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Work and Travel in Germany

Help us grow. share what you know about getting work in germany for travellers., volunteer and paid work opportunities in germany for travellers.

Germany is not only a fairytale landscape of castles, dark forests, and sloshing steins of beer. It also happens to be one of the most dynamic economies in the international market, giving working travellers a wide range of job opportunities as a foreigner. Diverse and fast-paced, Germany above all other European countries is known to be super friendly towards backpackers and ex-pats. Germany’s diversity creates a variety of work and travel opportunities, which means you likely have at least one skill that can be matched to a prospective host. Here are a few examples, and read on below to find out even more about working and traveller in this jewel in Europe’s crown. 1. Work in a Bar or Club in Berlin Berlin is the capital, the most visited tourist centre in the country, and therefore the best starting point to begin your work and travel adventure in Germany. It isn’t necessary to have a handle on speaking German in Berlin, and your native English skills will be an asset towards getting hired in one of the many bars, clubs, or entertainment venues catering to nightlife tourists. Bartender, server, bouncer - if you’ve gone through the process of getting a working visa you will certainly get paid a living wage working in one of these venues. 2. Restoration Projects in the countryside Germans are committed to ecologically sound methods of restoration, so if you have any knowledge of permaculture, upcycling, or other sustainable forms of restoration, you’ll find plenty of projects looking to fix up old farmhouses, castles, or historic watermills. The German people are generally pretty open to new ideas and concepts, so, likely, you won’t meet much resistance testing out your wild new plan for a solar water heater! 3. Au Pair/Childcare Many German couples both work full-time while raising their children, so they often need to hire live-in aid to help with daily chores, pet care, and child-rearing. This is where your skills in teaching English or experience in the hospitality industry will come to good use.


Sweden is part of the European Union (EU) and part of the Schengen Zone. That means your Schengen visa will apply to the whole of the area. You can spend a total of 90 days in the entire area before having to leave for a minimum of 90 days. This applies to all nationalities, apart from residents of the EU, who can stay and work indefinitely. British Citizens, North Americans, the Japanese, South Koreans, Australians, and Kiwis can obtain this visa for free when they arrive. However, Russians and South Africans have to apply for a Schengen visa in advance.


Spring work.

Farms, especially organic and small-holding farms, are very common in Germany these days. You can almost immediately find volunteer roles to fill in early spring on farms looking for general or specific help with vegetables or animals. Mending fences, planting nut trees, painting outbuildings, repairing tables and chairs - these are all skills that can be put to use when farms are starting up in spring.


Most German families go on longer-term vacations during the summer months, so this is the high season for au pairing and childcare. Wages tend to be slightly lower, but accommodation and food are usually included as au pairs live with host families, looking after the children and perform basic domestic duties such as cleaning, so your wage can go towards saving up for your next adventure. Summer is the time to snap up the fruit harvest roles, which will often continue into the beginning of the autumn.

Germany is rife with universities, so autumn is the time to head to the student-centred cities such as Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, and Leipzig. You can find work in cafes, bars, clubs, or retail shops, and since most young urban people in Germany speak English, you can also spend the time practising and improving your German language skills. It’s even worth it to look into working for some universities themselves, since vacancies for dorm cleaners or cafeteria workers will be at their highest in autumn.

Like many central and northern European countries, Germans have plenty of ski resorts, which cater to backpackers looking to fill cleaning, cooking, and ski instructor roles. Head to Bavaria in late autumn or early winter to get the choice positions.  Historic architecture tourism doesn’t slow down much in Germany during the winter, so you can either find hospitality work or stay on in areas with historic castles, as many couples like to travel here during the holiday season or around Valentine’s Day for romantic getaways.


As mentioned earlier, Germany has emerged from its dark past as one of the most progressive and diverse countries in the world, so you should have zero problems being accepted as a foreigner looking to work and travel here, even in the rural regions.  Add this to the high English literacy rate, and you’ll find that Germany is one of the best places in the world for a skilled backpacker. So, you’ve read through this all, how about you now start to get ready to work and travel in Germany?

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With the Quick-Check, you can check your options of working and living in Germany.

Scenic mountain landscape. View on the Black Forest in Germany, covered in fog.

Why Germany?!

Discover the numerous advantages that make working and living in Germany so appealing: from a flourishing economy and safe working conditions to legally guaranteed holidays and a strong sense of solidarity within society. Read in our new “Why Germany?!” section why the federal republic should become your new adopted country of residence!

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Additional information

If you are a national of a Member State of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, or if you have more than one nationality, please see the “Who needs a visa?” section to find out about your options.

Self-Check: Opportunity card

Simply answer the questions in the self-check: opportunity card to find out if you are eligible to apply for an opportunity card.

Index finger clicks on the "EU Blue Card" keyboard button

The new EU Blue Card from November 2023

What is changing? From now on, significantly lower salary thresholds for career starters in regular and shortage occupations apply. On certain conditions, IT specialists without formal qualifications but with specialised knowledge gained from work experience are able to receive a Blue Card as well. Additionally, joining people in possession of an EU Blue Card via the family reunification process as well as the arrival of Blue Card holders from other EU Member States to Germany will be facilitated with the newly introduced changes.

Screenshot of Make it in Germany job listings

Job listings

Find the job that fits your qualifications. The "Make it in Germany" job listings have thousands of interesting job offers in Germany ready for you.

To the job listings

View from Freiburg im Breisgau

Start your career in Germany as a professional driver, train driver or in the shipping industry

International engineer at work

Careers in Germany: Find out which professions are in high demand

Young programmer shows his colleague something on the screen

Information in Russian about working in Germany and visa requirements

Digital globe above a smartphone

Getting a visa, studying or learning German? Find points of contact all over the world

International student in Berlin

What visa options does Germany have?

An international family meeting at the airport

Living in Germany with your family: How family reunification works

work travel in germany

We made it: Family reunification

Rosalia and Roberto from Mexico were able to use the family reunification option to fulfil their dream for the future: To live and work in Germany. In this video, the couple talks about how everything came about: Applying for an entry visa and for a residence title, looking for accommodation and obtaining a residence title in Germany as well as the requirements to fulfill.

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work visas were issued in 2022.

people in Germany were in possession of an EU Blue Card in 2022.

foreign healthcare workers were employed in Germany in 2022.

Passport is being stamped

The reform of the Skilled Immigration Act

With the new version of the Skilled Immigration Act, the Federal Government is creating attractive prospects for international skilled workers. The immigration of skilled workers with vocational training as well as persons with practical professional expertise will be facilitated. We inform you about the changes and new opportunities for employment in Germany.

Events for living and working in Germany

Here you can find events and workshops that can help you with your career and with settling down in Germany – either online or in your area.

More Events

International skilled workers working together in a German company

Make IT in Germany: IT experts wanted

Are you looking for challenges in the IT industry? Germany offers great career prospects for IT specialists.

Do you have any questions?

Let us advise you on your opportunities to work and live in Germany. Our experts will support you with questions regarding job search, visa, recognition and learning German. 

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  • Mobilität und Reise

Work and Travel in Deutschland

Ein Jahr lang durch Deutschland reisen und die Reisekasse mit Ferienjobs füllen: Wir stellen das Working-Holiday-Programm vor.

Work and Travel in Deutschland

Land und Leute, Kultur und Alltag erleben, mit Jobs Geld verdienen und die Sprache lernen – Work  and Travel, beziehungsweise Working-Holiday-Programme sind eine tolle Möglichkeit, ein Land intensiv kennenzulernen. Das sind die Voraussetzungen für Work and Travel in Deutschland:

Wer kann am Working-Holiday-Programm teilnehmen?

Bilaterale Working-Holiday-Programme gibt es zwischen Deutschland und Argentinien , Australien , Chile , Hongkong , Israel , Japan , Südkorea , Neuseeland , Taiwan und Uruguay . Bald soll Brasilien dazukommen.

Kanadier können über das Youth Mobility Program (YMP) nach Deutschland reisen und im Land arbeiten oder ein Praktikum für ihr Studium absolvieren.

Gibt es eine Altersgrenze für Work and Travel?

Ja, mindestens 18 und höchstens 30 Jahre. Nur beim Youth Mobility Program ist die Altersgrenze mit 35 Jahren höher.

Brauche ich ein Visum für Work and Travel in Deutschland?

Ja, ein Working-Holiday-Visum (WHV). Es gilt zwölf Monate lang.

Wo kann ich mein Working-Holiday-Visum beantragen?

In der Regel vorab bei den deutschen Auslandsvertretungen im jeweiligen Land. Nur Australier, Israelis, Japaner, Kanadier und Neuseeländer können das Visum auch nach der Einreise in Deutschland beantragen.

Was muss ich sonst noch beachten?

Work-and-Traveller müssen eine für Deutschland gültige Kranken- und Unfallversicherung sowie  finanzielle Reserven von etwa 2.000 Euro vorweisen. Oft wird auch ein Rückflugticket verlangt, beziehungsweise der Nachweis über das nötige Geld. Wie viele Monate Teilnehmer des Working-Holiday-Programms in Deutschland arbeiten dürfen und wie viel Geld sie als Absicherung nachweisen müssen, ist in den bilateralen Abkommen unterschiedlich geregelt. Deshalb solltest du dich auf den Internetseiten der deutschen Botschaft in deinem Land über Details informieren. Hilfreiche Infos auf Englisch liefert das auch Portal .

Welche Jobs gibt es?

Work-and-Travel-Jobs sind keine Vollzeitstellen, sondern Aushilfs- und Ferienjobs. Viele Angebote gibt es im Tourismus, in Callcentern, im Online-Business oder in der Landwirtschaft. Bei der Jobsuche hilft die Arbeitsagentur in der jeweiligen Stadt. Oder du suchst in Job-Börsen wie , oder nach Ferienjobs oder Work and Travel.

work travel in germany

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Wie gut muss ich Deutsch können?

Du solltest wenigstens Grundkenntnisse haben. Als Faustregel gilt: Je anspruchsvoller der Job, desto bessere Sprachkenntnisse sind nötig.

Gibt es Alternativen zu Work and Travel?

Du kannst als Au Pair in einer Familie arbeiten, dich bei einem deutschen Unternehmen um ein Praktikum bewerben oder Freiwilligenarbeit leisten.


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work travel in germany

Work & Travel Germany

Germany is a dynamic mix of turbulent history, cutting-edge innovation and a work culture that offers the perfect balance of efficiency and leisure.

work travel in germany

  • Travelstories
  • Requirements
  • Example Offers
  • Alternatives

Tips for Work and Travel in Germany

If you want to work and travel in Germany, you are spoiled for choice when and where to go. This is because German companies are looking for employees in almost all sectors and in many locations, both temporary and permanent.

Short-term assignments in regions with an acute need for personnel are particularly suitable for Work and Travel. This allows employees to remain flexible and enjoy the region of their choice after work.

work travel in germany

‍ Work and Travelers in Germany can find short-term jobs in all major cities such as Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt and Cologne. The jobs on offer cover a wide range of sectors, with construction, healthcare and hospitality being particularly important in the major cities.

work travel in germany

The mountains

‍ In the summer, when the mountains become popular hiking areas, and even more so in the winter, when the ski season is in full swing, there is plenty to do in the mountains. Both hotels and restaurants are looking for temporary staff to handle the crowds, whether as ski instructors in the winter or lodge managers in the summer.

Not only in the Allgäu, but also in the Black Forest and the Ore Mountains, even in Winterberg in North Rhine-Westphalia or in the Sauerland in Hesse, the demand for staff during peak periods is enormous.

work travel in germany

The lakes and seas

‍ There are more than 12,000 lakes in Germany, some of which are popular summer destinations. Water sports such as kite-surfing and stand-up paddling attract people, as does the simple pleasure of swimming in a natural pool.

The North and Baltic Seas are also very popular in the summer. The popular holiday destinations offer plenty of sun, sea and tranquillity.

Many people work in the nearby hotels and restaurants to ensure that guests have a relaxing time by the water. Many temporary jobs are available throughout the summer, which can be done by work and travelers in Germany who are interested in water sports in their free time, or who simply enjoy the special atmosphere by the water.

Work and Travel Stories from worcays

Travelstory from Emilia W.

Travelstory from Emilia W.

Travelstory from Alina H.

Travelstory from Alina H.

Requirements for work and travel in germany.

Age plays a minor role for Work & Travel in Germany. Most people are between 18 and 30 years old, have just finished school or are still studying. A gap year at this age is the perfect time to work and travel in different dream regions of Germany.

To work in Germany, a basic knowledge of German is recommended, as internal company communication is usually in German.

International Work and Travelers who do not speak German at all can be assigned to English-speaking jobs in Germany, although these positions are less frequent.

Money is not an issue in Worcay. Work is fairly compensated, with the salary always based on the type of work and the region-specific salary structures. The exact agreements are made between the employer and the employee.

Accommodation is usually provided so that the jobseeker only has to worry about getting to and from work.

Anyone staying in Germany for more than 90 days must have health insurance that covers outpatient and inpatient treatment.

Individuals from the EU should contact their home country's insurance company to determine the best cross-border solutions for their work and travel plans. Individuals participating in a Working Holiday Program in Germany also need a Working Holiday Visa. In order to obtain a Working Holiday Visa, you must have international health insurance that:

  • Is valid for the entire duration of the visa (12 months)
  • Covers a minimum of €30,000 in medical expenses
  • Includes repatriation to home country

If you are considered a German tax resident, whether you are a German citizen or a foreigner, you must pay income tax in Germany and declare your worldwide income.

Anyone who spends more than half of the calendar year (183 days) in Germany is generally considered a tax resident and is therefore subject to unlimited tax liability and must file an income tax return.

In 2024, the income tax exemption will be €11,604. This means that the first €11,604 of annual income is not taxable. After that, a progressive tax rate applies.

Citizens of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland generally have free access to the German labor market.

In addition, young citizens from Canada, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Hong Kong SAR, Taiwan and Uruguay can easily obtain a work permit for up to 12 months on a working holiday visa.

For workers from other countries who wish to work in Germany, the granting of a residence permit depends on the conditions of their home country.

Most of our work and travel job opportunities result from seasonal staff shortages at our partner companies. For this reason, the individual job offers at Worcay are usually limited in time.

However, a stay and contract duration of at least one month per position is necessary for both employee and employer to benefit from the cooperation.

Work and travel with worcay works best when all parties stand behind the values of fair working conditions and a fair work attitude.

Reliability and mutual respect are top priorities at Work and Travel in Germany. For the worcays as well as for the companies.

As part of our community, worcays stay connected with other worcays in their region to fill their free time away from home with unforgettable experiences.

A few sample Work and Travel Offers in Germany from worcay

Sounds interesting, but what does it actually look like? Take a look at some of our work and travel offers in Germany:

work travel in germany

4 stars Hotel, Baltic Sea

Do you already feel the urge for a summer holiday by the sea at the first rays of the year? Then the Baltic Sea is just the right place for you! We are looking for temporary staff in the hotel and gastronomy for a minimum of 4 weeks!

  • Free accommodation
  • Free staff meals
  • worcay hotspot with up to 10 worcays at the same time on site
  • Free rental bikes, and additional benefits
  • Water sports activities such as windsurfing, stand-up paddling, and more.

Temporary jobs that are sought throughout the year in Germany are mainly found in the hotel and restaurant industry, the construction industry, and the care sector. Depending on the time of year, the demand for staff is particularly high in different sectors:

Spring ‍ In the spring, there is an increased need for workers in agriculture and forestry, when the fields need to be tilled and the soil planted.

Summer ‍ In summer, the hotel and restaurant industry often reaches its limits, as summer vacations are approaching in Germany and most people use their vacation days to travel. This is the time when work and travelers in Germany are in the best hands in the vacation regions. Many au pairs, travel companions and pet sitters are also in demand during the warm summer months.

Fall ‍ When the leaves change color outside, the fruit and wine harvest begins in many places. Harvesters are in high demand at this time of year, but retailers are also preparing for the holiday season and need additional staff. As the leaves turn colorful outside, the fruit and wine harvest begins in many places. Harvest workers are urgently needed during this season, but retail also prepares for the Christmas business and requires additional staff.

Winter ‍ December is the busiest month in the retail industry, so temporary workers are in high demand. Winter is the peak season for ski resorts, so hotels and restaurants need more staff during this time.

FAQs about Work and Travel in Germany

Your question has not been answered? Write to us here , we'll be happy to help.

A working holiday in Germany is only possible with a valid work permit. You can only obtain a work permit with a valid visa if you are not from an exempt country of the European Union or Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, which have free access to the German labor market. A special arrangement for young people is the Working Holiday Visa (WHV), which Germany maintains bilaterally with Canada, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Hong Kong SAR, Taiwan and Uruguay. Young people from the participating countries receive a visa for Germany with a duration of up to 12 months under simplified conditions.

To apply for a Working Holiday Visa from the above countries, you will need at least the following documents: - Passport - passport photos - Proof of financial security - Proof of health insurance (incl. accident insurance) - Completed visa application form Visa fee The embassies/consulates may also require the following: - Cover letter - curriculum vitae - Proof of accommodation - flight booking Embassies/consulates may also require the following: - Cover letter - Curriculum vitae - Proof of accommodation - Flight booking


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