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Understanding the Distinction: Travel, Trip, and Journey Explained

Zackary Hooper

Understanding the Distinction: Travel, Trip, and Journey Explained

Ever find yourself scratching your head over when to use ‘travel’, ‘trip’, or ‘journey’? Me too. In fact, these terms are commonly misused by even the most well-traveled folks among us.

Table of Contents

As an English language aficionado and travel enthusiast, I dove deep into linguistic resources to clear up this confusion once and for all. This blog will guide you through the nuances of these three words , helping you navigate your way to flawless English usage in any travel context .

Ready for departure?

Key Takeaways

  • Travel refers to going to a place, especially far away.
  • Trip involves traveling from one place to another, usually for a short period of time.
  • Journey implies traveling from one place to another without necessarily returning.
  • Proper usage of these terms is essential in effectively conveying our experiences.

Definition and Differences between Travel, Trip, and Journey

Travel is a verb that means going to a place, especially far away, while trip refers to the process of traveling from one place to another, usually for a short time. Journey, on the other hand, implies traveling from one place to another without necessarily returning.

Travel as a verb meaning to go to a place, especially far away

Travel, as a verb, emphasizes the act of moving from one location to another. This movement often involves significant distance between the two points. For instance, you might say you are traveling to Europe or Asia from America – places that are undoubtedly quite far from each other.

Notably, travel doesn’t always require a return trip; it merely notes the action of going somewhere far . Even voyages into space can be considered travel! So next time you utter “I love to travel,” note that this phrase speaks volumes about your passion for exploring distant destinations and embracing new experiences on a broader geographic scale .

Trip as the process of traveling from one place to another, usually for a short time

When we talk about a trip, we’re referring to the act of traveling from one place to another. It’s usually for a short period of time and involves moving between different locations .

Think of it as going on a vacation or taking a quick getaway. A trip can be as short as a day or extend over several days, but it generally doesn’t involve staying in one place for an extended period.

So whether you’re heading out on a road trip with friends or catching a flight to explore new cities, remember that a trip is all about the process of getting from point A to point B , enjoying the journey along the way.

Journey as traveling from one place to another, not necessarily returning

A journey is all about the experience of traveling from one place to another, without the expectation of returning . It can be a long and exciting adventure, with multiple destinations along the way.

Unlike a trip or travel, which often involves going somewhere and then coming back, a journey implies forward movement and exploration . It’s like embarking on a voyage of discovery, where you’re eager to see what lies ahead and open to new experiences.

Whether it’s backpacking through Europe or sailing around the world, a journey offers endless possibilities for exploration and self-discovery .

Common Uses and Examples of Travel, Trip, and Journey

– Travel: “I love traveling to different countries , experiencing new cultures and exploring exotic destinations.

– Trip: “We took a weekend trip to the beach, enjoying sun-kissed days and relaxing by the seaside.”

– Journey: “His journey across the desert was filled with challenges and self-discovery as he embarked on a soul-searching adventure.”

Travel: “I love to travel to different countries.”

I absolutely adore exploring different countries . Experiencing new cultures, trying unique cuisines , and immersing myself in unfamiliar landscapes is what makes travel so thrilling for me.

Whether it’s wandering through ancient ruins in Greece or hiking through the vibrant jungles of Costa Rica, I find immense joy in venturing beyond my comfort zone and discovering all that the world has to offer.

Travel opens my eyes to different perspectives and allows me to create lasting memories that I cherish forever.

Trip: “We went on a business trip to New York.”

Last week, I had the opportunity to go on a business trip to New York . It was an exciting experience that allowed me to explore the bustling city and meet with important clients . During the trip, we visited various companies , attended conferences , and even had some time to enjoy the sights and sounds of New York.

Being able to immerse myself in a different environment for a short period of time was both refreshing and educational. Overall, it was a successful trip that helped us strengthen our professional relationships and achieve our business goals.

Journey: “His journey around the world took him three years.”

I embarked on a three-year journey around the world, exploring new cultures and experiencing incredible adventures along the way. From bustling cities to remote villages, my journey allowed me to immerse myself in different landscapes and meet fascinating people from all walks of life.

It was a transformative experience that broadened my horizons and shaped my perspective on the world.

Clarifying Misuses of Travel, Trip, and Journey

Many people mistakenly use the term “travel” for short distances, but it should be reserved for going to faraway places. To understand the proper usage of these words, read on!

Incorrect uses of travel: “He traveled to the grocery store.”

Using the word “travel” to describe a short trip to the grocery store is incorrect. Travel usually refers to going to a distant place, especially far away. So, it’s important to use this term appropriately and not for everyday local trips like grocery stores.

Proper uses of the terms: “I traveled to Europe.”

I traveled to Europe for my summer vacation. It was an exciting travel experience filled with new cultures, delicious food, and breathtaking sights. The proper use of the term “travel” in this context refers to going somewhere far away , especially to a different country or continent .

In this case, I embarked on an adventure from my home country to Europe, immersing myself in each destination’s rich history and vibrant atmosphere. Traveling to Europe broadened my horizons and created memories that will last a lifetime.

Understanding the Nuances between Travel, Trip, and Journey

Understanding the Nuances between Travel, Trip, and Journey

Travel, trip, and journey may seem similar, but they each have their own nuances. Read on to delve deeper into the distinctions between these terms and how to use them correctly in your everyday conversations.

Travel focuses on the action of going to a distant place.

Travel allows us to embark on exciting journeys to faraway destinations. It is the act of physically moving from one place to another , often to distant locations . Whether it’s exploring a new country , immersing ourselves in different cultures , or experiencing thrilling adventures , travel is all about the exhilarating action of venturing beyond our comfort zones .

So pack your bags and get ready for an incredible journey filled with unforgettable experiences!

Trip emphasizes the process of traveling and staying in a place.

A trip is all about the journey itself and the experience of being in a specific place . It focuses on the process of traveling from one location to another, while also emphasizing the time spent staying in that particular place.

Whether you’re taking a short weekend trip to a nearby city or embarking on a week-long vacation, a trip is about immersing yourself in new surroundings and enjoying everything that destination has to offer.

Journey implies a longer and more significant travel experience.

When embarking on a journey, you can expect a more extensive and meaningful travel experience . Unlike a simple trip or travel, a journey often involves exploring multiple destinations or pursuing a specific purpose .

It encompasses the idea of venturing into the unknown and embracing new challenges along the way. Whether it’s an epic road trip across several countries or a spiritual pilgrimage to sacred sites, a journey offers an opportunity for personal growth and transformation .

It allows you to immerse yourself in different cultures , navigate unfamiliar terrain, and create lasting memories. So if you’re seeking an adventure that goes beyond mere transportation from point A to point B, set out on a journey that will take you further and leave an indelible mark on your soul.

Conclusion and Importance of Using the Correct Terms

Understanding the distinctions between travel , trip, and journey is crucial in accurately conveying our experiences . By using these terms correctly, we can communicate more effectively and avoid confusion .

So whether we’re embarking on a short trip or a life-changing journey , let’s remember to use the right words to describe our adventures ! Keep exploring and keep traveling!

1. What is the difference between travel, trip, and journey?

Travel refers to the act of going from one place to another, while a trip is a specific instance of traveling for a particular purpose or destination. A journey, on the other hand, implies a longer and more meaningful experience that may involve personal growth or transformation.

2. Can you give examples of each term – travel, trip, and journey?

Sure! Travel can include activities like flying to a different country or taking a road trip across states. A trip could be going on vacation to Disneyland or visiting family over the holidays. And a journey might involve backpacking through Europe for several months or embarking on a spiritual retreat.

3. Is there any overlap between these terms?

Yes, there can be some overlap between these terms depending on context. For example, someone’s “trip” may also be considered their “journey” if it involves self-discovery or exploration. Similarly, long-term travel experiences may encompass both the notions of “travel” and “journey.”

4. How does understanding the distinction between these terms help in communication?

Understanding the distinction between travel, trip, and journey helps in effective communication as it allows us to accurately describe our experiences and intentions when discussing our travels with others. It provides clarity and avoids confusion by using appropriate terminology when sharing stories or making plans involving different types of travel experiences.

About the author

Profile picture of Zackary Hooper

I’ve been fortunate to visit over fifty countries, each journey leaving a unique footprint on my life’s map. From bustling cities to serene nature trails, I’ve immersed myself in different cultures and experiences, constantly broadening my understanding of the world. On this site, I share my travel stories, tips, and insights, hoping to inspire others to embark on their own journeys. Join me as we uncover the beauty of our planet, one adventure at a time. Please reach out here if you need to get in touch.

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Travel vs. Trip vs. Journey

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Travel vs. Trip vs. Journey Espresso English

The act of going to another place (often for a short period of time) and returning.

  • We took a five-day trip to the Amazon.
  • You’re back from vacation! How was your trip ?
  • I went on business trips to Switzerland and Germany last month.

Use the verbs “take” and “go on” with trip .

  • A round-trip ticket is a ticket for going and coming back.
  • A one-way ticket is only for going.

Travel (v.)

Going to another place (in general).

  • I really like to travel.
  • He travels frequently for work.
  • My sister is currently  traveling through South America.

Travel (n.) can be used to describe the act of traveling in general:

  • Travel in that region of the country is dangerous.
  • World travel gives you a new perspective.

Incorrect uses of travel :

  • I bought this shirt on my  travel  to Thailand. I bought this shirt on my  trip  to Thailand.
  • I’m planning a travel to the U.S. next year. I’m planning to travel to the U.S. next year. I’m planning a trip to the U.S. next year.

Journey (n.)

One piece of travel (going from one place to another) – usually a long distance.

  • The journey takes 3 hours by plane or 28 hours by bus.
  • He made the 200-mile journey by bike.
  • “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step” – Lao-tze,  Tao Te Ching

We can also use journey in a more “metaphorical” way to talk about progress in life:

  • He has overcome a lot of problems on his spiritual journey.
  • My uncle is an alcoholic, but he’s beginning the journey of recovery.

Quiz: Travel, Trip, or Journey

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Clear up your doubts about confusing words… and use English more confidently!

Travel vs. Trip vs. Journey Espresso English

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Shayna Oliveira

Shayna Oliveira is the founder of Espresso English, where you can improve your English fast - even if you don’t have much time to study. Millions of students are learning English from her clear, friendly, and practical lessons! Shayna is a CELTA-certified teacher with 10+ years of experience helping English learners become more fluent in her English courses.

What is the difference between journey , trip , voyage and excursion ?

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Confusing words: travel, a journey, a trip, a voyage

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The words travel , journey , trip and voyage can easily be confused by learners of English.

I suppose it’s a good time of year to look at these words, as the spring and summer holiday seasons will soon be starting for many people.

Travel (noun)

The noun travel is a general word, meaning to move from place to place, usually over long distances.

We can say: air travel , food and travel , space travel , business travel , a travel agency .

  • Air travel is getting more expensive.
  • The magazine is a food and travel guide.

We can also say travels , which is a plural noun:

  • Where did you go on your travels?
  • Jack Kerouac wrote many books about his travels.

Travel is also a verb:

  • I travel 20 km to work every day.

Journey (noun) 

A journey means moving from one place to another, especially in a vehicle. It is a single piece of travel. A journey can also be a regular thing.

Here is an example. Let’s say we go from London to Leeds then back again. That is two journeys (London to Leeds is the first journey, Leeds to London is the second journey).

We can say: a bus journey , a train journey , the journey to school , my journey to work .

Be careful with the plural: journeys NOT journies .

  • How long does your journey to work take?
  • Did you have a good journey?
  • Did you have a good travel?

Trip (noun)

A trip describes the whole process of going somewhere and coming back. (It is more than one journey.)

Once again, let’s go from London to Leeds then back again. As I said above, that is  two journeys, but it is one trip.

Some examples: a day trip , a round trip , a round-the-world trip, a boat trip and a business trip . We say go on a trip .

  • We went on a three-week trip to Scotland.
  • He’s gone on a business trip to Germany.
  • Let’s go on a trip to the mountains this summer!
  • The trip there took three hours. The journey there took three hours.

Voyage (noun)

Voyages are less common nowadays. A voyage is a very long trip, usually at sea or in space:

  • At the age of twenty-three, Sir Francis Drake made his first voyage to the New World.
  • A voyage around the world often took four or five years.

The French Bon voyage! translates into English as Have a good trip! or Have a good journey!

I hope that’s clear. Here’s a quick exercise for you to test your understanding:

travel trip way and journey


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sareh - April 16, 2012, 11:28 pm Reply

that was so helpful thank you

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Amelia - February 20, 2013, 1:07 pm Reply

The explanation is very nice but I could not find the “quick exercise” you mention at the end. Thanks.

travel trip way and journey

Stuart Cook - February 20, 2013, 7:05 pm Reply

Thanks, Amelia. Some users have told me that the exercises are not visible in certain browsers (older versions of Internet Explorer, for instance). They’ll definitely work if you use the Chrome browser.

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MARIA DEL MAR - May 31, 2013, 8:53 pm Reply

hello,…. Your website is really usefull, now I can understand some differents thing … I hope it will be more successful than before.. and I wish improve my english too. 🙂

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Allabergan - September 1, 2013, 11:01 pm Reply

I really liked this website. Thx . But what about <>???? Please, explain it also?! thx in advance

Allabergan - September 1, 2013, 11:02 pm Reply

I asked about ” tour”.

Stuart Cook - January 21, 2014, 7:44 am Reply

A tour is when we visit several different places on a long trip and is usually for pleasure. A tour can also be an official visit to inspect a place, e.g. They gave the Prime Minister a tour of the new factory.

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Wen Dodge - August 14, 2021, 8:51 am Reply

How can I get more helpful info?

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Blanca - January 20, 2014, 10:31 am Reply

Le agradecería me aclarara si es un error en la página o es que estaba yo confundida, porque aprendi que no se dice ‘Travel is much faster and cheaper nowadays…’ como se indica en la pagina como correcto, sino: ‘TRAVELLING is much fuster and cheaper …’ Por favor ¿puede confirmármelo? Muchas gracias por adelantado po su amable respuesta.

Blanca - January 20, 2014, 10:40 am Reply

Excuse me, I put the question in Spanish without realising where you could be located. I put it again in English,excuse me.

I learnt that the correct sentence would be: ‘TRAVELLING is much faster and cheaper..’ but in the site here the answer that appear as correct is ‘TRAVEL is much faster and cheaper..’

Could you please be so kind to confirm me if it is a mistake of the system or if I was wrong and in fact in this case is more correct to say travel than travelling?

Thank you very much in advance for your reply.

Stuart Cook - January 20, 2014, 11:03 am Reply

Blanca, It’s also possible to say Travelling is much faster and cheaper . The reason travelling was not given as an option in the multiple choice quiz is that we are looking at the differences between the nouns journey, trip and travel here. I see that this may be a bit confusing, so I have changed the last question in the exercise to air travel .

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Luisa - January 21, 2014, 1:51 am Reply

Hi! I don´t find the question number 10 that you mentioned in your comment. Could you tell me if the exercise is incomplete? Thanks a lot.

Stuart Cook - January 21, 2014, 7:49 am Reply

Hi, Luisa The travel / journey / trip exercise has seven questions, not ten. You can see it at the end of the article above.

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Rogerio - March 20, 2014, 5:35 pm Reply

Thank you for your help and congratulations for the iniciative of keeping this site in the web.

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azam - May 7, 2014, 6:04 am Reply

Hi thank you very much. could you tell me how I can speak better please? When I speak English, I wanna get nervous and forget everything. my teacher told me ” don’t be shy” but he didn’t tell me how. please teach some exercises.

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Alexandre Spindola - May 12, 2014, 5:41 am Reply

Dear Mr. Stuart Cook,

I’d like to thank you very very very very much for this explanation!!! I am Brazilian, and I have never had the opportunity to learn the difference among these confusing words. Now, thank you, I finally know that. I’m so happy and satisfied, thank you!!!

Best Regards,

Alexandre Spindola

Stuart Cook - May 12, 2014, 7:07 am Reply

Hi, Alexandre

I’m really glad you like the site and find it helpful. Good luck with your studies!

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Pouya keikavous - May 26, 2014, 10:08 am Reply

Lots of thanks for explanation

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regor ngavouka - September 9, 2014, 2:34 am Reply

Hi, i’m a congolese i’m so happy to have discovered the real and clear explanations of them. Thank you for having brought more light on the confusion that seemed to be as tough as a stone. But now thanks to you,

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Aristia - September 25, 2014, 11:32 am Reply

Brilliant work! Thank you

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Heine - February 23, 2015, 11:34 am Reply

thank you. this is very helpful.

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Tiago_Dos_Santos - April 8, 2015, 11:41 am Reply

Extremely helpful! Thank you! 🙂

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Venya Gangwani - October 11, 2016, 5:18 am Reply

This is a very good page but I need to ask that : A voyage is for pleasure or for business?

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Aurélio Loiola - November 2, 2016, 10:56 pm Reply

This time I shall learn the differences between travel, journey, trip and voyage. On my future trip, I’ll take three flights because I’ll go to three different cities. In the middle, I got confused to say if I scheduled my journey to Recife or if I scheduled my travel to Recife on 28. I know I could only say I scheduled my flight from Fortaleza do Recife. But considering journey and travel which is right? Thanks a lot.

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Fariba - February 10, 2017, 2:48 am Reply

Hi That was so useful & helpful. Thanks. Can we say: “go on a travel” ?

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Pro Inglis - March 28, 2017, 9:34 pm Reply

Very Helpfull! Can you include Crossing and Fight??

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Anonymous - May 25, 2017, 10:33 pm Reply

Thank you for your explanation, It really helped me understand the context in which I can use them.

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Nassimah Reynolds - October 17, 2017, 7:28 pm Reply

Great work, Stuart Cook! I’m an English teacher myself and have to explain these words very often. But your explanation is very clear and concise, and illustrates the wonders of the English language : ) Thanks!

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Nouran - December 2, 2017, 9:34 pm Reply

Thank you for this wonderful site . It helped me alot.

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Dinuka - September 20, 2019, 3:40 am Reply

It very useful to me. Thanks

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jennifer - July 1, 2020, 10:28 am Reply

wonderful and very useful information.

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FreeAgent - January 22, 2021, 11:10 am Reply

I don’t know how to thank you enough, but this is the best insightful explanation ever on the Internet.

I really understood the subtle differences and proper usages of them.

You are evidently a great teacher.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.

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Martine - May 16, 2021, 9:45 am Reply

Which noun do we use when we talk about travelling around the world? A … around the world? A world …?

Stuart Cook - May 16, 2021, 10:05 am Reply

We call it a round-the-world trip . A musician would do a world tour .

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What is the difference between travel, trip and journey?


  • February 15, 2024

Are you travelling anytime soon? If so, where are you going on your trip ? I hope the journey goes well and that you have a great time.

Did you note how I used the words? I used “travel” as a verb and the other two words as nouns. That is the first major difference and how we use them most often.

Now, let’s explore each word, beginning with “travel.”

“Travel” is a verb that means “to go to a place and especially one that is far away.” Far can mean long distances within the same country or to other countries.

For instance: I have a friend who travels abroad a lot for work.

“Travel” can also be a noun that relates the act of going from one to another:

Travelling alone with 2 small children is not easy. 

Here the verb is a gerund and therefore it can be used as a noun.

A common mistake with “travel” is confusing it with “trip,” like this: I bought this souvenir on my travel to Japan. Here we need to use trip instead.

Now let’s look at trip:

The word “trip” is a noun that means “the act of going to another place and returning.” 

For example: I bought this souvenir on my trip to Japan.

We also often use the verbs “go on” or “take” with “trip,” like this: I took a long trip to the South of France last year.

We also say things like “day trip,” “business trip,” and “road trip” to describe different kinds of trips.

We do not use the word as a verb for travel. When ‘trip’ is a verb it is used to mean that you stumble across an obstacle. 

Now let’s look at journey:

The word “journey” is a noun that means “the act of going from one place to another.”

For example: 

I hate long car journeys. 

Have a safe journey!

It’s a 2 hour train journey from York to London .

Note the difference between trip and journey:

The journey to London took 3 hours by train.

Our trip to London was fantastic.

So the first is talking about going from A to B: the travelling time. If using a verb without saying how long we could say we travelled to London by train.

The second is talking about the whole holiday, period away. 

Be sure to check out my YouTube live video where I explained the difference between these commonly confused 3 words:

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Vocabulary: Differences between travel, journey, trip, voyage and tour

Published 29/07/2015 In Blog

travel trip way and journey

The Summer holidays are around the corner so it is definitely a good time to post an article on my blog explaining the difference between all these words. 

Travel, journey, trip, voyage and tour can be easily confused by all those students learning English, so below are clear explanations of how to use the 5 terms: 

*Verbs: Louise travels a lot for work *Nouns: Travel the way you wish to go

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VOCABULARY: Travel, Journey or Trip? What's the difference?

British culture photo. Vintage English gentleman on the beach with a group of people on deckchairs

To travel  is, of course, a verb but not normally a noun unless it is in a literary context e.g.  Gulliver’s Travels  (a book by Jonathan Swift), or a long, extensive tour. 

In everyday English, we would refer to  travelling  by saying  a journey , or  a trip , the difference being that  a trip  talks of the whole process of going, doing what you do, and then returning. 

A journey  is used more to refer to the journey itself, although often there is little difference. Compare the following:  ‘The journey was rotten. The fat man who sat next to me snored all the time.’ ‘The trip was great, we managed to do everything that we had intended.’   

To journey  is an archaic verb not used now.  To trip  exists but it has a completely different meaning; ‘to fall over an object’; ‘He tripped  over the step and spilt all the drinks.’ 

To voyage  only refers to a long journey made at sea.

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  • “ A friend may be waiting behind a stranger’s face .” – Maya Angelou
  • “ Traveling with a friend is like stepping into a storybook adventure together.” – Unknown
  • “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Travel far, travel wide, but always travel with a friend by your side. ” – Unknown
  • “ Just as the stars shine brighter in the night sky, so do friendships glow stronger amidst the wonders of the world discovered together .” – Unknown
  • “ As the road stretches out before us, I’m grateful for the company of my best friend, knowing that no matter where we end up, the journey together is what truly matters. ” – Unknown
  • “ No matter where our journey takes us, friendship will always be our guiding light. ” —Anonymous
  • “ I can speak to my soul only when the two of us are off exploring deserts or cities or mountains or roads. ” – Paulo Coelho
  • “Good company on a journey makes the way seem shorter.” — Izaak Walton
  • “A good friend listens to your adventures. A best friend makes them with you.” — Unknown
  • “A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.” — Tim Cahill
  • “No adventure is complete without you by my side.” — Unknown
  • “Friends that travel together, stay together.” — Unknown
  • “It doesn’t matter where you’re going — it’s who you go with that makes it fun!” — Unknown
  • “As soon as I saw you, I knew a grand adventure was about to happen.” — Winnie The Pooh.
  • “Life was meant for great adventures and close friends." — Unknown
  • “You can pack for every occasion, but a good friend will always be the best thing you could bring!” — Unknown
  • "We all have that one friend who is either on a road-trip or planning a road-trip or thinking about a road-trip or talking to people who are on road-trip or posting quotes about road-trip." — Crestless Wave
  • “It’s the friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey.” — Unknown
  • “You never know where life will take you, but it will always be better with friends.” —Unknown
  • “We are all travelers in the wilderness of the world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.” — Robert Louis Stevenson
  • “The tans will fade but the memories will last forever.” — Unknown
  • “Wherever it is you may be, it is your friends who make your world.” — Chris Bradford
  • ​​“When traveling life’s journey, it’s good to have a friend’s hand to hold on to.” — Unknown
  • “If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” — African Proverb
  • “A good trip is an even better one with your bestie.” — Unknown
  • “The more I traveled the more I realized that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends” —Shirley MacLaine
  • “Embarking on new adventures is a million times better with close pals.” — Unknown
  • “Life was meant for great adventures and close friends.” —Unknown
  • “I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” —Mark Twain
  • “Adventure awaits — all you need is your best buddy to make it a reality.” — Unknown

group of friends on road trip driving classic convertible car

  • “Life is a beach, enjoy the waves.” — Unknown
  • “Frozen drinks are better with friends.” — Unknown
  • “With friends by your side, every journey becomes an opportunity to discover the beauty of the world and the depths of your bond.” — Unknown
  • “If you go looking for a friend, you’re going to find they’re very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you’ll find them everywhere.” — Zig Ziglar
  • “On the road, strangers become friends, sharing stories and laughter, creating bonds that last beyond the journey.” — Unknown
  • “ The best way to travel is to always pack light, with the exception of a friend . ” —Anonymous
  • " If you want to have fun, bring a friend.” — Unknown
  • “ Nothing makes the journey more enjoyable than a friend who can make you laugh.” — Unknown
  • “ I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within .” —Lillian Smith
  • “ In the tapestry of life, friends are the threads that weave together our most cherished travel stories .” – Unknown
  • “ May your travels be filled with the magic of friendship, the wonder of new experiences, and the warmth of shared memories that last a lifetime .” —Unknown
  • " T raveling the world is great, but nothing tops going around the world with a friend ." —Unknown
  • “ The beach and my besties are all I need to have a good time." —Unknown
  • "Travel memories we make alone may fade, but those made with friends will last a lifetime." — Unknown
  • “Away is a place where it’s not about the money you spend. It’s about the moments you share.” —Unknown
  • “Just grab a friend and take a ride, together upon the open road.” —The Goofy Movie
  • Life is about doing things that don’t suck with people who don’t suck.” —Unknown
  • “I would like to travel the world with you twice. Once, to see the world. Twice, to see the way you see the world.” —Unknown
  • “Everyone needs this friend that calls and says, “Get dressed, we’re going on an adventure.” —Unknown
  • “Getting to know new people and gaining new friends is one of life’s greatest pleasures. So, conquer your fears and get out there.” —Tony Clark
  • “Traveling with friends is always better.” —Unknown
  • “No road is long with good company.” —Turkish proverb
  • "Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." —Anais Nin
  • "In life, it’s not where you go – it’s who you travel with.” — Charles M. Schulz
  • “Exploring new places is always sweeter with your favorite people.” — Unknown
  • “Getting lost with you is a risk I’m always willing to take.”— Unknown
  • “As with any journey, whom you travel with is more important than the destination.” —Unknown
  • “At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling.” —Shanti
  • “May your adventures bring you closer together, even as they take you far away from home.” — Trenton Lee Stewart
  • “I get a friend to travel with me… I need somebody to bring me back to who I am. It’s hard to be alone.” —Leonardo DiCaprio
  • “Travel should make friendships stronger and memories sweeter.” —Unknown
  • “Never go on trips with anyone you do not love.” —Ernest Hemingway
  • “Sometimes all you need is a great friend and a tank of gas.” — Thelma & Louise
  • “One of the great things about travel is that you find out how many good, kind people there are.” —Edith Wharton
  • “We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.” — Paul Coelho
  • “Sometimes all you need is a great friend and thirst for adventure.” —Unknown
  • “Nothing makes a good trip more memorable than experiencing it with your best friends.” —Unknown
  • “Traveling with a pal can be the foundation for a lifelong friendship.” —Unknown
  • “Good times and crazy friends make the best memories.” —Unknown
  • “The best things in life are the people we love, the places we’ve been, and the memories we’ve made along the way.” —Unknown
  • “Don’t be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.”— Richard Bach

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Travel app Sēkr can plan your next road trip with its new AI tool

travel trip way and journey

Sēkr, a startup that offers a mobile app for outdoor enthusiasts and campers, is launching a new AI tool for planning road trips. The new tool, called Copilot, is available on the startup’s updated website and app, which is used by more than 100,000 users. 

The company was founded in 2016 with the goal of helping the “van life” community find campsites based on their needs, such as shower facilities, restrooms, overnight van parking or free Wi-Fi. The app also allows users to connect with fellow travelers who want to participate in outdoor activities together, like rock climbing or skiing.

After being acquired by van company Peace Vans in December 2023, the startup is under new leadership. Sēkr and Peace Vans CEO Harley Sitner was a user of the app for seven years but had noticed last year that the app had gone dormant. He learned that the founders of the startup were going to unwind the app due to the sudden shift in global fundraising climates in late 2022, despite having a strong user base. Sitner, who was a former product manager at Microsoft, was approached to acquire Sēkr in November 2023.

Fast-forward eight months, the startup is now looking to help people better plan the journeys to their destinations, while also updating the app with enhanced features that stay true to Sēkr’s original mission.

With the new AI-powered road trip planning tool, Sēkr is combining natural language processing with proprietary data from its community of users who have left reviews and ratings about specific places. Copilot also looks at publicly available data when creating road trip itineraries. The tool leverages OpenAI’s GPT, Meta’s Llama and others.

travel trip way and journey

“For the millions of people traveling by van, car, or RV this summer, Sēkr Copilot will help you bypass hours of trip planning to quickly deliver a better itinerary,” Sitner said in a statement. “AI isn’t going to create a panoramic sunset, but it will help you overcome the notorious planner’s block, set you up for serendipitous moments, and connect you to an authentic road trip experience co-created by Sēkr’s incredible community of dedicated users.” 

Copilot can be accessed via the new “Trip Planning” tab on the startup’s website or app. Once users open the tool, they will be asked to answer a series of prompts about where they’re going and what they’re looking for. The tool will then provide a travel itinerary that has editable trip legs that include camping destinations, stops for food and outdoor activities. 

The idea behind Copilot is to help travelers discover unique places that they may not have known about otherwise. For instance, the tool may encourage travelers to check out a taco truck parked by the side of a dusty road in Baja that users have said offers better food than a five-star reviewed Denny’s outside of Los Angeles. Or, the tool may encourage users to explore secluded, unmarked areas in BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land that overlooks scenic views. 

Sēkr is available on iOS and Android . The app’s basic features are free to use. Users can unlock premium features like, offline maps, event discount codes, and unlimited messaging and searching for $4.99 per month.

The startup previously received $2.25 million in seed funding led by Storyteller Overland, with participation from Backstage Capital, Techstars, Ad Astra Ventures, Crescent Ridge Ventures and Andy Ballester, the co-founder of GoFundMe.

Travel app Sēkr scores $2.25 million to bring campsite inventory into the digital age

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14 best travel credit cards of June 2024

Nick Ewen

The best travel credit cards offer an array of premium perks and benefits . For both occasional travelers and frequent flyers, adding a travel credit card to your wallet is a great way to earn rewards and save money on every trip you take. At The Points Guy, our team has done the legwork and curated a selection of the best travel credit cards for any globe-trotter, whether you prefer to backpack through mountains or settle into a luxury villa for some relaxation. From generous travel credits to premium lounge access, we’ve chosen the cards packed with the best benefits to elevate your next travel experience.

Check out our list below and discover which travel credit card from our partners makes the best addition to your wallet for all of your adventures.

  • Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card : Best for beginner travelers
  • Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card : Best for earning miles
  • Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card : Best for premium travel
  • Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card : Best for maximizing business purchases
  • The Platinum Card® from American Express : Best for lounge access
  • American Express® Gold Card : Best for dining at restaurants
  • Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card : Best for no annual fee
  • The Business Platinum Card® from American Express : Best for business travel
  • Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card : Best for unlimited point earning
  • Chase Sapphire Reserve® : Best for travel credits
  • Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card : Best for variety of bonus categories
  • American Express® Business Gold Card : Best for flexible rewards earning
  • Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card : Best for travel rewards beginners
  • Alaska Airlines Visa Signature® credit card : Best for Alaska Airlines miles

Browse by card categories

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  • Airport Lounge Access

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

The Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card is one of the most popular travel rewards credit card on the market. Offering an excellent return on travel and dining purchases, the card packs a ton of value that easily offsets its $95 annual fee. Cardholders can redeem points at 1.25 cents each for travel booked through Chase or transfer points to one of Chase’s 14 valuable airline and hotel partners. Read our full  review of the Chase Sapphire Preferred Card .

  • You’ll earn 5 points per dollar on travel purchased through Chase Travel, 3 points per dollar on dining, select streaming services and online grocery store purchases, 2 points per dollar on all other travel and 1 point per dollar on everything else.
  • Annual $50 Chase Travel Hotel Credit
  • Premium travel protection benefits including trip cancellation insurance, primary car rental insurance and lost luggage insurance.
  • The card comes with a $95 annual fee.
  • Earn 75,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's over $900 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.
  • Enjoy benefits such as 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases, $50 Annual Chase Travel Hotel Credit, plus more.
  • Get 25% more value when you redeem for airfare, hotels, car rentals and cruises through Chase Travel℠. For example, 75,000 points are worth $937.50 toward travel.
  • Count on Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance, Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver, Lost Luggage Insurance and more.
  • Get complimentary access to DashPass which unlocks $0 delivery fees and lower service fees for a minimum of one year when you activate by December 31, 2024.
  • Member FDIC

Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

When it comes to simplicity and strong rewards, the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card is a solid choice for most travelers. You’ll earn earns 2 miles per dollar on every purchase with no bonus categories to memorize, making it an ideal card for those with busy lives. Read our full review of the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card .

  • This flexible rewards card delivers a solid sign-up bonus of 75,000 miles, worth $1,388 based on TPG valuations and not provided by the issuer.
  • You'll earn 2 miles per dollar on every purchase, which means you won't have to worry about memorizing bonus categories.
  • Rewards earned are versatile as they can be redeemed for any hotel or airline purchase for a statement credit or transferred to 15+ travel partners.
  • Highest bonus-earning categories only on travel booked via Capital One Travel
  • Capital One airline partners do not include any large U.S. airlines.
  • Enjoy a one-time bonus of 75,000 miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel
  • Earn unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, every day
  • Earn 5X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options
  • Miles won't expire for the life of the account and there's no limit to how many you can earn
  • Receive up to a $100 credit for Global Entry or TSA PreCheck®
  • Use your miles to get reimbursed for any travel purchase—or redeem by booking a trip through Capital One Travel
  • Enrich every hotel stay from the Lifestyle Collection with a suite of cardholder benefits, like a $50 experience credit, room upgrades, and more
  • Transfer your miles to your choice of 15+ travel loyalty programs

Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card

Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card

If you can maximize the  $300 credit toward Capital One Travel, the Venture X’s annual fee effectively comes down to $95, the same annual fee pegged to the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card (see rates and fees ). Add in a 10,000-mile bonus every account anniversary (worth $185, according to TPG valuations ) and lounge access, and the card may become the strongest option out there for a lot of travelers. Read our full  review of the Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card .

  • 75,000 bonus miles when you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first three months from account opening.
  • 10,000 bonus miles every account anniversary
  • $395 annual fee
  • $300 credit annually, only applicable for bookings made through Capital One Travel portal
  • Earn 75,000 bonus miles when you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel
  • Receive a $300 annual credit for bookings through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options
  • Get 10,000 bonus miles (equal to $100 towards travel) every year, starting on your first anniversary
  • Earn unlimited 10X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel and 5X miles on flights booked through Capital One Travel
  • Earn unlimited 2X miles on all other purchases
  • Unlimited complimentary access for you and two guests to 1,300+ lounges, including Capital One Lounges and the Partner Lounge Network
  • Use your Venture X miles to easily cover travel expenses, including flights, hotels, rental cars and more—you can even transfer your miles to your choice of 15+ travel loyalty programs
  • Elevate every hotel stay from the Premier or Lifestyle Collections with a suite of cardholder benefits, like an experience credit, room upgrades, and more

Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

The Ink Business Preferred Credit Card’s sign-up bonus is among the highest we’ve seen from Chase. Plus earn points across the four bonus categories (travel, shipping, advertising and telecommunication providers) that are most popular with businesses. The card comes with travel protections, shopping protections and will also have primary coverage when renting a car for business purposes for you and your employees. Read our full  review of the Ink Business Preferred Credit Card .

  • One of the highest sign-up bonuses we’ve seen — 100,000 bonus points after $8,000 worth of spend in the first three months after card opening.
  • Access to the Chase Ultimate Rewards portal for points redemption.
  • Reasonable $95 annual fee.
  • Bonus categories that are most relevant to business owners; primary car insurance.
  • Perks including cellphone and purchase protection; extended warranty; trip cancellation/interruption insurance; trip delay reimbursement.
  • Yearly cap on bonus categories.
  • No travel perks.
  • Subject to Chase's 5/24 rule on card applications.
  • Earn 100k bonus points after you spend $8,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $1,000 cash back or $1,250 toward travel when redeemed through Chase Travel℠
  • Earn 3 points per $1 on the first $150,000 spent on travel and select business categories each account anniversary year. Earn 1 point per $1 on all other purchases
  • Round-the-clock monitoring for unusual credit card purchases
  • With Zero Liability you won't be held responsible for unauthorized charges made with your card or account information.
  • Redeem points for cash back, gift cards, travel and more - your points don't expire as long as your account is open
  • Points are worth 25% more when you redeem for travel through Chase Travel℠
  • Purchase Protection covers your new purchases for 120 days against damage or theft up to $10,000 per claim and $50,000 per account.

The Platinum Card® from American Express

The Platinum Card® from American Express

The Amex Platinum is unmatched when it comes to travel perks and benefits. If lounge access, hotel elite status and annual statement credits are important to you, this card is well worth the high annual fee. Read our full  review of the Platinum Card from American Express .

  • The current welcome offer on this card is quite lucrative. TPG values it at $1,600.
  • This card comes with a long list of benefits, including access to Centurion Lounges, complimentary elite status with Hilton and Marriott, and more than $1,400 in assorted annual statement credits and so much more. (enrollment required)
  • The Amex Platinum comes with access to a premium concierge service that can help you with everything from booking hard-to-get reservations to finding destination guides to help you plan out your next getaway.
  • The $695 annual fee is only worth it if you’re taking full advantage of the card’s benefits. Seldom travelers may not get enough value to warrant the cost.
  • Outside of the current welcome bonus, you’re only earning bonus rewards on specific airfare and hotel purchases, so it’s not a great card for other spending categories.
  • The annual airline fee credit and other monthly statement credits can be complicated to take advantage of compared to the broader travel credits offered by competing premium cards.
  • Earn 80,000 Membership Rewards® Points after you spend $8,000 on eligible purchases on your new Card in your first 6 months of Card Membership. Apply and select your preferred metal Card design: classic Platinum, Platinum x Kehinde Wiley, or Platinum x Julie Mehretu.
  • Earn 5X Membership Rewards® Points for flights booked directly with airlines or with American Express Travel up to $500,000 on these purchases per calendar year and earn 5X Membership Rewards® Points on prepaid hotels booked with American Express Travel.
  • $200 Hotel Credit: Get up to $200 back in statement credits each year on prepaid Fine Hotels + Resorts® or The Hotel Collection bookings with American Express Travel when you pay with your Platinum Card®. The Hotel Collection requires a minimum two-night stay.
  • $240 Digital Entertainment Credit: Get up to $20 back in statement credits each month on eligible purchases made with your Platinum Card® on one or more of the following: Disney+, a Disney Bundle, ESPN+, Hulu, The New York Times, Peacock, and The Wall Street Journal. Enrollment required.
  • The American Express Global Lounge Collection® can provide an escape at the airport. With complimentary access to more than 1,400 airport lounges across 140 countries and counting, you have more airport lounge options than any other credit card issuer on the market. As of 03/2023.
  • $155 Walmart+ Credit: Save on eligible delivery fees, shipping, and more with a Walmart+ membership. Use your Platinum Card® to pay for a monthly Walmart+ membership and get up to $12.95 plus applicable taxes back on one membership (excluding Plus Ups) each month.
  • $200 Airline Fee Credit: Select one qualifying airline and then receive up to $200 in statement credits per calendar year when incidental fees are charged by the airline to your Platinum Card®.
  • $200 Uber Cash: Enjoy Uber VIP status and up to $200 in Uber savings on rides or eats orders in the US annually. Uber Cash and Uber VIP status is available to Basic Card Member only. Terms Apply.
  • $189 CLEAR® Plus Credit: CLEAR® Plus helps to get you to your gate faster at 50+ airports nationwide and get up to $189 back per calendar year on your Membership (subject to auto-renewal) when you use your Card. CLEARLanes are available at 100+ airports, stadiums, and entertainment venues.
  • Receive either a $100 statement credit every 4 years for a Global Entry application fee or a statement credit up to $85 every 4.5 year period for TSA PreCheck® application fee for a 5-year plan only (through a TSA PreCheck® official enrollment provider), when charged to your Platinum Card®. Card Members approved for Global Entry will also receive access to TSA PreCheck at no additional cost.
  • Shop Saks with Platinum: Get up to $100 in statement credits annually for purchases in Saks Fifth Avenue stores or at saks.com on your Platinum Card®. That's up to $50 in statement credits semi-annually. Enrollment required.
  • Unlock access to exclusive reservations and special dining experiences with Global Dining Access by Resy when you add your Platinum Card® to your Resy profile.
  • $695 annual fee.
  • Terms Apply.
  • See Rates & Fees

American Express® Gold Card

American Express® Gold Card

This isn’t just a card that’s nice to look at. It packs a real punch, offering 4 points per dollar on dining at restaurants and U.S. supermarkets (on the first $25,000 in purchases per calendar year; then 1 point per dollar). There’s also an up to $120 annual dining credit at Grubhub, The Cheesecake Factory, Goldbelly, Wine.com ,  Milk Bar, and select Shake Shack locations, plus it added an up to $120 annually ($10 per month) in Uber Cash, which can be used on Uber Eats orders or Uber rides in the U.S. All this make it a very strong contender for all food purchases, which has become a popular spending category. Enrollment is required for select benefits. Read our full review of the Amex Gold .

  • 4 points per dollar on dining at restaurants and U.S. supermarkets (on the first $25,000 in purchases per calendar year; then 1 point per dollar)
  • 3 points per dollar on flights booked directly with the airline or with Amex Travel.
  • Welcome bonus of 60,000 points after spending $6,000 in the first six months of account opening.
  • Weak on travel and everyday spending bonus categories.
  • Not as effective for those living outside the U.S.
  • Some may have trouble using Uber/food credits.
  • Few travel perks and protections.
  • Earn 60,000 Membership Rewards® points after you spend $6,000 on eligible purchases with your new Card within the first 6 months of Card Membership.
  • Earn 4X Membership Rewards® Points at Restaurants, plus takeout and delivery in the U.S., and earn 4X Membership Rewards® points at U.S. supermarkets (on up to $25,000 per calendar year in purchases, then 1X).
  • Earn 3X Membership Rewards® points on flights booked directly with airlines or on amextravel.com.
  • $120 Uber Cash on Gold: Add your Gold Card to your Uber account and each month automatically get $10 in Uber Cash for Uber Eats orders or Uber rides in the U.S., totaling up to $120 per year.
  • $120 Dining Credit: Satisfy your cravings and earn up to $10 in statement credits monthly when you pay with the American Express® Gold Card at Grubhub, The Cheesecake Factory, Goldbelly, Wine.com, Milk Bar and select Shake Shack locations. Enrollment required.
  • Get a $100 experience credit with a minimum two-night stay when you book The Hotel Collection through American Express Travel. Experience credit varies by property.
  • Choose the color that suits your style. Gold or Rose Gold.
  • No Foreign Transaction Fees.
  • Annual Fee is $250.

Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card

Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card

If you’re looking to dip your toes into the world of travel rewards, the Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card is a great way to get started. With no annual fee and a simple 1.25 miles per dollar on all your purchases, you won’t have to keep up with multiple bonus categories — just earn rewards on everything you purchase! Coupled with the 20,000-mile sign-up bonus, you can use your rewards to book travel, transfer to Capital One’s loyalty partners and more. Read our full review of the  Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card .

  • No annual fee.
  • Earn a bonus of 20,000 bonus miles once you spend $500 within the first three months from account opening.
  • Use your miles to book or pay for travel at a 1-cent value, or transfer your miles to loyalty programs to gain potentially even greater value for your rewards.
  • Earn 1.25 miles per dollar on all purchases.
  • No foreign transaction fees.
  • Other credit cards can offer you higher rewards for your common purchase categories.
  • Capital One airline transfer partners do not include any large U.S. airlines.
  • $0 annual fee and no foreign transaction fees
  • Earn a bonus of 20,000 miles once you spend $500 on purchases within 3 months from account opening, equal to $200 in travel
  • Earn unlimited 1.25X miles on every purchase, every day
  • Enjoy 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 15 months; 19.99% - 29.99% variable APR after that; balance transfer fee applies

The Business Platinum Card® from American Express

The Business Platinum Card® from American Express

The Business Platinum Card from American Express is a great card for frequent travelers looking to add a touch of luxury to their business trips. While the card does come with a high annual fee, you’re also getting a ton of valuable benefits in return. They include generous annual travel credits, unparalleled lounge access that includes Amex Centurion Lounges and more. Read our full  review on The Business Platinum Card from American Express .

  • Up to $100 statement credit for Global Entry every 4 years or $85 TSA PreCheck credit every 4.5 years (enrollment is required)
  • Up to $400 annual statement credit for U.S. Dell purchases (enrollment required)
  • Gold status at Marriott and Hilton hotels; access to the Fine Hotels & Resorts program and Hotel Collection (enrollment required)
  • Steep $695 annual fee.
  • High spend needed for welcome offer.
  • Limited high bonus categories outside of travel.
  • Welcome Offer: Earn 150,000 Membership Rewards® points after you spend $20,000 in eligible purchases on the Card within the first 3 months of Card Membership.
  • 5X Membership Rewards® points on flights and prepaid hotels on AmexTravel.com, and 1X points for each dollar you spend on eligible purchases.
  • Earn 1.5X points (that’s an extra half point per dollar) on each eligible purchase at US construction material, hardware suppliers, electronic goods retailers, and software & cloud system providers, and shipping providers, as well as on purchases of $5,000 or more everywhere else, on up to $2 million of these purchases per calendar year.
  • Unlock over $1,000 in statement credits on select purchases, including tech, recruiting and wireless in the first year of membership with the Business Platinum Card®. Enrollment required. See how you can unlock over $1,000 annually in credits on select purchases with the Business Platinum Card®, here.
  • $200 Airline Fee Credit: Select one qualifying airline and then receive up to $200 in statement credits per calendar year when incidental fees are charged by the airline to the Card.
  • $189 CLEAR® Plus Credit: Use your card and get up to $189 in statement credits per calendar year on your CLEAR® Plus Membership (subject to auto-renewal) when you use the Business Platinum Card®.
  • The American Express Global Lounge Collection® can provide an escape at the airport. With complimentary access to more than 1,400 airport lounges across 140 countries and counting, you have more airport lounge options than any other credit card issuer on the market as of 03/2023.
  • $695 Annual Fee.

Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card

Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card

The Wells Fargo Autograph Journey credit card offers healthy reward earning rates on top of uncapped point-earning meaning the sky's the limit — especially if you strategize and spend in popular categories.

  • No foreign transaction fees
  • Uncapped earning potential
  • $50 annual statement credit
  • Solid point earning rates in popular categories
  • This card features an annual fee
  • Select “Apply Now” to take advantage of this specific offer and learn more about product features, terms and conditions.
  • Earn 60,000 bonus points when you spend $4,000 in purchases in the first 3 months – that’s $600 toward your next trip.
  • Earn unlimited 5X points on hotels, 4X points on airlines, 3X points on other travel and restaurants, and 1X points on other purchases.
  • $95 annual fee.
  • Book your travel with the Autograph Journey Card and enjoy Travel Accident Insurance, Lost Baggage Reimbursement, Trip Cancellation and Interruption Protection and Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver.
  • Earn a $50 annual statement credit with $50 minimum airline purchase.
  • Up to $1,000 of cell phone protection against damage or theft. Subject to a $25 deductible.
  • Find tickets to top sports and entertainment events, book travel, make dinner reservations and more with your complimentary 24/7 Visa Signature® Concierge.

Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Chase Sapphire Reserve®

The Chase Sapphire Reserve is one of our top premium travel cards. With a $300 travel credit, bonus points on dining and travel purchases and other benefits, you can get excellent value that far exceeds the annual fee on the card. Read our full  review of the Chase Sapphire Reserve card .

  • $300 annual travel credit as reimbursement for travel purchases charged to your card each account anniversary year.
  • Access to Chase Ultimate Rewards hotel and airline travel partners.
  • 10 points per dollar on hotels, car rentals and Chase Dining purchases through the Ultimate Rewards portal, 5 points per dollar on flights booked through the Chase Travel portal, 3 points per dollar on all other travel and dining, 1 point per dollar on everything else
  • 50% more value when you redeem your points for travel directly through Chase Travel
  • Steep initial $550 annual fee.
  • May not make sense for people that don't travel frequently.
  • Earn 75,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $1,125 toward travel when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.
  • $300 Annual Travel Credit as reimbursement for travel purchases charged to your card each account anniversary year.
  • Earn 5x total points on flights and 10x total points on hotels and car rentals when you purchase travel through Chase Travel℠ immediately after the first $300 is spent on travel purchases annually. Earn 3x points on other travel and dining & 1 point per $1 spent on all other purchases
  • Get 50% more value when you redeem your points for travel through Chase Travel℠. For example, 75,000 points are worth $1125 toward travel.
  • 1:1 point transfer to leading airline and hotel loyalty programs
  • Access to 1,300+ airport lounges worldwide after an easy, one-time enrollment in Priority Pass™ Select and up to $100 application fee credit every four years for Global Entry, NEXUS, or TSA PreCheck®

Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card

Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card

The Wells Fargo Autograph card packs a punch for a no-annual-fee product, with an array of bonus categories plus solid perks and straightforward redemption options. Read our  full review of the Wells Fargo Autograph here .

  • This card offers 3 points per dollar on various everyday purchases with no annual fee. It also comes with a 20,000-point welcome bonus and an introductory APR offer on purchases. Plus, you'll enjoy up to $600 in cellphone protection when you pay your monthly bill with the card. Subject to a $25 deductible.
  • Despite the lucrative earning structure, Wells Fargo doesn't offer any ways to maximize your redemptions — you're limited to fixed-value rewards like gift cards and statement credits.
  • Select "Apply Now" to take advantage of this specific offer and learn more about product features, terms and conditions.
  • Earn 20,000 bonus points when you spend $1,000 in purchases in the first 3 months - that's a $200 cash redemption value.
  • Earn unlimited 3X points on the things that really add up - like restaurants, travel, gas stations, transit, popular streaming services, and phone plans. Plus, earn 1X points on other purchases.
  • $0 annual fee.
  • 0% intro APR for 12 months from account opening on purchases. 20.24%, 25.24%, or 29.99% variable APR thereafter.
  • Up to $600 of cell phone protection against damage or theft. Subject to a $25 deductible.
  • Redeem your rewards points for travel, gift cards, or statement credits. Or shop at millions of online stores and redeem your rewards when you check out with PayPal.

American Express® Business Gold Card

American Express® Business Gold Card

The Amex Business Gold card is a solid choice for high-spending small businesses with the flexibility to earn 4 points per dollar in the two categories where you spend the most. The card is ideal for businesses who value simplicity above all. Read our full  review of the American Express Business Gold Card .

  • You'll earn 4 Membership Rewards points per dollar in the top 2 spending categories each month (on the first $150,000 in combined purchases each calendar year).
  • Hefty $375 annual fee.
  • There may be better options for small businesses who don't spend a lot.
  • Welcome Offer: Earn 70,000 Membership Rewards® points after you spend $10,000 on eligible purchases with the Business Gold Card within the first 3 months of Card Membership.*
  • Earn 4X Membership Rewards® points on the 2 categories where your business spends the most each billing cycle from 6 eligible categories. While your top 2 categories may change, you will earn 4X points on the first $150,000 in combined purchases from these categories each calendar year (then 1X thereafter). Only the top 2 categories each billing cycle will count towards the $150,000 cap.
  • Earn 3X Membership Rewards® points on flights and prepaid hotels booked on amextravel.com using your Business Gold Card.
  • Earn up to $20 in statement credits monthly after you use the Business Gold Card for eligible U.S. purchases at FedEx, Grubhub, and Office Supply Stores. This can be an annual savings of up to $240. Enrollment required.
  • Get up to a $12.95** statement credit back each month after you pay for a monthly Walmart+ membership (subject to auto-renewal) with your Business Gold Card. **Up to $12.95 plus applicable taxes on one membership fee.
  • Your Card – Your Choice. Choose from Gold or Rose Gold.
  • *Terms Apply

Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card

Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card

The Bank of America Travel Rewards credit card is a great starter card thanks to its no annual fee and no foreign transaction fees when you travel internationally. Earning and redeeming is effortless, with no confusing bonus categories to keep track of and the ability to redeem your points for all of your travel needs. Read our  full review of the Bank of America Travel Rewards  card.

  • 1.5 points per dollar on all purchases
  • No annual fee
  • Bank of America does not offer airline or hotel transfer partners like other banks such as American Express, Chase or Capital One.
  • No travel and purchase protections.
  • Earn unlimited 1.5 points per $1 spent on all purchases, with no annual fee and no foreign transaction fees and your points don't expire as long as your account remains open.
  • 25,000 online bonus points after you make at least $1,000 in purchases in the first 90 days of account opening - that can be a $250 statement credit toward travel purchases.
  • Use your card to book your trip how and where you want - you're not limited to specific websites with blackout dates or restrictions.
  • Redeem points for a statement credit to pay for travel or dining purchases, such as flights, hotel stays, car and vacation rentals, baggage fees, and also at restaurants including takeout.
  • 0% Intro APR for 15 billing cycles for purchases, and for any balance transfers made in the first 60 days. After the Intro APR offer ends, a Variable APR that’s currently 19.24% - 29.24% will apply. A 3% Intro balance transfer fee will apply for the first 60 days your account is open. After the Intro balance transfer fee offer ends, the fee for future balance transfers is 4%.
  • If you're a Bank of America Preferred Rewards® member, you can earn 25%-75% more points on every purchase. That means instead of earning an unlimited 1.5 points for every $1, you could earn 1.87-2.62 points for every $1 you spend on purchases.
  • Contactless Cards - The security of a chip card, with the convenience of a tap.
  • This online only offer may not be available if you leave this page or if you visit a Bank of America financial center. You can take advantage of this offer when you apply now.

Alaska Airlines Visa Signature® credit card

Alaska Airlines Visa Signature® credit card

There’s a lot to love about the Alaska Airlines credit card, in part due to its highly valuable loyalty program: Alaska Airlines MileagePlan. Whether you’re a loyal Alaska flyer or a points maximizer looking to diversify your rewards portfolio, this card has a lot to offer. For starters, you’ll receive Alaska’s Famous Companion Pass each year from $122 ($99 fare plus taxes and fees from $23) each account anniversary after you spend $6,000 or more on purchases within the prior anniversary year, free checked bags for you and up to six guests on your itinerary, 20% back on in-flight purchases and more. Plus, Alaska has joined the oneworld alliance, opening up endless redemption opportunities. Read our  full review of the Alaska Airline credit card.

  • Free checked bag for you and up to six guests on your reservation.
  • Alaska discounts, including 20% back on in-flight purchases.
  • Limited Time Online Offer—60,000 Bonus Miles!
  • Get 60,000 bonus miles plus Alaska's Famous Companion Fare™ ($99 fare plus taxes and fees from $23) with this offer. To qualify, make $3,000 or more in purchases within the first 90 days of opening your account.
  • Get Alaska’s Famous Companion Fare™ ($99 fare plus taxes and fees from $23) each account anniversary after you spend $6,000 or more on purchases within the prior anniversary year. Valid on all Alaska Airlines flights booked on alaskaair.com.
  • Earn unlimited 3 miles for every $1 spent on eligible Alaska Airlines purchases. Earn unlimited 2 miles for every $1 spent on eligible gas, EV charging station, cable, streaming services and local transit (including ride share) purchases. And earn unlimited 1 mile per $1 spent on all other purchases. And, your miles don’t expire on active accounts.
  • Earn a 10% rewards bonus on all miles earned from card purchases if you have an eligible Bank of America® account.
  • Free checked bag and enjoy priority boarding for you and up to 6 guests on the same reservation, when you pay for your flight with your card — Also available for authorized users when they book a reservation too!
  • With oneworld® Alliance member airlines and Alaska’s Global Partners, Alaska has expanded their global reach to over 1,000 destinations worldwide bringing more airline partners and more ways to earn and redeem miles.
  • Plus, no foreign transaction fees and a low $95 annual fee.
  • This online only offer may not be available elsewhere if you leave this page. You can take advantage of this offer when you apply now.

You’ll earn a solid return on dining and travel (6% back and 4% back, respectively, based on TPG valuations ) on top of your generous sign-up bonus, and you also have access to some of the best travel protections offered by any travel rewards credit card.

We’ve long suggested the Chase Sapphire Preferred Card   as an excellent option for those who are new to earning travel rewards because it lets you earn valuable, transferable points  with strong bonus categories and a reasonable annual fee.

“The Chase Sapphire Preferred has remained a top card in my wallet for years. Between the consistently strong sign-up bonus, low annual fee and continual improvements that have been made over the years, it’s hard for any other mid-tier rewards card to compare. I love that I can earn bonus rewards on travel, dining, streaming and online grocery purchases — all with just one card. Plus, Chase Ultimate Rewards points are valuable and easy to use whether you’re new to points and miles or an expert.” — Madison Blancaflor , senior content operations editor

To add more luxury to your travel experience, consider the Chase Sapphire Reserve® . Though it comes with a higher annual fee, you’ll enjoy Priority Pass lounge access plus a $300 annual travel credit.

With the Capital One Venture, you’re earning 2 miles per dollar on every purchase, which makes it easy to rack up rewards without having to juggle different bonus categories or spending caps. And with flexible redemption options and a manageable annual fee, this card is an excellent choice if you’re looking to keep just one credit card in your wallet for all spending.

Those looking to earn flexible rewards should use the Capital One Venture card as it allows you to redeem miles for a fixed value or transfer the miles you earn to 15+ airline and hotel transfer partners , including Avianca, Etihad Airways, Turkish Airlines and Singapore Airlines.

“The Capital One Venture is a great card that can add value to pretty much anyone’s wallet. I use it to earn 2 miles per dollar on the purchases that fall outside of my other cards’ bonus categories. The annual fee is low, Capital One miles are easy to redeem and the card does come with a few nice perks — including TSA PreCheck/Global Entry application fee reimbursement.” — Madison Blancaflor , senior content operations editor

Even if you’re a casual traveler, consider jumping to the Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card  (see  rates and fees ). The card’s up to $300 annual credit for purchases made with Capital One Travel immediately covers the higher annual fee — and that’s not even considering the added perks you’ll enjoy.

At $395 per year (see rates and fees ), this premium card is cheaper than all of its competitors without sacrificing the breadth of valuable perks it includes. Cardholders will get unlimited visits to Capital One’s premium network of lounges and 1,300-plus Priority Pass lounges worldwide  and able to bring up to two guests for no additional charge.

For frequent travelers, the Capital One Venture X is a must-have and is well worth the $395 annual fee. If you travel frequently with your significant other, family or friends, you can even add some authorized users for no additional cost. This will grant them their own lounge access (and the ability to bring up to two guests for no fee), among many other benefits, making this a huge cost-saver for those who travel in groups.

“With an annual fee that is $300 less than The Platinum Card® from American Express (see Amex Platinum rates and fees ), the Capital One Venture X card is my favorite travel credit card. The card comes with an annual $300 Capital One Travel credit, which I use to book flights. That effectively brings the annual fee down to $95 per year (see rates and fees ). Cardholders enjoy a Priority Pass Select membership. Authorized users — you geta number of them at no cost — also enjoy their own Priority Pass Select membership. I use my Venture X card to earn 2 miles per dollar (a 3.7% return at TPG’s valuations ) in spending categories where most cards would only accrue 1 mile — like auto maintenance, pharmacies and medical bills.” — Kyle Olsen , former points and miles reporter

Those turned off by the Venture X’s annual fee could opt for the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card , which has a $95 annual fee (see rates and fees ), identical sign-up bonus and similar earning and redemption options.

The Ink Business Preferred earns 3 points per dollar on the first $150,000 in combined travel, shipping, internet, cable, phone services and advertising purchases made on social media sites and search engines each account anniversary year. TPG’s most recent valuations  peg the value of Chase Ultimate Rewards points at 2 cents apiece, so you’ll get a fantastic return of 6% on purchases in these categories.

If you spend a lot on business travel or social media advertising, you’ll be able to earn significant points using the Ink Business Preferred card .

“I originally signed up for the Ink Business Preferred primarily for its sign-up bonus. But, over the last year, I’ve found myself making it my go-to card when booking travel. After all, the Ink Business Preferred earns 3 points per dollar spent on travel and provides excellent travel protections, including trip delay protection and rental car insurance.” — Katie Genter , senior writer

If you don’t want to worry about maximizing specific purchases and are looking for a lower spending requirement to earn a sign-up bonus, consider the Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card , which offers 1.5% cash back on all purchases and carries no annual fee.

The Amex Platinum is a stellar premium travel card that can provide amazing redemptions . Besides the welcome offer, it comes with more than $1,400 in credits each year and various lounge access options. Enrollment is required for select benefits.

Anyone looking for luxury travel benefits will find that the ton of annual statement credits make the annual fee worth it. Plus, you’ll get unparalleled lounge access , automatic Gold status with Hilton and Marriott, and extra perks with Avis Preferred , Hertz Gold Plus Rewards and National Car Rental Emerald Club . Enrollment is required for select benefits.

“While this card has a high annual fee, it more than justifies itself for frequent travelers like me. The lounge access options that come with the Platinum are unrivaled by competitors. I put all of my flights on this card to earn 5 points per dollar spent and trip protection insurance. I make sure to take full advantage of the Uber, Saks Fifth Avenue, Hulu/Disney+ and Clear credits (enrollment is required). And, honestly, pulling a Platinum card out of your wallet to pay for something does feel pretty fancy.” — Matt Moffitt , senior credit cards editor

The Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card  can be a great alternative to the Amex Platinum, with a notably lower annual fee, similar perks and a more rewarding earning rate on everyday purchases.

The Amex Gold earns 4 points per dollar on dining at restaurants, with no foreign transaction fees (see rates and fees ), meaning you’ll get an 8% return on purchases (based on TPG’s valuations ). While a few other cards temporarily offer higher return rates on dining, this is the best option for long-term spending, making it one of the best dining cards and best rewards cards .

Those looking for a great return on dining and purchases at U.S. supermarkets will get a lot of value from this card.

“Groceries and dining at restaurants are two of my top spending categories, and I love that the Amex Gold rewards those purchases with 4 points per dollar. When you factor in the $10 dining credit and $10 in Uber Cash each month, the $250 annual fee is a net cost of $10.” — Senitra Horbrook , former credit cards editor

For those who dine out a lot and also want additional bonus categories and other valuable perks for a lower annual fee, consider the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card .

The no-annual-fee Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card (see  rates and fees ) has the same redemption options as its sibling card (the Venture Rewards card) but with a lower rewards rate and fewer perks. The miles earned on the card can also be transferred to airline and hotel partners, a benefit not usually seen with a no-annual-fee card.

The VentureOne is a strong card to have in your arsenal and great if you are budgeting. After all, there aren’t many no-annual-fee cards with the ability to transfer points and miles directly to travel partners, so it’s a big bonus that this card offers that (see rates and fees ).

“I wanted a credit card that earns Capital One miles without an annual fee, and this is a winner (see rates and fees ). It doesn’t have the bells and whistles of some other cards, but I’m happy earning 1.25 miles per dollar on all purchases without paying a fee to keep this card year after year. I’ll never cancel this card.” — Ryan Smith , former credit cards writer

For a small annual fee, many travelers could benefit from the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card . You’ll earn at least 2 miles per dollar on all purchases and receive a statement credit for TSA PreCheck or Global Entry membership.

There are certain ways to earn bonus points for spending on the Amex Business Platinum Card, but it’s the array of perks on the card that make it a great option. Beyond airport lounge access and automatic hotel elite status, there are a number of statement credits that are specifically targeted to common business expenses.

If you travel for business frequently, this card could help you upgrade your experience in the air and on the ground while saving you money on select business-related services. And the current welcome bonus is just the icing on the cake.

“I find that the annual perks and credits vastly outweigh the large annual fee. And that’s even without using some of them. By using the benefits with Priority Pass and Amex lounges, the airline incidental credits, plus the statement credits for Clear, our cellphone plan and restocking my home printer with ink and paper from Dell (enrollment required), I get more value out of the card than it costs to keep it. Plus, it earns my favorite points — American Express Membership Rewards — earning 5 points per dollar on flights and hotels booked with Amex Travel.” — Ryan Smith , former credit cards writer

For less-frequent travelers, consider the American Express®  Business Gold Card , which offers 4 points per dollar spent on your top two spending categories each month on the first $150,000 in combined purchases from these categories each calendar year (then 1 point per dollar thereafter).

The Autograph Journey offers cardholders the chance to earn elevated rates across travel categories including 5 points per dollar spent on hotels, 4 points per dollar on airline purchases and 3 points per dollar on restaurants and 'other travel' which includes timeshares, car rentals, cruise lines, travel agencies, discount travel sites and campgrounds. On top of this, cardholders also get the added benefit of earning a flat rate of 1 point per dollar on other purchases for a $95 annual fee.

If you travel frequently and are looking for a card to help you rack up points you can redeem for future travel, this card is a decent option. Additionally, those looking for a way to fill gaps in their points earning strategy will benefit from the flat 1 point per dollar spent on other purchases outside of the main travel categories.

Another great perk the Autograph Journey features is an annual $50 statement credit triggered by an airline purchase of at least $50. This is on top of elevated earning rates in the certain travel categories and a solid welcome offer for new applicants. There's also no foreign transaction fees on the Autograph Journey card making it a good first travel card as well as a decent supplemental card to add to your travel credit card roster.

If you're looking for a more general use credit card with no annual fee, consider the Wells Fargo Active Cash® Card (see  rates and fees ). It earns a flat rate of 2% cash rewards on purchases making an excellent choice to help fill gaps in your reward earning strategy. The best part? Like the Autograph Journey card, the Active Cash Card doesn't put a cap on the amount of cash back you can earn.

The Chase Sapphire Reserve comes with an annual $300 travel credit to offset a variety of expenses — such as airfare, hotels, rental cars, transit and more. You’re also getting an up-to-$100 Global Entry or TSA PreCheck application fee credit  once every four years along with Priority Pass Select membership. And Chase’s slate of transfer partners allows plenty of opportunity to get the maximum value from your points.

Those looking for elevated earning rates and extensive travel protections should have this card in their wallet. The 50% redemption bonus when you use your points to pay for travel through the Chase portal  is also a nice perk.

“I’ve had the Sapphire Reserve for years, and it’s going to stay in my wallet for the near future. I get $300 off travel every year along with great earning rates on travel and dining (3 points per dollar) and various trip protections that can reimburse me when things go wrong. And by leveraging other cards in the Ultimate Rewards ecosystem, I’m able to maximize the earnings across all of my purchases.” — Nick Ewen , director of content

If you just can’t stomach the Sapphire Reserve’s $550 annual fee, go for the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card  instead. It has similar perks, redemption options and travel protections — for a much lower $95 per year.

The Wells Fargo Autograph is a great no-annual-fee card that offers quality earning categories and travel and shopping protection.

Travel card beginners who are looking to get into points earning should consider the Wells Fargo Autograph, which offers a welcome bonus, 3 points per dollar on a variety of everyday spending categories and cellphone protection.

If you’re just getting into the travel credit card world and are not sure travel cards are for you, consider the Wells Fargo Autograph, which will allow you to earn bonus points on travel spending without the commitment of an annual fee.

If you’re looking to earn transferable reward points but still maintain a similar earning structure, consider the Bilt Mastercard® (see rates and fees ). The card earns 3 points per dollar on dining and 2 points per dollar on travel purchases for no annual fee. Plus, Bilt points can be transferred to any of its multiple travel partners. 

The American Express Business Gold card comes packed with perks and benefits, but its most unique feature is the ability to shift your monthly bonus categories. Cardholders will automatically earn 4 points per dollar in their top two spending categories on the first $150,000 in combined purchases from these categories each calendar year (then 1 point per dollar thereafter), so if your business spending varies month to month, you won’t have to commit to a bonus category.

The American Express Business Gold card is an excellent choice for business owners who are looking for a premium business card with premium business perks like monthly office supply statement credits, travel and shopping protection and access to The Hotel Collection.

The American Express Business Gold is an excellent choice for small businesses that have changing bonus categories but still want more premium business perks and benefits.

If you still want to earn Membership Rewards points without paying an annual fee, consider The Blue Business® Plus Credit Card from American Express (see rates and fees ), which earns 2 Membership Rewards points on all business purchases (up to $50,000 per calendar year, then 1 point per dollar).

The Bank of America Travel Rewards card operates similarly to the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card . You’re earning flat-rate rewards across all spending, and then you can use those rewards as a statement credit to cover eligible travel purchases.

It’s perfect for low-budget beginner travelers  who want a card with no annual fee and a simple way to earn and redeem points.

“I’m happy earning 1.5 points per dollar on all purchases on a card without an annual fee. I can’t pay for everything in life with transferable points, and it’s nice to have a card with fixed-value points for those situations. I use this card for travel purchases where I need to pay in cash, then I can reimburse myself with the points.” — Ryan Smith , former credit cards writer

If you’re interested in a card with transferable miles that still has no annual fee (see  rates and fees ), consider the Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card .

The Alaska Airlines Visa earns 3 miles per dollar on eligible Alaska Airlines purchases; 2 miles per dollar on eligible gas, EV charging stations, cable, streaming services and transit (including local ride share purchases); and 1 mile per dollar on everything else. You get a free checked bag on Alaska flights for you and up to six guests on your reservation, an annual Companion Fare on your account anniversary and 20% back on all inflight purchases.

Whether you live on the West Coast or not, the Alaska Airlines Visa is a good cobranded airline card to consider adding to your wallet. The Seattle-based airline is mostly limited to North American routes, but international destinations through Oneworld partners make this card valuable for all travelers.

“With new benefits, this card is even more valuable to me — even with its higher annual fee. It provides a free first checked bag, discounts on inflight purchases and priority boarding. My favorite feature, however, is the annual Companion Fare. I get hundreds of dollars in annual value from this perk.” — Ryan Smith , former credit cards writer

If you’re not looking to collect airline-specific miles, a general travel card like the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card might be a better option.

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Travel rewards credit cards earn points, miles or cash back that are redeemable for travel expenses or are geared toward travel spending. The cards on this list are some of the best credit cards to book flights , hotels and more with their many perks and rewards . 

Travel credit cards offer rewards on different purchases that can help you book flights, hotels and more for little to no out-of-pocket expenses. Some cards also provide valuable perks and benefits that upgrade the overall travel experience — from Global Entry application fee credits to lounge access to complimentary elite status . If you have the right card (or cards) in your wallet, the sky is the limit on where your travels can take you — literally.

Additionally, it’s often advantageous to travel with more than one credit card for a variety of reasons. Carrying a backup credit card when you travel can provide peace of mind in the case of bank or issuer problems or if you have a card flagged for fraud while you travel. (In this case, knowing if your card requires you to set up travel alerts for lengthy travel could be worthwhile).

Are you new to travel rewards? Check out our beginner’s guide to all things points and miles . You’ll learn about top loyalty programs, how to maximize your credit card strategy to reach your travel goals and so much more.

Related: The complete history of credit cards, from antiquity to today

We have researched various types of travel credit cards to help you figure out which one is best for you.

Travel vs cash back credit cards

A travel credit card is a card that is geared toward travel spending and a cash-back credit card is a card that earns cash back on purchases made with the card.

Generally, when we are talking about travel credit cards we refer to cards that earn points and miles like the Platinum Card from American Express or the Hilton Honors Aspire card. The Platinum Amex earns transferable points which can be used with any of Amex's travel partners while the Hilton Honors Aspire card only earns Hilton points which can be redeemed at Hilton properties. These cards do not earn cash back on any purchases.

Cash back cards generally offer cash back as a flat rate or feature bonus categories that earn an elevated cash back rate. Select cash-back cards can also be a great travel card such as the Blue Cash Preferred Card from American Express which offers 3% cash back on transit including rideshare, trains, buses, and more. Even though it is a cash-back card, the Blue Cash Preferred offers an elevated return on select transportation which potentially makes it a solid travel card option.

How do travel credit cards work?

Travel credit cards work like other reward credit cards: They help you earn rewards, primarily points and miles, on your purchases. This section will primarily focus on transferable rewards credit cards, like the Chase Sapphire Reserve and The Platinum Card® from American Express, as they are what are typically considered travel credit cards.

Related: How to redeem Chase Ultimate Rewards points for maximum value

How to earn transferable points

Transferable points credit cards earn points or miles when you make a purchase on the cards. These points and miles can then be transferred to travel partners for rewards like flights, hotel stays and more. Different cards will have different currencies, but they are generally called either “points” or “miles” (depending on the issuer). All transferable reward credit cards, airline credit cards and hotel credit cards will have their own currency that is redeemable for travel rewards. 

Travel cards have varying rates for different purchase categories. For example, the American Express® Gold Card card earns 4 points per dollar spent on restaurants but only 3 points per dollar spent on flights booked directly with the airline or Amex Travel. While the Amex Platinum may be a better card for travel as it earns 5 points per dollar spent on flights (booked directly with airline or Amex Travel and up to $500,000 per calendar year), the Amex Gold can be a good addition for Platinum holders who spend a lot of money on dining out.

Related: How to redeem American Express Membership Rewards for maximum value

How to redeem points and miles  

Once you’ve decided on a travel credit card and earned a welcome bonus, it’s time to put those points or miles toward free travel. There are many ways to redeem your rewards with travel credit cards. Many cards feature an online booking portal through which you can use your rewards to book things like flights, hotels and car rentals. Before booking your flight, you should consider doing a  flight portal comparison to ensure you're getting the best redemption. Others allow you to transfer your points or miles to individual loyalty programs. Depending on the redemption, this could unlock even more value.

There are plenty of ways to ensure you don’t make mistakes with your travel rewards . For instance, be sure you do your research with your rewards to get a high-value redemption and make sure your accounts are in good standing so you don’t risk losing them.  

Related: Tips and tricks to get maximum value from your Capital One miles

It’s up to you to decide whether a specific trip is worth spending your rewards. You can use TPG’s monthly valuations to help you determine if the price of your flight or hotel room is worth your points and miles. Some travels are more affordable in cash, but you can always save your points to splurge on a business-class flight to Europe or an overwater bungalow at a luxury resort. 

How to use travel credit card portals  

In the world of travel credit cards, the four major players are American Express, Capital One, Chase and Citi. These issuers also have their own travel portals which can be used to earn and redeem points for travel. 

Some issuers, like Capital One and Chase , offer an incentive to book travel through the bank’s portal but it is not always worth booking through a portal. 

We do not recommend booking hotel travel through card portals as it typically does not honor elite-status benefits or elite-qualifying stay credits. 

Luckily, flights typically allow you to earn bonus points through a card issuer’s portal and with the airline. Keep in mind that this does not apply to all cards. When purchasing in cash, there generally is little variance in booking through a portal or on the airline’s website so if your travel credit card offers incentives to book through the portal , it can be a great way to earn extra points. 

Related: Ultimate guide to the Citi travel portal

Points and miles redemptions will have a fair variance, especially if there are incentives to book through the travel portals. Overall, travel portals can be a great addition to your points redemption journey if properly used. Always remember to compare the price or redemption value of booking through a portal or directly with an airline. 

Booking through a portal may make matters complicated if you ever need to change or cancel your flight. 

Related: Battle of the credit card travel portals: Which is the best for booking flights?

Types of travel credit cards

Travel credit cards are cards that are geared towards travel spending. Luckily, there are many types of travel credit cards which means there is a good option for any traveler. Typically, when talking about travel credit cards, we are referring to transfer rewards credit cards, airline credit cards and hotel credit cards. There are additional types of travel credit cards that are less popular but can still be a good option for the right traveler.

Transferable rewards credit cards earn points and miles that can be redeemed through a card’s rewards program directly or by transferring them to a travel partner . Many of our best travel credit cards fall under this category because they are the most valuable type of points you can earn. Transferable rewards give you the flexibility to redeem your rewards in a way that will be most beneficial to you. Examples of top transferable rewards cards are the Chase Sapphire Reserve® and The Platinum Card® from American Express .

Airline cobranded cards earn a specific type of airline miles. These cards also generally come with perks specific to that airline. For example, an airline card may offer free checked bags , a certain number of elite-qualifying miles to help you reach status, priority boarding privileges, inflight discounts and more.

Hotel cobranded cards work like airline cards. You’ll earn rewards that are redeemable for a particular hotel program, such as Hilton or Marriott. Hotel cards come with their own benefits, such as complimentary elite status or free award-night stays. In addition, hotel cards can help you stack your earnings on hotel stays with the hotel’s program.

For example, if you have a Marriott credit card , you’ll earn bonus points for every dollar spent at participating Marriott properties on top of the 10 base points you get as a member of the Bonvoy program. This can really amplify the rewards you can earn when you use your hotel card to pay for your booking.

The points and miles world can be confusing for new credit card users but it doesn’t have to be. While transferable rewards cards are arguably the best way to earn points and miles for travel, they can also be incredibly confusing. Fixed-value credit cards and cash-back credit cards are good alternatives for beginners who are looking to get into the travel credit card world.

Fixed-value cards earn points or miles that are always redeemed for the same value. For example, the Bank of America® Premium Rewards® credit card earns points worth 1 cent each. These cards are great for beginners who haven’t quite gotten the hang of maximizing transferable points or casual travelers who are looking for their first travel credit card . Fixed-value credit cards are often the best travel credit cards for beginners. 

As more hotels and airlines move to a dynamic pricing model where award pricing shifts dramatically, fixed-value rewards programs are becoming more popular.

Another great credit card option for casual travelers or credit card beginners is cash-back credit cards. You don’t have to worry about points, transfer partners or maximizing your rewards with these cards. Cash-back cards provide a percentage of cash back on your spending and provide a simple way to save on your upcoming travels. 

The Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards Credit Card (see rates and fees ) is a great option for beginners to travel rewards. It earns unlimited 5% cash back on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel and has no annual fee.

Travel credit card benefits

Some travel cards offer automatic elite status with various programs when you sign up and can also accelerate the journey to elite airline status by converting points to air miles. If you are loyal to a particular hotel brand, status with that brand will be valuable. You’ll be entitled to room upgrades, resort credits, early check-in, late checkout and more. If you’re not loyal, it won’t. The same goes for elite status with an airline — you’ll get lounge access, upgrades, increased baggage allowance, etc. When comparing the perks of various cards like elite status, be realistic about which ones you will and won’t use.

One of the coveted perks of premium travel credit cards is complimentary airport lounge access. Many premium travel credit cards come with Priority Pass lounge access , a membership that allows access to airport lounges across the world. These lounges are a great place to relax before your flight or have a snack during a long layover. Amenities will vary between lounges but most lounges provide wifi, private seating and refreshments. Be sure to check the priority pass guest policy as many lounges allow you to bring a complimentary guest (or guests).

TSA PreCheck and Global Entry are both expedited screening programs for travelers. TSA PreCheck is reserved for expedited security screening for domestic flights and Global Entry provides expedited customs screening for international travelers when entering the United States. 

The application fee for TSA PreCheck is up to $85 and $100 for Global Entry. If you are approved for the program, the membership is valid for 5 years. Many travel credit cards will offer statement credit for the application . 

What TPG readers have to say about their favorite travel credit cards

Fan favorites among top travel credit cards include those that earn both points and miles. In addition to helping offset the cost of travel — whether it’s for rental cars, hotel stays or flights — some TPG readers love that travel cards also offer travel insurance (including protections for things like delayed or lost baggage). We asked our readers which credit card has made the biggest impact when they travel and why — here are their responses.

Note: Responses have not been edited.

“Allowed me to justify staying at nicer hotels and just overall leveling up with how I travel.” — Jackie C via Facebook  

“ Venture X for me - lounge access and my first long haul biz [sic] class flight on points! Changing my travel game for the better!” — Lauren R via Facebook

“Can't beat the flexibility of the $300 travel credit from the Chase Sapphire Reserve .” — Armando S via Facebook


  • Awards vs cash calculator Compare the cost in points or miles to cash.
  • CardMatch™ Get prequalified offers in less than 60 seconds.

Earn the welcome bonus

One of the best ways to maximize your travel credit cards is to earn the welcome bonus . Most travel credit cards will offer a welcome or sign-up bonus that allows cardmembers to earn points or miles that would otherwise require a very high spend. Welcome bonuses are a crucial part of a card’s value, so before you apply for your next travel card, be sure to plan for how you will meet the spending requirement. Ideally, you would align large purchases with your card opening so that you don’t need to spend frivolously to earn that lucrative welcome bonus .


Use a travel card that matches your travel style

There is a travel credit card for everyone, but not every travel card is the best fit for your wallet . Consider what type of traveler you are, whether you have any brand loyalty and what perks you are looking for from your next credit card. If you travel often and in luxury, consider premium cards like The Platinum Card® from American Express or Chase Sapphire Reserve® . These cards are loaded with tons of luxury perks like lounge access and automatic elite status . 

Alternatively, if you’re a more thrifty traveler who likes to maximize your travel earnings, consider a mid-tier travel card like the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card or Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card . These cards allow you to earn points on your travel, and while they don’t come with a long list of luxury perks, they’re much more cost-effective for a traveler on a budget .

And even beginners don’t have to veer away from travel cards, since many products out there offer an introduction to the travel rewards world without incurring an annual fee.

It’s important to consider where you’re looking to go when you book trips, as certain cards are especially useful for international travel . Plus, if you’re someone who frequents the skies (such as a digital nomad), there are certain credit cards best for long-term travelers .

Knowing what your travel style is like will help you determine what type of travel card you need.


Use loyalty programs to stack your rewards

You don’t have to limit your earnings to just travel credit cards . Many airlines and hotel chains have loyalty programs that can be used in conjunction with your travel card to unlock added perks when doing business with a specific brand. In addition, many travel credit cards allow you to transfer points from your card to your eligible loyalty programs . This can open up nearly endless redemption options, including award chart sweet spots that can get you the most maximized redemptions for your points and miles.

  • 1 Sign-up bonus Choosing a card with a healthy sign-up bonus will help jumpstart the possibility of unlocking elite status across different areas, including airline and hotel loyalty programs.
  • 2 Annual fee Premium travel credit cards typically feature higher annual fees. Double-check that the card you choose suits your spending habits and travel needs before applying.
  • 3 Bonus categories It also helps to check which bonus categories a card offers to ensure that they align with your spending, whether it’s at restaurants, at grocery stores or on streaming subscriptions.


What's your favorite travel credit card — and why?

Brian Kelly

  • Using credit cards responsibly can help build your credit score
  • Travel credit cards can earn cash back, points or miles on every dollar you spend.
  • Travel credit cards can provide purchase, theft and fraud protection.
  • Travel credit cards provide perks like travel insurance, complimentary hotel stays and more.
  • Credit cards can encourage overspending.
  • Carrying a balance and using your card irresponsibly can damage your credit score
  • The cost of borrowing on credit cards is higher than traditional loans
  • Having too many card applications can negatively affect your credit score
  • Travel credit cards may be too complicated (or expensive) for those who aren’t frequent travelers.

Generally speaking, you need at least a very good credit score in order to get many popular travel credit cards. According to FICO, the scoring model used by most lenders, this is a score of at least 740. However, there’s no hard-and-fast rule, as each individual credit card issuer looks at a variety of factors in addition to your credit score when deciding whether to approve or decline your application.

Thankfully, there are a number of ways to check your credit score for free , so you can get an idea of where you stand before wasting an application (and a hard inquiry on your credit report) for a card for which you’re unlikely to qualify.

Points and miles are simply two different ways to describe the same thing: the rewards you earn on a credit card. As an example, many popular Capital One credit cards earn miles, whereas cards that participate in Chase Ultimate Rewards accrue points. There’s no appreciable difference between the two words.

This gets a little more complicated when you begin discussing cash-back credit cards. Some of these show earnings with a dollar amount, while others show cash-back rewards in points. However, here too there’s no significant difference. It’s simply how the card issuer chooses to describe the rewards you’re earning.

It depends entirely on your typical travel habits. Many popular travel credit cards feature rewards, benefits and redemption options that only come into play when you’re actually on the road. This includes perks like airport lounge access,  rental car insurance  or statement credits for certain travel purchases. Ultimately, you should look at how much value you expect to get out of a given travel card in one year. Then, compare that to the card’s annual fee to make sure you’re getting at least that much value.

It depends. Generally speaking, you should aim to use your rewards from travel credit cards for travel-related purchases – like flights or hotel rooms. However, everyone has a different version of what “value” looks like here. Some travelers are perfectly content redeeming 25,000 miles for a $250 economy flight. Others would rather save up and use 100,000 miles for a $5,000 business-class ticket. The important thing is to avoid redemptions like gift cards or merchandise, since those typically offer poor value for your points and miles.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to determine whether you want to keep cash in your pocket by using rewards for a particular purchase instead.

Many of the luxury travel cards on this list offer hundreds of dollars in annual travel statement credits. However, not all annual travel statements are created equal. While some cards feature easy redemptions, other cards feature redemptions that come with more restrictions. 

Out of the various cards that offer annual travel credits, the Chase Sapphire Reserve has the easiest redemption process for travel credits . The Chase Sapphire Reserve's travel credit covers a broad selection of charges, including flights, hotels, campgrounds and more. Additionally, the travel does not have to be booked through Chase’s travel portal, and the statement credit will automatically post when you make an eligible purchase. 

THE 10 BEST Hotels in Elektrostal 2024

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2. Apelsin Hotel

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    Meaning and use of the words 'trip', 'travel', 'journey', 'tour', and 'voyage'. The explanation below should help clarify the meaning and use of vocabulary related to travel. The word 'travel' is used to talk about going from one place to another. Verb : Paul travels a lot in his job. Noun : Travel nowadays is faster than before.

  2. Understanding the Distinction: Travel, Trip, and Journey Explained

    Key Takeaways. Travel refers to going to a place, especially far away. Trip involves traveling from one place to another, usually for a short period of time. Journey implies traveling from one place to another without necessarily returning. Proper usage of these terms is essential in effectively conveying our experiences.

  3. Travel vs. Trip vs. Journey

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  4. Travel, Trip or Journey?

    We do not use the word as a verb for travel. Journey. The word "journey" is a noun that means "the act of going from one place to another.". But, we use it in two specific ways: One is to ...

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    An excursion is a short trip made either as a tourist or in order to do a particular thing. The tourist office organizes excursions to the palace. 5 verbs used with `journey', `trip', `voyage' and `excursion'

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  8. Learning English

    journey (noun) A journey is one single piece of travel. You make journeys when you travel from one place to another. (Note that the plural is spelt journ eys, not journies): The journey from ...

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    Note the difference between trip and journey: The journey to London took 3 hours by train. Our trip to London was fantastic. So the first is talking about going from A to B: the travelling time. If using a verb without saying how long we could say we travelled to London by train. The second is talking about the whole holiday, period away.

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    travel trip voyage journey: Travel (v) is used in general terms as a verb - it usually means to change location. The word travel is very rarely used as a noun. For example: I have to travel a lot for work. Trip (n) is often substituted for the word holiday when the travelling distance was short. For example ...

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  12. Travel, journey, trip, voyage or tour?

    Travel can be both a noun and verb. As a noun, it names the act of going from one place to another; and as a verb it describes the action of doing so. *Verbs: Louise travels a lot for work. *Nouns: Travel the way you wish to go. *Nouns: Travel the way you wish to go. *Verbs: People spend a lot of money on travel.

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    A journey is used more to refer to the journey itself, although often there is little difference. Compare the following: 'The journey was rotten. The fat man who sat next to me snored all the time.' 'The trip was great, we managed to do everything that we had intended.'. To journey is an archaic verb not used now.

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    Compare Quotes. Via Forbes Advisor's Website. The average cost of travel insurance is 5% to 6% of your trip costs, according to Forbes Advisor's analysis of travel insurance rates. For a $5,000 ...

  23. Travel app Sēkr can plan your next road trip with its new AI tool

    Sēkr, a startup that offers a mobile app for outdoor enthusiasts and campers, is launching a new AI tool for planning road trips. The new tool, called Copilot, is available on the startup's ...

  24. Book round trip, one way, multi city

    Taking a trip? We have your travel plans covered. Flights; Hotels , Opens another site in a new window that may not meet accessibility guidelines.; Cars , Opens another site in a new window that may not meet accessibility guidelines.; Vacations , Opens another site in a new window that may not meet accessibility guidelines.; Cruises , Opens another site in a new window that may not meet ...

  25. Travel, Trip and Journey: Learn English with Simple English videos

    The words travel, trip and journey have similar meanings, which can be confusing. In this ESL / EFL video you'll learn their different meanings along with th...

  26. Does Travel Insurance Cover Bad Weather?

    The best way to avoid that problem is to start thinking about travel insurance when you're planning your trip. Making assumptions about coverage Here's another weather mistake: Believing every ...

  27. GANDIKAP: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

    All photos (1) Suggest edits to improve what we show. Improve this listing. Revenue impacts the experiences featured on this page, learn more. The area. Gorkogo, 15, Elektrostal 144002 Russia. Reach out directly. Visit website. Call.

  28. Should you get travel insurance if you have credit card protection

    Some credit cards offer built-in travel insurance as a cardholder benefit. And it may be tempting to rely on credit card travel protections instead of buying travel insurance. But, the entire point of travel insurance is to be covered if something goes wrong. So, you may be wondering whether you should buy travel insurance even if your credit card offers travel protection.

  29. Best Travel Credit Cards of June 2024

    Book your travel with the Autograph Journey Card and enjoy Travel Accident Insurance, Lost Baggage Reimbursement, Trip Cancellation and Interruption Protection and Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver. Earn a $50 annual statement credit with $50 minimum airline purchase. Up to $1,000 of cell phone protection against damage or theft.

  30. THE 10 BEST Hotels in Elektrostal, Russia 2024

    Price trend information excludes taxes and fees and is based on base rates for a nightly stay for 2 adults found in the last 7 days on our site and averaged for commonly viewed hotels in Elektrostal.Select dates and complete search for nightly totals inclusive of taxes and fees.