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What training or studies are needed to work in a travel agency.

Before we delve into the different courses that allow you to work in a travel agency, let's start by highlighting the fact that no diploma is required if you want to open your own agency or work in one. In fact, since 2015, it is no longer mandatory to have a BTS in tourism or a similar degree to create your own travel agency. You can therefore practice without a diploma, however skills and experience remain key elements for success. Let's not fool ourselves, creating this type of company, or even just working in it, is not within reach of those who are not passionate about the subject of travel and foreign cultures, and furthermore, it is never too late to train and learn. If you have no diploma to help you, but you want to change your career to become a travel agent for example, know that it will be possible to train yourself via your "Compte Personnel de Formation" (CPF). Inquire with Pôle Emploi to find out where your account stands and how much you have to train yourself. After having said all this, let's now take a look at the courses that are most often favored before entering the world of work in a travel agency. After high school: 2 years to obtain a BTS in tourism or operational commercial management; 3 years for the BUT (Bachelor Universitaire de Technologie) in commercialization techniques. Specialized schools also offer bachelor's degrees. After a two-year degree: - BTS in operational commercial management - BTS in tourism - Salesperson in business travel and tourism After a three-year degree: - BUT in commercialization techniques - Professional license in tourism professions: commercialization of tourism products - Professional license in tourism and leisure professions After a five-year degree: - Master of Science in Tourism and Destination Management

What is the scope of intervention of a professional?

On a daily basis, the activities of a travel agent are diverse and varied, so much so that the professional will rarely have time to get bored during their days, provided their agency is running properly. These tasks can be very different from one company to another. However, to give you a more precise idea of what to expect when practicing this profession, we will summarize for you all the main functions, as well as the most common, for which a travel agent is responsible: - To start, they must of course be familiar with their agency's tourist offerings in order to inform their customers and be able to illustrate their point with detailed information if necessary. - They must also be able to welcome customers in person or over the phone, with the appropriate tone, voice and warmth. - They must also respond to requests for quotes or information by email, which is an administrative task that takes a lot of time and requires organization and rigor at all times. - They must also select tourism products according to the customer's request, then present their characteristics in a constructive and, if possible, argumentative way (the strengths, the prices). - They must also advise the client on the different products (transportation, services), make the reservation, and then establish the contractual documents necessary for the commercial exchange. - They must also check travel documents in advance so that the traveler does not encounter any unpleasant surprises during their trip. - They must also establish the terms of settlement of a dispute or pass it on to legal or litigation services. - They must also provide information for monitoring activity supports so that the agency can have an overall view of its activity and its evolution over time. - They must organize the display of the sales space, with a certain marketing spirit. - Finally, they must perform sales promotion operations, especially during periods specifically conducive to this.

Why use a professional?

The idea of traveling is often a source of anxiety for those who are preparing for it, as there are many things to consider so that the trip goes smoothly and without any hiccups. In this section, we will specifically discuss the main reasons why you should consider using a travel agency or at least a professional in the sector to organize your trip. Preparing for a trip, even one of just a few days, is not easy. Certainly, a lot of information is available on the internet, but compiling it all to organize your future trip takes a lot of time. First, let's realize that going through a travel agency will allow you to save a lot of time. No need to spend several hours searching for the right flight or finding a hotel to sleep in, finding a rental car, etc. Calling on a professional means giving yourself more time to devote to other things that could also, why not, optimize your trip. Then, entrusting the organization of your trip to a provider means trusting the experience and know-how of a professional who has the required skills to organize a trip that meets your expectations and advise you properly, both in terms of tourism, legal, or even geographical aspects. Calling on a professional, contrary to what one might think, often turns out to be less expensive in the end than organizing everything yourself. Indeed, thanks to their relations with suppliers, the professional is likely to find very good deals for you and offer unbeatable prices, for example for flights, but also for accommodations. It is precisely the addition of all this that will allow you to save money. To conclude this section, we would like to emphasize that for each of us, safety and assurance during the trip are two essential things, regardless of the final destination. Thanks to their total mastery of the travel world, a travel professional will be committed to ensuring your safety throughout your stay. Furthermore, you will benefit from after-sales service and, in the event of an unforeseen circumstance (whether it be a canceled flight, an airline strike, or other), you can obtain assistance simply by contacting your travel agent, who will then take care of finding a solution to your problem.

When should you call a professional?

There isn't really a rule about this, as long as you don't wait until the last minute. Consider that the sooner, the better, so planning a trip to the other side of the world cannot be done overnight. The agent has to find a flight, accommodation options at the destination, and a whole bunch of other services that you might want to take advantage of once you're there. It is therefore better to start planning at least a few weeks or months in advance. This will also allow you to benefit from better prices, which is not insignificant. Note, however, that some agencies specify a maximum anticipation date, meaning that, for example, it will not be possible to book a flight or even a hotel 2 or 3 years in advance... but this is natural and almost goes without saying.

How to find a professional to organize your trip?

No matter where you are or where you want to go, finding this type of service is relatively easy, as long as you don't live in a too remote area. Whether you live in Waihi downtown or in the deepest countryside, start by asking your acquaintances and loved ones, although it must be acknowledged that word-of-mouth is not necessarily the most effective way to find the rare gem (but you never know...). If you live in a very remote area, in the middle of the countryside, not finding a travel agency nearby (within 20 or 30 kilometers) should not stop you or discourage you; be sure that you will find an agency in the nearest medium or large city! In any case, rest assured that the right professional, once contacted, will be more than willing to make your life easier, and if necessary, subsequent exchanges can be done through emails or phone calls. If word-of-mouth yields nothing, which is very possible, then it is recommended to use the internet, by consulting a site like StarOfService, for example, which lists all professionals in a certain field, based on where you're conducting the search. In just a few clicks, the site will provide you with the contact details of the said professional and you can contact them right away, and this also applies to travel agents. From there, you are free to shop around or simply choose the one closest to your home, it is no longer our concern...

How much does a travel agency service cost?

The rates that we are going to indicate here are not contractual, but simply average values ​​obtained throughout the French territory. Each agency has its own way of billing, so we cannot recommend enough that you ask for the details of the services from the relevant agent. Only then can you have a precise idea of ​​what you are paying for. Having said that, let's now move on to the pricing, which, while not to be taken as exact figures, will still give you an idea of ​​the prices practiced on the market. In general, it should be noted that the majority of a travel agency's income comes from commissions paid by the various suppliers involved during the stay; these are percentages that are taken from each sale made. Generally, the agent on average takes between 8% and 10% of the public price for a plane ticket sold; regarding other services, the percentage is between 9 and 15% of the public price. Consulting fees, act and reservation fees are also sources of income for a travel agency, but it is up to each brand to quantify its services. Therefore, you will have to ask the question or inquire when the time comes.

How to choose the right travel agent or agency?

No matter where you are or live, whether in a particular city, region or department, finding this type of professional is relatively simple, based on studies on the subject. So whether you live in the inner city of Waihi or in the depths of the countryside in Moselle or Gironde, we advise you to start by asking around among your acquaintances and friends, as word of mouth is always a good way to find the right address for such things (we all know people who have traveled through a particular agency, so let's start by looking in that direction...). If this first search yields no results, it is then possible to use the Internet, as it is the most common way to purchase travel services, not physical agencies. Once online, no matter which search engine is used, we suggest consulting a site like StarOfService, for example, which lists all professionals in a particular field, depending on the location of the search and where you live. In just a few clicks, the site will provide you with the contact details of the professional and you can contact them within minutes to inquire about their availability, rates, etc. Don't hesitate to consult a large number of customer reviews and comments, as they are essential information for getting an idea of the level of service provided by the agent or agency in question.

Here are some questions to ask a travel professional during your first meeting:

- How long have you been practicing this profession? What training or diploma do you possess to carry out this activity? - What are your rates? Can I have a detailed breakdown of them? - Will you provide me with a proper quote prior to starting the work? - What are your availability to discuss my travel project? - Can you guarantee the respect of deadlines and rates that we agree upon?

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I quit teaching to become a luxury-travel advisor. Since making the transition, I've learned a lot and grown professionally.

  • Kaylee Stith left teaching to join The Travel Mechanic as a travel agent last year.
  • Stith leveraged her organizational skills from teaching for her new role in travel advising.
  • This article is part of " Trends to Bet Your Career On ," a series about trending professional opportunities.

Insider Today

Kaylee Stith is a travel agent at The Travel Mechanic , a luxury-travel agency in North Carolina. This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Stith, who left her full-time teaching job to become a luxury-travel agent last year. It has been edited for length and clarity.

Before I started travel advising, I worked as a middle-school special-education teacher in North Carolina.

I stumbled upon the travel-agent industry. I was following someone on Instagram who recently started her own Disney-specific travel agency. I love Disney, and when she announced that she was hiring an agent, I thought that would be a fun part-time job. I applied and made it through the first round. I didn't get hired, but I couldn't stop thinking about becoming a travel advisor.

After that, I started exploring on my own. I listened to podcasts about the industry and learned more from the American Society of Travel Advisors.

One day I was listening to " Trade Secrets ," a travel-agent podcast, when they interviewed Lauren Doyle, the president and owner of The Travel Mechanic, an agency based where I live in Raleigh, North Carolina. I filled out the form for prospective agents and interviewed, and I was offered a position on the team. I signed a contract on April 1, 2023, and left my full-time teaching role in June 2023.

Skills I transferred from my teaching career

Some of my skills transferred from teaching, like being organized and helping people. Because I came from a special-education setting, I was often the liaison between students and their teachers. Being a travel advisor is similar because you're connecting with your clients and interfacing with them.

But the transition was also a challenge, because I forgot what it feels like not to know what you're doing.

My dad is a commercial airline pilot, and I've been traveling my whole life and planning my own trips for a long time. I assumed I'd naturally slide into this role and automatically know how to do everything. But there's a lot to learn.

There were very practical things I had to learn, like how to use the customer-relationship-management system we put client information into, how to take payments, and how to make sure clients are signing off on the right terms and conditions — a lot of that was new to me.

How I make money as an advisor

I offer a complimentary consultation and discuss options with the client to ensure we're both a good fit. Then I charge a flat-rate planning fee. Some agents have a base amount, and depending on how complicated the trip is or how many people are going, they might charge more. Once the client pays the fee, I put their itinerary together.

I also make a commission on things like hotels and tour packages. Some suppliers will pay a decent commission; if you work on the higher end, you make a bigger commission. Commissions are usually paid out after the client has finished the trip.

Because I work with The Travel Mechanic, I get some leads, but I have to find most of them on my own. So a big part of this job is telling everyone I'm a travel agent. I'll mention it in conversations with people I meet because it's travel, it's fun, and people enjoy talking about that.

My clients have so far been in my circles. I've worked with several people from my church, friend groups, and family. Sometimes it's good to start with the people near you.

Have a niche when you're starting out

It's good to have a niche to present yourself as an expert in when starting out. My niches are Hawaii and the UK because they're what I know and love. My family loves Hawaii, and I've visited regularly since I was 9. I've also been to England many times. I studied abroad in college and lived in Bath for four months as a student.

The locations are similar in some ways because they're higher-ticket bucket-list destinations. They're also great destinations for first-time travelers who want to adventure out on a bigger trip but go somewhere that feels familiar.

Hawaii is still far away, but the driving and currency are familiar. Though England is also pretty far away, the language and culture are not that different from the US. Those are my two favorite destinations, and I do some Disney trips on the side.

Advice for prospective travel agents

Many people think this job is fun and relatively easy to get into. You don't need specific training, but it can be hard to get going. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

If you want to get into travel advising, I recommend starting part time or having another source of income before you get established and move to full time.

Also, do a lot of research. This will help you see if you're a good fit for the industry and find an agency you feel aligned with that will support you. If you're unsure where to start, visit Host Agency Reviews to research agencies near you.

While it's possible to go at it alone, starting with an agency is easier. Your commissions with an agency may be a bit lower, but an agency will offer advice and assist you when you're starting out with leads.

Lessons I've learned so far

I attended the annual Ensemble travel-agent conference in Las Vegas last year. I met with suppliers, tour operators, destination-management companies, and other agents. Everyone was welcoming and encouraging, which was a pleasant surprise. Because I'm an independent contractor, it'd be easy to think I'm competing with other people, but that isn't the case; there are enough clients to go around.

Also, I learned that it's OK that I'm not the perfect fit for everyone. I can be a perfectionist, but it's impossible to always get everything right. I had a potential client who contacted me about a honeymoon, and I felt like it was a great conversation, but she never got back to me. I couldn't stop thinking what did I do wrong? But I can't be the best fit for everyone. It's been a tough lesson, but I've learned and grown so much this past year.

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TSA checkpoints at Newark Liberty International Airport now equipped with new state-of-the-art 3-D checkpoint scanners to improve explosives detection in time for summer travel season

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NEWARK, N.J. – The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is prepared for the highest passenger volumes the agency has seen at airport security checkpoints nationwide during this summer’s travel season, which runs through Labor Day, and that includes individuals who are planning to fly out of Newark Liberty International Airport.

Since mid-May, TSA has seen multiple days break into the top 10 busiest days in the agency’s 22-year history. Typically, TSA had been screening approximately 2.5 million people per day nationwide, however since last month, the number of people screened has increased by several hundred thousand per day, with TSA officers screening more than 3 million individuals at checkpoints for the very first time.

“Here at Newark we already have seen a notable increase in checkpoint volume,” said Thomas Carter, TSA’s Federal Security Director for New Jersey. “We have been in close coordination with our airport, airline and travel partners, and we are more than ready to handle this summer’s increased travel volumes as we head into the July 4th holiday travel period,” he said.

“Knowing that travel volume will be high is why it is vital to give yourself plenty of time to park or return a rental car, check in with your airline to check bags and prepare for the security checkpoint. If you find yourself in a checkpoint line, travelers can save time by removing items from their pockets and placing them in a carry-on bag, instead of putting items directly into bins at the conveyor belt. My advice is to get into the airport two hours prior to your scheduled departure time.”

TSA is has installed eleven new computed tomography (CT) scanners in Terminal B in time for the summer travel season. These new state-of-the-art advanced CT scanners provide 3-D imaging that provide for TSA officers to enhance explosives detection capabilities for screening carry-on items.

“TSA is committed to getting the best technology to enhance security and improve the screening experience,” Carter said.  “Our officers’ use of CT technology substantially improves our threat detection capability at the checkpoint. The CT technology applies advanced algorithms for the detection of explosives, including liquid explosives and other threat items.”  

The system applies sophisticated algorithms for the detection of explosives by creating a 3-D image that can be viewed and rotated 360 degrees on three axes for thorough visual image analysis by a transportation security officer. This new technology creates such a clear image of a bag’s contents that the system can automatically detect explosives, including liquids, by shooting hundreds of images with an X-ray camera spinning around the conveyor belt to provide TSA officers with the three-dimensional views of the contents of a carry-on bag.

It takes a few extra seconds for the TSA officer to view the image and rotate it to get a better understanding of its contents, however in most instances, rotating the image allows the TSA officer to identify an item inside the bag and clear it without a need to open it for inspection. Checkpoint CT technology results in fewer bag checks. However, if a bag requires further screening, a TSA officer will inspect it to ensure that a threat item is not contained inside.

As an added passenger convenience, with the use of these new CT units, travelers may now leave their laptops and other electronic devices in their carry-on bags along with their small 3-1-1 liquids .

Since traveler volume will be high this summer, it is even more important for travelers to come to the airport prepared to go through the security screening process. Passengers need to make sure that there are no prohibited items among their carry-on items. Prohibited items will result in a need for TSA officers to open and inspect a bag to determine what triggered the alarm. This process takes a few minutes and will slow down someone’s trip through the checkpoint.

When packing, it is recommended to start to pack with an empty bag, so that travelers are well aware of the contents of their bags. Prior to packing that empty bag, individuals can check TSA’s “What Can I Bring?” tool to know what is prohibited. Individuals who are heading to the beach, may wonder how to pack their sunscreen. Any liquids, sunscreen containers and alcohol over 3.4 ounces must be packed in a checked bag. Liquids, aerosols, gels, creams and pastes are allowed in carry-on bags as long as each item is 3.4 ounces or less and placed in one quart-sized bag . Each passenger is limited to one quart-size bag of liquids, aerosols, gels, creams and pastes.

It is important for individuals who own firearms to remember that they are prohibited to pass through security checkpoints, even if a passenger has a concealed carry permit or is in a constitutional carry jurisdiction. Passengers may travel with a firearm, but it must be secured in the passenger’s checked baggage; packed unloaded; locked in a hard-sided case; and declared to the airline when checking in at the airline ticket counter. If a passenger brings a firearm to the security checkpoint on their person or in their carry-on luggage, TSA will contact local law enforcement to safely unload and take possession of the firearm. Law enforcement may also arrest or cite the passenger, depending on local law. TSA may impose a civil penalty up to $15,000 when weapons are intercepted, and passengers will lose TSA PreCheck® eligibility.

TSA PreCheck® members should make sure that their known traveler number (KTN) is in their airline  reservation. It is essential that airline reservations have the passenger’s correct KTN, full name and date of birth so they can receive the program’s benefits. Those who fly with multiple airlines should ensure their KTN is updated in each of their airline profiles every time they travel. TSA PreCheck passengers are low-risk travelers who do not need to remove shoes, belts, 3-1-1 liquids, food, laptops and light jackets at the TSA checkpoint. TSA’s wait time standards for TSA PreCheck lanes are under 10 minutes and less than 30 minutes for standard lanes. Travelers may visit for more information about enrolling or renewing in TSA PreCheck and to find enrollment locations and pricing information for all TSA PreCheck enrollment providers.

“It is also important to remember that our TSA officers are working throughout the summer, including the upcoming July 4th holiday, so respect TSA and other frontline airport and airline employees,” Carter said. “Our officers along with all frontline airport and airline employees and local law enforcement, are working together to ensure safe and secure travel. Consider offering them a kind word of thanks.” 

TSA also reminds travelers that starting on May 7, 2025, if you plan to use your state-issued ID or driver’s license to fly within the U.S., make sure you have a REAL ID or another acceptable form of ID. If you are not sure if you have a REAL ID, check with the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission .  For questions on acceptable IDs, visit TSA’s web site. “Put REAL ID on your summer to do list,” Carter recommended.

Travelers can contact TSA with questions may contact TSA by sending a text directly to 275-872 (“AskTSA”) on any mobile device or over social media by sending a message to @AskTSA on X or Facebook Messenger. An automated virtual assistant is available 24/7 to answer commonly asked questions, and AskTSA staff are available 365 days a year from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET for more complicated questions. Travelers may also reach the TSA Contact Center at 866-289-9673. An automated service is available 24/7.

TSA encourages all passengers to remain vigilant. If You See Something. Say Something®.

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Flavours of South Australia Ultimate Journey

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Taste the flavours of South Australia on this specially curated epicurean adventure. We have combined some of South Australia's most revered food and wine experiences to create a culinary journey not to be missed. Taste the exclusive Penfolds Grange, indulge in a private dining experience in the underground tunnels at Penfolds Magill Estate, visit six of South Australia's best wineries in the Barossa and McLaren Vale with experienced wine guides and savour freshly shucked oysters at Coffin Bay. All this and more as you travel through some of the most beautiful scenery in the country. Highlights: • Experience the Ultimate welcome dinner at Penfolds Magill Estate - enjoy a structured wine tasting, sample some of Penfold's most highly coveted wines, including the exclusive Grange, and enjoy a 5 course degustation dinner in the underground tunnel • Visit six wineries in the Barossa and McLaren Vale regions • Private premium wine tasting in the historic Homestead of the Seppeltsfield family • Taste Vintage Tawny direct from the barrel of your birth year at Seppeltsfield • Wade into the water to sample freshly shucked Coffin Bay oysters straight from the sea • Enjoy stunning ocean view over Boston Bay in Port Lincoln • Create your own blend of shiraz at d'Arenberg and bottle a 750ml sample to take home and share with friends

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Discover the dramatic South Australian outback on a cruise along Australia's great inland highway. This seven night cruise is a unique historic and nature based adventure through ancient gorges and red gum forests, past towering sandstone cliffs and exploring historic ports, local vineyards and nature trails. Enjoy leisurely cruising 320 kilometres of the heart of the great Murray River between Blanchetown and Murray Bridge and take in the breathtaking Riverland. On the grand paddlewheel vessel the Murray Princess, you will experience a great variety of sights and sounds of river life, the beauty of its ever-changing landscape, visit historic places and indigenous sites, enjoy a woolshed and station experience and follow the region's food and wine trail. This cruise also includes a complimentary coach tour to the famous Barossa and its wineries.

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Sofitel Adelaide, Luxury Adelaide & Beautiful Barossa

Sofitel Adelaide is perfect for both corporate and leisure travellers. Open the door on a luxury encounter that blends old-world detailing with new world aesthetics for an unapologetically decadent South Australian experience. Select from 251 captivating guestrooms and suites for a second-to-none, residential-style sojourn with spectacular views across the city, coast and alluring Adelaide Hills.

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Saffire Freycinet, Saffire Freycinet -Tasmania

Saffire Freycinet

Saffire Freycinet is Australia's luxury lodge on Tasmania's East Coast adjacent to Coles Bay and overlooking the Freycinet Peninsula, famed for the iconic Wineglass Bay. Delivering sophisticated and intimate style and an inspirational experience, this Tasmanian accommodation blends mankind and nature with breathtaking beauty. Featuring 20 luxurious suites, exclusive day spa, restaurant, guest lounge and bar, this five-star plus luxury lodge experience is a celebration of the art of service, internal and external wellbeing, local culinary delights, ancient landscapes and abundant wildlife.

3 nights from $4,722 Per Person, Twin Share

CABN X Kangaroo Island Cosy Escape

CABN X at Cape St Albans is an elevated eco-cabin experience offering a nature-based luxury escape on world-renowned Kangaroo Island. With sweeping views of Antechamber Bay, Cape St Albans is a collection of five CABN X visible to each other, but cleverly positioned for privacy. Surrounded by nature, the natural light illuminates the space filtering through floor-to-ceiling windows and creating a sense of immediate calm and relaxation. Your CABN X sleeps 2 people in a luxurious A.H. Beard king-sized bed for the most restorative sleep, and also includes: CABN kitchen with bar fridge, locally sourced breakfast provisions, coffee machine, portable speaker for soothing tunes and meditations, full size bathroom with rain shower head, in-cabin sauna with stunning views, indoor gas fireplace, solar reverse cycle heating/cooling and ceiling fan for total comfort, outdoor bath, A private deck with an undercover area to cook on a built-in WeberQ and outdoor seating to enjoy the expansive views of Antechamber Bay.

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Rawnsley Park Station Experience

Rawnsley Park Station provides the perfect base for exploring South Australia's beautiful Flinders Ranges. Experience the rugged and ancient landscape of the Flinders Ranges that inspires its peoples and reveals the story of life on earth. Enjoy fine food and wine at the award-winning Woolshed.

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The Frames, Murray River, Luxury Riverland Escape

The Frames, Murray River

If you're looking for a romantic getaway or a luxury escape to experience the Australian outback, The Frames is the perfect place. Beautifully designed for couples and built for discerning travellers, the award winning, accommodation is set on the peaceful banks of the Murray River and offers world class luxury and personal hospitality.

3 nights from $2,426 Per Person, Twin Share

Hotel Indigo Adelaide Markets, Amazing Adelaide

Hotel Indigo Adelaide Markets

Hotel Indigo Adelaide Markets, an IHG hotel features a restaurant and an outdoor swimming pool in Adelaide. Located around a 3-minute walk from Victoria Square, the hotel is also 366 m away from Adelaide Central Market. The property has a fitness center, free WiFi throughout the property and a 24-hour front desk.

3 nights from $563 Per Person, Twin Share

Stamford Plaza Adelaide, Adelaide & McLaren Vale Explorer

Stamford Plaza Adelaide

The Stamford Plaza Adelaide is conveniently situated just a short stroll to the Adelaide Riverbank, Adelaide Casino and the Adelaide Festival Centre. The hotel is also close to boutique shopping and Adelaide's trendy laneway bars and eateries.

3 nights from $967 Per Person, Twin Share

The Manna, Hahndorf, Gourmet Adelaide Hills

The Manna, Hahndorf

The Manna is modern and stylish accommodation located in the Heart of Hahndorf Main Street. Featuring all the facilities of a modern CBD Hotel, in the relaxed, regional setting of the Adelaide Hills. Boasting more than 50 Scandinavian-inspired rooms offers great comfort and quality. Set back off the historic Hahndorf Main Street, The Manna has 19 Superior Rooms, 27 Executive Rooms and 5 Indulgence Spa Suites each offering a high quality of style and comfort.

3 nights from $946 Per Person, Twin Share

Sequoia, Luxury Adelaide Hills

See the South Australia you never knew existed! Forget Bordeaux - South Australia has its own world-class food and wine scene for you to sample (and it's a lot closer to home). Base yourself at the 14-suite, adults-only luxury lodge ensconced in nature and sitting atop of Adelaide's Mount Lofty, affectionately known as Koala Mountain. Sequoia Lodge's 30 acre nature setting blends into the Adelaide Hills Botanic Gardens on one side of the peak and thousands of acres of national park on the other, all only 20 minutes from the Adelaide CBD. Every suite brings the outside in with local materials in earthy tones, uninterrupted views over the valley, and wallabies roaming outside your balcony. Sequoia Lodge only accommodates guests over 18 years of age.

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  • Perth & Western Australia

Cape Lodge, Cape Lodge - Western Australia

Cape Lodge is located on Caves Road; only three kilometres from the Indian Ocean and surrounded by the great wineries of Margaret River. The climate is described as Mediterranean with long warm sunny days in Summer, beautiful bright crisp Spring weather and snug Winter days.

3 nights from $1,509 Per Person, Twin Share

Duxton Hotel Perth, Perfect Perth Adventure

Duxton Hotel Perth

The Duxton Hotel Perth is a 5 star property, centrally located and offers a choice of well appointed refurbished rooms and suites. With 306 rooms ranging from Deluxe Rooms through to the very spacious Club Rooms located on the top two floors with uninterrupted views of the Swan River.

3 nights from $662 Per Person, Twin Share

InterContinental Perth City Centre, Perth and Swan Valley Gourmet Getaway

InterContinental Perth City Centre

Located within the vibrant heart of the King Street Precinct, InterContinental Perth City Centre offers sophistication and luxury for leisure travellers. It boasts 240 guest rooms and suites and four restaurants and bars. Inside, feel the warmth of a personalised welcome, memorable dining experiences and a residential design. Outside, feel part of the city with boutique shopping, art, theatre and culture right at your fingertips.

3 nights from $586 Per Person, Twin Share

Discovery Resorts - Rottnest Island, Rottnest Island Family Adventure

Discovery Resorts - Rottnest Island

Discovery Resorts - Rottnest Island celebrates the island's simple pleasures - quality time with family and friends, sunshine, swimming and serenity in a natural environment. Featuring 83 luxury eco-tents, the property is set in one of the most picturesque locations on the Island Pinkys Beach. With the base option including private ensuites and outdoor decks, and the premium option featuring the ultimate in eco luxe and unparalleled sea views, you can't help but enjoy sleeping (almost) under the stars.

3 nights from $483 Per Person, Family Share

Seashells Yallingup, Magnificent Margaret River Region

Seashells Yallingup

Seashells Yallingup lies two and a half hours drive south of Perth, in the heart of the Margaret River Wine Region. It is set in beautiful extensive gardens, by the sea at Yallingup Beach and is adjacent to the magnificently restored, Heritage Listed Caves House Hotel. The resort is the ideal getaway for singles, couples and families alike with one and two bedroom self-contained apartments. Enjoy the fully licensed restaurant, bar with live entertainment, guest lounge with fireplace and walking trail through the gardens to Yallingup Beach.

3 nights from $568 Per Person, Twin Share

Smiths Beach Resort, Margaret River Indulgence & Adventure

Smiths Beach Resort

Pure heaven for beach lovers, Smiths Beach Resort is perfectly positioned on the gleaming white sands of Smiths Beach and within easy access of many wonderful wineries and restaurants the region is popular for. Set within a National Park, this environmentally-friendly and picturesque resort is a restful sanctuary providing the ultimate Australian beachside experience, with ideal leisure facilities, self-catering accommodation and excellent dining and gourmet deli facilities. Smiths Beach Resort's beautifully furnished One Bedroom Apartments, Two and Three Bedroom Garden or Ocean View Villas and Three and Four Bedroom Beach Houses have large picture windows that frame views of the stunning natural surrounds, stretches of ocean and colourful sunsets.

3 nights from $1,034 Per Person, Twin Share

El Questro Homestead, Luxurious Kimberley Escape

El Questro Homestead

The luxurious El Questro Homestead sits in an exclusive oasis in Western Australia's rugged Kimberley landscape. The resort style accommodation features magnificent panoramic views of Chamberlain Gorge and river systems from sunrise to sunset. Enjoy the exclusive Homestead swimming pool and tennis court before indulging in an gourmet dinner on a spacious verandah or private cliff top. Experience intimate ranger led tours, soak in the Zebedee Thermal Springs, cruise private gorges, rivers and waterfalls, or explore from the air, by horse back or hike on foot.

3 nights from $5,002 Per Person, Twin Share

Mantarays Ningaloo Beach Resort, Ningaloo Adventure

Mantarays Ningaloo Beach Resort

The luxurious Mantarays Ningaloo Beach Resort is the gateway to the world heritage-listed Ningaloo Reef and Cape Range National Park. Metres from the waterline on Sunrise Beach, the resort is built in harmony with the environment. Mantarays Ningaloo Beach Resort is the sole resort on Sunrise Beach with many rooms having ocean views or marina outlooks and direct access to the beach.

3 nights from $883 Per Person, Twin Share

Sal Salis Ningaloo Reef, Luxury Ningaloo

Sal Salis Ningaloo Reef

Sal Salis is a remote, beachside safari camp nestled in the dunes of Western Australia's Cape Range National Park, on the shores of Ningaloo Reef. With just sixteen luxury wilderness tents on property, you will share this striking location and one of Australia's best kept natural secrets with few others.

3 nights from $3,271 Per Person, Twin Share

  • Melbourne & Victoria

The Savoy Hotel on Little Collins, Melbourne From The Skies

The Savoy Hotel on Little Collins

The Savoy Hotel on Little Collins is a beautiful Art Deco style hotel located just a short distance from the hub of Melbourne's Collins Street and is the ideal base to take advantage of all Melbourne has to offer. The hotel features 163 stylish and spacious guest rooms.

3 nights from $518 Per Person, Twin Share

Crown Metropol Melbourne, Melbourne Family Getaway

Crown Metropol Melbourne

Embrace a world of luxury and sophistication at Crown Metropol Melbourne. Situated in the heart of the vibrant Southbank precinct, this five-star hotel offers an unrivaled experience in elegance and comfort. From lavish accommodation and breathtaking city views to a wide array of dining and entertainment options, immerse yourself in a captivating escape that showcases the best of Melbourne's charm and excitement. Crown Metropol Melbourne - where indulgence knows no bounds.

3 nights from $236 Per Person, Family Share

Hotel Indigo on Flinders Melbourne, Explore Melbourne & Around the Bay

Hotel Indigo on Flinders Melbourne

Welcome to Hotel Indigo Melbourne on Flinders, the perfect hub for the curious adventurer looking to unlock the mysteries and marvels of Flinders Lane. Discover the best of the neighbourhood through our plush boutique designs and tantalising experiences artfully weaving local stories in everything we do.

3 nights from $722 Per Person, Twin Share

Crown Promenade Melbourne, Melbourne Highlights

Crown Promenade Melbourne

Welcome to Crown Promenade Melbourne, where luxury meets convenience in the heart of Australia's vibrant city. Experience the epitome of modern accommodation with stylish rooms, stunning views, and exceptional amenities. Whether you're there for business or leisure, this hotel promises an unforgettable stay, steps away from Melbourne's top attractions.

3 nights from $470 Per Person, Twin Share

Pan Pacific Melbourne, Luxury Getaway

Pan Pacific Melbourne

Situated on the banks of the Yarra in the city's desirable South Wharf precinct, Pan Pacific Melbourne South Wharf is perfectly positioned for commercial and cultural activities. An array of award-winning restaurants and unique retail options are on the doorstep, with the city centre, Flinders Street Station and Etihad Stadium all within walking distance.

3 nights from $679 Per Person, Twin Share

Yarra Valley Lodge, Yarra Valley Wine Country

Yarra Valley Lodge

Perfectly positioned in Victoria's premier food and wine region, Yarra Valley Lodge is a 45 minute drive from Melbourne. Located on the grounds of the Heritage Golf and Country Club, the lodge features spacious, superbly appointed rooms with balconies overlooking the golf course or the native grounds.

3 nights from $625 Per Person, Twin Share

InterContinental Sorrento Mornington Peninsula, Mornington Peninsula Getaway

InterContinental Sorrento Mornington Peninsula

Breathing new life into a locally loved landmark, InterContinental Sorrento Mornington Peninsula harmoniously blends rich history with contemporary design to create a luxurious ocean side retreat. Wake up to the sea breeze before spending the day soaking up the relaxed alfresco lifestyle of the Mornington Peninsula, just one hour from Melbourne. Experience Montalto's 'Estate to Plate' philosophy with a guided walk through the estate kitchen gardens. A passion for seasonal, locally grown produce. Explore the expansive gardens and learn how our growers and Montalto kitchen work hand in hand to maximise the natural bounty of the estate. After the Kitchen Garden walk is a guided, seated tasting in the Alto room, with panoramic views overlooking Montalto's Red Hill. Finally, experience Montalto's estate to plate philosophy in action, with a celebratory multi-course tasting experience with award winning wines. Montalto dining focuses on produce from the estate and the region is honoured with the menus that are built around it, grab a table overlooking the breathtaking views - either in the stylish, covered courtyard or amongst the lush kitchen gardens.

3 nights from $1,014 Per Person, Twin Share

Lake House, Lake House Luxury

One of Australia's most in demand getaways - Lake House sits on the shores of Lake Daylesford - 80 minutes from Melbourne. The small luxury hotel is renowned for its focus on gourmet indulgence; with one of Australia's most awarded restaurants, cellar and now a Cooking School which draws foodies from around the world.

3 nights from $1,527 Per Person, Twin Share

  • Sydney & NSW

Crowne Plaza Sydney Darling Harbour, Darling Harbour Stay

Crowne Plaza Sydney Darling Harbour

Enviably located on the corner of Sussex and Bathurst Streets, the newly built Crowne Plaza Darling Harbour is your sanctuary away from home. Discover 152 modern guest rooms vertically suspended in prime position; just a short stroll to the CBD's commercial and transport hub, the lively Darling Harbour precinct and the Sydney International Convention Centre.

2 nights from $705 Per Person, Twin Share

InterContinental Sydney, Sydney in Style

InterContinental Sydney

InterContinental Sydney is located in the cultural end of Sydney, just footsteps from the famous Sydney Opera House and Royal Botanic Gardens, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Circular Quay ferry services and a short distance from iconic Sydney must‐see's.

2 nights from $804 Per Person, Twin Share

Adina Apartment Hotel, Bondi Beach, Iconic Bondi

Adina Apartment Hotel, Bondi Beach

Adina Apartment Hotel, Bondi Beach is located on Hall Street, the main strip that leads down to Bondi Beach - a diverse mecca of vibrant restaurants, shops and seaside cool. The location allows guests to soak up all the glamour of Bondi and views of the beach, extending out to Sydney Harbour.

2 nights from $697 Per Person, Twin Share

Wildlife Retreat at Taronga, Stay at the Taronga Zoo Sydney

Wildlife Retreat at Taronga

Wildlife Retreat at Taronga is a once-in-a-lifetime experience where you can learn about Australia's unique wildlife by living alongside them. Nestled within the native animal sanctuary at Taronga Zoo and overlooking the iconic Sydney Harbour, Wildlife Retreat at Taronga offers an unforgettable experience. Join exclusive morning and evening tours and get up close to some of Taronga's most famous residences.

2 nights from $652 Per Person, Twin Share

Crown Towers Sydney, Luxury Sydney Stay

Crown Towers Sydney

Welcome to the epitome of refined indulgence - Crown Towers Sydney. Gracefully positioned in the bustling Barangaroo precinct, this luxurious hotel sets a new standard of opulence and sophistication. Offering unparalleled views of the iconic Sydney skyline, exquisite accommodations, world-class dining, and a lavish spa, Crown Towers Sydney invites you to experience a realm of unmatched luxury, where every desire is effortlessly fulfilled. Prepare to be captivated by a truly unforgettable escape in the heart of Australia's most vibrant city.

2 nights from $1,758 Per Person, Twin Share

Crystalbrook Byron, Byron Bay Escape

Crystalbrook Byron

Nestled in 45-acres of magical subtropical rainforest, Crystalbrook Byron is a celebration of nature, responsible luxury accommodation and the local environment. Offering 92 guest suites, each with its own front and rear Verandah, the Resort works with its surrounding landscape to offer guests an immersive experience in nature. Featuring signature restaurant, Forest, Eleme Day Spa, daily yoga classes, tennis court and infinity pool. Crystal brook Byron is proud to offer sustainable luxury loved by locals and travelers alike.

2 nights from $975 Per Person, Twin Share

Oaks Pacific Blue Resort, Port Stephens, Port Stephens Adventure

Oaks Pacific Blue Resort, Port Stephens

Oaks Pacific Blue Resort offers modern accommodation set within lush tropical gardens encircled by a magnificent lagoon pool. Only a short drive to the picturesque beach community of Nelson Bay.

2 nights from $626 Per Person, Twin Share

Discovery Resorts - Rottnest Island, Western Australia

2 nights from $513 Per Person, Twin Share

Sal Salis Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia

2 nights from $3,289 Per Person, Twin Share

  • Gold Coast & Queensland

Vibe Hotel Gold Coast, Gold Coast Short Stay

Vibe Hotel Gold Coast

Enjoy the convenience of staying right in the heart of Surfers Paradise at the Vibe Hotel Gold Coast. The hotel is centrally located in the midst of the Surfers Paradise lifestyle, opposite the Chevron Renaissance Village, just a block from Cavill Avenue, and overlooking the picturesque Nerang River. Vibe Hotel Gold Coast is moments from the sandy beaches and the incredible shopping in Surfers Paradise. Nearby are many restaurants, cafes and Surfers Paradise's famous nightlife.

4 nights from $377 Per Person, Twin Share

Crowne Plaza Surfers Paradise, Surfers Paradise Beach Break

Crowne Plaza Surfers Paradise

Conveniently located between Surfers Paradise and Broadbeach, Crowne Plaza Surfers Paradise is within walking distance to major shopping centres, award-winning restaurants and cafes, the casino, the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre and only 250 meters from world famous patrolled surfing beaches. All rooms boast private furnished balconies with Pacific Ocean views. Rooms in the luxurious Gold Tower also features a spa bath in every room. The hotel features two restaurants and 3 bars. Experience Queensland's only revolving restaurant, Four Winds, and enjoy 360 degree views of the Gold Coast city skyline, lush green Hinterland and the Pacific Ocean.

4 nights from $470 Per Person, Twin Share

voco Gold Coast, Gold Coast Beach Break

voco Gold Coast

A location like no other, with the G:link light rail delivering you right to the door, voco™ Gold Coast is connected to all the delights of the Gold Coast. Adjacent to SkyPoint Observation Deck, a short stroll from magnificent beaches and moments from shopping, dining and entertainment experiences. At voco™ Gold Coast, get comfy, get social and get relaxed. Stay in rooms that are modern and unstuffy; perfect for robe-wearing lazy mornings with a good espresso and a paper. Gather in restaurants and bars designed for socialising and celebrating.

4 nights from $401 Per Person, Family Share

InterContinental Sanctuary Cove Resort, Sanctuary Cove Escape

InterContinental Sanctuary Cove Resort

Located on the northern end of the Gold Coast, InterContinental Sanctuary Cove Resort boasts an elegant and stylish design inspired by the grandeur of a beautiful Queenslander, the resort's 243 rooms & suites are set amidst picturesque fountains, lush gardens, a marina and golf course.

4 nights from $974 Per Person, Twin Share

O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat, Hinterland Hideaway

O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat

Nestled deep within the ancient Gondwana rainforest of Lamington National Park, O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat beckons adventurers seeking tranquility and natural wonder. This iconic retreat, established in 1926, seamlessly blends eco-friendly accommodations with unparalleled access to lush wilderness. Wake up to the symphony of bird calls, explore canopy treetop walks, and bask in stunning waterfalls. O'Reilly's offers a unique, immersive rainforest experience that lingers in your heart forever.

4 nights from $459 Per Person, Twin Share

Mövenpick Hotel Hobart, Adventure in Hobart

Mövenpick Hotel Hobart

Located in the heart of picturesque Hobart and affording convenient access to the best landmarks and attractions Hobart has to offer, Movenpick Hotel is perfectly located to make the most of your holiday. Only a short stroll to the waterfront and the historical Salamanca precinct, with the world famous MONA just a 20-minute drive away. elegant rooms and suites offer sweeping views of the spectacular harbour and city, allowing you to soak in Hobart from above.

3 nights from $822 Per Person, Twin Share

Crowne Plaza Hobart, Best of Hobart

Crowne Plaza Hobart

Located in the city centre, Crowne Plaza Hobart connects it's visitors, business or leisure, to the heart of Tasmania. A warm welcome to Tasmania's capital, our contemporary hotel offers well thought out spaces to connect and recharge and modern rooms designed to ensure you rest and relax while making the most out of your stay.

3 nights from $1,009 Per Person, Twin Share

The Henry Jones Art Hotel, The Art of Hobart

The Henry Jones Art Hotel

The Henry Jones Art Hotel stands proudly on Hobart's glorious waterfront and is Australia's first and only dedicated Art Hotel. With an ingenious mix of contemporary design elements with traditional building structures and artworks throughout designed by award-winning architects, the Hotel itself is a work of art. A handsome row of historic warehouses and former IXL jam factory dating from the 1820's have been creatively transformed into an enthralling and luxurious first class hotel showcasing the work of Tasmania's finest visual artists. The hotel is itself a fusion of art, heritage, technology and tradition. Located on Hobart's Victoria dock, most of the 56 rooms have close harbour and water views where you can watch fishing trawlers slip quietly into view just beneath your window, while others overlook the stunning glass Atrium and reveal glimpses of the old jam factory interior.

3 nights from $1,194 Per Person, Twin Share

The Grand Hotel Launceston, Launceston Luxury Gourmet

The Grand Hotel Launceston

The Grand Hotel Launceston offers luxury boutique styled accommodation with fabulously well-appointed spacious rooms to a level of style, sophistication and elegance that you would expect in a luxury boutique hotel.

3 nights from $1,001 Per Person, Twin Share

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