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Is A Trip To Europe Worth It? 10 Pros And Cons

Visiting Europe is always a wonderful idea, but one question commonly comes up: is a trip to Europe worth it? When you factor in the time and money necessary to go on a vacation to this spectacular continent, it can quickly become overwhelming, too. You might find yourself wondering, how much will visiting Europe cost? Where should I visit in Europe? Should I go on a guided tour?

Generally speaking, a trip to Europe is worth it. Every country in the continent has an incredible culture and history that you won’t regret experiencing, and the nature is just gorgeous, too. Aside from that, it’s a great opportunity to polish your second language skills and step out of your comfort zone. Visiting Europe isn’t for everyone, though, and there’s plenty of ways to enjoy your vacation at home or even at beautiful places nearby!

In this article, I’ll be looking at some of the best reasons you should visit Europe — and some of the cons that might inspire you to plan an entirely new vacation! I know how crucial it is to plan your vacation right from the beginning, so I’ve created this guide to help you determine if a Europe vacation is right for you — and how you can make it the best it can be.

Table of Contents

1. Pro: Europe’s Architecture And Natural Landscapes Are Beautiful

One of the most understated benefits of visiting Europe is the opportunity to witness the continent’s incredible natural landscapes and breathtaking historical architecture. From Rome’s coliseum to Scotland’s seaside cliffs, every region in the continent is awe-inspiring in its own way. It’s safe to say that you won’t regret soaking in the sights of Europe’s uniquely spectacular expanses.

As you plan your trip to Europe, considering what you might like to see is essential to developing an itinerary, too. For example, if you think biking through a spectacular river city sounds appealing, then visiting Amsterdam might be a perfect fit. But if you’d prefer to see breathtaking masterpieces of architecture and vision, you might find Barcelona or Rome to be a lot more interesting. No matter where you choose to visit, though, there’s no doubt you’ll leave Europe feeling amazed. 

2. Con: You Might Find Yourself Too Far Outside Of Your Comfort Zone

There’s no doubt that traveling across the world takes a lot of courage, but unfortunately, some people find that their vacation to Europe took a form of courage they regret. Before you go through with any extravagant or expensive plans on how to spend your limited budget and vacation time, it’s worth questioning what your interests are — and what you’re comfortable doing. You don’t have to travel across the world to enjoy yourself, after all! There are plenty of exciting things closer to home to consider, too.

For example, if you’re in the United States, it couldn’t hurt to consider taking a road trip. If you’re a nature lover, there’s tons of national and state parks with unforgettable sights for you to explore. If you prefer the excitement that comes with big cities, it’s safe to say that the U.S. has no shortage of places to go. And it’s not just the United States that has fantastic destinations — whether you’re taking a driving tour along the coasts of Ireland or hiking along the rocky faces of the Andes mountains, finding something incredible at home is as simple as viewing familiar delights with a new perspective. 

3. Pro: Europe’s Public Transportation Is Incredible

Wherever you happen to find yourself in Europe, there’s no doubt that you’ll be impressed with their well-developed public transportation systems. Compared to countries like the United States, European countries generally have extremely sophisticated rail systems and bus lines that allow citizens to travel around the country easily — and they’ll make your time traveling in Europe much more convenient and simple, too!

It’s worth researching the country and region you’re visiting in advance, so that you’re familiar with their offerings and know how to use their services. It’s an added bonus if you’re familiar with the country’s language or know a decent lingua franca, since it’ll make responding to any unexpected challenges much easier. Aside from rail and bus lines, you can also consider travel by boat and plane wherever it’s available. Most cities are even bike-friendly!

4. Con: You’ll Find Yourself Far Away From Friends And Family

While everyone is different, most people enjoy being close to friends and family — and when you’re balancing work, keeping a home, and even raising children or caring for pets, finding enough time to spend with all of your friends and family can be extremely difficult. For this reason, it’s worth seriously considering if you’d prefer to travel abroad over taking the opportunity to spend what time you have with your dearest friends and relatives.

If you decide to visit relatives or even travel domestically, there’s a lot more opportunities to spend time with the people you cherish. Traveling with friends, for example, becomes a lot simpler when you don’t all need to secure passports, travel documents, and the expensive plane fares — you can have just as much fun taking a train or road trip to a gorgeous vacation spot within your home country. While there’s no doubt that visiting Europe is a chance to make some pretty incredible memories, spending time with your loved ones is something you won’t soon forget either. 

5. Pro: Visiting Europe Is A Chance To Challenge Your Language Skills And Grow

Aside from all of the usual frustrations that come with learning a new language, one of the biggest issues that emerging second-language speakers face is never actually having an opportunity to practice their skills! And worse yet, whenever they do have the opportunity, the difficulty, frustration, and even embarrassment can cause many new learners to switch back to their native language and give up.

When you’re visiting Europe, you generally won’t have the opportunity to switch back to your native language — and this can be an incredible thing. When you’re forced to listen to, read, and even speak your new language in every interaction and activity, your brain will want to adapt as soon as possible. This can cause an incredible period of growth. Many language learners who found themselves stagnating were quickly inspired by a trip to Europe. If you’re finding yourself in a similar situation, it’s definitely worth a try.

6. Con: Figuring Out Europe’s Travel Requirements Can Be Frustrating

If you’ve ever traveled internationally before, or been in an airline in the United States, you’re probably already familiar with how stressful travel requirements can be. This is especially true in recent years, since you’ll generally need more than just a passport to get where you want to go. Each country in Europe tends to have its own requirements and regulations for travelers. While visiting just one can already be difficult, if you’re planning a continental tour, you may just feel like giving up.

In particular, since COVID-19 became an international issue, many countries in Europe have established travel requirements that you’ll need to be aware of before attempting to visit. For example, in Spain, you’re only required to fill out a health form to visit the country. But if you’re planning to visit France or Italy, you’ll need to bring proof of vaccination or a valid COVID-19 test to enter the country (depending on their specific requirements). You should research well in advance to make sure the beginning of your vacation goes smoothly. 

7. Pro: You Won’t Regret Seeing One Of Europe’s Famous Festivals

One of the most compelling aspects of visiting Europe has always been its incredible culture. If you’re looking to enjoy Europe’s unique cultures fully, you can’t forget to see at least one of the incredible festivals that happen year-round. From Flamenco Fair to Oktoberfest, the world’s center of fun and festivities has no shortage of delights to offer — and you won’t regret experiencing them for yourself.

To start, you should definitely consider seeing Venice’s Carnival. The beautiful and elaborately painted masks and costumes are a highlight of this ancient festival, and best of all, you’ll get to enjoy seeing them across the course of 20 days! Maslenitsa is also a fantastic festival to visit if you love crepes — since the ban on dairy and meat is relaxed for Orthodox Christians during this week, the fantastic food is made to take full advantage of the opportunity!

is a trip to europe worth it

8. Con: Traveling Across The World Can Be Extremely Stressful

While there’s a lot of appeal to packing your bags and taking a journey somewhere new, it’s no surprise that the process can be just as stressful as it is fun — and in some cases, the stress can become overwhelming. To start, even when you plan your vacation out carefully, it’s not uncommon for unexpected expenses to put a huge financial burden on your back. And if that wasn’t enough, if any issues at home or in your own personal life come up, it’s hard to manage them when you’re across the world.

Ideally, if you plan to travel across the world to Europe or another distant continent, you should have an escape plan ready if any issues come up. While it’s impossible to account for every possible issue, it’s safe to say that you can address most of them by having a decent amount of savings and a few alternative modes of transportation and rest if things go awry. Understanding the language and local resources of wherever you’re visiting is also a bonus, since you’ll ultimately have a lot more tools in hand if and when any problems come up. 

9. Pro: The Authentic Food Will Blow Your Mind

Whether you’re drawn to a lovingly prepared carbonara or Greek salad, you’ll quickly find that authentic food is so widely beloved for a reason — it’s incredible. And best of all, trying food doesn’t have to be boring — it’s easy to make a must-try list or even a food tour that will let you fully experience all of the culinary delights a city or region has to offer. So whether you’re finding yourself in Scotland or Belgium, you should make sure to savor the delicious food just as much as the incredible scenery and awe-inspiring history. 

The local cuisine of wherever you choose to visit is essential to understanding everything about where you’re at, whether it indicates fishing practices passed down for generations or agricultural practices that allowed the country’s hardy people to survive in the worst of times. And you don’t just have to savor the tastes to find this enlightening — there’s plenty of resources in books and on the web that tell the incredible stories of how food and culture intertwined across history in countries around the world, and you won’t regret reading them. 

10. Con: You May Find Europe To Be Too Close To Home

Europe has plenty of unique sights and twists to offer on classic delights, but after the novelty wears off, you might find your vacation destination to be surprisingly close to home. After all, you’ll still be enjoying many of the same activities (like hiking or eating out at a restaurant) — just far away from home. It’s worth considering if you might prefer the larger budget that comes with a staycation.

You don’t just have to stay right at home, either. If you’re in the United States, rail lines like Amtrak offer a safe, affordable, and easy way to travel. And across the world, you can usually find private bus lines or train lines that offer reasonably priced travel services. Whether you’re drawn to the dazzling allure of a big city or would prefer to hike at a National Park, you won’t run short of things to enjoy domestically. 

10 Best Tips To Make Your Europe Vacation Better

1. plan your travel beforehand.

One of the worst disasters that can take away from your enjoyment of a vacation is having your travel plans fall through. Whether that special bus tour ends up being fully booked when you go to buy your ticket or your airline of choice ends up adding an extraordinarily expensive surcharge, disasters are common — and they can put a huge damper on even the best of moods. Whether you’re traveling to Rome or the Guiana Space Centre , you need to plan ahead.

For this reason, one of the best things you can do to ensure your vacation to Europe is amazing the whole way through is planning and booking your travel well in advance — and if possible, you should have emergency funds available in case you need to arrange an alternative, too. Aside from the security that having booked tickets and emergency funds will offer you, it also gives you a better idea of your itinerary and what you’ll be able to enjoy during your visit. 

2. Prepare For Jet Lag

If you’ve ever flown overseas, you’re probably familiar with the feeling of jet lag — defined as the exhausted feeling you get when abruptly changing time zones. The significant difference between what time it actually is and what your internal clock thinks it is can cause extreme fatigue, so it’s important to prepare for it if you intend to make the most of your vacation.

Luckily, there are a few hacks you can use to prevent jet lag and stay energized across your entire vacation. To start, you should make sure that you stay awake during the whole first day of your vacation and have an early bedtime. If you need a nap, it’s okay to take it, but you should ensure that it’s brief and that you enjoy caffeine later in the day.

Planning out the itinerary of your first day well can help you combat jet lag, too. Ideally, you should plan out a day that will keep you active without exhausting you. For example, you could visit laid-back venues like a cafe for lunch and even a park, while giving yourself time to recover between activities. But as long as you can stay awake during the first day and go to bed at a decent time, you won’t have much trouble at all getting your internal clock to adapt. 

3. Use Your Trip As An Opportunity To Learn About Yourself

It’s easy to feel like you’ve stagnated when you’re stuck in a routine, and unfortunately, adulthood is routine in almost every facet. From your job to the place that you live, it’s easy to feel stuck — and traveling is the perfect opportunity to change that. Many travelers find that they’re able to discover new sides of themselves when they take a journey across the world, and fortunately, you can too!

If you’ve decided that a trip to Europe seems right for you, making your trip one that nourishes your sense of self and allows you to explore your interests is as simple as planning a well thought-out itinerary. There are plenty of ways to enjoy yourself and learn new skills in Europe, from dance classes to festivals. With such a variety of activities available to choose from, finding something that suits you is simple — and you won’t regret giving it a try. 

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4. Look For Souvenirs In Unexpected Places

You’ve probably seen them nearby, and you’ll probably find them abroad — it’s safe to say that tourist traps aren’t a particularly interesting part of any destination. Rather than taking the plunge and attempting to find something cool to bring home at a generic tourist shop or international brand, it’s worth checking out local markets and shops to find interesting trinkets.

There’s no shortage of places to look, either. To start, it’s worth checking to see if there are any local flea markets or vintage shops. Thrift stores are also worth diving into, since the donations will reflect what the locals buy and use! And if you’re still indecisive about where to go, Yelp is always a great resource for finding underrated local shops to explore. (In fact, it’s even excellent for finding hotels — we used it to find the best hotels in Old Quarter Hanoi !)

5. Focus On Making Memories

It’s easy to get caught up in a consumerist mindset, since the idea is pushed almost everywhere you look. Whether you’re watching TV or reading a magazine, it’s said time and time again: “Buy this!” When you’re exploring a spectacular place like Europe, though, it’s better to focus on an alternative action: “Do this”. And there’s no doubt that this wonderful continent offers plenty of things to do.

To start, it’s worth allowing yourself to wander. You should be spontaneous, and engage with eating local foods and enjoying all of the activities your destination has to offer to your heart’s desire. It’s worth making friends and socializing, too, especially if it gives you a chance to polish any second language skills. Buying products will give you a thrill for a few days, but if you focus on making memories, you’ll forge something incredible that lasts a lifetime. 

6. Consider Filling Out Your Very Own Bucket List

There’s more things to appreciate in Europe than you can possibly imagine, so if you’re planning to visit this spectacular continent, it doesn’t hurt to plan out beforehand what your most important things to see and do are. When you bring a bucket list on your trip, it’s less likely that you’ll have any regrets coming home — and if you do, it’s a perfect opportunity to make a brand new bucket list for your next vacation overseas.

And in a wonderful place like Europe, there’s no shortage of things to add to your bucket list. If you love history, it’s worth adding the most significant historical sites in the regions you’re visiting to your bucket list — and you might find museums and old businesses to be interesting, too. If you have a particular interest, like art or computing, it’s safe to say that you can find a few attractions to engage and fascinate yourself as long as you’re willing to look. 

Regardless of what you like, it’s seriously worth considering adding a few local dishes (or their diet-friendly / belief-friendly equivalents) to your bucket list!

7. Stay Open Minded To New Opportunities

Most people don’t get a ton of opportunities to visit Europe, so it’s not unusual to want the very best in every area. From the hotel rooms you decide to rent to the food you decide to eat, there’s more than enough luxury choices to consider — but those aren’t the only good options on the market! Actually, many locals offer similar services at a fraction of the price. And rather than staying in a sterile hotel room and eating professionally made food, you might find that the homeliness of a modest rental and homemade, authentic food makes your vacation significantly more memorable.

So on your next trip to Europe or somewhere else abroad, it’s worth keeping your mind open and considering all of the options available to you. You might find that the luxury options weren’t everything they claimed to be, and you might find that many of the local options offer a level of authenticity you just can’t find anywhere else. Yelp is a great place to look for hidden gems, but if you happen to know anyone locally, it’s also worth asking around for recommendations!

8. Take Your Time And Enjoy Things Fully

One of the biggest issues that people commonly run into when visiting Europe is that they try to fit way too many trips into a very short vacation. Unfortunately, seeing Berlin, London, Rome, and Paris within the span of a week isn’t realistic, and even if it were, you would have little to no time to enjoy every spot — actually, a significant portion of your time would be wasted on travel.

If you’re planning to visit Europe, you should come up with a trip itinerary that minimizes travel and maximizes experience. You won’t be missing out if you’re only able to visit Rome on your first trip — actually, focusing on Rome for your first trip will allow you to have an invigorating trip to London on your second vacation, and you won’t have any issues with diving deep into everything Berlin has to offer on your third, either!

While it’s okay to visit a few cities on your vacation, you should plan beforehand to ensure that you’re spending at least two to three days in each city. This will allow you to at least superficially enjoy most of the city’s offerings and the culture of where you’re visiting — but the more time you’re able to envelop yourself in a city’s unique culture, the better. There’s no doubt that when you plan your vacation correctly, many of Europe’s most extraordinary cities could keep you entertained for weeks. 

9. Consider Riding Trains And Buses

There’s a lot of reasons that riding planes is compelling: they’re fast, and when you’re traveling long distances, they can be extremely convenient, too. Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks to riding planes, too. Aside from how expensive the tickets can be, the process of going through an airport is exhausting, and you don’t have much of an opportunity to enjoy the scenery during your airplane ride.

In certain cases, you might even find that going on a train or bus is significantly faster than riding on a plane! While the ticket might say that the flight takes one hour, when you factor in the time it takes to board and unboard the plane, you might find that going on a bus or train is both faster and cheaper. Aside from that, going on a bus or train is extremely eco-friendly, and it’s just as safe and pleasant as riding on a plane. 

10. Consider Taking A Road Trip

It isn’t just buses and trains that have an incredible level of appeal to offer — going on a road trip across Europe can be amazing, too, and starting is as easy as renting a car. Unlike other forms of transportation, when you rent a car, you won’t be limited to certain times or destinations. You’ll have full freedom to see what you want, when you want.

There’s plenty of great companies to rent cars from, too, from Europcar to Avis. You can compare prices, features, models, and mileage to find the best fit for your trip, and once you’ve decided, going on your road trip is as easy as simply paying the rental fee. You can even have your rental car delivered at an airport or train station, as long as you’re willing to pay additional fees!

Is A Trip To Europe Worth It?

There’s a lot of factors that go into determining whether or not a vacation is worth it. Unfortunately, traveling across the world can be extremely expensive, so your vacation will have to give you a lot of joy to be worth it. In a wonderful place like Europe, though, it isn’t hard to make that happen. Before spending any money, you should try to plan in advance and research your options thoroughly to make sure that your vacation is the best fit for you. 

And if you’re not sure, it’s worth noting that there are plenty of other options on other continents — and even near home — that can provide the same level of fun for a fraction of the price. To determine if a trip to Europe is worth it, you should look in your heart to see what you really value. With the right amount of self-reflection and research, the answer will become clear in no time. (If you’re looking for a way to make your trip to Europe extra-special, you should consider purchasing a Europe travel package to make it 10x more convenient!)

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Towering castles. Untamed natural beauty. Captivating history. Can’t-miss cuisine. This is your time, your moment, your chance to discover Europe.

Destination Must-Sees

Greece Must see takeover

One of the most well-known tourist destinations in Greece, Olympia is located in the western Peloponnese, known as the “Valley of the Gods.” Surrounded by beautiful scenery from the Arcadian Mountains, it is home of the first Olympic Games that were held in 776 B. Step into history when you walk through the ruins of the ancient Olympic stadium or witness amazing sculptures at the museum.

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Europe ms2

Ancient cities of Italy:

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Drift down a canal:

While canals are found across Europe, nothing beats a romantic gondola ride in Venice. Locals like to say the best way to explore the city is to ‘get lost.’ So take a ride along these waterways, step off and then wind your way through the intricate blend of bridges, narrow streets and grand squares.

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This was the first capital of Spain located about 43 miles south of Madrid. The history of Toledo dates back to the Roman occupation circa 192 B.C. The old city of Toledo sits atop of a small mountain surrounded on three sides by the Tagus River, and medieval walls on the fourth. From the top of the mountain you can get a 180 degree view of the surrounding landscape.

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Magnificent landscapes combined with the country’s charming traditions and customs offer new experiences unlike anywhere else in the world. Famous for bullfighting, Spain allows you to grab life by the horns and dive into adventure. Whether it’s the eye-catching architecture of Madrid, the bold Spanish wines, or the shimmering Costa del Sol, this country remains a delight to the senses. Once you experience Spain, you’ll never want to leave and when you do, you’ll always be craving more.

Whether it’s old-world traditions and wonderful culture, cuisine, history, fashion or natural beauty, Italy is special to many people for different reasons. Few other countries boast so many legendary cities. There are also many charming hill towns and coastal villages that showcase Italy’s amazing natural beauty. From the big cities to the small towns, there is always something exciting to see in Italy. With so many reasons to visit, the rest is up to you!

A rendezvous with a magnifique experience awaits! As cliché as it sounds, France truly has something for everyone. With over two dozen cities, each with their own nuances of the French culture and contributions to its history, architecture, art and last but not least, the gastronomical delights that the French are famous for throughout the world are yours to explore, experience and fall in love with during your stay. Coast to coast, border to border, there are seemingly endless variations on your French experience to be had. Rolling hills and scenic valleys lined with the fruit of the gods; seaside towns, along sandy beaches with views you just might be sharing with royalty; or maybe snowcapped mountain ranges providing some of the best skiing in the world and an adrenaline rush to match is what you seek. Whatever you decide, France easily makes you feel as if you have stepped out of reality and into the art you learned about and loved since you were a child.

A gem of the Iberian Peninsula, Portugal is a paradise. On the coasts, sun-soaked beaches meet breathtaking hillside towns all down the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. In the cities, ancient structures rise up shoulder-to-shoulder with modern living. Everywhere you turn, you can find mouth-watering food paired with delicious local wines, medieval architecture paired with Moorish artistic influence, and friendly locals paired with charming attitudes. No matter what you seek, when you go, where you look, or how long you stay, Portugal offers something for every traveler.

At the heart of Europe, monumental contemporary and historic events shape today’s Germany. From the fall of the Berlin Wall to the rise of the Beatles in Hamburg, the culture of the country is marked by its influential past and present. Imagine yourself exploring postcard-worthy castles such as Neuschwanstein or wandering through medieval cities such as Regensburg. From the Bavarian Alps to the Rhine Gorge to the plains of the north, the range of Germany’s landscapes will capture your heart. Perhaps you’ll also indulge your taste buds as you sample the delicious Marzipan sweet treats of the Hanseatic port of Lubeck, which have been produced there for over 200 years. Whether on a journey on the ‘Romantic Road’ or cruising along the Rhine, know that a stein of German beer or a glass of wine from the Rhine vineyards are both a worthy compliment to a destination that offers far more than the average traveler anticipates.


Incredible skiing on the Swiss Alps and delectable Swiss chocolate are only two reasons for visiting Switzerland. Located between Austria, France, Germany and Italy, you can get quite a diverse European cultural experience depending on which region of Switzerland you choose. And though the food, music, art and people themselves are very much influenced by their European neighbors, they are all still uniquely Swiss. You will leave with plenty of memories to savor for a lifetime.

Listen for the music of the great classical composers. Seek out grand capitals and wide boulevards. Austria travel takes you to fairytale landscapes and glorious castles. You are in Austria, a country that brings together a distinct culture with a diverse landscape.

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The Shooting Star

First Time to Europe? 10 Travel Tips to Get You Started.

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Four years and several trips later, I can tell you that most first timers don’t get Europe right. I hear all the time from people who want to squeeze 3 countries in one week, hop from city to city and museum to museum, and stick to the food they know. Europe to me is about letting go off of these notions.

As with anywhere else in the world, Europe is as much about charm of its countryside villages as it is about the grandeur of its cities. It is about people-watching from small cafes serving up farm-to-table food. It is about losing yourself in the cobblestoned streets, speaking a different language for a few days, and embracing a culture that has long enticed poets and writers.

From the complexities of the Schengen visa to reliable travel resources, I’ve compiled travel tips to save you ‘basic research’ time on Google:

Get a Schengen Visa and be smart about it.

Getting a European tourist visa is perhaps the most  complicated when you hold an Indian passport, but there’s a method to the madness. If you intend to travel to two or more countries on your trip (and you should),  apply for a Schengen Visa , which covers most countries in Western Europe & a few in Eastern Europe. To get a Schengen Visa, you need to show confirmed flight & hotel bookings, which is crazy because what if you pay for everything and don’t end up getting an approved visa? The best way to work around it is to book a completely refundable flight on your credit card, typically a full-fledged carrier like Lufthansa or Quantas. Similarly, book fully refundable hotels on , the most reliable site when it comes to refunds. Soon as you get your visa, cancel your bookings and start your real research.

Also read: US Tourist Visa for Indians: Tips and Requirements

Research, research, research, then leave some things unplanned.

Everyone has a different travel style; while some like to plan to death, others like to leave it all to chance. For a trip to Europe from India, I recommend taking the middle path. Read and know enough to not burn your time at places that won’t interest you, but give yourself enough flexibility to stay longer or shorter at a place if you so choose. Below are some travel resources I swear by:

– Information on  Wikitravel . Comprehensive & usually reliable travel guides. – Inspiration on  Lonely Plane t. Their finesse with words can bring to life the entire globe. – Events on  What’s On When . Current & upcoming events in all major cities. – Reviews on Travel Blogs. Travelogues that paint a realistic picture of what to expect. – Recommendations on Twitter. There’s always someone who knows someone with a recommendation.

On my own first Euro trip, I largely had a plan for the places I wanted to cover,  but a hotel booking only for Paris where I was landing. It wasn’t peak summer season and I was travelling to smaller towns & villages, so I booked a place only while leaving the previous one. That’s the only way I could stay to my heart’s content in  Gargnano and cut my stay short in Paris .

Also Read: First Time to Germany? Practical Tips to Plan Your Travels

Travel research, travel tips, travel resources

Start early, and Google hard for value for money deals.

A good bargain is in our Indian blood, and our pockets thank us for it. While this might not be your street shopping negotiation, there are tons of great deals & bargains if you look hard and relentlessly. Start by subscribing on Facebook to the flights that fly to parts of Europe you’d like to land in, for instance Turkish Airlines & Qatar Airways for western Europe, and broaden your search with aggregators like Make My Trip & Clear Trip. With all discounts, promotional fares, special deals & contests landing in your newsfeed, thou shalt let no opportunity go.

National and regional tourism boards often have lucrative sightseeing deals on offer in major cities, while Trip Advisor lets you “watch” destinations for hotel promotions. Google to your heart’s content, go all out with your research, and only settle for the very best deals you can find. (I’m assuming that if you’re reading this, you are not rich enough to want to pay a travel agent to do your research & bookings!)

If your trip is planned last minute and you don’t have enough time to wait for better deals, flight aggregators are your best bet for flight tickets, can find you the best bargains for city accommodations (sign up with my referral to get 10 Euros off your first stay!) and Airbnb (sign up with my referral to get 40 Euros off your first stay) is my go to place for experiential stays. Rely on TripAdvisor reviews for the latter; I made pretty sound accommodation choices by trusting them.

An alternate way to save money is through Couch Surfing , where you stay with a local host in a city and reciprocate though offering your own house at home to travellers for free. To be honest, I haven’t tried it because the latter is not an option with my current living arrangement, and on some level, I’m not yet comfortable with the idea of not paying for my own space.

Also read: Living With An Italian Artist in Umbria.

Stick to a budget and get a Eurail Pass.

Once you have a rough idea of the going price for your flights & hotels during your travel period, think about your budget for the entire trip. Set aside the costs for your flight, visa & rail pass, and set yourself a daily budget for the duration of your stay, that includes accommodation per night, meals and sightseeing; it’s very easy to spend a fortune in a single day if you land in Europe without a number in mind! Then think about how you’ll carry the money with you; try to exchange currency in a bigger city like Delhi where exchange rates tend to be more competitive, and consider the option of traveler’s cheques.

For most of my Euro trip, I set a budget of 50 Euros for myself, and often alternated between spending miserly in some places to credit the money for relative splurging in another. I’m not a fan of living on credit, so I took my credit card only for dire emergencies and never used it. I carried some cash with me, and since I didn’t want to bother with traveler’s cheques, I withdrew money in bulk at local ATMs in Europe.

Depending on how much time you intend to spend in Europe & the number of countries on your plan, getting a Eurail pass can lead to big savings, and the train is a great way to see the European countryside. I bought a month-long pass with 10 travel days under the youth (under 25) category, which gave me enough flexibility and saved me enough money. I found that France, on one extreme, was very strict with the seats on a train allotted to Eurail pass holders and travel had to be booked a day or 2 in advance, whereas Italy, on the other extreme, was very liberal.

Also read: Incredible Ways to Experience the World of German Wines

Eurail Pass, Europe first time, trip to Europe, Europe countryside,

Prep your vegetarian taste buds.

Before I left for Western Europe, I was warned several times about the astute lack of vegetarian food in the countries I was visiting. For everyone who thinks that way, I wrote about my vegetarian love affair with Europe , because even as someone not overly experimental with food, I loved everything from the breads in France to the pastas in Italy. What worked for me was knowing beforehand, the names of  vegetarian ingredients in the local languages (easily found online). Italian menus for instance, are half filled with vegetarian dishes, but they do not often carry a green mark next to them or fall under an explicit ‘vegetarian’ section. Servers not well acquainted with the concept of vegetarian food might not be able to offer enough recommendations to create an impression of variety.

Before you leave, learn to say I’m vegetarian, no seafood (it’s considered vegetarian by many) in the local language, and make a physical / mental note of the names of vegetables in the most used language of the country, so you can refer to them while eating out. Your taste buds will thank you!

Also read: Tasting Romania: A Vegetarian’s Guide to Romanian Food.

Europe vegetarian food, Italy pasta

What’s in your backpack?

If you pack like my mom, you’ll probably curse yourself for having to lug around your bags on trains & buses, or worse still, while walking to the station. Europe is best seen on foot, and if you’re travelling on a budget, chances are you’ll often end up walking long distances with your luggage. Difficult as it might sound, try to limit your luggage to a single carry-on bag by planning your belongings well. Carry miniature versions of everything you can find, choose clothes that are easy to mix & match, and get rid of anything that only adds to the weight (like a hair dryer?). You can read about my self acquired wisdom on  the art of packing  on Women’s Web, or better still, get some inspiration from George Clooney’s An Empty Backpack  speech in Up in the Air .

If I had carried anything more than a haversack on my Europe trip, I wouldn’t have survived the 3 km walk in the rain in Chamonix to our hotel, when we missed the last evening bus, and would’ve missed the train on two occasions in Italy that we made at the last minute after running up stairs and past hallways. And of course, since my backpack was always on me, there were no opportunities to lose any of my stuff!

Also read: What I’ve Learnt From Winter in Europe

See the countryside.

First Euro trips are often about seeing the maximum number of countries you can possibly squeeze in the limited number of days you have. If that floats your boat, so be it. But remember to skip the cities in some countries and escape to the countryside. Western Europe’s alpine meadows, seaside villages and lake towns are little pieces of paradise that let you indulge in slow living and experience country life. Wikitravel & Lonely Planet are good resources to find smaller towns & villages, as are local tourism offices in the cities. On my own month-long trip, I fell so hopelessly in love with the alpine countryside that I happily skipped most cities along the tourist circuit, and discovered  4 small towns in Western Europe you probably haven’t heard about .

Also read: A Guide to Exploring the High Tatras of Slovakia

Europe countryside, Europe secrets, discover Europe, Europe backpacking

Visit the local tourism board.

I’m not a big fan of seeking advise from people ‘officially’ offering it, maybe because of my many futile attempts with state tourism boards in India. I tried it first in Annecy in France, as a by the way thing, because few other locals could offer suggestions in English, and was surprised pleasantly enough to try it everywhere else. Unlike in Southeast Asia, where tourism board recommendations are very formalized, I received personal recommendations from many of the folks manning the tourism counters at train stations in various small towns. It’s how I found a delicious hand-made (nameless) pasta joint in Innsbruck  and discovered the little ski resort of Seefeld.

Learn some phrases in the local language.

Cliche as it might sound, picking up phrases in the local language of some European countries you intend to visit can go a long way in making conversation with the locals and sometimes rescuing you. I learnt that the hard way. When I landed in France, I couldn’t even say I don’t speak French  in French, and had atleast 3 instances of people coming to me and striking a conversation in French. I put on a dumb smile and nodded my head each time, with absolutely no clue of what they might be referring to. In fact, I soon realized that people in France were so much nicer to you when you tried to start a conversation in French and gradually switched to English (as my friend who spoke a little bit of French did), rather than delving head on into English (like I did, much like a cultural noob).

Luckily, I had brushed up my conversational Spanish for Italy, and I had a gala time. In one situation while leaving Cinque Terre, we needed to catch a train and our pizza order had taken a decade to show up. We didn’t have time to eat it, we couldn’t forego the precious money we had forked out for it, and we were starving. After many futile attempts in sign language at the counter of the food court, I strung together the words,  pizza, mi casa (my house) to get the kind woman to give me a box to carry the pizza! So as respect for the local culture, or as a means to rescue yourself in sticky situations, pick up a few phrases in the local language. Better still, save them on your phone so you can make a quick reference every now & then.

Also read: Rudesheim Wine Festival: Sneak a Peek Into Germany’s Wine Culture

Stay in touch.

If you compulsively need to keep in touch with parents / family that worry themselves sick if you don’t (like I have to), going online is the most cost-effective way. Many budget hotels throw in free wifi (deliberately look for them while booking), and if you have a smartphone, a tablet or a laptop, you can iMessage, email or Skype for free. Phone cards, while available, are often country specific and expensive to use. Pay phones are usually located outside most train stations and are convenient, though you need a fair amount of small change to call India.

Also read: Life in Ibiza: A Photo Essay

Have you travelled to Europe? What other tips do you have for first timers?

For more travel stories, tips and inspiration, join The Shooting Star on  Facebook  and  Twitter .

Fun and Alternative Things to do in Copenhagen – Perhaps Europe’s Coolest Capital City

Dreamy Airbnbs to Experience Europe Like a Local

Snow, Skiing and Wintry Dreams in Switzerland

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Shivya Nath

Welcome to my blog, The Shooting Star. I’ve been called a storyteller, writer, photographer, digital nomad, “sustainability influencer,” social entrepreneur, solo traveller, vegan, sustainable tourism consultant and environmentalist. But in my heart, I’m just a girl who believes that travel – if done right – has the power to change us and the world we live in.

The Shooting Star Academy

europe tour packages quora

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Can you make a power point presentation of phrases needed in Europe ? Maybe you could start it and it could be completed with other travellers participating ?

To be honest, I think a little Googling could reveal quite a comprehensive list of phrases, like this one – . Wouldn’t want to replicate the effort already made!

I love point 8 “visit the local tourism board” the most. That, to me, is the single most important tip I find when travelling in a foreign country for the first time. With not much time to do any research before visiting Belgium last year, my friends and I perfected a little routine. We’d hop off the train, make a beeline for the tourist office, find out which walks/sights would fit in our day, get some maps and brochures and set off exploring on foot. Worked really well for small places like Antwerp, Ghent and Bruges. The office staff often give good tips on what can be avoided and where one can have a good meal. Great post!

Thanks Chandni =) That really does work like a breeze in most parts of Europe, doesn’t it?

my bro and i would also always crane our necks for an ‘i’ sign after getting out of stations!

I would forget traveller’s cheques completely, most places in Europe don’t want them, and a rail pass is only good if you plan to spend a lot of time on trains. The local trains in Italy are quite cheap, but the Eurostar fast trains are becoming quite expensive. I absolutely agree with your luggage suggestions. It is possible to travel with just the outfit your are wearing and 2 others if you pick the right things.

Agreed that you can get by with local trains in Italy without a pass, but in France where it’s only TGVs, the prices for trains without a pass is REALLY high! I’d high recommend getting a Eurail pass if you intend to go to France / Germany / Austria.

And wow, you redefine travelling light. I shall experiment travelling that light on some trip!

Great pointers Shivya! I am living in Europe for 4 years, and I have faced similar kind of issues during my initial days of travel. People usually scar others by saying we don’t find veggie food. But I’ve seen the hidden treasures of veggie delights in all the villages/cities that I travelled. They will have baked beans, breads, vegetable / ministrone soups, baked / roasted potatos, ample green veggies. And many times, If we are able to communicate that we eat only Veg food, the chef will make a customised food with vegetables if there’s nothing in the menu. But yes, as you said, we need to know to talk their language and say “no fish, no meat”. With regards to clothes, pack for all 4 seasons. The weather is very changeable in europe. So always take sweaters /jumpers and leggings and a raincoat/ sterdy umbrella!

Excellent advice, Vaish. I’m sure you’ve indulged in much more veg food in Europe than I got the time to, and I’m so jealous for that. Can’t wait to go back there! Which part of Europe do you live in?

I know what you mean by all 4 seasons. One that on trip, I experienced hot, humid weather along the Italian reviera, rain amid the Italian Alps, and mostly nippy weather on the rest of my trip. So that’s a great packing trip, though it doesn’t exactly help when you intend to travel light 😉

I live in Scotland…Yeah..that makes packing a bit bigger. But to do a smart packing – I take leggings & stockings which doesn’t take any space. You can even stuff them in handbags.

I’ve started doing that since my Euro trip too. Works wonders to save weight & have something new to wear every other day!

Europe is one of the easiest and well organised places to visit in the world. I have lived there for 8 years, we have used road trips and that was the most economic way for family trips. As a couple we have found staying in youth hostels and afterwards as a family with a small child we found home-stays more economic and they were all beautiful experiences. Every Indian traveller should try local european food and wine, they are marvellous and open to us a different than curries! As you said learning some words in local languages helps a lot to connect with local artisans, shopkeepers etc. Also cities like Paris, Rome, Vienna and Frankfurt have many Indian restaurants, in case you feel home sick. I would suggest a mixed blend of countrysides and large cities for a trip to Europe.

Thanks Chandrima, some great tips there! I considered youth hostels when travelling with a friend in Europe, but the cost for a double room or 2 beds in a dorm worked to about the same as boutique hotels, so we stuck to those. I’d like to give homestays a try this time round. I agree that we should all give the local food a shot, chances are it won’t disappoint 🙂

Thanks Chandrima – some great tips here. As a vegetarian, I always struggle a bit while traveling (who knew the candy floss like stuff on pastries in most Asian bakeries was meat floss?)

Been victimized and tempted by the flossy stuff too, Micki. Of the almost half a dozen years I spent in Southeast Asia, I learnt that being able to say ‘I’m vegetarian’ in the local language doesn’t help as much as being able to name a vegetarian dish, or ingredients that could make a dish!

I would say take some duct tape if you pack heavy. I’m still learning the art of light packing. On my first solo trip to Europe my backpack ripped after I got off a bus in Sevilla and duct tape would have helped! I would recommend youth hostels if you’re travelling solo because they are social places and you’ll meet tons of people, but I agree – if you’re travelling in two’s or more, sometimes boutique hotels can be the same price as a hostel.

Oh, one other thing to remember – Europe has tons of smoky bars/restaurants and cigarette smell lingers on clothes. Gross. I ended up doing laundry at a hostel, but you may want to take your own soap and hand wash clothes at your hostel/hotel.

Ouch, that must’ve been a sticky situation, the backpack getting ripped. How did you manage? Packing light may be a better alternative to carrying duct tape 😉

It was the zipper on my backpack that kept coming undone because I had too much stuff. I didn’t even realize things were falling out until someone at the bus station ran over to me. I left stuff at the hostel until my backpack was able to breathe and zipper able to stay closed. Took my hairdryer, but never used it so I left it there. Naive packing on my first trip that’s for sure!

Ouch, but it’s only from experience that we learn. If I were to go back to Europe, I’d try to carry half the weight than I did then, or maybe even less! All the ‘what if I need this’ things ought to be left behind.

Speaking of packing light(er), here are some excellent & very practical packing tips – . Going to put them to use on my next trip!

I absolutely agree with learning some local phrases. In Paris, I lost my way once walking to my hotel and asked a lady on the road. She had no idea what I was speaking about and stopped someone else and soon there were 10 people standing around me speaking French and trying to make sense out of what I was speaking. 🙂 Finally, one guy who could speak broken English helped me. They were really sweet and helpful and waved me off when I found the right road.

How sweet 🙂 I’ve heard lots of stories about kind strangers in Paris. Think I was the only one not bestowed with such kindness, or maybe I was just too fast to judge the city.

Wow, such a great post. I am also hoping to visit Europe again. I have only been to Poland as my husband is Polish. But this time, we want to visit other European countries. For those who are looking for budget travel, Poland is great to visit as it is not as expensive as other countries. And if you dig cold chills, try going there in December when it is -10 degrees or less. Polish history is very rich and if you are interested, Auschwitz, which is World war II memorial is highly significant. Please keep the words of advice flowing,

Poland’s been on my list for a long time! Have you stayed there awhile in the winter ever? I’m convinced that Europe must feel so much more romantic in the snow, though some people say it’s only gloomy. Would love to see some pictures if you’ve put them on your blog, of Poland in winter =)

ohh, great idea. I will do that, my father-in-law is a great photographer and I will take some pics from him and upload. I will write a bit about Poland in my blog. After all, Warsaw is my sasuraal. It sure feels romantic and with Christmas and New Year celebrations, it is electrifying! Fanaa, the Amir Khan movie is actually shot in Southern Poland as there were security issues in Kashmir. Let me know when you visit Poland. And winter is not the tourist season, so things are comparatively cheaper, I especially loved Krakow and Gdansk.

Awesome, I can’t wait to see & read about it and then feel all jealous for not being there!

I second ur thougts. Aushwitz,salt mine n the castles are wonderful in krakow

Adding to your and Chandni’s point on visiting local tourist office, it often happens that they (and sometimes hostels as well) have information they you wouldn’t usually find in guidebooks. When I was travelling around Belgium, I found these ‘Maps by the locals’ ( ) which were absolutely brilliant in their recommendations and youthful style. Do try them if you ever go to Belgium!

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Shivya, you’ve got it bang on! Specially loved the references to (easily my favourite hotel booking site) and pt. 8 about the local tourism centre. I’ve found them to be particularly helpful even in small cities in Europe. One thing I’d like to add is, try and stay in a “pension” rather than a “hotel” – they are much better value for money, usually well-located and pretty, personal attention from the owners – beats an impersonal hotel anyday! My experiences (helped by Tripadvisor) have always been positive across Europe. Check out my “travel tales” when you get the time…after reading this post I can bet you’ll enjoy it 😀

Hi, What is a pension ?

Great tips, Shivya! Don’t forget that you also need to get travel medical insurance as a requirement for your Schengen visa.

You mentioned cancelling your hotel bookins once you’ve gotten your visa, but I wouldn’t be as quick to cancel the travel medical insurance policy since a) some insurance companies report cancelled policies to the embassy and b) you never know when an accident or illness will occur and you’ll need the coverage.

Safe travels, Sharon from RoamRight @roamright

That should be “bookings” not bookins…got so excited thinking about a trip to Europe that I couldn’t type!

🙂 Yes agreed, for cancellations I was only referring to hotel bookings and not travel insurance. From experience, I’ve realized it’s worthwhile buying travel insurance every since time too!

Also, welcome to The Shooting Star!

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I liked your list. I traveled in Europe this summer for the first time and found all of them to be true (though I didn’t make much use of no. 3 because I stayed in hostels). The only experience I had that was different was with the Eurail pass. I found that if you are traveling in Eastern Europe it doesn’t save money because the tickets are so cheap, it’s better to buy them individually. In Western Europe it can help if you travel long distances, especially in countries like France and Switzerland where they’re so expensive.

But you still have to plan your travel days wisely. Unless you buy the continuous pass where you can ride every day, but I think that takes so much of the adventure out of it!

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is it mandatory to book all the hotels priorly to get a schengen visa?? I mean suppose i plan to visit 7 different cities in a span of 16 days……do i have any other alternative??

I am visiting your site after my sister recommended it. She loved her Europe vacation and she specially always mentions Annecy, which she fell in love with! We live in the US and plan to visit Paris, Interlaken, Jungfrau, Rome. Venice, and Austria. Do you think its too much for 2 weeks? Are there any other places you recommend in Southern France? Also do you even recommend driving in a rental car? I have loads of hertz miles that I have earned here. Do you have a post on Italy? Austria?

Greetings from Carolina! I’m bored at work so I decded to check out your website on mmy iphone during lunch break. I love the knowledge you present here aand can’t wait too take a look when I get home. I’m amwzed aat how quick your blog loaded on my mobile ..

I’m not even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyhow, amazing site!

shivya, your response is eagerly awaited

Hey! Thoughtful insights, really helped. I am planning to travel a few countries in the month of June. While I was completely happy about the big save-up and my dream of satiating my wanderlust turning to reality, I completely got turned down by the number of people who told me this -“24, female and ALONE? Bro, you’re so not getting a Visa!” Hell! I still have sent in the papers to the embassy today, but, did you have problems the first time you went out to travel in the Schengen? I mean, is it that difficult? (Will I be turned down – a nightmare for the next 10 days!!!)

great post! Thanks Shivya! But all said and done how do we get a schengen visa????? I seriously worry about paying up for tickits, insurance, accomodation etc. and not getting the visa itself! Nightmarish 🙁

Hello shivya..what a nice post was that.. I am planning for a small European trip with my husband for 10 favorite is Switzerland as I love nature..mountains.. Snow.. But on the other hand he loves art n historical places so he choose Italy.. Will you suggest us which places to visit in Italy and Switzerland in 10 days so as to cover the good enough places in required time limit.. Thanks in advance.

I am planning to go for football UEFA Champions League Final Match, which is on 6th of June in Berlin. Since I will be spending a lot in airfare, I thought of visiting other places in Europe as well. It would be good if you can provide some info regarding which city to land in Europe first to make your travel less expensive from India. Your blog gave a lot of courage to me and I am looking forward to visit Europe Solo.

How much would it cost for a two month long backpack trip to Europe ? (Meaning with a cheap fare in mind, excluding the flight from India and back to India)

Absolute must for an Indian to take to Europe is a plastic mug or cup for use in loo or toilet , as you cant find water in toilet ,no handspray or any source of water , just dry toilet rolls !!! and if you think you can use your water bottle ..NO you cant fill water in it from a wash basin.

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How to decide the countries to visit? I am planning to visit but highly confused about the countries to be visited?

Hi there.. Me and my wife are Planning to visit europe. As per google map we planned to visit like the following: Delhi –> Zurich —-> Paris—> Brussels —>Amsterdam —-> Prague ——> delhi So I want to know what all things i need to get like ( Euro rail pass, Schengen Visa ,budget hotel booking etc ) and from where i can get these ?

I, with my wife, am planning an Europe tour for 7-9 days. Would like to get glimpses of few cities and walk inside them. May be 3-4 cities we can cover. Any suggestions where to start from? We are people who are not too indulged in European arts/paintings but mostly interested in knowing a place with its people, food, roads, transports, architecture etc.

I’m Indian and have extensively traveled all around Europe by myself twice – 11 countries in total. While package tour companies are a good option for families with kids and when you’re traveling with several companions, I’d really recommend traveling solo and planning your own itinerary. That way you really open up more to a whole world of possibilities and the sights and sounds of so many different cultures within Europe, those memories stay with you for life. In fact, your chances of getting a Schengen visa are higher if you bothered to do your own research about accommodation, transportation and destinations. Internet and Google are your best friend while researching budget-friendly options. Don’t be a tightwad, it’s important to stretch your money frugally but always keep an open mind. On some days, you might spend a lot more than you anticipated. Don’t grumble about small things and try to enjoy yourself even when you’re feeling miserable due to bad weather, unfriendly people and other unpredictable aspects of travel. It’s just like being back home, not every day is going to be a great experience. Enjoy the highs with the lows.

A Warning: many Indian first-timers to Europe tend to drink a lot of alcohol since it’s so cheap over there. That will only make you sick and ruin your enjoyment. In order to keep your stamina high, eat like the Europeans do. Plenty of fruits, milk and cereal. Who said Europe is not friendly for vegetarians, I’m not one but there were days I didn’t have to even look for meat-free food – IMHO, Europe is a lot more vegetarian-friendly than South-East Asia. The idea is to carry light and don’t be obsessed with fixed meals. That will blow your budget big time. Also Indian restaurants in Europe happen to be much more expensive compared to local food. Most Europeans (and Westerners in general) do not have proper sit-down meals every time. They just like to grab something on the move and save time. I did that routine myself and I could save so much time that was successfully utilized for traveling. Also get rid of your obsession with bottled water.

Other TIPS: Learn how to use the GPS functionality in your smartphone. I met a lot of clueless Indian tourists asking me for directions because they couldn’t be bothered to navigate their destinations on Google Maps (probably they haven’t learned it). Nowadays, most people in Europe get irritated when someone asks them for directions. That’s because Western countries insist on self-reliance.

Some Indian tourists told me that Europeans behaved very rudely with them and didn’t smile etc., possibly racist? I think people’s friendliness in any country depends a lot on the behavior of the tourist. Your average Indian has some irritating habits like talking loudly on cellphones, staring a lot at strangers and huddling together in small spaces, which prevents others from moving around freely. Always YIELD when someone is walking in your direction and don’t cling too close when you’re asking someone for help/information. There are unspoken norms in Western society such as not big-noting yourself (no-one’s really interested to know that your marriage cost 50 lakh rupees and that you drive a Mercedes back home in India). Use words like “please”, “thank you”, “sorry” much more often than you did in India. You don’t have to learn local languages, in my experience almost all Europeans nowadays are fluent in English, especially the younger generation.

If you’re a male Indian visiting nightclubs in Europe, be very aware that Indian men don’t exactly enjoy a nice reputation because of their uncouth behavior and may be not allowed inside some clubs. This is not racism but the experience those nightclub owners had with several generations of spoiled Indian brats, especially our over-pampered rich and upper middle-class kids who get drunk quickly, flash money like they own the place and leer at women. You may think you used to be very cool back home in India where it’s acceptable to be too forward with girls. Over there in Europe, however, if you act too cocky around girls, they’ll immediately stop talking to you. Remember these are gender-equal societies and Europeans do not see much difference between men and women. While a man and a woman may travel together, sleep in the same room – it’s perfectly possible for them not to share any bond – they may be just co-travelers. Also, marriage rates are pretty low in Europe. Most of the time it’s rude to ask people whether they are married, unless of course you get to know them. For Indian guys, it’s acceptable to FLIRT with the beautiful European girls you meet during your travels. Chances are she might be interested in you too. But, DO NOT stalk them once they show disinterest. In Europe, it’s considered absolute low-class behavior to follow women around when they have hinted they don’t want to talk to you any further. The Laila-Majnu, Bollywood style romancing that worked in India, won’t fly in Europe. People will just think you lack basic etiquette and are stupid. There’s no concept of the jilted lover in Europe. People are very clear, honest and straightforward about what they want. Don’t take things personally.

Feel free to add me on Facebook if any of you need further information. I have a lot of rich experiences to share about Europe.

Hi Sayak. So I am planning a backpacking trip to Europe (solo or with my young uncle).. I would appreciate if you can help us planning our itinerary. I would be having a few basic/ specific questions. Please let me know if you would be. I would prefer to keep the interaction through this blog or mail. Either ways, Thanks !

The pic of European countryside that you have given …its beautiful .. which place is it ?

I am going backpacking to europe but have been called for an interview for schengen visa… Can you tell me what kind of questions are asked?

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We are planning a trip to Europe (a family of 4), and we are looking forward to staying in homestays instead of hotels. What’s your take on it? Would it be safe enough?

i really love to read all your writing. its something like a catalyzer to keep me go for travelling and leaving the comfort zone

A need of the hour blog Shivya. Found your blog while I was on research research research about Europe travel. This makes me follow your blog for many many travel updates. Sims

Shivya, I m planning for eurotripby this year. This blog gave me a good kick start to my planning and savings on my pocket….

Hello Shivya, I am planning solo trip to Europethis june and your blog really helped me to understand and plan my trip. I would like to get your suggestions int erms of stay and transport. following are the places i am planning to visit:

Greece,paris,Amsterdam,Switzerland,Venice and prague. Would you help me to suggest some good point which i should consider before packing my bag.

The best way to visit Europe is to stay here for a couple of months, the variation of the regions will not let us to visit this continent in a week.

It is a very advantageous post for me. I’ve enjoyed reading the post. It is very supportive and useful travel tips. I would like to visit the post once more its valuable content. Thanks for sharing this so interesting post! I really want to be thankful for the way you have put it here.

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Europe blends its rich history and modern innovation seamlessly. From the catwalks of Paris fashion week to the awe-inspiring ruins of Greek temples you'll find it hard to fit everything into one vacation. The vast expanse of Europe is covered in numerous cultures, languages and landscapes that can make you feel like you've been transported onto the set of a movie. Sit down for a cup of tea in London, learn how to make your own pasta in Italy or simply take time to stare in wonder at the amazing Highlands of Scotland. Whether you're traveling with family, friends or your special someone, a trip to Europe will be a vacation to remember.

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Europe Tours and Trips 2024/2025

Whether you’re an adventure seeker, a history buff, or you just enjoy the finer things in life, a Europe tour package has something to offer every type of traveler. These Europe package tours and trips explore any of the continent’s 50 countries that are diverse in size, climate, traditions - and cost! With fine cuisine, world-renowned art and music, and 23 officially recognized languages, a tour in Europe can be a cultural labyrinth that fuels wanderlust. 

Showing  4,538 Trips in Europe  with 10,078 Reviews

Europe tour reviews.

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Tours in Europe - Questions and Answers

  • How do I plan a 15-day trip to Europe?
  • How many days are enough for Europe?
  • What is the best travel insurance for Europe?
  • How to travel around Europe cheap?
  • When can Americans travel to Europe?
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Glimpse of Europe

Glimpse of Europe

  • Brochure Price: USD 1,695
  • Special Deal 11% OFF - USD 188
  • Total Price from: USD 1,508

Best of Central Europe

Best of Central Europe

  • Brochure Price: USD 3,775
  • Special Deal 30% OFF - USD 1,133
  • Total Price from: USD 2,642

Europe Jewel

Europe Jewel

  • Brochure Price: USD 3,120
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  • Total Price from: USD 1,914

Croatia to the Greek Islands: Zagreb Nights & Santorini Views

Croatia to the Greek Islands: Zagreb Nights & Santorini Views

Treasures Of Classical Greece: Nafplion, Olympia, Delphi And Meteora

Treasures Of Classical Greece: Nafplion, Olympia, Delphi And Meteora

  • Brochure Price: USD 1,078
  • Special Deal 15% OFF - USD 162
  • Total Price from: USD 916

Europe Taster

Europe Taster

  • Brochure Price: USD 1,860
  • Special Deal 35% OFF - USD 657
  • Total Price from: USD 1,203

Walking the Amalfi Coast

Walking the Amalfi Coast

Classic Europe

Classic Europe

  • Brochure Price: USD 3,535
  • Special Deal 36% OFF - USD 1,269
  • Total Price from: USD 2,266

Irish Explorer

Irish Explorer

  • Brochure Price: USD 1,495
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  • Total Price from: USD 1,244

European Extravaganza

European Extravaganza

Spain & Portugal: Flamenco & Tapas

Spain & Portugal: Flamenco & Tapas

All About Balkans (4 Star Hotels)

All About Balkans (4 Star Hotels)

  • Brochure Price: USD 2,497
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Europe Taster New Year

Europe Taster New Year

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Baltic Capital Cities

Baltic Capital Cities

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Europe - Tour Package Highlights and Trip Insights

europe tour packages quora

With so much to see, do, eat and buy, planning a Europe tour is no easy feat. There are, of course, the typical sightseeing musts: Paris’ Louvre, London’s Tower Bridge, and Rome’s Colosseum. Even Europe’s most frequent visitors will always find something new to discover. Read on for our top Europe tour highlights and Europe trip insights.

Europe Tour Package Highlights

  • Go back in time and explore the ruins of ancient civilizations in Italy and Greece
  • Snack on cheese and wine (or escargot, if you’re feeling adventurous) in the Champ de Mars, beneath the Eiffel Tower
  • Ride a bicycle through the townhouse-lined streets of Amsterdam before touring the canals by boat
  • Listen to the romantic songs of the gondoliers as you cruise through the canals of Venice
  • Indulge in an authentic Belgian waffle, drowned in chocolate
  • Enjoy an ice-cold beer from a beer stein at Oktoberfest in Germany
  • Hike from village to village in Italy’s Cinque Terre
  • Get lost between the shelves of some of the world’s most beautiful libraries, like those at Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland), Mafra Palace (Mafra, Portugal), and the Clementinum Baroque Library Hall (Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Join a Europe tour that goes through many of Europe's travel highlights in countries such as Spain , France , Italy , Netherlands and Scandinavia .

Europe Trip Insights

  • Traveling by rail is one of the easiest (and sometimes cheapest) ways to get around Europe, especially if you plan to travel for a couple of weeks (or longer). Investigate rail passes before you visit, particularly ones that can be used between countries. Interrail and Eurail are very popular among travelers.
  • Don’t skip the “touristy” destinations. Everyone travels differently, but the most popular European highlights are popular for a reason. Brave the crowds and be sure to stop by those more cliché sites - you’ll be glad you did.
  • Try not to over prepare! One of the great benefits of visiting Europe is that it’s incredibly easy to travel between towns and countries. Allow yourself some flexibility to open yourself up to new adventures (and avoid travel burnout). If you've booked a Europe tour package with accommodation, activities, guides etc. get ready to indulge and relax - you are up for a Europe trip of a lifetime. 
  • Chances are you don’t speak 23 different languages, so be prepared before you travel. Avoid carrying around heavy guide books by downloading a translation app on your phone.
  • Note that not all European countries use the Euro, including the United Kingdom , Denmark and Hungary (among others). Do your research beforehand and be ready to juggle different currencies if you’re planning an extensive trip.
  • Travelling on a budget? Check our last minute holiday and travel deals to Europe . Also, consider looking for accommodation outside the city centre. Most large European cities are very well connected by public transportation, meaning all your bucket list sites are just a quick (and often inexpensive) bus, train, or metro ride away.
  • Europe Tour Packages

Europe Tour Packages

Europe Travel Package

There is no turning back when it comes to finding a dependable Europe tour package that has been handpicked specifically for you! From romantic canals in Venice all the way up to the majestic peaks of the Swiss Alps, Europe boasts a variety of scenic experiences for everyone who enjoys travel. Pickyourtrail offers trip packages and Europe honeymoon packages that come with various inclusions. The average Europe trip cost from India revolves around INR 3,00,000 to INR 7,00,000 . Hence, the contribution of this factor may vary based on duration, location, accommodation, and activities. On the other hand, a Europe tour accompanied by the right guidance and resources may also turn out to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Checkout Other Europe Tour Packages : Europe Packages from Bangalore | Europe Tour Packages from Chennai | Europe Trip Packages from Kolkata | Europe Tour Packages from Delhi | Europe Tour Packages with Flight | Europe Luxury Tour Packages

Europe Tour Packages from India

Why should you go on a europe trip in 2024.

2024 comes with many thrilling adventures for people who are planning a trip to Europe . If you're a history enthusiast, you'll probably have a blast going through the famous ancient ruins. If you're a foodie and crave unique culinary experiences, Europe is the place to go for that too! Are you seeking adrenaline-fueled adventures? European destinations have so much more to offer on that front as well! Furthermore, the variety of events, festivals and other cultural events that will take place during this year will provide a lot of reasons to visit Europe in 2024. Choosing the right Europe tour packages is the key to this unforgettable experience.

Trending Destinations to Include in Your Europe Tour Packages

When planning your Europe trip from India , make sure to include some of the continent's most popular attractions. Here's a curated list of must-see destinations, each with its own distinct charm and allure,

Why Choose Europe Tour Packages from Pickyourtrail?

Exploring the world of Europe is a pretty daunting task, but Pickyourtrail, as a reliable travel partner, makes it possible for you to experience an unforgettable dream Europe vacation. Curating a personalized itinerary with an easy booking interface, and giving you round-the-clock backup, that will enable you to have a tension-free trip ever. It does not matter whether you set out for an excursion to discover love, a family adventure or a trip for yourself. The team of travel planners at PickYourTrail can be trusted to create a Europe itinerary that beats your expectations.

Europe Tour Cost

The average Europe trip cost revolves around INR 3,00,000 to INR 7,00,000 . Hence, the contribution of this factor may vary based on duration, locations, accommodation, and activities. On the other hand, a Europe tour accompanied by the right guidance and resources may also turn out to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Europe Vacation Packages with Airfare

Pickyourtrail offers Europe all-inclusive packages with airfare and hence ensuring an easy travel experience to destinations such as France, Italy and Switzerland. Along with these packages, flights, hotels, guided tours, local transfers, meals are also included starting from INR 1.5 lakhs per person.

Europe Group Tour Packages

Pickyourtrail’s Europe Group Tour Packages are inclusive of air travel, accommodation, guided tours, local transfers, and selected meals starting from INR 1.8 lakhs per person. This package travels to the famous destinations such as Paris, Rome, and Amsterdam, providing a mixture of sightseeing, cultural experiences, and pleasure. This is the ideal pick for people on a quest for an organized and insightful Europe trip .

Europe Trip Package Inclusions and Exclusions

Inclusions of europe packages.

Accommodation at handpicked hotels

Travel Insurance

Complementary breakfast

Guided tours and activities

Transportation between cities

24/7 customer support

Exclusions of Our Europe Holiday Packages

Meals not mentioned in the itinerary

Optional activities and excursions

Any Entrance fees or Fees for video or camera permit

Plan Your Europe Trip Budget from India?

Crafting a budget Europe trip is its virtue and involves some tactical thinking.

Travel during off peak season to enjoy cheaper prices and fewer tourist crowds.

Pick such affordable lodging as dorms, guesthouses, or different rentals.

Take the bus or even walk whenever you can. This saves a lot of transportation costs.

Use the opportunity to visit the free attractions, walking tours, or museums that are available to enjoy the town without spending much.

Take only what is needed and be selective when shopping for host gifts and souvenirs for friends and family to avoid extra baggage charges.

Top Travel Passes to Include in Your Europe Trip

Navigating Europe's extensive public transportation network is made easier with the following travel passes:

Eurail Pass : Perfect for those who visit several countries, Eurail Pass is an unlimited train travel that covers one or more regions or the entire Europe. It gives a series of benefits, including optionality and ease, letting you exit and board trains at the best times for you.

City Cards : Several major European cities have so-called city cards, which offer public transport passes that will also include discounted tickets to their attractions, along with other benefits. Examples in this case may be Paris Pass, Barcelona City Card, and Amsterdam City Card.

Museum Passes : Turn your money into savings and avoid long lines to have a pass that gives access to multiple museums and cultural buildings within a city or region. The international passes in the museum field include the Paris Museum Pass, Florence Museum Pass, or Vienna Pass.

Swiss Travel Pass : If you have set your mind to discover Switzerland, Swiss Pass is definitely the right decision for you. This pass gives you access to all means of transportation available within the Swiss Travel System, including trains, buses, ships/boats, and some rope-way railways. Additionally, it gives you the option to pay the admission fee free and for reduced entry to a lot of museums and attractions.

London Travel Pass : London City visitors can take advantage of the London Travel Pass for full access to public transport in zones 1-6, including London Underground, buses, trams, DLR, National Rail, and London Overground lines. Among the benefits it provides are reductions in the price of entry to major destinations like the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace and the London Eye.

Rome Tourist Card : If you are aiming to discover the eternal city, with the Rome Tour Card, you get free entry to the top attractions Rome has to offer, like the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Vatican Museums. Besides, you get unlimited use of the public transport within Rome.

Europe Tourist Visa: Step-by-Step Guide

Acquiring a Schengen visa for Indians is an effortless task.

Gather Required Documents : It usually means the submission of a valid passport, visa application form, recent passport-sized photographs, travel itinerary, proof of accommodation, and financial documents.

Schedule an Appointment : Go to the site of your Schengen country embassy or consulate and then book an appointment to apply for the visa.

Attend the Visa Interview : Get to the consulate or embassy on the day and time specified for the visa interview. Get ready to present information about your travel plans, spending, and the purpose of your visit.

Submit Biometrics : According to your needs, there are possibilities that you may have to provide biometric data, such as fingerprints and photos, in the visa application center.

Wait for Visa Processing : Once the application has been forwarded and the interview is done, send for the visa processing time, which normally goes from a few days to a few weeks.

Receive Visa : After your visa application is approved, get your passport with a visa stamp from the embassy or visa application center.

Is the Europe Trip From India Worth The Hype?

Absolutely! A trip to Europe is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to immerse yourself in thousands of years of history, culture, and nature at its best. It could be well-known landmarks or secret spots that offer a unique story and activities to share. Whether you are admiring ancient cities, indulging in culinary delights, or being awestruck by the breathtaking landscapes, every moment you spend in Europe is unforgettable.

Taking a Europe trip is a way of life that is exciting by nature, full of chances for events, adventures, and things new. Owing to its rich history, many cultures and wonderful landscapes, Europe is the dream destination for many of us from all corners of the world. Through proper itinerary planning, meticulous budgeting and choosing Pickyorutrail, you can be sure that your European trip will be nothing but a perfect vacation. Hence, get your rucksack ready, be charmed as you become a nomad, and cruise across the Old Land on your epic adventure.


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Pamukkale (3N)

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europe honeymoon packages

Athens (2N)

Mykonos (3N)

  • Mykonos City & Island Tour
  • Skip the line admissions for Colosseum + Public transportation for 2 days
  • (STTZ01) - Zurich Open Top Bus Sightseeing Tour

Berlin (2N)

  • Lake Brienz Cruise - Afternoon tour (Best Combined with Swiss Pass)
  • Gornergrat: The Matterhorn Cog Railway Zermatt - Best combined with Swiss Pass
  • River Seine Sightseeing Cruise
  • Vedettes de Paris Seine River Cruise: Direct Access E-Ticket
  • Schilthorn Explorations (from Murren) -Best combined with Swiss Pass

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₹ 162,750/- ₹ 174,375/-

  • International
  • 13nights 14days Europe Tour 4 Countries

4 Country Europe Package Rated 4.4 /5 (based on 797 reviews) 4 Country Europe Package

Best Europe Tour Packages For A Perfect Euro Tour 14 Days & 13 Nights

Get to the Roman Colosseum, the largest amphitheater ever built

Catch a bird’s eye view of Paris from the Eiffel Tower

Get to the main summit of the Bernese Alps, Mt Jungfrau

Explore the enchanting 3 islands of Murano, Burano, and Torcello

Marvel at the bird’s eye view of London from the London Eye observatory

Hotel included in package:

  • Venice (2D)
  • Lucerne, Switzerland (2D)
  • London (4D)

Starting from:

₹162,750/- ₹174,375/-

Per Person on twin sharing

Price For The Month

TravelTriangle has served 4936 + travelers for Europe

4 Country Europe Package

Out of the best Europe Tour Packages , here is a comprehensive 14 days Europe package to help you explore the most famous parts of Europe. Whether you are an explorer or an adventure junkie, out tour packages for Europe are meant for every traveler like you; offering you an opportunity to explore its distinct culture, languages, mesmerizing locations, and treat your taste buds to its authentic flavors.

Places To Visit

What’s Special: Majestic cathedrals, plazas, and Renaissance architecture

Famous Cuisine: Italian cuisine, Roman cuisine

Timings: Throughout the day

Distance from city center: 10.2 kms

One of the world’s iconic places to visit in Europe is Rome which is an amalgamation of beauty and history. Rome is included in our Europe trip package where you will be witnessing unique form of architecture. You must visit churches along with the spectacular sights of sunrise and sunsets when in Rome.

What’s Special: Lagoon aquaculture and some amazing Venetian food

Famous Cuisine: Venetian cuisine

Timings: 24 hours a day

Distance from city center: 270 m

Venice is popularly known as the floating city and is regarded as one of the most peaceful and attractive tourist destinations in Europe. Owing to the presence of lagoons, Italy is included in the UNESCO list of world heritage sites. You will get to view some of the beautiful churches, squares and museums.

What’s Special: Stunning medieval architecture, gorgeous location on the edge of Lake Lucerne located between the snow-capped mountains

Famous Cuisine: Traditional cuisine of Lucerne which comprises rich soups, potato and pasta dishes along with sweet and unsweetened pastries.

Distance from city center: 900 m

Some of the best things to do in Lucerne when in Switzerland are visit Mount Pilatus, Old town, Lake Lucerne, Swiss museum of transport, Chapel bridge, Rosengart collection, The Lion monument. You must surely try Swiss Alps Adventure from Lucerne which is very popular amongst the tourists.

What’s Special: Eiffel tower, metro ride and iconic macarons

Famous Cuisine: French cuisine, Haute cuisine

Distance from city center: 1 kms

Spend some quality time with your loved ones in the city of romance popularly known as Paris. Paris is regarded as one of the most visited destinations in Europe and comprises some of the most iconic structures such as Eiffel tower, Louvre museum and an array of artistic works which will captivate your attention for sure.

What’s Special: Buckingham Palace, The Tower of London, London Eye, Big Ben

Famous Cuisine: British cuisine, Indian cuisine, Vegetarian cuisine

Timings: All through the day

Distance from city center: 1263 kms

Our Europe trip package includes London which is considered a must visit when on a vacation in Europe. You will be fascinated by the culture, history, cobbled streets and hidden gems in London. You must indulge in shopping, enjoy world class cuisines and view the fashion statement of the people in London.

This 14-day package incorporates a detailed itinerary which ensures that travelers enjoy an organized, and hassle-free vacation across 4 countries of the huge continent. Itineraries included in such packages are specially crafted to cater to the major needs of the travelers such as sightseeing tours, thrilling outdoor activities, luxurious and comfortable accommodations, and hassle-free local as well as interstate transfers.

Begin your Europe tour package with a HOHO city tour of Rome and next, you will be in Venice enjoying a beautiful Venetian gondola ride . Further on this 13 nights 14 days Europe itinerary , Switzerland will be waiting for you with its two most beautiful cities -- Interlaken and Lucerne, which will be followed by a 2 day stay in the enchanting city of Lights Paris.

Also included in this 14 day Europe itinerary is a 3 days stay at London – the capital and most popular city of England.

The best part of this Europe tour package from India is that by the end of the whole trip, you will be well versed with the major attractions of Europe along with a peep into the English way of life.

Disneyland Paris

Disneyland Paris offers you some of the most amazing amusement rides, theme based parks, and interesting play areas. Moreover, it is an ideal place to experience the bliss of fantasy world for real. This makes you meet some of your favourite disney characters and make all the magic of the animation come to life. Best of all, 14 days Europe trip plan let you explore the best of it all.

  • Mt. Jungfrau

Situated at an elevation of 4,158 metres, Mt. Jungfrau is one of the best places to visit in Switzerland. Moreover, many consider it to be a must-visit place. Here, you will find the pristine peaks covered with a blanket of snow, thus, providing breathtaking view to many. Mt. Jungfrau is also considered as the top of Europe. One can go there via two routes, i.e., Lauterbrunnen and Grindelwald. So wait no more and hop on a train to Mt. Jungfrau.

You would be happy to know that this 14 days Europe tour package comes with an option of customization. The travelers can browse through the entire 14 days in Europe itinerary and see what all it has to offer. You can include the activities and experiences that seem on the same wavelength as you want the trip to be. Have anything and everything altered as per your liking and availability. You just have to get in touch with our travel agent, who shall be more than happy to guide you through the process and create a trip itinerary for you that you are going to enjoy.

Feel at one with the world as you tour some of the best destinations across the globe. Check out the link below, and get going on the trip of a lifetime with our " International Tour Packages ".

  • Dig into history with a visit to the Colosseum & Roman Forum
  • Hop on to snow covered peaks of Mt. Jungfrau
  • Visit Lion Monument, Chapel Bridge in Lucerne
  • Have an entertaining day in Disneyland
  • Enjoy beautiful sunset views with a visit to Eiffel Tower
  • Visit Madame Tussauds to meet your favourite celebrity

Rome: Arrival and hop on hop off tour

  • Sightseeing

Other Benefits (On Arrival)

Upon your arrival in Rome, the agent’s representative will greet and escort you to your hotel.

Once you have checked in and refreshed, the Hop On Hop Off tour of Rome awaits you. Board these buses with open tops and delight in the beautiful view that city’s attractions offer you. Deboard at the places of your choice and resume the sightseeing trip from designated destinations.

When the dusk falls, you can explore the city on your own. Return to the hotel for a cozy overnight stay. The first day of your trip will make you realize that this is among the best Italy tour packages you have selected.

Rome: Roman Forum, Palatine Hill & Colosseum Tour

  • Palatine Hill
  • Roman Forum

Relish a hearty breakfast at the hotel and be prepared for a guided tour inside the Colosseum, in the Roman Forum and on the Palatine Hill.

Today, you will have a sneak peek into the past of the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and the Palatine Hill. Visit the amphitheatre and get a glimpse of life of gladiators. Now, you will be taken to delight in some important ancient structures around the Roman Forum.

Thereafter, get ready to witness the charm of the Palatine Hill, which is the centermost of the Seven Hills of Rome. Also, this Hill holds significance for being among the most ancient parts of Rome. Enjoy this wonderful experience with the best of Italy vacation packages.

After such a remarkable virtual tour to the past, return to the present and your hotel for a relaxing overnight stay.

Tip: Carry a water bottle and an umbrella while exploring the city as the sun can be scorchingly hot.

Venice: Day at leisure

  • Gondola Ride

It's time to visit Venice after a wonderful Rome trip for incredible experience that Italy tour packages from India have in store for you.

The next destination in the package is Venice. After having breakfast, check out from your hotel in Rome and you will be transferred to the Rome railway station. Board your train to Venice. On your arrival in Venice, you will be escorted to your hotel. After reaching hotel, you have the entire day to relax and enjoy.

When the sun sets, you can take pleasure in a wonderful Gondola Ride. As you float through the calm waters, enjoy a visual treat of beautiful buildings around. Return to the hotel and delight in a peaceful overnight stay.

Optional: Gondola ride

Distance between Rome and Venice: 525 km approx.

Travel Time via train: 3 hours, 45 minutes approx.

Venice: Half day Murano, Burano, and Torcello tour

  • Murano, Burano, and Torcello Tour

Greet the morning with a breakfast buffet at the hotel and get ready for a half day tour to the islands of Murano, Burano, and Torcello.

This day in your chosen package from the bunch of Italy holiday packages will take you to exotic islands - Murano, Burano, and Torcello.

While sailing towards the island of Murano, you will explore the island of San Giorgio Maggiore, tip of Sant’Elena, Lido Beach Resort, and Public Gardens. Once you reach Murano, you will be taken to visit the renowned colored glass factories.

As you enjoy the charm of Murano, the picturesque beauty of Burano awaits your visit. This island is popular for high quality lace and vibrant fisherman houses. After relishing the visual treat of this island for half an hour, start sailing for the island of Torcello. This island is renowned for being among the most ancient zones of civilizations. Also, it houses the church of Santa Fosca, and the Cathedral.

After having explored the island trio, you will be transferred back to the St. Mark’s Square. You can enjoy an evening at leisure here.

Return to the hotel to be refreshed with sound sleep and be prepared for the next part of your trip.

Interlaken: Day at leisure

Savor an early morning breakfast and get transferred to the Venice station to board a train to Zurich.

Once you arrive in Zurich, use your RE4A Swiss Pass to board the train to Interlaken. On your arrival in Interlaken, reach and check-in to your hotel. Get refreshed and relax before enjoying the leisure day.

Explore the crystal clear lakes and streams, meandering lanes, and buzzing marketplaces. Explore the tourist hot-spots of the city at your own.

Thereafter, return to your hotel for a cozy overnight stay. While retiring to bed, you will certainly realize that this is one of the most exciting Switzerland tour packages that you have booked.

Tip: If you want to experience the festive spree of the city, try to partake in the Yodeling Festival and the Trucker & Country Festival.

Distance from Venice to Zurich: 540 km approx

Travel Time via train: 8 hours 15 min approx.

Distance from Zurich to Interlaken: 118 km approx.

Travel Time via train: 2 hours and 20 min approx.

Interlaken: An excursion to Mt Jungfrau

Arise to a beautiful morning in Interlaken and indulge in a hearty breakfast before you leave for a day’s excursion to Mt Jungfrau (Using RE4A pass).

Mt Jungfrau, a dreamland clad in snow is the next attraction in your itinerary. Board a train to Kleine Scheidegg via Lauterbrunnen to experience a fascinating journey that will take you to the highest station in Europe.

Here, the majestic view of the snow covered peaks of Jungfraujoch will manifold the delight of your tour. Absorb the natural beauty spread generously all around. Move forward to visit the majestic ice formations at the Ice Cave. To savor delicious delicacies amidst the snowy peaks, have lunch at one of the restaurants in Jungfraujoch.

After enjoying such a wonderful day on the top of Europe, start for a return journey to Interlaken via train. En route, delight in a visual treat that the mighty Swiss Alps present you.

On reaching the hotel, you will revisit the destination in your dreams!

Today, you would certainly admit that this is one of the best Switzerland holiday packages that you have chosen.

Lucerne: Sightseeing in Lucerne

Begin the day by enjoying a scrumptious breakfast and prepare to leave Interlaken. Set off for an amazing journey to Lucerne via train using RE4A pass.

On your arrival in Lucerne and check-in to your hotel, relax and regain your energy for sightseeing. Visit the destinations in this city as per your desire. You can choose to visit the Lion Monument, the Chapel Bridge, and many other tourist places of Lucerne.

Those interested in shopping in Switzerland can buy souvenirs such as watches, chocolates, and many more Swiss products.

You can also step in the amazing nightlife of Lucerne to experience what more this city holds when the sun goes down. Return to your hotel and allow your weary self to relax overnight.

Distance between Interlaken and Lucerne: 68.2 km

Travel Time via train: 1 hour, 2 minutes approx.

Lucerne: A day at Mt Titlis

Enjoy a filling breakfast as the crisp morning air greets you. Today, you will be visiting the enchanting Mt Titlis (using RE4A).

Take your trip to the next level with a ride on the first ever revolving gondola to Mt Titlis. Board the LSE train from Lucerne to Engelberg. From Engelberg a small gondola will take you to Trübsee - a mountain lake. From here, you will be further taken to Stand by another gondola before reaching Mt Titlis.

On the Mount, witness the natural splendor of Swiss mountains. Don’t miss out to explore the Ice Flyer Chairlift and glacier cave. Thereafter, relish Indian or Continental delicacies for lunch at the restaurant as you savor a visual treat of mesmerising surroundings.

It’s time to head back to Lucerne. As you sneak into your bed at your hotel, be prepared to welcome the dreams that will help you relive the day’s experience. For sure, you would want to have more of such Switzerland packages from India.

Paris: Illumination tour of Paris

  • Seine River Cruise
  • Illumination Tour

Be an early bird to bid bye to Switzerland as you will be visiting Paris today. More fun and excitement awaits you...

After having breakfast at the hotel, check out from the hotel. Proceed to the station and board a train to Basel (using RE4A). From here you can board your train to Paris. Your arrival in Paris is welcomed by the agent’s representative who will escort you to your hotel. Check-in and re-energize for an incredible Illumination tour in the evening.

As the sun sets, you will be taken to the delightfully lit Eiffel Tower. Admire its gleaming charm inside out. When you still have eyes for the mesmeric Eiffel Tower, your tour will be enriched with an amazing cruise on River Seine on this enchanting Illumination Tour.

Being smitten with the beauty you have enjoyed with the best of France tour packages, get back to your hotel for a peaceful overnight stay.

Distance between Lucerne and Basel: 100 km approx.

Travel Time via train: 1 hour 15 min approx.

Distance between Basel and Paris: 517 km approx.

Travel Time via train: 3 hours and 57 minutes approx.

Paris: Disneyland Park

  • Unlimited Fun

Enjoy your Parisian breakfast at the hotel and get ready for a roller coaster ride of fun and excitement in Disneyland.

This day of your chosen package from the bouquet of holiday packages for France treats you to unlimited doses of fun. Today you will be taken to Disneyland, where adults can relive their childhood and kids find it paradisiacal.

Disneyland is an entertainment resort that houses hotels, theme parks as well as shopping centres. Enjoy pure slices pleasure at this recreation zone.

Retreat to your hotel and have a cozy overnight stay as you think about the great times enjoyed in Disneyland.

Tip: Fastpass tickets are free and allow you to skip long queues. These tickets are available from machines around the park.

London: Day at leisure

After exploring Paris, it’s time to move ahead to your next destination - London- the opulent city.

After relishing delectable breakfast, check out from the hotel in Paris. Now, you will be transferred to railway station to board your train to London.

On your arrival in London, the agent’s representative will escort you to the hotel. Refresh and enjoy the entire day at leisure. You can also explore the city on your own, if you wish. By doing so, you will get a glimpse of the culture of London as well as its royal legacy.

Meander through its lanes, get closer to its past by visiting museums, and have a flavor of the city’s art in its galleries. You can also visit several other tourist destinations of London at your own pace.

Return to your hotel to take some good rest during your overnight stay and re-energize for the next day fun.Exploring the hot-spots of London with your Europe tour package is certainly an experience to cherish.

Distance from Paris to London: 344 km approx

Travel Time via train: 2 hours, 26 minutes approx

London: Sightseeing in London

  • Coca Cola London Eye

Enhance your vacation experience as you embark on a Hop On Hop Off Boat tour over River Thames and a visit to Coca Cola London Eye.

After savoring breakfast at the hotel, explore the city with the Red Rover hop on hop off boat tour. Witness the glorious history of London as you sail on River Thames. Not only this but you also discover breathtaking views of major riverside attractions of the city with this package for Europe.

The river cruise also treats you with the sight of the London Eye, which is also known as the Millennium Wheel. Climb atop this giant Ferris Wheel only to be enchanted with a panoramic view of the city.

Thereafter, relish dinner at a local restaurant and return to your hotel for an overnight stay.

Tip: There are many great nearby cities to visit just a short 1-2 hour journey from London. You can choose to take the train or bus to the likes of Cambridge, Oxford, and Bath among others.

London: Madame Tussauds & 4D heroes

  • Madame Tussauds & 4D Heroes

Enjoy a leisurely breakfast at the hotel and proceed to visit the famous Madame Tussauds.

Stroll around the Oxford Street in the evening and make your way back to the hotel.

On reaching this renowned museum, you would not be able to escape the magic that lifelike wax statues of various celebrities cast. Add to your experience with the 4 D Heroes movie at the museum.

After having such an incredible time, you have the entire day at leisure. You can enjoy a stroll around the Oxford Street in the evening. Thereafter, retreat to your hotel for a soothing overnight stay.

This day’s experience will make you realize that you have selected a wonderful package from a host of tour packages to Europe.

London: Departure for India

Bid adieu to this grand tour and travel back to India.

Now you have completed your charismatic Europe package tour, enjoy breakfast before checking out from the hotel. You will be provided with a comfortable transfer to to the airport for your flight back home.

Note: Our agents will provide you these or similar hotels depending on availability

Lucerne, switzerland

Ibis styles luzern

Ibis styles luzern

Lucerne, Friedenstrasse 8

Trip Advisor

  • Business services
  • Breakfast available (surcharge)
  • Business center
  • Non-smoking rooms

Hotel hesperia

Hotel hesperia

Cannaregio, Cannaregio 459 Calle Riello

  • Pets allowed
  • Room service
  • Currency exchange

Ibis paris gare du nord chateau landon 10eme

Ibis paris gare du nord chateau landon 10eme

Gare du Nord - Gare de L'Est, 197-199 Rue La Fayette

  • Air conditioning
  • Free Newspaper

Ibis london city

Ibis london city

The City, 5 Commercial Street

Al centro storica di roma

Al centro storica di roma

Via Merulana 117, Rione Monti, 00185 Rome, Italy

Hotel weisses kreuz

Hotel weisses kreuz

Am Höheweg, 3800 Interlaken, Switzerland

  • 13 Nights 14 Days Accommodation
  • Daily Breakfast
  • Sightseeing in London
  • Sightseeing in Paris
  • Sightseeing in Interlaken
  • Sightseeing in Lucerne
  • Sightseeing in Venice
  • Sightseeing in Rome
  • VISA Assistance and Travel Insurance
  • Internal Transfers (via Eurail)
  • Local taxes of Euro 2-5 per person per day at hotel
  • Other services not mentioned in the list of inclusions

Your Preferences

Where do you want to go?

FAQs for Europe

How can i plan my 2 weeks europe trip.

There are lots of places you can explore in two weeks on a 13 nights 14 days Europe tour package . Some of the places you can cover are:

1. 4 days in London and tour the Big Ben, The London Eye, Tower Bridge, The British Museum, The Buckingham Palace

2. 4 days in Paris- in Paris you must tour the world known Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, Arc De Triomphe, french restaurants.

3. 4 days in Rome- you can tour a plethora of places in Rome like the Roman Forum, the Sistine Chapel, the Vatican City Museums, The Pantheon, and Colosseum.

How much does a 2 weeks trip to Europe cost?

A two weeks trip to Europe starts from INR 175,500 that covers accommodation, food, the best places to visit in Europe, and must try things to do. There is always an option to edit and customize the itinerary according to your preference.

What is the ideal way to commute within the European cities?

The hotels included in the package are located within walking distance from the train stations and the HoHo tour pick-up points. But on the days at leisure, one could travel around the city in local buses, ferries or explore on foot.Get to know about all the places that you can explore through Europe Packages .

Which are the best things to buy in France?

Here is the list of things that vacationers must definitely buy while visiting France:

  • Creme de marrons
  • French mustard
  • French salt
  • Handmade soaps
  • Salted caramel
  • French chocolates

Which are the cheapest countries to visit in Europe?

Following are the countries where budget travelers can visit:

  • Czech Republic

Which are some of the best places to visit in Spain?

Spain takes pride in its various attractions. Some of the best ones include:

  • Santiago de Compostela
  • San Sebastian
  • Spanish Islands

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250+ luxury europe tour packages with 5,604 reviews.

European Whirl (Summer, End Paris, 12 Days) Tour

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  • €100 deposit on some dates

Balkan Adventure (14 Days) Tour

Active Family Explorer Historical +1

Balkan Adventure (14 Days)

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Play & Pause: Central Europe Highlights Tour

Explorer Historical

Play & Pause: Central Europe Highlights

  • €75 deposit on some dates

European Rhapsody (Classic, Start Amsterdam, 11 Days) Tour

Explorer Family Sightseeing

European Rhapsody (Classic, Start Amsterdam, 11 Days)

Balkan Discovery: 12-Day Cultural Expedition Tour

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Balkan Discovery: 12-Day Cultural Expedition

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Romantic European (Classic, Start Amsterdam, End Paris, 19 Days) Tour

Explorer Family Coach / Bus

Romantic European (Classic, Start Amsterdam, End Paris, 19 Days)

Scandinavia Explorer Tour

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Scandinavia Explorer

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10 Day Group Tour in Mycenae, Olympia, Delphi, Meteora, Santorini and Mykonos Tour

Explorer Family Historical

10 Day Group Tour in Mycenae, Olympia, Delphi, Meteora, Santorini and Mykonos

  • 10% deposit on some dates

15 Days in Czech Republic Germany Switzerland Italy Austria Hungary Slovakia Tour

Explorer Family Christmas & New Year +1

15 Days in Czech Republic Germany Switzerland Italy Austria Hungary Slovakia

"The sights we saw were amazing. The guides were great and the tour had on most days over 50 people." Leanne, traveled in May 2024

Discovery of Spain - 10 days Tour

Explorer Family Historical Christmas & New Year +1

Discovery of Spain - 10 days

"Safe bus drivers, very knowledgeable guides who also spoke good English. We are extremely impressed with what they showed us." Catherine, traveled in February 2023

What people love about Luxury Tours in Europe

The European wirl was amazing Garry was an amazing gide we had a great time absolutely loved it and the people we were travelling with were great everyone cooperated it was my trip of a lifetime
An excellent trip with an outstanding tour director (Sarah Rossi) and highly skilled bus driver (Bruno). Plenty of option excursion choices along with very good included tours with knowledgeable local guides. The only down side were two of the hotels - Hotel Marinela, Sofia Bulgaria, and Mercure Belgrade Excelsior - that were in desperate need of refurbishment not to mention functioning air conditioning and bathroom cleaning. Otherwise, great trip.
Excellent tour. I was made to feel special right from the go, as I received a very warm welcome. I learnt so much of the history of the Balkans and was introduced to places I had never heard of. The restaurant choices choices were wonderful. I learnt to eat and appreciate local food All guides were amazing but I loved Viktor in North Macedonia because of his friendly and quiet personality. Mike was amazing as a tour leader, who made sure everything was up to standard . He also checked that I was having a great experience. Ivan our drive is one of the best. To Tiana and Ivan the photographers who accompanied us, thank you for ensuring I had the best time. Your photographs and videos are very special. My highlights, way to many to mention but Kotor, Postajne caves, Tirana, Skopje and Sarajeva were some but for different reasons. Would I book Balkland again definitely. The experience is what counts and I really learnt to appreciate the varied countries and gained a small insight into their beauty and history.

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  1. Quora

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  2. $6,800 for a 31 day, curated Europe trip tour-worth it or not?

    I found this tour company that another one of my friends is using for a different but similar tour at a later date. It's 31 days from May 3rd to June 6th, and with flights included into the cost, plus a few extra outings you have to pay for if you want to go, the total cost is $6779 USD, plus a little more for tax.

  3. Is A Trip To Europe Worth It? 10 Pros And Cons

    1. Pro: Europe's Architecture And Natural Landscapes Are Beautiful. One of the most understated benefits of visiting Europe is the opportunity to witness the continent's incredible natural landscapes and breathtaking historical architecture.

  4. 10 Best Europe Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Browse the best tours in Europe with 88,891 reviews visiting countries like France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and many more. Book now on! Shop 2,500 operators. ... 250+ Europe tour packages with 88,891 reviews View Map . Explorer Family Coach / Bus . Europe Escape 4.4 (742 traveler reviews ...

  5. Europe Escape

    Europe Escape, a 12 days tour from Rome to Venice, Innsbruck and 14 destinations. Best Selection - Best Price - Trusted Payments. Shop 2,500 operators ... With the Explorer tour Europe Escape, you have a 12 days tour package taking you through Rome, Italy and 15 other destinations in Europe. Europe Escape includes accommodation in a hotel as ...

  6. Europe Tours & Trips: European Tour Packages 2024 & 2025

    Save up to $600pp* on tours to Europe. View All Europe Tours. Venice and Croatian Islands Cruise. From $3,999 pp. save up to $300. Treasures of Turkey Istanbul, Ancient Ephesus & Cappadocia. Tour Rating: From $4,699 $4,399 pp. save up to $300.

  7. Best multi-country trips in Europe

    Multi-country tour packages include a well-crafted itinerary, accommodations, 24/7 travel support, a user-friendly mobile app, and the option to customize your package. These specially designed Euro trip packages come with an expertly curated travel itinerary, promising a seamless journey that combines the highlights of each country.

  8. 10 Best 14 Days Europe Tour Packages

    Find the best 2 week tours to Europe with TourRadar. Choose from 1370 tours with 24639 real tour reviews. Book now and save with! Shop 2,500 operators. 4.5 stars on ... 14 Days Europe Tour Packages. Dates & length Places Filters. 250+ Europe 2 week tours with 24,639 reviews

  9. Best travel packages in Europe

    Download Europe's biggest travel marketplace to your phone to manage your entire trip in one place. Discover 47276 unique travel packages to top destinations in Europe! Get 24/7 support and book your next travel package in Europe for as cheap as 68 EUR, here.

  10. First Time to Europe? 10 Travel Tips to Get You Started

    Get a Schengen Visa and be smart about it. Getting a European tourist visa is perhaps the most complicated when you hold an Indian passport, but there's a method to the madness. If you intend to travel to two or more countries on your trip (and you should), apply for a Schengen Visa, which covers most countries in Western Europe & a few in ...

  11. Europe Vacation Packages

    Choose Your European Adventure. Click for Deals. Choose your own European adventure; discover secret beaches in Greece, explore ancient castles in Ireland or hunt down the best wine in France. Explore the museums of Madrid, sip espresso by the canals of Venice and witness the Changing of the Guard in London. Europe has something to offer everyone.

  12. Europe Tours & Vacation Packages 2024, 2025

    Rick Steves European tours and vacations feature the best value and travel experience around. Rick's 46 itineraries include Italy, France, Turkey, Ireland, Britain, Spain, and much more! Europe Tours & Vacation Packages 2024, 2025 | Rick Steves' Europe

  13. Europe Tours and Trip Packages 2024/2025

    These Europe package tours and trips explore any of the continent's 50 countries that are diverse in size, climate, traditions - and cost! With fine cuisine, world-renowned art and music, and 23 officially recognized languages, a tour in Europe can be a cultural labyrinth that fuels wanderlust. +300 Trips in Europe with 12,878 Reviews.

  14. Europe Tour Packages

    European Tour Packages - Book Europe Packages for couples, family & friends at best price with Akbar Travels. Get Europe Tour Packages from Kerala, Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Pune, Chennai, Kochi and anywhere across India. Book your Euro trip package today!

  15. 10 Best 7 Day Europe Tours & Trips

    The Amalfi coast, Sorrento, and Capri was the best part. Opted for the extra package with the Capri chairlift and Sorrento dinner which is so worth it. Find the best 7 day tours to Europe with TourRadar. Choose from 2831 tours with 18413 real tour reviews. Book now and save with!

  16. Europe Tour Packages

    Europe Vacation Packages with Airfare. Pickyourtrail offers Europe all-inclusive packages with airfare and hence ensuring an easy travel experience to destinations such as France, Italy and Switzerland. Along with these packages, flights, hotels, guided tours, local transfers, meals are also included starting from INR 1.5 lakhs per person.

  17. 13 Nights 14 Days Europe Tour Package

    Out of the best Europe Tour Packages, here is a comprehensive 14 days Europe package to help you explore the most famous parts of Europe. Whether you are an explorer or an adventure junkie, out tour packages for Europe are meant for every traveler like you; offering you an opportunity to explore its distinct culture, languages, mesmerizing locations, and treat your taste buds to its authentic ...

  18. Multi-Country European Packages

    On our multi-country European vacation packages and European city tours visit highlights and must-see destinations on every bucket list. Amsterdam's charming canals, lined with squat wooden boats and flowers; London's legendary museums and palaces; the extravagant opulence of Versailles; the Grand Canal in Venice; the epic Swiss Alps; and the iconic Eiffel Tower.

  19. Europe Train Vacation Packages

    Many tour packages depart from London St. Pancras, giving you an easily accessible starting point for your grand adventures through Europe. European train tours are a wonderful way to get a closer look at the landscape as you move between cities, thanks to the vast rail network that spans to virtually every country on the continent.

  20. 266 Europe Tour Package Starts @ 𝐑𝐬.110337 𝘽𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙉𝙤𝙬

    Explore the best of Europe with MakeMyTrip's affordable and customized tour packages. Choose from 205 options and book your dream holiday now.

  21. 10 Best Fully Guided Tours in Europe 2024/2025

    Find the right Europe Fully Guided tour for you with TourRadar. Choose from 6428 trips with 82166 customer reviews. Book now and save with! Shop 2,500 operators. ... 250+ Fully Guided tour packages in Europe with 82,166 reviews View Map . Explorer Family Coach / Bus . Europe Escape 4.4 (742 traveller reviews ...

  22. Marriott Bonvoy Brings Once-in-a-Lifetime Experiences at Taylor Swift

    Marriott Bonvoy is taking fans to Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour when it lights up select cities across Europe and North America in 2024. Inspired by the singular experience Taylor Swift created and the countless fans who have traveled the world to see her, Marriott Bonvoy will make it possible for fans to witness Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour in select cities through a member sweepstakes and ...

  23. 10 Best Luxury Europe Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Find the right luxury tour in Europe with TourRadar. Choose from 1139 trips with 5804 customer reviews. Book now and save with! Shop 2,500 operators. 4.5 stars on ... 250+ Luxury Europe tour packages with 5,804 reviews View Map . Explorer Historical . Play & Pause: Central Europe Highlights ...