17 things you need to know before visiting Thailand

Joe Bindloss

Oct 28, 2023 • 7 min read

Young woman traveler with backpack traveling into beautiful pagoda in Wat Pra Kaew.

Thailand is one of the easiest places to travel in Asia, but there are some top tips that first-time visitors should know © Witthaya Prasongsin / Getty Images

Thailand has a deserved reputation as one of the easiest places to travel in Asia. There’s an amazing amount to see , hassles are limited, English-language signs and menus are commonplace, and you can get around easily at almost any time of day or night. 

However, there are a few things every traveler should know. Here are our top tips for making the most of your trip. 

1. Rainy season varies depending on where you are

The June to October rainy season brings heavy showers and regular storms to northern, central and southwestern Thailand, creating dangerous conditions for travel by sea. The southeast coast and the Gulf of Thailand get soaked slightly later, from October to December. 

Rainy-season travel means lower prices and smaller crowds, but some accommodations close and many island ferries stop running, including services to the Tarutao archipelago . If this is when you decide to visit, you'll definitely want to pack some kind of wet weather gear.

2. Check for recommended vaccinations

You’ve probably already been jabbed for COVID-19, but most doctors also recommend vaccination against tetanus and hepatitis A. Also consider a rabies shot – dogs, cats and monkeys can all carry the viral disease. Malaria is present along the borders with Laos , Cambodia , Myanmar and Malaysia . If you visit these regions, use anti-malarial prophylaxis such as atovaquone/proguanil or doxycycline. 

3. Sensible travelers to Thailand book ahead

If you have your heart set on a particular boat journey, train trip, trek, tour or boutique stay, book ahead for the busy tourist season from November to March or during any religious holiday. During the rainy season, call or email ahead to check if places are open.

4. Follow local etiquette when meeting Thai people

When meeting locals in Thailand, the standard greeting is the wai – a respectful dip of the head with the hands held palms together in front of the chest. Don’t shake hands unless the other person initiates the handshake. If you get invited into a Thai home, remove your shoes before you enter and avoid pointing the soles of your feet towards another person. 

A woman wearing clothes that cover her shoulders walks along a wall of golden buddhas in a Thai temple

5. Be respectful of Buddhism, a part of everyday life in Thailand 

Some 95% of Thais are Buddhist, and the national religion weaves through every aspect of life. To show proper respect, remove footwear before entering any Buddhist structure, and wear clothing that covers the shoulders, upper arms and upper legs. 

Never point the soles of your feet towards any Buddhist image (or monk), and don’t touch Buddha statues on the head. Give way to monks when walking on footpaths, and don’t sit next to them on public transport. It is also taboo for a woman to touch a monk or their belongings.

6. Dress modestly

Thai women and men usually avoid revealing outfits that show off a lot of skin. Swimsuits are fine for the beach, but away from the sand, throw on a sarong or fisher's pants, plus something that covers the shoulders if you visit religious sites. Topless or nude sunbathing is frowned upon and can attract unwanted attention.

7. Show respect for the king and royal family

The Thais take respect for the monarchy extremely seriously, and lèse-majesté (maligning the royal family) is a criminal offense. Never show disrespect towards the monarch or depictions of the royal family (including on money). 

8. Know what to expect at the dining table

When dining out in Thailand, everything tends to arrive on the table at the same time, usually placed in the middle of the table for everyone to share. Thailand abandoned chopsticks in the 19th century. You’ll get a spoon and fork but no knife – but most dishes come as bite-sized morsels, so you won’t need one. Sticky rice is usually bundled up into balls and eaten with the fingers. 

Asian family enjoy eating food on street food restaurant with crowd of people at Yaowarat road, Bangkok

9. Vegetarian is a relative term in Thailand 

Fish sauce, oyster sauce and egg are widely used as cooking ingredients in Thailand. The safest bet for people who don't eat fish or meat is to seek out Indian-owned vegetarian restaurants, or restaurants serving kin jay Buddhist cuisine. If in doubt, ask the person making the food if it is jay  – the term ​​ mang sa wirat just means food that doesn’t contain pieces of meat or fish but doesn't mean it's necessarily suitable for vegetarians. 

10. Health risks include stomach bugs, mosquito bites and rabies

The most common trouble travelers face in Thailand is trip-spoiling stomach bugs. Never drink tap water, wash your hands before eating, stick to busy eating establishments and be cautious of ice, unwashed or unpeeled fruit and uncooked vegetables. If you become unwell, seek out private hospitals in larger cities rather than public hospitals.

Mosquito bites can easily become infected in Thailand’s tropical climate. Bring mosquito repellent, and use mosquito nets (or bring your own). Rabies is another risk – always seek medical attention if you are bitten by a dog, cat or monkey. 

11. Smart travelers steer clear of drugs in Thailand 

In June 2022,  marijuana and hemp were removed from the Category 5 narcotics list in Thailand. However, there are still restrictions and smoking marijuana in public is not recommended.

Crossing borders with Class A drugs carries the death penalty, and even the possession of small quantities can bring a hefty prison sentence – it’s really not worth the risk. Also note that smoking in public can attract heavy fines. If you take any prescription medicines, check that these are allowed into Thailand before you travel. 

A driver in a blue and white tuk-tuk, picking up a passenger

12. Prices may well be inflated for tourists

In general, Thailand is hassle-free, but tourists are often charged inflated prices for tuk-tuks and unmetered taxi rides – ask a local how much journeys should cost and use that as a yardstick for a fair fare. 

Major tourist sites are popular stalking grounds for cab drivers and touts who will try to steer you towards dubious souvenir shops, fake "tourist offices" and second-rate places to stay, where you’ll inevitably pay more to cover their commission. Book transport directly with the operators to avoid dodgy deals from unscrupulous travel agents. 

13. You may be approached by sex workers

Thailand’s sex industry may find you whether you want it to or not. Single male travelers (and even couples) can expect to be approached by sex workers or touts drumming up business, so be ready with a firm refusal. 

Be aware that some bars, restaurants and karaoke venues are fronts for sex work – warning signs include red or pink strip lights, large numbers of skimpily dressed female staff and lots of foreign male customers.

14. Political protests can be tense and are best avoided 

Thailand can have a lot of protests. When tensions flare up between the government and opposition groups, it can lead to blockades, flight cancellations and sometimes violence. Monitor local news sites such as the Nation for information on simmering political troubles, and avoid protests and other potential flash points.

15. Some governments advise against travel in Thailand’s south 

The far south of Thailand, along the Malaysian border, has been wracked by a separatist insurgency since the 1940s. Most foreign governments advise against travel to the districts of Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and parts of Songkhla.  

16. Be very cautious when riding a scooter

Thousands of travelers rent a scooter or motorcycle in Thailand, but make sure your home driving license covers you for any vehicle you hire, and carry your passport (or a copy of the ID pages) in case the police ask for it.

Wear a helmet, ride cautiously and make sure the rental comes with liability insurance – every year, hundreds of tourists are injured in motorcycle and scooter accidents in Thailand. Always give way to larger vehicles, and watch out for livestock, potholes and other hazards on the road. 

17. Follow local advice if there's a natural disaster

Thailand is vulnerable to earthquakes and tsunamis, as well as flooding, landslides and cyclones during the rainy season. Heed official advice in the event of a natural disaster, and contact your embassy for up-to-the-minute information on evacuation procedures. 

This article was first published Jan 26, 2022 and updated Oct 28, 2023.

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Tips for Travelling from India to Thailand – The Land of Smiles

thailand india travel

traveller Tarang

Tips for travelling from India to Thailand were exactly what I googled, back when I discovered I was travelling to Bangkok for the first time. I was excited, for this was my first time living in a foreign country all alone.

A country that’s safe, cheap, travel-friendly, and in close proximity (to India) – what more does one want? If you’re still faced with an ocean of doubts, let me tell you all the useful tips for travelling from India to Thailand, especially if it’s your first time.

Since I was going to be living alone in Thailand for 7 months, I was faced with a whole new set of questions. – ” What are my go-to places for when I crave Dal Makhani ?” “What are safe places to travel solo” etc etc. My current blog is an endeavour to help my fellow Indians with their first trip to Thailand and answer all questions. You may also take a quick look at the top 9 tips for travelling from India to Thailand in this short video below.

Tips for Travelling from India to Thailand

Whether you’re travelling for a day, for a week, for a month, or for a year, I will make an effort to share with you all the tips that I learned during my first time in Thailand.

I hope that my 7-month long experience in Thailand helps all my fellow Indians plan an efficient and cost-effective trip. 

These are my top 18 tips for all first-time travellers to Thailand.

A huge part of the Thai economy sustains itself from travel and tourism. So overall, Thailand is a really easy country to travel to even if it’s your first time. However, let me dive deep into every possible kind of tip that might help you in this strange but nice Asian country.

Visa tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Top tip: decide the nature of your visa in time.

For Indian travellers, two kinds of visa exists – 1) Visa on Arrival (VOA) in case your stay is limited to less than 15 days in Thailand. You can procure this visa from the airport itself 2) Standard Visa in case your stay is more than 30 days in Thailand. For this visa, you’ll have to apply beforehand at the Royal Thai Embassy. Its offices lie in 3 Indian metros – Chennai, Delhi and Kolkata.

Thailand Visa on Arrival (VOA) Fee

Documents Required for Thailand Visa

A valid passport, VOA application form, photographs, confirmed return tickets, proof of accommodation, and proof of sufficient funds to support your trip.

Passport Photo

Must be 3.5* 4.5 cm

In a general scenario, all you need to do is show up at the airport with your passport, a few passport photographs, and 2,000 THB. In case you want to extend your stay beyond 15 days, you can get the same done at the Immigration Bureau.

Tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Currency exchange & withdrawal tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Top tip: avoid exchanging or withdrawing money at the airport.

The first thing that comes to mind when planning a visit to Thailand is the money issue. Where do I get my money exchanged? What’s the scene with Forex cards? What are Forex card charges in Thailand? Should I exchange money before I travel to Thailand? Should I just withdraw in Thailand instead? Let me answer all these questions for you.

At the Airport

To start with, remember that you need to pay your VOA (Visa on Arrival) fee in baht only (in cases that it isn’t waived off). If you haven’t carried bahts along with you, you could get it exchanged at booths in the customs hall. However, the rates would be relatively higher and it wouldn’t be a good idea to exchange all your money there.

After your visa formalities, you could head to B Floor and visit one of the many currency exchange booths to get better deals.

Outside the Airport

If you’re looking out for the cheapest rates, simply get it done outside of the airport (one of the most crucial tips for travelling from India to Thailand). Super Rich is one of the most popular money exchange services in Thailand.

Forex Cards

Alternatively, you could carry a Forex card along with you and simply withdraw at the ATM. Every time you withdraw, you’ll be charged a fee of 220 THB and the maximum limit to withdraw at a time is 25,000 THB.

Money tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Top tip: make a reasonable budget plan.

As you might have guessed by now, Thailand is extremely cheap as a travel destination. This is one of the principal reasons why it is one of the most visited countries in South East Asia. This particular section will give you a better idea of how much you’d be roughly shelling out for basic necessities while travelling in Thailand.

As you can see, planning a trip to Thailand on a budget is very much possible. So, what are you waiting for? Book your tickets right away, and explore the land of smiles.

Packing tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Top tip: pack clothes that don't make you uncomfortable.

Overall, you do not have to worry much about how you dress in Thailand. There aren’t any straight-up rules to prohibit anything, but there certainly are unsaid rules about what’s more acceptable and what’s not.

Firstly, considering the fact that most of Thailand experiences hot temperatures, it would be a good idea to carry the Bermudas, shorts, cotton shirts, polo t-shirts and summer dresses.

Thailand will also repeatedly offer you the opportunity to take a dip in clear waters at beaches or waterfalls. Make it a point, thus, to always carry a set of swim clothes with you. 

The most cautiousness you need to display with respect to clothing in Thailand is when you visit temples. You really do not want to offend the locals in their place of worship, by not dressing appropriately.

One of the tips for travelling from Thailand to India is to remember one standard rule: always cover your shoulders and your knees.

In case you’re visiting the North of Thailand, make sure you carry a jacket or two, for temperatures could drop.

Tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Itinerary tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Top tip: explore more offbeat locations near bangkok.

While most popular itineraries and tours and travels companies target Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and Krabi, Thailand is much more than just that. I made sure that during my 7 months in Thailand, I explored a lot of offbeat places, especially around Bangkok.

There are thousands of other beautiful destinations in Thailand that are cheaper, and not as commercialised.

Tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Accommodation  tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Top tip: bunk in backpacking hostels or homestays.

Since I was going to stay in Thailand, across places for so many months, I had to bunk myself in a budget stay. What could be better than a backpacking hostel?

It makes me happy to share with you all that backpacking hostels are super clean, safe and fun across Thailand. Not only do you connect with so many people there but also save a huge amount of money. 

In Bangkok, I stayed at the YES KAOSAN BACKPACKING HOSTEL . Not only was I super comfortable but made a lot of friends as well.

Tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Food tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Top tip: dig the right eateries across thailand.

On my first night in Thailand, I was clueless. And hungry. Having no knowledge of food apps and delivery services, I simply decided to go for a walk. All this while, I was of the assumption that Mumbai (my hometown) is exploding with street food.

Street Food in Thailand

No matter what part of Thailand you are in, street food will be found in abundance. “Do they never cook at home?” I couldn’t wonder. I’d walked barely a kilometre and passed stalls selling all kinds of food – fried rice, noodles, sausages, sautéed veggies, Thai Rotis, fresh fruits, fruit juices, coffee, etc. Just a short walk made me witness a new cuisine altogether – in terms of looks, taste, aroma and fragrance.

International Cuisine in Thailand

I’m simply going to assume that a trip to Thailand necessarily means a trip to Bangkok for all. While trying out authentic Thai food is fun, there’ll definitely be days that you’ll want to play it safe. You’re going to want to eat food you’re familiar with, and food you don’t have to think twice before ordering. Bangkok’s got your back there.

No matter what you’re craving: Spanish paella, Italian spaghetti, Mexican burritos, Indian biryani or Middle Eastern hummus – you’ll be sure to find it in Bangkok’s finest restaurants.

One of the most crucial tips for travelling from India to Thailand is to explore apps like Dineout for any discounts and offers.

Thailand’s Night Markets

Instagram boasts numerous colourful photographs of night markets in Bangkok. These markets are almost like a bright, vibrant maze of stalls selling all things under the sun – shoes, bags, clothes, wallets, belts, lighters, car parts, and lots of food. Make sure you visit one of these to grab some great food and some cheap beer.

Finding Indian Food in the Land of Smiles

10 days into Thailand, I found myself craving Indian food. I was sure of the fact that Bangkok has a number of Indian restaurants, but was blown away to see how many.

No matter what your budget is, you can enjoy a wholesome Indian meal in Bangkok. Areas where you’ll find clusters of Indian restaurants in Bangkok are Pratunam, Little India or Phahurat, and Silom.

Must-visit restaurants

In addition to these restaurants, there are hundreds more you could choose to explore. If there’s a gem you manage to find, leave it in the comments section at the end of the blog.

Also, keep in mind that you won’t find Indian restaurants across all of Thailand. Bangkok is an exception because it caters to a huge Indian population.

Tips for travelling from India to Thailand

What’s for Vegetarians in Thailand?

On navigating my way through one of the local markets in Thailand, I was convinced that Thailand is blessed with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. I told myself that even in the worst of situations, I could survive by munching on bread and fruits.

Doable? Not really. You cannot possibly live on just that for months. Well, at least I can’t. The very next day, I found myself awkwardly pointing out meaty things at a street-side stall, trying to tell the lady in her late 60’s all the things I do not eat.

The reason why I did that, and not just use Google Translate was because of the Thai conceptualisation of Vegetarianism. Being vegetarian in a number of Asian countries would translate to not eating chunky pieces of meat. Other things like oyster sauce, chicken garnishing, and fish oil are deemed to be okay.

I nervously waited for my food to come. I was soon ushered to a wooden table with a low wooden stool. A steamy plate, heaped with rice and sautéed veggies made it to my table. It was delicious, and I do not remember the last time I felt fuller – both physically and emotionally.

Vegetarian Food in Thailand

Tips for Travelling from India to Thailand as a Vegetarian

Vegetarian food can certainly be found and consumed in Thailand. You simply need to be more alert, and less picky.

Transport tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Top tip: use metered cabs, ferries and buses more.

Commuting from point A to point B is relatively simple and cheap in Thailand. While in Bangkok, you will have endless transport options to choose from.

Metered cabs can be found all across the city quite conveniently.

Tip: Make sure that the cab is a metered one, and that the driver is not charging you a fixed rate.

There were times that we’ve been pitched 200-300 THB for a mere 10-kilometre drive. Say no, or look for another cab in that case.

Tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Alternatively, you could download the Grab App on your smartphones – a substitute for Uber/Ola in Thailand. I personally find them to be more expensive, but they could prove to be a convenient option at times

Tip: You can also opt for the motorbike taxi, not just for the experience but to cruise past the unending traffic in Bangkok.

BTS Skytrain

In case you’re travelling alone and do not wish to spend on cabs, Bangkok also offers a BTS Skytrain in the Sukhumvit and Silom areas. These are hard-core tourist areas, thus making it a reliable and economical option to commute especially for tourists.

Additionally, an underground MRT subway intersects the BTS at multiple points, offering commuters greater convenience in terms of reaching their destinations.

Bangkok also has a well-connected network when it comes to buses.

The first-ever bus that I took in Bangkok, cost me a mere 7 baht. Yes, that’s right. Google Maps are pretty helpful to get information on buses, or you could simply ask the locals.

Lastly, ferries run along the Chao Phraya River, transporting thousands of people on a daily basis. They are a great and pocket-friendly option. 

You must take the ferry at least once, just for the experience.

I’ve caught some of the most beautiful sunsets while on these rides, and these ferries are undoubtedly a blessing during peak hours.

Long-Distance Travel

For long-distance travel, you can opt for 1) Trains 2) Mini Vans/Buses. Although trains are cheaper, buses are faster and also more popular.

Tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Safety tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Top tip: don't venture into lonely places and deserted beaches.

If you’re travelling solo, try not to catch so much attention to yourself by being rowdy or rude. Respect the place and its people. The more polite you’ll be the more the locals will help you out in times of need. If you’re travelling in a group, don’t end up misbehaving with the locals at any point in time. Not even during your visit to any nightclub.

Your safety lies in your own hands especially in the way you behave. People in general around Thailand are very hospitable and so don’t mess with them. Instead, try being a part of their community.

Tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Party tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Top tip: buy booze from 7 elevens if you want to go party.

Bangkok equates to wild partying in most people’s heads.

It’s true. On a Tuesday night, I headed to one of the ‘happening areas’ of Bangkok at night. Trust me when I say this, I haven’t even seen Saturday nights back in Bombay (my hometown) as lit. Happy hours, live music, good food, and great crowds in almost each and every bar lined the street.

Some of the must-visit streets in Bangkok:

What’s best is that Thailand’s nightlife is not just restricted to Bangkok, but also to North and South Thailand. No matter what part of Thailand you’re headed to, nights won’t be boring.

One of the most popular nightlife experiences in other parts of Thailand is the Full Moon Party at Koh Phangan. I had the opportunity to be a part of one such kickass full moon party arranged by a local agent. I was new in the place so I needed an agent to fix me up. You too can go for it. It was quite the value for money.

Massage tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Top tip: do not spend more than 300 thb on a thai massage.

It’s possible that you’re a little sceptical about getting the massage done, even though you really want to. A number of questions could be baffling you – do I keep my clothes on? What if the massage is too harsh and causes pain? Will it be in an enclosed room?

In most parlours, you will be given a set of loose, comfortable and clean clothes. While it is generally optional to change into it, you will only have a better experience if you do.

Next, and also most important, in case you find the massage to be too harsh on your body, you need to ask them to be gentler. Everybody has a different body, and you being vocal about what feels good and what doesn’t will not only help the masseuse but also yourself.

Thai massages sometimes have an assumed sexual connotation. That can make massage. Well, interesting and awkward. To avoid such encounters or services you do not desire, stay out of the shady areas or just make things clear right at the start.

Social tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Follow the unspoken social etiquette in thailand.

Travelling to a country that’s as culturally rich as Thailand might require some homework. You do not want to engage in any behaviour or gesture that is considered rude by the locals.  One of the most important tips for travelling from India to Thailand is to do some prior research on the subject.

So, read on to find out what you must do and what should be avoided –

1. Being confrontational, overtly honest and critical might not be taken too well by Thais.

2. The Thai national anthem is played at 8 am and 6 pm in some public places. It would be great if you could show respect by standing still for those 2-3 minutes.

3. Cover your head and shoulders when visiting religious or sacred places.

4. Talking about the King or politics openly isn’t appreciated.

5. Whenever you enter someone’s home, remove your shoes unless specified otherwise.

6. The word khun is added before the first name as a symbol of respect.

7. Touching someone’s head is the last thing you’d want to do.

Must-Know Thai Phrases for gaining respect socially

You do not want the language to become a barrier in your travels. One of the tips for travelling from India to Thailand is to try to learn and memorise some of these important Thai phrases. 

Note that Thai is a difficult language to learn. You do not need to get intimidated if you don’t seem to remember the words right. However, do give it a shot. The locals will be pleased to hear you say a word in Thai.

Shopping tips for travelling from India to Thailand

Top tip: save money by saying no to packings.

There have been times that I’ve come back home empty-handed because there were just so many options. (PS: doesn’t happen to all, I’m just a bad shopper.)

Must-visit markets/malls in Bangkok:

Chatuchak Market

The biggest weekend market in the world; you can buy anything and everything at dirt cheap prices out there.

The Platinum Mall

Imagine floors and floors of shoes, bags and clothes.

Rod Fai Market

Seen those colourful Instagram photographs of night markets, hustling with tourists, locals and vendors selling all kinds of stuff?

Need to buy cameras? Laptops? Mobile phones? Chargers? Spare parts? Head to MBK.

Shopping in Thailand

Out of all the south-east Asian countries, I’ve visited, Thailand is undoubtedly my favourite. Contrary to popular belief, Thailand is much more than just pretty beaches – mountains, hikes, treks, waterfalls, national parks, it has it all.

Despite having spent 7 months in this beautiful country, I could not manage to see all that I wanted to. I guess that’s the reason why it keeps calling out to me – over and over again. I hope that these tips for travelling from India to Thailand prove to be useful to all of you curious travellers out there.

Happy Wayfaring 🙂


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  • Travel Planning Guide

A Travel Comparison for Vacations, Honeymoons, and Tours Thailand vs. India

Should you visit thailand or india, which country is cheaper, india or thailand.

Should I visit Thailand or India? This is a popular question for many travelers. By figuring out which country is more expensive, you'll understand where you'll get more bang for your buck. A week in India can cost you about $274 (per person), while a week in Thailand may cost you around $569. These differences become even more noticable if you plan to spend a longer time in the country. 10 days , two weeks , or even one month of travel to India or Thailand can really add to your travel budget.

Accommodation is often cheaper in India compared to Thailand ($17 vs. $35). Budget travelers usually stay in less expensive hostels and guest houses, while nicer hotels often appeal to families and upscale travelers.

Compare hotel prices here: Thailand Hotel Prices and India Hotel Prices .

Or, compare hostel and guesthouse prices between India and Thailand to find the cheapest accommodation here: India hostels and Thailand hostels .

When comparing food in Thailand vs. India they are not just different in cuisine, but also in price. Meal and restaurant costs in Thailand ($17) are often cheaper than India ($10).

  • Thailand Prices India Prices
  • Average Daily Cost Per person, per day Thailand $ 81 India $ 39
  • Accommodation Hotel or hostel for one person Thailand $ 35 India $ 17
  • Accommodation Typical double-occupancy room Thailand $ 70 India $ 34
  • Local Transportation Taxis, local buses, subway, etc. Thailand $ 12 India $ 6.57
  • Food Meals for one day Thailand $ 17 India $ 10
  • Entertainment Entrance tickets, shows, etc. Thailand $ 18 India $ 10
  • Alcohol Drinks for one day Thailand $ 8.47 India $ 7.11
  • Water Bottled water for one day Thailand $ 1.33 India $ 0.48

How much are flights to Thailand and India?

The price of a plane ticket may help you decide which country you should visit.

Find a Hostel in Thailand or India

Hostels, guest houses, and locally owned B&B's are often the cheapest form of accommodation.

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How to Travel from India to Thailand: A Comprehensive Guide

Traveling from India to Thailand is an exciting experience for any traveler. The two countries offer a plethora of cultural, historical, and natural attractions and offer a diverse range of activities for visitors to enjoy. If you’re planning a trip from India to Thailand, this comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to make your journey a success.

The first step in planning your trip from India to Thailand is to decide how you’d like to travel. The most popular way to get to Thailand from India is by air, with direct flights available from major cities in India to Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. If you’d prefer to travel by land, there are also buses and trains running between India and Thailand. While this is a cheaper option, it is also much more time consuming.

Cheap flights with cashback

Once you’ve made your decision on how to travel, the next step is to apply for a visa. Citizens of India require a visa to enter Thailand, and the process of obtaining one is fairly straightforward. You will need to complete an online application, submit supporting documents, and pay a fee. The processing time for visas can vary, so it’s important to apply as soon as you can to ensure you don’t experience any delays.

When it comes to choosing an accommodation for your stay in Thailand, you’ll find a variety of options. Hotels and resorts are popular choices, as are guesthouses and hostels. To get the best deals, it’s usually a good idea to book your accommodation in advance. This will ensure you get the best rates and avoid disappointment on arrival.

Now that the practicalities of your trip are taken care of, it’s time to start planning your itinerary. Thailand is a large country with a range of attractions, from bustling cities to stunning beaches. Bangkok is the country’s capital and provides plenty of activities to keep visitors entertained, while Chiang Mai and Phuket are popular destinations for beach lovers. If you’re looking to experience more of the country’s culture, Ayutthaya and Sukhothai are great places to explore.

Whether you’re traveling to Thailand on a budget or looking to splurge, make sure you take the time to enjoy the sights, sounds, and flavors of this beautiful country. From the Thai cuisine to the vibrant nightlife, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to make memories that will last a lifetime.

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well on your way to having a successful and enjoyable trip from India to Thailand. With the right preparation and planning, your journey is sure to be a memorable one.

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Latest Thailand Entry Requirements

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After two years of dealing with Covid, international travel is returning to normal. To help welcome visitors back to the Land of Smiles, the Thai government lifted its final restrictions on July 1st, 2022.

From July 1st, the following changes have been implemented for all international travelers.

  • Foreigners do not need to show proof of Covid Insurance.
  • All mandatory hotel quarantine has been removed.
  • Thailand Pass is no longer required for foreign travelers entering Thailand.
  • Vaccinated travelers do not need to provide proof of vaccination to Thai authorities before arriving.
  • Unvaccinated travelers (including children traveling with unvaccinated parents) will need to complete an RT-PCR or Professional Antigen Test (Pro-ATK) 72 hours before departing for Thailand. Proof does not need to be uploaded before traveling.
  • Airlines and Thai Immigration will do random checks to confirm travelers meet Covid prevention requirements (vaccination or Covid test).

Below is a full list of what international travelers need before entering Thailand.

Travel to Thailand 2022

Required Documents for Travel to Thailand

Please have the following documents ready.

  • Passport with at least six month validity
  • Visa or visa exemption qualification
  • Buy Thailand Travel Insurance
  • Boarding pass to be presented at Passport Control
  • Hotel booking confirmation if asked by Immigration Officer
  • Note: Vaccination record no longer required

Incorrect documents will delay the entry screening by rules from the Thai immigration bureau and its Thai immigration officials.

Buy Your Insurance Now

Passport Validity / Visas

The first thing to check before planning to travel to Thailand is the validity of your passport. International travel requires that your passport is not expiring within six months of your travel date. If you have less than six months left on your passport, you cannot enter Thailand.

If you are planning to travel in the future, check your passport early so you know if you need to apply for a new one or not. It is best to check with your local embassy about how long it will take to receive your new passport. As people look to travel again, passport departments are swamped with new applications and this is causing a backlog in many countries.

There are several visas available to foreigners who are planning to visit Thailand. The visa you need will depend on where you are from, your purpose of travel, and how long you intend to stay.

Visa Exemption

A foreign visitor may enter Thailand under the Visa Exemption Program . Nationalities under the Visa Exemption Program may enter Thailand without a visa from a Thai Embassy or Consulate.

Upon arriving in Thailand, most nationalities who are part of the Visa Exemption Program may stay for up to 30 days. Certain nationalities can arrive as part of this program, but for a shorter time. It is best to check the country exemption list and confirm how long you can visit Thailand without needing to apply for a Visa.

Tourists arriving under visa exemption are eligible to extend their stay for up to a further 30 days by visiting a local Thai Immigration Office. The cost to extend is approximately 2000 baht.

There is often confusion about Visa Exemption and “Visa on Arrival”. Visa on Arrival is a 15-day visa for travelers from India,  China, and 16 other countries. If you do not find your country on the Visa Exemption list, it is best to check the Visa on Arrival list.

There are some important things to note for Visa on Arrival:

  • A passport must be valid for at least 30 days.
  • The purpose of the visit is strictly tourist.
  • A visitor must show an address in Thailand where they will be staying.
  • A traveler must have a confirmed return flight.
  • Must show proof of funds to the value of 10,000 baht per person or 20,000 baht for a family.
  • A fee of 2000 baht is paid on arrival. The fee must be paid in cash and in Thai baht.

Tourist Visa and Special Tourist Visa (STV)

Foreigners may also apply for a Tourist Visa from a Thai embassy or consulate. There is the normal 60-day tourist visa that can be extended for additional 30 days, or the 90-day Special Tourist Visa (STV), which can be extended for 90 days twice at a local immigration office. There are certain requirements needed for the STV, but it allows a visitor to potentially stay in Thailand for 9 months. The Special Tourist Visa is currently scheduled to halt applications in September.

Contact your local Thai Embassy to verify what documents are needed to complete the process. When your visa is approved, the Embassy will place a sticker on your passport, so allow time for potential postage.

For those entering Thailand for a different purpose of stay, they need to obtain a Thai visa from their local Thai Embassy or Consulate prior to coming to Thailand.

Non-Immigrant Visa

Foreigners may apply for a wide range of long-term non-immigrant visas:

  • Non-immigrant B Visa – for conducting business or employment
  • Non-immigrant O visa – for visiting Thai spouse and family
  • Non-immigrant ED visa – for students of recognized institutions in Thailand and their Parents or Legal guardian
  • Non-immigrant O retirement visa – for those who wish to retire in Thailand
  • Non-immigrant OA and OX visa – for those who wish to obtain a Thailand retirement visa for a long stay (it differs from type O visa)

The above visas can be organized at a local Thai Embassy or Consulate. The paperwork can be quite involved, but there are companies that can help.

Siam Legal International is a reputable company in Thailand that has offered visa assistance to foreign visitors for years. They are well versed in Thai immigration policies and processes. If you would like to streamline your long-term stay in Thailand, it is worth contacting them.

Thai Elite Visa

If you wish to make Thailand easily accessible for many years to come or are perhaps thinking of relocating permanently, it is worth having a look at the Thai Elite Visa.

The Thai Elite Visa allows foreign citizens to live in Thailand for 5, 10, or even 20 years. Thai Elite members do not need to worry about some of the eligibility criteria that are needed when applying for other long-term visas.

The Thai Elite visa is an exclusive visa that offers a host of benefits to holders. If you want to enjoy “Thai life” for the long term, you can read more about the Thai Elite Visa .

Thailand Elite Visa eBook

Proof of Vaccine or Testing

How a visitor enters Thailand will still depend on their vaccination status.

Vaccinated Travelers

Vaccinated travelers do not need to provide proof of vaccination to Thai authorities before arriving. A vaccinated traveler will need to have a copy of their vaccination certificate either printed or on a digital device and be able to present it if asked.

Thailand does not require visitors to have had a third booster shot. 2 shots (1 shot for Jansen) is considered fully vaccinated and accepted.

Unvaccinated Travelers

Unvaccinated travelers will need to complete an RT-PCR test or Professional Antigen Test (Pro-ATK) within 72 hours before boarding a flight in their departure country. They will need to have a copy of the test result and be able to present it if asked.

The RT-PCR and Pro-ATK test must be completed by a medical professional and a test report received. The home ATK (RAT) self-test is not acceptable for entering Thailand.

Vaccination and Testing for Children

The testing requirement for children under 18 depends on the vaccination status of their parents. Children traveling with vaccinated parents do not need to complete any RT-PCR or Pro-ATK test before entering Thailand. Children traveling with unvaccinated parents will need to complete the same test as their parents within 72 hours of departing their home country.

It is important to note that many airlines are still asking for proof of vaccination or a Covid test before boarding flights. If you cannot produce one of these documents, you might not board the flight.

Though foreigners no longer need to provide evidence of testing or vaccination prior to arriving in Thailand, they are still required. Thai authorities are conducting random checks of international passengers and if a vaccination certificate or test result cannot be shown, a visitor will not be allowed to enter Thailand.

Insurance has become a dirty word during Covid. Seasoned travelers have always understood the importance of having comprehensive Travel Insurance when traveling abroad. Travel insurance protected travelers from unexpected incidents like:

  • Medical emergencies
  • Personal injury & accidents
  • Missed or delayed flights
  • Damage to belongings
  • Lost luggage

It was one of those things that people hoped they would never need but regretted not having when needed.

During the Pandemic, proof of insurance became mandatory when visiting countries like Thailand. Over time, people stopped referring to insurance as “Travel Insurance” and always referred to it as “Covid Insurance”. Because you had to have it, it was another hoop to jump through.

The good news is that you no longer need to provide proof of “Covid Insurance” to enter Thailand. But it is recommended because all the things listed above can still happen, and Covid has not disappeared completely.

Foreign visitors are not eligible for free medical care in Thailand if something should happen. Whether it be an accident or personal injury, if a visitor needs medical help, or has a canceled flight, they will need to cover any expenses themselves. Depending on the severity, this could be hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars.

Buying good Travel Insurance shouldn’t break the bank. Protecting yourself is cheaper than medical bills, new flights, and replacing lost luggage.

You can buy Travel Insurance from many companies. But if you are looking for coverage that is designed for Thailand, is trusted by Thai authorities and medical institutions, and offers a helpline with people who speak the local language and know the country’s procedures, it is worth checking out AXA Thailand .

Their policies are well priced, straightforward, offer many benefits to its customers, and can be approved in minutes.

Get your travel insurance here: https://u.axa.co.th/Sawasdee_Siamlegal

COVID Travel Insurance Thailand

Hotel and Proof of Address Updates

Previously, a foreign visitor would complete an Arrival Card (TM6) before entering Thailand. This requirement has been temporarily removed as part of a new initiative by the Thai government.

A visitor no longer needs to provide proof of a hotel booking before departing their country, but will still need to provide an address when passing through Passport Control in Thailand. This address can be a hotel, home, or friend’s address.

This is especially true with people arriving on a pre-approved visa from a Thai Embassy or Consulate.

From July 1, travelers are no longer required to book a SHA+ hotel and undergo an RT-PCR test on arrival. Most hotels have removed their SHA+ quarantine packages, but you will still see the SHA+ badge displayed on hotels.

It is recommended to browse hotels in Thailand on Agoda.com before arriving as it is easier to organize transport to your first night’s rest if pre-booked.

buy now

Thailand Pass

From July 1st, 2022, foreign travelers no longer need to apply for a Thailand Pass before entering Thailand. The system is still in place but is now a platform where visitors can notify the Thai authorities and medical facilities if they are diagnosed positive for Covid during their stay.

If you need to access the Thailand Pass system while in Thailand, please visit https://tp.consular.go.th/ and register by filling in your personal details on the Thailand Pass registration page.

International Arrivals

Travelers do not need to provide any proof of flights before leaving their home country.

There is a lot of discussion about whether a return flight needs to be booked when entering Thailand. Technically, all visitors should have a return flight booked. However, you will not always be asked to present evidence of a return flight.

If a visitor is entering Thailand with a pre-approved visa, or Visa on Arrival, they will often be asked to present details of their exit flight. Sometimes a visitor did not have a return flight and had to book a flight on the spot before being processed through Passport Control. To avoid this, it is best to book an exit flight that can be changed. You can always change your plans once in Thailand.

Domestic flights

There are no longer any restrictions on domestic flights and travel. When entering Thailand at an international terminal, a traveler is free to transit to a domestic flight right away. “Sealed” flights have been removed.

Domestic airlines will not always ask for proof, but it is best to have your vaccination certificate or Covid test result on hand in case you are asked to show it.

Siam Legal has received reports from potential clients that some hospitals are creating difficulties for them until full payment is made for their medical expenses. Also, foreigners have allegedly been threatened with lawsuits for not settling their medical bills before being discharged. Using out-of-country policies can be problematic. We recommend using insurance providers headquartered inside Thailand with a proper cover to avoid any undesirable outcomes.

Siam Legal International, a premier law firm in Thailand, recommends purchasing the proper insurance and so endorses AXA Insurance for your travel to Thailand insurance needs.


  • Please review the details of any insurance before purchasing to understand if the policy has adequate cover. Cheap policies with inadequate levels of cover can lead to significant personal liability, and scenarios where policy holders incur hundreds of thousands of baht in out-of-pocket medical expenses have been reported. There are significant financial risks to being underinsured during your stay in Thailand.
  • These policies do not cover medical costs from accidents (like motorcycle accidents) or common unexpected illnesses (common fever or food poisoning). Best to pay a few baht more for the peace of mind that comes from having proper coverage.
  • AXA covers medical expenses (outpatient and inpatient) for accidents and illnesses, including COVID-19. Other insurance coverage might not.
  • AXA also covers telemedicine and teleconsultation, which may be required during the quarantine period of any traveler.

Thai hospital staff are familiar with AXA cover, which should prevent any inconvenience during hospital admission or medical treatment from your hotel room. AXA Thailand also offers 24/7 local support during your stay in Thailand.

You can buy your Thailand Travel insurance today at:


List of approved covid-19 vaccines.

As of December 1, the MoPH has approved the following vaccines:

  • Pfizer–BioNTech or Comirnaty
  • Janssen or Janssen/Ad26.COV2.S
  • AstraZeneca or Covishield
  • Sinopharm or COVILO
  • CoronaVac or SinoVac
  • Sputnik Lite

How to Obtain Travel Insurance

Though COVID-19 insurance is no longer mandatory for entry to Thailand, it is recommended to have comprehensive Travel insurance for the duration of your stay. Good travel insurance covers not only medical expenses relating to Covid but also accident cover, personal damage, loss of possessions, and missed or delayed flights.

It is best to purchase insurance before you travel. The easiest way to buy your policy is online through a reputable insurance provider. The insurance company will provide you with the all-important certificate of cover that you can present to authorities or medical professionals if you need to make a claim.

You may also be asked to present this certificate to the airline before they will allow you to onboard. It’s quick and easy to do online. You can choose your length of policy from 7, 15, 30, 60 days, and 180 days. Just make sure that the policy covers your entire period of stay in Thailand as foreigners are not eligible for free medical care in Thailand and insurance companies will not cover claims for existing conditions.

You may purchase AXA COVID-19 travel insurance within a few minutes. Check them below.

You can buy budget insurance here: https://www.siam-legal.com/axa-insurance

AXA Travel Insurance Thailand

How to Open a Bank Account in Thailand

Siam Legal offers and provides aid for a smooth and hassle-free way to open up a Thai bank account.

  • You will receive help in opening a savings/current bank account
  • You will receive a Bankbook and a debit/ATM card
  • Online Banking (Thai mobile number is required)


  • Guarantee letter (to be provided by Siam Legal)
  • The applicant may book our service online.
  • Our staff will prepare the application and necessary documents for the bank and arrange an appointment with the applicant.
  • The applicant will collect the application form and documents from the Siam Legal Bangkok office and proceed to the specific bank branch. Opening the account at the bank takes 1 to 2 hours.

Service Fee

Our service fee is 150 USD for opening a Thai savings account in Bangkok.

City Travel Guide

  • How to Travel to Bangkok
  • How to Travel to Phuket
  • How to Travel to Pattaya
  • How to Travel to Chiang Mai
  • How to Travel to Samui
  • How to Travel to Hua Hin

Useful Links

  • Best COVID-19 Insurance for Foreigners  
  • Thailand Elite Visa – long term visa option for Thailand
  • How to Travel to Thailand in 2022 – Your Ultimate Guide

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Pickyourtrail Travel Blog

How to Plan a Thailand Trip From India – All You Need To Know

Planning a thailand trip from india.

This entire article will help you to plan a perfect, hassle-free Thailand tour package .

Thailand is a vibrant, tropical, culturally rich, welcoming, and diverse country. One cannot leave the country without having a full heart. With its breathtaking beaches and amazing architecture, there is no way to not enjoy the trip entirely. If you are a newbie, we are here to guide you.

As a team, we have tried to curate the right guide to plan a Thailand trip from scratch so that you do not have any queries after reading.

Read it, save it, and share it with everyone you think would benefit from this article. With no adieu, let’s dive right into it.

Content Compass

  • Essential Documents
  • Right time to Visit Thailand
  • Planning your Budget

Picking the right accommodation

  • Checking internal transportation
  • Places to visit in Thailand

Things to do in Thailand

  • Choose the destinations and work on your Itinerary
  • Finalize the flight and the best possible routes
  • Few essential information – Language, Food, Currency
  • Vital Tips that can help you

thailand india travel

Essential Documents 

Before you plan any international trip, it is important to first check and recheck all the necessary documents that could be required. Below is a checklist that you can copy and paste in your notes to make sure everything is intact.

  • Address Proof or National ID


Make sure that your passport has no issues, like an expired date or an address mismatch. We would suggest checking your passport before you start planning a trip.

Thailand Tourist Visa 

Once the trip is planned and everything is finalized, immediately start the tourist visa process. A Thailand tourist visa is not a hassle to get, but make sure not to be very casual about it. Do not make any errors in the visa application form. Call the Embassy and take the necessary documents along with you for your visa interview. 

Thailand also offers a visa on arrival. With appropriate and valid documents and a passport that is valid at least for 30 days, one can apply for it. Below is the average cost of a Thailand tourist visa and a Thailand visa on arrival.

Address Proof and National ID for Indians

It is always best to have at least one extra ID with you when you are taking an international trip. You can make a copy of it, laminate it, and keep it with you. 

Right time to Visit Thailand 

The dry season between November and March is the best time to visit Thailand. During this period, the climate is moderate, and there is very little rain. With our experience, we would suggest you take a trip from late October to early April. This is when the weather is good and there is a very small crowd. You can refer the weather forecast table below 

Planning your Budget 

Thailand is generally a very budget friendly destination. The budget you set solely depends on the type of traveler you are.  

  • If you are planning a family trip to Thailand, the average budget could be around 1,92,500 INR for a 6 day trip. 
  • If you are planning a trip to Thailand for your honeymoon, the average budget for 6 days could be 1,14,500 INR. 

Note that this could increase or decrease depending on your choice of accommodation and flight charge fluctuations. Keep in mind the miscellaneous costs that could be incurred and take the necessary cash in hand. 

You can also check out our Blog on Budget Trip to Thailand.

Picking the right accommodation is crucial to making sure your trip is seamless. Whether you want a city resort, a beach resort, or a hotel, be clear about it so that you are satisfied when in Thailand. Check the reviews before finalizing the accommodations. If you choose Pickyourtrail, we will provide accommodations as part of your Thailand tour package. You can choose the accommodations according to your preferences. 

thailand india travel

Checking Internal Transportation 

If your plan is to cover two or more regions in Thailand, like Phuket and Bangkok, there might be a need for transportation. Below is a list you can consider 

1. Taxis: Taxis are a convenient way to get around, and they are easily accessible in big cities like Bangkok. Ensure that the meter is used or negotiate a price before starting the ride.

2. Tuk-tuks: Popular in urban areas for short distances, tuk-tuks are three-wheeled motorized vehicles. Negotiate the fare before the ride, as they often don’t have meters.

3. BTS Skytrain and MRT: Bangkok’s rapid transit systems, the BTS Skytrain and MRT (Mass Rapid Transit), offer quick and effective city-wide transportation by linking the city’s main attractions and locations.

4. Buses : Cities and towns all over Thailand are connected by a robust bus network. There are public and private buses available, with varying degrees of comfort and cost.

5. Trains: Major cities and regions are connected by trains run by Thailand’s State Railway. Long-distance trains offer an affordable alternative and the chance to take in beautiful views of the countryside.

6. Domestic Flights: Domestic flights are a viable option for traveling quickly or over longer distances between well-liked destinations. Airlines that provide domestic flight services include Thai Airways, AirAsia, and Nok Air.

7. Ferries : Ferry services are available for traveling between Thailand’s many islands and coastal regions. Popular island destinations like Krabi, Koh Samui, and Phuket are frequently reached by ferries.

8. Motorbikes and Scooters: Renting motorbikes and scooters is a well-liked independent travel option in tourist areas. Make sure your license is current, though, and put on the proper safety gear.

Places to Visit in Thailand 

Thailand has a lot to offer its tourists. Below are the top 15 places to visit in Thailand that you can consider. 

  • Phi Phi Islands
  • Railay Beach
  • Visit the Grand Palace in Bangkok
  • Explore the historic ruins of Ayutthaya
  • Experience the vibrant nightlife of Pattaya
  • Relax on the stunning beaches of Phuket
  • Take a boat tour of the Phi Phi Islands
  • Go trekking in the jungles of Chiang Mai
  • Visit the White Temple (Wat Rong Khun) in Chiang Rai
  • Take a dip in the natural hot springs of Krabi
  • Experience the Full Moon Party on Koh Phangan
  • Discover the ancient city of Sukhothai
  • Go scuba diving or snorkeling in Koh Tao
  • Explore the floating markets of Damnoen Saduak
  • Take a cooking class to learn Thai cuisine
  • Visit the Golden Triangle where Thailand meets Laos and Myanmar
  • Enjoy a traditional Thai massage and spa treatment

You can also check out Pickyourtrail’s Places to visit in Thailand blog for a clarity.

Choose the Destinations and Work on Your Itinerary 

You can begin creating a suitable itinerary once you’ve decided on the locations you want to visit and your spending limit. An itinerary must consist of everything, from flights to activities.  You can either create your own itinerary or contact reputed travel agencies for a well-curated itinerary. Let us say that you are planning on visiting Phuket, Bangkok, and Pattaya in a span of 7 days. A person with expert knowledge will be able to guide you properly. With Pickyourtrail, you can both customize and use expert advice. 

View from a flight

Finalize the Flight and the Best Possible Routes

Once the dates of your trip are finalized, the final step is to book your flights. The earlier you book, the cheaper your flights will be. There could be cases where flights are included as a part of your Thailand tour package or Thailand honeymoon package; in that case, you need not worry. 

India to Thailand flight information

  • Qatar Airways, AirAsia, and AirAsia India are the top three airlines that fly from India to Thailand.
  • Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket are the three most visited cities in Thailand.

Few Essential Information for Thailand Trip 

Thailand language.

The official language of Thailand is Thai, which is written using a distinctive script. It is a tonal language with five tones that can change how words are interpreted. Honorifics and polite particles in Thai culture reflect the importance of politeness and respect. Simple salutations like “Sawasdee” and “Khop Khun” are frequently employed. Gender and social class affect which pronouns are used. Although Thai is the official language, younger people and those in tourist areas also speak and understand English. It can be helpful to learn some fundamental Thai phrases because people there will appreciate your efforts to speak their language.

Significant food places in Thailand 

  • Bangkok’s Chinatown : Known for its bustling street food stalls and vibrant atmosphere, offering a wide variety of Chinese and Thai dishes.
  • Chiang Mai Night Bazaar: This night market is renowned for its delectable street food, including northern Thai specialties like khao soi and sai ua (grilled sausages).
  • Amphawa Floating Market: This floating market is well-known for its seafood, grilled snacks, and traditional Thai desserts. It is close to Bangkok.
  • Ploenchit and Sukhumvit areas in Bangkok: These areas are known for their upscale restaurants and international cuisine, offering a wide range of dining options.
  • Tha Kha Floating Market: Located in Samut Songkhram province, this authentic floating market is famous for its fresh seafood and local delicacies.

Also check out our blog on 15 Best Restaurants in Bangkok

Thailand Currency 

Thailand uses the Thai Baht (THB) as its official currency. Banknotes come in the following values: 20, 50, 100, 500, and 1,000 Baht. Coins are available in the following values: 1, 2, 5, and 10 Baht. Credit cards are widely accepted in tourist areas, and exchanging money at banks or authorized exchange booths is advised. 

How much is 1 THB in INR?

1 THB = 2.40 INR

Vital Tips that Can Help You

  • Learn about and respect local customs and traditions. For example, before entering someone’s home or a temple, you should take off your shoes.
  • Bargaining is common in markets and on the street. Maintain a polite and respectful demeanor during negotiations. Remember that prices in larger stores and establishments are usually fixed.
  • Tipping is not required in Thailand, but it is appreciated for excellent service. Leave a small tip or round up the bill at restaurants, and give taxi drivers, tour guides, and hotel staff a small tip.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated in Thailand’s hot and humid climate. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and refill it as needed. Drink bottled or filtered water instead of tap water.
  • Use reputable transportation services and pre-arrange taxi or tuk-tuk prices. Consider using ride-hailing apps like Grab for convenience and transparency.
  • Thailand is famous for its street food. Enjoy the local cuisine, but be mindful of food hygiene. Look for busy stalls with high turnover, as it indicates fresh and safe food.
  • Make travel insurance a top priority to ensure coverage for any unexpected events, such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, or lost belongings.

Check Out Best Selling Thailand Packages

Thailand Trip Package from Chennai | Thailand Tour Packages from Delhi | Thailand Package from Bangalore | Thailand Tour Package from Ahmedabad | Bangkok Trip Package from Chennai | Bangkok Tour Packages from Bangalore | Bangkok Packages from Mumbai | Bangkok Packages from Ahmedabad | Thailand Tour Packages from Mumbai | Thailand Solo Travel Packages  |  Bangkok holiday packages  |  Phuket travel packages

Explore Other Articles Related to Thailand

Souvenirs to Buy in Thailand | Reasons to Visit Thailand | Thailand Visa on Arrival

FAQs on How to Plan a Thailand Trip from India

A: We have a good news, that Indians are eligible for a visa-free entry for tourism purposes. You can stay up to 15 to 30 days in Thailand. However, it is good to check latest visa rules before planning your trip.

A: Flights are the best mode to travel to Thailand from India. Various direct flights are available from major Indian cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and more.

A: You should plan visiting Thailand during cool and dry season, from November to February. Get ready to enjoy pleasant weather with fewer crowd.

A: You can visit the islands like Phangan, Phi Phi, and Koh Samui and even explore Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Krabi, and many more. Thailand is popular for its temples, beaches, cultural landmarks and more.

A: The ideal duration for a Thailand trip is 7 to 10 days. In this duration, you can easily cover major attractions, indulge in fun activites and more.

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Travel Advisory July 24, 2023

Thailand - level 1: exercise normal precautions.

Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed.

Exercise normal precautions in Thailand. Some areas have increased risk.  Read the entire Travel Advisory.

Reconsider travel to:

  • Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat, and Songkhla provinces due to  civil unrest associated with ongoing insurgent activities.

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to Thailand.

If you decide to travel to Thailand:

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.   
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .   
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Thailand.
  • Have evacuation plans that do not rely on U.S. government assistance.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information  related to your travel.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .

Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat, and Songkhla Provinces – Level 3: Reconsider Travel

Periodic violence directed mostly at Thai government interests by a domestic insurgency continues to affect security in the southernmost provinces of Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat, and Songkhla. In Songkhla, the insurgency is most active in the districts of Chana, Thepha, Nathawat, and Saba Yoi. U.S. citizens are at risk of death or injury due to the possibility of indiscriminate attacks in public places.

The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in these provinces as U.S government employees must obtain special authorization to travel to these provinces.

Visit our website for  Travel to High-Risk Areas .

Embassy Messages

View Alerts and Messages Archive

Quick Facts

6 months from date of entry required

One page is required per entry stamp; please note endorsement pages are not considered blank passport page

No, if your stay is less than 30 days

Yellow fever may be required if arriving from certain countries with yellow fever

Embassies and Consulates

U.S. Embassy Bangkok 95 Wireless Road Bangkok 10330 Thailand Telephone: + (66) (2) 205-4049, 02-205-4049 (within Thailand) Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(66) (2) 205-4000, 02-205-4000 (within Thailand) Fax: +(66) (2) 205-4103, 02-205-4103 (within Thailand) Email:   [email protected]


U.S. Consulate General Chiang Mai 387 Witchayanond Road Chiang Mai 50300 Thailand Telephone: +(66) (53) 107-777, 053-107-777 (within Thailand) Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(66) 81-881-1878, 081-881-1878 (within Thailand) Fax: +(66) (53) 252-633, 053-252-633 (within Thailand) Email:   [email protected]

Destination Description

Learn about the U.S. relationship to countries around the world.

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

Visit the Royal Thai Embassy website for the most current visa information.

  • U.S. citizen tourists entering Thailand for fewer than 30 days do not require a visa.
  • We strongly recommend that your passport be valid for at least six months beyond the date of your arrival in Thailand to avoid possible denied entry.
  • Thai immigration officials or airline staff may ask for your onward/return ticket.
  • Business travelers, U.S. government employees travelling on official business, teachers, retirees, and those planning to stay longer than 30 days should check with the  Royal Thai Embassy about visa requirements .
  • If you overstay your visa, you will be fined. Depending on the length of overstay, you may also be arrested, detained, deported at your own expense, and banned from re-entering Thailand.

We strongly recommend you carry a copy of your U.S. passport identification page and current Thai visa to help avoid detention by the Thai immigration police.

Thailand’s entry/exit information is subject to change without notice. For the most current information, please see  The Royal Thai Police Immigration Bureau .

You can find detailed information on vaccinations and other health precautions on the  CDC website . 

HIV/AIDS Restrictions: Some HIV/AIDS entry restrictions exist for visitors to and foreign residents of Thailand. However, these restrictions are generally not enforced. Please verify this information with the Royal Thai Embassy before you travel.

Find information on dual nationality , prevention of international child abduction and customs regulations on our websites.

COVID-19 Requirements: There are no COVID-related entry requirements for U.S. citizens. 

Safety and Security

Terrorism: Terrorist groups and those inspired by such organizations are intent on attacking U.S. citizens abroad. Terrorists are increasingly using less sophisticated methods of attack – including knives, firearms, and vehicles – to more effectively target crowds. Frequently, their aim is unprotected or vulnerable targets, such as:

  • High-profile public events (sporting contests, political rallies, demonstrations, holiday events, celebratory gatherings, etc.)
  • Hotels, clubs, and restaurants frequented by tourists
  • Places of worship
  • Shopping malls and markets
  • Public transportation systems (including subways, buses, trains, and scheduled commercial flights)

For more information, see our Terrorism page.

Periodic acts of violence in Thailand remain a concern.  In August 2019, several small explosions and related arson events occurred in various locations throughout Bangkok resulting in no deaths but some injuries and minor property damage. Several small-scale bombings occurred near some tourist locations in the far Southern provinces in August 2016 and December 2018. In August 2015, an explosion near the Erawan Shrine in downtown Bangkok killed at least 20 people and injured more than 100. The U.S. Department of State assesses there is a continued risk of terrorism in Southeast Asia, including in Thailand.

If a protest or demonstration is expected to pass near the U.S. Embassy or Consulate facilities,  Embassy and Consulate entrances and functions may be restricted. The U.S. Embassy in Bangkok’s  website ,  Facebook,  and  Twitter  sites and the U.S. Consulate General in Chiang Mai’s  website ,  Facebook , and  Twitter  sites post information about local events that may affect Embassy functions. Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program  ( STEP ) to receive security and safety messages.

Far Southern Thailand:  Periodic violence directed mostly at Thai government interests by a domestic insurgency continues to affect security in the southernmost provinces of Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat, and Songkhla. U.S. citizens are at risk of death or injury due to the possibility of indiscriminate attacks in public places. Martial law is in force in this region.

The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in these provinces. Travel to this region by U.S government employees must be reviewed and approved in advance. For more information on terrorist threats against U.S. citizens worldwide and steps to take as a result of these threats, please see the  Worldwide Caution .

  • Crimes of opportunity,  such as pick-pocketing, bag-snatching, and burglary, occur in Thailand.
  • Violent crimes  against foreigners are relatively rare. However, murders, rapes, and assaults against foreigners do occur.
  • Sexually motivated violence,  committed by either Thai citizens or foreigners, is most likely to occur after time spent at bars, clubs, and parties, on beaches, or in remote/isolated areas. The Thai police response will differ from an investigation in the United States; investigating officials have publicly discredited people who have reported being the victim of crimes . In addition to making a report at the police jurisdiction in which the crime occurred, we advise contacting the Embassy and engaging a local attorney if you are a victim of an assault.
  • When traveling alone,  exercise caution, stay near other travelers, and ensure friends or family know how to contact you.
  • Taxi and “tuk-tuk”  drivers may attempt to charge excessive fares or refuse passengers. You should either request the driver use the meter or agree on the fare beforehand.
  • At the airport  use only public transportation from the airport’s official pick-up area, cars from the limousine counters, or a car from your hotel.
  • Rental scams  do occur in Thailand. Many rental motorbike, jet ski, and car companies will hold your passport until you pay for real or fictitious damages. We advise against using your passport as collateral.
  • Exorbitant bar tab scams  occur in Thailand. Some bars and entertainment venues will charge exorbitant prices for drinks or unadvertised cover charges and threaten violence if you don’t pay.
  • Other scams  involving gems, city tours, entertainment venues, and credit cards are common, especially in tourist areas.

International Financial Scams:  See the  Department of State  and the  FBI  pages for information.

Internet romance and financial scams are prevalent in Thailand. Scams are often initiated through Internet postings/profiles or by unsolicited emails and letters. Scammers almost always pose as U.S. citizens who have no one else to turn to for help. Common scams include:

  • Romance/Online dating
  • Money transfers
  • Grandparent/Relative targeting
  • Free Trip/Luggage
  • Work permits/job offers

Victims of Crime: U.S. citizen victims of crime are encouraged to contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate for assistance. Report crimes to the local police by calling 191 or the Tourist Police at 1155 and contact the U.S. Embassy at +66 (0) 2-205-4049 or Consulate at +(66) (53) 107-777. Remember that only local officials have the authority to investigate and to prosecute a crime.

Domestic Violence: U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence are encouraged to contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate for assistance. Report crimes to the local police by calling 191 or the Tourist Police at 1155 and contact the U.S. Embassy at +66 (0) 2-205-4049 or Consulate at +(66) (53) 107-777. Remember that only local officials have the authority to investigate and to prosecute a crime.

See our webpage on help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

  • Help you find appropriate medical care
  • Assist you in reporting a crime to the police
  • Contact relatives or friends with your written consent
  • Explain the local criminal justice process in general terms
  • Provide a list of local attorneys
  • Provide our information on victim’s compensation programs in the U.S.
  • Provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution
  • Help you find accommodation and arrange flights home
  • Replace a stolen or lost passport

Tourism: The tourism industry is unevenly regulated, and safety inspections for equipment and facilities do not commonly occur. Hazardous areas/activities are not always identified with appropriate signage, and staff may not be trained or certified either by the host government or by recognized authorities in the field. In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is typically available only in/near major cities. First responders are generally unable to access areas outside of major cities and to provide urgent medical treatment. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance. See our webpage for more information on  insurance providers for overseas coverage . 

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties: You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Individuals establishing a business or practicing a profession that requires additional permits or licensing should seek information from the competent local authorities, prior to practicing or operating a business.

Furthermore, some laws are also prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on crimes against minors abroad and the Department of Justice website.

Arrest Notification: If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy immediately. See our webpage for further information.

Conditions at the Bangkok Immigration Detention Center (IDC):  Conditions in immigration detention centers (IDCs) where authorities detain foreign nationals who violate immigration laws remain poor and most are overcrowded. IDCs, administered by the Immigration Police Bureau, which reports to the Royal Thai Police (RTP), are not subject to many of the regulations that govern the regular prison system. U.S. citizen detainees often complain of stark, austere living conditions, overcrowding, and unhealthy conditions. Personal security is poor. In addition, the main IDC in Bangkok does not dependably provide adequate medical or mental health care. In 2019, two U.S. citizens died while in custody at the Bangkok IDC. Deportations are self-funded and it may take up to two weeks for Thai authorities to process a case before deportation. Detainees must have funds to purchase a phone card and do not have access to the internet. Prior approval and a security escort are required to visit a Western Union or an ATM machine.

  • Please see the  Immigration Act B.E. 1979  for more information about Thai Immigration violations.
  • Please see the  Department of State’s Report on Human Rights Practices for Thailand  for further information.

Lèse majesté (Royal Insult):  Thais hold the monarchy in the highest regard. Making a critical or defamatory comment about the royal family is punishable by a prison sentence of up to 15 years per offense. As an example, purposely tearing Thai bank notes, which carry an image of the King, may be considered a lèse majesté offense.

  • Prostitution is illegal in Thailand.  Serious consequences include criminal conviction and imprisonment, particularly in the case of child prostitution. 
  • Commercial surrogacy is banned.
  • Personal use of even non-lethal military equipment, such as protective vests and night vision scopes, is prohibited.
  • Illegal drugs  carry severe penalties. Expect long jail sentences under harsh conditions, heavy fines, or even execution for possessing, using, or trafficking in illegal drugs.
  • Shoplifting  can result in large fines and lengthy detention followed by deportation.
  • Domestic Issues:  Local police are reluctant to become involved in domestic issues. You may call the Family Services Emergency hotline by dialing 1300 from any Thai phone.
  • Possessing counterfeit or pirated goods is a crime in Thailand.  For more information see the  intellectual property section of the U.S. Department of Justice website .

Customs  may enforce strict regulations on Buddha images, firearms, bullets and/or bullet casings, bullet-proof vests, night vision devices and other para-military type equipment, explosives, drugs, radios, books, and recordings, which might be cultural property and/or considered harmful to the public interest.

Faith-Based Travelers: See the following webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Report – see country reports
  • Human Rights Report – see country reports
  • Hajj Fact Sheet for Travelers
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

LGBTI Travelers: There are no known legal restrictions on same-sex sexual relations or the organization of LGBTI events in Thailand. However, LGBTI groups report that in the case of sexual crimes, police tend to downplay sexual abuse claims from LGBTI victims.

See our LGBTI Travel Information page and section 6 of our Human Rights report for further details.

Travelers Who Require Accessibility Assistance. Sidewalks and street crossings are not suitable for travelers with mobility issues. Newly constructed buildings, facilities, and transportation equipment should be accessible by law for persons with mobility issues. However, enforcement of these provisions is not uniform.

Students: See our Students Abroad page and FBI travel tips .

Women Travelers: Some victims of sexual assault or domestic violence find that Thai authorities do not handle such cases with as much sensitivity or consideration for privacy as they would expect in the United States. See our travel tips for Women Travelers .

Ambulance services are:

  • not present throughout the country or are unreliable in most areas except for Bangkok and other major cities.
  • Injured or seriously ill travelers may prefer to take a taxi or private vehicle to the nearest major hospital rather than wait for an ambulance.

Medical treatment  is generally adequate in Thailand’s urban areas. In Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, and Pattaya, good facilities exist for routine, long-term, and emergency health care. Basic medical care is available in rural areas, but English-speaking providers are rare.

Medical tourism  is an established and rapidly growing industry. You should consult with your local physician before traveling and also  refer to information on medical tourism from CDC.

We do not pay medical bills. Be aware that U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not apply overseas. Most hospitals and doctors overseas do not accept U.S. health insurance.

Medical Insurance: Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. See our webpage for more information on insurance providers for overseas coverage. Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for more information on type of insurance you should consider before you travel overseas.

We strongly recommend supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation.

Medicine for personal use  is allowed as long as the amount does not exceed a 30-day supply and you bring the medicine with you. Do not mail medicine to Thailand without first confirming it will be allowed into the country.

If traveling with prescription medication, check with  Thailand Customs  and the  Thailand Food and Drug Administration  to ensure the medication is legal in Thailand. Always, carry your prescription medication in original packaging with your doctor’s prescription. 

The following diseases are present:

  • Chikungunya
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • Tuberculosis:
  • Hepatitis A and B
  • Melioidosis         

Vaccinations: Be up-to-date on all vaccinations recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Air Quality:  The air quality in Thailand varies considerably and fluctuates with the seasons, but seasonal smog is a problem. In recent years the air quality in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Khon Kaen, Lampang, Nan, and Samut Sakhon have exceeded Thai and U.S. government daily standards for fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) for a portion of the year. In Chiang Mai and other northern provinces, annual agricultural burning, approximately February through late April, and forest fires cause days with unhealthy to hazardous air quality based on the U.S. index. In Bangkok environs, airborne dust and auto pollutants are prevalent in the cooler, dry period (December-February). Anyone who travels where pollution levels are high is at risk. People at the greatest risk from air pollution exposure include:

  • Infants, children, and teens
  • People over 65 years of age
  • People with lung disease such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema;
  • People with heart disease
  • People who work or are active outdoors

For Bangkok and Chiang Mai, U.S. Mission Thailand is reporting the U.S. EPA’s Air Quality Index (AQI) calculated from PM2.5 data captured by monitors owned and maintained by the Royal Thai Government. The information and advice on health protection measures to take is available

Visit AirNow Department of State for information on air quality at U.S. Embassies and Consulates.

The U.S. Embassy maintains a list of doctors and hospitals . We do not endorse or recommend any specific medical provider or clinic.

Health facilities in general:

  • Adequate health facilities are available in Bangkok and other major cities but health care in rural areas may be below U.S. standards.
  • Hospitals and doctors require payment “up front” prior to service or admission. Credit card payment is not always available.
  • Medical staff at public hospitals may speak little or no English.
  • Patients bear all costs for transfer to or between hospitals.
  • Psychological and psychiatric services are limited, even in the larger cities, with hospital-based care only available through government institutions.

Medical Tourism and Elective Surgery:

  • Medical tourism is a rapidly growing industry. People seeking health care overseas should understand that medical systems operate differently from those in the United States and are not subject to the same rules and regulations. Anyone interested in traveling for medical purposes should consult with their local physician before traveling and visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for more information on Medical Tourism.
  • We strongly recommend supplemental insurance  to cover medical evacuation in the event of unforeseen medical complications.
  • Your legal options in case of malpractice are very limited in Thailand.
  • Although Thailand has many elective/cosmetic surgery facilities that are on par with those found in the United States, the quality of care varies widely. If you plan to undergo surgery in Thailand, make sure that emergency medical facilities are available and professionals are accredited and qualified.


  • Exercise caution when purchasing medication overseas. Pharmaceuticals, both over the counter and requiring prescription in the United States, are often readily available for purchase with little controls. Counterfeit medication is common and may prove to be ineffective, the wrong strength, or contain dangerous ingredients. Medication should be purchased in consultation with a medical professional and from reputable establishments.
  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Food and Drug Administration are responsible for rules governing the transport of medication back to the United States. Medication purchased abroad must meet their requirements to be legally brought back into the United States. Medication should be for personal use and must be approved for usage in the United States. Please visit the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Food and Drug Administration websites for more information.

Assisted Reproductive Technology and Surrogacy:

  • If you are considering traveling to Thailand to have a child through use of assisted reproductive technology (ART) or surrogacy, please see our ART and Surrogacy Abroad page .
  • Surrogacy is illegal for foreigners in Thailand, subject to complex local regulation. For additional information, visit the Government of Thailand’s website for information on foreigner surrogacy.
  • If you decide to pursue parenthood in Thailand via assisted reproductive technology (ART) with a gestational mother, be prepared for long and unexpected delays in documenting your child’s citizenship. Be aware that individuals who attempt to circumvent local law risk criminal prosecution.

Water Quality:

  • In many areas, tap water is not potable. Bottled water and beverages are generally safe, although you should be aware that many restaurants and hotels serve tap water unless bottled water is specifically requested. Be aware that ice for drinks may be made using tap water.

Adventure Travel:

  • Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for more information about Adventure Travel .

COVID-19 Testing: For the most current list of COVID-19 testing locations in Thailand approved by the Ministry of Public Health, please visit:  http://service.dmsc.moph.go.th/labscovid19 .  Testing is paid for by U.S. citizens.

The Ministry of Public Health provides a list of 44 laboratories approved to conduct COVID-19 testing found  here .

Please Note : Same-day Covid-19 testing is available at most private hospitals throughout Thailand.  Please reference this list of testing locations and contact the provider directly to inquire about COVID-19 testing options, scheduling, cost, and other information.

COVID-19 Vaccines:  The COVID-19 vaccine is available for U.S. citizens to receive in Thailand.   According to Thai authorities, both private and public hospitals are providing COVID-19 vaccines. More information on a list of hospitals in Thailand is available  here .

The Bang Rak Vaccination and Health Center, the Institute of Dermatology, and the Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases Institute are currently providing free bivalent vaccines to non-Thai citizens on a walk-in basis.

Visit the FDA's website to  learn more about FDA-approved vaccines  in the United States.  

Travel and Transportation

Road Conditions and Safety:

  • Traffic accidents are common in Thailand.  According to the  World Health Organization , in 2018, Thailand had one of the world’s highest traffic-related fatality rates. Bangkok and some parts of Chiang Mai have heavy traffic.
  • Reckless driving:  Speeding, reckless passing, and failure to obey other traffic laws are common in all regions of Thailand. Traffic moves on the left. Some drivers move illegally against the traffic. Scooters and motorbikes commonly drive on the sidewalks during rush hour and other periods of heavy traffic. Commercial drivers commonly consume alcohol, amphetamines, and other stimulants.
  • Accidents involving motorcycles can be deadly . Riders may incur serious injuries when they are not wearing helmets or proper clothing and footwear. According to the World Health Organization, in 2016, 74 percent of traffic fatalities involved riders of 2-and 3-wheeled vehicles. Use of motorcycle helmets is mandatory, but this law is sporadically enforced. 
  • Use a pedestrian bridge  to cross the road where one is available, including in front of the U.S. Embassy on Wireless Road and on Sukhumvit Road, where many pedestrians have been killed and several U.S. citizens seriously injured. Look carefully in both directions before crossing streets, even when using a marked crosswalk. 
  • If you have a traffic accident,  you should contact your insurance company for guidance in dealing with the other party and the police.
  • Emergency vehicles:  Congested roads and a scarcity of ambulances can make it difficult for accident victims to receive timely medical attention

Traffic Laws:

  • Driving under influence is punishable by law . If you are found to be intoxicated, you could be jailed for a minimum of two years and subject to a fine.
  • Bribes are illegal.  If you are found guilty, you could be imprisoned up to five years, face severe fines, or both.
  • Lack of ID.
  • Not obeying traffic laws and traffic signals.
  • Driving slowly in regular lanes of traffic.
  • If you are involved in a traffic accident, you should contact your auto insurance company for guidance . 

Public Transportation:

  • Mass transit:  In Bangkok, the BTS elevated "Skytrain," “Airport Rail Link” mass transit, and the underground MRT systems are reliable, inexpensive, air conditioned, and often faster than Bangkok traffic.
  • Bus system:  Bangkok also has an extensive bus system, but buses can be overcrowded and are often driven with little or no regard for passenger safety.
  • For hire vehicles:  Cities outside of Bangkok typically have only rudimentary public transportation and usually do not have metered taxis. In many cases, motorcycle taxis, tuk-tuks, bicycle-powered rickshaws, and pick-up trucks will be the only options available for travelers without their own transport.
  • Smartphone-based for-hire vehicle service  exist in Bangkok and other large cities. Those affiliated with registered taxis, such as Grab Taxi, Line Taxi, and All Thai Taxi are legal, but their affiliated car services are under legal review.

See our  Road Safety page  for more information.

Aviation Safety Oversight: The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the government of Thailand’s Civil Aviation Authority as not being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of Thailand’s air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the FAA’s safety assessment page .

Maritime Travel: Mariners planning travel to Thailand should also check for U.S. maritime advisories and alerts . Information may also be posted to the U.S. Coast Guard homeport website , and the NGA broadcast warnings .

For additional travel information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
  • See the  State Department’s travel website  for the  Worldwide Caution  and  Travel Advisories .
  • Follow us on  Twitter  and  Facebook .
  • See  traveling safely abroad  for useful travel tips.

Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in Thailand . For additional IPCA-related information, please see the International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act ( ICAPRA ) report.

Travel Advisory Levels

Assistance for u.s. citizens, thailand map, learn about your destination, enroll in step.

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Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Make two copies of all of your travel documents in case of emergency, and leave one with a trusted friend or relative.


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Faqs for booking flights from thailand to india, how does kayak find such low prices on flights from thailand to india.

KAYAK is a travel search engine. That means we look across the web to find the best prices we can find for our users. With over 2 billion flight queries processed yearly, we are able to display a variety of prices and options on flights from Thailand to India.

How does KAYAK's flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy my flight ticket from Thailand to India?

KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a flight to India from Thailand is likely to change within 7 days, so travelers know whether to wait or book now.

What is the Hacker Fare option on flights from Thailand to India?

Hacker Fares allow you to combine one-way tickets in order to save you money over a traditional return ticket. You could then fly to India with an airline and back to Thailand with another airline.

What is KAYAK's "flexible dates" feature and why should I care when looking for a flight from Thailand to India?

Sometimes travel dates aren't set in stone. If your preferred travel dates have some wiggle room, flexible dates will show you all the options when flying to India from Thailand up to 3 days before/after your preferred dates. You can then pick the flights that suit you best.

Top 5 airlines serving from Thailand to India

Extra seat belt across the chest 10 minutes before taking off and 15 minutes before landing seemed excessively safe.

The transfer from Domestic and International was a bit confusing but I am easily confused. I did not eat any food, but the food on the other leg was decent. It was nice they turned the lights off on the night flight. The plane was in good shape, but was a little cramped in economy and I am small. They gave me a customs form to fill out and nobody looked at it as I went through customs. Not a bad flight.

My case was missing a wheel on arrival Heathrow and the staff were unhelpful when i tried to get some compensation stating it was not sufficient damage, i only wish that they at some point have to deal with the same situation it put me in, maybe they would change their attitude but overall it was a good flight

We are satisfied with the cabin crew serviceand the quality of meals served.

The aircraft was really old, the staff demotivated and the overall United airline service is horrible

Increase the number of available films, including variety. All other aspects were great.

Check in was a disaster. 90 minutes and only 2 economy check in desks open. Had to rush to catch the flight.

I couldnt go on this flight and lost all my money over 1,000 UK Pounds as my visa to Myanmar was not accepted :(

Thai Airways is one of the best airlines in the business. Looking forward to fly again with them.

food poor i said chiken i got pack a pow breakfast lousey .job to explain wot it was ...

I get so tired of the constant delays, but there are so few options. The plane is coming from Bangkok each time. Why are the flights so regularly delayed. I do appreciate the speed of the baggage delivery into the terminal.

We had a 3 hrs delay and they offer McDonalds pineapple pay. They charged us for extra grs of luggage and the experience was not good

Thai Air Asia no longer has customer support that you can call and talk to. All support is done by chat bot or self help websites. This can be a major issue if you have a problem and it bit us so we can’t recommend nor will we book with them again unless as a last resort.

No way to talk to support. Is all online self help or chat bot. Now way to speak to a person and the automated options are useless.

Airline cancelled our flight purchased through kiwi.com 2 months before travel and to date has inly refunded half of our paid ticket price.

Crew was nice, boarding efficient. VERY cramped seating. I'm a 5 ' 10'' slim woman and my knees were up against the seat in front of me and my arms were against the arm rests. There are no services, not even water, and they only take local currency and I didn't yet have Thai baht ( flying from Indonesia and no rupiah left). I won't choose to fly with this line again.

Good, no mini-tv's, no food unless you pay, good overall experience.

ได้นั่งรถไปขึ้นเครื่อง แอบเสียใจอยู่ พอขึ้นไปถึง มีคนมานั่งในที่นั่งเราอีก ไม่รู้เจ้าหน้าที่บนเครื่องไปแนะนำผู้โดยสารท่านอื่นยังไง เขาเข้าใจผิดว่าที่นั่ง C คือข้างหน้าต่าง และเที่ยวบินนี้ ดีเลย์แล้วดีเลย์อีก จากทุ่มสองทุ่ม ดีเลย์ไปถึงห้าทุ่มกันเลยทีเดียว ถ้ามีไฟลท์ต่อกันนี่คงไม่รอดแน่นอน

CNX is a filthy, poorly kept airport. I have heard that Thailand plans to build another airport in San Kampaeng area, so perhaps they are just letting this one go. But it makes every airline look badly to offer their service in such a poorly organized "dump". Sorry to say this, but that's what it's like. At least the AirAsia flight which I took was on time! I appreciate that.

Air Asia will be my choice of airline when I fly to Asia every 6 to 8 weeks. Thank you for your good service.

Crew was horrible. No greetings. Did not ask for any food. The crew seemed like they were forced on the flight against the wishes. Should be de-roastered.

Indigo attempts to make you pay for a seat during check in. I opted to not do this. The result - they allotted me and my minor son seats apart. In the interest of making maximum money, they seem to have lost common sense too. Similarly, even during the flight, the crew are busy trying to serve food to those who’ve already paid for it. By the time they’re done, it’s time to land and no one else is able to get anything. Sadly this seems to be what makes them profitable, customers just need to bear with it till a better airline comes along.

As usual invariably delayed Lots of time in getting chkd in baggage

Staff needs to be trained in managing customers better. Indigo appears to be a low cost airlines in all aspects.

Flight was delayed and also lots of mosquitoes on the flight

Two times the gate was changed and flight got delayed

INDIGO Never On Time & Always Prefer to Shuttle Passengers Like shuttle Corks

I did not like the communication gap existing amongst the staff and the customer. My flight to Nagpur was delayed by two and half hours but it was informed to me on email ( not by W.A. or SMS) when I have already left my home in Baner area. I was painfully detained at airport with luggage when the gate no. 10 was changed to 5. I'll never recommend your flight to anybody.

Seats don't recline, no charging points. New aircraft and very clean. Crew should serve some water atleast.

Wife and I were seated in separate seats across the aisle

I have been an NRI living abroad for the last 35 years, but I had one of my worst experiences recently at the Dharbhanga airport, especially with the ground staff. Their behavior was very rude; one of the staff members almost abused me and charged me extra for my laptop and cable that I was carrying from Dharbhanga to Delhi, where I had an international flight. Despite being careful with the weight limits, the ground staff treated me very poorly, making it one of the worst flying experiences of my life.

Staff could have been helpful when traveling with kids and seniors. Not at all professional staff, just some janitors who do not understand hospitality. The food was horrible; the tomatoes tasted foul. The flight was small and the legroom was not good.

Flight was changed without proper monitor display. Boarding process was confusing with no announcements.

Flight arrived on time even though boarding and takeoff were delayed. No infant seatbelt provided. Crew was a bit indifferent. Baggage was damaged and representatives refused to write up a damage report.

IGI T-1 terminal is under renovation. So, the boarding and check in process took extremely long, due to reduced number of kiosks. Further, the flight was delayed by 1 hour 15 mins. The same was not being properly informed to the passengers because of which a feeling of slight chaos was evident amongst the passengers. All this further increased the discomfort, which was already in the menu due to the ATR aircraft. Lastly, the Spicescreen website wasn't working properly due to pathetic interface and poor wifi connectivity, which otherwise could have been a pass-time during the flight. Such issues were not expected from Spicejet and need to be taken care and handled in a better manner in future.

The flight 3 time delay I was so nervous and full tired

Flight cancelled without notice at the 11th hour, refund not done now one week passed

Timing Should be Accurate to Fly Flight was Delay By 3 hrs

Fly has been canceled 3 hours before departure. That happens after 2 delayed departures. No automatic compensation. Spicejet refused to give us compensation form. Bad service.

Landing at Delhi IGI AIRPORT was not smooth.It made us bit nervous. Then the rest was ok. Staff and the crew are very efficient.

I don’t like air India seats are too small and staff are not that nice

The tv didn’t work and the seats were too small

First and the foremost I was shocked to see airindia standards have come down so low . The food was horrible . They served us 3 meals for vegetarian and all the was paneer . The orange juice was not at all cold it was smelly . After you take this heavy price air India should learn from other air lines . I at one point felt like throwing up . After all this when we landed we were not given landing slip . We had to wait for 45 min at the immigration just because no one was given landing slip . To top it all we were 3 passengers and had checked in 4 check in luggage . Out of which 3 have not yet arrived . Basically status says the loaded it in our flight ( this was a direct fight ) and it never reached . We are still waiting . There is nothing great to tell about our flight . The he only good thing was the crew were very helpful .

Bags got damaged for multiple passengers, and they wouldn't even reimburse the depreciated price of the bag.

Lay out shows 1st row and second row given after taking payment. It's a fraud

The seats were extremely uncomfortable. Air India seats used to be very comfortable . with sufficient legroom. In this aircraft there was no legroom. It is a shame that for your profit margins you are trying to pack people like cattle on these long haul flights. The food was terrible. The bread was hard like a rock. Mr CEO of Air India, why don’t you take a flight in economy from India to USA and experience the hardships first hand. It is utter disgrace

Absolutely nothing. Cold and unpleasant airline staff, and to top it all, the entertainment system was broken. Really harrowing experience.

The flight was delayed for 2 reasons. 1) Weather - due to which it incoming aircraft was diverted to Ahmdabad. 2) technical issue which took 5 hrs to solve at Ahmedabad. The flight which was to leave by 6pm left at 12:10am the next day. They could have handled the situation in a better way. They waited for Airbus engineer to come and solve. They didn’t simultaneously call for another aircraft so passengers could travel through their connecting flights as scheduled. It was a very poor way from Air India.

BAD experience. Entertainment system was not working and most of the passengers had this issue. Staff was not helpful. Meal was yuck. Bad old flights.

Overall good experience. I got first row seats with extra legroom. It does make a difference. Entertainment system was working. However, they kept serving me a VEGAN meal instead of a VEGETERIAN meal. I asked them and showed my tickets that Vegeterian meal is selected but the staff didn't care. VEGAN meal was medicore and not enough to fill tummy. Also unhealthy with butter made from palm oil.

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Flights to Thailand

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Book international flights to thailand with indigo .

Is Thailand on your wish list? Then wait no more! You can now book flights to Thailand from India with IndiGo, at the most affordable rates. It has some of the best landscapes and beaches. You can book a Thailand flight with IndiGo and have a fun and enlightening time. You can spend some time at the beaches of Phuket or Koh Samui while embracing the calmness of the ocean or exploring historic temples and traditional Thai architecture.

Your India to Thailand flights with IndiGo can help you have a seamless travel experience to this serene land. IndiGo’s flights to Thailand also give you a spectacular chance to visit the Temple of Dawn and Temple of the Emerald Buddha. Additionally, while here, try Thai cuisine - the delicious Pad Thai, which is a stunning combination of sweet, sour, and savoury sauces made with rice noodles, shrimp or chicken, bean sprouts, and eggs. Green Curry, made with chilly green paste, coconut milk, and various vegetables and meat, is another mouth-watering dish you must try. 

Flights to Thailand from India

From pristine beaches and tropical islands in the south to ancient temples and lush jungles in the north, Thailand offers every traveller a diverse range of experiences. Book your ticket for India to Thailand flights with IndiGo to visit this wonderful country.

  • Flights to Bangkok - You can now book flights to Bangkok with IndiGo. Get a chance to explore The shrines, vibrant street life, and temples have enchanted tourists for centuries. Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is a hubspot for many major attractions in the country.
  • Flights to Phuket - Flights to Phuket  offer a chance to arrive directly at Phuket island. The 19th-century shophouses, white sand beaches, and Sino-Portuguese buildings make it the ever-shining feature of Thailand’s Phuket province.

Flight Schedule

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IndiGo strengthens connectivity to Thailand with over 25% increase in weekly flights

Best cities to visit in thailand.

The vibrant atmosphere in Thailand is evident with its diversity, historical prominence, and scenic locations. Every city in Thailand has something unique to offer in terms of experiences and culture. Let’s go through a few of the country's best cities so you can plan a wholesome itinerary and not miss out on anything.

  • Bangkok - Bangkok is the vibrant capital city of Thailand is a melting pot of culture, history, and modernity. Visit the magnificent Grand Palace, home to the revered Emerald Buddha. You can explore the intricate architecture of Wat Arun, the Temple of Dawn. The markets like Chatuchak make it an eclectic experience. You can also sample delicious street food at every corner. The boat ride along the Chao Phraya River, where you can witness the traditional way of life and admire the city's stunning skyline, can make your trip to Bangkok memorable.
  • Chiang Mai - Chiang Mai offers a tranquil escape from everyday life. It is conveniently nestled in the lush mountains of northern Thailand. The city is famous for its numerous ancient temples, such as Wat Phra That Doi Suthep. Explore the historic Old City with its moat and ancient city walls. You can wander through vibrant markets and discover traditional crafts. Take advantage of the unique experience of participating in the annual Yi Peng Lantern Festival, where thousands of lanterns light up the night sky.
  • Phuket - Thailand's largest island, Phuket , is blessed with clear turquoise waters and a lively atmosphere. Take a boat trip to the picturesque Phi Phi Islands. You can snorkel, swim, and bask in the beauty of the surrounding limestone cliffs. The Old Town of Phuket makes this trip unforgettable with its colourful Sino-Portuguese buildings and vibrant street art. For some spiritual grounding, visit the Big Buddha. It is a massive white marble statue offering panoramic views of the island.
  • Pattaya - Pattaya is a famous beach resort city known for its lively entertainment scene and water sports activities. You can enjoy the vibrant and bustling Walking Street that has renowned restaurants. The Sanctuary of Truth is truly a majestic wooden temple. You can also explore Pattaya's beautiful beaches, such as Jomtien Beach and Wong Amat Beach.
  • Ayutthaya - Explore the ancient capital of Ayutthaya. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. You can marvel at the majestic remnants of temples, palaces, and statues that showcase the city's rich history. Wat Mahathat, known for the iconic Buddha head entwined in tree roots, is iconic.
  • Krabi - The stunning limestone cliffs and emerald water bless the shores of Krabi. You can take a boat tour to Railay Beach. It is surrounded by towering cliffs and accessible only by boat. You can choose to relax, swim, and enjoy the breathtaking views. Krabi also offers excellent rock climbing opportunities in its limestone formations.
  • Hua Hin - A charming resort town, Hua Hin, offers a laid-back atmosphere. It is a perfect blend of natural beauty and urban conveniences. Relax on pristine beaches like Hua Hin Beach and Khao Takiab Beach. You can also visit the historic Hua Hin Railway Station, with its iconic royal waiting room. Or you can stroll along the lively Night Market to shop for souvenirs. You will also find world-class golf courses available in the area. Hua Hin is a charm.
  • Sukhothai - Step into the ancient kingdom of Sukhothai, another UNESCO World Heritage Site. You can explore the Sukhothai Historical Park, whose well-preserved temples and statues reflect ancient Khmer architecture's beauty. You can also rent a bicycle and explore the expansive park, stopping at Wat Mahathat and Wat Si Chum. They also house a colossal seated Buddha.
  • Pai - Pai is a bohemian town known for its stunning natural landscapes. Explore the Pai Canyon, a maze of narrow ridges and cliffs. You can also visit the iconic Pai Walking Street, where you can browse through local crafts and enjoy live music performances. Don't miss the rejuvenating hot springs and explore nearby waterfalls such as Mo Paeng and Pam Bok.

Airports in Thailand

Thailand has a terrific airport system. You can avail of your Flights to Thailand with IndiGo to reach these entry points.

  • Airport in Bangkok - Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) is about 30 km east of Bangkok city centre. It is Thailand's prime airport and the leading international gateway to Thailand. The distance between Suvarnabhumi Airport and Bangkok city centre can be covered in approximately 30-45 minutes by taxi or airport rail link.
  • Airport in Phuket - Phuket International Airport is about 32 km north of Phuket Town, and taxis or airport shuttle services conveniently connect it to the rest of the city.

Visa and immigration

Indian citizens planning to visit Thailand for tourism purposes must obtain a tourist visa before travelling. The Thailand visa application process requires a valid passport with a minimum validity of six months from entry, confirmed return flight tickets, proof of accommodation, and sufficient funds to cover the expenses during the stay. The tourist visa allows a maximum stay of 60 days in Thailand. Applying for the visa well in advance through the Thai embassy or the official website is recommended. You can check the official website of the Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate to learn more about the same.

Requirements for a Thailand visa

  • Valid passport
  • Visa application form
  • Proof of accommodation
  • Passport-size photograph
  • Evidence of sufficient funds

How to track your visa applications?

You can track the status of your Thailand visa application on the official website by providing your visa application number and travel document number. Try to be thorough with the visa process before your journey to Thailand.

FAQs about Flights to Thailand

Are there flights to thailand from india available with indigo.

Yes. You can find many options for India to Thailand flights on the IndiGo website.

What is the travel time for flights to Thailand from India?

The average time for India to Thailand flights is between 3 and 18 hours.

Which are the best cities in Thailand?

Bangkok, Phuket, and Chiang Mai are a few of the most prominent cities in the country.

What is the distance between Suvarnabhumi Airport and the city centre?

Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) is about 30 km from the city centre.

Do you require a visa to travel to Thailand as an Indian citizen?

Yes. You require a Thailand tourist visa to visit Thailand as an Indian citizen.

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Young Indians drive surge in travel to Thailand

Key Takeaways

  • Thailand bookings by Indian guests on Airbnb increased more than 60 percent from 2022 to 2023.

thailand india travel

New data from Airbnb reveals that between 2022 and 2023, bookings in Thailand by Indian guests on Airbnb increased more than 60 percent year-on-year*, and a noticeable surge of interest during the recent Holi and Easter long weekends when searches by Indian guests for stays in Thailand during this period increased more than 200 percent.**

According to data from Thailand’s Ministry of Tourism and Sports, India is the fifth largest inbound market for Thailand. This growth in interest amongst Indian travellers is credited to the government’s visa-free policy and recently announced extension till 11 November 2024 and is further fuelled by the availability of various non-stop daily flights.  From their favourite destinations, to the types of stays they prefer, traveller types and demographics, Airbnb shares its latest data on India-Thailand travel trends.

This surge in travel interest on Airbnb is driven by India’s changing demographics and a new, more travel inclined younger generation, with Gen Z and Millennial Indian guests accounting for 80 percent of bookings in 2023 *. India has the highest population of Gen Zs and Millennials in the world so it’s not surprising that youth is at the heart of Airbnb in India as well.

Thailand’s city and beach destinations made up the top 5 most booked destinations by Indian guests on Airbnb: ***

The desire for beach and city getaways is also seen in stays chosen by Indian guests – the most booked Airbnb Categories in Thailand by Indian guests were Pool, Tropical, Near a beach, Near a national park and Iconic city .***

“Travellers from India on Airbnb continue to show their love for Thailand with a growing interest in exploring destinations across the country. In addition to some of Thailand’s top destinations, we see Indian guests also exploring lesser known areas and supporting a more inclusive tourism in Thailand that spreads economic opportunities to more people in more places, not just big cities ,” said Amanpreet Bajaj, Airbnb’s General Manager for Southeast Asia, India, Hong Kong, and Taiwan .

“The Thai government’s extension of the visa waiver for citizens of both countries will further support and drive inbound tourism. There is strong appetite for Thailand amongst Indian travellers and we will continue to support Thailand’s tourism initiatives and help to make Thailand top of mind amongst Indian travellers.”

Favouring beach destinations and pool villas, here are some of the Most Wishlisted Amazing Pools stays by Indian guests on Airbnb in 2023:

  • The Sand Private Bungalow with Plunge Pool (Phuket) 
  • Beachfront Villa near Ao Nang (Krabi)
  • Passambhati Villa (Samui)
  • 3 Bedroom Villa with Private Pool (Pattaya)
  • Grand Seaview Pool Suite (Phuket) 
  • Oceanfront Deluxe 1 Bedroom Villa (Samui)

*Based on India users’ booking data for 2023 vs 2022. Gen Z guests being ages 18-29 and Millenial guests being ages 30-39.

**Based on India users’ search data for the Holi and Easter long weekend with check in dates between 23 March – 31 March 2024, compared with the same period last year.

***Based on India users’ booking data for 2023.

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  • Leaders Speak
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  • Young Indians drive surge in travel to Thailand, 80% bookings by Gen Z & millennials

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  • Online Bureau ,
  • ETTravelWorld
  • Updated On Jun 13, 2024 at 02:10 AM IST

thailand india travel

Thailand aiming for at least 3% growth this year, more tourists

Thailand is planning to increase the number of foreign tourists this year by a million to 36.7 million to help the economy, Thai Finance Minister Pichai Chunhavajira told a news conference. "The economy faces problems as growth is low compared with neighbouring countries'," he said after a meeting of economic ministers. "We can't sit still. We must do something".

  • By Online Bureau ,
  • Published On Jun 13, 2024 at 02:10 AM IST

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  • Thailand travel
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  • youth travel
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  • visa-free policy
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  • Amanpreet Bajaj

Passing Thru Travel

Passing Thru Travel

10 of the World’s Finest Interior-Designed Hotels 2024

Posted: March 1, 2024 | Last updated: March 1, 2024

<p><strong>This travel guide explores the world of luxury and design, exploring some of the most exquisitely interior-designed hotels globally. These havens of elegance and style are more than just places to stay; they are experiences, each offering a unique blend of aesthetic appeal, comfort, and cultural immersion. From the breathtaking wilderness of Shinta Mani Wild in Cambodia to the vintage charm of Intercontinental Khao Yai, these destinations promise to enchant and inspire.</strong></p>

This travel guide explores the world of luxury and design, exploring some of the most exquisitely interior-designed hotels globally. These havens of elegance and style are more than just places to stay; they are experiences, each offering a unique blend of aesthetic appeal, comfort, and cultural immersion. From the breathtaking wilderness of Shinta Mani Wild in Cambodia to the vintage charm of Intercontinental Khao Yai, these destinations promise to enchant and inspire.

<p><span>Intercontinental Khao Yai is a unique blend of vintage luxury and natural beauty, nestled in the heart of Thailand’s lush landscapes. Designed by the renowned Bill Bensley, this hotel takes inspiration from the golden age of train travel, creating a nostalgic and opulent experience for its guests.</span></p> <p><span>Each room is meticulously designed to reflect a bygone era of luxury rail travel, with rich textures, antique furnishings, and panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and forests.</span></p> <p><span>The hotel’s facilities, including a world-class spa and gourmet dining options, are tailored to provide a truly indulgent experience. The outdoor pool and nature walks available on the property allow guests to immerse themselves in the serene beauty of Khao Yai.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Opt for the railway-themed suites for an immersive vintage experience.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Visit between November and February for pleasant weather.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>The hotel is a 2-hour drive from Bangkok, easily accessible by car or hotel shuttle.</span></p>

1. Intercontinental Khao Yai, Thailand

Intercontinental Khao Yai is a unique blend of vintage luxury and natural beauty, nestled in the heart of Thailand’s lush landscapes. Designed by the renowned Bill Bensley, this hotel takes inspiration from the golden age of train travel, creating a nostalgic and opulent experience for its guests.

Each room is meticulously designed to reflect a bygone era of luxury rail travel, with rich textures, antique furnishings, and panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and forests.

The hotel’s facilities, including a world-class spa and gourmet dining options, are tailored to provide a truly indulgent experience. The outdoor pool and nature walks available on the property allow guests to immerse themselves in the serene beauty of Khao Yai.

Insider’s Tip: Opt for the railway-themed suites for an immersive vintage experience.

When To Travel: Visit between November and February for pleasant weather.

How To Get There: The hotel is a 2-hour drive from Bangkok, easily accessible by car or hotel shuttle.

<p><span>Shinta Mani Wild is a luxury tented camp nestled in the Cambodian wilderness, designed by Bill Bensley. This exclusive retreat offers an adventure in conservation, with activities like jungle trekking, river kayaking, and wildlife spotting. Each tent is lavishly designed, offering unobstructed views of the river and rainforest.</span></p> <p><span>The camp’s commitment to sustainability and conservation makes it a unique luxury destination. Guests can participate in wildlife research and protection projects, adding a meaningful layer to their adventure.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Book the Boulders Spa for a massage amidst the sounds of the flowing river and wildlife.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Visit from November to April during the dry season for the best wildlife viewing.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b>It is a one-and-a-half-hour drive from Phnom Penh or a scenic helicopter transfer directly to the camp.</p>

2. Shinta Mani Wild, Cambodia

Shinta Mani Wild, tucked away in the Cambodian wilderness, is a luxury camp designed by Bill Bensley that offers an unparalleled connection with nature. This exclusive sanctuary blends high-end design with conservation, offering tented suites perched along a flowing river and nestled amidst lush forests.

The interiors are a harmonious blend of bold patterns, vibrant colors, and local artistry, reflecting the spirit of the surrounding landscape. Guests can indulge in bespoke experiences, including guided jungle treks, river excursions, and spa treatments using natural ingredients sourced from the wilderness. The camp’s dedication to sustainability and conservation adds a meaningful dimension to the luxury experience.

Insider’s Tip: Engage in the camp’s conservation activities for a unique and impactful experience.

When To Travel: The dry season from November to April offers the best conditions for exploration.

How To Get There: It is a one-and-a-half-hour drive from Phnom Penh or a scenic helicopter transfer directly to the camp.

<p><span>The Silo Hotel in Cape Town is an architectural delight and a pinnacle of contemporary design. Located in a historic grain silo, the hotel features a unique façade of pillowed glass windows that gives guests panoramic views of the city and harbor.</span></p> <p><span>Inside, the hotel boasts an eclectic mix of African art and modern luxury, with each room and suite offering a distinct design. Renowned for its rooftop pool and bar, The Silo provides breathtaking views of Table Mountain and the surrounding cityscape.</span></p> <p><span>The hotel is also adjacent to the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa, allowing guests easy access to one of Africa’s most significant art collections.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Book a room on a higher floor for unparalleled views of Cape Town.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Cape Town is best visited from September to March for warm, dry weather.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>The hotel is about a 20-minute drive from Cape Town International Airport.</span></p>

3. The Silo Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa

The Silo Hotel in Cape Town is an architectural delight and a pinnacle of contemporary design. Located in a historic grain silo, the hotel features a unique façade of pillowed glass windows that gives guests panoramic views of the city and harbor.

Inside, the hotel boasts an eclectic mix of African art and modern luxury, with each room and suite offering a distinct design. Renowned for its rooftop pool and bar, The Silo provides breathtaking views of Table Mountain and the surrounding cityscape.

The hotel is also adjacent to the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa, allowing guests easy access to one of Africa’s most significant art collections.

Insider’s Tip: Book a room on a higher floor for unparalleled views of Cape Town.

When To Travel: Cape Town is best visited from September to March for warm, dry weather.

How To Get There: The hotel is about a 20-minute drive from Cape Town International Airport.

<p><span>Aman Tokyo redefines urban hotel luxury with its serene and sophisticated design, drawing inspiration from traditional Japanese residences. The hotel’s interiors, marked by their minimalism and use of natural materials, create a sense of tranquility amidst the bustling city.</span></p> <p><span>Each room offers expansive views of Tokyo and features classic Japanese elements like washi paper and timber. The hotel’s spa and wellness facilities are among the best in the city, providing a peaceful retreat. </span><span>The Aman Tokyo is not just a hotel; it’s an experience that encapsulates the essence of Japanese aesthetics and hospitality.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Experience the hotel’s onsen-style baths for a traditional Japanese relaxation experience.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Visit Tokyo in spring (March to May) or autumn (September to November) for pleasant weather.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>The hotel is centrally located in Tokyo, accessible via Tokyo Station or Otemachi Station.</span></p>

4. Aman Tokyo, Japan

Aman Tokyo redefines urban hotel luxury with its serene and sophisticated design, drawing inspiration from traditional Japanese residences. The hotel’s interiors, marked by their minimalism and use of natural materials, create a sense of tranquility amidst the bustling city.

Each room offers expansive views of Tokyo and features classic Japanese elements like washi paper and timber. The hotel’s spa and wellness facilities are among the best in the city, providing a peaceful retreat. The Aman Tokyo is not just a hotel; it’s an experience that encapsulates the essence of Japanese aesthetics and hospitality.

Insider’s Tip: Experience the hotel’s onsen-style baths for a traditional Japanese relaxation experience.

When To Travel: Visit Tokyo in spring (March to May) or autumn (September to November) for pleasant weather.

How To Get There: The hotel is centrally located in Tokyo, accessible via Tokyo Station or Otemachi Station.

<p><span>The NoMad Hotel in New York City celebrates classic elegance and contemporary style. Located in a historic Beaux-Arts building, French designer Jacques Garcia designed the hotel’s interiors, featuring rich velvets, mahogany furnishings, and curated artwork. The rooms exude a warm, residential feel, making guests feel like they are in a luxurious private home. The NoMad’s dining experience, led by a world-renowned chef, is an epicurean delight. The hotel’s location in Manhattan makes it an ideal base for exploring the city.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Try the famous NoMad Roast Chicken for a memorable dining experience.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) offer mild weather and fewer crowds.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>The hotel is conveniently located in Midtown Manhattan, easily accessible by subway or taxi.</span></p>

5. The NoMad Hotel, New York City, USA

The NoMad Hotel in New York City celebrates classic elegance and contemporary style. Located in a historic Beaux-Arts building, French designer Jacques Garcia designed the hotel’s interiors, featuring rich velvets, mahogany furnishings, and curated artwork. The rooms exude a warm, residential feel, making guests feel like they are in a luxurious private home. The NoMad’s dining experience, led by a world-renowned chef, is an epicurean delight. The hotel’s location in Manhattan makes it an ideal base for exploring the city.

Insider’s Tip: Try the famous NoMad Roast Chicken for a memorable dining experience.

When To Travel: Spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) offer mild weather and fewer crowds.

How To Get There: The hotel is conveniently located in Midtown Manhattan, easily accessible by subway or taxi.

<p><span>The Hoxton, Paris, set in an 18th-century mansion, expertly blends classic Parisian charm with contemporary design. The hotel’s rooms mix vintage and modern aesthetics, featuring herringbone floors, bespoke furniture, and curated artwork. The Hoxton’s courtyard and lounge areas serve as social hubs where guests can enjoy the vibrant Parisian atmosphere.</span></p> <p><span>The hotel also boasts several dining options, including a chic rooftop bar with stunning city views. The Hoxton is not just a hotel but a gateway to Paris’s eclectic and artistic spirit.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Book a room with a view of the courtyard for a peaceful retreat amidst the bustling city.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Paris is delightful in spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November), offering pleasant weather and fewer tourists.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There</b><span> : </span><span>The hotel is located in the 2nd arrondissement, easily accessible by metro or taxi from major Parisian transport hubs.</span></p>

6. The Hoxton, Paris, France

The Hoxton, Paris, set in an 18th-century mansion, expertly blends classic Parisian charm with contemporary design. The hotel’s rooms mix vintage and modern aesthetics, featuring herringbone floors, bespoke furniture, and curated artwork. The Hoxton’s courtyard and lounge areas serve as social hubs where guests can enjoy the vibrant Parisian atmosphere.

The hotel also boasts several dining options, including a chic rooftop bar with stunning city views. The Hoxton is not just a hotel but a gateway to Paris’s eclectic and artistic spirit.

Insider’s Tip: Book a room with a view of the courtyard for a peaceful retreat amidst the bustling city.

When To Travel: Paris is delightful in spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November), offering pleasant weather and fewer tourists.

How To Get There : The hotel is located in the 2nd arrondissement, easily accessible by metro or taxi from major Parisian transport hubs.

<p><span>Stamba Hotel in Tbilisi reflects the city’s emerging reputation as a hub of creativity and design. Housed in a former Soviet-era publishing house, the hotel blends industrial aesthetics with contemporary luxury. The rooms feature high ceilings, exposed brickwork, and large windows, creating a sense of spaciousness and industrial charm. Stamba’s atrium, with its lush vertical garden, is a haven of tranquility in the city. The hotel also hosts an array of cultural events, making it a dynamic part of Tbilisi’s cultural scene.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Visit the in-house photography museum for a unique glimpse into Georgian history and culture.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Spring (May to June) and early autumn (September to October) are the best times to visit Tbilisi.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Stamba Hotel is located in the Vera neighborhood, a short drive from Tbilisi International Airport.</span></p>

7. Stamba Hotel, Tbilisi, Georgia

Stamba Hotel in Tbilisi reflects the city’s emerging reputation as a hub of creativity and design. Housed in a former Soviet-era publishing house, the hotel blends industrial aesthetics with contemporary luxury. The rooms feature high ceilings, exposed brickwork, and large windows, creating a sense of spaciousness and industrial charm. Stamba’s atrium, with its lush vertical garden, is a haven of tranquility in the city. The hotel also hosts an array of cultural events, making it a dynamic part of Tbilisi’s cultural scene.

Insider’s Tip: Visit the in-house photography museum for a unique glimpse into Georgian history and culture.

When To Travel: Spring (May to June) and early autumn (September to October) are the best times to visit Tbilisi.

How To Get There: Stamba Hotel is located in the Vera neighborhood, a short drive from Tbilisi International Airport.

<p><span>Soho House Mumbai offers a unique blend of British sophistication and Indian craftsmanship. Overlooking the Arabian Sea, this members’ club and hotel is decorated with locally sourced furniture and artwork, creating an exotic and familiar ambiance.</span></p> <p><span>The rooms are adorned with vibrant Indian textiles and bespoke furniture, offering stunning sea views. The hotel’s rooftop pool and bar provide a picturesque setting for relaxation and socializing, making it a trendy spot in Mumbai.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Enjoy a sunset cocktail at the rooftop bar for a breathtaking view of the Mumbai skyline.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>The best time to visit Mumbai is from November to February, when the weather is cooler and less humid.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Located in Juhu, the hotel is about a 30-minute drive from Mumbai International Airport.</span></p>

8. Soho House Mumbai, India

Soho House Mumbai offers a unique blend of British sophistication and Indian craftsmanship. Overlooking the Arabian Sea, this members’ club and hotel is decorated with locally sourced furniture and artwork, creating an exotic and familiar ambiance.

The rooms are adorned with vibrant Indian textiles and bespoke furniture, offering stunning sea views. The hotel’s rooftop pool and bar provide a picturesque setting for relaxation and socializing, making it a trendy spot in Mumbai.

Insider’s Tip: Enjoy a sunset cocktail at the rooftop bar for a breathtaking view of the Mumbai skyline.

When To Travel: The best time to visit Mumbai is from November to February, when the weather is cooler and less humid.

How To Get There: Located in Juhu, the hotel is about a 30-minute drive from Mumbai International Airport.

<p><span>The Singular Santiago in Chile combines the style of early 20th-century buildings with modern luxury. Located in the Lastarria neighborhood, the hotel’s design pays homage to Santiago’s cultural and historical heritage.</span></p> <p><span>Rooms are elegantly furnished, offering a mix of classic and contemporary design elements. </span><span>The Singular’s rooftop terrace, with its exceptional views of the city and the Andes, is a highlight, providing a perfect spot for evening relaxation.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Explore the surrounding Lastarria neighborhood, known for its vibrant cultural scene and historic architecture.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Visit Santiago from September to November or March to May for the best weather.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>The hotel is centrally located in Santiago, easily accessible by car or public transport from Santiago International Airport.</span></p>

9. The Singular, Santiago, Chile

The Singular Santiago in Chile combines the style of early 20th-century buildings with modern luxury. Located in the Lastarria neighborhood, the hotel’s design pays homage to Santiago’s cultural and historical heritage.

Rooms are elegantly furnished, offering a mix of classic and contemporary design elements. The Singular’s rooftop terrace, with its exceptional views of the city and the Andes, is a highlight, providing a perfect spot for evening relaxation.

Insider’s Tip: Explore the surrounding Lastarria neighborhood, known for its vibrant cultural scene and historic architecture.

When To Travel: Visit Santiago from September to November or March to May for the best weather.

How To Get There: The hotel is centrally located in Santiago, easily accessible by car or public transport from Santiago International Airport.

<p><span>The Alila Fort Bishangarh in India is a stunning example of restoration and design, transforming a 230-year-old warrior fort into a luxury hotel. Perched on a granite hill in the Aravalli Range, the hotel offers breathtaking views and a unique blend of traditional Rajput and Mughal architecture with modern luxury.</span></p> <p><span>The rooms are elegantly appointed with local crafts and offer panoramic views of the rural landscape. The hotel’s spa, located in the dungeon, offers an array of traditional treatments, making it a serene retreat.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Try the local Rajasthani cuisine at the hotel’s restaurant for an authentic culinary experience.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>The best time </span><span>to visit is from October to March when the weather is cooler and more pleasant.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>The hotel is about a 3-hour drive from Jaipur International Airport, with the journey offering scenic views of the Rajasthan countryside.</span></p>

10. The Alila Fort Bishangarh, India

The Alila Fort Bishangarh in India is a stunning example of restoration and design, transforming a 230-year-old warrior fort into a luxury hotel. Perched on a granite hill in the Aravalli Range, the hotel offers breathtaking views and a unique blend of traditional Rajput and Mughal architecture with modern luxury.

The rooms are elegantly appointed with local crafts and offer panoramic views of the rural landscape. The hotel’s spa, located in the dungeon, offers an array of traditional treatments, making it a serene retreat.

Insider’s Tip: Try the local Rajasthani cuisine at the hotel’s restaurant for an authentic culinary experience.

When To Travel: The best time to visit is from October to March when the weather is cooler and more pleasant.

How To Get There: The hotel is about a 3-hour drive from Jaipur International Airport, with the journey offering scenic views of the Rajasthan countryside.

<p><span>In your journey through these exceptional hotels, you’ve discovered spaces of luxury and comfort and experienced the pinnacle of interior design. Each hotel offers a unique narrative, blending cultural heritage with modern aesthetics. These destinations are more than just places to stay; they are environments that inspire and evoke a sense of wonder. </span><span>As you reflect on your travels, consider the diverse styles and themes you’ve encountered, from the historical elegance of The Alila Fort Bishangarh to the industrial chic of Stamba Hotel. </span></p> <p><span>Remember, these hotels are not just about their stunning interiors but about the experiences they offer, the memories they create, and the new perspectives they provide. Let these places inspire your future travels, reminding you that every destination has its own story, waiting to be experienced and appreciated.</span></p> <p><span>More Articles Like This…</span></p> <p><a href="https://thegreenvoyage.com/barcelona-discover-the-top-10-beach-clubs/"><span>Barcelona: Discover the Top 10 Beach Clubs</span></a></p> <p><a href="https://thegreenvoyage.com/top-destination-cities-to-visit/"><span>2024 Global City Travel Guide – Your Passport to the World’s Top Destination Cities</span></a></p> <p><a href="https://thegreenvoyage.com/exploring-khao-yai-a-hidden-gem-of-thailand/"><span>Exploring Khao Yai 2024 – A Hidden Gem of Thailand</span></a></p> <p><span>The post <a href="https://passingthru.com/worlds-finest-interior-designed-hotels/">10 of the World’s Finest Interior-Designed Hotels 2024</a> republished on </span><a href="https://passingthru.com/"><span>Passing Thru</span></a><span> with permission from </span><a href="https://thegreenvoyage.com/"><span>The Green Voyage</span></a><span>.</span></p> <p><span>Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Netfalls Remy Musser.</span></p> <p><span>For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.</span></p>

The Bottom Line

In your journey through these exceptional hotels, you’ve discovered spaces of luxury and comfort and experienced the pinnacle of interior design. Each hotel offers a unique narrative, blending cultural heritage with modern aesthetics. These destinations are more than just places to stay; they are environments that inspire and evoke a sense of wonder. As you reflect on your travels, consider the diverse styles and themes you’ve encountered, from the historical elegance of The Alila Fort Bishangarh to the industrial chic of Stamba Hotel.

Remember, these hotels are not just about their stunning interiors but about the experiences they offer, the memories they create, and the new perspectives they provide. Let these places inspire your future travels, reminding you that every destination has its own story, waiting to be experienced and appreciated.

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The post 10 of the World’s Finest Interior-Designed Hotels 2024 republished on Passing Thru with permission from The Green Voyage .

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Netfalls Remy Musser.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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India News Live Updates: Polls, deaths, and loaded power lines: India’s summer misery heats up

  • In Delhi, Haryana and Odisha, an average Lok Sabha constituency faced 5-8 hours of dangerous levels of ‘heat stress’ in the roughly 12-hour voting window during the recently concluded election. As the heatwave continues, power demand is also on the rise.

trends Live Updates: Kangana Ranaut gifts new house in Chandigarh to cousin Varun Ranaut, shares photo

  • Actor-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut recently gifted her cousin with a newly built house in Chandigarh. The BJP MP shared images of the new house on Instagram

trends Live Updates: Bengaluru techie couple unsure ‘what to do with all the money’, ask suggestions on how to spend ₹3 lakh ‘left’

  • Rich people problems: Netizens amused by a Bengaluru techie's post seeking advice on how to spend ₹ 3 lakh left every month, highlighting the rarity among the “service class".

Today News Live Updates: Mumbai North West election result row and EVM ‘unlocking’ claims: All you need to know

  • The controversy on the Mumbai North West seat erupted following allegations that Mangesh Pandilkar, brother-in-law of Ravindra Waikar, used a mobile phone to ‘unlock’ the EVM during vote counting

India News Live Updates: Curfew imposed in Odisha's Balasore after violent clash; Section 144 enforced, internet services suspended

  • The curfew is effective from midnight on June 17 to midnight on June 18.

India News Live Updates: NEET UG 2024 row: ‘If there is 0.001% negligence’, Supreme Court to NTA on ‘grace marks’ issue

  • Supreme Court issues notice to NTA and Centre on pleas regarding NEET-UG paper leaks and malpractices. Court emphasizes on thorough action against any negligence.

India News Live Updates: NEET UG 2024 row: Students hold protests in Delhi, Hyderabad over ‘grace marks and paper leak’ issue | Top 10 updates

  • The NEET-UG exam controversy sparked nationwide concerns, with NTA granting grace marks to 1563 students. Kerala Students Union protested, urging an investigation into the irregularities.

India News Live Updates: Prajwal Revanna case: Karnataka HC grants anticipatory bail to Bhavani Revanna, mother of ex-Hassan MP

  • Prajwal Revanna sexual assault case: Karnataka high court grants anticipatory bail to Bhavani Revanna

trends Live Updates: Diljit Dosanjh teaches Punjabi to Jimmy Fallon ahead of historic show debut; netizens say ‘legends together’ | Watch

  • Ahead of Diljit Dosanjh's debut on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Falcon a short video of the two was released on social media.

trends Live Updates: Chandu Champion Box Office Collection Day 4: Kartik Aaryan’s movie passes Monday test, collects over ₹33 crore

  • Chandu Champion Collection Day 4: Kartik Aaryan’s new movie, directed by Kabir Khan, passed the Monday test by collecting ₹ 4.75 crore, the same as what the film collected on its release day.

India News Live Updates: Heatwave alert! From Prayagraj to Gurugram. Top 10 hottest cities in India right now

  • Heatwave Update: Intense heatwave persists in northwest India, with temperatures exceeding normal range. The Met forecasts stable temperatures for next 24 hours before a slight decrease. We take a look at the top 10 hottest cities:

Today News Live Updates: Citigroup facing new regulatory knock on its living will

  • A top U.S. banking regulator is preparing to hand Citigroup a failing grade on its living-will plan, the latest rebuke for the megabank that has struggled to stay in the government’s good graces.

Today News Live Updates: Boeing’s CEO search hits some turbulence

  • Several high-profile candidates have turned down the chance to run Boeing, complicating the jet maker’s search for a new leader.

World News Live Updates: Biden’s tough-on-China stance threatens green America push

  • The president tries to balance building clean-energy industries in the U.S. and curbing Chinese imports such as batteries and solar-panel parts.

India News Live Updates: Weather today: Delhi on 'red alert' as max temp to hit 45 degrees Celsius, respite expected from...

  • Delhi weather today: Delhi faces a red alert as IMD predicts 45 degrees Celsius; respite is expected from June 19.

trends Live Updates: UK on heatwave alert after temperature soars to 26 degree Celsius, netizens ask ‘how did they survive ruling India?'

  • Temperature in several parts of the United Kingdom shot to a historic high level of 26 degree Celsius. However, the alarming temperature amazed social media users in India, where temperature can rise as high as 50 degree Celsius.

India News Live Updates: Delhi news: Dubai-bound flight receives bomb hoax threat email. Details here

  • Delhi faces multiple bomb threats from Cyprus-based and Russia-based mailing services, including hospitals, museums, and schools. Despite thorough checks by authorities, no bombs have been found.

World News Live Updates: 'Victory for the people': Thailand set to legalise same-sex marriage

  • The senate upper house is expected to approve the legislation, after which it will go to King Maha Vajiralongkorn for royal assent and come into force 120 days after publication in the official Royal Gazette.

trends Live Updates: Vijay Mallya's son, Sidhartha Mallya to marry his long-time girlfriend, internet says ‘Paisa de do bhai hamara’

  • Fugitive businessman Vijay Mallya's son, Sidhartha Mallya to tie knots with long-time girlfriend. The former model proposed his long-time girlfriend, Jasmine last year

trends Live Updates: Air Vistara Travel Advisory for Varanasi: Heavy traffic expected on route to Airport on June 18

  • Air Vistara has issued a travel advisory for passengers flying from Varanasi Airport on June 18th, warning of heavy traffic congestion and slow vehicle movement on routes leading to the airport.

India News Live Updates: Kanchenjunga Express accident: Train services resume from site, injured's medical treatment underway | Top 6 updates

  • Kanchenjunga Express train accident in Darjeeling district resulted in 15 deaths and 60 injuries. Train services resumed in Phansidewa area. Officials set up control desk and enhanced compensation announced by central government.

Today News Live Updates: US, India to launch NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar to combat climate change: White House

  • During the meeting, Jake Sullivan and Ajit Doval set the vision for the next chapter of US-India strategic technology partnership.

India News Live Updates: Chennai to witness five-hour power cut in THESE areas today. Details here

  • Chennai will experience power outages in multiple areas on Tuesday, June 18, due to scheduled maintenance work by the Electricity Department.

India News Live Updates: Berkshire Hathaway trims stake in China's BYD

  • Berkshire recently sold 1.3 million Hong Kong-listed BYD shares for HK$310.5 million ($39.8 million), according to a filing on Monday with the Hong Kong stock exchange. That reduced its stake in BYD's issued H-shares to 6.90% from 7.02%.

World News Live Updates: India's nuclear arsenal passes Pakistan, US biggest spender, weapons modernisation on, transparency low | Top 14 updates

  • An ICAN report showed nuclear countries spent a total of $91.4 billion on their arsenals in 2023 — $2,898 per second. Further, the coalition of disarmament activists noted a $10.7 billion increase in global spending on nuclear weapons compared to 2022.

India News Live Updates: Top Events of the Day: PM Modi to release 'PM Kisan' 17th instalment, NEET PG admit card, ixigo IPO, and more

  • Top Events of the Day: PM Modi will visit UP and Bihar to release the 17th PM Kisan Nidhi instalment. 'Seinfeld' actor Hiram Kasten passes away at 71. Florida restricts property purchases by Chinese nationals without green cards. Travel aggregator ixigo set to make its stock market debut.

India News Live Updates: Telangana Congress MLA's cow post on Bakrid sparks row, BJP says ‘Hindus are insulted’

  • A ruling Congress MLA in Telangana on Monday landed in a controversy after his Bakrid greetings on social media included a graphic image of a cow, drawing a sharp response from the BJP.

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  1. India to Thailand by Road: Route, Documents, & More Information

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  2. India to Thailand by Road in Own Car or Motorbike

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  3. 20 Cheapest Countries to Visit from India in 2021

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  4. India to Thailand by road

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  5. Thailand Tour Packages From Delhi

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  6. How to Travel from India to Thailand?

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  1. 17 things to know before going to Thailand

    3. Sensible travelers to Thailand book ahead. If you have your heart set on a particular boat journey, train trip, trek, tour or boutique stay, book ahead for the busy tourist season from November to March or during any religious holiday. During the rainy season, call or email ahead to check if places are open. 4.

  2. Travel to Thailand from India

    Since September 21, 2021, the Thai Embassy and Consulates in India have resumed their visa application services and COE application services. Indian nationals who wish to travel to Thailand from India may now travel to Thailand whether for tourism, business, retirement, or other purposes.

  3. 18 Crucial Tips for Travelling from India to Thailand in 2023

    One of the tips for travelling from Thailand to India is to remember one standard rule: always cover your shoulders and your knees. Men. Collared shirts and shorts that come at least to the knee. Pants would be most preferred. Women. Tops that cover the shoulders and pants or skirts that are at least knee-length.

  4. A Travel Comparison for Vacations, Honeymoons, and Tours Thailand vs. India

    A week in India can cost you about $274 (per person), while a week in Thailand may cost you around $569. These differences become even more noticable if you plan to spend a longer time in the country. 10 days, two weeks, or even one month of travel to India or Thailand can really add to your travel budget. Accommodation is often cheaper in ...

  5. How to Travel from India to Thailand: A Comprehensive Guide

    Citizens of India require a visa to enter Thailand, and the process of obtaining one is fairly straightforward. You will need to complete an online application, submit supporting documents, and pay a fee. The processing time for visas can vary, so it's important to apply as soon as you can to ensure you don't experience any delays.

  6. Latest Thailand Entry Requirements

    The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on the world. International travel ground to a halt and countries were forced to implement strict processes and entry requirements to halt the spread of the virus. Thailand introduced quarantine measures and Thailand Pass. Thailand Pass required visitors to register details like vaccination status, flight, and hotel bookings, and confirmation

  7. Can I Travel to Thailand From India in 2023? Thailand Travel

    This article is reviewed regularly by Wego's editorial team to ensure that the content is up to date & accurate. Updated July 2023 Thailand, encompassing charm and chaos, with its pristine beaches and vibrant pubs, is love in the true sense. The densely populated and chaotic urban retreat, with its scrumptious cuisines and luscious landscapes, is an […]

  8. Thailand to India

    Rome2Rio makes travelling from Thailand to India easy. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Thailand to India right here.

  9. Welcome to Embassy of India,Bangkok

    Guidelines for International arrival issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. #VandeBharatMission flights from Thailand to India. Vaccine Announcement for Indian nationals. Registration Form for Indian nationals stranded in Thailand due to COVID-19. OCI cardholders stranded in Thailand - Registration Form.

  10. Cheap flights from Thailand to India

    The cheapest flight deals from Thailand to India. Kolkata.₹ 5,447 per passenger.Departing Tue, 22 Apr.One-way flight with Thai AirAsia.Outbound direct flight with Thai AirAsia departs from Don Mueang on Tue, 22 Apr, arriving in Kolkata.Price includes taxes and charges.From ₹ 5,447, select. Bangkok to Kolkata.

  11. Cheap flights from Thailand to India from $114

    The cheapest flight deals from Thailand to India. Guwahati.$114 per passenger.Departing Fri, Sep 13, returning Sun, Sep 15.Round-trip flight with Thai AirAsia.Outbound indirect flight with Thai AirAsia, departing from Krabi on Fri, Sep 13, arriving in Guwahati.Inbound indirect flight with Thai AirAsia, departing from Guwahati on Sun, Sep 15 ...

  12. Cheap Flight Tickets to Thailand from ₹ 7,686

    The cheapest ticket to Thailand from India found in the last 72 hours was ₹ 4,445 one-way, and ₹ 10,694 round-trip. The most popular route is New Delhi Indira Gandhi Intl to Bangkok Suvarnabhumi and the cheapest round-trip airline ticket found on this route in the last 72 hours was ₹ 18,464. Which airlines fly to Thailand?

  13. How to Plan a Thailand Trip From India

    3. BTS Skytrain and MRT: Bangkok's rapid transit systems, the BTS Skytrain and MRT (Mass Rapid Transit), offer quick and effective city-wide transportation by linking the city's main attractions and locations. 4. Buses: Cities and towns all over Thailand are connected by a robust bus network.

  14. India to Thailand

    8.2 Very Good. Rome2Rio makes travelling from India to Thailand easy. Rome2Rio. The cheapest way to get from India to Thailand costs only $146, and the quickest way takes just 5 hours. Find the travel option that best suits you.

  15. Cheap flights from Thailand to India

    Easily compare flights, find the best departure points from Thailand, choose from popular destinations in India, and secure your budget-friendly flight to India today Discover new destinations and unique cheap flights with our easy-to-use search engine and interactive map — with 24/7 customer support & the Kiwi.com Guarantee.

  16. Cheap flights from India to Thailand from ₹ 7,795

    Compare cheap India to Thailand flight deals from over 1,000 providers. Then choose the cheapest or fastest plane tickets. Flight tickets to Thailand start from ₹ 4,195 one-way. Flex your dates to secure the best fares for your India to Thailand ticket. If your travel dates are flexible, use Skyscanner's 'Whole month' tool to find the ...

  17. Thailand to India Flights

    Search Thai Airways flights from Thailand to India and pack all you need with up to 30 kg baggage allowance. Find the dates with the lowest fares! ... Select Travel Class. keyboard_arrow_down. Bangkok (BKK) to. Delhi (DEL) 17/07/2024 - 05/09/2024. From. THB12,735* Updated: 15 hours ago Round trip / Economy. Book Now. Bangkok (BKK) to.

  18. Cheap Flights to Thailand from ₹ 5,820

    Discover Thailand How to find cheap flight tickets to Thailand. Discover the Land of Smiles with affordable flights to Thailand from India. We've compared prices from over 500 airlines and online travel agents to help you find the best deals on flight tickets to Thailand. No hidden fees, just great deals for your Thailand adventure.

  19. Thailand International Travel Information

    Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories.

  20. Cheap Flight Tickets from Thailand to India from ₹ 8,342

    Search India flights on KAYAK. Find flight tickets to anywhere in India from anywhere in Thailand. KAYAK searches hundreds of travel sites to help you find cheap airfare and book the flight that suits you best. With KAYAK you can also compare prices of plane tickets for last minute cheap flights to anywhere in India from anywhere in Thailand.

  21. Flights to Thailand, India to Thailand Tickets from ₹7638

    Then wait no more! You can now book flights to Thailand from India with IndiGo, at the most affordable rates. It has some of the best landscapes and beaches. You can book a Thailand flight with IndiGo and have a fun and enlightening time. You can spend some time at the beaches of Phuket or Koh Samui while embracing the calmness of the ocean or ...

  22. 116 Thailand Tour Package Starts @ 𝐑𝐬.43260 in 2024

    MakeMyTrip currently offers over 116 tour packages to Thailand, with prices starting as low as Rs.43260. Explore a variety of itineraries and choose from Thailand travel packages with or without flights. With our unbeatable deals and discounts, your money goes further! Don't forget to add tours and activities to your selected Thailand packages.

  23. Southeast Asian Countries Travel

    Southeast Asian Countries Travel - Thailand Forum. Asia ; Thailand ; Thailand Travel Forum; Search. Browse all 310,339 Thailand topics » Southeast Asian Countries Travel Watch this Topic. ... How do I plan a 4-5 Southeast Asian countries tour from India to Singapore, Bali, Vietnam, and Thailand? I've already been to Malaysia but can add a day.

  24. Young Indians drive surge in travel to Thailand

    According to data from Thailand's Ministry of Tourism and Sports, India is the fifth largest inbound market for Thailand. This growth in interest amongst Indian travellers is credited to the government's visa-free policy and recently announced extension till 11 November 2024 and is further fuelled by the availability of various non-stop ...

  25. Cheap flights from India to Thailand

    The cheapest flight deals from India to Thailand. Phuket.₹ 6,119 per passenger.Departing Tue, 6 Aug.One-way flight with AirAsia.Outbound indirect flight with AirAsia, departs from Chennai on Tue, 6 Aug, arriving in Phuket.Price includes taxes and charges.From ₹ 6,119, select. Chennai to Phuket.

  26. Younger Indians Showing Strong Travel Interest In Thailand

    According to Thailand's Ministry of Tourism and Sports, India is the fifth largest inbound market for Thailand. This growth in interest amongst Indian travellers is credited to the government's visa-free policy, which was recently extended till November 11, 2024, and the availability of various non-stop daily flights.

  27. Thailand Travel: Young Indians drive surge in travel to Thailand, 80%

    Thailand Travel: According to Thailand's Ministry of Tourism and Sports, India is the fifth largest inbound market for Thailand. This growth is attributed to the Thai government's visa-free policy, recently extended until November 11, 2024, and the availability of various non-stop daily flights. Indian travellers show a strong preference for beach and city getaways.

  28. 10 of the World's Finest Interior-Designed Hotels 2024

    This travel guide explores the world of luxury and design, exploring some of the most exquisitely interior-designed hotels globally. ... The Alila Fort Bishangarh in India is a stunning example of ...

  29. Latest News Today Live Updates June 18, 2024: Manipur violence ...

    18 Jun 2024, 05:58:29 PM IST India News Live Updates: PAN card scams target deceased, senior citizens and students, says report; here are some handy tips to prevent fraud