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excursion ses fonts ufanes

Excursión a Ses Fonts Ufanes

Excursión a Ses Fonts Ufanes

Nos encontramos ante una de las excursiones más impresionantes y más cortas para realizar en familia, ya que en poco más de 20 minutos y si tenemos suerte, podremos ver uno de los fenómenos naturales únicos de Mallorca.  Ses Fonts Ufanes es Monumento Natural desde el año 2001 .

Se trata de una fuente natural de agua con afloramientos intermitentes que brotan de manera difusa, de caudal muy potente y repentina, después de la acumulación de lluvia, por lo que cabe recalcar que no siempre tienen agua. Normalmente brotan cuando ha llovido bastante y varios días seguidos.

Igualmente la excursión merece la pena ya que el itinerario más corto no tiene más de 20 minutos de subida y otros 20 de bajada, lo mejor es que es un trayecto circular. Subimos por un lado y bajamos por otro. La mayor parte del tiempo paseamos por un camino más o menos transitable incluso para cochecitos, adentrándonos en un precioso bosque que da cobijo y fama a dicho fenómeno.

Excursión a Ses Fonts Ufanes

Sin duda una excursión ideal para niños más pequeños a los que queramos iniciar en este tipo de excursiones.

El principal y quizás el único handicap de esta excursión es encontrar un aparcamiento adecuado. Si conseguimos llegar antes de las 10 de la mañana la afluencia de público y tráfico es menor; por otro lado, al llegar a esa hora, se puede aparcar relativamente cerca. Otro sitios que es adecuado para hacerlo es el parking de las «Cuevas de Campanet» que se encuentra a sólo 10 minutos de la entrada principal.

Ficha técnica Monument Natural Ses Fonts Ufanes

Zona: Campanet. Zona Noreste de Mallorca. A partir de: 4 años o niños más pequeños con cochecito. Inicio : finca Gabellí Petit, a la derecha de la ermita de Sant Miquel. Dificultad : baja. Tipo: circular. Duración : 40 minutos. Horario de acceso a la finca : todo el año entre las 10,00 y las 17,00 h. Parking : NO. Servicios : aseos públicos en la zona de “ Ses Fonts ” y centro de interpretación. Carrito de bebé: SÍ pero es un camino con piedrecitas por lo que es más recomendable ir con mochila. Mochila portabebés: SÍ. Teléfono información: 971 176 800 (Conselleria de Medi Ambient). Otros datos de interés : para llegar a las fuentes desde la barrera de entrada se tarda unos 20 minutos. ( Nota : no siempre hay agua, suele brotar después de varios días de lluvia intensa por lo que es aconsejable llamar antes al teléfono de información). Web :  Espais de Natura Balear . Itinerario en pdf: itinerario Fonts Ufanes . Cómo llegar: desde Palma se debe coger la Autovia Palma-Sa Pobla:  aproximadamente 43 km. Se recomienda salir de la autopista en la siguiente salida después de la salida de Campanet, con destino a la Ermita de Sant Miquel. Si se sale por la salida de Campanet, enseguida veremos un letrero que pone «Ufanes» y debemos seguir por él, iremos paralelo a la autovía pero llegaremos a la rotonda correcta.

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excursion ses fonts ufanes

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Ses Fonts Ufanes: A Unique Excursion in Mallorca

by Click-mallorca.com · Published 17 February, 2023 · Updated 23 February, 2023

It is difficult to find things to do in Mallorca to do on a rainy day, BUT a visit to Ses Fonts Ufanes is actually better when the island has had a lot of heavy rain than on a dry, sunny day! That makes the natural phenomenon of Ses Fonts Ufanes a fantastic option for something to do in winter in Mallorca. That doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the Fonts Ufanes when they are dry, of course – all is explained below…

ses fonts ufanes

If you want to visit the Fonts Ufanes, below you will find all the information you need to plan your visit: a brief technical sheet of the walk around Ses Fonts Ufanes; the itinerary of the route with photos; a map of the route in Wikiloc; and some practical advice including where to park.

But first: what are Ses Fonts Ufanes?

What are the Fonts Ufanes?

Well, we are glad you asked because you are going to be amazed with this natural phenomenon in the north of Mallorca next to the tiny town of Campanet . And we don’t use the word phenomenon lightly. You’ll see…

Ses Fonts Ufanes is a hydro-geological phenomenon that is directly related to the rainfall in Campanet on the Finca Gabellí Petit with underground water flowing from the Serra de Tramuntana Mountains to the Sant Miquel stream…

Okay, okay, okay WAIT! Too technical? Let’s keep it fun and simple, shall we? Okay, let’s try again:

The Fonts Ufanes are a super-cool natural spring that you can visit and watch as water spurts up out of the ground, sometimes with as much force as a geiser and creates rivers of gushing water throughout the whole natural park! It’s there one day and gone the next – like someone has turned a very forceful tap on; and then off again.

That better? Great, let’s continue…

The experts say that a lot of water accumulates underground in an aquifer that has low permeability materials such as clay just below the surface, which prevents water from seeping through, but after heavy rainfall, this aquifer fills up, and the water has no choice but to rise to the surface, sometimes making great spurts high into the air. It is amazing. And it’s free.

Are you going to visit next time it rains in Mallorca then? Then read on. Our local experts in all things Mallorca have everything covered in this article; everything you need to know about Ses Fonts Ufanes.

Plan your visit to Ses Fonts Ufanes

Please do read this because you will want to know how long you are going to be out; how long the kids have to walk and what shoes to put on them; and whether you should take sandwiches or plan to have lunch somewhere afterwards.

  • Duration : Around 40 minutes of walking plus the extra time you will dedicate to the stops you will make.
  • Difficulty : It is a circular route, which is very short, easy and flat. We recommend you to wear hiking shoes, or even rubber boots or wellies if you have them, since the area is humid.
  • Distance : Approx. 2 km.
  • Type of Route : Circular hiking route, ideal to do with children. It can even be done as an excursion with dogs (on a lead at all times) or with a baby stroller.
  • Location : Ses Fonts Ufanes are located near Campanet, on the Es Gabelli estate, next to the Cuevas de Campanet (one of the most beautiful caves in Mallorca ) and the Sant Miquel Chapel. At the end of the article we explain how to get there and where to park.

Route map of Ses Fonts Ufanes itinerary

Ses Fonts Ufanes: Walking Itinerary

It is a very easy-to-navigate walk around the Fonts Ufanes; it is enough to follow the marked itinerary – you can’t go wrong. As soon as you enter the Gabelli Petit estate, you have the Sant Miquel Torrent on your right. If the springs have sprung, you will see the torrent full of water. A little further on you’ll come to a crossroads. Take the path to the right, to make the itinerary circular.

ses fonts ufanes majorca

You will walk first through cultivated fields, and then a little further on, a beautiful, enchanted holm oak forest. After the rainy season, it is an area that is very charming, and in November and December there is a great variety of mushrooms which have appeared due to the combination of warmth and humidity. Along the way there are many curiosities such as the “ sitjas de carboner ” (an old trade that was once important in Mallorca, and typical of the Sierra de Tramuntana, in which coal was burned to create fuel), or a hotel for insects like in this photo:

insect hotel at Ses Fonts Ufanes

Continuing with your excursion, you will arrive at the Ses Fonts Ufanes Interpretation Centre , where there is a small room where they broadcast a very interesting documentary about the natural springs. In the surroundings you can see an old lime kiln and the remains of an old talayot .

And right next to it you have the best of this excursion: the place where water springs from the subsoil to give rise to a unique phenomenon in Mallorca.

Ses Fonts ufanes with water

If you time it right and visit after a few days of heavy rain, you will see Ses Fonts Ufanes in all their splendor. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so we show you this video that we made in 2021:

(And now you know why you might want to bring the kids’ wellies!). After having visited Ses Fonts Ufanes, continue to follow the perfectly marked itinerary, which will take you back to the entrance of the Gabelli Estate.

Then you should take a moment to have a look at the beautiful Oratory of Sant Miquel and maybe even visit the Caves of Campanet , which is another of those unique places that we have in Mallorca, and they are right next door to the Fonts Ufanes; you don’t even need to move your car. If you do all that, you might as well make a day of it and have a hearty lunch at the restaurant at the caves, which serves incredible BBQ meat and has a fabulous view over Mallorca’s countryside.

How to get to Ses Fonts Ufanes?

The best way to get to Ses Fonts Ufanes is by car, taking exit 37 off the motorway towards the Cuevas de Campanet (signposted). If you come from Palma, it is the next exit after Campanet. Follow the country road for a short while and, just before you arrive at the Fonts Ufanes, you will see the Sant Miquel Chapel. Park anywhere you can and follow the crowds into the Gabelli Estate (crowds are what you will find if the local news has annouced that the Fonts Ufanes have water).

Technically – “ technically” – it is possible to get to the Fonts Ufanes on public transport. But if possible, save yourself the hassle and hire a car. You would need to get a bus to the town centre of Campanet, which runs approximately once a day if you are lucky. From there, you must walk about 3 km to reach Ses Fonts Ufanes. About 40 minutes of walking. And please make sure you have your return bus time clear if you do try this option.

Where to park at Ses Fonts Ufanes?

Ses Fonts Ufanes does not have a car park or designated parking area where you can leave your car parked. You have to be very careful where you park your car, since a large part of the road has a yellow line, and you can be fined if you leave your car parked there. The fines range between 50 and 200 euros – the local council makes a lot from parking fines when the Fonts Ufanes have water – you have been warned!

campanet caves

As mentioned above, if the news has announced that Ses Fonts Ufanes have water, the next day, the whole of Mallorca wants to see it (because, of course, the following day it could be all over). This increases the parking problem. A good solution to park and visit Ses Fonts Ufanes is to combine the excursion with a tour of the Campanet Caves. In this way, you can do two activities on the same day, and leave your car parked in the Cuevas de Campanet car park. First you visit the caves, then Ses Fonts Ufanes and end with a hot coffee on the terrace overlooking the valley of Sant Miquel. Sounds good? Click on the photo above.

We love the Wikiloc app, because you can upload route maps with geolocated photos and lots of information. That is why, in each of our Mallorca hiking routes on the excursion blog, we upload the Wikiloc map. In this case, it is not that you need it much, because the route is very easy to follow and is perfectly marked. But here below you have the map with the route of the excursion to Ses Fonts Ufanes:

Frequently Asked Questions About Ses Fonts Ufanes

You can visit Ses Fonts Ufanes with dogs, but they must always be on a leash. In this way, they do not disturb wildlife or livestock.

You can access the estate to visit Ses Fonts Ufanes between 10 and 17 every day of the week.

The best place to park is at the Cuevas de Campanet. They have free parking if you buy the entrance to the caves, and you can leave your car there without problems.

Through the social networks of the Department of Environment of the Balearic Government where they announce when Ses Fonts Ufanes have sprouted. The local people recognize it when they enter the estate, because on the right there are some steps that go down to the stream. If all those steps are covered with water, it is usually a sign that the springs have sprung.

We hope that we have been able to help you find something fun to do on a rainy day in Mallorca.

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Ses Fonts Ufanes: the magic fountains of Majorca

Yo soy Mallorca > Ses Fonts Ufanes: the magic fountains of Majorca

Ses Fonts Ufanes (or Las Fuentes Ufanas in Spanish) are located on the outskirts of Campanet and are a unique natural hydrogeological phenomenon known to date in the Balearic Islands.

Declared natural monument , they are intermittent upwellings which sprout in a diffuse way with great force and in a sudden way when filling all the subway aquifers around with water from 3 torrents: Torrent de Teló, Torrent de Biniatró and Torrentó des Camp; to unite into one, the Torrent de Sant Miquel .

Las Fuentes Ufanas, in castellano, are located in the north of Mallorca, more specifically in the surroundings of the beginning area of Puig Tomir , a few kilometers from Campanet, Gabellí Petit’s property

We live in Campanet, so we have it very easy and close to go to see them every time they occur. Whenever a storm comes to Mallorca and at least one day of non-stop rain is enough time for these magical fountains to spring up and then you can go and see them.

Then I take my camera and tripod and approach by bike or on foot to have a complete outdoor experienc e.

As it is a natural monument in the middle of nature, we warn you that it is not adapted for people with reduced mobility .

Ses Fonts Ufanes in Mallorca

If you come to Mallorca in winter , when it is not time to swim in the beaches and coves of Mallorca , you can choose to go for tapas in Palma or for another type of more rural tourism such as seeing Ses Fons Ufanes , we assure you that you will not regret it.

Now you know a little more about this wonder of nature , did you already know them? Will you come to visit them? Tell us about it in the comments, we’ll read you!

[Technical information by Protected Natural Spaces of Mallorca ENP ].

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A walk along the riverbank in Ses Fonts Ufanes

A walk along the riverbank in Ses Fonts Ufanes

An easy stroll through the forest of natural springs

Ses Fonts Ufanes is a protected area of natural springs on the outskirts of Campanet. It's the perfect place for a relaxing walk with all the family. Although there are plenty of coastal walks on the island, it's rare to be able to stroll along a riverbank and enjoy the sound of gushing water.

Considered a hydrological phenomenon, these springs are unique in Mallorca and were classified as a protected in 2001. The Balearic government later bought the handsome property, Finca Gabelli Petit, situated on the land to better care for it. The vauclusian springs are fed from aquifers that fill to bursting after heavy rain, causing water to pour out of the ground and create natural waterfalls. Thanks to a very rainy January, I was able to appreciate how the water bubbles up from underground. The flow can change from barely a trickle to one to three metres cubic per second.

excursion ses fonts ufanes

Although it's best to go in the wet season, the reserve itself is beautiful at any time. The walk is well signposted and circular. You can either continue walking straight up, towards the rustic farmhouse or follow the first signpost and head right along a flatter path. Either way, you won't get lost. It's an easy walk, which can take just twenty minutes. Go for a slow-paced amble to stretch the legs and to enjoy the view of the rocky Puig Tomir mountain which overlooks it.

excursion ses fonts ufanes

Suitable for families with little children, I saw a number of buggies on the way. Both little ones and adults were cheered by the donkeys and sheep. Dogs are welcome, and I even saw a pet goat. The path takes you through the forest and beneath the pines, where you can breathe in the smell of earth and moss and reconnect with nature. I noticed a woman meditating on the bank, evidently refreshed by the purifying sound of water. A great place for a picnic, I ate my sandwich as I contemplated the pretty vista.

excursion ses fonts ufanes

I found out about the walk thanks to a friend from Galicia, who says Ses Fonts Ufanes reminds her of home. I was also brought up playing in rivers rather than at the beach, and I immediately felt a connection there. Instead of following the path, I had fun stepping along the rocks of a riverbed which was currently dry. Meanwhile, my friend walked along the mossy bank beneath the trees. Somehow, we managed to spend a good hour walking although the official walk is just twenty minutes.

excursion ses fonts ufanes

The park is open from 10:00 to 17:00 every day. There are toilets and rubbish bins. Although there is no official car park, everyone leaves their vehicles along the road by the chapel, Ermita de Sant Miquel. Avoid going on the weekend if you can, as it can get very busy, especially if it has rained the previous days. I went on a Thursday at lunch time and it was very peaceful. If you only have the weekend, a local friend suggests either going first thing in the morning or just before 16:00, although be warned the gates close at 17:00.

excursion ses fonts ufanes

As we left the park, a car pulled up beside us, and a couple asked us if there was water. They were delighted to hear there was, a sign perhaps of just how precious this place is to people living on the island.

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Ses Fonts Ufanes nature reserve near Campanet, Mallorca, Spain.

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These natural sources is an extraordinary hydro-geological phenomenon typical for the area of Tramuntana.

The area of ses Font Unfanes is protected as being a nature reserve of special interest.

This nature reserve is used by universities all over Spain, and also in foreign countries, to teach about eco-systems and micro-environments etc.

In times of heavy rain, the sources sprout from the ground and spreads all over the area. It is this phenomenon of self-suffieciency and reproduction abilities in the park that has given it its name “ufanes”, because  ufane  means something like “exuberance” and “Fonts” means  fountains  or  sources .

Under the surface, there is an aquifer of limestone collecting the water not immediately consumed by the ground. This creates the extraordinary hydro-geological system that makes the area fertile for long periods of times.

Ses Fonts Ufanes is located in the most scenic beautiful natural surroundings just outside Campanet

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Ses Fonts Ufanes, 20 years being a Natural Monument

It is only necessary that enough rain accumulates in the Puig Tomir massif and its surroundings for Ses Fonts Ufanes to become a sight to behold. This natural source of intermittent outcrops that sprout suddenly and in a very powerful way celebrates 20 years since it was classified as a Natural Monument. Since then, according to data from the General Directorate of Water Resources, it has sprouted up to 76 times and for a total of 649 days.

Ses Fonts Ufanes

Foto: Mateu Bennassar -Archivo AETIB

Where are Ses Fonts Ufanes?

Ses Fonts Ufanes are located on the Gabellí Petit estate, in the north of Mallorca, in the municipality of Campanet. The estate is open all year round from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and there are several routes to get to the sources. On average, it takes about 20 minutes to walk from the entrance.

Mapa Ses Fonts Ufanes

Fuente: Conselleria de Medio Ambiente y Territorio.

When can you see its outcrop?

It is only when the rains are intense and continuous and the capacity of the aquifer is exceeded that this unique phenomenon of the Serra de Tramuntana Natural Park comes into action.

The rain “infiltrates the subsoil and accumulates in an aquifer below which there are poorly permeable materials (…). The water makes its way to the surface, gushing out through the springs in the lower part of the Gabellí Petit estate, recalled the Minister for the Environment and Territory, Miquel Mir, on the occasion of the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the declaration of Ses Fonts Ufanes as a protected natural area in the category of natural monument.

The last times Ses Fonts Ufanes erupted coincided with the passing of the storm Filomena, at the beginning of the year. Due to the large influx of visitors, the authorities were forced to temporarily restrict access with the dual objective of protecting Ses Fonts and avoiding crowds, so it is advisable to find out about the degree of occupation before going to the area.

Ses Fonts Ufanes

Foto: Raúl Beltrán.

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Identidad del Responsable del Tratamiento Denominación Social : Amapola Comunicación SL Nombre Comercial : Mallorca Global, Taller de Comunicación CIF : B16658007 Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Palma de Mallorca:  Tomo 2843, Libro 0, Folio 53, Hoja PM-88179 Domicilio Social : Calle Son Armadans, nº 10, bajos. 07014 Palma. Baleares Actividad : Comunicación Teléfono : 971896389 eMail :  [email protected] Formulario de contacto :  https://www.mallorcaglobal.com/#presupuesto Nombre de Dominio :  https://www.mallorcaglobal.com/ Registro de Tratamientos conforme al RGPD:  Clientes/Proveedores, Listas de Correo, Empleados, Selección de Personal y Usuarios Web.

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Things to do and see

Ses fonts ufanes.

One of the most incredible natural phenomenons of the Balearic Island, Ses Fonts Ufanes is an intermittent spring and hydro-geological curiosity that is directly linked to the heavy rainfall in Campanet. The underground water flows from the Puig Tomir mountain to the base of l’Albufera - Sant Miquel stream and creates a peculiar “Flat Geysir,” a curiosity unique to Mallorca. Surrounded by the dramatic peeks of Serra de Tramuntana, Ses Fonts Ufanes is a wonderful place to visit if you happen to be visiting in the winter or fall. 

This astounding and mysterious curiosity takes place in the verdant Campanet forest. Although it seems that the “disappearing river” magically bubbles up from the ground, it’s just an overflow from the nearby river that swells after rain, surprising the capacity of her underground chamber. Nevertheless, it is still an incredible sight to see, tucked away in the Gabellí Petit finca (public estate). The flood that reaches the holm oak trees creates one of the most unusual occurrences that fascinate visitors regardless of age. 

After a 20 minute walk through the enchanted woods, you’ll reach this hidden natural jewel that was recently marked as a UNESCO site. 

If, by any chance, your cruise is interrupted by rain - you are actually in luck. This natural water source with intermittent outcrops that sprout diffusely, with a potent and almost violent flow, only happens after the consecutive rainy days. Depending on the amount of precipitation that has fallen, anywhere from 3000 and 100 000 cubic metres of water a second can burst out of the ground. At first, tiny gaps almost seamlessly become filled with water - only moments later, they turn into a dramatic stream sprawling from the mountain. 

Even though water is not always present - on sunny days, you won’t be able to witness the magic at work - the walk through the lush forest is still worth your time. A lovely activity for nature enthusiasts, it can be a fun way to spend the day with family and kids. You might come across many people meditating to the soothing sounds of the river and birdsongs or having picnics with friends. 

Ses Fonts Ufanes makes for a pleasant day excursion. The protected natural reserve is open every day between 10 am and 5 pm, but make sure to arrive early, especially after heavy rain, if you want to avoid crowds.

excursion ses fonts ufanes

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Ses Fonts Ufanes, un fenómeno natural único en Mallorca

Ses Fonts Ufanes es una de las excursiones más fáciles de Mallorca pero no por ello menos bellas. Para los que aun no las conozcáis, Ses Fonts Ufanes son un conjunto de fuentes naturales que brotan con mucha intensidad del subsuelo tras intensas lluvias en otoño o invierno. Este fenómeno natural tiene lugar cuando el acuífero situado bajo el Puig Tomir y alrededores absorbe demasiada agua y se abre camino hacia la superficie, lo que sucede muy pocas veces al año. Si queremos verlas deberemos estar atentos a las noticias después de intensas lluvias en la isla. Generalmente el fenómeno puede darse entre los meses de noviembre y marzo.

Dada la singularidad de este lugar, en 2001 el Gobierno de las Islas Baleares declaró Ses Fonts Ufanes Monumento Natural .

¿Cómo llegar a “Ses Fonts Ufanes”?

Ses Fonts Ufanes se encuentran en la finca pública Gabelli Petit en un agradable entorno rural en el municipio de Campanet . Si venimos de Palma, tomaremos la salida 37 de la autopista hacia Sa Pobla/St.Miquel/Coves. En la rotonda saldremos por la tercera salida en dirección Camí de na Pontons, tomando como referencia la Ermita de Sant Miquel . En las cercanías de la Ermita podremos estacionar el vehículo.

Excursión a”Ses Fonts Ufanes”

A pocos minutos de la Ermita de Sant Miquel y siguiendo por el mismo Cami de na Pontons, un cartel nos indica la entrada a la finca pública de Gabelli Petit y el inicio de la excursión. Dado que el caudal de Ses Fonts Ufanes va a parar al torrente de Sant Miquel, y de ahí a la Albufera, un buen indicativo para saber si van a llevar agua es ver el caudal del torrente en este punto.

El horario de la finca es de 10:00 a 17:00h todos los días.

Torrente de Sant Miquel en las inmediaciones de la ermita.

Torrente de Sant Miquel en las inmediaciones de la ermita.

Una vez dentro de la finca, realizaremos el recorrido circular por un cómodo camino de tierra. En unos 5min caminando desde la barrera, encontramos la primera bifurcación que tendremos que tomar a la derecha. A continuación atravesaremos una agradable zona de campo y cruzaremos un puente. Cuando brotan, el torrente ya baja repleto de agua en este punto.

Camino hacia Ses Fonts Ufanes

Camino hacia Ses Fonts Ufanes

Acto seguido, el camino se adentra en un precioso encinar. En 5-10 min llegaremos al nacimiento de ses Ses Fonts Ufanes .

excursion ses fonts ufanes

Al ser una excursión muy sencilla y que solo se puede realizar en momentos puntuales durante el año, tras intensas lluvias, es habitual encontrar bastante gente viendo este espectáculo hidrológico.

Ses Fonts Ufanes

Ses Fonts Ufanes

Ses Fonts Ufanes

Sin duda, llama la atención la intensidad con la que sale el agua de la tierra como si de una presa se tratara. Se forman inicialmente dos torrentes que se acaban en uniendo en uno solo con un fuerza e intensidad sorprendente. Por momentos cuesta creer que estemos en Mallorca.

En la zona también encontraréis el centro de interpretación de Ses Fonts Ufanes dónde dirariamente se emiten dos documentales que hablan de este fenómeno natural. Generalmente se proyectan a las 12:30h y a las 15:30h.

Si queréis saber más os dejo con un enlace del Gobierno Balear con información sobre este espacio protegido.

excursion ses fonts ufanes

Para volver, continuaremos por el mismo camino que rápidamente sale del encinar y sigue por una tranquila zona de campo. En unos diez minutos habremos finalizado la excursión.

Hasta aquí una de las excursiones más fáciles y a su vez bonitas de la isla, dónde podremos descubrir un espectáculo de la naturaleza único.

Si te ha gustado, te dejamos con otros lugares y excursiones de interés para hacer en Mallorca:

  • Los monumentos naturales más bonitos de Mallorca
  • El Salt des Freu, la cascada más bonita de Mallorca
  • Calas vírgenes de la Península de Llevant
  • Ermita de la Santísima Trinidad y Bosque de Miramar
  • Excursión a la Torre de Cala en Basset
  • Excursión a la Penya des Migdia.
  • Torre de la Mola de Tuent, una atalaya inexpugnable .
  • Excursión a las Coves Blanques desde Cala San Vicente .


Calas vírgenes de la Península de Llevant: de Cala Mitjana a s'Arenalet des Verger


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 Mallorca in October: the tourist guide

Mallorca in October: the tourist guide

What can you do in majorca in october.

 Mallorca in October: the tourist guide

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The Balearic Islands are more than just dreamy beaches and coves, organise your stay in Majorca during the month of October with the plans in our article.

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Para saber más...

Natural Monument Fonts Ufanes

Natural Monument Fonts Ufanes

A phenomenon unique in the Balearic Islands

Nature park Sa Dragonera

Nature park Sa Dragonera

The viewpoint in the West

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Mallorca in October: the tourist guide (Mallorca)

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  1. Excursión a Ses Fonts Ufanes

    excursion ses fonts ufanes

  2. Excursión a Ses Fonts Ufanes

    excursion ses fonts ufanes

  3. Excursión a Ses Fonts Ufanes

    excursion ses fonts ufanes

  4. Ses Fonts Ufanes: qué ver, cómo llegar y qué no perderte 2024

    excursion ses fonts ufanes

  5. Excursión al monumento natural de Ses Fonts Ufanes

    excursion ses fonts ufanes

  6. Ses Fonts Ufanes: qué ver, cómo llegar y qué no perderte 2024

    excursion ses fonts ufanes


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  1. Ses Fonts Ufanes

    Just take the highway from Palma to Alcudia, and exit at the Sa Pobla exit, going opposite to the path leading to the town. In five minutes you'll get there. If you're lucky and it's been raining, you'll find one of the most beautiful spectacles of the nature, since there are torrential waters flowing at more than 50 m³/s, which is a lot, in a ...

  2. Ses Fonts Ufanes: qué ver, cómo llegar y qué no perderte 2024

    Ficha técnica de la ruta a Ses Fonts Ufanes. Duración: apenas 40 minutos de caminar, más el tiempo que dediquemos a las paradas; Dificultad: se trata de una ruta circular, que es muy corta y fácil.Os recomendamos llevar zapatos de montaña, ya que la zona está húmeda; Distancia: unos 2 kilómetros; Tipo de excursión: ruta de senderismo circular, que es ideal para hacer con niños.

  3. Excursión a Ses Fonts Ufanes

    Excursión a Ses Fonts Ufanes. enero 29, 2024. Nos encontramos ante una de las excursiones más impresionantes y más cortas para realizar en familia, ya que en poco más de 20 minutos y si tenemos suerte, podremos ver uno de los fenómenos naturales únicos de Mallorca. Ses Fonts Ufanes es Monumento Natural desde el año 2001.

  4. Ses Fonts Ufanes

    Ses Fonts Ufanes are located on a finca (country estate) called Es Gabelli, which is located on the main road MA-13 by Campanet. Depending on the amount of precipitation that has fallen recently between 3,000 and 100,000 cubic metres of water per second can spew out of the ground. Barely noticeable, at first, small recesses soon fill with water ...

  5. Ses Fonts Ufanes: A Unique Excursion in Mallorca

    As mentioned above, if the news has announced that Ses Fonts Ufanes have water, the next day, the whole of Mallorca wants to see it (because, of course, the following day it could be all over). This increases the parking problem. A good solution to park and visit Ses Fonts Ufanes is to combine the excursion with a tour of the Campanet Caves.

  6. Ses Fonts Ufanes: the magic fountains of Majorca

    Ses Fonts Ufanes (or Las Fuentes Ufanas in Spanish) are located on the outskirts of Campanet and are a unique natural hydrogeological phenomenon known to date in the Balearic Islands.. Declared natural monument, they are intermittent upwellings which sprout in a diffuse way with great force and in a sudden way when filling all the subway aquifers around with water from 3 torrents: Torrent de ...


    Ses Fonts Ufanes, Campanet: See 32 reviews, articles, and 49 photos of Ses Fonts Ufanes, ranked No.2 on Tripadvisor among 4 attractions in Campanet. ... Palma de Mallorca Shore Excursion: Private Tour of Valldemossa, Soller and Serra de Tramuntana. 7. Bus Tours. from . C$688.60.

  8. Ses Fonts Ufanes

    Palma de Mallorca Shore Excursion: Private Tour of Valldemossa, Soller and Serra de Tramuntana. 7. Bus Tours. from ₹42,789.69. per adult (price varies by group size) Sa Clasta Mallorca Wine Tours. 103. ... SES FONTS UFANES (2024) All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos) - Tripadvisor.

  9. A walk along the riverbank in Ses Fonts Ufanes

    Ses Fonts Ufanes is a protected area of natural springs on the outskirts of Campanet. It's the perfect place for a relaxing walk with all the family. Although there are plenty of coastal walks on the island, it's rare to be able to stroll along a riverbank and enjoy the sound of gushing water. Considered a hydrological phenomenon, these springs ...

  10. Amazing after a big rain

    Ses Fonts Ufanes: Amazing after a big rain - See 32 traveler reviews, 49 candid photos, and great deals for Campanet, Spain, at Tripadvisor. Skip to main content. ... If you don't go there during the wet season, it's still a quite nice excursion, and you can have lunch there. There are public lavatories, and the entrance is open from 10AM to ...

  11. Ses Fonts Ufanes, a Unique Nature Reserve in Spain

    The area of ses Font Unfanes is protected as being a nature reserve of special interest. This nature reserve is used by universities all over Spain, and also in foreign countries, to teach about eco-systems and micro-environments etc. ... Ses Fonts Ufanes is located in the most scenic beautiful natural surroundings just outside Campanet. Info ...

  12. A nice, short, beautiful excursion

    Ses Fonts Ufanes: A nice, short, beautiful excursion - See 32 traveler reviews, 49 candid photos, and great deals for Campanet, Spain, at Tripadvisor.

  13. Ses Fonts Ufanes loop from Campanet

    Ses Fonts Ufanes loop from Campanet is an easy hike. See this Tour and others like it, or plan your own with komoot! Detailed maps and GPS navigation for the hike: "Ses Fonts Ufanes loop from Campanet" 00:59 h 3.73 km

  14. Ses Fonts Ufanes in Campanet, Majorca

    Ses Fonts Ufanes. Campanet is the site of Mallorca's most spectacular natural water feature, where the water springs up from the ground following heavy rainfall. This truly stunning sight has been declared a natural monument. We strongly recommend a visit to Ses Fonts Ufanes if you are lucky enough to be in Mallorca when this natural ...

  15. Ses Fonts Ufanes

    Palma de Mallorca Shore Excursion: Private Tour of Valldemossa, Soller and Serra de Tramuntana. 7. Bus Tours. from . £382.46. per adult (price varies by group size) Beach Tours Mallorca. The Happy Vans. 31. ... SES FONTS UFANES (2024) All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

  16. Ses Fonts Ufanes

    Ses Fonts Ufanes, Campanet: See 32 reviews, articles, and 49 photos of Ses Fonts Ufanes, ranked No.2 on Tripadvisor among 3 attractions in Campanet. ... Palma de Mallorca Shore Excursion: Bike Tour with Cathedral and Parc de la Mar . 53. Recommended. 90% of reviewers gave this product a bubble rating of 4 or higher. Food & Drink. from .

  17. Ses Fonts Ufanes

    381. Found in the middle of the forest in Campanet, Spain, the Ses Fonts Ufanes is a unique hydrological wonder that only appears after heavy rainfall, like some sort of mythical natural legend ...

  18. Ses Fonts Ufanes, 20 years being a Natural Monument

    The last times Ses Fonts Ufanes erupted coincided with the passing of the storm Filomena, at the beginning of the year. Due to the large influx of visitors, the authorities were forced to temporarily restrict access with the dual objective of protecting Ses Fonts and avoiding crowds, so it is advisable to find out about the degree of occupation ...

  19. Ses Fonts Ufanes: a symphony of nature and beauty in Mallorca

    Ses Fonts Ufanes is a natural phenomenon in Mallorca, Spain, where a spring emerges and creates a temporary river during periods of heavy rain. EN. ES. DE. 0 Favoritos +34 971 059 096. Home; Yachts for charter. Motor Yachts; Sailing Yachts; Catamaran; Mallorca; Charter Management; Charter guide; News;

  20. Ses Fonts Ufanes, un fenómeno natural único en Mallorca

    Ses Fonts Ufanes es una de las excursiones más fáciles de Mallorca pero no por ello menos bellas. Para los que aun no las conozcáis, Ses Fonts Ufanes son un conjunto de fuentes naturales que brotan con mucha intensidad del subsuelo tras intensas lluvias en otoño o invierno. Este fenómeno natural tiene lugar cuando el acuífero situado bajo el Puig Tomir y alrededores absorbe demasiada ...

  21. THE 10 BEST Things to Do Near Ses Fonts Ufanes

    Playa de Alcudia. #2 of 9 things to do in Port d'Alcudia. 4,553 reviews. Placa Gabriel Miro, 07400 Port d'Alcudia, Alcudia, Majorca Spain. 8.8 miles from Ses Fonts Ufanes. Book a Tour. Panoramic Mallorca Boat Trip to Formentor Beach. More Info. Boat Trip in the Bay of Alcudia with Swimming Stop.

  22. Excursión a Ses Fonts Ufanes en Mallorca

    Excursión al monumento natural de Ses Fonts Ufanes, un fenómeno único en Mallorca ubicado en plena sierra de la Tramuntana. Más info de la excursión en: http...

  23. Mallorca in October: the tourist guide

    EXCURSION TO SES FONT UFANES: Worried that the October rainy season might ruin your holiday? Not in Mallorca. Ses Fonts Ufanes, declared a natural monument in 2014, is a sight to behold and is only possible after a significant period of rain, making it ideal for this rainy season.