Type A2 class Far Trader

The Type A2 class Far Trader is a further development of the venerable Type A .

  • 1.1 Image Repository
  • 1.2 General Description & Deck Plans
  • 1.3 Basic Ship Characteristics
  • 1.4 Ship Interior Details
  • 1.5 Ship Weaponry & Defenses
  • 1.6 Ship Subcraft
  • 1.7 Ship Cost & Revenues
  • 2.1 Class Naming Practice/s & Peculiarities
  • 2.2 Selected Type A Variant Ships
  • 2.3.1 17 Representative Far Trader (A) Classes
  • 3 References

Description ( Specifications ) [ edit ]

Using a 200-ton TL–10 streamlined hull , it has drives capable of Jump-2 and 1-G acceleration. Fuel tankage of 50 tons supports Jump-2 and two months of operation, and the ship incorporates fuel scoops and fuel intakes for wilderness refueling. The bridge is standard and has a Model/1 bis computer and a basic sensor suite . There are two hardpoints , but no weapons are mounted. Like the free trader , the far trader is built around its cargo bay, in this case 78 tons. The ship has ten staterooms (three for the crew ; seven for the passengers) and four low berths . A single air/raft is carried for various ship duties. The ship is streamlined, and can land on uneven terrain. [1] [2]

Crew Dossier: The far trader requires a crew of four: pilot / astrogator , two engineers , and steward . [1]

Image Repository [ edit ]

Far-Trader-T5-Core-Rules-Pg-358 25-July-2018a.jpg

General Description & Deck Plans [ edit ]

No information yet available.

Basic Ship Characteristics [ edit ]

Following the Imperial Navy and IISS Universal Ship Profile and data, additional information is presented in the format shown here. The small craft factor indicates the number of squadrons (...of ten subcraft ) carried on the ship . Tonnage on the universal ship profile is shown in kilotons (...thousands of tons ) where necessary. [3]

Ship Interior Details [ edit ]

Interior Details: The far trader is constructed on a two level system. Cargo, bridge , and some drives are on the lower level; passengers, fuel , and power plant are on the upper level. [2]

The bridge occupies the forward starboard section of the lower deck. Its two control positions are surrounded by transparent screens allowing a view of forward and above. Note that the lower level extends farther forward than the upper level. Behind the bridge proper is the computer room (2) and a spare stateroom . When fewer than seven passengers are carried, this stateroom is used for the crew on duty; otherwise, it holds a single passenger. A common area (5) is used for passenger reception, after which they use the lift shaft to the upper passenger deck. In flight, the common area is a crew lounge. [2]

The forward port section of the lower deck is crew quarters. The spacious captain's cabin (22) has transparent screens along one wall and above as a skylight. Bordering the three cabins is the life support equipment and atmosphere recyclers . Between the crew quarters and the bridge is the forward cargo loading ramp. Although this ramp and door is not equipped with an air lock , it does allow a straight vehicle approach for cargo loading on hospitable worlds. [2]

The upper level forward is the passenger deck. Six passenger staterooms line the outer bulkheads while a large central area (26) provides recreational facilities and galley. The grav plate floor fields for individual staterooms and for sections of common area may be adjusted from 0.1 to 2.0 G, depending on the preferences of individual passengers. Centered above the cargo loading ramp is the ship's air/raft , with easy access and launch from inside the ship. [2]

The center of the ship is occupied by the 61.0 ton cargo bay. Reinforced deck planking and strategically placed tie-downs make the bay capable of handling modular cargo containers , palletized shipments, or individually packaged items and bulky mechanisms. Above the cargo bay is the ship's 50.0 ton fuel tankage . [5]

To both port and starboard on the lower level, corridors run the length of the ship, connecting the forward control areas with the aft drive rooms. Each corridor provides access to the ship's turrets , to a cargo air lock, and to the fuel scoop and purification mechanisms. The port corridor provides access to the ship's four low berths . These low berths were originally intended for carrying livestock in the 100 to 400 kilogram range. For this reason, the berths are close to the port cargo lock, and the entire area can be sealed off with hatches and doors in the event that an animal gets loose. The starboard corridor provides access to the ship's locker , which contains the ship's armory, survival equipment , cold weather clothing , and other essential materials. [6]

Aft, the drive rooms contain the ship's jump and maneuver drives , with the power plant mounted transversely on the upper deck. [6]

Ship Weaponry & Defenses [ edit ]

Weaponry: The ship's two weapons turrets provide tremendous potential for armament in the event that the ship should require it. The standard weapon mix for the ship is two dual laser turrets . Gaining favor, however, among free traders is a homogeneous mix consisting of one laser , one missile rack , and one sandcaster in each turret. The result is a set of weapons that can respond to many different threats and penetrate the defenses of several different types of targets. [6]

Ship Subcraft [ edit ]

The Air/Raft: The ship's air/raft is a standard vehicle intended to provide the means to run small errands on planet while the ship is in port loading and unloading cargo. Massing four tons, the air/raft is an anti-gravity vehicle capable of lifting four tons , including passengers and cargo. It can achieve 100 kph as a cruise speed, with occasional bursts to 150 kph. In extreme situations, the craft can achieve sub-orbital flight, but this performance requires approximately six hours. All passengers would be required to wear vacc suits , as the air/raft is open and not pressurized. [6]

The air/raft operates off capacitors charged from the ship's main power plant . One charge is sufficient for about one week or about 10,000 kilometers of cruising. Recharges take about two hours; since they use energy from the ship they are essentially free. [6]

Ship Cost & Revenues [ edit ]

Costs and Revenues: The monthly payments for a ship of this type amount to Cr 275,729. Further expenses for crew salaries, life support, maintenance, and berthing fees amount to Cr 60,714 per month, assuming a jump every two weeks. Fuel is free for the skimming, but would add another Cr 5000 per jump when its purchase is required. This type of merchant can gross approximately Cr 242,000 per month, assuming a full manifest of middle and low passengers and a full cargo bay at Cr 1000 per ton of cargo. Obviously, even with a full load, this ship would be unable to make its payments; it could conceivably come close to breaking even if the crew went on shares and salaries were foregone. [6]

Instead, the owner would be required to engage in trade and speculation in order to make up the difference between what the ship normally earns and what must be paid every month. Charters might also seem an attractive alternative. [7]

History & Background ( Dossier ) [ edit ]

The far trader ranges far and wide, and deals with every world it finds. Even amber zones and red zones are not considered off limits by its captains, provided there is profit to be made and the risk of being caught is slight. [1]

THE FAR TRADER: The basic ship involved in free trade is called the free trader . Variations on the basic ship have resulted in variations in the name. The subsidized merchant , partly because of its size, and partly because of its subsidy, is called the fat trader . Some well-equipped high-G traders employed beyond the Imperial border are called fast traders . The type A2 far trader derives its name from its jump capability: its drives are capable of Jump-2, twice what the standard free trader can do. The far trader can be encountered anywhere in the Imperium. It ranges far and wide, and deals with every world it finds. Even amber zones and red zones are not considered off limits by its captains, provided there is profit to be made and the risk of being caught is slight. [2]

Class Naming Practice/s & Peculiarities [ edit ]

The design of the far trader has ship security in mind, and so all passengers are segregated onto a passenger deck. Their access to the bridge and to other areas of the ship is limited. Unfortunately, when a seventh passenger is carried, he or she is berthed adjacent to the bridge . Original specifications did not envision more than six passengers, but the profit motive has led to them being overridden. [6]

Class Naming Practice/s: No information yet available.

Selected Type A Variant Ships [ edit ]

In addition to minor variations based on the ship's weaponry , one major variant has been produced — a cheaper A1 free trader with large cargo capacity. The A1 free trader is essentially identical in performance with the type A but is otherwise similar to the A2. It has only four low passage berths, a computer Model/1, and Jump-1, 1-G capabilities. Its cargo capacity is increased to 81 tons, primarily through a higher ceiling on the cargo bay; its fuel capacity is reduced to 30 tons, and much of the drive room becomes waste space. Cost is MCr 54.5, which still cannot compete with the type A, primarily because it uses a cheaper hull configuration. Nonetheless, some of these ships can be encountered; they are externally identical to the type A2. [7]

Selected Variant Types & Classes [ edit ]

17 representative far trader (a) classes [ edit ].

Civilian Ship -  Trader -  Type A Far Trader

  • Apollo class Runabout
  • Bluestone class Cargo Barge
  • Caccil class Merchant
  • Damgarrii class Passenger Launch
  • Darlene class Gig
  • Delta Princess class Merchant
  • Liberty III class Independent Merchant
  • Lushina class Fast Cutter
  • Port of Nickle Eugenia class Bulk Container Vessel
  • Pratt class Gig
  • Refugee Pilgrim class Transport
  • Reynolds Meyers Briggs class Heavy Merchant
  • Rhapsody class Merchant Trader
  • Seragh class Cutter
  • Servant class Launch
  • Type A class Free Trader

References [ edit ]

  • Marc Miller . Traders and Gunboats ( Game Designers Workshop , 1980), 23-27.
  • Marc Miller . Imperial Encyclopedia ( Game Designers Workshop , 1987), 81.
  • Thom Gressman ,  J. Andrew Keith ,  Joe Fugate ,  Nancy Parker ,  Bill Hezeltine . The Flaming Eye ( Digest Group Publications , 1990), IFC,IBC.
  • Marc Miller . T5 Core Rules ( Far Future Enterprises , 2013), 358.
  • Martin Dougherty . Type-A Free Trader ( Mongoose Publishing , 2015), 1-12.
  • James Miller . Type A Far Trader ( Scrying Eye Games , 2012), .
  • Cynthia C. Higginbotham . Republic of New Home Fan Site
  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Marc Miller . "Starship Design and Construction."  T5 Core Rules (2013): 358.
  • ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Marc Miller . Traders and Gunboats ( Game Designers Workshop , 1980), 23.
  • ↑ 3.0 3.1 Timothy B. Brown . Fighting Ships ( Game Designers Workshop , 1981), 10.
  • ↑ 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 Marc Miller . Traders and Gunboats ( Game Designers Workshop , 1980), 24.
  • ↑ Marc Miller . Traders and Gunboats ( Game Designers Workshop , 1980), 23-26.
  • ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Marc Miller . Traders and Gunboats ( Game Designers Workshop , 1980), 26.
  • ↑ 7.0 7.1 Marc Miller . Traders and Gunboats ( Game Designers Workshop , 1980), 27.
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Traveller Illustrated

Illustrations of Classic Traveller Starships 

Mrz 23 2014

Basically a List of Links leading to – well – Traveller Deckplans. Partly annotated.

Deck Plan Collections

Robert Pearce’s Traveller 15mm Deck Plan Collection Google image search for large „Traveller Deckplans“ Brook’s Traveller Lowport Alathan’s Traveller Deckplans Library Data for Traveller Sci-Fi Space Ship Deck Plan Stencils (for Microsoft Visio) The Traveller Deckplan Page Distant Places Deck Plans Starship Dimensions Ron Vutpakdi’s Traveller Deck Plans Traveller Deckplans Webring Hub Sample Hand-Drawn Deckplans Peter’s Traveller Page

Rigel Stardin’s Deckplans on CotI

Individual Deck Plans

Empress Marava Class Far Trader Artemis Class Armed Exploration Scout Gazelle Class Close Escort


Ian Steed’s Deckplans

200dt Far Trader 100dt Huntress (Blueprints) 100dt AeroScout The Lugh Vargr Strike Fighter

My own Traveller Designs & Deck Plans

Challenge Class – Type R 400dt Subsidized Merchant

and its deckplan…

(more to come, sooner or later…)

Non Traveller Designs

http://deckplans.00sf.com/Main/Galleries.html http://www.swagonline.net/taxonomy/term/3 http://www.rpg-shop.com/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=211043&postcount=8 http://deckplans.00sf.com/INCOM/A24Sleuth.html http://media.photobucket.com/image/type-t%20deckplan/Buscadero/ASREV.jpg http://starfrontiers.us/book/export/html/3445

Marava /Garu Class Deckplan Upper Deck

Marava / Garu Class Deckplan Lower Deck

Dark Nova RPG Deckplans http://riftroamer.deviantart.com/favourites/54447989

Traveller Shipyard

Links pointing to Ship Design Software and Spreadsheets for Traveller

Classic Traveller (Book 2) / High Guard (Book 5)


found on The Draconis Cluster

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Created by Tommaso Baldovino

Most have been updated to the new CC3+ format now, but the older software will still read them fine

Technically, these plans fall into two categories. The earlier ones were drawn in another application (Floor Plans Plus for Windows 3 believe it or not!) and converted to CC2. Everything in the converted plans has ended up on one layer of the CAD drawing, which makes it impossible to do clever things like hide all the cabin fittings before printing and so on. Also some of the labels have come out a bit bigger than they should; normally these aren't a problem but if they are, mail me and I'll amend the problem plan and repost it. One other thing; the colours have come out a litte weird. To start with, the converted plans will appear white-on-black in CC when you load 'em - don't panic, they won't print like that. But the colours are a bit meaningless, so you'll be better off printing them monochrome rather than in colour.

  • The bulkheads and walls
  • Furniture, fittings and details
  • Labels and text
  • Deckplan 1.5m grid

Plus the colours mean something (I hope!) so it's worth printing them in colour.

Layered CC3 Deckplans

Ueknou vargr corsair - digest group, vilani and vargr, freight tractor 'heyan rose' - games workshop, from iiss ship files, type t scout/courier - hugh foster, type ce close escort - gdw, from traders and gunboats and many other places, dragon class systems defence boat - gdw, traders and gunboats, empress marava class far trader - gdw, traders and gunboats, beowulf class free trader - digest group, starship operator's handbook, explorer class 300-ton scout ship - white dwarf, issue um, something or other, type h 100-ton bounty hunter - white dwarf, issue um, dunno, brushfire class mercenary assault ship - hugh foster, iylvir class light assault troop carrier - games workshop, from iiss ship files, converted deckplans, covenanter class scout/gunboat - gdw, from tne iirc.

  • Covenanter (42k)

On the face of it, it looks crackers. Two of the old classic ships welded together - a Scout/Courier glued on the front of a CE Close Escort. However, it does make a vaguely usable vessel, and is certainly interesting. For sure, TNE had a lot worse ideas.

Gyrfalcon Mercenary Assault Carrier (a Type R conversion) - Hugh Foster

  • Gyrfalcon (22k)

Built on the basic Subsidised Merchant design, the Gyrfalcon is capable of delivering 50 marines to surface or deploying them in assault g-carriers from orbit. Virtually all ship systems are upgraded from the original, and the vessel can take care of itself in a fight if need be.

Mormcry Provincial Merchant - Hugh Foster

  • Mormcry Deck A (33k)
  • Mormcry Deck B (15k)
  • Mormcry Deck C & D (25k)

The Mormcry is a large merchant, designed for speculative trade out on the edge of civilized space, where things get a bit rougher.

Type S Scout/Courier - GDW, from Traders and Gunboats and just about everywhere else

  • Scout/Courier (29k)

I really don't have to describe this one, do I? None the less, as with all my plans, there's a bit more detail in this than the originals, so if your party drive one of these, this is worth downloading.

Type R Subsidised Merchant - GDW, Traders and Gunboats

  • Type R (45k)

See the notes for the Scout above. The famous "ship with no bog". I remember someone on the Traveller Mailing List once proving that it was impossible to make a living trading in one of these, but that's more economics than I like with my roleplaying, thank you.

Vigilante 600-ton liner/StarMerc conversion - GDW, Assignment: Vigilante

  • Vigilante (73k)

A peculiar-looking vessel, it none the less looked to me like a doozy for making players fight their way though, so I made up some plans. Haven't used 'em yet, but there's always time.

Walsh class Type A Free Trader - Imperium Games, T4: Starships

  • Walsh (42k)

Traveller 15mm

Friday, August 31, 2012

Empress marava class far trader 15mm deck plans.

traveller far trader deck plans

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Here are Zane Healy's Claris draw deckplan symbols, as a MacDraw Pro library and plainPICT file for all you MacAddicts out there. YugoBox Deckplans Here they are, folks...the famed YugoShips PLC el-cheapo 200dT freighters in two forms: the first is a pure freighter, the other a CT-style far trader with 6 large staterooms for the adventurous Travellers. Lovingly (or scathingly depending on your outlook) described as "flying bricks", these ships take the 'box streamlined' hull form to it's logical conclusion: they are pretty much boxes with the corners rounded off. I'll have an external view of the whole ship sometime soon. The basic YugoBox: YugoBox J2 Far Trader (QSDS 1.5) Tons: 200 Std (Box S) Volume: 2800 m^3 Cost: 57.8 MCr Crew: 2 High/Mid Pass: 0/2 Low: 0 Cargo: 115.5 Std Controls: Std Civ. TL: 12 8 Size 2 Jump Drive (20 Std/Pc Fuel) 1 Maneuver (Thruster) 1.3 Power Plant (10+20+100 MW) 41 Fuel (Scoop 80, Refine 3) A1 P3 J0 Sensors (# Stealth/Cloak) 0 Armor, 6 Structure Crew Detail: Max Crew:4 (1 Pilot, 1 Navigator, 1 Engineer, 1 Sensor) Typical: 2 (1 Pilot/Navigator 1 Engineering/Electronics) The Main and Engineering Deck, The Upper Cargo and Fuel Deck, The Lower Cargo Deck. The Classic Trav 'Far Trader' (sort of) version. This doesn't have the low berths that the original called for, and tetris-ing all the parts into the volume allocated to a 200dt box hull under QSDS has proved problematic at best. :-/ But here is the mark 1 version. YugoBox J2 'Classic Traveller' Far Trader (QSDS 1.5) Tons: 200 Std (Box S) Volume: 2800 m^3 Cost: 57.8 MCr Crew: 2 High/Mid Pass: 6 Low: 0 Cargo: 91.5 Std Controls: Std Civ. TL: 12 8 Size 2 Jump Drive (20 Std/Pc Fuel) 1 Maneuver (Thruster) 1.3 Power Plant (10+20+100 MW) 41 Fuel (Scoop 80, Refine 3) A1 P3 J0 Sensors (# Stealth/Cloak) 0 Armor, 6 Structure Crew Detail: Max Crew:4 (1 Pilot, 1 Navigator, 1 Engineer, 1 Sensor) Typical: 3 (1 Pilot/Navigator 1 Engineering/Electronics 1 Steward) This adds 6 large Staterooms to the upper cargo deck of the pure freighter, and the fuel is distributed between the upper and lower decks. The Main and Engineering Deck, The Passenger and Fuel Deck, The Cargo and Fuel Deck.

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A2 Far Trader (Grendelsbane) Deckplans

  • Thread starter Anton
  • Start date Mar 20, 2003
  • Mar 20, 2003

Hi, I'm looking for deckplans for the A2-class Far Trader, like the Grendelsbane mentioned in the Linkworlds campaign. Does anyone know if they are available anywhere? I've googled for them but can only find ones for different classes of Far Trader. Thanks in advance, Anton  

The standard A2 Far Trader can also be found under "Empress Marava" since that's what the Supplement 7:Traders and Gunboats called the official Far Trader deckplans. The Empress Marava plans found in Supplement 7 and probably in most other "Empress Marava" deckplans (for example, the GURPS one) is a bit oversized (larger than 200 dTons). I created a version based off of a recasting of the deckplans by Paul Schirf. His version, the Prince Teriadeven and mine follow the same outline, but are closer to being 200 dTons. My version is available at: http://homepage.mac.com/vutpakdi/Traveller_Deck_Plans Ron  

  • Mar 21, 2003
  • May 16, 2004
Originally posted by Ron Vutpakdi: The standard A2 Far Trader can also be found under "Empress Marava" since that's what the Supplement 7:Traders and Gunboats called the official Far Trader deckplans. I created a version based off of a recasting of the deckplans by Paul Schirf. His version, the Prince Teriadeven and mine follow the same outline, but are closer to being 200 dTons. My version is available at: http://homepage.mac.com/vutpakdi/Traveller_Deck_Plans Ron Click to expand...

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traveller far trader deck plans

Deck Plans #3 - Empress Marva-Class Far Trader

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Hi-res Far Trader deckplans anyone?

  • Thread starter FraNe91
  • Start date Sep 17, 2014
  • Sep 17, 2014

Hi everyone! Does anyone of you has high quality deck plans for the Far Trader ship from the Mongoose Rulebook? I searched on the internet but found nothing but custom configuration ones or from older editions and even if I'm well aware I could use these anyway I was wondering if there was a more Mongoose-like one. And of course I am aware of the "official" low-res "hi-res" deckplans pdfs. :? A related question: I noticed that these older edition plans have the air/raft included in the ship standard configuration. Being completely newbie about older editions and about Traveller, why the air/raft is not included anymore? Thanks!  


I've never seen a high res Mgt edition deck plan for that ship. As far as no air/raft? Just a preference of whatever editor worked on the book. No other significance.  

Emperor Mongoose

Not sure what you mean by hi-res. Do you mean with sample deck fittings/tables/bunks/command consoles, etc? There are a ton of things out there. I just did a Google search and found a number of variants. Don't worry too much about variant free traders. The design has been highly customized by captains everywhere. It's part of what gives them better flavor. I also highly recommend checking out Ian's website. He does some excellent illustrations of Traveller vehicles - https://biomassart.wordpress.com/category/traveller/ As to the air/raft question, do you mean they aren't including it in the ship's tonnage for MGT free traders, or something else?  


  • Sep 18, 2014

Neither the Free Trader nor Far Trader in MGT include an Air/Raft. Most prior editions' versions of those two ships DO include an Air/Raft. If you wanted to add an Air/Raft to them, just remove half the rated armor. Four points is a lot on a purely civilian design.  

phavoc said: Not sure what you mean by hi-res. Do you mean with sample deck fittings/tables/bunks/command consoles, etc? Click to expand...
phavoc said: Don't worry too much about variant free traders. The design has been highly customized by captains everywhere. It's part of what gives them better flavor. Click to expand...
phavoc said: I also highly recommend checking out Ian's website. He does some excellent illustrations of Traveller vehicles - https://biomassart.wordpress.com/category/traveller/ Click to expand...
phavoc said: As to the air/raft question, do you mean they aren't including it in the ship's tonnage for MGT free traders, or something else? Click to expand...
sideranautae said: I've never seen a high res Mgt edition deck plan for that ship. Click to expand...


Cosmic Mongoose

http://biomassart.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/ftnewmapiai.png Try that, more sort of Classic Traveller... Might do you ?? I did discuss redrawing all the CRB plans in hi-rez vector format.  

FraNe91 said: For hi-res I mean a version than can be printed in an A4 sheet without being crappy looking due to its poor image resolution (as in the CRB pdf/book). I'm not using miniatures in my game, I'll use it just for reference with my players so I need a picture with just enough resolution to be printed. Click to expand...
  • Sep 22, 2014
middenface said: http://biomassart.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/ftnewmapiai.png Try that, more sort of Classic Traveller... Might do you ?? I did discuss redrawing all the CRB plans in hi-rez vector format. Click to expand...
  • Jan 6, 2015

traveller far trader deck plans


I was just gonna say, "Most people make their own maps." Great work you did.  

Tom Kalbfus

  • Jan 7, 2015
FraNe91 said: Hi again, sorry for the late reply! I finally made my version of the Far Trader deck plans. It's handmade and a little elaborated with Gimp, maybe someday I'll make a digital and better-looking version. What do you think? Click to expand...
  • Jan 11, 2015

traveller far trader deck plans

  • Jan 12, 2015
ShawnDriscoll said: I was just gonna say, "Most people make their own maps." Great work you did. Click to expand...
GypsyComet said: In the spirit of the thread, I've cleaned up FraNe91's layout, added airlocks, and lined up hatches. Click to expand...
Tom Kalbfus said: Don't you have av Paint program? that's what I use. Click to expand...
  • Jan 19, 2015

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GURPS Traveller


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    traveller far trader deck plans


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  1. Type A2 class Far Trader

    Ship Interior Details []. Interior Details: The far trader is constructed on a two level system. Cargo, bridge, and some drives are on the lower level; passengers, fuel, and power plant are on the upper level. The bridge occupies the forward starboard section of the lower deck. Its two control positions are surrounded by transparent screens allowing a view of forward and above.

  2. Traveller Illustrated » Deckplans

    Deck Plans Starship Dimensions Ron Vutpakdi's Traveller Deck Plans Traveller Deckplans Webring Hub Sample Hand-Drawn Deckplans Peter's Traveller Page. Rigel Stardin's Deckplans on CotI. Individual Deck Plans. Empress Marava Class Far Trader Artemis Class Armed Exploration Scout Gazelle Class Close Escort. www.urbin.net. Ian Steed's ...

  3. Traveller Deck Plan 3: Empress Marava-Class Far Trader

    Traveller Deck Plan 3: Empress Marava-Class Far Trader. Edited by Loren Wiseman Cover art by Jesse DeGraffCardboard Heroes by Tom Biondolillo Deck Plans by Kieren Yanner. 16 two-sided map sheets, one sheet of Cardboard Heroes miniatures. Suggested Retail Price $22.95 Stock number 6621 ISBN 1-55634-508-9 Out Of Print - Click herefor dealer info.

  4. The Traveller Deckplan Page

    The plans are drawn with Campaign Cartographer, a truly fabulous piece of software. If you've got it, you won't need any more help working out how to view/use the deckplans. ... Empress Marava class Far Trader - GDW, Traders and Gunboats. ... A Deck (62k) B Deck (25k) - updated 30/10/2021 from "just a console" :) C Deck (80k) D Deck (16k) E ...

  5. New Far Trader Deck Plans: Princess Kyuseita

    All, I've created deck plans for the Princess Kyuseita, a new version of the ubiquitous Empress Marava style Far Trader. These plans are based on the Prince Teriadeven plans by Paul Schirf and the Empress Marava plans from Supplement 7: Traders and Gunboats. I created these plans in...

  6. Traveller 15mm: Empress Marava Class Far Trader 15mm Deck plans

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  7. Review of Traveller Deck Plan 3: Empress Marava-class Far Trader

    GURPS Traveller Deck Plan 3: Empress Marava Class Far Trader is the set of deck plans covering what could possibly be the most popular ship in Traveller- the Far Trader. This particular variant was first seen in Supplement 7, Traders and Gunboats, and has remained a perennial favorite in the Traveller Universe.

  8. Traveller Deckplans

    The Main and Engineering Deck, The Upper Cargo and Fuel Deck, The Lower Cargo Deck. The Classic Trav 'Far Trader' (sort of) version. ... But here is the mark 1 version. YugoBox J2 'Classic Traveller' Far Trader (QSDS 1.5) Tons: 200 Std (Box S) Volume: 2800 m^3 Cost: 57.8 MCr Crew: 2 High/Mid Pass: 6 Low: 0 Cargo: 91.5 Std Controls: Std Civ. TL ...

  9. Ship Book:A2L Far Trader

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  10. Deck Plans

    I have long been a fan of Traveller and... Home. Forums. New posts Search forums. ... They are for the classic Far Trader: Free Trader Deck Plans - FREE! Here's a cheesy video about the deck plans: Free Trader Deck Plans Info Video Hope that helps- enjoy! A. Anonymous Guest. Sep 9, 2019

  11. Traveller Deck Plan 3: Empress Marava-Class Far Trader

    From the front of the package The Empress Marava-Class Trader is a tough long-range cargo ship. It's a favorite of many adventurous traders... which probably includes the PCs in your campaign. This big package shows every detail of a Marava on 16 two-sided maps... hexes on one side and squares on the other, to fit any campaign! Also included is a sheet of Cardboard Heroes miniatures to crew ...

  12. A2 Far Trader (Grendelsbane) Deckplans

    Mar 20, 2003. #2. The standard A2 Far Trader can also be found under "Empress Marava" since that's what the Supplement 7:Traders and Gunboats called the official Far Trader deckplans. The Empress Marava plans found in Supplement 7 and probably in most other "Empress Marava" deckplans (for example, the GURPS one) is a bit oversized (larger than ...

  13. Deck Plans #3

    The Empress Marava-Class Far Trader is a tough, long-range cargo ship. It's a favorite of many adventurous traders . . . which probably includes the PCs in your campaign. This big package shows every detail of a Marava on 16 two-sided maps . . . 1" hexes on one side and 1.5" squares on the other, to fit any campaign!

  14. Hi-res Far Trader deckplans anyone?

    Neither the Free Trader nor Far Trader in MGT include an Air/Raft. Most prior editions' versions of those two ships DO include an Air/Raft. If you wanted to add an Air/Raft to them, just remove half the rated armor. Four points is a lot on a purely civilian design.

  15. Far Trader Deckplans

    Explore detailed deckplans for the Far Trader starship in the Traveller RPG. Get inspired for your sci-fi adventures and model making projects. Discover the possibilities of the far future with these intricate designs.

  16. Deckplan editor? : r/traveller

    For example, the Empress Marava class Far Trader has a small room for low berths right next to the cargo bay, which is accessed by a long (and otherwise completely pointless) corridor. ... As for the hallway, it probably doesn't count against the overall tonnage. Traveller deck plans are known to grant slack space for such features. Reply reply ...

  17. Traveller Deck Plan 1: Beowulf-Class Free Trader

    Suggested Retail Price $19.95 Stock number 6617 ISBN 1-55634-460- Out Of Print - Click herefor dealer info. The Free Trader Beowulf is under attack! Help retake the ship with our first set of Traveller Deck Plans. Thirteen double-sided maps join to form the full Beowulf - with hexes on one side and squares on the other, every Traveller fan ...