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Penampilan DJ Soda Sampai Isyana Guncang Panggung Konser Musical March Selama Dua Malam

DJ Soda hingga Isyana Sarasvati mengguncang panggung Musical March, 11 hingga 12 Maret 2023.

Pramita Tristiawati

Diperbarui 13 Mar 2023, 23:37 WIB Diterbitkan 13 Mar 2023, 14:40 WIB

Penampilan DJ Soda di  Musical March

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Sempat terhenti karena pandemi COVID-19, akhirnya konser musik 'Musical March' kembali digelar selama dua malam. Mulai dari penampilan DJ Soda asal Korea Selatan hingga gaya rock nan menggemaskan milik Isyana Sarasvati, mengguncang panggung Musical March, 11 hingga 12 Maret 2023.

Melihat animo masyarakat yang sudah rindu akan konser, Summarecon Mall Serpong akan kembali menggelar Musical March, pada tanggal 11 dan 12 Maret 2023, di Uptown Park, Summarecon Mall Serpong.


Di hari pertamanya, Musical March menampilkan sejumlah ikon musik elektronik Indonesia, Winky Wiryawan, serta Roycdc, Chika Kinsky, Devarra, dan ditutup dengan penampilan dari DJ asal Korea Selatan, DJ Soda.

Pantauan di lokasi, meski hujan deras mengguyur tak menyurutkan kawula muda yang memadati Uptown Park untuk berjingkrak-jingkrak mengikuti alunan musik.

"Ini acara seru banget, enggak masalah hujan-hujanan justru makin tambah seru," kata Angel di lokasi.

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Menyaksikan Langsung

Penampilan DJ Soda di  Musical March

Angel yang datang bersama rekan-rekannya dari Jakarta Selatan ini, ingin menyaksikan secara langsung penampilan DJ asal Korea Selatan, yakni DJ Soda.

Lalu, di hari kedua, giliran musisi asal Indonesia yang memegang kendali panggung Uptown Park. Mulai dari J-Rock, JKT-48, e-clat, Isyana Sarasvati hingga nostalgia bareng Kla-Project.

Lagu Andalan

Penampilan Isyana Sarasvati di  Musical March

Isyana misalnya, dia berpenampilan seru membawakan berbagai lagu andalannya. Seperti Lexicon, Semesta, dan lainnya. Kemeriahan Minggu malam pun ditutup dengan nostalgia bersama Kla Project.

Diketahui, Musical March tahun ini sengaja dikemas secara spektakuler dan semarak dengan kapasitas Uptown Park yang mampu menampung lebih dari 10.000 pengunjung.

Sistem Audio

Bahkan, Musical March dilengkapi dengan sistem audio dB Technologies VIO212 pertama di Indonesia dan lighting berskala internasional.

Director Summarecon Mall Serpong, Tommy menjelaskan, melalui Musical March, pihaknya ingin merayakan Hari Musik Nasional dan mengapresiasi karya-karya terbaik musisi Indonesia.

"Tahun ini, kami akan menghadirkan Musical March dengan lebih spektakuler, dengan deretan musisi lokal dan internasional yang akan bermain di area Uptown Park,” ujar Tommy. (Pramita Tristiawati)

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Isyana Sarasvati

Musical march.

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[DJ SODA] Indonesia, Surabaya&Jakarta Tour Video 💕

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Will Mitchell

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DJ Soda Reveals Dates for First Ever North American Tour

Previously named " Asia's best kept secret ", Korea's DJ Soda is taking the world by storm. Soda, whose real name is Hwang So-hee , already has an enormous following in Asia, accumulating over 3 million followers on instagram and playing at some of the biggest festivals in the region, including Ultra Korea and S2O Songkran .

Adding to this, just earlier this month it was revealed that she will perform at Borneo Music Festival Live 2020 , which she will headliner along with Faded producer Alan Walker .

DJ Soda and DJ RayRay at S2O Taiwan 2019

Beginning at an early age, Soda first started out her DJ career by learning on vinyl, mostly sticking to hip-hop before eventually transitioning into trap, EDM and so on. Since then, she's been rapidly moving up the ladder within the mostly male-dominated DJ-ing industry, collaborating with the biggest names in game, such as ZEDD , Diplo , DJ Snake and The Chainsmokers.

Soda's North American Tour

Over the last few years, Soda has made her mark in Asia's dance music community, but is yet to take her talents to other continents—that is until this year. The Korean DJ recently announced that this March she will embark on her first ever North America Tour , stopping at 7 locations across US and Canada including Insomniac's Beyond Wonderland.

In a post on Twitter, she said "Super excited to share this with you guys! I’m going to have my first North America Tour in March/April. I can hardly believe that one of my dream is coming true. See y’all soon!"

디제이소다 북미투어!! 🇺🇸🇨🇦❤️ Super excited to share this with you guys! I’m going to have my first North America Tour in March/April🔥🔥🔥 I can hardly believe that one of my dream is coming true😘 See y’all soon! pic.twitter.com/aIuW4Cj5SU — djsoda (@dj_soda_) February 20, 2020

For those who are unfamiliar with DJ Soda's work, you can check out her technical skills in the YouTube video below, which has amassed over 33 million views.

FestGround is Asia's leading music festival ticketing platform. For more festival information and updates, sign up here to subscribe to our newsletter.

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DJ Soda Reveals Dates for First Ever North American Tour

Feb 20, 2020 | by Will Mitchell

Previously named " Asia's best kept secret ", Korea's DJ Soda is taking the world by storm. Soda, whose real name is Hwang So-hee , already has an enormous following in Asia, accumulating over 3 million followers on instagram and playing at some of the biggest festivals in the region, including Ultra Korea and S2O Songkran .

Adding to this, just earlier this month it was revealed that she will perform at Borneo Music Festival Live 2020 , which she will headliner along with Faded producer Alan Walker .


Beginning at an early age, Soda first started out her DJ career by learning on vinyl, mostly sticking to hip-hop before eventually transitioning into trap, EDM and so on. Since then, she's been rapidly moving up the ladder within the mostly male-dominated DJ-ing industry, collaborating with the biggest names in game, such as ZEDD , Diplo , DJ Snake and The Chainsmokers.

Soda's North American Tour

Over the last few years, Soda has made her mark in Asia's dance music community, but is yet to take her talents to other continents—that is until this year. The Korean DJ recently announced that this March she will embark on her first ever North America Tour , stopping at 7 locations across US and Canada including Insomniac's Beyond Wonderland.

In a post on Twitter, she said "Super excited to share this with you guys! I’m going to have my first North America Tour in March/April. I can hardly believe that one of my dream is coming true. See y’all soon!"

디제이소다 북미투어!! 🇺🇸🇨🇦❤️ Super excited to share this with you guys! I’m going to have my first North America Tour in March/April🔥🔥🔥 I can hardly believe that one of my dream is coming true😘 See y’all soon! pic.twitter.com/aIuW4Cj5SU — djsoda (@dj_soda_) February 20, 2020

For those who are unfamiliar with DJ Soda's work, you can check out her technical skills in the YouTube video below, which has amassed over 33 million views.

FestGround is Asia's leading music festival ticketing platform. For more festival information and updates, sign up here to subscribe to our newsletter.

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The 19th-century Queen Victoria Building is home to numerous clothing boutiques and food shops

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1. queen victoria building (qvb).

Building, Architectural Landmark

This gorgeous heritage building is worth a visit for the beauty of the architecture alone. Marble floors and stained-glass windows adorn this grand structure, but the standout feature is the cage elevators with ornate wrought-iron handles. The QVB has been standing since 1898, and today, it plays host to a lively and central shopping district. Stop for something sweet from Haigh’s Chocolates, and then peruse the upmarket clothing boutiques.

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Sydney, Australia - Feb 8 - The Strand Arcade in the middle of a busy day in Sydney CBD on February 8th, 2015.

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5. Birkenhead Point

Bargain hunters, listen up. Birkenhead Point is an outlet mall that’s home to more than 160 stores, many of which are Australian brands and all with discounted stock. Wear comfortable shoes, and be prepared to pick yourself up a bargain or two. Paid parking is available nearby.

6. King Street, Newtown

King Street, Newtown, Sydney, Australia

This lively bohemian suburb is one of the coolest spots in Sydney’s Inner West. Walk up and down King Street towards the CBD and back again, followed by a stroll down South King Street for an array of the weird and wonderful, including boutique clothing stores, quirky knick-knacks, hat shops and more. Culture Trip’s recommendation? Head here for vintage stores and op shops.

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  • Sydney must eat — Top 9 must eat food in Sydney you definitely have to try

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What to buy in Sydney: Penfolds Grange Wine

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If Melbourne is famous for its wine in the Yarra valley, Sydney is always proud of Penfolds Grange wine with excellent taste. Penfolds Grange is well-known as a long-standing winery in Australia, with the typical wine flavors of five spices combined with raspberry and dark chocolate, creating a very special flavor. When traveling in Sydney, do not miss the opportunity to tasting, and buy a few bottles of wine to bring back as gifts for your loved ones. This will be a gift worth buying when you travel in Sydney.

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One of the drinks that anyone coming to Australia wants to enjoy is wine. The people of Sydney are always proud to have a long-standing and top-ranked wine line in the world, which is Penfolds Grange. Possessing excellent aging secrets, Penfolds wines excite visitors with rich flavors and deep aromas and beautiful tones.

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Where to buy

If you don’t know what to buy in Sydney as souvenir, best things to buy in Sydney and must buy in Sydney for gentlemen, go to the store Vintage Cellars (Address: Oxford Village, Shop 15/61-65 Oxford St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010, Australia/Hours: 9AM–10PM/Phone: +61 2 9121 7808) in the suburb of Darlinghurst. Here you will find one of the best classic wines in the world and of course, it can go up to AU$650 a bottle since 2005.

tourist shops sydney

Best things to buy in Sydney: Kangaroo leather products

Referring to Australia, surely it will not be possible to ignore “products” made from an animal which is the national symbol – that is Kangaroo leather or products made from this animal’s skin. The bustling city of Sydney prides itself on having high quality Kangaroo leathers which are carefully selected, meticulously designed, crafted into crafts or into bags, belts and other premium leather goods. If you are still wondering best things to buy from Sydney and best Sydney souvenirs, don’t miss this gift from Sydney.

tourist shops sydney

Kangaroo leather is one of the most loved materials in Sydney as well as across Australia. With its premium quality, Kangaroo leather is often used to make bags, belts, wallets and a wide range of other products. The price of products made from Kangaroo leather will vary depending on the item you choose. For example, a Kangaroo leather wallet will be around 20 dollars, however if it is a Kangaroo wallet embossed by local Aboriginal artists it can be double or triple.

tourist shops sydney

In Sydney, to buy these amazing products from Kangaroo leather you can visit Harrington Street House (Address: 32 Harrington St, The Rocks NSW 2000, Australia/Hours: 9AM–6:30PM/Phone: +61 2 9247 2208), one of the most famous leather shops in the city.

What to buy in Sydney: Opal (cat’s-eye gem)

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Australia is a country that is quite famous for its quality of gems, in which the city of Sydney is home to many intricate, gorgeous gemstones with the most mesmerizing colors. A pair of earrings made from gold, silver attached with precious stones will be an extremely special souvenir for your grandmother, mother or lover that you should bring back after your Australia trip. Black gemstones are considered the rarest, while white, gray and green are the most common and one of the most gemstones in Australia is Open also known as cat’s-eye gem and jewelry made from it are valuable souvenirs. In Australia, Opal is very famous and popular. The colorful, sparkling stones that are very eye-catching will be the perfect choice to buy for loved ones. However, you need to choose to buy this high-class Sydney souvenir from reliable shops.

tourist shops sydney

Best things to buy from Sydney: Macadamia

Macadamia nuts is one of the specialties of Australia. Macadamia nuts are almost easy to find, you have a lot of options when buying macadamia such as roasted, honey coated, chocolate covered or some other seasoning. Macadamia nuts are rich in nutrients, minerals and essential fatty acids, which are very good for health. Macadamia nuts are very worthy to become a choice when you are wondering what to buy in Sydney.

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The reason we dedicate an entire section to introduce about Macadamia nuts is because it is a specialty not to be missed if you are wondering what to buy in Sydney. Macadamia nut is a nut found first in Australia, brown color, very fragrant, fatty and moreover has many great uses. It contains a lot of protein, rich in omega 3, 6, 9 and more than 20 vitamins for the body. In addition, macadamia also has the effect of beautifying the skin, minimizing cardiovascular diseases, especially good for the elderly and pregnant women. Coming to Sydney, you will find it in every dry goods store with many different designs and ways of processing be it roasted, honeyed, covered with chocolate, etc.

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Sweet and fatty Macadamia nuts are the pride of Australian nuts. Enjoy it as a snack. Almost every Chinatown store in Sydney will have a wide variety of macadamia nuts

  • One place to buy macadamia is much sought after by tourists is The Nut Shop (Address: The Strand Arcade, 412-414 George St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia/Hours: 9AM–5:45PM; Sunday: 11AM–4:30PM/Phone: +61 2 9231 3038), the store in the Strand Arcade Between Pitt St Mall and George St.
  • In addition, from Wednesday to Sunday, you can buy fresh macadamia nuts from the farmers markets at Paddy’s Market.

Best Sydney souvenirs: Camphor Chopping Board

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A very popular craft product in Sydney is a camphor chopping board. Not only for kitchen use, but antibacterial and antifungal properties have made camphor chopping and cutting board is one of the safe and easy to use chopping boards. Camphor chopping, cutting and serving boards are manufactured by the woodworking company The Wood Life – specializing in the production of beautiful handcrafted wooden furniture. If you are a lover of crafts, or simply cooking, do not miss this great Sydney souvenir.

tourist shops sydney

Where to buy: So, you have to go to The Wood Life store near The Rocks Market at the foot of Sydney Harbor Bridge to find out. There is a large number of handmade products made entirely of wood. A favorite item for tourists as a gift is a camphor chopping board because of its compactness, convenience, and necessity in any kitchen.

Must buy items in Sydney: UGG boots

tourist shops sydney

No matter where you are, you must have heard of the UGG boot brand, right? This is a very popular boot in Australia. The boots are made from high-quality sheepskin, bringing comfort and warmth to the user. This is also one of the accessories that Sydney people love and use very often.

Ugg is an iconic Australian shoe. Crafted from the highest quality sheepskin, the warm and comfortable Ugg boots are an accessory most Sydney homes have during the cold, snowy winters. Initially these shoes were only for indoor use, but now Ugg has become a fashion trend that people wear on the street.

tourist shops sydney

  • The store is located at 1/85 Williams Street, a central street in the city.
  • Or you can also find women’s Ugg boots, at Ugg At The Rocks, Shop 2 Clocktower Square.

What to buy in Sydney as souvenir: Plastic Jewelry

The famous brand is Dinosaur Designs founded in 1985 which is renowned for its unique hand crafted resin jewelry and homeware designs. It was founded by Louise Olsen, Stephen Ormandy and Liane Rossler. Their earliest known pieces of jewelry were sold at the Sydney Paddington Markets. The design trio has gone on to achieve phenomenal success in the fashion industry. Featuring hand-molded plastic jewelry on the pages of couture magazines. Or used by many famous people. Bracelets, earrings, necklaces and rings are the most featured products in the Dinosaur Designs collection that you should own.

tourist shops sydney

Dinosaur Designs has been known since 1985 for its meticulously handcrafted jewelry items that have been featured in many popular fashion magazines. And its special feature is that it is molded by… plastic. From bracelets, rings to bracelets, it has a charm that is no less than other precious materials.

With a price of 50 dollars or more, you can pack and bring home an exquisite and meaningful gift for yourself or your loved ones.

tourist shops sydney

Dinosaur Designs Sydney

Address: Strand Arcade 77, 412-414 George St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia Hours: 10AM–5PM Phone: +61 2 9223 2953

Best things to buy in Sydney: Eucalyptus Leaf Gold Pendant & Earrings

Have you ever heard of eucalyptus leaf gold pendant and earrings? Sydney is well-known for being surrounded by vast, ancient eucalyptus forests. The Bush Art Australia brand collects the leaves or branches of eucalyptus trees and then gild them to create exquisite jewelry such as earrings, brooches, necklaces, bracelets, etc. An unique souvenir that bearing bold Australian culture.

tourist shops sydney

The eucalyptus tree is a symbol of Australia and you can find quite a few beautiful eucalyptus forests in Sydney. Because it is the symbolic image of the country, Australians have devised a very unique souvenir about this tree that is gilded eucalyptus leaves. These products are also considered to be among the most delicate and perfect pieces of jewelry.

Under the skillful hands of artisans, the leaf skeleton will be meticulously separated, then gilded and can be attached with many decorative accessories. It is usually jewelry such as earrings, brooches, necklaces. In addition, more advanced is also attached precious Opal gemstone.

tourist shops sydney

A famous place to buy this valuable and meaningful items is Bush Art Australia in The Rocks neighborhood. With prices that can be up to 40 dollars for a pair of single leaf earrings, you already know enough about the feat and fame of real leaf jewelry!

Bush Art Australia

Address: Bush Art Australia, George St., Sydney, Australia Opening hours: 10AM – 3PM (Friday); 10AM – 5PM (Saturday, Sunday)

Must buy in Sydney: DUX Collection Sydney

tourist shops sydney

A private brand you definitely cannot miss when coming to Sydney. DUX provides customers with handmade products of scented candles, essential oils, and perfumes from natural, organic ingredients. When coming to DUX, you can participate in the process of making candles for yourself and your friends according to your preferences. Perfect for taking home as a gift!

tourist shops sydney

Address: 23 Playfair St, The Rocks NSW 2000, Australia Hours: 10AM–4PM Phone: +61 2 9252 0209

Akubra Hat (is Sydney good for shopping)

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Akubra hat is one of the famous souvenirs in Australia that any tourist will do curious when coming here. Akubra hats are made from rabbit fur, have a wide brim, are designed for the Australian weather and will usually have a thin band of leather around the hat.

Traveling to Australia on hot days, what to prepare? In case you accidentally forget about the harsh summer of the land of kangaroos, a fashionable Akubra hat will be your savior. It is an important Australian business item after the huge success of the hit crocodile killer series “Crocodile Dundee”.

tourist shops sydney

It has simple design, trendy and healthy, this is exactly the perfect item for travel enthusiasts. You can find it at many places in Sydney such as Chinatown, The Rocks market or shops at Queen Victoria Market, The Sheepskin Shop with prices from 110 Australian dollars.

Must buy in Sydney: Cricket rackets

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Cricket is the most popular summer sport in Australia, so a racket to play this sport will be a great gift for sports fans when coming to Sydney. Kookaburra is one of the world famous cricket racket manufacturers since 1890 in Australia. Its products, once used by the top cricket players, are currently priced from 70 to 745 AUD depending on the quality of each racket.

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  • You can find this fancy souvenir at Mick Simmons Sport at 478 George Street (Address: 466 George St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia/Hours: 10AM–6PM/Phone: +61 2 9264 2744).
  • There is also a shop at Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG), the stadium that will be the cradle of cricket in Australia, where you can also buy lovely mini rackets only about 35cm long which printed the logo of SCG.

Where to buy Australian souvenirs in Sydney: Boomerang

Used for thousands of years as a hunting tool for wildlife, the boomerang has become an icon of traditional Aboriginal Australian culture. If thrown correctly, this weapon will fly back to its owner thanks to its fancy crescent-shaped design.

tourist shops sydney

Boomerangs are often decorated with vibrant pigments using the historic traditional Aboriginal crafting technique, with prices starting at AU$7.50.

You can find these iconic souvenirs in Sydney’s Chinatown, or Circular Quay, where there are many shops selling boomerangs.

CDs music of Koomurri Aboriginal Band

Koomurri artists have always wanted to bring their traditional indigenous culture to audiences of all ages through lively performances at Circular Quay as well as many educational programs and other important special events.

tourist shops sydney

Koomurri’s fancy images with tribal motifs painted on their body and traditional costume were even shown at the opening ceremonies of the 2000 Sydney Olympics and 2004 Athens Olympics.

You can buy CDs of this famous band right at their live shows in Circular Quay for about 19.95 AUD.

Sydney shopping guide: Aboriginal art works

The Aboriginal community in Australia possesses a rich treasure of aesthetic heritage that is reflected in historical and contemporary traditional works displayed in many galleries and museums in Sydney.

tourist shops sydney

Talented local artisans have created unique works of art to tell stories about the land, people, plants, animals, and even sacred mascots in their beliefs. The works are often painted on wooden slabs in earth colors, which are truly Australian-colored souvenirs that any other international would like to own. In additon to paintings you also buy other products such as pillows, hats…

tourist shops sydney

Originals often fetch very high prices, ranging from 500 to several thousand AUD, but galleries also sell prints for much less. One of Sydney’s most popular gallery chains is Aboriginal Art Galleries, with three locations in the city: One in the Opera House, east of Circular Quay, another in Queen Victoria Building (Address: 455 George St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia/Hours: 9AM–6PM/Phone: +61 2 9265 6800), and a third gallery on the corner of George Street.

Sydney Harbor Bridge Hanger

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Sydney Opera House, Sydney Bridge are signature symbols of Sydney. Besides taking souvenir photos when visiting the above places, you can also bring back to your relatives and friends with coathangers in the shape of the theater, the small Sydney Harbour Bridge. A very interesting item to bring back as a gift, isn’t it?

On the list of what to buy as gifts in Sydney is always the specialties. You will see most of the travel devotees when returning home always bring many gifts from small candy bars to expensive luxury gift boxes. Delicious, long-lasting, and low-cost are the top criteria that make packaged food a simple but quality gift.

tourist shops sydney

Below are some of the foods tourists often want to buy when visiting Sydney.

  • Chocolate, Tim Tam cake: Famous Australian specialties, delectable. Address: Haigh’s Chocolates, Queen Victoria Building
  • Vegemite: Traditional sauce made from concentrated brewer’s yeast, often served with sandwiches. You can find it anywhere because Vegemite is the first thing people think of when it comes to Australian food.
  • Honey: Famous for its purebred Liguria honey from Italy. It has many health benefits.

tourist shops sydney

Compact, convenient, with many uses are the advantages of Emu oil – a specialty gift that is sought after by tourists. It is refined from the fat of the Australian Emus bird similar to the ostrich. The benefits of this essential oil are immense. It helps reduce cholesterol, anti-inflammatory, cures skin and joint diseases such as eczema, rashes, burns, insect stings. In addition, Emu Oil also has the effect of nourishing the skin, improving wrinkles, anti-aging.

You can find Emu oil in Chinatown at 47 Dixon St for about $30 for a 50ml bottle. Emu oil is definitely a great choice that will save you a headache when choosing what to buy in Sydney.

Sydney shopping guide: Where to buy in Sydney?

In addition to above places to buy souvenirs and gifts as mentioned above. Below we suggest more some good places to buy in Sydney.

The Rocks Market

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The market in Sydney on the rocks street located near the harbor overlooking the famous Sydney Opera House. At the foot of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, a market is not unfamiliar to all Sydney people. The Rocks Market is one of the most popular shopping areas among tourists because of its cheap prices and very friendly staff also as an entertaining venues with many cafes, restaurants and vibrant atmosphere. The main reason that many people always come here is because of the diversity of goods. Goods in this market in large quantities as well as the rich in designs. From fashion clothes to small souvenirs and more products for home use. There are over a hundred stalls selling a wide range of goods. Handmade products from fashion to jewelry as well as art, sweets and handmade chocolates.

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Address: George St, The Rocks NSW 2000, Australia Hours: Saturday, Sunday: 10AM–5PM

Paddington Markets

Address: 395 Oxford St, Paddington NSW 2021, Australia Hours: Saturday: 10AM–4PM

The market has more than 150 unique shops and stalls. Offering a wide range of different products such as: handmade soaps and candles, jewelry and artworks from designers from Sydney and surrounding areas. Finding what to buy in Sydney, you can visit this market. This is a market that is always very enthusiastic about supporting local businesses, designers and artists. And provide quality and sustainable products.

tourist shops sydney

Here you can find Aboriginal artworks and their souvenirs. And by buying these items you are helping individuals as well as Aboriginal communities, supporting Aboriginal culture, while helping to preserve traditional designs and culture as well as bring economic benefits for them.

Paddy’s Market

tourist shops sydney

Address: 9-13 Hay St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia Hours: 10AM–6PM/Monday. Tuesday: Closed

Paddy’s Market is located south of central Sydney. This is where you can find all the local and organic products. You can buy consumables, kitchenware and clothing here. This is where the farmers and producers sell the best fruit and vegetables. The best butchers deliver their produce, Or the best aquarists deliver their best seafood from the east coast of the country. You can also find a wide variety of men’s and women’s fashion clothing, electronics and toys.

Carriageworks Farmers’ Market

tourist shops sydney

Address: 245 Wilson St, Eveleigh NSW 2015, Australia Hours: Saturday: 8AM–1PM

Open every Saturday morning until after lunch. A neighborhood famous for its bohemian lifestyle and culture. Located in the southern suburbs, the market is a true farmers market with over 70 different stalls serving the best products from across New South Wales. Includes organic and bio-based foods from farmers. Coming to this market, you will not have to worry about what to buy in Sydney anymore.

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Balmain Market

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Address: 217-223 Darling St Cnr Darling St &, Curtis Rd, Balmain NSW 2041, Australia Hours: Saturday: 9AM–3PM

One of the oldest markets in Sydney. It offers an assortment of choices from fashion, arts, crafts, old pottery or some very good food. Balmain Market is located west of Sydney’s city center. Although it is located only in the suburbs, it is a place where you can find only authentic goods. Balmain Market has an anti-counterfeiting rule, which means you can be sure that you will only find unique and handcrafted products.

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Queen Victoria Building

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Address: 455 George St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia Hours: 9AM–6PM/Sunday 11AM–5PM

One of the shopping centers in Sydney you cannot miss. This mall has 190 brands, countless stores. You just need to walk along George Street and you will see. It is not only a place for shopping but also carries the typical Victorian architecture of the city. Not to mention the goods, the design of the center alone is enough to make many visitors fall in love. With a large area, this shopping center owns many famous fashion brands, with countless stores and booths.

Read more: 21+ Top things to buy in Australia & best souvenirs from Australia .

Some best day tours, trips, activities and transfer services, tickets in and from Sydney you can refer to

  • Shared Sydney Airport Transfers (SYD) for Sydney
  • Canberra Capital City Day Tour
  • Blue Mountains Day Tour with Parramatta River Cruise from Sydney
  • Blue Mountains and Wildlife Day Tour from Sydney
  • Blue Mountains All-Inclusive Day Tour from Sydney
  • Manly and Beyond Half Day Tour
  • The Sydney Explorer Pass
  • iVenture Sydney Flexi Attractions Pass
  • Sydney Attractions Combo Ticket (Bar Code Direct Entry)
  • iVenture Sydney Unlimited Attractions Pass
  • Sydney Big Bus Hop-On Hop-Off Sightseeing Tours (Open-Top)
  • Sydney Hop On Hop Off Cruise 2 Day Pass by Captain Cook
  • Sydney Harbour Highlights Cruise
  • 4G WiFi (24 Hours SYD Airport Pick Up) for Australia
  • 4G SIM Card (VN Delivery) for Australia from Xplori

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Are you looking for more top things to do in Sydney: Tours, activities, attractions and other things?  Let’s check it out at here . And Sydney travel blog — The fullest Sydney travel guide blog for a great trip to Sydney for the first-timers .

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Koala Plush Toy 10cm


Kangaroo Plush Toy 13cm

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Waver Australian Flag

Cling Kangaroos

Cling Koala & Kangaroo Keyrings 12 Pack

Cling Koalas

Cling Koalas With Flags 12 Pack

Kangaroo Jerky

Australian Made Kangaroo Jerky 50g

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Dot Kangaroo Black Folding Shopper Bag

Kangaroo Stick Pins

Gold Kangaroo Clasp Pins

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Australian Made Traditional Boomerang

Koalas with Vest Cling

Cling Koalas With Vest 12 Pack

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Dot Kangaroo Cream Folding Shopper Bag

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Green and Gold Applique T-Shirt

Koalas With Boomerangs

Cling Koalas With Boomerangs 12 Pack

Kangaroo Keyrings

Kangaroo Keyrings Pack

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Navy Kangaroo Cap

Boomerang Magnet Set

Boomerang Magnet Pack

Australian Made Koala Toy

Australian Made Koala Plush Toy 13cm

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Bloody Long Way Sign Resin Magnet

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Australian Flag and Kangaroo Wetsuit Cooler

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Green and Gold Australia Cap

Ascool Placenta Cream Bulk Pack

Placenta Cream – Bulk Pack – 6 x 100ml

Australia Flag Stubby Cooler

Australia Flag Wetsuit Cooler

Australian Slang Towel

Australian Slang Towel

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Australian Southern Cross Polo Shirt

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Australian Made Contemporary Boomerang

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Blue Floral Australia Cap

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Australian Made Wombat Plush Toy 21cm

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Colourful Australia Folding Shopper Bag

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Australia Flag Cap

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Boxed Wooden Curved Returning Boomerang

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Wooden Returning Curved Boomerang

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Wooden Burnt Boomerang

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Wooden Boxed Dot Boomerang

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Boxed Wooden Kangaroo By The River Boomerang

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Burnt Boxed Wooden Boomerang Set

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Wooden Boxed Boomerang Set

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Australia's no. 1 souvenir & gift store, give the gift of australia today.

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  • Placenta Cream
  • Lanolin Cream
  • Adult T-Shirts
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Australian goods store. Australia the Gift is a renowned souvenir shop in Sydney that has been in business for over 20 years. They offer a wide range of specialty gifts for men, women, kids, and special events. The store aims to bring joy to its customers by providing free gift cards and attractive gift wrapping with every purchase.

The city offers endless opportunities to blow the budget - anywhere from ultra-modern shopping centres and heritage arcades to hole-in-the-wall designer outlets and entire "shopping streets". Discover high-end global and Australian designer labels, markets where up-and-coming makers show off their wares, fabulous vintage finds and more.

Central Business District. By JnVSydney. ... shops, focusing on single products such as the hat shop, with a very personalised service, definitely worth a vis... 2023. 7. DUX Collection Sydney. 59. Speciality & Gift Shops. The Rocks.

Sydney is a shopper's paradise, with a variety of options to suit every taste and budget. Whether you are looking for high-end fashion, local crafts, or fresh produce, you can find it in one of the best places and shopping areas in Sydney. Explore the historic Queen Victoria Building, the modern Westfield Sydney, or the charming Tramsheds, and discover why Sydney is a top destination for ...

At the top of Nadia's list of Sydney's most stylish shopping precincts is Double Bay, an upscale harbourside neighbourhood in the inner east, just over a 10-minute drive east of the city centre. "The precinct is really finding its groove again, with so many beautiful stores from local and hard-to-find international designers," she says.

Pitt St Mall: This is arguably Sydney's main shopping district starting from Market St in the south to King St in the north. At the southwestern side bounded by Pitt St Mall and Market and George Sts is the Myer department store which began as Grace Brothers in 1885 on George St, then Bay St on Broadway and in its present location in the city.

Address. 182 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia. Web Visit website. In the heart of the city, Pitt Street Mall is a pedestrian shopping strip surrounded by large department stores and other shopping centers including Westfield Sydney, the MidCity Centre, the Strand Arcade, and Stockland Piccadilly. You'll find everything from international ...

3. Pitt Street Mall. In the heart of Sydney's central business district (CBD), Pitt Street Mall has it all. This pedestrianised area, spanning approximately two blocks, is a popular shopping destination, complete with chain stores, independent boutiques and dining establishments.

The Rocks Market. Strand Arcade. Paddy's Markets Haymarket. Queen Victoria Building. World Square. Marrickville Organic Food Market. Rozelle Collectors Market. This guide to the best places to go shopping in Sydney highlights incredible malls, retail-filled streets, and casual markets. As the largest metropolitan area in Australia, Sydney has a ...

Shopping. From high street luxury brands, to emerging designers you won't have heard of before, The Rocks is the home of bespoke fashion where you'll find something that's a perfect fit just for you. FILTER. Fashion and Accessories Health, Beauty & Well-being Experiences Galleries Homewares and Gifts Jewellery Souvenirs Services.

Built in the 1890s and beautifully restored in the 1980s, it's a unique shopping space that combines old architecture with modern stores. There are three levels to explore, from high street fashion to antique jewellery and everything in between. From there, follow the underground arcade lined with fashion boutiques to reach Pitt Street Mall and ...

Spectacular harbor views, heritage-listed buildings, museums, shops, galleries, and cute courtyard cafés make this a great place to stay. From here, many of Sydney's top tourist attractions are within easy walking distance, including the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Opera House, and the Royal Botanic Gardens.

A lovely space and wonderful dining precinct. 12. Marrickville Organic Food and Farmers Markets. 85. Flea & Street Markets. By mrdom. The range and quality of produce and meals is close to the best of any Sydney market, plus there's a lawn with singers... 13. World Square.

This will be a gift worth buying when you travel in Sydney. ... Almost every Chinatown store in Sydney will have a wide variety of macadamia nuts. Where to buy. One place to buy macadamia is much sought after by tourists is The Nut Shop (Address: The Strand Arcade, 412-414 George St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia/Hours: 9AM-5:45PM; Sunday: 11AM ...

Your ultimate guide to Sydney's top shops for one-of-a-kind gifts. Australia's Media Brand Of The Year 2021 & 2023 and proudly independent. Support media diversity and local, today. ... Then get them a bunch from Sydney's best flower delivery or the gift of travel with a stay at the best Airbnbs in NSW. Image credit: Provider Store, Provider ...

Or maybe you have family and friends living overseas who would love a reminder of their cherished home country. Whatever the occasion, Gifts at the Quay is an Australian-owned gift shop in Sydney selling the largest collection of 100% Australian-made gifts and souvenirs. With over 30 years' experience working in the Australian souvenirs ...

6. World Square. Image Source. World Square is one of the busiest areas of Sydney. Packed with offices, it is also one of the popular shopping centres in the city. Food, shopping, and work, all in one place, it is especially loved by the locals. The area boasts of a vibrant atmosphere, and a fun entertainment centre.

Give the Gift of Australia today! Being Australian owned and operated, we specialise in sending Australian gifts and classic Aussie souvenirs all over the world! With 17 retail stores right across Australia and a huge selection of Australian gift ideas online, it's a sure bet that you will find the perfect Australian souvenirs to take home or ...

dj soda indonesia tour

DJ SODA - Indonesia Tour 小姐姐

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DJM-S9 DJ SODA Performance DJ SODA 小姐姐

2024 Avicii佛山纪念会3小时全场,含A量爆棚


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循环歌单 | "掏空 我的所有 我给你自由 我给你自由" |《忘不掉的你》


  1. Dj SODA TOUR# indonesia, thailand , china, australia

    dj soda indonesia tour

  2. DJ SODA

    dj soda indonesia tour

  3. DJ SODA

    dj soda indonesia tour

  4. DJ Soda Remix

    dj soda indonesia tour

  5. DJ SODA

    dj soda indonesia tour

  6. [DJ SODA] Yogyakarta Tour video(2020.02.01)

    dj soda indonesia tour


  1. [DJ SODA] Batam & Bali, Indonesia Tour Video

    앞으로 팬분들에게 제 모습을 더욱더 많이 보여드리도록 노력하겠습니다!♥매주 저와 함께 투어떠나요♥I will try and share more of my daily life with you, my ...

  2. [DJ SODA] Surabaya&Jakarta, Indonesia, Tour Video

    BGM : Kryoman X DJ SODA X 1st Klase - Holding Back (ft. KYE) Apa Kabar Indonesia !! Sayang Bestie ♥앞으로 팬분들에게 제 모습을 더욱더 많이 보여드리도록 ...

  3. DJ Soda

    948K views, 31K likes, 4.7K loves, 491 comments, 3.8K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from DJ SODA: Forever grateful for my energetic fans in Surabaya! 디제이소다 인도네시아 투어! Vid 토투가 BGM Jochen Miller...

  4. Penampilan DJ Soda Sampai Isyana Guncang Panggung Konser Musical March

    Mulai dari penampilan DJ Soda asal Korea Selatan hingga gaya rock nan menggemaskan milik Isyana Sarasvati, mengguncang panggung Musical March, 11 hingga 12 Maret 2023. Melihat animo masyarakat yang sudah rindu akan konser, Summarecon Mall Serpong akan kembali menggelar Musical March, pada tanggal 11 dan 12 Maret 2023, di Uptown Park, Summarecon ...

  5. DJ Soda

    522K views, 20K likes, 2.9K loves, 437 comments, 1.7K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from DJ SODA: 아름다운 발리 투어!! One of the best and hottiest crowds I've...

  6. DJ SODA

    GH58-18mm12-60mm42.5mm14-140mm3DR SOLO droneGopro 4 blackGopro 6

  7. DJ Soda

    381K views, 23K likes, 3.6K loves, 687 comments, 1.5K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from DJ SODA: 인도네시아 투어 Amazing beaches and people of Makassar! Love you all! Vid 토투가 BGM Jochen Miller &...

  8. DJ SODA

    Hermosa dj :D *solo es para promover* Solutions . Video marketing. Power your marketing strategy with perfectly branded videos to drive better ROI. Event marketing. Host virtual events and webinars to increase engagement and generate leads. Employee communication ...

  9. DJ SODA

    DJ SODA - Indonesia Tour (디제이소다, dj소다) - download at 4shared. DJ SODA - Indonesia Tour (디제이소다, dj소다) is hosted at free file sharing service 4shared. Online file sharing and storage - 15 GB free web space. Easy registration. File upload progressor. Multiple file transfer. Fast download. Kittiphop Sonpakdeedownload from 4shared

  10. DJ Soda

    디제이소다 인도네시아 투어 Thank you for the amazing experience!! ️ Vid 이성원 Bgm Kayzo -Whistle Wars (Radeye Remix)

  11. [DJ SODA] Indonesia, Surabaya&Jakarta Tour Video

    [DJ SODA] Indonesia, Surabaya&Jakarta Tour Video 💕. BGM : Kryoman X DJ SODA X 1st Klase - Holding Back (ft. KYE) Apa Kabar Indonesia !! Sayang Bestie ♥ 앞으로 팬분들에게 제 모습을 더욱더 많이 보여드리도록 노력하겠습니다! ♥매주 저와 함께 투어떠나요♥ I will try and share more of my daily life with ...

  12. DJ Soda Tickets, 2024 Concert Tour Dates

    Terrific one. by Manthan on 5/17/22The Grand (Boston) - Boston. I have never seen DJ like SODA, really a great event and crazy DJ, love it !!! Buy DJ Soda tickets from the official Ticketmaster.com site. Find DJ Soda tour schedule, concert details, reviews and photos.

  13. DJ Soda Remix

    DJ Soda Remix | Tour Indonesia - 刚好遇见你 @ Despacito @ Faded @ Nonstop Electro House Party Music =====#chinamix #chinesemusic #chineseremix...

  14. DJ Soda Reveals Dates for First Ever North American Tour

    Previously named "Asia's best kept secret", Korea's DJ Soda is taking the world by storm.Soda, whose real name is Hwang So-hee, already has an enormous following in Asia, accumulating over 3 million followers on instagram and playing at some of the biggest festivals in the region, including Ultra Korea and S2O Songkran.. Adding to this, just earlier this month it was revealed that she will ...

  15. DJ SODA

    Jochen Miller & Cuebrick - In Th, 视频播放量 169、弹幕量 0、点赞数 1、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 8、转发人数 3, 视频作者 as0800, 作者简介 XIANG,相关视频:DJ SODA - HO CHI MINH 1080P,DJ SODA SPECTRUM Vlog 1080P,DJ SODA_Ookay X Soda,dj_soda_-__Bali_1080P,DJ SODA - HONGDAE JORDAN 1080P,DJ SODA ...

  16. DJ Soda

    아름다운 발리 투어!! One of the best and hottiest crowds I've ever had!! Vid 이성원 Bgm Above & Beyond- We're All We Need (Vanic Remix)

  17. DJ Soda Reveals Dates for First Ever North American Tour

    DJ Soda performs alongside DJ RayRay at S2O Taiwan, 2019. Beginning at an early age, Soda first started out her DJ career by learning on vinyl, mostly sticking to hip-hop before eventually transitioning into trap, EDM and so on. ... Soda's North American Tour. Over the last few years, Soda has made her mark in Asia's dance music community, but ...

  18. DJ SODA Indonesia Tour

    DJ SODA Indonesia Tour

  19. dj soda indonesia tour

    DJ SODA - Indonesia Tour (디제이소다, dj소다). DJ SODA OFFICIAL•20M... GH5 8-18mm 12-60mm 42.5mm 14-140mm 3DR SOLO drone Gopro 4 black Gopro 6.... Подпишитесь, чтобы загрузить. DJ SODA - Indonesia Tour (디제이소다, dj소다). Подписаться. В подписках.

  20. DJ SODA

    DJ SODA - Indonesia Tour 小姐姐, 视频播放量 1233、弹幕量 2、点赞数 4、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 46、转发人数 7, 视频作者 小姐姐吃西东, 作者简介 ,相关视频:2024年最劲爆的 dj 歌曲﹣酒吧最火 DJ 舞曲﹣全中文 DJ 舞曲,小姐姐,红昭愿dj,【劲爆重低音合辑】《撼天震地-10首合辑》30分钟,重磅低音炮重 ...