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Publicity Tour

Kent Paul: “That psycho won't leave Love Fist alone!” Jezz Torrent: “You didnae kill him man. And now he's back.” Kent Paul: “Yeah, yeah, yeah, and the thing is...” Jezz Torrent: “The thing is, we need someone to drive the limo we can trust, cause that nutter keeps making threats!” Percy: “I'm shitin' masel' man. I need ma ma!” Dick: “We're all bricking ourselves, man.” Tommy Vercetti: “Okay guys, calm down, I'll handle this. Normally I wouldn't busy myself with driving around a bunch of drunken Scottish bisexuals, but, in your case I'll make an exception.” — Love Fist band informs Tommy that the psycho somehow survived.

Publicity Tour is the final mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City given to protagonist Tommy Vercetti by heavy metal band Love Fist from their recording studio in Downtown , Vice City .

  • 2 Mission Objectives
  • 4 Post-Mission Phone Call
  • 5.1 Video Walkthroughs
  • 8 Navigation

Mission [ ]

The psycho that was believed to be killed by Tommy somehow survived and has placed a bomb in the Love Fist Limo , which will go off if the Limo goes under 50 mph, meaning that Tommy has to drive over that speed for 1 hour and 50 minutes (1 minute and 50 seconds in real time) until Love Fist defuses the bomb in the limo. During the mission, a detonation bar will appear on the top right side of the screen. If Tommy goes beneath a certain speed, it will fill up. If he goes above it, the bar will deplete. If the bar fills up completely, the limo explodes and if it explodes with the player inside, they will be wasted , both of which will end the mission in a failure. When the bomb is defused, Tommy drives Love Fist to their gig and after a cut-scene, the mission is complete.

Mission Objectives [ ]

In order to complete the mission the player must:

  • Drive around the city while Love Fist defuses the bomb .
  • Drive Love Fist to the venue.

The reward for completing this mission is $8,000. The Love Fist limo will also spawn outside the recording studio (except for the original PS2 version).

Post-Mission Phone Call [ ]

Mitch Baker : Hello Tommy?

Tommy : Yeah?

Mitch Baker : It's Baker. I just wanted to say I really enjoyed the show. Me and the boys want to thank you, and remind you, you got our respect. Good day. Keep riding hard, son.

Walkthrough [ ]

Tommy arrives at the V-Rock Recording Studio in Downtown to find the band and Kent Paul very distraught. They immediately tell Tommy that the The Psycho Tommy previously had to deal with is still alive.

Video Walkthroughs [ ]

Gallery [ ]

Tommy Vercetti with Dick and Percy at the concert.

  • The mission is based on the 1994 movie Speed , where police detective Jack Traven tries to deactivate a bomb that will blow up if the bus goes less than 50 mph. Coincidentally, Dennis Hopper , the voice actor of Steve Scott , starred in the movie.
  • The rain in this mission is scripted.
  • This is the only time in the game that Love Fist are encountered outside of cutscenes.
  • The bomb seemed to be a set of Boomshine bottles inside the limo's drink cabinet, wired to the engine that would set off if it goes to a stop or a lower speed.
  • The default radio station at the start of the mission is always Emotion 98.3 , and after defusing the bomb, the radio will automatically tune in to V-Rock , regardless if the radio is off or not.
  • There is a glitch in the PC version of the game, that if the player activates the replay function (F1 key) when the Love Fist members are talking at a certain time, their dialogue will be continued playing in full version in the replay scene, and after the scene ends, they will keep on chatting as normal. It is possible to use this trick to avoid car crashes, speeding down, and will also save a lot of time, thus making the completion of the mission become closer.

Navigation [ ]


  • 1 GTA Online: Bottom Dollar Bounties
  • 2 Hao's Special Works
  • 3 Vehicles in GTA V
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Are there missions after the mission publicity tour?

Grand theft auto: vice city, pc macintosh playstation 2 playstation 4 xbox android android ios (iphone/ipad) ios (iphone/ipad) nintendo switch pc playstation 4 xbox one, grand theft auto: vice city (pc).

  • I'm not getting anymore calls or missions after I did the mission publicity tour GrayCarpenter16 - 4 years ago - report
  • There's no missions that are unlocked after you've completed the Mitch Baker/Love Fist string of missions, the only call you should get from Mitch is just a nothing "enjoyed the show" call which doesn't advance any storyline. jonthomson - 10 months ago - report 0   0
  • It really depends on which order you've done the missions in and what properties you own. If you see any properties up for sale, try buying them and you should get missions popping up. Gunbladelad - 4 years ago - report 1   2

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Publicity Tour

" Love Fist. Your time polluting the airwaves is over. I gave you the chance to be friends. Now, I'm giving you the chance to die. Try to slow down and your limosuine will explode, along with your BIG, HAIRY ARSES!"
--- The Psycho , who can be heard on the tape

Publicity Tour is a mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City that is given to protagonist Tommy Vercetti by rock band Love Fist from the V-Rock Recording Studio in Downtown , Vice City .

  • 1.2 Script/Walkthrough

Tommy Vercetti, after getting Mitch Baker to provide security for the gig, heads back to the recording studio to tell Kent Paul of the news. However, Jezz Torrent tells Vercetti that the psycho survied Vercetti's attempts to kill him and was looking for them again. The band asks Vercetti to accompany them to their concert, which is only a hundred yards down the road in their limousine . Upon entering the vehicle, Percy finds a tape in the car and ask Vercetti to put it into the casette player. The tape is actually a message from The Psycho, who informs them that there is a bomb in the vehicle, which will detonate if the limo is driven at slow speeds.

Tommy drives the vehicle around Vice City at high speeds while the band members deactivate the bomb . After the bomb is defused, Vercetti then drives them to their concert in Downtown , where he accompanies the band on the stage shortly before their preformance.

The target is for the player to drive the limousine around the city at a certin speed while the band defuses the bomb. If the vehicle loses speed, then the bomb will explode, resulting in failure of the mission and death of the player.


  • See Publicity Tour/Script
  • See Publicity Tour/Walkthrough

The reward for completing Publicity Tour is $ 8,000. The Love Fist limousine will start spawning in front of the recording studio (PC version only). The mission for Love Fist are now complete.

  • In the original PlayStation 2 version of the game, the Love Fist Limo doesn't start spawning after completing this mission. However, in later versions, it does.
  • The mission is based on a scene from the 1994 movie Speed, where police detective Jack Traven tries to deactivate a bomb that will blow up if the bus goes less than 50 mph while the driver played by Sandra Bullock maintains the bus speed. Similar missions exist in the games Mafia and the Joe's Adventures DLC for Mafia II , namely "Speed Explosive Truck" and "Bomb Under the Seat", respectively. Both missions also involve driving a vehicle to a destination, while under the threat of a car bomb exploding if the vehicle goes too slow.
  • 1 Trojan Voodoo/Walkthrough

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GTA Vice City Missions Progression Guide – The Ultimate Map to Victory!

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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is a relatively simple game to play. That doesn’t mean it’s easy to finish. Some missions are a pain in the neck, and you can struggle with their days on end. Other missions will make you rage and quit with no intention to return.

But it’s GTA; you always come back!

If you are stuck on a mission, determined to get that 100% completion, or it’s your first time and has no idea what to do, this GTA Vice City Missions Progression guide is for you.

The game has a total of 87 missions sorted accordingly:

  • 38 main story missions
  • 19 missions to acquire assets
  • 8 side missions that include:
  • 6 racing missions
  • 5 missions via payphone
  • 4 missions that include off-roading
  • 3 stadium missions
  • 3 RC vehicles missions
  • 1 helicopter mission

That is a lot, so we better get started!

PS : if you get busted, wasted, target escape, a team member dies, or destroy something you should not, the mission will automatically fail.

Mission #1: In The Beginning …

Once you start the game, a cutscene will initiate to explain the main plot and how the story began with Tommy escaping a rigged deal. The cutscene will end at Ken’s office in Hotel Harrison. Grab the car and go to the Ocean View Hotel.

Rewards: Ocean View Hotel Safehouse.

Mission #2: An Old Friend

An Old Friend

No action is needed because it’s cutscene.

Mission #3: The Party

Go to Rafael’s and get a new suit, then head to Cortez’s yacht. After, drive Mercedes to the Pole Position Club.

Rewards: 100$+ Soiree Outfit.

Mission #4: Back Alley Brawl

Go and meet Kent at the Malibu Club. After the scene, go to the alley and beat up the chef. After the fight, Lance will appear. Follow him to his car, drive to the gun shop, then come back to the Ocean View safehouse.

Tips: shoot the chef if you have a gun. You can kill his goons, but it will get you a wanted level. Just leave them and run to Lance’s car.

Rewards: 200$+ a pistol.

Mission #5: Jury Fury

Pick up the hammer and go to jury members. Beat up their cars using the hammer to intimidate them. Do NOT kill the jurors.

Rewards: 400$.

Mission #6: Riot


Change your clothes at Rafael’s and head down to the workers gathering. Start a fight with four men to initiate the riot. When the gates open, get inside and shoot the red barrels to blow the vans.

Rewards: 1000$+ overall outfit and baseball bat available for purchase.

Mission #7: Four Iron

Get to the clothing shop and grab a golfing outfit. Drive to the golf course and find your target, then kill him.

Tips: the security at the door will take your guns, and use the outside car to jump over the fence on the left side of the entrance. You get to keep the guns and kill the target faster.

Rewards: gulf outfit +500$.

Mission #8: Demolition Man

Get in the TOPFUN van parked near the construction building. Use the RC helicopter to drop the bombs in place in 7 minutes.

Tips: use the helicopter to scout the place and memorize the bomb’s drop-off location. The timer starts when you pick the first bomb.

Rewards: 1000$.

Mission #9: Treacherous Swine

Treacherous Swine

Go to Gonzales penthouse and chase him. When he gets out to the streets, kill him, then get in a car and go to the pay ‘n’ spray to get rid of the wanted level.

Tips: you can shoot him before he leaves the penthouse. Plus, he will have two bodyguards.

Rewards: 250$+ chainsaw and casual outfit.

Mission #10: Mall Shootout

Meet the Courier at the North Point Mall. The French military will ambush the meeting and scare the Courier away. Chase him down and get the chips to the Colonel.

Tips: keep a car parked near the entrance if you don’t want to drive a bike. You can kill him before he gets on his bike if you are fast enough.

Rewards: 500$.

Mission #11: Guardian Angels

Get the gun from the multi-story car park and go to the meeting location with Lance. Go to the vantage point and protect Diaz from the Haitians when they arrive. Two will arrive on bikes and steal the money. One will fall off, grab his bike and chase the other. Kill him and take the money back to Diaz.

Rewards: 1000$+ access to Starfish Island and the ability to get five stars wanted level.

Mission #12: The Chase

Go to the thief’s apartment and peek through the window. The thief will try to escape through the roof, follow him, and do not let him escape.

Tips: there is a faggio parked next to a dumpster around the block near the Pay ‘n’ Spray; grab it and follow the thief to his house in Prawn Island.

Rewards: 2000$.

Mission #13: Phnom Penh ’86

Phnom Penh '86

Use the gun on the Heli to kill as many goons as you can before you land. Work your way inside the house and retrieve the money.

Tips: the house is full of armed men hiding in blind spots, so keep an eye out.

Mission #14: Sir, Yes, Sir!

The military hardware is a tank heavily guarded by the military, which you must steal and hide in Cortez’s garage.

Tips: wait near the police station, and the convoy will stop to buy some donuts. Run up to it and take it to the garage before it detonates.

Mission #15: Two-Bit Hit

Go to the clothes store and grab a Cuban outfit. Drive to Little Haiti, shoot the gang members, and then leave the area.

Rewards: 2500$+ Havana outfit.

Mission #16: The Fastest Boat

Got to the boatyard at the docks. Take the gunmen out, steal the boat, and take it back to Diaz’s mansion.

Rewards: 4000$.

Mission #17: Supply & Demand

Meet Lance at the fastest boat. Get to the yacht and grab the goods before the rivals. Once you get the stuff, you will be chased by armed gangsters in boats and a helicopter. Shoot them up and protect your boat.

Rewards: 10,000$+, a black tracksuit at Jocksport, Downtown.

Mission #18: Death Row

Lance is held hostage at the Junkyard. Grab a car and save him before he dies, then take him to the hospital.

Tip: Diaz’s men will chase you after you save Lance.

There are no rewards.

Mission #19: All Hands On Deck!

Meet Cortez at his yacht. The French will be on your tail, kill them and protect the yacht.

Tips: a machine gun spawns on the yacht to help you.

Rewards: 5000$.

Mission #20: Rub out

Meet Lance at the outer gates of Diaz’s mansion. Use the heavy weaponry to infiltrate the place and kill Ricardo.

Tips: go through the maze on the right side of the mansion to get inside. Moreover, Diaz’s men are swarming the place.

Rewards: 50,000$+ Diaz’s mansion (Vercetti estate).

Mission #21: Shakedown


Go to the North Point Mall and shoot all the glass windows of the shops to intimidate the owners. You have five minutes on the clock.

Tips: you will gain a higher wanted level with each window you break.

Rewards: 2000$+ new assets and sniper rifle available for purchase.

Mission #22: Bar Brawl

Go to the bar at Ocean Beach and speak to the bar manager. Run the guards in front of the bar over with the car. Second, go after the remaining security guards. Head up the staircase across the street from the DBP to gain a vantage point. Finally, you can ram the last two guards off their bikes or do a drive-by on them.

Rewards: 4000$+ SPAS 12 available at the gun shop.

Mission #23: Cop Land

Get a wanted level and lure the cop inside the garage to steal their uniforms. A cop car will be parked next to the garage on the left; take it and head to the mall. Go inside and head to the café. Once the café is destroyed, run back to the mansion.

Tips: keep the cop car in front of the exit; once the bomb goes off, you will get a five-star wanted level.

Rewards: 10,000$+ Vercetti estate generating 5000$ revenue a day.

Mission #24: Love Juice

Meet the dealer, get the drugs, then pick up Mercedes from her apartment. Get the girl and the drugs back to the band.

Tips: the dealer will steal your money and try to escape on the bike, kill him and get the goods.

Rewards 2000$.

Mission #25: Psycho Killer

Psycho Killer

Get in the Limo and drive to the event to lure the Psycho out. He will try to escape, kill him.

Mission #26: Alloy Wheels of Steel

Grab a bike at the door and win the race.

Mission #27: Messing with the Man

Grab a bike and start causing chaos. You have 2 minutes to fill the chaosmeter.

Tips: the fastest way to fill up the meter is by doing drive-by and killing as many people as possible.

Mission #28: Hog Tied

Grab a fast bike and jump off the stair to the top of the gun shop. Kill the gangsters and retrieve the bike.

Tips: you can use the helicopter on top of the police station instead of jumping. Watch out for the Sharks gang; they will chase you when you get the bike.

Mission #29: Publicity Tour

Publicity Tour

Get the Limo up to speed to stop the bomb from exploding. Drive around until Love Fist defuses the bomb. Once the threat is gone, take the band to the concert.

Tips: avoid sharp turns; they will slow you down.

Rewards: 8000$+ Love Fist Limo will spawn in front of the studio.

Mission #30: Stunt Boat Challenge

You must drive a boat through 26 checkpoints in 3 minutes.

Mission #31: Cannon Fodder

Grab a four-door car, pick up the Cuban, then drive to the fight. Kill the Haitians and steal the Van. Drive back to the café.

Tips: take out the sniper on the roof.

Mission #32: Naval Engagement

Meet Rico at his boat near the docks. When you arrive at the location, kill the Haitians and retrieve the briefcases. Drive back to the café.

Tips: you will have a four-star wanted level, and Rico’s boat will be destroyed. So, run fast and grab a car to escape.

Mission #33: JUJU Scramble

JUJU Scramble

Grab some fast wheels, collect three briefcases, and bring them back to Auntie Poulet.

Tips: each case will get you a two-star wanted level (six stars once you collect all the briefcases).

Mission #34: Bombs Away!

Go to the TOPFUN van and use the RC plane to drop bombs over the Cubans.

Tips: destroy the big boat first, then finish off the rest.

Mission #35: Dirty Lickin’s

Take the sniper rifle and go to the vantage point. Mark all the Cuban and kill them.

Tips: you can take the pill near the stairs and use a machine gun to make the job easier.

Mission #36: Trojan Voodoo

Trojan Voodoo

Steal a Haitian Voodoo, pick up Pepe, then join the rest of the Cubans. Follow them to the Haitians’ plant and wait for the gates to open. Once you park and plant the bombs in their places, the place is full of armed Haitians; kill anyone that crosses your way.

Tips: you have 45 seconds to plant three bombs and leave the area fast. The first bomb goes on the right of the entrance, the second goes inside on the left, and the last one goes on the second floor.

Reward: 10,000$.

Mission #37: Cap the Collectors

You must buy the asset properties and complete their missions to unlock this mission. One of the properties must be the Printworks.

Objective: grab a vehicle and kill the Forelli Mafia before they take the money.

Tips: grab a fast car and head toward the boatyard; it’s the first asset they hit. There are a total of six men coming on a Sanchez; you can cut their way and ram them with a car.

Rewards: 30,000$.

Mission #38: Keep Your Friends Close …

Stay near the safe and defend it from the Mafia. After Lance shows up, he will try to kill you and escape to the roof, go after him and kill him. When Lance is dead, go back to the safe at the office and kill Sonny and his men.

Tips: keep picking up the guns and watch your health.

Assets Missions

The boatyard:, checkpoint charlie.

Checkpoint Charlie

After you buy the Viceport Boatyard, a two-speed boat will appear. Take one of them and collect the packages before the time runs out.

Rewards: 5,000$. However, you can make up to 50,000$ if you pass all six difficulty levels. Plus, the asset will start generating 2,000$ per day.

Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory:


After you purchase the factory, take the van and start selling “Ice Cream” to the public. Sell “Ice Cream” to 50 customers in a row to pass the mission.

Tips: you have to finish 50 sales in a row to pass; if you leave the van, die, or get busted, the counter will reset. Moreover, find a populated area away from gangs.

Rewards: the asset will start making 3,000$ per day.

The Pole Position Club

When you own the club, get inside and spend 300$ on a private dance to pass the mission.

Rewards: 4,000$ a day.

Sunshine Autos

Sunshine autos import garage.

Sunshine Autos Import Garage

The Auto dealership has an underground import garage. Next to it is a list with the names of cars you need to bring to the garage. It includes street cars and SUVS, expensive cars, Sports cars, gang cars, and utility vehicles. With each set of cars delivered, an automobile will be placed in the showroom.

Rewards: 9,000$ if you complete all the lists.

Print Works

Mission #1: spilling the beans.

Go to the Malibu Club and talk to Kent Paul. Then, pack some heat and go to the container ship at the docks. Climb the stairs and go inside the boat to get the info. After that, run back to the print works.

Tips: DBP security heavily guarded the ship; kill them to get to the target.

Rewards: 2,000$.

Mission #2: Hit The Courier

The Courier has the counterfeit plates and is arriving in a helicopter near the boatyard. Kill him and get the plates by any mean possible.

Tips: you can wait for the courier to get in the car and chase him, or you can kill the escort and the courier once the Heli lands.

Rewards: 5000$+, the Print works makes 8000$ a day.

Kaufman Cabs

Once bought, a cab will be parked in a pink marker inside the depot. Get in it to start the missions.

Mission #1: V.I.P.

Kaufman Cabs V.I.P

Get in the cab and go pick the fare from Starfish Island. A rivaling company will steal your fare, chase them and get it back. Then, take your client to the airport.

Tips: do not kill your fare; ram the cab until it stops and drops the passenger.

Mission #2: Friendly Rivalry

Destroy three cars of the rivaling companies. Shoot at them and ram them till they explode.

Mission #3: Cabmaggedon

Go to the lot at Viceport. Park at the marker and honk the horn. Six taxi cars from the rivaling company will show up and try to kill you. Drive around the lot and survive until the timer goes out. The boss of Vice City Cabs will show up in a zebra cab after the timer hits 0. Ram his car until he bails out and kills him. Or blow it up with him inside it.

Tips: avoid getting any damage from the six taxi cars.

Rewards: 5000$+ zebra cab and the cab company will generate revenue of 5000$ a day.

InterGlobal Film Studios

Mission #1: recruitment drive.

Recruitment Drive

Grab some wheels and meet Candy. Shortly, her pimp will show up with some goons. Take them all out and come back to pick up Candy. After that, head to the pizza place, pick Mercedes up then drive back to the studios.

Mission #2: Dildo Dodo

Get ins Skimmer and start flying to the checkpoints. Fly through the bubble and drop the fliers to the second bubble. Do the same with all checkpoints.

Rewards: 2000$+ Skimmer.

Mission #3: Martha’s Mug shot

Martha’s Mug shot

Get in the chopper and follow the Limo. Once Candy meets Shrub, land the chopper and use the side door on the left to enter the WK Chariot Hotel and climb up the stairs. Take photos of Candy with Shrub, then run back to the studios.

Tips: you will have a five-star wanted level; use the chopper to escape.

Mission #4: G-Spotlight

Grab the bike at the guard’s booth and go to the office building in the Downtown area. Get inside and use the elevator to get to the upper floor. A cutscene will show you which window to jump through. Keep jumping on rooftops and follow the markers till you get to the searchlight. You must get to the target before 07:00.

Tips: there are 16 jumps in total, try not to fall off the high rooftops, or you will be forced to start all over again.

Rewards: 8000$+, the studios generate 7000$ a day.

The Malibu Club

Mission #1: no escape.

No Escape?

Get a fast car and go to the police station. Get inside and go left to the lockers. After you change the fits, go upstairs and get the key card. The cells are on the bottom floor; use the card to get Jones out. Get out of the police station, get in your car and find the nearest Pay ‘n’ Spray. Once you lose the heat, take Jones to his place.

Tips: the police outfit will help you get under the radar until you get Jones out. After that, you will have a four-star wanted level.

Mission #2: The Shootist

Go to the shooting range and beat Phil Cassidy in a shooting contest. You need to score an overall 60+ points to pass the mission.

Rewards: 2000$+, the shooting range is open.

Mission #3: The Driver

The Driver

Win a street race against Hilary King.

Tips: Hilary’s is faster in acceleration and cornering, but your car is faster on the top end so that you can pass him on the straights. You can spin him around at the first corner before the police station and get ahead.

Rewards: 3000$.

Mission #4: The Job

Drive to the bank and get a change of clothes. Get inside the bank and head to the vault. Go back to the manager’s office and take the manager to open the safe. After that, go back and provide backup for Phil.

The SWAT team will storm the place, kill them and get out. Get in the car and head to the Pay ‘n’ Spray to lose the heat. To end the mission, drive to Jones’ house.

Tips: do not let anyone dies before opening the safe. Hilary will die while trying to escape (scheduled).

Rewards: 50,000$+, the Job outfit, and the club will start making 10,000$ a day.

Phill Cassidy

Mission #1: gun runner.

Get in the Patriot and hit the convoys. Destroy all the trucks, kill as many as possible, and pick up the weapons.

Tips: it is easier to destroy the truck directly and eliminate everyone.

Rewards: 2000$+ 100$ for every man you kill.

Mission #2: Boomshine Saigon

Boomshine Saigon

Drive Phil to the ex-surgeon in Little Havana while under the influence of the bomb’s fumes.

Tips: you will first be asked to go to the hospital, but then Phill will redirect you to Little Havana.

Rewards: 4000$+; you can buy new guns at Phills place.

Side Missions

Street racer.

At the Sunshine Auto, next to the Imports garage, there is a map that allows you to access/ join street races. There is a total of six races you can join:

  • Terminal Velocity: a race around the airport. The winner gets 400$.
  • Ocean Drive: a race on Ocean Beach and the parallel street. The Winner receives 2000$.
  • Border Run: a race around Little Haiti and Little Havana. The Winner receives 4000$.
  • Capital Cruise: the race goes around Ocean and Washington beach to Vice Point. The winner gets 8000$.
  • Tour: the race takes place around Vice Point and Washington Beach. The Winner receives 20,000$.
  • V.C Endurance: this race track wraps around the whole map. The Winner takes home 40,000$.

Tips: Make sure to grab the fastest car from the top floor at Sunshine Autos. You can destroy your rivals’ cars with a rocket launcher before joining the grid and race alone.

Payphone Missions

Mission #1: road kill.

Road Kill

Get a fast car or a fast bike and chase down Carl Pearson. Kill him before he finishes delivering 50 pizzas.

Tips: You can shoot him off the bike or ram him with the car.

Mission #2: Waste the wife

Get a car, preferably fast, and wait for Mrs. Dawson to leave the store. Ram her car with yours until she catches on fire, then leave the area.

Tips: no guns allowed!

Mission #3: Autocide

There are six gang members that you must kill in nine minutes. Pick up the guns and take the bike.

Tips: Griffin is the nearest and easiest target; take him out with the sniper. You can kill the rest from far away with the sniper as well. Be aware that some may run in vehicles, and you must chase them.

Mission #4: Check Out at the Check In

Go to the airport and get to the terminal. Pick up the sniper rifle on your right and follow the target. She will walk downstairs to talk with someone, kill the man she spoke to, take his briefcase, then deliver it to the gun store downtown.

Tips: do not get too close to the woman (watch the distance bar), and do not kill her.

Rewards: 8000$.

Mission #5: Loose Ends

Loose Ends

Go behind the Ice Cream factory and into the compound through the gate. Work your way up to the roof and get the goods. Jump off the roof and head to the airport.

Tips: make sure to pack some heat and take cover; the place will be swarming with cops. Use the sniper rifle to pick faraway targets.

Rewards: 16,000$.

Hyman Memorial Stadium Missions

To start the missions, go up the stair to the Stadium doors after 8 pm. There are three missions to pass:

  • Hotring: win a race in a stock car. You will receive 5000$ for first place, 1500$ for second place, and 500$ for third place.
  • Bloodring: win a demolition derby. You get 1000$ for every minute you spent in the race, + two Bloodring Bangers will spawn on the stadium’s south side.
  • Dirtring: complete an obstacle course using a dirt bike. Rewards include 50,000$ if you finish the course in 5 minutes, 10,000$ if you finish in 10 minutes, and 5000$ if you take more than 10 minutes.

Sparrow Missions: Chopper Checkpoints

Sparrow Missions: Chopper Checkpoints

There are four choppers in Vice City. You will find one in Ocean Beach, Vice Point, Little Haiti, and Downtown. All you have to do is get in the chopper and go through the checkpoints.

Rewards: 100$ for completing a course.

RC Missions

  • RC Bandit Race: get 100$ for winning a race using an RC car.
  • RC Baron Race: win 100$ in a race using an RC plane.
  • RC Raider Pickup: collect 20 checkpoints using an RC Heli. You must set a record and beat it to receive the reward.

Off-Road missions

  • PCJ Playground: get 1000$ after collecting 24 checkpoints in 2 minutes using a PCJ-600 in Vice Point.
  • Cone Crazy: collect five checkpoints without breaking any traffic cones. You get an extra 12 seconds with each checkpoint and -1 second for each cone destroyed. The reward for the first time is 200$. If you set a new record each time you play this side mission, your reward will be double the previous one.                                                                  For instance, if you set a record on your second try, the reward will be 400$. If you set a new record on the third try, the reward will be 800$ and so on. You can win a total of 1,677,721,40$ from this mission alone (after 23 successful passes with a new record set in each pass).
  • Trial by Dirt: complete a dirt course using a Sanchez. You get 100$ for each new record.
  • Test Track: complete the same dirt course backward using a Landstalker instead of a Sanchez. Same rewards as “Trial by Dirt.”

Other Missions

  • Firefighter: finish 12 levels to become fireproof.
  • Paramedic: finish 12 levels to get an infinite sprint.
  • Vigilante: finish 12 levels to increase armor to 150.
  • Taxi Driver: finish 100 fares to unlock the hydraulic jump (the car will jump when you honk the horn).
  • Pizza Boy: finish 10 levels to increase health to 150.
  • Robberies: rob 15 stores.
  • Shooting range: score at least 45 points at the shooting range challenge.

Final words

To get 100% completion, you must finish/ pass all the missions mentioned above.

Question: What is the toughest mission in GTA Vice City?

Answer: Many missions may take time and several attempts to pass. However, as agreed upon by many GTA fans, the most challenging mission in the game is Demolition Man. Controlling the RC helicopter is more than difficult, and the time makes it more intense.

Question: How long does it take to finish the game?

Answer: The main storyline missions are enough to keep you busy for 18 hours. If you want 100% completion achievement, it will take you almost 43 hours.

Question: How does time work in GTA?

Answer: In GTA, one in-game hour equals 2 minutes in real life, which means a full day in GTA is 24-48 minutes in real life. Keeping an eye on the clock is important because some missions are activated at a certain hour.

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GTA Vice City Missions List: All Story Missions Guide & Walkthrough

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Missions Guide - GTA Vice City: All Story Missions List & Walkthrough

On this page you find the full list of all Story Missions in GTA Vice City , along with a complete guide and breakdown of what's required, what's optional, how to unlock the final mission, and more.

The game features a total of 59 story missions , but not all of them are mandatory. The requirements include 24 main storyline missions , plus the acquisition of 6 Assets and the completion of their respective missions (the 2 Print Works missions are mandatory).

The others are optional missions, such as 13 Gang Missions and 5 Pay Phone Missions . However, all 59 missions are necessary for 100% completion of the game .

The GTA Vice City missions below are listed in chronological order , even though some missions from different contacts become available at the same time, so they can be played in a different order.

Clicking on a GTA Vice City mission brings you to its full details , with Mission Objectives, Rewards, Video Walkthrough , and more information. The walkthrough also applies to the GTA Vice City Definitive Edition.

GTA Vice City: All Missions Index

Map Blip Icon

How many missions are in GTA Vice City?

How to unlock the final mission in gta vice city, what are the required missions in gta vice city, what are the optional missions in gta vice city, what to do if there are no missions in gta vice city, what is the minimum number of missions required in gta vice city, how to unlock the closed bridges in gta vice city, initial missions.

Below you find the list of the initial set of missions in GTA Vice City. Out of these block of 22 missions, 18 are mandatory for story progression, while 4 missions are optional (Avery's missions and "All Hands on Deck!").

GTA Vice City Mission - In The Beginning...

In The Beginning...

Tommy escapes an ambushed drug deal involving the Vance brothers, then drives to the Ocean View Hotel.

GTA Vice City Mission - An Old Friend

1 . An Old Friend

Tommy calls Sonny Forelli.

GTA Vice City Mission - The Party

2 . The Party

Map Blip Icon

3 . Back Alley Brawl

GTA Vice City Mission - Jury Fury

4 . Jury Fury

GTA Vice City Mission - Riot

6 . Treacherous Swine

Map Blip Icon

7 . Mall Shootout

GTA Vice City Mission - Guardian Angels

8 . Guardian Angels

GTA Vice City Mission - Four Iron

9 . Four Iron

Map Blip Icon

10 . Demolition Man

GTA Vice City Mission - The Chase

11 . The Chase

Map Blip Icon

12 . Phnom Penh '86

GTA Vice City Mission - Sir, Yes Sir!

13 . Sir, Yes Sir!

GTA Vice City Mission - Two Bit Hit

14 . Two Bit Hit

GTA Vice City Mission - The Fastest Boat

15 . The Fastest Boat

GTA Vice City Mission - Supply & Demand

16 . Supply & Demand

GTA Vice City Mission - Death Row

17 . Death Row

Map Blip Icon

18 . All Hands On Deck!

GTA Vice City Mission - Rub Out

19 . Rub Out

GTA Vice City Mission - Shakedown

20 . Shakedown

Map Blip Icon

21 . Bar Brawl

GTA Vice City Mission - Cop Land

22 . Cop Land

Gang missions (optional).

The following are 13 optional missions involving various gangs and groups in Vice City: the Cubans, Haitians, Bikers, and the band Love Fist.

These missions are not required for story progression.

GTA Vice City Mission - Love Juice

23 . Love Juice

Map Blip Icon

Tommy assists Love Fist, buying them drugs.

GTA Vice City Mission - Psycho Killer

24 . Psycho Killer

Tommy takes down an obsessed stalker of the Love Fist band.

GTA Vice City Mission - Alloy Wheels of Steel

25 . Alloy Wheels of Steel

Map Blip Icon

26 . Messing With The Man

GTA Vice City Mission - Hog Tied

27 . Hog Tied

GTA Vice City Mission - Publicity Tour

28 . Publicity Tour

Tommy drives Love Fist's limousine around while they defuse a bomb planted by the obsessed stalker.

GTA Vice City Mission - Stunt Boat Challenge

29 . Stunt Boat Challenge

Map Blip Icon

30 . Cannon Fodder

GTA Vice City Mission - Naval Engagement

31 . Naval Engagement

GTA Vice City Mission - Juju Scramble

32 . Juju Scramble

Map Blip Icon

33 . Bombs Away!

GTA Vice City Mission - Dirty Lickin's

34 . Dirty Lickin's

GTA Vice City Mission - Trojan Voodoo

35 . Trojan Voodoo

Pay phone missions (optional).

The following are 5 optional assassination missions given via a Pay Phone by the mysterious character Mr. Black.

GTA Vice City Mission - Road Kill

36 . Road Kill

Map Blip Icon

37 . Waste the Wife

GTA Vice City Mission - Autocide

38 . Autocide

GTA Vice City Mission - Check Out at the Check In

39 . Check Out at the Check In

GTA Vice City Mission - Loose Ends

40 . Loose Ends

Tommy sabotages a deal between the Sharks and the FBI.

Asset Missions

The following are all the missions related to the acquisition of Assets , which are properties and businesses across Vice City that become available after completing the mission " Shakedown ".

Not all of these are required for story progression. However, you need to complete the missions of at least 6 of these Assets , one of which must be Print Works - while Phil's Place doesn't count.

Malibu Club

GTA Vice City Mission - No Escape?

41 . No Escape?

Tommy breaks Cam Jones out of jail.

GTA Vice City Mission - The Shootist

42 . The Shootist

Tommy and Phil Cassidy have a shooting contest.

GTA Vice City Mission - The Driver

43 . The Driver

Tommy and Hillary King have a street race.

GTA Vice City Mission - The Job

44 . The Job

Tommy, Hillary, Phil and Ken rob the El Banco Corrupto Grande Bank.

Phil's Place

GTA Vice City Mission - Gun Runner

45 . Gun Runner

Tommy kills Pedro Garcia and collects weapons for Phil.

GTA Vice City Mission - Boomshine Saigon

46 . Boomshine Saigon

Tommy saves Phil Cassidy after he hurts himself in an explosion.

Kaufman Cabs

GTA Vice City Mission - V.I.P.

47 . V.I.P.

GTA Vice City Mission - Friendly Rivalry

48 . Friendly Rivalry

GTA Vice City Mission - Cabmageddon

49 . Cabmageddon

Sunshine autos.

At least the first list of cars should be delivered to the Sunshine Autos Import Garage .

Pole Position Club

Spend $300 (5 minutes) inside the dance room of The Pole Position Club .

Viceport Boatyard

GTA Vice City Mission - Checkpoint Charlie

50 . Checkpoint Charlie

Tommy recovers drug packages scattered across the ocean.

Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory

GTA Vice City Mission - Distribution

51 . Distribution

Tommy sells drugs to the people of Vice City from the cover of an ice cream van.

InterGlobal Studios

GTA Vice City Mission - Recruitment Drive

52 . Recruitment Drive

Tommy helps in recruiting actors Candy Suxxx and Mercedes Cortez for the production of a pornographic film.

GTA Vice City Mission - Dildo Dodo

53 . Dildo Dodo

Tommy drops fliers advertising the Candy and Mercedes's film with a Skimmer seaplane.

GTA Vice City Mission - Martha's Mug Shot

54 . Martha's Mug Shot

Tommy acquires incriminating pictures of Alex Shrub.

GTA Vice City Mission - G-Spotlight

55 . G-Spotlight

Tommy performs a huge publicity stunt for Candy and Mercedes's movie.

Print Works (Mandatory)

GTA Vice City Mission - Spilling the Beans

56 . Spilling the Beans

Tommy raids a ship in the docks and extracts information on counterfeit plates from the head of the Vice City Triads.

GTA Vice City Mission - Hit the Courier

57 . Hit the Courier

Tommy steals the counterfeit plates from the courier.

Final Storyline Missions

After completing the missions for at least 6 assets (including Print Works), you will unlock access to the two final story missions of GTA Vice City:

GTA Vice City Mission - Cap The Collector

58 . Cap The Collector

Tommy kills the collectors taxing the Print Works businesses.

GTA Vice City Mission - Keep Your Friends Close...

59 . Keep Your Friends Close...

Tommy takes down Lance Vance and Sonny Forelli.

Frequently Asked Questions - GTA Vice City Storyline Explained:

There are 59 main story missions in GTA Vice City in total. You can find them all listed on this page.

There are 20 required missions, 22 optional missions , and 17 asset missions  (where only 2 are mandatory).

Below you find a full breakdown of what is required for story progression and what is not.

In order to unlock the last mission in GTA Vice City, you must purchase and complete the missions for 6 Assets Properties . This is in addition to the Vercetti Estate which is automatically unlocked.

After completing the mission " Shakedown ", you have a total of 9 available assets in GTA Vice City. The choice is mostly yours on which 6 you decide to purchase and focus on, with a couple of exceptions:

  • Print Works is mandatory , and the two Print Works missions must be completed
  • Phil's Place doesn't count towards the 6, as it doesn't generate monetary profit

Once you have a total of 7 Profitable Places marked with $ (also counting the Vercetti Estate), you will unlock the final two missions of the GTA Vice City storyline, " Cap the Collector ", and " Keep Your Friends Close ".

The required missions in GTA Vice City include 20 main missions and the acquisition of 6 Assets (including Print Works).

  • 18 of the Initial Storyline Missions
  • The 2 Print Works missions are mandatory
  • 2 Final Storyline Missions

There are 22 optional story missions in GTA Vice City:

  • 4 of the Initial Storyline Missions (Avery's missions and "All Hands on Deck!" are optional)
  • 13 Gang Missions (Love Fist, Mitch Baker, Umberto Robina, Auntie Poulet)
  • 5 Pay Phone Missions (Mr. Black)

These are not necessary for story progression, meaning they can be completed at any time, even after the main storyline is completed.

Despite many missions being optional, all of these missions are required if you want to achieve 100% completion of the game.

Due to the way GTA Vice City's mission tree is set up, you might encounter a point where no more missions are visible and no map icons are available.

If you find yourself in this situation, this means that you completed all the initial mandatory missions, and you need to focus on the Asset Missions .

To progress forward, you need to purchase and complete the missions for at least 6 Assets Properties (one of which must be "Print Works", and "Phil's Place" doesn't count). This will result in a total of 7 Profitable Places (counting the Vercetti Estate), marked with a $ icon on the map.

Once you have a total of 7 Profitable Places, you will unlock the final two missions of the game.

For you speedrunners out there, you might be wondering what is the least amount of missions required to get to the end of the GTA Vice City storyline.

As mentioned above, the mandatory tasks included 20 missions plus the completion of 6 Assets (with Print Works being mandatory).

If we choose the 6 assets with the least amount of missions (Phil's Place doesn't count), here is what we have:

  • Pole Position Club (0 missions, just spending $300 in the dance room)
  • Sunshine Autos (0 missions, but the first list of cars must be delivered to the garage)
  • Viceport Boatyard (1 mission)
  • Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory (1 mission)
  • Print Works (2 missions)
  • Kaufman Cabs (3 missions)

This gives a total of 27 minimum missions required to complete the GTA Vice City story mode.

However, it's a different story when it comes to 100% Completion of the game, as this requires completing all 59 Story Missions, plus Side missions and many more endeavors.

When you start off Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, you will be playing on the right side of the map - this being Vice City Beach.

The bridges that connect to the other side of the map, Vice City Mainland, are closed off due to hurricane warnings.

The hurricane warning will be lifted as you progress through the story, and access to Vice City Mainland will be unlocked after completing the mission " Phnom Penh '86 " .

GTA Vice City Side Missions

See our section dedicated to the Side Missions in GTA Vice City , for a guide on all optional endeavors in the game, including Races, Stadium Events, the Sunshine Autos Import Garage, the vehicles-based Sub-Missions, and more Challenges.

what to do after publicity tour in gta vice city

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what to do after publicity tour in gta vice city

Publicity Tour/Script

The following is the script of the Publicity Tour mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City .

( Love Fist and Kent Paul are at the V-Rock Studios and Tommy enters the room )

Jezz Torrent : Tommy! Tommy! Tommy, man, that psycho's back!

Tommy Vercetti : What's going on?

Kent Paul : That psycho won't leave Love Fist alone!

Jezz Torrent : You didnae kill him man. And now he's back.

Kent Paul : Yeah, yeah, yeah, and the thing is...

Jezz Torrent : The thing is, we need someone to drive the limo we can trust, cause that nutter keeps making threats!

Percy : I'm shitin' masel' man. I need ma ma!

Dick : We're all bricking ourselves, man.

Tommy Vercetti : Okay guys, calm down, I'll handle this. Normally I wouldn't busy myself with driving around a bunch of drunken Scottish bisexuals, but, in your case I'll make an exception.

( Love Fist enter their limo , with Tommy as the driver )

Willy : At last man, time for a well earned drink.

Percy : The venue's just a hundred yards down the road.

Willy : Better make it a large one then.

Dick : Hey Tommy, change the tunes, man.

Percy : I get confused if my head ain't banging. Ah look, what's this? Hey Tommy, stick this tape on.

The Psycho : Love Fist. Your time polluting the airwaves is over. I gave you the chance to be friends. Now, I'm giving you the chance to die. Try to slow down and your limousine will explode, along with your BIG, HAIRY ARSES!

( Tommy drives the limo whilst Love Fist search for the bomb)

Jezz Torrent: Tommy pal, you gotta save the band!

Tommy Vercetti : I'm getting bored of this.

Jezz Torrent : Just keep the pedal to the metal!!

Percy : We gotta find the bomb!

Dick : Can't we just drive around all day?

Willy : Aye, we've got plenty to drink..

Percy : Won't the bomb not be in the engine? We'll have to stop to get it.

Willy : We're all going to die! I'm gonna get drunk!

Dick : Hey, there's a queue here pal!

Percy : The answer ain't in the drinks cabinet!

Willy : Get out of my way!

Dick : Hey, the vodka bottle's got wires coming out of it!

Percy : That's not vodka, that's BOOMSHINE!

Love Fist : WAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!! And it's wired to blow!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!

Percy : They always said the drink would kill me.

Jezz Torrent : I've seen this on the telly. you gotta pull out one of the wires.

Dick : Which wire?

Jezz Torrent : I don't know, man. I don't have a clue.

Percy : Willy, say something.

Willy: I'm gonna play bass in hell.

Jezz Torrent : Tommy man, keep driving fast, pal.

Dick : Somebody do something.

Percy : Aye, clever! 'Somebody do something', what kind of crap is that, I've seen braver girls.

Jezz Torrent : Okay tough guy, you do something.

Percy : Look, man, I play a musical instrument I don't have a clue about bomb disposal.

Dick : Willy could just suck the boomshine out with a straw.

Willy : Aye, I've heard that your good at that kind of thing.

Percy : Hey, I was off my tits that night, as well you know!

Dick : Just pass Willy a straw!

Willy : A straw?!?! This is the Love Fist Tour Bus!

Percy : Where am I gonna get a straw from, know wot I mean?

Jezz Torrent : Which wire, Tommy?

Tommy Vercetti : The green one.

Jezz Torrent : There isn't a green one. Or is this one green?

Dick : Any of these wires look green to you?

Percy : Oh no! Death's on the cards! Everything looks green!

Jezz Torrent : I should have dumped you lot when I had the chance man.

Willy : Glory seeker.

Percy : Capitalist.

Jezz Torrent : I've been carrying you for years.

Dick : Shut up. You're a muppit.

Willy : A big screaming girl.

Dick : Yeah. Shut up and pull a wire.

Jezz Torrent : Which wire?

Dick : This one..

Percy : NO!

Jezz Torrent : Man, we're okay. We ain't been blown up, pal.

Dick : Tommy, man, nice one. Rock and roll, man.

Jezz Torrent : Ain't we got a gig to go to?

Willy : A racket to make? Groupies to abuse?


Willy : Have you finished with that bottle?

( Tommy drives Love Fist to the concert, with Percy and Dick staying to talk to Tommy)

Percy : Jezz is running the tape, so we thought we'd show you our Temple of Rock - Get a feel for that Love Fist fury!

Dick : Listen to yourself, man. It's papier-mache and gaffa tape.

Percy : Hey, to the kids, it's a temple and we are the priests!

Dick : Aye, well, if the kids like their priests half cut and tone deaf, who am I to argue?

Percy : Oh geez, the tape's getting chewed again. At this rate, we'll never get to play live.

Dick : Oohh shite! My bowels...

Percy : We gotta get on with it - thanks again Tommy, Know what I am saying, nice one, bye!

  • Missions in GTA Vice City


  1. Publicity Tour

    what to do after publicity tour in gta vice city

  2. GTA Vice City Definitive Edition

    what to do after publicity tour in gta vice city

  3. GTA Vice City -Walkthrough-Mission # 27-Publicity Tour

    what to do after publicity tour in gta vice city

  4. GTA Vice City

    what to do after publicity tour in gta vice city

  5. GTA Vice City

    what to do after publicity tour in gta vice city

  6. Gta Vice City Mission video Walkthrough

    what to do after publicity tour in gta vice city


  1. GTA Vice City Publicity Tour

  2. The WORST GTA Vice City Mission 37

  3. GTA Vice City (PS2)

  4. GTA Vice City Walkthrough HD


  6. #GTA_Vice_City_Mission #35


  1. Publicity Tour

    Publicity Tour. The band's would-be murderer performed one last act before Tommy killed him: He rigged the band's limo with a bomb. Note that you can only start this mission after completing ...

  2. No Missions After "Publicity Tour" :: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

    No Missions After "Publicity Tour". I've done every mission that showed up on the map. The last mission was Love Fist's "Publicity Tour", where they have to defuse a bomb and you are driving. I haven't received any phone calls. I've read that you have to buy properties, but which ones? The only property I've purchased so far is the ice cream one.

  3. What to do after "Publicity Tour"?

    There are businesses to buy which have missions to do, but you have to do a couple of mansion missions to unlock this (look for the green house symbol outside a business). Without knowing exactly ...

  4. Publicity Tour

    Publicity Tour is an optional story mission in GTA Vice City, given by Love Fist.. It's the 28 ° GTA Vice City mission in chronological order, and it becomes available after completing Psycho Killer and Hog Tied.. This is an optional mission, but it is required for 100% completion of the game.. Tommy drives Love Fist's limousine around while they defuse a bomb planted by the obsessed stalker.

  5. Publicity Tour

    Publicity Tour is the final mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City given to protagonist Tommy Vercetti by heavy metal band Love Fist from their recording studio in Downtown, Vice City. The psycho that was believed to be killed by Tommy somehow survived and has placed a bomb in the Love Fist Limo, which will go off if the Limo goes under 50 mph, meaning that Tommy has to drive over that speed ...

  6. Are there missions after the mission publicity tour?

    The in-game camera having to wave and wobble for the player to have a sense of dizziness to show the state of the character being intoxicated for example, was first used in this game for the Grand Theft Auto series.

  7. GTA Vice City Definitive Edition

    Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - The Definitive Edition Mission "Publicity Tour" Walkthrough \ Guide in 4K at 60 FPS - NO COMMENTARYTrophy / Achievement:- Chaff...

  8. GTA Vice City

    Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Mission Guide / Walkthrough Video in High DefinitionMission No. 029Mission Name:- Publicity Tour- Promo (Français)- Die PR-Tour (...

  9. Publicity Tour

    Reward: $8,000. Unlocks: Love Fist Limo. Unlocked by: Hog Tied. Mission failure: Player Death, Death of Love Fist. Publicity Tour is a mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City that is given to protagonist Tommy Vercetti by rock band Love Fist from the V-Rock Recording Studio in Downtown, Vice City .


    #GTASeriesVideos #GTATrilogy #GTAViceCityGrand Theft Auto: Vice City - The Definitive Edition Mission "Publicity Tour" Walkthrough \ Guide in 4K at 60 FPS - ...

  11. Publicity Tour

    Reward. $ 8,000. Love Fist Limo spawn point (except in the original PlayStation 2 versions) Unlocked by. Psycho Killer. Hog Tied. ADVERTISEMENT. Publicity Tour is a mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City given to protagonist Tommy Vercetti by rock band Love Fist from the V-Rock recording studio in Downtown, Vice City .

  12. Publicity Tour/Walkthrough

    The following is a walkthrough of the Publicity Tour mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.. Walkthrough. There are four paths you can take to keep driving: Vice Point: The hardest way.When you start driving make a turn to the opposite direction to which the lim is pointing, without lowering the speed too much.

  13. GTA Vice City Missions Progression Guide

    This GTA Vice City missions progression will help you if you are stuck on a mission, determined to get 100% completion, or it's your first time and has no idea what to do. ... Mission #29: Publicity Tour. Image From GTA Fandom. Get the Limo up to speed to stop the bomb from exploding. Drive around until Love Fist defuses the bomb. Once the ...

  14. Just finished Publicity Tour Mission and I cant find any other ...

    2.2K subscribers in the GtaViceCity community. Subreddit for the Rockstar game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

  15. How to complete Publicity Tour mission in GTA Vice City

    There's a meter that fills up, and once it's full, the bomb detonates and ends the mission. You need to drive around Vice City for one minute and 50 seconds ...

  16. publicity tour was probably the most iconic mission of gta vc for me

    49 votes, 31 comments. 945K subscribers in the GTA community. Reddit's premier GTA community. ... publicity tour was probably the most iconic mission of gta vc for me what your favorite mission from vc guys GTA: Vice City ... I've never beat vice city. As a kid I got to a race mission In the game and I couldn't beat it.

  17. Love Fist (Rock Band) Missions

    updated Dec 4, 2021. GTA Vice City's Love Fist missions revolve around the band of the same name. Tommy becomes their go-fer, and because it's Vice City, the things he fetches can't be found ...

  18. how do I do publicity tour?

    Then turn right so you head South. Make your way down to the huge two lane straight that heads to the South Docks. Once you get to it, drive right down to the bottom near the docks, and as quickly ...

  19. GTA Vice City _ Mission #26 _ Publicity Tour (HD)

    Publicity Tour is an optional story mission in GTA Vice City , given to Tommy by Love Fist. It is the 26th Vice City mission and it becomes available after c...

  20. GTA Vice City Missions List: All Story Missions & Assets Guide

    The required missions in GTA Vice City include 20 main missions and the acquisition of 6 Assets (including Print Works). 18 of the Initial Storyline Missions. The acquisition and completion of at least 6 Assets (7 with the Vercetti Estate) The 2 Print Works missions are mandatory. 2 Final Storyline Missions.

  21. Publicity Tour/Script

    The following is the script of the Publicity Tour mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.. Script (Love Fist and Kent Paul are at the V-Rock Studios and Tommy enters the room) Jezz Torrent: Tommy!Tommy! Tommy, man, that psycho's back!. Tommy Vercetti: What's going on?. Kent Paul: That psycho won't leave Love Fist alone!. Jezz Torrent: You didnae kill him man.And now he's back.

  22. How to complete PUBLICITY TOUR easily in 5 minutes!!! ||GTA VICE CITY

    Publicity tour is one of the hardest mission in Grand Theft Auto Vice City.Complete this mission easily in 5 minutes after watching this video.---If you lik...