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USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

  • View history

The USS Enterprise ( NCC-1701-D ), sometimes referred to as the Enterprise -D , was a Federation Galaxy -class starship in service to Starfleet in the 24th century . Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard , the Enterprise served as the Starfleet flagship for seven years . In addition to being the Federation flagship , the Enterprise was also the flagship of the Starfleet 16th Fleet , and it, along with the ship, was based out of Starbase 310 . In 2371 , the Enterprise was destroyed in a military engagement over Veridian III . Due to her storied career, the Enterprise secured a place as a famous starship in Federation history . ( Decipher RPG module : Starships ; WizKids modules : Tactics , Attack Wing )

  • 1.1 Construction
  • 1.2 2364 service history
  • 1.3 2365 service history
  • 1.4 2366 service history
  • 1.5 2367 service history
  • 1.6 2368 service history
  • 1.7 2369 service history
  • 1.8 2370 service history
  • 1.9 2371 service history
  • 1.10 2401 service history
  • 2.1 Personnel
  • 2.2 Auxiliary craft
  • 3 Alternate timelines and realities
  • 4.1 Connections
  • 4.2.1 Appearances
  • 4.3 External link

Service history and disposition

Enterprise McKinley

Captain Picard with Tasha Yar approaching the newly completed USS Enterprise -D.


On 4 October 2363 , the Enterprise was commissioned. ( TNG reference : On Board the USS Enterprise )

The ship was built in the Sol system at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in orbit over Mars ; the vessel's warp drive was designed by Dr Leah Brahms with Commander Orfil Quinteros supervising the overall construction. While under construction, the starship's warp nacelle was the site of multiple murders which were not discovered until 2370 . ( TNG episodes : " Booby Trap ", " 11001001 ", " Galaxy's Child ", " Eye of the Beholder "; TNG video game : Echoes from the Past )

The Enterprise transferred to Earth Station McKinley for final systems completion and shakedown. On 23 February 2364 ( stardate 41153.7) Captain Jean-Luc Picard took command of the ship at the order of Rear Admiral Norah Satie . ( TNG episode : " All Good Things... ", TNG reference : On Board the USS Enterprise )

2364 service history


The Enterprise before the Farpoint alien and its partner.

Following her 2364 launch, the Enterprise proceeded via Starbase 52 to Farpoint Station to pick up the rest of the crew . En-route, the omnipotent being Q made first contact with the vessel and challenged the crew to prove their worth in being so deep into space by solving the mystery of Farpoint, the crew succeeded in discovering the station was in fact an alien lifeform , which they promptly freed. ( TNG episode : " Encounter at Farpoint "; TNG novel : Reunion )

Just as the Enterprise departed, a Borg sphere arrived through a temporal gateway from 2376 during the Battle of Unimatrix 01 . The sphere prepared to attack, but was destroyed by the newly-arrived USS Premonition . The Premonition departed immediately to prevent further damage to the timeline. Captain Picard remembered this encounter for 12 years. ( TNG video game : Armada )

Following the Farpoint incident, the Enterprise embarked on its mission to explore strange new worlds and seek out new life and new civilizations. During its first year, the Enterprise was transported a billion light years from the Milky Way Galaxy by an alien known as the Traveler . ( TNG episode : " Where No One Has Gone Before ")

Later that year, the Enterprise made official first contact with the Ferengi , and later was hijacked by a group of Bynars who took the starship to their homeworld to use the starship’s large computer core to backup their planetary computer. ( TNG episodes : " The Last Outpost ", " 11001001 ")

Gravimetric pulse

A gravimetric pulse hits the Enterprise .

On stardate 41590.8, the Enterprise visited Tigan , under the invitation of Chancellor Lomac , unfortunately Lomac was knocked from power shortly after the Enterprise arrived and the new administration was less happy to have the Federation visit the planet so fired a gravimetric pulse at the Enterprise . The pulse generated a gravimetric wave which pushed the Enterprise across the galaxy at high velocities. The Enterprise was only able to break free and return to Tigan to rescue its away team by using the slingshot effect to jump back in time and re-enter orbit before they could be fired on. ( TNG comic : " History Lesson ")

Before the end of the year, the Enterprise returned to Earth to thwart an alien conspiracy to take control of Starfleet HQ . ( TNG episode : " Conspiracy ")

Following this successful mission, the Enterprise made its way to the Romulan Neutral Zone to investigate the destruction of several Federation outposts . Initially, their destruction was assumed to be the work of the Romulans , however after making contact with the Romulans for the first time in 53 years , they discovered both sides installations had been attacked. These incidents were later found to be the work of the Borg Collective . ( TNG episodes : " The Neutral Zone ", " Q Who "; TNG comic : " Operation Assimilation ")

2365 service history

Maltese asteroid belt

The Enterprise over The Armada.

On stardate 42317.1 , the Enterprise was sent to The Armada , on the Maltese asteroid belt , to investigate a series of crop failures which threatened the food supply to the surrounding sector. ( TNG comic : " Space Seeds ")

Later, the Enterprise transported Ambassador Fenton Lewis to the planet Lorca , to stop a Ferengi takeover of the planet. An away team led by Captain Picard was lost, and a second one, led by Commander William T. Riker , was sent down to the planet. Lieutenant Geordi La Forge was placed in command of the Enterprise . Both away teams were successful in their missions and the Ferengi left the planet. ( TNG novel : Masks )

Also in this year, the Enterprise , with the USS Yamato , discovered the Iconian homeworld and destroyed an Iconian Gateway to prevent the technology from falling into the hands of the Romulans. ( TNG episode : " Contagion ")

Borg cube

A Borg Cube attacking the Enterprise .

However, by far the most notable event of the year was official first contact with the Borg , courtesy of Q. ( TNG episode : " Q Who ")

2366 service history

Towards the end of 2366 , the Borg returned to Federation space and the Enterprise was dispatched to try and hold off their vessel while Starfleet mustered its forces at Wolf 359 . In an apparent stroke of fortune, the Borg seemed fixated in pursuing the Enterprise so that they might achieve their goal of assimilating Captain Picard. For some time the Enterprise was able to hide from the Borg in the Paulson Nebula , however the Borg eventually drove the ship out using magnetometric guided charges . Soon there after, the Borg succeeded in capturing Picard and assimilating him, giving him the designation Locutus .

The crew of the Enterprise attempted to stop the Borg by modifying their starship's deflector dish to fire a high energy pulse. Unfortunately, Picard was aware of this plan and the Borg had already adapted. As the Enterprise fell behind, the cube (endowed with Picard's knowledge of Starfleet defenses) proceeded to Earth, easily defeating the fleet of thirty-nine Starfleet vessels awaiting them.

The Enterprise was eventually able to catch up with the cube and rescue Picard. Using his link to the Collective, Data was able to implant the command 'sleep' into the Borg drones on the ship causing them to regenerate en masse, in turn causing the cube to self destruct over Earth . ( TNG episode : " The Best of Both Worlds ")

2367 service history

Earth station mckinley

The Enterprise under going repairs after Wolf 359.

Following the battles with the Borg, the Enterprise returned to Earth Station McKinley for refit and repairs while the crew took some much deserved shore leave in early 2367 . ( TNG episode : " Family ")


The Enterprise firing on the CDS Trager .

On stardate 44429.6 , following a brief engagement with the Cardassian ship CDS Trager , the Enterprise worked with the Gul of that ship, Akellen Macet , to track down a rogue Federation starship, the USS Phoenix , which had been attacking Cardassian vessels. ( TNG episode : " The Wounded ")

Later that year, on stardate 44614.6, while Dr. Leah Brahms visited the ship, the Enterprise became the temporary adopted mother of a space-borne lifeform. ( TNG episode : " Galaxy's Child ")

Towards the end of the year, the Enterprise led an armada of ships to create a tachyon detection grid to prevent cloaked Romulan ships delivering supplies to factions in the Klingon civil war . ( TNG episode : " Redemption ")

2368 service history

USS Enterprise-D adrift quantum filamet

Disabled after striking a quantum filament.

On stardate 45156.1 , the Enterprise collided with a quantum filament , resulting in severe damage and a loss of all power. Fortunately, the crew were able to restore power before antimatter containment was lost - which would have destroyed the ship. ( TNG episode : " Disaster ")

On stardate 45208.2, the crew of the Enterprise fell victim to a Ktarian mind controlling game and almost handed the ship over to Ktarian control. Fortunately, through the efforts of Lieutenant Commander Data , Ensign Robin Lefler and Wesley Crusher , the Ktarian plan was thwarted. ( TNG episode : " The Game ")

In mid-2368, the Enterprise was shortly captured by Romulans from the experimental warbird IRW Syrinx . The Romulans took the Enterprise to the quarantined world Hermeticus II , where the crew rediscovered the USS Independence , which was lost 30 years earlier . Hermeticus II was revealed being a starship inhabited by the Ambimorph , who saved the crew of the Enterprise and destroyed the Romulan ship. ( TNG novel : The Romulan Prize )

On stardate 45494.2, the Satarrans also attempted to take control of the Enterprise with somewhat more success, using the Enterprise to destroy a Lysian destroyer before the crew of the Enterprise , whom the Satarran agent on board had induced a state of amnesia in, regained their memories and retook control of the ship. ( TNG episode : " Conundrum ")

Towards the end of the year, on stardate 45959.1, the Enterprise once more returned to Earth, to investigate the discovery of a duplicate head of Lieutenant Commander Data. ( TNG episode : " Time's Arrow ")

2369 service history

Early in the year 2369 , the Enterprise was charged with transporting Kommandant Ghud to trial on the planet Wyath . Due to strict rules in Wyath law on the timing of trials, Ghud had to arrive in a tight schedule, so when the shuttlecraft Goddard failed to make its rendezvous with the Enterprise , the starship had to continue onto Wyath regardless. Fortunately, Ghud volunteered his engineering expertise to help find the shuttle; devising a system which triangulated the sensors of the Enterprise , Starbase 172 and the sensor array on Wyath to pinpoint the unique materials the shuttle crew had in their possession - Worf 's baldric , Ro Laren 's earring and Geordi La Forge's VISOR . Upon detecting the shuttle, Commander Riker was dispatched in another shuttle to retrieve the away team, while the Enterprise continued on schedule for Wyath. ( TNG comic : " Light of the Day ")

Dyson sphere

The Enterprise alongside the Dyson sphere .

On stardate 46125.3, the Enterprise tracked a distress call from the USS Jenolen , to find the crashed ship on the outside of a Dyson sphere . There the crew rescued Captain Montgomery Scott , suspended in the transporter beam for the previous 75 years . ( TNG episode : " Relics ")

On stardate 46357.4, Edward Jellico temporarily took command of the Enterprise while Captain Picard conducted a covert mission to Celtris III . ( TNG episode : " Chain of Command ")

Galaxy class docked at DS9

Docked at the new Federation station Deep Space Nine in 2369.

On stardate 46379.1, the Enterprise delivered crew and a complement of Danube -class runabouts to the newly re-christened starbase Deep Space 9 . Later that year on stardate 46578.4, the Enterprise returned to DS9. ( DS9 episode : " Emissary "; TNG episode : " Birthright ")

On stardate 46682.4 the Enterprise travelled to Arkaria to undergo a Baryon sweep in the Remmler Array . ( TNG episode : " Starship Mine ")

2370 service history


The Enterprise faces the Garidian Warbird Asiram .

On stardate 47111.1 , the Enterprise was sent to intercept a Garidian Scoutship , which was about to cross the Neutral Zone . The Enterprise arrived just in time to save a group of Garidian fugitives who were escaping the Garidian government and were pursued by the Garidian Warbird Asiram . Captain Picard answered their request for asylum, and convinced the Garidian captain named Pentara , who was the mother of one of the fugitives, to return to their territory.

Soon after that, the Enterprise received a distress call from Mertens Orbital Research Station orbiting Cymkoe IV . The Enterprise arrived in time to save the station from a power core breach and faced its attacker, a mysterious probe with would later be discovered as Chodak technology.

After the incident at Cymkoe IV, Admiral Reddreck ordered the Enterprise to Morassia to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a Federation scientist, Dr. Vi Hyunh-Foertsch . The crew managed to reveal illegal activities of one of the planet's inhabitants. Furthermore they managed to get a trace on the Garidian fugitives' trail for the Fifth Scroll , an ancient artifact that could change Garidian politics forever.

The Enterprise discovered the Fifth Scroll on Frigis , after discovering a colony of Garidian descendants of the Followers of the Lawgiver . Shortly after the Garidians left the Enterprise to return home with the artifact, a Romulan fleet entered Federation space, attacking several outposts and apparently heading towards the Z'Tarnis Nebula . The Enterprise encountered several Romulan warbirds and engaged at least one ship after responding to a distress call from the USS Ayers .

Starfleet Command ordered the Enterprise to investigate the Romulan invasion. The crew discovered that the Romulans were looking for an ancient Chodak weapon, known as the Unity Device , which they believed was hidden in the Z'Tarnis Nebula.

After the first wave of the Romulan invasion, another hostile force crossed the Neutral Zone , once more destroying Federation outposts. The Enterprise intercepted one of the alien ships and discovered that the Chodak were behind the second attack.


The Enterprise arrives at the Unity Device .

First Contact with the Chodak was established on their former homeworld Allanor , where Captain Picard was able to locate the position of the Unity Device. The Enterprise arrived in the Z'Tarnis Nebula to make sure the ancient weapon would not fall into wrong hands. Soon after that, Captain Picard was able to send the Unity Device into another dimension. ( TNG video game : A Final Unity )

While on patrol, the Enterprise -D was contacted by Montgomery Scott aboard the Goddard , who requested access to their library computer. While aboard in guest quarters, Scott accessed logs from the original Enterprise crew, including Spock 's calculations for time travel aboard a B'rel -class Klingon bird-of-prey . After departing the Enterprise under false authorization, Scott's vessel, nicknamed the Bounty 2 utilized the Arhennius star to slingshot back in time, with the Enterprise following, where they discovered an alternate timeline , mistakenly caused by Scott when he rescued James T. Kirk from the USS Enterprise -B before he was drawn into the Nexus .

The Enterprise met the D'Zidran , commanded by that timeline's Tal who was advised by Guinan . The D'Zidran put out an Alliance fleet-wide alert and located Scott and Kirk aboard the Wisdom , under the watch of Supreme Arbiter of the Alliance Sarek . The Enterprise was able to avoid the threat of the Borg Collective, who now controlled much of the Alpha Quadrant , including the Sol system, and with the assistance of Guinan, determined that they needed to return Kirk to the Nexus. The Enterprise transported Kirk back moments before a fleet of Borg cubes destroyed the Enterprise , but the timeline corrected itself and everyone awoke back in the normal flow of space-time without knowledge of the events in the alternate timeline. ( ST novel : Engines of Destiny )

On stardate 47310.2. Enterprise issued a warp embargo throughout Starfleet and other governments, based on findings by Hekaran astrophysicists. This resulted in a local velocity limit of warp factor 5, bringing daily spacefaring and commute somewhat back to the 22nd century ; major starship redesigns were made, including the Intrepid -class vessels. For this reason and rifts generated in areas of space, "environmentally friendly" provisions were made. For example, the Enterprise-D , in the following year, before her loss, reduced power output while orbiting Amargosa . Internal shipboard lights were lowered or altogether deactivated, allowing solar light to shine through decks with the windows, reflected from the nearby observatory. ( TNG episode : " Force of Nature " TNG movie & novelization : Generations )


The Enterprise de-cloaking in front of the IRW Terix .

On stardate 47457.1, the Enterprise was sent to the Devolin system to try and recovered the wreckage of the USS Pegasus before the Romulans succeed in achieving the same goal. Racing against the IRW Terix , the Enterprise located the Pegasus but was forced to use an illegal prototype interphasic cloaking device the Pegasus had been the test bed for to escape an asteroid the Enterprise had been trapped in. ( TNG episode : " The Pegasus ")

Strategy attack

The Enterprise under attack from the remote controlled starship.

On stardate 47630.1 the Enterprise was assigned to map the Bandor system which had recently fallen under Federation jurisdiction. In that remote location it was attacked by an unidentified hybrid starship , made from Federation, Romulan and Borg components. In the first attack, the ship took out the Enterprise's warp and impulse engines and reduced shields to twenty-four percent, as well as causing crew injuries, near fatal ones to Counsellor Deanna Troi . The attacker then departed for a short time. When it returned, Troi had recovered enough to warn the ship had no crew, it was remote controlled . With this knowledge, the crew were able to find a solution, creating an inter-receptive network blocking the subspace communications controlling the aggressor. Cut off from its controllers, the vessel self destructed . The Enterprise called in at a nearby Starbase following this incident. ( TNG comic : " Strategy ")

2371 service history

In 2371, the Enterprise was undergoing some refits at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards at the time that the USS Voyager was undergoing final construction. ( VOY episode : " Relativity ")

After the disappearance of Voyager , the Enterprise participated in the search for the missing Starfleet vessel in the Badlands . ( DS9 - The Maquis: Soldier of Peace - Issue 1 comic : " Vacation's Over ")

USS Enterprise-D evades the Duras sisters' Bird-of-Prey

Duras sisters attack.

On stardate 48650.1, the Enterprise -D met its end during a confrontation with a Klingon Bird-of-Prey under command of the Duras sisters. The sisters had previously captured Geordi La Forge and while under their captivity had Tolian Soran (a scientist they were working with) modify La Forge's VISOR to transmit a video stream to them. Upon his return to the Enterprise , they used this data to discover the Enterprise 's deflector shield frequencies and adjusted their disruptor frequencies accordingly to fire through the Enterprise's shields. While the Enterprise was able to destroy the bird of prey they were using, the Cha'Joh , the damage inflicted during the battle caused a warp core breach. The crew managed to evacuate to the saucer section and separate before the stardrive section exploded.

Enterprise crash

The Enterprise crashing into the atmosphere of Veridian III.

The shock wave created by that explosion did, however, knock the saucer off course, causing it to crash land on the planet Veridian III below. Most of the crew survived, but the Enterprise herself was not salvageable and a small group of Starfleet vessels arrived shortly after to retrieve the Enterprise's crew. ( TNG movie & novelization : Generations )

Much of the Enterprise -D's crew later transferred to the new Sovereign -class USS Enterprise -E . Morgan Bateson would reveal that the bridge science station and forward support struts have minor damage because they are from the wreckage of the Enterprise -D; the officer’s lounge table was also reclaimed from the Enterprise -D. Bateson had them installed, he said, because of these artifacts, the crew of the Enterprise -E would always know of the legacy of her predecessor. ( TNG novel : Ship of the Line )

2401 service history

By 2401 , The Enterprise-D saucer had been salvaged from Veridian III and was being restored at the Starfleet Museum in orbit of Athan Prime.

On Frontier day of that year, in response to the developing situation in orbit of Earth, the rebuilt Enterprise-D was pressed back into service by her old command crew, knowing that she would not be affected by the issues affecting the modern day fleet. ( PIC episodes : " Võx ", " The Last Generation ")



The senior staff officers of the USS Enterprise -D.

  • Captain Thomas Halloway ( 2364 )
  • Captain Thomas Halloway ( 2369 ) ( alternate timeline )
  • Captain/ Admiral Jean-Luc Picard ( 2364 - 2371 , 2401 )
  • Captain William T. Riker ( 2367 ) (Temporary field promotion to Captain during the Borg attack of 2367.)
  • Captain Edward Jellico ( 2369 )
  • Admiral Leonard McCoy ( 2370 ) (Temporarily assumed command, abdicated after a few hours.)
  • Commander /Captain William T. Riker (2364-2371, 2401 )
  • Commander Kurn ( 2366 )
  • Commander Quintin Stone (2366)
  • Commander Elizabeth Shelby (2367)
  • Lieutenant Commander Data (briefly in 2369)
  • second officer / operations manager : Lieutenant Commander Data (2364-2371, 2401 )
  • Lieutenant Commander Sarah MacDougal (2364)
  • Lieutenant Commander Michael Argyle (2364)
  • Lieutenant Charles H. Logan (2364)
  • Lieutenant Commander Leland T. Lynch (2364)
  • Lieutenant/Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge (2365-2371)
  • Lieutenant Tasha Yar (2364, KIA (2364-2366, alternate timeline ))
  • Lieutenant junior grade /Lieutenant/Lieutenant Commander/Captain Worf (2364-2371, 2401 )
  • Lieutenant j. g./ Commodore Geordi La Forge (2364, 2401 )
  • Ensign Wesley Crusher (2364-2367)
  • Ensign Ro Laren ( 2368 -2369)
  • Ensign Sariel Rager (2368-2370)
  • Commander Doctor Beverly Crusher (2364, 2366-2371, 2401 )
  • Commander Doctor Katherine Pulaski (2365)
  • counselor : Lieutenant Commander/Commander Deanna Troi (2364-2371)
  • transporter chief : Miles O'Brien (2364-2369)

Auxiliary craft

Alternate timelines and realities.

In one alternate timeline , a Borg sphere sent from the future destroyed the Enterprise -D. As a result of the altered timeline, Tasha Yar did not give birth to Sela and Martok only rose to the position of captain. Fortunately, the USS Premonition went back in time as well, and destroyed the Sphere, restoring the original timeline. ( ST video game : Armada )

In another alternate timeline, following the disappearance of the USS Enterprise -C , relations between the Federation and the Klingon Empire deteriorated into war. The Enterprise -D became the first Federation Galaxy -class warship. In 2366, the Enterprise -C reappeared through a temporal rift and encountered the Enterprise -D. It soon became clear that the Enterprise -C's disappearance had lead to the creation of this timeline so the Enterprise -D laid down cover fire to protect the Enterprise -C from attacking K'vort class Bird-of-Prey as she returned. As the Enterprise -D was verging on destruction and taking heavy casualties, including William Riker, the Enterprise -C traveled back in time with the addition of Tasha Yar of the Enterprise -D. This Tasha was soon taken captive by Romulans and became the mother of the half Romulan Sela . ( TNG episodes : " Yesterday's Enterprise ", " Redemption "; WizKids module : Tactics )

In another alternate timeline, the Enterprise -D survived into 2378 . The majority of the Enterprise 's staff had moved on to other positions with many of the senior staff having been replaced by Soong-type androids . Captain Picard took the Enterprise into the Romulan Neutral Zone following the receipt of a message from the long missing Data. The ship and crew were led to Iconia, which had been colonized by the androids . In order to protect the innocents below, the Enterprise was forced to engage the IRW Haakona in orbit of the planet; however, a peaceful resolution was obtained when the Iconian gateway technology was surrendered to all powers in the Alpha Quadrant. ( TNG short story : " Brave New World ")


The Enterprise -D of Q's alternate future.

In an alternative future created by Q, the Enterprise had undergone extensive refits including the addition of a third warp nacelle and several additional phaser cannons . The third warp nacelle enhanced the power and speed of the ship. with it being able to destroy a Klingon battle cruiser with several phaser hits. The vessel also had a cloaking device at this time. Her commanding officer was Captain Sam Lavelle , who retired in 2395 . ( TNG novelization : All Good Things... , CCG set: Alternate Universe , card: "Future Enterprise")

640px-USS Enterprise-D 2395, firing phasers

Future Enterprise -D unleashes on Klingons.

In one permutation of the mirror universe in which the Terran Empire survived into the 24th century, this timeline had its own version of the Enterprise , the ISS Enterprise -D , with a registry of ICC-1701-D. It was the flagship of the Imperial Starfleet and was under the command of Jean-Luc Picard from 2364 until at least 2367. ( TNG novel : Dark Mirror )

In an alternate reality visited by Lieutenant Worf in 2370, William T. Riker was the captain of the Enterprise -D as Jean-Luc Picard had been killed during the Borg Incursion of 2366-2367 . Worf was his first officer . This Enterprise was attacked by a Bajoran warship while it was investigating the quantum fissure which had caused Worf to begin switching places with his counterparts from other realities. The attack led to an energy surge in the subspace differential pulse which the Enterprise had been using to scan the fissure, resulting in the barriers between different realities breaking down and the incursion of approximately 285,000 versions of the Enterprise into the same reality.

Multiple Enterprise-Ds

Multiple Enterprise -Ds converge near a quantum fissure.

One of these Enterprise s came from a reality in which the Borg Collective had succeeded in conquering the Federation and much of the Alpha Quadrant by 2370. It was one of the last surviving ships and was likewise commanded by Riker. This version of Riker fired on the Curie as he did not want to return to his own reality. The Enterprise indigenous to that reality then fired on the Borg-infested Enterprise using minimal weapons. This began a chain reaction which resulted in its destruction due to the severe damage which it had suffered in its many engagements with the Borg. ( TNG episode : " Parallels ")

In another alternate reality, Jack Crusher was the captain of the Enterprise -D in 2370. His first officer was Commander Jean-Luc Picard, who was demoted following the destruction of the USS Stargazer in 2355 . Crusher's ex-wife Beverly Howard was the ship's chief medical officer .

In 2370, Crusher committed suicide after learning from Trelane that he was the only still living version of Jack Crusher in any universe. Picard succeeded him as captain and chose William T. Riker, who had recently been freed from a joint Romulan-Cardassian prison camp after eight years, as his first officer. ( TNG novel : Q-Squared )

In 2371, Commander Riker later revisited the crash site to head up a team to dismantle the remains of the ship, so that if and when the natives of Veridian IV ever achieved spaceflight and visited Veridian III, they would not discover the crashed starship. After a Romulan attack, Riker activated the saucer's auto-destruct sequence, leading to the ship's final destruction. While the blast totally obliterated the surrounding area, Riker decided that it would be less harmful for explorers from Veridian IV to find a huge crater rather than the remains of the Enterprise -D. ( TOS novel : The Return )


Appearances and references, appearances.

  • Encounter at Farpoint ( TNG novelization )
  • Double Helix : Infection (TNG novel )
  • Ghost Ship (TNG novel)
  • The Space Between : History Lesson (TNG comic)
  • The Peacekeepers (TNG novel)
  • Survivors (TNG novel)
  • The Children of Hamlin (TNG novel)
  • The Captains' Honor (TNG novel)
  • Strike Zone ( TNG novel )
  • The Legacy of Eleanor Dain (TNG comic )
  • Power Hungry (TNG novel)
  • Many Splendors (Chapter 1) ( SCE eBook )
  • Metamorphosis (TNG novel)
  • Masks (TNG novel)
  • Many Splendors (Chapters 2-3) (SCE eBook)
  • Enterprise Logs : The Captain and the King (TNG short story )
  • Many Splendors (Chapter 4) (SCE eBook)
  • A Call to Darkness (TNG novel)
  • Many Splendors (Chapter 5) (SCE eBook)
  • Strange New Worlds VII : Life's Work ( TNG short story )
  • A Rock and a Hard Place (TNG novel )
  • Gulliver's Fugitives (TNG novel)
  • Doomsday World (TNG novel)
  • Many Splendors (Chapter 6) ( SCE eBook )
  • Strange New Worlds VII : " Beginnings " (TNG short story)
  • Exiles (TNG novel)
  • Many Splendors (Chapter 7) (SCE eBook)
  • Q-in-Law (TNG novel)
  • Fortune's Light (TNG novel)
  • The Eyes of the Beholders (TNG novel)
  • Boogeymen (TNG novel)
  • Federation (TNG portions) (TNG/ TOS novel)
  • Strange New Worlds I : What Went Through Data's Mind 0.68 Seconds Before the Satellite Hit (TNG short story)
  • Contamination (TNG novel)
  • Many Splendors (Chapter 8) ( SCE eBook )
  • Strange New Worlds I : Civil Disobedience ( TNG short story )
  • Reunion (TNG novel )
  • Spartacus (TNG novel)
  • Perchance to Dream (TNG novel)
  • Strange New Worlds I: See Spot Run (TNG short story)
  • Strange New Worlds IV : Prodigal Son (TNG short story)
  • Strange New Worlds IV : Flash Point (TNG short story)
  • Dark Mirror (TNG novel)
  • Vendetta (TNG novel)
  • Strange New Worlds I: Of Cabbages and Kings (TNG short story)
  • Strange New Worlds V : The Monkey Puzzle Box (TNG short story)
  • Chains of Command (TNG novel)
  • The Forgotten War (TNG novel)
  • Imbalance (TNG novel)
  • Strange New Worlds III : The Fourth Toast ( TNG short story )
  • TNG novella : The Badlands, Part II
  • Many Splendors (Chapters 9-10) ( SCE eBook )
  • Strange New Worlds V : Dementia in D Minor (TNG short story)
  • Unification (TNG novelization )
  • The Amazing Stories : Last Words (TNG short story)
  • The Space Between : Captain's Pleasure (TNG comic)
  • Strange New Worlds V: Kristin's Conundrum (TNG short story)
  • Strange New Worlds V: Efflorescence (TNG short story)
  • Imzadi (TNG novel )
  • The Last Stand (TNG novel)
  • War Drums (TNG novel)
  • Nightshade (TNG novel)
  • Strange New Worlds VII : Future Shock (TNG short story)
  • Sins of Commission (TNG novel)
  • The Devil's Heart (TNG novel)
  • The Romulan Prize (TNG novel)
  • Grounded (TNG novel)
  • Strange New Worlds IV : The Promise (TNG short story)
  • The Space Between : Light of the Day (TNG comic)
  • Strange New Worlds II : Calculated Risk ( TNG short story )
  • Relics (TNG novelization )
  • The Amazing Stories : On the Scent of Trouble (TNG short story)
  • A Fury Scorned (TNG novel )
  • Debtors' Planet (TNG novel)
  • Emissary ( DS9 novelization )
  • Guises of the Mind (TNG novel)
  • No Limits : 'Q'uandary ( NF short story)
  • The Death of Princes (TNG novel)
  • Double Helix : Red Sector (TNG novel)
  • To Storm Heaven (TNG novel)
  • The Romulan Stratagem (TNG novel)
  • Foreign Foes (TNG novel)
  • Requiem (TNG novel)
  • Strange New Worlds V : The Farewell Gift (TNG short story)
  • Descent (TNG novelization)
  • A Final Unity ( TNG video game )
  • Engines of Destiny ( TNG novel )
  • Blaze of Glory (TNG novel)
  • Possession (TNG novel)
  • Embrace the Wolf (TNG comic )
  • Dyson Sphere (TNG novel)
  • Infiltrator (TNG novel)
  • Into the Nebula (TNG novel)
  • The Amazing Stories : Life Itself is Reason Enough (TNG short stories )
  • Q-Squared (TNG novel)
  • Balance of Power (TNG novel)
  • Dragon's Honor (TNG novel)
  • Strange New Worlds III : Whatever You Do, Don't Read This Story (TNG short story)
  • Strange New Worlds II : I Am Klingon (TNG short story)
  • Strange New Worlds I : The Naked Truth (TNG short story)
  • Rogue Saucer (TNG novel)
  • All Good Things... (TNG novelization )
  • The Space Between : An Inconvenient Truth (TNG comic)
  • The Old Ways (TNG comic)
  • Intellivore ( TNG novel )
  • Strange New Worlds V : The Peacemakers (TNG short story )
  • Day of Honor : Ancient Blood (TNG novel)
  • Strange New Worlds III : A Q to Swear By (TNG short story)
  • Crossover (TNG novel)
  • Kahless (TNG novel)
  • Strange New Worlds IV : Flight 19 (TNG short story)
  • Do Comets Dream? (TNG novel)
  • Tooth and Claw (TNG novel)
  • Vacation's Over (DS9 comic)
  • Perchance to Dream (TNG comic )
  • Strange New Worlds 8 : Morning Bells Are Ringing (TNG short story)
  • The Captain's Table : Dujonian's Hoard (TNG novel)
  • Strange New Worlds 8: Passages of Deceit (TNG short story)
  • Invasion! : The Soldiers of Fear (TNG novel)
  • Generations (TNG novelization )
  • Strange New Worlds VI : Tribble in Paradise (TNG short story)
  • Strange New Worlds VII : Full Circle (TNG short story)
  • Strange New Worlds VII : Solemn Duty (TNG short story)
  • Strange New Worlds III : The Change of Seasons (TNG short story)
  • PIC episode : " Võx "
  • PIC episode : " The Last Generation "

External link

  • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 Odyssey class
  • 3 Achilles class
  • U.S.S. Enterprise
  • Federation Cruiser (Mob)s
  • Galaxy Class Cruisers

U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

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The U.S.S. Enterprise -D was Galaxy -class Cruiser which served as flagship of the Federation from 2364 to 2371 .

  • 1.1 Alternate Timelines
  • 2 Former Crew (selection)
  • 3 Missions involved
  • 4 Missions mentioned
  • 7 External links

History [ | ]

The Enterprise launched in 2364 under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard . During its maiden voyage the ship made first contact with the omnipotent Q . In 2365 Q officially introduced the Federation to the Borg collective and the Enterprise was subsequently involved in the events which led to the Battle of Wolf 359 in 2366 .

During its voyages, the Enterprise made numerous additional first contacts, among them with the Devidians , the Ferengi and the Solanae . The ship also contributed to scientific and archeological discoveries, most notably perhaps the uncovering of an ancient Gateway on Iconia .

The Enterprise was destroyed in 2371 , when the ship engaged the Duras Sisters over Veridan III . Its successor, the Sovereign class U.S.S. Enterprise-E , was launched the following year .

A few months later, in accordance with the Prime Directive, the saucer section was recovered from Veridan III and moved to the Fleet Museum.

Alternate Timelines [ | ]

  • In an alternate timeline created by the disappearance of the U.S.S. Enterprise-C in 2344, the Enterprise -D was a Battleship built to fight a war against the Klingon Empire . The Enterprise -D negated this timeline by helping the Enterprise -C return to its own time. However, the Enterprise -C was stranded in the future instead, only returning to its own timeline after another adventure . ( Yesterday's Enterprise )
  • In an alternate 2395 triggered by Q , the Enterprise -D was still in active service and had been refitted with a third nacelle and a cloaking device. ( All Good Things... ) This appears in-game as the Galaxy Dreadnought Cruiser .

Former Crew (selection) [ | ]

Plaque 1701-D

Plaque for the Enterprise-D in the fleet starbase

  • Jean-Luc Picard - Commanding Officer
  • William T. Riker - Executive Officer
  • Deanna Troi - Counselor
  • Data - Chief Operations Officer
  • Worf - Chief of Security/Tactical Officer
  • Natasha Yar - Chief of Security, killed in action (2364)
  • Geordi La Forge - Helmsman/Chief Engineer
  • Beverly Crusher - Chief Medical Officer
  • Miles O'Brien - Helmsman/Transporter Chief
  • Wesley Crusher - Helmsman

Missions involved [ | ]


Missions mentioned [ | ]

Notes [ | ].


The easter egg in “State of Q”

  • A plaque depicting the Enterprise -D can be seen inside starbases whose fleets have completed the special project "History and Movement".
  • Prior to its official appearance in "Measure of Morality (Part 2)", the Enterprise -D appeared as an Easter egg in the now-removed mission “State of Q” , seen through one of the hull breaches on the U.S.S. Saratoga . This is somewhat anachronistic however, as the Enterprise -D did not make it to Wolf 359 until after the battle was over.

See also [ | ]

  • Enterprise for an overview of all ships to bear the name
  • U.S.S. Enterprise-F for the current flagship of the Federation
  • Natasha Yar
  • “Temporal Ambassador”

External links [ | ]

  • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) at Memory Alpha , the Star Trek Wiki.
  • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) at Memory Beta , the non-canon Star Trek Wiki.
  • 2 Playable starship
  • 3 Infinity Prize Pack - T6 Ship

USS Enterprise-D

From star trek: theurgy wiki.

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The USS Enterprise (NCC -1701-D) was a 24 th century Federation Galaxy-class starship operated by Starfleet , and the fifth Federation ship to bear the name Enterprise . The Enterprise-D served from 2364 to 2371 under the command of Captain Picard . During her career, the Enterprise served as the Federation flagship. The Enterprise was destroyed during the Battle of Veridian III in 2371. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation; Star Trek Generations )

( Source: Memory Alpha )

In December of 2363 and January of 2364, Lieutenant (senior grade) Marcus Alexander Slayton was assigned to the Enterprise-D as acting tactical officer prior to the arrival of the Enterprise ’s official command officers.

In 2365, the USS Enterprise evacuated the Terran colony of Bringloid V, a lost colony of Terrans whose population of 225 had to be evacuated due to solar flares threatening the planet. Fifteen year old Sinead O'Riley was one of the 225 evacuated and resettled on Mariposa.

  • Galaxy class starships
  • Destroyed starships

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25 Things About Star Trek’s Enterprise-D You Probably Didn’t Know [List]

Maurice Mitchell

Find out everything you didn’t know about the most famous spaceship in the universe. While the Enterprise for Star Trek: The Original Series is iconic, the reality is that most people grew up watching the Next Generation . It’s the ship that everyone knows and everyone loves, but here are some fast facts about the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D you may not know.

This was originally supposed to be a review of Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection which was sent to us by Eagle Moss Collections and was released in the U.S. last week. It’s a beautiful series and comes with wonderful models that display perfectly. There’s a fascinating article on the concept design of the Enterprise and many other well-written articles. Unfortunately, I discovered the articles have a small number of incorrect facts like saying there were two four-foot physical models of the Enterprise . Even the awesome die-cast model is the wrong color, looking tan instead of gray or blue-gray. While I can recommend it for the casual fan, for nitpickers, it’s lacking. You can learn more about the collection by going to .

Here are some things I learned from the book and other sources.

1. The U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) is a Galaxy-class ship and the fifth Federation starship in the Star Trek universe to carry the name Enterprise .

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2. In the episode “Encounter at Farpoint”, it was the first new Star Trek ship to appear on television in 20 years.

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3. While working on Star Trek: The Motion Picture, concept artist Andrew Probert made a personal painting of what he thought the U.S.S. Enterprise would look like in the far future . He was working on the bridge for Star Trek: The Next Generation and put it up for inspiration. Producer David Gerrold borrowed it for a meeting and it was immediately approved for the new Enterprise.

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4. In 1990, Probert received a patent on the Enterprise-D design .

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5. The warp nacelles for NCC-1701-D were originally designed to be much smaller than the original Enterprise since technology had advanced, but creator Gene Roddenberry felt the ship looked “underpowered” so he said, “Make the engines a little bit longer.”

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6. While the original U.S.S. Enterprise was capable of splitting the saucer section from the main body, it wasn’t until the design of the Enterprise-D was nearly complete that the producers told Probert that the ship would split into two parts. He had to redesign the ship to do it.

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7. At one point the ship was designed to split into as many as 14 parts.

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8. There were three physical models of the NCC-1701-D used on the show: a six-foot model, a two-foot model, and a four-foot model.

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9. An original shooting miniature of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D was sold at auction for an expected price of $20,000 to $30,000. It sold for almost $600,000 .

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10. Originally, the show was supposed to reuse visual FX footage of the Enterprise-D similar to what was done in the original series. However, the use of video technology instead of film was so fast and cheap that more effects shots were created.

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11. The ship was 1521.42′ (463.73 m) long.That’s more than four football fields long and twice the size of Kirk’s ship.

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11. The ship in the original series was gray but looked blue because of filming. The new Enterprise had a blue-grey colored pattern but looked gray on TV .

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12. The ship was supposed to be so advanced that the engines would never malfunction . But a chief engineer was added because engine malfunctions were useful for the writers.

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13. In the opening credits, you can see someone walking past the windows in the Enterprise . It’s Captain Picard .

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14. The Escape Pods (or “autonomous survival and recovery vehicles”) on the ship could sustain four occupants for 86 days.

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15. In the episode “Where No Man Has Gone Before” it’s said the ship was traveling faster than Warp 10 which meant that it occupied literally every point in the universe. Later it was explained that the ship was actually at Warp 9.99999.

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16. The Enterprise-D weighs about 400,000 metric tons    which are more than the 700,000  1,500,000 elephants.

Updated: The accepted weight (displacement) of the Enterprise is closer to  4,500,000 metric tons .

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16. The ship had only one commanding officer, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, with the exception of brief commands by Captain Jellico and Commander Riker.

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17. According to the dedication plaque, the ship was dedicated on October 4, 2363, in honor of the anniversary of the launch of man’s first spacecraft named Sputnik. (updated picture)

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18. The Captain’s Yacht was named Calypso , after the research vessel of the French explorer Jacques Cousteau . It was on the bottom of the saucer section and never seen in the series.

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19. The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701-D has made an appearance in every two spin-off shows from The Next Generation ( Deep Space 9 and Enterprise ) and several movies. It’s appeared in more episodes of Star Trek than any other ship, including the original series.

20. The ship could hold 1,014 crew members and up to 15,000 in an emergency . That’s the same capacity as Chicago Stadium.

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21. It’s the only Federation starship to become sentient and have a baby.

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22. The idea of crash-landing the saucer section came from an illustration in the Star Trek: The Next Generation Writers’ Technical Manual . They had planned to have the crash happen in the season six finale episode “Descent,” but it was too expensive.

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23. The fish in Captain Picard’s Ready Room was named “Livingston” after producer-director David Livingston .

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24. Patrick Stewart repeatedly petitioned to have the fish taken out because he felt fish tanks were inhumane .

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25. Producer Rick Burman wanted to avoid making the ship look like the Original Series. He banned the color purple .

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Did you learn anything new about the Enterprise-D? Which is your favorite starship from Star Trek?

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star trek wiki enterprise d

That's a lot of elephants. Longer engines – make it so!! Now I'm going to watch for Picard in that window…

Engine malfunctions were useful to the writers because the writers are lazy. I am bummed they never used the captain's yacht, though I think they used the one on the Enterprise-E in Insurrection. I'm still not sure what the point of it was. Couldn't the captain commandeer a shuttle? He is the captain after all.

WOW Enterprise overload! Great stuff!! Now I know what to name our next fish.

Livingston would be perfect David! For a boy or a girl.

I guess the idea would be that it's more luxurious than your average shuttlecraft Pat. It would have been very cool for Picard to have been stuck in one with Lwaxana.

I got a fever! And the only prescription! Is more engines! Picard's definitely a blink and you miss it moment Alex. I'm not sure which season they started it in.

I've never gotten over the saucer separation. I remember walking through the front door of my house as a teenager while my parents were watching that first episode just in time for the separation. Let's just say I did not have a positive reaction to it and walked right on through the room.

It had a baby? What?

Wow! I thought that might be Picard in that window – but if I remember, it's a tiny, far-off shot. And I always thought the fish was named after explore and missionary, David Livingstone – didn't know about the director. Cool facts!

It takes strength of mind to captain all this 24th century technology and that honour definitely goes to Captain Jean Luc Picard.

When was the Enterprise-D in Voyager?

I was wondering that myself when I read it but it was in drydock in the Voyager episode "Relativity"

This was fascinating. And I don't recall the Enterprise ever becoming sentient and "giving birth." Had to look that one up, but I guess I missed that one!

The episode "Emergence".

A truly great captain

Hey I thought the same thing Tyrean. Now you know. And knowing is half the battle!

Crazy hunh!

Really? Why's that Andrew?

It struck me as dumb, corny, and contrived all at once. Basically, "we need a wow moment for this first episode; let's have the ship separate!" I hate things like that. Even when I was a teenager, I hated things like that.

I never thought of it that way.

"Where No ONE Has Gone Before"

Also, there's a whale in there someone.

I doubt that ship was supposed to be the Enterprise, just another Galaxy-class ship under construction. The timelines just don't match up. Even if the registry is the same, it's likely that was just a VFX oversight and nothing more. A nod to The Next Generation, nothing more.

Also, in 14 that's a picture of the escape pods from the Enterprise-E, from the film First Contact. Like the Captain's yacht we never saw the escape pods on the D get used.

And to point 16, Riker got promoted to Captain of the Enterprise after Picard was taken by the Borg in The Best of Both Worlds part 2. I wouldn't be surprised if there were other captains in command at some point too, but I can't think of any.

I don't really see how two points about Picard's fish really fit into an article about the Enterprise-D either, but whatever. 😉

Foomandoonian I've decided to concede on that point. I've changed that statement to reflect that.

The picture of the escape pods was from the Enterprise E, but I couldn't find a good picture of the Enterprise C escape pods. I've change it to one that's less confusing, but more boring. 🙂

Thanks for chiming in. You're obviously a knowledgeable fan.

Yes, I am a nerd. 😉

In the episode "Emergence" the Enterprise seemed to overcome various crises without any crew intervention. Data and LaForge investigate and discover strange interconnections in the ships systems forming a "brain" into the holodeck, prompting Picard to declare that the crew begin treating the Enterprise as a sentient being. Data manages to regain control of the Enterprise and aids her in her mission to "give birth" to a new sentient lifeform using vertiron radiation particles. After the lifeform's "emergence" the Enterprise loses it's sentience.

As it happens, I was reading that it was actually a sensor dome like on the original Enterprise. It was only when someone asked Patrick Stewart what it was he joked that it was the "Captain's Yacht" and it stuck ever since, even entering the TNG Technical Manual. It was more comfortable than a shuttlecraft and designed for extended missions not needing the Enterprise. Once DS9 came about and the writers introduced the Danube-class Runabouts, the idea of the Captain's Yacht was largely made redundant… at least until Star Trek: Insurrection but then it was more a case of "I think it's about time we took a look at the Captain's Yacht. We have one, we might as well use it just to show the audience we have one!"

Sorry,… but the Captain's Yacht was Designed as a private or diplomatic shuttle for the Captain or assigned ambassadors. It is similar to a 'Captain's Gig' or 'Admiral's Barge', in today's Navy.

This 'special' shuttle was in place, as such, at the beginning. The sensor domes (top & bottom) were redesigned as a kind of surrounding series of sensors, encircling the bridge (top) and yacht (bottom).

If you're talking about the briefing room windows in the opening credits, I think you'll find that was from the pilot episode. Apparently it was one of Gene Roddenberry's demands that he see's someone walk past the windows. It migrated to Voyager in later years where the shooting model had stills slides of the interior sets in the windows (e.g. the crew mess, Janeway's quarters, ready room, briefing room, senior crew quarters, engineering…)

It could be the Enterprise-D undergoing her pre-Generations refit as the setting for the pre-launched Voyager would have been, to me, between the TNG series finale and Generations. Voyager began with DS9 season 3 which saw first use in the TV series of the new shape Generations comm-badge. I've always assumed that a series run is from the beginning of the year to the end of the year (New Year's Day to New Year's Eve if you like – even though Christmas has never been mentioned in Star Trek). VOY season 1 is just after Voyager's launch but "Relativity" is just prior to her launch. Ergo it is not inconceivable that this could be the Enterprise-D

Oh yeah, that does line up pretty well! I wonder if it actually is a canonical appearance then? Nice thinking.

There was a time when something like this wouldn't have gotten past me. 😉

~1500 inches aye? Doesn't quite equal ~450 meters. Kindof a tiny ship if you put it that way. Surely you meant feet.

LOL I can't believe you're the first person to catch that. Thanks for the fact check

It was also the 6th, not the 5th, Federation ship to be named Enterprise. You had NX-01, NCC-1701, 1701-A, 1701-B, 1701-C, then this, the NCC-1701-D.

NX-01 served and was retired before the Federation was founded – they worked her hard during her 10 years in service.

The Captain's yacht is seen in Season 6 Episode 25: Timescape. They are traveling in the captain's yacht. Why did you not say anything about the Primary Shuttle bay? which is never shown due to supposed massive size and small budget.

That picture is of Soldier Field (Football) which holds over 60k. Chicago Stadium was a basketball stadium.

You got the mass wrong. The E-D masses either 4.5 million or 5 million metric tons. 4.5 is the commonly accepted number. 5 is given on screen on a data readout. The TNG Tech manual (written by production staff) has it a 4.96 million.

"11. The ship was 1521.42' (463.73 m) long.That's more than four football fields long and twice the size of Kirk's ship."

The Enterprise-D is actually 2107 feet or (642.5 meters) long with a mass of 4,960,000 metric tons.

PELICANEATSCAT, the ship in Timescape is NOT the captain's yacht. It is a Danube-class runabout. It is even called "the runabout" in the episode.

Sorry,… but your 'facts': 3, 5, and 11 (the ship is actually 2,108 feet, OL), are wrong. A pretty good average, considering how many 'expert sources' there are out there.

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USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

Class : Galaxy Registry : NCC-1701-D Captain : Jean-Luc Picard

The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) was one of the first Galaxy -class starships to be produced by the United Federation of Planets . During its service life, it was widely regarded as the most powerful ship in the fleet and often described as the "Federation flagship ". For many years, many versus debates revolved around the outcome of a space battle between a Galaxy -class starship and an Imperial Star Destroyer , with the capabilities of the Enterprise-D serving as benchmarks for the abilities of Galaxy -class starships in general.

  • 1 Technical Data
  • 2 Notable Crew Members

Technical Data

  • According to its chief engineer, the Enterprise-D carried the most powerful matter-antimatter reactor in Starfleet , that "normally kicks plasma up into the terawatt range". [1] This occurred after he made some unplanned modifications to the warp core to increase its power output, modifications that were intended for implementation on the next class of starship. [2] Data did once claim that the ship was generating "twelve point seven five billion gigawatts", [3] but this claim for the ship's power generation is absurd for a variety of reasons.
  • According to the tactical officer of the Enterprise-D, the ship is "equipped with ten phaser banks, 250 photon torpedoes, and a high capacity shield grid." [4]
  • The top safe speed of the Enterprise in 2264 was warp 9.3, but it could conceivably achieve a speed of warp 9.8 "at great risk". [5] The ship once spent six days at warp 9.6 pursuing a Borg Cube after Captain Picard was kidnapped and turned into Locutus. [6] It needed a major engine overhaul after the crisis was over. [7]

Notable Crew Members

  • Jean-Luc Picard
  • William Riker
  • Geordi Laforge
  • Beverly Crusher
  • Deanna Troi
  • Wesley Crusher
  • Miles O'Brien
  • Katherine Pulaski
  • Reginald Barclay
  • Natasha Yar

The Enterprise-D was the successor to the Enterprise-C .

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Star Trek: Why The Enterprise-D Was Badly Designed

One of the most iconic ships from the franchise has some fairly glaring design flaws — but why?

Of all the wild and wonderful things to come out of the Star Trek franchise, one of the most iconic and most recognizable are the various spaceships. Whether it is an Enterprise or not, these vessels are arguably the most important bit of technology in the shows and movies. They allow for each and every episode to take place, as well as being a home for the show's main array of crew. They make it possible to boldly go where no one has gone before.

Of all of these ships, the Enterprise-D is perhaps one of the most memorable, captained by none other than Patrick Stewart's Jean-Luc Picard in The Next Generation. But despite its hype and iconography, there are a fair amount of problems with its overall design.

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The first issue is not necessarily specific to the Enterprise-D. Rather, it's an issue that seems to plague many of the ships post Original Series . The issue is that of scale, and how Starfleet seems to be obsessed with making ridiculously unnecessary large ships, far bigger than is needed even for a large crew like that of the Enterprise-D. Picard’s ship measures up to approximately 642m in length, almost double the height of the Eiffel Tower (which measures 324m high). Not only is it long, but it is wide and deep. The ship has an estimated 9 million square feet of habitable living space, a whopping amount of room that would be nigh impossible to fill.

This would not be too much of an issue if the Enterprise and ships the same size carried more people. But the reality is that the Enterprise-D houses around 1000 people (a number that fluctuates through the show, but it’s normally around this number or smaller). This works out as over 8,900 square feet of living space for each person, making it a surprise that anyone walking around would ever randomly bump into another person. It should be a vastly empty ghost ship.

The size of the ship is the first issue with the overall design, but at least it can be explained somewhat within canon. These galaxy class ships were designed more like luxury cruise ships than military vessels, thus practicality was deemed less important than comfort. They were built to last a long time, with lots of empty space that would allow for near infinite expansion depending on the needs of the crew. To this point, it’s noted that the entire 8th deck is left purposefully unfinished. It was designed to be multipurpose in case there was any specific, random need for space during a long mission. The TNG technical manual states that in fact, 35% of the ship was actually left empty. This was done with the expectation that they will be filled with things unimaginable at the time of creation, such as additional refugee quarters or even Borg charging stations .

The next biggest issue fans had with the design was that it looked fairly disproportional. A lot of viewers thought (and think to this day) that the saucer section is too big in comparison to the rest of the ship , making it look top-heavy. Of course, the laws of gravity don’t affect the ship in the same way as it would on Earth, and thus the ship would never topple over. Yet, still looked like at any moment it could fall forward under its own awkward weight. It was chunky and squat, with the warp nacelles being too low and the neck looking award from most angles. These were all problems that the later Enterprise-E design solved. It stretched things out, proportioned things properly, and made everything look not only more graceful and futuristic, but perfectly weighted.

The next design issue for the Enterprise-D comes outside the fictional universe, and once again comes down to budget restraints for the show. The ship overall, despite criticisms about certain aspects of the design , was not terrible. However, it often looked worse when it appeared from certain angles. The majority of times the ship is shown, it is pictured from below, with the camera pointed upward. It made the ship look far more wide and top-heavy. These shots were done out of a desire to make it look huge, as the camera facing up at it giving it a gigantic sense of scale. However, it was also far easier to get shots of the ship from the angle. The model for the Enterprise-D was mounted upside down from the top of the saucer, the most stable way of fixing it in place. For shots of the top, the show's crew would have to mount it awkwardly either with wires or complicated nacelle clamps. This was much harder and thus far more costly to do, and so they settled with more shots from below.

While the Enterprise-D is one of the more iconic ships, it is an unfortunate product of the time it was created. Star Trek was trying to go big, showing the utopian Federation at the height of their power. As such, they created vastly impractical and enormous ships that prioritized luxury over practicality. Ironically, the show makers themselves did not have the same budget Starfleet had ( even more ironic when considering Starfleet had no money ). Thus, they were left with a ship that looked good from an angle that was usually too expensive for them to use. While the ship itself is not badly designed, its design did not necessarily work.

MORE: Star Trek: Are The Borg Still A Threat After Voyager?

USS Enterprise-D (Q845684)

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  • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

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Original ‘Star Trek’ Enterprise Model Resurfaces Decades After It Went Missing

The model used in the original series’ opening credits is now back with Eugene Roddenberry Jr., the son of the show’s creator

Julia Binswanger

Julia Binswanger

Daily Correspondent

First ever model

Nearly 50 years after it went missing, the original model of the  USS Starship Enterprise from the hit show “ Star Trek ” is finally voyaging home. The 33-inch model—the same one that appears in the opening credits of the original series—is now back with Eugene Roddenberry Jr., the son of the show’s creator.

“After five decades, I’m thrilled that someone happened upon this historic model of the USS Enterprise ,” says Roddenberry, who goes by “Rod,” in a Heritage Auctions statement . “I remember how it used to adorn my dad’s desk.”

The tiny model has been missing since Roddenberry’s father, Gene Roddenberry (who died in 1991), lent it to the makers of 1979’s  Star Trek: The Motion Picture , the first Star Trek feature film. Unfortunately, he never got it back. What happened to it at that point is unknown.

close up of the Enterprise

Last fall, the spaceship popped up on  eBay —with a starting bid of $1,000. The listing was titled “Rare Custom Star Trek USS Enterprise Spaceship by Richard Datin .” Datin, a model maker from the Howard Anderson special-effects company, built the original model out of solid wood. The  New York Times ’ Emily Schmall reports that the seller came across the item after discovering it in a storage unit. After receiving many inquiries about the item, the seller contacted Heritage Auctions.

“Once our team of experts concluded it was the real thing, we contacted Rod because we wanted to get the model back to where it belonged,” says Joe Maddalena, executive vice president at Heritage Auctions, in the statement. “We’re thrilled the Enterprise is finally in dry dock.”

The ship’s whereabouts after its disappearance remain a mystery; unfortunately, the missing years aren’t described in a captain’s log. The younger Roddenberry says there had even been rumors that he’d thrown it into a pool as a boy, per Jamie Stengle of the Associated Press (AP).

While the model would “easily” sell for over $1 million at auction, it’s a “priceless” piece of television history, Maddalena tells the AP.

Since Star Trek ’s debut in 1966, the Enterprise has become an instantly recognizable image—and a pioneering design that inspired many other fictional spacecraft.

“We didn’t want the Enterprise to look like something currently planned for our space program,” said Walter Jefferies, the Star Trek art director who designed the fictional craft, in the 1968 book The Making of Star Trek , per the auction house. “We knew that by the time the show got on the air, this type of thing would be old hat. We had to go further than even the most advanced space scientists were thinking.”

Ariel view of the Enterprise Model

The younger Roddenberry rounded up a group of Star Trek production veterans to help authenticate and restore the model. One of them was Gary Kerr, a “Trek x-pert” who worked on the 2016 restoration of an 11-foot model of the Enterprise for the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum . Kerr still had old photos of the model sitting on the elder Roddenberry’s desk.

“We spent at least an hour photographing it, inspecting the paint, inspecting the dirt, looking under the base, the patina on the stem, the grain in the wood,” Roddenberry tells the Times . “It was a unanimous ‘This is 100 percent the one.’”

While other models of the Enterprise exist, the newly discovered ship is the original. Looking ahead, Roddenberry wants to ensure that this one-of-a-kind artifact is accessible to the public.

“This is not going home to adorn my shelves,” he tells the AP. “This is going to get restored and we’re working on ways to get it out so the public can see it, and my hope is that it will land in a museum somewhere.”

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Julia Binswanger

Julia Binswanger | READ MORE

Julia Binswanger is a freelance arts and culture reporter based in Chicago. Her work has been featured in WBEZ,  Chicago magazine,  Rebellious magazine and  PC magazine. 

Star Trek Has Finally Revealed the Evil Enterprise's Weird Fate

Watch out for any goatees.

star trek wiki enterprise d

Today, everyone knows what a multiverse is. But back in 1967, parallel universe stories weren’t nearly as common as they are now, even within the sci-fi genre. A classic Star Trek episode, Jerome Bixby’s “Mirror, Mirror,” helped popularize the alternate universe trope, complete with meaner versions of yourself who may rock an evil little goatee like Mirror Spock.

Star Trek’s Mirror Universe also gave us an alternate version of the USS Enterprise in the ISS Enterprise , a ship that served the Imperial Terran Empire, not the United Federation of Planets. Now, in the Discovery Season 5 episode “Mirrors,” the evil ISS Enterprise is back... as a force for good. Here’s what it all means. Spoilers ahead.

The ISS Enterprise returns

Burnham looks at the ISS Enterprise in 'Discovery' Season 5

Captain Burnham watches the ISS Enterprise warp to Federation HQ.

While pursuing the thieves Moll and L’ak, Book and Burnham take a shuttlecraft into an unstable wormhole and discover the floating, pseudo-derelict ISS Enterprise . One of the clues to the Progenitor’s tech has been hidden on it, but for Burnham, it’s kind of like a bizzaro universe homecoming. Burnham spent a decent amount of time in the Mirror Universe in Discovery Season 1 , and in Season 2 she found herself on the Enterprise with her brother Spock just before jumping from the 23rd century to the 32nd century.

In “Mirrors,” Burnham notes that “crossing between universes has been impossible for centuries,” which means the ISS Enterprise must have crossed over into the Prime Universe well before the 32nd century. Burnham is referencing the events of Discovery Season 3, when we learned that Philippa Georgiou, a resident of the Mirror Universe, couldn’t go back to her home universe because those dimensions had drifted apart. But the ISS Enterprise , which was previously captained by an evil Kirk, crossed over into the Prime Universe well before that moment, and Discovery has now added details connecting The Original Series, Deep Space Nine , and Discovery Season 3.

How evil Spock became good

Mirror Spock talks to Kirk in the 'Star Trek' episode "Mirror, Mirror.'

Spock talking with Kirk in “Mirror, Mirror.”

In the Deep Space Nine episode “Crossover” we learn that after Kirk talked to Mirror Spock and encouraged him to try making the Terran Empire a peaceful power, Mirror Spock did just that. But as Mirror Kira explained, Mirror Spock’s idealism didn’t work out the way he’d hoped:

“Spock rose to Commander in Chief of the Empire by preaching reforms, disarmament, peace. It was quite a remarkable turnabout for his people. Unfortunately for them, when Spock had completed all these reforms, his empire was no longer in any position to defend itself against us [the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance].”

Discovery appears to be referencing this exact event, even if Spock isn’t named outright. When Book learns the ISS Enterprise became a refugee ship for people who’d turned against the Empire, he says, “The Terran High Chancellor was killed for trying to make reforms.”

This likely references Spock, but adds the twist that he was perhaps betrayed by other people within the Terran Empire, even if Earth adopted his reforms. Now, by the end of “Mirrors,” the 23rd-century ISS Enterprise has been moved to the Prime Universe and the 32nd century. It’s an antique by modern standards, but it’s a contemporary of the USS Discovery, so it’s still serviceable. This means that by the end of Discovery Season 5 there will still be a version of the classic Enterprise floating around Federation headquarters, so when the Starfleet Academy series debuts, 32nd-century Starfleet cadets will have access to the classic version of the most famous Enterprise. It may technically be an evil twin, but its historic adventures aren’t over just yet.

Star Trek: Discovery and The Original Series stream on Paramount+.

Phasers on Stun!: How the Making — and Remaking — of Star Trek Changed the World

  • Science Fiction

star trek wiki enterprise d

star trek wiki enterprise d

Star Trek: Discoverys Pilot Just Joined Enterprises Legacy

Warning: This Article Contains SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery Season 5, Episode 5 - "Mirrors"

  • Keyla Detmer piloted the ISS Enterprise in Star TrekL Discovery season 5, joining the ranks of Enterprise helmsman in the process.
  • The USS Enterprise has had other notable helmsmen like Sulu and Geordi La Forge across different versions.
  • Discovery provided Detmer with the chance to pilot a version of the Enterprise, filmed on the set of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

Star Trek: Discovery season 5 enabled the show's pilot, Keyla Detmer (Emily Coutts) to join an important legacy for the USS Enterprise. Detmer has been the helmsman of the USS Discovery since season 1, and an integral part of Discovery 's cast of characters up through season 5 . Although she has largely been a supporting character on Discovery , Detmer has still enjoyed some important moments, including a few memorable subplots in both seasons 1 and 3.

Despite Detmer not appearing in Discovery season 5, episode 5 , the show bestowed an important milestone on her off-screen. Episode 5 saw the retrieval of the Mirror Universe's ISS Enterprise after a clue in the search for the Progenitor's technology led Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and Cleveland Booker (David Ajala) to a heated confrontation with L'ak (Elias Toufexis) and Moll (Eve Harlow) on the abandoned ship. Discovery managed to save the Mirror Enterprise from interdimensional space , and Captain Burham assigned Lieutenant Commander Detmer and Owosekun (Oyin Oladejo) to take it back to Federation Headquarters.

5 Ways Star Trek: Discoverys Mirror Enterprise Is Different From USS Enterprise

Star trek: discoverys pilot commander detmer is the latest enterprise helmsman, detmer flew the iss enterprise in discovery season 5.

Thanks to episode 5, Detmer has joined the ranks of those who had piloted a version of the Enterprise in Star Trek history . Detmer could have had the opportunity to pilot the USS Enterprise during Discovery season 2, especially considering that its Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount) , was a main character on the show. Discovery 's time jump to the 32nd century made any further encounters with the Prime Universe's Enterprise impossible, but season 5 finally gave Detmer the chance to be included in the category of legendary Enterprise helmsman.

It seems Discovery has given Detmer the chance to pilot the only Enterprise she will likely ever get to during the rest of the show's run.

Although the ISS Enterprise is different from the Prime Universe's USS Enterprise, the two are similar enough that Discovery filmed episode 5's Enterprise scenes on the set for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , which is set on the USS Enterprise in Discovery 's old time period, the 23rd century. It seems Discovery has given Detmer the chance to pilot the only Enterprise she will likely ever get to during the rest of the show's run. Of course, Detmer piloting any version of the USS Enterprise is still a huge honor, considering which characters she shares the distinction with.

Star Treks Enterprise Helmsmen Explained

The uss enterprise has had some notable helmsmen.

The various versions of the Enterprise have had some incredible helmsmen, and the ship has the interesting distinction of being piloted by two father-daughter teams at different times . The most famous Enterprise Helmsman is, of course, Hikaru Sulu (George Takei) from Star Trek: The Original Series . Sulu and his other versions, including his Mirror Universe counterpart, faithfully piloted the Enterprise for many years of the franchise's timeline, and Sulu's daughter, Demora (Jacqueline Kim) took on the task years later during Star Trek Generations .

Sulu isn't the only famous character to have been an Enterprise helmsman, however. Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton) was the initial helmsman for the USS Enterprise-D in Star Trek: The Next Generation , and like Sulu would share the honor with his daughter, Sidney (Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut) who took on the role in Star Trek: Picard season 3. More recently, Strange New Worlds introduced Erica Ortegas (Melissa Navia) as the helmsman under Captain Pike. Ortegas has proved to be one of Star Trek 's best pilots and a memorable addition to the Enterprise pilot ranks , similar to Detmer on Star Trek: Discovery .

New episodes of Star Trek: Discovery season 5 stream Thursdays on Paramount+.

Star Trek: Discovery

Star Trek: Discovery is an entry in the legendary Sci-Fi franchise, set ten years before the original Star Trek series events. The show centers around Commander Michael Burnham, assigned to the USS Discovery, where the crew attempts to prevent a Klingon war while traveling through the vast reaches of space.

Cast Blu del Barrio, Oded Fehr, Anthony Rapp, Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Wilson Cruz, Eve Harlow, Mary Wiseman, Callum Keith Rennie

Release Date September 24, 2017

Genres Drama, Sci-Fi, Adventure

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Alex Kurtzman

Directors Jonathan Frakes, Olatunde Osunsanmi

Showrunner Alex Kurtzman

Where To Watch Paramount+

Star Trek: Discoverys Pilot Just Joined Enterprises Legacy

Memory Alpha

Galaxy class

  • View history

The Galaxy -class was a Starfleet heavy capital ship class first introduced in the mid 2360s . It was one of the largest and most powerful Federation starship classes of its time, with many serving in the Dominion War . Starfleet had previously operated another type of Galaxy -class starship in the 2250s . ( TNG : " The Ensigns of Command ")

  • 1.1 Design and development
  • 1.2 Early years
  • 1.3 Dominion War
  • 1.4 Later status
  • 1.5 Alternate timelines
  • 2.1 Physical arrangement
  • 2.2 Command and control systems
  • 2.3.1 Upgrades
  • 2.4.1 Upgrades
  • 2.5.1 Upgrades
  • 2.6 Crew support
  • 3.1.1 Upgrades
  • 3.2 Observation lounge
  • 3.3 Battle bridge
  • 3.4 Main engineering
  • 3.5.1 Sickbay
  • 3.5.2 Medlabs
  • 3.5.3 Surgical suite
  • 3.5.4 Emergency bio-support unit
  • 3.5.5 Physical rehabilitation bay
  • 3.5.6 Morgue
  • 3.5.7 Counselor's office
  • 3.6.1 Stellar cartography
  • 3.6.2 Cybernetics lab
  • 3.6.3 Arboretum
  • 3.6.4 Cetacean labs
  • 3.7.1 Transporter rooms
  • Embarked craft
  • 3.7.3 Cargo bays
  • 3.8 Crew quarters
  • 3.9.1 Ten Forward
  • 3.9.2 Holodeck
  • 3.9.3 Phaser range
  • 3.9.4 Gymnasium
  • 3.9.5 Theater and concert hall
  • 3.9.6 Salon
  • 3.9.7 Relaxing area
  • 3.9.8 Replicating center
  • 3.10 Educational facilities
  • 4 Ships commissioned
  • 5.1 Appearances
  • 5.2.1 Studio model
  • 5.2.2 Designing the bridge
  • 5.2.3 Technical Manual
  • 5.3 Apocrypha
  • 5.4 External links

History [ ]

Galaxy design lab, remastered

Utopia Planitia design lab, with a Galaxy -class starship under construction outside the window

Design and development [ ]

The Galaxy Class Starship Development Project took place at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards . ( TNG : " Booby Trap ", " Eye of the Beholder ") Numerous technologies implemented on Galaxy -class starships were tested aboard earlier prototype vessels, including the Oberth -class USS Pegasus in the 2350s . ( TNG : " The Pegasus ")

The warp core was designed at Outpost Seran T-1 on stardate 40052 by some of the most brilliant engineering minds in the Federation, including Leah Brahms of the Theoretical Propulsion Group . ( TNG : " Booby Trap ")

Utopia Planitia

Galaxy -class ship under construction at Utopia Planitia

Major component construction of Galaxy -class ships was carried out both in orbit and at ground based facilities. ( TNG : " Booby Trap ", " Parallels ")

Upon its launch, the Galaxy -class had become the most technologically sophisticated and complicated ship ever built by the Federation. ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ", " Lonely Among Us ", " Contagion ")

Early years [ ]

Galaxy-class, starboard view

A starboard view

Service aboard a Galaxy -class starship was considered an extremely prestigious assignment with 91% of Starfleet Academy graduates not posted on their first assignment, and they attracted some of Starfleet's finest officers. ( TNG : " Ménage à Troi ", " Ensign Ro "; VOY : " Relativity ") They were noted for their impressive abilities among Federation citizens and other Alpha Quadrant races. ( TNG : " Tin Man ", " Chain Of Command, Part I "; DS9 : " Valiant "; VOY : " Infinite Regress "; Star Trek Generations ) Some Galaxy -class ships were able to house large civilian populations; many assigned personnel even brought their families aboard to live with them. ( TNG : " When The Bough Breaks ", " Disaster ", " New Ground ", " Imaginary Friend ")

In 2365 , the safety of the Galaxy -class, in particular its warp propulsion system , came into question when the USS Yamato was lost in a mysterious accident near the Romulan Neutral Zone claiming the lives of all personnel and their families. The ship had experienced massive system-wide failures which eventually led to a loss of antimatter containment . Further investigation revealed the malfunctions were the result of an Iconian software transmission and not a design flaw inherent to the ship. ( TNG : " Contagion ")

Undoubtedly the most prominent early Galaxy -class starship was the Federation flagship USS Enterprise -D , which, apart from two brief periods under the commands of William T. Riker and Edward Jellico , was commanded for its entire service history by Captain Jean-Luc Picard . The Enterprise -D made first contact with a multitude of new species, including the Q Continuum and the Borg Collective . Its diplomatic efforts helped cool tensions between smaller, regional powers and prevent dramatic upheavals to the security of the Federation during the Klingon Civil War , and frequently checked Romulan and Cardassian operations in tense situations. It fought off some of the Federation's toughest foes, most notably preventing the assimilation of Earth during the Borg invasion of 2367 . ( Star Trek: The Next Generation )

Dominion War [ ]

USS Odyssey critically damaged

The USS Odyssey critically damaged

A Galaxy -class ship was involved in the disastrous first contact with the Dominion . The USS Odyssey had entered the Gamma Quadrant in order to rescue several Federation citizens who had been taken captive by the Jem'Hadar . While the Odyssey was retreating, a Jem'Hadar attack ship made a suicide run at its stardrive section , causing a massive hull breach and resulting in the complete destruction of the ship. ( DS9 : " The Jem'Hadar ") This act marked the beginning of three years of hostilities between the Federation and the Dominion, culminating in the outbreak of the Dominion War .

USS Venture and Excelsiors

Venture docked at Deep Space 9, with a pair of Excelsior -class ships in the background

Galaxy -class starships saw action in many of the major fleet actions of the war including Operation Return , where ships of the class played a tactical role as leaders for Galaxy -wing squadrons , ( DS9 : " Sacrifice of Angels ") the First Battle of Chin'toka , ( DS9 : " Tears of the Prophets ") and the Battle of Cardassia . ( DS9 : " What You Leave Behind ")

USS Galaxy

The USS Galaxy takes on an orbital weapon platform in the First Battle of Chin'toka

USS Venture destroys orbital weapon platform

The Venture destroys a deactivated orbital weapon platform (2374)

Later status [ ]

Several more starships entered the fleet inventory during the 2370s . Several Galaxy -class ships were shown under construction at Utopia Planitia . ( TNG : " Parallels "; VOY : " Relativity ") By the latter half of the decade, Galaxy -class ships were seen all around Federation space, from stations near Earth where a number of Galaxy -class ships were part of the fleet assembled to intercept a Borg sphere in 2378 , to ships operating near the Romulan Neutral Zone . ( VOY : " Endgame "; Star Trek Nemesis )

By 2399 , a hologram of a Galaxy -class vessel was occasionally displayed at the ceiling of Starfleet Headquarters . ( PIC : " Maps and Legends ")

In 2401 , the rebuilt USS Enterprise -D was pressed back into service by her old command crew after the Borg compromised the rest of Starfleet. ( PIC : " Võx ")

Alternate timelines [ ]

Picard in Alternate Timeline Enterprise-D Captain's Chair

Picard in the sole chair in the alternate timeline

In an alternate timeline 2366 , in which the United Federation of Planets was at war with the Klingon Empire , the Enterprise -D was the Federation's first Galaxy -class warship . It featured 42 decks and was capable of transporting over 6,000 troops. Though the vessel's exterior appearance was similar if not identical to that of the vessel in the normal timeline, there were interior changes. The ship's bridge was darkly lit, while Ten Forward featured much brighter lighting. Certain features, such as the captain's chair , possessed a more militaristic appearance, and this chair was not surrounded by seats for the first officer and an additional officer. ( TNG : " Yesterday's Enterprise ")

In an alternate future , refitted Galaxy -class ships remained in service long after 2370, although some attempts had been made to decommission them. ( TNG : " All Good Things... ")

Technical data [ ]

Physical arrangement [ ].

Enterprise scale

Amanda Rogers and Q standing on the hull of a Galaxy -class ship, near the stern

USS Phoenix and USS Enterprise-D

Nebula - and Galaxy -class starships

USS Enterprise-D saucer separation

Saucer separation in progress

The Enterprise -D had an overall length of 641 meters, an overall width of 473 meters, and an overall height of 133 meters. The gross vehicle mass of this ship was 5,000,000 metric tons. The ship had a standard crew complement of 1,012 persons, with a maximum evacuation capacity of 15,000 persons. The environmental standard on the ship was equivalent to M-class . The maximum sustainable speed was warp 9.2 and the maximum rated speed was 9.8. ( TNG : " New Ground " okudagram )

The design included two hull sections: a saucer-shaped primary hull , and a detachable secondary hull which housed the ship's primary engines. They could be reversibly separated and were both equipped with independent flight and combat capabilities. Generally, civilians and non-essential personnel would evacuate to the saucer module , while the senior staff confronted a threat in the battle section , which contained the majority of weapons systems. ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ") The saucer was able to withstand a crash landing on a planetary surface. ( Star Trek Generations ) However, in dire situations, the saucer section could still be used in combat. ( TNG : " The Best of Both Worlds, Part II ")

The interior space of the Galaxy -class was left somewhat customizable; areas such as Deck 8 were designated as unfinished and multipurpose, in the event that extra space was needed for a specific mission. ( TNG : " Liaisons ")

Command and control systems [ ]

The computer system on board the Galaxy -class was isolinear -based. ( TNG : " The Naked Now ") Computer systems were concentrated in a computer core , which was accessible through a maintenance room. ( TNG : " Contagion ", " Evolution ", " The Bonding ") There was a starboard computer core. ( TNG : " The Nth Degree ") Each Galaxy -class vessel carried a total of three independent computer cores; two located in the saucer section and one in the engineering section.

Propulsion systems [ ]

USS Enterprise-D, aft torpedo launcher and impulse drive

Impulse engine (aft torpedo launcher is also visible)

Warp drive offline

Traveling on impulse power only

Galaxy -class ships achieved warp flight through two warp nacelles, which housed multiple pairs of warp coils . ( TNG : " Eye of the Beholder ") The warp core was one of the most powerful in Starfleet, generating approximately 12.75 billion gigawatts of power. ( TNG : " True Q ") The efficiency of the warp drive could be tweaked to a point where it rivaled the new USS Intrepid in 2370. ( TNG : " Force of Nature ") The warp core spanned twelve decks in the engineering hull. The deuterium tanks were above the core, while antimatter storage pods surrounded the base of the core on Deck 42. ( TNG : " Liaisons ")

The acceleration delay between slow-reverse impulse and top warp speed, or about warp 9, was 0.300 milliseconds . ( TNG : " The Last Outpost ") Warp speeds above 9.3 were beyond the red line. The maximum warp speed was warp 9.6, which could be maintained for a few hours. ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ", " The Best of Both Worlds ") It was also possible to achieve warp 9.65. ( TNG : " Q Who ") Warp 9.8 was also achievable in theory, but at extreme risk. ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ") As of the year 2366, the USS Enterprise -D, a Galaxy -class vessel, was known to have been the fastest ship in Starfleet. ( TNG : " Tin Man ")

There were three impulse engines , two on the saucer section and one in the stardrive section. In early ships, only the impulse engine in the stardrive section was usually active. ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ")

Upgrades [ ]

Galaxy class navigational deflector

The navigational deflector dish of a Galaxy -class starship. Also seen is the forward torpedo launcher and ventral phaser array

Upgrades to the propulsion systems were tested in 2370 aboard the Enterprise -D; the ship received a new warp core manufactured with interphase technology. ( TNG : " Phantasms ") A major overhaul of the nacelles was also conducted that year. ( TNG : " Eye of the Beholder ") By the mid 2370s, most Galaxy -class ships began operating with all three impulse engines activated. ( DS9 : " Favor the Bold ", " Tears of the Prophets "; VOY : " Timeless ")

Scientific systems [ ]

Galaxy -class ships supported a wide variety of scientific equipment and laboratories studying many different disciplines. ( TNG : " Liaisons ") The departments often had to compete for limited resources such as sensor time, which were allocated by the operations officer or, on occasion, the executive officer . ( TNG : " Lessons ")

In addition to sensors, Galaxy -class ships were equipped with a variety of probes and scientific devices that could be launched from the torpedo launchers. These included basic scanner probes and reconnaissance probes , class-A probes and probes from class-1 to class-5 . ( TNG : " Where Silence Has Lease ", " Force of Nature ", " Ship In A Bottle ", " Chain Of Command, Part I ") The ships were also equipped with a number of space buoys including the basic stationary beacons , warning buoys and emergency buoys . ( TNG : " Where Silence Has Lease ", " Identity Crisis ", " Descent, Part II ")

Sensor systems could be customized and upgraded as necessary for a specific mission. Additional equipment could be added as required. ( TNG : " Cause And Effect ", " Schisms ") The latest technologies were generally outfitted to Galaxy -class ships as they left the experimental stages. ( TNG : " All Good Things... ")

Tactical systems [ ]

USS Enterprise-D fires all weapons

A Galaxy -class starship fires its phasers and photon torpedoes

Galaxy class torpedo launcher

A Galaxy -class starship's forward torpedo launcher

Aft torpedo launcher on a Galaxy -class vessel

The Galaxy -class was equipped with twelve phaser banks , distributed in phaser arrays at various points along both hulls. One array was located on the dorsal of the battle section and could only be used following a separation. Multiple phaser beams could be fired simultaneously from a single array. ( DS9 : " Sacrifice of Angels ") There were also fore and aft torpedo launchers on the engineering section. ( TNG : " Conundrum ") Each launch tube was capable of firing at least five photon torpedoes simultaneously, each torpedo capable of being independently targeted. ( TNG : " The Arsenal of Freedom ", " Yesterday's Enterprise ") In the 2360s , Galaxy -class ships typically carried about 250 photon torpedoes. The torpedo launchers were also capable of launching probes. The Galaxy -class also carried antimatter mines and supported a high-capacity deflector shield grid. ( TNG : " Chain Of Command, Part II ", " Conundrum ")

Additionally, the engineering crew of the Enterprise -D discovered a way to convert the main deflector dish of the Galaxy -class into a beam weapon of unprecedented power. This weapon was successfully tested against a Borg cube in 2367 and possessed enough firepower that the Borg cube would likely have been destroyed in a single shot had it not been for the fact that, with the assimilation of Jean Luc Picard, the Borg had managed to preemptively adapt to the frequency of the energy. Initial usage of the weapon burned out the main deflector dish and required the crew of the Enterprise -D to spend several hours conducting repairs. However, the only other time the weapon was used, it appeared not to have caused any of the system damage that it had previously been observed to cause, though it was not fired for the same length of time. ( TNG : " The Best of Both Worlds, Part II ", " Night Terrors ")

The Venture with the additional arrays

Certain Galaxy -class ships, such as the USS Venture , were fitted with additional phaser arrays on the dorsal surfaces of their nacelles. ( DS9 : " The Way of the Warrior ")

Galaxy class deflector shield

The deflector shields of a Galaxy -class starship's secondary hull

The Enterprise -D received weapons systems upgrades in 2370, including a loadout of higher-yield photon torpedoes and enhanced targeting sensors programmed by Lieutenant Worf . ( TNG : " Genesis ")

Crew support [ ]

While Starfleet policy permitted the immediate family of officers and crew to stay aboard starships prior to the advent of the Galaxy -class, it was the first class specifically tailored to accommodate civilian as well as Starfleet personnel. ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ") Civilians were allowed to hold varying positions in the science division aboard the Galaxy -class. ( TNG : " Night Terrors ")

Interior design [ ]

Galaxy class corridor

A typical saucer section corridor

Galaxy class engineering corridor

A corridor in the engineering section

The predominant color scheme of the corridors aboard possessed blue carpeting on the corridor floors and silver-blue wall paneling.

Main bridge [ ]

Galaxy class bridge, 2366

The main bridge circa 2366

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D aft bridge section

Aft bridge section

Galaxy class bridge conn ops

The ops and conn consoles

The main bridge of the Galaxy -class was located on Deck 1 of the saucer section . Different Galaxy -class starships had different bridge designs. The following describes the bridge design used in at least two Galaxy -class starships, including the USS Enterprise -D.

The forward bulkhead was dominated by the main viewscreen . Directly aft of this were the operations officer and conn positions. At the very center of the room was the command area – the captain's chair at the center, flanked by chairs for the first officer to the right, and an additional officer (typically the ship's counselor or chief medical officer ) to the left. Each of these command stations included consoles for shipboard systems access. Smaller backless seats were located on the edges of the command area, for other officers to sit, should the need arise.

It should be noted that helm control could either be operated from the left or right forward stations, or in some cases from the tactical station. It also should be noted that the operations console was capable of communications, scanning, and course navigation.

Bridge replicator

A replicator on the bridge

The tactical console, positioned directly behind the captain, was located in the wooden handrail that encircled the rear half of the central command area. The aft bulkhead carried several additional consoles. These could be customized as needed, ( TNG : " Chain Of Command, Part I ") and were reconfigured at least twice. In 2364 , the consoles, from starboard to port, were Science I, Science II , Propulsion , Emergency Manual Override , and Environment . By 2365, they were Science I, Science II, Mission Ops , Environment, and Engineering . The stations featured pullout seats below the console, which were normally flush with the panel below the stations. The bridge was also equipped with two food replicators . ( citation needed • edit )

Galaxy class bridge diagram

A wall-mounted diagram of the Enterprise -D, located near the ready room

By necessity, the bridge had easy access to and from all other important areas of the ship. In all, there were six doors leading from the room. Moving clockwise from the main viewscreen , the first door, level with and to the right of the conn, led directly to the battle bridge emergency turbolift . At the rear right of the bridge, a shallow alcove contained two doors, one of which led to a head, the other to a corridor leading to the observation lounge . The door at the rear left of the room opened onto a standard turbolift. Continuing around, the fifth door led into the captain's ready room , the sixth to another turbolift. ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ")

As the main bridge housed so many critical systems, numerous emergency environmental and power backups were included so that duty personnel could continue to work for up to 72 hours in the event of a major shutdown or incapacitation of the vessel. ( citation needed • edit ) Other safeguards included seven redundant safety interlocks to prevent the life support from being turned off on the bridge. ( TNG : " Brothers ")

Donald Varley

Another version of the Galaxy -class bridge

The USS Yamato 's bridge had a very similar configuration to the Enterprise -D bridge. ( TNG : " Where Silence Has Lease ", " Contagion ")

Galaxy class bridge security

The security station, integrated in the wooden handrail

The bridges of Galaxy -class ships were subject to several minor cosmetic changes over their first decade of service. Aboard the USS Enterprise -D, these could be seen as early as 2365, the starship's second year of service. The computer access panels on the port and starboard walls were replaced; pin-striping was added to the tactical console bulkhead behind the captain's chair; the reclined conn and ops seats were replaced with upright versions; the cushioned end seats were removed from the command area; the "flip-open" captain's chair consoles were replaced with permanently open units; and the direction of the viewscreen beacon was reversed. ( TNG : " The Child ") Several changes were also made to the bridge's carpeting in subsequent years.

Galaxy class bridge, 2371

The bridge in 2371

The Enterprise -D bridge's first major refit came in 2371. Six new stations were added, three on each side of the bridge replacing the equipment lockers. The aft stations were accordingly reprogrammed and moved to different locations. The three starboard stations were designated Science I, II, and III. Science IV became the first aft station, followed by Mission Ops, Environment, and Engineering I/II. The port side of the bridge had three communications stations , consoles which were not common to the bridges of 24th century ships. In addition, the command chairs were raised two steps above the helm and ops stations, to provide the captain with an unobstructed view of the forward viewscreen. New carpeting and handrails were also added. ( Star Trek Generations )

Observation lounge [ ]

Enterprise-D lounge

The observation lounge

The observation lounge was located directly aft of the main bridge. The room was usually used as a conference room for the vessel's senior staff. It featured large, aft-facing windows that offered a spectacular view of the back of the starship and space beyond. A conference table with seating for ten people was the main feature of the room, ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ") with LCARS screens on the port and starboard walls for information displays and retrieval. ( TNG : " The Child ") Holographic emitters embedded within the table could also be used for presenting data. ( TNG : " The Last Outpost ") Some starships featured artwork along the wall opposite the windows; when this was not present the bare wall showed several structural supports. ( TNG : " Darmok ")

Galaxy class battle bridge, 2367

The battle bridge

Battle bridge [ ]

The battle bridge was located on Deck 8 and was connected to the main bridge and other vital areas of the ship by an emergency turbolift. It was designed to control the stardrive section following a saucer separation. Unlike the main bridge, there was much more focus on combat and tactical systems and no science stations. The battle bridge was modular, like the main bridge; at least two variants have been seen aboard Galaxy -class ships. ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ", " The Arsenal of Freedom ", " The Best of Both Worlds, Part II ")

Main engineering [ ]

Enterprise D-Engineering

Main engineering, with the warp core visible

Galaxy engineering1

The "pool table" and the MSD

Engineering systems spanned twelve decks of the engineering section. Engineering itself was located on Deck 36, ( TNG : " Liaisons ") and was an open-plan facility, directly accessible from the corridor. Consisting of two levels, it provided direct access to the vessel's warp core and primary engineering support systems. The corridor bulkhead housed the Master Situation Monitor . Inside the main section, the master systems display was the operational focus of the room. Beyond this, heading towards the warp core, the chief engineer 's office and several support consoles were located on the left, and the assistant chief engineer's console on the right. These formed part of the bulkhead protecting the main part of engineering from the warp core. Access to the upper level, a circular area surrounding the warp core, was provided by a ladder to the left of the warp core or an elevator on the right. The upper level had access to other warp core maintenance systems. ( TNG : " The Dauphin ", " The Best of Both Worlds, Part II ")

Engineering could also serve as a backup to the main bridge if it was damaged or disabled. ( TNG : " Brothers ")

In the event of a major failure, such as an imminent warp core breach, engineering was equipped with isolation doors and force fields to contain various sections of the facility, usually to seal off the warp core prior to detonation or ejection. ( TNG : " The Best of Both Worlds ", " Violations "; Star Trek Generations )

Medical facilities [ ]

Galaxy class icu

Intensive care unit

The Galaxy -class medical department was charged with providing health care to the ship's company and all attached personnel.

Sickbay [ ]

Galaxy class CMO office

The CMO's office

There were at least three sickbay wards aboard the ship, ( TNG : " Tapestry ") with at least one in the saucer section ( TNG : " Genesis ") and another in the stardrive section. ( TNG : " The Arsenal of Freedom ") There were four recovery biobeds on the periphery of the room with a main surgical biobed opposite them, covered by a large overhead sensor cluster and capable of hookup to a surgical support frame . Equipment storage and various control panels were located throughout sickbay. The chief medical officer 's office was a small space just off the main sickbay, with desk and workspace for the CMO. A small foyer connected the office to the sickbay; it contained a replicator terminal.

Separate, private recovery rooms were also located near sickbay, ( TNG : " Ethics ") as was a nursery ( TNG : " Home Soil ", " Data's Day ") and a diagnostic center. ( TNG : " Transfigurations ")

A Galaxy -class sickbay also had the facilities to isolate parasitic protoviruses . ( TNG : " Brothers ")

In an alternate timeline caused after the USS Enterprise -C traveled from 2344 to 2366 via a temporal rift , there was a null-G ward of sickbay. ( TNG : " Yesterday's Enterprise ")

Medlabs [ ]

Galaxy -class ships had at least four medical laboratories of varying sizes. There was a small laboratory accessible through the foyer outside the chief medical officer's office where minor experiments run by on-duty personnel could be monitored. ( TNG : " Home Soil ", " Evolution ", " Clues ", " The Game ") Other larger medlabs similar to standard science labs were elsewhere. ( TNG : " Ethics ")

Surgical suite [ ]

Surgeries too complicated for the sickbay ward could be conducted in a separate surgical area which had a large variety of bio-support systems. ( TNG : " Ethics ")

Emergency bio-support unit [ ]

Galaxy surgicalbay

The emergency bio support unit

There was a separate room located near the main sickbay facility on Deck 12 that contained the emergency bio-support unit. Patients with severe burn injuries could be treated here in a closed cell. ( TNG : " Transfigurations ")

Physical rehabilitation bay

The physical rehabilitation bay in use

Physical rehabilitation bay [ ]

Similar in size and design of the room housing the emergency bio support unit, this space was used for the physical rehabilitation of patients in sickbay. Several weights were available in racks as well various scanners, including the prominently placed unit located in the center of the ceiling. ( TNG : " Transfigurations ")

A morgue facility with storage slots for several bodies was located adjacent to sickbay. ( TNG : " Man Of The People ", " Suspicions ", " Night Terrors ")

Counselor's office [ ]

The ship's counselor had their own office, located on Deck 9. Crew members needing emotional support could meet in private with the counselor here. ( TNG : " The Icarus Factor ", " The Price ", " Realm Of Fear ", " Man Of The People ", " Dark Page ")

Scientific department [ ]

Science laboratory, 2369

A science lab

The Galaxy -class starship housed over one hundred ( citation needed • edit ) separate scientific research labs . Very few of the research labs remained under the same discipline of science for more than six months. ( citation needed • edit ) Most shared the same design; only a few had extremely specialized equipment.

Stellar cartography [ ]

Stellar cartography was located on Deck 9. There were at least two laboratories based there; one, a smaller facility similar to the other labs aboard the ship ( TNG : " Lessons "); another, a much larger cylindrical room spanning three decks. The walls of the room were designed to be a three-dimensional display. ( Star Trek Generations )

Cybernetics lab [ ]

Galaxy class cybernetics

Cybernetics lab

Aboard the Enterprise -D, the cybernetics lab was a circular room, with a raised platform in its center containing a shell which could hold a cybernetic body. The entire assembly could retract into the ceiling and was directly controlled by a console to the side. There were additional wall-mounted consoles throughout the room. ( TNG : " The Offspring ", " The Best of Both Worlds, Part II ") Another laboratory was of a rectangular design, although it still featured the shell assembly. ( TNG : " I Borg ")

Arboretum [ ]

The arboretum was capable of studying and supporting a wide variety of plant life, and also doubled as a social area. ( TNG : " Night Terrors ", " Imaginary Friend ", " Dark Page ")

Cetacean labs [ ]

The Galaxy -class starship carried a complement of cetaceans . Among the crew, these facilities were also known as "the dolphin tanks" ( TNG : " The Perfect Mate ") or the "aquatic lab." ( TNG : " Genesis ")

In an alternate timeline, these facilities were also known as Cetacean Ops. ( TNG : " Yesterday's Enterprise ")

Transport and cargo [ ]

Transporter rooms [ ].

Galaxy class transporter room

Transporter room

Galaxy -class starships had twenty transporter rooms located throughout the vessel. ( TNG : " 11001001 ") Four transporter rooms were located on Deck 6 in the saucer section, ( TNG : " The Game ") while two more were on Deck 14 in the stardrive section. ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ")

Shuttlebays [ ]

Berman and Piller in Enterprise-D main shuttlebay

Main shuttlebay, external view

There were three shuttlebays aboard each Galaxy -class starship, supporting many varieties of shuttlecraft . The main shuttlebay was located on Deck 4 in the saucer section. It was so massive that an explosive decompression of the air within the bay would contain enough force to propel the ship forward. ( TNG : " Cause And Effect ") Two smaller bays, Shuttlebays 2 and 3 , were on Deck 13 in the engineering hull. ( TNG : " The Next Phase ")

Galaxy -class starships were equipped with five hangars, Hangars 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , and 5 , for the overhauling , refitting , testing, and storage of auxiliary craft. ( TNG : " Evolution ", display graphic )

Embarked craft [ ]

  • Type 6 shuttlecraft ( TNG : " Darmok ")
  • Type 7 shuttlecraft ( TNG : " Coming of Age ")
  • Type 15 shuttlepod ( TNG : " Time Squared ")
  • Danube -class runabout ( DS9 : " Emissary "; TNG : " Timescape ")
  • Captain's yacht

Cargo bays [ ]

Galaxy cargobay

A typical cargo bay

There were numerous multi-level cargo bays located all throughout the ship. Most of these bays contained sufficient room for storage, cargo transporters, and anti-grav units for the transportation of cargo. ( TNG : " The Hunted ", " Hollow Pursuits ") Cargo bay four was the only cargo bay with direct access to the exterior hull. ( TNG : " Power Play ", " Disaster ")

Crew quarters [ ]

Galaxy class quaters2

Standard officers' quarters

Galaxy class junior officers quarters

Junior officers' quarters

Galaxy class quarters

Luxurious VIP quarters

Crew quarters on the Galaxy -class were located throughout both the saucer section and the engineering hull. ( TNG : " Imaginary Friend "; Star Trek Generations ) Pets, including cats and dogs , were also allowed aboard ship. ( TNG : " Data's Day ")

There were several types of crew quarters aboard:

  • Junior officers' quarters – These small-unit quarters were located on the interior of the ship and lacked windows. They were comprised of a living area, a bedroom, and a bathroom. Crewmembers of lieutenant junior grade were given their own quarters; ensigns were required to share quarters. ( TNG : " Lower Decks ") The living area contained a replicator terminal and was customizable with a variety of furniture and decorations.
  • Officers' quarters – These quarters lined the edge of the saucer section and contained a living area, a bedroom, and a bathroom area. ( TNG : " Schisms ", " Frame of Mind ", " Genesis ", " Relics ") They were generally reserved for lieutenant commanders and above. Similar quarters were also available to enlisted and civilian personnel with families. ( TNG : " The Wounded ")
  • Captain's quarters – The captain's quarters, located on Deck 8, were similar to the officers' quarters but were slightly larger. The captain had a large desk area and work terminal. VIP and diplomatic guest quarters shared the same layout. ( TNG : " Too Short A Season ", " Sarek ")

Recreational facilities [ ]

Ten Forward (overview)

The Ten Forward lounge

Ten Forward [ ]

Located at the forward-most section of the saucer module on Deck 10 (deck 10, forward section one), Ten Forward served as the social center of the ship. It had a battery of recreational games including three-dimensional chess as well as a fully stocked bar which carried syntheholic beverages. The replicators were also able to produce other food and drinks for the crew to enjoy in a relaxed social setting. Its large, panoramic windows permitted a staggering view of the ship's passage through space. ( TNG : " The Child ", " Power Play ")

Holodeck [ ]

The Galaxy -class carried sixteen holodecks , which were located on Decks 9, 10, and 11. ( TNG : " 11001001 ", " Homeward ")

Phaser range [ ]

The phaser range was located on Deck 12. A person stood on a platform in the center of the room, illuminated only by the light which came from above the platform. Colored circular lights, approximately the size of a Human hand, whirled across the walls, and the person aimed and fired at selected targets. After completing a round, the number of hits and misses, along with the percentage of accuracy, were tallied by the ship's computer. There were at least fifteen levels of difficulty, and the range could be customized for two-player competition.

The phaser range was also used by security officers to train personnel in marksmanship. ( TNG : " A Matter Of Honor ", " Redemption II ")

Gymnasium [ ]

Enterprise-D fencing room, 2368

The fencing room

Galaxy class racquetball court

The racquetball court

The gymnasium , which was also on Deck 12, contained a variety of recreational equipment for a variety of sports. In addition to aerobic studios ( TNG : " The Price ") and martial arts areas, ( TNG : " Clues ", " Man Of The People ", " Second Chances ", " Lower Decks ") there was a parrises squares area, ( TNG : " Second Chances ") a squash court, ( TNG : " Suddenly Human ") and an anbo-jytsu court. ( TNG : " The Icarus Factor ") The gymnasium also featured a fencing room. Aboard the Enterprise -D, Captain Picard typically fenced with fellow crewmembers. ( TNG : " We'll Always Have Paris ", " I Borg ", " Lessons ")

Theater and concert hall [ ]

Galaxy class theatre sitting

The theater and concert hall

There was a large theater aboard, which was equipped to seat large groups of people. The theater could also be used as a concert hall for musical performances by crew members. ( TNG : " Sarek ", " Frame of Mind ")

The salon was an area where crewmembers could get personal care ranging from a simple haircut to an elaborate spa treatment. ( TNG : " Data's Day ", " The Host ", " Schisms ")

Relaxing area [ ]

Relaxing area, 2364

A relaxing area

Relaxing areas were open rooms which were used by crewmembers to meet and talk. They were equipped with a couch , plants , and a viewscreen. ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ")

Replicating center [ ]

At the replicating center , crewmembers could replicate items which were too large or complicated for a standard food replicator terminal. They could "shop" for certain items by reviewing the fabrication database. ( TNG : " Data's Day ")

Educational facilities [ ]

Galaxy class school

A small school

There were several small schools of varying sizes located throughout the ship, ranging from actual classrooms ( TNG : " When The Bough Breaks ") to specialized workshops. ( TNG : " Imaginary Friend ", " Rascals ", " Masks ")

Ships commissioned [ ]

  • USS Challenger (NCC-71099)
  • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
  • USS Galaxy (prototype, NCC-70637)
  • USS Odyssey (NCC-71832)
  • USS Syracuse (NCC-17744)
  • USS Venture (NCC-71854)
  • USS Yamato (NCC-71807)
  • Unnamed Galaxy -class starships
  • Hanson's starship
  • USS Madison
  • USS Magellan

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • " The Neutral Zone " ( model )
  • " Where Silence Has Lease "
  • " Contagion "
  • " Booby Trap " (model)
  • " Parallels "
  • Star Trek Generations
  • Star Trek: First Contact (model)
  • Star Trek Nemesis (model)
  • " Emissary "
  • " The Nagus " (model)
  • " The Jem'Hadar "
  • " The Way of the Warrior "
  • " Paradise Lost " (model)
  • " Doctor Bashir, I Presume "
  • " Call to Arms "
  • " Favor the Bold "
  • " Sacrifice of Angels "
  • " You Are Cordially Invited "
  • " The Reckoning "
  • " Tears of the Prophets "
  • " Image in the Sand "
  • " What You Leave Behind "
  • " Non Sequitur " (model)
  • " In the Flesh " (wall display)
  • " Timeless "
  • " Relativity "
  • " The Voyager Conspiracy " (database image)
  • " Endgame "
  • ENT : " These Are the Voyages... "
  • " Remembrance " (dream sequence)
  • " Maps and Legends " (holographic image)
  • " The Star Gazer " (commemorative plaque)
  • " The Next Generation " (model/painting/poster art)
  • " The Last Generation "
  • " The Spy Humongous " (illusory interior)
  • " Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus " (display graphic)
  • " Trusted Sources " (display graphic, mural)
  • " Parth Ferengi's Heart Place " (model)
  • " Starstruck " (digital image)
  • " Kobayashi " (hologram only)

Background information [ ]

Enterprise-D bridge, 2371

The refitted Enterprise -D bridge in Generations

The Galaxy -class starship was first (and mostly) seen as the USS Enterprise -D. It was designed by Andrew Probert. Interiors were supervised by Herman Zimmerman in both the first season of TNG and Star Trek Generations , and by Richard James for the intervening six seasons.

Technical specifications for the Galaxy -class were visible on a display in the conference lounge of the Enterprise -D beginning with the episode TNG : " Chain Of Command, Part I ".

A Galaxy -class starship appears in the series finale of all four Star Trek spin-offs; the Enterprise -D appears in "All Good Things" and "These Are the Voyages", while unnamed Galaxy -class ships appear in "What You Leave Behind" and "Endgame".

Studio model [ ]

Designing the bridge [ ].

Probert bridge model

Probert with foam-core mockup

Andrew Probert made a series of drawings refining the new look for the Enterprise 's bridge. An early writers' bible for the new series described the new bridge as combining " the features of ship control, briefing room, information retrieval area, and officers' wardroom. In other words, much the same kinds of things happen here as in the old bridge, but with less emphasis on the mechanics of steering the starship. "

That new, less mechanistic approach can be seen in the preliminary designs featuring viewing couches and a conference table on the bridge.

Near-final bridge design

Technical Manual [ ]

The Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual and the Star Trek: The Next Generation USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Blueprints show that the Galaxy -class was equipped with a third aft torpedo launcher in the saucer section that was exposed upon the separation. This launcher however did not appear on the filming model.

The Technical Manual (pp 177-178) features several preliminary designs of a ship class that would one day replace the Galaxy -class as the primary explorer ship of the fleet. One of the designs for the Nova -class was a down-sized ship with much less internal volume that allowed each ship to be refitted for specific mission types. A smaller ship of this class first appeared on screen in VOY : " Equinox ", though it was identified only as a class designed for short-term planetary research missions in the episode. In alternative futures seen in VOY : " Endgame " and ENT : " Azati Prime " the Nova -class is seen in long-term deep space assignment and battle ship roles as well.

The Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual lists the class' statistics as follows:

  • Type: Explorer
  • Production Base: ASDB Integration Facility, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars
  • Accommodation: 1,012 officers and crew; 200 visiting personnel; 15,000 personal evacuation limit
  • Power Plant: One 1,500+ Cochrane warp core feeding two nacelles ; one impulse system in stardrive section , two impulse systems in saucer section
  • Length: 642.51 meters
  • Beam: 463.73 meters
  • Height: 195.26 meters
  • Mass: 4,500,000 metric tons
  • Performance: Warp 9.6 for 12 hours (standard); warp 9.9 for 12 hours (uprated)
  • Armament: Eleven type-X phaser emitters; two photon torpedo launchers

Apocrypha [ ]

Galaxy class Legacy

A Galaxy -class ship in Star Trek: Legacy

The 2001 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Calendar depicted the Galaxy -class USS Ronald D. Moore (NCC-70564) docked at Deep Space 9 . According to Gary Hutzel , this ship was named after both Vice Admiral Ronald D. Moore and " a certain writer on a 20th century show. " [6]

In the novel The Buried Age , set between the destruction of the USS Stargazer and Picard assuming command of the Enterprise -D, while on his first mission with Picard, Data discovers an attempt to implant a quantum virus in Starfleet computers that would introduce multiple subtle faults in the plans for the Galaxy -class as a means of discouraging future space exploration. While removing these errors would delay development of the Galaxy -class for a year or so compared to the original plans, Data's actions earn him an award for commendation for preventing the sabotage, and he is assured that he will have a place on one such ship when they go into service.

In the Star Trek: Armada series of computer games, the Galaxy -class is referred to as a battleship in gameplay. On screen, the USS Enterprise -D has been casually referred to as a battleship in TNG : " Yesterday's Enterprise " and " All Good Things... ". However, these instances take place in alternate timelines and it is not known if "battleship" is an actual starship type within Starfleet. In the episode TNG : " Conundrum ", the Galaxy -class Enterprise -D was described as a battleship, based on her specifications.

In Peter David's New Frontier line of novels, Captain Calhoun and crew are given a Galaxy -class replacement for the lost Ambassador -class USS Excalibur . It is notable for also possessing a designation as the Excalibur -A, something only previously seen with Kirk's USS Enterprise .

In the Star Trek: Typhon Pact novel Rough Beasts of Empire , Benjamin Sisko assumes command of the Galaxy -class USS Robinson ( β ). The Robinson also appears in Plagues of Night .

Several Galaxy -class starships have been mentioned in novels and games:

The Galaxy -class (along with five sub-classes) is also seen in the game Star Trek Online , first obtainable when the player reaches a rank of Captain under the classification of "Exploration Cruiser". There's also a special version, the "Exploration Cruiser Refit", at that same rank that gives players the ability to use Antimatter Spread, confusing opponents visually. A third version appears at Vice Admiral-level which gives players the ability to use Saucer Separation. The modified version from " All Good Things... " is also available for Vice Admiral-level players, and is referred to as a "Federation Dreadnought Cruiser."

External links [ ]

  • Galaxy -class at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Galaxy -class at Wikipedia
  • The Saucer Rim on the Galaxy -class  at Ex Astris Scientia : contains articles on the differences in appearances between the older and newer miniatures
  • Designing The Next Generation Enterprise  at Forgotten Trek
  • Designing the Enterprise -D at the Federation Starship Datalink
  • 2 ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701)


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  1. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

    The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) was a Federation Galaxy-class starship operated by Starfleet, and the fifth Federation vessel to bear the name. The Enterprise served from 2363 to 2371 as the Federation flagship, under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Following the ship's destruction at Veridian III, it was rebuilt as a museum ship, and was briefly brought back into service to counter a ...

  2. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

    USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), or Enterprise-D, to distinguish it from other vessels with the same name, is a starship in the Star Trek media franchise. Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, it is the main setting of Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994) and the film Star Trek Generations (1994). It has also been depicted in various spinoffs, films, books, and licensed products.

  3. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

    The USS Enterprise ( NCC-1701-D ), sometimes referred to as the Enterprise-D, was a Federation Galaxy -class starship in service to Starfleet in the 24th century. Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the Enterprise served as the Starfleet flagship for seven years. In addition to being the Federation flagship, the Enterprise was also ...

  4. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) personnel

    A Galaxy -class starship such as the USS Enterprise -D normally had a complement of approximately 1,000-6,000 crewmembers, including civilian residents and families. From commissioning in 2363 until destruction in 2371, crewmembers joined the crew, and some departed or were lost. As of 2366, some thirteen species were represented among the ship ...

  5. U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

    The U.S.S. Enterprise-D was Galaxy-class Cruiser which served as flagship of the Federation from 2364 to 2371. The Enterprise launched in 2364 under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. During its maiden voyage the ship made first contact with the omnipotent Q. In 2365 Q officially introduced the Federation to the Borg collective and the Enterprise was subsequently involved in the events ...

  6. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)

    USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) is a starship in the Star Trek media franchise. It is the main setting of the original Star Trek television series (1966-69), and it is depicted in films, other television series, spin-off fiction, products, and fan-created media.Under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, the Enterprise carries its crew on a mission "to explore strange, new worlds; to seek out new ...

  7. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

    USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), or Enterprise-D, is a starship in the Star Trek media franchise. Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, it is the main setting of Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994) and the film Star Trek Generations (1994). It has also been depicted in various spinoffs, films, books, and licensed products. USS ...

  8. USS Enterprise-D

    The USS Enterprise (NCC -1701-D) was a 24 th century Federation Galaxy-class starship operated by Starfleet, and the fifth Federation ship to bear the name Enterprise.The Enterprise-D served from 2364 to 2371 under the command of Captain Picard.During her career, the Enterprise served as the Federation flagship. The Enterprise was destroyed during the Battle of Veridian III in 2371.

  9. List of Star Trek: Enterprise episodes

    Star Trek: Enterprise is an American science fiction television series that originally aired on the UPN network from September 26, 2001 to May 13, 2005. Until the episode "Extinction" towards the start of the third season, the series was called simply Enterprise without the Star Trek prefix.The series aired for 97 (DVD and original broadcast) or 98 (syndicated) episodes across four seasons ...

  10. 25 Things About Star Trek's Enterprise-D You ...

    1. The U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) is a Galaxy-class ship and the fifth Federation starship in the Star Trek universe to carry the name Enterprise. 2. In the episode "Encounter at Farpoint", it was the first new Star Trek ship to appear on television in 20 years. 3.

  11. Star Trek: Enterprise

    Star Trek: Enterprise, originally titled simply Enterprise for its first two seasons, is an American science fiction television series created by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga.It originally aired from September 26, 2001 to May 13, 2005 on United Paramount Network ().The sixth series in the Star Trek franchise, it is a prequel to Star Trek: The Original Series.

  12. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)

    Class: Galaxy Registry: NCC-1701-D Captain: Jean-Luc Picard. The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) was one of the first Galaxy-class starships to be produced by the United Federation of Planets.During its service life, it was widely regarded as the most powerful ship in the fleet and often described as the "Federation flagship".For many years, many versus debates revolved around the outcome of a ...

  13. Star Trek: Why The Enterprise-D Was Badly Designed

    The next design issue for the Enterprise-D comes outside the fictional universe, and once again comes down to budget restraints for the show. The ship overall, despite criticisms about certain ...

  14. USS Enterprise-D

    Meet with Triumph and Disaster | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English) section, verse, paragraph, or clause. Starships and vessels | edit source. The Star Trek Book. 1 reference. ... U.S.S. Enterprise-D | CardGuide Wiki | Fandom (English) retrieved. 8 June 2020. startrekadversaries:USS_Enterprise_NCC-1701-D. subject named as.

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    NX-01, main setting of Star Trek: Enterprise. Registry: Enterprise Class: NX Service: 2151-2161 (10 years) Captain: Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) United Earth Starfleet's Enterprise is the main setting of Star Trek: Enterprise (2001-2005). Enterprise was the first Earth-built starship capable of reaching Warp 5.The ship was commanded by Captain Jonathan Archer and played an instrumental ...

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  18. Star Trek: Enterprise season 1

    The first season of Star Trek: Enterprise (then titled simply Enterprise), an American television series, began airing on September 26, 2001, on UPN.The season concluded after 26 episodes on May 22, 2002. The series was developed by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga, who also served as executive producers.Season one regular cast members include Scott Bakula, Jolene Blalock, Connor Trinneer ...

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    Star Trek: Discovery season 5 enabled the show's pilot, Keyla Detmer (Emily Coutts) to join an important legacy for the USS Enterprise. Detmer has been the helmsman of the USS Discovery since ...

  20. Galaxy class

    The Galaxy-class was a Starfleet heavy capital ship class first introduced in the mid 2360s. It was one of the largest and most powerful Federation starship classes of its time, with many serving in the Dominion War. Starfleet had previously operated another type of Galaxy-class starship in the 2250s. (TNG: "The Ensigns of Command") The Galaxy Class Starship Development Project took place at ...