Programme Erasmus +

erasmus orleans tours

Élève en collège ou en lycée, personnel enseignant ou administratif… le programme Erasmus + permet à toutes et tous de bénéficier de mobilités internationales dans plus de 30 pays, avec une prise en charge de tout ou partie du voyage ! Tout savoir sur les mobilités Erasmus + dans notre académie.

2’ Temps de lecture 2 minutes

Le programme Erasmus+ vise à développer la citoyenneté européenne, le multilinguisme et les compétences et savoir-faire utiles à l’exercice d’un métier. Dans notre académie, il existe plusieurs types de mobilités Erasmus + destinées aux élèves et aux acteurs de l’éducation, avec des durées et des objectifs différents. Le montant des bourses est lui aussi variable en fonction du type de mobilité et de la destination.

Toutes les opportunités de mobilités 

Partir quelques jours ou plusieurs mois, en solo ou en groupe, à des fins d’apprentissage, d’enseignement, d’observation ou de préparation d’une visite pour donner : le programme Erasmus + offre de nombreuses possibilités, selon le profil et le projet.

Infographie des différentes mobilités Erasmus possibles dans l'académie Orléans-Tours

Les opportunités de mobilités Erasmus +

  • Jobshadowing (stage d'observation en situation de travail) de 2 à 60 jours
  • Cours de langue (de 2 à 30 jours)
  • Mobilité collective : minimum 2 jours et 2 élèves
  • Stage en entreprise de 10 à 29 jours
  • Immersion scolaire, de 10 à 29 jours
  • Concours des métiers ( minimum 2 élèves, de 1 à 10 jours)
  • dans l'entreprise, en stage (PFMP)
  • Immersion scolaire

Pour organiser un voyage Erasmus +, consultez la page dédiée sur votre PIA .

Exemple de mobilités

  • Mobilité d'une collégienne

Élisa, 14 ans, élève de troisième dans un collège de la région académique, est partie deux semaines en Espagne, en immersion linguistique. Elle a bénéficié d'une bourse de 793 €*. 

  • Mobilité d'un personnel enseignant - cours & formation

Mickaël, 17 ans, élève en terminale bac professionnel Cuisine dans un lycée des métiers, est parti 29 jours en période de formation en milieu professionnel en République Tchèque, avec une bourse de 1 053 €*.

  • Mobilité d'un élève de la voie professionnelle

Nadia, professeure des écoles, est partie une semaine à Malte durant l’été pour renforcer ses compétences linguistiques en anglais, avec une bourse de 1 417€*.

  • Mobilité d'un personnel dans le cadre d'un jobshadowing

François, enseignant référent pour l'action européenne et internationale, et professeur dans un lycée professionnel, est parti une semaine en Lituanie pour observer les pratiques d’enseignement et d’organisation d’un établissement scolaire, avec une bourse de 919 €*.

*Le montant des bourses est indiqué à titre indicatif. Il est déterminé au cas par cas et peut varier selon le contexte, la durée et le type de mobilité.

Je suis élève dans l'académie, je prépare mon projet Erasmus + en quatre étapes

Tenté(e) par une expérience à l’étranger ? Assurez-nous au préalable que votre établissement scolaire, collège ou lycée, fait partie d'un des consortia académiques et dispose d'un établissement partenaire à l'étranger. Voici les grandes étapes à suivre pour réaliser votre projet :

  • Je prends contact avec mon professeur principal pour formuler et affiner mon projet de mobilité / mon contrat d’étude.
  • Mon établissement valide mon contrat d’étude, en lien avec l’établissement d’accueil.
  • Mon établissement transmet une demande de financement à la Délégation académique aux relations européennes et internationales et à la coopération (DAREIC).
  • Si ma candidature est validée par la DAREIC, je reçois un kit administratif à compléter : je connais alors le montant bourse ERASMUS+ qui est composée d’un forfait journalier et d’un forfait transport, et le cas échéant un soutien d’inclusion.  

Personnels académiques : vous souhaitez organiser une mobilité Erasmus + pour vos élèves et/ou pour vous-même ? Consultez la page Erasmus + du portail intranet académique (PIA)

En 2022, , je me suis rendu deux fois en Espagne dans le cadre du programme Erasmus +. D'abord en avril pour une visite préparatoire où j'ai pu travailler à l’organisation du stage de mes élèves. Puis en juin , j’ai accompagné le retour de deux de nos élèves de Bac professionnel Hôtellerie. Elles sont parties quatre semaines en mobilité dans un restaurant près de Figueras , en Catalogne : l'une en cuisine, l'autre en salle.  Erasmus constitue une expérience qui les fait gagner en maturité et leur apporte une ouverture sur le monde bénéfique dans leur formation. Ce stage à l’étrange apporte un véritable plus pour trouver un emploi. Enfin, pour les professeurs c’est l’occasion de développer ces compétences professionnelles en étant en contact avec des collègues étrangers qui travaillent dans un environnement culturel différent.

Erasmus + en chiffres, dans l'académie Orléans-Tours

  • 33 pays participants au programme
  • 169 pays partenaires (uniquement pour l’enseignement et la formation professionnels)
  • +1200 mobilités dans l’académie en 2023, dans plus de 20 pays

Quels pays sont éligibles au programme Erasmus + ? Découvrir la liste des pays participants

Erasmus + et le gip ftlv-ip.

Dans le cadre du programme Erasmus +, le Groupement d’intérêt public Formation tout au long de la vie – insertion professionnelle (GIP FTLV-IP) est porteur et/ou partenaire de divers projets en lien avec la mobilité européenne. Parmi eux, le Corps européen de solidarité (CES), visant à accueillir neuf volontaires étrangers pour effectuer un service civique dans un établissement scolaire de l’académie sur une année scolaire. Le GIP-FTLV-IP assure par ailleurs la gestion administrative et financière de tous les dossiers Erasmus+ de l’académie, en lien avec la DAREIC, soit plus de 1000 mobilités en 2022.

Plus d'informations sur les projets européens sur le site de Greta

ErasmusDays 2023

Plus d'informations sur ErasmusDays 2023

Nos lettres d'information

À télécharger :

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Appel à projet mobilités scolaires

Pour candidater, retrouver toutes les informations utiles sur le PIA .

Direction académique aux relations européennes et internationales (Dareic)

[email protected]

Informations complémentaires (page du PIA)

Site coordination Erasmus ILDE

Mise à jour : avril 2024

  • International

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  • Accommodation in ORLÉANS

Erasmus in Orléans

Information and tips for Erasmus students in Orléans

Information and tips for Erasmus students in Orléans

Why should you do the Erasmus in Orleans? It is an alternative French town for students who prefer a smaller and quieter destination than bigger cities like Paris or Lyon. You will be able to enjoy its old town that includes traditional houses and magnificent buildings, as well as being famous for having been the city where the heroine Joan of Arc lived. In this article, we tell you everything you need to know to make your Erasmus in Orléans a perfect experience.

  • Cost of living in Orléans, France

If you want to go on Erasmus to Orléans, you should know that it is an expensive city to live in as a student, although it depends a lot on the location and type of accommodation and your lifestyle. Normally, the average cost is €800-900 per month.

The most chosen alternative by young people is a room in a shared apartment , whose prices are usually between €300-500 per month. This option allows you to save on rent and have more independence, by not having to follow the rules of a residence. However, many of the students are also looking for a residence, whose rent depends on the services you request, or complete accommodation for you, such as a studio , whose prices start at €500 per month.

We suggest that you pay close attention to the location of the accommodation since the university is located on the outskirts of the city (20 minutes by tram) and the entertainment venues most frequented by young people are in the centre of the city. This is another of the expenses that must be added to the accommodation, maintenance and leisure: the public transport expense diary. Of course, if you plan to travel by train to different French cities, remember that you have the possibility of obtaining the Youth Advantage Card , a card that allows you to obtain discounts on the journeys you make.

  • Student life, Erasmus parties and leisure in Orléans

Orléans is a city that has numerous bars and restaurants in the centre, as in the Burgundy Street , one of the streets most frequented by young people. On campus, the most common thing to do is to hang out in the student flats, since there isn't much nightlife there. On the other hand, you will also be able to enjoy the leisure offer of Paris , a city that is one or two hours away by public transport, depending on whether you go by bus or train.

If you prefer activities and plans during daytime , you will be able to enjoy the nature of Loire, visit museums, learn all the history of the city and go on excursions on your own or with your friends.

  • Culture and gastronomy in Orléans, France

This city is historically famous for being the city that Joan of Arc defended . You will be able to "lose yourself in the narrow streets" of the old town and walk through all its steps, as well as get into the mediaeval Orléans with restored houses, half-timbered walls and unique windows. Some of the places you have to visit are:

  • The Orleans Sainte-Croix Cathedral, (Basilique Cathédrale Sainte-Croix d’Orléans)
  • Joan of Arc Street, (Jeanne d’Arc à Rouen)
  • the Loire river
  • The Church of Saint-Aignan (Collégiale Saint-Aignan)
  • The Castle of La Source and the floral park,(Château et Parc de la Source)
  • The Hôtel Groslot, a 16th-century mansion
  • Le Maison de Jeanne d’arcThe House of Joan of Arc)
  • Martroi Square (Place du Martroi)

The products of the gastronomy of Orléans are of high quality and many of them have a designation of origin (AOC). Specifically, the region has wines with this denomination, such as the AOC Orléans-Cléry, and several kinds of goat cheese , like the Crottin de Chavignol. In addition, we must highlight the famous "tarte Tatin" (a caramelised apple tart), the "pithiviers" (a cake made with almond paste), the "cotignacs d'Orleans" (a kind of thick quince jelly) and the “palets de Sologne” (raisin biscuits with rum).

  • Advantages of doing Erasmus in Orleans

In this French city you will be able to learn and improve the French language while enjoying a wide variety of plans , such as visits to museums, endless walks along the banks of the Loire River, nights out, trips to places nearby... Memories for a lifetime that will make your experience of Erasmus in Orléans unforgettable!

  • Cheap student accommodation in Orléans

Are you looking for accommodation in Orleans? Take a look at our Erasmus Play platform. We help you to compare various accommodation options and find the best flats, rooms and apartments for students in Orléans.

  • Frequently asked questions about doing Erasmus in Orléans

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Encuentra tu alojamiento en ORLÉANS

Busca, compara y reserva alojamiento para estudiantes en Erasmus Play

Table of contents

Accommodation in ORLÉANS

Flatshare in Orléans

Private rooms for rent in Orléans

Shared rooms for rent in Orléans

Furnished studios for rent in Orléans

Furnished flats for rent in Orléans

Student halls in Orléans

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  • Faculté Arts & Sciences Humaines (ASH) Voir le site
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  • Ecole Polytech Tours Voir le site
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  • 1. Présentation du programme Erasmus

Les types de mobilités Erasmus

Un échange d'un an ou d'un semestre dans une université partenaire., un stage dans la structure de son choix, vos interlocuteurs, les interlocuteurs pédagogiques, les interlocuteurs administratifs, l’association esn , les modalités de l'échange.

  • Condition de nationalité : tout étudiant régulièrement inscrit dans un établissement d'un des pays participants est éligible, sans condition de nationalité et en dehors du pays de résidence principal pendant les études ; 
  • Niveau d'études : à partir de la 2ème année d'études, dans le cadre d'un diplôme national d'enseignement supérieur, niveau doctoral inclus ;
  • Durée de l'échange : de 3 à 12 mois ;
  • Reconnaissance académique : validation de la période effectuée à l'étranger par l'Université de Tours dans le cadre du cursus de Tours, si le niveau de réussite exigé est atteint. Pour plus d'informations, consultez la section Reconnaissance académique : l'échelle de notation ECTS.
  • Frais d'inscription : l'étudiant paye seulement ceux de l'Université de Tours ;
  • Allocataire ou non-allocataire : l’attribution de la bourse Erasmus + est limitée en fonction des fonds alloués par la Commission Européenne mais la quasi-totalité des demandeurs l'obtiennent dans la pratique. Cette aide a pour vocation de participer à la prise en charge d'une partie des coûts supplémentaires engendrés par une mobilité à l’étranger. Le montant est fixé chaque année par l'Agence Erasmus France ;
  • Préparation linguistique : il existe une plateforme européenne dédiée à la préparation linguistique dans la majorité des langues de l'Union Européenne. Un test obligatoire pour ces langues doit être effectué avant la mobilité et au retour de mobilité. Des cours en ligne gratuits sont proposés aux étudiants sélectionnés par l’Université de Tours ;
  • Crédit-temps : un même étudiant peut effectuer des périodes de mobilité Erasmus d'une durée totale maximale de 12 mois par cycle d'études (cycle 1 : DUT/Licence ; cycle 2 : Master ; cycle 3 : Doctorat ou 24 mois en cycle Ingénieur ou Médecine), indépendamment du nombre et du type d'activités de mobilité. Une fois ce crédit-temps épuisé, il n'est plus possible de prétendre à une mobilité Erasmus.

En pratique

  • Pays participant au programme : les 27 pays membres de l’UE, la Macédoine, l’Islande, le Liechtenstein, la Norvège, la Serbie et la Turquie ;
  • Universités partenaires : vous pouvez effectuer votre mobilité dans l'une des universités partenaires ayant établi des accords avec votre filière ;
  • Aides financières : à titre indicatif, vous pouvez vous référer à la rubrique " aides financières à la mobilité ".
  • 2. Comment candidater ?
  • 3. Préparer son départ
  • 4. Etudiants en mobilité Erasmus
  • 5. Etudiants doctorants
  • 6. Situations d'inclusion
  • Etudes en Europe

Atelier pratique pour une mobilité Erasmus+ 2024/2025

Retrouvez le  powerpoint de l'Atelier pratique organisé en juin 2024 pour les étudiants partant en mobilité Erasmus+ en 2024-2025.

Horaires d'accueil

Parrainez un étudiant international , stratégie et charte erasmus+, ce projet a été financé avec le soutien de la commission européenne.

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The Crazy Tourist

Home » Travel Guides » France » 15 Best Things to Do in Orléans (France)

15 Best Things to Do in Orléans (France)

In 1429 Joan of Arc liberated Orléans from a siege by the English, and the city has never forgotten this event. There are statues in her honour, whole wings in museums about the liberation and an annual festival in May to celebrate it with full ceremony and splendour.

Many tourists rushing to the Loire Valley’s châteaux bypass Orléans, but there’s much to uncover in the old centre, which is bursting with timber houses and renaissance mansions where royalty lived and died. Each monument bears witness to the city’s bloody but enthralling history. If it wasn’t the English it was the Huguenots wreaking havoc!

Lets explore the best things to do in Orleans :

1. Parc Floral de la Source

Parc Floral de la Source

Welcoming more visitors than any other attraction in the  department, the Parc Floral de la Source is a semi-wild park next to the university, where Orléans meets the countryside.

Indeed, you can see how the terrain changes here: The flat river plain and the source of the Loiret host the park’s beautiful flower gardens (dahlias, irises, roses and alpine flowers), kitchen garden, butterfly house and aviaries.

And then you can trundle off up the hill to step onto the Sologne Plateau where there’s deep oak and birch forest, and more animal enclosures with Breton sheep and alpacas.

2. Orléans Cathedral

Orléans Cathedral

Taking in the solemn cathedral on Place Sainte-Croix it can be difficult to picture the destruction that this massive landmark suffered in the past.

The Huguenots did a good job of razing it to the ground during the French Wars of Religion in the 16th century.

The building, where Joan of Arc had come for mass during the siege of Orléans in 1429, was almost completely rebuilt from the 1700s to 1829. During this time marvellous stained glass windows were installed, conveying the life of one of France’s national heroines.

3. Musée des Beaux-Arts

Musée des Beaux-Arts

If you’re the kind of person who likes to go slow and meditate over art a whole morning or afternoon may not be enough to see all of this capacious art museum.

There are many thousands of works, only 700 of which are permanently hanging, including France’s second-largest collection of pastels behind the Louvre.

If you’d prefer more of a condensed visit then seek out the paintings by Vélazquez, Corregio, van Dyck, Breughel the Elder and Younger, Delacroix, Courbet, Picasso and Gauguin.

Also make time for the rare prints by Albrecht Dürer and a sculpture by Rodin.

4. Place du Martroi

Place du Martroi

Apart from the “Ligne A” tramline that still crosses the square, Place du Martroi has been completely pedestrianised in the last few years.

What hits your gaze right away is the imposing statue of Joan of Arc on horseback, created in 1855 by Dennis Foyatier, atop a large marble pedestal with reliefs from the siege in 1429. On the east side is a fun fountain with jets coming straight through the paving, and there’s also a old-fashioned carousel for kids here in summer.

And if you’ve been on the tourist trail al day you could take a break at one of the cafe tables to take in the Belle Époque and neoclassical architecture with a café au lait.

5. Hôtel Groslot

Hôtel Groslot

Orléans’ former city hall started out as a mansion built in the mid-1500s for the city’s bailiff Jacques Groslot.

Over the next few decades it hosted some of the period’s most important people, not least the young king François II, who died in what is now the wedding hall in 1560. Other personalities to have stayed at Hôtel Groslot are Mary Queen of Scots, François’ young wife, Catherine de Medici, his mother, and the later kings Henri III and Henri IV. Go in for a free tour to learn about this royal connection, and savour period furniture, Aubisson tapestries and extra insights about Joan of Arc’s time in Orléans.

6. Historic Centre

Rue de Bourgogne

Orléans’ old town is unexpectedly large, and ranges far outside the pedestrianised zone in the middle.

Not all of the buildings are historic, but that only makes you value the beautiful half-timbered houses and renaissance palaces even more.

To get to grips with the size of the old quarter you could enter Orléans as Joan of Arc did in 1429, along Rue de Bourgogne, a convivial street of restaurants and bars running east to west, starting several hundred metres from the centre.

There are rustic colombages, many with their timber frames painted, side-by-side with 19th-century mansions.

Soon the street becomes car-free and you can scuttle off down the adjoining streets to make discoveries, Then there is rue de la Bretonnerie, which begins north of the cathedral and is almost overflowing with mansions from the 1400s to the 1900s.

7. Musée Historique et Archéologique

Hôtel Cabu

In the 15th-century Hôtel Cabu, one of Orléans’ many beautiful old mansions, there’s a small but interesting array of artefacts from around Loiret.

The Gallo-Roman Treasure of Neuvy-en-Sullias is possibly the most intriguing thing here.

It’s a cache of 30 2,000-year-old bronze statuettes recovered from a sand quarry in the 19th century.

They represent animals like boars, deer and horses, as well as mythological figures such as Hercules and Mars.

You can also see vestiges of the region’s medieval buildings carefully transferred here, like the romanesque capitals from the abbey of Benoît-sur-Loire, or, even earlier, ornate stucco from the oratory at Germigny-des-Prés, dating to the 800s.

8. Île Charlemagne

Île Charlemagne

There’s nature, sport and relaxation just a few moments from the centre of Orléans at a 70-hectare park and lake complex on a large river island in the Loire.

For respite from the heat in summer you can laze on the two beaches, and you’re free to go for swim in the massive 28-hectare lake to cool off.

You could also hire a canoe or kayak and test your skills on the canoe trail with overhanging gates, or let the little ones scramble over the massive adventure playground.

On dry land there are ping pong tables, mountain biking circuits, pétanque courts, and even a pony centre.

9. Collégiale Saint-Aignan

Collégiale Saint-Aignan

Forever in a state of half-completion, the fragmented Church of Saint-Aignan tells you more about  Orléans’ fraught history than a finished monument.

Being close to the Loire and in a suburb of the city, it was pulled down twice during the 100 Years’ War to prevent the English forces turning it into a bastion.

But that wasn’t the last of its troubles, as a century later the nave was wrecked by the Huguenots during the French Wars of Religion.

So only the choir and transept now remain.

But against all, the crypt, dating to the 1000s, has survived, and you can head down to see the barrel vault ceiling and sculpted capitals.

10. Loire à Vélo

Loire à Vélo

The Loire in this region of France is one long cycle trail and every measure has been taken to ensure that your ride is as hassle-free as possible . Orléans is near the eastern limit of the Loire Valley, and if you were so inclined you could ride all 314 kilometres to Saint-Nazaire on the coast, and never lack for stations to service your bike and cycle-friendly places to stay overnight (Accueil Vélo). These establishments even devise special breakfasts for riders.

On this easy-going stretch of the river you’re never more than a few minutes from a château or vineyard, and the river also weaves past orchards, forest and even the odd saffron farm.

11. Fêtes Johanniques d’Orléans

Fêtes Johanniques d'Orléans

In spring 1429, Joan of Arc arrived in Orléans and defeated the English, who had threatened to take the city for more than six months.

These 10 days, from the April 29 to May 8, have been celebrated by Orléans ever since.

Every year the city re-enacts Joan’s arrival in the city in full medieval livery, parading her through the streets, which is something that happened in  the last days of the siege to boost morale.

There are also pop and rock concerts for young people, and the city’s historical attractions put on special exhibitions to retrace the heroine’s steps through Orléans.

12. Maison des Étangs

Maison des Étangs

The Sologne plateau, which begins just south of Orléans differs greatly from the wine-growing regions to the east and west.

This is a land of marshes and ponds that for much of its history was only semi-habitable.

As you’d expect the people from the Sologne had their own ways of life and traditional customs.

The Maison des Étangs is an ecomuseum in old timber houses in the commune of Saint Viâtre, which alone has 135 individual ponds.

Step into the workshop to see how flat-bottomed boats were made for the local fishing industry and how hemp was cultivated for nets and lines.

A traditional fisher’s home has been decorated with period furniture, and you can also find about the freshwater fish and bird species supported by this unique environment.

13. Château de Chambord

Château de Chambord

At the turn of the 16th century a new kind of stately home for the nobility and royalty started popping up on the banks of the Loire.

Borrowing from the Italian renaissance these châteaux differed from the castles that had come before because they were built for luxury and aesthetics ahead of any defensive purpose.

The largest, and arguably most essential, of the Loire Valley’s plenitude of world-renowned châteaux is Chambord, constructed by François I as a hunting lodge, which makes it sound more modest than it is.

Because Château de Chambord is colossal, and instantly recognised by its forest of chimneys and cupolas on the roof.

There’s a day’s-worth of historical trivia, gardens and architecture, like the central double-helix staircase, to keep you engrossed and amazed.

14. Château de Chamerolles

Château de Chamerolles

Slightly closer than Chambord is a palace that looks a bit more like a medieval fortress, as it was built right at the start of the renaissance.

Château de Chamerolles was in ruins until just a few decades ago, but has been fully restored and is the home of an unusual museum.

The Promenade des Parfums is on the first and second floors and gives you insights about regional perfume production from the 1500s to the 1900s.

There’s a historic distillery, interactive exhibits that let you sample fragrances and big cache of perfume bottles throughout the ages.

The renaissance gardens are sublime, and if you haven’t seen a formal French garden before you’re sure to be impressed by the diligent symmetry of the vegetable plots in particular.

15. Local Delicacies

Martin Pouret

There’s an AOC around Orléans producing very drinkable and straightforward white chardonnays and reds with pinot noir and pinot meunier grapes.

In the earliest days, when the wine being shipped down the Loire went bad it was no big deal, as it could be salvaged as vinegar.

By the middle ages vinegar-makers even shared a guild with the city’s apothecaries, and master “vinaigriers” branched out into cornichons (pickles) and mustard-making.

Stop by at Martin Pouret, which is one such master vinaigrier, and pick up a gift or souvenir.

Other local specialities include quince jam, pear spirits, Chavignol goats’ cheese and honey from the Sologne.

15 Best Things to Do in Orléans (France):

  • Parc Floral de la Source
  • Orléans Cathedral
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts
  • Place du Martroi
  • Hôtel Groslot
  • Historic Centre
  • Musée Historique et Archéologique
  • Île Charlemagne
  • Collégiale Saint-Aignan
  • Loire à Vélo
  • Fêtes Johanniques d'Orléans
  • Maison des Étangs
  • Château de Chambord
  • Château de Chamerolles
  • Local Delicacies

erasmus orleans tours

Urban Enslavement Tour at Hermann Grima House

820 Saint Louis St, , New Orleans, Louisiana


Taxes and fees will be calculated at checkout

This restored French Quarter home built in 1831, includes a Federalist architectural façade, original operating open-hearth kitchen, urban slave quarters, and expansive courtyard. The Urban Enslavement Tour at Hermann-Grima House, looks at the experiences of those who were enslaved in an urban setting, how that differed from those enslaved in rural settings, and how the contributions of people of African descent have shaped New Orleans. Condé Nast Traveler voted it one of the best tours in New Orleans and the only tour listed from a museum. We believe that nothing tells a story like a home. In addition, the property’s 19th-century carriage house is home to the The Exchange Shop, originally founded in the 1881 by The Woman’s Exchange and one of the oldest women-led non-profits in the South.

Ticket Options

1 Option Available

Tour Ticket: $14

Meeting Point

Hermann-Grima House

This activity ends back at the meeting point.

Ticket Information

  • Mobile or paper ticket accepted
  • One per booking

What's Included

  • Professional Guide

Cancellation Policy

  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.

Additional Info

  • Service animals allowed
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels

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Must-see attractions in Orléans

Cathédrale Sainte-Croix rises up above Rue Jeanne d'Arc in Orléans, France.

Cathédrale Ste-Croix

In a country of jaw-dropping churches, Gothic-style Cathédrale Ste-Croix still raises a gasp. Originally built in the 13th century, it underwent tinkering…

erasmus orleans tours

Musée des Beaux-Arts

Orléans’ five-level fine-arts museum is a treat, with an excellent collection of Italian, Flemish and Dutch paintings (including works by Correggio,…

CERCIL – Musée-Mémorial des Enfants du Vel d'Hiv

Between 1941 and 1943, more than 16,000 Jews were interned in two camps about 50km northeast of Orléans, Beaune-la-Rolande and Pithiviers. The adults were…

Hôtel Groslot

The Renaissance-style Hôtel Groslot was built between 1530 and 1550 as a private mansion for lawyer and bailiff Jacques Groslot; it became Orléans’ city…

Musée d'Histoire et d'Archéologie

The centrepiece of this history museum, in the Renaissance-style Hôtel Cabu, is an extraordinary collection of Celtic and Gallo-Roman bronzes, recovered…

Place du Martroi

In the centre of Orléans' main square, a bronze statue (1855) depicts Joan of Arc atop a prancing steed; nearby there's a carousel (merry-go-round). A…

Maison de Jeanne d’Arc

An excellent 15-minute film (in French or English) tracing Joan of Arc's origins, accomplishments and historical impact is the main attraction at the…

Joan of Arc Statue

Depicting St Joan atop a prancing steed, this huge bronze statue (1855) by Denis Foyatier is in the centre of place du Martroi.


  1. Programme Erasmus +

    Erasmus + en chiffres, dans l'académie Orléans-Tours. 33 pays participants au programme; 169 pays partenaires (uniquement pour l'enseignement et la formation professionnels) +1200 mobilités dans l'académie en 2023, dans plus de 20 pays; Quels pays sont éligibles au programme Erasmus + ? Découvrir la liste des pays participants

  2. Erasmus in Orléans 2024-2025

    Advantages of doing Erasmus in Orleans. In this French city you will be able to learn and improve the French language while enjoying a wide variety of plans, such as visits to museums, endless walks along the banks of the Loire River, nights out, trips to places nearby ...

  3. Université de Tours

    Présentation du programme Erasmus. Missions d'accompagnement d'étudiant.e.s en situation de handicap. Nos liens avec les organismes de recherche & le CHRU. Ethique, déontologie, intégrité & liberté scientifiques. Préparer et organiser son séjour recherche à l'Université de Tours. La Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA)

  4. Erasmus+

    Coordination institutionnelle Erasmus+, Auriane Jamrog: [email protected]. Vice-président pour les Relations internationales, Luigi Agrofoglio: [email protected]. Code Erasmus : F ORLEANS01. Code PIC : 999 848 550. OID établissement : E10208696. Haut de page. L'Université d'Orléans participe activement au programme Erasmus+ et met ...

  5. Erasmus Orléans-Tours

    Erasmus Orléans-Tours is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Erasmus Orléans-Tours and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.

  6. Erasmus+ Sections européennes et DNL

    Jour . Objet . Jour 1. Arrivée sur place. Jours 2 et 3. Ces différents temps sont à organiser avec l'établissement d'accueil : Assister à une séance « classique » de la LVE concernée + s'entretenir avec l'enseignant; Assister à une séance « classique » de la DNL concernée + s'entretenir avec l'enseignant (si la langue le permet)

  7. 11 ways to win tickets to Taylor Swift's New Orleans shows

    Nearly a dozen organizations are running contests for tickets to Taylor Swift's three-night spectacular next month in New Orleans for the Eras Tour.. Why it matters: Tickets sold out during the pre-sale and resale tickets are going for at least $1,200 on StubHub. The big picture: The shows will take place Oct. 25-27 at the Caesars Superdome.Gracie Abrams is the special guest.


    Votre candidature a été retenue pour participer au dispositif ERASMUS + de l'académie Orléans-Tours. Vous allez donc bénéficier d'un séjour dans un pays européen, afin d'approfondir votre culture ... [email protected] [email protected] 02 38 79 46 76 GIP Groupement d'Intérêt Public

  9. Erasmus+

    The International Central Office (DRI) helps Erasmus students to find an accommodation either in a CROUS student residence or in a French family. To receive it, you must request a housing solution at the time of your registration. ... 10 rue de Tours - BP 46527 45065 ORLEANS cedex 2 - France . Instagram; LinkedIn; Facebook; Twitter; Youtube ...

  10. Erasmus Experience in Orleans, France, by Cherian

    The Thalys train passes here, coming from Cologne or Essen. It's a direct 150 min connection to Paris, where I needed to make a 20 min trip via Metro to another train station from which it took another hour on a train to Orleans. If booked early, 4+ weeks in advance, I got Thalys tickets for 30 euro and 10 to Orleans.

  11. What to see and do in Orléans

    For Orleans, the capital of the department of Loiret in the Centre-Val de Loire region, it was the river which brought wealth and prestige to the city. "But, ever since they built the railway from Orleans to Paris, people have turned away from the river," said Damien, my guide from the Orleans Tourism Office and a local to the city.

  12. Erasmus+

    Stduents from the University of Orléans who are interested in an Erasmus+ study trip for the university year 2023-2024 can submit their application between 7 November 2022 to 20 January 2023 by clicking on the following link: Mobility portal 2023-2024. Late March: The results of the applications will be sent to your student e-mail.

  13. Hidden Gardens: An Urban Plantation Walking Tour

    Hidden Gardens: An Urban Plantation Walking Tour in New Orleans" offers a unique exploration of the city's historic homes and their hidden gardens, nestled within the urban landscape. Begin your journey at the Hermann-Grima House in the French Quarter, a remarkable example of American Federal style architecture with a beautiful courtyard ...

  14. 15 Best Things to Do in Orléans (France)

    Lets explore the best things to do in Orleans: 1. Parc Floral de la Source. Source: flickr. Parc Floral de la Source. Welcoming more visitors than any other attraction in the department, the Parc Floral de la Source is a semi-wild park next to the university, where Orléans meets the countryside. Indeed, you can see how the terrain changes here ...

  15. Orleans and the Renaissance

    Orleans, a Renaissance city. A former royal city, Orleans was at that time a vibrant and prosperous place owing to its position on the Loire and close proximity to Paris. It had a well-respected university attended by eminent intellectuals including Erasmus, Guillaume Budé, Rabelais, La Boétie, Théodore de Bèze and Calvin.. The city experienced a sweeping artistic revival, inspired by the ...

  16. Crescent City Chronicles: The Heart of New Orleans

    Crescent City Chronicles: A Journey Through the Heart of New Orleans" is a walking tour that captures the essence of New Orleans' rich history, vibrant music scene, and architectural beauty. Begin your exploration on Frenchmen Street, a hub of live music and a testament to the city's thriving cultural heartbeat.

  17. Urban Enslavement Tour at Hermann Grima House

    Condé Nast Traveler voted it one of the best tours in New Orleans and the only tour listed from a museum. We believe that nothing tells a story like a home. In addition, the property's 19th-century carriage house is home to the The Exchange Shop, originally founded in the 1881 by The Woman's Exchange and one of the oldest women-led non ...

  18. Must-see attractions Orléans, Orléanais

    Orléans. Depicting St Joan atop a prancing steed, this huge bronze statue (1855) by Denis Foyatier is in the centre of place du Martroi. Discover the best attractions in Orléans including Cathédrale Ste-Croix, Musée des Beaux-Arts, and CERCIL - Musée-Mémorial des Enfants du Vel d'Hiv.

  19. Official website of Orleans Tourist Office

    Life is punctuated throughout the year by numerous events. An hour from Paris, Orleans relies on both its modernity and the authenticity of its historical, cultural and natural heritage. Prepare your stay with the Orleans Tourist Office. Must-sees, visits, CityPass, accommodation, activities, calendar...

  20. Home

    Maintenance mode is on. A jazzy NEW site will be available soon. Thank you for your patience! In the meantime, call Candy Kagan at 504 296-2513 for the best custom tour of New Orleans! Or email Orleans Step-On Tours and Guides at [email protected].

  21. John Coltrane & A Love Supreme: A Talk by Ashley Kahn

    The New Orleans Jazz Museum presents John Coltrane and A Love Supreme, a talk by the Grammy-winning American music historian, author, professor and producer, Ashley Kahn. This program takes place inside our Education Center located on the outside wing of the Jazz Museum. Admission is free and open to the public, seating is limited and offered first come, first serve.Too often, John Coltrane ...

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    The music calendar, wwoz's guide to live local music in new orleans. learn more. Share. MJ Lenderman & The Wind: Manning Fireworks Tour + Wild Pink. February 4, 2025 8:00 PM Location: Tipitina's 501 Napoleon Ave., New Orleans, LA 70115 [Map/Directions] Neighborhood: Garden ...