Time Travel Balls 2

Vega Mix 2: Mystery of Island

The State of Travel Ball [Real Parent Survey Results]

time travel balls

By Bat Digest

In June 2023, we conducted a survey involving approximately 700 parents of baseball players regarding their experiences with travel teams. We aimed to present this data in an annual report called the State of Travel Ball, making it easily accessible to a broader audience. To assist parents, players, and coaches in forming their conclusions, we have focused primarily on presenting factual information rather than providing extensive commentary or opinionated analysis. This report seeks to answer the question: Is Travel Ball Worth it?

Quick Takes

  • Despite all the costs, travel, and coaching issues, most parents are ‘satisfied’ with Travel Baseball.
  • The average annual travel ball player pays $2,178 per year. This does not include uniforms or any ancillary fees.
  • The average travel baseball player participates in about 47 games and 45 practices. However, there is wide variation here.
  • Over 40% of players have two or fewer months off baseball per year, while only 10% have more than six months off.
  • The “typical” family travels about eight nights yearly because of the travel ball.
  • The typical family travels between 10 and 15 miles to practice. More than a few, however, travel 50 or more miles.
  • 20% of respondents believe they are ‘absolutely’ playing college baseball.
  • Over 50% of Travel Ball coaches are paid.
  • Most parents believe their travel ball team does NOT overpitch their players, although most teams pitch less than half of their players.

Selection Bias

This data, like all data, should be taken skeptically. The bias from individuals self-selecting to take a survey about Travel Ball implies a lot and immediately skews the data. We aren’t interested in giving breathless commentary here, so we’ll let the data speak for itself. But, be sure, we know that such bias in the data exists, but that doesn’t make it useless or uninteresting.

Travel Ball Satisfaction

About 2/3 of Travel Ball parents are satisfied with their experience. Although, as you will see below, most parents are satisfied, it costs a lot of money, a severe amount of time, and requires more than a week of sleeping somewhere else.

time travel balls

To be sure, this is respondents that play travel baseball, so the selection bias is real with this one. But, if you are considering travel baseball, do know that, at any given time, most parents appear to be happy with their decision to participate despite all its potential drawbacks.

The Average Price of Travel Ball Teams

After excluding families that reported zero team fees, our analysis shows that parents investing in travel baseball face significant financial commitments. On average, families spent approximately $2,178.25 on team fees in the most recent year. These costs varied considerably, with a standard deviation of about $1,411.04, indicating a broad distribution of expenses. At the lower end, we observed that 25% of families spent $1,000 or less, excluding those who reported zero costs. The median expenditure, a more representative measure of a ‘typical’ family’s spending due to the skew in our data, remained at $2,000. On the higher end, 25% of families spent up to $3,000, with the highest reported costs reaching $10,000. These figures underscore the substantial investment parents make to support their children’s involvement in travel baseball, reflecting the sport’s potential to foster enriching skills, experiences, and opportunities. Recognizing these financial commitments is essential as we continue exploring ways to enhance our programs’ value and impact.

time travel balls

The Number of Games and Practices

On average, a travel baseball player participated in approximately 46 games per year and, based on our data collected, ranged from 3 to 100. The majority of players stayed between 20 and 60 games.

time travel balls

Compare that with the number of practices held. The average parent of a player reported 52 practices (one a week) per year. The median number of practices (that is the middle team) had around 45 practices. The vast majority of practices are between 24 to 75 players.

time travel balls

The scatter plot below visually compares the number of games played and practices attended by each individual in the dataset. Each point represents an individual, with the x-coordinate indicating the number of games played and the y-coordinate showing the number of practices attended.

We can see a positive correlation between the two variables, suggesting that individuals who attend more practice also tend to play more games and vice versa. However, there is some variation in this trend, with some individuals attending a large number of practices but playing fewer games and others playing a large number of games with fewer practices.

It’s also worth noting that a cluster of individuals attend around 45 practices and play around 45 games, which aligns with our earlier finding that the median number of games played and practices attended is 45.

time travel balls

Number of Months Off Travel Baseball

The bar plot below shows the distribution of the number of months off from travel baseball as a percentage of total responses.

Here are the percentages for each category:

  • No months off : 2.41% of players
  • 1-2 months off : 39.49% of players
  • 3-4 months off : 36.44% of players
  • 5-6 months off : 11.56% of players
  • 6+ months off : 10.11% of players

This analysis reveals that the majority of players (75.93%) have a break of 1-4 months in a year. A smaller percentage of players (21.67%) have a more extended break of 5 months or more. Only a tiny fraction of players (2.41%) have no months off.

These percentages provide a more nuanced understanding of the number of months off distribution, giving us insights into the typical rest periods and the intensity of engagement in travel baseball.

time travel balls

Number of Nights Away from Home

We also asked parents how many nights they spent away from home because of travel baseball. We know this answer often gets muddy as many family vacations are combined with travel tournaments. In any case, we asked the surveyed to give their best shot at how many nights they spend away from their home because of travel ball.

time travel balls

  • Average Nights Out : Families spend approximately ten nights out due to travel baseball in a year.
  • Range of Nights Out : The number of nights out varies, with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 30 per year.
  • Most Common Number of Nights Out: Most families spend 5 to 15 nights out.
  • Median Nights Out:  The median number of nights out, which provides a more representative measure of a ‘typical’ family due to the skew in our data, is eight nights.

Distance of Travel Ball Practice

The practice distance data for travel baseball reveals that families travel approximately 15.5 miles for practice on average. The distance varies widely, ranging from a minimum of 0 miles to a maximum of 100 miles, indicating the diverse geographical spread of families involved in the sport. Despite this wide range, most families typically travel between 5 to 15 miles for practice, as revealed by the distribution analysis.

time travel balls

The median practice distance is 10 miles, suggesting that half the families travel ten or less for practice. This data underscores families’ significant travel commitments for practice sessions in travel baseball and the time commitments for games and practices. It highlights the extent of dedication and commitment that families demonstrate toward supporting their children’s involvement in the sport.

College Ball Aspirations

We asked each respondent about the future of their player in college ball. Specifically, will your player play ball in college? These are how the answers break down.

time travel balls

  • Definite : Approximately 19.84% of the respondents were confident in their future in college baseball.
  • Probable: A slightly higher percentage, 23.36% of the respondents, said they would ‘probably’ play college baseball.
  • Maybe : The largest group of respondents, 32.00%, were ‘maybe’ considering their future in college baseball.
  • Lack of Clarity : A significant portion, 20.48%, expressed that they were ‘unsure’ about college baseball.
  • No Interest : A small fraction, 4.32%, indicated ‘no’ interest in college baseball.

This analysis clearly shows the respondents’ varying intent and expectations of college baseball. While a considerable portion is definitely or probably interested, there is a significant level of uncertainty, with the largest group of respondents in the ‘maybe’ category. Only a tiny fraction have definitively ruled out college baseball.

Are Travel Ball Coaches Paid?

Based on our respondents, over 50% of Travel Ball coaches are paid. Some are paid directly (10%) while the rest are paid through the team fees.

time travel balls

This analysis provides insights into the various ways in which coaches are compensated in travel baseball. The nearly even split between families who pay coach fees and those who do not have a paid coach suggests a diversity of coaching arrangements in the sport. A small but significant percentage of families pay their coach directly, outside of team fees, indicating a direct financial relationship. Finally, the fact that a sizable group is unsure about their coach’s compensation status underscores the complexity and variability of coaching arrangements in travel baseball.

Development: Position Changes

Most respondents (42.77%) stated that position changes occur ‘sometimes.’ This was followed by ‘frequently’ (31.67%), ‘rarely’ (15.59%), and ‘almost never’ (9.97%). This suggests that for most players, changing positions is a relatively common occurrence in travel baseball, possibly reflecting the sport’s emphasis on versatility and broad skill development. However, 1 out of 4 teams tend to change their players positions infrequently.

time travel balls

Development: Pitcher Depth

The highest percentage of respondents (43.57%) indicated that the number of players on their team pitched was between 26-50%. This was followed by 51-75% (29.90%), 0-25% (18.17%), and 76-100% (8.36%). These findings indicate that most players are involved in pitching to some extent, although plenty of teams rely on a few arms.

time travel balls

Pitch Count Issues

Most respondents (75.12%) felt that coaches use pitchers adequately. However, a notable number of respondents (11.56%) felt that coaches do not use pitchers enough, while a similar percentage (10.75%) felt that coaches use pitchers too much. Only a tiny fraction of respondents (2.57%) disagreed on pitcher usage. These findings suggest that while most families are satisfied with how coaches handle pitchers, there are differing opinions on whether pitchers are used too much.

time travel balls

In conclusion, the State of Travel Ball survey conducted in June 2023 provides a comprehensive view of the experiences of approximately 700 parents of baseball players involved in travel teams. The survey reveals that despite the significant financial commitments, with an average annual cost of $2,178, and the time and travel demands, most parents are satisfied with their child’s participation in Travel Baseball. The data also highlights the varying intensity of engagement in the sport, with most players having a break of 1-4 months a year and families spending approximately eight nights away from home due to travel baseball.

Interestingly, the survey also uncovers the aspirations and expectations of the players, with a significant portion expressing a definite or probable interest in playing college baseball. However, a large group remains uncertain about this prospect. The survey also provides insights into the coaching arrangements in travel baseball, revealing that over 50% of Travel Ball coaches are paid, either directly or through team fees.

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The Hitting Vault

Travel Baseball: The Ultimate Guide for Parents and Players

Travel Baseball: The Ultimate Guide for Parents and Players

Table of Contents

What is travel baseball, what to look for in a travel baseball team, travel baseball vs. little league, travel baseball pros and cons , criticisms and controversy, is travel baseball worth it.

For many families, the transition from Little League to travel baseball comes with stress, anxiety and questions about what to look for in a team and what to expect from the experience — not to mention the question of whether making the switch from a more laid-back rec ball program to a more competitive (and expensive) travel club is the right decision in the first place.

In this post, we’re going to go over everything you need to know about getting started with youth travel baseball. We’ll help you answer the questions above and determine whether travel baseball is a good fit for your son or daughter. 

If you have a softball player in the family, you may also want to check out our article “ What to Look For in a Travel Softball Team ,” which covers some of the same information from a softball perspective and dives deep into my personal experience as an elite-level amateur player and college recruiting prospect.

Table of Contents :

  • How to Choose a Travel Baseball Team
  • Travel Baseball Pros and Cons
  • Is Travel Baseball Worth It?  

First, it’s important to understand what a travel baseball team is and how travel baseball is organized. 

There are tens of thousands of travel baseball teams around the country, and their popularity has exploded over the past two decades. As recently as the 1990s, travel baseball was a niche experience limited mostly to elite players in baseball-rich areas like Texas and California. Today, participation is seen by many as a near necessity for talented players to develop their skills and hone their game against the best competition they can find. 

Whereas Little League is the dominant organization when it comes to recreational youth baseball, there are multiple organizations throughout the country that host hundreds of travel tournaments each year. Some of the biggest and most popular are USSSA (United States Speciality Sports Association), AAU (Amateur Athletic Union), Triple Crown Sports , and Perfect Game . Travel baseball teams often participate in tournaments organized by more than one of those organizations. 

A team can be started by anyone. Many are formed by parents, but many others are formed by high school and former college coaches. Depending on their organizational goals, some programs have just one team that participates in one age bracket (such as 10 and under), while some are run like businesses and have teams that compete in every age group. 

Some huge organizations, such as California Baseball Academy (CBA), even have multiple teams within the same age group, located in multiple cities. CBA has teams not only in California, but also in Nevada, Texas, Utah and the southeast. High-level programs like that are often known for attracting top talent, for training recruits into elite players, and for feeding those players into nearby colleges and universities. 

Travel Baseball Competition Structure

Virtually all travel baseball games are played on weekends in a tournament format. Those tournaments can theoretically be held anywhere, but are frequently held at multi-field facilities in easily-accessible travel hubs. For example, many Florida tournaments are held in Orlando because it’s in the relative center of the state, it has plenty of hotel rooms, and it’s home to many great baseball facilities. The farther you live away from such a hub, the more you should expect to travel. 

Most tournaments begin with pool play, meaning that teams are guaranteed a number of games before heading into single elimination. A team can expect to play anywhere from three to eight games over the course of a two-day or three-day tournament, depending on how they perform.

There is no set number of tournaments a team must participate in. Each team decides which tournaments to enter on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration factors such as age level, skill level, and cost. In general, two tournaments per month can be seen as about average, although higher-level teams may play more frequently. 

Most organizations run regional and national championships, which are invite-only. For example, USSSA hosts “qualifier” tournaments, where the winner of the championship game (and sometimes the runner up) can earn a bid to the USSSA national tournament.

Additionally, beginning at age 14, some teams start participating in “college exposure tournaments,” where college scouts come from across the country to watch and evaluate prospects. These tournaments are typically more expensive than regular tournaments, and are often farther away.

How to Join a Travel Baseball Team

If you’ve decided to join a travel baseball team and aren’t sure where to find one, there are a number of resources available. 

It may go without saying, but word-of-mouth can be a valuable first reference point. If you’re thinking about switching to travel baseball, chances are that you already know someone in your area who has made the jump. If so, don’t be afraid to ask them questions about the team and their experience. It’s a big commitment — both in terms of time and finances — so it’s important to make sure you find the right club for your son or daughter.

In addition to word of mouth, many organizations offer a list of active teams on their website. For example, USSSA has a tool that lets you filter teams by age level, skill level, and location . There are also many state-based forums and Facebook groups where coaches post their team’s tryouts (and positions needed). As an example, here are Facebook groups for travel baseball teams in Florida and Michigan ⁠— you can find similar groups for every state. 

Another good option is FieldLevel.com , which (like the USSSA site) allows you to filter teams by state and level. While not every team is listed on that website, it does include over 4,000 clubs.

Here are eight things to think about when evaluating teams. These factors will make a big difference when it comes to your overall experience, so take the time to think about them, and don’t be afraid to ask questions of parents and coaches.

1. Coaching  

A coaching staff can make or break a team. How coaches manage players, keep the game fun, instill the fundamentals, and focus on development — not only as athletes, but as young men and women — is extremely important. 

Some travel baseball teams have parents or grandparents serving as the head coach. While that can be fine, it’s important to make sure those coaches don’t make keeping their own child on the field a priority. Before committing to a team, spend some time researching it by watching a practice and talking to current and/or former players and parents. 

What’s the coaching style? Do they have high expectations but still encourage and love their players? Or, on the other hand, are they screaming at players when they make a mistake? 

Additionally, are players treated equitably, or do some get preferential treatment based on their relationship to the coach or their financial contribution to the team?

Ideally, your child will be a part of that team and organization for consecutive years, rather than bouncing from team to team. As such, determining whether the coaching staff is a good fit is a crucial first step.

2. Cost  

For many parents, this is the most terrifying aspect of travel baseball.

Just how much of a toll is this going to take on your bank account? The specific answer varies, but the typical range of cost for participating in travel baseball is between $500 and $2,500 per year. 

That said, you can end up spending a lot more than that. Back in 2011, CBS News reported that one Georgia family paid $4,000 per year for their 9-year-old son’s travel team. You can imagine that older players in elite programs that travel all over the country can spend even more over the course of a season.

Typically, the more intensely focused a program is on developing its players for college baseball, the more money the program is going to cost. On the other hand, teams that are playing more for the fun of it — those looking for just a little more structure and competition than offered by Little League — won’t put as much of a dent in your wallet.

There are a number of specific factors that go into how much it costs to be on a team:

  • Where you live . If you live in a baseball hub, like Texas or California, you won’t have to travel as far to get to tournaments. Many teams from rural areas regularly drive across multiple states (or sometimes even fly) to tournaments. As such, where you live will likely be the single biggest variable in your overall travel baseball cost.
  • Whether you have to buy your own equipment . Some teams are sponsored by equipment companies like Easton and Rawlings and have their bats, gloves and cleats provided either for free or at a reduced cost. Obviously, this can be a huge savings. Also, keep in mind that (unfortunately) equipment is often viewed as a status symbol in travel baseball. If your child joins a team where every other player has multiple bats and position-specific gloves, he or she is going to press you for similar gear.
  • Whether you have to rent facilities . Some teams practice exclusively at public fields. Others have little or no access to such facilities and have to rent fields and/or indoor space (especially for winter workouts). This can have a huge impact on the overall cost of participation.
  • Whether or not coaches are paid . Some teams — typically the more competitive ones — pay their coaches small stipends and/or cover their cost of travel. On one hand, this tends to lead to better coaching. On the other hand, families are the ones who will ultimately foot that bill.
  • How competitive the team is . Higher-level tournaments typically have higher fees. Lower-level tournaments, operated on a more sub-regional basis, are usually much less expensive to enter. If cost is a concern, make sure you know what types of tournaments the team usually enters over the course of the season. 

3. Location  

As stated earlier, location is a key factor in deciding which travel team to play for. If you’re fortunate enough to live in California, Florida or Texas, you’re going to have a lot of opportunities to play with and against high-level competition right in your backyard. 

But outside of those states, it’s a little bit tougher, and you have to decide how committed you are to playing at the highest possible level. 

For example, if you live in a medium-sized town outside of a major baseball hub, chances are you have at least a couple of travel ball options. However, the odds are that those options are not the absolute cream of the crop when it comes to coaching and competitiveness. In order to play for the absolute “best” team possible, you might have to commute from your mid-sized town to the nearest major city. 

So you’ll be faced with the following choice: play on a lower level team that’s closer to home, or drive a hundred miles or more for twice-weekly practices? It may sound crazy, but many families do just that. 

Why would they commit so much time and money to their son or daughter’s athletic pursuits? It comes down to goals. Better teams often provide better coaching and more opportunities for exposure to college and professional scouts. 

What’s the team’s mission? Is the focus on fun, player development, college exposure, or a mix of all there? Teams can have many different goals and missions, and there’s no right or wrong approach.

However, it is possible that a team’s mission does not align with your values and goals, and you need to think about this before committing, as a compatibility mismatch can lead to coach-parent and coach-player tension. 

5. Organization

Consider the reputation of the organization you’re evaluating. When you join a team, you and your son or daughter will essentially be endorsing everything the program stands for. If they’re known for dirty play or being disrespectful to the game, you’ll be associated with that. 

And believe it or not, the baseball world is a small and surprisingly tight-knit community. College coaches tend to know which programs produce bad apples — and they avoid them. In fact, many college coaches will completely write off an entire organization that has a reputation for not playing the game the right way or for having disrespectful players.

6. Playing Time

There’s an important balance between getting enough playing time and being challenged. Before committing, ask the coaching staff what kind of playing time your child can expect — including at what position. 

If there are two returning shortstops, he or she most likely won’t be playing there and might have to learn another position. That’s not a bad thing: college coaches want players that are versatile, and many players change positions as they get older and their bodies develop. 

Still, it’s helpful to know what to expect ahead of time. Getting game reps is important from a development perspective, but also just from a fun perspective: no kid wants to consistently travel to a tournament only to sit on the bench for most of the weekend. 

7. Skill Level

Be realistic about your child’s skill level, and pay attention to the level of competition around him or her at tryouts (i.e., the skill levels of the other players). If your kid has the fight and desire to compete for a spot (like they’ll have to do if they make it to college ball), then putting them on a team where they’ll be challenged is the best option. 

But if he or she is there to have fun and make friends, with no burning desire to be constantly improving, then choosing a travel team that’s more low-key will be the better call.

8. What You’re Giving Up

Travel baseball tournaments are on weekends, and players often have to sacrifice certain things that are part of a normal childhood. 

Is your son or daughter willing to miss out on things like birthdays, sleepovers and school dances, because most of their time is spent doing homework, traveling to and from games and practices, practicing on their own (possibly including private lessons), and spending nearly every summer weekend at the ballpark?

And are they willing to sacrifice the material things that matter to kids — things like clothes, video games, new smartphones, etc. — because so much money is being spent on baseball? 

As I wrote in THV’s guide to travel softball , my family made major sacrifices to support my athletic pursuits. 

For some, their love of the game is so great that giving up these things is a no-brainer. For others, they may regret missing out on these social activities. And that’s perfectly fine! Just be honest with each other and talk about the true costs of travel baseball — because it’s not just the sticker price.

There are some important similarities and differences between competitive travel baseball and recreational baseball. Both can teach many valuable life skills, such as work ethic, good sportsmanship, teamwork and bouncing back from failure. But they are very different when it comes to time commitment and competitiveness.

The Little League schedule usually runs from the late spring through early summer, with teams practicing twice per week and playing two games per week. The total number of games per season varies, but it usually ranges from 10 to 20. It’s a local program, which means travel is either limited or non-existent. In general, Little League coaches are parents.

Little League can be a great place for kids as young as 4-years-old to start playing the game. They’ll learn the rules and the absolute basics of hitting, pitching and fielding in a fun an easy-going environment (except for the occasional parent that takes their coaching position overboard). 

Overall, Little League fits the classic stereotype of youth baseball: kids having fun playing the greatest game in the world, without much pressure or focus on player development. 

Back in the day, Little League would feed into middle school and high school programs, which carried the bulk of the weight when it came to getting payers ready for college and the pros. But today, the reality is that it’s almost impossible to get the coaching and skill development you need by participating only Little league or other rec ball programs. 

That’s especially true when it comes to the gap between “Majors” Little League (12-and-under) and high school. Few middle schools still have baseball programs, and those programs that do exist tend not to be very good. Likewise, while Little League offers both a Junior division (12-14) and a Senior division (14-16), those leagues tend to pale in comparison to the coaching and competition offered by travel ball. 

So, if your son or daughter is serious about playing baseball at a high level, it’s especially important to focus on the transition to travel ball at around the age of 11 or 12.

There are positives and negatives when it comes to travel baseball. Here are a few of each.

  • Better competition : Players are more serious about the game and more driven to improve. This higher level of competition will help push your son or daughter to improve their own skills.
  • Better coaching : Travel baseball coaches tend to be better qualified, more knowledgeable, and better-connected. At the highest levels of travel ball, teams often employ former professional coaches.
  • More exposure : Aside from high school baseball, travel ball is the primary means of exposure to college coaches and pro scouts. Plus, travel teams often attend showcase tournaments and camps.
  • More games played : Travel teams play significantly more games per year than rec ball teams.
  • Facilitates travel : Sometimes seen as an ancillary benefit, the travel itself can be a valuable and eye-opening experience for players. Many kids don’t have an opportunity to travel out of their own area or state, and travel baseball can provide that. 
  • Encourages character development : Because travel teams are more serious, there’s a greater emphasis put on things like being on time, demonstrating maximum effort, and having a good attitude.  
  • Cost : Travel baseball is expensive — sometimes absurdly so. Families often spend around $2,500 per year, but the costs can be even higher. 
  • Time commitment : Even a moderately competitive travel team can consume an entire summer’s worth of weekends. 
  • Ultra-competitive : On most travel teams, there’s a balance between player development and winning. What you won’t often find is an “everybody plays” approach. For the most part, the best players will play the most, which makes for a highly-competitive environment. 
  • Tougher workouts : This can be a pro or a con, depending on the player’s perspective and goals. Tougher workouts can lead to better outcomes, but they can also be mentally and physically taxing if the player isn’t fully invested.
  • Lack of diversity : Because travel baseball is expensive, it has often been criticized for a lack of socioeconomic and racial diversity. 

Travel baseball provides many benefits and can be a valuable opportunity for players who are serious about the game and committed to playing at the highest possible level. However, it’s not without its share of criticism and controversy. 

In an essay titled “ Left Out ,” MLB superstar Andrew McCutchen wrote about how kids like him, who grow up in low-income families, are often excluded from travel baseball and thus systematically disadvantaged when it comes to development and exposure: 

“When you’re a kid from a low-income family who has talent, how do you get recognized? Now, you have to pay thousands of dollars for the chance to be noticed in showcase tournaments in big cities. My parents loved me, but they had to work hard to put food on the table, and there wasn’t much left over. They didn’t have the option of skipping a shift to take me to a tournament over the weekend. […] That’s the challenge for families today. It’s not about the $100 bat. It’s about the $100-a-night motel room and the $30 gas money and the $300 tournament fee. 

[…] If you’re a poor kid with raw ability, it’s not enough.”

McCutchen was lucky: an AAU coach “discovered” him at the age of 13 and covered his travel ball expenses. But most kids from similar situations aren’t so fortunate. 

Why is this important for you, the parent of a child thinking about joining a travel team? 

On one hand, it’s important to be aware of how the systems we participate in affect our society. But on a much more specific level, you should know that your child will be entering a largely homogenous environment.

On top of that, kids from lower-income families can often feel out of place in travel ball — especially if they don’t come to the ballpark with the latest, top-quality gear like their teammates. This social dynamic can have a powerful impact on your child’s experience. 

Additionally, travel baseball means that both your family and your child will be spending less time within your own community.

There’s been a lot written in recent years about how travel baseball may be contributing to the erosion of communities , because it pulls families out of local baseball programs that once served as important civic institutions.

This is evidenced by the sharply declining participation in Little League. In the organization’s Southeast Region (a hotbed for a travel baseball), the number of Little League players has plunged by nearly 50% since 2007 . 

So we’ve come to the biggest question: Is travel ball worth it?

If you want to improve your skills and have the best chance to play in college or the pros, travel baseball is the way to go. But remember: there is a range of cost and time commitment within travel baseball. Your son or daughter doesn’t necessarily have to opt for the most expensive travel team in order to be sufficiently challenged (and later on, to get noticed by college coaches). 

Your goal in evaluating teams should be to find the right balance of: 

  • Financial commitment 
  • Time commitment
  • Intangible sacrifices (school events, community involvement, etc.) 
  • Baseball goals

After reading this article, you should have a very solid understanding of what Little League and travel baseball have in common, their differences, and what you should be looking for in a club. 

Remember, this is your child’s choice to. Help them see the pros and cons of each option. And although we stated it earlier, we cannot stress this enough: you cannot dictate your son or daughter’s commitment to the game of baseball. It’s up to them. So, support them in whatever capacity they want to participate. If you do, they’ll never regret or forget the amazing experiences, friends, and lessons learned playing this great game.

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Baseball Mode

Travel Baseball 101: Everything You Need To Know

  • By Chris F.
  • On July 29, 2022
  • Travel Ball

Table of Contents

travel baseball

Most popular organizations

Tournament travel, how is travel baseball organized, additional costs:, what’s a good age to start playing travel ball, other parents, organization websites, what to look for in a team, travel baseball pros and cons, travel baseball vs little league, what is the best travel baseball team, when should i leave a travel baseball team, fundraising ideas for travel baseball.

If you are an engaged baseball parent and have a child with decent skills, you’ve probably grown frustrated with the level of play in the laid-back rec leagues in your towns. I mean, how is your kid going to get better if the other players on the team don’t understand the game and don’t have the desire to improve? This is probably the most significant reason we’ve seen explosive growth in the travel baseball leagues and tournaments. 

The transition from Little League to AAU comes with many questions, but the good news is that these travel leagues will provide a support system and structure to help your child succeed in highly competitive baseball. 

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about travel baseball and help answer any questions that will help you determine whether or not these types of leagues make sense for your child. 

Travel Organizations

Let’s not beat around the bush. Travel baseball is a business. This market has exploded over the past decade, and the youth sports industry expects to grow more as travel teams become more popular.

This $15b youth sports market in the US rivals that of the $14 billion NFL, so you know we are talking about big business.

However, this business presents kids as young as eight with opportunities to team with other skilled players to play against better competition in their area. Teams will compete with other travel teams within the state and participate in regular tournaments. 

When people hear “travel baseball,” they immediately think the team goes all over the country every weekend to participate in different tournaments. In some cases, that may be true, but when I think of travel baseball, I think of some of the better local players coming from all over and trying out for the team. If you are on more of a showcase team, you will often have players come from all over the country. 

.stk-2b1a187{margin-bottom:0px !important}.stk-2b1a187-container{background-color:#96caf9 !important}.stk-2b1a187-container:before{background-color:#96caf9 !important} There are thousands of travel baseball teams throughout the country, and most play in tournaments or leagues organized by AAU, USSSA, and Perfect Game.

Playing in one of these leagues is almost a requirement if you are a talented ballplayer and are serious about your baseball career. While expensive, these leagues will help players develop their skills and play against some of the area’s best competition.  

how to slide in baseball

If your child is on the younger side and is just getting started with travel baseball, most of the games will be local, with a few longer-distance tournaments mixed in. Once you get to that 16u-18u range, the tournaments become more about exposure and getting recruited by colleges so that you might travel to Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, etc.

You won’t go to all these travel baseball tournaments every year, but the WWBA, for instance, is one of the biggest tournaments in youth baseball and is located in Georgia. Many college coaches attend this tournament, so it’s an excellent opportunity to showcase your skills and gain exposure. 

If you are a player from one of the colder states and are interested in playing down south , these tournaments provide a great platform for you to make some new connections and show some of these coaches what you can do. 

When I think about travel baseball, I don’t think of it as being seasonal. Some teams will have their regular season in the spring, and some even play in the fall.

During the winter, especially in the Northeast, my son’s team had bi-weekly practices in one of the local indoor facilities where they could train. This allowed the team to build chemistry while also keeping them fresh. Travel baseball will allow you to practice all year round if you want to while you play other sports. 

All the travel league games my son has played in have taken place on the weekends. We typically have a doubleheader against the same team to squeeze in more games with a short break in between.

The tournaments usually consist of the top 8 teams in the League and are set up in a pool format. Those tournaments can be held anywhere, but we’ve traditionally hosted them at a local sports complex with multiple fields.

Suppose your tournaments are made up of more than ten non-local teams. In that case, they will usually take place in a central location with the infrastructure to accommodate traveling families for the weekend.  

With pool play, teams are guaranteed a certain amount of games before moving into the single-elimination games. Depending on the size of the tournament, a team may play between 2-8 games during the weekend. 

When signing up for travel ball, part of what you are paying for could include participation in a certain amount of tournaments. I know we were guaranteed at least one tournament, and everything else would be at an additional cost.

Each team will decide which tournaments to participate in and how many they’d like to do. The coach will need to look at age level, skillsets, and how many families can afford the additional cost.  

When the players enter high school, they may start participating in player showcases or tournaments where coaches and scouts come to watch and evaluate players. 

How Much Does Travel Ball Cost?

I’m not going to lie, when I first saw the cost of playing travel AAU baseball, there was definitely sticker shock. Our League tries to keep it affordable for families, so we were apparently on the lower end at $1700.

When you break it down, though, it wasn’t too bad. The kids got home and away uniforms, sweatshirts with their names, two sets of hats, helmets, Easton bags, and a batting warmup jacket.

The team had access to an indoor baseball training facility twice a week starting in the fall through April to practice. The fee also included a spot in a local tournament.

Other travel teams near us were upwards of $4k for the season. When I heard that, I stopped complaining about our price. Many of these travel baseball teams come with exorbitant prices that, unfortunately, eliminate many families and kids who can compete at this level.

.stk-110d1c6{margin-bottom:0px !important}.stk-110d1c6-container{background-color:#96caf9 !important}.stk-110d1c6-container:before{background-color:#96caf9 !important} When it comes down to travel baseball teams, the price can be pretty shocking to most parents, so you must decide how big of a financial impact this will have on your family. The League’s overall cost will differ but typically ranges from $500-$5,000 a year.

That amount is only the fee to play on the team. When you put together a potential budget, there are many additional costs to factor in. 

  • Equipment – New bat rules may require you to buy your child a new bat. There are USSSA leagues that require USSSA bats, USA bats , BBCOR bats, and wood bats only. If you are lucky enough to be on a sponsored team, sometimes equipment such as bats, gloves, and other baseball gear is included.
  • Travel costs – Even if you aren’t flying to a tournament, you will most likely be driving considerable distances, so be sure to factor in the price of gas. 
  • Are the coaches being paid? Most likely not if you are on a younger team, but some older, more competitive travel teams pay their coaches.
  • Facilities – We lucked out because practice time was included in our league fees. Teams who may not have access to public fields and practice off-season will have to rent space.

These are all the costs associated with your player and the League. Now, what about the stuff you will need as a baseball parent? Team gear, comfortable camping chairs , coolers, wagons, heaters , and fans.

Over the past twenty years, travel baseball’s popularity has exploded. Initially designed for teenagers, younger age groups have also taken over the sport.

Our first taste of travel ball was when our son was eight years old, playing on our town’s summer travel team. We didn’t have to travel far, but it was a fantastic experience.

It was a little more competitive than rec ball, so it gave us a good idea of where our kids stacked up compared to other towns. While eight sounds young, the kids improved during the month-long season. They knew who to back up, where to take the cut-off throws, and when to tag up on the bases.

It was so nice to see them begin to understand the little intricacies of the game, and they would not have received this type of instruction in town ball. While we had a great experience with our eight-year-old’s summer travel team, it is still pretty young.

I’d say the best time to start competitive travel baseball is around 9-10. It’s sad, but any later, you and your child will fall behind. Many kids have played years of competitive ball by then. 

How Do I Find A Travel Team Near Me?

If you have decided that travel baseball could be a good fit for your son or daughter, it’s time to start looking for a team. If you think your child would benefit from joining a travel baseball team but have no idea where to start, there are many resources to help you find some squads in your area. 

Facebook is a great place to start. In the search box, type in travel baseball near me or travel baseball ga for example. You will see a feed of many local teams advertising for upcoming tryouts or even established teams looking for a player to fill in for a tournament.  

After watching rec ball for a season, you will recognize who the best players are. Talk to their parents and ask them if their child is doing travel ball. If they are, ask them what their experience has been. Talking to other parents can also be helpful because if their child isn’t already in travel ball, they may know someone else who is. Word of mouth is huge. 

Many organizations, like USSSA, provide a list of active teams on their website. You can filter by age, location, and overall skill level to find potential groups that might be a good match for your child.  

A few other helpful resources for finding a travel team are Select Baseball Teams ,  AAU , and Field Level .

  • Does the program win?
  • What is the team’s location, and how far do they need to travel?
  • Do they develop their players? What is their team mission?
  • What is their facility like?
  • Who are the coaches – read their bios on the website 
  • How many games/tournaments do they play each season?
  • How often do they practice
  • What is the total cost for the season?
  • What does the offseason training schedule look like
  • Do they encourage multi-sport athletes?
  • Do other players enjoy being on the team?
  • What’s the reputation of the organization?
  • What’s the skill level of the kids?
  • How is playing time determined?
  • Do they protect the pitcher’s arm by adhering to pitch counts?
  • How many kids are on the team

When it costs thousands of dollars, money will always be an issue but try not to make your decision solely based on cost. Pick the program where your child will have fun and where they will develop the most. 

  • Competition  – Competition tends to be better. Players take the game more seriously and seem to want to improve. It’s not cheap, so unless the parents have money to throw away, they will only pay the fees if their child is serious about the game.
  • Development  – There’s a bigger focus on skill building. You practice much more than Little League, so your child will likely improve. 
  • Coaching  – Travel teams will often have multiple talented baseball coaches who are more qualified and have more knowledge of the game and how it should be taught.
  • More exposure  for the kids when they play in regional tournaments.
  • More games played  
  • Travel  – more opportunities to travel as a family and see different parts of the country
  • Cost –  The price of playing travel can be high, sometimes up to $5k per year. 
  • Time – Playing travel ball takes up a lot of time, so hopefully, you don’t like your weekends free in the summer.  
  • Competitive – Travel ball can also be a lot of fun, but it’s way more competitive .  There is more of a focus on winning and advancing in tournaments. 
  • Playing time  – The best players will rarely come off the field, so if your child is average, there might be a lack of playing time. 
  • Lack of diversity – Aside from the high cost, many argue that the lack of ethnic and socioeconomic diversity is what is wrong with travel baseball.
  • Overdoing it . Is all of this playing too much too soon? There’s been an enormous increase in Tommy John procedures over the past decade amongst young pitchers.

The debate about travel baseball vs. Little League has been a popular topic in US youth baseball for some time. The two organizations have different philosophies on the game and how it should be played. 

We all came to love the game of baseball by playing Little League. For that reason, it’s easy to be biased toward the more laid-back rec leagues where the mission is to foster community, volunteerism, sportsmanship, and fair play. With Little League, whether you win or lose, each ballplayer should have fun, make lifelong friends and grow their love for this beautiful game. 

Travel ball is much more competitive, and fans of these types of leagues prefer the more “advanced” brand of baseball that comes along with it. In AAU and other travel ball associations, these leagues provide a level of instruction, coaching, and competition that Little League cannot match. 

If your child has shown true talent on the ballfield, considering “travel” should be an option. Many high school players and beyond have played in some competitive travel leagues.

I don’t want to give off the impression that these leagues have no similarities because they do. In any league, the kids should learn about teamwork, sportsmanship, respect for their opponent, work ethic, and dealing with and bouncing back from failure. These are excellent life lessons that extend well beyond the baseball field. 

The differences are around the competition level and the time commitment. Little League doesn’t always offer the type of coaching that will take your game to the next level. That is why many families are supplementing with travel ball.  

So, if your child is serious about playing at a high level, you should transition to travel ball at around 11-12 years old, if not earlier. 

Take a look at travel baseball rankings to see who the best performing teams were this year. This site is an excellent resource because it lets you filter by age and either state or national rankings. It even allows you to see historical data to see who consistently ranks at the top.  

Some of the top 16u national teams for this past year are listed below. You will see that most originate from the baseball hotbed states of Texas, Florida, California, and Georgia.

16u Rankings

  • USA Prime National(TX)
  • Top Tier Roos National(FL)
  • Exposure Under Church(TN)
  • TBT National(FL)
  • Power Baseball Marucci(FL)
  • East Cobb Astros(GA)
  • Knights Nation Baseball (LA)
  • Alpha Prime National(CA)
  • MCBC Hit Dogs(MI)
  • 5 Star National Black(GA)
  • Burn Scout Team(FL)
  • Top Tier Roos American(FL)
  • Canes National(VA)
  • CBU United(FL)

Let’s face it; every child will not have a fantastic experience with their travel team. There are so many different factors that go into whether or not a kid has a positive experience. 

  • Are they getting enough playing time?
  • Are they developing their skills?
  • Is the team winning?
  • Do they get along with the other kids on the team?
  • Is it getting too expensive for the family?
  • Are they mad about the time commitment, missing birthday parties, sleepovers, etc.? 
  • Are the coaches compassionate and caring about you as a person, or are they only worried about winning a cheap plastic trophy?

It won’t be the same experience for everyone, so chances are, you and your child will know when it’s the right time to leave. It may be one of the reasons listed above or something completely different. Still, the bottom line is that if your child is not enjoying the experience and is not improving, why continue wasting money? 

  • Super Bowl squares
  • Yeti Cooler raffle – 1 ticket for $10 or 3 for $20
  • Lottery ticket basket raffle
  • Stand in front of Dunkin Donuts or the grocery store with signs and helmets to collect the money. Have a sign that says we take Venmo!! Do it in 3 hours shifts and watch the money roll in. 
  • Golf tournament – although more complex to plan
  • Solicit donations from local businesses
  • Hit-A-Thon – They hit 15 (or whatever # of balls you choose). Each ball has a number on it. You sell each number for $10-20. The ball he hits the farthest wins a GC. The rest of the money you keep! Stream it live on Facebook for everyone to watch. Use the 99 Pledges site to set it up. I read about one League that raised $44k in one season. 
  • Purse bingo
  • Meat raffles
  • Wreaths at Christmas
  • Popcornmania
  • Pampered chef

Final Thoughts

Baseball should still be fun. As good as it might feel, do not try to relive the glory days if you even had them in the first place.

Many parents see baseball or any other sport their kid is playing as the only realistic path to college, and these youth games are treated as training grounds for an athletic scholarship. No wonder why you have adults screaming at umps and other kids. Unfortunately for some folks, every game feels like life or death. 

So, is travel baseball worth it? It can be a rewarding experience for your player and the entire family. You must select the right travel team to ensure you have that fulfilling experience.

Depending on when you start, you will be with this coach and these players and their families for the next few years. Committing to a travel team will turn your life into absolute chaos, but you will learn to love it. If you are lucky enough, you will join a team where you click with the other parents, and your kid becomes lifelong friends with his teammates.

Chris F.

The Ultimate Parent’s Guide to Travel Baseball | Everything You Need to Know

March 14, 2023

49 min read

Ultimate Parent S Guide Travel Baseball B P046

If you’ve got yourself a youth baseball player, you’ll probably start hearing all about travel ball soon – if you haven’t already. 

Travel baseball can be rewarding and exciting for both you and your ballplayer. 

It’s a chance for your child to substantially develop their baseball skills and passion while having a ton of fun. 

And a chance for you to foster that positive growth and love for the game while joining a new social tribe yourself – that of the travel ball parent, with its fulfilling experiences, camaraderie, and norms, just like any good tribe. 

But, travel ball can also be a huge commitment. It often involves a significant financial and time investment from you and your budding athlete. 

So before deciding to play travel ball, you should carefully consider what your child will get out of it and how it might affect your entire family. 

Several factors should go into this choice of whether or not to play club ball. 

And in this ultimate parent’s guide to travel baseball, you’ll learn how travel ball works, the pros and cons of travel ball vs. recreational baseball, what to look for in a new travel team, and even how to start your own travel team.

Let’s hook-slide in together.

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# The Difference Between Travel and Recreational Baseball

# recreational baseball.

Recreational baseball often refers to Little League. Although, there are other organizations around the country, like PONY or Cal Ripken Baseball, that host recreational baseball leagues for their localities. 

Local is a keyword here. That’s usually the main difference between rec and travel ball – recreational ball doesn’t require travel. 

Recreational leagues focus on players learning the basics of the game, especially at the youngest levels. Seasons run from late spring to early summer. And you can expect around two games per week.

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# Travel Baseball

Travel ball, on the other hand, refers to teams that travel to other cities or states to play baseball. 

Club teams might be a single team or an entire organization with several teams spanning different age levels. 

Another major difference is that travel ball is often played year-round. Not having extended off-seasons ups the commitment levels for all involved significantly. 

A few of the biggest organizations in the travel ball world are the United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA), the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), Triple Crown Sports, and Perfect Game. 

These organizations will host most of the tournaments that travel teams compete in.

Traditionally, travel ball has been a higher level of competition than Little League, meant to train elite players who had their eyes set on collegiate opportunities. 

However, as travel ball becomes more ubiquitous, the level of competition can now run the gamut a bit more between extremely high to moderate-low.   

Travel baseball, as you’ll see, is also much more expensive in terms of both cost and time commitment than its recreational variety. 

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# The Pros and Cons of Rec Ball Versus Travel Baseball

Both recreational and travel baseball have their merits and drawbacks. You and your child should consider the pros and cons of both before deciding which type of team to play on. 

# Little League Pros

  • Local – If you don’t fancy traveling around two weekends out of every month, then recreation leagues might be better for your family. Part of this locality is time. The amount of time you and your ballplayer will spend at team practices, games, and individual workouts is significantly less in recreation baseball. 
  • Learn a lot – Little League, PONY, or Cal Ripken Baseball teams’ emphasis on learning and having fun lets your kid discover and grow to love the game in a low-pressure environment.  Some children benefit more from this, especially in the beginning, while others thrive only with higher levels of competition.
  • Less expensive – The average fee in the U.S. for a season of Little League is $150, but it could vary as low as $30 and as high as $250 in some areas.  Travel ball can easily cost three to four times that. But we’ll get into the details and rough estimates of this cost in just a bit.

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# Little League Cons

  • Dependent on your area – Having a local baseball league often depends on the interest in your area. No interest could mean no teams. The level of competition also depends on who’s playing and how much talent your area happens to have.
  • Not a conduit for playing at the next level – Although it used to be the case, Little League is no longer a safe route to playing high school and college baseball.  Today, kids who want to reach these levels and find success once there, must, in most cases, find a travel team to play on at some point in their journey.  Of course, there are exceptions to this for ballplayers who naturally have top-tier talent. And obvious caveats must also be made to make room for how competitive or noncompetitive a particular high school might be.  But these unique instances aside, the reality for many parents and coaches on the ground is that playing rec ball only these days makes it less likely for a young man to be an impact player in high school or college. 
  • Coaches – With recreational baseball, the coach is usually one of the players’ parents. And this person may know little to nothing about baseball, or about managing a youth team. They are exclusively volunteers after all. Sometimes you can get very lucky with elite-experienced parent volunteers and other times not so lucky – it's kinda a crapshoot.  

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# Travel Ball Pros

  • Better competition and coaches – Travel ball usually affords more competitiveness and more experienced coaches. Travel ball coaches might even be former college and high school coaches who’ve started a travel club. And larger organizations often pay monthly or seasonal paychecks to these professional coaches – many of which will not have a child on the team.
  • More games – Instead of the 8 games per month during a short, designated rec season, your child can expect to play much more with travel ball.  It’s year-round, and the most games occur during weekend tournaments in the summer. Though some yearly tournaments are weeklong affairs.  At each tournament, teams play between three and ten games – depending on how well your team does in bracket play. By playing more games, your kid gets more exposure to baseball and is afforded more reps to cultivate their developing skills.
  • Nicer facilities, opportunity to travel – Travel ball tournaments are usually held at nice facilities with plenty of room for parents to watch and for teams to hang out when they’re not playing.  Club ball also gives your kid a chance to venture outside their native city or state, which can be a valuable learning experience for them.

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# Travel Ball Cons

Costly – A season of travel ball can run anywhere from $800-$28,000 per year, depending on tons of different variables.

The numbers above may be less common on both the low and high side – but both are certainly possible. 

The second number ($28,000) that’s causing your blood pressure to rise higher than Boston’s Green Monster is meant to reflect a total expenses possibility with everything maxed out. 

You may not find a number that high when you Google travel ball expenses, but the writers of those articles are likely not including every single cost into their calculations. 

Here are some things to truly consider:

You will be expected to pay base starting fees and possibly tournament entry fees for your team or organization. 

And, sometimes, you’ll also be on the hook for monthly team dues along with an annual organizational fee. 

Also, you’ll  purchase all of your ballplayer’s personal baseball equipment and uniforms if your team’s not sponsored. 

And in travel ball, the pressure to get your ballplayer the top of the line equipment in all categories is much stronger than in rec ball. 

Next, many sports complexes that host tournaments charge daily gate fees on top of not allowing outside food or drinks. 

And you and your family need to eat and stay hydrated during these all day tourneys, which leaves the complex’s overpriced snack shack or restaurant as the only option at times. 

Don’t forget the hotels, food, and transportation costs for any and all out-of-town games, too. 

Further expenses include the gas and increased vehicle maintenance that you will surely incur driving to so many practices and games within your county or state. 

Another common expense that sneaks up on parents are weekly private or group lessons that are often expected by competitive programs. 

Besides hitting, pitching, catching, or fielding sessions, many parents also opt for sport performance training and athletic optimization services – i.e. strength and conditioning classes, a physical therapist, a chiropractor, etc. 

Another cost is found by participating in team bonding and fundraising activities, where you might be expected to bring snacks and drinks or buy tickets – such small things add up during the course of the year-long travel season. 

Finally, if your ballplayer is recruiting age, this higher number above includes college camps and showcases throughout the year.

It also includes getting his professional skills video produced, so you have something great to send over to college coaches.

Do not be too alarmed. Many of these expenses are totally avoidable and up to your family's budget. 

But, you should also know there tend to be unspoken expectations and incentives for some of these activities that you might feel are avoidable once you’re actually inside of competitive travel programs.

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  • Time – Travel ball is a significant time commitment. The two weekends per month out of town for tournaments is only a small part of it. Your child might also have practice or scrimmages against other travel ball teams during the week. And, as mentioned, your ballplayer may still be expected to get professional skill and sports training lessons each week.
  • Tough – The level of competition is, again, higher in travel ball. The players are better, and many teams take a “the best players play” rather than an “everybody plays” approach. Club baseball can be intense and challenging. If your ballplayer’s skills aren’t at the right level yet, then they’ll see less playing time and could get discouraged. 

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# Should You Switch from Rec Ball to Travel Baseball?

Parents often have mixed opinions when it comes to travel ball. In particular, there’s disagreement over what age to switch. 

Some say you shouldn’t put your child in club ball until he is 13 years old, since many kids drop out of sports altogether by this age. 

The rationale behind this recommendation goes something like: 

Most parents can avoid paying a bunch of fees for travel ball between the ages of 7-12, when your child is statistically likely to give up the sport soon anyway. And if they’re still serious about baseball at 13 years old, then it’s worth the investment.

While some parents echo this sentiment, others strongly advise starting your kid in travel ball much sooner – if they show a real interest. 

As one parent  put it online when asked about starting at the 8U level, “As long as they don’t get burned out I say let em’ play.” 

Another parent disagreed, however, saying that they saw “absolutely no value in travel ball with children that are so young.” 

Most parents polled agree that their decision to switch depended on their circumstances. 

Some said that “it is difficult to make a blanket statement” about when to switch or that decisions “are going to vary based on regions.” 

Again, the latter statement points to the raw fact that certain geographic regions of the country are much more competitive in baseball than others.

Living in a highly competitive region raises the threshold necessary for things like making a high school team to the point that playing travel to gather enough skill is an almost prerequisite.  

Often, the decision to join a travel team does come down to the organizations in your area. You’ll want to find out how many travel organizations there are in your locale and what their quality is. 

If there are no clubs in your town or city and none nearby, you’ll be looking at a bigger time commitment and more expenses to put your kid on a club team – which will include much more driving and the potential for more hotel rentals. 

But when to switch from rec ball to travel is not the most important question facing parents and ballplayers who are still on the fence about switching in the first place. 

So let’s get to the heart of the matter.

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# Will Your Child Enjoy Playing Travel Ball?

The most important factor to consider when making the switch to travel ball is your child’s interest in baseball. 

Is your kid a competitor looking to sharpen his or her skills and continue playing as he or she gets older? 

Or does your child like baseball for the fun of it, and enjoy being on the field with his teammates?

Travel baseball is a huge time commitment – but not just for you. Your child has to be willing to put a lot of personal time and energy into it as well.

# Is Your Child Willing to Give Things Up for Club Ball?

Playing travel ball means your kid will miss out on many social events with friends and family.

Birthday parties, holiday celebrations, sleepovers, school events, family reunions, can be all sacrificed to time playing baseball. 

This is not say that there aren't plenty of travel ball players excelling in the classroom, because of course there are.

It's just that they need to be more focused and organized than other kids to get those same high marks, and parents should be aware of these realities. 

Not only are time and special occasions sacrificed, but the money you spend on baseball – fees for the team, equipment, private lessons, etc. – is money you cannot now spend on other things your child might want. 

Depending on your family’s finances, new clothes, video games, gadgets, and other material items for your son could come at the cost of playing baseball.

Whether you switch from recreational to travel baseball is ultimately down to you and your child. There are many factors to consider, some of which, like where you happen to live, are outside of your control. 

The best thing you can do is educate yourself and your child as much as possible about the pros and cons of travel ball, and then make an informed decision together. 

And this guide is a great start. But it should be supplemented by talking to local parents in your area and possibly finding Facebook Groups or other communities to learn from parents who have been there and done that when it comes to making the travel ball switch. 

If you do decide travel ball is the way to go for your family, then your next task is to find the best team for your ballplayer’s development. 

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# How to Get Started on a Travel Baseball Team

# what to look for in a travel team.

If you and your child do decide to join a club baseball team, then you have five main things to look for when choosing a team.

# 1. Coaching

Here are few questions about any travel ball coach that you, as parents, will want answered right off the bat before joining their team:

  • Who is the coach, and what is this person’s experience? 
  • Is the coach someone who knows what they’re doing in terms of baseball skills and leadership?
  • Even if they know the game, are they new to the travel ball scene?

Note: this last question can become more important once your ballplayer gets into the college recruitable ages. 

If it’s your ballplayer's goal to play in college, you will want to join an established program that plays in the right tournaments to get noticed, and a coach that has built a trusted relationship with college coaches and recruiters over the years. 

But, if the current goal is just to improve your son’s skill set, then the coach’s knowledge and ability to articulate it might be more important to you than he or she being a travel ball insider.  

Some additional, related questions to ask both the travel coach directly and to ask parents whose child is already playing under he or she are:

  • What kind of coaching style is most commonly used? 
  • Does the coach emphasize skill development or college recruitment? 
  • Is the coach more like an instructor, or is the team playing to win nearly all of the time? 
  • Would the coach yell at a player for making a mistake on the field or pull them aside afterward to discuss the error privately?

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As we’ve explored, cost is a big factor for travel ball because it’s not cheap. Make sure you get all the anticipated, known costs for the season upfront from the coach or their team administrator.

If the coach can’t give you exact figures of what things cost on their end – monthly team dues, organization fees, uniform costs, and any additional tournaments costs – before you sign on, be wary. 

The coach may not be organized or experienced enough to help your ballplayer and you might end up paying more than you expected to. 

Some club teams have sponsors who provide equipment and uniforms, but others will ask parents to pay for these in addition to registration fees. 

You might also have to hand over a fee to help fund the coach’s stipend if they are paid for their expertise. 

For some elite organizations, coaching is a full-time job, plus the coach has to travel with the team too.

# 3. Location

Here’s some questions on this front that you’d want answered:

  • Do you live near a big urban center where the team plays most of its tournaments, eliminating long travel times? 
  • Or does the team regularly travel out of state for their games? 
  • It’s a travel baseball team, but exactly how much travel is involved on this particular team?

Think carefully about how much you and your kid are willing to travel and factor those expenses into the cost.

# 4. Structure

Structure-related questions might include:

  • How does the team operate? 
  • Will your child get to see significant playing time? 
  • Will the team have regular practices and training sessions to attend as well?

Another important question about structure is if your kid will get to pick their position. 

Meaning, will the coach let kids play where they want, or try to rotate everyone around to different positions during practices or practice games? 

Of course, this last line of questioning applies almost exclusively to the youngest levels of play. From about 14U up, there is more positional specialization and team roles are established and sustained more based on the talent and performance of the individual ballplayers. 

# 5. Values

Value question to get clarity on:

  • What is the mission of this travel team? 
  • Are they helping players get noticed by college recruiters? 
  • Do they just try to offer more playing time and a fun environment? 

Make sure their objectives line up with yours. Ask yourself as well how your child will develop as a baseball player by joining this particular travel team.

# 6. Team Chemistry

Before joining a club team you should try to gauge the team’s chemistry. 

Once you commit, your child will be spending a lot of time with these teammates, so if they don’t get along or your kid doesn’t feel like he or she fits in, it could be a problem.

Similarly, look at how the parents interact with the players and each other. Are the other parents promoting a supportive environment for everyone by being encouraging?

Or are they the types to yell at umpires, coach from the stands, or take the game to unhealthy levels? 

Not only will your kids be spending a lot of time with their teammates, but you’ll also spend time with the other parents. 

So choosing a travel team is in a way choosing friends and peers for both you and your child. 

Team chemistry should also extend to how players and coaches relate to each other. Do the coaches work hard to bolster the kids’ confidence, or are they constantly tearing them down for the sake of winning?

Get Started Travel Baseball Team B P046

# Where To Look for Travel Baseball Teams

Reading up on how travel baseball works in helpful guides – like this one – is again a great start. 

Don’t be afraid to ask around in your area about club baseball, either. Word-of-mouth is often one of the best ways to understand travel ball, especially how it operates in your specific city or town. 

You can also look up registered teams in your area on the USSSA website or FieldLevel.com . 

Again, Facebook Groups are also a great way to find local travel teams, since many teams might not have their own website. 

These groups are filled with parents like yourself and coaches who relish in helping with your travel ball journey. 

But maybe you have lots of playing or coaching experience and want to spearhead your own travel ball team. We’ve got you covered on exactly how to do it below. 

# How to Start Your Own Travel Baseball Team

Start Travel Baseball Team Checklist Seamsup B P046

Choosing to join an existing club team is one thing; starting your own is another entirely. 

Maybe you have some playing or coaching experience and you’d like to put together a team for your son or daughter. Maybe there aren’t any club teams in your area, so you’ll be starting the first. 

Whatever your reasons, starting a travel baseball team is a rewarding endeavor, albeit a daunting one. You are basically starting an entirely non-profit business. 

And you’ll see below that you must do many of the same steps that new entrepreneurs must do when beginning an enterprise, so make sure you have the time and skills for this undertaking before you even start.  

The steps to creating a travel ball team can be broken down into four main phases. 

We’ll look at each of these in detail. 

# Travel Ball Team Building Phase 1 - Finding Volunteers

Before doing anything else, you should recruit some other parents or outside volunteers to lend you a hand. 

Whether you’re planning to coach the team or to have someone else do it, committing to running all aspects of a team as a single individual for an entire season isn’t feasible. 

To make a strong team, the internal team of coaches, team managers, or recruiters needs to be strong first. 

Call on parents you know and trust, former coaches, former teammates from your playing days, or current older players to help you out. 

As you’ll see in future steps below, it’s highly recommended these days to have at least one person on your team who knows marketing, graphic design, or website creation. You’ll save a lot of time and money this way.

And instead of having 2-3 full-time volunteers, it can be helpful to eventually amass a network of people who are willing to pitch in semi-frequently. 

That way, you’ll have coverage if one of your coaches or volunteers can’t make it.

Travel Ball Team Phase 1 Finding Volunteers B P046

# Travel Ball Team Building Phase 2 - Planning Your Budget

After you have a group of people to help out, you should focus on the financial planning for the team. 

Make a list of the expenses that you’ll have to cover, along with sources of funding. 

Next, you should approach local sponsors about paying for some of the things you need, like uniforms and equipment. 

Now’s the time to think about fundraisers as well. Any the money you raise helps lower your player fees. 

Fundraisers are an important aspect of many teams, especially those without established sponsors. 

Raffles, silent auctions, casino nights, bingo nights, trivia nights, and paid dinners can all make great fundraising events. 

Look around at your volunteers and support staff. Do they have any skills, jobs, or relationships that can help raise funds to send your boys to the best tournaments? 

Company tickets to sporting events, like box seats or concerts, make great raffle or silent auction items. And if someone owns a restaurant, a paid dinner fundraiser is a no-brainer. 

Take this budget phase seriously, and it’ll save you a lot of headaches down the road. 

# Travel Ball Team Building Phase 3 - Getting Your Players

Once you have some people to help and a balanced budget, you need to find some players. 

It’s possible you already have a group of interested players and that’s why you’re starting the team in the first place. 

But your initial seed group may not be big enough to field an entire team. So you’ll likely need more. 

There are two slightly different journeys at this point in the process. One for people wanting to start a travel team by joining an already established organization and another for those starting a new team completely from scratch.

Of course, joining something that already exists is a bit easier, because they'll hopefully have team processes and even recruiting relationships in place that'll allow you to hit the ground running. 

If you are joining an already established travel ball organization, then you'll want to leverage their name, social media accounts, website, and email list to help you recruit your new squad of ballplayers. 

Even if this is the case, you will likely still want to create your own social media accounts that use the established organization's name alongside either the age group or grad years of your team and your last name as the username.

Here's a template for what we mean when applied to an Instagram account name:

{Established Organization Name} {The Age Group: 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16, 18U or Graduation Years} {Your Last Name}

Example: LA Pioneers 12U d'Aranud

But, if you're starting a new team or organization from scratch, there will be some additional steps. To make people aware of your team, you'll want to do the following:

  • Pick a name
  • Create a logo
  • Set up all of your social media profiles
  • If possible, create a simple website. 

A website can be a major differentiator between your travel team and others, as most teams still only have social media presences and no official site in the current year.

For social media, you need Facebook and Instagram profiles at minimum, because these are the first places interested potential parents in the current year will check you out. 

If your logo design and website developer skills are not where you’d like, we recommend outsourcing these things to freelancers on Fiverr, UpWork, or 99 Designs. 

You can find incredibly talented people who are reasonably priced and can do whatever you require quickly. 

But always first look into your new network of trusted team helpers and see what skills they possess before outsourcing anything. 

Once these fundamental online presences are established, you will want to make some social posts that give parents looking into your program feelings of trust. 

Post about your playing or coaching experience and about everyone on the awesome team of helpers that you’ve assembled. Seek to post images or videos that convey your values as a new team. 

Tell everyone you know about these new profiles, so you can build a bit of social proof for your team and encourage all of your helpers to do the same. This step alone can get you your first one hundred to a thousand followers. 

Once people in your community know your team exists, you can hold tryouts for skilled players. 

Seek out travel baseball message boards and Facebook groups, and post all the details of your tryouts – making sure to include a link to your shiny new website or social media profiles. 

There are even Instagram profiles dedicated exclusively to posting the details of travel ball tryouts, so take advantage of these as well.

However, if you’re still not getting enough interest through these free methods, you might consider setting up paid Facebook or Instagram ads. Just make sure that the video or graphics you use for your ads are top-notch. 

Again, if you’ve never created such assets or set up Facebook ads before – and they can be overwhelming to the uninitiated – lean on outside professional help in the beginning. Experts in paid media creation and management can be found all over the web.

Next, you run your awesome baseball tryouts. These we’ll leave to you, coach. 

When putting together your roster though, hedge toward a  bigger team rather than a small one . 

Summer is an active time for kids – they have family vacations and other sports or activities to do in addition to baseball. You may not have your full roster attending every tournament at the start. 

So having a team with at least 14 or more players covers you for when other commitments come up. 

Travel Ball Team Phase 3 Getting Players B P046

# Travel Ball Team Building Phase 4 - Registering Your Team

Once you have your team put together, you’ll need to register your players with at least one of the major travel ball associations in the country. 

Again, these are USSSA, AAU, Triple Crown, Nations, Perfect Game, but there are others. 

These associations host the travel ball tournaments that you’ll be competing in. Make sure you follow the regulations and register your team properly. Each organization has their own unique guidelines for registering.

Once this phase is complete, you still have all the practices, travel logistics, and dues collections to worry about – but you will have laid an amazing foundation for your new travel team. 

Now you can enjoy the honor of helping the next generation of ballplayers find success in the game you love. 

# Wrapping Up Our Ultimate Parent’s Guide to Travel Ball

As you’ve undoubtedly realized – because we repeated it more than once – travel baseball is a big commitment. 

Switching from recreational baseball to travel ball shouldn’t be done lightly. 

It should also be a joint decision between you, your ballplayer, and the rest of your family. If you or your kid is interested in club baseball, then make sure you both understand the impact it’ll have on your lives. 

Once you know what you’re getting into, you can make the best decision together.

About the Authors

time travel balls

Courtney Withrow

Professional Writer

Originally from the U.S., Courtney is a Brussels-based freelance writer with a Master’s degree in International Relations. She grew up playing softball and still loves the game.

time travel balls

Chase d'Arnaud

Chief Talent Acquisition Officer & Baseball Business Ops

Chase d'Arnaud is a 7-year veteran of Major League Baseball. He played for the Pittsburgh Pirates, Philadelphia Phillies, Atlanta Braves, Boston Red Sox, San Diego Padres, and San Francisco Giants.

Grow your business

Stay on top of the biggest trends in baseball & softball coaching. And get tips, tricks, and full step-by-step guides to accelerate your brand.

time travel balls

Travel Baseball

Travel Baseball Uncovered: A Guide For Parents And Players

Let’s talk about baseball—travel baseball, to be exact.

For many, moving from the Little League to travel baseball feels like catching a curveball. After all, it’s more than just a pace change; it’s about trading Saturday afternoon matches on a grassy field for serious club competitions that come with a higher price tag.

You might be thinking, “Is this the right play for my little slugger?” or “How do I even go about choosing a team?”

Well, here’s our chance at bat. We’ll walk you through everything youth travel baseball has to offer, including answering these questions and more.

Table of Contents

What is Travel Baseball [Explained]

Travel baseball is just what it sounds like. It’s when youth teams have to travel in order to have their games and tournaments. This is usually the next step after traditional recreational or Little League. 

Since the level of competition is much higher, it can help them develop their skills.

But preparation comes at a cost—literally. And all that time on the road can take up your schedule very quickly. But despite all that extra work, they’ll get an exciting adventure out of it. Now, they’ll face off against teams from different cities, states, and sometimes even countries.

The love for Travel Baseball is Growing Fast.

Travel baseball creats future starts

In recent years, travel baseball gained an exponential amount of popularity and saw thousands of teams pop up across the country. 

Before the 90s, it was a relatively niche experience only limited to players nestled in regions like Texas and California.

Nowadays, participation is considered necessary for young players wanting to sharpen their skills and go up against some really tough competition.

Instead of focusing on the local leagues like recreational youth baseball does, travel ball operates under various organizations, hosting hundreds of tournaments each year. 

Some big names include USSSA (United States Specialty Sports Association), AAU (Amateur Athletic Union), Triple Crown Sports , and Perfect Game . 

The ambitious goal for any team is to face off against as many different teams as possible to gain experience and test their skills.

Travel Baseball Competition Structure

Everyone can create a travel baseball team. It doesn’t matter if you’re a parent, high school teacher, or someone who coaches college kids.

The highlight of the season is the travel baseball tournament. Bringing together talented teams from different parts of the world to compete. 

This lets players show their skills to a bigger audience, including scouts and college coaches. These tournaments are organized by many institutions and happen locally, regionally, or even nationally.

There’s nothing cooler than the USSSA World Series, though. Every year, it’s hosted by the United States Specialty Sports Association. 

You’ll find talent from all over America coming here to fight for that top spot. But another epic tournament is the Triple Crown Summer Nationals, where they hold it at Myrtle Beach 

in South Carolina. It attracts teams from everywhere and is known for great competition and vacation vibes.

A unique little competition is held in Cooperstown, New York, known as the Cooperstown Dreams Park Tournament. 

Cooperstown, known as baseball’s birthplace, offers a unique week-long stay in baseball-style barracks. You can visit the National Baseball Hall of Fame.

These intense and challenging tournaments bring out some of the most talented players young kids have to offer. It’s also a great way to boost your young player’s confidence in playing on those big stages!

Different Levels Of Travel Teams And Their Requirements

It’s not just one level fit all for travel baseball teams. They’re organized into various levels based on skill, experience, and commitment from players. 

Imagine putting someone who only knows how to throw with moderate force into a contest against someone who does it with full force.

The team you choose for yourself should align with your skill level, how much free time you have, and your developmental needs as a player. Here’s an overview of different levels:

1. Local Travel Teams : For beginners starting their journey through travel baseball. The games they play are mostly local or within a close driving distance. Practices only happen a few times a week, and games during the weekend.

2. Regional Travel Teams : For players with more experience and higher skill levels. They go on trips for games and tournaments that will require overnight stays at places. Commitment level is higher, with practices being more frequent along with a longer season.

3. Showcase Travel Teams : The big leagues of young kid baseball players. These teams are made up of highly skilled people who are very serious about baseball. They have college scouts and recruiters present their games. This includes going to different states for showcase tournaments. 

You’ll need to be extremely committed to even think about trying out for this team, and their practices are rigorous and frequent, lasting all year round!

Benefits of Playing in a Travel Baseball Team 

A lot of benefits come from playing travel baseball. 

The biggest one? It can help players get to their goals. It’s not just about playing a game, especially when you want to make it big. It’s actually an experience that provides lifelong skills that can be applied everywhere else.

Competition in recreational leagues is nothing compared to this. It’s way higher. This allows players to grow new and old skills at a faster rate. 

There’s also an intense training schedule that demands discipline, resilience, and focus. These qualities go beyond just sports.

Participating in high-profile tournaments also gets the attention of other coaches and scouts. Which makes it easier for them to open doors for scholarships and professional contracts.

Traveling away from home just for games might seem like a drag, but it builds responsibility and maturity. It is a demanding journey for sure, but very rewarding.

Travel baseball is a great place to become a professional player

Did MLB Players Play Travel Baseball?

Definitely! A lot of Major League Baseball (MLB) players used travel baseball as their starting point, too. It gives them all the exposure they need, honing skills at such a young age along with fierce competition.

Take Bryce Harper , for example. He’s one of the biggest names in MLB today. His journey started back when he was a child playing for the Southern Nevada Bulldogs 14U travel team. The opportunity came up where he could go against older players who were more experienced than him. This experience helped shape his professional career.

Albert Pujols also played travel baseball when he was younger on his team called Fort Osage Indians Travel Team before sailing into the Hall of Fame.

Clayton Kershaw ? Yeah, him too! Another name you hear often in MLB didn’t start there either — he played for the Dallas Tigers Travel Team where he developed early on gaining crucial skills and discipline that are instrumental in his success today.

How to Find a Travel Baseball Team in Your Region? 

If you’re a young baseball player who wants to take their skills to the next level, then joining a travel team is a great opportunity. If you are a parent and want to make your child the next MLB star, then travel baseball teams are a great place to start with. 

These teams play across the country and allow players to show their talents against top-tier competition. But how do you find one of these teams? 

Here’s a guide on how you can join a travel baseball team in the USA.

Check your local youth baseball organization.

Your first step should be checking with your local youth baseball organization. Chances are they have travel teams that play in leagues and tournaments outside of the regular season. If they don’t, then it’s likely they know someone who does.

Drop by showcases and camps.

In-person events like showcases and camps are great places to meet coaches and scouts from travel baseball teams. They’re designed specifically so players can showcase their skills and get noticed by recruiters.

The internet holds many answers, including finding a travel baseball team. Websites like USSSA Baseball, Perfect Game USA, and Travel Ball Select list lots of travel baseball teams based on state, age group, and skill level — all at a click away.

Talk to other parents and players.

If you want first-hand experience, then talk to other parents or players who have been through this process before. They can give useful insight into which teams are reputable, well-run, and competitive.

For example, if you live in Texas, then one option could be the Texas Bombers Baseball Club — an organization that has multiple teams at different age levels and is known for developing young talent. You can learn more about them by visiting their website or attending one of their tryouts.

How to Find the Perfect Travel Baseball Team? 

Identify the skill level and commitment of the player.

First thing first, you need to figure out how committed your child is to the sport and their skill level.  If he is naturally gifted athlete then you should help him to follow his dream. 

Research Local and Regional Teams

Begin by looking at teams that are close by. These teams usually have varying levels of skill and serve as great entry points for most players. 

You can check their websites and social media pages to learn more about them such as philosophy, coaches, players, and game schedule.

Attend Local Games and Practices 

Sitting in on local games and practices allows you to get a firsthand look at how they run things. You’ll be able to see their coaching style, how they interact with the players, and the overall team dynamic. With this insight, it’ll be easier to make a decision.

Speak with Coaches and Parents

While observing is good, it isn’t enough. Take some time out of your day or week to speak with coaches. 

This allows you to gain an understanding of their training methods, the expectations they have for your child, and the goals they want them to reach. It’s also good practice to talk to other parents so you can get a general idea of what people think about the team.

Consider Logistics

Logistical factors are important, too, so don’t forget about them. Make sure that the team’s practice location is suitable for you and your family’s schedule since it may be far away from where you currently live or work. 

The game schedule should be looked at as well because there could be conflicts in dates that would keep you from attending games.

Tryouts & Evaluations

Most teams hold tryouts or evaluations for people who are interested in joining. If this is offered, take advantage of it because it gives your child the chance to showcase their skills and for you to see if the team would be a good fit. 

A player’s evaluation is also helpful because it gives you insight into how strong the team itself is.

Travel Baseball Season Preparations 

Preparations before the pre-season.

Before the baseball season starts, you’ll want to make sure that your child is mentally and physically ready for the long days ahead. 

So, let’s start with an off-season workout routine to help build strength and agility. But don’t forget about eating well and getting enough sleep. Plus, practicing regularly can take their fielding, pitching, and hitting skills way up.

During the season

Once the season starts, it’s important to stay fit and perform at your best. You’ll want to communicate with their coach to keep track of your child’s progress as well as any areas they need improvement in. 

Another thing you should do is show up to their games and practices. It helps you stay in tune with how the team is performing and also supports your child. And finally, always keep their lines of communication open, whether it’s about pressure or their anxiety.


After a long season, it’s important to take a break. Reflect on the games you had together. Acknowledge all the good things they did but also focus on areas they can improve in. 

Give them some downtime so they can rest and recover. Even though they’re chilling around, don’t let them become bums — physical activity is still important for them during this time.

Travel Baseball vs. Little League

Both types of baseball have their own unique experience and benefits that come along with it. The choice of which one to put your kid into mostly depends on what they want out of it.

For example, travel baseball is more competitive. It attracts players who are committed to sports no matter what and are willing to travel around just for a game against top talent in various regions. Not only does this provide intense competition but also high-level coaching.

Little league is the place to learn the game

It does require a lot of time, as seasons are much longer than in little leagues with more games and practices.

If you want your child exposed more, then this would be a good option, as you can see from Bryce Harper, Albert Pujols, and Clayton Kershaw.

Now, little league baseball is less demanding. It’s generally more focused on the community and not so much on traveling and time. 

It’s actually a great option for kids who still love the sport but aren’t ready to commit to such a demanding schedule. They focus on learning fundamental skills, enjoying the game, and fostering a sense of community.

You can learn more here: Travel Baseball Vs Little League

The Cost of Playing Travel Baseball

If your kid has a future in baseball, you might want to consider enrolling them in travel baseball. The only problem is that this option is much more expensive than local leagues. 

Local leagues tend to have low costs because they don’t do as much traveling as travel teams have to do. On top of paying for the actual games themselves, there’s also the top-of-the-line coaching and amazing facilities that the team needs to cover. 

You’ll be hit with fees like equipment, uniform, tournament, travel (like gas and airfare), and a team fee.

The team fee alone can include things like league fees, practice facility rentals, and salaries for the coaches. 

And let’s not forget about any extra training or lessons they need in order to take their skills up a notch.

It’s always good to ask the people organizing the league what you’re paying for specifically because then maybe it won’t seem so bad (it probably will still seem bad, though). 

But it really does come down to where you live. 

Depending on that, it could cost you anywhere from $1,500-$3,000 per season. And if you’re on one of those elite teams competing at national tournaments, then I’m sorry, but it’ll probably cost way more.

Find Out How To Choose A Coach

A good coach doesn’t just teach how to play sports but also builds discipline and confidence, along with fostering a love for the game. Here are some tips on picking a coach:

Experience And Certification : A coach should always have some kind of experience coaching youth sports, but having proof that they passed some coaching program can give you peace of mind, knowing they know what they’re doing.

Coaching Style : Every coach is different and will treat their athletes differently, too. Some will be very intense in trying to push their players, while others are more relaxed yet inspiring. Pick what works best with your child’s personality.

Communication Skills : A good coach knows how to explain things in a way that’s easy for their athletes to understand. They should also be great at talking to you and other parents.

Focus On Development : It’s better for your kid to improve their skills rather than just win all the time. Look for coaches that will work with them on that.

Reputation : Finally, look into what other people say about the coach. Not only other players but parents, too. It doesn’t hurt to ask around or even watch them during practice if you can. 

Things to Know About Uniforms and Equipment in Travel Baseball

Uniforms and equipment are a necessary investment in travel baseball. It can be beyond what you expect from Little League. Here’s a quick rundown of what your child might need:

Uniforms : Most travel baseball teams have their own custom jerseys that come with pants, caps, belts, and socks. Some teams may even have home and away uniforms, so check with the manager first.

Gloves/Mitts : Get your child a good quality glove or mitt that suits the position they play. For example, catchers and first basemen have their own special mitts, while outfielders use bigger gloves compared to infielders. Check out the Best Youth Infield Gloves 

Bats : Bat rules can get very specific, depending on the league. Before you buy one, make sure you understand what kind is allowed. Also, consider their height, weight, and hitting strength when selecting the right bat size . 

You can check out my list of Best Youth Baseball Bats

Helmets : No matter how old or young your child is, they need a batting helmet. Some leagues even require faceguards as well. Check out the Best Youth Baseball Helmet

Cleats : Running on grass and dirt requires traction, which is why cleats are used in baseball. However, be aware that some leagues don’t allow metal spikes, so again, you should always check if there are any shoe restrictions.

Protective gear : Depending on the position they’re playing at, your kid may need extra protection such as shin guards for their legs or a chest protector for their torso

What is a good age range for travel baseball?

Travel baseball typically starts around 7 or 8 years old and goes through high school. However, the age that you can join may differ depending on the league or team.

How much does it cost to play travel baseball? 

The price of playing travel baseball could be greatly different depending on things like where you live, what team you’re on, and at what level you play. You’ll have to pay for league fees, uniforms, equipment, and even the costs of traveling and staying in other cities for away games.

How often would we need to practice? 

Usually, travel teams practice more often than recreational ones. It’s common for them to meet several times each week. But it will depend on the time and dedication your child’s coach expects.

How far do they have to go? 

Again, that’ll depend on what league your child signs up for. Some teams only need to go a couple of miles, while others will have to cross city lines.

Can my child also play another sport? 

It all depends on how much time both sports require. Understandably, travel baseball takes up quite a bit of time and energy, so consider if they have enough for both.

Overall Worth of Travel Baseball 

Traveling with a baseball team is no joke. For players and families alike, it’s considered a big commitment that takes up lots of time, money, and energy. 

And while it opens up new opportunities, the best reward for joining one is amazing! The skills learned, and knowledge gained from playing at higher levels is priceless. 

Plus, it builds character, helping to teach important lessons like teamwork, dedication, success handling, and, most importantly, failure handling. And let’s not forget about the friendships built along the way from spending hours with teammates in different places across the country. 

Even though some costs and sacrifices come with this commitment, most families say joining a traveling baseball team was totally worth every bit of it. 

Just remember, the end goal is to love the sport and grow as a person.

Jason Butler_Honest Baseball

Hello everyone. My name is  Jason Butler, and I live in California, America. I was a professional AAA Minor League Baseball player.  I lost my chance of playing MLB for injury issues, but I did not lose my love for baseball. I attended the coaching training program and am now working as a coach in a small school in San Diego. 

I always love to share my experience and knowledge if that can help you. Play baseball, and stay fit. 

Travel Baseball Pros And Cons

  • May 3, 2023

For children, travel baseball is the key to the world of high-level college play . If you want your kid to excel in this sport or if your child shows serious interest in it, youth travel baseball is worth a shot.

With that said, what is travel baseball exactly, and how does it differ from other forms of youth baseball? Read on to find out!

What Is Travel Baseball?

Travel baseball is a form of youth baseball that is played away from a team’s immediate area . Travel teams may travel to another city or state to participate in baseball travel tournaments.

Generally, travel baseball is viewed as an intermediary step between Little League baseball and high school or college-level baseball . Travel baseball is usually much more competitive than recreational baseball leagues like Little League. Besides that, youth travel baseball allows for more exposure for a young baseball player, potentially providing a big boost to a child’s baseball career.

Travel baseball vs. Little League

The Little League embodies traditional youth baseball where children have fun rather than become engulfed in the tough training world of more “serious” youth baseball environments (like travel baseball).

Kids may start playing in the Little League from as young as age 4 . LL games are very rarely held outside a local area , and in this league, children will be learning the basics of hitting, pitching, and other essential baseball concepts.

Little League was traditionally an intermediary stage between recreational youth play and middle to high school baseball . Back in the day, sticking to the Little League and other recreational programs was enough to prepare young players for high school- and then college-grade baseball.

These days, this is no longer the case . Middle school programs are now either subpar or non-existent. Little League is a viable alternative to recreational baseball, but when it comes to building the basis for elite-level competition, it pales in comparison with travel baseball.

With all that in mind, let’s conclude this section with these two points:

  • For professional-level development, travel baseball would be a logical next step for children aged 11 to 12 .
  • Recreational leagues like Little League or local adult baseball leagues are a great choice for non-competitive baseball players who want to have fun and don’t want to make their life revolve around baseball.

The Benefits Of Travel Baseball For Aspiring Players

My overview of travel baseball and its benefits was kind of vague so far. Now, let’s look at the specific benefits of playing at travel teams compared to rec baseball.

More exposure

I’d say that exposure is the biggest advantage of travel baseball . Getting yourself in front of the right people is important for a child’s long-term success in this sport – travel baseball allows you to leverage this.

At the very least, travel baseball gives children the opportunity to show their worth to high-level college baseball coaches who may have substantial influence in the sport . College scouts also often attend travel baseball meetings. In case your child has what it takes to succeed in baseball, a scout will identify their talent and perhaps give your kid a chance to establish themselves at a higher level.

More competition and thus motivation

Players in travel baseball are better-versed in baseball and are more competitive than rec players . This is actually a good thing – young players will have someone to look up to and will be more motivated to improve .

Children will also learn to face and hopefully overcome challenges that they wouldn’t encounter in recreational baseball. Fierce competition from better players forces weaker athletes to adapt – this is arguably the best aspect of travel baseball, though I still think that exposure is its  #1 benefit.

Better coaching

Travel baseball team coaches are typically more competent than their colleagues at recreational leagues . Although travel baseball coaches will put more strain on a young player than a rec coach, the results will accordingly be considerably better.

Not only that, but travel baseball teams often employ former professional coaches who may have strong networks in basebal l. Such coaches not only know how to make a skillful player but also may be able to connect athletes with other teams.

More eye-opening experiences

And finally, travel baseball is laden with eye-opening experiences . 

People – and even more so kids – often don’t realize that there is an unexplored world beyond the limited horizon they have become so accustomed to . Throughout their travel baseball engagement, children will be able to meet people with different backgrounds, characters, and views of sport and life in general. 

Some encounters with other players will help your kid appreciate sportsmanship, while others will teach them how to ignore fan hate and how to stand up for themselves.

The immense load of the sport itself will also help children get used to investing effort to get results and make them understand that life has its ups and downs .

The Disadvantages Of Travel Baseball

Travel baseball is far from perfect – it has a few disadvantages that parents ought to know about:

  • It’s really expensive. Traveling costs can rack up to $5,000 or even $10,000 a year, though in most cases, families seem to spend around $2,500.
  • It’s stressful for parents. Parents will have to plan ahead to accommodate their children’s play schedule. Frequent travel can put a toll on any parent, not to mention the financial dent it makes in parents’ wallets.
  • Mental and physical strain on children. Tougher and more frequent workouts will undoubtedly produce better players, but they also strain children considerably – both mentally and physically.
  • Not everybody will make it in travel baseball. Travel baseball is highly competitive, and usually, only the best players find a place in a travel baseball team. Not everybody will thus make it in this sport.

With commitment, skill, and some luck, travel baseball can be a gateway into professional sport. However, before you decide to have your child join a travel baseball team, you must consider its advantages and disadvantages – both for you and your kid.

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What To Consider When Looking For A Travel Baseball Team

Now, I’ll outline a few things that you should be looking for in a travel baseball team – in case you are thinking about it as a future for your child.

Costs are going to be the #1 consideration for most parents.

I can’t tell exactly how much you’ll have to spend on entry fees, travel, and equipment – but it will most likely be under $2,500 per year. But depending on certain factors (more about these below), your costs may climb higher – in 2011, CBS News reported on parents who paid $4,000 for their kids’ participation in travel baseball .

You won’t find accurate cost estimates easily – you’ll have to dig deep for that. But one thing is certain – bigger teams with higher-quality coaches are going to cost you more.

To hopefully set you in the right direction, here are some major factors that will affect how hard travel baseball will hit your pocket.

  • Your location. Teams based in rural areas will have to travel often and far. In contrast, travel baseball teams in important baseball hubs – like California – won’t have to drive or fly to another city or state too often.
  • Whether the team will provide equipment. Bigger and more successful teams may have sponsorships with baseball gear brands. In these teams, players get their equipment for free or at a significantly reduced cost.
  • Access to baseball facilities. Some teams have to rent baseball facilities to train. Needless to say, rent is going to be covered from your own pocket – whether in part or entirely. With teams that have their own facilities or train only at public fields, this will not be a concern.
  • Coach compensation. Some teams pay small compensation to their coaches or cover their travel costs. Again, a team with such a model will transfer the responsibility for covering compensation to you. This will increase annual fees, but paid coaches are also likely to do their job better.

Travel tournaments in which the team participates. Teams participating in higher-level tournaments will have to pay higher entry fees. More competitive and “serious” teams are therefore going to cost you more.

What about coaches ? Some people may, unfortunately, overlook this crucial aspect.

Here are a few questions that you need to find an answer to regarding coaches:

  • Does the coach encourage their players?
  • Does the coach give tips and advice tailored to the player’s personal strengths and weaknesses?
  • How does the coach handle mistakes? Do they scream at players?
  • Does the coach treat all players equally? Or maybe they have favorites in the team?

Don’t become captivated by clean facilities and promises of success in the sport – you may overlook jerk coaches if you do.

3. Location

Your location will matter if your child wants to compete at the highest level in the future.

The thing is that major baseball states like California, Florida, Georgia, or Louisiana have plenty of elite travel baseball teams to choose from . You won’t have to travel far from home to find a worthy team for your kid.

On the other hand, in areas where baseball isn’t that popular, you may have few to no options . Even if there is a baseball team in such a place, it probably isn’t a super-competitive team with excellent baseball coaches.

Suppose your kid is unlucky enough to both want to play competitively and live in a baseball-less area. In that case, you’ll have to travel to another city or perhaps even state to find the opportunities you or your child desire . Not only is travel time-consuming, but it is also costly. You will have to make compromises – either play in a low-grade team or spend time and money to travel to another area.

4. The reputation of the team

The reputation of the team matters as well – for the athletic future of your child. If your kid plays in a team known for unfair plays, they may have trouble getting into a better team down the line.

Beating bad sports habits out of a baseball player can be challenging, and unless coaches are dealing with remarkable talent, they’ll prefer to work with someone who has the right foundation for their team’s goals and values.

5. Competitiveness and skill level

Is your kid looking just to have fun? In that case, more relaxed, less competitive Baseball travel teams would be ideal. Children who don’t intend to reach exceptional heights in baseball will feel out of place in a super-competitive team where everybody works at their limit.

In contrast, if your kid is ready to compete seriously, a more “upper-class” team with skilled players and a demanding coach will immensely motivate them.

In the end, youth travel baseball provides entry to competitive high school and college baseball. Consequently, it gives children a chance to try themselves in competitive play.

Travel baseball is a costly endeavor, and it requires plenty of planning and compromises on your part. Weigh the pros and cons and try to determine what would be the right choice for your child – more light-hearted, recreational leagues, or an astronomically competitive travel team.

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time travel balls

Here at Ballparks of America , we love travel baseball. And we’re not alone. Over the last 20 years, youth travel baseball has become increasingly popular. Take the All-American Wood Bat Classic as an example. During the first year of the tournament, in 2000, around a dozen teams signed up to play. In 2014, nearly 100 teams attended the tournament . 

Joining a travel baseball team has lots of advantages. Kids can become better ballplayers, make friends, and get to experience travel. However, it’s also a large financial and time commitment. And there’s a lot that goes into joining a team. 

To help you understand the world of travel baseball, our team has put together a guide that covers the following topics. 

What is travel baseball?

How to join a travel baseball team, how to choose a travel baseball team, how to start your own travel baseball team, what are the benefits of travel baseball, what is the downside of travel baseball, how do travel baseball tournaments work, how much does it cost to play travel baseball, how many games are played in a season, what to expect at travel baseball tryouts.

Also referred to as elite, club, select, and premier, travel baseball is an organized form of baseball characterized by competitive play and—you guessed it—travel. It is often seen as an intermediary step between Little League and high school baseball play. Travel baseball has also increasingly become the standard for elite youth players hoping to continue their baseball career in college or on a professional level. The typical age requirements vary by the organization but can range from 6 to 18 years old. 

Unlike Little League, which typically has weekly, local games, travel baseball mostly consists of weekend tournament play. However, there are some leagues that cater specifically to elite baseball teams. 

There is no singular governing organization in travel baseball. Rather, there are several organizations and facilities that host tournaments with varying criteria. Some of the dominating travel baseball organizations include Triple Crown Sports , Perfect Game , Untied States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA), and Amateur Athletic Union (AAU). 

As we mentioned above, competitive play is a defining characteristic of travel ball. Travel baseball teams do not have open registration, but instead, players are required to try out for a travel team. Therefore, a team could be made up of players from all over the state, region, and—in some cases—the country. Typically only the most competitive teams have players from all over the country.

So you’ve decided travel baseball is something you want to pursue for yourself or your child. Now what? There are two ways to play travel baseball, join a team or start your own team . 

There are several ways to find a travel baseball team. Start with a simple Google search, “travel baseball teams near me.” Another good option is to check out the large organizations listed above. You can also look on Facebook for travel baseball teams. Don’t forget to search for the alternative names (select baseball, elite baseball, club baseball, premier baseball, etc). Finally, you can check out FieldLevel . FieldLevel is a website that lets you search over 105,000 travel teams by location, age level, and skill level. Once you find a team you’re interested in joining, you’ll need to try out. Coaches typically hold tryouts in March, around the time local schools have spring break. 

Depending on where you live and how far you’re willing to travel, there could be several teams to choose from. When faced with a decision of which team to join, there are several factors to take into consideration.

Cost can vary from team to team, depending on how much and how far the team travels. Be sure that the team you choose fits within your budget.

As coaches will have a large impact on the development of a player, you want to be sure to work with coaches that have the right skills, knowledge, and experience. You also want to make sure the coach won’t play favorites with players. This can especially be a concern if the coach has a child on the team.

Although travel baseball tends to be competitive by nature, there are varying levels of competitiveness within the field. If a player is very serious about their development, they’ll want to be playing with teammates and against teams that are performing at a high level. And the opposite is true as well. If a player is not as serious, they might be frustrated playing on a highly-competitive team.

It doesn’t matter how competitive a team is if a player doesn’t get playing time. Travel ball teams typically have 13 players on them. It’s not advantageous to be the 13th best player on a team, because you won’t get very much (if any) playing time. And playing time is important for development and exposure.

One of the main reasons players sign up for travel ball is to eventually go on to play baseball at college or in the pros. Therefore, you want a team that has a strong development program and practices regularly.

Different teams travel different amounts, and it’s important that the amount fits in with the player’s schedule and the player’s family’s schedule.

If your goal as a player is to play in college or go pro, then it’s important to get adequate exposure. To do this, your team needs to play in the right tournaments where scouts will have the opportunity to see you play.

  • Find a mentor
  • Recruit players
  • Hold tryouts
  • Determine a budget
  • Find a space to play
  • Register your team with the travel baseball organizations

Tougher Competition

Travel baseball allows kids to play with and against the best players in the area, state, or—in some cases—the country. This can drastically improve their game.

Travel Opportunities

Getting to visit locations like Branson, Missouri for a vacation and baseball experience is a one-of-a-kind opportunity. Families can experience a traveling together and enjoying competitive baseball at the same time.

More Exposure

For those hoping to play baseball in college, travel baseball offers more exposure opportunities. Tournaments are a great way to get noticed by a scout or college coach.

Better Player Development

Travel baseball teams often provide better player development than recreational teams. Compared to rec teams, travel coaches tend to be more experienced, better connected, and more serious. Some of the most competitive teams actually employ former professional coaches.

More Playing Opportunities

Select baseball teams play a lot more games a year than an average rec team.

What are the downsides of travel baseball?

Possible injuries.

Some critics have argued that the increase in elbow injuries among major-league players may be caused by youth travel baseball.  

Compared to Little League teams, travel baseball is quite a bit more expensive. 

Lacks Diversity

Due to the cost, travel baseball tends to exclude players in lower socioeconomic brackets. 

Large Time Commitment

When it comes to travel baseball, the time commitment is significant. During the season, be prepared to give up quite a few weekends. 

Highly Competitive

The goals of travel baseball are to develop players and win games. Sometimes the focus on winning can overshadow player development. Typically, the best players will get the majority of the playing time.

How do select baseball tournaments work?

Each team chooses how many and which tournaments they will participate in every year. Tournaments are typically held on weekends and can take place all over the country. There are also week-long tournaments held during the summer. Teams choose which tournaments to play in based on a variety of factors—distance, cost, age level, potential exposure, and skill level. 

Depending on how well they play, a team can expect to play between three and eight games during a tournament. Tournaments usually start with pool-play, where teams are guaranteed to play a certain number of games. If they do well, they then get to play more games which are single elimination. 

According to USA Today , on average travel baseball costs families $3,700 per year. However, some families pay upwards of $8,000 per year. These numbers include fees, equipment , training , and travel. 

Traveling to weekend tournaments versus weeklong tournaments, like what Ballparks of America hosts, can also have an effect on costs as well. Food, hotels , gas and more are additional factors when deciding where to go with your travel baseball team.

How many travel baseball games are played in a season?

It can vary, but during the summer seasons, players typically play between 50-60 games.

A youth baseball team in black and orange uniforms stand together holding a banner in front of them.

Although every tryout will progress differently, tryouts typically adhere to the following structure.

To start, either a coach or a team captain will lead you through a warm-up. It’s important to warm up properly so you don’t injure yourself during the tryout.

Next, you’ll most likely be asked to do a 60-yard dash. One of the things coaches are looking for is to see which prospects are athletic and fast. You might be asked to run it more than once.

Then, you’ll have a chance to warm up your arms by playing catch.

The next set of drills will focus on position-specific skills. For example, if you’re an infielder, you might be asked to go to shortstop to ground balls. If you’re a pitcher, you’ll be throwing in the bullpen.

You’ll take turns hitting. You’ll only get a few chances to show off your batting skills, so you want to make this count.

In some cases, tryouts may end after batting practice. However, some tryouts end with a scrimmage.

Tips for travel baseball tryouts

It’s important to make a good first impression. Showing up on time demonstrates that you’re reliable. You also want to make sure you’ve dressed appropriately and have all the necessary equipment. And, right when you get there, go up and introduce yourself to the coach.

Beyond just looking for talented players, coaches are also looking for athletes who can help lead the team. Stand out as a leader by helping organize drills and cheering on your potential teammates.

Whether you’re huddling up with the coach or heading out to your position, put some pep in your step. Coaches like to see that you are taking tryouts seriously and putting in the effort. Try to make sure you’re one of the first players to get where you’re supposed to be.

You might not realize it, but the coaches are watching prospects the entire practice, so don’t slack off. Even when you’re playing catch, you want to be sure to put your best foot forward.

Arm strength is one of the things coaches will be looking for. So, no matter what position you play, when you’re in the specific skills portion of the tryout, make sure to throw the ball hard and fast. If you can, start a training program a few weeks before tryouts. 

Arm strength is one of the things coaches will be looking for. So, no matter what position you play, when you’re in the specific skills portion of the tryout, make sure to throw the ball hard and fast.

Don’t try to get too fancy with batting practice. Instead, try hit line drives and keep them in the middle of the field.

It can be tempting to try and play the way you think the coaches want you to play. But don’t. If you do, you won’t be at your best and you’ll end up making silly mistakes. Instead, wait for your moment and seize the opportunity.

Yes, coaches are looking for talented players. But they’re also looking for players with potential who can be coached. Show that you’re coachable for listening to advice and implementing it. And it can’t hurt to ask questions that show you’re open to feedback.

Ballparks of America offers premier facilities for travel baseball tournaments

We live and breathe travel ball at Ballparks of America, and we can’t wait for the season to start. Sign up for one of our tournaments today and take advantage of our amazing facilities, dedicated staff, tons of amenities, and fun local things to do. Give us a call or contact us online today. We can’t wait to hear from you! 

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Travel Baseball: The Ultimate Resource for Parents, Coaches, and Players

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Travel Baseball: The Ultimate Guide For Parents, Coaches and Players

Step up to the plate and join the world of travel baseball—a high-stakes, competitive journey where players, parents, and coaches all swing for the fences in pursuit of their baseball dreams.

Travel baseball is a highly competitive form of youth baseball that involves teams traveling to different locations to compete in tournaments against other skilled players. It is a level above school baseball, allowing talented players to showcase their skills and potentially catch the attention of college recruiters or professional coaches. Travel baseball teams are typically organized by age level, providing opportunities for players from middle school through high school to participate. Being part of a travel baseball team requires a significant time commitment, both in terms of practice (if your team has it) and attending games and tournaments. It offers players the chance to improve their skills, gain valuable playing time, and experience the thrill of competing against other top-notch teams. Travel baseball also often includes showcase tournaments, where players can demonstrate their abilities to scouts and coaches. Overall, travel baseball provides young athletes with a platform to develop their skills, gain exposure, and potentially earn college scholarships or pursue a career in baseball.

Table of contents

Key takeaways, travel baseball competition structure, how to join a travel baseball team, assembling teams versus developing teams, parent/team dynamics and politics, organization, playing time, skill level, focus on advancement to next level, what you’re giving up, travel baseball vs. rec baseball (little league, cal ripken), travel baseball vs school baseball (middle school, high school), youth travel baseball vs showcase travel baseball, perfect game, baseball youth, criticisms and controversy, is travel baseball worth it.

  • Travel baseball is a competitive and intense environment that allows young athletes to continuously improve their skills and compete against talented players. It offers opportunities for skill development, personal growth, and the potential for college scholarships and professional opportunities.
  • The frequency of practices and games varies among travel baseball teams, with regular practices during the week and games on weekends. Some teams also participate in showcase tournaments and events, which may require additional time commitments.
  • Travel baseball teams cater to a range of age levels, starting from around 8u and going up to the high school level. Each age level has different skill development goals and competition levels.

Many travel baseball teams have professional coaches or coaches with extensive experience in the sport. These coaches provide specialized training, guidance, and mentorship to help players reach their full potential.

  • Participating in travel baseball requires financial and time investments, with costs including tournament fees, equipment, and travel expenses. While it can be expensive, the potential benefits and opportunities make it worthwhile for dedicated parents and athletes.

As a dedicated travel baseball parent or coach , it’s important to understand the structure of travel baseball tournaments to support your child’s journey and maximize their opportunities. Travel baseball competitions typically involve tournaments that bring together teams from various regions to compete against one another.

The format of these tournaments often includes pool play followed by single elimination rounds. In pool play, teams are grouped into pools and play multiple games against the other teams in their pool. The purpose of pool play is to determine seeding for the single elimination rounds.

Once pool play is completed, teams advance to the single elimination rounds, where the games become more intense and every game matters. Teams compete against each other in a knockout tournament format, with the winner moving on to the next round and the loser being eliminated from the tournament.

Regional and national championships are often the pinnacle of travel baseball competitions. Regional championships bring together top teams from a specific region to compete for a chance to advance to the national championships. National championships showcase the best travel baseball teams from across the country, where teams compete for the title of national champions.

To simplify the tournament process and ensure fair competition, travel baseball tournaments often utilize the DivLevel classification system. This system categorizes teams based on their skill level, ensuring that teams are matched up against opponents of similar abilities. This not only creates a more level playing field but also provides an opportunity for teams to compete against similarly skilled teams and further develop their skills.

Understanding the structure of travel baseball competitions, from the format of tournaments to the DivLevel classification system, allows parents and coaches to navigate the journey with their young athletes and make the most of the opportunities presented by these competitions.

Ready to join a travel team? Let’s break it down into simple steps so you can confidently navigate this process.

Begin your search by reaching out to other parents, coaches, and even your child’s school baseball team. Word-of-mouth is a great way to discover travel baseball teams in your area. Additionally, check out organization websites, forums, and Facebook groups for team listings and tryout information.

Once you’ve identified potential teams, attending their tryouts is crucial. This gives coaches an opportunity to assess your child’s skill level and determine if they are a good fit for the team. Please encourage your child to give their best effort and showcase their abilities during tryouts.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions at tryouts. It’s often a good idea to ask the same questions at each tryout so you can have notes for comparison for step 4.

When evaluating different travel baseball teams, consider factors like cost, coaching quality, competitiveness, playing time, skill development programs, and exposure opportunities. Each family may prioritize these factors differently, so find the team that aligns best with your goals and values.

After attending tryouts and considering the various factors, take some time to evaluate your options. Please consult with your child and consider their feelings and goals. Once you’ve gathered all the necessary information, make a decision that feels right for your family.

Remember, joining a travel baseball team is an exciting opportunity for your child’s growth and development. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect team that will nurture your child’s talent and provide them with unforgettable experiences. Good luck on this incredible journey!

What to Look For in a Travel Baseball Team

When it comes to choosing the right travel baseball team for your child, there are several factors to consider. As a dedicated parent, you want to ensure that your child receives the best training, exposure, and opportunities in baseball. But with so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to navigate the competitive world of travel baseball. In this article, we will dive into what you should look for in a travel baseball team. From coaching quality and competitiveness to skill development programs and exposure opportunities, we’ll guide you on how to find the perfect fit for your child’s baseball journey. So let’s explore the key factors that will help your child thrive and excel in the exciting world of travel baseball.

What is the difference between an assembled team and a developed team?

When it comes to travel ball, there are two main approaches to forming teams: assembling teams and developing teams.

Assembling teams involves selecting players based on their current skill level and position needs, while developing teams focus on nurturing players’ skills and helping them improve over time.

Assembling teams is often seen as a way to quickly build a competitive team. Coaches select players based on their existing talent, with the aim of creating a team that can perform at a high level right away. For these teams, winning is not only the primary goal; it’s often the only goal. For some parents and players, there is a some social status they derive from being on these “elite” teams. At the same time, coaches for these teams often overlook players with untapped potential and could benefit from further development. Players are often seen as interchangeable pieces rather than growing, developing, maturing young men.

On the other hand, developing teams takes a more long-term approach. Coaches prioritize nurturing players’ skills and helping them improve over time. This approach recognizes that player development is a gradual process and focuses on providing opportunities for players to grow and learn. While developing teams may not achieve instant success, it can lead to the creation of well-rounded players who have a solid foundation of skills and a deeper understanding of the game. In the long run, these teams overtake their “assembled” counterparts, especially as the players transition to a full-sized baseball diamond.

Here’s a comparison of the benefits and drawbacks of each approach:

While each approach has its merits, it ultimately depends on the goals and priorities of the team and the individual players. Assembling teams may be beneficial in situations where immediate success and social clout are the main goals while developing teams can provide a more holistic and long-term approach to player development.

Coaching is a vital component of travel baseball teams, playing a crucial role in player development, instilling fundamental skills, and fostering a positive team environment. The coaching staff has a direct impact on the growth and success of young athletes, both on and off the field.

A great coach goes beyond just teaching the mechanics of the game. They understand the importance of nurturing talent, building confidence, and instilling a love for the sport. Their coaching style should be supportive, motivating, and individualized, allowing each player to reach their full potential.

In addition to player development, coaches also play a key role in creating a positive team environment. They set the tone for teamwork, sportsmanship, and respect. A strong team dynamic is essential for success in travel baseball, as players must learn to work together towards a common goal.

When evaluating coaches for your child’s travel baseball team, there are several key factors to consider. Look for coaches who prioritize player development, have a clear coaching style that aligns with your child’s needs, and treat all players fairly and equitably. It’s important to ensure that the coaching staff creates an inclusive and supportive atmosphere where all players feel valued and included.

Choosing the right coaching staff is essential for your child’s growth and enjoyment in travel baseball. By prioritizing player development, fostering a positive team environment, and evaluating coaches with key factors in mind, you can ensure that your child has the best possible experience on their journey in travel baseball.

Playing Experience vs Coaching Experience

When considering a travel baseball team, both playing experience and coaching experience are crucial factors to take into account.

Playing experience provides valuable insights and a deep understanding of the game. Players who have had significant playing experience have been through the ups and downs of the game, faced different opponents, and have a strong grasp of the nuances and strategies involved. This experience translates into a higher skill level, as they have developed the physical and mental abilities needed to perform at a competitive level.

On the other hand, coaching experience is equally important. Coaches with experience have the ability to provide guidance, instruction, and mentorship to players. They understand the intricacies of player development and know how to tailor their coaching approach to the individual needs of each player. Coaching experience brings a wealth of knowledge and a proven track record of success, enabling coaches to help players reach their full potential.

While playing experience is valuable, it doesn’t necessarily mean that someone can effectively teach others or coach younger players. Coaching requires a different skill set, including the ability to communicate effectively, break down complex concepts into digestible information, and adapt coaching methods to meet the players on their level.

A balance between playing experience and coaching experience within a travel baseball team is ideal. Players benefit from the guidance and instruction of experienced coaches who have a deep understanding of the game, while coaches can draw upon their playing experience to relate to and connect with the players. This balance ensures that players receive both the technical and strategic knowledge needed to excel on the field, as well as the support and mentorship necessary for their overall development as athletes and individuals.

As a dedicated travel baseball parent, it’s important to understand the dynamics and politics that exist within a travel baseball team. Being aware of these dynamics will help you navigate the team environment and ensure a positive experience for both you and your child.

Parent involvement is a crucial aspect of travel baseball, but it’s essential to find a balance. While it’s natural to want to be involved in your child’s baseball journey, it’s important to respect the roles and responsibilities of the coaches. Clear communication is key in establishing boundaries and understanding each person’s role within the team.

Team dynamics can sometimes be challenging, with different personalities and expectations coming together. However, fostering a sense of respect and teamwork is vital. Encourage your child to be a supportive teammate and lead by example yourself. Emphasize the importance of treating others with kindness and respect, both on and off the field.

Conflicts may arise within the team, but it’s important to address them promptly and effectively. Open and honest communication is crucial in resolving conflicts. Encourage your child to express their concerns and help them understand the importance of active listening and empathy. Collaborate with coaches and other parents to find solutions that benefit the team as a whole.

Creating a positive team environment requires effort from everyone involved. By fostering clear communication, respect, and teamwork, you can help create a supportive and harmonious atmosphere within the travel baseball team. Remember that your child’s experience is shaped not only by their performance on the field but also by the relationships they form and the lessons they learn from being part of a team.

When it comes to travel baseball, there are several factors that contribute to the overall cost of participation. These factors can vary depending on location, equipment requirements, facility rental, and tournament competitiveness. It’s important for parents to be aware of these factors to make informed decisions about their investment in their child’s baseball journey.

1. Location: The cost of travel baseball can vary depending on where you live. In areas where baseball is more popular, you may have access to more competitive teams and tournaments, but that can also come with a higher price tag.

2. Equipment: Baseball equipment can be expensive, and as your child progresses through different age levels, they may require more specialized gear. This can include gloves, bats, helmets, cleats, and other protective equipment.

3. Facility Rental: Travel baseball often requires the use of indoor facilities for practices and training. The cost of renting these facilities can add up, especially if you’re competing for limited space during peak seasons.

4. Coaching: Hiring experienced and knowledgeable coaches is an important investment in your child’s development as a baseball player. Coaches may charge fees for their services, and the higher their level of expertise, the more expensive their coaching fees may be.

5. Tournament Competitiveness: Participating in high-level tournaments often involves additional expenses such as travel, accommodations, and tournament fees. The more competitive the tournament, the greater the cost.

It’s essential for parents to carefully consider these factors when budgeting for their child’s participation in travel baseball. By understanding the potential costs involved, parents can make informed decisions and ensure that their child has the resources and support they need to thrive in the competitive world of travel baseball.

When it comes to choosing a travel baseball team, location plays a crucial role in determining the opportunities available to young athletes. While certain states like California, Florida, and Texas are known as major baseball hubs, providing a wealth of high-level competition in close proximity, families living outside of these states need to consider a few factors.

Firstly, commuting becomes an important consideration. It may be necessary to travel to nearby major cities or regions with better coaching and more competitive teams. This can involve a significant time commitment for both players and their families, but it can also provide access to a higher caliber of coaching and competition.

Proximity to practice fields and facilities is also essential. Travel baseball often requires the use of indoor facilities for practices and training. Living close to these facilities can make it easier to attend regular practices and take advantage of additional training opportunities.

In summary, while living in California, Florida, or Texas can offer abundant opportunities for high-level competition in baseball, families living outside of these states need to evaluate their options carefully. Commuting to major cities and ensuring proximity to practice fields and facilities are important considerations to find the best fit for their young athletes.

Mission is a powerful word. It represents the guiding purpose and direction of a travel baseball team. Understanding a team’s mission and how it aligns with individual values and goals is crucial for both parents and players.

When choosing a travel baseball team, it’s essential to ensure that its mission aligns with the players’ and their families’ aspirations and expectations. This compatibility fosters a harmonious and fulfilling experience for everyone involved. It ensures that everyone is working towards a common goal and shares the same values.

However, tensions can arise if there is a mismatch between the team’s mission and the expectations of the coach, parents, and players. These tensions can manifest as coach-parent or coach-player conflicts. Ultimately, this can impact the overall team dynamic and hinder personal and team growth.

Parents and players should have open and honest conversations with the coach to ensure that their values, goals, and expectations are in line with the team’s mission. This communication can help manage potential tensions and create a supportive and nurturing environment for players to thrive.

Choosing a travel baseball team goes beyond evaluating skill level and competitive opportunities. It requires a careful consideration of the team’s mission and how it aligns with the values and goals of the individuals involved. By doing so, parents and players can set themselves up for a successful and fulfilling journey in travel baseball.

When evaluating the organization of a travel baseball team, several key factors must be considered. One of the most important is the team’s reputation. Reputation can significantly impact your association with the program and even affect your child’s opportunities in the future.

Joining a team known for dirty play or disrespectful behavior can have serious consequences. Not only does it reflect poorly on your child and their character, but it also affects their development as a player. Playing alongside individuals who engage in dirty play or disrespectful behavior can hinder your child’s growth and create a negative environment for them to thrive.

Additionally, the travel baseball community is small and tight-knit. College coaches and scouts pay attention to reputations and will often avoid programs with a negative reputation. Being associated with a team known for dirty play or disrespectful behavior can limit your child’s exposure and opportunities for college scholarships and professional prospects.

It’s important to note that the size of an organization does not necessarily determine its success. While larger organizations may have many players who go on to play in college or the pros, it’s crucial to consider the percentage of players who achieve these outcomes. Many kids play in these organizations, so the percentage of success is relatively small.

Ultimately, when evaluating a travel baseball team’s organization, reputation should be a significant factor to consider. It can impact your child’s development, opportunities, and future prospects in the sport.

Playing time is a crucial aspect of travel baseball that can greatly impact a player’s development and enjoyment of the sport. It is important for parents to understand the importance of playing time and how it can contribute to their child’s growth as a baseball player.

Before committing to a travel baseball team, parents should have open and honest conversations with the coaching staff about the expected playing time and positions. This allows parents to gauge the team’s approach to player development and ensure that their child will have ample playing opportunities.

It is worth noting that assembled teams, which are often formed based on tryouts and selecting the most talented players, tend to lock kids into specific positions. On the other hand, developed teams often prioritize versatility and allow players to learn and play multiple positions. This flexibility not only expands a player’s skill set but also increases their value to the team.

Learning multiple positions benefits the individual player and enhances team dynamics. Versatile players can easily adapt to different game situations and provide strategic advantages for their team.

While getting game reps is important for skill development and overall enjoyment, it is equally important to recognize that practice reps are the most crucial for long-term skill development. Coaches should provide a balanced mix of game time and practice time to ensure that players have the opportunity to refine their skills and improve their performance on the field.

In conclusion, playing time in travel baseball is essential for a player’s development and enjoyment of the sport. Parents should have open communication with coaching staff about playing time expectations and positions. Additionally, encouraging players to learn multiple positions can enhance their versatility and overall value to the team. Finally, understanding the balance between game reps and practice reps is vital for long-term skill development.

As a dedicated travel baseball parent, one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a travel baseball team for your child is evaluating their skill level. It’s crucial to assess where your child stands in terms of their baseball abilities to ensure they are placed in the right environment for growth and development.

Evaluating skill level allows you to find a team that aligns with your child’s abilities and goals. Children who excel in baseball and are looking for a challenging and competitive environment should consider teams that prioritize skill development, intense competition, and showcase opportunities. These teams often have rigorous tryouts that attract talented players and provide a platform for high-level competition.

On the other hand, if your child prioritizes fun, friendship, and a more relaxed approach to the game, you may want to consider a more low-key team. These teams often focus on providing a supportive and nurturing environment where players can enjoy the game without the intense pressure to win.

Ultimately, the skill level of the team should match your child’s abilities and aspirations. It’s important to find the right balance between challenge and enjoyment for optimal growth and development. By evaluating your child’s skill level and considering the level of competition during tryouts, you can ensure they are placed in a team that suits their needs and provides a positive and enriching experience.

As a dedicated travel baseball parent, one of the primary goals is to see our child advance to the next level of baseball, whether it be college ball or even professional baseball. Travel baseball teams play a crucial role in providing the necessary opportunities and resources for this advancement.

These teams not only focus on the development of players’ skills but also provide them with exposure to scouts and college recruiters. The competitive nature of travel baseball allows players to showcase their abilities in high-level tournaments and showcase events, where they can catch the attention of those who can potentially propel their careers forward.

Additionally, travel baseball teams often have connections within the baseball community, including coaches, trainers, and other players. These connections can provide valuable insights, guidance, and even potential opportunities for player development. Being part of a well-established travel team can open doors and connect players with the right people who can help them excel in their baseball journey.

When choosing a travel team, it is essential to align with an organization that shares your child’s goals and aspirations. Some larger organizations may have teams that exist only to fund their top-tier teams, leaving less opportunity for player development and advancement. Evaluating the track record of the organization and understanding their commitment to player growth is crucial in making an informed decision.

However, it’s important to remember that success in the baseball world cannot solely be measured by the number of players who make it to the next level. Many talented players participate in bigger organizations across the country, but the percentage of those who actually reach college or professional baseball is relatively small compared to the overall number of players in these organizations. Therefore, it’s important not to solely rely on these statistics as a measure of an organization’s success.

In the pursuit of advancement to the next level, travel baseball provides an environment where players can develop their skills, gain exposure, and build connections within the baseball community. By choosing the right team and maintaining a focus on growth and aspirations, the journey toward college ball or professional baseball becomes more attainable.

As a parent involved in the world of travel baseball, it’s important to understand the sacrifices that players and their families make in pursuit of their dreams. Travel baseball demands a significant time commitment, often resulting in players missing out on social activities that are an integral part of their childhood.

Imagine the disappointment of not being able to attend a friend’s birthday party or a school dance because of a crucial game or tournament. These are the moments that create lasting memories and build relationships, yet travel baseball often requires players to prioritize their commitment to the team above all else.

Financially, the cost of travel baseball can also be significant. Families may need to make tough choices and sacrifice material things in order to provide their child with the opportunities and experiences that travel baseball offers. Clothes, video games, new smartphones – these may need to take a backseat to the expenses associated with tournament fees, equipment, and travel costs.

While the sacrifices can be challenging, it’s important to remember that they are not made in vain. Travel baseball provides a unique path for skill development, exposure to higher-level competition, and the potential for college scholarships and professional opportunities. However, it’s essential to find a balance and ensure that players also have time for other important aspects of their lives, such as academics, friendships, and personal growth.

By understanding the sacrifices involved and finding ways to maintain a balanced approach, players and their families can make the most of their travel baseball experience while still cherishing the moments and connections that make life rich and fulfilling.

As a travel baseball parent or coach, it’s important to understand the main differences between travel baseball and recreational baseball, such as Little League and Cal Ripken. These differences can greatly impact your child’s experience, skill development, and overall growth in the sport.

When it comes to time commitment, travel baseball tends to require a higher level of dedication. Travel teams often have more frequent practices and longer game schedules, as they often participate in tournaments and showcase events that require additional travel. On the other hand, recreational baseball leagues like Little League and Cal Ripken typically have a shorter season, with fewer practices and games.

In terms of competitiveness, travel baseball is generally more intense. Travel teams are often made up of talented players who are selected through tryouts and may have a higher skill level compared to recreational leagues. The competition level in travel baseball is also higher, as teams often compete against other travel teams from different regions. Recreational baseball leagues, on the other hand, focus more on fun and participation, with a wider range of skill levels among players.

Player development is another significant difference between travel baseball and recreational baseball. In travel baseball, there is often a greater emphasis on individual skill development and specialized coaching. Travel teams may have access to professional coaches who can provide advanced training and guidance. In recreational baseball, player development is typically led by parent-coaches who may have limited baseball knowledge or experience.

Here’s a table summarizing the main differences between travel baseball and recreational baseball:

In conclusion, travel baseball and recreational baseball offer contrasting experiences for young athletes. While travel baseball requires a higher time commitment and offers a more competitive environment with greater player development opportunities, recreational baseball focuses on fun and participation with limited travel and coaching resources. Understanding these differences can help parents and coaches make informed decisions for their child’s baseball journey.

As a dedicated travel baseball parent or coach, you understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with nurturing a young athlete’s talent. When it comes to choosing between travel baseball and school baseball (middle school, high school), there are key differences to consider.

Competition: Travel baseball teams are known for their high level of competition. These teams often consist of talented players who have gone through tryouts and have a higher skill level compared to school teams. In contrast, school baseball programs may offer limited competition and opportunities to face off against teams from other regions.

Skill Development: Travel baseball places a strong emphasis on individual skill development. Players have access to professional coaches and specialized training, which can help them reach their full potential. School baseball, on the other hand, may have limited coaching resources and a broader focus on team play rather than individual development.

Coaching Quality: Travel baseball brings together some of the best coaches in the sport. These experienced professionals can provide advanced training methods, personalized guidance, and a wealth of knowledge. In contrast, school baseball programs may rely on volunteer coaches who may have limited baseball knowledge or experience.

Middle School Programs: One notable difference is the lack of middle school baseball programs. While travel baseball offers opportunities for players as young as 8u, middle school often becomes a gap year in terms of baseball development. This gap can have an impact on a player’s skill progression and overall exposure to the sport.

To summarize, travel baseball offers a higher level of competition, specialized skill development, and access to professional coaching. School baseball, particularly at the middle school and high school level, may have limited competition and coaching quality. When it comes to nurturing your child’s talent, travel baseball can provide a more comprehensive and focused approach to their growth as a player.

Here’s a table comparing travel baseball and school baseball:

As a dedicated travel baseball parent or coach, it’s important to understand the key differences between Youth Travel Baseball and Showcase Travel Baseball. Both types of travel baseball offer unique experiences and opportunities for young athletes, but they cater to different goals and skill levels.

Youth Travel Baseball is typically designed to provide a well-rounded experience for players of all skill levels. These teams focus on competition, skill development, and player exposure. Youth Travel Baseball tournaments may feature a mix of local and regional teams, allowing players to face a variety of opponents and gain valuable game experience. Skill development is a priority, and players have access to coaching and training resources to help them improve their game. These tournaments often follow a round-robin or pool play format, giving players plenty of playing time and opportunities to showcase their skills.

On the other hand, Showcase Travel Baseball is geared towards high-level players who are looking for maximum exposure to college recruiters and professional scouts. These teams are comprised of elite players with advanced skills and a strong desire to play at the college or professional level. Showcase tournaments attract top talent from across the country and provide a platform for players to showcase their skills in front of college coaches and professional scouts. The tournament format for Showcase Travel Baseball often includes single-elimination games or games that follow the Perfect Game format, maximizing the level of competition and intensity.

Here’s a comparison of the key differences between Youth Travel Baseball and Showcase Travel Baseball:

Top travel tournament organizations for Youth Travel Baseball include USSSA Baseball and Arlington Travel Baseball.

Top travel tournament organizations for Showcase Travel Baseball include Cougar Travel Baseball and Total Baseball Travel Team.

In conclusion, Youth Travel Baseball offers a well-rounded experience for players of all skill levels, focusing on competition, skill development, and player exposure. Showcase Travel Baseball, on the other hand, caters to high-level players seeking maximum exposure to college recruiters and professional scouts. Understanding these differences can help you make informed decisions and provide the best opportunities for your young athlete’s growth and success.

Travel Tournament Organizations

Travel Tournament Organizations: Nurturing Talent and Providing Opportunities for Growth

In the world of travel baseball, finding the right tournament organization can make all the difference in nurturing your child’s talent and providing them with the opportunities they need to grow and succeed. These organizations are the gateways to regional and national tournaments, where players can showcase their skills, gain exposure, and potentially secure college scholarships. Two prominent travel tournament organizations that stand out are USSSA Baseball and Arlington Travel Baseball. USSSA Baseball offers a summer season filled with competitive games and a mix of skill levels, providing an ideal platform for players to develop their abilities and face diverse opponents. Meanwhile, Arlington Travel Baseball focuses on age-level competitions, ensuring that players are grouped with others who are at a similar skill level so that they can learn, grow, and compete at their optimum potential. By aligning your child with the right travel tournament organization, you can set them on a path towards success in the world of baseball.

Perfect Game is one of the leading travel tournament organizations in the travel baseball community, and its significance cannot be understated. Participating in Perfect Game tournaments provides numerous benefits and features that help young athletes thrive and reach their full potential in the competitive world of travel baseball.

One of the main benefits of participating in Perfect Game tournaments is the exposure it offers young athletes. Perfect Game attracts scouts, college recruiters, and coaches from all levels of baseball, increasing the chances of talented players being seen and noticed. This exposure can lead to opportunities for college scholarships or even professional contracts.

Another significant aspect of Perfect Game tournaments is the high level of competition. These tournaments attract some of the most talented players and teams from around the country, providing a challenging and thrilling environment for young athletes to test their skills. The opportunity to compete against top-notch competition helps players develop their skills and gain valuable experience.

Perfect Game tournaments also offer showcase opportunities, where players can showcase their abilities in front of a wide audience. These showcases allow athletes to display their skills in various aspects of the game, such as hitting, pitching, and fielding. This exposure can help athletes gain recognition and enhance their chances of being recruited or scouted.

In addition to these benefits, Perfect Game tournaments provide a well-organized and professional experience for players and their families. From top-notch facilities and excellent officiating to comprehensive game statistics and player profiles, Perfect Game ensures a high-quality tournament experience.

Overall, participating in Perfect Game tournaments is highly advantageous for young athletes looking to excel in travel baseball. The exposure, competition, showcase opportunities, and professional experience it offers are invaluable for their development and advancement in the sport.

As a dedicated travel baseball parent or coach, you are likely familiar with the acronym USSSA, which stands for United States Specialty Sports Association. USSSA plays a significant role in the world of travel baseball tournaments and teams.

USSSA was founded in 1968 with the purpose of organizing and governing various sports, including baseball. Over the years, USSSA has established itself as a reputable organization, known for its commitment to providing high-quality tournaments and experiences for young athletes.

When it comes to travel baseball, USSSA is responsible for organizing and sanctioning tournaments at various levels, offering teams the opportunity to compete against one another and showcase their skills. These tournaments attract talented players and teams from across the country, creating a highly competitive environment for young athletes to test their abilities.

One of the most prestigious events organized by USSSA is the USSSA World Series. This tournament brings together the top teams from different regions, allowing them to compete for the title of champion. The USSSA World Series is a highly anticipated event in the travel baseball community and serves as a platform for young athletes to demonstrate their talent on a national stage.

As a parent or coach involved in travel baseball, being aware of USSSA and its role in organizing and governing tournaments can provide valuable opportunities for your child or team. Participating in USSSA-sanctioned events, including the USSSA World Series, allows young athletes to gain exposure, showcase their skills, and compete against top-tier competition. So keep an eye out for USSSA tournaments and embrace the opportunity to be part of the exciting world of travel baseball.

As a passionate sports enthusiast and a parent myself, I understand the dedication and sacrifices that come with being involved in your child’s travel baseball journey. Today, I want to introduce you to an organization that has been making waves in the world of travel baseball – Play Top Gun Sports.

Play Top Gun Sports http://playtopgunsports.com is a renowned travel baseball organization that is dedicated to providing exceptional programs and tournaments for young athletes. They understand the importance of skill development and offer a range of programs tailored to different age levels and skill sets. From their youth travel teams to their elite player development programs, Play Top Gun Sports caters to a wide range of athletes.

One of the notable features of Play Top Gun Sports is their showcase tournaments. These tournaments attract some of the most talented players from across the country, offering them the opportunity to showcase their skills in front of college coaches and scouts. This exposure can open doors to college scholarships and even professional opportunities.

While participating in Play Top Gun Sports events can bring immense benefits, it’s important to consider the drawbacks as well. The competition level can be extremely high, and the time commitment required for travel and practice may be significant. It’s crucial to strike a balance between pursuing the dream and maintaining a well-rounded life for your child.

All in all, Play Top Gun Sports is a top-tier travel baseball organization that offers exceptional programs and tournaments for young athletes. By participating in their events, your child can gain valuable experiences, exposure, and opportunities to excel in the sport they love. So, lace up those cleats, grab your glove, and get ready to soar to new heights with Play Top Gun Sports.

As a dedicated travel baseball parent, one of the most exciting aspects of the sport is the opportunity for youth prospects to showcase their talent and potential. These young athletes hold a special place in the world of travel baseball, as they serve as the foundation for identifying and nurturing talented players at a young age.

Travel baseball organizations and college recruiters understand the immense value of youth prospects. These young players demonstrate promising skills and show potential for future success. They receive special attention and are carefully scouted and evaluated.

Scouting for youth prospects involves observing their performance in games and tournaments, evaluating their technical skills, athleticism, and game intelligence. The goal is to identify players who possess exceptional talent and the ability to excel at higher levels of play.

For college recruiters, youth prospects can be a valuable pipeline for identifying talented players to fill their rosters. These young athletes, through their commitment and dedication to the sport, have the potential to earn college scholarships and advance their baseball careers to the next level.

The journey of a youth prospect in travel baseball is both thrilling and challenging. These young athletes not only have the chance to showcase their skills but also to receive guidance and mentorship from professional coaches. This support helps them refine their abilities and develop their potential to the fullest.

For travel baseball parents, witnessing their child as a youth prospect brings a mix of excitement, hope, and anticipation. They understand the significant role these young athletes play in shaping their child’s baseball journey and the potential opportunities that lie ahead.

In the world of travel baseball, youth prospects are the foundation for identifying and nurturing talented players. They are scouted, evaluated, and provided with opportunities for advancement to higher levels of play. For parents, the dream of their child earning a college scholarship and excelling in the sport becomes even closer to reality through the promising path of a youth prospect.

In addition to Perfect Game and USSSA, there are several other popular travel tournament organizations in the travel baseball community. Two significant organizations worth mentioning are Impact Baseball and Dynamic Baseball.

Impact Baseball is a prominent travel tournament organization that has been conducting high-quality tournaments and showcases for over 15 years. They provide opportunities for talented baseball players to showcase their skills and compete against top-level competition. Impact Baseball events attract college recruiters and professional scouts, giving players valuable exposure.

Dynamic Baseball is another well-known organization that focuses on providing competitive tournaments and showcases for youth baseball players. They offer events for various age groups, allowing players to compete against teams from different regions. Dynamic Baseball events are highly regarded for their organization, high level of competition, and professional atmosphere.

These travel tournament organizations, including Top Gun and SoftballConnected.com, play a significant role in the travel baseball community. They provide a platform for talented players to showcase their skills, gain exposure, and compete against top-level competition. The significance of these organizations lies in their ability to connect players with college recruiters and professional scouts, ultimately helping players advance their baseball careers.

Travel Baseball Pros and Cons

Welcome to the world of travel baseball, where young athletes have the opportunity to compete against top-level teams, showcase their skills, and aim for college scholarships or even professional careers. As a dedicated parent or coach, you understand that travel baseball comes with its own set of advantages and challenges. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of travel baseball, diving deep into the emotional journeys, sacrifices made, and the joy of watching young athletes grow. We will also provide actionable advice on nurturing talent, maintaining a balanced life on the road, and the importance of fostering both physical and emotional growth in young athletes. So, let’s lace up our cleats and embark on this journey together!

Pros of Travel Baseball

Travel baseball offers a multitude of advantages for young players looking to take their skills to the next level. One of the biggest benefits is the opportunity to face better competition. In travel baseball, players compete against other talented athletes who are also dedicated to the sport. This heightened level of competition pushes players to improve their skills and performance.

Additionally, travel baseball provides access to professional coaches who possess the knowledge and experience needed to guide players on their baseball journey. These coaches can provide valuable insights and training techniques that can elevate a player’s game.

Another advantage of travel baseball is the increased exposure it provides. By participating in showcase tournaments and playing against top-tier teams, young players have the opportunity to catch the attention of college scouts and potentially earn scholarships. This level of exposure can open doors for future opportunities in college ball and beyond.

Furthermore, travel baseball offers more playing opportunities for young athletes. With a higher number of games played, players can gain valuable experience and refine their skills in various game situations. This allows them to develop a well-rounded game that can translate to success on the diamond.

Lastly, travel baseball facilitates travel, allowing players to compete in different locations and experience new environments. This not only enhances their overall baseball experience but also exposes them to different cultures and fosters personal growth.

Overall, travel baseball provides young players with better competition, expert coaching, increased exposure, more playing opportunities, and a chance to explore new places. It is an invaluable platform for their development as athletes and as individuals.

Travel Opportunities

As a travel baseball parent, you understand the dedication and commitment it takes to support your child’s baseball dreams. While the travel aspect may seem like an additional challenge, it actually provides a unique opportunity for both vacation and an immersive baseball experience.

Travel baseball teams often have the chance to visit different locations and participate in tournaments and showcase events. This allows young athletes to not only play the sport they love but also explore new places and cultures. From picturesque destinations like Branson, Missouri to vibrant cities across the country, each trip becomes an adventure both on and off the field.

Furthermore, travel baseball offers more playing opportunities compared to average recreational teams. With a higher number of games and tournaments, young athletes can gain valuable experience and develop their skills in various game situations. This level of competition and exposure can significantly contribute to their growth as players.

While there may be financial and time commitments associated with travel baseball, it’s essential to evaluate its worth based on your child’s goals and aspirations. Consider the investment in terms of the opportunities it provides for skill development, recognition, and potential college scholarships. Additionally, weigh the intangible sacrifices and the joy of supporting your child’s passion.

In conclusion, travel opportunities in travel baseball not only offer a unique vacation experience but also provide young athletes with more playing opportunities and a chance to explore new locations. Evaluate the worth of travel baseball based on its financial commitment, time commitment, and the potential benefits it can bring to your child’s baseball journey.

More Exposure

Travel baseball provides young players with unparalleled exposure opportunities for those who aspire to play baseball in college. Through various tournaments and showcase events, players have the chance to showcase their skills in front of scouts and college coaches who are actively seeking talented athletes for their programs.

These tournaments serve as a platform for players to catch the attention of college recruiters and increase their chances of securing a college scholarship. By competing against other talented players and performing well in high-pressure situations, players can demonstrate their abilities and stand out among their peers.

In addition to the competitive nature of these tournaments, travel baseball also offers the advantage of playing more games and recording videos for player showcases. With a higher number of games, players get additional opportunities to fine-tune their skills and gain valuable game experience. Moreover, recording these games allows players to create highlight reels that can be shared with college coaches and further enhance their recruitment potential.

Furthermore, travel baseball teams often have access to experienced and knowledgeable coaches who can provide top-notch player development. These coaches have the expertise to identify areas for improvement and help players refine their skills. With improved player development, players can increase their playing opportunities and significantly enhance their chances of getting noticed by college coaches.

Overall, travel baseball not only provides more exposure opportunities but also offers the chance for players to play more games and receive quality coaching. These advantages greatly enhance a player’s chances of getting recognized by scouts and college coaches, making travel baseball an invaluable investment for young athletes with aspirations of playing college baseball.

Better Player Development with the Right Coaches

As a travel baseball parent, I understand the importance of having the right coaches for better player development in travel baseball teams. The coaches play a crucial role in shaping and honing the skills of young athletes, and their influence can have a lasting impact on a player’s growth and success.

Experienced coaches bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. They understand the game at a deeper level and can effectively convey their insights to the players. With their guidance, players can learn advanced techniques, strategies, and game situations that can elevate their performance on the field.

Well-connected coaches also offer significant advantages. Their networks within the baseball community can open doors for players, providing them with exposure to college recruiters and professional scouts. These connections can lead to opportunities for players to showcase their skills in front of decision-makers who can shape their future in the sport.

In some competitive teams, former professional coaches are employed, which adds an extra layer of value. These coaches bring firsthand experience of the highest level of play, giving players a unique perspective and insights into what it takes to succeed at the college or professional level. Their mentorship can help players develop the necessary skills, mindset, and work ethic needed to excel in their baseball journey.

In conclusion, having the right coaches in travel baseball teams is crucial for better player development. Their experience, expertise, and connections can significantly impact a player’s growth, exposure, and opportunities in the sport. So, as travel baseball parents, it’s important for us to seek out teams with experienced and well-connected coaches to ensure our children’s development is nurtured in the best possible way.

More Playing Opportunities

Travel baseball provides more playing opportunities compared to recreational teams for several reasons. Firstly, select baseball teams typically have a longer season that extends beyond the regular recreational season. While recreational teams may only play during the summer months, select teams often have a summer season followed by fall and even winter training and tournament opportunities. This extended season allows players to get more game time and develop their skills further.

In addition to a longer season, select baseball teams typically participate in a larger number of games per year compared to recreational teams. Recreational teams may have only a few games per week, whereas select teams often have multiple games and tournaments every month. This higher frequency of games provides players with more opportunities to showcase their skills, develop their game sense, and gain valuable experience on the field.

Furthermore, travel baseball teams offer players more exposure opportunities for those hoping to play in college. These teams often participate in showcase tournaments and events where college recruiters and scouts are in attendance. This exposure can significantly increase a player’s chances of being noticed by college programs and potentially earning a scholarship.

Overall, travel baseball provides more playing opportunities through an extended season, a higher number of games, and increased exposure opportunities. This allows players to maximize their potential, gain valuable experience, and increase their chances of playing at the college level.

As much as travel baseball can offer countless benefits and opportunities for young athletes, it’s important to acknowledge the potential cons that come with this competitive and demanding sport. The first aspect to consider is the cost. Travel baseball often requires a significant financial investment, including registration fees, travel expenses, equipment costs, and additional fees for tournaments and showcases. This financial burden can strain families and limit access to the sport for some talented players.

Another downside is the time commitment. Travel baseball teams typically have a rigorous schedule that includes frequent practices, weekend tournaments, and sometimes even travel to different states. This can create a significant time commitment for both players and their families, impacting other aspects of their lives such as school, social activities, and family time.

The high level of competitiveness in travel baseball can also be challenging for young athletes. The pressure to perform at a high level consistently can lead to added stress and anxiety. Additionally, the workouts and training regimens in travel baseball are often more intense and demanding than those in recreational leagues, which can be physically and mentally exhausting for young players.

Lastly, it’s important to address the lack of diversity in some travel baseball programs. While many teams strive for inclusivity, certain communities may have limited access to travel baseball due to financial constraints or lack of resources. This lack of diversity can limit opportunities for talented players from diverse backgrounds.

Although travel baseball offers numerous benefits, it’s crucial to consider these potential drawbacks to make an informed decision. Finding a balance between the positives and negatives is key to ensuring a fulfilling and rewarding experience for young athletes in their baseball journey.

Travel baseball can be an expensive endeavor for both players and their families. The costs associated with participating in travel baseball can add up quickly, and it’s important to be aware of these expenses when considering joining a team.

One major expense in travel baseball is the equipment requirements. Players are often required to have top-of-the-line gear, including bats, gloves, helmets, and cleats. These high-quality items can come with a hefty price tag, especially as players grow and need larger sizes or upgrade to more advanced equipment.

Facility rentals are another cost to consider. Travel baseball teams often practice in indoor facilities or rent out fields for games and tournaments. These rental fees can vary depending on the location and the demand for the facilities.

Coach payment is also a factor in the overall cost of travel baseball. Many teams hire professional coaches or former college or professional players to provide expert training and guidance. These coaches often require payment for their services, adding to the expenses associated with the team.

The range of costs involved in joining a travel baseball team can vary widely. On the lower end, families can expect to pay several hundred dollars for registration fees, uniform costs, and tournament entry fees. However, for higher-level teams or tournaments, the costs can easily reach several thousand dollars.

It’s important to keep in mind that these costs may not include additional expenses for higher-level tournaments, such as travel and accommodation costs. Families should budget accordingly and be prepared for these potential additional expenses.

In conclusion, travel baseball can be an expensive commitment, with costs including equipment requirements, facility rentals, and coach payment. Families should be aware of these expenses and budget accordingly to ensure they can afford to participate in this competitive and rewarding sport.

Lacks Diversity

Large time commitment.

As a parent or coach involved in travel baseball, it’s important to understand the significant time commitment required for this level of competitive play. Travel baseball is not just a seasonal activity; it requires a year-round dedication to training, practicing, and participating in games and tournaments.

One of the primary time commitments in travel baseball is the weekend games. These games often take place on Saturdays and Sundays, which means sacrificing personal time and family events. Additionally, practices are typically scheduled during the weekdays to ensure players are continually developing their skills and staying in top form.

In Arlington Travel Baseball, the time commitment for 8-14U players is particularly rigorous. The program is designed to provide a comprehensive year-round experience, with practices and games scheduled throughout the year. Players are expected to attend regular practices, which focus on individual skill development as well as team strategy and dynamics.

For 13U and 14U players, the time commitment increases as they prepare for high school baseball. These programs are specifically designed to hone players’ skills and prepare them for the increased competitive level of high school play. The focus is on refining fundamental techniques, strengthening teamwork, and enhancing overall game awareness.

In summary, travel baseball demands a large time commitment from players and their families. It involves weekend games, year-round training, and a dedication to continuous improvement. The programs offered by Arlington Travel Baseball, including the 13U and 14U programs, aim to provide a comprehensive experience that prepares players for success at the high school level and beyond.

Highly Competitive

In the world of travel baseball, the competition is fierce. Parents and coaches alike understand that the primary goals revolve around player development and winning games. It’s an environment where talented players come together, striving to become the best versions of themselves while also aiming to secure victories for their teams.

However, sometimes the intense focus on winning can overshadow the aspect of player development. In order to secure those wins, coaches may lean towards playing their best players more frequently, resulting in those players receiving the majority of the playing time. This dynamic can create a sense of imbalance among the team, with some players feeling like they are left on the sidelines without enough opportunity to grow and develop their skills.

While winning is undeniably an essential part of the game, it’s crucial to strike a balance. The highly competitive nature of travel baseball should not override the importance of player development. Every young athlete deserves the chance to hone their skills, learn from their mistakes, and gain invaluable experience on the field.

So, as parents and coaches, let’s remember that while winning games is gratifying, fostering the growth and potential of each player is equally significant. By prioritizing player development alongside the desire to win, we can create an environment that not only produces formidable teams but also nurtures the individual talents of every young athlete. This approach ensures that the competitive nature of travel baseball remains fruitful for players at all skill levels.

As a dedicated parent in the world of travel baseball, one term that often comes up in discussions and whispers is “Daddy Ball.” This concept refers to the perceived favoritism shown by coaches towards their own child or children. While it’s natural for coaches to want the best for their own family, Daddy Ball can have significant implications for the development and dynamics of a team.

One consequence of Daddy Ball is the potential for reduced playing time for non-coach’s children. In an effort to secure wins, coaches may lean towards playing their own children more frequently, leaving other players feeling like they don’t have a fair chance to showcase their skills and contribute to the team’s success.

Another consequence is the impact on team selection. When coaches prioritize their own children over equally talented players, it can create a sense of unfairness among the team. This can lead to resentment, decreased motivation, and a lack of cohesion within the group.

Beyond the immediate effects, Daddy Ball can have long-term implications for a young athlete’s development. Players who are consistently overlooked in favor of coaches’ children may lose confidence and become discouraged, hindering their growth and potential in the sport.

In order to create a positive and fair environment, it is crucial for coaches to be mindful of the pitfalls of Daddy Ball. By prioritizing the overall growth and development of all players, coaches can foster a team dynamic that is built on trust, fair play, and equal opportunities for everyone involved. This approach not only enhances each player’s experience but also contributes to the success and longevity of the team as a whole.

Players Jumping from Team to Team

As a dedicated travel baseball parent or coach, you understand the immense commitment and investment required for your child to excel in the sport. But what happens when players start jumping from one travel baseball team to another? Let’s explore the reasons, consequences, and potential challenges of this phenomenon.

One reason players may choose to jump teams is the desire for better player development opportunities. They may feel that their current team is not providing the coaching, training, or exposure needed to take their skills to the next level. However, constantly changing teams can have a detrimental impact on player development. It becomes difficult to establish consistency in coaching styles, training methodologies, and team systems, hindering the player’s ability to progress effectively.

Another consequence of jumping teams is the impact on team dynamics. Building strong relationships and trust within a team is crucial for success on and off the field. Constantly changing teams makes it challenging to establish these bonds, which can lead to a lack of cohesion and teamwork. It also disrupts the team’s chemistry and stability, affecting overall performance and the ability to develop strong relationships with teammates.

Moreover, players who frequently jump teams may face limited playing opportunities. Coaches prioritize players who have been with the team longer and may not offer equal opportunities to newcomers. This lack of consistent playing time can hinder a player’s growth and confidence, affecting their overall experience in travel baseball.

In conclusion, while jumping teams may initially seem like a solution for better opportunities, it can have long-lasting consequences on player development, team dynamics, and the overall experience in travel baseball. It’s important to consider the potential challenges and drawbacks before making such a decision. Building a strong foundation with a team, committing to the development process, and fostering positive relationships with teammates can ultimately lead to greater growth and success in the sport.

Criticisms and Controversy Surrounding Travel Baseball:

– Financial Burden: One of the main criticisms of travel baseball is the exorbitant cost associated with participation. The high fees for tournaments, equipment, travel, and coaching can create a significant financial burden for families. This has sparked debates about the accessibility and inclusivity of the sport, as low-income families may not have the means to afford these expenses.

– Lack of Diversity: Another issue that has been raised is the lack of diversity in travel baseball. The high costs and intense competition can limit opportunities for children from marginalized communities to participate. This lack of diversity not only affects the representation of different backgrounds within the sport but also limits the overall talent pool and potential for growth.

– Negative Impact on Local Baseball Programs: The rise of travel baseball has had a negative impact on local baseball programs and community leagues. As more talented players gravitate towards travel teams, local programs may struggle to attract and retain players. This leads to a decline in participation and resources for these programs, ultimately weakening the overall baseball infrastructure in communities.

– Declining Participation in Little League: The growth of travel baseball has also been linked to a decline in participation in Little League. With more specialized and competitive options available, children may choose to pursue travel baseball at a younger age, bypassing the traditional Little League experience. This decline has raised concerns about the long-term sustainability of community-based baseball programs.

It is important to acknowledge and address these criticisms and controversies surrounding travel baseball. By working towards creating more accessible and diverse opportunities, supporting local programs, and finding ways to balance the benefits of travel baseball with the wellbeing of the broader baseball community, we can strive for a more inclusive and sustainable future for the sport.

1. The Worth of Travel Baseball:

– Skill Development: Travel baseball provides an environment for young athletes to continuously improve their skills and excel in the sport.

– College and Professional Opportunities: Participating in travel baseball increases the chances of catching the attention of college recruiters and potentially earning athletic scholarships or even professional opportunities.

– Exposure to Better Competition: Travel baseball exposes players to highly competitive teams, challenging them to elevate their game and grow as athletes.

– Networking and Connections: Being part of a travel baseball team allows players and their families to connect with other talented individuals and build a network within the baseball community.

– Personal Growth: The intense nature of travel baseball teaches important life skills such as discipline, teamwork, resilience, and time management.

2. The Drawbacks of Travel Baseball:

– High Costs: Participating in travel baseball can be expensive, considering the fees for tournaments, equipment, travel, and coaching.

– Time Commitment: Travel baseball requires a significant time commitment, with practices, games, and tournaments often taking up weekends and evenings.

– Lack of Diversity: The high costs and intense competition in travel baseball may limit opportunities for children from marginalized communities to participate, resulting in a lack of diversity within the sport.

– Intense Competition: Travel baseball is highly competitive, and the pressure to perform at a high level can be stressful for both players and parents.

When evaluating the worth of travel baseball, it is essential to consider individual goals, financial commitment, time commitment, and aspirations in the sport. While travel baseball offers numerous benefits, it is crucial to weigh them against the potential drawbacks and personal circumstances to determine if it aligns with one’s values and ambitions. Ultimately, the decision to participate in travel baseball should be based on what brings joy and fulfillment to both players and their families.

FAQs About Travel Baseball

1. How much does travel baseball cost?

Travel baseball can be expensive, with costs including tournament fees, equipment, travel expenses, and coaching. The total amount spent will vary depending on the team and level of competition.

2. What skill level is required for travel baseball?

Travel baseball teams typically recruit players based on their skill level and potential. While some teams may have tryouts and strict selection criteria, others may be more inclusive and focus on player development.

3. How does travel baseball help with player development?

Travel baseball provides an environment where players can continuously improve their skills and compete against highly competitive teams. The intense nature of travel baseball challenges players to elevate their game and develop both physically and mentally.

4. How often do travel baseball teams practice and play games?

The frequency of practices and games varies among travel baseball teams. Generally, teams have regular practices during the week and play games on weekends. Some teams also participate in showcase tournaments and events that may require additional time commitments.

5. Is travel baseball suitable for all age levels?

Travel baseball teams typically cater to a range of age levels, starting from around 8u and going up to the high school level. Each age level may have different skill development goals and competition levels.

6. Can travel baseball lead to college scholarships?

Participating in travel baseball increases the chances of catching the attention of college recruiters and potentially earning athletic scholarships. However, it is important to note that obtaining a college scholarship is competitive and requires not only skill but also academic performance and other factors.

7. Are professional coaches involved in travel baseball teams?

In summary, travel baseball can be a significant financial investment, but it provides opportunities for skill development, player growth, and potential college scholarships. The level of commitment and involvement varies, and it is important to research and find a team that aligns with your child’s goals and aspirations.

In conclusion, travel baseball offers young athletes a platform to develop their skills, compete against talented players, and potentially earn college scholarships or professional opportunities. It requires dedication, financial investment, and time commitment, but the rewards can be significant. Professional coaching, regular practices, and participation in showcase tournaments contribute to skill development and exposure. It is suitable for a range of age levels and provides an environment for personal growth and life lessons beyond the sport.

Last Updated on October 30, 2023 by Travel Baseball Players, Parents and Coaches

About The AI Alchemist

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Not only is Ben Teal the original AI Alchemist, he’s a mojito loving Philosopher Economist. In addition is also an Analytics and Process Systemization Expert and Bestselling Author. He holds a BA with a double major in Philosophy and Economics from Yale University.

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How Do Time Machines Work? Asking an Expert about Time Travel in Dragon Ball

Ask the Experts

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Around the beginning of Dragon Ball's Cell arc, a mysterious young man appears before our heroes. That young man turned out to be none other than Trunks, who had journeyed back to the present from the future! I'm sure many of you out there were enthralled by this revelation, begging to know more about him and the secrets behind the future's time machines! Seeing Trunks travel between past, present, and future at will left us all in awe of Bulma's incredible technology, but also wondering if travelling through time could really be so simple. So how does time travel work for us in the real world—if at all? I sat down with cosmologist Professor Toshifumi Futamase of Kyoto Sangyo University and asked him just that. We took a deep dive into the mechanics of time machines and time travel as well as the conditions required to make them possible, all in service of understanding the original series that much more! The complexity of time travel left me scratching my head, and I was struck by a new-found appreciation for the genius Bulma demonstrated by overcoming all the obstacles and creating a fully functional time machine! But let's get to all that in chronological order—for the time being, at least. Please join us on our journey through time!

Being interviewed: Professor Toshifumi Futamase Professor of Astrophysics & Meteorology at Kyoto Sangyo University's Faculty of Science. Specialist in General Relativity & Cosmology. Engaged in theoretical and observational research (using a gravity lens) of dark matter and dark matter energy. Read Jump Comics throughout Dragon Ball's serialization.

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Interviewer: Nukki Technical illustrator. Makes technical illustrations and illustrations for instruction manuals. Also a proficient writer of articles that utilize her own illustration skills for websites such as Daily Portal Z.

*Interview was conducted remotely.

Table of Contents

・ How Does a Time Machine Work? ・ Negative Mass - The Ticket to Going Beyond the Speed of Light and Back in Time ・ Parallel Worlds and Time Paradoxes ・ Does Goku's Instant Transmission Function like a Time Machine? ・ Time Machines, Coming Soon...?!

How Does a Time Machine Work?

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—— In Dragon Ball, Bulma made a time machine by herself in the future. Is creating a time machine in the real world theoretically possible? Prof. Futamase: We don't know yet. However, in physics we are yet to prove that creating a time machine is not possible. For now, let's just assume that creating a time machine is possible, shall we? —— So time machines are still in the R&D stage! Prof. Futamase: At this time, we've confirmed that speeding up and slowing down the flow of time is possible. We can't manipulate it to a great extent yet, but we're able to speed it up and slow it down by a tiny fraction, which involves both the speed of light and gravity. —— If you watch movies about time travel, they often say that the closer to the speed of light you get, the slower time moves... but this is the first I've heard of gravity being involved. Prof. Futamase: We'll be here all day if I go into the fine details, so I'll try to keep it brief. In General Relativity, the stronger a gravitational field is, the more warped space-time becomes around it, and the slower time moves in that area. For example, gravity on the Sun is stronger than it is on Earth, so it's believed that 1 second on the Sun is actually longer than 1 second on Earth. ——Oh, so the stronger gravity is, the slower time moves! Prof. Futamase: In the same way, gravity around a black hole is much greater than it is on Earth, so 1 second spent in the vicinity of a black hole is equivalent to 10~20 years on Earth. So in that way, the flow of time isn't constant—it varies based on your location or the planet you're on. ——I feel like our conversation is veering closer to time machines. You already said that we don't yet know if creating a time machine is possible or not, but is it feasible for humans to travel to and from the past and future? Prof. Futamase: Travelling to the future is theoretically not that difficult. Remember what we just said about the effects of spending time in a place with stronger gravity. Ignoring the impracticalities for now, imagine that you travelled from Earth to a black hole. You then spend just 10 seconds near said black hole and return home. Now, when you return to Earth, far more than 10 seconds have passed, and from your perspective, you've travelled forward in time.

time travel balls

The problem is travelling backwards in time—that's the one we haven't figured out yet. However, there's nothing to prove we can't. It's theorized that if you take an extremely small object, say, a fundamental particle, it may be possible to send it back in time. ——So it's possible with a tiny object like a fundamental particle. Which I guess means that sending humans back is... Prof. Futamase: It's definitely a long way off. It's thought that research will progress in stages from here with items like ping-pong balls and baseballs. So with where we are now, we can only say that we don't yet know if it's possible with humans. There are research papers that delve into the creation of time machines with the central theme being "How can we travel to the past?" ——So, we can hope that civilization on Earth continues to develop technologically to the point we can send someone to a black hole for a minute or two, then that person can come back and ask the people of Earth a couple hundred years in the future how to travel back in time. Is that sort of method at all viable? Prof. Futamase: Yes, it is. But there may already be planets that are home to civilizations far more advanced than our own somewhere in the Milky Way. So it's also conceivable that we find one such planet and ask its inhabitants about travelling back in time. ——It's just hit me all over again how incredible Bulma is for having managed to create a time machine all by herself...!

Negative Mass - The Ticket to Going Beyond the Speed of Light and Back in Time

——The time machine in Dragon Ball is a kind of egg-shaped craft with stilt-like legs attached, but what sort of shape do you imagine a time machine that humans could use would be?

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Prof. Futamase: It could either be a craft that's capable of surpassing the speed of light, or a physical space that bends space-time and creates a 'shortcut' through it. ——A craft that's faster than light... But hang on, I thought light was the fastest thing in the universe? Prof. Futamase: In physics today, yes, it's believed that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Light moves as quickly as it does because it has zero mass. If you accelerate an object with a non-zero mass, its mass increases exponentially as you get closer to the speed of light, essentially prohibiting it from ever reaching the speed of light. However, if the mass is zero, then you can circumvent that issue and reach the speed of light. ——So does that mean that in order to surpass the speed of light, at the very least you need reduce your own mass below zero? Prof. Futamase: With our current understanding, that's not believed to be possible, but that may change since it hasn't yet been proved impossible. —— I see. The "physical space" option sounds a bit like the Room of Spirit & Time.

time travel balls

Prof. Futamase: In the real world, it's theorized that we could create a sort of tunnel to the past. There are currently people researching what type of energy would be necessary for that to be possible. ——On a related note, what type of fuel do you think would be required to power a time machine? Prof. Futamase: Our understanding today is built on the assumption that you would have positive mass. However, research has already shown that matter with negative mass also exists. So you could cancel out your positive mass with this "negative matter" to reduce your overall mass to zero, then potentially even pass through solid walls moving at the speed of light. ——So the fuel would have "negative mass". That's a little hard to wrap your head around... Prof. Futamase: It's actually not that far-fetched a concept—there are already numerous discussions being had about its existence. It's thought that around 70% of the universe is made up of negative matter, which permeates it in its entirety and is the driving force behind the universe expanding at a speed greater than the speed of light, which is something that astronomers and physicists acknowledge as fact. If we learn how to manipulate negative matter, it'll surely have a huge impact on all our lives and may be exactly what we need to unlock the ability to travel to and from the past and future. ——But how do we get to that point? Prof. Futamase: That's exactly what we're trying to get to the bottom of now. It's like how in the past, we weren't able to extract oil from the ground, but as our civilization advanced, we became able to do so, and were also able to burn that oil and harness its energy. So I don't think it's unrealistic to think we'll be able to take the same leaps with negative matter. —— Woah! Now you've got me excited for the future!

Parallel Worlds and Time Paradoxes

Now that we've all hopefully got at least a vague understanding of how time machines could work, I decided to ask about parallel worlds and time paradoxes. Time paradoxes occur when some kind of contradiction or loop is created due to your travels to and from the past and future, and in order to enable time travel, we'd have to find a way to resolve them. Even within Dragon Ball, Trunks altered his universe's history slightly by going back to the past to discover the Androids' weakness. It's this process that gives rise to multiple futures, i.e., parallel worlds.

time travel balls

——Could you tell me a bit about the latest parallel-world research? Prof. Futamase: The concept of parallel worlds originates from the study of quantum mechanics. It says that at this moment, there are infinite universes that exist, and each one of them contains one 'you'. So if there were, say, 10 universes, then you'd simultaneously exist in all of them. Simply by cognizing, "I'm here", the universe around you manifests. This is what's known as the many-worlds interpretation.

time travel balls

——So you're saying that there are multiple universes and that the universe in which you assert, "I'm here!", becomes fixed as 'your universe'...?! Prof. Futamase: We're living in a reality built on the multitude of universes that are constantly being spawned with every decision we make. Assuming you travelled to the past, you wouldn't be in the past of this universe, which is the result of the accumulation of decisions made by its inhabitants, but a completely different one—in other words, a parallel universe. That reasoning allows us to resolve the paradoxes that accompany time machines. ——So in Dragon Ball, the future where the Androids run rampant and the one where they're defeated are actually completely separate universes? Prof. Futamase: That's right. If you successfully travelled to the past then attempted to return back to the point in time you started from, the universe you arrive to would not be your original one, but a parallel world where you had travelled to the past. You'd essentially be in a new universe with a different history.

time travel balls

——So just to clarify, even if you never step foot in a time machine, the decisions you make from moment-to-moment spawn new universes...?! Prof. Futamase: Precisely.

Does Goku's Instant Transmission Function like a Time Machine?

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——Listening to everything you've spoken about so far, I thought of something else I'd like to ask you about. After his battle with Frieza, Goku travels to Planet Yardrat, where he learns how to use Instant Transmission. I have a feeling that Instant Transmission works in a similar way to a time machine, but what do you think? Prof. Futamase: It's exactly the same. If you interpret Instant Transmission as movement faster than the speed of light, then Planet Yardrat must've found a way to overcome the gravitational restraints. ——So Yardrat's civilization must be far more advanced than Earth's! Prof. Futamase: There's a strong chance that they're successfully using negative matter. That's exactly the sort of planet that scientists like myself are hoping we'll be able to make contact with. It's currently estimated that of the approximately 200,000,000,000 planets in the Milky Way, around half of them have water and an atmosphere similar to Earth's. —— There are that many...! Prof. Futamase: However, it takes around three billion years for intelligent life to evolve. On Earth, for example, it took close to four billion years for human life to emerge. So if a given planet is younger than that, then we can't get our hopes up. It's also worth noting that even the lowest estimates predict that there are one billion Earth-like planets in each galaxy. It seems inevitable that civilizations make advancements, and so it wouldn't be strange in the slightest for highly advanced ones to exist. ——It sure would be nice of beings from those advanced civilizations or from the future to pay us a visit. Prof. Futamase: Even assuming there were one hundred million of such civilizations... if those one hundred million were spread across the galaxy, then the distance between each of them would be roughly 100~1000 light years. I suppose we can only conclude that a civilization capable of using Instant Transmission over that sort of distance hasn't yet emerged. ——So it's possible that they're making their way towards Earth at this very moment! Prof. Futamase: Don't forget there's no guarantee that they're organic lifeforms like us. Instead, they could potentially exist as data-based lifeforms. ——So perhaps signals from aliens or beings from the future are all around us, it's just that we don't have the technology to detect them... It's hard not to get swept up in all the possibilities!

Time Machines, Coming Soon...?!

I asked Professor Futamase about time machines, parallel worlds, and time paradoxes, and our conversation just kept expanding from there. Research into time machines is still ongoing, but so long as they're not proved impossible, there's still hope that one day we'll succeed in building one! With research being conducted as we speak and the ever-present chance that we'll make contact with more advanced civilizations, who knows what surprises the future—and the past—hold!

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Your Source For Everything Baseball!

Travel Baseball: A Guide For Parents & Players

Baseball has changed.

Well, not the game necessarily. The diamond is still the same dimensions, as is the distance from the rubber to the plate. But the way the game is played has changed – specifically at the youth level.

Travel Baseball: A Guide For Parents And Players

For decades, organized youth baseball was a seasonal sport, played on town diamonds under the banner of Little League Baseball. Each spring, kids would join their local league and play with their friends, against teams made up of kids from the same town, coached by a group of fathers. There was little travel, little intermingling. It was a local sport, unless you made the All-Star team.

Youth baseball was based around recreational leagues , with little emphasis put on the competitive nature. There was a set schedule, with spaced-out games and a hyperlocal focus. It was just a spring sport, one of many sports played by youth across America.

Now, things are different. Kids who play baseball have a chance to forge their own path, to take part in more than just recreational leagues played in the springtime. The recent introduction of youth travel baseball has made it easier for young players to specialize in the sport that they love, focusing on their development on a team that plays throughout the year.

Travel baseball can be difficult to get involved in. Many times, there is anxiety surrounding it, with questions that are hard to answer. Is it worth it? How much travel is involved? What team should my child join? What will he gain from it?

We’re here to break it down for you, uncovering some of the secrecy surrounding travel baseball.

What Is Travel Baseball?

Travel baseball is a relatively new way to play. Until recently, travel teams only existed in parts of the country that were baseball hotbeds – places like Florida, Southern California and Virginia. Only elite players took part, the best of the best, and it was focused on the upper levels of youth baseball, where scouts could get a better look at developing players, gauging their professional prospects.

It was intended to be more of a showcase for older players, but in the last twenty years, baseball at the youth level has evolved considerably. Now, travel baseball is almost a necessity for any player that’s looking to hone their skills and be serious about baseball. Instead of being a place for a young player to showcase their skills, it has become a place where a younger player can develop, can receive specialized instruction. It’s also a way to face an increased level of competition.

Travel baseball isn’t a monolith. It goes by several different names: select ball, club ball and premier ball. There are several different governing bodies, including USSSA , Perfect Game, AAU and Triple Crown Sports. But each team has something in common: the structure of its season.

Instead of being focused on individual games, spaced out through the week with practices and off-days, a regular season and postseason, travel ball is centered around tournaments.

Most of these tournaments happen on the weekends. Teams can play several games each day during a tournament, sometimes against teams from different governing bodies. These tournaments are not always local, as some of the best teams travel across the country to compete, while others prefer to stay closer to home.

Teams in travel ball can be started by anyone. Sometimes they’re started by a baseball academy, while other times they’re started by a group of parents looking to branch out from a Little League. Some teams have squads in each age bracket, for each level of baseball ability, while others are the only team to bear their name.

It must be noted that due to its competition structure, travel baseball is pay-to-play. Entering tournaments costs money, as does renting batting cages and getting field time. Thus, travel baseball costs money, which to some people, is a deal breaker.

How Much Does It Cost?

Here’s the short answer: it depends.

What does it depend on? The structure of the team, the level at which it plays, and the travel that’s involved.

Sometimes, those fees are high, in the thousands each year. This is mostly confined to teams at the elite level, teams that travel frequently and enter tournaments with top-tier squads. And while parents may fork out thousands of dollars for their child to play, that amount doesn’t include travel costs. Those will have to be paid for out of pocket, especially for parents who want to see their child play in far-away states, where high-level tournaments are held.

However, for teams that travel locally, have volunteer coaches and enter less expensive tournaments, the costs can be exponentially lower, in the hundreds each season.

So why fork over all that money? Why should your child play this type of baseball? Because, it has its advantages, many of which lead to increased developmental opportunities that a young player would otherwise miss out on.

What Are The Advantages Of Travel Baseball?

There’s a reason travel baseball is so popular among parents and players alike. Playing baseball for a club team can help younger players develop more and specialize in their favorite sport by playing it year-round. But structurally, it provides a number of advantages over regular baseball.

Here are a few advantages that travel baseball provides:

  • Better coaching
  • Increased competition
  • Specialized training
  • Team bonding
  • Increased exposure

Better Coaching

The old cliché about the typical Little League coach is that he’s the father of a player. In his mind, his kid is the star of the team, even if that’s not the case on the field. The coach probably played some baseball growing up but doesn’t know the technique or the strategy that the coach at the local high school does. He isn’t paid, nor is he all that experienced.

Travel baseball differs in that it offers players the opportunity to learn from coaches who are more focused on development. Many travel-ball coaches have coached for years and some even offer private lessons on the side. Sometimes, teams even have a fulltime coach who is paid strictly to coach the younger players.

Because the coaches are more experienced, the players get better teaching. Hitting practices can be spent refining a certain technical part of the swing. Players who develop a mechanical flaw can work with a coach to fix it quickly. Coaches can look at a player’s skillset and marry him to a position, focusing on the little aspects of that position that matter the most.

Some teams even have a full staff of coaches – a pitching coach, hitting coach and a manager. This means players become more polished and can harness more of their raw ability earlier. It means that they can unlock hidden potential from a coach that can teach them how to get more break on a curve or add a little juice to their fastball – something that they wouldn’t have been able to do in a recreational league.

Increased Competition

Recreational leagues have a low barrier of entry. While this is great for encouraging a passion for the game, it’s not always a great setting in which to develop. Players come from all skill levels and for some, it’s their first time holding a baseball.

What about players who want to specialize in their sport, who know early on that they want to be the best they can be at baseball? What good do they get from playing someone who doesn’t want that – someone with less experience and less polish? What good do they get from someone who is rusty around the edges and can’t throw strikes?

Not much, that’s for sure.

That’s why travel ball is such an advantage for most younger players – because it consists of players with a like-minded mindset, most of whom are focused on their development. That means that players are more polished, that curves have sharper breaks, and those infield grounders are converted into outs more often than not.

The old saying is that if you want to be the best, you have to face the best. That’s why travel ball can be so valuable to younger players – they can gauge their abilities against the best competition and see how they stack up.

Additionally, many teams have “B” and “C” teams. While these teams may not face the best of the best, they’re great for players who are still developing their talents. That’s because those players can face talent at their level as they refine their game, maintaining their confidence and focusing on what they need to improve and sharpen going forward.

For what it’s worth, I had to play on one of those “C” teams one season, as I worked on my skills behind the plate. For me, it was great, because I got to work on my approach behind the plate and focus on positivity. It really did wonders for my game, in the long-term timeline, because my confidence was high going into the next season, when I rejoined my regular team.

Specialized Training

I’m huge on specialized training, especially when it comes to fielding. Really, this advantage of travel baseball is an outgrowth of the advanced coaching one receives, but it is so, so critical in order to become a great player.

While often overlooked, fielding is key to become a well-rounded player. And as a former light-hitting outfielder, I can attest to the fact that it can be a way to get noticed and get playing time, even if you don’t hit well.

Some of the best training I received in travel ball was fielding training that focused on footwork in the outfield, leading to better routes taken to fly balls and ultimately, better range. It was highly technical training, something that I doubt I could have received elsewhere.

For catchers and pitchers, this is especially true. Catching is something that is hard to teach in recreational ball – you either have it or you don’t. But in travel ball, catchers can focus on honing their craft during practices, working newly created drills that really help receiving and controlling runners.

Because a lot of travel teams have their roots in baseball academies and developmental centers, it is easier to get sidework in, and field time is also easier to obtain. That clears a major hurdle when it comes to developmental work.

Team Bonding

In recreational leagues, you’re playing with your friends and acquaintances. It can be cool, since most of y’all go to school with one another and grew up playing together. However, those bonds are not as strong as the ones forged in travel ball.

Because of the sport’s nature, with intense training, many hours spent together, and yes, travel time, the bonds forged by club ball are stronger. The atmosphere sometimes mimics that of higher levels, as players share the same buses and hotel rooms on trips.

Interpersonal bonds are formed by time spent together and a shared sense of purpose, often in the face of adversity. In travel ball, where weekend tournaments consume free time and practice is held most days, there’s plenty of that to go around. With shared interests and a focus on development, players have more in common – thereby making those bonds easier to forge.

Sports create lifelong friends, and travel ball is a testament to that.

Here’s a shocker, one that you may not have noticed yet: in travel ball, teams get the opportunity to travel. Crazy, right? Anyway, one of the big advantages of travel baseball is the opportunity to go beyond the local sandlot, even if it’s just locally. Some of the smaller teams focus on limited travel, never going more than a few hours out of their way, but that still affords a younger player a chance to see other parts of the country, a chance to get out of the confines of their own backyard.

Other teams travel more – around the region or even nationally. This gives players a chance to really broaden their horizons, but it’s also very exciting. There’s something special about going to a tournament two states away to prove your worth. For a younger player, it’s fun to spend time with teammates in hotel rooms – almost like a short vacation during the time off.

For parents, it can be fun too. Many of these tournaments are hosted in centrally located cities, where amenities and attractions are plentiful. For example, Orlando commonly hosts these tournaments because it is centrally located, with an excess of fields.

Local tournaments can feature more than just baseball there, as parents and players alike can visit one of the city’s amusement parks.

Increased Exposure

This one is for the players at higher levels. At the summit of club baseball, it can still be very much as it was in its early days, where showcases of talent are the main priority. Organizations like Perfect Game provide weekend-long tournaments dedicated to players who want to be seen in front of major league scouts. They take time to go through a combine, showing off their bat, arm, glove and speed, before taking part in a few games.

Plenty of folks are watching, from college coaches to MLB executives. And they’re all looking for the next big thing.

That kind of exposure is something you can’t get in high school ball, where the rosters are less talent rich. By consolidating so many pro prospects, it becomes a must-see event, one in which a player who puts together a good showing can go from a non-prospect to a prospect.

Is It For You?

Ultimately, the decision to play club baseball is up to individual families. They must weigh the advantages against the costs and the time that must be spent to make such a commitment.

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A lifelong baseball fan, Jacob Prothro has covered all levels of baseball for MLB.com, The Wichita Falls Times Record News and Rivals.com. Prior to that, he was a light-hitting outfielder in the Texas high school ranks. In his free time, Jacob roots for the San Francisco Giants and plays in a men’s league, where he still hasn’t figured out how to hit a curve.

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A beginner's guide to time travel

Learn exactly how Einstein's theory of relativity works, and discover how there's nothing in science that says time travel is impossible.

Actor Rod Taylor tests his time machine in a still from the film 'The Time Machine', directed by George Pal, 1960.

Everyone can travel in time . You do it whether you want to or not, at a steady rate of one second per second. You may think there's no similarity to traveling in one of the three spatial dimensions at, say, one foot per second. But according to Einstein 's theory of relativity , we live in a four-dimensional continuum — space-time — in which space and time are interchangeable.

Einstein found that the faster you move through space, the slower you move through time — you age more slowly, in other words. One of the key ideas in relativity is that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light — about 186,000 miles per second (300,000 kilometers per second), or one light-year per year). But you can get very close to it. If a spaceship were to fly at 99% of the speed of light, you'd see it travel a light-year of distance in just over a year of time. 

That's obvious enough, but now comes the weird part. For astronauts onboard that spaceship, the journey would take a mere seven weeks. It's a consequence of relativity called time dilation , and in effect, it means the astronauts have jumped about 10 months into the future. 

Traveling at high speed isn't the only way to produce time dilation. Einstein showed that gravitational fields produce a similar effect — even the relatively weak field here on the surface of Earth . We don't notice it, because we spend all our lives here, but more than 12,400 miles (20,000 kilometers) higher up gravity is measurably weaker— and time passes more quickly, by about 45 microseconds per day. That's more significant than you might think, because it's the altitude at which GPS satellites orbit Earth, and their clocks need to be precisely synchronized with ground-based ones for the system to work properly. 

The satellites have to compensate for time dilation effects due both to their higher altitude and their faster speed. So whenever you use the GPS feature on your smartphone or your car's satnav, there's a tiny element of time travel involved. You and the satellites are traveling into the future at very slightly different rates.

Navstar-2F GPS satellite

But for more dramatic effects, we need to look at much stronger gravitational fields, such as those around black holes , which can distort space-time so much that it folds back on itself. The result is a so-called wormhole, a concept that's familiar from sci-fi movies, but actually originates in Einstein's theory of relativity. In effect, a wormhole is a shortcut from one point in space-time to another. You enter one black hole, and emerge from another one somewhere else. Unfortunately, it's not as practical a means of transport as Hollywood makes it look. That's because the black hole's gravity would tear you to pieces as you approached it, but it really is possible in theory. And because we're talking about space-time, not just space, the wormhole's exit could be at an earlier time than its entrance; that means you would end up in the past rather than the future.

Trajectories in space-time that loop back into the past are given the technical name "closed timelike curves." If you search through serious academic journals, you'll find plenty of references to them — far more than you'll find to "time travel." But in effect, that's exactly what closed timelike curves are all about — time travel

How It Works issue 152

This article is brought to you by  How It Works .

How It Works is the action-packed magazine that's bursting with exciting information about the latest advances in science and technology, featuring everything you need to know about how the world around you — and the universe — works.

There's another way to produce a closed timelike curve that doesn't involve anything quite so exotic as a black hole or wormhole: You just need a simple rotating cylinder made of super-dense material. This so-called Tipler cylinder is the closest that real-world physics can get to an actual, genuine time machine. But it will likely never be built in the real world, so like a wormhole, it's more of an academic curiosity than a viable engineering design.

Yet as far-fetched as these things are in practical terms, there's no fundamental scientific reason — that we currently know of — that says they are impossible. That's a thought-provoking situation, because as the physicist Michio Kaku is fond of saying, "Everything not forbidden is compulsory" (borrowed from T.H. White's novel, "The Once And Future King"). He doesn't mean time travel has to happen everywhere all the time, but Kaku is suggesting that the universe is so vast it ought to happen somewhere at least occasionally. Maybe some super-advanced civilization in another galaxy knows how to build a working time machine, or perhaps closed timelike curves can even occur naturally under certain rare conditions.

An artist's impression of a pair of neutron stars - a Tipler cylinder requires at least ten.

This raises problems of a different kind — not in science or engineering, but in basic logic. If time travel is allowed by the laws of physics, then it's possible to envision a whole range of paradoxical scenarios . Some of these appear so illogical that it's difficult to imagine that they could ever occur. But if they can't, what's stopping them? 

Thoughts like these prompted Stephen Hawking , who was always skeptical about the idea of time travel into the past, to come up with his "chronology protection conjecture" — the notion that some as-yet-unknown law of physics prevents closed timelike curves from happening. But that conjecture is only an educated guess, and until it is supported by hard evidence, we can come to only one conclusion: Time travel is possible.

A party for time travelers 

Hawking was skeptical about the feasibility of time travel into the past, not because he had disproved it, but because he was bothered by the logical paradoxes it created. In his chronology protection conjecture, he surmised that physicists would eventually discover a flaw in the theory of closed timelike curves that made them impossible. 

In 2009, he came up with an amusing way to test this conjecture. Hawking held a champagne party (shown in his Discovery Channel program), but he only advertised it after it had happened. His reasoning was that, if time machines eventually become practical, someone in the future might read about the party and travel back to attend it. But no one did — Hawking sat through the whole evening on his own. This doesn't prove time travel is impossible, but it does suggest that it never becomes a commonplace occurrence here on Earth.

The arrow of time 

One of the distinctive things about time is that it has a direction — from past to future. A cup of hot coffee left at room temperature always cools down; it never heats up. Your cellphone loses battery charge when you use it; it never gains charge. These are examples of entropy , essentially a measure of the amount of "useless" as opposed to "useful" energy. The entropy of a closed system always increases, and it's the key factor determining the arrow of time.

It turns out that entropy is the only thing that makes a distinction between past and future. In other branches of physics, like relativity or quantum theory, time doesn't have a preferred direction. No one knows where time's arrow comes from. It may be that it only applies to large, complex systems, in which case subatomic particles may not experience the arrow of time.

Time travel paradox 

If it's possible to travel back into the past — even theoretically — it raises a number of brain-twisting paradoxes — such as the grandfather paradox — that even scientists and philosophers find extremely perplexing.

Killing Hitler

A time traveler might decide to go back and kill him in his infancy. If they succeeded, future history books wouldn't even mention Hitler — so what motivation would the time traveler have for going back in time and killing him?

Killing your grandfather

Instead of killing a young Hitler, you might, by accident, kill one of your own ancestors when they were very young. But then you would never be born, so you couldn't travel back in time to kill them, so you would be born after all, and so on … 

A closed loop

Suppose the plans for a time machine suddenly appear from thin air on your desk. You spend a few days building it, then use it to send the plans back to your earlier self. But where did those plans originate? Nowhere — they are just looping round and round in time.

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Andrew May holds a Ph.D. in astrophysics from Manchester University, U.K. For 30 years, he worked in the academic, government and private sectors, before becoming a science writer where he has written for Fortean Times, How It Works, All About Space, BBC Science Focus, among others. He has also written a selection of books including Cosmic Impact and Astrobiology: The Search for Life Elsewhere in the Universe, published by Icon Books.

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Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki

  • View history

The Ball Pit is an object that first appeared in Into the Pit , the first story of Fazbear Frights 1: Into the Pit , and is a crucial object that plays a role in the epilogues of the Fazbear Frights series .

  • 1 Physical Appearance
  • 2.1 Into the Pit
  • 2.2 Epilogues
  • 3 Abilities
  • 4 Speculation

Physical Appearance [ ]

The ball pit resides in a building that was formerly a Freddy Fazbear's Pizza , and was kept inside the building as many owners opened their own business ventures over the years, such as Papa Bear's Pancake House and Jeff's Pizza . The pit itself is filled with red, green and blue balls. Some of the balls have a strange sticky substance that smelled like copper on them, which is later revealed to be blood. The ball pit is closed off by rope and yellow tape stating "DO NOT USE." Having been closed out for many years, the pit eventually started filling up with dust and mildew.

History [ ]

Into the pit [ ].

Oswald is an ordinary customer at Jeff's Pizza. He comes there every day because the prices for pizza and soda are cheap. One day, Oswald snaps at his father due to how repetitive and boring the summer had been. In an act of spite, Oswald hides in the closed off ball pit, going inside of it. After some time, Oswald comes out only to see the pizzeria filled with arcade games, kids running around and animatronics singing on stage. The ball pit had sent Oswald back in time to the year 1985.

Oswald meets two kids from the era; Chip and Mike . After hanging out for a while, Oswald heads back into the ball pit which takes him back to the present. The ball pit could seemingly take a person 30 years into the past to the day. Oswald spends the next few weeks time travelling to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza to hang out with Ben and Mike, seeing someone in a yellow rabbit suit standing about. One day, Oswald comes to see people screaming and running out of the pizzeria. He is horrified to see that the man in the bunny suit murdered 6 children out in the open.

Oswald immediately jumps back to the present. His father came to pick him up, only for the yellow rabbit to grab his father and throw him into the pit. For the next few days, the rabbit replaces his father and everyone else sees him as his father, rather than a walking rabbit. After a talk with new girl Gabrielle during his first day of middle school, Oswald gains the courage to face the rabbit and save his dad. He returns to Jeff's Pizza and finds his father unconscious in the pit, and after a fight with the evil bunny, the creature ends up hanging itself on the pit's rope from above. The two reunite and leave the restaurant, as Oswald decides to never use the time travelling ball pit again.

Epilogues [ ]

Detective Larson , a man investigating an animatronic named the Stitchwraith , had suffered an injury from a stab wound and a deadly infection; both of which were burnt away. The unique properties of the infection and the subsequent burning of it gave Larson lucid visions. He could see, hear and smell the fake environment around him. One of the things he always saw as he transitioned through the random memories was the ball pit of Jeff's Pizza.

Wanting to seek answers, Larson travels around town until arriving at Jeff's Pizza. Jeff allows him in, and Larson sees the pit. It was in the exact same condition as he saw in his visions. Larson steps into the pit, but doesn't go directly under it. Instead, he notices spurts of blood on the balls. Thirty samples of blood were collected, and after DNA examination, were revealed to belong to the same person.

The strange part was that each blood spurt came from a different year, and they all coincided with dates that of incidents involving a strange female animatronic with red pigtails, gray skin and a silver heart shape pendant ; Eleanor . It can be assumed that the blood belonged to her, and that she wanted to use the ball pit and its powers to house the souls of all the people shes killed for the past thirty years.

Larson visits Dr. Talbert , an expert who had been called in to study multiple of the cases involving the missing children. When he walks in, he discovers both the Stitchwraith and Eleanor inside his house. Despite Eleanor being in a human disguise thanks to the heart shaped pendant, Larson sees through her and realizes that she is an evil being made from pure negative emotion. Larson is overwhelmed by visions before he can do anything, and is sent to Eleanor's memories to see some of her killings first hand.

Eventually, Larson figures out that he can use the ball pit within Eleanor's various memories to hop between them. Larson kills Eleanor multiple times in the memories, weakening her in real life. This gives the Stitchwraith an opening to absorb Eleanor and dumb her down to nothing, leaving her animatronic body inanimate and the bits of her trapped inside of her worst memories.

After everything that happened, the Stitchwraith, possessed by a young boy named Jake , begins to have visions of the ball pit as well. Jake is eventually able to find Jeff's Pizza and can feel all of Eleanor's victims souls still trapped in there. He decides to go into the ball pit himself, and bring all the souls to peace. He meets Millie , another one of Eleanor's victims who only remembers the events before her death in Count the Ways . Jake leads her back to her grandpa's house, so that they can celebrate Christmas together. Jake is able to put all the souls in a happy space, within the balls of the ball pit. The balls glow to show an image of the souls living happily. While everyone's trapped inside the pit, they can all rest in peace.

Abilities [ ]

The ball pit has displayed some strange abilities from its appearances.

  • Time Travel : The ball pit has the power to send someone back in time exactly 30 years into the past. It's unclear how the process is done, but Oswald is sent back when he dips his entire body underneath the pit. Strangely, Oswald ends up immediately after he left when he returns to the present.
  • Stasis/Incapacitation : When Spring Bonnie took Oswald's father into the pit, he replaced him while the real dad was trapped in the pit. Oswald's dad didn't travel back in time, but instead remained unconscious within the pit for weeks on end until Oswald came back to rescue him. Despite not having any food or water for weeks, Oswald's dad didn't die and remained in perfect condition throughout his time trapped. It's likely the pit had put him in some form of frozen stasis, pausing him completely.
  • Vision Connection : Larson can see the ball pit in his visions, and it's quite prominent as it's the transition point to the various memories he sees of Eleanor's victims. It's unclear how the ball pit is able to appear in the vision, especially since Larson never knew of the ball pit beforehand. It can be assumed that this has something to do with its supernatural presence.
  • Memory Hopping : The ball pit still works within the visions themselves. Since the ball pit is the transitioning point between memories, Larson uses it to travel through Eleanor's memories while he's still stuck in her head.
  • Soul Housing : Eleanor had put the souls of thirty people inside of the ball pit, presumably trapping them using her blood. The souls remain trapped in the ball pit, unaware of where they are. Jake is able to put these souls at ease, but the ball pit remains their resting place.

Speculation [ ]

  • The charge in question is most likely Eleanor's blood put inside the ball pit, given that it's the only remotely off thing about the pit. It also couldn't be caused by the murders in the pizzeria, given that Oswald could use the ball pit to head back to the present weeks prior to the incident.
  • It's possible that the "time travel" Oswald experiences when he jumps into the pit is actually diving into someone's memories and being able to affect them, similar to how Larson hops through people's memories using it.
  • Jake putting all the spirits to rest in the ball pit is similar to the spirits being given their Happiest Day .
  • Other confirmed victims of Eleanor include Sarah from To Be Beautiful , Delilah from 1:35 A.M. , Pete from Step Closer and Toby from Hide-and-Seek . It's very likely that all their souls are within the ball pit as well, alongside 25 other unnamed victims.
  • Five Nights at Freddy's
  • 1 Animatronics and Bots
  • 2 William Afton
  • 3 Five Nights at Freddy's: Into the Pit

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Travel Baseball: Pros and Cons

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Travel ball is one of the most popular forms of competitive baseball in the United States, and it is only growing in popularity. It can start as young as six years old and go all the way up to 18.

Travel ball consists of teams that are independent of any amateur league, school, or organization that travel to tournaments locally, regionally, and/or nationally to compete against other travel teams.

As more kids each year are taking advantage of travel ball opportunities, more and more parents are considering travel ball as an option for their child to improve his baseball skills. Before committing to travel ball though, one must weigh the pros and cons.

Pro: Competition

Travel ball teams are notoriously more competitive than rec league and sometimes even high school teams . Because travel ball teams are able to recruit the best of the best in their city, state, or region, teams are typically more talented.

This allows players to play with peers who share their passion and talents for the game. Also, it gives them the opportunity to play against peers with equal or greater skill than themselves. This allows them to push themselves to become better players.

Players who typically dominate rec leagues and high school games should consider travel ball as an option to play against better competition.

At the youth level, parents sometimes opt to play a full season of travel ball and skip little league altogether. This can be controversial as some believe that doing this is unfair to the community leagues, but it often benefits the player and challenges him to improve.

At the high school level, players often use travel ball to supplement their high school season. They play in the summer and sometimes fall when their high school team is not in season. Very rarely does a high school player opt to only play travel ball.

For players who struggle in little league or high school, travel ball may not be the best option as the competition may be too much for them. Their confidence in their abilities may suffer making it counterproductive.

For any amateur player looking to play with and against better players, travel ball is a great opportunity to do so.

Pro: Exposure

One of the main reasons many high school baseball players with hopes of playing college ball decide to play travel ball outside of their high school seasons is the exposure they may get because of it.

Most of the time, college and high school baseball seasons overlap leaving little time for college recruiters to get out and see players. High school travel ball normally takes place during the summer while colleges are not in season. This gives them more opportunities to be seen.

Also, many high level travel teams have systems in place to afford players the best opportunity to earn interest from college coaches. Many travel coaches have connections with college recruiting coordinators, so they often reach out on their players’ behalf to get them on recruiters’ radars.

More competitive travel teams also play in a lot of tournaments hosted by companies such as Prep Baseball Report and Perfect Game. These are scouting services devoted to helping high school players find colleges and for colleges to find talented prep players .

At these tournaments, players’ stats and measurables are recorded and added to their recruiting profile for college coaches to see. They also sometimes record videos that they share on social media.

Playing travel ball is not the only way to gain exposure in front of college coaches, but it is one of the more effective ways to play in front of recruiting coordinators.

Pro: Relationship Building

Travel ball also has non-baseball-related advantages.

Travel teams are normally made up of players from different areas of a particular city, state, or region. This affords young kids the opportunities to develop friendships with other kids outside of their hometown.

This allows them to broaden their horizons and experience things outside of the perspective of their hometown. Sometimes, players will form lifelong friendships with kids they never would have met outside of travel ball.

Not to mention the relationships that can be formed from a parent’s point of view. Sometimes, the adults of the children on the team can form lifelong friendships that otherwise may have never had a chance to develop.

Pro/Con: Playing Time

Yes, believe it or not, playing time is both a pro and a con when it comes to playing travel ball.

The positive side of it is that playing time is easier to come by in travel ball. Teams are often made up of anywhere between 9-12 kids to ensure that everyone gets enough playing time .

For coaches, it is important to evaluate the talent level of both your team and the players on your team. Ideally, they should all be about equal in talent level with maybe a few outliers who clearly have more talent than the others.

If a team has nine players that are head and shoulders above the talent level of the remaining two or three players, it will be difficult for a coach to get those two or three players in the game therefore leaving an unequal amount of playing time.

Parents let their children play travel ball in hopes that they will develop their skills, and those skills can only be developed through ample playing time. Most of the time, travel ball teams offer players that opportunity.

On the negative side of things, some people believe that this creates a false sense of security in young players. As competition against other teams is increased through travel ball, competition in playing time is decreased.

Some high school coaches feel that their players expect to start every game regardless of their talent level or their work ethic thanks to travel ball. This even leaks into the minds of their parents as well.

When they go from playing on travel teams where playing time is guaranteed to playing for their high school team where the best nine players get to play, they have a much more difficult time accepting a role as a bench player.

To combat this, travel coaches should make both players and parents aware that while their child may be guaranteed playing time on his travel team, that will not be the case in high school . While this may not solve every problem, it may help clear up any misconceptions.

Con: Coaching

time travel balls

Some travel teams have coaches with lots of playing and coaching experience and take their job as coaches very seriously in helping to develop players’ skill sets.

However, one of the biggest complaints about travel ball is that there is often not enough focus on player development . Coaches just put together lineups and let the kids play.

Sometimes, as is the case in younger levels of travel ball, coaches are parents who may not know as much about the game but are willing to spend time organizing practices and tournaments for the kids.

Also, parent-coaches can sometimes muddy the waters when it comes to playing time. If others feel the coach’s son is getting special treatment, it could cause friction among the team.

Any parent who volunteers his time to coach a travel team should be commended, but he should be prepared for complaints from other parents if his child gets more playing time than other players. It doesn’t always happen, but it is certainly a possibility.

To combat this, some travel teams hire a third party to come in and coach the team. These are often younger coaches who are looking for extra income and ways to get started in coaching.

There are some great travel team coaches out there, but for every good coach, there are many more who struggle.

Probably the biggest complaint about travel ball is the cost to play.

Travel baseball costs on average about $3,700 per year. It is not unusual for parents to pay close to $10,000 for their child to play on a travel team.

Before complaining about the cost, remember that travel teams are not affiliated with any leagues or organizations, so they are on their own when it comes to uniforms, equipment, tournament fees, umpires, coaches (sometimes), hotels, etc.

The typical travel team is not for the family who struggles to pay the bills each month. However, there are travel organizations with sponsorships that pay for most everything for the players. The only downfall is that these teams are typically exclusive to players with elite talent.

Some teams opt for fundraising efforts to charge parents as little as possible for their players to play on a travel team. Either way, parents should expect to fork up some money for their child to play travel ball.

Con: Length of Season

Another criticism about travel ball is the number of games the teams play. Some youth travel ball teams start in early April and play every weekend all the way up until Labor Day weekend.

If a team followed that schedule and played at least three games each weekend, that would be 66 games over five months . Three games is the minimum most teams play in a weekend. It is sometimes as many as six or seven.

This is the reason many kids get burned out on the sport before they even reach high school. They simply play too many games too early in life.

High school summer teams usually don’t start until June because of the high school spring season, but they are notorious for playing anywhere between three and five games per weekend the whole months of June and July and even some of August.

That’s about 8-10 weeks worth of games and can be anywhere from 30-50 games on top of whatever their high school teams played.

Not only can playing that many games lead to early burnout, it also puts young players at a higher risk for injury — especially pitchers.

Related Questions:

How does travel ball compare to little league.

Little League is an organization that was founded in 1939 that operates in more than 80 countries. It is the governing body for many community run youth leagues for ages 6-12. Travel ball is not an organization itself. Tournaments are run by individuals or groups that are not tied to Little League at all.

Travel ball is typically viewed as more competitive than Little League as teams are not restricted to playing against their local competition. Also, travel ball begins at age six and can be played all the way up until age 18.

How do I choose a travel ball team?

When choosing a travel ball team, players and parents should have in mind what it is they hope to get out of playing travel ball. Then, they should take that list and try to find a team that can provide them those opportunities.

Some teams require players to try out for their team while others simply use word of mouth recommendations from people they trust when finding the players that are fit for their team.

What age should I start a travel team?

Travel teams can start as early as six years old and go all the way up to 18 years old. Six is pretty young to start playing on travel teams, but many people do it.

Instead of using age as a determining factor for starting travel, ask this question: “Am I serious about baseball, and am I ready to take my game to the next level?” If the answer to both of those questions is yes, then it may be time to look for a travel team.

When should I leave a travel team?

Leaving a travel team is something that should be avoided because players do not want to get a reputation for jumping from team to team.

However, there are times when it is necessary. If the team is not providing a player with the opportunities to get better, it may be time to leave that team. It is also best not to leave the team in the middle of the season as that leaves them in a bind trying to fill the vacant spot .

See Also : BBCOR vs. USSSA: Here Are Difference What is the Average Velocity of a Division 1 Pitcher? How Long Do High School Baseball Games Last?

time travel balls

Dragon Ball Wiki

  • Português do Brasil

Time Machine

  • View history

The Time Machine ( タイムマシン , Taimu Mashin ) is a machine built by Future Bulma in Future Trunks ' timeline , that could be used to go to the future or to the past. The word "Hope!!" is written on the side of the machine, emphasizing that it was hope for their world.

  • 1.1 Creation and concept
  • 1.2 Functioning
  • 2.1 Dragon Ball Z
  • 2.2 Dragon Ball Super
  • 3 Film Appearances
  • 4.1 Universe 12 Time Machine
  • 4.2 Omori's Time Machine
  • 4.3 Time Slipper
  • 4.4 Turbo's Time Machine
  • 4.5 Dragon Ball Heroes Machines
  • 4.6 Super Time Machine
  • 5 Video Game Appearances
  • 8 References
  • 9 Site Navigation

Overview [ ]

Creation and concept [ ].

The Time Machine was equipped with airplane functions too. At first, the series author Akira Toriyama was thinking of adding in vehicle elements to the Time Machine, like a plane. But in the end, it was only ever used as a Time Machine. [12] The idea of an airplane-like Time Machine was ultimately used for the Epoch in the hit Squaresoft RPG Chrono Trigger .

Functioning [ ]


Future Trunks in his Time Machine

When traveling back in time, the Time Machine creates a new timeline that branches off from its original one at the moment in time where the Time Machine arrived. Thus, it is not possible to "change" the past, in the sense that one's present will change. Any change done in the past will be reflected in a new timeline. However, when traveling back to the future, the Time Machine will go back to its original timeline.

According to Future Trunks, the Time Machine uses up a lot of chronal energy, so it can carry barely enough power for two trips in time. Thus, it is generally used to travel in time, and then to go back to the present. Recharging the machine takes a lot of time, too. It seems that the only way to recharge it is in Future Trunks' own time. In Dragon Ball Z: Sagas , six Time Machine turbines have to be collected before Future Trunks can travel to the past. There is no ladder, so only people who can fly are able to ride it. [12] In Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road , Future Trunks says they have continued developing the Time Machine since his last time travel and they have made one that can carry multiple people.

Using a Time Machine is ultimately a violation of the laws of the universe , as revealed in Dragon Ball Online and Jaco the Galactic Patrolman . It is explained in Dragon Ball Online that a deity called the Lord of Time watches over the flow of time from the cosmos and gave Future Trunks a stern warning for his actions, and it is mentioned in Jaco the Galactic Patrolman that the Galactic Patrol can punish this kind of crime. It is mentioned by Whis that traveling through time into the past or future is a serious offense.

In Dragon Ball Xenoverse , it is revealed that Future Bulma was the first person in the history of Universe 7 to create a Time Machine (apparently ignoring the time machines that appear in Dr. Slump , presumably due to its nature as a gag manga), and Future Trunks' use of it resulted in the first time distortion in the history of Universe 7 (though not the first in the history of the Multiverse, as a time machine was created by a mortal in an advanced civilization in Universe 12 which later came into the possession of Agu ). As a result of disrupting the natural order of the universe caused by the creation and use of their Time Machine by Future Trunks and the Bio-Android Cell , Chronoa outlawed the use of Time Machines to prevent further alterations to history (indicating that the law enforced by the Galactic Patrol is unrelated, as it predates the existence of Bulma's Time Machine as it was around when Bulma herself was still a child). However, she chose not to undo the changes to history caused by Future Trunks' and Cell's use of the Time Machine, due to understanding Trunks' noble reasons behind his actions and the fact that history didn't turn out for the worse, as well as Cell's destruction at the hands of Super Saiyan 2 Gohan via the Father-Son Kamehameha during the climax of the Cell Games . Despite the fact that Future Trunks had not broken the law, as it was enacted due to his and his mother's actions, Chronoa tricked Future Trunks into becoming her assistant by telling him " What you did is a mortal sin and making Time Machines is a crime! Work under me if you want to be forgiven! ". Future Trunks seriously believed her statement to be true, causing him to agree to work for her as her faithful assistant as a means of atonement for his " mortal sin " of creating and using the Time Machine, unaware of the deception on Chronoa's part.

After creating Toki Toki City and the Time Patrol in Age 850 , Future Trunks has the revived Capsule Corporation from his time create newer Time Machines supervised by Chronoa to prevent more timelines from being created. These Time Machines are used by the Time Patrol in order to track down the time fragments created as a side effect of time distortions, as part of Parallel Quests. These Time Machines were constructed and redesigned using Chronoa's in-depth knowledge of the nature of space-time, and as a result do not create alternate timelines as the first Time Machine built by Future Bulma did. The Time Patrol have their Time Machines docked at Toki Toki City's Time Machine Station. In Age 852 , these Time Machines are still utilized for Parallel Quests and transporting Dragon Balls in other timelines, such as in the Guru's House Time Rift anomaly.

During the Warrior of Hope Saga, Chronoa notes that the Time Machine used by Future Trunks is different from the Time Patrol's methods of time travel in that it creates alternate timelines due to its aforementioned design flaw, when it is destroyed in an altered future timeline by Goku Black before Future Trunks can escape to the past. However, despite the problems it causes, Chronoa states that since its usage is already an established part of the official history, they must protect it, thus showing that its use is permitted within these circumstances due to it being already considered part of the history of the timelines it is used in and/or inadvertently creates. As a result, the Time Patrol prevents it and Future Trunks from being destroyed in the future to restore the original history when Future Trunks seeks help in the main timeline. However, if its destruction is a part of the original history, the Time Patrol will not interfere (and may even seek to cause its destruction to restore the original history if need be) as they allowed Black to destroy Future Trunks' Time Machine in the main timeline as it was part of the established history, though Chronoa herself points out that it doesn't matter as Bulma ended up fixing Cell's Time Machine as a replacement; thus the correction was a success. Presumably this would be another reason why Chronoa chose not to erase Cell's alterations to history, as his Time Machine played a critical role during crisis caused by the Zamases ' misuses of the Time Rings as part of their Project Zero Mortals, a crisis which Elder Kai admits was a mistake of the gods themselves (in reference to his fellow Supreme Kai Gowasu's selection of Zamasu as an apprentice).

The Time Patrol continues to permit the repaired Time Machine's usage through the rest of the saga in order to restore the original history in both the main and future timeline (the future multiverse is still erased by Future Zeno , which in turn erases Infinite Zamasu after essence invades the Time Nest). It is also implied that Chronoa permitted Future Mai, Future Trunks, and Future Zeno's (though in Future Zeno's case it is likely permitted simply due to his position and power being superior even to Chronoa's) use of the machine as well as it was also an established part of history. This presumably would also apply to Future Trunks' original usage of the Time Machine that created the first-time distortion in the history of Universe 7 resulting in the creation of the main and future timelines. Again, it is also implied that the laws forbidding time travel enforced by the Time Patrol and Galactic Patrol are not the same, as one Majin Time Patroller fears the possibility of her and her fellow Patrollers getting arrested by Jaco if he finds out they are Time Patrollers while investigating a time rift anomaly at Satan House. Presumably the laws enforced by the Galactic Patrol are interstellar laws enacted by the galactic government ruled by the Galactic King, while the Time Patrol enforce the natural laws governing time travel under the direction of the Supreme Kai of Time. Despite when Jaco ends up in Conton City in Age 852 he is shown to be aware of the Time Patrols activities and even assists them by working as an Instructor at the Time Patroller Academy. Presumably he recognizes that Chronoa's authority of matters involving time is superior, though it is unclear if the rest of the Galactic Patrol is aware of their existence or if Jaco even reported its existence to his superiors.

The time machine is apparently very energy consuming, as Future Bulma stated it took eight months to charge enough energy for a round trip 20 years into the past. However, this could be due to Bulma's lab being destroyed, as she stated she could have made the machine better, implying she could have also charged it more efficiently, as present Bulma was able to prepare Tapion for trip 1,000 years into the past in a short period of time.

Dragon Ball Z [ ]

Future Trunks uses the Time Machine to go to the past to warn the Dragon Team about the androids . Because of the way the machine works, Future Trunks' timeline did not change at all (see Alternate Timeline for more details) . Future Trunks went back not to change his history, but to learn of any weaknesses the androids may have; that way, he could return to his time and manage to defeat the androids there. Future Trunks used the machine again to go back and help the Z Fighters when the androids made their appearance.


Cell steals a Time Machine

In one of the alternate timelines, after Future Trunks returns from his second trip to the past and his deactivation of Future Android 17 and Future Android 18 , Cell killed him and stole the Time Machine. He did it in order to go back in time to absorb the androids in a moment in time where they still existed. This essentially creates four timelines; the fourth one, which is never seen, involves Future Trunks going back, but, instead of training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber , he finds the blueprints to the Androids. Bulma later crafts a remote control that deactivates them and leaves them helpless, and Future Trunks takes that controller back to his time to destroy the androids. Since he did not train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Future Trunks was not strong enough to kill Cell, leading to Cell killing him and taking the Time Machine, thus creating the Cell Saga.


Future Trunks, Gohan, and Bulma investigate Cell's Time Machine

In order to fit inside the machine, Cell had to revert into his egg form, in which he barely had time to press the button to send him back to the preset time. After arriving to his destination, Cell burns a hole in the hatch and abandons the stolen Time Machine, which is later photographed by a Capsule Corporation satellite. Bulma shows the photograph to Future Trunks who decides they should check it out. They find the Time Machine and Cell's shed Cocoon . Future Trunks realizes it is same as his Time Machine (as it has the word "Hope!!" written on its side). Future Trunks presses a button capsulizing it and likely took it back with him to his timeline to prevent anyone from misusing it (or reverse engineering its technology).

Dragon Ball Super [ ]

Future Trunks uses the Time Machine again to return to the past for help after Goku Black attacks the Earth of his timeline. However, he only had enough fuel for a one-way trip and won't be able to return.

In the anime only, after Black follows Trunks back into the past he is confronted by and fought by Super Saiyan 2 Goku. Before he was about to be pulled back into the past, Black blows up Trunks's Time Machine. Bulma revealed that she kept Cell's Time Machine for use in future research now re-purpose for Future Trunks in coming back home to his original time period. In the manga Cell's time machine does not appear at all, and they simply use Future Trunks' time machine, as Black never comes back and destroys it. It is also possible for an individual to ride outside the time machine and they two will also be transported with those inside. Goku and Vegeta hang on the side outside of the time machine knowing that they will all not fit inside at the last moment before Future Zeno destroyed the universe. Beerus and Whis were introduced to this Time Machine when they took notice of Future Trunks' origins, and they revealed that time travel is a grave crime, and Trunks would have to be punished for using the machine, though they let him slide as Bulma bribed them with good food.

Future Trunks and Future Mai finally return to a future that was free of Zamasu's terror with the Time Machine. Bulma later tried building her own Time Machine using notes from her Future counterpart. But ultimately it wouldn't function with a crystal that was placed in it from the future, so she had Goku search for one that is from their timeline which can only be found in the earth's core. Beerus and Whis catch on, and they confront her about building a time machine with Beerus holding the crystal. Whis reminds Bulma that it is forbidden to travel through time and Beerus crushes the crystal and destroys the Time Machine and notes with a snap of his fingers, with Bulma weeping at her loss.

Film Appearances [ ]


Tapion's Time Machine

In Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon , Bulma creates a Time Machine for Tapion to allow him to return to Planet Konats in the past. It is nearly identical to the one Future Trunks used (its design was likely based on Future Trunks' Time Machine). According to the Japanese dialogue, Bulma tells Trunks he can use another Time Machine to visit Tapion any time he wants.

Other Time Machines [ ]

Universe 12 time machine [ ].

In Dragon Ball Super , it is revealed that the first Time Machine was created by a mortal in Universe 12 which eventually fell into the possession of that Universe's Supreme Kai, Agu . In the manga, it is revealed that in Future Trunks' timeline, Future Zamasu and Goku Black took the machine for themselves after killing Agu, providing them and eventually Infinite Zamasu a way to travel to other timelines which Infinite Zamasu reveals when Future Trunks and his allies try to flee in Trunks' Time Machine. However, this time machine was erased along with Infinite Zamasu and the future multiverse by Future Zeno . In the main timeline and alternate future timeline created by Whis, the Time Machine is still in Agu's possession.

Omori's Time Machine [ ]

Omori Time Machine

Omori's Time Machine

The time machine that Tokunoshin Omori was working on during Jaco the Galactic Patrolman . It was originally funded by the East City government but, because of an accident in the lab that killed Omori's Wife , funding ceased and Omori continued working on it by himself - hoping that if he could get it working, he could go back in time and save his wife. When Jaco needed to save Tights and Manpuku Okawari from crashing the Twinkle 8 into East City, Omori used the time machine to briefly stop time for around 50 seconds.

According to Jaco, it can only freeze time as it is essentially a imperfect Time Machine; incapable of traveling through time or altering history. As a result, Jaco does not have to arrest Omori or the members of the East City government that commissioned it due to it being a failure. Had it been a success, then he'd have no choice but to arrest Omori for the crime of creating a working time machine. Its ability to stop time is not a violation of galactic law as only Time Machines capable of altering history, or that produce time distortions like Future Bulma's, are considered illegal.

Time Slipper [ ]

Arale Riding Time Slipper

Arale riding the time slipper

A strange time machine invented by Senbei Norimaki in Dr. Slump . It is a board that a talking clock named Mr. Time slips on a brings anyone riding on the board to a different time period. Unlike the Capsule time machine, any alterations in time using this machine are permanent and do not make a separate timeline. This time machine was used to travel to the prehistoric ages where they end up finding an egg which Gatchan was born from and was even used to prevent the Dinosaurs from going extinct.

Turbo's Time Machine [ ]

Turbo Time Machine

Turbo's time machine

A time machine that was quickly built by Turbo Norimaki in Dr. Slump using his Telekinesis that is more advanced than his father's time slipper. This was used by Robotoriyama to travel to Age 759 and see what happen to the lives of the residents in Penguin Village .

Dragon Ball Heroes Machines [ ]


The Dragon Ball Heroes machine transporting Beat into the game in one of the Dragon Ball Heroes trailers

In Dragon Ball Heroes and Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission , the Dragon Ball Heroes arcade machines invented by the Capsule Corporation use advanced time travel technology to play Dragon Ball Heroes allowing players to take on the form of a Hero Avatar or certain historical figures such as Mizore using Fasha as her avatar. The time travel technology allows the players to travel to different periods and even fight against historical figures somehow without altering the official history. In some Dragon Ball Heroes trailers , Beat and Note use the machines to become their Saiyan avaters to assist Chronoa and Xeno Trunks as members of the Time Patrol .

However the time travel component is absent in the SDBH machines featured in Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission , as they are simply advanced holographic arcade machines, as the SDBH game world is depicted as existing in a dimension separate from the real world's official history thus alterations to the game world's timeline do not affect the history of the real world, however it does effect the stability of the game world, causing tears in space that allow game characters to enter the real world and can also pull real world inhabitants into the game world.

Super Time Machine [ ]

In Dragon Ball: The Breakers , the Super Time Machine is a new type of Time Machine deployed by the Time Patrol to fix Temporal Seams .

Video Game Appearances [ ]

  • Dragon Ball Z: Atsumare! Gokū Wārudo
  • Dragon Ball Z 2: Super Battle
  • Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II
  • Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
  • Dragon Ball Z: Sagas
  • Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road
  • Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
  • Dragon Ball Online
  • Dragon Ball Heroes
  • Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle
  • Dragon Ball Xenoverse
  • Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butōden
  • Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
  • Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
  • Dragon Ball: The Breakers


A time travel as seen in Atsumare! Gokū Wārudo

In Atsumare! Gokū Wārudo , during the 10 days prior to the Cell Games , Future Trunks, Goku , Gohan , Krillin and Bulma uses the Time Machine to travel back in time from Goku and Krillin's training under Master Roshi to the group's first encounter with Cell. In Super Battle , the Time Machine appears in cutscenes of several video games. One is seen in the background of the Alternative Future battle stage.

In Budokai 3 , in Dragon Universe, a Time Machine can be found and visited when playing as Goku after returning to Earth from Namek ; Goku finds a Meta-Cooler at the site, and a battle ensues between the two.

In Sagas , six Time Machine turbines have to be collected in the city before Future Trunks can travel to the past.

In Shin Budokai - Another Road , Future Trunks saves a Time Machine that can carry multiple people from Future Dabura 's attack on West City , and he uses it to travel back in time and bring the Z Fighters of the past in order to help him against Future Babidi and later Future Majin Buu .

In Budokai Tenkaichi 3 what-if scenario "Affectionate Android", Dr. Gero sends Android 16 back in time to kill a younger, weaker Goku.


The Time Machine during a time travel in Dragon Ball Online

In Online , redesigned Time Machines appear, making them look similar to Frieza's Spaceship . The game features Time Machine Missions where players travel back in time and take part in notable aspects of the Dragon Ball history . The game's main antagonist, Miira , also plans to use a Time Machine to go into the past and steal Goku's DNA.


Time Machines in the 3rd Dragon Ball Heroes promo

In Dragon Ball Heroes third promotional movie, Beat and Note use Time Machines to go back in time and attack Frieza's remaining soldiers while Super Saiyan Goku is fighting Frieza on Namek .

In Xenoverse , Time Machines are created in newer models from the revived Capsule Corporation in Future Trunks' timeline and docked in the Time Machine Station of Toki Toki City. The Time Patrol makes use of these Time Machines, as well as the Scroll of Eternity, as their primary form of Time Travel. The Time Machines seem to be big enough for only a single person, but have power for multiple trips, and can even send items through time, such as Dragon Balls. The Time Machines used by the Time Patrol do not create alternate timelines, due to being altered by Chronoa so as to avoid such distortions and are thus sanction by her for use by the Time Patrol.

In [Extreme Butōden , Future Trunks' Time Machine appears as a Z-Assist character (obtained as DLC via an update). When used the Time Machine will appear and reset cool down time for all Z-Assist characters, except for Shenron and itself.

In Xenoverse 2 , Time Patrol sanctioned Time Machines are still used by the Time Patrol to travel to timelines featured in Parallel Quests. As part of the Super Pack 4 DLC, Future Trunks' Time Machine appears during the Warrior of Hope Saga . In Conton City , a single time machine appears in the center of the station surrounded by a protective cylindrical dome and continues its same use. It is also revealed by Skid that the reason they still use them is because the Parallel Quests' history is different from the histories stored on the scrolls.

In Kakarot , the Time Machine has appeared several times during the game's retelling of the Cell Saga and the Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks .

In The Breakers , Future Trunks' Time Machine acts as the Escape Time Machine that can transport Survivors if the Super Time Machine 's Startup System is destroyed by a Raider triggering an Escape Phase.

  • The Blue No. 15 Electro-Fluid is the fuel that operates the time machine. [13]

Gallery [ ]

References [ ].

  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 Dragon Ball Super chapter 26, " The Decisive Battle! Farewell, Trunks! "
  • ↑ Dr. Slump chapter 10, " The Time Slipper "
  • ↑ 3.0 3.1 Dragon Ball Z: Atsumare! Gokū Wārudo , 1992
  • ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road , 2007
  • ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 , 2005
  • ↑ 6.0 6.1 Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors , 2004
  • ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 , 2007
  • ↑ Dragon Ball Online , 2010
  • ↑ Dragon Ball Xenoverse , 2015
  • ↑ Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 , 2016
  • ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Dragon Ball: The Breakers , 2022
  • ↑ 12.0 12.1 "Dragon Ball Q&A" section, Dragon Ball Full Color Androids Saga volume 6, 2014
  • ↑ Dragon Ball Super chapter 15, " Hope!! Once Again "

Site Navigation [ ]

  • 3 List of Power Levels

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11 Fun Pool Party Snacks and Treats for a Splashing Good Time

Posted: June 7, 2024 | Last updated: June 7, 2024

<p>Planning a pool party and need some tasty treats to keep everyone happy and refreshed? I’ve rounded up some fantastic snack ideas that are perfect for a fun-filled day by the pool. These easy-to-make, crowd-pleasing recipes will ensure your gathering is a splashing success, with something for everyone to enjoy.</p>

Planning a pool party and need some tasty treats to keep everyone happy and refreshed? I’ve rounded up some fantastic snack ideas that are perfect for a fun-filled day by the pool. These easy-to-make, crowd-pleasing recipes will ensure your gathering is a splashing success, with something for everyone to enjoy.

Adorable Mermaid Charcuterie Board for Mermaid Parties and Beach Parties

This charcuterie board is a fantastic choice for fun pool party snacks, featuring an assortment of cheeses, fruits, and snacks that are easy to nibble on. It’s a visually appealing centerpiece that’s simple to put together and ensures there’s something for everyone. The variety of items on the board caters to different tastes, making it ideal for mingling and casual snacking. It enhances the party’s beachy theme with its vibrant presentation. Perfect for both kids and adults, this board will keep everyone coming back for more. Get the Recipe: Adorable Mermaid Charcuterie Board for Mermaid Parties and Beach Parties

<p>This dip is an excellent choice for poolside gatherings, offering a creamy and refreshing snack that’s quick to whip up. It pairs well with chips, veggies, or crackers, making it a versatile option for any crowd. Light yet flavorful, it’s perfect for keeping things cool and enjoyable on a hot day. With minimal preparation required, it’s easy to prepare just before guests arrive. Everyone will love its delicious and refreshing taste while they enjoy their time by the pool.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://artofnaturalliving.com/skinny-poolside-dip/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn" rel="noopener">Skinny Poolside Dip</a></p>

Skinny Poolside Dip

This dip is an excellent choice for poolside gatherings, offering a creamy and refreshing snack that’s quick to whip up. It pairs well with chips, veggies, or crackers, making it a versatile option for any crowd. Light yet flavorful, it’s perfect for keeping things cool and enjoyable on a hot day. With minimal preparation required, it’s easy to prepare just before guests arrive. Everyone will love its delicious and refreshing taste while they enjoy their time by the pool. Get the Recipe: Skinny Poolside Dip

<p>These adorable flip-flop cookies add a playful touch to any pool party, transforming a simple treat into a themed delight. They’re easy to make and decorate, providing a fun activity that can also involve the kids. Perfect for a sweet snack, they bring smiles and enjoyment to the dessert table. With just a few ingredients, you can create these eye-catching cookies in no time. They’re a sweet way to celebrate the summer vibes at your poolside gathering.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://www.ohmy-creative.com/kitchen/dessert/how-to-make-nutter-butter-flip-flop-cookies/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn" rel="noopener">How To Make Nutter Butter Flip Flop Cookies</a></p>

How To Make Nutter Butter Flip Flop Cookies

These adorable flip-flop cookies add a playful touch to any pool party, transforming a simple treat into a themed delight. They’re easy to make and decorate, providing a fun activity that can also involve the kids. Perfect for a sweet snack, they bring smiles and enjoyment to the dessert table. With just a few ingredients, you can create these eye-catching cookies in no time. They’re a sweet way to celebrate the summer vibes at your poolside gathering. Get the Recipe: How To Make Nutter Butter Flip Flop Cookies

<p>These homemade popsicles are a refreshing treat for a hot day by the pool, combining the sweet flavors of cherry and mango. Simple to make, they require minimal ingredients and effort, allowing you to prepare them ahead of time. Their vibrant colors and fruity taste make them a hit with both kids and adults. Perfect for cooling down, they offer a healthy and tasty option for your guests. Enjoy these popsicles as a cool and flavorful snack between swims, making them a fun pool party treat.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://www.throughthefibrofog.com/cherry-mango-popsicles/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn" rel="noopener">Easy Cherry Mango Popsicles</a></p>

Easy Cherry Mango Popsicles

These homemade popsicles are a refreshing treat for a hot day by the pool, combining the sweet flavors of cherry and mango. Simple to make, they require minimal ingredients and effort, allowing you to prepare them ahead of time. Their vibrant colors and fruity taste make them a hit with both kids and adults. Perfect for cooling down, they offer a healthy and tasty option for your guests. Enjoy these popsicles as a cool and flavorful snack between swims, making them a fun pool party treat. Get the Recipe: Easy Cherry Mango Popsicles

<p>These jello cups bring a splash of oceanic fun to your pool party, featuring layers of blue gelatin and whimsical decorations. Easy to prepare, they can be made ahead of time and stored until the party begins. They’re a hit with children, providing a sweet and visually appealing treat that fits the beach or mermaid theme. The individual servings make them convenient and mess-free for guests. These cups add a delightful, sea-inspired touch to your snack table, perfect for a fun pool party.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://arkansasgirls.com/blue-ocean-cups/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn" rel="noopener">Blue Ocean Cups (Mermaid Jello Cups) for a Mermaid Party</a></p>

Blue Ocean Cups (Mermaid Jello Cups) for a Mermaid Party

These jello cups bring a splash of oceanic fun to your pool party, featuring layers of blue gelatin and whimsical decorations. Easy to prepare, they can be made ahead of time and stored until the party begins. They’re a hit with children, providing a sweet and visually appealing treat that fits the beach or mermaid theme. The individual servings make them convenient and mess-free for guests. These cups add a delightful, sea-inspired touch to your snack table, perfect for a fun pool party. Get the Recipe: Blue Ocean Cups (Mermaid Jello Cups) for a Mermaid Party

<p>This dip is a great addition to any pool party, offering a flavorful and creamy option that’s perfect for sharing. Quick and easy to prepare, it pairs well with chips or veggies, making it a versatile snack. Its rich taste will keep guests coming back for more, and it’s simple to make in large batches. Serve it in a fun, themed dish to enhance the party atmosphere. This dip is a crowd-pleaser, making it ideal for fun poolside snacking.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://justdiprecipes.com/boat-dip/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn" rel="noopener">Boat Dip Recipe</a></p>

Boat Dip Recipe

This dip is a great addition to any pool party, offering a flavorful and creamy option that’s perfect for sharing. Quick and easy to prepare, it pairs well with chips or veggies, making it a versatile snack. Its rich taste will keep guests coming back for more, and it’s simple to make in large batches. Serve it in a fun, themed dish to enhance the party atmosphere. This dip is a crowd-pleaser, making it ideal for fun poolside snacking. Get the Recipe: Boat Dip Recipe

<p>These marshmallow treats are a fun and colorful addition to your pool party, resembling mini beach balls. Easy to make, they’re a sweet and playful snack that kids will love. The vibrant colors and marshmallow goodness make them an enjoyable treat for all ages. With minimal preparation time, they’re perfect for last-minute party planning. Add them to your dessert table for a touch of fun and sweetness, making them a perfect pool party treat.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://eventstocelebrate.net/marshmallow-beach-balls-pool-party-treats/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn" rel="noopener">Marshmallow Beach Balls: Pool Party Treats</a></p>

Marshmallow Beach Balls: Pool Party Treats

These marshmallow treats are a fun and colorful addition to your pool party, resembling mini beach balls. Easy to make, they’re a sweet and playful snack that kids will love. The vibrant colors and marshmallow goodness make them an enjoyable treat for all ages. With minimal preparation time, they’re perfect for last-minute party planning. Add them to your dessert table for a touch of fun and sweetness, making them a perfect pool party treat. Get the Recipe: Marshmallow Beach Balls: Pool Party Treats

<p>These jello cups are a fun and creative snack, featuring a mini fish tank look that’s perfect for pool parties. Easy to assemble, they provide a visually appealing treat that kids and adults alike will enjoy. The individual servings make them convenient and easy to serve. Prepare them ahead of time and keep them chilled until the party starts. They add a whimsical touch to your snack selection, making them a hit at any fun pool party.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://onmykidsplate.com/mini-fish-tank-gelatin-cups/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn" rel="noopener">Mini Fish Tank Jell-O Cups (Fun For Parties!)</a></p>

Mini Fish Tank Jell-O Cups (Fun For Parties!)

These jello cups are a fun and creative snack, featuring a mini fish tank look that’s perfect for pool parties. Easy to assemble, they provide a visually appealing treat that kids and adults alike will enjoy. The individual servings make them convenient and easy to serve. Prepare them ahead of time and keep them chilled until the party starts. They add a whimsical touch to your snack selection, making them a hit at any fun pool party. Get the Recipe: Mini Fish Tank Jell-O Cups (Fun For Parties!)

<p>These cookie sandwiches are a festive treat for any summer pool party, featuring red, white, and blue colors. Simple to make, they bring a patriotic flair to your snack table. The creamy filling between two cookies offers a delightful bite that guests will love. Perfect for celebrating national holidays or just adding a splash of color to your event. These sandwiches are a sweet and fun way to enjoy the day by the pool, making them ideal for poolside treats.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://eventstocelebrate.net/stars-and-stripes-patriotic-cookie-sandwiches/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn" rel="noopener">“Stars and Stripes” Patriotic Cookie Sandwiches</a></p>

“Stars and Stripes” Patriotic Cookie Sandwiches

These cookie sandwiches are a festive treat for any summer pool party, featuring red, white, and blue colors. Simple to make, they bring a patriotic flair to your snack table. The creamy filling between two cookies offers a delightful bite that guests will love. Perfect for celebrating national holidays or just adding a splash of color to your event. These sandwiches are a sweet and fun way to enjoy the day by the pool, making them ideal for poolside treats. Get the Recipe: “Stars and Stripes” Patriotic Cookie Sandwiches

<p>This pie is a delicious and creamy addition to your pool party, combining the classic taste of OREO with a tropical coconut twist. Easy to prepare, it can be made ahead of time and chilled until ready to serve. The rich flavors and smooth texture make it a crowd favorite. Perfect for serving as a cool dessert on a hot day. This pie adds a touch of indulgence to your poolside treats, making it a great choice for fun pool party snacking.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://notentirelyaverage.com/oreo-coconut-cream-pie/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">All American OREO Coconut Cream Pie</a></p>

All American OREO Coconut Cream Pie

This pie is a delicious and creamy addition to your pool party, combining the classic taste of OREO with a tropical coconut twist. Easy to prepare, it can be made ahead of time and chilled until ready to serve. The rich flavors and smooth texture make it a crowd favorite. Perfect for serving as a cool dessert on a hot day. This pie adds a touch of indulgence to your poolside treats, making it a great choice for fun pool party snacking. Get the Recipe: All American OREO Coconut Cream Pie

<p>This fruit dip is a light and refreshing snack for your pool party, perfect for pairing with a variety of fresh fruits. Easy to make, it requires just a few ingredients and can be prepared in minutes. The creamy texture and sweet taste make it a favorite among both kids and adults. It’s a great way to enjoy a healthier treat while relaxing by the pool. Serve it with an assortment of fruits for a colorful and tasty snack, making it perfect for a fun poolside gathering.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://lesswithlaur.com/vegan-fruit-dip/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn" rel="noopener">Vegan Fruit Dip</a></p>

Vegan Fruit Dip

This fruit dip is a light and refreshing snack for your pool party, perfect for pairing with a variety of fresh fruits. Easy to make, it requires just a few ingredients and can be prepared in minutes. The creamy texture and sweet taste make it a favorite among both kids and adults. It’s a great way to enjoy a healthier treat while relaxing by the pool. Serve it with an assortment of fruits for a colorful and tasty snack, making it perfect for a fun poolside gathering. Get the Recipe: Vegan Fruit Dip

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Resurgam festival, a massive yard sale and more things to do this weekend

Comedian Dave Attell is in town, Zephyr Ice is serving up cool treats and food trucks are out in force (there's an app that will tell you where).

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We’re not entirely sure how the weekend weather is going to shake out, but either way there’s a whole lot going on, so let’s get to it.

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Maine Roller Derby skaters competing at Happy Wheels Skate Center in Westbrook. Photo by Jim Vernier

On Saturday and Sunday, Maine Roller Derby’s first international tournament happens at Happy Wheels Skate Center in Westbrook. There will be several exciting flat-track bouts, and if you’re a Mainer, tickets are half off.

Get a discount on tickets to Maine Roller Derby’s international tournament

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Max Abraham runs through Moon Tide Park while performing with the band Corpus Chicanery at last year’s Resurgam festival. Shawn Patrick Ouellette/Staff Photographer

The Resurgam Music and Arts Festival is Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Ocean Gateway marine terminal and surrounding areas. The list of performers is about 17 miles long and includes Oshima Brothers Band and professional hula hoop and circus artist Nettie Loops.

Resurgam festival returns this weekend with music, arts and more

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Local musician Toby McAllister, pictured here at The Press Room in Portsmouth, would of course play at a local venue on his perfect day. Photo by Corey Fitzgerald and courtesy of Toby McAllister

Another musician you can see at Resurgam is Toby McAllister from Sparks The Rescue. McAllister unpacked his perfect Maine day for us, and it includes a hike in Grafton Notch and a stop at Puzzle Mountain Bakery in Newry for cookies.

My Perfect Day: Hiking Old Speck, eating tacos and sweets, playing a show – for musician Toby McAllister, it all strikes a chord

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Comic Dave Attell plays the State Theatre in Portland, June 8. Photo courtesy of the State Theatre

There’s plenty else cooking this weekend , including Yoga in the Park on Saturday and the Walk the Working Waterfront tour. Both are in Portland. Or you can shop till you drop at Maine’s Ultimate Spring Yard Sale Saturday at Cumberland Fairgrounds. Need a few laughs? Grab a ticket to see comic Dave Attell at the State Theatre Saturday.

Waterfront tour, giant yard sale, comic Dave Attell

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Zephyr proudly tells its customers that everything is made in house with real fruit and no dyes. Photo by Megan Gray

Satisfy your sweet tooth with something a little different this weekend. Zephyr Ice in Portland serves shaved ice atop a scoop of regular or vegan ice cream. Choose from a variety of syrup flavors, all made in-house with real fruit.

For cool, customizable treats, breeze on in to Zephyr Ice

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Mainely Burgers food truck. Shawn Patrick Ouellette/Staff Photographer

Should you fancy a food truck fix, check out our massive, always growing food truck guide and get busy chowing down.

A guide to 87 food trucks rolling through Maine

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A Foodtruckalico Instagram post featuring the Ugly Dumpling food truck. Photo by Justin Velgos

For even more food truck fodder, we suggest heading to Food Truckalico on Instagram . A couple of times a week, the account shares details about where and when you can find trucks in the Portland area.

Follow the food trucks with Food Truckalico on Instagram

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A newspaper article about a Comegato sighting from web series “Tracking the Comegato.” Photo courtesy of Kate Kaminski

If the weather does indeed relegate you to the indoors, curl up on the couch and fire up the new web series “Tracking the Comegato” about a beastly human-weasel hybrid that may or may not exist.

Could this human-weasel hybrid from Maine join the ranks of Bigfoot?

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England's Euro 2024 fixtures, dates and potential route for tournament in Germany

Euro 2024 starts in Munich on Friday, June 14 and runs to Sunday, July 14; semi-finals take place in Munich and Dortmund on July 9 and 10; Euro 2024 final is in Berlin; England in Group C with Slovenia, Denmark and Serbia; Serbia vs England first up on June 16

Wednesday 5 June 2024 16:03, UK

Who should Gareth Southgate pick if England's opening game at Euro 2024 was tomorrow?

Track England's Euro 2024 fixtures, as well as their potential route through the knockout stages of the tournament in Germany.

England will face Denmark, Slovenia and Serbia in their Euro 2024 group.

Their first game on Sunday June 16 sees them travel to Gelsenkirchen to take on Serbia , who finished second in qualifying Group G behind Hungary, and whom they have not faced since the country's split with Montenegro in 2006.

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Gareth Southgate's side take on Denmark - whom they beat in the Euro 2020 semi-finals, before losing to Italy - four days later in Frankfurt.

They then round off their group on Tuesday June 25 in Cologne against Slovenia , whom they previously beat in a must-win final group game at World Cup 2010 to reach the knockout stages.

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How far will England go this time? Here's how their tournament could play out - and which heavyweight opponents could lie in wait...

England Group

Euro 2024 groups in full

  • Group A: Germany, Scotland, Hungary, Switzerland
  • Group B: Spain, Croatia, Italy, Albania
  • Group C: Slovenia, Denmark, Serbia, England
  • Group D: Poland, Netherlands, Austria, France
  • Group E: Belgium, Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine
  • Group F: Turkey, Georgia, Portugal, Czech Republic

England's potential Euro 2024 route

Group stage.

The top two in each group plus the four best third-placed teams go through

Euro 2024: England drawn with Denmark; Scotland face Germany in opener

Euro 2024 latest news

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Sunday June 16 - Group C: Serbia vs England (Arena AufSchalke, Gelsenkirchen - kick-off 8pm UK time)

Thursday June 20 - Group C: Denmark vs England (Waldstadion, Frankfurt - kick-off 5pm UK time)

Tuesday June 25 - Group C: England vs Slovenia (RheinEnergieStadion, Cologne - kick-off 8pm UK time)

What if teams finish level on points in group stage?

UEFA rules say that if two or more teams in the same group are equal on points, the following criteria are applied in given order: - Higher number of points obtained in the matches played among teams in question - Superior goal difference from matches played among teams in question - Higher number of goals scored in matches played among teams in question

Round of 16

If England finish first in Group C:

Sunday June 30 - Group C winners vs third-placed side in Group D/E/F (Arena AufSchalke, Gelsenkirchen - kick-off 5pm UK time)

If England finish second in Group C:

Saturday June 29 - Group A winners vs Group C runners-up (Westfalenstadion, Dortmund - kick-off 8pm UK time)

If England finish as one of four best third-place teams:

Monday July 1 - Group F winner vs third-placed side from Group A/B/C (Waldstadion, Frankfurt)

Tuesday July 2 - Group E winners vs third-placed side from Group A/B/C/D (Allianz Arena, Munich)

How are four best third-placed teams decided?

According to UEFA regulations, the following criteria are applied, in the order given: - Higher number of points - Superior goal difference - Higher number of goals scored - Higher number of wins - Lower disciplinary points total based on yellow and red cards received by players and team officials in group matches (red card = 3 points, yellow card = 1 point, expulsion for two yellow cards in one match = 3 points) - Position in the overall European Qualifiers rankings or, if hosts Germany involved, drawing of lots

England beat Malta on Friday at Wembley - but Gareth Southgate is hoping his players show a better level away to North Macedonia on Monday

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If England finish first in Group C and win round of 16 game:

Saturday July 6 - England vs Winner of 2A vs 2B (Merkur Spiel-Arena, Dusseldorf - kick-off 5pm UK time)

If England finish second in Group C and win round of 16 game:

Friday July 5 - England vs Winner of 1B vs 3A/D/E/F (MHPArena, Stuttgart - kick-off 5pm UK time)

If England finish as one of four best third-place teams and win round of 16 game:

Friday July 5 - England vs Winner of 2D vs 2E (Volksparkstadion, Hamburg - kick-off 8pm UK time)

Saturday July 6 - England vs Winner of 1D vs 2F (Olympiastadion, Berlin - kick-off 8pm UK time)


If England finish first in Group C, win round of 16 game and win quarter-final:

Wednesday July 10 - Berlin semi-final winner vs Dusseldorf semi-final winner (Westfalenstadion, Dortmund - kick-off 8pm UK time)

If England finish second in Group C, win round of 16 game and win quarter-final:

Tuesday July 9 - Stuttgart semi-final winner vs Hamburg semi-final winner (Allianz Arena, Munich - kick-off 8pm UK time)

If England finish as one of four best third-place teams, win round of 16 game and win quarter-final:

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And finally, the Euro 2024 final...

Sunday July 14 - Munich semi-final winner vs Dortmund semi-final winner (Olympiastadion, Berlin - kick-off 8pm UK time)

Which route is best for England?

England might be favourites with Opta's 'supercomputer' but they will have to overcome several European heavyweights whichever way they qualify, if they are to go all the way.

Using the current FIFA world rankings to plot a possible route, England would have a seemingly easier route to the quarter-finals were they to win their group.

But Euro 2020 conquerors Italy could be a formidable last-eight hurdle, with France - who knocked them out of the last World Cup in Qatar - likely to stand in their way again in the semi-finals.

England’s potential route to the final as group winners…

If all results at Euro 2024 go with the world rankings England’s opponents in the knockout rounds would be… Round of 16: Sunday June 30 - England vs Austria/Romania/Turkey (Arena AufSchalke, Gelsenkirchen) Quarter-final: Saturday July 6 – England vs Italy (Merkur Spiel-Arena, Dusseldorf) Semi-final: Wednesday July 10 – France vs England; kick-off 8pm (Westfalenstadion, Dortmund) Final: Sunday July 14 – Spain vs England; kick-off 8pm (Olympiastadion, Berlin)

Should England finish second in their group, they could delay meeting Kylian Mbappe's World Cup finalists until the very last hurdle, but a sterner round-of-16 test would likely await in the shape of hosts Germany .

England’s potential route to the final as group runners-up…

If England finish second in Group C but all other results at Euro 2024 go with the world rankings, the Three Lions’ opponents in the knockout rounds would be… Round of 16: Saturday June 29 - Germany vs England (Westfalenstadion, Dortmund) Quarter-final: Friday July 5 – Spain vs England (MHPArena, Stuttgart) Semi-final: Tuesday July 9 – England vs Netherlands; kick-off 8pm (Allianz Arena, Munich) Final: Sunday July 14 – England vs France; kick-off 8pm (Olympiastadion, Berlin)

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  2. Time Travel Balls 2

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  3. Time Travel Ball by Ivonne Spinoza on Dribbble

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  4. Ludicrous Speed

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  5. What is a Time Ball?

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  6. Time Travel Ball 2014 Ballon Stomp

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  1. How To Time Travel

  2. 3 Simple Ways to Time Travel (& 3 Complicated Ones)

  3. Time Travel with Wormholes Explained

  4. Time Travel Portal?

  5. Is Time Travel Really Possible?

  6. Is Time Travel Possible? Here's What Physics Says


  1. Time Travel Balls

    60280 Plays. Fit Balls. 49436 Plays. Element Evolution. 47354 Plays. Puzzle. Drop the colored balls into the amphoras of the same color in Time Travel Balls! Solve tricky puzzles to complete challenging levels. Play now at Kizi!

  2. Time Travel Balls 2

    47354 Plays. Puzzle. Play Time Travel Balls 2 on Kizi! Use the cannonballs to hit the colored balls and make them drop into the matching amphoras in this fun, physics-based game!

  3. The State of Travel Ball [Real Parent Survey Results]

    In conclusion, the State of Travel Ball survey conducted in June 2023 provides a comprehensive view of the experiences of approximately 700 parents of baseball players involved in travel teams. The survey reveals that despite the significant financial commitments, with an average annual cost of $2,178, and the time and travel demands, most ...

  4. Travel Baseball: The Ultimate Guide for Parents and Players

    The specific answer varies, but the typical range of cost for participating in travel baseball is between $500 and $2,500 per year. That said, you can end up spending a lot more than that. Back in 2011, CBS News reported that one Georgia family paid $4,000 per year for their 9-year-old son's travel team.

  5. Travel Baseball 101: Everything You Need To Know

    Cons. Cost - The price of playing travel can be high, sometimes up to $5k per year. Time - Playing travel ball takes up a lot of time, so hopefully, you don't like your weekends free in the summer. Competitive - Travel ball can also be a lot of fun, but it's way more competitive.

  6. The Ultimate Parent's Guide to Travel Baseball

    Time - Travel ball is a significant time commitment. The two weekends per month out of town for tournaments is only a small part of it. Your child might also have practice or scrimmages against other travel ball teams during the week. And, as mentioned, your ballplayer may still be expected to get professional skill and sports training ...

  7. Travel Baseball Uncovered: A Guide For Parents And Players

    Local Travel Teams: For beginners starting their journey through travel baseball. The games they play are mostly local or within a close driving distance. Practices only happen a few times a week, and games during the weekend. 2. Regional Travel Teams: For players with more experience and higher skill levels.

  8. What Is Travel Baseball And Is It Worth It? [2024 Updated]

    The Disadvantages Of Travel Baseball. Travel baseball is far from perfect - it has a few disadvantages that parents ought to know about: It's really expensive. Traveling costs can rack up to $5,000 or even $10,000 a year, though in most cases, families seem to spend around $2,500. It's stressful for parents.

  9. Ballparks of America's Ultimate Guide to Travel Baseball

    It doesn't matter how competitive a team is if a player doesn't get playing time. Travel ball teams typically have 13 players on them. It's not advantageous to be the 13th best player on a team, because you won't get very much (if any) playing time. And playing time is important for development and exposure.

  10. Time Travel Baseball

    Time Travel Baseball included players from early 1900s to the late 70s. Expansion sets included players in the early 80s. The game also had special rules to allow you to play in various eras of baseball. These special era rules allowed you to see how players of the 70s may have fared when playing in the dead-ball era. One of the expansion sets you would even included a player card with your ...

  11. Travel Baseball: The Ultimate Resource for Parents, Coaches, and Players

    When it comes to travel ball, there are two main approaches to forming teams: assembling teams and developing teams. Assembling teams involves selecting players based on their current skill level and position needs, while developing teams focus on nurturing players' skills and helping them improve over time.

  12. Time Travel and Alternate Timelines

    The stories either contain time travel, or the story takes place in a world that is the result of time travel. A few of the stories are about timelines colliding with each other. ... Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 6 - Words: 15,689 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 8 - Updated: 1/19/2018 - Published: 9/5/2017.

  13. Travel Baseball World

    Best Dining In Tournament Cities. T.B.W is your one "short-stop" for all things travel baseball related. Get the latest information on teams, equipment and trends in the world of travel baseball.

  14. [How Do Time Machines Work? Asking an Expert about Time Travel in

    Time paradoxes occur when some kind of contradiction or loop is created due to your travels to and from the past and future, and in order to enable time travel, we'd have to find a way to resolve them. Even within Dragon Ball, Trunks altered his universe's history slightly by going back to the past to discover the Androids' weakness.

  15. Travel Baseball: A Guide For Parents & Players

    In travel ball, where weekend tournaments consume free time and practice is held most days, there's plenty of that to go around. With shared interests and a focus on development, players have more in common - thereby making those bonds easier to forge. Sports create lifelong friends, and travel ball is a testament to that. Travel

  16. Dragon Ball Timelines Time Travel Guide [DBZ ver.]

    Dragon Ball Timelines Time Travel Guide [DBZ ver.] Discussion. This is my take on how the timelines actually work and what I think is the most logical explanation given all the information we are given in the manga and anime of Dragon Ball Z. This is a bunch of screenshots edited together from Google Sheets. I've been sitting on these timeline ...

  17. A beginner's guide to time travel

    Einstein found that the faster you move through space, the slower you move through time — you age more slowly, in other words. One of the key ideas in relativity is that nothing can travel ...

  18. Ball Pit

    The balls glow to show an image of the souls living happily. While everyone's trapped inside the pit, they can all rest in peace. Abilities [] The ball pit has displayed some strange abilities from its appearances. Time Travel: The ball pit has the power to send someone back in time exactly 30 years into the past. It's unclear how the process ...

  19. Travel Baseball: Pros and Cons

    Pro/Con: Playing Time. Yes, believe it or not, playing time is both a pro and a con when it comes to playing travel ball. The positive side of it is that playing time is easier to come by in travel ball. Teams are often made up of anywhere between 9-12 kids to ensure that everyone gets enough playing time.

  20. Time Machine

    The Time Machine (タイムマシン, Taimu Mashin) is a machine built by Future Bulma in Future Trunks' timeline, that could be used to go to the future or to the past. The word "Hope!!" is written on the side of the machine, emphasizing that it was hope for their world. The Time Machine was equipped with airplane functions too. At first, the series author Akira Toriyama was thinking of ...

  21. Dragon Ball Super Timelines Time Travel Guide [DBZ-included ver.]

    Dragon Ball Super Timelines Time Travel Guide [DBZ-included ver.] Theory. This is my take on how the timelines work and what I think is the most logical explanation given all the information in the manga and anime of Dragon Ball Z but with the anime of Dragon Ball Super added. The manga and anime of Dr. Slump (not read nor seen) is excluded.

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  23. 11 Fun Pool Party Snacks and Treats for a Splashing Good Time

    The rich flavors and smooth texture make it a crowd favorite. Perfect for serving as a cool dessert on a hot day. This pie adds a touch of indulgence to your poolside treats, making it a great ...

  24. Resurgam festival, a massive yard sale and more things to do this weekend

    The Resurgam Music and Arts Festival is Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Ocean Gateway marine terminal and surrounding areas. The list of performers is about 17 miles long and includes Oshima ...

  25. England's Euro 2024 fixtures, dates and potential route for tournament

    Euro 2024 starts in Munich on Friday, June 14 and runs to Sunday, July 14; semi-finals take place in Munich and Dortmund on July 9 and 10; Euro 2024 final is in Berlin; England in Group C with ...