
Which Stockholm Archipelago Tour is Best?

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best stockholm archipelago tour

With thousands of islands in the Stockholm archipelago, narrowing them down for a day trip is challenging!  Most websites mention how incredible a Stockholm archipelago cruise is, but few bother pointing you in the right directionin a single guide.

I figured if I had to spend hours looking into all my options, I might as well share what I learned.  I hope this guide helps you choose the perfect tour or ferry.

stockholm archipelago scenery

Why go on a Stockholm archipelago tour?

First and foremost, most travel guides recommend going on a Stockholm archipelago cruise for the scenery.  That means as long as you go out far enough from town, you’ll likely experience the natural beauty of the estimated 24,000 islands.

But this is also a great place for outdoor-based sightDOING like hiking, kayaking, fishing, and more.  Not your speed?  There are also cute villages, great restaurants, and beaches for swimming and sunbathing.

If you love smaller towns and summers outside, don’t miss  Skelleftea in northern Sweden .  It’s a great contrast to Stockholm!

How long should you spend in the Stockholm archipelago?

Consensus is clear: don’t go on the shortest trip (to Fjäderholmarna).  If you’re only on the water for half an hour, you’ll get lovely views of Stockholm, but little of the charm of the archipelago itself.

Several islands make good day trips; in some cases, you might even be able to stop on two in one day.  Other islands have hotels and amenities for overnight stays, something to consider if you have the time.

Where should you start?

stockholm archipelago map

Most tourists choose an island in the central archipelago because it’s closest to Stockholm and thus a little easier/quicker to reach.  There are lots of great options here and reviews of the scenic boat trips are also great overall.

The  southern Stockholm archipelago  gets fewer visitors, but has some stand-out destinations, like Landshort, so you might want to consider it.  The scenic cruises here are also recommended.

Lastly, the  northern archipelago  looks different from a visual standpoint.  The islands aren’t packed in as densely, so there’s more open sea.  You’ll get grander vistas instead of narrow sounds.  One isn’t better than the other, but if you’re prone to seasickness, you’ll want to go during good weather to avoid potential sea swells.

The Top Stockholm Archipelago Tours

The two main ways to reach the Stockholm archipelago are with Stromma “Cinderella boats” or Waxholmsholmsbolaget’s boats.  Both offer different options from guided tour to passenger ferry

Archipelago Tour (no stops)

Time Commitment:  3 hours Price:  270 SEK This tour is included if you purchased an all-inclusive Stockholm Pass !

If you’re looking for a quick way to see the scenery in the Stockholm, this option will show off a beautiful route through the islands with guided commentary (including English-speaking tours).  The route roughly mirrors the trip to Vaxholm, with a little lingering and detours.  Although you won’t step foot on any islands, you’ll have extra time to spend back in Stockholm.

Time Commitment:  50 minutes (each way) Price:  75 SEK (each way) on the ferry or 270 SEK for a round-trip with commentary onboard This tour is included if you purchased an all-inclusive Stockholm Pass !

vaxholm fortress stockholm archipelago cruise

Vaxholm is a popular choice since it’s an easy ferry ride and you can even take the bus back if you’re tight on money.  Once you’re in town, you’ll love the narrow lanes and wooden buildings, but the best known attraction is the  Vaxholm Fortress ( Fästning ).  This is also a great place to find a fishing charter or to join a sailing expedition .

Time Commitment:  1 hour 20 minutes (each way) Price:  150 SEK (each way) on the ferry

Continuing past Vaxholm to Grinda leads to more striking scenery, making it worth the extra time if you can spare it.  Once you’re on the island, you can try cliff jumping, swimming, kayaking, or just try a round of volleyball or bocce.  It’s also less crowded because of the time it takes to reach it.

Time Commitment:  2 hours 10 minutes (each way) Price: 170 SEK (each way) on the ferry or 360 SEK for a round-trip with commentary onboard and routing via Stromma Canal

sandhamn stockholm archipelago cruise

Sandhamn is considered one of the prettiest journeys, partly because it’s so far out in the Stockholm archipelago and passes right by Vaxholm and Grinda.  The trip through Stromma Canal takes you through a particularly narrow, shallow passage.  Once in Sandhamn, follow walking trails to the coastline and white sandy beaches.

sightDOING Pick

Round-trip cruise to Sandhamn via Stromma Canal with commentary

Thousand Island Cruise

Time Commitment:  11 hour full-day tour Price:  1235 SEK, including transportation, short tours on 3 islands, and 2 meals

If you’re looking for an actual tour with a few chances to disembark, the 1000 Islands Cruise  is the most popular option.  The cruise takes you out past “1000” islands in the Stockholm archipelago and stops on Kymmendö, Bullero, and Sandhamn for about 45 minutes each.

Landsort (on the island of Öja)

Time Commitment:  2.5 hours (each way), with only about 30 minutes of that on ferry Price:  75 SEK (each way) for ferry

landsort lighthouse stockholm archipelago

Landsort is in the southernmost section of the Stockholm archipelago and is known in particular for Sweden’s oldest lighthouse.  Travelers also love bird watching opportunities and the chance to snorkel in Bredmarsviken.  The bad news is you need to take a ~2 hour bus trip to the port in Ankarudden to catch the short boat trip.

If you’ll be hiking muddy trails, kayaking, or climbing rocks on the way to the beach, the right footwear is important.  Look for sturdy soles and the ability to drain water so your toes don’t freeze or end up blistered.  I personally wear Merrell Water Sandals  all over the world.

Active Tours of the Stockholm Archipelago

If you’re looking for sightDOING instead of simply seeing the sights, look for ways to get on the water for more active exploration. I haven’t had the pleasure of trying these tours specifically, but they look like a fun alternative!

Where to Stay in Stockholm

If you need a hotel in Stockholm, I highly recommend the Comfort Hotel Stockholm .  It has a great location, super low rates, fantastic service, comfortable rooms, and an impressive breakfast buffet. I can also recommend the Clarion Hotel Arlanda Airport .  It’s directly connected to the airport terminal so you can walk there instead of waiting for a shuttle and is quite comfortable with a nice outdoor pool.

Lake Mälaren Tours

Lots of travelers mix up the Stockholm archipelago with Lake Mälaren.  While both will provide boat trips, you’re heading in a totally different direction through the inner archipelago and it should be considered an additional thing to do rather than a substitution.  Here’s a quick summary, just in case you’re interested.

Drottningholm Palace

Time Commitment:  1 hour (each way) Price:  205 SEK for round-trip boat transport This tour is included if you purchased an all-inclusive Stockholm Pass !

drottningholm palace stockholm day trip lake malaren

See the Royal family residence at Drottningholm Palace, which is a world heritage site.  The grounds are beautifully landscaped and you could spend all day if you plan on a picnic and a stop at the Chinese Pavilion after your palace tour.

Time Commitment:  2 hours (each way) Price:  390 SEK for round-trip boat transport, guided tour, and entry to Viking Museum This tour is included if you purchased an all-inclusive Stockholm Pass !

Birka is a re-created Viking village and living history attraction meant to show off Sweden’s history.  After a beautiful boat ride, you’ll have a guided tour and time to explore on your own.  Events in the Viking village change from day-to-day, so make sure your visit coincides with what you’re interested in.

Time Commitment:  2 hours (each way) Price:  365 SEK for round-trip boat transport, guided tour, and entry to Sigtuna Museum

Sigtuna Stockholm

It’s faster to visit Sigtuna by train/bus, so this particular tour is best suited to boat lovers.  Most people come to shop and meander Stora Gatan, the main street, or for Viking history.  The churches are mostly in ruins, but there are some medieval paintings and summer concerts if you time your visit right.

Short on Time?

Most of these are full-day trips, so if your time is short in Stockholm, you’ll have to choose one and hope for the best.  Even if you only have a single day in the city, remember that Stockholm itself is on islands, so you’ll get a little taste of the archipelago even if you never hop on a boat!

Read More About Sweden

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19 thoughts on “which stockholm archipelago tour is best”.

Very good post! It’ll help us a lot!

@Elena, Have a great trip!

I have one day in Stockholm and I’m trying to decide what the best things are to do/see… Is the boat tour definitely worth it (specifically the 3 hour one) or would I be better off doing something else? Any recommendations are appreciated! Thanks!

@Niki, It’s always hard to answer because I don’t know anything about your interests. In my opinion, if you have something specific that caught your eye so you don’t have time for a boat trip, by all means — go with what excites you! But it is absolutely beautiful on the water so if you do have extra time to spare, I highly recommend it.

Hi, ur tips on tourism were of great help for planning tour of Stockholm for 4 Days. I will b staying near Arlanda n ur tips on Hotel were good as my flight out is early in morning. Thanx

@Arviend, Happy to help! Hope you have a great trip.

This was really helpful, thank you! It takes ages to check up all the information on the internet so this saved me time. Iwas looking for a smaller, less crowded island and after reading your post decided for Grinda. Best choice ever! Lovely trip (1h 40 min), great views, you can walk over whole island in approx. 2 hours (but do take more and enjoy it!). It has natural trail which takes you through the forest and offers some amazing views on the sea side. Plent of peaceful palces to sit down and have lunc/read book etc. Do bring food, offer on island is limited (caffe shop with some basic stuff) and the only restaurant is expensive one. Waxholm boats are a bit cheaper (no restaurant, but they have small bar so for such a short trip should be enough) than CIndarella (95 kr vs 130 kr from Stockholm). The ship pasess by Vauxhall so you can see it on the way+most of people go off the boat there so there is plenty of space on deck. Highly recommend! I stayed 3 days and managed to fit in this trip, worth the time.

@Ana, Thank you so much for all the follow-up information. It sounds like Grinda was a perfect fit for you.

Thanks for you info. I am heading out to Stockholm in a couple of weeks, and the boat tour to Grinda is on my list. The length of time on the boat, there and back, seems doable for a good day out, but how long do you have to be on the island before the return to Stockholm? I’m more interested in the Archipelago, than a long stay on an island. Thanks for any info.

@Sue, Have you checked the boat schedules for your travel dates? During high season, I think you can just stay ~2 hours between boats.

Hi it’s wonderful page helped me alot for planning my day in stockholm, but i need some more suggestions i would be staying in helsingborg for week 18-23 sep and planing to visit for Stockholm for 1-1.5 day i am fond water and seeing set on beaches, can i have tour that can give night stay at any nice island and morning back to stockholm. Please guide me to plan some exciting 1-1.5 tour. Thank you

Hi, what boat tour do you recommend? We are a couple in our late 50’s Love nature and I am a Photographer, we like longer trips so the shorter trips 2-4 hrs dont really excite us was wondering how you liked the thousand island 11 hrs cruise if you went on it ? Please let us know your thoughts

@Rob, I think you will find it more enjoyable to go to Sandhamn (about 2 hours each way, with lots of beautiful scenery along the way to photograph). That would give you enough time on the island itself to explore and take pictures compared to the Thousand Islands cruise which only gives you brief visits.

Is it too cold to do a boat tour in April?

@Elizabeth, Pack a jacket for wind and rain (just in case) and you’ll probably have better luck with the local ferries than a packaged tour which don’t have many spring options.

Hi, My partner and I are going to be in Stockholm from the 27th June and planning on spending 4days island hopping around archipelago. We still can’t decide which order to follow as the timetables are limited to late night travel and we would like to stay overnight on two islands. So far we’re thinking Vaxholm, Grinda, Sandham, Uto (either order), is this do-able as we need to be in Uppsala by the 1st July?

@Mandy, I think a lot of the beauty/culture of Swedish islands is the slow, relaxed pace of life — so by hopping around to 4 islands in 4 days, you might be missing out on that. I would recommend narrowing it down for simplicity’s sake. Since the schedules change every year, I’m not sure if it’s possible to do all 4 or not.

Hello, Becky! Your site is indeed a good starting point for us. We’re interested in a summer 2019 week-long, or so, stay in the Stockholm Archipelago. We would be interested in only a day or 2 in Stockholm; we’re not much of Big City life. We would really enjoy staying a night or 2 in various locations in the ARCHIPELAGO! We much more enjoy the RURAL life! Is this possible? It seems like many of the Islands are pretty deserted, and don’t offer a good number of options for lodging & dining. Can you please set us straight on this, and ideally recommend the “BEST” ISLANDS to visit… hopefully in order of visitation, to take travel time into consideration. In other words… a basic “Itinerary” of 3-4 islands to visit, departing & returning to Stockholm. We thank you in advance, Becky!

@Roger & Wendy, The archipelago doesn’t cater much to overnight tourists, as you’ve noted. Most of the lodging is privately-owned summer cabins, where local Swedes bring their families every weekend (with groceries to cook on their own). So even though the archipelago is lovely, it will take quite a bit of work to find a place for you to stay.

May I suggest an alternate? After your time in Stockholm (and perhaps a day trip to the archipelago), head north into Swedish lapland. The town of Skelleftea is a good base, not too large and not too small. I’d recommend looking into Lantliv Lodge , outside of town. You’ll be pampered with great meals, and it makes a nice base for hiking, fishing, photography, etc. With a rental car (easy), you can see more of the region or head back to town if you wish. More on Skelleftea

Another option – take the ferry to Mariehman in the Aland Islands. This is about a 6-hour trip, so too far for day-trippers, but the ferry is very well-equipped for the voyage and goes through some stunning scenery. This is not 100% rural, but as you get farther away from the port in Mariehamn, I think you’ll find the quiet you’re looking for. When you’re done, instead of returning to Stockholm, you could continue on to Turku, Finland. I haven’t been, but I hear it’s very nice and the ferry is supposed to be even more beautiful than the one to Stockholm!

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Stockholm Archipelago: Your Guide to the Best Parts

A stone’s throw from Sweden’s capital is the Stockholm archipelago, made up of thousands of islands that stretch deep into the Baltic Sea.

Island hopping across this archipelago gives you the opportunity to hike, kayak, sail, swim and cycle in pristine terrain. And, you can find all of this less than an hour from the cosmopolitan streets of Stockholm.

Explore uninhabited islands for the ultimate escape to nature. Or, tour the 150 settled isles that are home to charming villages and small coastal towns.

If you are looking into Sweden tours , then adding the Stockholm archipelago to your itinerary is a fantastic way to combine Swedish culture with nature.

Nordic Visitor can arrange a guided tour through the most beautiful parts of the archipelago. Allowing you to embark on your own seafaring adventure, like the Vikings of old.

  • Start exploring our nature and countryside tours of Sweden

Where is the Stockholm archipelago?

The Stockholm archipelago is set in the Baltic Sea on Sweden’s eastern coastline. It unfolds from Landsort up to Öregrund, and cradles the capital city, Stockholm .

What is the Stockholm archipelago?

This archipelago, also known as “skärgården” to the locals, is a group of islands that extends 80 kilometres (50 miles) east from Stockholm’s city centre. It is the largest archipelago in Sweden, and the second largest in the Baltic Sea.

How many islands are in Sweden's archipelago?

There are some 30,000 islands that make up the Stockholm archipelago, and each isle has a distinct terrain and personality. There are islands with sheer cliffs, sandy shorelines, pine-clad forests, pretty fishing villages, or historical attractions. But all of them come with breathtaking views out to the Baltic Sea.

best stockholm archipelago tour

The best Stockholm archipelago islands

On your trip to Stockholm, you’ll probably want to tick off top attractions such as Drottningholm Palace , Lake Mälaren , and the Royal Palace . Once you’ve enjoyed your sightseeing tour, you’ll be ready to seek out the treasures of the Stockholm archipelago. But which islands are the best? With thousands to choose from, we’ve listed our favourites that you can reach by boat or by car.

Boasting a reputation as one of the prettiest isles in the archipelago, Grinda is perfect for a summer day trip. As part of a nature reserve, this island is home to untouched beaches and crystalline waters, making it ideal for a day of sunbathing and swimming.

If you’re feeling more active, you can rent kayaks, play volleyball on the beach, or wander through the forest trails on the island. Afterwards, stop by the café or farm shop to rest and refuel. Savour the island’s scrumptious Grinda bread or that classic Swedish treat, the cinnamon bun.

Best of all, Grinda is only 1-2 hours by ferry from Stockholm’s shores, depending on the boat operator and dock location. This means you can choose between a day trip or an overnight stay on Grinda.

best stockholm archipelago tour

Vaxholm is the capital of the archipelago and considered to be its gateway. History buffs love Vaxholm, as this island offers several museums and galleries which speak to the region’s storied past.

Visit the Vaxholm Fortress Museum, then explore the charming old town. Here, you can tour the pastel-coloured wooden houses, and duck into cafés, shops, bars, and restaurants. Just make sure you try some herring, the local speciality!

If you’re on a self-drive tour of Sweden , why not head to the Stockholm archipelago by car? You can drive to Vaxholm from the city centre via roadways, as several bridges connect this lovely island to the mainland.


Set further away from Stockholm, Svartsö is worth the extra time to get there. Known as the “greenest island” in the archipelago, this gorgeous isle has the advantage of being ideal to visit any time of the year.

In summer, you can swim in the lake and bike through the pretty trails. In autumn, you can see the forested shores change colour. Then in winter, you can take a bracing sea swim, and warm up afterwards in a waterside sauna.

This island only has 100 residents, so you really will feel like you’ve escaped the hustle of modern life for uninterrupted time with nature.

best stockholm archipelago tour


Accessible and beautiful, you would do well to make time for the Fjäderholmarna islands when you’re in Stockholm. Perfect for either full day or half day trips, you can bite off a piece of island life with a 20-minute ferry journey from Strömkajen.

Stop off at Stora Fjäderholmen, the main island, and stroll along the shore. Watch the boats sail by on the rocky outcrops, have a picnic, or discover the forest trails.

Stora Fjäderholmen is also a wonderful place to pick up gifts thanks to all the artist studios that have set up shop here. You’ll find ceramics, jewellery, crafts and artwork on this bohemian isle.


Sandön, called “Sandhamn” locally, is the furthest island on this list, but thankfully it’s well connected to Stockholm via ferry. The journey takes around 2 hours, which in itself is a fantastic way to see the various islands of the Stockholm archipelago as you drift past them.

When you sail into harbour, you’ll see clapboard houses, bobbing yachts, rocky shores and white sandy beaches all waiting to greet you.

You may also find yourself rubbing shoulders with Stockholm city dwellers on the island. It’s no surprise why the locals love hopping over to Sandön, as it combines a typical Baltic island landscape with a little cosmopolitan flair. Expect to find upmarket boutiques and excellent restaurants here.

The main town is called Sandhamn and is the best place to kick off a trip to this island.

  • Browse these holidays in Sweden
  • Related: Sweden in summer: what to do and where to go

Best things to do in the Stockholm archipelago

Experience the attractions of the islands, from outdoor activities to cultural highlights. Here are our recommendations on what to see and do in the Stockholm archipelago.

See the Vaxholm Fortress Museum

If you visit Vaxholm you won’t fail to notice the formidable military citadel that rises up from its shores. This building now houses the Vaxholm Fortress Museum , giving you a fascinating insight into Sweden’s military and maritime history.

Go kayaking

When you’re ready for some outdoor activity, go kayaking over the glassy waters of the Stockholm archipelago. You can rent kayaks from most of the inhabited islands, then tour the breathtaking shorelines at your own pace.

New to kayaking? We recommend opting for a tour led by an experienced guide, who will lead you to the best spots in the archipelago.

best stockholm archipelago tour

Hike the trails

Discover the picturesque forests, meadows and shorelines of the Stockholm archipelago on a scenic hike. You can pick one island and explore it thoroughly on a day trip, or book a tour of several small islets and get a sense of each.

Many of the winding hiking trails are also ideal for cycling, so grab a bike and explore on two wheels!

Uncover Swedish history

This corner of Sweden is an intriguing place to learn about national history, with a scattering of heritage sites for you to uncover.

For example, 1,000 years ago Vikings were living in and around Vaxholm. Today, you can see their ancient relics, like rune stones and grave sites, and learn about their way of life. .

In the same part of the archipelago, visit Bogesund Castle for a glimpse of Swedish Empire history. The castle was constructed by Count Per Brahe in the 17 th century and then rebuilt by Baron Nils von Hopken in the 19 th century.

Walking through its eerily beautiful rooms is an atmospheric way to experience Vaxholm island.

  • Related: 10 coolest things about Sweden

If you’re travelling around Sweden on a self-drive tour , seeing the islands of the Stockholm archipelago will be the cherry on the cake. You can drive to larger islands like Vaxholm and Muskö, but for the smaller uninhabited islands take a ferry departing directly from Stockholm.

Kickstart your tour of Sweden with a trip out to these islands from Stockholm. Or, drop the car off and explore them at the tail end of your holiday.

Escape into another world with help from Nordic Visitor .

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Wanderlust has taken Emma across much of the world, but it was Scotland that she made her adopted home. Aside from enjoying countryside walks, campervan weekends and gigs in Glasgow, you’ll often find her writing about European travel and plotting her next trip.

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We'd love to give you the same amazing travel experiences as you read about in our blog! To visit the destinations and attractions mentioned in this post - and to discover a few new highlights along the way - check out these recommended Nordic Visitor tours.


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12 Best Stockholm Boat Tours (Archipelago, Canals & More)


Home » 12 Best Stockholm Boat Tours (Archipelago, Canals & More)

Welcome aboard to Stockholm, the breathtaking city that is built on water.

With over 30,000 islands and islets surrounding the city, it’s no surprise that boat tours are one of the best ways to explore the city’s beauty and history. 

Stockholm City Archipelago Sightseeing Cruise with Guide, Best Stockholm Boat Tours, Sweden


Don’t have time to read the whole article? The best choice is this Stockholm boat tour: Stockholm City Archipelago Sightseeing Cruise with Guide

Stockholm’s waterways offer a unique perspective that cannot be experienced on land, making boat tours an essential part of any visit to the city.

From archipelago cruises to canal tours , there is a boat tour for every kind of traveler. 

So grab your life vest and let’s dive into the top boat tours in Stockholm!

Quick Guide: Best Stockholm Boat Tours

After a quick list of the top Stockholm tour? Here are the best boat tours.

Stockholm City Archipelago Sightseeing Cruise with Guide

  • 2.5-Hour Tour
  • Round-trip City Tour
  • Live Tour Guide
  • Sights:  Stockholm’s Archipelago

Stockholm Under the Bridges Boat Tour, Best Stockholm Boat Tours, Sweden

Stockholm Under the Bridges Boat Tour

  • 135-Minute Tour
  • Inner City Tour, Canals
  • Audio Guide in Several Languages
  • Sights:  Main Landmarks and Bridges

Royal Canal Tour Stockholm, Stockholm Best Boat Tours, Sweden

Royal Canal Tour Stockholm

  • 50-Minute Tour
  • Djurgården Canal Tour
  • Sights:  Historic Sites from the Water

12 Best Stockholm Boat Tours

Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or a unique perspective on the Swedish capital, there’s a tour for everyone. 

From city canal guided boat trips in Stockholm to a private yacht cruise with lunch or dinner, these tours offer an unforgettable experience that will leave you with lasting memories of Stockholm.

1. Stockholm City Archipelago Sightseeing Cruise with Guide

Stockholm City Archipelago Sightseeing Cruise with Guide, Best Stockholm Boat Tours, Sweden

Who Is This Tour For:

Suitable for anyone looking for a leisurely boat ride and scenic views. Great for families and those after a relaxed experience.

Tour Overview: 

  • Rating: 4.3 out of 5 from 2200+ reviews
  • Length: 2.5 hours
  • Check Tour Price

What To Love About This Tour:

Join a beautiful journey on a classic ship and sail through the stunning waterways of Stockholm as you enjoy the scenic view of the second-largest archipelago in the Baltic Sea.

Amazing way to see the archipelago! 2 1/2 hours was a perfect amount of time, not too long but long enough to see lots of islands. Really great viewing spot at the front of the boat, great bar and snacks. The tour guide was brilliant and informative, and staff were friendly and helpful. Would recommend!! Amelia – United Kingdom (Read more Reviews ) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

A guide will be there to explain the sites, including explaining just how the nature of this region is so important to life in Sweden , making this boat tour a perfect way to take in the breathtaking views of Stockholm’s archipelago.

Please Note :

  • Refreshments and food are available for purchase onboard.
  • The boat can get very crowded so not the best option for those who get anxious with little space.
  • Make sure to book your spot ahead of time and make sure you are at least 20 minutes early.

A very affordable way to enjoy a sightseeing cruise.

This cruise is the most popular boat cruise in Stockholm so it can get crowded.

Make sure to secure tickets ahead of time.

2. Stockholm Under the Bridges Boat Tour

Stockholm Under the Bridges Boat Tour, Best Stockholm Boat Tours, Sweden

Ideal for those looking for a different perspective of the city’s sights.

Great for solo travelers or couples looking for a peaceful and calming experience.

  • Rating: 4.3 out of 5 Stars from 1200+ reviews   
  • Length: 135 minutes 
  • Check Prices on GetYourGuide

See Stockholm from a different angle with a canal tour that takes you under several bridges and through the inner city.

One of the best adventures I’ve had. The guided tour was very informative, I learned a lot about the buildings, bridges, and other elements about Sweden during the tour. GetYourGuide traveler (Read more Reviews ) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Please Note : Commentary on board is available in 10 languages.

You’ll have the opportunity to discover the historic sights and beautiful landscapes that make Stockholm a must-see destination.

3. Royal Canal Tour Stockholm

Royal Canal Tour Stockholm, Stockholm Best Boat Tours, Sweden

Great for those looking for a relaxing canal trip in Stockholm with beautiful views. Suitable for families and those after a short tour.

  • Rating: 4.2 out of 5 Stars from 270+ reviews   
  • Length: 50 minutes 

Cruise along the Djurgården Canal and discover historic sights and beautiful landscapes.

This tour offers informative commentary via the audio guide, available in 11 languages, so you can learn about the sites as you cruise. 

The 50-minute journey is perfect for those seeking a relaxed and informative experience, even if you don’t have a ton of free time.

Even in less than an hour, you’ll get the chance to see the best of Stockholm’s picturesque canals of the city and historic architecture while learning about the city’s fascinating Swedish history.

Please Note : The audio guide and headsets for it are included in the price.

4. Stockholm Winter Tour by Boat

Stockholm Winter Tour by Boat, Best Boat Tours in Stockholm, Sweden

Perfect for those who want a winter wonderland experience. Suitable for families and those after a unique and festive tour.

  • Rating: 4.4 out of 5 Stars from 330+ reviews
  • Length: 75 minutes 

Explore the beauty of Stockholm’s winter scenery with this boat tour.

See the stunning views of the 400-year-old Djurgården Royal Park and the city’s quays while learning interesting facts from your guide. 

Sip on Swedish Glögg or other beverages in the onboard cafeteria while admiring Stockholm’s beauty during winter.

It may be a quieter time for tourists but it doesn’t make it any less spectacular!

5. Stockholm Archipelago 1-Hour Tour by RIB Speed Boat

Stockholm Archipelago 1-Hour Tour by RIB Speed Boat

Ideal for thrill-seekers who want to explore the archipelago at high speeds. Great for those after an adrenaline-pumping adventure.

  • Rating: 4.8 out of 5 Stars from 80 reviews
  • Length: 1 hour 
  • Check Prices of GetYourGuide

For thrill-seekers, hop aboard a RIB speed boat and head out to the Baltic Sea.

Discover the Stockholm Archipelago at high speeds while feeling the wind in your hair and the salty sea on your face. 

Travel past the Gröna Lund amusement park and discover islands with pastel-colored dwellings and small fishing towns.

This tour is perfect for adventure lovers seeking a unique and exhilarating experience.

6. City Sightseeing Electric Boat Tour and Canals

City Sightseeing Electric Boat Tour and Canals

Great for those seeking a peaceful and calming boat ride with beautiful views. Suitable for families and those after a short tour.

  • Rating: 4.8 out of 5 Stars from 20+ reviews

Take a relaxing boat tour along the Djurgården Well Canal and admire views of Stockholm Palace and the Nordic Museum.

Learn about the city’s history and culture while drifting along the canals of Stockholm. 

You’ll pass by top attractions such as the Vasa Museum, ABBA The Museum, and Stockholm Palace. This tour is perfect for those seeking a peaceful and scenic experience.

Please Note : Food and drinks aren’t included but you can bring your own on board.

7. Full-Day Stockholm Archipelago Sailing Tour

Full-Day Stockholm Archipelago Sailing Tour, Best Stockholm sailing tours, Sweden

Perfect for those who want to explore the archipelago in-depth. Ideal for families and those after a truly immersive experience.

  • Rating: 4.9 out of 5 Stars from 50+ reviews
  • Length: 8 hours 

Explore thousands of islands in the Stockholm Archipelago with an experienced captain.

This day cruise in Stockholm is great for those looking to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of Stockholm. 

Discover hidden islands and scenic spots with a certified English-speaking captain.

This tour is perfect for those looking to spend a full day tour out in nature if all that city hopping has become a bit much for you.

8. Old Town Walking Tour and Boat Trip Combined

Old Town Walking Tour and Boat Trip Combined, Best Stockholm sightseeing tours, Sweden

Ideal for those who want a unique insight into Stockholm’s history and culture.

Great for solo travelers or couples looking for a romantic and informative adventure.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars from 11 reviews
  • Length: 3 hours
  • Check Prices on Viator

Get a unique insight into Stockholm by viewing it from both land and water.

This tour offers a combination of a walking tour and a boat trip, allowing you to see the world’s best-preserved medieval city while enjoying the peaceful charm of the Djurgårdsbrunn Canal.

It’s perfect for those looking to experience the best of both worlds.

9. Stockholm Live Music Ride by Boat

Stockholm Live Music Ride by Boat, Sweden, best Stockholm boat tours with music

Perfect for those who want to enjoy live music while cruising through the canals.

Great for couples or groups of friends after a fun and intimate experience.

  • Rating: N/A   
  • Length: 2 hours 

Experience the only tour with live music onboard in the city center of Stockholm.

This tour offers a quiet open electric boat that drives through the canals and under the bridges of Stockholm while live musicians entertain you. 

Bring your own drinks and food and relax while seeing the sunset on the horizon in central Stockholm.

And don’t worry if things are looking a bit cloudy or wet: if the weather is bad, they’ll put up their roof and give out blankets. 

(In fact, it’s almost better if this happens to you, as snuggling under a blanket as the clouds roll in is the classic coziness that comes from the concept of mysa , a beautiful Swedish word that’s pretty close to the Danish hygge !)

This intimate tour provides you with the best of Stockholm and is perfect for those looking for a unique and entertaining experience.

10. Hop On Hop Off Boat Stockholm

Hop On Hop Off Boat Stockholm, Stockholm best boat tours

Suitable for those who want to explore Stockholm’s top attractions at their own pace. Great for families and those after a flexible and customizable tour.

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars from 90+ reviews

Take in the sights along Stockholm’s picturesque canals and enjoy audio commentary on board.

Hop on and off to explore the city at your own pace and visit top Stockholm attractions such as the Royal Palace, Vasa Museum, Old Town, and the island of Djurgården. 

This hop-on hop-off boat tour offers a 50-minute boat ride with audio commentary and is perfect for those who want a Stockholm boat tour that lets them see the highlights of the city on their own schedule.

11. City Canal guided boat tour

Stockholm City Canal Guided Tour, Sweden

Ideal for those who want to experience the city from a unique perspective. Great for families and those after a short and informative tour.

  • Rating: 4.2 out of 5 Stars from 30+ reviews
  • Length: 55 minutes 

Experience the city of Stockholm from a unique perspective on board a charming mahogany vessel.

Cruise along the city canals and waterways, enjoying beautiful views of the City Hall, Military Academy, and Långholmen. 

You’ll also learn about the city’s history and highlights from your expert local guide while feeling the breeze with this open-top boat from the 1950s.

This 55-minute tour is perfect for those who don’t have a lot of time in Stockholm but are seeking a peaceful and scenic experience.

12. Private Yacht Cruise with Lunch or Dinner in Stockholm Archipelago

Private Yacht Cruise with Lunch or Dinner in Stockholm Archipelago

Perfect for those who want a luxurious and personalized experience. Great for couples celebrating a special occasion or those after a private boat tour and exclusive adventure.

  • Rating: 4.0 out of 5 Stars from 2 reviews
  • Length: 3 hours 

Experience a personalized service with a private yacht cruise and enjoy unobstructed views of Stockholm from the water.

Watch for marine wildlife among the islands and enjoy convenient pickup and drop-off at your Stockholm hotel, making it perfect for those looking for a luxurious and exclusive experience.

Please Note : This private tour includes bottled water, beverages, and a light lunch or 2-course dinner.

Here are some answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about boat tours in Stockholm.

Private boat tours are a popular way and a great way to explore Stockholm’s stunning waterways, and prices can vary depending on the length of the tour and the type of boat. The lowest-priced tour is the Stockholm Royal Canal Tour , which costs the equivalent of around US$27 and offers a 50-minute journey with an informative audio guide available in 11 languages. On the other hand, the highest-priced tour is the Private Yacht Cruise with Lunch or Dinner in Stockholm Archipelago, which costs around US$1,200. It includes a three-hour private cruise with personalized service, unobstructed views of Stockholm from the water, and a light lunch or two-course dinner. In between these two extremes, there are plenty of options for all budgets. For example, the Stockholm City Archipelago Sightseeing Cruise with Guide offers a 2.5-hour journey for around US$37 and includes a knowledgeable guide, sightseeing cruise, and toilets available onboard. Meanwhile, the Stockholm Under the Bridges Boat Tour costs around US$35 for a 135-minute journey. No matter your budget or preferences, there’s a boat tour in Stockholm for everyone. From affordable canal tours to luxurious private yacht cruises, visitors to Stockholm can experience the beauty and history of the city from the water in a unique and unforgettable way.

Stockholm offers a plethora of boat tours to choose from, each offering a unique perspective on the city’s beauty and history. Here are the three best Stockholm boat tours to take and why: 1. Archipelago Cruise – The Stockholm City Archipelago Sightseeing Cruise is our pick for the best boat tour in Stockholm. Offering a 2.5-hour journey through the stunning waterways of Stockholm’s archipelago, this tour is perfect for those looking for both a relaxing and informative experience.  2. Canal Tour – The Stockholm Under the Bridges Boat Tour is another great boat trip in Stockholm, offering a 135-minute journey under several bridges and through the inner city. You can learn about the historic sights and beautiful landscapes that make Stockholm a must-see destination.  3. RIB Speed Boat Tour – For thrill-seekers, the Stockholm Archipelago 1-Hour Tour by RIB Speed Boat is the perfect boat tour. Being able to climb aboard a RIB speed boat and head out to the Baltic Sea, traveling at high speeds past some of the islands of the Stockholm Archipelago, is a truly awesome way to see this part of the world.

Stockholm Archipelago 1-Hour Tour by RIB Speed Boat

Overall, Stockholm boat tours can last anywhere from 50 minutes to a full day, providing a range of options for visitors to explore the city’s stunning waterways. The shortest tour out of my picks for the best Stockholm boat tours is the Stockholm Royal Canal Tour , which offers a 50-minute journey through the Djurgården Canal. This tour is perfect for those who want to see the highlights of Stockholm in a short amount of time. For those seeking a longer tour, the Stockholm City Archipelago Sightseeing Cruise with Guide offers a 2.5-hour journey through the archipelago, making it feel just like a chilled-out Stockholm river cruise. Alternatively, you can also check out the S tockholm Under the Bridges Boat Tour which provides a 135-minute journey through the inner city. These tours are perfect for those who want to experience more of Stockholm’s beauty and history. If you have more time, the Full-Day Stockholm Archipelago Sailing Tour offers an eight-hour journey through the thousands of islands in the Stockholm Archipelago, providing a comprehensive and immersive experience of the archipelago’s beauty and history.

Stockholm boat tours typically operate year-round, but the availability and schedules of tours can vary depending on the season.  During the summer months from May to September, there are more options for boat tours, with longer and more frequent tours available. This is the most popular time for boat tours, as the weather is typically warmer and the days are longer. During the winter months from November to March, the availability of boat tours is more limited. However, there are still several tours available, such as the Stockholm Winter Tour by Boat , which offers a 75-minute journey through the city’s quays and around the island of Fjäderholmarna.  It’s important to check the availability and schedules of boat tours during the shoulder seasons of April and October, as well as during the winter months, as some tours may only operate on weekends or be weather-dependent.   Overall, while the availability of boat tours may vary depending on the season, there are still options available year-round to explore Stockholm’s stunning waterways.

A RIB boat tour is a high-speed boat tour that takes place on a Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB). RIBs are small, lightweight boats that are typically used for military and rescue operations, but are also used for recreational purposes such as sightseeing tours.  They are designed with inflatable tubes around the hull that provide buoyancy, stability, and shock absorption, making them ideal boats for high-speed tours on rough waters. During a RIB boat tour, passengers sit on cushioned seats and hold onto handrails as the boat speeds through the water. RIB boat tours are popular for their thrilling, high-speed rides and the opportunity to see sights that may be difficult to reach by land or on a slower boat.  In Stockholm, RIB boat tours are the best way to explore the city’s stunning archipelago, providing passengers with breathtaking views of the islands and the Baltic Sea. 

Summary Of The Best Boat Tours In Stockholm

Stockholm boat tours offer a unique and unforgettable way to explore the city’s stunning waterways and learn about its fascinating history.

From archipelago cruises to canal tours and RIB speed boat adventures, there is a boat tour in Stockholm for every kind of traveler.

Whether you’re seeking a relaxing and informative experience, a thrilling adventure, or a comprehensive tour of the archipelago, Stockholm’s boat tours provide an unparalleled perspective on the city’s beauty and history.

So why not experience the magic of Stockholm’s waterways for yourself?

With the Stockholm boat tours mentioned above, you’re sure to find a tour that fits your interests and budget and provides a truly unforgettable experience for your holiday in Sweden .

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Jolene Ejmont

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Tour the Stockholm archipelago – a three-day adventure

Kayaking in the Stockholm archipelago

A paradise awash with water-based activities, you won’t have to look far for things to do in Stockholm when visiting the magnificent archipelago islands.

The Stockholm archipelago – or ‘skärgården’ as it’s called in Swedish – is a collection of some 30,000 islands and skerries that stretches 80 kilometres eastwards from the city centre into the Baltic Sea. This idyllic destination offers all manner of activities and natural experiences in and around water – from kayaking and fishing to shoreside hiking and biking. During winter, it’s the ideal spot for an invigorating cold swim, a snowshoe hike or a snow-sprinkled yacht excursion – making it an option for visiting all year round.

You’ll find a wide array of dining spots and accommodation alternatives on islands including Vaxholm, Grinda, Sandhamn and Värmdö. Take your pick from cosy B&Bs, high-end hotels and glamping sites. With their diverse appeal, the archipelago islands make for an ideal mini-break.

Here’s a suggested three-day adventure, along with some practical information.

Good to know – Stockholm archipelago checklist

Sweden’s right to roam custom, ‘Allemansrätten’, allows you to access nature – even pitch a tent for a night or two – as long as you adhere to the golden rule: “Don’t destroy and don’t disturb”. This custom will allow you to explore even more of the archipelago. Sit down for a picnic on a sunny cliff, set off into the forest in late summer to pick wild berries and mushrooms (it’s advisable to consult an expert) or catch your own fish – you’re allowed to do so in public waters, provided you use only hand rods.

What to bring:

  • Water and snacks.
  • Comfortable clothes that allow for layering and protection from rain, sun and temperature shifts.
  • Swimwear – for that impromptu dip.
  • Flat shoes with good grip.
  • Some form of photo ID – may be required for outdoor equipment rentals.

Safety note:

  • Bring a portable first aid kit.
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol when boating and swimming.

When embarking on water activities it’s advisable to rent equipment from a dedicated outdoor gear company – many of which are featured in this guide – as they will equip you with the necessary safety gear for your particular activity.

Norrhamnen, Vaxholm

Norrhamnen, Vaxholm

The old fishing port Norrhamnen in Vaxholm.

Photo : Jesper Wahlström

How to get around in the Stockholm archipelago

Some parts of the archipelago – such as the bridge-connected island Vaxholm – can be reached by car and public transport from mainland Stockholm, but the most charming way to travel is by boat. Ferry company Waxholmsbolaget operates a range of services departing regularly from central Stockholm all year round – with extra departures in summer. You’ll find Waxholmsbolaget’s ferry terminal at Strömkajen harbour, in front of Grand Hôtel. Other options are the Cinderella boats, operated by Strömma . These run from the city centre pier at Strandvägen.

If you’re planning on an extended island-hopping excursion, you might benefit from purchasing Waxholmsbolaget's 5-day travel card. It gives you an unlimited number of journeys in the Stockholm archipelago during five days. All of Waxholmsbolaget's tickets and travel cards are bought on board their boats.

There are also several boat taxi companies to consider, including Båttaxi .

Taxi boat

Travel by taxi boat in Stockholm archipelago.

Photo : Anna Hållams/

Day 1 – Vaxholm

Vaxholm is located an hour’s boat trip from central Stockholm, or a 40-50 minutes’ drive or bus ride. The streets of this charming town are lined with pastel-hued wooden houses from the turn of the last century, though its history dates back as far as the 1500s. Its beautiful harbour, studded with fishing cottages, is full of life.

Discover Vaxholm – sea kayak style

There’s much to discover in Vaxholm and plenty of it can be experienced from the waterside in a sea kayak. Activity hub Skärgårdens Kanotcenter offers a range of guided kayak excursions all year round and bespoke tours can be arranged in advance. The four-hour scheduled adventure includes fika and starts with a safety briefing and some practical kayaking tips. The expert guide will have you paddle past the harbour and its quaint fishing cottages while sharing stories about the area’s compelling past, which stretches back to the Viking era. You’ll also glide past the sprawling Bogesundslandet (Bogesund nature reserve), a haven for wildlife such as beavers and a diverse colony of birds.

If you prefer to set off across the water independently by SUP or canoe, these are available, too – as well as outdoor equipment such as tents, should you wish to stay the night out in nature. Thanks to Sweden’s right to roam custom, this is allowed.

Take the cable ferry to Kastellet (Vaxholm Fortress)

For a spot of history, or simply an excuse for another scenic boat ride, hop aboard the electric-powered cable ferry that runs regularly from the harbour (Kajplats 9/Strandgatan 3) to Vaxholm Fortress – a huge edifice with a history stretching back to the 16th century. Now serving as a fascinating museum, guided tours are available and ferries run every 15 minutes between May and September.

Wintertime must-dos – snowshoe hiking and winter swimming

Vaxholm is a year-round destination with a charming, historic town centre and a wealth of outdoor activities on offer even during the colder months. Winter swimming is good for you (provided you don’t suffer from any heart condition) and a wood-fired sauna awaits as you emerge from your invigorating dip, courtesy of Skärgårdens Kanotcenter .

Snowshoe hiking is another Stockholm archipelago wintertime hit offered by the same company. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the snow-covered landscapes as you make your way peacefully across the frozen shorelines.

Fresh seafood for dinner – followed by homemade ice cream

Take the opportunity to sample some freshly caught fish and seafood. Melanders is a Stockholm mainstay and its vibrant, centrally located Vaxholm summer restaurant serves a diverse menu spanning Swedish classics such as prawn sandwiches, salmon salads and anything in between.

There’s also plenty of homemade ice cream on the island (so delicious it inspires many Stockholmers to make a special trip). Try Glass På Hörnet or Waxholms Glassbar – both of which offer a range of delicious and creative flavours, as well as classics.

Stay the night at Waxholms Hotell

Located right next to the harbour, Waxholms Hotell is a four-star boutique hotel complete with a range of rooms and suites, some of which overlook the water. Dining options include a cosy seaside bistro.

Waxholms Hotell

Waxholms Hotell

Waxholms Hotell in the picturesque small town Vaxholm, in the Stockholm archipelago.

Photo : Jonas Borg

Waxholms Hotell

Photo : Henrik Trygg/Visit Sweden

Hiking at Vaxholm

Hiking at Vaxholm

Vaxholm Fortress, Stockholm

Vaxholm Fortress, Stockholm

Photo : Agence les Conteurs

Stockholm archipelago in winter

Stockholm archipelago in winter

Photo : Visit Stockholm

Day 2 – Grinda and/or Sandhamn

Depending on how much time you have on your hands, you can visit either Grinda or Sandhamn or both, in one day.

A natural haven known for its beautiful beaches, the entire island of Grinda is a nature reserve. Sandhamn, meanwhile, has a long history as a sailing hub and attracts a lively community of boaters and yachters, particularly during the summer.

Take advantage of Grinda’s beautiful beaches

Reachable by a 1-hour boat trip from Vaxholm (leaving twice daily from 23 June to 15 August), you’ll find island Grinda. Celebrated as a holiday paradise, the natural beauty of Grinda is remarkable and its endless beaches and smooth, sun-drenched rocks make it a magnet for Stockholmers wanting to escape city life. You might be tempted to settle at one of the most popular beaches, but you’re equally free to seek out a secluded rock or sandy expanse.

Have lunch at Grinda Wärdshus

Enjoying a prime position on the southern part of the island, a stone’s throw from the guest harbour, the restaurant Framfickan at Grinda Wärdshus is a popular haunt perfect for people watching – if you’re able to avert your gaze from the stunning sea views. The seafood stew and the fish burgers are classics that many return to, time and time again.

Set sail – with Sandhamn as your base

Located in the outer part of the Stockholm archipelago, Sandhamn is one of the fancier islands and a particular draw for famous writers and artists. To travel from Vaxholm to Sandhamn, take the Cinderella boat, which departs once a day on Saturdays and Sundays in the summertime. You’ll arrive in Sandhamn in approximately 50 min.

If setting off from Grinda, the Cinderella boat will pick you up at Grinda Södra Bryggan, reaching Sandhamn after some 50 min. (The same service runs to and from central Stockholm’s Strandvägen.)

Sandhamn has a long history as a sailing hub and there are plenty of opportunities to set off on a sailing excursion. Sailing company Seglingsevenemang AB will tailor a sailing experience for you and take you to your desired destination safely.

The company is also on hand to organise island-hopping yacht experiences, tacking among a myriad of islands and anchoring up wherever you fancy. In winter, you’re even often able to take a boat trip in the snow – anything is possible as long as the waters are open.

Stroll along Trouville’s white sandy beach

Don’t leave Sandhamn without ambling along its white sandy beach, Trouville. You’ll find it a 20-minute walk away from the harbour. If a longer hike takes your fancy, there are several trails to choose from that lead from Trouville Beach and into the varied landscape of the island.

Stay the night at Sandhamn Seglarhotell

Continuing the sailing theme, spend the night at the high-end Sandhamn Seglarhotell (Yacht Hotel). This iconic four-star hotel – housed in a spruced-up 19th century red building – is replete with tasteful nautical-themed rooms, a gym, sauna and spa. If you opt to stay here, the hotel offers a range of activities, including sailing and guided fishing trips.


The island of Grinda, in the Stockholm archipelago, is a nature reserve with both beaches and sun-drenched rocks.

Photo : Henrik Trygg/


Grinda Wärdshus

Framfickan, Grinda

Framfickan, Grinda

Sandhamn, Sandön

Sandhamn, Sandön

Trouville beach on the island of Sandön, Stockholm

Trouville beach on the island of Sandön, Stockholm

Photo : Anna Hållams

Sandhamn Seglarhotell in the archipelago of Stockholm

Sandhamn Seglarhotell in the archipelago of Stockholm

Day 3 – Värmdö

Nestled in the middle of the Stockholm archipelago, Värmdö offers a wealth of activities across varied landscapes.

To get to Värmdö from Sandhamn, take the ferry (an hour’s journey) to Stavsnäs Vinterhamn and catch a bus to Värmdö’s Ålstäket (approx. 30 min). If travelling from Grinda to Värmdö, take the boat from Grinda Södra Bryggan to Boda Brygga (25 min) and catch a bus from there to Värmdö’s Ålstäket (30 min).

Go fishing in Värmdö’s waters

Fishing trip organiser Catch & Relax offers year-round excursions – mostly involving fly-fishing – suitable for all and lasting for a full or half-day, or any duration that suits you. A popular option involves a 24-foot Bay Boat, suitable for 1-3 people, from which you’ll catch fish such as northern pike, perch and sea trout. These experiences are tailor-made, allowing you to choose where you’d like to fish.

Thanks to Sweden’s right to roam policy, you’re free to rent hand rods and go fishing independently in public waters.

Have a game of beach volleyball at Grisslinge Havsbad

Grisslinge Havsbad in the centre of Värmdö is a much-loved stretch of sandy beach known for its clear, rather shallow water. Aside from swimming, additional waterside activities on offer include beach volleyball. This beach hub is complete with a guest jetty, outdoor showers and changing rooms. Eateries include Robin Delselius' Bakery (bakery and patisserie) and Ålstäkets Grill (hamburgers). There is also a playground if you’re travelling with kids.

Dine and stay the night at the historic Siggesta Gård

Immersed in the greenery in the northern part of Värmdö, a 20-minute bus ride (number 439) from Grisslinge, Siggesta Gård is a modern accommodation concept housed in a multi-building farm dating from the 19th century. This Stockholm archipelago attraction is replete with an excellent restaurant – Ladugården – with a focus on locally sourced, seasonal produce. Moreover, its on-site event space has been dubbed a “palace of culture and entertainment”, playing host to all manner of events such as theatrical performances and concerts. Accommodation types range from contemporary-style single rooms with queen size beds to sprawling suites.

Before heading back to central Stockholm, make sure to take advantage of some of the experiences on offer in the nature surrounding the farm – mountain biking, trail walking, themed mini-golf, and SUP-rental included. Acquaint yourself with the resident animals – Siggesta Gård is home to alpacas, chickens, goats and horses. You might even get the opportunity to join a feeding session, and pony rides are sometimes available for children. It may sound like a cliché, but you’ll find that the expression “something for everyone” does ring true in the Stockholm archipelago.

An aerial image of Siggesta Gård during the summer.

Siggesta Gård, Värmdö

Siggesta Gård is a farm on Värmdö with a restaurant, hotel and glamping in beautiful surroundings. The farm has animal gardens with chickens, goats, horses and alpacas.

Photo : Siggesta Gård

An aerial image of Siggesta Gård during the summer.

Alpacas at Siggesta Gård, Värmdö


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Stockholm Archipelago Tour

best stockholm archipelago tour

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best stockholm archipelago tour

5 day - Be charmed by the sea and sailing in these Swedish islands.

No trip to Stockholm in summer is complete without a couple of days savouring the charm of Stockholm’s Skärgård (archipelago). Just an hour from the hustle of Stockholm by boat and you are out among the islands, sailing boats, pristine blue waters and fresh air of the archipelago.

This Stockholm extension is planned to give you a taste of the best of the archipelago. We strongly recommend you spend the extra days…

Highlights include

  • Travel on a classic old steamship or local ferry
  • Enjoy delicious seafood at local inns and restaurants on the pier
  • Experience the authentic Swedish archipelago lifestyle

Please note that all our itineraries, inclusions, dates and prices displayed on this website may change at any time. If you book an itinerary today and have this confirmed it will be the itinerary that is delivered to you. However, the online itinerary on our website may change in the meantime.

As a Certified B Corporation, 50 Degrees North has designed this tour using handpicked local hoteliers and suppliers who share our ethos of delivering services and activities of high social and environmental standards.

The CO2-e per person per day of all tours is carefully measured following each season. We fully offset all emissions of our tours on your behalf, and we constantly look at ways to reduce emissions where possible.


Archipelago boats - vintage steamships & modern vessels.

  • Accommodation in a 4-star style local inn including breakfast and dinner during the Archipelago stay
  • Boutique accommodation in Stockholm in shared double/twin room with private facilities
  • Private city tour on Day 2 of Stockholm
  • Return boat from Stockholm to Archipelago, Vaxholm (please ask us if you are interested in the steamships or optional activities)
  • 24-hour emergency service
  • Taxes and service fees

Not Included

International flights to/from Stockholm, arrival and departure airport transfers in Stockholm, optional excursions on day 3, meals other than specified, items of personal nature & beverages.

Day 1 - Arrive Stockholm and enjoy the ambiance of this buzzing city

Arrive in Stockholm and make your way to your centrally located hotel.

Sweden's capital is charming, vibrant and surrounded by beauty and water - hence its nickname, Venice of the North! Stockholm offers interesting museums and castles; the city offers a warm atmosphere and the old town has charming small alleyways boasting several famous restaurants.

On one of your afternoons here, be sure to make time for a visit to the ABBA museum with great interactive exhibits - a glass of champagne (for Dutch courage to get on stage & the pure fun of it) to accompany your tour is recommended! On the other hand, take the serious option & visit the Nobel Prize museum in the Old town.


best stockholm archipelago tour


best stockholm archipelago tour

Day 2 - Guided Tour of the Stockholm with your private guide

After breakfast, enjoy a fantastic tour of the Swedish capital with a private guide. Start in Stockholm's old town of Gamla Stan, one of the city’s 14 islands. It is the medieval part of the city, where everything began, the first buildings dating around 1200. This is not simply a museum area, but a lively part of the city where Stockholmers live, work, shop and go to school. The Old Town has narrow alleys and streets with cobbled stones, where your guide will introduce you to interesting historical sites, and tell you the story of how the city of Stockholm was founded and how Stockholmers live today.

See the Royal Palace and visit the island of Riddarholmen, passing by Riddarholmen Church, which was built by Franciscan monks in the 1200s. Stop for a traditional Swedish cinnamon bun at a local bakery, and see old-fashioned hard candy being made at Polkagris Kokeri. You can sample some for yourself and pick up some to take home with you.

In the late afternoon, stroll the shopping districts or perhaps add an optional rooftop tour.

Day 3 - Introducing the archipelago

Take the boat from central Stockholm and sail out into the archipelago. If you are a boating aficionado, we are happy to ensure you are on one of the classic old steamships, which adds that bit of extra charm to the trip.

Tonight we have booked you a room at one of the traditional hotels on an island in the archipelago. Enjoy the dish of the day at the inn or at the local restaurants on the pier.

Day 4 - Island hopping in ‘Stockholmskärgården’ independently

Spend the day island hopping - head to Grinda to explore the forest, go for a local walk along the foreshore or hire a kayak to enjoy some “self-time” on the water. Enjoy a long lunch at the manor, picnic looking out over the sea or enjoy icecream at the small kiosks.

You can boat to the outer archipelago – the yachtsmen’s playground, visiting Sandhamn or smaller remote islands.

Please note these are optional excursions and activities.

Day 5 - Return to Stockholm

Wake up with the sea breeze in your face and a long lazy breakfast. Wander the shops and enjoy coffee & cake at Hembygdsgård. Take the boat back to Stockholm (approx. 1 hour). Your archipelago trip ends upon arrival in Stockholm.

All prices listed are per person, based on two people sharing a room. Prices are indicative due to the current uncertainty across Europe with increasing energy and volatile fuel costs.

Important Information

If you enjoy the summer buzz, we recommend visiting in the height of summer or weekends as many of the smaller cafes and restaurants close down during the quieter months.

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Gothenburg to Stockholm - short self drive

5 Day - Independent self-drive between two of Sweden's largest cities.

Visit Stockholm

Stockholm - Extravagant Long Weekend

4 days - Long Weekend designed for luxury travellers in Stockholm with local, sustainable excursions.

Couple at Christmas Market, Stockholm Old Town. Credit: Visit Stockholm, Henrik T

A Taste of Stockholm

4 days - A perfect short getaway to Sweden

Interactive Tour Map

best stockholm archipelago tour

Our guide to Scandinavian events for 2024

Jayde Kincaid

Add a jazz festival, a world sporting championship or an extreme ski flying competition for extra sparkle on your holiday.


Scandinavian health and wellness holidays - floating hot tubs and saunas.

Guest Writer

Scandinavia and Finland are the incubators for innovative ways to spend your leisure time relaxing and restoring your body. Add a special note to your tour by booking a floating hot tubs in the Copenhagen harbour, gondola saunas in the SkyWheel of Helsinki and floating saunas throughout Sweden and Finland.

best stockholm archipelago tour

Include Stockholm archipelago on your Swedish Tour

Tietse Stelma

A quick summer break in the Swedish archipelago is blissful and a great reward after travelling through Scandinavia.

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Travel insurance and safety.

Travel insurance is compulsory for all tours with 50 Degrees North. The safety of our travellers, staff and operators is a major priority of 50 Degrees North. With an operational office in Norway, 50 Degrees North has access to an up-to-the-minute flow of information regarding the countries we work in. We are also in regular contact with the various operators we use. Their in-depth knowledge and understanding of their various areas is vital.

Practical information about Scandinavian Hotels

  • Hotel rooms in Scandinavia are normally furnished with twin beds, which can be moved together to form a double bed or placed separately. Please note that single rooms are generally smaller than doubles, and are often equipped with a shower instead of a bath. Purpose-built triple or family rooms are likewise unusual in Scandinavian hotels. Whilst it is possible for 3 persons to share a room, this will normally be a double room with an extra bed, with correspondingly less space to move about in.
  • It is also unusual to have a porter at hotels to carry your luggage.
  • There is free wi-fi in many hotels in Scandinavia.
  • Unexpectedly, all forms of Scandinavian accommodation rarely provide tea and coffee facilities in their rooms. If you are lucky, a kettle will be supplied but nothing else. Please ask at reception for some provisions when you arrive or just carry a small selection from home.
  • Please also note that in Scandinavia - in particular, during winter - the included lunch will often be a hearty warm soup with bread.
  • More remote hotels in Lapland will offer dinner at an additional cost. In some spots, there will be limited choices else where. Generally, you get a very nice home-cooked Scandinavian dinner. However, you may sometimes find only one or two choices only for your main course.
  • In Scandinavia, it is normal for washing and laundry facilities to be in the basement. If you are staying in apartment type accommodation, check downstairs or ask for assistance.

Twin beds in Scandinavia

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Birka – The Viking City

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Day trips from Stockholm

Tours in the archipelago & on lake mälaren.

Stockholm is unique for its beautiful archipelago and Lake Mälaren, Sweden’s third-largest lake. Enjoy a day trip in, around or outside Stockholm. Stromma offers day tours on every occasion, weather, and age. Choose the perfect option that’s just right for you to experience Stockholm by boat.

Go on a day trip to the Stockholm Archipelago

Among the most popular choices for tourists and Stockholmers alike are our boat trips to various islands and sights located in the archipelago. Most of our day tours are guided and have a restaurant or café on board. Some of the trips allow you to get off the boat and explore a specific island or destination. All archipelago tours depart from Nybroviken, see the map below. These are Stromma’s day tours in the archipelago of Stockholm:

  • Archipelago Tour with Guide - a live guided sightseeing tour where you get to see the best of Stockholm's beautiful archipelago. Choose tour length.
  • Boat Tour to the Archipelago City Vaxholm – a cruise through the scenic archipelago with the possibility to get off the boat and explore Vaxholm.
  • Thousand Islands Archipelago Cruise - a full-day premium cruise with the highest guest rating. The excursion include tour guide on board,  guided tours on three islands and meals during the day.
  • Boat to Fjäderholmarna Islands – a 30-minute boat trip to Stockholm's closest archipelago island. Get off and enjoy the island.
  • Grand Archipelago Canal Tour to Artipelag – a guided boat tour to the unique Art Gallery Artipelag.
  • Grand Archipelago Canal Tour to Gustavsberg – a live guided cruise to the porcelain city Gustavsberg on one of the most scenic waterways in the archipelago.
  • Boat Tour to Vaxholms Kastell – a boat tour through the archipelago. Get off and explore history, and art in a fortress from the 16th century.
  • Archipelago Canal Tour to Sandhamn – a full-day live guided boat tour to Stockholm´s outer archipelago through scenic winding canals and open sea.

Enjoy a day Tour on Lake Mälaren in Stockholm

In addition to these archipelago trips, Stromma also offers a wide variety of tours and excursions across Lake Mälaren and to the many famous sights located in this historical environment. Several of our day trips have a restaurant or café on board and you can listen to a guided tour. All our trips stop and let you explore the specific destination of the tour. All trips on Lake Mälaren departs from Klara Mälarstrand, see the map below. These are Stromma’s day tours on Lake Mälaren:

  • Boat to Drottningholm Palace – a boat tour to Unesco´s world heritage Drottningholm Palace in Lake Mälaren.
  • Birka – The Viking City – live guided boat tour to the Viking City Birka across Lake Mälaren. The excursion includeds a guided tour and Museum entrance at Birka.
  • Glamping at Birka the Viking City – an overnight stay in Glamping tent, breakfast, dinner, entry to museum and guided tour at Birka the Viking City.
  • Lake Mälaren Cruise to Skokloster - live guided boat tour through beautiful Lake Mälaren to one of Europe's finest Baroque castles Skokloster.
  • Lake Mälaren Cruise to Sigtuna – a live guided boat trip through Lake Mälaren to picturesque Sigtuna - Sweden's first city.

Day Trips from Stockholm in Winter

The archipelago is at least as beautiful in winter as it is in summer. On a winter day when the water freezes over, we may even be lucky enough to get the opportunity for some icebreaking. During the winter season we have a couple of day trips in och out of Stockholm. Choose between an Archipelago tour with guide , Boat to Vaxholm or our sightseeing tour Stockholm Winter tour .

Stromma Departure Points in Stockholm

Our day trips on Lake Mälaren depart from Klara Mälarstrand, next to the Stockholm City Hall. Our cruises in the Stockholm archipelago depart from Nybroviken. 

Stromma is working to reduce use of fuel and energy as well as switching to renewable fuels and clean energy sources.

Stromma has ambitious goals for our sustainability work – one of them is to reduce CO2-emissions by 50% by 2030.

At Stromma we are continuously working to reduce our use of plastic. Our efforts reduced our plastic consumption by 1 097 kg in one year.

Save the Baltic Sea - Stromma and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) have entered into a partnership where we work together for a cleaner Baltic Sea.

In Sweden and Denmark Stromma together with WWF and local partners have placed out Seabins to improve the environment in/of the Baltic Sea.

Archipelago Tour with Guide

The best of stockholm archipelago, glamping at birka the viking city, stay in a tent in a unesco world heritage site, boat tour to the archipelago city vaxholm, boat cruise from stockholm, boat tour to birka across lake mälaren, thousand islands archipelago cruise, a full day boat excursion in stockholm, boat to fjäderholmarna islands, stockholm's closest archipelago, grand archipelago canal tour to artipelag, art museum and guided boat cruise, boat to drottningholm palace, boat tour to unesco´s world heritage drottningholm, boat tour to vaxholms kastell, art, ”fika” and history in the archipelago of stockholm, grand archipelago canal tour to gustavsberg, guided boat cruise, porcelain & shopping, archipelago canal tour to sandhamn, guided boat tour to stockholm outer archipelago, lake mälaren cruise to skokloster, explore the swedish empire, lake mälaren cruise to sigtuna, guided boat tour to sweden's birthplace, guided boat tour to ulriksdal palace in stockholm, excursion with an electric boat to the royal national city park.

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© 2024 Strömma Turism & Sjöfart AB | Svensksundsvägen 19, SE-111 49 STOCKHOLM | Strömma Turism & Sjöfart is part of Stromma Group

Summer in the Stockholm archipelago

Photo: Lotta Andersson

Discover the Stockholm Archipelago

Publish date : 2 May 2023

Beautiful nature, great local food, and exciting adventures. Just 20 minutes away from Stockholm a world of 30 000 islands begins.

The Stockholm Archipelago is the largest of its kind in Sweden. With over 30 000 islands it covers an area of more than 650 square miles; from the city-close Fjäderholmarna Islands in the west to the Svenska Högarna islets in the east, and from the abandoned fortifications on Arnholma in the north to the lonely lighthouse on Landsort in the south.

Being such a vast area there’s certainly something to discover for everyone; serene nature seemingly untouched by civilization, cozy and accessible camping grounds, idyllic villages and coastal towns, hiking trails for both experienced and amateur outdoorsmen, great food, and fantastic culture. Oh yeah, and water. Lots of water.

The question is, of course, where to begin. Well, narrowing down how much time you have for an archipelago excursion is a good place to start.

Travel by archipelago boat.

In Stockholm on a tight schedule? Then Fjäderholmarna, Vaxholm, Gustavsberg, and Värmdö might be up your alley. All are easily accessible by local transportation or ferry, within an hour's reach from downtown Stockholm. Great day trips that don’t require too much preparation, while at the same time offering a sample taste of what the archipelago has to offer.

The islands of Sandön, Möja, Nåttarö, Utö, Finnhamn or Grinda, on the other hand, are perfect destinations for explorers who have more time on their hands. They might be a couple of hours away, but offer a welcome respite from the busy inner-city streets of Stockholm. Being further away from the city, a trip might require more careful planning. And if you’re not in a hurry and want to spend a night or two at a cozy hotel or camping site, there are several options. All the islands are on regularly scheduled routes by the public transportation company Waxholmsbolaget . If you are pressed for time, the privately-owned Cinderellabåtarna may be better for reaching the outermost Archipelago islands.

Looking for more?

Be adventurous in the stockholm archipelago.

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best stockholm archipelago tour

Explore Stockholm’s Archipelago by Boat: Private Tours Available

About stockholm archipelago.

If you’re planning a trip to Stockholm, one of the best ways to explore the city is by taking a boat tour of the archipelago. Stockholm’s archipelago is made up of over 30,000 islands and islets, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding natural beauty. Here are some things to consider before booking your Stockholm Archipelago boat tour with Stockholm Private Boat Tours.

Types of Boat Tours

Stockholm Private Boat Tours offers a variety of boat tours to suit different preferences and group sizes. You can choose from smaller boats that can accommodate up to 12 people, classic wooden boats that can accommodate up to 60 people, or larger yacht boats that can accommodate up to 100 people. Each boat tour offers a unique experience, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs.

Benefits of Booking with Stockholm Private Boat Tours

When you book a boat tour with Stockholm Private Boat Tours, you’ll be guided by experienced guides who know the archipelago like the back of their hand. They’ll take you to the best spots and share their knowledge of the area’s history and culture. Additionally, their tours are customizable, so you can tailor your experience to your preferences. If you’re looking for a more intimate experience, private tours are also available.

Food and Drink Options

On some of the boat tours offered by Stockholm Private Boat Tours, it is possible to bring your own food and drinks. However, on other tours, you’ll need to pre-order food and drinks. Make sure to check the details of your chosen tour to see what options are available.

Booking Information

Booking a boat tour with Stockholm Private Boat Tours is easy. You can book online or by phone, and pricing information is available on their website. The tours usually last between 2-4 hours, depending on the type of boat tour you choose. On the tour, you can expect to see stunning views of the archipelago, learn about the area’s history and culture, and enjoy refreshments on board.

If you’re looking for a unique way to explore Stockholm, a boat tour of the archipelago is a must-do experience. With Stockholm Private Boat Tours, you can choose from a variety of boat tours and enjoy the benefits of experienced guides, customizable tours, and private tours. Make sure to check the food and drink options for your chosen tour and book your Stockholm Archipelago boat tour today to discover the beauty of Sweden’s islands.

See our boat tours

Make your stockholm visit unforgettable, book a private boat tour now.

Discover Stockholm’s beauty with our exclusive private boat tours, perfect for a unique and memorable adventure.

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Stockholm Private Boat tours

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Your Guide to the Best Islands in the Stockholm Archipelago

Evie Carrick is a writer and editor who’s lived in five countries and visited well over 50. She now splits her time between Colorado and Paris, ensuring she doesn't have to live without skiing or L'As du Fallafel.

best stockholm archipelago tour

With endless dining options and plenty of things to do, it can be easy to pass the entirety of your Stockholm vacation exploring the city, eating, and drinking.

And while noshing your way across a foodie-friendly city may be all you’re looking for, you’d be bypassing a huge part of the Swedish culture if you skipped the opportunity to get out on the water. If the endless smoked salmon and boats cruising past Gamla Stan (the Old Town) didn’t already give it away, the city of Stockholm relies heavily on it’s watery surroundings. And a visit to the neighboring archipelago will take you to another world — one that feels nothing like the capital city.

After you’ve explored Stockholm’s vibrant neighborhoods and had your fill of kardemummabullar (try these cardamom buns at Mr Cake or Ett Bageri ), it may be time to get a feel for Swedish island life.

Luckily, visiting the archipelago — an estimated 30,000 islands and islets that buffer the city from the Baltic Sea — is as easy as hopping aboard a ferry or water taxi. During the summer and fall months, you can travel by ferry with Waxholmsbolaget or Stromma , and over the off-season, you can book your journey with a water taxi or guided tour .


There’s really no excuse not to visit Fjäderholmarna. This crazy-cute little island is a short 30-minute boat ride from the center of Stockholm. Once you’re on land, you can walk the perimeter of the island (it takes less than 30 minutes), settle in for a cozy meal overlooking the water, or grab picnic provisions and sit on the rocks overlooking the sea.

A trip to this island will take you to the middle of Sweden’s impressive archipelago. While a trip can take between 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours, the otherworldly locale is well worth the trip. Often called the “greenest island,” it’s the perfect place to rent a bike and swing by an inner-island lake for a dip.

In the fall and winter months, enjoy a hot chocolate fueled stroll, or visit over the holidays to experience the island’s touted Christmas Table .

If you're on a mission to see a real archipelago island without swarms of tourists, this is the island for you. On Gällnö, you won’t find any kitschy souvenir shops, and there are more cows than people .

More of a summer destination, the easiest way to access this island is by the 1 ½ hour ferry from Stockholm.

A ferry to Sandhamn drops you right on the edge of the archipelago and the open Baltic Sea. In addition to buildings that date back to the 17th century, the island features stunning rocky shores and white sandy beaches. The island has several restaurants, bars, and shops that will keep you busy during your day (or overnight) trip — or, you can escape the buzz of everyday life and take one of the walking paths along the island’s beaches.

The year-round destination is best visited by ferry (with service April to November) or taxi boat , and the journey takes just over two hours.

This is one of the archipelago’s most visited islands, and that’s not just because it’s a short 50 minute ferry ride from Stockholm. The island of Vaxholm is rich in Swedish history and has long been a junction for archipelago traffic.

A visit to the island won’t be complete without a stop at the Citadel and the Vaxholm Fortress Museum — where you can learn about the island's history defending the archipelago. Before you leave, don’t forget to try the famous Vaxholm herring.

Some minor research will confirm that Grinda is easily one of the cutest islands in the archipelago. In the summer months, the water is the main attraction, with plenty of swimming spots and opportunities for boating and kayaking. The island sits east of Vaxholm towards the Baltic Sea and is just under a 1 ½ hour ferry ride from Stockholm.

This northern archipelago island is both accessible and beautiful. A ferry here takes over two hours , but once you arrive, you’ll find yourself in another world. In Finnhamn, there’s the usual archipelago pastimes — lying in the sun, swimming, and eating ice cream. For overnight guests , there’s a house from the early 20th century that’s been turned into an iconic youth hostel, and there's a village of quaint cottages from the 1950s.

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16 Boat Trips & Excursions by Boat in Stockholm And The Archipelago

Published on 07/3/2017. Modified on 03/30/2022

Located upon 14 islands Stockholm has bays, channels, beaches and bridges to discover from the water on a boat with several excursions and day trips that offer you a new view of the capital city of Sweden. Almost all of these boat tours are available with your Go City Stockholm Pass visitor tourist card . So let me tell you about some of the best boat sightseeing activities you can do while in Stockholm.

I have divided the routs between those boat trips taking you through the city, those that take you to the outskirts and fitunally, excursions and day trips to islands far away in the archipelago. If you are planning your holidays in Stockholm during spring or summer then you will be able to do most of these boat sightseeing trips. Unfortunately not all of them. However some of them are available even during low season months of the year.

Crucero a Drottningholm en Estocolmo <br> Foto: Strö

Boat trips in Stockholm

1. royal canal boat tour.

This is one of the boat tours that tourists love the most . You get on board and enjoy a 50 minute trip around the island of Djurgården where you will be able to see its museums, historical sites and landscapes of one of the greenest areas in Stockholm. Going back to the dock you get an spectacular glimpse of Stockholm* with Gamla Stan in the front. Departures are from Strömkajen just in front of the awesome Grand Hotel Stockholm . Available dates: from the beginning of April to the middle of December. Book here or check what you save when buying it with the Go City Stockholm Pass .

2. Historical Boat Tour

This excursion takes you in the opposite direction of the previous one. Lasting also 50 minutes it takes you through the waters surrounding the island of Kungsholmen, located at the western part of the city center. Departure dock is located just around the corner of the beatiful Stockholm City Hall. From the boat you will also get to see the islands of Långholmen, where the prison now transformed into a hotel was located , and Reimersholme. You will learn about the history of Stockholm industrial development. Available dates: from the beginning of June to the middle of August. Book here or check what you save when buying it with the Go City Stockholm Pass .

3. Stockholm Winter Tour

If you are visiting Stockholm during the winter this is one of the few available boat tours . While sailing through Stockholm’s channels and surrounding the amazing Fjäderholmarna islands you will get to know about the history of Stockholm while sipping the incredibly tasty Swedish mulled wine known as glögg . If you fancy it and dare you can make your way to the deck and enjoy the chilling views over Stockholm. Don’t worry about getting a cold. They provide you with blankets so you can enjoy your panoramic views in the freezing weather. Available dates: from the middle of December to the beginning of April. Departure from the dock at Strömkajen. Book here.

4. Hop-on hop-off Boat Sightseeing

If you are in to getting on and off a bus to discover a city like Stockholm here you can combine it with getting on and off boats that take you to other locations in the capital. There are 8 different boat stops where you can get off and explore the area before waiting for the next boat and continue your journey to your next destination. Available dates: from the end of April to the beginning of September. Book here or check what you save when buying it with the Go City Stockholm Pass .

5. Stockholm Under The Bridges

If there is a boat tour in Stockholm that you should do this is it. A boat sightseeing tour lasting 2h 15 min offering you a complete vision of the city from the water. You will sail under 15 of the 57 bridges that join the city islands and you will even make your way through one of the dams (sluss in Swedish ) used to balance water levels at Lake Mälaren and the Baltic sea. You will see Gamla stan, Södermalm, the sustainable neighborhood at Hammarby Sjöstad (you may even get to see the ski slope located at a hill there), and the islands Stora and Lilla Essingen. Depature dock is at Strömkajen. Available dates: from the middle of April to the beginning of November. Book here or check what you save when buying it with the Go City Stockholm Pass .

Tour Under the bridges por Estocolmo con la Stockholm Pass Foto: Israel Úbeda /

Boat Tours To The Outskirts Of Stockholm

6. boat tour to drottningholm palace.

A boat tour through the inner archipelago at Lake Mälaren on your way to Drottningholm Palace, current dwelling of the King and Queen of Sweden and UNESCO World Heritage Site. Entry included to the Drottningholm Theater, parks and gardens. You will need to pay to visit the Palace and The Chinese Pavillion. The boat trip lasts around an hour from the Stockholm city center to Drottningholm. The whole visit by boat lasts for 5 hours but you can stay longer and return by subway or public transport which also is an easy way to get around in Stockholm . Boats depart from the deck by the City Hall. Available dates: from the end of March to the end of October. Book here or check what you save when buying it with the Go City Stockholm Pass .

7. Boat Tour to Rosersberg Palace

Roserberg Palace is a hidden gem among Swedish royal palaces. In this boat trip with onboard guide you will sail through typical lake Mälaren’s landscapes and you will visit Roserberg and its perfectly untouched rooms dating from the 18th century. The whole boat trip last for about 9 hours. Departure from the deck by the City Hall. Available dates: from the beginning of July to the beginning of August. Book here.

8. Boat Trip to Skokloster Castle

One of the free museums in Stockholm and its outskirts, the Skokloster Castle is also available by boat thanks to boat trips connecting the city center. At Skokloster you will get to know this marvelous palace from the Swedish baroque epoch which acts as a symbol of the Swedish empire in the past. Skokloster is Sweden’s largest private castle. This boat trip lasts for 9 hours if you depart from Stockholm or less if you get on board in Uppsala. Available dates: from the beginning of July to the middle of August. Book here or check what you save when buying it with the Go City Stockholm Pass .

Skoklosters Slott en otoño <br> Foto: Jens Mohr

9. Boat Trip to Sigtuna

Sigtuna is an idyllic town that tourists visiting Stockholm for some days decide to visit after being all around the capital and having enjoyed most of its sights. Getting on board will take you to the very heart of the place that gave birth to Sweden. This 9-hour boat excursion sailing through the calm waters of lake Mälaren will let you take a deep look at what once was Sweden’s capital, founded in 980 CE, its ruins, runes and churches. Departure dock is located in Stockholm by the City Hall. Available dates: from the beginning of July to the middle of August. Book here or check what you save when buying it with the Go City Stockholm Pass .

Casa antigua en Sigtuna <br> Foto: Israel Úbeda /

10. Boat Trip To Fjäderholmarna Islands

Stockholm’s archipelago is said to start by these islands just 30 minutes away from Gamla Stan. This is an excursion that I have done many times and that I always like to repeat to feel Stockholm’s close-to-the-sea life as an Stockholmer would. I can therefore recommend it to you as I did to Spanish public broadcaster, RTVE, during 2016 Eurovision Song Contest celebrated in Stockholm when, as these picture show, they took Barei, the Spanish contestant, to Fjäderholmarna* . Departure dock is located in the vicinity of Slussen metro station on the Gamla Stan seaside. Available dates: from the end of April to the beginning of September. Book here or check what you save when buying it with the Go City Stockholm Pass .

Fjäderholmarna las islas más cercanas del archipiélago de Estocolmo Foto: Israel Úbeda /

Boat Tours To Stockholm’s Archipelago

11. boat trip to gustavsberg.

With this 5 and half hour boat excursion you will enjoy a trip to the islands of Värmdö and Gustavsberg area and visit the Museum Of Porcelain located there. You will also sail close to the archipelago’s art museum Artipelag. Departure dock is located at Nybrokajen by Berzelii park by the Royal Theater in Stockholm. Available dates: from the end of June to the end of August. Book here or check what you save when buying it with the Go City Stockholm Pass .

12. Boat Trip to Artipelag Museum

This is also a 5.5 hour excursion through the straits and islands in Stockholm’s beautiful archipelago taking you directly to the art museum Artipelag on the island of Värmdö. Artipelag is one of the five museums I personally recommend visiting in Stockholm* . Available dates: from the end of June to the end of August. Book here or check what you save when buying it with the Go City Stockholm Pass .

Artipelag en medio de la naturaleza de Värmdö Foto: Israel Ubeda /

13. Three-Hour-Long Boat Trip Through Stockholm’s Archipelago with Guide

Get to know the best of Stockholm’s archipelago with this 3 hour boat tour where the guide will explain you all the details about life in this part of the Baltic Sea. You will get to sail on a 1906 or a 1931 boat. This is one of the boat tours available all year round which offers you the possibility to enjoy the varying landscape of the archipelago through the different seasons. Available dates: from January 1 to December 31. Book here or check what you save when buying it with the Go City Stockholm Pass .

14. Boat Trip to Vaxholm

Get on board and get to know the picturesque town of Vaxholm in the northeastern part of the archipelago. This is an idyllic place filled with narrow streets, shops, art gallerys and a citadel. Departure dock is located at Nybrokajen in Stockholm. Available dates: from the beginning of April to the end of December. Book here or check what you save when buying it with the Go City Stockholm Pass .

El barco Waxholm III partiendo desde Nybrokajen <br> Foto: Strömma

15. All Day Boat Trip to Viking Island Birka

If you are looking for viking places and experiences in Stockholm* and surrounding area then Birka on the island of Björkö is one you should not miss. Founded in 750 CE and known today as Sweden’s first city Birka is considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and deserves a visit. Guided visits are included in the price of the daytrip. Departures are from the dock by the city hall in Stockholm. Available dates: from the end of April to the end of September. More info and booking here . This fascinating boat tour is also included in the Go City Stockholm Pass visitor card

La cruz de Ansgar en la vikinga Birka Foto: Ola Ericson /

16. The 1000 Island Cruise

A nearly 12 hour long boat tour taking you to and through the archipelago with thousands of islands highlighting specially Kymmendö, Bullerö and the famous island of Sandhamn, sailship’s paradise. Morning and afternoon coffee, lunch and dinner (two dishes) are included in the cruise price. Available dates: from the beginning of July to the middle of August. Price: 1750 SEK (around $195 at SEK-USD exchange rates at the time of writing). More info here .

Other Routes And Tours

Some other boat tours available include dinner onboard – typical Swedish smörgåsbord or during Christmas julbord – or let you discover by yourself other famous islands in the archipelago like Grinda, Möja, Svartsö, Sandhamn , Vaxholm, Finnhamn just to name a few. There is even a 10-hour long boat tour to the historical city of Mariefred on the southwestern shore of lake Mälaren.

As stated before most of these boat trips and tours are included in your Go City Stockholm Pass visitor card so you need not pay any extra fee to do them. Even with a Stockholm card you will need to go to the Strömma ticket offices to get the corresponding ticket for getting on board . By the way, beware of pickpocketers in Stockholm when going to board your boat or by the ticket offices. They love it when it is crowded. If you do not want to use the Go City card, boat trips can also be booked through Strömma’s website .

As a side option remember that you can also take some public transport boats if you have your public transportation card SL-Access ready. Sure, these are not intended for sightseeing but some of them have interesting routes to have a glimpse of Stockholm from the water.

I hope this article will help more tourists to visit Stockholm in different ways other than the standard city walk. If you need more information for planning your trip to Stockholm take a look at my guide with all you need to know (right now just available with Google Translate)

If you have any other doubt, suggestion or comment feel free to drop my a line at the comment section below.

* Links with this symbol are at the moment just available in English by Google Translate

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About Israel Úbeda

One comment.

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Good evening sir / madam,

How nice that you read my message! My name is Aniek van den Ouweland, I am 20 years old and I am currently studying International Tourism Management at NHL Stenden in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.

For a research, I am getting the opportunity to market a tourist product from the Stockholm archipelago with regard to students living in The Netherlands, super interesting!

In such a situation, of course, there are always different stakeholders, which I have analyzed. I have also been able to formulate a number of (4) questions per interested party, in order to find out how I can best market this product in the archipelago.

One of these stakeholders is national and regional tourism organizations. Now, of course, I am very curious and I very much hope that I can ask these four questions to you as a major player in this case. I selected Dutch students as a target group, with the aim of enjoying a stress-free holiday.

It would be a great improvement if you would answer my questions. I would really appreciate it if you take 3 minutes to answer my questions.

1. What financial or emotional interest does the Stockholm archipelago has in this specific product offering? 2. What should be promoted, or what should be promoted better? 3. What motivates the Stockholm archipelago the most to offer this tourism product? 4. What are the unique selling points of the Stockholm archipelago?

In order to hopefully contribute to the future succes of the archipel of Stockholm, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,

Aniek van den Ouweland

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best stockholm archipelago tour

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best stockholm archipelago tour

Full Day Archipelago Tour

Enjoy a full day tour of the Stockholm Archipelago. We will combine sightseeing of historic places, spectacular architecture and beautiful islands with genuine local food.

The experience: Rib Stockholm takes you on an adventure through the Stockholm archipelago. The full day tour will combine sightseeing of historic places, spectacular architecture and beautiful islands with genuine local food.

Throughout the tour you will experience the shifting nature, fishing villages and historic sights of both the inner, middle and outer parts of the archipelago. We travel through magnificent landscapes made up of lush and rocky islands. Passing islands both inhabited and uninhabited.

Stops along the way: During our adventure we make 2 stops at our favorit spots to enjoy a genuine Swedish Fika and picnic or restaurant lunch at one of the local archipelago restaurants. In summer our guests love to take the chance to take a dip and swim in the ocean.

Aways included in the price

  • Life Jackets
  • Warm Overalls
  • Engine – Mercury 400 HK
  • Radar – YES
  • Plotter – YES
  • Top speed: 42 knots
  • Experienced crew with required permits and health checks
  • Insurance – YES

Things you may want to bring

Depending on weather you might want to bring; Gloves, an extra sweater, swim gear, warm boots.

Payment Terms

  • Prices are exclusive of VAT (6%) for companies
  • Pre payment
  • Credit card / bank transfer / invoice

Minimum Age

The minimum age is 12 years

22 500 SEK per boat Each boat takes 12 passengers


12 passengers per boat


Strandvägen Kajplats 17, Stockholm

Tour Highlights

  • Historical sights
  • See where locals spend their summers
  • Experience the inner and outer archipelago
  • Visit 2 islands
  • Swedish fika (coffee, tea and cinnamon buns)
  • Lunch at a local archipelago restaurant


  • Best of the Stockholm archipelago
  • See & Do
  • Fjäderholmarna
  • Öja/Landsort



Sandhamn is actually the main island on Sandön (Sand Island), and that name tells you that this isn’t your average rocky Swedish island. Sure, it has some of the rocky shores typical of islands in the outer archipelago, but it also has long sandy white beaches , the largest is called Trouville. If it’s activities you’re looking for, Sandhamn pretty much has it all: swimming, biking, kayaking, and scuba diving, along with an excellent network of walking paths that take you along the coast, as well as deep into the forests in the heart of the island.

This year-round island also has excellent shops in the charming main town, along with cafés, restaurants, and hotels, along with glamorous nightclubs where you can dance the night away under the midnight sun. The Royal Swedish Yachting Club has its own port here, so be prepared to rub shoulders with plenty of sailors – or maybe take up sailing yourself.

Möja in Stockholm archipelago

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best stockholm archipelago tour

  • Stockholm Archipelago

Stockholm Archipelago tours and experiences

  • Lowest price
  • Highest price

Private yacht cruise with lunch or dinner in Stockholm Archipelago

Private yacht cruise with lunch or dinner in Stockholm Archipelago

Choose what you want to see on this luxurious experience in Stockholm, all with the pleasure of lunch or dinner as your captain steers you past the historic waterfront.

Guided kayak eco-tour in Stockholm's Archipelago

Guided kayak eco-tour in Stockholm's Archipelago

Don't miss out on this amazing experience to immerse yourself in Swedish nature and visit the idyllic islands that make up Stockholm Archipelago.

RIB speedboat ride in Stockholm archipelago

RIB speedboat ride in Stockholm archipelago

Purchase your RIB speed ride in the Stockholm archipelago with Musement to sail through amazing Baltic islands at a high speed.

Full-day kayaking tour of Stockholm archipelago

Full-day kayaking tour of Stockholm archipelago

Book your kayaking day in Stockholm archipelago with Musement to enjoy the beautiful nature and the exciting water activity.

Full day sailing trip in Stockholm archipelago

Full day sailing trip in Stockholm archipelago

Book your full day sailing trip in Stockholm archipelago with Musement to see thousands of islands, explore the shore and even take the helm. Lunch included.

2-hour archipelago tour on a RIB speedboat

2-hour archipelago tour on a RIB speedboat

Get on RIB speedboat and feel the adrenaline, discover the inhabited and wild islands of the Stockholm Archipelago and get an insight into Swedish culture.

Sailing around Stockholms archipelago

Sailing around Stockholms archipelago

Sail around the archipelago of Stockholm to not only admire the beautiful sceneries and also improve your sailing skills.

Magical sunset kayaking in Stockholm's Archipelago

Magical sunset kayaking in Stockholm's Archipelago

Enjoy Stockholm's Archipelago during sunset and enjoy the idyllic scenery and a freshly prepared organic picnic.

Top attractions in Stockholm

best stockholm archipelago tour

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The inside story

The Stockholm archipelago is a group of around 30,000 islands located a few minutes from the city of Stockholm. Of the 30,000 islands, only about 200 of them are inhabited. It is the largest archipelago in Sweden and ranges from Nynäshamn in the south to Norrtälje in the north. The calmness of the area and breathtaking setttings along the coast give the archipelago its uniqueness compared to the bustling city life of Stockholm. From the Middle Ages until the end of the Cold War, the Swedish military had troops, ships and fortifications in the archipelago to defend Stockholm from attacks. However, in the beginning of the 18th century, the Russian fleet attacked and burned many islands and towns along the coast before the Swedish were able to counterattack. You can still find some of the fortifications on the islands of Arholma, Vaxholm, Landsort, and Siaröfortet. The Stockholm archipelago area has influenced many famous artists, poets and authors due to its culture. Ranging from concerts and craft fairs to art museums and temporary exhibitions, there are a variety of activities visitors can do. On the island of Djurgården, you will find The Vasa Museum, which is a maritime museum, and Skansen, an open-air museum and zoo. The island of Grinda has many camping sites, making it an extremely popular destination in the summer for tourists. There are a wide range of experiences you can do on the Stockholm archipelago since each of the coasts and islands differ from each other. Admire the beautiful scenery around the archipelago on a boat tour or cruise, head on a hike or go biking along one of the many trails.

best stockholm archipelago tour

How to get there

Routes North - Nordic travel guide

The best Stockholm boat tours and cruises

Stockholm stretches across 14 separate islands, which are separated by twisting canals and open waterways. No matter where you go in the city, it seems like you’re never too far from the shoreline.

Stockholm boat tours

Because so many locals commute from one island to another, ferries make up an important part of the public transport network .

There’s also a thriving boat tour industry, with dozens of colourful boats taking tourists out onto the water to get a different view of the city.

With Lake Mälaren to the west and a vast archipelago to the east, there are loads of different boat trips you can take from Stockholm.

Some take less than an hour and some are much longer, offering you the chance to enjoy a full day of sun, sea and sand. If you do decide to hop on a boat tour from Stockholm, there are a few things to keep in mind.

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Choosing the right type of boat tour

There are so many different boat tours and cruises on offer that you might want to start narrowing down your options early on. The first step is to work out much time you have.

Stockholm boat tours and cruises

A brief tour of Stockholm’s inner waterways will take less than an hour, while a longer trip to the Stockholm Archipelago will take at least three hours, if not the whole day.

For more ideas on which islands to visit, see our guide to the best islands to visit in the Stockholm Archipelago . 

Next, you should think about which direction you want to head in. Do you want to head west towards Lake Mälaren, go east beyond the city limits, or stay nice and central to get a feel for Stockholm’s different neighbourhoods from the water?

Another thing to bear in mind is the content of the tour. If you want to see Stockholm’s highlights from the water, there are dozens of tours that circle around Stockholm’s canals and introduce you to the city the way it was meant to be seen, from the deck of a boat.

On the other hand, if you fancy a day of wandering cute streets, chomping through yummy kanelbullar (cinnamon buns) and drinking in lovely panoramic views, you might want to head to one of the archipelago islands close by, such as Vaxholm or Fjäderholmarna.

Another option, if you’d prefer to delve into Swedish history, is to roam among Viking ruins and 17th-century palaces on a boat tour of Lake Mälaren.

Tips for taking a Stockholm boat tour

  • Wear something warm and waterproof; it can get chilly, even during summer
  • Pack sunscreen during the summer (the UV levels can still be high, even in Sweden)
  • Consider taking a private tour: there are options for sailing  and kayaking
  • Bring cash and cards, just in case
  • Don’t forget your phone! You’ll want to take a lot of photos.

Where do the boat tours depart from?

There are harbours all over the place in Stockholm, but if you’re joining a boat tour then the chances are that it will depart from one place in particular: Nybroviken in Norrmalm.

There are three neighbouring docks here: Nybroplan, Nybrokajen and Strandvägen. Different tours depart from different docks.

Strömkajen is another popular harbour in Norrmalm. It’s at Södra Blasieholmshamnen 11. Many tours that stay in the city limits, such as the Royal Canal Tour, depart from here.

Boats heading west to Lake Mälaren, Drottningholm Palace or Birka depart from Stockholm City Hall at Klara Mälarstrand 2.

Other ports of departure are Gustav Adolfs Torg (at the Opera House), the Royal Palace (Skeppsbron 2), and Nacka Strand.

The departure points are always subject to change, so be sure to check your ticket to see which one your trip is departing from.

Do Stockholm’s boat tours run all year?

Summer (roughly April–September) is high season for boat tours in Stockholm, thanks to the much warmer weather and the fact that the waterways are completely finally free from ice at this time.

However, some cruises and tours (like the Royal Canal Tour , for example) are available much longer, often until mid-December or whenever the water begins to freeze.

Likewise, tours may start earlier in the spring if the weather is nice and warm.

Tougher public boats run out to parts of the Stockholm Archipelago all year round (see this guide for more details on some of the islands you can visit with these boats).

And of course, there are atmospheric winter cruises that run through the year, provided there’s no ice.

Stockholm boat tours

What’s the best time of day to do a boat tour in Stockholm?

There are pros and cons of taking a boat tour at different times of the day. If you can face an early start, often the first tour of the day is the quietest, and the waterways may be less busy then too. 

However, it also depends on the time of the year. Since boat trips are such a popular activity in Stockholm, the boats can be busy all day during the peak summer season.

So in summer taking an evening tour can be a good idea, when the waterways are quieter.

There are plenty of trips that take advantage of the long Swedish summer evenings, such as this atmospheric evening kayak tour with a barbecue included.

Autumn can be a beautiful time to take a boat trip, when the mist rises from the water and the trees are covered in golden, red and orange foliage.

Winter on the water can be very atmospheric too, with boats sailing past chunks of ice and the city’s rooftops and pavements covered with a dusting of snow. 

Only a few tours like this one run in winter , but those that do provide blankets, warm drinks and reindeer skins to keep the cold at bay.

Where to buy tickets

It’s usually cheaper and less hassle to book the ticket yourself. You can buy tickets for all tours online up to one hour prior to departure time.

After that, you can either buy tickets at tourist information centres or Strömma’s ticket offices at Strömkajen, Gustaf Adolfs Torg, Stadshusbron and Nybroplan.

On some boats, such as the ferry to Vaxholm, you can even board without a ticket and buy one onboard.

The Stockholm Pass

If you’ve got a Stockholm Pass , a ‘hop-on, hop-off’ boat tour is included in the price of your pass in summer, as well as a selection of other boat tours and trips. 

To find out whether the Stockholm Pass is right for you, and whether it will save you cash, check out this handy guide!

18 of the best boat tours and cruises in Stockholm

Under the bridges.

Explore central Stockholm with this sightseeing cruise especially made for tourists. Passing beneath pretty bridges, the tour will take you to some of the city’s main landmarks, with a recorded commentary available in 10 languages.

The 2 hour, 15-minute cruise will take you from the Baltic Sea to Lake Mälaren, under bridges and to the main landmarks of the Old Town, Södermalm, Stora Essingen, Hammarby Sjöstad and forested Djurgården.

Check prices

Royal Canal Tour

Have less than an hour to spare and just want a sneak peek of Stockholm from the water?

The Royal Canal Tour glides around the peaceful Djurgården canal and introduces you to this historic island’s landscapes with an audio guide in 11 languages. It’s one of the most popular boat tours going.

The ‘hop-on, hop-off’ boat tour

See Stockholm at your own pace with the unique hop-on hop-off boat tour.

Your boat ticket is valid for 24-hours so you can hop on and off wherever you like: popular stops include the Royal Palace, the Vasa Museum , Skansen and the Abba museum.

This is a quick way to see all the city’s major highlights, a boon if you’re pressed for time.

The hop-on, hop-off boat is included in the Go City Stockholm Pass . For more on whether it’s worth buying the pass for your trip, see our guide to the Stockholm Go City Pass: is it worth buying?

Explore the archipelago by kayak

This fun full-day kayak tour takes you out to the quieter parts of the archipelago by kayak. Glide along the coastline, admire Stockholm from the water and explore the smaller islands and waterways of the archipelago.

Dry suits, lunch, hot drinks and Swedish fika are included too, to keep your energy levels up as your paddle.

For more ideas for fun kayak trips from Stockholm, see our guide to kayaking and canoeing in Stockholm .

A visit to Vaxholm

Charming Vaxholm is one of the most popular islands in the archipelago, with a picturesque town, narrow alleys, shops, galleries, and the 16th-century Vaxholm citadel.

You can either get there by fast boat which takes about fifty minutes or opt for the atmospheric classic wooden boat, which takes about 90 minutes.

Either way, you can easily spend a whole day exploring Vaxholm town before heading back to Stockholm.

Stockholm dining cruises

If your goal is not to sightsee, but just to relax and enjoy a fine meal on Stockholm’s gorgeous waterways, go with a dining cruise.

There are brunch, lunch and dinner cruises, as well as a buffet dinner cruise with live music.

There’s even a special ‘shrimp boat’, a three-hour sunset tour of the archipelago with all-you-can-eat shrimp included.

Get a quick taste of island life in Fjäderholmarna

Head out to Fjäderholmarna, the archipelago islands that lie closest to Stockholm. Here you’ll encounter glassblowers, smiths, potters and shops selling all sorts of artisan handicrafts.

It’s just a 30-minute cruise to get there – spend a lazy afternoon and catch the boat home before it gets too dark (which is around 10pm in the summer!).

If you’ve got a Stockholm Pass , the boat trip to Fjäderholmarna is included.

Explore history at Birka

History aficionados will love Birka, a once-thriving Viking settlement dating back to the 750s. It’s Sweden’s first city and a fascinating Unesco World Heritage Site.

You can wander as much as your heart desires among the Viking ruins and the open-air museum, and then sample authentic Viking food made from locally sourced ingredients at the themed Särimner Restaurant (from May to October).

Visit Drottningholm Palace

Another popular destination for cruises to Lake Mälaren is Drottningholm Palace , residence of the Royal Family and a Unesco World Heritage Site.

Its beautiful parks, landscaped gardens, historic theatre and Chinese pavilion are well worth a look if you’ve made it as far as Stockholm.

You can buy a combination ticket that includes both the one-hour boat ride and entrance tickets to the palace grounds. Or you can just buy a return boat ticket, or travel one-way by boat and return by metro.

If you have a  Stockholm Pass , the boat-trip to Drottningholm is included, so you’ll only need to buy your entrance ticket to the palace itself. 

There’s more info on  visiting Drottningholm in this guide .

Amphibious bus tour

Now, here’s a fun way to see the city by land and water. The amphibious bus tour known as the Ocean Bus starts with a drive through Stockholm’s historic centre before taking to the water and exploring this city’s sights from the sea.

best stockholm archipelago tour

Once in the water, the ten-tonne amphibious bus cruises past the Vasa Museum and the islands of Södermalm and Skeppsholmen, where you get great views of the Royal Palace.

See Lake Mälaren by kayak

This full-day guided kayak tour explores Lake Mälaren, paddling past the picturesque Steninge Palace and the royal Rosersberg Palace, as well as the iron-age settlement at Runsa. 

After paddling around 12km, and stopping for a picnic lunch on a deserted island, you’ll visit the historic town of Sigtuna.

Stockholm winter cruise

Just because the weather is bad doesn’t mean you can’t take a boat trip. In fact, seeing Stockholm from the water, its buildings covered in snow with ice on the shores is even more atmospheric than seeing it in summer.

best stockholm archipelago tour

And you don’t need to worry about the cold – reindeer skins are provided to keep you cosy, and warming bowls of traditional Swedish pea soup and hot glögg (mulled wine) can be bought on board too.

Sail round the Stockholm Archipelago

Spend the day sailing round just a few of the Stockholm archipelago’s 24,000 islands. 

An expert captain will take you round some of the uninhabited and lesser-visited islands – and you can even have a go at steering and crewing the yacht yourself.

A Swedish lunch and drinks on-board are included.

Take the ferry to Djurgården island

Not exactly a boat tour, but this guided tour of Stockholm’s main sights includes a ferry trip over to the island of Djurgården.

You’ll explore the old town and hear all about tis history before taking the boat over to Djurgården and visiting the impressive Vasa ships museum .

Take a RIB ride round the archipelago

This hour-long blast round the archipelago takes you as far out as the island of Fjäderholmarnas.

You’ll see the sights of Stockholm from the water before reaching speeds of up to 40 miles an hour as you whizz out to the farther islands in the Baltic Sea.

Go on an eco-boat tour with live music

This fun early-evening tour glides along the city’s canals and beneath its bridges on an environment-friendly electric boat.

There are live musicians on board, so you’ll be serenaded as you sail by the city’s sights and waterways. You can bring your own food and drink to add to the party atmosphere. 

Explore the Bogesund Nature Reserve in a giant canoe

It sounds a little crazy but you can even explore the archipelago in a giant canoe that seats 15 people.

Great for large groups or solo travellers who want to have some some fun and meet new people, this trip sets off from the island of Vaxholm and takes you out into calm waters of a nature reserve. 

Look out for seals, beavers and deer while you’re paddling.  

Take a sunset barbecue tour by kayak

On this fun evening kayak tour, you’ll leave Stockholm’s Långholmen Island at 6pm and paddle around the city’s waterways for an hour before mooring up for a tasty meal. 

You can have a dip while your guide fires up the barbecue, then watch the sunset as you gently paddle back.

Boat trips to Helsinki

For the ultimate boat trip from Stockholm, why not head to Helsinki on this three-day mini-cruise to Finland?

You’ll spend two nights on board the boat, with a buffet breakfast included and six hours on land exploring the fascinating Finnish capital Helsinki.

You get great views of both cities as you arrive and depart, and there are restaurants, karaoke and even a sauna on-board.

For all the low-down on taking this fun trip, see our guide to taking the ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki .

Private boat tours

And if you fancy splashing out on a really cool way of seeing the Stockholm Archipelago, why not charter your own private yacht for you and your friends or family?

This three-hour yacht charter for up to six people includes your own fully qualified captain plus lunch or dinner served on-board.

And because you’re in charge, you can choose where to go and which islands to visit.

For more on renting your own boat, see our guide to the best boat rentals and yacht charters in Stockholm .

What to pack for a boat tour

Of course, what you need to take depends very much on the time of year you’re going and the type of boat trip you’ve chosen. But here’s a general list of what you may need to take.

  • Wear layers. The weather can be notoriously fickle, so even if it’s warm when you set out it can get very cold on the water. Conversely, if the sun comes out in summer, you’ll quickly be shedding jumpers.
  • Sunscreen. The sun can be strong in the height of summer and is magnified by the water, so bring sunscreen even if it’s cloudy when you set out.
  • Waterproofs. You probably won’t need these on a large boat, but if you’re kayaking or canoeing make sure you bring waterproof gear.
  • Water and snacks. Again large boats often sell snacks and drinks, but if you’re on a budget or kayaking, you should bring your own.
  • Camera/phone. Stockholm is unbelievably picturesque, and you really don’t want to miss out on all the photo ops!
  • Money. Check whether any food and drink is included in your tour, and if not bring your credit card or phone with you (cash is not usually accepted). Some of the larger boats often have the option to buy food and drink on-board.

See also: The Stockholm Archipelago: six of the best islands to visit  The best boat and yacht charters in Stockholm Ten of the best boat tours and cruises from Helsinki

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Best Time to Visit Stockholm: Month-by-Month Guide

By Alex Schultz · Last updated on May 29, 2024

Most known for its stunning old town and scenic waterside setting, Stockholm is built atop a sprawling archipelago in the Baltic Sea. Each year, millions visit Sweden’s cool capital to explore its many art galleries, museums and islands.

To make the most of its gorgeous green spaces and sparkling waterways, the vast majority of visitors head here between May and September. This is when the weather is warmest, the days are longest and you can actually see the sun shining! Winter too has its charms as the cold, dark days are brightened up by cosy Christmas markets and the possibility of snowfall over Gamla Stan.

To help you plan your trip to the ‘Venice of Scandinavia’, let’s take a look at what its climate is like each month. We’ll also cover what cultural events are going on and when it is more or less expensive to visit.

What’s the Weather Like in Stockholm?

Lying on the country’s southeast coast, Stockholm has a humid continental climate with four distinct seasons. Despite its northern location, temperatures remain quite mild throughout the year and its low level of precipitation is pretty evenly distributed across the months.

While winters are dark and cold with snow sometimes falling, temperatures average around 20 to 22°C (68 to 71°F) in summer. June and July also have up to 18 hours of daylight for you to stroll about or swim in the sea.

Although the days are shorter and there is less sunshine, both the cooler spring and autumn months are also quite pleasant in Stockholm. This is either when the flowers in its parks are blooming or all the trees’ leaves have a radiant golden hue to them.

Best months to visit Stockholm


As the weather is best, May through September is the peak tourist season in Stockholm. Aside from ambling about the center, you can hike, cycle and sail around the archipelago or enjoy outdoor events and music festivals. While a lot is going on, this is the most expensive and crowded period to visit.

Despite the freezing temperatures and very short days, winter can also be magical as lights and decorations are strung up and there is a very cosy atmosphere everywhere inside. If it snows, Gamla Stan looks even more picturesque if that’s possible! You can also ice skate or sip Glogg wine and buy gifts at Skansen’s cheery Christmas markets.

Stockholm in January

Stockholm Snow

After the Christmas holidays and New Year’s Eve celebrations are over, January is one of the quietest months tourist-wise in Stockholm. With temperatures often dropping below freezing at night and there being just 1 hour of sunshine a day, most people stay away. The holiday lights and decorations usually stay up though for the first couple of weeks with both airfares and hotels also being cheaper.

While conditions aren’t great for wandering around the old town, there are no crowds in any of its museums. Be aware though that many close quite early at 5PM. Aside from warming up over Fika – with a coffee and maybe a cinnamon bun – you can also always ice skate or snap photos of the city in the snow.

Stockholm in February

Stockholm in February

Although there are now a couple more hours of daylight per day, February is still very much the off-season. It still drizzles quite a bit – for 14 days on average – and its skies are usually grey and overcast. Snow can still fall over the capital but is never as thick as further north in the country. Many Swedes go skiing during their ‘sportlov’ or ‘sports holidays’ in February.

With very few people around, you can visit Stockholm’s Nordic, Viking and Vasa museums to get a better feel for its rich history and culture. If the cold gets too much, you can enjoy hot saunas at Sturebadet or the traditional Satra Brunn spa town. Before Lent begins, bakeries have lots of delicious seasonal treats like cream-filled semlor buns to try.

Stockholm in March

Stockholm in March

While spring is just around the corner, the days are still very chilly and gloomy in March. On the plus side, it is one of the driest months of the year and there are around 12 hours of daylight each day. You’ll still need to wrap up warm though and spend more time indoors at places like the Royal Palace and Ostermalm Saluhall.

Prices do remain low – like its temperatures – as most tourists are put off by the city’s rather bleak, unwelcoming weather. When the sun is out though, you can take relaxing boat tours around the archipelago or amble about its pretty parks and gardens. You can also catch the end of Djurgardens’ ice hockey season or watch AIK play a thrilling football match.

Stockholm in April

Stockholm Spring

Before the summer crowds arrive and its hotels become more expensive, April is really not a bad time to visit Stockholm. As there is a lot more sunshine and the flowers are blooming, it is a lovely month to stroll about the Bergius Botanic Garden or Kungstradgarden. Many also explore the Skansen Open-Air Museum or take trips to see Drottningholm Palace.

While flights are pricier during the Easter holidays, there are very few crowds at all its main attractions and museums. Many of these stay open late or host special events for Stockholm Culture Night. The last day of the month also has traditional songs and bonfires take place for Walpurgis Night. Also known as Valborg, this wards of evil and celebrates the passing of spring into summer.

Stockholm in May

Stockholm in May

With average temperatures rising to 15°C (59°F), the sun shining brightly and days lasting longer, May is when tourists finally return to the city. There is a lively yet laidback feel about the old town with more people now spending time outside. Other than exploring its peaceful gardens and green spaces, it’s well worth taking day trips to Uppsala , Sigtuna or Marifred.

As there are now 8 hours of sunshine and 17 of daylight per day, you have loads of time to cruise about its sparkling waterways. While you’ll still need a coat, cycling about Djurgarden or strolling along the Monteliusvagen are also very pleasant pastimes. The downside is that flights and hotels are much more expensive in May and the centre is way more crowded.

Stockholm in June

Stockholm in June

June is when summer really starts in the city as almost everyday seems to have one festival or another going on. While it still drizzles a bit for around 10 days on average, that doesn’t put a damper on things. Airfares and accommodation prices are higher though and queues do form at some of its main museums.

All its exciting, interesting events more than make up for this however. Besides taking part in its Sweden National Day celebrations, you can run the Stockholm Marathon or enjoy tasty treats at A Taste of Stockholm. Traditional dances, music and food all celebrate the summer solstice with Midsummer being a massive event in this part of the world.

What’s more, the Sweden Rock Festival, Lollapalooza Stockholm and Department Festival all have incredible music acts to listen to. From June through September, dozens of free dance, music and theater shows are also put on for its Parkteatern summer program.

Stockholm in July

Stockholm in July

While July and August are the peak tourist season when prices are highest, the capital empties out for a month after Midsummer. This is when many Stockholmers head to their summer cottages to relax in the pristine nature. As such, fewer events are held despite the center being packed with people, making the most of the good weather.

With its sunny days seeming almost endless, you can sunbathe on the beach or swim, kayak and sail about its waters. Visiting the Bjorno Nature Reserve or seaside resort of Sandhamn is particularly lovely though they both will be quite busy. As the humidity rises at the end of the month, July actually sees the most amount of rain in the year.

Stockholm in August

Stockholm in August

With most locals now back from their summer holiday, August is by far the busiest month in Stockholm. Most people spend a lot of time in its picturesque parks or out on its islands and cruising about its countless waterways. All kinds of outdoor concerts, theater performances and film screenings only add to its already lively ambience.

While there is definitely a great vibe about Gamla Stan and Grona Lund, prices remain high with the days also starting to shorten a bit. The humidity also means that rain showers occur maybe 13 days of the month. That doesn’t stop people from partying at Pride or enjoying all the fun events put on for Stockholm’s Culture Festival.

Stockholm in September

Stockholm in September

As the summer holidays are over and the kids are back in school, September in Stockholm is a much quieter and cheaper time to visit. While averages of 15°C (59°F) are still great for exploring the old town, the sun shines a lot less as autumn sets in. All its parks and gardens look absolutely incredible with their fiery fall colors making for some fantastic photos.

With plenty of daylight hours in which to explore, you can take boat tours of the archipelago or amble around the Skansen Open-Air Museum. There are also both the Stockholm Design and Stockholm Beer & Whisky weeks to attend. The country’s ice hockey league also starts up again while Parkteatern puts on the last of its concerts and plays.

Stockholm in October

Stockholm Autumn

With the days shortening and the weather turning colder, fewer people visit Sweden’s capital in October. If you’re looking for some deals, it’s not a bad time to go as accommodation is cheaper and attractions like the Vasa Museum and Royal Palace are less crowded. The parks and gardens at Djurgarden and Drottningholm Palace also look epic thanks to their amazing autumnal foliage.

Other than wandering about Gamla Stan or Millesgarden, you can catch some fabulous acts at the Stockholm Jazz Festival. Its Craft Week also has some interesting exhibitions to check out while the world’s top tennis players all battle it out at the Nordic Open. The Grona Lund amusement park is also delightfully decorated for Halloween with scary parades taking place before its haunted houses.

Stockholm in November

Stockholm in November

November is even quieter in the city as most tourists are put off by the worsening weather. Temperatures drop to just 5°C (41°F) with it also raining for 17 days on average. Aside from wrapping up warm, you’ll want to spend more time indoors at attractions such as ABBA The Museum or Fotografiska Stockholm. Prices are lower though before the holiday season.

With the sun now peeking through the clouds for just 1 hour a day, November is often quite a bleak month in Stockholm. You can, however, watch an action-packed game of Bandy – a traditional winter sport – or enjoy its International Film Festival. Later on in the month, snow may fall with Skansen’s Christmas markets bringing some much-needed cheer to the capital.

Stockholm in December

Stockholm Christmas

The darkest month of the year, December has just 6 hours of faint daylight a day for you to explore the city in. As temperatures also often fall below freezing at night, everyone retreats inside or wears big coats when out and about. It also drizzles a bit for around 18 days with snow sometimes coating the capital too. Many monuments and buildings are magically lit up for its Nobel Week Lights Festival.

Candlelit processions and choir performances also celebrate the ancient mythological figure of Lucia; the bringer of light in the dark Swedish winters. Otherwise there are fun Christmas markets to peruse and, of course, colourful fireworks displays and concerts for New Year’s Eve. While prices do increase a bit, December can be a memorable time to visit if you want to experience a cold but hopefully snowy Christmas in Scandinavia.

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A First Timer's Perfect Guide to Stockholm

Advisor - Kimberly Sessions

Kimberly Sessions

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A couple smiling and posing in front of colorful buildings in Stockholm's Old Town.

Curator’s statement

Stockholm has the perfect mix of arts, culture and history, set in a clean and modern city. There is so much to do for all types of travelers. It's full of museums and surrounded by the sea. Stockholm instantly became one of my favorite European cities.

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Where to stay in Stockholm

Hotel at six.

Immerse yourself in modern luxury and artistic sophistication at this sleek hotel, where contemporary design meets curated experiences in the heart of Stockholm's vibrant city cente.

$100 resort / hotel credit. 

Breakfast daily. 

Upgrade & extended check-in/out whenever possible. 

A masterclass in next-gen hospitality, expect to fall hard for the discreet service, note-perfect interior design, unshowy public spaces and seasonal restaurant.

$50-$100 resort / hotel credit.

Breakfast daily.

Upgrade & extended check-in/out whenever possible.

Grand Hôtel

Experience timeless elegance and unparalleled luxury at the Grand Hôtel in Stockholm, where historical grandeur, breathtaking waterfront views and world-class hospitality create an extraordinary escape in the heart of the city

$100 food / beverage credit.

Lydmar Hotel

Polished boutique hotel in Stockholm with an eclectic vibe.

Hotel Villa Dagmar

A refined and elegant boutique hotel that blends classic sophistication with contemporary luxury, offering a serene oasis in the heart of the city.

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Things to do in Stockholm

Vasa Museum

This is the most popular and most-visited museum in all of Scandanavia, and for good reason. You will find the meticulously preserved Vasa Ship from 1628 at this museum. The museum is so much more than looking at this grand ship, as it discusses the preservation process, how they recovered it and what it looked like in the 1600's. Plan for spend at least three hours here, as they have a great audio guide and movie, as well as the many exhibits.

ABBA Museum:

Only a few minutes' walk from the Vasa Museum is the beloved ABBA museum. This interactive exhibition takes you through the life of all the ABBA members, how they started, how they rose to success and how they ended. It is filled with memorabilia and fun activities, including the opportunity to get up and perform your favorite ABBA songs! It's one of the funnest museum experiences.

Nobel Prize Museum

While this might sound quite boring, it is actually a fascinating museum. There is so much to learn about how and why the Nobel Prize was created and how it the winners are chosen every year. Each winner is able to leave one item in the museum, and this is what occupies most of the museum. You can learn about their lives, why they left their particular item and what they won for. They also have free guided tours that are quite informative. Also, in the square of this museum, you will find some of the most famous, historically colored buildings that are left, which have been preserved with the traditional architecture.

Ostermalm Food Market Hall

This was the biggest highlight of my trip to Stockholm. I strongly recommend it. Our guide, Lina, led us on a private tour sharing the long history of the food hall and the renovation process. We were able to try six different local dishes, including meats, cheeses, fish, berries and chocolate. Tasting each one of these delicacies gave such a clear look into the culture.

Royal Dramatic Theatre

If you are a theater fan, you have to see a show at the Royal Dramatic Theatre. I saw 77 Messages in their smaller space. The show was in Swedish, but we were able to follow along on an IPAD with English subtitles. It is such an amazing experience to see live theater in another language, and the space is beautiful.

Polkagris Kokeri

When you are exploring the Old Town, make sure to stop by this store. You can watch the staff make "candy canes" the traditional way, live in front of you. There are so many flavors to try. If you have time, you can join them for a class where you can learn to make your own!

Royal Palace and Changing of the Guards:

The changing of the guards happens every day in front of the Royal Palace and is narrated in both English and Swedish. This ceremony is so different from the English changing of the guards and a must-see for your visit. Afterwards, you can head into the Palace and the Royal Apartments to learn more about the history of the Swedish Royal Family, which is quite fascinating. Also, make sure to stop by the cathedral.

The Royal Armory

This is a separate museum from the Royal Palace, even though it is all connected. It displays ceremonial equipment, weapons and costumes from Sweden's royal history. It also walks through all the different eras and rulers, giving you a clearer picture of how Sweden was ruled.

Archipelago Boat Tour

Stockholm is made up of a bunch of different islands called archipelagos. Taking a boat tour is a great way to get out and explore the variety of the area, see all the cute houses and learn more about the history of the area. The scenery is also stunning.

Places to eat & drink in Stockholm

You can't possibly go to Sweden without taking a Fika break! Fika is a Swedish tradition that involves taking a break to enjoy a hot drink and a snack, often with friends, family or colleagues. It is a big part of the culture. You can find places all over the city. Make sure to try a cinnamon or cardamom bun.

Meatballs for the People

This place can get crowded, but it is so much fun! They locally source all of their meat and you can try many different types of meatballs with lingonberries and mashed potatoes. Traditional food with a hip flair.

Ulla Winlbladh

This is a beautiful restaurant located on the "green island." It is a bit more upscale, with delicious traditional foods.

Operakallaren :

This may be one of the BEST meals I have ever had in my life. It is a must for anyone traveling to Stockholm. This Michelin-starred restaurant is in the Old King's Chambers of the Opera House, so the location is stunning. The staff was kind, fun, respectful, but also had the best service I have ever experienced. The night began with a drink and some small bites in the lounge room. Then we moved into the main dining room and began your leisurely meal. The food was absolutely outstanding, but the large bread course had to be my favorite.

Advisor - Kimberly Sessions

Travel Advisor

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This guide is part of our ongoing series travel to Stockholm. Looking for more travel inspiration? Check out Caroline Weilert guide, Family Fun in Stockholm, Sweden .


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