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Agen tour and travel Pulau Tidung – Kep. Seribu



Fizzi tour & travel.

Fizzi Tour and Travel adalah agen tour and travel & Putra Asli Pulau yang Berdiri Sejak 2011 hingga sekarang, yang menyediakan paket tour ke Pulau Tidung yang berlokasi di Kepulauan Seribu. Kami menyediakan pilihan paket tour dengan destinasi terfavorite serta aktivitas tour yang menantang seperti snorkeling, watersport, dan sebagainya.

Fizzi Tour and Travel mengajak Anda untuk mengeksplorasi keindahan yang tersembunyi di balik Pulau Tidung melalui paket wisata murah dan sangat direkomendasikan untuk Anda. Ini menjadi pilihan yang cocok untuk mengisi hari libur Anda, dimanjakan dengan keindahan Pulau Tidung yang eksotis.

Paket Open Trip atau Private Tour Pulau Tidung dengan keberangkatan setiap hari dari Pelabuhan Kali Adem Muara Angke dan Pelabuhan Marina Ancol. Yuk hubungi kami dan booking paketnya segera.

Fizzi Tour & Travel Hanya Menyediakan Paket Lengkap (All in),Jika Anda ingin Paket hemat dapat di negosiasikan dengan kami.

Fizzi Tour & Travel Mengutamakan Kenyamanan & Kepuasan Klien,yg kami prioritaskan adalah segi penginapan & makan serta tour guide yang handal,dan untuk Rundown Tour sudah terjadwal.

Fizzi Tour & Travel  Siap Melayani Klien Survei Langsung ke pulau & Meeting Klien di wilayah Jakarta.

Salam Wisata

PPT image ft

Mengapa Memilih Travel Kami?

Keunggulan Fizzi Tour & Travel

Harga sangat bersaing dan terjangkau

Fasilitas memadai, pelayanan memuaskan

Tour guide profesional dan berpengalaman

Paket Wisata

Pulau tidung – kep. seribu (paket all in).

Kami mengajak Anda untuk mengeksplorasi keindahan Pulau Tidung yang sangat eksotis dan memukau melalui beberapa pilihan paket tour yang terjangkau.

paket one day tour

Paket Kapal Tradisional

Menginap Semalam

Via Pelabuhan Kali Adem Muara Angke – Pulau Tidung

  • Tiket kapal ferry Muara Angke-Pulau Tidung (PP)
  • Welcome Drink
  • Homestay Ac
  • Makan 3x (2D 1N) & 6x (3D 2N)
  • Sepeda/orang
  • Kapal jelajah Snorkeling
  • Foto underwater Snorkeling + Dokumentasi Burning CD
  • BBQ ikan & cumi-cumi
  • Free Banana Boat 1x
  • Free Air Mineral untuk snorkeling
  • Bonus Spanduk atas nama kelompok 30 org
  • Bonus Fireworkshow/Petasan kembang api minimal 20 orang/kelompok
  • Eksplore pulau tidung besar & Pulau tidung kecil
  • Mengunjungi Museum Ikan Paus,Penangkaran Penyu,DLL

paket kapal cepat

Paket Kapal Cepat/Speed Boat

Via Pelabuhan Marina Ancol – Pulau Tidung

  • Tiket Kapal Cepat Marine Ancol – Pulau Tidung (PP)+ Asuransi Perjalanan
  • Homestay AC
  • Wellcome Drink
  • Makan 4x (Siang,Malam & Breakfast,Siang)
  • Snorkeling 
  • Kapal untuk Snorkeling
  • Free Foto Camera Underwater & Dokumentasi Burning CD
  • Sepeda Full Time/orang
  • BBQ (ikan & cumi-cumi)
  • Bonus Spanduk Tour Minimal 30 Orang/Kelompok
  • Bonus Fireworkshow/Petasan kembang Api minimal 20/kelompok
  • Eksplore Pulau Tidung Besar & Tidung Kecil
  • Mengunjungi Museum Ikan Paus & Penangkaran Penyu DLL

kapal cepat M

Paket Pulau Tidung

One Day Tour

Marina Ancol – Pulau Tidung (PP)

  • Tiket Kapal Cepat Marine Ancol– Pulau Tidung (PP) + Asuransi Perjalanan
  • Makan Siang (Box/Prasmanan)
  • Sepeda/Orang
  • Foto bawah Laut
  • Burning CD Dokumentasi Snorkeling
  • Water Sport Banana & Donuts Boat (Opsi)
  • Minimal 30 orang Bonus Spanduk Tour nama kelompok
  • Mengunjungi Museum Fosil/kerangka ikan Paus & Penangkaran Penyu


Menginap 2 Malam

Via Pelabuhan Kali Adem – Pulau Tidung

  • TIket kapal ferry Muara angke-Pulau Tidung (PP).
  • Sepeda / Orang
  • Snorkeling 1x
  • Kapal untuk Jelajah Snorkeling
  • Tour guide lokal selama dipulau tidung.
  • Foto Underwater selama snorkeling Send Google Drive
  • BBQ ikan & cumi-cumi 
  • Eksplore Pulau Tidung Besar & Pulau Tidung Kecil (Museum Ikan Paus & Penangkaran Penyu)
  • Bonus spanduk atas nama kelompok 30 org
  • Bonus Fireworkshow/Petasan Kembang Api minimal 30 orang/kelompok

Relaxs Saung Beach

Marina Ancol – Pulau Tidung

  • Homestay AC (2 Malam)
  • snorkeling 1x
  • Kapal untuk Snorkeling 1x
  • Bonus Foto Camera Underwater & Dokumentasi Send Google Drive
  • Sepeda /orang
  • Tour Guide Selama di pulau
  • Eksplor Pulau Tidung Besar & Pulau Tidung Kecil
  • BBQ (ikan & cumi-cumi bakar) 
  • Banana Boat 1x
  • Free Banner/Spanduk Tour min 30 orang Atas Nama Kelompok
  • Bonus Fireworkshow/Petasan Kembang Api Minimal 30 orang/kelompok

kapal cepat indomas

Paket Kapal Cepat KM.IndoMas

Via Pelabuhan KaliAdem Muara Angke – Pulau Tidung

  • Tiket Kapal Cepat Muara Angke – Pulau Tidung (PP)+ Asuransi Perjalanan
  • snorkeling 
  • Kapal untuk Snorkeling 

Dokumentasi wisatawan selama tour berlangsung.

Kegiatan Wisata

Fizzi Tour & Travel

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galeri wisata pulau tidung (6)

Pusat informasi terupdate seputar tour Pulau Tidung – Kep. Seribu


Agen Tour & Travel Pulau Tidung

Fizzi Tour and Travel adalah biro perjalanan dan wisata yang menawarkan paket liburan ke Pulau […]


Tips Memilih Agen Tour & Travel

Pergi berlibur atau menjelajahi destinasi yang berbeda adalah salah satu cara terbaik untuk melepaskan stres […]


Paket Wisata Pulau Tidung Kep. Seribu

Pulau Tidung, salah satu destinasi wisata tersembunyi di Kepulauan Seribu, menawarkan keindahan alam yang memukau, […]

Eksplorasi keindahan tersembunyi di bali Pulau Tidung Kep. Seribu dengan paket tour hemat, Anda sudah mendapatkan fasilitas terbaik.

  • Kebijakan Privasi
  • Testimonial
  • Company Profile
  • Pulau Pramuka
  • Pulau Tidung
  • Tak Berkategori

travel agent tidung

PT. Wisata Rantau Seribu - Tour & Travel Agency

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Legalitas Travel Resmi

Kami adalah agen wisata resmi yang terdaftar PT

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Pengalaman 10 Tahun+

Kami sudah berpengalaman dalam dunia wisata selama 10 tahun lebih

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Harga Bersahabat

Harga paket kami relatif lebih terjangkau daripada yang lain

travel agent tidung

Tim Profesional

Tim kami yang seluruhnya bersertifikat profesional dalam memandu wisata

Selamat Datang di Website kami

Salam hangat,.

PT. Wisata Rantau Seribu adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pariwisata, berkomitmen untuk memperkenalkan keindahan alam. Dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun dalam industri pariwisata, kami menyediakan berbagai layanan dan paket wisata yang dirancang untuk memberikan pengalaman tak terlupakan bagi para wisatawan.

Paket wisata pulau seribu dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau serta fasilitas nya pun sangat lengkap dan pelayanannya profesional


Pilih tour favoritmu.

Ajak  teman,sahabat dan keluargamu. Berbagai destinasi wisata telah kami siapkan untuk Anda dan keluarga. Are you ready for adventure?

travel agent tidung

Paket Pulau Pramuka 3Hari 2Malam

  • 3 HARI 2 MALAM

*Mulai Rp 610.000 / pax

travel agent tidung


  • 2 HARI 1 MALAM

*Mulai Rp 425.000 / pax

travel agent tidung



*Mulai Rp 450.000 / pax

travel agent tidung


*Mulai Rp 600.000 / pax

travel agent tidung


*Mulai Rp 850.000 / pax

travel agent tidung



*Mulai Rp 3.900.000 / pax

travel agent tidung


*Mulai Rp 3.970.000 / pax

travel agent tidung


*Mulai Rp 1.200.000 / pax


*Mulai Rp 1.955.000 / pax

travel agent tidung

Paket Wisata Pulau Payung


*Mulai Rp 1.300.000 / pax

travel agent tidung

Pulau Pantara Resort Full Board ...


*Mulai Rp 2.109.000 / pax

travel agent tidung

Pulau ROYAL Reguler Room Full Pa...


*Mulai Rp 1.530.000 / pax

Artikel Blog

Baca juga informasi menarik, tips & trik seputar traveling berikut ini!

travel agent tidung

Hutan Mangrove Dan Suaka Penyu Sisik ada Di Pulau Pramuka

Kepulauan Seribu memang menjadi surganya para wisatawan terutama yang berada di dekat Jakarta. Dengan padatnya kota Jakarta, Pulau di daerah Kepulauan Seribu selalu jadi tujuan wisata untuk mereka yang ingin melepat penat sejenak dari rutinitas kerja. Salah satu destinasi wisata di Kepulauan Seribu yang menarik dengan berbagai pilihan kegiatan berlibur yaitu... selengkapnya

travel agent tidung

Pulau Pari Memiliki 3 Pantai Eksotik

Berada di tengah gugusan pulau yang berderet dari selatan ke utara perairan Jakarta. Pulau Pari ini menjadi salah satu objek wisata Kepulauan Seribu yang menawarkan pemandangan indah dengan berbagai pulau yang terlihat dan pantai yang berpasir putih, lautan berair bening kehijauan menambah keasrian lokasi wisata ini. Dari sekian banyak wisata di Kepulauan Se... selengkapnya

travel agent tidung

Pulau Tidung Jakarta: Surga Tersembunyi di Kepulauan Seribu

Pulau Tidung adalah salah satu destinasi wisata menakjubkan yang terletak di Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta. Dengan keindahan alam yang memukau dan berbagai aktivitas wisata menarik, Pulau Tidung menjadi pilihan favorit para pelancong yang ingin melarikan diri sejenak dari hiruk pikuk ibu kota. Pengenalan Pulau Tidung Lokasi dan Akses Pulau Tidung terletak di gug... selengkapnya

travel agent tidung

Vocalist Band PADI,Fadly Spil tentang Wisata Rantau Seribu


travel agent tidung

Snorkeling Di Pulau Macan Sangat Mengesankan

Jika kamu tidak memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk berlibur panjang, Pulau Macan bisa jadi pilihan liburan terbaik untuk Anda. Letaknya yang tidak terlalu jauh dari kota membuat destinasi ini tempat favorit wisata terutama untuk mereka yang tidak memiliki banyak waktu luang. Pulau Macan ini masih termasuk dalam wisata Kepulauan Seribu, Daerah Khusus, Ibukota Ja... selengkapnya

Kontak Kami

Apabila ada yang ditanyakan, silahkan hubungi kami melalui kontak di bawah ini.

travel agent tidung

Paket Wisata Pulau Tidung


Hubungi Kami


Ayong Permana

Profesional tour guide.

Saya adalah putra asli tidung yang telah berpengalaman sebagai tour guide wisata pulau tidung kepulauan seribu selama 5 tahun. Selain itu saya juga punya pengalaman sebagai tour guide di Bali selama 2 tahun. Saya akan berusaha maksimal melayani perjalanan Anda dengan pengalaman yang saya miliki.
  • 085883898325
  • 085715484353
…Apa yang ingin Anda tanyakan? Saya siap membantu untuk menemukan pilihan yang paling tepat sesuai kebutuhan…..

Follow Instagram YA😍

Masih RAGU?   Berikut beberapa dokumentasi baik foto maupun video kami di instagram. ayongtidung008 Keindahan Jembatan cinta Indah bukan? Jangan cuma Keindahan Wisata Pulau Tidung Indah bukan? Jangan Keindahan Pulau Tidung di Kepulauan Seribu? Kece k Pengin liat sunrise di Jakarta? Ke pulau tidung aj Mau lihat sunset yang indah di jakarta? Ke pulau t Keindahan Jembatan cinta Indah bukan? Jangan cuma Keindahan laut di pulau tidung Indah bukan? Janga Keindahan alam bawah laut pulau tidung Indah buka Keindahan Jembatan cinta di malam hari Indah bukan Follow on Instagram

Temukan Kami di Gmaps

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Ayong tidung , informasi harga & paket wisata dengan tour guide ramah ke pulau tidung. dikelola langsung oleh putra asli pulau tidung sehingga TIm kami sangat bisa diandalkan & dipercaya untuk mendampingi Anda berwisata ria liburan ke pulau tidung dengan AMAN, NYAMAN & TANPA WAS-WAS KANTONG JEBOL .

Wisata pulau seribu merupakan salah satu wisata paling diminati oleh wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara, dan salah satu pulau di kepulauan seribu yang tidak pernah sepih dari pengunjung yaitu pulau tidung yang memiliki ikon wisata jembatan cinta. Selain jembatan tersebut, masih banyak lagi objek wisata menarik yang ditawarkan paket wisata pulau Tidung kepulauan seribu.

Pulau tidung masuk dalam wilayah kepulauan seribu selatan. Pulau ini menjadi salah satu pulau yang paling favorit di kepulauan seribu, bukan karena keindahannya saja yang membuat tour pulau tidung favorit dimata wisatawan, tapi karena paket wisata pulau tidung paling bersahabat diantara pulau lainnya di kepulauan seribu.

Mau ke pulau tidung tapi BINGUNG karena hal ini?

  • Bingung cari tour guide/agen travel yang ramah?
  • Cari agen travel yang amanah & murah?
  • Cari agen travel yang terpercaya?
  • Bingung mau ke pulau tidung tapi bingung rutenya?
  • Males mikirin akomodasi dan lain-lain?
  • Pengin liburan tapi takut mahal?

Tenang, sekarang telah hadir AYONG TIDUNG, Kami siap melayani liburan Anda di p. tidung dengan pelayanan ramah & akomodasi lengkap dengan harga yang sangat bersahabat.

Kenapa sih harus LIBURAN ke Pulau Tidung?

  • Harga Paket Wisata Murah Meriah
  • Objek Wisata Menarik
  • Spot Snorkeling Kece & Instagramable
  • Water Sport Lengkap
  • Cari Souvenir Gampang
  • Bisa Puas Bersepeda
  • Penduduk yang Sangat Ramah
  • Banyak Spot Kulineran
  • Gratis Perlengkapan Snorkling
  • Gratis Banana Boat
  • Gratis Kamera UnderWater

LAYANAN apa saja yang bisa kami bantu?

Pulau tidung express bahari via muara angke, pulau tidung 3d2n via muara angke, pulau tidung 2d1n via marina ancol.

  • Pulau Tidung 3D2N via Marina Ancol

Pulau Tidung 1 Day via Marina Ancol

Pulau tidung hemat via muara angke.

Biaya liburan/travel yang kami tawarkan sangat terjangkau dan bersahabat untuk semua kalangan. Dalam bekerja kami sangat profesional, kami selalu berdedikasi untuk melayani dengan sepenuh hati sehingga dapat memberikan kepuasan serta pengalaman yang berkesan kepada seluruh pelanggan kami. Jika Anda tertarik dengan penawaran kami, Anda dapat menghubungi kami melalui Panggilan Telepon ataupun WhatsApp di nomor : 085883898325 . Segera hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan service dan harga terbaik!

Paket Pulau Tidung Murah

Paket wisata pulau tidung yang paling dicari mulai dari paket wisata pulau tidung untuk 2 orang sampai dengan rombongan. Jika anda mencari paket wisata pulau tidung murah dengan fasilitas lengkap, pastikan memilih paket wisata pulau tidung kepulauan seribu yang tepat. Berikut ini harga paket wisata pulau tidung 2 hari 1 malam yang dapat anda pilih.

travel agent tidung

Pulau Tidung 2D1N Via Muara Angke

  • 20 - 100 : 325,000/orang
  • 15 - 19 : 330,000/orang
  • 10 - 14 : 345,000/orang
  • 9 : 360,000/orang
  • 8 : 380,000/orang
  • 7 : 400,000/orang
  • 6 : 420,000/orang
  • 5 : 460,000/orang
  • 4 : 510,000/orang
  • 3 : 560,000/orang
  • 2 : 680,000/orang

Dapat FASILITAS Apa Aja di Paket Ini?

Paket yang kami tawarkan dijamin sangat lengkap. So, Yuk kepoin sekarang!

Pulau Tidung 3D2N via Muara Angke

  • 20 - 100 : 425,000/orang
  • 15 - 19 : 430,000/orang
  • 10 - 14 : 440,000/orang
  • 9 : 470,000/orang
  • 8 : 510,000/orang
  • 7 : 540,000/orang
  • 6 : 580,000/orang
  • 5 : 640,000/orang
  • 4 : 710,000/orang
  • 3 : 780,000/orang
  • 2 : 880,000/orang

Pulau Tidung 2D1N via Marina Ancol

  • 20 - 100 : 670,000/orang
  • 15 - 19 : 680,000/orang
  • 10 - 14 : 700,000/orang
  • 9 : 710,000/orang
  • 8 : 730,000/orang
  • 7 : 750,000/orang
  • 6 : 770,000/orang
  • 5 : 810,000/orang
  • 4 : 860,000/orang
  • 3 : 920,000/orang
  • 2 : 1,030,000/orang

Pulau Tidung 3D2N via Marina Ancol

Pulau Tidung 3D2N Via Marina Ancol

  • 20 - 100 : 780,000/orang
  • 15 - 19 : 790,000/orang
  • 10 - 14 : 800,000/orang
  • 9 : 820,000/orang
  • 8 : 860,000/orang
  • 7 : 890,000/orang
  • 6 : 930,000/orang
  • 5 : 990,000/orang
  • 4 : 1,060,000/orang
  • 3 : 1,130,000/orang
  • 2 : 1,230,000/orang

Pulau Tidung 1 Day via Marina Ancol

  • > 5 : 560,000/orang
  • 10 - 14 : 610,000/orang
  • 7 - 9 : 630,000/orang
  • 6 : 660,000/orang
  • 5 : 710,000/orang
  • > 9 : 300,000/orang
  • 8 : 315,000/orang
  • 7 : 310,000/orang
  • 6 : 330,000/orang
  • 5 : 340,000/orang
  • 4 : 360,000/orang
  • 3 : 410,000/orang
  • 2 : 460,000/orang

Pulau Tidung Express Bahari via Muara Angke 1

  • 20 - 100 : 545,000/orang
  • 15 - 19 : 555,000/orang
  • 10 - 14 : 575,000/orang
  • 9 : 590,000/orang
  • 8 : 610,000/orang
  • 7 : 630,000/orang
  • 6 : 645,000/orang
  • 5 : 685,000/orang
  • 4 : 735,000/orang
  • 3 : 795,000/orang
  • 2 : 905,000/orang

Tanya Jawab

Booking dari jauh hari sangat kami sarankan, misalnya 1 bulan sebelum keberangkatan. Namun Anda juga sudah bisa melakukan prosedur booking 3 atau 2 minggu sebelum keberangkatan, kurang dari waktu tersebut juga tetap bisa (misalnya dadakan) jika masih tersedia.

Tentu saja, kami dapat berikan diskon/potongan khusus, tergantung dari jumlah peserta yang fix. Untuk mendapatkan diskon/potongan tersebut silakan WhatsApp atau menghubungi Kami

Menuju pulau tidung sangat mudah, Anda bisa berangkat via pelabuhan kaliadem muara angke menggunakan kapal ferry kayu, atau menggunakan speedboat via dermaga 17 marina ancol.

Perjalanan menuju Pulau Tidung sekitar 1,5 sd 2,5 jam. Jika berangkat menggunakan speedboat (kapal cepat) via marina ancol hanya dibutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 1,5 jam saja.

Tersedia. Pilihan provider (sinyal) di pulau tidung cukup lengkap. Antara lain: Indosat, Telkomsel dan XL axiata.

Anda bisa naik kapal ferry kayu kapasitas 200 an penumpang dari pelabuhan muara angke atau bisa juga naik speedboat kapasitas 80-200 penumpang dari marina ancol.

Terletak di Kepulauan Seribu Selatan Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu.

Terdapat banyak objek wisata favorit di pulau tidung, diantaranya: objek wisata pantai jembatan cinta, pantai saung cemara, pantai saung sunset / tanjung barat tidung dan pulau tidung kecil.

Perbedaannya hanya di banana boat saja, untuk paket standar belum termasuk banana boat. Sementara paket lengkap sudah termasuk banana boat. Tapi, jika Anda memesan paket standar, tetap bisa menikmati banana boat jika berminat dan untuk pembayarannya bisa langsung di tempat.

Benar, Ayong tidung adalah travel wisata pulau seribu asli putra pulau yang sudah berpengalaman dalam menangani perjalanan wisata pulau seribu. Hal tersebut sudah terbukti dengan banyaknya testimonial positif dari customer kami.

Seperti yang sudah kami infokan sebelumnya kalau kami travel asli putra pulau, maka sudah pasti alamat kami berada di pulau seribu langsung. Tepatnya di Pulau Tidung RT. 001/03 No. 20 Kel. Pulau Tidung Kec. Kepulauan Seribu Selatan – 14520.

Setiap high season (libur lebaran, natal, tahun baru) terdapat kenaikan harga dari harga normal yang ada saat ini. Untuk mengetahui kenaikan tersebut, Anda dapat menghubungi customer service kami.


travel agent tidung

  • PAKET WISATA PULAU TIDUNG Sped boat & One day
  • PAKET HEMAT PULAU PARI Sped boat – One day
  • Paket Wisata Pulau Ayer
  • Paket Wisata Pulau Genteng
  • Paket Pulau Putri
  • Paket Wisata pulau Royal
  • Paket Pulau Tidung Star Dari Bandung
  • Paket kapal Cepat Pulau Tidung

travel agent tidung

travel agent tidung

Jl cibanteng IV no 19A Rt 011/07 , kel rawabadak utara  kec. koja , jakarta - utara

Jl Pendidikan No 61 , Rt 004/02 , Kel. Pulau Tidung  Kec. Kepulauan Seribu Selatan  Kab. Adm. Kepulauan Seribu ( Dekat Pelabuhan P. Tidung )

Designed by Velocity Developer .

Ridvan Maulana's Blog

Pulau Tidung: Lokasi, Transportasi, dan Jadwal Kapal Menuju Surga Kecil di Kepulauan Seribu

travel agent tidung

Halo sobat travelers, kembali lagi bersama saya di blog perjalanan favorit kalian!

Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang salah satu destinasi wisata favorit di Jakarta, yaitu Pulau Tidung. Pulau kecil nan eksotis ini terletak di Kepulauan Seribu dan menyimpan pesona alam yang luar biasa indah. Ga sabar pengen kesana? Sebelum berangkat, yuk simak dulu informasi lengkap tentang lokasi Pulau Tidung, macam-macam transportasi yang bisa digunakan, serta jadwal kapal menuju pulau cantik ini. Let's go!

Lokasi Pulau Tidung

Pulau Tidung berlokasi di Kepulauan Seribu, lebih tepatnya di Kepulauan Seribu Selatan, Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu, Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Pulau ini terletak sekitar 90 km dari pusat kota Jakarta.

Secara administratif, alamat lengkap Pulau Tidung adalah:

Pulau Tidung sendiri sebenarnya terbagi menjadi dua pulau, yaitu Pulau Tidung Besar dan Pulau Tidung Kecil. Kedua pulau ini dipisahkan oleh selat selebar kurang lebih 1 km.

Pulau Tidung Besar merupakan pulau utama tempat pemukiman penduduk setempat. Sementara Pulau Tidung Kecil lebih banyak dimanfaatkan untuk objek wisata. Di Tidung Kecil banyak terdapat penginapan dan fasilitas wisata seperti banana boat, flying fox, dan snorkeling.

Transportasi Menuju Pulau Tidung

Untuk menuju Pulau Tidung, sobat travelers bisa menggunakan berbagai moda transportasi, di antaranya:

Kapal Ferry

Kapal ferry merupakan transportasi umum yang paling sering digunakan wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara untuk menuju Pulau Tidung. Ada beberapa rute kapal ferry yang melayani perjalanan ke Pulau Tidung, yaitu:

  • Dari Pelabuhan Kaliadem, Muara Angke, Jakarta menuju Pulau Pramuka - Pulau Tidung - Pulau Kelapa dan sebaliknya. Tarifnya berkisar antara Rp54.000 hingga Rp77.000 per orang.
  • Dari Pelabuhan Marina Ancol menuju Pulau Tidung pp. Bisa dicek jadwal dan harganya di situs resmi Easybook.

Lama perjalanan dengan kapal ferry dari Pelabuhan Kaliadem sekitar 2,5-3 jam, tergantung kondisi cuaca dan gelombang laut.

Selain kapal ferry, kita juga bisa menggunakan speed boat untuk menuju Pulau Tidung. Biasanya speed boat disediakan oleh travel agent atau penyedia jasa wisata.

Harga tiket speed boat lebih mahal dibanding kapal ferry, yaitu sekitar Rp125.000/orang untuk hari biasa dan Rp150.000-Rp175.000/orang untuk akhir pekan.

Kelebihan naik speed boat adalah waktu tempuhnya yang lebih singkat, yaitu sekitar 1 jam saja.

Kapal Kayu Tradisional

Transportasi lain yang unik untuk menuju Pulau Tidung adalah kapal kayu tradisional atau yang biasa disebut kapal blekok. Harga tiketnya juga lebih murah dibanding kapal ferry dan speed boat, yaitu sekitar Rp45.000/orang.

Naik kapal kayu tradisional ini bisa jadi pilihan menarik buat kamu yang ingin merasakan sensasi melaut ala nelayan zaman dulu. Perjalanannya memakan waktu sekitar 3 jam dari Pelabuhan Muara Angke.

Angkutan Umum ke Pelabuhan

Cara termurah untuk menuju Pulau Tidung adalah dengan angkutan umum. Pertama, kamu bisa naik kereta Commuter Line dari Stasiun Jakarta Kota menuju Stasiun Muara Angke. Harga tiket KRL sekitar Rp10.000-15.000/orang.

Setelah turun di Stasiun Muara Angke, lanjut naik bus umum menuju Pelabuhan Penyeberangan atau Dermaga Kaliadem. Ongkos bus sekitar Rp5.000-Rp10.000.

Beberapa rute bus yang bisa digunakan antara lain:

  • U11 (Pluit - Muara Angke)
  • B01 (Pluit - Muara Angke)
  • 12A (Tanjung Priok - Ancol)
  • Bus Sekolah 17 (Pluit - Muara Angke)

Setibanya di Pelabuhan Penyeberangan, kamu bisa langsung membeli tiket ferry atau speed boat ke Pulau Tidung. Total biaya transportasi umum + kapal laut sekitar Rp100.000an per orang.

Lumayan hemat kan? Cocok banget buat kamu yang budget travelingnya pas-pasan.

Jadwal Kapal ke Pulau Tidung

Nah, setelah tahu macam-macam moda transportasinya, sekarang kita bahas jadwal keberangkatan kapal ke Pulau Tidung.

Secara umum, jadwal kapal dari Pulau Tidung menuju Jakarta dan sebaliknya adalah:

  • Kapal ferry dari Pulau Tidung berangkat pukul 07.00 WIB menuju Muara Angke.
  • Sebaliknya dari Muara Angke, kapal ferry berangkat pukul 11.00 WIB menuju Pulau Tidung.
  • Kapal ferry dari Pulau Tidung berangkat pukul 11.00 WIB menuju Muara Angke.

Sedangkan jadwal kapal cepat atau speed boat bisa berbeda-beda tergantung penyedia jasanya. Biasanya keberangkatan diatur berdasarkan jumlah penumpang yang terkumpul.

Kamu bisa mengecek jadwal speed boat terbaru dan membeli tiketnya secara online di platform travel seperti Traveloka,, dan Pegipegi. Pastikan membandingkan harga tiket di beberapa situs agar mendapatkan tarif terbaik.

Demikian jadwal dan harga tiket kapal menuju Pulau Tidung. Pastikan merencanakan perjalanan dengan baik agar bisa sampai di pulau ini tepat waktu sesuai jadwal yang diinginkan.

Fasilitas di Pulau Tidung

Setibanya di Pulau Tidung, kamu akan menemukan berbagai fasilitas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan selama berlibur, di antaranya:

Pilihan penginapan di Pulau Tidung cukup beragam, mulai dari homestay, guest house, hingga resort mewah. Harga sewanya pun bervariasi, mulai dari Rp150.000/malam untuk homestay, hingga jutaan rupiah untuk cottage/villa private.

Beberapa rekomendasi penginapan di Pulau Tidung:

  • Kelapa Retreat
  • Tidung Island Resort
  • Pantai Bahagia Cottage
  • Villa Nirwana Resort
  • DS Guest House

Pastikan memesan penginapan jauh-jauh hari sebelum tanggal kedatangan untuk mendapatkan harga terbaik dan kamar yang tersedia.

Rumah Makan

Kamu juga tidak perlu khawatir kelaparan saat berada di Pulau Tidung. Terdapat banyak rumah makan dan warung makan yang menyediakan beragam hidangan lezat.

Beberapa menu wajib dicoba saat di Pulau Tidung:

  • Seafood segar seperti ikan, udang, kepiting, kerang, cumi
  • Masakan khas Tidung seperti Tiwul Goreng, Oseng Genjer, Soto Tidung
  • Kelapa muda & es kelapa muda

Harga makanan di Pulau Tidung rata-rata Rp30.000 - Rp50.000 per porsi. Ada pula warung makan sederhana yang menyediakan mie instan dan nasi goreng dengan harga mulai dari Rp10.000an.

Fasilitas Umum

Fasilitas umum lainnya yang bisa kamu nikmati di Pulau Tidung antara lain:

  • Jaringan listrik 24 jam
  • Sinyal telepon & internet cukup bagus di sekitar pelabuhan dan penginapan.
  • Beberapa penginapan menyediakan wifi.
  • Terdapat minimarket di Pulau Tidung Besar.
  • Fasilitas MCK bersih di sekitar penginapan.
  • Mesjid di Pulau Tidung Besar.

Jadi kamu tetap bisa terhubung & berkomunikasi dengan keluarga maupun kantor saat berlibur di pulau ini.

Aktivitas Seru di Pulau Tidung

Selain menikmati pemandangan alamnya yang eksotis, ada banyak aktivitas seru yang bisa kamu lakukan saat berlibur di Pulau Tidung, seperti:

Aktivitas wajib yang sayang untuk dilewatkan adalah snorkeling menyusuri terumbu karang di sekitar Pulau Tidung. Dengan biaya sekitar Rp150.000/orang, kamu sudah bisa menyewa peralatan snorkeling lengkap dan diantar menjelajahi spot-spot snorkeling terbaik di pulau ini.

Berenang bersama ikan-ikan warna-warni sambil mengagumi keindahan bawah laut Pulau Tidung adalah pengalaman yang sulit dilupakan!

Berenang & Berjemur

Nikmati berjemur santai di pantai berpasir putih Pulau Tidung atau berenang di laut biru jernihnya.

Banana Boat

Jika ingin mencoba sensasi seru, naik banana boat mengelilingi pantai bersama teman-teman. Harga banana boat di Pulau Tidung sekitar Rp150.000 untuk 30 menit.

Flying fox bisa jadi pilihan aktivitas yang mendebarkan. Terbang melayang di atas lautan dengan kecepatan tinggi tentu akan membuat adrenalinmu terpacu. Biaya flying fox di Tidung sekitar Rp50.000 per orang.

Sewa sepeda untuk menjelajahi Pulau Tidung. Nikmati udara segar sambil menikmati pemandangan alam indah di sekitar pulau. Bisa juga bersepeda santai menyusuri jalan setapak di hutan bakau.

Bagi yang hobi memancing, Pulau Tidung juga spot yang cocok untuk mancing ikan di laut lepas. Sewa perahu nelayan sekaligus panduan lokal untuk diajak mancing keliling pulau.

Berkeliling Pulau

Naik perahu tradisional untuk berkeliling mengitari Pulau Tidung Kecil dan Pulau Tidung Besar. Bisa juga menyewa perahu untuk snorkeling ke pulau-pulau kecil di sekitarnya. Harga sewa perahu mulai dari Rp200.000 untuk setengah hari.

Belanja Oleh-Oleh

Sebelum meninggalkan Pulau Tidung, jangan lupa membeli oleh-oleh khas seperti kerang soka dan udang kering untuk suvenir. Harga oleh-oleh makanan khas Pulau Tidung rata-rata Rp50.000 - Rp150.000 per bungkusnya.

Nah, itu dia beragam aktivitas seru yang bisa kamu lakukan saat berlibur di Pulau Tidung. Pastikan untuk meluangkan waktu bermain air, berjemur, dan bersantai menikmati keindahan alam Pulau Tidung agar liburanmu semakin lengkap dan tak terlupakan.

Tips Berlibur ke Pulau Tidung

Berikut beberapa tips penting saat berlibur ke Pulau Tidung agar perjalananmu lancar dan menyenangkan:

Bawa cash cukup karena tidak banyak ATM di pulau ini. Hanya terdapat 1 ATM di Pulau Tidung Besar.

Siapkan obat-obatan pribadi, lotion anti nyamuk, dan perlengkapan P3K.

Bawa pakaian renang, handuk, topi/caping, kacamata hitam, dan perlengkapan snorkeling.

Gunakan tabir surya agar kulit terlindungi saat beraktivitas di pantai.

Bawa power bank untuk mengisi daya ponsel.

Hubungi penyedia penginapan jauh-jauh hari untuk reservasi.

Pesan tiket kapal online dan pastikan datang 30 menit sebelum kapal berangkat.

Jaga kebersihan pantai dan laut dengan membuang sampah pada tempatnya.

Nah, itu dia informasi lengkap seputar lokasi, transportasi, dan jadwal kapal menuju Pulau Tidung. Semoga artikel ini bisa membantu kamu untuk merencanakan liburan ke surga kecil di Kepulauan Seribu ini.

Selamat berlibur dan jangan lupa bagikan pengalaman seru kamu saat berkunjung ke Pulau Tidung lewat kolom komentar ya!

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Travel Tidung

Introduction of us, "halo. agen kami telah hadir sebagai yang layanan terbaik".

Selamat datang! Kami, sebagai agen perjalanan, dengan bangga menyediakan layanan terbaik dari Dengan dedikasi dan pengalaman kami, kami telah menjadi pilihan utama bagi pelancong yang ingin menjelajahi keindahan Pulau Tidung. 

Hubungi kami hari ini untuk merencanakan perjalanan Anda berikutnya dan jadikan setiap momen di Pulau Tidung berkesan dan mengesankan!


Harga terjangkau untuk liburan hemat di Pulau Tidung.


Pilihan destinasi terbaik untuk petualangan tak terlupakan.


Menyesuaikan perjalanan Anda dengan penuh perhatian.


Partner's and clients.

Kemitraan dan klien kami adalah inti dari kesuksesan kami, memastikan hubungan yang kuat dan saling menguntungkan dalam setiap langkah.



Go remember us.

Pergilah berwisata, temukan keindahan dunia bersama kami, dan jangan lupakan kami dalam kenangan petualangan tak terlupakan Anda!

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Tour And Travel Agent

Pulau Tidung

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Deskripsi Paket : Durasi : 2 Hari 1 Malam Transportasi : Kapal Ferry / Speedboat & Kapal Nelayan

06.00 – 07.00 Berkumpul di meeting point Kali Adem Perjalanan menuju Pulau Tidung 07.30 – 09.30 Check in homestay, menikmati 09.30 – 10.00 welcome drink sambil briefing jadwal kegiatan wisata kita selama di pulau Tidung 10.00 – 12.45 Makan siang, istirahat dan persiapan snorkeling. 12.45 – 13.00 Breafing standard penggunaan alat dan keselamatan aktivitas snorkeling. Perjalanan menuju dermaga dengan sepeda. 13.00 – 15.00 Jelajah perairan Pulau Tidung dengan perahu menuju spot snorkeling di Pulau Tidung kecil 15.00 – 16.00 Bermain di area water sport dan jembatan cinta 16.00 – 17.00 kembali ke homestay sekaligus persiapan hunting sunset 17.00 – 18.00 Explore pulau dengan sepeda Hunting sunset di Tanjung Barat Saung sunset 18.00 – 19.00 Kembali ke homestay dan makan malam 21.00 – seterusnya Acara BBQ dan istirahat.

05.00 – 06.30 Hunting sunrise,di jembatan cinta 06.30 – 07.30 Sarapan pagi & mandi 07.30 – 09.00 Jalan-jalan ke saung cemarah kasih 09.00 – 10.00 Packing dan ke dermaga pulau tidung 10.00 – 11.00 Kembali ke jakarta menggunakan kapal Ferry.

Perjalanan Selesai, Sampai Jumpa !!!

*Note : Jadwal perjalanan dapat berubah sewaktu – waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu, mengikuti cuaca di   lapangan

Additional items

Harga Termasuk ;

– Tiket kapal kali adem~pulau tidung (pp) Homestay AC – Makan 3 Kali – Sepeda (selama di pulau tidung ) Tour guide(selama di pulau tidung) Bbq (ikan cumi” sosis) – Alat snorkeling Welcome drink – Kapal snorkeling (ke 3 pulau) Dokumentasi underwater (sepuasnya) Mineral Water saat snorkeling – Mineral Water saat BBQ – Roti untuk memberi makan ikan Jalan – jalan ke jembatan cinta – Jalan – jalan ke pantai barat Jalan – jalan ke pulau tidung kecil – Jalan – jalan ke saung cemara kasih

Harga Belum Termasuk ;

– Akomodasi Menuju Muara Angke / Marina – Tip Guide – Keperluan Pribadi – Peron Pelabuhan – PPN 1.1%

Deskripsi Paket : Durasi : 3 Hari 2 Malam Transportasi : Kapal Ferry / Speedboat & Kapal Nelayan

05.30 – 06.00 Meeting point di pelabuhan kali adem 06.00 – 07.00 Berangkat ke pulau tidung 09.30 – 09.40 Tiba di pulau tidung, perjalanan ke homestay 09.40 – 10.30 Makan siang & istirahat sejanak,ibadah 10.30 – 14.00 Bersepeda keliling pulau tidung besar 14.00 – 16.00 Istirahat dan ibadah 16.00 – 18.00 Jalan-jalan sore ke pantai barat pulau tidung (melihat sunset) 18.00 – 20.00 Kembali ke Homestay makan malam, ibadah 20.00 – 00.00 Acara bebas menikmati suasana Pulau dan beristirahat.

05.00 – 06.30 Hunting sunrise,dijembatan cinta 06.30 – 07.30 Sarapan pagi, 07.30 – 13.00 Snorkling ke 3 pulau 13.00 – 14.00 Kembali ke homestay,makan siang dan istirahat 14.00 – 18.00 Bersepeda ke pantai saung cemara kasih sambal menikmati Sunset. 18.00 – 20.00 Bersih – bersih dan makan malam 20.00 – 22.00 BBQ (ikan cumi-cumi) 22.00 – 05.00 Istirahat (tidur malam)

05.00 – 06.30 Hunting sunrise,di jembatan cinta 06.30 – 07.30 Sarapan pagi,jalan-jalan ke tidung kecil 07.30 – 10.00 Packing dan ke dermaga pulau tidung 10.00 – 11.00 Kembali ke jakarta

*Note : Jadwal perjalanan dapat berubah sewaktu – waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu, mengikuti cuaca di lapangan

Harga Sudah Termasuk :

– Tiket kapal kali adem~pulau tidung (pp) – Homestay AC – Makan 6 Kali – Sepeda (selama di pulau tidung ) – Tour guide (selama di pulau tidung) – Bbq (ikan cumi” sosis) – Alat snorkeling – Welcome drink – Kapal snorkeling (ke 3 pulau ) – Dokumentasi underwater (sepuasnya ) – Mineral Water saat snorkling – Mineral Water saat BBQ – Roti untuk memberi makan ikan – Jalan – jalan ke jembatan cinta – Jalan – jalan ke pulau tidung kecil – Jalan – jalan ke pantai barat – Jalan – jalan ke saung cemarah kasih

Harga Belum Termasuk :

– Akomodasi Menuju Muara Angke / Marina – Tip Guide – Keperluan Pribadi – Peron Pelabuhan – PPN 1.1% 

  • Apabila menghendaki 1 kamar sendiri, maka ada biaya tambahan kamar sendiri
  • Harga tour yang tercantum di tabel harga diatas berdasarkan satu kamar berdua
  • Harga bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu mengikuti regulasi hotel, land operator maupun airlines yang bersangkutan
  • Harga hanya berlaku untuk periode tercantum (tidak berlaku pada hari besar / hari libur nasional ataupun saat adanya pameran di daerah setempat) Force Majeure adalah kondisi dimana pelaksanaan kegiatan tidak dapat dilakukan akibat dari terjadinya suatu kejadian diluar kuasa pihak NGP Tours & Travel seperti ; bencana alam, cuaca buruk, kerusuhan, sabotase, peraturan pemerintah, dan hal lain. Pada kondisi ini, maka perlu adanya pembicaraan kembali antara kedua belah pihak.
  • Harga paket khusus anak : Anak 0 – 3 th : free of charge / tidak dikenakan biaya (semua kebutuhan anak ditanggung orang tua) Anak 4 – 9 th : 50% dari harga dewasa (sharing bed) atau 75% dari harga dewasa (dengan tambahan extra bed dikamar) Anak 10 th keatas : 100% (sama dengan harga dewasa)
  • Semua pemesanan yang dilakukan, dengan syarat melakukan pembayaran down payment ke rekening perusahaan.
  • Semua Pemesanan dapat dikonfirmasi hanya setelah memberikan konfirmasi dan membayar down payment. NGP Tours & Travel berhak untuk membatalkan pemesanan jika pembayaran down payment tidak dipenuhi. Dengan melakukan pembayaran down payment, berarti anda menerima semua syarat dan ketentuan.
  • NGP Tours & Travel berhak untuk membatalkan Pemesanan jika persyaratan pembayaran tidak terpenuhi.
  • 25% biaya dari total harga paket tour jika pembalatan dilakukan 30 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan.
  • 50% biaya dari total harga paket tour jika pembalatan dilakukan 21 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan.
  • 100% biaya dari total harga paket tour jika pembatalan dilakukan secara sepihak oleh peserta.
  • 100% biaya dari total paket tour : Jika pembatalan dilakukan dalam waktu 48 jam sebelum kedatangan peserta.
  • kebijakan Pembatalan berlaku sebagaimana tercantum dalam trading terms standar kami.
  • Dalam hal terjadi pembatalan, kami menyesal bahwa pembayaran down payment tidak akan dikembalikan dalam kondisi apapun.
  • Down payment 50% setelah konfirmasi.
  • Down payment tidak dapat dikembalikan setelah terjadi pemesanan (terms and condition apply)
  • Kami berhak untuk menagih biaya pemesanan dari tagihan pertama di kemudian hari
  • Pelunasan dilakukan selambat-lambatnya 7 (tujuh) hari sebelum kedatangan kelompok
  • Rekening Transfer hanya ke rekening PT : BCA : 680 1949999 a.n Nawa Gilang Persada PT , jika pembayaran diluar rekening perusahaan, maka kami tidak bertanggung jawab akan hal yang terjadi di kemudian hari.

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Pulau Seribu Resorts

Tentang Kami


Kami PT. Sheila Holiday yang lebih dikenal sebagai Sheila Tour & Travel adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Tours & Travel dengan spesialisasi wisata pulau, yang berdiri sejak tahun 2007. Kantor kami berlokasi di ruko & Perkantoran Apartemen Mediterania marina Ancol, dan di Lobby Hotel DISCOVERY Ancol Jakarta yang merupakan hotel bintang lima yang baru saja membuka cabang di Jakarta.

Berbentuk Perseroan Terbatas (PT), Kami merupakan E/O Wisata Pulau Seribu terbesar dan terpercaya yang berpengalaman dalam menjual produk “Pelayanan Paket Tour & Wisata ke Pulau Seribu”. Dimana kami telah bekerjasama dan dipercaya selama lebih dari  12 tahun dalam memasarkan Resort-resort yang ada di Pulau Seribu antara lain : Pulau Alam Kotok Resort, Pulau Ayer Resort, Pulau Bidadari Resort, Pulau Pantara Resort, Pulau Putri Resort, Pulau Sepa Resort, Pulau Pelangi Resort, Pulau Macan Resort, juga Pulau-pulau penduduk yaitu Pulau Tidung, Pulau Pramuka, Pulau Pari dan Pulau Harapan.

Kami juga bekerja sama dengan beberapa resort di jakarta, bandung, sukabumi dan anyer seperti Pondok Putri Duyung Ancol Jakarta, Javana Spa Resort Sukabumi, Pulau Umang Resort di Anyer jawa barat untuk memberikan alternatif pilihan wisata yang akan anda pilih.

Memilih Travel Agent terbaik yang terpercaya dan berpengalaman khususnya wisata di Pulau Seribu adalah sebuah pilihan yang baik dan bijak. Kami akan melayani dengan hati demi kepuasan berlibur Anda didalam menjelajah dan menemukan sensasi baru didalam hidup Anda.

Dapatkan informasi tentang paket wisata yang kami tawarkan, dan jadikan wisata anda menjadi sebuah wisata impian.

SHEILA Tour & Travel “Pulau Seribu Premium Services”

Notes : Untuk lebih meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan Kami Anda dapat pula mengakses website baru kami di

travel agent tidung

Kami  PT.Sheila Holiday  yang lebih dikenal sebagai Sheila Tour & Travel adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Tours & Travel dengan spesialisasi wisata pulau, yang berdiri sejak tahun 2007. Kantor kami berlokasi di ruko & Perkantoran Apartemen Mediterania marina Ancol, dan di Lobby Hotel DISCOVERY Ancol Jakarta yang merupakan hotel bintang lima yang baru saja membuka cabang di Jakarta.

Berbentuk Perseroan Terbatas (PT), Kami merupakan E/O Wisata Pulau Seribu terbesar dan terpercaya yang berpengalaman dalam menjual produk "Pelayanan Paket Tour & Wisata ke Pulau Seribu". Dimana kami telah bekerjasama dan dipercaya selama lebih dari 9 tahun dalam memasarkan Resort-resort yang ada di Pulau Seribu antara lain : Pulau Alam Kotok Resort, Pulau Ayer Resort, Pulau Bidadari Resort, Pulau Pantara Resort, Pulau Putri Resort, Pulau Sepa Resort, Pulau Pelangi Resort, Pulau Macan Resort, juga Pulau-pulau penduduk yaitu Pulau Tidung, Pulau Pramuka, Pulau Pari dan Pulau Harapan.

Kami juga  bekerja sama dengan beberapa resort di jakarta, bandung, sukabumi dan anyer seperti Pondok Putri Duyung Ancol Jakarta, Javana Spa Resort Sukabumi, Pulau Umang Resort di Anyer jawa barat untuk memberikan alternatif pilihan wisata yang akan anda pilih.

Dapatkan informasi tentang  paket wisata yang kami tawarkan, dan jadikan wisata anda menjadi sebuah wisata impian.

SHEILA Tour & Travel  "Pulau Seribu Premium Services"

Notes : Untuk lebih meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan Kami Anda dapat pula mengakses website baru kami di

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International travel documents for children

See what documents a child needs to travel to or from the U.S. alone or with a parent or relative.

Children traveling to the U.S.

All children, including infants, must have their own travel documents such as a passport or document from a Trusted Traveler Program to enter the U.S. If you travel or are going to travel with a child, consider taking the following documents:

  • If the child is traveling with only one of their custodial parents, they must have a letter of consent, preferably in English and notarized, from the other parent or signed by both parents. The letter should say "I acknowledge that my son/daughter is traveling outside the country with [the name of the adult] with my permission."
  • If one parent has sole custody of the child, a copy of the custody document can take the place of the other parent's letter.
  • Parents who frequently cross the border by land with a minor must always carry a letter of permission from the other parent.

U.S. citizen children traveling abroad

Ports of entry in many countries have security measures to prevent international child abduction . If you are traveling alone with your child, you may be required to present documentation proving you are the parent or legal guardian. You may also need a letter of permission from the other parent for your child to travel. 

If your child travels alone, depending on the country, they may be required to present a notarized letter from both parents or their legal guardian. If a minor is traveling abroad and is not accompanied by both parents or a legal guardian, contact the embassy or consulate of the country you will be visiting and ask about entry and exit requirements for that country.

LAST UPDATED: December 6, 2023

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Our passport agencies and centers :

  • Process all applications we receive from acceptance facilities and by mail, and
  • Serve customers by appointment only who have urgent travel to a foreign country in the next 14 calendar days, or need a foreign visa in the next 28 calendar days

The U.S. Department of State runs each passport agency and center. An agency and center is different than acceptance facilities which may include post offices, libraries, and local government offices.

Avoid the stress of needing to visit a passport agency or center for urgent travel. Apply early at an  acceptance facility  or  renew by mail .

Steps to Make an Appointment for Urgent Travel

I have not yet applied.

Follow these steps to make an appointment:

  • Go to our  Online Passport Appointment System .
  • Enter information about your travel plans to see if you qualify for an appointment. You may make an appointment for up to seven members of your household.
  • Enter your email address. We will email you a code which you must enter to continue making an appointment. Check your junk or spam folder if you do not see the code in your inbox.
  • Enter your mobile phone number. We will send you a text message with another code you must enter to continue making an appointment.
  • Complete the process of scheduling your appointment. 
  • Check your email for a message confirming the details of your appointment. The system will hold your appointment for 15 minutes. If you do not confirm your appointment within 15 minutes, you will need to start over.
  • If you need to cancel or change the appointment, click the link in the confirmation email to get information about your appointment. 

I have already applied

  • Call  1-877-487-2778  from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Mondays through Fridays, or on Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Se habla español. 

If you are deaf or hard of hearing, call  1-888-874-7793  for TDD/TTY teletype services. 

  • We will provide you unique information that we will check on the day of your appointment to confirm your appointment is legitimate. If you are not the appointment holder, the passport agency or center will not be able to see you.
  • If you need to cancel or change your appointment, please call us. We will give your appointment to a new customer calling to make an appointment. You cannot transfer your appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i know which location is processing my application and has my documents.

The first two digits of your nine-digit passport application locator number allow you to know which agency or center is working on your application. You can find your application locator number by checking our Online Passport Status System . 

How and when should I contact a passport agency or center by mail?

You can find an agency or center's mailing address on each agency or center webpage. You can contact our locations by mail if:

We sent you a letter : If we need more information to process your application , we will send you a letter in the mail. Send the information to the full mailing address in Sterling, VA listed on your letter. Do not send information to the agency’s physical address.

Map of Passport Office Locations

Make an appointment at a passport agency or center.

We have two types of appointments: Life-or-Death Emergency Service and Urgent Travel Service . You cannot walk-in. 

Not Yet Applied : Make an appointment online

Already Applied : Call  1-877-487-2778 . Se habla español.

External Link

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Links to external websites are provided as a convenience and should not be construed as an endorsement by the U.S. Department of State of the views or products contained therein. If you wish to remain on, click the "cancel" message.

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Woman slams Texas travel agent for allegedly scamming customers out of nearly $60,000

@cjoskerrr/TikTok VadimGuzhva/Adobe Stock (Licensed)

‘I worked in travel and this isn’t that irregular unfortunately’: Woman slams Texas travel agent for allegedly scamming customers out of nearly $60,000

‘this was bonkers. straight to jail.’.

Photo of Jack Alban

Posted on Jun 7, 2024     Updated on Jun 7, 2024, 2:34 pm CDT

Emily Lockard-Furry is the most wanted travel agent in the world right now. Not because people are dying to enlist her services to plan a magical vacation, but because she’s been accused of scamming clients out of their money.

According to Fox 4 Beaumont , Lockard-Furry, through her company Traveluxe Official LLC. took money from clients but didn’t apply the funds to their trips. Numerous customers have slapped her with a lawsuit as a result. 12 News spoke with attorney Layne Walker Jr., who says he is handling several gripes against the agent.

According to the legal representative, this is a story that hits home for many of Lockard-Furry’s customers—as many of them were members of her own community, or even family. The lawyer believes that over the years she has cumulatively defrauded her clients out of at least $1,000,000.

A TikTok user named Corrie ( @cjoskerr ) delineated some of the “small town tea” in a series of different videos.

@cjoskerrr Yalllll. This story is WILD! Lmk if you want to go over more of it 🤯 #travel #scam #allegedly #setx #exposed ♬ original sound – Corrie 💕

Vacations ruined by a scam

In the video, Corrie highlights one customer’s incident where a family paid $60,000 for a luxury vacation to see the northern lights. So how was the agent able to pull the wool over their eyes? Allegedly, the woman sent them a reservation confirmation, but never any tickets for their flight.

The family, all ready to go on their vacation, had to fork over their credit card to cover the cost of their flights. Then when they arrived at the airport, they had to pay again for the cab, using their own credit cards in the process. All the while, Lockard-Furry is telling them that they will be refunded the money they paid to her preemptively so they could just enjoy their trip.

She was supposed to use those funds to take care of every leg of their journey, but, Corrie says, the woman just took the family’s cash, just like many of her other clients are alleging, and pocketed it for herself with zero intention of putting it towards her customers’ journeys.

In the case of this Northern Lights family, Corrie says that they ended up accruing an additional $50,000 in credit card charges on top of the $60,000 they wired to Lockard-Furry beforehand for their vacation of a lifetime.

In the same video, Corrie references that the travel agent effectively screwed over her own family members with her business scam, which News 12 references, along with how she was able to book reservations for specific portions of the trip. Apparently, the agent ended up using an “expired American Express card” for the reservations. These reservations were then used to dupe customers into thinking everything was in order when it actually wasn’t.

@cjoskerrr Replying to @Bethany’s Cookie Jar its a slower day at the tea shop today, so im spilling the tea online 😅 📰 👱🏻‍♀️ #emilylockardfurry #scam #photography #travel #hideyokidshideyowife #theyscammineverybodyouthere ♬ original sound – Corrie 💕

The Better Business Bureau’s website currently lists Traveluxe Official LLC. as having a C- rating, with 1 out of 5 stars from three reviewers.

One person penned, “I do not recommend doing business with Emily. I booked $30k worth of trips with her in 2 years. I had booked a $12k trip and cancelled – within the window – due to medical issue. I have spent the past 60+ days seeking a refund of my money, and Emily refuses to provide it. She is not responding to my emails and texts, and has essentially stolen $12k from me. I would never use her again.”

As of this writing, it appears that Emily Lockard-Furry’s Instagram has been deactivated . The Daily Dot has reached out to Layne Walker Jr. for further comment on this case.

The internet is chaotic—but we’ll break it down for you in one daily email. Sign up for the Daily Dot’s web_crawlr newsletter  here  to get the best (and worst) of the internet straight into your inbox.

*First Published: Jun 7, 2024, 9:00 pm CDT

Jack Alban is a freelance journalist for the Daily Dot covering trending human interest/social media stories and the reactions real people have to them. He always seeks to incorporate evidence-based studies, current events, and facts pertinent to these stories to create your not-so-average viral post.

Jack Alban

  • Best overall
  • Best for cruises
  • Best for reputation
  • Best for preexisting conditions
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  • Best for road trips
  • How we reviewed travel insurance companies

Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Travel Insurance in June 2024

Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate insurance products to write unbiased product reviews.

Traveling is an adventure, a leap into the unknown, a story waiting to unfold. But every story needs a safety net, and that's where travel insurance comes in. In this guide to the best travel insurance, we'll embark on a journey to help you better understand travel insurance and uncover the benefits that make it an indispensable companion for any traveler.

Our Picks for the Best Travel Insurance Companies

Best overall: nationwide travel insurance.

  • Runner-Up: AXA Assistance USA
  • Best for Cruises: Travel Guard
  • Best Reputation:  C&F Travel Insured
  • Best for Pre-existing Conditions:   Tin Leg Travel Insurance
  • Best for Digital Nomads:   WorldTrips Travel Insurance
  • Best Low-Cost Option:   Trawick International Travel Insurance

Best for Road Trips: Travelex Travel Insurance

How we rate travel insurance »

Compare the Best Travel Insurance Companies

The best travel insurance companies offer comprehensive coverage options for a wide range of people and needs. For this guide, we looked at coverage options, customizability, and the best companies for specific situations, such as pre-existing conditions.

Here are Business Insider's picks for the best travel insurance companies in 2024. 

Nationwide Nationwide Travel Insurance

  • Trip cancellation coverage of up to 100% of trip costs (for cruises) or up to $30,000 (for single-trip plans)
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Three cruise-specific plans to choose from
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Annual travel insurance plans available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Strong trip cancellation coverage
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Cancel for any reason coverage available
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. CFAR insurance not available with every single plan
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Medical coverage is lower than what some competitors offer

Nationwide Travel Insurance offers many of the standard benefits you might see with a travel insurance policy. This can include things like trip cancellation coverage, so you can recover pre-paid costs or trip interruption in the event your vacation is interrupted by an unexpected event. There's also baggage delay coverage and medical coverage.

  • Cancel for any reason coverage available

Nationwide Travel Insurance is of the largest players in the travel insurance space, offering nearly endless options for any customer on the travel spectrum, including annual travel insurance plans which can offer frequent travelers the flexibility to "set it and forget it" on their travel insurance coverage.

Nationwide Essential also offers some of the most affordable policies in the market compared to similar plans from competitors, which makes it a great pick for just about anyone. Buyers can discuss bundling options as Nationwide also sells homeowners, auto, pet, and other insurance products. Its travel insurance quoting is just as easy as it has been with other Nationwide insurance products.

Read our Nationwide Travel Insurance review here.

Best Travel Insurance Runner-Up: AXA Assistance USA

AXA AXA Assistance USA

  • Trip cancellation coverage of up to 100% of the trip cost
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Generous medical evacuation coverage
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Up to $1,500 per person coverage for missed connections on cruises and tours
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Covers loss of ski, sports and golf equipment
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Generous baggage delay, loss and trip delay coverage ceilings per person
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Cancel for any reason (CFAR) coverage only available for most expensive Platinum plan
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. CFAR coverage ceiling only reaches $50,000 maximum despite going up to 75%

AXA Assistance USA keeps travel insurance simple with gold, silver, and platinum plans. Emergency medical and CFAR are a couple of the options you can expect. Read on to learn more about AXA.

  • Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans available
  • Trip interruption coverage of up to 150% of the trip cost
  • Emergency medical coverage of up to $250,000

AXA Assistance USA  offers consumers a great option for no-stress travel insurance: low-priced plans, generous coverage limits on key categories including primary insurance on lost luggage, and up to 150% reimbursement for qualifying trip cancellations.

While add-ons are limited and rental car coverage is not included by default on cheaper plans, AXA is a perfect fit for travelers who don't plan to drive (or who already hold a travel credit card with rental car coverage), and don't need any additional bells and whistles.

Read our AXA Assistance USA Travel Insurance review here.

Best for Cruises: AIG Travel Guard

AIG Travel Guard

Trip cancellation coverage for up to 100% of the trip cost and trip interruption coverage for up to 150% of the trip cost

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Trip cancellation coverage of up to 100% of the cost, for all three plan levels
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. CFAR covers up to 75% of total trip costs (maximum of $112,500 on some plans) 
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Medical coverage of up to $500,000 and evacuation of up to $1,000,000 per person
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Includes COVID coverage 
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Above average baggage loss and delay benefits
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. High medical evacuation coverage
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Premiums may run slightly higher than competitors

Travel Guard is a well-established and highly rated name in the travel insurance industry. It offers three main coverage options to choose from, and in general its policies have above-average coverage for baggage loss and baggage delays, plus high medical evaluation coverage limits.

  • Trip cancellation coverage for up to 100% of the trip cost
  • Trip interruption coverage for up to 150% of the trip cost
  • Preexisting medical conditions exclusions waiver must be purchased within 15 days of initial trip payment
  • Annual travel insurance plan and Pack N' Go plan (for last-minute trips) available

Travel Guard is well-known insurance provider, and a great fit for travelers who want to ensure that they can get their money back in the event of canceled or interrupted travel plans.

While the company's policies can be pricey compared to its competitors, the high medical and evacuation limits make AIG a solid choice for older travelers who value peace of mind and simplicity over highly customizable plans that may be bolstered with medical upgrades.

Read our AIG Travel Guard review here.

Best for Reputation: C&F Travel Insured

C&F C&F Travel Insured

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Offers 2 major plans including CFAR coverage on the more expensive option
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Cancellation for job loss included as a covered reason for trip cancellation/interruption (does not require CFAR coverage to qualify)
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Frequent traveler reward included in both policies
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Up to $1 million in medical evacuation coverage available
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Medical coverage is only $100,000
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Reviews on claims processing indicate ongoing issues
  • C&F's Travel Insured policies allow travelers customize travel insurance to fit their specific needs. Frequent travelers may benefit from purchasing an annual travel insurance plan, then adding on CFAR coverage for any portions of travel that may incur greater risk.

While every travel insurance company has negative reviews about its claims process, C&F Travel Insured 's claims process has a consistent stream of positive reviews. One customer wrote that C&F processed a claim within 48 hours. Additionally, C&F regularly responds to customer reviews within one business week, making reviews a consistent way to reach the company.

Additionally, in C&F's fine print, it mentions that any claims that take more than 30 days to pay out will begin to accrue interest at 9% APY.

C&F's reputation isn't the only thing to speak highly of. It offers an array of add-ons uncommon in the travel insurance industry, such as Interruption for Any Reason insurance and CFAR coverage for annual plans. C&F also offers discounts for children on its Protector Edge plan and free coverage on its Protector plan.  

Read our C&F Travel Insured review here. 

Best for Pre-Existing Conditions: Tin Leg Travel Insurance

TinLeg Tin Leg Travel Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Policy coverage includes most pre-existing health conditions
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Generous medical and evacuation amounts for peace of mind
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. COVID coverage included by default on all insurance plans
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Offers a wide range of plans for various budgets and travel needs
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Some plans offer CFAR, “cancel for work reasons,” financial default, and unemployment coverage
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Limited add-on coverage options
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Baggage loss and delay coverage is low compared to competitors

Tin Leg travel insurance offers eight travel insurance plans to meet the unique needs of travelers.

  • Tin Leg was founded in 2014 by the travel insurance industry experts at Squaremouth. Designed to meet the most common needs of travelers, these policies offer comprehensive Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption benefits, and a range of Emergency Medical and Medical Evacuation limits.

Tin Leg Travel Insurance is a great fit for travelers with medical issues in particular. Seven of Tin Leg's eight travel plans include coverage for pre-existing conditions as long as you purchase your policy within 15 days of your initial trip payment.

Thanks to coverage for pre-existing medical conditions as well as for potential COVID-19 infection while traveling, this company offers some of the best financial investment options for travelers who are or will be exposed to higher health risks and issues.

Read our Tin Leg Travel Insurance review here.

Best for Digital Nomads: WorldTrips Travel Insurance

WorldTrips WorldTrips Travel Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Affordable base plans that can be customized with add-ons including rental car, pet care, hunting and fishing, and vacation rental coverage
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Insurance plans available for international student travelers
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Trip delay coverage benefit that kicks in after just five hours
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Pre-existing conditions waiver can be purchased within 21 days of initial trip payment
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Lower medical, evacuation and accidental death limits
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Limited, secondary baggage loss coverage although baggage protection can be upgraded at a low cost
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No special coverages for pets, sports equipment, etc.

WorldTrips has been a reputable travel insurance provider for more than 20 years. Unsurprisingly, it boasts an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and positive reviews from thousands of customers.

  • Travel medical insurance (Premium, Group, Annual, and International Student options)
  • Trip cancellation insurance
  • Trip protection insurance

WorldTrips Travel Insurance has affordable premiums, highly customizable add-ons, and generous coverage for core categories of travel insurance. All this makes it a great option for digital nomads, students studying abroad and backpackers.

However, travelers should keep in mind that plans are not particularly flexible, and coverage amounts are limited unless you plan ahead to pay for the areas and amounts that you need.

Read our WorldTrips Travel Insurance review here.

Best for Affordability: Trawick International Travel Insurance

Trawick Trawick International Travel Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Useful for adventurous travelers headed to higher-risk destinations
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Affordable plans with varying levels of coverage
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. 10-day free look option
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Generous baggage loss replacement policy
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Trip delay coverage kicks in after just six hours
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Some policies allow a CFAR add-on
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Up to $1 million medical evacuation coverage limit
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Baggage and trip delay coverages don’t kick in until after the 12-hour mark
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. International student policies available for temporary stints abroad
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Complaints about claims not being paid or involving an intermediary to resolve claims

Trawick International travel insurance offers plans customized to diverse travelers' needs. We look at coverage options, claims processing, pricing, and other important factors for savvy travelers.

  • Travel medical insurance
  • Trip protection and cancellation
  • International student insurance
  • Visitor medical insurance (for traveling to the US)

Trawick International Travel Insurance is another insurance provider with robust medical travel insurance  that can help higher-risk and anxious travelers find peace of mind while on the road. This company offers one of the most generous medical evacuation policies in the market, although travelers will need to remember to add on rental car coverage if they need it.

Read our Trawick Travel Insurance review here.

Travelex Travelex Travel Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Options to cover sports equipment
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Option to increase medical coverage
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Can cancel up to 48 hours before travel when CFAR option is purchased
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Affordable coverage for budget-conscious travelers
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Includes generous baggage delay, loss and trip delay coverage
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Optional "adventure sports" bundle available for riskier activities
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Only two insurance plans to choose from
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Medical coverage maximum is low at up to $50,000 per person
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Pricier than some competitors with lower coverage ceilings
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Some competitors offer higher medical emergency coverage

Travelex travel insurance is one of the largest travel insurance providers in the US providing domestic and international coverage options. It offers a basic, select, and America option. Read on to learn more.

  • Optional CFAR insurance available with the Travel Select plan
  • Trip delay insurance starting at $500 with the Travel Basic plan
  • Emergency medical and dental coverage starting at $15,000

Travelex Travel Insurance  offers three plans:

  • Travel Basic
  • Travel Select
  • Travel America

The Travelex America plan is meant for trips limited to the U.S., but it has the highest coverage limits in many areas compared to its other programs. If you're flying somewhere, the lost baggage limits are higher. Its natural strengths shine for road trippers, though. Travelex America adds coverage for roadside service and rental car coverage for unexpected accidents. It also covers pets should you be involved in an accident while on the road.

While your standard auto insurance does extend to car rentals within the U.S. for a limited time, any accident would affect future rates. Travelex would eliminate the risk of reporting to your auto insurance provider for minor incidents within its purview.

Read our Travelex Travel Insurance review here.

Introduction to Travel Insurance

Why travel insurance is a must-have.

The unpredictable nature of traveling – from flight cancellations to medical emergencies – can turn your dream vacation into a nightmare. Travel insurance acts as a personal safeguard, ensuring that unexpected events don't drain your wallet or ruin your trip.

Understanding Different Types of Travel Insurance

Not all travel insurance policies are created equal. From single-trip travel insurance policies to annual travel insurance plans , from minimal coverage to comprehensive protection, understanding the spectrum of options is your first step in finding the right fit for your journey.

Key Features to Look for in Travel Insurance Coverage

Travel insurance for medical emergencies.

Imagine falling ill in a foreign country; daunting, right? A robust travel insurance plan ensures you don't have to worry about how much emergency medical care while traveling will cost, even in the most remote corners of the globe. This coverage will often come in tandem with emergency medical evacuation coverage.

Trip Cancellation and Interruption Benefits

Life is full of surprises, some less pleasant than others. Trip cancellation and interruption coverage ensures that you're not left out of pocket if unforeseen circumstances force you to cancel or cut your trip short. You may also look for cancel for any reason and interruption for any reason options, which will reimburse you for a percentage of your nonrefundable fees, but expands the covered reasons you can cancel a trip. You can find our guide on the best CFAR travel insurance companies here.

Coverage for Personal Belongings and Baggage Loss

Losing your belongings is more than an inconvenience; it's losing a piece of your world. Insurance that covers personal belongings and baggage loss ensures that you're compensated for your loss, helping you to rebound and continue your adventure.

Support and Assistance Services

In times of trouble, having a lifeline can make all the difference. Look for insurance that offers 24/7 support and assistance services, giving you peace of mind that help is just a phone call away. Also, check websites that field customer reviews like Trustpilot, the Better Business Bureau, and InsureMyTrip , to see how well a company responds to customer requests.

Choosing the Best Travel Insurance

Reputation and reliability of the travel insurance provider.

A provider's reputation is not just about being well-known; it's about reliability, customer satisfaction, and the ability to deliver on promises. Researching and choosing a reputable provider is a cornerstone in ensuring your safety and satisfaction.

Understanding the Policy's Fine Print

The devil is in the details, and understanding the fine print of what your travel insurance policy covers is crucial. Be aware of coverage limits, exclusions, and the process for filing a claim to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Customer Reviews and Feedback

In the age of information, customer reviews and feedback are goldmines of insight. Learn from the experiences of others to gauge the reliability and customer service of the insurance provider you're considering. While the ratings are important, you should also look at whether or not a company responds to customer complaints.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Travel Insurance

Knowing your policy inside out.

Familiarize yourself with every aspect of your policy – what it covers, what it doesn't, how to file a claim, and who to contact in an emergency. Being informed means being prepared. 

Steps to Take When a Problem Arises

If you face an issue during your travels, knowing the immediate steps to take can make all the difference. Keep important contacts and your policy details handy, and remember, your insurance provider is there to assist you.

How to Pick the Best Travel Insurance Company for You

There isn't a one-size-fits-all policy that works perfectly for every traveler. Young, healthy solo travelers can opt for much cheaper plans that offer bare-bones coverage, while families juggling complex itineraries will do best by investing in a robust policy that can help defray any costs associated with lost baggage, delayed transportation or other trip-impeding obstacles.

That being said, you can't go wrong with a travel insurance provider that boasts a reputable history and offers a wide range of customizable plans. In some cases, you may be comparing plans that are only a few dollars' apart from each other. In such situations, you should generally opt for the insurance company that offers the strongest customer service. It's also worth considering whether or not the travel insurance provider has been reviewed by other travelers with similar itineraries to your own. 

An insurance aggregator like InsureMyTrip or Squaremouth is one of the best tools for searching travel insurance policies. Once you input the specifics of your travel itinerary, you'll be able to see hundreds of search results to compare the ones that catch your eye. If the options are too overwhelming, use the filters to the left of your search page to eliminate as many irrelevant plans as possible.

How We Reviewed the Best Travel Insurance Companies

To come up with our list of the best travel insurance companies, we evaluated each insurer based on the following factors:

Guide Methodology: What We Considered

Policy Types

Travel insurance is essential, but often underused partly because people aren't getting what they want. Business Insider's 2023 travel study showed 10.65% of travelers surveyed bought cancel for any reason insurance. Cost may be a factor, but in many cases, the coverage is more affordable than you might think. Regardless, companies must offer a diverse range of coverage options. We award five stars to companies offering all standard coverages and additional options like pet and sports equipment protection.

Our 2023 travel study indicated the majority of purchases were made through the travel provider (ex: flight protection insurance when you're purchasing your airline tickets). While these may be sufficient for some customers, we look for companies offering a more comprehensive range of services.

According to the U.S. Travel Insurance Association, the average cost of travel insurance will be between 4% and 8% of total travel expenses. Anything beyond that price point should include additional benefits beyond the standard inclusions, such as CFAR protection or upgraded medical coverage. Anything below that 4% threshold may leave you lacking important or sufficient coverage in an emergency.

Convenience and Flexibility

Whether you're an infrequent traveler or a suitcase warrior, a good travel insurance company should have you covered. In many cases, you might not even have to talk to a person in order to purchase your policy.

Many people think of travel insurance in context with specific trips, but most of these top contenders sell both single-trip and multi-trip policies, also known as annual travel insurance. Some companies also offer plans specifically designed for cruisers, students abroad, and business travelers. (Read our guide to the best cruise travel insurance companies for more details.) Finally, all of these providers offer multiple options for getting the specific areas and amounts of coverage that you want.

Claims Handling

Most travelers never have a large claim. Premiums are low, and it provides peace of mind for the just in case situations. So they leave reviews based on their reduced stress levels. But what happens if you lose your luggage or have to stay a few extra days due to an unexpected accident? Will your insurance carrier cover your claim without all the hassle? We check real customer reviews to sort this out for you.

Ease of Use and Support

When purchasing, during your trip, and throughout the claims process, you may need extra support. Does the company have a 24/7 help line? Does it have an online or mobile system allowing you to self-manage? Essentially, what are the options when you need help? We look at the big picture to evaluate the average customer experience with each company.

You can read our full insurance rating methodology for even more details.

Best Travel Insurance FAQs

There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for every traveler. Determine the benefits that are most important to you, like baggage delay coverage, medical coverage, and trip delay coverage, then look for a company with solid customer ratings, especially when it comes to processing claims.

Travel insurance will pay out if you experience a covered event, such as a travel delay or delayed or lost baggage. If you're looking to get travel insurance for a specific reason, such as needing to potentially cancel your trip due to work reasons, make sure your policy will cover you in that situation before purchasing it. You should also check customer reviews to see other travelers' claims experiences, as it varies wildly from company to company.

The average cost of travel insurance is 4% to 8% of your total trip cost, so it could vary widely depending on where you're traveling and the length of your trip. Your age, the number of people in your group, and other factors can also influence how much you'll pay.

Most comprehensive travel insurance policies include travel medical coverage that can come in handy if an emergency occurs and you need medical evacuation. Some travel insurance plans offer more specialized coverage for travelers with pre-existing conditions , so shop around if medical coverage is a top priority for you. 

$100,000 should be a sufficient medical coverage limit for travel insurance. If you're planning on doing extreme sports or anything particularly risky on your trip, you may want to increase your coverage level. A high medical coverage limit is especially useful when you're purchasing cruise travel insurance, since medical evacuations are more involved at sea.

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Editorial Note: Any opinions, analyses, reviews, or recommendations expressed in this article are the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any card issuer. Read our editorial standards .

Please note: While the offers mentioned above are accurate at the time of publication, they're subject to change at any time and may have changed, or may no longer be available.

**Enrollment required.

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