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La tour Shanghaï - le plus haut gratte-ciel de Chine

Second plus haut gratte-ciel au monde (pour l’année 2018), la tour Shanghaï s'élève à une hauteur de 632 mètres sur 128 étages. Elle constitue l’édifice touristique incontournable de la ville de Shanghaï .

Quelques faits sur la tour Shanghaï

Tour Shanghaï

  • Notation:  #7 surTripAdvisorparmi les plus de 1,000 choses à faire à Shanghaï.
  • Hauteur:  632 mètres
  • Nombres d'étages:  128 étages et 5 niveaux souterrains.
  • Fin de la construction:  2014- ouverture au public en 2016.
  • Coût de la construction: environ, 2.4 milliards USD
  • Appellation chinoise  上海中心大厦 Shànghǎi Zhōngxīn Dàshà

Points forts touristiques

Records en 2018.

  • Hauteur: second plus haut bâtiment au monde
  • Terrasse d'observation:  la plus haute terrasse d'observation du monde, située au 119 ème étage du gratte-ciel, soit à une hauteur de 561 mètres.
  • Hôtel de luxe: le second hôtel le plus haut du monde
  • Ascenseurs:  parmi les ascenseurs les plus rapides au monde

Le bâtiment le plus élevé de Chine

L'édifice éclipse, sans aucun doute, ces deux building situés à proximité, à savoir, la tour Jin Mao de 88 étages ainsi que le Centre mondial des finances de Shangaï qu’il dépasse de 122 mètres, environ, tout comme le Taipei 101 de Taipei à Taïwan.

Ses ascenseurs (pour certains, les plus rapides du monde) , transportent les visiteurs à la vitesse de 65 km/h. La montée et la descente représentent, déjà, à elles seules, une expérience unique de la visite.

Hôtel: le second hôtel le plus haut du monde

Vous apprécierez, assurément, un séjour dans cet hôtel de luxe, niché entre le 84 ème étage et le 110 ème étage du gratte-ciel.

Pour l'instant et, ce, depuis 2018, seul le Ritz Carleton de la tour ICC perché à une hauteur de 484 mètres reste le plus élevé. Néanmoins, il sera, bientôt,détrôné par l'hôtel du centre financier Ping'an de Shenzhen et le Rosewood du centre des finances CTF de Canton dont on envisage l’ouverture en 2019.


Photo de la tour Shanghaï avec, à proximité, la tour Jinmao et le centre financier mondial de Shanghaï

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  • Objectif:  symboliser une structure emblématique au centre de la capitale économique de la Chine et constituer avec la tour Jinmao et le centre mondial de Shanghaï un ensemble triangulaire de hauts gratte-ciels.
  • Utilisation de l'espace:  observatoires, salles de conférences et de séminaires, hôtel, musée, boutiques, restaurants, jardins et galerie marchande.
  • Esthétique:  sa forme hélicoïdale confère à l'édifice, une apparence générale atypique et ultra-moderne.
  • Ergonomie: les installations sont conçues de manière à ce que le bâtiment devienne une entité habitable et autonome.
  • Eco- efficacité: Pour l’isolation, deux couches de verre recouvrent l’ensemble du bâtiment. Certaines eaux usées sont recyclées tandis que les eaux de pluie sont récupérées afin de les réutiliser. Enfin, des éoliennes et des panneaux solaires permettent de produire une partie de l'énergie indispensable au fonctionnement de la tour.

Une conception à la pointe de la modernité

Croquis sur la conception de la tour Shanghaï

La construction du bâtiment relève d’une innovation récente dans la conception de très haut gratte-ciel. A l’instar de tous les plus hauts gratte-ciels édifiés au cours de ces dernières années,à travers le monde, l’ossature de la tour comporte un noyau de béton épais en lieu et placed'une charpente composée de simples poutres en acier.

Construire à Shanghaï (ville située sur le delta d'une rivière), se révèle un véritable défi. Outre son sol sablonneux, la région doit, en effet, affronter, régulièrement, des typhons et des tremblements de terre. La tour est construite sur des piliers en béton de 70 mètres de longueur.

Avec sa forme cylindrique en spirale innovante qui la rend plus aérodynamique, on peut, ainsi, améliorer la stabilité de la structure par vents forts.Particulièrement insolite, cet aspect hélicoïdalembellit, encore, l’édifice.

Le bâtiment constitue une vitrine parfaite de l'ingénierie du 21 ème siècle . Effectivement, afin de réaliser des économies d'énergie et apporter une protection supplémentaire à l’ensemble,la construction de la tour Shanghaï se base sur le modèle d’une bouteille thermos avec une enveloppe extérieure constituée de façades vitrées à deux épaisseurs.

Comparaison de la tour Shanghaï avec la tour Burj Khalifa

Photo du noyau central en béton, autour duquel les pièces ont été construites, visible lors de la construction de l'édifice en 2013.

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On compare, très souvent, ces deux “géants” qui restent,toujours, en 2018, les plus hauts du monde. Tous deux doivent leur conception , en grande partie, à Marshall Strabala , architecte américain expert dans la conception de gratte-ciels les plus impressionnants.

Hauteur : Le Burj mesure 829,80 mètres de haut dépassant, ainsi, la tour Shanghaï de 198 mètres. Toutefois, son dernier étage se situe, seulement, à 584 mètres, au-dessus, l’espace reste inoccupéet se termine par une antenne. En fait, la partie supérieure du Burj a été ajoutée, non seulement, pour servir de pylone à l’antenne mais, surtout,pour gagner en hauteur et lui donner, ainsi, une belle élégance visuelle.

Hauteur fonctionnelle : Le dernier étage et les terrasses d'observation (au nombre de deux) de la Tour Shanghaï sont plus élevés. Situéeau 119 ème étage du bâtiment à 561 mètres de hauteur et la seule ouverte au public, la terrasse d’observation dépasse de 6 mètres, la plate-forme de Burj Khalifa (555 mètres).

Panorama: Depuis la Tour de Shanghaï, la vue sur la rivière Huangpu, le quartier historique du Bund et le paysage urbain du district de Pudong est beaucoup plus belle en comparaison de celle que l’on aperçoit depuis la Burj Khalifa qui, sur chacun de ses côtés, donne sur un désert aride, sur la mer et la petite ville de Dubaï.

Essentiels de voyage

  • Adresse : District financier et commercial, Lujiazui, Pudong, Shanghaï
  • Déplacements en métro : emprunter la ligne 2 du métro jusqu'a la stationLujiazui. Prendre la sortie 4 et marcher, environ, 500 mètres avant d’atteindre la tour Shanghaï..
  • Terrasse d'observation: prixd'entrée: 180 RMB;
  • Horaires d'ouverture 8:30 - 22:00
  • Panorama :Depuis les étages supérieurs de la tour, les visiteurs pourront admirer les lumières nocturnes et les scènes de coucher de soleil au crépuscule, particulièrement étonnantes. Toutefois, par temps pluvieux et de brouillard, la visibilité est réduite.

Visiter Shanghaï à votre façon !

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Nos programmes de circuit bien conçus englobent les lieux symboliques de Shanghaï, de manière à ce que l'expérience et les commentaires de nos clients restentuniques. En outre, nous vous pouvons, si nécessaire, les adapter en fonction de vos centres d'intérêt et à votre façon de voyager.

Itinéraires de Shanghaï conseillés

  • Circuit de l'essentiel de Shanghaï et de Hangzhou sur 5 jours : Visiter les sites les plus célèbres de Shanghaïet de Hangzhou, comme, notamment, le quartier du Bund et le lac de l'Ouest.
  • Le Triangle d'Or  —L'itinéraire Pékin-Xi'an-Shanghai de 8 jours adaptable suivant les sites que vous souhaitez visiter en priorité, constitue, depuis plus de 20 ans, notre circuit le plus prisé des touristes qui viennent, pour la première fois, visiter la Chine .

Sinon, n’hésitez pas à nous adresser notre formulaire de création d'un circuit en 4 minutes, en précisant vos centres-d'intérêts et vos souhaits. Nous vous soumettrons, alors, dans les 48 heures, un itinéraire et le devis correspondant.

Besoin d'autres idées de circuit pour vous aider à organiser votre séjour ?

Le Triangle d'or

Le Triangle d'or

Pékin - Xian - Shanghai

8 jours / 7 nuits

 Voyage en Chine à travers le temps

Voyage en Chine à travers le temps

Pékin - Xian - Hangzhou - Suzhou - Shanghai

13 jours / 12 nuits

Préparez-vous à explorer les richesses culturelles de la Chine. Ce circuit vous invite à découvrir quelques uns des éléments les plus fameux du patrimoine culturel de l'Empire du milieu. Au programme, banquet de canard laqué à Pékin, escalade de la Grande Muraille et visite de la Cité interdite, où vécurent autrefois les empereurs, excursion jusqu'à l'armée de terre cuite de Xi'an, grandiose mausolée du premier empereur des Qin, et enfin visite des beaux jardins classiques de style chinois et découverte des soieries de Suzhou et Hangzhou, deux villes considérées en Chine comme des paradis sur terre.

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Shanghai old town

The Best Shanghai Tour Itinerary

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For the quintessential Shanghai experience, first-time visitors need a perfect blend of the city’s historical wonders, modern marvels, cultural delights, and gastronomic treats.

This meticulously crafted 3-day best Shanghai tour itinerary provides an immersive tour, tailored to showcase the best Shanghai has to offer. It’s a journey that balances tradition with modernity, and tranquility with metropolitan buzz, ensuring a memorable visit.

Day 1: Historical and Cultural Exploration

Morning Start your Best Shanghai tour itinerary at The Bund. Stroll along this iconic waterfront, marveling at the European architectural grandeur juxtaposed against Pudong’s futuristic skyline.

The European architectural grandeur along the Bund in Shanghai

Next, delve into Shanghai’s storied past at the Shanghai History Museum (add: 325 Nanjing West Road, near Huangpi North Road), housed in the illustrious former Shanghai Club building.

The doorplate (1917) for the Asiatic Petroleum Company (Shell) on exhibition in the Shanghai history museum

Uncover the city’s transformation from a humble fishing village to a bustling global hub.

Lunch For lunch, head to the heart of Yu Garden and Old Town . Immerse yourself in local culture with a sumptuous Shanghainese meal. Savor the iconic xiaolongbao (soup dumplings), and enjoy the rich flavors of Shanghai-style noodles.

Savor the iconic xiaolongbao (soup dumplings)

Afternoon Post-lunch, explore Yu Garden , a Ming Dynasty gem, and explore its serene ponds, pavilions, and rock gardens.

Wander through the Old Town and Yu Garden in Shanghai

Then, wander through the Old Town’s charming lanes, uncovering quaint tea houses and vibrant shops, perfect for souvenirs and local handicrafts.

Evening End your day with a magical Huangpu River Cruise. As night falls, witness the city’s skyline transform into a dazzling light show. Admire landmarks like the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Shanghai Tower, offering a picturesque end to the day.

A magical Huangpu River Cruise

Day 2: Modern Shanghai and Cultural Immersion

Morning Begin day two atop the Shanghai Tower, among the world’s tallest buildings. The observation deck offers a panoramic city view, and the brave can experience the exhilarating skywalk. It’s a perfect blend of awe and thrill.

 The Shanghai Tower, among the world’s tallest buildings

Lunch Enjoy the diverse culinary landscape of Shanghai with an international lunch. Choose from contemporary fine dining or casual eateries offering global flavors.

Afternoon Visit the Propaganda Poster Art Center for a unique glimpse into China’s Communist era through an impressive collection of propaganda art.

Visit the Propaganda Poster Art Center

Then, explore Tianzifang, a labyrinth of alleys teeming with art galleries, boutiques, and artisanal shops.

Evening End your day with a stunning Shanghai acrobatics show. This performance, featuring astounding feats of agility and strength, is a cultural highlight not to be missed.

Shanghai acrobatics show

Day 3: Further Cultural Immersion

Morning The French Concession awaits with its tree-lined avenues and art deco buildings. It’s perfect for leisurely strolls, boutique shopping, and exploring cozy cafes.

Indulge in a chic café experience in the French Concession

Lunch Indulge in a chic café experience in the French Concession, where trendy eateries offer a fusion of global and local flavors.

Afternoon Find serenity at Jing’an Temple, an ancient spiritual oasis amidst the city’s hustle. Its peaceful ambiance provides a contrasting experience to Shanghai’s metropolitan energy.

Evening Discover Xintiandi , a harmonious blend of traditional Shikumen architecture and modern lifestyle. It’s the go-to place for dining and entertainment, offering a plethora of options to suit every taste.

Discover Xintiandi

General Tips

Navigating Shanghai is easy with its efficient public transport system, including an extensive metro and bus network. Taxis are affordable and convenient.

Cultural sensitivity is key, especially in religious and historical sites. Language barriers can be overcome with a translation app, as English isn’t widely spoken everywhere.

Lastly, keep an eye on the weather forecast and dress accordingly to make the most of your tour.

This 3-day best Shanghai tour itinerary offers a comprehensive exploration of the city’s historical depth, cultural richness, and modern vibrancy. It’s designed for first-time foreign tourists to fully experience.

Shanghai’s unique charm, culinary delights, and lively entertainment scene. Following this guide ensures a well-rounded and unforgettable Shanghai adventure.

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Guía turística de Shanghai

Shanghai est une des villes qui est devenue un géant financier, industriel, culturel et touristique, capable d’allier la modernité des gratte-ciels impressionnants avec les édifices coloniaux et les maisons traditionnelles .

Guide de Shanghai

  • Informations pratiques
  • Que voir et faire
  • Comment s'y rendre

Shanghai est une ville de contrastes qui est divisée par le fleuve Huangpu. D’un côté, le Bund conserve certains édifices d’origine gothique, romane, néoclassique, baroque et de la renaissance qui constituent un héritage du premier district commercial de la ville . Sur la rive opposée, le quartier de Pudong offre une vision plus moderne de la ville grâce à l’incontournable horizon qui forme une des images les plus représentatives de la ville .

Pourquoi visiter Shanghai ?

Bien qu’elle soit de plus en plus occidentale, la ville de Shanghai conserve encore des vestiges de son passé traditionnel qui font d’elle une destination exotique, lointaine et inconnue . Actuellement, Shanghai fonctionne comme un croisement des cultures qui font d’elle une enclave cosmopolite et ouverte qui a beaucoup à offrir à ses visiteurs .

Shanghai a un aspect changeant qui se renouvelle chaque jour avec la construction d’imposants gratte-ciels qui émergent dans le quartier de  Pudong . On retrouve parmi eux la curieuse Tour de Télévision , le  Centre Mondial des Finances  et la Tour Jin Mao .

Comme exemple de l’avancée technologique de la ville, Shanghai est l’unique ville au monde à disposer d’un train à lévitation magnétique . Ce train, connu sous le nom de Maglev , est capable d’atteindre une vitesse de 431km/h , ce qui laisse ses voyageurs stupéfaits.

Réserver votre hôtel à l’avance

La meilleure façon de trouver un hôtel pas cher à Shanghai est de le réserver à l'avance.  Pour bénéficier des meilleures offres d'hôtels avec des  réductions allant jusqu'à 75% , nous vous recommandons de consulter le lien ci-dessous où vous trouverez des hôtels au  prix minimum garanti  :

  • Hôtels à Shanghai - Réservez en ligne au prix minimum garanti

top activités

Free tour dans Shanghai Le centre-ville de Shanghai abrite de grands contrastes culturels . Venez les découvrir lors de ce free tour à la découverte des lieux emblématiques de la ville.

Excursion privée à Hangzhou Découvrez pourquoi Hangzhou était connue comme le paradis sur Terre au Moyen-Âge avec cette excursion d’une journée depuis Shanghai.

Excursion privée à Suzhou depuis Shanghai Lors de cette excursion privée à Suzhou au départ de Shanghai , vous découvrirez la « Venise de Chine » avec un guide exclusif.

Free tour de la concession française de Shanghai Lors de ce free tour , découvrez la concession française de Shanghai , quartier qui se caractérise par son atmosphère d'inspiration gauloise .

En escale à Shanghai ? Visite depuis l'aéroport Cette visite est idéale pour les voyageurs qui font une longue escale à Shanghai et qui veulent profiter de ce temps pour découvrir la ville.

Visite guidée du vieux Shanghai Découvrez l'histoire de Shanghai en visitant ses zones les plus traditionnelles . Des rues anciennes, des temples, des jardins & des bâtiments coloniaux.

Visite privée dans le Shanghai moderne Découvrez la face la plus moderne de la Chine avec cette visite de Shanghai montrant les plus hauts gratte-ciels du pays, le train le plus rapide au monde, etc.

Excursion privée à Zhouzhuang Parcourez le fascinant centre historique de Zhouzhuang pour découvrir plus de 900 ans d'histoire. La ville possède les plus anciens canaux de Chine !

Excursion privée à Zhujiajiao Partez de Shanghai avec un guide francophone pour Zhujiajiao, l'un des villages les plus pittoresques de la région et connu comme la Venise de l'Orient .

Carte eSIM avec Internet pour la Chine Si votre téléphone portable est compatible et que vous souhaitez voyager en Chine en restant connecté, cette carte est faite pour vous.

Visite privée à la découverte de la culture juive de Shanghai Lors de cette visite privée dans Shanghai , vous verrez  la culture juive de la ville , qui a accueilli des milliers de réfugiés après la Seconde Guerre mondiale .

Excursion à Suzhou Découvrez la Venise de Chine lors de cette excursion à Suzhou . Le charme de la ville et ses magnifiques canaux vous captiveront instantanément !

Croisière de nuit dans Shanghai + balade sur la Nanjing Road Cette visite dans Shanghai de nuit vous permettra de profiter d'une balade en bateau sur le fleuve Huangpu et d'une balade à pied le long de Nanjing Road .

Circuit de Shanghai à Pékin en 9 ou 12 jours Contraste moderne/traditionnel, temples majestueux et montagnes spectaculaires  sont au programme de ce circuit de 9 ou 12 jours de Shanghai à Pékin  !

Votre guide de Shanghai

Visitons Shanghai est un guide pour les voyageurs créé par des voyageurs qui essaieront de vous aider à préparer votre voyage de la meilleure manière possible et en économisant de l’argent .

Toutes les informations et données pratiques ont été actualisées ont été mises à jour en décembre  2022. Si vous détectez une erreur ou jugez que nous devrions modifier quelque chose,  n’hésitez pas à nous contacter .

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25 quick and helpful Shanghai travel tips (2024)

Posted by Gayle Aggiss | Updated October 1, 2023 | China blog , Travel

25 quick and helpful Shanghai travel tips (2024)

Shanghai is hands down one of the most buzzing cities in the world and it’s one of my personal favorites.

You probably hear this a lot, but Shanghai really does have everything.

It’s got amazing food, shopping, culture, architecture, history… the list goes on.

But despite all of these amazing features, it’s still different to western countries and can be confusing for first timers and experienced travelers alike.

So, to make your trip smoother, here are the top Shanghai travel tips that I’ve put together after numerous trips to this incredible city.

1. Eat your way around the world

chinese food in shanghai

Eat Chinese food or international cuisine in Shanghai – take your pick. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

The food in Shanghai is so damn good, and has always satisfied my hungry stomach. (I’m not ashamed to say that I travel for the food as much as the sights.)

I ate Mongolian food for the first time while I was in Shanghai. Previously, I hadn’t even known that Mongolian food was a thing.

I still think about the cheesy, meaty goodness at that restaurant!

But if you want to sink your teeth into something local, my favorite kinds of Shanghai dumplings are:

  • Xiao long bao (小笼包), delicate little things that have a soup broth inside
  • Sheng jian (生煎) which are fried pork dumplings with a crispy base.

They’re both so delicious that I wrote an entire article about how good the dumplings in China are  (you can check it out later).

My advice while you’re in Shanghai is to get out of your comfort zone and try everything. Watch where the locals go and what they eat.

2. See if visa-free travel applies to you

chinese tourist visa l type

You’ll need an L tourist visa if you’re ineligible for Visa Free Transit. Image by i viewfinder on Shutterstock.

To be able to sink your teeth into a Shanghai dumpling, you’ll need to make sure you get here in the first place!

Like most travelers to Shanghai, you’ll probably have to get a visa before you visit.

And depending on where you live, the visa process can be difficult or time-consuming, so I recommend getting started early. Not the week before you leave!

However, if you’re on a short trip (on the way to another country), then it’s worth knowing that Shanghai has a 144-Hour Visa-Free Transit policy.

apps banned in china

Passport holders from a bunch of countries can enjoy 144 hours in Shanghai without having to get a visa.

So, if you’re on your way to somewhere else, you could spend up to 6 days in Shanghai without going through any extra paperwork trouble.

Some of the countries included under this rule are:

  • Germany and many European countries
  • New Zealand

Interestingly, some large countries like India and Malaysia do not enjoy this privilege, and you’ll need to apply for a tourist visa regardless of the length of your stay.

You can check your eligibility for Visa Free Transit by tapping here.

Note that this opens up in a new window (it’s an official Chinese government site).

3. Get a VPN

vpn is needed for shanghai

Access banned websites and apps in Shanghai with a VPN. Image by Privecstasy on Unsplash.

If you’re like most people, then you enjoy sharing images and updates about your trip as you explore. But you’ll have a lot more trouble doing that while you’re in Shanghai.

China’s firewall is real, and it will leave you unable to access sites like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Google.

Basically, the sites that you’re most likely to use to stay connected, share your holiday snaps, and find out the answers to questions (like ‘best dumpling restaurants in Shanghai’), will be completely off limits.

That’s why you’ll need a virtual private network (VPN) during your stay. And you’ll need to download it before arriving in China, otherwise you won’t be able to download it at all.

You can read a review of which VPN is best for Shanghai here or tap on the button below to get the one which The Helpful Panda recommends.

If you’re already in China and your VPN is playing up (that’s normal in China), there’s a troubleshooting guide here .

4. Don’t tip

picking up chinese yuan with chopsticks

People generally don’t tip in Shanghai. Image by AndreyCherkasov on Shutterstock.

If you’re from the United States, you’ll be used to tipping. But please don’t tip in China.

Not only do the locals not tip, service staff may feel awkward if you try and slip them a note.

There are a few little exceptions to the ‘no tipping’ rule, so I suggest you read this article that Mike wrote .

5. Beware the traffic

shanghai traffic on a good day

Shanghai traffic on a good day! Image by Robert Biesewig on Pixabay.

OK, this applies all over China, but I need to put it in this list of Shanghai travel tips.

Don’t expect everyone to obey traffic laws. Red lights, cross walks, they’re more suggestions than hard and fast laws in Shanghai.

So, don’t just step out when the walk sign flashes and expect to be safe.

This applies to walking on the sidewalk too. Back home, I always think of the sidewalk as car-free and much safer to walk on.

But in Shanghai, you’ll find e-scooters and e-bikes driving like maniacs on the sidewalk, and it isn’t unusual for cars to park on the sidewalk. Keep your eyes and ears open!

6. Use a navigation app

maps app icon on phone

Using a map app will definitely help you. Image by Brett Jordan on Pexels.

Now, I’ll be the first one to tell you that Shanghai is easy to navigate.

The tourist areas are generally well-signposted and, if you get lost, the locals can speak some English.

But why rely on the locals, or even your intuition, when you can use a navigation app?

The best China map app , in my opinion, is MAPS.ME but others swear by Google using a VPN.

It’s ultimately up to you, but if you plan on using MAPS.ME just remember to download your Shanghai map before you arrive in China so you can use it offline (and not use expensive roaming data) while you’re there. Awesome.

If you use one of the Chinese map apps, like Gaode, you’ll need to be able to read Mandarin!

7. Prepare for squat toilets

chinese squat toilet

Yep, this is me photographing a squat toilet. Image supplied by Gayle Aggiss.

Shanghai gets a lot of foreign visitors, so it has facilities to match.

But if you go need to use public toilets, like at a local mall, you’ll probably be confronted with the dreaded Chinese squat toilet (boy, was it fun writing that article).

These toilets can be a bigger challenge than you might expect, especially for women. Here’s a few tips to help you survive them:

  • Carry toilet paper with you, as the toilets usually don’t have them
  • Don’t put the toilet paper down the toilet, it goes in the bin
  • Try not to look at the bin as it’s usually quite foul and overflowing
  • Bring sanitizer with you as there’s usually no soap.

If you struggle to squat, then plan your daily trips around places you know have western toilets. Or, if you can, do your business in your hotel!

8. Explore the side streets

shanghai back alley with motorbikes going past

Get off the main streets for better, cheaper food. Image by Paralaxis on Shutterstock.

In any big Chinese city, and especially Shanghai, the food is often better (and always cheaper) if you venture off the main street.

I can’t tell you how many amazing meals I’ve had in China down side streets.

9. Pack your adapter

travel adapter is needed for shanghai

This is something you shouldn’t forget to pack in your bag. Image by Edward Eyer on Pexels.

Shanghai’s power points aren’t uniform, and you’ll find A, C, and I plug sockets apparently at random.

So, make sure that you pack an adapter to match. It’s one of the best things to buy for your trip.

Side note: Check out Mike’s incredible packing list for China , which covers a lot more than power adapters!

Depending on where you’re from, you might also need a voltage converter just to make sure your electronics don’t get blown out.

10. Bring your passport on day trips

woman smiling and holding passport

It may sound obvious, but if you forget your passport then you can’t get into the tourist sites. Image by Gustavo Fring on Pexels.

Got a day trip planned for Suzhou or one of the lovely water towns?

If you’re taking the high-speed train, you’ll need to bring your passport to be able to board the train.

The locals use their national ID card to go through the electronic gates, while foreigners like you and me annoyingly have to go to the manual gate and present our passport.

Also, most tourist attractions in China require ID to get in, so even if you stay in central Shanghai, you will need your passport to get into places.

11. Use the Metro or Didi

shanghai metro sign

This is the symbol to look out for to take the subway. Image by TK Kurikawa on Shutterstock.

While we’re on the topic of trains, let’s talk about how good the Shanghai subway is.

It’s prompt, clean, and will take you all over the city (of course). And there’s a whopping 16 lines.

The Metro also connects up with Maglev train, which is the ‘magnetic levitation’ train that you can get to and from the Shanghai Pudong International Airport.

If you’d rather travel in a car while you’re in the city, then download Didi, which is China’s version of Uber.

You can literally get a ride within a few minutes from anywhere in the city.

I suggest you take a look at the other great travel apps to use in China .

12. Explore the shopping malls

Nanjing Road lit up at night

There are shopping centers in and around Nanjing Road. Image by ThewayIsee on Shutterstock.

If you’re cashed up and love shopping, then you’ll love Shanghai.

Check out this website where you can filter for shopping centers and malls based on the Metro stations you’re near.

I’m not a big shopper myself, so wandering down East Nanjing Road is enough for me.

13. Stay near attractions

The Bund with people dancing with fans in foreground

I recommend staying near The Bund as that’s where many of the main attractions are. Image by Adli Wahid on Unsplash.

Although Shanghai is China’s largest city, it’s remarkably walkable.

But this doesn’t mean that you’ll want to walk for miles every day while you’re there, especially if you’re only in Shanghai for a few days.

To avoid this, consider staying near the attractions you most want to see. This will cut down on your transport times and costs as well as shoe leather.

You can check out some great hotels in Shanghai by tapping on the button below.

Obviously if you’re on a packaged tour you don’t need to worry about this. But Shanghai is the easiest place in China to travel solo .

Oh, and fun fact: the population of Shanghai is about the same as the whole of Australia, where I’m from.

14. Use a translation app

chinese and english speech bubbles

A translation app is an indispensable tool for Shanghai. Image by Lars Poyansky on Shutterstock.

There’s more English in Shanghai than in any other city in China, but this doesn’t mean that everyone speaks English or that everyone will understand you.

Taxi drivers in particular often don’t speak English and this can make getting around difficult.

To overcome this issue, use a translation app on your phone. Pleco is a good one, but there are plenty of others.

I like using trusty Google Translate, but just remember you’ll need a VPN in Shanghai to use any of Google’s services.

If you’re a bit old school, or a bit old (sorry mum!), then at least make sure you have the hotel’s address on a business card or written down somewhere in Chinese characters.

That way, you can just hand it to a taxi driver and be on your merry way.

15. Get out of the city

wet tourists standing under umbrellas in zhouzhuang water town

Getting wet in Zhouzhuang Water Town! Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

One of the best Shanghai travel tips that I can give you is to get out of the city if you can.

This will give you a break from the noise and the lights and there are also some absolutely amazing places really close to Shanghai that are well worth seeing.

If you’re not part of a tour group, take advantage of the bullet trains and go!

Here’s where I recommend that you visit:

  • Hangzhou, for lake cruises and tea (1 hour from Shanghai Hongqiao by train)
  • Suzhou, for beautiful gardens (30 minutes by train)
  • Nanjing , where you can experience China’s ancient capital (75 minutes by train).

There are also some picture-perfect ancient water towns within easy reach of the city:

  • Zhujiajiao Water Town (40 minutes by Metro, then walk)
  • Tongli Water Town (75 minutes by car, or take train to Suzhou)
  • Zhouzhuang Water Town (90 minutes by car).

Just remember to bring your passport to board the bullet trains, as I mentioned in tip number 7.

16. Don’t drink the water

bottled drinks at chinese supermarket

Only drink bottled water in China. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

This may seem like an obvious one, but the consequences of forgetting are pretty dire, so I’m including it.

Do not drink the tap water while you’re in Shanghai. Drink bottled water at all times and use it to brush your teeth as well.

You don’t want to spend all of your short time in Shanghai being sick, so don’t risk it.

17. Avoid Shanghai in summer

chinese street vendor wearing protective clothing for summer

Everyone covers up in Shanghai in the summer. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

Autumn and spring are the best times to visit the city as the weather is mostly very pleasant.

But even winter is fairly mild and comfortable for most (there’s no snow in Shanghai).

In contrast, summers can be intense. Between June and August, you can expect temperatures around 86-95°F (30-35°C) or even as high as 104°F (40°C).

Combine these temperatures with all of the city’s glass and metal plus high humidity, and it can lead to a lot of hot, sticky days.

If you have choice over travel dates, I recommend booking your trip for the other seasons.

Check out the page on the best time to visit Shanghai and Beijing .

18. Reconsider that trip to Disneyland

shanghai disney resort castle

Think twice if you want to use your time in Shanghai by visiting Disney Resort. Image by Woshinidayess on Pixabay.

Look, I need to be honest and tell you I haven’t been to Shanghai Disney Resort. I’m not really an amusement parks kind of girl.

But hearing from friends who have been there, all I’ll say is have a big hard think if you want to spend an entire day at Shanghai Disney.

It’s expensive, there are long queues, and in my opinion, plenty of other better places to visit!

Only go there if you’re a massive fan.

19. See the best tourist sights

French Concession outdoor cafe in Shanghai

The French Concession is a lovely area to explore. Image by Robert Mullan on Shutterstock.

Only in Shanghai for a few days?

Then here are the best places where everyone typically goes:

  • The Bund, which is the huge, lovely waterfront and a true Shanghai landmark
  • Pudong skyline, which you can see from the Bund or you can go up one of the towers (see below)
  • Nanjing Road for large stores and malls
  • Yuyuan Garden for traditional Chinese gardens (see below)
  • Jing’an temple for a more peaceful experience in the city
  • Former French Concession , where there are cafes and leafy trees
  • Xintiandi and Huaihai Road for upmarket shopping and dining
  • Puxi District if you’re into nightlife.

Note: Try to avoid public holidays and weekends if you can.

Also, the Chinese are night owls, so if you get somewhere when it opens, you’ll beat the hordes (well, at least for the first hour).

20. Go up a tower

Shanghai World Financial Center covered in fog

There’s so much fog that you can only see the top of the Bottle Opener. Image by Jeremy Zhu on Pixabay.

I say ‘a’ tower as there are so many options!

But if you like observation decks like I do, then you could try a few:

  • Shanghai Tower is China’s tallest building, and one of the world’s tallest buildings
  • Shanghai World Financial Center, the second tallest building in the city which looks like a big bottle opener
  • Jin Mao Tower, which is nestled between the two above
  • Oriental Pearl TV Tower Observation Deck, one of the futuristic buildings on the banks of the Huangpu River.

They’re all in Pudong, so you could literally tower-hop your way through this district.

The Oriental Pearl Tower is the original tall structure in Pudong, but now looks a little dwarfed next to the other monstrosities.

Note: You’ll only get spectacular views on days where there’s no smog or clouds.

Otherwise, you’ll see absolutely nothing (well, except smog and clouds).

21. Beware of strangers at Yuyuan Garden

yu garden pagoda and pond

There’s a known scam that happens near the Yu Garden. Image by Laurette Chapuis on Pixabay.

Shanghai, like the rest of China, is very safe and especially for foreign tourists.

However, there’s a common scam near the busiest tourist attractions in China, that being the Yu Garden in Shanghai and the Forbidden City in Beijing.

Basically, someone (usually a woman) with excellent English will start talking to you, and once she’s built your trust, she’ll invite you to a teahouse.

The only thing is – the tea will cost an astronomical price per cup, and you’ll only find this out once you’ve downed half a dozen of them.

And, you’ll be locked inside the teahouse until you pay! So, never ever accompany a stranger to a teahouse in China.

22. Use mobile payments but carry cash

chinese woman scanning a phone for payment

Everyone in Shanghai uses their phone to pay. Image by Humphery on Shutterstock.

Shanghai is mostly a cashless city, with most hotels, shops, and attractions relying on mobile payments.

Lots of shops may even refuse to take large bills because they can’t give you change. This means you should prepare other ways to pay other than cash.

Download WeChat Pay or Alipay and set it up with your card before you go.

Seriously, no one uses cash anymore in China!

23. Get your coffee fix (hopefully)

holding a cup of Luckin coffee outside the coffee shop

Some coffee shops don’t accept cash or even have customer service. Image by Sarunyu L on Shutterstock.

While I’m on the topic of payment apps, you’ll find that some of the coffee shops in Shanghai (I’m looking at you, Luckin Coffee) only take app orders.

The apps are only in Mandarin, and you’ll need a Master’s degree on how to order. And that’s assuming you’ve already set up your foreign card on WeChat Pay or Alipay.

You might need to ‘shop around’ for a coffee shop that will take your cash order, otherwise head to a Starbucks.

At least you won’t go thirsty in the country’s biggest city. Shanghai has the most coffee shops in the world (you can see more crazy facts about China here .)

24. Take a boat ride on the Huangpu

tourists on Huangpu River cruise at the Bund

Find your feet in the city by doing a river cruise. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

I like being around water. I’m Australian.

So, if you’re anything like me and you need some respite from all the concreteness that is Shanghai, take a boat ride on the Huangpu River.

There are a few options leaving from The Bund area, and it’s nice to see the city from a different angle.

25. Go further

woman on platform while chinese bullet train is arriving

Take the high-speed to explore other parts of China. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

I’ll finish with this tip.

If you want to visit other Chinese cities, I recommend taking the high-speed train.

For relatively short distances, the train is always cheaper than flying, but even on longer distances it can be just as good.

For example, you can get from Shanghai to Beijing in under five hours on the bullet train. You cut out all the stress and extra time needed at the airport for security and whatnot.

And, domestic flights in China can be relatively expensive.

Psst! Last travel tip

I mentioned at the start how all the major foreign sites and apps are blocked in China.

So, I’m reminding you before you go off and have a cup of tea!

If you want to use the internet in China using hotel Wi-Fi, then you’ll need to get a VPN on your devices.

Check out this review or tap on the button below for the recommended one.

Just remember to download it before you arrive, as VPN sales are blocked in China.

You’ll have a great time in Shanghai

This huge, exciting city is perfect for giving you a quick taste of all that China has to offer. It’s remarkably safe as well, making it a great option for first timers to China.

Unfortunately, even with the best Shanghai travel tips in the world, you may still find yourself shocked and uncertain when you first visit the city (e.g. the public toilets may get you).

So, keep these travel tips in mind, but be open to the new and unfamiliar. Because they’ll definitely make the best stories when you get back home.

And finally, don’t forget to try the delicious soup dumplings. I’m so envious already!

Let me know if you have any questions in the comments area below. And be sure to get your VPN before you leave . Bon voyage and safe travels.

Where to from here?

You’ll like these little nuggets of Shanghai knowledge:

  • Shanghai travel guide
  • Best time to visit Shanghai
  • What to wear in Shanghai
  • What is Shanghai known for?

Or, if you want more travel tips, then check out these pages:

  • Best China travel tips
  • Best Beijing travel tips

Main image credit: Sean Sheng on Pixabay.

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Tips and faq about shanghai travel, what do i need to know before going to shanghai.

The most important things are to see if you’re eligible for Visa Free Transit and to get a VPN before you jet off. You should also set up WeChat Pay or Alipay because the city is almost cashless.

What is the best way to explore Shanghai?

Use the Metro which has a whopping 16 lines and numerous interchanges.

How many days is enough for Shanghai?

You could rush through it within a few days, but if you want to explore the water towns and nearby cities (like Suzhou, Hangzhou, etc), then a week would be ideal.

Is Shanghai an expensive city to visit?

Yes, compared to other Chinese cities. But a trip to Shanghai won’t totally break the bank, provided you eat local Chinese food, stay at three-star hotels, and don’t splurge too much at the shopping malls!

Commercial relationship disclosure: The Helpful Panda has commercial arrangements with organizations that may appear on this page, such as affiliate links. See our terms for more info.

Gayle Aggiss

Gayle Aggiss

Gayle loves learning and is intensely curious about the world. This curiosity has driven her to travel and work overseas, including China and Vietnam. Gayle is from Perth, Western Australia. You can follow her on LinkedIn .

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  • Shanghai One Day Tour

The Bund'1440x450'1

Shanghai One Day Tour Shanghai Tour

Trip summary.

This guided tour is for those who have just one day to see the best of Shanghai. We start off with the city's more traditional side, via a visit to the beautiful and serene canals of Zhujiajiao Ancient Water Town.

You will then explore the scenic grounds of Yuyuan Garden. To wrap up the day, you'll take a stroll along the riverside promenade of the Bund. The Bund side of the river is lined with European-style buildings that have been standing for over a hundred years. Across the river you'll catch amazing views of Shanghai's iconic skyline made up of ultra-modern skyscrapers, the perfect conclusion to a whirlwind tour of this booming metropolis.

Don't hesitate to ask your travel agent if you'd like to modify any part of this itinerary, as each tour package is entirely customizable.

Recommended Itinerary

Shanghai One Day Tour Map

  • Zhujiajiao Ancient Water Town – escape from the hustle and bustle of downtown and explore this peaceful, ancient water town on the outskirts of Shanghai
  • Lunch – Shanghai cuisine
  • Yuyuan Garden – a famous classical Chinese garden in the heart of the city
  • The Bund – walk along the historic riverfront and enjoy impressive views of the forest of skyscrapers across the Huangpu River


What's Included

  • One-on-one trip consulting and planning service from one of our experienced travel specialists
  • Domestic transportation as detailed on your itinerary
  • Private English-speaking guide (selected/trained by our Western staff)
  • Experienced Chinese-speaking driver and quality, air-conditioned vehicle (unlimited bottled water supplied in your vehicle)
  • Entry to all attractions on your itinerary – no hidden costs or commission-based shopping stops
  • Meals as specified on your itinerary (at quality local restaurants)
  • 24/7 support from your guide and travel specialist while you are on tour

What's Not Included

  • International flights to and from China
  • International travel insurance (you should purchase your own policy in your home country)
  • Tips for your guide and driver
  • We offer our itineraries as suggestions only; all of our tours can be tailored to your schedule and interests. If there is anything you do or don't want to include, simply let your agent know
  • Prices vary according to your date of travel and any special requests you might have. Please ask for a free, bespoke quotation
  • Meals may change based on the time and location. You can also ask your guide to change your meals. We will try our best to help you enjoy a variety of Chinese food
  • For tour booking terms and conditions, please read our Terms of Service

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Home » Travel Guides » China » 15 Best Day Trips from Shanghai

15 Best Day Trips from Shanghai

China’s largest city is a playground of skyscrapers and glamorous hotels; full of cosmopolitan pastimes that include excellent restaurants, fascinating museum districts, traditional temples and tranquil parks hidden amongst the metropolitan sprawl.

With a population of 24 million, however, the crowds can get tiresome for some, and a breath of fresh air outside the city is the perfect remedy.

Shanghai’s positioning at the mouth of the Yangtze River means it’s perfectly located to use as a base to explore the Chinese coast and the various inland waterways flowing into it.

From lakes and forests to coastal villages and towns, the area surrounding Shanghai is brimming with possibilities for day trips.

Here are a few ideas to get you started.

1. Hangzhou

West Lake, Hangzhou

A short 45-minute ride away on the incredibly efficient high speed rail is the captivating city of Hangzhou.

With a population of over 9 million, it’s by no means a small city, but it does have a completely different and refreshing atmosphere to Shanghai.

One of the undisputed highlights here is the West Lake, widely considered to be one of the most well-known natural attractions in China.

You can walk or cycle round its perimeter, marvelling at its beauty while discovering various traditionally designed bridges and pavilions on the way.

Other popular pastimes in the city include visiting the many picturesque tea-houses and sampling the excellent cuisine.

Suzhou, China

The city of Suzhou has long been hailed as “The Venice of The East” by poets and writers, and once you arrive, it’s easy to see why.

A vast network of interconnected canals and waterways spread out across Suzhou, which, coupled with the plentiful blossom and bonsai trees growing around every corner, give it a gorgeously serene ambience.

You can lose yourself for hours taking in the scenery and wandering across the traditional bridges before heading over to look at some traditional Chinese gardens.

These can be found at Tiger Hill or the Humble Administrator’s Garden, both impeccable examples of Eastern horticulture in China.

3. Moganshan


Otherwise known as Mount Mogan, Moganshan is the ultimate escape into the highlands, a world away from the densely-populated city of Shanghai.

Only 60 kilometers away from Hangzhou (easily reachable from town), the area is slowly becoming a community of wealthy locals building their villas and resorts in the breath taking mountain settings.

The number one attraction in Moganshan is hiking through its verdant green hills and valleys peppered with rivers and lakes.

Particularly popular are routes that take you through bamboo forests and tea fields, both of which grow in abundance.

4. Zhujiajiao

Zhujiajiao, Shanghai

The most widely recommended water town nearby to Shanghai, Zhujiajiao is one of eight similar towns that exist on the canal system stemming from Lake Tai.

Easily reachable by bus from Shanghai, the quaint water town is emblematic of these types of settlements and as such is rich in history and culture.

This is apparent in the traditional architecture and ancient bridges present throughout the whole town, anchoring it to a time long gone.

Also worth a visit is the stunning and enormous Dianshan Lake, almost 12 times as large as Hangzhou’s West Lake and surrounded by idyllic hills, broad meadows and intersected by gorgeous islands like Sun and Moon Island, or Rainbow Island.

The lake is heavily commercialized, boasting golf courses and resorts, but you can guarantee you won’t get bored there.

Linhai, China

A wildly popular alternative to the costly Great Wall of China tour, Linhai is a charming city that has its own wall dating back to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, circa AD265 – AD420. The resemblance to its larger, more famous counterpart is uncanny and the city itself is a pleasure to explore.

Circled by the Ling River, the city is a hotbed of architectural history, with an ancient street even running from its center directly to Longxing Temple, many miles away.

Also a fascinating insight into the past is the city’s Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Nanjing, China

As a major Chinese city, Nanjing is a buzzing hub of activity, but one particular attraction for many people is the fascinating history that can be found here.

The metropolis was once the capital of many ruling dynasties throughout the nation’s past and has a huge number of culturally significant attractions.

From beautiful temples to the former Presidential Palace and Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, history buffs and casual visitors alike will be captivated by the various sites.

Also on the to-do list are some local hot springs, numerous picturesque parks and gardens, and even an island you can visit.

7. Changshu


For a town with similarities to the beautiful cities of Hangzhou and Suzhou, but without the crowds, make your way to Changshu; a pristine, canal-filled town that is only an hour and a half away from Shanghai.

Here you’ll find the same style of ancient houses, mountain backgrounds and a nearby lake, but with a much more small-town, local feel.

The Shanghu Scenic Area is a picturesque canal network with bamboo-lined banks, and is a perfect place to amble along.

Further afield, you’ll find Xingfu Temple on top of Mount Yu, where you can wander around the surrounding forests filled with tea plantations.

Ningbo, China

Two hours away from Shanghai by high speed rail lies the port city of Ningbo.

It’s also coincidentally one of the oldest cities in China, and as a result has a strong Buddhist presence which takes the form of countless temples, some of which are the oldest in the world and well worth a visit.

The Asoka Temple is over 1700 years old and houses relics belonging to the founder of Buddhism, Sakyamuni.

The Baoguo Temple is also one of the best-preserved wooden structures of its type in China.

9. Zhenjiang


In the neighbouring province of Jiangsu, you’ll find the picturesque city of Zhenjiang, famous for being the place where Nobel Prize winning author Pearl S. Buck was born, but little else.

People have, however, been heading on day trips to Zhenjiang because of the charmingly picturesque Jiaoshan Park that can be found there.

The park is attractively maintained, partly on an island in the Yangtze River, giving it the impression of being disconnected from urban life and at one with nature.

The most popular highlight here is the beautiful Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda.

10. Dongqian Lake

Dongqian Lake

This lake, close to Ningbo city, happens to be the largest one in the province of Zhenjiang, and is a perfect day trip for Shanghai locals and tourists looking to escape town for the day to enjoy peaceful solitude rarely found elsewhere amongst the region’s popular lakes.

The most highly recommended of the three lakes that comprise Dongqian is North Lake.

Here you’ll find the nearby mountains and shores filled with tiny villages and temples dating as far back as AD960, as well as a charming sculpture park.

11. Shanghai Sculpture Park

Shanghai Sculpture Park

Only a short moto ride away from Shanghai, you’ll find the wonderfully attractive and entertaining Shanghai Sculpture Park, situated in the Songjiang District.

An ideal family day out, you’ll marvel at the lush swathes of grassy areas to relax and enjoy a picnic, wooded hills and even a man-made beach to soak in some sun.

There are excellent restaurants in the area, pools, and boat rentals, making this park an excellent getaway from the concrete jungle of the city center.

12. Nanxiang


Less than 40 minutes away from downtown Shanghai, you’ll find the beloved district of Nanxiang, famed as being the birthplace of the widely enjoyed xiaolongbao dumplings and home to some gorgeous classic gardens.

The best of these is the Guyi Garden, where you can spend hours wandering around over paths and bridges under the tree canopies.

Nearby you’ll find the serene Yunxiang Temple, one of the largest near Shanghai and noticeably calmer than the others, perfect for some quiet reflection while you explore.

13. Shaoxing


An hour and a half away from Shanghai lies the historic town of Shaoxing, famous for the rich history contained within its borders and affectionately dubbed the “Museum without Walls” by the locals.

The sometimes sleepy and always welcoming town is home to cultural sites like the Archang Ancient Town and Baicao Garden, while a little further afield you can explore Kuaji Mountain or the serene East Lake.

You’ll also have the opportunity to try the delectable Shaoxing Wine, a particular local brew of Chinese rice wine the town is famed for.

14. Yangzhou


A traditional Chinese lake town, Yangzhou also combines elements of Hangzhou and Suzhou, whilst managing to remain unique in its beauty and appeal.

The Slender West Lake is a smaller but no less gorgeous version of its larger counterpart; you can spend a couple of hours strolling its shores, or amongst the trees of the Ge Yuan Garden, populated by bamboo forests.

One of the highlights is the Tomb of Puhaddin, an ancient Muslim prophet whose grave neighbours a mosque and some gardens which form a fascinating contrast between Islamic and Chinese architecture.

15. Putuoshan

Putuoshan, Puji Temples

The famous Buddhist resort of Putuoshan is around four hours away from Shanghai, but with an early start it is easily achievable in a day.

Here you’ll be blessed with the chance to see some truly authentic sites, visited by a great number of Chinese locals.

Among these is the Purple Bamboo Forest, located at the foot of Mount Putuoshan, famed for the purple colour of the rock.

Also not to be missed is the breath taking temple of Pu Ji; containing two large sakura trees indoors that, when in bloom, transform the interior into a surreally beautiful sight.

15 Best Day Trips from Shanghai:

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  • Shanghai Sculpture Park
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Shanghai Express is a free layover sightseeing tour provided for international transit passengers arriving at Shanghai Pudong International Airport with a layover of over 8 hours.

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Shanghai Travel Tips: 10 Things to Know Before You Go

Planning to visit one of the best cities in the world? Look no further. We at China Highlights have compiled the most important list of things you need to know before you confirm your plans. Our list includes a variety of Shanghai travel tips that will ensure that you make the most of this city.

1. The best time to visit Shanghai

Shanghai experiences all the seasons, right from fiery heat of summer, to a breathtaking spring, to autumn and a chilly, sometimes snowy winter with a regular dose of rains thrown in.

The best seasons to visit Shanghai are definitely spring (March–May) and autumn (September–November). In Spring, the days are warm, sunny and the evenings are cool to chilly. While autumn has it's own charm when the weather is starting to cool down and people enjoy the city the most.

However, if you are the a fan of winters, Shanghai is beautiful in December, through to February too. With no shortage of mulled wine to keep you warm and festive. For more details on Shanghai weather, we have just the right information for you here .

2. What to see: Shanghai sights

Shanghai is bustling with a lot of activity and events round the clock. Naturally, there is plenty to do and suit all kinds of interests, especially if you are traveling in a large group. In Shanghai, you can immerse yourself in quite a few things. There is theater and art, there are lots museums, parks, iconic sights such as the Bund and the Pudong skyline, old water towns like Zhujiajiao , historic temples like Jing'an Temple and the Jade Buddha Temple , tea houses, and loads and loads of food and shopping options all over.

Here  is more on what you can do in the city.

3. What to do at night: Shanghai nightlife

The city's Puxi district is also the perfect hub if you are looking for an action-packed nightlife. Below are hot spots you should check out to start off your night:

This is the perfect party spot with lots of bars and restaurants to pick from. The choices will spoil you, right from New York Style pizza at Homeslice , craft beer at Little Creatures or Zapfler , Thai fix at Cyclo , Brazilian meat fest at Boteco , hip hop music with beer pong at Ballers , the hidden whiskey bar Alive , a raging and one of the biggest nightclubs in Shanghai called TAXX (popular with the young affluent) and much more. If you are in the mood, you could spend a couple of hours enjoying some magic at Blackstone or grab some tacos and tequila shots at El Luchador .

This cluster of bars and restaurants follows the same formula but is more laid back, and has different options for a night out, including a beer van right at the entrance. Check out bars like Valpasso and Monkey 3.0 for some really strong cocktails and excellent bar-food.

Other popular spots

  • Union Trading Company: Award winning bar, one of the best in Asia in fact. You will leave here in happy spirits. Definitely try their scotch eggs! Address - 64 Fenyang Lu, near Fuxing Zhong Lu
  • The Nest: Very popular lounge and bar that also serves up some delicious gourmet food. Address - 6/F, 130 Beijing Dong Lu, near Huqiu Lu
  • The Cannery: By the same folks who brought us The Nest, this is a very large lounge area, good music, very good drinks. Perfect for conversations over seafood (they can their own meats). Address - 1107 Yuyuan Lu, near Jiangsu Lu
  • Bar Rouge: Shanghai's most famous club with a view since 1994, good music and always lots of fun. Address - 7/F, 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, near Nanjing Dong Lu
  • UP: A new addition to Shanghai's party scene, this has a huge bar, and a very fun dance floor that is the dining space a bit earlier in the day. Address - 688 Shaanxi Bei Lu, near Kangding Lu

It doesn't end there... See more on Shanghai Nighlife .

4. Business hours in Shanghai

The Chinese government stipulates a five-day workweek, from Monday to Friday, at the general 8 hours a day. The normal business hours are generally from 9:30am to 6pm, with a break from 12pm to 2pm. Restaurants: 11am–2pm, 6–9pm, in general.

5. What to eat in Shanghai

Food is a big part of Chinese (and Asian) culture. If you are coming to Shanghai, you must have a plan to try to all the best dishes and different Chinese cuisines, because this city offers it all. The food in China is rich in history and culture.

The top things that come to mind of course, are dumplings and noodles, which are available in plenty. But there is a whole world of dishes out there waiting for you to try! Priority foods include the famed xiaolongbao (soup dumplings), Hairy steamed crab, hongshao rou (Shanghainese braised pork dish), the quintessential baozi (steamed bready buns stuffed with veggies or meats - perfect breakfast), scallion pancakes, and more. We have a detailed list of the top 10 Shanghai dishes that must be tried.

Vegetarians need not worry. Shanghai, and China, have a huge variety of vegetable dishes that are mouth-watering and very satisfying. If you see any eggplant dish on the menu, try it! Here are the best vegetarian options in Shanghai for you.

We also have a list of some more restaurants you might want to eat at here .

If you are looking for healthy options so you don't cheat on your diet, read here .

6. Getting around Shanghai

The public cab availability in Shanghai has changed a lot in the last few years. If you haven't heard of Didi (they pushed Uber out of China) then now is a good time to look them up. Download the Didi app on your phone and you will not have to worry about a thing when you arrive. Didi is everywhere, and super convenient and quick. You can connect it to your international credit card for instant payments and hassle-free commuting.

For your transport from the airport to your hotel, you can take the Maglev and then a local taxi or you could simply take a taxi at the airport - it is really very convenient as there is never a shortage of taxis at the airport.

The Shanghai subway or metro has 16 lines (and still growing) is one of the best ways to get around if you want to explore the city in a short amount of time, and walk around a lot. The metro system is super easy to use with directions in English and Chinese. The metro stations and the trains are very clean. You can get to all parts of the city, spending next to nothing.

See more on Shanghai Transportation .

7. How to greet people in Shanghai

At social gatherings, it is ideal to keep it casual with a friendly Ni Hao (Hello) and smile politely. At business events or while networking, it is good manners to pass a polite comment on the appearance of the other's card, whilst tucking it carefully within the confines of your wallet. It is a good idea to take a large quantity of business cards with you, and if possible have the text translated into Chinese on the reverse.

Exchanging business cards should be done as politely and deferentially as possible. Take out your card, bow slightly, and present it with both hands. They will probably reciprocate in a similar manner, most likely holding their card English version uppermost. Don't get flustered if, when meeting a group of people, they start clapping when you arrive. This is simply a form of greeting and you may respond by clapping also. Click to see Do's and Don'ts in China .

8. Where to go if you need medical help in Shanghai

In Shanghai there are a number of international hospitals and clinics with modern medical facilities and English-speaking staff. They can offer medical services to foreigners.

  • Parkway Health Address : Shanghai Centre, 2/F, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, near Xikang Lu Tel: 4008196622 Hours: 8am-7pm
  • CanAM Int'l Medical Center , Shanghai Pu Xi Clinic Address: 20F, 966 Huaihai Zhong Road (by Shanxi Nan Lu) Tel: 54039133 Fax: 54038978
  • Shanghai International SOS Address: Units 2907-2901, 2 Grand Gateway, 3 Hongqiao Road, Xuhui District Tel: 52989538 Fax: 52989539
  • American-Sino OB/GYN (24 Hour Emergency Service) Address: 14F, Complex Building, 800 Huashan Hospital, 12 Middle Urumqi Road (near Changle Road) Tel: 62493246 Hours: 8am–8pm
  • Shanghai United Family Hospital and Clinics Address: 1139 Xianxia Road (General and Cosmetic Dental Center) Tel: 51331900 Emergency call: 5133 1999 Fax: 51331919
  • World Link Medical Center Hongqiao Clinic Address: Unit 30, Mandarin City, 788 Hongxu Road Tel: 6405 5788 Fax: 6405 3587
  • International Medical & Dental Center (IMDC) Address: 1111 Xian Xia Road (near Bei Hong Road), Changning District Tel: 62909558
  • Sino-United Health American International Center at Shanghai Center Address: Room 1376, Nanjing Road West Tel: 62798920 Fax: 62798921

9. Currency Exchange & Banks in Shanghai

Currency exchange service is available at most hotels, and all large banks. The ones to look out for include China Merchants Bank , ICBC and ABC (Agricultural Bank of China). There are plenty of branches all over the city so ask your hotel for the nearest branch. You will need your passport for currency exchange.

Usually large malls and hotels and big restaurants will accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express credit cards but don't be surprised if they don't. In Shanghai, and most of China, nearly all transactions are paperless, via Alipay or WeChat pay.

Make sure you carry cash with you just in case. ATMs are easy to find and most likely your Visa/ MasterCard debit card will work for your international bank account.

10. Other general China travel tips

  • Tipping is not a thing in Shanghai, or most of China, except in the poshest places, of for private guiding services. Read more information about tipping in China .
  • Toilets in China are normally of the squatting type. Now airports and hotels all have Western toilets , and many public toilets have both Western style and squat style. Always carry tissues with you, just in case you need to go to the toilet (because most public toilets don't provide toilet paper). More on How to Use a Squat Toilet in China .
  • Plug points in Shanghai look like this, so bring an adapter. If you can't no worries, there are plenty of shops everywhere where you can pick one up. See more on China Power Supply and Adapters .
  • WiFi is everywhere, so don't worry. All cafés, restaurants and bars will oblige you with their passwords and your hotel will have free wifi too. See more on The Internet in China .
  • Phone calls and emergency numbers, dial "00" (international prefix), then dial the country code, then the area code and local number. E.g. if you want to call 434-5678 in California (area code 760) in the USA (country code 1), you need to dial 00-1-760-434-5678. Shanghai's area code is 021. For a fire emergency, call 119. For Police, call 110. For an ambulace, call 112. See more on How to Phone in China .

See more China Travel Tips .

Touring Shanghai with Us

We'd love to help you have the perfect trip in Shanghai. We can help plan your trip and customize your itinerary to suit your style. Our most popular Shanghai tours for your reference:

  • 2-Day Charming Shanghai and Water Town Tour : You will visit the must-see attractions in Shanghai.
  • 5-Day Essence of Shanghai and Hangzhou Tour : You will see the most famous sights in Shanghai and Hangzhou, like the Bund and West Lake.

Our tours can be customized. Just tell us your interests and requirements and we will help you to tailor-make a Shanghai tour .

  • 2-Week Private China Tour: Beijing–Xi'an–Lhasa-Shanghai
  • 12-Day China Silk Road Tour from Xi'an to Kashgar
  • 11-Day China Classic Tour
  • 14-Day China Natural Wonders Discovery
  • 15 Best Places to Visit in China (2024)
  • Best (& Worst) Times to Visit China, Travel Tips (2024/2025)
  • How to Plan a 10-Day Itinerary in China (Best 5 Options)
  • 8 Days in China: Top 15 Tours and Itineraries (2024/2025)
  • China Weather in January 2024: Enjoy Less-Crowded Traveling
  • China Weather in February 2024: Places to Go, Costs, and Crowds
  • China Weather in March 2024: Destinations, Crowds, and Costs
  • China Weather in April 2024: Where to Go (Smart Pre-Season Pick)
  • China Weather in May 2024: Where to Go, Crowds, and Costs
  • China Weather in June 2024: How to Benefit from the Rainy Season
  • China Weather in July 2024: How to Avoid Heat and Crowds
  • China Weather in August 2024: Weather Tips & Where to Go
  • China Weather in September 2024: Weather Tips & Where to Go
  • China Weather in October 2024: Where to Go, Crowds, and Costs
  • China Weather in November 2024: Places to Go & Crowds
  • China Weather in December 2024: Places to Go and Crowds

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Shanghai Trip Planner

How to Plan A Perfect Shanghai Itinerary for 1 to 4 Days 2024/2025

Shanghai , located in China’s east coast, stands out across China as the most developed and populous city. It is wildly recognized as the most outward-looking and fashion-conscious city in China. Flourishing economy has created amazing modern skyline and loads of iconic advanced attractions in Shanghai that photographers always love to capture. But, the biggest and most world-known charm is the perfect blend of the West and East in this “ Paris of the East ”. Western-style historical architectures face modern skyscrapers across the Huangpu River; Chinese traditional lifestyle meets chic coffee culture; local snacks and haute Michelin-starred restaurants coexists. Shanghai makes miracles every day and awaits all friends to discover its diversity, superior vigor and uncommon leisure.

For years, Shanghai has been a major gateway city to China and the starting point for a longer China holiday. How to make a well-organized itinerary in Shanghai and from Shanghai? What’s the best transport to get to Shanghai and around? How many days for Shanghai? What’s the must-visit? When is the best time for a visit? Travelling indeed involves lots of details to settle down. China Discovery here specially listed the most useful Shanghai Trip Planner to help you make a wonderful China Shanghai tour 2024/2025 efficiently !

Shanghai Weather & Best Time to Go

Shanghai enjoys a subtropical monsoon climate with four distinct seasons, rich sunshine and rainfall. The annual average temperature in Shanghai is around 15 ~ 17℃. You can visit Shanghai all year round , and the warm spring and cool autumn are the two best times for they have comfort temperatures, more sunny days and pleasant natural sights.

Spring (March to May): Weather is changeable in early spring. But temperature rises significantly from March, soon gets to a very pleasantly warm level. City parks then starts beautiful flower blossom and large areas of green shoots. This period is a peak travel season for Shanghai.

Summer (June to September): During summer, Shanghai is hot, moist and slightly affected typhoon. July is the hottest month of the year when the daytime temperature goes above 30℃. There are lots of rains between June and August, more than 60% of the city’s total annual amount. Most are thundershowers. Indoor attractions can be visited as normal, but outdoor activities during the day is unfavorable. Better prepare sunscreen, umbrella and other protective items.

Autumn (October to November): The cool autumn is another golden season to visit Shanghai, because the temperature is moderate and refreshing, golden trees and fallen leaves decorate the city unusually picturesque. The air is quite dry, so please drink lots of water and do enough moisturizing work. Better avoid the pressing crowds during China’s National Day (from October first and last one week usually).

Winter (December to February): From December, Shanghai’s temperature drops sharply to a few degrees only. It’s cold, but not severe cold as the cities in northern China, dim and humid with little rainfall. Sometimes it snows in the coldest months, January and February. Please wear your hat, scarf, gloves and thick clothes to keep warm.

▶ Check more about Shanghai Weather & Climate , recommended dressing and things to do.

How to Plan a Trip to Shanghai

How to Get to Shanghai

Based on your location, personal preference and travel schedule, you can get to Shanghai by flight, train and cruise easily. Hardly any tourists choose to get to Shanghai by bus.

Flights to Shanghai

There are two airports serving tourists to Shanghai: Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport , 20 km of the city center and Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG), 45 km away from the downtown, Pudong Airport handles more international flights while Hongqiao International Airport operates great many domestic flights. Travelers abroad can fly to Shanghai from cities in Asia ( Singapore, Bankok, Seoul , New Delhi, Dubai...), Oceania (Sydney, Melbourne...), Europe ( London, Paris , Rome, Amsterdam...), America ( New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco , Chicago...) and other connected countries or regions. In China, you can take a flight to Shanghai within several hours from Beijing, Xian, Guangzhou, Guilin, Chengdu , Kunming, Lijiang, Qingdao, Sanya and major Chinese cities.

Check more available air lines and useful airport transfer guide of Shanghai Pudong International Airport and Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport .

(High Speed Bullet) Trains to Shanghai

Shanghai is a busy national rail transportation hub, extend its excellent railway network with all major destinations in China, especially in the Yangtze River Delta region. It receives and departs around 1,000 trains daily . The north-south Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway , east-west Shanghai-Kunming High Speed Railway and other high speed rails offer great convenience for arriving in Shanghai and get around. If you take a high speed bullet train to Shanghai from Beijing , it takes about 4.5 ~ 6 hours , around 6 ~ 9 hours from Xian, 7 ~ 8.5 hours from Guangzhou, 5.5 ~ 6.5 hours from Xiamen, 6.5 ~ 8 hours from Yichang, and only 30 minutes from Suzhou , 1 hour from Hangzhou , 2.5 ~ 3.5 hours from Huangshan , etc. Some cities have normal trains, overnight trains if at long distance to Shanghai, but are less chosen.

Among the 4 train stations in Shanghai, Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station about 20 km of the city runs the vast majority high speed bullet trains and Shanghai Railway Station which lies merely 5 km of the Bund is the terminal for all normal trains and part of the high speed trains.

Useful Links:

▶ High Speed Bullet Trains to/off Shanghai ▶ Shanghai Train Stations - Location, Transportation & Major Train Routes

Cruises to Shanghai

Shanghai, located at the confluence of the Yangtze River, Grand Canal and East China Sea, can also be reached by international cruise from Japan, South Korea and other coastal countries, and by Yangtze River Cruise from upstream cities like Chongqing, Wuhan.

Read Shanghai Cruise Terminal Transportation to transfer from the port to Shanghai city.

How to Get Around Shanghai

Shanghai has built a very complete and convenient public transit system for moving around.

● By Maglev Train: Shanghai Maglev Train , with a top speed of 431 km/h, is the word’s first commercial Maglev Train and the fastest one that you can only experience in Shanghai. It runs between Pudong International Airport and Longyang Road in the southeast suburb, cuts down the 30-km journey to 8 minutes.

● By Metro: There are 20 metro lines in operation. It’s fast and convenient without worrying about the traffic jam. Taking the Shanghai Metro , you can get to Shanghai’s airports, railway stations and major attractions. The most frequently used Metro Line 2 goes to Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station, Hongqiao International Airport, People’s Square, Lujiazui, Longyang Road Subway Station. Line 1 can take you to People’s Square, Shanghai Railway Station, Shanghai Circus World. Metro Line 10 goes to Yu Garden, Xintiandi, Hongqiao Airport & Hongqiao Railway Station, and Line 11 has stops in Shanghai Disney Resort, Line 17 gets to Zhujiajiao Water Town directly.

● By Taxi: Getting around Shanghai by a taxi is convenient, especially when you carry lots of baggage. You can call a taxi on the street or use online car-hailing service.

● By Bus: The city bus is the main transportation vehicle for the locals. It connects all districts of Shanghai. Time-consuming and the huge crowds make it inconvenient for travelers.

Recommended Shanghai City Tours:

☛ 2 Days Classic Shanghai City Tour

☛ 3 Days Shanghai Past & Present Contrast Tour

How to Plan a Trip to Shanghai

Top Attractions & Things to To in Shanghai

You will never feel bored when visiting the great metropolis of Shanghai, for the city displays various fascination through different kinds of tourist attractions and featured activities. In Shanghai, you can view modern skyscrapers, classical Chinese garden, ancient temples, Western-style architecture, local traditional residences, interesting themed museums, enjoy family-friendly sites, and spend wonderful nightlife to explore the old & new, the West & East styles of Shanghai.

1.Lujiazui Skyscrapers - Marvel at Amazing Modern Skyline

The rising edifices, particularly the four iconic skyscrapers, Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower , Shanghai Tower , Shanghai World Financial Center and Jinmao Tower in Lujiazui are the most highlighting and eye-catching sights in Shanghai. The skyline is a proud showcase of Shanghai’s booming economy, high technology and persistent endeavor. Surely, all travelers will be amazed by these structures of super height and take many photos to memorize the stunning modern trip. Except watching from the Bund, you can get up to the supertall building, enjoy a panoramic view of Shanghai city from large window glass and walkway, and even try a thrilling skywalk in the air.

2.The Bund & Wukang Road - Explore Perfect Blend of the West and East

The wonderful mixture of the Western and Oriental features of Shanghai is another charm appealing to numerous visitors. The Bund , stretching along the west bank of the Huangpu River, is the top 1 place to visit on Shanghai bucket list. 52 well-preserved European-style historical buildings line the waterfront, bringing you back to the early 20th century of Shanghai. You can enjoy a less-crowded morning walking, see local play exercises or have a daytime, night stroll here. Wukang Road is another popular site to feel the cultural fusion. Delicate foreign mansions, departments, villas have been kept in original characters. Roaming around the tree-lined avenues, you can see many lovely cafés, restaurants and shops.

How to Plan a Trip to Shanghai

3.Yu Garden - Appreciate Chinese Classic Garden and Beauty

Yu Garden, or called Yuyuan, located next to the City God Temple in Shanghai old town, is one of the most popular historical site in Shanghai. The garden is over 400-year-old and wildly deemed as a miniature of Suzhou classical gardens. Visiting Yu Garden , you can see a large scale of ancient style architectures laid harmoniously, the halls, towers, pavilions, corridors, bridges, ponds, rockeries, delicate carvings all have been lightened up by each other. The Yuyuan Bazaar is a busy market for local snacks and interesting souvenirs. Don’t miss the gorgeous Lantern Show held during Chinese New Year.

4.Shanghai Museum - Admire Splendid Chinese Culture & History

Shanghai Museum situated at the People’s Square is one of China’s best museums, which mainly focus on the ancient Chinese art. It owns a rich collection of about 100,000 cultural relics. You can trace back to old China, closely feel the remarkable ancient Chinese wisdom, skills and aesthetic while seeing various time-honored artifacts. The bronzes, ceramics, calligraphy and paintings are most terrific exhibitions in Shanghai Museum . And Da Ke Ding, a food bronze vessel with a long history of nearly 3,000 is the treasure you should visit and know more. You can see ancient seals, coins, jades, sculptures, furniture as well. No admission is charged as long as you make reservation ahead and present valid identification.

5.Tianzifang & Xintiandi - Spend a Leisure Time among Traditional Houses

Tianzifang and Xintiandi are popular tourist attractions to shop, eat and relax. They are both remoulded local traditional blocks developing modern commercial vitality on the traditional Shikumen residences. Tianzifang is filled with lots of small bars and shops of gifts and snacks. In the narrow lanes. It’s a great fun to wander through the maze-like area to find lovely handicrafts. Some locals still live here. Xintiandi is the first and most successful open-air mall of it kind in China. You can walk along boulevards, spend a leisure outdoor drinking and dining, see many upscale shops and restaurants in the featured renovated Shikumen buildings.

How to Plan a Trip to Shanghai

6.Shanghai Disney Resort - Enjoy Happy Fairyland Adventure

As the largest Disney park in Asia, Shanghai Disney Resort is a wonderful place to create happy travel memories for family travelers. It has more than classic Disney entertainments but also exclusive Chinese characters. People often make a Disneyland day tour to adventure the main highlights. In the 7 theme lands, you can meet famous & hospitable Disney figures in reality, take photos with your favorite one, take thrilling rides, break into Disney fairyland, watch live dream-like Disney performance, beautiful castle and firework shows, etc.

7.Ancient Towns & Temples, Maglev Train, Huangpu River Cruise - Discover the Diversity of Shanghai

The Old Shanghai can be founded in the downtown area too. Ancient Temples, like Jade Buddha Temple , Jing’an Temple, Longhua Temple are top sites to view attractive temple buildings, flying eaves, intricately decorated roof and ceilings and away from the city clamor. Zhuajiajiao Water Town in the west outskirt is rated as the “Venice of Shanghai”. With a long history of over 1,700 years, it preserves original residential buildings, waterway transport and s a slower lifestyle. Don’t miss the interesting boat trip. Want to encounter the modern and shinning faces of Shanghai? You can take the Shanghai Maglev Train, feel the highest train speed (431 km/h) in the world, and embark on a Huangpu River Cruise at night, watching fancy high-rise and striking contrast on the banks.

How to Plan a Trip to Shanghai

How to Plan the Best Shanghai Itinerary for 1 to 4 Days

You can plan a Shanghai tour in 1 to 4 days depending on your holiday time and personal interests. Usually, travelers spend 2 days on discovering the top landmarks and must-visits of Shanghai. A day tour with main highlights is doable for transit travelers with limited time. If time allows, you can also extend city sightseeing to the suburb area. Lots of tourists like to make day trip or weekend trips from Shanghai to Suzhou, Hangzhou and other destinations in the Yangtze River Delta. Check the following top recommended Shanghai itineraries from 1 to 4 days to get inspired for your Shanghai trip planner.

Shanghai 1 Day Itinerary

(Note: The above recommended itinerary does not include the day for arrival and departure. You can read Shanghai Day Trip Ideas to find more itinerary planning advice.)

Shanghai 2 Days Itinerary

(Note: The above recommended itinerary does not include the day for arrival and departure. Please contact us to help you plan your Shanghai itinerary.)

Shanghai 3 Days Itinerary

(Note: The above recommended itineraries include the day for arrival and departure. Please contact us to help you plan your Shanghai itinerary.)

Shanghai 4 Days Itinerary

(Note: The above recommended itineraries include the day for arrival and departure. Please contact us to work out a Shanghai itinerary.)

Travel beyond Shanghai

To suzhou, hangzhou, huangshan mountain & other cities nearby.

Shanghai nearby lies many great places for you to get far away from the city crowds, appreciate pretty nature and terrific ancient Chinese legacies. Suzhou, Hangzhou and Huangshan Mountain are the most recommended destinations all with unparalleled World Heritage sites. Taking 1 to 2 days , you can visit the most poetic, elegant classical gardens in Suzhou together with a tranquil water town and interesting Chinese silk-making in a Silk factory. For a Hangzhou tour , you need at least 2 days to cover the best natural and cultural highlights, including the scenic West Lake, historical Lingyin Temple, Hefang Ancient Street and visits of a local tea plantation, Grand Canal, etc. Covering the essence of Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou in 5 days in quiet classic. Making a Huangshan Mountain hiking trip requires 2 days and more to see the magnificent peaks and breathtaking natural wonders in the Back and Front Mountain. With another 1 to 2 days, you can visit Hongcun, or Xidi Ancient Villages, or other peaceful ancient villages down the mountain. Meanwhile, you can conveniently travel from Shanghai to Nanjing, Wuxi, Ningbo, Mount Jiuhua, Wuyuan, Mount Putuo and other destinations in adjacent provinces.

Recommended Tour Packages:

☛ 5 Days Shanghai Hangzhou Suzhou Highlights Tour

☛ 5 Days Shanghai Huangshan Tour by High Speed Train

☛ 9 Days East China & Huangshan Mountain Tour by High Speed Train

How to Plan a Trip to Shanghai

To Other Top Destinations in China

Beyond destinations of neighboring Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the Yangtze River Delta, you have many more excellent options to extend travel from Shanghai, as long as time permits. We highly suggest you travel Shanghai with Beijing where you can hike a Great Wall, visit Forbidden City, Beijing Hutongs and many imperial sites, and Xian - the home to Terracotta Warriors, where you can visit Ancient City Wall, taste local flavors in Muslim Quarter, view massive ancient cultural treasures and feel the prosperous Han and Tang Dynasty. 8 days is enough to pack the three “ Golden Triangle Cities ”. Besides, you can visit Guilin to take a Li River Cruise, capture unusual Karst landscape and idyllic countryside scenery, break into wizardly Avatar world in Zhangjiajie , meet the cute Giant Pandas in Chengdu , enjoy a relaxing Yangtze River Cruise tour , go farther to Yunnan, Silk Road, etc.

☛ 8 Days Best Shanghai Xian & Beijing Tour

☛ 10 Days Classic China Tour from Shanghai (Shanghai/Guilin/Yangshuo/Xian/Beijing)

☛ 7 Days Shanghai & Yangtze Cruise Tour

How to Plan a Trip to Shanghai

  • Where to Stay in Shanghai

As China’s most populous city and a hot international destination, Shanghai has a large range of accommodation choices, from luxury brands, stylish boutiques to medium-price, cheap hotels. You can book a hotel of different stars, or different areas based on your budget and hobby. Note that Shanghai’s hotel rates are higher than other cities in China. The best place to stay in Shanghai is in the downtown, especially the hotels near the Bund, People’s Square . They have good locations and convenient to major attractions, dining and shopping area. Lodging in the Wukang Road, you can find cool hotels and upmarket nightlife. Meanwhile, you can accommodate in the old town of Shanghai, such as hotels near Yu Garden. Staying in Pudong, you can see iconic skyscrapers. For short layover or transfer convenience, you can easily find hotels near the airport and train stations.

Helpdul Link: Best Places to Stay in Shanghai & Top Recommended Shanghai Hotels

How to Plan a Trip to Shanghai

Shanghai 144 hour Visa-Free Transit

Shanghai has implemented the 144 Hours Visa-Free Transit Policy from January 2016. Qualified foreign visitors thus can enjoy Chinese Transit Visa Exemption and make layover tour in Shanghai and Jiangsu, Zhejiang for 144 hours at most. If you hold a valid passport (wit h a validity of at least 3 months) from appointed 53 countries and a flight/cruise/train ticket to a third country (or region) with confirmed seat and departure date within 144 hours, then you’re allowed to apply for the Visa-Free Transit at the port of entry in Shanghai. After enter through Shanghai Pudong International Airport, or Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal or other permitted ports, you can visit Shanghai, and Suzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing and any other cities in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces.

Click Shanghai 144 Hour Visa-Free Transit to know more requirements, application guide, tour itinerary planning suggestions for Shanghai layover tour.

Travel Shanghai with China Discovery

China Discovery is an experienced, professional and reliable travel companion devoted to offering high-quality and the best tour services for all travelers to China. In order to have a hassle-free travel and focus on the trip itself, it’s highly recommended to travel with China Discovery . So, you can enjoy convenient airport pick-up and drop-off service and transportation to all scenic spots in a safe, clean, comfortable, air-conditioned and non-smoking vehicle. Also, we will arrange knowledgeable local English-speaking tour guide, excellent accommodation and dining arrangements to ensure you rest well and get better understanding of highlights in Shanghai and other destinations.  The tour can be tailor-made according to your interests, time, group size, budget and every special need.  If you are interested, please feel free to  contact us to customize your China Shanghai tour !

How to Plan a Trip to Hangzhou

Get Inspired by Real Travel Stories of Our Customers

Since 2012, we China Discovery have helped numerous customers to visit Shanghai and the surroundings. With our fully-inclusive private tour packages, all of our customers enjoyed their trips to the Bund, Yu Garden, Wukang Road, etc. Some of them kindly shared their precious travel photos and stories about their Shanghai journey, just get inspired now.

"Shanghai visit included two days at the Disney resort. Magic experience with my wife and 19 year old son…" - shared on Tripadvisor by our family travelers.

"Amazing China Tour to Xiamen, Dong Ethnic area, Yangshuo, Guilin, Chengdu, Hangzhou and Shanghai tour…" - shared by Lawson family from UK (Read their entire travel story:  Returning Hometown Trip of Adoptive Family for Regainning Confidence of Their Ethnic Dong Girl .)

Besides the wonderful travel stories, many customers who visited Shanghai with China Discovery also sent us their first-hand feedbacks about their trip, feel free to read the Shanghai Reviews and learn what they say about their travel experience. If you want to start your Shanghai tour now, don't hesitate to contact us .

Travel Shanghai with China Discovery

Keep Reading About Shanghai Tours

  • China Tours from Shanghai
  • Top Shanghai Tours
  • Shanghai Layover Tours
  • Shanghai Day Tours
  • Top 6 Shanghai Vacation Packages
  • Weekend Trips from Shanghai
  • Beijing Shanghai Tours
  • Beijing Xian Shanghai Tours
  • Beijing Xian Guilin Shanghai Tours
  • Shanghai Xian Tours
  • Shanghai Yangtze River Tour
  • Shanghai Suzhou Hangzhou Tours
  • Shanghai Suzhou Tours
  • Shanghai Hangzhou Tours
  • Shanghai Huangshan Tours
  • Shanghai Mt. Jiuhua Tour
  • Shanghai Mt. Putuo Tour
  • Shanghai Guilin Tours
  • Shanghai Zhangjiajie Tours
  • Shanghai Dunhuang Tours
  • Hong Kong Shanghai Tours
  • Shanghai Travel Guide
  • Shanghai Transportation
  • Shanghai 144h Visa-free Transit
  • Things to Do in Shanghai
  • Shanghai Nightlife
  • Shanghai Family-Friendly Activities
  • Shanghai Food & Restaurants
  • Shanghai Weather & Seasons
  • Shanghai Maps
  • Shanghai Travel FAQs & Tips
  • Budget Shanghai Hotels
  • Comfortable Shanghai Hotels
  • Luxury Shanghai Hotels

Keep Reading About Shanghai Attractions

  • Shanghai Attractions
  • Top Places to Visit in Shanghai
  • Shanghai Skyline
  • Top Museums in Shanghai
  • Top Parks in Shanghai
  • Yu Garden & Bazaar
  • Huangpu River Cruise
  • Nanjing Road
  • Zhujiajiao Ancient Town
  • Shanghai Museum
  • Shanghai Disney Resort
  • Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower
  • Shanghai Xintiandi
  • Shanghai Circus World
  • Shanghai Tower

Recommended Shanghai Tours

Top 3 Shanghai tours chosen by most customers to explore Shanghai in the best way. Check the detailed itinerary, or tailor your own trip now with us.

Antal's family enjoyed the scenery of Shanghai skyscrapers in March 2024

3 Days Shanghai Past and Present Contrast Tour (at Leisure Pace)

Sinan Mansions on Sinan Road

2 Days Classic Shanghai Tour with City Walk Experience

Boats in Zhujiajiao Water Town, Shot by Our Guest Gaye from Australia

3 Days Shanghai Highlights Tour with Water Town

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  1. THE 10 BEST Shanghai City Tours (with Prices)

    With a population of nearly 25 million and centuries of history, Shanghai can be daunting. Make the most of your time there…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 100% of travelers. from. $108. per adult. 6. Private Amazing Shanghai City Day Tour in Your Way.

  2. La tour Shanghaï

    Tous deux doivent leur conception, en grande partie, à Marshall Strabala, architecte américain expert dans la conception de gratte-ciels les plus impressionnants. Hauteur: Le Burj mesure 829,80 mètres de haut dépassant, ainsi, la tour Shanghaï de 198 mètres. Toutefois, son dernier étage se situe, seulement, à 584 mètres, au-dessus, l ...

  3. Shanghai Reviews, Reviews about Shanghai Tours

    Get inspired from 100+ reviews, feedback to plan your Shanghai tour. Tailor-made Tour Package Refundable Quick Response 3,670+ comments (1,870+ reviews) Contact Us Form Email us: [email protected] Call us: +86-28-85227275 / 85223672 . 86-19138970032 (GMT+8 18:00~09:00)

  4. Shanghai Travel Reviews on Tripadvisor.com

    Read China Discovery's reviews about Shanghai travel and tour experience on tripadvisor.com to know tour arrangements, attractions, guides, drivers/car, transportation in Shanghai. Tailor-made Tour Package Refundable Quick Response 3,770+ comments (1,920+ reviews)

  5. THE 10 BEST Shanghai Sightseeing Tours

    30. 3-Hour Private Tour to Jewish Ghetto and Shanghai Bund. 29. Historical Tours. 150-180 minutes. Explore the historical heart of Shanghai's ancient Jewish quarter in a private tour to Hongkou District, known as the little…. Free cancellation.

  6. The Best Shanghai Tour Itinerary

    This 3-day best Shanghai tour itinerary offers a comprehensive exploration of the city's historical depth, cultural richness, and modern vibrancy. It's designed for first-time foreign tourists to fully experience. Shanghai's unique charm, culinary delights, and lively entertainment scene. Following this guide ensures a well-rounded and ...

  7. One Day in Shanghai, China: Itinerary & Where to Go in 24 Hours

    Get a taste of Shanghai's past in Old City. From Lujiazui, it's about a 20-minute ride on the metro to Yuyuan Garden Station, where the beautiful Old City of Shanghai starts to unfold. When you're crafting your first China itinerary, the ageless graces of Shanghai's Old City stimulate exactly as expected.

  8. 10 Best Tours In Shanghai, China

    Keeping Up With Shanghai: Top 25 Things To Do In The City. 10 Best Serviced Apartments In Shanghai, China - Updated 2024. 1. Shanghai French Concession 2-Hour Walking Tour (from USD 55.36) Source: www.getyourguide.com. Visit some of the more iconic historical buildings in this tour.

  9. 15 Epic Places to Visit in Shanghai & Shanghai Bucket List 2024

    Nanjing Road (Nanjing Lu) - The Busiest Pedestrian Street in Shanghai. Running west from the Bund, Nanjing Road is Shanghai's foremost shopping street and is one of the world's busiest shopping streets. The Shanghai equivalent of New York's Fifth Avenue, Nanjing Road boasts retailers from all over the world.

  10. Shanghai

    Guide de Shanghai avec les informations pratiques pour aller en Chine. Découvrez tout ce qu'il y a à visiter à Shanghai, l'une des villes les plus modernes ... Free tour dans Shanghai. ... + 2 500 000 avis de Civitatis + 2 500 000 avis de Civitatis. Suivez-nous. Facebook; X (Twitter) Linkedin; Instagram; Pinterest; Tiktok; Youtube ...

  11. The BEST Shanghai Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    The best outdoor activities to do in Shanghai are: Shanghai: Night River Cruise Tour with Xinjiang Style Dining. Shanghai Half-Day Bicycle City Tour. Shanghai: 4-Hour Nightlife Adventure & Tasting Bike Tour. Half-Day Old Shanghai Small Group Bike Tour (Day & Night) Shanghai: 3-Hour Biking and Local Food Tour.

  12. 25 quick and helpful Shanghai travel tips (2024)

    So, to make your trip smoother, here are the top Shanghai travel tips that I've put together after numerous trips to this incredible city. 1. Eat your way around the world. Eat Chinese food or international cuisine in Shanghai - take your pick. Image supplied by Mike Cairnduff.

  13. 1-Day Shanghai Tour, Private & Customizable Package Tour

    No hidden costs, commissions, or tourist traps — we are a business you can trust. 灵 FLEXIBILITY. All itineraries are customizable and can be adjusted even while on tour to reflect your travel preferences. 细 SERVICE. Our will ensure you a hassle-free trip and 24/7 care throughout your tour. 1 Day, 1 Destination, 4 Experiences; Shanghai ...

  14. 15 Best Day Trips from Shanghai

    7. Changshu. Source: song songroov / Wikimedia. Changshu. For a town with similarities to the beautiful cities of Hangzhou and Suzhou, but without the crowds, make your way to Changshu; a pristine, canal-filled town that is only an hour and a half away from Shanghai.

  15. THE 10 BEST Shanghai Tours & Excursions for 2024 (with Prices)

    C$386. per adult. 21. Flexible Half Day Tour to Zhujiajiao Water Town with Boat Ride from Shanghai. 34. Historical Tours. 4-5 hours. Enjoy a relaxing half day tour to the remarkable ancient water town Zhujiajiao with your local lovely guide. Experience ….

  16. 3 Best Shanghai Layover Tour Options: FREE NOW!

    It is the go-to platform for travelers in China and increasingly for travelers around the world. Select 3 best Shanghai layover tour options for daytime and nighttime via Trip.com with free guides, attraction tickets, transportation and internet service! Experience Yu Garden, The Bund in limited time. FREE NOW!

  17. THE 10 BEST Shanghai Bus Tours (w/Prices)

    Zhujiajiao Water Town and Shanghai City Private Day Tour. 609. Save time without compromising on experience with this door-to-door private guided tour that covers Zhujiajiao Ancient Town and Shanghai highlights. First, explore the ancient water town of Zhujiajiao by boat and foot, and savor a local lunch.

  18. Shanghai Travel Tips: 10 Things to Know Before You Go

    1. The best time to visit Shanghai. Shanghai experiences all the seasons, right from fiery heat of summer, to a breathtaking spring, to autumn and a chilly, sometimes snowy winter with a regular dose of rains thrown in. The best seasons to visit Shanghai are definitely spring (March-May) and autumn (September-November).

  19. THE 10 BEST Shanghai Tours & Excursions

    1,000+ places sorted by featured. 1. Zhujiajiao Water Town and Shanghai City Private Day Tour. 444. Bus Tours. 6+ hours. With its picturesque waterways, traditional houses, and dozens of stone bridges, the ancient town of Zhujiajiao has been…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 99% of travelers.

  20. Car Rental PVG

    Car Rental rates from other car rental companies (including but not limited to Avis, National Enterprise, Alamo, Sixt, Dollar, Payless, etc) do not qualify. Rates obtained through the use of discounts, coupons, upgrade offers, pre-negotiated (e.g.. group, government, corporate, tour, insurance replacement rentals) or similar rates do not qualify.

  21. Sightseeing in Shanghai: 35 Top Shanghai Attractions 2024

    Top Attractions to Visit in Shanghai: The Bund, Lujiazui Skyscrapers, Yu Garden, Shanghai Museum, Wukang Road, Shanghai Disney Resort…. Best known as an international popular tourist destination, Shanghai perfectly preserves mixed culture of the western and eastern. The duration and theme of your Shanghai tour can be flexibly arranged based ...

  22. Jenny's Shanghai Tours

    The "wow" Tongli town with Humble Administrator's Garden, gondola & rickshaw rides, amazing bridges, delicacies and more. From $169/person. A tour to discover Shanghai's local culture, an ancient town, rich heritage sites, fascinating local delicacies along with some bizarre unique Chinese life. All-inclusive.

  23. Shanghai Trip Planner

    Plan D. Downtown Sightseeing + Customized Shanghai Biking. Day 1: Shanghai Arrival. Day 2: Shanghai Museum + Tianzifang + Shanghai World Financial Center+Nanjing Road + The Bund. Day 3: Half-day Biking in Xintiandi, Tianzifang, Wukang Road (can be customized) 3 Days Best Shanghai Tour with Half-day Biking.