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Exercise a high degree of caution in Chile due to the risk of civil unrest and the threat of violent crime.


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Local emergency contacts

For all emergencies, including fire and rescue services.

Police-  Call 133

Medical - Call 131

Fire and Rescue - Call 132

Advice levels

Exercise a high degree of caution in Chile.

  • Politically motivated demonstrations occur regularly, particularly in Plaza Baquedano (Plaza Italia), Lastarria and Bellavista in central Santiago and the centre of Valparaiso. Outbreaks of violence may occur at any time and have also occurred in the Santiago suburbs of Las Condes, Providencia and Vitacura, where the Australian and other embassies are located.
  • There are political tensions and violent incidents in the Araucanía region. Exercise caution if travelling in or near that region.
  • Local law prohibits political activity by foreign nationals. Participation in protests or demonstrations may result in detention or deportation. Avoid protests and large public gatherings. These can become violent. Authorities use tear gas and water cannons.
  • Mugging, armed robbery, pickpocketing and bag snatching are common. Don't walk alone, especially at night. Robberies can occur on inter-city buses while passengers are sleeping. Keep valuables with you and check everything before you leave the bus.
  • Domestic terrorist acts sometimes occur, undertaken primarily by anarchist groups in Santiago. They may use explosives. Be alert and report anything suspicious.
  • Natural disasters such as fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, flooding and tsunamis can occur. Monitor local media and follow the advice of local authorities.

Full travel advice:  Safet y

  • Altitude sickness is a risk to anyone travelling above 2,500 metres. Get advice from your doctor. Make sure your travel insurance covers medical evacuation from high altitude.
  • Easter Island has had outbreaks of Zika virus and dengue. If you're pregnant, ask your doctor about the risk of Zika virus before you travel. Make sure your accommodation is insect-proof. Use insect repellent.
  • Common infectious diseases include hepatitis, typhoid, influenza and rabies. Drink only boiled or bottled water. Avoid raw or undercooked food. If you're bitten or scratched by an animal, get medical help straight away.
  • Levels of air pollution are highest in Santiago from April to October. Dust levels can be high between December and March. If you have breathing problems, take care when there's an air contamination alert.
  • Private hospital facilities are good in Santiago and other major cities. Treatment is expensive. You may need to pay cash before treatment.

Full travel advice:  Health

  • Don't use or carry illegal drugs. Drug offences carry severe penalties, including long prison sentences.
  • If you're also a citizen of Chile, and entered the country using a Chilean passport, the Chilean Government may not recognise your Australian citizenship. This could affect your access to consular help and entry or exit requirements. Before travelling, check your citizenship status and any entry or exit requirements with an  Embassy or Consulate of Chile . 

Full travel advice:  Local laws

  • Australian citizens must obtain a  visa  before travelling. 
  • If your travel includes a transit in Chile, contact your nearest Embassy or Consulate of Chile to confirm if you need a visa for Chile.
  • Entry and exit conditions can change at short notice. You should contact the nearest embassy or consulate of Chile for the latest details.
  • Severe weather conditions in mountain areas may result in the closure of some land border crossings to neighbouring countries.

Full travel advice:  Travel

Local contacts

  • The  Consular Services Charter  tells you what the Australian Government can and can't do to help when you're overseas.
  • Contact the  Australian Embassy in Santiago  for consular assistance.
  • To stay up to date with local information, follow the Embassy’s social media accounts.

Full travel advice:  Local contacts

Full advice

Civil unrest and political tension, demonstrations and protests.

Large-scale demonstrations and protests might occur in Santiago and other cities. They may take place with little or no notice and may turn violent.

Local authorities have used tear gas and water cannons. Pay close attention to your personal security at all times and monitor the media about possible new safety or security risks. Follow the instructions of local authorities.

Demonstrations and protests can result in public transport disruptions. Public transport may be limited. Contact your airline or tour operator to determine if the situation will disrupt your travel plans. 

In the Araucanía region, people claiming to represent the Mapuche community are fighting over land and indigenous rights, with a significant increase in violent incidents (the Mapuche are Chile's largest indigenous group). A state of emergency has been declared in the ‘Macro Zona Sur' (provinces of Biobío, Arauco, Cautín and Malleco) until further notice. The military has been deployed to assist regional police during this period. You should be cautious when travelling within the ‘Macro Zona Sur’.

In recent years, attacks have targeted multinational forestry corporations and private Chilean landowners.

To protect yourself during periods of unrest:

  • avoid all demonstrations, protests and large public gatherings
  • be alert around days of national significance
  • monitor local media and other sources for news, especially before visiting central Santiago or other major city centres
  • follow the advice of local authorities
  • exercise caution when travelling in the Araucanía region

More information:

  • Demonstrations and civil unrest

Petty crime

Muggings and robberies  are common in urban areas.

Hotspots for thieves include:

  • Santiago 
  • Viña del Mar

Foreigners are targeted for their personal belongings, and people walking alone at night are more vulnerable. 

Muggings, including with weapons, occur in Santiago around:

  • Cerro Santa Lucia,
  • Cerro San Cristobal Park
  • Plaza de Armas
  • Mercado Central
  • malls/shopping centres

Pickpocketing and bag snatching is common. Be aware in crowded areas, such as:

  • public transport, including the metro system
  • outdoor cafes
  • resort areas
  • hotel lobbies
  • bars and restaurants

Keep your belongings close in the tourist areas of Santiago including:

  • Barrio Lastarria
  • Costanera Centre Mall

There have also been a number of armed holdups of stores.

Violent crime

Robberies,  assaults  and threats with weapons happen mainly at night. Take particular care:

  • in Bellavista and Barrio Lastarria in Santiago

Carjackings can occur as residents leave their vehicles to open or close gates.

Tourists have been robbed on inter-city buses, particularly:

  • from Calama to San Pedro de Atacama
  • at the Calama and Santiago bus stations

Criminal groups often use distraction to rob tourists. Common scams are where:

  • an elderly person 'accidentally' drops some coins and when a tourist stops to help, a thief steals the tourist's bag
  • thieves squirt a substance onto a tourist and steal their bag while helping them clean up ('bird poo' scam)
  • tourists are marked at the airport and followed to their hotels, where luggage theft or threats of assault and robberies can happen

Food and drink spiking occurs.

To reduce your risk of violent crime:

  • avoid going out alone, especially at night
  • book taxis by phone, particularly if travelling alone or at night
  • keep your belongings close, especially in crowded places
  • don't leave valuables in your checked luggage
  • don't leave food or drinks unattended

Cyber security 

You may be at risk of cyber-based threats during overseas travel to any country. Digital identity theft is a growing concern. Your devices and personal data can be compromised, especially if you’re connecting to Wi-Fi, using or connecting to shared or public computers, or to Bluetooth.

Social media can also be risky in destinations where there are social or political tensions, or laws that may seem unreasonable by Australian standards. Travellers have been arrested for things they have said on social media. Don't comment on local or political events on your social media.

Cyber security when travelling overseas

Anarchist groups stage occasional acts of terrorism, mostly in Santiago. They may use small explosive devices or bombs.

In October 2022, an explosive device was placed outside an office building in Santiago's business district. 

In January 2019, an explosion at a bus stop in Santiago injured five people.

To protect yourself from terrorism:

  • be aware of your surroundings
  • take care on public transport
  • report suspicious behaviour or packages to local authorities

Terrorism is a threat worldwide.

Climate and natural disasters

Chile can experience  natural disasters  and  severe weather , such as:

  • forest fires
  • earthquakes  and  tsunamis
  • volcanic eruptions

To protect yourself during a natural disaster :

  • secure your passport in a safe, waterproof location
  • monitor local media and other sources, such as the  Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System
  • keep in contact with friends and family
  • National Emergency Service - SENAPRED (Spanish)
  • SENAPRED's alerts (Spanish)
  • SENAPRED’s map with threats
  • SENAPRED’s twitter

Large forest fires often occur in Chile, particularly in summer.

If there's a fire close to your location, obey the evacuation orders of local authorities and monitor the situation.

Earthquakes and volcanoes

Chile is in an active earthquake zone. Earthquakes and volcanic activity may occur.

The Chilean Government uses a 3-tier system to classify volcanoes. The alerts are:

  • Green – stable with no immediate risk of eruption
  • Yellow – undergoing changes in activity levels
  • Red – imminent risk of eruption

If there's an earthquake or volcanic eruption, contact your travel provider about disruptions.

  • If t here's been an earthquake or tsunami 
  • Chile Atiende (in Spanish)

Chile is at risk of tsunamis.

Be alert to warnings, as a tsunami can arrive very soon after a nearby tremor or earthquake.

Move immediately to high ground if advised by local authorities, or if you:

  • feel a strong earthquake that makes it hard to stand up
  • feel a weak, rolling earthquake that lasts a minute or more
  • see a sudden rise or fall in sea level
  • hear loud and unusual noises from the sea

Don't wait for official warnings such as alarms or sirens. Once on high ground, monitor local media.

  • Pacific Tsunami Warning Center

Heavy rainfall and flash flooding can occur with little warning and may affect services and transport, including land border crossings into neighbouring countries.

In June 2023, heavy rainfall resulted in widespread flooding in the centre of Chile. Two people died and almost 10,000 people were isolated.

  • Follow the orders of local authorities and monitor the situation.

Travel insurance

Get comprehensive  travel insurance  before you leave.

Your policy needs to cover all overseas medical costs, including medical evacuation. The Australian Government won't pay for these costs.

If you can't afford travel insurance, you can't afford to travel. This applies to everyone, no matter how healthy and fit you are.

If you're not insured, you may have to pay many thousands of dollars up-front for medical care.

  • what activities and care your policy covers
  • that your insurance covers you for the whole time you’ll be away

Physical and mental health

Consider your physical and mental health before you travel, especially if you have an existing medical condition. 

See your doctor or travel clinic to:

  • have a basic health check-up
  • ask if your travel plans may affect your health
  • plan any vaccinations you need

Do this at least 8 weeks before you leave.

If you have immediate concerns for your welfare or the welfare of another Australian, call the 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on +61 2 6261 3305 or contact your  nearest Australian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate  to discuss counselling hotlines and services available in your location.

  • General health advice
  • Healthy holiday tips  (Healthdirect Australia)


Not all medication available over the counter or by prescription in Australia is available in other countries. Some may even be considered illegal or a controlled substance, even if prescribed by an Australian doctor.

If you plan to bring medication, check if it's legal in Chile. Take enough legal medication for your trip.

Carry a copy of your prescription or a letter from your doctor stating:

  • what the medication is
  • your required dosage
  • that it's for personal use

Health risks

Altitude sickness.

You’re at risk of altitude sickness if you travel above 2500m.

Altitude sickness can be life-threatening and can affect anyone, even if you're fit and healthy.

You're at greater risk of altitude sickness if you:

  • ascend quickly or make rapid ascents at higher altitudes
  • have had altitude sickness before
  • exercise or drink alcohol before you get used to the altitude
  • have lung problems that affect breathing

If you'll be travelling above 2,500m:

  • see your doctor for specific advice
  • check your insurance covers emergency evacuation from altitude and related medical costs

Insect-borne diseases

Outbreaks of  Zika virus  and  dengue  have occurred on Easter Island. 

If you're pregnant, the Australian Department of Health recommends that you:

  • discuss any travel plans with your doctor
  • consider deferring non-essential travel to Zika virus affected areas

To protect yourself from disease:

  • make sure your accommodation is insect-proof
  • use insect repellent
  • wear long, loose, light-coloured clothing

Get medical advice if you have a fever, muscle pain, rash or severe headache.

Other health risks

Outbreaks of waterborne, foodborne and other infectious diseases occur sometimes. These include:

To protect yourself from illness:

  • drink boiled water or bottled water with sealed lids
  • avoid ice cubes
  • avoid raw and undercooked food, such as salads
  • avoid contact with dogs and other mammals

If you're bitten or scratched by an animal, get medical help straight away.

Get medical advice if you have a fever or diarrhoea.

  • Infectious diseases

Air pollution

High levels of smog and air pollution occur in Santiago from April to October.

High levels of dust often occur from December to March.

The Chilean Government regularly issues pre-emergency alerts for air contamination.

If you have breathing problems, take extra care when there's a pre-emergency alert for air contamination.

Medical care

Medical facilities.

Medical facilities at private hospitals in Santiago and other major cities are good but very limited elsewhere.

Treatment at private clinics and hospitals is expensive.

Most large hospitals accept credit cards.

You may need to pay cash before doctors and hospitals will treat you, even in an emergency.

Fundación Honra offers an English-speaking service to victims of domestic violence and can be contacted on + 56 2 2835 6044.  

You're subject to all local laws and penalties, including those that may appear harsh by Australian standards. Research local laws before travelling.

If you're arrested or jailed, the Australian Government will do what it can to help you under our  Consular Services Charter. But we can't get you out of trouble or out of jail.

Penalties for drug offences are severe and include long prison sentences in local jails.

  • Carrying or using drugs

Australian laws

Some Australian criminal laws still apply when you’re overseas. If you break these laws, you may face prosecution in Australia.

  • Staying within the law and respecting customs

Dual citizenship

Chile doesn't recognise dual nationality.

If you're a dual national, this limits the  consular services  the Australian Government can provide if you're arrested or detained.

If you're of Chilean origin, you may be deemed a Chilean national under Chilean law. This may apply even if you've taken steps to renounce Chilean citizenship.

If you're considered a Chilean national under Chilean law, you may need to enter and exit Chile using a Chilean passport or ‘cédula de identidad’.

Different rules may apply to a child aged under 18 years who was born overseas to Chilean parents.

Confirm your citizenship status and entry and exit requirements with an  embassy or consulate of Chile  before you travel.

  • Dual nationals

Visas and border measures

Every country or territory decides who can enter or leave through its borders. For specific information about the evidence you'll need to enter a foreign destination, check with the nearest embassy, consulate or immigration department of the destination you're entering. 

To enter Chile, Australian citizens must obtain a visa before arrival:  SAC Sistema Atención Consular - Ciudadanos .

You can't stay on Easter Island (Isla de Pascua/Rapa Nui) for more than 30 consecutive days.

Entry and exit conditions can change at short notice. Contact the  Embassy or Consulate of Chile  for details about visas, currency, customs and quarantine rules.

Important information about the visa

You must obtain your visa before you arrive in Chile. The application process can be lengthy, so allow yourself enough time before your planned travel.

If you arrive in Chile without a valid visa, you won't be able to pass the immigration point, and you'll be sent back to your last port of departure. You won't be able to obtain a visa at the airport or border entry point. 

If you applied for a single-entry visa, and you enter Chile to then travel to another country, you won't be able to use that visa to enter Chile again. 

When travelling to Chile, you'll get a tourist card (paper) on arrival. You must keep the card and present it to immigration officials when departing Chile. You can request a new copy online if your tourist card is lost or stolen. For specific information, visit the closest  International Police (PDI) Office .

Entry into Chile

Besides having the e-visa described above, there are other requirements/technicalities at the airport:

  • When going through Immigration, you'll be given a slip of paper certifying your entry. You must keep this paper carefully, as it will be requested at departure. If you lose it, you'll have to request a new one from Immigration, and your departure from Chile may be delayed for an uncertain period. 

When entering Chile, all travellers must complete the Customs (Aduanas) and Agro-sanitary (SAG) declarations and checks by following this link:  https://djsimple.sag.gob.cl

If you're a dual-national (Australian-Chilean) or a resident of Chile, you may be required to enter using your Chilean ID documents (Chilean passport, or Chilean 'cédula de identidad').

Severe weather conditions in the Andes mountain regions may affect crossing into neighbouring countries by land. Check Chile's  Border Crossings  official website (in Spanish), subscribe to their WhatsApp  channel , and monitor local media before attempting to enter or leave the country by land. 

Transit through Chile

If your travel includes transiting through Chile, you should contact the nearest  Embassy or Consulate of Chile to confirm if you'll need a visa.

If you transit in Chile without a visa and miss your connecting flight, you won’t be able to pass the immigration point. You'll be required to remain airside and not leave the airport until a new onward flight has been arranged. Australians have previously been required to remain airside for several days due to missed flight connections. 

Departure from Chile

You may encounter serious difficulties if you try to leave Chile without the slip of paper given by Immigration upon entry. It will be requested when you go through their booths at departure.

If you are a dual-national (Australian-Chilean), you may be required to depart using your valid Chilean passport or Chilean 'cédula de identidad'. Chile's Migration Police (PDI) has denied the departure of dual nationals with expired Chilean passports. If you don't have a Chilean travel document upon entry, you can apply for one through  Registro Civil  while in Chile to facilitate your departure. 

Read the requirements and restrictions of the destination you're travelling to.

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs  (Spanish)

Other Formalities

Travel with children.

If you're  travelling with children  aged younger than 18, you may need to show the original, and provide a copy, of the child's birth certificate, particularly if the parent and child don't share a family name.

The article ' E-visa para Australia'  outlines the requirements for minors under 18 years of age to enter Chile:

  • minors must enter the country accompanied by their mother, father, guardian or person in charge of their personal care. Otherwise, they must have written authorisation from one of the minor's parents, from a Court or the competent Authority. 
  • the authorisation must be legalised by a  Chilean Consular  authority in the country of origin or include the corresponding apostilled certificate. 
  • they can also present a document recognised as valid by the Chilean border control authorities in virtue of the international agreements signed by Chile, which are currently in force.

A child aged under 18 years who isn't accompanied by one or both parents must carry 3 copies of the following:

  • the legalised written authorisation certifying the agreement of any absent parents
  • a copy of any court order conferring custody of the child, including sole custody (if relevant)
  • Note: Read ' Notarial services'  if you intend to apostille the authorisation with DFAT, as we can only apostille notarised documents serviced by an Australian Notary Public.

You also need a Spanish translation of the documents notarised no more than 3 months before travelling at either:

  • the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Santiago by a Chilean consular officer, or
  • a Chilean Embassy or Consulate

You can use the same document for entry and exit.

A child aged under 18 years born overseas to Chilean parents can enter Chile on an Australian passport and remain for up to 90 days as a tourist (see 'Visas').

For stays longer than 90 days, the child must obtain a Chilean passport.

See  Local law

As outlined in the requirements for  temporary admission for Australian passport holders , your Australian passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of arrival in Chile.

Some agencies and airlines apply the rule inconsistently. You may receive conflicting advice from different sources.

The Australian Government does not set these rules. Check your passport’s expiry date before you travel. If you’re not sure it’ll be valid for long enough, consider getting  a new passport .

Lost or stolen passport

Your passport is a valuable document. It's attractive to people who may try to use your identity to commit crimes.

Some people may try to trick you into giving them your passport. Always keep it in a safe place.

If your passport is lost or stolen, tell the Australian Government as soon as possible:

  • In Australia, contact the  Australian Passport Information Service .
  • If you're overseas, contact the nearest  Australian embassy or consulate .

Proof of identity

Always carry a clear copy of your Australian passport as proof of ID.

Keep your passport in a safe location when not being used.

You'll need to show your Australian passport when:

  • booking a hotel or hostel
  • travelling by air in Chile

Passport with ‘X’ gender identifier 

Although Australian passports comply with international standards for sex and gender, we can’t guarantee that a passport showing 'X' in the sex field will be accepted for entry or transit by another country. Contact the nearest  embassy, high commission or consulate of your destination  before you arrive at the border to confirm if authorities will accept passports with 'X' gender markers.

  • LGBTQIA+ travellers

The local currency is the Chilean Peso (CLP).

Amounts higher than $US10,000 must be declared on arrival and departure. This covers all forms of currency, not only cash.

US dollars can be readily exchanged throughout Chile.

Check your change as vendors, including taxi drivers, sometimes swap denominations to short-change travellers.

ATMs are widely available. Contact your bank to find out whether your cards will work in Chile. Credit cards are widely accepted.

Local travel

Local restrictions

Border areas

If you're planning scientific, technical or mountaineering activities in areas classified as 'frontier areas', you need approval from the Chilean Government 90 days before travelling.

Unexploded mines

Anti-tank mines and landmines are a danger in national reserves and parks near northern borders, including:

  • Lauca and Llullaillaco National Parks
  • Salar de Surire National Monument
  • Los Flamencos National Reserve

Be aware of unexploded weapons outside of military zones in the desert areas bordering Chile and Peru.

Take note of clearly marked landmine fields in the Magallanes region of southern Chile:

  • between Punta Arenas and the Torres del Paine National Park
  • in Tierra del Fuego

To avoid unexploded mines :

  • seek advice from local authorities for these areas
  • obey all warning signs
  • stay on clearly identified roads

Driving permit

To drive in Chile as a tourist, you need either:

  • a valid Australian driver's licence (which can function as a Chilean'  class B license ', for non-commercial, small vehicle driving during the length of your tourist visa), or
  • an International Driving Permit (IDP)

If you do not have a valid Australian licence, you need to get your IDP before leaving Australia.

Road travel

Driving in Chile can be dangerous.

Hazards for drivers include:

  • aggressive local driving practices
  • poorly maintained secondary and rural roads
  • poor street lighting
  • no guardrails on mountain roads

It's illegal to drive with any blood alcohol content in Chile. Penalties can include jail.

If you intend to drive in Chile:

  • check local traffic laws and practices
  • use chains on mountain roads during winter
  • Driving or riding


Your travel insurance policy may not cover you when riding a motorbike, quad bike or similar vehicle.

Always wear a helmet. Make sure your passenger does too.

Prepaid official taxis are available at the airport.

To protect yourself from crime and overcharging:

  • avoid hailing taxis on the street, particularly if travelling alone or at night
  • ask your hotel to make a telephone booking for you
  • make sure that the driver uses the meter.

Rideshare apps are also available. 

Public transport

Chile has a well-developed metro and bus network.

Santiago and Valparaiso are served by commuter rail. Opportunities for long-distance travel by rail are limited.

Tourists on inter-city buses, particularly from Calama to San Pedro de Atacama, have been robbed while sleeping.

If you take public transport:

  • don't store valuables in overhead lockers
  • keep your valuables with you at all times
  • check your belongings before you get off
  • Transport and getting around safely

Some international cruise liners visit Chile.

  • Going on a cruise

DFAT doesn’t provide information on the safety of individual commercial airlines or flight paths.

Check  Chile's air safety profile  with the Aviation Safety Network.


Depending on what you need, you should contact your:

  • family and friends
  • travel agent
  • insurance provider

Fire and rescue services

Medical emergencies.

Call 131 or go to the hospital.

Call 133 or contact the nearest police station.

Always get a police report when you report a crime.

Your travel insurer should have a 24-hour emergency number.

Chile has 2 main police agencies.

For police reports in English:

Carabineros de Chile (Primera Comisaria)

 Santo Domingo 714

 Santiago Centro

If you lose your passport and need a police report for insurance, ask for a 'Proof of Loss of Documents' (Spanish: 'Constancia de Perdida de Documentos') from:

Policia de Investigaciones (PDI)

 Eleuterio Ramirez 830


Consular contacts

Read the  Consular Services Charter  for what the Australian Government can and can’t do to help you overseas.

For consular help, contact the Australian Embassy in Santiago de Chile.

Australian Embassy, Santiago de Chile

Isidora Goyenechea 3621  13th Floor, Las Condes  Santiago de Chile  Phone: (+56 2) 2550 3500  Fax: (+56 2) 2550 3560  Email:  [email protected] Website:  chile.embassy.gov.au Facebook:  Embajada de Australia en Chile y Ecuador Twitter:  @AusEmbCL

Instagram: AusEmbCL

Check the Embass y  website for details about opening hours and any temporary closures.

24-hour Consular Emergency Centre

In a consular emergency, if you can't contact an embassy, call the 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on:

  • +61 2 6261 3305 from overseas
  • 1300 555 135 in Australia


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Visa Traveler

Exploring the world one country at a time

Chile tourist visa: Requirements and application process

Updated: July 2, 2021

Chile Tourist Visa Image

Chile tourist visa requirements are fairly easy to understand. The application process is online. But, you must appear in person to pick up the approved visa.

Chile issues only short-term visas for up to 90 days. The Visa fee can vary greatly depending on your country of passport. Refer to your nearest consulate website for exact and up-to-date information.


Visa exempt passport holders, 90-day entry.

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Czech Republic
  • El Salvador
  • Liechtenstein
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Russian Federation
  • Saint Kitts And Nevis
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent And Grenadines
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • Switzerland
  • Trinidad And Tobago
  • United Kingdom
  • United States Of America
  • Vatican City

60-day entry

30-day entry, visa required passport holders, 90-day single entry.

  • North Korea
  • Cote D’ivoire
  • Marshall Islands
  • Dominican Republic

60-day SINGLE entry

  • United Arab Emirates
  • Philippines
  • Papua New Guinea

30-day SINGLE entry

  • Afghanistan
  • Burkina Faso
  • Central African Republic
  • Guinea Bissau
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Solomon Islands
  • Sao Tome And Principe
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Sierra Leone
  • Stateless Refugees Seeking Asylum
  • Turkmenistan

21-day SINGLE entry

90-day multiple entry.

  • Cote d’Ivoire
  • Congo, Dem. Rep. Of
  • Congo, Rep. Of

60-day MULTIPLE entry

30-day multiple entry, no multiple entry visa is issued for the passport holders of below countries.

  • Comoro Islands

Visa EXEMPT for passport holders with legal residency in countries of Pacific Alliance – Colombia, Mexico, and Peru

Visa exempt for passport holders with a valid visa from the usa or canada, chile tourist visa application process.

Chile Tourist Visa Requirements - Visa Application

Check if you need a visitor/tourist visa to travel to Chile in the “Visa Requirements” section above. Alternatively, you can check your visa eligibility and requirements at your nearest consulate of Chile website .

Chile tourist visa application is a two-step process.

  • Submit the application online
  • Pickup approved visa in person

Documents required

Following documentation is required

  • First and last page of your passport
  • Copy of the visa/residence permit if applying in a third country (Example: if you hold an India passport and applying in the US, you have to provide a copy of your US visa)
  • Signed employment letter
  • Proof of economic solvency (bank statement)
  • Roundtrip flight tickets
  • Hotel reservation confirmations
  • Digital photograph

Supporting documents: Scan documents 1 though 7. Combine and create one single PDF file.

Digital photograph: File must be in JPG format and no larger than 100KB.

Online application

The first step in the application process is to fill and submit an online application at SAC (Sistema de Atención Consular) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile website .

  • Fill the online application
  • Upload the supporting documents PDF
  • Upload the digital photo JPG and submit

The Visa fee is based on the country of your passport. In the online application, after selecting your nationality, the fee for your country will be displayed. The Visa fee varies from $5USD to $150USD for both single and multiple entry depending on your country of passport.

NOTE Chile charges a visa fee only if the visa is approved

You have to pay the visa fee only if the visa is approved. You must pay this fee on the day of picking up your approved visa. Chilean consulate usually accepts credit/debit card payments. Call/email your nearest consulate ahead and check what modes of payment are accepted.

NOTE Apply for a multiple entry visa only if your itinerary involves multiple trips to Chile. The reason being, the visa will be issued only for the number of days you have requested. Also, the multiple entry visa fee is much higher than a single entry.

My itinerary was for 20 days. I have applied for a multiple entry visa. I was given only a 20-day multiple entry visa. I was expecting to travel back to Chile at some point in the future.

Priority visa service

There is NO expedited or priority visa service. Make sure to apply for your visa at least 30 days prior to your scheduled travel date.

Visa pickup

After you submit your online application, you can check the status of your application on the SAC website by logging in with the same username and password that you have created during the application submission.

After the visa is approved, you will receive an email with an appointment date. The appointment date is set by the consulate. You are allowed to change the appointment date one time.

On the date of appointment, you should appear in person at the consulate. You must carry your original passport. You must also carry all supporting documents in original.

The visa officer will verify your documents and fix the visa stamp in your passport. You will have to make the visa fee payment. You will then have to give your fingerprints on 3 copies of the approved application. They will retain one copy and you will be given the other two copies.

You will have to submit these two copies at your first port of entry in Chile. Make sure to carry these two copies with you on the day of your travel.

Customer service

There is no dedicated customer service for visa status inquiries. If you need any assistance or have questions, you can email/call your nearest consulate.

Application withdrawal

There is no formal procedure for visa application withdrawal. If you do not intend to continue with the application, you can just abandon your pending application at any stage.


Chile Tourist Visa Requirements - Travel

Entering Chile by air

At the first port of entry in Chile, the officer will stamp your passport but will not write/mark the number of days you are allowed to stay in the country. You will be given a small receipt that contains the number of days you are allowed to stay. Make sure to check the receipt right away for accuracy.

You must submit the two copies of the approved, fingerprinted and signed visa application that you received at the consulate to the officer at the port of entry.

As always, carry a copy of your return ticket and hotel booking just in case. If you are traveling on a one-way ticket, don’t forget to get proof of onward ticket .

Get a proof of onward ticket for your trip from OnwardTicket

Australia and Mexico passport holders Passport holders of Australia and Mexico have to pay a reciprocity fee. A reciprocity fee must be paid on arrival, before proceeding to immigration/customs. Look for payment counters near or next to immigration/customs counters.

Leaving Chile by air

Nothing needs to be done on exit. Just make sure to stop by the gate to check with the staff if they need to verify your documents.

Chile Tourist Visa Requirements - Santiago de Chile

Chile tourist visa requirements are fairly simple and clear. Application submission is online and processing is much quicker. Chile is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. If you haven’t been to Chile yet, add it to your list and keep it on the top.


Thirumal Motati

Thirumal Motati is an expert in tourist visa matters. He has been traveling the world on tourist visas for more than a decade. With his expertise, he has obtained several tourist visas, including the most strenuous ones such as the US, UK, Canada, and Schengen, some of which were granted multiple times. He has also set foot inside US consulates on numerous occasions. Mr. Motati has uncovered the secrets to successful visa applications. His guidance has enabled countless individuals to obtain their visas and fulfill their travel dreams. His statements have been mentioned in publications like Yahoo, BBC, The Hindu, and Travel Zoo.


I highly recommend using these websites to plan your trip. I use these websites myself to apply for my visas, book my flights and hotels and purchase my travel insurance.

01. Apply for your visa

Get a verifiable flight itinerary for your visa application from DummyTicket247 . DummyTicket247 is a flight search engine to search and book flight itineraries for visas instantly. These flight itineraries are guaranteed to be valid for 2 weeks and work for all visa applications.

02. Book your fight

Find the cheapest flight tickets using Skyscanner . Skyscanner includes all budget airlines and you are guaranteed to find the cheapest flight to your destination.

03. Book your hotel

Book your hotel from Booking.com . Booking.com has pretty much every hotel, hostel and guesthouse from every destination.

04. Get your onward ticket

If traveling on a one-way ticket, use BestOnwardTicket to get proof of onward ticket for just $12, valid for 48 hours.

05. Purchase your insurance

Purchase travel medical insurance for your trip from SafetyWing . Insurance from SafetyWing covers COVID-19 and also comes with a visa letter which you can use for your visas.

Need more? Check out my travel resources page  for the best websites to plan your trip.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER We are not affiliated with immigration, embassies or governments of any country. The content in this article is for educational and general informational purposes only, and shall not be understood or construed as, visa, immigration or legal advice. Your use of information provided in this article is solely at your own risk and you expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this article as a substitute for professional visa or immigration advice. Under no circumstance shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions in this article or for any damage you may suffer in respect to any actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the information in this article. Please refer to our full disclaimer for further information.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Please refer to our full disclosure for further information.


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Canada Tourist Visa Image


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What do I need to do to get a visa for Chile?

Chile is an amazing country to visit but getting a tourist visa can be a time-consuming process.

Dilvin Yasa

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Escape's Doc Holiday, Dilvin Yasa, answers your travel-related questions.

The regulations for Australians travelling to Chile seem confusing. Can you clarify the process please?

Absolutely. From 2020, Australian citizens visiting Chile must get a visa online through Sistema de Atención Consular (SAC) Ciudadanos well ahead of their departure date. Allow at least a month, because not only can it take a little time for the visa to come through, the process of information gathering can be time-consuming in itself. There are two types of visas: for transitional stays of up to 72 hours for those in transit (those in transit who do not leave the airport or go through immigration do not require a visa), and those with a maximum stay of up to 90 days with a cost which varies depending on the stay.

Top places to visit in South America

While filling out the form, you will need to explain the reason for your visit, plus the length of your stay before providing evidence of your onward or return flights, hotel reservations and proof of financial means (usually your last three pay slips or bills with bank transfers). It will be a simple case of uploading these documents while you’re uploading your photograph as well as a copy of the passport information page. The consulado.gob.cl/servicios/e-visa-para-australia site has all the info you require to get you started.

Once you arrive in Chile, you’ll also be given a paper tourist card which you must keep throughout your stay and present to immigration officials upon departure. If you lose it, you’ll need to request a new copy online. The time this takes to process can delay departure so best to keep it tucked inside your passport.

Travellers will also be required to complete the customs and Agro-sanitary declarations when entering the country, but by then you’ll be so used to filling out forms that this will be a walk in the park.

Do any cruise ships departing from Sydney offer dialysis (haemodialysis) on board? Picture: iStock.

Do any cruise ships departing from Sydney offer dialysis (haemodialysis) on board?

I wish I had better news but the short answer is “not really”. I first spoke with the team at Carnival Corporation, the parent company of Carnival Cruise Line, Princess Cruises, Holland America Line, Seabourn, Cunard, AIDA Cruises, Costa and P&O Cruises, and they informed me that none of their ships offer haemodialysis. They did add, however, that they welcome guests who require peritoneal dialysis, since it can be performed by the patient or by someone the patient is travelling with who is trained.

Celebrity Cruises and Royal Caribbean said that while they do not offer haemodialysis, guests can contact the guest services team ahead of time to bring their own, or use a third-party company. They themselves are unable to assist or administer haemodialysis treatments.

Dialysis at Sea Cruises specialises in the treatment of haemodialysis care while on-board select Celebrity Cruises and Royal Caribbean sailings. It’s best to give them a call to see if they can assist with any of your future cruises.

I’ve almost grown tired of travel writer mates waxing lyrical about the wonder that is Walk Japan. Picture: iStock.

Can you recommend any reputable operators who specialise in guided walking tours of Japan?

I’ve almost grown tired of travel writer mates waxing lyrical about the wonder that is Walk Japan, but since I now know so much about the company, I can hand-on-heart recommend you start your search there. They offer such a wide variety of tours that you can search by price, duration or activity level. They’ve got everything from a one-day Kyoto tour from JPY25,000 (around $260) to an 11-day Nakasendo Way trail, the company’s pioneering walking tour of the country, from JPY536,000 ($5574). Fancy a more challenging Hokkaido hike? Yep, they’ve got that, too.

More Coverage

chile travel visa australia

Raw Travel, an Australian company, is another I recommend. Some of their five- to 12-day hikes are guided, while others are self-guided, so it’s something to keep your eye on before you book. If you don’t find the exact trip you’re looking for, you can ask the team to tailor something to suit you. That said, their six-day Nakasendo Way Highlights Trip with Shimosuwa Onsen (from $3095) looks pretty close to perfect.

While World Expeditions isn’t a Japan specialist, it does excel in putting together well-rounded hiking expeditions and the 15-day Backroads of Japan (from $8520) provides the perfect balance of hiking, while at the same time experiencing the best of the country’s attractions.

Intrepid Travel also has an eight-day Koya-san & Kumano Kodo Trek from $4370, which is well worth looking into, as is G Adventures’ all-new Kyoto, Tokyo & the Michinoku Coastal Trail, an 11-day journey, priced from $11,749.

Dilvin backpacked solo around Europe after finishing high school and has lived for adventure ever since. She’s fallen under the spell of Bora Bora, made multiple trips to Turkey and finally got to visit Antarctica. She is also a self-professed cruise convert after a trip around the Norwegian fjords.

As people around the country head off on road trips for the King’s Birthday long weekend, police have warned that double demerits will be dished out.

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Aussies renting their rooms out while they travel is blowing tourists’ minds

Only in Australia can you rent out your room while you travel, then complain about being broke. 


  • Huasco Valley
  • San Pedro de Atacama
  • Elqui Valley
  • Antofagasta
  • Limarí – Fray Jorge National Park
  • Bahía Inglesa
  • Alto El Loa
  • La Serena and Coquimbo
  • Copiapó Valley
  • Tagua Tagua – Almahue Valley
  • Alto Colchagua Universidad Glacier 
  • Cachapoal Valley
  • Portillo Ski Resort
  • Pirque and Maipo Valley
  • Aconcagua Valley
  • Valle Nevado Ski Resort
  • El Colorado Ski Resort
  • Curicó Valley
  • Maule Valley
  • San Antonio/Leyda Valley
  • Colchagua Valley and Santa Cruz
  • Casablanca Valley
  • Viña del Mar
  • Cajón del Maipo
  • Robinson Crusoe Island
  • Rancagua and Sewell
  • La Parva Ski Resort
  • Rano Raraku
  • Llanquihue Lake
  • Chillan Ski Resort
  • Puerto Montt
  • Osorno and Puyehue
  • Valdivia and Corral
  • Pucón and Villarrica
  • Panguipulli
  • Temuco and Lago Budi
  • Arauco Territory
  • Puerto Varas
  • Chilean Antarctic Destination
  • General Carrera Lake
  • Tierra del Fuego
  • Coyhaique and Puerto Aysén
  • Carretera Austral
  • Torres del Paine
  • Puerto Natales
  • Punta Arenas
  • Family recreation
  • Coastal beaches
  • Lakeside Beaches
  • Hot Springs
  • Spa and relaxation
  • Patagonian cruises
  • Lake sailing
  • International cruises
  • Visits to observatories
  • Astronomical facilities
  • Indigenous Peoples and Ethnotourism
  • World Heritage Sites
  • Archaeology
  • Paleontology
  • Poetry and Literature
  • Typical gastronomy
  • Gastronomy of the world
  • Hiking y trekking
  • Skiing and snowboarding
  • Mountainbike
  • Horseback Riding
  • Mountain and rock climbing
  • Sport fishing
  • Kitesurfing and water sports
  • Ice walking
  • Overland 4×4
  • Paragliding and aerial sports
  • Wildlife watching
  • Landscape photography

National Parks

  • Bird Watching

chile travel visa australia

Updated the day 17 January, 2024

  • Entry Requirements

Frequently asked questions

Requirements for entering chile.

As of May 9th, the Protected Borders Plan is no longer in effect. This means that the request for a PCR test and random tests in the entry to Chile are eliminated. A current vaccination certificate will not be required when entering Chile.

Chile opened several of its border crossings for tourists, including Santiago, Iquique, Antofagasta, and Punta Arenas airports. You can check the terrestrial open border crossings here: at this link .

The people who oversee this supervision are the authorities in charge of migratory control at airports, border controls, etc. (Policía de Investigaciones, mainly), and it will take place upon entry registration in the country.

Every foreigner who enters the country as a holder of a temporary residence permit must prove before the control authority that they have the legal means for survival that allow for their stay in the country during the period of validity of their permit, as well as that of people subject to their dependency who accompany them.

The way to prove the amount can be shown in different ways, including cash, a bank account statement, a credit card, etc.

Travelers shall have their Single Entry Form (FUI) , their round-trip ticket, and a reservation at a tourist service registered in SERNATUR or an invitation letter from the Provincial Delegation.

Protocols for your favorite attractions

The new post-Covid-19 tourism will demand strict standards of hygiene and sanitation of spaces, therefore, the invitation is to adopt these recommendations and adopt a new travel culture



When you arrive and check-in…

  • Observe the social distancing required.
  • Allow establishment to take your temperature and disinfect your hands.
  • Avoid exchanging papers, brochures, or pencils.
  • Prefer digital pre-checking.
  • Wear face mask at all times.
  • Pay with bank card or via electronic transfer.

During your stay…

  • Always remember to wear face mask.
  • Wash your hands frequently. The hotel should have areas enabled to wash hands with soap or hand sanitizer gel dispensers.
  • Leave keys or cards in the containers provided.
  • Prefer activities or meetings in open spaces.
  • Notify hotel staff if you have Covid-19 symptoms or suspect you have them.

When going to eat…

  • Self-service should be kept to a minimum. Ideally, the tourist should not handle food.
  • Ideally, buffet breakfast should not be available. If they cannot be eliminated, make sure that safety measures are available to implement.

Ski Centers


  • Ski centers have special structure and operation features; hence you will find that measures vary based on the activity.
  • Observe the instruction of each establishment or activity. If, for instance, you go to a restaurant, the rules will be the same as those that are implemented throughout the country and observing allowable capacity, social distancing, use of face mask, and washing of hands is prioritized.

If you are at the establishment’s ticket office or entrance…

  • Prioritize buying tickets online to help minimize overcrowding.
  • Observe the minimum recommended distancing.
  • Clean your hands. There will be hand sanitizer gel dispensers available in the ticket control area and throughout the center.
  • Learn the rules implemented by the establishment.
  • Remember to use snow gloves and “face mask type” protection suitable for the location, otherwise you will not be able to enter.
  • Allow your temperature to be taken and complete the health self-survey.
  • Locker rooms will not be available, arrive ready from home.
  • Each center will have sanitization guidelines such as glove disinfection. Observe the instructions of the establishment’s instructors and staff.

Facilities or equipment rental…

  • Rental services will only operate if physical distancing and maximum capacity are ensured and if entrances are controlled with unidirectional flow per station.
  • Prefer contactless card payment.
  • If there is a digital pre-rental plan available, use that option.
  • Respect the minimum distancing established.
  • Everything must be properly disinfected. You can help by avoiding touching objects with your hands.

Restaurantes and coffee shops



  • Do not enter the premises while at full allowed capacity.
  • Let the establishment take your temperature and disinfect your hands.

When sitting…

  • You should always wear face mask, but when taking it off to eat you should not leave it on the table.
  • Remember that everything will be disinfected and you must observe the distance with whom you are attending.  Menu will not be on printed paper.
  • Observe the number of people allowed per table.

If you go to the restroom…

  • Everything will be disinfected.  However, avoid touching handles and faucets directly with your hands.
  • Prefer drying with paper towel, which should be available to users.

When leaving…

  • Prefer bank card or electronic transfer payment.
  • Remember to wear face mask.
  • Maintain social distancing and leave through approved exits.

The restaurant must sanitize tables after each customer use and make sure that all utensils are disinfected and ensure kitchen and restroom cleanliness.  Ventilation of areas is the restaurant’s responsibility and recommended protocol must be followed in its entirety.

Adventure tourism



In public service offices…

  • Observe the number of people allowed inside.
  • Make pre-reservations via digital channels or telephone.
  • Allow temperature to be taken.
  • Avoid exchanging printed material.
  • Wash your hands constantly. Disinfectant dispensers should be available in the establishment.

During the activity…

  • Notify if you have any Covid-19 symptom.
  • If possible, buy travel insurance coverage for the type of activity.
  • Number of people per group and capacity as per the recommendations of the health authorities. Observe them.
  • Find information on the safety practices and restrictions of the company you are hiring.
  • If you are in an enclosed area, remember to wear face mask.


Upon arrival…

  • Remember that the use of face mask is mandatory.
  • Observe the area’s entrances and the instructions provided upon your arrival.
  • Wash your hands properly and constantly.
  • Keep the recommended social distancing.
  • If you made reservations, remember that you should have previously accepted the establishment’s contingency plan terms.
  • If you did not make reservations, you will be sent a document electronically on the contingency plan, which you must accept to formalize your stay.
  • Prefer electronic transfers or bank card payments.
  • If possible, communicate with the person in charge of the campsite by phone to avoid moving around the establishment.
  • Observe the posted signs with information on restrictions.
  • If the campsite includes dining room or common areas, remember that said areas must be closed if ordered by the health authorities.
  • Be aware of health care centers around you and inform the staff if you have any Covid-19 symptoms.

Mice Tourism


Meeting venues…

  • Everything must be previously disinfected and ventilated.
  • Entrances and exists must be defined and restricted if several are available.
  • Observe distancing allowed while standing and sitting.
  • Observe the number of attendees allowed.
  • Wash your hands constantly.
  • Avoid exchanging pencils, papers, or folders.

Coffee breaks…

  • Avoid exchanging objects with other attendees.
  • Everything will be disinfected and utensils will be disposable. Observe this restriction and contribute to its enforcement.
  • Remember, always maintain the recommended distancing.
  • Upon arrival, allow the establishment to take your temperature and find out about the practices implemented by the venue. Remember that you must fill out a health statement truthfully and report if you have coronavirus symptoms.

Rural Tourism


  • Remember to always wear face mask.
  • Observe the recommended social distancing.
  • Find out about the venue’s rules and read brochures or posters on restrictions.
  • Avoid touching the venue’s objects.
  • Remember to fill out your health statement online.
  • Allow the venue to take your temperature.

If you decide to use rural tourist lodging…

  • Do not forget your face mask and hand washing.
  • Observe the venue’s restrictions and social distancing.
  • Avoid the exchange of printed material.
  • If possible, make reservations in advance through websites, social networks, WhatsApp or telephone.
  • Prefer bank card or electronic transfer payments.
  • If you use keys, place them in their assigned containers.
  • Objects such as carpets or cushions will be removed from rooms.
  • Observe these changes which are intended to prevent the spread of the virus.
  • If you use food services, remember to observe the allowed capacity.

If you use trails…

  • Ask what tours, circuits, and activities are allowed.
  • Observe the frequency established for their use.
  • Remember the maximum number of people allowed per tour and observe that restriction.

Tour guides



  • Tour guides operating independently must decide the tenor of the tour, sanitary measures, regulations, etc.
  • Before formalizing your reservation, you must read and accept the implemented regulations and guidelines.


Before starting the tour…

  • You must fill out a document in which you accept the terms of the activity, declare your physical condition, and health history.
  • Let them take your temperature and check for coronavirus symptoms.
  • Listen carefully to all the information that the tourist guide provides you.
  • You should never remove face mask.
  • Remember to wash hands constantly. If there are not facilities or hand sanitizer gel available, the tour guide should provide them.
  • Observe the number of people allowed per tour.
  • Observe all the instructions provided taking into account that if you enter a place it may have different rules. Read them and follow them.
  • If you interact with other tourists, remember to keep the recommended social distancing.
  • The tourist guide will inform you about health services near the area. Keep them in mind in case of an emergency and tell the tourist guide if you have any Covid-19 symptom.


  • Observe the maximum capacity allowed and find out about the district’s phase where the ceremony is held. The number of people allowed in the venue will be based on that.
  • Make sure that the ceremony does not last more than 2 hours.
  • Remember that wearing face mask is mandatory at all times.
  • Avoid overcrowding and observe social distancing.
  • Sanitize your hands frequently.

Swimming pools


Before arriving…

  • Book tickets online or buy them in advance to avoid crowds.
  • Make sure that you do not have any symptoms or have not been in contact with anyone that is infected.
  • Organize going to a public swimming pool with your closest family group and avoid socializing with other people.
  • Avoid bringing too many accessories and implements that can be shared. Bring just the necessary things.

While in the premises…

  • Observe the allowed capacity, exits and entrances, and social distancing.
  • Do not take face mask off, except when entering the pool.
  • Remember that you cannot use slides or games.
  • Arrive with swimsuit on, remember that lockers will not be available to change clothes.
  • When using restrooms, observe the corresponding queue to avoid overcrowding and remember to wash your hands.
  • Do not stay in the pool too long. It will be controlled to avoid overcrowding.

Commerce and services


  • Wear face mask always.
  • Observe the site’s recommended physical distancing.
  • Prefer bank card payments and sanitize your hands after use.
  • Disinfect your hands.
  • Allow the venue to take your temperature and check your health upon arrival.
  • Observe the venue’s allowed capacity and implemented safety measures.



In the area…

  • Observe the distance defined by the concession holder. At least one meter, avoiding all physical contact.
  • Remember that the use of face mask is still mandatory, except when entering the sea.
  • Follow the authorities’ self-care recommendations.
  • If you go with children, avoid using the children’s playgrounds and, if they do, clean contact areas before using.
  • Hand washing is still permanent even if you are at the beach.
  • Clean and disinfect personal items at all times.
  • Don’t litter. Discard waste at the assigned areas.
  • Remember to bring and take care of cleaning supplies, such as hand sanitizer gel, face mask, and disinfectant wipes. When you leave, do not leave them discarded.
  • Avoid sharing lotions or personal items, as well as food or fluids.
  • If you buy items, buy them in approved establishments that comply with health protocols and, if possible, pay with bank cards.
  • If you use chairs or beach chairs, avoid sharing them and make sure they are properly sanitized.



At the terminal:

  • The use of face mask is always mandatory.
  • Remember to sanitize your hands.
  • Observe, in any terminal area, the one-meter distance with a passenger of another group.
  • Fill out the Passenger Location Form accurately.
  • Enter the passenger terminal alone, with the exception of minors, senior adults, or people requiring assistance.
  • Follow the health authorities’ instructions of and obtain information on the venue’s protocols.

Before flying:

  • Observe the one-meter distance and floor markings installed for this purpose.
  • Distancing between people of a same household will not be required.
  • Avoid touching the venue’s handles, devices in place and your face.
  • Follow the instructions of aviation personnel.
  • Carry the least number of items in your pockets to avoid overcrowding the control area. If this is not possible, keep them in your hands so that they can be quickly placed on trays.
  • Queue only if you are called to board.
  • Keep at least one meter away from the boarding queue.

After the flight…

  • Remove your luggage only when instructed.

Urban parks and aquares


Before arriving:

  • Coordinate visits and avoid going in large groups.
  • Find out about the corresponding allowed capacity of each area you wish to visit.
  • If you must buy a ticket, prefer purchases in advance and online.
  • If possible, bring your own disinfecting items plus a bottle of water to avoid sharing with others.

On the venue:

  • Observe the allowed capacity of each park, trail, or square.
  • You cannot remove your face mask, as its use is always mandatory.
  • Keep the recommended distance of at least 1 meter between people of a same group and 5 meters between different groups.
  • Avoid touching surfaces. If not possible, remember to disinfect your hands and do not touch your face.
  • Observe the instructions of each area, such as the use of benches, special exercise areas for seniors, facilities, or safety tapes.
  • Do not leave waste in the area. Discard waste in the nearest waste container.



  • Prefer buying or booking tickets online.
  • Find out sanitary measures of each place and observe them.
  • Comply with physical distancing rules.
  • Remember to wear face mask at all times.
  • Sale and consumption of food is prohibited inside these establishments to prevent visitors from taking off their masks.
  • If you enter a coffee shop or store inside the establishment, observe their instructions and protocols.
  • Everything must be properly sanitized. Contribute to cleanliness and wash your hands frequently with water or hand sanitizer gel.
  • Observe the maximum capacity allowed. If you must wait outside to enter, maintain social distancing and respect the line.
  • If you can schedule a guided tour, prefer that option. This way schedules will be maintained and crowds will be avoided.

During your tour…

  • Do not remove your face mask.
  • Maintain physical distancing.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Avoid touching objects, handles, or gadgets.
  • Observe the instructions provided by tour guides or those posted by the establishment.
  • Prefer electronic or bank card payments.



  • Do not remove your mask at any time.
  • Comply with entry protocol focused on checking your health status.  Allow the establishment to take your temperature.
  • If possible, bring your own alcohol or hand sanitizer gel plus a bottle of water.
  • Prefer groups of few people.
  • Observe the instructions and safety measures of each place.
  • Maintain a minimum distancing of 1 meter from other groups of visitors.
  • If you enter an allowed enclosed area, observe the allowed capacity.
  • Keep the allowed distance from animals and observe boundaries.


  • Let the establishment take your temperature.
  • You must enter with a face mask and wear it inside the site.
  • Help preventing overcrowding.
  • Listen carefully to safeguard instructions provided at the beginning of the visit.
  • Remember to keep your distance.  Two meters recommended for groups or families.
  • Your group cannot exceed 15 people.
  • Be aware of cleaning and self-care measures.
  • Do not have direct contact with park rangers, people from local communities, or others without the mandatory security measures.
  • Don’t forget to frequently wash your hands and sanitize your personal items such as backpacks, clothes, bottles or others after the activity.
  • You must attend the mandatory prevention induction sessions.  They may be online or in person.
  • Collaborate with the park ranger’s instructions and safety measures such as taking the temperature.


  • Long or difficult trails may be closed to minimize not only contagion risks, but also accidents that could increase the work load of health care systems, police, or firemen.
  • When using individual trails, maintain the recommended physical distancing.
  • It is very likely that lookouts will be closed since they may be a source of contagion.  Observe the instructions of each area you visit.
  • If you decide to eat in the destination’s assigned areas, observe physical distancing at each table.
  • In case of grills, there will be an allowed capacity to observe distancing.



Before the tour:

  • Book tickets online or by phone in advance.
  • Find out about the safety measures and protocols implemented for your experience. Help make sure that everything is observed.
  • Face masks are mandatory for the entire experience.
  • Maintain a distance of 1.5 to 2 linear meters with another person.
  • Observe markings installed at each area. Follow the venue’s rules and safety instructions as well.
  • Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer gel when necessary.
  • Avoid handling objects.
  • Carry and protect your personal and hygiene items.
  • Remember to bring warm clothes. Tours are at night and the company may not provide these items to avoid contagion.
  • If you visit enclosed facilities, observe the venue’s rules.
  • When using restrooms, use disposable paper towels to dry your hands.
  • Prefer electronic or bank card payment.


WHAT MUST TOURISTS DO TO COMPLY WITH THE PROTOCOL? Inside the venue… • Observe the allowed capacity as well as physical distancing and recommendations issued. • Remember that the use of face mask is mandatory at all times. • Avoid generating agglomerations. • Disinfect hands constantly, especially after handling shared objects. • Find out the stage of the venue’s community. The operation must observe the Step by Step Plan and measures such as venue capacity or operating days may change. • Prefer bank card payments. Slot machines, bingos, and games… • You will only be able to use slot machines that have been sanitized and are not blocked or disabled. • Disinfect hands and objects continuously. Cleaning items for this purpose will be available in these areas. • Disinfect slot machines before use. Disinfecting wipes will be available on site or the staff will provide you with a cleaning kit. • Avoid exchanging tokens and other items. • Observe the venue’s demarcations. • Consumption of food and beverages is prohibited.

Agencies and tour operators


Before going to a place…

  • Check schedule online or by phone.
  • Schedule in advance your service to avoid overcrowding the place.
  • Make sure you do not have any coronavirus symptoms before going.

When you are in a place…

  • Remember to use face mask and observe recommended distancing.
  • Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching objects.
  • Allow your temperature to be taken while entering the place.
  • Your cell phone will be the option to inform you when you are at the place to avoid using brochures or printed material.
  • When paying prefer electronic transfers or bank card payments.
  • If you use cash, wash your hands thoroughly before and after doing transaction.

During the tour…

  • Follow the instructions of your tour guide and observe the imposed restrictions.
  • Remember that not all destinations are enabled.
  • Avoid close contact with other people and touching objects in places.


Upon arrival to the vineyard, remember that…

  • You must allow the establishment to take your temperature and fill out an online health statement.
  • You must carry your identification. The venue’s personnel will request identification for preventive and traceability purposes.
  • Wearing face mask is mandatory.
  • Hand washing is essential to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
  • Keep the required social distancing.
  • It is your obligation to find information on the measures implemented by the venue. Read posted signs.
  • If you make reservations online, you are helping to minimize contagion.
  • Each area should be properly disinfected, however, avoid touching handles, keys, or tables to minimize contagion.
  • If you use the venue’s rest rooms, dry your hands with paper towel.
  • Always listen to the Tourist Guide, he/she will inform you about safety measures.
  • Groups cannot exceed 10 people. Contribute observing this rule.
  • The vineyard will redistribute parking lots and spaces to avoid overcrowding. Contribute observing this measure.
  • Prefer bank card payments, electronic transfers, and online reservations.

Touring the vineyard…

  • Take advantage of the natural resources that the vineyards offer.
  • Avoid manipulating objects, lids, or signs.
  • During wine tasting, the tour guide should use gloves and avoid, for example, touching glasses with the bottle’s neck.
  • Use hand sanitizer gel and clean your hands before entering the wine tasting area.
  • If you are assigned a tasting glass, keep it in a safe place and remember that it is for your personal use.
  • Observe allowed capacity and recommended social distancing.
  • Avoid manipulating the available products.
  • Wash your hands and remember to wear face mask.

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Do you need a visa to go to Chile?

Mark Johanson

Aug 12, 2023 • 3 min read

Ahu Tongariki, Easter Island.

Plan ahead with travel to Chile by knowing which particular documents you'll need before departure © Getty Images

With its dazzling national parks, globally-renowned wineries, Andean ski resorts and top-class surf beaches, Chile is an attractive destination for travelers from around the world. Deciding you want to visit is the easy part; navigating the logistics of actually making that trip happen can be a tad trickier. Below is a useful guide to Chile’s entry requirements, including information on visa types, costs and all the details you’ll need to ensure a seamless journey in and out of the country.

Crown jewel of Torres del Paine in Patagonia

Citizens of 95 countries do not need a visa in advance

Citizens of around 95 countries can enter Chile without the need to obtain a consular or electronic visa in advance. These include citizens of the United States, Japan, Canada, the UK, the European Union and Chile’s South American neighbors – all of whom receive a stamp allowing them to stay in the country for up to 90 days. Formerly, the citizens of many of these countries had to pay hefty “reciprocity fees” to enter Chile. These are no longer in place, with the final fee, for Australians, removed in 2020 (though Australians still need an e-visa to enter, which can be found here ).

Citizens of many other countries, particularly in Africa and Asia, will need to visit the closest embassy to apply for a tourist visa, which could last for a minimum of 30 days or a maximum of 90, depending on the nation. You can view the full list here (in Spanish) of who does and doesn’t need a visa and how long these visas last.

Citizens of all countries must ensure that their passport is valid for a minimum of 6 months from the date of arrival.

Immigration and passport control

Everyone gets a Tarjeta de Turismo or Tourist Card when they arrive

 Upon entering the country, you will receive a slip of paper called the Tarjeta de Turismo (Tourist Card). Hold onto it for the duration of your stay as you’ll be required to present this to border officers when you depart. This tourist card is actually quite useful as you can use it to avoid the 19% room tax at hotels, which domestic tourists must pay. Most hotels won’t automatically deduct this, so be sure to show your passport and tourist card at check-in.

If you lose the tourist card, you can request a free copy at the website of the Policía de Investigaciones de Chile (PDI), at the nearest PDI office or at the Santiago airport (though you should allot at least 45 minutes extra at the airport to deal with this). Residents of visa-free countries can extend the tourist card for an additional 90 days by filling out a form online (in Spanish) and then paying a US$100 extension fee, but this requires a high level of Spanish comprehension and the patience to jump through some hoops. It’s often easier (and cheaper) to just hop across the Andes to Argentina and return a day later, at which time you’ll receive a new tourist card free of charge.

Man and woman share grapes in a vineyard

Working visas are available for citizens of Canada and Australia 

Citizens of 16 countries – including Canada, Ireland, Germany, Australia and New Zealand – can apply for Working Holiday Visas to extend their stay in Chile even longer. These visas are generally available to those between the ages of 18 and 30 (or up to 35 for Canadians) and allow foreigners to work and live in Chile for up to one year. Entrepreneurs should consider applying to the Start-Up Chile program, which arranges one-year work visas on top of generous monetary incentives in the tens of thousands of dollars. Others who want to stay longer can work with local language schools to arrange Sujeta a Contrato visas for teaching English in Chile.

This article was first published Oct 20, 2021 and updated Aug 12, 2023.

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Flag of Chile

Bilateral, economic and trade information

  • Chile country brief - bilateral fact sheet
  • Chile trade and economic fact sheet [PDF 199 KB]
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Chamber of Commerce

Australia-chile chamber of commerce.

Contact: Barbara Romero-Cespedes, Director

Website: www.chilechamber.com

Email: [email protected]

Chile-Australia Chamber of Commerce

Contact: Ximena Lopez, General Manager

Website: www.auscham.cl

Email: [email protected]

Embassies and consulates

  • Australian Embassy in Chile
  • Australian Embassy in Chile website
  • Embassy of the Republic of Chile
  • Consulate-General and Consulates of the Republic of Chile

Export Promotion Bureau

Embassy of Chile Paula Moreno, Trade Commissioner Suite 1001, 50 Clarence Street Sydney, NSW, Australia

Tel: + 61 2 9262 5199


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Start Your Chile Visa Application Now

  • Fast.   CIBTvisas specialises in securing Chile visas and can help you secure a Chile visa.
  • Easy.   CIBTvisas is the easiest way to get a visa and can secure in as little as one day.  We process Chile visas at the Chile Embassy every day for residents of all 50 states.

Chile Visa FAQs

When is the best time to apply for my Chile visa? The best time to apply for your Chile visa is 1-2 months before your travel date. However, if you are running short on time, we may be able to process your visa on a faster service at the Embassy’s discretion.

Do I have to send you my passport to get a Chile visa? Is it safe to send a passport? Yes. You will need to send your actual passport, not a copy of it. The Chile visa is stamped on your passport and will become one of your passport pages. Visa request cannot be processed without your original passport. Because of the importance of your passport, we strongly suggest that you send your application using our secure collection service.

Sample of the Business Travel Requirements for a Chile Visa for Australian Citizens

Eligibility and Documentation

The Government of Chile utilises an electronic visa issuance system which is the equivalent to a visa, but no stamp or label is placed in the passport.

To be eligible the traveller must:

  • Hold a passport valid at least six months on entry with one blank visa page
  • Hold proof of sufficient funds 
  • Hold proof of onward/return flights
  • Hold proof of hotel reservation
  • Hold all documents required for the next destination

To complete the order form the traveller must provide:

  • A photograph
  • A copy of the passport information page
  • A letter of invitation attested by a Chilean notary
  • Proof of financial means
  • A copy of the flight confirmation

Apply now and complete our order form providing basic travel and personal details. We'll take care of the rest keeping you apprised of your order's progress over email.

Sample of the Tourist Travel Requirements for a Chile Visa for Australian Citizens

Visa May Not Be Required

  • Stay in the transit area of the airport
  • Hold a passport valid for period of intended stay with one blank visa page
  • Hold proof of sufficient funds
  • Hold proof of confirmed onward/return airline tickets
  • Hold a visa for the next destination, where applicable
  • Confirm with their airline that boarding will be permitted without a visa as these conditions are subject to change
  • A copy of the cruise/ship itinerary confirmation or flight confirmation
  • A travel authorisation if they will be applying for an unaccompanied minor
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' class=

313 replies to this topic

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Billy, did you get a response to this? I'm in the same boat and am finding the advice on the Internet very confusing - thank you

chile travel visa australia

Thanks Joey

Just spoke to someone at the Consulate who claimed I didn't need a medical certificate - but will get one anyway.

Hadn't heard about the police check - thanks for that tip

Much appreciated

^Was also told the same thing by the Melbourne consulate, that the medical certificate is no longer required and to supply proof of travel insurance instead. Nothing mentioned about a police check. Have sent the application off anyway so will see how it goes.

How long ago did you apply Joey?

Thanks Billy,

It is somehow strangely comforting to know I'm not in this hall of mirrors alone!

E-visa just came through after 7 days - a much quicker turnaround than initially indicated by the Consulate! No police check or medical certificate required either. Gotta say, it’s awfully expensive for a tourist visa though (A$174), and filling out the online application was rather cumbersome and frustrating.

Thanks for the update Billy, we will submit our applications soon - also travelling in October :-)

Great, thank you!! We will have hotels booked so I guess I’ll just provide that info. We are not going until next year but I only just realised you needed a Visa, it’s changed since last time we went. Glad to hear that it sounds pretty simple.

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Chile tourist visa application, requirements, price, and processing time

Having to get a visa to Chile takes all the fun out of traveling. We are here to get it back. Just apply online below and let us do the rest

Call us FREE

Chile Visa Types

Applying for an online visa to Chile is easy, and the program offers a few options; you may opt for a tourist, business, or transit visa depending on the intended activity you’ve planned for. Below, you will find a detailed review of each visa type.

Visa is not required for a stay up to 90 days

The nationals that have an APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) can travel to Chile for business purposes for up to 90 days, provided that their ABTC includes Chile

Unfortunately, at this time VisaHQ does not provide service for

A visa is not required for this destination.

Chile Tourist visa fees for citizens of Russia

Chile visa policy.

Visitors traveling to Chile must get visas before their trip, which can be done through any of their diplomatic missions or online. Not all visitors need visas, though, as visa-exempt persons can enter Chile visa-free based on their nationality. The Chilean government maintains a reciprocal multilateral and bilateral agreement with many nations and uses different factors to decide which foreigner gets visa-free access.

Persons from countries and territories on the visa-free list can stay in the country for 90 days or less, amongst other conditions. For instance, Chinese citizens can apply for a tourist or business to stay in Chile for up to 90 days without paying application fees if they already have an entry visa with more than six months validity to the United States or Canada.  

Indian citizens with valid visas for at least six months may also enter Chile without visas. 

Australian citizens are eligible for an e-visa. The visa policy of Chile is flexible and based on the visitor’s nationality more than anything else.

As for visa holders, they can extend their visas by filling out an application and paying an extension fee to the Extranjeria Department. Alternatively, they may exit and re-enter the country twice without paying fees.

Chile E Visa

Applicants who submit online applications for a Chilean visa will be issued an e-visa called the e- Vistur which is an online visa. This visa has been issued to eligible foreigners since 2020, and it is a short-stay travel authorization document. The e-Vistur system was initiated to expedite visa processing and issuance. Rather than visit the embassy or consulate, applicants may apply for it and get approval in a few days. The online visa is valid for 180 days and can be extended for another 90 days.

Key Information About Chile e Visa

Here are some key details about Chile’s e-visa you should know about and things you should do before your trip.

Please print Out The Visa:  Always travel with a copy of your e-visa once it is delivered through email. The authorities will request a copy at the point of entry, and the only way you can prove to them that you have a valid visa is to show them a copy.

Travel With The Same Passport:  You must travel to Chile with the same passport used for the application because that is the passport number that appears on the e-visa. Traveling with a different passport is as good as not having a visa, and you will be denied entry.

You Can Only Extend It Once:  Your e-visa allows you to stay in Chile for up to 90 days per visit, but the authorities allow you to extend it for another 90 days making it a total of 180 days. The visa can only be extended once, and you can apply for a new one inside the country. Also, note that you can only enter Chile once with the same e-visa. Should you exit the country while the visa is still valid, you cannot reuse it.

Transit Visitors:  Transit visitors who exit the airport can only stay in the city for a few days. In most cases, the deadline is three days for most nationalities. Furthermore, they must have secured their ticket for their connecting flight before they arrived at a Chilean airport.

Not For Employment:  Kindly note that your e-visa is not for employment, so you cannot hold a paid job during your visit. This e-visa is strictly for business, tourism, and transit.

Use Approved Routes:  Always use approved air, land, and sea routes for your trips to avoid unnecessary difficulties with Chilean law enforcement.

The Use Of Foreign Visas/Resident Permits:  Chile accepts foreign travel documents issued by a few countries for entry, but this condition only applies to Indians and Chinese. If you are an Indian or Chinese passport holder and you have a valid US or Canadian visa or resident permit, you can visit Chile for 90 days without needing a visa.

Apply Outside:  This visa should only be applied for when you are outside Chile, not when you are inside the country. That means the visa should be in your possession before commencing the trip from your location to the South American country.

Visas For Minors:  There are special documents you need if you will be traveling with a minor. If your child is yours, you must show proof of relationship using a certified birth certificate, but legal guardians; must show a signed and notarized consent letter issued by the child’s parents, making them the legal guardian. 

We also advise that you check the current requirements of the Chilean government involving trips with minors so you can prepare well in advance. Regulations have become stricter as the government steps up efforts to combat child trafficking.

Always Have Sufficient Funds:  Last but not least is the need to always travel with enough funds to cover your expenses. You may hold cash to travel with a bank-issued ATM card that is internationally recognized by financial institutions globally. 

The funds should cover your accommodation, transportation, feeding, and any other activity you have planned.

Chile Visa Online – Get your Chile e-Visa with VisaHQ

You can travel to Chile at short notice if you can get a visa within days, and thus possible without the need to go to an embassy or consulate. The Chilean e-visa is available to foreigners from eligible countries who wish to visit the country for a short time. You can submit your application online through VisaHQ and get your visa in three days or sooner.

How To Apply For A Visa With VisaHQ?

If you would like to get your e-visa for your upcoming trip to Chile, you can do it with VisaHQ. We have a seamless application process that will not stress you but enable you to complete the application in a few minutes in the following steps.

Fill out the form:  You start by filling out the application form on our application platform. This involves providing your personal, travel, and personal information in the appropriate sections. Also, ensure that no section is left unfilled and that your information is accurate.

Upload your documents: The visa you are applying for will determine the documents to upload alongside your passport. Remember that only valid documents will be accepted.

Pay the fees:  You can only submit your application after paying your fees. Fees are paid with credit or debit cards. Then submit the form for approval.

Get your visa:  The visa will be forwarded to your email after three days or even before then.

Why Use VisaHQ?

You should use VisaHQ to enjoy the following

  • Fast-tracked visa application
  • Access to updates and helpful resources
  • Get access to expert help when you need it
  • Apply for multiple e-visas for different countries
  • Track your application online

Your data is safe and secure with our tested and trusted data protection software, so you have nothing to worry about. Furthermore, our experts are always on standby to give you the technical support you need at any time to ensure your application is done properly. Visit our application page now to get started.

Chile COVID-19 travel restrictions

  • Entry is open Chile's borders are open for travelers. Prior to arrival requirements Valid passport. Valid national passport with at least 6 month remaining validity after the date of departure. Valid visa. Please see the instructions above if visa is needed and apply. Negative COVID-19 test result is required for all countries, taken at most 72 hours before departure of the last direct flight to Chile. Upon arrival restrictions 🏠 Quarantine. Anyone who tested positive upon arriving to Chile must quarantine. 😷 Masks are required in public spaces and transport.

To read about Chile Visas

  • Chile Visa for Indians
  • Chile Visa processing time
  • Do I need a visa for Chile

Frequently Asked Questions about Chile visa

Chile embassy list in united states of america, chile customs.

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Chile is a country that is diverse in beautiful landscapes. You can find the most beautiful volcano-studded mountain, deserts, glaciers, and the spectacular night sky filled with stars.

Do you have plans to visit Chile? If so, you must keep some things in mind before traveling. As for many countries' nationals, you can't travel to Chile without a visa.

The article details what you must remember when filling out the Chile tourist visa application.

What is a Tourist Visa?

A tourist visa is a type of visa that is issued when you want to visit a country for temporary purposes. You can use your tourist visa to roam around a country or visit family or friends in another foreign country. Travel plans can be made successful through a tourist visa.

What is the Need for a Chile Tourist Visa?

Nationals of many countries will need a tourist visa if they wish to go to Chile. They will not be allowed to enter Chile if they don't obtain a tourist visa. Hence, if you have plans to travel to Chile, you should check if getting a tourist visa is a requirement for your country or not.

The best practice is to first check with the Chile consulate in your country whether you have to obtain a visa or not. If a visa is required, you will be immediately told to leave the group without the visa.

However, if your country is listed among those countries that do not need a visa to enter Chile and you are a visa exempt national, you will be issued a Tourist Card on arrival.

What is the Chile Tourist Visa?

The Chile tourist visa fee depends on the nationality you belong to. The nationals of some countries have to pay more while some have to pay less.

You will receive the Chile tourist visa once the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Chile approves it.

Normally, you can get a Chile tourist visa either for single entry or multiple entries. The entry and exit requirements are different for both types of visas. In a single entry visa, you can only enter Chile once and exit it once. The validity for this visa is usually 3 months, and you can stay for 30 days per visit.

What are the Requirements for Obtaining a Tourist Visa?

Whenever you opt to get a visa, there are certain requirements that need to be fulfilled.

Some of the entry requirements and necessary documents for getting a tourist visa include having a valid passport for at least 6 months after departure. Your passport should also have two blank pages and a Chile visa stamp.

You should ensure that your online form contains information matching your documents' details. In case of a discrepancy, concerned authorities may reject your visa request.

Additionally, you need to submit a proper picture with a fine white background. Additional documents required include proof of flight tickets. You must have reserved airplane tickets to show when your entry and exit are from the country.

The tourist application process requires you to submit all the documents that tell the purpose of your visit. This can include an invitation letter or a cover letter etc. You should show proof of sufficient funds associated with how long you will be staying. This can include the submission of your bank statements.

You also have to pay for the Chile visa when all the required documents have been approved, and a visa is granted. You can pay this Chile visa fee either at the Chilean consulate or the Chilean embassy. You can view this amount on the Chile visa online application.

If you are among those with Chilean citizenship but also US citizens, you will need your Chilean passport to show when you enter and leave the country. There are different guidelines for those who are dual nationals.

Chilean authorities will also verify your proof of vaccination certificates. The Chilean authorities have the right to prevent you from entering Chile.

How to Apply For Tourist Visa Application Online?

Going to the embassy to get a visa can be a hassle for many people. And in this fast-paced world, most people prefer online processes. Similarly, you can complete the visa process online too. You must fill in the form, submit your required documents and then wait for approval.

Hence, you can obtain your visa by filling out the visa application on VisaHQ. VisaHQ is a great site for foreign nationals who want to apply for a visa in any country. For a Chile tourist visa, you can go on the site and select the travel destination as Chile and then select your nationality. Then you can choose the visa type as a tourist visa, and you will be provided with all the details for the tourist visa. This includes the visa fees, requirements, documents you must submit, etc.

You can follow the same process for the Chile tourist visa application and avail of the services of VisaHQ. However, sometimes VisaHQ does not provide services of the visa Chile for some time.

Chile is a country that has magnificent landscapes that will make your jaw drop. It's a country where you can fully enjoy stargazing at night and have fun on the adventurous trails and hiking during the day. The glaciers, desert, rivers, and night sky are diverse features that make Chile an amazing tourist country.

However, that's not it. Chile is a country that offers well-developed businesses. The businesses in the country are some of the most efficient and well-performing in the world. Therefore, it is no surprise that foreign nationals might want to go to Chile for a business trip.

This article has discussed everything you need to know about the Chile business visa and its requirements!

What is a Business Visa?

The concerned governments provide a business visa to those foreign nationals who wish to enter a country for business-related purposes such as attending conferences or meetings.

A business visa does not mean you can start your own venture in the country and trade goods or get employed in any organization.

Why Might you Need a Chile Business Visa?

If you are being sent to Chile on behalf of your company for some business meeting or activity, you will need to acquire a business visa. The Chilean authorities will not let you enter Chile if you don't. Therefore, for any business-related activity, you will need to have a Chile visa for business.

Some countries are exempted from getting this visa, and individuals can still make travel plans to Chile for work-related activities.

What is the Chile Business Visa?

The business visa for Chile is available for single entry or multiple entries into the country. You can enter Chile as often as you want through the multiple entry visa, staying within the maximum validity time. Normally, processing this type of visa takes about 6-7 business days, and approval takes about 15 days.

What is the Difference Between Chile Tourist Visa, Temporary Residence Visa, and Business Visa?

A Chile tourist visa is to tour Chile and enjoy the time there or visit family and friends. A temporary residence visa is issued for a temporary stay in a country. You must acquire further details of the temporary residence visa application process

 to obtain this visa. 

On the other hand, a business visa is for individuals who have come to Chile strictly for business activities or conferences. It would help if you remembered that a business visa does not allow you to look for employment opportunities in a country.

There is also another visa known as the Chile work visa. A work visa is issued to those individuals hunting for jobs and employment in Chile. Moreover, there are work visa types, too, such as contract visa. If you want to work in Chile you should get a work visa.

What are the Requirements for a Chile Business Visa?

Certain requirements need to be fulfilled by visa applicants if they want to get a business visa for Chile. These include having an original passport valid for at least 6 months after your travel date. Moreover, your passport should have two blank pages. Next, you need to have a proper picture with accurate dimensions and format with a plain white background.

There are also some documents required. You need to submit the flight reservation tickets. Additionally, you need to submit the yellow vaccination certificate. Moreover, as you are applying for a business visa, you must address a cover letter to the Chilean Consulate from the company that is sending you. This cover letter should mention the purpose of your stay and schedule. Apart from the cover letter, there should be a letter of invitation from the Chilean host company.

You should also have sufficient funds and bank statements to prove it. Furthermore, income tax returns proof is also important. Lack of proper proof can cause rejection because of financial means.

The visa fees need to be paid too. These visa fees can be different depending on which country you are from. You should always check for any travel restrictions for your country by Chile and check out the Travel Advisory posted by the state department.

How To Fill The Chile Business Visa Application Form Online?

You can obtain the visa online through VisaHQ . The site will easily provide you with all the visa services you need and help you to apply online. The application process on the website is precise and easy to follow. Therefore, you will be able to fill out the application form easily. You need to ensure that all the required documents are ready.

At VisaHQ, you are supposed to choose the destination you want to visit and which foreign country you belong to. Next, you can complete the application process, fulfill all the visa requirements, and wait for your visa. Therefore, VisaHQ provides an easy way to get your visa online without visiting the Chilean embassy.


  1. Tourist visas for australian citizens entering Chile

    Visas de turismo para australianos que ingresan a Chile. Ciudadanos australianos que deseen ingresar a Chile por turismo o tránsito entre 8 hasta 72 horas deben solicitar una visa de turismo simple o múltiple. Las visas deben solicitarse únicamente a través del portal SAC CIUDADANOS.

  2. Chile Travel Advice & Safety

    For consular help, contact the Australian Embassy in Santiago de Chile. Australian Embassy, Santiago de Chile. Isidora Goyenechea 3621 13th Floor, Las Condes Santiago de Chile Phone: (+56 2) 2550 3500 Fax: (+56 2) 2550 3560 Email: [email protected] Website: chile.embassy.gov.au Facebook: Embajada de Australia en Chile y Ecuador

  3. Chile tourist visa: Requirements and application process

    A comprehensive guide to Chile tourist visa requirements, application process and documentation. Information on duration of stay, entry and exit formalities. ... Australia and Mexico passport holders Passport holders of Australia and Mexico have to pay a reciprocity fee. A reciprocity fee must be paid on arrival, before proceeding to ...

  4. Requirements for Chile Tourist Visa

    Absolutely. From 2020, Australian citizens visiting Chile must get a visa online through Sistema de Atención Consular (SAC) Ciudadanos well ahead of their departure date. Allow at least a month, because not only can it take a little time for the visa to come through, the process of information gathering can be time-consuming in itself.

  5. Chile Visa Complete Guide to Chile Visa Application and Requirements

    Start the online Chile visa application. Answer all the questions. Attach electronic copies of all the required documents. Wait for the visa to be processed. Show up at the consulate/embassy. Pay the Chile visa fee. You only have to pay a fee if your visa application is approved. Get your Chile visa. Start the online application

  6. Chile online visa for Australia citizens in 2024

    Chile visa for Australia citizens. Australian citizens can apply for a visa online when travelling to Chile. Chile eVisa is available online for Australian citizens. Applicants are required to be present when applying for the Chile eVisa. This tourist visa typically allows a short term stay. The Chile tourist visa remains valid for 3 months.

  7. Travel to Chile Plan

    Check here the Travel to Chile Plan for all the information on the requirements and protocols to enter the country. en. ... Process your Temporary Resident Visa on the Consular Services for residences of less than 90 days platform here; ... People who come from Australia require a specific E-visa that you can get here.

  8. Visa requirements for visiting Chile

    Working visas are available for citizens of Canada and Australia. Citizens of 16 countries - including Canada, Ireland, Germany, Australia and New Zealand - can apply for Working Holiday Visas to extend their stay in Chile even longer. These visas are generally available to those between the ages of 18 and 30 (or up to 35 for Canadians) and ...

  9. Chile

    Australia. Australian Embassy in Chile; Australian Embassy in Chile website; Chilean. Embassy of the Republic of Chile; Consulate-General and Consulates of the Republic of Chile; Export Promotion Bureau. Embassy of Chile Paula Moreno, Trade Commissioner Suite 1001, 50 Clarence Street Sydney, NSW, Australia. Tel: + 61 2 9262 5199. www.prochile ...

  10. Chile visa requirements for Australian citizens

    Australian citizens who are planning a trip to Chile aren't required to apply for a visa if they wish to go for short stays (tourism). But it's required to obtain an electronic travel authorization (eTA or eVisa) before entering Chile. Find more information about electronic visas in our articles. Don't rely on information from only one source.

  11. Chile Visa

    CIBTvisas is the easiest way to get a visa and can secure in as little as one day. We process Chile visas at the Chile Embassy every day for residents of all 50 states. Chile Visa FAQs. When is the best time to apply for my Chile visa? The best time to apply for your Chile visa is 1-2 months before your travel date.

  12. Chile Tourist Visa

    Chile offers 3 types of visas to tourists. Citizens of 127 countries can visit Chile visa free. People of 3 countries can get visa online. Citizens of 108 countries need to obtain a visa before visiting. E-visa has a maxiumum stay of 90 days. tourist visa has a maxiumum stay of 90 days. Chile is part of South America with main city at Santiago.

  13. E-visa for Australians

    Tourist Visa Chila / Argentina: Beyond 90 Days 24 May 2024. Ski trip to valle nevado or Portillo & hanging In Santiago 23 May 2024. Private driver recommendation 23 May 2024. Carretera Austral and Torres del Paine - September 23 May 2024. Argentina Bolivia Chile 8 weeks (Mid August - Mid October) 23 May 2024.

  14. Chile Tourist Visa Application

    A Chile tourist visa allows you to stay in Chile for a short-term period for purposes such as: Tourism. Sport. Medical treatment. Business. Family/social visit. Religious. Any other purpose where you do not intend to set up residence or immigrate to Chile or undertake a paid activity. However, not everyone has to apply for a Chile visa for ...

  15. Chile Tourist Visas

    Visa Requirements. UK, US, Canadian, South African and New Zealand passport holders do not require a visa for entry to Chile. Australian Passport Holders - As of the 16th of December 2019 the administrative reciprocity fee of USD117, charged on arrival at Santiago airport, will be removed. Australian passport holders will not be required to pay ...

  16. Read Before You Leave

    The Australian Embassy in Santiago for emergencies. Welcome Chile for tourist information. Santiago Times for Chilean news. Eventful for up-to-date information about happenings in the city. Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport for flight information. Uber for when public transport won't do. Travel Doctor for pre-travel health advice.

  17. Embassy of Chile in Australia

    Embassy of Chile in Australia - Chile Abroad. Lunes 28 de noviembre de 2022.

  18. Applying for a Visa or Citizenship

    All non-Australian citizens require a visa to travel to Australia. You need to get your visa before you travel to Australia. ... Following are some of the visas commonly applied for from Chile and Ecuador. Visitor (Tourist and Business streams) Transit. Work and Holiday. Student. Temporary work or Temporary activity. Skilled. Partner. Child.

  19. Chile Visa

    Chat with us. Call us 7 days a week. +1-202-661-8111. Apply online. Receive a visa. Expert in Chile visa services since 2003, VisaHQ is a private visa agency, not affiliated with the government of Chile. VisaHQ provides expediting services for visa to Chile and charges a service fee. See how we compare in the 90 seconds video.

  20. Question

    Thanks :) You need to apply for evisa, the detailed requirements are available on visa list. Doing a very similar thing but going Chile first and northwards. I emailed the consulate about the visa and got told to do it about a month before the trip starts, everything is online.

  21. Visas and Citizenship

    These pages contain visa and citizenship information in English and Spanish for clients residing in Chile and Ecuador. Australia has a universal visa system. This means that all non-Australian citizens require a visa to enter or stay in Australia. You must have a visa before you travel to Australia. We do not recommend booking flights or making ...

  22. Australian to Chile tourist visa help : r/travel

    My partner and I are travelling around the world this year, and ending in Chile in November. We didn't submit a visa application before leaving Australia as we didn't have accommodation booked so didn't have all the necessary fields to complete the application. We were also under the impression it was an e-visa (similar to Vietnam for example ...

  23. Chile for Australia citizens in 2024

    By following these 4 steps, Australia citizens can ensure a smooth and hassle-free process in obtaining an Chile transit visa. 1. Valid passport. Check country passport is valid with at least 6 months of validity beyond their intended stay in destination. If not apply for a new country passport.