), and Ryan Taerk ( 1995 )
  • 11 – Winnie McCarthy ( 1930 ), Michael Ray Rhodes ( 1945 ), Alan Brooks and Bruce McGill (both 1950 ), Tim de Zarn ( 1952 ), Edward Wiley ( 1955 ), Rodney Saulsberry ( 1956 ), Greg Grunberg ( 1966 ), Amy Kate Connolly ( 1967 ), Bernie Escarcega ( 1970 ), Marina Abramyan ( 1979 ), Elana Dunkelman ( 1986 ), Janell Haney ( 1989 ), and Thom Marriott (unknown year)
  • 12 – Keith Andes ( 1920 ), Tony Dante ( 1921 ), James Gunn ( 1923 ), Denver Mattson ( 1937 ), Susan Powell ( 1947 ), Ben Burtt ( 1948 ), Douglas Alan Shanklin ( 1951 ), Susan Allenback ( 1952 ), Scott Nimerfro ( 1961 ), Donald Sage Mackay and Carrie Stauber (both 1964 ), Conrad Coates and Phil Jimenez (both 1970 ), Warren Flanagan and Matthew MacFadzean (both 1972 ), Dan Crawley ( 1981 ), and Clarissa Justine Wiggers ( 1989 )
  • 13 – Robert Whitney ( 1912 ), William Douglas Lansford ( 1922 ), Robert H. Justman ( 1926 ), Steve Marlo ( 1927 ), Claude Binyon, Jr. and Buck Maffei (both 1930 ), Ernie Colón ( 1931 ), Louise Sandoval ( 1937 ), Claudette Sutherland ( 1939 ), Jim Danforth , David Sage , and Patrick Stewart (all 1940 ), Frank Corsentino and Tom Palmer (both 1941 ), Vladimir Velasco ( 1945 ), Mary Alexander ( 1951 ), Randall Larson ( 1954 ), Roger L. Jackson ( 1958 ), Chester E. Tripp III ( 1959 ), Michael Jace , Tom Kenny , and Paul Mercier (all 1962 ), Walker Brandt ( 1966 ), Jaq Greenspon ( 1967 ), Scott Reed ( 1970 ), Kari Wahlgren ( 1977 ), Dan Liu ( 1982 ), Alice Ford ( 1984 ), and Elyssa D. Vito ( 1987 )
  • 14 – Herb Kenwith ( 1917 ), Peter Duryea and Sid Haig (both 1939 ), Betty Hankins ( 1944 ), Philip Barberio ( 1945 ), Ken Thorley ( 1950 ), Charlie Haugk ( 1953 ), Keith Birdsong ( 1959 ), Benjamin P. Binswanger and Keely Sims (both 1960 ), John K. Snyder III ( 1961 ), Grace Zandarski ( 1962 ), Brett Jones ( 1963 ), Jane Espenson ( 1964 ), Janine Stillo ( 1965 ), D.J. Lockhart ( 1966 ), Juliet Cesario ( 1967 ), Keith Conroy ( 1970 ), Ryan Wilcox ( 1973 ), Rachel Robinson ( 1975 ), and Christopher James Miller ( 1983 )
  • 15 – Ken Lynch ( 1910 ), Richard Geary and Virgil Raddatz (both 1925 ), Nan Martin ( 1927 ), Tom Troupe ( 1928 ), Victoria George ( 1939 ), Catherine Battistone ( 1947 ), Art Anthony ( 1951 ), Terry O'Quinn , Judson Scott , Franklyn Seales , and Martin Valinsky (all 1952 ), Galyn Görg and Suzanne Onodera (both 1964 ), Amanda Foreman ( 1966 ), Christopher Golden ( 1967 ), Maury Ginsberg ( 1970 ), Victor Martinez and S. John Ross (both 1971 ), Clinton Wayne ( 1974 ), Alexandre Chen ( 1975 ), David Anthony Buglione ( 1977 ), Matthew McGregor ( 1984 ), and Hana Hatae ( 1988 )
  • 16 – Felix Locher ( 1882 ), Phillip Pine ( 1920 ), Robert Sheckley ( 1928 ), Edward K. Milkis ( 1931 ), Nancy Wong ( 1932 ), Fadwa El Guindi ( 1940 ), Bernd Rantscheff ( 1946 ), Camille Saviola ( 1950 ), Esther Friesner ( 1951 ), Rosemary Cremona ( 1957 ), Frank Capra III ( 1959 ), Kristopher Logan ( 1963 ), Amy Benedict ( 1964 ), Robert Stromberg and Dan Warner ( 1965 ), Ben Betts ( 1969 ), Matt Huhn and Jill Lover (both 1971 ), Caroline Junko King ( 1979 ), Rosa Salazar ( 1985 ), and Phi Huynh ( 1989 )
  • 17 – Carolyn Clowes ( 1946 ), Joyce Lasley and Katherine Trowell (both 1950 ), Margot Rose ( 1951 ), J. Michael Straczynski ( 1954 ), Jerome K. Moore ( 1956 ), Lily Acain ( 1962 ), Heather Langenkamp ( 1964 ), Rolf John Keppler ( 1966 ), Ian Henrich ( 1968 ), Jodie Fisher-Coady ( 1969 ), and Neil S. Bulk ( 1976 )
  • 18 – Garson Citron ( 1921 ), Syd Mead ( 1933 ), Jon Horback and David Weddle (both 1956 ), Lee Arenberg ( 1962 ), Michelle Rudy ( 1964 ), Peter Harmyk ( 1967 ), Ryan Church ( 1971 ), Slim Khezri ( 1972 ), Joe Corroney ( 1973 ), Eugene Cordero ( 1978 ), Derek Magyar ( 1980 ), Monika Spruch ( 1986 ), and Jenny Itwaru (unknown year)
  • 19 – William H. O'Brien ( 1891 ), Gary Bullock ( 1941 ), Daniel Zacapa ( 1951 ), Paul Stamets ( 1955 ), Luke McDonnell ( 1959 ), Sandra Wild ( 1960 ), Douglas Price ( 1964 ), Dawn Drake and Andrew Kavovit (both 1971 ), Ben Jensen ( 1973 ), Chris Ayers ( 1975 ), Benedict Cumberbatch ( 1976 ), Erin Cummings and Huse Madhavji (both 1977 ), R.J. Williams ( 1978 ), Nick Zayas ( 1985 ), and Hamza Fouad (unknown year)
  • 20 – Joe Walls ( 1916 ), Dick Giordano ( 1932 ), Ilona Wilson ( 1933 ), Carolyne Barry ( 1943 ), William Ross ( 1948 ), Fritz Sperberg ( 1951 ), David Starwalt ( 1952 ), Leslie C. Howard ( 1955 ), Merri D. Howard ( 1957 ), Tom Harper ( 1960 ), Carlos Alazraqui ( 1962 ), Roberto Orci ( 1973 ), Paris Benjamin ( 1974 ), Osric Chau ( 1986 ), Carl Clemons-Hopkins ( 1987 ), and Megha Sandhu ( 1996 )
  • 21 – Vince Howard ( 1929 ), David Berlatsky ( 1933 ), Gordon Coffey ( 1939 ), Debra Naclerio ( 1968 ), Ike Eisenmann ( 1962 ), Suzanne Ircha ( 1964 ), Christopher Shea ( 1969 ), Raven Dauda ( 1973 ), Rafeedah Keys ( 1975 ), Helga Wool-Smith ( 1977 ), Johnny ( 1983 ), and Keene Sin ( 2001 )
  • 22 – Joseph Sargent ( 1925 ), Perry Lopez ( 1929 ), Lawrence Miller ( 1931 ), Louise Fletcher ( 1934 ), Angus Allan ( 1936 ), Kenny Endoso ( 1940 ), Anthony James ( 1942 ), Derek Garth ( 1946 ), Scott Barry ( 1951 ), Maryellen Aviano ( 1957 ), Lisa Pettett ( 1959 ), Saxon Trainor ( 1963 ), Travis Langley and Sonny Surowiec (both 1964 ), Jamie McShane ( 1966 ), Terrell Tilford ( 1969 ), Louise Bale ( 1972 ), and Josef Cannon and Jade Quon (both unknown year)
  • 23 – Chuck Courtney ( 1930 ), Ben Slack ( 1937 ), Ronnie Cox ( 1938 ), Katharyn Powers ( 1943 ), Lenore Kasdorf ( 1948 ), Michael McConnohie ( 1951 ), John Kretchmer ( 1954 ), John Williamson ( 1961 ), Lydia Triplett ( 1964 ), Sean Freeland and Christina Rydell (both 1971 ), Paul Wesley ( 1982 ), Jessica and Vanessa Bova (both 1983 ), and Mimi Côté ( 1989 )
  • 24 – Harry Boykoff ( 1922 ), Gene D'Angelo ( 1928 ), Everett Lee ( 1928 ), Robin Van Sharner ( 1929 ), Jacqueline Brookes ( 1930 ), Ricardo Villamonte ( 1932 ), John Aniston ( 1933 ), Eddy Donno ( 1935 ), Phyllis Douglas ( 1936 ), Chris Sarandon ( 1942 ), Gordon Eklund ( 1945 ), Romeo Tanghal ( 1947 ), Gary Werntz ( 1948 ), Helen Vesik ( 1954 ), Robert Greenberger ( 1958 ), Thomas Belgrey ( 1959 ), Colleen Doran ( 1963 ), Joe Weems V ( 1973 ), Christopher Monfette ( 1980 ), and Penelope Mitchell ( 1991 )
  • 25 – Paul Collins ( 1937 ), Roger Duchowny and Pilar Seurat (both 1938 ), Irene Kelly ( 1943 ), Phil Caplan ( 1948 ), Marie Fairman and John Nowak (both 1952 ), Iman ( 1955 ), Doranna Durgin ( 1960 ), Nina Xining Zuo ( 1967 ), Nikki Flux , Markus Kurtz , and Jennifer Reznikoff (all 1970 ), Christine Boylan ( 1977 ), Michael Welch ( 1987 ), and Jajube Mandiela ( 1988 )
  • 26 – Biff Elliot ( 1923 ), Joe Knowland ( 1930 ), Kathryn Hays ( 1933 ), Clifton Jones ( 1937 ), Celeste Yarnall ( 1944 ), Mona Clee ( 1952 ), Bob Pinaha ( 1953 ), Nathan Archer ( 1954 ), Cherie Tash ( 1955 ), Nana Visitor ( 1957 ), Boris Krutonog and Mark Piatelli (both 1960 ), Inez Edwards and Deirdre L. Imershein (both 1963 ), Amy Jo Traicoff ( 1966 ), Sam Zeller ( 1969 ), Cress Williams ( 1970 ), Susse Budde ( 1973 ), and Adam Maros ( 1987 )
  • 27 – Bruce Watson ( 1940 ), Ann Chatterton ( 1941 ), James W. Jansen ( 1945 ), Simon Jones ( 1950 ), Lawrence Schoen and Dana White Shea (both 1959 ), John Putch and Paul Townsend (both 1961 ), Tim Flattery and Glen Hambly (both 1963 ), Colin Lockerbie ( 1966 ), Kellie Waymire ( 1967 ), and Bryan Fuller ( 1969 )
  • 28 – Yvette Blais ( 1923 ), Roger Holloway ( 1927 ), Bob Orrison ( 1928 ), Chuck Clow ( 1935 ), Paul Prokop ( 1938 ), Dennis Tracy ( 1939 ), Phil Proctor ( 1940 ), Lani Minella ( 1950 ), Dey Young ( 1955 ), Frank Tagader ( 1960 ), Paul Ganus ( 1961 ), David Lewis Hays ( 1962 ), David Day ( 1965 ), Jeff Schnaufer ( 1968 ), Chad Zimmerman ( 1971 ), Colby French and Eric Lemler (both 1972 ), Andrei Kovski ( 1974 ), Kelvin Yu ( 1978 ), Neil Casey ( 1981 ), and Gunnar Nelson ( 1988 )
  • 29 – Melvin Belli ( 1907 ), Don Ingalls ( 1918 ), David Warner ( 1941 ), Mike Starr ( 1950 ), Jack Blessing ( 1951 ), Wendy Hughes ( 1952 ), Jeannetta Arnette , Lovern Kindzierski , and Georgina Shore (all 1954 ), Clint Carmichael ( 1956 ), Noelle Hannibal ( 1968 ), Kevin Porter ( 1969 ), Wil Wheaton ( 1972 ), Germany Kent ( 1975 ), Ali Humiston ( 1977 ), Kimberly Brooks and Scottie Hulin (both 1981 ), Dominic Burgess ( 1982 ), and Tania Gunadi ( 1983 )
  • 30 – Alan Marston ( 1914 ), William Wintersole ( 1931 ), Jeanette Miller ( 1932 ), Sandra Smith ( 1936 ), Michael Bell ( 1938 ), Lee Poppie ( 1944 ), Todd Ramsay ( 1947 ), Carel Struycken ( 1948 ), Paul Tompkins ( 1953 ), Alan Robert Murray ( 1954 ), Lee Rose ( 1955 ), Paul Tompkins ( 1963 ), Chris Sprouse ( 1966 ), Javier Botet ( 1977 ), Mary Wiseman ( 1985 ), Brooke Averi ( 1993 ), and James McElroy (unknown year)
  • 31 – Tina Pine ( 1923 ), Carmen Emeterio and Louise Schulze (both 1927 ), Ted Cassidy ( 1932 ), France Nuyen ( 1939 ), Matthew F. Leonetti ( 1941 ), Gary T. Pike ( 1944 ), Star Halm ( 1948 ), James Read ( 1953 ), Jay Louden ( 1954 ), Mark Laing and Roland Rizzo (both 1957 ), Joey Banks ( 1959 ), Doug Wert ( 1961 ), Chris Kreski ( 1962 ), Rudolf Martin and Lou Simon (both 1967 ), Dustin Meier ( 1976 ), and Adam Bargar ( 1984 )
  • Unknown – Gary Bristow and Anna Lumarque (both 1965 )
  • 1 – Eleanore Vogel ( 1888 ), ]] ( 1912 ), Paul Lambert ( 1922 ), Caryl Codon-Tharp ( 1940 ), Randall Bosley and Judy Burns (both 1947 ), Steve Bulen , Hubie Kerns, Jr. , and Martin Rayner (all 1949 ), Nicky Guadagni and Tony Rizzoli (both 1952 ), Kathrine Gordon ( 1958 ), Spiro Razatos ( 1960 ), Tom Miller and Dana Sparks (both 1961 ), Scott Wilder ( 1962 ), John Carroll Lynch ( 1963 ), Melanie Shatner ( 1964 ), John Parenteau and Chad Taylor (both 1965 ), Hilde Garcia ( 1968 ), Chad Rubel ( 1979 ), Tanu Ravi ( 1988 ), and Landry Allbright ( 1989 )
  • 2 – Clark Ross ( 1913 ), Wah Chang ( 1917 ), Nehemiah Persoff ( 1919 ), Theo Marcuse ( 1920 ), George Wilson ( 1921 ), Gregg Peters ( 1925 ), Richard Fancy ( 1943 ), Susan Denberg ( 1944 ), Joanna Cassidy ( 1945 ), Anthony Crivello ( 1955 ), Leslie Ackerman ( 1956 ), Allison Liddi ( 1959 ), Steven John Evans ( 1960 ), Rob LaBelle ( 1962 ), Kevin Dorff ( 1966 ), John MacDonald ( 1968 ), Petra Sprecher ( 1973 ), Artemis Pebdani and Diogo Picchi (both 1977 ), Sean Cochran ( 1986 ), and Angus Imrie ( 1994 )
  • 3 – Harvey P. Lynn ( 1921 ), Ron Turner ( 1922 ), James Komack ( 1924 ), John Erman ( 1935 ), Steven Berkoff ( 1937 ), Monica Peterson ( 1938 ), Phil Rubenstein ( 1940 ), James X. Mitchell ( 1942 ), Winkie Pratney ( 1944 ), Kimberley J. Shull ( 1948 ), Victor Milan ( 1954 ), Corey Burton ( 1955 ), Kevin Sullivan ( 1958 ), Molly Hagan ( 1961 ), Chris O'Hara ( 1971 ), Brigid Brannagh and Sumalee Montano (both 1972 ), Maria Celeste Genitempo ( 1974 ), Andy Schmidt ( 1976 ), Ethan Siegel ( 1978 ), Mike Hawthorne ( 1979 ), and Jordan Canning ( 1982 )
  • 4 – Barbara Townsend ( 1913 ), Paul Schneider ( 1923 ), Douglas Brode ( 1943 ), William Frankfather ( 1944 ), Clay Drayton ( 1947 ), Martin Pasko ( 1954 ), Timothy Dang ( 1958 ), Lauren Tom ( 1961 ), Anastasia Emmons , Mike Fujimoto , and Daniel Dae Kim (all 1968 ), Robert Alonzo ( 1970 ), Dan Payne ( 1972 ), Romulo Fajardo, Jr. ( 1980 ), Sean Clements ( 1981 ), Taylor McCluskey ( 1982 ), Ava MacKinnon ( 2006 ), and David Leyshon (unknown year)
  • 5 – Carl Saxe ( 1910 ), Parley Baer and David Brian (both 1914 ), Vic Toyota ( 1922 ), Ron Burke ( 1932 ), Dave Perna ( 1935 ), Peter Virgo, Jr. ( 1940 ), Kathleen Sky ( 1943 ), Douglas Knapp ( 1949 ), Harry Cohen ( 1954 ), Clayton Rohner ( 1957 ), Elizabeth Goldstein ( 1959 ), Rosine "Ace" Hatem ( 1960 ), Bruce Costa and Roger Guyett (both 1961 ), Dianne Zanuck ( 1962 ), Scott St. Blaze ( 1967 ), Wade Felker ( 1969 ), Renee Pulve ( 1970 ), Bruce Horak ( 1974 ), and Matt Mira ( 1983 )
  • 6 – Lucille Ball ( 1911 ), Lilyan Chauvin ( 1925 ), Bobby Bass ( 1936 ), Dion Anderson ( 1938 ), Louise Sorel ( 1940 ), Ray Buktenica ( 1943 ), Alan Howarth and Frank Kopyc (both 1948 ), Ed Hannigan and Catherine Hicks (both 1951 ), Valerie Wildman ( 1953 ), Randy James ( 1955 ), Susan Dorne ( 1958 ), Mary Rice ( 1959 ), Jeff Atmajian , and Leland Orser (both 1960 ), Michelle Yeoh ( 1962 ), Hal Olofsson and Terry Pallot (both 1966 ), John B. Moody ( 1967 ), Merrin Dungey ( 1971 ), Craig Baxley, Jr. ( 1975 ), Melissa George ( 1976 ), and Drew Howerton ( 1979 )
  • 7 – Steve Ihnat ( 1934 ), Thaddeus Golas and William Lithgow (both 1939 ), Roger Trantham ( 1943 ), John Glover ( 1944 ), Holmes R. Osborne and Thomas Perry (both 1947 ), David Stipes ( 1948 ), Frank Lloyd and Gary Schwartz (both 1952 ), Robert Verlaque ( 1955 ), Mark Bagley ( 1957 ), Shannon Cochran ( 1958 ), Melissa Scott ( 1960 ), Landon Cary Dalton and John Kilkenny (both 1963 ), Jon Jon Briones ( 1965 ), Tim Griffin ( 1969 ), Heather Kadin ( 1972 ), Katarzyna Kowalczyk ( 1977 ), Cirroc Lofton ( 1978 ), Melissa O'Keeffe ( 1980 ), and Brett Gray ( 1996 )
  • 8 – Reginald Lal Singh ( 1905 ), Virgil Ross ( 1907 ), Charles Cirillo and Arthur Morton (both 1908 ), Joseph J. Stone ( 1919 ), Vince Deadrick ( 1932 ), Jesus Redondo ( 1934 ), Adam Roarke ( 1937 ), Terry J. Erdmann ( 1943 ), Brooke Bundy ( 1944 ), Alison Gail Bixby ( 1945 ), Keith Carradine ( 1949 ), Don Most ( 1953 ), Lynn Salvatori ( 1954 ), Branscombe Richmond ( 1955 ), Ann Gillespie ( 1957 ), Beth Persky ( 1960 ), Jason Kaufman and Ron Marasco (both 1961 ), Michelle Van Den Broeck ( 1966 ), Dan Jolley ( 1971 ), Tony Donno ( 1973 ), Johanna Watts ( 1979 ), Aaron Waltke ( 1984 ), Peyton List ( 1986 ), and Samer Salem ( 1988 )
  • 9 – Al Francis ( 1918 ), Ron Gans ( 1931 ), Wilbur Finks ( 1938 ), Tyson Weihe ( 1943 ), Don J. Long and Amanda McBroom (both 1947 ), Jack Laufer ( 1953 ), Adam Nimoy ( 1956 ), Steve Moncuse ( 1957 ), Jay M. Leggett ( 1963 ), Eric Bana ( 1968 ), Ryan Bollman and Liz Vassey (both 1972 ), Lin Oeding ( 1977 ), Noel Manzano ( 1979 ), Maya Eshet and Adelaide Kane (both 1990 ), Mason Stoops ( 1991 ), and Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut ( 1992 )
  • 10 – Jeff Corey ( 1914 ), Hubie Kerns, Sr. ( 1920 ), Vincent McEveety ( 1929 ), Carl Byrd and Joseph D'Agosta (both 1935 ), Stu Satterfield ( 1937 ), Carlos Palomino ( 1949 ), John Cade and Daniel Hugh Kelly (both 1952 ), Richard Cansino ( 1953 ), Jim Mees ( 1955 ), Jack Alsted and Leslie Neale (both 1959 ), Steven Vincent Leigh ( 1964 ), Lorella Cuccarini ( 1965 ), Sean Blakemore ( 1967 ), Jon Cellini ( 1975 ), Ryan Eggold ( 1984 ), Evan Evagora ( 1996 ), and Shara Kim (unknown year)
  • 11 – Charles Cooper ( 1926 ), Laurel Goodwin ( 1942 ), Bill Asman ( 1943 ), Susan Carol-Schwary ( 1948 ), Michael Stanhope ( 1949 ), Keith Sharee ( 1955 ), Googy Gress and Robin Ritter (both 1958 ), Jordan Monheim ( 1959 ), Pat Brosseau , Jim Lee , and Lawrence Monoson (all 1964 ), Crist Ballas ( 1965 ), Ken Lally ( 1971 ), Marty Murray and David Senescu (both 1972 ), and Chris Hemsworth ( 1983 )
  • 12 – Jane Wyatt ( 1910 ), Walter "Matt" Jefferies ( 1921 ), Meade Martin ( 1933 ), Robert Buckingham ( 1934 ), Dana Ivey ( 1941 ), Stephen Brooks and Martin R. Burke (both 1942 ), Lezlie Dalton ( 1944 ), Yannick Derrien ( 1949 ), Jim Beaver ( 1950 ), Nan Dutton , Ronald Guttman , and Tim Wachsner (all 1952 ), Bruce Greenwood ( 1956 ), Pamela Winslow ( 1965 ), Ian Eyre ( 1970 ), Pay Chen ( 1976 ), Angela Besharah ( 1977 ), Rong Fu ( 1991 ), Torri Webster ( 1996 ), and Rabia Louis Haynes and Bill Thomas Miller (both unknown year)
  • 13 – Willard Sage ( 1922 ), Cosmo Genovese ( 1923 ), Jane Webb ( 1925 ), Kevin Tighe ( 1944 ), Jane Carr and Jeffrey Hayenga (both 1950 ), Gene Day ( 1951 ), Rob Davis ( 1954 ), Kate Fuglei ( 1955 ), Laura Banks ( 1956 ), Candace Crump ( 1957 ), C. Marie Davis , Kathryn Graf , and Nick Infield (all 1958 ), Joe Baumann ( 1959 ), Christopher Bergschneider and Dawnn Lewis (both 1961 ), Michael De Luca ( 1965 ), J.D. Walters ( 1968 ), Billy Tan ( 1970 ), Craig Cady ( 1971 ), Crystal Allen ( 1972 ), and Anna Seltzer ( 1986 )
  • 14 – George Sawaya ( 1923 ), James Claytor ( 1934 ), Fran Bennett ( 1937 ), John Costanza ( 1943 ), Lou Wagner ( 1948 ), B.J. Davis ( 1952 ), James Horner ( 1953 ), Rieneke de Haan ( 1956 ), Jimmy Palmiotti ( 1961 ), Tim Earls ( 1962 ), Tracey H. Munsey ( 1964 ), Brannon Braga ( 1965 ), Ericka Bryce and Tom Waltz (both 1969 ), Christopher Gorham ( 1974 ), Stacy-Ann Buchanan ( 1982 ), Charlotte Nicdao ( 1991 ), and David Benjamin Tomlinson (unknown year)
  • 15 – James Linn ( 1923 ), Georgann Johnson ( 1926 ), Bjo Trimble ( 1933 ), Miko Mayama ( 1939 ), Chris McBee ( 1941 ), Barbara Bouchet ( 1943 ), Bob Morrisey ( 1946 ), Bari Burman ( 1950 ), Page Leong and Sissy Sessions (both 1956 ), Dore Keller ( 1958 ), Terri Osborne and D. Elliot Woods (both 1969 ), Matthew Wood ( 1972 ), and Mario Boon ( 1974 )
  • 16 – Joseph R. Jennings ( 1921 ), Joseph L. Scanlan ( 1929 ), Max Kleven and Julie Newmar (both 1933 ), Maurice Hurley ( 1939 ), Steve Meerson ( 1950 ), David Gibbs ( 1953 ), Jeff O'Haco ( 1954 ), Josh Clark and Patricia Blau Price (both 1955 ), Ted Barba ( 1957 ), Shari Elliker ( 1961 ), Andy Milder ( 1969 ), and Tarun Keram ( 1991 )
  • 17 – Oliver Crawford ( 1917 ), Larry Robb ( 1924 ), Julianna McCarthy ( 1929 ), Harve Bennett ( 1930 ), Glenn Corbett ( 1933 ), Allan G. Royal ( 1944 ), Kate Kuhlkin ( 1946 ), Tim McCormack ( 1948 ), Bub Asman ( 1949 ), Tom Nibley and Babu Subramaniam (both 1950 ), Robert Joy ( 1951 ), Gary Armagnac ( 1952 ), Michael Canavan and Casey Hotchkiss (both 1953 ), Bill Blair ( 1954 ), TG Theodore ( 1955 ), Don Ruffin ( 1958 ), Kate McNeil ( 1959 ), Angela Dohrmann ( 1965 ), Tony Angelotti ( 1967 ), Andrew Koenig ( 1968 ), Dominic Rambaran ( 1971 ), and Tara Macken ( 1990 )
  • 18 – Don Keefer and George A. Rutter (both 1916 ), John Finger ( 1925 ), John Burnside ( 1928 ), Budd Albright ( 1936 ), Charles Bartlett ( 1941 ), Judyann Elder and Grainger Hines (both 1948 ), Dorothy A. Steinicke ( 1954 ), Lisa Croisette ( 1955 ), John Debney ( 1956 ), Reg E. Cathey and Loretta Shenosky (both 1958 ), Cheryl Wheeler Duncan ( 1960 ), Brian Simpson ( 1965 ), Brian Michael Bendis ( 1967 ), Ken Palkow ( 1968 ), Christian Slater ( 1969 ), and Jeremy Wheaton ( 1976 )
  • 19 – Gene Roddenberry ( 1921 ), William Marshall ( 1924 ), Brett Dunham ( 1931 ), Robert Towers ( 1936 ), Kathy Ahart ( 1937 ), Diana Muldaur ( 1938 ), Robert Blackman ( 1943 ), Michael Harney ( 1946 ), Jonathan Frakes ( 1952 ), Victor Talmadge ( 1955 ), Les Belbot , Mark Muñoz , and Wendy Schenker (all 1960 ), Joe Bauer ( 1961 ), Neville Page ( 1965 ), J.K. Woodward ( 1970 ), Jonathan Cook ( 1971 ), Greg Bryk and Kyra Bucich (both 1972 ), Daniel Betances ( 1974 ), and Wyatt Gray ( 1988 )
  • 20 – William O'Connell ( 1933 ), Jack Hinkle ( 1938 ), Eddie Paskey ( 1939 ), Richard Ryder ( 1942 ), Jackson Sleet , Jim Wilkey , and Ray Wise (all 1947 ), John Noble and Ed Zuckerman (both 1948 ), Patrick Kilpatrick ( 1949 ), Gina August ( 1950 ), Greg Bear ( 1951 ), Breon Gorman ( 1954 ), Dana Moreshead ( 1958 ), Geoffrey Blake and Ravil Issyanov (both 1962 ), Ellery White ( 1963 ), Tanner Gill and Jaehne Moebius (both 1964 ), Mark Bennington ( 1969 ), Ian Calip ( 1970 ), Regi Davis ( 1976 ), Bertrand Roberson, Jr. ( 1987 ), and Sylva Wilson-Cox (unknown year)
  • 21 – Marie Severin ( 1929 ), Jim Sheppard ( 1935 ), Clarence Williams III ( 1939 ), Basil Poledouris ( 1945 ), Greg Cannom ( 1951 ), Callan White ( 1953 ), Kim Cattrall ( 1956 ), Margareta Hammar ( 1961 ), Bobbie Chase ( 1962 ), Stuart Coleman ( 1963 ), Caryn Mower ( 1965 ), Marc Evan Jackson ( 1970 ), Lindsay Owen Pierre ( 1975 ), Jesse James Rutherford ( 1991 ), Marvin Hildebrandt (unknown year)
  • 22 – Oliver McGowan ( 1907 ), Shelly Leferman ( 1922 ), Lois Hall ( 1926 ), Douglas S. Cramer ( 1931 ), Mark Bramhall ( 1942 ), Carolyn Nelson ( 1946 ), Joey Aresco ( 1949 ), Chris Palermo ( 1956 ), Brian Sterling ( 1958 ), Cris Thomas-Palomino ( 1960 ), David DeLeon ( 1963 ), Melinda Page Hamilton ( 1974 ), Ryan Honey ( 1976 ), Jackie Geary ( 1977 ), and Amy Sturdivant ( 1991 )
  • 23 – Julian Davidson ( 1900 ), Robert Fletcher ( 1922 ), Alfredo Alcala ( 1925 ), Barbara Ronci ( 1943 ), Craig Binkley ( 1946 ), Terry Austin and John Snyder (both 1952 ), Lorine Mendell ( 1954 ), Norman Kent ( 1956 ), and Rob Caswell ( 1960 )
  • 24 – Gil Perkins ( 1907 ), W. Morgan Sheppard ( 1932 ), Martin Cassidy ( 1938 ), Tony Amendola ( 1944 ), Castulo Guerra ( 1945 ), Stephen Parr ( 1947 ), Randy Nolen and Charles Rocket (both 1949 ), James I. Kirkland ( 1954 ), Scott Lobdell and Carolyn Scott (both 1960 ), Alan McFarland ( 1962 ), Donna DuPlantier ( 1963 ), Jack Snider ( 1964 ), Koji Kuramura ( 1965 ), Nancy Bell ( 1967 ), Grey Griffin ( 1973 ), Shawna Benson and Jennifer Lien (both 1974 ), Julie Benson ( 1977 ), Melissa Navia ( 1984 ), and Diandra Pendleton-Thompson ( 1990 )
  • 25 – Danny McCauley ( 1916 ), John M. Dwyer ( 1926 ), Shirley Anthony ( 1928 ), Graham Jarvis ( 1930 ), David Channell ( 1940 ), Hannah Louise Shearer ( 1945 ), John Savage ( 1949 ), Marc Scott Zicree ( 1955 ), David Kervinen ( 1961 ), Dan Parent ( 1964 ), Douglas Aarniokoski , Kim Kold , and Doug Wax (all 1965 ), Steve Conley , Glenn Greenberg , and Thomas Wood (all 1969 ), Steve Chvany , Monika Kusley , Marcus Nash , and Chris Roberson (all 1970 ), Derek Graf ( 1980 ), Tiffany Taubman ( 1985 ), and Claudine Quadrat (unknown year)
  • 26 – Georgia Schmidt ( 1904 ), Bill Heath ( 1923 ), Jim Henrikson ( 1934 ), Gary Nardino ( 1935 ), John Hugh McKnight ( 1939 ), Don LaFontaine ( 1940 ), Regina Parton ( 1945 ), Bari Biern ( 1949 ), Brett Cullen ( 1956 ), Geoffrey Mandel ( 1959 ), Ransom Gates ( 1961 ), Eric Steinberg ( 1969 ), Marcus Nash ( 1970 ), Chris Pine ( 1980 ), Nazneen Contractor ( 1982 ), Michelle and Rochelle Chelle (both 1987 ), and Roxanne Fernandes ( 1991 )
  • 27 – Leo Penn ( 1921 ), Frank Kelly Freas ( 1922 ), Janet MacLachlan ( 1933 ), Cheri Ruff ( 1935 ), Dave Stewart ( 1937 ), Richard L. Blackwell ( 1956 ), Mariano Nicieza ( 1958 ), Peter Mensah ( 1959 ), Xavier Sotelo ( 1965 ), Tim Wilcox ( 1966 ), Derek Bellman ( 1970 ), F.J. DeSanto and Greg Scott (both 1972 ), Peter Pachoumis ( 1973 ), Christopher J. Marcinko ( 1974 ), Bobbi Sue Luther ( 1978 ), Usman Ally ( 1982 ), and Julia Aylor ( 1997 )
  • 28 – Ken Jenkins ( 1940 ), Peter Albiez ( 1942 ), David Soul ( 1943 ), Vonda N. McIntyre ( 1948 ), Barbara Hambly ( 1951 ), Barry Wiggins ( 1954 ), Dell Barras and Michael Muñoz (both 1957 ), Chuck Powers ( 1958 ), Jim Fitzpatrick and Brian Thompson (both 1959 ), Alan D. Purwin ( 1961 ), Pam Rambo ( 1968 ), Stephanie Belding and Laura Putney (both 1971 ), Tim Storms ( 1972 ), Nick E. Tarabay ( 1975 ), Zehra Fazal ( 1984 ), and Madison Eginton ( 1989 )
  • 29 – Bob Overbeck ( 1914 ), Ellen Geer ( 1941 ), Roger Schueller ( 1944 ), Jon Povill ( 1946 ), Deborah Van Valkenburgh ( 1952 ), LuJean Rose and Webster Whinery (both 1953 ), Jeff Austin ( 1954 ), Sam "I Am" Arroyo ( 1957 ), Lycia Naff and Cynthia Uhrich (both 1962 ), Patrick Zircher ( 1963 ), Benita Andre ( 1965 ), David Messina ( 1974 ), Jeffrey Nicholas Brown ( 1975 ), Eric Ritter ( 1976 ), Chase Hoyt ( 1980 ), Echo Kellum ( 1982 ), Ian Nsenga ( 1986 ), and Magnús Ingvarsson ( 1993 )
  • 30 – Harvey Hart ( 1928 ), Arnold Lessing ( 1936 ), Tom Lupo ( 1943 ), Norman Gibbs ( 1947 ), Christopher Collins ( 1949 ), Mark Garland ( 1953 ), David Paymer ( 1954 ), Karl T. Wright ( 1961 ), Vaun Wilmott ( 1967 ), Justin Sundquist ( 1973 ), Thomas Marrone and Andreana Weiner (both 1983 ), and Dominique Stango ( 1996 )
  • 31 – Eve Smith ( 1905 ), Noble Willingham ( 1931 ), Marlys Burdette and Ted Pedersen (both 1938 ), Anthony Call and Larry A. Hankin (both 1940 ), Rick Parker ( 1946 ), Randy Oglesby ( 1948 ), Maria Doest ( 1951 ), Dawn Roddenberry ( 1953 ), Kenneth A. Larson and Irving Lewis (both 1955 ), Mark Mangini ( 1956 ), Richard Allen ( 1957 ), Ritt Henn and Leslie Shatner (both 1958 ), Stacy Fouche ( 1961 ), Dee Bradley Baker ( 1962 ), Susan Purkhiser ( 1967 ), John Eric Bentley and Jeff Russo (both 1969 ), Dianna Faulkner and Kristin Hjellegferde (both 1972 ), and Athena Perample ( 1991 )
  • Unknown – David Sosalla ( 1950 ), Susan McNabb ( 1959 ), Cyrus Zoghi ( 1981 ), and Monisola Akiwowo and Jeffrey Lombardi (both 1986 )

September [ ]

  • 1 – Chuck Couch ( 1922 ), Glenn R. Wilder ( 1933 ), Kaye Wade ( 1935 ), Virginia Aldridge and Jerry Daniels (both 1938 ), Carla Beachcomber ( 1943 ), Venita Wolf ( 1945 ), Edouard Henriques III and Dierk Torsek (both 1949 ), John P. Connolly ( 1950 ), Sachi Parker ( 1956 ), Brandon MacDougall ( 1959 ), Scott Ciencin ( 1962 ), Sean Hargreaves ( 1965 ), Michael McFall ( 1966 ), Padma Lakshmi and Kelly Sheerin (both 1970 ), Maury Sterling ( 1971 ), Davida Williams ( 1986 ), and Blair Valk (unknown year)
  • 2 – Laurindo Almeida ( 1917 ), Michael Dante ( 1931 ), Emil Richards ( 1932 ), Robert Chadwick ( 1933 ), Barbara Gates ( 1939 ), Walter Simonson ( 1946 ), Rosana DeSoto ( 1950 ), Bradley Thompson ( 1951 ), Dinah LeHoven ( 1952 ), Greg Bronson ( 1954 ), Jimmy Diggs ( 1955 ), Rod M. Janusch ( 1956 ), Ron Balicki ( 1963 ), Stephen W. Pugh ( 1967 ), Tracey Frakes ( 1969 ), Paulo Caillile ( 1973 ), and Hanna-Lee Sakakibara ( 1984 )
  • 3 – David P. Harmon ( 1918 ), Harry Landers ( 1921 ), Bill Couch, Sr. ( 1926 ), Jim Alexander ( 1930 ), Ray Xifo ( 1942 ), David Landsberg ( 1944 ), Icilda Davis ( 1949 ), Emilio Borelli ( 1950 ), James Duff and Tim Landry (both 1955 ), Gene Wolande ( 1956 ), Steven R. Schirripa ( 1957 ), Kevin Kiner and Kevin McCorkle (both 1958 ), Merritt Butrick ( 1959 ), Alec Peters ( 1960 ), Doug Spearman ( 1962 ), Amy Lindsay ( 1966 ), John Picacio ( 1969 ), Aaron Leach ( 1970 ), Lance Parkin and Paul Zies (both 1971 ), and Shannon Watson ( 1974 )
  • 4 – Reggie Nalder ( 1907 ), Harold Livingston ( 1924 ), Donald Hansard, Sr. ( 1925 ), Ryan MacDonald ( 1930 ), Nicholas Worth ( 1937 ), Mickey Cottrell ( 1944 ), Michael Berryman ( 1948 ), Steve Boyum ( 1952 ), Steve Yudson ( 1955 ), Patricia Tallman ( 1957 ), Ken Lopez ( 1963 ), Anthony Holiday ( 1965 ), and Jose Marzan, Jr. ( 1966 )
  • 5 – Clark E. Spangler ( 1933 ), Alyce Andrece and Rhae Andrece (both 1936 ), Michael P. Schoenbrun ( 1938 ), Rod Arrants ( 1944 ), Andrew Probert ( 1946 ), Michael Horton ( 1952 ), Edithe Swensen ( 1953 ), Carol Eisner ( 1955 ), Joseph Steven ( 1956 ), Skip Stellrecht ( 1959 ), Timothy J. Whittington ( 1962 ), Ellora Patnaik and Dennis Scott (both 1968 ), Jeffrey Moy and Philip Moy (both 1969 ), Annabelle Wallis ( 1984 ), Christine Trinh ( 1996 ), and Jesse Ship and Stuart Wong (both unknown year)
  • 6 – Nick Borgani ( 1904 ), Jay Scott Pike ( 1924 ), Zoltan Elek ( 1941 ), Robert Swarthe ( 1942 ), Carolyn Allport and Keone Young (both 1947 ), James Lew ( 1952 ), Patti Yasutake ( 1953 ), Kris Krosskove ( 1954 ), Anne Timmons ( 1955 ), Regan DuCasse and Bart Mixon (both 1958 ), Lawrence V. Conley ( 1961 ), Shawn Belschner and Dana Kurtin (both 1970 ), Idris Elba ( 1972 ), Robin Atkin Downes and Christian Humberg (both 1976 ), and Lauren Lapkus ( 1985 )
  • 7 – Leonard Rosenman ( 1924 ), Bruce Gray ( 1936 ), Carlos Pino ( 1940 ), William Utay ( 1947 ), David Kagen and Kerrie Keane (both 1948 ), Corbin Bernsen ( 1954 ), Jeff Mariotte ( 1955 ), Bobby Baier and Diane Warren (both 1956 ), Miguel Perez ( 1957 ), Ellen Bradley ( 1965 ), Don Hudson ( 1966 ), Anita Hart ( 1972 ), Alex Kurtzman ( 1973 ), and Noah Huntley ( 1974 )
  • 8 – Byron Morrow ( 1911 ), Lola McNalley ( 1921 ), Don Ivan Punchatz ( 1936 ), Craig Sechler ( 1951 ), David Richard Ellis ( 1952 ), Mark Chadwick ( 1961 ), David Lee Smith ( 1963 ), Arnold Rudnick ( 1966 ), Cari Shayne ( 1972 ), Michael Wickson ( 1978 ), Ravi Valleti ( 1979 ), and David Acord (unknown year)
  • 9 – Richard Webb ( 1915 ), Margaret Armen ( 1921 ), Nick Ramus ( 1929 ), Gordon Belljohns Love ( 1939 ), William John Wheeler ( 1942 ), Jefrey Alan Chandler ( 1944 ), Rick Mitchell ( 1946 ), Beth Nufer ( 1952 ), Jeffrey Combs ( 1954 ), Loretta Gordon ( 1957 ), Linda Madalone and Kevin Maguire (both 1960 ), Kevin Grevioux ( 1962 ), Charles Esten ( 1965 ), Clint Lilley ( 1967 ), Ted Adams ( 1968 ), Pablo Espinosa ( 1969 ), Lukas Behnken ( 1979 ), Maggie Pacleb ( 2010 ), Dylan Von Halle ( 2011 )
  • 10 – Robert Wise ( 1914 ), Robert Sparr ( 1915 ), Pato Guzman ( 1933 ), Sam Alejan ( 1946 ), Dennis Howard ( 1947 ), Judy Geeson ( 1948 ), Harry Groener and Steve Kehela (both 1951 ), Gerry Conway ( 1952 ), Henry Stram ( 1954 ), Joel Kramer ( 1957 ), Nancy Bernstein ( 1960 ), Stephanie Erb ( 1963 ), Doug Shrock and David Takemura (both 1964 ), Marta Martin ( 1966 ), Art Chudabala ( 1970 ), Ali Hassan and Kara Wooten (both 1972 ), Martin Brümmerhoff ( 1975 ), Tara Nicodemo ( 1979 ), Charlie Kirchoff ( 1980 ), Harry Treadaway ( 1984 ), and Apolla Asteria ( 1993 )
  • 11 – Jon Kowal and Bob Miles (both 1927 ), John Blower ( 1932 ), Ian Abercrombie ( 1934 ), Charles Dierkop and Annett Wolf (both 1936 ), Marty Hornstein ( 1937 ), Jim Boeke ( 1938 ), Jerry Foxworth ( 1941 ), Ronald B. Moore ( 1945 ), Michael Braveheart ( 1950 ), Reed Birney and Rod Whigham (both 1954 ), Roxann Dawson and Julia Nickson (both 1958 ), Jeff Magnus McBride ( 1959 ), Anne Elizabeth Ramsay (both 1960 ), Susan Gibney , Virginia Madsen , and Cindy Sorensen (all 1961 ), Paul S. Eckstein and Andrew Jackson (both 1963 ), Dartenea Bryant ( 1965 ), Jeremy Colp ( 1976 ), Shaela Luter and Tiffany Shepis (both 1979 ), Fabio Tassone ( 1980 ), Thomas Cadrot ( 1986 ), and Leigh Hennessy (unknown year)
  • 12 – Lee Erwin ( 1906 ), John Chambers ( 1922 ), Hazel Catmull ( 1930 ), Kim Hamilton ( 1932 ), Randy Roberts ( 1945 ), Christopher Neame ( 1947 ), Don Daglow ( 1952 ), Laura Granick and Robert L. Zachar (both 1956 ), Deborah Lacey ( 1957 ), Jeff and Jerry Rector (both 1958 ), Shana Ann Golden and Conrad Hurtt (both 1960 ), Mary Kay Adams , René Echevarria , and Troy Kline (all 1962 ), Robert T. Jeschonek and Michael J. Sarna (both 1965 ), Brian J. Robb ( 1967 ), Paul F. Tompkins ( 1968 ), Monica Parrett ( 1972 ), Alex Chansky ( 1976 ), Brooke Benko ( 1979 ), Rosemary Morgan ( 1983 ), and Lil Cory ( 1991 )
  • 13 – Gertrude Reade ( 1896 ), Arch Dalzell ( 1911 ), John Crawford ( 1920 ), Dayton Anderson ( 1931 ), Gene Dynarski ( 1933 ), Mike Grell ( 1947 ), Clyde Kusatsu ( 1948 ), Dan Koko ( 1953 ), Leatrim Stang ( 1957 ), Paul Abascal ( 1958 ), Jenna Abrahamson-Minardi and Kim Robert Koscki (both 1964 ), Laura Interval ( 1966 ), Tyler Perry ( 1969 ), Diane and Elaine Klimaszewski (both 1971 ), and Marcus Henderson ( 1987 )
  • 14 – Boris Sobelman ( 1909 ), Harve Presnell ( 1933 ), Walter Koenig ( 1936 ), Bruce Hyde and Jesse Wayne (both 1941 ), Lawrence Konner ( 1949 ), Michael Reaves ( 1950 ), Antoinette Stella ( 1952 ), Robert Wisdom ( 1953 ), Vince Deadrick, Jr. ( 1954 ), Jim Novak ( 1955 ), Mary Crosby ( 1959 ), Callum Keith Rennie ( 1960 ), Brian Markinson and Rusty McClennon (both 1961 ), Sean Callery ( 1964 ), Pat Healy ( 1971 ), and April Marie Eden and Ana Sani (both 1983 )
  • 15 – Joseph Pevney ( 1911 ), Albert Whitlock ( 1915 ), Aruni Devi Hansen ( 1923 ), Henry Darrow ( 1933 ), Mal Friedman ( 1935 ), Tom Smith ( 1938 ), Norman Spinrad ( 1940 ), Roy Brocksmith ( 1945 ), Shelby Leverington ( 1946 ), Vanessa Greene ( 1954 ), Jack Gwaltney and Scott Thompson Baker (both 1960 ), Alise Phelan ( 1961 ), Eric Chauvin ( 1963 ), Scott Dunbier ( 1962 ), Kenneth Hite ( 1965 ), Susan Patterson ( 1968 ), Robert Bonchune ( 1970 ), Laura DePuy ( 1971 ), Oliver Keller ( 1975 ), Tom Hardy ( 1977 ), Jonathan Newkerk ( 1987 ), Gia Sandhu ( 1991 ), Blu del Barrio ( 1997 ), and Gio Talegon (unknown year)
  • 16 – Larry Dobkin ( 1919 ), Morgan Woodward ( 1925 ), Winston DeLugo ( 1934 ), Andre Tayir ( 1935 ), B.J. Ward ( 1944 ), Ed Begley, Jr. ( 1949 ), Mark Cotta Vaz and Howard Weinstein (both 1954 ), Wes Takahashi ( 1956 ), Cleo Severy and Keith Williams (both 1957 ), Jayne Brook ( 1960 ), Scott Workman ( 1966 ), Nick Sagan ( 1970 ), Joel Heyman ( 1971 ), Fred Pienkos ( 1973 ), Toks Olagundoye ( 1975 ), Parris Broadus ( 1992 , and Sarah MacDonnell (unknown year)
  • 17 – Bernard Sachs ( 1921 ), David Huddleston and Mike Noble (both 1930 ), Sandra Gimpel ( 1939 ), Chris Abbott and Craig Richard Nelson (both 1947 ), Aaron Lustig ( 1956 ), Ric Sarabia ( 1959 ), Christian R. Conrad ( 1964 ), Bryan Singer ( 1965 ), Kate Asner ( 1966 ), Diana R. Lupo ( 1970 ) and Ella Purnell ( 1996 )
  • 18 – Joe Evans ( 1900 ), Harry Townes ( 1914 ), Lorinne Vozoff ( 1932 ), Michael O'Hagan ( 1940 ), Kerrie Cullen ( 1946 ), Jimmy Nickerson ( 1949 ), Norman Large ( 1951 ), Jeffrey Chernov ( 1952 ), Jeremy Roberts ( 1954 ), Terry Windell ( 1956 ), Toshiya Agata and Laura Albert (both 1961 ), Christopher Heyerdahl ( 1963 ), Adam Buckner ( 1964 ), Christina Chong ( 1983 ), and Babs Olusanmokun ( 1984 )
  • 19 – Jack Perkins ( 1921 ), Kathie Browne ( 1930 ), Christopher Held ( 1931 ), Lloyd Haynes ( 1934 ), Paul Williams ( 1940 ), Victor Brandt and Susanne Wasson (both 1942 ), George Watters II ( 1949 ), Lynnanne Zager ( 1954 ), Sanja Milkovic Hays ( 1958 ), Carolyn McCormick ( 1959 ), Cynthia Martin and Sandra Rowden (both 1961 ), Steven Einspahr ( 1962 ), Spencer Garrett and Trey King (both 1963 ), Tim Sitarz ( 1967 ), Shawn Doyle ( 1968 ), Clark Tucker ( 1970 ), Katherine Blum ( 1974 ), Panuvat Anthony Nanakornpanom ( 1975 ), Darth Schuhe ( 1977 ), and Myrthin Stagg (unknown year)
  • 20 – Anna Karen ( 1914 ), Ross Taylor ( 1923 ), Bob Harks ( 1927 ), Cy Chermak ( 1929 ), Edward J. Lakso ( 1932 ), Sierra Pecheur ( 1938 ), Steve Gerber ( 1947 ), Leonard Crofoot ( 1948 ), Charles Emmett ( 1955 ), Gary Cole and Jim Jouvenat (both 1956 ), Steven Boz and Rich Minga (both 1961 ), John Dell and Robert Rusler (both 1965 ), Victoria Dillard ( 1967 ), Derek Johnson ( 1982 ), Aldis Hodge ( 1986 ), and Shelley Owens (unknown year)
  • 21 – William E. Snyder ( 1901 ), Peter Eastman ( 1919 ), Henry Gibson ( 1935 ), Jerry Ayres ( 1936 ), Elza Bergeron ( 1941 ), John Grower ( 1955 ), Mary Mara and Trula M. Marcus (both 1960 ), Gregory Irwin and Serena Scott Thomas (both 1961 ), Robin Stapler ( 1972 ), John Rauch and Autumn Reeser (both 1980 ), Cassandra Rose Clarke ( 1983 ), and Vanessa Jackson (unknown year)
  • 22 – George H. Merhoff ( 1915 ), Samuel A. Peeples ( 1917 ), Ken Southworth ( 1918 ), Eugene Roche ( 1928 ), Robert Sallin ( 1931 ), Jesco von Puttkamer ( 1933 ), Robin Gammell ( 1936 ), Jim Spencer ( 1940 ), Dan Curry ( 1946 ), Peter Krikes ( 1949 ), Walter Irwin ( 1950 ), Amanda Mackey Johnson ( 1951 ), Larry Anderson ( 1952 ), Greg K. Poehlein ( 1956 ), Jerry Oltion and Marlene Willauer (both 1957 ), Ted Rooney ( 1960 ), John Tampoya ( 1966 ), Hanelle M. Culpepper ( 1970 ), Sofie Calderon ( 1974 ), Sala Baker ( 1976 ), Dan Jeannotte ( 1981 ), and Philip Krohnengold and Taylor Martin (both unknown year)
  • 23 – Margaret Makau ( 1911 ), Robert Herron ( 1924 ), Les Kaluza ( 1930 ), Kai J. Wong ( 1932 ), Vivian McAteer ( 1933 ), Michael Haynes ( 1939 ), Caroline Lagerfelt ( 1947 ), Rick Fitts ( 1948 ), Thomas E. Sanders ( 1953 ), Peter David and Dan Day (both 1956 ), Rosalind Chao and Rosalind Ingledew (both 1957 ), Jason Alexander ( 1959 ), Cibby Danyla ( 1961 ), Charles Dayton ( 1965 ), Chris Covics ( 1969 ), Chris Sayour ( 1970 ), Melissa Vinicor ( 1972 ), Janelle James and William F. Reed (both 1979 ), and Bryan Lee and Oyin Oladejo (both 1985 )
  • 24 – Paul Baxley ( 1923 ), Eve H. Brenner ( 1926 ), John E. Chilberg II ( 1929 ), Carolyn L. Elias ( 1938 ), Kenneth Tigar ( 1942 ), Gordon Clapp ( 1948 ), Bill Vallely ( 1952 ), Mark Watson ( 1956 ), John Logan ( 1961 ), Roger Rignack ( 1962 ), Kieran Mulroney ( 1965 ), Jeff W. Byrd ( 1968 ), Marc Guggenheim , Lisa Klink , and Chris Obi (all 1970 ), Tulsy Ball ( 1972 ), Ken Haeser ( 1975 ), Mark Alexander Herz ( 1976 ), Yetide Badaki ( 1981 ), and Lauro Chartrand (unknown year)
  • 25 – Edward Penn ( 1926 ), Dodie Shepard ( 1934 ), Henri Whittelsohn ( 1935 ), Mike Minor ( 1940 ), Robert Miano ( 1942 ), Caroline Kava and Anson Williams (both 1949 ), Billy Parrish ( 1954 ), Brooke Breton and Lily Mariye (both 1956 ), Beth Toussaint ( 1962 ), Kyla Kuhner ( 1967 ), Robert Consing , Paul Pope , and Tarina Pouncy (all 1970 ), Dorian Kingi ( 1982 ), Dana Beddoe ( 2008 ), and Jerry Marr (unknown year)
  • 26 – Stanford G. Haughton ( 1904 ), Mike Dugan ( 1912 ), Don Schloat ( 1921 ), S. Bar-David ( Shimon Wincelberg ) ( 1924 ), Seamon Glass ( 1925 ), Charles Macaulay ( 1927 ), Richard Herd ( 1932 ), Gerald W. Abrams ( 1939 ), Teresa E. Victor ( 1943 ), Craig Thompson ( 1944 ), Stephen Markle ( 1945 ), Louise Jones ( 1946 ), Aldric Horton ( 1957 ), Ron King ( 1958 ), Bob Kirsh ( 1962 ), Ladesha Ard ( 1978 ), Sarah Rayne ( 1986 ), Brooke McCroskey ( 1990 ), and Dillon Jagersky ( 1991 )
  • 27 – Robert L. Swanson ( 1914 ), Roger C. Carmel ( 1932 ), Scott DeVenney ( 1947 ), Cary-Hiroyuki ( 1950 ), Jim Shooter ( 1951 ), Cameron ( 1953 ), Randy Emberlin ( 1955 ), Robin Burger ( 1956 ), Jerry Spicer ( 1958 ), Scott Lawrence ( 1963 ), Alyma Dorsey ( 1973 ), Grant Garrison and Zero Kazama (both 1982 ), Asif Ali ( 1987 ), and Amy Szoke (unknown year)
  • 28 – Bo Ching ( 1910 ), Don McDougall ( 1917 ), William Windom ( 1923 ), John W. Hanley ( 1934 ), Scott Rubenstein ( 1947 ), Mimi Craven ( 1957 ), Bill George , Ken Penders , and Rebecca Soladay (all 1958 ), John Beasley and Adam Glick (both 1960 ), Andy Kossin ( 1964 ), Cassandra McCormick ( 1966 ), and Shannon O'Hurley ( 1968 )
  • 29 – Arthur Bernard ( 1919 ), Russ Heath ( 1926 ), Joe Durrenberger ( 1934 ), Arch Whiting ( 1936 ), Leonard Kelly-Young ( 1948 ), S.N. Lewitt and Dennis Madalone (both 1954 ), Stuart Charno and Michael Pangrazio (both 1956 ), Jeff Dawn ( 1958 ), Patrick Owsley ( 1963 ), Massi Furlan ( 1972 ), Shay Astar ( 1981 ), Rachael Stott ( 1989 ), and Jamie Barcelon (unknown year)
  • 30 – Kay Wright ( 1919 ), Roy Sickner ( 1928 ), Antoinette Bower ( 1932 ), Len Cariou ( 1939 ), Toni-Ann Walker ( 1945 ), Teda Bracci ( 1946 ), Michael Wagner ( 1947 ), Simon Hawke ( 1951 ), James Gleason ( 1952 ), Janet Nemecek ( 1954 ), Michele Gerren and Debi A. Monahan (both 1959 ), Bradley Weinholtz ( 1961 ), Chris Eliopoulos ( 1967 ), and Yumarie Morales ( 1986 )
  • Unknown – David Wendler ( 1935 ), Megan Cole ( 1941 ), Alicia Tripi ( 1952 ), Jason Martin ( 1971 ), and Allyn Gibson ( 1973 )

October [ ]

  • 1 – Abraham Sofaer ( 1896 ), Al Cavens ( 1906 ), Pamela Kosh ( 1928 ), Loren Janes ( 1931 ), Tony Epper ( 1938 ), Stephen Collins ( 1947 ), Natalia Nogulich ( 1950 ), William A. Wallace ( 1953 ), Steve Kelso ( 1954 ), Victor Rivers ( 1955 ), David Balcorta , Dave Dorman , and Debbie Mirek (all 1958 ), Elizabeth Dennehy and Lincoln Simonds (both 1960 ), Ron Boyd and Estee Chandler (both 1964 ), Edward J. Franklin and Stephen Welke (both 1965 ), Jay Underwood ( 1968 ), Marcus Young ( 1972 ), Nicholas Lanier ( 1974 ), Darlena Tejeiro ( 1975 ), Edwin Garcia and Trey Murphy (both 1976 ), and Evan English (unknown year)
  • 2 – Charles Drake ( 1917 ), Jean Lisette Aroeste ( 1932 ), David-Troy ( 1933 ), Heather Ettinger ( 1935 ), Steven W. Carabatsos ( 1938 ), Avery Brooks ( 1948 ), Leslie Frankenheimer and Persis Khambatta (both 1950 ), Robert Badami ( 1951 ), Ed Miarecki ( 1953 ), Diane Carey ( 1954 ), Todd Wieland ( 1960 ), Jeff Glenn Bennett ( 1962 ), Bridget Ann White ( 1968 ), Tess Lina ( 1969 ), Michelle Krusiec and Lindsey Stoddart (both 1974 )
  • 3 – William McCarter ( 1892 ), Morgan Farley ( 1898 ), Madlyn Rhue ( 1935 ), Steve Susskind ( 1942 ), Joel Polis ( 1951 ), Allan A. Apone ( 1953 ), Dale Grahn and Dan Swett (both 1954 ), Lamont Laird ( 1957 ), Mark Reilly ( 1963 ), and Daniel DeSanto and Amy Earhart (both 1980 )
  • 4 – Fabien Tordjmann ( 1929 ), Connie Bosmans ( 1932 ), Richard Cronn and Don Rutherford (both 1943 ), Dan Kern ( 1948 ), Tansy Alexander , Cullen Chambers , and Loren Lester (all 1960 ), Drew Renkewitz ( 1964 ), Jennifer Gatti ( 1968 ), Iris Bahr ( 1973 ), Reggie Lee ( 1975 ), Phillip Glasser ( 1978 ), and Rachel Sellan ( 1990 )
  • 5 – John Hoyt ( 1905 ), Vincent DeRosa ( 1920 ), Anthony Giger ( 1923 ), Skip Homeier ( 1930 ), Ron Stein ( 1938 ), Harriet Leider ( 1944 ), Arlee Reed ( 1950 ), Duncan Regehr ( 1952 ), Eric Guaglione ( 1961 ), Adil Hussain ( 1963 ), Sean Smith ( 1967 ), Dana Levenson and Jason Levine (both 1970 ), Shawn Piller ( 1972 ), Antal Kalik ( 1980 ), and Jane Edwina Seymour (unknown year)
  • 6 – Richard A. Kelley ( 1919 ), Ed Long ( 1930 ), Ken Dufva ( 1938 ), Michael Durrell ( 1943 ), John Hostetter ( 1946 ), Leslie Moonves ( 1949 ), David Brin ( 1950 ), Wendy Robie ( 1953 ), Athena Andreadis and John Nyberg (both 1955 ), Bob Brown and Michael Carlin (both 1958 ), Adam Kubert ( 1959 ), Chien Funan ( 1974 ), Joel Steingold ( 1976 ), Paulina Miel ( 1977 ), Emanuela Lupacchino ( 1980 ), Hannah Cheesman ( 1983 ), and Kiara Groulx ( 2005 )
  • 7 – Carol Daniels Dement ( 1935 ), Joe Longo ( 1940 ), J. Larry Carroll ( 1946 ), Lightning Bear ( 1947 ), Diamond Farnsworth ( 1949 ), Howard Chaykin ( 1950 ), Kenneth David Ebling ( 1951 ), Rosalyn Landor ( 1958 ), John Loprieno ( 1960 ), Art Thibert ( 1961 ), Glenn Lumsden ( 1964 ), Mike Boss ( 1970 ), Arlo Hemphill ( 1971 ), Adam Ryen ( 1980 ), Abbas Wahab ( 1991 ), and Lulu Wilson ( 2005 )
  • 8 – Dallas Mitchell ( 1927 ), Lois Jewell ( 1938 ), David Dvorkin ( 1943 ), Wess Roberts ( 1946 ), James Harper ( 1948 ), Brad Greenquist ( 1959 ), Trey Stokes ( 1960 ), Art Nichols ( 1961 ), Shannon Dunn ( 1965 ), Andrew Moodie ( 1967 ), Kara Zediker ( 1969 ), Mike Dalager ( 1971 ), Terryn Westbrook ( 1975 ), Kristanna S. Loken ( 1979 ), Max Chernov ( 1995 ), and Moose Baumann and Todd Bryant (both unknown year)
  • 9 – Jason Wingreen ( 1920 ), Marc Adams ( 1925 ), Mickey S. Michaels ( 1931 ), Gene LeBell ( 1932 ), John Graffeo and Clay Hodges (both 1941 ), Mel Harris and Stephen Mendillo (both 1942 ), Lorna Raver ( 1943 ), Don Pugsley ( 1947 ), Gary Frank ( 1950 ), Richard Chaves ( 1951 ), Barbara March and Marvin V. Rush (both 1953 ), Scott Bakula ( 1954 ), Penny L. Juday and Mike Nasser (both 1955 ), Jim Starlin ( 1959 ), Ellen Wheeler ( 1961 ), James Calvert ( 1967 ), Ninno DePatrick ( 1968 ), Gary Frank ( 1969 ), Jamie Soricelli ( 1978 ), Melissa Villasenor ( 1987 ), and Andreas Apergis (unknown year)
  • 10 – La Verne Harding ( 1905 ), Max Ehrlich ( 1909 ), Janos Prohaska ( 1919 ), Buddy Bowles ( 1928 ), Richard C. Datin, Jr. ( 1929 ), Ralph Moratz ( 1931 ), Ron Feinberg ( 1932 ), Peter White ( 1937 ), Ben Vereen ( 1946 ), J.T. Botka ( 1952 ), Alan Echeverria ( 1953 ), David Lodge ( 1957 ), Bruce Bohne ( 1958 ), Bonita Friedericy ( 1961 ), Michael Owen ( 1964 ), Michael Giacchino ( 1967 ), Sean Tretta ( 1976 ), Reuel Kim ( 1980 ), John Christian Graas ( 1982 ), Linda Kessler ( 1984 ), and Krista Deady ( 1989 )
  • 11 – John Kingsbridge ( 1920 ), Barbara Minster ( 1940 ), Sharman DiVono ( 1949 ), Michael Copeman and William R. Forstchen (both 1950 ), Tim Trella ( 1961 ), Gerald Quist ( 1965 ), John S. Scott ( 1966 ), and Justin Lin ( 1971 )
  • 12 – Lloyd A. Buswell ( 1942 ), Michael Bofshever ( 1950 ), Darryl Anka ( 1951 ), J. Suzanne Rampe ( 1963 ), Dan Abnett ( 1965 ), Todd Babcock ( 1969 ), Aron Eli Coleite ( 1974 ), Ito Aghayere ( 1988 ), and Anna Claire Beitel ( 2010 )
  • 13 – Casey Onaitis ( 1910 ), Buzz Barbee ( 1913 ), Meyer Dolinsky ( 1923 ), Paul Kent ( 1930 ), Tom Lay ( 1940 ), Brendan McKane ( 1948 ), Bob Ingersoll ( 1952 ), Dominic Calandra and Melodee M. Spevack (both 1953 ), Margaret Clark ( 1955 ), Hiro Kanagawa and Niel Wray (both 1963 ), Rich Hosek and Matt Walsh (both 1964 ), Morgan H. Margolis ( 1966 ), Aaron Rosenberg ( 1969 ), Patrick Haye and Ben Raab (both 1970 ), Ayesha Mansur Gonsalves ( 1976 ), Zachry Rogers ( 1995 ), and Toni Belafonte (unknown year)
  • 14 – Frank Atienza ( 1935 ), Dyanne Thorne ( 1936 ), Sean G. Griffin ( 1942 ), Buddy Daniels Friedman , David B. Levinson , and David Ruprecht (all 1948 ), Cameron Arnett ( 1960 ), Chris Edrington ( 1961 ), Rob Burman ( 1962 ), Mary Kohnert , Lori Petty , and Michael Stradling (all 1963 ), Robin D. Laws ( 1964 ), Brock Burnett , Henry Farnam , and Jason Rossilli (all 1966 ), Brandon Peterson ( 1969 ), Brandon Karrer ( 1974 ), and Marco Perretta ( 1987 )
  • 15 – Mark Lenard ( 1924 ), Leon Harris ( 1929 ), Ralph Garrett ( 1937 ), Alan Oliney ( 1945 ), Paul Rossilli ( 1948 ), Forest G. Brown ( 1949 ), Jeff Allin ( 1952 ), Anthony Fredrickson ( 1953 ), Connor Freff Cochran ( 1954 ), Renée Jones ( 1958 ), Kellie Flanagan ( 1959 ), Richard Redlefsen ( 1967 ), Judith Jones ( 1970 ), Tiffany Abney ( 1984 ), and Josh Moreno ( 1994 )
  • 16 – David Armstrong ( 1924 ), Dianne Wager ( 1937 ), Patricia McNulty and Steve Whittaker (both 1942 ), John Boyer ( 1945 ), Joseph Naradzay ( 1946 ), Guy Siner ( 1947 ), Kimberly Farr , Michael Lovern , and Harry Wowchuk (all 1948 ), Daniel Gerroll ( 1951 ), Ron Taylor ( 1952 ), Larry Corbett and Jeff McCarthy (both 1954 ), Steve Danton ( 1956 ), Perri Sorel ( 1957 ), Caitlin McKenna ( 1964 ), Mary Elizabeth McGlynn ( 1966 ), Todd Stashwick ( 1968 ), Robert Hoffmeister ( 1969 ), Molly Brink ( 1970 ), Aaron C. Fitzgerald ( 1978 ), Mark Englert ( 1979 ), Hassan Nicholas ( 1983 ), and Selkie Hom and Jahvonte Morrison (both unknown year)
  • 17 – Marsha Hunt ( 1917 ), Alan Bergmann ( 1927 ), Sabrina Scharf ( 1943 ), Thomas Kopache ( 1945 ), Michael McKean ( 1947 ), Damara Reilly ( 1951 ), Mae Jemison ( 1956 ), Rob Mars and Michael Moutsatsos (both 1960 ), Lucy Rizo ( 1961 ), Peter Greenwood ( 1962 ), Shauna O'Brien ( 1970 ), Blues Saraceno ( 1971 ), Carrie A.F. Carnevale ( 1974 ), Justin Shenkarow ( 1980 ), Brittany Boddington ( 1985 ), and E. Nova Zatzman ( 1986 )
  • 18 – Barbara Baldavin ( 1938 ), Karlotta Nelson ( 1942 ), Herschel Sparber ( 1943 ), Katherine Kurtz ( 1944 ), Mark La Mura ( 1948 ), Kev Sutherland and Mary Scott-Wiecek (both 1961 ), Steve Epting ( 1963 ), Brennan Dyson and Anthony Guidera (both 1964 ), Rachel Pinnock ( 1969 ), K.C. Amos ( 1970 ), Tamara Lee Krinsky ( 1972 ), Jermain Hollman ( 1980 ), and Amanda Chamberlin and Steve Epting (both unknown year)
  • 19 – Lou Scheimer ( 1928 ), Kenneth Washington ( 1936 ), Gene Cross ( 1943 ), Dave Mallow ( 1948 ), Ralph Brannen ( 1951 ), Barbara Williams ( 1953 ), Kim Washington ( 1957 ), Mike Manley ( 1961 ), Pam Pruitt-McGeary ( 1963 ), Roger Cross ( 1966 ), Vanessa Marshall ( 1969 ), Lili Malkin ( 1971 ), Brian Avery ( 1973 ), Jessi Fisher ( 1979 ), Gillian Jacobs ( 1982 ), and Krista Bell and Ali Momen (both unknown year)
  • 20 – John Anderson ( 1922 ), Ralph Maurer ( 1933 ), Michael Dunn ( 1934 ), Robert Costanzo ( 1942 ), Kenny Studer ( 1943 , Daamen Krall ( 1951 ), David F. Tepool ( 1954 ), Peter Morwood ( 1956 ), Benjamin Livingston and Chris Wozniak (both 1964 ), David Grafe ( 1966 ), Daniel Stewart ( 1967 ), Eric Spencer Kagan and Rick H. Olavarria (both 1972 ), Sunil Malhotra ( 1975 ), Sam Witwer ( 1977 ) and Jason Deline (unknown year)
  • 21 – Joseph Mullendore ( 1914 ), Georgia Brown ( 1933 ), Julie Parrish ( 1940 ), Woody Bosco ( 1944 ), Russ Simpson ( 1946 ), Carmen Carter ( 1954 ), Faye Barge ( 1961 ), Tom Morgan ( 1964 ), Tami-Adrian George and Nathan Anderson (both 1969 ), Kareem Stroud ( 1990 ), Amanda Arcuri ( 1997 ), and Tom Morgan (unknown year)
  • 22 – Robert Dawn ( 1921 ), Christopher Lloyd ( 1938 ), Sheila Leighton ( 1940 ), Faith Burton ( 1941 ), Catherine Coulson ( 1943 ), Richard McGonagle ( 1946 ), Christopher Curry ( 1948 ), Bruce Dobos ( 1950 ), Dan Kelpine ( 1952 ), Kitty Swink ( 1954 ), Dafydd ab Hugh ( 1960 ), Jeff Khachadoorian and Stuart Nixon (both 1963 ), Elle Alexander ( 1965 ), Larissa Laskin and Brenda-Jean Wright (both 1967 ), David Chattam ( 1968 ), Christopher Aguilar ( 1984 ), and Elle Alexander and Rey Gallegos (both unknown year)
  • 23 – James Daly ( 1918 ), Bruce Mars ( 1935 ), Albert Stratton ( 1937 ), Mel Winkler ( 1941 ), Shirley Dollé ( 1942 ), James Mapes ( 1945 ), David Campagna ( 1946 ), Craig Reed ( 1949 ), Ira Steven Behr ( 1953 ), Adam Schneider ( 1954 ), Joe Maruzzo ( 1956 ), Andrew Hill Newman ( 1959 ), Randy Pausch ( 1960 ), David Sobolov and John Van Citters (both 1964 ), Joshua Fardon ( 1965 ), Michael Westmore, Jr. ( 1966 ), Gary Erskine ( 1968 ), Jeromy Cox ( 1970 ), Doug Mirabello ( 1976 ), Olatunde Osunsanmi ( 1977 ), Matt and Mike Perfetuo ( 1981 ), Bradley Pierce ( 1982 ), and Joshua Croughwell ( 1989 )
  • 24 – Murray Golden ( 1912 ), John Winston ( 1927 ), Ron Veto ( 1933 ), F. Murray Abraham ( 1939 ), Barbara Webber ( 1940 ), Biff Yeager ( 1942 ), John Bettis ( 1946 ), James Whitmore, Jr. ( 1948 ), Karen Austin and Wendy Neuss (both 1954 ), Charley Lang ( 1955 ), Erich Anderson ( 1956 ), John Kassir ( 1957 ), Scott MacDonald ( 1959 ), Jeff Pittarelli and John Thaddeus (both 1960 ), T.L. Mancour ( 1962 ), Conrad Pla ( 1966 ), Kevin Somers ( 1970 ), and Michael Twombly ( 1979 )
  • 25 – Viola Stimpson ( 1906 ), Whit Bissell ( 1909 ), Peter Dennis ( 1933 ), Elkanah J. Burns and Jubin K (both 1942 ), Terry James ( 1949 ), Max Freeman , Layla Sarakalo , and Mark L. Taylor (all 1950 ), Frankie Garbutt ( 1953 ), Steve Montano ( 1954 ), Gerald Gurian ( 1961 ), Bruce Barlow and John Gregory Betancourt (both 1963 ), Kevin Michael Richardson ( 1964 ), Jonathan H. Dixon ( 1965 ), Daniel Ebuehi and Krista Jang (both unknown year)
  • 26 – Kaem Wong ( 1908 ), Ed Reimers ( 1912 ), K.L. Smith ( 1922 ), Robert Langridge ( 1933 ), Mike Gray ( 1935 ), Rudolph Willrich ( 1940 ), David Quashnick ( 1946 ), Glynis Oliver ( 1949 ), Dan Gilvezan ( 1950 ), Earl Maddox ( 1957 ), Mike Elizalde ( 1960 ), Victor A. Haddox ( 1961 ), Jack Morelli ( 1962 ), Jennifer Gundy ( 1965 ), A.J. Raitano ( 1967 ), Jeffrey Kalmus ( 1968 ), Terry Dodson ( 1970 ), Anthony Rapp ( 1971 ), Aaron Haye and Seth MacFarlane (both 1973 ), Lennon Parham ( 1976 ), Sunny Hawks ( 1978 ), and Mirco Pierfederici ( 1982 ), and Jayne Dineo and Demi Oliver (both unknown year)
  • 27 – Herschel Daugherty ( 1910 ), Samuel Matlovsky ( 1921 ), Steve Sandor ( 1937 ), Tom Jackson ( 1948 ), Greg Gault ( 1949 ), James L. Conway ( 1950 ), Robert Picardo ( 1953 ), Jan Duursema ( 1954 ), Michael Shamus Wiles ( 1955 ), Michael Echols ( 1956 ), Marty Brenneis ( 1958 ), Brad Strickland ( 1965 ), Marnie Martin ( 1973 ), Elias Toufexis ( 1975 ), and Erik Zimmermann ( 1976 )
  • 28 – Jack Murdock ( 1922 ), Cary Bates ( 1948 ), Steven Lambert ( 1954 ), Simon Rhee ( 1957 ), David Niall Wilson ( 1958 ), Jim Stubblefield and Robert Hewitt Wolfe (both 1964 ), Greg Eagles ( 1965 ), Andy Richter and Scott Schneider (both 1966 ), Karl Story ( 1967 ), Bruce Sears ( 1971 ), Pablo Raimondi ( 1972 ), Wednesday Mourning ( 1978 ), David Narloch ( 1979 ), Jasmine Anthony ( 1996 ), and Shawn Lee (unknown year)
  • 29 – Fredric Brown ( 1906 ), Ben Gage ( 1914 ), Lee Halpern ( 1916 ), Lily LaCava ( 1923 ), Jack Donner ( 1928 ), Melora Harte ( 1943 ), Scott Jaeck ( 1954 ), Scott Thomson ( 1957 ), Michael Bailous ( 1958 ), Andrea Brown ( 1962 ), Mark A. Altman ( 1966 ), Henriette Ivanans ( 1968 ), Winona Ryder ( 1971 ), Obi Ndefo and Gabrielle Union (both 1972 ), Bill Tortolini ( 1974 ), Magdalena Gorka ( 1977 ), and Carla Guerrier (unknown year)
  • 30 – Allen Pinson ( 1916 ), William Campbell ( 1923 ), Hamilton Camp ( 1934 ), Ed Lauter ( 1938 ), J. Patrick McNamara and Newell Tarrant (both 1942 ), Leon Rippy ( 1949 ), Ease Owyeung ( 1952 ), John Marzilli ( 1957 ), Kim Fitzgerald ( 1964 ), J. Paul Boehmer and Russell Yuen (both 1965 ), Stewart W. Lew ( 1967 ), Billy Brown ( 1970 ), Kemp Powers ( 1973 ), Aaron Haedt ( 1974 ), Jeremy Raymond ( 1982 ), and Xavier Truesdell ( 1985 )
  • 31 – Tiger Shapiro ( 1904 ), Jack Hunsaker ( 1923 ), Thomas Warkentin ( 1935 ), David Ogden Stiers ( 1942 ), Gregory Jein ( 1945 ), John Cothran, Jr. ( 1947 ), Beat Frutiger ( 1951 ), Maryann Plunkett ( 1952 ), Michael John Anderson and Lisa Chess (both 1953 ), Charles Geschwind and Julious Keys (both 1957 ), Brad Zerbst ( 1958 ), Gregory Hinton ( 1960 ), Deborah Sale ( 1964 ), Peter Godoy ( 1966 ), Rob DeBorde and Tabby Hanson (both 1968 ), David Coburn and Cam Smith (both 1969 ), Nolan North ( 1970 ), Cricket Yee ( 1971 ), Matthew Wolf ( 1972 ), Jamison Yang ( 1976 ), Keegan de Lancie ( 1984 ), Kether Donohue ( 1985 ), and Davy Perez (unknown year)
  • Unknown – Wanda Norman ( 1939 ), Larry DeRussy ( 1943 ), Alan McElroy ( 1960 ), Johanna McCloy ( 1964 ), and Andre Zietsman ( 1967 )

November [ ]

  • 1 – Barbara Bosson ( 1939 ), Robert Foxworth ( 1941 ), Michael Fleisher and Michael Zaslow (both 1942 ), Karen Hensel ( 1948 ), Kevin Brophy ( 1953 ), Mark O. Forker ( 1955 ), Geoffrey Mutch , and Hélène Udy (all 1962 ), George Cambio ( 1966 ), Yumi Mizui ( 1969 ), Paul Eliopoulos ( 1971 ), Zander Cannon ( 1972 ), Nao Hosaka and Chad Lindberg (both 1976 ), Chris Fabregas ( 1979 ), Shannon Hazlett ( 1980 ), Zach Cherry ( 1987 ), Jake Foy ( 1990 ), and Maximillian Orion Kesmodel ( 1996 )
  • 2 – Ray Walston ( 1914 ), Warren Stevens ( 1919 ), Robert Gentile ( 1938 ), Arell Blanton ( 1943 ), David Andrews ( 1952 ), Michael Bailey Smith ( 1957 ), Billy Simpson ( 1963 ), John Watson ( 1971 ), Erika Flores ( 1979 ), Elizabeth Magness ( 1980 ), Paul K. Daniel ( 1981 ), and Warren Scherer ( 1990 )
  • 3 – Bernie Abramson ( 1923 ), Lisabeth Hush ( 1934 ), Murphy Wiltz ( 1935 ), Robert King ( 1944 ), Michael Champion ( 1946 ), Chuck Poynter ( 1948 ), Susie Stillwell ( 1951 ), Jim Cummings ( 1952 ), Barry R. Koper ( 1954 ), Norman Ludwin and David Ross (both 1956 ), Tom Grindberg ( 1961 ), Marjean Holden ( 1964 ), Jeffrey Eith ( 1965 ), Aaron Sowd ( 1970 ), Stephanie Czajkowski ( 1973 ), Jason Baldwin Stewart ( 1974 ), Mark Wagner ( 1975 ), and Morgan Peters ( 1993 )
  • 4 – Ian Wolfe ( 1896 ), Pete Kellett ( 1922 ), Larry Bunker ( 1928 ), Laurence N. Wolfe ( 1929 ), Junero Jennings ( 1941 ), Irene Tsu ( 1943 ), Ursaline Bryant and Jerry Fleck (both 1947 ), Momo Yashima ( 1948 ), John Vickery and David Cody Weiss (both 1950 ), Terry Ahern and Steven McEveety (both 1954 ), Gary Hutzel and Mike Washlake (both 1955 ), Ivy Borg ( 1956 ), Jeff Cadiente ( 1964 ), Samantha Smith ( 1969 ), Joseph Will ( 1970 ), Tyson Wengler ( 1972 ), Alex R. White ( 1981 ), Gianluigi Gregorini ( 1983 ), Sarah Booth ( 1986 ), and Adam Winlove-Smith (unknown year)
  • 5 – Fred Carson ( 1923 ), Robert Fortier ( 1926 ), Jan Shutan ( 1932 ), Mary Statler ( 1936 ), Harris Yulin ( 1937 ), James Sherman ( 1948 ), Armin Shimerman ( 1949 ), Steven Baum ( 1951 ), Kelley Miles ( 1952 ), Howard McGillin ( 1953 ), Wendy Davies ( 1954 ), Andy Gill ( 1956 ), Christy Cotton and Davy Nethercutt (both 1957 ), Phil Farrand , Arlene Fukai , and Kathy Oltion (all 1958 ), Eric Menyuk ( 1959 ), Ian Spelling ( 1964 ), Famke Janssen ( 1965 ), Rusty Mahmood ( 1966 ), David Mattey ( 1969 ), Hank Harris and Leonardo Nam (both 1979 ), and Paula Andrea Placido (unknown year)
  • 6 – Edwin Rochelle ( 1906 ), Dick Cherney ( 1914 ), Joseph Paz ( 1923 ), Carolyn Seymour ( 1947 ), Chris Evans ( 1954 ), Brad Dechter and Holiday Freeman (both 1956 ), Cam Clarke ( 1957 ), Wayne Thomas Yorke ( 1961 ), Jon Bruegl ( 1965 ), Cullen Douglas ( 1967 ), Vidal Peterson ( 1968 ), Thompson Knox , Rebecca Romijn , and Ator Tamras (all 1972 ), Zoe McLellan ( 1974 ), Jared Patrick Cox ( 1976 ), Elana Livneh Lessem ( 1977 ), Lisa Berry and Sufe M. Bradshaw (both 1979 ), Daniel D. Lee ( 1981 ), Andrew Kramer ( 1984 ), and Harrison Grant ( 1989 )
  • 7 – Bob Carlson ( 1906 ), Dakin Matthews ( 1940 ), Julian Christopher ( 1944 ), Earl Boen ( 1945 ), Alan J. Adler ( 1948 ), Bennet Guillory ( 1949 ), Gwynyth Walsh ( 1956 ), Michael Olague ( 1959 ), Tiffani LoBue , Michael Papajohn , and Garret Sato (all 1964 ), Thomas E. Surprenant ( 1966 ), Carl Steven ( 1974 ), Mary Chieffo ( 1992 ), and Bessie Cheng and Brit Manor (both unknown year)
  • 8 – Norman Lloyd ( 1914 ), Nicholas Kepros ( 1932 ), Irene Sale ( 1938 ), Janet Dey ( 1940 ), David Doty ( 1946 ), William Thomas, Jr. ( 1947 ), Yolanda Toussieng ( 1948 ), Alfre Woodard ( 1952 ), Don McManus ( 1959 ), Megan Cavanagh ( 1960 ), Scott Alan Smith ( 1961 ), Jason Matthew Smith ( 1972 ), Oscar Camacho and Jessica Lowe (both 1988 ), and Maya Macatumpag ( 1993 )
  • 9 – Paul Fennell ( 1909 ), Thelma Lee ( 1916 ), Cliff Bole ( 1937 ), Winrich Kolbe and Mario Roccuzzo (both 1940 ), Herbert J. Wright ( 1946 ), John Megna ( 1952 ), Mark Wilson ( 1957 ), Molly Brandenburg ( 1959 ), Steve Price ( 1960 ), Dana Hee ( 1961 ), Eric A. Stillwell ( 1962 ), Sal Butera ( 1963 ), Robert Duncan McNeill ( 1964 ), Marianne Lewis ( 1965 ), Christal Chacon , Lori Lively , and Paul Ozzimo (all 1966 ), Baxter Earp and Brian Oerly (both 1968 ), Kelsey Shannon ( 1975 ), Charlie Newhart ( 1977 ), Scottie Thompson ( 1981 ), and Shawna Engert ( 1990 )
  • 10 – Franz Bachelin ( 1895 ), Jim Michael ( 1932 ), Ed Charnock and Albert Hall (both 1937 ), Vincent Schiavelli ( 1948 ), Lane Leavitt and Dean Wesley Smith (both 1950 ), Ken Hooper ( 1959 ), Keith Sutherland ( 1962 ), Athena Massey ( 1967 ), Michael McAdam ( 1970 ), Bevin Kaye ( 1974 ), and Candace and Nicole Villwock (both 1992 )
  • 11 – Mack Reynolds ( 1917 ), Kellam de Forest ( 1926 ), Larry Anthony ( 1937 ), Dave Cockrum ( 1943 ), Michael Childers ( 1944 ), Ed Trotta ( 1950 ), Harley Venton ( 1953 ), Rachen Assapiomonwait and Ken LaZebnik (both 1954 ), Stephen Lee ( 1955 ), Bryant Burnett ( 1957 ), Michael Kehoe and Carlos LaCamara (both 1958 ), Peter Parros ( 1960 ), Ben Bray ( 1968 ), Gil Rosales ( 1969 ), Luke Freeborn ( 1973 ), Dwain Murphy ( 1985 ), and Sam Klatman ( 1988 )
  • 12 – Ernie Anderson ( 1923 ), Mark Russell ( 1933 ), Howard S. Deane ( 1938 ), Wallace Shawn ( 1943 ), Warren Tabata ( 1948 ), Francesco Francavilla and Deborah Strang (both 1950 ), Max Grodénchik ( 1952 ), Carl Ciarfalio ( 1953 ), Raul Reformina ( 1955 ), Rhonda Aldrich ( 1956 ), Karen Rose Cercone and Keith Rayve (both 1957 ), Jennifer Watson ( 1960 ), Bernie Dresel , Michael Glover , and Karen Sheperd (all 1961 ), Alexis ("Lex") Lang ( 1965 ), Rebecca Wisocky ( 1971 ), and Heather Lauren Olson ( 1982 )
  • 13 – Ed Bakey ( 1925 ), Hal Lynch ( 1927 ), James Daris ( 1933 ), William Bastiani ( 1952 ), Tracy Scoggins ( 1953 ), Whoopi Goldberg ( 1955 ), Alan Cross ( 1960 ), Tommie Earl Jenkins ( 1965 ), Dennis Keiffer ( 1967 ), Margot Muraszkiewicz ( 1972 ), Aisha Hinds ( 1975 ), Morgan Eliza Hill ( 1981 ), Sonja Wajih ( 1985 ), and Gattlin Griffith ( 1998 )
  • 14 – Arthur Tovey ( 1904 ), Brian Keith ( 1921 ), Alberto Giolitti ( 1923 ), Jim Burk and Vince Cadiente (both 1932 ), Ted Sorel ( 1936 ), Bill Bolender ( 1940 ), Rick Scarry ( 1942 ), Jeri McBride ( 1948 ), Linda DeScenna and Kim Friedman (both 1949 ), Beth Meacham ( 1951 ), Thomas Blackshear and Bill Traetta (both 1955 ), Greg Cantrell and Annette Helde (both 1956 ), Amanda Winn Lee ( 1972 ), Dana Snyder ( 1973 ), Chris Demetral ( 1976 ), Katelyn Brooke ( 1985 ), Mason Gooding ( 1996 ), and Jen McGowan and Daniel Stevens (both unknown year)
  • 15 – Bob Mascagno ( 1919 ), Richard H. Kline ( 1926 ), Blaisdel Makee ( 1931 ), Morris Chapnick ( 1932 ), Mike Hazy ( 1934 ), Thalmus Rasulala ( 1939 ), Ruth Berman ( 1942 ), Bob Gunton ( 1945 ), Margaret Reed ( 1956 ), Crescenzo Notarile and Lauren Polizzi (both 1958 ), Jay Harrington and Scott Allen Rinker (both 1971 ), Armen V. Kevorkian ( 1972 ), J.C. Brandy ( 1975 ), Jason Vaughn ( 1977 ), and Justin Nickels ( 1982 )
  • 16 – Richard Hale ( 1892 ), Ellen Albertini Dow ( 1913 ), Robert Butler ( 1927 ), Mary-Linda Rapelye ( 1944 ), Harry Wowchuck ( 1948 ), Briana Lane ( 1953 ), Dan Shor and Tom Smith (both 1956 ), Robert Maverick ( 1959 ), Frances Praksti and Christopher Rydell (both 1963 ), Christine Harnos and James Parks (both 1968 ), Tara Rosling ( 1970 ), Valarie Ianniello ( 1971 ), Missi Pyle ( 1972 ), Thom Williams ( 1973 ), Matthew Corey ( 1974 ), and Nicko Giannakos (unknown year)
  • 17 – Bart Conrad ( 1912 ), Chester Hayes ( 1913 ), Austen Jewell ( 1915 ), Robert Brown ( 1926 ), John Arndt ( 1928 ), Nedra Rosemond ( 1938 ), Donna Garrett ( 1942 ), Sebastian Milito ( 1943 ), Francis Guinan , Stephen Root , and Greg R. Stone (all 1951 ), Rebecca Moesta ( 1956 ), Jeff Bond and Jim Palladino (both 1960 ), Adam Howard ( 1962 ), and Brian T. Delaney ( 1976 )
  • 18 – Jim Portnoy ( 1936 ), Alan Dean Foster and Maggie Thrett (both 1946 ), Eric Pierpoint ( 1950 ), Bob Smith ( 1951 ), Michael Backauskas ( 1953 ), Jimmy Ortega ( 1957 ), Julie A. Hyzy ( 1959 ), Rich Fulcher ( 1968 ), Georgia King ( 1986 ), Phumzile Sitole ( 1989 ), and Jim Annan (unknown year)
  • 19 – Tony Roque ( 1941 ), Robert Beltran and Tom Villard (both 1953 ), Louisa M. Swann ( 1955 ), Joel Goldsmith and Tom Virtue (both 1957 ), Scott McGinnis and T.C. Carson (both 1958 ), Dorothy Ching-Davis , Daphney Dameraux , Brian Demonbreun , Dana Dru Evenson , and Steve Lightle (all 1959 ), Allan Dean Moore ( 1960 ), Terry Farrell and Chris Gleason (both 1963 ), Nicole Forester ( 1972 ), Antonio Elias ( 1982 ), Emily Bartlett ( 1983 ), and Kyle Kass and Patrick Kwok-Choon (both 1988 )
  • 20 – Darrell Anderson ( 1921 ), Stan Robertson ( 1925 ), Jerry Hardin ( 1929 ), William Ware Theiss ( 1931 ), Tom Bentley ( 1936 ), Ron Walters ( 1938 ), Meredith Monk ( 1942 ), Tony Meininger and Andrea Weaver (both 1944 ), Kimble Jemison , Ned Vaughn , and Philippe Vonlanthen (all 1964 ), Jeff Ricketts ( 1965 ), Christopher Leps ( 1971 ), Sunny Gorg ( 1972 ), and Pam DeMarche (unknown year)
  • 21 – Joseph Campanella ( 1924 ), Mike Reynolds ( 1929 ), Michael Witney ( 1931 ), Lou Elias ( 1933 ), Laurence Luckinbill ( 1934 ), Michael Cavanaugh ( 1942 ), Tiny Ron ( 1947 ), Warren A. Stevens ( 1948 ), Greg Theakston and Kelvin Tsao (both 1953 ), Brian McNamara and Parker McPhinney (both 1960 ), Christie Golden and Andy Lanning (both 1963 ), Deborah Kampmeier and Stefan Sonnenfeld (both 1964 ), Chris Chuckry and Alexander Siddig (both 1965 ), Macarena Bianchi ( 1973 ), Mousa Hussein Kraish and Jimmi Simpson (both 1975 ), David Tristan Birkin ( 1977 ), Lindsey Haun ( 1984 ), and Brendan Jeffers (unknown year)
  • 22 – Nicole Bukky , Brian Chin , and David Wenzel (all 1950 ), Greg Agalsoff ( 1952 ), Kim Yale ( 1953 ), Marc Cushman and Craig Huxley (both 1954 ), Richard Kind and Ron Randall (both 1956 ), Susan Fallender ( 1957 ), Eddie Frierson ( 1959 ), Tina Morlock ( 1961 ), Sidney Liufau ( 1963 ), John Stanisci ( 1968 ), and Claire Qute ( 2004 )
  • 23 – Boris Karloff ( 1887 ), John Newland ( 1917 ), Robert Easton ( 1930 ), Charles Beck ( 1937 ), Donna Barrett Gilbert ( 1945 ), David Rappaport ( 1951 ), Chris Cote ( 1952 ), Gary Faga and Carl Gafford (both 1953 ), Randy D. Thornton ( 1955 ), Monty Rex Perlin ( 1956 ), Dendrie Taylor ( 1960 ), Eddie Braun ( 1961 ), J.C. Stevens ( 1964 ), Salli Elise Richardson ( 1967 ), Cole Chipman ( 1968 ), Oded Fehr ( 1970 ), Jake Michaels ( 1981 ), and Thomas Forbes-Johnson (unknown year)
  • 24 – Elliot Schick ( 1924 ), Rolando Oliva ( 1936 ), Sally Stevens ( 1939 ), Alan Gibbs ( 1940 ), Dwight Schultz ( 1947 ), John Alvin ( 1948 ), Gunter Ziegler ( 1949 ), Eugene P. Rizzardi ( 1952 ), Henry Woronicz ( 1954 ), Steven Anderson ( 1955 ), Randy Lowell ( 1956 ), Joe Chess and Denise Crosby (both 1957 ), Dave Stern ( 1958 ), Debra Lamb Bailleaux ( 1963 ), Russell Watson ( 1966 ), Brandon Molale ( 1971 ), David Lombardi ( 1973 ), Shaun Kyser ( 1984 ), and Rosie Simon ( 1987 )
  • 25 – Ricardo Montalban ( 1920 ), Jeffrey Hunter ( 1926 ), Beverly Washburn ( 1943 ), Bob Ringwood ( 1946 ), John Larroquette and Tracey Walter (both 1947 ), Gelbert Coloma and Tony Daniel (both 1963 ), Billy Burke ( 1966 ), Jim Martin ( 1967 ), Ruth Yasharpour ( 1969 ), Kenneth Mitchell ( 1974 ), and Melissa Paulo ( 1985 )
  • 26 – Sam Bagley ( 1902 ), Rhodie Cogan ( 1906 ), Mark Margolis ( 1939 ), Biff Manard ( 1943 ), Daniel Davis ( 1945 ), Leonard Mlodinow ( 1954 ), Kristin Bauer and Dan Sachoff (both 1966 ), Craig Asato ( 1967 ), Jason Zimmerman ( 1975 ), Angel Manuel ( 1981 ), Paul Riley Fox ( 1984 ), Swati Kapila ( 1985 ), and Sara Mitich ( 1990 )
  • 27 – Joe Geletko ( 1934 ), Stewart Moss ( 1937 ), Tom Morga ( 1941 ), Barbara Anderson and James Avery (both 1945 ), Gerrit Graham ( 1949 ), John Lendale Bennett , Melinda M. Snodgrass , and Joy Zapata (all 1951 ), Daniel Wong ( 1952 ), Patricia McPherson ( 1954 ), Louisa V. Anthony ( 1957 ), Rico McClinton ( 1966 ), Kirk Acevedo ( 1971 ), Dayo Ade and Kendra Munger (both 1972 ), Alec Newman ( 1974 ), Steven Klein ( 1975 ), Joshua Harris ( 1978 ), and Alison Pill ( 1985 )
  • 28 – Jane Crowley ( 1888 ), Max Wagner ( 1901 ), Jimmie Booth and Herb Wallerstein (both 1925 ), Donald R. Pike ( 1929 ), William Sargent ( 1930 ), Thomas R. Burman and Jean Lorrah (both 1940 ), Karen Montgomery ( 1949 ), Shelley Eiber ( 1951 ), Jeffrey Byron and Leo Garcia ( 1955 ), Albert Deschesne and Rif Hutton (both 1962 ), Sterling Macer, Jr. ( 1963 ), Samara Hagopian ( 1968 ), Mina Badie ( 1970 ), Menina Fortunato ( 1980 ), and Scarlett Pomers ( 1988 )
  • 29 – Don Eitner ( 1934 ), Nathan Jung ( 1946 ), Neal Kaz ( 1947 ), Tom Wright ( 1952 ), Kerry McCluggage ( 1954 ), Yvonne Suhor ( 1961 ), Ursula Burton ( 1966 ), Christine Artecona ( 1969 ), Marc Bernardin ( 1971 ), Eric Bruno ( 1975 ), David Baronoff ( 1976 ), Christina Weathersby ( 1977 ), and Kimberly Cullum ( 1981 )
  • 30 – Sherman Labby ( 1929 ), Jack Sheldon ( 1931 ), Warren Munson ( 1933 ), Dino Ganziano ( 1938 ), Virginia Kearns ( 1939 ), Josée Normand ( 1945 ), Jim Krestalude and Adele Yoshioka (both 1946 ), Stuart Baird and Jude Ciccolella (both 1947 ), Deborah Downey ( 1949 ), Chris Claremont ( 1950 ), June Chadwick and Jean-Claude St. Aubin (both 1951 ), Keith Giffen ( 1952 ), Chip Heller ( 1954 ), Mike Brislane ( 1956 ), Geoff Brewer ( 1958 ), Jim Amash ( 1960 ), Frank Military ( 1961 ), Daniel Keys Moran and Mark Deakins (both 1962 ), Fumiko Hamada ( 1963 ), Michelle Johnston ( 1964 ), Anthony Vitale ( 1965 ), Larry Stachowiak ( 1966 ), Brian Hite ( 1973 ), Tom Nguyen ( 1976 ), Zachary Benjamin ( 1982 ), Lydia Wilson ( 1984 ), and Barbara Mamabolo ( 1985 )
  • Unknown – Manny Perry ( 1948 ), Kim Braden ( 1949 ), Mark Lentry and Janet Lee Orcutt (both 1956 ), and Alex Spencer ( 1986 )

December [ ]

  • 1 – Eddie Smith and Nevio Zeccara (both 1924 ), James Greene and Robert Symonds (both 1926 ), Malachi Throne ( 1928 ), Syd Dutton ( 1944 ), Rob Bloch ( 1946 ), Bobby Burns ( 1952 ), Kelly A. Manners and Mark Thompson (both 1955 ), John Babcock ( 1963 ), Chris Renaud ( 1966 ), Stephen Blackehart and Terry Virts (both 1967 ), Dave Blass ( 1968 ), Dave Galanter ( 1969 ), Golden Brooks and Sarah Silverman (both 1970 ), Elena-Melanie Fabri ( 1971 ), Jesse Littlejohn ( 1986 ), Jimmy Chhiu ( 1989 ), Ella McKenzie ( 2008 ), and Ivonne Perez (unknown year)
  • 2 – Jerry Sohl ( 1913 ), Bill Erwin ( 1914 ), Henry Kingi, Sr. ( 1943 ), Connie Danese ( 1949 ), Keith Szarabajka ( 1952 ), Dan Butler and Bob Stillman (both 1954 ), Dennis Christopher ( 1955 ), John Gross ( 1961 ), Dan Gauthier ( 1963 ), Andy Mangels ( 1966 ), Alex Sinclair ( 1968 ), Steve DeRelian ( 1969 ), Eduardo Roman ( 1972 ), Michael Boisvert ( 1973 ), André Dae Kim ( 1996 ), and Moses Nyarko and Vanessa Smythe (both unknown year)
  • 3 – Leif Johannesen ( 1932 ), Nicolas Coster ( 1934 ), Shelly Desai ( 1935 ), Eugene Clark ( 1951 ), Grant Rosenberg and John Warner (both 1952 ), Steven Culp ( 1955 ), Michael Gough ( 1956 ), Kelli Dawn Hancock and Erica Samuel (both 1971 ), Joseph Gatt ( 1974 ), Baron Jay ( 1976 ), and Brian Bonsall ( 1981 )
  • 4 – Ned Romero ( 1926 ), Al Fleming ( 1941 ), Bernadette Pelletier ( 1945 ), David B. Nowell ( 1948 ), Karen Landry ( 1950 ), Rick Sawaya ( 1951 ), Beverly Swanson ( 1952 ), Tony Todd ( 1954 ), Nanci Rogers ( 1957 ), Mark Robert Brown ( 1958 ), Lee Spencer ( 1961 ), Chris Schnitzer ( 1964 ), Scott Sava ( 1969 ), and Jin Maley ( 1986 )
  • 5 – Romolo Acquistapace ( 1916 ), Les Pine ( 1917 ), Larry Brody ( 1944 ), Barbara Affonso ( 1947 ), Jim Halty ( 1948 ), Nick Jamison ( 1950 ), Marcy Vosburgh ( 1952 ), Marc Primiani ( 1954 ), Nicholas Jainschigg ( 1961 ), Cliff Eidelman ( 1964 ), Alex Kapp ( 1969 ), Tom Elder-Groebe and Bill Mudron (both 1975 ), Austin Bonang ( 1982 ), Nami Melumad ( 1988 ), and Samora Smallwood and Christine Youngstrom (both unknown year)
  • 6 – Dick Wood ( 1919 ), Frank Springer ( 1929 ), William Knight ( 1933 ), Kelly Gallant ( 1939 ), Richard Edlund and Clay Pinney (both 1940 ), Richard Rabjohn and Leon Russom (both 1941 ), Joyce McNeal ( 1946 ), Gina Hecht ( 1953 ), Paul Jenkins ( 1965 ), Aaron Albucher , Kimberly Broumand , and Leonard Kirk (all 1966 ), Lucia Rijker ( 1967 ), Kyle Isao ( 1972 ), Quint Strack ( 1973 ), Noel Clarke ( 1975 ), Sean Meldrum ( 1992 ), Jasmine Akakpo ( 1993 ), and David Keith Anderson and Nick Stojanovic (both unknown year)
  • 7 – Paul Power ( 1902 ), Al Bettcher ( 1920 ), Ted Knight ( 1923 ), George O'Hanlon, Jr. ( 1953 ), Mark Rolston ( 1956 ), Lanier Edwards ( 1958 ), Michael Ambrose ( 1962 ), Patrick Fabian and Henry Hayashi (both 1964 ), Curtis Fairchild and Brock Lumarque (both 1966 ), Casey Feldt ( 1977 ), Eric Bauza ( 1979 ), Cory McNeill ( 1981 ), and Darius Montgomery (unknown year)
  • 8 – Victor Lundin ( 1929 ), Valora Noland ( 1941 ), Steve Hershon ( 1943 ), Clifford Shegog ( 1945 ), John Rubinstein ( 1946 ), Rebecca Neason ( 1954 ), David Cowgill and Jonathan Peterson (both 1960 ), Teri Hatcher ( 1964 ), Estel Eugene Walker ( 1967 ), Vinny Achutha ( 1970 ), Kimberly-Ann Truong ( 1993 ), John Alan Bartlebaugh ( 2000 ), and Rachael Ancheril and Fritz Zimmerman, III (both unknown year)
  • 9 – Andy Epper ( 1943 ), Michael Nouri ( 1945 ), Michael Dorn ( 1952 ), Joe Podnar ( 1953 ), John Paragon and Keith Shiozaki (both 1954 ), George De La Peña ( 1955 ), Greg Cox ( 1959 ), Ron Ostrow ( 1960 ), Joe Lando ( 1961 ), Stacey Abrams ( 1973 ), January LaVoy ( 1975 ), Rene Rosado ( 1991 ), and Catherine Black (unknown year)
  • 10 – Clegg Hoyt ( 1910 ), Hal Baylor and Rik Vollaerts (both 1918 ), Alexander Courage ( 1919 ), Dan Spiegle ( 1920 ), John Colicos ( 1928 ), Ron Kinwald ( 1932 ), Beau Lotterman ( 1940 ), Fionnula Flanagan ( 1941 ), Rafael Gallur ( 1948 ), J.P. Romano ( 1949 ), Francisco X. Perez ( 1951 ), Judy Elkins ( 1953 ), Michael Clarke Duncan ( 1957 ), Pete Turner ( 1958 ), Hilary Shepard Turner ( 1959 ), Pat Romano ( 1962 ), Monica Huppert ( 1964 ), Marc D. Giller ( 1968 ), Yuri Elvin ( 1970 ), Ellen J. Hornstein ( 1971 ), Melissa Roxburgh ( 1992 ), and Richard Chiu (unknown year)
  • 11 – Hector Berlioz ( 1803 ), Betty Matsushita ( 1931 ), Bob Sordal ( 1932 ), Burton Armus ( 1934 ), Rex Holman ( 1935 ), Dave Cadiente ( 1937 ), Terri Garr ( 1944 ), Ken Magee ( 1946 ), Greg Luntzel ( 1956 ), Lisa Morton ( 1958 ), Brian Waller ( 1962 ), Ayelet Waldman ( 1964 ), Terryl Daluz ( 1971 ), Erin Price ( 1974 ), Terry Matalas ( 1975 ), Jasmine Lliteras ( 1979 ), and Liam Hughes ( 2005 )
  • 12 – John Zimeas ( 1920 ), Joseph Bernard ( 1923 ), Michael Keenan ( 1939 ), John Bellah ( 1940 ), George Santo Pietro and Josepha Sherman (both 1946 ), Darleen Carr and Geof Prysirr (both 1950 ), Amanda Carlin ( 1957 ), Kris Zimmerman ( 1958 ), Michael Prokopuk ( 1959 ), Mitchell Danton ( 1962 ), Mädchen Amick ( 1970 ), Chad Valchar ( 1974 ), Claudia Jurt ( 1977 ), Donny Boaz ( 1980 ), Gabrielle Ruiz ( 1984 ), and Theresa St. Clair (unknown year)
  • 13 – Christopher Plummer ( 1929 ), Gary Combs ( 1935 ), Tamara and Starr Wilson (both 1947 ), L.L. Ginter and Wendie Malick (both 1950 ), Paula Moody ( 1951 ), Tom Bookout ( 1953 ), Billy Van Zandt ( 1957 ), Lolita Fatjo ( 1958 ), David A. Goodman ( 1962 ), Gil Ozeri ( 1980 ), and Greg Leach ( 1987 )
  • 14 – John Franklyn-Robbins ( 1924 ), Wes Herschensohn ( 1928 ), Herbert F. Solow ( 1930 ), Phil Hetos ( 1932 ), Frank Babich ( 1933 ), J.A. Lawrence ( 1934 ), Eric Server ( 1944 ), Sheldon Peters Wolfchild ( 1946 ), Vijay Amritraj ( 1953 ), James Horan ( 1954 ), Steven Craig ( 1958 ), Bobby C. King ( 1962 ), Joseph Michael Roth ( 1966 ), Michael Behrens ( 1969 ), Kevin Quattro ( 1973 ), and Byron Abalos ( 1981 )
  • 15 – Gail Bonney ( 1901 ), Ted Scott ( 1913 ), Charles F. Wheeler ( 1915 ), Charles M. Graffeo ( 1939 ), David Bischoff ( 1951 ), Marta Dubois ( 1952 ), J.M. DeMatteis and Howie Seago (both 1953 ), Mark Riccardi and Susan Rossitto (both 1956 ), Steven Bové ( 1957 ), Brett Rickaby ( 1964 ), Garrett Wang ( 1968 ), Kristen Rakes ( 1982 ), and Donna Burns (unknown year)
  • 16 – Leo Shreve ( 1912 ), Dave Hudson ( 1943 ), Charles Dennis ( 1946 ), Ben Cross ( 1947 ), Allan Graf ( 1949 ), N. Datin McDonald ( 1954 ), Dan Dugan ( 1957 ), Richard Kelley ( 1958 ), Melanie Smith ( 1962 ), Paul Scherrer ( 1968 ), Ronnie Rowe Jr. ( 1980 ), Ante Dekovic ( 1981 ), Jaycie Dotin ( 1984 ), and Jodi Jahnke ( 1987 )
  • 17 – Rolland M. Brooks ( 1907 ), Jerry Finnerman ( 1931 ), Angelo Todaro ( 1945 ), Gary F. Bentley ( 1946 ), David Selburg ( 1948 ), Joel Brooks ( 1949 ), Sam Hennings ( 1950 ), John Walter Davis ( 1951 ), Jeanne M. Dillard ( 1954 ), David E. Waters ( 1969 ), Kimber Lee Renay ( 1970 ), Kiante Elam ( 1972 ), Dan Hageman ( 1976 ), Douglas Tait ( 1978 ), Elena Casagrande ( 1983 ), Bjarki Thor Palsson ( 1986 ), Ashley Edner ( 1990 ), and Kimber Lee Renay (unknown year)
  • 18 – Bill Zuckert ( 1915 ), Wes Dawn ( 1938 ), Jack C. Haldeman II ( 1941 ), Carey Foster , Susan Sackett , and Judi Sherven (all 1943 ), Beau Billingslea ( 1944 ), Barron Christian ( 1945 ), Paul Neary ( 1949 ), Jeff Kober ( 1953 ), Max Cervantes ( 1959 ), James Sie ( 1962 ), Jason Mantzoukas ( 1972 ), Valerie Weiss ( 1973 ), Sia Furler ( 1975 ), Reagan Sieg ( 1978 ), and Baron Vaughn ( 1980 )
  • 19 – Gayne Rescher ( 1924 ), Charles Picerni ( 1935 ), Richard Snell ( 1955 ), John Caglione, Jr. ( 1957 ), Lurene Haines ( 1958 ), Marlene Mogavero ( 1963 ), Dan Taylor ( 1967 ), Derek Webster ( 1968 ), Blake Lindsley ( 1973 ), Brian Vowell ( 1975 ), Celina and Kitty Nguyen (both 1989 ), and Kyana Teresa ( 1991 )
  • 20 – Bill Wistrom ( 1935 ), Guy Slater ( 1941 ), Milt Tarver ( 1943 ), Jimmie F. Skaggs ( 1944 ), Michèle Marsh and Lois Tilton (both 1946 ), James Van Hise ( 1949 ), Pam Blackwell ( 1951 ), Dave Simons ( 1954 ), Trina Mortley ( 1961 ), LaFaye Baker ( 1962 ), Pete Leinbach ( 1964 ), Greg Hyman ( 1966 ), Eva Loseth and Eduardo Sánchez (both 1968 ), Nicole de Boer ( 1970 ), Son of Lee ( 1971 ), Shaun Roberts ( 1978 ), Melanie Scrofano ( 1981 ), Zhang Jie ( 1982 ), and Paul Scott (unknown year)
  • 21 – Otto Feuer ( 1907 ), Jean Conan Doyle ( 1912 ), Rudy Solari ( 1934 ), Gary Downey ( 1938 ), Denny Martin Flinn ( 1947 ), Barry Gordon and Raymond Singer (both 1948 ), Joe Viskocil ( 1952 ), Deborah Everton ( 1955 ), Leslie McCasky ( 1958 ), Erik Nash ( 1959 ), Steven Dennis ( 1960 ), Andy Dick ( 1965 ), Michelle Hurd ( 1966 ), Nicole Malgarini ( 1981 ), Luis Antonio Delgado ( 1982 ), Christopher Ogden ( 1983 ), and Erica Lynne Bryan ( 1989 )
  • 22 – Russ Mayberry ( 1925 ), George Ede ( 1931 ), Craig Denault ( 1946 ), Lynne Thigpen ( 1948 ), Franc Luz ( 1950 ), Tony Isabella ( 1951 ), Tanis Van Kirk ( 1954 ), Dina Meyer ( 1968 ), Christopher Goodman ( 1969 ), and Gianna Simone ( 1989 )
  • 23 – James Gregory ( 1911 ), Tony Leader ( 1913 ), David Alexander ( 1914 ), Robert McCall ( 1919 ), Buddy Garion ( 1924 ), Darlene Hartman ( 1934 ), Bud Davis ( 1936 ), Richard Yuricich ( 1942 ), John D. Gowans ( 1943 ), Carleton Eastlake ( 1947 ), Christopher Haire ( 1949 ), Phil Felix , Rick Magyar , and Bruce Alan Solow (all 1954 ), Eileen Seeley ( 1959 ), Harold Weed ( 1962 ), Jess Harnell and James D. Weston II (both 1963 ), Kenneth Biller ( 1964 ), Jon Donahue ( 1971 ), Ernesto Chaverri and Joanna Fuller (both 1977 ), Sunny Ozell ( 1978 ), Noël Wells ( 1986 ), Julia and Liz Nolan (both 1991 ), and Spencer Daniels ( 1992 )
  • 24 – Tom O'Loughlin ( 1923 ), Serena Sande ( 1928 ), Neil C. Vipond ( 1929 ), Naomi Pollack ( 1930 ), Nicholas Meyer and Ronald Roose (both 1945 ), Steven Kramer ( 1950 ), Timothy Carhart ( 1953 ), Tim Harkins ( 1958 ), Wade Andrew Williams ( 1961 ), Mark Kosakura ( 1965 ), Diedrich Bader ( 1966 ), Randy J. Goodwin ( 1967 ), Joseph Andolino ( 1973 ), and Bryan Cartago ( 1982 )
  • 25 – Joe Rosen ( 1920 ), Dick Miller ( 1928 ), Rick Berman , Terrence O'Hara , and Paul Willson (all 1945 ), Peter Krause ( 1956 ), Michael Scranton ( 1958 ), Bobbi J.G. Weiss ( 1960 ), Teressa Hill ( 1962 ), Ana Barredo ( 1967 ), Clint Schultz ( 1973 ), Emmanuel Kabongo ( 1986 ), and Ian Rayburn (unknown year)
  • 26 – Carl W. Daniels ( 1902 ), Elisha Cook ( 1903 ), Bernard Kates ( 1922 ), Chuck Hicks ( 1927 ), Robert Barron ( 1932 ), Billy Hank Hooker ( 1943 ), Chris Doyle ( 1950 ), Kristina Kochoff and Guy Vardaman (both 1964 ), Lydia Tracy ( 1967 ), Graham Shiels ( 1970 ), and Teniece Divya Johnson ( 1981 ), and Sam de la Rosa (unknown year)
  • 27 – Linwood G. Dunn ( 1904 ), Noél De Souza ( 1925 ), Nick Dimitri ( 1932 ), Jerry Bono ( 1941 ), Rico Bueno ( 1947 ), Doug Stone ( 1950 ), M.D. Bright ( 1955 ), Bruce McCorkindale ( 1960 ), Michael Berry, Jr. and Kavon Karami (both 1964 ), Wilson Cruz ( 1973 ), Aaron Stanford ( 1976 ), and Nick Bergthold ( 1984 )
  • 28 – Charles Maxwell ( 1913 ), Stan Lee ( 1922 ), Robert Scheerer ( 1929 ), Nichelle Nichols ( 1932 ), George Zebrowski ( 1945 ), Janice Chiang ( 1955 ), Nancy J. Hvasta Leonardi ( 1964 ), John Ashker ( 1964 ), and Thomas Dekker ( 1987 )
  • 29 – Frieda Rentie ( 1932 ), Phil Chong ( 1936 ), Harv Selsby ( 1938 ), Andrew Pang and Kevin P. Stillwell (both 1962 ), Sandra Nelson ( 1964 ), Patrick Fischler ( 1969 ), Agustin Padilla ( 1975 ), Joseph Lee and Tanyta Aquilla Roe (both 1987 ), Ayushi Chhabra ( 1990 ), and Belinda Merritt (unknown year)
  • 30 – Robert Hitchcock ( 1925 ), John D.F. Black ( 1932 ), Bernie Bielawski ( 1940 ), Irene Roseen ( 1940 ), Concetta Tomei ( 1945 ), James Kahn and Yvonne Fern Solow (both 1947 ), Frank Del Boccio ( 1949 ), Joel Swetow ( 1951 ), S.P. Somtow ( 1952 ), Erik Stabenau ( 1958 ), Mark Stoeckinger ( 1959 ), Chris Tedesco ( 1960 ), Terita Jackson ( 1967 ), Bryan Burk ( 1968 ), Kimm Collinsworth ( 1969 ), Chris Fisher ( 1971 ), Maureen Flannigan ( 1973 ), Nelson Grande ( 1976 ), Bill T. Brown ( 1982 ), Noley Thornton ( 1983 ), and Morgan Kohan ( 1993 )
  • 31 – Vinny Argiro ( 1939 ), David Froman ( 1938 ), Victor Raider Wexler ( 1943 ), Gary Epper and Neil Ross (both 1944 ), Luther Hughes ( 1946 ), Susan Shwartz ( 1949 ), Gary Baxley ( 1950 ), Arthur Loy Holcomb and Kraig Kishi (both 1955 ), Brett Porter ( 1956 ), Billy Mayo ( 1957 ), Bebe Neuwirth ( 1958 ), Nora Leonhardt and Fabian Nicieza (both 1961 ), Richard Walker ( 1963 ), Karin Baxter ( 1964 ), Geoff Meed ( 1965 ), David A. McIntee ( 1968 ), Kenny Morrison ( 1974 ), and Lincoln Geraghty ( 1977 )
  • Unknown – Margery Simkin ( 1952 )

Unknown month [ ]

  • John Canning ( 1923 )
  • William Glover ( 1926 )
  • Jim Brummett ( 1931 )
  • Jack Sutter ( 1936 )
  • Gary Wright (ca. 1938 )
  • Mike May (ca. 1939 )
  • Clare Coulter ( 1942 )
  • John Stokes ( 1943 )
  • Paul Baillargeon ( 1944 )
  • Craig Smith ( 1948 )
  • Ron Harris ( 1949 )
  • Bruce D. Arthurs , Gloria Pasqua Casny , and Pieter Folkens ( 1952 )
  • Jim Dultz ( 1953 )
  • Ken Ralston ( 1954 )
  • Gunnel Eriksson , Kathleen O'Malley , Mitch Suskin , and W.R. Thompson ( 1955 )
  • Hilda Hodges , R.A. Rondell , Gregory Smith , and J. Steven York ( 1957 )
  • Cully Fredricksen , Timothy McNeil , and Greg Rainoff ( 1958 ), and Daniel Riordan (c. 1958)
  • Carlo Antonazzo ( 1959 )
  • Ruth Adelman , Mark Garbarino , Gary Maynard , Maureen Tamblyn , and Jordan K. Weisman ( 1960 )
  • Kenny Alexander , Michelle Chateau , and Adam Segen ( 1961 )
  • Josep Maria Beroy , Kitty DeCarlo , Brent V. Friedman , Michael Key , Ampy Koran , and Jerry Quinn ( 1962 )
  • Eric Cadora , Stacia Lang , Sergio Melia , Nikki Tyler , and Wyatt Weed ( 1964 )
  • George Drakoulias ( 1965 )
  • John Teska ( 1966 )
  • Jonathan Fernandez , Isabel Lorca , Tobias Richter , and Robyn Stewart ( 1967 )
  • Benjamin Brown , Andrea Cirie , Alan Dingman , and Gabrielle G. Stanton ( 1968 )
  • Pierre Drolet ( 1969 )
  • Javier Pulido ( 1970 )
  • Randall N. Bills ( 1971 )
  • Vincent Niebla ( 1972 ), and Gregory Fletcher (c. 1972)
  • Dave Morton ( 1975 )
  • Paul Shipper ( 1976 )
  • Vanessa Burns ( 1977 )
  • Kenneth Lin and Sienna Spencer ( 1978 )
  • Jerome Reed and Kelvin Yu ( 1979 )
  • Mark Rademaker ( 1980 )
  • Reynolds and Sophia Walker ( 1981 )
  • Nicole Huang , Melton , and Claudia ScarletGothica ( 1982 )
  • Jón Viðar Arnþórsson , and Matthew Binkley ( 1983 )
  • Simen , Vassili , and Josh Wagoner ( 1985 )
  • Jonathan Koensgen ( 1986 )
  • Josh Bell , Alex Chung , Robert Gilbert , and Jodi Johnston ( 1988 )
  • Chris Villegas ( 1989 )
  • Jennifer Murray and Jake Sakson ( 1990 )
  • Martin Quinn ( 1994 )
  • Henry Abrams ( 1998 )
  • Carolyn and Mathew Corley ( 2000 )
  • Joy Dever ( 2007 )
  • Jenna Vaughn ( 2008 )
  • Oqwe Lin ( 2009 )
  • Rihanne Quionn and Michael Eshaun York ( 2010 )
  • Jordana Blake ( 2011 )

See also [ ]

  • Star Trek deaths
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)

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Published Sep 14, 2016

Happy 80th Birthday, Walter Koenig

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Walter Koenig, Star Trek 's original and iconic Pavel Chekov, turns 80 years old today. The actor/writer was born in Chicago to Isadore and Sarah Koenig on September 14, 1936. He, of course, earned his greatest measure of fame playing Chekov on Star Trek: The Original Series and in seven feature films, but his acting credits span from The Untouchables, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Lieutenant and Gidget to Columbo, Babylon 5 and Moontrap , as well as the stage show The Boys of Autumn . He's written comic books, including Raver , as well as episodes of Star Trek: The Animated Series , Land of the Lost, Family and The Powers of Matthew Star . Further, he's directed and taught, and also supported a wide variety of charities and human rights causes. He received his Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on September 10, 2012 during a ceremony in which he was surrounded by family, friends and such Trek co-stars as Leonard Nimoy, Nichelle Nichols and George Takei.

star trek quotes for birthday

As part of 's celebration of Koenig's big 8-0 today, we're pleased to re-share a guest blog by former Starlog editor David McDonnell, in which he recounts how his long professional relationship with Koenig got off to a horrible start. Check it out:

Walter Koenig wasn’t happy with me. And who could blame him? He was calling from the set of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home , a soundstage nestled on the Paramount Pictures lot in California. I was in my Starlog office in New York City (Park Avenue, 32nd Street). I had no idea why Koenig wanted to chat with me. After all, we had met once but extremely briefly at a Boston Starlog Festival convention engineered by Creation Entertainment a year earlier. He knew Starlog Publisher Kerry O’Quinn and our ex-columnist David (“ The Trouble with Tribbles ”) Gerrold, but me? As Starlog ’s Editor, I was just a name on the magazine’s masthead.Koenig was direct. And, of course, he didn’t speak in the Russian accent of Pavel Chekov. Actor, you know. He had done a phone interview with a Starlog writer that week (assigned by me), and he was concerned about it. He wanted to read the story before Starlog published it.

star trek quotes for birthday

Let’s break here for two paragraphs of explanatory matter. Skip them if you want to Choose Your Own Anecdotal Adventure. Everyone else, here’s the thing: As a product of the Watergate-spawned wave of young journalists in the 1970s, I was all Bob-Woodward-and-Carl-Bernsteined up. While at West Virginia’s Bethany College, I even took an independent study course on, yes, Communications Ethics. Topics included “checkbook journalism” (paying folks to talk) and granting interviewees (or their reps) pre-publication story/quote approval. Both were big no-nos!Well, it was years later, but I was still serious about this stuff. I had (and have) delusions of journalism. Starlog may only have been covering entertainment (movies, TV, books, animation, comics, pop culture) but, journalistically speaking, we weren’t going to do anything that Time or Newsweek wouldn’t. On the other hand, they (and other esteemed outlets  like The New Yorker ) employ “fact-checkers” who might consult interviewees before publication to confirm a story’s basic facts and even “readback” relevant quotes over the phone. Starlog ’s policy—firmly (and formally) established after a 1984 incident—was this: Nobody ever got to read a story pre-publication except those crafting it for print (writers, editors, proofreaders and the article’s art director). And at Starlog , editors were our own fact-checkers, consulting reference works and colleagues’ expertise. We didn’t do “readbacks.”

star trek quotes for birthday

But, back to Koenig. He asked to see the article. And I didn’t even pause to think. “NO. We don’t do that! It’s against company policy,” I declared in a particularly idealistic, incredibly arrogant, certainly smug manner. And I added, “We don’t show stories to George Lucas or Steven Spielberg, so we can’t show you your story.” Even then, that addition sounded condescending, which wasn’t my intent, but... Koenig was taken aback. After all, he had — uniquely among Trek actors at the time (followed by George Takei and John de Lancie years later) — written for Starlog with a three-part excerpt from Chekov’s Enterprise (issues #30-32). He was “one of us.” So (a point I didn’t then consider), perhaps he deserved some consideration. Nonetheless, confrontation continued. “Fine!” Koenig exclaimed. “If I can’t read it before, I’d rather you just not print it at all.”

star trek quotes for birthday

Now, I was taken aback — and riding tall on my sanctimonious journalistic high (hobby) horse. “Fine!” I exclaimed. “Then, we won’t!”

“All right. They need me on set,” Koenig announced and said goodbye. “Bye,” I said and hung up, too. Uhhhmm, that went well.Now, you don’t have to post critical comments of my handling of this ancient situation; I realized within seconds, three decades ago, that I had screwed it all up. Koenig was blameless. Essentially, I had taken his simple request (reasonable to some, not so per journalistic rules) and transformed it into (at best) nuclear warfare or (at worst) Ragnarok. But, I was young and foolish. A relative rookie, I had served as Starlog ’s Editor for little more than a year then, and I was tortured by others constantly second- and third-guessing me (and me fourth-guessing myself, too). That year, I was especially overwhelmed by work (editing 26+ issues of Starlog, Fangoria and other titles).

star trek quotes for birthday

But... what had the actor declared in the interview that had caused him enough post-conversation concern so as to ring me? Had he inadvertently revealed some plot twist from The Voyage Home ? (SPOILER ALERT: Here Be Whales! Kirk & Company Save Earth, Get New Enterprise) Had Koenig been too candid or overly critical? Apparently, he had second thoughts about something he said, fearing (I was later told) that his comments might be misinterpreted. But what had been said? There was only one way to find out. I called my writer, briefed him on the situation and requested that he give me the cassette tape the next time he was in town. I wanted to listen to the interview and find out what’s what. Maybe if I knew what was specifically the problem, I could call Koenig and find a middle path to a solution satisfying to all. Maybe even (like Newsweek or The New Yorker ) “readback” only the quotes? So, my writer dutifully put the cassette in his shoulder bag and flew off to a West Coast media event. He left the bag in the press hotel suite and proceeded to an inner room where he interviewed another celebrity, then returned for his belongings. Baboom! The whole bag was missing. Vanished! While he was inside doing one interview, someone had stolen the other. For all practical purposes, that untranscribed (!?!) Koenig chat no longer existed and thus certainly couldn’t be published by Starlog . No need for further brouhaha now. Ironic, eh?

star trek quotes for birthday

That troublesome talk was gone, but life went on. Afterwards, as fate would have it, I increasingly kept running into Koenig at SF conventions. We were frequently fellow guests. We sat side-by-side at autograph tables, judged costume contests together and dined with con staffers. All those times, I was on my best behavior. I still had regrets about that incident and no desire to remind him of any unpleasantness. And I didn’t want to commit any new felonies, either.

star trek quotes for birthday

So, I got to know Walter Koenig. Many, many of you have had a similar opportunity because he’s been such a frequent convention guest since the 1970s. If you haven’t gotten his autograph and/or chatted with him at a con, a cruise or some personal appearance, you just haven’t been trying. Koenig has been a warm, charming, if sometimes world-weary, presence at so many Trek conventions. I’ve witnessed firsthand as he was extremely generous to eager fans, gracious to clueless media and kind to perfect strangers; I’ve also seen him deal firmly with the occasional idiot (uhhhmm, you know, like me). Fortunately, all this togetherness led to unexpected friendship. Koenig (I believe) came to think I wasn’t a total fool. And I must admit that my character references got an upgrade when I began dating a young woman whom Koenig had known since she was a teenager. After all, if she (like me, a Syracuse University Graduate School alum) could put up with me, maybe I wasn’t so bad. Hapless and hopeless, yes, rumpled but not without merit.

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Wrapping up, let me share a  kaleidoscope of Koenig encounters here and there over the years: In 1989, in Florida, Seatrek organizers Joe Motes, Ruthanne Devlin & Carroll Page took a busload of guests and staffers on a post-cruise airboat tour of the Everglades. After the alligators, we stopped at a restaurant (where Starlog Managing Editor Eddie Berganza informed on me, revealing my new status that May Monday). That’s when Koenig, Takei, Jimmy Doohan, Grace Lee Whitney and assembled friends and celebrities sang “Happy Birthday” to me.

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We had our brush with death in Canada. Peter Bloch-Hansen ( Starlog ’s Canadian Correspondent) chauffeured me on a tour throughout Toronto of my favorite places (used bookstores!), and Koenig opted to come along. I sat shotgun upfront, Koenig in the rear passenger seat. And Bloch-Hansen, bless him, made a left hand turn from the right lane just as the stoplight changed against us, across three lanes of impatient traffic. Yes, he did. Unbelievably, this was my second or third near-accident while a vehicle passenger alongside a Trek celebrity. The next came soon after when (much to our open-mouthed incredulity) Bloch-Hansen repeated that same kind of turn at another intersection. Yes, yes, he did. Two nods with death in less than 90 minutes. Baboom!Down Under in Australia in 1993, Koenig brought his wife Judy and daughter Danielle on the Denver-based Starland Conventions tour. I was the other guest. The four of us took a pleasant boat ride together (alongside Starland pals Phil Watson & Sharon Macy-Watson) upriver to a wildlife sanctuary outside Brisbane, Queensland. There we ogled emus, petted kangaroos and held koalas (I have the pictures to prove it).

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Australia is where, over a crowded dinner with the Starland gang, I finally brought up that seven-year-old incident, noted my regrets and privately apologized to Koenig. Also, we discussed Babylon 5 , then debuting as a TV movie. Koenig was hopeful it would go to series since B5 creator J. Michael Straczynski had promised him an eventual role. I  felt the human characters weren’t as intriguing as the aliens, wondering if this would affect the show’s prospects. I was slightly right (a few human roles were reconceived and recast), but fortunately mostly wrong. B5 soon became a beloved SF TV saga, giving Koenig his second best role ever (after Chekov) — as Psi Corps’ Alfred Bester. Actually, Koenig believes it's been his best role.

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Over in Pennsylvania, he did a con where my Mom & Dad were on hand to assist our friend the promoter (their only stint at an admissions table). Koenig charmed them, dining at a local Applebee’s with them and other staffers. I was at a Walt Disney World press event and didn’t even attend this con. Still, he was especially nice to my parents.In Illinois, my girl friend and I watched Koenig and Mark Lenard rehearse Bernard Sabath’s fine play The Boys of Autumn . It’s the bittersweet tale of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn meeting again late in life and reliving their triumphs and tragedies. Getting to Chicago early Friday, we were privileged to see a rehearsal and later the full performance Saturday night. We even met Boys director Allan (Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea ) Hunt and playwright Sabath. Koenig was terrific as the troubled Tom Sawyer.

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Back in New York, Koenig and wife Judy dropped by Starlog ’s Manhattan offices, joining the select group of celebrities who toured the place (Takei, de Lancie, Arthur C. Clarke, Clive Barker, Paul & Linda McCartney, David Prowse, etc.). We had coffee downstairs and talked about Broadway, conventions and mutual friends.

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Like most of his TOS colleagues, Koenig wrote an autobiography. Relaxing in New Jersey, I read Warp Factors: A Neurotic’s Guide to the Universe (Taylor, 1998). It’s a candid memoir. And who knew that Koenig, as a youngish summer camp counselor, had known a frequent camp visitor, one of my heroes, legendary folk singer Pete Seeger? Good company! And a good book! Recommended reading.Out in California many years after our Chekov’s Enterprise excerpts, Koenig wrote another article for Starlog (“Are You Who I Think I Am?”), detailing offbeat personal appearances, some made alongside Doohan, Takei and Nichelle Nichols. I published it in issue #233. And he gladly did more interviews not only with the writer involved in that earlier incident, but with Starlog , too, talking to Lynne Stephens, Howard Weinstein, Lee Goldberg, Marc Shapiro, Ian Spelling, Martha J. Bonds, David J. Creek and others. He even gave me quotes for a couple multi-voice survey pieces I was writing. So, all forgiven, I think.

What did I learn from all this? Well, it’s what you all already knew: Walter Koenig is a great guy. I’m (still) sorry we started off as inadvertent adversaries, but I’m glad that our bad beginning was overcome by better days. Like legions of Star Trek fans worldwide, I’m pleased to have made his acquaintance. David McDonnell, "the maitre’d of the science fiction universe," has dished up coverage of pop culture for more than three decades. Beginning his professional career in 1975 with the weekly "Media Report" news column in The Comic Buyers’ Guide , he joined Jim Steranko’s Mediascene Prevue in 1980. After 31 months as Starlog ’s Managing Editor (beginning in October 1982), he became that pioneering SF magazine’s longtime Editor (1985-2009). He also served as Editor of its sister publications Comics Scene, Fangoria and Fantasy Worlds . At the same time, he edited numerous licensed movie one-shots ( Star Trek and James Bond films, Aliens, Willow , etc.) and three ongoing official magazine series devoted to Trek TV sagas ( The Next Generation , Deep Space Nine , Voyager ). He apparently still holds this galaxy’s record for editing more magazine pieces about Star Trek in total than any other individual, human or alien. ©2016 David McDonnell

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