
Unraveling the Mystery: What’s the Deal with Trek 330 Value?

Hey there, fellow adventurers! If you’re into bikes and the whole two-wheel shindig, you’ve probably stumbled upon the Trek 330 at some point. Now, if you’re scratching your head wondering about its value, you’re not alone. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of the Trek 330 value and see if we can demystify this two-wheeled enigma.

Table of Contents

Trek 330 Value

The Trek 330: A Blast from the Past

So, picture this: it’s the ’80s, and the Trek 330 is the cool kid on the block. Now, decades later, it’s got vintage charm written all over it. But what about its value?

The Hunt for the Holy Grail – How to Find a Trek 330

Before we delve into its value, let’s talk about finding one. It’s like searching for buried treasure, but instead of a map, you’ve got Craigslist and your uncle’s garage.

Local Listings: The Goldmine in Your Neighborhood

Scour local listings, my friend. Sometimes, your neighbor’s garage is a treasure trove, and they don’t even know it. That’s where the real gems hide.

Uncle Bob’s Garage: A Potential Gold Rush

Uncle Bob’s garage might be a mess, but hidden beneath the dusty boxes and forgotten golf clubs could be a vintage Trek 330. The hunt is part of the thrill, right?

Putting a Price on Nostalgia – How Much is Your Trek 330 Worth?

Alright, let’s get down to brass tacks – how do you put a price tag on a bike that’s basically a time machine on two wheels?

Rarity Rules: The Rarer, the Pricier

Like Pokémon cards, the rarer, the better. If you’ve got a Trek 330 that’s an oddball color or has a unique feature, congrats! You might be sitting on a goldmine.

Wear and Tear: Battle Scars vs. Red Flags

Now, let’s talk battle scars. A little wear and tear adds character. But if your Trek 330 looks like it went through a Tour de France in the ’90s, it might not fetch top dollar.

The Retro Factor: Nostalgia Sells

People love a good dose of nostalgia. If your Trek 330 screams ’80s or ’90s vibes, you might have bike enthusiasts lining up to make a deal.

The Great Trek 330 Price Spectrum

Hold your horses, we’re not done yet. The Trek 330 isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. Let’s break it down further.

Mint Condition: Cha-Ching!

If your Trek 330 looks like it just rolled off the assembly line – shiny and pristine – you’re in luck. Mint condition means big bucks.

The Middle Ground: A Fair Price for Memories

Not every Trek 330 is a time capsule. If it’s in good shape, with a few scratches and scuffs telling tales of adventures, you’re looking at a reasonable price.

Project Bikes: DIY Dreams and Bargain Hunts

Now, if you’re the fixer-upper type and love a good project, a beat-up Trek 330 might be your ticket to a budget-friendly adventure.

Bold the Heading of the Second Table using Markdown language

The second table: bold and beautiful.

Tables can be the unsung heroes of information. But, you know what’s better? A bold and beautiful table. Let’s see how it’s done.

The Trek 330 Community: Sharing Stories and Tips

Join the club – the Trek 330 community, that is. There’s nothing like bonding over bike tales and sharing tips on how to pimp your ride.

Online Forums: Where Strangers Become Bike Buddies

Head to online forums where Trek enthusiasts spill the beans on everything, from restoration hacks to where to find the best vintage decals.

Social Media: Snap, Post, Connect

In the age of Instagram and Twitter, don’t shy away from showcasing your Trek 330. Who knows, your post might be the inspiration someone needed to start their own vintage bike journey.

Imperfections: Embracing the Quirks of Your Trek 330

Let’s face it – perfection is overrated. Imperfections add character. A little wobble in the handlebars or a quirky gear shift only adds to the charm of your Trek 330.

Battle-Tested Beauties: Stories in Every Scratch

Each scratch and dent tells a story. Your Trek 330 isn’t just a bike; it’s a time-traveling storyteller, spinning tales of adventures past.

Mechanical Mysteries: The Charm of the Unpredictable

Sometimes, the gears might surprise you, and the brakes might have a mind of their own. But hey, life’s an adventure, right?

The Resale Conundrum: To Sell or Not to Sell?

Ah, the age-old question. Do you keep your vintage beauty or cash in on the nostalgia wave? Let’s weigh the pros and cons.

Sentimental Value: More Than Just Dollars

Money can’t buy memories. If your Trek 330 holds sentimental value – maybe it was your dad’s old ride – the decision becomes more than just a financial one.

Passing the Torch: A New Adventure Begins

Selling your Trek 330 isn’t the end of the road; it’s the start of a new journey for both you and the bike. Someone else gets to create their memories.

The DIY Dilemma: Tackling Repairs and Restorations

So, your Trek 330 has seen better days. Should you roll up your sleeves and embark on a DIY adventure, or is it time to call in the pros?

DIY Delights: Channeling Your Inner MacGyver

If you’re a sucker for DIY projects and love the smell of bike grease, restoring your Trek 330 can be a rewarding experience. Just don’t forget the bandaids for the inevitable cuts and bruises.

Professional Help: When in Doubt, Call the Experts

Not everyone is born with a wrench in hand. If the DIY route seems more like a horror movie than an adventure, trust the experts to revive your Trek 330.

The Grand Unveiling: Showcasing Your Restored Trek 330

After hours of elbow grease and maybe a few choice words, it’s time for the grand unveiling. Here’s where the magic happens.

Photoshoot Extravaganza: Documenting the Transformation

Don’t underestimate the power of a good photoshoot. Capture the before-and-after shots – it’s the visual journey of your Trek 330’s revival.

Victory Lap: Taking Your Trek 330 for a Spin

The best part? Taking your restored Trek 330 for a victory lap. Feel the wind in your hair and the satisfaction of a job well done.

The Trek 330 Legacy: Passing Down the Passion

Your Trek 330 isn’t just a bike; it’s a legacy. Whether you keep it for yourself or pass it down to the next generation, the journey continues.

Family Heirloom: From One Generation to Another

Imagine your grandkid cruising the neighborhood on the same Trek 330 that once carried you on adventures. It’s a legacy in the making.

Teaching Moments: Life Lessons on Two Wheels

Bikes teach us more than just how to pedal. They teach responsibility, perseverance, and the joy of exploration. Your Trek 330 becomes a classroom on wheels.

Trek 330 Value

Conclusion: The Trek 330 Saga Continues

So, there you have it – the ins and outs of the Trek 330 value, from the thrill of the hunt to the joy of restoration. Whether you’re in it for the nostalgia or hoping to cash in on a vintage gem, the Trek 330 saga continues.

Ride On: The Adventure Never Ends

In the world of Trek 330, every scratch is a badge of honor, and every squeaky pedal is a battle cry. So, ride on, fellow adventurer, because the journey is the destination.

FAQs: Your Burning Trek 330 Questions Answered

Q1: How do I determine the value of my Trek 330?

Rarity, condition, and that extra dash of ’80s flair play a role. Check online listings for similar models to get a ballpark figure.

Q2: Is a beat-up Trek 330 worth buying for restoration?

Absolutely! If you enjoy DIY projects and the satisfaction of restoring a classic, a beat-up Trek 330 can be a hidden gem.

Q3: Any tips for showcasing my restored Trek 330?

Go all out with a photoshoot! Document the transformation and let the world see the beauty you’ve brought back to life.

Q4: Should I sell my Trek 330 or keep it for sentimental reasons?

It’s a personal choice. If the bike holds sentimental value, consider keeping it. If not, passing it on ensures new adventures.

Q5: Can I join a Trek 330 community online?

Absolutely! Online forums and social media groups are buzzing with Trek enthusiasts. Share your stories and soak in the collective bike wisdom.

Watch this one,

Video Credits – RJ The Bike Guy

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Bikes to Like: Dan’s 1987 Trek 330 Elance

I recently met Dan during a lunch stop on a 200K permanent that Felkerino and I were doing. Dan was riding a populaire with some friends out of Frederick, Maryland, and his group had stopped for lunch at the same establishment.

Everyone had placed their bikes wherever space allowed alongside the restaurant. Amid the menagerie of bikes, Dan’s Trek caught my eye. Subtle and elegant, with a thoughtful build. I asked Dan to be a Bikes to Like guest contributor and, as you can see from what follows, he was up for it. Thank you, Dan, for sharing the story of your bike!

trek 330 price

1. What kind of bike do you have?

I have a 1987 Trek 330 frame with a whole bunch of non-original parts. In fact, NO original parts. It’s one of the ‘Elance’ series, which I believe were some of the first Taiwanese manufactured Treks.

Originally, it was a decent, middle of the road, steel sport bike, and the most basic in Trek’s stable for the year with things like SR cranks and basic Suntour components. It’s made of Reynolds 531, as all of the Trek sport frames were that year.

Actually, all of the sport frames of that year- top to bottom of the line- also had the exact same geometry and materials as well. The only differences seem to be the parts they put on them and the paint colors and the decals.

2. How did you come to own this bike?

I occasionally work with the fine folks at The Bike Doctor in Frederick, Maryland, and came to know the local Trek representative, who is a collector of old Trek frames and bikes in his service area. If any old ones come available, he usually picks them up for not a whole lot of money, or sometimes free.

This one came to him on one of his missions abroad, and he’d converted it into a fixie long before I knew him. I had a modern steel Masi I’d been riding that really didn’t fit the bill for me super well, and when I saw it in his basement, it being a 55.5cm (close enough to my size), I asked him if he’d ever consider selling it.

I’d set up a couple of guitars, recorded some music, and done a favor here and there for him and friends so he decided to give it to me (!). It’s my musical good-karma bike.

I’d been dreaming of a custom Mercian or a Weigle or Waterford (or a Singer or Herse)- pure unobtainium. But when I looked up the specs of this Trek frame, it wasn’t so far off from what I was looking for, especially for the price! So I dove in.

3. Where do you ride it?

I ride this bike wherever I can, within reason! It’s certainly seen it’s share of non-paved roads, as the folks I typically ride with up here in Frederick tend to ride stretches of substandard-to-modernity road at least as often as they ride on blacktop.

It’s more my sport rider than anything else. I have a couple of others for townie purposes and commuting but the Trek has done duty for those as well.

trek 330 price

4. What do you like about your bike?

I’m pretty fond of the familiar ride of the Trek. It reminds me a LOT of a used and ragged old 531 Alpine road bike that I scavenged back in the mid 80’s, which I really really loved, as it was my first ‘real’ road bike.

I like the fast, but stable handling. I love that the frame climbs well and has a comfortable amount of flex, both up and down AND side to side. I love that it had all the necessary bosses for fenders. I love the color. I like that it’s paid for without having needed to win the Lotto.

I’m also very partial to the fact that my friend/neighbor James and I had prolonged discussions/arguments/beer drinking sessions/one-sided ride “discussions”/ book and catalog swaps/ internet link-o-metry/ email battles/repair stand circumspections about it for over a year.

In a way, it’s a monument to research, discourse, cussing, patience for overdiscussion, and male bonding idiocy, as well as a bicycle.

5. If you had to describe your bike in one word, what would it be?

6. Fenders or no fenders?

Fenders absolutely, yes, indeed.

trek 330 price

7. What is one of your favorite memories with this bicycle?

The first half-mile ride around my block after getting all my parts put on it. I didn’t even have brakes on it yet! I just remember going from a stiff modern steel bike to this and feeling like I was riding something that was very much more alive and spring-ish and, for lack of better words, proper.

I remember feeling like I’d come home again in a lot of ways and having a full-on Frankenstein “IT’S ALIVE” moment.

8. Does your bike have a name? If so, what is it?

Sadly, I’ve never given it a proper name. I do refer to it as “Bea” more often than not. A Mazda truck and an old cat of mine, both of which are the same color as the bike, are also called by the same name.

9. What is your favorite accessory on your bike and why?

I’m pretty fond of the Brooks handlebar tape, which was recycled from a Bianchi whose owner had shellacked it, hated the look, and was throwing it away (!). I soaked it in denatured alcohol for a couple of days, which at first looked as if it had TOTALLY ruined it.

I then oiled it repeatedly with proofide until it resembled something not made of beef jerky again. Somehow it has survived two years of use with me, and seems like it’s got quite a few more to go.

10. What did I forget to ask that you want to tell me about your bike?

“How much did Velo Orange have to do with [said bike]?”

A whole bunch. Thanks Velo Orange!

Another one might be “How many coats of automotive wax did it take to make your bike shiny again?”

A number that might make me seem as if I have OCD were it to be disclosed.

Or maybe “How many ounces of simichrome did it take to make your front derailleur not look like it was dragged behind a truck?”

See answer to previous question.

I think, in general, though, this bike has been a project of finding lots of practical solutions to the “problems” of riding and it’s gone through a few iterations.

The parts selection was one of figuring out what I needed versus what I could afford and also, what was available, pretty much like everyone else doing a custom build.

My particular needs were keeping a narrow stance (which I prefer over wide-set modern cranks), wide gearing without a triple crankset, a lively ride with durable parts, and having a front bag.

Oh, and as little black anodized stuff as I could get away with, mostly because I grew up with silver metals on bikes and prefer it. Beyond that, I just wanted it to be a classy ride with a classic randonneuse sorta look to it.

trek 330 price

11. If your bike could talk, what is one thing it would say to you?

Pardon me sir, do you have any Grey Poupon? Kidding…

It might ask me why I don’t convert it to a 650B so I stop denting my front fenders with my feet.

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Responses to “Bikes to Like: Dan’s 1987 Trek 330 Elance”

Thank you, what a great write-up on the Trek 330 Elance. I also own a 1987 330 Elance, I was in highschool and worked all summer at Taco Bell to buy it. It currently needs some work, and has been relegated to the corner of the bike storage area of my condo complex, but this has inspired me to get it rideable again. Thanks, great piece that has made me want to ride my Elance again.

Do it B & P! Loverly riding bikes, these, and totally worth the effort.

Thanks for asking me to do this, Mary– fun to recount how the B came into existence and why!

Very nice. I have a 400T I converted to 650B, I like it even better now. You nailed it as far as having a nice rider that you aren’t afraid to lock up. Here’s mine:

Trek 400T Elance 650B conversion

[…]  Solid, comfortable, no frills.  Definitely a wind up windows truck, if it was a truck.  This article is a quick read, and features an interesting bike. It’s put up by some localish rando riders, […]

[…] Riding buddies Barry B. and Dave S. were there, as was riding acquaintance Dan, who was riding his Trek 330 Elance. The group rolled unceremoniously out of the parking lot a few minutes after 7 a.m., and soon […]

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Trek 330 info requested?

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Hello all, Ive just found a lovely minty trek 330 - im guessing from around mid to late 80's. Its my size and the frame fits like a glove. The frame is marked 531, s Im quite tempted. Im not worried about the groupset as I have a terrific parts bin. However its all about the frame... It seems to be more of a touring bike, but with excellent detail in the frame, chrome chainstay protector and a wonderful headbadge. Am I being fooled by the chrome? The price is good (less than $100) and it fits which means my wife gets the Bianchi Campion D'Italia. How good is the frame? Does anyone know if its worth dropping a really nice grouppo on? Many thanks  

trek 330 price

icemonkey said: Hello all, Ive just found a lovely minty trek 330 - im guessing from around mid to late 80's. Its my size and the frame fits like a glove. The frame is marked 531, s Im quite tempted. Im not worried about the groupset as I have a terrific parts bin. However its all about the frame... It seems to be more of a touring bike, but with excellent detail in the frame, chrome chainstay protector and a wonderful headbadge. Am I being fooled by the chrome? The price is good (less than $100) and it fits which means my wife gets the Bianchi Campion D'Italia. How good is the frame? Does anyone know if its worth dropping a really nice grouppo on? Many thanks Click to expand...

I've been riding an '87 560 for the last 2 years. Same frame (531 triangle) but with a tighter wheelbase geometry. I don't race but ride 2500-3000 miles a year. I upgraded the stem, handlebars, seat, and seatpost the first year. This year I had a new wheelset built on existing hubs retaining the original 105 6spd. If it fits like a glove, go for it. I don't think you can get much better with a steel frame at any price than these vintage Treks. I'd like to get another one and do a complete rebuild.  

trek 330 price

The 330 is a sports tourer. It will fit 32 mm tires or 28 mm with fenders. It is not designed for fully loaded touring. Trek did not chrome their frames. The chrome chain stay protector is probably glued on. I have a Trek 560 and a 330, both frame only built up. They are very nice bikes.  

Rockin' Thanks for all the positive vibes. If its still there i will get it I will post some pix. Thanks  

Sold... devistated  


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Trek road bikes: range, details, pricing and specifications

Cyclingnews' roundup of Trek road bikes available to buy this year

A white woman riding a red Trek road bike riding past a green background

Trek road bikes you can buy today

Trek's road bike range explained.

With a history spanning some four decades, the Trek Bicycle Corporation has become one of the foremost bicycle makers in the world, and a perennial staple in our list of the best road bikes . What started out as a small steel frame-building company operating out of a carpet warehouse in Waterloo, Wisconsin, has grown enormously into a global leader of bicycle design and innovation. The Trek road bike range is based around three anagrammatic models; Domane, Madone, and Emonda - nominally the endurance, aero, and climbing bikes respectively. All are available in an array of build options, with the Domane and Emonda also available in both carbon and aluminium guises.

Trek has a history of innovating in the world of bicycle manufacture, with a particular emphasis on pioneering new materials. Bonded aluminium and carbon construction was lifted from the aerospace industry in the '80s, creating the 2000 and 2500 framesets. The lessons learned from bonded carbon were then poured into the manufacture of the brand's first full-carbon frameset, the 5000. Nowadays it has its own patented in-house carbon fibre, known as OCLV (optimum compaction low void) which is on a par with aerospace-specific alternatives

Trek continues to disrupt the industry from a manufacturing standpoint, but first and foremost it makes bikes for riders; the manufacturing innovation is only a means to an end. For some that means the very best commuter bikes , for others that means the best touring bikes , and for a lot of riders that means racing at the highest levels. It's no great surprise that Trek has become a big player in the world of gravel cycling too, and it also features on our list of the best gravel bikes . Whatever your interests in cycling, Trek has options. If you are thinking about something from the Trek road bike range, keep reading to see all the details about what's available. 

Trek Domane SL 6 Product Image

Trek Domane

Specifications, reasons to buy, reasons to avoid.

The latest model of the Trek Domane has gone through a complete makeover. The comfort-enhanced model in the Trek road bike range picks up a number of aerodynamic details, along with an all-new Isospeed decoupler design (additional flex at the steerer and seat post) and space in the frame and fork for up to 38mm of the best road bike tyres you'd care to cram in. These are changes that make the Domane an incredibly versatile road bike. The lineup is perfect for all-day comfort and the new Domane+ LT, makes our list of the best electric road bikes too.

The Domane is available in three frame types. For the budget minded, you'll want to look at the aluminium Domane AL; it's the most accessible in terms of price, and the only option for fans of a rim brake. It's entry level but it doesn't leave off the performance and adds options for racks for commuters, though it can only fit 35mm tyres rather than the 38mm max on the carbon models.

Moving up the range, the next option is the mid-range Domane SL. Stepping up to the SL means a move to 500 series OCLV carbon fibre. That opens up access to a dual IsoSpeed decoupler system, not found on the alloy version, for comfort-enhancing vibration damping. It also means space for larger tyres and storage in the downtube. If you'd like to stick with rim brakes there aren't any options for a fully built bike in the SL range but you can still get a rim brake option of the frameset.

The top-tier Domane SLR is also carbon fibre but it's a lighter 700 series OCLV. It still carries the dual IsoSpeed decoupler, but it's an upgraded adjustable version also seen on the aero focussed Madone. Like the SL, there's no fully built rim brake option available but you can still get an SLR frameset in a rim brake format.

Depending on your taste, and budget, builds are available from Claris-level at one end, through to SRAM Red eTap at the other extreme, with most options in between available.

Trek Emonda SL 6 Disc Pro product image

Trek Emonda

For years, the Emonda had been the lightweight option in the Trek road bike lineup, and one of the usual suspects in our lineup of the best lightweight bikes . This is the bike to grab when you want to head to the mountains. As technology has progressed though the modern climber's bike has somewhat disappeared; brands have been slowly moving away from labelling their lightest offering as a 'climbing bike', and instead pivoting to selling it as an all-round option, for both up hill and down dale. Trek is no different in this regard, with the Emonda filling its all-rounder spot. It's no lump though, if weight is your concern.

While the Emonda is still the bike you'd want to turn to on the steep uphill segments, it's more than that now. Aero-optimisation and disc brakes take it away from a bike only for the mountains to a much more well-rounded option. In some ways it's defined more by what it isn't than what it is. It's not the all-out aero bike and it's not an endurance bike. The Emonda is the lightest of the options but it's also a bike that does a little bit of everything.

Available models for the Emonda still cover a wide range in much the same way as the Domane, with an aluminium option at one end, with a rim brake frameset option, and two tiers of carbon above it. The SL represents the middle ground with a carbon frame at a more affordable price. Then, at the top of the range, sits the SLR with a new ultralight 800 series OCLV carbon construction. There's even an SLR frameset with a more aggressive geometry available for those competing at the highest levels or fans of ultra-responsive handling. 

Trek Madone SL 6 product image

Trek Madone

The Madone sits at the top of the range as Trek's most purebred race bike. It's aero optimised in every way, and features among our list of the best aero road bikes too. Being the range topper means that it's the most expensive option in the Trek lineup but that has more to do with a lack of low-end options rather than it necessarily being vastly more expensive. There are only SLR and SL models available, meaning no entry level aluminium choice to be had. 

After years of aero bikes carrying a reputation for being harsh and uncomfortable, Trek went in a different direction. It was the first to market its aero bike as not just aerodynamically fast, but also fast because of its comfort, primarily thanks to the addition of the IsoSpeed decoupler system lifted from the Domane.

Of course, comfort isn't the only trick for the Madone; integrated cables feature heavily, along with fully integrated cockpits on the top end models. Even lower models, without an integrated cockpit, look to cheat the wind, with truncated aerofoil tube shapes and aerodynamically optimised disc brakes. Tyre width is however much more limited than with other models, topping out at 28mm.

Trek Speed Concept SLR 6 eTap

Trek Speed Concept

The Trek Speed Concept is the Trek solution for triathletes who want the very best. For years the design had been stagnant but that all changed at the end of 2021. The brand new 2022 Trek Speed Concept is all new and faster than it's ever been before. Compared to the previous version, Trek claims the new bike saves a full six minutes over the Kona full Ironman race course. 

Moving away from a solely wind-tunnel focus, Trek has sought to create a bike that works as an entire system, rather than simply a lab-optimised object. The system approach means hydration and storage helps make not only the bike faster, but also the rider. There's an available between-the-arms (BTA) bottle that enhances aerodynamics by smoothing air between the arms and a clip allows you to drink without leaving the aero bars. It's also easy to refill during a race with a port on the top that accepts the nozzle of another bottle. 

While the BTA bottle is a separate purchase, the downtube bottle comes with every Speed Concept bike. Capacity is 750 ml and, like the BTA bottle, it also enhances aerodynamics; the system is 14 per cent faster when the bottle is in place. 

Outside of hydration there are two additional storage solutions onboard and included. The two bottles cover opportunities to enhance aerodynamics so the storage doesn't make the bike more aero. Instead, the bento box and the flat repair storage take advantage of the increased frame space to hide from the wind. 

The once-simple exercise of choosing a bicycle has become an appreciably complex decision owing to a plethora of new riding disciplines and technological advancements.

There are four different types of road bikes available in Trek’s current catalogue — aero, endurance, time trial, and climbing/do-it-all, each of which differs based on design and function.

As the name suggests aero road bikes are designed for speed while still retaining some form of compliance and comfort. Climbing bikes are ideal for hilly/mountainous routes and are pretty decent all-rounders. Endurance bikes offer a combination of durability and comfort while time-trial bikes are more outlandish-looking in their appearance and built for speed.

Trek offers a wide selection of specifications for each of the models in its range. Most of the brand's road frames are available in three different types of carbon, as well as aluminium and denoted by SLR (Trek's lightest OCLV carbon), SL (mid-range OCLV carbon) or AL (Aluminium).

Different geometry options are also available on certain models, with the majority featuring regular H2 geometry and some offered in the more aggressive H1 geometry, designed specifically for racing.

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Aaron was the Tech Editor Cyclingnews between July 2019 and June 2022. He was born and raised in South Africa, where he completed his BA honours at the University of Cape Town before embarking on a career in journalism. Throughout this career, Aaron has spent almost two decades writing about bikes, cars, and anything else with wheels. Prior to joining the Cyclingnews team, his experience spanned a stint as Gear & Digital editor of Bicycling magazine, as well as a time at TopCar as Associate Editor. 

Now based in the UK's Surrey Hills, Aaron's life revolves around bikes. He's a competitive racer, Stravaholic, and Zwift enthusiast. He’s twice ridden the Cape Epic, completed the Haute Route Alps, and represented South Africa in the 2022 Zwift eSports World Championships.

Height: 175cm

Weight: 61.5kg

Rides: Cannondale SuperSlice Disc Di2 TT, Cannondale Supersix Evo Dura-Ace Rim, Cannondale Supersix Evo Ultegra Di2 Disc, Trek Procaliber 9.9 MTB 

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End of Season Bike Sale / Start of Hockey Season Sale

Don’t miss this weekend’s SALE!  Paradise Creek Bicycles will be holding its end of season bike sale / start of hockey season sale.  This is a great time to save money. For every $50.00 you spend you get $5.00 off. Anything more than a year in inventory 50% off. T-shirts and sweatshirts that have Paradise…

trek 330 price

Paradise Creek Bicycles will be hosting an exhibit for Moscow’s Artwalk 2021! Join us at 513 S Main St. between the hours of 4:00 and 8:00 PM on June 17th to appreciate Janice Ardern’s bicycle themed artwork. Artwalk will include over 70 artists and over 40 businesses displaying various forms of artwork.  For more information…

trek 330 price

Bike and Bird

Join birders from Palouse Audubon Society and Palouse Conservation District for a fun morning biking and birding along the Chipman Trail The Palouse Audubon Society and Palouse Conservation District will be hosting the third Paradise Creek Bike and Bird event along the Bill Chipman Trail on June 19th from 7 am to 9 am. Anyone…

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330 Hammerstone Dr, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • 1,524 sqft 1,524 square feet
  • 9,670 sqft lot 9,670 square foot lot

Photo of property at 330 Hammerstone Dr, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • Property type Single Family
  • Year built 2022
  • Garage 2 Car

Property Details

Property overview, property features.

  • Bedrooms: 3
  • Bedrooms On Main Level: 3

Other Rooms

  • Total Rooms: 7
  • Basement Description: 8 ft + pour, Poured Concrete, Roughed-In Bath, Sump Pit/Pump, Unfinished, Walk-Out
  • Total Bathrooms: 2 / 0
  • Full Bathrooms: 2
  • Full Bathrooms On Main Level: 2
  • Primary Bathroom Description: Full Bath, Tub & Separate Shwr

Interior Features

  • Some Carpeting
  • Vaulted Ceiling
  • Walk-In Closets
  • Window Features: Low-E, Panel Door(s), Some Tilt-In Windows
  • Range/Oven-Electric
  • Stainless Steel Appliances
  • Water Softener

Heating and Cooling

  • Cooling Features: Ceiling Fan, Central-Electric
  • Heating Features: Forced Air
  • Water Heaters: Gas

Kitchen and Dining

  • Dining Room Description: Kitchen/Dining Combo
  • Kitchen Features: Breakfast Room, Center Island, Granite Countertops, Pantry

Exterior and Lot Features

  • Clubhouse/Facilities
  • Lot Description: Backs to Trees/Woods, Level Lot, Streetlights
  • Lot Size Acres: 0.222
  • Lot Size Source: County Records
  • Lot Size Square Feet: 9670

Manufactured and Mobile Info

  • Model: Oak III

Garage and Parking

  • Garage Spaces: 2
  • Parking Features: Attached Garage

Amenities and Community Features

Homeowners association.

  • Association: Yes
  • Association Fee: 350
  • Association Fee Frequency: Annually
  • Calculated Total Monthly Association Fees: 29

School Information

  • Elementary School: Wm. R. Cappel Elem.
  • High School: Troy Buchanan High
  • Middle School: Troy Middle
  • School District: Troy R-III

Other Property Info

  • Porch-Covered
  • Annual Tax Amount: 2285
  • Source Listing Status: Closed
  • County: Lincoln
  • Cross Street: Majestic Lakes Boulevard
  • Tax Year: 2023
  • Ownership: Private
  • Source Property Type: Residential
  • Area: Troy R-3
  • Source Neighborhood: Majestic Lakes
  • Postal Code Plus 4: 1896
  • Subdivision: Majestic Lakes
  • Lot Number: 235
  • Source System Name: C2C

Building and Construction

  • Total Square Feet Living: 1524
  • Builder Name: Houston Homes
  • Living Area Source: County Records
  • Property Age: 2
  • Levels or Stories: 1
  • House Style: Ranch
  • Total Above Grade Sqft Area: 1524
  • Total Area Sqft: 1524
  • Architectural Style: Traditional
  • Sewer: Public
  • Water Source: Public


The following table summarizes the chart by comparing the earliest historic estimate, last year's estimate, and a forecasted projection to this month's current estimate for each valuation provider.

Our home values come from independent valuation providers, whose solutions are used by many financial institutions, insurance companies, and real estate agents. Each valuation provider applies a unique approach and methodology resulting in a range of values that consumers can use as a starting point for discussions with a real estate agent.

Similar Homes For Sale Near Moscow Mills, MO

Comparison of 330 Hammerstone Dr, Moscow Mills, MO 63362 with Nearby Homes:

Photo of property at 220 Arlington Dr, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • 2,121 sqft 2,121 square feet
  • 0.7 acre lot 0.7 acre lot

Photo of property at 187 Rivers Edge Dr, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • 1,323 sqft 1,323 square feet
  • 0.23 acre lot 0.23 acre lot

Photo of property at 905 Jefferson St, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • 1,210 sqft 1,210 square feet
  • 0.24 acre lot 0.24 acre lot

Photo of property at 907 Jefferson St, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • 1,456 sqft 1,456 square feet
  • 3.6 acre lot 3.6 acre lot

Photo of property at 525 Birchwood Dr, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • 1,419 sqft 1,419 square feet

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  • 1,773 sqft 1,773 square feet

Photo of property at 0 Tbb Olive 2, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • 1,479 sqft 1,479 square feet

Photo of property at 0 Tbb Oakley, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • 1,453 sqft 1,453 square feet

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  • 1,643 sqft 1,643 square feet

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Photo of property at 1593 Driftwood Ln, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • 1,401 sqft 1,401 square feet

Photo of property at 0 Tbb Linden, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • 1,601 sqft 1,601 square feet

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  • 1,702 sqft 1,702 square feet

Photo of property at Tbb The Mls, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • 1,652 sqft 1,652 square feet

Photo of property at 0 Tbb Olive 1, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • 1,234 sqft 1,234 square feet

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Property History

Price history, tax history, neighborhood, facts about 330 hammerstone dr.

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is located in neighborhood in the city of Moscow Mills, MO.

Check out other home values in Hammerstone Dr, Moscow Mills, MO.

  • N/A Median listing price
  • N/A Median sales price
  • N/A Median days on market
  • N/A Median price per sqft

Nearby neighborhoods in Moscow Mills, MO

  • Lake Saint Louis Median listing: $475,857
  • Grover Median listing: $456,500
  • Claymont Median listing: $425,000
  • Riverwood Median listing: $282,500

Nearby Home Values

Homes around $318,000.

Photo of property at 335 Hammerstone Dr, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • 1,980 sqft 1,980 square feet
  • 9,322 sqft lot 9,322 square foot lot

Photo of property at 419 Birchwood Dr, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • 1,588 sqft 1,588 square feet
  • 9,627 sqft lot 9,627 square foot lot

Photo of property at 135 Hammerstone Dr, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • 1,482 sqft 1,482 square feet

Photo of property at 1584 Driftwood Ln, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • 2,059 sqft 2,059 square feet

Photo of property at 528 Birchwood Dr, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

Recently Sold Homes Near 330 Hammerstone Dr

  • 2,298 sqft 2,298 square feet
  • 2,475 sqft 2,475 square feet
  • 9,714 sqft lot 9,714 square foot lot
  • 1,093 sqft 1,093 square feet
  • 9,583 sqft lot 9,583 square foot lot
  • 1,865 sqft 1,865 square feet

Nearby Homes with Pools around 63362

Photo of property at 339 Birchwood Dr, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

  • 1,791 sqft 1,791 square feet
  • 0.37 acre lot 0.37 acre lot

See 330 Hammerstone Dr, Moscow Mills, MO 63362, a single family home. View property details, similar homes, and the nearby school and neighborhood information. Use our heat map to find crime, amenities, and lifestyle data for 330 Hammerstone Dr. The property-related information displayed on this page is obtained from public records and other sources.While such information is thought to be reliable, it is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties labeled Not for Sale are classified as such either because we do not have a record of such properties currently being for sale or because we are not permitted, by contract, law, or otherwise, to designate such properties as currently for sale. For the most accurate and up to date status of this or any other property, please contact a REALTOR®.

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  2. 1987 Trek 330

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  5. Trek 330 road bike sport model for Sale in Mission Viejo, CA

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  6. 1987 Trek 330 Elance

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  1. 2 MORE DAYS! Renegades: The Making of Star Trek: Of Gods and Men documentary blooper reel!

  2. Temagami 8 Day Canoe Trip

  3. Top 10 dangerous trek of India

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  1. Trek Price Lists and Current Values

    Here are early Trek Bicycle Corporation retail price lists, for use as a resource by fellow vintage lightweight steel road bicycle enthusiasts. ... $330 $3100 $2100 $1390 $925 $870,sale $775 $820 $665 $620, sale $519 $570, sale $489 $2200 $1500 $820 $445 $900 (list) $900 (list) $413 (list) $950 (list)

  2. Unraveling the Mystery: What's the Deal with Trek 330 Value?

    The Great Trek 330 Price Spectrum. Hold your horses, we're not done yet. The Trek 330 isn't a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. Let's break it down further. Mint Condition: Cha-Ching! If your Trek 330 looks like it just rolled off the assembly line - shiny and pristine - you're in luck. Mint condition means big bucks.

  3. $300 for a trek 330 men's road bike. Worth it or no?

    If it's in good working order and good appearance, yes, fully worth the money. Frankly, that's cheap for a Trek road bike compared to a brand new one from a bike shop. New trek road bikes start around $800 and go up from there. It worth it .this bike no rust.i have same one buy 5 years ago it been sitting in garage.

  4. Bike Forums

    08-06-10 10:53 AM. I picked up a 330 with all shimano/light action rd triple for $100.00. However i have to put new tires,tubes,tape and true the wheels before its road worthy. Paint is scratch. I think $140.00 is good to go if its road worthy. Mine is a small frame so when i go to sell i should have no problem flipping it.

  5. Trek Bike Models by Year and Color

    Trek Bike Models/Years/Colors. ... 330: 87, Elance - bright red with white decals, also gray with white decals ... See the two 1978 price lists for details. 715: 81, 81.5, dark blue also pewter 82, pewter with light blue panels, also dark blue with pewter panels: 716: 81, 81.5, dark blue also pewter ...

  6. Trek Vintage Bikes for sale

    Get the best deals on Trek Vintage Bikes when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.com. Free shipping on many items ... Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. Skip to main content. ... Vintage Trek Elance 330 Racing Road Bike. $300.00. Local Pickup. VINTAGETREK 1000 ROAD BIKE Nice Shape . $425.00.

  7. Bikes to Like: Dan's 1987 Trek 330 Elance

    I have a 1987 Trek 330 frame with a whole bunch of non-original parts. In fact, NO original parts. It's one of the 'Elance' series, which I believe were some of the first Taiwanese manufactured Treks. Originally, it was a decent, middle of the road, steel sport bike, and the most basic in Trek's stable for the year with things like SR ...

  8. Trek 330 Elance Vintage Road Bike

    Trek 330 Elance Vintage Road Bike. $425.00 USD. 4 interest-free installments, or from $38.36/mo with. Check your purchasing power. Quantity. Sold out. Share. Trek Elance 330 road bike, Internet says these were Reynolds 531 though any sticker is long gone, Campagnolo C-Record hubs laced to nice but mismatched rims, Japanese drive train, Cinelli ...

  9. Vintage Trek Elance 330 Racing Road Bike

    Vintage Trek Elance 330 Racing Road Bike. Bike is beautiful. May need one or two intertubes. Come take a look. Vintage Trek Elance 330 Racing Road Bike. ... Price: US $300.00. No Interest if paid in full in 6 mo on $99+ with PayPal Credit* Buy It Now. Add to cart. Add to watchlist.

  10. Trek Racing Bike Vintage Bikes for sale

    Get the best deals on Trek Racing Bike Vintage Bikes when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.com. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. ... Vintage Trek 330 Racing Road Bike Local Pick Up Only. $228.17. Local Pickup. Trek 760, 54 CM Center to Top (so about 52.7 CM C to C) Seat Tube, Excellent ...

  11. 1990 Trek Bicycle Brochure on vintage-trek.com

    1990 Trek Bicycle Brochure. This is an extract from the 1990 Trek Catalog. It contains details on the three steel-framed road bikes that Trek made this year: models 330, 420 and 520. Pages 4, 5, and 6 contain the specs for these bikes as well as those for the other road bikes Trek produced in 1990. Page 4 contains half of the specs for a ...

  12. Trek 330

    The Trek 330 is a good old touring bike. The 330 is good for riding on Indiana's country roads. The standard gearing is wide enough for riding in more interesting areas of the country. I added clipless pedals, a better saddle, and a new front wheel, and now the bike is much more comfortable to ride. The new bearings and front wheel ...

  13. 1987 steel Trek 330 for $170? Comes with the original drop ...

    Comes with the original drop bars and levers as well. : r/whichbike. 1987 steel Trek 330 for $170? Comes with the original drop bars and levers as well. good starter bike, I'd buy that for the price. It will teach you about all the regular bike maintaineance jobs over the next year or two.

  14. '87 or '88 Trek 330

    Guymk Discussion starter. 241 posts · Joined 2009. #1 · Nov 3, 2010 (Edited) Last weekend I bought this Trek 330. It Only had a few minor issues, the tires were dry rotted and the free wheel wouldn't spin freely and when i stopped pedaling to coast the chain would go slack. I had a new set of tires laying around so i put those on.

  15. Trek 330 info requested?

    The 330 is a sports tourer. It will fit 32 mm tires or 28 mm with fenders. It is not designed for fully loaded touring. Trek did not chrome their frames. The chrome chain stay protector is probably glued on. I have a Trek 560 and a 330, both frame only built up. They are very nice bikes.

  16. Vintage Trek

    The May 78 price sheet lists the earlier TX models. The November 78 price list shows the newer models (510, 530 etc.) ... Through-the-chainstay rear derailleur cable routing was done on all models except the 330. Some 1987 TREK frames and/or bikes were subcontracted to the Taiwanese bike company Merida. These were Model 800, 830 and 850 ...

  17. Trek road bikes: range, details, pricing and specifications

    Different geometry options are also available on certain models, with the majority featuring regular H2 geometry and some offered in the more aggressive H1 geometry, designed specifically for ...

  18. Marlin

    Marlin Gen 3. Get serious trail capability with Marlin Gen 3's bigger, 2.4˝ tyre clearance, internal dropper post routing and a stiffer, more secure ThruSkew rear axle. Plus, its updated longer, slacker geometry gives you a boost in stability on steeper trails and at higher speeds. Shop Marlin Gen 3. Compare.

  19. Home

    Pick-up & Delivery We are excited to offer pick-up and delivery to our customers. Paradise Creek Bicycles knows that a well-maintained bike is a safe bike. We make it easy and convenient for you to keep your bike in tip top shape through our pick-up and delivery service for a minimal fee ($10.00 Moscow and $20.00 Pullman).

  20. Find a bike shop near you

    Showing 12 of 39 results. Back. ⌖ Use My Location. Store Locator by Locally.

  21. 1987 Trek Bicycle Brochure

    1987 Trek Bicycle Brochure The pages below are those relating to steel framed bikes in the 87 catalog. Click on the pages below to see enlarged version. Table of Contents. Go to page: Description ... Trek 330 Elance: 21. Specifications, Model 2500 Composite, 2000, 1500: 22.

  22. 330 Hammerstone Dr, Moscow Mills, MO 63362

    330 Hammerstone Dr, Moscow Mills, MO 63362 is pending. View 42 photos of this 3 bed, 2 bath, 1524 sqft. single family home with a list price of $315000.

  23. 'A Gentleman in Moscow' Emmys Submissions: Ewan McGregor, Sam ...

    'A Gentleman in Moscow's' 20 Emmy Submissions: Ewan McGregor, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Sam Miller's Directing Episode and More (EXCLUSIVE)

  24. 1989 Trek Bicycle Brochure

    1989 Trek Bicycle Brochure . The individual model pages below are those relating to steel-framed bikes in the 1989 catalog. Also included is the model 5000, the first Trek molded carbon fiber composite bike. ... Model 330 Sport: Road Specs. Road Bike Specs: Mountain Specs . Mountain Bike Specs: Cover Page. Go to page: | ...