Baby led weaning (but make it purees), get our step-by-step plan for safely and gradually transitioning your baby from purees to finger foods at your — and your baby’s — own pace, (plus get a free bonus, the texture timeline™ starter guide), spots are limited.

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Easy and practical baby led weaning travel food ideas for babies 6 months & up

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It’s summertime and guess what… no one wants to have to stay inside when it’s beautiful and sunny out! 

That being said, when you have a BLW baby, sometimes the hassle of figuring out what to feed them while traveling, or on-the-go, seems like it’s more work than it’s worth. But it doesn’t have to be stressful!

I’ve got a list of easy, MINIMAL MESS and portable baby finger food ideas you can pack as a snack, or combine to make meals. Keep reading for 12 easy options for baby led weaning foods while on-the-go!

travel baby food

I know how hard it can be to think of what to feed your baby when traveling, on the road, or out having fun at summer activities. That’s why I came up with this list – I’m all about making things easier for you!

These foods work whether you’re on a plane, at the park, or at a restaurant. While the occasional purée pouch, other store-bought baby food option, or even homemade baby food in a reusable package, will always have its benefits (hellooo convenience and mess-free eating!), packing whole foods means that you don’t have to deal with wrappers and messy containers or utensils. Plus, you’ll be continuing to expose your baby led weaning baby to a variety of real food, real flavors and advanced textures . 

I’m a big proponent of minimizing processed foods for babies (and adults!) as much as possible, as well as keeping those more advanced texture exposures coming. I FULLY understand that it’s hard – time doesn’t allow for it sometimes – and that a bit here and there won’t hurt. 

But helping you keep it top of mind as you navigate this world of feeding your babe is my job, so this list will hopefully help take away the guesswork as to what can fit into this category of foods.

Travel Food for Babies should be mess-free!

baby food for travel by car

The above is definitely not a scenario you want to get stuck in when out and about with your baby! While it’s super cute and funny when it happens at home, this is less than ideal on a plane, or in a restaurant, for example. 

That’s why, in general, most people are looking for mess-free foods (or minimal mess… nothing is really mess-free with baby led weaning ). For this reason, I like to recommend avoiding anything with sauce, that’s in a casserole type format, or anything that requires a utensil unless you’re feeding the baby yourself (and they let you). Think yogurt , applesauce…that type of thing. 

Nothing is more messy than a baby refusing to let you spoon feed them and then dunking their hands into a container of applesauce!

applesauce for baby led weaning babies

And while I know moms love to be prepared for the worst – and often pack more for an outing than is needed. Let’s save those extra clothes for blowouts…those happen when you least expect it and you don’t want to have wasted your spare outfit on a messy meal!

So here’s some examples. If you pack meat, make it plain chicken. If you pack pasta, keep it plain with no sauce to minimize mess. If you pack fruit, opt for a banana or freeze dried varieties over messy ripe berries. That type of thing.

With that being said, here are my go-to baby led weaning travel foods.

The best travel baby food options for baby led weaning

One thing I want to make sure you keep in mind is the age and development of your baby. Some of these options are going to require pincer grasp …so if your baby is just starting out on solid foods, they won’t be ready for these options yet. 

Make sure you choose the options that are in finger shapes so they aren’t struggling to eat, because this will just end in frustration for both of you. If your baby is a bit older and already has their pincer grasp developed, or is practicing it, any of these options will be a good fit!

baby led weaning travel food part one

Boiled Eggs

Keep in a container with an ice pack and feed the baby anywhere! Provides an easy source of protein for babies , and healthy fats .

Cooked Pasta

This is perfect as an easy snack or meal idea on the go. Pair the pasta with cheese or beans for a full meal ! You can also opt to pack pulse based pasta, such as chickpea pasta for an added protein boost on its own.

Nothing beats a food that comes in its own packaging! Need I say more?

Canned Beans or Chickpeas

No need to cook! Just rinse, dump into a container, and go! I like to buy ones that are canned with a BPA free lining, and that have no added salt, especially when offering to babies because we need to be a bit more cautious when it comes to salt for babies (but I don’t want you to panic either, just give them an extra rinse and monitor salt intake over the rest of the day/next day to balance things out).

You may want to slightly smush chickpeas before offering, just to be extra safe. Depending on your baby’s skill level, and how soft they are, they can be a choking hazard .

Shredded Cheese

Cheese is a great source of protein for babies, as well as a good source of fat – both of which babies need for proper growth and development. And as an added bonus, it’s usually a favorite amongst most babies! 

Please note that I’m recommending shredded cheese, not slices. Slices can be a choking hazard for babies, as it can be difficult to cut the cheese in a thin layer so it won’t pose a risk. Therefore, shredded is best, especially in the beginning as you just start baby led weaning. Watch this video below for more info on how to safely prepare cheese for babies.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Edwena 🙋🏻‍♀️| Dietitian & Mom (@mylittleeater)

Freeze Dried Fruit

Like I mentioned above, fruit is a great option, but you’re gonna want to stick with mess-free varieties! 

Freeze-dried berries are an excellent source of vitamin C, and therefore pair nicely with beans to boost iron absorption – something babies need a lot of! And if you pair that with the pasta and shredded cheese, you have all the pieces of my FFP+P rule for a complete, balanced meal that’s perfect for baby led weaning ! 

While freeze-dried berries are great for this, fresh berries are not great from a mess-free perspective. So, freeze-dried fruit for the win! It will literally hold up in any weather (no need to pack a cooler), and is mess-free!

A similar alternative would be to pack yogurt-based melts – they’re typically freeze-dried as well so they’re not messy like packing yogurt would be! Our favorites are the Amara Smoothie Melts. These are actually plant-based, so if your little one has an allergy or sensitivity to dairy these will be perfectly fine for them too. They have no added sugars, fillers, or other additives – just simple, clean ingredients which we love! They come in lots of yummy flavors with various fruits and veggies blended right in and they come in a resealable bag, making them perfect for snacking on the go. Check them out here and use code LITTLEEATER15 for 15% off your purchase.

baby led weaning travel food part two

Baby Led Weaning Toast Strips

Super easy for on-the-go! Just toast bread and cut into thin strips – coat with a bit of butter to soften them up slightly. But, for the sake of mess-free travel foods, avoid things like nut butter or hummus, unless you’re able to wash up somewhere! 

Remember, fresh, untoasted bread is a choking hazard. If you’re looking for more info on toasting bread for your baby and serving it in a safe manner, check out this post all about toast toppings for babies and toddlers .

Roasted Veggies

Sounds complicated, but I’m actually going to suggest that you keep a bunch of these prepped ahead of time for easy meal ideas throughout the week. I personally always keep some on-hand in my fridge for snacks or quick meals. I make a big batch a couple times per week, and pull from it as needed. 

If you’re able to set aside the time to meal prep these (listen to my other fav meal prepping tips here ) then there’s nothing easier than just putting these in a container and offering them to your baby, any time of day. 

Some good veggies to try are bell peppers and zucchini. I’d avoid things like roasted sweet potato because it becomes so mushy that your baby will end up with orange mash all over them!

Baby Pancakes (only 3 ingredients!)

Ok, this one involves some cooking, but I swear it’s easy!

Mix together 1 ripe banana, 2 eggs, and 1 1/2 teaspoons of coconut oil. Scoop batter into a skillet and cook on low-medium heat until lightly brown, flipping once when you can see bubbles along the outer edge. Let them cool, cut into strips, and pack into a container. There you have it – simple, baby banana pancakes for on-the-go!

Fresh Fruit

I know this goes against what I just said above, but hear me out. There are fruits that are less messy that you can bring. Stewed pears or apples would be my top choice – no staining! You can also do kiwi wedges, plums, or oranges. These may be ever so slightly messy in that there may be a bit of fruit juice running on your baby’s hands, but nothing a baby wipe can’t handle.

I stand by my comment that fresh berries are just too messy – mashed bits of berry plus juice that stains…no thanks! But if you’re feeling risky – go for it!

baby food for travel by car

Tofu Strips

Another super simple iron and protein source for your baby! You have two options here… 

  • Pan fry tofu for 1-2 minutes on each side. Include a bit of flavor in there too for your baby, try some turmeric, dill, or paprika. Let cool, and pack in a container to go! 
  • I love using Soyganic smoked tofu as another option – it’s non-gmo, organic and there’s no need to cook it. Just slice it, pack, and go. It doesn’t get any easier than that!

Tofu is my favorite to-go protein! It’s the perfect texture for a baby, no crumbly mess, and offers lots of calcium and protein! Plus, pair it with a fruit high in vitamin C, like some freeze dried strawberries, and you’ve got a great source of iron too!

Thawed Peas (from frozen)

No need to cook these! Just dump some frozen peas into a container and let them thaw out over a couple hours until ready to eat. Plus, the cold peas keep everything else you pack nice and cold too. Fast food at its finest!

And I know what you’re thinking…peas need to be mashed right? No, they don’t. They’re actually not considered a choking hazard because they’re so soft and are so easily mashed in your baby’s mouth. It’s round, hard foods that you want to look out for, think like grapes. But if it makes you feel more comfortable, there’s no harm in giving them a quick squish before offering them to your baby.

Homemade Muffin

baby food for travel by car

One more yummy option is a homemade muffin, or mini muffins, – and I’ve got two ideas for them.

Option 1: Bake a tasty pastry muffin for your baby.

Choose baby led weaning recipes with no honey and no added sugar, besides some fruit. You can even freeze muffins and pull them from the freezer anytime you need one in a jiffy. One of my favorites, that’s popular with toddlers too, are shrek muffins – check out the recipe here .

Option 2: Egg muffins!

These are also great to keep in the freezer and pull out when you need them. I have a recipe available in my 60 Day Baby Led Feeding Meal plan – take a look here to get access to over 80 baby led weaning recipes perfect for your baby and family! Now, with this option you will need to pack those in a cooler, but there’s no mess and tons of nutrition so they make one of the most perfect on-the-go meal ideas !

baby led feeding meal plan

Travel Baby Food: Top Tips

Now that you have some meal ideas for what to feed your baby while on-the-go, let’s go over some of the other important details.

What About Food Safety for Travel Baby Food Options?

While you absolutely need to consider whether a food needs to be kept cold or not, you don’t need to worry about serving it cold or hot. Don’t stress if you can’t heat some of these foods up, room temperature is fine. 

With the exception of maybe the eggs, although I’ve definitely seen toddlers eat eggs at room temperature, as long as you follow food safety rules, they’re fine to eat that way.

Which leads me to my next point. If you’re out for more than 4 hours, or you’re traveling in the heat, make sure you throw an ice pack in your bag to preserve the food for longer. Babies are more susceptible to food borne illnesses, so you don’t want to take any risks with their food, just pack the ice pack (or frozen peas).

How Many Finger Foods to Pack for Baby Led Weaning While Traveling

baby food for travel by car

Something to keep in mind when traveling with a baby led weaning baby (or any day, even at home), is that babies don’t need snacks between 6-10 months of age . After that, they need no more than 1, maybe 2 solid food snacks. 

Check out my schedules for how many meals to offer based on their age, including milk feedings as well, here .

This means that if the time comes and your baby is hungry, breast milk or formula will continue to do the job most times! It may just be main meals, and as mentioned, 1-2 solid food snacks (maybe one mid-morning and one mid-afternoon) that you offer as they get closer and closer to one year of age. 

So, really you don’t need to pack very much, especially if you’re just starting your baby on solids . I’d go with a few pieces of each food that you’re bringing per meal. And remember, if they eat all of it and they still seem hungry – don’t fret! Breast milk or formula can fill in this gap for now. They won’t starve, and it won’t cause any confusion or anything else you may hear – promise.

What to Bring (Besides Travel Baby Food Options)

baby food for travel by car

As much as we prepare for no-mess meal ideas , we also need to prepare for our baby to surprise us and make a mess anyways…it’s just what they do! So make sure you also pack…

  • Bibs – long sleeved ones are the best for keeping clothes clean
  • Baby wipes or washcloths
  • A silicone suction mat (this is helpful to keep food contained as much as possible in one place)
  • Silicone plate with a lid to store all the food – these Bumkins ones are my favorites
  • Travel Booster Seat

Safety Tips When Feeding BLW Baby On-The-Go

baby led weaning travel food safety

Feeding babies comes with a risk no matter where you are, or what type of feeding you’re doing (purées or baby led weaning). 

That being said, when on-the-go, you should be extra careful of choking, especially if your baby is not seated in a proper highchair, or is moving around while eating. Both of which are likely when you’re out and about doing fun things – it happens! 

Here are my major tips to keep in mind…

1. Seat baby in someone else’s lap, if possible.

That’s right, let grandma or grandpa get some snuggles while the baby eats, because choking is usually a silent occurrence. This way, you have the best front view of your baby eating to make sure you catch anything happening right away in case, God forbid, they begin to choke. 

That’s why I recommend having someone else hold them in their lap while you do the feeding, so you can watch them better that way.

It also helps if you’re prepared ahead of time by taking an infant CPR course. Our favorite online option is by Safe Beginnings – it’s taught by a certified instructor and child safety expert, so you’re getting the best info available to be prepared for the worst case scenario. Take 20% off with code MYLITTLEEATER and enroll here !

2. Pull over before feeding in the car.

If required to feed in the car, try and pull over while feeding. Feeding in a car is not my favorite, but I know that sometimes it’s just unavoidable. A moving car is even more of a risk, so if you can, pull over first before offering food. 

Feeding while in a moving car can increase their choking risk as bumps and turns can cause babies to lose control of the food in their mouth making it more likely to become lodged in their throat.

And then you have to find a safe space to pull over to have enough room to perform any kind of maneuver on your baby, which takes up precious time, and that’s not a panic I want you to experience ever.

My second point on this is that I really don’t recommend feeding in a car seat, if at all possible, anyway. Again, your baby is not in the correct position for feeding, they aren’t fully upright. This means that their airway isn’t fully open, which again, can increase their choking risk . 

Instead, try to find a safe place to park where you can get out of the car to stretch your legs, and take your baby out to sit on someone’s lap to feed. At least this way they’re able to sit upright and have an open airway.

3. Avoid feeding in a stroller.

I think we’re seeing a theme here, but again, keep them sitting upright. So if a highchair isn’t available, someone else’s lap is the next best option as opposed to a stroller, car seat, etc.

Ok – there you have it! Keep things simple, remember that fast food can mean simple whole finger foods from home, and enjoy your summer out with your babe!

Want to learn how to feed your baby led weaning baby all these foods mentioned in this post, and more? Check out my Baby Led Feeding online course for a complete walk through on starting solids, including videos that show how to safely serve all foods like a pro!

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meet edwena

Registered pediatric dietitian, mom of two and lover of all things related to baby and toddler feeding!

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Baby led weaning...but make it purees!

Get our proven, step-by-step plan for transitioning your baby from Purees to Finger Foods, texture by texture, so you can ease your fears about choking and gagging, all while helping your little eater develop their eating skills and an adventurous appetite.

Plus get The Texture Timeline™ Starter Guide for free when you stay until the end of the workshop. This tool breaks down the 4 phases, what kinds of foods to safely feed your baby during each phase, and when to progress to the next phase.

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My Little Moppet

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34 Easy Homemade Travel Foods For Babies and Toddlers

Published: June 8, 2015 | Last Updated on: June 6, 2023 | by Dr Hemapriya

Before we dive into the world of travel foods for babies and toddlers, let’s embrace the evolving trends of parenthood. Gone are the days when parents had to wait for their children to grow up before embarking on adventures. Nowadays, little ones join in on the exploration, their curious eyes witnessing the vast wonders of the world. While modern conveniences have made life easier for parents, one concern remains: what to feed their children while traveling.

Given the concerns surrounding packaged food and unhygienic food preparation in restaurants, many parents prefer to take matters into their own hands. This requires meticulous planning, but worry not! We are here to lend a helping hand. To ensure a seamless journey, we have curated a collection of convenient and nutritious travel foods for babies and toddlers. Let’s embark on this culinary journey together, making travel an enjoyable experience for both parents and little ones.

homemade travel food ideas for babies and toddlers

If you are breastfeeding your baby, there’s no need for any additional milk supplement during your journey. However, if your little one has been weaned, you can consider using substitutes for milk such as formula or commercially available milk powder. To prepare these substitutes while traveling, simply carry hot water in a thermos flask and mix it with the powder. This ensures that your baby’s milk is ready whenever needed, making it a convenient option for travel foods for babies.

Fruits to give to babies and toddlers during travel

Fresh fruits are one of the best travel foods for babies, being convenient and and hygienic. For toddlers, you can just cut up the fruit and feed them. For babies, you can mash and puree fruits like papaya , muskmelon , banana or chikoo . When ripe enough, they can be easily mashed with just a fork.

Instant Porridge

15 Instant Porridge Recipe

Here is a list of 15  instant porridge powder recipes , all of which require only hot water to be added.

No time to make these powder, no worry !! Just click, order and get home delivered here . We also have Instant food ‘trial’ packs available now, because you can never tell what the baby might like!

Main Meals – Lunch

Travel Food

Main meals like lunch and dinner are a little more difficult to handle while travelling as it isn’t easy to prepare a filling rice meal on the go. However, you can still work your way around this problem with a few tips:

1. If you have a rice cooker then all you need to do is plug it in to  make a simple khichdi with carrots or potatoes. You can carry carrots and potatoes as they last for more than 2 to 3 days without refrigeration.

2.For a convenient rice meal while traveling, dry roast rice and dal, grind them into a powder, and carry it in an airtight container. Mix the powder with hot water from your flask to cook. You can also add grated carrot for added nutrition. Discover more travel foods for babies to make your journey enjoyable and hassle-free.

If you don’t have time to dry roast rice and dal, you can easily order homemade  Instant Khichdi mixes here .

3. If you want to give lunch from a restaurant, ask for steamed hot rice with dal. Mash it with sanitized fingers or spoons and feed your baby.

travel snacks recipes for babies and toddlers

When it comes to snacks, most parents reach out for packaged foods like biscuits. But you can go healthy here too, especially since toddlers snack a lot and you don’t want so much junk going into their bodies! Try these homemade snack recipes that don’t require refrigeration.

  • Roasted chickpeas
  • Energy bars – Groundnut Bars, Maple Oat Cluster Bars  , Chocolate trail Mix

Tips for Feeding your Baby at a Restaurant

Travel Food

Sometimes, you find yourself with no option but to feed your baby from a restaurant. In such cases, there’s no need to panic; just keep these few tips in mind:

1.Ensure the safety of your baby while feeding from a restaurant during travel. Avoid giving raw foods like salads or chutneys. Opt for cooked and suitable meals. Prioritize the well-being of your little one by following travel foods for babies.

2. Along with raw foods, you should also avoid dishes with raw ingredients like mayonnaise, souffle, sushi etc.

3. Always try to go for steamed foods – steamed rice, steamed idlis  and cooked vegetables.

4. Use your own cutlery.

5. Ensure a safe eating experience for your baby by eliminating choking hazards from their food. When preparing meals, cut or mash food into appropriate sizes and avoid giving small, hard, or round foods that may pose a risk. Prioritize your baby’s safety during travel by following guidelines for travel foods for babies.

6. Prioritize your baby’s safety while traveling by avoiding new foods that may cause allergies. Stick to familiar and trusted options to ensure a worry-free journey. Explore travel foods for babies that are suitable and known to your child.

7. Stick to boiled/bottled water and don’t give baby juices or milkshakes.

8. Stay away from anything with artificial coloring or flavoring.

Don’t let the stress of feeding your baby or toddler during travel weigh you down. With some thoughtful planning and preparation, you can ensure a worry-free journey filled with delightful moments. Bid farewell to food-related concerns and embrace the convenience of travel-friendly and nutritious options for your little one. Let us be your guide in making your travel experience smoother and more enjoyable with our helpful tips and suggestions on travel foods for babies. Bon voyage and happy travels!

If your baby has recently started on solids, you might also want to check out our detailed post – High Chair Vs Booster Seat: Your Ultimate Guide to Buying a Feeding Chair.  Some of the feeding chairs recommended in this article are travel friendly too!

We have compiled a comprehensive Travel Food packing List for Babies and Toddlers

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  • Dr Hemapriya
  • Fabida Abdullah
  • Dhvani Shah

Buy Healthy Nutritious Baby, Toddler food made by our own Doctor Mom !

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Check this out! Instant Poha Moongdal Porridge powder for babies [Easy porridge recipe for Travel], a perfect nutritious travel food for your little one!

December 28, 2021 at 12:18 pm

Dear Dr. Hema,

Could you please suggest some travel foods for 2.5year toddler. I know by this age toddlers eat most of the foods, but mine doesn’t. Hence seeking your advice. Is it safe to offer outside food to 2.5 yr kid?

baby food for travel by car

January 10, 2022 at 3:00 pm

Hi Madhavi, You can try the recipes given in this article. It should be a hit 🙂 You can give outside food if it’s from a trusted source.

baby food for travel by car

February 3, 2021 at 1:20 am

Plz give ideas of travel food for 8 months old baby, for one week. Any suggestions and advices are welcomed

February 4, 2021 at 8:14 pm

The blog has so many ideas. Please use it according to the age recommendation. Hope you find it helpful 🙂

baby food for travel by car

November 12, 2018 at 9:39 pm

hi Dr I m going to travel in train for 25 hrs can you suggest home made food for my 11 months old baby. he has cool body so pls tell me can i give him uncooked apple?

November 13, 2018 at 5:20 pm

Hi Revathy,

Please find link below with easy travel recipes. Hope this helps you. Link –

baby food for travel by car

August 31, 2018 at 7:45 pm

Hiii mam….I am travelling to North…. For 15days….. My baby is 10months old…. Can pls suggest me instant receipes… (no cooking)

September 5, 2018 at 11:09 pm

Kindly check on the link below for travel food ideas dear. You can also check for instant mixes from our shop. Hope this helps. Happy and safe journey 🙂

Link –

baby food for travel by car

April 10, 2018 at 1:26 pm

Hi Doctor, I m traveling to north india for a week with my 1 year old… i will not have access to kitchen would like to purchase a few instant packs from you. I haven’t introduced my baby to anyinstant foods. Could you please suggest me a few required ones please!

baby food for travel by car

April 12, 2018 at 12:55 pm

Hi dear, Thanks for choosing to purchase our products, you can choose and order from our instant packs here:

baby food for travel by car

January 7, 2018 at 9:22 am

Could you suggest some veg food ideas for a 24hr train travel.. It is for a 1yr old kid.

January 8, 2018 at 11:37 am

Please check some of these options dear

baby food for travel by car

November 13, 2017 at 5:19 pm

Hi Hema madam, As I m traveling out of my city for 15days with my 1.5 months old son.. Plz suggest some snacks for him..

November 14, 2017 at 1:16 pm

Dear this article has most options for kids and you can also check on our site for some wonderful ways to keep kids engaged. Just type “Travel” in search box.

baby food for travel by car

September 20, 2017 at 4:29 pm

Hello Hema, I will be travelling on a 10 days holiday to New Zealand with my 8 months son in November. Please suggest me instant food I can give him thrice a day. I am very much tensed about his health during our stay at that time.

Thanks in advance

September 20, 2017 at 5:47 pm

Dear, while on travel the best bet is to feed, fruits, boiled potatoes, eggs, dry snacks (like biscuits which can be made and carried along). If you must feed outside you can take boiled rice and give along with curd, or some mashed fruit based on your kids preference. Also in most places now you get indian foods so that is another option you can pick while on travel. Don’t worry much, kids too adapt to changed food.

baby food for travel by car

September 1, 2017 at 10:53 pm

Hi Mam..We r traveling for 4 to 5 days confused about water how will boil water or can v give bisleri to 10 months baby..? As flask will serve purpose only for 1-2 days..plz help with other options?..

September 21, 2017 at 10:32 pm

You can always request at some places restaurants etc. to help you with boiled water.

baby food for travel by car

March 31, 2017 at 11:54 am

I was wondering if bottled mineral water should be boiled before being given to a 1 year old

May 7, 2017 at 6:20 pm

You can give it like that also, as eventually we have to give them such water.

baby food for travel by car

October 4, 2016 at 3:56 am

Thanks alot for this information…..

baby food for travel by car

October 19, 2015 at 5:22 am

Quick qs !! For the porridge do we need to soak dal and rice then dry to make a powder ? Or we can directly powder it.

Thanks, Akshita

February 29, 2016 at 4:55 pm

Dear Akshita,

You can check the recipe here

baby food for travel by car

October 16, 2015 at 1:25 pm

These recipes were really helpful. Also please tell me how can we add sweetness to it. I have been using jaggery for my lil one. Now for these instant porridges, other than fruits what can be added for sweetness. Please help. Thank you

February 29, 2016 at 5:07 pm

Yes fruit purees can be added for sweetness

baby food for travel by car

June 9, 2015 at 12:14 pm

Hi.. This post is very timely, we are travelling to Europe with my 15month old in July. I am quiet confused about what food to give him and also Milk. The instant porridge recipe needs no cooking? just hot water will be enough? Pls share any other tips you have.

June 9, 2015 at 5:13 pm

Hi apeksha,

Yes the instant porridges do not require cooking. Just add hot water and it is done,

baby food for travel by car

September 9, 2015 at 5:35 pm

hello ma’am!! is warm water ok? for making instant porridges?

October 26, 2015 at 1:08 pm

The water has to be hot for cooking porridges or else the powder will not get cooked .

Hope this helps

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What to Expect the First Year , 3rd edition, Heidi Murkoff., Flying With a Baby? Here's What to Know Before You Go , September 2021., Do Babies Need Passports? , October 2021., Best Travel Toys for Babies , February 2021., Baby Products You Can Take on a Plane , September 2020. American Academy of Pediatrics, Flying with Baby: Parent FAQs , November 2019. American Academy of Pediatrics, Is It Safe for Families to Travel Now? , August 2021. American Academy of Pediatrics, Travel Safety Tips , August 2018.  American Academy of Pediatrics, Is It Safe for My Baby to Travel in a Car Seat a Few Hours at a Time? , August 2021. Transportation Security Administration, Traveling with Children . Federal Aviation Administration, Flying with Children , March 2021. Mayo Clinic, Is Air Travel Safe for an Infant? , October 2019.

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Flying With A Baby - Family Travel

Traveling With Baby Food

Posted on Last updated: March 13, 2024

Traveling with a baby who is weaning does need some forward planning, especially if you are flying with a baby and can’t pop out to the shops to purchase some baby food, or whip up a meal in your kitchen. Traveling with baby food means also considering delays and how to keep food cool or heat it up. We include food ideas that we have taken on flights and some rules to be aware of. This post answers lots of popular questions about travelling with baby food, provides tips and ideas to make it easier for you and provides suggestions of easy baby food that travels well.

baby food for travel by car

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Yes, you can bring baby food on planes. If it is in your hand luggage and it is for your baby on the flight, then it is NOT subject to the 100ml/3-1-1 liquid rule set by individual countries. This includes water,  breast milk , powdered milk, baby food pouches and jars. TSA state, “Baby food is allowed in reasonable quantities in carry-on bags. Remove these items from your carry-on bag or insulated bag to be screened separately from the rest of your belongings.”

(If any liquid is for  you , unless medically approved then it IS subject to the liquid rules if it is in your hand luggage.) 

Can I take homemade baby food on a plane? Yes! Exactly the same rules apply. It is allowed in reasonable quantities.

Airport security do not state an exact amount for baby food or drink because everyones circumstances are different in terms of; age of baby, what they eat and drink, the length of their journey and if connections are involved. The rules do not differ on baby food puree or solid baby food.

The rules may differ from country to country on whether cooling packs/ice packs are allowed to help keep food/milk chilled and they also may vary about flying with frozen breast milk without your baby.

The TSA also state below their rules which are applicable if you are traveling from a USA airport. “Baby formula, breast milk, juice in quantities greater than 3.4 ounces or 100 milliliters are allowed in carry-on baggage and do not need to fit within a quart-sized bag. Remove these items from your carry-on bag to be screened separately from the rest of your belongings. You do not need to travel with your child to bring breast milk. Breast milk and formula are considered medically necessary liquids. This also applies to breast milk pumping equipment (regardless of presence of breast milk). Ice packs, freezer packs, frozen gel packs and other accessories required to cool baby formula, breast milk and juice are allowed in carry-on insulated bag. If these accessories are partially frozen or slushy, they are subject to the same screening as described above. You may also bring gel or liquid-filled teethers, canned, jarred and processed  baby food  in carry-on baggage. These items may be subject to additional screening.”

So while there are currently restrictions on liquids you can take on a plane, they do not apply to food or milk for your baby . All airlines do permit baby food and milk to be brought onboard the plane.

If you cannot find specific information on your airlines website, then you will usually find it on your departing airports website in the security section as exemptions to the 3-1-1/100ml liquid rule. Most airports/airlines stipulate ‘reasonable quantity’ or ‘enough for the journey’.

Rules when arriving in a country with baby food.

Some countries have very strict custom laws with regards to the importation of food. You will usually here the airline announce that all airplane food must remain on the plane. Baby food is exempt, but when it is a solid piece of fruit or vegetable or something homemade, it is best to dump it or declare it to avoid any fine. Baby milk whether liquid or powder is exempt as are unopened baby food pouches or jars. If in doubt, go through the red channel at customs. The line is normally super short!

airline baby meal

Airline provided baby meals and child meals

Some airlines provide ( on request only , at least 24 hours in advance ) special meals for babies and children .

For babies under two this is usually pureed baby food. You cannot request anything else for this age unless on Singapore Airlines who provide a toddler meal. For children over two, you can request a children’s meal. For children under two, you should always make sure you have enough food, healthy snacks and drink for them.

Baby food and travel snack ideas

Yiu can buy baby food and baby or toddler milk in other countries but you may prefer to bring your own brand of baby formula. If your toddler is on whole or full fat milk, then this milk guide helps with all the colour codes of milk in different countries!

If you need to bring some of your own travel snacks  or food for your baby, some easy ideas include:

travel snacks for toddlers and baby led weaning


Best travel snacks for toddlers and baby led weaning.

The great thing with the baby travel food and toddler healthy snacks below, is that the majority is minimal mess (if there is such a thing with BLW!) and incredibly easy to organise baby utensils for travel.

  • Raisins – or other dried fruit
  • Cheese crackers
  • Fruit squeeze pouch – apple is usually a popular one.
  • Blueberries
  • Toast strips / soldiers  – Cut into strips and spread a little butter on.
  • Cooked pasta – Convenient for healthy snacks on the go or as a full meal. Once up in the air, ask a flight attendant for a cup of hot water and you can warm it up. Add cheese or fresh vegetables!
  • Mini sausages – make easy finger food for older kids.
  • Homemade muffin s – Choose a baby friendly recipe with no honey and no added sugar besides fruit. You can freeze muffins and pull from the freezer anytime you need in a hurry.
  • Granola bars
  • Cucumber and carrot sticks
  • Roasted Veggies
  • Thawed peas  (from frozen) – Just take directly from your freezer and pack and go! They will need a short time to defrost to be ready to eat but the coldness will help keep everything else fresh too.
  • Tofu strips  – Pan fry tofu 1-2 minutes each side, then cool and pack.
  • Bread sticks
  • Porridge pots
  • Cereal hoops
  • Cheese – you can grate or shred it into fine pieces before you fo for baby to easily grab.
  • Pancakes (with 3 ingredients) 1 ripe banana, 2 eggs, 1/12 teaspoons of coconut oil mixed together and cooked on a frying pan/skillet on a low heat. Once cooled they are ready to go.

Anything that is fresh, remember to leave on the aircraft or check the countries customs laws. For example, fresh food of any kind is NOT allowed into Australia or New Zealand.


Avoid candy, lollies and chocolate etc as a hyper kid on the plane is zero fun! The only exception is for older kids (when the choking risk is low) with a lollipop for top of descent – in case they find the ear pressure uncomfortable.

Some airlines may announce that food containing nuts cannot be consumed due to a passenger with an extreme allergy, so do not bring them just in case you can not use.

Obvious no gos include whole grapes, jelly cubes, marshmallows or anything that could bloke an airway or large chunks which could be a choking hazard.

Remember many food products must be declared in certain countries. Always look at the customs card and if in doubt, bin it or declare it.  I’ve always declared powdered baby formula, even opened and have been allowed it. Countries like Australia will not let you bring any fresh produce in.  Please check the latest customs laws.


Before you decide on the types of food for traveling, you will need to consider a few things:

  • How are you traveling?
  • Is there any cold storage available?
  • Can you easily get ice?
  • Have you enough food to cover delays?
  • What space do you have available in your case?
  • Always pack more than you think you’ll need. Kids’ love to snack when on the go!
  • Do you need portable travel blender for weaning babies or to make smoothies?
  • Do you need bottle sterilizer for bottle fed baby?


When I travel with baby food, to keep the food fresh in my hand luggage, I take frozen gel packs from home AND empty Ziploc bags. Be aware some countries security laws may not accept icepacks/coolpacks/ gel packs to keep the food cool through security. Check at the check in counter if they are allowed and if you are caught out, pack the frozen gel packs in your suitcase and then use your Ziplocs to fill with ice from a cafe once airside and again from the crew onboard the plane. (If you are traveling within the USA or from the USA the TSA rules for baby food DO permit cool-packs and gel pack use in your hand luggage. They will also permit frozen food. The UK will also allow frozen gel packs to keep baby food cool only) If I am unable to use a frozen gel ice pack in my hand luggage, I always pack a couple extra in my main suitcase – that way they can be frozen at my destination and be used on day trips from the hotel to keep food cool. An insulated bag can then be used to place everything in for your baby. Travel food is then ready to go!

baby food for travel by car


When you travel with baby food or baby milk, it’s always best to first check airport security rules first for the types of travel baby food containers you can use – as they can differ.

Where some airports will allow flasks, others won’t and some do prefer clear containers for transporting breast milk. eg at London Heathrow, “At London Heathrow Baby food or baby milk: breast milk can be carried in the cabin; when it is stored in a clear, transparent container or bag. Flasks cannot be permitted.”

When you are packing travel food, especially homemade baby food, it’s harder to get replacements, so to avoid tears and tantrums, never put all of one type of food in once container, but spread it out over two, just in case of an accidental spillage.

If your baby is doing baby lead weaning (BLW), or you have a toddler, it’s definitely easier to give them just a small amount at a time. For older children, Bento Boxes work well as you can pack a selection of items and keep it all in one place. Here are some of the best travel food containers for when you travel with baby, toddlers and older kids.

Bento Boxes: You can buy great ‘bento’ style organizer boxes which can hold a variety of travel snacks for older children. These basic stackable Bento Boxes are affordable and fit about 1/2 a cups worth of food in each section. This Bento box will keep all your baby utensils in one box.

Snack Catchers: Munchkin snack catchers are great to stop toddler and older baby spills on the go. They will get plenty of use whether you are on a long road trip with kids , an outing to the park or on a flight.

Collapsible Snack Containers: Collapsible snack containers are great for travel for obvious reasons, they save space!

Reusable Pouches:  If you make your own baby food or want to fill with yoghurt, smoothies etc, these re-usable pouches are perfect for traveling with baby food.

TRAVEL FOOD baby pouches


Preparing baby food while traveling is not as cumbersome as you may think. Whether you are on a road trip with a baby or need to whip up something homemade in your hotel room, you can use things from home to help.

Hotels and restaurants are often used to such requests and will help, but if they are busy or where you are staying doesn’t have round-the clock room service, then bringing a small portable rechargeable blender can be a lifesaver to puree some veggies and fruit quickly.

If you don’t want to pack a portable blender, then whole foods like bananas, ripe pears, mangoes or avocados can be mashed up immediately wherever you are to make instant baby food while travelling.

Once out about food can be kept warm in an insulated food jar or thermos which is great if you are for a day trip or excursion. If flying, check first as not all airport security will allow flasks.


  • Bibs – a wipe clean bib is ideal for on the go.
  • Baby Wipes/ Washcloths
  • Travel Booster Seat

Safety Tips When Feeding On The Go

  • Do be mindful of choking as you would at home. It is harder to feed in an airplane seat, but try and keep a good view of babies face whilst you are feeding them. If they can sit in someone elses lap, this can help. Wherever you are, keep them sitting upright whilst eating.
  • To keep your baby’s feeding schedule on track, use an insulated bottle carrier to maintain the ideal temperature for your baby’s milk or formula

baby food for travel by car

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Tips to make travel with your child easy and stress-free

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  • Food & Nutrition

Baby and Toddler Foods To Carry & Avoid While Travelling

Gayatri Dawda

Video: Travel Foods for Babies and Toddlers (What to Carry and What to Avoid)

Food for babies while travelling, food for toddlers while travelling, foods to avoid while travelling with your baby or toddler.

Travelling with a baby in tow may seem challenging, but the key to ensuring a smooth journey that both you and the baby enjoy is to be prepared for anything you may need. A major part of travelling with your baby is having the right food around, as babies stomachs are delicate, and can’t handle outside food. Many parents are unsure about what kind of food to carry when travelling with a baby and toddler. To keep your baby’s hunger satiated and her mood happy, it is important to carry food that is both, travel-friendly and delicious. Here are some baby and toddler travel food ideas.

Babies between six to 12 months old are fairly new in the process of being introduced to solids , so it essential to be smart about the type of food you carry along for them. Here are some travel foods for babies.

1. Baby Food

Baby food is nutritious, yummy, and quite easy to prepare while travelling. This kind of food is generally given to infants above six months. There are various baby food premixes that are easily available and travel-friendly.

This is a complete food for babies and toddlers, due to the rich nutrients it contains. You can rely on breastfeeding the baby if you are travelling in a private vehicle, but it can be an issue in public places. Store breast milk beforehand, using a breast pump, and feed your baby during meal times. Formula milk is a great option, as it needs water and formula powder to make the mix.

3. Fruit Purees

These are wholesome, loaded with essential nutrients, and easy to prepare when travelling. This can be prepared on-the-spot since all you need is fruit, milk, a bowl, and a fork. Mash the fruit add milk and feed it to your tiny tot.

4. Carrot Cake

Travel isn’t fun without something sweet, right? Carrot cake is soft, healthy and delicious. You can always substitute flour and sugar with healthier ingredients such as whole wheat and jaggery or honey. Your child will be super happy when you bring out the carrot cake you’ve packed.

5. Porridge Mix

If your baby is over 6 months, you can carry easy-to-make porridge for him. Some easy and delicious porridges made out of sattu or ragi are easy to prepare as you simply need to pour hot water and mix. They are nutritious, easy to carry and a sure hit for your child.

6. Vegetable Puree

Boil vegetables like broccoli and carrot , and mash them until they reach a puree consistency. These can be seasoned and fed to your baby during travel to ensure his nutritional intake is sufficient for the day. Vegetables purees are easy to feed your child, and he will surely love the taste.

Between the ages of one to three, toddlers are now more accustomed to eating solid food, but require non-spicy, hygienic, and well-cooked dishes. Here are some food ideas for toddlers when travelling.

This superfood is easy to carry while travelling and is packed with essential nutrients such as calcium. Kids love the tasty flavours of yoghurt, which is light on the stomach. Ensure you pack yoghurt in travel-friendly jars for an easy feeding session. Ensure that you store yoghurt in a cool environment.

Choose O-shaped cereals while shopping for your trip, and it can prove to be an ideal travel food for one-year-old children and above. Slide them onto his fingers and let him enjoy this engaging activity while travelling. You can add dry fruits to make it healthy and enhance the flavour too.

This superfood is rich in calories and helps to boost the immune system. The unsaturated fats in eggs help in developing the brain. As you’re travelling, you can stick to serving them hard-boiled eggs, as they are the least likely to create a mess.

This Middle Eastern dish is rich in iron, which can prevent anaemia. Its thick texture means that kids are unlikely to spill it, and can be eaten with pita bread, which is filling. Make sure to refrigerate it before carrying and store it in a cool environment.

Parathas are filling, delicious, and can be prepared according to your baby’s tastes. You can prepare theplas at home and pack them for your journey, and your baby is sure to love them. Ensure that you let them cool completely before packing them.

6. Granola Bars

You can make soft energy bars or granola bars at home, loaded with healthy ingredients that are nutritious. They provide your little one with energy throughout the trip and are delicious and filling as well.

Date and dry fruit chikkis, rajgira or peanut chikkis are a good option for toddlers while travelling. These are healthy and stay fresh for a longer time.

8. Baked/ Roasted Makhana or Jowar Puffs

These are delicious, healthy, and filling, and a great option when travelling with toddlers. You can also add some milk flavours to them, which your child is sure to love.

Who doesn’t love cheese? Definitely not your toddler! Carry cheese cubes or cheese sticks and simply pass them to your child as finger food during the journey. It will keep him entertained and satiated for a while.

10. Cookies

You can bake healthy cookies out of ragi flour and jaggery before your journey and pack them. These are a great snack for long journeys as they are sweet and delicious, and last for long when packed well.

If you have a long journey, pack some idlis with sugar or jaggery for your little one. These are filled with nutrition and easy to hold and eat, so you can avoid any mess while travelling. For an extra zing, add spinach puree or beetroot extract to the idli batter to dye them green or purple.

12. Instant Upma or Poha

You can dehydrate some veggies and make a poha or upma mix with very little oil. Once the dry base is prepared, you can pack it along and simply add hot water when it’s time for your baby to eat. These are easy to make and nutritious too.

There are certain kinds of foods to be avoided when you are travelling with a baby in tow. Strike them off your travel list to ensure you and your baby have a hassle-free trip:

  • Oily snacks (especially the ready-made variety) should be avoided, as they can lead to issues like heartburn and obesity.
  • Soft drinks are rich in sugar and can erode the enamel of your kids.
  • Cereals that are high in sugar can lead to early diabetes.
  • Thin liquids are easy to spill and cause a mess. Kids have less control over their motor functions and can easily spill and drop food.
  • Foods that are relatively small can get lodged in the windpipe and are a choking hazard.
  • New and untried food which may not agree with your baby’s tummy

Travelling with your baby should be special for you and your baby. Feeding your baby or toddler during an outstation trip should not cause any stress. All you require is effort and loads of patience, so the journey becomes enjoyable with food and feeding times are the least of your worries.


1. Feeding your baby: 6–12 months; UNICEF;

2. Prohibited Item List; Airports Authority of India;

3. Travel Recommendations for Nursing Families; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; ; July 2021

4. Foods and Drinks to Avoid or Limit; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; ; June 2023

5. When, What, and How to Introduce Solid Foods; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; ; August 2021

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How to Feed a Baby During Travel (Nursing, Bottles, Formula & Solids)

Written by Becca

Updated on March 8th, 2024

The Quince child lunchbox filled with baby food puree squeeze tubes and happybaby teether crackers

Whether feeding your baby by nursing and breastfeeding, with bottles, formula or solids, there are lots of products to help with feeding a baby on the go. See my best travel tips for your next trip!

This article may contain affiliate links. We earn a small commissions when you purchase via those links — and it's free for you. It's only us (Becca & Dan) working on this website, so we value your support! Read our privacy policy and learn more about us .

Table of contents

  • Nursing (0-12+ months)
  • Transporting refrigerated or frozen breastmilk
  • Feeding breastmilk on the go
  • Bottle Feeding & Formula Feeding (0-12+ months)
  • Feeding solid food while traveling (6+ months)
  • How to pack your baby’s feeding essentials for travel

When I first started realizing we had to figure out ways to leave home and feed our baby on the go, I was overwhelmed. Well, most parts of being a new parent are overwhelming, but when it comes to one of the most important parts of your baby’s life — their feeding — you want to get it right when you’re away from home.

Given, there are many ways to feed a baby, and for many parents, they’re combining a few of the following: nursing, bottle feeding, formula feeding and solids, as the baby becomes older. With all of these ways to feed a child, nailing it when you’re on the road, on the go and on vacation is an art.

In the following tips, I’m combining my practices in feeding my daughter with my sister’s tips, because between the two of us and our children, we have experienced all four of these ways to feed a baby. We’ve put together the handy products that have helped us set up comfortable feeding environments on the go, whether in the car, in a hotel room, in an Airbnb, on a cruise ship or on a plane.

Let’s see all the creative and proven ways to feed a baby while away from home!

A bunch of luggage on the floor of a room.

Will you be feeding your baby during a flight? Don’t forget this list of the best tips for flying with an infant .

Nursing (0-12+ months)

Breastfeeding by definition doesn’t truly require many products, as the main goods are already on your body; however, there are some tips and tricks in terms of what I’ve been able to find for when I’m on the go and traveling.

Specifically for when I’m on road trips with my baby , I want to have everything ready for nursing if we need to have a feed in the car in a parking lot or rest area.

Remember, it’s legal to breastfeed anywhere (in the US: this may vary by country). In our guide for how to plan a trip to NYC with a baby , I talk about feeding our baby in a Starbucks with no problem.

Milkies Milk Saver

I started using this slim silicone “milk saver” as a way to catch drips and save milk, both at home and on the go. I started using this product during our trip to the Litchfield Hills and I’ll always have fond memories of nursing our daughter on the couch in the living room at our Airbnb.

The Milkies Milk Saver is dishwasher safe, and when I first took it out of the box (it also comes with a plastic carrying/storage case), we sanitized it in boiling water and then gave it a run in the dishwasher.

I think it’s a handy and simple product that fits great in my diaper bag, and it even can be “stood up” if you lean it against a large mug, bottle or other upright surface. I use the diaper bag from Nike, which you can read about at my Nike Diaper bag review .

For all the items I mention below that require washing, it’s crucial to bring your own dish soap. Until our most recent trip, we had always stayed in Airbnbs or hotels with kitchenettes, so there was always dish soap available. If you’re staying at a hotel with no kitchen, bring your own! I had the idea of bringing along a tiny 1.5-oz. milk vial full of dish soap from home, but I just found out that you can get Babyganics foaming dish soap for travel in a TSA-approved 100ml volume! Even better.

Travel-sized Hakka hand pump

I was introduced to the Hakka hand pump when I first gave birth to our daughter. I found out later that it comes in two sizes — 4 oz. and 5 oz. I keep the larger one at home, and I keep the smaller one in our diaper bag for when we are on the road.

The small Hakka pump can be used in two ways: first, it can also be a milk catcher, and can create suction to draw out more milk on the side from which you’re not feeding. It can also be used to pump, if you can get the hang of it (some women like to keep it on a nightstand to “comfort pump” in the middle of the night if they are feeling discomfort).

It’s small and because it’s silicone, it is slightly bendy, so it’s also easy to keep in a diaper bag or suitcase.

Medela hand pump

The Medela hand pump is something I’ve kept at the bottom of my diaper bag for travel for a while now. While it is not squishy silicone like the Hakka, its saving grace is that it can be broken down into a bout five pieces.

I’ve used this hand pump on the go if my baby refuses to take one side, and the sides feel uneven. I can use the manual pump to express a bit, and then put the milk into the bottle with the yellow Medela cover, right into a fridge or the Medela insulated carrying case. Many nursing moms consider this one of the best baby products for travel .

Disposable nursing pads

If you tend to have leaks, opt for disposable nursing pads that you don’t have to come back home with (anything for a lighter bag on the return trip, right?).

A few of these are good to keep in a diaper bag or in your toiletries bag while traveling, especially when you have a newborn and your supply is acclimating.

Ceres Chill Breastmilk Chiller

I’m not an owner of this rather revolutionary product in the world of nursing on the go, but I found out about it recently from a friend, and had to look into this one!

The Ceres Chill Reusable Storage Container is a breastmilk cooler that keeps milk at safe temperatures for 20+ hours. It also connects to most major pumps (Medela, Evenflo and more). It’s ideal for commuting, road trips and even being out at work for eight to nine hours.

It holds up to 24 ounces of milk and is dishwasher-safe and compact. Adapters are available for making it compatible with breast pump brands with which is not a direct fit.

Medela pump wipes

These sanitizing wipes from Medela help clean a pump while you’re out and away from a dishwasher.

Transporting refrigerated or frozen breastmilk

We do bottle feeding at night, so if we’re going to be away for even one night at minimum, we bring that night’s milk in a cooler and ice pack set when we leave the house. Recently I’ve been packing some refrigerated milk bottles from the fridge, along with a pack or two of frozen breastmilk from the freezer.

On our last road trip, we left home at around 9:30 am, stopped for lunch for about 90 minutes and then got to our Airbnb by 1 pm. The first thing I did was put the milk in the Medela cooler into the fridge, and like magic, the fridge milk was still cold and the frozen milk was about 95% still frozen.

Milk bags for the freezer

I have tried milk bags for the freezer from various brands, and I think the Lansinoh freezer bags are the best. They have the easiest zipper to close, and all you have to do is put the milk in and label it with a Sharpie.

Remember: breastmilk in a regular freezer is good for up to six months! I go by the CDC guidelines for breastmilk safety. View the CDC guidelines here.

Refrigerator milk bottles

For milk in the fridge, I wind up using the bottles that come from my Spectra pump . These are also the bottles I’ll take on a road trip in the Medela milk cooler, and they fit perfectly because they’re a standard 5-oz. size.

I also have some Lansinoh storage containers, as they’re for the Lansinoh bottles that my daughter takes as soon as we put the Lansinoh nipple on those. While we mostly use Comotomo bottles , I like that the Lansinoh bottles are a more standard size, so they’re less bulky in a diaper bag.

Medela milk cooler with ice pack

The Medela milk cooler is also not something I knew I needed, but I am so glad that I have it for being out and about or on a trip.

With this handy travel milk cooler, we could (if we needed to) bring up to 20 oz. of fridge milk in bottles, to our destination.

Typically I have a few fridge bottles and one or two frozen milk bags in there during a travel day.

Medela mini milk storage vial

For hand pumping or saved milk from a nursing session, I keep small amounts of milk (at room temperature for up to four hours as recommended by the CDC) in these vials while on the road.

Feeding breastmilk on the go

Now that you are able to store your breastmilk during travel, what about feeding it to your baby with bottles (if not breastfeeding)? Here are a few tips from my sister, who has done this more than I have, due to exclusive pumping for four months.

A diaper bag with insluation

My sister has the Bluekiwi diaper bag , which can fit four narrow 8-oz Dr. Brown’s bottles.

In the center insulated pocket, she’ll fit two bottles, plus an ice pack. The side insulated pocket can fit one bottle (without an ice pack). The fourth bottle-sized pocket is not insulated.

“Breastmilk pitcher”

This is a bit of a hack and workaround: my sister bought this smoothie/water bottle to use as a “breastmilk pitcher.”

When she has defrosted bags of breastmilk, she has poured them into this pitcher. Sometimes for travel, she’ll bring milk in this, and put it in a lunchbox with an ice pack.

Bottle Feeding & Formula Feeding (0-12+ months)

When my sister goes out of town, she usually packs four bottles. This is a good number of bottles to cycle through while also always having a clean one.

She washes her baby’s bottles in the dishwasher, and she brings a dishwasher basket (mentioned below) for the small bottle pieces. She and I both travel with a collapsible bottle drying rack, which again, helps keep things organized because there are so many bottle pieces (and pump pieces).

When Lily’s baby was younger, she avoided the dishwasher, and they hand washed the bottles and used the microwave sterilization bags. If you’re interested in microwave sterilizer bags , try these for times when you’re away from home.

Travel formula dispenser

While Lily and her husband are on the go, they bring a Munchkin travel formula dispenser . She just mixes the pre-measured formula with water, and shakes it up.

This dispenser has an easy spout, a snap-on lid for security, and holds enough formula to make three 8-oz. bottles.

Baby bottles for travel

Every parent (and baby) certainly has preferences about which brand of bottles to use. Before our baby was born, we had noooo idea that this was even a thing!

After experimenting with various brands of bottles (NUK, Dr. Brown’s, Comotomo, Spectra and Lansinoh) over her first three months, we came out with two contenders for the #1 favorite: Comotomo and Lansinoh.

My sister’s baby, however, prefers Dr. Brown’s bottles — the “skinny” type with the small nipple. I’ll leave links for all these types below!

Comotomo bottles are somewhat “modern” in that they’re very round (in the 5-oz. version) and have a bowl-like nipple. I like that they’re squishy. Our baby also likes playing with them in the bath (ha!).

Lansinoh bottles were recommended to us as bottles for breastfed babies because apparently the nipple mimics the “real thing.” We’ve had good luck with these, and I like that the small version is not so bulky when I pack one up in the diaper bag for a trip.

Dr. Brown’s “The Skinny Kind”

My mom group refers to the two models of Dr. Brown’s bottles as “the fat one” (or “the wide one”) and the tall/narrow version as “the skinny one.” My niece specifically takes the Dr. Brown’s skinny bottle , and has started feeding herself the bottle!

OXO Bottle brush travel kit & drying rack

This travel-sized drying rack was something I didn’t know I needed, and it’s so useful in serving as both a travel bottle brush (with a tiny bottle brush as well) and drying rack.

Check out Dan’s review of the bottle brush.

Open the folding case, and there’s a brush, along with a complete bottle or pump part drying rack. During our trip to Livingston Manor in the Catskills , we used this because we didn’t have a dishwasher in the hotel room. It was incredibly handy and kept our baby’s bottles clean for two days, making it one of the best items for surviving a hotel stay with a baby .


Portable bottle warmer

While you very well could use a hot mug of water to warm up a bottle where you’re staying, the Tommee Tippee travel bottle warmer is good for on the go. It fits into a changing bag and can warm up a bottle when you’re traveling.

It’s a mobile bottle warmer because it doesn’t require an external power source; it securely stores hot water with insulation, so that you can pop a bottle right in, whether you are camping, or in and out of a hotel.

Dishwasher basket for bottle parts

If you’re staying at a friend’s house, family member’s house or a vacation rental house, hopefully there is a dishwasher and you can use it to wash bottle and pump parts. Having the Munchkin dishwasher basket is pretty necessary for tiny things like bottle nipples, bottle tops and small parts of a pump like the small duckbill parts.

What’s great about this one is that it has two “levels,” with the lower basket big enough to hold things like sippy cup parts.

Feeding solid food while traveling (6+ months)

Babies are messy eaters, and unfortunately, our daughters both cannot be trusted to eat neatly without a high chair tray! If you’re up to feeding solid food while you’re on a trip, check out these ideas of how you can make the experience more seamless for you and your baby.

The Quince child lunchbox filled with baby food puree squeeze tubes and happybaby teether crackers

Travel-sized lunchbox

We’re using this adorable travel lunchbox from the new baby & toddler product line at Quince!

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Shop the deal

It’s made from recycled bottles and has a mesh zipper pocket for holding toddler or child silverware, along with a clear sleeve for a name tag. Check out how our baby food fits inside.

The Quince lunchbox for kids with zipper

Booster seat for travel

My sister has the Chicco Pocket Snack Booster Seat , which stays at Grandma’s house. It has a good-sized tray and supportive seat back. It’s also totally packable for a road trip.

Canvas folding high chair

She also has the PandaEar portable canvas folding high chair that folds up into a little fabric travel bag. It’s very lightweight and can go right into the backseat on a road trip, or in the trunk of a car. You can strap it to a dining chair like a booster seat.

She can throw it into the stroller basket when they are having a picnic (it can be used on the ground and stands up on its own) in the park, or when heading to a restaurant. The weight and size of it are super convenient, although my sister admits that the tray is quite small, but it does have a cup holder. However, the “flat tray” is important to her.

Travel-friendly placemat

This is a placemat that she intends to buy, to bring to restaurants during trips. It would be good because if it is sticky after the meal, you can fold it shut and it won’t make the rest of your belongings sticky. Many restaurants in family-friendly travel destinations will be fine with you bringing this for the high chair.

Container of puffs and cereal

My sister keeps a container for puffs/cereal in the diaper bag when traveling. She likes this leak-proof plastic container because it’s small!

Also, the lid won’t fall off (it’s a screw lid, which is also pretty baby-proof). If you had a Ziploc bag, the cereal would get squished to crumbs.

A bib that folds up small for travel

We travel with an easy polyester bib that folds up small into our diaper bag. We call it “the smock!” Also, this long-sleeve bib is popular and works well for messy toddlers. It avoids having to use up an outfit change during a trip!

Cereal puffs

Lily also buys these cereal puffs from “Happy Baby” because many Gerber products have added sugar, which is good to know.

Puffs and finger-food cereals are great starter solids for being on the go because they’re not super messy. The older babies at my weekly baby/parent meetup often munch on these when they’re outside of the house.

Having a pouch of spoon-feedable baby food is going to be great for times when you’re feeding purees to your child. Also, we got our own pouches for purees so that we can make our baby’s favorite foods at home, put them in pouches, and take them on the go.

One of these would even safely fit in the pocket of our Baby Tula Compact Lite Baby Carrier , or in my Kibou fanny pack diaper bag for travel days.

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Plum organics baby food puree in the Quince lunchbox for kids

How to pack your baby’s feeding essentials for travel

When you’re at home, you don’t necessarily think about how to make your set up mobile. Here are a few quick tips for taking your kit on the go.

On a road trip

For a road trip, like the ones we’ve done, we’ve taken our daughter’s milk in the small milk bottle cooler , and any baby food like jars or pouches in a food bag with our food and snacks. If you have a baby or toddler who’s eating what you eat, whlie at restaurants, that’s even more convenient!

The only thing to keep in mind about the milk cooler is that if you are thinking of leaving it in the car and it’s hot during summer, consider bringing it in with you into a rest stop or restaurant to keep it less hot, while the car is heating up in the sun in a parking lot.

In a personal item

On most airlines (at least in the US), your diaper bag is considered the lap infant’s personal item, meaning if you and a partner are already traveling on a flight, your diaper bag “does not count” toward the personal item allowance between the two of you.

In the diaper bag, you can keep enough food to feed your baby during the flight itself, and hopefully enough to sustain the baby before the flight and after landing as well.

As a measure of security, please check with your airline regarding its allowances for diaper bags, bags of formula or milk and baby food.

In a carry-on

If your food or milk for your baby or toddler won’t all fit in the diaper bag, consider splitting it up between a carry-on suitcase or backpack, as well as a checked bag. This way, if your checked bag gets lost, at least you will have some of your baby’s food in the carry-on, which came on the plane with you.

In checked baggage

If you have your baby’s feeding essentials (or half of them) in checked baggage (which is pretty realistic, if you are flying and going away for more than a day), consider pickin gup Apple AirTags for the trip. This way, if your luggage gets stuck during connecting flights somewhere, or even just stuck in holding at your destination, you can track the location of the bag from the Find My app on your phone.

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How to pack — and prepare — for travel with a baby

Lori Zaino

About to take your first trip with a new baby ? Or maybe this isn't your first time traveling with your little one , but you'd like to pack more efficiently this time around.

It can be hard to know how to prepare and pack when you have a baby in tow. Babies often change so quickly that anticipating their needs can be complicated — especially if you're planning a longer trip.

In addition to typical packing concerns, such as the weather in your destination or luggage size restrictions, it's not always clear what you can carry on or must check when it comes to your infant. Here's our advice to help you prepare, pack and travel better with your baby.

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Choose accommodations wisely (and pack accordingly)

If you're traveling by car, you can easily pack a travel crib and other larger baby items.

However, if you're flying, choosing the right accommodation is the key to packing lighter, which is the goal. Toting around an infant is strain enough — staying somewhere that provides baby items means you can leave the extras at home.

Check with your hotel to see if it offers cribs or other baby items, as well as if it provides laundry services or facilities where you can do your own. Some hotels will even provide an extra fridge for milk storage upon request.

Often, a home rental might be a better choice than a hotel, assuming you pick the right one. Airbnb allows you to filter properties by items such as "crib" and "high chair." You can also message hosts to see if they have any other baby-friendly items available.

For example, I recently filtered an Airbnb search in Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic to show only rentals that included a crib, high chair, washer and dryer. I ended up picking a rental that included not only the aforementioned items, but also a bottle sterilizer, bottle warmer and a few other infant-friendly items, which allowed me to pack less.

Some rentals I've stayed in even provided baby toys, books and cutlery. The key is communication. Don't hesitate to message and confirm the equipment again with hosts as you pack. You can also request or confirm that everything will be set up and ready for the baby upon your arrival.

Access to a washer and dryer is important since babies tend to have accidents or leaky diapers. Being able to do laundry also lets you pack fewer clothes. Also, if your rental is not a stand-alone house or a unit on the first floor, check that there is an elevator. A five-floor walk-up in a multi-unit building can be difficult with a stroller, shopping bags and baby in your arms.

Call your airline to understand the regulations

Depending on your airline, fare class and destination, you may have to adhere to different rules when it comes to traveling with an infant.

Those regulations can also vary depending on whether you've purchased a lap ticket versus a separate seat for your baby. In almost all cases, airlines allow travelers with an infant to gate-check a stroller or buggy, and some may also allow a car seat. Check with your airline ahead of time to understand baggage rules for your little one to avoid getting caught off guard at the airport or paying extra, especially when flying low-cost carriers like Ryanair or Spirit .

Flying with an infant in a car seat and hoping to bring it on the plane? Make sure it's approved for air travel. You may also want to request a bassinet for your baby, if the aircraft you're flying offers one (check the weight limits, however). Ask for an aisle seat, as it makes standing up with your baby much easier.

Invest in travel-friendly baby items

baby food for travel by car

Having a dedicated (foldable) travel stroller will be useful beyond air travel. It's the perfect item to have when exploring a new city. Other key travel baby items to consider taking along are:

  • Travel diaper backpack.
  • Portable changing pad.
  • Travel car seat.
  • A bag for a car seat or stroller so these items aren't damaged if checked.
  • Portable baby monitor.
  • Baby carrier or wrap.
  • Swaddle or baby blankets.
  • Inflatable bathtub .
  • Pack 'n Play or travel crib.
  • Travel neck pillow (use it while feeding your baby).
  • Baby chair strap.
  • Disposable bottle liners.
  • Disposable bibs.
  • Portable blackout shades for travel cribs or strollers.

Purchase (or preorder) diapers, formula and more at your destination

Depending on how long your trip is and where you're headed, calculate (and it's always best to over-calculate) how many diapers you'll need for the trip.

If your baby uses a specific formula or baby food, make sure you know where to buy it at your destination. Amazon and other delivery services can be useful for ordering these items -- and remember, these services are available internationally, too. You can also compare ingredients to see if you can get a similar formula or food at your destination, so you won't have to load up your suitcase with diapers or formula.

Don't worry if you forget baby socks or another basic item. Babies live all over the world, so you'll likely find many basic items available for purchase wherever you are. If your baby requires something specific, though, pack it just in case.

There are also companies that rent baby gear in many destinations around the world. Research ahead of time to find out exactly where and how to obtain these necessary items, especially when traveling abroad .

Carry on the essentials (and extras)

Always pack your baby's key essentials in your carry-on . This includes comfort items like their favorite toy or pacifier, and extra clothes for both your baby and you (in case their wardrobe disaster becomes yours, as well). You should also pack enough food, diapers and other key items to last you through the trip, plus more for any possible delays and/or cancelations.

Here's a list of items you may want to keep in your carry-on bag :

  • Extra clothing for you and your baby.
  • Layers of clothing or blankets (plane temperatures are often extreme).
  • Pacifier and clip (and backup).
  • Comfort toy(s) or blanket.
  • Extra diapers.
  • Breast pump.
  • Snacks (for you and your baby).
  • Baby wipes.
  • Sanitizing wipes.
  • Extra bibs.
  • Ziploc bags for stowing soiled clothing (or a reusable, waterproof bag).
  • Baby Tylenol or any infant medications.
  • A basic first aid kit.
  • Small toy(s).

The rest of your baby's items, like additional clothing, blankets and more, can go in your checked bag. If you're checking more than one bag, split your baby's items among different checked suitcases. That way you'll be covered if the airline loses one of your suitcases.

Know the security regulations and have a backup plan

On a recent call to Iberia Airlines , I was told I could bring "reasonable quantities" of formula and breast milk through security. However, the representative also told me that in some cases during security checks, certain agents might not allow me to pass these items through security at the Madrid-Barajas Airport (MAD) . What?

Not all security checks, Transportation Security Administration agents or customs agents are alike, and each country, airport or airline may have specific regulations. Call ahead of time and prepare for things to not go as planned. If you do use formula, take your bottles already mixed, but also bring extra powder in case you need to prepare new bottles on board.

If you're pumping, it might also be a good idea to bring both a hand pump and an electric pump in case you have limited access to electricity or encounter issues with electrical outlets or voltage when traveling internationally.

Arriving at the airport early is always a good idea, because you may not breeze through security as you might have in your pre-baby days. Everything takes longer with an infant, so having that extra time can ensure a low stress travel experience. Take advantage and board the airplane first to give you extra time to get settled. If your airport has a family security line, use it.

Make sure you understand any remaining COVID-19 regulations

As mask rules and COVID-19 testing, entry and vaccine regulations continue to evolve in countries around the world, stay on top of exactly what you need to know and bring for your baby to get to your destination (and back home again). It's important to understand whether you'll need masks for your 2-year-old or need to show proof of a negative COVID-19 tests upon arrival at your destination or re-entry into the U.S. when traveling abroad.

Remember that airline staff members also struggle to keep track of ever-changing rules, so if you know something has recently changed or a rule seems specific, make sure to bring along proof of this information and whatever documentation you need in case you have trouble when boarding.

Photocopy important documents and always have extras. I loathe having to take paper documents along when traveling. However, having them may mean the difference between getting through customs, being able to board or being stranded at the airport. This is especially true if your phone battery dies or you're left without service for any reason. While being denied boarding is always dramatic, it's even worse with a baby in tow.

Download the right apps

Mobile phone apps can help you anticipate what you need, as well as keep your baby (and yourself) comfortable during travel.

A white noise app is key for better sleep for your baby — and therefore better sleep for parents — and allows you to leave a white noise machine home. Nightlight apps are also helpful during travel.

You can also connect most modern baby monitors to your phone and use an app to access the video of your baby so you won't need a separate viewing device.

Parents may find an app to track sleeping and feeding especially helpful during travel, particularly when switching time zones. A general packing app could help you keep track of what you need to bring for your infant, as well as the entire family. Make sure these apps are accessible offline if you need them while flying.

Don't forget their passport

baby food for travel by car

This one is obvious, but you'd be surprised. Don't forget your baby's passport when traveling.

Look into identity and consent documents, as each country has its own requirements, especially if your partner isn't with you. If you have any older children, make sure to check that their passports are valid, as children's U.S. passports expire in just five years.

Traveling with a baby might seem like a lot. However, once you get the hang of it, packing, prepping and traveling with your infant becomes second nature. Ask for help when you need it and accept help when offered.

And when things don't go quite right, stay relaxed (remember, baby can feel your moods) — you'll figure it out. While it may seem tragic in the moment (like that major diaper blowout on board a plane), it will be an epic story to share one day.

Bottom line

When in doubt, bring enough baby supplies for a few extra days or a flight delay, but don't overpack. Make sure to be clear on any and all regulations that will cover your travel, from having the right documents to understanding what baby items you can bring through airport security . With these tips, packing and traveling will be a more enjoyable experience for the entire family .


10 Best Foods to Eat in the Car With Kids

Life-saver snacks plus easy lunch recipes you can eat on the go.

Jackie Freeman

By Jackie Freeman

Published on: august 02, 2023.


Whether you’re traveling down the street or across the country , it’s always a good idea to pack a variety of road trip snacks for hungry little travelers. Not only does a well-planned car picnic stave off hungry bellies, but it can also be a good way to keep those busy hands and minds entertained for a few minutes. And parents can save time, money and a bit of sugar-and-fat-laden guilt by packing healthy snacks instead of stopping at the drive-through. If you are looking for new ideas to make your road trip snacks even more enticing, here are 10 to put on your shopping list.

1. Flavored popcorn

Super-crunchy and fun to eat, this guilt-free snack from SkinnyPop Popcorn is low in calories and packed with fiber. Best yet? Buy the single-serving bags and each kid and grown-up can choose their favorite flavor to bring along, whether they like it plain, cheesy or sweet.

2. Pizza pasta salad

Do you love pasta? Do you love pizza? Do you love to sneak a few veggies into your kids’ meals? Try Caramel Potatoes ’ pizza pasta salad recipe. It has all the great flavors your kids love in pizza, is easy to transport and can be packaged in individual containers — we like small Mason jars. Don’t forget to pack a few forks to avoid messy fingers.

3. Bean snacks

Packed with protein, fiber and flavor, these low-calorie roasted broad bean (a.k.a. fava bean) bites will help see you through to the end of the road. Bada Bean, Bada Boom snacks come in seven flavors, ranging from sweet cinnamon to spicy wasabi, and are a great vegan alternative to meat-based dried car snacks (we’re looking at you, jerky). With a satisfying crunch and enough protein to make you feel full for hours, these snacks just have a touch of sunflower oil, seasoning, beans and no funny stuff.

4. Mini banana chocolate chip muffins

Easy to make and easy to eat, these adorable mini banana muffins from Six Sisters' Stuff only require one bowl and 10 minutes to whip together. Make a batch ahead of time and pop them in the freezer. Then, when you’re ready to jump in the car, grab a few of these road trip snacks and let them defrost as you rack up miles on the odometer. In addition to chocolate chips, toss in a handful of coconut shreds, toasted nuts or butterscotch chips.

5. Ranch snack mix

My Fearless Kitchen has it figured out: seven simple ingredients (most of which you probably have in your cupboard), one microwave and three minutes of your busy day is all it takes to make this road trip snack for kids. You can pack the yummy results in individual snack bags so no one fights over their favorite bits. This is one snack that will provide sustained moments of happy crunching.

6. Mini taco hand pies

If you’re looking for more of a meal than a snack, but still in a bite-size package, try Lemons for Lulu’s mini taco hand pies . They are crispy and flaky, thanks to the prepared refrigerated pie dough, and you can adjust the seasonings depending on your tastes. If you’re feeling extra adventurous (or have older kids who are better at eating on the go), pack single-serving guacamole for dipping along the way.

7. Nut butter packs

Packed with protein and fiber, you can eat nut butter plain, squeezed straight from the package, or bring along a container of sliced apples or your favorite crackers to schmear. If you’re not a fan of PB, Justin’s offers flavored and plain almond butters , too!

8. Infused water

Does all of this snacking leave you a little parched? Pick up a variety pack of Hint Kids Water . This infused water has zero sugar, sweeteners, preservatives or artificial flavors. But it does have one convenient straw to keep the water from spilling all over your seats.

9. On-the-go snack packs

Let the kids do some of the legwork and help them pack their own snack packs for the trip. Get some inspiration from Brandy at Gluesticks  and use lunch box sandwich containers or other plastic containers. We love the idea of letting the kids pack what they like, as long as there is “at least one fruit, vegetable or cheese in each pack.”

10. Better bark

Okay, we might have snuck this one is mostly for the parents. But during the final stretch of the trip, everyone will enjoy this slightly indulgent snack from BarkThins . And, don’t feel too guilty: There are plenty of healthy fats (from cocoa butter and almonds), non-GMO ingredients and eight flavors to please everyone in the car.

This article contains affiliate links. If you purchase products through links on our site, ParentMap may earn an affiliate commission.

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in February 2020, and most recently updated in 2023.

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Jackie Freeman

Jackie Freeman is a recipe developer, food stylist, cookbook author, culinary tinkerer and mama. When she’s not cooking (or cleaning up after cooking), Jackie’s outside running, skiing, gardening and dodging Nerf bullets.

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6 Best Windshield Wiper Blades of 2024, According to Auto Experts

Rain, snow and bug guts are no match for these wiper blades.

windshield wipers

We've been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.

There’s nothing worse than getting stuck on the road during rainfall so heavy that you can barely see out your windshield. It’s one of the many reasons why it’s important to invest in high-quality windshield wipers that wipe water away effectively. Also, if you’ve noticed your windshield wiper blades have started leaving streaks behind or making pesky squeaking sounds when moving side to side, it may be time to consider replacing them.

Our top picks

Latitude Water Repellency

Best Overall Windshield Wipers

Rain-x latitude water repellency.

Assurance WeatherReady Wiper Blade

best value windshield wipers

Goodyear assurance weatherready wiper blade.


Best Premium Windshield Wipers

Bosch automotive icon.

95055 Super Silicone Wiper Blade

Best Silicone Windshield Wipers

Piaa 95055 super silicone wiper blade.

Diamond 2

Best Windshield Wiper Set

Trico diamond 2.

900221B Frameless

Best All-Season Windshield Wipers

Valeo 900221b frameless.

After checking out our top picks, continue reading to find out whether new wiper blades are worth it and what to look for when shopping for new blades.

If you’re looking for better visibility on the road, these are the top wiper blades we recommend. The blades performed well in Car and Driver’s tests by removing water efficiently from the windshield without leaving behind streaks. The wipers also feature a hydrophobic coating that helps repel water in the first place.

Auto experts point out that installation could be a bit easier; they found that the locking clasp, albeit secure, was difficult to open. But we do appreciate that the universal adapter makes it compatible with most cars. Just make sure to purchase the correct size for your vehicle. (Remember: Driver's side and passenger's side wiper blades are often different lengths.) Drivers looking for a more premium pick made of silicone (versus rubber) can also consider the Rain-X Endura , which is better suited for harsher weather conditions thanks to its silicone design.

When it comes to auto equipment, Goodyear is a top brand with a long history. We like this pick for when it's time to swap out your blades but don't want to spend too much. Not only are these affordable, but they stood out in Car and Driver's tests for their vast range of adapters that are easy to interchange, making these an ideal choice for cars with a unique wiper arm design. On top of easy installation, the 22-inch version previously featured (now out of stock) did a great job of removing water from the windshield at all speeds. However, these wiper blades don't include bells and whistles of pricier options like rain repellency.

With more than 20,000 reviews on Amazon and an average 4.6-star rating, thousands of users say it's hard to go wrong with these wipers from Bosch. Though our partners at Car and Driver also like the more affordable Bosch Evolution wipers, this pick stands out for its durable design and top-notch performance. While we haven't yet tested the blades ourselves, online consumers rave about how long they last as well as their high-quality construction. Many point out how well they performed while driving through heavy rain as well as how easy they are to install.

Made of silicone rather than rubber, these windshield wiper blades are a great choice for anyone who values durability or lives in an area with frequent rainfall, heavy snow or extreme temperatures as these are more likely to stand the test of time . These blades feature a water-repellent coating to help keep raindrops off your windshield, and we appreciate the variety of adapters that come included. Also notable is that the silicone insert is replaceable so you don't have to swap your entire wiper when it's time, but keep in mind that some online reviewers claim these could have been easier to install.

While these windshield wipers may seem pricier than others, they actually come in a convenient set of two, so you don't have to worry about buying two separate blades. Car and Driver experts found that they did a good job at repelling water at all speeds in their tests, and that installation, including swapping the adaptors, was fairly easy. They also shared that the wipers were quiet and didn't leave behind streaks, though they point out that there is no locking clasp on the adaptors.

Winter, spring, summer and fall, these windshield wipers from Valeo can handle it all. They're graphite coated for smoother operation and the rubber blades are UV-resistant for durability. While we haven't tried them on one of our own cars yet, Amazon reviewers like how effectively they cleared water from their windshields for optimal visibility, while others rave about how long they've lasted. A universal adapter comes included for easy installation and, according to the brand, a vented frame should help optimize high-speed performance. Some online reviewers do, however, claim that the wipers occasionally produced squeaky noises.

How we chose the best windshield wiper blades

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For this story, the product analysts at the Good Housekeeping Institute relied on our decades of expertise in testing autos and auto equipment, from the best home EV chargers and car paint sprayers to our favorite cars for parents like three-row SUVs . While we haven’t yet tested each windshield wiper formally in our Lab, our analysts reviewed popular picks among online consumers for factors like materials, design, price and more.

To learn even more about windshield wipers, we partnered with fellow Hearst brand, Car and Driver , whose auto experts have tested wiper blades firsthand. To narrow down the best ones, their pros simulated various degrees of rainfall, from light to heavy, with a garden hose, while trying each wiper speed setting. In addition to evaluating performance and how effectively water was removed from the car’s shield, factors like rain repellency, ease of installation, noise and price were considered.

Are expensive wipers worth it?

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If you live somewhere that experiences frequent rainfall throughout the year or snowfall during the winter, it might be worth considering premium windshield wipers for the best performance. Pricier windshield wipers are usually made from silicone, which should not only last longer than blades made of rubber, but they are less likely to freeze to your windshield during colder months. According to our experts, the upfront investment for expensive wipers is typically worth it, though you can find some great value blades online that are efficient but likely lack a few extra features.

What to look for when shopping for the best windshield wiper?

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✔️ Material: Windshield wiper blades are typically made from rubber or silicone. While rubber is a bit more affordable, it isn't quite as durable as silicone. So if you live somewhere with frequent rainfall or extreme temperatures, silicone blades may be a better investment in the long run. Also keep in mind that if you live somewhere with freezing temperatures during the winter months, silicone is less likely to freeze onto the windshield and more likely to remain pliable.

✔️ Size: Before purchasing wipers, double-check your car’s owner’s manual to find the wiper size that’s compatible. Inside the manual, there should be a wiper section that specifies this information. Note that often, the driver's side blade is longer than the passenger side blade. If you want to skip the hassle, you can always purchase a set of new wipers directly from your car's manufacturer by calling your local dealership. OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) wipers will be tailored to your car and should be easy to install, though they may be more expensive. ✔️ Durability : Windshield wipers don't last forever, and on average you can expect to change them every 12 months. If you start noticing that your wipers just aren't working like they used to, or are squeaking and leaving streaks behind, you may need to replace them sooner.

Why trust Good Housekeeping?

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Media and tech reviews analyst Olivia Lipski oversees product testing and covers everything from consumer tech to autos, travel, home and more. She continues to stay on top of the industry’s latest innovations and helps readers make better buying decisions by testing and reviewing the best gadgets to hit the market. Not only does she regularly collaborate with the Good Housekeeping Auto Lab to evaluate some of the best family cars , but she also reviews handy car accessories and equipment.

To select the picks featured above, she consulted our partners at Car and Driver and the Hearst Autos Gear Team , who have more than 206 years of automotive publishing experience. Hearst Autos combines the forces, talent and knowledge of three of the largest, most influential automotive publications in the world: Autoweek, Car and Driver and Road & Track. The Hearst Autos Gear Team promises to deliver honest evaluations, hands-on tests and product reviews driven by decades of knowledge and experience.

Headshot of Olivia Lipski

Olivia (she/her) is a media and tech product reviews analyst at the Good Housekeeping Institute , covering tech, home, auto, health and more. She has more than five years of experience writing about tech trends and innovation and, prior to joining GH in 2021, was a writer for Android Central, Lifewire and other media outlets. Olivia is a graduate of George Washington University, with a bachelor's degree in journalism, political science and French, and she holds a master’s degree in communications from Sciences Po Paris.

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Here’s how baby boomers spend their money

Posted: April 7, 2024 | Last updated: April 7, 2024

<p>Sure, still eat healthy, but stop worrying about <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">others judging</a> you for eating that extra slice of pizza or the double scoop of ice cream.</p>

They may be aging, but baby boomers aren’t willing to give up their marketing muscle, doling out the wealth they’ve accumulated for luxury travel, healthy foods, new business startups, fancy new cars, legal weed and much more. They’re at once famous for spending too much, getting into serious debt, and not spending enough, landing in retirement without an adequate financial cushion.

<p>While travel can make you rich in experience, it doesn’t have to break the bank, which is good if your retirement savings are modest. So first and foremost, take advantage of senior discounts for air travel, rail travel and hotel stays. Book lower-cost, off-season flights and opt for cheaper connecting flights over direct ones. And of course, <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span>budget travel destinations</span></a> ranging from Armenia to Malaysia can stretch the budget a lot further than a stay in Paris or Tokyo.</p>

Have retired, will travel

Baby boomers still have itchy feet and keep travelling, even after they retire. This restless generation spends about $120 billion USD per year on leisure travel, even though more and more are retired and depend on government old-age benefits to help with the financial load.

<p>With time on their hands, many baby boomers will take <a href="" class="atom_link atom_valid CMY_Link CMY_Valid" rel="noreferrer noopener">four to five leisure trips in a year</a>, mostly on cruises. Their top international travel destinations are Europe, the Caribbean, and Asia and the Middle East.</p>

Cruises, Europe and the Caribbean figure large in travel plans

With time on their hands, many baby boomers will take four to five leisure trips in a year , mostly on cruises. Their top international travel destinations are Europe, the Caribbean, and Asia and the Middle East.

<p>According to the Searidge Foundation, baby boomers have a <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">drinking problem</a>. They buy a lot of booze: “The generation born between 1946 and 1964 represents 33% of America’s population, while consuming 45% of the nation’s alcohol.”</p> <p>The alcohol addiction rehab centre adds: “Despite the growing knowledge of the hazards of drinking, baby boomers continue to put themselves at risk. As a generation, their liberal views of alcohol use puts them in danger of developing alcohol addiction.”</p>

They’ll drink to this and to that and to that again

According to the Searidge Foundation, baby boomers have a drinking problem . They buy a lot of booze: “The generation born between 1946 and 1964 represents 33% of America’s population, while consuming 45% of the nation’s alcohol.”

The alcohol addiction rehab centre adds: “Despite the growing knowledge of the hazards of drinking, baby boomers continue to put themselves at risk. As a generation, their liberal views of alcohol use puts them in danger of developing alcohol addiction.”

<p>While there is a growing trend to cut cable and watch streaming and other online content, baby boomers hold fast to their remote controls. A Gallup survey reveals that <a href="" class="atom_link atom_valid" rel="noreferrer noopener">40% of the generation</a> raised on TV said they were spending more on cable and satellite television than younger people. And only 15% said they were going to make the switch to streaming services, giving some hope to old-school media companies.</p>

They watch more cable TV

While there is a growing trend to cut cable and watch streaming and other online content, baby boomers hold fast to their remote controls. A Gallup survey reveals that 40% of the generation raised on TV said they were spending more on cable and satellite television than younger people. And only 15% said they were going to make the switch to streaming services, giving some hope to old-school media companies.

<p>One thing baby boomers haven’t spent well on is their own retirement. According to a report released by the <a href="" class="atom_link atom_valid" rel="noreferrer noopener">Stanford Center on Longevity</a>, almost one third of the generation had no money saved in retirement plans in 2014, when they were on average 58 years old.</p><p>“Boomers who run out of funds towards the end of life will either fall back on children, who by then will be in their 50s and 60s, or the social safety network,” says <a href="" class="atom_link atom_valid" rel="noreferrer noopener">Jialu Streeter, a research scientist at Stanford</a>.</p>

They haven’t saved well for retirement

One thing baby boomers haven’t spent well on is their own retirement. According to a report released by the Stanford Center on Longevity , almost one third of the generation had no money saved in retirement plans in 2014, when they were on average 58 years old.

“Boomers who run out of funds towards the end of life will either fall back on children, who by then will be in their 50s and 60s, or the social safety network,” says Jialu Streeter, a research scientist at Stanford .

<p>A survey released in 2019 by Royal Bank of Canada reveals that 96% of parents were subsidizing their children aged 18 to 35 and that 48 percent were still doling out help to kids aged 30 to 35.</p> <p>“It puts some pressure on people, financially,” says <a href="" class="atom_link atom_valid" rel="noreferrer noopener">Rick Lowes, vice-president of retirement strategies at RBC</a>. “It may mean people will end up working longer, and maybe that they’ll outlive their money or have healthcare expenses that come towards the latter part of their life that haven’t been accounted for.”</p>

Supporting kids into adulthood

A survey released in 2019 by Royal Bank of Canada reveals that 96% of parents were subsidizing their children aged 18 to 35 and that 48 percent were still doling out help to kids aged 30 to 35.

“It puts some pressure on people, financially,” says Rick Lowes, vice-president of retirement strategies at RBC . “It may mean people will end up working longer, and maybe that they’ll outlive their money or have healthcare expenses that come towards the latter part of their life that haven’t been accounted for.”

<p>As boomers enter their golden years, they have more time to go back to school. They also have more time to accrue student loan debt. Consumers between the ages of 55 and 73 had the second-highest student loan balances of any generation in the first quarter of 2019, carrying an average of <a href="" class="atom_link atom_valid" rel="noreferrer noopener">$34,703 USD in student loan debt</a>.</p><p>To be fair, some of this can be attributed to parents helping their children pay for school.</p>

Their student loan debt continues to grow

As boomers enter their golden years, they have more time to go back to school. They also have more time to accrue student loan debt. Consumers between the ages of 60 and 78 had the second-highest student loan balances of any generation, carrying an average of $42,520 USD in student loan debt .

To be fair, some of this can be attributed to parents helping their children pay for school.

<p>With schooling and university costs, it’s not surprising that boomer parents pay an average of <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">$1,442 USD</a> a month to help their late teen and 20-something kids. However, they’re also shelling out an average of $2,100 USD to help their <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">30-something offspring</a>, whom many would expect to be financially independent by now. The rising cost of living may be one reason it’s hard to cut the purse strings.</p>

Shelling out big bucks for 30-year-olds

With schooling and university costs, it’s not surprising that boomer parents pay an average of $1,442 USD a month to help their late teen and 20-something kids. However, they’re also shelling out an average of $2,100 USD to help their 30-something offspring , whom many would expect to be financially independent by now. The rising cost of living may be one reason it’s hard to cut the purse strings.

<p><a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">Coughing in dogs</a> can vary in sound, seriousness, and explanation. It’s also one of the very first signs that your pooch could be suffering from heart disease, respiratory issues, or an infectious illness. If you’ve found treating a cough difficult, check in with your vet, who may order some diagnostic tests.</p>

They love their pets too

Boomers seem to love their pets almost as much as their children. Of the more than 65.1 million dogs by number of households, baby boomers accounted for a large portion of that puppy love at 24%.

<p>Even though they’re aging, baby boomers are still <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">throwing their weight</a> around the housing market. With a substantial number of them still owning their own home, many are poised to either renovate what they have or buy a new one, perhaps downsizing, after their kids finally strike out on their own.</p>

They continue to fuel the housing boom

Even though they’re aging, baby boomers are still throwing their weight around the housing market. With a substantial number of them still owning their own home, many are poised to either renovate what they have or buy a new one, perhaps downsizing, after their kids finally strike out on their own.

<p><a href="">2023 U.S. Houzz & Home Study</a> reveals that baby boomers are leading a surge in home remodeling, paying on average more than $22,000 USD for upgrades. Trying to build the perfect environment to “age in place,” their most popular upgrades include increased lighting, curbless showers, bathroom grab bars, nonslip floors and wider doorways.</p>

They spend more on home remodeling

2023 U.S. Houzz & Home Study reveals that baby boomers are leading a surge in home remodeling, paying on average more than $22,000 USD for upgrades. Trying to build the perfect environment to “age in place,” their most popular upgrades include increased lighting, curbless showers, bathroom grab bars, nonslip floors and wider doorways.

<p>While baby boomers are the age group with the second-highest average debt, they also care less about price when choosing to spend their money at a retailer. Less than half are worried about the cost.</p><p>“Boomers have found brands and retailers they trust, and they’re tending to stick with what they know at this point in their lives,” says <a href="" class="atom_link atom_broken" rel="noreferrer noopener">Mike Rittler</a>, head of TD Retail Card Services. “They have likely found retailers and brands that they’ve used for some time and are willing to pay that premium in order to have the experience, service and quality that they’ve come to expect.”</p>

They shop for the brands they know

While baby boomers are the age group with the second-highest average debt, they also care less about price when choosing to spend their money at a retailer. Less than half are worried about the cost.

“Boomers have found brands and retailers they trust, and they’re tending to stick with what they know at this point in their lives,” says Mike Rittler , head of TD Retail Card Services. “They have likely found retailers and brands that they’ve used for some time and are willing to pay that premium in order to have the experience, service and quality that they’ve come to expect.”

<p>While Canadians are lucky to have universal healthcare, the situation is more difficult in the U.S. The <a href="" class="atom_link atom_valid" rel="noreferrer noopener">University of Southern California Sol Price School of Public Policy</a> examines what it calls the “Baby Boomer Effect” on healthcare costs. When the Medicare-eligible population rises to $35.1 million by 2030, the annual acute care costs should rise to about $259.8 billion. Many baby boomers have not saved enough to pay for their rising healthcare costs.</p>

They pay more for healthcare

While Canadians are lucky to have universal healthcare, the situation is more difficult in the U.S. The University of Southern California Sol Price School of Public Policy examines what it calls the “Baby Boomer Effect” on healthcare costs. When the Medicare-eligible population rises to $35.1 million by 2030, the annual acute care costs should rise to about $259.8 billion. Many baby boomers have not saved enough to pay for their rising healthcare costs.

<p>While a lot is made of their debt load and lack of saving, baby boomers have also accumulated a lot of wealth, more than any other generation. According to <a href="" class="atom_link atom_valid" rel="noreferrer noopener">Marketing Charts</a>, they own more than half of the wealth in the U.S. and spend an unrivalled $548.1 billion USD per year, over $200 billion USD more than the next closest group.</p>

They possess more wealth than anyone else

While a lot is made of their debt load and lack of saving, baby boomers have also accumulated a lot of wealth, more than any other generation. According to Marketing Charts , they own more than half of the wealth in the U.S. and spend an unrivalled $548.1 billion USD per year, over $200 billion USD more than the next closest group.

<p>Baby boomers love to get around in style. Research from NADA (National Automobile Dealers Association) shows that the group was responsible <a href="" class="atom_link atom_valid" rel="noreferrer noopener">for 62% of all new car sales in 2019</a>, with the average age of a new car buyer being 51.7 years old. When going to buy a big-ticket item like an automobile, baby boomers expect to be schmoozed and to receive personalized service.</p>

They love their new cars

Baby boomers love to get around in style. Research from NADA (National Automobile Dealers Association) shows that the group was responsible for 62% of all new car sales in 2019 , with the average age of a new car buyer being 51.7 years old. When going to buy a big-ticket item like an automobile, baby boomers expect to be schmoozed and to receive personalized service.

<p>On every team, it’s expected for there to be some star employees. However, if a boss is turning to the same people to head up all the best projects, and getting promoted beyond their experience or skill level, then favouritism may be at play. Beyond impacting office morale, by only giving incentives to succeed to a few chosen employees and not encouraging others to shine, <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">the manager is limiting the potential of his entire workplace</a>.</p>

They drive small business growth

Small Business Trends notes that baby boomers lead the way when it comes to running their own businesses, accounting for 50% of aspiring entrepreneurs.

David Nilssen, CEO of Guidant Financial, says, “Those who decide to start businesses later in life have several advantages over their younger counterparts. Baby boomers often have larger professional networks and years of business experience, and we’re seeing an increasing amount who are leveraging those benefits to launch and grow their own ventures.”

<p>According to Guidant Financial “<a href="" class="atom_link atom_valid" rel="noreferrer noopener">2019 Trends - Boomers in Business</a>,” one third of all small business owners are between 50 and 59 years old, 17% are 60 to 69 and four% are 70 or older.</p><p>Why do baby boomers open a small business? More than 40% want to pursue their passion, 36% did because “the opportunity presented itself”, and 22% were dissatisfied with their corporate environments. Only 15% did it because of job loss.</p>

They pursue passions in new businesses

According to Guidant Financial “ 2019 Trends - Boomers in Business ,” one third of all small business owners were between 50 and 59 years old, 17% were 60 to 69 and 4% were 70 or older.

Why do baby boomers open a small business? More than 40% want to pursue their passion, 36% did because “the opportunity presented itself”, and 22% were dissatisfied with their corporate environments. Only 15% did it because of job loss.

<p>Looking at the size of the <a href="" class="atom_link atom_broken" rel="noreferrer noopener">small businesses run by older entrepreneurs</a>, 44% have two to five employees, 12% have six to 10 employees and 32% are solopreneurs. More than two thirds of business owners over the age of 50 claim their enterprises are profitable, which may be why 76% peg their happiness level at an impressive 8 on a scale of 1 to 10.</p>

They’re happy with success

Looking at the size of the small businesses run by older entrepreneurs , 44% have two to five employees, 12% have six to 10 employees and 32% are solopreneurs. More than two thirds of business owners over the age of 50 claim their enterprises are profitable, which may be why 76% peg their happiness level at an impressive 8 on a scale of 1 to 10.

<p>The baby boomers’ reputation for needing their kids’ or grandkids’ help to use technology may not be accurate. <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener">96% of baby boomers</a> use search engines, 95% use email, and 92% shop for products and services online rather than shopping in stores and shopping malls.</p>

They’re ready to buy online

The baby boomers’ reputation for needing their kids’ or grandkids’ help to use technology may not be accurate. 96% of baby boomers use search engines, 95% use email, and 92% shop for products and services online rather than shopping in stores and shopping malls.

<p>Marketers trying to reach baby boomers online through social media platforms probably won’t find them on Snapchat or Instagram. The <a href="" class="atom_link atom_valid" rel="noreferrer noopener">one hour and 48 minutes a day</a> boomers spend on average on social media tends to be on Facebook (75%) and business-focused networking sites such as LinkedIn (35%).</p>

Don’t market to boomers through Snapchat

Marketers trying to reach baby boomers online through social media platforms probably won’t find them on Snapchat or Instagram. The one hour and 48 minutes a day boomers spend on average on social media tends to be on Facebook (75%) and business-focused networking sites such as LinkedIn (35%).

<p>Baby boomers don’t back away from debt. Experian, a consumer and business credit reporting and marketing services company, points out they carry an average total debt of $95,095 USD, including $7,041 USD in credit card debt. Even so, baby boomers tend to have good credit ratings.</p><p>“If debt is being well managed with on-time payments and credit cards are not maxed out, debt does not tank your credit scores,” explains <a href="" class="atom_link atom_valid" rel="noreferrer noopener">Susan Henson</a>, the director of community engagement for Experian.</p>

They have debt without the bad credit rating

Baby boomers don’t back away from debt. Experian, a consumer and business credit reporting and marketing services company, points out they carry an average total debt of $95,095 USD, including $7,041 USD in credit card debt. Even so, baby boomers tend to have good credit ratings.

“If debt is being well managed with on-time payments and credit cards are not maxed out, debt does not tank your credit scores,” explains Susan Henson , the director of community engagement for Experian.

They’re more likely to eat snack foods

Baby boomers are 20% more likely to consume read-to-eat snack foods than their children, because they don’t like preparing big meals and eat alone more often. Their snacks of choice are fruit, candy, potato chips, nuts and yogurt.

<p>A <a href="" class="atom_link atom_valid" rel="noreferrer noopener">Deloitte 2018 Holiday Survey of Customers</a> revealed that 59% of baby boomers are willing to pay extra for socially conscious, sustainable products. And 15% said they would pay 11-20% more. While that’s good news, and better than seniors, their commitment to sustainable products is no match for younger generations’ great green zeal.</p>

They’re willing to pay for sustainable products

A Deloitte 2018 Holiday Survey of Customers revealed that 59% of baby boomers are willing to pay extra for socially conscious, sustainable products. And 15% said they would pay 11-20% more. While that’s good news, and better than seniors, their commitment to sustainable products is no match for younger generations’ great green zeal.

<p>More than previous generations, baby boomers are willing to spend money on products that will help them achieve healthier, more active lifestyles. Spending extensively on health and wellness products, they helped drive dietary supplements to sales of $109 billion USD in 2020, with expected growth by 5% to 2024.</p>

They spend lots on health and wellness products

More than previous generations, baby boomers are willing to spend money on products that will help them achieve healthier, more active lifestyles. Spending extensively on health and wellness products , they helped drive dietary supplements to sales of $109 billion USD in 2020, with expected growth by 5% to 2024.

<p>With recreational and medical cannabis now legal in Canada and in a growing number of U.S. states, more baby boomers are lighting up again, perhaps having flashbacks to growing up in the freewheeling 1960s and 1970s. They also have the cash to pay the premium for legal marijuana.</p><p>“They had their kids. They had their family. Now they’re retired and they’d like to try it again,” says <a href="" class="atom_link atom_valid" rel="noreferrer noopener">Cindi Phelps</a>, manager of the Tamarack Cannabis Boutique in Kimberley, British Columbia. “It’s legal, they don’t feel they’re going to get arrested for it.”</p>

They’re ready to light up and relive the 1960s

With recreational and medical cannabis now legal in Canada and in a growing number of U.S. states, more baby boomers are lighting up again, perhaps having flashbacks to growing up in the freewheeling 1960s and 1970s. They also have the cash to pay the premium for legal marijuana.

“They had their kids. They had their family. Now they’re retired and they’d like to try it again,” says Cindi Phelps , manager of the Tamarack Cannabis Boutique in Kimberley, British Columbia. “It’s legal, they don’t feel they’re going to get arrested for it.”

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'Suspicious disappearance' of 2 women prompts an investigation in Oklahoma

Oklahoma authorities are investigating the "suspicious disappearance" of two women who never showed up to pick up children last week.

Veronica Butler, 27, and Jilian Kelley, 39, were traveling together to pick up the children, according to an endangered missing persons advisory shared Saturday on the Facebook page of the Texas County Sheriff's Department.

“They never made it to the pickup location,” the advisory said. Their vehicle was later found abandoned on the side of a road.

Butler's stepmother, Guadalupe Torres, told NBC News that Veronica had been engaged in a heated custody dispute. Court records show a custody case was opened in 2021.

While it is currently unclear whose children the two women were looking to pick up, it is presumed both Butler and Kelley are friends, Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation spokesperson Hunter McKee said.

The Texas County Sheriff’s Department requested the state agency’s assistance in the investigation, according to the bureau.

"Agents are still working around the clock on this to try to find where these women are, what may have occurred," McKee said, adding there are no suspects in the investigation, and no threats against the women have been reported.

baby food for travel by car

Butler has red hair, green eyes and several tattoos, the advisory said. Kelley has brown hair, blue eyes and a butterfly tattoo on her left forearm.

A Sunday Facebook post from Willow Christian Church in Indianola said the church would have a "time of prayer" for the women and encouraged attendees to leave a "favorite verse or note of encouragement for their families through this difficult time.

The Kansas City Star reported that Kelley is the wife of the church's new minister, Heath Kelley, who was appointed in November. Efforts to reach him and the church Tuesday were unsuccessful.

Anyone with information about the whereabouts of the women is asked to contact the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation at [email protected] or 1-800-522-8017.

CORRECTION  (April 4, 2024, 4:25 p.m. ET): A previous version of this article misstated the timeline of the custody battle. The case opened in 2021, not 2015.

baby food for travel by car

Noah Osborne is a news associate with NBC News Digital.


  1. 50 Healthy Road Trip Snacks to Share with the Kids

    baby food for travel by car


    baby food for travel by car

  3. 50 Healthy Road Trip Snacks to Share with the Kids

    baby food for travel by car

  4. Travel Food Ideas for Babies and Toddlers

    baby food for travel by car


    baby food for travel by car

  6. Travel foods for baby/6 to 12 months baby food for travel/ easy to cook

    baby food for travel by car


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  6. Детская еда в США / Baby Food


  1. Healthy Travel Food Ideas (to share with babies and toddlers)

    Anything liquid or spreadable (e.g. yogurt, milk, juice, hummus, sunflower butter) - Make sure it follows the 3-1-1 rule : Transfer each item to a 3.4 ounce or less container and place in a clear 1 quart sized bag. Each passenger gets 1 bag. Here's how to travel with baby food, breast milk, and formula.

  2. Easy and practical baby led weaning travel food ideas for babies 6

    Baby Pancakes (only 3 ingredients!) Ok, this one involves some cooking, but I swear it's easy! Mix together 1 ripe banana, 2 eggs, and 1 1/2 teaspoons of coconut oil. Scoop batter into a skillet and cook on low-medium heat until lightly brown, flipping once when you can see bubbles along the outer edge.

  3. Travel Foods For Babies and Toddlers: 8 Helpful Tips

    Prioritize the well-being of your little one by following travel foods for babies. 2. Along with raw foods, you should also avoid dishes with raw ingredients like mayonnaise, souffle, sushi etc. 3. Always try to go for steamed foods - steamed rice, steamed idlis and cooked vegetables. 4.

  4. 50 Easy Road Trip Snacks to Share with the Kids

    3 Road Trip Snacks for Kids. 4 Snack Bars. 5 Crackers, Puffs, and Cereal. 6 Easy Muffins to Pack. 7 Less-Messy Fruit and Veggies to Pack. 8 Easy Proteins and Lunch Ideas to Pack. 9 Favorite Road Trip Food for Adults. 10 10 Tips for Happy Kids on Road Trips. 11 Best Tips for Road Trip Food.

  5. 80+ Healthy Road Trip Snacks For Kids And Toddlers

    Celery sticks - great with nut butter! Carrot sticks or baby carrots. Snap peas. Halved cherry tomatoes. Broccoli florets - you can serve these raw or steam them for toddlers. Bell peppers - sliced and served with hummus or yogurt dip. Cauliflower florets - raw or steamed for toddler road trip snacks.

  6. What to Pack When Traveling With Baby

    Expect to carry your baby through security too. Traveling by car is a bit more flexible (and likely safer in the COVID-19 era), and thus might make figuring out your baby packing list a bit easier. The most important thing is having a properly-installed car seat to keep your baby safe. Ideally, someone should ride in the backseat with your ...

  7. Easy Road Trip Snacks for Toddlers

    raisins. fruit pouches eg Ella's Kitchen, GoGo Squeez. Ella's Kitchen nibbly fingers. Organix range of toddler snacks. pretzels. banana bread. jerky. toddler trail mix (dried cereal, m&m's, raisins, Cheerios etc) These are great fun road trip snacks for kids! cheerios and strawberry laces - these make a good car snack for toddlers as ...

  8. Traveling With Baby Food • Ideas • Packing Tips & Rules

    If it is in your hand luggage and it is for your baby on the flight, then it is NOT subject to the 100ml/3-1-1 liquid rule set by individual countries. This includes water, breast milk, powdered milk, baby food pouches and jars. TSA state, "Baby food is allowed in reasonable quantities in carry-on bags.

  9. Practical Tips for Managing Baby Food While Traveling

    1. Bring a Travel High Chair. Be prepared with one of these best portable travel high chair s. Even if you are traveling in a country where high chairs are readily available, a travel high chair will be a life saver for feeding your baby in the hotel room or Airbnb apartment. 2.

  10. Ultimate Guide to Packing Travel Food

    Review airline and TSA food rules if flying. Pack water in a water bottle to keep the kids hydrated. For adults, some easy travel foods or road trip foods can include almonds, Greek yogurt, beef jerky, nut butters in pouches, carrot and celery sticks, dark chocolate, chips, turkey and cheese, and more.

  11. The Best Toddler Travel Snacks: That are Easy to Pack!

    None of these items will make a huge mess, if your toddler can hold the snack container on their lap or on a travel tray. Food pouches are also an easy way to give your toddler a snack in the car. From the toddler travel food list above, here's the list of our favorite road trip snacks for toddlers: freeze dried fruit snacks; yogurt snacks

  12. Amazing Tips On How To Travel With Baby Food

    Use insulated food bag and ice packs. A great way to keep homecooked meals fresher for longer is to use an insulated food bag. Not only have I done this on long car journeys around the UK, but if you're travelling by plane, you are allowed to take enough baby food, baby milk and sterilised water for the journey - as well as ice gels to keep ...

  13. Baby and Toddler Foods To Carry & Avoid While Travelling

    There are various baby food premixes that are easily available and travel-friendly. 2. Milk. This is a complete food for babies and toddlers, due to the rich nutrients it contains. You can rely on breastfeeding the baby if you are travelling in a private vehicle, but it can be an issue in public places.

  14. How to Feed a Baby During Travel (Nursing, Bottles, Formula & Solids)

    Given, there are many ways to feed a baby, and for many parents, they're combining a few of the following: nursing, bottle feeding, formula feeding and solids, as the baby becomes older. With all of these ways to feed a child, nailing it when you're on the road, on the go and on vacation is an art. In the following tips, I'm combining my ...

  15. Traveling by Car With a Baby or Toddler: 11 Planning Tips

    If you are alone, stop the car and go for a walk if you get even the least bit sleepy. If you are traveling alone with your baby, expect to make frequent stops! Also, try to arrange with a mirrors so that you can easily see your baby without losing sight of the road. 2. Frequent stops are key.

  16. Ultimate Guide to Travel With a Baby: Including Expert Tips

    You may also be starting solid foods with your baby, so you'll need to think about managing baby food while traveling. My son in San Diego at 6 months old. ... By walking and using public transportation, you can travel without needing a car seat! A good travel stroller and a baby carrier will be your must-haves!

  17. How to pack

    It's the perfect item to have when exploring a new city. Other key travel baby items to consider taking along are: Travel diaper backpack. Portable changing pad. Travel car seat. A bag for a car seat or stroller so these items aren't damaged if checked. Portable baby monitor. Baby carrier or wrap. Swaddle or baby blankets. Inflatable bathtub.

  18. Road Trip Snacks for Your Next Family Vacation

    In addition to chocolate chips, toss in a handful of coconut shreds, toasted nuts or butterscotch chips. 5. Ranch snack mix. My Fearless Kitchen has it figured out: seven simple ingredients (most of which you probably have in your cupboard), one microwave and three minutes of your busy day is all it takes to make this road trip snack for kids.

  19. Traveling with babies and toddlers: What to pack, what to expect

    Siner's husband and their 8-month-old son on the 13-hour flight to Tokyo. Siner says their baby loved watching other passengers on the plane. Emily Siner. Preethi Harbuck, author of the travel ...

  20. Baby Food

    The final decision rests with the TSA officer on whether an item is allowed through the checkpoint. Baby food is allowed in reasonable quantities in carry-on bags. Remove these items from your carry-on bag to be screened separately from the rest of your belongings. Please see traveling with children for more information.

  21. Can 3 Month Old Baby Travel By Car (5 Practical Tips To Keep in Mind)

    2. Install a Car Seat. Ensure that your baby's car seat is installed correctly on the back seat and that the seat belts are securely fastened when traveling by road. 3. Place Window Shades. You can also place a small towel or cloth on your car's windows to protect your child from the sun's harsh rays.

  22. April Fools' Day pranks: Apps to translate baby stoner sayings, a

    Kevin's Natural Foods, which has paleo- and keto-certified ready-to-cook and easy-prep entrées, is touting a new line of personal care products inspired by its food dishes including Korean BBQ ...

  23. 10 Best AirTag Wallets of 2024, Reviewed by Experts

    When traveling internationally, your passport is the last thing you want to lose. This passport/wallet/AirTag holder combo is the perfect solution to calm any travel worries. Made of vegan leather ...

  24. 6 ESSENTIAL Tips for a Road Trip with a Baby (0

    4. Getting Baby Sleeping in the Car. Every baby is unique and hopefully you'll have a good idea of what conditions make your baby sleep in the car. This is stating the obvious, but for a baby on a road trip, sleeping in the car is a great way to easily pass the time. Our daughter asleep in the car.

  25. 6 Best Windshield Wiper Blades of 2024, Tested by Auto Experts

    The engineers and product analysts at the Good Housekeeping Institute test auto essentials and accessories of all sorts, from the best cars of 2023 to car waxes, interior car cleaners and car ...

  26. Here's how baby boomers spend their money

    Research from NADA (National Automobile Dealers Association) shows that the group was responsible for 62% of all new car sales in 2019, with the average age of a new car buyer being 51.7 years old ...

  27. Neighbors troubled by 'reckless drivers' on street where mom, 5-year

    Vanessa Ramos, 39, and her son, Solumen Lopez, 5, were hit by an out-of-control car as they walked along Stone Oak Parkway, west of Highway 281. Police say Ramos was pushing her son in a stroller ...

  28. The 7 Best Travel Baby Food Warmers

    7. Chicco Two-in-One Bottle & Baby Food Warmer. The Chicco Two-in-One bottle and baby food jar warmer is quick, quiet, and easy to use. It includes a basket which makes placing and removing small bottles and jars effortless. When contents reach the desired temperature an automated beep sounds to alert parents.

  29. 'Suspicious disappearance' of 2 women prompts an investigation in Oklahoma

    Veronica Butler, 27, and Jilian Kelley, 39, were traveling together to pick up children. "They never made it to the pickup location," according to an endangered missing persons advisory.

  30. Baltimore Bridge Collapse Creates Upheaval at Largest U.S. Port for Car

    'A Lot of Chaos': Bridge Collapse Creates Upheaval at Largest U.S. Port for Car Trade. A bridge collapse closed Baltimore's port, an important trade hub that ranks first in the nation by the ...