Tom Cruise runs. But is he any good at it?

tom cruise run scene

IN 2018 , TOM CRUISE finally joined Instagram, and fans sure felt the need for speed: He picked up 550,000 followers in less than an hour. Now he's up to 6.5 million followers, and they're greeted by the actor's self-assessment of his own career in his bio. He could have gone with "Three-time Oscar nominee," or "Sold $10 billion worth of movie tickets."

But instead, he picked: "Actor, producer, running in movies since 1981."

It's a winking, self-aware nod to this much-memed chapter of his Hollywood career. He always gets the rogue bad guy with the rogue nuclear codes from the rogue country, and he does it in a sprint. By one running blog's count , he's run in 44 of his 52 movies, and that includes two running scenes in his newest movie, "Top Gun: Maverick," which opens this week nationwide. A quick reminder: Tom Cruise is 59 years old, the same age as Wilford Brimley when he was chasing Mitch McDeere in "The Firm."

But that raises the question... Is Tom Cruise actually a good runner? We convened an elite panel of Olympians, film critics and former coaches and set out on a mission to analyze Cruise's running -- and might have stumbled onto a never-before-told origin story of his first theatrical running moment.

The evolution

The official start of Tom Cruise, the running actor, was in 1981 when he ran in his first movie, "Endless Love."

But perhaps the most formative run of Tom Cruise's life came in 1980, during his senior year at Glen Ridge High School in New Jersey. His old wrestling coach, Angelo Corbo, says Cruise -- then going by his legal name, Thomas Cruise Mapother IV -- was a decent 122-pounder.

But Cruise came in one day on crutches right before the 1980 wrestling postseason and said he'd slipped coming down the steps at his house. Since he was done with wrestling, Cruise wondered if it'd be OK to go out for his first play, "Guys and Dolls." Corbo said yes.

A few weeks later, though, Cruise came to Corbo and asked if he could come along to the state tournament to support his teammates. Corbo gladly welcomed him into the team van for the trip, and on the way to states in Princeton that March, they decided to get some lunch at a Mexican restaurant. His ankle had healed up enough to lose the crutches, so he walked in and sat down at the table with his teammates.

Almost immediately, Corbo says an assistant coach pointed at Cruise, then at a jar of hot peppers. "I'll bet you $5 you can't eat one of those peppers without drinking anything," the coach said.

Cruise quickly said yes -- "Tom always accepted any challenge, no matter what," Corbo says -- and chomped into it. Within seconds, everybody at the table thought smoke was going to start pouring out of his ears. Cruise leaped up and ran out of the restaurant with the rest of the team unable to keep up. "He ran real fast that day," Corbo says.

When they caught up to him, his teammates and coaches found him on the ground in the parking lot, face buried in a snowbank, stuffing snow into his mouth to cool it down.

"Well, he didn't technically drink anything in the restaurant," one kid said.

The assistant shrugged his shoulders and pulled a $5 bill out of his pocket. "Here, you win, Tom," he said.

With snow all over his mouth, Cruise gave a wide-eyed, toothy smile, similar to the one that would eventually sell somewhere around $10 billion worth of movie tickets. As Corbo describes the scene, he notes that Cruise had a look on his face of a satisfied performer who just captivated an audience for the first time. If there's a pre-Hollywood moment when Thomas Mapother turned into Tom Cruise, that might have been it.

That messy restaurant run sure sounds a lot like the version we see in Cruise's early movies. In "The Outsiders" and "Taps," Cruise runs quite a bit, and it's a sloppy, under-developed run. It's not until toward the end of "Risky Business" in 1983 when Cruise vaults up his high school's steps and jets through the hallways that the beginnings of a steady, faster form begins to emerge.

Caryl Smith Gilbert, a four-time NCAA champion coach who now leads the Georgia men's and women's programs, watched a reel of every Tom Cruise movie run and did a deep-dive analysis. She says she thinks Cruise steadily got better from 1981 until around the early 2000s, then had a breakthrough. Ever since, she says, you can see a clear desire to keep improving.

"It's right around the time he's in 'Collateral' that I could really see it," she says. "His technique got better, and I was like, 'Hmmm, he has to be getting real coaching.' And I also think you can tell that he must do this in his free time now. Like, he really is trying to get better."

Happy Birthday to @TomCruise , who wrestled at Glen Ridge (NJ) High School @NJSIAA shared that wrestling "helped him fit in after moving to the town from Kentucky. When an injury cut short his senior season, he tried out for the school musical. You know the rest ..." — NWHOF (@NWHOF) July 3, 2021

There is a common misconception that most great sprinters must be tall, and the success of Usain Bolt (6-foot-5) certainly has played a part in pouring concrete around that idea. But the truth is, most great male sprinters are in the 5-foot-6 to 6-foot-3 range, according to a study published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine.

And breaking news, Tom Cruise is, uh, not tall. He's often listed at 5-foot-7, but it's always felt like the way college football SIDs decide to round up all incoming freshmen by one inch and 20 pounds. Whatever his actual height, let's just say he won't exactly be playing Jack Reacher any time soon. (Checks IMDb, stands corrected.)

But Cruise's size shouldn't -- and doesn't -- matter much. "A lot of powerful runners are 5-foot-6 or below," says three-time Olympic gold medalist Jackie Joyner-Kersee. "It's all about the turnover of your legs and generating velocity. I don't think his height is a disadvantage."

In "Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol," Cruise comes barreling out of a building as a massive sandstorm descends in the background. It's a long, striking visual because of the way Cruise's open hands slice through the air, over and over again, like he's in the middle of a round of Fruit Ninja.

It's one of the most glaring differences between his early film running and what he has done for the past 20 years or so. When Smith Gilbert says she thinks Cruise must have gotten some running coaching, she zeroes in on the major alteration to his hand movement -- he's gone from sporadically balled up, like many untrained amateurs, to remarkably straight in recent years. In many scenes from the past decade, Cruise's parallel flat palms are almost comical, as if a robot learned how to run from watching another robot.

That must be bad then, right? Not necessarily. People often associate running with balled-up fists, but quite a few great sprinters -- Carl Lewis, for example -- look an awful lot like Tom Cruise when they run, with their palms open. Many high-level runners say that the open versus closed hands debate is entirely a personal choice, that there's really no right answer.

In fact, coaches occasionally recommend that some runners consider a Tom Cruise-ish open-handed technique because, as strange as it might sound, great sprinters work hard to be as relaxed as possible. Smith Gilbert says clenching up hands can be the first sign that a runner is pressing, which affects the rhythm of their breath, which drains their speed and endurance.

"You can be open hand or close hand, as long as the shoulders are rather relaxed," she says. "The goal is good form and being as relaxed as possible. Tom Cruise knows what he's doing."

Cruise's technique can appear incredibly stiff at times, with his chest upright as though he's getting buckled into a roller coaster, flat palms churning, chin high with his face tensed up. Both Smith Gilbert and Joyner-Kersee independently flagged Cruise's running as being slightly too upright and recommended a little more forward lean. But only a little -- and neither was sure that that would be how he'd run without the cameras on.

"I bet that's something they make him do because it looks good on film," Joyner-Kersee says. "In real life, I could get his speed up by just angling him a little bit forward."

But they also both applauded Cruise's technical prowess, saying it's easy for a layperson to mistake stiffness for a good, consistent style.

"At the end of the day," Smith Gilbert says, "running is one foot in front of the other, as fast as possible. Running velocity is stride length times stride frequency. And he's pretty good in that regard."

Believe it or not, Tom Cruise might actually be fast. Like, really fast. A few years ago, a Quora user attempted to analyze Cruise's speed in several movies and estimated that Cruise hit about 15.3 mph at times, usually while wearing non-running shoes and full pants, no less. Cruise himself said he's been clocked at 17 mph.

Last year, marathoner Will Blase wrote a story for a running blog, The Harrier, in which he wanted to explore the idea that Cruise might be the fastest actor ever captured on screen. He pitted Cruise's "Mission: Impossible" runs against four other iconic movie sprints -- Tom Hanks from "Forrest Gump," Sylvester Stallone in "Rocky II," Harrison Ford running from a boulder in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and Marcus Henderson's terrifying nighttime sprint toward Daniel Kaluuya in "Get Out."

After poring over footage for days, Blase reached a verdict that surprised even him: Cruise edged out Henderson for the gold medal in his unofficial movie Olympics, with Hanks and Ford at third and fourth, respectively. Stallone finished last. "That dude is a robot," Blase says of Cruise. "It's incredible. He has it boiled down to science."

But would Cruise be better suited for sprints or slightly longer races? Smith Gilbert thinks Cruise would be great at the 800 meters or even the mile because she thinks he could sustain his top-end speed.

But Joyner-Kersee thinks Cruise could be a good 100-meter runner, and she says he looks like he might be in the 12-second range right now. "That's really fast for people who don't train to race," she says.

And what would happen if Cruise did train? Well, first of all, Cruise should know that he has an open invitation to come work with Joyner-Kersee and her husband, former U.S. track coach Bob Kersee. "I believe we could work with him, see what he's got," Joyner-Kersee says. "We could probably get him to 11.5 with ease."

For the record, 11.5 is very fast ... and definitely fast enough to catch up to Robert Duvall on pit row if they ever have a "Days of Thunder" rematch.

Mental toughness

In "Mission: Impossible Fallout," Cruise has a scene where he runs and leaps from one building to another. It's a long jump that the script called for him to not quite make, slamming into the side of the other building and pulling himself up.

Even with cables attached to his back, it was a brutally violent scene. On an early take, Cruise lands exactly where he is supposed to, a few feet short of making it onto the other roof. But Cruise's right foot bends at a gruesome angle -- he'd broken it on impact.

Yet Cruise claws his way onto the roof, climbs to his feet and limps past the camera with a broken ankle. That take is actually in the movie. Cruise took two weeks off but then returned to shooting, even though his ankle wasn't healed.

When he discussed it on "The Graham Norton Show" in 2018 alongside castmates Rebecca Ferguson, Henry Cavill and Simon Pegg, Cruise looks so proud when they roll bonus footage of the gruesome break. Pegg blurts out that he can't watch multiple times, and Norton tells Cruise he's nuts.

But Cruise took it as a challenge -- that word comes up over and over again when people talk about Tom Cruise.

"I knew I broke it instantly," Cruise says. "We have a release date, so we have to keep going."

Cruise has gotten only more aggressive about doing all of his own stunts, including the runs. He once told Men's Journal that he likes to spend as much time as possible training for his stunts -- and likes to oversee training for the rest of the cast, too. "If he wasn't an actor, he'd be a great stunt man," says legendary stunt coordinator Greg Powell, who worked with Cruise on the first "Mission: Impossible."

One aspect of Cruise's running that came up repeatedly with experts was the fact that so many of Cruise's runs are in suits or regular clothes. Sprinters are notoriously fickle about wardrobe, wanting as little as possible, Joyner-Kersee says. She specifically marveled at the amount of running Cruise does in "The Firm" where he has on a suit and a long coat and is carrying a briefcase, and he's soaked in sweat.

"I never even liked running if I got a few drops of rain on me," she says, shaking her head. "To do something over and over again like he does, that's good mental capability. He has the physical stamina, but to not get bored with it, doing it repeatedly and stay in character and still be able to produce what the scene requires. Even with breaks, it's impressive."

She laughs and looks back at a mural on her wall. It shows her running in her last Olympics. "I know toward the end of my career, I could always get up to 100% speed," she says. "But I could only do it once. I'm not sure how Tom Cruise is doing what he does."


There's not much debate about this fact: Cruise is the Meryl Streep of running, and it's virtually unfathomable to imagine anybody ever being able to put together both the body of work and the body to be running into their 60s.

And it's not just that he does a lot of running in movies; it's also that his running does a lot in his movies.

"His running always conveys something important in the movie," says Christy Lemire, a film critic at and cohost of the "Breakfast All Day" movie podcast. "He's running toward something and he is going to get there -- whether it's freedom or the truth or his wife is in danger. It's not just running as a crucial part of an action set piece. It is a physical manifestation of his ethos."

When author and film critic Amy Nicholson set out to write her book, "Tom Cruise: Anatomy of an Actor," she felt compelled to dedicate an entire page just to Cruise's running. As she worked her way through all of his movie runs, she picked out a few that stick with her.

For instance, she likes Cruise's transformational running in "Knight and Day," the oft-forgotten rom-com thriller with Cruise and Cameron Diaz. In that movie, Cruise is a covert operative pretending to be a schlub. So some of his runs are a little clunky ... until he needs to be Ethan Hunt-like again later in the movie. "Some of his characters are better runners than others," she says. "Watch that movie, because it's an example of him having a goofy run. He allowed himself to be sloppy."

She also thinks his range of runs in "War of the Worlds" is a key entry in the Tom Cruise running library. Before the movie began shooting, director Steven Spielberg and Cruise huddled about what kind of hero Cruise would be. Spielberg told Cruise that alien invasion movies always feature people who are standing up and fighting.

But he wanted to do something different -- he envisioned Cruise's Ray Ferrier as a scared dad, running away and running to survive, not to defeat the evil aliens. And the style of Ray's actual runs needed to convey that, that he was terrified and just trying to survive the world for once, not save it single-handedly.

"He is charged in that movie to do nothing but run in fear and convince other people to run in fear with him -- even when his own children want to stand up and fight back," Nicholson says.

Lemire is a runner herself and says she can't imagine having to combine the amount of physicality with whatever mood Cruise is trying to portray for audiences.

"He has to do so much with his eyes and his face and his gait," she says. "He's never going for a leisurely jog along the beach and enjoying the scenery. He's trying to convey to us whatever his character is going through in that moment. And we underestimate that skill, that ability to make running a physical and emotional experience."

So ... is Tom Cruise good at running?

When he was Glen Ridge's wrestling coach, Corbo would have his group of 20 or so wrestlers do a circuit around the high school. They'd run past the cafeteria, up the stairs to the second floor, all the way to the end of the school, down the stairs to the first floor, then all the way back to the cafeteria. "The loop," he calls it.

Cruise often got roughed up in the room by more experienced wrestlers -- by Corbo's count, Cruise was 7-12 as a varsity starter. But when it was time to do the loop, he would morph into that kid who couldn't back down from a challenge. He'd run the loop hard, getting competitive with some of the same teammates who'd squash him every day on the mat.

One time, Cruise had been hurtling through the hallways and sheepishly approached Corbo at the end of the run. He wanted his coach to come look at one of the big metal doors in the stairwell.

Corbo went with him and found that the small rectangular sliver of glass in one of the doors was cracked. Cruise had been trying to outsprint a teammate and plowed through the door so hard that he broke it. Corbo said thanks for telling him, and when he was asked later by a school administrator whether he had any idea how one of the thick glass windows had a long crack in it, Corbo covered for Cruise.

"I have no idea," he said. "Those are pretty hard to break."

So Corbo's answer to the billion-dollar question of Tom Cruise's running prowess is yes, he's a good runner.

And the running experts agree.

"I've been to the Olympics," Joyner-Kersee says. "And he has pulled me in: Tom Cruise is good at running."

Before Smith Gilbert will answer that question on a recent Zoom call, she tilts her chin up to the sky.

"I think he is good at running -- for Hollywood," she finally says. "By that, I mean, I think that is him actually running in the scenes. But if he came out to race us at Georgia, we would demolish him."

She drops her chin down and stares right into the camera then, and says, "But I bet he would love to challenge me on that."

Tom Cruise’s Best Running Scenes in Movies, Ranked


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It’s a running joke in Hollywood and one that is well-known among cinema audiences — Tom Cruise loves to run, and he does it exceptionally well. It’s one of those odd things that make it as a popular meme, but with zero exaggeration of the facts. His love of running has received commentary from ESPN and measured against box office success by Rotten Tomatoes . A YouTube video titled "Every Tom Cruise Run. Ever.," which compiles nearly 19 minutes of the actor’s running scenes across various movies, actually has 2 million views garnered across the past six years.

With his relentless pursuit of excellence and love for daring stunts, Cruise has become a rare brand in modern-day Hollywood, often being called the last movie star. He knows what the audience expects of him, and seeks to deliver it to great satisfaction in every movie. And his unique run is simply indispensable in every movie he’s in — his chest blown-out, straight-backed, straight-palmed run that seems to model itself perfectly around the kind of role he’s doing. Ranking his running scenes across different movies makes pure cinematic sense. So, here are 10 of Tom Cruise’s best running scenes, ranked.

10 Making an Arrest — Minority Report

Minority Report has built a reputation as one of the classic sci-fi movies of the early-2000s . But as far as Cruise’s brand as an on-screen sprinter goes, the movie is also the best possible exhibit of this strange Hollywood phenomenon. The movie features Cruise as a futuristic police officer on the run from his own team. The very plot of the movie gives it an above-average potential for running scenes, and the movie utilizes much of it. But the best scene featuring Cruise running is near the beginning, when he runs across a street to the first-floor bedroom of a house in record time to stop a murder. Despite many cuts, the scene perfectly captures the unique kinetic energy of Cruise’s run.

9 Dream Run — Vanilla Sky

It is one thing to simply have good running form, but Cruise’s run is firmly established as a meme given that he tends to run even in non-action drama movies. Vanilla Sky has garnered a cult following as a psychological thriller , and stars Cruise as a wealthy socialite. But the movie still manages to start out with a scene of him running — the scene is famous for taking place in a fully deserted Times Square, and is set as a dream sequence in the movie. The great thing about this scene is that it makes complete sense, establishing a state of disoriented paranoia for Cruise’s character.

8 Samurai Assault — The Last Samurai

The Last Samurai is a rare achievement for Hollywood as a western-made samurai movie that stays true to the feel and themes of the original Japanese samurai movies. Cruise takes the role of a disillusioned war veteran in the movie, observing the final days of the samurai tradition during the Meiji Restoration of 19th Century. The movie’s climax involves a last stand by a group of samurai warriors against the modernized Imperial army. Dressed in full samurai garb, Cruise doesn’t get quite the opportunity to display his signature run during the assault. However, it is a fitting high point for the movie as the samurai warriors run towards the Imperial soldiers with a rousing battle cry.

Related: Every Time Tom Cruise Played Someone Different From His Usual Roles

7 The First Attack — War of the Worlds

Cruise’s running scenes aren’t just noted for their exceptional form — as noted by ESPN , they’re also a testament to his professionalism and skills as an actor. He has consistently proven that he can do everything that an actor is required to do while running at lightning speeds, take after take. Not just that, but based on his role, his run is also a versatile tool of expression. In War of the Worlds , Cruise’s character finds himself in the middle of a sudden attack by powerful aliens on earth. It’s a greatly involving scene that finds Cruise running helter-skelter for his life through the city streets as people are getting vaporized left and right. Given the nature of the scene, his gait appears quite topsy-turvy — and fittingly so.

6 Twilight Rooftop Run — Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

You simply can’t have a big-budget spy action movie without a rooftop chase. One wonders how much Cruise and the Mission Impossible franchise have to do with this mandatory genre convention. The popular movie series has altogether too many rooftop chase scenes for a single franchise. But nobody can dispute that Mission Impossible does it quite well. A memorable scene in this category takes place during Rogue Nation , featuring Cruise and Rebecca Ferguson running across a picturesque backdrop dressed in full James Bond uniform. The romantic undertones of this scene are undeniable, and it’s a point of praise that the movie manages to pull it off during a running scene.

5 Running Through Shanghai — Mission: Impossible III

This particular sprint by Cruise stands out with its abject velocity. It is commonly known among Tom Cruise fans that he regularly has to slow down when running alongside other co-stars. This scene in Mission: Impossible III sees him run full-tilt across a crowded market corridor in Shanghai, and it captures the utter ferocity of Cruise’s run — one of its important qualities! It starts off with a gorgeous tracking shot that follows Ethan Hunt nimbly step down from a series of brick-tiled roofs and shoot through the corridor while screaming in a foreign language. It’s an underrated moment that perfectly displays Cruise’s dedication to the craft.

Related: Mission: Impossible: Tom Cruise's 5 Best Stunts in the Franchise, Ranked

4 Overhead Bridge Run — Collateral

Collateral is one of Cruise’s most unique and memorable performances. Directed by Michael Mann, Cruise stars in the movie as a cold, highly proficient assassin who lands in Los Angeles for a night to do a job. The movie was praised for its neo-noir tones, and Cruise’s performance played a part in its overall success, even earning him an MTV Movie Awards nomination for Best Villain. His signature running style, with the jutted-out chest and stiff palms, stands out as something anomalous to the movie’s urban context. But it adds a feeling of terrifying tenacity to the iconic character, a feeling of predatory determination that is best seen during the overhead bridge scene. As is the general rule, Cruise running doesn’t go to waste in this movie either, and subtly sets him apart as a fundamentally different sort of entity masquerading as a regular person.

3 Rooftop Chase — Mission: Impossible - Fallout

Mission Impossible: Fallout features perhaps the best rooftop chase scene in the entire franchise. Cruise famously broke his ankle while jumping across a building for this scene, and chose to finish the scene with the injury so that the shot would be complete. This rooftop chase features some of the best examples of the sweeping camera angles that are now common in blockbuster spy movies. Cruise starts the sprawling one-pan chase scene against the backdrop of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, giving viewers 360-degree views of gorgeous skylines as it progresses.

2 Vertical Skyscraper Run — Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

The Mission Impossible franchise was also the instrument for Cruise to pull off some of his most daring stunts. One of the iconic stunts from the entire franchise takes place at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai in Ghost Protocol , and follows Ethan Hunt on a daring attempt to infiltrate one of the hotel rooms from the outside of the skyscraper. The scene gave audiences the unforgettable visual of Cruise running sideways across the Burj Khalifa. The run takes place at the tail end of a long stunt scene that is already fraught with tension, as Hunt navigates the glass walls of the building with hi-tech Spider-Man-style gloves. It is an all-around excellent stunt sequence that is designed with an entire structure of escalating tensions within it.

1 Running Away from a Sandstorm — Ghost Protocol

This is the scene that encompasses everything Cruise stands for, as an action star. Also taking place in Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol , the scene captures Cruise’s signature running gait in a stunning low-angle shot as he runs out of the entrance of a skyscraper while a massive sandstorm begins to consume the building. It is a truly epic shot — the slow pan out revealing the sprawling architecture of the Dubai International Financial Center, with Cruise gradually moving in for a close-up that perfectly synchronizes with the backward movement of the camera.

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Every Tom Cruise Running Scene, Mapped

Released on 03/20/2019

Well, you could always start running.

[upbeat electronic music]

[upbeat jazz music]

[sirens blaring]

[exhilarating music]

[electronic chime]

[somber music]

[upbeat tempo]

[soldier yelling]

[upbeat music]

[computer chimes]

[crowd cheering]

[football players cheering]

[Stephen] No!

Nickerson, you are not God!

[slow music]

[energetic music]

[building crashing]


[tires squealing]

[dramatic music]

[shouting and screams]

[dramatic chime]

[mumbling over radio]

Bollocks! [screaming]

[glass shattering]

Stay down, stay down!

Get down, get down!

[suspenseful music]

[Woman] Oh my god!

[exploding bang]

[electronic chiming]

Come on, Joel!

You gotta take advantage of this!

They come right to your house!

Countess Angelique seeks young submissive with large ankles!

Joel, how can you miss it?

[intense music]

[techno music]

May I see your pass, please?

Don't say anything, don't say anything,

don't tell me you anymore!

[upbeat piano music]

No talk about racing.

Come on, come on.

All right, no talk about racing.

Come on, Buck.

Race your ass.

[intense rock music]

They made us.


[Hostess] Hello.

[suspenseful techno music]

[all yelling]

[rock music]

You stupid freak!

Hey you, hey dip shit, move it!

You ain't gonna move, I'll move ya.

You're gonna get

run over out here. Whoa, whoa, hey!

Move it, move it!

Hey, hey, no it's all right,

it's all right, it's all right sir,

I'm sorry.

Raymond, come on.

[rain lashing]

[gentle tempo]

[intense tempo]

[Announcer] He's not getting up.

And boy, look at the faces of these Cardinal fans.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

[electrical chime]

[alarm ringing]

Ray, Ray, Ray,

Ray, Ray, Ray!

[horn blaring]


Sally, where's Julia?

Where's Julia?

I think she left.

[siren blaring]

Get Winston!

Inside, inside!

She was drinking champagne in the sun.


My sister and it was just [mumbles], you know?

He stole them from me!

Joseph, that dead man, he stole my spoons!

They're taking everything!

Who's this man, the ward boss?

[Boy] Let's have another boxin' match then.

We need another challenger.

This man has not been defeated tonight.

Will anyone box him?

Yah! [bang]

No, no, no!

Suspenseful music)

Open the door when I tell you!

[Mission Impossible theme music]

Luther, stay with her!

She's gone, I lost her.


You can't go in there!

I am terribly sorry.

[guns firing]

[dramatic tempo]

47. I don't see it!

[Robotic Voiceover] Enter your code.

Retinal scan required.

[opera music]

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.

[bell chime]

I'm going in.

I'll be out in five minutes.

[Man On Phone] What the hell are you doing in Shanghai?

I'll tall ya when I see ya.

[Man on Phone] You need to go North

and there's a bridge.

Go three quarters of a mile along the river.

It's okay, it's okay!

[gun firing]

[engine revving]

[screaming in agony]

Every Tom Cruise Running Scene, Mapped

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tom cruise run scene

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The More Tom Cruise Runs, The Better His Movies Are: We Did the Math

We dove deep into the tomatometer (and box office) data and discovered that tom cruise films with more running tend to earn more accolades..

tom cruise run scene

TAGGED AS: Action , blockbusters , movies , Summer

Tom Cruise has sprinted a little over 29,961 feet on screen throughout his 37 years in the movies, and with Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning, Part One currently in theaters, the numbers on his cinematic pedometer have gone up. His tendency to run — a lot ­— in his 44 films has become a thing of legend; online, you’ll find 19-minute video supercuts of his sprints and style breakdowns that note his stellar form: eyes forward, elbows sharp, feet a blur. But does all that running make for better movies? That’s what we’ve investigated here, comparing the amount of running Tom does in movies to the amount of money Tom’s movies make and the amount of Freshness they score on the Tomatometer.

The methodology was simple, if time-consuming. We counted every instance of Cruise’s running on screen, in seconds, and then calculated the distances run by assuming he is clocking a six-minute mile (14.6 feet per second). The result is a list of estimated distances for each film that we believe is the most solid you’ll find in the online canon of Tom Cruise Running Materials. We then split his movies into four different distance categories, ranging from Zero Feet all the way to 1,000-Plus Feet, to spot the trends.

The biggest trend? Movies featuring Cruise running more than 1,000 feet have a higher Tomatometer average (a huge 76%) than the movies in which he runs less than that, or not at all — and the same movies make more money at the box office, with an average inflated international gross of $472 million. We also found that the age-defying star has been increasing his movie running as he gets older: he covered almost the same amount of ground in 2006’s Mission: Impossible III (3,212 feet) as he did in the entirety of the 1980s (12 movies, 3,299 feet run), and five of his top 10 running films were released after 2010 – the year he turned 48.

You can find Cruise’s 10 biggest movies, according to how many feet he ran in them, at the bottom of this piece, but for now let’s dig into the data, one sweaty category at a time.

[Updated 7/20/2023]

When Tom Doesn’t Run At All (0 feet)

  • International Box Office Average: $113 million
  • Tomatometer Average: 59.2%

Magnolia (1999) | Lions for Lambs (2007) | Tropic Thunder (2008) | Valkyrie (2008) |  Rock of Ages (2012)

When Tom stands still (or just dances and/or paces across a stage), he can give very good supporting performances: think Tropic Thunder and Magnolia . He doesn’t cover much ground in these movies, but he does run away with off-brand appearances as chauvinistic alpha-males who built empires by essentially becoming evil versions of Tom Cruise. Ever wondered if Maverick could deliver expletive-filled monologues or dance convincingly to a Ludacris song? Look no further than these two tragically sprint-free R-rated treasures.

It’s no surprise that this category has the lowest box-office numbers — zero running suggests little action, the lifeblood of most box office-destroying blockbusters. Also, there is a high-risk, high-reward element for Cruise when he messes with his onscreen persona and plays against his action archetype. The rewards are Oscar and Golden Globe noms, but the risks are smaller financial returns — Lions for Lambs and Valkyrie  (in which he resists the urge to run, even as bombs go off) were Cruise’s lowest domestic grossers of the 2000s.

When Tom Takes a Short Sprint (1-500 feet)

  • International Box Office Average: $164 million
  • Tomatometer Average: 61.4%

Endless Love (1981) | Taps (1981) | Losin’ It (1983) | The Outsiders (1983) | Risky Business (1983) | Legend (1985) | Top Gun (1986) | The Color on Money (1986) | Rain Man (1988) | Cocktail (1988) | Days of Thunder (1990) | A Few Good Men (1992) | Far and Away (1992) | Interview With the Vampire (1994) | Jerry Maguire (1996) | Eyes Wide Shut (1999) | The Last Samurai (2003) |   Jack Reacher (2012) | American Made (2017)

Almost half of the 44 Cruise movies we analyzed fall into this category of “Some Running, But Not a Ton,” and it’s worth nothing that 80% of these movies were released in the 1980s and 1990s. It wasn’t until the mid-1990s that Cruise really hit his stride, not coincidentally at around the time the Mission: Impossible  series kicked off. Pre-1996, it was mostly light jogging and moments of panicked sprinting in movies like Endless Love (43 feet) and Losin’ It (102 feet) . Nobody panic-sprints like Running Tom Cruise.

It was in 1996 that we got one of our most iconic non–action movie Tom Cruise Running scenes, as he dashes through the empty airport in Cameron Crowe’s Jerry Maguire . Most sport agents you probably know — because you know so many, right? — would huff and puff during a late-night airport dash like that, but Jerry looks effortless as he strides like a gazelle through the terminal. Tom, you had us at ready, set, hello.

This set of films cumulatively has the lowest Tomatometer average, showing that while we like Tom Cruise running, it cannot be a jaunt. The critics demand commitment.

When Tom Goes Middle-Distance (501-1,000 feet)

  • Inflated International Box Office Average: $413 million
  • Tomatometer Average: 66.7%

All the Right Moves (1983) | Born on the Fourth of July (1989) | Mission: Impossible (1996) | Mission: Impossible 2 (2000) | Vanilla Sky (2001) | Collateral (2004) | Knight and Day (2010) | Oblivion (2013) |  Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

Another great moment of 1996 Tom Cruise Running came with the franchise-spawning smash Mission: Impossible. The Brian De Palma-helmed thriller really set the pace for Cruise’s days of thunderous running. Remember the moment when Ethan Hunt uses explosive gum to blow a hole in a restaurant fish tank to escape his would-be captors — on foot ? We do, along with every other one of the 730 feet he ran in the film.

Five years later, another important milestone in Cruise’s running career came with Vanilla Sky. The film marked his second collaboration with Cameron Crowe, and they celebrated their sophomore adventure with a longer and more complicated bit of running than we’d seen in their first effort: the Vanilla Sky production team shut down Times Square to create an eerily empty track meet for Cruise (the movie features a total of 832 feet of running). The film wasn’t as financially successful as Jerry Maguire (it made $203.3 million internationally), but we almost have to give Crowe bonus points for realizing the potential of giving Running Tom Cruise longer, bouncier locks.

Overall, a few bombs – Knight and Day , Oblivion – drive down this category’s Tomatometer, which includes some of Cruise’s most iconic, and acclaimed performances ( M:I , All the Right Moves , Collateral ).

When Tom Goes Full Tom (1,001-plus feet)

  • International Box Office Average: $472 million
  • Tomatometer Average: 76%

The Firm (1993) | Minority Report (2002) | War of the Worlds (2005) | Mission: Impossible III (2006) | Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (2011) | Edge of Tomorrow (2014) | Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation (2015) | Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016) | The Mummy (2017) | Mission: Impossible – Fallout (2018) | Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning, Part One (2023)

The older Tom gets, the farther he runs, and the better his movies seem to be. Nine of the 10 movies in this longest-distance grouping were released after 2002, and six of them were released after 2010 ( The Firm  is the only pre-2002 outlier). It was 2002’s Steven Spielberg-directed Minority Report that ushered in the 1,000-plus feet era (1,562 feet run), and trainer/director Spielberg upped the punishing routine in the 2005 blockbuster War of the Worlds (1,752 feet). Watching Cruise evade aliens while thousands of slower non-Tom Cruises were turned into dust was impressive, but not surprising: Cruise’s indefatigable onscreen cardio had built up over five decades, and it doesn’t appear to be slowing down.

After War of the Worlds, Cruise reached a personal best in Mission: Impossible 3, which saw him running 3,212 feet, most of which were covered in some insane displays of athleticism (and Herculean camera work) through Shanghai. His movies since — like Mission: Impossible – Fallout (2,628 feet), Edge of Tomorrow (1,022 feet), and Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (1,518 feet) — have crossed the 1,000-foot mark, but they haven’t managed the wild lengths of his 2000s movies. Only Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol could match those films’ step counts and box office success with 3,000-plus feet of running and a $695 million international gross.

The biggest snags in the More Running = Better Movies formula are Jack Reacher: Never Look Back and The Mummy. Both films featured abundant running (1,051 feet and 1,022 feet respectively), but both had unspectacular box office returns ($159 million and $410 million internationally) and critical receptions (Tomatometer scores of 38% and 15%).

In other words, more running = more money and more Freshness, but only most of the time.

Top Tom Cruise Movies (According to his pedometer)

  • Mission: Impossible III  – 3,212 feet
  • Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol –  3,066 feet
  • Mission: Impossible – Fallout   – 2,628 feet
  • Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning, Part One   – 2,131 feet
  • War of the Worlds –  1,752 feet
  • Minority Report –  1,562 feet
  • Mission Impossible –   Rogue Nation – 1,518 feet
  • The Firm –  1,241 feet
  • Edge of Tomorrow –  1,065 feet
  • Jack Reacher:   Never Go Back –  1,051 feet

Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning, Part One is currently in theaters.

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10 Greatest Ever Tom Cruise Running Scenes

He feels the need. The need for speed.

Mission Impossible Fallout

'Running in movies since 1981'.

Even Tom Cruise's social media bios are in on it. Now long past being an ongoing joke, running is now as much an expected part of the star's big-screen output as performing a death-defying stunt. Audiences have now been conditioned to expect at least one scene in each one of his movies where Cruise does his signature run, all upwards-pointing arms and bolt-upright posture, and some people get upset when it doesn't happen.

Basically, Tom Cruise is to 'running really fast, often for no reason' what Nicolas Cage is to 'losing his sh*t and acting crazy, often for no reason'.

As you would expect from somebody who has been gracing our screens for the last 37 years, Tom Cruise has done a lot of running on the big screen. In fact, recent news articles actually proved that his movies perform better at the the more he runs.

Now it has been proven as an indisputable fact of science that the Tom Cruise Run equals success, expect the action star to keep sprinting across multiplex screens for as long as humanly possible.

10. Mission: Impossible II

Mission Impossible Fallout

Mission: Impossible II may have marked the critical nadir for the franchise, but it was still the highest-grossing movie of 2000, racking up an impressive $546.4m. It remains one hell of a stylish movie, as you would expect from action maestro John Woo, but has dated badly and now serves as a time capsule of where the genre was around the turn of the millennium.

The movie features plenty of the action movie cliches that had taken over the genre post-Matrix and all of its director's well-known artistic flourishes, encapsulated in the fact that Tom Cruise ticks virtually all of the early-2000's boxes while running .

Slow motion? Sparks flying? Martial arts? Wire fu? Doves (well, pigeons in this case)? A leather jacket? Cruise does it all without breaking his stride, becoming a running advertisement for what action movies essentially were at the time in the process.

I don't do social media, so like or follow me in person but please maintain a safe distance or the authorities will be notified. Don't snap me though, I'll probably break. I was once labelled a misogynist on this very site in a twenty paragraph-long rant for daring to speak ill of the Twilight franchise. I stand by what I said, it's crap.

This Is Tom Cruise’s Best Running Sequence in the Mission: Impossible Franchise


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With Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part 1 hitting theaters, expectations are high for Tom Cruise 's next big stunt as agent Ethan Hunt. Still, some of the most thrilling action sequences in the franchise show him doing one of the most basic things a person can do: running. He has turned this into an art, and every Mission: Impossible movie has at least one sequence of him just running — long or short, they're there.

For Dead Reckoning Part 1 , we know he jumps off a cliff on a motorbike , yes, but what about his signature stunt of simply running? Paramount Pictures recently released a compilation of Cruise's best running stunts in order to assure us that, yes, he will have plenty of running bits in the next movie. To prepare for it, let's have a look at some past great ones, see what makes a running scene great, and, of course, settle on what's the best one, shall we?

RELATED: Here's How Much Is Left to Film for ‘Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part 2’

The Running Sequence Across Shanghai in 'Mission: Impossible 3'

Mission: Impossible III saw the epic return of Tom Cruise to the role of Ethan Hunt after six years, this time directed by J.J. Abrams . His mission is to stop arms dealer Owen Davian ( Philip Seymour Hoffman ), but things quickly take a very personal turn. The movie begins with Hunt coming out of retirement to rescue a protégé of his in Berlin and sets him on a globetrotting adventure that culminates in the rescue of his wife Julia ( Michelle Monaghan ) in Shanghai.

The whole sequence starts with Hunt being betrayed by fellow IMF agent John Musgrave ( Billy Crudup ), who was helping Davian the whole time. The bad guys inserted in Ethan's skull an explosive micro-pellet similar to the one that killed his protégé, meaning he has a mere seven minutes to save Julia. Ethan knocks Musgrave unconscious and uses his phone to call Benji Dunn ( Simon Pegg ), who guides him a little over a mile in Shanghai to the building where Julia is being held captive. The set piece lasts around 2 minutes, including a 15-second single-take shot of Cruise running along a Shanghai river at top speed while yelling for the locals to get out of the way. He then navigates narrow streets and is almost run over by a truck until finally finds the building Julia is at.

This may not be the most elaborate set piece in the franchise, but it's certainly among the most exhilarating. J.J. Abrams was still known for his work in Alias and Lost back then, so filming people running in crowded spaces such as a jungle was among his specialties, and it worked perfectly for Mission: Impossible III .

The Running Sequence Across London in ‘Mission: Impossible - Fallout'

Twelve years and three movies later, Cruise is once again running through a city in Mission: Impossible - Fallout . This time, though, the running action scene happens halfway through the movie, as Ethan Hunt needs to catch rogue CIA agent August Walker ( Henry Cavill ) before he flees London with Solomon Lane ( Sean Harris ), the leader of the Apostles. Fallout is not only one of the best entries of Mission: Impossible , it's also one of the best action movies ever and has a number of insane set pieces, like the skydiving in Paris scene and the helicopter chase towards the end. But, once again, it's the simplicity of Tom Cruise running across London that stands out as the best action sequence.

The whole piece goes on for around seven minutes as Ethan runs and jumps through the rooftops, interrupts a wake happening at a church, and disrupts the whole workflow of a company, doing everything to catch Walker by the time he arrives at Tate Modern. Cruise is famous for doing his own stunts, but this is one of his most extreme ones because it consists of non-stop physical effort.This is also one of the most celebrated of Cruise's stunts due to the fact that he actually broke his ankle while filming it . While jumping from one rooftop to another, he slammed his right leg into the building exterior, and you can even hear his actual scream of pain in the film. Nevertheless, he limped on for our entertainment, but principal photography had to shut down for a few weeks so that he could recover and continue running.

So, Which One Is Tom Cruise’s Best Running Sequence in the Mission: Impossible Franchise?

Those two are, of course, not the only running sequences in the franchise. Cruise has been running and pulling crazy stunts since the mid-1990s, so there are countless moments that deserve recognition. For example, the sandstorm chase in Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol is even more complex than the two previously mentioned, but, while it does combine a lot of elements that further complicate Ethan Hunt's life, what makes a good Tom Cruise running set piece is simplicity. The beauty and the whole point of it is to just see the greatest movie star alive doing what he does best.

With all this in mind, we can safely state that Cruise's best running scene in the franchise is the one in Mission: Impossible III . Although short, what captures the viewers' attention is how natural it feels for Tom Cruise to hop from a rooftop to a bridge in the middle of a traditional Chinese neighborhood in Shanghai, while yelling at the passers-by and at Benji for instructions. His physical effort is palpable, as proven by his posture and breathing for a quarter of a minute non-stop as he runs in a single take. There's no visible external element pressing him, the sense of urgency built mostly by J.J. Abrams' quick transitions and close-following camera and by Michael Giacchino 's intense soundtrack. The two of them had already worked together on Lost , and the scene is so reminiscent of that, we can all but imagine a smoke monster running after Cruise, too.

This doesn't take away the merit of all the other running sequences in the Mission: Impossible franchise, quite the contrary. The constant effort to pull out crazier and more elaborate stunts is what makes these movies great, as well as Cruise's willingness to keep taking things to the next level. He has run through rooftops, up walls, down buildings, jumped across gaps between buildings... We can only thank him and his crew for all they have given us, and hope they don't stop anytime soon.

Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One is currently playing in theaters.

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A Definitive Ranking Of Tom Cruise’s Running In Every Film In Which He Runs

Vince Mancini

Tom Cruise stars in Edge of Tomorrow opening… uh… tomorrow, and if he’s proved one thing throughout his career as an action star, it’s that he’s really good at running. In fact, when Cruise updated his Twitter bio recently, he changed it to read “Actor. Producer. Running in movies since 1981.” Showing a shocking level of self-awareness for a Scientologist, frankly.

In honor of Tom Cruise’s new movie, and his refreshing act of self-discovery, we’ve decided to rank all of his movies in which he runs (19 of them, in all), in order of the best depictions of Tom Cruise’s running. Running is what we pay to see in a Tom Cruise film. Though, as you’ll see, not all runs are created equal.

1. Collateral

I don’t know if it’s the suit, Cruise’s angular grey flat top, or the fact that it’s probably his best acting performance, but for me, Collateral has always been the gold standard of Tom Cruise running performances. He spends half this movie running, looking like a scary grey-haired robot the whole time. The fact that he’s always gritting his teeth and holding a pistol while he does it add to the degree of difficulty. You want to run fast, you gotta have a relaxed jaw, ask any sprinter. But Tom Cruise knows the rules so well that he can break them.

2. The Firm

Okay, I can’t deny it: I clearly have a special affinity for running a suit. Cruise’s running in The Firm doesn’t have the same maniacal charm as it does in Collateral , but you can tell he’s putting everything into it. A lot of actors they just jog when asked to run on camera, but Cruise legs it out like a champ. He looks like he’s going to pull a hammy. Anyway, I appreciate that his floppy hair bounces along with him in The Firm , and the fact that he’s running in suspenders. Let’s see you try that, Usain Bolt. In suspenders, in an overcoat, with a briefcase – if you like Tom Cruise running, The Firm really has everything.

3. Vanilla Sky

Probably my second or third favorite Tom Cruise movie overall, but in terms of running, it may not have the pure speed of The Firm or Collateral, but that shot of his hair swept back and his runs through Manhattan looking horrified is one of the all time iconic shots of Tom Cruise running.

4. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Tom Cruise runs a lot in Ghost Protocol, but rarely at full speed. Nonetheless, what it lacks in quality, it makes up for in quantity (he runs a LOT) and variety (he runs down a building, across a building through a prison, while dressed as a Russian officer, in a suit, and up and down countless stairs and escalators). If you can’t decide which type of Tom Cruise running you like best, this one offers a nice cross section.

5. Mission Impossible

Tom Cruise runs full speed, in a tux! Still, I could’ve done with more close ups. Tom Cruise running isn’t quite the same when you can’t see his pained facial expression. Come on, De Palma! Show the instrument!

6. Mission Impossible II

Tom Cruise had the perfect hair for running in this, and even did a run-to-commando roll AND a run-to flying drop kick, which get bonus points. But John Woo’s slow-motion really took away from Cruise’s pure speed.

7. The Last Samurai

Tom Cruise barely runs in this, so you might wonder why it’s ranked so highly. It’s because there’s one scene where he runs, teeth gritted in true Tom Cruise-running style, while holding a samurai sword in each hand. Mama mia, that’s some good running!

8. Knight and Day

There’s a lot of good Tom Cruise running in this, but it can be hard to enjoy on account of all of Cameron Diaz’s manic yammering. Show some respect, lady, Tom Cruise is running.

9. Minority Report

All things considered, I think Minority Report is my favorite Tom Cruise movie, and probably my favorite Steven Spielberg movie. But in terms of running, Cruise only really gets up to full speed a couple times, and he’s always tripping or getting hit with stuff. Credit to his acting ability, because we all know the man is sure-footed like a mountain goat in real life, but still disappointing. It’s like watching a Ferrari drive through stop-and-go traffic.

10. Oblivion

Tom Cruise does a lot of running in this, but rarely at full speed. I blame the varied terrain. I hate to say it, but as good as Tom Cruise is at running, he’s a power runner. It’s not about finesse. Tom Cruise is the Roger Clemens of movie running, and Oblivion tries to turn him into Greg Maddux.

11. Mission Impossible III

Another film in which Tom Cruise does a lot of running, but rarely gets up to full speed. It’s really disappointing. I mean talk about blue balls.

12. Born On The Fourth Of July

They had to show a lot of running in this movie, just to contrast it with the later parts of the film where Tom Cruise’s legs don’t work (spoiler alert). Tom Cruise not being able to run?! What a nightmare!

13. Jerry Maguire

Tough movie to rank here. While it epitomized the guy-running-through-the-airport as rom-com denouement, Cruise barely got up to full speed.

14. Days of Thunder

Not necessarily notable for how much running there was (not much), but there is one incredible scene of Cruise racing Robert Duval that ends in an 80s sitcom-style freeze frame. Amazing.

15. Far and Away

Not a great exhibition of Tom Cruise’s running acumen, all things considered, but he did prove that he could run while wearing a silly costume and yelling in an accent. That’s range!

16. War of the Worlds

The problem with Tom Cruise’s running in War of the Worlds sort of reflects the problems of the movie as a whole. His character never quite knew where the threat was coming from, so his running was tentative, and he never really ran far enough to build up a good head of steam. We don’t pay to see Tom Cruise run around in circles like he’s trying to hail a cab, we want to see those little legs really start chuggin.

17. Cocktail

Tom Cruise jogs a lot in Cocktail, but I’m not sure you could even classify any of it as “running.” It was early in his career, before directors really understood how to properly utilize his skills.

18. Rain Man

Tom Cruise barely runs in Rain Man . If only he’d been cast in Running Man .

19. Jack Reacher

There’s barely enough running in Jack Reacher to even warrant a mention, but he was running from Werner Herzog, which is pretty cool.

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The 10-minute supercut of Tom Cruise running in Mission: Impossible movies is joy

Nearly 30 years of gunning it, all in one video

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Since the original Mission: Impossible hit theaters 27 years ago, Tom Cruise and a rotating squad of directors have continually redefined what the spy thriller saga is all about. Brian de Palma kicked things off in 1996 with a high-tension conspiracy throwback, then John Woo swung the franchise into slow-motion frenzy four years later. A decade later, Cruise found himself dangling off the Burj Khalifa — and he was prepared to one-up himself with each subsequent sequel. Going into Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part 1 , the star made very clear that his penchant for death-defying practical stunts was not slowing down. Later this month, he’ll be motorcycling off a cliffside for our enjoyment.

But if you look back at the Mission: Impossible films, there’s a clear connection between them, a commonality that gives each movie core: running like all hell.

Ethan Hunt’s personal mythology has become more knotted over the years, and the things that go boom have gone boomier thanks to 30 years of advances in moviemaking technology, but the real thing Cruise brings to every picture is his two high-speed feet. The man loves to run — and run and run and run. Then he takes a break. Then he keeps running! Fans of the series have picked up on the actor’s devout belief in racing to a MacGuffin finish line on camera. Eating is to Brad Pitt as sprinting like there’s no tomorrow is to Tom Cruise. At this point, Cruise knows his reputation; his Instagram biography reads “Actor. Producer. Running in movies since 1981.”

The running in Mission: Impossible movies can go overlooked when squeezed under the tentpole sequences of each movie, but they are there, and when watched in succession in this mesmerizing supercut stitched together by Paramount Pictures’ crack team of archivists/editors, it becomes evident why the franchise has... legs. (Ahem.) No director shoots Tom Cruise running in exactly the same way, and the contextual circumstances of why Ethan Hunt has to run in a given moment demand a certain amount of nuance from a performer who is also going harder than any of us ever have at the gym. Set to the tune of Lalo Schifrin’s original M:I theme, the edit, debuting here on Polygon, is bliss for fans of this stuff.

See Tom Cruise run. Run, Tom. Run. Run run run!

Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part 1 hits theaters on July 12.

tom cruise run scene

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Tom Cruise Jumps Off A Mountain In Dangerous Speedflying Stunt For New ‘Mission Impossible’: Watch

Few people in the world even attempt 'speedflying' as Tom Cruise took for over 3 years just to train for it.

tom cruise run scene

Tom Cruise has become just as famous for his acting as for performing his own stunts in the Mission Impossible franchise . And with each new installment of the action spy series, the Oscar-nominated star has to outdo himself! Such is the case for the seventh film called Mission: Impossible:   Dead Reckoning Part One, which hits theaters on July 12. In it, Tom tackles a “speedflying” stunt, where the actor glides down mountainsides on a small, wing-like canopy, a sport Popular Mechanics dubbed as a “bit like paragliding” but often so dangerous that “very few people in the world even attempt” it.

“With Tom, there are no limits,” the movie’s director, Christopher McQuarrie , said in a video of the stunt released by Paramount Pictures on Thursday, June 29. “So we’ve become a little more adventurous every time.” He continued, “One of the things that is particularly dangerous about speedflying is the close proximity to the ground that you’re flying and the other is the risk that the canopy can collapse.” As if we weren’t scared enough for Tom, Christopher added, “It’s very unpredictable.”

In the video, fans get an intimate look at Tom studying the speedflying stunt, practicing it, talking it over with production and ultimately making some tough decisions about it. At one point in the jaw-dropping mini doc, the Risky Business vet calls off a practice run because of the weather. “It’s too dangerous,” Tom gravely said to his fellow moviemakers.

tom cruise run scene

As HollywoodLife previously reported , Tom has spent quite some time over the last few years training for this particular stunt. The training included “mastering different techniques, terrains, and weather conditions that could potentially stymie the stunt,” according to Popular Mechanics . And besides the speedflying, Tom also invested in flying lessons to deftly handle a Boeing Stearman plane for some action scenes.

Perhaps Tom felt the  “need for speed” after the smashing success of Top Gun: Maverick ,  the sequel to 1986’s smash hit  Top Gun . The movie, which premiered in May 2022, had Tom reprising his iconic role of Captain Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, with Val Kilmer returning as Commander Tom “Iceman” Kazansky. The movie, which had a box office revenue of around $1.5 billion worldwide, also starred Miles Teller ,  Jon Hamm , and  Jennifer Connelly .

Screen Rant

Tom cruise approved mission: impossible footage for action movie led by 94-year-old star.


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This 2024 Movie Is Repeating Jason Statham's $152 Million Action Hit With 1 Brilliant Twist

10 harsh realties of rewatching the lion king, 30 years later, 2024 slasher movie with 81% rotten tomatoes score is now available on vod.

  • Thelma stars June Squibb in her first leading role, showcasing her dramatic and humorous range in an unconventional action hero role.
  • Director Josh Margolin received approval from Tom Cruise to use Mission: Impossible footage, adding depth to the comedy.
  • Thelma explores issues faced by older adults with clever humor, confronting mortality without oversimplifying it, earning high praise.

Tom Cruise approved the use of Mission: Impossible footage in Thelma , with director Josh Margolin explaining how he received permission. Thelma stars 94-year-old June Squibb in her first-ever leading role . The 93-year-old character, Thelma Post, seeks revenge and becomes an unlikely action hero after being scammed out of $10,000. Margolin based the character and the story on his own 104-year-old grandmother while having the film explore issues that older adults face in a meaningful and entertaining fashion.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter , Margolin was asked about the action-comedy's references to the Mission: Impossible franchise via clips and images from the films and of Cruise, and whether Margolin needed to receive permission from the star himself. Margolin explains the process behind including these references and how it impacted Thelma 's production. Read his explanation below:

It came during production. We shot two versions of those scenes, one with Tom on [TVs and newspapers] and then one with like a replaceable green box. It was surprisingly smooth. Nicky Weinstock, who’s a producer on the movie, was at the same agency as him and has some pals in common there. We ended up sending the scene in the script to give him a little context and then a clip of the table read. We got his signoff and then we went to Paramount, which I suspect made things a lot easier there.

The Tom Cruise & Mission Impossible References Are Only A Small Part Of What Makes Thelma Great

A great lead performance, strong themes, & an unconventional action hero add to the experience.

With a 99% critical score and 79% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes , Thelma proves that it has more to offer than its Cruise and Mission Impossible references. Squibb's hilarious performance in Thelma is enough to make the film a stellar comedy. Margolin shared with THR that Squibb was the only actor he ever wanted for the role, emphasizing that she reminded him of his grandmother who inspired the story, and that Squibb had the perfect dramatic and humorous range needed for the role.

Squibb also currently voices Nostalgia in Inside Out 2, meaning she has two movies in theaters.

In addition to Squibb's standout performance, Thelma has been well-received for how it handles issues that older adults face . The action-comedy genre enables Thelma to explore these issues through clever humor that doesn't talk down to its characters or to viewers. It confronts difficult topics, including mortality, without oversimplifying and without becoming overly bleak, an approach Margolin is able to master by drawing on his real-life experiences with his grandmother.

One upcoming 2024 action movie takes the premise of Jason Statham's $152 million hit The Beekeeper and makes it even better with an ingenious twist.

The Cruise and Mission: Impossible references aren't the main reason Thelma has a near-perfect Rotten Tomatoes score, but as one of the most recognizable action stars from one of the most well-known action franchises, they serve a purpose as Thelma becomes an action hero in her own story. Margolin revealed that Squibb did as much as she could and more than what was expected of her when it came to Thelma's stunts , including doing all the scooter driving herself, yet another reason to see Thelma while it plays in theaters and when it becomes available to stream.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Thelma (2024)

Thelma is a 2024 comedy film written and directed by Josh Margolin. Thelma Post finds herself duped out of money and more when a scam caller pretends to be her grandson. Unwilling to sit back and let herself be a victim, she sets off into the city to find the perpetrator and take back what is hers.

Thelma (2024)

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Sean Penn Looks Back on Friendship with Tom Cruise, Including Being 'Jogging Partners' Together

Sean Penn recalled being “jogging partners” with his ‘Taps’ costar Tom Cruise

Sean Penn and Tom Cruise ’s friendship goes way back. 

On the June 18 episode of the Fail Better with David Duchovny podcast, Penn, 63, remembered becoming close with Cruise, 61, while filming Taps , their first big project.

The 1981 military thriller starring Timothy Hutton and George C. Scott was “the first big movie” of Penn’s career, as he noted to podcast host David Duchovny , 63. The same was true for Cruise, who had made his feature film debut in Endless Love that same year. 

“Tom and I come back to California after the movie's done,” narrated Penn. “We were spending a lot of time together.”

He added that “at that time,” the two eventual superstars were “jogging partners.”

Randy Holmes/Disney/ABC

Penn said that film's director, Harold Becker “is as much as anyone responsible for my career, and I love him. But, boy, as a young actor, I must have driven him crazy.” 

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Penn, who went on to steal the show in 1982's Fast Times at Ridgemont High and become a two-time Oscar winner for 2003's Mystic River and 2008's Milk , has brought up fond memories involving his longtime friendship with Cruise in several interviews. 

Speaking to Jimmy Kimmel in 2015, Penn confirmed that he picked up the Top Gun star from the airport upon his first landing in Los Angeles.

“We had made a movie together, basically the first movie I ever did… we had just spent a bunch of time together in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania,” he said of Taps . To introduce Cruise to Hollywood, Penn proceeded to take him to check out Lucille Ball’s house. 

Barry King/WireImage

In 2020, Penn told Howard Stern that the duo ran into John Belushi while "standing on an empty street, late at night.” In a convertible, the Saturday Night Live star “pulled up and asked for directions to the Chateau Mormont.” Penn recalled that he and Cruise answered, “‘You know where the Chateau Mormont is.’ [Belushi] laughed and he pulled away.”

Curtis Armstrong , Cruise’s costar in 1983’s Risky Business , detailed Penn and Cruise’s tight friendship in his 2017 memoir Revenge of the Nerd . He wrote that Cruise “admired [Penn] enormously. He admitted to me that he was intimidated by Sean’s talent and even then, in 1982, believed him to be the greatest actor of his generation.”

Penn stars opposite Dakota Johnson in the new film Daddio, in theaters June 28.

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