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Quetzals and people living in harmony

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Birdwatching in Costa Rica is an extraordinary experience, thanks to the fantastic diversity of the country, the ease of finding birds, and the general infrastructure and high quality lodges.

There are many ways to do responsible tourism. This is one of the most remarkable example.  

 This article is about the Resplendent Quetzal and a group of  farmers who found the way to protect the environment, and the quetzal population by showing the birds to the visitors they have a better way of living in a sustainable way.

Costa Rica can be divided in three main regions. Caribbean lowlands, Pacific lowlands and mountains. The highest peaks in the country located at 2.000 meters or more are part of a very unique and special ecosystem : The highlands 

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One of the regions with the highest endemism in the entire country is the mountain of Dota area. It has  51 endemic bird species, found only in these mountains and in a small corner of western Panama, and nowhere else in the world. Most of these endemic species are very easy to see, and they are frequent birds on the trails of the national park and in the gardens of the hotels in the valley. This area is one of the must-see sites for birdwatchers and photographers for its great variety of species, the fantastic color of the birds and the presence of some emblematic species of this ecosystem. People who come to Costa Rica for photography or birdwatching visit this area sooner or later in their trip.

  Of all the birds that birdwatchers and photographers want to see, the favorite is the Resplendent Quetzal. This is one of the most sought-after birds by birdwatchers worldwide. Alexander Skutch author of Birds of Costa Rica,  described the male Resplendent Quetzal as “a supremely lovely bird; the most beautiful, all things considered, that I have ever seen. 

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   Quetzals are trogons. There are six species of quetzales, but the most striking species due to the length of its tail and the beauty of its plumage is the Resplendent Quetzal.

This species is found only in Central America and the lower part of Mexico.

The subspecies mocinno inhabits southern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, eastern El Salvador, and north-central Nicaragua. The subspecies costaricensis inhabits Costa Rica and the western highlands of Panama.

   There are scientific studies showing that both subspecies have been separated by more than 3 million years and that they should be considered different species, so that in the future we will probably speak of two species instead of one

The savegre region, in the Talamanca mountain range, is the best area in the country and perhaps in the whole world to find quetzals. Local experts think that the population in this part of the country have no less than 1.200 individuals.

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  Quetzals are not endangered in this part of the country and it are a common bird. However, it is a bird that lives in the forest canopy  and it is generally difficult to find in the forest.

Quetzals have a varied diet that includes berries, insects, and lizards. But its main food is the wild avocado. There are at least 60 different species of wild avocados en the highlands, and quetzals eat all of them. Is not the same  avocado we eat, they are much smaller. It is normal for this bird to make altitudinal migrations during the year, moving higher or lower in elevation depending on the season in which the avocados are in fruit. But in the Dota area, avocados are found almost all year round, so quetzals stay. 

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At all the farms there are forest patches, large and small, where wild avocados grow as part of the natural vegetation. As a result the presence of quetzals is common. People do not hunt or disturb them in any way, but there is a practice that affects the reproduction of these birds.

Quetzals nest in holes they make in trees.  They don’t have as stronger a beak as woodpeckers, so they need dead trees with softer tissue to make their nest. When a tree dies and begins to decompose and its wood softens, female quetzals start working on the nest.  The presence of dead trees in the forest is really important and is crucial element in the process of reproduction of Quetzals. On the other hand, local farmers use the wood for cooking. They have electricity, but they prefer woodstoves to prepare their meals. Because most of farmers in this area live in a protected area they can not cut living trees. The locals go to the forest, find a dead tree and cut it down. For obvious reasons this tradition of cuting  dead trees is not helpful to quetzals.

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Kabek is a word in Cabecar, one of our indigenous groups. It literally means Quetzal. The Kabek project started 2010 . It all started when Jorge Serrano, owner of Paraiso de Quetzales Lodge and two farmers, realized that they could convince farmers not to cut trees and that the presence of avocados and quetzals on their farms could be a long-term sustainable attraction. In this way, a group of farmers got organized to identify and care for avocados, protect the  dead trees, and to build artificial nests for  quetzals. The owners of Paraíso del Quetzal and a group of guides and local ecologists began to study the bird’s life cycle, its movement patterns, and its feeding and nesting habits. They also created a non profit organization called Costa Rica Wildlife Fundation  that raises funds for conservation and is conected with Global Wildlife Fundation that works on research projects outside of Costa Rica. More and more people joined the project and nowadays Kabek has 23 families working together.

This group of people became experts in quetzals. They knew where and at what times of the year they could find these birds, and with the help of farmers, they could easily find the trees that quetzals were feeding on or nesting in. They realized that this information was very valuable for the protection of the species, but it was also a very valuable resource for sustainable ecotourism.

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So they started selling the experience as a quetzales observation tour. This is how it works. Tour operators contact the Paraiso de Quetzal hotel. They assign a guide for the tour. The guide contacts the farmers and they tell him on which farms are the feeders or active nests. All farmers communicate by phone, so they can know where the quetzals are. In case the quetzals move to another tree on another farm, the farmers let the guide know, and in this way he and the group head safely to the site where they have a high probability of finding the birds . Tourists who visit Costa Rica for a birding holiday find in this tour a remarkable experience.

The groups are small, they never go to public places but visit trees located on private properties. All observation sites have facilities to use the toilets, roofed places in case of rain and flat surfaces to place the tripods of cameras and telescopes.

 The tour costs $ 30 per person. Farmers earn $ 5 for each tourist, and they  keep records of the number of tourists that visit their property. Farmers receive their fee if the visitors  see the quetzal on their farm, if tourists do not see it, the owner earns nothing. But the chances to miss the bird on their farm is really low. 

  But this activity has become a very valuable economic resource for these families. Many of these people have a higher annual income from tourist visits compared to what they earn on farming. This is a good example.

 Mr William grows blackberries. However the visitation of tourists is so important, as he normally  receives a check of $ 10,000 annually, and this is more than he earns in agriculture. As a result of this, more families want to be part of this Kabek project and there is a general awareness that the nests of quetzals and avocado trees must be preserved. In 2019, the families that are part of the project received a total of $ 30.000. They also receive some money in the low season, when the tourist dont visit the area much.

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   The Kabec project has brought a great benefit to the quetzal population because local people protect their habitat. Artificial nests have been successful because they are safer for chicks and predation is decreased.

The Northern Emerald Tucanet   is a beautiful bird we all want to see, except the quetzals. This tucan is a major predator of quetzal nests. The local farmers try to keep this predators away in order for the quetzal population in the region to increase and also for the population of wild avocados wich depend on quetzal for seed dispersion to increase.

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There is an obvious benefit for local guides who receive a daily payment for each tour and also tips from visitors. The hotel receives money for the sale of the tour, and for the sale of the breakfasts and lunches for tourists who finish the tour at the end of the morning. Many of these tourists want to repeat the experience the next day or want to go looking for many of the other bird species in the Dota area, which is one of the best places in Costa Rica for birdwatching and photography, and the site with the highest bird endemism in the entire country.

  Finally, tourists benefit greately and enjoy their extraordinary chance to watch and photograph Resplendent Quetzals. They are going to see quetzals like they never imagined they could, in addition to the satisfaction that their money goes directly to help the species, its conservation and to improve the standard of living of the local population.

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   As a result of Kabek,  the quetzals, the environment, the people who work in tourism, the local population and the birdwatchers and the tourists all enjoy the benefits . Quetzals are never guaranteed in a birding trip in Costa Rica, but Kabek offers indeed the best chance of finding it in ideal conditions.

But not all the companies use Kabek. Because they dont know the project or because they pretend they dont know it. Despite the obvious benefits of Kabek, several local and international tour companies organize quetzal sighting tours taking tourists to the feeding and nesting sites along the edge of the public road. This is not the best option. These groups blocks the way, and it is very difficult for the birders to share the same bird among so many people who carry their telescopes and tripods with large cameras. In our experience after many years of birding, this visitors get a poor viewing of the bird most of the time.

kabek tours costa rica

This happens because the touroperators dont know about Kabek  or dont want to pay the $ 30 that the activity with Kabek costs. 

Tourists who take that tour believe that their experience is the same as that of all other visitors and that this is the only way to see quetzals. They think that all tours are the same and that all companies  look for quetzals in the same conditions of discomfort. But it is not true. Our company Wildbird Tours and other local operators discovered Kabek years ago and operate the tour with them. We know that kabek is the best option in Dota – savegre area for those looking for quetzals, and also for an outstanding birdwatching trip in the highlands of Costa Rica.

well, now you know this tour exists. If you have booked a birding tour to Costa Rica is almost for sure you have Dota/ savegre highlands included in your itinerary. Please check if Kabek tour is mentioned in your trip plan. If not, ask your tour operator to include this tour in your itinerary when you visit the highlands or, better, contact us!!

  You can make the difference and create a positive impact to the forest, the local people, and specially, to the Resplendent Quetzal. 

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Wildbird Tours organizes birdwatching tours and photography trips to Costa Rica and Panama. Birding groups, customized birding holidays and bird watching vacations anywhere in Costa Rica.

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  • Arenal Volcano National Park : Located to the north of San Jose, Arenal Volcano presents a tropical paradise complete with soothing hot springs, dense rainforests, and the awe-inspiring presence of Volcan Arenal, a towering, billowing giant that defines the region.
  • Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve : As one of Costa Rica's original eco-tourism hotspots, Monteverde Cloudforest offers enchanting cloud forest walks, exhilarating canopy ziplines, immersive visits to local farms, and the chance to stay in ecologically friendly lodges.
  • Corcovado National Park: Often referred to as "the most biologically intense place on Earth," Corcovado is a remote and pristine park where you can find diverse wildlife, including jaguars and tapirs.
  • Tortuguero National Park : Nestled on Costa Rica's lesser-visited Caribbean coast, Tortuguero, meaning "sea turtle breeding spot" in Spanish, provides a unique opportunity to witness green turtles in their natural environment.
  • Palo Verde National Park: This park is popular among birdwatchers, especially during the dry season when migratory birds congregate in large numbers.
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10 Best Costa Rica Activities for Nature Lovers

Best time to travel to costa rica.

  • Whitewater Rafting
  • Hiking & Trekking
  • Zip Lining - Canopy Climbing
  • Sea Kayaking
  • Rainforest Wildlife Viewing & Adventures
  • Dry Season (December to April): Also referred to as the "high season" for tourism, extends from December to April. During this period, most of the country experiences lower rainfall and clear skies, making it the ideal time for outdoor activities and exploring the nation's national parks and pristine beaches. The Central Valley and Pacific coast regions offer pleasant, sunny weather during these months. If you're planning a trip to Costa Rica for activities like hiking, birdwatching, or beach relaxation, this is the prime time to visit.
  • Green Season (May to November): During Costa Rica’s wet season or “ green season ”, the country receives higher rainfall, especially on the Caribbean coast and in the northern regions. While the weather can be unpredictable, the lush green landscapes and lower number of tourists can make this a rewarding time to visit. It's important to note that some remote areas may be less accessible during heavy rains. If you want to experience the rainforests at their lushest and take advantage of lower accommodation prices, the wet season could be a suitable choice.

Costa Rica Travel Overview

Costa rica family vacations.

  • Hummingbirds: Marvel at dozens of hummingbird species, each with a unique iridescent plumage and behavior. Keep an eye out for them in lush rainforests and gardens throughout the country.
  • Resplendent Quetzal: This magnificent bird, known for its vibrant green and red plumage, calls the cloud forests of Monteverde and other highland regions home. 
  • Rufous Motmot: Found in the dense undergrowth of rainforests and along riverbanks, the Rufous Motmot is known for its distinctive racket-shaped tail and vibrant plumage.
  • Kingfishers: Keep an eye on riverbanks and mangroves, especially in the Pacific and Caribbean coastal regions, for a chance to spot various kingfisher species.
  • Toucans & Aracaris: These iconic birds with large, colorful bills are often seen in the canopy of tropical rainforests, particularly in Tortuguero and Corcovado National Parks.
  • White-collared Manakin: Look for this striking bird in lowland rainforests, where males perform elaborate courtship dances to impress potential mates.
  • La Fortuna: Located near the Arenal Volcano, La Fortuna is famous for its hot springs, lush rainforests, and outdoor adventures like hiking, zip-lining, and wildlife watching.
  • Santa Teresa: A laid-back beach town on the Nicoya Peninsula, Santa Teresa is known for its excellent surfing conditions, stunning sunsets, and vibrant local scene.
  • Nicoya Peninsula: This beautiful peninsula is a haven for nature lovers, offering pristine beaches, diverse wildlife, and opportunities for hiking, snorkeling, and exploring charming coastal towns.
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  • Playa Samara: A tranquil beach town on the Nicoya Peninsula, Playa Samara is a great spot for swimming, kayaking, and enjoying a relaxed atmosphere.

Costa Rica Travel FAQs

  • Learn Some Spanish: While many Costa Ricans speak English, learning some basic Spanish phrases can enhance your experience and interactions. Spanish is the official language, and using polite greetings like "hola" (hello) and "gracias" (thank you) can go a long way in fostering positive connections with locals.
  • Pack Accordingly: Bring lightweight, breathable clothing, comfortable walking shoes, and don't forget insect repellent and sunscreen. The tropical climate can vary, so it's wise to have layers for different elevations and activities.
  • Currency and Payments: Costa Rican colón (CRC) is the local currency, but U.S. dollars are widely accepted. Carry some cash, but credit cards are commonly used. However, smaller establishments may prefer cash, so having some colones on hand is advisable.
  • Respect Nature: Help preserve Costa Rica's natural beauty by following eco-friendly practices like recycling and avoiding single-use plastics. Costa Rica is a leader in sustainable tourism, and respecting the environment is a shared responsibility.
  • Local Cuisine: Don't miss out on trying traditional dishes like gallo pinto (rice and beans), casado (a typical lunch), and tropical fruits. Costa Rican cuisine reflects the country's rich cultural heritage and is a delightful culinary experience.
  • Explore National Parks: Visit Costa Rica's incredible national parks and reserves to experience the country's diverse ecosystems and wildlife. 
  • Enjoy "Pura Vida": Embrace the "pura vida" lifestyle, which translates to pure life and represents a laid-back, positive attitude. It's a way of life in Costa Rica and embodies the friendly and welcoming spirit of the people.
  • Respect Wildlife: Keep a safe distance from animals in the wild and never feed them. Wildlife encounters are best enjoyed from a distance. This not only ensures your safety but also protects the animals and their natural behaviors.
  • Tipping: Tipping is customary in Costa Rica, with 10% being a common practice in restaurants. In addition to restaurants, it's also customary to tip tour guides, drivers, and hotel staff for exceptional service.

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Home » Travel Planning and Inspiration » 10 BEST Tours and Places to go Kayaking in Costa Rica

10 BEST Tours and Places to go Kayaking in Costa Rica

By Author Costa Rica Travel Life

Posted on Last updated: March 17, 2024

10 BEST Tours and Places to go Kayaking in Costa Rica

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One of the best parts of visiting Costa Rica is the abundance of outdoor activities and sights to explore! All over the country, you will find uniquely beautiful places , and the adventures are truly endless. Having lived in Costa Rica, I can easily say that one of my favorite activities was kayaking!

Kayaking in Costa Rica is an activity that anyone can take part in – even if you’ve never paddled a day in your life. It lets you get into areas that you wouldn’t be able to otherwise. Just imagine exploring a mangrove forest, taking a night kayaking trip to see the magical bioluminescent algae, or having an adventure sport fishing!

While you could simply rent a kayak, I think there’s something nice about booking a tour in Costa Rica that has the entire experience planned out for you. All the equipment is included and reserved just for you. Plus you get the benefits of free cancellation and the book now, pay later policy with Viator which comes in handy.

To help you plan your next adventure, we’ve put together this list of the best places and tours for kayaking in Costa Rica!

Best Places and Tours to go Kayaking in Costa Rica

1. puerto jimenez, bio-luminescence and sunset kayak tour.

A dolphin swims near our kayak on a Puerto Jimenez, Bio-Luminescence and Sunset Kayak Tour

Puerto Jimenez is one of Costa Rica’s best-kept secrets. Its proximity to Corcovado National Park and Golfo Dulce (a great place for whale watching !) and other national parks and wildlife refuges make this a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. 

This is why  the Bioluminescence and Sunset Kayak tour   needs to be added to your Costa Rica “must-see” list if you’re staying in Puerto Jimenez . This tour departs in the late afternoon so you have time to get out on the water and watch the sunset. In my opinion, few things are more beautiful in this world than a Costa Rican sunset.

But once it gets dark, the real magic begins! 

The water turns a beautiful neon blue and green with the bioluminescent microorganisms that live underwater. It is seriously an awe-inspiring experience, with each stroke of your kayak paddle, the water below glows! You’ll even have a chance to snorkel through the water and see the lights up close.

This tour is also a great chance to spot wildlife in Costa Rica . When we took this tour we saw dolphins swimming right next to our kayaks as we paddled! This was one of the best experiences in Costa Rica since the dolphins really put on a show for us! 

We love that this is a small tour of up to 15 people, so it didn’t feel too crowded. Included in this tour are local seasonal fruit as a snack, your knowledgeable guide, and all of the equipment for kayaking and snorkeling. You can  book this excursion online  for $62 USD. 

2. San Jose, Sarapiqui River Tour

Sarapiqui Outdoor Center Jungle kayaking tour

San Jose is the largest city in the country and is quite different from the pristine beaches and lush jungles people often associate with Costa Rica, but still very beautiful! While it certainly has the feel of a bustling city, it’s a great launch point for day trips from San Jose , including going kayaking. 

The Sarapiqui River is less than two hours from San Jose and this is the spot you’ll leave for an epic Sarapiqui River tour . If you’ve ever wanted to combine whitewater rafting and kayaking (I didn’t know I wanted to until I took this tour!), then this is the chance to do it!

You will meet at the Sarapiqui Outdoor Center near the launch point. You’ll get a 1-hour introduction to white water kayaking where you will learn the basics before you hit the water! Once you are comfortable, your experienced guide will lead your group down the beautiful Sarapiqui River. You’ll go through Class I and II rapids, which our guide called “mild rapids” so it was a good challenge for beginners but still a super fun time.

While on the river keep an eye out for tropical birds and other wildlife, perhaps you might even see a sloth , although I wasn’t quite that lucky!

This is an awesome tour because once you learn the foundations of whitewater kayaking, you can take this skill no matter where you go. This tour is $75 USD per person and   includes all the equipment, snacks and drinks, and your wonderful guide. If you’re up for an adventurous kayak tour and you’re spending a couple days around San Jose , then make sure to book a spot on this tour online !

Related Read: San Jose is also a good base to join a coffee tour of Costa Rica . This country is known for amazing coffee after all!

3. Paquera, Bioluminescent Kayak Tour

Our two kayaks on a Paquera Kayaking tour in Costa Rica

The next one of the top spots to kayak in Costa Rica involves a bit of travel to get here, but its “hidden gem” status is well deserved! Paquera has some of the most beautiful beaches on the  Nicoya Peninsula  and the water is crystal-clear, so kayaking at night is extra special.

You’ll need to hop on the daily ferry  from  the port town of Puntarenas or you can rent a car and drive here if you’re traveling around the Guanacaste region . Another option is catching one of the daily buses from San José to Paquera.

One thing that makes Paquera so unique, is its “bio-bay” where you can see bioluminescent algae on this night kayaking tour ! These microscopic organisms give off a glow, making the water light up at night. It is truly remarkable. 

The tour starts at sunset, overlooking the bio-bay. You’ll meet your guide and a small group of up to 10 for a safety briefing, refreshments, and getting set with all of your kayaking equipment.

When it begins to get dark, you’ll slip your kayak into the calm water and have a full hour to explore the area. Here, you’ll see the algae below light up as your paddle dips into the water. It is one of the prettiest things I’ve experienced!

Because Paquera is so remote, there is hardly any light pollution. This makes for one of the most starry skies I’ve ever seen. It was surreal to see the water lighting up below, and the millions of stars above!

This experience includes all the kayak gear, snacks, and your guide for only $36 USD!  This tour is popular for a reason and tends to sell out, so make sure to book your spot here .

4. Manuel Antonio, Damas Island Estuary Tour

Manuel Antonio, Damas Island Estuary kayaking Tour

One of the most important ecosystems sits right outside of Manuel Antonio National Park . The Damas Island Estuary is home to a mangrove forest that is used for the conservation of endangered animals. This ecosystem is essential to wildlife including monkeys, sloths, birds, boa constrictors, and more.

I have done many mangrove tours in Costa Rica, and I never get tired of exploring this unique environment! I especially love kayaking tours from Manuel Antonio because you can get a close look at the mangrove’s deep root system. 

Here is your chance to explore this vast estuary too!  This half-day tour   takes you winding through the mangrove forest on a kayak. It gives you the opportunity to get into the area in a unique way and enjoy the natural beauty!

This tour departs from Quepos , or you can request pickup if you’re staying in Manuel Antonio . You’ll make your way to the estuary, all equipment and instruction are provided, and the guides lead the way.

The next few hours are relaxing as you paddle through the trees, taking in the scenery, and hopefully seeing lots of wildlife! The expert guides are a great source of information so you really understand the biodiversity of the area you are exploring.

Your day will end with a traditional Costa Rican lunch back in Quepos. Transportation, equipment, lunch, and your naturalist guide are included for $70 USD and you can easily book this tour online with Viator .

Related Read: Kayaking is hungry work, so make sure to pop into one of the restaurants in Manuel Antonio after your tour!

5. Manuel Antonio, Ocean Kayaking Tour

Ocean kayaking in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

This area is one of my favorites because the long coastline provides gorgeous beaches and lots of water adventure activities, like surfing, parasailing, and sea kayaking. The big draw is Manuel Antonio National Park , which is quite stunning in itself, but there’s also plenty to do in Manuel Antonio town !

If sea kayaking has been something you’ve always wanted to do, I suggest booking  this half-day ocean kayaking tour . It’s great for any skill level and lets you paddle on the open ocean!

You have the choice of single or double kayaks, so you can kayak as a couple if you’re on a romantic getaway in Costa Rica !

It’s a thrilling experience to paddle along the coastline and see all the marine life. Our guide was a great source of information as he told us all about the animals and sea life. Eventually, you’ll make your way to a beach for a fresh pineapple snack and take a break from all that kayaking! 

The tour will start and finish in the town of Quepos, or you can request a pickup from your local accommodation. It also includes a yummy lunch and if you need a vegetarian option, just let them know. It’s a pretty sweet deal including transportation, lunch, snacks, a guide, and all your equipment for $78 USD.

If gliding on the ocean in a kayak sounds like a perfect day, make sure to book this tour with Viator here !

Why We Book Tours with Viator

Viator is a trusted online booking system for tours around the world! We almost always book our tours using Viator for a couple of reasons:

  • Free cancellation on most tours – Most of the tours on Viator allow you to cancel and get a full refund up to 24 hours in advance. This is handy in case plans change, or if booking an outdoor activity, the weather forecast is looking grim.
  • Reserve now and pay later – You can secure your spot on some of the most popular tours well in advance and not pay until closer to the day of the tour.
  • Lowest price guarantee – If you happen to find the same tour at a lower price elsewhere, Viator will refund you the price difference.
  • Pay in your chosen currency – Avoid costly international transaction fees by choosing to pay in your home currency.
  • Peace of mind – When booking with tour operators you find in person on the street or in small booking offices, you are often promised one thing and given another. This online platform holds tour operators accountable with a written description of inclusions as well as the opportunity for customers to leave reviews.

Check out the Viator website here ! Or, for more info, read our detailed review about Viator here .

6. Tortuguero, Tortuguero National Park

A group of people Kayaking in Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica

Tortuguero is a small town on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica. This town and national park are named after the turtles that use this area as their nesting ground! While it is very cool to visit during nesting season, there is plenty more to explore at any time of year. 

Getting to Tortuguero takes a little planning. There are no roads that reach the town, it’s connected by canals and rivers that lie in the dense jungle and eventually lead to the beach. To get here, you have to either take a small plane from San Jose or a boat from the nearby city of Puerto Limon . 

Because there are so many rivers that surround Tortuguero National Park, what better way to experience it than by kayak?

This three-hour kayak tour  begins early in the morning at 6 am, as that is the best time to see animals! You will meet your guide in the town of Tortuguero and head to the national park. Here, they lead you on a leisurely paddle through the rivers and canals, taking in the dense jungle. This remote jungle is really unlike anything I’ve seen before!

This tour is great because you truly can see so much wildlife like sloths, howler monkeys, birds, and alligators – be sure to keep those fingers out of the water!

This tour includes transportation, equipment, and guides for $45 USD. This is a great way to start your day and a truly unique way to experience this beautiful part of Costa Rica! You can book a spot on this small-group tour online .

7. Samara, Ora River Tour

Kayaking through mangroves

Samara is the perfect location to spend a week in Costa Rica . This quaint town is known for its tranquil beaches and the surrounding forest and wildlife. The downtown is filled with restaurants and cute shops that lead right down to Samara Beach. The water here is much calmer than in the neighboring towns of Santa Teresa and Nosara , so it makes for a perfect place to swim, kayak, and have a chill beach day.

Because of its proximity to so many activities, staying in Samara is a great choice. You can use Samara as a launch point for various tour excursions , such as  this kayaking trip . You’ll spend the day exploring the Ora River. This river is lined with mangrove trees, which are home to many animals like herons, monkeys, iguanas, and if you’re lucky you’ll catch a glimpse of a sloth!

This tour is great for those who have never kayaked before, or if you’re after a relaxing day on the water. While some of the kayaking tours in Costa Rica on our list are more adventure based, this one is certainly a chill day paddling through the mangroves. 

You will eventually make your way to a beach where turtles lay their eggs! Here, you’ll have a snack, take a break, and enjoy the views.

What I really love about this tour is that it offers hotel pickup from Samara or Carrillo, so it makes your day super easy! For $66 USD, you can book this tour online for a relaxing day that includes kayak equipment, snacks, transportation, and guides. 

8. La Fortuna, Peñas Blancas River

Peñas Blancas River Kayaking Costa Rica

La Fortuna is the place to be for adventures! Located right at the base of one of the must-see volcanoes in Costa Rica , the Arenal Volcano, there is no shortage of activities to be done here! Ziplines , hot springs , hiking, and more, you would need to spend at least a few days here to even scratch the surface. 

I actually loved this area so much that I lived in La Fortuna for a while! The surrounding wildlife, outdoor recreation, and fun downtown are a draw for many, and I would recommend it to any traveler. 

One of my favorite tours I did in La Fortuna was taking this Kayak Safari tour . The focus of this tour is kayaking, of course, but also seeing wildlife. This area is perfect for spotting howler monkeys, sloths, iguanas, birds, and more! 

The tour takes off from Flow Trips headquarters right in La Fortuna. You will be kayaking down the Peñas Blancas River, which is right out of town. This tour is suitable for all skill levels and doesn’t require any previous kayaking experience. You can also choose a single or double kayak for the exact same price.

The guides are truly impressive, they have quite the eye and I am always in awe of the animals they can spot hiding in the trees! They are also knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the area. 

At the end of the tour, you’ll get to try some traditional Costa Rican food ! The tour is $55 USD which includes equipment, transportation to the river, snacks, and your expert guide. The group is limited to only six people, so make sure to book a spot before it fills up ! 

Related Read: If you’re traveling on a budget, these are the best free and cheap activities in La Fortuna that you’ll want to check out!

9. La Fortuna, Lake Arenal Tour

Canoa Aventura kayaking on Lake Arenal

Just outside La Fortuna is Costa Rica’s largest lake, Lake Arenal! It’s right below the Arenal Volcano, so the views of the volcano are pretty impressive. The lake also provides hydroelectric power for the country, so you’ll see large wind turbines on the rolling hills above. 

Without a doubt, I think the best way to experience Lake Arenal is to get out on the water!   This kayak tour  gives you an entire afternoon to explore the lake, although it’s so big you certainly won’t see the whole thing! But, it makes for a fun adventure and is good for both experienced kayakers and first-timers.

You’ll start the tour by being picked up from your hotel and brought to the lake. After some instruction, you will get on the water and begin exploring. The area surrounding the lake is a dense jungle that makes for a gorgeous lush green backdrop. 

One of the main highlights of this tour is all the animals you can see. There is no shortage of beautiful birds in this area and it’s pretty likely you’ll hear howler monkeys like we did – these guys are loud!

After about two hours of paddling, you will visit an island on the lake to explore the beach and have a fresh fruit snack. 

I love this area since the lake is calm and relaxing, and just overall stunning! Hotel pickup, transportation, kayak equipment, and the guide are included in the price of $68 USD. For a day on the lake, reserve your kayaking adventure on Lake Arenal online here !

10. La Fortuna, Kayak Fishing on Lake Arenal

Kayaking fishing tour on Lake Arenal, Costa Rica

Another outdoor activity that is widely popular in Costa Rica is fishing. So why not combine the two on this kayak fishing excursion !

Lake Arenal is a great spot to reel in a catch. Some of the most common fish in the lake include mojaras, tilapia, tiger bass, crawfish, catfish, and rainbow bass, known locally as “Guapote”, which translates to “the handsome one” thanks to its bright colors.

We love this kayak fishing tour because not only do you get to have a fun morning casting a line, but you also get incredible views of Arenal Volcano! Your tour begins quite early with a 5 am hotel pickup (the early bird gets the fish right?!).

You can take the tour as a couple or with up to four people for $142 USD each. I think it’s a huge bonus that this is such a small tour. The guides do this nearly every day, so can give tips and know the best spots where the fish will be biting!

Specialized fishing kayaks and all fishing gear are included in the tour. It’s scheduled to last for four hours, although it can go longer if the fishing is good. Hotel pickup and transportation, as well as all the fishing gear, snacks, and your expert fishing guide (who is full of great tips!) are all included.  This awesome experience can be booked online !

The BEST Things to do in Costa Rica

Bailey at Poas Volcano in Costa Rica

While there are so many fun things to do in Costa Rica , a couple of specific attractions and activities stand out amongst the rest. They are:

Explore Volcanoes

There are some impressive (and beautiful!) volcanoes that you’ll want to check out while you’re here.

Poas Volcano is known for its bright blue crater lake. Poas Volcano is most commonly visited on a day trip from San Jose. This Poas Volcano tour from San Jose is one of the best you can do since it also includes a visit to the La Paz Waterfall Gardens as well as a coffee farm.

Arenal Volcano is also one of Costa Rica’s top attractions. Arenal Volcano is located closest to the town of La Fortuna. You can book this full-day tour from La Fortuna that takes you to the volcano to hike, the famous La Fortuna Waterfall and even a hanging bridge – it’s a full day of adventure!

Chase Waterfalls

La Fortuna Waterfall is one of our favorite waterfalls in all of Costa Rica. You can easily visit it on this full-day tour in La Fortuna that also visits hot springs.

Rio Celeste is another beautiful waterfall that is famous for its bright blue water. Rio Celeste is a popular attraction to visit from Guanacaste Province and this particular tour includes transport from there. Alternatively, you can book this tour from La Fortuna or this tour from San Jose .

See the wildlife

Costa Rica is the place for wildlife lovers! One of the best places to see lots of animals in their wild habitat is at Manuel Antonio National Park . With the help of a guide you will see plenty of birds, monkeys, and even sloths! This particular tour is super popular and also has amazing reviews, so you really can;t go wrong.

There are also lots of wildlife rescue centers around the country that are worth visiting. The Jaguar Rescue Center in Puerto Viejo is one of our favorites as well as Rescate Wildlife Rescue Center in San Jose where you can book this private tour.

Getting Around Costa Rica

Bailey with our rental car near Rio Celeste Costa Rica

How you choose to get around Costa Rica is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make when planning your holiday here! How you do it depends on your budget, travel style, and comfort level. 

Renting a Car

Without a doubt, the number one way to explore Costa Rica is in a rental car. We book rental cars on the Discover Cars website as we have had good experiences with them in the past.

One of the things you need to watch for when renting a car in Costa Rica is the mandatory insurance that the government requires you to have. There are a lot of very cheap rentals that don’t include this mandatory insurance (TPL) in the original booking price, but there are also ones that do. To avoid additional surprise charges when you pick up your rental car, be sure to rent a car that includes the mandatory insurance when you book.

Thankfully, on Discover Cars it’s easy to tell apart the companies that include the mandatory insurance and those that don’t. The trick is you can’t pick any car on their website. In the picture below, you can see this rental car, with pick up in Jaco, includes the TPL. That means the mandatory insurance is included in the price. Any cover you get above that is extra.

Of course, I still suggest getting the full coverage offered by Discover Cars, which covers you even more.

You can  browse cars on Discover Cars here .

TPL Cover Costa Rica

Book Shuttles

If renting a car isn’t in your budget, you don’t feel comfortable driving in Costa Rica , or you just don’t like driving, shuttles are the next best option. There are hundreds of shuttle routes available all over the country, and they are very affordable.

Shuttles in Costa Rica are specifically for tourists and often include pick up and drop off at your selected hotels and airports. The drivers also speak some English, and the vehicles have air conditioning. You’ll also be guaranteed a seat when you book a shuttle (which isn’t the case with the public bus system.)

To get the best price, use the website  Bookaway . They compare all the offers and prices of shuttle companies in Costa Rica so you get the best price! Honestly, we have saved so much money using Bookaway! 

You can search for shuttles online on Bookaway here.

Lastly, you can use the public bus system. On short journeys, such as from San Jose to La Fortuna or Uvita to Manuel Antonio, this system is great. However, the longer the journey the more hassle and time spent on a bus. It’s undoubtedly best to save the public bus in Costa Rica for short and straightforward trips!  

The public buses are definitely the cheapest way to get around Costa Rica, but they are not always very reliable and schedules often change without notice and delays are to be expected. The buses can also be very crowded and hot – so just be prepared!

It’s also good to speak some Spanish if you plan on riding the public bus since most drivers and ticket booth operators don’t speak English.

Bailey smiles at the camera while on a kayaking tour in Costa Rica

There’s just something about seeing Costa Rica from a kayak that I love! It satisfies my adventurous spirit and gives me a bit of peace and quiet to take in the beautiful scenery. If you’re considering going kayaking in Costa Rica, hopefully, this guide has helped you find out where to go and some of the best tours available.

If you need more ideas or travel inspiration for your trip, make sure to have a look at our other blogs about Costa Rica . We fell in love with this country and are always discovering new things that keep us coming back!

BEST places to go snorkeling in Costa Rica + Tips before you go!

BEST all-inclusive resorts in Costa Rica (our unbiased opinion!)

BEST beach towns in Costa Rica that you should visit

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Cancellation Policies

If there is an event of cancellation, we require 72 hours advance notice of the tour date for a complete refund. If you cancel 24 hours before the tour, we will refund 50%. If you cancel your trip for whatever reason 0-23 hours before the time, all payments are non-refundable.

Rate Policies: Rates might change at any time without notice


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Manuel Antonio National Park

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Choose from an array of ready-made vacation packages or create a custom plan with the help of our Experts. Choose your preferred activities — like zip-lining through the rainforest canopy, kayaking through a mangrove estuary, or cooking traditional cuisine with a local chef — and our Experts will craft an unforgettable vacation.

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The latest from our travel blog, best family resorts in costa rica.

Best Family Resorts in Costa Rica

How to Get to the Osa Peninsula Rainforest

How to get to the Remote Osa Peninsula Rainforest

9 Top Tips For Easier Travel With Little Kids in Costa Rica

9 Top Tips For Easier Travel With Kids in Costa Rica


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Vacations in Costa Rica

Vacations in Costa Rica

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Cheap Costa Rica package deals

Most popular costa rica flight and hotel deals, all inclusive vacation packages to costa rica, last minute vacation packages to costa rica, search by stars, search by review score, search by board, search by price, search by freebies, when to book a vacation in costa rica, tips for finding costa rica package deals.

  • There are loads of types of vacations in Costa Rica and the cost will depend on what type of trip you’re taking and for how long you’d like to stay. Here are the latest prices for a 3 night trip for 2 travelers: Top vacation $503; Family vacation $474; Romantic vacation $673; Luxury vacation $480; Budget vacation $378.

Why should you book a vacation package to Costa Rica?

When booking your vacation in Costa Rica, you can save money by booking flights, lodgings and transfers in a single package. Visiting in the off-season is cheaper than during peak times and gives you the opportunity to snag hotel accommodation bargains.

When should you book a vacation package to Costa Rica?

The best time to visit Costa Rica is during the off-peak season. The weather is cooler and the school holiday crowds have left. Rates are generally cheaper for flights, hotels and rental cars.

Where should you stay in Costa Rica during your vacation?

For any vacation type in costa rica:.

The Intercontinental Costa Rica is one of the region's most popular hotels. This urban hotel is located in central Escazú -San Jose's most opulent suburb. It is located in a Multiplaza Mall complex allowing access to shops and restaurants.

The Sheraton San Jose Hotel is a great choice for a city hotel. Located on Route 27, in the upmarket suburb of Escazú, the hotel is close to the landmarks and attractions in the CBD, but just 3 miles west of Sabana Park. There is a restaurant for meals and a bar. Airport transfers can be arranged.

For family vacations in Costa Rica:

The Best Western Jaco Beach Resort is a great family hotel. This all-inclusive resort offers beach volleyball or the chance to snooze in the sun. You can go surfing and boogie boarding nearby. El Puerto restaurant serves international cuisine.

La Mariposa Hotel is also a great family location. This stunning hotel provides an airport shuttle for guests who can relax with hot stone massages, detox body wraps and lunch or dine at Le Papillon. Four outdoor pools and two poolside bars complete the package.

For romantic vacations in Costa Rica:

The Double Tree Hotel by Hilton Cariari is a wonderfully romantic hotel in a beautiful natural setting. The hotel is located only five minutes from Juan Santamaria International Airport (SJO), this San Jose hotel can be a haven or starting point for adventure activities. The lush gardens provide a restful aspect.

The Tamarindo Diria Beach Resort offers couples 4-star accommodation in a relaxed and beautiful beachfront setting. Guests can spend time at the beach sipping drinks or diving. There are outdoor pools for swimming and an on-site spa. The Matapalo serves international cuisine.

For luxury vacations in Costa Rica:

The Barceló San Jose Palacio Hotel is a 5-star luxury hotel that was chosen as the best business hotel in Costa Rica. It has a conference center which seats 1,000 people and a spa. There is a transfer to the Juan Santamaria International Airport.

The 5-star Barceló Tambor Beach Hotel has been voted the best beach hotel and is located on Playa Tambor. It's the ideal location for water activities and there is on-site surfing/boogie boarding and windsurfing. Guests can swim in the pool or visit the spa for aromatherapy, hot stone massages and healing wraps. There's a nightclub and a free kid's club. Airport transfers can be arranged.

For budget vacations in Costa Rica:

The KC Hotel San Jose is a great option when it comes to affordability. This 3-star hotel offers close proximity to the airport, which is less than 4 miles away. Meals are served at the Green Restaurant. Transport to the hotel is by shuttle, taxi or rental car.

The Holiday Inn San Jose-Aurola Hotel is located close to the heart of the city, making it a great choice for a business trip. A business center and meeting rooms seat 350 people. It's located within easy driving distance of the government offices.

Where to stay in Costa Rica

Costa rica vacation information, popular package vacation destinations in costa rica.

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Costa Rica Rainforest

Stunning natural beauty: Costa Rica is known for its incredible natural beauty, from its lush rainforests and pristine beaches to its active volcanoes and stunning waterfalls.

Welcome to Eco Tours Costa Rica

Welcome to Costa Rica, where adventure meets paradise! With 25 years of experience guiding tourists through our breathtaking country, we offer you the chance to explore Costa Rica like never before. Discover the lush rainforests, pristine beaches, and diverse wildlife that make Costa Rica a top destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. Our expertly crafted tours and vacation packages provide you with the perfect blend of excitement and relaxation at reasonable prices. Embark on unforgettable journeys to iconic destinations such as Arenal Volcano, Manuel Antonio National Park, and the Monteverde Cloud Forest. Immerse yourself in the rich culture and vibrant traditions of Costa Rica as you taste local cuisine, learn about indigenous communities, and experience the warmth of the Tico hospitality. Whether you’re seeking adrenaline-pumping activities like zip-lining and whitewater rafting or tranquil moments surrounded by nature’s beauty, we have something for everyone. Join us for an unforgettable adventure in Costa Rica – where every moment is filled with wonder and excitement. Book your tour or vacation package today and let the adventure begin!

Costa Rica shelters 5% of the world’s biodiversity. An extraordinary country with a great diversity of flora and fauna. The country has two coasts and on the Caribbean coast, we find English speakers of Jamaican origin. The topography in the country is quite irregular with high mountains, with drastic changes in temperature, elevation, and precipitation. Giving rise to a great variety of ecosystems that are found throughout the country.

Planning to Visit Costa Rica in the Low Season

Between May to November is our “green season or low season”. The forest especially in the Pacific side changes a lot from dry to a more lush green forest due rain. We encourage you to visit between May to July, few rain showers and prices are lower and less people. Unforgettable experiences at affordable prices!!!

Popular Tours

kabek tours costa rica

Visit the most active volcano in Costa Rica accompanied by a local guide who will explain about its natural history while you observe of the most beautiful craters surrounded by lush vegetation. Our tour includes a visit to a coffee

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The boat tour along the Sarapiqui river offers a captivating adventure where you will enjoy the local diversity of plants and wildlife. You get to see toucans, caimans, turtles, sloths, monkeys, iguanas

kabek tours costa rica

Tortuguero is a must see destination located at 80 km north of Limon on the Caribbean coast surrounded by canals, rivers, lagoons and rainforest. We offer 3 days | 2 nights and 2 days | 1 night packages (all inclusive). Make your reservation the turtle season is coming from July through September

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La Paz Waterfalls is a nature reserve located in a beautiful setting surrounded by Rainforest and Cloud forest where you can enjoy hiking and animal exhibits such as birds, butterflies, monkeys, snakes, wild cats and waterfalls with lunch included

Vacation Packages

At Eco Tours Costa Rica, our vacation packages are crafted to inspire, but we believe in flexibility. Explore our website for ready-to-go adventures, or let us tailor any package to fit your unique preferences and budget. Your dream vacation, your way—because personalized memories last a lifetime.

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Costa Rica Pura Vida

Embark on an unforgettable journey through the natural wonders and vibrant culture of Costa Rica. This carefully curated vacation package

tortuguero 3 days- 2 nights -tortuguero national park

Exploring Costa Rica

This travel program offers a diverse array of experiences, from the vibrant canals of Tortuguero to the mystical cloud forests of Monteverde

arenal volcano erupting

Costa Rica Eco Adventure

Throughout this package, you’ll experience the natural beauty of Costa Rica, from its rainforests and wildlife to its volcanoes and coastal landscapes.

One Day Tours

Explore the best of Costa Rica in a day with Eco Tours Costa Rica! Discover stunning landscapes, vibrant cultures, and thrilling adventures, all expertly curated for a memorable experience. Join us for a day of excitement, nature, and local charm!” To secure your spot on our exciting one-day tours, simply reach out via email to check availability. Upon confirmation, we’ll promptly send you the details along with a secure payment link. Ensure your Costa Rican adventure awaits by reserving your place with Eco Tours today.

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Manuel Antonio

tours in arenal

Arenal Volcano

Hanging bridge

How do we use WhatsApp

At Eco Tours Costa Rica, we are dedicated to providing you with exceptional service and keeping your travel experience as smooth as possible. To facilitate efficient communication, we have integrated WhatsApp into our business operations. However, we want to assure you that we will not be using this channel to inundate you with promotions, advertisements, or any unnecessary messages.

Our intention behind using WhatsApp is solely to address your travel-related inquiries, provide real-time assistance during your trips, and ensure that you have immediate access to our team should you need any support. We understand the importance of clear and focused communication, and we value your time and privacy.

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Best Time to Visit Costa Rica

Anytime is a good time but take into account that from December to April is our dry season o summer, but remember that this is our busiest time of the year. In the Caribbean side, the dry season is from July to October, keep in mind Costa Rica is a tropical country rain showers any time of the year, and it is cooler in the mountains than in the lowlands. Between May to November is our “green season”. The forest especially in the Pacific side changes a lot from dry to a more lush green forest due rain. We encourage you to visit between May to July, few rain showers and prices are lower and less people.

Why Costa Rica?

There are many reasons why people choose to visit Costa Rica! Here are just a few: Stunning natural beauty: Costa Rica is known for its incredible natural beauty, from its lush rainforests and pristine beaches to its active volcanoes and stunning waterfalls. Rich biodiversity: Costa Rica is home to an astonishing variety of plant and animal species, including monkeys, toucans, sloths, and jaguars. Adventure activities: Whether you’re looking to go ziplining through the jungle, surfing on the Pacific coast, or whitewater rafting down a river, Costa Rica has plenty of adventure activities to offer. Sustainable tourism: Costa Rica is committed to sustainable tourism, which means that visitors can enjoy the country’s natural beauty while also supporting local communities and protecting the environment. Friendly people: Costa Ricans, also known as “Ticos,” are known for their warm hospitality and friendly nature. Visitors to Costa Rica often report feeling welcome and at home in this beautiful country. Overall, Costa Rica offers a unique and unforgettable travel experience, with something for every type of traveler.

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About Gabriel

Gabriel grew up in a small town in the mountains northwest of San Jose.The youngest of four siblings, he spent summers picking coffee beans to assist his family. At 18, he moved to Guanacaste where he studied at the Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje to become an accredited Naturalist Guide. His intimate knowledge of the regions birds, animals, plants and indigenous culture make him the ideal person to design tours and share the Pura Vida with his guests!  

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About The Company

Gabriel’s Custom Tours take guests to a range of natural and rural sites for an ‘off the beaten track’, authentic Costa Rican experience. Each tour is carefully designed to ensure that visitors can connect with the natural beauty and rich local culture of the Guanacaste province. Gabriel and his guides are English-speaking, accredited Naturalists, experienced, reliable and consistently go the extra mile to bring the diversity that is Costa Rica, to visitors from around the world.  

Our small team specializes in providing private tours and transportation. to families and small groups who want to discover the best of Costa Rica with a local guide and at their own pace.  

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Fabulous Custom Tours

For Prices and Detailed Descriptions of the tours offered, go to SERVICES on the drop down menu at the top of the page. In addition to these carefully developed excursions, Gabriel and his team are always ready to customize for their vacationing guests! 



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Costa Rica: Jungles & Rainforests

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Uniquely Tauck

Costa Rica Family Tour and Vacation


TAUCK EXCLUSIVE – Explore the wilderness with wildlife experts who help you spot sloths, monkeys, and other local creatures on a jungle river-rafting adventure and a canal boat cruise in Tortuguero National Park

Go coastal during your two-night stay on the Gulf of Papagayo where snorkeling adventures open your eyes to an underwater world alive with tropical fish, manta and eagle rays, coral, sea urchins, pufferfish, turtles, trumpetfish – and dolphins


On-tour air included (1 flight).

Zip line adventure for extraordinary views of Arenal Volcano and the lush rainforest canopy 

Guided pineapple tour includes tastings of field-fresh pineapples and pineapple treats

Hands-on demonstration in making chocolate


Active components such as hiking, bicycling and walking longer distances may be included, and hills and/or uneven terrain may be encountered on several days. Guests should be able to walk two to three miles and stand for long periods of time with no difficulty.

Often robust – may include long days, active sightseeing, early starts, evening activities, significant travel times.

World Travel. Family Discovery.

Life is pretty colorful on a Costa Rica family vacation, where even butterflies like the electric-blue morpho make visitors gape in awe.

Your family's adventures in the rainforest.

Days 4 and 5

Adventures in an eco-paradise

Since its last noticeable activity in 2010, Costa Rica's cone-shaped Arenal Volcano has been "sleeping," but it's still a breathtaking sight – especially when seen from the bird's-eye view you'll have during your thrilling zip-line ride over the rainforest canopy at Sky Trek Adventure Park (voted "Best Zip-lining Tour in Costa Rica" by Travel + Leisure). And if that's not enough adventure for your family, board a river raft for a Class II rafting trip through the jungle; try to spot turtles, sloths, monkeys, iguanas and other wildlife along the riverbank that call the Sarapiqui region home.

Costa Rica & the Greatest Wildlife on Earth

insideTauck Presentation

Join us for a presentation from Tauck partner Tim Martin, TV executive producer, wildlife photographer and conservationist.

Tim will be speaking about the "greatest wildlife on Earth," a journey from Costa Rica's Caribbean to Pacific coasts. He'll speak about the conservation efforts and restoration of forests along with insight into the diverse wildlife of this destination – an overview of Costa Rica and his 20+ year filmmaking experience.

Watch Video

Feathered friends at the Toucan Rescue Center

Wildlife friends on the mend.

While they often tend to be elusive in the wild, you can see an exotic parade of animals and birds during your guided visit to the Toucan Rescue Ranch, dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of jungle and rainforest animals. You'll meet a variety of furred and feathered friends that reside at the ranch… including sloths, monkeys and parrots, and of course, the toucans they successfully breed here.

Eco-discoveries in Tortuguero National Park

Tortuguero and its wonders.

The canals of Costa Rica's Tortuguero National Park are lined by a wildlife-rich tropical rainforest that howler and spider monkeys, three-toed sloths, toucans, great green macaws, tapir, ocelots, jaguars, river otters, grisons, frogs and bulldog bats call home. As you cruise these waterways with our local guides, you'll also find coconut trees, orchids, heliconias and other flora that add tropical color everywhere you look. And since the park is also one of the world's top nesting grounds for endangered green sea turtles in summer, if you're traveling with us in July and August, you can make a special trip to the shore at night for a chance to watch these remarkable critters climbing out of the sea to lay their eggs on the black sand beach.

Tabacon Grand Spa Thermal Resort

Paradise found in costa rica.

Tabacon Grand Spa Thermal Resort offers the unique combination of the energy of the Arenal Volcano, the heat of the Tabacon Hot Springs and the purity of the surrounding rainforest, blended into what many have described as "paradise" or "the eighth wonder of the world". The four elements of nature are present in this unique luxury hotel and resort, featuring the heat of the volcano, the flowing waters of the hot springs, the pure air of the rainforest and the fertile earth of the of the Fortuna de San Carlos Region. Located at the base of the Arenal Volcano, this luxury resort is recognized as a member of The Leading Hotels and The Leading Spas of the World. It is a Signature Travel Group preferred hotel, and has been recognized and named to numerous travel publications and the recipient of many accolades.

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All the information you need for this journey at your fingertips – day-by-day details, map, hotel descriptions, key highlights and more.

Where you stay is an important part of your journey – with Tauck, accommodations have been handpicked and carefully selected for their location and ambiance, enhancing the destinations you explore. Download accommodation details and your travel plans begin!

Tour Planner

Download the details to make planning your trip easier - including an itinerary overview, pricing based on your selected departure date and accommodations, plus protection plan costs.

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Overnight Accommodations

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Arrive Early

Intercontinental costa rica at multiplaza mall.

San José, Costa Rica

Aninga Lodge

Tortuguero, Costa Rica

La Fortuna, Costa Rica

El Mangroove

Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Your journey

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About Booking This Tour

Travel Documents

If you are a U.S. citizen traveling internationally, you will need a passport valid for six months beyond the completion of your Tauck journey for entry into Costa Rica. You will not need a visa for the short duration of this tour.

If you are a citizen of another country traveling internationally, you should contact an embassy or consulate of Costa Rica to determine what travel documentation is required.

The company that operates your Day 4 flight requires that your passport information be provided to us prior to your departure. You need to provide this information to us as soon as you book your tour.

Please note that longer stays abroad for any purpose may require additional travel documentation.

We recommend that you make at least two photocopies of all the travel documents that you bring with you. Include copies of the photo page of your passport that contains the date of issuance, the date of expiration and your citizenship. Secure one set of copies in the safe in your room while traveling and leave one set behind with someone at home who will assist you in the event your documents are misplaced, lost or stolen.

To facilitate Travel Requirements, destinations are increasingly utilizing online forms that require digital proof that you've successfully completed your submission (via an email, QR code, etc.) To ensure smooth travels and peace of mind, we strongly recommend all guests carry a personal smart phone and sign up for international data plans before traveling overseas.

Note: For activities marked with an asterisk (*) in day-by-day descriptions, participation is at your own risk; a signed liability waiver will be required.

TRAVELING WITH CHILDREN AS A GUARDIAN:  If you are traveling as the guardian of a child/children, we strongly suggest that you carry a letter from both parents of the child authorizing emergency treatment in the event of illness or accident. For travel abroad, many foreign countries have specific entry requirements for children under 21 who are traveling internationally without BOTH parents. (These requirements are in response to the increased incidence of children being abducted and taken abroad.) PLEASE NOTE THAT TAUCK IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for the disruption of travel caused by improper documentation for children traveling without both parents.

How to Book a Tour

See your travel advisor, or call Tauck at 800-468-2825 to make a reservation.

At the time of booking, please have the following information ready for all members of your party:

  • Tour Name and Departure Date
  • Traveler's Name: First and last names as they appear on your passport or driver's license
  • Traveler's Address(es)
  • Email Address*
  • Traveler's Phone Number(s)*
  • Emergency Contact Information: Please provide the name and phone number  of a relative or friend (not travelling with you) whom we could contact during the tour in the unlikely event of an emergency
  • Interest in purchasing a travel protection plan (US and Canada)
  • Interest in extending your trip by staying in a Tauck recommended hotel before your trip begins or after it ends
  • Interest in our specially negotiated airfares

* Required Fields

Deposit & Final Payment

The deposit and the fees for the optional Protection Plan or Cancel Fee Waiver [CFW] coverage are due at time of booking.

The deposit amount is $350 per person

Final Payment:

Final Payment is due to Tauck 90 days before departure for lands trips, and 120 days before departure for cruises and rail journeys. If your deposit was made by credit card, final payment will be automatic unless you opted out at time of booking. Bookings without full payment at this time may be subject to cancellation without notice. Failure to make payment will be a considered a cancellation by the guest and all applicable cancellation fees will apply.

Travel Protection Plan

Effective for plans purchased as of July 1, 2021:

Tauck's Guest Protection

Tauck's Guest Protection provides you with cancellation protection before your journey begins as well as insurance benefits while you are traveling. Guest Protection includes the following:

Cancellation Waiver – Provided by Tauck:

Under Tauck's Cancellation Fee Waiver you can cancel your tour for ANY REASON up to the day before departure and receive a money-back refund (except in Extreme Circumstances*) on the land tour cost, based on your original method of payment.

*Extreme Circumstances:  In the event of an act of God, war (whether declared or undeclared), terrorism, accident, natural disaster, outbreak of disease, or other event or circumstance beyond our control that contributes to or results in cancellation rates above our historical cancellation rates in the absence of such event or occurrence, Tauck reserves the right to issue a credit to you in lieu of a money-back refund, applicable to a future Tauck journey.

Travel Insurance Benefits – Underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company.

  • Trip Cancellation –  If you must cancel your tour due to a covered reason, the plan provides coverage for the amount you paid for your travel arrangements. Since the non-insurance cancellation waiver takes care of the land package cancellation fees already, this benefit reimburses the airfare cancellation charges up to the value of your original airfare purchase.
  • Trip Interruption –  If you have to interrupt your tour for covered reasons, the plan provides reimbursement to catch up to your tour or return home.
  • Travel Delay –  Provides reimbursement for missed, prepaid travel arrangements if you are delayed by a common carrier, natural disaster, unannounced strike, or other reasons as cited in the plan.
  • Medical Expense –  Reimburses covered medical expenses incurred in the event you become injured or sick during your trip. 
  • Baggage / Personal Effects Protection –  Provides reimbursement in the event your luggage or personal effects are, lost, stolen, damaged or delayed during your trip.
  • Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services –  Provided by Carefree Travel Assistance; 24-hour emergency telephone assistance hotline for medical and travel related problems.

The cost of Tauck's Guest Protection is: $299  per person

This protection provides insurance coverage that applies only during the covered trip. You may have coverage from other sources that provides you with similar benefits but may be subject to different restrictions depending upon your other coverages. You may wish to compare the terms of this policy with your existing life, health, home and automobile policies. If you have any questions about your current coverage, call your insurer, insurance agent or broker.

This optional Guest Protection must be requested at time of booking and fee must be included with initial payment. Fees are based on costs as of July 1, 2021, and are subject to change. Details will be provided with written confirmation of your tour reservation. Guest Protection does not protect travel agent commissions. Reimbursements will be made according to original method of payment. The amount of any refund shall be reduced by any recoveries obtained by you from any third parties.

The Guest Protection plan waives cancellation fees outlined below, provided we are notified of cancellation before your tour departs. Tour cancellation fees are waived regardless of reason, without written notice, and Tauck will refund land tour cost.

To obtain your state-specific Certificate of Insurance that contains the complete terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of the certificate, visit  affinitytravelcert.com/docs/TACGPPINTL .

If You Have To Cancel

If you cancel within 10 days of initial deposit Within the first 10 days after you place your initial deposit, you may cancel your reservation for any reason with no cancellation fees. If you cancel more than 10 days after initial deposit Regardless of reason, cancellations result in costly charges from our travel and hotel providers covering penalties and fees incurred by canceling confirmed bookings. These fees vary from tour to tour. Therefore, the following fees apply.

Cancellation Fees with Tauck's Guest Protection Plan:

Loss of Guest Protection fee, per person

Cancellation Fees without Tauck's Guest Protection Plan :

90 days or more before departure = $350 per person

89-8 days before departure = $600 per person

7-1 days before departure = $900 per person

Time of cancellation  will be when notice is received in our Wilton Woods, CT office.

In the event of an unforeseen circumstance beyond our control,  Tauck reserves the right to amend the cancellation terms outlined herein.

Note:  All Guests, regardless of residency, who book a Tauck journey have the option of purchasing the Cancellation Fee Waiver provided by Tauck in the event they need to cancel their trip after making their reservations. Tauck's Guest Protection, which includes both the Cancellation Fee Waiver and the Travel Insurance Benefits and Assistance Services described above, is not available to residents of Puerto Rico.

Travel Terms and Conditions

Click here  to find Tauck's Travel Terms & Conditions.

Travel Requirements For This Tour

Air Information and Luggage Restrictions

AIRFARE: Airfare to and from this destination is not included in the journey cost. If purchasing your air elsewhere, it is very important to provide us with your confirmed arriving and departing flight information no later than 3 weeks before your arrival date. Flight information can be submitted to Tauck (or verified, if you've already provided it) in the My Account section of Tauck.com.

TAUCK AIRPORT TRANSFERS are included at the start and end of the journey between the airport and the Tauck hotel. Airport transfers are available for your pre tour or post tour hotel stays immediately consecutive to the tour, providing flight information is received in the Tauck office no later than three weeks in advance. Details on locating your transfer upon arrival to the tour start city will be included in your final documents.

AIRLINES and CHECKED LUGGAGE: Due to space limitations during your Tauck journey, we ask that you please limit your checked luggage to one average-size suitcase per person. Besides complying with the Tauck restriction noted above, you should also be sure to research and comply with all airline baggage restrictions relating to your flights to and from your Tauck journey. Airlines have become much more strict in enforcing size and weight limits in recent years, and are free to revise luggage policies without notice. Researching and complying with airline luggage restrictions is the responsibility of the guest, and Tauck cannot be held responsible for any costs or disruptions to travel caused by the failure to research and comply with airline policies. PLEASE NOTE that if you are booked on a tour that includes on-tour flights, the checked luggage weight restrictions for these flights may be lower than the weight restrictions for your international flights.


Space constraints and weight limitations aboard the flight from Tortuguero to Arenal require you to bring no more than 25 lbs (11.3 kg) of luggage. Therefore, we will provide you with a duffel bag (18 x 12 x 11 in, or 46 x 30 x 28 cm) to carry your clothing and personal items for your two-night stay in Tortuguero National Park. Your remaining luggage will be safely stored with the driver on the coach in the town of Cariari.

If you reside in the continental U.S., the duffel bag will be sent to your home and should arrive approximately two weeks prior to your departure for Costa Rica.

If you reside outside of the continental U.S. or in Hawaii or Alaska, you will receive your duffel bag upon arrival in San José because customs regulations prohibit the easy delivery of your duffel in advance.

Children will also receive a Tauck Bridges backpack in addition to the duffel!

Checked Luggage – General

Due to space restrictions, we ask that you please limit your checked luggage to one suitcase per person weighing no more than 50 pounds (23 kg) and with overall dimensions (length + width + height) not exceeding 62 inches (158 cm).

Besides complying with the Tauck restriction noted above, you should also be sure to research and comply with all airline baggage restrictions relating to your flights to and from your Tauck journey. Airlines have become much more strict in enforcing size and weight limits in recent years, and luggage exceeding airline standards for size or weight may result in expensive overage fees or other consequences.

Airlines are free to revise luggage policies without notice, and certain airlines have different baggage allowances for different classes of service. Researching and complying with airline luggage restrictions is the responsibility of the guest, and Tauck cannot be held responsible for any costs or disruptions to travel caused by the failure to research and comply with airline policies.

Tauck luggage tags will be provided by your Tauck Director on Day 1 of your itinerary. Please do not attach a Tauck luggage tag to any carry-on items, as the Tauck tags designate luggage that is to be handled and transferred by ground operators and hotel staff during your journey.

Carry-on Luggage - General

Although oversize bags and wheeled, carry-on luggage are popular for airline travel, they are often not convenient or appropriate for motor coach travel or for many on-tour flights. Most modern sightseeing motor coaches offer limited space for numerous or larger items. Space under seats or in the overhead rack is typically small, and designed to accommodate items like coats, hats, purses, and small camera bags, etc.

For your day-to-day travel while on tour, we recommend that you limit your hand luggage to a small, soft-sided carry-on piece, and that you bring only those items you need handy during the day such as make-up, medications, cameras, film, etc. Items too large to fit under the motor coach seat or on the overhead rack must be stored in the luggage bays beneath the motor coach, and may be inaccessible during daytime travel.

Health Safety and Mobility


While drinking water is generally safe at all our hotels, bottled water will be available wherever the local water is not fit to drink. We also provide water on the motor coaches.

Costa Rica is a smoke free country. No hotels, restaurants or bars have smoke areas.

If you have a medical condition that might limit your participation in activities, please consult your physician for pre-departure health advice and notify us as soon as possible, if you have not already done so. We will advise your Tauck Director accordingly.

Please check with your health insurance provider to determine whether you are covered while traveling. If you will not be covered under your current policy, we strongly suggest that you arrange for adequate coverage while on tour.


Some of the countries visited on this itinerary may require travelers to provide proof of vaccination against certain diseases in order to enter the country. These requirements are subject to frequent change as outbreaks occur and subside in different areas, and it is therefore crucial that you obtain the very latest information on entry requirements as you prepare for your journey.

For the most current information, please consult the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by clicking here  and the World Health Organization (WHO) by clicking here . You may also wish to visit the web sites for the embassies of the countries you will be visiting. Besides providing details on vaccination requirements, these sites can also provide information on vaccinations that may be recommended (but aren't required) and other potential health issues for which no vaccines are available.

Any decisions relating to your health, of course, should not be based solely on information provided by a web site. It is critically important that you consult with your personal physician prior to your journey to obtain any required vaccinations and to review any optional recommendations offered by the CDC or other sources.

Please be sure to discuss your journey with your physician at least four to six weeks in advance of your departure, as certain vaccinations take time to become fully effective.  Also, be certain to ask your physician for proof of any vaccinations you receive, and to pack this proof along with your other travel documents in your carry-on luggage (not in your checked luggage).

Researching and complying with vaccination entry requirements for the countries visited on this itinerary is the responsibility of the traveler and not Tauck. Tauck is therefore not responsible for any expenses incurred or disruptions to travel caused by improper or incomplete vaccinations, or by the failure to provide proof of required vaccinations.

If you do not obtain the necessary vaccinations and proper documentation, you may be denied entry into one or more countries, or temporarily quarantined until the necessary vaccinations are administered, or until proper documentation is provided.

This Costa Rica family adventure is a very active tour. Our activities include visiting national parks, biological reserves, rainforests and villages. You should be in good health and able to climb into and out of small boats, river rafts, and planes, and also be able to walk reasonable distances over unpaved and uneven terrain.

The Real InterContinental Hotel & Club Tower Costa Rica in San Jose has an elevator. Aninga Lodge comprises 32 comfortable jungle rooms stretched along a wooden boardwalk and El Mangroove Hotel suites are situated within two to three-story buildings.

Some roads to beaches and other rural locations are not paved and some out-of-the-way destinations are accessible only by these roads. Roads into, in, and out of the mountains are unpaved and bumpy.

The itinerary includes several early morning starts and leaves little scheduled free time.

AN IMPORTANT NOTE ON SUPPLEMENTAL OXYGEN AND MOBILITY ISSUES: This Tauck itinerary cannot accommodate oxygen tanks, wheelchairs or motorized scooters. Oxygen tanks are strictly prohibited in many foreign countries on regional flights aboard small aircraft, such as those intra-tour flights featured on this Tauck journey. Likewise, the very limited cargo capacity on such flights prohibits the transport of wheelchairs or motorized scooters.

Guests should also bear in mind that the infrastructure in many foreign countries, particularly in developing countries, often presents severe and even insurmountable challenges for those with walking difficulties or other mobility issues. The responsibility of the Tauck Director is to ensure that the larger group enjoys a relaxing and informative journey, and he or she cannot be relied upon to provide ongoing individual assistance to any one guest. Guests requiring such individualized assistance must be accompanied by an able-bodied companion who can provide it.


The restaurants, hotels, caterers and numerous other partners we work with all do their best to accommodate special dietary requests from Tauck guests. However, given the diverse nature of those food providers (from small wineries to grand hotels to world-famous restaurants in more than 70 countries worldwide), some of our partners are better able than others to accommodate such requests. We therefore cannot guarantee that all dietary requests can be accommodated at every meal. Also, please note that where dietary requests can be accommodated, choices will frequently be limited.

Reading List

We have compiled a reading list of recommended books to give you more information about the destinations you will be traveling to on your upcoming journey! You can view the reading list  here .

What To Pack

Bringing the right clothing for your trip is important – we've partnered with Necessary Gear who provide an "easy-to-use, one-stop shop" for your Tauck travel needs, specifically selected for this trip. Click here to visit their site .

Your adventure in Costa Rica is casual. Dress for comfort and convenience with a wardrobe that is adaptable and allows for layering. Comfortable, cotton clothing is suggested. High temperatures and humidity in most areas make lightweight clothing practical. Long pants and long sleeves are suggested for sun and mosquito protection. Evenings in all hotels and lodges are casual with no specific dress code. Casual resort wear is appropriate for dinner on the last night of the tour.

Most importantly, bring comfortable yet sturdy walking shoes that have already been broken-in. It is important that your shoes have good ankle support as the walking trails can be wet and muddy.

The Real InterContinental Hotel & Club Tower Costa Rica, Tabacón Resort and Spa  and El Mangroove provide valet laundry services; the Aninga Lodge does not.

If you book a summer departure and wish to view the nesting turtles in Tortuguero National Park, you will need to adhere to certain clothing rules and guidelines. Please be sure to bring a black or navy blue long-sleeved, lightweight shirt and pair of pants, and closed-toe shoes. The carrying or use of cameras and video recorders – even those equipped with infrared lights - is strictly prohibited when viewing the turtles. The guides will not allow your participation in the walk if you do not abide by these rules, as light-colored clothing and camera equipment frightens the turtles and disrupts their approach to the nesting sites. Restrictions are necessary to conserve and protect the turtles' beach nesting sites and assure their annual return.

We recommend that you pack an adequate supply of your prescription medication in its original container to last through your entire journey, together with a copy of your doctor's prescription or a letter from your health-care provider on office stationery explaining that the medication has been prescribed for you, a list of the generic names of your medication, your travel documents and a change of clothing in your carry-on bag to avoid any inconvenience in the event that your flight or luggage is delayed.

We recommend you pack the following items for travel to Costa Rica:

  • Comfortable, cotton clothing
  • Shorts and long pants
  • Short and long sleeve shirts
  • A light sweater or jacket for the evenings
  • Lightweight waterproof slicker
  • IMPORTANT: Dark clothing for the viewing of the turtles at Tortuguero NP (July - August only)
  • Comfortable walking shoes with adequate ankle support
  • Shoes that can get wet for rafting, not flip flops
  • Sunglasses, sunscreen, hat
  • Insect repellent
  • Camera, lenses, batteries, memory cards and chargers
  • Travel alarm clock/cell phone with alarm function (many hotels do not have clocks in the rooms)
  • Collapsible umbrella
  • Small backpack for long walks
  • Pre-moistened towelettes
  • Adequate personal toiletries and sundries
  • Reusable zippered plastic bags or other waterproof bags to keep important items dry during rainy excursions
  • Travel journal
  • Tauck Bridges backpack and duffel
  • Copies of your travel documents that should be secured in the safe in your hotel room while traveling

Each child 17 and under will be sent a complimentary backpack from Tauck Bridges! If the child resides in the continental United States, the backpack will be sent to his or her home approximately two weeks prior to the tour departure date (please note backpacks cannot be sent to P.O. boxes). If the child resides outside of the continental U.S., including Hawaii and Alaska, the backpack will be waiting on arrival at the first hotel on your itinerary.

Costa Rica's tranquil environment offers stable, tropical weather where the temperature remains fairly constant throughout the year. Average high temperatures range from 75 to 80ºF (24 to 27 ºC) in the Central Valley and 85 to 88ºF (29 to 31ºC) in the Northern Subdivide and the Caribbean regions. Rain is common throughout the year, with more frequent rain occurring in the "wet season" which is typically from May through October.

Central Valley (San José): From November to April the total average rainfall is 10.7 in (272 mm). During the rainy season the total average rainfall is 60.1 in (1,527 mm). April and November are considered to be transition months. In July, there is a diminishing of the rainfall due to the "veranillo de San Juan", a few weeks of hot dry weather that breaks up the rainy season.

  • Northern Subdivide and the Caribbean (Tortuguero): These regions do not have a true 'dry season' since the rainfall here is approximately 138 in (3,515 mm) per year. Regardless of when you visit, plan on encountering some rain.

To determine current weather conditions, we suggest you log on to the Internet website by clicking here .

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Fully Guided Tours & Trips in Costa Rica

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119 Fully Guided tour packages in Costa Rica with 1,614 reviews

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"Her knowledge and respect about culture and biodiversity is outstanding. Her care and attention to all our needs is beyond anyone expectations." Chantal, traveled in April 2022

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What people love about Fully Guided Tours in Costa Rica

I thoroughly enjoyed my recent vacation The amazing accommodations, delectable cuisine, seamless transportation, would not have been achievable without the guidance of our exceptional tour guide, Lau. Without the support of TruTravel and Lau, the extensive exploration and diverse experiences within the ten-day duration would have been unattainable for me in Costa Rica.   Thanks to the meticulous planning and personal touch provided by TruTravel and the charismatic presence of Lau, I was able to explore diverse regions of this beautiful country and create memories that will undoubtedly last a lifetime. Lau played a pivotal role in enhancing the overall quality of the journey. She was a perfect blend of enjoyment and knowledge, demonstrating both care and entertainment throughout the trip. She had insightful recommendations for culinary delights and engaging activities.  It is a rare find to come across someone who can effortlessly blend professionalism with genuine care and charisma. This balance contributed significantly to the success of the journey. Lau was able to provide help dependent that was specifically tailored to each person within the group, going above and beyond to make sure we were all satisfied and taken care of. She was also able to provide various information on questions that were presented and we can see just how much she cared about the people she was with.   Lau’s influence transformed this vacation into a truly remarkable and unforgettable experience.
Overall the tour was good. The CEO Katherine was wonderful. People in our group are very friendly. What we liked most was the beaches at Manuel Antonio National Park, Also the guided walking tour at the park to explore a variety of amazing wildlife was Great. Hot Springs in La Fortuna and Horseback riding in Monteverde were enjoyable, The amenities in the hotels could be better.
our intrepid guide was so informative and helpful. the whole experience was just wonderful. A nice sampling of several areas of the country

Regions in Costa Rica

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  • Manuel Antonio National Park (14)
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Destination of the Year 2024: Costa Rica


  • Central & South America
  • Destination of the Year 2024


Picture yourself on a white-sand beach, surrounded by palm trees. In the distance, surfers ride the breaking waves. Behind you rises a dense rainforest, where white-faced capuchin monkeys jump from branch to branch. Welcome to Costa Rica . 

I grew up in Costa Rica, and while I’ve lived all over the U.S., I'm always drawn back home. In the northwest, a dry tropical forest stretches down the Nicoya Peninsula. The laid-back beach towns that dot this part of the Pacific coast include Nosara, a mecca for surfing and yoga, and my favorite, the lesser-known San Juanillo, which still has the charm of a small fishing village. Farther south, Santa Teresa has an intriguing mix of cultures and superb international cuisine.

Venture inland and you’ll reach the Guanacaste pampas, with its sabaneros — Costa Rican cowboys — and rich pre-Columbian and colonial history. I love to walk through the town of Nicoya, one of the first Spanish settlements in the country and the home of the Chorotega people.

On the Caribbean side of the country, you’ll find the freshwater canals and serene rivers that meander through the rainforest of Barra del Colorado National Wildlife Refuge and Tortuguero National Park. In Limón, the vibrant Afro-Caribbean culture includes the sounds of calypso and an aromatic cuisine built around strong spices and coconut milk.

If hiking is your passion, try the Camino de Costa Rica, a 174-mile trail that cuts across the country: starting in Barra del Pacuare on the Atlantic coast and eventually winding into the Dota Mountains — the place where I grew up. 

Off the Osa Peninsula, in southern Costa Rica, is the Golfo Dulce, a sanctuary for Pacific humpback whales. The region is defined by mangrove swamps and Corcovado National Park, which protects one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world — and where it is possible to see a jaguar strolling along a white-sand beach.

I could go on and on. There is no single recipe for enjoying Costa Rica. Any road you take will likely bring the same result: a sense of wonder and a desire to return. We Costa Ricans are relatively few — the population barely exceeds 5 million. But we’re proud of our shared idea that things will always turn out fine and that life is, above all, beautiful.

— Ronny Rojas

Cover shot on iPhone 15 Pro Max

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If 2024 is your year for retirement, then one, congratulations, and two, we've got a destination for you to consider moving to in your golden years. 

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A neighborhood dispute turned deadly in Costa Rica after a man opened fire on another guy ... and the horrific moment was caught on video, which shows the killing.

In the harrowing surveillance footage from earlier this week that's making the rounds, 2 neighbors and their respective wives are seen getting into an argument, yelling at one another from their adjoining homes in the city of Escazú. The disagreement moves to the front yard, where the 2 parties continue to hurl words back and forth.

As the argument heats up, Otoniel Orozco Mendoza -- the man who ended up getting shot, and later identified by local media -- makes the quarrel a physical one ... throwing punches at his neighbor, Eduardo Ramírez Zamora . Unfortunately, Zamora pulled a gun out in response.

Zamora ended up firing at least 9 shots at Mendoza ... at point-blank range, mind you.

Mendoza's wife is seen screaming and fleeing as the shots are fired, with Zamora's wife pulling him back ... attempting to stop the disturbing scene. They both eventually run off.

The incident, which took place Monday, was fatal for Mendoza -- who was pronounced dead at the scene after first responders arrived. According to La Nacion , the couples had been arguing about their shared water valve.

Zamora was arrested by authorities after the incident.

Mendoza, who was originally from Nicaragua, was a businessman who worked in private security. In addition to his wife, he is survived by his daughter and son. He was 53.

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Maps of Costa Rica

Physical Map of Costa Rica showing relief, major rivers, mountain ranges, the highest point, important cities, international borders, etc.

In the heart of Central America, Costa Rica is flanked by Nicaragua to the north and Panama to the south. To the west, it meets the Pacific Ocean, and to the east lies the Caribbean Sea . This tropical country boasts an area of 19,710 square miles (51,060 square kilometers), which is ample space for its population of 5,264,000 people to call home.

The country's landscape mainly consists of four geographical regions: the Central Valley, the coastal plains, the mountain ranges, and the wetlands.  

The Central Valley, Costa Rica's most populated region, stretches in a wide arc from east to west. Here, the land takes on a gentler aspect, sculpted by rolling hills and fertile plains. Among these verdant landscapes nestle the bustling cities of San Jose, Heredia, Alajuela, and Cartago. These urban areas, interspersed with coffee plantations and farms, paint a picture of a vibrant blend of urban and rural life.

Straddling the Central Valley are the impressive mountain ranges, which include the Cordillera Volcanica to the north and the Cordillera de Talamanca to the south. These mountain ranges form the country's natural backbone and house several active and dormant volcanoes, such as the Arenal Volcano, the Poás Volcano, and the Irazú Volcano. The country's highest point, Mount Chirripó, lies in the Cordillera de Talamanca and reaches a staggering height of 12,536 feet (3,821 meters).

Two coastal plains - the Caribbean and the Pacific - flank these central mountains. The Pacific coastal plain, also known as the Guanacaste Plain, is drier and more agriculturally oriented, supporting vast cattle ranches and fields of sugarcane, while the Caribbean coastal plain, often referred to as the Limón coastal plain, is marked by lush rainforests and extensive banana plantations. The Nicoya Peninsula and the Osa Peninsula further enhance the scenic beauty of the Pacific coast.

The wetlands, which include the Tortuguero and Caño Negro wildlife refuges, are other vital geographical features. These areas, comprising mangrove swamps, lagoons, and marshes, support a wide variety of wildlife and are important habitats for migratory bird species.

Costa Rica hosts several major bodies of water. Lake Arenal, the country's largest lake, sprawls across the northern highlands. It's both a critical hydroelectric power source and a popular spot for water sports. Other significant lakes include Lake Cote and Lake Bonilla.

The country also boasts a network of rivers that snake their way across the landscape, feeding its diverse ecosystems. The Reventazón River, one of Costa Rica's most prominent rivers, meanders through the country's central region before pouring its waters into the Caribbean Sea. Other major rivers include the Tempisque, the Sierpe, and the San Juan, which form a natural border with Nicaragua.

Provinces of Costa Rica Map

Political Map of Costa Rica showing its 7 provinces and the capital city of San Jose

Costa Rica (officially, the Republic of Costa Rica) is divided into 7 administrative provinces (provincias, singular - provincia).

In alphabetical order, the provinces are: Alajuela, Cartago, Guanacaste, Heredia, Limon, Puntarenas, and San Jose. These provinces are divided into 82 cantons, which are further subdivided into 473 districts.

Located in Costa Rica’s western province in the Central Valley is San Jose – the capital, the largest and the most populous city of Costa Rica. It is also the administrative, economic and transportation hub of the country.

Where is Costa Rica?

Map showing location of Costa Rica in the world.

Costa Rica is a small country located in Central America. It is positioned in the Northern and Western hemispheres of the Earth. Costa Rica is bordered by Nicaragua to the north; by the Caribbean Sea to the northeast, by Panama to the southeast and by the Pacific Ocean to the southwest.

Costa Rica Bordering Countries : Panama , Nicaragua .

Regional Maps : Map of North America

Outline Map of Costa Rica

Blank Outline Map of Costa Rica

The above blank map represents the Republic of Costa Rica, a Central American nation. The above map can be downloaded, printed and used for educational purpose like map-pointing activities and coloring.

Outline Map of Costa Rica

The above outline map represents Costa Rica, a country in Central America.

This page was last updated on June 15, 2023

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The Ultimate Guide to Renting a Car in Costa Rica

A sunny, bright day overlooking the towering Arenal volcano in Costa Rica with lush jungle in all directions

I love Costa Rica . It was the first place I visited by myself over 15 years ago and the country that set me on my nomadic journey. From its stunning beaches to its lush jungles, this biodiverse nation is popular with backpackers, honeymooners, and expats alike. And while it’s small, there’s a ton to see and do . You could easily spend a month and still barely scratch the surface.

It’s also amazing for road-tripping.

As much as a backpacking bus or hitchhiking adventure might initially sound appealing, the reality is that waiting in the hot sun and then bouncing along bumpy roads in an old bus without shocks or air-conditioning is not for the fainthearted. If you want real freedom to explore, you need a rental car .

To help you plan your trip, here’s everything you need to know about renting a car in Costa Rica.

Table of Contents

Picking the Right Rental Car (and Rental Company)

Arriving at the airport, documents needed for renting a car in costa rica, insurance coverage, driving in costa rica, additional rental considerations, 11 driving tips for costa rica.

Before you rent a car, read and compare reviews for car rental companies. While the standard big companies are available here, there are lots of local ones too.

Once you have narrowed down the list to a chosen few, ask for quotes for the type of vehicle and travel dates that you require. The quote should include mandatory third-party insurance, taxes, and any other surcharges, like airport tax. Most sites include all this info when getting a quote online.

Whether you are reserving online or directly with an agent, double-check the details of your reservation. Crossing time zones may mean that your rental pickup time or even date is different in Costa Rica than your country of departure. You will need to confirm the time, date, and location of your vehicle’s pickup and drop-off, the vehicle category, transmission, and coverage required.

Points to remember when renting a car in Costa Rica:

  • A manual transmission may be cheaper than automatic and more common in Costa Rica but should only be selected if you can drive a stick shift.
  • Returning your car at a destination different from where you picked it up will probably incur an additional charge.
  • Most rental companies will not guarantee a specific make and model within the rental category.
  • Expect to rent for 24-hour periods. Time your pickup and drop-off accordingly.
  • Provide your flight number before you arrive, so the company can track your flight.
  • If you have an early flight, consider dropping off the vehicle the night before and using a hotel shuttle to the airport.
  • Online travel agencies (OTAs) often fail to include all charges, so if you book through one, be sure to check the final price with the car rental company, through which the pricing may be more transparent.
  • Most companies now offer an online check-in process to upload documents such as passports and driver’s licenses to cut time at the counter and get on the road faster.

My go-to rental car company in Costa Rica is Vamos. You can click here to get a quote . (You’ll get 5% off just by using that link).  

Both international airports in Costa Rica have car rental company desks within the building; however, the offices (where you’ll get your car) are off-site. They generally have a shuttle service to take clients to their offices, most of which are located within a 10-minute drive of the airport.

Local hustlers might tell you that your company has gone out of business to convince you to go with a different company that will pay them a commission. Look for a sign with your company’s logo and ignore the hustlers.

If your flight is delayed or you miss your connection, contact the company with your new estimated arrival time to avoid having the reservation canceled as a no-show.

When you arrive at the rental office, the agent will fill in any outstanding paperwork that has not been done online and conduct a vehicle inspection with you. Although the agent will note existing damage, you should take photos or video of the car for backup purposes.

Your vehicle may not have a full fuel tank when you pick it up, but the fuel gauge level should be logged on the inspection form. You will need to return the car with the same fuel level. Although you will not be reimbursed for a level higher than the one registered, you will be charged if it is below the starting level.

Returning the Vehicle Confirm your drop-off location and time when you pick up the vehicle. If you are caught in traffic or are delayed for any reason, contact the rental company to avoid a penalty. Make sure that your fuel gauge is at the right level, or else head to a gas station before you drop it off. The company’s representative will inspect your vehicle with you and then process the deposit reimbursement.  

Here’s everything you need to rent a car in Costa Rica:

Driver’s license – You can use your local driver’s license during the rental period as long as it is printed in the Latin alphabet. If your license is in a language that does not use the Latin alphabet (e.g., Mandarin, Arabic), an international driving license is required. Your driver’s license must be valid for the entirety of your stay.

It is important to note that although most tourists will be given a 180-day visa when they enter the country, their driver’s licenses are only valid for 90 days, and they will be required to leave Costa Rica and return to legally drive again.

Credit card – You need a valid credit card in your name to pay the car rental and to place the deposit.

Passport – Your passport should be valid for the duration of your stay. Legally, tourists must carry it with them at all times. The transit police will want to see it and your entry visa if you are pulled over.

A Note on the Minimum and Maximum Driving Age Each car rental company has policies regarding the age of the drivers it insures. Many do not have a maximum age, but some set a limit of 70-75 years old. The legal age to drive in Costa Rica is 18; however, most companies require that drivers be at least 25. Younger drivers may be able to rent a car for an additional surcharge and insurance costs.  

Costa Rica has mandatory third-party insurance for car rentals. It is not possible to obtain this coverage any other way. Check that this cost is included in your rental quote, as it’s often left out, so you may end up paying more than what you initially thought.

A collision damage waiver (CDW) covers losses from damage to your rental car. This is legally required when renting a car in Costa Rica. Most companies offer various tiers of insurance, with various deductibles. Many renters select full coverage for peace of mind, as then any damage that occurs during rental is covered. Some companies offer additional coverage for tires and the windscreen (windshield), as they are not always covered by the CDW.

If your credit card provider has a CDW as a perk, you can waive the in-house CDW. Just note that you will need to bring a letter that explicitly states the amount of coverage, that Costa Rica is included in the areas covered, and the last four digits of the driver’s credit card. A copy of the credit card company’s terms and conditions is not usually sufficient.

One important thing to note is that the rental company may hold a deposit for the rental period, which could be up to $5,000 USD if the renter is using their credit card provider’s CDW. The deposit will be released at the end of the rental period. Make sure you have a credit card that can absorb this deposit.  

Here are a few things to keep in mind while driving in Costa Rica:

Speed limits – Signs are in kilometers rather than miles, and speed limits are generally lower than you’d expect, with a 90 km/h (55 mph) limit on major highways. Speed limits change with limited warning between areas, so stay alert to signage.

Gas stations – Make sure that you know if your rental vehicle is fueled by gas or diesel. This information should be on the vehicle inspection report if you’ve forgotten. Gas stations are not self-service, so be prepared to ask for the kind of fuel you need as well as the amount.

If you’re renting one of the EVs that are starting to form part of fleets in Costa Rica, then plan your route around the network of charging stations across the country. You can learn more about those here .

Navigation – Use Waze , which is updated in real time by an enthusiastic group of volunteers, so you’re aware of accidents or other situations that may affect your travel time. Google Maps is available but does not always have accurate information. It also tends to underestimate journey times, so you should take that into consideration when planning your itinerary if you plan to use it.

Despite Costa Rica’s official address system, which consists of calles (roads that run north-south) and avenidas (avenues that run west-east), almost all locals give directions using landmarks, and few can provide directions using road or avenue numbers. It’s helpful to know that a block is usually described as 100 meters.

To add to the confusion, a location may use landmarks that no longer exist but were known well enough to remain in living memory. So you may be directed to go 600 meters south of the place “where the big mango tree used to be” or to turn left after “the supermarket that used to be pink.” Thankfully, Waze is a navigation lifesaver, but you might grow to enjoy the quirky tico (Costa Rican) way of finding places!

Parking – Always park in secure parking lots, and do not leave valuables in an unattended vehicle, as break-ins can occur.

In the last few years, there have been cases of the transit police issuing fines and removing license plates from vehicles parked on yellow lines at popular tourist spots like Manuel Antonio. The headache in this situation is that the vehicle cannot be driven without plates and must be towed back to the office, where it remains off the road until the car rental company reclaims the plates from the relevant authority. This is a time-consuming and expensive procedure, so be mindful of where you park!  

Many car rental companies charge a daily price for equipment or services beyond the basic rental costs. You should take this into account when budgeting your trip. These can include:

Additional drivers – Expect to pay a daily rate for each driver added to your rental agreement after the main driver. ( Vamos Rent-A-Car offers additional drivers without extra cost.) It makes sense to have at least one additional driver to share the burden for longer journeys or to take over if the main driver is feeling under the weather.

Roof racks – If you’re traveling with a lot of luggage or surfboards, then renting a roof rack at a daily rate may be a solution to a cramped vehicle interior.

Baby or car seating – If you’re traveling with children, Costa Rican law about seating (see below) is strictly enforced. Either bring your own child seat or rent one at a daily rate from the company.

Costa Rican seating laws for children are based either on age or weight/height:

  • Rear-facing baby seat: Required for children less than a year old and under 22 lbs (10 kg)
  • Child seat: For those up to 4 years old or less than 40 lbs (18 kg) and under 3’7”
  • Booster seat: For those 5 to 12 years old, 40 pounds or more, and still under 4’9”
  • Seat belt: For those 4’9” or taller or over the age of 12

Wi-Fi – Stay connected throughout your trip without paying extortionate roaming charges by using a Mi-Fi (mobile Wi-Fi) device from your rental company. It’s usually fast enough to upload your latest vacay pics onto Instagram, connect to your Spotify road-trip playlists, and navigate with Waze, but downloading movies is probably too much to expect. Internet coverage in Costa Rica is wide, but don’t count on it if you are traveling off the beaten track.

Accidents – If you are involved in a traffic accident, check that no one is hurt then move to safety off the road. Do not move the vehicle. Call the transit police and your insurance company. You should also call your car rental provider to assess if the car can be driven, if a mechanic is required onsite or if the car needs to be exchanged and towed. The vehicle can be moved once the transit police give permission.

Crossing the Border – Rental vehicles cannot be taken to neighboring countries ( Nicaragua or Panama ) due to insurance restrictions. If you want to visit those places, you can arrange to drop off your rental vehicle at the border and reserve a car to be delivered once you’ve crossed it.  

A car driving on a dirt road in the shadow of Arenal volcano in Costa Rica

2. You’re renting a car, not a boat, so resist the temptation to drive through rivers (even if the locals are doing so). Insurance policies are voided if the vehicle is driven through any body of water. And the electronic components of modern vehicles are likely to experience expensive damage in water.

3. On a similar note, it is illegal to park on the beach. This is to protect wildlife, such as turtles. Even if locals are doing it, find a secure parking lot instead.

4. Drivers in the other lane may flash their lights as they are coming toward you. This is usually a warning that there are transit police ahead or that there’s an upcoming obstacle.

5. Speed bumps may be big and could be unmarked. Stay vigilant.

6. Bridges may be one lane, so you need to look for signage that indicates which direction has priority.

7. If driving a manual-transmission vehicle, change gears when driving downhill, and don’t ride the brakes or else the pads could overheat.

8. Use caution while driving at night. Roads are often poorly lit, and cyclists or pedestrians may use the road edge in places where there’s no sidewalk. Plan to arrive at your destination by sunset or around 5:30pm. Keep your eyes peeled for sloths or other wildlife crossing the road.

9. If you’re traveling outside of the Central Valley or the most visited tourist spots like Jaco, rent an SUV for the higher clearance that the vehicle offers. For more rural destinations, a 4×4 may be required, especially in the rainy season. Feel free to ask your car rental provider for advice on the best vehicle for your itinerary.

10. Flat tires are not usually covered by in-house or credit card policies. If you get a flat tire, a local garage can usually fix it for less than $20 USD.

11. If you are pulled over by the transit police, you should present your driver’s license, passport, and the paperwork provided by the car rental company. Traffic tickets can be issued by officials, but the payment can only be made in a bank or via your car rental company. Should a police officer ask you for cash, call the police directly or your car rental company for assistance. Do not pay any bribes.

Costa Rica is a beautiful country and one of my favorite destinations in Central America. To ensure you make the most of your visit and get off the beaten path, rent a car. You’ll have more freedom and flexibility, and be able to explore beyond the standard tourist sites. I can’t recommend it enough!

Click here to get a quote from Vamos Rent-A-Car. You’ll get an automatic 5% off just by using this link!

Book Your Trip to Costa Rica: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Use Skyscanner to find a cheap flight. They are my favorite search engine because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned!

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the biggest inventory and best deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. My favorite places to stay are:

  • Arenal Backpackers Resort (Arenal)
  • Rocking J’s (Puerto Viejo)
  • Pura Natura Lodge Manuel Antonio (Manuel Antonio)

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • Safety Wing (best for everyone)
  • Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Looking for the Best Companies to Save Money With? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use to save money when I’m on the road. They will save you money when you travel too.

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Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site community supported and ad free.

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This Small But Mighty Costa Rica National Park Is A Perfect Blend Of Beach And Rainforest

P eople travel to Costa Rica for all kinds of reasons. From the incredible food to unforgettable natural wonders, this Central American country is a marvel. And since more than half of the country is covered in lush forestry, you'll probably be spending time exploring the flora and fauna while you're there. One of the most popular places to do this is Manuel Antonio National Park, which is  also an exceptional setting for a family vacation to Costa Rica . 

Of the 29 national parks in Costa Rica, Manuel Antonio is the smallest. Even so, at 683 hectares or over 1687 acres, this park is far from tiny. You could easily spend hours here just wandering the walkways or lounging at the beach. That's right, Manuel Antonio has beach access, too. Not only that, there are actually two beaches in the park — Playa Espadilla Sur and Playa Manuel Antonio. You'll hardly believe you're still in the park unless you look around at the dense forest that planks the beachfront. The duality is unsurprising since this region is widely considered one of the best choices for a little bit of everything in Costa Rica . 

But with so many other national parks, all of which are bigger than Manuel Antonio, what makes this itty bitty park so special? After all, it's not as if there is a shortage of beaches or rainforests to see in Costa Rica. 

Read more: 15 Most Breathtaking Destinations To Swim With Turtles, According To Travelers

Manuel Antonio National Park Has Unparalleled Biodiversity

Thanks in part to its astounding variety of ecosystems, from the coral reefs off the beaches to the rainforests, Manuel Antonio National Park is one of the most biodiverse places on Earth. If you go snorkeling, you can find all kinds of brightly colored tropical fish and other sea life, but if you look up into the trees, you'll see a whole different kind of biodiversity.

That's because Manuel Antonio is home to more than 100 species of mammals, 350 bird species, 346 plant species, and who knows how many types of insects. Everywhere you look here, you'll find something new to be in awe of. You may see some sneaky squirrel monkeys leaping from tree to tree or even a mama sloth carrying a baby — if you're lucky. 

One of the amazing things about this park is that you may see the aforementioned Central American squirrel monkeys, which are an endangered species. When we went to Manuel Antonio, we saw quite a few of these little critters swinging around or watching us from trees. If you're hoping to spot one, you need to pay close attention (and probably bring binoculars) because these squirrel monkeys are anywhere from 8.8- to 11.6-inches big though their tails can add 14-18 inches to their tiny frames. 

Hire A Professional Guide

When you go to Costa Rica, you probably want to see sloths. Not getting a chance to spot them is actually  the biggest complaint many tourists have . If you visit Manuel Antonio National Park without a professional guide, there's a good chance you won't see one at all — or a lot of the wildlife, for that matter. Why? Well, the above photo was taken by placing our phone against a telescope. There's no way we would've spotted that sloth otherwise.

A guide is your best chance to get the most out of your visit to Manuel Antonio. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of fake guides out there (especially at the front gate) who will take your money and waste your time. Be sure you hire a guide before going to the park, check online reviews, or book a guided tour through the park itself . 

It is incredible what a knowledgeable guide can show you while walking through the park. You could be exploring at a quick pace when all of a sudden the telescope is plopped down and your guide has spotted a thumb-sized insect in a nearby tree. How did they see that so easily? Experience. And it will be an experience you'll cherish forever. 

Ready to discover more hidden gems and expert travel tips? Subscribe to our free newsletter for access to the world's best-kept travel secrets.

Read the original article on Islands .

Monkey eating fruit at Manuel Antonio



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    Kabek Tours a comme objectif principal de faire connaître le Costa Rica, sa beauté naturelle, sa culture, et l'accueil chaleureux des costariciens. Nous sommes des professionnels avec de l´expérience pour organiser de votre voyage, des vacances inoubliables qui vous donneront l´envie de revenir dans notre petit paradis "tico".

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    Tortuga Island Catamaran Tour. This laid-back tropical Island is located in the province of north Puntarenas, off the tip of the Nicoya Peninsula. Isla Tortuga Costa Rica is just 45 minutes on a 55-foot luxury, air-conditioned catamaran, Costa Cat I, from Los Sueños Marina. Tortuga Island Costa Rica is known for its incredible white sandy ...

  15. Costa Rica Experts: Planning Costa Rica Vacations for 35 Years

    Costa Rica trip We used Costa Rica experts for our 8 day trip. Aaron was our contact and he was incredibly helpful. ... 9 Top Tips For Easier Travel With Little Kids in Costa Rica. March 11, 2024. YOU DESERVE A VACATION PLANNED BY EXPERTS. LET'S GET STARTED. CALL US. International: (773) 935-1009 USA Toll Free: (800) 827-9046

  16. Costa Rica vacation packages from $365

    There are loads of types of vacations in Costa Rica and the cost will depend on what type of trip you're taking and for how long you'd like to stay. Here are the latest prices for a 3 night trip for 2 travelers: Top vacation $503; Family vacation $474; Romantic vacation $673; Luxury vacation $480; Budget vacation $378.

  17. Guided Tours in Costa Rica

    Popular Tours. $109. Poas Volcano & Doka Coffee Tour. Visit the most active volcano in Costa Rica accompanied by a local guide who will explain about its natural history while you observe of the most beautiful craters surrounded by lush vegetation. Our tour includes a visit to a coffee.

  18. Costa Rica Tours

    Costa Rica. Pura Vida simply translated means "pure life" in Costa Rica, it's more than just a saying - it's a way of life. Our Costa Rica tours offer many opportunities for you to experience this expression of optimism which is what this eco-adventure is all about as you discover this peaceful soul of South America on a land journey, small ...

  19. Gabriel's Custom Tours

    About The Company. Gabriel's Custom Tours take guests to a range of natural and rural sites for an 'off the beaten track', authentic Costa Rican experience. Each tour is carefully designed to ensure that visitors can connect with the natural beauty and rich local culture of the Guanacaste province. Gabriel and his guides are English ...

  20. Costa Rica Family Tour and Vacation 2024 / 2025

    See your travel advisor, or call Tauck at 800-468-2825 to make a reservation. At the time of booking, please have the following information ready for all members of your party: Tour Name and Departure Date. Traveler's Name: First and last names as they appear on your passport or driver's license.

  21. 10 Best Fully Guided Tours in Costa Rica 2024/2025

    Find the right Costa Rica Fully Guided tour for you with TourRadar. Choose from 119 trips with 1614 customer reviews. Book now and save with TourRadar.com! Shop 2,500 operators. 4.5 stars on (6,173 reviews) 24/7 customer support. FLASH SALE💥 Book now for up to 60% off! Ends in 1d 2h 38m 26s. 0.

  22. Kayaking in Costa Rica

    If a kayaking adventure is your focus, head to the Nicoya Peninsula for the Curu Sea Kayaking Tour. You'll camp on a white sand beach after a day navigating the coastline in your kayak. Watch out for beautiful marine life swimming around you! Sea turtles and tropical fish will keep you company on one of the best sea kayaking tours in Costa Rica.

  23. 6 Best Places to Retire in Costa Rica

    Quepos. sestovic/Getty Images. The harbor town of Quepos on Costa Rica's Pacific coast is known for sport fishing, beaches, and its location as the gateway to Manuel Antonio National Park, where ...

  24. Best Things to Do in Costa Rica on Vacation

    Soak in natural hot springs, heated by the Arenal Volcano, at Tabacon Resort. Zipline above the clouds in Monteverde, snorkel the 600-acre reef at Cahuita National Park, or go horseback riding in ...

  25. Destination of the Year 2024: Costa Rica

    Off the Osa Peninsula, in southern Costa Rica, is the Golfo Dulce, a sanctuary for Pacific humpback whales. The region is defined by mangrove swamps and Corcovado National Park, which protects one ...

  26. Costa Rican Man Shoots His Neighbor Dead After Heated Argument on ...

    The disagreement moves to the front yard, where the 2 parties continue to hurl words back and forth. As the argument heats up, Otoniel Orozco Mendoza -- the man who ended up getting shot, and ...

  27. Kabek Tours

    Kabek Tours, San José. 518 Me gusta. Nuestra agencia de viajes le da la oportunidad de conocer Costa Rica. Telefonos: (506) 22 72 54 56 / (506) 87 12 52 35 [email protected]

  28. Costa Rica Maps & Facts

    Outline Map. Key Facts. Flag. In the heart of Central America, Costa Rica is flanked by Nicaragua to the north and Panama to the south. To the west, it meets the Pacific Ocean, and to the east lies the Caribbean Sea. This tropical country boasts an area of 19,710 square miles (51,060 square kilometers), which is ample space for its population ...

  29. The Ultimate Guide to Renting a Car in Costa Rica

    A Note on the Minimum and Maximum Driving Age. Each car rental company has policies regarding the age of the drivers it insures. Many do not have a maximum age, but some set a limit of 70-75 years old. The legal age to drive in Costa Rica is 18; however, most companies require that drivers be at least 25.

  30. This Small But Mighty Costa Rica National Park Is A Perfect Blend ...

    One of the most popular places to do this is Manuel Antonio National Park, which is also an exceptional setting for a family vacation to Costa Rica . Of the 29 national parks in Costa Rica, Manuel ...