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Travel Vaccines and Advice for Ethiopia

Passport Health offers a variety of options for travelers throughout the world.

Said to be one of the oldest nations in the world, Ethiopia has a lot to offer those visiting its borders. The country has stunning landscapes with varying terrain and history going to prehistoric times.

Enjoy rafting on the Omo River, see the enormous crocodiles in Lake Chomo, or hike to historic churches. These gorgeous sites offer unique experiences that you can only get in Ethiopia.

Enjoy the hub of city life in Addis Ababa. Sit in the plaza and sip some coffee while taking in the culture and hospitality of the country.

On This Page: Do I Need Vaccines for Ethiopia? Other Ways to Stay Healthy in Ethiopia Do I Need a Visa for Ethiopia? What Is the Climate Like in Ethiopia? Is It Safe to Travel to Ethiopia? Lalibela What Should I Pack for Ethiopia? United States Embassy in Ethiopia

Do I Need Vaccines for Ethiopia?

Yes, some vaccines are recommended or required for Ethiopia. The CDC and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for Ethiopia: typhoid , hepatitis A , polio , yellow fever , chikungunya , rabies , hepatitis B , meningitis , influenza , COVID-19 , pneumonia , chickenpox , shingles , Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) and measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) .

See the bullets below to learn more about some of these key immunizations:

  • Typhoid – Food & Water – Shot lasts 2 years. Oral vaccine lasts 5 years, must be able to swallow pills. Oral doses must be kept in refrigerator.
  • Hepatitis A – Food & Water – Recommended for most travelers.
  • Polio – Food & Water – While there is no active polio transmission in Ethiopia, it is vulnerable for outbreaks. Considered a routine vaccination for most travel itineraries. Single adult booster recommended.
  • Yellow Fever – Mosquito – Required if traveling from a region with yellow fever. Recommended for all travelers over 9 months of age. Generally not recommended for Afar and Somali provinces.
  • Chikungunya – Mosquito – Ethiopia is a higher risk region. Vaccination is recommended.
  • Rabies – Saliva of Infected Animals – High risk country. Vaccine recommended for long-term travelers and those who may come in contact with animals.
  • Hepatitis B – Blood & Body Fluids – Recommended for travelers to most regions.
  • Meningitis – Airborne & Direct Contact – Located in the meningitis belt, vaccination is recommended during the dry season (Dec. – June)
  • Influenza – Airborne – Vaccine components change annually.
  • COVID-19 – Airborne – Recommended for travel to all regions, both foreign and domestic.
  • Pneumonia – Airborne – Two vaccines given separately. All 65+ or immunocompromised should receive both.
  • Chickenpox – Direct Contact & Airborne – Given to those unvaccinated that did not have chickenpox.
  • Shingles – Direct Contact – Vaccine can still be given if you have had shingles.
  • Polio – Food & Water – Considered a routine vaccination for most travel itineraries. Single adult booster recommended.
  • TDAP (Tetanus, Diphtheria & Pertussis) – Wounds & Airborne – Only one adult booster of pertussis required.
  • Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) – Various Vectors – Given to anyone unvaccinated and/or born after 1957. One time adult booster recommended.

See the table below for more information:

Specific Vaccine Information

  • Typhoid – Typhoid is transmitted via fecally contaminated food or water, causing severe symptoms. To prevent it, practice hand-washing, consume safe water and food, and consider vaccination, especially when traveling to high-risk areas.
  • Hepatitis A – Hepatitis A, a liver infection caused by a contagious virus, can have severe symptoms. To prevent its spread, vaccination with the hepatitis A vaccine is essential, along with maintaining hygiene practices. This vaccine effectively protects against infection.
  • Yellow Fever – Yellow fever, caused by the yellow fever virus and primarily spread by infected mosquitoes, can be effectively prevented with vaccination. The yellow fever vaccine, with its long-lasting immunity, is essential for travelers to endemic areas and residents in regions where the disease is prevalent.
  • Chikungunya – Chikungunya, carried by Aedes mosquitoes, can be prevented through use of repellents, netting and vaccination.
  • Rabies – Rabies is a deadly viral disease that affects mammals and spreads through the saliva of infected animals, primarily through bites or scratches. Preventing rabies involves vaccinating pets, avoiding contact with wild animals, and seeking immediate medical attention if exposed. The rabies vaccine is a crucial preventive measure that stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies against the virus.
  • Hepatitis B – Hepatitis B, a liver infection transmitted through infected fluids, can be prevented through safe practices and the hepatitis B vaccine. The vaccine prompts the immune system to produce antibodies, offering robust and long-lasting protection against the virus.
  • Meningitis – Meningitis is an inflammation of the brain and spinal cord membranes, often caused by viral or bacterial infections. The meningitis vaccine, administered through injection, protects against various types of meningitis, including bacterial forms. It’s recommended for high-risk groups, including certain age groups, travelers, and those with specific medical conditions.
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) – Measles, mumps, and rubella are highly contagious viral infections. Vaccination is the cornerstone of prevention. The MMR vaccine, with its two-dose regimen, ensures strong immunity, reducing the risk of disease transmission and protecting both individuals and the broader population from these potentially severe illnesses.

Yellow Fever in Ethiopia

Yellow fever is present throughout Ethiopia. But, vaccination is generally not recommended for travel limited to only the Afar and Somali regions. Travelers are advised to receive the vaccine at least 10 days before arrival in the country. As yellow fever is common in Ethiopia, proof of vaccination may be required when entering another country.

Malaria in Ethiopia

Malaria is present in all regions of Ethiopia under 8,200 feet elevation. Transmission is rare in Addis Ababa. Travelers are advised to take antimalarials to protect themselves from infection. Atovaquone, doxycycline, mefloquine and tafenoquine are recommended for travelers to the region. Malaria parasites in Ethiopia are resistant to chloroquine. Speak with your travel health specialist to identify which antimalarial is best for your trip and medical history.

Ethiopia sits in the meningitis belt. This region of Africa is known for it’s meningitis transmission from December through June. Make sure you are vaccinated against all forms of meningitis before your trip.

Ethiopia requires proof of yellow fever vaccination if you are arriving from a region where the virus is present. Immunization is generally recommended for travel to Ethiopia, except if travel is limited to Afar and Somali provinces.

Mosquito-borne diseases like malaria and dengue are in Ethiopia. Make sure you’re protected with antimalarials, repellents and netting. A travel health specialist will help you determine what protection is right for you.

Visit our vaccinations page to learn more. Travel safely with Passport Health and schedule your appointment today by calling or book online now .

Other Ways to Stay Healthy in Ethiopia

Prevent bug bites in ethiopia.

In case of bug bites, cleanse the area, use anti-itch treatments, and resist scratching to prevent infection. Seek medical help for severe reactions or if symptoms of vector-borne diseases emerge post-bite.

Food and Water Safety in Ethiopia

When traveling, ensure food safety by adhering to CDC recommendations, which include eating fully cooked foods, avoiding raw seafood, and selecting reputable dining places. Safely drink bottled beverages, avoiding ice in uncertain water sources, and consume alcohol in moderation. Prevent travelers’ diarrhea through hand hygiene and avoiding street food in unsanitary areas.

Altitude Sickness in Ethiopia

Avoid altitude sickness by gradually ascending to high elevations, allowing your body to acclimatize. Stay hydrated, avoid alcohol and caffeine, and consider medication like acetazolamide. If symptoms such as headaches or dizziness occur, descend promptly to lower altitudes and seek medical assistance if necessary.

Infections To Be Aware of in Ethiopia

  • African Tick-Bite Fever – African Tick-Bite Fever (ATBF) is transmitted through tick bites. Prevention involves proper clothing, tick repellents, and regular tick inspections. If visiting endemic regions, consult healthcare professionals to further safeguard against ATBF.
  • Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever – Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, a severe viral illness, is primarily transmitted through ticks and can spread through contact with infected bodily fluids. Effective prevention strategies include tick bite prevention, strict infection control in healthcare settings, and ongoing research into the development of a vaccine to combat the disease’s transmission.
  • Dengue – Dengue fever, transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, significantly impacts global health, affecting up to 400 million people yearly. Without specific antiviral treatments, prevention through avoiding mosquito bites is key. Repellents and nettings are recommended.
  • Leishmaniasis – Infected sand flies are the primary vectors of leishmaniasis. Preventive measures include the use of insect repellents, protective clothing and staying indoors during sand fly peak hours.
  • Schistosomiasis – Schistosomiasis, a prevalent tropical parasitic disease, spreads through contact with contaminated water. To combat it, avoid infected water sources and use protective clothing.
  • Zika – The Zika virus, transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, poses risks such as birth defects and sexual transmission. Preventing Zika involves using repellent, practicing safe sex, and eliminating mosquito breeding sites.

Do I Need a Visa for Ethiopia?

A visa is required for entry to Ethiopia. Passports must have at least six months’ validity and one blank page for entry/exit stamps.

Sources: Embassy of Ethiopia and U.S. State Department

Proof of yellow fever and polio vaccination may be required at entry.

What Is the Climate Like in Ethiopia?

Ethiopia’s main climate is tropical monsoon. Weather will vary depending on the region. Here are 3 of the major cities and what you can expect when you travel:

  • Addis Ababa – The capital of Ethiopia is on the foothills of Mount Entoto. With an elevation of around 7,874 feet, you can experience a pleasant climate year round. Expect average temperatures in the 60-70’s. The main wet season is from June to September with higher temperatures.
  • Mekele – This city is located in the Tigrayan Highlands in the north of the country. The warmest it gets is low-80’s and the coolest is low-60’s. Be cautious of traveling during the wet months. Many roads can be inaccessible due to flooding.
  • Adama – Also known as Nazret or Nazareth, this city is a major weekend destination located near Addis. With a similar elevation of Addis Ababa, the climate is about the same.

Most of the major cities in Ethiopia have a similar elevation to Addis Ababa. If you’re traveling to lower regions, the climate can be hotter and drier depending on the time you travel.

Be sure to take this into account when packing your bags.

Is It Safe to Travel to Ethiopia?

Ethiopia has had some terrorist attacks over the last few years. Travelers should take extra precautions especially in the Oromia and Amhara regions.

Be cautious of areas with large gatherings. If you think a protest may be forming try to leave the area as a precaution.

Remain alert and cautious if traveling near bordering countries of Ethiopia. There is a high threat of landmines along the western border and tensions are high due to ethnic conflicts.

Ethiopia has a low crime rate compared to other African countries. As with any major city, be wary of pick-pocketing and other theft that are common in Addis Ababa. Many of the crimes are petty but some violent robberies have been known to occur.

Stay alert, take your surroundings into consideration, plan your trips ahead of time, and make sure you have everything you need.

Avoid an Embarrassing Stop

Over 70% of travelers will have diarrhea., get protected with passport health’s travelers’ diarrhea kit .

Lalibela is a small town in Ethiopia that is famous for its churches made from rock. These churches are very old, constructed in the 12th and 13th centuries. Visitors can explore the churches and see the beautiful carvings and paintings.

Lalibela is also a religious town, and many festivals are held there throughout the year. One of the most popular festivals is called Timkat and takes place in January. Visitors can also go on guided treks to see the surrounding mountains and beautiful landscape.

The town has a rich history, and visitors can learn about it by visiting the local museum. It also has markets where visitors can buy souvenirs and try the local food.

Lalibela offers a unique experience that combines religion, culture and history, making it a great place to visit in Ethiopia.

What Should I Pack for Ethiopia?

What you need to take to Ethiopia will depend on when you are traveling. Make sure you bring these items with you:

  • Rain Gear – If you’re visiting during the wet season bring protective gear against the rain. Consider bringing waterproof shoes. They can help so you don’t need to pack extra socks in your day bag.
  • Comfortable Hiking Shoes – A lot of Ethiopia’s wonders involve varying terrain and activities like hiking or climbing. Pack shoes you’ve already broken in and are comfortable wearing for long periods of time.
  • Lightweight Jacket – With varying elevation you may find yourself needing to layer. Higher elevations have a different climate. Be sure to have a decent jacket you don’t mind carrying around for when it gets warmer.

United States Embassy in Ethiopia

It’s recommended that you enroll in STEP, the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, with the U.S. Department of State. It’s a free program that will offer you information from the Embassy on safety conditions, help the U.S. Embassy contact you in an emergency, and help your family and friends get in touch with you in the case of an emergency.

U.S. Embassy Addis Ababa Entoto Street PO Box 1014 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Telephone: +(251) 11 130-6000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: 011 130-6000 Fax: +(251) 11 124-2435 and +(251) 11 124-2419

Note that the Embassy is also closed on both Ethiopian and American Holidays.

The embassy’s services may vary depending on individual needs and circumstances. It’s important for travelers to visit the embassy’s website or contact it directly for more information.

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Travel Advisory July 31, 2023

Ethiopia - level 3: reconsider travel.

Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed.

Reconsider travel to Ethiopia due to  sporadic violent conflict, civil unrest, crime, communications disruptions, terrorism and kidnapping in border areas .

Do Not Travel To:

  • Tigray Region and border with Eritrea due to  sporadic violent conflict, civil unrest, and crime .
  • Afar-Tigray   border areas  due  to sporadic violent conflict, civil unrest, and crime .
  • Amhara Region due to  sporadic violent conflict and civil unrest .
  • Gambella and Benishangul Gumuz Regions due to  crime, kidnapping, ethnically motivated violence, and sporadic violent conflict
  • Oromia Region – Specific areas due to sporadic violent conflict, civil unrest, and ethnically motivated violence.
  • Southern Nations and National People (SNNP) Region due to  sporadic violent conflict, civil unrest, and ethnically motivated violence.
  • Border area with Somalia due to  terrorism, kidnapping, and landmines .
  • Border areas with Sudan, and South Sudan due to  crime, kidnapping, civil unrest, and sporadic violent conflict.
  • Border areas with Kenya due to the potential for  terrorism and ethnically motivated violence.

The security situation in Addis Ababa is stable. However, there is sporadic violent conflict and civil unrest in other areas of Ethiopia, and the security situation may deteriorate without warning. The U.S. Embassy is unlikely to be able to assist with departure from the country if the security situation deteriorates. Due to sporadic violent conflict and civil unrest throughout parts of Ethiopia, travel by U.S. government personnel is routinely assessed for additional restrictions. Please see information on  What the Department of State Can and Can't Do in a Crisis .

U.S. officials have limited ability to provide services to U.S. citizens outside of Addis Ababa and have very limited consular access to U.S. citizens detained by Ethiopian authorities. The government of Ethiopia has previously restricted or shut down internet, cellular data, and phone services before, during, and after civil unrest. These restrictions impede the U.S. Embassy’s ability to communicate with and provide consular services to U.S. citizens in Ethiopia.

Please contact the Embassy’s American Citizen Services Unit at  [email protected]  for further assistance.

Read the  country information page  for additional information about travel to Ethiopia.

If you decide to travel to Ethiopia:

  • Monitor local media for breaking events and be prepared to adjust your plans.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Stay alert in locations frequented by U.S. citizens/Westerners/foreign travelers.
  • Carry a copy of your passport and visa and leave originals in your hotel safe.
  • Have evacuation plans that do not rely on U.S. government assistance.
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report for Ethiopia .
  • U.S. citizens who travel abroad should always have a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information  related to your travel.

Tigray Region and Border with Eritrea – Do Not Travel

Due to sporadic violent conflict, civil unrest, and crime, the Tigray Region and the border with Eritrea are restricted for travel by U.S. government personnel, with limited exceptions to support humanitarian capacity and priority diplomatic engagement efforts. Border roads with Eritrea are closed and conditions at the border may change with no warning.

Afar-Tigray Border Area – Do Not Travel

Due to sporadic violent conflict, civil unrest, and crime, the Afar-Tigray border area is restricted for travel by U.S. government personnel, with limited exceptions to support humanitarian capacity and priority diplomatic engagement efforts.

Amhara Region – Do Not Travel 

Due to sporadic violent conflict and civil unrest, the Amhara Region is currently off-limits for U.S. government personnel, with limited exceptions to support humanitarian capacity and priority diplomatic engagement efforts.

Gambella Region – Do Not Travel

Due to crime, kidnapping, the potential for ethnically motivated violence, and sporadic violent conflict, the Gambella Region is restricted for travel by U.S. government personnel, with limited exceptions to support humanitarian capacity and priority diplomatic engagement efforts.

Benishangul Gumuz Region – Do Not Travel

Due to crime, kidnapping, the potential for ethnically motivated violence and sporadic violent conflict, the Benishangul Gumuz Region   is restricted for travel by U.S. government personnel, with limited exceptions to support humanitarian capacity and priority diplomatic engagement efforts.

Oromia Region – Specific Areas – Do Not Travel

Due to sporadic violent conflict, civil unrest, and ethnically motivated violence, the following zones in Oromia are restricted for travel by U.S. government personnel, with limited exceptions to support humanitarian capacity and priority diplomatic engagement efforts: the entirety of Horro-Guduru Wollega, East Wollega, West Wollega, Kelem Wollega, Illubabor, and Bale. Other areas in Oromia include portions of North, West, and Southwest Shewa to the immediate north and west of Addis Ababa; the Boset and Fentale woredas of East Shewa zone between Welenchiti and Awash; portions of the Borena zone surrounding Bule Hora; and portions of Guji zone to the east of Bule Hora.

Southern Nations and National People (SNNP) Region – Specific Areas – Do Not Travel

Due to sporadic violent conflict, civil unrest, and ethnically motivated violence the following towns and areas in SNNP are restricted for travel by U.S. government personnel, with limited exceptions to support humanitarian capacity and priority diplomatic engagement efforts: Gedeo, Konso zones and the Amaro and Derashe special woredas.

Border Area with Somalia – Do Not Travel

Terrorists maintain a presence in Somali towns near the Ethiopian border, presenting a risk of cross-border attacks and kidnappings. Landmines are present in this region. U.S. government personnel are not permitted to travel to the border areas with Somalia, with limited exceptions to support humanitarian capacity efforts.

Border Areas with Sudan and South Sudan – Do Not Travel

Crime, kidnapping, the potential for ethnically motivated violence, and sporadic violent conflict exist near the Ethiopian borders with Sudan and South Sudan. This includes but is not limited to the Nuer Zone and the Jore Woreda of the Agnuak Zone in the Gambela region, and the Pawe, Guba, Dangur, Dibati, and Bulen woredas, and the Metekel zone in the Benishangul Gumuz Region. U.S. government personnel are not permitted to travel to the border areas of Sudan and South Sudan, with limited exceptions to support humanitarian capacity efforts.

Border Areas with Kenya – Do Not Travel

Terrorists, particularly Al-Shabaab, maintain a presence in this area, and ethnically motivated violence has been reported. This includes but is not limited to the Borena zone and surrounding areas. U.S. government personnel are not permitted to travel to the border areas with Kenya, with limited exceptions to support humanitarian capacity efforts.

Visit our website for advice if you decide to  Travel to High-Risk Areas .

Embassy Messages

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Quick Facts

Yes (

Yellow fever certificate required if traveling from a country with risk of yellow fever transmission; recommended for all areas in Ethiopia except Afar and Somali regions.

1,000 ETB for all travelers; 1000 USD or other foreign currency equivalent if person resides in Ethiopia; 3,000 USD or other foreign currency equivalent if person is not residing in Ethiopia. Excess currency may be confiscated.

1,000 ETB (4,000 ETB if travelling to Djibouti) and 3,000 USD or other foreign currency equivalent.

Embassies and Consulates

U.s. embassy addis ababa.

Entoto Street PO Box 1014 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Telephone: +251-11-130-6000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: 011-130-6000 Fax: +251-11-124-2435 and +251-11-124-2419 Email: [email protected]

Destination Description

Learn about the U.S. relationship to countries around the world.

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

Please visit the Embassy's COVID-19 page more information on entry/ exit requirements related to COVID-19 in Ethiopia. 

Requirements for Entry:

  • World Health Organization (WHO) card with yellow fever vaccination if coming from country with risk of yellow fever transmission ( countries with risk of YF transmission )

Visas:  All U.S. citizens are required to obtain a visa to legally enter Ethiopia.  Do not travel to Ethiopia unless you have an approved e-Visa. Travelers without a valid visa will be denied entry. To avoid any disruption to your travel print and carry a copy of your e-Visa with you.  Please, visit  to apply for an e-Visa before traveling to Ethiopia.  Contact the  Embassy of Ethiopia  for the most current visa information. Overseas inquiries about visas should be made at the nearest Ethiopian embassy or consulate.

The Ethiopian Immigration and Citizenship Service strictly enforces immigration regulations and expects all foreign nationals to be in the country under legal status. There is a daily fine if you overstay your visa.  This fine must be paid in full in U.S. dollars at immigration in order to obtain an exit visa and be permitted to depart the country.

Foreign Currency Restrictions:

  • Visitors to Ethiopia, including transit passengers who do not plan to exit Bole International Airport, may hold up to a maximum of 1,000 ETB per trip to and from Ethiopia. Persons residing in Ethiopia can enter with 1,000 USD or other foreign currency equivalent. Persons not residing in Ethiopia can enter with 3,000 USD or other foreign currency equivalent. Travelers must declare all foreign currency exceeding the above limits.
  • Residents of Ethiopia may not hold foreign currency for more than 30 days after declaring it. Nonresidents may hold foreign currency for the duration of their visa.
  • When departing Ethiopia, nonresidents carrying more than the equivalent of 3,000 USD in foreign currency and residents carrying any amount of foreign currency must produce a valid bank document or foreign currency customs declaration that is less than 30 days old.
  • These regulations are strictly enforced, and failure to comply will likely result in the confiscation of excess or undeclared currency.

Ivory, Animal Skins, Souvenirs, Precious Stones and Minerals, Antiques/Artifacts:

  • Travelers transporting ivory may be detained, imprisoned, or fined and the ivory may be confiscated.
  • Souvenirs that are copies of antiques or religious artifacts require a proper receipt and may still be confiscated.
  • Export permits processed by the Export Section of the airport customs office are required for antiques, including religious artifacts, Ethiopian crosses, and animal skins and other wildlife parts. Contact the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority for a permit.
  • There are limits on the amount of precious stones and minerals that can be exported for personal use. Check with local authorities.
  • Contact the Ethiopian Ministry of Revenue s if you have any questions about exports.
  • See our Customs and Import Restrictions information sheet .


  • Laptop computers and video equipment intended for anything other than personal use must be declared upon arrival and departure.
  • Some recording devices may require special customs permits. If these items are being used for work, you should contact the Ethiopian Embassy  before you travel.
  • The U.S. Embassy cannot assist with obtaining permits or the return of confiscated equipment.

HIV/AIDS: The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Ethiopia. Please verify this with the Ethiopian Embassy before you travel.

Find information on  dual nationality ,  prevention of international child abduction  and  customs regulations  on our websites.

Safety and Security

Terrorism: Al-Qa’ida and its regional affiliate, Somalia-based al-Shabaab, maintain a presence throughout East Africa. In late 2020, Ethiopian security officials announced the arrest of al-Shabaab and ISIS members who were accused of planning attacks in Addis Ababa and other parts of Ethiopia. Current information indicates that terrorist organizations continue to plan terrorist attacks against U.S. citizens and Western targets and interests in East Africa, as well as against high-profile targets within those countries that contribute troops to the African Union Mission in Somalia, including Ethiopia.

Terrorist groups and those inspired by such organizations are intent on attacking U.S. citizens abroad. Terrorists are increasingly using less sophisticated methods of attack – including knives, firearms, and vehicles – to more effectively target crowds. Frequently, their aim is unprotected or vulnerable targets, such as: 

  • High-profile public events (sporting contests, political rallies, demonstrations, holiday events, celebratory gatherings, etc.) 
  • Hotels, clubs, and restaurants frequented by tourists 
  • Places of worship 
  • Schools 
  • Parks 
  • Shopping malls and markets 
  • Public transportation systems (including subways, buses, trains, and commercial flights)

For more information, see our  Terrorism  page.

Civil Unrest: Ethiopia has experienced sporadic and spontaneous civil unrest throughout the country, some of which has ended in violence. During such episodes, the Ethiopian government often curtails or limits mobile telecommunications, internet access, and social media. If this happens, you may be unable to contact family and friends or emergency services. The U.S. Embassy does not provide internet access to private individuals.

U.S. government personnel must request permission for personal and official travel outside of Addis Ababa and are required to carry personnel tracking devices and, in some cases, satellite phones.

U.S. government personnel may not take personal trips to:

  • All national border regions of Ethiopia
  • Gambella (except Gambella City)
  • Benishangul Gumuz (except Assosa City)
  • Some areas in western and southern parts of Oromia region
  • Tigray region
  • Amhara region

U.S. government personnel may only travel to Gambella City and Assosa City by plane. 

Western areas of Oromia: Wollega zones that include Kellem Wollega, West Wollega, Horro-Guduru Wollega and parts of East Wollega have reported civil unrest including fighting involving armed groups.

Southern areas of Oromia: West Guji zone has reported civil unrest including fighting involving armed groups.

Ethiopia’s Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region (SNNPR): Civil unrest in the region, particularly in Bench Sheko Zone and Konso Special Woreda, has resulted in deaths, looting, and the burning of buildings.

Border with Kenya: There have been numerous incidents of inter-ethnic conflict reported near the border areas with Kenya, as well as attacks attributed to the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA or OLF-Shane). Criminal activity in this border area remains a concern.

Tigray and Border with Eritrea: Due to conflict in the region, Tigray and the border with Eritrea are currently off-limits for U.S. government personnel. Due to the current situation in Tigray, the border roads with Eritrea are closed. Conditions at the border may change with no warning.

Border with South Sudan (Gambella Region): The security situation in the region is volatile. Sporadic inter-ethnic clashes are common along the western border area with South Sudan. Past tribal conflict between Anyuak, Nuer, and Highlanders resulted in numerous casualties. As with other border areas, landmines and criminal activity remain a concern.

Border with Sudan: There have been numerous incidents of armed clashes reported near the border area between Sudan and Ethiopia over disputed land.

Somali Region (eastern Ethiopia): Al-Shabaab maintains a presence in Somali towns near the Ethiopian border, presenting risk of cross-border attacks and kidnapping. As with other border areas, landmines and criminal activity remain a concern. U.S. government personnel may not take personal trips to the Somali region.

Afar: Violent crime, including the armed assault of foreigners, has occurred in the Danakil Depression in Afar. While recent reports may indicate the Danakil Depression area is safe for tourism, please note that tourism was previously targeted for attacks in 2007, 2012, and 2017. It is not recommended to use the Mekelle route to this or other tourist sites in the Afar region due to the current situation in the Tigray region. Travelers should remain alert for changing conditions and the potential for criminal activity in these areas. Travel to areas bordering Tigray is not recommended due to conflict in that region. Additionally, ethnic conflicts between Afar and Somalis in the southern border areas of Afar have been reported.

Amhara: As a result of the Tigray conflict, tensions continue to exist along the Amhara-Tigray regional border, with occasional clashes including gunfire. Ethnic violence has been reported. While attacks are mostly related to inter-ethnic disputes and foreigners have not been targeted, attacks can occur at any time with the risk of being caught in violence. If you are travelling in the area, monitor local media and follow the advice of local authorities.

Crime in Addis Ababa: Pickpocketing, purse snatching, theft from vehicles and other petty crimes are common in Addis Ababa. Theft of passports is common in Bole International Airport, including inside the airport terminal and during airport transfers. Thieves are active throughout the city at all times, particularly on Bole Road, in the Piazza, the Merkato, and other areas frequented by tourists and foreigners. Violent robberies have also occurred in this area, with victims stabbed or beaten. Further, a number of violent robberies on hikers in Entoto Park, Yeka Park (behind the British Embassy), and the Guellele Botanical Gardens in Addis Ababa have been reported.

Safety Precautions:

  • Review your personal safety and security posture, remain vigilant, and exercise caution when visiting prominent public places and landmarks where westerners gather on a routine or predictable basis.
  • Avoid unattended baggage or packages left in any location, including in taxis.
  • Monitor consular messages.
  • Avoid travel outside of major towns, particularly along border areas (Kenya, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, and South Sudan).
  • Avoid walking alone.
  • Do not display cash and valuable personal property.
  • Secure your valuables and travel documents.
  • Drive with doors locked and windows closed or rolled up enough at all times to prevent theft while stopped in traffic.

Demonstrations  occur frequently. They may take place in response to political or economic issues, on politically significant holidays, and during international events.

  • Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly become violent.
  • Avoid areas around protests and demonstrations.
  • Check local media for updates and traffic advisories.

International Financial Scams:  See the  Department of State  and the  FBI  pages for information.

Victims of Crime: U.S. citizen victims of crime in Addis Ababa should contact the Addis Ababa Police at 011-111-1011 or 991 from your local cell phone and may call the U.S. Embassy at 011-130-6000/6911. Crimes occurring outside of Addis Ababa should be reported to the Ethiopian Federal Police at 011-126-4359/4377. Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crime.

See our webpage on  help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

We can: 

  • Help you find appropriate medical care
  • Assist you in reporting a crime to the police 
  • Contact relatives or friends with your written consent 
  • Provide general information regarding the victim’s role during the local investigation and following its conclusion 
  • Provide a list of local attorneys
  • Provide our information on  victim’s compensation programs in the U.S.
  • Provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution 
  • Help you find accommodation and arrange flights home
  • Replace a stolen or lost passport 

Domestic Violence: U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence are encouraged to contact the Embassy for assistance. 

Tourism:  The tourism industry is unevenly regulated, and safety inspections for equipment and facilities do not commonly occur. Hazardous areas/activities are not always identified with appropriate signage, and staff may not be trained or certified either by the host government or by recognized authorities in the field. In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is typically available only in/near major cities. First responders are generally unable to access areas outside of major cities and to provide urgent medical treatment. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance. See our webpage for more  information on insurance providers for overseas coverage .

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties: You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Please note that in the event you are arrested and then released on bail, standard practice is that the police will retain foreign passports pending a final hearing. Individuals establishing a business or practicing a profession that requires additional permits or licensing should seek information from the competent local authorities, prior to practicing or operating a business.

Furthermore, some laws are also prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on  crimes against minors abroad  and the  Department of Justice  website. 

Photography: It is illegal to take pictures of government buildings, military installations, police/military personnel, and key infrastructure such as roads, bridges, dams, and airfields. If you are caught photographing prohibited sites, you could be fined, your photographic equipment could be confiscated, and you could be detained and/or arrested. As a general practice, you should avoid taking pictures of individuals without their clear consent.

Arrest Notification: If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy immediately. See our  webpage  for further information.

Phone Service: Cellular phones are the main method of communication in Ethiopia; other telephone service is unreliable, and landlines are nearly non-existent. Cell phones brought into Ethiopia must be registered with the Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority. Phones can be registered either at Bole International Airport or at any Ethio Telecom shop. SIM cards are available for local purchase from Ethio Telecom, but will only work with phones that have been registered. As noted, cell phone access may be cut off without warning.

Currency: The Ethiopian Birr (ETB) is the currency of Ethiopia and, with the exception of international hotel bills, payment for commercial transactions in any other currency is illegal. Credit cards are accepted at only a few outlets in Addis Ababa. Foreign currency may only be exchanged legally at banks.

Ethiopian Refugee Camps: All access to refugee camps must be preapproved by the UNHCR and Ethiopian government. You may be detained and deported if you attempt to gain access without proper permissions.

Calendar: The Ethiopian calendar is the principal calendar used in Ethiopia. Some Ethiopians set their clocks differently than is standard practice elsewhere, resulting in significant time differences. Double check bookings and appointments to avoid confusion.

Faith-Based Travelers: See the following webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Report  – see country reports
  • Human Rights Report  – see country reports
  • Hajj Fact Sheet for Travelers
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad  

LGBTI Travelers: Consensual same-sex sexual activity between adults is illegal and punishable by imprisonment under the law. There have been periodic detentions and interrogations of some LGBTI persons, and alleged physical abuse. Ethiopians do not generally publicly identify themselves as LGBTI due to severe societal stigma. There are some reports of violence against LGBTI individuals; reporting is limited due to fear of retribution, discrimination, or stigmatization. There is no law prohibiting discrimination against LGBTI persons and some LGBTI activists have reported being followed and at times fearing for their safety. Outside the major international hotels, same-sex couples may be unable to share a room. See our LGBTI Travel Information page and section 6 of our Human Rights Report for further details.

Travelers Who Require Accessibility Assistance: See The Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development guidebook with information on accessible hotel accommodations and transportation (including the new Addis Ababa metro). Persons with disabilities have limited access to transportation, communication, accommodations, and public buildings. There are few sidewalks and no curb-cuts, and most buildings lack functioning elevators. Landlords are required to give persons with disabilities preference for ground floor apartments.

Students: See our  Students Abroad  page and  FBI travel tips .

Women Travelers: Domestic violence, including spousal abuse, is pervasive. Domestic violence and rape cases often are delayed significantly and given low priority. Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) is illegal, but the prohibition is not actively enforced. Many women and girls have undergone FGM/C. It is much less common in urban areas. See our travel tips for Women Travelers .

Natural Disasters: Ethiopia’s geographic location in the western escarpment of the Great Rift Valley and the Horn of Africa increases its vulnerability to natural disasters, including flooding (and related landslides) during the summer rainy season, drought, and seismic events.

Consult the  CDC website for Ethiopia  prior to travel.

For emergency services in Ethiopia, dial the following numbers:

  • Addis Ababa Police Commission Emergency: 991/922
  • Fire (Addis Ababa): 939
  • Traffic Police (Addis Ababa): 945
  • Ambulance (Ethiopian Red Cross Society in Addis Ababa): 907

Medical care is extremely limited and health care facilities are only adequate for stabilization and emergency care. There is a shortage of physicians and other qualified medical personnel, as well as medical supplies, including, but not limited to, respirators, oxygen, and medications.  Emergency, ambulance, and psychiatric services are also limited. All care providers, both public and private, require payment or a cash deposit in Ethiopian birr before treatment is performed.

Ambulance services are not present throughout the country or are unreliable in most areas except Addis Ababa. Ambulances are also not generally staffed with trained paramedics and often have little or no medical equipment. Injured or seriously ill travelers may prefer to take a taxi or private vehicle to the nearest major hospital rather than wait for an ambulance.

The U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa will not pay medical bills.   Be aware that U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not apply overseas. Most hospitals and doctors overseas do not accept U.S. health insurance. Some clinics will require payment prior to service or prior to checkout.

Medical Insurance:  Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. See the Embassy webpage for more information on insurance providers for overseas coverage. Visit the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  for more information on the type of insurance you should consider before you travel overseas. It is strongly recommended that you obtain supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation. 

Always carry your prescription medication in its original packaging, along with your doctor’s prescription. If the quantity of drugs exceeds that which would be expected for personal use, a permit from the Ministry of Health is required. Check with the Ethiopian Food and Drug Administration (EFDA) at +251-11-552-41-22 or *8484* to ensure the medication is legal in Ethiopia. 

Altitude:   Many cities in Ethiopia, including Addis Ababa, are at high altitude. Be aware of the symptoms of altitude sickness and take precautions before you travel.  Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for more information about  travel to high altitude locations .

The following diseases are prevalent in Ethiopia:

  • Diarrheal diseases 
  • Cholera 
  • Hepatitis A 
  • Malaria 
  • Measles 
  • Meningitis 
  • Polio 
  • Rabies 
  • Schistosomiasis 
  • Tuberculosis 
  • Yellow Fever

Vaccinations:  Ensure you are up to date on all  vaccinations  recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Note that when traveling to certain other countries from Ethiopia, proof of Yellow Fever vaccination may be required. 

Further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Air Quality:  Visit  AirNow Department of State  for information on air quality at U.S. Embassies and Consulates.

The U.S. Embassy maintains a list of  doctors and hospitals but does not endorse or recommend any specific medical provider or clinic. 

Travel and Transportation

U.S. government officials and their families are advised to travel between major cities by air. They are prohibited from using inter- or intra-city bus transportation and travelling by road outside urban areas at night.

Road Conditions and Safety: Traffic accidents occur regularly in Addis Ababa and throughout the country. Roads are ill maintained, inadequately marked, and poorly lit. Excessive speed, erratic driving habits, pedestrians, stray animals, and lack of vehicle maintenance pose other hazards. Travel with other vehicles outside of cities during daylight hours only, due to the threat of roadside bandits, and be sure to carry additional fuel, a spare tire, and provisions. Professional roadside assistance service is not available.

Traffic Laws: You will need an Ethiopian driver’s license to drive in Ethiopia. In order to obtain an Ethiopian’s driver’s license, you will need an authenticated copy of your U.S. driver’s license. For more information on authentication, visit the Department of State’s Office of Authentications . The Embassy does not authenticate U.S. driver’s licenses. Use of cell phones while driving is prohibited. Use of seat belts is required. It is illegal to give money to beggars who approach vehicles stopped in traffic.

Accidents: In the event of an automobile accident, remain inside the vehicle and wait for police. It is illegal to move your vehicle before a police officer arrives. If a hostile mob forms or you feel your safety is in danger, however, leave the scene and proceed directly to the nearest police station to report the incident.

Public Transportation: Public transport is unregulated and unsafe. Avoid all travel by public transportation and hire private transport from a reliable source. Buses are in poor mechanical condition and are often filled well beyond capacity.

While taxis are available in Ethiopia, most do not meet U.S. safety standards. In Addis Ababa, green and yellow metered taxis are generally newer and in better condition than other taxis. The hiring of private transportation from a reliable source and/or use of hotel provided transportation is recommended.

See our Road Safety page for more information.

Aviation Safety Oversight: The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the government of Ethiopia’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of Ethiopia’s air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the FAA’s safety assessment page .

For additional travel information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
  • See the  State Department’s travel website  for the  Worldwide Caution  and  Travel Advisories .
  • Follow us on  Twitter  and  Facebook .
  • See  traveling safely abroad  for useful travel tips.

Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in Ethiopia .  For additional IPCA-related information, please see the  International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act ( ICAPRA )  report.

Travel Advisory Levels

Assistance for u.s. citizens, ethiopia map, learn about your destination, enroll in step.

Enroll in STEP

Subscribe to get up-to-date safety and security information and help us reach you in an emergency abroad.

Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Make two copies of all of your travel documents in case of emergency, and leave one with a trusted friend or relative.


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travel vaccines for ethiopia

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  • Passports, travel and living abroad
  • Travel abroad
  • Foreign travel advice

Entry requirements

This advice reflects the UK government’s understanding of current rules for people travelling on a full ‘British citizen’ passport from the UK, for the most common types of travel. 

The authorities in Ethiopia set and enforce entry rules. If you’re not sure how Ethiopia’s entry requirements apply to you, contact the Ethiopian Embassy in the UK . 

COVID-19 rules

There are no COVID-19 testing or vaccination requirements for passengers entering Ethiopia. 

Passport validity requirements 

Your passport must be: 

  • valid for at least 6 months from the date you arrive in Ethiopia 
  • machine-readable 

Visa requirements 

You need a visa and a valid travel document to enter Ethiopia, including a passport or emergency travel document (ETD). Visitors without valid documents can be detained and fined. 

You do not need a visa if you have a valid Ethiopian Diplomatic ID Card, Ethiopian Temporary Residents Permit or Ethiopian Origin ID (Yellow Cards).

Leave the country before your visa expires or get an official extension if needed. The penalty for overstaying is 10 US dollars a day. You will not be allowed to leave until you pay in full.  

Available visa lengths are 30 days or 90 days, with extensions available for an additional 30 or 90 days. 

Applying for a visa  

Get a visa from the official Ethiopian e-visa platform .   

If you visit Ethiopia on a tourist visa, you cannot take employment, including voluntary employment. If you break the rules, you can get heavy fines or be imprisoned. 

Vaccination requirements  

At least 8 weeks before your trip, check the vaccinations and vaccination certificates you may need in TravelHealthPro’s Ethiopia guide. You may need a yellow fever certificate.  

Customs rules 

There are strict rules about goods that can be brought into and taken out of Ethiopia.

If you plan to take in specialist equipment, the Ethiopian Embassy in London advises you check with your tour operator or local contact before you travel as special customs regulations may apply.  

Contact the Press Office for more information and advice .

Taking money into Ethiopia 

You can carry up to 3,000 Ethiopian birr when entering or leaving Ethiopia. An exception is when travelling to Djibouti from Ethiopia, in which case you can carry up to 10,000 birr. Your cash can be seized and you could get a prison sentence if you go over the limits. 

When you enter or leave Ethiopia, you must declare any cash over 10,000 US dollars (or equivalent in other currencies). Residents of Ethiopia, including resident British nationals, must declare any cash over 4,000 US dollars.

If you leave Ethiopia by airplane with cash above these amounts, you must show the customs declaration form you got when you entered Ethiopia, or the bank advice note if you purchased currency locally.  

If leaving by land with amounts over the stipulated limits, you must show the customs documents given when you arrived in the country. 

If entering Ethiopia through a land border you must declare cash over 500 US dollars (or equivalent). 

Keep your receipt if you change currency into birr. Without a receipt you are unlikely to be able to change leftover money back at the end of your trip.  

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Ethiopia travel advice

Latest updates: Editorial change

Last updated: June 5, 2024 06:24 ET

On this page

Safety and security, entry and exit requirements, laws and culture, natural disasters and climate, ethiopia - avoid non-essential travel.

This advisory excludes Addis Ababa where you should exercise a high degree of caution.

Additional regional advice and advisories are in effect. Our ability to provide consular assistance is limited in some regions.

Addis Ababa - Exercise a high degree of caution

Exercise a high degree of caution in Addis Ababa due to the high crime rate and the risk of spontaneous demonstrations becoming violent. Ongoing armed conflict and civil unrest in other parts of the country could spread to major cities without warning.

Northern regions - Avoid all travel

  • Benishangul-Gumuz
  • northward to Adigrat along road A2
  • west and northwest to Abiy Addi, Adwa and Shire along B30 and C23
  • soutward to Maychew along road A2

Central regions - Avoid all travel

  • North Shewa
  • West Shewa, except the A4 highway, from Addis to and including Ambo where you should avoid non-essential travel
  • West Wollega
  • East Wollega
  • Kellem Wollega
  • Horo Gudru Wollega

Border areas - Avoid all travel

  • 10 km of the border with Eritrea
  • 100 km of the Somali region border with Somalia and Kenya
  • 30 km of the border with Somalia in Fafan zone, except for road C104, the town of Wajale and its border crossing where you should avoid non-essential travel
  • 10 km of the border with Somalia in the Sitti zone
  • 20 km of the border with Kenya, South Sudan and Sudan

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The situation is volatile and unpredictable in several areas throughout the country due to ethnic conflicts. Violent clashes occur, especially near regional borders. 

Frequent incidents of civil unrest can lead to violence. Sporadic roadblocks, curfews and disruptions to telecommunications services are possible throughout the country.

If you travel to Ethiopia:

  • expect a heightened security presence
  • ensure that your travel documents are up to date
  • carry identification documents at all times
  • make sure to stop at all checkpoints and roadblocks, even if they appear unattended
  • if you are stopped by security forces, stay calm and follow instructions

Amhara region

The state of emergency, declared by the Ethiopian authorities on August 14, 2023, remains in effect in the Amhara region due to continued clashes between armed groups and security forces.

While a state of emergency is in effect, police and military have the power to:

  • restrict freedom of movement and assembly
  • enter private properties to conduct searches
  • detain persons of interest

There is increasing and spreading violence in the Amhara region. The majority of the instability is taking place in towns and villages along the A2 and B22 highways, as well as along the southern part of the A3 highway. The cities of Lalibela, Bahir Dar and Gondar have also been affected. The safety and security situation is changing rapidly and includes violent clashes between armed groups in and around cities, towns and airports. Road blocks and curfews are also being used to restrict movements.

Due to the potential for violence to increase and spread in this region, you are at high risk of encountering movement restrictions and having no access to communications.

If you are in the Amhara region affected by the armed conflict:

  • monitor local media to stay informed on the evolving situation
  • follow the instructions of local authorities
  • shelter-in-place until the situation stabilizes and until it is safe to leave the region (flights and land transportation may be disrupted)
  • register with ROCA ( ) to receive important safety updates from the Government of Canada
  • contact the Embassy of Canada in Addis Ababa by email if you require consular assistance: [email protected]

Violent clashes between armed groups occur. Inter-ethnic disputes in Amhara have resulted in casualties, including civilians. Although foreigners are   generally not targeted, there is a risk that you could be caught up in violence.

Tigray region

A cessation of hostilities agreement was signed on November 2, 2022 between the Government of Ethiopia and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), after two years of armed conflict. The agreement has yet to be fully implemented and there remains uncertainty regarding its implications for security in the region.

Travel in and out of the Tigray region can be restricted without notice and food insecurity remains a major concern. Heightened security measures are in place.

Danakil Depression (Afar region)

Foreign tourists were targeted by armed groups in the past.

If you decide to travel to the Danakil Depression:

  • always hire an experienced guide from a reputable company escorted by official security forces
  • be aware of excessive heat and difficult terrain
  • maintain a full tank of gas
  • keep a supply of water and non-perishable snacks

Border areas

Border areas, including regional borders, often see higher criminal activity and violence, including in rural areas. Confrontations between organized criminal groups, ethnic groups, and Ethiopian authorities pose a risk.

The border with Eritrea is still a heavily militarized security corridor despite the peace agreement signed in 2018. Armed conflict could erupt without notice. Due to the conflict in Tigray, border roads and border crossings with Eritrea are closed. Conditions at the border may change without notice. Landmines pose a risk.

Inter-ethnic conflicts and banditry are frequent near the border with Kenya. Security forces regularly carry out military operations, which periodically raises tensions.

Cross-border violence also occurs. Armed groups hostile to the Government of Ethiopia operate in several areas near the border.

Terrorists maintain a presence in this area, and ethnic conflict has been reported. This includes but is not limited to the Konso Zone and surrounding areas. Kidnapping also poses a risk in this area.

Sporadic armed clashes over disputed land occur. The risk of terrorism and kidnapping is high in this area.  Landmines pose a threat to safety.

South Sudan

Ethnic tensions and sporadic violence are common. Ethnic militias from South Sudan have crossed into Ethiopia to attack rival communities. The security situation is extremely unstable. The threat of violent crime, civil unrest and tribal clashes is high. Kidnapping and landmines pose a threat to safety.

Gambella region

Ethnic conflict, violent crime and sporadic violence are of concern in the city of Gambella and its surrounding areas. Armed clashes have caused casualties and damage to foreign companies’ installations in the area.

Somali region

Terrorist groups maintain a presence in Somali towns near the Ethiopian border, presenting a risk for cross-border attacks and kidnappings. Violent crime, including armed robbery, occurs. Violent clashes between armed groups and security forces, as well as ethnic violent, are common. Landmines pose a threat to safety.

Oromia region

Demonstrations, civil unrest, violent crime, armed conflicts, and clashes between security forces and armed groups occur in Oromia, including in areas bordering Amhara. There is a threat of kidnapping. Roadside attacks have also taken place.  These incidents are particularly prevalent in the following zones:

  • West Wellega and the main Addis Ababa to Gambella road (A4 highway)
  • East Wellega
  • Kellem Wellega
  • Horro-Guduru Wellega

The security situation could deteriorate without warning. A heightened security presence remains throughout these areas. Local authorities may impose curfews without notice. Internet and cellular data outages could occur.

  • avoid military, police and security installations
  • exercise extreme caution
  • follow the advice of local authorities

Benishangul Gumuz region

Civil unrest, including armed conflicts, has resulted in deaths. Violent clashes can occur without warning due to local ethnic tensions.

Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples region

Armed conflicts and civil unrest have occurred sporadically across the region.  These have led to casualties and mass arrests. Residents have also randomly attacked cars and disrupted road travel. Militia attacks have also occurred. 

The security situation could deteriorate without warning. A heightened security presence remains throughout these areas. Local authorities may impose curfews without notice. Internet and cellular data outages could occur. 

Kidnapping occurs, especially in the Somali, Gambella and Oromia regions, as well as in the border areas with Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan and Eritrea (Danakil Depression).

If you are travelling in a region prone to kidnapping:

  • get professional security advice
  • arrange for personal security
  • change your travel patterns regularly
  • be aware of your surroundings
  • avoid displaying signs of affluence
  • don’t travel alone

Petty crime

Petty crime, such as pickpocketing, purse snatching and mugging, occurs, especially in Addis Ababa. Incidents are mostly opportunistic. However, they have been increasingly reported in the following areas:

  • the Bole Medhanealem
  • the Bole Atlas
  • the Meskel Square
  • the Merkato

Theft from parked cars and burglaries in vacant residences also occur, especially in rural areas, where the police response is limited.

Crime significantly increases after dark.

  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times, especially in crowded areas
  • Avoid displaying any signs of affluence in public
  • Avoid walking alone after sundown
  • Choose living accommodations that have good security measures
  • Keep car doors locked while you’re in your vehicle
  • Park your car in a well-lit and guarded area
  • Be vigilant if approached by strangers seeking assistance
  • If threatened, hand over valuables without resistance
  • Ensure that your belongings, including your passport and other travel documents, are secure at all times

Violent crime

Violent crime is rare in Addis Ababa, but happens. Westerners have been victims of armed assaults and muggings.

If threatened:

  • stay calm and don’t resist
  • comply with the robbers’ requests

Demonstrations and civil unrest

Demonstrations take place regularly, especially across the Oromia region and Addis Ababa. They can occur without warning. Ethnic tensions and territorial disputes in this area have led to demonstrations and civil unrest near the regional state borders.

Even peaceful demonstrations can turn violent at any time. They can also lead to disruptions to traffic and public transportation.

  • Avoid areas where demonstrations and large gatherings are taking place
  • Follow the instructions of local authorities
  • Monitor local media for information on ongoing demonstrations

Mass gatherings (large-scale events)

There is a threat of terrorism.   Regional terror groups continue to threaten Western interests and other potential targets in Ethiopia, including in Addis Ababa.  Domestic terror groups also pose an increased threat in some regions, like the Somali region.

Targets could include:

  • government buildings, including schools
  • places of worship
  • airports and other transportation hubs and networks
  • public areas such as tourist attractions, restaurants, bars, coffee shops, shopping centres, markets, hotels and other sites frequented by foreigners

Always be aware of your surroundings when in public places.

Ethiopia is primarily a cash-based economy but credit card and ATM fraud may sometimes occur, especially in large cities. There have been reports of unauthorized charges. Connectivity issues may also be a problem.

Be cautious when using debit or credit cards:

  • pay careful attention when your cards are being handled by others
  • use ATMs located in well-lit public areas or inside a bank or business
  • avoid using card readers with an irregular or unusual feature
  • cover the keypad with one hand when entering your PIN
  • check for any unauthorized transactions on your account statements

Overseas fraud

Outages and shortages

Power outages are frequent nationwide, particularly during the dry season from November to June. Local authorities may impose power rationing.

Not all buildings have generators. Outages can result in lack of street lighting, restaurants and supermarkets without adequate refrigeration, and gas stations unable to supply fuel.


Although there are some plans to improve the network, cellular coverage is unreliable and connectivity remains an issue in several parts of the country.

Local authorities also control telecommunications and may shut down both cell phone and internet systems during periods of civil unrest or ahead of a large planned protest.

You should not rely on your cell phone in case of emergency, especially outside major cities.

  • Avoid travelling alone
  • Inform relatives of your itinerary

Fuel and food

Periodic fuel and food shortages occur. This may create social tensions and increase food prices.

  • Carry flashlights
  • Plan to have adequate water, food and fuel supplies

Road safety

Driving standards, vehicle maintenance and road conditions are often poor throughout the country. Traffic accidents are a regular occurrence, especially in Addis Ababa and on the Addis Ababa–Djibouti road.

Apart from major arteries, roads are generally unpaved. They often lack markings and signage, reflectors and shoulders, even in urban areas. They are poorly lit and maintained.

Drivers often drive at excessive speed and don’t respect traffic laws. They may be reckless. Poorly maintained vehicles, roaming animals and pedestrians pose further hazards. Armed robbery, carjacking and landmines also pose a threat, especially in border areas

There is no road assistance and emergency services are limited to nonexistent in several areas. Although improving, the cellular coverage remains unstable outside main cities.

  • Avoid driving after dark
  • Always keep your gas tank full when in remote areas
  • Always carry a first-aid kit, as medical facilities are often undersupplied
  • Advise a relative of your anticipated itinerary and route
  • If you encounter a roadblock, turn around and don’t attempt to pass it
  • Don’t rely on your phone for navigation or emergency contacts

Traffic accidents occur regularly throughout Ethiopia. Traffic often moves unpredictably.

Under Ethiopian law, it is illegal to move your vehicle before a police officer arrives if an accident occurs. Large crowd may gather and could become hostile and aggressive.

If involved in an accident:

  • avoid confrontation
  • call the local police and remain at the scene of the accident until they arrive
  • should you feel unsafe, leave immediately and report the incident to the nearest police station

Public transportation

Most public transport is unregulated and unsafe. Hire private transport from a reliable source or use transportation provided by your hotel.

Minibuses and large buses are often old, poorly maintained and overcrowded.

Some buses have been attacked on their way from one region to another.

Only use buses from the airport that have been organised by your hotel or your tour operator.

Rail services are limited and trains are poorly maintained. Avoid travelling by train.

Taxis are generally unsafe.

If travelling by taxi:

  • only use metered taxis
  • choose yellow taxis rather than white or blue ones
  • make sure you are the only passenger in the vehicle

Hiking in the Danakil Depression

Weather conditions in the Danakil depression area can be fairly arid. Facilities are basic. There is no running water and medical options are very limited.

You should prepare for excessive heat and difficult terrain, namely around the Erta Ale Volcano.

If you intend on hiking in this area despite the advisory in place:

  • never do so alone and always hire an experienced guide from a reputable company
  • buy travel insurance that includes helicopter rescue and medical evacuation
  • ensure that your physical condition is good enough to meet the challenges of your activity
  • ensure that you’re properly equipped and well informed about weather and other conditions that may pose a hazard
  • inform a family member or friend of your itinerary, including when you expect to be back to camp
  • know the symptoms of acute altitude sickness, which can be fatal
  • obtain detailed information on trekking routes before setting out and do not venture off marked trails

Women’s safety

Women travelling alone may be subject to harassment and verbal abuse.

We do not make assessments on the compliance of foreign domestic airlines with international safety standards.

Information about foreign domestic airlines

Every country or territory decides who can enter or exit through its borders. The Government of Canada cannot intervene on your behalf if you do not meet your destination’s entry or exit requirements.

We have obtained the information on this page from Ethiopian authorities. It can, however, change at any time.

Verify this information with the  Foreign Representatives in Canada .

Entry requirements vary depending on the type of passport you use for travel.

Before you travel, check with your transportation company about passport requirements. Its rules on passport validity may be more stringent than the country’s entry rules.

Regular Canadian passport

Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months beyond the date you expect to leave Ethiopia.

Passport for official travel

Different entry rules may apply.

Official travel

Passport with “X” gender identifier

While the Government of Canada issues passports with an “X” gender identifier, it cannot guarantee your entry or transit through other countries. You might face entry restrictions in countries that do not recognize the “X” gender identifier. Before you leave, check with the closest foreign representative for your destination.

Other travel documents

Different entry rules may apply when travelling with a temporary passport or an emergency travel document. Before you leave, check with the closest foreign representative for your destination.

Useful links

  • Foreign Representatives in Canada
  • Canadian passports

Tourist visa: required Business visa: required Transit visa: required

Canadians must have a valid visa to enter the country. You may obtain a visa online. If you overstay your visa, you may face daily fines and imprisonment.

You need the proper visa if you want to conduct a business or volunteering activity. If you fail to do so, you may be fined or detained.

  • Obtain a visa online before arrival
  • Verify carefully that your visa is valid
  • Ensure that your activities in the country adhere to the type of visa you have obtained

Ethiopian e-Visa  – Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Other entry requirements

Authorities may request additional documents if you attempt to enter Ethiopia by vehicle at certain border crossings.

Contact the Embassy of Canada to Ethiopia, in Addis Ababa, to determine specific entry requirements at land borders.

  • Children and travel

Learn more about travelling with children .

Yellow fever

Learn about potential entry requirements related to yellow fever (vaccines section).

Relevant Travel Health Notices

  • Global Measles Notice - 13 March, 2024
  • Zika virus: Advice for travellers - 31 August, 2023
  • COVID-19 and International Travel - 13 March, 2024
  • Dengue: Advice for travellers - 6 May, 2024

This section contains information on possible health risks and restrictions regularly found or ongoing in the destination. Follow this advice to lower your risk of becoming ill while travelling. Not all risks are listed below.

Consult a health care professional or visit a travel health clinic preferably 6 weeks before you travel to get personalized health advice and recommendations.

Routine vaccines

Be sure that your  routine vaccinations , as per your province or territory , are up-to-date before travelling, regardless of your destination.

Some of these vaccinations include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, varicella (chickenpox), influenza and others.

Pre-travel vaccines and medications

You may be at risk for preventable diseases while travelling in this destination. Talk to a travel health professional about which medications or vaccines may be right for you, based on your destination and itinerary. 

Yellow fever   is a disease caused by a flavivirus from the bite of an infected mosquito.

Travellers get vaccinated either because it is required to enter a country or because it is recommended for their protection.

  • There is a risk of yellow fever in this country.

Country Entry Requirement*

  • Proof of vaccination is required if you are arriving from Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, or Venezuela or have transited through an airport in one of these countries.


  • Vaccination is recommended depending on your itinerary.
  • Contact a designated  Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre  well in advance of your trip to arrange for vaccination.
  • Discuss travel plans, activities, and destinations with a health care professional.
  • Protect yourself from mosquito bites .

About Yellow Fever

Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres in Canada * It is important to note that  country entry requirements  may not reflect your risk of yellow fever at your destination. It is recommended that you contact the nearest  diplomatic or consular office  of the destination(s) you will be visiting to verify any additional entry requirements.

There is a risk of hepatitis A in this destination. It is a disease of the liver. People can get hepatitis A if they ingest contaminated food or water, eat foods prepared by an infectious person, or if they have close physical contact (such as oral-anal sex) with an infectious person, although casual contact among people does not spread the virus.

Practise  safe food and water precautions and wash your hands often. Vaccination is recommended for all travellers to areas where hepatitis A is present.

Measles is a highly contagious viral disease. It can spread quickly from person to person by direct contact and through droplets in the air.

Anyone who is not protected against measles is at risk of being infected with it when travelling internationally.

Regardless of where you are going, talk to a health care professional before travelling to make sure you are fully protected against measles.

  Hepatitis B is a risk in every destination. It is a viral liver disease that is easily transmitted from one person to another through exposure to blood and body fluids containing the hepatitis B virus.  Travellers who may be exposed to blood or other bodily fluids (e.g., through sexual contact, medical treatment, sharing needles, tattooing, acupuncture or occupational exposure) are at higher risk of getting hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for all travellers. Prevent hepatitis B infection by practicing safe sex, only using new and sterile drug equipment, and only getting tattoos and piercings in settings that follow public health regulations and standards.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious viral disease. It can spread from person to person by direct contact and through droplets in the air.

It is recommended that all eligible travellers complete a COVID-19 vaccine series along with any additional recommended doses in Canada before travelling. Evidence shows that vaccines are very effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19. While vaccination provides better protection against serious illness, you may still be at risk of infection from the virus that causes COVID-19. Anyone who has not completed a vaccine series is at increased risk of being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 and is at greater risk for severe disease when travelling internationally.

Before travelling, verify your destination’s COVID-19 vaccination entry/exit requirements. Regardless of where you are going, talk to a health care professional before travelling to make sure you are adequately protected against COVID-19.

 The best way to protect yourself from seasonal influenza (flu) is to get vaccinated every year. Get the flu shot at least 2 weeks before travelling.  

 The flu occurs worldwide. 

  •  In the Northern Hemisphere, the flu season usually runs from November to   April.
  •  In the Southern Hemisphere, the flu season usually runs between April and   October.
  •  In the tropics, there is flu activity year round. 

The flu vaccine available in one hemisphere may only offer partial protection against the flu in the other hemisphere.

The flu virus spreads from person to person when they cough or sneeze or by touching objects and surfaces that have been contaminated with the virus. Clean your hands often and wear a mask if you have a fever or respiratory symptoms.

This destination is in the African Meningitis Belt, an area which has the highest rates of meningococcal disease in the world. Meningococcal disease is a serious and sometimes fatal infection. 

Travellers who are at higher risk should discuss vaccination with a health care provider. High-risk travellers include those living or working with the local population (e.g., health care workers) or those travelling to crowded areas or taking part in large gatherings.

Malaria  is a serious and sometimes fatal disease that is caused by parasites spread through the bites of mosquitoes.   There is a risk of malaria in certain areas and/or during a certain time of year in this destination. 

Antimalarial medication may be recommended depending on your itinerary and the time of year you are travelling. Consult a health care professional or visit a travel health clinic before travelling to discuss your options. It is recommended to do this 6 weeks before travel, however, it is still a good idea any time before leaving.    Protect yourself from mosquito bites at all times:  • Cover your skin and use an approved insect repellent on uncovered skin.  • Exclude mosquitoes from your living area with screening and/or closed, well-sealed doors and windows. • Use insecticide-treated bed nets if mosquitoes cannot be excluded from your living area.  • Wear permethrin-treated clothing.    If you develop symptoms similar to malaria when you are travelling or up to a year after you return home, see a health care professional immediately. Tell them where you have been travelling or living. 

In this destination, rabies is commonly carried by dogs and some wildlife, including bats. Rabies is a deadly disease that spreads to humans primarily through bites or scratches from an infected animal. While travelling, take precautions , including keeping your distance from animals (including free-roaming dogs), and closely supervising children.

If you are bitten or scratched by a dog or other animal while travelling, immediately wash the wound with soap and clean water and see a health care professional. In this destination, rabies treatment may be limited or may not be available, therefore you may need to return to Canada for treatment.  

Before travel, discuss rabies vaccination with a health care professional. It may be recommended for travellers who are at high risk of exposure (e.g., occupational risk such as veterinarians and wildlife workers, children, adventure travellers and spelunkers, and others in close contact with animals). 

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified this country as no longer poliovirus-infected but at high risk of an outbreak . Polio can be prevented by vaccination.


  • Be sure that your polio vaccinations are up to date before travelling. Polio is part of the routine vaccine schedule for children in Canada.
  • One booster dose of the polio vaccine is recommended as an adult .

Safe food and water precautions

Many illnesses can be caused by eating food or drinking beverages contaminated by bacteria, parasites, toxins, or viruses, or by swimming or bathing in contaminated water.

  • Learn more about food and water precautions to take to avoid getting sick by visiting our eat and drink safely abroad page. Remember: Boil it, cook it, peel it, or leave it!
  • Avoid getting water into your eyes, mouth or nose when swimming or participating in activities in freshwater (streams, canals, lakes), particularly after flooding or heavy rain. Water may look clean but could still be polluted or contaminated.
  • Avoid inhaling or swallowing water while bathing, showering, or swimming in pools or hot tubs. 

Cholera is a risk in parts of this country. Most travellers are at very low risk.

To protect against cholera, all travellers should practise safe food and water precautions .

Travellers at higher risk of getting cholera include those:

  • visiting, working or living in areas with limited access to safe food, water and proper sanitation
  • visiting areas where outbreaks are occurring

Vaccination may be recommended for high-risk travellers, and should be discussed with a health care professional.

Travellers' diarrhea is the most common illness affecting travellers. It is spread from eating or drinking contaminated food or water.

Risk of developing travellers' diarrhea increases when travelling in regions with poor standards of hygiene and sanitation. Practise safe food and water precautions.

The most important treatment for travellers' diarrhea is rehydration (drinking lots of fluids). Carry oral rehydration salts when travelling.

Typhoid   is a bacterial infection spread by contaminated food or water. Risk is higher among children, travellers going to rural areas, travellers visiting friends and relatives or those travelling for a long period of time.

Travellers visiting regions with a risk of typhoid, especially those exposed to places with poor sanitation, should speak to a health care professional about vaccination.  

There is a risk of schistosomiasis in this destination. Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease caused by tiny worms (blood flukes) which can be found in freshwater (lakes, rivers, ponds, and wetlands). The worms can break the skin, and their eggs can cause stomach pain, diarrhea, flu-like symptoms, or urinary problems. Schistosomiasis mostly affects underdeveloped and r ural communities, particularly agricultural and fishing communities.

Most travellers are at low risk. Travellers should avoid contact with untreated freshwater such as lakes, rivers, and ponds (e.g., swimming, bathing, wading, ingesting). There is no vaccine or medication available to prevent infection.

Insect bite prevention

Many diseases are spread by the bites of infected insects such as mosquitoes, ticks, fleas or flies. When travelling to areas where infected insects may be present:

  • Use insect repellent (bug spray) on exposed skin
  • Cover up with light-coloured, loose clothes made of tightly woven materials such as nylon or polyester
  • Minimize exposure to insects
  • Use mosquito netting when sleeping outdoors or in buildings that are not fully enclosed

To learn more about how you can reduce your risk of infection and disease caused by bites, both at home and abroad, visit our insect bite prevention page.

Find out what types of insects are present where you’re travelling, when they’re most active, and the symptoms of the diseases they spread.

There is a risk of chikungunya in this country.  The risk may vary between regions of a country.  Chikungunya is a virus spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. Chikungunya can cause a viral disease that typically causes fever and pain in the joints. In some cases, the joint pain can be severe and last for months or years.

Protect yourself from mosquito bites at all times. There is no vaccine available for chikungunya.

Cutaneous and mucosal   leishmaniasis   causes skin sores and ulcers. It is caused by a parasite spread through the bite of a female sandfly.

Risk is generally low for most travellers. Protect yourself from sandfly bites, which typically occur after sunset in rural and forested areas and in some urban centres. There is no vaccine or medication to protect against leishmaniasis.

Visceral  leishmaniasis   (or kala azar) affects the bone marrow and internal organs. It is caused by a parasite spread through the bite of a female sandfly. It can also be transmitted by blood transfusion or sharing contaminated needles. If left untreated it can cause death. Risk is generally low for most travellers. Protect yourself from sandfly bites, which typically occur after sunset in rural and forested areas and in some urban centres. There is no vaccine or medication to protect against leishmaniasis.

Onchocerciasis (river blindness)   is an eye and skin disease caused by a parasite spread through the bite of an infected female blackfly.  Onchocerciasis often leads to blindness if left untreated. Risk is generally low for most travellers. Protect yourself from blackfly bites, which are most common close to fast-flowing rivers and streams. There is no vaccine available for onchocerciasis although drug treatments exist.

  • In this country,   dengue  is a risk to travellers. It is a viral disease spread to humans by mosquito bites.
  • Dengue can cause flu-like symptoms. In some cases, it can lead to severe dengue, which can be fatal.
  • The level of risk of dengue changes seasonally, and varies from year to year. The level of risk also varies between regions in a country and can depend on the elevation in the region.
  • Mosquitoes carrying dengue typically bite during the daytime, particularly around sunrise and sunset.
  • Protect yourself from mosquito bites . There is no vaccine or medication that protects against dengue.

Rift Valley fever is a viral disease that can cause severe flu-like symptoms. In some cases, it can be fatal. It is spread to humans through contact with infected animal blood or tissues, from the bite of an infected mosquito, or eating or drinking unpasteurized dairy. Risk is generally low for most travellers. Protect yourself from insect bites and avoid animals, particularly livestock, and unpasteurized dairy. There is no vaccine available for Rift Valley fever.

Zika virus is a risk in this country. 

Zika virus is primarily spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. It can also be sexually transmitted. Zika virus can cause serious birth defects.

During your trip:

  • Prevent mosquito bites at all times.
  • Use condoms correctly or avoid sexual contact, particularly if you are pregnant.

If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, you should discuss the potential risks of travelling to this destination with your health care provider. You may choose to avoid or postpone travel. 

For more information, see Zika virus: Pregnant or planning a pregnancy.

Animal precautions

Some infections, such as rabies and influenza, can be shared between humans and animals. Certain types of activities may increase your chance of contact with animals, such as travelling in rural or forested areas, camping, hiking, and visiting wet markets (places where live animals are slaughtered and sold) or caves.

Travellers are cautioned to avoid contact with animals, including dogs, livestock (pigs, cows), monkeys, snakes, rodents, birds, and bats, and to avoid eating undercooked wild game.

Closely supervise children, as they are more likely to come in contact with animals.

Anthrax is a serious infectious disease caused by bacteria. People can get sick with anthrax if they come into contact with infected animals or contaminated animal products. Anthrax can cause severe illness in both humans and animals. Travellers to areas where anthrax is common or where an outbreak is occurring in animals can get sick with anthrax if:

  • they have contact with infected animal carcasses or eat meat from animals that were sick when slaughtered
  • they handle animal parts, such as hides, wool or hair, or products made from those animal parts, such as animal hide drums.

If you are visiting these areas, do not eat raw or undercooked meat and avoid contact with livestock, wildlife, animal products, and animal carcasses.

Person-to-person infections

Stay home if you’re sick and practise proper cough and sneeze etiquette , which includes coughing or sneezing into a tissue or the bend of your arm, not your hand. Reduce your risk of colds, the flu and other illnesses by:

  •   washing your hands often
  • avoiding or limiting the amount of time spent in closed spaces, crowded places, or at large-scale events (concerts, sporting events, rallies)
  • avoiding close physical contact with people who may be showing symptoms of illness 

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) , HIV , and mpox are spread through blood and bodily fluids; use condoms, practise safe sex, and limit your number of sexual partners. Check with your local public health authority pre-travel to determine your eligibility for mpox vaccine.  

Tuberculosis is an infection caused by bacteria and usually affects the lungs.

For most travellers the risk of tuberculosis is low.

Travellers who may be at high risk while travelling in regions with risk of tuberculosis should discuss pre- and post-travel options with a health care professional.

High-risk travellers include those visiting or working in prisons, refugee camps, homeless shelters, or hospitals, or travellers visiting friends and relatives.

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)   is a virus that attacks and impairs the immune system, resulting in a chronic, progressive illness known as AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). 

High risk activities include anything which puts you in contact with blood or body fluids, such as unprotected sex and exposure to unsterilized needles for medications or other substances (for example, steroids and drugs), tattooing, body-piercing or acupuncture.

Medical services and facilities

Health care is inadequate, except in private hospitals of Addis Ababa where you can expect reasonable standard of basic care for minor health problems. Otherwise, health facilities are not up to Canadian standards. They lack of personnel, equipment, supplies and medications.

Ambulance services are extremely limited and unreliable.

Ensure that you always carry a comprehensive medical pack when travelling.

You will likely need medical evacuation in case of serious illness or injury.

Make sure you get travel insurance that includes coverage for medical evacuation and hospital stays.

Travel health and safety

Altitude sickness

Addis Ababa is located about 2500 metres above sea level. Acute mountain sickness may occur at high altitudes.

Be well informed about the potential health hazards at high altitudes.

Keep in Mind...

The decision to travel is the sole responsibility of the traveller. The traveller is also responsible for his or her own personal safety.

Be prepared. Do not expect medical services to be the same as in Canada. Pack a   travel health kit , especially if you will be travelling away from major city centres.

You must abide by local laws.

Learn about what you should do and how we can help if you are arrested or detained abroad .

Death penalty

Ethiopian authorities may apply the death penalty for serious offences.

All illicit drugs are illegal except khat, a local stimulant. Khat is illegal in several countries. Don’t attempt to export it.

Penalties for possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs are severe. Convicted offenders can expect lengthy jail sentences and heavy fines.

Ethiopia is used as a drug trafficking hub between Western markets and southern Asia for heroin.

  • Carry only your personal belongings, and don’t leave them unattended
  • Don’t agree to carry packages that are not your own

Drugs, alcohol and travel

2SLGBTQI+ travellers

Ethiopian law prohibits sexual acts between individuals of the same sex. Those convicted can face up to 15 years in prison.

2SLGBTQI+ travellers should carefully consider the risks of travelling to Ethiopia.

Travel and your sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics

Dual citizenship

Dual citizenship is not legally recognized in Ethiopia.

If local authorities consider you a citizen of Ethiopia, they may refuse to grant you access to Canadian consular services. This will prevent us from providing you with those services.

Travellers with dual citizenship

International Child Abduction

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is an international treaty. It can help parents with the return of children who have been removed to or retained in certain countries in violation of custody rights. It does not apply between Canada and Ethiopia.

If your child was wrongfully taken to, or is being held in Ethiopia by an abducting parent:

  • act as quickly as you can
  • consult a lawyer in Canada and in Ethiopia to explore all the legal options for the return of your child
  • report the situation to the nearest Canadian government office abroad or to the Vulnerable Children's Consular Unit at Global Affairs Canada by calling the Emergency Watch and Response Centre

If your child was removed from a country other than Canada, consult a lawyer to determine if The Hague Convention applies.

Be aware that Canadian consular officials cannot interfere in private legal matters or in another country's judicial affairs.

  • International Child Abductions: A guide for affected parents
  • Canadian embassies and consulates by destination
  • Request emergency assistance


You must carry photo ID with you at all times, as local authorities can ask you to prove your identity.

Keep a photocopy of your passport in a safe place, in case it is lost or confiscated.

It’s illegal to carry a firearm in Ethiopia.

It’s illegal to own any quantity of ivory, including in jewellery.

Antiques or religious paraphernalia

You may not export real antiques or religious items.

Tourist souvenirs are often copies of Ethiopian antiques or religious paraphernalia.

If buying such items, ensure that you have a receipt, clearly indicating that it’s a souvenir and not authentic. However, be aware that authorities may confiscate items purchased for export or for personal use, especially ceremonial knives, even if you present a receipt.


It’s strictly prohibited to photograph:

  • military installations
  • police and military personnel
  • industrial facilities
  • government buildings and infrastructure, including roads, bridges, dams and airfields

Never stop near a restricted area, no matter the reason, on foot or in a vehicle.

Street vendors

It is illegal to give money to, or purchase something from, people who approach vehicles stopped in traffic, including children.

If caught, both the beggar/vendor and the vehicle operator face fines.

Social media

Writing on blogs or social media about political subjects could lead to detention and arrest.

Cell phones

You can use one cell phone or tablet on the network of the sole, state-owned telecommunications provider, Ethio Telecom.

Additional devices are subject to a customs fee of 10% of the total cost of the device, as well as the activation fee.

Other electronic devices

You must declare all laptop computers and video equipment other than those for personal use upon arrival and departure. Some recording devices may require special customs permits.

If you will be using these items for work, obtain permission to bring them into the country from the Embassy of Ethiopia in Ottawa or the Consulate of Ethiopia in Toronto.

Foreign representatives in Canada

In 2025, the lunar month of Ramadan is expected to begin on or around February 28.

In public, between sunrise and sunset, be discreet when:

Orthodox Christian

The Ethiopian highlands population is predominantly Orthodox Christian. There is fasting in this region every Wednesday and Friday, and during Lent.

  • Always obtain permission from religious authorities before visiting churches
  • Dress conservatively, behave discreetly, and respect religious traditions to avoid offending local sensitivities

Time of day

Many people in Ethiopia use the Ethiopian clock.

According to the Ethiopian clock, unlike the convention in most countries, the start of the day is dawn rather than midnight. As a result, daytime hours are counted beginning from what would be 6 a.m. For instance, the time at one hour after dawn – 7 a.m. –  would be 1 a.m. on the Ethiopian clock.

Most hotels and larger organisations, including all airlines, use the global clock. However, many individuals or smaller organisations continue to use the Ethiopian clock.

Check with your host if you are unsure which clock is being used for a meeting or an event.

You must have a local driver’s licence to drive in Ethiopia. You must present your valid Canadian driver’s licence or an International Driving Permit to obtain one.

If you're involved in an accident, don’t move your vehicle before a police officer arrives. It's illegal to do so.

International Driving Permit

The currency of Ethiopia is the birr (ETB).

Credit cards are not widely accepted except by large hotels, travel agencies and a few shops and restaurants in Addis Ababa. ATMs are very limited outside urban areas and may run out of cash without notice.

Make sure you have access to hard-currency cash in case of emergency.

It is illegal to enter or exit Ethiopia with more than 1,000 birr.

You may enter or exit Ethiopia with up to US$3,000 or its equivalent in any convertible foreign currency. This doesn’t include birr. However:

  • if you enter with more, you must declare the funds upon arrival
  • a bank document certifying the purchase of the foreign currency and approving travel with the funds or
  • a customs declaration form made upon entry

Be aware that even the provision of such documents may not safeguard you against confiscation of the extra funds, imprisonment or fines. Policies may change at any time without notice.

Exchanging money on the black market is illegal. Exchange foreign currency at banks or official foreign exchange offices only as you may face heavy fines or detention.

Due to below-average rainfall for several years in a row, Ethiopia is experiencing severe drought.

Local services and the availability of water and basic food may be affected.

You may encounter difficulties travelling overland.

Rainy season

The rainy season normally extends from June to September. Seasonal flooding can hamper overland travel and reduce the provision of essential services. Roads may become impassable due to mudslides and landslides. 

  • Monitor local media for the latest updates, including road conditions
  • Stay away from flooded areas
  • Follow instructions from local authorities, including evacuation orders


Ethiopia is located in an active seismic zone. Earthquakes may occur.

Earthquakes - What to Do?  

Local services

In case of emergency, dial 991.

Consular assistance

For emergency consular assistance, call the Embassy of Canada to Ethiopia, in Addis Ababa, and follow the instructions. At any time, you may also contact the Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa.

The decision to travel is your choice and you are responsible for your personal safety abroad. We take the safety and security of Canadians abroad very seriously and provide credible and timely information in our Travel Advice to enable you to make well-informed decisions regarding your travel abroad.

The content on this page is provided for information only. While we make every effort to give you correct information, it is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. The Government of Canada does not assume responsibility and will not be liable for any damages in connection to the information provided.

If you need consular assistance while abroad, we will make every effort to help you. However, there may be constraints that will limit the ability of the Government of Canada to provide services.

Learn more about consular services .

Risk Levels

  take normal security precautions.

Take similar precautions to those you would take in Canada.

  Exercise a high degree of caution

There are certain safety and security concerns or the situation could change quickly. Be very cautious at all times, monitor local media and follow the instructions of local authorities.

IMPORTANT: The two levels below are official Government of Canada Travel Advisories and are issued when the safety and security of Canadians travelling or living in the country or region may be at risk.

  Avoid non-essential travel

Your safety and security could be at risk. You should think about your need to travel to this country, territory or region based on family or business requirements, knowledge of or familiarity with the region, and other factors. If you are already there, think about whether you really need to be there. If you do not need to be there, you should think about leaving.

  Avoid all travel

You should not travel to this country, territory or region. Your personal safety and security are at great risk. If you are already there, you should think about leaving if it is safe to do so.

COVID-19: Entry Requirements for Travellers to Ethiopia

Amid the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic, new health guidelines have been put in place for all travellers entering Ethiopia.

As per Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Directive 30/2020 issued for the “Prevention and Control of the COVID-19 Pandemic” , effective immediately:

All travellers:

  • All travellers, over the age of ten, arriving at international airports are required to provide a certificate of negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test, taken no later than five days (120 hours) prior to arrival in Ethiopia. After temperature and other possible COVID-19 symptoms have been checked by the Airport’s health control desk, travellers are required register their addresses with authorities and self-quarantine at home for seven days.
  • Travellers showing any symptoms of COVID-19 will be taken to one of the temporary government-designated isolation centres for further checks, in accordance with the COVID-19 medical manual prepared by the Ethiopian Public Health Institute.
  • Any person who is positive with COVID-19 is prohibited from entering the country.

Transit Passengers:

  • Short-stay transit passengers will neither be allowed to leave the airport nor enter the city.
  • Passengers transiting for more than 24 hours can opt to self-quarantine at a transit hotel designated by Ethiopian Airlines. During this period, transit passengers are not permitted to leave the hotel nor mix with the general public.

Ethiopian Returnees:

  • Ethiopian returnees are required to consult with their nearest Ethiopian Embassy or Consulate before planning their trip to Ethiopia. This is to help returnees obtain the correct information about getting tested at the country of origin.
  • Returnees arriving at international airports are required to provide a certificate of negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test, taken no later than five days (120 hours) prior to arriving in Ethiopia.
  • If the result is negative, the returnee will be expected to continue to self-quarantine until they have completed a full seven-days at home.
  • If the test is positive, the returnee will receive appropriate follow-up care in accordance with the COVID-19 medical manual.

Land border arrivals:

  • Land border travellers with a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test, taken no later than five days (120 hours) prior to arrival in Ethiopia, not exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 will have their temperatures taken and are required to self-quarantine at home for seven days.
  • If the traveller shows no symptoms, they will be required to self-quarantine at home for fourteen days.
  • Persons taken to the isolation centres will be required to give a sample for RT-PCR testing. If this is not possible, a Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT), approved by the Ethiopian Food and Drug Administration, will be used as an alternative. Appropriate follow up care will be provided after test results have been determined.

Diplomats without a certificate of negative RT-PCR test taken no later than five days (120 hours) prior to arrival are required to self-quarantine at home for fourteen days.

Transportation of Human Remains:

  • Any human remains sent to Ethiopia from abroad must be accompanied by a death certificate indicating the cause of death.
  • The family of the deceased or any person responsible for collecting the remains from abroad must nothave any contact with the corpse or the coffin.
  • Families of the deceased have a duty to take the remains directly to the burial site after the remains have been received from abroad.

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Reconsider your need to travel to Ethiopia overall due to the risk of civil unrest and the threat of armed conflict.

Other levels apply in some areas.


Ethiopia (PDF 807.58 KB)

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Local emergency contacts

Fire and rescue services, medical emergencies.

Call 991 or go to the hospital.

Call 991 or go to the local police station.

Advice levels

Reconsider your need to travel to Ethiopia overall.

Do not travel to: 

  • Tigray Regional State
  • Amhara Regional State
  • Benishangul-Gumu Regional State
  • Gambela Regional States
  • Within 30km of the border with Tigray Regional State and Amhara Regional State in Afar Regional State 
  • Kelam Welega, West Welega, East Welega, Horo Guduru Welega, North Shewa, West Shewa, Bale and Borena in Oromia Regional State 
  • Somali Regional State except for Nogob, Erer, Sitti and up to 40km of Ethiopia’s border with Somalia in Fafan 
  • the border areas of Ethiopia  with Eritrea (including Danakil Depression), Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya and Somalia (including parts of Somaliland)

Do not travel  to the following locations due to the security situation including the risk of terrorist attacks, kidnapping, civil unrest and armed conflict: 

Exercise a high degree of caution  in  Addis Ababa and central Ethiopia. 

Exercise a high degree of caution  in  Addis Ababa and central Ethiopia due to the security situation.

  • The security situation in Ethiopia is dynamic and could deteriorate without warning. Roads can be closed at any time, and communications may not be reliable. We advise against all road travel outside of major cities. 
  • A state of emergency is in place in Amhara Regional State. We continue to advise do not travel due to the volatile security situation. 
  • Ethiopia’s borders with Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya, South Sudan, and Sudan are high-risk areas. If, despite our advice, you plan to travel to these areas, you should get professional security advice.
  • Terrorists have reportedly been planning attacks in Ethiopia. Attacks could occur with little or no warning. Possible targets include hotels, markets, places of worship, government buildings, transport hubs and aircraft. Avoid possible targets. Maintain a high level of alertness, particularly on days of national significance.
  • The risk of kidnapping is high in some parts of Ethiopia, particularly in Oromia and the southern parts of Somali Regional States and near the borders with Somalia, South Sudan and Kenya. Several active terrorist groups have the intent and capability to kidnap foreigners. 
  • Violent assaults can occur, and foreigners may be targets. Be aware in areas around Meskel Square, Hyatt Regency, Hilton and Sheraton hotels, Yeka Hills/Entoto and Bole Road. Don't walk alone or at night. Petty crime, particularly pickpocketing, is common in Addis Ababa. 

Full travel advice: Safety

  • Health facilities are limited in Addis Ababa. You can contact the Australian Embassy in Addis Ababa for a list of known medical providers.
  • In rural areas, facilities are inadequate. If you're seriously ill or injured, you'll need medical evacuation out of the country. Ensure your health insurance covers this. The availability and timeliness of medical evacuation services may be affected.
  • Yellow fever is widespread in Ethiopia. Get vaccinated before you travel. Malaria is present everywhere in Ethiopia except Addis Ababa and areas above 2000m. Consider taking anti-malarial medication.
  • HIV/AIDS is widespread. Take precautions if you're taking part in high-risk activities.
  • Ethiopia is free of wild poliovirus. However, the disease may still come in from nearby countries. Some cases of the rarer vaccine-derived strain of polio have been found in Ethiopia. Check your vaccinations are up to date before you travel.

Full travel advice: Health

You should comply with the law, including on carrying identification documents at all times, possession of foreign currency and possession of weapons. You should avoid confrontation and follow the instructions of the authorities.

  • Ethiopian laws can be quite different from Australia and penalties may appear harsh by Australian standards. Get professional advice if you're involved in legal matters.
  • If you're in a road accident, don't move your vehicle before a police officer arrives. It's illegal to do so.
  • Understand and follow local laws. It's illegal to buy or remove cultural artefacts without a permit, or export certain amounts of precious stones. It's also illegal to own ivory or to interact with beggars or vendors in traffic.
  • Be careful when taking photos. It's illegal to photograph the Presidential Palace, military sites and military personnel.
  • Same-sex sexual acts are illegal. If found guilty you could face up to 15 years imprisonment. 
  • Ethiopia has conservative dress and behaviour standards.

Full travel advice: Local laws

  • You must have a visa to enter Ethiopia. Visa applications must be made  online . Entry and exit conditions can change at short notice. The security situation is dynamic. You should contact the nearest embassy or consulate of Ethiopia for the latest details.
  • The official currency is the Ethiopian Birr (ETB). You can exchange US dollars at the international airport, major banks and hotels. It's difficult to change Australian dollars. ATMs issue small amounts of local currency. Large hotels, restaurants and large shops accept credit cards in Addis Ababa. Have multiple ways to access money.

Full travel advice: Travel

Local contacts

  • The Consular Services Charter  details what the Australian Government can and can't do to help you overseas.
  • Our ability to provide consular assistance in do not travel areas of Ethiopia is extremely limited.
  • To stay up to date with local information, follow the Embassy’s social media accounts.
  • If you need urgent consular assistance call the Consular Emergency Centre (CEC) on +61 2 6261 3305.

Full travel advice: Local contacts

Full advice

Civil unrest and political tension.

The security situation in Ethiopia is dynamic and can deteriorate without warning. Travellers should monitor local media and follow the advice of local authorities.

The Amhara militia (Fano) is active in several areas of Amhara Regional State and a state of emergency remains in place. The risk of civil unrest and armed conflict is higher in some areas, particularly in Amhara, Oromia, Benishangul-Gumuz, Somali and Gambela Regional States, and along international borders, except the border shared with Djibouti. We continue to advise against travel to these areas due to the volatile security situation. 

Low-level political and ethnic disputes are common across many parts of Ethiopia, including along intra-regional borders. Disputes can turn violent. While foreigners have not been targeted, you should remain alert to the risk.

Security measures, including curfews and movement restrictions, may be implemented in Ethiopia at short notice. Roads can be closed at any time and communications may be disrupted or unreliable. Restrictions may change rapidly and without warning and can impact the Embassy's ability to provide consular support to Australians.

International events and political changes can trigger demonstrations. Public protests and events that draw large groups of people can turn violent. Avoid crowds or protests.

If, against our advice, you travel to 'Do Not Travel' areas of Ethiopia, you should:

  • ensure that your travel documents are up to date and readily accessible to you
  • have a contingency plan in place if you need to leave quickly
  • monitor local media for information on the evolving situation
  • expect a heightened security presence 
  • stop at all checkpoints and roadblocks
  • you should comply with the law, including carrying identification documents at all times, foreign currency limits and possession of weapons
  • avoid areas where demonstrations and large gatherings are taking place
  • follow the instructions of local authorities 

if you need urgent consular assistance call the Consular Emergency Centre (CEC) on +61 2 6261 3305 or email  [email protected]

Terrorism is a threat worldwide. Reports say terrorists are planning attacks against a range of targets in Ethiopia. These include commercial and public places that foreigners visit.

Terrorists may use events such as international meetings or days of national or religious significance to mount attacks. An attack could happen at any time.  You’re strongly encouraged to maintain a high level of vigilance.

Possible targets for terror attacks include:

  • clubs, hotels, resorts, restaurants and bars
  • schools, places of worship, embassies and government buildings
  • landmarks, tourist areas, markets, shopping centres and malls
  • political and sporting events
  • outdoor recreation events and public gatherings, including large religious festivals and concerts

Terrorists also target transport including:

  • aircraft and airports
  • petrol stations
  • buses and bus terminals
  • railways and other transport infrastructure

Some local hotels, have received bomb threats in the past.

To protect yourself from terrorism:

  • avoid the kinds of public places known to be terrorist targets
  • have an exit plan if there's a security incident
  • be alert in the lead up to, and on days of, national or religious significance
  • monitor the news for any emerging threats
  • take official warnings seriously
  • follow instructions from local authorities

If there's an attack, leave the affected area immediately if it's safe to.

More information:

Kidnapping occurs across the world with political, ideological, and criminal motives. Foreigners, including Australians, have been kidnapped while travelling overseas. Kidnapping can occur anywhere, anytime, including in destinations that are usually considered lower risk.

Several active terrorist and militia groups have the intent and capability to kidnap foreigners.  The threat of kidnapping is particularly high in Oromia and southern parts of Somali Regional State. Kidnapping is also a risk near the border areas with Kenya, Somalia and South Sudan.

If despite our advice you travel to an area with a high risk of kidnapping, you should be aware that our ability to provide consular assistance in these destinations is limited. To reduce the risk of kidnapping:

  • always be alert to your personal security and surroundings
  • get professional security advice for travel in locations with a heightened kidnap risk
  • check your accommodation has appropriate security measures
  • avoid isolated locations, particularly when travelling alone
  • notify family or friends of planned travel and share your location
  • avoid talking about your money or business affairs
  • only use ATMs in public places and during daylight hours
  • avoid giving personal details to strangers online or over the phone

The Australian Government's longstanding policy is that it doesn't make payments or concessions to kidnappers. Ransom payments to kidnappers have funded further terrorist attacks and criminal activity. Paying a ransom to terrorist groups will likely break Australian counter-terrorism financing laws.

Border areas

Do not travel to the border areas of Ethiopia  with Eritrea (including Danakil Depression), Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya and Somalia (including parts of Somaliland) due to safety and security threats that include:

  • terrorist attacks
  • armed robbery
  • armed clashes between security forces and insurgents
  • tribal and clan disputes

Unprovoked violent assault can occur, including in popular tourist areas in Addis Ababa. Avoid walking at night.

If you're a victim of violent crime, especially rape , visit a doctor as soon as possible as HIV/AIDS is widespread.

Keep an eye on local information sources about crime. Always be aware of your surroundings and pay close attention to your belongings.

Petty crime is common and includes:

  • pickpocketing
  • bag snatching
  • jewellery theft
  • thefts from vehicles stopped at traffic lights

Petty crimes often take place in crowded areas, particularly in Addis Ababa, including:

  • the Mercato open air market
  • tourist spots including areas around Bole, Piazza and Meskel Square 

These crimes are often carried out by groups of children. Some robbery victims have been assaulted.

Keep your car windows and doors closed and locked at all times, including when moving.

Don’t leave valuables in your car.

Highway robberies and armed carjackings have been reported outside the main urban centres.

Cyber security 

You may be at risk of cyber-based threats during overseas travel to any country. Digital identity theft is a growing concern. Your devices and personal data can be compromised, especially if you’re connecting to Wi-Fi, using or connecting to shared or public computers, or to Bluetooth. 

Social media can also be risky in destinations where there are social or political tensions, or laws that may seem unreasonable by Australian standards. Travellers have been arrested for things they have said on social media. Don't comment on local or political events on your social media. 

More information:  

  • Cyber security when travelling overseas  

Climate and natural disasters

Ethiopia experiences  natural disasters  and  severe weather , including drought, flooding and plagues of locusts.

Ethiopia is in an active earthquake and volcanic zone .

If a natural disaster occurs:

  • keep your passport in a safe, waterproof place
  • monitor local media and other sources such as the Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System
  • follow the advice of local authorities
  • keep in contact with friends and family

Several areas of Ethiopia experience severe drought. Local services may be affected. Drinking water and basic food may be hard to find. 

Some areas of Ethiopia experience severe flooding. Flash flooding may occur in the rainy season from July to September. Some roads can't be used.

Travel insurance

If you travel to Ethiopia, check your  travel insurance . If you plan to travel to ‘Do not travel’ parts of Ethiopia, you'll likely need a specialised insurance policy that covers travel to high-risk destinations. 

Your policy needs to cover all overseas medical costs, including medical evacuation. The Australian Government won't pay for these costs.

If you can't afford travel insurance, you can't afford to travel. This applies to everyone, no matter how healthy and fit you are.

If you're not insured, you may have to pay many thousands of dollars up-front for medical care. 

  • what activities and care your policy covers
  • that your insurance covers you for the whole time you'll be away

Physical and mental health

Consider your physical and mental health before you travel, especially if you have an existing medical condition.

See your doctor or travel clinic to:

  • have a basic health check-up
  • ask if your travel plans may affect your health
  • plan any vaccinations you need

Do this at least 8 weeks before you leave.

If you have immediate concerns for your welfare, or the welfare of another Australian, call the 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on +61 2 6261 3305 or contact your  nearest Australian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate  to discuss counselling hotlines and services available in your location.

  • General health advice


Not all medication available over the counter or by prescription in Australia is available in other countries. Some may even be considered illegal or a controlled substance, even if prescribed by an Australian doctor.

If you plan to bring medication, check if it's legal in Ethiopia. Take enough legal medication for your trip.

Carry a copy of your prescription and a letter from your doctor saying:

  • what the medications are
  • your required dosage
  • that it's for personal use

Health risks

Insect-borne diseases

Yellow fever  is widespread in Ethiopia. Yellow fever is a potentially fatal virus spread by mosquitoes. It's prevented by vaccination. Get vaccinated before you travel and carry your vaccination card. Some countries require you to present your Yellow Fever vaccination card if you have travelled in Ethiopia.

Malaria is found in Ethiopia except for the capital Addis Ababa and areas above 2000m. Chloroquine-resistant strains are reported in some areas.  Consider taking medication to prevent chloroquine-resistant malaria.

Other insect-borne diseases include:

  • chikungunya
  • leishmaniasis
  • African sleeping sickness

To protect yourself from disease:

  • ensure your accommodation is insect-proof
  • use insect repellent
  • wear long, loose, light-coloured clothing

Get medical advice if you develop a fever, muscle pain, rash or bad headache.

HIV/AIDS is widespread. Take precautions if taking part in activities that put you at risk of infection.

Other health risks

Waterborne, foodborne and other infectious diseases are also common. These include:

  • tuberculosis
  • brucellosis

Serious outbreaks sometimes occur.

Bilharzia (schistosomiasis) and other waterborne diseases are spread through freshwater lakes and rivers.

  • do not swim in fresh water
  • avoid wading through flood waters and waterways

To protect yourself from food and water borne illness:

  • drink boiled water or bottled water with sealed lids
  • avoid ice cubes
  • avoid raw and undercooked food, such as salads

Get medical advice if you have a fever or diarrhoea.

Infectious diseases

Ethiopia is still vulnerable to international spread of the wild poliovirus .

Stay up to date with recommended polio vaccinations, including a booster dose, through the  Australian Immunisation Handbook .

Altitude sickness

The altitude in the mountain regions of Ethiopia, including in the capital city of Addis Ababa, can cause problems. People with lung, heart or chest problems should take extra care. Even if you're healthy, you can still be affected.

Symptoms of altitude sickness include:

  • coordination problems

In severe cases, fluid can build up in your lungs, brain or both, which can be fatal.

To protect yourself from altitude sickness:

  • ascend slowly, especially above an altitude of 2500m
  • rest when needed and don't push your body
  • avoid alcohol and cigarettes

If you're affected by severe altitude sickness, get to lower ground as soon as possible.

Medical care

Medical facilities.

Health facilities are limited in Addis Ababa and inadequate in rural areas.

Due to major renovations at the Black Lion Hospital in Addis Ababa, emergency services may be severely limited.

If you become seriously ill or injured, you'll need to be moved to a place with better facilities. Medical evacuation can be very expensive.

You're subject to all local laws and penalties, including those that appear harsh by Australian standards. Research local laws before travelling.

If you're arrested or jailed, the Australian Government will do what it can to help you under our Consular Services Charter . But we can't get you out of trouble or out of jail.

Death penalty

Ethiopia applies the death penalty for serious offences, including aggravated murder.

Penalties for drug offences are severe. They include long jail sentences and heavy fines.

Carrying or using drugs

Family law in Ethiopia can differ a lot from Australian law. This includes divorce, child custody and child support. Laws affecting business activities can also be very different.

Get professional advice on your rights and responsibilities if you're engaging in business or family-related matters.

If you're in an accident, it's illegal to move your vehicle before a police officer arrives.

If you’re arrested the Government of Ethiopia may not tell the Australian Government. Authorities may not permit Australian Embassy staff to visit you.

Same-sex sexual acts are illegal in Ethiopia. If found guilty you could face up to 15 years imprisonment. 

In Ethiopia, it's also illegal to:

  • buy or remove Ethiopian antiquities, animal skins or other cultural artefacts, including some Ethiopian crosses, without a permit
  • export precious stones and minerals beyond prescribed limits for personal use — check with local authorities before you buy
  • give money to or buy something from a beggar or vendor in traffic

It's illegal to take photos:

  • near military zones or of military personnel
  • near the Presidential Palace in Addis Ababa
  • where signs clearly prohibit photography

Advice for LGBTQIA+ travellers

Australian laws

Some Australian criminal laws still apply when you're overseas. If you break these laws, you may face prosecution in Australia.

staying within the law and respecting customs

Dual citizenship

Ethiopia doesn't recognise dual nationality.

Despite this, if you’re of Ethiopian heritage and you’re arrested, the Government of Ethiopia may not tell the Australian Government. Authorities may not permit Australian Embassy staff to visit you.

Always travel on your Australian passport .

Dual nationals

Local customs

Standards of behaviour and dress are conservative in Ethiopia. Take care not to offend.

If in doubt, seek local advice.

Time and calendar differences

The Julian calendar is used in Orthodox Christian areas in the highlands. Some Ethiopians set their clocks differently from standard practice elsewhere. This leads to significant time differences.

Ethiopian Airlines and other large international airlines use standard international time.

To avoid confusion, always check bookings and appointments.

Visas and border measures

Every country or territory decides who can enter or leave through its borders. For specific information about the evidence you'll need to enter a foreign destination, check with the nearest embassy, consulate or immigration department of the destination you're entering. 

You must have a visa to enter Ethiopia. Visa applications must be made  online . 

Visa conditions

Check your visa's expiry date. If you overstay your visa, there is a daily fine.

Other formalities

Yellow fever vaccination.

You may need a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate  to enter Ethiopia. Some airlines may want to see one when you leave. You should carry a valid Yellow Fiver International Vaccination Certificate.

Find out about returning to Australia after exposure to yellow fever .

Countries with a risk of yellow fever

Banned or restricted items

Satellite phones, drones and binoculars cannot be imported to Ethiopia without prior approval. Seek advice from your travel provider on permissions required. Unapproved items may be confiscated by authorities.

There are no guidelines covering the use of drones in Ethiopia. They may be confiscated at airports or at the border. Seek and carry written permission from the Ethiopian Government before using drones.

Some countries won't let you enter unless your passport is valid for 6 months after you plan to leave that country. This can apply even if you're just transiting or stopping over.

Some foreign governments and airlines apply the rule inconsistently. Travellers can receive conflicting advice from different sources.

You can end up stranded if your passport is not valid for more than 6 months.

The Australian Government doesn't set these rules. Check your passport's expiry date before you travel. If you're not sure it'll be valid for long enough, consider getting a new passport .

Lost or stolen passport

Your passport is a valuable document. It's attractive to people who may try to use your identity to commit crimes.

Some people may try to trick you into giving them your passport. Always keep it in a safe place.

If your passport is lost or stolen, tell the Australian Government as soon as possible:

  • In Australia, contact the Australian Passport Information Service .
  • If you're overseas, contact the nearest Australian embassy or consulate .

Passport with X gender identifier

Although Australian passports comply with international standards for sex and gender, we can’t guarantee that a passport showing 'X' in the sex field will be accepted for entry or transit by another country. Contact the nearest  embassy, high commission or consulate of your destination  before you arrive at the border to confirm if authorities will accept passports with 'X' gender markers. 

More information:   

  • LGBTQIA+ travellers  

The official currency is the Ethiopian Birr (ETB).

Currency controls are strict in Ethiopia. If you have more than USD3,000 or the same amount in another foreign currency, you must declare it when you arrive and depart. You may be required to show receipts to demonstrate expenditure. This covers all forms of currency, not only cash. You are unable to depart Ethiopia with more than ETB2,000 in cash. 

If you arrive or depart with more than USD3,000, the entire amount in your possession can be seized by authorities.

It's difficult to exchange Australian dollars in Ethiopia. However, most banks exchange US dollars.

There are ATMs in major Ethiopian cities. ATMs can't always be used for cash advances and can run out of cash unexpectedly. Always travel with ETB.

Credit cards are accepted at major hotels and an increasing number of other outlets, mostly in Addis Ababa. Poor power supply and internet outages may affect their reliable operation.  Consider carrying a backup supply of cash.  

Check with your bank to make sure your card will work in Ethiopia.

Local travel

Landmines are a hazard in the border areas with Eritrea, Sudan and Somalia. If you travel near these borders despite our advice, stick to well-travelled roads. See Safety

Driving permit

If you want to drive in Ethiopia, you can apply to convert a valid Australian licence to a local one. It's an Ethiopian Government requirement that your Australian license first be authenticated by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Australia and then by the Australian Embassy in Ethiopia for it to be recognised. See the  Ethiopian Embassy  for more information.

International driving permits aren't recognised in Ethiopia.

Road travel

Driving in Ethiopia can be dangerous because of:

  • poor road conditions
  • poorly maintained vehicles
  • local driving practices
  • poor lighting
  • people and animals, particularly camels, wandering on roads

Security forces sometimes close roads, including highways. Closures can occur without notice.

Due to the dynamic security situation, we advise against road travel outside major cities in Ethiopia.

Car accidents

Drivers involved in car accidents can face severe punishments, including prison and fines.

If you're in a car accident, it's illegal to move your vehicle before a police officer arrives. However, if you feel unsafe, leave the area immediately and report to the nearest police station.

If you plan to drive in Ethiopia:

  • become familiar with local traffic laws and practices before driving
  • drive legally
  • don't drink and drive
  • keep your car windows and doors closed and locked at all times, including when moving
  • avoid driving at night, where possible

If you're stopped by police, follow their instructions.

If rocks are thrown at your car, leave the area as quickly and safely as possible.

To protect yourself when travelling outside Addis Ababa:

  • get local advice on road and security conditions along your planned route before you travel
  • leave details of your travel itinerary with a reliable person
  • travel in a group where possible
  • carry a well-stocked medical pack
  • consider carrying a satellite phone — regular telephones, including the mobile network, are unreliable

Driving or riding


Check with your insurer whether your policy covers you when using a motorbike or similar vehicle. Your policy may not cover accidents that occur while using these vehicles.

Always wear a helmet. Make sure your passenger does too.

Only use registered taxis. Arrange these through your hotel or an app-based booking service such as RIDE or Feres. Avoid flagging down taxis in the street.

Consider sitting in the back seat rather than the front.

Not all taxis are metered. Ensure the meter is on or agree on the fare before you leave.

Public transport

Ethiopia has bus and limited rail services. However, safety standards aren't the same as in Australia. Buses have been attacked outside Addis Ababa.

Petty crime occurs on public transport. Take care of your belongings when travelling on buses and trains.

Transport and getting around safely

DFAT doesn't provide information on the safety of individual commercial airlines or flight paths.

Check Ethiopia's air safety profile with the Aviation Safety Network.


Depending on what you need, contact your:

  • family and friends
  • travel agent
  • insurance provider

Always get a police report when you report a crime.

Your travel insurer should have a 24-hour emergency number.

Consular contacts

Our ability to provide consular assistance in the 'Do not travel' areas of Ethiopia is extremely limited. If you need urgent consular assistance call the Consular Emergency Centre (CEC) on +61 2 6261 3305 or email [email protected]

Read the Consular Services Charter for what the Australian Government can and can't do to help you overseas.

Australian Embassy, Addis Ababa

Turkish compound (off Cape Verde street)

Bole Subcity, Woreda 3

PO Box 3715

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Phone: +251 11 6672651 / 6672652 / 6672693 / 6672694

Email: [email protected]


Facebook: @AusEmb.ET

X (Twitter): @AusEmbET

Check the Embassy website for details about opening hours and any temporary closures.

24-hour Consular Emergency Centre

In a consular emergency, if you can't contact an embassy, call the 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre (CEC) on:

  • +61 2 6261 3305 from overseas
  • 1300 555 135 in Australia


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Travel Vaccines and Advice for Ethiopia

Passport Health offers a variety of options for travellers throughout the world.

Said to be one of the oldest nations in the world, Ethiopia has a lot to offer those visiting its borders. The country has stunning landscapes with varying terrain and history going to prehistoric times.

Enjoy rafting on the Omo River, see the enormous crocodiles in Lake Chomo, or hike to historic churches. These gorgeous sites offer unique experiences that you can only get in Ethiopia.

Enjoy the hub of city life in Addis Ababa. Sit in the plaza and sip some coffee while taking in the culture and hospitality of the country.

Do I Need Vaccines for Ethiopia?

Yes, some vaccines are recommended or required for Ethiopia. The PHAC and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for Ethiopia: COVID-19 , hepatitis A , hepatitis B , typhoid , cholera , yellow fever , rabies , meningitis , polio , measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) , Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) , chickenpox , shingles , pneumonia and influenza .

See the bullets below to learn more about some of these key immunizations:

  • COVID-19 – Airborne – Recommended for all travellers
  • Hepatitis A – Food & Water – Recommended for most travellers
  • Hepatitis B – Blood & Body Fluids – Recommended for travellers to most regions.
  • Typhoid – Food & Water – Recommended for travellers to most regions.
  • Cholera – Food & Water – A risk in some regions. Especially recommended for those visiting rural areas.
  • Yellow Fever – Mosquito – Required if travelling from a region with yellow fever. Recommended for all travellers over 9 months of age. Generally not recommended for Afar and Somali provinces.
  • Rabies – Saliva of Infected Animals – High risk country. Vaccine recommended for long-term travellers and those who may come in contact with animals.
  • Meningitis – Airborne & Direct Contact – Located in the meningitis belt, vaccination is recommended during the dry season (Dec. – June)
  • Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) – Various Vectors – Given to anyone unvaccinated and/or born after 1957. One time adult booster recommended.
  • TDAP (Tetanus, Diphtheria & Pertussis) – Wounds & Airborne – Only one adult booster of pertussis required.
  • Chickenpox – Direct Contact & Airborne – Given to those unvaccinated that did not have chickenpox.
  • Shingles – Direct Contact – Vaccine can still be given if you have had shingles.
  • Pneumonia – Airborne – Two vaccines given separately. All 65+ or immunocompromised should receive both.
  • Influenza – Airborne – Vaccine components change annually.
  • Polio – Food & Water – While there is no active polio transmission in Ethiopia, it is vulnerable for outbreaks. Considered a routine vaccination for most travel itineraries. Single adult booster recommended.

See the tables below for more information:

Ethiopia sits in the meningitis belt. This region of Africa is known for it’s meningitis transmission from December through June. Make sure you are vaccinated against all forms of meningitis before your trip.

Mosquito-borne diseases like malaria and dengue are in Ethiopia. Make sure you’re protected with antimalarials, repellents and netting. A travel health specialist will help you determine what protection is right for you.

Visit our vaccinations page to learn more. Travel safely with Passport Health and schedule your appointment today by calling or book online now .

Do I Need a Visa for Ethiopia?

A visa is required in order to visit Ethiopia. The government of Ethiopia sells visas on arrival for those who will be in the country less than 12 hours and to tourists. Only citizens of several different countries, including Canada, may receive a visa upon arrival at Bole International Airport.

Sources: Embassy of Ethiopia and Canadian Travel and Tourism

Proof of yellow fever and polio vaccination may be required at entry.

Visit the Canadian Travel and Tourism website for more information on entry and exit requirements.

What Is the Climate Like in Ethiopia?

Ethiopia’s main climate is tropical monsoon. Weather will vary depending on the region. Here are 3 of the major cities and what you can expect when you travel:

  • Addis Ababa – The capital of Ethiopia is on the foothills of Mount Entoto. With an elevation of around 2,400 metres, you can experience a pleasant climate year round. Expect average temperatures in the high-teens to low-20’s. The main wet season is from June to September with higher temperatures.
  • Mekele – This city is located in the Tigrayan Highlands in the north of the country. The warmest it gets is mid-20’s and the coolest is in the teens. Be cautious of travelling during the wet months. Many roads can be inaccessible due to flooding.
  • Adama – Also known as Nazret or Nazareth, this city is a major weekend destination located near Addis. With a similar elevation of Addis Ababa, the climate is about the same.

Most of the major cities in Ethiopia have a similar elevation to Addis Ababa. If you’re travelling to lower regions, the climate can be hotter and drier depending on the time you travel.

Be sure to take this into account when packing your bags.

Is Ethiopia Safe?

Ethiopia has had some terrorist attacks over the last few years. Travellers should take extra precautions especially in the Oromia and Amhara regions.

Be cautious of areas with large gatherings. If you think a protest may be forming try to leave the area as a precaution.

Remain alert and cautious if travelling near bordering countries of Ethiopia. There is a high threat of landmines along the western border and tensions are high due to ethnic conflicts.

Ethiopia has a low crime rate compared to other African countries. As with any major city, be wary of pick-pocketing and other theft that are common in Addis Ababa. Many of the crimes are petty but some violent robberies have been known to occur.

Stay alert, take your surroundings into consideration, plan your trips ahead of time, and make sure you have everything you need.

Crocodiles at Lake Chomo

Lake Chomo is home to scores of crocodiles lounging around in the sun. If you’re lucky you’ll see other natural wildlife such as hippos and shore birds.

If you’re looking for a great way to be up close and personal with wildlife, you’re able to take a boat tour around the lake. The Rift Valley Boat Service Association is in control of making these trips. It’s best to visit early morning to mid-afternoon to see the crocodiles. The boat ride may only take about half an hour, but the whole trip could take longer. Allow two or more hours for the trip and plan accordingly.

What Should I Pack for Ethiopia?

What you need to take to Ethiopia will depend on when you are travelling. Make sure you bring these items with you:

  • Rain Gear – If you’re visiting during the wet season bring protective gear against the rain. Consider bringing waterproof shoes. They can help so you don’t need to pack extra socks in your day bag.
  • Comfortable Hiking Shoes – A lot of Ethiopia’s wonders involve varying terrain and activities like hiking or climbing. Pack shoes you’ve already broken in and are comfortable wearing for long periods of time.
  • Lightweight Jacket – With varying elevation you may find yourself needing to layer. Higher elevations have a different climate. Ne sure to have a decent jacket you don’t mind carrying around for when it gets warmer.

Canadian Embassy in Ethiopia

The Embassy of Canada in Addis Ababa serves Canadians as well as other citizens for a various number of issues. The embassy also serves those who are visiting the country of Djibouti.

Embassy of Canada to Ethiopia Old Airport Area, Nefas Silk Lafto Sub City Kebele 04, House No. 122 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Telephone: +251 11 317 00 00

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On This Page: What Vaccines Do I Need for Ethiopia? Do I Need a Visa for Ethiopia? What Is the Climate Like in Ethiopia? Is Ethiopia Safe? Crocodiles at Lake Chomo What Should I Pack for Ethiopia? Canadian Embassy in Ethiopia

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Vaccinations for ethiopia.

travel vaccines for ethiopia

Malaria There is a high risk of malaria in Ethiopia below 2,000m

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Poliomyelitis is a viral disease transmitted through oral/faecal contamination and the respiratory route. The vaccine is combined with cover against Tetanus and Diphtheria. Most travellers who have completed their primary course of childhood vaccines will only require a single booster dose to provide cover . Once completed it is expected that cover should last for 10 years.

Find out more about Poliomyelitis

Tetanus is contracted through contaminated cuts, bites and breaks in the skin. The vaccination provides cover for approximately 10 years in the majority of patients. It is frequently combined with cover against other diseases such as Poliomyelitis , Diphtheria and/or Pertussis .

Find out more about Tetanus

Hepatitis A is a common disease in many of the hotter regions of the world and usually contracted through contaminated food and water. Cover against Hepatitis A can be given alone or combined with protection against Hepatitis B. Once completed, the Hepatitis A vaccination ( given on two occasions 6 to 12 months apart ) provides cover for approximately 25 years in the majority of patients.

Find out more about Hepatitis A

Typhoid is a bacterial disease contracted through contaminated food and water. Once completed, the Typhoid vaccination given on one occasion provides cover for between 2 to 3 years in the majority of patients

Find out more about Typhoid


Yellow Fever is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes. This live vaccine is given on one occasion at least 10 days before travel (if at all possible) and provides life long cover in the majority of patients.

Find out more about Yellow Fever

Hepatitis B is a viral disease which is usually transmitted in a very similar fashion to HIV/AIDS through contact with infected body fluids (eg blood exposure and sexually). This vaccine can be combined with cover against Hepatitis A. The standard schedule for Hepatitis B is to administer the vaccine on days 0, 28 and 180. A more rapid schedule can be used in cases where cover is needed more urgently and this is administered on days 0, 7, 21 to 28 and also 365. Following either course (and not before completion) a blood test can be taken to confirm sufficient antibody protection. Where the correct level of antibodies are showing (>10iu) the vaccination is recognised to provide  cover for life .

Find out more about Hepatitis B

Rabies is a viral disease which is usually transmitted through the bite, the lick or the scratch of any infected warm blooded animal. As per the current WHO guidance, the vaccine is usually administered on days 0 and between 7 and 28 . Once a course is completed, the vaccination provides life long ‘immune memory’ in the majority of patients BUT after any possible exposure the individual always needs further vaccination to boost antibody production

Find out more about Rabies

Meningococcal Meningitis is a bacterial disease which is usually transmitted through the respiratory route. The vaccine is given on one occasion and provides cover against four of the main forms of this disease. Once a course is completed the vaccination provides for over 10 years in the majority of patients.

Find out more about Meningococcal Meningitis

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Ethiopia Vaccine Requirements: Do I need a vaccine to travel to Ethiopia?

Please note: The Ethiopia Travelers Health Declaration is no longer needed.

When it comes to traveling, it is becoming easier to go to another country and with it is an altogether relaxing affair. Our goal is to keep you updated to make your trip safer. And if your question is: Do I need a vaccine to travel to Ethiopia? , in this small section of questions you will find answers to any doubts you may have.

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Learn more about this fascinating African country and discover all the sights it has to offer an adventurous tourist.

How do I get a visa with

If you wish to have an Ethiopia eVisa with our services, we recommend you to do the following:

  • Complete the application form with your private information.
  • Review your answers to avoid mistakes and choose your preferred processing time to pay the fee.
  • Attach the items required , then hit submit. The document will be sent to your inbox when it has been approved and processed.

After that, you're done! We make it simple for you. Get started

Frequently Asked Questions

Do i need a covid vaccine or vaccination certificate to enter ethiopia.

No, you don't. As of today, COVID vaccination passports or certificates are not mandatory to enter Ethiopia.

Since information may change quickly, we advise you to follow up on the latest Ethiopia travel updates and/or contact your local embassy.

Do I need a COVID-19 test result to enter Ethiopia?

There are no testing requirements.

Can help me get an Ethiopia eVisa and a Health Declaration?

Yes, we can! We're ready to help you process your document in the easiest and fastest way possible. Start the process here .

What requirements are necessary to travel to Ethiopia?

If at this moment you are keen to know Do I need a vaccine to travel to Ethiopia? , can tell you that you don’t need any specific vaccines.

You may have to show proof of your yellow fever vaccine and are recommended to check for malaria and cholera outbreaks in the regions you plan to visit. But for now, you can relax, safe in the knowledge that you can apply for your eVisa in three simple steps:

  • Complete the application form with your personal information.
  • Pay the processing fee , making sure your details have been spelled correctly.
  • Upload any essential copies of your documents and apply.

Do I need to quarantine when I get to Ethiopia?

  • Quarantine requirements: There are no quarantine requirements.

What price ranges can I find on offers 3 processing speeds to help you get your Ethiopia Tourist eVisa in the timeframe that suits you. The options are as follows:

  • Standard Processing : This speed is perfect for those who have a lot of time available and it is the lowest price USD $144.99 - 7 days .
  • Rush Processing : When your flight is approaching soon but you will have to pay a little more USD $185.99 - 5 days .
  • Super Rush processing : If your trip is emergency and your flight is today, choose this option, but you will have to pay a higher rate USD $243.99 - 4 days .

You can pay using a variety of methods- with a debit or credit card.

How long can I stay in Ethiopia with an eVisa?

Applying for your travel document allows you to stay in the country for up to 30 days in Total .

You can also use Visa Checker Tool to find out how long people of your nationality can stay in any country. This feature was created for ease of use and to provide the maximum amount of information relevant to your unique travel situation.

Don’t waste time worrying Do I need a vaccine to travel to Ethiopia? We can inform you that you don’t. It’s always good to check with a health professional before you set off though.

What should I do if my application is rejected?

If your request to enter Ethiopia is denied, you will find the reason why it was denied in the notification email. You can appeal this decision so check your email for details. If in doubt, contact a team member through the customer service center or, depending on the reason for the denial, you can adjust your application and reapply. This applies if the names or numbers are misspelled.

That's why we recommend that you double-check your answers three times, to avoid having to charge you for another application!

Is safe to use?

Seeing how other major companies have experienced data theft in the past, we decided to address the security situation before it even had a chance to become a problem. The team makes your privacy its number one priority. The handling of confidential documents by you has made them security experts, and if you are unsure, check out what our users say about on the review page .

Where can I read more information?

If you are still not satisfied with the answers to the question: Do I need a vaccine to travel to Ethiopia? , it may be time to contact one of the customer service advisers. They are waiting to hear from you, at any time of the day or night, in the online chat. Click on the Ethiopia page for updates. suggests

Many people visit Ethiopia to bear witness to the orthodox Christian movement that founded many of the stunning stone churches in Lalibela. The Simien Mountains are a wonderful destination for keen hikers, and you can also take advantage of this opportunity to see some of the local wildlife of Ethiopia .

Also, in Ethiopia, you can find many wonders both natural and man-made. A recommended place to have a good time and learn more about the wildlife of this country is the Simien National Park, located within the Amhara region. This park contains the Ras Dashen, the highest peak in Ethiopia and the fourth in Africa.

Another unforgettable place is the Blue Nile Falls, a great waterfall located in the course of the Blue Nile River, in Ethiopia, considered one of the most important in Africa. These falls are considered one of the best-known tourist attractions in Ethiopia.

If you are not afraid of volcanoes, then you can also explore the Erta Ale volcano. This basaltic shield volcano is found in the Horn of Africa, in the Afar depression region. It is currently active, although its last eruption was in 2009. To walk around its surroundings you should only do it with professional guides.

As you can see, there is much to do in Ethiopia, so prepare your trip from now on applying online for your documents.

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  • Section 2 - Interactions Between Travel Vaccines & Drugs
  • Section 2 - Travelers’ Diarrhea

Yellow Fever Vaccine & Malaria Prevention Information, by Country

Cdc yellow book 2024.

Author(s): Mark Gershman, Rhett Stoney (Yellow Fever) Holly Biggs, Kathrine Tan (Malaria)

The following pages present country-specific information on yellow fever (YF) vaccine requirements and recommendations, and malaria transmission information and prevention recommendations. Country-specific maps are included to aid in interpreting the information. The information in this chapter was accurate at the time of publication; however, it is subject to change at any time due to changes in disease transmission or, in the case of YF, changing entry requirements for travelers. Updated information reflecting changes since publication can be found in the online version of this book and on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Travelers’ Health website. Recommendations for prevention of other travel-associated illnesses can also be found on the CDC Travelers’ Health website .

Yellow Fever Vaccine

Entry requirements.

Entry requirements for proof of YF vaccination under the International Health Regulations (IHR) differ from CDC’s YF vaccination recommendations. Under the IHR, countries are permitted to establish YF vaccine entry requirements to prevent the importation and transmission of YF virus within their boundaries. Certain countries require proof of vaccination from travelers arriving from all countries ( Table 5-25 ); some countries require proof of vaccination only for travelers above a certain age coming from countries with risk for YF virus transmission. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines areas with risk for YF virus transmission as countries or areas where YF virus activity has been reported currently or in the past, and where vectors and animal reservoirs exist.

Unless issued a medical waiver by a yellow fever vaccine provider, travelers must comply with entry requirements for proof of vaccination against YF.

WHO publishes a list of YF vaccine country entry requirements and recommendations for international travelers approximately annually. But because entry requirements are subject to change at any time, health care professionals and travelers should refer to the online version of this book and the CDC Travelers’ Health website for any updates before departure.

CDC Recommendations

CDC’s YF vaccine recommendations are guidance intended to protect travelers from acquiring YF virus infections during international travel. These recommendations are based on a classification system for destination-specific risk for YF virus transmission: endemic, transitional, low potential for exposure, and no risk ( Table 2-08 ). CDC recommends YF vaccination for travel to areas classified as having endemic or transitional risk (Maps 5-10 and 5-11 ). Because of changes in YF virus circulation, however, recommendations can change; therefore, before departure, travelers and clinicians should check CDC’s destination pages for up-to-date YF vaccine information.

Duration of Protection

In 2015, the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices published a recommendation that 1 dose of YF vaccine provides long-lasting protection and is adequate for most travelers. The recommendation also identifies specific groups of travelers who should receive additional doses, and others for whom additional doses should be considered (see Sec. 5, Part 2, Ch. 26, Yellow Fever ). In July 2016, WHO officially amended the IHR to stipulate that a completed International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis is valid for the lifetime of the vaccinee, and YF vaccine booster doses are not necessary. Moreover, countries cannot require proof of revaccination (booster) against YF as a condition of entry, even if the traveler’s last vaccination was >10 years ago.

Ultimately, when deciding whether to vaccinate travelers, clinicians should take into account destination-specific risks for YF virus infection, and individual risk factors (e.g., age, immune status) for serious YF vaccine–associated adverse events, in the context of the entry requirements. See Sec. 5, Part 2, Ch. 26, Yellow Fever , for a full discussion of YF disease and vaccination guidance.

Table 2-08 Yellow fever (YF) vaccine recommendation categories 1

Malaria prevention.

The following recommendations to protect travelers from malaria were developed using the best available data from multiple sources. Countries are not required to submit malaria surveillance data to CDC. On an ongoing basis, CDC actively solicits data from multiple sources, including WHO (main and regional offices); national malaria control programs; international organizations; CDC overseas offices; US military; academic, research, and aid organizations; and the published scientific literature. The reliability and accuracy of those data are also assessed.

If the information is available, trends in malaria incidence and other data are considered in the context of malaria control activities within a given country or other mitigating factors (e.g., natural disasters, wars, the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic) that can affect the ability to control malaria or accurately count and report it. Factors such as the volume of travel to that country and the number of acquired cases reported in the US surveillance system are also examined. In developing its recommendations, CDC considers areas within countries where malaria transmission occurs, substantial occurrences of antimalarial drug resistance, the proportions of species present, and the available malaria prophylaxis options.

Clinicians should use these recommendations in conjunction with an individual risk assessment and consider not only the destination but also the detailed itinerary, including specific cities, types of accommodations, season, and style of travel, as well as special health conditions (e.g., pregnancy). Several medications are available for malaria prophylaxis. When deciding which drug to use, consider the itinerary and length of trip, travelers’ previous adverse reactions to antimalarials, drug allergies, medical history, and drug costs. For a thorough discussion of malaria and guidance for prophylaxis, see Sec. 5, Part 3, Ch. 16, Malaria .

Entry requirements : Required for travelers ≥9 months old arriving from countries with risk for YF virus transmission; this includes >12-hour airport transits or layovers in countries with risk for YF virus transmission. 1

CDC recommendations : Recommended for all travelers ≥9 months old except as follows. Generally not recommended for travel limited to the regions of Afar or Somali.

  • All areas <2,500 m (≈8,200 ft) elevation, except none in Addis Ababa (the capital)
  • Chloroquine
  • P. falciparum  (80%)
  • P. vivax  (20%)
  • P. malariae and P. ovale  (rare)
  • Atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, mefloquine, tafenoquine 3

Related Maps

Map 2-07 Yellow fever vaccine recommendations for Ethiopia & neighboring countries

Other Vaccines to Consider

See Health Information for Travelers to Ethiopia .

Map 2-07 Yellow fever vaccine recommendations for Ethiopia & neighboring countries 1

Map 2-07 Yellow fever vaccine recommendations for Ethiopia & neighboring countries

View Larger

1 Current as of November 2022. This is an update of the 2010 map created by the Informal WHO Working Group on the Geographic Risk of Yellow Fever.

2 Refers to Plasmodium falciparum malaria, unless otherwise noted.

3 Tafenoquine can cause potentially life-threatening hemolysis in people with glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency. Rule out G6PD deficiency with a quantitative laboratory test before prescribing tafenoquine to patients.

4 Mosquito avoidance includes applying topical mosquito repellant, sleeping under an insecticide-treated mosquito net, and wearing protective clothing (e.g., long pants and socks, long-sleeve shirt). For additional details on insect bite precautions, see Sec. 4, Ch. 6, Mosquitoes, Ticks & Other Arthropods.

5 Primaquine can cause potentially life-threatening hemolysis in people with G6PD deficiency. Rule out G6PD deficiency with a quantitative laboratory test before prescribing primaquine to patients.

6 P. knowlesi is a malaria species with a simian (macaque) host. Human cases have been reported from most countries in Southwest Asia and are associated with activities in forest or forest-fringe areas. P. knowlesi has no known resistance to antimalarials.

Yellow Fever Maps

2 In 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) expanded its YF vaccination recommendations for travelers going to Brazil because of a large YF outbreak in multiple states in that country. Please refer to the CDC  Travelers’ Health website for more information and updated recommendations.

3 YF vaccination is generally not recommended for travel to areas where the potential for YF virus exposure is low. Vaccination might be considered, however, for a small subset of travelers going to these areas who are at increased risk for exposure to YF virus due to prolonged travel, heavy exposure to mosquitoes, or inability to avoid mosquito bites. Factors to consider when deciding whether to vaccinate a traveler include destination-specific and travel-associated risks for YF virus infection; individual, underlying risk factors for having a serious YF vaccine–associated adverse event; and destination entry requirements.

The following authors contributed to the previous version of this chapter: Mark D. Gershman, Emily S. Jentes, Rhett J. Stoney (Yellow Fever) Kathrine R. Tan, Paul M. Arguin (Malaria)

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  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website.
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  1. Ethiopia

    Vaccination may be considered for children and adults who are traveling to areas of active cholera transmission. Cholera - CDC Yellow Book. Hepatitis A. Recommended for unvaccinated travelers one year old or older going to Ethiopia. Infants 6 to 11 months old should also be vaccinated against Hepatitis A.

  2. Travel Vaccines and Advice for Ethiopia

    Travel Vaccines and Advice for Ethiopia. Said to be one of the oldest nations in the world, Ethiopia has a lot to offer those visiting its borders. The country has stunning landscapes with varying terrain and history going to prehistoric times. Enjoy rafting on the Omo River, see the enormous crocodiles in Lake Chomo, or hike to historic ...

  3. Ethiopia International Travel Information

    Please visit the Embassy's COVID-19 page more information on entry/ exit requirements related to COVID-19 in Ethiopia.. Requirements for Entry: Passport; Visa; World Health Organization (WHO) card with yellow fever vaccination if coming from country with risk of yellow fever transmission (countries with risk of YF transmission)Visas: All U.S. citizens are required to obtain a visa to legally ...

  4. Travelers' Health

    More. Learn about CDC's Traveler Genomic Surveillance Program that detects new COVID-19 variants entering the country. Sign up to get travel notices, clinical updates, & healthy travel tips. CDC Travelers' Health Branch provides updated travel information, notices, and vaccine requirements to inform international travelers and provide ...

  5. Ethiopia Healthy Travel Packing List

    Health insurance card (your regular plan and/or supplemental travel health insurance plan) and copies of claim forms; Proof of yellow fever vaccination If required for your trip, take your completed International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis card or medical waiver; Copies of all prescriptions Make sure prescriptions include generic ...

  6. Health Alert

    (04 December 2021) Location: Ethiopia, countrywide. Event: On December 6, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will implement a one-day COVID-19 testing requirement for travelers over age two coming to the United States. Regardless of vaccination status or nationality, any individual coming to the United States must show a negative pre-departure COVID-19 viral test taken the ...

  7. Health

    where to get vaccines and whether you have to pay on the NHS travel vaccinations page Altitude sickness is a risk in parts of Ethiopia, including Addis Ababa. TravelHealthPro's altitude sickness ...

  8. Entry requirements

    At least 8 weeks before your trip, check the vaccinations and vaccination certificates you may need in TravelHealthPro's Ethiopia guide. You may need a yellow fever certificate. Customs rules

  9. Travel advice and advisories for Ethiopia

    Avoid non-essential travel to Ethiopia due to civil unrest, violence, armed conflict and crime. The security situation can deteriorate without warning. This advisory excludes Addis Ababa where you should exercise a high degree of caution. Additional regional advice and advisories are in effect.

  10. Travel Vaccines and Advice for Ethiopia

    Travel Vaccines and Advice for Ethiopia. Said to be one of the oldest nations in the world, Ethiopia has a lot to offer those visiting its borders. The country has stunning landscapes with varying terrain and history going to prehistoric times. Enjoy rafting on the Omo River, see the enormous crocodiles in Lake Chomo, or hike to historic churches.

  11. Ethiopia

    Current travel vaccine advice and how to prevent infections when travelling to Ethiopia. The recommendations and advice on this page can never replace a medical consultation. To get the best effect from the vaccines, you should begin vaccination well before departure.

  12. COVID-19: Entry Requirements for Travellers to Ethiopia

    All travellers, over the age of ten, arriving at international airports are required to provide a certificate of negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test, taken no later than five days (120 hours) prior to arrival in Ethiopia. After temperature and other possible COVID-19 symptoms have been checked by the Airport's health control desk, travellers are ...

  13. International Travel to and from the United States

    The White House announced that vaccines will be required for international travelers coming into the United States, with an effective date of November 8, 2021. For purposes of entry into the United States, vaccines accepted will include FDA approved or authorized and WHO Emergency Use Listing vaccines. More information is available here.

  14. Travel Advisory: Ethiopia

    Before planning any international travel, please review the CDC's specific recommendations for vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers. Visit the Embassy's COVID-19 page for more information on COVID-19 and related restrictions and conditions in Ethiopia. Last Update: Reissued with update to the Travel Advisory level and risk indicators.

  15. NaTHNaC

    This vaccine is only available at registered yellow fever vaccination centres. Health professionals should carefully assess the risks and benefits of the vaccine, and seek specialist advice if necessary. Yellow fever in brief Yellow fever vaccine recommendation map for Ethiopia. Click on map to open in a new window

  16. Ethiopia Travel Advice & Safety

    Ethiopia is free of wild poliovirus. However, the disease may still come in from nearby countries. Some cases of the rarer vaccine-derived strain of polio have been found in Ethiopia. Check your vaccinations are up to date before you travel. Full travel advice: Health

  17. Travel Vaccines and Advice for Ethiopia

    Travel Vaccines and Advice for Ethiopia. Said to be one of the oldest nations in the world, Ethiopia has a lot to offer those visiting its borders. The country has stunning landscapes with varying terrain and history going to prehistoric times. Enjoy rafting on the Omo River, see the enormous crocodiles in Lake Chomo, or hike to historic churches.

  18. Ethiopia

    Check with a doctor well in advance of travelling to see if any vaccinations are required for Ethiopia. COVID-19. There are no COVID-19 travel restrictions in place for travel to Ethiopia However, please note that COVID-19 continues to circulate in the country. Visitors are encouraged to monitor news sources for updates should new restrictions ...

  19. Ethiopia

    Advice for All Destinations COVID-19. Read the information on the COVID-19: Health Considerations for Travel page for advice on travelling during the COVID-19 pandemic.. Vaccinations and malaria risk. Review both the Vaccination and Malaria sections on this page to find out if you may need vaccines and/or a malaria risk assessment before you travel to this country.

  20. Interactions Between Travel Vaccines & Drugs

    During pretravel consultations, travel health providers must consider potential interactions between vaccines and medications, including those already taken by the traveler. A study by S. Steinlauf et al. identified potential drug-drug interactions with travel-related medications in 45% of travelers taking medications for chronic conditions ...

  21. Vaccinations for Ethiopia

    Vaccinations for Ethiopia 13:56 Fri 24th May, 2024. Malaria There is a high risk of malaria in Ethiopia below 2,000m. All Travellers. ... Since then it has expanded greatly and today TMB is the largest travel vaccination organisation in Ireland with over 20 clinics nationwide. As medical director, Dr Fry plays a pivotal role in the organisation ...

  22. Ethiopia Vaccine Requirements: Do I need a vaccine to travel to ...

    No, you don't. As of today, COVID vaccination passports or certificates are not mandatory to enter Ethiopia. Since information may change quickly, we advise you to follow up on the latest Ethiopia travel updates and/or contact your local embassy.

  23. Yellow Fever Vaccine & Malaria Prevention Information, by Country

    Vaccination not recommended for travel to areas where there is no risk for YF virus transmission, as determined by absence of past or present evidence of YF virus circulation in the area or environmental conditions not conducive to YF virus transmission ... Ethiopia Yellow Fever Vaccine. Entry requirements: Required for travelers ≥9 months ...