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Konferenca ob Svetovnem dnevu hrane 2023

Letos bo potekal že 43. Svetovni dan hrane, tokrat pod sloganom  »Voda je življenje, voda je hrana. Nihče ne sme biti pozabljen.« . Tudi letos bo ta dan v Sloveniji obeležen v sklopu letnih konferenc  »Hrana, prehrana, zdravje« . 

Konferenca bo potekala v ponedeljek,16. 10. 2023, od 12h do 20h v Dvorani prve slovenske vlade (Trg 1. slovenske Vlade 1, Ajdovščina) v organizaciji  CEATM (Central Europe Association of Tourism Management) in EFTN (European Food Technology Network) pod pokroviteljstvom Občine Ajdovščina .

Tema dogodka

Dogodek ob Svetovnem dnevu hrane leta 2023 nas opozarja na pomen voda. Pomenljivo je, da smo se v naši deželi srečali s tem izzivom prav to leto. Voda nas je oplazila in stresla vse pore našega življenja. Beremo in poslušamo, kako so nas podnebne spremembe prehitele. Pa so nas res? Ali nismo bili le gluhi in slepi za vsa opozorila? Zavedamo se ciljev trajnostnega razvoja v okviru Agende 2030. Razumemo, da bi se z ustreznim upravljanjem voda, s katerim bi zagotovili dostop do zdravstveno ustrezne pitne vode in izboljšali sanitarno ureditev, rešili higienske krize, a smo od tega v svetovanem merilu še zelo daleč. Tudi doma nam ne gre najbolje nepri sprejemanju odločitev in ne pri realizacijah. Človekova pravica do vode in higiensko ustreznega bivalnega okolja ni izpolnjena, zaostanek pri doseganju cilja pa očiten. Motnje po celotnem vodnem krogu spodkopavajo napredek in vplivajo na zdravje ljudi in njihove pravice s stališča dostopa do zdravstveno ustrezne pitne vode ter do ustrezne sanitarne varnosti, na odpravljanje lakote, možnosti dela in izobraževanja, uresničevanje načela enakosti med spoloma, da ne omenjamo razvoja kmetijstva in od vode odvisnega gospodarstva ter nujnega preprečevanja nesreč in končno zagotavljanja miru v svetu. Svetovni dan voda smo obeležili 22. marca, a se kljub temu letos ponovno srečujemo z vodo. Resda je ta dimenzija nekoliko ožja od pomladanskega pogleda. Ali pa morda tudi ne, če pomislimo na vse v desetletjih zapravljene priložnosti prav na področju kmetijsko živilske oskrbovalne verige. Ta dogodek je zato namenjen pogledu naprej in izzivom, da bi dosegli cilje iz 6. točke trajnostnega razvoja in z njo povezanih prioritet z namenom sledenja razvoja človeštva in spoštovanja ter ohranjanja naravnih virov za prihodnje rodove. Zato moramo v luči mota Svetovnega dneva hrane 2023, ki pravi »Water is life, water is food. Leaveno one behind.« poiskati temu ustrezne razvojne poti.

Več o programu konference TUKAJ

  • Prednosti ekološke hrane za zdravje in uspešen razvoj otrok
  • 6. konferenca varnosti hrane 2024
  • Strokovno srečanje ob 10. obletnici dneva FASD v Sloveniji
  • Se zavedamo cene, ki jo plačujemo mi in Zemlja z odpadno hrano?
  • Ajda - "Plevel, ki rešuje življenja"
  • Dogodek ob Slovenskem dnevu brez zavržene hrane
  • Svetovni dan zdravja 2024

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hrana tour 2023

Ste prejeli anketo "Z zdravjem povezan življenjski slog"?

Vaša mnenja so ključna za oblikovanje učinkovitih zdravstvenih programov in izboljšanje kakovosti zdravstvenih storitev, zato vse prejemnike ponovno prosimo za sodelovanje v nacionalni raziskavi.

Svetovni dan hrane 2023

Vsako leto 16. oktobra po vsem svetu obeležujemo dan hrane. Svetovna organizacija za hrano in kmetijstvo (FAO) z letošnjim sloganom »Voda je življenje, voda je hrana. Nihče ne sme biti pozabljen.« izpostavlja pomen vode, ki je bistvena za življenje na Zemlji. Pokriva večino zemeljske površine, sestavlja več kot dve tretjini našega telesa, proizvaja našo hrano in podpira preživetje. Toda ta dragoceni vir ni neskončen in ne smemo ga jemati kot samoumevnega.

Zakaj je pitje tekočine, zlasti vode, za naše delovanje tako pomembno?

Najpomembnejše je že dejstvo, da kar dve tretjini mase telesa odraslega človeka predstavlja voda, pri majhnih otrocih pa celo do tri četrtine. Dejansko je telo vreča vode, v kateri nenehno potekajo življenjski procesi v celični ali zunajcelični tekočini. Voda ima pomembno vlogo pri uravnavanju telesne temperature, prek krvi oskrbuje celice s hranili in kisikom, odplavlja odpadne snovi, je del prebavnih, sklepnih in drugih telesnih tekočin, varuje organe in vezivna tkiva. Ker telo vseskozi izgublja vodo, skozi kožo z znojenjem, prek ledvic z urinom, prek pljuč z izdihanim zrakom in prek črevesja z iztrebki, je nujno, da jo tudi ves čas nadomeščamo. Samo z znojenjem lahko v enem dnevu izgubimo liter vode. Čez dan naj bi povprečno aktivni odrasli popili od 1 do 1,5 litra vode, upoštevajoč, da s hrano zaužijemo v povprečju od 0,8 do 1 litra tekočine. Če smo zanemarili občutek žeje ali če smo bili intenzivno telesno dejavni, bomo pomanjkanje tekočine (dehidracijo) občutili kot povečano utrujenost, glavobol, mišične krče, nezmožnost koncentracije in drugo.

hrana tour 2023


Zakaj so starejši, poleg otrok, med najbolj ogroženimi, če pozabijo na pitje tekočine?

Dehidracija je med starejšimi pogost pojav kot posledica zmanjšanega uživanja in povečanih izgub tekočine. Poleg tega se s staranjem zmanjša ledvična funkcija, s čimer se dodatno zmanjša sposobnost odzivanja na pomanjkanje tekočin. Ključno pa je, da pri starejših upade zmožnost prepoznavanja občutka žeje, zato je nujno, če sami ne zaznamo, da nas na to nekdo večkrat opozori. Zaradi povečanega znojenja npr. v vročih dneh moramo biti na vnos tekočine še posebej pozorni, zlasti če smo telesno dejavni, kar prav tako pospešuje izgubljanje tekočin. Pri povečani izgubi tekočin je treba biti pozoren tudi na izgubo elektrolitov in glukoze, kar lahko preprečimo z uživanjem slane in sladke hrane oziroma izotoničnih napitkov.

Ali je še vedno najbolje piti vodo, ne sokov ali alkohola, in koliko potrebne količine tekočine odrasli pridobimo s hrano?

Za nadomeščanje izgubljene tekočine je najprimernejša in najlažje dostopna vodovodna voda. Pitja vode ne smemo nadomestiti s pitjem kave, pravega čaja, sladkih in alkoholnih pijač. Kofein in alkohol delujeta blago diuretično, kar dodatno pospešuje izločanje vode iz telesa. Kar nekaj vode je tudi v hrani, zato je smiselno uživati čim več sezonske zelenjave in sadja, ki ju je v poletnih mesecih v izobilju. Čez dan naj bi povprečno aktivni odrasli popili od 1 do 1,5 litra vode, upoštevajoč, da s hrano zaužijemo v povprečju od 0,8 do 1 litra tekočine. Če uživamo na primer enolončnice, juhe, mleko, je delež vode iz hrane lahko še večji. Pijemo po manjših odmerkih, ne pretiravamo s količino. Tako uspešno preprečujemo dehidracijo in morebitno pregrevanje telesa, saj se s potenjem tudi znižuje telesna temperatura.

Poleg rednega pitja priporočenih tekočin se za dobre telesne in miselne zmožnosti priporoča dovolj telesne dejavnosti, zadosten in kakovosten spanec in počitek, kar je osnovni pogoj za ustrezno regeneracijo telesa. K dvigu ravni energije lahko prispeva že nekaj preprostih sprememb prehranskih in življenjskih navad, kot je redna telesna dejavnost in dovolj spanja ter dobra družba. Predvsem pa za dvig ravni energije otroci in mladostniki ne potrebujejo energijskih pijač.

Onesnaževala v pitni vodi


Zakaj energijske pijače niso običajne brezalkoholne pijače in jih še posebej odsvetujemo otrokom in mladostnikom?

Energijske pijače vsebujejo predvsem kofein in ostale snovi za poživitev, večji delež sladkorja ali sladila ter barvila in arome. Nekatere od teh snovi sicer najdemo tudi v običajni hrani, vendar v veliko manjših količinah, kot jih posameznik zaužije z energijskimi pijačami.

Raziskava Z zdravjem povezana vedenja v šolskem obdobju (HBSC, 2022) je pokazala, da energijske pijače pije več kot tretjina slovenskih mladostnikov (40,9 %), od tega vsak peti 11-letnik in že vsak drugi 15-letnik. Podatki tudi kažejo, da je odstotek tistih, ki pijejo energijske pijače, značilno višji med fanti kot dekleti in med starejšimi kot med mlajšimi mladostniki.

Energijske pijače zagotovo niso primerne za otroke in mladostnike, saj  škodujejo njihovemu zdravju. Vplivajo na delovanje živčnega sistema, srca in ožilja, prebavnega sistema in mišic. Zaradi nižje telesne mase se pri otrocih neželeni učinki pojavijo hitreje in bolj intenzivno kot pri odraslih. Še posebej tvegana je hkratna uporaba energijskih pijač z alkoholom. Mladostniki navajajo, da so jim energijske pijače zelo privlačne, saj jim je všeč njihov okus, privlačna embalaža ter oglaševanje, ki izdelek povezuje z uspešnimi in drznimi posamezniki. Poleg tega navajajo, da imajo po zaužitju te pijače občutek, da jih je zajel »val energije«, počutijo se eksplozivno in bolj skoncentrirano, so lahko dlje časa budni, ne čutijo žeje niti lakote. Navedbe kažejo močan vpliv oglaševanja na izbiro energijskih pijač.

hrana tour 2023

Zakaj ne smemo pitne vode dojemati kot nekaj samoumevnega in neskončnega ?

Prava izbira je voda! V razvitejših predelih sveta pogosto dojemamo razpoložljivost in dostopnost vode kot nekaj samoumevnega. Pa temu ni tako. Pospešena rast prebivalstva, urbanizacija, hiter ekonomski razvoj in podnebne spremembe močno vplivajo na razpoložljivost in neoporečnost vodnih virov. V zadnjem stoletju se je v svetu razpoložljiva količina pitne vode na osebo zmanjšala za 20 %. Danes živi v območjih s pomanjkanjem pitne vode 4 milijarde ljudi. Zato začnimo ceniti vodo kot pravo izbiro za nas in poskrbimo, da bo ta možnost ostala še naprej. Slovenija velja za deželo bogato z vidnimi viri, ki pa postajajo eden najbolj ranljivih sistemov naravne danosti. Zato moramo pri oskrbi s kakovostno pitno vodo razmišljati preudarno in trajnostno ter jo maksimalno zaščititi tudi za prihodnje rodove.

Pitna voda

Več si lahko preberete na:

  • Voda – prava izbira
  • Raziskava Z zdravjem povezana vedenja v šolskem obdobju

Energijske pijače v rokah otrok in mladostnikov

Energijske pijače v rokah otrok in mladostnikov

Sorodni članki

Poziv k sodelovanju v anketi “dober tek, študent”, do dobre energije brez energijskih pijač, brezplačna delavnica o pripravi zdravih obrokov, prehrana med letošnjimi decembrskimi prazniki – zmernost in uživanje, za dobro javno zdravje, spremljanje okužb s sars-cov-2 (covid-19), alkohol pod masko privlačnega videza in kreativnih (zavajajočih) trditev, ki je hkrati energijska bomba, 3. regijsko strokovno srečanje vodij timov zdravih šol pomurske regije v šolskem letu 2023/2024.

Piknik dveh oseb ob vodi

Z znanjem do boljšega zdravja.

  • Prehranske politike in ukrepi
  • Prehranske raziskave in podatki
  • Prehranske smernice
  • Varnost doma
  • Varnost v prostem času in športu
  • Varnost v prometu
  • Ustno zdravje
  • Patronažno varstvo

Raziskava Z zdravjem povezan vedenjski slog 2024


Navodila o prekuhavanju vode

nijz_nalezljive bolezni

  • AMR in bolnišnične okužbe
  • Koronavirus
  • Nalezljive bolezni od A do Ž
  • Potovalna medicina
  • Pripravljenost in odzivanje na tveganja za nalezljive bolezni
  • Spremljanje nalezljivih bolezni

Ambulante za cepljenje in potovalno medicino

Cepljenje – informacije za strokovno javnost


  • Srčno-žilne bolezni
  • Duševne motnje
  • Sladkorna bolezen
  • Astma in kronična obstruktivna pljučna bolezen (KOPB)
  • Bolezni kostno-mišičnega sistema
  • Demenca/nevrodegenerativne bolezni
  • Nasveti za zdravje

Ste dobili vabilo? Odzovite se in zmanjšajte tveganja za razvoj raka želodca

Obvladovanje sladkorne bolezni v Sloveniji


  • Knjižnica NIJZ
  • Aktualni dogodki
  • Hrvatski registar DOP primjera
  • DOP & održivi razvoj
  • EU inicijative
  • Odgovoran građanin
  • Razgovori i kolumne
  • Vrednote i vrline
  • Upravljanje dobrim životom


Svjetski dan hrane, 16. listopada, usmjeren je na promicanje globalne svijesti o gladi i promicanje djelovanja za budućnost hrane, ljudi i planeta. U 2023. fokus je na poduzimanju mjera vezanih uz vodu kao potporu prehrambenim sustavima .

Kampanja Svjetskog dana hrane 2023. , koju koordinira Organizacija Ujedinjenih naroda za hranu i poljoprivredu (FAO), poziva na povećanje učinkovitosti korištenja vode u proizvodnji hrane, stočne hrane i biogoriva.

 Važne činjenice o vodi i hrani 95% naše hrane proizvodi se na kopnu, a sve počinje s tlom i vodom. Poljoprivreda čini 72% globalnog crpljenja slatke vode, dok 16% koristi industrija, a 12% ide za kućanstva i usluge. Trenutno 2,4 milijarde ljudi živi u zemljama s nedostatkom vode, a otprilike 10% svjetske populacije živi u zemljama s velikim i kritičnim nedostatkom vode. Očekuje se da će globalna potražnja vode za poljopirvredu porasti za 35% do 2050. Više od 80% svjetskih otpadnih voda ispušta se u okoliš bez pročišćavanja. Oko 74% svih katastrofa od 2001. do 2018. bilo je poveazno s vodom, uzrokujući gotovo 700 milijardi US dolara ekonomske štete. Od 2000. godine katastrofe povezane s poplavama povećale su se za 134%, a broj i trajanje suša za 29% Močvare – biološki najraznolikiji od svih ekosustava, nestaju tri puta brže od šuma, a 85% ih je izgubljeno u posljednjih 300 godina. Ograničenje globalnog zagrijavanja na 1,5 stupnjeva C, u usporedbi s 2 stupnja C, doprinijeti će vodnim resursima i smanjiti stres vode izazvan klimatskim promjenama. Oko 600 milijuna ljudi ovisi, barem djelomično, o vodenim prehrambenim sustavima. Gotovo 1 milijarda tona hrane – 17% sve hrane dostupne potrošačima u cijelom svijetu – baci se svake godine,što dovodi do rasipanja dragocjenih resursa korištenih za proizvodnju, prvenstveno vode.

Voda je temelj naše hrane

Voda je neophodna za život na Zemlji. Čini više od 50% naših tijela i pokriva oko 71% Zemljine površine. Samo 2,5% vode je svježe, prikladno za piće, poljoprivredu i većinu industrijskih namjena. Voda je pokretačka snaga za ljude, gospodarstva i prirodu te temelj naše hrane. Samo poljoprivreda čini 72% globalnog crpljenja slatke vode. No kao i svi prirodni resursi, slatka voda nije beskonačna.

Brzi rast stanovništva, urbanizacija, ekonomski razvoj i klimatske promjene stavljaju vodene resurse planeta pod sve veći stres. U isto vrijeme, resursi slatke vode po osobi smanjili su se za 20% u proteklim desetljećima, a dostupnost i kvaliteta vode brzo se pogoršavaju zbog desetljeća lošeg korištenja i upravljanja, prekomjernog crpljenja podzemnih voda, zagađenja i klimatskih promjena.

Danas 2,4 milijarde ljudi živi u zemljama s nedostatkom vode. Mnogi su mali poljoprivrednici koji se već bore da zadovolje svoje dnevne potrebe, osobito žene, starosjedilačko stanovništvo, migranti i izbjeglice. Natjecanje za ovaj neprocjenjivi resurs je sve veće jer nestašica vode postaje sve veći uzrok sukoba. Otprilike 600 milijuna ljudi koji za život ovise, barem djelomično, o vodenim prehrambenim sustavima trpe posljedice onečišćenja, degradacije ekosustava, neodrživih praksi i klimatskih promjena.

Dostupnost i kvaliteta vode brzo se pogoršavaju zbog desetljeća lošeg korištenja i upravljanja, prekomjernog crpljenja podzemnih voda, zagađenja i klimatskih promjena.

Održivo, učinkovito i pravedno upravljanje vodnim resursima ključno je za budućnost hrane, ljudi i planeta. Svi možemo početi tako što ćemo nešto poduzeti u svom osobnom životu, odabirom lokalne, sezonske i svježe hrane i smanjenjem bacanja hrane.

  • Saznajte što možete poduzeti za Svjetski dan hrane.


Ako vam se članak svidi, dijelite ga – podržite osvješćivanje društva za sutrašnji održivi svijet.

Svjetski dan sigurnosti hrane 2024: pripremite se za neočekivano

Hrvatska je po ovome gotovo pa najbolja u europi bacanje hrane nije naš „sport“ i svi možemo biti ponosni., svjetski dan voda 2024: voda za mir, međunarodni dan svjesnosti o gubitku i bacanju hrane.



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  • Organizacije


Poslovna inicijativa za promociju i afirmaciju društveno odgovornog poslovanja i održivog razvoja

Pod pokroviteljstvom


Pismo potpore predsjednice Kolinde Grabar-Kitarović

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OSVRT: Iskorak! Slovenija prva u EU. Pravo na vodu ušlo u...

Istarski vodovod: u pogon puštena prva „vodovodna“ mala hidroelektrana u hrvatskoj....

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hrana tour 2023

Completed for 2023

These tours have been completed for 2023, but please feel free to explore and learn more about some of our other tour itineraries!

Or take a look back at all of our 2023 adventures here !

hrana tour 2023

Completed for 2023! Join James Beard-nominated Chef Taylor Mason of Lancaster’s LUCA (and coming soon - Pizzeria LUCA!) - for a culinary adventure to Rome and the Amalfi Coast!!

Completed for 2023! Curata Travel and Italian-American food blogger Martina Bartolozzi (AKA @MementoMartina on Instagram) have partnered up to create a food lover’s dream tour to Tuscany. But this isn’t your usual Tuscan tour, because you’ll be visiting areas of the region that are very well-loved by Italians, but that most foreigners have never heard about!  

hrana tour 2023

Completed for 2023! La Passeggiata Due Coste is the perfect summer tour - from coast to coast! Starting on the Amalfi Coast, passing through the ancient cave town of Matera in Basilicata, and ending on the coast again in Puglia, this tour truly takes you off the beaten path!

Completed for 2023! From the amazing coastal Cinque Terre to the culinary meccas of Parma and Tuscany. These areas are home to Parmigiano-Reggiano, Culatello, Balsamic Vinegar, Prosciutto di Parma, Chianti wine, Tortellini - it’s a food lover’s paradise!

hrana tour 2023

SOLD OUT! Living la dolce vita! The beautiful natural scenery of these regions, where Italy meets the Alps, will make for a breathtaking background for this culinary adventure!

SOLD OUT! Join James Beard-nominated Chef Taylor Mason of Lancaster’s LUCA (and coming soon - Pizzeria LUCA!) - for a culinary adventure to the Piemonte and Lombardia regions of Northern Italy!!

hrana tour 2023

Christmas Markets of Italy (Nov/Dec)

SOLD OUT! This tour will truly get you into the holiday spirit as you explore the traditional Christmas Markets of Verona, Bolzano & Trento!

Christmas Markets of Italy (Dec.)

So nice, we're doing it twice!   This tour will truly get you into the holiday spirit as you explore the traditional Christmas Markets of Verona, Bolzano & Trento!

hrana tour 2023

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hrana tour 2023

Hans Zimmer Live 2023 – Dates announced

UPDATE (2/1/2023): Updated tour cities

UPDATE (8/2/2023): Updated tour cities and sold-out concerts

UPDATE (5/4/2023): Updated sold-out concerts

UPDATE (25/4/2023): Updated sold-out concerts

UPDATE (24/5/2023): Updated sold-out concerts

UPDATE (27/5/2023): Hamburg & Krakow concerts postponed due to sickness ( read more )

UPDATE (1/6/2023): Hans Zimmer recovered and the tour continues in Prague ( read more )

UPDATE (16/6/2023): Info – Hamburg & Krakow concerts [CANCELLED/CHANGED] ( read more )

It is official! As it has been announced just a few minutes ago, the Hans Zimmer Live – Europe Tour , will come back in 2023!

Official press release and a few words by Hans Zimmer :

“Following the major success of his recent tour across Europe, Hans Zimmer is excited to announce the continuation of this smash-hit tour.

Starting in April 2023, the world-renowned film composer will return to Europe with his extraordinary band and orchestra for the “Hans Zimmer Live – Europe Tour 2023”. This arena tour will comprise 32 concerts in 15 countries, including new stops in Portugal, Spain, Slovakia and Germany.

In a groundbreaking audio and visual show, the multiple Academy Award® and Grammy winning Zimmer, his band and the Odessa Opera Orchestra & Friends will perform the composer’s worldwide successes. The newly arranged concert suites include music from GLADIATOR, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, THE DARK KNIGHT, INTERSTELLAR, THE LION KING, THE LAST SAMURAI and DUNE, for which Zimmer received his second Academy Award® during his previous tour stop in Amsterdam.

“I’m thrilled to return to the stage for another tour in Europe and excited to share this phenomenal show that the band and I are preparing for,” said Zimmer. “I’m grateful to be able to play our music that brings together so many people for a truly unforgettable experience.””

This is the list of cities announced at this moment:

  • United Arab Emirates – Dubai – 27 January 2023 – FRI – Coca-Cola Arena [SOLD OUT]
  • United Arab Emirates – Dubai – 28 January 2023 – SAT – Coca-Cola Arena [SOLD OUT]
  • Germany – Oberhausen – 23 April 23 – SUN – 20h – Rudolf-Weber Arena [SOLD OUT]
  • Belgium – Antwerp – 25 April 23 – TUE – 20h – Sportpaleis [SOLD OUT]
  • Germany – Frankfurt – 27 April 23 – THU – 20h – Festhalle [SOLD OUT]
  • Germany – Stuttgart – 29 April 23 – SAT – 20h – Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle [SOLD OUT]
  • Italy – Torino – 01 May 23 – MON – 21h – Pala Alpitour [SOLD OUT]
  • Italy – Bologna – 03 May 23 – WED – 21h – Unipol Arena (Postponed from March 31, 2022) [SOLD OUT]
  • France – Nice – 06 May 23 – SAT – 20h – Palais Nikaia [SOLD OUT]
  • France – Montpellier – 07 May 23 – SUN – 20h – La Sud de France Arena [SOLD OUT]
  • France – Bordeaux – 09 May 23 – TUE – 20h – Arkea Arena [SOLD OUT]
  • Spain – Bilbao – 11 May 23 – THU – 20h – BILBAO EXHIBITION CENTRE [SOLD OUT]
  • Portugal – Lisbon – 13 May 23 – SAT – 21h – Altice Arena [SOLD OUT]
  • Spain – Madrid – 16 May 23 – TUE – 20h – WiZink Center [SOLD OUT]
  • Germany – Hannover – 20 May 23 – SAT – 20h – ZAG Arena [SOLD OUT]
  • Switzerland – Zurich – 22 May 23 – MON – 19:30h – Hallenstadion [SOLD OUT]
  • Switzerland – Zurich – 23 May 23 – TUE – 19:30h – Hallenstadion [SOLD OUT]
  • Germany – Munich – 24 May 23 – WED – 20h – Olympiahalle [SOLD OUT]
  • Germany – Berlin – 26 May 23 – FRI – 20h – Mercedes-Benz Arena [SOLD OUT]
  • Germany – Berlin – 27 May 23 – SAT – 20h – Mercedes-Benz Arena [SOLD OUT]
  • Germany – Hamburg – 28 May 23 – SUN – 20h – Barclays Arena [CANCELLED]
  • Poland – Kraków – 30 May 23 – TUE – 20h – Tauron Arena [POSTPONED]
  • Czech Republic – Prague – 02 June 23 – FRI – 20h – O2 Arena [SOLD OUT]
  • Austria – Vienna – 03 June 23 – SAT – 20h – Wiener Stadthalle – Halle D [SOLD OUT]
  • Hungary – Budapest – 05 June 23 – MON – 20h – Papp Laszlo Sportarena [SOLD OUT]
  • Slovakia – Bratislava – 06 June 23 – TUE – 20h – Ondrej Nepela Arena (Postponed from March 09, 2022) [SOLD OUT]
  • Germany – Cologne – 09 June 23 – FRI – 20h – LANXESS arena [SOLD OUT]
  • Netherlands – Amsterdam – 10 June 23 – SAT – 20h – Ziggo Dome [SOLD OUT]
  • Netherlands – Amsterdam – 11 June 23 – SUN – 20h – Ziggo Dome [SOLD OUT]
  • Netherlands – Rotterdam – 12 June 23 – MON – 20h – Ahoy Arena [SOLD OUT]
  • UK – London – 14 June 23 – WED – 19:30h – The O2 [SOLD OUT]
  • UK – London – 15 June 23 – THU – 19:30h – The O2 [SOLD OUT]
  • UK – Manchester – 16 June 23 – FRI – 19:30h – Manchester Arena [SOLD OUT]
  • Ireland – Dublin – 18 June 23 – SUN – 20h – 3Arena [SOLD OUT]
  • Belgium – Brussels – 22 June 23 – THU – 20h – Palais 12 [SOLD OUT]
  • France – Paris – 23 June 23 – FRI – 20h – Accor Arena
  • France – Paris – 24 June 23 – SAT – 20h – Accor Arena
  • France – Paris – 25 June 23 – SUN – 19h – Accor Arena

Tickets go on sale 15th June at 10am CET:

Hans Zimmer Live | Europe 2022 Tour – Aftermovie:

SoundTrackFest will bring you more & detailed information soon.

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Every Viral Moment From Taylor Swift’s ‘Eras Tour’: Ghosts, Babies, Conspiracy Theories and More

The Most Viral Moments From Taylor Swift The Eras Tour

Taylor Swift ’s The Eras Tour has made headlines not only for its record-breaking global success but also for its plethora of viral moments.

Swift kicked off her most ambitious concert tour yet with back-to-back shows in Glendale, Arizona, in March 2023. Her second night of performances gave fans one of the first viral moments of the tour as static electricity caused her hair to stand up while on stage at State Farm Stadium.

“She’s electrifying,” one fan commented on a March 2023 TikTok clip of the hilarious moment, while another used one of her Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) vault songs to poke fun at Swift’s locks. “Electric Touch (ft. Humidity) (Taylor’s Version) (From The Vault),” the user wrote.

Another fan captioned more footage of the hair-rising performance, “Staticky hair Taylor is a Taylor I didn’t know I needed 😂.”

Every Time Taylor Swift Eras Tour Became the Errors Tour

Related: Every Time Taylor Swift’s 'Eras Tour' Became the 'Errors Tour'

Scroll down to see more of the most viral moments from The Eras Tour so far, from security guard incidents to backstage PDA and more:

Pocket the Security Guard

Swifties were obsessed with a security guard named Pocket who danced her heart out to “Blank Space” at one of Swift’s March 2023 shows. “No one worked harder this weekend than this iconic security guard, Pocket 😹,” one TikTok user captioned a clip of Pocket rocking out in an aisle between seats.

‘Bad Blood’ With a Security Guard

Swift made headlines for defending a fan from an aggressive security guard during a May 2023 show. “She’s fine,” the singer yelled at the staff member while singing “Bad Blood.” Throughout the song’s chorus, Swift told the security guard, “She wasn’t doing anything,” and yelled, “Hey, stop!” before walking to the other side of the stage.

The moment has since become a fan chant, with some concertgoers shouting “Hey, stop!” during the number.

The Most Viral Moments From Taylor Swift The Eras Tour

The ‘Rainiest Rain Show’

Swift is known lover of rain shows, but her second night in Foxborough, Massachusetts, in May 2023 was unlike any rain show she’s experienced. “This is the rainiest rain show that ever rain showed, ever, ever, ever,” she declared during her surprise songs acoustic set, per social media footage .

Questioning whether her soaked guitar was going to work, she added, “No one ever expects you’re gonna basically perform, like, in a shower. It’s really very exciting.”

Every Time Taylor Swift Has Asked Security to Help Fans During Eras Tour

Related: Every Time Taylor Swift Paused the 'Eras Tour' to Help Fans in the Crowd

Haunted piano.

Swift’s acoustic set piano had a mind of its own during her third night in Foxborough in May 2023. “It rained a lot last night, like a monsoon. To be exact, it rained for three-and-a-half hours straight and it just kept getting more and more rain,” she explained before her piano keys began to make noise.

“Did you hear that?” she asked fans before the piano’s keys played several more notes. “I’m just gonna do another song on guitar. That’s insane.”


Swifties jammed out so hard at Eras Tour concerts that they caused earthquakes in multiple cities. CNN reported that Swift’s July 2023 shows in Seattle created a 2.3 magnitude earthquake. A March 2024 study by The Los Angeles Times revealed that there were “distinct harmonic tremors” following the tour’s August 2023 L.A. concerts .

The Most Viral Moments From Taylor Swift The Eras Tour

Flipping Out

Fans freaked out when Swift brought out the stars of her “I Can See You” music video during a July 2023 stop in Kansas City. Her ex-boyfriend Taylor Lautner made a particularly memorable entrance on stage as he waved at concertgoers before running and doing flips down the stage’s walkway.

“Taylor Lautner doing a backflip on Taylor Swift’s stage was not on my 2023 bingo card,” a fan hilariously captioned a clip of the moment via X .

‘1989 (Taylor’s Version)’ Madness

Swifties highly suspected the “Style” singer would announce the re-recorded version of her album 1989 at her August 2023 L.A. concerts. Swift played into the speculation by debuting new blue outfits during the show’s Speak Now , Folklore , and 1989 sections. She confirmed the theories were correct by dropping the cover art and release date for 1989 (Taylor’s Version) during her surprise songs set.

Breaking Down All of Taylor Swifts Eras Tour Surprise Song Mash Ups and What They Could Mean

Related: A Guide to All of Taylor Swift's 'Eras Tour' Surprise Song Mash-Ups

The concert also marked her last U.S. show on the first leg of The Eras Tour . To celebrate, she excited backstage with a glass of wine in hand .

Boots Not Made for Walking

Swift kicked off one of her November 2023 shows in Rio de Janeiro on a funny note after breaking one of her bejeweled Christian Louboutin boots during the concert’s opening Lover set. She ripped off the broken heel and threw it into the crowd before powering through the rest of the set on her tiptoes.

“She stands on tiptoe, with a broken heel, like a real-life Barbie🫢,” one fan captioned footage of the moment via X .

The Most Viral Moments From Taylor Swift The Eras Tour

Plane Fly-Over

A hilarious coincidence occurred during one of the tour’s November 2023 Buenos Aires shows. While singing the “Labyrinth” lyrics, “I thought the plane was going down / How’d you turn it right around?,” during the secret songs set, an actual plane flew over the stadium as if on cue.

Swift shared the moment via Instagram , hilariously captioning the clip, “Never beating the sorcery allegations ✨🛬✨.”

The Paris Floor Baby

Fans were shocked when photos circulated online of someone’s baby being placed on the floor at one of the tour’s May 2024 Paris shows. A spokesperson for the venue, the La Défense Arena, told Page Six at the time that the “general terms and conditions of sale stipulate that all minors (without any age limit) holding a ticket for a concert at Paris La Défense arena must be accompanied by an adult.”

Related: Taylor Swift's Eras Tour: Every Celebrity Attendee

The statement continued: “Under 18 children remain under their legal guardian responsibility, it’s venue policy. For spectators with a young child on the floor, an alternative seating arrangement has been proposed but refused by ticket holders.”

‘Talk Amongst Yourselves’

Swift briefly paused her secret songs set at a May 2024 Stockholm show due to a wardrobe malfunction. Rather than sit in silence, she encouraged fans to “talk amongst yourselves” while a crew member came on stage to help fix her situation.

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The Most Viral Moments From Taylor Swift The Eras Tour

Spooky Shadow

Footage from a June 2024 show in Madrid featuring an eerie figure standing alone in the stadium rafters circulated online. Swifties quickly began theorizing who or what the shadowy ghostlike person could be.

Travis Kelce Kisses

Swift’s boyfriend, Travis Kelce , has supported Swift at several Eras Tour shows and is often seen dancing in the stands before sharing backstage kisses with the pop star. They shared their first backstage PDA moment after one of Swift’s November 2023 Buenos Aires shows, during which Swift famously swapped the lyrics of her closing number “Karma” from “guy on the screen” to “guy on the Chiefs,” a reference to his NFL team, the Kansas City Chiefs.

Per fan social media footage , Swift was seen running into Kelce’s arms before pulling him in for a kiss.

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Taylor Swift

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A year after disastrous 84 at 2023 memorial, billy horschel has rebounded nicely, share this article.

DUBLIN, Ohio — Never in my 40 years in the sports writing business has an athlete thanked me for making him cry.

Until Thursday, that is.

One year ago at the Memorial Tournament , PGA Tour player Billy Horschel entered the media interview area looking like the homeless guy I hand granola bars to at the bottom of the I-70 and Broad Street exit ramp. Horschel wasn’t holding a cardboard sign, but still looked sadly spent.

Horschel won the Memorial in 2022 . He showed up in 2023 wanting to shoot a respectable score as the defending champion, but also knowing his swing was not to be trusted. Indeed, the Floridian went out and shot 84, his 12-over-par entering the Memorial record book as the highest opening round by a defending champion. When the day ended, he was 118th out of 119 golfers.

No wonder he looked like a baggie tossed into the ocean when he stepped in front of the media room microphone.

The media session began with awkward silence as Horschel pulled his hat over his face, trying to compose himself . How to open with an ice-breaker when the subject of the interview fell through the ice?

2023 Memorial Tournament

Billy Horschell watches his tee shot on the second tee during the opening round of the 2023 Memorial Tournament at Muirfield Village Golf Club. (Photo: Adam Cairns/Columbus Dispatch)

Seconds felt like minutes. Finally, I asked, “Is this a day you just hug your kids and move on?”

That did it. Horschel teared up.

“It’s tough right now,” he said.

Memorial:  Best merchandise  |  Leaderboard  |  Photos

Fast forward to Thursday’s opening round of the Memorial, when the 37-year-old Horschel shot a 3-under-par 69 that put him three shots off the lead after 18 holes.

What a difference a year makes. What a difference a disaster makes. What a difference addressing it honestly makes.

“If that question wasn’t asked, who knows if I had gotten to the point of where I needed to be?” Horschel told me Thursday after his interview session ended.

Let me be clear, someone would have asked the question if I had not. What’s important is how Horschel answered it. Honestly. Vulnerably. Cathartically.

“Sometimes (tour pros) need to be put back in the perspective of seeing what really matters,” Horschel said, his eyes dry this time. “Results are one thing, you have good results and bad results, but it’s more or less you work hard and believe if you do the right thing the results will show.”

And they’re showing. After missing the cut at the Memorial last year, Horschel discovered that the lie angle on his irons were off by 2 to 3 degrees, which caused the heel of his club to catch the ground. His left-to-right cut shot wasn’t cutting. Trees love when that happens.

“I hit golf shots I just haven’t hit in my entire PGA Tour career,” he said, adding that his confidence bottomed out at last year’s Memorial. “Shooting 84 when you’re the defending champion was the lowest of the low points for me.”

It took a few weeks to get past the trauma of his miserable round, but after putting things in perspective, and fixing his irons, his scores began to improve. Two months after the Memorial he finished fourth at the Wyndham Championship, a confidence boost that set him for a strong 2024 that includes a win (Corales Puntacana Championship) among three top-10 finishes.

Golf enjoys messing with your head

Still, golf being a mental maze of lefts, rights and dead ends, Horschel arrived at Muirfield Village this week feeling the scar tissue of that 84.

“I’ve been thinking about it since Tuesday,” he said. “Every hole I played this week I thought about how bad I played last year. “Even today I was nervous waking up because, yeah, I won here and have played pretty well here in previous years, but the 84 still lingers a little.”

Thursday’s 69 helped rid him of that ghost.

“I hit quality shots that sort of got me over the hump of what happened last year,” he said.

And if it ever happens again?

“At our level, very rarely is it that we shoot scores of that number, but at the end of the day, even though it’s a big number and one we don’t like to see, it’s just golf,” he said. “You have got to try to move on from it. We have to realize we’re always going to have bad days, and that was a really, really bad day for me. But I still got to go home and see my wife and kids, and my kids could care less if I shot 84 or 67.”

Maybe he would have reached that conclusion without carding an embarrassing score at Jack’s place. He’s not sure. What he knows for certain is that his tears were not wasted last June.

“I talked to my team (the next morning) about sharing where my confidence was, and how vulnerable I was (with the media) and how I felt relief in getting it off my chest,” he said. “And from there I could start moving forward again.”

That moving ahead comes with increased adoration and respect from a golf world that wants real people, not robots.

“I’ve always tried to be me,” he said. “I’ve always tried to be as human as anyone else.”

Keep being that way, Billy. We humans benefit from seeing it.

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What to know about Russia’s growing footprint in Africa

FILE - This undated photograph handed out by French military shows Russian mercenaries boarding a helicopter in northern Mali. Russia's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov went on a tour of the Sub-Saharan region of the Sahel this week, as Moscow seeks to grow its influence in the restive, mineral-rich region of Africa. (French Army via AP, File)

FILE - This undated photograph handed out by French military shows Russian mercenaries boarding a helicopter in northern Mali. Russia’s foreign minister Sergey Lavrov went on a tour of the Sub-Saharan region of the Sahel this week, as Moscow seeks to grow its influence in the restive, mineral-rich region of Africa. (French Army via AP, File)

FILE - In this photo released by Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, left, and Guinea’s foreign minister Morissanda Kouyate shake hands near a portrait of Guinea’s President Mamadi Doumbouya during their meeting in Conakry, Guinea, on June 3, 2024. Lavrov went on a tour of the Sub-Saharan region of the Sahel this week, as Moscow seeks to grow its influence in the restive, mineral-rich region of Africa. (Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service via AP, File)

In this photo released by Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, left, and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Burkina Faso Karamoko Jean-Marie Traoré smile posing for a photo during their meeting in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Moscow pledged more support to Burkina Faso in fighting extremist military groups, as the Russian foreign minister continues his whirlwind tour of West Africa in an attempt to fill in the vacuum left by the region’s traditional Western partners. (Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service via AP)

In this photo released by Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, left, and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Burkina Faso Karamoko Jean-Marie Traoré smile posing for a photo during their meeting in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. (Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service via AP)

In this photo released by Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, left, and Republic of Congo’s President Denis Sassou N’Guesso shake hands during their meeting in Oyo, Republic of Congo, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Any French military instructors in Ukraine would be a “legitimate target” for Russian armed forces, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Tuesday as he continued his latest tour of Africa, where frustration with the West has swayed several countries toward Moscow. (Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service via AP)

In this photo released by Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov speaks during the talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Burkina Faso Karamoko Jean-Marie Traoré in Oyo, Congo, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. (Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service via AP)

In this photo released by Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, left, and Congo’s Foreign Minister Jean Claude Gakosso shake hands after a joint news conference in Oyo, Congo, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. (Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service via AP)

In this photo released by Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov attends a meeting with Republic of Congo’s President Denis Sassou N’Guesso in Oyo, Republic of Congo, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Any French military instructors in Ukraine would be a “legitimate target” for Russian armed forces, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Tuesday as he continued his latest tour of Africa, where frustration with the West has swayed several countries toward Moscow. (Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service via AP)

In this photo released by Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service, Republic of Congo’s President Denis Sassou N’Guesso attends a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Oyo, Republic of Congo, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Any French military instructors in Ukraine would be a “legitimate target” for Russian armed forces, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Tuesday as he continued his latest tour of Africa, where frustration with the West has swayed several countries toward Moscow. (Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service via AP)

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DAKAR, Senegal (AP) — Russia’s top diplomat pledged help and military assistance while on a whirlwind tour of several countries in Africa’s sub-Saharan region of Sahel this week, as Moscow seeks to grow its influence in the restive, mineral-rich section of the continent.

Russia is emerging as the security partner of choice for a growing number of African governments in the region, displacing traditional allies like France and the United States. Sergey Lavrov, who has made several trips to Africa in recent years, this week stopped in Guinea, the Republic of Congo, Burkina Faso and Chad.

Moscow has aggressively expanded its military cooperation with African nations by using the private security company Wagner and its likely successor, Africa Corps , with Russian mercenaries taking up roles from protecting African leaders to helping states fight extremists.

The Polish Institute of International Affairs said in a study this month that in “creating the Africa Corps, Russia took an assertive approach to expand its military presence in Africa.

Moscow is also seeking political support, or at least neutrality, from many of Africa’s 54 countries over its invasion of Ukraine. African nations make up the largest voting bloc at the United Nations and have been more divided than any other group on General Assembly resolutions criticizing Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader, Julius Malema, front center, arrives at the Results Operation Centre (ROC) in Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, Saturday, June 1, 2024. The African National Congress party has lost its parliamentary majority in a historic election result that puts South Africa on a new political path for the first time since the end of the apartheid system of white minority rule 30 years ago. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

Russia-linked entities also spread disinformation to undermine ties between African states and the West, the Africa Center For Strategic Studies, an academic institution within the U.S. Department of Defense, wrote in a March report. Moscow has been “sponsoring 80 documented campaigns, targeting more than 22 countries,” it said.

Here’s a look at how Russia is expanding its influence in Africa.


Russia has taken advantage of political unrest and discontent in coup-hit nations, capitalizing on popular frustration and anger with former colonial power France. Military coups have ousted governments seen close to France and the West and doing little to alleviate grinding poverty, unemployment and other hardships.

Russia offers security assistance without interfering in politics, making it an appealing partner in places like Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso , all ruled by military juntas that seized power in recent years. In return, Moscow seeks access to minerals and other contracts.

Violence linked to extremists allied with al-Qaida and the Islamic State group has been on the rise in Sahel for years, despite efforts by France, the U.S. and other Western allies to help fight the jihadi groups there. In 2013, France launched a near decade long operation in Mali to help fight militants , which expanded to Niger, Burkina Faso and Chad. The operation ended nine years later but the conflict did not, contributing to anger with the West.

The U.S. has further lost its footing with key allies for forcing issues — including democracy or human rights — that many African states see as hypocrisy, given Washington’s close ties to some autocratic leaders elsewhere.

While the West may pressure African coup leaders over democracy and other issues, Russia doesn’t meddle in domestic affairs, Rida Lyammouri, a senior fellow at the Policy Center for the New South, told The Associated Press.


Africa is rich in minerals, oil and other resources, which come with political and legal challenges. Its resources are increasingly central to economic and national security, such as cobalt, which is used in electronics like mobile phones, or lithium, which is used in batteries.

Russia has thrived in countries where governance is limited, and has signing mining deals through companies it controls. An EU parliament study showed that Russia secured access to gold and diamonds in the Central African Republic, cobalt in Congo, gold and oil in Sudan, chromite in Madagascar, platinum and diamonds in Zimbabwe, and uranium in Namibia.

The U.S. based non-profit Democracy 21 group said in an analysis last December that Wagner and Russia may have made about $2.5 billion through the African gold trade alone since invading Ukraine in February 2022.

Though Russia is increasingly a partner to African countries in the oil and mining sector, it lags far behind as an overall trading partner. For example, data by the International Monetary shows less than 1% of Africa’s exports go to Russia, compared with 33% to the European Union.


The first reports of Wagner mercenaries in Africa emerged in late 2017, when the group was deployed to Sudan to provide support to then-President Omar al-Bashir, in exchange for gold mining concessions. Wagner’s presence soon expanded to other African countries.

In 2018, Russian contractors showed up to back powerful commander Khalifa Hifter in eastern Libya who was battling militants. They also helped Hifter in his failed attempt to seize the capital of Tripoli a year later.

In the Central African Republic, Russian mercenaries have been providing security since in 2018 and in return have gained access to some of the country’s gold and diamond mines.

Coups in Mali in 2020 and 2021, in Burkina Faso in 2022 and in Niger in 2023, brought military juntas critical of the West to power. All three eventually ordered French and other Western forces out, and instead turned to Russia for military support.

Niger ordered the U.S. to withdraw its troops and close its multimillion dollar flagship investment in a sprawling military and spy base in Agadez earlier this year, after a meeting with a U.S. delegation ended poorly. The decision has upended U.S. counterinsurgency operations in Africa’s Sahel.

Weeks later, Russian trainers arrived in Niger with new defense equipment .

AP Africa news:

hrana tour 2023

Robert Plant and Alison Krauss are equal parts ribbing and respect ahead of summer tour

hrana tour 2023

You might not expect a comedy routine during a conversation with Robert Plant and Alison Krauss .

But the rock 'n' roll lion and the bluegrass chanteuse who became an unlikely musical pair 17 years ago with their rootsy collaboration “ Raising Sand ” are relaxed, playful and exceptionally respectful of each other.

And very funny.

In a joint interview a few days before the June 2 launch of another summer of touring behind “ Raise the Roof, ” their 2021 acclaimed follow-up to the Grammy-winning “Raising Sand,” the pair begin by disagreeing about when their last tour ended (it was July) and tease each other while answering how they might change the set list for this run of dates.

“We haven’t started yet, but we have 39 shows. so I think we’ll consolidate and play to our strengths initially,” Plant says.

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“And then we’ll play to our weaknesses,” Krauss jokes.

“See what I’m dealing with?” Plant responds with mock exasperation.

For 25 minutes, the pair banter about aging (he is 75, she 52), why sleep is “crucial” while touring and the art of harmonizing.

“I’m trying my best to learn how to get it right,” Plant, one of the mightiest singers in rock history , says with discernable humbleness.

Here is what else the twosome had to share.

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Question: What have you both been doing since getting off the road last year?

Robert Plant: I’ve been very busy following my north star and reaching into the great old world of R&B for songs I might do something with down the road. And watching football (soccer).

Alison Krauss: I’ve been watching documentaries about The Mothman. And have been in the studio with Union Station working on a new album.

What is it like making the shift from touring with Robert to going back into the studio?

Krauss: It’s much more laid-back with Robert. The studio has its own unpleasantness, and it’s a much more relaxed environment here. I can’t believe I get to do both.

Plant: You have a lot more notes to worry about in that band. I’ve learned a lot in my time around Alison and the world that comes with her, and it’s been a spectacle of charm, politeness and peach cobblers.

You mean, Southern?

Plant: Yes! You do a studio session in Nashville and you have to make your way through the baked goods. In England it’s much more rough and ready. The people in Nashville, there is a standard and quality and texture there.

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You’ve had these songs out on the road the past couple of summers. What has changed in either the setlist or your approach to the music?

Krauss: All of these songs, they turn into something else the longer you live with them − like I wish we would have recorded it this way or phrased it like that. When you sing the same song (live), the stories change.

Is your rapport deep enough now that you can look at each other onstage and know the song is going somewhere?

Krauss: I know when he looks at me he’s going somewhere, but I don’t know where.

Plant: I never sang harmony in Led Zeppelin except for “Thank You.” I really didn’t know about singing with another person. I do believe that Henry “The Horse” (Smith), our guitar roadie, and Jimmy (Page) sang the harmonies with me on that one. But I loved listening to what Alison sang.

Robert, do you think if you hadn’t connected with Alison a couple of decades ago, that you would have stayed in music?

Plant: I’ve been really fortunate because it was such a formative time in my life when Led Zeppelin came to a screeching halt and I had to keep moving and find a new place to do what I do and challenge myself. … This woman sitting next to me is manna from heaven.

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You’re also going on tour with Bob Dylan and Willie Nelson. Are you technically the opening act?

Plant: I think they’re doing ice cream sundaes and hot dogs when we play. But I do think there is one person on before us. Regardless, I’m proud to be standing next to Alison before the master (Dylan) takes the stage.

Alison, tell me about your friendship with Def Leppard since you sang on a couple of songs on their "Diamond Star Halos" album.

Krauss: All of the bluegrass-ers love Def Leppard. Their harmonies, the way they would blend. It was so incredible to do those songs. They were so generous and nice.

Plant: So different than Robert (laughs).

Krauss: Right, not like Robert. I said they were so generous and nice (laughs). It was a fantasy. There are plenty of people who grew up playing the kind of music I did and fantasized about playing a (rock) part.

There are always a few reconstructed Led Zeppelin songs in your show. Robert, do you enjoy doing them or is it more obligatory?

Plant: I love them and am very proud of them, and to get to change them around and to hear that voice next to me, it allows for an exotic overview of the more dramatic elements. At times I’m emotional about it because I’m hearing these songs – they are all beautiful adaptations that I could never have dreamt. It’s a great achievement.

Since it’s been almost a year since you last toured, do you have to do anything health-wise to get ready?

Krauss: Just sleep.

Plant: Sleep is crucial. Having jet lag, that’s a crippler. You’ll be awake at 4 a.m. sending notes to people, thinking "Should I read a book for awhile? No, go to sleep!"

Have you discussed any future recordings together so it won’t be another 14 years between albums?

Plant: Time is a funny thing, isn’t it? Alison is going back on the bluegrass trail, so I guess if she wants me back, she can give me a call.

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hrana tour 2023

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hrana tour 2023

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Vsak trenutek dneva začinjen z zgodbami različnih okusov. 

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Brez umetnih barvil in GSO.

Turistična kmetija Protner

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Ogled jelenov damjakov

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Turistična kmetija Protner

Ogled jelenov damjakov in vrhunska vina.

Izletniško-turistična kmetija Golob

Izletniško-turistična kmetija Golob

Okusni domači suhomesnati izdelki.

Ekološka turistična kmetija Valentan

Ekološka turistična kmetija Valentan

Ekološka kmetija Valentan leži v vasi Vodole, le streljaj...

Izletniška kmetija Markuš

Izletniška kmetija Markuš

Okus po domačem.

Kmetija Žugman, Aleksandra Žugman

Kmetija Žugman, Aleksandra Žugman

Sveže pecivo, ki prejema nagrade.

Izletniška kmetija Breznik

Izletniška kmetija Breznik

Izjemna vinska klet.

Turistična kmetija Firbas

Turistična kmetija Firbas

Dobrote izpod domače kuhalnice

Doživite nepozabno bivanje

Maribor z okolico ponuja odlične nastanitve za kratek oddih ali udobne počitnice. Preverite in rezervirajte trajnostno in avtentično ponudbo še danes!

Hiša Denk

Mirno podeželsko okolje

Hotel Šiker B&B

Hotel Šiker B&B

Okusna tradicionalna kulinarika

Chocolate village by the river

superior Chocolate village by the river

Luksuzni glamping ob reki Dravi.

Chateau Ramšak Glamping resort

Chateau Ramšak Glamping resort

Pod sojem tisočerih zvezd.

Hotel Maribor, City Apartments

Hotel Maribor, City Apartments

Butične nastanitve in SPA prostor.

Hotel Maribor, Garden Rooms

Hotel Maribor, Garden Rooms

Hostel Pekarna

Hostel Pekarna

Neporedna bližina mestnega jedra.

Tradicija od leta 1908.

Mond resort & entertainment

superior Mond resort & entertainment

V bližini svetovno znanih vinorodnih okolišev.

Bau Hotel Maribor

Bau Hotel Maribor

Prijetno in sproščeno bivanje med Dravo in Pohorjem.

Hotel Tabor Maribor

Hotel Tabor Maribor

Dobrodošli hišni ljubljenčki

Hotel City Map

Hotel City Map

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Wellness & Spa hotel Bolfenk

Wellness & Spa hotel Bolfenk

V Wellness & SPA Hotel Bolfenk po udobje, ki bo...

Wellness & Spa Family Apartments Bolfenk

Wellness & Spa Family Apartments Bolfenk

Po udobje, ki bo razvajalo vse vaše čute.

Holiday apartment Bolfenk

Holiday apartment Bolfenk

Ob bike parku in smučišču.

Forest Hotel Videc

Forest Hotel Videc

Prostornost sob in dih jemajoči razgled iz terase na...

Forest Apartments Videc

Forest Apartments Videc

Za udobje v naravi in za veselje na otroških obrazih....

Domačija Firbas

Domačija Firbas

Stik z življenjem na kmetiji

Odkrij in doživi TOP 3 evropsko destinacijo 2023!

hrana tour 2023

Saturday, June 08, 2024 11:13 am (Paris)

  • International

Moscow court orders French NGO worker Laurent Vinatier to be held in 'foreign agent' case

The Moscow court ordered the French citizen, accused of gathering Russian military information, to be held in pre-trial detention on Friday, in the latest case of a Western citizen being detained in Russia.

Le Monde with AFP

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Laurent Vinatier, a French national who works with a Swiss-based conflict mediation non-profit organisation, is escorted by a Russian law enforcement officer prior to his pre-trial detention hearing in Moscow on June 7, 2024.

Laurent Vinatier, a 47-year-old who works for a Swiss conflict mediation NGO, was arrested on Thursday, June 6, and officially charged with breaching Russia's "foreign agents" law, charges which carry up to five years in jail.

Vinatier, who was held in a metal cage at the back of the courtroom, accepted the accusations against him. "I have accepted that I am guilty," he told the court. "I present my apologies." The court session was a hearing on selecting a measure of restraint, not a review of the case against him. The judge ordered Vinatier sent to jail until at least August 5, pending trial.

Investigators accuse the Frenchman of gathering military information that could be used against Russia by foreign states. Under Russian law, people who collect, report or share information related to Russia's military or security services are required to register as "foreign agents."

Vinatier is an advisor with the Geneva-based Center for Humanitarian Dialogue and a veteran researcher on Russia and other post-Soviet countries. The Center for Humanitarian Dialogue "works to prevent and resolve armed conflicts around the world through mediation and discreet diplomacy," according to a statement on its website. After his arrest on Thursday, it said it was working "to secure Laurent's release." French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday demanded the immediate release of Vinatier, saying the "propaganda" against him "does not match reality".

'Against the organization'

Appearing in court in a dark shirt and jeans on Friday, Vinatier spoke Russian and French during the hearing. "What happened is not against me, it's against the organization as a whole," he said. The Swiss foreign ministry said the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue was an NGO that was "funded by several states." Switzerland said it "does not finance its activities in connection with Russia."

Vinatier's lawyers had argued for him to be placed under house arrest and said he could stay at his wife's apartment in Moscow. "I have no intention of obstructing the investigation. Yesterday I had a great conversation with the investigators, proof of my good intentions," Vinatier said when questioned in court.

He faces up to five years in prison if convicted, although Russia has previously used "foreign agent" charges as a pretext to arrest people before leveling more serious charges. The law has typically been used to target Russian citizens and domestic critics of the Kremlin, such as activists, campaigners and independent journalists, rather than foreign citizens. US-Russian journalist Alsu Kurmasheva was arrested on a similar charge last year before a more serious case of spreading "false information" about the army was leveled against her.

On Thursday, Macron said he was aware of Vinatier's arrest and added that he had no connections with the French government. "It is one of our citizens working for a Swiss NGO... it was in no way someone who was working for France," Macron told French television in an interview Thursday.

In Russia, suspects can spend months on pre-trial detention pending a trial, with the period in jail regularly extended by a few months in court hearings.

Westerners arrested in Russia

Russia has also arrested several Western citizens in recent years, drawing accusations that Moscow is holding them to trade in prisoner exchanges for Russians jailed abroad. US journalist Evan Gershkovich was arrested on "espionage" charges last year and former US marine Paul Whelan has been in prison for more than five years, also accused of spying.

Both reject the charges and have been designated "wrongfully detained" by the White House.

US basketball player Brittney Griner was freed in a prisoner exchange for convicted Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout in 2022 after she was arrested at a Moscow airport with medicinal cannabis oil.

Vinatier's arrest came days after France's domestic intelligence agency the DGSI detained a 26-year-old Russian-Ukrainian man on suspicion of planning a violent act after he injured himself in an explosion.

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Evropski festival hrane 2023, Riad, 17. - 18. marec 2023

Predstavitev dogodka in možnosti za sodelovanje, dodatne informacije:.

hrana tour 2023

Preberite tudi:

Naše storitve, trgovinska politika, dostopno spletno mesto.

hrana tour 2023

Logotip Naša super hrana

  • Spoznaj našo super hrano
  • Prehranski nasveti
  • Izbrana kakovost – Slovenija
  • Tradicionalni slovenski zajtrk
  • Zemljevid pridelovalcev in predelovalcev
  • Postanimo samooskrbni
  • Sheme kakovosti
  • Ekološko + lokalno = idealno
  • Sektorska promocija
  • Zakonodaja, dokumenti, obrazci, priročniki in gradiva za izvajanje sektorske promocije
  • Obvezni prispevek za promocijo
  • O shemi izbrana kakovost
  • Obvestila in gradiva
  • Naše super mleko
  • Naše super meso
  • Naše super sadje
  • Dogodki in napovedi
  • Aplikacija EZPP
  • Primerjaj cene
  • Naša super hrana
  • Za potrošnike
  • Prehranbeni nasveti

Uporabni nasveti za manj zavržene hrane

posode za shranjevanje hrane, pripravljene za zamrzovanje

  • Priporočila za uporabo v kuhinji
  • Odpadna hrana

Daleč največ hrane zavržemo zato, ker jo skuhamo preveč. Problematika zavržene hrane je vse bolj pereč problem, saj z njo zavržemo tudi vse vire, potrebne za pridelavo hrane. Pripravili smo uporabne napotke in nasvete, kako zmanjšati količino zavržkov v gospodinjstvih.

Na prvem mestu je zelo pomembno okrepiti zavedanje, da z zavržki hrane v smeti mečemo tudi vso energijo, vire, denar in konec koncev trud ljudi v celotni prehranski verigi, ki je bila potrebna, da je bil izdelek pridelan ali predelan. Odpadni hrani se lahko ognemo na mnogo načinov, od smotrnega nakupovanja, planiranja obrokov do ustreznega ravnanja s hrano ter predelavo ostankov v nove jedi.

Naj bodo osnovna živila vedno pri roki

Velikokrat se v hladilniku znajdejo posamezna živila, iz katerih nam je lahko izziv pripraviti nov obrok. Veliko lažje je, če imamo na enem mestu vedno pripravljeno zalogo osnovnih živil , dodatkov in začimb, s katerimi lahko iz ostankov hrane v hladilniku z lahkoto pripravimo nove okusne obroke. Med osnovna živila lahko umestimo testenine, moko, olje, začimbe, paradižnikovo mezgo, riž, pa tudi na primer konzerve, ki imajo daljši rok trajanja.

Ženska v kuhinji, sklonjena nad pultom s hrano

Priporočena količina živil na osebo

Meso (surovo)

  • Meso brez kosti (npr. mleto meso) 120-150 g
  • Pečenka 150-200 g
  • Meso s kostjo 150-200 g

Zelenjava (nepripravljena)

  • Za prilogo 150 g
  • Za prilogo 50-80 g
  • Za glavno jed 75-100 g
  • Suhe za prilogo 50-80 g
  • Suhe za glavno jed 100-125 g
  • Sveže za prilogo 80-100 g
  • Sveže za glavno jed 100-125 g

Stročnice (suhe)

  • Za glavno jed 60-100 g
  • Pečen, gratiniran, v oblicah 150-200 g
  • V solati, ocvrt, za juho 200-250 g

Povzeto po:

Ženska stoji pred odprtim hladilnikom in gleda vanj

Konkretni nasveti za uporabo » ostankov « v kuhinji

Številne dele živil v kuhinji zavržemo, čeprav bi iz njih lahko pripravili še katere druge jedi. Odličen primer so ostanki zelenjave , ki jih obrežemo pri kuhanju in običajno romajo v koš, medtem ko bi jih lahko učinkovito uporabili kot del jušne osnove. Naslednjič pri pripravi obroka priporočamo, da obrezke korenja, zelene, čebule in ostale zelenjave v loncu segrevate do vretja ter tako hitro in enostavno pripravite jušno osnovo. Enako lahko storite z ostanki piščančjih ali govejih kosti.

Običajno zavržemo tudi liste zelene, ki so zelo aromatični in jih lahko nasekljamo ter zamrznemo po porcijah . Pri kuhanju jih lahko dodamo k mesnim ali zelenjavnim jedem ter različnim juham.

Tudi odvečne paradižnike lahko učinkovito shranimo tako, da jih posušimo v pečici in zapremo v posodico z olivnim oljem, kjer lahko počakajo tudi do 6 mesecev . Podobno lahko naredimo tudi z drugo zelenjavo, na primer z bučkami ali jajčevci.

Če pri pripravi jedi ne moremo porabiti vse zelenjave, jo lahko blanširamo, zamrznemo ter jo uporabimo, ko jo naslednjič potrebujemo. Na ta način se odlično obnesejo brokoli, brstični ohrovt, fižol, blitva, špinača, korenje in grah.

V trgovino vedno z nakupovalnim listkom!

K zmanjšanju količine odpadne hrane v gospodinjstvih lahko mnogo pripomore to, da si naredimo 7-dnevni ali 2-tedenski načrt prehranjevanja . V pomoč smo vam pripravili nakupovalni listek, ki je primeren za 4-člansko družino za en teden, ter jedilnik za 14 dni.

Poglej nakupovalni listek >>> 

Prenesi jedilnik za 4-člansko družino >>>

Zamzrzovalna skrinja in roka, ki vanjo polaga vrečko s hrano

Kako pravilno zamrzniti hrano?

Pomembno je, da živila zamrznemo takoj, ko jih prinesemo iz trgovine ali tržnice . Tako preprečimo razraščanje bakterij in poskrbimo, da bodo obdržala svojo kakovost in okus . Vso zamrznjeno hrano obvezno opremimo z datumom , da imamo nadzor nad tem, koliko časa je že v zamrzovalniku. Kadar shranjujemo kuhano hrano, je zelo pomembno, da jo najprej ohladimo.

Kadar zamrznemo sveža živila, jim lahko občutno podaljšamo življenjsko dobo. V spodnjem seznamu lahko preverite, koliko časa so določena živila obstojna v zamrzovalniku :

  • Surov piščanec (cel): 1 leto
  • Surovi zrezki, kotleti, pečenka: 4–12 mesecev
  • Surovo mleto meso: 3–4 meseci
  • Klobasa: 1–2 meseca
  • Golaž, obara ipd.: 2–3 meseci
  • Surov razkosan piščanec: 9 mesecev
  • Slanina: 1–2 meseca
  • Kuhana govedina in svinjina: 2–3 mesece
  • Kuhana perutnina: 4 mesece
  • Kruh: 2–3 mesece
  • Enolončnice: 2–3 mesece
  • Testo za piškote: 3 meseci
  • Sadje: 8–12 mesecev
  • Zelenjava: 8–12 mesecev

Hrano lahko pretvorimo v nove jedi

Številne ostanke hrane lahko pretvorimo v okusne nove jedi, ki jih zaužijemo kot nov obrok naslednji dan.

Uporabite katerega od naših receptov:

Piščančji namaz – recept
Slana pita – recept
Slasten kruhov narastek z jabolki in rozinami
Ocvrte šnite – recept
Dušeno zelje s krompirjem – recept
Recept za hitro zelenjavno enolončnico s kranjsko klobaso

Preberite tudi:

  • 3. slovenski dan brez zavržene hrane

Raje kot v smeti pretvorimo v nove jedi

  • Veste, kako kuhati brez odpadkov?
  • »Problem zavržene hrane je naš skupni problem – in zato ga lahko rešimo samo skupaj!«
  • »Stran pa ne bomo metal!«
  • Hrana ni za v smeti!

Sorodni članki

hrana tour 2023

4. slovenski dan brez zavržene hrane

24. april že četrto leto zapored zaznamuje dan, posvečen problematiki zavržene hrane. Glavni cilj aktivnosti, ki potekajo na ta dan, je posameznike spodbuditi k zmanjševanju in preprečevanju nastajanja odpadne hrane. Predstavljene so tudi številne možnosti za uporabo živil, ki sicer…

  • Odmevi na dogodke

hrana tour 2023

V kuhinji se nam pogosto zgodi, da nam pri pripravi obrokov ostanejo nekatera živila, na primer krompir, testenine, riž, kruh ali zelenjava. Že z malo domišljije jih lahko koristno porabimo za pripravo novih jedi ter tako bistveno zmanjšamo količino zavržkov…

  • Zgodbe o naši super hrani

hrana tour 2023

Nov logotip za slogan Spoštujmo hrano, spoštujmo planet

V decembru 2023 je bil izbran logotip za slogan »Spoštujmo hrano, spoštujmo planet«, s katerim bomo podprli komunikacijske aktivnosti na področju zmanjševanja izgub hrane in odpadne hrane v verigi preskrbe s hrano. V svetu, kjer se soočamo z naraščajočimi izzivi trajnosti…

hrana tour 2023

10 nasvetov za manj živilskih odpadkov

Z nekaj preprostimi odločitvami lahko bistveno zmanjšamo presežke hrane ter se usmerimo v bolj trajnostno prehranjevanje. Zelo veliko presežkov hrane nastaja v gospodinjstvih, ki proizvedejo kar 52 % odpadne hrane, zato je najbolje začeti pri sebi. Z vami delimo nekaj…

  • Izbrana kakovost Slovenije
  • Spoznaj lokalne proizvajalce


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  3. АРИЯ: ТУР 2023

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  4. Tour De France 2023 Heute

    hrana tour 2023

  5. SZA Announces ‘SOS’ Arena Tour 2023 Dates

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  6. ТУР'2023 "НОВАЕ І ЛЕПШАЕ"

    hrana tour 2023


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  22. Hrana Tour 2011

    Projekt Oskar Rózsa -- Hrana, pocta Marekovi Brezovskému vyrazí na exkluzívne turné po šiestich slovenských mestách už 1. júna. VSTUPENKYhttp://www.eventim.s...

  23. Odkrij Maribor

    Dobra hrana in pijača sta pika na i vsakega popotovanja. Še posebej v najboljši evropski kulinarični destinaciji leta 2023! Foodiji, prepustite se kulinarični harmoniji in navdihujočim zgodbam štajerskih vinarjev. Vsi (10) 5. Degustacije v Hiši Stare trte.

  24. Frenchman arrested in Moscow in new escalation by Russia

    Frenchman's arrest in Moscow constitutes new escalation by Russia. Laurent Vinatier, 48, a representative of a Swiss NGO, was arrested in the Russian capital for failing to declare himself a ...

  25. Ready to Be World Tour

    Twice 5th World Tour "Ready to Be" is the third worldwide concert tour and the fifth overall concert headlined by South Korean girl group Twice, in support of their twelfth extended play Ready to Be (2023). The tour began on April 15, 2023, at the Olympic Gymnastics Arena in Seoul, and is currently set to have 51 shows in Asia, North America, South America, Oceania and Europe.

  26. Moscow court orders French NGO worker Laurent Vinatier to be held in

    Laurent Vinatier, a 47-year-old who works for a Swiss conflict mediation NGO, was arrested on Thursday, June 6, and officially charged with breaching Russia's "foreign agents" law, charges which ...

  27. Evropski festival hrane 2023, Riad, 17.

    marec 2023 | Izvozno okno. Evropski festival hrane 2023, Riad, 17. - 18. marec 2023. sreda, 15. februar 2023. Delegacija Evropske unije vabi k sodelovanju na prvem Evropskem festivalu hrane, ki bo potekal 17. in 18. marca 2023 v Al-Kindi Plaza, diplomatski četrti v Riadu v Savdski Arabiji. Namen festivala je predstaviti kulinarične ...

  28. Annual Analytical and Statistical Report on Human Rights in Iran for

    Posted on December 27, 2023. HRANA - In a comprehensive report spanning from January 1, 2023, to December 20, 2023, HRA has meticulously gathered, examined, and compiled 9,656 reports on the human rights situation. Set to be released in both summary and detailed formats, complete with charts and graphs, the report will provide in-depth ...

  29. Uporabni nasveti za manj zavržene hrane

    Uporabni nasveti za manj zavržene hrane. DELI: Priporočila za uporabo v kuhinji. Odpadna hrana. 3.4.2024. Daleč največ hrane zavržemo zato, ker jo skuhamo preveč. Problematika zavržene hrane je vse bolj pereč problem, saj z njo zavržemo tudi vse vire, potrebne za pridelavo hrane. Pripravili smo uporabne napotke in nasvete, kako ...