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hiking in Saxon Switzerland from Bad Schandau

Bad Schandau, Germany • Wes Anderson Vibes in a Hiking Paradise

I’ll be honest. At first sight, Bad Schandau doesn’t have the same pretty, slightly spooky, charm of some other olde worlde towns in Saxon Switzerland- one of Germany’s lesser known mountain-strewn national parks. But what it lacks in medieval charm, it makes up for in its proximity to so much natural beauty. And not only is it a hikers’ paradise, but there are several hidden gems to be found around Bad Schandau if you look hard enough. From surreal Wes Anderson-esque settings to storybook cottages and abandoned crumbling mansions, a true guide to Bad Schandau deserves to contain it all.

*This site contains affiliate links, where I earn a small commission from purchases you make, at no cost to you.

We hadn’t expected to be spending a day in Bad Schandau at all- in fact the original plan was to hop on a ferry from there up the river to Bohemian Switzerland. (Which, believe it or not, is a real place. Who knew?) The problem with catching a ferry in Bad Schandau though, is that the train station is on the opposite side of the river to the ferry stop. So a very short cross-river-distance can end up taking a fairly long time to cover, when you factor in waiting for a ferry to cross the river, and a half-jog from one jetty to another. Just as we made it on to the jetty where the Wanderschiff was waiting to head up river, we smiled and waved at the ticket-man in relief. He waved back at us from the deck of the boat, promptly shut the gate, and away the boat pushed from the river bank.

It was a devastating moment, because the next ferry to Bohemian Switzerland wasn’t for several hours.

We chose to accept our fate: today was not the day for visiting the Czech Republic and its magical national park over the border. Instead, we would explore Bad Schandau and its surroundings. What followed was a twelve mile hike, past quirky houses, through open fields, and up actual mountains- often without realising that was the case until we reached the top. Without further ado, here are the best things to see and do in Bad Schandau.

Just in case you, too, find yourself stranded on the jetty one day. Because, stranger things have happened.

hiking in Saxon Switzerland from Bad Schandau

The best things to see in Bad Schandau

The old lift.

Although the town started life as a trading post in the 1400s, Bad Schandau really started to develop a reputation when tourism was developing in the 1800s. It became a popular spa resort town, perfect for Germans needing a little bit of R&R by the riverside, and there were grand plans for developing Bad Schandau into a massive entertainment destination.

Alas, the majority of the plans actually fell through. But the one thing that did get the go ahead was the art nouveau elevator jutting out from a cliffside above the town. This rickety looking lift is made of a stainless steel framework- in the style of a very spindly version of the Eiffel Tower- and it connects the lower town of Bad Schandau with the houses above, in Ostrau.

The lift has a very Wes Anderson vibe about it, which makes sense- it appears in The Grand Budapest Hotel. In fact, there are several Grand Budapest Hotel filming locations in Saxony; very nearby is the Bastei Bridge which appears at the end of the film and is just a short train ride away from Bad Schandau.

If you’re interested, have a read of this article about the locations that inspired Wes Anderson for the film.

The abandoned hotel

We arrived at the top of the hill overlooking the River Elbe purely by accident, having followed a sign post pointing up a path away from the main town. There are so many signposts to hiking paths dotted around Bad Schandau, that this really was complete pot luck.

We were at a glossy platform jutting out into the sky, looking mildly futuristic and very out of place compared to the rickety elevator. This was the Skywalk, a viewpoint from where we could see all the way across the Elbe Sandstone Mountains and the River Elbe running like a silvery thread through velvet green trees. Humans love to whack a mildly out-of-place viewing platform on high vantage points, don’t they?

I wasn’t particularly fussed about this half-bridge- it seemed like it was a piece of a motorway service station which had got lost in transit- but what I was interested in was the abandoned building directly behind it. The faded timber made it look almost like a massive barn, but the signs outside gave the impression that it had once been a hotel. We could see in some dirty windows to a carpeted lounge with a damp 1970s air to it. From the outside, I was intrigued; I wish I’d been brave enough to step in. Abandoned building hunters of Saxony, make note of this place! (And if anyone finds out what it is, please let me know.)

Talking of abandoned buildings: Exploring An Abandoned Hotel in the Azores

the abandoned hotel in Bad Schandau Saxony


A little way out of town, on a road running parallel with the Elbe, is a row of colourful half-timbered houses which wouldn’t look out of place in the pages of a Hans Christian Anderson book.

Although there are houses and guesthouses running all along this road, it’s the seven most colourful ones which are the also the most interesting. Legend has it that the so-called Sieben-Brüder-Häuser were built by a boatman hundreds of years ago for his seven sons. The houses aren’t just super pretty, but look out for the marks on some of their walls. These are here to show how high up the river has flooded over the years; and I’m telling you now, it is high.

by the river in Bad Schandau

Hiking from Bad Schandau

Our hike: to hohe liebe.

After we’d left the main town of Bad Schandau- without any real idea of where we were, and definitely not a clue where we were going- we found ourselves walking on a road past orchards on one side, and bright green fields on the other. In the distance was the strange blocky silhouettes of Schrammsteine, part of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains. This mountain range isn’t like the jagged peaks of Norway or the rolling slopes of Iceland ; the silhouettes looked more like black blocks of clay against the solid blue sky.

We naturally decided that those distant mountains would be our goal, and continued across the farmland past brightly coloured pensions and guesthouses, all painted in story book reds and browns, burnt oranges and mustard yellows. Eventually we made it into the forest and continued walking upwards, thinking that we were following a particular set of markings on the trees but realising before long that we definitely weren’t.

But it didn’t really matter. It was peaceful, we had all day, and once we got a bit higher we knew we’d get our bearings. After about an hour or so of walking through thick trees and up sloping forest pathways, we were seeing more and more sandstone rocks in bulbous clusters. Rounding a tight bend which corkscrewed even steeper uphill, we were faced with a series of steps built into the ground. Higher up, fixed into the actual rock face, were the iron rungs of a ladder to pull yourself up.

This was awesome. Kind of like a massive, slightly-more-dangerous-than-your-average assault course.

Having scaled all that, we stood on a gigantic boulder and with one very slow 360º spin in the silence, realised that we’d reached the top. What a view- the vast expanse of trees and mountains was rather on the breathtaking side. There were a few other hikers around, either solo or in pairs, swigging from water bottles. It was early September and despite the cloud that had turned the sky from blue to white, it was muggy. And so silent that we felt like we needed to talk in hushed voices.

Until Rachel’s phone started to ring. Turned out, she’d butt dialled her mum in North Carolina, where it was the middle of the night- leading her naturally to presume that Rachel was in an Emergency Situation. Which was all pretty hilarious as Rachel frantically explained that she was up a mountain but totally fine, whilst attempting to keep her voice and laughter at a respectful volume for our fellow hikers on the mountaintop.

At least we knew that phone signal works up there.

We were at the top of Hohe Liebe- which is one of the smaller peaks in Saxon Switzerland but also a truly pretty one, which my photos could never do justice to. Right at the highest point, is a monument to members of the Saxon Mountaineering Association who died in the First World War, and on the rock face next to the ladder is a metal book containing names of fallen mountaineers. These days Hohe Liebe is a memorial to climbers who have died in mountaineering accidents as well as those 400 WW1 men.

the road from Bad Schandau to Schrammsteine

How to get to Bad Schandau

The undoubtedly awesome thing about Saxon Switzerland (and Saxony in general), is that it’s so well-connected by public transport.

To get to Bad Schandau by train from Dresden, catch the S1 train from Dresden Hauptbanhof. The journey takes around 40 minutes in total, along a very scenic river route. Look out for the Bastei Bridge on the way, high up in the mountains. A single ticket from Dresden to Bad Schandau costs €6.80. Check train times and buy tickets here.

Trains between Prague and Berlin also stop in Bad Schandau- so Saxony makes a great stopping point on a trip through Central Europe. Check train times and tickets here.

using the ferry in Saxon Switzerland National Park

Where to eat

Most of the restaurants in Bad Schandau are concentrated in the centre of town, just off of the main square. And as you’d expect from a little German spa town, these restaurant options include plenty of German options. In case you’re wondering, this generally doesn’t include any fancy Michelin-star type stuff; in Bad Schandau you’ll find simple, hearty and good traditional food.

Food you should try in Bad Schandau (and Saxony in general) include knoblauchsuppe (garlic soup), Sächsischer sauerbraten (Saxon roast beef), and quarkkeulchen (pancakes made with potatoes and quark). In early Autumn, there are wild mushrooms across the menus of Germany, and this is definitely something you should take advantage of.

I opted out of the tripe soup, but that’s another traditional Saxon dish to try if you’re brave enough.

Generally, German cuisine is very meat-and-salt heavy, and unless you find a vegetarian or vegan restaurant it’s unlikely that you’ll find many plant-based options on the menu- particularly in a small town like Bad Schandau. If you opt for fish from a German menu, it’s highly likely that it’ll to be breaded and fried.

German restaurants in Bad Schandau include the Gaststätte Schlemmer-Ecke , which has plenty of options on the menu and is super-popular; likewise Barthel’s restaurant is in an unassuming building in the centre of town, or Cafe Elbflorenz serves similar food from a great location overlooking the river. We, however, ended up at the Restaurant Zur Schlossbastei , really due to the fact that it was the only open restaurant which had space. The food was good, in a hearty German food kind of a way; but the red and white striped tape blocking chairs as if they were roadworks, didn’t do a lot for the general atmosphere. That’s what you get from 2020 though, I suppose.

hiking in Saxon Switzerland national park

Where to stay in Bad Schandau

There are plenty of guesthouses and pensions in Bad Schandau, as well as several hotels.

Popular guesthouses include the Pension Goldstück , and the Albergo-Toscana , both really close to the centre of town.

However, I liked the look of the villas in Ostrau- next to the Skywalk and the abandoned hotel. Haus Hohe Liebe is a historic villa with the air of the gingerbread house about it, with a beautiful garden and an outdoor pool available in summer time. This is my kind of place.

For something more luxurious and in keeping with the town’s ‘spa’ name, stay at the Hotel Elbresidenz an der Therme . This five star hotel on the river has a rooftop spa and is also mere footsteps away from the Toscana Therme thermal baths, which hotel guests can use completely free of charge. Just, be aware: in Germany, it’s de rigueur to be completely stark naked when using a spa. Swimwear is, generally, not an option.

pensions in Bad Schandau near Saxon Switzerland

So, Bad Schandau isn’t one of the ‘must-sees’ on Germany’s well-beaten tourist trail, but there is definitely more to see here than meets the eye. For those with an attraction to the quirky and the quaint, the town is a perfect hidden gem; and an amazing base for getting out into Saxon Switzerland’s incredible forests and mountains. Wes Anderson, eat your heart out.

More from Saxony:

Three Days in Dresden, the Jewel-Box of Germany

Off-the-beaten path in Königstein, a Spooky-but-Pretty Saxon Village

A Ski Resort in Summer: Exploring the Ore Mountains

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Hiking path Malerweg Elbsandsteingebirge

Winter hikes

Bad Schandau – a winter dream

Health resort in the heart of Saxon Switzerland

Theodor Körner discovered in 1806 a “place of nature’s power and splendour”:  Schandau.

While the poet was still a student then, the small former shipping town had developed into a popular travel destination by that time. Later, the lovely retreat in the valley of the Elbe River and its tributary Kirnitzsch was promoted to “Bad”, a spa. Maybe it is due to its panoramic views, maybe it was the clear air, maybe its vicinity to the wilderness of the outer parts of Saxon Switzerland, the fact stands: Schandau does you good. It is something you can’t scale. Only feel.

In the hustle and bustle of summer, the wondrous healing power of the famous health resort almost gets a little lost. In the winter clarity and calmness it is however all the more effective. When walking in the nearby core zone of the National Park, silence soothes like a balm the hiker’s soul and senses. Thoughts may be finished, new ideas may arise. Rest, exercise and creativity – these are in fact the topics of Bad Schandau’s proposals for a revitalizing winter time off. Check in, take a breath, recharge your batteries. Bad Schandau is looking forward to you!

travel free shop bad schandau

Pravčická Gate (Pravčická brána)


Bad Gottleuba-Berggießhübel

Parkhotel Bad Schandau

Bad Schandau

Hotel Lindenhof Bad Schandau

Elbhotel Bad Schandau

Hotel Elbresidenz an der Therme Bad Schandau

Pension Goldstück

Malerweg, Stage 6: From Schmilka to the spa town of Gohrisch (official version TV Saxon Switzerland)

Cycling tour to the High Schneeberg

Tour 2: Round trip on the Elbe Cycle Path from Bad Schandau to Wehlen

Tour 1: Round trip on the Elbe Cycle Path from Bad Schandau to Schmilka

Schmilka - Winterberg - Kuhstall - Lichtenhainer Wasserfall

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Bad Schandau – Kneipp treatments for life on the go

Bad Schandau is a spa town steeped in tradition in Saxon Switzerland. Back when Sebastian Kneipp himself was alive, treatments here followed the principles of his approach to life and healing inspired by nature.

Anyone looking for a first-class health break should seriously consider Bad Schandau, home to (Kneipp) spa facilities and state-of-the-art clinics specialising in treatments for all kinds of conditions. The Tuscan Spa Baths are another major highlight at Bad Schandau, where visitors are spoilt for choice when it comes to wellness treatments. But the saltwater pool, a separate swimming pool with a very high salt content, is where the real relaxation magic happens. This has to be the first port of call to soothe sore muscles after a lengthy hike. Massages, baths and beauty treatments are on the jam-packed agenda too.

Discover more

13 hiking trails worth a visit, in the footsteps of german poets, 16 highlights in germany, a journey back in time to the baroque era, history museums: looking back, looking forward, tracing the path of the german hanseatic league, explore the surroundings.

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Scenic ferry Bad Schandau to Hřensko

Wanderschiff Sächsisch-Böhmische Schweiz der OVPS

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Travelling upstream

You will see the rocky world of Saxon Bohemian Switzerland from a very different perspective from the deck of the cruise ship. Just let the rocky Schrammstein formations slide leisurely by. For anyone who wants to get off, the cruise ship is a great way of travelling.

The touring boat will be paused until the start of the season in March 2024. You will receive information on the timetable in good time before the start of the season.  

Further information for the 2024 season

Timetable: daily between bad schandau and hřensko.

The Scenic ferry sails daily from 6 April to 16 April and from 29 April to 31 October 2023.

Applies for the 2023 season

Cruises from the Bad Schandau ferry pier

For journeys between Bad Schandau and Krippen/Postelwitz, please also use the ferries F3 and F4, as the capacity of the travelling boat is limited to a maximum of 49 people.

Fluctuating water levels may delay departure times for up to 15 minutes. Boat travel is not permitted when the water level is above 5 m in Dresden.

Tickets for this ferry should be purchased on board the boats. VVO tariff tickets may not be used on the ferry. Cycles may only be taken aboard at the reduced price if there is sufficient space.

If you already have a valid Elbe-Labe ticket, you qualify for a 10 % fare reduction. Children can even travel free on their birthday if the relevant documentation is shown.

  • Elbe-Labe-Ticket
  • Other Elbe ferries in the VVO area


Children under 6 years of age as well as severely disabled persons according to the Social Code Book IX (Sozialgesetzbuch - Neuntes Buch - SGB IX) are transported free of charge if they carry their valid severely disabled person's card and the supplementary sheet of the pension office with a valid token. Pupils up to their 15th birthday can use the reduced fares. 

1 entitles passengers to travel from the time stamped until close of business. It is valid for two adults and max. 4 pupils until the 15th birthday. 2  Price valid for pupils up to their 15th birthday, one dog, one bicycle incl. bicycle trailer or a handcart.

Fares valid from 1 April 2023

Prices for journeys from the Krippen/Postelwitz ferry stop

Prices for journeys from the schmilka ferry stop, come and go by bus & rail.

  • Bad Schandau, Elbkai

You can get to Bad Schandau with the S 1 S-Bahn.

To get to the cruise ship, take the station ferry to cross to the Bad Schandau Elbe pier.

Tip - Birthday children and Children's Day

Attention birthday children.

Birthday children travel free on their birthday with the appropriate proof.

Free travel for children on Children's Day

On Children's Day, 1 June, children up to their 15th birthday travel free when accompanied by an adult (max. 5 children per adult).

Barrier-free travel

All information is subject to Change.

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0049 351 8526555

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Ticket overviews

all fares at a glance

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Elbe ferries

Crossing the river by ferry

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National Park Rail­way (U 28)

All prices & details

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Saxon Switzerland/ Eastern Ore Mountains

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travel free shop bad schandau

Where to eat: the 21 best restaurants in Bad Schandau

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1 Gambrinus

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2 Schlemmer-Eck

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3 Bio-Restaurant StrandGut

4 cafe elbflorenz, 5 eiscafé memory, 6 gasthaus porschdorfer einkehr, 7 zur schlossbastei, 8 il ristorante toskana bad schandau, 9 elbterrasse, 10 elbhotel bad schandau, 11 restaurant am stadtpark, 12 the cowshed - mountain inn, 13 villa thusnelda & café richter, 14 gaststätte und pension schrammsteinbaude, 15 parkhotel bad schandau, 16 gaststätte "turmeck", 17 flößerstube, 18 café & speiselokal "sonnenuhr" - krippen, 19 pension & gasthof kurparkstübl, 20 wanderrast großer winterberg, 21 pascha döner bad schandau, popular road trips from bad schandau, what's the weather like in bad schandau.

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA on what the weather is like in Bad Schandau for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

  • Weather in Bad Schandau in January
  • Weather in Bad Schandau in February
  • Weather in Bad Schandau in March
  • Weather in Bad Schandau in April
  • Weather in Bad Schandau in May
  • Weather in Bad Schandau in June
  • Weather in Bad Schandau in July
  • Weather in Bad Schandau in August
  • Weather in Bad Schandau in September
  • Weather in Bad Schandau in October
  • Weather in Bad Schandau in November
  • Weather in Bad Schandau in December

All road trips from Bad Schandau

  • Bad Schandau to Prague drive
  • Bad Schandau to Berlin drive

Explore nearby places

  • Bad Schandau
  • Reinhardtsdorf-Schona
  • Koenigstein
  • Stadt Wehlen
  • Neustadt in Sachsen
  • Hinterhermsdorf
  • Mikulasovice
  • Bad Gottleuba
  • Schoenheide
  • Benesov nad Ploucnici
  • Ceska Kamenice
  • Bischofswerda
  • Krasna Lipa

All related maps of Bad Schandau

  • Map of Bad Schandau
  • Map of Porschdorf
  • Map of Gohrisch
  • Map of Reinhardtsdorf-Schona
  • Map of Rathen
  • Map of Koenigstein
  • Map of Hrensko
  • Map of Hohnstein
  • Map of Bastei
  • Map of Sebnitz
  • Map of Stadt Wehlen
  • Map of Neustadt in Sachsen
  • Map of Lohmen
  • Map of Hinterhermsdorf
  • Map of Stolpen
  • Map of Mikulasovice
  • Map of Decin
  • Map of Pirna
  • Map of Bad Gottleuba
  • Map of Tisa
  • Map of Liebstadt
  • Map of Heidenau
  • Map of Schoneck
  • Map of Schoenheide
  • Map of Benesov nad Ploucnici
  • Map of Ceska Kamenice
  • Map of Neukirch
  • Map of Sluknov
  • Map of Bischofswerda
  • Map of Muglitztal
  • Map of Krasna Lipa

Bad Schandau throughout the year

  • Bad Schandau in January
  • Bad Schandau in February
  • Bad Schandau in March
  • Bad Schandau in April
  • Bad Schandau in May
  • Bad Schandau in June
  • Bad Schandau in July
  • Bad Schandau in August
  • Bad Schandau in September
  • Bad Schandau in October
  • Bad Schandau in November
  • Bad Schandau in December

Looking for day-by-day itineraries in Bad Schandau?

Get inspired for your trip to Bad Schandau with our curated itineraries that are jam-packed with popular attractions everyday! Check them out here:

  • 1-Day Bad Schandau Itinerary
  • 2-Day Bad Schandau Itinerary

Best restaurants in nearby cities

  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Hrensko
  • Where to eat: the best restaurants in Koenigstein

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Toskana therme bad schandau.

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Opening hours toskana therme and sauna world, opening hours wellnesspark bad schandau, admission prices, family ticket 2 adults / 1 child¹, every additional child¹, coins for 10 admissions⁴ adult, coins for 10 admissions⁴ child¹, every addicional 30 minutes for adult/child¹, *as a thank you for our loyal regular guests, the prices of the 10er coins remain unchanged..

All rates include Toskana Therme, sauna world and Liquid Sound Temple.

Severely handicapped people

Free admission for assistants of handicapped people bearing a severely handicapped pass inscribed with a “B”. Handicapped accessible entrance, shower and toilets are available.

Special offers

Bathing for senior citizens.

Three hours for the price of two (for bearer of a senior citizen ID) Monday – Friday from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Three hours for the price of two Monday – Friday from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

1] Children’s prices apply to persons up to and including 13 years of age. Persons 14 years and over pay the full rate. Free admission for children younger than 4 years of age. 2.] Not valid for tickets with a discount rate such as tickets for 10 admission. Not valid on holidays and weekends. 3.] Valid from Mon-Fri after 4:00 pm for bearer of a student ID. During Liquid Sound Club (1st Sat. of the month) after 8:00 pm for bearer of student ID and 1 companion. 4.] A coin for 10 admissions is 1 ticket for 10 consecutive or simultaneous admissions. These coins are not issued as single tickets which can be used separately. 5.] Advanced booking required (Phone: +49 35022 – 5460) All group rates per person are bookable for groups with a minimum of 20 persons. For groups with a minimum of 20 persons we offer free admission for bus driver and tour guide (not more than 2 free admissions). Group rates do not apply on weekends, holidays and during school holidays in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia (except Summer break).




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From soothing massages to heavenly facial treatments, our wellness park offers a wide range of high-quality applications.

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Gifts that touch and inspire. Dive into our online shop. Here you will find vouchers for magical moments at the Tuscan thermal baths in Bad Schandau.

Home » Toskana Therme Bad Schandau » Opening hours & prices

Wild Rover Travel

Elbe cycle: Bad Schandau – Dessau

Cycling along the Elbe amid towering cliffs, vineyards, and Renaissance castles

Elbe cycle: Bad Schandau – Dessau

  • Travel info
  • Book the tour
  • Cycling Holidays
  • Cycling in Germany
  • Family-Friendly
  • Heritage Trails

Easy cycle on flat riverside paths along one of the major rivers of Central Europe

Cycling in the tranquil Elbe valley, past the towering cliffs of the Elbe Sandstone Massif

Historic towns, picturesque riverside villages, and magnificent Renaissance castles

Dresden, the ‘Florence of the Elbe’ and Lutherstadt Wittenberg, cradle of the Reformation

The beautiful garden area of Wörlitz, with its temples, statues, and canals

Cycling holiday along the Elbe: from Bad Schandau to Dessau

This cycling route follows one of the most beautiful sections of the Elbe, Germany’s second longest river. Its characteristic features include the towering Elbe Sandstone Massif, delightful riverbank meadows and impressive terraced vineyards in the wine-producing region around Meissen. There are plenty of historical monuments along the Elbe River Cycle Path between Bad Schandau and Dessau , including magnificent castles, palaces, and well-preserved historical towns and villages.

The Elbe River Cycle Path is relatively flat and follows the course of the river Elbe, which is a ‘slow’ river with little variation in altitude. Most of the trail is in good condition with several cultural and leisure activity offers along the way. It does not really matter whether you cycle upstream or downstream, and this trip can also be booked in the opposite direction, from Dessau to Bad Schandau. However, the prevailing winds from the west and the countryside around the Elbe make the journey upstream preferable.

Day 1: Individual arrival in Dresden

Your cycling holiday begins in Dresden on the banks of the river Elbe. Dresden is the capital city of Saxony and is an extremely picturesque city. Its buildings were lovingly restored following extensive bombings during WWII and it is today known as the ‘Florence of the Elbe’. There are many museums and galleries worth exploring, including the Frauenkirche Cathedral, majestic Zwinger Palace and the Semper Opera House. The historic town centre is perfect for a relaxed evening walk.

Overnight: Bad Schandau

Day 2: Train to Bad Schandau and cycle to Dresden

Distance: 45 km approx.

Today begins with a short morning train ride to Bad Schandau, the gateway for active holidays in Saxon Switzerland.

Your first cycling day along the Elbe takes you through the magnificent landscapes of the Elbe Sandstone mountains. You will pass the most famous sights of the Saxon Switzerland, such as the Bastei rock formation and bridge in Rathen and the Königstein Fortress. Soon you will see the impressive skyline of the old town of Dresden, with its many spires, towers, and domes.

Overnight: Dresden

Day 3: Cycle from Dresden to Meissen

Distance: 30 km approx.

Continuing your cycle through the serene Elbe valley, you will spot the 1,000-year-old town of Meissen from far away. Its castle hill towers above the river, with its impressive gothic cathedral and Albrechtsburg castle. A visit to the world-famous Meissen porcelain factory is also a must.

You will have noticed many vineyards along your route today, for you are in the heart of one of the smallest yet most distinguished winegrowing regions of Germany. You can reward your efforts this evening with a glass or two of the excellent local wine.

Overnight: Meissen

Day 4: Cycle from Meissen to Riesa

Distance: 28 km approx.

Today’s cycle tour will take you past many picturesque wine villages dotted along the Elbe river. We recommend a stop for some wine tasting in Diesbar-Seußlitz. Next stop will be Riesa, with its 12 th Century Benedictine monastery.

Overnight: Riesa

Day 5: Cycle from Riesa to Torgau

Distance: 48 km approx.

Your cycle tour continues today to Torgau. There are many ferry crossings along this section, so you have the option to cycle on either side of the river.

Torgau is best known for its stunning Renaissance castle; Schloss Hartenfels. The castle chapel was consecrated in 1544 by Martin Luther and is regarded as the first-ever newly built Protestant church.

Overnight: Torgau

Day 6: Cycle from Torgau to Lutherstadt Wittenberg

Distance: 68 km approx.

From the former Saxon royal residence, you cycle via the village of Pretzsch to the World Heritage town of Lutherstadt Wittenberg, the cradle of the Reformation. Sometimes called the ‘Rome of the Protestants’, it was here in 1517 that Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses against church corruption to the door of the Schlosskirche, thereby triggering the Reformation movement.

If you feel that today’s cycle is too long, this stage can be split by adding an extra night in Pretzsch (approx. 37 km/35 km). Please enquire for price.

Overnight: Wittenberg

Day 7: Cycle from Lutherstadt Wittenberg to Dessau

Distance: 37 km approx.

The last leg of your cycle tour will take you through the beautiful meadows of the Elbe Biosphere Reserve and past the world-famous Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Realm, with its impressive collection of temples, statues and canals. The 100-hectare large park is regarded as one of the most beautiful landscaped parks in Europe and was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2000.

The town of Dessau is most famous for its Bauhaus building. In 1919 Walter Gropius founded this art school, which united the avantgarde of the 20 th century in architecture, art and design.

Overnight: Dessau

Day 8: Departure from Dessau or transfer service to Dresden

Your cycling holiday comes to an end after breakfast this morning, unless you have booked any additional services with us. If you are travelling by car and have left your car in Dresden, then we would be happy to arrange a return transfer for you to pick it up.

Arrival in Dresden

Departure from dessau.

Elbe Cycling Holiday

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  1. Global Travel Free Shop Hřensko 153 in 40717 Bad Schandau

    Global Travel Free Shop Filiale - Hřensko 153 Bad Schandau Erfahre hier alles zur Global Travel Free Shop Filiale in der Hřensko 153, 40717 Bad Schandau. Bei MeinProspekt findest du alles, was du brauchst: Alle wichtigen Eckdaten zu den Öffnungszeiten, Kontaktdaten, Adresse und natürlich die neusten Angebote und Prospekte!🔥

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    Travel FREE jsou prodejny na hranicích nabízející skvělé ceny, atraktivní otevírací dobu a výjimečný sortiment. ... Restaurace Free Shop Denně: 9:30 - 20:30 tel: +420 732 635 782 Lékárna Denně: 9:00 - 18:00 tel: +420 412 531 291 e-mail: [email protected]. Vaše cesta k obchodu. s.

  3. Travel FREE Prospekt Bad Schandau: Aktuelle Angebote der Woche

    Travel FREE Prospekt Bad Schandau: Aktuelle Angebote der Woche. WÄRMEN SIE SICH MIT UNSEREM HEIßEN ANGEBOT AUF. Fr. 26.1. - Do. 8.2.2024. Gültig bis 08.02.2024. Prospekt öffnen. In Bad Schandau gibt es diese Woche (KW5) einen Travel FREE Prospekt. Die Angebote im Prospekt "WÄRMEN SIE SICH MIT UNSEREM HEIßEN ANGEBOT AUF" sind noch bis ...

  4. Bad Schandau Travel Guide

    Get information on Bad Schandau Travel Guide - Expert Picks for your Vacation hotels, restaurants, entertainment, shopping, sightseeing, and activities. Read the Fodor's reviews, or post your own.

  5. Travel FREE

    We take your shopping to the car; We are happy to advise you; Gift certificates available at the till (100 LEI, 200 LEI, 300 LEI, 500 LEI). More ... Maximum permitted allowances at Travel FREE. EU states borders. coffee: 10 kg; beer: 110 litres; wine: 90 litres; sparkling wine: 60 liters; spirits under 22% alcohol: 20 litres; spirits over 22% ...

  6. TouristService Bad Schandau

    The Bad Schandau tourist information office offers a wide range of information material about Saxon Switzerland. The staff will be happy to advise on guided tours of the town, hiking and cycling tours, as well as finding accommodation. ... the town, hiking and cycling tours, as well as finding accommodation. There is also the sale of postcards ...

  7. ☀️Bad Schandau ️ Saxon Switzerland

    Bad Schandau: The centrally located recreational and Kneipp health resort at the National Park is one of the oldest holiday resorts in Saxon Switzerland. Bad Schandau has held the title of Kneipheilbad since 2024, making it the first in Saxony. Hike, feel good, come back - that is the motto under which Bad Schandau welcomes its guests.

  8. Travel FREE


  9. Bad Schandau, Saxony • A Wes Anderson-esque Hikers Paradise

    Look out for the Bastei Bridge on the way, high up in the mountains. A single ticket from Dresden to Bad Schandau costs €6.80. Check train times and buy tickets here. Trains between Prague and Berlin also stop in Bad Schandau- so Saxony makes a great stopping point on a trip through Central Europe. Check train times and tickets here.

  10. Bad Schandau

    Bad Schandau - a winter dream . ... While the poet was still a student then, the small former shipping town had developed into a popular travel destination by that time. Later, the lovely retreat in the valley of the Elbe River and its tributary Kirnitzsch was promoted to "Bad", a spa. Maybe it is due to its panoramic views, maybe it was ...

  11. Bad Schandau

    This has to be the first port of call to soothe sore muscles after a lengthy hike. Massages, baths and beauty treatments are on the jam-packed agenda too. In Bad Schandau, the traditional methods of Sebastian Kneipp are still followed, with state-of-the-art wellness clinics and the incredible Toskana Therme thermal baths also on offer.

  12. Bad Schandau

    Geography. Bad Schandau lies east of the Elbe right on the edge of the Saxon Switzerland National Park in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains; the National Park Centre is located in the town.The original town centre nestled on the steep, towering sandstone rocks on the right-hand, northern bank of the river Elbe and squeezed in places into the narrow valley of the Kirnitzsch.

  13. FreeOneShop

    Představujeme Vám naše prodejny. Vyhledejte si tu nejbližší a vydejte se na nákup ještě dnes!

  14. Kirnitzsch Valley Tramway

    The 8 km long Kirnitzsch Valley Tramway starts at the Bad Schandau Kurpark and trickles along the wildly romantic Kirnitzsch valley to the terminus at the Lichtenhain waterfall.From the valley's tram stops, footpaths lead to glorious cliffs and views including the small and big Winterberg, the Affenstein and Schrammstein rocks, and the Kuhstall ("Cowshed"), an eleven metre high natural arch.

  15. 10 Best Trails and Hikes in Bad Schandau

    Looking for the best hiking trails in Bad Schandau? Whether you're getting ready to hike, bike, trail run, or explore other outdoor activities, AllTrails has 67 scenic trails in the Bad Schandau area. Enjoy hand-curated trail maps, along with reviews and photos from nature lovers like you. Check out some trails with historic sights or adventure through the nature areas surrounding Bad Schandau ...

  16. National Park Centre Saxon Switzerland

    WITH PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION the city of Bad Schandau is very easy to reach. Train (distance connections): Bad Schandau National Park Station is not only a stop for regional but also for international train traffic and is located directly on the long-distance line Hamburg - Berlin - Dresden - Bad Schandau - Děčín - Prague - Vienna - Budapest.

  17. Travel FREE

    Maksimalne dopuštene količine u trgovinama Travel FREE (u EU) 10 kg kave; 110 litara piva; 90 litara vina; 20 litara žestokih pića s udjelom alkohola nižim od 22 %; 10 litara žestokih pića s udjelom alkohola višim od 22 %; 800 komada cigareta; Više. Kontakt; O nama; Impresum; Zaštita podataka;

  18. Scenic ferry Bad Schandau to Hřensko

    Shop; mobil; privacy & legal info; Contact 0351 8526555 ... Timetable: Daily between Bad Schandau and Hřensko. ... Children can even travel free on their birthday if the relevant documentation is shown. Elbe-Labe-Ticket Family 1 Reduced 2 Normal; Bad Schandau - Krippen. Single journey . 1,20 € ...

  19. Where to eat: the 21 best restaurants in Bad Schandau

    Elbhotel Bad Schandau is a historic hotel located in the town center of Bad Schandau, offering relaxed rooms with free Wi-Fi and a private bathroom. Situated along the River Elbe promenade and surrounded by the scenic Saxon Switzerland National Park, this hotel dates back to 1876.

  20. Opening hours & prices

    Clock Euro-sign Envelope OPENING HOURS & PRICES Opening hours Toskana Therme and sauna world Sunday - Friday 10 am - 10 pm Saturday 10 am - 11 pm Liquid Sound Club Events until 11 pm Opening hours Wellnesspark Bad Schandau Admission prices Rate 2 hours 4 hours Day ticket Adult 20.00 € 26.00 € 34.00 … Opening hours & prices Read More »

  21. Elbe Cycle Path

    Follow the Elbe cycle path from Bad Schandau to Dessau with luggage transportation and rental bikes. +45 20 88 80 40. 10-16, Monday to Friday ... Please find contact information of your hotels in your travel documents to be able to inquire about a car parking options. ... Free cancellation if you need to cancel your booking due to official ...

  22. Hotel Elbresidenz an der Therme Bad Schandau

    Travelers say: "Nice terrace restaurant with tasty food and lovely service." View deals for Hotel Elbresidenz an der Therme Bad Schandau, including fully refundable rates with free cancellation. Elbe Sandstone Mountains is minutes away. Breakfast and WiFi are free, and this hotel also features a spa. All rooms have flat-screen TVs and minibars.

  23. Travel FREE Bulgaria

    [email protected] -> Travel FREE Shop Marina Varna. Travel FREE Ruse Danube Bridge . Ruse Danube Bridge Tutrakan Ave. 90, Ruse Monday: 09:00 - 21:00 ...